diff --git "a/test.csv" "b/test.csv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/test.csv" @@ -0,0 +1,15148 @@ +entry_id,lead_id,project_id,sectors,subpillars_2d,subpillars_1d,lang,n_tokens,pillars_2d,pillars_1d,project_title,created_at,document,excerpt +195235,43324.0,2334.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,55,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irc_-_rapport_devaluation_covid-19_extreme_nord_-irc.pdf,"La baisse des travaux occasionnels pour de nombreuses familles car les chantiers fonctionnent au ralenti, les travaux champêtres n’ont pas encore véritablement démarré et les brousses étant devenues insécurisées notamment à Mozogo dans le Mayo Tsanaga, les ménages peuvent rarement aller chercher du bois pour vendre ou pour la cuisson." +177032,41752.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,53,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Sur quels sujets avez-vous besoin (davantage) d’informations ?* (n=400) 63% Comment se protéger du virus / les gestes barrières (251) 43% Comment identifier les symptômes liés au COVID-19 (171) 23% Comment accéder à des informations fiables (91) +236866,47076.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,"During a rapid assessment 62% of the respondents stated that they are seeing an increasing trend in GBV incidents and recognized high risks of domestic violence, denial of resources, unwanted pregnancies, child sexual abuse and sex for survival in the current COVID-19 context in the NWSW regions." +185680,42468.0,1231.0,['Food Security'],[],[],en,106,[],[],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DOM_11.pdf,"Production of rice in 2020 forecast at average level The harvest of the paddy crop is ongoing throughout the year. Paddy output, which has been increasing since 2015 due to large plantings and high yields, is forecast at a near-average level in 2020. This mainly reflects an average level of planted area, which has been reduced for the first time in five years due to soil moisture deficits that lowered the planted area in the June-August period. Weather forecasts indicate slightly above-average rainfall amounts in the October-December period, which is expected to favour crop development and boost yields." +311863,53183.0,2466.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,8,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,Challenges: Widespread poverty and high unemployment rates +191892,43304.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,73,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Le Tchad reste un pays qui dépend fortement du financement des bailleurs internationaux et de l’aide au développement, notamment pour répondre aux besoins urgents des populations mobiles les plus vulnérables au sein du pays. Or, il semble actuellement qu’au-delà de la réponse immédiate à la crise sanitaire, les fonds pour répondre à ses impacts humanitaires et socio- économiques de plus long-terme sont fortement limités." +309836,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,46,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"With the projection of returns in a majority of the currently contaminated areas, the clearance of landmines and ERW is critical to ensure the release of land and other infrastructure for the host community members as well as in anticipation of returnees and IDPs." +342018,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,45,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[système matriarcal] Comme dans ce système, le neveu hérite de son oncle, l’oncle joue un rôle de régulation des rapports familiaux. C’est dans les conflits familiaux que ce facteur de résilience prend tout son sens." +177047,41752.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,22,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"De plus, le rapport d’UNICEF souligne aussi que 58% des jeunes respectent l’ensemble des mesures barrières" +270188,50226.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,126,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_6.pdf,"El 57,0 % (2 348) de los casos de dengue se reportó en 28 municipios, con mayor frecuencia en: Cali, con 19,4 % (799); Cartagena, con el 8,4 % (344); Barranquilla, con 5,1 % (209); Orito, con el 2,0 % (81); Santa Marta, con el 1,9 % (79); Villavicencio, con el 1,4 % (58); Neiva, con el 1,3 % (53); Ibagué y Cúcuta, con el 1,2 % (48); Soledad (43), Yumbo (43) y Medellín (41), con el 1,0 % cada uno." +13246,5572.0,322.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,43,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nutrition_cluster_snapshot_january_to_may_2018_20180717.pdf,"Out of an estimated 5.6 million people in need of nutrition assistance, some 1.2 million people were reached with assistance. Treatment for moderate and acute malnutrition was provided to 342.000 people out of a caseload of 2.9 million people targeted." +287079,51749.0,2099.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,323,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[Pouytenga : projection] En termes de projection, si l’on croise les données issues du Programme national d’approvisionnement en eau potable (PN-AEP) de 2018 avec les données démographiques collectées par l’Institut national de la statistique et de la démographie (DG INSD) consolidées en avril 2019, on peut établir qu’il y a a priori 305 points d’eau (PE) fonctionnels pour 15 671 ménages. Si l’on y ajoute les ménages nouvellement déplacés on peut estimer que 17 242 ménages sont actuellement présents à Pouytenga. Selon les standards minimaux SPHERE10 on pourrait donc considérer que la commune de Pouytenga devrait avoir la capacité d’approvisionner de l’eau pour 17 385 ménages. Cependant si ces estimations peuvent sembler rassurantes, elles ne coïncident pas avec les observations terrain des équipes de collecte des données et les déclarations des informateurs clés et des groupes de discussion. En effet ces estimations ne prennent pas en compte le fait que :  Les populations déplacées sont avant tout concentrées dans trois secteurs et pas équitablement sur tout le territoire de la commune ;  Le débit des PE devient nettement insuffisant lors de la saison sèche, (de novembre à mars) comme ont pu le constater les équipes terrain ACTED pour 06 des 13 infrastructures analysées. Par ailleurs le standard SPHERE de 400 personnes par PE pour un débit de 12,5 litres/minute doit être relativisé en l’espèce car le débit est très surement en dessous des 12,5 litres/minutes ;  La matrice 5W du cluster WASH ne fait pas état d’activités des partenaires humanitaires dans le Centre Est en 2018 et 2019, il est donc très possible que les 305 PE fonctionnels en 2018 ne le soient en partie plus aujourd’hui." +239847,47107.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Hospitalization & Care'],en,53,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[Jan 2021, Syria] Based on the data submitted by 9 COVID-19 facilities of 58 patients who’ve been intubated and receive intrusive ventilation, 55 (95 per cent) have died. This indicates that without adequate staffing/ training, ventilation may do more harm to patients." +59603,17198.0,1224.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Humanitarian Access->Population To Relief'],en,85,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Humanitarian Access'],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"The school (up to grade 9) in Yarakita is overcrowded. The school is built for 180 students, yet 236 are enrolled (8 of whom are Venezuelans – the rest are not in school). The school feeding program provides for 215. The 8 Venezuelan children in school do not have uniforms and are gradually learning English. It will be very difficult to absorb the rest of the Venezuelan children who are not yet enrolled in school." +237843,47230.0,2311.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Intentions'],es,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,Hogares sin estatus regular: el 71% de las personas encuestadas no tiene un estatus regular. Los hogares donde no hay ningún miembro adulto del hogar con estatus regular son más propensos a adoptar estrategias de sobrevivencia de emergencia y tienen menor frecuencia de consumo de alimentos. Los hogares donde ninguna persona tiene estatus regular muestran mayor probabilidad de tener la intención de retornar a Venezuela. +157591,38893.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,54,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/humanitarian_collaboration_and_coordination_in_bangladesh_2nd_draft_12_july_2020_kazi_hg.pdf,"▪ Activate Health Emergency Operations Centre and Control Room of DGHS for cyclone / flood /landslide response. ▪ Deploy Mobile Medical Team/Rapid Response Team with emergency drugs and equipment to the affected areas ▪ Distribute emergency drugs, PPE, medical and lab supplies in affected areas for replenishment ▪ Establish Temporary/Makeshift hospital" +271057,47809.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_7.pdf,"En Colombia, los casos de dengue proceden de 32 departamentos, 4 distritos, 463 municipios. Las entidades territoriales de Cali, Cartagena, Valle del Cauca, Barranquilla, Putumayo, Antioquia, Tolima, Huila, Cundinamarca, Atlántico, Meta y Bolívar aportan el 71,2 % (3 492) de los casos a nivel nacional" +48531,12622.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,167,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LIBRO%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20las%20necesidades%20insatisfechas%20SSR%20y%20Migrantes%20Venezolanos%20-%20Digital.pdf,"No es visible la articulación intersectorial en atención a SSSR, VIH y VBG. En los territorios no es visible el liderazgo del Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social en la atención de esta crisis mientras que sí hay un reconocimiento positivo de la OPS/OMS, la OIM, la Cruz Roja y ACNUR. La coordinación y articulación entre los equipos que atienden SSSR, VBG y VIH en los municipios visitados, recae en las Secretarías Departamentales de Salud y en muchos casos los esfuerzos de dicha coordinación no son bien calificados. Existe una necesidad urgente de mejorar el carácter compartido de los objetivos entre los diferentes equipos de los sectores del gobierno y las agencias internacionales, así como la diseminación de información sobre las rutas locales de atención, generando planes de contingencia, campañas compartidas, prevención y atención de la VBG y acceso de servicios más allá de la prestación de los servicios de salud para las víctimas." +391317,61129.0,1186.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,49,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.biobiochile.cl/noticias/nacional/chile/2021/01/29/desproteccion-y-problemas-de-integracion-las-consecuencias-de-la-inmigracion-ilegal.shtml,"Ya sea en forma de comercio ambulante o situación de calle, la desprotecciónde las personas inmigrantes en Santiago es un problema que se visibilizó en las calles desde octubre de 2019, escenario que, según expertos, sería difícil que mejore con una nueva ley migratoria." +239024,47107.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,24,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[12th Jan 2021, GOS]Humanitarian actors continue to receive reports healthcare workers in some areas do not have sufficient PPE." +219778,45777.0,2333.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,44,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/niger/un-soutien-additionnel-d-education-cannot-wait-pour-intensifier-l-ducation-dans-les,"Cette année, dans le contexte de la pandémie de la COVID-19, le financement d’Education Cannot Wait a permis de soutenir les élèves pendant la fermeture d'écoles en offrant des options d'apprentissage à distance et des cours de rattrapage." +289292,52049.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Nutrition', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,102,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Bangladesh%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%201%20%28Rohingya%20Camp%20Fire%29%20-%2023%20March%202021.pdf,"[23rd March 2021,Cox's Bazar] A substantial number of UNICEF-supported facilities were damaged or totally burned down by the fire. They includes one primary health centre in Camp 8W; two Integrated Nutrition Facilities (INF) in Camp 9 and Camp 8E; 141 learning centres (LCs); and two multi-purpose centres for Child Protection. WASH infrastructure and facilities were particularly badly affected with six water supply networks, 1,600 latrines and 630 bathing spaces destroyed in Camp 8W and Camp 8E. Eightyseven children were reported as separated from their families." +236203,46388.0,2336.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,38,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"People with severe disabilities are especially vulnerable in the COVID-19 context with lockdown measures and movement constraints further limiting their reduced mobility, transport options, as well as access to support services and income generating opportunities." +224076,45768.0,2332.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"Pour question de santé, plusieurs femmes interrogées ont évoqué et nous ont exposé des signes de diverses pathologies, parmi lesquelles l’on note les diarrhées, les infections respiratoires aigües, le paludisme, la conjonctivite, la dermatose (2/3 des enfants) et les parasitoses." +472927,63777.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,47,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Les risques de violences auxquels les enfants sont exposés sont nombreux à la suite de l’incident de Solhan. En effet, les informations collectées pendant les focus groupes indiquent qu’il y aurait de nombreux enfants séparés et non-accompagnés parmi les PDIs." +317214,53333.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,10,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Priorities are emergency medical, psychosocial and legal support." +330407,53831.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,130,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/12042021_sitrep_s12_whe_oms_rdc_f.pdf,"Parlant de l’exposition et pour ceux dont la donnée a été renseignée, 21,2% (659/3 105) des cas auraient séjourné endéans les 14 jours avant la maladie dans une ou plusieurs autres villes affectées par la COVID-19, à l’intérieur ou en dehors de la RDC. Aussi, 22,1% (466/2 110) des cas auraient visité une structure sanitaire ; 44,0% (890/2 025) des cas auraient été en contact étroit avec un sujet présentant les symptômes d’une IRA et 59,4% (2 198/3 703) des cas auraient été en contact étroit avec au moins un cas confirmé ou probable de COVID-19, dans les 14 jours précédant le début de la maladie." +22263,9106.0,729.0,['WASH'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,46,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"67 per cent of surveyed schools have limited drinking water available. In addition, 10 per cent of water supplies in schools were contaminated with harmful bacteria, and 31 per cent of schools tested positive for high levels of nitrates in the water." +320245,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,48,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,Limited/weak capacity for coordination in the prevention of Gender-Based Violence continues to be a major gap to improving GBV service provision. The persistent lack of capacity for coordination limits the ability of the Gender-Based Violence AoR to act proactively to improve quality and scope of services. +164460,32982.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,28,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Respuesta%20COVID-19%20-%20GIFMM%20Arauca%2C%20actualizaci%C3%B3n%20n%C2%B03%20%28Del%201%20al%2030%20de%20mayo%20de%202020%29.pdf,"Según datos de Migración Colombia, por el Puente Internacional José Antonio Páez han retornado 11.850 personas desde el 14 de marzo hasta el 3 de junio." +472937,63777.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,67,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Aux dires des populations, les EEI constituent un problème majeur dans la zone et auraient retarder l’intervention des secours pendant l’attaque des GANE. Plusieurs EEI restent dans la nature à Solhan même si l’armée en a déjà détruits un certain nombre. La méconnaissance de ce type de menace EEI est un risque de protection pour la population." +150430,37702.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,42,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"WHO has also provided the Ministry of Education with 40 infrared thermometers, 5,000 surgical masks and 200 gowns to medical teams supporting the ninth grade exams, and in advance of twelfth grade exam resits which are expected later this month" +167542,40328.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,84,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/iom-amazon-step-covid-19-rohingya-refugee-response-cox-s-bazar,"Cox’s Bazar – The International Organization for Migration (IOM) is teaming with global technology leader Amazon to strengthen health response efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Rohingya refugee settlements of Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. By supporting frontline health workers in the district through the provision of adequate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), the nearly quarter-million-dollar donation will enhance the capacity of local doctors, nurses and medical staff in the fight against COVID-19." +288546,51848.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,24,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/herams_fourth_quarter_2020_final.pdf,"[Dec 2020, NWS] 3 of functioning health facilities reported difficulties in accessibility, mainly due to distance and Physical barriers." +13496,5946.0,321.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/half-million-children-immediate-danger-tripoli-enar,"Over 1,200 families have been displaced in the past 48 hours alone as clashes intensified in southern Tripoli, bringing the total number of displaced to over 25,0001. UNICEF estimates half are children." +216616,45416.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,51,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,Et le rapport Enquête Ecoles Rapide du Sud-Kivu disant que le ratio des étudiants dans l’année scolaire 2019-2020 pour salle de classe en utilisation (soit en utilisation que non utilisées parce qu’en mauvais état) est en moyenne de 70 étudiants / salle de classe. +400285,62279.0,2170.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,72,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"[10th November 2020, MONGUNO LGA, BORNO STATE]The prevalence of GAM is higher among younger children (11.9%) of 6-29 months when compared with the older children (5.03%) of 30-59 months. Also, the prevalence of SAM is only observed in the younger age group (1.90%) of 6-29 months and there were no cases in older age groups." +489290,67769.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,93,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/searo/bangladesh/bangladesh---rohingya-crisis---pdf-reports/ewars/2021/ewars-w34-2021.pdf?sfvrsn=52eebc31_9,"[23-29 August 2021, Bangladesh] Total 2,653 (out of 2,883) confirmed cases have been investigated by Rapid Investigation and Response Team (RIRT, a camp wise CT network. Contact tracing has been done by CT supervisors with 6,227 contacts registered in the Go.Data for follow up, out of 9,678 contact identified through field investigation by RIRT. 3,526 (57%) contacts successfully completed the follow up.Two hundred and eighty-three (8.0%) contacts became tested positive for COVID19 during the incubation period." +59563,17198.0,1224.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,18,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"Children showed visible signs of malnourishment or parasites, coughing, and symptoms of cold or flu." +162975,37820.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,56,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/iom_rohingya_crisis_response_-_external_sitrep_-_july_2020.pdf,"During late June, trainings were conducted in four camps and during late July, a remaining four camps were covered. Meanwhile, IOM continued to maintain a strong presence at the shelter and sub-block levels, promoting hygiene awareness to prevent the spread of Covi19 and supporting Rohingya in need of protection services." +177343,41093.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",[],['Context->Economy'],es,55,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"En julio, las ventas reales del comercio minorista registraron una variación anual de -10,0% respecto al mismo mes de 2019. Excluyendo las ventas de combustibles el crecimiento real del comercio minorista se ubicó en -7,3%, mientras que el crecimiento de las ventas excluyendo vehículos se ubicó en -7,6%." +174222,34287.0,1899.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Food Security']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,90,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3652850,"La OIM proporcionó el transporte vía terrestre desde Managua hasta Ciudad de Guatemala, además de kits de asistencia humanitaria que incluían alimentación, información e insumos necesarios, para cumplir con los protocolos de seguridad, medidas de prevención y protección contra la COVID-19. Asimismo, a los niños y niñas retornados se les brindó kits especializados con materiales lúdicos y juegos informativos sobre prevención de COVID-19 y prevención de la migración irregular, en el marco de la campaña #YoCamino implementada por OIM y UNICEF." +215063,45449.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,36,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.laopinion.com.co/frontera/ninos-venezolanos-bajo-proteccion-del-estado-colombiano-206457,"Existe un limbo por las condiciones diplomáticas entre Colombia y Venezuela. Los niños están cruzando la frontera y muchos son abandonados o viven en condiciones bajo pobreza extrema, donde hay mucha violencia intrafamiliar." +303872,51174.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.afro.who.int/sites/default/files/2021-02/South%20Sudan%20IDSR%20Bulletin%20Week%201%2C%20%20%204-%2010%20January%202021%20.pdf,Integrated Disease Surveillance (IDSR) timeliness & completeness performance at county level for week 1 of 2021: The timeliness percentage was excellent for CES State and poor for Upper Nile State. +292405,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"Dans la réponse aux urgences, des médicaments et autres consommables médicaux sont constamment pré-positionnés dans des formations sanitaires des zones affectées afin de faciliter l’accès des populations vulnérables au soins de santé." +305656,51474.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,79,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"In support of the implementation of the peace process at the grass-roots level, local conflict management, reconciliation and social cohesion, United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) conducted 22 workshops, community dialogues and peace campaigns and disseminated local and national peace agreements in addition to providing capacity-building assistance to traditional authorities, women and young people. A total of 1,883 participants (including 614 women) were reached through such activities." +248855,48079.0,2225.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,80,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/DRC_FSOU_2020_12_final.pdf,"Flux commerciaux transfrontaliers : Les frontières entre le Rwanda, l’Ouganda et la RDC ont été ouvertes mais des exigences sanitaires strictes – incluant un test COVID-19 dont le coût reste hors de portée des petits commerçants – limitent de facto les échanges. En ce qui concerne les activités commerciales avec le Rwanda, les petits commerçants doivent être regroupés en associations agréées et seuls les représentants de ces associations sont autorisés à traverser la frontière." +438321,64539.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"PRESUPUESTO DEL GRUPO FAMILIAR El presupuesto del grupo familiar para el mes representa cuánto destina la familia para cubrir las necesidades básicas del hogar. En este sentido, 29.4% de las familias planifica sus gastos en base a un presupuesto mensual de 500 a 700 soles, equivalentes a más de 2/3 de lo que representa el salario mínimo vital en Perú." +184746,43141.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,35,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=209440,"[9th November 2020, Overall Syria] Health Ministry announced on Monday that 69 new Coronavirus cases were registered in Syria, and 48 patients have recovered while 4 others have passed away." +283191,45203.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,55,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://fews.net/west-africa/cameroon/food-security-outlook/june-2020,"Since the second week of June, however, some poor households have begun to harvest beans and potatoes. As the harvest progresses, prices should stabilize and poor households will have improved access to food. Despite this, these regions are projected to experience below-average harvests for the fourth consecutive year." +414601,63653.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,80,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://zoom-eco.net/developpement/rdc-grace-a-la-patrouille-financiere-initiee-par-ligf-les-liquidites-de-la-cnss-atteignent-314-millions-usd/,"La patrouille financière initiée il y a quelques mois par l’Inspection générale des finances (IGF) à travers toutes les entreprises et structures de l’Etat, les liquidités financières de la Caisse nationale de sécurité sociale atteignent 314 millions de dollars américains contre 204 millions USD il y a trois mois. L’annonce est faite par l’IGF à travers un communiqué signé pour ce faire le mercredi 11 août 2021." +492685,65427.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,92,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syria.tv/%D9%85%D8%B3%D8%A4%D9%88%D9%84-%D8%B7%D8%A8%D9%8A-%D9%86%D8%B3%D8%A8%D8%A9-%D9%85%D8%AA%D9%84%D9%82%D9%8A-%D9%84%D9%82%D8%A7%D8%AD-%D9%83%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%88%D9%86%D8%A7-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%B3%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%8A%D8%A7-%D9%84%D8%A7-%D8%AA%D8%AA%D8%AC%D8%A7%D9%88%D8%B2-4-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D8%A6%D8%A9,"[September 5, GoS] Director of Al-Mowasat Hospital, Dr. Issam Amin, said that the percentage of those receiving the vaccine did not exceed four percent. In his statements to the loyal Sham FM radio, Al-Amin indicated that ""immunity, whether through infection or the vaccine, must be formed in 70 percent of the population to break the cycle of the spread of the Corona virus and control it, pointing to the need to speed up the process of taking the vaccine.""" +493036,67710.0,1188.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,87,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"There was a slight decrease in the migratory flow of Venezuelans in countries such as Brazil, Colombia, and Panama between the months of March and August 2020 due to border closures implemented as measures to contain the spread of and infection with the virus. The restrictions imposed by the pandemic not only made the Venezuelan migration more difficult or prevented it, but in some cases led to the return of migrants to Venezuela, as was the case in Colombia and Peru." +159547,39200.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,45,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_H2R_COVID19_June2020.pdf,"Findings suggest that a combined lack of access to resources, the reportedly limited use of soap during hand washing, and the limited communication on COVID-19 might have increased the risk of contraction and spread of the disease in communities in H2R areas." +342014,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",fr,109,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[la longue tradition d'hospitalité] Elle réduit les tensions liées à la compétition foncière qui peuvent naître entre les populations autochtones et les populations dites étrangères présentes dans les zones à cause des migrations. Au regard de la rareté des terres, l’étranger devient la cible et est rendu coupable de l’insuffisance des terres cultivables. Ainsi, il est très tentant de le faire partir par la force. Cependant, à cause du principe de l’hospitalité vécue dans certaines communautés, les populations étrangères ne sont pas, tout le temps, inquiétées par des menaces de déguerpissement." +61493,18235.0,1183.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->Local Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,55,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"According to the key informants interviewed for this study, social media has played a fundamental role in this: Venezuelans planning to leave the country mostly obtain information regarding the migration route and the conditions at destination from fellow nationals who have already left the country, mainly through Facebook or WhatsApp groups." +174509,41368.0,2098.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,47,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20201012_acaps_thematic_series_on_migrant_vulnerability_in_south_asia_0.pdf,"[October 2020, Bangladesh] Around 200,000 Bangladeshi migrant workers returned home between mid February and mid-March. Between mid-April and mid-June, another 17,000 migrant workers returned, with more expected to return by the end of the year (Arab News 29/07/2020)." +327661,54714.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,72,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,"[PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] The highest percentage of households per Protection LSG severity score, per population group for IDP settlement was 58% for stress and lowest was 0% for extreme. Similarly highest percentage of households per Protection LSG severity score, per population group for Non-IDP settlement was 65% for no or minima stress and lowest was 1% for extreme." +90053,25528.0,1620.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],en,15,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Humanitarian Access'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000112584.pdf,Limited humanitarian space and restricted access to agricultural land continued to impede livelihood activities. +146183,37548.0,1187.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,193,[],['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/policy_brief_cuidados_espanolv_190829.pdf,"Se autoriza a las y los progenitores o la persona adulta responsable para ingresar con sus hijos e hijas, o niños o niñas que se encuentren a su cargo, de hasta doce años, a los comercios de cercanía habilitados para funcionar, siempre que no puedan dejarlos en el hogar al cuidado de otro adulto responsable. Se establece una excepción a la restricción de circulación en los casos de niñas y niños cuyos progenitores no residen en el mismo hogar, se dispone que se priorice la perma- nencia de los niños en el hogar que constituye su centro de vida, por lo que podrán ser trasladados a la residencia del otro progenitor, familiar o referente afectivo por única vez si los mismos no se encuentran en él al inicio de la medida de aislamiento. Se establecen excepciones a la restricción de circulación a personas que deban asistir a otras con discapacidad, a familiares que necesiten asistencia, a personas mayores, a niños, a niñas y a ado- lescentes y personas afectadas a la atención de comedores escolares, comunitarios y merenderos." +163101,37820.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,106,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/iom_rohingya_crisis_response_-_external_sitrep_-_july_2020.pdf,"IOM site Management teams organized “Go and see” visits to Médecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) isolation and Treatment Centers (ITC) in cap 8W. A total of eight small groups, comprising 42 individuals form Camps 9, 10 and 18 were selected among local community leaders, lmams, Disaster Management Units (DMUs), women and youth, contact tracing supervisors and health focal points were also present. The beneficiaries were provided a detailed briefing about the COVID- 19 health response and protocol. Engaging a step-by-step breakdown of processes, from testing to ITC admission." +285125,50882.0,2466.0,['Nutrition'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,28,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/ipc_sudan_acute_food_insecurity_projection_update_2020octdec_report_1.pdf,"[Recommendation For Action] Promote good nutritional practices at household levels through nutrition-sensitive activities, such as home gardening and educational awareness on food and water safety" +150369,37702.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,75,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"As outlined in previous reports, samples continue to be collected by RRTs (99 at the district level, 13 at the governorate level) and sent to the CPHL or regional laboratories in Aleppo, Homs and Lattakia with WHO support. As of 14 August, approximately 17,043 samples had been collected from thirteen governorates since mid-March, including 56 samples from Al-Hasakeh, 46 from Deir-ez-Zor and one from Ar-Raqqa." +69884,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,29,[],['Shock/Event'],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"According to the Ministry of Finance, 12.3% of the population in the Bahamas are non-Bahamian, with the majority of those Haitian (7.5%)." +316302,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,53,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The socio-economic impact of COVID-19 containment measures have particularly impacted the non-IDP urban poor.The poverty rate among the non-IDP urban poor is 64 per cent, with an additional 10 per cent of the population at high risk of falling into poverty with any sort of climate, economic or health-related shock." +236164,47076.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,52,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,"103,207 individuals benefited from various protection responses including protection monitoring conducted by DRC, INTERSOS, IRC, ECOCAM, SUDAHSER Foundation, Libra Law Office Association and UNHCR. Among them, 52,743 were women and girls, while 26,189 were children and 29,334 were 60 years old and above." +427594,63512.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,52,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://opendocs.ids.ac.uk/opendocs/bitstream/handle/20.500.12413/16796/IDS_Policy_Briefing_183.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y,"Finally, the study looks at gendered marginalisation from education, and how it interacts with the other dimensions. We find that, while there is an overall gender gap in educational outcomes, the gender gap is significantly starker for certain ethnocultural groups, particularly the Twa of Tanganyika." +188249,30608.0,1900.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,9,[],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Americas%20Update%20COVID%2010_1%20June.pdf,Honduras extended their respective quarantine measures and curfews. +329860,53694.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,108,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/03042021_sitrep_s11_whe_oms_rdc.docx.pdf,"Aussi, depuis le début de l’année 2021, 14 676 cas suspects de rougeole dont 213 décès (létalité 1,5%) ont été enregistrés dans 216 ZS de 26 provinces que compte la République. Il faut noter que les provinces du Sud-Ubangi (6 461 cas suspects soit 44,0%), du Nord-Ubangi (5 061 cas suspects soit 34,5%) et du Bas-Uele (808 cas suspects soit 5,5%) ont rapporté le plus grand nombre de cas suspects de rougeole (12 330 cas suspects soit 84,0%) depuis le début de l’année 2021." +176399,41733.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,29,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/reach_drc_bulletin-des-marche-2_juin-2020.pdf,"Parmi ceux-ci, environ la moitié ont connu une augmentation du coût médian du PMA de plus de 30%, dont 4 de plus de 50%." +178239,41756.0,2225.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],fr,23,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,Les réfugiés centrafricains ont été particulièrement affectés par les fortes inondations qui ont touché le Sud-Ubangi et le Nord-Ubangi en octobre 2019. +193938,43327.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,13,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_sectoriel_octobre.pdf,[Kaya] 9 2381 enfants mesurés avec 19 MAS et 91 MAM +297896,52145.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,27,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_humanitaire_numero_12_v_04.pdf,"The 4,348 women and girls supported so far do not even constitute half of the number of women and girls affected as a result of the conflict" +341982,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,155,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"L’intervention des groupes d’autodéfense, surtout des Koglwéogo dans la lutte contre le terrorisme se- rait perçue comme le point d’entrée dans la communautarisation de la crise sécuritaire actuelle. L’idée d’une assimilation de la communauté peulh aux terroristes a occasionné l’assassinat de nombreux membres de cette communauté. « Ces assassinats ont pour conséquence de faire grossir les rangs des terroristes dans la mesure ou d’aucuns, soit par esprit de vengeance ou par désir de protection, rejoignent les groupes terroristes. La perception générale qui semble apparaitre dans cette communauté, c’est que l’Etat ne les protège pas mais encore que la justice semble vouloir laisser impunis les crimes dont elle a été victime. Ce sont entre autres ces facteurs parmi tant d’autres qui attisent et entretiennent aussi la violence »" +194657,43820.0,2311.0,['Logistics'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Context->Environment', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",es,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/guur-115.1_fsa_19112020_v3.pdf,Desde el casco urbano a las comunidades indígenas en la zona rural de Uribia las vías no se encuentran pavimentadas y por las condiciones actuales están en mal estado. +285124,50882.0,2466.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,21,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/ipc_sudan_acute_food_insecurity_projection_update_2020octdec_report_1.pdf,[Recommendation For Action]Strengthen and support initiatives addressing cross-cutting issues of food security and nutrition of vulnerable groups. +456633,58986.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,74,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.lemonde.fr/afrique/article/2021/07/08/en-rdc-les-autorites-inquietes-face-a-une-troisieme-vague-dominee-par-le-variant-delta_6087597_3212.html,"Pour tenter de freiner cette troisième vague, le gouvernement a aussi renforcé les restrictions sanitaires. Les bars, les terrasses et les discothèques, qui avaient rouvert à l’été 2020, sont de nouveau fermés. Le couvre-feu est maintenu de 22 heures à 4 heures du matin et les restaurants doivent baisser le rideau dès 21 heures. Les rassemblements de plus de vingt personnes sont strictement interdits." +145986,35870.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,58,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"WHO continues to bolster PPE supplies in Syria, with a focus on protecting health workers. To date, WHO has delivered more than 2.5 million PPE items, including surgical masks, gloves, reusable heavy-duty aprons, gowns, headcovers,alcohol hand-rubs, medical masks, goggles and coveralls, and alcohol hand-rubs." +313718,53333.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,50,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"The NW/SW crisis contributes to aggravate the already fragile situation in Cameroon as the country is a target for Boko Haram in the Far North, while in the East, Adamawa and Northern regions, it is hosting thousands of Central African refugees fleeing violence in their own country" +305454,53013.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,43,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/3c8084ae/REACH_SOM_Factsheet_Assessment-of-Hard-to-Reach-Areas_December-2020.pdf,WASH: 33% of assessed settlements where people reportedly had access to soap and water for hand washing while 53% of assessed settlements where people reportedly did not use soap and water for hand washing or do not had access. +314865,53183.0,2466.0,"['WASH', 'Education', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,69,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"The rate of incentives paid to the volunteer teachers is insufficient given the ongoing economic crisis, and some have already notified they would not be able to continue teaching. In addition, the Federal Ministry of Education set out COVID-19 protocols that schools should abide by ahead of re-opening. This is a challenge for all schools, where there is limited if no access to water" +394877,61265.0,1186.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.biobiochile.cl/noticias/nacional/region-de-tarapaca/2021/02/04/no-son-un-bulto-el-saldo-fatal-de-la-crisis-migratoria-en-la-frontera-norte.shtml,"El alcalde de Colchane, Javier García, lamentó la crisis humanitaria que se evidencia en plazas y alrededores de su comuna de mil 700 habitantes, que son de origen aimara. A sus problemas de desabastecimiento e infraestructura se ha sumado el ingreso irregular de venezolanos, quienes por necesidad,incluso, toman de refugio las viviendas de los habitantes." +386120,60459.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"C’est dans ce contexte que débutent les activités agricoles avec une installation précoce où à temps des pluies favorisant les premiers semis au cours de la première décade de juin, en particulier dans la moitié sud du pays. Les semis se sont ensuite généralisés dans le reste du pays grâce aux précipitations modérées enregistrées." +306263,51572.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,23,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Communities are constructing dyke in response to floods. [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]" +216609,45416.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,95,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,"Ce qui s’expliquant par plusieurs raisons dont la menace d'un difficile retour à l’école pour la petite rentrée des enfants de 6ème année de ménages pauvres/déplacés, et dont la situation socio-économique a été affectée sensiblement avec la COVID-19 pour achever l’année scolaire en cours (2019-2020) comme l’a martelé le rapport ERM _ Commune Nyakasanza-BUNIA, mais aussi du fait de l’ insuffisance des infrastructures et équipements scolaires (écoles d'accueil) vue l’afflux des déplacés dans les zones d’arrivée" +314342,52949.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,27,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"As such, apart from the added health pressures of COVID-19, Somalia continues to experience outbreaks of measles, AWD and cholera, and vaccine-derived polio" +146078,34803.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,56,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Since December 2019, GBV sub-cluster members have distributed 113,622 dignity kits. Beneficiary feedback shows that the kits were critical for women and girls to respond to their increased need for personal hygiene products during the COVID-19 pandemic and reported satisfaction with measures taken by the GBV sub-cluster during distributions to mitigate against COVID-19 transmissions" +397338,61407.0,1186.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,57,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.elmostrador.cl/destacado/2021/02/08/crisis-migratoria-en-tarapaca-centralismo-e-indolencia-gubernamental/,"Es decir, el Presidente incentivó a venezolanas y venezolanos a llegar hasta aquí, demostrando luego su probada indolencia, al dejarlos abandonados a su propia suerte y, al igual que los bolivianos en abril del año pasado, enfrentándose con la población local, que ve en ellos un potencial foco de contagio." +171480,40699.0,2098.0,['Livelihoods'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,53,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20201004_acaps_thematic_review_vulnerable_households_rohingya_refugee_response.pdf,"[4th october, Cox's Bazar] These households [Female Headed Household] are also less likely to have savings or assets that could prevent them from slipping into more extreme levels of poverty in the event of sudden shocks or changes in environment, such as the COVID-19 pandemic." +309765,51467.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,42,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"According to South Sudan Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response System, Malaria remains the top cause of morbidity (64 per cent) and mortality (45 per cent). Between 9 and 15 November, there were 89,403 reported cases" +324581,54934.0,2334.0,"['Cross', 'Shelter']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/IOM_ETT_E-N_21%20PoucheMora%20massif%20et%20Massare%202.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10098,- 40 ménages de 280 PDI se sont déplacés depuis Adakele vers Mora Massif et résident au sein de familles d’accueil +125141,32835.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77444.pdf,"La cifra de 1 771 237 migrantes venezolanos en el territorio colombiano que reporta Migración Colombia a corte 31 de octubre de 2019 muestra un escenario inédito para el país en materia de salud pública, en especial si se tiene en cuenta que el sistema de salud afronta un grave problema de desfinanciamiento13" +173678,41024.0,1388.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rapid%20needs%20assessment%20-%20Impact%20of%20COVID-19%20on%20PoC%20from%20other%20nationalities%20-%20Costa%20Rica%2C%20August%202020.pdf,"Food Security & Nutrition Before the COVID-19 pandemic, only 30% of households consumed 2 meals a day while 59% consumed 3 meals. Now, 48% of households report having 2 meals a day, while only 22% consume 3 meals" +309823,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,90,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Based on nationwide South Sudan — Urban Multi-Sector Needs, Vulnerabilities and COVID-19 Impact Survey (FSNMS+) assessment, the risk of GBV is identified high as 49 per cent of surveyed households expressed concern on GBV and 34 per cent of households travel more than 30 minutes to fetch water. Similarly, 49 per cent of affected women and girls who are in need of services have no access to GBV services and only 12 per cent of the community have awareness on available GBV services." +192927,43304.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,13,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,Simplifier les procédures de passation de marchés publics et des procédures de décaissement +355474,58185.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'WASH', 'Nutrition', 'Shelter', 'Food Security']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],es,77,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/10062021_alerta_de_situacion_por_inundaciones_en_arauca_vf.pdf,"Las lluvias registradas entre el 6 y 8 de Junio en varios municipios del departamento de Arauca, dejaron damnificadas a más de 17.700 personas (4.445 familias) como consecuencia del desbordamiento y aumento en el nivel de los ríos Cusay, Bojaba, Banadia y Ele (piedemonte llanero). La afectación se dio inicialmente en las zonas rurales y urbanas de los municipios Fortul, Saravena, Tame, Arauquita y Arauca." +169913,40360.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Population To Relief', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,45,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Vols et pillages : Le 05 Août 2020 à Mentao, un camion transportant des vivres du PAM a été détourné par les GANI sur le tronçon Namsiguiya- Mentao. Tout le contenu a été vidé avant de libérer le chauffeur et le camion." +489171,67500.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],en,58,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_15.pdf,"[April -June 2021, Cox's Bazar] COVID-19 Antigen RDT pilot testing: With technical assistance from WHO, the Office of the Civil Surgeon piloted COVID-19 Antigen RDT across IOM and Hope facilities in the camps. During the reporting period, 487 samples were tested (five percent were positive on RDT)." +323689,54267.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,34,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Toutefois, les politiques anti-migration actuelles des pays européens et de certains pays africains limitent les mouvements migratoires dans la région du Sahel (Bisong 2020; Tiekstra et Schmauder, 2018)." +187601,43135.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,70,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_weekly_situation_update_-_ne_nigeria.pdf,"[1st Nov 2020, BAY states] Sensitization of over 26,150 caregivers on COVID-19 continues by UNICEF/WHO in 20 LGAs. Messages focused on voluntary sample testing, timely reporting of cases, de-stigmatization, hand washing, and use of face mask. IOM Psycho Social Teams conducted COVID-19 awareness campaign and sensitization through risk communication and community engagement to a total of 600 persons in Maiduguri." +302517,53036.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,74,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/1-Lolo_Dec%202020_0.pdf,"[PRINCIPAUX DEFIS] Limitation des déplacements des réfugiés au-delà des départements d’installation, Absence de carte d’identité nationale pour réfugié, Enregistrement optimal des naissances à l’état-civil, Prise en charge des PBS [personnes à besoins spécifiques], Prise en charge des enfants à risques, Prévention et réponse juridique aux SGBV, Pesanteur culturelle, Cohésion sociale, Organisation du rapatriement volontaire facilité." +2645,520.0,321.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://www.amnesty.org/en/countries/middle-east-and-north-africa/libya/report-libya/,"In Sirte and other areas that they controlled, IS and other armed groups imposed strict interpretations of Shari’a law that restricted women’s movement and dress, and reportedly sanctioned the practice of child marriage. Armed groups also threatened and harassed women who engaged in public activism" +319992,52949.0,2331.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,101,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Children with disabilities often struggle to access education in Somalia. There are inadequate resources for the schools and child protection facilities to install ramps for wheelchairs, transport services for those who struggle with mobility, and ‘disability-friendly’ learning resources and study spaces.There are also very few teachers and child protection staff who have had adequate training in how to incorporate children with disabilities into classroom learning and social services. Inability to access education for children with disabilities is a protection concern as they are unable to benefit from the protective elements of access to schools." +40017,11715.0,729.0,[],[],[],en,72,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/what-s-happening-libya-five-facts-you-need-know,"Years of conflict in Libya has caused 97,000 people to flee their homes. The United Nations has reported that a further 2,800 have been displaced since Friday due to the fighting in Tripoli. As conditions worsen, we can also expect to see an increase in the number of people attempting to escape across the Mediterranean Sea, at a time when search and rescue efforts have been withdrawn." +294810,51749.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[Gounghin] Ainsi les ménages PDI ont recours à plusieurs stratégies de survie telles que la diminution de la quantité consommée pendant les repas ou du nombre de repas par jour, la réduction de la consommation des adultes au profit des enfants et la consommation d’aliments moins préférés et moins chers." +452098,64651.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,93,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"the majority of pregnant women experience relatively mild symptoms or remain asymptomatic, but recent data show an increased risk of maternal morbidity and mortality especially among symptomatic pregnant women with COVID-19, as well as an increased likelihood to deliver preterm and admission of their babies to the neonatal unit (7, 8). These outcomes may be even higher among pregnant women in low and middle income countries (9). This emerging evidence underscores the importance of ensuring quality care during the antenatal and post-partum period." +236142,47122.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,50,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"Child Protection actors were able to manage and follow-up 1,071 cases of vulnerable children (481 girls and 590 boys), including unaccompanied and/or separated children with Child Protection Case Management (CPCM) services during the reporting period, and five children were reunified with their families." +160373,35728.0,1183.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,61,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no_6_covid-19_choco_vf.pdf,"Al tiempo que se ha observado un incremento en los precios de los alimentos y la escasez de estos en gran parte del departamento, se alza la preocupación por el aumento en los casos de desnutrición en niños y niñas menores de cinco años, afectando especialmente a población indígena en los municipios de Alto Baudó y Medio Baudó." +314814,52949.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Most IDPs rely on primary healthcare services provided by humanitarian partners, and according to the DSA conducted in January 2020, almost a quarter of all IDPs sites did not have access to healthcare facilities." +313621,53333.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Adolescent girls have limited access to contraceptives and knowledge on sexual and reproductive health and rights, contributing to unwanted pregnancies and consequent child early and forced marriage." +63383,18412.0,1386.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,235,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,,"Al menos 60% de la asistencia médica disponible en 2011 se perdió entre 2012 y 2017; prestada por servicios de salud públicos al 82% de la población usuaria. De 27 millones de personas censadas en 2011, 56% pudo ir a un servicio médico; 6,7 millones (45%) iba a hospitales públicos, 1,5 millones (10%) a hospitales y ambulatorios de la seguridad social y 3,5 millones (23%) a centros privados. Además, 5,5 millones (37%) iba a consultorios y centros de atención primaria de Barrio Adentro y 4,4 millones (29%) a los ambulatorios de la red pública1. Según el censo, los servicios de salud públicos recibían 82% de la demanda de asistencia médica. Entre 2012 y 2015, la proporción de camas ocupadas en los hospitales públicos cayó 40% y, entre 2014 y 2015, la cantidad de personas atendidas a diario en consultas, emergencias y partos se redujo 58%, de acuerdo con las últimas estadísticas de rendimiento publicadas por el Ministerio de Salud en su Memoria y Cuenta2. Además, según ENCOVI 2017, Barrio Adentro perdió 96% de sus beneficiarios entre 2015 y 20173. Ese año, el único hospital público del estado Amazonas estaba en cierre técnico4." +341747,56493.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,61,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Dans tous les problèmes évoqués, la violence aurait pu ne pas atteindre certaines proportions si les justiciables pouvaient avoir recours à une justice efficace, impartiale et indépendante qui règle leurs problèmes. N’ayant aucune confiance en la justice, les personnes se livrent à la justice privée, ce qui accentue la conflictualité au Burkina Faso." +318432,53855.0,2225.0,['Logistics'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",en,75,['Impact'],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/democratic-republic-congo/aid-delivery-tricky-road-south-kivu-and-maniema,"Yves, Monitoring and Evaluation Assistant, experienced this during a monitoring mission:“The biggest difficulty we encounter is the difficult access to the intervention areas during the rainy season. It is during this period that our roads become more and more degraded, leading in particular to muddy roads. Sometimes, this reduces our accessibility to certain villages and forces us to travel by motorcycle or on foot.”" +235398,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,63,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Children also continued to be forced into active conflict in 2020. UNAMA verified 155 children being recruited and used by armed groups between 1 January and 30 September 2020. This is more than three times the number of children recruited and used during the same period in 2019 but is still likely to be a gross under-estimate of recruitment overall. +146741,35870.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,54,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"As is the case globally, the impacts of COVID-19 are all encompassing, and present challenges across multiple fronts – ranging from operational (movement restrictions, lengthy quarantines) to personal (concerns over physical wellbeing / family separation), and logistical (market disruptions, remote working modalities)." +21836,9026.0,322.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Economy', 'Context->Economy']",en,128,['Impact'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,,"Sana’a faces severe land market distortions, which is arguably the city’s most complex prob- lem Access to public land is also the most challenging issue facing local authorities as they attempt to provide schools, health centers and public amenities. In Sana’a, the large majority of vacant land (formerly agri- cultural land) is privately owned, and only lands that can be deemed State-owned—mountain slopes—are sub- to ongo- ject ing disputes with the private landowners of lands adjacent who claim that these slopes are theirs by virtue of their historic right-to- water. Faced with such shortage of state- owned/controlled land, local authorities are forced to acquire private land, often at very high prices." +114425,31708.0,1898.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']",[],[],es,83,[],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3642039,"La entrega de cestas solidarias es parte del plan de seguridad alimentaria que ejecuta el Gobierno del Presidente Bukele durante la emergencia nacional por COVID-19 y la decretada por las lluvias. El Gobierno del Presidente Bukele espera distribuir más de un millón de estas cestas a las familias más afectadas por estas dos coyunturas. Esas cestas son adicionales a los 3.4 millones de paquetes alimentarios que se están distribuyendo, en el marco del Plan de Emergencia Sanitaria (PES)" +310696,53333.0,2334.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,18,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,Because of the ongoing crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic girls are discouraged from returning to and/or completing school +307035,51572.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,63,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Due to the lack of funds, the World Vision team is reduced to 8 CHP (Center for Humanitarian Programmes) to cover the IDPs and HC (Humanitarian Coordinator) , when the standard is 1 hygiene promoter per 100 beneficiaries. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +59105,17455.0,788.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,46,['Impact'],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/201908-nigeria-cross-border-report.pdf,"It is no coincidence that Nigeria’s marginalised northeast has been the stage for Boko Haram’s insurgency. Factors including deep social and economic disparities, weak governance and high unemployment have fuelled resentment and radicalisation, particularly among disenfranchised young men." +19782,7911.0,730.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,30,[],['Context'],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://www.hrw.org/news/2019/01/17/yemen-civilians-bombed-shelled-starved,"People are seen near a bus destroyed by an airstrike that killed dozens of children, in a photograph taken on August 12, 2018 in Saada, Yemen." +292728,51990.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],es,70,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elcolombiano.com/colombia/salud/volver-a-vivir-campana-de-la-andi-para-que-retornen-los-pacientes-a-consultas-medicas-AP14821177,"El doctor Marco Fonseca, presidente de la Asociación Colombiana de Neurocirugía y Presidente del Grupo Colombiano de Neurointervencionismo explica que “los accidentes cerebrovasculares de tipo isquémico, aquellos ocasionados cuando un coágulo obstruye un vaso sanguíneo cerebral, han aumentado su incidencia de forma significativa. Recordemos que como secuela del Covid-19 no solo puede quedar el daño pulmonar, sino también, el daño cerebral”." +325698,54267.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Environment'],fr,96,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Pays sahélien enclavé, le Burkina Faso n’est pas naturellement bien doté en ressources en eau de surface. Son réseau hydrographique d’origine (rivières, étangs) est essentiellement constitué de cours d’eau, dont la plupart sont intermittents. Il existe également plusieurs petits réservoirs, principalement dans la région centrale, qui ont été créés pour stocker l’eau afin de soutenir la production alimentaire. La saison des pluies, qui se déroule de juin à octobre, fournit à peine assez d’eau" +162009,39490.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200707_acaps_covid-19_secondary_impacts_in_rohingya_refugee_camps.pdf,"Increased rates of intimate partner violence, sexual and gender-based violence, and harmful practices towards children, including early marriage and child labour, have been reported by humanitarian protection staff and documented through an increased use of referral pathways by non-protection staff" +219060,45655.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,30,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"[9th Dec, Overall Syria] This highlights the challenges of preventing transmissions in schools due to overcrowded classrooms, insufficiently qualified teaching personnel, and poor/damaged infrastructure." +472924,63777.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,70,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"on note des déplacements des populations vers d’autres localités à titre préventif. Particulièrement pour les PDI en provenance de Solhan, la grande majorité des hommes ont préféré quitter Sebba pour Dori ou d’autres localités loin de la zone à cause des menaces qui auraient reçus des GANE à leur endroit selon lesquelles ils extermineraient tous les hommes de Solhan qu’ils attraperaient." +270177,50226.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],es,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_6.pdf,"A semana epidemiológica 06 de 2021, se han notificado 885 casos de muerte perinatal y neonatal tardía (MPNT) de los cuales 15 corresponden a casos residentes en el exterior por lo que no se incluyen en el análisis. En esta semana se notificaron 148 casos, 112 corresponden a esta semana y 36 a notificaciones tardías." +145923,35870.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,40,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Where possible, UNICEF’s fixed health clinics are applying a triage system, in addition to the RRT referral pathway in coordination with WHO. UNRWA have also continued a triage system in their 25 health centers." +149612,35869.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,18,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep18_25july2020.pdf,One health partner provided two ventilators to Kafr Takharim hospital in addition to ICU beds and accessories. +297856,52145.0,2334.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_humanitaire_numero_12_v_04.pdf,"600 kits d’hygiène (comprenant des bidons et seaux pour transporter l’eau potable, des savons, des pastilles de purification de l’eau, …) et 50 rouleaux de bâches de 50m pour construction de 100 abris temporaires ont été distribués aux plus vulnérables." +493797,68257.0,2170.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,153,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LCBC_Monthly_Dashboard_September_2021_v3.1.pdf,"[28th Sep 2021, Nigeria] The crisis currently affecting the Lake Chad Basin states results from a complex combination of factors, including conflict with NonState Armed Groups, extreme poverty, underdevelopment and a changing climate, which together have triggered significant displacement of populations. As of 28 September 2021, Cameroon, Chad, Niger and Nigeria were hosting an estimated 5,232,636 affected individuals made up of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), Refugees (both in- and out-of-camp), Returnees (Former IDPs and Returnees from abroad) and Third Country Nationals (TCNs). 75 per cent of the affected population (representing 3,944,677 individuals) were located in Nigeria, while 11 per cent resided in Cameroon (580,170 individuals), 9 per cent in Chad (474,692 individuals) and 4 per cent in Niger (231,976 individuals)." +493585,61216.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/humanitarian-situation-overview-syria-hsos-northeast-syria-june-2021,"[June 2021, NES]In 2% of communities at least one fifth of the IDP population reportedly lived in unfinished or abandoned residential buildings.In 12% of communities at least one fifth of the IDP population reportedly lived in tents" +156434,32374.0,1234.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,28,[],['Context'],UNHCR Trinidad and Tobago,2019-05-28 03:09:47.864552+00,https://newsday.co.tt/2020/06/22/venezuelans-in-tt-organising-return-home/,"Although the borders are still closed by covid19, refugees and visitors expect the authorities in TT and Venezuela to grant them a special permit to return." +315425,54309.0,2311.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],es,67,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Colombia_Evaluacion_Rapida_ECNI_Arauca_ESP.pdf,"Adicionalmente, el equipo de recolección de los datos reportó que en algunos lugares de acogida en zona rural hay limitaciones de acceso que podrían dificultar una posible respuesta humanitaria. Por ejemplo, debido a las inundaciones por lluvias, la vía de acceso al Peralonso y Cájaros se ha limitado. Por razones de seguridad, el equipo no pudo acceder al punto de Bayoneros" +315390,53333.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,37,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"The girls in the visioning exercise recommended cease-fire and dialogue as the major safety and protection solutions. They put forward additional measured such as putting in place community security groups, stop shooting in schools." +91775,26015.0,1620.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Situation-Overview_H2R_Oct-Dec_13.03.2020.pdf,"Assessed settlements reporting livestock ownership further increased in Kukawa from 32% in November to 67% in December, and in Marte from 33% in October to 58% in December." +235375,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Context->Security & Stability', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,78,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) documented 5,939 civilian casualties (2,117 people killed and 3,822 injured) in the first nine months of 2020. While this represents a 30 per cent reduction in civilian casualties compared to the same period in 2019 and the lowest number of civilian casualties over the first nine months of the year since 2012, the number of those killed by NSAGs remained similar to last year." +287426,51638.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],fr,26,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20_FEVRIER%202021_SAHEL.pdf,(Sahel) Certaines femmes sont victimes de violences physiques pour défaut de port du voile ou du non-respect de l’interdiction de la mixité +236087,47122.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,26,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"All trainings, field days and field visits have been put on hold and will resume once the context allows. [food security cluster]" +244061,46388.0,2336.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,24,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Lack of recovery from past conflict and natural disaster shocks has disrupted access to water and sanitation services as well as hygiene practices. +175884,40890.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,97,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"Cabe señalar que la alta proporción de los hogares que acceden vía recargas (46%) pueden tener más probabilidad de tener un servicio irregular o intermitente debido a que acceder vía celular dificulta el uso de internet para algunos fines educativos, por ejemplo, para producir textos, usar programas, etc. Los resultados también implican que aquellos hogares sin acceso a Internet dependen de otras fuentes de información y que, por lo tanto, las organizaciones humanitarias no pueden llegar a ellos a través de campañas de información en línea." +190127,43324.0,2334.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,94,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irc_-_rapport_devaluation_covid-19_extreme_nord_-irc.pdf,"Une récente étude conjointe des Nations unies et du gouvernement a révélé que les mesures de restriction de COVID19 au Cameroun ont eu un impact sur les entreprises, 90 % des chefs d'entreprise déclarant avoir subi les effets négatifs de COVID-19, dont 95,5 % ont fait état d'une baisse de leurs bénéfices. Au niveau des ménages, 74 % des personnes interrogées ont fait état d'une diminution de leurs activités économiques et de leurs moyens de subsistance, tandis que 65 % ont fait état d'une diminution de leurs revenus." +256961,48806.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,74,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_final_enquete_smart_27112019.pdf,"La malnutrition aiguë et l’insuffisance pondérale sont plus accentuées chez les enfants des tranches d’âge de 12-23 mois (19,5%) et (32,5%) respectivement. Concernant la malnutrition chronique, elle affecte plus les enfants de 23 – 35 mois (40,5%). La tranche d’âge 0-5 mois est la moins affectée par la malnutrition chronique et l’insuffisance pondérale." +149267,35869.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,48,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep18_25july2020.pdf,"The humanitarian situation for the 4.1 million people living in northwest Syria remains dire. The impacts of displacement, military operations, security hazards and nine years of conflict are increasingly exacerbated by the rapid devaluation of the Syrian Pound (SYP) and the COVID-19 pandemic" +454098,65391.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],fr,48,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.radiookapi.net/2021/07/29/actualite/sante/covid-19-test-obligatoire-pour-tous-les-voyageurs-par-voie-lacustre-entre,"Les tests COVID-19 sont désormais obligatoires pour tous les voyageurs qui emprunteront la voie lacustre entre les villes de Goma au Nord-Kivu et Bukavu au Sud-Kivu. Le ministre provincial de la Santé du Sud-Kivu, Cosmos Bishisha l’a annoncé mercredi 28 juillet à Bukavu." +359816,58733.0,2098.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,43,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/2021/06/30/study-70-of-low-income-households-consumed-less-food-amid-covid-19-pandemic,"[30th June 2021, Bangladesh] The study also found that the share of work of women saw a drastic rise with the burden of work increasing from 18% at the end of 2019 to 53% during the pandemic." +485146,65398.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,112,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Debido a las dificultades y al desconocimiento para acceder al sistema de salud peruano, o a la demora para acceder a las citas, hay una tendencia a la automedicación. En todos los casos, los medicamentos que compraron los entrevistados fueron por ayuda de la persona que los atendió en la farmacia, o VIH: 26 % nefropatía: 8 % traumatismo: 5 % mental: 4 % otras: 24 % cardiopatía: 4 % pulmonar: 4 % neoplasia maligna: 11 % 62 por recomendación de algún familiar que conocía las denominaciones de las medicinas en Perú o los medicamentos que podían tomar." +343244,45764.0,2332.0,['Shelter'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,104,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/0004_202008_rrm_msa_rapport_final_wolirom.pdf,"Dans la précipitation, les ménages déplacés n’ont pas eu le temps d’emporter leurs biens essentiels non alimentaires. Ce qui s’explique par ce score NFI de 3,6 (supérieur à 3,5 qui est le seuil), très inquiétant. Le Score NFI est calculé à partir d’un outil standard ‘Enquête ménage’ en attribuant pour chaque ménage une note de 0 (faible vulnérabilité relative) à 5 (forte vulnérabilité) en fonction du nombre et de la qualité de certains articles et aussi du nombre de personnes dans ce ménage." +270158,50226.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,196,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_6.pdf,"En Colombia hasta la semana epidemiológica 53 de 2020 se han notifi- La meta de notificación del evento es 2 o más casos por cada 100000 habitantes, esta cado al sistema nacional de vigilancia 728 casos sospechosos de saram- meta en 2020 fue solo cumplida por el 7,89% de las entidades territoriales, el 15,79% pión y rubeola, un 83,4% menos que en el mismo periodo de 2019, lo registraron una tasa de notificación entre 1 a 2 casos por 100000 habitantes y el 76,32% presentan una tasa inferior a 1 caso notificado por cada 100000 habitantes. que se puede atribuir al aislamiento causado por la pandemia de COVID 19, el lavado de manos y uso de tapabocas. Del total de casos el 85,6% (623) están descartados por laboratorio, un 14,3% (104) se encuentran en estudio y el 0,1% (1) fue confirmado por laboratorio en la semana 9, tratándose de un caso importado de Ginebra Suiza, de sexo masculino con nacionalidad Chilena quien consulta por presentar fiebre, síntomas gripales y exantema maculopapular." +35510,13057.0,788.0,['Nutrition'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Demography'],en,96,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000105395.pdf,"In Borno and Adamawa states, the December 2017 Nutrition Surveillance Round IV found slight improvements in global acute malnutrition (GAM) rates for children 6 to 59 months at 6 percent and 9 percent, respectively6 . This was consistent with seasonal variations observed in March 2017, and likely influenced by a scale-up of the emergency nutrition humanitarian response. However, in Yobe State, a GAM rate of 12 percent, and an under-five death rate of 3.05 children per 10,000 children under-five per day, indicated a concerning situation." +61710,18346.0,1184.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,151,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71003.pdf,"Protección a la Infancia Un total de 2.395 niños y niñas recibieron apoyo psicosocial, incluso desde los espacios amigables para la niñez localizados en la frontera norte (Tulcán y San Miguel) donde se atendieron a 1.445 niños y niñas en mayo. Los espacios amigables permiten responder a necesidades socioemocionales de los niños, niñas y adolescentes (NNA) así como abordar sus derechos en un contexto de movilidad humana. Protección a personas LGBTI Finalmente, se fortalecieron varios protocolos de atención a personas LGTBI, tanto en manejo de información como en referenciación de casos. A continuación del evento regional que se llevó a cabo durante el mes de marzo, se sigue trabajando para consolidar una red de coordinación, atención y referencia de casos con varios países de la región, para responder a las necesidades de protección de personas LGBTI." +294731,52246.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,140,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sidwaya.info/blog/2021/03/05/reconciliation-nationale-et-cohesion-sociale-zephirin-diabre-decline-son-role-et-les-attentes/,"(Discours de Zéphirin Diabré) , La situation de terrorisme que vit notre pays draine un lot de problèmes qui créent des besoins de réconciliation. Des citoyens burkinabés ont pris des armes contre leurs frères dans leurs communautés, et contre la nation entière. Les rapports communautaires séculaires ont été brisé par des affrontements périlleux entre groupes socio-ethniques. Rentrent dans ce cadre, les massacres de Yirgou et de Barsalgo entre autres. La situation de terreur a engendré le stigmatisation et le repli communautaire. Elle a entrainé une communautarisation de la sécurité et s’est traduite parfois par des conflits entre groupes d’auto défense. Elle a enfin semé la méfiance vis-à-vis des FOS dont l’action est parfois critiquée par certaines communautés qui les accuse d’exactions." +200973,44409.0,2311.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,49,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.minsalud.gov.co/Paginas/Esperamos-aplicar-la-primera-vacuna-en-primer-semestre-de-2021.aspx,"En ese sentido destacó que el país tiene ""desde hace tres meses, planes de vacunación que cubren inicialmente trabajadores de la salud, mayores de 60 años y población con comorbilidades; y estamos esperando aplicar la primera vacuna el primer semestre del año 2021""." +341795,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,216,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Le fait de ne plus s’identifier à l’Etat trouve ses origines dans la frustration ressentie par les populations. Car, de l’avis des participants, c’est l’attitude de l’Etat lui-même qui a contribué à faire germer chez les Burkinabè, les graines de la frustration et de la méfiance. L’Etat, par le non-respect de ses engagements envers les populations, par son absence ou sa faible présence dans certaines régions, renforce une conviction de rejet de la part des populations. Les propos mirobolants servis lors des campagnes électorales et des sorties politiques médiatisées ont perdu de leur emprise sur les populations qui sont maintenant convaincues et conscientes que les dis- cours des hommes politiques ne sont que des pro- messes auxquelles elles accordent en général peu de crédit ne seront pas suivies d’effet. L’accès au pou- voir par la force et sa conservation par la ruse, la violence électorale et la corruption exposent la plu- part des gouvernants au danger du narcissisme et leur donnent de plus en plus la conviction qu’ils sont capables de gérer, au détail près, tous les aspects de la vie publique." +456710,58748.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,40,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://cdn.odi.org/media/documents/ODI-PB-SRHR.pdf,"The Covid-19 pandemic has catalysed a range of complex direct and indirect impacts on SRHR access around the world, conditioning both the availability of particular services and supplies, and barriers to access for particular groups of people." +261621,49218.0,2311.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],es,74,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Reporte%20de%20situaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Migrantes%20y%20refugiados%20en%20tr%C3%A1nsito%20provenientes%20de%20Venezuela%2C%20diciembre%202020_0.pdf,"6 de cada 10 de los migrantes encuestados por REACH mencionó que la escasez de alimento es un problema en su viaje. Además, 8 de cada 10 personas manifestaron que su principal gasto son los alimentos, y a pesar de esto, solo el 3 de cada 10 informó comer 3 comidas al día, mientras que el 37 por ciento informó tomar una o menos de una comida por día" +304501,51467.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"In addition, in 2020, high level of stress, loss of friends and family members are taking a toll on mental health and emotional development of children, further exacerbated by the COVID-19 outbreak" +239071,46388.0,2336.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,64,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Of the 6.6 million people in need of shelter and NFI assistance in 2021, 2.9 million people are in need emergency shelter assistance (including rent support), 2.2 million people are in need of transitional shelter, 5.8 million people are in need of shelter repair and NFI assistance, and 6.4 million people are in need of winterisation support." +496478,60067.0,1187.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,133,[],['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sentir%20que%20se%20nos%20va%20la%20vida%20-%20Personas%20LGBTI%2B%20refugiadas%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%20en%20Colombia%2C%20Ecuador%20y%20Chile.pdf,"Rango de edad En el Gráfico 1 se muestra que la mayoría la mayoría de las personas LGBTI+ refugiadas y migrantes entrevistadas son jóvenes entre 18 y 29 años (59%), seguido de personas entre 30 y 39 años (30%), 40 y 49 años (9%) 15 Esta cifra representa la suma de personas refugiadas, migrantes y solicitantes de asilo venezolanas reportadas por los gobiernos anfitriones. Ultima actualización 5 noviembre 2020.y personas mayores de 50 años (2%). Estos datos permiten interpretar que en el proceso de movilidad humana son las personas más jóvenes quienes mayoritariamente han salido de su país y que a su corta edad se enfrentan a un camino y a un futuro lleno de incertidumbre" +149213,36019.0,2028.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,43,['Impact'],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"Local supply chains in NES have been affected by disruptions to cross-border and cross-line commercial activity and the overall economic crisis, while partners also face restrictions on procuring and importing items from KRI, including restricted humanitarian supply movement across the border" +338328,55951.0,2225.0,[],[],[],en,82,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://preventepidemics.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/PERC-Finding-the-Balance-Part-III-12-May-2021.pdf,"[Survey conducted by phone with approximately 24,000 people across 19 Member States in five geographical regions in Africa, including DRC] About one in four respondents (28%) reported that they thought their risk of contracting COVID-19 was high or very high. These respondents—defined in this report as those with high COVID-19 risk perception—were more likely to report adherence to COVID-19 prevention measures than respondents who thought their risk of contracting COVID-19 was low or very low" +178278,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],fr,33,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,La RDC a ainsi été classée au niveau de sévérité 4 (sur une échelle de 1 à 5) par l’analyse sur l’accès humanitaire de ACAPS en 2019.93 +125704,31803.0,1183.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77205.pdf,"En Barranquilla el obstáculo más mencionado es la falta de uniformes o útiles escolares (23.5%) mientras en Riohacha la razón principal es la falta de capacidad y de cupos en las escuelas (34.5%), lo cual corresponde con la realidad de un departamento que ya presentaba debilidades en su infraestructura educativa incluso antes de la crisis migratoria." +186677,43205.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,60,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/425162-weekly-review-nigerias-new-covid-19-cases-increase-for-second-consecutive-week.html,"[7th Nov 2020 ,Nigeria]A total of 1,209 persons recovered and were discharged last week, which represents a 13 per cent decrease when compared to the previous week’s record of 1,390. Also, Nigeria recorded 10 deaths last week compared to the 15 that died of COVID-19 complications in the previous week." +159365,38362.0,2099.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,65,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.unocha.org/fr/node/956257,"In response to the increasing displacement, climate-related and seasonal effects on food and nutritional security and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, which has increased the number of people in need of assistance from 2.2. million to 2.9 million, the UN and humanitarian partners in Burkina Faso are now seeking US$424 million to address the humanitarian needs of 2.2 million people." +132549,35164.0,1188.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,55,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"Las personas solicitantes de la condición de refugiado que aún no han sido admitidas a trámite presentan serios problemas para su identificación en Panamá ante la variabilidad de documentación que la ONPAR ha entregado, y les pone en una situación de riesgo ante posibles abusos policiales y de agentes de migración en la calle" +306892,51572.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Protection', 'Education']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"During the FGDs, women reported lack of dignity kits and unavailability of sanitary materials in the markets. Few girls reported that they do not attend a school during the menstrual cycle [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +317617,52949.0,2331.0,"['WASH', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,81,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Humanitarian needs for women and girls are exacerbated in the context of Somalia’s IDP sites. On average, only 14 per cent of IDP sites host latrines with access to lighting, creating safety constraints that are acutely felt by women and girls (DSA, 2020).The issue of accessing communal infrastructure for women and girls is exacerbated by the fact that only 19 per cent of latrines in IDP sites possess locks for security." +192758,43304.0,2332.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,22,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,plus de 1 600 travailleurs médicaux seront recrutés pour renforcer les systèmes de santé afin d'atténuer les effets d'une épidémie de COVID-19 +217432,45653.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,74,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://docs.wfp.org/api/documents/WFP-0000114546/download/?_ga=2.153594736.918642439.1605111758-1773529422.1605111758,"The escalating conflict in Mali and Burkina Faso since the end of 2018 led to an increase in the influx of refugees, with the number of Malians reaching 58 000 by the end of the year. There were 119 500 Nigerian refugees in Diffa and 44 800 in Maradi, the latter as a result of community tensions in Zamfara and Sokoto states in Nigeria (UNHCR, December 2019)." +172127,40587.0,2225.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Context->Environment', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",en,104,"['Impact', 'At Risk']","['Context', 'Shock/Event']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SOUTHERN%20AFRICA_Food_Security_Outlook_%20June%202020_%20Final.pdf,"Since April 2020, Uvira and the surrounding area has experienced torrential rainfall, causing floods and substantial damage to property. According to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), over 500,000 people have lost almost all of their food reserves and their livelihoods as a result of the floods, leaving them at serious risk of food insecurity. The emergency in this part of the country is almost certain to worsen, despite efforts by humanitarian agencies, whose response plans remain severely underfunded (just 12 percent, according to OCHA)." +294774,51749.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,35,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,[Gounghin] La tendance du nombre d’arrivés de ménages déplacés est stable et devrait se maintenir ainsi car la sécurité semble actuellement stable au sein de la commune et aux alentours. +151911,34062.0,1898.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,38,[],['Context'],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3653085,René Merino Monroy aprovechó la oportunidad para reiterarle a la Asamblea Legislativa que la mejor manera de frenar los contagios a nivel nacional es aprobando la cuarentena por 15 días que propone el Gobierno del Presidente Nayib Bukele +270142,50221.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,80,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/pandemia-exacerbo-problemas-de-seguridad-alimentaria-para-los-migrantes/2498,"La encuesta, realizada en cuatro rondas entre junio del 2020 y enero del 2021, reveló que de los 919 entrevistados, el 12% enfrentó una inseguridad alimentaria severa durante la pandemia, “es decir no tuvieron acceso a alimentos y pasaban regularmente tiempo sin comer”, explicó Rossella Bottone, asesora regional de Análisis de Vulnerabilidad del WFP. Asimismo, el informe mostró que el 52% se encontraba en inseguridad alimentaria moderada." +297880,52145.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_humanitaire_numero_12_v_04.pdf,"Ainsi en 2019, la FAO a distribué 10 000 poules pondeuses, 20 000 poulets de chair, 100 tonnes d’aliments pour volaille et du matériel pour la construction de 1 000 unités de production avicoles." +149607,35869.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,130,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep18_25july2020.pdf,"The first COVID-19 case in northwest Syria was identified on 9 July. As of 21 July, 22 cases have been identified from 2,954 tested samples. Of these, 15 cases are in northern Idleb governorate, with 7 cases in Sarmada sub-district, 2 cases in Dana sub-district, 3 cases in Atma sub-district, 2 cases in Bab Al Hawa and 2 cases in Idleb. The remaining 7 cases are in A’zaz (3) and Al Bab (4) sub-districts in northern Aleppo governorate. Five cases were reported to be recovered and no deaths were reported. Contact tracing is ongoing for all positive cases, and health partners are focusing on interrupting virus transmissions and reducing secondary infections." +194599,43822.0,2311.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],es,20,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19112020_flash_update_no.3_emergencias_por_ola_invernal_-_colombia_vf.pdf,En el balneario sucreño hay cerca de 100 familias damnificadas por las inundaciones en casi una decena de sectores. +330664,55042.0,2098.0,['Education'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Context->Demography'],en,120,['At Risk'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.gage.odi.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Adolescents%E2%80%99-experiences-of-covid-19-in-Chittagong-and-Sylhet-divisions-Bangladesh.pdf,"[30 April 2021, Bangladesh]There are an estimated 36 million adolescents in Bangladesh (defined as 10–19 years), comprising more than onefifth of the country’s total population (Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, 2016). Some 84% of adolescents aged 11–151 (86% in rural districts and 81% in urban districts) are enrolled in secondary school (Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS), 2019). In the context of covid, adolescents face specific risks related to the loss of access to education for a lengthy period, the effects of personal and household financial crisis, and adverse impacts on psychosocial well-being" +452349,64945.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MONITORING%20PROTECTION%20DE%20JULLET%202021%20EST.pdf,"Un seul incident a eu lieu dans la Komondjari. La victime est un paysan de Diabatou qui a vu son bétail composé de grands ruminants, environ 60, retirés de la garde de son berger par un GANE opérant dans la commune de Foutouri." +209165,43992.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,96,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"As of 23 September, UNICEF has received US$ 6.07 million thanks to generous contributions by Germany, USA, European Union (ECHO), UN Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF), the World Bank, and the Global Partnership for Education (GPE). Additional support is received through the global thematic humanitarian funds from various donors provided to the COVID-19 Humanitarian Action Thematic Pool. In addition, UNICEF strategically integrates COVID- 19 crosscutting activities in its existing programme and emergency interventions such as the 2020 floods response." +341786,56493.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Pourtant, de manière générale, les populations ont le sentiment d’être spoliées par le pouvoir central au profit des sociétés minières étrangères. Dans de nombreuses localités du pays, et particulièrement dans la région de l’Est, les compagnies minières étrangères établissent des périmètres de sécurité autour de leurs zones d’activités interdisant strictement l’accès aux populations locales." +264534,49669.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,91,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://colombia.as.com/colombia/2021/02/20/actualidad/1613846806_672285.html,"Dicha institución, conformada por profesores de todo el país, hace unas semanas se declaró en “desobediencia civil”, ya que para ellos es imposible volver a los colegios o universidades ante la amenaza que aún existe por parte de la pandemia. A pesar de esto, en los últimos días afirmaron que, si se llevan a cabo algunas peticiones acordadas por sus agremiados, estaría dispuestos a trabajar bajo el modelo de alternancia, el cual combina la educación presencial con las clases virtuales." +325770,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Plus récemment, la demande d’exploitations d’alimentation animale a augmenté, alimentée par le nombre croissant d’exploitations avicoles. Une grande partie de l’industrie alimentaire se concentre sur la production d’huiles comestibles (par exemple, les graines de coton)." +235674,47076.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,31,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,"OCHA continues to provide leadership in the response in the NWSW through regular inter-cluster coordination meetings, HCF meetings, Access Working Group meetings and Information Management Working Group meetings." +194650,43820.0,2311.0,"['Shelter', 'Logistics', 'Food Security', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Context->Environment']",es,83,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/guur-115.1_fsa_19112020_v3.pdf,"Las lluvias mantienen incomunicadas a varias comunidades en la Alta Guajira y en la zona urbana, por lo que se ha declarado la calamidad pública. Se presenta deterioro en las vías, el oleaje afecta a las comunidades que están cercanas a las líneas de costa, en las zonas de Uribia, Puerto Estrella y Nazareth. En general se tiene afectación de las viviendas, en la consecución de los alimentos, hay escasez de elementos de higiene." +305346,51467.0,2335.0,[],[],[],en,39,[],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Education: Most commonly reported barriers to access education for boys from the assessed settlements were cost of studies ( 49%), Security (6%), Need to support family (8%)." +318861,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,84,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Up to 66 per cent of the population in need of protection services in Somalia are children who continue to be exposed to protection threats of recruitment, abuse, neglect, abduction, exploitation and violence. Hence, 1.88 million children, including 10 per cent of children with disabilities166, are in need of immediate child protection services. In comparison to the 2019 analysis, the estimated number of people in need increased by 12.5 per cent in 2020." +338302,55951.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Testing', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,63,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://preventepidemics.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/PERC-Finding-the-Balance-Part-III-12-May-2021.pdf,"Limitations in testing capacity and surveillance are likely masking the true severity of COVID-19 on the African continent. As cases and deaths brought on by new variants and loosening PHSMs continue to overwhelm countries and cause suffering, the global community and Member States must remain vigilant to avoid a third, even more severe, COVID-19 wave across the continent." +163438,32455.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],es,44,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/6._elc_flash_update_covid_19_quincenal_18.06.2020.pdf,"Hay poca capacidad de toma de pruebas, hasta el momento solo se han tomado 625 pruebas para una población de 359.127 habitantes. La población venezolana en condición migratoria irregular no accede a pruebas COVID-19 porque no están registrados en una EPS." +164751,39789.0,2098.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,37,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Movementwide%20Operation%20Report%20August%202020.pdf,"In the month of August, MRRO distributed following Non-Food Items stated at chart among the refugees resided currently at the quarantine centers in Kutupalang transit, Nayapara, Teknaf and MRRO Cox’s Bazar." +150075,32165.0,1388.0,"['Health', 'Education']",[],[],es,37,[],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/74589.pdf,Las opiniones de las personas entrevistadas se enfocan hacia la necesidad de garantizar la estabilidad económica y social del país en general. Siempre garantizando los servicios básicos de salud y educación como pilares del desarrollo. +314470,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"In addition, more than 240,000 new and secondary displacements occurred because of conflict and violence, with the regions of Lower Shabelle, Bay, Gulguud, Gedo, Bakool and Lower Juba containing districts with the most departures." +223977,45768.0,2332.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,20,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,L’âge de mariage est de 15 à 17 ans d’où l’existence de mariage précoce +323370,54815.0,2099.0,['Logistics'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,83,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"The National Urban Mobility Policy 2030, which is part of the current National Economic and Social Development Plan (2016–2020), intends to improve access to health and education services for as many people as possible. To this end, the Commune of Ouagadougou has developed an Observatory for Urban Movement, a mechanism of coordination and collaboration that aims to centralize information regarding the mobility practices of the city’s residents and brings together various transport stakeholders." +287958,51049.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nw_syria_sitrep25_20210226.pdf,"[26 Feb, 2021, NWS] The Ar-Ra’ee, Jarabulus, Sarmin, Mhambal, and Badama sub-districts continue to be the most significant hotspots for waterborne diseases in northwest Syria, while the Dana and Al Bab sub-districts have the highest number of leishmaniasis cases." +11349,2953.0,322.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,51,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20feb%202018.pdf,"During the reported period, 17,975 children with Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM), 28,845 children with Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM) and 19,326 PLW with acute malnutrition were admitted for treatment. In addition, 33,690 children received micronutrient powders, and 36,027 women receiving IYCF counselling." +318271,52949.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,62,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The affected population and most vulnerable people must be engaged when planning and implementing health services. Partners need to establish monitoring and patient feedback mechanisms to measure patient satisfaction, and design ways to address deterrents and barriers to health care. It is essential to break down social and physical barriers to healthcare, including those driven by stigma." +304274,51467.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"The mid-2021 lean season is projected to be the worst ever in terms of severity, with 20 per cent of the population likely to be in Emergency (IPC Phase 4) and 1 per cent of the population in Catastrophe (IPC Phase 5)" +307199,51467.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,105,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"The states with the highest number of counties in Emergency (IPC Phase 4), projected at the peak of the 2021 lean season are Jonglei with 11 counties, Upper Nile with 10 counties, five each in Warrap, Unity and Lakes, four in Northern Bahr el Ghazal and three each in Eastern and Central Equatoria. Jonglei has the highest number of people estimated to be in Crisis (IPC Phase 3) or above, with 1.7 million people (85 per cent), followed by Upper Nile with 1.03 million people (71 per cent)." +220276,45084.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,37,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_5_november_2020_final.pdf,"While responding to COVID-19, humanitarian partners are also mobilising to respond to needs in southern Afghanistan where at least 11,00 displaced people have been confirmed as being in humanitarian need as a result of conflict." +12728,5579.0,322.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross', 'WASH']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],en,101,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20Jun%202018.pdf,"Against a backdrop of significant needs for prevention/control of cholera and AWD, as well as prevention/reduction of malnutrition, WASH needs have been exacerbated by hostilities. In Al Hudaydah Governorate, hostilities have significantly disrupted services and triggered population displacement. Over 11 million people depend on the piped water network, four million people depend on private water sources and over four million live in areas affected by cholera/AWD. Breaks in public services due to insecurity that has also impacted access and infrastructure, have increased emergency WASH needs especially in Al Hudaydah and surrounding governorates." +240001,46388.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In 2021, some 17.6 million people are in need of both food assistance and livelihoods support. This includes people displaced due to conflict or natural disasters, people affected by shocks including COVID-19, returnees, refugees and acutely vulnerable people in crisis and emergency levels of food insecurity." +236879,47076.0,2334.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,44,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,"During the reporting period, AFRINET and ASWEDO conducted trainings for 760 girls and women on the use of dignity hygiene kits while Global Community Rescue conducted hygiene promotion training for 420 health workers, hygiene promoters and volunteers in the NWSW regions." +161682,35720.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,44,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Respuesta%20COVID%2019%20-%20GIFMM%20La%20Guajira%20-%20Riohacha%2C%20a%206%20de%20julio%20de%202020.pdf,"Centro de cuidado y alojamiento para niños, niñas y adolescentes Significarte y Renacer. Líneas de atención telefónica en temas de orientación legal, atención a casos de violencia sexual, violencia basada en género y trata, y protección de la niñez" +177069,41752.0,2099.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,54,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Les hommes (72%) et les PDIs (75%) sont les plus nombreux à affirmer que leur capacité de répondre à leurs besoins essentiels a été réduite, comparé aux réponses des femmes (65%) et celles des membres de la communauté hôte (67%)." +61757,18350.0,1184.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,85,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71151.pdf,"se gestionó la provisión de agua potable, incluyendo la entrega de tanques de agua de 2.500 litros y la instalación de duchas portátiles para hombres, y apoyar a las cuatro duchas existentes utilizadas por mujeres y niños en frontera sur, específicamente Huaquillas. También se terminó la rehabilitación de las baterías sanitarias en el CEBAF de Rumichaca, que incluye lavamanos e inodoros para niños y niñas y se realizó la instalación de un sistema séptico de 50.000 litros en Rumichaca." +178449,41756.0,2225.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"En effet, cinq provinces sur les 26 que comptent le pays affichent des prévalences de malnutrition aigüe supérieures ou égales au seuil dit élevé de 10 pour cent fixé par l’OMS et 25 provinces ont une prévalence du retard de croissance supérieure ou égale au seuil jugé très élevé (30 pour cent) selon l’OMS." +200605,44433.0,2311.0,['Education'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,16,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,Cúcuta and its environs have also long struggled with a high number of OOS children. +310052,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,43,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Heavy downpour, beginning as early as April and continuing as late as December, leads to flooding and damages major supply routes. This has resulted in a shorter window for humanitarian agencies to preposition essential commodities ahead of the rainy season" +189160,42865.0,1183.0,[],[],[],es,67,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-LMA-Colombia-Espanol.pdf,"Las mujeres y niñas venezolanas son especialmente vulnerables. Los índices de violencia doméstica se encuentran al alza y, enfrentadas a pocas alternativas, algunas podrían recurrir a mecanismos de adaptación negativos tales como el sexo por supervivencia. Aún antes del brote, algunas mujeres y niñas eran forzadas a tomar estas medidas extremas; la crisis económica podría forzar aún mas a hacerlo." +235653,47076.0,2334.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,50,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,Population in the North West and South West continue to suffer the severe humanitarian consequences of the socio-political crisis in both regions ongoing since 2016. Parties to the conflict have failed to heed to repeated global calls for a ceasefire as a result of the outbreak of COVID-19. +241255,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"During the first six months of 2019, 44 per cent of the children who died within 24 hours of arrival in MSF’s paediatric intensive care unit had arrived too late and at a very advanced stage of illness." +36134,11046.0,788.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68626.pdf,"Lacking of class rooms, overcrowded in each and all local school classrooms with too many students sitting on ground without textbooks and school uniform have been identified as the first and most serious challenges in each group discussion during the PA exercise." +239472,46388.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Since the start of the COVID-19 crisis in March 2020, there has been a 9 per cent jump in the number of people facing acute food insecurity." +181160,42386.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,68,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_RMU_October-2020_vfinal.pdf,"Outre la réduction des superficies, l’efficacité dans l’utilisation des intrants agricoles a été aussi moins bonne malgré l’augmentation des appuis du gouvernement. En effet, le nouveau système de distribution des intrants par mobile expérimenté pour la première fois a entrainé des retards et cela n’a pas permis aux bénéficiaires de respecter le calendrier de leur utilisation." +239065,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,24,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,People who have been displaced for a prolonged period or multiple times are acutely vulnerable due to their depleted financial and emotional reserves. +164969,39841.0,2098.0,[],[],[],en,44,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,At the beginning of 2020 152 SM partner staff were trained across the 34 camps in site management. Despite the COVID-19 FSMU organized virtual customized CCCM modules orientation trainings for 18 Action Aid Staff as a newly selected UNHCR Site Management Partner. +343592,55985.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],fr,48,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_121_20210501.pdf,"[01/05/2021] Les différentes alertes remontées ce jour provenaient entre autres des formations sanitaires (854/1 275 ; 67,0%), de la communauté (214/1 275 ; 16,8%) et de la recherche active des cas (60/1 275 ; 4,7%)." +62408,18389.0,1386.0,['WASH'],[],[],es,93,[],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://elpitazo.net/gran-caracas/90-de-los-hogares-venezolanos-no-puede-cubrir-las-condiciones-de-saneamiento-del-agua/,"Uno de los factores que incide sobre la calidad de vida de las familias venezolanas es la cobertura: la continuidad del agua que llega por tuberías. Según datos extraídos de los registros del INE, la ENH y la Encovi, en 2001, 85% de las viviendas contaba con el suministro a través de los sistemas regulares; en 2018, esta proporción bajó a 77%. El economista afirmó que esa caída de casi 10% significa que se triplicó la cantidad de casas sin servicio." +61766,18350.0,1184.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Context->Demography'],es,57,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71151.pdf,"Área de Intervención 2: Protección • 39.795 personas asistidas en junio 2019, 28% del total de asistencias registradas • 36% fueron mujeres, 32% hombres y 32% fueron niños, niñas y adolescentes • 36.157 personas recibieron orientación sobre acceso los procedimientos migratorios para la regularización y acceso al asilo." +323032,54626.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,"According to FAO, the Desert Locust upsurge showed signs of decline in March within Somalia and neighbouring countries due to ongoing control operations and poor rainfall." +292381,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,55,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"En date du 15 mai 2019 le laboratoire du Centre Pasteur du Cameroun, laboratoire de référence pour la polio a isolé un cas de Poliovirus type 2 dans un échantillon environnemental prélevé le 20 avril 2019 dans le site de l’Hôpital de district de Mada, région de l’Extrême-Nord." +325768,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,17,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,Les opérations de transformation artisanale des céréales se limitent essentiellement à la production de bière traditionnelle. +172964,38004.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,55,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/04/28/syria-aid-restrictions-hinder-covid-19-response,"[28th April 2020, NE Syria] OnApril 10, the KRG facilitated the transfer of two testing machines and 1,500 test kits to the Autonomous Administration in northeast Syria. Since then, the Administration has received three more machines and as of April 23, a further two were in transit." +315370,53333.0,2334.0,['Education'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,30,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Other solutions suggested by girls was to avoid bad friends, get educational support from NGOs, provide start-up resources for vocations like gardening, pig and poultry farming." +61711,18346.0,1184.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Demography'],es,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71003.pdf,"Área de Intervención 3: Integración socioeconómica y cultural • 1.091 personas asistidas en mayo 2019, 1.3% del total de asistencias registradas11 • 35% fueron mujeres, 23% hombres y 42% fueron niños, niñas y adolescentes • 108 intervenciones para facilitar el acceso a trabajo y promover la cohesión social" +112924,29956.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,13,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76828,Entregas de efectivo multipropósito a 1.219 personas por un monto de COP126.250. +311643,53198.0,2466.0,['Health'],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,40,[],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/DTM%20Sudan%20Mobility%20Restriction%20Dashboard%204.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=8634,"Domestic movement restrictions were enforced by the GoS on 31 March 2020 through a curfew effective between 6PM and 6AM in all states apart from Khartoum, where a three week lockdown has been effective since 18 April 2020." +169477,40368.0,2099.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,51,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Food and nutritional security across the country is critical – 3.3 million people are expected to be food insecure during the ongoing lean season (June – August) - and COVID-19 has added an additional layer of vulnerability to an already fragile situation (Cadre Harmonisé July 2020). +238999,46388.0,2336.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,27,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"With no signs of the conflict abating, displacement will continue to strain the already stretched public school systems and create additional need for EiE assistance." +237208,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,53,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In the 2020 WoA Assessment, no population group reported a positive average net income – instead median net incomes range from -3,000 AFN/-$39 (refugees) to 0 AFN (recent IDPs) making day-to-day living expenses out of reach for most families and the chances of recovery miniscule." +285606,51622.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,82,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://npasyria.com/61657/,"[March 21, Damascus]Patients in Damascus expressed their displeasure at the government hospitals not receiving them, ""claiming that they are full of Corona patients, and their inability to accommodate a greater number of patients."" Patients in Damascus are forced to move between several hospitals to secure entry, but to no avail, amid the start of a third wave of Coronavirus, and the absence of any precautionary measures that accompany it." +125356,29180.0,1620.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,40,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Gap-Supply-Demand-Contraceptive-Services-Northeast-Nigeria-Report.pdf,"The government health agencies reported that adolescents and unmarried women have a particularly hard time accessing contraceptive services due to stigma and negative attitudes toward adolescents, including married adolescents, and unmarried women using contraception among the community." +314716,52949.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,15,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"COVID-19 presents specific risks for older people, with higher mortality and morbidity rates." +325801,54267.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Les écarts sont très marqués dans la Boucle du Mouhoun, l’Est et le Plateau central, où huit personnes sur dix ayant un compte sont des hommes, moins de 3 pour cent des femmes en ayant un à leur nom. [(OCDE, 2018)]" +317932,53305.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,70,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"People’s ability to access humanitarian assistance continues to be hampered by sub-national violence, violence against humanitarian personnel and assets, bureaucratic impediments, operational interference, and COVID-19 movement restrictions. For two consecutive years, remote communities have been cut off from assistance during the rainy season between July and November. Five counties experienced high access constraints in 2020, compared to three in 2019" +188350,42925.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],[],[],es,35,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/huir-tres-veces-el-drama-de-los-caminantes-venezolanos/2256,"Por la pandemia, la mayoría de los refugios en la ruta de los caminantes cerró sus puertas. Hoy, solo unos cuantos esfuerzos comunitarios brindan un plato de comida a los migrantes." +178056,40661.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Economy'],fr,81,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Les productions agricoles insuffisantes au niveau national sont donc compensées par une importation des produits manufacturés (riz, farine de maïs, huile végétale, sel, sucre, lait etc.) disponibles dans la grande majorité des marchés du pays. Toutefois, dans certaines zones enclavées, le manque de routes praticables rend certains produits manufacturés rares sur les marchés locaux, comme par exemple dans les territoires de Manono, Shabunda, Mwenga et Walikale." +287436,51638.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,92,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20_FEVRIER%202021_SAHEL.pdf,(Sahel) Il faut noter qu’un site a été mis à la disposition des acteurs humanitaires par les autorités pour l’installation des tentes et abris afin de combler le besoin dans la réponse à l’urgence humanitaire provoquée par l’afflux massif des PDI dans le Yagha. Des tentes au nombre de 175 ont été installées par l’UNHCR à travers le cluster abris/ AME et l’ONG Help. Des PDI ont préféré implanter des tentes sur leurs propres terrains. +192640,43304.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,41,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Au niveau de l’emploi, les mécanismes de transmission proviennent principalement de la baisse du volume et de la valeur des échanges extérieurs liée à la fermeture des frontières et la baisse des prix mondiaux des matières premières." +174666,41365.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,56,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.legit.ng/1375205-ncdc-sends-warning-message-endsars-protesters-covid-19.html,"[15th Oct 2020, Nigeria] NCDC has advised the EndSARS protesters to remember that COVID-19 still exits in Nigeria - The director-general of NCDC, Chikwe Ihekweazu, said that the second phase of the pandemic is imminent in the country - Ihekweazu also urged Nigerians to adhere strictly to the COVID-19 directives." +173633,38392.0,1899.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,95,[],['Context'],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ALC%20post%20COVID-19%20-%20Retos%20y%20oportunidades%20para%20pa%C3%ADses%20de%20Centroam%C3%A9rica%2C%20Hait%C3%AD%2C%20M%C3%A9xico%2C%20Panam%C3%A1%2C%20y%20Rep%C3%BAblica%20Dominicana.pdf,"Como consecuencia del choque mundial en la demanda y en la oferta agregada, derivado de las medidas de distanciamiento social adoptadas para la contención de la propagación del coronavirus, el Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI) prevé una contracción de 2% en la actividad económica de Guatemala en 2020, una caída de 5,9% para EE.UU. y 7,5% en la Zona Euro. El desempeño de los socios comerciales, combinado con una reducción en remesas, son factores importantes que explicarían la recesión del país en 2020." +158640,39040.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,57,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/combatting-health-worker-infections-nigeria,"In a bid to keep lowering infection rates, Nigeria’s Federal Capital Territory and all 36 state governments have invested in training their health workers with the support of WHO. The national and state governments have also strived to make personal protective equipment and other essential supplies more readily available to health workers." +2644,520.0,321.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,18,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://www.amnesty.org/en/countries/middle-east-and-north-africa/libya/report-libya/,"Women continued to face discrimination in law and practice and were marginalized socially, politically and economically." +266572,49773.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,32,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_HSOS-NWS_-January-2021.pdf,"[January 2021, NWS] KIs in 82% of communities were barriers to accessing sufficient food were reported, cited the high cost of food as a common challenge." +311053,54065.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,106,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nenfss_round_9_final_report_11032021.pdf,"[1st Dec 2020,North-East Nigeria] Overall, measles vaccination coverage among children 12-59 months as determined by observation of vaccination card or maternal recall was reported to be 88.6%, 82.7% and 75.7% in Adamawa, Borno and Yobe, respectfully (Table 3.4.1, Figure 3.4.1). These represent an increase in coverage in Borno and Yobe relative to the estimates from the 2015 National Nutrition Survey (61.1%, 27.9% and 7.1%, respectively). However, coverage in all Yobe state remains well below the National target of 80% coverage." +167545,40328.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/iom-amazon-step-covid-19-rohingya-refugee-response-cox-s-bazar,"As of 27 September, 251 cases of COVID-19 have been identified in the Rohingya settlements and 4,671 cases have been confirmed among host communities in Cox’s Bazar. In Bangladesh, approximately 360,000 cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed – with confirmed deaths nearing 5,200. As the unprecedented global health crisis continues to evolve, strengthened partnerships and multilateral cooperation are as crucial as ever." +323587,54626.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,28,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,A total of 613 children (87 per cent boys) were supported with CAAFAG (Children Associated with Armed Forces and Armed Groups) reintegration services. +93380,26310.0,1386.0,"['Health', 'Agriculture', 'Logistics', 'Shelter', 'Cross', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods', 'Nutrition', 'Education']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Economy', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Environment']",en,177,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Venezuela_%20Violent%20Abuses%20in%20Illegal%20Gold%20Mines%20_%20Human%20Rights%20Watch.pdf,"Former President Hugo Chávez announced the Orinoco Mining Arc in 2011 with the original purpose of nationalizing the exploitation and export of metals and non-metals. This area includes the Canaima National Park, a UNESCO Heritage Site, and indigenous territories. On February 24, 2016, President Nicolás Maduro created the “National Strategic Zone of Development of Orinoco Mining Arc” to further develop this area of 111,843 square kilometers – 12 percent of the country – in several states, including Bolívar, for mining, with the stated purpose of extracting thousands of tons of gold, diamonds, and other minerals. Maduro signed the 2016 decree without consultation or approval by the National Assembly, as the constitution requires. According to the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and members of local indigenous communities interviewed by Human Rights Watch, the government did not carry out appropriate environmental impact assessments or consultations with indigenous peoples living there beforehand, as the constitution also requires." +291419,51259.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2020_access_annual_overview.pdf,"There was an increase in reported injuries, from 17 people injured in 2019 to 32 in 2020. Most injuries happened during ambushes and some during attacks on humanitarian facilities" +235835,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,47,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Furthermore, despite constraints noted above, partner reach in 2020 has expanded to cover 39896 of Afghanistan’s 401 districts, demonstrating the humanitarian community’s determination to not just stay in country but also to deliver, even in hard-to- reach districts." +9162,2909.0,322.0,"['Shelter', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,102,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_jan_to_apr_2018.pdf,"During January to April, 161,200 beneficiaries (25,739 HH) were provided with NFIs in-kind distributions and 12,575 beneficiaries (3,856 HH) with NFIs cash distributions; 43,769 beneficiaries (6,709 HH) were assisted with in-kind for Emergency Shelter Kits (ESKs) and 11,125 beneficiaries (1,922HH) were assisted with cash for ESKs; 21,100 beneficiaries (2989 HH) benefited from the support of cash for rental subsidies; 76 families benefited from the reconstruction of their houses; 120 families benefited from the rehabilitation of their houses; and 90 families received new transitional shelter" +299357,51893.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,82,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[January 2021, Overall Syria] Individuals are most frequently found living under the survival minimum expenditure basket in Northwest Syria, where 34 percent are critically below the Survival Minimum Expenditure Basket and a cumulative total of 57 percent are either below or critically below the Survival Minimum Expenditure Basket. The situation is relatively better in Northeast Syria, where a much lower cumulative total of 27 percent are below or critically below the Survival Minimum Expenditure Basket." +289664,52074.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],en,12,[],['Humanitarian Access'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,There was an increase in abduction of humanitarian workers by NSAGs. +236090,47122.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,42,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"12,114 people have so far been supported with both poultry and home gardening material in the NWSW regions while about 800 people were supported with unconditional cash for food in the Donga-Mantung, Ngo-Ketunjia and Mezam divisions in the North West." +274537,50587.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,87,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MENSUEL%20DE%20PROTECTION%20JANVIER%202021-NORD.pdf,"En termes d’incidents de protection, depuis les différents accords négociés entre les populations et les HANI à BANH et à SOLLE dans le dernier semestre de l’année, on constate que les incidents sont en baisse tendancielle dans le LOROUM ; nous passons d’un (01) incident de protection enregistré au moi de décembre 2020 à zéro incidents au cours de ce mois de Janvier 2021 malgré la présence des GANIS dans certaines communes comme Sollé et Banh." +165240,39714.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,112,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,Entre las personas con género no normativo (20 casos) las necesidades en salud reproductiva y las razones por la que no han sido atendidas son: 6 casos consulta ginecológica; 6 casos consulta urológica; 5 casos consulta de anticoncepción; 2 casos acceso a métodos anticonceptivos; 2 casos exámenes diagnósticos para ITS; 1 caso acceso a tratamientos para ITS (incluidos antirretrovirales); 1 caso consulta de acompañamiento del tránsito; 1 caso consulta endocrinológica; 5 casos no accedieron porque prefieren cumplir la cuarentena; 3 casos porque no ha disponible un servicio de telemedicina; y 2 casos por falta de dinero. +305669,51474.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,79,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"As at 1 February, the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS)force conducted 54,594 patrols, including 1,170 short-duration patrols, 389 long-duration patrols, 101 dynamic air patrols and 26 riverine patrols. Women were included in 312 of the patrols. A total of 9,460 patrols were conducted in and around protection of civilians sites. Through its regular patrols, the UNMISS force continued to provide protection to women and girls." +162813,37820.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,53,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/iom_rohingya_crisis_response_-_external_sitrep_-_july_2020.pdf,"Operations and Logistic Support: Under its Covid-19 support to the government, IOM donated personal protective equipment, medical equipment and furniture for Covid-19 ITC at Ramu and chakaria. Supplies included, 5,000 face shields, 1,000 coveralls, 10,000 surgical masks, and 1,000 N95 masks, among others." +305325,51474.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,81,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"In mid-December, conflict broke out in Maban, Upper Nile, as tensions between eastern and western Mabanese flared over the incomplete transitional security arrangements. Initial tensions with SPLM/A-IO soldiers cantoned outside their villages at Liang, Upper Nile, without consistent supplies, led to several clashes in the area between combined National Security Service, SSPDF and Mabanese forces on one side and SPLM/A-IO supported by Mabanese from Beneshowa, Upper Nile, on the other." +361143,58845.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,79,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_price_bulletin_may_2021.pdf,"[May 2021, GoS, NWS & NES] The coastal region recorded the highest average bulgur price by region at SYP 2,209/kg (down three percent m-o-m), followed by the southern region at SYP 2,150/kg (down five percent m-o-m). The cross-border region recorded the lowest average bulgur price at SYP 1,446/kg (down two percent m-o-m), followed by northeast Syria at SYP 1,753/kg (down four percent m-o-m)." +173817,39928.0,2170.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"During this reporting period, Sexual and Gender Based Violence has remained a significant challenge to the wellbeing of Persons of Concern (POCs) in BAY states. A total of 547 SGBV incidents have been reported to UNHCR and partners between May and June 2020 with 98% of reported cases occurring among females and 2% of incidents among Males." +224103,45768.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,45,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,L’idéal serait donc que cette opération se fasse avant la fin du mois d’Avril 2020. Ce qui permettrait aux IDPs relocalisés d’occuper le terrain et assurer l’obtention des terres avant juin/juillet pour les grandes cultures. +13860,5545.0,322.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,47,"['At Risk', 'Capacities & Response']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/IOM%20Yemen%20-%20Sitrep%20-%201%20July%202018.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=3857,"Migrants transiting Yemen are extremely vulnerable during every phase of the journey. IOM is providing life- saving, multi-sectoral assistance to stranded migrants in Yemen, including providing an orderly, humane option to those who are willing to return to their country of origin." +178067,40661.0,2225.0,['Nutrition'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,46,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Dans les zones rurales, il n’existe presque pas d’initiatives de transformation des produits locaux en raison du manque d’électricité et de la faible disponibilité de technologies appropriées, rendant ainsi la conservation et le stockage des aliments difficiles." +190286,43439.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,37,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Southern%20Africa%20COVID-19%20Six-Month%20Report.pdf,"The COVID-19 pandemic has led to an unprecedented situation whereby schools have been closed, including those in refugee camps as the Government enforced full closure in an effort to contain the spread of the virus." +316547,52949.0,2331.0,"['Cross', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods', 'Shelter']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,51,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"A substantial number of returnees have limited access to basic services, and are exposed to a myriad of protection risks, including but not limited to SGBV, lack of access to shelter, risk of evictions, insufficient access to WASH, as well as limited livelihoods opportunities." +161529,39295.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,18,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,"Further transmission risk mitigation measures implemented include limits on movements, markets, gatherings and commercial activities." +46569,16136.0,729.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,78,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/echo_-nf_bud_2019_91000_v2.pdf,"Although highest concentrations are located in Benghazi (29 790), Sebha (22 955) and Abusliem (17 555), thousands of others are displaced in other regions, in particular in Ghat, Murzuq and Alkufra (in the south of the country), out of reach of most humanitarian actors. 81% of IDPs were reported to live in private accommodation and 16% in public or informal shelter." +19128,7822.0,730.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,116,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_Jan_to_nov_2018.pdf,"Against a backdrop of significant a necessity to prevent and control the spread of Cholera and Acute Watery Diarrhea (AWD) and to prevent/reduce malnutrition, WASH needs are exacerbated by the hostilities in Al Hudaydah that caused a significant disruption in services as well as population displacement. Amidst this challenging environment, over 11 million people depend on the piped water network and 4 million people depend on the private water sector. Over 4 million people live in areas affected by Cholera/AWD. Breaks in public services provision due to insecurity impacted access and infrastructure and increased emergency WASH needs, especially for the populations in Al Hudaydah and surrounding governorates." +236297,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"From July 2019 to June 2020, the UN verified 1,497 such violations against children, including 1,164 incidents of killing and maiming, 155 attacks on schools and across 16 provinces, and 326 children recruited to armed forces and groups across 31 provinces." +313631,53333.0,2334.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Poverty was reported as one factor that contributes to girls’ drop out of school. Some girls mentioned that they could not pay for the tuition fees, learning materials, and sanitary pads because their parents were either dead or had limited income/ employment opportunities because of the crisis." +159103,37975.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,61,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_ndeg112.pdf,"Réalisation et diffusions d’émissions et de messages sur les radios communautaires, avec l'appui de : o DMI (Un réseau de 39 radios) o L’ONG ASMAD (réseau de 50 radios) o Radio rurale internationale (Un réseau de plus de 60 radios) o UNALFA (Un réseau d’environ 20 radios" +192034,42659.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,52,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_175.pdf,"Des informations obtenues, 30,4% (814/2679) des cas étaient asymptomatiques à la notification, 22,9% (227/992) présentaient au moins une comorbidité au moment du diagnostic et 60,4% (1337/2213) auraient été en contact avec au moins un cas probable ou confirmé de COVID-19." +13495,5946.0,321.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,81,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/half-million-children-immediate-danger-tripoli-enar,"We are shocked and saddened by reports that an entire family killed including two children today in Tripoli when a missile hit their home. This brings the total number of children killed to eight, since violence escalated in Tripoli on 27 August. Many more children are facing multiple grave child rights violations. More children are reportedly being recruited to fight, putting them in immediate danger. At least one child was killed as a result." +192888,43304.0,2332.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,40,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Avant la réouverture des frontières, le Gouvernement doit se doter en quantités suffisantes des kits de test rapides de 15 minutes pour pouvoir tester tous les passagers en provenance des pays touchés par la COVID-19 à l`aéroport" +241618,46388.0,2336.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shelter']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"A recent ISETs Monitoring report shows that there are 1,147 informal settlements across Afghanistan; the majority (78 per cent of all settlements) are located in urban or peri-urban areas, where competition for land is high and the threat of eviction is severe." +59538,17198.0,1224.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,29,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"In addition to perceived vulnerability to deportation due to irregular migration status, some Venezuelan migrants raised concerns about sexual and gender- based violence within some migrant families." +307028,51572.0,2335.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,90,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"There is no communal latrines available, leading to open defecation within the camp, people, and especially women, feeling unsafe of going to the bush. During the visit, we witness a lot of fences around the houses and next to the river/flooded area. The floods are actually covering some of these areas, which are also the place where people fetch water for comsuption. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +235831,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,57,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"While movement of humanitarian personnel and assets had been challenging due to COVID-19- related restrictions for some of 2020, the lifting of lockdown measures across the country greatly eased these constraints. However, many humanitarian organisations continue maintain a preventative posture and are limiting field missions to protect staff and beneficiaries from transmission risks." +201482,44481.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,152,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep22_20201120.pdf,"The identification of COVID-19 cases in northwest Syria is accelerating, with 13,179 confirmed cases as of 18 November (95 deaths) –7,530 cases in the Idleb area and 5,649 in northern Aleppo governorate. Some 80 percent of all confirmed cases were recorded in the past one month. Since the last situation report on 20 October, the percentage of current cases among healthcare workers increased to some15percent, including nurses, doctors, technician, midwives and non-medical staff. A significant increase of positive cases has also been noted among students and teachers, weeks after the reopening of schools in September. With nearly 60 percent of all cases in Idleb governorate and over a third of all cases at the time in Idleb sub-district and some 8 percent of cases in camps and rising, the need for further isolation facilities is particularly acute." +147654,35135.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,45,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"A third businessman is the lesser-known Khaled Al-Zubaidi, who announced on Facebook an initiative to distribute 200,000 packs of bread per day for free in the Damascus Countryside province, starting March 31 and lasting for 15 days (see photo below)." +146015,34803.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,45,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"To improve planning and coordination of local and global procurement related to the COVID-19 response, an online needs assessment tool is available for partners to reflect current stock, pipeline and needs for PPEs and infection prevention and control (IPC) kits." +176394,41733.0,2225.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Economy'],fr,102,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/reach_drc_bulletin-des-marche-2_juin-2020.pdf,"Entre mars et avril, 27 territoires ou marchés sur 40 (pour lesquels une comparaison a été possible entre mars et avril) ont vu leur coût médian du PMA augmenter, contre 16 sur 41 entre avril et mai. La mise en place des mesures COVID-19 a probablement influencé les prix, en partie à cause de la réduction de stocks conséquents des restrictions de mouvement à la fois au sein du pays et via le commerce transfrontalier (notamment avec le Rwanda, le Burundi, la Tanzanie, la Zambie, l'Angola, et l'Ouganda).7" +289296,52049.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,53,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Bangladesh%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%201%20%28Rohingya%20Camp%20Fire%29%20-%2023%20March%202021.pdf,"[23rd March 2021,Cox's Bazar] Despite the damage and the limited staff, the PHC at Camp 8W is open and providing services. The remaining 12 UNICEF health facilities in 9 different camps are safe and continue to provide services with MMTs ready to deploy when needed." +243965,46388.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Shelter']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,55,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"A recent study by the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) conducted among IDPs, refugee returnees and host communities in Kandahar (in May 2020), for example, highlighted that more than 80 per cent of those surveyed in Kandahar reported threats of eviction due to inability to meet rental payments." +236291,46388.0,2336.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,5.36 million children and women will need emergency nutrition assistance to avoid preventable health complications and prevent morbidity and mortality in 2021. +343251,45764.0,2332.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,125,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/0004_202008_rrm_msa_rapport_final_wolirom.pdf,"Recommandations:  Procéder à la construction des latrines et des douches,  Sensibiliser les populations sur les bonnes pratiques liées à l'eau et l'hygiène et l'assainissement,  Procéder à la distribution des savons et des désinfectants (et sensibiliser sur leur utilisation).  Sensibiliser les populations sur les gestes de prévention et de lutte contre COVID-19.  Créer urgemment des points d’eau (forage) pour la population déplacée de Wolirom car la saison sèche s’approche et leur situation en besoin d’eau sera hautement critique.  Distribuer des bidons de puisage et de stockage d'eau dans les familles  Mettre sur pied un comité de gestion des points d’eau." +159583,39148.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,21,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_july2020_ne_nigeria.pdf,WHO: Training and deployment of additional contact tracers to strengthen contact tracing effortsis also ongoing in the 3 states. +175875,40890.0,1183.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,99,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"En términos de saneamiento básico, 89% de los hogares utiliza métodos adecuados de disposición y de eliminación de excretas, lo cual se refiere a conexión de los inodoros a las redes de alcantarillado o a pozo séptico. Sin embargo, el 11% restante usa métodos no adecuados, tales como remoción manual de excrementos, hoyos en el suelo o eliminación con bajamar (ver gráfica 29). Cabe resaltar que el porcentaje más alto de hogares que no usan métodos adecuados se encuentra en La Guajira, con un 40%." +313708,53333.0,2334.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,50,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"To ensure community ownership of the intended EiE response, and prepare for the eventual exit of humanitarian actors, it is recommended that Community Education Committees (CECs) be created and/or reconstituted to serve as delivery channels for the EiE response effort in the NWR and SWR." +87087,23970.0,1620.0,[],[],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,45,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Casualties']",2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Adamawa%20State%20Lassa%20fever%20Outbreak%20Situation%20Report%20No%201%20-%20%2029th%20January%2C%202020.pdf,Hon. Commissioner for Health declared outbreak of Lassa Fever in the state • EOC has been activated • One death (confirmed case) was given safe and dignified burial • 43 contacts identified (42 being followed and one lost to follow-up) +112920,29956.0,1183.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76828,"Provisión de kits de saneamiento o higiene a población indígena de comunidades receptoras (Sikuani, Amorua, Jiwui, Piapoco, Piaroa, Sáliba), así como a refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela. Comunidades indígenas migrantes accedieron a agua segura y saneamiento básico de acuerdo a estándares Esfera, a través de la entrega de filtros, en los asentamientos de Pavoni y Piedra del Custodio." +24812,9461.0,730.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,101,['Impact'],[],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/02.26.19-%20USG%20Yemen%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet.pdf,"The 2019 HNO identifies more than 3.3 million internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Yemen, more than half of whom are living in Amanat Al Asimah, Hajjah, Al Hudaydah, Ta’izz, and Sa’dah governorates. In addition, the HNO identifies more than 685,000 people newly displaced in 2018, including people displaced by fighting in Al Hudaydah. Nearly 75 percent of IDPs in Yemen live outside of formal camps, further challenging their ability to access essential services, including food assistance, health care, and protection services." +164721,39789.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,92,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Movementwide%20Operation%20Report%20August%202020.pdf,"In this reporting month 310 peoples (190 male and 120 female) reached with Psychological First Aid (PFA) through PSS Call Center at National Headquarters of BDRCS. The key concerns of the callers were mostly sleeping problem, fear of being infected, sadness, frustration and anger due to loss of job/not getting job, anxiety, SGBV, suicidal thought, family issues, loss of loved one, some pre-existing mental health condition such as diagnosed OCD, nightmare, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder etc." +224148,45768.0,2332.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,20,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,Mobiliser les ressources pour l’entreposage à Bagasola (ou Liwa) des kits NFIs nécessaires avant la relocalisation +303974,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)'],en,54,['Impact'],['Information And Communication'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,Counties in other states with persistently high levels of settlements reporting perceived unsafety are Juba in Central Equatoria and Ulang in Upper Nile. Parts of Jonglei and the Greater Pibor Administrative area were heavily affected by conflict in 2020 and as a result people’s perceptions of safety were not assessed. +216627,45416.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,21,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,7% ne sont pas mécanisés et ne reçoivent aucune rémunération – ni le salaire ni la prime de parents. +9145,2909.0,322.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Information And Communication->Communication Means And Preferences'],en,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Information And Communication'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_jan_to_apr_2018.pdf,"Humanitarians are still reliant on access to reliable Internet and security telecommunications services in order to do their work effectively. Challenges include restrictions on importing ICT equipment, a volatile security situation and difficulties in obtaining visas for staff deployments." +211269,44944.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,27,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Whole%20of%20Syria%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20October%202020.pdf,"[October 2020, Syria] Skills’ development programme is affected due to COVID-19 restrictions, especially the center-based activities such as TVET and employability." +201507,44481.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,290,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep22_20201120.pdf,"The current gap analysis for September, across 27 sub-districts, shows that over 1.3 million people need some form of WASH support. This includes 53 percent requiring water provision through networks and water stations; 12.6 percent who require water trucking services; 35 percent who need solid waste disposal; 14 percent who require sanitation services; and 5 percent who need hygiene kits. Most of these gaps are in Dana sub-district (31 percent) followed by Idleb at 21 percent, Maaret Tamsrin at 12 percent and Atareb at 9 percent. The gap analysis is reported by partners, but not all partners report gaps, so the Cluster expects actual gaps to be higher than reported.Recent assessments have shown that in camps, 78 percent of displaced people did not have access to sufficient water during the past month, compared with just 6 percent in communities and neighbourhoods, reflecting the greater reliability of water services through networks compared to water trucking. In terms of handwashing, which is a key COVID-19 mitigation measure, 22 percent of camps have no soap, 18 percent have no hand washing facility and 2.5 percent having no soap and water. In September, WASH Cluster field facilitators complemented recent assessments by examining the quality and accountability of WASH responses across 83 IDP sitesin Badama, Darkosh, and Maaret Tamsrinsub-districts. They noted that 34 percent of assessed sites reported no chlorination of water; on average 63 people share one latrine;latrines are not disaggregated by sex in 10 percent of sites; 80 percent of assessed sites did not receive hygiene kits in the past 3 months." +401810,62956.0,2098.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,92,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[29th July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Majorities of the person with disabilities and older people are still living in damaged shelters and very inaccessible areas; hence an adopted approach with reasonable accommodation should be made in aid delivery (such as wash, food and non-food items) to their doorstep as they might face difficulties to reach or access to aid delivery point. • Ensure the inclusion of basic and specific needs of persons with disabilities and older people in the overall emergency response plan." +220287,45084.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,72,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_5_november_2020_final.pdf,"Health Services: Hospitals and clinics continue to report challenges maintaining or expanding their facilities’ capacity to treat patients with COVID-19, as well as maintaining essential health services, especially in areas of active conflict. WHO notes that when health systems are under stress, as is being seen in Afghanistan, both direct mortality from the outbreak and indirect mortality from vaccine-preventable and treatable conditions increase dramatically." +330776,55042.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,71,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.gage.odi.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Adolescents%E2%80%99-experiences-of-covid-19-in-Chittagong-and-Sylhet-divisions-Bangladesh.pdf,"[30 April 2021, Bangladesh]Online-based health services that existed since pre-COVID need to be further promoted at grassroots level by the government and local NGOs as a complementary health service during the pandemic as our findings show that adolescents, particularly those from rural areas who tend to live far from services, have faced difficulties in accessing healthcare due to unavailable and overcrowded public transport systems." +188616,43181.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Contact Tracing'],fr,20,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_270_20201026_.pdf,"Par ailleurs, 5 contacts (au Kasaï-Oriental) sont devenus symptomatiques et 67 autres sont sortis de suivi." +338322,56100.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",['Context->Security & Stability'],es,151,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/130521_actualizacionn2-_alerta_por_confinamiento_alto_baudo_choco_vf.pdf,"• Desde el 24 de abril, al menos 1.582 personas, 382 familias de las comunidades indígenas del resguardo Embera Puerto Alegre y la Divisa (Morro, Puerto Alegre, Divisa Nauca, La Loma, Puerto Luis y Playa Bonita) y la comunidad afrodescendiente de Nauca Afro se encuentran en situación de confinamiento, tras enfrentamientos registrados entre un Grupo Armado Organizado (GAO) y un Grupo Delincuencial Organizado (GDO) entre las comunidades de Divisa Nauca y Puerto Alegre. Posterior a los enfrentamientos, uno de los grupos armados alertó a las comunidades sobre la instalación de minas antipersonal (MAP) en sus cultivos e instó a la población a salir de sus casas a realizar actividades de pesca o recolección dada la posibilidad de reanudación de los enfrentamientos y por ende, de caer en alguna de las MAP instaladas." +407415,63069.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],fr,119,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Bulletin%20d%E2%80%99information%20sous%20cluster%20protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99enfance%20%28GTPE%29%20Mars%20%E2%80%93%20Mai%202021.pdf,"En début d’avril des organisations de la société civile et groupes de pression ont organisé une série de manifestations anti-MONUSCO à Beni, Butembo et Lubero. Les acteurs de protection de l’enfance ont signalé la présence d’une centaine d’enfants et adolescents(de 5 à 17 ans),systématiquement associés dans ces marches et manifestations et exposés à des risques importants de violences ou d’arrestations en violation de leurs droits. Entre le 5 et le 29 Avril 2021 les incidents suivants ont été reportés : • 7 Enfants blessés par balles ou autre blessure grave • 117 enfantsincarcérés • 1 enfant décédé • 17 Bâtiments/ InfrastructuresIncendiés" +142100,35870.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,56,[],"['Covid-19', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"While in May to mid-June, Fishkabour/Semalka had been opened periodically for returns of Syrian nationals, with an estimated 1,216 Syrian refugees returning from Iraq to Syria during that time, local authorities recently announced that from 13 July, all border crossing points to NES are closed as a precautionary measure against COVID-19." +359316,58669.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,53,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/informe_de_emergencias_humanitarias_reportadas_elc_enero_mayo_2021.pdf,NORTE DE SANTANDER: 101 Enfrentamientos entre dos GDO en la zona rural de Cúcuta (Norte de Santander) causaron el desplazamiento de 62 personas incluyendo 25 niños y 18 refugiados y migrantes; mientras que en Teorama al menos 39 personas se desplazaron debido a combates entre GANE y Ejército. +329125,53878.0,2331.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,60,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SOYDA%20Monthly%20Progressive%20Report-Feb%202021.pdf,"In South West State, swarms of locusts have been reported in Lower Shabelle and in the Bay region. An estimated 200 hectares of farmland have been destroyed in Afgooye-Marka. In Puntland, immature and mature swarms of desert locusts are present in many areas where breeding is ongoing due to favorable weather conditions following recent rains." +343256,45764.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,80,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/0004_202008_rrm_msa_rapport_final_wolirom.pdf,"Recommandations : Pour permettre aux ménages déplacés de satisfaire à leurs besoins alimentaires urgents, des actions immédiates doivent être entreprises : - Assistance alimentaire (vivres ou cash) - Appui à la reconstitution des moyens d’existence à travers la distribution du cash pour les AGR et les activités de production agricole (maraichage) - Etudier la nécessité d’améliorer l’accès à la terre aux ménages déplacés désirant pratiquer des activités agricoles." +357868,58442.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,93,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.mediacongo.net/article-actualite-88602_nord_kivu_les_pecheurs_congolais_en_detresse_sur_le_lac_edouard.html,"4 moteurs et une quantité importante du carburant de pêcheurs congolais viennent d’être saisis et amenés en Ouganda par l’armée ougandaise (UPDF) dans la soirée de ce dimanche 13 Juin 2021, après avoir fait invasion dans la partie congolaise sur le lac Édouard, une de leur coutume depuis près de trois décennies. [...] la marine congolaise est incapable de faire une intervention dans l’urgence suite au manque d’équipements et moyens financiers qui tardent à venir du gouvernement." +64113,18925.0,729.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)'],en,37,[],['Information And Communication'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/va_report_libya_2019-libmac-unmas.pdf,"There is an overall lack of casualty and disability data collection and analysis, both in the mine action community and non-mine action community that prevents accurate and informed decision making and programming of relevant stakeholders." +177058,41752.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,27,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,54% des informateurs clés à Kaya et 67% à Dori soulignent qu’il est difficile pour leurs communautés de respecter la distanciation sociale. +69920,19974.0,1534.0,['Protection'],[],[],en,39,[],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"Dignity kits should be provided to women and girls in shelters, ensuring they are consulted on their preferred MHM materials. Consideration should be given to the safe disposal of MHM materials given the compromised sewerage system." +313638,53333.0,2334.0,"['WASH', 'Shelter']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,23,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Additional NFI needs for adolescent girls include hygiene kits and clothing, which parents currently struggle to provide due to the crisis." +271064,47809.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_7.pdf,"Por procedencia, Chocó (29,2 %), Nariño (21,4 %), Córdoba (14,7 %) y Antioquia (10,3 %) aportan el 75,6 % de los casos de malaria no complicada." +241023,47700.0,2332.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,19,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,,"As of 23 June, a total of 1,521 households of 6,164 individuals have been relocated to Kouchaguine-Moura." +192940,43304.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,27,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,Mobiliser la diaspora tchadienne hautement qualifiée pour soutenir le Tchad à atténuer les conséquences de cette crise en lien avec les projets de développement du capital humain +327101,55027.0,2028.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,57,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Under-Secretary-General%20for%20Humanitarian%20Affairs%20and%20Emergency%20Relief%20Coordinator%2C%20Mark%20Lowcock%20-%20Briefing%20to%20the%20Security%20Council%20on%20the%20humanitarian%20situation%20in%20Syria%2C%2028%20April%202021.pdf,"[28 April 2021, Overall Syria] The exchange rate has again been volatile; in fact, it has appreciated over the last month or so. It is now around SYP3,400 to the US dollar on the informal market. That compares with SYP4,700 to the dollar at a low point in March." +317815,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,Children living in the IDP camps are vulnerable to significant protection risks due to limited provision of services and poor living conditions. +183614,42456.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,72,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.unicef.org/wca/media/5411/file/UNICEF-WCARO-Central-Sahel-Advocacy-October-2020.pdf,"UNICEF strives to offer an integrated and multi-sectoral package for the prevention and care of malnutrition in young children and mothers through: 1. accelerating efforts towards the prevention of malnutrition; 2. ensuring the early detection and treatment of malnutrition when prevention fails; 3. strengthening systems to deliver critical and multi-sectoral actions at all times; 4. empowering communities, families and caregivers to be part of the solution." +305410,51474.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,16,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,Violence resulted in civilian displacement and casualties in Central Equatoria and Upper Nile in January. +239675,47230.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,54,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"La percepción de xenofobia también se acentúa entre las personas en cuyos hogares hay por lo menos una persona incapacitada para trabajar, con un 48% de las personas encuestadas, mientras que en los hogares donde no hay ninguna persona en esta situación la percepción de discriminación es de 44%." +198632,44368.0,2099.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,16,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/30-10-20-response_cpaor_bf_national.pdf,CHIFFRES CLÉS PIN : 570 K ENFANTS AFFECTÉS PAR LA FERMETURE DES ECOLES : 349 K +200168,44439.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,15,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Identification difficile des PDI venues de Tangaye installés dans des familles hôtes à Ouahigouya," +157862,38800.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,83,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GTS%20-%20HNAP%20COVID19%20Syria%20Bulletin%20R3.pdf,"adherence to hygiene recommendations has increased in NSAG/TBAF areas (60%, compared to 48% in May). Twenty-five percent of focal points report that communities in NSAG/TBAF areas are wearing facemasks, compared to 21% in May.11 As such, the number of respondents reporting that their communities are not adopting any precautionary measures at all in NSAG/TBAF areas has decreased from 49% in May to 37% in July, despite the nationwide upward trend." +453748,63974.0,2099.0,[],[],['Casualties->Dead'],fr,57,[],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_20210630-Rapport-Protection-Trimestriel.pdf,"de 86 personnes civiles tuées dans 105 incidents sécuritaires entre le 1er janvier et le 31 mars 2021, on est passé à 298 civils tués dans 115 incidents sécuritaires entre le 1er avril et le 14 juin 2021, soit une augmentation de presque 250% des civils tués entre le premier et le deuxième trimestre" +472946,63777.0,2099.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Les PDIs ont accès aux marchés locaux. Mais cet accès est limité par le manque de ressources financières étant donné que la plupart d’entre eux ont perdu les biens lors de l’attaque. +359370,58669.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Logistics', 'Food Security']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,111,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/informe_de_emergencias_humanitarias_reportadas_elc_enero_mayo_2021.pdf,"IMPACTO POR CONFINAMIENTO Y RESTRICCIONES A LA MOVILIDAD Y ACCESO: En mayo se destaca la gestión de la Defensoría del Pueblo, la Cruz Roja Colombiana, agencias del Sistema de Naciones Unidas (SNU) y apoyo de otros socios de los Equipos Locales de Coordinación, en la apertura de más de 60 corredores humanitarios en 17 departamentos del país que permitieron el flujo de alimentos, medicamentos, combustible y traslado de ayudas humanitarias a municipios con emergencias activas como Arauquita (Arauca) , Roberto Payán, Magüí Payán, Tumaco (Nariño), Alto Baudó (Chocó) y Tierralta (Córdoba)." +79060,21860.0,729.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Demography'],en,43,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/09.30.19%20-%20USAID-DCHA%20Libya%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%232.pdf,"The UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) estimates that up to 500,000 children in Libya face increased protection risks as a result of the escalation of violence in Tripoli since April, including psychosocial stress and exposure to unexploded ordnance." +161826,38962.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Education']",['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,42,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ExSitrep_cov19_PlanInternational_AP_10July.pdf,"PLAN international -Collaborated with Ministry of Education and Press Institute Bangladesh to facilitate a Facebook-based live education classes reaching millions of adolescents and children. -Partnered with Sesame Workshop Bangladesh to broadcast parenting messages during COVID-19, benefiting over 2,000 parents." +303680,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",en,101,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"JULY 2016- Fighting erupts: Fighting erupted between Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) and Sudan People's Liberation Movement-in-Opposition (SPLA-iO) group in Presidential Palace in Juba. Thousands of people flee their homes. SEPTEMBER 2018- Revitalized agreement: The Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan, was signed between the Government and opposition political parties in Addis Ababa JANUARY-MARCH 2019- Fighting continues: Government operations against rebels in Yei River led to civilian deaths, homes looted and crops destroyed. The fighting displaced thousands of people" +197382,43093.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,32,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.las2orillas.co/maduro-habla-770-muertes-covid-en-colombia-son-casi-7000-los-fallecidos-venezolanos/,El flujo migratorio en la frontera se sigue dando por trochas controladas por grupos armados mientras la frontera oficialmente permanece cerrada. El informe fue presentado por la Fundación Progresar de Cúcuta +267297,49773.0,2028.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_HSOS-NWS_-January-2021.pdf,"[January 2021, NWS] Children below the age of 12 were reported as a group affected by child labour in 19% of communities. Hazardous child labour was reported as a protection risk in 6% of communities" +345664,56858.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"(Hauts-Bassins, Faramana) 20 enfants (10 filles et 10 garçons) dont les extraits sont égarés; 02 enfants tous des garçons qui n’ont jamais été déclaré à la naissance." +330738,55042.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.gage.odi.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Adolescents%E2%80%99-experiences-of-covid-19-in-Chittagong-and-Sylhet-divisions-Bangladesh.pdf,"[30 April 2021, Bangladesh]Changes in health-seeking behaviour: Most adolescents reported that even after the pandemic, people in their community continued to go to local doctors and pharmacists for non-covid-related health issues. However, some rural adolescents mentioned that, because doctors and hospitals were very far away from their home, it was difficult to access healthcare services during the pandemic" +48454,12622.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",es,101,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LIBRO%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20las%20necesidades%20insatisfechas%20SSR%20y%20Migrantes%20Venezolanos%20-%20Digital.pdf,"Las áreas receptoras de gran parte de la migración han experimentado dificultades socioeconómicas desde antes de la llegada de los migrantes venezolanos, debido al conflicto armado interno, el subdesarrollo histórico, la falta de oportunidades y profundas inequidades sociales. Estas condiciones sociodemográficas específicas y las características culturales de las comunidades receptoras, deben ser tenidas en cuenta debido al hecho de que la llegada de los migrantes pueden exacerbar la exclusión social, el estigma por falta de comprensión, la falta de empatía y solidaridad, así como sentimientos xenofóbicos que ya existen en estos territorios." +303903,51174.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,113,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.afro.who.int/sites/default/files/2021-02/South%20Sudan%20IDSR%20Bulletin%20Week%201%2C%20%20%204-%2010%20January%202021%20.pdf,"Week 1, 2021 ( January 4 - January 10) :Malaria was the leading cause of morbidity and mortality, accounting for 53.7% of all morbidities and 20.4% of all mortalities this week. There was no county with malaria trends that exceeded the threshold (third quartile of trends for the period 2013-2017) and these include the following: In the PoC sites; malaria is the top cause of morbidity in Bentiu (10%); Juba (64%), and Wau (13%) PoCs, in Malakal PoC malaria accounts for (12%) of OPD consultations, respectively" +201566,43427.0,2311.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,72,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"En relación con el tráfico internacional por vía terrestre se ha disminuido considerablemente debido al in- cremento de los controles implementados en carreteras fronterizas, incrementando el tráfico de cocaína por vía marítima, espe- cialmente, mediante el uso de sumergibles dirigidos hacia Centroamérica y la conta- minación de contenedores hacia Europa. Igualmente, el tráfico de aeronaves peque- ñas al parecer se ha incrementado hacia países de tránsito." +178360,41756.0,2225.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],fr,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Les provinces du Nord-Kivu et de l’Ituri (13 pour cent respectivement), du Kasai (9 pour cent), du Sud Kivu (8 pour cent), du Tanganyika et du Kasai Central (13 pour cent respectivement) comptabilisent près de 56 pour cent du nombre de personnes dans le besoin." +286636,51586.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,56,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_19_november_2020_final.pdf,"While 14 laboratories are now operating in Afghanistan, the capacity of these facilities remains limited and stocks of supplies have periodically run out. National capacity for COVID-19 testing has topped 5,500 a day, but according to WHO, lack of demand means that fewer than 400 tests are actually being conducted daily." +168576,40367.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,42,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"As of 8 August5, 1,013,234 IDPs had been registered in the country (60 per cent children). Centre-Nord and Sahel remain the regions hosting the highest percentage of displaced populations (41 and 34 per cent respectively)." +152375,38139.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cox-s-bazar-sitrep-17.pdf,"In a bid to improve technical knowledge for clinical case management of COVID-19, 83 Healthcare workers completed the training during the first round of capacity building that covered four Upazila Health complexes" +386123,60459.0,2099.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],fr,76,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"La maladie de COVID-19 connait une amélioration dans le pays depuis les trois derniers mois. La prise en charge de cette maladie est désormais intégrée dans le système sanitaire globale au même titre que les autres épidémies. La vaccination volontaire a commencé en début juin avec une disponibilité de 475,000 doses d’AstraZeneca dans le cadre de l’initiative COVAX. reprennent progressivement, mais les frontières terrestres restent officiellement fermées." +439731,63184.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Burkina%20Faso%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%201%20May%20-%2030%20June%202021.pdf,"Many schools in the displacement zones have a low capacity and with the arrival of additional internally displaced children, these schools are facing a demographic overload of around 100 to 120 students per class." +236704,46388.0,2336.0,"['WASH', 'Health', 'Education']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,32,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Approximately 33 per cent of schools (or nearly 6,000 schools, serving 2.3 million students) lack water and WASH facilities that are critical to keep children safe from COVID-19." +61486,18235.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"Access to employment for Venezuelan people remains limited even for those with a regular immigration status, for several reasons. First, the Colombian economy, especially in border areas, is largely informal and unemployment is high among citizens and foreigners alike." +178345,41756.0,2225.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],fr,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Près de 10 millions de personnes dans le besoin vivent dans des zones de santé où au moins trois impacts humanitaires majeurs se superposent, exposant ces populations à un niveau de vulnérabilité accrue. Un total de 43 pour cent d’entre elles ont des besoins sévères, 17 pour cent des besoins critiques et 5 pour cent des besoins catastrophiques." +475563,63296.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,50,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"une hausse importante des prix des commodités de base telles que le sorgho a été observée dans la région du Centre-Ouest (hausse des prix de 34% en mars 2021 par rapport à l’année précédente), accentuée en grande partie par la fermeture des frontières." +267070,49959.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,79,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://s3.amazonaws.com/semanaruralvzla/documentos/1614089620_boletin___violencia_de_generopdf,"La VBG contra la población migrante proveniente de Venezuela, al igual que en el caso de los colombianos, proviene generalmente de una expareja (35 %) o una persona del ámbito familiar (34,6 %) (Gráfico 3). Sin embargo, cerca de un tercio (30,4 %) de las agresiones contra la población migrante proviene de personas desconocidas, indicador 6 puntos porcentuales superior al nacional (24,4 %)." +205584,44672.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,71,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"There is a need to support MSMEs [Medium and Small Size Enterprises] in the health sector by enabling their access to digital technologies. For example, MSMEs could provide medical and scientific expertise to clinically and sociologically contextualize and interpret diagnostic tests as well as drugs and vaccines that will be deployed in the coming months as part of the global collective response to the COVID-19 pandemic." +361153,58845.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,84,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_price_bulletin_may_2021.pdf,"[May 2021, GoS, NWS & NES] Broken down by regions, the price of commercial bread in the southern region recorded the highest price of SYP 2,033/bundle (down three percent m-o-m), followed by northwest Syria at SYP 2,000/bundle (down seven percent m-o-m). While northeast Syria recorded the lowest price at SYP 1,210/bundle (down 19 percent m-o-m), followed by the cross-border region at SYP 1,456/bundle (down one percent m-o-m)." +48532,12622.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,62,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LIBRO%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20las%20necesidades%20insatisfechas%20SSR%20y%20Migrantes%20Venezolanos%20-%20Digital.pdf,"Desconocimiento de las respuestas interagenciales y la coordinación del VIH en la crisis migratoria. En resumen, solo 2/23 de los entrevistados mencionaron a las agencias internacionales responsables para el manejo del VIH en la crisis migratoria. Sin embargo, la OPS/OMS, AHF, el SJR, ANCUR y la Cruz Roja, fueron mencionados por los entrevistados." +347859,57145.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,19,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"(Centre-Nord, Bourzanga) 27 tonnes de Vivres emportés par les eaux et/ou détruits par la boue." +125687,31803.0,1183.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Intentions']",es,18,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77205.pdf,El 67.8% de los refugiados y migrantes entrevistados refirió tener la intención de permanecer en Colombia. +401179,63037.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],fr,20,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note-info_5_kananga_juillet_2021.pdf,2 134 288 cas de paludisme et 2176 décès enregistrés dans la région Kasaï entre janvier-juillet 2021 (DPS/OMS) +272330,50464.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,58,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210203FINALFactSheetSomaliaSkisserLR11.pdf,The United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM) and the United Nations (UN) system have already increased their [analysis and coordination mechanisms] capacities in this area significantly; now they must step up their support to the FGS [Federal Government of Somalia] and FMS [Federal Member States]. +317929,53305.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Nutrition']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,57,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"The country is now facing its highest levels of food insecurity and malnutrition since independence 10 years ago. The latest food security analysis estimates that the 2021 lean season, between April and July, will be the worst ever in terms of severity, with 108,000 people in catastrophe (IPC Phase 5)." +221328,45584.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,120,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/10/private-bakeries-in-homs-are-banned-from-operating-despite-bread-crisis/,"[ October 1, Homs] On 15 September, the Director-General of the Syrian Bakeries Foundation, Ziad Hazza, pointed out that the reason for the severe overcrowding in front of the bakeries is due to the increased demand for bread and the high level of bread consumption recently. He added that consumers of “touristic” bread—bread fortified with milk and sugar, resumed buying the subsidized bread due to the high price of touristic bread, which forced the Syrian Bakeries Foundation to operate bakeries at maximum capacity and sometimes by power generators due to the constant power outages, which disrupted some bakeries and stopped others from working, as he put it." +161578,39295.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,90,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,"Despite limitations in an increasingly restrictive operational environment and suspension of Child Friendly Spaces, child protection members have strived to deliver, while incorporating where possible COVID-19 prevention messages and messages on childcare in times of isolation and unpredictability. Child protection members continue to adapt core activities, such as PSS activities and parenting programmes. However, with the confirmed COVID-19 cases in northwest Syria, members are currently getting ready to implement with even stricter measures on the ground, which will slow down activities." +238831,47230.0,2311.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],es,41,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"Los hombres priorizan en mayor medida las necesidades asociadas con el empleo o generación de ingresos, la documentación y regularización de la situación migratoria y enviar dinero a Venezuela. Esto se ilustra en la gráfica 10 a continuación." +405273,63250.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,43,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=245166,"[August 13, GoS] In a statement, the Ministry added that the total number of the coronavirus cases recorded in Syria has reached up to 26,247 till now, of which 22,116 have recovered, while 1,933 passed away." +330677,55042.0,2098.0,[],[],[],en,61,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.gage.odi.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Adolescents%E2%80%99-experiences-of-covid-19-in-Chittagong-and-Sylhet-divisions-Bangladesh.pdf,"[30 April 2021, Bangladesh]Maintaining social distance and restrictions on movements: Maintaining social distancing was another common protective measure that adolescents mentioned. Most adolescent respondents said they were keeping social distance by not going outside unless it was urgent or important, even after lockdown had been lifted and adult income-earners in the family)." +361171,58845.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,60,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_price_bulletin_may_2021.pdf,"[May 2021, Overall Syria] The informal national average price of heating diesel also decreased by 29 percent m-o-m. Broken down by regions, northwest Syria recorded the highest price at SYP 1,900/litre (down 37 percent m-o-m), while northeast Syria recorded the lowest price at SYP 917/litre (down 27 percent m-o-m)." +176034,40890.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"En Atlántico (95%), Bogotá (94%), Antioquia (92%) y Nariño (92%), más del 90% de los hogares incurren en estrategias de supervivencia de crisis o emergencia" +308027,53290.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,44,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://logcluster.org/sites/default/files/logistics_cluster_south_sudan_operation_overview_2102.pdf,"In line with the 2021 Logistics Cluster Efficiencies and Preposition Strategy, the Logistics Cluster conducted two field mission to Panyijar county and Bentiu to ensure pre-positioning strategies are in place and to assess the possibility of expanding river operations to Unity State." +316584,52949.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,54,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The wellbeing of refugees and asylum seekers is further exacerbated by COVID19-related challenges. At the same time, the capacity of local primary healthcare facilities is inadequate, while the high cost of healthcare makes it even more challenging for already vulnerable refugees and asylum seekers to access the limited services available." +214390,45385.0,2334.0,"['WASH', 'Health']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,42,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Dans le cadre de la prévention à la pandémie COVID-19, l’UNICEF a coordonné la sensibilisation de 1,121,100 personnes aux bonnes pratiques d’hygiènes et de prévention de la propagation du virus dans les six départements de la région" +174674,41363.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://guardian.ng/news/fg-extends-covid-19-national-response-third-phase-by-four-weeks/,"[16th Oct 2020, Nigeria] According to President Muhammadu Buhari , statistics have shown that the pandemic is not slowing down globally, adding that the number of recorded cases in Nigeria have remained between 100-200 daily in the last four weeks with a progressive fall in fatality rate to 1.9%." +270237,50227.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Hospitalization & Care', 'Covid-19->Cases']",es,110,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Desde enero de 2021, los estados de la región amazónica del norte de Brasil comenzaron a experimentar un aumento en los casos de COVID-19 seguido de un aumento en las muertes y hospitalizaciones. Mientras que el estado de Amazonas se convirtió en el epicentro del brote a mediados de enero, los estados vecinos del norte como Roraima y Rondônia siguieron rápidamente a la suite con tasas semanales de ocupación de camas en la UCI de alrededor del 88% y 96% respectivamente a partir del 9 de febrero y el porcentaje de positividad de la prueba en o cerca del 50% en ambos estados." +178491,41756.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],fr,29,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Il est estimé à 7,3 millions le nombre de personnes ayant des besoins en protection générale, dont 15 pour cent sont des personnes en situation de handicap." +288541,51848.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,98,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/herams_fourth_quarter_2020_final.pdf,"[Dec 2020, NWS] By the end of Q4 2020 as seen in table 1 above, there was a remarkable increased in the functional health facilities: 12 PHCs and 5 mobile clinics, 2 specialized care centers. Out of total functioning health facilities reported from the North of Syria 236 (56%) of them are in Idleb governorate and 166 (39%) are in Aleppo governorate; while 21 (5%) health facilities reported are from Northeast Syria (Al-Hasakeh, Ar-Raqqa, Deir-ez-Zor) governorates." +498724,60095.0,1187.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,70,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RMRP%202021%20Plan%20de%20respuesta%20regional%20para%20refugiados%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%2C%20enero%20-%20diciembre%202021.pdf,"Las medidas de distanciamiento físico han provocado un aumento de incidentes de violencia de género (VBG) contra mujeres, niñas y personas lesbianas, gays, bisexuales, transgénero, queer e intersexuales (LGBTQI+), y han debilitado los sistemas de monitoreo de protección de la infancia, lo que ha provocado un aumento de la violencia doméstica, los abusos sexuales y la explotación laboral.383" +178275,41756.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Cross', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Context->Environment', 'Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Economy']",fr,160,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Les conflits armés perturbent également l’activité économique dans des secteurs clés tels que l’agriculture, le commerce et l’industrie, freinant le développement économique et social du pays et aggravant la pauvreté. L’étude de la Commission économique pour l’Afrique des Nations-Unies a par exemple montré que les multiples guerres en RDC ont un impact direct sur la contraction du PIB par habitant dans les périodes intenses de conflit.91 Les conflits et les aléas naturels entrainent par ailleurs une baisse de la disponibilité des produits alimentaires de base, et une augmentation des prix, du fait de la réduction de la production agricole dans les zones affectées. De plus, les contraintes d’accès sécuritaires et physiques limitent l’accès des producteurs aux marchés (ils ne peuvent ni se fournir en intrants ni vendre leurs marchandises), ainsi que les échanges commerciaux transfrontaliers." +327075,54267.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],fr,27,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,Le pays a également progressé dans les réformes concernant les licences d’exploitation et a lancé un nouveau bureau d’informations sur le crédit. +325692,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Dans de nombreuses régions productrices de riz, y compris les systèmes irrigués à grande échelle, les stratégies des ménages agricoles visent à la diversification car leur portefeuille de cultures comprend des produits horticoles" +418603,63163.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,78,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/transcription_de_la_conference_de_presse_des_nations_unies_en_rdc_du_7_juillet_2021_final.pdf,"Enfin, Bintou Keita salue la nomination de Malangu Kabedi Mbuyi au poste de Gouverneure de la Banque centrale du Congo (BCC). Cette nomination, la première d’une femme à ce poste, démontre à la fois l’engagement des autorités congolaises à continuer de promouvoir la place des femmes dans la société congolaise, et la réalité de la place centrale qu’ont les femmes en République démocratique du Congo" +305060,51467.0,2335.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,51,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"People’s other commonly-identified needs were healthrelated – such as shortages in medicines and health personnel, long distances required to access care – or unmet needs for non-food items - such as agricultural tools, fishing nets, seeds. Insecurity was also reported as a key concern." +213150,44840.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,120,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,"The information management assessment working group (IMAWG) is tasked with the implementation of monitoring assessments, including effective coordination and cooperation between clusters and OCHA. Both the ICCG and IMAWG will be further focused on concrete, results-based analyses of the CPRP aligned with the HRP strategic objectives. This will be done through increased usage and continued growth of the online Response, Planning and Monitoring tool (RPM), as well as a syncing of projects with the Financial Tracking Service (FTS) and the Projects Module. The CPRP as well as the HRP data is currently collected from local partners, and then delivered upwards through a monthly reporting system." +218204,45410.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,75,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,La persistance de la pandémie conduirait au maintien des mesures en fonction de la prévalence. Ceci maintiendrait le ralentissement de la vie économique nationale. Le maintien du couvre – feu et des restrictions de mouvement ainsi que la prorogation de l’état d’urgence jusqu’en mars 2021 continueraient de limiter le fonctionnement des activités économiques avec un impact sur le niveau de revenus des très pauvres et pauvres. +161332,39528.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,87,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Appui à la coordination de la riposte à la COVID-19 : poursuite du déploiement des 25 consultants recrutés par l’OMS (spécialistes de santé publique, socio-anthropologues, de communication sur les risques et engagement communautaire, de la PCI, laboratoire) pour appuyer le Ministère de la santé dans la coordination et la riposte à la pandémie de COVID-19 dans les régions touchées. Neuf (09) autres consultants ont été déployés pour appuyer conjointement la poliomyélite et à la COVID-19 ;" +187161,39357.0,1898.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],es,38,[],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ALC%20post%20COVID-19%20-%20Retos%20y%20oportunidades%20para%20pa%C3%ADses%20de%20Centroam%C3%A9rica%2C%20Hait%C3%AD%2C%20M%C3%A9xico%2C%20Panam%C3%A1%2C%20y%20Rep%C3%BAblica%20Dominicana.pdf,"Adicional a las medidas anunciadas es recomendable considerar otras que ayuden a proteger y crear empleo y mejorar la solvencia de las empresas, en especial las MIPYME y a cuidar la presencia de las empresas extranjeras." +2567,517.0,321.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,133,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Libya%20Situation%20Report%20-%20End%20of%20Year%202017.pdf,"As the conflict in Libya entered its sixth year, the humanitarian situation is still showing no signs of improvement in some parts of the country. The latest Humanitarian Needs Overview 2018, estimates that 1,1 million people of whom 378,000 are children and 453,000 are women require life-saving humanitarian assistance and protection. 2017 witnessed periodic eruption of localized conflicts in various parts of Libya, such as Benghazi, Derna, Sirte and Sabratha which triggered displacements and affected Internally Displaced Persons and returnees. Disruption of access to quality basic social services, water, sanitation, health, protection and education as well as electricity and water cuts, which lasted for a few days in some incidents, have affected the living conditions of vulnerable people." +345365,56837.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,36,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/democratic-republic-congo/280000-children-face-displacement-because-drc-volcano-threat,"Nearly 1,000 children who were separated from their parents amid the chaos following the first day of the destruction have now been identified, with UNICEF helping to reunite nearly 700 children with their families." +486765,67522.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,36,['Capacities & Response'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://acturdc.com/covid-19-en-rdc-le-gouvernement-annonce-la-reception-du-premier-lot-de-15-millions-des-masques/,Le Gouvernement de la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) a annoncé ce vendredi 13 aout 2021 la réception du premier lot de 15 millions de masques commandés il y a environ une année. +301119,51958.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,69,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_devaluation_de_protection_des_retournes_tchadiens_de_la_rca_installes_dans_les_sites_au_sud_du_tchad_002.pdf,"Au cours des 5 années écoulées depuis leur retour au Tchad, le nombre de ces retournés [de RCA] a évolué, passant d’environ 100.000 individus en 2014 à 45.000 individus en 2017 (statistiques issues du profilage socio-économique réalisé par PAM/OIM). Cette évolution s’explique par des départs vers d’autres zones du Tchad et/ou certains retours en RCA." +220896,45410.0,2332.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,64,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"Compte tenu du contexte sécuritaire caractérisé par des incursions isolées d’éléments armés de Boko Haram dans la province du Lac, avec le retrait des eaux entre février et avril, de nouveaux mouvements de populations pourraient être observés. Ceci pourrait perturberait les moyens d’existence des ménages hôtes et déplacés en raison de la pression sur les ressources." +178226,41756.0,2225.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,102,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Laissant derrière elles leurs maisons, leurs biens essentiels, leurs stocks alimentaires, leurs moyens de subsistance (bétail, matériel de pêche) souvent pillés ou détruits, les PDI vivent dans des conditions précaires sur leurs lieux de déplacement. Le manque d’abris décents les expose aux intempéries et à une promiscuité souvent accrue et, de fait, à une plus grande insécurité. En effet, la promiscuité sur les différents lieux d’hébergement créé un climat propice aux tensions, aux violences sexuelles, en particulier pour les femmes et les filles." +69886,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,52,[],['Shock/Event'],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"Evacuees are being registered on the island of New Providence (Nassau) where some 1,650 people are being housed in Government-run shelters10 such as churches and community centres.11 These are at full capacity and as more evacuees arrive, families have reportedly been turned away due to lack of space." +321319,54765.0,2225.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],en,25,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/democratic-republic-congo/recent-surge-violence-drc-s-ituri-province-worsening-already,"In the overwhelming majority of cases, humanitarians were denied full access to the most violence-affected areas in the territories of Djugu and Irumu." +11365,2953.0,322.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Food Security', 'Protection', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,59,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20feb%202018.pdf,"The response for migrants has included identifying vulnerabilities and providing immediate assistance to unaccompanied minors, Gender Based Violence (GBV) cases, victims of human rights violations and Humanitarian Voluntary Return. The response for refugees also includes distribution of food, water, NFIs, shelter, health, protection and support for spontaneous returns." +203135,44574.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,41,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://1bec58c3-8dcb-46b0-bb2a-fd4addf0b29a.filesusr.com/ugd/188e74_542fc8805add4051bce2bcd5fc5fe9ed.pdf,"[July 3, NWS, NES, Lack of personnel] There are insufficient numbers of healthcare workers remaining and fewer still of the right specialties e.g. pulmonology, intensive care, infectious diseases, infection prevention and control" +387541,60891.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,74,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/burkina-faso/burkina-faso-anticipating-immediate-consequences-conflict-agricultural,"This complex crisis [food insecurity] is driven by increased insecurity and communal violence, exacerbated by growing competition over resources, climatic variability and lack of income opportunities. As a result, forced displacement across the Sahel has quadrupled in just two years, from 490 000 people to about 2 million - mostly concentrated in Burkina Faso -- and the situation is expected to worsen further by July 2021." +188617,43181.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Contact Tracing'],fr,37,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_270_20201026_.pdf,"Au niveau des PoE/PoC nationaux, 11 911 voyageurs ont été recensés, parmi lesquels 99,4% (n=11 838) ont été screenés ; pareillement, aucune alerte n’a été décelée non plus." +330675,55042.0,2098.0,[],[],[],en,83,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.gage.odi.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Adolescents%E2%80%99-experiences-of-covid-19-in-Chittagong-and-Sylhet-divisions-Bangladesh.pdf,"[30 April 2021, Bangladesh]Washing hands: Washing hands with soap and using hand sanitiser is another protective measure that was mentioned very frequently by adolescents. While use of hand sanitiser was mostly reported by urban adolescents, rural adolescents mostly mentioned using soap to wash their hands. Using hot water regularly was also reported. Some adolescents pointed out the changes that had taken place since the onset of the pandemic in hygiene practices among their community" +214345,45385.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,43,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Environ 500 relais communautaires ont été formés avec l’appui de la Croix Rouge Française, Solidarités International, AHA, UNICEF, NRC et Plan-International pour la sensibilisation [COVID-19] de proximité dans l’ensemble de la région." +69825,19568.0,788.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,52,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Nigeria%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20-%20August%202019.pdf,"The reporting period continued to witness significant population movement, with 14,981 departures and 4,619 arrivals. Areas that accounted for the most departures include Gubio, Magumeri, Geidam and Busari, in part because of changes in military deployments that have led to increased hostilities and fear of attack." +270179,50226.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],es,93,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_6.pdf,"Según el momento de ocurrencia de la muerte la mayor proporción son muertes perinatales anteparto con 48,4 % (421), seguido de neonatales tempranas con 28,5 % (248), neonatales tardías con 12,4 % (108) y perinatales intraparto con 10,7 % (93). De acuerdo con las causas de muerte agrupadas se observó la mayor proporción en: otras causas de muerte 27,1 %, principalmente trastornos de origen perinatal y placentarios, seguido por prematuridad-inmaturidad 22,9 % y asfixia y causas relacionadas 21,3 %" +142104,35870.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,107,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Restrictions remain in place at most other crossing points inside Syria. Abu Zendin, Um Jloud and Awn Dadat in Aleppo remain closed, as does Akeirshi and Abu Assi in Ar-Raqqa. Al-Taiha in Aleppo is reported open for commercial traffic. From 17 July, Ghazawiyet Afrin and Deir Ballut in Aleppo are closed for civilian movement; military are still reported to be allowed to cross. On 20 July, Bab Al Hawa in Idleb partially re-opened for humanitarian workers and emergency medical cases to cross to Turkey after a week’s closure following reported cases of COVID-19 in Idleb." +323579,54626.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,38,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,"There were 6817 people (27 per cent girls) whom received mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) services, psychosocial first aid, play therapy, peer to peer support, and online counselling." +161570,39295.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,29,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,The personal protective equipment (PPE) and infection control and hygiene items for medical staff and community health workers (CHWs) continues to be a gap. +326876,54714.0,2331.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,[Accountability to Affected Populations] 61% of households reported having at least one member who could not read or write. +90067,25213.0,1621.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Demography']",en,40,['At Risk'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A_HRC_43_75_E.pdf,"As at 29 November, 4,500 migrants and refugees, including hundreds of children, were being held without any judicial process in official detention centres run by the Government and in unofficial detention centres controlled by armed groups." +489207,67799.0,2170.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,113,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/PB_NG_202108_2.pdf,"The north is a major production and consumption area for cowpea which flows to the south for use by households and food processing industries. Ilela, Maiadua, and Damasak are all critical cross-border markets with Niger. Saminaka, Giwa, Dandume, and Kaura Namoda are important grain markets in the north, which are interconnected with the Dawanu market in Kano, the largest wholesale market in West Africa, and some southern markets such as the Bodija market in Ibadan. Millet, sorghum, maize, and cowpea are among the most important cereals traded at Kano, while cassava and some cereals are traded with Ibadan" +161543,39295.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,71,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,"Closures of schools due to COVID-19 compound the problem. Schools had been closed since 14 March in the Idleb area and since 16 March in northern Aleppo governorate and reopened temporarily. However, after the first confirmed case of COVID-19 being identified in northwest Syria on 9 July, schools have been closed again from 10 July. Learning has switched to the distance learning modality once more." +161568,39295.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,51,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,The dire economic factor in northwest Syria is playing an important role in deterring potential cases from accepting to go into quarantine in CCTCs or even in their own home due to fear of losing their livelihoods and income in the absence of any paid leave system and/or financial support. +294326,51259.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,15,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2020_access_annual_overview.pdf,"Threats, intimidation and harassment of staff constituted 23 per cent of all the incidents" +492528,67775.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,44,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=248709,"[16th September، 2021, GoS] The Ministry, in a statement, noted that the total number of infections which have been registered in Syria has reached up to 29,974 of which 22,880 have recovered, while 2,097 have passed away." +305721,51572.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,29,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Consider provision of anti-venom to decrease effects of snake bites [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +270235,50227.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",es,190,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Población Migrante: De acuerdo con el boletín del INS No. 33 del 19 de febrero de 2021, se reportan 24.144 casos (629 casos nuevos) en personas extranjeras y 346 fallecidos (11 muertes nuevas). Recuperados 23.010 (716 nuevos recuperados). Estos casos corresponden al 1,09% del total de casos reportados en el país a la fecha. El 91,0% (21.973 casos) de los casos corresponden a personas de nacional venezolana. El 57,4% de la población está entre los 20 a los 39 años (13.855 casos) y el 8,1% son mayores de 60 años (1.951). El 53,0% (12.802) son hombres y el 47,0% (11.347) son mujeres. El 49,1% (11.557) corresponden a personas que residen en la ciudad de Bogotá, el 16,8 % (3.955) de municipios de Antioquía, el 4,8% (1.140) de municipios del Norte de Santander, y el 5,2% (1.216) de municipios del Valle del Cauca, principalmente." +338331,56101.0,2311.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],['Context->Environment'],es,58,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/alerta_btb_inundaciones_en_arauca_14052021_vf_1.pdf,"ALERTA DE SITUACIÓN HUMANITARIA INUNDACIONES POR TEMPORADA INVERNAL EN: ARAUCA, ARAUQUITA, SARAVENA,TAME Y FORTUL (ARAUCA) Fecha de corte: 16 de mayo de 2021 Total población Afectada 6.749 personas 2.250 Familias Colombianas Afectadas 6.189 Personas Colombianas Afectadas 187 Familias Refugiadas, Migrantes y Retornadas 560 Personas Refugiadas, Migrantes y Retornadas" +191569,43304.0,2332.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,128,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Dans le rang des apprenants, ceux qui auront les lacunes dans leur cursus sont les élèves en fin du cycle moyen, ceux de l’enseignement secondaire et les étudiants qui sont dans un réel processus d’accumulation de connaissance. On se souviendra encore que la baisse de niveau au Tchad a pris son origine depuis l’année blanche de 1993, à cause du scénario imaginé qui autorisait les redoublants à passer en classes supérieures alors même qu’ils avaient accumulé des faiblesses éducatives très importantes. A cet égard, l’arrêt des classes aura plus de conséquences sur le capital humain futur qui se traduira en termes d’incompétences et amputera sur la productivité du facteur travail" +146011,34803.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,54,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"For COVID-19, there remains a need to secure personal protective equipment (PPE) and hygiene items for community health workers (CHW) and volunteer teams. Hygiene items such as soap will be distributed during COVID-19 awareness sessions. The risk of contamination during door-to-door awareness raising activities is high." +241189,47089.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,44,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000122811.pdf,"[1st Dec 2020,Nigeria] In northeast Nigeria, 2.1 million people remain displaced following insurgencies by non-state groups (DTM Round 33, IOM), with an additional 0.7 million Nigerians having fled to Cameroon, Chad and Niger." +22296,9106.0,729.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,81,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"An estimated 40,000 Tawerghans live in informal settlements, often in appalling and precarious conditions. They are often exposed to forced eviction, the last one being in August 2018, when the Tariq al-Matar Camp in Tripoli, hosting around 2,000 IDPs, was raided, homes demolished, and people forced to flee. The raid rendered people homeless, and violated their dignity and their rights to protection under International Human Rights and International Humanitarian Laws." +316549,52949.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,48,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"There are very limited livelihood opportunities available for refugees and asylum seekers, mainly due to a lack of employment and wage-earning opportunities in places of residence. Without regular and predictable incomes, refugees and asylum seekers often cannot afford to purchase even basic items." +150063,37980.0,1187.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security', 'WASH']",['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],es,49,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3665436,Uno de los resultados de estas acciones fue que desde el mes de abril más de 3000 familias de migrantes en distintas partes del país recibieron a domicilio kits con alimentos y elementos de higiene. Este número se incrementó hasta alcanzar las 8000 personas en situación de vulnerabilidad +221805,45410.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,69,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"[Les parties Sud des provinces administratives du BEG et du Kanem dans la Zone 5 - « agropastorale» ]: En plus de ceci, une intensification du petit commerce (vente en détail de produits alimentaires de base, tels qu’oignon, ail, piment, sel, riz, etc.) est remarquée pour compléter les niveaux de revenus de ménages." +313715,53333.0,2334.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,18,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"The sustained displacement continues to create life-saving needs, including education in emergency needs for those children." +456709,58748.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,120,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://cdn.odi.org/media/documents/ODI-PB-SRHR.pdf,"The Covid-19 pandemic has upended many global systems and structures, threatening to roll back progress on rights for many marginalised groups and hard-won gains on a range of social and economic indicators. Its effects have been especially notable on sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), an area that already suffered from poor resourcing and an energised political opposition. When a crisis brings about such rapid reversals in services, benchmarks and commitments, and sees services overwhelmingly needed by women classed as ‘non-essential’, it is clear that the underlying norms around choice, bodily autonomy and the rights of women, girls and gender-diverse people have not meaningfully changed." +292280,52058.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,32,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/16-03-21_ni_nord_kivu.pdf,[terr.Masisi] selon le HCR des affrontements récurrents entre l’armée congolaise et un groupe armé dans plusieurs localités du groupement Bapfuna ont poussé 5 225 personnes à se déplacer +112949,31706.0,1388.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,60,[],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3643670,"Costa Rica ha demostrado cierto éxito para afrontar la pandemia de la covid-19. Pero a pesar de los bajos números y las buenas noticias, las autoridades no se confían y no se aventuran a cantar victoria. Además, han sido categóricos e insistentes en el mensaje a la población de “no bajar la guardia”." +313278,53183.0,2466.0,"['Livelihoods', 'Shelter']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,27,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"Heavy rains caused damage to houses, livestock, farmland, infrastructure, and services. Flood water and damage was record high in all states." +143665,35870.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,42,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"In a meeting with authorities during the reporting period, it was agreed that key messages going forward should include the assistance to the elderly in light of COVID-19, and necessity for the elderly to remain at home where possible." +112952,31706.0,1388.0,['Health'],[],[],es,99,[],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3643670,"2. Decisiones tempranas, basadas en evidencia científica El gran acierto fue basar sus decisiones y acciones en la evidencia científica, privilegiando la preservación de la vida y la protección de la salud sobre cualquier otro tema, incluida la política. Desde el momento en que el coronavirus empezó a esparcirse por el mundo, Costa Rica ya tenía camino avanzado. De manera hábil, el presidente, Carlos Alvarado, posicionó a su ministro de Salud, Daniel Salas, experto en epidemiología, como líder en la preparación y respuesta del país." +327400,54714.0,2331.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,83,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,[EDUCATION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)]40% of the households of non-IDP settlements reported that it takes less than 15 minutes to reach to the nearest education facility while 27% and 9% of the households of non-IDP settlements reported it takes 15-30 minutes and 30-60minutes to reach to the nearest education facility respectively. Only 2% of the households of IDP settlements reported that it takes 1-3 hours to reach to the nearest education facility. +187881,42383.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,53,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.acu-sy.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/COVID-19-Surveillance_NWS_EWARN_Daily-Sitrep_-118.pdf,[21 Oct 2020] [NWS] New cases: 308 | Total cases: 3498 | New tests: 846 | Total tests: 19763 | New recoveries: 80 | Total recoveries: 1451 | Total active cases: 2015 | New deaths: 0 | Total deaths: 21 +2627,520.0,321.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,26,['At Risk'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://www.amnesty.org/en/countries/middle-east-and-north-africa/libya/report-libya/,"IS abducted and detained members of opposing armed groups and civilians, including foreign nationals employed in the oil industry, migrant workers and refugees." +270217,50227.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,95,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Del total de 44.494 camas hospitalarias para adultos, el 64,3% (28.613) se encuentran ocupadas, con una disponibilidad del 35,7% (15.881), en comparación con los últimas 7 días el porcentaje de disponibilidad se ha disminuido en un 5,5% y el número de camas disponibles en un 5,3%. Del total de las 27.641 camas hospitalarias ocupadas, se encuentran: 2.105 (7,6%) casos confirmados, 1.305 (4,7%) pacientes sospechosos y 24.331 (88,0%) casos no COVID-19." +61191,18235.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics']",en,89,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"lack of resources has obliged Venezuelan refugees and migrants leaving the country during the third phase to travel in more precarious and more dangerous ways, having to split their journeys into several legs, in many cases covering at least part of it on foot. The conditions in which people move obviously influence their exposure to protection risks en route. Their lower education and professional skills levels – together with an irregular status – also limits their ability to adequately integrate in their destination country." +165261,39804.0,1185.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,81,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020-09-21%20Resumen%20Semanal%20de%20Situaci%C3%B3n%2014-20%20de%20sep%202020.pdf,"El Gobierno también informa de que unos 7,5 millones de familias ya han recibido un primer subsidio COVID-19 de 223 dólares de EE.UU. para apoyar las compras básicas, y que el segundo se pagará en la primera semana de octubre para beneficiar a 8,4 millones de familias. Los subsidios forman parte de una inversión de $1.680 millones para ayudar a los hogares necesitados mientras el Gobierno sigue trabajando para impulsar la economía devastada por la pandemia." +156653,38715.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,28,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/roap_covid_response_sitrep_14.pdf,"IOM-trained Disaster Risk Reduction teams in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh disseminated key COVID-19 messages to more than 20,000 individuals in the camps and neighboring host communities" +263008,49608.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],es,47,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/noticias/economia/en-enero-de-2021-retrocedio-la-confianza-de-los-empresarios/,"La más reciente versión del Pulso Empresarial, encuesta realizada por el DANE, deja ver que la confianza de los empresarios tuvo un retroceso, pues se ubicó en 48,7 en enero de 2021, mientras que en diciembre de 2020 fue de 48,8 puntos." +70651,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)'],en,75,[],['Information And Communication'],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"Sex- and age-disaggregated data (SADD): All humanitarian programming activities, including assessments, implementation and monitoring and evaluations, must collect SADD at a minimum and, additionally, disability-disaggregated data insofar as is possible. Once collected, it is critical to ensure that someone is tasked with analysing the data and making recommendations to the respective teams on how to adjust their programming to be more accurate and inclusive." +316108,52949.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Meanwhile, among those reporting issues with their sanitation facilities, prevalent coping strategies include relying on less preferred sanitation facilities, communal latrines or defecating in the open. This impacts peoples’ health and nutrition status." +194580,43822.0,2311.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,29,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19112020_flash_update_no.3_emergencias_por_ola_invernal_-_colombia_vf.pdf,"Respecto de las vías de acceso, la creciente del rio Andágueda en el municipio de Lloró derribó el puente principal que comunicaba a esta población con áreas aledañas" +90066,25213.0,1621.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A_HRC_43_75_E.pdf,"Migrants and refugees in Libya continued to be routinely subjected to arbitrary detention, torture, including sexual violence, abduction for ransom, extortion, forced labour and unlawful killings. Perpetrators of these violations and abuses have in an overwhelming number of cases not been held to account, and include State officials, members of armed groups, smugglers, traffickers and members of criminal gangs." +292425,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,51,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"Du 14 Février au 31 mars 2019, 4 césariennes ont été faites et payées par Alima, 11 femmes ont été référées depuis le site de Goura pour la maternité de l’hôpital de district de Makary et 55 femmes venant de la population hôte ont été assistées." +321650,54675.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],fr,74,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/compte-rendu_de_lactualite_des_nations_unies_en_rdc_a_la_date_du_21_avril_2021_final.pdf,"La campagne de vaccination contre la COVID-19 en République démocratique du Congo a commencé lundi. Le Ministre de la Santé, les diplomates accrédités en RDC, le personnel de santé ainsi d’autres groupes prioritaires ont reçu leur première dose du vaccin AstraZeneca aux Cliniques Universitaires de Kinshasa, lieu du lancement officiel, y compris dans les différents sites des autres formations sanitaires de la ville-province de Kinshasa. L" +230066,46693.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,16,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,US$ 210.7 m six months (May – October ‘20) net funding requirements +162817,37820.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/iom_rohingya_crisis_response_-_external_sitrep_-_july_2020.pdf,"A total of 100 new staff including a clinical supervisor, medical officers, medical assistants, nurse midwives, lab technologist and pharmacy support-staff joined were hired during the reporting period." +178052,40661.0,2225.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Selon les résultats de cette enquête, l’accès aux intrants agricoles de qualité reste une contrainte majeure au développement du secteur agricole en RDC." +330047,53699.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Contact Tracing'],fr,57,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_094_20210404_hebdo_s13.pdf,"Ce 04/04/2021, 810 nouveaux voyageurs récemment venus des pays affectés par la COVID-19 ont été enregistrés à Kinshasa. Des 8 107 voyageurs qui étaient en cours de suivi à Kinshasa, 1 635 ont été suivis ; aucun d’eux n’est devenu symptomatique et aucune sorti n’a été enregistré." +150707,32361.0,1184.0,['Education'],[],[],es,162,[],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/El%20derecho%20a%20la%20educaci%C3%B3n%20en%20tiempos%20de%20crisis%20-%20alternativas%20para%20la%20continuidad%20educativa.pdf,"ESTRATEGIA #3. EDUCACIÓN EN EL HOGAR BASADA EN MEDIOS IMPRESOS Algunos de los países mencionados también han Venezuela. En estos tres últimos países, es puesto a disposición material impreso para aquella interesante el caso de docentes que, junto con los población que no tiene acceso a medios digitales, materiales, entregan actividades en cuadernos de medios masivos o electricidad. Esto último resulta estudiantes que son desarrolladas en el hogar por de extrema necesidad para atender e integrar en la las familias y retiradas posteriormente. respuesta a la población en situación de vulnerabilidad social o que habita en zonas rurales aisladas. En El Salvador, se distribuyeron guías de aprendizaje, en Ecuador cartillas con actividades, en República Dominicana, Cuba y México también se ha distribuido material didáctico; en Guatemala se han distribuido materiales impresos con También hay que subrayar el uso de medios impresos en una escala masiva. E" +360013,58741.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,20,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC_FSO_2021_06_final.pdf,Le prix de la farine de maïs est resté stable d'avril à juin 2021 sur la quasi-totalité des marchés suivis +342052,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Local Integration'],fr,54,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Toutefois, l’accueil de ces PDI est diversement ap- précié. L’apparition des camps de déplacés est mal perçue car d’une part ils font l’objet de récupération des ONGs et d’autre part ils sont perçus comme une incapacité de gestion des autorités communales." +305296,53013.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/3c8084ae/REACH_SOM_Factsheet_Assessment-of-Hard-to-Reach-Areas_December-2020.pdf,"Displacement: Flooding(34%), Conflict(20%), Drought(20%) were most commonly reported primary reason for population leaving the settlement of origin." +159360,38362.0,2099.0,[],[],[],en,22,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.unocha.org/fr/node/956257,"In the first quarter of 2020, the UN and humanitarian partners have reached nearly 1 million people with humanitarian assistance." +313678,53333.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,31,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Support policing services to enforce non-access to night clubs, bars and other areas where age restriction of 18 exists, to minimize exposure to substance abuse and sexual exploitation." +293822,52074.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,55,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,"A GBV AoR meeting was held in Buea on 23 October 2019. During the meeting, UNFPA built capacity on filling the 5Ws template. UNFPA partners conducted three orientation workshops on GBV/SRH lifesaving interventions for 40 community mobilisers, 20 community health workers and 35 radio and social media actors in Bamenda." +142078,35870.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,24,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"In addition, the GoS further announced that Syrians travelling abroad could obtain PCR tests and health certificates in four specified centres in Damascus" +234293,46381.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,15,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,The preventive measures should be lifted gradually step by step according to WHO guideline. +155272,38385.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,154,['Impact'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/R4V%20Flash%20Update%20Colombia%20-%20Situaci%C3%B3n%20de%20refugiados%20y%20migrantes%20provenientes%20de%20Venezuela%20ante%20COVID-19%2C%20Julio%2028%20al%20Agosto%2031%2C%202020.pdf,"El pasado 6 de agosto Migración Colombia reportó que a corte de 31 de mayo en el país hay más de 1,764,000 ciudadanos venezolanos, lo cual representa un incremento porcentual de -0,4% respecto al año anterior; sin embargo, en comparación con el anterior corte de cifras (30 de abril) se sigue evidenciando una tendencia de disminución de la población venezolana residente en Colombia (0,98% en este caso)4 . Por otra parte, durante los meses de marzo, abril y mayo se presentó un promedio mensual de más de 20.000 retornos de ciudadanos venezolanos a su país, los cuales podrían ser asociados a las afectaciones causadas por las medidas ante el COVID-19 en sus condiciones de vida. A la fecha, Migración Colombia tienen más de 42.000 solicitudes de ciudadanos venezolanos que están a la espera de poder retornar al país." +91791,26015.0,1620.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Situation-Overview_H2R_Oct-Dec_13.03.2020.pdf,"In Dikwa, assessed settlements reporting that people consumed two meals per day was consistently reported during the reporting period (reported by 63% of assessed settlements in December), while assessed settlements reporting people to consume one meal per day increased from 13% in October to 37% in December." +9958,4383.0,321.0,[],[],[],en,30,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/unhcr-appalled-loss-life-sea-coast-libya,"On the same day, some 300 refugees and migrants were disembarked by the Libyan coast guard at the Tripoli Naval Base, including 15 children and 40 women." +148185,36609.0,1388.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,113,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/01.%20CRI%20Operation%20July%202020%20.pdf,"UNHCR supports the Government of Costa Rica in the implementation of MINARE, which is the national chapter of the Comprehensive Refugee Response Plan (CRRF) and represents Costa Rica’s contribution to the Regional Comprehensive Response Framework (MIRPS). The MINARE offers a multi-sectoral whole-of-society response to the situation of refugees and other persons in need of international protection, and it is a model for the protection and integration of urban refugees in middle income countries. The MINARE engages a diverse range of stakeholders including various ministries, civil society and faith-based organizations, academia, institutions, UN agencies, and the private sector." +165219,39714.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->Local Response'],[],es,13,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,78% adoptó la cuarentena (aislamiento preventivo voluntaria u obligatorio). +240848,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,44,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"An MSF report into hospitals care in Hilmand and Hirat provinces shows that 41 per cent of carers and patients stated that a family member, friend or neighbour had died due to lack of access to medical care between 2018 and 2019." +194571,43822.0,2311.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,22,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19112020_flash_update_no.3_emergencias_por_ola_invernal_-_colombia_vf.pdf,San Andrés se encuentra con una afectación del 80 por ciento en el sistema de energía eléctrica continua en curso el EDAN +238164,47090.0,2170.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_15_dec_2020_report.pdf,"[1st-15thDec 2020, Borno and Adamawa state]The main source of drinking and non-drinking water at displacement sites is the borehole (79%). Other sources of water supply include hand pumps, wells, water vendors and water trucking." +394428,61272.0,1186.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Casualties->Dead']",es,60,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Displacement', 'Casualties']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://radio.uchile.cl/2021/02/04/colchane-la-ciudad-que-revela-la-crisis-migratoria-y-pone-entre-la-espada-y-la-pared-al-gobierno/,"Desde el 1 de febrero hemos observado cómo la población flotante de Colchane, en Tarapacá, ha aumentado exponencialmente esta última semana.Sólo el lunes cerca de mil 600 inmigrantes ingresaron clandestinamente por el costado del paso fronterizo con Bolivia, que hoy está cerrado.Dos de ellos, de nacionalidades venezolana y colombiana, fallecieron mientras realizaban la travesía." +329972,53694.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,82,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/03042021_sitrep_s11_whe_oms_rdc.docx.pdf,"[Ituri] OMS : appui technique et financier aux activités de surveillance épidémiologique dans la DPS de l’Ituri (renforcement des capacités des acteurs, approvisionnement en outils de gestion et intrants de confirmation biologique, gestion des données, investigation des cas, etc.) ; appui technique à la coordination du cluster santé sous le lead de l’OMS et appui à la riposte aux différentes épidémies (COVID-19, peste, etc.)" +493416,68136.0,2170.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,82,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/borno_state_cholera_outbreak_response_sitrep_no_5_27_09_21_0.pdf,"[26th Sept 2021, Borno State] Challenges: Slow security clearance for transporting critical WASH supplies have delayed implementation of field activities. Water gap and need for NFI kit distribution at Ndolori Kogin Tifa host community Maisandari Ward, MMC LGA. High costs of water trucking with Inadequate funding for Cholera response. Lack of funding for mid-term designs for improved water systems and fecal sludge management. Shortages of Aqua tabs and soaps and IEC materials." +492282,67914.0,2028.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",en,196,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_mvam_bulletin_58_august_2021.pdf,"Moreover, Saraya crossing point, a humanitarian corridor between Dar’a Al Balad and Dar’a city, has been closed since 12 August, while between 21 and 22 August, it was temporarily opened to allow women, children and the elderly to exit. As a result, access to services and goods across Dar’a Al Balad was extremely challenging in August, with critical shortages of electricity, fuel and bread, as well as the inability to deliver wheat flour to Tishreen and Al Balad bakeries. In response, Dar’a authorities have reallocated this wheat flour to existing bakeries in Dar’a city, Bosra Esh Sham, Tiba, and Da'el to help meet the needs of IDPs. On 30 August, Al Shifa hospital and the National hospital of Dar’a were reportedly attacked by mortars, resulting in structural damage. On 31 August, the Government of Syria and the Dar’a Central Committee held a meeting and agreed to a complete ceasefire to take effect from September 2021 in Dar’a Al-Balad." +2641,520.0,321.0,[],[],[],en,22,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://www.amnesty.org/en/countries/middle-east-and-north-africa/libya/report-libya/,"On 1 April, guards shot dead at least four people seeking to escape from al-Nasr migrant detention centre in al-Zawiya." +171029,40695.0,2170.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,51,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://foodtank.com/news/2020/10/women-excluded-from-covid-19-hunger-crisis-relief-report-shows/,"[01/10/2020, Nigeria] The COVID-19 hunger crisis puts women at greater risk of sexual exploitation, as they’re more likely to exchange sex for food. And families are more likely to marry their child daughters in exchange for doweries they can use to feed themselves." +294567,51749.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,29,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,[commune de Ouargaye] Environ 90% des PDI loue actuellement leur logement aux populations autochtones et 10% sont accueillies dans des familles d’accueil. +112940,31293.0,1388.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,61,[],['Context'],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3641092,"En el componente sobre Aplicación de Justicia, se ha diseminado información sobre bioseguridad entre el personal a cargo de la aplicación de justicia, se han restringido las labores fiscales y solo se atiende en casos fiscales de atención primaria, además se han coordinado lineamientos para la aplicación de justicia ante COVID-19 y otras enfermedades de rápida propagación." +179415,42082.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,43,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.sana.sy/en/?p=206807,"[19th October 2020, Overall Syria] The ministry told SANA that the infection toll of Coronavirus registered in the country till now has reached at 5134, out of which 1565 ones have recovered while 251 others have passed away." +213246,44840.0,2331.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],en,73,"['Priority Interventions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,"As highlighted in the UN’s global response plan, “fiscal stimulus at a large scale is required with targeted measures aimed at providing assistance to individuals hit hardest.” The UN and partners will scale up and expand resilient, pro-poor, and gender responsive cash transfer programmes. The use of mobile money will be especially critical, given restricted access and movement into and within the country." +218389,45694.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,58,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.primature.cd/public/2020/12/15/rdc-le-cce-appelle-a-nouveau-la-population-au-respect-des-gestes-barrieres-face-a-la-deuxieme-vague-de-covid-19/,"Dans sa restitution de cette séance de travail, la Vice-Première Ministre, Ministre du Plan, Élysée Munembwe, a annoncé une accélération du rythme de formation de prix au cours de la deuxième semaine du mois de décembre. L’inflation est passée de 0,127% contre 0,120% la semaine dernière, a-t-elle indiqué" +235639,47076.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,"Over 15,780 individuals from 2,625 households were reportedly displaced in the North West (NW) and South West (SW) regions in June due to ongoing violence." +264343,48806.0,2332.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,159,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_final_enquete_smart_27112019.pdf,"Selon le Comité Technique National de Lutte contre les Epidémies (CTNLE), le nombre de cas de rougeole est en constante augmentation au Tchad depuis le début de l'année 2019. Avec plus de 1 000 cas rapportés en janvier et près de 3 000 cas en février, la situation a continué de se détériorer en mars (4 994 cas) pour atteindre un pic de 5 197 cas en avril. Au 31 mai, un total de 18 682 cas et 191 décès ont été enregistrés depuis le début de l'année 2019. Les provinces de N'Djamena (5870 cas), Chari Baguirmi (4 770), Mayo Kebbi Est (2 421), Logone Oriental (2 403) et Logone Occidental (2 389) et Salamat (1885), sont parmi les plus touchées à la semaine 46 de l’année 2019 (CTNLE)" +345665,56858.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"(Hauts-Bassins, Kourouma) 67 enfants (37 filles et 30 garçons) déclarés mais les extraits de naissance ont été égaré; 15 enfants (10 filles et 5 garçons) jamais déclarés à la naissance tous des personnes déplacées internes." +196707,43328.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,39,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_smart_rapid_pdi_2020_bfa_final.pdf,Organiser avec l’appui des partenaires une évaluation rapide de la situation nutritionnelle qui prévaut dans la commune de Djibo et intensifier les interventions pour sauver les vies des personnes vulnérables [Au Ministère de la santé] +237281,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,32,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,An increase in GBV and negative coping mechanisms (including child labour and child marriage) have also contributed to the higher number. (Humanitarian need in the protection sector) +22555,9106.0,729.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)', 'Information And Communication->Information Challenges And Barriers']",en,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Information And Communication'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"An assessment conducted by Internews showed that the lack of a stable source of electricity was the major challenge for affected people in accessing critical information about the response, access to assistance, and security. Alternative power supplies to operate equipment and provide services to the humanitarian community are also needed." +196681,43626.0,2311.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,64,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/AAH_Regional%20Appeal%20Latam%202021-2023.pdf,"The situation of migrants, refugees, returnees, deportees, and displaced persons is particularly fragile due to poor access to basic services and major job losses (33% in Peru and 16,48% in Colombia6, 6 percentage points more than in the previous year, due to the effects of the COVID19 on the contraction of the economy)." +220647,45655.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,70,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"[9th Dec, Overall Syria] At least 7,321 samples (not including two samples collected and tested via a mechanism of local authorities in April) have so far been confirmed as positive; 64 cases via the MOH/ EWARS mechanism, 193 cases via the Early Warning, Alert, and Response Network (EWARN) mechanism and 7,064 cases via the mechanism of local authorities)" +176410,41733.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Economy']",fr,41,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/reach_drc_bulletin-des-marche-2_juin-2020.pdf,"Quant aux territoires marqués par les conflits à l'Est, le PMA reste systématiquement autour des 200 à 250 000 FC en mai, à l'exception des territoires de Masisi13 et de Fizi où il frôle les 300 000 FC." +258168,48904.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,72,[],"['Covid-19', 'Information And Communication']",IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syriahr.com/en/204953/,"[14th Feb 2021] According to SOHR latest statistics, based on reports obtained from reliable medical sources on the ground in regime-controlled areas, the total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases has reached 305,800, of which over 108,000 were recovered, and 14,513 died.It is worth noting that regime Ministry of Health’ official statistics announced 14,820 infections, of whom 975 people died and 8,600 were recovered." +194466,43501.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,44,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"3 principales raisons du manque d’accès à une école primaire fonctionnelle, en % de localités évaluées19 : Endommagée/détruite pour des raisons non-liées à des violences ou un désastre Le(s) enseignant(s) a/ont arrêté de travailler NC" +487059,67643.0,1900.0,[],[],[],es,24,[],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,,En Honduras 09 de cada 10 victimas de Homicidios son Hombres y 06 de cada 10 victimas de Homicidios ocurren en área urbana. +306167,51474.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,79,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"Five children (two boys and three girls) were verified as victims of abduction; four girls as survivors of rape; one boy was injured and another was a victim of recruitment and use. Children were most affected in Unity (four girls) and Western Bahr el-Ghazal (two boys and two girls), Central Equatoria (one girl), Upper Nile (one boy) and Warrap (one boy)." +391312,61129.0,1186.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,35,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.biobiochile.cl/noticias/nacional/chile/2021/01/29/desproteccion-y-problemas-de-integracion-las-consecuencias-de-la-inmigracion-ilegal.shtml,Lamentablemente a la fecha no existe un catastro formal y detallado de todas las familias de extranjeros que han decidido vivir de esta manera en plazas o avenidas de distintas ciudades de nuestro país. +161191,35726.0,1183.0,[],[],"['Context->Environment', 'Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics']",es,280,[],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_arauca_junio_2020_vf%20%281%29.pdf,"10 Dane - Censo 2018 – Pueblos Indígenas 11OCHA Boletín Diciembre 2019 4 BRIEFING DEPARTAMENTAL 5 7. Desastres naturales El impacto de las inundaciones e incendios forestales es recurrente y cuenta con una limitada respuesta local y departamental. Según la Unidad Nacional de Gestión de Riesgos y Desastres (UNGRD) y Monitor de Sala Humanitaria durante el año 2020 5.416 personas (1.712familias) han resultado afectadas, principalmente por las inundaciones y los incendios forestales. Durante el año 2019 el municipio de Arauca fue el más impactado por los incendios, concentrando el 98,3% de los eventos; mientras que Arauquita fue el mayor afectado por las inundaciones, concentrando el 50% de los eventos. A junio de 2020 se han presentado al menos 30 incendios forestales en el municipio de Arauca y 4.636 personas han resultado afectadas por las inundaciones de temporada invernal en el municipio de Arauquita. Las inundaciones suelen ocurrir en los asentamientos informales a la orilla del río, generado afectaciones en los sectores de Albergue, Salud y WASH. Se esperan avances sustanciales en el proceso de análisis, planeación para la creación e implementación del Plan de Contingencia para la Prevención y Atención de Desastres Naturales y Antrópicos en el Departamento de Arauca. Por otra parte, los derrames de petróleo causados por los ataques a los oleoductos generan consecuencias ambientales y de salubridad, al contaminar las fuentes hídricas de las que se abastecen comunidades rurales e indígenas, así como también económicas, por el costo de la restructuración de los tubos afectados y la limpieza de las fuentes hídricas." +149270,35869.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,75,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep18_25july2020.pdf,". A total of 159 hospitals and primary health centres (PHC) have been equipped with COVID19 triage systems, and four community-based treatment centres (CCTC) have been operationalised to treat patients with mild-to-moderate cases of COVID-19. Humanitarian actors continue to adapt how they work in order to assist people in need while minimising transmission risks for themselves and local communities, suspending services only where no safe solution is available" +239836,47107.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,50,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[Jan 2021] In addition, reports indicate internal crossings into the Tal-Abiad and Ras Al-Ain area, across frontlines, remain closed. Restrictions appear to remain in place at Um Jloud in Aleppo; at Awn Dadat, the crossing has been closed since 19 October." +176069,41336.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_128_.pdf,"Kinshasa demeure l’épicentre de l’épidémie, pour avoir notifié 90,3% (3626/4016) de l’ensemble des cas. Le Kongo-Central reste, elle aussi, le second foyer épidémique avec 5,3% (212/4016) des cas (Tableau I ; Figure 2)." +305617,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,17,['Impact'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,The participation of women in refugee committees’ decision-making processes is still low.(2020) +497818,35118.0,1187.0,[],[],[],es,81,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"condición de acceso a la vivien- da- el 80% (331) refirió estar alquilando un espacio, el 12% (50) convi- vía en la residencia de algún familiar o conocido, 12 personas respon- dieron que se encontraban en albergues temporales estatales al mo- mento de la encuesta, 8 en albergues temporales privados, 5 reporta- ron ser propietarios del espacio en el que viven y 4 refirieron encon- trarse en situación de calle." +256967,48806.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],[],['Context->Demography'],fr,70,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_final_enquete_smart_27112019.pdf,"Le taux brut de mortalité observé dans la population globale au niveau national (0,90 décès pour 10 000 personnes par jour) est inférieur au seuil d’alerte de 1 décès pour 10 000 personnes par jour. Par contre six (6) provinces (Ouaddai, Wadi Fira, Salamat, Sila, Mondoul et Logone Oriental) présentent des taux supérieurs à ce seuil." +2631,520.0,321.0,[],[],[],en,67,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://www.amnesty.org/en/countries/middle-east-and-north-africa/libya/report-libya/,"By August the number of internally displaced people in Libya had risen to almost 350,000, according to the International Organization for Migration (IOM). This included an estimated 40,000 former residents of Tawargha who had been forced from their homes five years earlier. In August, a reconciliation agreement between Misrata and Tawargha representatives aimed to facilitate their return to the town." +183615,42456.0,2099.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,29,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.unicef.org/wca/media/5411/file/UNICEF-WCARO-Central-Sahel-Advocacy-October-2020.pdf,"Unfortunately, displacement and increased insecurity have disrupted access to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services and slowed down investment in already limited WASH infrastructures." +221868,45410.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,115,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"[Les parties Sud des provinces administratives du BEG et du Kanem dans la Zone 5 - « agropastorale» ]: [Octobre - Janvier 2021] Face à une baisse des revenus occasionnée par la raréfaction des autres sources notamment les opportunités d’embauche ainsi que les prix stables sur les marchés à bétail, la plupart des ménages intensifieraient le petit commerce de produits alimentaires. Par conséquent, les ménages du BEG et du Kanem continueraient d’avoir une consommation alimentaire réduite et ne pourraient s’engager dans des dépenses non alimentaires essentielles. Ils resteront en Stress (Phase 2 de l’IPC) alimentaire." +54050,16873.0,1378.0,['Health'],[],[],es,66,[],[],Central America - Dengue Outbreak 2019,2019-08-09 22:51:53.645619+00,https://www.efe.com/efe/america/sociedad/aumentan-un-160-los-casos-de-dengue-en-costa-rica-comparacion-con-2018/20000013-4035695#,"El Ministerio de Salud instó a la población a continuar medidas preventivas de higiene recomendadas, para prevenir el dengue, zika y chikungunya. Entre ellas eliminar criaderos como llantas, recipientes, baldes, bebederos de animales y plásticos negros, aplicar repelente contra los mosquitos en la piel expuesta, usar camisas de manga larga y pantalones largos, así como mosquiteros." +160612,35777.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],[],[],es,49,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3658037,"En Antioquia fueron 4.000 familias vulnerables que se beneficiaron de la entrega de los alimentos, en su mayoría madres cabeza de familia, vendedores ambulantes, personas con discapacidad o personas mayores que a raíz de la pandemia no han podido trabajar para sostener su economía familiar." +236508,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,33,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"While most vulnerable households assessed in the 2020 WoA indicated they do have access to a health facility, many report having to walk over an hour to reach the nearest facility." +401813,62956.0,2098.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,79,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[29th July 2021, Cox's Bazar] To promote inclusive IEC material and ensure rigorous communication with persons with disabilities and older people so they are well informed of the existing and upcoming services, disaster risk reduction plans, evacuation plans, location of the service providing centres and processes to access the services. • Emergency preparedness plans should be inclusive and prioritize persons with disabilities, older persons, children and pregnant women." +282376,51025.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,44,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/bangladeshs-daily-covid-19-cases-keep-crossing-1000-mark/66030,"[13th March 2021, Bangladesh] So far, 510,310 patients – 91.74% – have recovered in the country since the first cases were reported on March 8 last year and the first death on March 18 in the same year." +169962,40360.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Environment'],fr,59,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Il faut ajouter aussi que les pluies ont occasionné beaucoup de dégâts dans plusieurs localités notamment à Markoye, Dori, Djibo, Gorom-Gorom etc. Des maisons se sont effondrées occasionnant ainsi des populations sinistrées. C’est le cas dans la commune de Markoye où 43 personnes dont 18 femmes et 25 hommes sont sinistrées." +164487,32982.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,68,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Respuesta%20COVID-19%20-%20GIFMM%20Arauca%2C%20actualizaci%C3%B3n%20n%C2%B03%20%28Del%201%20al%2030%20de%20mayo%20de%202020%29.pdf,"Atención a sobrevivientes de violencia basada en género en la Sala de Primera Acogida del Hospital San Vicente de Paul. •Atención integral para casos con necesidades específicas de protección. •Manejo de casos de niños, niñas y adolescentes separados o no acompañados (remisiones y vía telefónica). •Procesos de sensibilización con comités de protección de los asentamientos de Brisas del puente Jerusalén y Refugio" +62866,18514.0,1386.0,"['Health', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,190,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190328_acaps_briefing_note_venezuela_update_and_2019_outlook__0.pdf,"Due to the collapse of the health system, children, patients with chronic conditions, people with disabilities, and pregnant woman are particularly vulnerable. According to the latest available data, maternal mortality increased by over 65% from 2015 to 2016, and 756 deaths were recorded in 2016. Analysis from The Lancet found that in 2016 the infant mortality rate was 21.1 deaths per 1,000 live birth, nearly 1.4 times the rate in 2008 (15 deaths per 1,000 live birth). Although no new data is available, it can be assumed that those rates have grown alongside the deterioration of the health system in the past few years (The Lancet 01/03/2019, Government of Venezuela 31/12/2016). 25,000 pregnant women did not receive prenatal care, and some 7,500 were only checked in the eighth and ninth months of their pregnancy (Caracas Chronicles 21/02/2019, CHE Health 09/2018). Many children with disabilities are deprived of an education due to the lack of equipment adapted to their handicap in schools (CHE Education 11/2018)." +91812,26015.0,1620.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Situation-Overview_H2R_Oct-Dec_13.03.2020.pdf,"Kukawa had the lowest proportion of assessed settlements reporting that people were using a latrine in December (33%), which was consistently reported throughout the reporting period." +262983,49225.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Vaccination', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",es,19,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.semana.com/nacion/articulo/migrantes-irregulares-presentaran-tutela-contra-el-plan-de-vacunacion-colombiano/202155/,"El mandatario respaldó su decisión, argumentando que la vacunación podría desencadenar una ola de migrantes pidiendo vacunas." +165029,38902.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"In a representative survey of Venezuelan refugee and migrant households in May 2020, 58% reported to currently have a labour opportunity, with 89% stating that they had been working before the beginning of the national quarantine (GIFMM 17/07/2020)." +146645,34803.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,56,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"In accordance with WHO guidelines and local health authorities, the Logistics Cluster has enacted measures at the transshipment hubs to mitigate the risks of COVID-19 to teams on the ground, including new handwashing facilities for drivers and workers, promoting physical distancing, raising awareness through visibility items and a staff rotation system." +498593,60095.0,1187.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,36,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RMRP%202021%20Plan%20de%20respuesta%20regional%20para%20refugiados%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%2C%20enero%20-%20diciembre%202021.pdf,"Esta situación repercutirá particularmente en la población de entre 18 y 45 años375 que, según las proyecciones, constituirá el 89% de las personas refugiadas y migrantes de Venezuela en el Cono Sur." +187182,34290.0,1900.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,9,[],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Resumen_Informe_16_07_2020_No_080.pdf,Coordinación recibimiento vuelos humanitarios y de hondureños retornados. +178265,41756.0,2225.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,77,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Ces maladies [choléra et paludisme] entrainent une morbidité et une mortalité accrue chez les populations vulnérables notamment les enfants, les femmes, les populations vivant dans des zones enclavées avec un faible accès aux soins et les populations affectées par des mouvements de population. Elles ont aussi un impact important sur la situation socio-économique des ménages et renforcent les problématiques humanitaires déjà existantes, comme l’insécurité alimentaire ou la malnutrition." +343393,55976.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,103,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.lemonde.fr/afrique/article/2021/05/10/beaucoup-ne-croient-pas-au-danger-du-covid-19-en-afrique-la-defiance-face-aux-vaccins_6079678_3212.html,"Les chefs d’Etat, les ministres de la santé, bras de chemise relevé pour recevoir leur injection, prennent la pause devant les caméras en espérant rassurer. Mais même la véracité de ces clichés est mise en cause. En Ouganda, la ministre de la santé, Jane Ruth Aceng, a dû publier un communiqué pour démentir des affirmations circulant sur Twitter selon lesquelles elle ne s’était en réalité pas fait vacciner.« Il y a toujours eu des réticences à la vaccination, mais avec les réseaux sociaux, les rumeurs nous précèdent." +402962,63058.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,77,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Democratic%20Republic%20of%20Congo%20-%20Key%20Message%20Update_%20Fri%2C%202021-07-30.pdf,"A cette allure, il y a lieu de craindre le durcissement des mesures de prévention contre la COVID-19 par le Gouvernement, et ces mesurent anéantiraient les efforts de relance économique engagés depuis le début de la pandémie. Cependant, les pays voisins comme le Rwanda et l’Ouganda ont renforcé les restrictions sur les déplacements des personnes au niveau des frontière, cela pourra avoir des conséquences sur les échanges économiques transfrontaliers." +311828,53183.0,2466.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,22,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,Food security sector responded to emergency events and worked with all partners to support the affected areas with most people in need +164198,37783.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,62,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://tande.substack.com/p/syria-in-context-coronavirus-update-ffe,"Health facilities are accordingly overwhelmed with cases. In a voice note circulating via WhatsApp, an Aleppo doctor at a local hospital describes “people are lying on the floor, others are running around, everyone’s face is yellow; they drop on the floor and then are carried away hastily … the country is fucked.”" +318280,52949.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,27,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The sustained availability of financial and human resources, essential drugs and medical supplies, and improved skills of health providers is required to improve outcomes." +317945,53305.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,13,['Impact'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,More than 60 per cent of roads become impassable during the rainy season +312026,53177.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Sudan%20Multi-Sectoral%20Location%20Assessment_South%20Kordofan.pdf,Mobile network is available across 76 per cent of the locality and most of the population own a radio – 94 per cent listening to non-local radio channels. +439692,63184.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Burkina%20Faso%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%201%20May%20-%2030%20June%202021.pdf,"From April to June 2021, 29,135 severely acute malnourished children aged 6 to 59 months were admitted in nutrition services in the country, bringing the total number of severe acute malnourished children treated since the beginning of January 2021 to 54,631." +248085,48110.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Deaths'],fr,68,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/democratic-republic-congo/evolution-du-nouveau-coronavirus-covid-19-en-rdc-mise-jour-publi-0,Aucun nouveau décès des cas confirmés n’a été rapporté dans les centres de traitement de COVID-19 (CTCo) ni parmi les patients pris en charge à domicile (dans la communauté). Total de cas mortels disponibles en RDC à la date du 28 janvier 2021 : 665 (664 cas mortels confirmés et un cas probable). Létalité : 3% ; +220492,45837.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Context->Demography']",en,80,[],"['Context', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/2020/12/17/covid-19-bangladesh-records-1-134-new-cases-another-36-die,"[17th December 2020, Bangladesh] Of the 36 deceased — 27 men and nine women — 20 were from Dhaka Division, eight from Chittagong, three from Rangpur, two from Rajshahi and one each from Khulna, Sylhet and Mymensingh. All of them died at different hospitals in the country. So far, 5,489 men (76.32%) and 1,703 women (23.68%) have died of Covid-19 across the country." +309782,51467.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,93,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"An estimated 1.9 million people are anticipated to suffer from acute malnutrition in 2021, including 313,391 children (163,913 male and 149,476 female) with severe acute malnutrition (SAM), 1,078,867 children (562,697 male and 516,170 female) with moderate acute malnutrition (MAM), and 483,383 pregnant and lactating women with acute malnutrition (AM-PLW). In addition, some 21,000 out of 286,000 refugees in Maban, Pariang, Juba and Yambio counties are anticipated, and 483,383 pregnant and lactating women with acute malnutrition" +220912,45410.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,87,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"[Les parties Sud des provinces administratives du BEG et du Kanem dans la Zone 5 - « agropastorale» ] : A la faveur de cette bonne pluviométrie, les cultures de pénicillaire et de maïs sont au stade de développement de maturité laiteuse à complète. Les premières récoltes de maïs semées à sec avec irrigation d’appoint et des variétés pluviales précoces ont débuté et sont en cours. Les légumineuses sont au stade d’inflorescence et de formation de gousses." +297852,52145.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],fr,42,[],['Humanitarian Access'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_humanitaire_numero_12_v_04.pdf,Seul moyen pour nos équipes de rejoindre les zones sinistrées et d’acheminer l’aide prévue : utiliser des pirogues à pagaies ou à moteur. [Solidarité International délivre de l'aide dans le département de Logone et Chari] +439736,63184.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],en,78,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Burkina%20Faso%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%201%20May%20-%2030%20June%202021.pdf,"• Registration of IDPs is carried out by CONASUR with support from some institutions, but the collection of data on IDPs is not done immediately after a displacement. In addition, delays are often registered before NGOs can complete the vulnerability targeting. Also, data on the vulnerable host communities is not collected, complicating the coverage by humanitarian actors, with the risk of creating tensions between the host communities and the IDPs." +494349,67226.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,186,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ETT-%20NORD%20KIVU_Masisi%20centre_rapport%20_73.pdf,"Environ 70% de la population déplacée a reçu une aide alimentaire fournie par le PAM, au moment de la crise. Entre le 17 et 27 juin 2021, le PAM, à travers la CARITAS a distribué aux ménages vivant dans les familles d’accueil et un kit comprenant 12,5kg de maïs, 12kg d’haricots et 2,5 litres d’huile et du 13 au 19 Aout aux ménages vivant dans centres collectifs un kit comprenant 25kg de farine de maïs, 1 à 3 litres d’huile et 7,5kg de petits poids par ménage. Malgré la présence de marchés locaux proposant des produits alimentaires locaux et/ou importés, la population n'y accède que très peu en raison de leur faible capacité financière. Pour se nourrir les déplacés n’ayant pas reçus d’assistance alimentaire travaillent dans les champs locaux et perçoivent entre 1000 fc et 1500 fc par jour, soit moins de 1$/jr. Ce faible revenu leur permet de couvrir les frais de nourriture au jour le jour" +149734,37702.0,2028.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,91,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"Reports indicate that even households with regular income are being adversely affected as the cost of living has spiraled. For example, WFP’s national average reference food basket (a group of basic goods providing 1,930kcal per day for a family of five for a month), cost on average SYP 88,900 during the first half of July, exceeding the highest paid official government monthly salary of SYP 80,240. In October 2019, WFP’s national average reference food basket was SYP 25,424." +161585,39295.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,19,['Capacities & Response'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,"The Cluster continues to implement COVID-19 countermeasures at the hubs, including regularly holding workshops on COVID-19 awareness." +57313,17307.0,1224.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']","['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",en,114,"['At Risk', 'Capacities & Response']","['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20on%20the%20Migration%20flows%20in%20Latin%20America%20and%20the%20Caribbean%20No.%205%20-%20as%20of%20June%202019.pdf,"UNICEF funded and participated in a government led multi-agency needs assessment mission to the border gateway community of Kaikan in Region 7, from 25 to 27 June involving interactions with migrants at six sites. Limited data had been available for the national coordination mechanism prior to this mission, other than anecdotal references to a steady transient flow across the border. All 70+ migrants engaged had travelled for a minimum of three days from urban areas without accompanying family, and were between the ages of 20 to 40, with most having children left in Venezuela often located just across the border that relied on the income they were generating" +296816,52565.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],en,29,[],['Humanitarian Access'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/2019/06/WFP-COUNTRY-BRIEF-CAMEROON-APRIL-2019.pdf,"Difficulty in organizing and coordinating movements in the North West and South West regions due to insecurity and operational constraints, especially with the ghost-town days and lockdowns." +157953,38137.0,2098.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,18,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cxb_education_covid_response_reaching_every_learner_final.pdf,"Development and delivery of distance learning content based available curriculum or learning framework, health and MHPSS messaging" +327072,54267.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],fr,23,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"La stratégie de développement économique burkinabé est formulée dans le Plan national de développement économique et social (PNDES, 2016-2020)." +194660,43820.0,2311.0,"['Logistics', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,75,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/guur-115.1_fsa_19112020_v3.pdf,"En las vías al casco urbano de Uribia, todo las vías pavimentadas no se presentan problemas con la seguridad, pero en las vías a comunidades a pesar de presentarse las condiciones actuales, las bandas delincuenciales aprovechan los momentos para realizar hurtos. Para aumentar la seguridad se contacta antes con las comunidades a beneficiar y ellos brindan la seguridad necesaria, pues ellos notificarán si es posible o no la entrada." +305762,51572.0,2335.0,[],[],[],en,42,[],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Emergency hygiene promotion focusing on mitigation measures such as handwashing with ash, CAT method of defecation, and household water treatment. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +343253,45764.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,76,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/0004_202008_rrm_msa_rapport_final_wolirom.pdf,"Sécurité alimentaire / Moyens de subsistance = - 84% des ménages sondés estiment que leur stock alimentaire ne pourra pas couvrir leurs besoins alimentaires plus d’une semaine. - 59% des ménages s’appuient sur les marchés pour accéder aux produits alimentaires, ce qui les expose aux variations de prix et aux risques sécuritaires pendant le ravitaillement. Seulement 12% des ménages s’appuient sur leur propre production" +400306,62279.0,2170.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"[10th November 2020, MONGUNO LGA, BORNO STATE]When data of underweight is further segregated by age shows that the younger children (34.76%) have an almost double prevalence than older children (17.58%). The same analysis for severe underweight depicts that prevalence of severe underweight among younger children (11.43%) was little over double than older children (5.03%)." +221799,45410.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,80,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,[Les parties Sud des provinces administratives du BEG et du Kanem dans la Zone 5 - « agropastorale» ]: Les ménages s’orientent sur les marchés pour leur consommation en cette période de récolte pendant que les prix sont au plus bas. Ils utiliseront leur propre stock issu des récoltes en cours pendant la période de soudure ou lorsqu’ils n’auront plus la capacité d’acheter des aliments au marché. +41581,14577.0,729.0,[],[],[],en,29,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.libyaobserver.ly/news/80-days-haftars-forces-struggle-keep-grip-last-positions-southern-tripoli,"The western zone forces under the Presidential Council's command said earlier they had attacked a military convoy moving toward Al-Jufra, leaving many fighters killed or injured." +11356,2953.0,322.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,68,['Impact'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20feb%202018.pdf,"The humanitarian community faces a number of critical logistics challenges hampering the delivery of relief items in and across the country, including damaged road infrastructure; access disruptions to many parts of the country for both staff and cargo; congestion at main entry points; unreliable and unpredictable access to fuel; heavy bureaucracy; limited international shipping options, both by sea and air." +187700,43292.0,2098.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,64,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/msna_2020_factsheet_refugee.pdf,"[July-August 2020, Bangladesh] Rohingya Refugees: 27% of households reported having often or always found visible waste in the vicinity of their accommodation (30 m or less) in Ithe 30 days prior to data collection. 6% % of households reporting loss or diminished access to clean water and sanitation as an impact of the COVID-19 outbreak" +221954,45410.0,2332.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,80,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"[La région du Lac dans la Zone 8 - « Zone ouest agropastorale et de pêche » ]: Le contexte sécuritaire demeure instable et caractérisé par des incursions isolées des éléments de Boko Haram en divers endroits de la province du Lac, des mouvements préventifs par suite des menaces. En septembre, les données fournies par l’assistance humanitaire évaluent à 294 671 personnes déplacées internes (Source : OIM/OCHA, Septembre 2020)." +90044,25213.0,1621.0,[],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Demography', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,101,[],"['Context', 'Casualties']",2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A_HRC_43_75_E.pdf,"For instance, on 15 September, in Tarhouna, the Al-Kaniyat armed group, affiliated to the Libyan National Army, attacked the house of a civilian and opened fire, killing 16 members of a family (11 men, two women and three children). Reports indicated that the attack was retaliation for the celebrations relating to the death of Mohsen al Kani, a senior leader of the Al-Kaniyat armed group. Between April and August, UNSMIL documented the summary execution of at least 17 ex-combatants from different armed groups by Tarhuna armed groups." +261582,49218.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,97,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Reporte%20de%20situaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Migrantes%20y%20refugiados%20en%20tr%C3%A1nsito%20provenientes%20de%20Venezuela%2C%20diciembre%202020_0.pdf,"La mayoría de niños, niñas y adolescentes (NNA) encontrados en la ruta accedieron a la educación en colegios públicos de las ciudades donde vivieron. Sin embargo, muchas veces sólo eran “asistentes” sin posibilidad de certificar sus grados. En ocasiones, las escuelas fueron escenarios de xenofobia y discriminación institucional con casos de: exclusión por parte de docentes y otros estudiantes, repetición de grados sin tener exámenes de clasificación, impedimento de certificar grados y para obtener títulos académicos o limitaciones para entrar en algunas instituciones educativas." +238003,46388.0,2336.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,25,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,The lack of a social safety net amplifies the risk of them sliding into poverty.(Afgan families practicing negative livelihood coping strategies) +169985,40360.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],fr,23,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Ces formations ont été également des occasions de sensibilisation sur le covid-19 et la coexistence pacifique entre populations PDI et communautés hôtes. +291539,51259.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,70,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2020_access_annual_overview.pdf,"Illegal taxation and extortion, particularly at checkpoints, hampered the delivery of aid in both government and opposition-controlled areas, with demands for up to 100,000 South Sudanese Pound per vehicle, making humanitarian cargo transport costly and time consuming. Local authorities in Fashoda attempted to control aid through demands for distribution lists. Such lists are not negociated with authorities to preserve a principled humanitarian response." +281084,51119.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,75,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://thawra.sy/index.php/local/262328-2021-02-03-15-27-53,"[February 3, GoS] According to a statement to the People’s Assembly on 3 February by the Minister of Oil in the Syrian government, engineer Bassam Tohme, 60 percent of the population have not received their allocations from heating oil yet, due to the conditions imposed by the siege and the coercive economic measures imposed on the Syrian people, and the shortages of oil products.”" +325691,54267.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,La production nationale de riz ne couvre qu’environ 44 pour cent des besoins nationaux et près de 50 milliards de francs CFA sont consacrés aux importations de riz +301805,51958.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,64,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_devaluation_de_protection_des_retournes_tchadiens_de_la_rca_installes_dans_les_sites_au_sud_du_tchad_002.pdf,"La plus grande préoccupation relevée dans ce chapitre est l’accès à la documentation (extrait de naissance, cartes d’identité nationale). Les retournés reconnaissent être à risque d’apatridie car ne possédant aucun document qui fait d’eux de citoyens tchadiens. Ce qui les expose d’ailleurs aux confiscation et extorsions de biens." +219770,45777.0,2333.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,45,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/niger/un-soutien-additionnel-d-education-cannot-wait-pour-intensifier-l-ducation-dans-les,"Ce nouveau soutien financier permettra à l'UNICEF d'améliorer l'accès à l'apprentissage dans des environnements protecteurs pour un total de 12.000 enfants touchés par la crise dans les régions de Diffa et de Maradi, répondant aux crises préexistantes et à l'effet cumulatif du COVID-19." +237311,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,33,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"It highlights the need for more inclusive and robust social protection measures that guarantee a set of essential social services and income security measures for women, men and children in Afghanistan." +339644,52949.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,26,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"288,000 persons were provided with nutrition support, including 166,000 boys and girls (6-59 months) suffering from Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM)." +190520,31255.0,1899.0,['Shelter'],[],[],en,43,[],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LACRO_COVID-19_Regional_Sitrep_4_June_5.pdf,"Guatemala: Supporting the comprehensive shelters for GBV survivors (CAIMUS), providing dignity kits as well as access to economic aid (food basic baskets) to sheltered women, through an alliance with the World Food Programme (WFP)" +214367,45385.0,2334.0,[],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],fr,40,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Dans le Logone et Chari, les partenaires AHA et IMC ont dû clôturer leur projet d’appui [en nutrition] dans les districts de Mada, Makary, Goulfey et Kousseri, faute de nouveaux financements." +412975,63086.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_07_14_MSF%20RDC_RAPPORT%20VIOLENCES%20SEXUELLES%20%28FR%29%281%29.pdf,Les données récoltées montrent que la majorité (67%) des victimes de violences sexuelles a été agressée au cours de leurs activités quotidiennes : aux champs (principale source de subsistance d’une grande partie de la population) ; lors de la collecte de bois ou à leur domicile. +306156,51474.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,48,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) continued to receive alarming reports of censorship, harassment and arbitrary arrest and detention by the National Security Service of journalists, activists and other civilians expressing views that were critical or dissenting from those of the Government." +491608,68069.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Pull Factors', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,59,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20Nigeria%20DTM%20Emergency%20Tracking%20Tool%20%28ETT%29%20Report%20No.241%20%2813%20%20-%2019%20September%202021%29.pdf,"[13th-19th Sep 2021, Borno and Adamawa] ETT assessments identified the following movement triggers: voluntary relocation (2,065 individuals or 69%), poor living conditions (476 individuals or 16%), improved security (343 individuals or 12%), and seasonal farming (77 individuals or 3%)." +313289,53183.0,2466.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,26,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"However, more sustainable shelter solutions for returnees and protracted IDPs affected by not only recent conflict but also natural hazards need to be addressed." +141399,35118.0,1187.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Como ejemplo para- digmático de ello aparecen los relatos de mujeres que al comunicarse con nuestra organización narran estar restringiendo su propia alimen- tación en función de poder distribuir los pocos alimentos a los que acce- dían entre niños, niñas y adolescentes de la familia." +176389,41733.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,16,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/reach_drc_bulletin-des-marche-2_juin-2020.pdf,Les prix du sel et de l'huile de palme sont restés relativement stables depuis janvier. +236084,47122.0,2334.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,19,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"During the [COVID-19] awareness sessions, the communities received handwashing equipment including water buckets and soaps." +237211,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,52,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"With few other options, financially distressed families, particularly those who have been displaced or are returning without the financial safety-net they had hoped to earn working abroad, are increasingly turning to extreme measures to meet basic needs – including engaging in risky and criminal behaviours that harm children." +178293,41756.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,70,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"GROUPES PRIORITAIRES: Les personnes vivant avec des affections de longue durée (notamment le VIH, la tuberculose etc.) ont des besoins spécifiques multi sectoriels. Les personnes vivant avec le VIH sont également souvent victimes de stigmatisation et d’exclusion sociale. Elles ont difficilement accès aux traitements spécifiques et ont des besoins nutritionnels différents liés à l’affaiblissement de leur système immunitaire." +452679,63974.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_20210630-Rapport-Protection-Trimestriel.pdf,"Dans la région du Centre-Nord, les communes de Tougouri, Bouroum (pour le Namentenga), de Nasséré, Zimtenga, Bourzanga (pour la province du Bam) et de Barsalogho, Pissila (en province du Sanmatenga) continuent d’être la cible des attaques de groupes armés non identifiés avec comme conséquences une augmentation des PDI et des besoins humanitaires." +299356,51893.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,41,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[January 2021, Overall Syria] Rates of living below the survival minimum expenditure basket are highest among individuals who are employed in daily labour work (52 percent are below or critically below the Survival Minimum Expenditure Basket)" +485679,65398.0,1185.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,106,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Por su parte, una de las especialistas en atención a la población migrante que fue entrevistada menciona que se han reportado problemas de acceso a la educación cuando no hay vacantes o cuando llegan en un momento en el que el año escolar ya está muy avanzado. Además, refiere que, en ocasiones, los niños y las niñas son aceptados en las escuelas y comienzan sus estudios sin problemas, pero que, cuando finalizan y se les tiene que entregar la documentación que les corresponde, no tienen acceso a ella, ya que nunca habían estado inscritos en el sistema" +309790,51467.0,2335.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health', 'Education', 'Food Security']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,53,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"While nutrition was amongst the top seven most commonly cited priority needs for men or women across almost 2,000 assessed settlements in South Sudan in October 2020, it was recognized as the most pressing need for children in 13 per cent of assessed settlements, following education, health and food assistance" +171436,40699.0,2098.0,['Cross'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,33,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20201004_acaps_thematic_review_vulnerable_households_rohingya_refugee_response.pdf,"[4th october, Cox's Bazar] COVID-19 and its subsequent containment measures exacerbated preexisting vulnerabilities in both refugee camps and the host communities, exposing vulnerable households to increased risks." +271051,47809.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,82,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_7.pdf,"Por grupos de edad, los adultos de 20 a 39 años representan el 32,4 % (177 900), seguido por el de 40 a 59 años con el 22,0 % (121 029). La mayor proporción de consultas externas y de urgencias por IRA sobre el total de consultas por todas las causas se presenta en los niños menores de 1 año con el 7,8 %, seguido por los de 1 año con el 7,7 %" +325380,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,IDP children are reported by UNHCR to face numerous challenges that lead to dropping out of school or never enrolling in it – including due to lack of birth certificates that are needed for the children to be included in the education system and due to the lack of knowledge by the parents that schooling to IDPs in public schools is free of charge. +151417,37915.0,2098.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,100,['Capacities & Response'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/78176.pdf,An easing of some lockdown measures was allowed in Cox’s Bazar District. UNHCR and its partners are following guidelines set by Bangladesh’s Refugee Relief and Repatriation Commissioner (RRRC) on activities that are permitted in the camps. The scope of permissible activities has been interpreted to include limited registration activities and expanded monsoon response and repair work. UNHCR and its partners continue to exercise care in conducting critical activities in the camps with a low footprint as the risk posed by the virus to the refugee community and humanitarian staff remains high +219396,45655.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,54,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"As of 2 December, most land borders into Syria remain closed, with some limited exemptions (from Jordan, Turkey, and Lebanon), including commercial and relief shipments, and movement of humanitarian and international organization personnel.Damascus International Airport, as well as Tartous and Lattakia ports, are operational" +158685,39040.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,29,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/combatting-health-worker-infections-nigeria,"In Kaduna, while 30 health workers were infected in April, that number has since increased to 285, despite the training in infection prevention and control." +142198,35870.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,53,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"The Government of Syria (GoS) continues to maintain a widespread easing of preventive measures introduced throughout May, albeit with some recent changes. On 13 July, following confirmed cases of COVID-19 among judiciary and staff, authorities announced a reduction in daily court sessions in the Justice Palace." +129740,32891.0,1184.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Economy'],es,232,[],['Context'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,,"2. Demanda laboral en El Oro La provincia de El Oro es una zona de gran importancia dentro del contexto econ´omico del Ecuador, en buena parte debido a que concentra algunas de las actividades que caracterizan el dinamismo del pa´ıs a nivel internacional, como la producci´on y exportaci´on de banano y camar´on. Esta provincia registr´o, a diciembre del a˜no 2018, un VAB total de aproximadamente $3,570.852 millones, con lo cual se ubic´o, a nivel nacional, como la sexta provincia con mayor participaci´on en el PIB nacional (3.57 %), luego de Guayas, Pichincha, Manab´ı, Azuay y Orellana; en diciembre de 2007 esta provincia se ubicaba en el noveno puesto dentro de esta escala. Los sectores econ´omicos que caracterizan a la provincia de El Oro se muestran, tal como se puede observar en el Figura 9, en t´erminos generales bastante distintos a los que caracterizan a la provincia de Pichincha, descrita en el apartado anterior. Se puede observar dicha Figura, que entre 2015 y 2018 lo que se evidencia en la actividad econ´omica de El Oro es una disminuci´on de la participaci´on de las actividades concernientes a bienes p´ublicos, y un comportamiento fluctuante de las participaciones (en VAB) de los sectores de servicios y de la construcci´on." +13494,5946.0,321.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,10,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/half-million-children-immediate-danger-tripoli-enar,More than 2.6 million children in need across the country +425462,64210.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,32,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=246773,"[27 AUG, GoS] The Health Ministry announced that 104 new coronavirus cases were recorded in Syria, adding that 20 other cases recovered, and four passed away." +61310,18235.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"Some Venezuelans in mixed migration flows were already entering Colombia through trochas before the closure of the official border crossings in February 2019, as they did not have the documents needed to migrate regularly. Following the border closure, however, the use of irregular border crossings by Venezuelan refugees and migrants increased exponentially and became a source of revenue for criminal and armed groups." +317834,52949.0,2331.0,"['Health', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,101,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"An assessment conducted by Save the Children Somalia on the impact of COVID-19 on women and children across the country in July 2020152 indicated that 20 per cent of the children were stressed as a result of school closures, while 70 per cent of parents stated they were not able to support children’s learning at home, hindering the continuing learning of children. Similarly, half of both girls and boys aged between 12-17 years said they had no time to study at home due to home chores, and that home based study was ineffective." +59582,17198.0,1224.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,51,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"Smith’s Creek ▪ The local population (host community) is about 218 people. It was first estimated that about 40 Venezuelans were in the community, but the Field Assessment Team travelled around the community by boat and counted 55 individuals, 21 totalling 11 households." +115054,30166.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],[],[],es,35,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://col.jrs.net/es/noticias/jrs-colombia-continua-acompanando-dos-comunidades-indigenas-yukpa-durante-la-crisis-de-covid-19/,"El día de hoy en la jornada de atención se entregaron 100 mercados, cada uno de estos permite cubrir al menos una ración de comida para cuatro personas, durante aproximadamente 15 días." +161933,39403.0,2028.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,30,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.delawarepublic.org/post/we-are-all-scared-all-time-syrian-doctors-cant-talk-about-coronavirus,"syrian health workers and aid groups say the disease is spreading through the country at an alarming rate, a fact that Syria's authoritarian regime would rather hide." +240023,46388.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Food insecurity and livelihoods in urban areas have deteriorated severely over the past year with 40 per cent of households reporting a poor food consumption score in 2020 compared to 16 per cent in 2019. +494347,67226.0,2225.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,178,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ETT-%20NORD%20KIVU_Masisi%20centre_rapport%20_73.pdf,"La commune rurale de Masisi compte 152 robinets privés, 85 bornes à fontaine, six sources naturelles d’eau aménagées et six non aménagées. Toutefois, une petite minorité reste sans accès à une source d’eau améliorée. Les informateurs clés signalent que le coût élevé de l’eau et le manque de récipients pour stocker l’eau sont les principaux problèmes perçus par les ménages. Le MSF-Belgique a installé deux bladders : un au niveau de la paroisse comprenant cinq robinets et permettant une consommation de 17m³ d’eau par jour et l’autre au niveau de l’EP IMARA comprenant une borne à fontaine de 5 robinets et permettant une consommation de 20m³ d’eau par jour. Plus de la moitié des ménages dispose des installations sanitaires non améliorées à raison d’une installation sanitaire pour au moins quatre ménages. Les informateurs clés signalent également que les installations sanitaires surutilisées ne sont pas séparées entre les hommes et les femmes." +242974,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Conflict-affected non-displaced people are also vulnerable to this threat as explosive ordinance is frequently left behind after fighting. The situation has further worsened with recent surge in in conflict in the final quarter of 2020, which is not expected to improve in 2021." +195332,43799.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],fr,54,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://sante.cd/2020/10/29/la-rdc-face-a-la-deuxieme-vague-de-coronavirus/,Par corrélation il est légitime de se poser la question sur la fiabilité des tests effectués et du type de tests utilisés en externe ainsi que la procédure de validation des résultats. Ce qu’une enquête devrait mettre au clair par rapport aux personnes infectées en provenance de l’Extérieur. +305696,51467.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"The transition of the Protection of Civilian Sites to conventional IDP sites may further entrench protracted displacement and the associated burden on displaced people, returnees and host communities particularly due to the uncertainty about the continuation of humanitarian services, security and safety in areas of return." +158055,38777.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,40,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/food-insecurity-impact-covid-19-among-critical-challenges-facing-syria,"Regarding resolution 2533 (2020), he welcomed steps by the United Nations to address logistical challenges in the north-west and called for enhancing Syria’s COVID-19 preparedness and response by providing technical assistance and medical supplies." +79054,21860.0,729.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,68,['Impact'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/09.30.19%20-%20USAID-DCHA%20Libya%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%232.pdf,"The outbreak of violence, including airstrikes, in Murzuq city since August 4 had killed at least 90 civilians and displaced nearly 26,500 individuals—more than 90 percent of the city’s population—as of September 21, according to relief actors. The violence has also damaged homes and infrastructure, led to the closure of markets, and adversely impacted public services in the area." +287430,51638.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],fr,59,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20_FEVRIER%202021_SAHEL.pdf,"(Sahel) Dans certaines zones d’accueils notamment Dori et Bani, des enfants sont devenus des sources de revenus pour leurs familles. Les filles travaillent dans les ménages et les garçons sont des manœuvres ou mendiants de rue. Cette situation les expose à la maltraitance, aux abus de tous genres et aux maladies" +48244,12622.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],es,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Humanitarian Access'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LIBRO%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20las%20necesidades%20insatisfechas%20SSR%20y%20Migrantes%20Venezolanos%20-%20Digital.pdf,"Los migrantes venezolanos llegan al país con múltiples necesidades insatisfechas en salud sexual y salud reproductiva (SSSR) y pueden enfrentar barreras en el acceso a la atención en salud, por razones de su situación migratoria, discriminación y desinformación." +341999,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,108,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[De juillet à début septembre 2020, les enquêteurs ont administré le sondage auprès de 2396 Burkinabè dans les régions du Centre Nord, Nord, Sahel, Est, Boucle du Mouhoun et Hauts-Bassins] La valorisation et le soutien aux initiatives pour la promotion de l’alliance interethnique et de la parenté à plaisanterie pourraient permettre d’apaiser les tensions inter communautaires et ainsi d’éviter les conflits. De l’avis des populations consultées, la parenté à plaisanterie, même si elle ne prévient pas toujours les conflits, empêche qu’ils ne prennent une certaine ampleur." +386776,60459.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,73,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"L’assistance en cash et en nature continuera de couvrir au moins 50 pour cent des besoins mensuels pour au moins 49 pour cent de la population jusqu’en septembre. La planification pour la période d’octobre à janvier n’est pas encore disponible. Cependant, la FAO va soutenir les activités de production maraichères au profit des ménages hôtes et des PDI. (scenario)" +323226,54498.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],es,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/89758cd4/REACH_COL_RAN_Factsheet_Trend_analysis_March2021.pdf,"Durante las cinco rondas fue el más señalado, oscilando su reporte entre el 30% y el 47%, siendo la se- gunda ronda, su mayor reporte donde de los 285 ICs entrevistados, casi la mitad (47%) señaló que ellos y/o su grupo de viaje estaban pernoctando en la calle o vía pública dentro de la ciudad de encuesta." +165034,38902.0,1183.0,"['Food Security', 'WASH']",[],[],en,40,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"84% of consumers surveyed reported price increases in the month prior to data collection, especially for basic food items such as potatoes and rice, and for cleaning/hygiene items like bleach and soap (REACH 30/06/2020)." +209713,45080.0,2170.0,['Nutrition'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,68,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%209%20Dec%202020.pdf,"[9thDec2020,Nigeria]In September 2020, Nutrition sector partners admitted 28,723 severely malnourished children into the treatment programs. The total number of severely malnourished children admitted up to September 2020 is approximately 70% of the annual target. Over 90 per cent of all children in the outpatient therapeutic programmes and stabilisation centers (SCs) were successful treated and discharged as cured" +258155,48884.0,2028.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,65,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/63781/a-historic-collapse-of-the-syrian-pound-against-the-dollar.html,"[12th Feb 2021, NWS] The exchange rate of the pound against the US currency in Aleppo was 3,400 for sale and 3,350 for purchase. In Idleb, which is considered the least affected by the low exchange rate of the local currency, the pound recorded a price of 3,370 pounds for sale against the dollar, 3,330 for purchase." +96506,26816.0,1621.0,['Health'],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Casualties->Injured']",en,25,[],"['Context', 'Casualties']",2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/course-coronavirus-pandemic-across-libya-depends-silencing-guns,"At least one health worker was injured when the Al-Khandra General Hospital came under heavy shelling on Monday, damaging the fully-functioning 400-bed facility." +492522,67677.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,82,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=247708,"[September 5th , 2021, Damascus] The national coronavirus vaccination campaign, launched by the Health Ministry, started on Sunday targeting all citizens above the age 18 years in various Syrian provinces. Those who are willing to have vaccine can register on the special Platform to have vaccine on the official website of the Ministry, then to head to any health center or the mobile teams that are existed in fixed points allocated for the campaign." +386745,60459.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,82,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"D’après des informateurs clés, les ménages consomment en moyenne deux repas par jour grâce à l’assistance, où à travers la vente d’animaux pour ceux qui en disposent. Selon les informateurs clés, dans les localités moins touchées par l’assistance (Tin-Akoff, Déou, Oursi), les pauvres sont contraints de réduire les quantités et la qualité des repas, ainsi que le nombre de repas pris par jour." +292386,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,Un plan d’urgence pour la riposte à l’épidémie de Mada a été élaboré et concerne les 4 districts du Logone et Chari dans l’Extrême nord. +235668,47076.0,2334.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,Civilians continue to be caught in crossfire while summary execution of civilians by both the military and NSAGs is on the rise. +400291,62279.0,2170.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,93,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"[10th November 2020, MONGUNO LGA, BORNO STATE]The analysis of the prevalence of acute malnutrition age-wise shows GAM is very high among younger children of 6-29 months (15.24%) as compared to older children of 30-59 months (1.51%). The combined analysis of table 9 and 10 may lead the following concludes that children belong to the younger age group (6 to 29 months) are majorly identified by MUAC as compared to older age group (30 to 59 months)." +58886,17547.0,788.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,74,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",['Shock/Event'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Nigeria%20SITREP%20on%20NE%20Floods%2026%20August%202019.pdf,Torrential rainfalls and flash floods hitting the BAY states have a devastating impact on thousands of people in IDPs camps and host communities. The risk of further heavy rainfall and floods remains high in 64 LGAs across the BAY states until the end of September. New downpour may exacerbate the situation in many IDP camps already severely hit by the bad weather conditions and result in higher risks of disease outbreaks. +452391,64948.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,47,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/juin_2021_evaluation_drs_est_rapport_mission_conjointe_corus_est.pdf,"A cette situation de crise [sécuritaire] s’ajoute le nombre d’épidémies qui ont touchées le Burkina (la rougeole, la poliomyélite, la COVID-19 et l’hépatite E) entrainant des conséquences socioéconomiques graves en plus des conséquences sanitaires." +170430,40462.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Casualties->Missing', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,101,[],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Atteinte au droit à la liberté et à la sécurité de la personne : Au nombre de 03, les incidents enregistrés de cette typologie ont concerné principalement des enlèvements de personnes ou de groupe de personne dont certaines ont été, par la suite, libérées et d’autres non. Les auteurs sont des personnes armées non identifiées. Les raisons des enlèvements ne sont pas officiellement annoncées mais selon des sources locales, il s’agit de personnes soupçonnées d’espionnage pour les forces de sécurités ou pour les groupes armés dans leur localité." +90046,25213.0,1621.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],"['Context->Demography', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,88,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A_HRC_43_75_E.pdf,"UNSMIL/OHCHR also documented summary executions in Benghazi. On 3 October, an unidentified armed group abducted a Sudanese woman from the market area. Her body was found in the Al Hawari neighbourhood three days later. The body of another Sudanese woman, who had also been abducted from the market area, on 7 October, was found with gunshot injuries in the Jilyana area of the city on the following day. Reports indicated that both victims were killed for allegedly practicing witchcraft." +317245,53333.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,45,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Ensure boys participate in gender related trainings so they can support girls’ aspirations to remain in school and embrace those returning after dropping out, and support themselves and their male peers to challenge harmful gender norms that place boys at certain risks." +137569,35118.0,1187.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,49,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Por último en función del tiempo de residencia en nuestro país se observa que todas las personas que refirieron tener residencia tempo- raria o permanente llevaban 1 año o más en Argentina, igual que aque- llas personas que manifestaron tener la condición de refugiadas o estar tramitándola." +59561,17198.0,1224.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"There are a few latrines, but generally open defecation takes place. They are not used to living so close together and are in urgent need of improved shelters, NFIs, food and hygiene kits." +182323,34292.0,1900.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020-07-20%20Resumen%20Semanal%20de%20Situacio%CC%81n%2013-19%20de%20julio%202020.pdf,"A pesar de esas medidas, el sistema de salud sigue necesitando apoyo para garantizar la prestación de servicios regulares en otras esferas, en particular la salud materna y neonatal. La OPS/OMS ha ejecutado hasta ahora $1,4 millones en respuesta." +297850,52145.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_humanitaire_numero_12_v_04.pdf,SI [Solidarité International] intervient depuis 2017 dans le cadre de la réponse à la crise provoquée par les incursions répétées de Boko Haram. [Logone et Chari] +338319,55951.0,2225.0,[],[],[],en,104,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://preventepidemics.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/PERC-Finding-the-Balance-Part-III-12-May-2021.pdf,"[Survey conducted by phone with approximately 24,000 people across 19 Member States in five geographical regions in Africa, including DRC] Support for all PHSMs (measured by asking respondents whether they thought a specific PHSM was absolutely/somewhat necessary to prevent the spread of COVID-19, or not necessary at all) decreased between PERC’s August 2020 and February 2021 surveys (Figure 5). In both the August and February surveys, support was higher than reported adherence to PHSMs for all measures. Drops in support closely mirrored those in adherence, allowing for some important interpretations" +311637,53198.0,2466.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,24,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/DTM%20Sudan%20Mobility%20Restriction%20Dashboard%204.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=8634,COVID-19 has now spread to all of Sudan’s 18 states. The majority of all confirmed cases are in Khartoum State. +187157,39357.0,1898.0,['Education'],[],[],es,31,[],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ALC%20post%20COVID-19%20-%20Retos%20y%20oportunidades%20para%20pa%C3%ADses%20de%20Centroam%C3%A9rica%2C%20Hait%C3%AD%2C%20M%C3%A9xico%2C%20Panam%C3%A1%2C%20y%20Rep%C3%BAblica%20Dominicana.pdf,"En educación, El Salvador presenta importantes desigualdades en aprendizajes entre clases sociales, las cuales corren el riesgo de profundizarse a raíz de las medidas tomadas para enfrentar la pandemia" +162900,39548.0,2170.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,88,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/business/business-interviews/414806-covid-19-google-announces-support-for-smes-teachers-partners-nigerias-sports-ministry.html,"Google is also launching a new Marketing Kit tool to help people to put together marketing kits for their businesses while the free Market Finder tool (which includes updated insights for negotiating a COVID and post-COVID environment) is there to help with localisation, international payments and logistics for African businesses looking to reach new customers around the world. Using information from their Google My Business profile the tool helps businesses keep customers informed with their latest news, create custom posters and social posts" +355478,58185.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,89,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/10062021_alerta_de_situacion_por_inundaciones_en_arauca_vf.pdf,"Además, el aumento del caudal de los ríos y caños, generó daños en la infraestructura vial del sector el Acuario (via Fortul-Tame), Caño Amarillo y La Colorada (via Saravena-Fortul), Caño Plato, (vía Tame-Puerto Rondón), puente Macaguancito (vía Corocito Botalón) y vía vereda Nápoles en el municipio de Tame. Igualmente, infraestructura de colegios, escuelas, iglesias y centros de salud en Saravena, Fortul, Tame y Arauquita, también tuvieron impacto." +325821,54267.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,74,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"D’autres fonds relèvent du ministère des ressources animales (le Fonds de développement de l’élevage, FODEL), de l’administration territoriale (le Fonds permanent pour le développement des collectivités territoriales, FPDCT), de l’environnement (le Fonds d’intervention pour l’environnement, FIE) et de l’agriculture (la Banque agricole du Faso, BADF)." +164175,39714.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],es,57,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Durante la cuarentena, el 50% ha sentido nervios, cansancio sin motivo o impaciencia; 20% ha tenido una necesidad insatisfecha en salud sexual y reproductiva en los últimos 21 días. Mientras el 17% está preocupado por el mal comportamiento de hijas/os y las situaciones de violencia al interior del hogar." +149736,37702.0,2028.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,109,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"As previously reported, according to the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor (MoSAL), more than 320,000 people registered for the National Campaign for Emergency Social Response for assistance due to work lost as a result of COVID-19 preventive measures. Of these, 91 per cent are daily labourers, 10.9 per cent are older persons, and 8 per cent are peoplewith disabilities. In early June, MoSAL reported one-time payments of SYP 100,000 had been disbursed to 5,000 people; and later, on 24 June, announced a second tranche of payments to 18,731 people would occur on an unspecified date" +493779,68258.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,80,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDRNG033do.pdf,"This year’s outbreak, which is associated with a higher case fatality rate than the previous four years is also worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic. States with high levels of rainfall are worst hit due to seasonal flooding. Aside from being endemic and seasonal in Nigeria, cholera is also common in environments with high levels of poor sanitation, lack of clean food and water, and areas where open defecation is common practice." +218203,45410.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"Dans le reste du pays, une partie des ménages très pauvres du Kanem, du BEG, du Tibesti et dans certaines zones urbaines qui ont fait face à des pertes de revenu sont en Crise (Phase 3 de l’IPC)." +236628,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Many assessed households, particularly refugee households or those headed by a person with a disability are facing problems with energy and heating heading into the 2020-2021 winter." +290382,51970.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,118,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Overall, the number of migrants (68%) having difficulties in food consumption is almost in line with June 2020 (72%), meaning that the situation remains critical. This percentage is substantially higher compared to residents (50%). The highest share is found among migrants in Colombia and Ecuador (71%), the lowest in Peru (64%). At the same time, the worry about not having enough food to eat also registers an important decrease, passing from 71% to 61%. The reopening of economic activities and a higher access to income-generating opportunities may partially explain this perception." +343929,56774.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,92,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.larepublica.co/economia/tercer-pico-de-contagios-llevo-a-caida-de-la-confianza-de-los-consumidores-en-abril-3175755,"Dentro de los resultados del Dane también se reportó que en 20 de las 23 ciudades principales, más de 80% de los jefes de hogar considera que hoy la situación económica del país está peor o mucho peor que hace 12 meses, siendo Ibagué la ciudad con las personas más pesimistas sobre la coyuntura, alcanzando una cifra de 97,1%. Le siguen Florencia (95,1%), Santa Marta (93,6%), Medellín (91,9%) y Popayán (91,9%)." +235880,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,68,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Healthcare costs remain a predominant part of household budgets with 85 per cent of displaced households reporting they had spent money from their limited reserves on healthcare in the past 30 days. The proportion was even high for households headed by a person with a disability (94 per cent) and by women (93 per cent) with regard to their spending on healthcare. +313713,53333.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Demography'],en,23,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"In 2012 UNICEF estimated the Cameroonian adolescent population ages 10-19 at 23.2% (5,045,000) of its total population of 21,699,600." +313693,53333.0,2334.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,27,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,Consider multipurpose cash transfers to provide money to families in the interim as they look to pursue income-earning opportunities which are currently limited due to the crisis +222584,46032.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,14,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/External%20Weekly%20_10-16dec_ENG.pdf,517 new cases of COVID-19 were confirmed in Burkina Faso from 3-8 December. +239345,46388.0,2336.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,55,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The range of shelter issues reported by displaced households includes a lack of insulation (59 per cent), leaking during rain (44 per cent), poor ventilation (36 per cent) and presence of dirt or debris attributed to use of sub-standard building materials (15 per cent)." +299349,51893.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,19,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[January 2021, Overall Syria] 83% report that monthly income is insufficient to meet needs." +325779,54267.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Les prix du marché présentent généralement une importante variabilité saisonnière et intra-annuelle, les prix différant entre les zones excédentaires et déficitaires [(Posthumus et al., 2019 ; FEWS NET, 2017).]" +9708,3785.0,321.0,['Cross'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,76,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/libya-protect-civilians-under-siege-derna,"Communications into the city are limited and UN reports, including the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), have described the humanitarian conditions as dire. In their latest update on 30 May, OCHA reported a severe shortage of food, water and medical supplies. The International Organization for Migration (IOM)reported on 9 Junethat the number of displaced people from Derna has reached 2,183 individuals." +187677,43292.0,2098.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,75,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/msna_2020_factsheet_refugee.pdf,"[July-August 2020, Bangladesh] Rohingya Refugees: For the largely aid-dependent refugee communities, food consumption scores worsened considerably compared to 2019, with the proportion of households with acceptable food consumption scores decreasing from 54% to 35% and the proportion of households with poor food consumption scores increasing from 5% to 15%. • Two thirds of households reported having reduced food expenditures since the COVID-19 outbreak." +493414,68136.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,118,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/borno_state_cholera_outbreak_response_sitrep_no_5_27_09_21_0.pdf,"[26th Sept 2021, Borno State] Pulka (NRC, NCA, CRUDAN, LPF, IOM, DRC, TDH, MI, EYN Project): 32,821 individuals were reached cholera prevention messages. 3,610 Laundry Soaps and 924 detergents distributed and daily disinfection of houses/shelters of suspected cholera cases at sector 5 and camp C was conducted. IOM has upgraded water delivery at transit reception center by 15m3 daily increasing the water yield to 75m3 daily with 10 m³ of water trucked daily to MSF Clinic Isolation Centre. Construction of 15 blocks of latrines and showers has commenced alongside weekly environmental cleaning at camp B, C and sector 5." +393646,62284.0,2170.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,115,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"[7th Apr 2021, Borno State] Findings also reveal that IDPs and some of the host community members lack quality water containers to fetch and store water at household level, as well as basic hygiene items that include female sanitary materials and soap for personal hygiene. Lack of sanitation facilities was another concern raised by the IDPs. There are no enough WASH facilities such as toilets and water points. This has led to most affected population to practice open defecation. This has also affected the sense of women’s dignity. ACF responded by providing latrines. However, more latrines are needed in this camp." +309798,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"In 23 out of 78 counties, over 60 per cent of households surveyed reported protection concerns in their area in the past three months. In 15 counties, more than 60 civilians per 100,000 population were killed or injured by violence or other shocks in 2020." +291221,51259.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,25,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2020_access_annual_overview.pdf,The adaptations in humanitarian activities given COVID-19 restrictions were critical. Humanitarians’ attempts to serve people were reportedly constrained by COVID-19 mitigation measures. +61610,18442.0,1184.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,143,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"Main entry points, routes and destination cities Venezuelan refugees and migrants mainly enter Ecuador across the Rumichaca International Bridge to the Nariño department in Colombia: 85% of the total, according to GTRM estimates from November 2018.136 The remaining 15% enter through: San Miguel, bordering the Colombian department of Putumayo; Huaquillas, on the southern border, near Tumbes (Peru); and the international airports of Quito and Guayaquil. From both official border crossings in the north, Venezuelan refugees and migrants travel to Ecuador’s capital, Quito, where some attempt to settle. Others, who also plan to remain in Ecuador, head to cities such as Guayaquil or Cuenca. Most Venezuelans, however, continue their journey south towards the border with Peru in Huaquillas." +327605,54714.0,2331.0,[],[],[],en,14,[],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,[PRE-EXISTING VULNERABILITIES] 74% households reporting not having any working household members +305751,51572.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,30,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"There is need to provide clean drinking water at the facility [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +169168,40391.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],fr,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_200_20200817.pdf,"Ce 17/08/2020, 15 nouveaux cas confirmés de COVID-19 ont été rapportés dont 8 au Nord- Kivu, 3 à Kinshasa, 3 en Ituri et 1 au Nord-Ubangi. Ce même jour, 3 nouveau décès ont été enregistrés." +149271,35869.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,38,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep18_25july2020.pdf,"Protection issues are reportedly on the rise as the situation for people in northwest Syria grows more desperate, with increasing psychosocial stress, poverty and lack of employment opportunities compounded by the effects of COVID-19 related limitations" +161830,38962.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']",['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,29,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ExSitrep_cov19_PlanInternational_AP_10July.pdf,"PLAN international-Provided counselling services to 6,670 pregnant women and their husbands, and lactating mothers. -Supported 575 vulnerable people to get nutritious food from the Union councils." +452134,64945.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",fr,80,[],"['Humanitarian Access', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MONITORING%20PROTECTION%20DE%20JULLET%202021%20EST.pdf,"En plus de la vulnérabilité liée au déplacement, on observe un manque d’assistance des personnes déplacées internes (PDI) au cours du mois de juin 2021. En effet, dans la province de la Kompienga, les PDI de la commune de Madjoari à Pama et Nadiagou peinent à recevoir une assistance humanitaire depuis leur déplacement ; il en est de même des PDI de Bogoli/Yamba, de Baltiaga et Tchomboro/Diapangou dans le Gourma." +12389,5590.0,322.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,71,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,http://wam.ae/en/details/1395302704259,"Saeed Al Kaabi, UAE Humanitarian Operations Director for Yemen, said that the distribution of the relief and food aid to the people in Ad Duraihimi district is within the framework of the UAE’s continuous humanitarian campaigns for the population of the liberated and semi-liberated areas to help them overcome the difficult humanitarian circumstances and improve their living conditions as per the directives of the wise leadership." +7564,1447.0,321.0,"['Protection', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,30,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/libya-migrants-fight-survival,"In the absence of security, smuggling and trafficking networks have proliferated and wield considerable power. At smuggling hubs, migrants are held captive and experience inhumane conditions." +196700,43328.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_smart_rapid_pdi_2020_bfa_final.pdf,"Dans deux (2) localités, les prévalences de MAG sont au-delà du seuil jugé élevé (>15%) selon l’OMS. Elle concerne les localités suivantes : le site d’accueil de Barsalogho (16,1% de MAG et 4,3% de MAS), Gorom-Gorom (18,4% de MAG et 6% de MAS)." +386825,60459.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,71,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"Entre juin et septembre, l’épuisement précoce des stocks de l’autoproduction, les niveaux de prix légèrement au-dessus de la moyenne et la baisse des revenus, réduiront le pouvoir d’achat des ménages, en particulier les PDI et ménages hôtes pauvres. La vente plus que d’habitude d’animaux sera nécessaire pour compenser ces baisses de revenu. (scenario)" +263010,49608.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],es,67,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/noticias/economia/en-enero-de-2021-retrocedio-la-confianza-de-los-empresarios/,"Respecto a las afectaciones a las empresas, el 88,5 % de las empresas reportó que su operación fue normal en diciembre. Sin embargo, fueron 2,8 puntos porcentuales menos que lo registrado en noviembre del mismo año. Por su parte, comercio presentó el porcentaje más alto (93,7 %), mientras que construcción registró la menor proporción (73,1 %)." +492279,67914.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,157,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_mvam_bulletin_58_august_2021.pdf,"[August 2021, Overall Syria] As of 31 August 2021, a total of 27,915 COVID-19 cases, including 2,013 fatalities, were confirmed by the Minister of Health in government-controlled areas. The monthly increase in COVID-19 cases in August (1,952 cases) signals an upward trend compared to July 2021 (488 cases) and represents the highest monthly caseload since May 2021. In August 2021, around 20,611 COVID-19 cases were reported across northeast Syria, an increase of 1,960 new cases compared to the previous month, representing the second highest monthly caseload since December 2020. In opposition-held areas in northwest Syria, the epidemiological situation has significantly deteriorated. Approximately 39,271 COVID-19 cases were reported in northwest Syria by the end of August, an increase of 12,839 new cases compared to the previous month, representing the highest monthly caseload since the start of the pandemic" +175175,40890.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"Del 25% de los hogares mencionados, el 52% de han tenido dificultades para acceder a tratamiento médico y dentro de las principales limitaciones se encuentran no estar afiliados al sistema de salud (57%), y el alto costo de los servicios y medicamentos (47%)." +339503,56387.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,30,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.minsalud.gov.co/Paginas/Colombia-recibio-un-millon-de-dosis-de-vacunas-del-laboratorio-Sinovac-.aspx,"Hasta las 23:59 del 22 de mayo, el país ha aplicado 8.235.482 de dosis de vacunas contra el covid-19, de las cuales 3.109.420 corresponden a segundas dosis." +218205,45410.0,2332.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,38,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"Les restrictions sur les transports maintiendraient un coût élevé des transports, limitant les volumes des flux céréaliers internes ainsi que les produits manufacturés importés qui seraient d’autant plus affectés par la fermeture des frontières." +188349,42925.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,90,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/huir-tres-veces-el-drama-de-los-caminantes-venezolanos/2256,"Sobre los caminantes, el alcalde Pisciotti responde que “la ciudad no tiene recursos para atenderlos” y que el Gifmm debe responder por estos, pues reúne a las organizaciones internacionales que trabajan por esta población. No obstante, el mismo alcalde se ha negado en repetidas ocasiones a autorizar a ese grupo de agencias a crear un albergue o un centro de atención en el casco urbano, pese a que en ese lugar confluyen miles de venezolanos antes de seguir el recorrido hacia Bucaramanga." +291612,52080.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],fr,29,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.unicef.org/drcongo/communiqu%C3%A9s-de-presse/arriv%C3%A9e-de-plus-de-17-million-de-doses-de-vaccin-contre-la-covid-19-en-rdc,Le pays s’est prononcé pour l’utilisation du vaccin Astra Zeneca qui répond aux conditions de conservation existantes dans le pays (entre 2°et 8°C) +179242,41946.0,2028.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,81,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://publications.unescwa.org/projects/saw/sdgs/pdf/en/Syria-at-War-8-years-on-Report-Final.pdf,"[Syria 2019, protection] Reasons are numerous, including leaving papers behind when fleeing gunfire, expiration and lack of legal services, and confiscation. A lack of identification documents, especially Syrian identity cards, poses a serious threat for civilians, entailing limited access to humanitarian aid and public services. More importantly, it puts a substantial fraction of them, especially newborns and children, at grave risk of statelessness and long-lasting social marginalization" +240849,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,35,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Attacks against health also deter people from seeking care and create fear of approaching health-facilities, adding to COVID-19 concerns which are now also a major deterrent to people attending hospitals and health clinics." +150130,36723.0,1184.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,212,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77597.pdf,"AGUA Y SANEAMIENTO Aunque no en todos los grupos focales se respondió a la pregunta sobre si ¿tienen acceso a instalaciones de agua y saneamiento para poder mantener unas buenas prácticas de higiene? ha sido posible encontrar respuestas mixtas que, sobre todo, varían de acuerdo con la localidad donde se realizó el grupo focal. Si bien todos los participantes indicaron tener acceso a agua, en algunas zonas ubicadas en la costa ecuatoriana este servicio es dado a través de tanqueros, lo que implica muchas veces un costo adicional para su acceso y no tener acceso a agua de manera diaria, limitando las buenas prácticas de higiene. En general, se indicó que el servicio de agua normalmente se encuentra incluido en el costo de arriendo. No obstante, se mencionó que el costo del agua puede llegar a ser alto cuando el monto total del agua es dividido de manera igual por las familias que habitan el lugar, así hayan usado o no el servicio. Además, varios participantes de diferentes grupos focales mencionaron que a pesar de contar con las instalaciones no pueden realizar en su totalidad buenas prácticas de higiene al compartir los servicios higiénicos entre varias familias." +397336,61407.0,1186.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,41,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.elmostrador.cl/destacado/2021/02/08/crisis-migratoria-en-tarapaca-centralismo-e-indolencia-gubernamental/,"Esta acción torpe del Gobierno, pero justificada por su esencia centralista, elitista y discriminadora, generó el primer colapso de una ciudad que con un solo hospital regional debía cubrir la necesidad de más de 320 mil personas." +83866,23144.0,1620.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,76,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_adamawahumanitariansituationoverview_decedition_11012020.pdf,"The state continues to experience high humanitarian needs driven by conflict, flooding and inter-communal tensions. A total of 200,011 people are currently displaced1 .This number is expected to increase significantly when IOM releases the 29th round of data tracking matrix early 2020. During the reporting period, two key dynamics were recorded: The flash floods on the 27 October and the fatal herdsmen attack in Hong LGA on 23 November 2019." +15664,6572.0,322.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,104,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Yemen%20Update%2021%20Sept-%2012%20October%202018%20FINAL.pdf,"The military offensive in Al-Hudaydah continues with more than 78,400 families displaced since the onset of the clashes. Since 1 October, some 8,100 newly displaced households from Al-Hudaydah reached the southern governorates, leading to a total of 24,366 households that have been displaced to Taizz Governorate and Al Hudaydah coast line districts (Hays, AlKhawkha and Mawza). UNHCR is advocating for a peaceful resolution to the conflict and for all parties to adhere to their obligations under International Humanitarian Law. So far, UNHCR has assisted more than 100,000 people as part of the Al-Hudaydah response." +292725,51990.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,71,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elcolombiano.com/colombia/salud/volver-a-vivir-campana-de-la-andi-para-que-retornen-los-pacientes-a-consultas-medicas-AP14821177,"En un informe de EL COLOMBIANO expertos en diversas áreas de la salud constataron la crisis que existe en el país en cuanto a retrasos en diagnósticos y tratamientos de patologías como la diabetes, hipertensión, cáncer, enfermedades cardiovasculares, además de retos para atender enfermedades geriátricas, lo cual, según las fuentes consultadas, podría desencadenar en un colapso en el sistema de salud este año." +306269,51572.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,25,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"No source of clean water was seen around the school. [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]" +491967,67963.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,161,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Nigeria%20Northeast%20Operational%20Update-July%202021.pdf,"[1st Jul 2021, North east Nigeria]Internal Displacements: Internal movements leading to secondary displacements continued to be observed in the Borno, Adamawa, and Yobe (BAY) States as insecurity persistently forced newly displaced people, especially from inaccessible areas, into camps. The trend was observed in some villages and localities in Bama, Gwoza, Dikwa, and Pulka local government areas, among others. The movements in these areas were mainly linked to lack of access to basic amenities like food, shelters, and NFIs in the camps or areas of return. For instance, people recently returned by the Borno State Government from Muna Garage camp to Mafa were seen returning to Jere and the Maiduguri Metropolitan Centre (MMC) due to attacks in Mafa, particularly in Ajiri ward. On 17-18 July, almost 75 families arrived at Farm Centre camp in Maiduguri." +187708,43292.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/msna_2020_factsheet_refugee.pdf,"[July-August 2020, Bangladesh] Rohingya Refugees: MATERNAL HEALTH: 12% of households reported the presence of pregnant women. Of households with pregnant women, 51 % of households reporting that all pregnant women were enrolled in an antenatal care (ANC) programme." +361089,58845.0,2028.0,['Agriculture'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Economy'],en,113,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_price_bulletin_may_2021.pdf,"[May 2021, Overall Syria] Osama Daboul, the Vice-Chairman of the Poultry Breeders Committee in Tartous explained that as per a recent decision 50 percent of the traders’ imports must be delivered to the feed corporation. As a result feed prices have increased reaching SYP 1.2 million/MT for corn and SYP 2.3 million/MT for soybeans. Combined, these inputs constitute 80 percent of the feed mix . It is important to note that the import of goods into Syria, feed included, is heavily influenced by Syria’s fluctuating informal exchange rate, which causes imported products to be priced higher in Syrian pounds." +178329,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)'],fr,70,[],['Information And Communication'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,La disponibilité de données sur la perception des populations est également limitée par l’absence de mécanisme de redevabilité inter-agences à l’échelle du pays portant spécifiquement sur les besoins humanitaires. La « Ligne Verte » mise en place depuis 2017 par le Programme Alimentaire Mondial (PAM) constitue l’un des mécanismes de redevabilité et d’engagement communautaire les plus vastes existant. +412968,63086.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,92,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_07_14_MSF%20RDC_RAPPORT%20VIOLENCES%20SEXUELLES%20%28FR%29%281%29.pdf,"Les victimes témoignent quotidiennement des obstacles qui se posent à la prise en charge, comme les distances considérables entre le lieu d’agression et le premier centre de santé offrant un traitement de qualité ; l’extorsion d’argent sur les routes et le mauvais état de celles-ci ; le manque d’argent pour payer le transport et souvent la consultation et/ou les médicaments ; la méconnaissance du fait que les suites des violences sexuelles sont une urgence médicale et que des services de soins sont disponibles" +474592,65021.0,1185.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,121,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"It is probably because of these limitations that 71% stockpiled food. This stock lasts, in the majority of the cases, one week or less (33%). The remaining, reported a duration of two/three weeks (20%) or more than a month (17%). Only 7% said that it was not needed, while 22% claimed they could not afford buying food. Rural areas show a consistent lower capacity to build food reserves (64%) compared to cities (72%) in the three countries (Figure 7). No major differences are observed between males and females in this regard." +341229,52949.0,2331.0,"['WASH', 'Health']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"These conditions are further compounded by the lack of access to basic services across Somalia, in particular WASH and health services, and put additional pressure on the limited services that are available. (effects of floods)" +305220,53100.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,28,['Capacities & Response'],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/plan_de_preparation_coronavirus_cmr._version_du_10_mars_2019.pdf,ACQUIS: - Système de surveillance fondée sur les évènements mis en place dans 4 régions sur 10 GAPS: - Tous les districts ne sont pas couverts +320101,52949.0,2331.0,[],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,57,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Also, a lack of actors to provide specialized services undermines efforts invested to assure access to GBV services by survivors. At present, the Gender-Based Violence(GBV) AoR in Somalia has 58 partners that report on the 5Ws. This is a very limited number compared to the huge population in need." +157857,38800.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,128,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GTS%20-%20HNAP%20COVID19%20Syria%20Bulletin%20R3.pdf,"Twenty-one percent of focal points report non-adherence to precautionary measures in July – similar to the proportions in June (20%) and May (15%). However, they suggest a dramatic decrease in people staying home except for essential purposes. In May, 52% of focal points believed their communities would stay home unless necessary to leave, but only 19% in June and July. In addition, focal points believe people are now less likely to practise social distancing (19%) than they were in May (36%). General fatigue or frustration with (and frequent inability to implement) the precautionary measures is unsurprising, compounded by the worsening economic situation." +388291,60868.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Hospitalization & Care']",fr,102,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Prise en charge des cas  Neuf (09) Patients hospitalisés du 26 Mai au 25 Juin 2021 : 06 au CHU_YO, 02 au CHU de Tengandogo,et 01 au CMA Dafra  Cas ayant bénéficié d’un suivis à domicile/Hôtel : 60  Cas actifs à ce jour : 13  02 décès notifié du 26 Mai au 25 juin 2021 portant le total des décès à 168  54 cas guéris du 26 mai au 25 juin 2021 portant le total des guérisons à Treize mille deux cent quatre vingt dix sept (13297) patients" +306270,51572.0,2335.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Low incentives for teachers of about 6500 SSP per month was reported which does not match with the economic situation of the country. [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]" +48098,13061.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,86,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.derechos.org.ve/web/wp-content/uploads/MigracionLigia.pdf,"Existen dos vías para formalizar el registro de un niño de padres venezolanos nacido en Colombia. Una es la inscripción ante una sede consular de Venezuela en ese país. La segunda es mediante el procedimiento establecido en la Circular 168 de 2017 de la Registraduría Nacional de Estado Civil, para certificar apatridia y solicitar el reconocimiento por parte del Estado Colombiano. Lo cierto es que ambos procedimientos requieren una serie de trámites que están fuera del alcance de las familias afectadas." +239468,46388.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,73,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Over the past 5 years, the food security situation in Afghanistan has steadily deteriorated with the percentage of food insecure people doubling (from 37 per cent in September 2015 to 76 per cent in Nov 2020), while the proportion of people in crisis or emergency levels of food insecurity has increased more than five-fold (from 8 per cent to 42 per cent over the same period)." +213154,44840.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,22,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,The number of people considered highly vulnerable is expected to increase due to the impact of COVID-19 on livelihoods and remittances. +315657,52949.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,43,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The Nutrition Cluster estimates that 165,72396 displaced children under 5 and 83,571 displaced pregnant and lactating women are in need of preventive nutrition services in 2021.Of this group, the highest rates of acute malnutrition continue to be found in IDP sites." +299249,52086.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Logistics', 'Food Security']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,75,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[25th March, 2021, Overall Syria] Nationwide, nearly three quarters of households across Syria (73 percent) are in need of electricity, while nearly half are in need of health facilities (48 percent) and bakeries (46 percent). Public transport is reported as the fourth most pressing infrastructure need (34 percent), while water supply networks are fifth (22 percent)." +355456,58187.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'WASH', 'Nutrition', 'Shelter', 'Food Security']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],es,70,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17062021_alerta_situacion_humanitaria_inundaciones_en_el_putumayo_vf.pdf,"Por otra parte el nivel de afectación de otros municipios es : San Miguel (10% del total de personas afectadas), Orito (6%) y Puerto Caicedo (6%), Villagarzón (1%). Así mismo se reportan afectaciones a 115 familias de las comunidades indígenas del resguardo Buenavista y Piñuña Blanco en Puerto Asís, territorio fronterizo con Ecuador." +484744,65398.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,63,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"El hecho de incorporarse al mercado informal tiene, sin duda, consecuencias en las condiciones en las que las personas migrantes trabajan. Ese espacio aumenta los riesgos para condiciones laborales precarias y, además, disminuye las posibilidades para que se produzcan denuncias sobre abusos cometidos, debido a las condiciones de vulnerabilidad en las que se encuentran las víctimas." +187152,39357.0,1898.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,82,[],['Context'],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ALC%20post%20COVID-19%20-%20Retos%20y%20oportunidades%20para%20pa%C3%ADses%20de%20Centroam%C3%A9rica%2C%20Hait%C3%AD%2C%20M%C3%A9xico%2C%20Panam%C3%A1%2C%20y%20Rep%C3%BAblica%20Dominicana.pdf,"La economía salvadoreña se ha caracterizado por presentar una alta informalidad en los empleos. Menos del 30% de los empleados cotizan a la seguridad social, por lo que no tienen acceso a licencias por enfermedad, tienen acceso precario a beneficios de salud, y no cuentan con recursos de soporte (como cuenta de ahorros) para hacer frente adversidades73. Por lo cual, es el sector más vulnerable frente a las medidas de distanciamiento social." +35755,13057.0,788.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,69,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000105395.pdf,"Agriculture continues to remain the predominant means of livelihood the three states, albeit at a limited scale when compared to pre-insurgency period. Households were as well involved in skilled and salaried employment, petty trade, transport business and or other forms of trade and commercial activities. In Borno State, households engaged in precarious income earning activities such as agricultural casual labor and begging." +21814,9026.0,322.0,[],[],[],en,13,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,,The urban and architectural fabric within the city walls remains primarily intact. +182593,42252.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],en,45,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2020_29Oct2020_FINAL.pdf,"[27th October 2020] As of 27 October, the MoH reported around 47,500 tests have been conducted by the Central Public Health Laboratory (CPHL) in Damascus and the public health laboratories in Aleppo, Lattakia, Rural Damascus and Homs." +453911,63974.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_20210630-Rapport-Protection-Trimestriel.pdf,"La ville de Pensa présente des indicateurs préoccupants en matière de peuplement des abris, 58 % de ménages partagent un abri avec un autre, en moyenne 10 personnes partagent un abri, et plus de la moitié des ménages partagent leur abri avec au moins un autre ménage." +48451,12622.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,50,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LIBRO%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20las%20necesidades%20insatisfechas%20SSR%20y%20Migrantes%20Venezolanos%20-%20Digital.pdf,"En promedio, 30 mil venezolanos con TMF ingresan diariamente a Colombia para adquirir medicamentos, acceder a servicios de educación, salud y a medicamentos esenciales, o a hacer compras en áreas fronterizas, retornando pronto a sus hogares en Venezuela (Migración Colombia, 2018)." +314875,52949.0,2331.0,"['WASH', 'Health']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,43,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,Poor hygiene and a lack of basic health and WASH facilities among IDPs compound negative health and nutrition outcomes. Many displaced households reported poor access to clean water and functioning sanitation and hygiene services as a top priority to be addressed. +397560,61842.0,1186.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,33,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.eldesconcierto.cl/opinion/2021/02/17/migracion-venezolana-ni-aumento-de-delincuencia-ni-aumento-del-desempleo-ni-baja-de-salarios.html,"Pero si las personas están migrando por falta de libertades, escasez de medicamentos y alimentos, persecución política y falta de oportunidades, no parece lo correcto mantener las fronteras cerradas." +497821,35118.0,1187.0,[],[],[],es,135,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"entre las 20 personas que se encontraban en albergues tempora- les, 54% (11) fueron varones -frente al 43% (9) de mujeres. Respec- to del rango etáreo 10 tenían entre 30 y 59 años, 6 eran personas de entre 18 y 29 años y 4 eran mayores de 60 años. En lo relativo a la nacionalidad de este grupo 15 personas provenían de Venezuela y entre los 5 restantes: 2 eran colombianos, 2 eran de ecuatorianos y 1 era chilena. Por último, acerca del tiempo de residencia en el país 11 de ellas tenían menos de 6 meses de permanencia, 7 tenían entre 6 meses y 1 año y 2 tenían más de un año de residencia en el país." +41696,14575.0,729.0,"['Shelter', 'Agriculture', 'Cross', 'Protection']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,80,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/2019/06/190611-Flash-Update---Floods.pdf,"According to protection partners, several families including women, children and people with specific needs (PwSN) are displaced on the open area with limited or no access to protection and humanitarian assistance, which make them more vulnerable. Severe damage of shelters and farmlands are likely to increase the risk of Gender Based Violence; therefore, mobile clinics need to ensure sufficient stocks of post rape care kits and staff to provide psychosocial support." +213193,44840.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,88,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,"As livelihoods become threatened due to the economic downturn and climate change-induced disasters , so there is a risk that the incidence of domestic violence, human rights violations, violence against vulnerable populations, inter and intra-communal and clan violence, and crime will rise. Displacement affected communities are especially vulnerable, and the number of forced evictions in urban areas may rise. Disinformation, increasing hate speech, discrimination vis-à-vis scapegoat groups of people and potential political misuse are also likely to increase." +218176,45410.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,47,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"Malgré les bonnes récoltes qui devraient favoriser un bon approvisionnement des marchés dans la plupart des zones du pays, les volumes observés sont légèrement en deçà des niveaux d’une année normale en raison des coûts élevés des transports par suite de la COVID-19." +292387,52073.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,35,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,The security situation in North West and South West regions remained volatile and unpredictable. Ghost towns and prolonged lockdowns were common during this period and most security incidents were reported on such days. +290384,51970.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Results show that 12% of migrants are classified in a situation of severe hunger, with no major differences between countries but slightly lower compared to the previous round (14%). Migrants show significantly higher levels of moderate and severe hunger compared to residents, as shown in figure 3." +299138,52086.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Logistics', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,96,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[25th March, 2021, NES] In north-east Syria, the priority needs deviate from the national pattern. While the need for food is most pressing (54 percent), it is closely followed by income-generating opportunities (51 percent), rather than fuel (33 percent), which is the fourth priority need in the region. Health is the third priority need (48 percent). Indeed, both the need for income and for health are highest in north-east Syria, compared to other regions." +61769,18350.0,1184.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Shelter']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,184,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71151.pdf,"Protección a la infancia En el mes de junio se refirieron 4.337 niñas y niños en riesgo a los servicios especializados de protección y 12.036 niños y niñas recibieron apoyo psicosocial en espacios amigables para la niñez. En este sentido, la atención dentro del espacio amigable para niños y niñas dentro del CEBAF de Rumichaca se fortaleció durante la contingencia, así como también el espacio de lactancia, en donde se incrementó la atención a madres lactantes venezolanas, beneficiando a 751 mujeres y 770 niños y niñas. La casa de primera acogida en Tulcán para adolescentes viajando solos acogió a esta población en la espera de la resolución del Procedimiento Especial, proveyendo un espacio seguro para pernoctar, actividades lúdicas y apoyo socioemocional. En las ciudades fronterizas de Tulcán, Lago Agrio y Huaquillas se dio acompañamiento y tutoría al personal que realiza entrevistas especializadas relacionadas al Protocolo de atención especial. También, se asesora a las Juntas Cantonales de Protección de Derechos para la resolución de casos, implementación de modelos y asesoría personalizada." +151418,37915.0,2098.0,"['Protection', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,51,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/78176.pdf,"The socio-economic impact of COVID-19 is also having a negative impact on security in the camps, with petty crimes, rising disputes and tensions in the community, criminal groups expanding their activities, and heightened risks of traffickers and smugglers preying on vulnerable refugees and host communities alike." +498735,60095.0,1187.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,121,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RMRP%202021%20Plan%20de%20respuesta%20regional%20para%20refugiados%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%2C%20enero%20-%20diciembre%202021.pdf,"PROTECCIÓN Partiendo de un escenario de cierre total o parcial de las fronteras durante al menos parte del 2021, uno de los desafíos más importantes que se plantean es el de contribuir a que las personas refugiadas y migrantes de Venezuela puedan acceder a los territorios, a mecanismos de regularización y a la protección internacional. A este respecto, la plataforma reforzará el monitoreo en los puntos de entrada a las fronteras (como en La Quiaca, Iguazú, Mendoza, etc. en Argentina, Desaguadero y Guayamerín en Bolivia, o Chuy y Uruguayana en Uruguay, entre otros) al tiempo que aumentará sus esfuerzos para aumentar la incidencia con las autoridades nacionales." +346174,56952.0,2311.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20monitoreo%20enero-marzo%202021%20-%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20vers%C3%B3n%20final.pdf,"El 62% de la población monitoreada tiene acceso a agua potable, 7 puntos menos que el trimestre anterior (68.75%), y el 38% restante refiere no tener acceso a agua potable. Sin embargo, este panorama no resulta homogéneo en todas las ciudades monitoreadas." +15663,6572.0,322.0,[],[],[],en,48,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Yemen%20Update%2021%20Sept-%2012%20October%202018%20FINAL.pdf,"According to the 17th report of the Task Force for Population Movement (TFPM), over 2.3 million people have been displaced by conflict in Yemen since March 2015. As of June 2018, more than one million individuals have returned home across 22 governorates." +151910,34062.0,1898.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3653085,"Actualmente, la Fuerza Armada reporta únicamente un contagio con síntomas graves de COVID-19 en sus filas y que hay varios de sus elementos asintomáticos o tienen síntomas leves." +238290,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Some 165,000 internally displaced children, including those in displacement sites, as well as 122,220 returnee children from Iran and Pakistan will require EiE services in 2021." +388990,60730.0,2098.0,[],[],[],en,98,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://app.box.com/s/asye4w9ljbvdby3gy5p0jy8a859nsmzt,"[25th July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: Perception data reveals that some believe Muslim people cannot get Covid-19 as they pray five times a day, whereas non-Muslims, who do not pray, will get Covid-19. In phone interviews, participants mentioned this and also said those involved in fraudulent activities, who are helpless or poor may get Covid-19, which is a curse from Allah, who is the only one who can protect them (thus it is important to pray regularly five times a day)." +175179,40890.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,122,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"En esta tercera ronda de evaluación, el 18% de las personas entrevistadas manifestó que durante el aislamiento preventivo obligatorio algún miembro del hogar ha presentado necesidades relacionadas con servicios de salud sexual y reproductiva. Del total de estos hogares, los servicios que más reportaron necesidad fueron los de anticoncepción que fueron requeridos por el 52% de estos hogares, seguido por la atención en salud materna con el 37%, mientras que el 18% relaciona necesidades de preservativos u otras acciones en prevención y tratamiento de infecciones de transmisión sexual (ITS) y/o VIH y el 3% otros servicios (vacunación, ginecología, citología y otros tipos de atención especializada)." +293849,52074.0,2334.0,['Protection'],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],en,61,[],['Humanitarian Access'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,"In the NW region concerns were particularly high in the Tubah subdivision of Mezam, where on the key ring road leaving Bamenda, multiple humanitarian staff members were kidnapped for ransom and vehicles were stolen. Concerns were also raised regarding the arrest of humanitarians by security forces, which in at least one case involved an overnight detention." +323221,54498.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/89758cd4/REACH_COL_RAN_Factsheet_Trend_analysis_March2021.pdf,"durante las cinco rondas de recolección, el acceso a alimentos fue la ne- cesidad mayormente reportada. Desde la primera ronda, el 66% de los 210 ICs entrevistados reportó que desde el inicio del viaje hasta el lugar de la encuesta su mayor necesidad había sido la escasez de alimentos, tendencia que se mantuvo durante las cuatro rondas posteriores." +325750,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Les zones de culture du coton (principalement dans le sud-ouest) sont également d’importantes zones de production céréalière et la production céréalière bénéficie de l’équipement, des intrants et de la formation fournis par le gouvernement pour la production de coton25." +148193,36609.0,1388.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,54,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/01.%20CRI%20Operation%20July%202020%20.pdf,"■ Defensa de Niñas y Niños Internacional (DNI Costa Rica): Improves the living conditions of children and adolescents and their families and communities, through interventions that allow the reduction of violations of children's rights, girls and adolescents, ensuring their right to a decent and quality life." +341945,56493.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,105,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Contestations des décisions, non-respect de co- des de conduites et des normes sociales, traduisant les difficultés d’exercice du mandat de la chefferie, sont légion. Cette situation installe et propage des germes de discorde qui ébranlent la cohésion sociale. Les clans opposés lors de la conquête du trône rivalisent et s’attaquent dans un cycle d’action en réponse à une autre qui provoque un déséquilibre du socle social jonché par les frustrations et règlements de compte individuels et/ou collectifs devant une chefferie qui tient à affirmer sa légalité et sa légitimité par tous les moyens." +149227,36019.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,24,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"As of 27 June, of samples from patients collected in NWS four samples tested positive, while all other cases tested negative." +473064,67194.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,130,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Our data suggest that from March 1, 2020, to April 30, 2021, the COVID-19 pandemic left at least 1 134 000 children globally whose lives have been permanently changed by the COVID-19-associated deaths of their mothers, fathers, or custodial grandparents. Of these children, 1 042 000 were orphaned of their parents. More than 1· 5 million children experienced death of their parents, custodial grandparents, or grandparents or kin who lived with them. Among the 21 countries included in our study, those with more than one in 1000 children experiencing a COVID-19-associated death in a primary caregiver were Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Iran, Mexico, Peru, South Africa, the USA, and Russia" +156770,32148.0,1898.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,72,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/El%20Salvador%20-%20Respuesta%20a%20la%20pandemia%20COVID-19%2C%20Situation%20Report%20No.%2002%20%2818%20al%2020%20de%20marzo%20de%202020%29.pdf,"El día 18 de marzo de 2020, el presidente de la República, a través de una conferencia de prensa, anunció la detección del primer caso de contagio de COVID-19 en el municipio de Metapán, al occidente del país. A raíz de este caso, el gobierno de El Salvador ha reforzado las medidas de higiene, a efectos de evitar que este virus se continúe propagando." +330030,53699.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,130,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_094_20210404_hebdo_s13.pdf,"Ce 04/04/2021, 29 nouveaux cas confirmés de COVID-19 ont été rapportés dont 16 à Kinshasa et 13 au Nord-Kivu. Tout de même, aucun nouveau décès n’a été répertorié parmi les cas confirmés actifs. Au terme de la semaine 13/2021, 342 nouveaux cas confirmés et 2 nouveaux décès ont été notifiés, contre 440 cas confirmés et 17 décès à S12/2021. Comme à la semaine 12/2021, aucune nouvelle province ni nouvelle zone de santé (ZS) n’ont rapporté des cas confirmés de COVID-19 à la semaine 13/2021. Ainsi, 28 351 cas confirmés et 1 cas probable ont été comptabilisés depuis le début de l’épidémie dont 745 décès, soit une létalité globale de 2,6%" +193867,43070.0,2311.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)'],es,36,[],['Information And Communication'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Borrador%20texto%20Sitrep%20Sectorial_2020_SAN%20AGO_WFP_VF.pdf,"Las dificultades de comunicación y las restricciones han limitado la visibilidad de las necesidades, y con ello el alcance de la respuesta en SAN en contextos rurales, especialmente en las comunidades más alejadas." +132550,35164.0,1188.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,36,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"No se identificaron incidentes de seguridad graves, salvo casos puntuales de robo o hurtos de carteras o celulares. Las adolescentes consideraron que por ser mujeres están más expuestas a tener algún incidente de seguridad" +201702,43427.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,78,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"En Colombia, la mayoría de la coca sigue concentrándose en las zonas permanente- mente afectadas que ocupan el 25 % del terri- torio afectado. El 83 % de la coca que se de- tectó en 2019 se localiza en estas zonas. Lo anterior, sigue creando escenarios complejos como una cercanía, cada vez mayor, entre los lotes donde se cultiva y una alta dependencia económica de las comunidades asentadas en estos territorios (" +35534,13057.0,788.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,122,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000105395.pdf,"Overall, some 7.5 percent of households in the three states had poor food consumption, while the proportion of households with borderline and acceptable food consumption was 32.3 percent and 60.3 percent respectively. Adamawa had the highest proportion of households with poor food consumption (10.0 percent) followed by Borno (6.9 percent) and Yobe (6.6 percent). The relatively low prevalence of poor food consumption implies that considerable progress has been made with food intake, partly owing to the ongoing food assistance, but serious challenges remain, particularly in the face of sustained fragile security situation and inability of households to secure their own livelihoods and continuing high dependence on food assistance." +22363,9106.0,729.0,['Cross'],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,76,[],['Displacement'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"Equally, the number of unaccompanied and separated children (UASC) travelling in Libya is rising, with some 13 per cent of total arrivals in Europe via the Central Mediterranean Route, mainly from Guinea, Côte d’Ivoire, The Gambia, Bangladesh, Nigeria and Eritrea. Among the migrants in Libya, 9 per cent are children and out of the children 35 per cent are unaccompanied or separated." +147706,35158.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,54,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Fear, worry and stress is commonplace among children, adolescents and young people. Deprived from the traditional community support they enjoyed back home, it has led to significant long-term mental health and psychosocial consequences among families. Children, adolescents and youth were identified as particularly at risk regarding MHPSS concerns" +314029,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"In 2021, Somalia is expected to continue facing significant humanitarian challenges. An estimated 5.9 million people are expected to be in need of humanitarian assistance." +69181,19842.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,71,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acnur.org/es-es/noticias/noticia/2019/8/5d5c64e64/de-vuelta-a-colombia-tras-una-vida-en-venezuela.html,"La Unidad de Atención a Población Vulnerable cuenta con el apoyo de Japón y la Unión Europea, a través del proyecto para la Contribución a la Paz y la Estabilidad (ICSP, por sus siglas en inglés). El Punto de Atención y Orientación en el Puente Simón Bolívar cuenta con el apoyo de AECID y la Unión Europea, a través del proyecto de ECHO VENSIT." +239669,47230.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,52,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"La situación de confinamiento y la suspensión de servicios explica en buena medida que apenas 34 (1,5%) de los 2.289 niños y niñas menores de 5 años incluidos en la evaluación se encuentren asistiendo a un hogar comunitario, jardín, centro de desarrollo infantil o colegio. E" +175785,41235.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,66,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[October 14, NES, Specialized case management training] There is a critical need to establish dedicated training plans to bolster clinical care capacity, particularly for severe and critical cases. The lack of specialist staff and limited capacity of NES NGOs to provide this training presents the most pressing gap over the coming months, and will compromise quality of care." +324322,54626.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,25,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,UNICEF is also committed to implementing gender- responsive and socially inclusive humanitarian action to ensure those most in need receive the right life-saving services. +313646,53333.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,43,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Mixed feelings were expressed about safety at the community level, with 41% of girls who participated in the GES methodology reporting that they felt safe, compared with 23% who disagreed that they felt safe, the remainder neutral." +329866,53694.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],fr,123,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/03042021_sitrep_s11_whe_oms_rdc.docx.pdf,"Au terme de 4 dernières semaines, 644 cas suspects de choléra dont 10 décès (létalité 1,6%) ont été enregistrés. On signale que 89,4% de cas suspects de choléra (576 sur 644 cas ) ont été rapportés dans cinq provinces (Sud-Kivu : 207 cas suspects, soit 32,1% ; Haut-Katanga : 139 cas suspects, soit 21,6% ; Nord-Kivu : 111 cas suspects, soit 17,2% ; Kasaï : 61 cas suspects, soit 9,5% et Haut-Lomami : 58 cas suspects, soit 9,0%). Les principaux hotspots du centre, de l’est et du sud-est du pays demeurent actifs depuis le début de l’année 2021" +395120,61274.0,1186.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,66,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.cooperativa.cl/noticias/pais/region-de-tarapaca/personal-de-salud-llega-a-reforzar-atenciones-medicas-en-colchane/2021-02-04/164929.html,"El Servicio de Salud de Iquique (SSI) confirmó que durante este jueves un equipo llegará a reforzar las atenciones médicas en Colchane. Lo anterior, debido a la alta demanda producto de la presencia de ciudadanos extranjeros en la comuna. De hecho, son cerca de 600 atenciones diarias las que se llevan a cabo en la posta rural del poblado." +299121,52086.0,2028.0,"['Shelter', 'Logistics', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,86,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[25th March, 2021, GoS] In central and south Syria households report a somewhat greater need for electricity (35 percent) and rental subsidies (17 percent), compared to the national level (33 and 15 percent, respectively). In terms of household characteristics, female-headed households are in greater need of fuel (68 percent) and income-earning opportunities (45 percent), compared to their male counterparts (58 and 40 percent, respectively." +403440,63064.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,50,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_hebdomadaire_eruptionvolcanique_26juillet2021_public.pdf,"Save the Children a distribué des kits scolaires à plus de 1 700 écoliers et plus de 90 enseignants dans neuf écoles affectées dans le territoire de Nyiragongo ; l’UNESCO a, pour sa part, formé 30 enseignants aux techniques de soutien psychosocial aux enfants affectés." +275897,50662.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[July- December 2020, Cox's Bazar] Mental health conditions reported in DHIS2 include medically unexplained somatic complaints (22%), Psychosis, including bipolar disorder (17%), moderate to severe emotional disorders (14%), epilepsy/seizures (10%), Intellectual Disability and Developmental Disorders (1%), and other mental health conditions (35%)." +343864,56761.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/partos-de-mujeres-migrantes-en-zonas-fronterizas-asi-son-las-cuentas/2662,"Por los pasos ilegales no se sabe cuántas migrantes pendulares a punto de dar a luz logran llegar a territorio colombiano.Si bien, las venezolanas arriesgan sus vidas caminando trochas en busca de atención materna, Magdymar León, investigadora de la Asociación Venezolana de Salud Sexual y Reproductiva (Avesa), en Caracas, explica que ellas no vienen a parir a Colombia por gusto, lo hacen por necesidad." +183491,42815.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,36,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://guardian.ng/news/ncdc-records-155-new-covid-19-cases-4-more-casualties/,"[5th Nov 2020,Nigeria]The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN} reports that the country has tested 668,729 people since the first confirmed case was reported on February 27, 2020." +45655,15533.0,729.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Demography'],en,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_report_areabasedassessment_aba_azzawya_jun2019.pdf,"According to the 2018 MSNA, for most Libyan households across the country (43%), a lack of qualified medical staff was the primary barrier to accessing healthcare. While this was also true in Azzawya, the percentage of households reporting this as a primary barrier was lower (23%)." +305723,51572.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,75,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"There is an immediate need for NFI provision targeting displaced communities. Due to limitations of NFIs at the existing markets, direct NFI kits distribution is the most required for IDPs in three camps. Priority items include mosquito nets, plastic sheets, kitchen sets, sleeping mats, blankets and solar lamps. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +26109,10739.0,786.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,89,['Impact'],[],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/the_americas/venezuela-has-its-electricity-back-for-now-but-its-still-on-the-verge-of-collapse/2019/03/20/1cb0060e-4986-11e9-8cfc-2c5d0999c21e_story.html?utm_term=.a236d74c7c19,"Venezuela’s already battered economy suffered multibillion-dollar losses during the blackout that began on March 7. In the first two days alone, more than 4.4 million pounds of meat spoiled because of a lack of refrigeration, according to the national ranchers’ association. As power shut down, the country’saluminum industry was further crippled: Molten metal solidified and destroyed machinery. When power was restored, leaping voltage burned out computers, air-conditioning units and refrigerators. Transformers blew up." +175028,40890.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],es,53,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"El 22% de los hogares cuentan con una tasa de dependencia alta18, es decir que son hogares donde por cada miembro no dependiente (personas entre los 18 y 59 años) hay más de 1,5 miembros dependientes (personas menores de 18 años y mayores de 60 años)." +238167,47090.0,2170.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,71,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_15_dec_2020_report.pdf,"[1st-15thDec 2020, Borno and Adamawa state]78% of the total showers are functional while 22% need to be repaired. 24 sites in 5 LGAs (Girei in Adamawa state, Konduga, Jere, Maiduguri and Dikwa in Borno state) do not have shower on site. 2,261 showers needs to be repaired across 81 sites in 17 LGAs (table 2)." +188231,40860.0,1899.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,34,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200922_OCHA_GUATEMALA%20HRP%20COVID-19%20ESPAN%CC%83OL.pdf,Las personas con enfermedades crónicas: Con relación a la asistencia médica ligada a laCOVID-19 y otra especializada las cuales están expuestas al cierre de las consultas externas o la reducción de servicios. +236703,46388.0,2336.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,18,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Lack of handwashing stations makes physical distancing challenging when children eventually do regularly return to school fulltime. +62409,18389.0,1386.0,['WASH'],[],[],es,71,[],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://elpitazo.net/gran-caracas/90-de-los-hogares-venezolanos-no-puede-cubrir-las-condiciones-de-saneamiento-del-agua/,"El seguimiento permitió determinar que55% de los caraqueños no recibe más de 50 litros.Además, en promedio, las familias recibían el servicio 45 de las 168 horas que tiene una semana y 49% debe cargar agua. Armas manifestó que la mayoría invierte entre dos y seis horas del día para acarrear agua, lo que resta tiempo para la productividad, el descanso o el entretenimiento." +148560,36019.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,25,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,UN cross-border shipments continue and have in fact increased since early March while commercial trucks (used by most NGOs) were partially impacted. +292411,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,16,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,24 références au niveau des districts de santé de Makary ou Mada ont eu lieu. +332175,51467.0,2335.0,[],[],[],en,29,[],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Less than half of the South Sudanese population has been vaccinated against common diseases, which has resulted in continued outbreaks of measles since 2019 and throughout 2020." +236552,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,19,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,People in the south east (83 per cent) said that the cost of medicine has risen. +63624,18631.0,788.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],en,79,[],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_floodoverview_13092019.pdf,"In Borno State, over 10,757 HHs are affected across 68 camps and settlements of IDPs in nine local government areas (LGAs) - Dikwa, Gwoza, Jere, Kaga, Konduga, Magumeri, Maiduguri, Monguno and Ngala. About 73% of the affected HHs are in four LGAs - Maiduguri (39%), Monguno (15%), Jere (10%) and Gwoza (8%)." +292371,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,61,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"Avec la baisse du nombre de campagnes de vaccinations, l’inaccessibilité des zones frontalières avec le Nigéria et une diminution de l’approvisionnement du matériel médical, les populations déplacées ainsi que les communautés hôtes ont été confronté à une baisse drastique de l’assistance humanitaire comparativement à leurs besoins sanitaires qui croissent au fil du temps" +342056,56493.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,80,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Les populations consultées de la région de l’Est pensent que l’Etat central a abandonné la zone déjà soumise aux conséquences de l’insécurité (attaques terroristes et grand banditisme), et celui-ci ne mettrait rien en œuvre pour asseoir un essor économique de cette région dont les potentialités de développement sont énormes (mauvais état des voies d’accès, sous équipement des services sociaux de base, délaissement des potentialités minières)" +190120,43304.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Education', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,81,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Pour limiter la propagation du virus sur le territoire national, le Gouvernement a décrété un Etat d’Urgence Sanitaire et des mesures barrières drastiques sont prises allant de la fermeture de son espace aérien, de ses frontières terrestres, des écoles, des églises, des mosquées, des bars, des restaurants, des casinos, des marchés, à l’interdiction d’attroupement, l’instauration d’un couvre-feu, etc." +315428,54309.0,2311.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)'],es,21,[],['Information And Communication'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Colombia_Evaluacion_Rapida_ECNI_Arauca_ESP.pdf,Riesgos de protección: Varios participantes manifestaron sus miedos o desconfianza al momento de responder las preguntas de la encuesta. +227359,46454.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2022_23Dec2020_FINAL.pdf,"[23rd December, Northeast Syria] This is in addition to approximately 99,109 IDPs and refugees in NES, most of whom were displaced prior to October, living in four camps and two informal sites. A further estimated 27,625 people live in 58 collective shelters throughout other governorates." +283931,47069.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,63,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/iom_dashboard_cameroun_extreme-nord_round_21_en.pdf,"[Round 21 / DTM / Far North Region / 25 May - 10 June] Means used to sensitize populations on COVID-19 : 37% Administration authorities 26% Local authorities 15% Posters, community radio or word of mouth 11% Health personnel 9% NGOs/UN agencies working on the field 1% Site or camp manager 1% other" +69823,19568.0,788.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,75,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Nigeria%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20-%20August%202019.pdf,"The security situation in northeast Nigeria remains volatile, with changes in military deployments and related hostilities leading to further displacement and a reduction in humanitarian access and services, especially in Gubio, Magumeri and Nganzai LGAs. The coming weeks and months are likely to see further population movements - especially in Maiduguri where existing camps are already overcrowded and there is an urgent need for additional land to shelter displaced families." +235837,46388.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,61,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The pervasive disregard for international law (both Human Rights and Humanitarian) in the conduct of hostilities by all parties to the conflict leaves civilians with few options to secure their safety as people continue to suffer from indiscriminate attacks, public and private lands are left littered with ERW, and civilians are blocked from accessing life-saving aid." +361267,58845.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,87,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_price_bulletin_may_2021.pdf,"[May 2021, Overall Syria] In May 2021, the national average retail price of sugar decreased by eight percent m-o-m, reaching SYP 1,922/kg. Nevertheless, the national average price has increased by 37 percent since November 2020 (six months ago) and by 173 percent since May 2020. Tartous recorded the highest sugar price at SYP 3,245/kg (down seven percent m-o-m), while Al-Hasakeh recorded the lowest price of SYP 1,713/kg (down seven percent m-o-m)." +439808,64948.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,60,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/juin_2021_evaluation_drs_est_rapport_mission_conjointe_corus_est.pdf,"Au 31 mars 2021, 1 147 699 personnes déplacées internes (PDIs) ont été enregistrées par le CONASUR soit une augmentation d’environ 2,29% par rapport à la situation du 28/02/2021 (1 121 960 PDI). Il faut noter que 93,6% de PDIs sont concentrées dans les 6 régions les plus affectées." +155282,38385.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",[],[],es,77,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/R4V%20Flash%20Update%20Colombia%20-%20Situaci%C3%B3n%20de%20refugiados%20y%20migrantes%20provenientes%20de%20Venezuela%20ante%20COVID-19%2C%20Julio%2028%20al%20Agosto%2031%2C%202020.pdf,"El 24 de agosto, en articulación con la Alcaldía de Pasto se inauguró el Espacio de Apoyo de Catambuco, orientado a la atención a la población refugiada y migrante, particularmente a la población caminante. Asimismo, y como parte del proceso de fortalecimiento se realizaron dosjornadas de formación en temas de protección internacional, política migratoria, salud y migración a personal de la Alcaldía que estará prestando atención en este espacio." +215509,44962.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,42,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.dw.com/en/coronavirus-in-afghanistan-do-confirmed-cases-depict-the-real-picture/a-54489465,"Government officials say the reason behind conducting the new survey was to prepare for a possible second coronavirus wave. With the help of the new data, authorities will be better equipped to deal with the situation, they say." +484738,65398.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"En las entrevistas, las personas que están empleadas refieren que entre dos y tres meses ha sido el tiempo máximo que han estado sin laborar. Varias han optado por trabajar de manera autónoma, especialmente en la venta de alimentos. Algunos de los que afirman haber pasado un tiempo sin encontrar trabajo por cuenta ajena optaron por la venta ambulante como manera de autoempleo." +236849,47076.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,73,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,"Compared to last month [May}, an almost 40% increase in the number of children and caregivers provided with psychosocial support services in Child Friendly and other Safe Spaces as well as remotely was recorded. CP Area of Responsibility (AoR) members reported reaching more than 7,700 children and caregivers with psychosocial support during the reporting period, despite the lockdown imposed by the NSAGs this month." +174959,41235.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,67,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[October 14, NES,Unchecked movement through POEs]In addition, at many POEs there has been inadequate implementation of basic screening protocols, with Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDTs) being applied instead of rigorous temperature screening and clinical assessments. The high frequency of movement through informal POEs, where there is no screening/ monitoring infrastructure, is a significant challenge." +323223,54498.0,2311.0,['Logistics'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,94,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/89758cd4/REACH_COL_RAN_Factsheet_Trend_analysis_March2021.pdf,"Según ACAPS25, el acceso a opciones de transporte seguras es cru- cial para que los refugiados y migrantes lleguen seguros a su lugar de destino. No obstante, el transporte fue la segunda necesidad mayormente reportada por los ICs. Desde la primera ronda, su re- porte estuvo entre el 45% y el 66%, siendo la quinta ronda su mayor reporte, en donde de los 308 ICs el 66% reportó tener como segunda necesidad prioritaria, la garantía de movilidad hasta su próxima para- da." +178244,41756.0,2225.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,Les familles d’accueil vivent dans des conditions déjà précaires et l’accueil de populations déplacées et retournées contribue dans de nombreux cas à la détérioration de leur niveau de vie. +317487,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Finally, exceptionally heavy rains along the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden coast will cause substantial increases in locust numbers by autumn or winter 2020 and spring of 2021." +196714,43328.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,60,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_smart_rapid_pdi_2020_bfa_final.pdf,"Intensifier les actions de dépistage actif et de référencement et de PEC de la malnutrition en deuxième lieu dans les communes où la MAG est entre 10 et 15% et/ou la MAS est entre 2 et 5% (Matiacoali, Gorgadji, Dori, Bourzanga et Fada N’Gourma) ; [partenaires techniques et financiers]" +195882,43072.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,30,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://noticias.canalrcn.com/nacional/indigenas-wayuu-ninos-y-migrantes-venezolanos-se-alimentan-de-la-basura-en-maicao-364445,"Los contenedores de basura son la despensa de varios indígenas Wayuu, adultos y niños que buscan en medio de los malos olores y el desperdicio algo que comer." +401410,62279.0,2170.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,108,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"[10th November 2020, MONGUNO LGA, BORNO STATE]Time spent in fetching water: It was noted that 59.1% (54.5% - 63.5%) of the total respondents took “Less than 30 minutes” to fetch water which included going to the main source of drinking water, collect water and coming back to home; 24.2% (20.5% - 28.4%) took “Between 30 - 60 minutes” while 12.7% (9.9% - 16.1%) had water to spend 1 to 2 hours to fetch the water. (Refer figure 6)" +338422,55951.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,76,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://preventepidemics.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/PERC-Finding-the-Balance-Part-III-12-May-2021.pdf,"[Survey conducted by phone with approximately 24,000 people across 19 Member States in five geographical regions in Africa, including DRC] Associations between vaccination intent and satisfaction with the government’s COVID-19 response were even stronger; more than 70% of respondents who were satisfied with the government response reported interest in vaccination, compared to only half of those who were not satisfied with the government—a 21 percentage point difference." +361152,58845.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,60,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_price_bulletin_may_2021.pdf,"[May 2021, Overall Syria] The price of commercial bread increased by six percent m-o-m and by 129 percent y-o-y, reaching SYP 1,687/bundle. As-Sweida recorded the highest commercial bread price of SYP 2,183/bundle (down eight percent m-o-m), while Al-Hasakeh recorded the lowest price of SYP 1,013/bundle (down 27 percent mo-m)." +170811,40367.0,2099.0,['Education'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,36,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"To curb the situation, UNICEF is financially and technically supporting the education cluster to conduct the first education in emergency needs assessment in the five regions most affected by the security and health crises." +323107,54815.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Environment'],en,35,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"In Burkina Faso overall, while approximately three flood events per year were recorded over 1986–2016, the number increased to 5 per year in the 2000s (Tazen et al., 2018)." +188100,42790.0,2099.0,[],[],[],en,10,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000120225.pdf,2018 Human Development Index: 182 out of 189 countries +195745,44015.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,39,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN27D1PT,"After a decade of relative calm, tit-for-tat fighting resumed in December 2017, reviving longstanding tensions over land. The unrest has since evolved into more coordinated attacks by CODECO on the army and the Hema group." +490601,67927.0,2170.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,79,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/adamawa_state_2021_cholera_situation_report_no_9.pdf,"[5th Sept 2021, Adamawa State] (Cholera) Wash: Chlorination of twenty (20) water points is ongoing in Girei LGA, Adamawa state. 754,928 liters (754m3) of water was chlorinated during the reporting week period. Door to door HP on cholera prevention is ongoing in Girei LGA, Adamawa state. 2,710 individuals (360HHs) were reached with HP awareness sessions in Njabbore community of Girei LGA," +264533,49669.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,95,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://colombia.as.com/colombia/2021/02/20/actualidad/1613846806_672285.html,"Con la disminución de los casos positivos de Coronavirus en todo el país y el inicio del Plan Nacional de Vacunación, tras la llegada de las primeras 50.000 vacunas a territorio colombiano, varias instituciones educativas volvieron a abrir sus aulas de clase para que miles de estudiantes retornen tras casi un año de virtualidad; sin embargo, varios docentes afiliados a la Federación Colombiana de Trabajadores de la Educación (Fecode) insisten en que no regresarán a dar clases de manera normal, a menos que se cumplan ciertas condiciones." +236409,47175.0,2170.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,137,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Nigeria%20-%20Displacement%20Tracking%20Matrix%20%28DTM%29%20Emergency%20Tracking%20Tool%20%28ETT%29%20Report%20-%20No.%20205%2C%2004%20-%2010%20January%202021.pdf,"A total of 3,106 movements were recorded, comprising 2,428 arrivals and 678 departures, between 4 and 10 January 2021. Arrivals were recorded at locations in Askira/Uba, Bama, Biu, DIkwa, Gwoza, Mobbar and Monguno Local Government Areas (LGAs) of the most-affected Nigerian State of Borno. Arrivals were also recorded in Fufore, Girei, Gombi, Hong, Lamurde, Maiha, Michika, Mubi North, Mubi South, Numan, Song, Yola North and Yola South LGAs of the state of Adamawa. Departures were recorded in Askira/Uba, Damboa, Hawul and Kala/Balge LGAs of Borno; Fufore, Gombi, Lamurde, Maiha, Michika, Mubi North, Mubi South, Numan, Song and Yola North LGAs of Adamawa." +217444,45653.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,61,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://docs.wfp.org/api/documents/WFP-0000114546/download/?_ga=2.153594736.918642439.1605111758-1773529422.1605111758,"Tahoua was classified in Serious (IPC Phase 3) and Niamey and Tillabéri in Alert (IPC Phase 2). Out of the 34 departments analysed in the other regions, two were in Critical (IPC Phase 4), 19 in Serious (IPC Phase 3) and 13 in Alert (IPC Phase 2)." +325375,54815.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,22,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"About 54 percent of all IDPs are children under the age of 15, corresponding to primary and secondary school age." +12755,5579.0,322.0,[],[],[],en,42,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20Jun%202018.pdf,"Humanitarians are still reliant on access to reliable Internet and security telecommunications services in order to do their work effectively. Challenges include restrictions on importing ICT equipment, a volatile security situation and difficulties in obtaining visas for staff deployments." +242549,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,24,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Child recruitment cases were most prominent in the country’s northern and north- eastern areas and are likely to remain an under-estimation. +169915,40360.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,73,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Dans la Région du Sahel, la force publique est plus présente dans les grandes villes (Dori, Gorom-Gorom, Djibo et Sebba) et font souvent des patrouilles dans certaines localités telles que Saouga, Korizena, Tasmakat dans la commune de Dori, Dambame, Salmossi dans la commune de Markoye, la commune de Titabé, Tankougounadié, Mansila dans la province du Yagha et Sampelga dans le Seno" +318034,52949.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,57,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Somalia reported its first case of COVID-19 in March 2020. Since then, 4,445 cases with 113 deaths had been confirmed as of 21 November 2020. Four per cent (198 cases) of the cases were reported among health workers, negatively impacting response efforts amid already limited healthcare services in the country." +327463,54714.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,[PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 17% of IDP settlement and 5% of non- IDP settlement were with a protection LSG +320273,52949.0,2331.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,103,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Service mobilization is low and worsened by the lack of primary sites to mobilize women and girls to access services. Limited avenues for service mobilization and dissemination all contribute as major obstacles to GBV service provision. Spaces where women meet are limited, and sometimes meetings take place in temporary spaces such as under trees and in community spaces in IDP camps. Limited spaces for service mobilization, recreation and learning of life skills impede on service provision and women and girls’ ability to recover and develop new friendships and skills needed to accelerate recovery from traumatic experiences." +195809,43853.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],fr,50,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.rtbf.be/info/monde/detail_coronavirus-en-rdc-les-voyageurs-testes-a-leur-descente-d-avion?id=10622664,"Dimanche peu après minuit, quelque 200 à 300 passagers en provenance de Bruxelles ont été conduits vers deux centres de dépistage installés sur le tarmac de l’aéroport de Kinshasa, avant même leur passage à la douane, a constaté un journaliste de l’AFP." +191564,43304.0,2332.0,"['Education', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,80,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Les mesures barrières ont entrainé la fermeture de seize mille huit cent quatre-vingt-seize (16 896) structures d’enseignement fondamental, technique et universitaire. Cette fermeture a immobilisé plus de 3,4 millions apprenants dont 40 749 étudiants. A cela s’ajoutent les 55 751 enseignants dont 20 634 vacataires et 18 764 communautaires respectivement à la charge des institutions et des associations des parents d’élèves (APE) qui sont en chômage." +287427,51638.0,2099.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,20,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20_FEVRIER%202021_SAHEL.pdf,(Sahel) Les femmes sont interdites de se rendre au marché et sur les sites d’orpaillage. +286492,51586.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,120,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_19_november_2020_final.pdf,"Afghanistan has a test-positivity-rate – positive tests as a percentage of total tests – of more than 33 per cent, suggesting overall under-testing of potential cases. The majority of recorded deaths were men between the ages of 50 and 79. Men account for more than 69 per cent of the total COVID-19 confirmed cases in the MOPH data, although this may be the result of over-representation of men in testing. Due to limited public health resources and testing capacity, lack of people coming forward for testing, as well as the absence of a national death register, confirmed cases of and deaths from COVID-19 are likely to be under-reported overall in Afghanistan." +46315,15533.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Education']",[],[],en,36,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_report_areabasedassessment_aba_azzawya_jun2019.pdf,"In terms of access to services, humanitarian worker KIs also reported greater needs in the health and education sectors than in the food sector. This highlights a potential gap between supply and demand." +353510,57854.0,2311.0,['Logistics'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,38,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://primerinforme.com/2021/06/02/cierre-de-frontera-con-colombia-beneficia-a-mafias-de-las-trochas/,"Al mismo tiempo,favorece a las mafias de grupos armados ilegales y militares venezolanos que cobran «peaje» por pasar través de las llamadas «trochas», los pasos ilegales entre los dos países." +318949,53305.0,2335.0,[],[],[],en,25,[],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"In Bentiu, threats by the youth against Equatorian staff and other nationalities disrupted activities since September, impacting services for some 97,000 people." +61693,18346.0,1184.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,6,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71003.pdf,30.111 personas recibieron asistencia de protección +318512,54556.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,81,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/2021/04/25/dghs-chief-2-1-million-doses-of-covid-19-vaccine-to-arrive-in-early-may,"[25th April 2021, Bangladesh] Bangladesh is set to receive 100,000 doses of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine next month, says the chief of the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS). “We will receive the vaccine doses under the Covax scheme,” Director General Prof ABM Khurshid Alam said on Sunday. The DGHS chief was speaking to the media following an online discussion meeting marking World Malaria Day arranged by the directorate." +177376,41093.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,51,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"En el trimestre móvil mayo – julio de 2020, las exportaciones totales disminuyeron 30,1% frente al mismo periodo de 2019. Este resultado obedece a la caída de las exportaciones de commodities (-46,8%), mientras que las exportaciones diferentes de commodities se incrementaron 3,5%." +341882,56644.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,84,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.sismamujer.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/MUJERES-DERECHOS-LABORALES-Y-EMERGENCIA-SANITARIA.docx.pdf,"Estas mujeres también manifiestan verse constantemente sometidas a violencias de tipo institucional, pues en los procesos de formalización o de negociación de uso del espacio público, por ejemplo, con las entidades territoriales, a través de las instituciones encargadas, no se garantiza su participación o sus voces no son escuchadas27. Estas mujeres, evidencian una necesidad de formación, que les permita intervenir en estos espacios con una agenda clara, que involucre los derechos de las mujeres." +323683,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Economy'],fr,38,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"La croissance du PIB agricole a été négative ces dernières années (par exemple en 2011, 2015, 2017) en raison de saisons sèches et de fortes chaleurs (Posthumus et al., 2019)." +493580,61216.0,2028.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/humanitarian-situation-overview-syria-hsos-northeast-syria-june-2021,"[June 2021, NES]High price of suitable foods formula was the most commonly reported challenge to feeding young children (reported by KIs in 94% of communities)." +165235,39714.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],es,52,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Grupo 2. Sufren. En el grupo de personas que sufren a causa de la pandemia 73% son mujeres, 64% menores de 29 años, 55% tienen un ingreso familiar promedio superior a $2 millones de pesos, 61% ha tenido alguna enfermedad crónica." +323035,54626.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,64,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,"In March, 11,888 children (6,735 girls and 5,153 boys) with SAM were treated through UNICEF supported emergency nutrition services. This is against the backdrop of the FSNAU post Deyr nutrition and food security assessment which registered a reduction the global acute malnutrition prevalence at 11.5 per cent compared to 13.8 per cent reported in the same season in 20205." +311296,54065.0,2170.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,120,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nenfss_round_9_final_report_11032021.pdf,"[1st Dec 2020,North-East Nigeria] Prevalence of severe malnutrition (MUAC < 214 mm) was highest among women of reproductive age in Yobe (8.9%) followed by Borno (7.5%) and Adamawa (4.7%). Prevalence of moderate malnutrition (MUAC ≤ 221 mm) was also highest in Yobe (14.6%). By domain, prevalence of malnutrition was highest in Northern and Central Yobe. In addition, the prevalence of acute malnutrition was reported to be almost five times higher for adolescents (15 to 19 years) than adult women (20 to 49 years), 30.1% compared to 6.2%." +164729,39789.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,41,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Movementwide%20Operation%20Report%20August%202020.pdf,"1713 people covered through COVID-19 awareness and discussion sessions in Jamalpur, Nilphamari and Lalmonirhat districts under Integrated Resilience Programme (IRP), Integrated Flood Resilience Programme (IFRP) and Economic Empowerment of Rural Women (EERW) project" +486230,67505.0,2098.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,54,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Myanmar%20Emergency%20Update%20-%2001%20Sep_0.pdf,"[June - July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Remote provision of PSS and case management during the COVID-19 lockdown was inhibited by poor network connections, refugees’ hesitation to share confidential information over the phone, the gender divide in accessing connectivity, and practical barriers to using phone devices." +406468,63069.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,65,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Bulletin%20d%E2%80%99information%20sous%20cluster%20protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99enfance%20%28GTPE%29%20Mars%20%E2%80%93%20Mai%202021.pdf,"Gaps [dans la réponse du sous cluster de protection de l'enfance en RDC] : → Faible positionnement des acteurs dans la ZS de Mugwalu, Mandima, Boga et Tchabi, et dans le territoire d’Aru. → Manque des programmes de soutien psychosocial (inclus des Espaces Amis des Enfants) avec financement dans des sites de déplacés à Bunia" +337610,55860.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,22,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb4752en.pdf,[Food & Agriculture] Response to date (January–April 2021): 77 527 people assisted out of 324 300 targeted +328452,54887.0,2311.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,66,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7894133/pdf/main.pdf,"Across all sites, 45.9% of households were unable to wash clothes due to problems with water in the prior four weeks (Fig. 2). Further, 59.1% of households worried that they would not have enough water for all of their needs and 27.9% reported they had no useable water, including for chores such as cleaning surfaces." +193270,43078.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,68,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://noticias-tunja.co/2020/10/22/migracion-venezolana-como-convertirla-en-una-oportunidad-gobierno-politica/,"Según cifras de Migración Colombia, en el país residen actualmente 1’731.000 ciudadano venezolanos, de los cuales cerca de 931.000 se encuentran de manera ilegal. No obstante, según la misma entidad, el 28 por ciento de esta población está entre los 18 y 35 años, es decir, están en plena edad productiva, ¿cómo convertir esto en una oportunidad?" +204832,44672.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,18,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Alarmingly, more than a third of the confirmed COVID19 cases are among doctors and healthcare staff." +151872,38246.0,1187.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],en,84,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020-Aug-31-phe-epi-alert-COVID-19-healthcare-workers.pdf,"In Argentina, between epidemiological week (EW) 11 and EW 31 of 2020, a total of 16,194 confirmed cases of COVID-19 were reported among healthcare workers (Figure 1). The highest proportion of cases was observed among persons aged 29-39 years (39%), followed by 40-50 years (28%), 51-61 years (16%), 18-28 years (14%), and 62 years and older (3%)." +456036,65411.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,82,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[16-29 August 2021, Cox's Bazar] Between weeks 33-34, 206 new confirmed cases were detected from 2 546 samples tested, the test positivity was therefore 7.5%. As of 29 August 2021, the cumulative incidence is 122.1 per 100 000 people. The overall positivity of samples tested is 4.9%. Among the cases, 1.8% showed severe symptoms at the time of admission while 4.3% reported at least one co-morbidity." +188840,42870.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,60,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200909_Respuesta_COVID_Norte_de_Santander_Julio_VF.pdf,"En Colombia, a corte del 30 de julio se han confirmado 286.020 casos de COVID-19, de los cuales, 2.141 están reportados en el departamento de Norte de Santander. Los municipios que se han visto mayor afectados por la contingencia sanitaria son Cúcuta, Los Patios, Villa del Rosario, Ocaña, Tibú y Pamplona." +292437,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,48,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"FIELD SUPPORTIVE SUPERVISION: GHSC-PSM [Global Health Supply Chain Program] supported the regional team supervisions in the Far-North region (Mokolo, Maroua, Yagoua, Bogo, Mindif) for 13 Health Facilities. The focus was on stock management, facility management, reporting" +45659,15533.0,729.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,29,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_report_areabasedassessment_aba_azzawya_jun2019.pdf,"However, due to insecurity, female doctors reportedly tended to avoid working at night, which presented a major potential issue in specific fields such as obstetrics." +279467,50942.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,48,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/health/coronavirus/2021/03/11/global-covid-cases-near-118-million,"[11th March 2021, Bangladesh] Bangladesh launched its nationwide Covid-19 vaccination drive on February 7. By Wednesday, 41,18,953 people received the first dose of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine. The second dose has to be taken 8 to 12 weeks after the first one." +61747,18350.0,1184.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,9,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71151.pdf,• 2.477 personas asistidas en integración socioeconómica y cultural +161566,39295.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,46,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,"Since mid-August, a 2-day psychological first aid (PFA) training for COVID-19 and Self-Care was held. targeted 164 frontline workers in addition to staff working at CCTCs and isolation hospitals were trained and an additional 140 will receive the training by mid-September." +323050,54626.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,14,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,"In March, UNICEF continued to support access to safe water in Somalia." +327912,55046.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,70,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_04_27%20USG%20Democratic%20Republic%20of%20the%20Congo%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%233.pdf,"USAID/BHA partners implement emergency food and nutrition assistance activities reaching host community members, IDPs, refugees, and other vulnerable populations facing acute food insecurity in the DRC. With more than $76.9 million in USAID/BHA support in FY 2021, NGO and UN partners are providing cash transfers for food, food vouchers, and in-kind food assistance—including U.S.-sourced commodities—to help vulnerable households meet their basic needs" +387131,60395.0,1186.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,88,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Las barreras identificadas por los docentes podrían incidir en que tengan menos expectativas educativas para los estudiantes que provienen de países en que el idioma español no es la única lengua nacional, ya que piensan que la barrera idiomática podría obstaculizar el aprendizaje. Para analizar las expectativas de los docentes sobre los estudiantes, se consideró la nacionalidad de los cinco estudiantes que los docentes identificaron como que accederían a la educación superior en la encuesta autoaplicada (seleccionados de la lista de curso)." +61289,18235.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",[],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",en,48,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,", family reunification combines with socio-economic factors as migration drivers: people leave Venezuela because they want to stay with their relatives, but also because the situation in their country of origin had become unbearable, and remittances were not enough to improve their daily life." +244756,48003.0,2425.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)'],en,78,[],['Information And Communication'],Lebanon Situation Analysis,2021-01-25 12:39:46.093809+00,,"UNRWA indicated that it had distributed instructions on how to deal with any suspected case of Covid-19 virus in schools and on the required preventive measures, according to the recommendations of the Ministry of Public Health and the World Health Organization. To date, no infection with Coronavirus has been confirmed among students, and UNRWA will deal with any case that appears transparently and will take the required preventive and health measures at that time" +265974,49325.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/el-estatuto-de-proteccion-no-pone-en-riesgo-la-democracia-migracion-colombia/2461,"Ahora publicarán el decreto durante quince días e iniciará la primera fase del estatuto: los migrantes cargarán su información a un sistema que le permita al Gobierno caracterizarlos. Posteriormente, se presentarán ante la autoridad migratoria donde Migración obtendrá sus huellas dactilares, el iris, fotografías que apoyen al migrante y proteja al país." +316958,53333.0,2334.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,48,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"The girls also recommended frequent marriage counselling program, training and empowering young couples on quick income-generating livelihood and also encourage proper and formal marriages even at the traditional level to help foster long-term healthy relationships and also offer a measure of protection to surviving spouses and children" +300522,52762.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Contact Tracing'],fr,50,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_087_28210321_hebdo_s12.pdf,"[S12/2021] Au total, 3 534 contacts étaient en cours de suivi ce 28/03/2021 (107 nouveaux contacts). Parmi les 3 133 contacts dont l’information était disponible, 2 669 (82,2%) ont été vus au cours des dernières 24 heures." +91777,26015.0,1620.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,82,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Situation-Overview_H2R_Oct-Dec_13.03.2020.pdf,"In line with the high levels of assessed settlements reporting cultivation as the main source of food, none (0%) of assessed settlements in Kukawa reported that people were eating wild food that were not part of their normal diet. Additionally, assessed settlements in Marte reporting that people were eating wild food that were not part of their normal diet decreased from 44% in October to 27% in December (see Map 5)." +316535,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,54,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Many returnees choose not to return to their areas of origin, preferring to settle in urban areas. As a result, returnees suffer from limited access to basic services because the system is already overburdened due to a lack of funding to cover the needs of a rapidly growing urban population." +306520,51572.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,46,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"To address the shelter needs of affected households, emergency shelter kits to be distributed as a short-term measure. Guidance on shelter construction should be provided to the local population. [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]" +320119,52949.0,2331.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Shelter']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,56,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Furthermore, the majority of women and girls in need of temporary shelter are forced to continue to stay in threatening environments due to limited shelter provision. Specifically, women and girls living with disabilities face exclusion and marginalization across the continuum of care which further constrains their ability to access Gender-Based Violence services." +317271,53333.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,72,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Promote dialogue between warring parties so that they consent to promote safe movement of children to and from school and this precisely a recommendation coming from the girls themselves,” peace and dialogue” Given the existence of religious and cultural sentiments around child, early and forced marriage, engage regularly with traditional and religious leaders to address relevant social norms and gain their support in discouraging such practices." +193930,43327.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,47,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Information And Communication']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_sectoriel_octobre.pdf,Les attaques contre l’offre des soins de santé sont faiblement rapportées et ne permettant pas d’apporter une bonne lecture de la situation sanitaire. L’accès aux services des soins de santé offerts aux populations vulnérables devient difficile dans ce contexte. +69910,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],[],en,84,[],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"Evidence from a range of crises demonstrates that SRH needs increase but barriers to accessing services are further exacerbated. As noted, GBV often increases in the aftermath of a crisis, increasing the need for access to clinical management of rape for survivors. A lack of privacy to ensure patient confidentiality is a barrier for patients to access SRH information and services in general and particularly compromises survivor-centred approaches for GBV and other stigmatized SRH services such as family planning." +91786,26015.0,1620.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,79,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Situation-Overview_H2R_Oct-Dec_13.03.2020.pdf,"Bama had a higher proportion of assessed settlements reporting cultivation as the main source of food (65%) compared to the proportion of assessed settlements reporting foraging as the main source of food in October (25%). Unlike Bama, in Dikwa in October, more than half (75%) of assessed settlements reported foraging as the main source of food. This proportion however decreased to 26% in December." +198651,44330.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,104,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://lefaso.net/spip.php?article100998,"Pour réduire la mortalité liée à la prématurité, les sociétés savantes, notamment la SOBUPED et la SOGOB, plaident pour que le ministère de la Santé et ses partenaires poursuivent leurs efforts à l’endroit du couple mère-enfant. Il s’agit notamment de prévoir un endroit pour nouveau-nés dans les maternités ; l’aménagement d’unités de soins maternels kangourou dans les centres de santé, les hôpitaux de district et les CHU ; la création et l’équipement d’unités de néonatologie dans les services de pédiatrie de tous les hôpitaux, etc." +237269,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,69,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Given the shock of COVID-19 and its catastrophic economic consequences, in 2020, the HCT requested a mid-year revision of the HRP to more accurately reflect needs from June through until the end of the year. This revision resulted in the number of people in need of humanitarian assistance increasing from 9.4 million people in the beginning of 2020 to 14 million people at the mid-point." +62672,18394.0,1386.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,146,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3295213,"Mi Oficina ha seguido documentando casos de posibles ejecuciones extrajudiciales cometidas por miembros de las Fuerzas de Acción Especiales de la Policía Nacional - conocidas como FAES - en algunos barrios del país. Tan sólo en el pasado mes de julio la organización no-gubernamental Monitor de Víctimas identificó 57 nuevos casos de presuntas ejecuciones cometidas por miembros del FAES en Caracas. Los casos documentados muestran el mismo patrón identificado en mi informe de junio y revelan la ausencia de mecanismos eficaces para proteger a los testigos y familiares de las víctimas, quienes en su mayoría son mujeres. Mi Oficina no ha recibido información sobre medidas para implementar la recomendación del informe sobre la disolución de las FAES y prevenir la posible comisión de ejecuciones extrajudiciales. Por el contrario, las FAES han recibido apoyo al más alto nivel del Gobierno." +194613,43822.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,37,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19112020_flash_update_no.3_emergencias_por_ola_invernal_-_colombia_vf.pdf,"El gobierno nacional tiene planificada una dotación de alimentos que cubrirá 15 días, por lo que se hace necesario el envío de paquetes alimentarios a la zona para asegurar la alimentación por un periodo adicional." +172834,38004.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,29,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/04/28/syria-aid-restrictions-hinder-covid-19-response,"[28th April 2020, NE Syria] The actual number of cases is likely much higher, due to the lack of available testing in the northeast." +345655,56858.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"(Hauts-Bassins, Houndé) 53 enfants sans extrait d’acte de naissance (23 filles et 30 garçons) dont les extraits ont été égarés dans les localités d’origines ; 3 enfants tous des filles n’ayant pas été déclarés à la naissance ;" +142085,35870.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,36,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"At the time of writing, students were still returning. Students received pre-departure care packages and an education cash subsidy of SYP 30,000 provided by UNICEF to cover the cost of transportation to their homes" +318460,52949.0,2331.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,93,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Due to the continued lack of commercial carriers, WFP’s Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS) has been supporting the humanitarian community with flights from Mogadishu to Nairobi and to locations within Somalia – not only transporting passengers, but crucial COVID-19-related equipment and materials, as well as blood samples on behalf of key health partners and the Government of Somalia. To ensure timely security and medical evacuation services to the humanitarian community, UNHAS aircraft is kept on stand-by to address possible security and medical evacuation requirements." +70630,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)'],en,28,[],['Information And Communication'],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,Humanitarian actors should analyse the potential protection risks that exist among such a vulnerable community which could include risk of exploitation and reluctance to seek humanitarian assistance. +157964,38137.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,56,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cxb_education_covid_response_reaching_every_learner_final.pdf,"Due to the fast-changing nature of the COVID-19 response combined with the specific activities, the Education Sector is establishing additional monitoring tools via KOBO/ONA for the COVID-19 response. The Monitoring System aims to minimize reporting requirements to partners while at the same time provide regular required information about the progress of programme implementation." +310209,53177.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,68,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Sudan%20Multi-Sectoral%20Location%20Assessment_South%20Kordofan.pdf,"The current population in Abu Jubaiha is estimated to be 539,549 individuals, comprising: 490,417 Host community 40,214 IDPs 8,918 Returnees. More than 78 per cent of the locations visited host a higher proportion of females than males, with an estimated 9,165 single female-headed households across the locality. The predominant vulnerabilities observed are: 35,274 Breastfeeding mothers 22,847 Pregnant women 19,835 Orphaned children." +310682,53333.0,2334.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"This coupled with the COVID 19 pandemic has seen an estimated 1,033,000 (50% girls) children in both formal and non-formal education out of school due to the dual (conflict and COVID-19)" +309781,51467.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,79,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Immunization services need to be strengthened to increase coverage and prevent disease outbreaks. Disease outbreaks need to be detected early, responded to in a timely manner and adequate prevention measures put in place. Referral pathways for mental health and psychosocial support, sexual and gender-based violence survivors and for maternal and child health emergencies also need to be strengthened. COVID-19 prevention and response activities must continue till COVID-19 is no longer threat to communities." +54550,16960.0,1186.0,['Protection'],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Legal & Policy', 'Context->Politics']",es,57,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.latercera.com/politica/noticia/subsecretario-del-interior-insiste-exigencia-antecedentes-absolutamente-limpios-venezolanos-solicitan-visa/778339/,"Entre enero y junio “aproximadamente fueron 20 mil personas las que se quedaron en Chile mensualmente (…) en el mes de julio, es que donde se aplica en su totalidad este criterio (la implementación de la visa consular turística), solamente se quedaron un total de 1.092” explicó Ubilla." +156591,38698.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,74,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flood_dashboard_monitoring_5_september_2020.pdf,"During the emergency period people have covered through tarpaulin, tent, temporary shelters, voice messages etc. Partners have constructed wooden bridge for emergency requirements of the community. Tent have established for COVID-19 patients for displaced people. Capacity building activities for Upazila Disaster Management Committee (UDMC) has initiated by partners, partners have provided tarpaulin and life jacket & lifebuoys to UDMC to accomplish their rescue activities." +218184,45410.0,2332.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,60,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"Dans le Mayo Kebbi Est, la destruction de la digue de protection sur l’axe Bongor – Katoa, a occasionné 34 062 sinistrés avec près de 17 000 hectares de culture détruits et 8 379 têtes de bétails perdus dans les inondations (source ; Sitrep inondations, Chad Food security Cluster, October 2020 )." +150439,37702.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,60,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"Further, International Medical Corps (IMC), in collaboration with SARC, conducted COVID-19 awareness sessions on disease prevention, COVID-19 symptoms and handling of suspected cases to 344 households in Deir Ez-Zor Governorate benefiting 889 individuals. Additionally, in Mjed Shmeat IDP shelter, IMC distributed 170 bottles of hand sanitizer gel to 85 families." +164814,39789.0,2098.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,136,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Movementwide%20Operation%20Report%20August%202020.pdf,"German RC-Cox’s Bazar Operation: Host Community:  04 WASH facilities and 03 public spaces and infrastructures disinfected at Baharchara Union of Teknaf Upazila where 19 trained and equipped RCY volunteers were engaged.  15 pcs soap bars distributed to 01 COVID-19 suspected referral household. Besides, 16 HHs (99 people) reached in the same community through hygiene promotion and handwashing messages, IEC materials, household disinfectant 0.1% clorine water (500ml), self-disinfection items (01 pair gloves & kitchen sponge) at Baharchara Union of Teknaf Upazila as part of emergency preparedness and response activity  Signboard installed at 20 schools about handwashing station. 01 batch RCY Volunteers training on COVID 19 tailored awareness on hygiene behavior and handwashing with soap completed." +386121,60459.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,57,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"Dans la principale zone agropastorale du Sahel, les exactions et pilages des groupes djihadistes et l’accès limité aux principaux points d’eau (mares et forage Christine) et pâturages ont contraint les gros éleveurs à s’installer vers le sud du pays ou dans le nord des pays côtiers voisins." +316071,54113.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],fr,50,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://actualite.cd/2021/04/19/rdc-coronavirus-eteni-longondo-lance-la-vaccination,"Le ministre sortant de la santé publique, Docteur Eteni Longondo, a officiellement lancé la vaccination contre le coronavirus, au cours d’une cérémonie ce lundi 19 avril aux cliniques universitaires de Kinshasa. C’était en présence des partenaires du secteur de la santé." +81774,22495.0,1231.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",es,63,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,https://acento.com.do/2019/actualidad/8762434-sinfonica-binacional-dominico-venezolana-por-inclusion-e-integracion/,"Una gala musical benéfica organizada por la Cámara de Comercio Domínico Venezolana y apoyada por la Organización Internacional para las Migraciones (OIM), se celebró el mes pasado y fue la ocasión propicia para presentar a la Orquesta y deleitar al público con un variado programa de reconocidas obras de la música clásica y del folklore tanto dominicano como venezolano." +221969,45410.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,81,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"[La région du Lac dans la Zone 8 - « Zone ouest agropastorale et de pêche » ]: Par ailleurs, la fermeture des frontières par suite de l’instabilité sécuritaire et des règles sanitaires fait baisser la demande. Face à une offre et une demande réduite, les prix des animaux sur le marché à bétail de Bol sont stables (ovin) et en hausse (caprins) par rapport à la moyenne quinquennale." +317813,52949.0,2331.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The regions with the highest proportion of school-aged children in need of humanitarian assistance are in places like Bari, Qardo, Qandala, Calula, Middle Juba and Lower Shabelle region; while in Galguduud region, 61 per cent of Xarardheere and Dhuusamareeb of school-aged children need humanitarian assistance." +346173,56952.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20monitoreo%20enero-marzo%202021%20-%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20vers%C3%B3n%20final.pdf,"La mayoría de la población debe pagar por su lugar de vivienda, bajo la modalidad de arriendo (75%) y paga diario (6.6%), y 2.6% no paga por- que tiene su vivienda propia." +305409,53013.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,58,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/3c8084ae/REACH_SOM_Factsheet_Assessment-of-Hard-to-Reach-Areas_December-2020.pdf,"Protection: KIs from 81% of assessed settlements reported at least one type of protection incident that happened in the month preceding data collection. In those settlements, 29% reported the most commonly reported types of protection incidents was unofficial tax collection, 28% reported theft, 12% reported Conflict in settlement ." +321649,54675.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,65,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/compte-rendu_de_lactualite_des_nations_unies_en_rdc_a_la_date_du_21_avril_2021_final.pdf,Une mission de la Section Conduite et Discipline est en cours depuis hier [19-04-2021] à Kitchanga et ce jusqu’à demain [22-04-2021] dans l’objectif de former et d’évaluer les casques bleus sur les risques d'exposition à l'exploitation et aux abus sexuels. Le but de cette mission est également d’apporter assistance à une victime +148179,36609.0,1388.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,72,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/01.%20CRI%20Operation%20July%202020%20.pdf,"Special needs: UNHCR has led the Multi-Functional Team on SGBV prevention and response, which is fully operational, with the participation of the National Children’s Protection Institute, the National Women’s Institute, the Migration Authority, UNHCR partner agencies, and some municipalities. UNHCR partners also provide safe houses for SGBV survivors, at-risk female asylum-seekers and their children, and LGBTI+ persons." +292429,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"Suite au financement Start Fund, depuis le 14 Février 2019, Alima a positionné une ambulance sur le site de Goura pour les références et contre-références des enfants de moins de cinq ans et des femmes enceintes." +493888,68135.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/31_August_2021.pdf,"[2nd - 8th Aug 2021, Nigeria] Key points: There were 2156 suspected cases of cholera reported from 81 LGAs in nine states and FCT. There was no laboratory confirmed case and 101 deaths were recorded" +172840,39176.0,2170.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,73,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_31_july_2020_report.pdf,"[16 - 31 July 2020, BAY states]The reporting period witnessed an increase in the downpour and inundation across Borno, Adamawa and Yobe (BAY) states thereby flooding camps and damaging shelters. At least 20,700 shelters are affected and fully or partially damaged. 11% of the IDP population need emergency shelters solution while 40% of the IDP population need Non-Food Items (NFIs)" +146190,37551.0,1187.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,79,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/situation_report_south_america_8_july-4_august_web.pdf,"On World Day Against Tra(cid:31)cking in Persons IOM raised awareness on the need to protect victims of tra(cid:31)cking and promote their rights through a diverse set of campaigns. IOM Argentina launched the ""What is it about"" (""De qué se trata"") campaign, sharing advice on how to increase identi(cid:30)cation of tra(cid:31)cking cases during the COVID-19." +261654,49368.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,59,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://humvenezuela.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Caminates-de-ida-y-vuelta-2021.pdf,"Una de las consecuencias de la medida de aislamiento preventivo obligatorio en Colombia fue el cierre de los albergues y espacios de apoyo que brindaban asistencia a los caminantes en su ruta, en lo que respecta a hidratación, abrigo, baños, alimentación, primeros auxilios, apoyo para madres lactantes y orientación, entre otros." +146728,35870.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,56,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Further, Shelter partners have conducted 47 assessments of collective shelters in Aleppo, Damascus, Deir-Ez-Zor, Homs, Lattakia and Tartous to identify repairs to hygiene facilities, improve privacy and reduce overcrowding. To date, work has been completed in 21 shelters, covering approximately 2,331 people, with further approvals pending" +216632,45416.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,"Dans le Sud-Kivu, le rapport EVALUATION MULTIFONCTIONNELLE MULIMA ABALA stipule que 1120 enfants dont 340 enfants déplacés (IDP) (30%) sont scolarisés dans les 3 écoles primaires évaluées de l'axe." +318212,53305.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,27,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Humanitarian organizations scaled up their response for food insecure people in parts of Jonglei, Northern Bahr el Ghazal and Upper Nile. [JANUARY 2020]" +187707,43292.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,39,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/msna_2020_factsheet_refugee.pdf,"[July-August 2020, Bangladesh] Rohingya Refugees: 3% of households reported sickness of household members as an impact of the COVID-19 outbreak. 10% of households reporting having reduced health expenditures since the COVID-19 outbreak" +148536,36019.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,53,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"In June, the general relaxation of several COVID-19 preventative measures has continued across the country5 . The daily curfew has been lifted, as has the travel ban between and within governorates – while localized lock downs have been imposed in two areas in rural Damascus in response to clusters of cases" +382650,59706.0,1187.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,33,[],['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/HFS_ReporteNarrativo_ARG_1S2020.pdf,"La mayoría de las personas comprendidas en la encuesta (incluyendo miembros de grupos familiares) estaban entre los 18 y 59 años de edad, con una mayor incidencia de mujeres." +306158,51474.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,41,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) carried out 11 human rights due diligence policy risk assessments before travel and material assistance was provided to non-United Nations security forces in support of the implementation of the peace process. +305672,51474.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,45,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"In addition, the United Nations police held 23 training sessions on human rights, community security, sexual and gender-based violence, crime scene management, investigations and COVID-19 preventive measures for 704 South Sudan National Police Service officers, including 212 women." +145987,35870.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,40,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"In the reporting period, UNICEF also provided PPE to hospitals in Damascus and Rural Damascus, including 77,500 surgical masks, 4,850 hands sanitizers, 7,200 disposable non-woven surgical caps, and 1,550 boxes of 100 glove pairs." +325088,54766.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Displacement->Push Factors', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,120,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note-info_1_31_mars_2021_ocha_bukavu_0.pdf,"La situation sécuritaire demeure instable dans les Hauts- Plateaux d’Itombwe et Bijombo et les Moyens-Plateaux d’Uvira. La reprise des affrontements entre l’armée congolaise et des groupes armés au début du mois de mars a occasionné de nouveaux déplacements de population. (...) Le territoire de Minembwe a aussi été affecté par cette détérioration de la situation sécuritaire qui a contraint une partie de la population à fuir dans les périphéries. A la fin du mois de mars, une relative accalmie a été observée dans ces zones, notamment à la suite du dialogue organisé à Kinshasa par le gouvernement national entre les représentants des communautés des Hauts- Plateaux." +66703,19425.0,1184.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Humanitarian Access->Population To Relief'],es,158,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Humanitarian Access'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71649.pdf,"ACTITUDES DISCRIMINATORIAS IMPIDEN UNA RESPUESTA ADECUADA A LA VIOLENCIA SEXUAL De acuerdo con el personal profesional humanitario encuestado en los cuatro países, el 67% indicó que existen servicios para atender casos de violencia sexual y de éste porcentaje, el 80% reportó que los servicios de salud son gratuitos y están disponibles las 24 horas. A pesar de la disponibilidad de estos servicios y que la legislación de los cuatros países en los cuales se realizaron las encuestas establece que la violencia sexual requiere atención inmediata, en la práctica, los mismos proveedores de servicios crean barreras al acceso al no tener formación suficiente sobre el derecho a la salud inherente a toda persona incluyendo las personas refugiadas y migrantes o debido a actitudes discriminatorias. A esto se añade la diseminación de información desacertada sobre quien tiene derecho a acceder a asistencia en casos de VBG afectando a las personas sobrevivientes." +220654,45655.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,46,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"[9th Dec, Overall Syria]nother factor contributing to low levels of reported hospitalizations is the high number of admissions to non-COVID private hospitals, with limited adherence in some areas to the agreed procedures for the diagnosis and referral of suspect cases." +238079,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],en,16,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,There is already a reduced workforce capacity with affected health workers not having fully recovered. +236094,47122.0,2334.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,24,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"Nutrition partners in the NWSW screened 4,137 children under 5 years for acute malnutrition with 24 children identified with SAM and referred for treatment" +407438,63069.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],fr,74,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Bulletin%20d%E2%80%99information%20sous%20cluster%20protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99enfance%20%28GTPE%29%20Mars%20%E2%80%93%20Mai%202021.pdf,"Dans les territoires de Luebo et Kamonia, plusieurs enlèvements et tentatives d’enlèvements, visant particulièrement des filles, ont été enregistrés depuis le début de l’année 2021. Les cas documentés dans le secteur de Luebo-Lulengele (territoire de Luebo) et dans la bande frontalière, notamment à Kamako etses environs. Possible existence des réseaux de trafic d’enfants de la RDC vers l’Angola" +2619,520.0,321.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://www.amnesty.org/en/countries/middle-east-and-north-africa/libya/report-libya/,"LNA air strikes killed civilians in the eastern city of Derna while targeting al-Qa’ida-linked armed groups in the city. In June, LNA air strikes killed six civilians, including children, according to UNSMIL." +340849,56393.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/bogota/ayudas-durante-la-pandemia-a-medias/,"La pandemia empobreció a los bogotanos y los esfuerzos del Distrito para evitarlo no han sido suficientes. La primera conclusión la entregó este mes el Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística (DANE), cuyo reporte anual sobre pobreza monetaria reveló que hay 3,3 millones de capitalinos pobres, cifra que en 2019 era de 2,2 millones." +305465,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Although cessation of hostilities is holding in most places, fighting between parties of the revitalized peace agreement continues in parts of Central Equatoria, while localized and sub-national violence could continue into 2021 in Warrap, Lakes and Jonglei." +188620,43181.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Contact Tracing'],fr,44,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_270_20201026_.pdf,"insi, 3 414 voyageurs étaient en cours de suivi ce 26/10/2020 incluant 2 343 à Kinshasa et 1 071 dans le Haut-Katanga ; 1 790 (52,4%) d’entre eux ont été vus au cours de ces dernières 24h." +330393,53831.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],fr,46,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/12042021_sitrep_s12_whe_oms_rdc_f.pdf,Le Sud-Kivu a recensé 21 cas [Choléra] suspects et aucun décès contre 43 cas suspects et aucun décès à la semaine précédente. Le plus grand nombre de cas (719 cas) ont été dénombrés dans cette DPS de S1 à S12/2021. +248089,48110.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Hospitalization & Care', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,102,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/democratic-republic-congo/evolution-du-nouveau-coronavirus-covid-19-en-rdc-mise-jour-publi-0,"En termes de cumul de cas confirmés depuis la survenue de l’épidémie en RDC, la ville-province de Kinshasa reste l’épicentre de la COVID-19 dans le pays (79,2%), avec des nouvelles contaminations et hospitalisations en nombre élevé. Derrière la capitale de la RDC, on note les provinces du Kongo Central (6,2%), du Nord-Kivu (6%), du Haut-Katanga (3%), du Sud-Kivu (2,2%), de l’Ituri (1%) et du Lualaba (0,8%)." +164720,39789.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,46,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Movementwide%20Operation%20Report%20August%202020.pdf,"BDRCS organized total 405 Health Education courtyard sessions where 5243 participants took part.  3671 individuals received personal counselling while 8814 individuals (Male 2981, Female 5833) took part in awareness raising programs.  1500 posters disseminated through 10 MCH centers." +188804,43322.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",fr,77,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://news.un.org/fr/story/2020/11/1081772,"En 2020, la RDC demeure le théâtre d’une crise humanitaire complexe et multiforme. Le pays compte 21,8 millions de personnes en insécurité alimentaire aiguë, « un triste record mondial ». Le nombre de personnes déplacés – 5,2 millions – est le plus élevé d'Afrique. Quelques 529.000 réfugiés, installés parfois depuis de nombreuses années sur le territoire congolais, ne peuvent rentrer chez eux, faute de conditions favorables." +325481,54815.0,2099.0,['Logistics'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,160,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Based on this data on the road conditions and the 2020 population estimates available from World Pop, the Rural Access Index (RAI)2 is only about 23.8 percent for Burkina Faso overall – out of the country’s 16.89 million rural inhabitants, only 4.01 million live near a road that can be considered all- season while nearly 12.9 million remain unconnected. Moreover, the RAI varies quite significantly across the Provinces (see Figure 4): in the central areas, it exceeds 35 percent, compared to less than 15 percent in many peripheral areas. By region, RAI ranges from just 8.5 percent in Sahel to nearly 50 percent in Centre (Table 2). In fact, the high RAI in the Centre region drives up the overall average RAI for the country, while in five of the thirteen regions RAI is actually below 20 percent." +61722,18346.0,1184.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,87,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71003.pdf,"El Grupo de Trabajo de Agua y Saneamiento/Alojamiento/NFI aprobó sus términos de referencia y tras la convocatoria para que la sociedad civil forme parte del co-liderazgo del Grupo de Trabajo, Red Clamor manifestó su interés de designar un punto focal para esta función y fue aprobado por los socios por unanimidad. Se iniciará un mapeo de los alojamientos temporales activos en el país con el fin de tener una mejor comprensión de los servicios provistos y analizar las necesidades de fortalecimiento de estos espacios." +323670,54267.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Context->Economy']",fr,74,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,Le Burkina Faso est un pays sahélien enclavé à faible revenu qui compte une population d’environ 20 millions d’habitants. Une croissance économique irrégulière – fluctuant entre 4 et 8 pour cent sur la période 2007-2008 à 2017- 2018 – associée à une forte croissance démographique (3 pour cent par an en moyenne sur la même période) ont limité les résultats en matière de développement économique et social +125348,29180.0,1620.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,83,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",['Humanitarian Access'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Gap-Supply-Demand-Contraceptive-Services-Northeast-Nigeria-Report.pdf,"All key informants brought up the issue of ongoing insecurity in the region (fear of attack from militant extremists and clashes between these groups and the Nigerian military) and the challenges it posed to successfully delivering health services. Informants reported that due to insecurity it is challenging to deliver commodities to the field, and for health workers to access communities in need. Moreover, health workers may not remain where they are assigned due to security concerns." +386765,60459.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,68,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,(scenario) L’insécurité continuera de limiter l’accès aux principales zones pastorales. Le tarissement des points d’eau et la dégradation rapide des pâturages accessibles du fait de la forte pression du bétail vont encore affecter négativement l’alimentation et l’embonpoint des animaux au cours des mois de juin et de juillet en attendant la régénération des pâturages. +195815,43853.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,27,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.rtbf.be/info/monde/detail_coronavirus-en-rdc-les-voyageurs-testes-a-leur-descente-d-avion?id=10622664,"Le pays d’au moins 80 millions d’habitants a enregistré 11.330 cas, pour 308 décès, selon un dernier bilan publié dimanche." +439002,64519.0,2028.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,71,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/idpmovements_202106_jun_final_en.pdf,"[June 2021, Overall Syria] At the sub-district level, Dana sub-district in Idleb governorate received the largest number of displaced people in June with around 8,400 IDP movements, followed by Atareb sub-district in Aleppo governorate, which received around 4,100 IDP movements. Maaret Tamsrin sub-district in Idleb governorate received around 3,000 IDP movements, while Raju subdistrict in Aleppo governorate received around 2,800 IDP movements." +318283,52949.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,28,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Gaps in service availability should be identified and urgent needs addressed though rapid humanitarian action, linked to follow-on sustainable service delivery models supported by development strategies." +150704,32361.0,1184.0,['Education'],[],[],es,157,[],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/El%20derecho%20a%20la%20educaci%C3%B3n%20en%20tiempos%20de%20crisis%20-%20alternativas%20para%20la%20continuidad%20educativa.pdf,"También México ha tenido un desarrollo y crecimiento muy importante gracias a una tradición y experiencia previa de telesecundaria y, en Venezuela, se logró pasar desde una transmisión diaria en bloques de dos horas, del programa Cada Familia una Escuela, a un canal educativo nacional (Vive TV). En Bahamas (The Bahamas Learning Channel on REV TV), Ecuador (Educa contigo), Honduras (Telebasica STVE), Colombia (Profe en tu casa), Costa Rica (Trece Costa Rica Televisión), Chile (TV Educa Chile), Guyana (Guyana Learning Channel Trust), República Dominicana (CERTV y Canal 4), Panamá (Conéctate con la Estrella), Paraguay (ABC TV), Perú (Aprendo en casa TV), Jamaica (Television Jamaica) se iniciaron también recientemente espacios educativos en la programación nacional." +178186,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,44,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Context']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"De plus, l’absence d’un programme national de désarmement, démobilisation et réintégration, ainsi que le manque de clarté sur la prise en charge des ex-miliciens pourrait aboutir à une fatigue de ces groupes armés conduisant à leur réactivation.5" +306542,51572.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,96,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"To address their immediate needs in food, various coping mechanisms are used by IDPs for survival, including negative. This includes child labour (children are seen in markets involved in selling, bringing water, shoe polishing), forced marriage, reduction in food consumption. While there were no confirmed reported cases of women providing sex services for food, during the FGDs some women alluded to the fact it takes place in their communities. [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +493886,68073.0,2098.0,['Shelter'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,87,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/shelter_standard_assessment_final.pdf,"[January - March 2021, Cox's Bazar] Teknaf upazila (70 HH) had a slightly higher number of households that reported facing eviction threat compared to Ukhiya upazila (62 HH). In Ukhiya: Camp 1E (22%) had the highest proportion of households that reported facing a threat because they were unable to pay rent and Camp 24 (6%) had the highest proportion of households that faced threats because host community wanted their land back" +205541,44672.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,61,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The U.S. committed to provide Afghanistan with more than $18 million in funding for infection surveillance, lab improvements, case management, infection prevention and control, and community resilience. The IMF [International Monetary Fund] Executive Board approved Afghanistan’s request for emergency assistance approximately US$220 million under the Rapid Credit Facility." +240452,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,18,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Mobile treatment options do not reach as many people as static facilities, leaving unmet health needs." +161548,39295.0,2028.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,93,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,"o Providing education personnel and teacher incentives and training o Providing learning materials for children and teachers o Provision of non-formal education and summer school for out of school children (in classroom or remote/distance) o Continuing to support for the safe reopening of schools (repair/expansion of classrooms and school furniture, WASH, hygiene promotion and supplies, school disinfection, etc.) o Using a blended approach for students’ learning process, combining face-to-face education with distance o Providing support for children to sit the national exams" +237916,47230.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,78,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,VIVIENDA El 80% de los hogares encuestados están en situación de arriendo o subarriendo. La mitad (49%) de los hogares encuestados enfrentan una situación de incertidumbre respecto a su situación de vivienda en un corto plazo. La principal razón para ello corresponde a no tener capacidad de pago. El 38% de los hogares se encuentra en situación de hacinamiento (más de tres personas por cuarto o habitación). +148192,36609.0,1388.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",en,36,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/01.%20CRI%20Operation%20July%202020%20.pdf,"Fundación Crisalida Internacional – Glasswing: Provides access to educational materials for schools, teacher training, spaces for group psychosocial support, safe recreational spaces for minors, and prevention of xenophobia and bullying." +496479,60067.0,1187.0,[],[],[],es,112,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sentir%20que%20se%20nos%20va%20la%20vida%20-%20Personas%20LGBTI%2B%20refugiadas%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%20en%20Colombia%2C%20Ecuador%20y%20Chile.pdf,"personas mayores de 40 años señalaron que viven su sexualidad en una condición más privada, muchos de ellos y ellas vienen de una trayectoria de vida en la que se enfrentaron a condiciones hostiles que impedían hacer pública su orientación sexual e identidad de género. Lo anterior permite interpretar una diferencia vinculada a la presencia y autorreconocimiento público de las orientaciones sexuales, prácticas e identidades sexuales, donde los y las jóvenes han crecido en medio de un escenario globalizado y de avances en materia normativa que les ha permi- tido conocer sus derechos y reconocerse desde sus diversidades con menos miedos, pero también con menos señalamientos." +341588,55986.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,47,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_cluster_sante_rdc_s16.pdf,D’autres facteurs contribuent aussi à la dégradation de la sécurité alimentaire dans la région. Il s’agit entre autres des inondations ayant entrainé une faible production agricole et le mauvais état des infrastructures de base.6/264 AS non fonctionnelles suite à l’insécurité +175162,40890.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"El número de días promedio a la semana que los hogares encuestados consumen cada grupo alimentario refleja pobreza en la diversidad de la dieta promedio para los grupos de frutas, verduras, leche, carne y azúcares" +311639,53183.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,46,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"In Blue Nile and Kordofan region, this ratio was 84 per cent. In central Sudan, 43 per cent of the people in need received assistance, while in the east about one third of the people in need were reached with aid." +199060,44171.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.lemonde.fr/afrique/article/2020/10/26/au-burkina-faso-les-deplaces-sont-les-grands-oublies-des-elections-de-novembre_6057413_3212.html,"Voter, se déplacer, travailler, bénéficier de vivres… Sans papiers, la vie des déplacés est devenue quasi impossible. 30 % d’entre eux n’ont pas de pièce d’identité, 50 % dans la région du Sahel, selon les chiffres du Haut-Commissariat des Nations unies pour les réfugiés. Pour refaire leurs documents d’identité, les démarches sont longues et fastidieuses." +265062,49431.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,27,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-in-bangladesh-daily-infection-rate-falls-to-265pc/64736,"[11th Feb 2021, Bangladesh] The health authorities recorded nine Covid-19 related deaths and 418 fresh cases in the last 24 hours until morning." +60998,17926.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,61,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.laopinion.com.co/frontera/70-del-plan-de-atencion-migrantes-venezolanos-esta-desfinanciado-stein-182455#OP,"Trujillo agregó que pese a que lo anterior demuestra la voluntad de la comunidad internacional en apoyar a los países que enfrentan la crisis migratoria, la movilización de recursos sigue siendo insuficiente si se tiene en cuenta que en estos 3 meses Colombia ha recibido a más de 111 mil migrantes nuevos, completando ya un total de 1.408.055." +218162,45410.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,25,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,La COVID-19 signalée depuis le 19 mars continue d’affecter les moyens d’existence des ménages pauvres en zone urbaine et rurale. +199565,44216.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,84,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/health/coronavirus/2020/11/16/covid-19-bangladesh-records-21-deaths-2-139-new-cases,"[16th November 2020, Bangladesh] With winter approaching fast, the daily percentage of people testing Covid-19 positive in Bangladesh has jumped to a 10 week high on Monday with 13.57% people testing positive with coronavirus. Earlier, on September 7, Bangladesh recorded 14.29% test positivity rate. Since September 7, the test positivity rate was largely below 13% except only on seven days.The overall positivity percentage on Monday was, however, 16.99%." +388542,60980.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/informe_de_emergencias_humanitarias_reportadas_elc_enero_junio_2021.pdf,Al menos 168 personas se desplazaron de Dabeiba a Frontino tras amenazas de un grupo armado organizado (GAO) contra los líderes indígenas de diferentes comunidades rurales. Este tipo de acciones evidencia el control social que ejercen los GANE sobre poblaciones vulnerables ubicadas en zonas rurales con baja presencia institucional. +59103,17455.0,788.0,"['Livelihoods', 'Protection', 'Cross', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,68,['Impact'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/201908-nigeria-cross-border-report.pdf,"Changing climate conditions and recurrent drought have made traditional livelihoods unviable, which in turn has affected food security and fuelled conflict in the region. At the same time, the conflict has destroyed productive assets, infrastructure and services, which has disrupted essential economic and social systems. All of these factors have combined to increase the region’s economic and social marginalization." +183593,42456.0,2099.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,58,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.unicef.org/wca/media/5411/file/UNICEF-WCARO-Central-Sahel-Advocacy-October-2020.pdf,"School closures and economic impact due to COVID-19 are likely to force thousands of children, especially girls, to drop out of school. When children are not in school, they are at greater risk of recruitment by armed groups, sexual and gender-based violence, child labour and other forms of exploitation and abuse." +339462,56380.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",es,102,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb4645es.pdf,"Desde marzo de 2020, el Gobierno colombiano ha adoptado medidas de carácter excepcional para contener el contagio por COVID-19, como la restricción de movilidad, toques de queda y cierres de aeropuertos y fronteras, entre otros, los cuales indirectamente han afectado la resiliencia de los medios de vida, la interacción normal entre actores de cadenas de abastecimiento y la seguridad alimentaria (OCHA, 2020). Tras aproximadamente tres meses de observación de medidas de mitigación flexibles (entre septiembre y noviembre de 2020), los gobiernos locales han empezado a imponer nuevas restricciones." +157428,38526.0,2099.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,90,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sante.gov.bf/detail?tx_news_pi1%5Baction%5D=detail&tx_news_pi1%5Bcontroller%5D=News&tx_news_pi1%5Bnews%5D=228&cHash=7f9d972ba6e0a500e3ecfd5738fa3587,"Présente dans la région du Centre-sud dans le cadre du suivi de la gestion de la pandémie à COVID-19, une équipe du ministère de la santé et de l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé s’est rendu à Po et à Dakola, dans la province du Nahouri. Cette sortie a permis à la mission conjointe d’encourager et d’échanger avec les acteurs sur terrain, pour un renforcement des dispositifs pour prévenir toute éventualité avec l’ouverture prochaine des frontières." +187685,43292.0,2098.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,62,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/msna_2020_factsheet_refugee.pdf,"[July-August 2020, Bangladesh] Rohingya Refugees: Issues with shelter remained a common concern for the majority of households, with almost one third of households reporting having bought shelter materials to make repairs. More than a quarter of households reported not being able to make improvements despite reporting issues, largely due to limited access to materials." +54048,16873.0,1378.0,['Health'],[],[],es,38,[],[],Central America - Dengue Outbreak 2019,2019-08-09 22:51:53.645619+00,https://www.efe.com/efe/america/sociedad/aumentan-un-160-los-casos-de-dengue-en-costa-rica-comparacion-con-2018/20000013-4035695#,"El ministerio expresó que han estado realizando labores de control y mitigación de esta plaga tales como fumigación de más de 110.000 hogares, con el objetivo de eliminar más de 2 millones de criaderos de dengue." +291541,51259.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2020_access_annual_overview.pdf,"Physical access was compromised with logistical challenges and infrastructure damage. Some remote locations, particularly in Jonglei, were accessible only by air or riverine transport." +303955,51174.0,2335.0,[],[],[],en,32,[],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.afro.who.int/sites/default/files/2021-02/South%20Sudan%20IDSR%20Bulletin%20Week%201%2C%20%20%204-%2010%20January%202021%20.pdf,"The implementing NGOs, (Action Africa help (AAH) responded through enhanced routine vaccination outreaches to the affected and at-risk villages but these were not optimized due to resource constraints" +10177,3789.0,321.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,160,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_jmmi_may2018.pdf,"In an effort to monitor the full MEB, cooking fuel (LPG) was added to the JMMI in May. Subsidised LPG is available through publicly owned shops, generally at 2 LYD per 11 kg cylinder plus a small mark-up. However, supplies are often inadequate, so many households turn to the parallel market to meet their full need. • The median price of LPG across assessed public and parallel-market vendors in the west was 5.00 LYD, and in the east 3.67 LYD, due to these areas' comparatively better access to subsidised fuel. In the south, meanwhile, the median price was more than 10 times higher at 46.25 LYD, reflecting a months-long fuel crisis that was only partly alleviated by shipments of fuel from coastal refineries in mid-April.2 Median LPG prices were even higher in Derna (68.75 LYD) due to its ongoing military encirclement." +2628,520.0,321.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,25,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://www.amnesty.org/en/countries/middle-east-and-north-africa/libya/report-libya/,"Armed groups, including some affiliated to the rival governments, committed unlawful killings of captured opposition fighters and civilians they perceived as opponents." +341544,55986.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Security & Stability', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,49,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_cluster_sante_rdc_s16.pdf,HUB BUKAVU ✓ On a enregistré plus de 2 mille déplacés dans les hauts et moyens plateaux de Lemera en territoire d’Uvira provoqués par les affrontements entre groupes armés locaux qui ont commencé le 22 avril 2021 et se sont poursuivis jusqu’au 24 Avril 2021 +456039,65411.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,124,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[16-29 August 2021, Cox's Bazar] Host/Refugee: Since 1 May 2021, there have been 150 cases (123 from Rohingya refugees and 27 from host community) of Acute Watery Diarrhea (AWD) that have tested positive by Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDTs)/bacteriological culture confirmed cases for cholera (data as of 29 August 2021) bringing the total to 170 (130 from Rohingya refugees and 40 from host community) in 2021. Of the 170 cases, 63 (51 from Rohingya refugees and 12 from host community) have been culture confirmed. In the past three weeks (week 32-34) the total number of culture confirmed cases was 3." +317266,53333.0,2334.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,42,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,Provide hygiene kits including water buckets and solar lights are also key for MHM management and study while at home so that at night they safely use them or toilets and also use the lights for reading and doing their school homework +90065,25213.0,1621.0,"['Health', 'Food Security', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A_HRC_43_75_E.pdf,"UNSMIL/OHCHR is concerned regarding reports that these children may be subjected to arbitrary detention, together with a lack of medical care, hygiene and proper food." +306516,51572.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"The displaced population, as observed, lacked the required materials and financial capacity required to meet their urgent shelter and S/NFIs needs. [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]" +230137,46693.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,38,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"WFP has prepositioned 138,750 mt of food commodities, equivalent to 73 percent of the planned 190,530 mt and enough to serve over 2 million people, in areas that will become inaccessible in the rainy season." +215840,45342.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,53,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.primature.cd/public/2020/11/28/covid-19-des-nouvelles-mesures-pour-stopper-la-propagation-de-la-pandemie/,"Des propositions de mesures de renforcement de la prévention, notamment les gestes barrières ont été étudiées et pour certaines adoptées, alors que d’autres propositions doivent encore être affinées. Toutes ces mesures seront très prochainement soumises à la sanction du Chef de l’Etat avant leur annonce." +306737,51467.0,2335.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,There is a high probability of flooding again in 2021 and this could lead to more displacement and burden on the CCCM needs of people. +238992,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,45,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Households in remote and hard-to-reach areas, particularly where children’s right to education is less institutionalised, may be slower to re-enrol children in schooling, as COVID-19 may have precipitated child labour and other forms of exploitation during the closure period." +304802,51467.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Health', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,137,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Some 2.4 million children are out of school in 2020. The majority of them are girls. Children in rural areas and IDP, refugee and returnee children are most vulnerable. About 60 per cent of IDPs and returnees live in settlements where no more than half of the children are attending primary education, mainly in Lakes, Western Equatoria, Jonglei, Unity, Lakes, and Northern Bahr el Ghazal. Kapoeta North County is among the worst affected, with all surveyed key informants reporting gaps in education. The situation further worsened countrywide with the temporary closure of schools due to COVID-19, disrupting education and limiting children’s access to essential services like school feeding programmes, information on disease prevention and access to water and sanitation." +303871,51174.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,37,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.afro.who.int/sites/default/files/2021-02/South%20Sudan%20IDSR%20Bulletin%20Week%201%2C%20%20%204-%2010%20January%202021%20.pdf,Integrated Disease Surveillance (IDSR) timeliness & completeness performance at county level for week 1 of 2021: The completeness percentage was excellent for Lakes State and WES State and poor for Upper Nile State. +220648,45655.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,72,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"[9th Dec, Overall Syria] It is understood that 64 of the samples have tested positive (an increase of three from the end of September); 35 from Al-Hasakeh (thee deaths), seven from Ar-Raqqa, and 22 from Deir-Ez-Zor (one death). It remains unclear whether these cases are a duplication of positive cases recorded under the mechanism of the local authorities." +315379,53333.0,2334.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,29,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Again, sexual violence especially rape, gender-based violence, physical and emotional abuse and child labour was reported as a concern for girls’ health and well-being." +305476,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,49,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Close and frequent monitoring of conditions is essential as people’s needs are likely to evolve during 2021 due to variations in conflict intensity, natural disasters, disease outbreaks, food availability, macroeconomic conditions and the effectiveness of the humanitarian response, among other factors." +288548,51848.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,17,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/herams_fourth_quarter_2020_final.pdf,"[Dec 2020, NWS] 19% of functioning facilities are in temporary structure building." +325877,55012.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],es,103,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"La tasa de incidencia nacional es de 5.568,3 casos por cada 100.000 habitantes; los departamentos y/o distritos que superan la tasa nacional son en su orden: Barranquilla (11.527,6), Bogotá (10.003,5), Amazonas (7.725,9), Santa Marta (7.559,2), Quindío (6.990,4), Antioquia (6.906,7), Cartagena (6.417,6), Caldas (5.877,0), Risaralda (5.825,4). Los casos asintomáticos reportados han mostrado decrecimiento en las últimas semanas, para la fecha el reporte de casos asintomáticos corresponde al 9,2% de los casos notificados." +163444,32455.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/6._elc_flash_update_covid_19_quincenal_18.06.2020.pdf,"Se identifica un aumento significativo en riesgos de desalojo y personas que han quedado en situación de calle por la falta de recursos para cubrir sus necesidades básicas de vivienda, por el aislamiento preventivo obligatorio en Desacato del Decreto 579 del 15 de abril de 2020 que suspende los desalojos. Promoción de retornos voluntarios de la población refugiada y migrante de Venezuela por la Gobernación, Alcaldías y Migración Colombia." +311608,53183.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"Community support networks have weakened and are not sufficient, and lack of formal dispute resolution mechanisms influence the escalation of localized clashes into larger inter-communal conflicts." +91770,26015.0,1620.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,115,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Situation-Overview_H2R_Oct-Dec_13.03.2020.pdf,"The proportion of assessed settlements reporting an incident of conflict that killed at least one civilian was high in Bama, where around half (45%) of assessed settlements in October reported an incident of this kind. Assessed settlements reporting at least one incident of looting in which most of a household’s property was stolen was also high in Bama, with 67% of assessed settlements reporting incidents of this kind in October. Assessed settlements in Dikwa reporting an incident that killed at least one civilian decreased from more than half (58%) in October to less than half in December (37%)." +165099,39822.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,19,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,On 13 August: The border between Syria and Jordan was closed to prevent the spread of COVID-19. +343263,45764.0,2332.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,81,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/0004_202008_rrm_msa_rapport_final_wolirom.pdf,"Durant les 15 derniers jours précédant l’évaluation, 15% des enfants des ménages enquêtés ont présenté une diarrhée, 14% un épisode de fièvre, 8% de frissons, 6% de vomissement, 5% de toux et 1% pour le cas suspect de rougeole. Il n’existe pas de structure sanitaire dans la localité. La situation sanitaire de ces populations est en dégradation progressive faute de disponibilité des soins." +280103,51005.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,32,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-in-bangladesh-10-more-deaths-push-up-toll-to-8451/65697,"[6th March 2021, Bangladesh] Some 822 people have recovered from the virus infections during the period, according to the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS)." +63465,18412.0,1386.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,221,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,,"Más de 79 mil personas con VIH dejaron de recibir antirretrovirales desde 2017 y el número de defunciones aumentó de 1.800 en 2014 a posiblemente más de 5.000 en los últimos años. En Venezuela se estiman 154.000 personas con VIH, aunque no existen estudios de prevalencia e incidencia de coberturas significativas. La falta de acceso a pruebas diagnósticas y de seguimiento, preservativos y fórmulas lácteas para madres con VIH, ha persistido en la última década. Las comunidades Warao de Delta Amacuro corren riesgo de ser diezmadas por una veloz epidemia de VIH27. Hasta 2017, 79.400 personas con VIH estaban inscritas en el Programa Nacional de Sida del Ministerio de la Salud para recibir tratamiento antirretroviral (TAR)28. Desde 201629, el acceso a los TAR bajó de forma alarmante hasta casi desaparecer en 2017 y 2018 al interrumpirse las compras internacionales. En 2018, fueron retiradas 10.000 personas inscritas por posibles defunciones o migración30. Las muertes pasaron de 1.800 en 2014 a 2.400 en 2015, aumentando 33%, y posiblemente escalaron a más de 5.000 en los años 2017 y 2018 por el incremento de personas hospitalizadas, muertes por SIDA y otras enfermedades oportunistas, reportadas por ONG31 y servicios de salud en VIH32." +239837,47107.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,68,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[Jan 2021] Al-Bukamal-Al-Quaem crossing is reported to open for commercial and military movements; crossings between the Ras AlAin/Tel Abiad area and other locations in Syria remain closed. Abu Zendin in Aleppo remains closed, although reports indicate in practice, crossings do occur, including critical medevacs. Ghazawiyet Afrin and Deir Ballut in Aleppo are open for commercial and humanitarian cargo movement." +271646,49364.0,2311.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/4-gender-violencia.pdf,"A su vez, las cuatro principales dificultades durante el viaje reportadas por las mujeres entrevistadas fueron las siguientes: falta de recursos (67%), carencia de comida/ agua (35%), falta de medios de transporte (33%) y falta de información (33%)." +212083,45203.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,28,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://fews.net/west-africa/cameroon/food-security-outlook/june-2020,"The economic slowdown, coupled with above-average prices for imported products, is eroding the purchasing power of poor households, especially in urban and insecure areas." +176395,41733.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Context->Economy'],fr,25,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/reach_drc_bulletin-des-marche-2_juin-2020.pdf,La stabilisation des prix observée en mai pourrait indiquer que les augmentations étaient aussi dues à des comportements spéculatifs de la part des commerçants. +116338,32643.0,1185.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",en,74,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']","['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/77408,"On 22 June, the Special Commission for Refugees (CEPR) resumed its online appointment system. Through this service, asylum seekers with pending and new applications can complete the needed requirements. Completed applications allow the printing of working permits. Up to 25 June some 4,700 asylum applications have been registered, with Piura and Trujillo as the locations in which the larger number have been submitted outside of Lima" +215111,44840.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,65,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,"The Productive Sectors Development Programme (PSDP) supports government and private sector investments in Somali productive sectors that will generate economic growth and create and sustain jobs and economic opportunities (SMEs, businesses, etc.). It is adapting to COVID-19 by re-prioritizing value chain development interventions aimed at boosting local production of goods in high demand due to the crisis." +343260,45764.0,2332.0,['Education'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,119,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/0004_202008_rrm_msa_rapport_final_wolirom.pdf,"Notons qu’il n’y a pas d’école à Wolirom, l’école la plus proche se trouve à Magui à environ 11km du site. Les enfants sont en en période de congés annuels, . En provenance de Tinana, 05 jeunes, âgés entre 14 et 18 ans ont confirmés à l’équipe qu’ils étaient des écoliers, avant le déplacement. Cette situation présente un risque de déscolarisation par rapport à l’année scolaire qui s’annonce et suite à l’absence d’une structure éducative sur le site. On note l’absence totale d’espaces d’apprentissage." +193912,43327.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,42,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_sectoriel_octobre.pdf,"Le Burkina Faso continue à faire face à la COVID-19, à la poliomyélite de type 2 dérivée du vaccin (cVDPV2), la rougeole mais aussi aux flambés des cas d’ictère dans la région du Centre Nord." +162010,39490.0,2098.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,59,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200707_acaps_covid-19_secondary_impacts_in_rohingya_refugee_camps.pdf,"There are increased reports of forced (majority early) marriage and human trafficking as people are pushed to rely on negative coping mechanisms, fear for the safety and security of their daughters, or do not feel they have alternative options. The child protection sub-sector reported an increase in child marriage and child trafficking in May" +192821,43304.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Health']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,66,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Pour ces deux catégories de ménages [ceux ayant une alimentation pauvre et ceux ayant une alimentation limitée] , l’alimentation est très peu variée (respectivement 4 et 5 groupes d’aliments) et moins riche avec une faible consommation de lait, de protéine animale et de légumineuse. Ces ménages font face à un déficit important de consommation alimentaire." +313676,53333.0,2334.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,19,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,Provide Long-Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLINs) to pregnant and adolescent mothers to minimize the risk of malaria. +339360,53878.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SOYDA%20Monthly%20Progressive%20Report-Feb%202021.pdf,"Approximately 840,000 children under the age of 5 are likely to be acutely malnourished, including nearly 143,000 who are likely to be severely malnourished." +327183,54714.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,72,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,"[SHELTER & NON-FOOD ITEMS (SNFI) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)]The main drivers of shelter & NFI LSGs were found to be Households without access to a safe and healthy housing enclosure unit (8%), Households whose shelter solutions do not meet agreed technical and performance standards (25%), Households without access to vital household NFIs (69%)." +355480,58185.0,2311.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,35,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/10062021_alerta_de_situacion_por_inundaciones_en_arauca_vf.pdf,"Se sugiere la atención al total de las personas afectadas con kits alimentarios o mercados, en especial a las personas de sectores rurales que perdieron sus cultivos de pan coger por la inundación." +196744,43328.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_smart_rapid_pdi_2020_bfa_final.pdf,"De manière globale, la situation nutritionnelle des enfants de moins de 5 ans dans les localités abritant les déplacés internes a connu une évolution positive entre les deux enquêtes. Les prévalences de la MAG ont connu une baisse dans la présente enquête comparée à la situation d’octobre 2019." +292884,51786.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,46,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/estatuto-de-proteccion-no-fomenta-la-competencia-desleal-de-los-venezolanos/2540,"En un comunicado difundido este jueves, Migración Colombia desmintió declaraciones de la alcaldesa Claudia López sobre la supuesta rivalidad que se daría en el plano laboral entre la población extranjera y la colombiana con las nuevas medidas de regularización implementadas por el Gobierno nacional." +149823,37865.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cxb-situation-report-20.pdf,"A total of 3927 COVID-19 positive cases have been reported in Cox’s Bazar, of which 88 in the Rohingya camps. Increasing the number of samples collected from the camps remains a priority for WHO and the Health Sector. There are currently 23 sentinel sites in the camps." +22552,9106.0,729.0,"['Logistics', 'Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,65,['Impact'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"Conflict and insecurity, compounded by a low level of situational awareness, have impacted major supply routes, resulting in them being either blocked or unreliable, triggering disruptions and restricting movement. Additionally, the transport of humanitarian cargo around the country is impacted by shortages of fuel and lack of liquidity, causing further access constraints, especially in the South." +191546,43304.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,40,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,Le Recensement Général des Entreprises de 2015 réalisé par l’INSEED a montré que 50% des unités de production sont basées à N’Djaména et les autres 50% sont réparties dans le reste des provinces. +245232,48020.0,2170.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,67,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_15_jan_2021_report.pdf,"[1st-15th Jan 2021,North east Nigeria] 68% of camps has access to a form of education in the camp or nearby. Over 60% of the camps need instructional and writing materials. 49% of the camps do not have access to a functional secondary school while 42% of the camps do not have access to alternative basic education." +341967,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,114,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Les rouga ou la milice communautaire d’autodéfense - Ils se définissent comme une organisation de défense corporative des éleveurs. L’association rouga s’est fixée pour objectifs la prévention des conflits avec les agriculteurs et d’assurer la cohabitation pacifique entre éleveurs et agriculteurs, l’organisation de la transhumance, la protection des éleveurs contre les exactions et les attaques, l’accompagnement des éleveurs. Au-delà, de ces objectifs, les rouga sont perçus comme une organisation d’assistance communautariste en vue de la défense des peul- hs et de s’opposer aux amendes et exactions imposées par les Koglwéogo." +327594,54714.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,37,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,[PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 2% and 1% of households of IDP settlements and Non-IDP settlement respectively reported areas in their community where boys or men do not feel safe. +206558,44550.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,50,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=211507,"[25th November, 2020, Overall Syria] In a statement to SANA, the ministry indicated that the total number of Coronavirus infections registered in the country till now has reached at 7459, out of which 3271 ones have recovered while 391 others have passed away." +344191,56725.0,2028.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Whole%20of%20Syria%20Nutrition%20Cluster%20Sector%20Brief%20%28January%20-%20December%202020%29.pdf,"[Jan - Dec 2020, Overall Syria] Acute malnutrition among children is consistently increasing even though overall malnutrition levels in Syria remain below emergency levels. In some displaced populations or hard to reach populations, levels are however nearing to emergency threshold levels. Acute and chronic malnutrition are generally highest among those displaced compared to residents." +388562,60980.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,77,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/informe_de_emergencias_humanitarias_reportadas_elc_enero_junio_2021.pdf,"A las restricciones a la movilidad y al acceso mencionadas, se suma la contaminación por minas antipersonal. En junio, miembros de diferentes grupos armados advirtieron sobre la instalación de MAP en zonas rurales aledañas a Medellín (Antioquia). Así mismo, la Organización Indígena de Antioquia (OIA) denunció la instalación de dichos artefactos en resguardos indígenas de Murindó, municipios del Bajo Cauca, Urabá y el Noroccidente Antioqueño." +236633,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,22,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Women and children are at particular risk of exposure to household air pollution as they stay at home more than men. +188210,40860.0,1899.0,['Food Security'],[],[],es,141,[],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200922_OCHA_GUATEMALA%20HRP%20COVID-19%20ESPAN%CC%83OL.pdf,"Los departamentos que presentan mayor decremento en el consumo alimentario son Alta Verapaz, El Quiche, Huehuetenango, Totonicapán y San Marcos. Estos comparten características como tener mayor población, una población principalmente de descendencia Maya y son los fronterizos con México, lo cual presenta un alto riesgo de migración hacia los países del norte. En segundo plano, pero no de menor relevancia se encuentran los que forman parte del corredor seco, los cuales han presentado reducción de sus cosechas en por lo menos los últimos 4 años debido a condiciones climáticas adversa, (Chiquimula, Zacapa, El Progreso, Baja Verapaz, Chimaltenango, Sololá y Suchitepéquez) en esta misma categoría se encuentra el departamento de Peten el cual es el más grande territorialmente y el más alejado del país." +292756,52022.0,2311.0,"['Shelter', 'Livelihoods', 'Food Security', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,63,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/R4V%20-%20Regional%20SitRep%20October%20-%20December%202020%20FINAL%20FORMATTED.pdf,"While some countries relaxed mobility restrictions related to COVID-19 during the reporting period, refugees and migrants from Venezuela faced pressing needs in accessing food, shelter and adequate housing, and difficulties adhering to sanitary measures, especially due to overcrowded accommodations and a lack of access to hygienic facilities and lack of income to purchase basic household and hygiene items." +314324,52949.0,2331.0,"['Health', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The protracted conflict has led to high exposure to trauma and violence, an increasingly displaced population, high stigma and limited opportunities for education and employment." +26104,10739.0,786.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,109,['Impact'],[],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/the_americas/venezuela-has-its-electricity-back-for-now-but-its-still-on-the-verge-of-collapse/2019/03/20/1cb0060e-4986-11e9-8cfc-2c5d0999c21e_story.html?utm_term=.a236d74c7c19,"Already, the economy of this oil-rich nation has shrunk by about half since 2014 — the most precipitous drop in recorded Latin American history. This year, economists expect imports of food, medicine and other goods to plummet by 50 percent or more, as new U.S. sanctions choke off income from the state-run oil industry. “We are not returning to normalcy,” said Susana Raffalli, a nutrition expert who advises the relief agency Caritas Venezuela. “This is the beginning of a phase in which we’ll see a more profound collapse of services in the country.”" +261585,49218.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,54,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Reporte%20de%20situaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Migrantes%20y%20refugiados%20en%20tr%C3%A1nsito%20provenientes%20de%20Venezuela%2C%20diciembre%202020_0.pdf,"En las zonas rurales de frontera se presentan riesgos de reclutamiento forzado de menores y adultos, robos, amenazas y homicidios en el marco del conflicto armado colombiano; así como riesgos de explotación laboral, explotación sexual y violencia sexual al que las niñas, niños y mujeres son más vulnerables." +296815,52565.0,2334.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/2019/06/WFP-COUNTRY-BRIEF-CAMEROON-APRIL-2019.pdf,"WFP provided hot and nutritious meals to 75,583 children (31,146 girls and 44,437 boys) in 142 schools. Volunteering mothers helped to cook these meals." +238990,46388.0,2336.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,20,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"There is also higher proportion of non-functioning schools due to damage, disaster, conflict and loss of teachers." +157581,38893.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,78,"['At Risk', 'Priority Interventions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/humanitarian_collaboration_and_coordination_in_bangladesh_2nd_draft_12_july_2020_kazi_hg.pdf,"Due to COVID-19 caregivers may fall ill, be quarantined, be hospitalized or die. Alternative care solutions need to be identified for children starting when a caregiver is reported sick (before hospitalization or death). Children in need of alternative care/support solutions may fall under any of the below categories; ▪ Children who have lost one or two parents or a primary caregiver due to COVID-19 ▪ Children who are survivors of COVID-19" +177708,41774.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,425,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"Article 3 : Des mesures relatives à l’exercice de la liberté Pour des raisons de sécurité sanitaire, les mesures relatives à l’exercice des libertés suivantes sont prises : 1. L’interdiction de tous les voyages de la Capitale vers les Provinces et vice- versa, afin de permettre le confinement de la Ville de Kinshasa, foyer de la pandémie. Pour ce faire, chaque Responsable d’Institutions ou des Services est chargé de prendre de mesure de service minimum pour palier le confinement, à leurs domiciles des autres agents de l’État ; 2. Sont interdits tous rassemblements, réunions et célébrations de plus de vingt (20) personnes sur les voies et lieux publics en dehors du domicile familial, la population étant priée de rester à domicile et de n’effectuer que les déplacements strictement indispensables aux besoins professionnels, familiaux ou de santé ; 3. Sont interdits tous les mouvements migratoires, par les transports en commun, des bus, camions et autres véhicules de l’intérieur vers la Capitale et de la Capitale vers l’intérieur. A cet effet, des barrières seront érigées par les Gouverneurs de Provinces et les équipages se soumettront au contrôle de rigueur en matière du Coronavirus ; 4. L’interdiction de tous les transports fluviaux des passagers de Kinshasa vers les Provinces et vice-versa. Seuls les bateaux et les embarcations transportant les marchandises avec équipages et convoyeurs seront autorisés ; 5. Est ordonnée la fermeture provisoire sur toute l’étendue du territoire national des écoles, des universités, des instituts supérieurs officiels et privés et tous établissements recevant du public ainsi que des lieux de réunion, avec effet à la date du 19 mars 2020 pour une durée de quatre (4) semaines ; 6. Sont interdites l’ouverture des discothèques, bars, cafés, terrasses et restaurants ainsi que l’organisation des deuils dans les salles, les domiciles ou sur la voie publique, les dépouilles mortelles devant être conduites directement de la morgue jusqu’au lieu d’inhumation et en nombre restreint d’accompagnateurs ; 7. Sont suspendus tous les cultes religieux pour une période de trente (30) jours prenant effet à la date du 19 mars 2020 ainsi que toutes les activités sportives dans les stades et autres lieux de regroupement sportif ;" +169562,40465.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,46,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"• 517 migrants ont été identifiés lors des activités de profilage dont 413 burkinabè, 41 maliens, 13 nigérians, 11 ivoiriens, 32 nigériens, 5 togolais, 1 sénégalais et 1 libérien. Parmi les burkinabés, 57 étaient des déplacés internes." +63460,18412.0,1386.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Nutrition', 'Cross']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],es,154,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Humanitarian Access'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,,"Desde hace 3 años, 18,7 millones de personas - entre ellas, 7,4 millones de personas hipertensas y 2,4 millones con diabetes, según estudios recientes14, además de 6 millones con infecciones respiratorias agudas (42% menores de 5 años) y 2,2, millones que sufren de diarreas (39% menores de 5 años) que reportó el Ministerio de la Salud hasta 2016; y más de 400.000 con malaria, así como 300.000 con condiciones crónicas graves- no tienen garantías de acceso a diagnósticos ni a tratamientos. Hasta agosto de 2018, se mantenía una escasez de 79,9% en medicamentos para controlar la hipertensión, 83,3% para diabetes, 85% para diarreas y 95,6% para infecciones respiratorias agudas, de acuerdo con ConviteAC15. A estas cifras se agrega el agotamiento de la insulina16 y la insuficiente dotación de medicamentos antipalúdicos17." +304602,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,57,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"According to UNMISS(United Nation Mission in South Sudan) reports, Yei in Central Equatoria remains a major hotspot of conflict related sexual violence, followed by Unity State. Brutal rapes including gang-rapes, have been among the violations committed by armed forces and groups during cattle raids in Warrap and Lakes states." +208405,43992.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,60,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"The new procedures [nutrition practices in the COVID-19 context] are well known and implemented in health centres, including the use of MUAC test strips and bilateral pitting edemas as admission and discharge criteria as well as of the therapeutic protocol (provision of two sachets of RUTF per day for a period of 2 weeks)." +327008,54714.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,78,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,[HEALTH LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 26% of the households of IDP settlements reported that it takes less than 15 minutes to reach to the nearest health facility by foot while 31% and 23% of the households of IDP settlements reported it takes 15-30 minutes and 30-60minutes to reach to the nearest health facility by foot respectively. 10% reported to reach nearest health facility by foot in 1-3 hours. +91789,26015.0,1620.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,97,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Situation-Overview_H2R_Oct-Dec_13.03.2020.pdf,"75% of assessed settlements in Bama reported that people consumed wild food that was not part of their normal diet in October. Likewise, the majority of assessed settlements in Dikwa and Gwoza consistently reported that people consumed wild food that was not part of their normal diet throughout the reporting period (reported by 100% and 92% of assessed settlements in December, respectively). Indicative of extreme coping strategies, FGD participants from Dikwa and Gwoza described how they were digging up ant holes to access grains to eat." +236410,47175.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,185,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Nigeria%20-%20Displacement%20Tracking%20Matrix%20%28DTM%29%20Emergency%20Tracking%20Tool%20%28ETT%29%20Report%20-%20No.%20205%2C%2004%20-%2010%20January%202021.pdf,"Gwoza: 883 arrivals were recorded in Gwoza LGA of Borno state. The arrivals included 325 from Yola North and 43 from Mubi North of Adamawa state, 239 from Abuja Municipal Area Council of the Federal Capital Teritory, 147 from Marwa region in Cameroon and 129 from Gwoza LGA of Borno state. All movements recorded were due to poor living conditions. Askira/Uba: 403 arrivals and 265 departures were recorded in Askira/Uba LGA of Borno state. The arrivals included 371 from Askira/Uba, 29 from Chibok LGA of Borno state and 3 from Michika LGA of Adamawa state. The departures included 103 to Askira/Uba LGA, 16 to Gwoza LGAs of Borno state, 59 to Mubi North, 43 to Mubi South, 18 to Hong, 17 to Gombi and 9 to Girei LGAs of Adamawa state. 73 per cent of the movements recorded were as a result of conflict/attack, 19 per cent triggered by fear of attack, 4 per cent by improved security while the remaining 2 per cent relocated voluntarily." +386813,60459.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,69,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"L’approvisionnement des marchés va connaitre une baisse saisonnière et en-dessous de la moyenne jusqu’à la fin de la soudure en septembre. En effet, l’augmentation des prix aux fournisseurs, la baisse du pouvoir d’achat des ménages et l’assistance alimentaire n’encourageront pas les commerçants à constituer des stocks comme en année normale.(scenario)" +490595,67927.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,126,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/adamawa_state_2021_cholera_situation_report_no_9.pdf,"[5th Sept 2021, Adamawa State] (Cholera) The total number of cases reported as at 5 th September, 2021stands at 169 suspected cases with 7 deaths (CFR=4.1%), Girei reported 44 cases with 2 deaths (CFR= 4.5%); Yola North reported 39 suspected case with 1 death (CFR= 2.6%), Yola South reported 33 suspected cases with 1 death (CFR= 3.0%), Shelleng reported 17 cases with 0 death (CFR=0%), Fufore reported 2 cases with 0 deaths (CFR=0%) and Gombi reported 34 cases with 3 death (CFR=8.8%). Of the 169 suspected cases, 15 revealed 01 serotype." +38634,13665.0,729.0,['Cross'],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)']",en,42,[],"['Context', 'Information And Communication']",Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/response_infographic28april2019_copy.pdf,"Indiscriminate shelling and airstrikes on residential areas continues, in violation of international humanitarian law, with unconfirmed reports of civilian casualties and material damages reported in Ain Zara and Al Twaisha area of Tripoli on the night of 27-28 April." +293813,52074.0,2334.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,107,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,"To cope with the lack/shortage of basic life needs [in the NWSW regions], some children are sent to live in the West and Littoral regions, where most of them work and provide for themselves. Due to the continuous ban on education in most parts of the NWSW regions, parents send their children to study in the West and Littoral regions. While in the West/Littoral, some families lose contact with their children as they do not have communication tools and there are no actors to manage the cases of unaccompanied and separated children in the West and Littoral regions." +319991,52949.0,2331.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,46,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Child labour is reported at 55.5 per cent of settlement and urban communities, with child recruitment by armed forces and groups, children being made to beg in extreme heat, shine shoes and sell goods in the market being the most common forms ." +310045,51467.0,2335.0,['WASH'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,51,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"New health-related WASH needs arose in 2020 because of COVID-19 and will persist into 2021 as a vaccination campaign is not expected to reach enough people soon, implying a greater need for functional hand washing facilities in areas of high density such as the urban areas and PoC/IDP settlements." +165431,39395.0,1388.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,64,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LACRO_COVID-19%20Regional%20Sitrep%20%237_JUL2020.pdf,"Costa Rica: UNFPA joined forces with the Ministry of Public Security and UNDP to create the campaign #QuedateEnCasa, which seeks to offer tools to men of all ages for managing behaviour without violence. At the request of the Costa Rican Social Security Fund (CCSS), UNFPA is preparing the CCSS Care Manual for survivors of gender-based violence." +224017,45768.0,2332.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,Ces deux situations [proximité avec les militaires et présence de personnes en tenue militaire et armées] posent le problème du respect du caractère civil et humanitaire des sites des IDPs. +497035,60104.0,1187.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,143,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,"https://www.unicef.org/argentina/media/11626/file/Impacto%20de%20la%20pandemia%20en%20la%20educaci%C3%B3n%20de%20ni%C3%B1as,%20ni%C3%B1os%20y%20adolescentes.pdf","Si bien se mantiene la diversidad de escenarios respecto de la modalidad de cursada, donde la mayor parte asiste en modelo combinados, el tipo de modalidad de asistencia de los chicos y chicas muestra algunas diferencias en función del sector socioeconómico de procedencia: se advierte que los hogares de mayor nivel socioeconómico, sus niños, niñas y adolescentes tienen un mayor porcentaje de presencialidad total (19%) que sus pares provenientes del estrato más bajo (12%). Con respecto a la modalidad puramente a distancia, se observa con mayor intensidad entre hogares de los quintiles 2, 3 y 4 (entre 36% y 40%) mientras que disminuye en los extremos de la distribución: 30% en el quintil 1 y 25% en el quintil 5)." +167139,40126.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,76,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_weekly_situation_update_-_27_september_ne_nigeria_0.pdf,"Over 24, 025 caregivers were sensitized with messages on COVID-19 by UNICEF VCMs in 20 LGAs in Borno State. Messages focus on voluntary sample testing, timely reporting of cases and de-stigmatization. In Borno State, COVID-19 phone in live program supported by Lafiya project is ongoing on Television and Radio. In Yobe State, The SMOH, with support from UNICEF, WHO, and partners conducted sensitization training for 120" +64124,18925.0,729.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,33,['At Risk'],['Humanitarian Access'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/va_report_libya_2019-libmac-unmas.pdf,"between 1999 and 2018, there were at least 3,302 mine/explosive remnants of war (ERW) casualties: • 410 killed; • 2,886 injured; • 6 unknown survival outcome." +452373,64945.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,23,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MONITORING%20PROTECTION%20DE%20JULLET%202021%20EST.pdf,"des petites tensions entre éleveurs et agriculteurs, autour des portions de terres existent, chaque entité voulant satisfaire ses besoins spécifiques." +407419,63069.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,97,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Bulletin%20d%E2%80%99information%20sous%20cluster%20protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99enfance%20%28GTPE%29%20Mars%20%E2%80%93%20Mai%202021.pdf,"Les incidents de protection du Maniema (Kabambare) et du Sud Kivu (massifs de Mitumba – Fizi) auraient un lien direct avec ceux enregistrés dans la bande nord du Tanganyika (incursions et attaques des Maï-Maï des factions Apa Na Pale, Malaïka, ADF, Mumdus, Bigeu Geu, des miliciens Twas et Bantus ainsi que des opérations de traque des groupes armés menées par les FARDC). Les affrontements engendrés ont desimpactssur la population civile, inclus des graves violations des droits des enfants et des mouvements de populations." +297879,52145.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,43,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_humanitaire_numero_12_v_04.pdf,"Grace aux financements du Fonds Central d'Intervention d'Urgence des Nations Unies (CERF), 1 000 ménages ont pu bénéficier de l’encadrement de la FAO et de ses partenaires en matière d'élevage de poulets et de commercialisation des œufs." +164970,39841.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,19,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"Since COVID-19 pandemic, government issued restrictions for camp access cutting site management camp presence by 80%." +236089,47122.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,45,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"In spite of the COVID outbreak, a total of 174,996 persons were assisted by food security partners in March out of which 155,441 (89%) were supported through food assistance and 19,555 (11%) received agriculture and livelihoods support." +192923,43304.0,2332.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,35,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,Etablir des partenariats publics-privés avec d’autres pays pour fabriquer des produits médicaux et pharmaceutiques afin de réduire les importations du pays et d’assurer un contrôle de haute qualité de la production +334898,55774.0,2098.0,['Agriculture'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,86,['Impact'],"['Shock/Event', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bcf29d656a8d5984f4c8ffe40908514aad85d.pdf,"[6 April, 2021, Bangladesh] Mild to moderate Heat wave has blown over all the 8 divisions throughout this month and highest temperature was recorded 41.2⁰C in Jashore. Nor’wester has blown over 12 districts throughout this month in which 14 people died and causes great damage to Boro rice. Boat capsized in 3 districts which took lives of 39 people and 3 got injured. In 4 districts 3 people died and 3 were injured due to Lightning." +306380,51572.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,100,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"However, number of malaria and acute diarhooea cases increased significantly with floods in the area. Available testing kits and malaria treatment medicines are available but may be insufficient, taking into account that floods continue and affected population is highly likely to increase. Thus, during the first week of January number of malaria positive case tripled from 50 cases per week to 144 cases per week. Same applies to acute diarrhea cases since people drink water directly from the river. [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]" +341450,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],fr,64,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"La gouvernance est en crise du fait de son inadaptation avec les spécificités locales. La démocratie, telle que pratiquée actuellement, est la source des différents maux qui y règnent : éternisation des dirigeants politiques au pouvoir, coups d’États, conflits internes, pauvreté, mal gouvernance et faiblesses institutionnelles, violations des droits de l’homme..." +341774,56493.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Les autorités traditionnelles, par leur statut, peuvent au nom des coutumes ou de la religion, intimer l'ordre à deux protagonistes de cesser toute dispute sans même juger de qui a raison ou tort. C'est probablement pourquoi la capacité de conciliation est considérée comme leur plus grande force." +22266,9106.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Food Security', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,87,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"Overall people with the most severe and multiple needs across all sectors live in the mantikas of Sirt, Alkufra, Murzuq and Sebha. They have been heavily and extensively impacted by the crisis, have limited resilience, and have been forced to adopt multiple negative coping mechanisms. The main needs are related to protection, access to essential healthcare, education services, and sufficient safe water supplies, and access to basic goods and commodities including food and essential household items." +313985,54309.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Colombia_Evaluacion_Rapida_ECNI_Arauca_ESP.pdf,"Los equipos de evaluación reportaron el impacto de la crisis en la salud mental, sobre todo para los niños, niñas y adolescentes y los adultos mayores, situación que permanece al continuar algunos sonidos de enfrentamientos en el territorio venezolano." +175987,40999.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,70,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_levaluation_rapide_sur_les_vbg_et_covid-19_dans_la_region_de_lest.pdf,"La rencontre avec les autorités judiciaires révèle que les contraintes d’accès physique aux communautés par les forces de l’ordre suite à la crise humanitaire dans la région, la précarité des conditions sociales et économiques des communautés exacerbées par les déplacements forcés ont un impact considérable sur l’augmentation des risques des VBG pour les femmes et filles dans la région Est du pays." +237922,47230.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,135,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"El 41% de los entrevistados mencionaron que uno o más miembros de su hogar habían experimentado síntomas de ansiedad, reducción del sueño o episodios de llanto en los siete días antes la recolección de los datos. En los hogares encuestados entre julio y noviembre, no se encontraron cambios significativos en la afiliación al sistema de salud o necesidad de tratamiento médico y acceso a este. Tampoco en necesidades de salud sexual y salud reproductiva. Sin embargo, en lo referente a salud mental, hubo un aumento de 12 puntos porcentuales en los hogares que manifestaron tener al menos un síntoma como ansiedad, episodios de llanto o reducción de sus horas de sueño, lo que podría indicar un deterioro de la situación de la salud mental." +243963,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,63,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,More than 86 per cent of IDPs are either unwilling or unable to return to their place of origin in the next six months and about half never intend to return. These people have a critical need for new land allocations and documents to provide long-term tenure security. Inability to recover and recurrent shocks make these people susceptible to eviction. +236497,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,81,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Asia Foundation perception survey findings indicate that even with the lifting of the Government’s COVID-19 restrictions, 61 per cent of respondents remained concerned about visiting a healthcare facility, 59 per cent with attending funerals and religious functions, 59 per cent with attending school, 58 per cent with travelling outside of the local area to visit family, 57 per cent with engaging in community activities, and 55 per cent with going to work." +325228,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,90,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Across the country, the average population-weighted travel time by motorized transport to the nearest primary school is 36 minutes. It is the same also specifically for public primary schools, while for private primary schools the average is three times longer. Approximately 16.28 million people (78 percent) can reach a primary school of some type within an hour of motorized travel. However, not a single primary school is accessible even within four hours of motorized travel for over half a million people." +391223,61647.0,2170.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,82,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_15_jul_2021_report_2.pdf,"[ 01 -15 July 2021,Northeast Nigeria]WATER SOURCE : The main source of drinking and non-drinking water at displacement sites are the boreholes (83%). Other sources of water supply include hand pumps, wells, water vendors and water trucking. 81% of the displacement sites have an average waiting time at water points less than 30minutes while 15% is between 30minutes and an hour and 4% of sites above one hour" +227836,45936.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,67,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Los servicios que atendían VBG se suspendieron o redujeron durante las medidas de aislamiento social preventivo, incrementando el riesgo para la vida de las sobrevivientes. Las líneas nacionales de atención tuvieron un aumento en el número de llamadas en más del cien por ciento y los casos de violencia basada en género aumentaron en todo el país, de acuerdo con las cifras oficiales." +178508,41756.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,81,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"En 2019, les régions où le nombre de survivantes présumées de VBG détectées par les différents mécanismes est le plus élevé se trouvent dans les territoires du nord-est du pays (Masisi, Rutshuru, Lubero et Oïcha dans la province du Nord-Kivu) et la région du Kasaï (Kamonia). La situation des violences basées sur le genre est marquée par une prévalence significative des violences sexuelles, du mariage des enfants et des violences domestiques." +341779,56493.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,76,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Le taux élevé de chômage des jeunes, diplômés ou non, constitue une problématique majeure pour le pays. Désœuvrés et sans perspectives économiques, selon les enquêtés, les jeunes deviennent ainsi une proie facile à l’enrôlement dans les groupes armés qui leur promettent des conditions économiques meilleures. Cela constitue une menace sérieuse à la paix, à la cohésion sociale et à la sécurité des biens et des personnes." +218158,45410.0,2332.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,48,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,Le couvre-feu et les restrictions de circulation entre autres mesures pour freiner la COVID-19 continuent d’affecter l’activité économique du pays. Ceci a eu un impact significatif sur les ménages très pauvres et pauvres ; les opportunités d’embauche étant plus limitées. +218199,45410.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,79,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"Chaque ménage reçoit un kit alimentaire composé d‘un sac de riz de 50 kg, d’un sac d’haricot de 25 kg, d’un sac de sucre de 10 kg, d’un bidon d’huile de 10 l. Ceci laisse apparaître des effectifs assez importants dans le besoin d’assistance alimentaire et du soutien en vue de reconstituer leurs moyens de subsistance, perdus durant la saison." +329137,53878.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,64,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SOYDA%20Monthly%20Progressive%20Report-Feb%202021.pdf,"The project was able to attend to a total of 1,244 pregnant and lactating mother’s antenatal care (ANC 1st visit) in this reporting period and has since completed all the 4 comprehensive ANC visit. The program has recorded success in all reaching the vulnerable mothers with improved maternal health care services in both facilities and outreach sites program." +125101,32835.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,67,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77444.pdf,"El 70 % de las personas tienen cédula de identidad venezolana, el 24 % tienen partida de nacimiento, el 20 % cuentan con pasaporte venezolano, el 9 % tienen cédula de ciudadanía colombiana, el 5 % tienen registro civil de nacimiento colombiano, el 1 % tiene pasaporte colombiano y el restante 1 % reporta tener otro tipo de documento de identificación." +36129,11046.0,788.0,"['Protection', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,117,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68626.pdf,"Coping strategies developed by refugee communities to minimize the risks highlighted above include: payment of bribes/tips to security agents at check points in order to avoid arrest and detention by Immigration or Police; engaging in menial jobs for their daily survival while awaiting registration by the government and UNHCR; embarking on late travels (mostly in the evenings) when check points are closed in order to avoid arrest, detention or payment of tips/bribes; sharing of relief supplies with relatives and friends who are yet to be registered in order to access services; resorting to traditional healers when sick due to lack of documentation or money to access health care facilities" +12754,5579.0,322.0,[],[],[],en,104,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20Jun%202018.pdf,"The Logistics Cluster supports an efficient logistics response through coordination and information management. The Logistics Cluster also facilitates access to common services for humanitarian organisations, which include: cargo transport from Djibouti to Sana’a by air, and to Aden and Al Hudaydah by sea; overland cargo transport and cargo storage across Yemen; fuel distribution in Sana’a, Al Hudaydah and Aden; and sea passenger transport from Djibouti to Aden and Al Hudaydah. In addition, UNHAS connects Amman to Sana’a, and Djibouti to both Sana’a and Aden." +425283,64521.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,33,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syrianobserver.com/news/69287/daily-covid19-cases-exceed-1000-in-northern-syria.html,"[31 AUG, Northern Syria] The Early Warning Network of the Support Coordination Unit recorded 1,262 COVID19 cases in the Idleb governorate and Aleppo countryside during the past 24 hours." +327655,54714.0,2331.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,69,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,"[EDUCATION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] The highest percentage of households per Education LSG severity score, per population group for IDP settlement was 92% for severe and lowest was 1% for stress. Similarly highest percentage of households per Education LSG severity score, per population group for Non-IDP settlement was 79% for severe and lowest was 2% for stress." +41652,14575.0,729.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,38,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/2019/06/190611-Flash-Update---Floods.pdf,"Telecommunication network has been fixed and electricity is operational in some areas of the municipality. Solid waste management, especially of dead animals, and disinfection of boreholes are expected to be of top priority needs." +177062,41752.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,36,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"À Kaya, 60% des informateurs clés pensent que leur communauté appelleraient la ligne verte (9) et 20% qu’ils appelleraient leur prestataire de santé au téléphone (3)." +166686,39928.0,2170.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,36,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"While issues of freedom of movement pre-existed, it was exacerbated by the lockdown imposed by the government and the closure of international borders as one of the measures to curb the spread of COVID-19." +159581,39148.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,44,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_july2020_ne_nigeria.pdf,"Apparent failure to follow public health guidelines by the population, inadequate contact tracing (about 68% of contacts are seen daily) and occasional stock out of reagents (leading to delayed test results) remains a challenge in the response." +304025,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,75,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Left without access to the protective environment of school by the pandemic, the risk of children being neglected, abused or exploited increases significantly. The COVID-19 pandemic poses enormous risks to children, women, girls, families and communities including mental health and psychosocial distress, intimate partner violence, family separations, violence against children, physical and emotional maltreatment, and risk of exploitation including child labour among others." +261022,49454.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,40,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.emro.who.int/syr/syria-news/update-on-covid-19-vaccination-in-syria.html,"[February 16, NES] The microplans will equally cover the population of camps across north-east Syria. The first batch of vaccines will target eligible high-risk health workforce and frontline humanitarian workers, regardless of the location." +304291,51590.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,27,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/IOM%20DTM%20SSD%20FMR%20Cross%20border%20trends%20and%20impact%20of%20restrictions%202020.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10755,"South Sudan introduced mandatory screening at key points of entry on 13 March, followed by the imposition of a mandatory 14-day quarantine on 21 March." +176416,41733.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,34,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/reach_drc_bulletin-des-marche-2_juin-2020.pdf,"Quant aux régions, les tendances de fluctuation du coût médian du PMA sont similaires partout sauf dans les provinces du Centre : le coût augmente en avril puis rebaisse légèrement en mai." +361116,58845.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,83,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_price_bulletin_may_2021.pdf,"[May 2021, GoS, NES & NWS] Price of minced beef broken down by regions, the coastal region recorded the highest price at SYP 24,710/kg (up eight percent m-o-m), followed by the middle region at SYP 21,000/kg (up one percent m-o-m). While northeast Syria recorded the lowest price at SYP 16,790 (up ten percent m-o-m), followed by the cross-border region at SYP 17,917/kg (up eight percent m-o-m)." +473048,63732.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,81,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2f4004e6/REACH_BFA_Factsheet_Abri-AME-et-LTB_Pouytenga_juillet-2021.pdf,"26/29 des IC ont rapporté que la majorité des ménages de leur site n'était pas en mesure de couvrir ses besoins en éclairage au cours des trois mois précédant la collecte de données. L'accès à l'éclairage semble être une problématique majeure au niveau des zones enquêtées dans la ville de Pouytenga. En effet, 17 IC ont rapporté le manque d'éclairage dans les abris et à proximité comme principal problème (hors dégâts matériels) dans les abris." +313706,53333.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,21,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Engage particularly with men, as they were foremost amongst FGD participants in blaming girls for the pregnancies and consequent marriages" +330423,53831.0,2225.0,['Cross'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,114,"['At Risk', 'Priority Needs']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/12042021_sitrep_s12_whe_oms_rdc_f.pdf,"Ituri: Environ 4 362 personnes déplacées internes (PDIs) se trouvent dans une situation de vulnérabilité, selon une évaluation rapide réalisée par PSSP, entre le 24 et le 25 mars 2021 dans les localités de Nderembi, Oyo, Rwakalisa, Bandjendeza et Obe (ZS de Rwampara, Territoire d’Irumu). Le rapport d’évaluation note qu’aucun acteur humanitaire n’est présent dans la zone. Les PDIs vivent actuellement dans des conditions humanitaires inquiétantes, caractérisées par la carence avérée en AME et des difficultés d’accès aux vivres, aux soins de santé et à l’EHA." +164671,39483.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,41,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"Today, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, and the Government of Bangladesh, celebrated the inauguration of a new Cash Based Intervention (CBI) programme to support vulnerable Bangladeshi families in the Cox’s Bazar District." +204319,42252.0,2028.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,25,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2020_29Oct2020_FINAL.pdf,"An inter-agency socio-economic impact assessment of COVID-19 completed in August found that in the preceding months, an estimated 200,000-300,000 jobs had been permanently lost" +270223,50227.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,69,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"De acuerdo con el INS en su boletín N.65 del 24 de febrero de 2021 sobre esta población y la base de datos publicada, con un reporte de 43.157 casos (980 nuevos) que representa un incremento del 2,3% con respecto del boletín anterior. 3.782 casos son asintomáticos, recuperados 42.031 casos (323 nuevos) y 216 casos fallecidos (8 nuevos)." +439018,64533.0,2028.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,14,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, Overall Syria] 13,316 spontaneous returns in 196 communities." +297590,52552.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,195,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/West%20and%20Central%20Africa%20Transhumance%20Crisis%20Response%20Plan%202021.pdf,"IOM currently implements its two-pronged transhumance cross-border conflict mitigation strategy, which leverages institutional expertise in data collection and localised approaches for community stabilisation activities, rolling out IOM’s Early Alert System (the Transhumance Tracking Tool - TTT), mobilizing all local stakeholders to address and prevent conflicts between herders and farmers while providing the means for tangible/structural solutions. IOM’s global expertise in data collection through the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) methodology, and its various tools, are of relevance to this strategy. Based on this methodology and in coordination with the regional pastoralist network RBM in West and Central Africa, IOM has developed a set of dedicated tools to monitor movements at the scale of a region, map the status of routes and pastoral infrastructures and an Early Alert system at the micro-level to inform, in real-time, the relevant local actors about the arrival of problematic herds in sensitive locations. The TTT tools seek to enhance the capacity of the regional network to prevent conflict associated with premature transhumance through lands that have yet to be harvested." +83691,23093.0,1621.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Context->Demography', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,34,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://www.libyaobserver.ly/news/21-civilians-have-been-killed-tripoli-war-start-2020,Libyan Crimes Watch said 21 civilians had been killed including four children and two women in the first week of January 2020 due to the offensive against Tripoli by Khalifa Haftar's forces. +320476,52949.0,2331.0,"['Food Security', 'Protection', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,69,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"In addition, host communities, persons with disabilities and refugees, asylum seekers and refugee returnees are at risk. Host communities are at particular risk of flooding, conflict and cyclones, which can cause major damage to shelters and lead to the loss of NFIs. Whenever this occurs, host community households are at risk of becoming homeless and being displaced towards IDP sites." +150136,36723.0,1184.0,[],[],[],es,325,[],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77597.pdf,"CONCLUSIONES GENERALES • • • • • Los grupos focales coincidieron en que los artículos mencionados en el debate (es decir los de la canasta básica ecuatoriana) cubren lo mínimo que una familia en movilidad humana necesita en Ecuador. Sin embargo, hay artículos que, aunque no son básicos, las familias muchas veces los necesitan como fórmula para bebés, dispositivos móviles, recargas de teléfono, refrigeradora para almacenar alimentos. Luego de la sistematización de resultados de los grupos focales, se realizó un promedio de la canasta básica mensual para familias en movilidad humana calculada para cinco miembros, llegando a un resultado de una canasta básica de USD 658 que puede ser comparada con la canasta básica ecuatoriana calculada para cuatro miembros, que según datos del Gobierno de Ecuador fue de USD 716,142 a la fecha del levantamiento de datos. Sobre las necesidades más difíciles de satisfacer entre las personas participantes, se mencionó complicaciones para cumplir de manera regular con el arriendo todos los meses. En cuanto a alimentos, también se mencionó la dificultad en acceder a productos cárnicos. La razón principal indicada como barrera para adquirir ciertos productos es la falta de dinero, pero también se mencionaron temas de discriminación, xenofobia y falta de documentación, como barreras de acceso recurrentes. Se observó que las familias no pueden cubrir la totalidad de sus necesidades básicas, por lo cual han tenido que hacer una priorización en los gastos mensuales; esencialmente adquirir los alimentos más baratos, casos donde las personas adultas ceden sus alimentos para priorizar que sus niños, niñas y adolescentes tengan seguridad alimentaria, pagar el arriendo por temor a desalojos y acceder a medicamentos. Por lo tanto, resulta más complicado acceder a otros artículos como útiles escolares, productos de higiene, vestimenta, o menaje de hogar." +325751,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Le stockage est l’un des maillons les plus faibles de la chaîne d’approvisionnement, en particulier dans les zones rurales (FEWS NET, 2017)26." +236666,46388.0,2336.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,20,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Distance to schools and auxiliary education costs were the most frequently cited barriers for shock-affected children to access education. +294816,51749.0,2099.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,90,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[Gounghin] En matière d’hygiène et d’assainissement selon les données issues du Programme national d’approvisionnement en eau potable (PN-AEP) de 2018, 1190 latrines étaient fonctionnelles en 2018 et 16 latrines auraient été construites depuis 201821. A raison de 01 latrine pour 50 personnes cela signifie donc que la commune de Gounghin a suffisamment de latrines pour 60 300 personnes. Étant donné que la commune compte 57 694 habitants le nombre de latrine semble suffisant dans la commune." +159542,39200.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,38,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_H2R_COVID19_June2020.pdf,"People living in H2R areas, who are already facing severe and extreme humanitarian needs, are also vulnerable to the spread of COVID-19, especially due to the lack of health care services and information sources." +178053,40661.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,121,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"En dépit des niveaux de productions, le pays reste fortement dépendant des importations pour pouvoir nourrir l’ensemble de la population. Selon l’enquête CFSAM, bien que les conditions météorologiques aient été globalement propices à la croissance des cultures, la production céréalière de 2019 est estimée à un niveau légèrement inférieur à la moyenne, en raison des infestations de chenilles légionnaires d’automne (CLA), des criquets puants, des inondations et des conflits dans les régions de l’est du pays, en particulier au Kasaï, au Nord-Kivu, au Sud-Kivu, en Ituri et dans le Tanganyika, qui ont continué de perturber les activités agricoles." +317262,53333.0,2334.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,11,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,Target adolescent girls and young mothers for shelter and NFI provision +134467,35170.0,1188.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,26,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"Asimismo, emplean WhatsApp para comunicarse con sus familiares y amigos en el país de origen, cuando no hay problemas de electricidad en Venezuela." +301757,51958.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Economy', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_devaluation_de_protection_des_retournes_tchadiens_de_la_rca_installes_dans_les_sites_au_sud_du_tchad_002.pdf,La population reste très dépendante de l’assistance alimentaire du PAM. Il est aussi ressorti des discussions de groupes que cette assistance est irrégulière et insuffisante. La plupart des membres des groupes de discussions ont indiqué avoir des difficultés à garantir la consommation alimentaire de leurs familles respectives. +330400,53831.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],fr,72,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/12042021_sitrep_s12_whe_oms_rdc_f.pdf,"Un cumul de 365 cas suspects de monkey-pox dont 7 décès (létalité 1,9%) ont été recensés au cours de 4 dernières semaines. Les provinces qui ont comptabilisé le plus grand nombre de cas sont celles de l’Equateur (161 cas soit 44,1%), du Sankuru (43 cas soit 11,8%) et de la Mongala (42 cas soit 11,5%)." +176020,40890.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"El 17% de los hogares que reportaron presencia de grupos armados ilegales indicaron, además, haber sido abordados por o haber tenido algún tipo de situación con ellos. Esto fue reportado las personas afrodescendientes e indígenas (33% y 23%, respectivamente) en comparación con los encuestados que no indicaron ningún origen étnico específico (15%)" +305695,51467.0,2335.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,60,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"The existence of settlements without any coordination and management structures have led to sporadic or a complete lack of aid provision to vulnerable people living in these informal settlements. Based on site level key informants and CCCM analysis, 60 per cent of displaced people reported being exposed to increased protection, public health and genderbased violence risks." +219261,45655.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,42,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"[9th Dec, Derik]Lockdowns were also in place in Derik between 6 and 19 November, and, the Euphrates Province between 15 November and 10 December (with measures temporarily lifted between 26 and 30 November)." +315386,53333.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],en,35,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"They also reported a lack of medical facilities, moving with bad friends, poor transport network, poor means of communication, poor infrastructural development and exposure to harassment and threat from NSAG members" +266569,49773.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,32,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_HSOS-NWS_-January-2021.pdf,"[January 2021, NWS] KIs in 95% of communities where challenges for renting shelters were reported, cited that rent prices were unaffordable for the majority of people." +161571,39295.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,82,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,"The poor nutrition situation is largely attributed to continued exposure of children and PLW to unsafe living conditions, diseases (including impacts of COVID-19), suboptimal infant and young child feeding (IYCF) practices, high maternal malnutrition, economic downturn, low purchasing power, poverty, food insecurity, family separations and poor care practices, early marriages, and destruction of infrastructure causing limited access to health services, and inadequate sanitation and water supply." +190123,43304.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,58,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"De même, la chute brutale du prix du baril de Brent (consécutive à covid-19), fluctuant entre 22 et 30 dollars en avril par rapport à son niveau de 60 dollars en février 2020, est révélatrice d’une crise qui va forcément entraîner une récession dans beaucoup de pays, dont le Tchad" +245233,48020.0,2170.0,"['Cross', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_15_jan_2021_report.pdf,"[1st-15th Jan 2021,North east Nigeria] 30% of the camps in the displaced LGAs currently have access to vocational trainings. 70% do not have access to any form of vocational training within the site or nearby. IDPs in all the camps have access to market on site or nearby" +174641,41384.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.sana.sy/en/?p=204575,"[29th September 2020, Overall Syria] Health ministry announced on Tuesday that 46 new coronavirus cases were registered in Syria, adding that 14 ones have recovered, while 3 others have passed away." +292400,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,Une formation des équipes d’interventions rapides au profit des districts de santé affectés par l’urgence humanitaire a été entreprise afin de leur permettre de mener les investigations des alertes épidémiques dans les délais et/ou envisager des actions de réponse prompte et adéquate. +239233,47351.0,2170.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,94,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Factsheet_NGA2005-Biu-LGA-Borno-state-November-2020.pdf,"[1st Nov2020,Biu LGA, Borno states]While 41% of displaced households and 44% of nondisplaced households reported having lost their main source of income since April 2020 (around the same time as COVID-19 related lockdowns), no displaced households and 1% of non-displaced households reported having earned no income in the 30 days prior to data collection. • High proportions of both internally displaced and nondisplaced households reported having debt (80% and 69% respectively) at the time of data collection" +157586,38893.0,2098.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,68,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/humanitarian_collaboration_and_coordination_in_bangladesh_2nd_draft_12_july_2020_kazi_hg.pdf,"Supporting the most vulnerable groups with in-kind and cash support to ensure that they have adequate access to essential food items. ▪ Immediate interventions to ensure fair pricing to safeguard producers and consumers, as well securing and supporting the food value chain and market distribution system.Provide agricultural inputs like (tools, seeds, fertilizer, cash for labor, pesticide) to ensure agriculture production" +358503,58673.0,2028.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']",['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,18,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syrian%20Arab%20Republic%20-%20Euphrates%20water%20crisis%20and%20drought%20outlook%2C%20as%20of%2017%20June%202021.pdf,"(June 2021, overall Syria) 5 million people that have livelihoods that depend on agricultural production" +203317,44589.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,36,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://rojavainformationcenter.com/storage/2020/04/RIC-Dossier-COVID19-SP.pdf,"[April 5, NWSLack of equipment]There are only 35 ICU beds in NES and 40 ventilators. Almost all of the region’s 35 intensive care unit beds are in al-Hasakeh province" +386116,60459.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"Dans la région Est, cependant, les attaques attribuées à des groupes militants sont restées stables en termes de fréquence mais ont augmenté en termes de fatalités par rapport à la même période en 2020." +313714,53333.0,2334.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"According to a 2020 Education Cluster Report, from the 450,268 displaced population, an estimated 270,161 are school-aged children in the NWSW, as of Aug 2019." +157946,38777.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/food-insecurity-impact-covid-19-among-critical-challenges-facing-syria,"Many people are reluctant to seek care at medical facilities, leading to more complications when they do arrive, he said, adding that health workers still lack sufficient personal protective equipment and associated supplies." +314691,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,37,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Persons with Disabilities: Somalia ratified The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities on 6 August 2019, committing the Government to take action to improve the rights and situation of persons with disabilities." +22519,9106.0,729.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,51,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"While the Libyan population continues to rely heavily on government institutions for source of income, the contracting economy is making it increasingly difficult to pay salaries and address basic needs. The lack of other sources of income and employment opportunities continues to heavily affect household purchasi ng power." +475547,63296.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,42,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Les participants aux entretiens individuels et aux GD réalisés dans la province du Boulkiemdé ont rapporté que les aléas climatiques, et en particulier, les pluies erratiques ont largement contribué à limiter la production agricole lors de la plus récente récolte" +439689,63184.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Burkina%20Faso%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%201%20May%20-%2030%20June%202021.pdf,"As of 30 June 2021, 88 out of 1,269 health centers (7 per cent) in six emergency-affected regions [Sahel, Est, Centre-Est, Centre-Nord, Boucle du Mouhoun, and Nord regions] were closed and 269 (21 per cent) offered reduced services. An estimated 895,087 people have no or limited access to nutrition and health services." +193970,43819.0,2330.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,54,['Capacities & Response'],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020%20Hurricanes%20Sit%20Rep%204.pdf,"WATER, SANITATION AND HYGIENE NEEDS: LWR aims to distribute potable water, soap, sanitary items (such as paper towels, trash bags and cleaning products), hygiene kits (including masks, antibacterial gel, face shields, etc) to 2,000 people seeking refuge at emergency shelters." +337602,55860.0,2225.0,[],[],[],en,33,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb4752en.pdf,[Ituri et Nord Kivu] [impact of the declaration of state of emergency and conflict on agriculture] This will worsen the already dire food security levels in the provinces. +310686,53333.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,30,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"FGDs concluded that the young people working age range was between 7 and 21 years while the average was 12.9 years, mode 10years and median being 12 years." +188865,43387.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,29,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20DE%20PROTECTION_SEPTEMBRE2020-SAHEL.pdf,"[Mouvements de population - Sahel, septembre 2020] 197 potentiels demandeurs d’asile et 1202 personnes déplacées 97 PDI Retournés dans leurs localités d’origines" +193956,43327.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],fr,8,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_sectoriel_octobre.pdf,"2,2 M Population affectée [Health Cluster]" +325681,54267.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"En outre, la consommation de riz produit localement au Burkina est limitée par plusieurs facteurs, notamment la faible disponibilité et le prix élevé, ainsi que les impuretés, le gonflement à la cuisson et la difficulté de cuisson (automne 2016)." +209146,43992.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,83,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"As part of the fight against COVID-19, UNICEF in partnership with NGO INTERSOS, as well as the Provincial Delegations of Social Action (DPAS) of Guéra, Abéché and Borkou continued to engage in prevention and awareness campaigns along with key child protection messages local communities including vulnerable children. During the reporting period, 5,666 persons were reached with awareness messages including 1,307 in Lac; 1,818 in Mongo; 1,250 in Abéché; and 1,291 in Borkou." +205164,44672.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,67,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"With 11.3 million people in acute food insecurity in 2019, Afghanistan was already extremely vulnerable even before the pandemic: It was ranked 180th out of 185 countries assessed. The World Food Programme (WFP) is now warning that the number of people experiencing acute food insecurity may double as a result of COVID-19 crisis, giving rise to a new hunger pandemic." +305720,51572.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,38,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Consider prepositioning of malaria tests, anti-malaria and acute diarrhea medicines in response to floods in the area. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +493591,61216.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/humanitarian-situation-overview-syria-hsos-northeast-syria-june-2021,"[June 2021, NES]Most commonly reported ways people disposed of solid waste (by % of communities): Free public waste collection(35%), Waste burnt (34%), Waste disposed of by household to a dumping location(20%)." +167110,40215.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20201001-syrias-damascus-airport-resumes-commercial-flights-after-covid-19-halt/,"[1st October 2020, Syria] The country has confirmed 4,200 cases of the new coronavirus with 200 deaths since the first case was reported on March 22." +192733,43304.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,102,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"la contraction des activités sectorielles risquerait d’entrainer une augmentation du chômage parce que certaines entreprises se verront obligées de libérer une partie importante de leurs employés pour survivre à la crise. Nous savons que les secteurs des services privés formels, et surtout informels sont de grands pourvoyeurs d’emplois au Tchad (environ 21% des emplois totaux et plus de 85% des emplois urbains non agricoles).. Or, ces secteurs subiront indéniablement les effets de la crise de COVID-19. Il va donc en résulter des effets négatifs sur l’emploi." +155161,37856.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,98,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"L’observation au cours de la période a dénombré au total 627 voyageurs dont 529 hommes et 98 femmes ayant traversé la frontière pour se rendre au Niger. Parmi eux, on pouvait observer 22 enfants de moins de 5 ans. On pouvait ainsi dénombrer 601 Nigériens, 1 Tchadien, 25 Maliens. Par contre, 510 voyageurs (470 hommes et 40 femmes) dont 45 Burkinabés, 362 Nigériens, 30 Maliens, 16 Ghanéens et 57 Nigérians ont été observés, entrant au Burkina Faso en contournant les voies officielles." +341996,56493.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,257,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"À l’échelle régionale, le Sahel et l’Est sont les régions où les enquêtés connaissent des cas de détention arbitraire ou d'exécution arbitraire au cours des 12 derniers mois, respectivement à 63,5% et 38,25%. La particularité de ces zones dans la géolocalisation de l’insécurité au Burkina Faso permet d’approuver ces statistiques issues de l’enquête. Si les taux de « pas de réponse » et « jamais » concernant la question « Dans ce cas, diriez-vous que cette justice populaire a donné de bons résultats ? », sur l’ensemble de la population d’enquêtés, sont estimés respectivement à 40,61% et à 39, 48% c’est parce qu’elle se rattache aux questions de savoir si « vous connaissez une vic- time de menaces ou violences armées au cours des 12 derniers mois » et « avez-vous été témoin durant ces 12 derniers mois d’un règlement de compte pri- vé où quelqu’un s’est rendu justice ? ». À 72,83%, les répondants n’ont « jamais » été et n’ont pas connu quelqu'un qui a été victime de menaces ou violences armées au cours des 12 derniers mois et à 82,05% n’ont « jamais » été témoins durant ces 12 derniers mois d’un règlement de compte privé où quelqu’un s’est rendu justice." +177053,41752.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,124,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"De plus, le renforcement des pratiques d’hygiène pourrait être difficile pour les personnes n’ayant pas accès à suffisamment d’eau. Selon un rapport de REACH sur les vulnérabilités au COVID-19 à Kaya, la plupart des personnes interrogées (93% des PDIs et 67% des personnes non-déplacées) n’ont pas accès à suffisamment d’eau pour combler leurs besoins essentiels, y compris pour se laver les mains.9 Pour ceux qui ont accès à l’eau, l’accès au savon est une question clé. Selon REACH, 52% de localités évaluées au Centre Nord utilise l’eau seulement comme principal méthode de lavage de mains." +125102,32835.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,167,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77444.pdf,"La encuesta DTM Vocación de Permanencia 2019 arrojó los siguientes resultados respecto al nivel de escolaridad4 de los encuestados: El 18 % de la población migrante encuestada indicó haber finalizado la educación básica media general (primer a tercer año), el 13 % reportó contar con educación básica completa con título (primero a sexto grado) y el 40 % dijo tener educación media diversificada (quinto año con título de bachiller). Así mismo, el 9 % dijo contar con educación media diversificada (sexto año con título de técnico medio), el 10 % informó tener educación superior (formación profesional: técnico superior, universitario, diplomado) y el 5 % dijo tener educación superior (pregrado universitario: licenciado, profesional). El 1 % informó tener educación superior (posgrado universitario: especialización, maestría, doctorado). Adicionalmente, el 2 % indicó haber cursado un nivel de la educación inicial5" +411216,63842.0,2028.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,54,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210823_OCHA%20Syria_Dar%27a%20Flash%20Update-3_FINAL.pdf,"[23 AUG, Dar'a] According to UNRWA, almost half of the Palestine camp population – 329 families - have been displaced to Dar’a city. About 300 families are staying with relatives in Dar’a governorate and 29 families are residing in the collective shelters." +297873,52145.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],"['Context->Economy', 'Context->Politics']",fr,27,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_humanitaire_numero_12_v_04.pdf,"Depuis la fin 2016, les régions du Nord-Ouest et du Sud-Ouest au Cameroun sont en proie à une crise sociopolitique qui affecte considérablement les populations." +318961,53305.0,2335.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,21,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,The camp management mobile response requires a substantive amount of both human resources and logistical support thereby making the operation cost +157830,38137.0,2098.0,"['Education', 'WASH']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,47,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cxb_education_covid_response_reaching_every_learner_final.pdf,"Preparedness: Provide learning spaces with adequate handwashing facilities as per in-country guidance (e.g. soap, handwashing stations, provision of water) ● Clean and disinfect learning spaces ● Establish standard operating procedures in case students / teachers become unwell, emphasizing non-discrimination." +178489,41756.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,149,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Cette analyse de sévérité des violations et incidents de protection montre une concentration des cas dans la partie est du pays, qui demeure la région la plus touchée par la dynamique de la violence armée. Les incidents rapportés entre janvier et septembre 2019 par le monitoring de protection, indiquent aussi plus de 4 600 cas de violences basées sur le genre détectés et pris en charge et plus de 5 000 cas d’atteinte à la vie et à l’intégrité physique des civils (homicide, agression physique, coups et blessures, etc.). Par ailleurs, entre janvier et juin 2019 le sous-Cluster Protection de l’enfance a enregistré plus de 7 000 cas de violations commises contre les enfants et la collecte des données de protection a été améliorée et les sources de ces données élargies fin 2018.142" +337242,55827.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,166,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/bogota/mendicidad-en-bogota-el-incremento-del-fenomeno-en-la-ciudad-585210,"Pero, de forma más reciente, algunos niños les informaron que los recogían con algunos grupos familiares y los llevaban al norte de la ciudad a deambular en zonas de alto tráfico como la carrera 15 entre calles 100 y 127, la calle 140, avenida 19, en frente de varios supermercados para luego ser recogidos en la noche, claro, con una cuota monetaria de por medio. “Este fenómeno está tomando fuerza. Se abona el buen corazón de las personas, pero muchos, sin saberlo, sostienen a estas mafias”. Algunos niños con quienes han tenido oportunidad de hablar les han dicho que pueden solo un grupo de extranjeros recoger entre 500.000 y 600.000 diarios. Lo que no se sabe es cuánto de ese dinero les quitan las mafias. “Lo logran con un niño en un semáforo, otro en otra esquina, otro limpiando vidrios, así se sostienen”." +201495,44481.0,2028.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep22_20201120.pdf,"a deteriorating nutrition situation continues in northwest Syria as indicated by monthly nutrition surveillance data,with increasing levels of both acute and chronic malnutrition,particularly among IDPs. One-third of children aged 6-59 months are stunted and the proxy prevalence of acute malnutrition among pregnant and lactating women (PLW) is at 11 percent." +13855,5545.0,322.0,"['Health', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,45,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/IOM%20Yemen%20-%20Sitrep%20-%201%20July%202018.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=3857,"Served over 3,500 hot meals in various IDP locations since the crisis began. Provided medical consultations to 350 individuals, ANC services to 15 pregnant women, reproductive health consultation to 43 individuals, and psychosocial support services to 120 individuals to date." +19132,7822.0,730.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,64,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_Jan_to_nov_2018.pdf,"The large-scale conflict in Al Hudaydah triggered displacement. New waves of displacement continued to be generated from the frontline districts of Sa’adah, Al Jawf and Al Bayda, resulting in increased vulnerabilities to the affected population, as coping mechanisms for families continue to erode. A lack of access due to security constraints continues to plague the response." +149537,32172.0,1388.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],es,90,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/75318.pdf,"De igual manera, las personas mayores de 60 años con condiciones de salud como VIH, diabetes, hipertensión, tuberculosis, entre otras, que les hace más vulnerables al COVID-19 y que no tienen acceso a los sistemas de salud ni a la protección social, se verán gravemente afectadas. La reducción en la oferta de empleos -formales o informales- puede provocar el aumento de las vulnerabilidades de las personas con estas condiciones de salud que ameritan medicación, lo que puede afectar su supervivencia." +306373,51572.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,57,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"There is a small functional market in Dethoma-1, with insufficient food, providing mostly greens (tree leaves), onions and fish. Compared to last year, the prices doubled for sugar and tripled for sorghum. As a result, most community members are not able to buy basic goods and commodities." +224281,45393.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Testing', 'Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Contact Tracing']",fr,36,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Deux-cent-quarante-cinq (245) nouveaux cas confirmés du 28/11 au 02/12/2020, dont 04 cas importés et 241 à transmission communautaire réparti (109 dépistages pour voyage ; 84 personnes contacts et 48 cas suspects)" +305648,51572.0,2335.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Cross']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,36,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Strengthen existing coordination mechanisms to enhance information sharing, analyses of challenges, and local solutions. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +278611,50851.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,39,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=225817,"[11th March, 2021, GoS] Health Ministry in Damascus announced that 70 new coronavirus cases were registered in the country, 86 patients infected with the virus have recovered while 6 others have passed away." +341913,56493.0,2099.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,119,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"L’émergence et la prolifération des conflits communautaires dans les différentes localités du pays, l’enrôlement de certains jeunes dans les groupes armés n’est que la suite logique de cet état de fait. Les parents n’ont plus d’emprise sur leurs enfants qui peuvent de plus en plus s’extirper de leur position en utilisant les droits qui leur sont conférés. L’école n’est plus à même d’être un lieu de transmission des valeurs. C’est seulement un cadre de transmission du savoir si bien que les plus jeunes ne sont pas éduqués aux normes et valeurs de la société." +115516,31694.0,1898.0,"['Cross', 'Education']",[],[],es,63,[],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UN_Situation%20Report%2011_COVID19_del%2003%20al%2015%20JUN_2020.pdf,Educación Contexto y necesidades • 537 centros educativos dañados por el paso de las TT Amanda/Cristóbal. • 126 centros escolares están siendo utilizados como albergue o refugio. • La situación de los centros educativos dañados afectaría a más de 140.000 estudiantes en un futuro escenario retorno. • 100% de centros educativos públicos y privados continúan cerrados por la COVID-19 +311495,53183.0,2466.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,58,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"Sudan experienced outbreaks of water and vector-borne diseases, including Rift Valley Fever, chikungunya and malaria in 2020. These outbreaks coupled with low investment in basic services (e.g. poor WASH, vector control and health infrastructure) resulted in excessive demand on the provision of healthcare in an otherwise already strained health system." +325782,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"L’excédent de bétail burkinabé est exporté dans toute la région, en particulier vers les marchés côtiers (Posthumus et al., 2019). Une évaluation globale de ces flux commerciaux transfrontaliers est limitée par l’absence d’un mécanisme de suivi régulier des échanges (Posthumus et al., 2019)" +172828,38004.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,41,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/04/28/syria-aid-restrictions-hinder-covid-19-response,"[28th April 2020, NE Syria] Given the speed with which Covid-19 overtakes even the most sophisticated health systems, the UN Security Council should immediately reauthorize cross-border aid operations from northern Iraq into northeast Syria through al-Yarubiyah." +145959,34803.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,56,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"• Recommendations were provided to ERL partners for mitigating the risk of COVID-19 transmissions while implementing ERL activities. • A specific guidance note on the inclusion of persons with disabilities in the COVID-19 response, in ERL activities and in general was developed by an ERL Cluster partner and shared with other ERL partners." +235718,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Around a third of displaced households (35 per cent) and vulnerable non-displaced households (30 per cent) report loss of or severely diminished access to services due to COVID-19. +241190,47089.0,2170.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000122811.pdf,"[1st Dec 2020,Nigeria] The high number of people of concern in Burkina Faso, Nigeria and Cameroon correlates to the highest number of severely food insecure populations in the region." +493602,61216.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/humanitarian-situation-overview-syria-hsos-northeast-syria-june-2021,"[June 2021, NES]Lack of medicines or medical equipment at the health facility reported as a barrier to healthcare access: 46% of communities" +316242,54179.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,92,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://congovirtuel.com/information/medecins-sans-frontieres-sinquiete-de-la-resurgence-de-la-rougeole-en-rdc/,"La rougeole est une maladie virale propagée par la toux, les éternuements ou par le contact direct avec des sécrétions nasales ou laryngées. Les enfants qui contractent la maladie peuvent faire face à de graves complications, du fait notamment que la rougeole «efface» leur mémoire immunitaire, mettant leur santé et leur vie à risque pour des années. Un vaccin peu coûteux et efficace à 85% existe cependant depuis des années, offrant une protection de plusieurs dizaines d’années aux enfants vaccinés." +305407,51474.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,43,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"Subnational violence and insecurity continued to displace large numbers of people. In December, an estimated 46,000 people were displaced by subnational violence, armed attacks on civilians and armed clashes in several locations in Central Equatoria, Lakes and Warrap." +292282,52058.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],fr,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/16-03-21_ni_nord_kivu.pdf,[DPI dans le terr. Masisi] Ces populations vivent dans une grande vulnérabilité au sein de familles d’accueil et dans un site collectif. +305620,51467.0,2335.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,56,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"The 1.2 million people in need of CCCM service includes an estimated 150,000 people affected by floods in 2020 living with host communities are in need of humanitarian assistance. They share their limited resources which are grossly inadequate compounded with the limited basic services within the communities making them heavily dependent on humanitarian aid." +323691,54267.0,2099.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,48,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"La prévalence du travail informel a exacerbé les effets de la pandémie sur les pertes d’emploi, la diminution des revenus et les difficultés des individus à subvenir à leurs besoins fondamentaux pendant et après les mesures de confinement (Balde et al., 2020)" +188390,42860.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],es,66,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_covid-19_6_departamento_del_cauca.pdf,"Hasta el 29 de octubre se han tomado 38.420 muestras, de las cuales 25.403 se reportan negativo para un total de 1.181 casos activos; los municipios que más presentan casos son: Popayán 8.885, Santander de Quilichao 909, Puerto Tejada 422, Piendamo 265 y Timbío 233. El único municipio que hasta el momento no reporta casos es: Almaguer." +325479,54815.0,2099.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,29,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"The rural inhabitants, which represent about 80 percent of the country's population, face particularly severe accessibility constraints due to the low coverage of good-quality roads." +155206,37856.0,2099.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,77,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Du 20 au 26 juillet 2020, environs 519 individus en partance pour la Côte d’Ivoire ou en entrant de nationalités burkinabé, nigérienne et ivoirienne ont été observés en train de contourner les voies officielles le long de la frontière entre le Burkina Faso et la Côte d’Ivoire suite à la fermeture des frontières ordonnée par les autorités burkinabés dans le cadre de la réponse à l’épidémie du COVID-19." +182607,42252.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,58,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2020_29Oct2020_FINAL.pdf,"[12th & 19th October 2020] Further reports indicate that internal crossings in the Tal-Abiad-Ras al-Ain remained closed for all movements. In addition, restrictions appear to remain in place at Um Jloud in Aleppo; at Awn Dadat, the crossing was initially opened at 12 October, but closed again on 19 October." +47367,16259.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.unwomen.org/en/news/stories/2019/7/feature-ensuring-public-services-for-venezuelan-migrant-women,"To assist vulnerable migrant women, in 2018 UN Women began interventions in different coastal cities of Colombia, starting with the department of La Guajira and continuing towards Barranquilla and finally Cartagena, where sex trafficking and sexual exploitation is on the rise. These interventions provided emergency assistance, information on services for survivors of gender-based violence and sexual exploitation and sensitized service providers." +148212,35158.0,2028.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,123,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"RECOMMENDATIONS: Build on the COVID19 experience towards inclusive and flexible education systems that provide quality and relevance for all, and that yield better learning results. Allow the integration of refugee, internally displaced and returnee populations within the formal systems, better crisis planning for a potential second wave, expansion of multiple pathways to education that ensure all vulnerable children and youth are reached and develop foundation, life and technical skills for further learning, employment, active citizenship and empowerment. Invest in different modalities of education content dissemination (distance education, education TV, radio and online/offline platforms) to ensure that all children have continued access to quality education content anywhere, anytime." +145954,34803.0,2028.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,63,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"As the economic downturn increasingly impedes the ability of households to meet their basic needs, financially motivated negative coping mechanisms are increasingly being adopted, including child labour, forced prostitution, forced abortions and early and forced marriages. The GBV subcluster is also reporting families marrying off their daughters repeatedly for short periods of time in exchange for money." +425374,64518.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Testing'],en,30,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20MENA%20COVID-19%20Update%20July%202021.pdf,"[1 – 31 July, Overall Syria] A reduction in the fees of the PCR tests from USD 100 to USD 50 for all citizens was also announced" +152105,37764.0,2099.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/31-07-20-buf-5w-dashboard_education.pdf,"Cet effort se chiffre à environ 6,3 millions de dollars US soit, seulement 20 % des besoins financiers globaux identifiés par le Plan de Réponse Humanitaire (HRP) 2020." +89678,25174.0,1621.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,89,[],['Displacement'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_Update-Sirt_20200213_EN_Final%20%281%29.pdf,"Since the last update of IOM Libya’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) on 31 January 2019, the security situation in Abu Qurayn and surrounding areas reportedly remained tense. DTM identified an additional 153 internally displaced families (approximately 765 individuals), bringing the total number of internally displaced persons from Abu Qurayn and Sirt to at least 558 families (approximately 2,790 individuals) who have been forced to leave their homes due to armed conflict since the last week of January." +341773,56493.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Les personnes les plus instruites, selon la population de l’enquête quantitative, sont plus susceptibles de dire qu'elles ne seraient jamais amenées à préférer un mécanisme de justice traditionnelle." +475553,63296.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,108,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"de nombreux ménages de la région du Centre-Ouest et notamment de la province du Boulkiemdé ont déjà subi une période de soudure difficile en 2020, notamment marquée par une récolte déficitaire et des difficultés et contraintes liées à l’exercice de la migration saisonnière et à la réception de transferts monétaires de la part des proches vivant en Côte-d’Ivoire.L ’effet des mauvaises conditions climatiques en 2021 s’ajoute donc à des chocs subis lors des années précédentes, et particulièrement en 2020 du fait de la pandémie COVID-19 et de son impact sur le commerce transfrontalier et les migrations saisonnières internationales." +356506,58355.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Food Security', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_06_22%20USG%20Venezuela%20Regional%20Crisis%20Response%20Fact%20Sheet%20%233.pdf,"The population influx continues to strain available services, especially in border areas of Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. Recent assessments indicate that food, health care, and WASH support are among the most urgent humanitarian needs among vulnerable populations, including Venezuelans, Colombian returnees from Venezuela, and host communities in border regions." +182606,42252.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,25,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2020_29Oct2020_FINAL.pdf,"[29th October 2020, Overall Syria] Recent suspension of some schools/classrooms where students or teachers had been confirmed to have contracted COVID-19." +194129,42940.0,2311.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],es,89,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/flash_update_no_12_covid-19_choco_vf.pdf,"Continúan las afectaciones multisectoriales a población indígena por parte de los GAO que tienen presencia en el territorio. Durante las últimas semanas, se han observado restricciones al acceso de misiones humanitarias de caracter multisectorial debido a la presencia activa de Grupos Armados Organizados y operaciones militares en municipios como Bojayá y Alto Baudó, y de forma más reciente, el desplazamiento de 235 personas y el riesgo de desplazamiento de más de 2.000 pertenecientes a 16 comunidades del resguardo Rio Purricha en el Bajo Baudó." +48486,12622.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],es,29,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LIBRO%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20las%20necesidades%20insatisfechas%20SSR%20y%20Migrantes%20Venezolanos%20-%20Digital.pdf,"En el primer semestre del 2018, los principales eventos reportados fueron VBG y violencia intrafamiliar (146 casos notificados) (OMS y OPS, 2018)." +341446,56493.0,2099.0,"['Cross', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,114,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"La situation économique des parents fortement ressentie au sein des familles suscite un sentiment de frustration devant l’incapacité de prise en charge et de gestion de ses membres. Ces familles défavorisées se sentent exclues car ne pouvant pas accéder aux nécessités sociales. La déscolarisation des enfants issus de ces familles est l’une des conséquences. Les jeunes, du fait de leur situation précaire, basculent le plus souvent dans la marginalisation, dans une culture de renonciation à l’ordre politique qui permet et promeut l’incivisme sous toutes ses formes, dans la prolifération de pratiques illégales et subversives et dans la violence." +169692,40581.0,2170.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,61,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://dailypost.ng/2020/07/18/covid-19-nigerian-govt-gives-schools-new-guidelines-for-reopening/,"[18/07/2020, Nigeria] The Minister of State for Education announced actions recommended to safeguard the health, safety and security of learners accessing remote learning while ensuring that quality outcomes are obtainable: Revise to strengthen current remote learning programs initially launched for stronger curriculum backing towards improving relevance and quality on a grade level to level basis." +12734,5579.0,322.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,97,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20Jun%202018.pdf,"An estimated 7.5 million people need nutrition assistance, of whom 2.9 million people will require treatment for acute malnutrition in 2018. This includes 1.8 million children under the age of five and 1.1 million pregnant and lactating women (PLW). Some 2.3 million PLW and caretakers of children aged 0-23 months will require infant and young child feeding counselling. Main challenges faced by nutrition partners include bureaucratic and administrative impediments, non-payment of salaries to health workers, access constraints and a limited number of community health workers in the country." +188055,31209.0,1900.0,[],[],[],en,36,[],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20North%20of%20Central%20America%20Situation%20Fact%20Sheet%20May%202020.pdf,"Around 470,000 refugees and asylum-seekers from the North of Central America in the world and 318,590 internal displaced people in Honduras and El Salvador have been forced to flee their homes because of brutal violence." +237201,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],en,29,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The prevalence of catastrophic levels of debt (more than 65,000 AFN) is pronounced with 17 per cent of assessed households considered to be at this level." +296813,52565.0,2334.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/2019/06/WFP-COUNTRY-BRIEF-CAMEROON-APRIL-2019.pdf,"In April, 3,330 children were vaccinated, 513 supplemented with vitamin A, 120 dewormed and 66,577 caretakers sensitized on appropriate infant and young child feeding (IYCF) practices during BSFP sessions across all four regions." +314842,53183.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,84,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"Unfortunately, significant funding gaps persist for the refugee response in Sudan. This is exacerbated by Sudan’s ongoing difficult economic situation and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. For instance, the inflation continues to have a negative impact for unaccompanied children (UAC), as some of their foster families who received cash-based assistance to provide for the child’s basic needs refused to take care of them as the funds did not cover the expenses." +147702,35158.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],en,57,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Although the number of children with COVID-19 remains very small, there is no question that the pandemic is having a serious impact on children. It is safe to say that every single child in the region has been impacted one way or another by the strict measures to control the spread of the virus." +329135,53878.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,61,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SOYDA%20Monthly%20Progressive%20Report-Feb%202021.pdf,"Somali Young Doctors Association (SOYDA) continuously conducting routing immunization in all the project target sites for health and nutrition however, in this reporting monthly. it was able to reach Routine measles immunization in both the facility base as well as outreach mobile services hence the program has been able to reach a total of 2,432 children." +214127,45385.0,2334.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,31,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Le contexte humanitaire continue à se détériorer progressivement dans la région, notamment dans les trois départements frontaliers du Nigeria, théâtre des agressions continues des groupes armés contre les communautés" +46606,16136.0,729.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Demography'],en,72,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/echo_-nf_bud_2019_91000_v2.pdf,"Prior to 2011, Libya had one of the highest school enrolment rates in the Middle East and North Africa, with no significant differences between boys and girls. Gross enrolment is still 96.7% for children in primary and secondary school, including almost total enrolment of displaced Libyan children. However, the quality, inclusivity and relevance of education and the disparities between regions are of concern." +224145,45768.0,2332.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,12,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,Prévoir le recrutement de 60 enseignants [a Diamerom et Amma] +224055,45768.0,2332.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,82,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"Tout de même, une attention de la mission a été attirée sur le fait que les déplacées sont regroupées par Canton [Kiska, Magui et Tataverom]. Les autorités elles- mêmes ont conseillé qu’au moment de la relocalisation, cette donne devra être prise en compte dans la construction des abris ou l’alignement des blocs sur le site. Ne pas en tenir compte pourrait engendrer des conflits de leadership et de cohésion sociale." +236868,47076.0,2334.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,37,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,"Humanitarian frontline workers from five clusters (Protection, Health, Child Protection, Nutrition and Food Security) received an orientation on GBV referral pathways and how to provide first line support to GBV survivors." +306880,51572.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,90,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Security and safety is provided by the local police with an office stationed within the camps. Patrols are conducted by the police but number of staff is very limited, 2 police officers in total. No reports on harassment have been reported from the side of police, however local community leaders and women cited that most of the cases remain unresolved and no arrests have been made. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +187949,43375.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,53,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.acu-sy.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/COVID-19-Surveillance_NWS_EWARN_Daily-Sitrep_-138.pdf,[10 Nov 2020] [NWS] New cases: 345 | Total cases: 9685 | New tests: 1036 | Total tests: 36865 | New recoveries: 111 | Total recoveries: 3461 | Total active cases: 6112 | New deaths: 0 | Total deaths: 77 +194563,43822.0,2311.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],es,30,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19112020_flash_update_no.3_emergencias_por_ola_invernal_-_colombia_vf.pdf,"al menos 308 municipios han presentado algún tipo de afectación por cuenta de la segunda temporada de Lluvias, desde el 16 de septiembre hasta el 19 de noviembre." +473041,63732.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Shelter', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2f4004e6/REACH_BFA_Factsheet_Abri-AME-et-LTB_Pouytenga_juillet-2021.pdf,"Principales utilisations faites des terres par les ménages PDI selon les IC: Habitat 16/22, Commerce 14/22, Agriculture 8/22. Principal mode d'obtention des terres par les PDI rapporté par les IC : Don par des proches 17/22, Prêt 13/22, Location 12/22" +164169,39714.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Local Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],es,15,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,79% con algún síntoma se aisló voluntariamente y/o acató el aislamiento del gobierno. +196706,43328.0,2099.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,31,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_smart_rapid_pdi_2020_bfa_final.pdf,"Au Gouvernement • Renforcer la réflexion locale sur les stratégies d’accès aux populations des zones à haute insécurité comme Gorom-Gorom, Bourzanga, Gorgadji, Djibo et Matiacoali." +48275,12622.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,243,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LIBRO%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20las%20necesidades%20insatisfechas%20SSR%20y%20Migrantes%20Venezolanos%20-%20Digital.pdf,"Los Derechos Sexuales y Derechos Reproductivos hacen parte integral de los Dere- chos Humanos de todas las personas, su violación en cualquier momento, y particular- mente en los contextos de crisis humanitaria profundiza el sufrimiento y puede llevar a la muerte de los migrantes y refugiados. La Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos, el Pacto Internacional de Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales, el Pacto Internacional de Derechos Civiles y Políticos, la Convención internacional sobre la Eliminación de todas las Formas de Discriminación Racial, la Convención sobre la Eliminación de Todas las Formas de Discriminación contra la Mujer, la Convención sobre los Derechos del Niño y mecanismos humanitarios internacionales como la Con- vención Internacional sobre la Protección de los Derechos de Todos los Trabajadores Migratorios y sus Familiares, establecen que a todas las personas, sin distinción de raza, género, edad, país de origen o status migratorio se les deben respetar sus Derechos y libertades fundamentales. Los Derechos Sexuales y Derechos Reproductivos han sido reconocidos como derechos humanos y fundamentales, que se encuentran vinculados con el derecho a la dignidad, la autonomía, la salud, la libertad y la vida. En el caso de los migrantes, estos derechos son a menudo violentados debido a que sus condiciones los exponen a una vulnerabilidad extrema frente a diferentes formas de violencia, explo- tación y discriminación." +186028,43174.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population', 'Casualties->Missing']",fr,65,[],"['Humanitarian Access', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/communique_de_presse_attaques_contre_humanitaires_06112020.pdf,"Le Coordonnateur humanitaire en République démocratique du Congo (RDC), David McLachlan-Karr, condamne fermement les récentes attaques contre les travailleurs humanitaires, appelle à la libération immédiate et sans condition de ceux pris en otage, et rappelle aux autorités congolaises l’urgence de protéger les acteurs qui s’emploient à fournir une assistance aux personnes dans le besoin." +170433,40462.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Dans la région de l’Est, les déplacements forcés sont de plus en plus fréquents mais le mode de déplacement massif est le plus observé, il survient après un incident ou de menace. Au cours de ce mois, la ville de Fada « Antenne sans fil » a accueilli 259 personnes déplacées venant de Boudangou, Namoungou, Natiaboani et de Nagré." +170914,40447.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syriahr.com/en/185493/,"[24th September 2020, Syria] Numbers of infections in camps across Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and the Palestinian territories have risen sharply throughout September." +305437,51474.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,51,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"On 1 January, the Mission (unmiss) and its humanitarian and international non-governmental organization partners commenced preparations for the launch in February of a multi-agency community violence reduction programme in Jonglei supported by the joint UNMISS and United Nations country team reconciliation, stabilization and resilience trust fund." +194596,43822.0,2311.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],es,12,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19112020_flash_update_no.3_emergencias_por_ola_invernal_-_colombia_vf.pdf,de 1.800 familias están damnificadas en esta parte del territorio nacional. +170641,40462.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Casualties->Missing', 'Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,85,[],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"La région de l’Est a connu un contexte sécuritaire et de protection alarmant au cours du mois d’Aout 2020. C’est le mois qui a connu le plus grand nombre d’incident depuis le début du monitoring de protection dans cette région en mai 2020. Il a été marqué par une série d’enlèvement de civils (leaders communautaires), des assassinats, des destructions de biens publics et des déplacements forcés de populations." +339447,56380.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,88,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb4645es.pdf,"> El brote de la nueva enfermedad por coronavirus de 2019 (COVID-19) ha afectado directamente a los hogares colombianos encuestados, ya sea por la gran cantidad de víctimas mortales y/o en el marco de los efectos indirectos de las medidas de contención. Inicialmente, las restricciones a la movilidad redujeron la capacidad de los hogares encuestados para llevar a cabo sus actividades de sustento y proporcionar, como era de esperar, sus diversos medios de vida y otras actividades generadoras de ingresos." +125341,32724.0,1620.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,24,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ca5464en.pdf,The low consumption of animal source foods increases food insecurity and widespread malnutrition reduces the capacity of the population to deal with shocks. +191517,43304.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,17,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,les mesures barrières menacent la survie de cette industrie aéronautique naissante [compagnie nationale CHADIA]. +183691,42299.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,69,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syria.tv/%D8%AA%D8%AD%D8%B0%D9%8A%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D9%85%D9%86-%D8%AE%D8%B1%D9%88%D8%AC-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%88%D8%B6%D8%B9-%D8%B9%D9%86-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B3%D9%8A%D8%B7%D8%B1%D8%A9-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B1%D9%82%D8%A9-%D8%A8%D8%B3%D8%A8%D8%A8-%D9%83%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%88%D9%86%D8%A7,"[October 29, Raqqa, adherence to preventive measures] The co-chair of the Health Committee in the Raqqa Council, Dr. Zaina Al-Kubba, told Syria TV that the reason for the increase in infections in the city is due to the lack of implementation of basic prevention rules and disregard for the danger of the virus, despite the repeated health awareness campaigns throughout Raqqa." +194561,43822.0,2311.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,13,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19112020_flash_update_no.3_emergencias_por_ola_invernal_-_colombia_vf.pdf,a la fecha la isla se mantiene sin servicio de energía eléctrica. +319843,52949.0,2331.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,57,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The Detailed Site Assessment data indicates that in over one-third of sites where services were provided in the last three months, persons with disabilities faced some form of impediment to accessing services. Further efforts to improve communication with communities and feedback mechanisms are needed that consider the impact of intermediaries and impediments to access." +304106,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,63,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"South Sudan hosts some 310,000 refugees and asylum seekers, 93 per cent of whom are from neighbouring Sudan. The country has maintained its open-door policy during COVID-19 pandemic with more than 2,100 people seeking asylum in South Sudan in 2020, mostly from Sudan’s South Kordofan State, the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Central African Republic." +306893,51572.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,113,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"PSNs (Persons with Specific Needs) are not discriminated in receiving humanitarian assistance, however overall reduction of services in all sites has impacted their wellbeing. This resulted in weak capacity of community networks to respond to their needs which leaves many PSNs to live on their own with no support Furthermore, IDPs reported that there are currently no agencies focusing on PSNs. PSNs (elderlies, people with disabilities, serious medical condition) do not receive any specific support (mobile assistive devices, medical equipment). [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +287964,51049.0,2028.0,['Agriculture'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,44,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nw_syria_sitrep25_20210226.pdf,"[26 Feb, 2021, NWS] Farmers are highly constrained by the lack of agricultural inputs, increased prices, and limited access to high quality of the seeds - especially the Syrian wheat varieties that usually provide a high yield." +167194,40132.0,2170.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],en,84,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Nigeria%20-%20Key%20Message%20Update_%20Wed%2C%202020-09-30.pdf,"In September, the crude oil production quota decreased , and though there was some stability in oil prices, government revenue from oil continues to decline. The formal exchange rate of NGN generally remained stable from August to September , as demand for the currency remains elevated. The annual inflation rate to rose to 13.22 percent in August , the highest rate since March 2018. The macroeconomy is expected to continue to deteriorate in at least the medium term." +159576,39148.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,38,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_july2020_ne_nigeria.pdf,UNFPA in collaboration with Borno State Ministry of Health and Primary Health Care Development Agency has sustained continued access to Sexual Reproductive Health Services through coordination and provision of lifesaving commodities and COVID-19 Infection prevention control measures. +132462,35164.0,1188.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,28,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,Los hombres migrantes solos tienen mayores riesgos de descuidar su alimentación y salud por ser proveedores principales de remesas y acceder a varios empleos y estar explotados laboralmente +311235,53183.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,56,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"Several areas were affected. For example, in Jebel Marra (Central Darfur) the road to Kwila was partly washed away due to flooding. Similarly, damage to road infrastructure made it difficult to reach areas in South Kordofan and Blue Nile, with some villages were accessible by boat or helicopter." +307009,51467.0,2335.0,"['Education', 'Shelter']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,34,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Since February 2020, a total of 430 schools in 9 states have been damaged/destroyed by flood and violence. These schools were also occupied by people displaced due to floods and violence." +178222,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,93,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Quelques 5,01 millions de personnes sont déplacées internes, selon des données confirmées au cours des deux dernières années (octobre 2017 à septembre 2019).44 Parmi elles, 1,1 million de personnes se sont déplacées au cours des 12 derniers mois (octobre 2018- septembre 2019).45 Les femmes et les enfants représentent plus de deux tiers des PDI. La grande majorité des personnes déplacées (91 pour cent), est hébergée en familles d’accueil et 8 pour cent vivent dans des sites spontanés ou formalisés.46" +341962,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,97,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Chez nous, cette violence radicale qui sous-tend le wahabisme est venu d’un prédicateur qui était dans la région du Soum qu’on appelait Malam Dicko. C’était un prédicateur connu sur les antennes des radios dans le Soum et qui prêchait régulièrement. Il avait des adeptes. Et il s’est radicalisé à la suite d’une longue absence et a pu embarquer ses adeptes. Mais il ne faut pas se cacher la face, cette idéologie exploite les conditions de vie déplorable, misérable des populations" +188902,43387.0,2099.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,54,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20DE%20PROTECTION_SEPTEMBRE2020-SAHEL.pdf,"A ces problèmes de protection de l’enfance, s’ajoute le risque de déscolarisation à la veille de la rentrée scolaire due au manque de documents, de moyens financiers et à l’éloignement de certaines écoles surtout au nombre d’écoles fermées à cause de la crise sécuritaire" +341984,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,168,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Les relations entre les Koglwéogo et dozo sont assez fragiles car ne relevant pas du même socle socio-his- torique et culturel : les kolgwéogo (sous influence moaga et apparenté) et les dozo (sous influence mandingue). La coexistence et la collaboration entre ces groupes restent très difficiles. L’expansion des Koglwéogo dans les zones du Grand Ouest notamment, terrain historique des dozo, a été marquée par des affrontements avec les populations. En effet, la présence des Koglwéogo dans une autre aire culturelle est considérée comme une sorte d’expression de supériorité ethnoculturelle; Même si ces groupes d’autodéfense ont en commun l’objectif de sécurisation des biens et des personnes, ils ne partagent pas cependant les caractéristiques organisationnelles qui émanent du type de société : société à pouvoir centralisé et société acéphale. En plus, en leur sein, ils connaissent des crises internes de leadership et des confits de pouvoir." +176409,41733.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,54,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/reach_drc_bulletin-des-marche-2_juin-2020.pdf,"Les différences en mai du coût médian du PMA à l'échelle nationale sont similaires à celles notées dans les mois précédants, selon les prix rapportés par les commerçants. Le coût du PMA est plus élevé dans les territoires du Sud-Est du pays, ainsi qu'à Kinshasa et ses alentours." +112953,31706.0,1388.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH']",[],[],es,160,[],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3643670,3. Una institucionalidad democrática fuerte La institucionalidad de Costa Rica se volcó a atender la pandemia. Aquí algunos pocos pero muy simbólicos ejemplos. La Fábrica Nacional de Licores transformó su producción para convertirse en el gran proveedor de alcohol en gel para atender la creciente demanda y la Oficina de Correos se encargó de su distribución en todo el país. Las universidades públicas se concentraron en la elaboración de respiradores para dotar y fortalecer a las Unidades de Cuidados intensivos del país. El Instituto Nacional de Aprendizaje elaboró miles de piezas de ropa hospitalaria y el Ministerio de Trabajo y el Instituto Mixto de Ayuda Social lanzaron la iniciativa Proteger para apoyar a las personas cuyos empleos se han visto afectados por la crisis. Las fuerzas de seguridad y policía se dedicaron a apoyar la vigilancia del cumplimiento de las normas restrictivas emitidas y a hacer llamados de atención cuando así se requería. +141404,35118.0,1187.0,['Food Security'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,84,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Sin embargo, a pesar de estos datos acerca de los costos, cuando se indaga sobre cómo las personas encuestadas perciben el acceso a alimentos en Argentina, el 71% (290) lo califica como “bueno” o “excelen- te”. Esto puede ser entendido nuevamente considerando la nacionali- dad, ya que el 80% (327) de la muestra proviene de Venezuela en donde la crisis humanitaria impide acceder a alimentos a precios razonables." +323340,54815.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Nonetheless, difficulties to access public services continue, particularly school attendance.iv Free primary health care in Burkina Faso is guaranteed, but not all medical procedures are free of charge,v and infant and child mortality remains high." +270170,50226.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],es,78,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_6.pdf,"Para esta semana se notificaron 2 muertes probablemente asociadas a desnutrición en menor de 5 años, correspondientes a esta semana. Para la misma semana epidemiológica de 2020 se notificaron 6 casos. Para esta semana se observó aumento en el número de casos en las entidades territoriales de Barranquilla y Santa Marta en comparación con el histórico notificado a semana epidemiológica 06 entre 2014 a 2020. En las demás entidades no se observaron variaciones." +218189,45410.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,99,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"En août 2020, plus de 2 500 nouveaux réfugiés soudanais ont trouvé refuge dans les localités de l’est du Tchad, par suite des rixes intercommunautaires dans le Darfour occidental. Selon OCHA, la recrudescence des attaques par des incursions d’éléments de Boko Haram accompagnées d’enlèvements d’individus, couplée aux inondations ont provoqué, de fin août 2020, le déplacement cumulé, depuis le début de la crise sécuritaire, de 363 807 personnes au Lac soit plus de la moitié de la population de la province." +216636,45416.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,77,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,"Le taux de scolarisation d’enfants PDI est très élevé. Ils ont été inscrits gratuitement par les chefs d’établissements scolaires sans aucun frais. Dans le Tanganyika, le rapport ADS-Rapport de mission inter cluster d'évaluation bord sud du lac tanganyika_fevrier_2020 mentionne que 7 écoles primaires ont été visitées sur l’axe ; ces écoles sont fréquentées en majorité par les enfants retournés et déplacés et toutes ces écoles fonctionnent normalement." +59565,17198.0,1224.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,85,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"White Water ▪ While in White Water, the Field Assessment Team also spoke to multiple families from a neighbouring village, Black Water who had come to White Water to speak with the team. Black Water residents also attend the White Water Primary School. The distance is an approximate one-hour walk. The White Water Primary School is beyond capacity. There are seats for 140 students, yet 210 are enrolled. The school feeding program provides for 181 students." +319961,52949.0,2331.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,48,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The impacts of COVID-19, and measures taken to control it, the ongoing armed conflict and insecurity as well as well as climatic shocks continue to have a devastating impact on the protection of girls and boys, exposing them profound mental health and psychosocial risks." +221227,45848.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,25,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.rfi.fr/fr/afrique/20201217-covid-19-en-rdc-l-inqui%C3%A9tude-monte-avant-l-instauration-du-couvre-feu-national,Le couvre-feu a une durée illimitée. Les Congolais ne savent donc pas combien de temps ils auront à subir le manque à gagner. +22537,9106.0,729.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,87,['Impact'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"The most vulnerable groups are newly displaced populations, as well as IDPs living in collective centres, returnees to the cities where the water and sanitation infrastructure is damaged and the few remaining functional systems are overburdened. A total of 267,000 people are identified in need of humanitarian WASH assistance. Of those an estimated 74 per cent are Libyans and 26 per cent are refugees and migrants. Almost 40 per cent of people in need of WASH assistance are women and girls." +177156,41093.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,211,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"La Junta Directiva del Banco de la República (JDBR) ha desplegado una serie de medidas para contribuir con la recuperación de la demanda interna, aumentar la liquidez y garantizar el buen funcionamiento de los mercados financieros en medio de la crisis causada por la pandemia del COVID-19. En su sesión del 27 de marzo de 2020, la JDBR inició una fase de reducción en la tasa de interés de política monetaria, reduciendo en 50 puntos básicos (pbs) la tasa que, desde abril de 2018, había mantenido en 4,25%. Posteriormente, en su reunión de abril, decidió disminuir la tasa de interés nuevamente en 50 pbs, ubicándola en 3,25%. Desde entonces, la JDBR ha reducido en 25 pbs la tasa de intervención por cada reunión hasta el mes de septiembre de 2020, registrando su mínimo histórico desde la adopción de la tasa de política monetaria como instrumento dentro del régimen de inflación objetivo (1,75%). Esta reducción de 250 pbs desde marzo del presente año tiene como objetivo brindar un impulso adicional a la economía y aliviar la carga financiera de los hogares y las empresas durante la actual coyuntura." +310060,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,41,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"While the IPC provides a comprehensive basis for understanding food security, there is a need to complement this with a unified country-wide MSNA of needs to inform the planning, implementation and coordination of humanitarian programs across the country." +28426,10158.0,729.0,[],[],[],en,49,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ET_Feb_2019_Final%2820190313%29.pdf,"Wazin An estimated 200 migrants were reported to have arrived in Wazin from neighbouring countries, while some arrived from other municipalities within Libya. Some arriving migrants were planning to continue their journey to other destinations whereas others were reported to have arrived for engaging in commerce." +56055,17111.0,1187.0,['Protection'],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Politics']",es,110,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"En la publicación, el Gobierno nacional también resalta que la Resolución de la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA) del 5 de junio de 2018 “reitera que ha ocurrido una alteración del orden constitucional” en Venezuela y urgió a su gobierno a dar pasos para “garantizar la separación e independencia de los poderes constitucionales y restaurar la plena autoridad de la Asamblea Nacional, el Estado de Derecho y las Garantías y Libertades de la Población e instruyendo al Consejo Permanente para que identifique medidas apropiadas para apoyar a los Estados Miembros que están recibiendo un creciente número de migrantes y refugiados venezolanos”." +239334,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,17,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In Kabul informal settlements, 13 per cent of women-headed households rely on begging to survive." +475566,63296.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"l’IC agriculteur a rapporté que la gratuité des services de santé pour les enfants et les femmes enceintes dans les structures étatiques constitue un élément qui fournit un répit important aux ménages, permettant aux ménages à faible revenu de limiter les dépenses non-alimentaires." +341541,55986.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],fr,23,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_cluster_sante_rdc_s16.pdf,"A la date du 30/04/2021, 542 nouvelles personnes ont été Vaccinées dans les 10 des 11 sites de vaccination à Kinshasa." +59595,17198.0,1224.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,90,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,The Primary Top Up School (up to grade 8) has 56 children (including the Venezuelans) and they can’t fit any more. There are 2 teachers in total. She noted that the school is in need of more teachers and a Spanish speaking teacher as well. ▪ Venezuelan children cannot be absorbed under the current circumstances. The school does not have a latrine – this has been raised with the Chairman multiple times but there has been no progress. +304887,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,An estimated 91 per cent of IDPs live under the international poverty line of US$1.90 PPP per capita per day compared with 86 percent of rural residents and 75 percent of urban residents +48117,13061.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Food Security']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Demography'],es,131,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.derechos.org.ve/web/wp-content/uploads/MigracionLigia.pdf,"A partir del 6 de abril y hasta el 8 de junio de 2018, Colombia dio inicio al Registro Administrativo de Migrantes Venezolanos (RAMV), el cual fue creado con la finalidad de ampliar la información sobre los migrantes venezolanos que se encentraban en ese país. El registro contó con el apoyo de la Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID) y ACNUR y estuvo a cargo de Migración Colombia75. Mediante este registro, Migración Colombia determinó la situación de salud de los venezolanos migrantes en Colombia, la distribución geográfica de los mismos, la desagregación de familias venezolanas, por edad y sexo, su origen, grupos vulnerables, documentación, afiliación al sistema de salud colombiano76." +325103,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,93,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Private primary schools are comparatively less common, present in only about 14 percent of all localities. With some exceptions, the private primary schools are located along the classified road network; however, in many cases – especially in the Sahel and Est regions – the connecting road (i.e., the “last mile”) is in poor condition. While significantly more likely to be near an all-season road than public primary schools, still, less than half of all the private primary schools are." +255444,48602.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",en,129,['Impact'],"['Shock/Event', 'Humanitarian Access']",IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Whole%20of%20Syria%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20-%20End-of-year%202020.pdf,"[1Jan-31Dec 2020, Overall Syria] 2020 witnessed heightened risk for humanitarian workers posed by the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL), which scaled up the frequency and intensity of attacks against all entities, including the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and their allies. Given the increased security risks, resulting from the ISIL attacks, as well as the ongoing military operations against the ISIL, the work of the UN in Syria was heavily impacted. In fact, Ithreya-atTabqah and Sokhna—Deir-ez-Zor roads were suspended. Previously, these roads were used by UN contractors to carry out missions and to provide timely supplies to support UN activities in northeast Syria." +325482,54815.0,2099.0,['Logistics'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,41,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Sahel has the lowest percentage of rural residents that can easily access an all-season road; however, the highest absolute unconnected rural population is in Haut-Bassins, Est, and Boucle du Mouhoun, exceeding 1.35 million in each." +177588,41763.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",fr,116,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_devaluation_rapide_vbg_dans_le_contexte_de_la_covid-19_dans_la_region_du_nord_du_burkina_faso.pdf,"Selon les données du CONASUR à la date du 25 mars la région du Nord comptait au total 62 491 représentant 7% du nombre total de personnes déplacées au Burkina Faso estimé à 838 548 personnes plaçant ainsi la région à la 3ème position après la région du Sahel (310 059) et du Centre Nord (386 706). Cette population déplacée interne dans la région du Nord est composée de 24% de femmes et de 55% d’enfants répartit dans les provinces du Loroum (37 507), du Yatenga (24 624), du Passoré (314) et du Zandoma (46)." +221982,45410.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,100,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"[La région du Lac dans la Zone 8 - « Zone ouest agropastorale et de pêche » ]: L’offre de main d’œuvre serait supérieure à une année normale en raison de l’affluence de nouveaux déplacés qui vendraient leurs forces de travail à la recherche de revenus. Face à cette suroffre, la demande serait stable voire inférieure à une année normale. Les coûts journaliers pourraient connaître une baisse de 20 à 25 % par rapport à une année normale soit 1750 à 1500 FCFA contre 2000 FCFA par jour." +106352,31127.0,1860.0,['Livelihoods'],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population', 'Context->Economy']",es,183,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",COVID-19 Americas Region Multi-Sectorial Assessment,2020-05-18 21:51:19.040784+00,,"CR Ecuatoriana informa sobre: Programa de cobertura de necesidades básicas para personas migrantes y población de acogida (200 hogares). PTM online. Uso de la herramienta RC2 relief para el levantamiento de datos, distribución de efectivo, alertas SMSs, y retirada de efectivo de cajeros. Identificación de personas a recibir la asistencia a través de oficinas filiales y mayoritariamente focalizado en personas den lista de espera de anteriores servicios de asistencia. Se incluyeron criterios extra de COVID-19 tales como: hogares con personas enfermas o fallecidas de COVID-19, perdida del jefe de hogar por COVID-19, etc. Se va a ampliar con fondos propios para alcanzar 1.200 hogares extra. Programa de huerto urbanos en Quito con enfoque de seguridad alimentaria y emprendimiento y valor agregado (procesamiento de producción). 200 hogares. Formación de voluntarios en MdV, PTM, RAM. 200 voluntarios formados. CR Ecuatoriana informa sobre interés en seguir focalizando su identificación de necesidades en el sector del turismo y pequeños negocios asociados la turismo." +148562,36019.0,2028.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,46,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"In NES, there have been restrictions on cross-border movements through the Fishkabour-Semelka crossing since early March, and although the border remains officially closed, exemptions have been granted for international humanitarian NGO staff, allowing them to move once a week on Tuesdays." +315389,53333.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"The girls also, felt that there is a serious lack of law enforcement and sometimes felt that the security forces dealt with civilians in very much the same brutal way that NSAG did." +318097,52949.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,47,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Less than half of healthcare facilities do not provide ‘Expanded Program on Immunization’ services, driving coverage below 50 per cent (SARA, 2016), leading to a rapid accumulation of children susceptible to vaccinepreventable illness and exposing communities to large outbreaks." +196635,43626.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,25,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/AAH_Regional%20Appeal%20Latam%202021-2023.pdf,"In indigenous communities, rural areas or particularly isolated areas (such as the Amazon) there is extremely limited access to health services;" +178036,40661.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],fr,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Les zones classifiées en Urgence (Phase 4 de l’IPC) sont Kabongo (Haut-Lomami), Djugu et Mahagi (Ituri) ; Dimbelenge et Dibaya (Kasaï Central), Tshilenge (Kasaï Oriental) ; Fizi et Kalehe dans le Sud- Kivu ; et enfin, Kabalo, Kalemie, Manono, Moba et Nyunzu (Tanganyika)." +215511,44962.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.dw.com/en/coronavirus-in-afghanistan-do-confirmed-cases-depict-the-real-picture/a-54489465,"Parliamentarian Hamidi fears that if the government does not come up with a better strategy, more Afghans could lose their lives." +475545,63296.0,2099.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,62,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"la fermeture des frontières a rendu difficile les migrations saisonnières, le commerce transfrontalier et l’envoi de ressources alimentaires ou monétaires depuis la Côte-d’Ivoire, ou de nombreux ménages ont de la famille. Finalement, une hausse importante du prix des céréales a été enregistrée dans la région Centre-Ouest par rapport à l’année précédente." +91785,26015.0,1620.0,"['Agriculture', 'Protection']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,112,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Situation-Overview_H2R_Oct-Dec_13.03.2020.pdf,"While reported access to land decreased in Gwoza (reported by 42% of assessed settlements in December), an increase was observed in Dikwa, with 68% of the assessed settlements reporting that people had access to land for farming in December. According to FGD participants from Dikwa and Gwoza, barriers to farming in October and November included fear of violence, lack of seeds, and restrictions for women to access the farm. In December, fewer FGD participants from Gwoza mentioned challenges and restrictions of farming, which may explain the increased access to land reported by assessed settlements in Gwoza in December." +301811,51958.0,2332.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,84,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_devaluation_de_protection_des_retournes_tchadiens_de_la_rca_installes_dans_les_sites_au_sud_du_tchad_002.pdf,"Aussi, les jeunes n’ont pas accès aux études supérieures (une dizaine de bacheliers à Kobiteye sans accès aux universités ou instituts supérieurs), notamment dans les universités nationales tchadiennes. La cause évoquée se trouve au niveau de la documentation (cartes d’identité et actes de naissance). Cela soutient aussi la difficulté financière, empêchant les jeunes de quitter les sites pour s’installer dans d’autres villes pour les études supérieures." +141449,35118.0,1187.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,10,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,solo 54 personas manifestaron haberse sentido discriminadas y/o violentadas. +493598,61216.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,21,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/humanitarian-situation-overview-syria-hsos-northeast-syria-june-2021,"[June 2021, NES]Health facilities are overcrowded reported as a barrier to healthcare access: 31%." +359392,58669.0,2311.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,84,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/informe_de_emergencias_humanitarias_reportadas_elc_enero_mayo_2021.pdf,"IMPACTO POR CONFINAMIENTO Y RESTRICCIONES A LA MOVILIDAD Y ACCESO: La Unidad de Atención y Reparación Integral para las Víctimas (UARIV) reportó retrasos en la entrega de alimentos procedentes desde Bogotá para responder a la emergencia de desplazamiento en Montería (Córdoba), que afectó a más de 1.900 personas de comunidades indígenas que salieron de su resguardo indígena desde 19 de abril. Los retrasos se dieron por los bloqueos de vías en el marco del Paro nacional." +208399,43992.0,2332.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,31,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"Moreover, to date a total of 272 healthcare providers have been trained in detecting, referral and appropriate management of COVID-19 cases among children, pregnant and breastfeeding women." +161330,39528.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,82,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Dotation de 17 formations sanitaires dans la région du Nord et 17 autres dans la région du Sahel en matériels de protection et de réponse à la maladie à coronavirus par l’OIM avec le soutien de l’Ambassade du Canada au Burkina Faso, dans le cadre du renforcement de la capacité de réponse nationale à la COVID-19 dans les régions du Nord et du Sahel au Burkina Faso au bénéfice des populations affectées par la crise humanitaire." +81773,22495.0,1231.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,https://acento.com.do/2019/actualidad/8762434-sinfonica-binacional-dominico-venezolana-por-inclusion-e-integracion/,"República Dominicana.-“Más de 90 orquestas conformadas por refugiados y migrantes venezolanos se han organizado y presentado alrededor del mundo y en República Dominicana teníamos los músicos y el talento para crear la nuestra” explicó Javier Abi Harb, director musical de la Orquesta Sinfónica Binacional Domínico-Venezolana ." +236160,47076.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,56,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,"The last half of June was marked by an increase in security concerns with lockdowns, roadblocks and fierce confrontations between NSAGs and State forces leading to serious protection incidents in some localities in both regions. Parts of Meme, Mezam, Momo and Boyo divisions experienced an increase in conflict and protection incidents." +305204,53100.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,48,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/plan_de_preparation_coronavirus_cmr._version_du_10_mars_2019.pdf,"Toutes les Régions sont à risques [COVID-19], au vu des mouvements migratoires. Les localités les plus à risque sont celles abritant les aéroports internationaux et les ports maritimes. Il s’agit de Yaoundé, Douala, Garoua, Kribi et Limbé." +178018,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,67,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Context']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Par ailleurs, dans les situations de conflits et violences armées, des violations nombreuses des droits humains et du droit international humanitaire sont constatées et la protection des populations, particulièrement concernant les atteintes au droit à la vie, à la dignité et à l’intégrité physique et psychologique de la personne constitue l’une des problématiques humanitaires majeures de la RDC." +191532,43304.0,2332.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,12,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,1085 vols des 6 compagnies qui desservent le Tchad mensuellement sont suspendus +323121,54498.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,138,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/89758cd4/REACH_COL_RAN_Factsheet_Trend_analysis_March2021.pdf,"Según la información su- ministrada por los ICs que viajaban en gru- po, durante cuatro rondas se registraron casos de menores que viajaban en esta condición y aunque la tendencia estuvo siempre por debajo del 10%, se registra- ron números significativos. Por ejemplo, en la cuarta ronda, de los 139 ICs que viaja- ban en grupo, el 7% de ellos reportó que dentro de su grupo estaban viajando me- nores sin compañía de su acudiente legal. Según OXFAM, esta situación presupone una condición de vulnerabilidad más alta, puesto que están siendo más expuestos a amenazas existentes por las condicio- nes de pobreza e inseguridad alimentaria en la que llegan a sus lugares de destino8, además de estar expuestos a riesgos en protección durante el viaje." +224099,45768.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,35,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,Les IDPs ont prêts pour la relocalisation malgré les inquiétudes soulevées au début des entretiens (essentiellement en rapport avec conditions de vie à Amma et l’accès aux services multisectoriels nécessaires). +70633,19974.0,1534.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,118,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"There are reports of historical discrimination against Haitians, many of whom suffer from poverty, limited education and who may be subject to abuse including related to religious practices. Haitian people living on Family Islands are more likely to be living in poverty than those with Bahamian nationality. The incidence of poverty is three times higher than the national rate for households headed by a Haitian migrant (27.9%)41 . Among Haitians, 38.6% were classified as ‘poor’ in contrast to 10.7% of Bahamians. The majority of immigrants are women (59.9% on the family islands) which should be considered to ensure appropriate assistance." +62945,18642.0,1386.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,70,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://transparencia.org.ve/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/EPE-II-Sector-Agua.pdf,"En nuestro país podemos estimar un metro de tubería por habitante, tanto en aguas blancas como servidas, lo que quiere decir que hay que mantener, rehabilitar y extender una red de 30.000.000 metros de longitud en aguas blancas, igual para aguas servidas, tarea harto difícil cuando los planes de reposición de activos fueron abandonados y la exigencia anual de reposición es mayor al 2%" +386800,60459.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,117,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"De plus en plus, les groupes djihadistes exercent des représailles sur les communautés qui tentent d’adhérer aux volontaires pour la défense de la patrie. Une intensification des menaces et attaques pourrait entrainer une augmentation du nombre de PDI et empêcher davantage les activités agropastorales et la délivrance de l’assistance. Il en résulterait alors une hausse plus importante des prix des denrées de base, une baisse de la fréquentation des marchés à bétail par les acheteurs et donc une baisse des prix des animaux. Cela réduira aussi les opportunités de revenu pendant toute la période et augmentera l’érosion des moyens d’existence. (scenario)" +214335,45385.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,39,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Les efforts conjugués de la DRSP [Délégation régionale de la Santé Publique], l’OMS, MSF et toute la communauté humanitaire ont permis de maintenir la région parmi les dernières affectées par la COVID-19." +58887,17547.0,788.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH', 'Food Security', 'Shelter']",[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,55,[],['Shock/Event'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Nigeria%20SITREP%20on%20NE%20Floods%2026%20August%202019.pdf,"The majority of people affected require emergency shelter and household supplies; water, sanitation and hygiene services; food, health, vector control and draining of stagnant water. • The risk of further heavy rainfall and floods remains high in 64 LGAs across the BAY states until the end of September." +353515,57855.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/en-la-guajira-formaron-a-45-lideres-sobre-derechos-de-los-migrantes-y-retornados/2668,"Ante esta realidad,la Asociación Salto Ángel lleva adelante el proyecto Tú Puedes Ser Más, con el apoyo de USAID y ACDI/VOCA, que capacitó a 45 líderes comunitarios en gestión social a través del programa Liderazgo Comunitario para la Gestión de Derechos y Protección de Migrantes." +240428,46388.0,2336.0,"['WASH', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']","['Context->Economy', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,46,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Shortages in pasture and fodder, high prices for fodder and concentrated animal feed, limited access to veterinary services, and poor water availability are some of the main challenges faced by herding households that are compounded by marginalisation of some nomadic farming families." +311826,53183.0,2466.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"Another 17.5 million people were estimated to be under stress phase (IPC phase 2), and any additional shocks like floods, inflation and poverty would push them to severe levels of hunger. Almost all states registered a considerable increase in food consumption gaps if compared with 2019." +62952,18642.0,1386.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,75,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://transparencia.org.ve/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/EPE-II-Sector-Agua.pdf,"Entre 1958 y 1998 se construyeron 72 grandes embalses en Venezuela, con una capacidad de almacenamiento de 32.715 MM de m3 de agua; en tanto que entre 1999 y 2015 se construyeron solamente dos embalses, con almacenamiento de 188 MM de m3 de agua, lo que demuestra que este sector, soporte fundamental de la salud, el alimento y el ambiente, no es relevante para el actual gobierno." +125732,31803.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,50,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77205.pdf,"Los riesgos para niños, niñas y adolescentes (41.6% de las personas encuestadas) están relacionados a los contextos locales en los cuales se integran las familias, y generalmente se caracterizan por situaciones de pobreza, presencia de pandillas, tráfico y consumo de sustancias psicoactivas." +209702,45080.0,2170.0,"['Logistics', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,82,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%209%20Dec%202020.pdf,"[9thDec2020,Borno State] Due to COVID-19-related restrictions, the ETS has had to postpone several of its planned activities, including field missions to install hybrid solar power system in all eight sites in Borno State where the ETS provides connectivity services. The pandemic has also delayed staff recruitment. However, as travel restrictions caused by COVID-19 have eased, the team will commence planning to install the hybrid solar power system in field locations in November" +194598,43822.0,2311.0,['Cross'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,26,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19112020_flash_update_no.3_emergencias_por_ola_invernal_-_colombia_vf.pdf,Hasta el momento se cuantifican aproximadamente 60 familias en riesgo por cuenta del oleaje que amenaza con terminar de erosionar la orilla y afectar las viviendas +148573,36019.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,64,"['Capacities & Response', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"Surveillance and testing capacity remain key bottlenecks in the response. Testing will need to be further increased to ensure cases can be detected in a timely manner and at scale – since the publication of the COVID-19 Consolidated Plan in early May, the daily testing capacity has been raised from 70 to 3458 , well below what is occurring in neighbouring countries" +386766,60459.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Environment'],fr,113,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"(scenario) Par ailleurs, les longues séquences sèches attendues en début de saison, pourraient retarder la régénération des pâturages et prolonger ainsi la soudure pastorale jusqu’en fin juillet. Dans ce cas, le recours des éleveurs aux achats d’aliments de compléments (SPAI) sur les marchés sera plus forte avec un impact négatif sur les revenus des éleveurs car les prix sont actuellement de 35 pour cent supérieur à la moyenne. L’insécurité persistante, ne favorisera pas le retour des gros éleveurs dans la zone et l’offre de lait restera en-dessous de la normale pendant toute la période." +150372,37702.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,68,"['Priority Needs', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"During the reporting period, the positivity rate – that is the the prevalence of positive cases compared to the number of tests conducted – increased to 5.9 per cent. As detailed above, the GoS committed to establish laboratories in all 14 governorates. The increased capacity and decentralization of testing, including in NES, continues to be a priority for WHO to support." +305339,51467.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Shelter']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,58,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"More than 200,000 returnees live in settlements with over 50 per cent of collapsed shelters or shelters in danger of collapse. Some forty-two per cent of returnees from situations of internal displacement live in settlements reporting conflict-related incidents during the previous six months, including both instances of armed conflict and—more commonly—localized conflict over land and resources" +226636,46454.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,36,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2022_23Dec2020_FINAL.pdf,"[23rd December, Overall Syria] Overall, while official numbers remain relatively low, it is clear that in past months the epidemiological situation in Syria has rapidly evolved and community transmission is widespread" +294613,51749.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,[District sanitaire de Ouargaye] Le personnel du CMA n’est pas formé en prévention contrôle de l’infection et le centre n’a pas identifié de salle d’isolement en cas d’épidémie. La structure de référencement des malades est le CHR de Tenkodogo avec un coût moyen de 13. 000CFA pour le transport. +237919,47230.0,2311.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,128,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"DESARROLLO INFANTIL Y EDUCACIÓN Sólo el 1% de los 2.289 niñas y niños menores de 5 años identificados en la encuesta están asistiendo a un hogar comunitario, jardín, centro de desarrollo infantil o colegio. Esta situación se explica por las medidas de confinamiento y la suspensión de servicios de educación inicial del Instituto Colombiano del Bienestar Familiar (ICBF) y de las entidades territoriales. El 7% de las niñas y niños son cuidados por su papá o mamá en sus lugares de trabajo, un 2% están al cuidado de un pariente o persona menor de 18 años, y 0,31% se quedan solos en su casa durante el día, lo que puede representar riesgos de protección." +194121,42940.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],es,97,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/flash_update_no_12_covid-19_choco_vf.pdf,"Especial preocupación por la atención a grupos poblacionales vulnerables que presentan casos positivos y que requieren atención diferencial como comunidades indígenas (245 casos en Alto Baudó, Bagadó, Bahía Solano, Bajo Baudó, Bojayá, Cértegui, Carmen de Atrato, Istmina, Lloró, Medio Baudó, Nuquí, Quibdó, Riosucio, Tadó y Unión Panamericana), afrodescendientes (3.193 casos), personal médico (248 casos), mujeres gestantes (33 casos), adultos mayores (639 casos) y recién nacidos (4 casos)." +496476,60067.0,1187.0,[],[],[],es,55,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sentir%20que%20se%20nos%20va%20la%20vida%20-%20Personas%20LGBTI%2B%20refugiadas%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%20en%20Colombia%2C%20Ecuador%20y%20Chile.pdf,"Según el estudio de Mazuera, Albornoz, Superlano y Morffe (2019), este proceso de movilidad humana está siendo facilitado, en parte, por las redes de movimientos mixtos que se han venido tejiendo, lo cual disminuye los costos del desplazamiento, así como los riesgos durante el tránsito." +318902,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,25,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"There are over 6,900 children associated with armed forces and groups who require highly specialized protection and rehabilitation services as well as reintegration support." +236298,46388.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,66,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Attacks on schools have undermined the right of children to a safe learning environment, compromising their physical and psychological wellbeing. While these figures are likely to be a gross under-estimation of violations against children and cannot capture the full scope of child- related protection concerns, the numbers highlight persistent worsening trends facing one of the country’s most vulnerable demographics." +305643,51572.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,46,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Humanitarian partners should also advocate for an increase in UNMISS patrols to areas identified for returns as a confidence building measure among returnees and host communities. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +320789,52949.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,77,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"On the demand side, Cash Voucher Assistance for WASH programming in emergencies should therefore be scaled to the forefront of the sectoral response. In contrast, on the supply side, market-based programming is urgently needed to assist the market environment recovery. For example, indirect assistance to markets through market-based programming targeting WASH infrastructure can support the water market by facilitating the logistics and transportation of safe drinking water to affected populations." +319966,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,15,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,Adolescent girls are particularly at risk of early marriage and other forms of GBV. +205796,44672.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,72,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In light of the UN’s Global Action, UNDP [UN Development Programme] Afghanistan Office has developed a portfolio of ten programmes designed to address the vision and priorities expressed in the new ANPDF (Afghanistan National Peace and Development Framework - ANPDF II (2021- 2025)), particularly in support of the Government’s core objectives of self-reliance, peace and recovery from COVID-19." +308109,53309.0,2098.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,43,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/gender_alert_brief_final.pdf,"[29th March 2021, Cox's Bazar] Experiences from previous crises suggest that it is likely that negative coping mechanisms such as early marriage, child labour, sales of assets, and limitation of food intake will be adopted." +325377,54815.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"In fact, the regions of the country that have seen the most IDP movements have at the same time experienced the most significant reduction in health center capacity, with over 120 health centers in Sahel, for example, either closed or working at sub-capacity" +361201,58845.0,2028.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,63,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_price_bulletin_may_2021.pdf,"[May 2021, NWS, GoS & NES] Broken down by regions, the cross-border region recorded the highest ToT between wheat flour and wage labour at 5.1 kgs (down seven percent m-o-m), while northeast Syria and the southern region recorded the lowest ToT at 2.9 kgs (up four and two percent m-o-m, respectively)." +177502,40876.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,12,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200904_evaluaciondenecesidades_antioquia_caceres_mire.pdf,"Sociales Necesidades básicas insatisfechas, débil presencia institucional en la zona." +320217,53305.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,46,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"WASH’s response activities in 2021 totals $117 million. The unit cost is estimated at $39 per person and includes the first line response package and the exit component to find more semi-permanent or permanent solutions, including boreholes repair and rehabilitation" +291464,51259.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,19,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2020_access_annual_overview.pdf,"Access denials, operational interference and bureaucratic impediments accounted for 196 of all incidents, 20 less than 2019" +198718,44313.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,50,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_294_20201119.pdf,"Kinshasa reste le foyer principal de l’épidémie, ayant rapporté 75,2% (9123/12129) des cas, suivie du Nord-Kivu et du Kongo-Central avec 9,7% (1174/12129) et 4,4% (539/12129) des cas, respectivement (Tableau I ; Figure 2)." +212036,45203.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,122,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://fews.net/west-africa/cameroon/food-security-outlook/june-2020,"Improved seeds remain expensive and beyond the reach of many poor households, forcing them to turn to seeds of dubious quality. However, some IDPs and other vulnerable households in the Mayo-Sava, Mayo-Tsanaga and Logone-et-Chari departments have recently received improved sorghum, maize and market-garden seeds from the Government (Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MINADER)), as well as from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), INTERSOS, Action Against Hunger (ACF), the French Red Cross (CRF), the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Caritas/Diocesan Committee of Social Welfare (CODASC), and Solidarités International." +162658,31010.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],es,39,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/elclaguajira_flasupdate1_covid19.05.2020vf_0.pdf,A través del grupo de género del ETCR de Fonseca se identifican necesidades de atención en salud a madres cabeza de hogar y mujeres lactantes que están por fuera del espacio territorial y hacen parte de la comunidad. +91973,26132.0,1620.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_28_february_2020-report.pdf,"73% of camps has access to a form of education in the camp or nearby. Over 60% of the camps need instructional and writing materials. As per access to a functional primary school, 30% of the camps do not have access to a functional primary school while 27% of the camps do not have access an alternative basic education." +325234,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Average travel time to the nearest PPS school of any kind varies from just 6 minutes in the Centre to 50- 60 minutes in the Nord, Plateau-Central, Haut- Bassins, Centre-Ouest, and Centre-Sud, to over four hours in the Sahel." +270209,50227.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,73,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"La tasa de incidencia nacional es de 4.442 casos por cada 100.000 habitantes; los departamentos y/o distritos que superan la tasa nacional son en su orden: Bogotá (8.447,9), Amazonas (6.184,5), Barranquilla (5.875,3), Quindío (5.736,8), Cartagena (5.490,2), Antioquia (5.133,2), Tolima (4.850,0), Risaralda (4.776,1), Caldas (4.551,5)." +342049,56493.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,83,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Dans certaines zones rurales, les FDS et particulièrement les agents des services de protection des ressources naturelles s’illustrent dans des entreprises d’extorsion de fonds auprès des populations avec des amendes et contraventions imposées de façon illégale aux agriculteurs et aux éleveurs. Les abus d’autorité recensés vont du racket à la fixation de lourdes amendes pour des faits mineurs, en passant par le paiement d’amendes fictives ou d’autres sanctions diverses." +327104,55027.0,2028.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,37,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Under-Secretary-General%20for%20Humanitarian%20Affairs%20and%20Emergency%20Relief%20Coordinator%2C%20Mark%20Lowcock%20-%20Briefing%20to%20the%20Security%20Council%20on%20the%20humanitarian%20situation%20in%20Syria%2C%2028%20April%202021.pdf,"[28 April 2021, Overall Syria] Ongoing fuel shortages are increasingly affecting humanitarian operations as well. Several field missions were cancelled this month because there wasn’t enough fuel to conduct them." +224280,45393.0,2099.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],fr,40,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"La moyenne des échantillons testés par jour est de 278 avec un maximum à 1 305 échantillons (02 septembre 2020), on note un taux de positivité à 4,09 % à la date du 02 décembre 2020." +312027,53177.0,2466.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,24,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Sudan%20Multi-Sectoral%20Location%20Assessment_South%20Kordofan.pdf,The main income generating activities observed in this locality are agriculture and small trading. Veterinary services are only available in one village. +196852,43840.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",fr,48,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_291_20201116.pdf,"Depuis le début des opérations, le laboratoire a analysé 76 455 échantillons à la recherche du SARS-CoV-2, prélevés chez 72 231 cas suspects de COVID-19. Un cumul de 11 865 cas étaient positifs, soit une proportion de cas positifs autour de 16,4%." +239390,46388.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods', 'Shelter']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,12,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,IDPs are increasingly exposed to weak land tenure and forced evictions. +313662,53333.0,2334.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,14,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,Carry out community awareness on the importance of education for both girls and boys +216602,45416.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Environment'],fr,51,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,"A Beni dans le Nord-Kivu, le RAPPORT EVALUATION DES DEGATS DE LA PLUIE DU 26 AVRIL 2020 EN VILLE DE BENI (ACOPE/ASBL) explique que 6 EP (Ecole Primaire) et 2 instituts (Protestant et Catholique) ont leurs infrastructures scolaires dégradées par les pluies diluviennes." +187425,43202.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,91,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/425396-coronavirus-nigeria-records-94-new-cases-four-deaths.html,"[9thNov 2020,Nigeria]The 94 new cases were reported from 7 states – Lagos (50), FCT (24), Kwara (9), Edo (4), Kaduna (3), Ondo (2), and Plateau (2). With 50 new infections on Monday, more than half of the daily tally, Lagos further stretched its lead on the number of infections to almost 22,000, about a third of the country’s total." +281329,51098.0,2098.0,[],[],[],en,34,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"Relocation from Shamlapur (Camp 23) – 743 households (3,395 individuals) were relocated internally, and 58 households (250 individuals) were relocated to Bhashanchar as of 8 February." +48510,16403.0,1183.0,[],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Population To Relief', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",es,170,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"En el caso de Población infantil a cargo del ICBF y aquella perteneciente al Sistema de Responsabilidad Penal para Adolescentes a cargo del Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar, deben ser afiliados como lo establece el Decreto 780 de 2016 en su Artículo (poblaciones especiales del régimen subsidiado). • • En el caso de los recién nacidos en Colombia, independiente de la afiliación (así como de la situación migratoria) de los padres, el Decreto 780 de 2016 (Artículo define la afiliación de RN de padres no afiliados, a una EPS de régimen subsidiado. • • La población que ha ingresado de manera irregular al territorio nacional, podrán acceder a los servicios de urgencias. Podrán acceder a los escenarios y estrategias definidas en Plan de Intervenciones Colectivas así como a la oferta complementaria que haya sido gestionada o dispuesta en el territorio (donde concurren las estrategias y proyectos de cooperación nacional e internacional)." +306274,51572.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Protection']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,22,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Expand distribution of dignity kits to adolescent girls [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]" +304344,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Sub-national violence in Jonglei, Lakes and Warrap resulted in relocation of humanitarian partners, looting of lifesaving supplies and targeting of humanitarian workers based on ethnic identities" +255409,48602.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Economy']",en,120,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Whole%20of%20Syria%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20-%20End-of-year%202020.pdf,"[1Jan-31Dec 2020,NES and NWS] This year, over 11 million people, including 4.8 million children, continued to require humanitarian assistance, and 6.1 million people remained internally displaced. Their vulnerability has been further aggravated by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The scale, severity and complexity of humanitarian needs have become even more extensive due to the economic downturn, rising cost of commodities, and devaluation of local currency, which were all compounded by the socio-economic impact of COVID-19 and ongoing hostilities. This has led to devastating consequences for already vulnerable populations across the country, particularly for displaced populations and returnees in northwest and northeast Syria." +36130,11046.0,788.0,"['Protection', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,72,['At Risk'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68626.pdf,"Refugees reported that they face a number of risks due to lack of registration and documentation and these include: 1) arrest and detention by State authorities, namely Immigration and sometimes police at the State levels; 2) not access to job opportunities, financial services including banking; 3) not access to relief supplies and other services both in the refugee settlements and in local facilities." +112923,29956.0,1183.0,['Nutrition'],[],[],es,28,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76828,Intervenciones nutricionales a través de valoración nutricional y tratamiento a niños y niñas de comunidades receptoras en asentamientos indígenas. Provisión de suplementos nutricionales para mujeres gestantes. +314069,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,62,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Across all population groups, the most vulnerable include households with a significant proportion of persons with disabilities or medical conditions, children, older persons, and pregnant and lactating women. As families lose their socio-economic safety net and the capacity to cope with shocks, these vulnerabilities are further increased if those members are the sole household head." +214126,45385.0,2334.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,25,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Reprise des forums de coordination par localité (CCCM) à Zamai (Mayo Tsanaga), Kolofata et Mora (Mayo Sava)." +393651,62284.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,90,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"[7th Apr 2021, Borno State] There is need for screening and monitoring of those at higher risk including women, girls, elderly and persons with disability  There is need for actors to support in acquisition of civil documentation to community members to assist them in movements  There is also the need for cash support for necessary transportation.  Sensitization and awareness raising on GBV issues focusing on domestic violence, importance of reporting sexual assault within 72hrs and early/forced marriage is recommended." +161925,39490.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,93,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200707_acaps_covid-19_secondary_impacts_in_rohingya_refugee_camps.pdf,"The diversion of resources to the COVID-19 response, shortage of medical personnel, and difficulties getting additional staff in country has had a negative impact on the delivery of regular health services. This includes immunization, sexual reproductive health, psychosocial support, and the treatment of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) (ISCG, 04/2020). Rohingya refugees who visited clinics since the outbreak began reported a deterioration in quality of care, noting that healthcare workers appeared reluctant to approach patients, especially those who presented COVID-19 symptoms" +341735,56493.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,89,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"L’action des Hommes d’affaire dans le cadre de l’agrobusiness qui consiste à aller acheter de grandes superficies auprès des populations rurales a aussi produit le même effet. Jadis, patrimoine commun de la famille, la terre constitue aujourd’hui un élément du patrimoine individuel, une richesse monnayable en argent. Sa vente permet de se procurer des ressources financières. Elle entre désormais dans le commerce et devient la ‘’chasse gardée’’ des personnes nanties." +313710,53333.0,2334.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,13,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,Schools have been closed for seven months due to the COVID-19 pandemic. +271049,47809.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,47,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_7.pdf,A nivel nacional se identifica disminución en la notificación para la morbilidad por infección respiratoria aguda (IRA) en los servicios de consulta externa y urgencias; se presenta incremento en las hospitalizaciones por IRAG en sala general y en unidad de cuidados intensivos e intermedios +48421,16403.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],"['Context->Economy', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",es,129,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"El índice de pobreza multidimensional examina las condiciones de pobreza en términos de acceso a servicios básicos como la salud, la educación, servicios públicos y otros factores con los que puede relacionarse la calidad de vida de los individuos como bienes electrodomésticos, tipo de suelo, saneamiento (acceso a baños) y combustible. Entre más alto sea el índice en valor absoluto mayor pobreza multidimensional es detectada. Entre las zonas más pobres según este indicador se encuentran los departamentos de la región Amazónica, además de Chocó, Nariño y algunas zonas de departamentos del caribe colombiano. Por el contrario los departamentos de la región andina o de las grandes capitales como Cali y Barranquilla presentan niveles bajos para este indicador." +496480,60067.0,1187.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,54,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sentir%20que%20se%20nos%20va%20la%20vida%20-%20Personas%20LGBTI%2B%20refugiadas%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%20en%20Colombia%2C%20Ecuador%20y%20Chile.pdf,"Impacto de COVID-19 En el caso de los arriendos, consideran que las medidas o decretos adoptados por algunos gobiernos, como el de Argentina y Colombia, cuando incluyen a personas refugiadas y migrantes, son alivios momentáneos, las deudas se acumulan y viven en la incertidumbre de cómo las pagarán." +243098,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Displaced groups, including IDPs and returnees, typically suffer very high tenure insecurity because they have no other option but to occupy land (often privately owned) with insecure property rights." +134465,35170.0,1188.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,29,[],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"Afirmaron haber accedido a los servicios que brindan las organizaciones y un buen apoyo por parte de NRC, RET y HIAS; un servicio personalizado y correcto." +133667,35117.0,1187.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,148,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"En cuanto al tercer eje, muchas personas migrantes refieren no poder acceder a los medicamentos indicados, porque los bancos de medicamentos de los efectores de Salud no disponen de estos, o porque sólo cubren ciertos medicamentos y otros no, lo cual a veces se decide de forma arbitraria. Asimismo, un gran porcentaje de la población migrante está inserto en el trabajo informal, por lo cual no pueden acceder a obras sociales que cubran la compra de medicamentos, o los tratamientos de salud. Esto se agrava en el actual contexto de ASPO debido a la pérdida de fuentes de trabajo o dramática reducción de ingresos económicos que en cierta manera obligan a las personas a priorizar la compra de bienes y posponer o suspender la compra de medicamentos que, en otras circunstancias, se encontraban a su alcance." +161946,39490.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,32,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200707_acaps_covid-19_secondary_impacts_in_rohingya_refugee_camps.pdf,"Health actors also fear an increase in maternal and child deaths resulting from the disruption of health systems, diversion of regular services to COVID-19, and limited access to food." +63065,18404.0,1386.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://lanacionweb.com/frontera/edicion-frontera-venta-de-medicinas-en-la-calle-un-problema-de-salud-publica/,"Debido a la escasez de medicinas en el país muchos medicamentos son traídos desde Colombia. Son vendidos en puestos de calle, kioscos o bodegas en todo el estado Táchira y otras zonas del país." +214142,45385.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,Une partie significative de ces déplacements concernent des familles qui étaient retournées dans leur village d’origine en 2018 ou 2019 après avoir fui initialement lors des premières offensives de Boko Haram en 2015. C’est particulièrement le cas dans l’arrondissement de Kolofata. +188209,40860.0,1899.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,55,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200922_OCHA_GUATEMALA%20HRP%20COVID-19%20ESPAN%CC%83OL.pdf,Actualmente se realizan monitoreos remotos por vía telefónica por parte del WFP y se refleja un deterioro del consumo alimentaria a nivel nacional y actualmente se estima que 4.2 millones de personas presentan una reducción considerable en su dieta diaria lo cual pone en gran riesgo su salud y principalmente la de los niños. +208384,43992.0,2332.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,48,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"As of 23 September 2020, 86 cases are hospitalized and under treatment, 1,003 patients have recovered, and 82 deaths are attributable to COVID- 19; a total of 549 out of 553 (99 per cent) contacts have been traced and are followed." +188388,42860.0,1183.0,[],[],[],es,44,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_covid-19_6_departamento_del_cauca.pdf,"Para el departamento del Cauca se reportan un total de 13.017 casos confirmados, 369 muertes, 476 hospitalizados, 137 en Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos con un porcentaje de ocupación del 62.7 por ciento, 568 pacientes en casa, 11.467 recuperados." +70645,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,48,[],['Context'],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"People living outside the main Bahamian island of New Providence are poorer and can access fewer employment opportunities. Almost 73% of the population resided in New Providence, 14.4% in Grand Bahama and 13.0% in the Family Islands which include the Abaco Islands." +315842,52949.0,2331.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,74,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Surveys separately conducted in 2020 by the GBV Area of Responsibility (AoR), Child Protection AoR and UNICEF highlighted that protection risks and negative coping strategies have been compounded by school closures as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic: 35 per cent of children experience violence at home while there is also an increase in child labour, with 12 per cent of children engaged in forced labour without pay." +183608,42456.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,43,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.unicef.org/wca/media/5411/file/UNICEF-WCARO-Central-Sahel-Advocacy-October-2020.pdf,"Many children continue to miss out on routine immunization because of armed violence and insecurity, which damage and weaken health systems, disrupt the delivery of routine health care and divert scarce human and financial resources from health to security priorities." +333161,44672.0,2336.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"To further support frontline medical and security personnel, UNDP is procuring protective and sanitary kits including hand sanitizers, rubber gloves, face masks, and other protective gear and equipment." +178425,41756.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Certains sont des enfants sortis des groupes armés, y compris des filles ayant servi d’esclaves sexuelles, ou des enfants non accompagnés dont une partie sont traumatisés et ont des besoins multisectoriels en éducation et protection." +237191,46388.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Overall, the majority of surveyed households (51 per cent) reported that the main cause for taking on debt was paying for food, with healthcare the next most frequently reported reason at 16 per cent." +187831,42385.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,53,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.acu-sy.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/COVID-19-Surveillance_NWS_EWARN_Daily-Sitrep_-117.pdf,"[20 Oct 2020] [NWS] New cases: 325 | Total cases: 3190 | New tests: 841 | Total tests: 18,917 | New recoveries: 71 | Total recoveries: 1371 | Total active cases: 1787 | New deaths: 0 | Total deaths: 21" +330392,53831.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],fr,44,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/12042021_sitrep_s12_whe_oms_rdc_f.pdf,"La DPS du Nord-Kivu a notifié 24 cas suspects de choléra et aucun décès contre 13 cas suspects et aucun décès la semaine précédente. La majorité de cas a été rapporté par la ZS de Karisimbi (11 cas soit 45,8%)" +125152,32835.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,37,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77444.pdf,"El 17 % de los encuestados se autorreconoció con pertenencia étnica. El 30 % de estas personas manifestaron ser indígenas, de los cuales el 68 % son mujeres y el 32 % son hombres." +113739,30002.0,1386.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,127,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://medium.com/humanitarian-dispatches/getting-out-the-right-covid-19-information-to-saves-lives-70719f27266e,"On the evening of 11 March, the World Health Organization declared the COVID-19 outbreak a global pandemic. Caracas, Venezuela’s capital, is under lockdown, facing the same threat of the virus that is upending life in many other countries. Since the first confirmed case was detected on 13 March, Venezuela has cut itself off from neighbours and the wider world. Subsequently, a nationwide lockdown was enforced on 16 March. With limited resources available to fight COVID-19, authorities moved quickly, closing borders and shutting airports to try to slow the transmission of the disease. It hasn’t been easy, but with humanitarian support they have managed to keep infection rates low." +175842,40890.0,1183.0,['WASH'],[],[],es,64,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"Cabe resaltar que el único departamento en donde el acueducto no es la fuente de agua más reportada es en La Guajira; allí sólo el 30% de los encuestados manifiesta tener este servicio (en los demás departamentos analizados la proporción asciende al 87%), lo que evidencia las deficiencias estructurales de cobertura que se presentan en esta región." +91805,26015.0,1620.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,76,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Situation-Overview_H2R_Oct-Dec_13.03.2020.pdf,"In October, half (50%) of assessed settlements across all LGAs reported unprotected wells as the main water source followed by around a third (28%) reporting protected wells. In December, the main water source reported changed to rivers (37%) followed by protected wells (29%). Consequently, assessed settlements reporting unprotected well as the main water source decreased to 16%." +323045,54626.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,52,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,"Furthermore, UNICEF supported the provision of COVID-19 vaccines in Somalia through COVAX. A total of 300,000 doses were delivered throughout the country with designated hospitals starting vaccinations on March 16th. As of March 31st, 41,329 doses were administered in South Central areas, Puntland, and Somaliland." +235847,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,26,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Between January and October 2020, direct targeted attacks on health facilities and health workers constituted 78 per cent of all attacks on health care." +165870,39611.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,116,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_H2R_COVID19_August2020.pdf,"Precautions for new arrivals Hand washing and temperature screenings for new arrivals at IDP camps could help slow the spread of COVID-19. To assist in monitoring the implementation of these procedures, REACH began asking KIs, who had recently left H2R areas, if they were asked to wash or sanitize their hands or had their temperature55% reported they were asked to wash and/or sanitise their hands when they arrived at the IDP camp22% reported their temperature was measured when they arrived at the IDP camp measured when they arrived at the IDP camp66% of surveyed KIs had left a H2R area within the last one month, among them:" +170420,40462.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,92,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Au cours du mois d’Aout 2020, 21 incidents de protection ont été enregistrés dans la région de l’Est dont 05 portant atteinte au droit à la vie, 03 à l’atteinte à la liberté individuelle, 03 à la destruction d’infrastructures scolaires (constituant un des 6 violations graves condamnées par la résolution 1612 du conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies) et 11 violences basées sur le genre dont les cas sont ouverts sont ouverts et encours de prise en charge." +185137,39920.0,1231.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,21,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/resultados_primera_encuesta_covid-19_-_formato_11x17.pdf,2 de cada 3 personas considera que el Estado proporciona mucha o suficiente información sobre las medidas de protección de COVID-19 +330049,53699.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Contact Tracing'],fr,64,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_094_20210404_hebdo_s13.pdf,"La moyenne de la proportion quotidienne de suivi des voyageurs était, quant à elle, de 22,0% à la fin de la semaine 13/2021, en nette diminution par rapport aux 24,2% de S12/2021 (Figure 8). A titre d’information, la grève des agents de la riposte pour poursuit pour la 237 ème journée consécutive." +403438,63064.0,2225.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_hebdomadaire_eruptionvolcanique_26juillet2021_public.pdf,"Plus de deux mois après l’éruption volcanique du 22 mai, les populations sinistrées attendent la finalisation des travaux de construction du site qui devra les accueillir. Entre temps, elles vivent dans plusieurs centres collectifs dans le territoire de Nyiragongo" +48242,16492.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.unhcr.org/news/stories/2019/7/5d3723374/pregnant-women-flee-lack-maternal-health-care-venezuela.html,"At San Jose public hospital in Maicao, over 1,000 Venezuelan women have been attended over the first quarter of 2019, says Zela Cuello, coordinator of the Gynecology and Obstetrics. “We give preferential and integral attention to all pregnant women, without any nationality distinction," +330674,55042.0,2098.0,[],[],[],en,121,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.gage.odi.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Adolescents%E2%80%99-experiences-of-covid-19-in-Chittagong-and-Sylhet-divisions-Bangladesh.pdf,"[30 April 2021, Bangladesh]Due to this expense, some adolescents mentioned reusing the one-time masks after cleaning them with soap and water. Only two adolescents reported that they are using homemade fabric masks. One 14-year-old boy said, ‘My mother has a sewing machine, she sews all day [for commercial purposes] and sometimes makes masks for us. If there is any cloth left, she uses that for making masks’ (grade 7, Chittagong rural area). Masks are also available as a form of aid distribution, albeit this was not common. Two adolescents mentioned receiving free masks from community leaders and army personnel." +181146,42386.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,108,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_RMU_October-2020_vfinal.pdf,"En l’absence d’assistance alimentaire, les récoltes en cours restent insuffisantes pour éviter une insécurité alimentaire aigue Crise (Phase 3 de l’IPC) entre octobre et mai dans les provinces du Soum, du Sanmatenga et du Séno dans lesquelles les PDIs représentent au moins 20 pour cent de la population. La Crise (Phase 3 de l’IPC) s’étendra aux provinces voisines (Loroum, Oudalan, Bam et Namentenga) à partir de février 2021 du fait de l’épuisement des stocks et de la dégradation continue des moyens d’existence." +329121,53878.0,2331.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,97,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SOYDA%20Monthly%20Progressive%20Report-Feb%202021.pdf,"While large-scale humanitarian food assistance and government support since July 2020 is likely to have mitigated the magnitude and severity of food insecurity, the situation is expected to deteriorate towards mid-year among poor rural, urban and displaced populations. The situation will likely be exacerbated by erratic weather patterns which are expected to continue in 2021, including La Niña in the first quarter of the year, with drought conditions forecast due to a harsh Jilaal dry season (January-March 2021) and possible delayed or poor Gu rains (April-June 2021)." +149785,37699.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,33,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/ne-syria-60-increase-covid-19-cases-past-week-irc-calls-increased-health,"There is also extremely poor sanitation across the camp and many people are living with chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and asthma, making them particularly vulnerable to the disease." +214383,45385.0,2334.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,103,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']","['Information And Communication', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Si le programme de suivi des incidents de protection (protection monitoring) entend couvrir la totalité des territoires affectés par le conflit, l’enclavement et le niveau d’insécurité qui prévalent dans certaines localités ne permettent pas une couverture exhaustive. Certains cas de violation de droits ne sont donc pas référencés, ce qui se traduit ensuite par un relativement faible niveau de référencement dans ce secteur. En outre l’insuffisance des ressources financières des services déconcentrés de l’Etat se traduit par un faible niveau de réponse notamment en matière de documentation civile." +218393,45694.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,81,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.primature.cd/public/2020/12/15/rdc-le-cce-appelle-a-nouveau-la-population-au-respect-des-gestes-barrieres-face-a-la-deuxieme-vague-de-covid-19/,"Le CCE a aussi constaté d’une part l’augmentation de la production en énergie électrique, soutenue par la mise en service du groupe G24 de la centrale hydroélectrique d’Inga 2 ainsi que l’augmentation de nombres d’heures de fonctionnement groupe numéro 6 d’Inga 1, et de l’autre, la baisse de la consommation du ciment consécutive à la contraction de 25% de la production locale." +274508,50587.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Pull Factors', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Intentions']",fr,92,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MENSUEL%20DE%20PROTECTION%20JANVIER%202021-NORD.pdf,"Dans le Loroum, il ressort que des mouvements pendulaires s’observent toujours dans les quatre communes à savoir BANH, SOLLE, OUINDIGUI ET TITAO. Les PDI vont des zones d’accueil vers les zones de départ et vice versa dans l’objectif d’apprécier le niveau de sécurité et d’envisager un éventuel retour au bercail. Ainsi, dans la commune de BANH, on estime à une (100) centaine le nombre de PDI retournées au cours de ce mois." +339011,56192.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Environment', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,67,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.internal-displacement.org/sites/default/files/publications/documents/grid2021_idmc.pdf,"Disasters often overlap with conflict in sub-Saharan Africa to trigger new and repeated displacement that in many cases becomes protracted. The rainy seasons in countries including South Sudan, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Mali, Nigeria and DRC were unusually intense and prolonged in 2020, flooding areas already affected by violence or other disasters, triggering secondary displacements and heightening IDPs’ needs." +292389,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,10,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,Strategic consultations with key health stake holders in the region +177957,41855.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Economy'],fr,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_Factsheet_2003_HSM_COVID19_Tanganyika_juillet-2020.pdf,"Dans 97% (233) des localités évaluées, les IC [Province Tanganyika] ont rapporté une augmentation des prix des céréales au cours du mois précédent." +386807,60459.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,92,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"Les ménages moyens et nantis qui ont la capacité de conserver leurs productions, tirent actuellement profit des niveaux élevés de prix. Dans l’ensemble, les activités génératrices de revenu, notamment les travaux journaliers occasionnels et la pratique de l’orpaillage. L’offre de main-d’œuvre dépasse la demande en raison de la forte présence de PDI et près de 24 pour cent des actifs n’ont pas d’activité génératrice de revenu (Mission conjointe SAP, mai 2021)." +161827,38962.0,2098.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,54,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ExSitrep_cov19_PlanInternational_AP_10July.pdf,"PLAN international -Collaborated under Girls Not Brides to advocate for specific budget allocation for preventing child marriages in the proposed national budget for 2020-2021, read here. -Participated in the COVID-19 and School Safety webinar, hosted by the Global Alliance for Disaster Reduction and Resilience in Education Sector (GADRRRES)." +327198,54714.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,123,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,"[SHELTER & NON-FOOD ITEMS (SNFI) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Four most common types of occupancy status reported by households of IDP settlements were: Hosted without rent (by family, friends, institution) (13%), Ownership (67%), No occupancy agreement / squatting (4%), rented (16%). Similarly, Four most common types of occupancy status reported by households of non-IDP settlements were: Hosted without rent (by family, friends, institution) (5%), Ownership (74%), No occupancy agreement / squatting (2%), rented (19%)." +173958,41035.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,117,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_september_2020_0.pdf,"[01/09/2020, Adamawa, Yobe] In Adamawa, 6 new confirmed cases were reported for week 39. 227 samples were tested as against 10 in week 38, a 96% increase in samples tested. Weekly positivity rate of 3% was reported as against 40% reported in the preceding week. 1 mortality reported within the week and 9 recoveries from home care were made. In Yobe 1 new confirmed case was reported for week 39. Eleven (11) contacts have completed 14 days of monitoring without symptoms. 67 samples were collected in week 39, and the positivity rate for the week is 2.4%." +333157,44672.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,17,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The government also released over 5,300 prisoners to reduce the risk of mass infections in penitentiaries." +307053,51467.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,The impact of COVID-19 and the prolonged closure of schools could lead the most at-risk children into adopting negative coping strategies such as child labour or early marriage and prevent them from returning to schools once they reopen. +194087,42940.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",es,201,[],"['Context', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/flash_update_no_12_covid-19_choco_vf.pdf,"Decreto 417 (17.03.2020): Se declara estado de emergencia económica, social y ecológica en todo el territorio Nacional. Circular 001 (17.03.2020): El Consejo Comunitario del Rio Baudó y sus afluentes (ACABA) dicta medidas de prevención por COVID-19 a Consejos Comunitarios locales, territorios colectivos y organizaciones humanitarias. Decreto 0081 (20.03.2020): Se declara calamidad pública para el departamento. Circular 008 (10.04.2020): Se conforma la mesa para la coordinación y entrega de ayudas humanitarias. Decreto 0136 (06.06.20): Modificación del decreto 0134. Se establecen medidas más estrictas relacionadas con toques de queda de 6:00p.m. a 05:00a.m., horario de atención de establecimientos comerciales de 07:00a.m. a 05:00p.m. y ley seca de jueves 06:00p.m. a martes 06:00a.m. Decreto 0088 (29.08.20): Se declara aislamiento selectivo y distanciamiento individual en la ciudad de Quibdó hasta el primero de octubre. Decreto 0222 (30.09.20): Se levantan restricciones como el pico y cédula en la ciudad de Quibdó y se reestablece el funcionamiento del comercio los fines de semana como estrategia para la reactivación económica." +241529,46388.0,2336.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,25,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Unlike past years, urban areas in Kabul have seen a rising trend in malnutrition, particularly since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic." +301765,51958.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,44,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_devaluation_de_protection_des_retournes_tchadiens_de_la_rca_installes_dans_les_sites_au_sud_du_tchad_002.pdf,"La solidarité communautaire renforce également les liens entre retournés et populations des villages environnants, avec notamment le partage fraternel du peu de ressources dont ils disposent. Des cas de mariages entre membres des deux communautés sont également cités en exemples positifs." +239839,47107.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,46,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[Jan 2021] New regulations by the Government of Turkey will also likely require that people crossing the Syria-Turkey border will need a negative COVID-19 test. All internal crossings between NWS and NES remain closed, however, not due to COVID-19 restrictions." +48106,13061.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Socio Cultural'],es,87,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.derechos.org.ve/web/wp-content/uploads/MigracionLigia.pdf,"La organización Caribe Afirmativo de Colombia, afirma que la principal motivación de las personas LGBTI venezolanas para migrar a Colombia es la percepción de que existe un marco jurídico más garante de sus derechos en ese país; paradójicamente, advierte la organización, “las personas LGBT migrantes venezolanas tienen por lo menos un doble riesgo de vulnerabilidad, por ser migrantes y por su orientación sexual e identidad de género, que son muchas veces motivos de discriminación y exclusión social”42." +330670,55042.0,2098.0,[],[],[],en,242,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.gage.odi.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Adolescents%E2%80%99-experiences-of-covid-19-in-Chittagong-and-Sylhet-divisions-Bangladesh.pdf,"[30 April 2021, Bangladesh]Sources of knowledge about covid-19: Adolescents living in urban areas were found to have more precise knowledge on covid-19 compared to their rural counterparts, with slightly more access to various sources of information such as the internet (e.g. websites and YouTube channels), social media (e.g. Facebook), television (e.g. news reports and advertisements), school teachers, family members, and awareness-raising campaigns in the locality (e.g. posters, placards, ‘miking’).4 An 11-year-old boy in grade 7 said, ‘I learned it online and my mother is a teacher. My mother also gives me some information about it and we discuss it in our home. Then I can learn many things from the government website. But most of the information is available online’ (Sylhet urban area). Rural adolescents were mostly found to acquire their knowledge from their family and community; when asked about their sources of information, most replied ‘from people around’. As a 13-year-old girl said, ‘Aren’t there some people around us who talk about this matter [coronavirus]? They sit together and talk about all these things. So [I heard] from them’ (grade 7, Chittagong rural area)." +390933,60780.0,1186.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,161,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"En la tabla 5 podemos ver las regiones con mayor cantidad de internos extranjeros (que concentran el 92% de personas extranjeras recluidas). Se observa que en la región donde el porcentaje de internos condenados de origen extranjero se acerca más al de internos condenados chilenos es en Antofagasta (57,5% y 76,5% respectivamente). Arica y Parinacota es otra región con un mayor porcentaje de extranjeros recluidos que se encuentran condenados (55,2%), pero de todos modos es menor proporción en comparación con los chilenos en dicha región (81,4%). En las regiones de Valparaíso, Metropolitana y Tarapacá el porcentaje de condenados sería ya bastante bajo, no superando en ninguna el 40%. Así, si bien en algunas regiones el porcentaje de extranjeros internos condenados es más alto que en otras, siempre se está por debajo del porcentaje de locales internos condenados." +292363,52073.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,45,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"S’agissant de la crise dans le Bassin du Lac Tchad, La situation sanitaire est marquée par l’épidémie de CVDPV2 [poliovirus] ainsi que les assauts répétés de Boko Haram aussi bien sur les bases militaires que sur les ménages" +323710,54267.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Environment'],fr,100,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"S’étendant sur le Sahel semi-aride et la zone climatique plus humide du Soudan, le Burkina Faso est limité dans sa dotation en ressources naturelles, notamment en eau. Néanmoins, pour réduire sa vulnérabilité aux sécheresses et aux pénuries d’eau, le pays a construit plusieurs barrages le long des principaux fleuves et de leurs affluents. Ces réservoirs répondent aux besoins en eau de la population urbaine et permettent l’irrigation des cultures pendant la saison sèche, contribuant ainsi à la diversité agricole du pays (CILSS, 2016)." +243968,46388.0,2336.0,"['WASH', 'Protection']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,16,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"People mostly resort to using open fields, bushes or family pit latrines without slabs." +159041,39293.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,25,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Round-3-Analysis-Factsheet-NWS_Tk_09.09.20.pdf,"As of 21 August 2020, 4,845 samples have been tested and 59 people have tested positive for COVID-19 in Northwest Syria (NWS)" +157831,38137.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,42,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cxb_education_covid_response_reaching_every_learner_final.pdf,Child friendly key message/poster development on COVID-19 awareness with help of CP subsector and ensure the delivery. Clean and disinfect learning spaces. Establish hand washing facility.Consolidate and disseminate messages developed by Health sector for caregivers and parents on COVID-19 awareness +271256,50244.0,2225.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,31,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"Between conflict, poverty, malnutrition and frequent disease outbreaks, humanitarian needs in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) are among the highest in the world." +389001,60730.0,2098.0,[],[],[],en,83,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://app.box.com/s/asye4w9ljbvdby3gy5p0jy8a859nsmzt,"[25th July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: Furthermore, phone participants said that people do not need to wear masks in the mosque as they perform ablution (Ozu) before prayer. Furthermore, wearing a mask might prevent their prayers from being accepted. One participant said that the imam of their mosque doesn’t wear a mask while praying, so they follow his example. Some said Covid-19 cannot enter the mosque." +194088,42940.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],['Covid-19->Testing'],es,90,['Priority Needs'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/flash_update_no_12_covid-19_choco_vf.pdf,"Desde la fecha de reporte del último Flash Update #11, se ha observado un incremento en el número de casos activos (de 26 a 28), lo que refleja la necesidad por parte de las instituciones departamentales, de incrementar el número muestras tomadas, pues se podría generar subregistro y limitaciones en la atención oportuna a pacientes ubicados en municipios donde hasta ahora se empiezan a registrar casos positivos y vacíos a la hora de generar estrategias en caso de que se generen rebrotes." +474590,65021.0,1185.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"During the two weeks prior to the survey, 80% experienced difficulties accessing the markets. Fear to go out due to the disease outbreak (25%), limitations of movement (13%) and security concerns (11%), were reported as the top three limitations, with some differences by country, as shown in Figure 6." +199039,44308.0,2225.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,28,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RD%20Congo%20-%20Note%20d%E2%80%99informations%20humanitaires%20pour%20la%20province%20du%20Nord-Kivu%2017%20novembre%202020.pdf,Ces personnes viennent s’ajouter aux plus de 37 000 qui sont arrivées depuis décembre 2019 dans la zone et qui vivent dans des conditions précaires. +90041,25213.0,1621.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,78,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",['Context'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A_HRC_43_75_E.pdf,"During the period under review, the World Health Organization (WHO) documented 61 conflict-related attacks against health-care facilities and personnel, a 69 per cent increase over the same period in 2018. 6 These attacks hit 18 health facilities, 20 ambulances and 40 health personnel. On 11 October, an unidentified armed group kidnapped six doctors from the town of Zintan, Al Marqab region. They were released on 23 October." +188237,40860.0,1899.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],es,80,[],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200922_OCHA_GUATEMALA%20HRP%20COVID-19%20ESPAN%CC%83OL.pdf,"Los pueblos indígenas y campesinos, y las y los trabajadores del sector informal, quienes en un contexto de pobreza generalizada han seguido enfrentando brechas de acceso a salud, agua, saneamiento, vivienda, información, entre otros derechos humanos, y se han visto afectados por posibles recortes de servicios básicos, el impacto económico de la emergencia en su economía y capacidad de resiliencia, en un marco de limitados mecanismos estatales de apoyo." +187989,43324.0,2334.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irc_-_rapport_devaluation_covid-19_extreme_nord_-irc.pdf,"Seuls 13,1% des ménages interrogés ont un score de diversité alimentaire acceptable donc ayant consommé au moins 6 groupes d’aliments les dernières 24 heures ayant précédé l’enquête et 21% ont un score de consommation alimentaire pauvre" +148572,36019.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,28,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,Health partners have made significant efforts to scale up capacities and to provide health staff with the required knowledge and equipment to prepare and respond to severe cases +261660,49368.0,2311.0,['Cross'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,110,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://humvenezuela.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Caminates-de-ida-y-vuelta-2021.pdf,"El panorama general para 2021 es complejo, pero es precisamente en momentos de contracción económica, cuando las redes de apoyo deben ser mayores y no excluyentes, en concordancia con lo establecido por el Comité de Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales: “aun en tiempos de limitaciones graves de recursos, causadas sea por el proceso de ajuste, de recesión económica o por otros factores, se puede y se debe en realidad proteger a los miembros vulnerables de la sociedad”44. Sin duda, como ya se ha visto, las personas migrantes y refugiadas se encuentran entre las más vulnerables." +157587,38893.0,2098.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,92,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/humanitarian_collaboration_and_coordination_in_bangladesh_2nd_draft_12_july_2020_kazi_hg.pdf,"▪ Ensuring access and availability of key agricultural inputs (seeds, labor, fertilizer, machinery, etc), by keeping input supply chains functioning to ensure timely production for the planting season coming up and providing special permits for migrant labor; ▪ Continuation of Food Assistance for the extremely vulnerable group with MEB ▪ Reviewing regulations to permit closed food service establishments (restaurants, food centers, e -commerce companies) to redeploy their equipment and assets to deliver essential foods to areas needing it the most" +239634,47230.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,107,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"Se observa que a nivel individual el 53% de la población mayor de 12 años hace parte de la Población Económicamente Activa (PEA), respecto a la cual la tasa de población desempleada es del 31%. Por tanto, la Población Económicamente Inactiva (PEI) corresponde al 47%20 sobre el total de los encuestados. Con respecto a la tasa de ocupación, se evidencia que la participación es del 36%; en términos generales, la tasa global de participación en el mercado laboral de los refugiados y migrantes procedentes de Venezuela es del 53%." +323192,54498.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,191,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/89758cd4/REACH_COL_RAN_Factsheet_Trend_analysis_March2021.pdf,"Colombia fue el país más reportado como su lugar de residencia antes de marzo de 2020. Su reporte máximo se presentó en la segunda ronda, donde de los 285 ICs, un poco más de la mitad (56%) señaló a Colombia como el país en donde ellos y/o los integrantes de su grupo vivían antes de marzo 2020. Sin embargo, este reporte fue disminuyendo a lo largo de las rondas y a medida que las políticas de emergencia sanitaria se fueron flexibilizando en los diferentes países de la región, el número de ICs que señalaban a Venezuela como su país de residencia antes de marzo de 2020, fue aumentando. Es así como, en la primera ronda, de los 210 ICs entrevistados, solo el 9% indicó a Venezuela como país de resi- dencia antes de marzo 2020, sin embargo, para la ronda final de los 308 ICs un poco más de la mitad (54%) indicó que antes de marzo de 2020 ellos y/o las personas dentro de su grupo vivían en Venezuela." +126414,33843.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH']",[],[],es,34,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"En Colombia, por ejemplo, desde el 18 de marzo se estableció la medida de reconexión de agua, energía y gas a hogares que no tenían servicio debido al pago tardío." +341811,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,141,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Tout d’abord, la perte de l’autorité de l’Etat, justifiée comme on l’a vu par l’incapacité de celui-ci à se déployer sur toute l’étendue de son territoire va entraîner une auto-organisation par la population pour se défendre et assurer sa sécurité. Ceci a été à l’origine de l’émergence de groupes d’autodéfense en réponse à l’inefficacité d’assurer la sécurité publique des populations. Ainsi, les groupes d’autodéfense comme les Koglwéogo, les rouga et les dozo notamment assurent la sécurité des populations contre les voleurs et autres délinquants avec des méthodes qui leur sont propres, certains usant à cet effet de la violence et commettant des atteintes aux droits de l’homme." +305421,53013.0,2331.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,66,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/3c8084ae/REACH_SOM_Factsheet_Assessment-of-Hard-to-Reach-Areas_December-2020.pdf,Protection/GBV: KIs from 54% of assessed settlements reported protection incidents that happened to women in their settlement of origin.56% of the assessed settlements reported the most common type of protection incidents that happened to women was marriage under 18.Similarly 12% of the assessed settlements reported the most common type of protection incidents that happened to women were killing and physical violence. +175377,41212.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],fr,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://lefaso.net/spip.php?article99956,"A la même date, dix cas de guérison ont été enregistrés portant à 1581 le nombre total des personnes guéries. Aucun décès n’est noté ce qui maintient à 63 le nombre total des décès." +188260,40860.0,1899.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200922_OCHA_GUATEMALA%20HRP%20COVID-19%20ESPAN%CC%83OL.pdf,"El personal de salud es de los grupos de mayor vulnerabilidad y más expuesto ante la COVID-19. Al 31 de julio se tienen registrados 2,899 casos confirmados y 221 trabajadores de salud fallecidos (ver Tabla 2 y gráfica 4)." +341738,56493.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,62,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"La course vers l’acquisition des terres a occasionné non seulement leur surenchère mais aussi leur raréfaction. La logique d’accaparement des aires par les plus nantis expose les populations à une insécurité foncière dans la mesure où elle participe à la spoliation des terres des familles qui se retrouvent avec des aires réduites, souvent peu productives." +164608,38699.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,63,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/monsoon-floods-push-millions-children-uncertainty-amid-covid-19,"In a country like Bangladesh, where millions of people are living below the poverty line and are fighting to make ends meet during this crisis, monsoon floods can cause the loss of even more lives due to starvation. To make matters worse, the risk of contracting COVID-19 is higher in the crowded shelters to which people are relocating." +208417,43992.0,2332.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,38,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"As part of WASH interventions, public places in Abéché province have been disinfected on a monthly basis by cleaning premises with chlorine as well as putting in place handwashing stations and providing soap and hydroalcoholic gel." +180602,42003.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,54,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syria.tv/150-%D8%A5%D8%B5%D8%A7%D8%A8%D8%A9-%D9%88%D8%AB%D9%84%D8%A7%D8%AB-%D9%88%D9%81%D9%8A%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D8%A8%D9%83%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%88%D9%86%D8%A7-%D8%B4%D9%85%D8%A7%D9%84-%D8%B4%D8%B1%D9%82%D9%8A-%D8%B3%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%8A%D8%A7,"[26 Oct 2020] [NES] The Health Authority of the Autonomous Administration in north-eastern Syria recorded 150 new COVID-19 cases in NES, along with 15 new recovered cases, and 3 new deaths. Thus reaching the totals of 3948 cases, 687 recovered cases, and 115 deaths." +9142,2909.0,322.0,"['Agriculture', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,96,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_jan_to_apr_2018.pdf,"Mine Action partners released around 2,736,183 square meters of land through clearance and survey activities in 28 districts across 14 governorates, and removal of 145,412 landmines and ERWs, directly benefiting 426,250 people. 8,079 conflict-affected households (56,806 individuals) were reached with non-agricultural livelihoods assistance, 69 households (494 individuals) with small business recovery and 8,010 households (56,312 individuals) with emergency employment in 8 governorates. In addition, 1,238 individuals took part in vocational/skills training aimed at improving their livelihoods in 22 districts (11 governorates)." +489934,67838.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/adamawa_state_2021_cholera_situation_report_no_8.pdf,"[31st Aug 2021, Adamawa State] Coordination: NCDC has donated 350 cholera RDT,100 pieces of petri dishes, 1 tin of triple sugar and 1 tin of nutrient agar" +57312,17307.0,1224.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",en,111,['Capacities & Response'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20on%20the%20Migration%20flows%20in%20Latin%20America%20and%20the%20Caribbean%20No.%205%20-%20as%20of%20June%202019.pdf,"Through UNICEF’s implementing partner, the Roman Catholic Bishop in Guyana, the “Transitioning to Normalcy through Culturally Appropriate Early Childhood and Adolescent Friendly Interactive Interventions” project has from March to June reached 108 migrant families in Regions 1, 2 and 7. Forty children between the ages of 0 to 3 years (50:50 boys/ girls) have benefitted from ECD outreach assistance including basic nutrition guidance for their care givers. With the first phase of the project drawing to a close, a further round of distribution for identified NFI needs including WASH items and bed nets is under way during July." +48489,12622.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Casualties->Dead'],es,77,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LIBRO%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20las%20necesidades%20insatisfechas%20SSR%20y%20Migrantes%20Venezolanos%20-%20Digital.pdf,"En los departamentos colombianos de interés se reportaron los siguientes casos: en Arauca, no se registraron casos de mortalidad, en Cesar se registraron por primera vez 3 casos, en La Guajira hubo un caso en 2017 y aumentó a 3 casos en 2018. Norte de Santander registra el mayor aumento de casos de mortalidad por SIDA pasando de 7 casos en 2017 a 17 en 2018 (MSPS, 2018)." +91783,26015.0,1620.0,"['Agriculture', 'Cross']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,41,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Situation-Overview_H2R_Oct-Dec_13.03.2020.pdf,"In Gwoza, assessed settlements reporting people to be engaged in subsistence farming practices decreased from 99% in October to 83% in December, which may be because of the decrease in access to land reported in December." +13488,5557.0,322.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,53,['Impact'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Shleter%20NFI%20CCCM%20Cluster%20Yemen%20-%20Al%20Hudaydah%20Displacement%20Update%203-9%20Aug....pdf,"In Al Hudaydah hub, strikes near AlThawra hospital, a fish market, and the radio building in Al Hudaydah City result in several deaths and injuries. These attacks against civilian persons and objects are a violation of IHL (International Humanitarian Law) and may constitute a war crime." +438418,64539.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"APORTE ECONÓMICO AL HOGAR El 50.6% señalaron que la personas que más aporta es el padre. De la misma forma, el 42.8% indicaron que la madre es la personas que más aporta y, en menor porcentaje, el 4,4% es el hermano/a y 2.2% el abuelo/a." +112295,32028.0,1185.0,"['Protection', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,35,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77082.pdf,"GTRM partners have distributed 10,000 NFI kits, including winter support and kits for GVB survivors. 4. Partners distributed winter cloths to children in shelters, donated by the Municipality of Lima." +219775,45777.0,2333.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,68,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/niger/un-soutien-additionnel-d-education-cannot-wait-pour-intensifier-l-ducation-dans-les,"Les activités couvertes par ce nouveau financement comprennent la construction et la réhabilitation de salles de classe (y compris des espaces d'apprentissage temporaires), la formation des enseignants sur des sujets liés au genre et à l'inclusion, le soutien aux enfants handicapés et le soutien à toutes les écoles pour adopter un code de conduite afin de fournir un environnement d'apprentissage sûr aux enfants." +211251,44944.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,37,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Whole%20of%20Syria%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20October%202020.pdf,"[October 2020, NE Syria] In NE Syria, new cases of COVID-19 continue to be reported in Al-Hol camp among camp residents and workers involved in health service delivery and relief distribution activities." +474610,65021.0,1185.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods', 'Food Security']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,168,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Respondents were asked what their main concern was since the outbreak of COVID-19. In line with the results of the previous sections, the inability to cover food (19%) and other essential needs (19%) represents the most mentioned concern (38%). This concern reaches its highest share in Ecuador (44%). The second major concern is the loss of income (15%), as a direct consequence of the economic effect of the pandemic. Follows, the fear of spreading of the virus (10%). Migrants also raised among their main concerns the fear of not having access to services due to the migrant status and the lack of legal documents (9%), which could severely jeopardize their access to public services and the ability to satisfy their essential needs. Figure 14 illustrates the main concerns reported by migrants living in the three countries." +61621,18442.0,1184.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,19,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,Several of the respondents in Peru reported having been robbed while crossing the border between Colombia and Ecuador. +239832,47107.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,59,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Additionally, on 15 December, the Government of Syria Cabinet of Ministers announced the reopening of Aleppo, Lattakia and Qamishli airports starting from 21 December. Starting 15 November, authorities in Jordan introduced additional facilitations for some individuals, including Syrians and Jordanian nationals with Syrian residency to cross into Syria via the Jaber/Nassib border." +177371,41093.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,35,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"El índice COLCAP de la Bolsa de Valores de Colombia cerró el pasado 31 de agosto en 1.216,03 puntos, con una desvalorización interanual de 22,0% y una valorización intermensual de 7,2%." +317587,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,86,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Informal displacement sites are distinguished by site leaders who possess a relationship with IDP communities that is rooted in power imbalances and diverging interests. Settlement management structures within informal IDP sites tend to be tenuous, with many sites being managed by a landowner or gatekeeper who has a transactional relationship with the broader community. This presents an obstacle for humanitarian aid to be delivered in an equitable manner while creating difficulties for humanitarian partners in creating effective two-way communication bereft of manipulation." +388987,60730.0,2098.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,57,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://app.box.com/s/asye4w9ljbvdby3gy5p0jy8a859nsmzt,"[25th July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: Even if Rohingya people knew that social distancing is vital, maintaining social distance is really challenging in the camp environment. They need to visit/go to different places like relief distribution centers, shared toilets, bathrooms and water sources which are usually crowded." +191749,43622.0,2330.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,17,[],['Shock/Event'],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20201111_acaps_briefing_note_nicaragua_honduras_hurricane_eta.pdf,"Prior to the hurricane, 18% of the population (962,000 people) were food insecure" +320415,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Explosive hazards continue to kill and maim the civilian populations in Somalia, especially children due to their curiosity and risk-taking behaviours. In 2019 alone, about 158 children were affected by IEDs while 54 were affected by ERW." +19786,7911.0,730.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Protection', 'Food Security', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Context->Security & Stability', 'Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population']",en,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://www.hrw.org/news/2019/01/17/yemen-civilians-bombed-shelled-starved,"Yemen’s armed conflict has taken a terrible toll on the population. Fighting has killed and wounded thousands of civilians. Millions suffer from shortages of food and medical care, yet the warring parties continue impeding aid. Across the country, civilians suffer from a lack of basic services, a spiraling economic crisis, and broken governance, health, education, and judicial systems." +187145,39357.0,1898.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],es,119,[],['Context'],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ALC%20post%20COVID-19%20-%20Retos%20y%20oportunidades%20para%20pa%C3%ADses%20de%20Centroam%C3%A9rica%2C%20Hait%C3%AD%2C%20M%C3%A9xico%2C%20Panam%C3%A1%2C%20y%20Rep%C3%BAblica%20Dominicana.pdf,"Los retos estructurales de El Salvador se han manifestado en un crecimiento persistentemente bajo por varias décadas, y el choque de la pandemia es exacerbado por el escaso espacio de política de contención por las debilidades de la economía y la posición fiscal. Las medidas para evitar la propagación del virus fueron tomadas antes de que se reportasen casos, y estas incluyeron el cierre de los centros educativos a nivel nacional; cuarentena obligatoria domiciliar o en centros de contención y retención; suspensión de la actividad económica no esencial para la atención de la emergencia, tanto en el sector público como privado; cierre parcial y luego definitivo para el ingreso de pasajeros." +39384,13671.0,729.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_libya_en_05_may.pdf,"Displaced people in collective centres (the majority of which are set up in schools) as well as in urban areas lack essential household non-food items such as blankets, sleeping mats and cooking wares." +63070,18404.0,1386.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],es,140,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://lanacionweb.com/frontera/edicion-frontera-venta-de-medicinas-en-la-calle-un-problema-de-salud-publica/,"William Velazco, vicepresidente de la Federación Farmacéutica Venezolana, declara que estamos frente a un problema de salud pública, con aumento de la morbilidad, porque hay pacientes que no se curan, se enferman más y el tratamiento es más largo. “Estamos frente a un ilícito medicamento o ilícito farmacéutico cuando el medicamento no cumple con las leyes mínimas de nuestro país para poderse vender y consumir. La Ley de Medicamento, de agosto de 2000, señala que es el Instituto Nacional de Higiene quien autoriza la disposición de medicinas en el territorio nacional. Se deben cumplir los canales de distribución o la cadena de comercialización: laboratorio produce, droguerías distribuyen el producto a las farmacias para su venta y así se garantiza la calidad del producto”, expresa." +173685,41024.0,1388.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Intentions'],en,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rapid%20needs%20assessment%20-%20Impact%20of%20COVID-19%20on%20PoC%20from%20other%20nationalities%20-%20Costa%20Rica%2C%20August%202020.pdf,Protection Only 2% of households have had a family member return to their country of origin since the start of COVID-19 and 11% of the households have at least one member who is considering returning. The main reasons given are reduced access to income in Costa Rica and lack of access to food. +310685,53333.0,2334.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,44,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"FGDs reported many concerns around adolescent girls and young women working, including rape, ill- treatment, not receiving pay for work done, child labour, exploitation and harmful work, and some lack of qualifications resulting in doing indecent work." +305671,51474.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,52,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"Furthermore, the United Nations police, in cooperation with the South Sudan National Police Service and other stakeholders, conducted nine radio awareness programmes intended to raise public awareness of community safety, democratic policing, sexual and gender-based violence, conflict-related sexual violence, gender equality and human rights." +317197,53333.0,2334.0,"['Education', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,45,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"The crisis has made lives difficult for many families by limiting their income earning capacities, which undermined their abilities to provide and care for the adolescent girls especially when they become pregnant, become mothers or get married and stop going to school." +303367,51947.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,109,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,,"La distribution de la population par âge met en évidence une proportion significative de filles parmi les personnes interrogées. En effet, 5% étaient des mineures âgées de 15 à 17 ans. Cependant, les personnes âgées de 60 ans et plus représentaient une part relativement faible (moins de 1%) des femmes interrogées aux FMP de Faya, Kalait et Zouarké. Ce sont les femmes entre 26 et 45 ans qui en constituaient la majorité (69%). Une part significative des femmes était donc relativement jeune (54% des femmes enquêtées avaient moins de 30 ans)." +313686,53333.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,35,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"As far as possible include clinical care, psychosocial and legal-medical counselling and relevant protection services for survivors of sexual violence in services to support the prevention and management of the consequences of sexual violence" +192819,43304.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Health']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,25,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"L’analyse de la consommation alimentaire indiquait que 5,5% et 19,3 % des ménages ont respectivement une consommation alimentaire pauvre et limite." +159589,39148.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,68,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_july2020_ne_nigeria.pdf,"110 Government frontline healthcare worsskers from Girei and Ganye LGAs were trained by WHO on COVID-19 IPC, case reporting and risk communication. IEC materials were provided to these cohort of trainees to enhance risk communication to clients and patients in the health facilities and to the support outreach services in the communities. They are also expected to cascade to other staff in their facilities." +208402,43992.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,100,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"In addition, to improve access to quality nutrition care services, to date 625 health workers have been trained on SAM management in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic including 48 in N’Djaména, 45 in Chari- Baguirmi, 145 in Batha, 60 in Salamat, 21 in Borkou, 152 in Sila, 49 in Ennedi Est, 33 in Barh El Gazal and 72 in Mayo Kebbi-Ouest. Moreover, a total of 22,072 primary caregivers of children aged 0-23 months have received IYCF counselling in the context of the COVID- 19 pandemic." +325233,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"At the primary school level, motorized travel times typically average around half an hour in most regions; exceptions are the Centre and Nord regions – with considerably lower average travel times – and Cascades, Est, and Sahel regions, where the average travel times are much higher." +305743,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"An estimated 1.23 million displaced people continue to face threats to their safety and security, especially women, girls and people with disabilities who are the most vulnerable groups." +208398,43992.0,2332.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,65,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"As part of the COVID-19 response, to date a total of 3,634 health staff and community health workers have been trained in Infection Prevention and Control (IPC), including 1,485 trained in IPC/WASH. In addition, 34 laboratory from seven provinces of N’Djaména, Borkou, Guéra, Lac, Logone Occidental, Moyen-Chari and Ouaddaï laboratory biosafety." +7526,1268.0,321.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,68,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/unfpa-and-unhcr-assist-more-8500-displaced-women-across-libya,"Displaced women and girls represent one of the most vulnerable groups in Libya, where an estimated 500,000 persons are either internally displaced or have returned home following a period of displacement. Often at the mercy of inclement weather conditions, and lacking first necessity items as a result of the displacement, sanitary articles for everyday use can constitute a major need for all displaced." +304024,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,46,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"South Sudanese women and girls continue to face extreme levels of gender-based violence (GBV), much of which goes underreported, with limited availability of lifesaving GBV response services to survivors. Ninety-seven per cent of the reported GBV incident survivors were female." +292384,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,20,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"Proportion de selles prélevées dans les 14 jours suivant le début de la paralysie5 : 85,21% [hépatite]" +311735,53183.0,2466.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"In 2020, 1.5 million conflict-affected or otherwise vulnerable children (4-16 years of age) across all of Sudan needed humanitarian assistance to fulfil their right to education." +116642,32643.0,1185.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,56,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/77408,"Health partners are mapping confirmed COVID-19 cases among refugees and migrants in shelters. Partners are coordinating with the Ministry of Health on the elaboration of information materials, providing health professionals with mental health support, distributing protective equipment to personnel in hospitals, and on the implementation of safety protocols within health infrastructures." +283919,47069.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,71,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/iom_dashboard_cameroun_extreme-nord_round_21_en.pdf,[Round 21 / DTM / Far North Region / 25 May - 10 June] Changes in the numbers of displaced populations over the last four rounds Out-of-camp Refugees: Round 18 = April 2019 = 50 981 Round 19 = Aug 2019 = 46 845 Round 20= Dec 2019 = 47 305 Round 21 = May 2020 = 48 769 +3% since Round 20 (Dec 2019) +406471,63069.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,83,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Bulletin%20d%E2%80%99information%20sous%20cluster%20protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99enfance%20%28GTPE%29%20Mars%20%E2%80%93%20Mai%202021.pdf,"En Mars 2021, le Département d’Etat des Etats Unis a désigné l'ADF comme organisation terroriste étrangère affiliée à l'Etat Islamique. Cette décision peut présenter certains risques sur la Protection de l’Enfant : • Risque de législation antiterroriste criminalisant l'association des enfants avec des groupes armés, augmentant la possibilité que davantage d'enfants soient criminalisés, détenus et poursuivis pour avoir été associés à ces groupes. • Restriction d'accès pour les acteurs de la protection de l'enfance" +149345,35869.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,13,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep18_25july2020.pdf,Suspension of schools due to COVID-19 impacted on the quality of education. +489853,67830.0,2170.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,29,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rc_report_august_2021.pdf,"[1st Aug 2021, BAY states] EDUCATION: School aged children have access to a form of education within the reception centre and the host community." +46576,16136.0,729.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/echo_-nf_bud_2019_91000_v2.pdf,Health is the first priority need for displaced persons and returnees. The Libyan health system continues to face serious challenges: institutional capacity is limited; thehuman resource capacity is heterogeneous and its availability is very variable with a higher concentration in major urban centers as compared to Southern and rural areas. +327094,54714.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,76,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,"[NUTRITION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Among households of IDP settlements with children, 10% household reported their child(ren) having been enrolled in a nutritional centre/therapeutic feeding centre in the 6 months prior to data collection while 12% household of non-IDP settlements with children reported their child(ren) having been enrolled in a nutritional centre/therapeutic feeding centre in the 6 months prior to data collection." +176021,40890.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,50,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"Según una encuesta realizada por el Mixed Migration Center entre el 3 de julio y el 4 de agosto, la mayoría de las personas refugiadas y migrantes entrevistadas ha indicado la percepción de que los casos de violencia intrafamiliar aumentaron desde que comenzó la emergencia sanitaria por COVID-1941." +313647,53333.0,2334.0,['Education'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,48,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"84% of girls participating in the GES methodology agreed that all adolescent girls should continue with their education after dropping out due to pregnancy or marriage, indicating that most girls saw valued in one continuing their education despite those challenging circumstances of pregnancy and marriage." +339458,56380.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,71,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb4645es.pdf,"> Uno de los principales problemas que han enfrentado los hogares productores encuestados tiene que ver con la comercialización de sus productos agrícolas (más del 70% de hogares encuestados en las regiones Caribe y Pacífico). La restricción más frecuentemente reportada fue el acceso restringido a los mercados (reportado por el 38% de encuestados), seguido por la disminución de la demanda de alimentos." +182901,32165.0,1388.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],es,99,[],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/74589.pdf,"Una solución inmediata para acceder a empleos en el sector de alimentos y bebidas se encuentra en servicios que no requieren de elevada escolaridad ni preparación, tales como servicios de apoyo en el proceso de preparación (provisión de insumos, compras, transporte, almacenamiento), proceso de elaboración (logística interna, elaboración de alimentos, control de calidad de procesos, servicios de mantenimiento, servicios de limpieza y servicios de apoyo administrativo), y proceso de distribución (logística externa, empaque, transporte, apoyo administrativo y de mercadeo)." +310058,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,44,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"South Sudan remains one of the most challenging service delivery environments in the world as agencies continue to operate in a context of limited access, persistent insecurity including deliberate targeting of humanitarian assets and a constant threat to the security of staff." +221989,45410.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,121,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"[La région du Lac dans la Zone 8 - « Zone ouest agropastorale et de pêche » ]: Entre février et mai 2021, malgré le partage des repas entre les ménages hôtes et déplacés et les vivres distribués par l’assistance humanitaire, les ménages dépendraient pour une part des achats sur les marchés pour compléter leur consommation alimentaire. Cependant, compte tenu des faibles revenus tirés de la vente de produits artisanaux (tissage de nattes) vente de bois de chauffe, etc. l’accès aux marchés serait limité en raison prix élevés. Il resteraient en Stress (Phase 2! de l’IPC) grâce à l’assistance" +182054,42270.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,35,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep21_20201020.pdf,"[20th October NWS] The number of COVID-19 cases in northwest Syria increased twenty-fold since the last situation report, from 138 cases on 8 September to 2,865 cases as of 19 October." +159097,37975.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,6,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_ndeg112.pdf,Cas suivi à domicile : 06 +146745,35870.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,19,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,The crisis has also disrupted national routine surveillance with currently EWARS the only timely surveillance system for communicable diseases +241315,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"This means that polio transmission has become highly localised in pockets in the south and the east of Afghanistan. In the first 11 months of 2020, there were 255 confirmed cases of polio in the country." +161557,39295.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,13,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,Suspension of schools due to COVID-19 impacted on the quality of education. +62665,18394.0,1386.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],es,175,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3295213,"Se ha logrado restablecer el trabajo de un equipo de la Oficina en Caracas y el Gobierno ha confirmado su voluntad de avanzar sobre la base de los compromisos en materia de derechos humanos asumidos durante mi visita al país en junio. Sobre la situación penitenciaria y de detenidos ha habido avances recientes. El 6 de septiembre un miembro de mi equipo fue autorizado a visitar el Centro de Procesados Militares Ramo Verde (sexta visita a prisiones desde marzo). Se está avanzando en un protocolo y un calendario de visitas en los próximos meses. De acuerdo con los compromisos adquiridos con mi Oficina, el Gobierno ha cumplido con la excarcelación de 83 personas, incluidas aquellas cuya detención había sido considerada como arbitraria por el Grupo de Trabajo de Detención Arbitraria y que seguían en régimen de detención, así como otros casos señalados por la Oficina. Queda pendiente la liberación plena de la Jueza Afiuni y del periodista Braulio Jatar, quienes obtuvieron medidas parciales." +489173,67500.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,98,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_15.pdf,"[April -June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Only 37 percent of the assessed facilities provided HIV Counselling and Testing while ANC and delivery services were available in more facilities, signalling an inadequate access point for screening for HIV in pregnancy for Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT) services at this time. Provision of LARC (implants and Intrauterine Device (IUDs) was not common. Only 33 percent provided Implants and 20 percent provided IUDs. This may be partly explained by low demand from the community, calling for increased sensitization" +330384,53831.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,93,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/12042021_sitrep_s12_whe_oms_rdc_f.pdf,"Au terme des 4 dernières semaines, 662 cas suspects de choléra dont 17 décès (létalité 2,6%) ont été rapportés. On note qu’environ 8 sur 10 cas suspects de choléra (537 sur 662 cas soit 81,1%) ont été enregistrés dans cinq provinces (Haut-Katanga: 205 cas suspects, soit 31,0% ; Sud-Kivu : 154 cas suspects, soit 23,3% ; Nord-Kivu : 103 cas suspects, soit 15,6% et Kasaï : 75 cas suspects, soit 11,3%)." +325386,54815.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"(Boucle du Mouhoun) Finally, the already precarious situation of IDPs in terms of their access to education and healthcare is further exacerbated by challenges to physical mobility caused by seasonal flooding. For example, this was reported to be the case in several communes in Boucle du Mouhoun in September 2020." +317177,53333.0,2334.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,Through Focus group discussions 60% of adolescent girls who are pregnant/married/mothers reported that it is difficult to go back to school without child care services in place. +497033,60104.0,1187.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,119,['Impact'],['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,"https://www.unicef.org/argentina/media/11626/file/Impacto%20de%20la%20pandemia%20en%20la%20educaci%C3%B3n%20de%20ni%C3%B1as,%20ni%C3%B1os%20y%20adolescentes.pdf","Al momento de la aplicación de la Encuesta Rápida ‒24 de abril al 12 de mayo‒ el escenario de clases combinadas con presencialidad mayoritaria de las instituciones escolares del tramo obligatorio de la escolaridad había comenzado a modificarse por el empeoramiento de la situación epidemiológica. Según datos del primer informe del Observatorio del Regreso Presencial a las Aulas (creado por la Res. CFE 386/21) al 17 de mayo de 2021 había 163 departamentos en 12 jurisdicciones donde las clases estaban transcurriendo exclusivamente a distancia. Esto equivalía aproximadamente a 25.300 escuelas en las que se había suspendido la presencialidad y al 51% de los estudiantes a nivel nacional (CFE, 2021)." +235094,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,64,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Since Intra-Afghan Negotiations began on 12 September 2020, additional discussions have been initiated among sub-regional stakeholders on the potential for facilitating the large-scale return of Afghan nationals from Pakistan and Iran in 2021 in line with the Government of Afghanistan’s post-peace priorities. This would, however, need to be based on the principles of safe and voluntary return." +159613,39079.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,38,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NIGERIA_Food_Security_Outlook_Update_August_Final.pdf,"The direct and indirect impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic have constrained livelihood activities among the urban poor. Thus, the atypically high staple prices have constrained food access for most urban poor with these areas experiencing Stressed" +219167,45719.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,145,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/431459-coronavirus-nigerias-new-cases-rise-again-as-country-records-second-highest-figure.html,"[16thDec2020,Nigeria]The 758 new cases were reported from 19 states – FCT (305), Lagos (152), Kaduna (103), Bauchi (44), Gombe (35), Plateau (31), Rivers (17), Sokoto (15), Kwara (13), Kano (9), Ebonyi (8), Ogun (5), Osun (5), Oyo (4), Edo (4), Anambra (4), Bayelsa (2), Ekiti (1), and Taraba (1). Again, Abuja and Lagos, Nigeria’s capital and the country’s commercial hub, led with 305 and 152 new cases respectively – more than half of the total." +307039,51572.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,44,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Restore access to clean water through EPR intervention while planning fund raising for static partner. The top priority should go to SWATs rehabilitation. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +169921,40360.0,2099.0,"['Shelter', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Environment'],fr,76,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"La situation de déplacement a rendu difficile les questions de logements, terres et biens dans les localités de déplacement telles que Dori, Sebba, Djibo, Gorom-Gorom, Deou et Markoye. L’augmentation du nombre de PDI a créé la cherté des logements, la promiscuité des abris et même l’insuffisance des logements. Et la saison des pluies est venue compliquer davantage le problème des abris et logements." +317871,52949.0,2331.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,37,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"More than a third of IDPs and the non-displaced populations reported that education costs, broadly understood to include school materials, tuition, lunch, and other associated costs, are significant barriers to education." +236060,47122.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,20,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,47 cholera cases were identified in the Tiko (Fako Division) Health District (SW) in March. +178181,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],fr,16,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Initialement prévues en septembre 2019, les élections communales pourraient finalement se tenir en 2020." +412981,63086.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_07_14_MSF%20RDC_RAPPORT%20VIOLENCES%20SEXUELLES%20%28FR%29%281%29.pdf,"Malheureusement, MSF remarque dans ses zones d’intervention que les programmes de soutien immédiat et à long terme pour les survivantes de violences sexuelles non liées aux conflits sont largement insuffisants et que le discours du « viol comme arme de guerre » reste prédominant." +177083,41752.0,2099.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,97,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Les personnes interrogées estiment que la distanciation sociale (53%) et le manque de travail / l’incapacité de travailler (43%) sont les raisons principales nuisant aux relations sociales dans leurs communautés. Les femmes citent plus fréquemment l’impact du manque de travail (50%) comme ayant un impact négatif sur les relations sociales dans leurs communautés que les hommes (37%), tandis que les hommes soulignent plus souvent la distanciation sociale (66%) que les femmes (37%)." +58958,17671.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Politics', 'Context->Economy']",es,77,['Capacities & Response'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.elnuevosiglo.com.co/articulos/08-2019-pib-se-beneficiaria-con-llegada-de-venezolanos,"Precisamente en varias oportunidades se ha rumoreado queel Ministerio de Hacienda había anunciado un ajuste a las metas, luego de que el Comité Consultivo de la Regla Fiscal permitió la ampliación del déficit para el 2019 a un 2,7% del PIB y a un 2,3% para el 2020, por el impacto en su economía de la migración de 1,3 millones de venezolanos, pero esta situación no afectado las previsiones del Gobierno." +317818,52949.0,2331.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,65,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"According to the Detailed Site Assessment, 16 per cent of 2,344 IDP sites assessed have no access to any learning facilities. In addition, available learning facilities in the IDP sites are overcrowded, while the average walking time to reach the nearest learning facility is 18 minutes, which exposes IDP children – in particular adolescent girls - to protection risks." +235724,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,The COVID-19 pandemic is adding to pre-existing risks for aid workers as PPE shortfalls continue to affect frontline responders and the general community has become complacent about protective measures including mask wearing. +244047,46388.0,2336.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,16,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"On average, it takes people in rural areas three times longer to collect water." +273924,50464.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,74,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210203FINALFactSheetSomaliaSkisserLR11.pdf,"Migration and changes in mobility patterns can increase the risk of violent conflict in two interrelated ways. First, in areas severely affected by resource scarcities, large influxes of people can place additional burdens on the economic resource base, in turn increasing the risk of local resource conflicts. Second, migration and changing mobility patterns are particularly linked to violent conflict between communities that lack shared institutions for conflict resolution" +176390,41733.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,34,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/reach_drc_bulletin-des-marche-2_juin-2020.pdf,"Au niveau des régions, les provinces de Kinshasa, sa périphérie, et celles du Nord-Est et du Sud-Est ont été particulièrement touchées par une augmentation du coût médian de leur PMA." +132555,35164.0,1188.0,['Shelter'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,26,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"40% viven en cuartos o alquilan camas dentro de casas o apartamentos, creando situaciones de riesgo y falta de espacios privados para los NNA" +178256,41756.0,2225.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,21,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,De trop faibles disponibilités alimentaires associées aux épidémies récurrentes ont eu un impact considérable sur la situation nutritionnelle en RDC. +296095,52417.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,99,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.dropbox.com/s/fpu0ox89go0s7li/Syria%202021%20HNO%20%28advance%20copy%29.pdf?dl=0,"[23rd March 2021] Despite the gradual easing of preventative measures across the country since then, only marginal improvements have occurred given substantial increases in out-of-pocket expenses for related costs such as transport and medicine. Although families in Hama (37 per cent), Al-Hasakeh (24 per cent), and Rural Damascus Governorates were found to be the most affected by COVID-19 containment efforts overall, the uneven application of these measures has meant the impact on humanitarian programmes and – by extension – affected communities has been felt at different intervals." +188027,42199.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,40,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://acturdc.com/haut-katanga-3-jours-de-confinement-pour-lubumbashi-kipushi-et-kasumbalesa/,"La province [Haut-Katanga] dénombre à ce jour, 260 cas de Covid-19. Le confinement de cette semaine sera le 4ème depuis le début de la pandémie, plus que n’importe quelle province du pays." +303673,51467.0,2335.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,96,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"The prolonged conflict and limited Government investment have had a devastating impact on the country’s infrastructure and basic service delivery. Health facilities are poorly equipped and staffed. Out of approximately 2,300 health facilities, more than 1,300 are non-functional. Of the functioning health facilities, 57 per cent are supported by humanitarian and development partners and many remain in areas that are not easily accessible by the communities, i.e., close to a quarter of IDPs and returnees live in settlements further than 5 km from a functional health facility" +195810,43853.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Testing']",fr,60,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.rtbf.be/info/monde/detail_coronavirus-en-rdc-les-voyageurs-testes-a-leur-descente-d-avion?id=10622664,"""Tout passager arrivant en RDC sera soumis, à partir du 31 octobre 2020, au test Covid-19 à l’aéroport d’entrée"", a écrit le directeur général de l’autorité d’aviation civile aux compagnies aériennes qui desservent la RDC (Air France, Brussels Airlines, Ethiopian Airlines, Turkish Airlines" +48284,12622.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LIBRO%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20las%20necesidades%20insatisfechas%20SSR%20y%20Migrantes%20Venezolanos%20-%20Digital.pdf,"Además, las mujeres embarazadas no tienen acceso efectivo y suficiente a servicios de promoción y prevención, y en muchos casos han enfrentado complicaciones a la hora de registrar a sus hijos como ciudadanos colombianos." +162099,39490.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,56,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200707_acaps_covid-19_secondary_impacts_in_rohingya_refugee_camps.pdf,"For the girls that do attend school,the longer they are out of school the more vulnerable they become to sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), early marriage, and early pregnancy. Boys, meanwhile, are exposed to a higher risk of being forced into child labour, including illegal work" +188160,43324.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross', 'Nutrition']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,45,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irc_-_rapport_devaluation_covid-19_extreme_nord_-irc.pdf,"les régions de l’Est, de l’Adamaoua et du Nord demeurent touchées par la crise des réfugiés centrafricains, qui accentue les vulnérabilités des communautés d’accueil et aggrave les niveaux d’insécurité alimentaire et de la malnutrition." +341891,56644.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,438,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.sismamujer.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/MUJERES-DERECHOS-LABORALES-Y-EMERGENCIA-SANITARIA.docx.pdf,"Al Estado: Identificar los escenarios y los riesgos de violencias que enfrentan las mujeres trabajadoras de los sectores económicos altamente feminizados de manera estereotipada, en el marco de la pandemia, para activar mecanismos de prevención, atención y protección a las mujeres. Promover estrategias de sensibilización para empleadores/as y empresas que permitan la toma de conciencia en relación con las necesidades y derechos de las mujeres trabajadoras, y en especial de los sectores económicos altamente feminizados de manera estereotipada Incentivar en el Estado la contratación de mujeres. Disponer de procesos de selección en el que se priorice la contratación de mujeres en el sector público. Incentivar la contratación de mujeres en el sector privado. Establecer relaciones con las empresas y asociaciones de empresas, para promover la contratación de mujeres, en todos los niveles, buscando eliminar la subvaloración y estereotipia de las labores altamente feminizadas. Generar mecanismos de vigilancia y denuncia para las trabajadoras, que atienden a las realidades y particularidades de las mujeres dentro de cada sector económico En especial, para las mujeres trabajadoras de sectores altamente feminizados de manera estereotipada. Documentar, investigar y contar con cifras actualizadas, que permitan recoger datos sobre las mujeres trabajadoras y las características reales, de los trabajos que desempeñan40. Promover espacios de diálogo, adecuados y efectivos, en donde las mujeres trabajadoras puedan, de manera constante, transmitir a las entidades competentes sus necesidades. Tender puentes para que las mujeres trabajadoras puedan tener diálogos con las empresas y los empleadores. En especial, las mujeres trabajadoras de sectores altamente feminizados de manera estereotipada. Generar alternativas de financiación y apoyos económicos dirigidos a las mujeres emprendedoras. Promover espacios para la formación de mujeres en materia financiera, tecnológica, liderazgo y habilidades gerenciales, con el fin de potenciar las capacidades de las mujeres trabajadoras. Brindar asesoría técnica y formaciones que le permitan a las mujeres emprendedoras implementar estrategias tecnológicas para la actualización de sus modelos de negocio. Creación y financiación de incubadoras y aceleradoras que estén dirigidas, de manera específica, a los emprendimientos de las mujeres. Promover alianzas público- privadas para que las instituciones de educación superior aporten a la investigación y acompañamiento a las mujeres trabajadoras. Generar una política pública de cuidados, que sea participativa y cuente con indicadores, responsabilidades y presupuesto claro. Igualmente promover un proyecto de ley que materialice normativamente los avances jurisprudenciales en materia de derechos laborales de las mujeres trabajadoras domésticas remuneradas." +235477,46388.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,67,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Since the start of the pandemic, there have been direct attacks on hospitals, abductions of healthcare workers, acts of intimidation, harassment and interference, looting of medical supplies, and indirect harm from the ongoing armed conflict. Between 1 January and 31 October 2020, there were 67 incidents carried out by parties to the conflict against healthcare workers or facilities." +162729,32457.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,79,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/proyecto-de-ley-migratoria-avance-o-retroceso/1970,"Como un tercer aspecto, la especialista en derecho constitucional recomienda enfocar la ley en las rutas de regularización de la población migrante y de acceso a la nacionalidad.""Hay una carencia de visas para casos de carácter humanitario, para víctimas de crímenes y enfermos terminales"",dice a la par que exhorta a revisar losejemplos de países como Brasil, Argentina y España, que incluyeron estas consideraciones en sus leyes de inmigración." +90035,25213.0,1621.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,44,[],"['Context', 'Casualties']",2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A_HRC_43_75_E.pdf,"Between 1 January and 30 November, UNSMIL documented 582 civilian casualties (236 deaths and 346 injured), including 430 men, 54 boys, and 58 other males whose age could not be determined, 23 women and seven girls." +192036,42659.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,81,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_175.pdf,"Au Nord-Kivu, la 4ème province la plus touchée, les ZS hotspots, parmi les 268 cas pour lesquels l’information était renseignée, sont celles de Goma (128/268 ; 47,8%), Karisimbi (101/268 ; 37,7%), Nyiragongo (17/268 ; 6,3%), Walikale (11/268 ; 4,1%), Beni (5/268 ; 1,9%) et Mutwanga (3/268 ; 1,1%) (Figure 3)." +317215,53333.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,39,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"There is need to provide supportive awareness raising messages and training for security forces in order to combat GBV wherever it occurs, and for law enforcement agencies so that cases can be reported without fear or favour." +294578,51749.0,2099.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,88,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[commune de Ouargaye] En matière d’hygiène et d’assainissement selon les données issues du Programme national d’approvisionnement en eau potable (PN-AEP) de 2018, 432 latrines étaient fonctionnelles en 2018 et 08 latrines auraient été construites19. A raison de 01 latrine pour 50 personnes cela signifie donc que la commune de Ouargaye a suffisamment de latrines pour 22 000 personnes alors que la commune en compte environ 52 703 (7 529 ménages) aujourd’hui." +330051,53699.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],fr,90,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_094_20210404_hebdo_s13.pdf,"Au sujet du trafic national, 25 815 personnes ont franchi les différents PoC ce même 04/04/2021 et ont toutes été screenées ; aucune alerte n’a été décelée. A la fin de S13/2021, 162 709 mouvements ont été enrôlés et screenés ; aucune alerte n’a été répertoriée (complétude de 71,6%). Ceci est largement en-dessous des bilans de S12/2021 au terme de laquelle 178 797 passants avaient été enregistrés et screenés, 5 alertes détectées (complétude de 61,7%)" +161171,35726.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_arauca_junio_2020_vf%20%281%29.pdf,"Por otra parte, los NNA siguen siendo violentados sexualmente y maltratados al interior de los hogares; en 2019 se presentaron 293 casos de presunto delito sexual y 129 casos de violencia intrafamiliar y de enero a junio de 2020, se presentaron 118 casos de presunto delito sexual y 49 casos de violencia intrafamiliar8" +340446,53036.0,2334.0,['Shelter'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,14,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/1-Lolo_Dec%202020_0.pdf,"Partenaires abris & NFI : ADES, UNHCR, MINEPDED, MINFOF, FICR/CRC" +188417,42886.0,1183.0,[],[],[],es,43,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Equipo%20Local%20de%20Coordinaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Choc%C3%B3%20Flash%20Update%20COVID-19%20%2312%20%28octubre%2031%20de%202020%29.pdf,"Aun se observa baja capacidad de atención y protección de las instituciones departamentales y municipales a víctimas de VBG y violencia intrafamiliar, limitaciones en el acceso a derechos reproductivos y medicamentos de personas que viven con VIH y discriminación de población LGTBI" +188234,40860.0,1899.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,104,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200922_OCHA_GUATEMALA%20HRP%20COVID-19%20ESPAN%CC%83OL.pdf,"Las personas en situación de movilidad humana (personas retornadas, refugiadas, solicitantes asilo, personas en tránsito, migrantes, y entre estos en particular niños, niñas y adolescentes y mujeres víctimas o en riesgo de GBV, y personas LGBTI). Como afirma la Red de las Naciones Unidas sobre Migración8, “los migrantes y las personas en movimiento enfrentan las mismas amenazas de salud del COVID-19 que las poblaciones de acogida, pero pueden enfrentar vulnerabilidades particulares debido a las circunstancias de su viaje y las pobres condiciones de vida y trabajo en las que pueden encontrarse" +178255,41756.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,15,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,Les épidémies sont quant à elles un facteur aggravant de l’insécurité alimentaire. +175121,40890.0,1183.0,[],[],[],es,46,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"Los jefes de hogar que mayoritariamente manifiestan tener alguna discapacidad son mujeres entre los 30 y 49 años, con casi el 38% del total de personas identificadas con discapacidad, seguido por hombres en el mismo rango etario con más del 15%." +305625,51474.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,44,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"The United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) also continued to engage with humanitarian partners who operate in the sites and with internally displaced persons, in support of efforts to promote peaceful co-existence among communities in and around the camps." +69880,19974.0,1534.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,54,['Impact'],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"Abaco Islands are most severely affected with thousands of houses destroyed and telecommunications, water wells and roads damaged. Limited infrastructure has hampered operations and access to date. In the most damaged areas there is little or no safe water, electricity or sanitation posing a danger to safety and health." +294626,51749.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[District sanitaire de Ouargaye] En général, dans les CSPS il n’y a aucune stratégie mis en place pour faire face aux flambées épidémiques, pas de plan de contingence ni de stock d’urgence." +300530,52762.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,36,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_087_28210321_hebdo_s12.pdf,"[S12/2021] Près de 123343 personnes ont été sensibilisées et les mesures de briefées sur prévention, incluant hommes, femmes et enfants ainsi que des chefs de quartiers et leaders communautaires dans 14 ZS" +299091,52086.0,2028.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,43,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[25th March, 2021, Overall Syria] Compared to income sufficient households, income insufficient households prioritise food and livelihoods rater than fuel and electricity. This suggests that those without income sufficiency prioritise basic survival needs over other services." +452350,64945.0,2099.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH', 'Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MONITORING%20PROTECTION%20DE%20JULLET%202021%20EST.pdf,"Les incidents, au cours du mois de juillet 2021, se sont produit dans les lieux de regroupements de personnes tels que les marchés, les points d’eaux, les domiciles, mais aussi au cours des activités comme les voyages, la recherche du bois et pendant les activités dans les champs." +69897,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],[],en,25,[],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,The rights of marginalised groups including immigrants and members of the LGBTQIA communities can also be compromised due to discrimination (discussed below). +311757,53183.0,2466.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,21,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"Displaced and conflict-affected people, including conflict-affected nomadic communities, have specific education needs that are not currently being met." +160302,39436.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],fr,6,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://lefaso.net/spip.php?article99282,516 patients sont sous traitement. +161519,39295.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,16,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,138 people have tested positive for COVID- 19 in northwest Syria as of 8 September. +327259,54714.0,2331.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,"[EDUCATION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 80% of households found with an education LSG. 80% found to be severe, 2% stress, 18% no or minimal." +59109,17455.0,788.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,75,[],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/201908-nigeria-cross-border-report.pdf,"Clashes between the Nigerian military and Boko Haram in December 2018 and January 2019 in the town of Rann, eight kilometres from the border with Cameroon, forced around 40,000 people to flee across the border. Research participants reported similar movements in other border areas: “We started to hear gunfire from all sides and then we ran into Fotokol in Cameroon”, said Emmanuel from the town of Gamboru." +305215,53100.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],fr,12,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/plan_de_preparation_coronavirus_cmr._version_du_10_mars_2019.pdf,Moyens matériels et financiers pour l’animation de la coordination insuffisants +475699,63295.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rpca_avis_pregec_cotonou-visio_17_18_juin2021_fr.pdf,"[Sahel et Afrique de l’Ouest] Sur les marchés à bétail, les prix des animaux sont globalement en hausse à cause de la forte demande en bétail avec l’approche de la fête de Tabaski. Ce qui favorise les termes de l’échange bétail / céréales en faveur des éleveurs." +216631,45416.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,71,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,"D’autres situations en lien avec le manque des fournitures de bureau et matériels didactiques, craies pour les enseignants ; l’engagement de certains enseignants non mécanisés à enseigner tout en demandant une contribution des parents pour la survie, et les effectifs scolaires qui ont largement augmenté à cause de la gratuité scolaire sont des éléments qui renforce la détérioration des conditions de travail des enseignants." +341812,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,74,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Il existe de nombreux départements et communes du Burkina Faso où il n’y a aucune force de défense et de sécurité. Dans les régions frontalières en particulier où le contrôle permanent de l’Etat doit être existant pour freiner l’entrée sur son sol d’individus mal intentionnés, aucun obstacle ne se dresse contre les groupes armés qui opèrent et se replient avec une certaine facilité." +337601,55860.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,17,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb4752en.pdf,[Ituri et Nord Kivu] the looting of livestock will deplete vulnerable households’ assets. +473065,67194.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Covid-19->Deaths'],en,52,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Countries with at least one child per 1000 children experiencing COVID-19-associated deaths among primary caregivers were Peru, South Africa, Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, Iran, the USA, Argentina, and Russia, with rates ranging from 10·2 in Peru to 1·0 in Russia (table 2)" +325689,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,208,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Des flux commerciaux de riz produit localement existent entre l’ouest du Burkina Faso et l’est du Mali. Ils sont motivés par des écarts de prix importants et persistants entre les marchés des zones de production au Burkina et les marchés de destination au Mali – qui sont cohérents avec la géographie de la production et de la consommation de riz dans ce bassin commercial. Un différentiel de qualité peut également jouer un rôle car il est bien connu que les consommateurs maliens sont plus exigeants que les autres en termes de qualité du riz, et que les producteurs et les transformateurs burkinabés peuvent répondre à cette demande spécifique. Différentes sources d’information fournissent des preuves de ces flux. Les commerçants maliens sont prédominants car ils s’approvisionnent souvent directement dans les zones de production de l’ouest du Burkina Faso (zones de la bannière et de la plaine de Bama dans la région des Hauts Bassins et zone de la plaine du Sourou dans la Boucle du Mouhoun). Ils achètent à la fois du riz paddy et du riz étuvé, qu’ils expédient ensuite en vrac sur les marchés frontaliers." +311054,54065.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,132,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nenfss_round_9_final_report_11032021.pdf,"[1st Dec 2020,North-East Nigeria] Less than 20% of children with symptoms of diarrhea in Borno (15.8%) received treatment with both ORS and zinc combination, this is almost twice the number in Adamawa state (8.4%) and more than twice that of Yobe (6.7%). The proportion of children receiving ORS was higher than the proportion receiving zinc in all three states—Adamawa (37.6% and 17.5%, respectively), Borno (43.7% and 20.8%, respectively) and Yobe (224.2% and 13.9%, respectively). These estimates represent an improvement in clinical management of diarrhea relative to that observed in the round 8 of NE-NFSS especially in Yobe state." +40778,11933.0,729.0,"['Protection', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,67,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SitRep_Libya_EN_19%20April.pdf,"In Gharyan detention centre, detainees lack access to safe drinking water. Hygiene and sanitation conditions are extremely poor, contributing to health problems amongst the detainees. Since the beginning of the crisis, UNHCR and its partners have relocated 540 vulnerable refugees from detention centres exposed to or at risk of conflict to the General Departure Facility in a safer area of Tripoli." +35765,13057.0,788.0,"['Nutrition', 'WASH', 'Livelihoods']",[],[],en,117,[],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000105395.pdf,"However, water stood out as a priority need in Northern Yobe B (13.9 percent), Central Borno B (12.6 percent), Northern Borno (12.0 percent), Southern Yobe (10.4 percent) and East Borno (10.3 percent), which has implication for WASH and nutrition, particularly amongst children and pregnant and lactating women. The renewed desire for livelihood support by households across the northeast clearly indicates an opportunity for gradual integration of livelihood oriented assistance in areas where such is feasible, even if at a limited scale, to slowly build resilience of conflict affected communities and promote self-sufficiency and reduce dependency in parallel." +35523,13057.0,788.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,115,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000105395.pdf,"At the domain level, the highest percentage of children that had experienced symptoms of illnesses during the two-week that preceded the assessment were found in Southern Adamawa (46.5 percent) and Central Borno B (43 percent) whilst Northern Borno B (27.6 percent) had the lowest . For children that had experienced on or more symptoms two weeks before the assessment, the prevalence of fever was relatively high (> 40 percent) across almost all domains except for Southern Adamawa (36 percent), Central Borno A (35 percent), East Borno (30 percent) and Northern Adamawa B (30 percent)." +21818,9026.0,322.0,[],[],[],en,42,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,,"There are also said to be 100 mosques, 12 public baths, and ten spe- cialized market areas (one for clothes, grain, salt and spices, silver and gold, and cat- tle, among others)." +489103,67500.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,60,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_15.pdf,"[April -June 2021, Cox's Bazar] According to WHO Surveillance Data, from April-June, there was a 67 percent decline in reported cases of Diphtheria in quarter two. No fatalities were recorded. In quarter one, 72 cases were reported compared to 24 (35 percent-male, 65 percent-female) in quarter two." +294730,52246.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,92,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sidwaya.info/blog/2021/03/05/reconciliation-nationale-et-cohesion-sociale-zephirin-diabre-decline-son-role-et-les-attentes/,"(Discours de Zéphirin Diabré) enquête de Ministère de la justice et des droits humains en 2018 dénombrait: 1321 conflits agro pastoraux, 169 conflits de chefferie coutumière, 1671 conflits fonciers, 33 conflits inter ou intra religieux; 41 conflits exploitants miniers/population; 67 conflits politiques locaux.· Ces conflits communautaires posent de graves problèmes de réconciliation qui, s’ils ne sont pas résolus, vont continuer à miner notre cohésion à la base, donc à détruire les fondements de notre nation par le bas." +237279,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The increase in the Protection Cluster’s need estimate from 11.5 million in mid-2020 to 12.8 million in 2021 reflects the ongoing risks presented by worsening conflict, compounded by additional challenges for vulnerable groups as a result of the economic and social impact of the pandemic." +57771,17280.0,1186.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Legal & Policy', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",es,31,[],"['Context', 'Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/439982_ed8c90c2b9644fbbabee3b33e6e9e918.pdf,"Las condiciones de arriendo abusivo parecen ser consecuencia también de las barreras del mercado habitacional formal, dado que sus requisitos y mecanismos ponen en desventaja a la población migrante." +315349,53333.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],en,61,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"They also cited CEFM coming with pressures from parents to meet the livelihoods needs of the family, and peer pressure from their peers to experiment with sex. They gave the example of a situation where some girls are orphaned and have no one to take care of them; hence they are easily sexually exploited and become pregnant." +38691,13760.0,729.0,"['Logistics', 'Agriculture', 'Health', 'Cross', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods', 'Shelter']",[],[],en,52,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/190605-Flash-Update---Floods_0.pdf,"• Initial humanitarian needs identified include: shelter, food and non-food items, and health services. Immediate humanitarian response is provided by the local counterparts; OCHA is monitoring sectoral needs. • Severe damage of roads, telecommunications, houses and farmland vital for livelihoods have been reported." +312797,53783.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],fr,51,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.radiookapi.net/2021/04/18/actualite/sante/la-rdc-lance-la-campagne-vaccination-contre-la-covid-19-ce-lundi-19-avril,"La vaccination contre le Coronavirus avec le vaccin AstraZeneca débute sur toute l'étendue de la RDC. Elle sera volontaire, mais commencera avec le personnel soignant. Cette décision avait été annoncée le 13 avril, au cours de la réunion de la Tast force présidentielle contre cette épidémie." +315392,53333.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,24,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"They suggested providing improved security and e measures to fight against domestic violence, including rape and advocate for rights of the girl child" +91780,26015.0,1620.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,87,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Situation-Overview_H2R_Oct-Dec_13.03.2020.pdf,"In Marte, the proportion of assessed settlements reporting that people consumed two meals per day decreased from 78% in October to 46% in December, whereas the proportion of assessed settlements reporting that people consumed one meal per day increased from none (0%) in October to 15% in December. The reported decrease in the number of meals consumed per day in Kukawa and Marte could indicate insufficient yields of crops during harvest season resulting in less food available." +236319,46388.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,59,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The confluence of escalating conflict, natural disasters, COVID-19 and related interruptions or unavailability of services have increased the severity of existing gender gaps affecting women and girls in general, but specifically for women IDPs, women and girls with disabilities, older women, women-headed households, and women living in rural and remote areas." +57264,17282.0,1186.0,"['Education', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,168,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.dt.gob.cl/portal/1626/articles-117135_archivo_01.pdf,"Un aspecto vinculado a la inserción laboral dice relación con la educación y formación de los trabajadores. Pese a que en promedio el nivel educacional es mayor al de los chilenos, su inserción laboral en empleos de alta calificación en más baja. Los datos para el trimestre marzo-mayo de 2018 indican que los extranjeros tienen menor participación en empleos de alta calificación. Así, poco más de la mitad se ocupa en trabajos no calificados, o en servicios y vendedores de comercio, mientras que en el 20,2% se ocupa en empleos de alta calificación, al tiempo que para los ocupados de origen chileno la cifra aumenta al 26,8%. Esto se explica en gran medida a la mayor proporción de trabajadores inmigrantes subutilizados por competencias en comparación con los nacidos en Chile, debido en parte a un complejo proceso de validación en el país de títulos obtenidos en el extranjero. (Bravo y Urzúa, 2018)" +245222,48020.0,2170.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,72,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs']",['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_15_jan_2021_report.pdf,"[1st-15th Jan 2021,North east Nigeria] The reporting period of 1-15 January, 2021 recorded 9 fire outbreaks in two (2) LGAs; Jere (3) and Monguno (6) with a total of 104 shelters being affected as reported by the CCCM partners. Emphasis on advocacy and mobilization of interventions for the affected households became the top-most priority for the reporting period." +213399,44840.0,2331.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,26,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,The COVID-19 pandemic is disrupting learning for nearly 1.2 million children and adolescents across Somalia and putting further stress on an already fragile education system. +330475,53831.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,40,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/12042021_sitrep_s12_whe_oms_rdc_f.pdf,"[Nord Kivu] The Johanniter : mise en œuvre du projet de transition de la couverture sanitaire universelle dans les ZS de Masisi, Mweso et Katoyi où une mutuelle de santé est en train d’être initiée" +22239,9106.0,729.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,42,[],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"According to the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project (ACLED), there were 344 outbreaks of conflict and armed clashes since January 2018. 727 people were killed in Libya, from 1 January 2018 to 22 September 2018" +317934,53305.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,18,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,Life expectancy in South Sudan is in the bottom 10 countries in the world (57 years) +235697,46388.0,2336.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,64,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Of those who reported a barrier to access to markets, 51 per cent reported markets being too far or not having transport available, 13 per cent reported the roads being too dangerous due to conflict, 8 per cent reported roads being too dangerous due to physical constraints; 12 per cent reported markets not being accessible due to COVID-19 restrictions." +317231,53333.0,2334.0,[],[],[],en,31,[],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Using the same materials, support facilitators and teachers in non-formal learning centres and schools with relevant skills and knowledge so that they deliver quality education for adolescents at risk." +317765,52949.0,2331.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,72,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Education : There are 1.4 million people in need of education .Similarly, 1.4M non-IDPs, 300,000 IDPs, 11000 refugees/asylum seekers, 46000 refugee returnees are in need. Education Cluster key vulnerable groups are (144,000) children living with disability, 1M IDP school aged children . Severity of needs: 76% (Stress), 22% (Severe), 2% (Extreme)." +221967,45410.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,59,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"[La région du Lac dans la Zone 8 - « Zone ouest agropastorale et de pêche » ]:C En plus des récoltes, le déploiement de l’assistance en réponse à la pandémie et aux inondations par la communauté humanitaire aux ménages vulnérables contribue à abaisser les niveaux des prix sur les marchés céréaliers." +228079,46579.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,73,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Se observan riesgos indirectos en las comunidades indígenas de El Yucal, Rio Pangüí y Boca de Guadal (557 personas) del municipio de Nuquí, quienes se encuentran confinadas desde el mes de julio, y han alertado que podría darse un repliegue de los GAO hacia esta zona de Nuquí en medio de las operaciones de la Fuerza Pública en las zonas afectadas y ya mencionadas de Bahía Solano." +69908,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],[],en,102,[],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"Shelters are providing basic healthcare but are not able to provide life-saving sexual and reproductive health services service in line with the Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) including clinical management of rape, access to contraceptive options for prevention of unwanted pregnancies and safe abortion care to the full extent of the law, treatment and referrals for STIs including HIV and emergency obstetric and newborn care for complications in pregnancy. This situation disproportionately affects women, adolescent girls and other vulnerable groups including LGBTQIA communities, HIV positive individuals, undocumented immigrants and those with intersectional vulnerabilities." +271060,47809.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_7.pdf,"La incidencia nacional de dengue es de 15,9 casos por cada 100000 habitantes en riesgo. Para las entidades de Putumayo, Amazonas, Cali, Cartagena, Cundinamarca, Vichada, Archipiélago de San Andrés y Providencia, Magdalena, Caquetá, Huila y Bolívar se estiman tasas de incidencia superiores a 20,0 casos por 100 000 habitantes" +452425,64948.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,144,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/juin_2021_evaluation_drs_est_rapport_mission_conjointe_corus_est.pdf,"[District sanitaire de Fada N’gourma] Les difficultés rencontrées sont : • Problème d’insécurité : fonctionnement à minima et fermeture des formations sanitaires ; • Surcharge de travail dans les formations sanitaires fonctionnelles accueillant les personnes déplacées internes ; • Insuffisance en personnels qualifiés suite aux multiples départs ; • Capacité d’accueil insuffisante dans les formations sanitaires d’accueil • Insuffisance en matériel médicotechniques, en médicaments et consommables ; • Insuffisance de connaissances des agents de santé et des agents de santé à base communautaire dans certaines thématiques dans le contexte d’urgence : la gestion médicale des VBG, la PCIME communautaire, SIMR, Vaccination en situation d’urgence, Accouchement sécurisé, PCIMAInsuffisance de la logistique : notamment roulante pour la vaccination en stratégie avancée et les évacuations sanitaires ;" +236061,47122.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,19,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,Some cluster activities have been temporarily suspended to prevent the spread of COVID-19 while life-saving humanitarian activities continue. +148561,36019.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",en,49,['Impact'],"['Covid-19', 'Humanitarian Access']",IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"Humanitarian and commercial shipments, and NGO staff movements, continue from Turkey to Syria. Restrictions at the two crossing points of Deir Ballut and Ghazzawiyeh linking Idleb and north Aleppo areas, continue, however creating a limited impact on humanitarian shipments and crossings of staff." +216613,45416.0,2225.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)'],fr,25,[],['Information And Communication'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,L’analyse des rapports a relevé peu d’information harmonisées et chiffrées sur l’instruction et les processus d’apprentissage. +360937,58845.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,50,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_price_bulletin_may_2021.pdf,"[May 2021, Overall Syria] Year-on-year (y-o-y), the price of the reference food basket has significantly increased across all 14 governorates. Quneitra recorded the highest increase (up 249 percent), while Al-Hasakeh recorded the lowest increase (up 90 percent)." +323034,54626.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,27,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,The delivery of lifesaving nutrition treatment to children affected by severe acute malnutrition (SAM) has continued to be a priority for UNICEF and partners. +177373,41093.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,58,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"En julio, el recaudo tributario fue de 10,9 billones de pesos, que representa una reducción de 21,1% respecto al mismo mes de 2019. Esta variación se explica principalmente por la disminución en el recaudo de IVA (-36,5%) y retención en la fuente a título de renta (-12,9%)." +287442,51638.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],"['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,25,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Priority Interventions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20_FEVRIER%202021_SAHEL.pdf,"(Sahel) Apporter une assistance aux 1124 PDI nouvellement arrivées à Dori, Bani, Mansila et Sebba en vivres, Abris et AME" +238285,46388.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,15,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Fear of potential violence has also meant that children are pre-emptively kept from school. +287918,51049.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Context->Demography', 'Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,163,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nw_syria_sitrep25_20210226.pdf,"[26 Feb, 2021, NWS] As of 26 February, the total number of COVID-19 associated deaths were 408, with a case fatality rate of 1.93 %. The mean age of COVID-19 cases was 37.4 years, with 53 cases reported to be under the age of five and 2,172 (10.3%) cases reported to be over the age of 60. Since the first case of COVID-19 was confirmed on 9 July, by 25 February some 94,000 samples had been tested via RT-PCR, with a total test positivity rate of 24.0%. As of 25 January, the number of health care workers (HCWs) and health facilities staff (physicians, dentists, nurses, midwives and various medical technicians) who contracted COVID-19 disease reached 1,554 (7.4 percent) and another 1,136 (5.4 percent) were other staff working in healthcare facilities or community health workers." +239547,47230.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'Cross', 'Food Security']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],es,55,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"Se observa que el efectivo es la modalidad preferida tanto para vivienda como para alimentación. Sin embargo, para la necesidad de atención médica, es servicios la modalidad más elegida debido a la naturaleza de la necesidad, y a esta le sigue el efectivo como segunda preferencia (ver gráfica 14)" +308117,53309.0,2098.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,66,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/gender_alert_brief_final.pdf,"[29th March 2021, Cox's Bazar] It is important to adopt special measures such as same-sex interviews, interviews conducted in private, spaces and at a convenient time for both women and men. Consultations with women and men of all ages are critical to determine the different needs, priorities and capacities, thereby reflecting them in the fire response." +164736,39789.0,2098.0,[],[],[],en,29,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Movementwide%20Operation%20Report%20August%202020.pdf,"COVID-19 related information along with other contemporary information shared with IFRC, ICRC, all movement partners, GBV cluster and CP cluster through e-mail and cell phone." +159575,39148.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,50,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_july2020_ne_nigeria.pdf,"TdH continue to create awareness on COVID-19 to all beneficiaries accessing the TdH supported health facilities. IPC measures are in place for the prevention of COVID-19 transmission at the point of service delivery. A total of 44,788 persons were sensitized on COVID-19 within TdH areas of intervention." +472938,63777.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,77,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Selon les informations collectées lors des entretiens et selon 64% des enquêtés, la majorité des PDIs vivent en familles d’accueil que ce soit à Sampelga ou à Sebba. Mais pour des questions de promiscuité liées à la capacité d’accueil de ces familles, certaines PDIs louent seules ou en association des maisons (selon 86% des enquêtés) dont les prix varient en fonction des moyens des ménages." +314860,53183.0,2466.0,"['WASH', 'Education']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,45,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"There is an inadequate number of classrooms available in camp settings, making it challenging to maintain the social distance. An assessment done on WASH highlighted that the number of functioning latrines is also inadequate. Water supply also remains a persistent challenge." +305479,53013.0,2331.0,[],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,14,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/3c8084ae/REACH_SOM_Factsheet_Assessment-of-Hard-to-Reach-Areas_December-2020.pdf,Only 1% of assessed settlements where people were reportedly receiving humanitarian assistance. +170459,40462.0,2099.0,"['Protection', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],fr,66,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Les enfants constituent la catégorie plus fragile et la plus touchée au sein des PDIs. Le monitoring de protection a constaté qu’ils sont exposés à des pratiques comme la mendicité, l’exploitation, le sexe de survie pour les filles, la déscolarisation, le manque de cadre de distraction, le risque des mines et des engins explosifs improvisés." +358798,58362.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.lafm.com.co/internacional/derechos-de-ninas-y-adolescentes-migrantes-venezolanas-no-se-estan-garantizando-segun,"Entre los hallazgos del estudio se resalta que el 50% de las encuestadas reportó sentirse insegura en las calles de los países a donde migraron. De igual manera, el informe señala que el 21% y el 13% de las niñas y adolescentes, respectivamente, ha visto situaciones de violencia, abuso sexual o agresiones verbales en contra de sus pares." +179225,41946.0,2028.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,44,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://publications.unescwa.org/projects/saw/sdgs/pdf/en/Syria-at-War-8-years-on-Report-Final.pdf,"[Syria 2019] Poor living conditions, whether in camp or out, along with depleted savings and limited livelihood opportunities, are the foundation for harmful exploitation, such as gender-based violence, child abuse, child labour and early marriage." +401415,62279.0,2170.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,79,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"[10th November 2020, MONGUNO LGA, BORNO STATE]Main source of Income: One of the major sources of income for the population of Monguno town was casual labors i.e. 26.3% (22.5% - 30.5%) whereas skilled labour and remittance being second and third most source with 12.5% (9.8% - 15.9%) and 11.5% (8.8% - 14.8%) (Fig 8)." +452680,63974.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,63,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_20210630-Rapport-Protection-Trimestriel.pdf,"L’accès humanitaire ainsi que l’assistance aux PDI dans la province du Loroum, une des 4 provinces de la région du Nord, reste un grand un défi. Cela, malgré le fait que cette province soit parmi celles comptant le plus grand nombre de déplacés internes au Nord. La situation sécuritaire y est très fragile." +158626,39277.0,2170.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,27,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NMMB_June2020_Final.pdf,Nigerian crude oil prices began decreasing in February but dropped significantly in March due to a reduction in global demand with the continued spread of COVID-19. +161691,35755.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,4,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77956.pdf,Venezolanos en Colombiaa 1.788.380 +264295,48806.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,129,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_final_enquete_smart_27112019.pdf,"Au niveau national, sur 8 groupes d’aliments définis, le nombre moyen de groupe d’aliments consommés est de 2,71 pour les enfants allaités. Quant aux enfants non allaités ce nombre moyen est de 3,04 sur 7 groupes d’aliments définis. Au niveau provincial, le nombre moyen de groupe d’aliments consommés varie de 1,55 dans la province du Borkou à 3,18 dans la province du Logone Occidental chez les enfants allaités. Pour les enfants non allaités, ce nombre moyen vari de 2,13 dans la province de Sila à 3,76 dans la province du Logone Occidental. D’une manière générale, la diversité alimentaire reste encore faible chez les enfants de 6 à 23 mois." +241249,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,51,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Access to health care is also particularly challenging for shock-affected people. The majority of displaced households reported having to walk more than an hour to the nearest healthcare facility. This is most serious in Daykundi (60 per cent) and Sar-e Pul (58 per cent). +415997,63153.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,53,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ETT-ITURI_Gina_Djugu_Rapport%20067.pdf,"Par ailleurs, les populations de ces localités défèquent principalement dans la brousse, à l’air libre et même dans la rivière où ils puisent l’eau par manque de latrines. Cette situation est à l’origine de la prévalence élevée des maladies d’origine hydrique." +176062,40999.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,126,"['Impact', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_levaluation_rapide_sur_les_vbg_et_covid-19_dans_la_region_de_lest.pdf,"Les entretiens révèlent qu’un seul service sur les trois a déclaré avoir un espace confidentiel pour recevoir les survivants. Aucun des services ne dispose d’un psychologue clinicien et les activités de groupe sont quasi inexistantes. Il y a aussi une faible disponibilité des assistants psychosociaux au sein des services. Le renforcement continu des capacités a été exprimé comme un besoin dont la satisfaction s’avère indispensable au regard du contexte d’urgence pour permettre aux acteurs d’être plus opérationnels. Les ressources humaines, matérielles et financières demeurent également insuffisantes au regard du contexte. Cette insuffisance empêche souvent les agents de l’action sociale à apporter en temps opportun une réponse immédiate." +305719,51572.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,34,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Planning distribution of food at school to avoid having kids dropping school out of hunger [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +288539,51848.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,120,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/herams_fourth_quarter_2020_final.pdf,"[Dec 2020, NWS] Functionality has been assessed at three levels: fully functioning which means open and providing full package of essential services, partially functioning means open but not providing the full package of essential services, or not functioning. Out of 565 assessed health facilities, 65.5% (371) were reported fully functioning compared to 62% (360) in the previous quarter, 9.2% (52) partially functioning compared to 6% (36) in the previous quarter. Note that 3% (18) of the facilities did not update their report. See Figure 2. Figure 2. Functionality status of Health facilities" +156432,32374.0,1234.0,[],[],[],en,16,[],[],UNHCR Trinidad and Tobago,2019-05-28 03:09:47.864552+00,https://newsday.co.tt/2020/06/22/venezuelans-in-tt-organising-return-home/,A group of Venezuelans who are in TT have begun to arrange their return home. +316229,52949.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Shelter and NFI needs remain high among IDPs due to prolonged flooding, the challenging economic environment, continued displacement, and low level of shelter and NFI response due to lack of funding." +125119,32835.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],es,111,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77444.pdf,"Las principales cifras del mercado laboral de la población migrante6 , recopiladas a través de la DTM, evidencian que la Población en Edad de Trabajar (PET)7 , como proporción de la población total, es menor a la misma proporción para el caso general colombiano. Mientras en Colombia dicho porcentaje llega a 80,5, en la población migrante llega a 75,6, lo cual muestra la necesidad de generar propuestas de inclusión laboral y productiva, pero a la vez reafirma la necesidad de seguir fortaleciendo los programas de protección social dirigidos a la población general, sobre todo a los niños y niñas migrantes." +315385,53333.0,2334.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,52,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Challenges Safety and protection challenges reported by the girls centred on the crisis and COVID19 and included issues such as frequent gunfire exchanges and shooting, stray bullets, rape, attacks, the kidnapping of children by separatists, lack of money, lack of hygiene, and lack of security" +148186,36609.0,1388.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,22,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/01.%20CRI%20Operation%20July%202020%20.pdf,"■ HIAS: provides information, advice and free legal representation for Refugee Status Determination the procedure and access to rights." +157378,38830.0,1185.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,23,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3668042,Medicamentos y material sanitario contra la COVID-19 llegaron a Lima desde España la pasada semana en un envío humanitario fletado por la UE +235667,46388.0,2336.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Only 5 per cent of key informants in assessed hard- to-reach settlements reported having piped water as their primary water source; 22 per cent reported relying on surface water, 23 per cent reported using an unprotected spring, well or kariz water and 2 per cent reported relying on water trucking/tankering." +178295,41756.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,104,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"GROUPES PRIORITAIRES: Les personnes en situation de handicap physique ou mental, notamment les personnes vivant seules ou les enfants, sont particulièrement vulnérables car ne pouvant parfois subvenir seules à leurs besoins et n’ayant que peu accès à une prise en charge adéquate. Les structures étant souvent peu adaptées pour les accueillir, elles rencontrent notamment des difficultés pour se déplacer et /ou communiquer et dès lors accéder aux services essentiels de base ou à l’assistance humanitaire. Elles peuvent par ailleurs être victimes d’agressions physiques, de discriminations et d’exclusion sociale." +63384,18412.0,1386.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,69,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,,"La mayor parte de los establecimientos de salud públicos presentan serio deterioro de sus plantas físicas, no cuentan con suficiente personal y materiales de limpieza, una adecuada disposición y traslado de residuos ni suministro regular de agua. Estas condiciones generan frecuentes problemas de saneamiento que favorecen infecciones intrahospitalarias y 50% de los hospitales con servicios complejos no tienen laboratorios de bacteriología para identificar las causas5" +156507,38022.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syriahr.com/en/180909/,"Breakdown of the cases is as follows: 29 cases, including medical staff in HTS-held areas in Idlib, parts of Aleppo, Hama and Latakia, and 29 cases in the areas controlled by Turkish-backed factions, north of Aleppo.While recovery cases in north-western Syria have risen to 51" +91771,26015.0,1620.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,78,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Situation-Overview_H2R_Oct-Dec_13.03.2020.pdf,"Assessed settlements reporting at least one incident of looting in which most of a household’s property was stolen remained stable throughout the reporting period with 19% reporting incidents of this kind in December. Meanwhile, assessed settlements in Kukawa reporting either an incident that killed at least one civilian or incidents of looting was low throughout the reporting period, with none of the assessed settlements reporting incidents of this kind in December." +489944,67838.0,2170.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,90,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/adamawa_state_2021_cholera_situation_report_no_8.pdf,"[31st Aug 2021, Adamawa State] (Cholera) Inadequate Active case search in the affected communities. Poor sanitation in affected areas. Shortage of Aquatabs for household distribution to treat household drinking water. Shortage of IEC materials. Open defecation still ongoing in some of the affected areas. Inadequate supply of Iv fluids and other WASH commodities. Shortage of soap for distribution at HH during Hygiene Promotion for personal hygiene. Shortage of Aquatabs for household distribution to treat household drinking water." +170399,40462.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],"['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,83,['Priority Needs'],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Les localités à risque d’incident élévé sont Namoungou, Natiaboani, Nagré,Tanwalbougou dans le Gourma, Kantchari, Botou, Tansarga, Logobou dans la Tapoa. A l’analyse des données issues des focus groups dans le Gourma montre un besoin crucial en vivres pour les personnes déplacées internes dans les communes de Diapangou, Tibga, Diabo et Yamba. Notons qu’aucune organisation humanitaire ne fait de distribution de vivres dans ces localités." +164297,34183.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,52,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://s3.amazonaws.com/semanaruralvzla/documentos/1594859069_boletin_inversionpdf,"Sin embargo, es a partir de ese mismo año que el volumen comercializado se redujo. Esto, a razón de la caída internacional de los precios del petróleo, producto que era y es —hasta el momento— la principal fuente de ingresos del país vecino para la compra de productos" +306764,53282.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,79,[],"['Covid-19', 'Information And Communication']",IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/health/coronavirus/2021/04/12/police-to-issue-movement-passes-during-lockdown,"[12th April 2021, Bangladesh] The categories under which the passes will be issued have not been made public. Assistant Inspector General of Police (AIG-Media) Sohel Rana said Inspector General of Police (IGP) Dr Benazir Ahmed will inaugurate the app at Rajarbagh Police Lines on Tuesday. People can apply for the pass at movementpass.police.gov.bd from Wednesday night, April 14. Conditional permission will be granted for a specified period." +324319,53817.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,84,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/democratic-republic-congo/security-council-briefing-great-lakes-region-implementation-peace,"[Security Council briefing on Great Lakes Peacebuilding] As Ms. Brenda Denousse, a woman business leader from the region, noted in a recent PBC meeting, Small and Medium Enterprises, particularly those owned by women, have experienced the largest effects of the risk associated with COVID-19 compared to large scale businesses. Informal cross-border trade, another important source of income for many women in the region, has also diminished due to the impact of the pandemic." +15351,6687.0,321.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,82,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/66997.pdf,"Since 1 September 2017, a total of 3,434 individuals have been submitted for resettlement from Libya and Niger to 12 resettlement States. A total of 1,174 individuals have departed on resettlement from Libya and Niger. A total of 640 individuals have been accepted for resettlement and are pending departure from Libya and Niger. A total of 1,323 individuals have been submitted for resettlement and are pending interview or decision by a resettlement State in Libya or Niger." +332122,51467.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Percentage of population in severe food insecurity during mid-year hunger season, per IPC Jun-Aug 2014:34% May-Jul 2015: 41% May-Jul 2016:40% Jun-Jul 2017: 51% Jun-Jul 2018: 58% May-Jul 2019: 61% May-Jul2020: 55% May-Jul2021:60%" +321321,54765.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,42,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/democratic-republic-congo/recent-surge-violence-drc-s-ituri-province-worsening-already,"A recent surge in armed and inter-community violence in the eastern province of Ituri in the Democratic Republic of the Congo is worsening the plight of children, with serious violations against women and children being reported, UNICEF has warned." +172819,38004.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,40,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/04/28/syria-aid-restrictions-hinder-covid-19-response,"[28th April 2020, NE Syria] By April 25,Syrian authorities had confirmed 42 cases countrywide. Syria’s limited testing capacity, especially in northeast Syria, means the real number may be much higher" +440288,64945.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,72,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MONITORING%20PROTECTION%20DE%20JULLET%202021%20EST.pdf,"Les mouvements au sein de la région sont restreints par un couvre-feu de 22h00 à 4h00 dans toutes les provinces et de 00h à 4h00 dans le chef-lieu de la région. En plus, la circulation, au moyen des engins à 2 et 3 roues, est interdite de 18h00 à 04h00 dans les communes rurales des provinces de la Tapoa, la Komondjari, la Gnagna et la Kompienga" +61492,18235.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,157,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"Several of the respondents in Peru reported having been robbed while crossing the border between Colombia and Ecuador. In one case, a woman who was traveling alone, by bus and with a travel agency, had all her luggage stolen while she was waiting to have her passport stamped at immigration control. Another woman, traveling with her partner and her two young nephews, was robbed at knifepoint while crossing the Rumichaca International Bridge: she described how, while she was walking on the bridge holding her youngest nephew in her arms, a woman approached her, pointed a knife at her ribs and told them to give her the dollars she was carrying. Out of fear, she surrendered all the money she had for the journey – $300 - and was then left with no resources to pay for food or transportation for her family." +452366,64945.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'WASH', 'Livelihoods', 'Shelter', 'Food Security']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,41,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MONITORING%20PROTECTION%20DE%20JULLET%202021%20EST.pdf,"les besoins liés à l’alimentation, l’eau, l’abri, aux soins de santé et aux activités génératrices de revenu sont communs aussi bien à la population hôte qu’aux personnes déplacées internes." +235849,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Despite the scale-up in COVID-19 prevention and response activities in 2020, a joint MoPH, Johns Hopkins, WHO study extrapolated that approximately one third of the population may have caught COVID-19 by June 2020." +149622,35869.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,29,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep18_25july2020.pdf,"20,969 beneficiaries received masks, IEC materials related to COVID-19 (posters, WhatsApp videos, etc.); 723 staff of members trained on COVID-19 IPC measures" +238813,47230.0,2311.0,"['Cross', 'WASH']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],es,75,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"Para el 9% de los hogares, los artículos de higiene, productos de aseo y en general bienes no alimentarios son una necesidad. En menor medida están el acceso a agua (4%), los servicios de saneamiento (3%), enviar dinero a Venezuela (3%) y conectividad o comunicaciones, entendidas como telefonía o Internet (1%, ver gráfica 9)." +303666,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,13,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,Delays in implementing the revitalized peace agreement risk postponement of national elections. +325620,54815.0,2099.0,[],[],[],en,62,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"These suggest that at least the share of post-natal consultations does appear to have a negative correlation with average travel time to the nearest facility and a positive association with RAI and the share of population living within the 1- hour service area from a facility; however, the association is not statistically significant when also controlling for other variables." +177095,41093.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],es,70,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"existen casi tres veces más mujeres que hombres inactivos. Mientras que la cantidad de inactivos que se dedican a estudiar es relativamente la misma, el porcentaje de mujeres que se dedica a oficios del hogar es en promedio del 58,3% de las mujeres inactivas, frente al 7,9% de los hombres. Esta situación empeoró durante el segundo trimestre de 2020 como consecuencia de la pandemia" +270197,50226.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_6.pdf,"A semana epidemiológica 06, 15 municipios se encuentran en situación de brote; los que más reportan casos son: Cumaribo (Vichada), Mosquera (Nariño), Bojayá (Chocó) (Tabla 12)." +169990,40360.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,65,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"La crise sécuritaire dans la Région du Sahel touche l’ensemble de ses provinces occasionnant des situations de précarité et de vulnérabilité extrême au sein des populations. A l’instar des mois précédents, la période sous revue a connu plusieurs incidents sécuritaires qui ont engendrés des violations des droits humains orchestrées notamment par des groupes armés non identifiés (GANI)" +69174,19842.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,100,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acnur.org/es-es/noticias/noticia/2019/8/5d5c64e64/de-vuelta-a-colombia-tras-una-vida-en-venezuela.html,"Gracias a la asistencia brindada por ACNUR – la Agencia de la ONU para los Refugiados - en el Punto de Atención y Orientación (PAO)*de ese lugar, Jaime y su familia siguieron los pasos para tramitar el Permiso Especial de Permanencia, que permite a los venezolanos vivir en Colombia durante dos años y acceder a derechos como el trabajo formal y la salud. Además, la familia fue remitida a otras agencias de las Naciones Unidas y organizaciones socias con las cuales consiguieron hospedaje durante algunos días en albergues de la región." +149320,35869.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,69,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep18_25july2020.pdf,"Restoration of essential services and basic infrastructure to prioritize activities that would support the preventive and curative health response to COVID-19, including rehabilitation of health centres/facilities, retrofitting of designated quarantine facilities, equipping of isolation centres, waste management, restoration of water and sanitation services and provision of energy to these facilities, etc., in close coordination with other sectors and local governance structure." +326926,54714.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,59,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,"[WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE (WASH) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 94% of the household found with WASH living Standard Gap (LSG). 8% found to be very extremely+ severe, 29% extreme severe, 57% severe, 4% stress, 2% no or minimal." +13856,5545.0,322.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Food Security']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,28,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/IOM%20Yemen%20-%20Sitrep%20-%201%20July%202018.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=3857,"Provided relocation assistance��including food rations, NFIs, and transportation from the registration sites to their temporary accommodations in Sana’a—to 361 individuals from 71 households." +61410,18235.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,87,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"Such caminantes are exposed to serious health risks, including dehydration, lack of access to food and hygienic facilities, and exposure temperatures. Between the cities of Cúcuta and Bucaramanga they have to walk, often with no warm clothes or shoes, through one of the highest paramos (mountain ecosystems) in the country, where night temperatures can fall to zero degrees centigrade.126 They often have to sleep in rough conditions, as there are no official shelters along the way." +150133,36723.0,1184.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,150,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77597.pdf,"SALUD En todos los grupos focales los participantes indicaron no tener barreras para acceder a los servicios de salud pública cuando se les preguntó ¿a dónde se dirigen cuando están enfermos, o cuando hay mujeres embarazadas, lactantes y bebés en la familia? Sin embargo, se mencionaron varias dificultades en la atención, principalmente en los tiempos de espera, comentando que acceder a una cita es complicado y puede tomar meses. Algunos participantes mencionan que para recibir atención inmediata deben ingresar por emergencia. En este sentido, les resulta más fácil auto medicarse, prefiriendo ir a una farmacia y preguntar ahí sobre el medicamento para su dolencia. El gasto en salud de las familias es principalmente el costo de los medicamentos (tanto recetados como auto medicados) y el costo de transporte para ir a los centros de salud. A" +314055,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,55,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Households across all of Somalia remain in deep need, with many struggling to achieve the essential services and resources necessary to meet the basic requirements of life. Many displaced and non-displaced Somali households face complex, co-occurring, overlapping humanitarian needs that are mutually compounding and need to be addressed in tandem." +194618,43822.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,11,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19112020_flash_update_no.3_emergencias_por_ola_invernal_-_colombia_vf.pdf,"10.000 kits de cocina, 20.000 hamacas, 20.000 frazadas." +156658,38715.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,54,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/roap_covid_response_sitrep_14.pdf,"In Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, the Dispatch and Referral Unit (DRU) responded to 82 requests for ambulance support, supporting 53 individuals (26 Rohingya refugees, 27 from host communities) with transport to quarantine facilities: 27 confirmed COVID-19 cases, 14 suspected cases and 13 contacts" +330045,53699.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Contact Tracing'],fr,54,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_094_20210404_hebdo_s13.pdf,"Au terme de S13/2021 (données disponibles uniquement pour le 30/03 et 02/04/2021), 306 nouveaux contacts ont été enregistrés, aucun contact était devenu symptomatique et 228 autres sont sortis de suivi. Pour rappel, ces chiffres étaient respectivement de 8 765, 5 et 696 au terme de S12/2021." +239995,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,40,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Furthermore, loss of wages and the decline in household income have eroded people’s living standards in both rural and urban areas, leaving people in need in city locations where this has not been seen before." +299348,51893.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,70,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[January 2021, Overall Syria] Households in Central & South Syria have the highest rates of reporting insufficient income (87 percent), followed by Northwest Syria (80 percent) and Northeast Syria (79 percent). 68 percent of households in North Syria report insufficient income (lowest regional rate). 32 percent in North Syria report their income to be sufficient." +317258,53333.0,2334.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,28,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Support safety nets and livelihood programme for adolescent parents, including single parents and for vulnerable households with school age girls who are at risk of dropping out" +338326,56100.0,2311.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Population']",[],es,51,"['Priority Interventions', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/130521_actualizacionn2-_alerta_por_confinamiento_alto_baudo_choco_vf.pdf,• Agua y Saneamiento Básico (WASH): Se requiere la entrega de agua potable para el consumo considerando que las formas tradicionales de recolección tienen influencia en la generación de enfermedades como la enfermedad diarreica aguda –EDA- o las afecciones en la piel de menores de cinco años. +213054,44840.0,2331.0,"['WASH', 'Health', 'Shelter']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,68,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,"Somalia has 2.6 million internally displaced persons (IDPs) who have limited access to quality essential healthcare, water and sanitation services and live in more than 2,000 sites in crowded living conditions in urban and semi-urban areas. The elderly – approximately 2.7 per cent of the population – and the urban poor are also considered vulnerable groups who could be worst affected by COVID-19." +129739,32891.0,1184.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Economy'],es,327,[],['Context'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,,"1. Demanda laboral en Pichincha Pichincha es una de las provincias del Ecuador que concentra la mayor parte de la actividad econ´omica nacional. Hist´oricamente, se ha ubicado como la segunda provincia con mayor generaci´on de PIB en todo el pa´ıs (´unicamente despu´es del Guayas), cuyo monto ha representado generalmente alrededor del 25 % del PIB nacional. A diciembre de 2018, el VAB total en este provincia ascendi´o a aproximadamente $26,571 millones (BCE, 2019). La din´amica econ´omica de esta provincia, por sectores, se da de acuerdo con lo mostrado en la Figura 4, seg´un la cual el sector de los servicios ha ido ganando cada vez mayor espacio dentro de la composici´on del ingreso de esta provincia, a la vez que la participaci´on de las actividades relacionadas con bienes p´ublicos (entre los cuales est´an, por ejemplo, la defensa nacional, la administraci´on p´ublica, la seguridad social, y la generaci´on de servicios como la electricidad y el agua) se ha ido reduciendo. El resto de sectores, por otro lado, se ha mantenido relativamente fijo en cuanto a su contribuci´on en la producci´on de Pichincha. En efecto, se puede ver que mientras que en 2015 la producci´on en esta provincia se compon´ıa en aproxi- madamente un 40 % por servicios y en un 15 % por actividades relacionadas con bienes p´ublicos, para el a˜no 2018 tales porcentajes cambiaron a aproximadamente 50 % y 10 %, respectivamente. As´ı, la composici´on de la producci´on de Pichincha actualmente estar´ıa liderada por el sector de los servicios (50 %), seguido por la ma- nufactura (17 %), las actividades concernientes con bienes p´ublicos (13 %), construcci´on (9 %), comercio (8 %), y agricultura (3 %)." +315669,52949.0,2331.0,"['Food Security', 'Health', 'WASH', 'Shelter']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Health outbreaks disproportionally affect people living in congested, informal displacement sites as lack of sanitation facilities, poor hygiene practices and severe gaps in accessing food aggravate the risk of communicable diseases." +239639,47230.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,149,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"Por otro lado, se evidencia que el trabajo remunerado es la fuente de ingresos más común entre los encuestados, incluso aumentando el porcentaje de hogares frente a la ronda anterior (83% de los hogares). La asistencia humanitaria (de gobiernos u ONGs) y el apoyo de la comunidad son la segunda y tercera fuente de ingresos con el 18% y 15% de los hogares respectivamente (ver gráfica 28). En cuanto al tiempo en que los actuales ingresos pueden sostener los gastos, se resalta que cerca del 44% podría sostener a su hogar por un día, el 32% hasta una semana, y el 14% hasta un mes. Solo el 0,23% de los hogares asegura que podría mantener sus gastos en un plazo más prolongado, entre dos y tres meses" +303703,51467.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",en,57,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']","['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"A National Framework for Return, Reintegration and Relocation of Displaced Persons: Achieving Durable Solutions in South Sudan was launched in 2019 and supporting Action Plan and Task Force in 2020. Despite this progress, housing, land and property claims often go unaddressed and disputes can result in new displacements and protection risks." +487788,67684.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,43,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=247943,"[September 7, GoS]The Ministry, in a statement, noted that the total number of infections which have been registered in Syria has reached up to 28,814 of which 22,620 have recovered, while 2,049 have passed away." +262988,49226.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Security & Stability'],es,65,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"La segunda se debióamiento forzado de cerca de 485 personas / 180 familias refugiadas y migrantes y de 53 personas colombianas en el municipio de Argelia (Cauca), a causa de las enazas recibidas porarte de actores armados ilegales. Estos grupos armados exigieron, a través de un panfleto, la salida inmediata de extranjeros y/o habitantes provenientes de otros departamentos." +303665,51467.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Health', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,44,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Armed forces continue to abandon training centres and cantonment sites due to lack of food, medicine, and other essential services. There has been no progress on key accountability measures, such as the establishment of the Hybrid Court for South Sudan" +329485,54412.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],fr,97,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_cluster_sante_rdc_s14_ok.pdf,"Depuis le début de l’épidémie 11 cas confirmés et 1 cas probable. Létalité globale est de 50 % (6 décès / 12 cas). Deux personnels de santé ont déjà été infectés par la MVE, soit 16,6 % de l’ensemble des cas. Depuis le début de la vaccination, 1898 personnes ont déjà été vaccinées dont 1169 à Biena, 360 à Katwa, 297 à Butembo et 72 à Musienene. Parmi ces personnes vaccinées, 542 sont des prestataires de première ligne (PPL)." +236241,46388.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Food insecurity and livelihoods in urban areas have deteriorated severely over the past year with 40 per cent of households reporting a poor food consumption score in the 2020 data collection compared to 16 per cent in 2019. +149536,32172.0,1388.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']","['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,129,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/75318.pdf,"Otros grupos de población que se ven afectados es el de las personas jóvenes debido a su elevado índice de desempleo y subempleo, las personas trabajadoras de más edad y las mujeres migrantes, que suman 91 millones cada año en América Latina y el Caribe5 , quienes se hayan inmersas en gran parte en el sector servicios (58,6%, según estimaciones de la OIT) y tienen menor acceso a los sistemas de protección social, y que debido a la crisis podrán perder su empleo sin ninguna red o posibilidad de sustituir el ingreso diario en general. Esta situación podría verse exacerbada por expresiones de xenofobia, discriminación y exponerlas además a trata y tráfico de migrantes como a violencia de género." +452392,64948.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,56,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/juin_2021_evaluation_drs_est_rapport_mission_conjointe_corus_est.pdf,"Au 25 mai 2021, 13 419 cas de COVID-19 ont été confirmés avec 166 décès, 13 243 patients guéris. La Boucle du Mouhoun a enregistré 205 cas de COVID-19 avec 01 décès. Les effets de la pandémie ont aussi contribué à exacerber les vulnérabilités préexistantes et la gravité des besoins humanitaires." +271261,50336.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,251,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://sn4hr.org/wp-content/pdf/english/At_Least_3364_Health_Care_Personnel_Still_Arrested_Forcibly_Disappeared_en.pdf,"(Overall Syria 03/2011-02/2021) The SNHR database indicates that at least 3,364 health care sector personnel are still arrested/ detained or forcibly disappeared in Syria, between March 2011 and February 2021, of which 3,329 by Syrian regime forces. The Syrian regime is responsible for 99% of the arrests and enforced disappearances compared to the other parties to the conflict. This indicates the Syrian regime’s intention to persecute, arrest/ detain and disappearing workers in this sector, who participated in providing medical aid services to the injured, in a planned and deliberate manner. Most of the arrests/detention were in Damascus (744), Rural Damascus (387), Aleppo (373), Hama (288) and Dara (257). Civilian trained in first aid are the group mostly represented among those arrested or detained (647), followed by nurse (643), doctor (436), health technician (426) and paramedic (421). The previous distribution shows that the highest number of arrests/detentions of health care personnel took place while they were working in medical facilities, constituting about a quarter of the total, followed by those arrested/ detained while passing through checkpoints, then during raids of homes and in areas where they were living or were located. In 2020, 56 were arrested by Syrian regime forces and 28 already in 2021." +194612,43822.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Shelter']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,31,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19112020_flash_update_no.3_emergencias_por_ola_invernal_-_colombia_vf.pdf,se hace necesario dotar de elementos de bioseguridad y equipo de salud tanto a los centros de salud como a los albergues en los que se están atendiendo a las persona +236846,47076.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,85,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,"Protection assistance was offered to the vulnerable during the period including 395 cases who were provided with legal assistance (detention, documentation, GBV survivors), 37 persons with specific needs were supported by restoring and sustaining their dignity and 96 survivors benefited from psychosocial support while 6 persons were assisted with advocacy support. Following protection analyses, 44 cases were addressed by case workers while 53 others were referred to other humanitarian actors for responses suitable to their specific needs." +192045,42659.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Contact Tracing'],fr,45,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_175.pdf,"Au total, 1 254 alertes ont été répertoriées ce 23/07/2020 dont 1 145 nouvelles ; 1 110 (88,5%) d’entre elles ont été investiguées et 236 (21,3%) ont été validées comme nouveaux cas suspects de COVID-19." +327491,54714.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,33,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 1% of both households of IDP settlements and Non-IDP settlement reported areas in their community where girls or women do not feel safe. +361247,58845.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,77,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_price_bulletin_may_2021.pdf,"[May 2021, Overall Syria] The price of all items increased in May 2021 compared to February 2020 (prior to the COVID-19 outbreak in Syria). The price of soap bars, surgeon masks and plastic gloves have increased by 312, 471 and 859 percent, respectively. Also, the price of bleach, hand gel and alcohol spray have increased by 263, 402 and 441 percent, respectively." +496477,60067.0,1187.0,[],[],[],es,68,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sentir%20que%20se%20nos%20va%20la%20vida%20-%20Personas%20LGBTI%2B%20refugiadas%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%20en%20Colombia%2C%20Ecuador%20y%20Chile.pdf,"Otro factor que motiva a las personas venezolanas a escoger como país de desti- no a cualquier otro de América del Sur son factores socioculturales compar- tidos en Latinoamérica, así como distintos factores de atracción que posee cada país de acogida como, por ejemplo, la existencia de leyes en favor de derechos de la diversidad sexual y de género y políticas migratorias inclu- sivas." +313639,53333.0,2334.0,['WASH'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,25,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,WASH facilities with water and safe toilet spaces for adolescent girls remain key for adolescent girls to continue school attendance during their menstrual period. +170915,40447.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syriahr.com/en/185493/,"[24th September 2020, Syria]Cramped living conditions in refugee camps, limited hygiene facilities, medical care and education about the virus’s dangers do not bode well as winter approaches." +61496,18235.0,1183.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->Local Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,108,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"“Travel agencies” Key informants in both Colombia and Peru stated that people with financial resources and families with small children opt, where feasible, for what they consider a safer method: in their place of origin in Venezuela, they hire the services of private companies presenting themselves as “tourism packages”. These packages include transportation to one’s chosen destination, which can be the Colombian border, a Colombian city, the border between Colombia and Ecuador, or all the way down to Lima. In some cases, the service also includes meals during the journey." +346772,57052.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,238,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/syria-country-office-market-price-watch-bulletin-issue-77-april-2021,"(GoS, April 2021) The allocation of 25 litres every seven days was set for Octane 90 fuel while Octane 95 had a limit of 30 litres every seven days for all of April and part of May 2021, but the allocation limit for Octane 95 has been removed since mid-May. Also from April to mid-May 2021 only private vehicles with an engine above 2,000 cc. could refuel with Octane 95. This restriction has been recently removed for all privately owned vehicles while public transport vehicles such as taxis and public buses are still restricted from accessing this fuel. Furthermore, it is important to mention that petrol stations providing Octane 95 fuel are limited in number across Syria. For example, in Aleppo there is only one such petrol station and during the peak of the petrol crisis it was serviced infrequently, being open for one day and shut for the subsequent three to four days, depending on availability of fuel. Petrol stations with Octane 90 and/or Octane 95 have been operating on a daily basis since mid-May as the Syrian Government agreed a deal with the Kurdish Administration for provision of petrol from Northeast Syria and received more shipments via the sea ports, hereby increasing the supply of fuel in the country and easing the pressure on petrol stations, at least temporarily." +489172,67500.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],en,52,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_15.pdf,"[April -June 2021, Cox's Bazar] COVID-19 sample testing: As of 30 June 2021, Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research (IEDCR) laboratory had tested 171,858 samples (30 percent in quarter two alone). Of these, 71,001 were from FDMNs." +297895,52145.0,2334.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,44,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_humanitaire_numero_12_v_04.pdf,"A total of about 4,348 women and girls have been reached through our interventions with most of them being above 18 years of age. These beneficiaries are identified through a validated vulnerability criteria, which is approved by the agency in question." +235884,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,There is also a strong need for people to get vaccinated against influenza over the 2020-2021 winter in order to free-up hospital capacity to treat acute COVID-19 patients. +323338,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Burkina Faso’s Education Policy Act provides for free schooling and mandatory attendance for students, reducing gender gaps and increasing enrolment, and children with disabilities who have a disability card have the right to education based on Act No. 012- 2010/AN of 1 April 2010." +188416,42886.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,88,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Equipo%20Local%20de%20Coordinaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Choc%C3%B3%20Flash%20Update%20COVID-19%20%2312%20%28octubre%2031%20de%202020%29.pdf,"Continúan las afectaciones multisectoriales a población indígena por parte de los GAO que tienen presencia en el territorio. Durante las últimas semanas, se han observado restricciones al acceso de misiones humanitarias de caracter multisectorial debido a la presencia activa de Grupos Armados Organizados y operaciones militares en municipios como Bojayá y Alto Baudó, y de forma más reciente, el desplazamiento de 235 personas y el riesgo de desplazamiento de más de 2.000 pertenecientes a 16 comunidades del resguardo Rio Purricha en el Bajo Baudó" +234215,46381.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,17,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"A total of 4,346 household members aged 5-17 years were interviewed and tested in this survey." +196738,43328.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_smart_rapid_pdi_2020_bfa_final.pdf,"Selon la mesure du PB, ces trois communes plus le site de Barsalogho sont en situation d’urgence de malnutrition. Dori et le site d’accueil de Barsalogho enregistrent la même prévalence de 10,9% tandis qu’à Gorgadji, la situation est légèrement plus préoccupante avec 14,2% de MAG. [Malnutrition aigüe chez les enfants de 6-59 mois selon le PB]" +305337,51467.0,2335.0,"['Education', 'Cross', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods', 'Health', 'Shelter']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,97,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Concern for safety and security was paramount; IDPs flagged the need to improve the overall security situation and speed up the process of national reconciliation and disarmament process and increase the transparency of the Peace Implementation process. IDPs underscored the need for basic services such as WASH, shelter, health care (including psychosocial counselling and support for vulnerable women and persons with disabilities), improved access to education, programmes to challenge harmful cultural practices, livelihoods (including employment training for women) and tailored assistance for persons with disabilities." +70640,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],en,58,[],['Context'],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"In the Bahamas, participation rates in the labour market for females aged 25‐44 years and 45‐64 years were 89.2% and 77.3% respectively. Only one in four women with less than high school education participated in paid work. This rises to almost 81.0% of women with at least some high school education." +321647,54675.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,97,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/compte-rendu_de_lactualite_des_nations_unies_en_rdc_a_la_date_du_21_avril_2021_final.pdf,"Au Sud-Kivu, la situation sécuritaire dans le territoire de Kalehe s’est considérablement détériorée entre les communautés Tembo et Hutu. Compte tenu de ce développement, la MONUSCO projette de déployer rapidement des bases temporaires (SCD) à Katasomwa et Tchigoma, afin de protéger les civils, en appui aux efforts du Gouvernement provincial, afin de poursuivre le processus de réduction des tensions. Dès le début du mois d’avril, la MONUSCO, conjointement avec le Gouvernement provincial, avait facilité des discussions pour apaiser ces tensions." +388539,60980.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,98,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/informe_de_emergencias_humanitarias_reportadas_elc_enero_junio_2021.pdf,"En junio, aproximadamente 3.052 personas fueron desplazadas en 9 eventos masivos ocurridos en Antioquia, Nariño y Cauca, consolidando cerca de 44,647 personas desplazadas en el primer semestre de 2021, en un total de 97 eventos. El incremento en el número de personas desplazadas en el primer semestre de 2021 fue del 193% en comparación con el mismo periodo de 2020. Cabe resaltar que el número de personas desplazadas en el primer semestre 2021, ya sobrepasó el total de personas desplazadas en eventos masivos reportados en todo el año 2020." +318433,53855.0,2225.0,['Cross'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Humanitarian Access->Population To Relief'],en,77,['At Risk'],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/democratic-republic-congo/aid-delivery-tricky-road-south-kivu-and-maniema,"Kalehe, capital of South Kivu, has experienced a major influx of displaced people fleeing the incursions of armed groups from neighbouring provinces. ACTED’s teams have conducted a vulnerability survey among nearly 3600 families affected by this crisis. The distances to be covered by the beneficiaries also proved to be problematic. These examples show the urgency to act on the accessibility sector in the provinces of Maniema and South Kivu." +391065,61874.0,2098.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,85,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000130799.pdf,"[5th August 2021, Bangladesh] Anticipatory cash transfers are an effective measure to maintain the food security of vulnerable households during an extreme weather event, reduce asset loss and damage while also enhancing the adoption of preparedness measures. Cash transfers should be combined with additional anticipatory measures, such as dissemination of early warning information and evacuation support to achieve a stronger impact, and can be integrated with timely post-flood assistance to meet the recovery needs of affected communities." +218159,45410.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,45,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"Les ménages pauvres du Barh-El-Gazal et du Kanem peuvent couvrir leurs besoins de consommation, comme en année normale, mais ne peuvent s’engager dans des dépenses non alimentaires. Ils sont en Stress (Phase 2 de l’IPC)." +57775,17280.0,1186.0,[],[],[],es,94,[],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/439982_ed8c90c2b9644fbbabee3b33e6e9e918.pdf,"Por su parte, en los campamentos de Antofagasta se presentan condiciones de hacinamiento, dificultad de acceso y circulación, y exposición a riesgo producidos por la falta de resguardos mínimos de las edificaciones (incendios), y riesgos asociados a la localización de las viviendas en zonas donde el plan regulador no permite construir por ser zonas de riesgo o de exclusión de edificación (laderas de cerros con alto riesgo de deslizamiento, zonas de riesgo por infraestructura energética o sanitaria, o sobre la ribera del río)." +189144,42865.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,76,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-LMA-Colombia-Espanol.pdf,"Al momento de la encuesta, el 64 porciento de los venezolanos empleados se encontraban trabajando en sectores altamente impactados, a comparación del 47 porciento de los colombianos con empleo.24 Además, dado que muchos venezolanos se enfrentan a enormes obstáculos para su inclusión económica, incluyendo barreras legales y prácticas que les impiden el acceso a trabajos formales, puede ser más difícil para ellos cambiarse a sectores que han sido menos impactados." +292401,52073.0,2334.0,['WASH'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,67,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"Dans la perspective de la réduction des risque choléra, l’OMS a offert à la Région de l’Extrême Nord 20 appareils de purification d’eau par l’entremise du Ministère de la Santé Publique. Chacun de ces appareils dotés d���une technologie innovante permet de fournir l’eau potable à 300 personnes pendant 3 ans au minimum." +193264,43082.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,53,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.rcnradio.com/judicial/mujeres-migrantes-venezolanas-entutelan-para-reclamar-beneficio-de-ingreso-solidario,"En diálogo con RCN Radio, la coordinadora departamental de la Corporación Colombia Venezolana (Colvenz), Yanira González, cuya organización representa a más de 2.500 familias migrantes, dijo que más de 200 mujeres en condiciones de fragilidad y vulnerabilidad no han sido beneficiarias de esa medida del Gobierno." +314757,52949.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The severity of health and nutrition needs of the displaced population are thus directly linked to negative coping strategies such as the use of unhygienic or unimproved latrines, reported by 55 per cent of IDPs, or the practice of open defecation, reported by 20 per cent of IDPs." +191896,43304.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,61,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Le PIB du secteur hors pétrole préfigure une contreperformance et se situerait autour de -1,2% contre une prévision initiale de 2,5%. Globalement l’économie serait en récession avec un taux de croissance de -0,4% en 2020, soit un recul de 7,3 points de pourcentage par rapport à la prévision initiale (6,9%)." +186888,41080.0,1184.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,83,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000119627.pdf,"Aunque el consumo de productos procesados, tales como la comida chatarra, es mayor en las áreas urbanas, tales productos están cada vez más disponibles en comunidades rurales. El consumo de alimentos procesados es particularmente, alto en adolescentes; la ENSANUT 2012 mostró que la mitad de las adolescentes de 10 a 19 años había consumido comida chatarra durante de la semana previa, 3 de cada 5 habían consumido snacks y 4 de cada 5 habían consumido gaseosas" +241539,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,52,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"A UN Women-IRC Study of the gendered impacts of COVID-19 also found that 78 per cent of women, particularly IDP women, are experiencing adverse mental health impact from the ongoing conflict, exacerbated by COVID-19 - a number that was the highest in the region according to similar studies." +401800,62956.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[29th July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: 47 respondents from the Rohingya community (24%) reported that they have some injuries (old and new) and 87% of them (41 persons) are persons with disabilities." +325680,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,(Hauts-Bassins) Il existe peu d’usines industrielles et semi-industrielles de transformation du riz (qui sont pour la plupart situées autour de Bobo-Dioulasso). La capacité de stockage des transformateurs et des négociants est nettement faible au Burkina +165069,38902.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']",[],[],en,42,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"Government data shows that prices of many basic products have decreased since an initial spike in the first months of the COVID-19 crisis; although prices for some products, such as meat, increased in July (DANE 07/2020)." +149842,37865.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,55,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cxb-situation-report-20.pdf,"The number of tests per million conducted among the Rohingya population continues to increase. In week 34 it is 878 compared to 699 in week 33. An increase in testing per million was observed for the second week running among the host community in the same timeframe, from 459 to 490." +157596,38893.0,2098.0,['Logistics'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,65,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/humanitarian_collaboration_and_coordination_in_bangladesh_2nd_draft_12_july_2020_kazi_hg.pdf,"Enhance logistics response capacity of humanitarian actors by technical trainings and simulations ▪ Assess logistics needs in country and liaise with the Government to initiate necessary action to establish priority logistics facilities and resources .Operationalize the MIS of logistics capacity assessment for easy access to critical logistics data and information on port/ airport capacities, road/rail/waterway networks, storage facilities, transportation resources etc." +353514,57855.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,79,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/en-la-guajira-formaron-a-45-lideres-sobre-derechos-de-los-migrantes-y-retornados/2668,"Uno de los principales retos que afrontan los migrantes y refugiados venezolanos, así como los retornados colombianos, es el ejercicio de sus deberes y derechos en las comunidades de acogida. En La Guajira, y en muchos lugares del país, es común que ellos no sepan que tienen la oportunidad de acceder a servicios de salud, educación, trabajo y seguridad. Tampoco conocen los mecanismos para denunciar actos de violencia o discriminación." +240787,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,61,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Weak infection prevention and control, as well as short supply of personal protective equipment has exposed health workers to the virus – with more than 12 per cent of the total confirmed COVID-19 cases being among healthcare staff. This is despite millions of pieces of PPE being supplied to MOPH and directly to NGOs by the international community." +55279,17067.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,102,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.santander.gov.co/index.php/actualidad/item/4222-se-ampliara-atencion-a-los-ninos-y-madres-gestantes-migrantes,"A través del Grupo Especial Migratorio se han desarrollado 109 operativos. En uno de ellos, el pasado mes de abril se encontró un caso de mendicidad infantil en Piedecuesta, el niño quedó a cargo del ICBF y posteriormente las personas fueron expulsadas del territorio colombiano. El ICBF en Santander ha atendido 2.454 niños de primera infancia venezolanos; y hay alrededor de 3.550 madres gestantes venezolanas, ""eso quiere decir que son futuros niños que tenemos que revisar si son de paso o estarán aquí en el departamento"", informó el director de Primera Infancia." +241183,47089.0,2170.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000122811.pdf,"[1st Dec 2020,Nigeria] The country with the highest number of food insecure people in 2020 was Nigeria (over 9 million), followed by Cameroon with almost 3 million and Burkina Faso (2 million)" +318952,53305.0,2335.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,44,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Over half of the looting incidents were recorded in Jonglei where key humanitarian facilities and infrastructure were damaged or destroyed in Pibor and Bor South during sub-national violence, leading to a loss of over 635 metric tons of food and nutrition items." +248087,48110.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,224,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/democratic-republic-congo/evolution-du-nouveau-coronavirus-covid-19-en-rdc-mise-jour-publi-0,"Vingt-deux (22) provinces (84,6%) sur les 26 que compte la RDC sont actuellement touchées : Bas-Uélé (6 cas & 1 décès), Equateur (48 cas & 1 décès), Ituri (224 cas & 8 décès), Haut-Katanga (672 cas & 12 décès), Haut-Lomami (1 cas & 0 décès), Haut-Uélé (94 cas & 5 décès), Kasaï (2 cas & 0 décès), Kasaï Central (17 cas & 0 décès), Kasaï Oriental (9 cas & 2 décès), Kinshasa (17 800 cas & 355 décès), Kongo Central (1 400 cas & 51 décès), Kwango (4 cas & 0 décès), Kwilu (9 cas & 2 décès), Lualaba (176 cas & 7 décès), Maniema (17 cas & 1 décès), Nord-Kivu (1 309 cas & 161 décès), Nord-Ubangi (40 cas & 3 décès), Sud-Kivu (510 cas & 50 décès), Sud-Ubangi (7 cas & 0 décès), Tanganyika (6 cas & 0 décès), Tshopo (102 cas & 6 décès) et Tshuapa (2 cas & 0 décès) ;" +329971,53694.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,93,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/03042021_sitrep_s11_whe_oms_rdc.docx.pdf,"[Sud Kivu] OMS : poursuite de la coordination des interventions de santé dans la DPS du Sud-Kivu ; organisation du comité multisectoriel de crise (épidémies : choléra, COVID-19, etc.) avec les différentes commissions et sous-commissions ; renforcement de la surveillance épidémiologique (surveillance aux différents PoE, dans les structures sanitaires, suivi des contacts et des actions aux tours de cas et gestion de l’information sanitaire) et celle à base communautaire ; investigation des cas suspects de maladies sous surveillance épidémiologique." +90250,25674.0,1621.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,24,['At Risk'],['Displacement'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/libya-man-s-death-detention-center-fire-underscores-urgency-evacuating-refugees,"At least 2,000 migrants and refugees are still locked up indefinitely in Libya and denied due legal process to review their asylum claims." +294729,52246.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,117,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sidwaya.info/blog/2021/03/05/reconciliation-nationale-et-cohesion-sociale-zephirin-diabre-decline-son-role-et-les-attentes/,(Discours de Zéphirin Diabré) Une lecture transversale des dynamiques conflictuelles de nature communautaire au Burkina Faso permet de distinguer neuf types de conflits : – les conflits liés au statut de la terre et de la concurrence des normes ; les conflits liés l’exploitation agricole et pastorale; – les conflits de leadership ou de légitimité; – les conflits liés à l’exploitation des ressources minières ; – les tensions communautaires liées à la spéculation immobilière ; – les conflits relatifs aux lignages et aux hiérarchies sociales ; – les conflits d’ordre religieux; – les conflits d’ordre identitaire; – la politisation des appartenances communautaires. +159620,39079.0,2170.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,60,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NIGERIA_Food_Security_Outlook_Update_August_Final.pdf,"While most measures meant to limit the spread of the disease have been lifted including markets and businesses re-opening, resumption of air travel, a nationwide curfew between 10 pm and 4 am as well as restrictions on mass gatherings and sporting activities, remain in effect. The use of masks in public spaces is also mandatory." +438446,64539.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,30,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,Estos datos llaman la atención sobre las condiciones laborales que enfrenta la población venezolana en materia de remuneraciones por sus actividades laborales en jornadas extendidas y sin seguridad social. +177041,41752.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,45,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"À l’inverse, à Kaya, les informateurs clés mentionnent la radio comme le canal d’information le plus utilisé (40%) et seuls 13% d’entre eux citent la télévision comme principal canal d’information." +293839,52074.0,2334.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,"It [DRC] also distributed 500 shelter kits in Pokam, 500 in Kombone Mission, 200 in Dibuncha and Batoke; 200 in Mutengene and 125 in Miselele." +315372,53333.0,2334.0,['Education'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,20,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,Some supported the idea of setting up community schools so that girls can learn while the conflict is going on +491964,67963.0,2170.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,177,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Nigeria%20Northeast%20Operational%20Update-July%202021.pdf,"[1st Jul 2021, North east Nigeria]Adamawa State was relatively calm and peaceful during most parts of July. However, NSAG members attacked Dabna community in Hong local government area, considered the food basket of the State, killing 18 people and injuring several others, who were referred for medical attention. The rate of kidnapping also reduced during the period under review, with 2 kidnaping cases recorded in Madanya community of Mubi South local government area and Yadium ward in Fufore local government area. NSAG also attacked Midul Primary Centre in Madagali local government area, carting away mattresses, solar panels, and medical supplies. To curtail these common criminal activities, the Adamawa State Government imposed a night curfew for tricycle riders from 2200hrs to 800hrs. The insecurity in the State was also reportedly compromised by cases of Cholera in Yola North and Girei local government areas. However, UNHCR partners and government actors have continued to intensify response to the outbreak." +489848,67830.0,2170.0,['Education'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,62,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rc_report_august_2021.pdf,"[1st Aug 2021, BAY states] SHELTER: Shelter services include shelter construction, reinforcement, shelter kit distribution and shelter repair. 2,687HH are in need of shelter in Pulka (5,105HH), Ngala (562HH), Bama (201HH), Banki (159HH), Monguno (113HH) and Gwoza (68HH)." +194607,43822.0,2311.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross', 'WASH', 'Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,57,"['At Risk', 'Priority Needs']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19112020_flash_update_no.3_emergencias_por_ola_invernal_-_colombia_vf.pdf,"A la fecha se conoce que en Providencia se requiere respuesta urgente con albergues temporales, agua, provisión de equipamientos de salud para la atención a los cientos de heridos, medicamentos, equipos de protección personal (EPP) para evitar el contagio de COVID-19, kits de alimentos para cerca de 6.200 personas." +318955,53305.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,44,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"The already strained access environment was negatively impacted by abnormal flooding and poor road conditions. Physical access was compromised with logistical challenges and infrastructure damage. Some remote locations, particularly in Jonglei, were accessible only by air or riverine transport." +198724,44313.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,37,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_294_20201119.pdf,"Cent-et-cinq nouveaux voyageurs en provenance des pays affectés par la COVID-19 ont été enregistrés à Kinshasa, parmi lesquels 54 (51,4%) n’avaient pas d’adresses ; tous ont été prélevés." +48271,12622.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,82,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LIBRO%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20las%20necesidades%20insatisfechas%20SSR%20y%20Migrantes%20Venezolanos%20-%20Digital.pdf,"Adicionalmente, el incremento de todas las formas de violencia basada en género, en el lugar de origen, durante el tránsito, y en el lugar de destino, aumenta también el riesgo de embarazo no deseado, las ITS, incluyendo el VIH, el trauma psicosocial y la demanda de abortos. Sin acceso a servicios de SSSR están en riesgo las vidas de muchas personas, especialmente las de las mujeres y las niñas más vulnerables." +141397,35118.0,1187.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,20,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,En contraparte sólo un 25% (100) de los encuestados se encuentra actual- mente percibiendo un ingreso. +314503,52949.0,2331.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,60,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"In pastoral livelihood zones, the favourable 2020 Gu rainfall season had positive impacts on the food security and livelihoods of most pastoral households. However, in northern and central Somalia the poorest and most vulnerable pastoral households continue to experience significant food consumption gaps as they have limited livestock holdings to withstand the current and anticipated shocks." +176065,41336.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_128_.pdf,"Aucune nouvelle zone de santé (ZS) n’a rapporté des cas confirmés de COVID-19. Ainsi, le nombre de ZS affectées dans le pays reste égal à 70 (Tableau I)." +327052,55027.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,82,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Under-Secretary-General%20for%20Humanitarian%20Affairs%20and%20Emergency%20Relief%20Coordinator%2C%20Mark%20Lowcock%20-%20Briefing%20to%20the%20Security%20Council%20on%20the%20humanitarian%20situation%20in%20Syria%2C%2028%20April%202021.pdf,"[28 April 2021, Overall Syria] Last week, the first deliveries of vaccines from the COVAX facility arrived in Syria, and additional deliveries are expected throughout the year. The supplies from COVAX should cover around 20 per cent of the population, but that’s obviously not nearly enough. It is a vital first step to protect medical workers and those most vulnerable, but more vaccines will be needed as soon as possible." +192044,42659.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Contact Tracing'],fr,25,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_175.pdf,"Dans les détails, la proportion de suivi était de 56,1% à Kinshasa, 100% au Sud-Kivu et 100% au Kongo-Central." +325555,54815.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,35,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[Ouagadougou - 2,086 individuals were interviewed] in other words, a higher share of low-income women than men consider other constraints to be more important in their ability to access healthcare services." +178532,40661.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],fr,79,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Par ailleurs, les milliers de ménages qui dépendaient des activités informelles et des échanges transfrontaliers avec les pays voisins, continuent d’être impacter par la fermeture des frontières et la baisse de l’activité économique. Les ménages vivant des cultures de rente (café, cacao, tabac) ont ainsi presque totalement perdu leur pouvoir d’achat ; les effets pourraient donc continuer à se faire sentir dans la période projetée." +248861,48079.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,21,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/DRC_FSOU_2020_12_final.pdf,"Assistance humanitaire : Les acteurs humanitaires, notamment le PAM poursuivraient leur assistance aux plus vulnérables dans les prochains mois." +343931,56774.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,73,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.larepublica.co/economia/tercer-pico-de-contagios-llevo-a-caida-de-la-confianza-de-los-consumidores-en-abril-3175755,"En las perspectivas hacia el futuro, en abril, 16,6% de los jefes de hogar en las zonas urbanas consideraban que la situación económica del país iba a estar mejor dentro de un año, lo que significó una caída de 9,5 puntos porcentuales frente al dato que se registró en marzo. Esta es la cifra más baja que ha registrado el Dane en las 10 rondas de seguimiento." +10444,4760.0,321.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Nutrition']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",['Context->Demography'],en,158,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Libya%20Flash%20Update%2013%20July%202018.pdf,"Last week alone, 467 refugees and migrants were disembarked at the Tripoli Naval Base (398 individuals) and Azzawya (69 individuals). Most individuals disembarked in Libya were suffering from malnutrition, trauma and skin diseases such as scabies due to long periods of captivity at the hands of smugglers. UNHCR observed a rise in the number of Sudanese and South Sudanese trying to cross the sea. UNHCR and its partner International Medical Corps were present during the disembarkation. They provided core-relief items and vital medical assistance both at disembarkation points and in the detention centres to which individuals were transferred by the authorities. Due to the increase in the number of disembarkations in the past months, detention centres in and around Tripoli are also increasingly overcrowded. UNHCR estimates that some 8,000 individuals are currently in detention, out of which 4,000 are of concern to UNHCR." +125696,31803.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,90,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77205.pdf,"Los datos recolectados evidencian que el 9.3 % de la población abandonó su país de origen por temor de persecución, violencia basada en género (VBG) e inseguridad y violencia generalizada, razones que tienen fundamento jurídico para que una persona pueda solicitar refugios en el marco de la Convención de 1951 o la Declaración de Cartagena2 . No obstante, las dificultades para acceder al sistema de asilo continúan, y aunque Cancillería acepta solicitudes de refugio, pocos casos han sido reconocidos hasta la fecha." +329492,54412.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,103,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_cluster_sante_rdc_s14_ok.pdf,"Les provinces de Kasaï et Kasaï Central ont des conflits de limites géographiques dans les territoires de Mweka (province du Kasaï) et Demba (province du Kasaï Central) depuis le démembrement de l’ancienne province du Kasaï Occidental en deux provinces, entre 2015-2016. En particulier, les membres des communautés Kuba (Province du Kasaï) et Lulua (Province du Kasaï Central) se disputent fréquemment depuis cette subdivision administrative, la gestion d’une forêt située entre les territoires de Demba et Mweka ainsi que la gestion de la gare ferroviaire de Bakuakenge." +61313,18235.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']","['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",en,39,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"Venezuelan refugees and migrants cross the border on the same trails used criminal groups and armed actors involved in the Colombian armed conflict for other purposes, including the smuggling of goods, which can create additional risks." +236085,47122.0,2334.0,['Education'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,83,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"Before the closure of schools, up to March 18, Cluster partners had supported 12,937 (6,604 girls and 6,333 boys) conflict affected children to have increased access to education through school feeding, establishment of temporary learning spaces, provision of play based learning materials and community mobilization for back to learning in the Boyo, Bui, Mezam and Ngo-Ketunjia divisions in the NW as well as in the Fako, Manyu and Meme divisions in the SW." +296175,52520.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,67,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[échantillon de 100 femmes – terr. Rutshuru] à l’issu des travaux de groupe de discussion avec les membres des communautés locales et quelques autorités, il ressort que la mise en place des centres de transit pour l’encadrement et la surveillance des personnes souffrant des troubles mentaux doit être une priorité suivie bien sûr de la sensibilisation des populations." +206615,44547.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,37,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=211942,"[29th November, 2020, Overall Syria] Health Ministry announced on Sunday that 82 new Coronavirus cases were registered in Syria, adding that 56 patients have recovered while 4 others have passed away." +211268,44944.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,50,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Whole%20of%20Syria%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20October%202020.pdf,"[October 2020, NW Syria] In NW Syria, despite increasing restrictions due to COVID-19 pandemic, partners provided child protection services to more than 36,800 affected population in IDP settings and host communities (13,444 girls, 13,431 boys, 6,155 women and 3,834 men)." +91796,26015.0,1620.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Situation-Overview_H2R_Oct-Dec_13.03.2020.pdf,"Reducing the number of meals consumed per day was also reported by assessed settlements across all LGAs. In Bama in October, 33% of assessed settlements reporting the use of this coping strategy, while it increased in Dikwa and Gwoza throughout the reporting period (from 10% and 9% of assessed settlements in October to 68% and 35% in December, respectively)." +297857,52145.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,90,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_humanitaire_numero_12_v_04.pdf,"Compte tenu de la vulnérabilité des populations et pour éviter qu’elles optent pour des stratégies d’adaptation négatives comme l’emprunt d’argent, cette aide d’urgence a été complétée par des transferts monétaires et la distribution de coupons alimentaires d’une valeur totale de 90 000 FCFA par ménage afin de leur permettre d’accéder à la nourriture ou de reconstituer leurs moyens de subsistance ou encore leurs maisons, en fonction des besoins qu’ils considèrent comme prioritaires" +187600,43135.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,25,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_weekly_situation_update_-_ne_nigeria.pdf,"[1st Nov 2020, Yobe state] In Yobe State, 6,792 passengers were screened at the Points of Entries (PoEs)." +215093,44840.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,64,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,"UNIDO supported the rehabilitation of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MoCI), providing “on-the-job construction training”: the equivalent of an apprenticeship programme, whereby the construction project was commissioned by UNIDO and the workers involved in the actual construction were young unemployed or underemployed Somali that have received construction trades trainings from other UN partners in Somalia." +330055,53699.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Hospitalization & Care'],fr,68,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_094_20210404_hebdo_s13.pdf,"Ce 04/04/2021, 254 nouvelles guérisons ont été rapportées sur l’étendue du territoire national. A la fin de S13/2021, 395 nouvelles guérisons ont été rapportées, largement inférieur à 552 guéris dénombrés au terme de S13/2021. Le cumul est désormais de 25 714 guéris de la COVID-19, ce qui correspond à un taux de guérison de 90,7% (25714/28351)." +315388,53333.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Health']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,The girls also reported getting injured and sleeping in the bush at times where added problems including lack of food and mosquito bites +64432,18823.0,1183.0,['Education'],"['Capacities & Response->Local Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",['Context->Politics'],es,54,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3313918,"En este contexto los desafíos para garantizar el derecho a la educación son múltiples. Así pues, UNICEF, de la mano con el Ministerio de Educación Nacional, implementa el modelo flexible denominado “Círculos de Aprendizaje” creado por la Fundación Escuela Nueva y avalado por el Ministerio desde 2001." +315352,53333.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,27,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,The girls also complained about lack of functional health facilities to provide family planning services and related SRHR services and also sheer lack of knowledge of SRHR +292403,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,24,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"Enfin, ces districts de santé ainsi que l’équipe régionale ont été formés sur la surveillance intégrée des maladies et riposte." +305236,53100.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,97,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/plan_de_preparation_coronavirus_cmr._version_du_10_mars_2019.pdf,ACQUIS: - Un numéro vert (1510) est disponible pour l'alerte et au cas échéant pour la dispensation de toutes informations utiles aux populations. GAPS: - Sensibilisation insuffisante des communautés à l'utilisation du numéro vert - Nécessité de renforcer les capacités des professionnels des médias à la gestion fiable et efficaces des informations relatives aux évènements de santé - Nécessité de renforcer les capacités des professionnels de santé sur la prévention et la prise en charge du Covid19 - Insuffisance de moyens financiers pour la production et la diffusion sur l'étendue du territoire +235851,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"According to the same study, Kabul had the highest estimated proportion of infections (53 per cent), women were slightly more impacted than men, adults had been more impacted than children, and urban centres were harder hit than rural areas." +209700,45080.0,2170.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,57,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%209%20Dec%202020.pdf,"[9thDec2020,Borno State] Despite escalating insecurity and high-level advocacy by the humanitarian community on the need for greater stakeholder engagement on IDP resettlement, Borno State Government proceeded with the unilateral relocation, on a voluntary basis, of IDPs to return areas that are still inaccessible to aid agencies due to ongoing insecurity" +239072,46388.0,2336.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,50,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Of the people in need of shelter and NFI assistance, more than two thirds (67 per cent) report having either severe or critical ES-NFI gaps, with the highest need being among refugees (94 per cent) and recent IDPs (86 per cent)." +161194,35726.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->Local Response'],[],es,141,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_arauca_junio_2020_vf%20%281%29.pdf,"En respuesta a la contingencia, el Gobierno Departamental decretó situación de calamidad pública el 24 de marzo; mientras que los alcaldes de los siete municipios han tomado medidas similares que incluyen estrategias como pico y cédula, pico y género y toque de queda. Se han registrado varias manifestaciones en varios puntos del departamento, especialmente en la capital, por parte de la población demandando ayudas humanitarias. A pesar de que los gobiernos nacional, departamental y municipal han entregado ayudas, persisten vacíos en la atención. Por otro lado, se identifica un aumento de los controles comunitarios, especialmente en las zonas rurales, donde las comunidades se han organizado para restringir el acceso de personas externas. Sin embargo, varios puntos se han levantado debido a falta de insumos de bioseguridad" +341887,56644.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],es,251,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.sismamujer.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/MUJERES-DERECHOS-LABORALES-Y-EMERGENCIA-SANITARIA.docx.pdf,"Mujeres trabajadoras de Hoteles y Restaurantes Se trata de un sector en el que las mujeres están vinculadas, principalmente, en las labores de mesería, cocina, o servicios generales. En general, estas mujeres manifiestan presentar de manera estructural violencias que se materializan en menosprecio de las labores de cuidado32; tratos degradantes y humillantes; discriminación por edad para el desempeño de ciertos cargos; discriminación por gordofobia33 para desempeñar cargos de atención al cliente y racismo. En el mismo sentido, las mujeres trabajadoras, especialmente, del sector hotelero, identifican la violencia sexual como un riesgo constante en sus espacios de trabajo, ejercido, principalmente por quienes ostentan un cargo de mayor jerarquía en el sector, como lo son los administradores de hoteles. Las mujeres expresan que los acosos laborales que sufren en estos espacios se han naturalizado, no son entendidos como formas de violencia y por esto ocurren cotidianamente. En el marco de la emergencia sanitaria34, las mujeres de este sector manifiestan haber sido sometidas a violencias consistentes en la extensión de la jornada laboral; obligatoriedad de internamiento en las instalaciones de los hoteles, sobrecarga de funciones y despidos injustificados. Muchas de estas mujeres, aunque fueron despedidas, lograron su reintegro a partir de la interposición de una tutela, recibiendo tratos degradantes a su reintegro: Quedarse a vivir en los hoteles y jornadas laborales de hasta 18 horas." +319011,54316.0,2311.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Colombia_Reporte%20Situacional_GIFMM_Arauquita_08042021_VF.pdf,"Se requieren mecanismos de potabilización de agua, así como tanques para almacenamiento de agua y una electrobomba; asimismo, se requiere de al menos 13 letrinas y 8 duchas para esta comunidad." +236110,47122.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,41,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"UNICEF supported the regional delegation of health in the NWSW to carry out the first round of periodic intensification of routine immunization (Vitamin A, BCG, measles and rubella) in these regions to improve the vaccination coverage." +57779,17280.0,1186.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",es,60,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/439982_ed8c90c2b9644fbbabee3b33e6e9e918.pdf,"Respecto a los desalojos, algunas municipalidades han establecido protocolos de acompañamiento a los habitantes y no clausuran hasta que el último habitante encuentre otro lugar, incluso apoyando económicamente a las familias con fondos externos (como el Fondo Organización Regional de Acción Social - ORASMI) para que puedan arrendar en otros lados que cumplan estándares adecuados." +340462,56371.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Context->Demography', 'Context->Environment']",en,29,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20Burkina%20Faso%20Country%20Brief%2C%20April%202021.pdf,"Burkina Faso is a semi-arid country in the Sahel. Its population is estimated at about 20.9 million, with 40 percent who live below the poverty line." +203183,38004.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/04/28/syria-aid-restrictions-hinder-covid-19-response,"[28th April 2020, NES, coordination challenge] The authorities in Damascus have refused to collect some Covid-19 test samples from northeast Syria for testing, and it took two weeks before the northeast authorities found out in mid-April about the first positive test result on April 2" +157821,38137.0,2098.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cxb_education_covid_response_reaching_every_learner_final.pdf,"The Bangladeshi teachers are better placed than their refugee counterparts to access e-learning, but even these online professional development opportunities have yet to be developed and tailored to their needs. At this stage, education partners will continue to pay all teacher salaries but the challenge for education partners is on how to continue the active engagement of teachers due to restrictive measures." +70603,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],[],en,60,[],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"A large number of actors are arriving or are already operational in the Bahamas. Measures should be put in place immediately to protect against sexual exploitation and abuse, including clear and harmonized reporting protocols and communication pathways disseminated among the population in need and registration with the Government and Cluster System of all operational organisations and groups." +164715,39789.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Movementwide%20Operation%20Report%20August%202020.pdf,BDRCS Response Highlights: 252 COVID-19 infected patients treated through Holy Family Red Crescent Medical Collage Hospital. 37676 Individuals took part in several COVID-19 awareness raising sessions during August 2020. +238073,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"It is important to note that any peace agreement that materialises between the Government and the Taliban will not apply to other NSAGs, particularly ISK, who have claimed responsibility for a series of attacks around the country since the start of the peace talks." +338421,55951.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,83,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://preventepidemics.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/PERC-Finding-the-Balance-Part-III-12-May-2021.pdf,"[Survey conducted by phone with approximately 24,000 people across 19 Member States in five geographical regions in Africa, including DRC] COVID-19 risk perception and satisfaction with the government’s COVID-19 response were important elements influencing intent to get vaccinated. Those who thought their risk of contracting COVID-19 was high were more likely to report interest in getting a vaccine than those who thought their risk of contracting COVID-19 was low (70% vs 62%)." +287622,51588.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,27,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/20210212%20IOM%20SSD%20DTM%20Wau%20Population%20Count%20January%202021.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10760,"The population of Naivasha IDP Camp marginally decreased from 8,939 individuals in December 2020 (decreased by 342 individuals) due to the overall security improvement." +329873,53694.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],fr,43,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/03042021_sitrep_s11_whe_oms_rdc.docx.pdf,"La province du Nord-Kivu, a pour sa part notifié un total de 24 cas suspects de choléra dont aucun décès, dans les ZS de Karisimbi (16 cas soit 66,7%) et Goma (8 cas soit 33,3%)" +240004,46388.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,56,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The ongoing pandemic has also caused people to lose their jobs and income with primary breadwinners becoming sick and unable to work. This has created a notable increase in the number of food insecure people across the major urban areas, along with the reoccurring food insecure provinces of the central and northeast highlands." +303970,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,99,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Since September 2018, at least 502 abductions, 96% of which are women and children, were documented in Jonglei and GPAA. Of the 502, 434 were reported between January and August 2020. According to the same report, abductions of women and children exacerbated long-standing community grievances and triggered new attacks. Some women reported abuses, including killings and abductions, and the local government’s failure to rescue abductees. Interviewees also referred to taking up arms and relying on armed youth to defend their communities as a solution." +303982,51174.0,2335.0,[],[],[],en,32,[],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.afro.who.int/sites/default/files/2021-02/South%20Sudan%20IDSR%20Bulletin%20Week%201%2C%20%20%204-%2010%20January%202021%20.pdf,"South Sudan is endemic for cholera and from 2014-2017, at least 28,676 cases & 644 deaths were reported with NO cholera cases been confirmed in 2018, 2019, and 2020" +343594,55985.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,39,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_121_20210501.pdf,"[01/05/2021] Près de 146718 personnes ont été sensibilisées et briefées sur la COVID-19 et les mesures de prévention, incluant hommes, femmes et enfants ainsi que des chefs de quartiers et leaders communautaires dans 23 ZS" +286513,51586.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,78,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_19_november_2020_final.pdf,"Ongoing fighting has also forced the closure of a number of health facilities, interrupting access to critical health services and directly impacting more than 130,000 people. Assessment teams are currently verifying the immediate needs of affected families and organising assistance. COVID19 awareness raising and community engagement work is being incorporated into this response due to the increased risks facing people who are displaced and living in crowded conditions without proper access to hygiene facilities." +173361,40446.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,43,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syriahr.com/en/187036/,"[5th October 2020, Syria] Efforts to fight the virus against this dire backdrop can only be doomed to fail. The fact that cases have increased 1000 percent in northwest Syria in September alone makes for a dire warning." +270180,50226.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,48,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_6.pdf,A nivel nacional se identifica disminución en la notificación para la morbilidad por infección respiratoria aguda (IRA) en los servicios de consulta externa y urgencias; se presenta incremento en las hospitalizaciones por IRAG en sala general y en unidad de cuidados intensivos e intermedios. +219057,45655.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"[9th Dec, Overall Syria] Humanitarian actors continue to receive reports that HCWs in some areas do not have sufficient personal protective equipment (PPE)" +63921,18930.0,1386.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,207,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/venezuela-bolivarian-republic/united-states-increases-its-contribution-response-venezuelan,"On September 25, Secretary Pompeo announced in New York nearly $119 million in additional humanitarian assistance to further demonstrate the United States’ commitment and solidarity with the Venezuelan people and the region in response to the Maduro-made Venezuela crisis. This amount includes nearly $36 million for life-saving aid inside Venezuela. These funds will increase much needed assistance, not only in Venezuela, but in 16 countries across the region that continue to generously host the more than four million people forced to flee the former Maduro regime. U.S. assistance will consist of providing urgently needed medical and health support, water, food, and nutrition inside Venezuela, as well as providing food, shelter, water, medical assistance, mental health counseling, and legal assistance to Venezuelans forced to flee their country. This brings the United States’ total commitment to $568 million since FY 2017, including over $472 million in life-saving humanitarian aid inside Venezuela and for Venezuelans in the region, over $95 million in economic and development assistance, as well as the previous $20 million in humanitarian aid inside Venezuela pledged in January 2019." +239835,47107.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,31,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[Jan 2021] The border crossing point between Rukban and Jordan remains closed, curtailing access to the UN-clinic. Access to Rukban from within Syria remains under negotiation." +169504,40367.0,2099.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,23,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"In March6, 2,512 schools were closed due to insecurity depriving 349,909 children of their rights to education and affecting 11,219 teachers." +319010,54316.0,2311.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,12,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Colombia_Reporte%20Situacional_GIFMM_Arauquita_08042021_VF.pdf,"adicionalmente, la disposición de excretas se da a campo abierto." +230034,46670.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,91,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/nation/2020/12/29/news-analysis-both-public-and-authorities-must-take-covid-19-more-seriously,"[29th December 2020, Bangladesh] The country has been going through the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic for the last 10 months. Despite the deaths of several thousands of people, it can be said that given the size of the population and a fragile health system, the situation has so far not been as bad as many feared. The country did relatively well in the first few months after the first detection, mainly due to lockdown and the enforcement of social distancing and wearing masks." +339448,56380.0,2311.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,96,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb4645es.pdf,"> La demanda de bienes de consumo, incluidos los alimentos, se ha contraído desde marzo de 2020, en línea con la pérdida de ingresos de los hogares, su alto nivel de endeudamiento y el aumento del desempleo. Además, se redujo la capacidad de importación de Colombia, junto con una reducción global en la demanda de petróleo y productos forestales. En el marco de este estudio, esto tiene como consecuencia una importante capacidad reducida para importar insumos agrícolas, que se producen casi exclusivamente en el exterior." +358765,58669.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",es,65,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/informe_de_emergencias_humanitarias_reportadas_elc_enero_mayo_2021.pdf,"En cuanto a las emergencias generadas por desastres de origen natural, se identifican debilidades en la coordinación de administraciones locales para elevar solicitudes para la respuesta en complementariedad dirigidas tanto a los socios de los Equipos Locales de Coordinación como al ente encargado a nivel nacional, generando limitaciónes en la identificación de necesidades de la población afectada y en la atención humanitaria." +125368,32724.0,1620.0,[],[],['Context->Environment'],en,19,[],['Context'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ca5464en.pdf,There is thus significant point source pollution of soil and water in semi-intensive and intensive poultry production systems. +452371,64945.0,2099.0,"['Shelter', 'Agriculture']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MONITORING%20PROTECTION%20DE%20JULLET%202021%20EST.pdf,"Le problème de terre cultivable et de logement devient de plus en plus criard surtout dans les zones d’accueil. En effet, les terres exploitables pour l’agriculture sont insuffisantes car étant une ressource désormais à partager entre population hôte et personnes déplacées internes." +236053,47076.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],en,75,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,"The early warning, alert, and response system (EWARS) deployed by the Health Cluster in the NW (Ndop) and SW (Akwaya) regions was updated to capture suspected cases of COVID- 19. Through this system, two health districts generated alerts for suspected cases of COVID-19 which were investigated and confirmed. A total of 90 events were reported through this system in the month of June." +182322,34292.0,1900.0,['Health'],[],[],es,58,[],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020-07-20%20Resumen%20Semanal%20de%20Situacio%CC%81n%2013-19%20de%20julio%202020.pdf,". El Gobierno ha establecido cuatro centros de triaje masivo y unidades de estabilización de pacientes que han atendido 4.000 casos sospechosos en zonas de alta prioridad, principalmente en Tegucigalpa. El Gobierno también asignará 18 millones de dólares a municipios en todo Honduras para fortalecer la respuesta con brigadas de salud y centros de triaje." +169905,40360.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Population To Relief', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,102,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Vols et pillages de biens : Le 04 Août 2020 à Niaptana dans la commune de Sebba des GANI ont intercepté des populations vers Niaptana sur la route de Boundoré qui étaient partis à Sebba prendre des vivres distribués par l’Association pour la gestion et la Sauvegarde de l’Environnement en partenariat avec PAM. Ces GANI ont tous pris et Il nous revient que la même scène a été constatée vers Denga dans la commune de Tankougounadié (un village situé à une dizaine de kilomètre de Sebba). Ces populations sont retournées chez elles sans rien +170432,40462.0,2099.0,[],[],['Casualties->Missing'],fr,64,[],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Le premier enlèvement a été celui d’un grouppe de cinq personnes dans un véhicule 4X4 sur l’axe Kantchari-Matiacoali, qui ont été libéré par la suite. Le second enlèvement a été celui d’un chef de ménage et leader communautaire à Nassougou et le troisième enlèvement a été celui de deux hommes dans le village de Ougarou." +159622,39079.0,2170.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Economy'],en,66,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NIGERIA_Food_Security_Outlook_Update_August_Final.pdf,"The decline in foreign reserves is largely driven by the continued low oil exports of 1.81 million barrels/day in Quarter 2, down from 2.2 million barrels/day prior to the pandemic and continued low oil prices of around $45/barrel in late August. As of August 25, the parallel market exchange rate fell to 476 NGN/USD with the official rate set at 380 NGN/USD" +330478,53831.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,50,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/12042021_sitrep_s12_whe_oms_rdc_f.pdf,"[Sud Kivu] OMS : coordination des interventions de santé dans la DPS du Sud-Kivu ; appui technique à l’organisation du comité multisectoriel de crise (épidémies : choléra, COVID-19, etc.) avec les différentes commissions et sous-commissions ; renforcement de la surveillance épidémiologique" +327619,54714.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,114,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,"[CAPACITY GAP (CG)] 8% of households were found to have at least one Protection Living Standard Gaps (LSG) and/or a Capacity Gap (CG). 6% of households were found to have a Living Standard Gaps(LSG) in protection but no Capacity Gap (CG) in protection, 2% of households were found to have both a Living Standard Gaps(LSG) in protection and a Capacity Gap (CG) in protection, 92% of households were found to have no protection Living Standard Gaps(LSG) but a Capacity Gap (CG) in protection." +165869,39611.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,115,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_H2R_COVID19_August2020.pdf,"People living in H2R areas, who are already facing severe and extreme humanitarian needs, are also vulnerable to the spread of COVID-19, especially due to the lack of health care services and information sources. The first confirmed cases in Borno and Adamawa states were announced on 20 April and 22 April 20201 , respectively. Due to the limited access to H2R areas, it is unlikely that there will be confirmation of an outbreak in these areas. It is therefore highly important to evaluate the situation of the population in H2R areas in order to monitor changes and inform humanitarian aid actors on immediate needs of the communities." +164202,37783.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,42,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://tande.substack.com/p/syria-in-context-coronavirus-update-ffe,"In the absence of state capacity and transparent communication, public skepticism and discontent towards the government has grown, while locals and local authorities have taken measures into their own hands, organizing their own response measures and even burials." +386719,60459.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,56,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"(scenario) L’assistance en cash et en nature continuera de couvrir au moins 50 pour cent des besoins mensuels pour au moins 25 pour cent de la population dans les provinces du Bam, Namentenga, Sanmatenga, Loroum, Soum, Oudalan, Séno, Yagha et Komondjari jusqu’en septembre" +313635,53333.0,2334.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Limited access to food due to the crisis was also seen as challenges to these young mothers, which affected their ability to feed their children consistently." +291281,51584.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,26,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://docs.wfp.org/api/documents/WFP-0000121004/download/?_ga=2.267291910.926065783.1606212133-1055501472.1562658913,"WFP provided 652,603 people struck by the socioeconomic impact of COVID-19 with a total of US$4.6 million in cash-based transfers (CBT)." +236157,47076.0,2334.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,22,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,"In additional, 1,752 children were supplemented with Vitamin A, and 2,693 children aged between 12-59 months received deworming treatment." +239266,47351.0,2170.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,32,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Factsheet_NGA2005-Biu-LGA-Borno-state-November-2020.pdf,"[1st Nov2020,Biu LGA, Borno states]41% of internally displaced households and 44% of non-displaced households reported having lost their main source of income since Ramadan.2" +305677,51474.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,46,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) referred four persons to national authorities for investigation and prosecution. Eight individuals were tried by mobile courts deployed in Bentiu and Malakal, resulting in six convictions, with imprisonment terms from 2 to 10 years" +272325,50464.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,17,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210203FINALFactSheetSomaliaSkisserLR11.pdf,Internally displaced persons (IDPs) are particularly vulnerable to identity-related conflicts and armed group recruitment. +2626,520.0,321.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],en,45,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://www.amnesty.org/en/countries/middle-east-and-north-africa/libya/report-libya/,"Those abducted included political, human rights and other activists, journalists, and judicial and other public officials. Some foreign nationals were targeted based on their religion, race or nationality. Some were released after payment of ransoms or local mediation." +158638,39040.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/combatting-health-worker-infections-nigeria,"So far Nigeria has recorded more than 52 000 infections, including in 2175 health workers. In April, just a month into the outbreak in Nigeria, Kaduna state recorded some of the highest levels of health worker infections, with 30 health care staff infected" +236850,47076.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,62,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,"As COVID-19 continues to spread in the NWSW, CP AoR members continue to raise community awareness on ways it spreads, possible prevention measures and related child protection risks and concerns. Using different community-based approaches, Child Protection actors were able to sensitize more than 20,000 children and caregivers on COVID-19 and/or child protection risks, including GBV issues." +346175,56952.0,2311.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,111,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20monitoreo%20enero-marzo%202021%20-%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20vers%C3%B3n%20final.pdf,"En el monitoreo realizado sobre acceso a agua potable, se identificó que la mayoría de las per- sonas que refirieron no poder acceder a agua potable fue a raíz de la inexistencia de recursos hídricos en su región (el 40% de la población que refirió no tener acceso a agua potable) y ese por- centaje de personas es significativamente más alto en Riohacha y Barranquilla, ciudades con al- tos porcentajes de la población monitoreada que vive en asentamientos informales. Estas condi- ciones también podrían aumentar la posibilidad de contagio del Covid-19, debido a la falta de hi- giene por ausencia de agua limpia." +164815,39789.0,2098.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,68,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Movementwide%20Operation%20Report%20August%202020.pdf,"Swedish Red Cross: 15,595 feet drainage cleaning and disinfection conducted during this reporting period.  2,080 households covered with intensified hand washing session and demonstration, including access to IEC materials.  18,598 soap bars distributed among community peoples to encourage proper hand washing as part of the response.  22 religious leaders received orientation on COVID-19 pandemic as part of COVID-19 awareness." +145994,35870.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,47,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"In addition, UNICEF continue support to water trucking, including 800 m3 daily to IDPs in Eastern Ghouta, an increase of 200 m3 daily to five camps in northern rural Aleppo to support increased hand washing, and 1,000m3 daily to Al-Hol and Al-Hasakeh city" +323038,54626.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,22,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,Nutrition services continue to meet the recommended standards with proportion of children cured out of children discharged at 93 per cent. +394876,61265.0,1186.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,52,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.biobiochile.cl/noticias/nacional/region-de-tarapaca/2021/02/04/no-son-un-bulto-el-saldo-fatal-de-la-crisis-migratoria-en-la-frontera-norte.shtml,"En los últimos días, algunas autoridades de comunas de la región ya habían manifestado su preocupación por el considerable aumento del flujo migratorio de, sobre todo, venezolanos. Ellos exigieron la intervención urgente del Gobierno debido a la saturación del sistema de residencias sanitarias y de estadías transitorias." +339304,56367.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"In this context, access to continuous, equitable, inclusive and quality education is life-sustaining. It provides a safe place for children to learn and play, and protection from further violence and exploitation such as forced labour, sexual abuse, early marriage, and recruitment into armed groups, while giving them the essential tools to lead dignified and self- sufficient lives." +241022,47700.0,2332.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,68,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,,"3,300 awareness-raising posters on COVID-19 were distributed to the camps and sensitisation sessions on COVID-19 for refugees continue in the camps. Protective face masks are being produced locally for UNHCR staff and partners as well as refugees, and a task force was put in place in order to define the strategic orientations and the priority actions to be taken with regard to the COVID-19 pandemic." +178352,41756.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Enfin, les besoins sévères, critiques ou catastrophiques en protection concernent 193 zones de santé dans 19 provinces, notamment celles affectées par des mouvements de population avec un lien fort entre les deux impacts puisque les mêmes zones de santé présentent une sévérité catastrophique dans les 2 cas." +190126,43324.0,2334.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Impact On People'],['Context->Economy'],fr,73,['Impact'],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irc_-_rapport_devaluation_covid-19_extreme_nord_-irc.pdf,"La fermeture des frontières (Nigéria, Tchad), destruction des infrastructures et perte d’intrants, et déplacements forcés, inondations cumulées avec la désertification, ont dévasté l’économie locale. Avant la crise, l’économie reposait majoritairement sur l’agriculture, l’élevage et la pêche ; la production agricole locale est estimé d’avoir diminuée de deux tiers depuis 2014." +292440,52073.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,67,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"GHSC-PSM [Global Health Supply Chain Program] supported and participated in the LSAT and LIAT activity for the entire Far North and North regions, which aimed at providing stakeholders with a comprehensive view of all aspects of the logistics system, identifying logistics and commodity security issues and opportunities, and to raise collective awareness and ownership of system performance and goals for improvement." +160825,38029.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,60,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syriadirect.org/news/mapping-coronavirus-in-syria-unofficial-cases-and-hot-spots/,"While the total number remains relatively low, the sharp spike (an approximate 500 percent increase) in COVID-19 patients at the end of July and beginning of August is worrisome. In addition, low testing rates—only 556 tests have been conducted thus far as of August 8—suggest the true number of cases could be much higher." +329147,53878.0,2331.0,"['WASH', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,47,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SOYDA%20Monthly%20Progressive%20Report-Feb%202021.pdf,Somali Young Doctors Association (SOYDA) conducted Training of 20 participant for Psychosocial Support Service counsellors to deliver one on one and group psychosocial support and counselling for traumatized women and girls in the IDP camps.127 Hygiene kit distributions were done to the target IDPs. +132559,35164.0,1188.0,['Shelter'],[],[],es,47,[],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,ALBERGUE 1. Necesidades prioritarias identificadas; • Hacinamiento y riesgos asociados al mismo (incluyendo riesgo de violencia contra niñez y VSG) • Contrato de arrendamiento que pueden ser irregulares o condiciones de precariedad • Inexistencia de figuras de protección específicas para migrantes o refugiados +317927,53305.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,South Sudan remains one of the most severe protection crises in the world with high levels of GBV and reports of significant gross human rights violations across the country. +178414,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,36,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Le manque d’accès à l’éducation des filles, y compris l’éducation à la sexualité, les pousse à adopter des mécanismes de survie négatifs affectant leur dignité et protection." +169959,40360.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Au cours du mois, des PDI du village de Borguindé dans la province du Soum qui occupaient les champs avec leurs animaux ont été obligés de repartir vers Fili-Fili pour permettre aux propriétaires terriens de pouvoir mener leurs activités champêtres : ce sont au total 30 personnes dont 5 hommes 7 femmes 4 garçons et 13 filles." +484715,65398.0,1185.0,[],[],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,93,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"El Decreto Legislativo 1350 que recoge la Ley de Migraciones establece en su artículo 4 el “Principio de integración del migrante”, a través del cual el Estado se compromete a promover la integración del extranjero y su familia a la sociedad y cultura peruanas. Además, la propia norma menciona que su finalidad es “contribuir a la integración de los migrantes y garantizar los derechos a todas las personas nacionales y extranjeras en el territorio peruano, conforme al ordenamiento jurídico vigente” (artículo 3)." +318904,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,60,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Women and adolescent girls from 18 – 50 years old (including those living with disabilities) are subjected to intimate partner violence, rape, sexual exploitation, sexual harassment and abuse, which have been reported significantly in Middle Shabelle, Lower Shabelle, Jubaland, Hiraan, South West State, Puntland, Banadir and Somaliland." +192764,43304.0,2332.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,16,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,1 600 travailleurs médicaux seront recrutés pour renforcer les systèmes de santé afin d'atténuer les effets +194127,43831.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],es,69,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elheraldo.co/colombia/unos-500-venezolanos-en-colombia-intentaron-pasar-la-fuerza-la-frontera-774440,"La frontera de Colombia con Venezuela fue cerrada al paso de vehículos en agosto de 2015 por orden del Gobierno de ese país, y la circulación de personas quedó suspendida tras la ruptura de relaciones decidida por el presidente Nicolás Maduro el 23 de febrero de 2019, cuando el jefe del Parlamento,Juan Guaidó, intentó ingresar desde Cúcuta encabezando una caravana de ayuda humanitaria." +161537,39295.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,44,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,"Severe currency fluctuation of the Syrian pound further compounds vulnerabilities as access to basic needs and services is increasingly challenging. This also makes efforts, as part of the COVID-19 response, to limit movements in and out of IDP sites challenging." +48452,12622.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,95,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LIBRO%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20las%20necesidades%20insatisfechas%20SSR%20y%20Migrantes%20Venezolanos%20-%20Digital.pdf,"El 48% de los venezolanos que han entrado a Colombia en este flujo migratorio son hombres (496.231), 44% son mujeres (454.884), 0,03% son personas transgénero (399) y el 7,97% no tienen registro de sexo (Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, 2018); 33.994 pertenecen a alguna comunidad étnica como se describe a continuación: 26.572 son indígenas, 6.150 afrodescendien- tes, 1.065 raizales y 2.017 son Rom (Unidad Nacional para la Gestión del Riesgo de Desastres, 2018)." +178396,41756.0,2225.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],fr,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,Plus de 670 000 de personnes affectées par des mouvements de populations prolongés ont des besoins en abris/logements et 707 000 personnes des besoins en AME. +89682,25174.0,1621.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'Food Security', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],en,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_Update-Sirt_20200213_EN_Final%20%281%29.pdf,"Apart from protection of civilians, the main reported humanitarian needs are related to shelter (86% of respondents), food (55%), non-food items(55%) and health (29%). Most frequently cited NFI needs are blankets (55%), clothing (38%) and matresses (36%)." +2630,520.0,321.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,46,['At Risk'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://www.amnesty.org/en/countries/middle-east-and-north-africa/libya/report-libya/,"In July the bodies of 14 men were found dumped in al-Laithi, an area of Benghazi that the LNA had recaptured from the SCBR. The men’s hands and legs had been tied and they had been shot dead by unidentified perpetrators." +39385,13671.0,729.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,47,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_libya_en_05_may.pdf,"As the number of IDPs continues to rise, more collective centres are being established to provide shelter. Many of these collective centres are set up in schools and other facilities not equipped to support the WASH needs of large populations and require urgent rehabilitation." +325684,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,82,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"La SONAGESS, dont le mandat inclut la régulation des marchés intérieurs des céréales et l’approvisionnement des organismes publics (écoles publiques, hôpitaux, armée, prisons), représente un acteur majeur dans le secteur du riz. Par exemple, en 2014, elle représentait plus de 15 pour cent des ventes de riz transformé localement par les moulins industriels et semi-industriels. Elle achetait également près de 45 pour cent de la production des petites étuveuses" +310028,51467.0,2335.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,Living standard and wellbeing of an estimated 5.6 million people will be negatively impacted by lack of or inadequate access to clean water and improved sanitation and hygiene practices in 2021. +35531,13057.0,788.0,"['Agriculture', 'Protection', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,96,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000105395.pdf,"In Adamawa state, Northern Adamawa A and Southern Adamawa had the highest food insecurity at 40.2 percent and 40.1 percent, respectively; households with severe food insecurity were higher in Northern Adamawa A (6.3 percent). This could be explained by the large number of displaced persons, and loss of livelihoods, as well as constrained access to agricultural land for food production in locations such as Michika, Madagali and Mubi which are impacted by insecurity, communal conflict between farmers and herders, and pockets of seasonal flooding." +453749,63974.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,81,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_20210630-Rapport-Protection-Trimestriel.pdf,"Selon les données du monitoring de protection, 735 incidents de protection ont été documentés au second trimestre contre 427 incidents au trimestre 1 de l’année. En termes de violations des droits, ces incidents correspondent à 3 392 cas au premier trimestre et à 12 750 cas au deuxième trimestre, soit une augmentation de plus de 9 358 cas ; un indicateur de la détérioration de la situation sécuritaire et de protection dans le pays." +310516,53179.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,12,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Flash%20Update%20-%20Sudan%20-%2017%20Jan%202021_1.pdf,There is a need for strengthened community reconciliation and peace-building efforts. +314870,53183.0,2466.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,57,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"By mid-2020, solutions were put in place and biometric registration with COVID-19 protection measures resumed. However, overcrowding of camps and settlements remains a concern to inter-agency refugee partners, as physical distance and hygiene practices are particularly difficult to follow in such contexts and can lead to a quick spread of the virus." +176571,41712.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,63,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/abrir-fronteras-implica-mayor-carga-al-sistema-de-salud/2226,"Por último,hizo un llamado a la población migrante a no usar las trochas para ingresar a Colombia arriesgando su vida y futuro.Advirtió que entrar de esa manera al país puede afectar su proceso de regularización.""Ustedes tienen la responsabilidad de portarse bien para que puedan rehacer su vida y buscar un mejor futuro"",expresó el funcionario." +187596,43135.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,38,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_weekly_situation_update_-_ne_nigeria.pdf,"[1st Nov 2020, BAY states] As of 1st November 2020, a total of 1,084 confirmed cases have been recorded including 63 deaths, 10 active cases and 1,011 recoveries in the three states." +220497,45655.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,52,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"[9th Dec, Overall Syria] However, lockdowns from the 26 November impacted internal crossings at Tabqa, Akeirshi, and Abu Assi in Ar-Raqqa. The measures have not impacted Al-Taiha in Aleppo, although early reports indicate some individuals have been prevented from moving to GoS areas." +149702,37702.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,88,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"The GoS continues to maintain a widespread easing of preventive measures introduced throughout May, albeit with some ongoing changes. On 26 July, following a rise in cases in Damascus and Rural Damascus, authorities announced that prayers for funerals in mosques would be suspended until further notice in both governorates. On 2 August, the Ministry of Endowments announced Friday and regular prayers in Damascus and Rural Damascus were suspended for 15 days starting 3 August; the suspension was lifted on 16 August" +59583,17198.0,1224.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"Smith’s Creek : Residents primarily make a living by selling fish and crab. Some do informal jobs like cleaning, construction and farming (paid for one day at a time)." +194480,43501.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,36,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"Dans 77% (233) des localités évaluées, les IC ont rapporté que la principale source d’informations pour la majorité de la population au cours du mois précédent était la radio." +345995,56150.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,57,[],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fr.allafrica.com/stories/202105140396.html,"Un policier mort brûlé, un musulman tué, 49 blessés dont 15 graves, 19 véhicules incendiés, 30 interpellations. C'est le bilan tragique dressé suite à l'affrontement entre deux groupes musulmans, Chiites et Sunnites congolais, ce jeudi 13 mai à la clôture du Ramadan dans l'enceinte du Stade des Martyrs à Kinshasa" +320501,52949.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,87,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Overall, according to the JMCNA, 55 per cent of IDPs in IDP sites live in makeshift shelters (buuls) which offer limited privacy and protection from weather conditions. The buul is the main shelter type in 82 per cent of all IDP sites, and often made from used cardboard, clothes, plastic sheets and wooden sticks that do not provide privacy or protection against weather elements. In particular, women and girls report not feeling safe in these shelters." +192051,42659.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],fr,48,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_175.pdf,"Depuis le début des opérations, le laboratoire a analysé 47 137 échantillons à la recherche du SARS-CoV-2, prélevés chez 43 818 cas suspects de COVID-19. Un cumul de 8 766 cas étaient positifs, soit une proportion de cas positifs autour de 20,0%." +327119,54714.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,60,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,"[NUTRITION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 38% of the households of non-IDP settlements reported that it takes less than 15 minutes to reach to the nearest nutrition facility while 35%, 22% of the households of non-IDP settlements reported it takes 15-30 minutes, 30-60minutes to reach to the nearest nutrition facility respectively." +303747,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,62,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"JANUARY-JUNE 2020- Sub-national violence: Ongoing sub-national violence escalated in May, with an estimated 80,000 people displaced in Central Equatoria, Jongle, Unity, Warrap and Western Bahr el Ghazal. JUNE-SEPTEMBER 2020- Displacement: More than 60,000 people were displaced by sub-national violence in Jonglei State in June and the violence led to the disruption of humanitarian services." +226968,46454.0,2028.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,40,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2022_23Dec2020_FINAL.pdf,"[23rd December, Overall Syria] In practical terms, families across Syria have largely faced heavily eroded employment opportunities, skyrocketing prices and shortages of basic goods and services, and widespread deterioration of household coping mechanisms." +401417,62279.0,2170.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,121,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"[10th November 2020, MONGUNO LGA, BORNO STATE]Main source of Food: Among the respondents (n=479), 51.1% (46.6% - 55.7%) have been completely supported by food aid whereas 25.1% (21.3% - 29.2%) have to work for their food. 5.8% (4.0% - 8.4%) of people own the food production for their families and 16.3% (13.2% -20.0%) have bought it from the shop or market. 1.7% ( 0.8% - 3.4%) had the food as a gift from neighbors in past seven days in fulfilling their family’s needs." +178227,41756.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,76,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Par ailleurs, l’accès aux services de base est souvent limité du fait de l’insuffisance des infrastructures (points d’eau potable, latrines, centres de santé, écoles, etc.) dans les lieux d’accueil et de leur éloignement avec un impact direct sur l’hygiène et la santé des ménages et un risque d’augmentation de la morbidité et de la mortalité." +70240,20090.0,1386.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],es,82,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Humanitarian Access'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71686_0.pdf,"La Plataforma Regional tiene un rol fundamental en el desarrollo del Proceso Quito, trabajando en conjunto con los gobiernos para lograr mantener un diálogo abierto y llegar a consensos sobre cifras y respuestas. Además de trabajar para que, además de países, el Proceso de Quito reúna actores de la comunidad internacional, como son el Banco Mundial y el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, para que formalicen su acompañamiento a la respuesta de refugiados y migrantes venezolanos." +46570,16136.0,729.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/echo_-nf_bud_2019_91000_v2.pdf,"Since 2016, 372 741 displaced persons have returned to their area of origin and been confronted with collapsed public services. 96% of the returnees reported that there has been no regular access to medicine." +181172,42386.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,29,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_RMU_October-2020_vfinal.pdf,"Les activités agricoles qui occupaient 91 pour cent des PDIs, ne sont plus pratiquées que par 20 pour cent et 60 pour cent ne sont plus actifs." +452360,64945.0,2099.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MONITORING%20PROTECTION%20DE%20JULLET%202021%20EST.pdf,"Selon les informations issues des activités du monitoring communautaires, les enfants seraient exposés à des abus et exploitation. En effet, il ressort des informations recueillies que des punitions seraient infligées à ces enfants s’ils perdaient des articles au cours de la vente. Pour les activités de ménage, le non-paiement après service rendu est constaté." +325666,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Environment'],fr,81,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"(Hauts-Bassins, Boucle du Mouhoun) La vallée du Sourou est l’une des principales zones humides du Burkina, avec un riche écosystème. La vallée a été progressivement aménagée pour exploiter son potentiel agricole et économique (céréales, riz et autres nombreux produits agroalimentaires), avec une évolution récente en faveur du développement de l’agrobusiness, bien que le rôle des petits exploitants agricoles dans le développement de la vallée soit resté fort" +193040,43411.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods', 'Shelter', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,80,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"As of September 10, 2020, according to CONASUR, there were 71,341 people affected in the 13 regions of the country, including 33,675 women and 35,919 children. In terms of material damage, more than 3,347 houses were completely destroyed and 1,656 partially damaged. Internally displaced people have also lost over 1,790 emergency shelters. More than 250 tons of food were lost as well as thousands of cattle and poultry. [floods]" +305433,53013.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,44,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/3c8084ae/REACH_SOM_Factsheet_Assessment-of-Hard-to-Reach-Areas_December-2020.pdf,Shelter: 69% of the assessed settlements reported flooding was the main cause to destroy or seriously damaged the shelter while 29% of the assessed settlements reported conflict or looting was the main cause to destroy or seriously damaged the shelter. +214309,45385.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,52,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Selon le bulletin de surveillance et d’alerte précoce de sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle, 16,400 ménages dans la région ont besoin d’assistance alimentaire d’urgence et près de 31.6 de la population a vu ses sources de revenus impactées par les mesures barrières contre la COVID-19." +496980,60104.0,1187.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Demography'],es,157,['Impact'],['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,"https://www.unicef.org/argentina/media/11626/file/Impacto%20de%20la%20pandemia%20en%20la%20educaci%C3%B3n%20de%20ni%C3%B1as,%20ni%C3%B1os%20y%20adolescentes.pdf","Los resultados obtenidos indican que en el 6% de los hogares hubo estudiantes que discontinuaron su escolaridad durante 2020. En valores absolutos, este porcentaje equivale a unos 357.000 hogares. Las desvinculaciones parecen haberse producido en mayor medida en los hogares donde residen adolescentes entre 13 y 17 años: en ese segmento, el porcentaje que reporta abandono durante 2020 crece al 8% mientras que en el resto de los hogares con estudiantes menores de 13 años sólo el 5% informa que hubo abandono escolar. De manera similar, se observa una mayor incidencia de la desvinculación escolar en los hogares pertenecientes a los quintiles 1 y 2 de nivel socioeconómico, es decir, los más desfavorecidos (8%) en comparación con los que se ubican en los quintiles 3, 4 y 5 donde el abandono fue reportado por el 4% de los hogares." +361151,58845.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,50,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_price_bulletin_may_2021.pdf,"[May 2021, Overall Syria] The national average price of subsidized bread in May 2021 reached SYP 129/ bundle (up seven percent m-o-m and 142 percent y-o-y). The increase is due to the higher fees charged by agents because of the increased transport cost." +305760,51572.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,34,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Providing cluster support for the delivery on aluminium sulfate and chlorine in the 3 camps [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +61624,18442.0,1184.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,16,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,Respondents in Peru reported having perceived the hostility of the local population while in Ecuador. +163261,36028.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,37,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/after-several-failed-attempts-security-council-authorizes-one-year,"After several failed attempts in recent days, the Security Council today adopted a resolution extending authorization of a mechanism that brings life-saving humanitarian aid into Syria for another year, through one Turkish border crossing." +310400,53177.0,2466.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,19,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Sudan%20Multi-Sectoral%20Location%20Assessment_South%20Kordofan.pdf,"In Kadugli, police are present in 13 villages. Tribal justice systems are also functioning at nine locations" +317872,52949.0,2331.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"When families cannot afford to pay tuition or other expenses associated with education, children simply do not go to school. These repercussions can lead to child labor, child marriage and other negative outcomes." +22538,9106.0,729.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,108,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"As a result of overcrowding, all DCIM detention centres for refugees and migrants need to improve water, sanitation, garbage collection and hygiene situation, especially those hosting persons with special needs, children and women. Assessments in detention centres and around Tripoli during the hostilities of August-September 2018 revealed that in some centres there was only one latrine and one shower per 200 individuals, and that sewage tanks were insufficient for the needs, leading to overflooding of human waste the holding cells, resulting in alarming and life-threatening sanitary conditions for refugees and migrants in detention centres (6,700 people)." +157826,38137.0,2098.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,84,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cxb_education_covid_response_reaching_every_learner_final.pdf,"While global learning resources are available, these are not readily comprehensible by the teaching force in the camps with low academic readiness, skills and confidence to use online platforms (English language capacity, capacity to process complex concepts, using tools and resources to utilize in teaching in innovative ways, etc.). The current education system in the camps is largely unprepared to address such issues, including selection of relevant content, delivery methods and modality of delivery" +205490,44672.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,15,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Border closures and panic-buying led to a temporary spike in prices of some food products +221858,45410.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,55,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"[Les parties Sud des provinces administratives du BEG et du Kanem dans la Zone 5 - « agropastorale» ]: Les niveaux de revenus des ménages très pauvres et pauvres resteraient faibles, en deçà des niveaux d’une année normale. Par conséquent, leur situation alimentaire connaitrait une dégradation." +290102,52074.0,2334.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,96,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,"The impact of the conflict on education has led to a wide-range of severe risks to children. This includes protection risks of sexual exploitation and abuse, gender-based violence, forced recruitment by armed forces or armed groups, arbitrary arrest, early marriage and unwanted pregnancy. Many children have been separated from their families or have had to head households. Attacks against school facilities, teachers and parents who send their children to learn and children who participate in learning exercises continue. This makes both parents and children increasingly afraid." +13398,5560.0,322.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,44,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RDP%20Monthly%20SitRep_July_2018.pdf,"Through July, our health team has launched the first distribution of free medications, benefiting 613 individuals and provided medical consultations for 721 individuals in addition to the nutrition activities provided in Adeem Hadharim HC of Ash Shamayatayn district, Taizz Gov." +125253,29180.0,1620.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,77,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Gap-Supply-Demand-Contraceptive-Services-Northeast-Nigeria-Report.pdf,"Since 2009, Northeast Nigerian communities have faced a violent insurgency led by fundamentalist extremists, including the militant terrorist group Boko Haram and associated fractured groups. An estimated 1.7 million women and girls of reproductive age have been displaced, and two-thirds of health facilities have been destroyed. There is a critical need for sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services, including contraceptive services, for people affected by the conflict." +17500,6794.0,322.0,['Food Security'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],en,44,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/yemen/qatar-charity-provides-food-aid-26000-displaced-yemenis,It is worth mentioning that the United Nations recently warned that nearly half of Yemen’s population could be soon on the risk of starvation. It has already noted that 20 million Yemenis suffer from food insecurity or lack of food. +314694,52949.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,41,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Older persons over 60 are a group that experience increasing challenges in accessing basic, critical healthcare services due to lack of accessibility to the physical environment, lack of accessible information, and increased discriminatory behaviours, neglect and exclusion" +241007,47700.0,2332.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,68,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,,"thousands of new arrivals crossed the border to seek asylum in Chad as a result of an inter-community conflict which occurred on 16 May and caused a number of deaths in West Darfur, Sudan. In close collaboration with the Chadian Governement authorities, 159 households of 525 individuals have been pre-registered since the beginning of the recent movement in full respect of COVID-19 prevention measures." +341370,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,75,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"• Les mossé apparaissent comme des envahisseurs avec des stratégies impérialistes de conquête d’espace agricole dans la zone de l’Ouest et du Sud-Ouest. Les enjeux socio-économiques et politiques ont fait remonter à la surface des sta- tuts juridiques qui étaient occultés par la cohé- sion sociale et la disponibilité de la ressource foncière. L’étranger, l’alter ego, disparaît devant l’étranger envahisseur." +187154,39357.0,1898.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,56,[],['Context'],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ALC%20post%20COVID-19%20-%20Retos%20y%20oportunidades%20para%20pa%C3%ADses%20de%20Centroam%C3%A9rica%2C%20Hait%C3%AD%2C%20M%C3%A9xico%2C%20Panam%C3%A1%2C%20y%20Rep%C3%BAblica%20Dominicana.pdf,"pobreza podría incrementarse entre 8 y 10 pp, y causara un deterioro en los índices de desigualdad. De acuerdo con estimaciones propias (2020) que buscan simular el impacto de la recesión y las medidas tomadas unas 600 mil personas adicionales estarían con ingresos diarios menores a $5 por día. L" +303663,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,25,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"However, progress on key components of the revitalized peace agreement remains slow and South Sudanese people are not yet experiencing a lasting peace." +355066,58069.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,12,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.eluniversal.com.co/cartagena/cierre-temporal-a-casa-hostal-donde-vivian-65-venezolanos-en-aglomeracion-CH4810433,Según las autoridades en el lugar había desaseo y mucha aglomeración. +452677,63974.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_20210630-Rapport-Protection-Trimestriel.pdf,"Le second trimestre de l’année 2021 a connu une escalade sans précédent de la violence, ciblant principalement les populations civiles. Une hausse des violations graves des droits humains et des abus a été constatée dans les régions du Nord, de l’Est, du Centre Nord et du Sahel." +209806,45080.0,2170.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,26,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%209%20Dec%202020.pdf,"[9thDec2020,Nigeria]The Shelter response continues to be significantly delayed compared to NFIs due to the lack of land available for construction." +341939,56493.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",fr,171,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"En effet, le manque de statut clair en faveur des chefs traditionnels, que ce soit dans la législation ou dans l’ordonnancement institutionnel, entraîne la vulnérabilité de ces derniers et les expose à une certaine précarité notamment financière. Au regard du rôle social que ces derniers sont amenés à jouer dans la société en termes de gestion des conflits ou de conservation et de garantie des valeurs traditionnelles et morales, ils sont conduits à rechercher par tous les moyens, les ressources nécessaires à leur survie et au financement de leurs actions. Or, l’un des moyens les plus efficaces, les plus sûrs et les plus rapides pour se procurer des ressources actuellement au Burkina Faso, de l’avis des personnes consultées, est l’entrée en politique. Ce faisant, on assiste à une politisation de la sphère traditionnelle avec l’engagement des chefs coutumiers à tous les ni- veaux de la vie politique." +22354,9106.0,729.0,['Shelter'],[],[],en,81,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"Across all areas assessed, the most severe needs for shelter assistance (in-kind or cash-based) are concentrated in areas where returnees experience difficulties to afford safe and dignified settings, such as Benghazi and Sirt where 72,400 people are estimated as in need of basic shelter assistance. 22,000 IDPs remain in need of assistance in Aljfara, Sebha and Tripoli, and an estimated 22,000 non-displaced people need support to afford safe and dignified shelter across Libya." +69909,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],[],en,102,[],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"Shelters are providing basic healthcare but are not able to provide life-saving sexual and reproductive health services service in line with the Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) including clinical management of rape, access to contraceptive options for prevention of unwanted pregnancies and safe abortion care to the full extent of the law, treatment and referrals for STIs including HIV and emergency obstetric and newborn care for complications in pregnancy. This situation disproportionately affects women, adolescent girls and other vulnerable groups including LGBTQIA communities, HIV positive individuals, undocumented immigrants and those with intersectional vulnerabilities." +316607,54167.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Environment'],es,155,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_caqueta_dic_2020_vf.pdf,"A 31 de diciembre de 2020 se reportaron 19 eventos (725 damnificados), la mayoría en la segunda mitad del año, destacando las inundaciones en San Vicente del Caguán y Cartagena del Chaira (40 y 229 afectados, generándose un decreto de calamidad pública en este último), así como un vendaval en San José del Fragua (280). A pesar de este relativo bajo impacto, la mayor problemática relacionada se generó por los problemas en las vías de acceso al departamento como la vía Florencia – Suaza, la cual estuvo cerrada más de un mes por un derrumbe causando un impacto sobre la economía departamental y sobre la atención de la emergencia sanitaria, al cortar el suministro de bienes esenciales hospitalarios. Las vías intermunicipales presentan un panorama similar, pues las lluvias hacen inviable su uso, especialmente al sur del departamento." +35509,13057.0,788.0,"['Shelter', 'Nutrition', 'Health']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Demography'],en,106,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000105395.pdf,"The high influx of new arrivals and returnees in these LGAs has aggravated the humanitarian situation as high caseloads of acute malnutrition in children under five years have been reported. A September 2018 nutrition survey in Bama found high rates of severe and moderate acute malnutrition among newly arrived children who were measured by mid-upper arm circumferences (MUAC) in reception sites for referral to the appropriate treatment or prevention programme. The high rate of malnutrition has been attributed to poor living conditions in camps, which affects children, as well as the prevalence of diarrhoea and malaria among this demographic." +325108,54815.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,85,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Finally, in individual regions, such as Sahel and parts of Haut-Bassins, a good-condition road (or a road being improved to a good condition) connects to a CMA; however, access to the CM/CMU is only available via roads in poor condition, if at all: of the 70 CMs/CMUs, 11 are not directly accessible to an all-season road. Moreover, not all CMs/CMUs are connected by a good or fair quality road to the nearest CMA" +162712,33948.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,29,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Fortalecimiento institucional Durante la contingencia del Covid 19 se han realizado 4 webinar de capacitación en temas de protección a NNA, con la participación de 353 personas." +178070,40661.0,2225.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Environment'],fr,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Concernant le type d’accès à l’eau, 36% de la population s’approvisionne à des sources d’eau potable non améliorées et 12% recourt à des services d’eau potable limités tandis que 9% utilise l’eau de surface (UNICEF)." +388554,60980.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,84,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/informe_de_emergencias_humanitarias_reportadas_elc_enero_junio_2021.pdf,"En el caso del desplazamiento masivo de más de 2.300 personas, en su mayoría indígenas, desde zona rural de Tierralta hacia Monteria (Córdoba) desde inicios de mayo, se destaca que, la población continúa ubicada en el parque principal de la ciudad, sin acceso a alojamientos temporales con condiciones dignas de habitabilidad, e inclusive se evidencian condiciones deplorables en cuanto al acceso a agua, saneamiento e higiene y servicios de salud de la comunidad desplazada." +160723,38414.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/08/syria-talks-hold-participants-test-positive-covid-19-200824143254090.html,"United Nations-mediated talks in Geneva involving the Syrian government, opposition and civil society have been put ""on hold"" after three participants tested positive for COVID-19, just hours after the meetings started for the first time in nine months." +270204,50227.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],es,155,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Los departamentos y distritos que presentaron los aumentos relativos más altos de COVID-19 en las últimas 24 horas fueron: Amazonas 1,9% (93), Magdalena 0,7% (74), Córdoba 0,4% (149), Casanare 0,3% (31), Vichada 0,2% (3), Santander 0,2% (191), Quindío 0,2% (66), Barranquilla 0,2% (154), Antioquia 0,2% (705), Buenaventura 0,2% (8). Frente a la variación de casos activos en los municipios de mayor carga (por fecha de reporte), en los últimos 7 días se observan que los municipios que muestran mayores incrementos de la cantidad de casos activos son. Montería, Santa Marta y Barranquilla. En el país se observa un decremento en los últimos 7 días del 2,1%." +341803,56493.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,89,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Le fait que certaines localités manquent du minimum vital en termes d’infrastructures socio-économiques de base constitue un motif de discrédit de l’Etat et de remise en cause de sa capacité à assumer le bien-être des populations. Pis, lorsque l’Etat semble exister à travers une faible présence, il n’est connu que dans son élan répressif. Les populations ne retiennent en ce moment de l’Etat qu’une perception négative alimentant de nombreuses frustrations et griefs." +306973,51467.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,The closure of schools and all learning institutions followed by COVID-19 had devastating effects on the education of all children including refugees and jeopardized critical gains made over the years. It also exposed them to different forms of gender-based violence including forced marriage and teenage pregnancies +329973,53694.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,136,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/03042021_sitrep_s11_whe_oms_rdc.docx.pdf,"[Ituri] MEDAIR : avec le soutien financier d’ECHO/SDC : Medair poursuit son appui aux soins de santé primaires (SSP) gratuits, les soins essentiels aux enfants de moins de cinq ans et les activités liées à l’eau, l’hygiène et l’assainissement (EHA) dans les centres de santé (CS) des ZS de Lita, Linga et Fataki ; préparation de la construction du CS Salama, de l’HGR Lita et de l’HGR Fataki ; redynamisation de COGEP et mise en place du comité d’hygiène au CS Salama ; approvisionnement en médicaments et consommables aux centres de santé de Salama /ZS Fataki et Mutumbi/ZS Lita et à l’HGR Fataki et CSR Lib/ZS Rethy." +113740,30002.0,1386.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",en,61,['Impact'],"['Shock/Event', 'Information And Communication']",UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://medium.com/humanitarian-dispatches/getting-out-the-right-covid-19-information-to-saves-lives-70719f27266e,"A key challenge during this time has been the proliferation of fake news and pandemic-related rumours, often spreading faster than the virus itself. I never thought the timeliness and quality of information could be so vital, helping people make the right decisions to ensure their health and well-being amid the uncertainty and fear related to the pandemic." +186675,43205.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],en,25,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/425162-weekly-review-nigerias-new-covid-19-cases-increase-for-second-consecutive-week.html,"[7th Nov 2020 ,Nigeria]A total 681,599 samples have been collected for testing since the pandemic broke out in Nigeria February." +240449,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,17,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,The geographic distribution of health centres in the country is uneven and insufficient to meet need. +36143,11046.0,788.0,['Shelter'],[],[],en,80,[],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68626.pdf,"Provision of materials for partitioning of shelter is a high priority as the refugees have stressed the need for privacy2 . Fast tracking the construction of shelters is an ongoing process and is currently being undertaken. Rhema Care can also provide the materials (brick, sand, cement and water) and the required tools. There is a need to provide cash for labour. It requires further approval from UNHCR since it has budgetary implications." +306258,51572.0,2335.0,"['Health', 'Shelter']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,64,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Floods-affected IDPs stay in extremely poor condition shelters with no doors and use smoke to keep mosquitos away from the house during the night because of lack of mosquito nets, blankets and plastic sheets. As a result, number of malaria and acute diarhoea cases increased significantly. [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]" +41649,14575.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,30,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/2019/06/190611-Flash-Update---Floods.pdf,Major risk of diseases outbreaks including acute watery diarrhea due to water contamination. • Needs priorities are shifting from household level lifesaving to community level basic service needs. +241650,46388.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,61,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"COVID-19 has increased the uncertainty of HLP rights for these vulnerable groups, and the second wave over the 2020-2021 winter will exert further stressors.This is particularly concerning for some 27 per cent of residents of informal settlements who are renters and are likely to face difficulties meeting rental payments should the economic impact of the second wave be severe." +287160,51749.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[district sanitaire de Pouytenga] Si une épidémie venait à se déclarer, les formations sanitaires ne disposent pas ou peu de stock de contingence pré-positionné dans leur centre. Les CSPS ruraux s’appuient sur un système d’alerte, mais également des ASBC impliqués." +181152,42386.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,46,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Context']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_RMU_October-2020_vfinal.pdf,"Les groupes terroristes restent encore actifs dans plusieurs régions du pays. Par conséquent, la situation sécuritaire demeurera préoccupante et continuera d’affecter négativement les activités agropastorales, le fonctionnement des marchés et la mise en œuvre adéquate de l’assistance humanitaire." +226967,46454.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,54,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2022_23Dec2020_FINAL.pdf,"[23rd December, Overall Syria] While these economic hardships have not been primarily driven by COVID-19, the pre-existing and underlying fragility of the Syrian economy – in addition to multiple shocks over the past 12 months – has meant that COVID-19 related factors has had a disproportionate negative socio-economic effect." +241738,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,17,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Protection of women’s rights and women’s access to justice remain extremely limited. +22513,8907.0,788.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Economy'],en,78,['Impact'],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://www.vanguardngr.com/2019/02/nigeria-losing-14-2bn-annually-from-jv-oil-contracts-rmafc/,"According to him, the federation has not benefited significantly from the respective JVCs due to continuous decline in crude oil production, arising from pipeline vandalism, asset integrity issues and general low investment in JV crude production over time. He said: “Currently, JV crude oil production dropped from 1.8 million barrels per day to between 700,000 and 900,000 bpd leading to loss of revenue of about $14.235 billion annually.”" +346151,56952.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20monitoreo%20enero-marzo%202021%20-%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20vers%C3%B3n%20final.pdf,"Las personas que ingresen de ma- nera irregular al país después del 31 de enero de 2021 no podrán acceder a ningún mecanismo de regularización del estatus migratorio o a protec- ción temporal. Esto implica que estas personas tendrán como únicas alternativas solicitar permi- sos temporales de ingreso, tránsito o permanen- cia en el territorio (tales como el PIPTT, PTP) y/o recurrir a una solicitud de refugio." +188230,40860.0,1899.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,90,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200922_OCHA_GUATEMALA%20HRP%20COVID-19%20ESPAN%CC%83OL.pdf,": El 10.4% de la población tiene al menos una dificultad para realizar actividades cotidianas (Fuente: Censo INE, 2018). Según la Relatora Especial de la ONU sobre los derechos de personas con discapacidad4, “muchas de ellas pertenecen al grupo de alto riesgo...[..]muchas personas con discapacidad dependen de servicios que han sido suspendidos, o no tienen los suficientes recursos para hacer reservas de alimentos y medicinas o pagar los costos adicionales de las entregas a domicilio”" +235463,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,31,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"While it was necessary to redirect resources in 2020 to manage the spread of COVID-19, the lack of simultaneous investment in system maintenance has left many health facilities overwhelmed." +287961,51049.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,54,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nw_syria_sitrep25_20210226.pdf,"[26 Feb, 2021, NWS] Due to increased cases of COVID-19 and schools not being able to operate fully, the demand for distance and blended learning remains high, with the survey conducted by the Education Cluster in November 2020 revealing that this was the highest need for schools." +304564,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,35,['Impact'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"A recent Food Security and Nutrition Monitoring System (FSNMS) assessment found that 30 per cent of children had behavioral change, showing signs of distress due to repeated exposure to conflict and shocks" +386929,60462.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Cases', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,51,[],"['Context', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNDP-DFS-Secondary-Impacts-of-COVID-19-Closing-Civic-Space-in-Fragile-Contexts.pdf,"Prior to the outbreak of COVID-19, Burkina Faso had relatively few demonstrations and riots, and the overarching national concern was the increased activity of armed groups. Demonstrations increased just as the first cases of COVID-19 arrived in the country but were mainly linked to unrelated government grievances." +149586,32165.0,1388.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,64,[],['Context'],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/74589.pdf,"Convenio marco de Cooperación entre la Asociación Empresarial para el Desarrollo (AED) y el MTSS. El convenio tiene por objeto reforzar la vinculación entre el MTSS y AED, para promover el desarrollo de las personas y las poblaciones en mayor condición de vulnerabilidad mediante programas y/o Servicios Públicos de Empleo, en alianza con el sector productivo del país." +40769,11933.0,729.0,[],[],[],en,40,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SitRep_Libya_EN_19%20April.pdf,"The incidents have resulted in at least 83 civilian casualties, including 18 deaths, verified since the start of the conflict.1 These include four health workers: two doctors and one ambulance driver killed and one doctor injured." +323114,54498.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,169,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/89758cd4/REACH_COL_RAN_Factsheet_Trend_analysis_March2021.pdf,"Durante las cinco rondas de recolec- ción, según el reporte de los ICs, la mayoría de los viajeros que iban so- los y/o en grupos tenían nacionalidad venezolana, seguida de un porcentaje menor de viajeros con nacionalidad co- lombiana, peruana o ecuatoriana. Durante la primera ronda, el 90% de los 210 ICs señalaron que ellos o personas dentro de su grupo tenían nacionalidad venezolana, seguido de un 22% que señalaba que ellos y/o personas dentro de su grupo contaban con nacionalidad colombiana. Esta tendencia se vio mar- cada a lo largo de las rondas siguien- tes, sin embargo, en la tercera ronda (9 al 5 de septiembre de 2020), donde de los 311 ICs el reporte de viajeros vene- zolanos descendió al 77% y el reporte de nacionales colombianos ascendió al 31%, coincidiendo con el inicio de la fle- xibilización de las medidas de emergen- cia sanitaria dentro de Colombia9." +493778,68258.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,85,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDRNG033do.pdf,"With over 2,407 people dead from suspected cholera this year, there are concerns that there might be an undercount given that many affected communities are in hard-to-reach areas with high security challenges. Indeed, although the overall situation across the country seemed to be improving with significant reduction of cases as of week 32, it has also been highlighted those cases are being reported in additional states and cases increasing again as of week 38 in areas where it had dropped." +134459,35170.0,1188.0,['Cross'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],es,44,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"De entre los temas abordados, los asistentes nombraron como más prioritaria sobre documentación, acceso a oportunidades laborales y de emprendimiento y empleo, y referente a vivienda como acceder a mecanismos de resolución de conflicto con los arrendadores en la comunidad." +315536,54167.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Security & Stability'],es,126,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_caqueta_dic_2020_vf.pdf,"Al sur del departamento (municipios de Solita, Curillo, Solano, Valparaíso y Milán), si bien históricamente se ha registrado la presencia de grupos armados, el control territorial por parte de los GGV se ha hecho más persistente, reflejándose especialmente en 3 ataques a la fuerza pública , hechos que no eran constantes en esta zona. El cambio en la dinámica de conflicto en esta región puede causar un efecto a futuro sobre la población, especialmente si se observa la situación de los municipios fronterizos del departamento del Putumayo, desde donde están intentando entrar nuevos grupos delictivos organizados (GDO) al Caquetá, causando enfrentamientos con los GGV presentes y nuevas dinámicas de control territorial." +196712,43328.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,63,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_smart_rapid_pdi_2020_bfa_final.pdf,"Renforcer le dépistage actif et le référencement des cas de malnutrition dans les centres de santé pour une prise en charge adéquate de la malnutrition dans les communes où la proportion d’enfant dépistés positifs et non encore pris en charge était élevée (Djibo, Kaya, Dori, Gorgadji, et Gorom-Gorom) ; [partenaires techniques et financiers]" +330736,55042.0,2098.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.gage.odi.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Adolescents%E2%80%99-experiences-of-covid-19-in-Chittagong-and-Sylhet-divisions-Bangladesh.pdf,"[30 April 2021, Bangladesh]Impact on nutritional intake: Adolescents reported that compromising the household’s nutritional intake was a coping strategy adopted by their families to reduce economic hardship." +98319,28256.0,1621.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://www.libyaobserver.ly/news/woman-and-her-son-killed-haftars-indiscriminate-shelling-garabulli,"According to the Health Ministry, the woman died after suffering serious injuries from Haftar forces' shelling and shortly afterward, her son died of serious wounds as well, while two other of the woman's sons had been lodged at the intensive care unit at hospital due to the same attack." +172818,38004.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,47,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/04/28/syria-aid-restrictions-hinder-covid-19-response,"[28th April 2020, Damascus] As of April 25, the authorities in Damascus had tested 48 samples from northeast Syria, of which 1 tested positive. The area is mostly under the control of the Kurdish-led Autonomous Administration, a quasi-autonomous authority." +240029,46388.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],en,48,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Overall, 59 per cent of households have experience reduced income; 55 per cent of households have reported loss of employment; and 48 per cent of households have reported severe sickness among family members (of which nearly 60 per cent relate to COVID-19)." +313316,53183.0,2466.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,61,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"The Shelter/NFI Sector in Sudan faced various challenges in 2020; Fuel shortage: the sector was affected by the fuel shortage, especially for transportation from Khartoum to the field and field visits/activities implementation. The impact was felt by the increasing prices and scarcity of fuel, also leading to increase in costs for vehicle rentals for activities." +189087,42865.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],es,92,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-LMA-Colombia-Espanol.pdf,"En julio, con los hospitales enfrentándose a la sobrepoblación, el presidente del Colegio de Medicina de Bogotá declaró que los hospitales de la ciudad estaban “cerca del colapso”, e hizo una llamada para el cierre completo de Bogotá.14 Con una alta demanda de cuidados por el COVID-19 y recursos limitados, los doctores en Bogotá comenzaron a negar el acceso a las unidades de cuidados intensivos (UCIs) para los pacientes mayores con COVID-19, para poder dar prioridad al cuidado de los pacientes más jóvenes.15" +216645,45416.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,"Le rapport explique que les frais de motivation des enseignants non mécanisés (environ 60% dans les écoles évaluées) fixé à 5000 FC/enfant/mois, ne permettent pas aux parents déplacés et pygmées d’assurer la scolarisation de leurs enfants. Cette situation pousse à la déperdition scolaire des enfants pygmées." +12749,5579.0,322.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,109,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20Jun%202018.pdf,"Cluster partners released over 5 million square meters (50 per cent of the target) of land through survey and clearance in 15 governorates, achieving 36 per cent of the 400,000 target for explosive ordnance disposal. 1,183 households (HHs) were reached with small and micro business creation/recovery in 11 governorates; 9,703 HHs had access to income through emergency employment opportunities activities in 11 governorates; 93 HHs received assistance to end displacement in Lahj Governorate; 2,294 individuals had access to new skills for livelihoods through vocational/skills training; 817 individuals representing 82 local NGOs and authorities participated in capacity building activities." +224081,45768.0,2332.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,39,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"Deux (02) cliniques mobiles actuellement sur le terrain n’incluent pas tous les paquets minimums d’activités (soins de santé primaire, PECIMAS, ANJE, WASH in Nut, etc.)." +220659,45655.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"Throughout November, five new facilities were activated, including a dedicated maternal facility in Ar-Raqqa, an ICU in Menbij, and other facilities in Deir-Ez-Zor and Tabqa. In total there are an estimated 863 beds planned for moderate-severe cases, of which 571 (66 per cent of planned) are currently available (up from 57 per cent as of the beginning of November)." +162725,32457.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,52,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/proyecto-de-ley-migratoria-avance-o-retroceso/1970,"el instrumento legal sienta un precedente y representa una oportunidad para que el país esté a la vanguardia en materia de protección internacional, la pregunta que queda en el aire es si,de aprobarse la Ley de Política Migratoria Integral tal como la plantearon sus ponentes en el proyecto," +316663,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,44,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"In 2020, flash and riverine flooding in Somalia affected 1.6 million people, of whom 919,000 were displaced and 35 killed. Hirshabelle, South West and Jubaland States, as well as Banadir region were the areas most affected by floods." +167655,40056.0,2170.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,78,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20COUNTRY%20BRIEF%20NIGERIA%20JULY%202020.pdf,"The Cadre Harmonisé June update finds 4.3 million food insecure people in need of food assistance in Borno, Adamawa and Yobe States, a 1.4 million increase from the March report. This is due to increased activities of non-state armed groups, arrival of new IDPs seeking shelter, and economic hardships related to COVID-19. The number of food insecure people in Kano State has reached 1.5 million because of COVID-19 induced economic difficulties." +329150,53878.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,20,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SOYDA%20Monthly%20Progressive%20Report-Feb%202021.pdf,Somali Young Doctors Association (SOYDA) provided 173 families for Tailored material assistances in Merka and Afgooye district. +187288,42134.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,48,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Colombia%20COVID-19%20Update%20-%201-15OCT20.pdf,"In addition, during the reporting period, 1,712 individuals (768 cases) returning to Venezuela were registered at the Transitory Health Attention Center (CAST in Spanish) at the Tienditas International Bridge near Cúcuta, of which 1,580 received information and orientation from UNHCR." +165245,39714.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],es,52,['Priority Needs'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,59% está muy de acuerdo o de acuerdo con que la respuesta de gobierno nacional para controlar el COVID-19 fue clara y consistente. 42% está muy de acuerdo o de acuerdo con que el gobierno nacional actúo de forma oportuna y rápida para controlar la transmisión del COVID-19. +172832,38004.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,87,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/04/28/syria-aid-restrictions-hinder-covid-19-response,"[28th April 2020, NE Syria] As of mid-April, only26 out of 279 public health care centers are fully functioning. Aid agencies say that only 2 of 11 hospitals are fully functioning and that no district in northeast Syria meets the minimum emergency threshold of at least 10 beds for every 10,000 people, while just 1 district has enough doctors, nurses, and midwives to meet the minimum emergency threshold of at least 22 health care workers for every 10,000 people" +386823,60459.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,72,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,Les acteurs humanitaires y sont présents en nombre plus important que dans les autres provinces. L’assistance alimentaire planifiée sous forme de cash et en nature de juin à septembre devrait toucher 37 pour cent de la population et répondre au moins à 50 pour cent de leurs besoins. La planification pour la période d’octobre à janvier n’est pas encore disponible. (scenario) +189176,42865.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->Local Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Politics'],es,118,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-LMA-Colombia-Espanol.pdf,"Con muchos venezolanos en Colombia contando con títulos médicos avanzados y experiencia en el sector salud,41 este esfuerzo podría ser un paso importante para apoyar a los ya sobrecargados sistemas de salud, al mismo tiempo que permitiría a los venezolanos altamente educados y con amplia experiencia el utilizar completamente sus habilidades dentro de la economía. Sin embargo, la comunidad médica se opuso fuertemente al esfuerzo, sosteniendo que el país no tenía desabastecimiento de profesionales de la salud.42 A pesar de esta oposición, se ha reportado escasez de personal en cuidados intensivos durante la pandemia.43 No obstante, como resultado de la presión realizada por la comunidad médica, el gobierno revocó dicha política" +325683,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,108,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Actuellement, plus de 16 000 femmes s’occupent de l’étuvage du riz au Burkina Faso. Environ un quart d’entre elles sont membres de l’Union nationale des étuveuses de riz du Burkina (UNERIZ). Le riz étuvé dans les centres collectifs est de haute qualité, répond aux exigences du marché et permet aux femmes qui l’étuvent d’obtenir un revenu plus élevé. Enfin, les femmes se sont de plus en plus spécialisées dans la commercialisation du riz au Burkina Faso (Stratégie nationale de développement de la riziculture, 2011)." +386811,60459.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,94,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"Les pillages et pertes de bétails et les déstockages déjà réalisés ont réduit la capacité de vente d’animaux des ménages, en particulier les PDI. Malgré une augmentation de l’offre des petits ruminants de 24 pour cent au-dessus de la moyenne, les prix du bouc et du bélier sur le marché de Kaya ont connu en mai des hausses respectivement de 34 pour cent et 18 pour cent comparé à la moyenne quinquennale. Les termes de l’échange bouc/sorgho sont à la faveur des éleveurs." +166677,39928.0,2170.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,37,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"The Measures to curb the spread of COVID-19 such as the restriction of interstate movements, closure of Courts and curfews have remained in force, negative socio-economic impact on the lives of the affected population." +315374,53333.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Education']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,38,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"The girls` priorities are around getting medical advice, more medical interventions and education, hospitals, medical clubs and centres at different locations, availing drugs at affordable prices and also tackling expensive hospital bills." +485667,65398.0,1185.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Un informe de la OIM señala que un problema recurrente es la poca orientación e información brindada a los extranjeros para realizar los procedimientos de matrícula de sus hijos (Tamagno, 2015, p. 34)." +286720,51586.0,2336.0,"['Nutrition', 'Education']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,31,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_19_november_2020_final.pdf,"More than 119,000 children have been reached with home-based learning materials. Nutrition partners have distributed more than 125,000 IEC materials across the country since the start of the crisis." +319015,54316.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,43,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Colombia_Reporte%20Situacional_GIFMM_Arauquita_08042021_VF.pdf,"Es necesario diseñar una estrategia para el regreso a la educación de niños, niñas y adolescentes que antes de la emergencia estudiaban en Colombia, que según la información recopilada en la caracterización del GIFMM, corresponde a aproximadamente 300 NNA." +239338,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The situation is more severe in Nimroz, Ghor, Badakhshan, Jawzjan and Parwan provinces where between 93 per cent and 96 per cent of displaced households report not having access to a heating device." +61762,18350.0,1184.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71151.pdf,"Así mismo, se brindó apoyo al MSP a través de una carpa habilitada para atención medica adicional y evaluación nutricional en la entrada del CEBAF, beneficiando a niños y niñas venezolanos/as." +309837,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Competition for local resources is often driven by organized politically motivated attempts to obtain resources in the form of sub-national organized violence. This, in turn, is leading to increased rate of incidents of conflict-related sexual violence, heightening children’s vulnerabilities and protection risks linked to repeated displacements" +298612,52417.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,141,[],"['Covid-19', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.dropbox.com/s/fpu0ox89go0s7li/Syria%202021%20HNO%20%28advance%20copy%29.pdf?dl=0,"[March 2021, Overall Syria] Perceived barriers and deterrents to return included: apprehension over security conditions, including mandatory military service for men aged 18 to 42 (fear of arrest and detention); the threat of violence and social tensions; low provision of basic services, shelter and livelihoods opportunities in the intended places of return; the inability to pay fines and fees for late documentation of civil events; and the mandatory exchange of US$100 prior to entry to Syria. COVID-19 related border restrictions and potentially worsening socio-economic conditions in host countries may also have played a role – even if the relationship between push factors and return behaviour is not unambiguous, with a lower quality of life in places of asylum not always translating into increased returns." +236976,47221.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],es,45,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"La Personera denuncia casos de IRA, EDA y afecciones en la piel en las comunidades indígenas. Se requiere una brigada médica para atender los casos de IDA, ERA, además, se requieren kits de bioseguridad para evitar contagio de COVID-19." +296799,52565.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/2019/06/WFP-COUNTRY-BRIEF-CAMEROON-APRIL-2019.pdf,"The country has been significantly affected by recent crises and instabilities including non-State armed groups (NSAGs) crisis causing Nigerian refugees influx and displacement of the population, CAR refuges in the East, and the recent crisis in the North West and South West." +323358,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,98,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Furthermore, the Basic Education Strategic Development Program (Programme de Développement Stratégique de l’Education de Base, PDSEB) the Government’s education sector priorities, namely, to: (a) fully operationalize the principles of compulsory and free public education (to be gradually extended to the lower secondary education); (b) improve the transition from primary to lower secondary education; (c) reduce overcrowding; and (d) strengthen school management (see Ministère de l'Enseignement de Base et de l'Alphabétisation, 2012)" +176061,40999.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,28,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_levaluation_rapide_sur_les_vbg_et_covid-19_dans_la_region_de_lest.pdf,"Les services d'accompagnement psychosocial sont disponibles mais pas accessibles à tous, les services étant situés dans des communes où les voies d'accès ne sont pas s��curisées." +195241,43324.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Education', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],fr,85,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irc_-_rapport_devaluation_covid-19_extreme_nord_-irc.pdf,"14,5% des ménages sont en situation alimentaire de « Crise » c’est-à-dire, que ces personnes ont au cours des 30 derniers jours ayant précédé l’enquête fait recours aux mécanismes de survie suivants : - Vente des actifs productifs ou des moyens de transport (machine à coudre, brouette, vélo, voiture, etc.) ; - Consommation des stocks de semences à conserver pour la saison suivante - Retrait des enfants de l’école." +216639,45416.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,59,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,"D’ailleurs, le Rapport évaluation des besoins en éducation à Nobili- SD de Kamango territoire de Beni stipule que les principales contraintes sont le dysfonctionnement de ces écoles publiques qui sont surtout liées à la gratuité de l’enseignement de base pourtant la majorité d’entre elle sont mécanisée non budgétisées ou non mécanisées." +343637,56186.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Hospitalization & Care'],en,124,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.afro.who.int/news/what-fuels-use-unproven-covid-19-therapies,"What fuels the use of unproven treatments and what are the consequences? [Professor Lucille Blumberg, the Deputy Director of the South African National Institute for Communicable Diseases]: The fear of COVID-19, family and patient pressure, a desperate need to do something especially if the patient is very ill, as well as the absence of national guidelines. Fake news, social media and internet searches are especially problematic. The publication of poorly conducted “studies” especially those that are not adequately reviewed or published “in context” or studies that get published in journals that are not considered reliable as well as studies whose results are overstated or misinterpreted by the reader." +224141,45768.0,2332.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,18,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,Prévoir la construction de 60 salles de classes temporaires entre les 02 sites (Amma et Diamérom) +175900,40890.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"La gran mayoría de los hogares se encuentran en situación de arriendo o subarriendo siendo el 76% de estos, mientras 8% se encuentran en casa de alguien de más, sean familiares o amigos. El 6% respondió posesión sin título." +438335,64539.0,1185.0,[],[],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,19,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Las niñas, niños y adolescentes migrantes aún encuentran obstáculos para su inclusión educativa en la ciudad de Tumbes" +61311,18235.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,141,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"In La Guajira, refugees and migrants have to pay transportation fees to the owner of the car or truck they use to cross the border through the trocha, vehicles that are usually overcrowded and carry smuggled gasoline and other goods. Respondents who entered Colombia through La Guajira also reported having had to pay small amounts of money at several irregular checkpoints manned by indigenous Wayuu people along the trail. People on the move were not able to clearly identify the type of any connection between the drivers of the vehicles they used and the people operating the checkpoints. Key informants working in the area, however, agreed that there must be, at the very least, some sort of agreement between the two actors, as nobody crosses Wayuu territory without their authorization." +331189,55216.0,2098.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,103,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://api.godocs.wfp.org/api/documents/WFP-0000126934/download/,"[March 2021, Cox's Bazar] Camp markets were fully operational in March 2021, except for those affected by the fire in the camps of Ukhia. • Balukhali bazar, a thriving source market for many local markets/shops in the camps, was affected by the fire, drastically reducing its functional capacity. This triggered localized supply shortfalls on some commodities (fish, poultry, vegetables) resulting in marginal price increases in the nearby markets. The price increase was due to higher transactional costs incurred to source commodities from other distant markets like Kutupalong Bazar" +59567,17198.0,1224.0,[],[],[],en,57,[],[],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"Some families departed Venezuela and moved to White Water or Black Water about 2 years ago, while others have lived there for a just a few months. Multiple families are from Monagas State and noted that they fled because of lack of access to food and essential medicine, and the volatile political situation." +116224,32967.0,1185.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Context->Environment', 'Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics']",es,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3648194,"Según el Decreto Supremo 111-2020-PCM publicado hoy en el boletín de Normas Legales del diario El Peruano, señala que el deslizamiento se registró la semana pasada y afectó más de 80 hectáreas de cultivo de los tres distritos mencionados." +150426,37702.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,76,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"WHO continues to bolster PPE supplies in Syria, with a focus on protecting health workers. To date, WHO has delivered more than 4.4 million PPE items, including 1.5 million medical masks, 67,848 N95/FFP2 respirator masks, 1.3 million gloves, 7,500 reusable heavy-duty aprons, 83,869 gowns, 662,600 headcovers, 464,800 shoe covers 4,769 goggles and 18,406 coveralls, 3,500 face shields 308,407 alcohol hand-rubs and 75 PPE kits." +150132,36723.0,1184.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Education']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,403,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77597.pdf,"EDUCACIÓN El 90% de los hogares participantes estaban conformados por familias con niños, niñas y adolescentes (NNA). Esto explica que se identificaran las necesidades de educación como prioritarias para las familias. Aparte de las barreras económicas, las familias indicaron varias dificultades para el acceso a la educación de sus hijos/as al momento de ser consultadas si ¿todos los NNA del núcleo familiar asisten a la escuela? Primeramente, los NNA de las familias que llevan más tiempo en Ecuador han podido acceder a la escuela más fácilmente; mientras que las familias recién llegadas o con poco tiempo en el país no han inscrito a los NNA en clases. Principalmente se menciona el hecho de no haber llegado a tiempo en la época de inscripción, pero existen otros factores de dificultad mencionados por los participantes entre los que se destacan el desconocimiento de cómo poder acceder a cupos, la distancia a la que se encuentra la unidad educativa, la falta de documentos que son solicitados al momento de la inscripción (libretas de notas, récord educativo), o los demorados tiempos burocráticos. Sin embargo; la xenofobia y discriminación se mencionaron como una de las principales barreras. A esto se suma una preocupación por el contexto violento al que se exponen los NNA venezolanos/as dentro de las escuelas. Algunas participantes manifestaron que, si bien no fue complejo inscribirlos, una vez que ingresaron hay situaciones de xenofobia y violencia que las mantiene nerviosas. En el caso de niños y niñas que deberían ir a la guardería, se mencionó desconfianza en los servicios de cuidado, indicando que es una de las razones principales de no enviar a sus hijos/as a los centros infantiles. En cuanto a las barreras económicas, en todos los grupos focales mencionaron que, a pesar de inscribir a sus hijos/as en instituciones públicas, la educación implica un gasto extra, ya que se les pide cancelar valores mensuales o anuales de contribuciones o cuotas para eventos escolares. Sin embargo, los principales gastos en educación giran en torno a la compra de útiles escolares, uniformes y transporte requeridos durante el año escolar. Estas barreras han sido un factor decisivo para padres y madres de familia al momento de inscribir a sus hijos/as." +178429,41756.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Avec les nouvelles vagues de personnes expulsées/retournées de l’Angola, le système éducatif n’a pas la capacité suffisante pour répondre aux besoins, y compris la mise en place de programmes transitionnels de soutien pour les enfants lusophones." +194620,43822.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,23,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19112020_flash_update_no.3_emergencias_por_ola_invernal_-_colombia_vf.pdf,"Se necesita atención en salud mental, en las comunidades las familias que han sido contagiadas por el virus se ven estigmatizadas." +144201,35186.0,1187.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Economy'],en,68,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3657214,"Prioritizing health may seem like a logical choice for some countries, but shutting down the country — and essentially, the economy — was seen as a risky move for a newly elected president presiding over a fragile economy. President Fernández inherited an inflation rate of more than 50% and high sovereign debt, with a third of his country already living in poverty." +173645,39908.0,1388.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Intentions'],es,103,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20-%20Impacto%20de%20la%20COVID-19%20en%20la%20poblaci%C3%B3n%20venezolana%20-%20Costa%20Rica%2C%20Agosto%202020.pdf,"Solo 1% de los hogares cuenta con un miembro de su familia que ha regresado a Venezuela desde el inicio de la pandemia y 9% cuenta con al menos un miembro que está considerando regresar. Las principales razones alegadas son el reducido acceso a ingresos en Costa Rica, los altos precios de los bienes y servicios, y el acceso insuficiente a la alimentación. De los hogares en los cuales al menos un miembro de la familia está considerando regresar a Venezuela, 48% cree que regresará a Costa Rica en el trascurso del año siguiente." +159050,37967.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,16,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_ndeg_115.pdf,"Quatre (4) nouveaux cas confirmés de COVID-19 le 21/06/2020, total à 907 cas" +161530,39295.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,36,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,"At the end of August,16 million pieces of personal protective equipment (PPE) including masks, face shields, gloves and aprons were provided for the use of humanitarian staff working on the ground." +325387,54815.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,162,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"(817 respondents) (Centre-Est, Boucle du Mouhoun) 53 percent of the people surveyed seek routine healthcare once a month or more frequently, while 12 percent report never seeking treatment. Not seeking treatment is more common among Centre- Est respondents, where the share exceeds 15 percent. About 82 percent of respondents seek treatment at a CSPS, with CM being the second most commonly named (8 percent). The respondents in Centre-Est are more likely than the respondents in Boucle du Mouhoun to rely on dispensaries and hospitals and less – on CSPS. 93 percent of respondents report seeking medical treatment as frequently as they need it. This share is somewhat lower in Centre-Est than in Boucle du Mouhoun, among women than men, among the poorest respondents than among other income groups, and among respondents who do not own a personal vehicle than among those who do." +2186,473.0,322.0,['Food Security'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,32,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://www.reuters.com/article/us-yemen-famine-un-factbox/factbox-could-yemen-face-the-largest-famine-in-decades-idUSKBN1D927I,"7 million people in Yemen are facing famine-like conditions and rely completely on food aid to survive. In six weeks, the food supplies to feed them will be exhausted." +149321,35869.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,33,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep18_25july2020.pdf,Closures of schools due to COVID-19 compound the problem. Schools had been closed since 14 March in the Idleb area and since 16 March in northern Aleppo governorate and reopened temporarily. +491969,67963.0,2170.0,"['Cross', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods', 'Shelter', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,139,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Nigeria%20Northeast%20Operational%20Update-July%202021.pdf,"[1st Jul 2021, North east Nigeria]Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) and observations equally revealed serious protection concerns such as limited access to food, livelihoods, protection safety nets, and NFIs among the returned people (IDPs and IDP returnees), especially in their return locations. Such limited access to basic services continued to negatively impact many families. Also, heavy rainfalls and windstorms caused disastrous flooding of camps and host communities, thereby destroying shelters, food and NFIs exacerbating further hardship on beneficiaries, amid the COVID-19 pandemic in places like Bama, Banki, Monguno, Pulka, Damasak, Damboa, Rann, and camps in the MMC and Jere local government areas in Borno State, as well as Gujba and Damaturu in Yobe State" +149346,35869.0,2028.0,"['Agriculture', 'Health', 'Food Security']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,64,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep18_25july2020.pdf,"Protection of livestock against endemic and epidemic diseases and improved local availability of quality animal feed increases the production of animal source foods for humans (dairy products, eggs, meat). The support provided to animal production is a significant contribution towards reducing human malnutrition, protecting human health and reducing the vulnerability of IDPs and host communities to COVID-19." +61494,18235.0,1183.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->Local Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,50,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"The Venezuelan mixed migration flow has been characterized to a large extent by self-organized movement. With borders in the region relatively easy to cross, Venezuelan nationals would simply look up some basic information on the internet, get together the little money they could, and leave." +178519,41756.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],fr,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Plus de 5,6 millions de personnes ont des besoins vitaux en santé, dont 50,8 pour cent de femmes, 58,5 pour cent d’enfants et 15 pour cent de personnes en situation de handicap." +195736,44016.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,48,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN27X227,"A security source said it was suspected, based on the state of decomposition of their bodies and their location, that the victims were among the more than 1,400 men who escaped from Beni prison when it was attacked by suspected ADF fighters on Oct. 19." +146751,35870.0,2028.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,36,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,The GHRP offers a multi-partner/sectoral response to the pandemic; for the time being it does not attempt to deal with secondary or tertiary issues related to macroeconomic effects and more longer-term requirements in various sectors +183241,42114.0,1186.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,81,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Chile%20COVID-19%20Situation%20report%20No.%205%20-%20October%202020.pdf,"Schools are slowly reopening in Chile, while there is a conflicting position between MOE and a group of associations. As of 27 October, 219 schools are open and 602 in the process of re-opening (i.e. waiting for the MOE approval)1, representing 6% of all 13,056 schools at all levels in the country2. The number of children attending school is being confirmed, as the attendance rate depends on each school." +315947,52949.0,2331.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,64,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Health providers struggle to have appropriate training and resources to care for GBV survivors or provide clinical management of rape, potentially putting survivors at even more risk. Facilities often lack confidential spaces in which to examine and counsel survivors, and referral services, including mental health and psychosocial support, are often difficult to access, especially from rural areas." +320725,52949.0,2331.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,88,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Only 2 per cent of households across Somalia report availability of water and soap at latrines, while half of all households report its availability at home. In case of non-availability of soap, people wash their hands with soap substitutes (40 per cent), borrow cash or hygiene materials (12 per cent) or rely on humanitarian assistance. Only 45 per cent of households have access to menstrual hygiene management material at home or can access it through their local market." +345257,56821.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,52,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.thenewhumanitarian.org/news-feature/2021/5/27/hunger-and-COVID-19-drive-venezuelans-to-take-more-dangerous-routes-out,"Some 5.6 million Venezuelan refugees have fled their country since 2015, with Colombia, Peru, and Chile supporting the largest shares respectively, according to the UN’s refugee agency, UNHCR, which has predicted that the diaspora could reach seven million by the end of 2021." +198714,44313.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,41,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_294_20201119.pdf,"Ainsi depuis le début de l’épidémie, 12 128 cas confirmés et 1 cas probable ont été notifiés dont 327 décès, soit une létalité globale de 2,7% (Tableau I ; Figures 1 & 2)." +390810,60791.0,1186.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,121,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"En 2019, en siete regiones del país las personas extranjeras que provienen de Venezuela superaron el 30%, siendo las tres con más porcentaje Biobío (46,7%), Los Lagos (36,5%) y Maule (35,6%). Por su parte, las tres regiones donde el colectivo de Perú tuvo mayor proporción son Arica y Parinacota, con 35,8%; Tarapacá, con 24,2%, y Metropolitana, con 20%. En el caso de las personas extranjeras de Haití, las tres regiones con la mayor proporción son Maule, con 37,2%; Ñuble, con 35,1%, y O’Higgins, con 31,4%." +300517,52762.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,31,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_087_28210321_hebdo_s12.pdf,"[S12/2021] Par ailleurs, les informations disponibles pour 2 490 cas indiquaient 544 (21,8%) professionnels de santé contaminés et répartis dans 8 provinces du pays." +313228,53183.0,2466.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,15,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"Raising awareness of GBV prevention, response, available services and support to survivors." +50959,16732.0,1184.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],es,50,[],['Context'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,,El Plan regional de respuesta a refugiados y migrantes hizo un llamado por US$737 millones de dólares en diciembre de 2018 para hacer frente a la crisis. Apenas US$73 millones de dólares fueron movilizados hasta el 4 de abril de 2019 (OCAH/FTS). +390832,60791.0,1186.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,82,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Para 2019 se estimó un total de 100.122 personas extranjeras residentes en la Región de Antofagasta. Esta cifra representa un aumento absoluto de 10.570 personas y un alza relativa de 11,8% respecto a lo estimado para 2018. En 2019 la población extranjera en esa región se compuso de 47.240 hombres y 52.882 mujeres, con una relación de masculinidad de 89,3 hombres por cada 100 mujeres, siendo esta la región con la mayor proporción de mujeres extranjeras." +161544,39295.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,20,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,Education authorities in Idleb had announced that they are planning to reopen schools in the last week of September. +325676,54267.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,48,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,La pandémie de covid-19 et les interdictions d’exportation de riz imposées momentanément par le Vietnam et d’autres exportateurs importants ont récemment rendu encore plus pressante la nécessité de mieux gérer la dépendance du Burkina Faso à l’égard des importations de riz. +220655,45655.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,32,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"Across NES there are 23 COVID-19 facilities, 19 of which will be supported by NGOs. Of these, 17 are at least partially operational as of the beginning of December" +439003,64519.0,2028.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,78,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/idpmovements_202106_jun_final_en.pdf,"[June 2021, Overall Syria] At the community level, the Deir Hassan community in Idleb governorate received the largest number of displaced people, with around 2,200 movements, followed by the Kafr Aruq community in Idleb governorate which received around 1,500 IDP movements. The Kafr Jales community in Idleb governorate received around 1,400 IDP movements in June, while Dana and Ariha communities in Idleb governorate received around 900 IDP movements each." +125418,29180.0,1620.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Gap-Supply-Demand-Contraceptive-Services-Northeast-Nigeria-Report.pdf,"Upon further assessment, these facilities also lacked the necessary equipment and supplies, and/ or the number of trained providers were either insufficient, or providers had lost their competence in the absence of opportunities to apply and practice their skills." +175036,41235.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,80,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[October 14, NES, Health system capacity and functionality] In terms of inpatient capacity- measured by the number of beds available- none of the districts in NES meet the emergency thresholds of at least 10 beds per 10,000 people. Although 21 dedicated COVID-19 isolation facilities have been established, 10 of which were operational as of the beginning of October, for COVID-19 cases there remains significant strain on the broader health system in NES." +149675,37702.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,51,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"However, on 13 August, Jordanian authorities announced the closure of the Jaber border crossing point for one week effective immediately in an effort to curtail imported cases from Syria following a recent increase. International commercial passenger flights remain suspended however domestic commercial cargo and passenger flights are ongoing" +156497,35724.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],[],[],es,55,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3655762,"En total, la Unidad para la Atención y Reparación Integral a las Víctimas entrega este mes 50.000 kits de alimentos a familias priorizadas por sus carencias en varias regiones del país. De estas, más de 4.000 se distribuyen en las subregiones del Occidente, Urabá, Bajo Cauca y Nordeste antioqueño." +125334,32724.0,1620.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,30,['At Risk'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ca5464en.pdf,"There will be more frequent contacts between animals, humans and wildlife, which will increase the risk of the emergence and spread of zoonoses and emerging infectious diseases." +158014,38777.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,46,['At Risk'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/food-insecurity-impact-covid-19-among-critical-challenges-facing-syria,"“Years of war, mismanagement, oppression, now exacerbated by the economic crisis in neighbouring Lebanon, have aggravated the economic crisis in Syria,” he said, warning that the number of people becoming food insecure could soon exceed 11 million." +341894,56644.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,99,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.sismamujer.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/MUJERES-DERECHOS-LABORALES-Y-EMERGENCIA-SANITARIA.docx.pdf,"A los Gremios y Sindicatos: Fomentar los modelos asociativos, en los que participen las mujeres. Informarse y difundir las rutas y protocolos disponibles para las mujeres trabajadoras víctimas de violencias basadas en género. Promover mecanismos para eliminar las violencias contra las mujeres dentro de los procesos organizativos. Brindar asesoría técnica y formaciones que le permitan a las mujeres emprendedoras implementar estrategias tecnológicas para la actualización de sus modelos de negocio. Incluir la perspectiva del cuidado y las barreras diferenciales que enfrentan las mujeres Promover las vocerías femeninas dentro de los procesos organizativos." +325624,54815.0,2099.0,[],[],[],en,82,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"As shown in the results table in Annex 4, which shows the results for five different model specifications, the association between maternal mortality per 100,000 deliveries and average travel time to the nearest facility is quite consistent, regardless of the model specification. The results show that the maternal mortality per 100,000 deliveries increases by between 0.44 and 0.46 for each additional minute of average travel time to the nearest facility, with the association being highly statistically significant" +185283,43022.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,37,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/61780/what-happened-over-the-weekend-99.html,"[November 9 2020 Overall syria] On Sunday morning, the Syrian government closed three schools in the city of Aleppo, northern Syria, due to the spread of coronavirus among students and teachers." +169901,40360.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Pull Factors']",fr,129,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Quant aux mouvements de retour, il a été identifié 33 PDI dont 25 PDI qui sont rentrés à Tin-Agadel village de la commune de Markoye composé de 03 hommes, 08 femmes ,06 garçons et 08 filles. 08 autres PDI sont retournés à Beiga village de la commune Gorom-Gorom dont 04 hommes 02 femmes et 02 garçons. Ces retours ont pour principales raisons les travaux champêtres et certains estiment qu’il y a un peu d’accalmie. Dans les zones de retours les GANI distribueraient des terres et imposeraient leurs conditions pour pouvoir avoir accès à la terre telles que couper les pantalons, laisser pousser la barbe et obligent les femmes à porter des voiles et à rester à la maison." +80492,22034.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],[],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,60,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/cuatro-reflexiones-del-primer-mes-del-campamento-humanitario-para-venezolanos-en-bogota/780,"Cuando aumenta la llegada de migrantes a un país y el gobierno no tiene la capacidad de ofrecerles viviendas formales, los campamentos son una opción viable para responder a las necesidades básicas de la población migrante. Pero este tipo de medidas, según la experiencia de organizaciones dedicadas a atender a los migrantes, debe ser temporal." +292726,51990.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,40,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elcolombiano.com/colombia/salud/volver-a-vivir-campana-de-la-andi-para-que-retornen-los-pacientes-a-consultas-medicas-AP14821177,"En Colombia el panorama es complejo. En 2020 el sistema de salud tuvo 7 millones de consultas médicas menos en relación a las cifras de 2018 y 2019, cuando se realizaron 25 millones de consultas por año." +192037,42659.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,30,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_175.pdf,"Au cours des 14 derniers jours, 862 cas confirmés ont été rapportés dans 52 ZS réparties dans 12 des 15 provinces affectées du pays (Tableau I)." +178040,40661.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Environment'],fr,33,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Les facteurs climatiques, maladies des plantes et du bétail en plus des épidémies et de la malnutrition perdurent dans un contexte de crise humanitaire prolongée et de pauvreté généralisée des populations." +141400,35118.0,1187.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,en las llamadas del 0800 aparecen los relatos de los varones acerca de la frustración que sienten por no poder responder a las necesidades alimentarias del grupo familiar e incluso por no poder garantizar la comensalidad familiar. +149740,37702.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,64,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"The current key priorities in Syria are: - Enhancing surveillance capacity including active surveillance, with a critical need to expand national and subnational laboratory capacity to test for timely detection; - Protecting health care workers by training and providing additional PPE; - Ensuring proper case management, isolation and contact tracing; and - Raising awareness and risk communication." +125733,31803.0,1183.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,23,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77205.pdf,La relación con la comunidad de acogida se percibe como buena (69%) y muy buena (14.5%). +178528,40661.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,98,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Pour la période de juillet à décembre 2020, 13 territoires ont été classifiées en Phase 4 de l’IPC (Urgence) et 68 en Phase 3 de l’IPC (Crise). Sur les 66,6 millions des personnes vivant dans les zones analysées, 21,8 millions de personnes, représentant 33% de la population analysée, font face a un niveau élevée d’insécurité alimentaire aiguë (Phase 3 et 4 de l’IPC), dont 5,7 millions en Urgence (Phase 4 de l’IPC)." +214419,45385.0,2334.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],fr,54,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"De nombreuses constructions et réhabilitation de points d’eau, la dotation en équipements de protection individuelle (EPI) aux personnels de santé et ménages vulnérables dans les formations sanitaires, les localités d’accueil des IDPs et les communautés vulnérables sont planifiées mais contraintes par le manque de financements." +313314,53183.0,2466.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,50,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"The Shelter/NFI Sector in Sudan faced various challenges in 2020; Economic situation: the ongoing economic crisis and inflation affected the sector activities, especially the procurement of the kits. Some additional delays were experienced to purchase the items as the prices increased during the purchase process." +386135,60459.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,139,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"[Aide du PAM et du gouvernement] Dans l’ensemble, elle touche au moins 25 pour cent de la population et répond au moins à 50 pour cent de leur besoin. Elle permet aux PDI et ménages hôtes pauvres d’être en insécurité alimentaire aigue Stress (Phase 2! de l’IPC) dans les provinces du Sanmatenga, du Loroum, du Soum, du Séno et du Yagha. Dans la province de Oudalan, l’assistance humanitaire en cours représente la plus importante source d’alimentation et de revenus, dans un contexte d’épuisement des moyens d’existence. Les PDIs et le ménages pauvres hôtes sont dans une insécurité alimentaire de Crise ! (Phase 3 ! de l’IPC)." +62868,18514.0,1386.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,312,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190328_acaps_briefing_note_venezuela_update_and_2019_outlook__0.pdf,"ELN in Venezuela In the last two years the ELN (Ejército de Liberación Nacional/National Liberation Army) from Colombia has been expanding its power in Venezuela; its presence has been reported in at least half of Venezuela, particularly in the states of Táchira, Zulia, Apure, Amazonas, and Bolívar, reaching the eastern border with Guyana. The group has engaged in cattle and gasoline smuggling, extortion, recruitment, drug trafficking and illegal mining. (InSight Crime 13/11/2018) It has also engaged in the distribution of subsidised food packages, normally the exclusive responsibility of the Venezuelan government, in order to gain trust of the population and strengthen ties with Maduro’s administration. (InSight Crime 09/02/2018) The conflict between the ELN and EPL (Ejército Popular de Liberación / Popular Liberation Army) in Colombia has also poured over the border into Venezuela, causing displacement and deaths of civilians. The Venezuelan government has never publicly criticised the ELN presence and violent attacks within its borders. It is therefore possible to claim that the Venezuelan government has been tolerant of the ELN, turning to the group as an ally in its effort to assert control over territories where the government lacks a legitimate presence. (InSight Crime 16/10/2018) The ELN and the dissidents of FARC are seemingly taking advantage of Maduro’s ‘tolerance’ in order to maintain the status quo and keep their criminal activities going in Venezuela, affirming their power in case of an unsuccessful peace deal in Colombia. The economic crisis of the country is also facilitating recruitment of Venezuelans among ELN ranks and fuelling its financial resources through extortion and control of illegal entry points at the border. (InSight Crime 16/10/2018)" +313221,53183.0,2466.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,22,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"Updating of safe and dignified referral systems, mapping of available services and the promotion of the GBV standard operating procedures." +386821,60459.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,124,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"Avec des perspectives de cumuls pluviométriques similaires à supérieurs à la normale, les retenues d’eau de la province connaitront un bon niveau de remplissage. Toutefois, la forte pression des autres usagers sur ces retenues et l’ensablement avancé de ces points d’eau pourraient entrainer comme la saison écoulée, leur tarissement précoce . Cela affectera à la baisse les productions, mais qui pourraient être similaires à celles de la saison passée. L’accès réduit aux sites par les acheteurs étrangers pourrait aussi empêcher les producteurs d’avoir des niveaux de prix similaires à la normale. Dans l’ensemble, les revenus resteront en-dessous de la normale. (scenario)" +195242,43324.0,2334.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],fr,75,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irc_-_rapport_devaluation_covid-19_extreme_nord_-irc.pdf,"Dans la catégorie la moins sévère se trouvent 33,8% des ménages interrogés, c’est-à-dire ceux qui ont au cours des 30 derniers jours ayant précédé l’enquête fait recours aux stratégies d’adaptation négatives suivantes : - Biens ménagers / biens vendus (radio, meubles, réfrigérateur, télévision, bijoux, etc.) - Achat de nourriture à crédit ou emprunté - Économies dépensées - Argent emprunté" +161319,39528.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],fr,43,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Dans le cadre de leur appui au centre hospitalier universitaire (CHU) Tengandogo, les équipes ont participé à la prise en charge de 3 cas et 11 patients suspects. Par ailleurs, 358 patients ont été reçus au triage." +224059,45768.0,2332.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,64,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"A Diamerom, sur les 12 forages existants équipés des pompes à motricité humaine (PMH), 6 sont fonctionnels. Une mini-adduction d’eau potable (AEP) avait également été réalisée. La mini-AEP est dotée d’un réservoir de 1m3, et d’une borne fontaine (FB) ayant 2 robinets de desserte en eau." +61156,18235.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Intentions']",en,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"An average of 30,000 people travel back and forth between Venezuela and Colombia every day.66 In both Maicao and Cúcuta, key informants reported that significant numbers do so to buy products in Colombia and sell them in Venezuela, due to the scarcity of goods there." +151780,36055.0,2028.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],en,19,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/PHR.pdf,The cross-border aid mechanism is the most viable channel to deliver aid to millions of Syrians in need. +235174,46388.0,2336.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,23,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Shelter needs for displaced households remain critical as 28 per cent report living in shelters which are either significantly damaged or destroyed. +215084,44840.0,2331.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,39,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,"Protecting Somalia’s existing food economy throughout the crisis will require focused action to address supply-side constraints to produce increased export earnings and / or to address unmet domestic food demand, including through direct import substitution." +174863,40890.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,66,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"De las 3.102 encuestas realizadas, el 78% de las personas entrevistadas son mujeres, el 21% son hombres y un 0,3% (9 personas) se identifican como transgénero. La edad promedio de las mujeres es de 33 años y la edad promedio de los hombres es de 35 años, para un promedio de edad general de 33,4 años." +323116,54498.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,71,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/89758cd4/REACH_COL_RAN_Factsheet_Trend_analysis_March2021.pdf,"Por su parte, en los gru- pos de viaje en comparación con el perfil de viajeros solos, la composición fue un poco más equilibrada, ya que durante las cinco etapas, el reporte osciló entre el 37% y 46%, siendo la primera ronda el reporte más alto donde de los 562 viajeros totales que iban en grupo, el 46% correspondía a mujeres." +192823,43304.0,2332.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,82,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Les résultats de l’analyse HEA (Household Economy Approach) a fait ressortir que sur les trente-sept (37) départements analysés, deux (2) connaissent des déficits de survie (Bahr El Ghazal sud et Bahr El Ghazal Ouest) et huit (8) autres (Biltine, Nord Kanem, Kanem, Mamdi, Fouli, Kaya, Wayi et Bahr El Ghazal Nord) des déficits de protection des moyens d’existence." +172349,40829.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,46,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_233_20200919.pdf,"Ce 19/09/2020, 266 échantillons ont été reçus au laboratoire. Au terme de la journée, 70,7% (n=188) échantillons ont été analysés, parmi lesquels 28 sont revenus positifs au SARS-CoV-2, qui incluaient ceux des 27 cas confirmés du jour." +236495,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],en,45,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"According to WHO people have avoided seeking non-COVID-19 medical care for fear of catching the virus at medical facilities, leading to an overall decrease in health-care utilisation. For example, antenatal care has reduced by 21 per cent as compared to 2019." +309783,51467.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,69,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"In addition, some 21,000 out of 286,000 refugees in Maban, Pariang, Juba and Yambio counties are estimated to be malnourished in 2021, including 4,986 SAM children (2,555 male and 2,431 female, 12,047 MAM children (6,198 male and 5,849 female) and 3,957 AM-PLW.126 There is a slight increase from the 1.8 million people who needed treatment for acute malnutrition in 2020." +193910,43327.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,54,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_sectoriel_octobre.pdf,La détérioration de la situation sécuritaire sur l’ensemble du territoire national a occasionné une limitation d’accès aux services sociaux de base dont la santé avec une fermeture des formations sanitaires suite aux attaques et souvent la fuite des agents de santé par psychose abandonnant derrière eux les formations sanitaires. +96510,26816.0,1621.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,45,['At Risk'],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/course-coronavirus-pandemic-across-libya-depends-silencing-guns,"As of March, a total of 27 health facilities in Libya have sustained damage to varying degrees due to the proximity of fighting, with 14 being forced to close and the remainder at risk of following suit as lines of conflict shift." +358801,58362.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.lafm.com.co/internacional/derechos-de-ninas-y-adolescentes-migrantes-venezolanas-no-se-estan-garantizando-segun,"El estudio también revela que el 40% de ellas no accede a servicios de salud. Por otra parte, el 19% de las adolescentes mayores de 15 años, afirmó estar o haber estado embarazada y la edad promedio del embarazo fue a los 16 años, en contra de sus propias expectativas, para ser madre, marcadas alrededor de los 25 años." +218171,45410.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,75,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"Les coûts journaliers sont variables, entre la moyenne et légèrement supérieures comme à Sarh où la journée de travail est payée à 500 FCFA. A Bongor et Lai, le coût journalier de main d’œuvre est de 1500 FCFA contre 750 en année normale en raison d’une hausse de la demande suscitée par l’intensification des travaux de récoltes pour pallier les pertes de récoltes par pourrissement." +162976,37820.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,22,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/iom_rohingya_crisis_response_-_external_sitrep_-_july_2020.pdf,"Covid-19 related messages were disseminated to 6,977 persons (2,085 men, 1,570 women, 1,621 girls, 1,701 boys)." +190079,43324.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irc_-_rapport_devaluation_covid-19_extreme_nord_-irc.pdf,La région se caractérise par une pauvreté endémique : 74% de la population vit en dessous du seuil de pauvreté avant la crise humanitaire de l’Extrême Nord. +158625,39277.0,2170.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Context->Economy']",en,36,['Impact'],"['Shock/Event', 'Context']",IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NMMB_June2020_Final.pdf,"After about three years of economic improvements following the 2016/2017 recession, Nigeria currently faces the threat of “twin shocks” from the COVID-19 pandemic and the associated fall in international crude oil prices." +172336,40829.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,85,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_233_20200919.pdf,"Au Kongo-Central, les ZS hot spots, parmi les 445 cas pour lesquels l’information a été renseignée, sont celles de Matadi (176/445 ; 39,6%), Nzanza (88/445 ; 19,8%), Kimpese (43/445 ; 9,7%), Mbanza Ngungu (28/445 ; 6,3%), Muanda (22/445 ; 4,9%), Boma (18/445 ; 4,0%) et Lukula (13/445 ; 2,9%) (Figure 3)." +293373,52057.0,2225.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,66,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/fhrdc_ra_hauts_plateux_sud-kivu_fv.pdf,"[Sud-Kivu, Dec 2020] Les 76 400 personnes déplacées internes ainsi que les populations hôtes affectées par la crise ont urgemment besoin d’une assistance car elles font face à une détérioration croissante de leurs conditions de vie avec un accès très limité aux services essentiels de base dans trois (3) zones, notamment à Bijombo, Mikenge et Minembwe." +264396,49670.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,35,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://diariodelsur.com.co/noticias/econom%C3%ADa/empresas-no-aguantarian-mas-cierres-por-pandemia-audionotici-662218,"el 65.2% de los empresarios que respondieron la encuesta, han tenido quecapotear la reducción en sus ventaspor cuenta de la pandemia, mientras que otro 23.4% logró mantener la estabilidad financiera." +306883,51572.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,98,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"An improvement in security and freedom of movement has allowed some go-and-see visits. The environment in Baliet County is considered by IDPs as conducive and safe, with no Housing Land and Property and major security concerns identified. IDPs are fully aware of the current humanitarian and security situation and level of services in areas of intended return in Baliet through regular communication with their relatives and neighbors with whom they share the same ethnic background. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +224131,45768.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,19,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,Des directives ont été données pour réorganisation des activités de nutrition par suite de la pandémie de coronavirus. +386931,60462.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,26,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNDP-DFS-Secondary-Impacts-of-COVID-19-Closing-Civic-Space-in-Fragile-Contexts.pdf,One explanation for the increase in conflict incidents is that the armed groups exploited national security forces’ focus on preventing the spread of the pandemic +169475,40368.0,2099.0,[],[],[],en,19,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"The rising insecurity continues to deteriorate across all regions of Burkina Faso, resulting in a massive population displacement" +235374,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,53,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Given the convergence of heightened climate risks, food insecurity, poor preparedness and susceptibility to damage due to earthquakes, the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Asia-Pacific Regional Directors have agreed that Afghanistan is now the most at-risk country in the region and should be upgraded as a global concern." +239302,46388.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Health']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Most households report extreme coping mechanisms with more than 61 per cent of shock-affected households reducing money spent on food and other expenditure such as for healthcare, to survive the winter." +38840,13711.0,729.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,74,['At Risk'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,http://www.thenewhumanitarian.org/photo-feature/2019/05/09/Libya-war-refugees-seek-safety-tripoli-school,"But there are more than 600,000 migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers inLibya, and the majority are not in detention. That doesn’t mean they are safe. In Tripoli, many are among the more than 59,000 people forced to flee their homes by the fighting, which has pitted general Khalifa Haftar’s Libyan National Army against forces loyal to the UN-backed Government of National Accord." +345264,56821.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,38,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.thenewhumanitarian.org/news-feature/2021/5/27/hunger-and-COVID-19-drive-venezuelans-to-take-more-dangerous-routes-out,"The arrival of COVID-19 has also led to more and more accounts of xenophobia against migrants across the region, as some media reports and politicians have increasingly blamed them for crime, unemployment, and disease." +341758,56493.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,101,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Les insatisfactions et frustrations des populations locales vis-à-vis de ces structures de régulation ont pour conséquence majeure la manifestation d’une culture de revendication violente de droits à travers des règlements de compte personnels et/ou collectifs. Ces expressions de revendications violentes traduisent ainsi un symptôme de désaveu à l’égard des structures de régulation, affectant ainsi le bien-être et le vivre ensemble. Le malaise social provoque la fragilité du socle de construction de la communauté et surtout contribue à l’émergence d’une culture de contestation permanente qui s’accompagne de violence." +337319,55938.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,128,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/venezolanos-sin-internet-podran-acceder-al-estatuto-en-100-puntos-de-atencion-/2657,"El director de Migración Colombia anunció que habilitarán un sistema de registro asistido, el cual empezará a funcionar a comienzos del próximo mes, con el fin de atender a los migrantes que no tienen acceso o conocimientos en tecnología. Debido al alto número de personas que intentan acceder a diario a la página de Migración Colombia, esta web ha presentado fallas constantes desde el 5 de mayo.La venezolana Carmen Cortez expresó su malestar porque no ha podido finalizar la primera fase virtual.""No hemos podido cargar las fotos... Se ha hecho de todo y no las carga. Ayúdenos, cada día que pasa es un día menos en el calendario de la implementación del Estatuto"", se quejó." +386742,60459.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,44,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"Sur le marché de Gorom-Gorom, le mil qui est la denrée de base enregistre un niveau de prix élevé, mais stable par rapport à moyenne quinquennale en raison de l’assistance en présence qui réduit la pression sur le marché." +236851,47076.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,32,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,Thousands of IDP women and girls at heightened risk of sexual violence and exploitation need increased access to lifesaving services amid ongoing conflict and COVID-19 in the NWSW regions of Cameroon. +306908,51572.0,2335.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,133,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"[WASH] On 2 of the 3 SWATs visited, the level of aluminium sulfate and chlorine used was appropriate with regular DPD tests. The operators were trained by WVI officer directly. On the 3rd one, the operators was trained by a former World Vision operator, the level of aluminium sulfate used was high and always the same (no scale available), independently of the water turbidity and no tests were done. 2 of this 3 SWATs were running out of aluminium sulfate. The process for re-approvisinning through World Vision was well known by staff on the ground, but regular shortage were reported. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +242221,47809.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,59,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_7.pdf,"Barranquilla, que tiene un 45 por ciento de disponibilidad de UCI, recibió ya a cuatro pacientes de covid-19; Cartagena, donde la ocupación llega al 62 por ciento, aprobó la separación de 10 camas; y Santa Marta, que tiene un 45,9 por ciento de disponibilidad de UCI, sumará otros 10 cupos." +244109,46388.0,2336.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Thousands of health care facilities and schools will continue to be in need of functional handwashing stations, safe water supply and improved sanitation facilities in 2021 – all critical to the fight against COVID-19." +313644,53333.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,17,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,About 58% of girls agreed that it was within their power to decide when to marry +152357,38139.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,54,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cox-s-bazar-sitrep-17.pdf,"Between 23-29 July 2020 CwC partners approached 128 774 people in the FDMN/Rohingya camps to provide COVID-19 information. In total, 57 268 neighbourhood-based sessions and 7478 community meetings reached 24 063 people with COVID-19 key messages. Furthermore, 5131 people participated in 644 group sessions and in 434 film sessions." +151538,37915.0,2098.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,84,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/78176.pdf,"Due to the heightened risks posed by COVID-19 to elderly refugees, UNHCR has been undertaking a targeted effort to ensure they are able to access information and advice on COVID-19. The outreach is undertaken by refugee community outreach volunteers (COMs). The elderly care project also supplies selected items to households along with information on elderly care. The kit contains items that can help households to create a small safe zone inside their shelter for the older family member" +149685,37702.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,77,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"Although partial lockdowns have also been introduced in Ar-Raqqa and Kobane, there are concerns that these do not go far enough with, for instance, restaurants in Raqqa still permitted to open for dine-in customers and mass gatherings, including weddings and funerals, reported over the last week. The local authorities have indicated they plan to make face coverings in public spaces mandatory across all areas of NES in the coming days." +188240,40860.0,1899.0,['Education'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,114,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200922_OCHA_GUATEMALA%20HRP%20COVID-19%20ESPAN%CC%83OL.pdf,"Adicionalmente, existe el riesgo probable de aumento en la deserción y abandono escolar temprano que requerirá de conformar y organizar brigadas comunitarias para identificar a niños, niñas, adolescentes y jóvenes que no retornen para asegurar su búsqueda, reincorporación y asistencia a clases presenciales en el ciclo lectivo 2021. Se ha estimado que el retorno será progresivo y escalonado, por lo que el Ministerio de Educación deberá preparar nuevos mecanismos para actividades regulares como los recesos, la distribución de alimentos en la escuela y para la casa, distanciamiento físico en el aula, actividades fuera de los salones y material educativo de nivelación y progreso educativo." +330113,55171.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Context->Economy']",es,79,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-america-latina-56897151,"El gobierno del presidente Duque presentó la semana pasada ante el Congreso un proyecto de reforma fiscal que originalmente buscaba recaudar 23,4 billones de pesos (USD$6.294 millones), equivalente a un 2% del PIB. La iniciativa propone gravar productos básicos de la canasta familiar y servicios públicos. La reforma busca mitigar los huecos fiscales del país, y atender las dudas en los mercados por su capacidad de pago de deuda." +224069,45768.0,2332.0,['WASH'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,51,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"A Amma, sur les 9 forages existants, 5 sont fonctionnels. L’eau de ces forages est fortement salée à l’exception du forage de l’école (Centre d’apprentissage temporaire UNICEF) qui a un taux de salinité moindre que les autres." +220900,45410.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"A N’Djaména, les prix des céréales connaissent une légère baisse mais restent en général, supérieure à la moyenne, grâce aux approvisionnements en provenance des zones agricoles et agropastorales par suite des récoltes de la campagne en cours et à une bonne disponibilité des produits de substitution." +330668,55042.0,2098.0,[],[],[],en,126,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.gage.odi.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Adolescents%E2%80%99-experiences-of-covid-19-in-Chittagong-and-Sylhet-divisions-Bangladesh.pdf,"[30 April 2021, Bangladesh]However, a few of the rural adolescents in our sample had little or no knowledge about the signs and symptoms of covid-19, stating outright that they do not know, or providing vague answers to the question. Other adolescents, from both rural and urban areas, have received misinformation about covid-19 symptoms.s. For instance, a couple of adolescents mentioned dry eyes and mouth and body rash as signs of infection, while another explained how germs go inside the stomach and cause covid-19. Two of these adolescents seemed to confuse the coronavirus with harmful bacteria or germs, as they kept mentioning dirt and garbage as the breeding ground for the virus" +22530,9106.0,729.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security', 'Health']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,101,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"Throughout 2018, refugees and migrants held at DCIM detention centres faced situations where they were not provided with sufficient and nutritious food, leading to significant health and nutrition problems. In situations where the authorities are unable to address these ongoing needs, for example during the hostilities in Tripoli in September 2018, humanitarian actors provided emergency food for several thousand detained refugees and migrants as a life-saving measure. With the unpredictable nature of the situation and the ongoing detention regime for refugees and migrants, the nutrition and food needs in detention continue to grow." +220494,45837.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,62,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/2020/12/17/covid-19-bangladesh-records-1-134-new-cases-another-36-die,"[17th December 2020, Bangladesh] The latest figures showed an infection rate of 8.60%. To date, 3,035,728 tests have been conducted in the country, leading to an overall infection rate of 16.37% so far. So far, 431,590 patients — 86.84% of all infected — have made full recovery across the country." +361136,58845.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,83,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_price_bulletin_may_2021.pdf,"[May 2021, GoS, NWS & NES]Broken down by regions, the coastal region recorded the highest retail price of wheat flour is at SYP 2,316/kg (up 11 percent m-o-m), followed by northwest Syria at SYP 2,075/ kg (down 12 percent m-o-m). While the cross-border region recorded the lowest retail price at SYP 1,393/kg (unchanged m-o-m), followed by northeast Syria at SYP 1,759/kg (up one percent m-o-m)." +317247,53333.0,2334.0,[],[],[],en,33,[],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Work with boys to deal with delinquent behaviours like stealing, which in turn support other habits such as substance abuse, which can lead to unprotected sex and other related behaviours." +493950,67712.0,1224.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,101,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"In Guyana: The Ministry of Social Protection, along with UNICEF, grants a transfer in cash currency of USD 230, the Shock Responsive Cash Grant, directed at Venezuelan migrants and the host population. It covers 1,600 households, of which 90 per cent are migrants, and it is implemented primarily in Georgetown. The role of UNICEF is to grant financing and technical advice, as well as complementary services for delivering the cash at child protection centers, while the implementation and handing out are carried out by the Ministry of Social Protection." +292409,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,55,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"Ainsi que dans les activités préventives (vaccination, dépistage actif et promotion de l’hygiène) Dans la surveillance des Paralysies Flasques Aigües (PFA), l’OMS continue de piloter le projet AVADAR qui est un outil de surveillance à base communautaire qui permet une notification rapide des évènements." +196853,43840.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,49,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_291_20201116.pdf,"Au total, 271 échantillons ont été reçus au laboratoire ce 16/11/2020. Au terme de la journée, 75,6% (n=205) échantillons ont été analysés, parmi lesquels 28 sont revenus positifs au SARS-CoV-2, y compris ceux des 27 nouveaux cas confirmés du jour." +238141,47086.0,2170.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,49,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_31_dec_2020_report.pdf,"[16th-31st Dec 2020, Borno and Adamawa states]85% of latrines in Borno are functional while 15% are damaged. 4 sites in 3 LGAs (Girei in Adamawa state, Jere and Konduga in Borno state) do not have latrines on site." +279469,50942.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,55,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/health/coronavirus/2021/03/11/global-covid-cases-near-118-million,"[11th March 2021, Bangladesh] Those who are 40 or above can register for getting the jab at www.surokkha.gov.bd as the on-spot registration system has been revoked. Health Minister Zahid Maleque has said the age limit for getting the vaccine will be revised once more doses are available in the country." +345654,56858.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,71,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"(Hauts-Bassins) Au cours du mois d’avril, la situation sécuritaire au niveau des Hauts Bassins est restée calme. Aucun cas d’attaque n’a été signalé si ce n’est que des tirs de sommation et de dissuasion au cours de la nuit du 18 avril à Faramana, localité située à la frontière avec le Mali à 125 km de Bobo-Dioulasso." +341457,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,113,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,Cette pauvreté est alors utilisée comme une étiquette de refoulement identitaire économique et de rabaissement de soi qui définit les citoyens. Cette pauvreté sert d’argument de persuasion et de récupération employé par les groupes armés afin d’attirer vers eux ces personnes économiquement faibles en quête d’espoir et d’alternatives vers des activités terroristes qu’elles jugent plus lucratives et at- trayantes. Les groupes armés ont aussi pu gagner la confiance des populations via l’offre d’un certain nombre de services de base dans un contexte où l’État peine à assurer les services sociaux de base aux populations. +261596,49218.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,97,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Reporte%20de%20situaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Migrantes%20y%20refugiados%20en%20tr%C3%A1nsito%20provenientes%20de%20Venezuela%2C%20diciembre%202020_0.pdf,"Los migrantes en tránsito o en retorno no tienen ninguna garantía de acceso a salud, a algunas personas –incluyendo mujeres embarazadasles ha sido negado el acceso a servicios médicos durante su recorrido. El 18% de los encuestados por REACH reportaron que ellos o alguno de los miembros de su grupo de viaje se habían sentido enfermos en el recorrido: 4 de cada 10 personas no buscaron asistencia médica por no estar afiliados al sistema de salud y 2 de cada 10 por imposibilidad de pago de los costos que acarrearía su tratamiento." +165241,39714.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],es,50,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,75% ha tenido alguna afectación en su salud mental en los últimos 21 días por efecto de las medidas preventivas actuales: 54% se sintió nerviosa/o; 52% se ha sentido cansada/o sin motivo; 46% se sintió inquieta/o impaciente y 34% sintió rabia/ira ( +239375,46388.0,2336.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,25,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Transitional shelter and shelter repair needs remain high with substantial unmet needs in 2020 due to a focus of funding on emergency pandemic needs. +248088,48110.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,90,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/democratic-republic-congo/evolution-du-nouveau-coronavirus-covid-19-en-rdc-mise-jour-publi-0,"La persistance de la circulation du SARS-CoV-2 se poursuit de manière ascendante en RDC dans les principales provinces affectées. L’épidémie continue sa progression entre autres dans les 5 provinces les plus actives (Haut-Katanga, Kinshasa, Kongo Central, Nord-Kivu, Sud-Kivu etc.). Dans le même temps, les autres provinces touchées connaissent une tendance en plateau (Equateur, Haut-Uélé, Ituri, Lualaba, Nord-Ubangi, Sud-Ubangi, la région de l’ex Grand Kasaï, la Tshopo etc.)" +176122,41333.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_149.pdf,"Au cours des 14 derniers jours, 2 049 cas confirmés ont été rapportés dans 72 ZS réparties dans 10 des 13 provinces affectées du pays (Tableau I)." +340464,56371.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,35,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20Burkina%20Faso%20Country%20Brief%2C%20April%202021.pdf,"The rising insecurity continues to deteriorate across all regions of Burkina Faso, resulting in a massive population displacement. As of 30 April 2021, over 1.2 million people had been officially displaced." +178085,40661.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,158,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Concernant les stratégies liées aux moyens d’existences, sur les zones couvertes par l’EFSA (PAM juin-juillet 2020), 32% des ménages emploient des stratégies d’Urgence et 38% des stratégies de Crise. Sur les zones couvertes par mVAM (PAM juillet 2020), 48% des ménages emploient des stratégies d’Urgence et 17% des stratégies de Crise. Sur les zones couvertes par la CAID (2020, différentes dates), 31% des ménages emploient des stratégies d’Urgence et 37% des stratégies de crise. Ces moyennes masquent des pics très préoccupants dans certains territoires où plus de la moitié des ménages enquêtés emploie des stratégies d’Urgence, notamment dans le Kasaï Oriental (Katanda, Lupatapata, Mbuji-Mayi, Miabi), le Sud Ubangi (Libenge) ou le Sud Kivu (Kabare)." +21820,9026.0,322.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Demography'],en,125,['Impact'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,,"With the 1962 revolution and the establishment of a modern republic, Sana’a began to evolve rapidly, spilling outside the old city walls and expanding in a radial manner along major roads. As a result the total area of the city expanded from merely 3.7 square kilo- meters in 1962 to more than 40 square kilome- ters in the end of the 1970s. Fastest growth has taken place since 1980 along the north-south roads starting from the airport in the north to Ta’iz in the south, and to a lesser degree, prob- ably for reasons of difficult topography, east and west towards the towns of Hodaideh, Al- Mahaweet, Hadda, and Marib." +239061,46388.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Shelter']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Lack of adequate shelter exposes households to a variety of protection risks, including the lack of privacy, eviction, exploitation and abuse, and in some cases increased exposure to sexual and gender- based violence." +325115,54815.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"(Ouagadougou) While 94 percent of all advanced facilities and all five hospitals are within 2 km of a bus route, this is the case for only 57 percent of primary schools and 59 percent of PPS schools (and, interestingly, more common among the public schools than the private ones)." +158017,38777.0,2028.0,['Cross'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,50,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/food-insecurity-impact-covid-19-among-critical-challenges-facing-syria,Tunisia’s representative said the exponential rise in COVID-19 cases and expansion of deep poverty underscores the urgent need to address the drivers of instability. Ending hostilities and restoring calm throughout Syria is both an urgent prerequisite and a long-term goal to cope with the humanitarian crisis. +165233,39714.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Capacities & Response->Local Response', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],es,79,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"sólo el 33% empezó a trabajar desde casa. El porcentaje de personas que empezó a trabajar desde casa es mayor entre empleados de sectores públicos (55%) y privados (48%) y menor entre trabajadores independientes (28%), mujeres cabeza de hogar (28%) y víctimas del conflicto (18%), lo que revela condiciones menos flexibles para el trabajo informal y de las poblaciones vulnerables" +46318,15533.0,729.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Information Challenges And Barriers'],en,70,[],['Information And Communication'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_report_areabasedassessment_aba_azzawya_jun2019.pdf,"IDPs were reported by humanitarian KIs to be the main population group targeted by aid programmes, followed by refugees and migrants. Nevertheless, very few migrant KIs reported being aware of any organisations providing humanitarian aid to migrants in Azzawya (4/31); those who were reported being aware of the work of the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) and the Libyan Red Crescent." +69878,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],[],en,43,[],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"Rape, trafficking, exploitation and other forms of violence against women tend to increase in times of natural disasters meaning that responders need to be aware of risks, avoid doing harm, and put in protective measures within their interventions." +235868,47091.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,21,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/borno_state_covid-19_weekly_sitrep_wk_52.pdf,Challenges: • No sample collection at health facilities and communities. • Increase in the number of confirmed cases. +238136,47086.0,2170.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_31_dec_2020_report.pdf,"[16th-31st Dec 2020, Borno and Adamawa states]44% of the IDPs are living in emergency shelter, 35% in makeshift, 11% in collective/ communal shelter, 9% in public facilities and 1% in transitional shelter. 2,236 HH are sharing shelter across 24 sites in 8 LGAs." +90071,25213.0,1621.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,72,[],"['Context', 'Casualties']",2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A_HRC_43_75_E.pdf,"On 6 June, in Al-Nasr detention centre in Al-Zawiya, at least one Sudanese woman was killed and three other migrants injured by gunshots after such protests. On 29 July, underscoring the unabated violence, inhuman conditions and the arbitrary nature of the detention of migrants and refugees, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Libya called for the closure of all migrant detention centres in the country" +194589,43822.0,2311.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,29,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19112020_flash_update_no.3_emergencias_por_ola_invernal_-_colombia_vf.pdf,"En Manaure varias comunidades rurales que se encuentran entre las comunidades de Guasimo y Flor del Olvido, en el corregimiento de San Antonio, se encuentran incomunicadas." +239001,46388.0,2336.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,24,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"From 2018-2021, the number of people in need of shelter and NFI assistance has increased from 1.3 million to 6.6 million people." +301124,51958.0,2332.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_devaluation_de_protection_des_retournes_tchadiens_de_la_rca_installes_dans_les_sites_au_sud_du_tchad_002.pdf,"Pour s’adapter à ces différents défis d’ordre opérationnel du centre de santé [Centre de santé Danamadja, équipement insuffisant, ruptures de médicaments..], la communauté pratique l'automédication ou les soins traditionnels." +208416,43992.0,2332.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,19,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"To date a total of 100,029 people have received essential WASH supplies to ensure implementation of COVID-19 prevention measures" +161328,39528.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,90,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Au cours de juillet 2020, MdM France a entrepris la donation systématique de masques à tous les usagers des sites de cliniques mobiles et à tous les agents de santé des formations sanitaires. Cet appui supplémentaire de douze mille (12000) masques chirurgicaux, quatre cents (400) masques FFP2 et huit (08) thermoflash va permettre aux structures de soins de renforcer leur dispositif de contrôle et de lutte contre la COVID19 dans ce contexte d’apparition de cas à transmission communautaire." +360017,58741.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,42,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC_FSO_2021_06_final.pdf,"Le taux de change se situe entre 1980 et 2015 franc congolais pour un dollar américain, une situation qui favorise ainsi la stabilité des prix non seulement des produits importés mais aussi des produits locaux et des flux de transport." +329864,53694.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],fr,110,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/03042021_sitrep_s11_whe_oms_rdc.docx.pdf,"De S1 à S11/2021, 1 849 cas suspects de choléra dont 63 décès (létalité de 3,4%) ont été recensés dans 51 ZS appartenant à 11 provinces, contre 5 943 cas suspects et 69 décès (létalité de 1,2%) rapportés dans 88 ZS appartenant à 16 provinces au cours de la même période en 2020. On observe une baisse de 68,9% du nombre de cas hebdomadaire entre 2020 et 2021. Le nombre de cas est resté dans l’intervalle compris entre 100 et 217 avec une moyenne de 168 cas suspects hebdomadaires depuis le début de l’année 2021" +19130,7822.0,730.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,119,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_Jan_to_nov_2018.pdf,"Widespread violations of international humanitarian law (IHL) and international humanitarian rights law (IHRL) by parties to the conflict pose an ongoing threat to the life and safety of civilians, resulting in loss of life, displacement and destruction of infrastructure. The protracted nature of the conflict particularly affects women, children and people with specific needs, whose vulnerability is exacerbated, and they need to resort to negative coping mechanisms as means of survival. As grave violations of children’s rights continue to occur, support to affected children is critical, as is mine risk education. Gender based violence incidents have risen significantly and require multi-sectoral responses." +149759,37702.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,52,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"Training and regional outreach is also ongoing. In Hama, Homs, Idleb, Lattakia and Tartous governorates, 125 health educators were trained on RCCE, while in Muhardeh district, Hama awareness raising sessions were held in health centers and markets targeting doctors, religious leaders and the community" +486772,67524.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,95,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://actualite.cd/2021/09/06/rdc-le-gouvernement-na-toujours-pas-realise-ses-promesses-les-medecins-menacent-de,"Les médecins des services publics de l’Etat réunis au sein du Syndicat national des médecins (SYNAMED) et le syndicat des médecins du Congo (SYMECO) ont fait une déclaration ce lundi 6 septembre dans laquelle ils menacent de reprendre la grève qui a été levée en date du 4 août dernier après avoir conclu un accord avec le gouvernement. [..] ces médecins dénoncent, un mois après, qu’aucun engagement n’a été tenu tant sur le plan administratif que sur celui pécuniaire." +316953,53333.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Health', 'WASH', 'Shelter']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,45,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"There also highlighted key things that need to be in place or within easy access for a good marriage and family, namely foodstuffs, medical facilities, truthfulness, marriage education, kitchen utensils, house equipment, mosquito nets and good water system" +211551,45203.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,18,[],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://fews.net/west-africa/cameroon/food-security-outlook/june-2020,"The Government began lifting certain restrictions (curfew, travel restrictions and gatherings) on May 1." +57263,17282.0,1186.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,189,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.dt.gob.cl/portal/1626/articles-117135_archivo_01.pdf,"Si bien el fenómeno ha sido significativo para el mercado laboral en los últimos años, no se cuenta con evidencia sobre efectos negativos en salarios o empleo. Probablemente se debe a que el porcentaje de participación de población inmigrante es aún bajo a nivel general, mientras la experiencia internacional muestra que se producen efectos negativos cuando existe al menos el 10% de participación de inmigrantes, según postula Bravo (2017). En lo que respecta a la participación de la población inmigrante según rama de actividad económica, los datos que entrega el informe de la encuesta CASEN 2017 -sobre la población ocupada de 15 años o más según actividad económica por lugar de nacimiento- muestran que hay un mayor porcentaje de ocupados inmigrantes en los sectores comercio al por mayor y al por menor (21,9%), hoteles y restaurantes (14,4%), actividades inmobiliarias, empresariales y de alquiler (7,6%). Y hogares privados con servicio doméstico (10,3%), industrias manufactureras (9,4%) y construcción (9,3%." +325669,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,129,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"(Hauts-Bassins, Boucle du Mouhoun - Vallée du Sourou) Selon le rapport d’activité de l’Autorité pour 2016, les principales cultures produites dans son périmètre sont: en zone sèche, l’oignon (3 177 ha, soit 85 pour cent), le riz (715 ha, soit 16 pour cent), la tomate (308 ha, soit 7 pour cent), le maïs (196 ha, soit 4,4 pour cent) et les haricots verts (48 ha, soit 1,1 pour cent); en zone humide, le maïs (4 162 ha, soit 85 pour cent) et le riz (738 ha, soit 15 pour cent)." +315369,53333.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods', 'Education', 'Shelter']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,52,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"The girls proffered many solutions in order to tackle the challenges highlighted. These included dialogue and peace, a stop to killing school children, financial support, food supply, “provision of finance and accommodation in town so we can attend school in a town like others.”" +227360,46454.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,50,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2022_23Dec2020_FINAL.pdf,"[23 Dec, AL hol camp ]To date, 13 cases of COVID-19 among residents has been confirmed, in addition to five healthcare workers and several distribution staff. Sadly, four residents have died (in hospitals located outside the camp), nine have recovered" +178180,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],fr,44,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Bien que des tensions politiques persistent, ce premier transfert de pouvoir pacifique dans l’histoire de la RDC a suscité beaucoup d’espoir après plusieurs années d’incertitudes liées au report successif du scrutin présidentiel entre 2016 et 2018." +304026,51467.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"An estimated 1.6 million people are internally displaced, a slight decrease from November 2019. The spike in sub-national violence and floods triggered new displacements in 2020." +317930,53305.0,2335.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health', 'Food Security']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,82,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"A total of 7.7 million people are expected to need food assistance, including 7.24 million acutely food insecure South Sudanese in rural areas, 130,000 people in urban areas and 314,000 refugees in South Sudan. An estimated 1.4 million children and 480,000 pregnant or lactating women will be acutely malnourished and in need of treatment. The COVID-19 pandemic has aggravated people’s existing vulnerabilities and weakened an already fragile health system’s ability to treat people." +294324,51259.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,60,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2020_access_annual_overview.pdf,"Humanitarian access was further constrained by flight clearance taxations and mandatory COVID-19 free certificates prior to travel. While these measures were key contributors to curbing the spread of COVID-19, they impacted the deployment and rotation of humanitarian staff, delaying emergency response at a period when sub-national violence escalated and impacted vulnerable people, particularly in Jonglei." +112314,32025.0,1185.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,51,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/76913.pdf,"To date, USD 1,671,000 have been distributed on Cash-Based Interventions (CBI) in support of over 35,000 refugees and migrants across Peru. Distributions focused in Lima, Arequipa, Callao, Cusco, La Libertad, Lambayeque, Madre de Dios, Piura, Tacna and Tumbes." +290582,52074.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,"A total of 950 children (450 males and 500 females) were vaccinated against measles, and 3,136 children (927 boys and 2,209 girls) received vitamin A" +218527,45654.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,39,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/hrp_weekly_funding_status_201124.pdf,"[24 Nov 2020, Whole of Syria, Funding Overview] Funding requirements for Logistics sector are 11.8 Million USD, of which 7.4 Million USD have been funded, leaving a gap of 4.3 Million USD." +305205,53100.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,65,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/plan_de_preparation_coronavirus_cmr._version_du_10_mars_2019.pdf,"Au cours l’épidémie d’Ebola en Afrique de l’Ouest en 2014, l’OMS a recommandé à tous les pays membres, la mise en place d’un système de gestion des incidents. Depuis lors, le Cameroun a connu une avancée significative dans sa stratégie de préparation et de réponse aux urgences de santé publique." +343093,53036.0,2334.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,28,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/1-Lolo_Dec%202020_0.pdf,"WASH 21,65 personnes par latrines 27,16 personnes par douches 285 personnes par point d'eau 20,15 Litres d'eau / Personne / Jour 396 réfugiés par promoteur d' hygiène" +294557,51749.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,35,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[commune de Comin-Yanga] Les AME (Articles Ménagers Essentiel) font également défaut et les PDI ont exprimés des besoins en ustensiles de cuisine (marmites, assiettes) et en habits." +174945,41235.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,71,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[October 14, NES, effects of low funding for health care]Maintaining these activities will be as much a priority for humanitarian actors as efforts to scale-up COVID-19 related interventions. Without additional funding, resources will be diverted from life-saving activities, contributing to an environment where other diseases such as measles and acute diarrhea can flourish and where more children become at risk of malnourishment." +2615,520.0,321.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,88,[],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://www.amnesty.org/en/countries/middle-east-and-north-africa/libya/report-libya/,"IS controlled parts of the coastal city of Sirte and contested other areas. In February, a US air strike on an alleged IS training camp in the western city of Sabratha reportedly killed up to 50 people, including two Serbian nationals held hostage by IS. In May, GNA forces composed mostly of armed groups from Misrata began an offensive against IS positions in Sirte, supported by US air strikes in August, and gained control of the city in early December." +323363,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,31,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,[in response to the COVID-19 crisis] The Government has also engaged in discussions with private firms providing digital solutions to ensure continuity of education in the affected areas. +162818,37820.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,75,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/iom_rohingya_crisis_response_-_external_sitrep_-_july_2020.pdf,"To improve documentation of referrals, IOM developed Covid-19 referral forms that have been endorsed by the health sector and approved by government authorities, now being circulated. IOM provided trainings on Enhanced Community Based Surveillance and RCCE to 81 Community Health Workers (CHWs) from four implementing partners aiming to strengthen CHW capacity to contextualize health messaging and address the affected communities' perceptions and concerns on Covid-18 and related services." +186904,41080.0,1184.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000119627.pdf,"Disponibilidad y poder de compra El acceso económico a una dieta nutritiva depende de la disponibilidad de alimentos, su costo en el mercado local y del poder de compra de la población. En las áreas rurales, el poder de compra es bajo por falta de oportunidades económicas. Ecuador está pasando por un proceso acelerado de urbanización. En las áreas urbanas el costo de alimentos nutritivos es mayor." +161560,39295.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,51,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,"Since the start of pandemic in northwest Syria, individuals who had contact with COVID-19 positive cases, i.e “contact cases”, are frequently resisting to be referred to isolation/quarantine centres. Awareness raising efforts should continue to focus on the available facilities and to highlight their services." +418787,64000.0,1185.0,[],[],"['Information And Communication->Communication Means And Preferences', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,145,[],"['Information And Communication', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"La manera, frecuencia y trasfondo en que los medios de comunicación presentan noticias y titulares respecto al desplazamiento venezolano en Perú difieren con respecto a la fecha de publicación del artículo (mes y año), tal como se puede apreciar en el gráfico sobre el número de artículos referentes al tema en cuestión de El Comercio (ver gráfico 6).4 Entre enero de 2017 y enero de 2018, el número de artículos de El Comercio sobre dicho tema fue relativamente bajo, con ligeros picos en febrero, abril y agosto. Entre las fechas previamente mencionadas, los artículos abordaron el tema del desplazamiento venezolano de manera positiva, criticando la crisis política, económica y social en Venezuela a nivel nacional y regional, así como también la discriminación y xenofobia hacia esta población en Perú." +203355,44589.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://rojavainformationcenter.com/storage/2020/04/RIC-Dossier-COVID19-SP.pdf,"[April 5, NES] To respond to the lack of testing kits for Covid-19, in March, the health authorities in northeast Syria repurposed test kits designed for other diseases such as polio and HIV" +177505,40876.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,21,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200904_evaluaciondenecesidades_antioquia_caceres_mire.pdf,"Económicos Actividades de minería, pesca y agricultura; la vereda es conocida como la despensa agrícola de la zona." +164716,39789.0,2098.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Movementwide%20Operation%20Report%20August%202020.pdf,"BDRCS Response Highlights: 15,600 Drinking water bottles (500ml) distributed among selected COVID-19 dedicated hospitals, test and response centers, Police stations, DC offices at several districts." +163447,32455.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Environment'],es,47,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/6._elc_flash_update_covid_19_quincenal_18.06.2020.pdf,"Se han presentado múltiples eventos de desastres naturales, como deslizamientos, desbordamiento de ríos, lluvias intensas, inundaciones, que han bloqueado las vías de acceso al departamento, elevando el riesgo de deslizamientos de gran magnitud (i.e. Emergencia Mocoa 2017)." +264348,48806.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,50,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_final_enquete_smart_27112019.pdf,"En ce qui concerne la malnutrition chronique, comparativement à 2018, les provinces du Guéra et du lac présentent des prévalences à la baisse statistiquement significative. A l’opposé, les provinces du Logone Occidental et de Mandoul présentent des prévalences à la hausse statistiquement significative." +238093,47291.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Deaths'],en,69,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://sham.fm/ar/article/82548/130-%D8%B7%D8%A8%D9%8A%D8%A8%D8%A7-%D8%B3%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%8A%D8%A7-%D8%B6%D8%AD%D9%8A%D8%A9-%D9%84%D9%81%D8%A7%D9%8A%D8%B1%D9%88%D8%B3-%D9%83%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%88%D9%86%D8%A7-%D8%AE%D9%84%D8%A7%D9%84-%D9%87%D8%B0%D8%A7-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B9%D8%A7%D9%85.html,"[January 9 ,GoS] The head of the Doctors Syndicate, Dr. Kamal Asad Amer, announced the death of 130 doctors during the last period, 100 of whom were confirmed dead due to their infection with the virus and the rest due to other diseases, but some of them were suspected of being infected with the virus, but it was not diagnosed." +132561,35164.0,1188.0,['Health'],[],[],es,75,[],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"SALUD 1. Necesidades prioritarias identificadas; • Desconocimiento del sistema de salud local y los servicios asociados • Situaciones de afectación emocional que impiden la integración • Problemas de acceso para el tratamiento de enfermedades crónicas • • Falta de datos epidemiológicos desagregados para el caso de los migrantes y refugiados Falta de cobertura de las normas técnicas y administrativas del programa de atención a la mujer: píldoras, inyectables, preservativos." +498719,60095.0,1187.0,[],[],[],es,55,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RMRP%202021%20Plan%20de%20respuesta%20regional%20para%20refugiados%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%2C%20enero%20-%20diciembre%202021.pdf,"Además de enfrentarse a dificultades para acceder a la atención primaria de salud (especialmente quienes están en situación irregular), las personas refugiadas y migrantes de Venezuela informan que tienen problemas para acceder a servicios adecuados de WASH, lo que repercute directamente en su bienestar físico y aumenta las posibilidades de contagio.37" +62946,18642.0,1386.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,88,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://transparencia.org.ve/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/EPE-II-Sector-Agua.pdf,"El 15 de junio de 2018, mediante Decreto N° 3466 publicado en la Ga- ceta Oficial 6382, emanado de la Presidencia de la República, se crea el Ministerio del Poder Popular de Atención de las Aguas, con com- petencia en lo relativo al cuidado, tratamiento, vigilancia y protección del agua potable, las aguas servidas, cuencas hidrográficas, recursos hídricos y embalses, así como la ejecución de políticas públicas para la regulación y control de la prestación del servicio." +62919,18642.0,1386.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,60,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://transparencia.org.ve/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/EPE-II-Sector-Agua.pdf,"Las grandes y robustas infraestructuras que conforman los sistemas de abastecimiento, finalmente se han resentido y la capacidad opera- tiva no supera el 60% de la capacidad instalada, es decir unos 75.000 litros/seg, dejando de entregar a la población unos 50.000 litros/seg, lo que ha derivado en una calamidad pública por falta de agua potable" +291264,51259.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2020_access_annual_overview.pdf,"Some incidents, such as demands by organized youth groups for local hiring, particularly in Renk and Bentiu, led to the suspension of humanitarian activities, substantially disrupting multi-sectoral assistance." +325253,54815.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Education']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,138,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"(about schools and health facilities targeted) - Sahel, Centre-Nord - This was the case of 181 PPS schools (about one-tenth of all PPS in the country), 355 primary schools (5 percent of all), and 162 CSPS facilities (6 percent). However, in relative terms, the most affected by violent events were the country’s advanced healthcare facilities, with 19 CMs (or 27 percent of all facilities of this type) and 17 CMAs (41 percent) experiencing a violent event in a 2-km radius. In fact, in the Sahel region, all of the CM, CMU, and CMA facilities were in the harm’s way, as well as nearly all of the facilities in Centre-Nord" +301813,51958.0,2332.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,145,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_devaluation_de_protection_des_retournes_tchadiens_de_la_rca_installes_dans_les_sites_au_sud_du_tchad_002.pdf,"Ce nombre élevé de forages en panne s’explique notamment par le fait que les coûts de réparation des pannes en question sont hors de la portée financière des comités de gestion des points d’eau. D’ailleurs, les comités eux-mêmes affirment avoir des difficultés de trésorerie du fait que beaucoup de ménages n’ont pas d’argent pour payer leur cotisation mensuelle de 100 XAF. Par-dessus-tout, les communautés se plaignent du manque d’implication des services techniques de l’Etat. Au niveau de l’hygiène et assainissement, le nombre des latrines et bacs à ordures est jugé insuffisant par la communauté. Il en résulte une forte pratique de la défécation et le dépôt d’ordures à l’aire libre qui exposent les populations à diverses maladies." +188910,43387.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,59,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20DE%20PROTECTION_SEPTEMBRE2020-SAHEL.pdf,"Cependant, dans plusieurs localités de la Région, les administrations publiques et privées ne fonctionnent plus à cause des attaques perpétrées dans de nombreuses localités telles que Déou, Oursi, Tin-Akoff, Mansila, Boundoré, Tongomayel et Baraboulé. Par conséquent le problème d'accès à la documentation et à la justice se pose dans ces localités" +341721,56493.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,117,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"En effet, ce sentiment d’inégalité (dans l'accès et la jouissance des opportunités économiques) débouche sur des violences, de la vengeance et des règlements de comptes entre personnes. Ce sentiment largement partagé par la plupart des populations rencontrées se nourrit du dé- ficit de régulation dans la compétition foncière, la défaillance du système dans l’accès et l’exploitation des ressources naturelles, la faiblesse des opportunités économiques pour les couches vulnérables, le tout associé à un affaiblissement continu de l’autorité de l’Etat qui ne parvient plus à garantir l’égalité d’accès et de jouissance de tous les Burkinabè." +194557,43822.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Environment'],es,26,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19112020_flash_update_no.3_emergencias_por_ola_invernal_-_colombia_vf.pdf,"Tras el paso del Huracán Iota por El Caribe y Centroamérica, se generó una grave afectación a las Islas de San Andrés y Providencia." +329124,53878.0,2331.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,73,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SOYDA%20Monthly%20Progressive%20Report-Feb%202021.pdf,"The desert locust infestation continues to spread in the southern parts of Somalia. In Banadir region, locusts were spotted hovering in parts of Dayniile and Kahda. Local farmers have reported that locusts have destroyed pastures, trees and gardens that had just began to grow. In Jubaland State, the situation is worsening, with more than 20 villages and pastoral areas surrounding Dhobley and Afmadow district affected." +337611,55860.0,2225.0,['Agriculture'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,46,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb4752en.pdf,"[January - April 2021] Provided 34 680 people with 150 kg of vegetables seeds, about 900 tools and 107 tonnes of crop and cereal seeds, allowing them to cultivate 4 863 ha of land and produce 2 010 tonnes of food." +133602,35118.0,1187.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,Estos datos muestran que tanto la masculinidad como el tener menos de un año de permanencia en Argentina incrementan el riesgo de las personas a enfrentarse a la fragilización de las condi- ciones habitacionales. +240333,47410.0,2311.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,60,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://repositorio.gestiondelriesgo.gov.co/bitstream/handle/20.500.11762/32312/2021_01_18_BP011.pdf?sequence=4&isAllowed=y,"En total serán intervenidas las siete playas con las que cuenta Providencia, de las cuales está en el cronograma de labores de limpieza y adecuación en Agua Dulce (Fresh Water Bay), Gaviotas (Pash Bay), Almendros (Almond Bay), Pueblo Viejo (Old Town Bay) y Fuerte (Fort Bay)" +112281,32028.0,1185.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,33,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77082.pdf,GTRM partners continue working to prevent and mitigate protection risks amid the emergency through COVID-19 context tailored trainings on gender-based violence (GVB) and child protection. Training calendar available here. +217419,45653.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,86,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://docs.wfp.org/api/documents/WFP-0000114546/download/?_ga=2.153594736.918642439.1605111758-1773529422.1605111758,"According to UNHCR, as of 31 October 2019, the Niger hosted 218 300 refugees, mostly from Nigeria and Mali. This included 161 400 Nigerians, who arrived since 2015, living in three camps and other locations along the Nigerian border and 56 500 Malians, who arrived since 2012, living in four camps and among host communities in Tillabéri and Tahoua. Around 45 000 of the Nigerian refugees arrived recently, living along the border area in Maradi." +91793,26015.0,1620.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,84,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Situation-Overview_H2R_Oct-Dec_13.03.2020.pdf,"Extreme coping strategies such as skipping days of eating, adults not eating for children to eat, and/or reducing the number of meals consumed per day, were reported by assessed settlements across all LGAs. Participants from FGDs conducted in Gwoza and Dikwa further described how they drank boiled water in replacement of a meal. Consuming seeds meant for planting was additionally reported to be used as an extreme coping strategy by assessed settlements in Kukawa, Marte and Gwoza." +310059,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,53,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"In order to meet the needs of vulnerable populations overall humanitarian interventions will need to be ‘as local as possible, and as international as necessary’ through enabling equal and impartial access to assistance and services and to maintain a continuous presence as close to the affected population being served." +275904,50662.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,53,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[July- December 2020, Cox's Bazar] At the end of 2020, 14 SARI ITCs, with 652 operational beds and the capacity to treat severe COVID-19 cases, are active. Additionally, 579 beds are currently kept on stand-by, and can become operative within 24-48 hours." +169897,40360.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,65,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Au cours de ce mois sous revue, il a été enregistré par les moniteurs un petit nombre de population de Pétabouli qui continue toujours de se déplacer vers la commune de Gorom-Gorom pour des raisons d’insécurité. En effet, 34 personnes nouvellement arrivées à Gorom- Gorom ont été enregistrées dont 06 hommes ,07 femmes, 08 garçons et 13 filles." +492256,67734.0,1224.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods', 'Shelter', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,77,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"Guyana’s re-opening of airports resulted in the entry of persons that tested positive for Covid-19. Although negative tests were required to enter the country, results were available 24 hours aŌer landing. All returnees were expected to self-quarantine for seven days aŌer return. Additionally, Venezuelans requests for rent subsidies increased, and unemployment rates escalated even as businesses operated at limited capacity, fuelling more demands for food security and shelter" +340473,56371.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,44,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20Burkina%20Faso%20Country%20Brief%2C%20April%202021.pdf,"Resilience: WFP supported 46,595 households (corresponding to 326,165 beneficiaries) who participated in asset creation activities. WFP provided them with technical assistance and food assistance through CBTs (USD 3 million was distributed during the first trimester of 2021)." +178059,40661.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,87,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Il est à souligner que la volatilité des prix induit par la crise du COVID-19 a entraîné une augmentation du coût générique du panier alimentaire de l’ordre de 15% (mars – avril), notamment dans les régions de l’Est et du Sud-Est, suivi d’une contraction de 7% en mai. Les prix de certains produits spécifiques comme par exemple le haricot, ont doublé entre décembre à juin dans les zones de Bunia et Goma." +325706,54267.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,86,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"La production nationale ne couvre que 5 pour cent des besoins nationaux en poisson. Le Burkina Faso importe 44 000 tonnes de poisson, principalement du tilapia, par an. La Chine est un important exportateur de poisson vers le Burkina, en particulier de tilapia congelé. En 2013, en valeur, le Burkina a officiellement importé de Chine pour 14,7 millions d’USD de tilapia. Les tendances actuelles indiquent que les importations en provenance de Chine sont en hausse" +70648,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],[],en,59,[],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"Economic differences between islands exist with those in the Family Island region more likely to be poor (17.2%) than people living in New Providence (12.4%) or Grand Bahama (9.4%). The Family Islands have higher percentages of non- nationals, fewer young people, and fewer with college educations." +189169,42865.0,1183.0,[],[],[],es,81,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-LMA-Colombia-Espanol.pdf,"Los venezolanos aún se enfrentan a vulnerabilidades económicas extremas, y muchos colombianos se encuentran sufriendo también. Además, existe un inmenso déficit en el financiamiento de programas relacionados a los medios de subsistencia, seguridad alimentaria, salud, educación, protección y más. Al 5 de octubre, solamente cerca del 23.7 porciento del financiamiento requerido para la respuesta regional de Venezuela bajo el Plan de Respuesta para Refugiados y Migrantes (RMRP) había sido obtenido.38" +179493,42077.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,36,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.sana.sy/en/?p=207595,"[26th October 2020, Overall Syria] Health Ministry announced on Monday that 53 new Coronavirus cases were registered in Syria, adding that 35 patients have recovered while 3 others have passed away." +236162,47076.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,38,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,"DRC, IRC and INTERSOS have reinforced networks of protection focal points and community-based protection committees who extend protection activities in the field, provide information and help protection actors to identify persons in need of assistance." +234133,46381.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,17,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"As of 10th August 2020, Afghanistan has reported 37,162 positive cases and with 1,328 deaths." +323103,54815.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],en,16,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Overall population density averages 64 people per km2, among the lowest in the world." +187697,43292.0,2098.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,78,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/msna_2020_factsheet_refugee.pdf,"[July-August 2020, Bangladesh] Rohingya Refugees: Compared to the findings of the 2019 J-MSNA24, the proportion of households reporting having soap increased by 28 percentage points from 67% in 2020 to 95% in 2019. It has to be noted, however, that during the 2019 J-MSNA, soap ownership was verified by enumerators, while this was not possible in 2020 due to the remote nature of the survey." +48238,16492.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],en,25,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.unhcr.org/news/stories/2019/7/5d3723374/pregnant-women-flee-lack-maternal-health-care-venezuela.html,"In recent years, Venezuela’s hospitals have been struggling with shortages of supplies and staff, as well as constant electricity cuts." +289598,52074.0,2334.0,['Shelter'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,"77,510 people have been reached with shelter assistance and 84,895 people have been supported with NFI assistance in the North-West and South-West (NWSW) since January." +318225,53305.0,2335.0,"['Education', 'Cross', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Health']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,43,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"People’s access to essential services, including health care, education, water and sanitation, as well as protection and legal services, remains limited and much of the service infrastructure was damaged, destroyed or closed in 2020." +177036,41752.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,85% des informateurs clés à Dori et 93% à Kaya considèrent que les membres de leurs communautés ont le sentiment d’avoir les informations nécessaires pour se protéger contre le virus. +237215,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,43,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Notable provinces for girls being made to work include Maidan Wardak (13 per cent), Kunduz (10 per cent), Hilmand (9 per cent), and Sar-e-Pul (8 per cent). (Child labour)" +151903,34062.0,1898.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Context->Environment'],es,54,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3653085,"La Fuerza Armada está lista para colaborar con el Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería (MAG) en el combate de la plaga de la langosta centroamericana y de esa forma asegurar la alimentación de los salvadoreños de la cosecha 2020, confirmó este martes el ministro de Defensa, René Francis Merino Monroy" +314774,52949.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Context->Economy'],en,31,['Impact'],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The situation has worsened in the COVID-19 pandemic context, with declined remittances, increased food prices, and declined employment and income earning opportunities, particularly in urban areas." +297891,52145.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,17,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_humanitaire_numero_12_v_04.pdf,"Awareness raising on GBV, Sexual and Reproductive Health, HIV and other Sexually Transmissible Infections." +317570,52949.0,2331.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shelter']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"In Somalia, there are over 2,400 IDP sites across the country varying in size and physical layout. Somalia’s IDP sites are characterized by a lack of adequate living conditions, limited access to secure land tenure and infrequent availability of basic services." +294806,51749.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Intentions'],fr,75,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,[Gounghin] Actuellement les intentions de retours sont partagées et à court et moyen terme les ménages PDI envisagent plus de rester à Gounghin car la situation sécuritaire est particulièrement stable. Il en résulte que le besoin en abris pérennes fait partie des principales préoccupations des ménages. Ceux-ci vivent à environ 80% dans des logements loués aux populations autochtones et à 20% dans des familles autochtones qui les accueille. +456632,58986.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Contact Tracing'],fr,76,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.lemonde.fr/afrique/article/2021/07/08/en-rdc-les-autorites-inquietes-face-a-une-troisieme-vague-dominee-par-le-variant-delta_6087597_3212.html,"Dans les hôpitaux, on manque de tout, y compris de moyens humains.« On pourrait mettre 8 ou 10 nouveaux lits dans une tente, détaille le docteur Mukendi.Mais niveau personnel, c’est impossible, on est en sous-effectif. »Le ministre de la santé, de son côté, a demandé l’achat de réactifs supplémentaires et d’oxygène pour pouvoir mieux dépister et traiter les malades." +241653,46388.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,56,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"From the households who reported behavioural changes in the 2020 WoA Assessment, including distress and mental health problems, around half reported angry, aggressive and violent behaviour change due to poverty and distress. This has increased the risk that women and children experience greater levels of domestic and GBV in their homes." +157385,38830.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,39,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3668042,"Esta acción forma parte del paquete de medidas de apoyo que la Cooperación Española está desplegando en uno de sus países socios prioritarios, Perú, para atender las consecuencias del impacto de la COVID-19 sobre la población." +220915,45410.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,71,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,[Les parties Sud des provinces administratives du BEG et du Kanem dans la Zone 5 - « agropastorale» ] : Cette bonne répartition spatiotemporelle a favorisé un bon développement fourrager proche de la normale à l’exception des localités du département de BEG Sud où une légère baisse du tapis herbacé et un niveau légèrement inférieur à une année normale des points d’eau est observé. +59572,17198.0,1224.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics']",en,130,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"A young woman from Venezuela shared that her 8-year old niece was raped in White Water / Black Water multiple times by a family member and was diagnosed with HPV. The perpetrator has since left the community, but it is believed that he first paid off authorities to stay quiet and stole the girl’s documentation. The family wishes for the crime to be prosecuted (action has allegedly not been taken by the police) and for the girl to receive specialized care and therapy. The woman noted that she believes there are other cases of sexual violence in the community, but there is a lack of resources for reporting and receiving specialized counselling, which she was familiar with in Venezuela." +318970,53305.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Children and adolescents continue to be exposed to multiple protection risks including recruitment by armed groups, family separation, psychosocial distress, sexual violence and exploitation." +222827,46100.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,50,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=214258,"[18th December, 2020, Overall Syria] In a statement to SANA, the ministry indicated that the total number of Coronavirus infections registered in the country till now has reached at 9928, out of which 4686 ones have recovered while 591 others have passed away." +178066,40661.0,2225.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Dans la majorité des provinces, les marchés ruraux offrent moins de variétés d’aliments que les marchés urbains, en particulier pour les aliments d’origine animale. Les aliments riches en nutriments sont bien plus chers que les aliments de base, en particulier pour le poisson." +22529,9106.0,729.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,116,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"At national level, the main livelihood coping strategies used by the population are, relying on savings (52 per cent), borrowed money (35 per cent), purchased food on credit (35 per cent), taking an additional job (30 per cent) and reducing expenditures on essential non-food items (28 per cent). Displaced households resorted also to emergency coping strategies like begging and accepting socially degrading, highrisk, or illegal work. Non-displaced households and returnees mainly relied on crisis coping strategies such as selling productive assets, spending savings, borrowing money, taking additional jobs, and reducing expenses on health" +168572,40367.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],['Casualties->Missing'],en,33,['Impact'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"According to Regional department of basic education in the Est region, a teacher from the town of Matiacoali was abducted by non-state armed groups (NSAG) on 26 July 2020." +294571,51749.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[commune de Ouargaye] C’est pourquoi différentes stratégies de survie sont adoptées parmi lesquelles la diminution de la quantité consommée pendant les repas ou du nombre de repas par jour, la réduction de la consommation des adultes au profit des enfants et la consommation d’aliments moins préférés et moins chers." +83871,23144.0,1620.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Casualties->Missing', 'Context->Security & Stability', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,121,[],"['Context', 'Displacement', 'Casualties']",2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_adamawahumanitariansituationoverview_decedition_11012020.pdf,"This attack raises serious concerns about the ability of the NSAGs to infiltrate into peaceful communities. On 23 November 2019, herdsmen attacked residents of Kala’a, Shuwa-Kala’a, Zigayerima, Mambula, Kokuwa, Milna and Dilwachira communities in the Bangshika ward of Hong LGA. Killing ten people and leading to the displacement of over 4,392 individuals (623 households), with 25 women and children still missing. The security situation in Madagali continues to deteriorate with over 30 attacks by unknown armed groups reported over the reporting period. NSAGs are believed to still control a large part of the suburbs in Madagali LGA, which borders southern Borno state." +169410,40506.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,40,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://lefaso.net/spip.php?article99753,"Dans ce contexte de Covid-19, certaines jeunes filles et femmes ont rapporté avoir subi le harcèlement sexuel, mais également des cas de violences physiques et même de viol, sans oublier l’augmentation des violences verbales." +341888,56644.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,61,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.sismamujer.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/MUJERES-DERECHOS-LABORALES-Y-EMERGENCIA-SANITARIA.docx.pdf,"A varias trabajadoras del sector hotelero, que laboran en el horario nocturno, les fueron suspendidos sus subsidios de transporte, lo cual repercutió en sus ingresos al tener que asumir el costo elevado de medios de transporte alternativos que disminuyeran el riesgo de contagio, así como la inseguridad y delincuencia por transitar en la noche zonas solitarias." +164485,32982.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,77,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Respuesta%20COVID-19%20-%20GIFMM%20Arauca%2C%20actualizaci%C3%B3n%20n%C2%B03%20%28Del%201%20al%2030%20de%20mayo%20de%202020%29.pdf,"Protección •Acompañamiento en activación de ruta en caso de niños y niñas no acompañada y/o separada en Tame y Arauca capital. •Líneas telefónicas activas para los servicios de información y orientación, acompañamiento jurídico, acceso a derechos, atención y gestión de casos, atención psicosocial en emergencia y atención a casos de violencia basada en género, entre otros (ver Oferta de líneas de atención y orientación ante COVID-19 en Arauca)." +187260,32688.0,1900.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,65,[],['Context'],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/El%20Salvador%2C%20Honduras%2C%20and%20Nicaragua%20Key%20Message%20Update%20-%20Inicio%20escalonado%20del%20desconfinamiento%2C%20pero%20la%20recuperaci%C3%B3n%20ser%C3%A1%20gradual.pdf,"En Honduras las cifras indican que, de enero a mayo, hubo una caída en el valor total de remesas recibidas del 7.1 por ciento respecto al mismo período en 2019, a pesar de que en mayo se reportó una recuperación del 25 por ciento respecto a abril, cuando se reportó una caída del 10 por ciento respecto al mes anterior." +315375,53333.0,2334.0,"['Nutrition', 'WASH', 'Food Security', 'Health', 'Shelter']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,62,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Girls also suggested as priorities for health and well-being, good food provision, good medical facilities, sanitary pads, good toilets, good water system, good nutrition, good exercise, good hygiene, access to bathing kits, good climate, treatment of minor illnesses like malaria, malnutrition and vaccination, and access to good clothes." +224095,45768.0,2332.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,33,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"Pour l’instant, l’urgence serait la construction des quelques hangars pour abriter les enfants et les personnes à besoins spécifiques (vieillards, femmes enceintes/allaitantes, etc)." +239234,47351.0,2170.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,37,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Factsheet_NGA2005-Biu-LGA-Borno-state-November-2020.pdf,"[1st Nov2020,Biu LGA, Borno states]High proportions of both internally displaced and nondisplaced households reported having debt (80% and 69% respectively) at the time of data collection." +353490,57852.0,2311.0,['Logistics'],['Impact->Impact On People'],"['Context->Politics', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",es,165,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://noticialdia.com/2021/06/colombia-da-marcha-atras-y-amplia-el-cierre-de-la-frontera-con-venezuela-hasta-el-1-de-septiembre/,"El Gobierno de Colombia ha reculado y ha descartado reabrir la frontera con Venezuela, por lo que ha ampliado su cierre hasta el 1 de septiembre, según ha confirmado este martes el Ministerio de Exteriores del país. En un comunicado, las autoridades han señalado que se tomarán como excepciones las «situaciones de emergencia humanitaria, el transporte de carga y mercancía, los casos fortuitos o de fuerza mayor y la salida del territorio nacional de extranjeros de manera coordinada por la Unidad Administrativa Especial de Migración Colombia, con las autoridades distritales y municipales competentes”. “Quienes desarrollen las excepciones establecidas en el presente artículo deberán cumplir con los protocolos de bioseguridad que establezcan el ministerio de Salud y Protección Social para el control del coronavirus y deberán atender las instrucciones que, para evitar su propagación, adopten o expidan los diferentes ministerios y entidades del orden nacional y territorial”, recoge el texto." +292407,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,18,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,Renforcement en personnel de prise en charge (un médecin et une infirmière) au CSI de Bodo +161167,35726.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods', 'Shelter', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,142,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_arauca_junio_2020_vf%20%281%29.pdf,"Los flujos migratorios mixtos provenientes de Venezuela se insertan en un contexto de afectación múltiple, marcado por la dinámica de conflicto armado y los riesgos derivados de desastres de origen natural y antrópico. Se identifican, fallas estructurales reflejadas en capacidades institucionales insuficientes en sectores como Salud, Educación, Albergue y Medios de vida. La población proveniente de Venezuela y las comunidades de acogida presentan múltiples vulnerabilidades que se profundizarán con la pandemia de Covid-19. Adicionalmente, persisten riesgos de protección para los niños, niñas y adolescentes (NNA), asociados a la carencia de una vivienda en condiciones dignas y la superposición de dinámicas locales de marginalidad, violencia basada en género (VBG), economías ilegales, explotación sexual, reclutamiento forzoso y control por parte de los Grupo Armados Organizados." +317180,53333.0,2334.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,About 30% of the FGD respondents suggested that pupils can be sexually harassed by teachers which results in some girls shunning the school environment. +80895,22099.0,788.0,[],[],"['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)', 'Context->Demography']",en,63,[],"['Context', 'Information And Communication']",Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://www.unicef.org/nigeria/press-releases/despite-significant-increase-birth-registration-17-million-nigerias-children-remain,"The number of children whose births are officially registered has increased significantly in Nigeria from 30 per cent in 2013 to 43 per cent in 2018 by integrating birth registration into health services. Still, about 17 million children under-5, or 1 in 5, remain unregistered, according to a new report on global birth registration released by UNICEF." +327013,55027.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,34,[],"['Covid-19', 'Information And Communication']",IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Under-Secretary-General%20for%20Humanitarian%20Affairs%20and%20Emergency%20Relief%20Coordinator%2C%20Mark%20Lowcock%20-%20Briefing%20to%20the%20Security%20Council%20on%20the%20humanitarian%20situation%20in%20Syria%2C%2028%20April%202021.pdf,"[28 April 2021, Overall Syria] Since testing across the country is so limited, there is a high degree of uncertainty over exactly the scale of the pandemic in Syria." +214284,45385.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],fr,35,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Dans les trois arrondissements [Mora, Kolofata et Mayo Moskota] les plus affectés, les autorités apprécient le soutien apporté par les organisations humanitaires et plaident pour un renforcement de ces appuis." +157823,38137.0,2098.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,102,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cxb_education_covid_response_reaching_every_learner_final.pdf,"Without access to their usual peer networks or community-based learning opportunities, girls will become more vulnerable to exclusion more isolated and more susceptible to gender-based violence, and child labour for boys. Children are especially the most at risk group to be affected by increased levels of domestic violence as caregivers and parents are staying home for prolonged hours and tensions build up, exacerbating the existing problems in overcrowded camps. Children who experience learning and/or physical challenges will face additional difficulties through further lack of support, frustration at home, and the discontinuation of positive outlets." +59114,17455.0,788.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,45,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/201908-nigeria-cross-border-report.pdf,"Eighty-five per cent of respondents said they sometimes felt hungry. The Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) also reports that many IDPs face emergency or crisis levels of food insecurity, and that famine is a risk in the region." +310049,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,Poor road infrastructure is one of the main challenges for people in need to access to life-saving assistance and services as well for the humanitarian organizations to reach the people. It causes delays and adds substantial extra costs. +219397,45655.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,43,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"From 16 August, as in many other countries, the GoS implemented requirements for individuals arriving from official border crossing points with Lebanon, including the presentation of a negative PCR certificate obtained within the past 96 hours at accredited laboratories." +236683,46388.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,The frequent targeting of schools by armed groups further disincentivises families from sending children to school with risks of potential violence and IEDs en route too high a price for many parents. +196682,43626.0,2311.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,46,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/AAH_Regional%20Appeal%20Latam%202021-2023.pdf,"On the Colombian side, the partial closure of the border crossings means that many people are trapped in the border areas, in a situation of overcrowding, without access to services and facing great security risks when crossing the border through illegal crossings." +125286,29180.0,1620.0,['Health'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,83,['Impact'],['Context'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Gap-Supply-Demand-Contraceptive-Services-Northeast-Nigeria-Report.pdf,"Nigeria’s strict abortion laws are another key cause of maternal mortality. Under the Nigerian penal code, abortion is only allowed when the woman’s life is endangered and abortion is prohibited in cases of rape or incest or to preserve the woman’s health, which violates the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa (Maputo Protocol) ratified by Nigeria in 2005." +2647,521.0,321.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://www.unicef.org/appeals/libya.html,"After six years of conflict, the humanitarian situation in Libya continues to deteriorate, with increasing reports of grave protection and human rights violations. In 2017, an estimated 1.6 million people were directly affected by ongoing conflict in populated areas, including 1.1 million people—378,000 of them children—who require life-saving humanitarian assistance and protection" +453960,63974.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,122,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_20210630-Rapport-Protection-Trimestriel.pdf,"Selon les données plus récentes du CONASUR de janvier 2021, sur 15183 ménages déplacés internes qui ont affirmé avoir eu des difficultés lors de leur déplacement, 12,71% ont mentionné la perte ou la saisie de document d’identification. Cette même source mentionne que 24,59% des 105393 personnes interrogées – sans précisions si enfants ou adultes – auraient au moins une pièce d’identité ou d’état civil. Parmi ces 24,59% : 56,62% avaient une carte nationale d’identité et 36,73% avaient une copie ou extrait d’acte de naissance. Le reste avait une carte d’électeur, une carte consulaire, passeport ou autre document." +166342,40035.0,1234.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,119,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Trinidad and Tobago,2019-05-28 03:09:47.864552+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20T%26T%20Situational%20Report%20-%20August%202020.pdf,"Notably, a general election which occurred on August 10 saw the incumbent government being re-elected to serve a second term, suggesting that the current government disposition toward refugee and migrant issues is expected to be maintained. Reports of new cases of COVID-19 increased in August, with an announcement made by authorities on August 15 that Trinidad and Tobago will now be regarded as having community spread of COVID-19. This led authorities to enact new restrictions aimed at curbing the spread of the virus, including the prohibition of in-house service at bars and restaurants. The restrictions continue to exacerbate existing vulnerabilities for refugees and asylum-seekers as many saw their livelihood opportunities curtailed." +63469,18412.0,1386.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,31,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,,9.362 suman los casos de Difteria y Sarampión hasta 2018 con 230 muertes. Estas epidemias se extienden a todo el país por desplazamientos internos y bajas coberturas de vacunación. +236873,47076.0,2334.0,['Shelter'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,15,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,In Bui Division 575 individuals received NFIs while 254 were assisted with emergency shelter. +308099,53558.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,41,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Nigeria%20-%20All%20Population%20Snapshot%20March%202021.pdf,"The situation in the North-East remains largely volatile with attacks in several Local Government Areas (LGAs) in Borno, Yobe and Adamawa (BAY) States continuing to cause displacement and casualties among civilians, IDPs and returnees." +57461,17280.0,1186.0,[],[],[],es,74,[],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/439982_ed8c90c2b9644fbbabee3b33e6e9e918.pdf,"En términos generales, tanto en Santiago como Antofagasta se menciona que las personas migrantes que tienen familiares llegan a alojarse con ellos, y el que no tiene redes familiares llega a arrendar, principalmente en piezas, individual o compartida. No hay mayores diferencias entre ciudades, en cuanto a los recursos que se movilizan para acceder a la primera vivienda. Se trata de familiares, amigos o conocidos." +236466,46388.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"On a more individual level, households continue to contend with a daily process of weighing the risks associated with leaving their homes and the need to access basic services, including the risks related to explosive hazards." +149534,32172.0,1388.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,71,[],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/75318.pdf,"• Sectores productivos con mayor afectación: Los sectores como el turismo, hostelería y aviación se ven particularmente expuestos a la disminución de ingresos, aumento de la insolvencia y pérdida de puestos de trabajo. Si bien todas las empresas, con independencia de su tamaño, podrán verse afectadas, son las medianas, pequeñas y microempresas las que sufrirán más duramente los efectos de esta crisis." +315348,53333.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,It was reported that girls often have to run and hide in bushes away from home and it is also those places where some rape has occurred; this means it would not be for a girl to decide when and with whom to become pregnant. +236973,47221.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,78,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Hasta el momento, las fuerzas públicas no han accedido al territorio para asegurar la zona. Sumado a esto, se conoce que las mujeres de las comunidades salen en algunos momentos para intentar recoger la siembra, pero no pueden movilizarse solas. Si bien no se denuncian casos de violencia sexual o VBG por parte del GAO se prevé que esta medida adoptada por las comunidades se relaciona con hechos victimizantes contra las mujeres." +273938,50464.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,54,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210203FINALFactSheetSomaliaSkisserLR11.pdf,"Groups like Al Shabaab have benefitted from climate impacts to boost recruitment. Studies show that the livelihood deterioration caused by droughts can trigger economic decline, forcing pastoralists to sell more of their livestock and depressing prices, which increases the risk that they may turn to livestock raiding or join armed groups" +106114,30611.0,1860.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,44,[],['Shock/Event'],COVID-19 Americas Region Multi-Sectorial Assessment,2020-05-18 21:51:19.040784+00,https://1bec58c3-8dcb-46b0-bb2a-fd4addf0b29a.filesusr.com/ugd/188e74_6f98530009f54edfa41096e8142b717b.pdf,"A critical component for this analysis is the recognition of migration as a social determinant of health, which acts as a major risk factor for populations subjected to violence, trauma and forced exile3 while in the face of a global pandemic." +474603,65021.0,1185.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],en,63,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"EDUCATION To slow down the spread of COVID-19, governments have mandated school closure, thus leaving a record number of children out of schools. Data show that nearly all education activities (89%) are not functioning as normal. Overall, 46% have activated e- learning, while 21% of schools have fully stopped teaching activities." +318627,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Women and girls, especially those with disabilities, face additional challenges as well as heightened risks of gender-based violence in Somalia." +176895,41091.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,148,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Minsalud expide nuevo protocolo de bioseguridad para cines y teatros. El Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social entregó nuevos parámetros de bioseguridad para la prevención de la transmisión del COVID-19 en salas de cine, teatros, autocines y auto eventos, a través de Resolución 1746 de 2020. Uno de los principales cambios en el documento técnico, que deroga al de la Resolución 1408 de 2020, es la disposición de las sillas para guardar el distanciamiento, garantizando que los espacios para cada asistente individual o grupos estén claramente señalizado y delimitado. ""Los grupos familiares o de personas que residan en la misma vivienda podrán utilizar máximo cuatro sillas o espacios continuos, guardando el distanciamiento de dos metros con otros grupos de espectadores y asistentes"", indicó Claudia Cuéllar, directora (e) de Promoción y Prevención." +57273,17282.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Context->Legal & Policy', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,85,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.dt.gob.cl/portal/1626/articles-117135_archivo_01.pdf,"Teniendo en vista este marco de referencia de contexto y normativo, resta por avanzar en el conocimiento en aspectos específicos en esta materia. La existencia de un marco regulatorio laboral que no distingue según la nacionalidad del trabajador no asegura en la práctica que no se vulneren derechos por parte de la empresa. De ahí la necesidad de analizar la información disponible sobre el comportamiento de las empresas ante este grupo específico de trabajadores y conocer la magnitud de estas vulneraciones." +341940,56493.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"L’autorité traditionnelle est affaiblie. Elle n’est plus le référent pour le règlement des conflits à l’échelle individuelle et communautaire. Les populations ont donc recours à la justice privée, aux règlements de compte et à la vengeance, ce qui augmente la conflictualité au Burkina Faso" +336664,55824.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,45,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elnuevosiglo.com.co/articulos/04-30-2021-desplazados-de-venezuela-comenzaron-el-retorno,"Entre 30% y 40% de los desplazados que en las últimas semanas llegaron del sector de La Victoria, en el estado Apure (Venezuela) al municipio fronterizo de Arauquita (Arauca), ya retornaron a sus lugares de origen." +498594,60095.0,1187.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RMRP%202021%20Plan%20de%20respuesta%20regional%20para%20refugiados%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%2C%20enero%20-%20diciembre%202021.pdf,"El deterioro de los medios de vida ha provocado mayores obstáculos para acceder a soluciones de alojamiento sostenibles en condiciones adecuadas376, particularmente en las principales áreas urbanas como el área metropolitana de Buenos Aires o las ciudades de Córdoba, Mendoza y Rosario en Argentina, La Paz en Bolivia y Montevideo en Uruguay" +145985,35870.0,2028.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,52,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Similar efforts are underway to reduce risks in collective shelters. Shelter sector partners in coordination with MoLAE continue assessments (including interagency missions) to determine needed repairs to address issues such as overcrowding, poor hygiene and inadequate sanitation facilities, with upgrades completed in 21 shelters to date." +325662,54267.0,2099.0,"['Nutrition', 'Agriculture']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Context->Environment', 'Context->Economy']",fr,143,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"(Boucle du Mouhoun, Hauts-Bassins) La région du Grand Ouest du Burkina Faso (dans la partie nord-ouest du bassin de la Haute-Volta, ou bassin de la «Volta noire») est une grande zone de production agricole qui comprend la Boucle du Mouhoun et les Hauts-Bassins (voir figure 1). Bien qu’elle soit le grenier à blé du Burkina Faso, la malnutrition dans cette région est très élevée. C’est dans cette région que se trouvent la plupart des plaines rizicoles développées (vallée du Kou avec Bama et Banzon, vallée du Sourou, Samandéni, et autres). Les bassins du Grand Ouest représentent environ 53 pour cent de la production nationale de riz paddy et ont 65 pour cent de la capacité de transformation du riz." +298164,52417.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,23,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.dropbox.com/s/fpu0ox89go0s7li/Syria%202021%20HNO%20%28advance%20copy%29.pdf?dl=0,"[March 2021, Overall Syria] Only 58% of hospitals and 53% of primary health care centers are fully functional" +313669,53333.0,2334.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,29,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Support child-led groups in schools and communities to raise awareness of adolescent SRHR with emphasis on tackling harmful gender norms, so as to empower girls and boys." +174947,41235.0,2028.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,35,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[ October 14, NES, occupancy level] There is the risk that as infection spreads non-COVID-19 facilities may have to be requisitioned as COVID-19 facilities, further constraining health-care provision in NES." +317159,53333.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"It was also reported that some girls were known to engage with older men, and some go to bars. FGD participants also reported that some girls resorted to negative coping mechanisms due to economic hardship, and were sexually exploited in the context of selling or exchanging sex, to make ends meet." +48104,13061.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],es,71,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.derechos.org.ve/web/wp-content/uploads/MigracionLigia.pdf,"La mayoría de la información disponible proviene de medios de comunicación. Según un reporte del medio digital Efecto Cocuyo, entre marzo y noviembre de 2018 se registraron 188 venezolanas victimas de trata de personas según países: Colombia: 88; Perú: 32, México: 11, Panamá: 12, República Dominicana: 6, Ecuador: 7, España: 17 y Austria: 15" +177593,41763.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,83,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_devaluation_rapide_vbg_dans_le_contexte_de_la_covid-19_dans_la_region_du_nord_du_burkina_faso.pdf,"Au sein des formations sanitaires visitées à Séguénéga, Titao, Ouahigouya et Thiou, il existe des espaces confidentiels dédiés à la prise en charges des survivant-e-s. De ces 4 structures au total 55 agents de santé ont été recensés avec une forte proportion des infirmiers (42%) et des sages-femmes (20%). Les médecins constituent seulement 13% du personnel sanitaire et il n’y’a pas de gynécologue, ni de chirurgien." +214372,45385.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,56,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Ce regain de tensions [à cause d'incidents sécuritaires majeurs liés aux conflit armé] a provoqué l’abandon de cinq localités d’accueil ou sites de déplacés internes, notamment celui de « Gréa » à Kolofata qui abritait plus de 6,000 PDI jusqu’au début du mois de mai 2020." +297885,52145.0,2334.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_humanitaire_numero_12_v_04.pdf,"The current environment, where more than 480,000 persons are displaced in the North-West and South-West has had damaging consequences in family structure, that directly cause gender-based violence" +343257,45764.0,2332.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,27,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/0004_202008_rrm_msa_rapport_final_wolirom.pdf,"Population = Démographie : Description démographique : 7086 personnes déplacées (dont 2352 hommes, 2859 femmes, 721 garçons et 1154 filles) soit 1250 ménages" +397563,61842.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,40,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.eldesconcierto.cl/opinion/2021/02/17/migracion-venezolana-ni-aumento-de-delincuencia-ni-aumento-del-desempleo-ni-baja-de-salarios.html,"A pesar de que han llegado aproximadamente un millón de extranjeros entre 2010 y 2019 a Chile,el desempleo se mantuvo alrededor del 7 y 8% y no hubo un descenso en el nivel de los salarios." +196850,43840.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,37,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_291_20201116.pdf,"Près de 93265 personnes ont été sensibilisées et briefées sur la COVID-19 et les mesures de prévention, incluant hommes, femmes et enfants ainsi que des chefs de quartiers et leaders communautaires dans 26 ZS." +456037,65411.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,152,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[16-29 August 2021, Cox's Bazar] The median age of tested and confirmed cases was 11 (0-120) & 21 (0-100) years, respectively and ratio of females among tested and confirmed cases was 54% and 52%, respectively. Though the median age of tested samples remained below 10 years, a significant proportion has been tested among 50+ years: 706 per 10 000 population, following that of 0-9 years with 867 tests per 10 000 population as highest number. The test positivity was highest 7.7% in 30-39 years age cohort and the age specific mortality 2.6 per 10 000 population observed among 50+ years during the period. In total, and since the outbreak began, 30 deaths due to confirmed COVID-19 have been reported in the camps with a case fatality ratio of 1.0%." +61319,18235.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"A 2018 report published by the local NGO Fundación Ideas para la Paz whose title translates as Insecurity, Violence and Illegal Economies at the Borders – The Challenges for the New Government goes into great detail in describing the presence and activities of armed groups in each border department, and touches upon the risks that these represent for refugees and migrants from Venezuela" +491977,67963.0,2170.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,61,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Nigeria%20Northeast%20Operational%20Update-July%202021.pdf,"[1st Jul 2021, North east Nigeria]On 27 July, a massive flood either completely or partially damaged about 1,000 permanent and makeshift shelters, as well as latrines, among other losses, across 6 camps in Monguno. UNHCR has conducted an on the flooded areas and has triggered an advocacy process with the CCCM sector" +299246,52086.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],en,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[25th March, 2021, Overall Syria] Sub-districts with highest number of HHs in need of fuel: Number of HHs in need of fuel - Aleppo Governorate, Jebel Saman Sub-District: 219,883 - Idleb Governorate, Dana Sub-District: 135,843 - Lattakia Governorate, Lattakia Sub-District: 130,007" +243167,46388.0,2336.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,51,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Similarly, JMMI data in 2020 shows that up to 70 per cent of key informants reported the presence of explosive hazards as a barrier to accessing marketplaces, including in Samangan and Uruzgan, impacting on households’ capacity to access resources and basic commodities to meet their needs." +261608,49218.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,41,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Reporte%20de%20situaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Migrantes%20y%20refugiados%20en%20tr%C3%A1nsito%20provenientes%20de%20Venezuela%2C%20diciembre%202020_0.pdf,"En los asentamientos encontrados, ante los niveles de hacinamiento y la carencia de acceso a agua segura, las familias también corrían altos riesgos de contagio de COVID-19 y de enfermedades gastrointestinales, así como a enfermedades respiratorias agudas." +307052,51467.0,2335.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,58,['Impact'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,There are also a number of key demand-side barriers to education such as socio-economic and cultural barriers including poverty; low awareness on the importance of education; inadequate support from parents; insecurity in many parts of the country; and inaccessibility to many areas especially during the rainy season due to poor road infrastructure network. +184821,42091.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,69,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/61359/216-coronavirus-cases-recorded-in-opposition-areas-laboratory.html,"[October 21,2020 Overall Syria] Mohammed Hallaj, the Director of the Syria Response Coordinators team, said that, “Unfortunately today brings the highest daily toll, as well as a decrease in the number of recoveries with only 44 people recovering today, bringing the number to 1,300. With 45 percent of cases still active, the risks are higher than ever.”" +297588,52552.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/West%20and%20Central%20Africa%20Transhumance%20Crisis%20Response%20Plan%202021.pdf,"Transhumance pastoralism in West and Central Africa involves a very large number of individuals (20 million) and animals (70% of the region’s cattle), according to the Food and Agricultural Organization." +306800,51467.0,2335.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,23,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,The capacity of the Ministry of General Education and Instruction (MoGEI) to respond to the needs of children remains limited. +275899,50662.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,78,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[July- December 2020, Cox's Bazar] Health Sector partners are currently running 97 health posts in the FDMN/Rohingya refugee camps, and 39 primary health care centres providing 24/7 services. In addition, numerous government-run health facilities in the host community are supported by health partners, which include 10 community clinics, six union sub-centres and six Health and Family Welfare Centres, two Upazila health complexes and the district-level Sadar Hospital." +323685,54267.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,47,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Bien que le gouvernement ait donné la priorité à l’emploi des jeunes et des femmes dans sa récente politique nationale de l’emploi, le chômage des jeunes au Burkina Faso est actuellement de 8,3 pour cent (Banque mondiale, 2019)." +317498,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Drought conditions will most likely occur in early to mid-2021, due to decreased rainfall in the 2020 Deyr season as well as potentially the 2021 Gu season, potentially affecting crop production of both seasons." +346180,56952.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,87,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20monitoreo%20enero-marzo%202021%20-%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20vers%C3%B3n%20final.pdf,"En Medellín, por ejemplo, se evidenciaron bur- las relacionadas con el aspecto físico o forma de hablar de los niños venezolanos, y afirmaciones como las siguientes “no queremos venezolanos en el colegio”, “venecas, vinieron a este país a quitarnos las cosas”. Incluso se han reportado ca- sos en los que los padres de sus compañeros de estudios les prohíben interactuar con niños y ni- ñas venezolanos, lo que ha generado problemas emocionales en los mismos." +223899,45764.0,2332.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)']",fr,65,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Information And Communication', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/0004_202008_rrm_msa_rapport_final_wolirom.pdf,"Tous ont dû quitter leurs localités d’origine, il y a environ 17 jours, à cause des attaques récurrentes ou des menaces des groupes armés non étatiques, des inondations de leurs champs et habitations et, aussi, par pure prévention. Les données statistiques liées aux causes des déplacements n’ont pas été disponibles auprès des leaders communautaires." +238094,47291.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Deaths'],en,72,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://sham.fm/ar/article/82548/130-%D8%B7%D8%A8%D9%8A%D8%A8%D8%A7-%D8%B3%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%8A%D8%A7-%D8%B6%D8%AD%D9%8A%D8%A9-%D9%84%D9%81%D8%A7%D9%8A%D8%B1%D9%88%D8%B3-%D9%83%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%88%D9%86%D8%A7-%D8%AE%D9%84%D8%A7%D9%84-%D9%87%D8%B0%D8%A7-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B9%D8%A7%D9%85.html,"[January 9 ,GoS] Dr. Amer explained through Al-Watan newspaper that due to the increase in the number of deaths, Syria is losing its medical staff, explaining that most of those who died ranged from 50 to 60 years old, while a large proportion of doctors were infected with this virus and recovered from it, without specifying the percentage or The number of those injured." +320500,52949.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,115,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The shelter, infrastructure and NFI needs of the overall population mainly depend on the status, cause, duration and location of the displacement, as well as the nature of the tenure of the land where they reside. Host communities and IDPs that are displaced due to flooding or cyclones generally move to a higher location in the near vicinity, and once the water level recedes, return to their homes. In these cases, those that are displaced need emergency shelter and basic NFI assistance, while people that returned to their home require shelter and infrastructure repair or reconstruction assistance depending on the level of damage sustained." +458225,64540.0,1185.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,56,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,¿Sufrió de acoso laboral en su centro de trabajo? ¿De qué tipo? La situación de temor y vulnerabilidad de las mujeres venezolanas residentes en Perú es evidente. La mayoría de las participantes (cuando no todas) dieron cuenta de circunstancias diversas en las que se han sentido víctimas de acoso sexual. +165252,33143.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,67,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GIFMM%20SANTANDER%20-%20Abril%20Mayo.pdf,"Se observa una alta afluencia del flujo de personas en tránsito que cruzan por el departamento haciendo uso de diversas vías nacionales, incluso por la Ruta Nacional 55 (municipios de Capitanejo, San José de Miranda, Málaga, Concepción, Cerrito, Chitagá, Pamplona y Cúcuta). Asimismo, se evidencia un aumento de la población con vocación de permanencia en Bucaramanga" +191677,43304.0,2332.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,39,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"dans la ville de Faya (province du Borkou), l’essence qui provient de la Libye voisine, est vendu à un prix de 1 200 XAF par litre actuellement contre 450 XAF avant la crise" +237918,47230.0,2311.0,['Cross'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,90,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"COMUNICACIÓN El 33% de los hogares de refugiados y migrantes provenientes de Venezuela no cuentan con acceso a Internet. De los hogares que pertenecen a un grupo étnico particular, el 60% no tienen acceso al internet. Para los hogares que sí tienen acceso, el medio más común por el cual acceden es el celular. La red social de mensajería ‘WhatsApp’ es el medio preferido para recibir información sobre la evaluación, elegido por el 78% de las personas encuestadas." +142210,35870.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,86,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Reports indicate that even households with regular income are being adversely affected as the cost of living has spiraled. For example, WFP’s national average reference food basket (a group of basic goods providing 1,930kcal per day for a family of five for a month), cost on average SYP 84,095 in June, exceeding the highest paid official government monthly salary of SYP 80,240. In October 2019, WFP’s national average reference food basket was SYP 25,424" +299353,51893.0,2028.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,25,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[January 2021, Overall Syria] Child labour (reported by 4 percent) is also used as an emergency category coping mechanism." +345258,56821.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,42,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.thenewhumanitarian.org/news-feature/2021/5/27/hunger-and-COVID-19-drive-venezuelans-to-take-more-dangerous-routes-out,"Hard figures are unknown, but Víctor Bautista, the secretary of the Department of Borders and International Cooperation in Cúcuta, estimated at a press conference in February that 5,000-7,000 people were still crossing daily near that border city alone." +244055,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In the WoA Assessment, 39 per cent of displaced households reported at least one area where women and girls feel unsafe." +48549,12622.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,24,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LIBRO%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20las%20necesidades%20insatisfechas%20SSR%20y%20Migrantes%20Venezolanos%20-%20Digital.pdf,"Por otro lado, los datos de muertes maternas a agosto del 2018 solo relacionan 2 casos con la condición de migrante venezolano." +236344,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"GBV responders also report that women and girls often do not feel safe or comfortable seeking GBV services, whether due to stigma of being a GBV survivor, fear of retaliation, lack of confidentiality or other reasons." +106123,30611.0,1860.0,['Health'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,29,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],COVID-19 Americas Region Multi-Sectorial Assessment,2020-05-18 21:51:19.040784+00,https://1bec58c3-8dcb-46b0-bb2a-fd4addf0b29a.filesusr.com/ugd/188e74_6f98530009f54edfa41096e8142b717b.pdf,"While recent estimates indicate that most migrants are under 45 years of age6, there have been growing numbers of elderly, young children and pregnant women transiting Mexico" +295612,52417.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,106,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.dropbox.com/s/fpu0ox89go0s7li/Syria%202021%20HNO%20%28advance%20copy%29.pdf?dl=0,"[23rd March 2021, Overall Syria] The healthcare workforce has been further depleted by COVID-19 with 4,074 healthcare workers having contracted the disease to date amounting to nine per cent of the total case load. This has occurred at the same time that demand for health services has heightened due to the pandemic. Absolute numbers of qualified healthcare personnel tell only one part of functionality, however, with COVID-19 having placed a further burden on their mental wellbeing, exposing them to high-rates of emotional and physical exhaustion, psychological stress and burnout, which can further inhibit service delivery." +341449,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],fr,90,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"La réplique du modèle de l’État occidental a bouleversé le système de gouvernance qui existait autre- fois. La faillite des Etats à subvenir aux besoins de la population tels que la santé, l’éducation, la défense nationale, les services sociaux de base ou encore la sécurité publique compromet la gestion des citoyens. L’importation ou l’exportation dudit modèle a connu des contestations et des rejets, fondés à partir de la gestion des affaires publiques par le politique." +293819,52074.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,58,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,"child protection actors also reached at least 12,500 persons with community sensitization activities on child rights. To respond to other children’s needs, actors followed up more than 350 cases of vulnerable children. Up to 144 of them are unaccompanied or separated children. UNICEF also followed up 42 through its implementing partners." +316540,52949.0,2331.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Individuals lacking access to basic services and/or a social safety nets are vulnerable to negative coping mechanisms that in turn make them more susceptible to violence, including GBV, eviction and cyclical displacement." +161303,39528.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,96,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"10 régions ont été affectées dont 8 régions avaient encore des cas actifs (au total 151 cas actifs), il s’agit des régions du Centre, Hauts Bassins, Boucle du Mouhoun, Sahel, Cascades, Centre- Sud, Sud-Ouest et l’Est (). Trois régions sur les six en sécurité précaire avaient encore des cas actifs, il s’agit de la Boucle du Mouhoun, le Sahel et l’Est qui avaient encore 14 cas actifs sur le cumul de 151 cas actifs." +91798,26015.0,1620.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Situation-Overview_H2R_Oct-Dec_13.03.2020.pdf,"The high proportion of assessed settlements reporting use of extreme coping strategies to face food scarcity in Dikwa and Gwoza, and to some extent Bama, is of high concern and could indicate severe levels of food insecurity" +325753,54267.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,60,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"L’élevage (principalement de petits ruminants) est une importante source de revenus pour les ménages pauvres du Burkina (FEWS NET, 2017) et le commerce du bétail et des produits connexes contribue de manière significative aux économies locales, aux recettes fiscales et aux recettes du commerce extérieur (Posthumus et al., 2019)" +345660,56858.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"(Hauts-Bassins, Houndé) 32 enfants (12 filles et 20 garçons) sont dans un foyer coranique par manque de moyen pour les inscrire à l’école classique." +150438,37702.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,42,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"A further four workshops were conducted in cooperation with the Ministry of Health targeting 120 trainees from public hospitals on IPC including waste management, monitoring and evaluation of the COVID-19 response and national guidelines for COVID-19 awareness and prevention measures." +235391,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,32,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Along with the immediate impact of displacement on the financial and social wellbeing of households, displacement leaves people further exposed to explosive hazards that contaminate large parts of the country." +173690,41024.0,1388.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,11,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rapid%20needs%20assessment%20-%20Impact%20of%20COVID-19%20on%20PoC%20from%20other%20nationalities%20-%20Costa%20Rica%2C%20August%202020.pdf,55% of heads of households lack health insurance under COVID-19 +48274,12622.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,84,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LIBRO%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20las%20necesidades%20insatisfechas%20SSR%20y%20Migrantes%20Venezolanos%20-%20Digital.pdf,"En noviembre del 2018, el Gobierno de Colombia publicó el documento del Consejo Nacional de Política Económica y social CONPES – 3950, que incluye y combina los lineamientos generales para la respuesta a la migración venezolana con la respuesta nacional que prioriza la migración segura, y garantiza, entre otras cosas, la salud sexual y salud reproductiva de la población migrante venezolana en Colombia. Esta evaluación también puede contribuir con los lineamientos generales para la respuesta del Gobierno." +239337,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"During the last winter (2019-20), 60 per cent of households were unable to heat their shelter sufficiently, with more than a third of households resorting to burning plastic or other harmful materials." +236076,47122.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,30,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"Also, Access Working Groups and Humanitarian Coordination Forums, using online platforms, were prioritized to ensure NGOs are best supported to provide life-saving activities during this period." +292398,52073.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,51,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"Les crises humanitaires auxquelles fait face le Cameroun ont eu une incidence significative sur la situation sanitaire aussi des populations affectées (personnes déplacées internes, retournées, réfugies hors camps) que sur la population hôte pour laquelle l’accès aux services de santé devient encore plus difficile." +239994,46388.0,2336.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,41,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"While the pandemic did not directly impact agricultural production, movement restrictions affected markets and have resulted in constraints and delays in accessing agricultural inputs – seeds, fertiliser, fodder, feed, pasture, veterinary and extension services." +287425,51638.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20_FEVRIER%202021_SAHEL.pdf,"(Sahel) Dans la Région du Sahel, il a été constaté dans les zones sous contrôle des GANI, la recrudescence de la restriction des libertés des hommes et des femmes." +294896,51749.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"De plus selon les informateurs clés interrogés, mis à part le marché de Ouargaye qui a connu une augmentation du nombre de clients de près de 50%, le nombre de clients a plutôt réduit pour les autres marchés." +238069,46388.0,2336.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,29,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"As a result of the worsening outlook, 310,500 trauma patients have been projected as needing emergency humanitarian treatment, mostly through first aid trauma posts in 2021." +186899,41080.0,1184.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,99,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000119627.pdf,"En Ecuador, las prácticas de lactancia materna y de alimentación complementaria difieren mucho de las recomendadas. Un enorme número de niños y niñas no logran alimentarse bien desde el comienzo de sus vidas y a lo largo de los dos primeros años. Los datos de la ECV del 2014 indican que el 43.39% de lactantes de 0 a 6 meses recibieron únicamente lactancia materna el día anterior (de la encuesta). Lactantes de cero a doce meses que recibieron lactancia materna el día anterior (de la encuesta) alcanza el 88.95%" +493892,68135.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,117,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/31_August_2021.pdf,"[2nd - 8th Aug 2021, Nigeria] Actions To date: National COVID-19 multi-partner Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) continues to coordinate response activities across states. Received donations of ventilators and pulse oximeters from WHO to be distributed to the treatment centres for the management of COVID-19 cases. Held meeting with relevant stakeholders from South-South region on the Delta variant and the response measures taken so far. This was convened by the Port Health Services (PHS) Special Task Team on COVID-19 for Niger Delta and maritime borders. Ongoing supportive supervision in National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) orientation camp activities to ensure adherence to COVID-19 protocols." +165027,38902.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,24,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"In Colombia, 48% of the working population in 23 major cities and urban areas is employed informally (DANE 13/04/2020)." +307033,51572.0,2335.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,54,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"There is no waste management system, and there is an important accumulation of waste in the camp, some places being taking by water, and degrading the poor level of water quality. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +406463,63069.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],fr,48,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Bulletin%20d%E2%80%99information%20sous%20cluster%20protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99enfance%20%28GTPE%29%20Mars%20%E2%80%93%20Mai%202021.pdf,"Tendances MRM du premier trimestre 2021 : Pendant le premier trimestre de l’année, 602 violations graves des droits des enfants ont été vérifiées. La plupart de violations ont été commises et enregistrées en Nord Kivu (262) et Ituri (177)." +165165,38412.0,2028.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,36,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20200902-wfp-over-9-3-syrians-are-food-insecure/,The majority of Syrians live below the poverty line due to the successive economic crises that resulted from theSyrian civil war. The US and EU imposed severe sanctionson the war-torn further exacerbating the crisis. +63466,18412.0,1386.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],es,233,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,,"2.500 de 15.000 personas que se dializan, la mayoría con problemas renales, fallecieron entre 2017 y 2018 por las fallas, contaminación, déficit y cierre de las unidades de diálisis. En Venezuela, 15.000 personas se dializan con una frecuencia de 4 horas 3 veces a la semana para sobrevivir. El número de personas en diálisis crece por la alta incidencia de la diabetes, hipertensión y otras condiciones que causan insuficiencia renal. Desde 2015, existía un alto déficit de unidades y se había acentuado la falla de las máquinas, la escasez de insumos y la falta de cirujanos vasculares33. La diálisis se convirtió en la única opción de sobrevivencia, dado que la donación y trasplante de órganos fue mermando hasta paralizarse en 2017. En febrero de 2018, 32 unidades de diálisis de las 129 disponibles, cerraron por dos semanas de forma simultánea en 13 estados del país, a causa del agotamiento severo de insumos34. Entre mayo y septiembre no cesó la crisis por distintos motivos: escases de insumos, avería de 1.000 máquinas35, rotura de tuberías de aguas cloacales, escasez de agua, renuncias de personal de salud y cortes de luz, entre otros 36. A través de diversas denuncias se contabilizaron 2.500 personas fallecidas como consecuencia de esta grave situación." +59550,17198.0,1224.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,Open defecation is very evident in most of the host communities is prevalent due to the lack of toilets and pit latrines. Some of the Venezuelan migrants are dig shallow holes in the ground in which they defecate while some are defecating close by creeks and rivers or on the surface of the ground. +176392,41733.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,56,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/reach_drc_bulletin-des-marche-2_juin-2020.pdf,"Suite à la mise en place des mesures contre le COVID-19 fin mars, le coût médian du PMA est monté à 190 765 FC en avril, soit une augmentation de 15% comparé au coût médian du PMA en mars (165 092 FC), d'après les prix rapportés par les commerçants." +304294,51590.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,53,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/IOM%20DTM%20SSD%20FMR%20Cross%20border%20trends%20and%20impact%20of%20restrictions%202020.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10755,"The International Organization for Migration (IOM) has actively supported South Sudan’s Ministry of Health to prepare for and respond to COVID-19, in particular by co-leading the Points of Entry Technical Working Group within the National Steering Committee for COVID-19 and implementing a package of border health activities." +62670,18394.0,1386.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Economy'],es,48,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3295213,"Persisten serios obstáculos en la disponibilidad y accesibilidad económica a los alimentos. Por ejemplo, Cáritas registró un 35 por ciento de desnutrición crónica en los niños y niñas menores de 5 años atendidos en junio de 2019 en las zonas más pobres de 18 estados." +149582,32165.0,1388.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,157,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/74589.pdf,"Mientras, para las mujeres 79.9% se desempeña en los siguientes grupos ocupacionales (desagregación a dos dígitos, entre paréntesis el número de trabajadoras): a. Limpiadoras y asistentes de limpieza (24.597). b. Vendedoras (10.544). c. Trabajadoras de los servicios personales (8.749). d. Peones agropecuarios, pesqueras y forestales (2.940). e. Empleadas en trato directo con el público (2.381). f. Profesionales de la enseñanza (2.206). g. Profesionales de nivel medio en operaciones financieras, administrativas, matemáticas y estadística (2.198). h. Trabajadoras de los cuidados personales (2.172). i. Operarias y oficiales trabajadoras del procesamiento de alimentos, confección, ebanistas, otras artesanas y afines (2.026). j. Peones de la minería, construcción, industria y transporte (1.833)”. (pp. 33-34)" +309760,51467.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,20,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,The magnitude and severity of food insecurity is anticipated to increase and worsen respectively in 2021 compared to 2020. +219061,45655.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,37,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"[9th Dec, Damascus, Aleppo, Homs]Of these, 420 were reported to be teachers and other staff, with the highest reported cases in Rural Damascus, Aleppo, and Homs." +16334,6355.0,322.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/181002%20YEMEN%20HODEIDAH%20CHOLERA%20CASES%20SURGE.pdf,"In addition, over half a million people have been displaced from their homes in Hodeidah since June, forced to live in host communities in cramped conditions and with little access to clean water and sanitation. Yemen’s rainy season which runs from April to August is further compounding the crisis." +152104,37764.0,2099.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,37,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/31-07-20-buf-5w-dashboard_education.pdf,"Pour l’heure, la grande partie des activités de réponse sont actuellement financées avec le soutien de bailleurs de fonds pour la réponse d’urgence et de soutien au relèvement des communautés affectées." +161546,39295.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,21,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,o Continue scaling-up/expanding the local production of personal protective equipment such as fabric masks that would contribute preventing COVID-19 transmissions. +238005,46388.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,80,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Most provinces of Afghanistan have been affected by at least one disaster during the past 30 years, with thousands of lives lost and millions of people affected including destructive floods, earthquakes, droughts (about 17 million people affected), almost 9 per cent of the population are living with severe disability - many as a result of the ongoing conflict - and about a third of the population is without easy access to health facilities." +305425,53013.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,25,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/3c8084ae/REACH_SOM_Factsheet_Assessment-of-Hard-to-Reach-Areas_December-2020.pdf,Shelter: KIs from 45% of assessed settlements reported that shelters were destroyed or seriously damaged in the month prior to data collection. +491971,67963.0,2170.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,122,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Nigeria%20Northeast%20Operational%20Update-July%202021.pdf,"[1st Jul 2021, North east Nigeria]Alleged perpetrators: It was found that 28.41% of the alleged perpetrators included family members, especially for GBV cases; 23.86% unknown cases; 21.59% cases caused by NSAG; 11.36% cases by host community members; 10.28% cases by civilian populations; and 2.27% cases by the army and some humanitarian actors. However, most humanitarian actors, including UNHCR and partners, have continued to engage stakeholders to protect those at risk and provide support to survivors/victims, while ensuring that perpetrators are brought to justice through the organisation’s Access to Justice project, in coordination with other humanitarian bodies." +178092,40661.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,40,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Par ailleurs, il faut noter que plusieurs pays voisins tels que le Rwanda, le Burundi et l’Ouganda n’ont toujours pas officiellement ouvert leurs frontières, limitant ainsi la reprise effective des échanges transfrontaliers." +22300,9106.0,729.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"The current resources to provide specialized health care services to Libyans and nonLibyans across the country have become very scarce and overstretched. Moreover, as reported by the National Center for Disease Control (NCDC), the country is currently facing an outbreak of measles and rubella. The spread of tuberculosis and leishmaniosis has also been widely reported." +61716,18346.0,1184.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,324,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71003.pdf,"ohesión social Con la finalidad de continuar con la sensibilización a la ciudadanía ecuatoriana sobre la temática contra la xenofobia contra la población refugiada y migrante, los socios del GTRM han continuado con la campaña ""Abrazos que Unen"" 13, para el mes de mayo se ha registrado un alcance de la campaña para mujeres: 8.433 y hombres: 5.311 impactados con la campaña mediante el uso de redes sociales. Continúan las campañas para prevenir la xenofobia, a las cuales se suma la campaña “Somos Migrantes” 14, que se ha convertido en tendencia con el #Econtrémonos y se calcula que ha llegado a 2 millones de personas. La campaña ha desarrollado seis (6) videos que muestran la realidad de la crisis humanitaria, el acoso y violencia que sufren las mujeres venezolanas en los espacios públicos, el encuentro entre venezolanos y ecuatorianos alrededor de las ideas, el deporte y la música. Asimismo, se difundió la campaña ""Juntemos Manos hoy ...mañana podrás necesitar una""15, en televisoras locales de Lago Agrio y Tulcán, además de cadenas de televisión nacionales. La campaña produjo cuñas radiales e información para redes sociales, con un alcance de 55.000 personas aproximadamente. Finalmente, se destaca la campaña de “NO A LA DISCRIMINACIÓN”16, que contempla temas de xenofobia en colegios públicos que acogen a población venezolana, con el fin de visualizar la problemática e incidir en temas de inclusión social, no discriminación y acoso escolar en los centros de educación escolar. Igualmente, en mayo se llevaron a cabo talleres de habilidades para la vida y prevención de xenofobia en escuelas, llegando a 2.709 niñas y 2.378 niños y adolescentes. Además, se proporcionaron metodologías para la educación inclusiva a 822 docentes mujeres y 496 docentes hombres" +310395,53177.0,2466.0,['Food Security'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,54,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Sudan%20Multi-Sectoral%20Location%20Assessment_South%20Kordofan.pdf,"Food security is a high priority need in five of the locations in Kadugli. The main reasons for food shortages are the lack of finances, the difficulties in accessing agricultural land, the stealing of crops and the lack of agricultural activities. Food aid has been provided at 11 locations." +239385,46388.0,2336.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,27,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Disaster-affected households are often forced to live in damaged shelters with 25 per cent reporting houses with significant damage and 57 per cent with partial damage. +382658,59706.0,1187.0,[],[],['Displacement->Intentions'],es,13,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/HFS_ReporteNarrativo_ARG_1S2020.pdf,Un 85% manifestó no considerar solicitar estatus de refugiado en Argentina. +310037,51467.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,43,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Around 15 per cent of households have at least one disabled family member. After years of conflict, many civilians have a disability after being maimed, or had an amputation, damaged or destroyed sight and hearing and other impairments." +306264,51572.0,2335.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,96,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"The population of school going children is reported to be 6,265 (2752 girls) but only 275(112 girls) learners are currently in school. This is due to the closure of schools in March 2020 as preventive measures for COVID-19. The schools reopened for candidate classes in October 2020. There is only one education partner (World Vision) providing education services in the three IDP camps of Khor Adar, Dingtoma 1 and Dingtoma-2. [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]" +295337,52417.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],en,215,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.dropbox.com/s/fpu0ox89go0s7li/Syria%202021%20HNO%20%28advance%20copy%29.pdf?dl=0,"[23rd March 2021, Overall Syria] The deepening economic crisis has been accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic and Lebanon’s banking crisis which has seen capital control measures applied on foreign currency deposits and transactions since late 2019 which have essentially cut Syria off from what was its last remaining financial gateway to the rest of the world, and deprived access to an estimated US$40 billion in reserves, as well as vital remittances from the Syrian diaspora, which are estimated to have decreased by up to 50 per cent.Unemployment, which was estimated at 42.6 per cent of the working-age population at the end of 2019, is understood to have since returned to the 2016 level of 50 per cent as COVID-19 preventive measures have curtailed people’s movement and restricted access to formal and informal labour markets. In total it is estimated that 200,000 – 300,000 jobs have been lost since March 2020 with small and mediumsized enterprises particularly affected; a United Nations (UN) inter-agency socio-economic impact assessment of COVID-19 completed in August 2020 found that 15 per cent of businesses had permanently closed; 40 per cent had paused trading; and 30 per cent reduced their activity." +48285,12622.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,23,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LIBRO%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20las%20necesidades%20insatisfechas%20SSR%20y%20Migrantes%20Venezolanos%20-%20Digital.pdf,Los migrantes tienden a enfrentarse a numerosas dificultades en el acceso a servicios de salud sexual y salud reproductiva (SSSR). +337607,55860.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,12,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb4752en.pdf,Livestock production is declining due to looting and recurrent animal diseases. +313263,53183.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,62,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"New displacement has occurred mainly in West Darfur and eastern Sudan due to inter-communal conflict. The estimate of the number of IDPs was revised upward from 1.6 million in 2019 to 2.55 million in 2020. New IDPs that were previously not known to the sector were found thanks to assessments that reached new areas, including non-government controlled areas." +261020,49454.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,95,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.emro.who.int/syr/syria-news/update-on-covid-19-vaccination-in-syria.html,"[February 16, Syria] At this stage, 76 hospitals used as service delivery points are planned to provide vaccination, on top of 101 primary health care facilities all over the country. This number of facilities and teams is preliminary and is subject to change based on the ongoing microplanning. Each hospital will have 3 or more teams assigned to the microplanning for each phase of the campaign. Services will be provided by the trained hospital teams and by routine immunization personnel as part of the mobile teams." +318973,53305.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,24,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"The GBV prevention priorities include community engagement, awareness-raising activities, and primary prevention programmes that transform harmful social norms contributing to gender inequality" +192802,43304.0,2332.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,44,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Dans le domaine de la santé, 71 932 enfants de 0 à 11 mois à N’Djamena sont en risque de ne pas bénéficier de leur vaccination de routine. Dans les rues, 7 031 enfants mendiants, seront impactés." +293818,52074.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,63,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,"In response to widespread psychological distress caused by this protracted crisis, child protection actors managed to reach more than 2,000 children with psychosocial support services in their Child Friendly/Safe/Mobile Spaces. UNICEF’s implementing partners reached more than 8,899 boys and girls with psychosocial support services at their Psychosocial Support Units and with individual Psychological First Aid (PFA)." +47362,16259.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.unwomen.org/en/news/stories/2019/7/feature-ensuring-public-services-for-venezuelan-migrant-women,"Over 1,260,000 Venezuelans live in Colombia, which has welcomed migrants with open arms, introducing support programmes, border mobility cards and a special work permit known as thePermiso Especial de Permanencia(PEP) that has allowed thousands of migrants to stay and work legally in Colombia." +106117,30611.0,1860.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,47,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],COVID-19 Americas Region Multi-Sectorial Assessment,2020-05-18 21:51:19.040784+00,https://1bec58c3-8dcb-46b0-bb2a-fd4addf0b29a.filesusr.com/ugd/188e74_6f98530009f54edfa41096e8142b717b.pdf,"2.1 According to the Colegio de la Frontera Norte (COLEF), 32.5% of Central American migrants travelling as caravan members in 2018 and 41.9% in 2019 expressed a health need, mostly relating to upper respiratory tract infections, fever and diarrhea." +331308,55246.0,2098.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,203,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[28th April 2021, Bangladesh] In response to the deteriorating COVID-]9 pandemic situation and in continuation of the directives passed through reference no 2,thlundJrsigned is direited to convey you]lat all activities, facilities and services of GosaIGos/INGOsATN agencies will rJmain postponed i1 'Folcibly Displaced Myanmar Nationals (FDMNs)' camp afea from 28 AprilZlzt midnight to 05 lvlay 2021 midnight except the following: a) All health and nutrition faci*ities and services' bi Regular food carriage, distribution and related services' c) LPG carriage, distribution and related services' d) Water supply, sanitation and hygiene related services. (i.e. safe water supply, de-sludge, disinfection' Faecal Sludge Management, repair and maintenance of hand washing devices and other sanitation installation) e) Installation of infrastructures and all sorts of distributions in recent fire affected camp 09, 8E and 8W' 0 Any services related to fire extinguishment' g) Disaster management activities and post disaster relief at times of fire incident, cyclone, flood' nor'westers, landslides. h) Activities related to burial process/cremation'" +193724,43353.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,23,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Burkina%20Faso%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%207%20-%20August%202020%20%281%29.pdf,"Centre Nord, Nord, Sahel, and Est regions, which are hosting 56 per cent of the IDPs of the country" +112955,31706.0,1388.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,102,[],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3643670,"5. Evitar la complacencia Todos los días Daniel Salas, ministro de Salud Pública, hace las mismas advertencias en la habitual conferencia de prensa vespertina: “No podemos confiarnos, necesitamos ser muy cuidadosos y seguir todas las normas sanitarias y de distanciamiento físico”. Poco a poco, y con esa confianza de los resultados logrados, el Gobierno ha tomado la decisión de flexibilizar algunas de sus medidas. Por ejemplo, algunos comercios pueden retornar a sus funciones con limitaciones de aforo y ya se pueden practicar algunos deportes no colectivos en zonas abiertas." +226786,46454.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,22,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2022_23Dec2020_FINAL.pdf,"[23rd December, Overall Syria] Border crossings remain impacted as Syria and neighboring countries continue implementation of precautionary measures." +163007,37820.0,2098.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,106,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/iom_rohingya_crisis_response_-_external_sitrep_-_july_2020.pdf,"COVID -19 Awareness raising best practice will be used to promote other hygiene messaging. IOM's WASH unit has been monitoring the reach and efficacy of COVID -19 messaging in the camps where IOM is providing WASH services. As part of this effort, IOM has conducted two surveys - the first was form 11 to 26 April 2020 in all of the camps and the second took place form 22 June to 2 July 2020 in the camp where less than 80% of the people during first round of monitoring could describe at least three measures to protect themselves and others." +219304,45655.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],en,80,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"[9th Dec] Increasing testing capacity continues to be a focus in NWS, particularly in hotspot sub-districts such as Idleb (Idleb), Dana (Idleb), Afrin (Aleppo), Al Bab (Aleppo) and Azaz (Aleppo). In total 60,497 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests have been completed, including 31,261 in Aleppo and 29,236 in Idleb governorates, with a test positivity rate of 23.18 per cent" +218532,45654.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,45,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/hrp_weekly_funding_status_201124.pdf,"[24 Nov 2020, Whole of Syria, COVID-19 RP Funding Overview] COVID-19 Response Plan: Funding requirements for Shelter/NFI sector are 33.2 Million USD, of which 0.5 Million USD have been funded, leaving a gap of 32.7 Million USD." +330111,55171.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Covid-19->Cases']",es,21,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-america-latina-56897151,"A 28 de abril, Colombia registra 2,8 millones de casos positivos y más de 72.000 personas muertas por covid-19." +315365,53333.0,2334.0,['Education'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,59,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"They actually reported challenges of no schooling due to crises, poverty, lack of money to continue education elsewhere, lack of motivation to continue school, early pregnancy and marriages leading to school dropouts, expensive educational system, children not willing to go to school, parents not willing to send their children to school." +273937,50464.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,88,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210203FINALFactSheetSomaliaSkisserLR11.pdf,"Climate change can also affect the dynamics of ongoing conflict. When climate change affects the availability of natural, human and other resources, armed groups adapt strategy and tactics accordingly. Al Shabaab has shown how armed groups under climate pressures can use tactics to protect their access to resources. Following the droughts of 2000 and 2004, the group seized parts of southern Somalia and extorted farmers, thereby generating income to finance their insurgency and further consolidating their strongholds in the region." +194609,43822.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Cases'],es,45,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19112020_flash_update_no.3_emergencias_por_ola_invernal_-_colombia_vf.pdf,"El hospital de Providencia fue arrasado por el huracán, mientras 12 de sus 28 médicos y personal medico fueron trasladados a la Isla de San Andrés tras detectarse COVID-19 positivo, debe priorizarse la entrega de EPP para prevenir el contagio de COVID-19." +490437,67748.0,1234.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,28,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Trinidad and Tobago,2019-05-28 03:09:47.864552+00,,"Furthermore, a young Venezuelan woman was reportedly murdered by her partner, highligh%ng the risks of Gender Based Violence faced by Venezuelan women. S" +178297,41756.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,120,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"GROUPES PRIORITAIRES: Les populations autochtones, dont les peuples pygmées qui représente 1 pour cent de la population de la RDC ¹, sont souvent marginalisées, victimes de discriminations sociales et de violations des droits humains. Vivant ou se déplaçant à la suite de conflits dans des zones souvent très difficiles d’accès, ces populations sont souvent éloignées des services de base, ont un accès limité à la terre et ont généralement un accès très limité à l’assistance humanitaire. Par ailleurs, la dégradation de leur environnement de vie suite aux conflits armés et à l’exploitation illégale des ressources naturelles notamment, menace directement leurs conditions de vie." +314866,52949.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,12,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,Almost one in five IDP children show signs of chronic malnutrition. +158779,39292.0,2028.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,50,['At Risk'],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Round-3-Analysis-Factsheet-NES_TK_09.09.20.pdf,"The risk of a large-scale outbreak in NES remains high, as risk perception varies amongst communities and potentially creates a false sense of security.1 As a result, humanitarian actors continue to face uncertainty in terms of the effect that new preventive measures will have on humanitarian operations." +179163,41842.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nw_syria_sitrep21_20201020.pdf,"(NW 20/10/2020) Thousands more cases of water-borne diseases (WBD) were reported in September 2020 compared to the same month in previous years, with hotspots in Ar-Ra’ee and Jarablus sub-districts, while endemic diseases such as leishmaniasis remain prevalent." +303991,51174.0,2335.0,[],[],[],en,18,[],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.afro.who.int/sites/default/files/2021-02/South%20Sudan%20IDSR%20Bulletin%20Week%201%2C%20%20%204-%2010%20January%202021%20.pdf,Assess and address WASH needs in the border counties – Akobo; Pochalla; Boma; Kapoeta East +149633,35869.0,2028.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,108,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep18_25july2020.pdf,"This reporting period has continued to be characterized by persistence of child protection concerns in northwest Syria, aggravated by COVID-19 pandemic and the devaluation of the Syrian Pound and its impact on the local economy. The impact of the devaluation exacerbates an already dire humanitarian situation for children in northwest Syria that is resulting in a steep increase in occurrence of child labour including worst forms of child labour. Reports from the field in this period confirm increase of child labour and child marriage including an increase on numbers of children in the street until very late at night begging or hoping for casual labour" +162815,37820.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Logistics']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,74,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/iom_rohingya_crisis_response_-_external_sitrep_-_july_2020.pdf,"Dispatch and Referral Unit (DRU): During this month, DrU responded to 184 referral requests and transported 168 individuals (47% Rohingya, 53% host community). This included 44 confirmed Covid-19 cases and 44 suspected Covid-19 cases transported to ITCs, 32 contacts and travelers transported to quarantine centers, 35 humanitarian workers for testing, and 13 discharged Covid-19 cases/contacts transported back to their shelters." +157852,38800.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,90,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GTS%20-%20HNAP%20COVID19%20Syria%20Bulletin%20R3.pdf,"The two main sources of information in GoS areas are national government (32%) and news media (29%). Trust in the national government (25%) for COVID-19 information is second only to health providers (40%). Communities in SDF areas are more likely to turn to news media (38%) and local government (33%), with focal points reporting news media (19%) as the second most-trusted source after health providers." +311636,53183.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,25,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"In Darfur, over 100 per cent of the people estimated to be in need of assistance were reached with some form of assistance." +303769,51467.0,2335.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Livelihoods', 'Cross', 'Shelter']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,87,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"JULY-DECEMBER 2020- Flooding: Flooding along the Nile affected over one million people in 43 counties, and damaged homes, crops and infrastructure. AUGUST-DECEMBER 2020- Displacement: Subsequent flooding combined with conflict displaced over 30,000 people from Jonglei into Bor town, Mingkaman and Mangalla. SEPTEMBER 2020- PoC site transition: Following discussions among the UN, Government and communities, the Bor PoC site—the first of five—transitioned to an IDP camp. Wau and Juba PoC sites followed in October and November." +415996,63153.0,2225.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,76,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ETT-ITURI_Gina_Djugu_Rapport%20067.pdf,"Il existe une source d’eau naturelle aménagée par TEARFUND dans la zone évaluée mais elle ne permet pas de répondre aux besoins de la communauté hôte en quantité suffisante. La situation dans les villages d’accueil est donc caractérisée par un manque crucial d’eau potable, obligeant les personnes déplacées et même les autochtones à consommer l’eau non potable des rivières et des cours d’eau temporaires" +325247,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,74,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"(Sahel, Est, Centre-Nord, Boucle du Mouhoun) the Ministry of Education reports that, as of February 5, 2021, 2,212 schools across the country – the vast majority of them primary schools – were closed due to attacks or insecurity. These closures directly affect over 316,000 children and over 12,300 teachers, most of them in Sahel, Est, Centre-Nord, and Boucle du Mouhoun." +181149,42386.0,2099.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Cases', 'Context->Economy']",fr,103,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_RMU_October-2020_vfinal.pdf,"Après une relative stabilité entre mai et juillet, on note un accroissement du nombre de cas actifs de COVID-19 depuis le mois d’aout, en majorité du fait des transmissions communautaires. Le cumul de cas confirmés depuis le mois de mars est de 2466 dont 218 cas actifs à la date du 25 octobre. La pandémie continue d’affecter négativement l’économie dans l’ensemble et les secteurs de l’hôtellerie, de la restauration et du tourisme en terrestres particulier. Les frontières terrestres restent fermées, limitant les flux migratoires de personnes" +174513,41368.0,2098.0,['Livelihoods'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,100,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20201012_acaps_thematic_series_on_migrant_vulnerability_in_south_asia_0.pdf,"[October 2020, Bangladesh] 65% of remittance-receiving households are headed by women who are likely to be unemployed and without an alternative source of income (IOM 2020). Due to decreases in incomes and remittances, vulnerable households have become more likely to borrow money at high interest rates from microfinance institutions, NGOs, and informal money lenders in order to meet basic needs (The Daily Star 2019; The Institute of Microfinance 2016). They risk losing their already limited assets to loan sharks if unable to pay their debts." +191531,43304.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,36,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Les pertes mensuelles liées à la fermeture des unités économiques induites par COVID-19 dans le secteur de l’hôtellerie-restauration et bars dans la ville de N’Djaména sont estimées à 6,2 milliards de FCFA" +305462,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"The humanitarian situation in South Sudan is likely to continue to worsen in 2021, driven by cumulative effects of years of recurring conflict and violence, further aggravated by subsequent shocks." +149573,32165.0,1388.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,26,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/74589.pdf,La creación de casi 170 mil empleos en el último año fue insuficiente con respecto a la cantidad de personas que salieron a buscar trabajo. +224018,45768.0,2332.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,46,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,aucun cas de SGBV n’a été explicitement ou formellement signalé lors de la mission. Ceci pourrait être le résultat d’une crainte de représailles de la part des victimes ou leurs proches en raison de la présente des militaires ou goumiers. +382656,59706.0,1187.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,21,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/HFS_ReporteNarrativo_ARG_1S2020.pdf,"crece un 18% las personas en posesión de una visa temporal para residir en Argentina (51%)," +316012,52949.0,2331.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,43,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Somalia suffers from significant barriers to education and school enrolment. Only 30 per cent of children aged between 6 and 13 years are enrolled in primary education, and only 26 per cent of children aged 14-17 years in secondary education." +237239,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The pandemic has left some existing beneficiaries with more complex, deeper needs, while pushing others into humanitarian need for the first time. It has also necessitated the application of a wider lens that positions the humanitarian effort to acute needs within a broader supportive response by development actors." +159048,39293.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,33,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Round-3-Analysis-Factsheet-NWS_Tk_09.09.20.pdf,"REACH observed high levels of COVID-19 knowledge among survey respondents in the first round of data collection, which was conducted in late April as communication efforts and curfews were well under way" +183609,42456.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,49,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.unicef.org/wca/media/5411/file/UNICEF-WCARO-Central-Sahel-Advocacy-October-2020.pdf,"When displaced women and children, and host communities do not have access to basic health services, or clean water and sanitation, it increases their risk of infectious diseases including acute respiratory infections, diarrhea, malaria and measles – all leading causes of child mortality." +305439,53013.0,2331.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,36,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/3c8084ae/REACH_SOM_Factsheet_Assessment-of-Hard-to-Reach-Areas_December-2020.pdf,WASH: 59% of assessed settlements where people reportedly had sufficient access to water while 33% of assessed settlements where people reportedly had insufficient access to water in the month preceding data collection. +190078,43324.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,74,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irc_-_rapport_devaluation_covid-19_extreme_nord_-irc.pdf,"L’EN comptabilise 321 886 Personnes Déplacées Internes, 123 489 retournés et 48 769 réfugiés hors camps, soit 96 498 Déplacés dans le département du Mayo Tsanaga, 144 298 dans le Mayo Sava et 121 887 PDI dans le Logone Chari . La majorité des personnes dans le besoin dans l’EN sont mineurs (58%), et 51% sont des femmes et des filles." +321519,54671.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,54,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/democratic-republic-congo/education-cannot-wait-and-un-refugee-agency-announce-us2-million,"Local authorities estimate that more than 90,000 people have fled from CAR into DRC since December 2020 after elections kicked off a new round of violence and mass displacement in the Central African Republic, including those who have fled to the Modale refugee site, located 30 kms from Yakoma, DRC." +318948,53305.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,43,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"In 2020, demands by organized youth groups for local hiring, particularly in Renk and Bentiu, led to the suspension of humanitarian activities, disrupting multi-sectoral assistance and affected the delivery of humanitarian services to over 60,000 people in need." +307048,51572.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,43,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Creation of a longer term HP team to spread the key messages as hand washing, safe storage/transportation of water and personal hygiene. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +497031,60104.0,1187.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],es,112,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,"https://www.unicef.org/argentina/media/11626/file/Impacto%20de%20la%20pandemia%20en%20la%20educaci%C3%B3n%20de%20ni%C3%B1as,%20ni%C3%B1os%20y%20adolescentes.pdf","Asimismo, se relevaron las percepciones de los adultos respecto de cómo habían reaccionado las niñas, niños y adolescentes del hogar frente al regreso a las aulas. El 90% afirmó que estaban contentos de volver a la escuela y 6 de cada 10 destacó que disfrutaban de reencontrarse con sus compañeros y compañeras. Por otro lado, alrededor de un 23% manifestó que notaba mayor motivación con el estudio y la realización de las tareas escolares a partir del regreso a clases presenciales. Fueron minoritarias las menciones asociadas con el temor por a los contagios y la preocupación por la salud de los familiares convivientes." +294607,51749.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,[District sanitaire de Ouargaye] Le constat montre en général dans les CSPS visitée que les infrastructures sont de bon état même si quelques légères réhabilitations sont nécessaires mais il manque véritablement un approvisionnement en eau courante dans tous les services et aussi les conditions de gestion des déchets bio médicaux et la prévention contrôle de infection ne sont pas satisfaisantes pour assurer un soin de qualité aux populations. +200618,44433.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,33,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Once schools reopen, educators and other relevant officials must be ready to provide the targeted academic and SEL supports that this assessment shows are necessary to improve holistic outcomes for children." +169900,40360.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Environment', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,47,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Les mouvements inter-sites dans la commune de Dori continuent encore ce mois. Il s’agit de déplacement de PDI de Niarala vers Petit paris et Wendou. Ceux-ci sont essentiellement dus à l’inondation que connaissent certains sites d’accueils des PDI. +164371,38902.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,16,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"As of 31 May 2020, Colombia hosted some 1.76 million Venezuelan refugees and migrants." +313699,53333.0,2334.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,43,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,Provide hygiene kits including water buckets and solar lights are also key for MHM management and study while at home so that at night they safely use them or toilets and also use the lights for reading and doing their school homework. +183537,43045.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,42,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/60670/two-franciscan-friars-die-from-covid-19-in-aleppo.html,"[Sep 2020,Overall Syria] The coronavirus has not spared Aleppo, Syria’s main economic centre, but the number of cases and victims remains uncertain because of limited testing and incomplete data provided by the authorities." +47370,16259.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,88,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.unwomen.org/en/news/stories/2019/7/feature-ensuring-public-services-for-venezuelan-migrant-women,"After a first set of interventions funded by the UN Central Emergency Response Fund in 2018, this year UN Women began implementing a project funded by USAID. “The project is improving the management of the information registry for women and girls to help design more effective care and health programmes, providing local rapid response plans for gender-based violence and sexual exploitation, and sensitizing the public about migrant women’s rights,” explains UN Women Representative in Colombia Ana Güezmes García." +166683,39928.0,2170.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,76,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"Schools have remained closed over COVID 19 concerns. Children, as a result, have adopted negative coping behaviours such as idly roaming about in the camps, engaging in rough plays and being engaged in child labour and hawking. Due to their proximity to the periphery of danger, they become easy targets for radicalization and for easy recruitment to extremism in the absence of any meaningful engagement activities for the children." +386771,60459.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,145,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"Malgré les déstockages continus de bétail par les ménages qui en disposent, la demande d’animaux, en particulier les petits ruminants devrait être satisfaisante sur le marché de Gorom-Gorom du fait des besoins additionnels des commerçants pendant la période de Tabaski en juillet. La hausse habituelle de demande à l’approche des fêtes de fin d’année pourrait aussi se maintenir. Dans l’ensemble, les prix des petits ruminants demeureront au-dessus de la moyenne jusqu’en janvier. Pour les éleveurs qui ont accès au marché principal, les termes de l’échange mil/bouc leurs seront favorables. Par contre sur les marchés locaux moins fréquentés par les acheteurs où les prix des céréales sont plus élevés, les termes de l’échange pourraient être en défaveur des éleveurs. (scenario)" +214121,45203.0,2334.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,71,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://fews.net/west-africa/cameroon/food-security-outlook/june-2020,"In urban centers, most unemployed people, those in informal employment and the self-employed have lost their main sources of income due to a slowdown in commercial activities, job losses and lower demand for labor. In the formal sector, meanwhile, the Government’s national survey on the socioeconomic impact of COVID-19 found that 58.2 percent of businesses had reduced the size of their workforce." +315880,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,22,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Displaced households returning to areas that experienced conflict face a lack of basic infrastructure and services, resulting in continued vulnerability." +183242,42114.0,1186.0,"['Health', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,92,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Chile%20COVID-19%20Situation%20report%20No.%205%20-%20October%202020.pdf,"As of 23 October, according to MOE, 43% of opened schools are in the Santiago Metropolitan Region, followed by Los Rios region in the south. No schools are open in the four northern regions where the COVID-19 cases are high. Opened schools include previously reported Easter Island and Juan Fernandez archipelago with a total of 1,152 children. A rapid increase is observed with the number of schools requesting to open, and around 30 more schools are expected to open before end of October." +16330,6355.0,322.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,75,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/181002%20YEMEN%20HODEIDAH%20CHOLERA%20CASES%20SURGE.pdf,"Health facilities supported by Save the Children across the governorate recorded a 170 per cent increase in the number of suspected cholera cases, from 497 in June to 1,342 in August. The spike is in line with national data that also shows a steady increase of suspected cholera cases across Yemen. 30 per cent of all suspected cases are children under five years old, according to the World Health Organization." +319097,54625.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,23,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://notitotal.com/2021/04/23/adultos-mayores-se-arriesgan-por-las-trochas-para-llegar-a-colombia-y-vacunarse/,"Adultos mayoresse arriesgan a cruzar portrochasla frontera conColombia, para llegar al país vecino con la esperanza de lograrvacunarse contra el covid-19." +149742,37702.0,2028.0,"['Logistics', 'Health', 'Cross', 'WASH', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",en,141,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']","['Covid-19', 'Humanitarian Access']",IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"As the UN supports national preparedness and response in Syria, the specific country context poses considerable challenges. This includes: a fragile health system lacking sufficient personnel; infrastructure and existing essential equipment; insufficient water and sanitation infrastructure; significant existing vulnerable populations reliant on humanitarian assistance; challenges accessing certain areas including due to ongoing hostilities; challenges for humanitarian workers to move freely to support and implement humanitarian programmes due to preventive measures including border restrictions; challenges procuring supplies including due to border restrictions, a deteriorating economy and competition for local supplies, as well as sanctions. As the response expands, there is a need to both increase and decentralize testing, in order to accommodate more timely diagnosis of more samples from a greater range of geographical locations including NES." +61687,18348.0,1184.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,21,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Ecuador%20Country%20Brief%20July_2019.pdf,"3,782 people, around 69.5 percent of them from Venezuela, were assisted at shelters and canteens managed by partner organizations" +159596,39148.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,95,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_july2020_ne_nigeria.pdf,"COVID-19 cases are steadily increasing in the three states. In Borno, currently, 12 out of 27 LGAs are affected and >80% of reported cases are among travellers tested at POE locations. Challenges remain around stigma and discrimination among people discharged from quarantine and treatment centres; this results that the majority of confirmed cases (73%) are opting for self-isolation. Partners are working to scale up the COVID-19 surveillance and contact tracing efforts to enable rapid detection, isolation, testing, and management of cases" +179218,41946.0,2028.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],en,90,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://publications.unescwa.org/projects/saw/sdgs/pdf/en/Syria-at-War-8-years-on-Report-Final.pdf,"[Syria 2019, child labour] Of assessed communities within the Syrian Arab Republic, 81 per cent reported the occurrence of child labour as a barrier to school attendance. Moreover, 45 per cent reported child recruitment to fighting groups as a matter of concern.Mainly adolescent boys aged under 15, and in some cases as young as 12, have been recruited, which is alarming as it nurtures a culture of violence and renders their reintegration in mainstream schools and civil society highly challenging." +161343,39528.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],fr,27,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Sensibilisation de proximité de 3,752 femmes membres des 170 groupes d’épargne de la province du Namentenga sur les mesures de protection contre la COVID-19 ;" +158286,38905.0,1183.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,42,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"El reporte de Migración Colombia del mes de mayo indica que el departamento del Valle del Cauca registra un total de 91.633 refugiados y migrantes provenientes de Venezuela, correspondiente a un 5,13% de la población presente en el territorio nacional" +209130,43992.0,2332.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,108,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, 142 COVID-19 specific social media posts have been published on the UNICEF Chad Facebook, Twitter and other platforms. The messages range from tips, visuals, videos and content specially created for Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. The reach of the social media platforms [UNICEF Chad] has increased by more than 10 per cent since the start of the outbreak, bringing the number of social media followers to 113,635. The number of Facebook followers has risen from 74,177 to 88,498, Twitter from 9,963 to 10,842 and LinkedIn from 1,269 to 5,420." +303676,51467.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,48,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Two thirds of South Sudan’s roads become impassable during the rainy season, cutting people off from markets and basic services. The situation is further exacerbated by insecurity in many parts of the country, including the risk posed by explosive remnants of war." +304293,51590.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,59,"['Capacities & Response', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/IOM%20DTM%20SSD%20FMR%20Cross%20border%20trends%20and%20impact%20of%20restrictions%202020.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10755,"As of 30 January 2021, there have been 3,961 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in South Sudan, with 64 deaths (WHO). However, many cases are likely to have gone undetected due to limitations to the country’s testing capacity and its focus on pre-travel screening in the capital (HNO 2021)." +240447,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,30,[],['Context'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Between 2007 and 2017, life expectancy at birth progressively increased, from 52 years in women and 53 years in men to about 63 years for both sexes." +292917,51778.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Economy'],es,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/nos-estan-invadiendo-los-venezolanos-este-y-otros-mitos-de-la-migracion/2545,"La llegada de refugiados y migrantes venezolanos a los países de acogida tiene un impacto directo y positivo en la economía. En primer lugar, son consumidores de bienes y servicios, hacen compras que permiten a las empresas producir más. Los patrones de consumo de esta población representa cerca del 4% de la población total en Colombia." +325113,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,121,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"(Ouagadougou) There in Ouagadougou’s 9th arrondissement (nearly 19 percent of all schools), while it is comparatively low in the 12th (less than 3 percent). A number of factors explain this spatial disparity, such as the fact that some arrondissements concentrate industrial and commercial zones (low concentration) while others are residential areas (high concentration). While schools are generally widely present directly in residential neighborhoods, many schools are not directly accessible from the fixed-route public transport (SOTRACO) routes – this is especially the case in the northern and south-western corners of the city, where numerous schools are located but no routes are present" +317224,53333.0,2334.0,[],[],[],en,46,[],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Adolescent girls and young women need to be supported by cluster partners with skills, knowledge, equipment and materials that enable them to pursue decent work opportunities, combined with support to authorities to monitor harmful work environments to prevent adolescents from working there." +145983,35870.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,36,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Health and WASH actors continue health facility assessments to gauge IPC capacity, with many implementing IPC measures, including by establishing distance, maintaining cross-ventilation, handwashing and disinfection, and upgrading triage areas." +458214,64540.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Situación de las ciudadanas venezolanas mujeres ¿Cuenta con contrato de trabajo en su actividad actual?. La tendencia que se percibe es buscar empleo o trabajar en el sector informal. Esto es, a generarse ingresos como trabajadoras autónomas o como asalariadas, pero sin contrato de trabajo" +226965,46454.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,42,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2022_23Dec2020_FINAL.pdf,"[23rd December, Northeast Syria] In NES, widespread preventive measures in response to increased reported COVID-19 cases implemented in November have been partially eased since 6 December, with new measures in place until at least 4 January." +165242,39714.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],es,71,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"EL grupo de 18 a 29 años de edad se ha sentido con mayor frecuencia nervioso (61%), cansado sin motivo (62%), impaciente (60%) y/o con rabia (48%) durante los últimos 21 días, comparado con el grupo de edad mayores de 50 años que se sentía menos nervioso, cansado sin motivo, impaciente o con rabia" +323225,54498.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,134,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/89758cd4/REACH_COL_RAN_Factsheet_Trend_analysis_March2021.pdf,"De acuerdo con GIFMM Colombia28, una de las necesidades prioriza- das por parte de los refugiados y migrantes que retornan a Venezuela y que ingresan a Colombia, es el alojamiento. Es así como, según los resultados de las dos primeras rondas, la necesidad de alojamiento fue la tercera necesidad mayormente reportada, dándose en la pri- mera ronda, su mayor reporte donde de los 210 ICs, el 38% señaló que ellos y/o su grupo de viaje tenían esta necesidad. Sin embargo, aunque a partir de la tercera ronda el alojamiento no fue reportado como una de las tres necesidades principales, el lugar de alojamiento que mayormente reportaron los ICs que estaban pernoctando en la ciudad, fue la calle o vía pública." +327196,54714.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,61,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,"[SHELTER & NON-FOOD ITEMS (SNFI) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Three most commonly reported types of housing, land and property (HLP) dispute reported by households were :Disputed ownership (6%), Rules and processes on HLP not clear (4% ), Inheritance issues (9%)." +209123,43992.0,2332.0,"['Health', 'Education']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,76,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"|UNICEF COVID-19 strategy] 10,000 posters have been displayed all over N’Djaména, in collaboration with the Scouts and Guides. 12 square meter posters are currently being printed to be displayed on 24 billboards all over the capital. A child-friendly version of the posters has been produced, and 133,000 copies have been printed and distributed in schools throughout the country, prior to the start of the new school year." +309794,51467.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,67,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Based on same season historical data of food security and nutrition monitoring system, SMART nutrition surveys and admission trends for 2020, it is estimated that 1,875,642 people will be in need of treatment for acute malnutrition in 2021. This includes 313,391 children suffering from severe acute malnutrition, 1,078,867 from moderate acute malnutrition, and 483,383 pregnant and lactating women from acute malnutrition." +458132,64540.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,84,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"condiciones de trabajo precario . Las altas jornadas de trabajo (mayor número de horas trabajadas) están relacionadas con el acceso a una mayor remuneración. Sin embargo, un porcentaje considerable (27,13%) de los venezolanos comprendidos en esta investigación, señalaron que, a pesar de trabajar más de 60 horas semanales, perciben ingresos menores al salario mínimo. Solo el 27% de quienes trabajan este número de horas percibe ingresos por encima del salario mínimo." +306881,51572.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,71,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"With reduction in food distribution and other services, number of theft and petty crimes cases have increased by 10 % (as per community leader estimates) in second half of 2020 compared to first half of the year. Most people at risk are elderlies and persons with disabilities. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +314859,53183.0,2466.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"Across the country, education-related costs have skyrocketed due to a combination of increasing inflation and COVID-19 related restrictions. In White Nile State over 15,000 children remain out-of-school." +346168,56952.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,40,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20monitoreo%20enero-marzo%202021%20-%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20vers%C3%B3n%20final.pdf,"En este mismo sentido, se identificó que per- sonas refugiadas y migrantes siguen siendo ex- plotadas laboralmente por los empleadores con jornadas extensas de trabajo y remuneraciones precarias, en comparación con las que reciben las personas colombianas." +497825,35118.0,1187.0,[],[],[],es,41,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Existe también en este escenario una realidad de protección; la comu- nidad de acogida es completamente desconocida y la manera de reducir los riesgos, indefectiblemente es aliándose con coterráneos que ya hayan estado por un período más prolongado." +21819,9026.0,322.0,[],[],[],en,48,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,,"Until 1962, Sana’a could be considered a medi- eval city stalled in time. Today, this old city of Sana’a with the Bir el Azab area to the West 10 represents a tiny core of what has become a sprawling city." +224102,45768.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"Ils ont tout de même été rassurés par les membres de la mission sur la délivrance de l’assistance nécessaire à Amma, en fonction des ressources disponibles" +306886,51572.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Health', 'Education']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,42,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Communities urge humanitarian support focusing on food, health and education services, echoing a similar request made earlier in the year. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +292410,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,44,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"ACF/AHA : Consultations (0-5ans) : 2894 consultés dont les premières causes de morbidité ont été : IRA (48%), conjonctivites (33%), maladies diarrhéiques (13%) et le paludisme (6%)." +283828,50882.0,2466.0,['Food Security'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,98,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/ipc_sudan_acute_food_insecurity_projection_update_2020octdec_report_1.pdf,"Although October is the actual beginning of the earlier harvest in Sudan, and the period when the food security situation is considered to stabilize or begin to improve compared to the lean season, food insecurity remains widespread across different parts of Sudan. This is mainly due to the prevailing poor macroeconomic conditions in the country. There has been an extreme increase in prices of all food and non-food commodities. Prices have more than doubled compared to the previous year and have increased by more than 500% compared to the five-year average." +178182,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,54,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"La situation sécuritaire s’est significativement améliorée dans plusieurs zones géographiques comme la région du Kasaï et au Tanganyika, notamment grâce à la démobilisation spontanée de certains groupes armés, après plusieurs années d’instabilité où notamment les enjeux politiques autour des élections avaient contribué à attiser les conflits intercommunautaires." +307020,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,24,['Impact'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,The long-term occupation of public spaces and buildings has been cited as a driver of tension between IDPs and host communities in some locations +215922,44941.0,2331.0,['Health'],[],['Context->Demography'],en,70,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/somalia_health_cluster_bulletin_december_2019.pdf,"Since December 2017 a cumulative attack rate of 218 cases per 100,000 people [of cholera] was reported with Kismayo (Jubbaland) and Daynile (Banadir) being the most affected districts. Although the overall CFR was 0.5%, higher rates were observed in Abdilaziz, Daynile, Waberi, Karan and Kurtunwarey districts exceeding the WHO’s threshold of <1% CFR." +311226,53183.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,79,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"According to the Sudan Metrological Authority (SMA), rainfall in Sudan was above average throughout most of the 2020 flooding season, and the season continued into October past its normal end in September. Heavy rainfall and flash floods affected more than 875,000 people—almost twice the number of people affected by floods the previous year—across 18 states and the Abyei Area, according to the Government’s Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC) and partners" +321134,54781.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],fr,52,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://zoom-eco.net/a-la-une/rdc-covid-19-60-000-doses-du-vaccin-astrazeneca-acheminees-au-nord-kivu/,"la campagne de vaccination devra être lancée à Goma, Butembo et à Beni à partir du 1er mai 202. Pour ce faire, les autorités politico-administratives s’activent dans la mobilisation de toutes les couches de la population afin qu’elles comprennent l’importance du vaccin." +63464,18412.0,1386.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,131,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,,"Tampoco se cuenta con equipos de mamografía, tomógrafos, aceleradores lineales y bombas de cobalto, entre otros. Igualmente, para más de 300.000 personas con condiciones cardíacas severas23, 78% de los centros públicos de referencia no están en capacidad de atender una emergencia. Según la Sociedad Venezolana de Cardiología, 39% no puede hacer un electrocardiograma, ninguno realiza exámenes en caso de infarto y 88% tampoco exámenes sanguíneos de cualquier tipo; 68% no tiene las medicinas indicadas ni efectúa cateterismos; 93% no hace angioplastias y 92% carece de aspirinas24. Al menos 4 servicios de cirugía cardiovascular han cerrado25, no existen suficientes dispositivos de electro-estimulación, especialistas ni insumos para una cirugía cardiovascular adecuada26. •" +213464,44840.0,2331.0,['Education'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,116,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,"Key to the education response is promotion of equity by reaching the most vulnerable children, including girls, difficult to reach children, displaced, refugee and returnee children, pastoralists, those from the poorest families (urban/rural), and children with disabilities among others. UNICEF is working with the Ministries of Education (MoEs) and other partners on three key intervention areas: 1) enhancing the education system-level response to the pandemic, 2) support the planning, implementation and risk communications around safe school reopening, especially for girls, and 3) enhanced knowledge sharing and capacity building both for the current response and future pandemics" +192072,43669.0,2330.0,[],[],[],en,18,[],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://edition.cnn.com/2020/11/18/weather/tropical-storm-iota-wednesday/index.html,"One hundred and twelve people were evacuated from the island Tuesday, among them six seriously injured." +185047,40800.0,1900.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],es,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://infosegura.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Analisis-SC-2T-2020.pdf,"A pesar de la reducción de los homicidios al inicio de las medidas de confinamiento, entre mayo y junio se registra una leve alza. No obstante, el número de homicidios por mes todavía se encuentra por debajo de los niveles del 2019" +187186,34290.0,1900.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",[],[],es,60,[],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Resumen_Informe_16_07_2020_No_080.pdf,"Vigilancia y supervisión desde puntos fronterizos, controlando el ingreso de personas y vehículos.  Vigilancia y control de personas que permanecen en los Centros de Aislamiento Temporal CAT.  Seguimiento capacidad hospitalaria y atención médica en Centros de Triage CT a nivel nacional.  Desinfección vehicular y verificación documentación de personas autorizadas para poder circular." +248849,48079.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/DRC_FSOU_2020_12_final.pdf,"Dans le nord-est et le sud-est du pays, on assiste au début des récoltes vertes de la saison A qui améliorent la consommation alimentaire des groupes analysés, notamment les ménages pauvres et les déplacés. En dépit des récoltes estimées inférieures à la normale, on s’attend à une légère amélioration des disponibilités locales et de l’accès des ménages aux denrées de base." +125259,29180.0,1620.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps']",en,56,[],"['Humanitarian Access', 'Displacement']",2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Gap-Supply-Demand-Contraceptive-Services-Northeast-Nigeria-Report.pdf,"The conflict continues to impact these areas. Between November 2018 and January 2019, 80,000 new IDPs were registered in Nigeria. Women and children made up 87 percent of the IDPs registered in that period. As of March 2019, 823,000 people were residing in areas where humanitarian organizations have no access." +272912,49818.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],fr,98,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.adiac-congo.com/content/famine-la-rdc-exposee-une-insecurite-alimentaire-aigue-124563,"A cause des dérèglements climatiques, des conflits, des zoonoses (maladies infectieuses transmissibles des animaux à l’homme) et des invasions ravageuses, sans oublier les chocs économiques, l’Afrique subsaharienne avait commencé à enregistrer des pertes majeures dans la production agricole tous les 2,5 ans en moyenne entre 2007 et 2016, précise la BM. Si l’on rajoute les effets pervers de la Covid-19, il devient aujourd’hui de plus en plus difficile d’avoir une croissance durable de la production alimentaire par habitant." +310035,51467.0,2335.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,70,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"In 34 counties, zero to 10 per cent of households reported using latrines. At the country level, open defecation is practiced by 73 per cent of the population. Regional access to sanitation varied greatly, from 75 per cent in Western Bahr el Ghazal to 8 per cent in Warrap, 9 per cent in Northern Bahr el Ghazal and 10 per cent in Jonglei." +146184,37548.0,1187.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,115,[],['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/policy_brief_cuidados_espanolv_190829.pdf,"Las trabajadoras de casas particulares deben gozar de licencia remunerada mientras que dure el aislamiento social preventivo, salvo las excepciones de asistencia a personas ma- yores aisladas o trabajadores de que no cuenten con otro apoyo en el cuidado. En ese caso, el empleador debe dar fe que necesita a la trabajadora y debe garantizar que ni los empleadores ni el grupo cercano estén expuesto a COVID-19. La Comisión Nacional en Trabajo en Casas Particulares dispuso fijar un incremento salarial de las remuneraciones horarias y mensuales. Además, están incluidas en el cobro del Ingreso Familiar de Emer- gencia cuando su grupo familiar cumpla con las condiciones socioeconómicas pertinentes." +453562,63976.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,58,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/burkina-faso/burkina-faso-le-secr-taire-g-n-ral-condamne-l-attaque-d-un-convoi-arbinda-et-s,"Le Secrétaire général condamne fermement l'attaque menée par des hommes armés non identifiés le 18 août contre un convoi à proximité de la ville d'Arbinda au Burkina Faso, où des dizaines de personnes ont été tuées et plusieurs autres blessées. Il présente ses condoléances aux familles des victimes et souhaite un prompt rétablissement aux blessés." +327908,55046.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],en,87,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_04_27%20USG%20Democratic%20Republic%20of%20the%20Congo%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%233.pdf,"As of April 27, health authorities had not recorded any new EVD cases in the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s (DRC) North Kivu Province since March 1, according to relief actors. Since the start of the 12th EVD Outbreak in North Kivu on February 7, the Government of the DRC (GoDRC) Ministry of Health has recorded 12 EVD cases—11 confirmed and one probable—in the province’s Biena, Butembo, Katwa, and Musienene health zones" +163050,37820.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,59,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/iom_rohingya_crisis_response_-_external_sitrep_-_july_2020.pdf,"IOM is continuing COVID -19 awareness raising efforts through information dissemination on proper hygiene practices, wearing mask, and maintaining social distance. In July 38, 023 people of which 74 percent were men and 26 percent women, received awareness messaging on COVID 19 form IOM DRR stakeholders in different Upazillas of COX’s Bazar" +116220,32967.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Environment'],es,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3648194,"El Gobierno declaró en emergencia, por 60 días, los distritos de Achoma, Yanque e Ichupampa, en la región Arequipa, que fueron afectados por un deslizamiento de tierra que interrumpió el cauce del río Colca." +236970,47221.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",['Context->Security & Stability'],es,58,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Desde el mes de octubre, al menos 512 personas (222 mujeres, 290 hombres y 390 niños, niñas y adolescentes), de las comunidades indígenas de Unión Cuity y Unión Cuity Central se encuentran en confinamiento por cuenta del control social que ejerce un grupo armado organizado (GAO) en el territorio." +236101,47122.0,2334.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,24,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"In the meantime, most nutrition activities have been suspended until Cluster specific guidance [SOP for the COVID-19 response] is developed." +313729,53333.0,2334.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,31,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Government has recruited and deployed more teachers, although information on the number and gender of newly recruited teachers was not readily available as at the time of this research." +90061,25213.0,1621.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Casualties->Injured', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,46,['At Risk'],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access', 'Casualties']",2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A_HRC_43_75_E.pdf,"Between 1 January and 30 November, the armed conflict resulted in 77 child casualties (35 deaths and 42 injured) from the use of indiscriminate weapons, including mortars, rockets, grenades, explosive remnants of war and airstrikes in civilian-populated areas." +339493,56380.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,93,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb4645es.pdf,"Entre los hogares agrícolas encuestados, se identificó una diferencia importante entre aquellos que dependen de la venta de cultivos comerciales (la mayoría, o el 69%, de los cuales no reportaron haber adoptado estrategias de supervivencia drásticas), aquellos que venden cultivos extensivos (de los cuales el 31% adoptó estrategias de crisis y 9% estrategias de emergencia) y los hogares ganaderos (de los cuales el 33% adoptó estrategias de crisis y 5% estrategias de emergencia)19(Figura 26)" +130344,30998.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,42,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Reporte%20Situacional%20Local%2C%20GIFMM%20Arauca%20%28Febrero%202020%29.pdf," Protección: >1.100 refugiados, migrantes y comunidad de acogida asistidos a través de espacios de apoyo y > de 590 niños refugiados y migrantes recibieron servicios especializados de protección infantil (prevención y respuesta a la violencia)." +327085,54267.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],fr,60,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Le plan d’investissement agricole de l’UEMOA est désormais mis en œuvre à travers les mêmes cadres politiques nationaux (Programmes nationaux d’investissement agricole et de sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle, PNIASAN) que ceux du plan de la CEDEAO et les deux politiques agricoles communes partagent le même mécanisme de coordination intersectorielle régionale." +275280,50662.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,89,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[July- December 2020, Cox's Bazar] WHO declared the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic on 11 March 2020. The first COVID-19 case was reported in the Cox’s Bazar district on 23 March 2020 in the host community, and on 14 May 2020 the first FDMN/Rohingya refugee was confirmed positive. As of 27 December 2020, the host community had 5,358 COVID-19 laboratory-confirmed positive cases (74% male and 26% female) from a total of 47977 tests conducted." +80499,22034.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],[],[],es,86,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/cuatro-reflexiones-del-primer-mes-del-campamento-humanitario-para-venezolanos-en-bogota/780,"Mientras tanto, los venezolanos siguen llegando al terminal de Bogotá. Ya no tienen la opción de quedarse en “El Bosque” ni en el campamento de la Alcaldía, y hogares de paso, como el de la Fundación de Atención al Migrante no tienen cupos. Los que no tienen ninguna opción diferente a esperar se quedan en los parques aledaños, limpian vidrios en los semáforos y venden dulces en las calles. Por ahora no hay soluciones para ellos." +194537,43830.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,40,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ntn24.com/america-latina/venezuela/ministro-de-colombia-aseguro-que-los-venezolanos-han-generado-problemas-de,"Asimismo, un juzgado colombiano aceptó la demanda del abogado venezolano Hernando Soto, que pidió mediante una tutela que se le obligue a la alcaldesa de Bogotá, Claudia López, a borrar dos trinos que considera xenófobos." +169902,40360.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Pull Factors']",fr,55,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Au cours de ce mois, les mouvements pendulaires des PDI estimés à 47 personnes ont été constatés dans la zone de la ville de Sebba vers les communes de Mansila, Boundoré, Solhan, Tankougounadié et Titabé. Ceux-ci se déplacent pour rendre visite à leurs familles restées sur place et reviennent." +287907,51049.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,84,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nw_syria_sitrep25_20210226.pdf,"[26 Feb, 2021, NWS] Despite the low learning outcomes due to the lack of capacities and available tools, distance learning is still taking place in most schools. This is due to there not being enough space to accommodate all the children to fully shift to physical learning only. Provision of support to education personnel and teacher incentives, internet provision and training for teaching and learning continue to be a top priority as this trend continues." +341810,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,55,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"De ce fait, plus les forces de sécurité se désengagent des zones d’insécurité, plus l’insécurité s’accentue et plus les groupes armés étendent leur influence sur la population. Cette situation a généré une crise de représentativité entre institutions publiques et citoyens qui vivent un malaise persistant." +291438,51259.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2020_access_annual_overview.pdf,"Active hostilities in Central Equatoria between the South Sudan People's Defense Forces/Sudan People's Liberation Army in Opposition and the National Salvation Front hindered the delivery of assistance to people in Kajo-keji, Lainya and Morobo counties." +162906,37781.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://tande.substack.com/p/syria-in-context-coronavirus-update-5cd,"Over the past week, the Syrian Ministry of Health registered more than 500 cases, raising the total number of confirmed cases to 2,365 by August 25. Thus far, 95 patients with confirmed infections died and 533 recovered, leaving 1,737 active cases" +306538,51572.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,27,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"WVI to involve the camp managers in the recruitment process of the CNVs [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]" +490425,67723.0,1234.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,20,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Trinidad and Tobago,2019-05-28 03:09:47.864552+00,,"Trinidad and Tobago’s borders remained closed during December, and COVID-19 infec(cid:415)on rates stabilized" +317226,53333.0,2334.0,[],[],[],en,59,[],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Cluster partners need to lobby warring parties, perhaps through a position paper, to enable adolescent girls, some of whom may have babies/ or be married/pregnant, to return and continue school safely without fear of violence, kidnapping and insecurity. These are issues which lead parents to stop their children from going to school." +341883,56644.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],es,110,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.sismamujer.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/MUJERES-DERECHOS-LABORALES-Y-EMERGENCIA-SANITARIA.docx.pdf,"Dentro de este grupo de mujeres, también encontramos algunas que desempeñan su trabajo dentro de sus hogares, pues esta es la única manera en la que pueden trabajar, al tiempo que desempeñar las labores de cuidado. Esto genera sobrecarga en estas mujeres, por lo que manifiestan presentar desgaste físico y emocional. Muchas de ellas manifiestan padecer o haber sufrido violencia intrafamiliar28. En el marco de la pandemia y ante los cierres por confinamiento, estas mujeres se vieron en la obligación de buscar otras alternativas de trabajo fuera de sus hogares, lo que les implicó dejar de lado sus iniciativas productivas." +182335,32493.0,1900.0,"['Livelihoods', 'Food Security', 'WASH']",[],[],es,106,[],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200622%20Resumen%20Semanal%20de%20Situaci%C3%B3n%2015-21%20de%20junio%202020.pdf,"HONDURAS El Banco Mundial aprobó un préstamo de 70 millones de dólares a Honduras para apoyar proyectos de acceso al agua en el Corredor Seco. El Gobierno de Honduras aporta 15 millones de dólares para respaldar los proyectos, que según el Banco Mundial beneficiarán a unas 7.660 familias. Además de mejorar el saneamiento, el riego de cultivos y el acceso al agua potable mediante la modernización de la infraestructura y la instalación de instalaciones de almacenamiento, tratamiento y distribución de agua, los proyectos también buscan estimular el crecimiento económico durante COVID-19 mediante la producción agrícola y la creación de empleos" +307040,51572.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,35,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Providing cluster support for the delivery on aluminium sulfate and chlorine in the 3 camps. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +473040,63732.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,23,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2f4004e6/REACH_BFA_Factsheet_Abri-AME-et-LTB_Pouytenga_juillet-2021.pdf,"A Yargo et dans le secteur 3, zone de l'abattoir, respectivement un IC a rapporté des problèmes de coexistence pacifique." +311295,54065.0,2170.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,84,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nenfss_round_9_final_report_11032021.pdf,"[1st Dec 2020,North-East Nigeria] Overall, less than 2% of children 6-23 months of age were fed the minimum acceptable diet in the 24 hours preceding the survey; 1.0% in Adamawa, 0.9% in Yobe and only 0.4% in Borno. By domain, in Central Borno and Southern Yobe none of the children were fed minimum acceptable diet while the domain with the highest proportion of children is Southern Borno with 2.6%." +149138,36019.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,47,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"The GoS continues to maintain a widespread easing of preventive measures introduced throughout May. However, in recent weeks, as additional clusters of reported cases have emerged, lockdowns have been imposed on Ras al-Ma’ara town and Jdaidit al-Fadel town in Rural Damascus" +39376,13671.0,729.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,109,[],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_libya_en_05_may.pdf,"Armed conflict continued along established frontlines during the reporting period, with armed clashes and the use of rockets/artillery and airstrikes reported in Ain Zara, Wadi Al Rabei and Khilat Al Firjan districts as well as continued engagements around Yarmouk Camp, the Al Twaisha area south of Tripoli International Airport and Al Zatarnah area southeast of Tarhouna. However no armed conflict incidents impacting civilians or residential areas were reported. To date, 102 civilian casualties have been verified by the Health Sector, including 23 civilian deaths . These include four health workers killed, with one other doctor injured, since hostilities commenced." +386127,60459.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,144,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"L’augmentation plus que habituelle de la demande, renforcée par des prélèvements supplémentaires de stocks de maïs par les brasseries et unités industrielles de volailles, entraine des hausses de prix aux consommateurs. Au mois de mai les hausses étaient de 40 pour cent pour le maïs, 21 pour cent pour le mil et 20 pour cent pour le sorgho par rapport à l’année passée à la même période. Par rapport à la moyenne quinquennale, les hausses sont de 25 pour cent pour le maïs, 20 pour cent pour le mil et 7 pour cent pour le sorgho. Dans les milieux urbains en particulier, les prix des légumes, de la viande et du poisson connaissent aussi des hausses entre 15 et 20 pour cent par rapport à l’année passée." +40770,11933.0,729.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)']",en,78,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Information And Communication']",Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SitRep_Libya_EN_19%20April.pdf,"Armed clashes and indiscriminate shelling continue to impact multiple locations in and around Tripoli. On the night of 18 April shelling was reported on Ain Zara, Souq al-Juma’a and Tajoura districts, east of Tripoli, and grad rockets were reported in the Abuselim, Al-Hadba and Qasr Bin Ghasheer areas, south of Tripoli. Unconfirmed reports of damage to some civilian houses have been received as a result of the shelling." +323108,54815.0,2099.0,['Logistics'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Context->Environment', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",en,14,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,Flooding also poses challenges to mobility by rendering many roads and bridges impassable. +313637,53333.0,2334.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,26,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"NFI needs, especially uniforms, shoes, school bags and clothes, were reported as necessary for adolescent girls to return or continue with school" +325798,54267.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,63,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"En raison du faible accès au crédit bancaire formel, le recours aux arrangements informels tels que les emprunts auprès de la famille et des amis reste prédominant. 21 pour cent des adultes interrogés dans le cadre de l’enquête Finscope n’utilisent que des mécanismes informels. [(MAP, FinScope et FinMark Trust, 2017)]" +239098,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,25,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Loss of remittances, loss of livelihood opportunities in places of return and loss of family support networks all add to returnees’ vulnerability." +220660,45655.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"For critical cases, of 111 beds planned there are currently 93 available (84 per cent of planned, up from 77 per cent), although some are without a ventilator. In terms of capacity and coverage, there remain significant gaps, particularly in Deir-Ez-Zor, Qamishli, Menbij, and Tabqa." +63459,18412.0,1386.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,96,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,,"Entre 2017 y 2018, fallecieron 11 niños y adolescentes que se dializaban en el Hospital Infantil J.M. de los Ríos por una infección bacteriana en los tanques de agua y filtros de las unidades6. Entre 2016 y 2018, también fallecieron 147 niños y niñas por la bacteria Serratia Marcescens en el Hospital Pediátrico Dr. Agustín Zubillaga del estado Lara7. De igual modo, entre diciembre de 2017 y febrero de 2018, se denunció la muerte de 112 recién nacidos en la Maternidad Santa Ana de Caracas por bacteria Klebsiella Pneumoniae8" +341990,56493.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,53,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"« Qu’on le veuille ou pas, les Koglwéogo ont fait du bon travail dans l'Est. Mais ceux de Yirgou, Arbinda, Barga (Village de Ouahigouya) ont commis des crimes en toute impunité. Il y a aussi le pillage des animaux par les VDP. »" +285119,50882.0,2466.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,48,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/ipc_sudan_acute_food_insecurity_projection_update_2020octdec_report_1.pdf,"[Recommendation For Action] Urgent actions are required to save the lives and livelihoods of populations estimated in Emergency (IPC Phase 4), as well as protect the livelihoods and reduce food consumption gaps for populations estimated in Crisis (IPC Phase 3)." +305698,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,34,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,Either has conflict sensitivity implications for agencies managing these sites and requires careful management to avoid placing IDPs and nearby communities at increased risk of escalating violence or pressuring involuntary or unsafe returns. +193932,43327.0,2099.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,30,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_sectoriel_octobre.pdf,Les analyses du secteur de santé dégagent une augmentation des besoins des personnes déplacées et des communautés hôtes en ce qui concerne l’accès aux services de santé. +305347,51474.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"In Unity, the security situation was defined by inter-Nuer conflict in the areas of Koch, Leer, Mayendit and Rubkona, as well as by cross-border and inter-ethnic tension involving communities in Unity and neighbouring Warrap and Lakes." +164474,39777.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,40,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/grandi-concludes-syria-visit-pledge-maintain-assistance-most-vulnerable,"The High Commissioner visited Dweir quarantine center where UNHCR and humanitarian actors have improved hygiene facilities, repaired patient rooms, provided equipment such as beds, mattresses and sheets and expanded capacity to accommodate up to 3,000 individuals." +386798,60459.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,88,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"Une minorité de ménages dans les chefs-lieux qui n’ont pas eu accès à l’assistance humanitaire et qui ne bénéficient pas des récoltes des ménages hôtes ainsi que quelques ménages plus pauvres dans les zones frontalières les plus touchés par l’insécurité, qui n’ont pas les moyens de se déplacer et qui ne peuvent pas s’engager dans l’agriculture resteront en insécurité alimentaire d’Urgence (Phase 4 de l’IPC). (scenario)" +161549,39295.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,106,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,"COVID-19 prevention needs: o Cleaning of education facilities that are accessible to children and/or adults again. o Clean WASH facilities in schools (in coordination with WASH cluster). o Hygiene and basic health sensitisation at home, printed and/or through social media in coordination with Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) efforts. o Continued physical re-planning of school infrastructure, especially in camps, taking into consideration adequate physical distancing and to prevent large gatherings of children. o Maintain adjusted modalities for education services (classes etc.) to incorporate physical distancing and prevent large gatherings." +325769,54267.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Dans une moindre mesure, les transformateurs artisanaux de céréales approvisionnent les restaurants informels ainsi que les usines de transformation industrielle telles que la Société industrielle de manufacture de l’Afrique de l’Ouest, qui produit de la semoule pour la compagnie nationale de brasserie (BRAKINA) et les cafétérias scolaires." +206421,44672.0,2336.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,35,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Abu Dhabi launched a donation programme to support the fight against Covid-19. It will put collected funds towards medical and educational aid and food supplies and anything else that will benefit the community. +386816,60459.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"Entre octobre et janvier, l’offre de produits agricoles connaitra une amélioration avec les nouvelles récoltes. Néanmoins, l’approvisionnement restera en-dessous de la normale du fait de la baisse des productions au niveau local. Ainsi, les prix des denrées de base pourraient se maintenir légèrement au-dessus de la moyenne quinquennale pendant la période.(scenario)" +70628,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],[],en,103,[],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"Media reports indicate a level of xenophobia may exist towards this population and unfounded rumours of looting by members of this population on Abaco had been spread via social media sites with discriminatory comments. Journalists and activists have reported fear among Haitians living in the Bahamas, some of whom have arrived illegally, that they will be deported. Others who have Bahamian nationality, but who have lost official documents in the storm, also fear deportation. Concerns have been raised by expatriate communities related to requests to present documentation as part of the intake process in shelters." +343249,45764.0,2332.0,['WASH'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,172,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/0004_202008_rrm_msa_rapport_final_wolirom.pdf,"En plus du taux (15%) de diarrhée chez les enfants de moins de 5 ans, 12 personnes adultes disent avoir fait une diarrhée couleur eau de riz au cours des 48h précédant l’évaluation. Il faut préciser que les référence des personnes ont été noté par l’équipe de l’évaluation. Ceci doit alerter la communauté humanitaire car le risque d’épidémies de maladies hydriques est imminent, sachant que la défécation à l’air libre bat son plein et qu’avec la saison pluvieuse, la situation risque de s’empirer. En tout, on remarque que seulement 27% de ces ménages ont accès à des latrines alors que, lors de l’évaluation, nous n’avons vu aucune latrine sur le site. En outre, la défécation à l’air libre est visible partout, parsemant le site et, même, juste à 20m après le dernier abri." +22047,8988.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Education']",[],[],en,53,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/67894.pdf,"Refugees and migrants represent 38% of the targeted population (233,000 out of 552,000 persons). Key humanitarian needs in Libya are related to protection, including access to critical services such as healthcare and education, safe drinking water and sanitation and access to basic household goods and commodities." +157825,38137.0,2098.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,86,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cxb_education_covid_response_reaching_every_learner_final.pdf,"The Government of Bangladesh has restricted access to Information Communication Technology (ICT) in the Rohyinga refugee camps. While there is on-going advocacy for the need for internet access during this crisis, this is not certain and currently accessibility to digital resources are almost non-existent. While there exists a number of online platforms for teachers and students, most are not guided by a comprehensive learning framework, and not directly linked to standard curricular delivery for both learners and teachers." +221966,45410.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,59,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,[La région du Lac dans la Zone 8 - « Zone ouest agropastorale et de pêche » ]:Cette tendance des prix s’explique par la bonne production de mil en cours facilitant le renouvellement des stocks alimentaires des ménages hôtes. Ceci limite significativement leur dépendance par rapport au marché pour leur consommation alimentaire. +494351,67226.0,2225.0,['Shelter'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,200,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ETT-%20NORD%20KIVU_Masisi%20centre_rapport%20_73.pdf,"La plupart des déplacés vivent dans des familles d’accueil, mais un nombre non encore connu se réfugie la nuit dans les centres collectifs, notamment à l’école primaire IMARA, l’Université Polyvalente du Kivu (UPK), l’Église catholique PAROISSE MATER DEI, l’école primaire KILIMANI. Les conditions de vie dans les centres collectifs sont déplorables et il est nécessaire que les ménages déplacés soient relocalisés au plus vite. Les autorités locales, en collaboration avec la synergie de mouvement de Population de Masisi, ont déjà identifié un espace de deux hectares à Mutiri près de Kisoko pour la relocalisation des ménages déplacés vivant dans les centres collectifs. Ce processus de relocalisation sera effectué par les autorités en coordination avec les gestionnaires des centres collectifs. Cependant, les informateurs clés rapportent un manque criant d’abris. En termes d’Articles Ménagers Essentiels (AME), la majorité des nouveaux arrivés a un besoin pressant en couvertures, draps, supports de couchage et ustensiles de cuisine. Ils ont pour le moment recours à la générosité des familles hôtes" +216618,45416.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,44,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,92% des enseignants sont qualifiés avec diplôme d’Etat par contre 8% ont le niveau de D4 et D6. 7% ne sont pas mécanisés et ne reçoivent aucune rémunération – ni le salaire ni la prime de parents. +48547,12622.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Socio Cultural'],es,80,['At Risk'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LIBRO%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20las%20necesidades%20insatisfechas%20SSR%20y%20Migrantes%20Venezolanos%20-%20Digital.pdf,"Ciudad de Arauca (Arauca) La migración por parte de población migrante venezolana ha sido constante en este municipio en los últimos años. Durante el trabajo de campo se identificaron importantes formas de organización comunitaria de esta población en algunos barrios que se han ido construyendo como resultado del asentamiento. No obstante, la característica del fenómeno migratorio es pendular, motivada por la búsqueda de oportunidades laborales, de víveres y de servicios de salud." +177972,41869.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,29,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2020/10/5/covid-19-syria-hospital,"(GoS 05/10/2020) affordability issue regarding test: a test would have cost him 126,000 Syrian pounds ($246), more than his monthly salary." +494346,67226.0,2225.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,40,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ETT-%20NORD%20KIVU_Masisi%20centre_rapport%20_73.pdf,"ATTAQUES DE GROUPES ARMÉS / 10 juin 2021 à nos jours / NORD-KIVU, Masisi, Bashali, Bashali Kaembe / 31 938 INDIVIDUS DÉPLACÉS / 11 108 HOMMES DÉPLACÉS /6 943 MÉNAGES DÉPLACÉS / 20 830 FEMMES DEPLACÉES /" +382653,59706.0,1187.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,49,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/HFS_ReporteNarrativo_ARG_1S2020.pdf,"Un 74% de las personas manifestaron que al menos un familiar permaneció en Venezuela, o en otros países, por la falta de fondos (79%), razones de edad avanzada (27%) o por razones de salud (10%)." +115052,30166.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],es,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://col.jrs.net/es/noticias/jrs-colombia-continua-acompanando-dos-comunidades-indigenas-yukpa-durante-la-crisis-de-covid-19/,Durante esta semana se confirmó que uno de los habitantes de esta comunidad presentaba síntomas relacionados con el Coronavirus. Una situación que fue abordada por las autoridades locales con los debidos procedimientos de aislamiento y protección para los demás miembros de la comunidad. +157589,38893.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,67,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/humanitarian_collaboration_and_coordination_in_bangladesh_2nd_draft_12_july_2020_kazi_hg.pdf,"▪ GBV awareness and sensitization through targeted information, education and communication (IEC) and social and behavioral communication change (SBCC) materials on prevention, risk mitigation and response. Virtual/alternate modalities of communications are highly recommended. ▪ GBV risk mitigation activities targeted towards key population (sex workers, transgender) with first priority to the ones without shelter or home." +155271,38385.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Protection']",[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,87,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/R4V%20Flash%20Update%20Colombia%20-%20Situaci%C3%B3n%20de%20refugiados%20y%20migrantes%20provenientes%20de%20Venezuela%20ante%20COVID-19%2C%20Julio%2028%20al%20Agosto%2031%2C%202020.pdf,"El Gobierno Nacional, a través del Decreto 1168 del 25 de agosto, anunció la extensión de la Declaratoria de Emergencia Sanitaria por COVID-19 hasta el 30 de noviembre, así como el inicio del Aislamiento Selectivo a partir del 1° de septiembre, medida que contempla restricciones específicas en actividades que generen aglomeración de personas2 . En el mismo documento se evidencia que todos los pasos fronterizos terrestres, marítimos y fluviales de Colombia se mantendrán cerrados hasta el próximo 01 de octubre 20203 ." +289658,52074.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Politics'],en,98,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,"On 31 October 2019, the President of the United States issued a decision to terminate Cameroon’s status as a beneficiary of the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) stating that the reason for doing so was, “That the Government of Cameroon currently engages in gross violations of internationally recognized human rights.” The same decision added, “Cameroon has failed to address concerns regarding persistent human rights violations being committed by Cameroonian security forces. These violations include extrajudicial killings, arbitrary and unlawful detention, and torture.”" +183354,42586.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,22,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-bangladesh-sees-1586-new-cases-14-deaths/59384,"[23rd Oct 2020, Bangladesh] Across the country, 12,111 people are now in isolation and 39,968 in quarantine." +326938,54714.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,"[WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE (WASH) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)]98% of IDP settlement and 92% of non-IDP settlement households found with a WASH Living Standard Gaps (LSG)." +303672,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Much of South Sudan’s productive capacity and infrastructure have been destroyed during years of conflict, which has hampered private investment and economic growth" +194583,43822.0,2311.0,['Cross'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,40,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19112020_flash_update_no.3_emergencias_por_ola_invernal_-_colombia_vf.pdf,"La emergencia humanitaria causada por esta amenaza de inundación ubica a la población de estos territorios en situación de doble y triple afectación, debido a las condiciones existentes de amenaza por conflicto armado en la zona y COVID-|19." +114811,32498.0,1898.0,['Cross'],[],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],es,55,[],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://www.efe.com/efe/america/sociedad/una-caravana-recorre-washington-para-pedir-residencia-migrantes-con-el-tps/20000013-4280420,"TRABAJADORES ESENCIALES, EN UN LIMBO Más de 131.000 de los beneficiarios de TPS han sido trabajadores esenciales durante la pandemia de COVID-19, ya fuera como empleados sanitarios o en tareas de procesamiento de alimentos, reparaciones o limpieza, según cálculos de abril de la organización progresista Centro para el Progreso Americano." +485693,65398.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,106,['Impact'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Una encuesta del Instituto de Opinión Pública de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (2019) precisó que, del total de encuestados peruanos, el 45 % menciona estar de acuerdo o muy de acuerdo con la afirmación de que las personas venezolanas son poco confiables y deshonestas, mientras que el 37 % está en desacuerdo con esta idea. El 55,6 % está de acuerdo o muy de acuerdo en que los venezolanos se dedican a actividades delictivas en Perú. Además, el 75,7 % está de acuerdo en afirmar que los venezolanos le quitan el trabajo a los peruanos." +496947,60104.0,1187.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,83,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,"https://www.unicef.org/argentina/media/11626/file/Impacto%20de%20la%20pandemia%20en%20la%20educaci%C3%B3n%20de%20ni%C3%B1as,%20ni%C3%B1os%20y%20adolescentes.pdf","Finalmente, en lo que respecta al acceso a recursos TIC en los hogares, la Cuarta Encuesta Rápida muestra que el 47% de los hogares con niñas, niños y adolescentes no cuentan en su hogar con una computadora o tableta que pueda ser destinada a la realización de tareas escolares. Se trata de algo más de 3 millones de hogares que están en esta condición, en los cuales residen casi 6 millones de niños, niñas y adolescentes" +270402,49943.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,126,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"¿Cómo impacta la pandemia en la pérdida de empleo en los hogares? Como se indicó anteriormente, uno de los principales problemas de la pandemia es la pérdida del empleo o del trabajo por cuenta propia, debido a las restricciones en la circulación. Esto puede observarse en el gráfico 8, donde el 66% de los encuestados indicaron que perdieron el empleo, y el 42,4% indicaron que otro miembro del hogar perdió el empleo. Estas proporciones fueron algo mayor en Colombia (77,2% y 51,2%) y Perú (75,2% y 53,5%) y menor en República Dominicana (43,3% y 29,9%) y Paraguay (47,8% y 35,8%)." +152349,38139.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,26,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cox-s-bazar-sitrep-17.pdf,"• A total of 3425 COVID-19 positive cases have been reported in Cox’s Bazar district, of which 75 in the Rohingya camps." +161562,39295.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,48,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,"Due to shortage of masks in the market, there is a need to enhance the local procurement and production of fabric masks in the field. This should be done in line with the COVID-19 taskforce recommendations and WHO’s global guidelines for mask usage." +161539,39295.0,2028.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,26,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,"As of 30 August, five functioning RCs have responded by hosting 3,732 IDPs, including the provision of food, shelter and WASH services." +216599,45416.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,49,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,"La province du Sud-Kivu est celle qui présente le plus grand nombre d’alertes avec 271 alertes enregistrées. La province du Tanganyika enregistre 53 alertes, puis celle de l’Ituri 29 alertes et enfin la province du Nord- Kivu qui a 18 alertes enregistrées." +327647,54714.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,80,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,"[WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE (WASH) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] The highest percentage of households per WASH LSG severity score, per population group for IDP settlement was 60% for severe and lowest was 1% for no or minimal. Similarly highest percentage of households per WASH LSG severity score, per population group for Non-IDP settlement was 57% for severe and lowest was 3% for no or minimal." +125718,31803.0,1183.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77205.pdf,"Agua y saneamiento Con respecto al acceso al agua, el 85.9% de los encuestados tiene servicio de acueducto y el 70.5% tiene agua potable." +192641,43304.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,76,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Ce contre coup subi par le commerce extérieur peut entrainer une baisse d’approvisionnement en intrants et autres facteurs de production au niveau des entreprises qui subiront de facto un recul de productivité et de performances pouvant les contraindre à s’ajuster à une conjoncture défavorable à travers la réduction de la main-d’œuvre soit en termes de baisse des salaires, soit en termes de licenciements partiels ou total du personnel." +474589,65021.0,1185.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,91,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"The use of preventive measures, such as the lockdown of main economic activities, had a major impact on food shops and markets. In fact, 46% of migrants interviewed stated that they can rely only on few food shops. Only half (50%) are found to be always open, while 4% reported a full closure. Ecuador reported the highest closure of food shops/markets (52%) followed by Peru (47%) and Colombia (40%)." +182592,42252.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,62,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2020_29Oct2020_FINAL.pdf,"[27th October 2020, NES Syria] As of 27 October, authorities in Northeast Syria (NES) have reported 4,164 cases (2,756 in Al-Hasakeh, 587 in Aleppo, 757 in Ar-Raqqa, and 64 in Deir-ez-Zor), including 112 fatalities and 672 recoveries. Healthcare workers have also been affected, with 435 reported cases." +496904,60104.0,1187.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,60,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,"https://www.unicef.org/argentina/media/11626/file/Impacto%20de%20la%20pandemia%20en%20la%20educaci%C3%B3n%20de%20ni%C3%B1as,%20ni%C3%B1os%20y%20adolescentes.pdf","En mayo 2021 la Encuesta Rápida registra nuevamente un crecimiento en el porcentaje de hogares que han experimentado reducción de ingresos (56%), valores que resultan levemente inferiores a los observados un año atrás al inicio de la pandemia y del cierre de la actividad económica (en abril de 2020 había alcanzado 60%)." +405276,63249.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,32,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=245244,"[August 14, GoS] The Health Ministry announced on Saturday that 45 new coronavirus cases were recorded, adding that 17 coronavirus patients recovered, while 2 passed away." +188079,31209.0,1900.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,21,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20North%20of%20Central%20America%20Situation%20Fact%20Sheet%20May%202020.pdf,UNHCR partner Jóvenes contra la Violencia in Honduras is supporting efforts to monitor violence in communities while disseminating COVID-19 prevention information +215912,44941.0,2331.0,['Health'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,28,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/somalia_health_cluster_bulletin_december_2019.pdf,"Between 2018 and 2019, WHO’s Surveillance System for Attacks on Healthcare documented at total of 9 verified cases of attacks on healthcare in Somalia." +318975,53305.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Health', 'Education', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,70,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Five counties are recorded as having 16 or more hazardous areas and are considered catastrophic. The majority are located in the Equatorias, which are projected as being the main conduit and location for returns from Uganda. These hazards impact the ability of civilians to access basic services, such as education and health, and natural resources, including water and land, reducing coping mechanisms." +411213,63842.0,2028.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,44,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210823_OCHA%20Syria_Dar%27a%20Flash%20Update-3_FINAL.pdf,"[23 AUG, Dar'a] Over 38,600 IDPs are officially registered by SARC in and around Dar’a city as of 17 August. This includes almost 15,000 women, over 3,200 men and elderly and over 20,400 children." +313319,53795.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,152,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"(Sahel, Centre, Centre-Nord, Nord, Est) Il ressort de cette analyse que la province du Kadiogo (région du Centre) est la plus déficitaire (pas d’enregistrement de réponse) mais hors des six (6) régions de la réponse humanitaire, suivi par la province de Soum (Sahel) qui a enregistrée un GAP de 50% contre 58% le mois dernier, la Gnagna (96% de GAP), la Tapoa (96%), le Namentenga (59%), le Yagha (96%) et le Passoré (98%). D’une manière générale les GAP sont plus remarquables que ceux observés le mois passé, respectivement dans les régions du Centre-Nord et le Nord. Notons que le Sahel et l’Est restent les plus déficitaires." +239471,46388.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,70,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Shockingly, 5.5 million people are now in emergency levels of food insecurity– the second highest number of people in the world – and are at immediate risk of sliding into a catastrophic situation without support. These recent projections show a sharp increase from the June 2020 figures which were already at elevated levels with 33 per cent of the population in IPC 3 and 4 food insecurity." +310306,53177.0,2466.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,59,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Sudan%20Multi-Sectoral%20Location%20Assessment_South%20Kordofan.pdf,"Over 52 per cent of the villages, however, do not have any health facilities available in their location – 54 per cent without available pharmacies. Although it is dependent on the medical service needed, many of the medical care facilities charge the cost of medication (26) and not the full medical fees." +386805,60459.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"Les principales sources de revenus des ménages proviennent principalement de la vente de produits maraichers, de l’orpaillage, de la vente d’animaux et des transferts monétaires reçus des acteurs humanitaires." +413053,63958.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,12,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/colombia/natural-hazards-monitoring-23-august-2021,In total 6 homes are at risk and 1 home was destroyed +287415,51638.0,2099.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],fr,244,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20_FEVRIER%202021_SAHEL.pdf,"(Sahel) Le constat est que de nombreuses zones restent toujours à risque dans la Région à cause de la précarité de la situation sécuritaire. Ces zones à risque sont les villages qui sont confrontés au problème d’accès et où les mouvements d’aller et de venir sont assez difficiles, voire impossibles et des villages susceptibles d’être affectés par les activités des GANI. Les zones à risque identifiées pendant cette période sous rapport dans la province du Seno sont la commune de Gorgadji et certains villages tels que Lamdamol, Demniol et Lelly. Dans la province du Yagha, toutes les communes sont des zones à risque même Sebba qui semble être plus sécurisée que les autres. La province du Soum reste une zone à risque d’insécurité. En effet, certains villages et les autres communes surtout celles frontalières reçoivent sans cesse des visites des groupes armés terroristes. Dans l’Oudalan, les zones à risque identifiées pendant cette période sont les villages de Douman, Tasmakat, Balliatta, Fourkoussou, Petelkochia Gosey-site et Boukaré dans la commune de Gorom-Gorom et dans la commune de Markoye Insallatin et Goungam. Les zones de Deou, et Tinakof sont toujours des communes difficilement accessibles et à risque. Par conséquent, l’accès et la réponse humanitaire dans ces zones demeurent toujours très complexes et difficiles." +230064,46693.0,2335.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,13,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"23,370 mt of food and nutrition assistance distributed* [by WFP]" +159593,39148.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,37,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_july2020_ne_nigeria.pdf,"238 MH patients with their care givers were supported with COVID-19 PSS counselling during routing MH outreaches in Jere, Mafa, MMC and Gwoza LGA on basic information on COVID-19, and standard precautionary measures." +236067,47122.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,25,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"70% (2,751 persons; 415 households) of the displaced are from the NW and the remaining 30% from the SW region" +341730,56493.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,60,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"C’est aussi le cas des actes pris pour exproprier ou créer des zones de pâturage. La création de zones de pâturage non assortie de l’interdiction pour les agriculteurs d’occuper ces zones est source de tensions ultérieures entre les communautés, car des conflits ultérieurs peuvent naitre de cette insuffisance de la réglementation." +199064,44171.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],fr,82,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.lemonde.fr/afrique/article/2020/10/26/au-burkina-faso-les-deplaces-sont-les-grands-oublies-des-elections-de-novembre_6057413_3212.html,"Mais l’exclusion d’une partie des électeurs menace de bouleverser l’échiquier politique local et de poser problème en termes de légitimité des élus.« On va se retrouver dans certaines provinces avec des députés élus par une poignée d’électeurs. Comment pourront-ils représenter le reste de la population ? », pointe M. Sawadogo. De quoi renforcer ce dangereux sentiment de marginalisation, le même qui est instrumentalisé par les groupes armés pour recruter" +261637,49368.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://humvenezuela.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Caminates-de-ida-y-vuelta-2021.pdf,"La misma fuente informó que desde fines de noviembre de 2020 comenzaron a identificar más grupos familiares que llegan en condiciones muy precarias y sin recursos. Los NNA suelen presentar enfermedades respiratorias y niveles de desnutrición considerables. Ya para diciembre el SJR registran el ingreso de al menos 40 NNA por día, que parecían ser los hijos de personas que habían retornado y ahora regresaban con sus hijos1" +2621,520.0,321.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Economy'],en,50,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://www.amnesty.org/en/countries/middle-east-and-north-africa/libya/report-libya/,"The conflict had a devastating impact on civilians, cutting or severely curtailing their access to food, health care, education, electricity, fuel and water supplies, and causing many to be displaced from their homes. Economic collapse left many struggling to support their families." +61286,18235.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,63,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"Many refugees and migrants interviewed for this assessment consistently described how food was either unavailable or unaffordable in their country of origin. One indigenous woman coming from a rural area interviewed in Barranquilla, for instance, explained that she had decided to leave Venezuela with her children after several people in her village died as a consequence of severe malnutrition." +166348,33628.0,1234.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Context->Environment']",en,80,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],UNHCR Trinidad and Tobago,2019-05-28 03:09:47.864552+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3556173,"The Honourable Colm Imbert, Minister of Finance met with Mr. Gianpiero Leoncini, Director Representative of CAF Development Bank of Latin America yesterday, 5th March, 2020, at the Ministry of Finance, for the signing of a Non-Reimbursable Technical Cooperation agreement, finalising CAF’s pledge of nearly half a million US dollars towards the creation of a Flood Management Master Plan to address the nation’s perennial challenges with drainage and flooding." +294563,51749.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,90,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[commune de Ouargaye] En termes démographiques, et comme précisé dans le tableau n°01 « Démographie des communes enquêtées » entre 268 et 571 ménages sont arrivés au cours de l’année 2020 soit une augmentation de 4 à 8% de la population. Ces PDI viennent de la commune de Soudougui qui se trouve tout comme Ouargaye dans la province du Koulpélogo. Le nombre de PDI arrivant dans la commune de Ouargaye a eu tendance à se réduire lors des trois derniers mois." +46575,16136.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Food Security', 'WASH']",[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,55,[],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/echo_-nf_bud_2019_91000_v2.pdf,"Access to food, water, sanitation and hygiene can also become important needs for newly affected people in areas exposed to the conflict. Protection and psychosocial assistance are also required. Coordination with stabilization/reconstruction actors that have received significant funding should be improved further through the operationalization of an effective HumanitarianDevelopment Nexus." +236227,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,62,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"As poverty or financial stress were cited as the most frequent cause of behaviour change — particularly for vulnerable, non-displaced households at 71 per cent - this creates potential for a vicious cycle in which feelings of distress and inability to find work become mutually reinforcing. This risk was particularly high among households headed by people with a disability." +346169,56952.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,76,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20monitoreo%20enero-marzo%202021%20-%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20vers%C3%B3n%20final.pdf,"El período monitoreado presenta una disminu- ción de las personas que cuentan con la posibili- dad de vivir en una casa (octubre – diciembre de 2020: 76.90%, porcentaje actual: 69.50%). Tam- bién subió el porcentaje de personas que viven en asentamientos informales, porque se pasó de un 7.20% de la población en el trimestre pasado a un 15.80% en el período del presente informe." +493945,67712.0,1224.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"Education is a fundamental right of every boy, girl, and adolescents without restrictions due to their migratory status or origin in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Panama, and Peru." +325876,55012.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],es,128,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"De acuerdo con la curva epidémica de los casos con base en la fecha de inicio de síntomas se observa que entre el 4 y 5 de enero hubo el mayor pico de casos, es así como en esa semana se alcanzaron 129.742 casos reportados. En relación con los casos activos por fecha de reporte, se evidenció incremento desde inicios de diciembre, mostrando un mayor reporte de casos activos entre el 16 y el 24 de enero tiempo en el que se reportaron más de 120 mil casos activos/día, cifra que muestra un descenso a partir del 15 de febrero y hasta el 9 de marzo con 30.731, cuando inicia incremento la fecha actual con un reporte de 106.482 casos activos." +415862,64108.0,1185.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Demography'],es,108,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Para el año 2020, el RMRP recoge una situación que ya había sido advertida por el CDH UCAB desde fines de 2019, en un trabajo publicado con la Universidad del Pacífico en cuanto al cambio de perfil de la población venezolana que estaba llegando a Perú. Al respecto, el RMRP 2020 sostiene que “El perfil de las personas refugiadas y migrantes de Venezuela que llegan al país ha cambiado, de personas adultas predominantemente solteras a familias con niñas y niños pequeños, con recursos económicos muy limitados, así como altos niveles de niñas y niños no acompañados y separados” ." +317167,53333.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods', 'Shelter']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Women`s groups underscored sexual abuse, unwanted pregnancies and child marriages as key challenges facing adolescents and also added others as lacking food, unemployment, lack of shelter and child labour." +63170,18642.0,1386.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,27,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://transparencia.org.ve/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/EPE-II-Sector-Agua.pdf,"Importantes sectores de la población de estados como Amazonas, Apure, Barinas, Portuguesa, Cojedes y Monagas, no cuentan con sistemas de acueducto." +327088,54714.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,56,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,[HEALTH LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 41% of Households of IDP settlements have not been able to access healthcare facilities in the six months prior to data collection while 45% of Households of IDP settlements have been able to access healthcare facilities in the six months prior to data collection. +192055,42659.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,80,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_175.pdf,"Des matériels, équipements et intrants ont été livrés aux différents piliers de la riposte et autres structures : commission point d’entrée (50 thermo flashs, 50 combinaison à usage unique, 50 lunette de protection, 50 bonnets, 500 gants d’examen, 50 paires de botte, 100 tabliers de protection), section sécurité (800 masques chirurgicaux, 100 gel hydoalcoolique, 50 chasubles et 200 écrans de protection)." +172871,40057.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH', 'Shelter', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,116,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_15_sep_2020_report.pdf,"The reporting period of 1st to 15th September 2020, saw more emphasis laid on the mobilization and coordination of humanitarian response to the newly displaced persons within Bolori II, Gongulong, Kessa Kura and Magumeri LGA received in the month of August. The BAY states, continue to register a steady increase in humanitarian needs due to new and multiple displacements as a result of insecurity and seasoned natural disaster occurrences such as windstorm/rain damages and flooding in IDP camps and camp-like settings. The increase in insecurity additionally continues to hinder access to assistance by vulnerable populations in need of food , water, health and shelter for their basic survival." +186906,41080.0,1184.0,"['Nutrition', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,113,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000119627.pdf,"Los AFCs requieren de oportunidades para mejorar su producción y sus ingresos, así como diversidad de su producción para su propio consumo. Por su dependencia de intermediarios para acceder a los mercados, reciben sólo un pequeño porcentaje del precio de venta final. Respecto a la falta de oportunidades económicas, para los AFCs y los demás grupos poblacionales en las zonas rurales, la tasa de pobreza es más del doble que en la población urbana de Ecuador. Con un poder de compra bajo, el porcentaje de la población que no tendría acceso económico a la dieta nutritiva es del 54% en las zonas rurales." +115504,31694.0,1898.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']",[],[],es,86,[],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UN_Situation%20Report%2011_COVID19_del%2003%20al%2015%20JUN_2020.pdf,Respuesta Nacional: • Gobierno recibió cargamento de 1.500 toneladas métricas de alimentos para distribución a través del Programa de Emergencia Sanitaria (PES) que continua en fase 2 de entrega domiciliar de paquetes alimentarios. • Entrega cestas solidarias a familias afectadas por COVID-19 y TT Amanda /Cristóbal. • Realizó transferencia por $116.7 millones a las alcaldías para ayudar a personas afectadas por ambas emergencias. • Ministerio de Gobernación y Desarrollo Territorial (MIGODT) continúa gestionando ayuda para brindar asistenc +425285,64521.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,30,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syrianobserver.com/news/69287/daily-covid19-cases-exceed-1000-in-northern-syria.html,"[31 AUG, Northern Syria] One case has passed away, according to the Early Warning Network. However, the number of PCR tests reached 2,732." +160827,38029.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syriadirect.org/news/mapping-coronavirus-in-syria-unofficial-cases-and-hot-spots/,"There are approximately 30 cases the al-Shahba region in Aleppo. The al-Shahba region is populated by 200,000 people, mostly IDPs from Afrin, and has limited access to adequate healthcare facilities." +188369,42876.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Reporte_Situacional_Arauca_Agosto_VF.pdf,"El Terminal de Trasportes de Arauca se prepara para su reapertura. Para ello, la administración de la terminal debe inscribir, articular y radicar los protocolos documentales ante las entidades competentes, tanto en el municipio como en el departamento" +438338,64539.0,1185.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,20,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Entre las familias que tuvieron dificultades, el 18.5% reportó que su nacionalidad fue inconveniente para la inscripción." +311297,54065.0,2170.0,['Nutrition'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,124,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nenfss_round_9_final_report_11032021.pdf,"[1st Dec 2020,North-East Nigeria] The proportion of women of reproductive age meeting minimum dietary diversity was highest in Adamawa (62.3%) followed by Borno (47.9%) and Yobe (46.6%). Of the ten food groups assessed, the mean number consumed during the day preceding the survey by women of reproductive age was less than 5 in all three states with 4.8% in Adamawa, 4.4% in Borno, and 4.4% in Yobe. The proportion of women of reproductive age consuming iron rich foods was lowest in Yobe (22.1%). The proportion consuming Vitamin A rich foods was lowest in Adamawa (33.7%)." +178011,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Economy']",fr,47,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Ces conflits violents et le manque de protection des populations, associés à des niveaux élevés de pauvreté chronique, des déficiences structurelles persistantes et des défis liés à la gouvernance politique et économique du pays, ont aggravé les besoins humanitaires dans de nombreuses régions." +319952,52949.0,2331.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,75,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Boys and girls of all ages in Somalia continue to endure multiple protection risks and violations of their rights including family separation, sexual and physical violence, killing and maiming, psychosocial distress, and worst forms of child labour. Other risks include forced and protracted displacements, limited access to humanitarian assistance due to insecurity and/ or discriminatory practices and exploitation, as well as recruitment by armed forces and groups." +63487,18412.0,1386.0,"['Health', 'Logistics']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],es,29,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Humanitarian Access'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,,"El pago de insumos, medicinas y exámenes y 90% de paralización del transporte público agrava la inaccesibilidad de la atención en los servicios de salud públicos." +314072,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,36,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Despite challenges, humanitarian partners continue to reach people in need across Somalia. During 2020, 2.3 million people (87 per cent) out of a targeted 3 million were reached with assistance." +497819,35118.0,1187.0,[],[],[],es,137,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"• entre las 331 personas que alquilaban un espacio privado, el 60% (203) fueron mujeres y el 40% (128) varones. En relación al rango etáreo el 90% (298) de ellas refirieron tener entre 18 y 29 años. Si se considera la nacionalidad de este grupo de 331 personas se observa que 259 (78%) fueron venezolanos, mientras que el 20% se repartió de manera homogénea entre personas brasileras, colombianas, peruanas, paraguayas, bolivianas y haitianas y solo 2% fueron de Jamaica, Rusia, Senegal y Ucrania. Acerca del tiempo de permanencia en el país se observa que casi el 70% (221) tenían más de 1 año de residencia en el país." +176943,41739.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Logistics']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,42,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.lemonde.fr/afrique/article/2020/05/18/en-rdc-la-prise-en-charge-des-malades-du-covid-19-entre-debrouille-et-defiance_6040023_3212.html,"Le gouvernement a promis des respirateurs, des masques FFP2, mais un médecin des Cliniques universitaires dit que tout le monde est encore dans l'attente. Et ce d'autant plus qu’il y a beaucoup de ruptures de stock." +287064,51749.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,59,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[Pouytenga] En matière de sécurité alimentaire et de moyens d’existence, les ménages déplacés ne sont pas en mesure d’exercer les activités génératrices de revenus qu’ils pratiquaient avant la crise à savoir (par ordre d’importance) : l’agriculture, le commerce et l’élevage." +169357,40511.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],fr,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://lefaso.net/spip.php?article99623,"A la même date, on a enregistré 30 nouvelles guérisons portant le total à 1 309. On dénombre également un décès portant le nombre à ce niveau à 58. Les cas sous traitement ou cas actifs sont 665." +295271,52417.0,2028.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,29,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.dropbox.com/s/fpu0ox89go0s7li/Syria%202021%20HNO%20%28advance%20copy%29.pdf?dl=0,"[23rd March 2021, Overall Syria] 448,000 spontaneous IDP return movements in 2020, while 38,200 refugees returned to Syria, mainly from Lebanon and Iraq." +241186,47089.0,2170.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,47,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000122811.pdf,"[1st Dec 2020,Nigeria] A contraction of 3.6 percent of the regional economy is expected for the ECOWAS region by the end of 2020. Nigeria, Liberia Sierra Leone and Cape Verde are expected to experience the largest negative economic growth rates." +327650,54714.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,73,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,"[NUTRITION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] The highest percentage of households per Nutrition LSG severity score, per population group for IDP settlement was 43% for severe and lowest was 4% for no or minimal. Similarly highest percentage of households per Nutrition LSG severity score, per population group for Non-IDP settlement was 46% for severe and lowest was 5% for no or minimal." +226970,46454.0,2028.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,87,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2022_23Dec2020_FINAL.pdf,"[23rd December, Overall Syria] While the informal rate rallied somewhat between July to October, fluctuating between SYP 2100 - 2,400, from November through to December it once again deteriorated, trading between SYP 2,600 – 2,900. This is, in any case, a significant devaluation compared to one year ago, when it was around SYP 694. On 17 June, the Central Bank of Syria devalued the official exchange rate to SYP 1,256 to US$ 1." +161580,39295.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,66,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,"The Protection Cluster, through its Protection Monitoring Task Force, finalised data collection of the second round of its COVID-19 protection impact survey. Initial results show widespread concern related to COVID-19 since the first identified case in northwest Syria. Generally, awareness of mitigation measures is adequate across northwest Syria, with gaps in knowledge identified in overpopulated and informal IDP sites." +64431,18823.0,1183.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3313918,"Aproximadamente 190.000 niños y niñas del vecino país ya están vinculados al sistema educativo. Sin embrago, se requiere seguir trabajando para que quienes aún no están matriculados, incluidos el más de un millón quinientos mil niñas y niños colombianos, ingresen y permanezcan en un sistema educativo de calidad y disfruten de las oportunidades que esto les representa para su vida y la de su comunidad." +177597,41681.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,39,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/iom_rohingya_crisis_response_-_external_sitrep_-_august_2020.pdf,"[August 2020, Bangladesh] Three ITCs with total 124 beds are operational; 27 new suspected cases and 3 confirmed cases were admitted to these ITCs in the month of August (9178 total- 47 confirmed)" +220292,45084.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,38,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_5_november_2020_final.pdf,"Humanitarian partners urge the Government to ensure laboratories are appropriately equipped and that procured supplies go to under-resourced health centres in a transparent manner, so that life-saving support can be delivered to those most in need." +125261,29180.0,1620.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Pull Factors']",en,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Gap-Supply-Demand-Contraceptive-Services-Northeast-Nigeria-Report.pdf,"Between August 2015 and 2018, 1.6 million people, including 650,000 in Borno State, have returned to or moved closer to their homes, indicating that conditions have improved in some locations. However, insecurity persists and a lack of access to basic services and infrastructure impedes safe and sustainable returns" +308031,53290.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,39,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://logcluster.org/sites/default/files/logistics_cluster_south_sudan_operation_overview_2102.pdf,"In collaboration with UNHAS, the Logistics Cluster facilitate two online Airfield Focal Point (AFP) training live sessions. Following this 2-week learning programme 99 logistics staff from 40 partner organisations obtained the training competition certificate." +296170,52520.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,107,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[échantillon de 100 femmes – terr. Rutshuru] les personnes pointées du doigt dans les violences sexuelles de ces débiles mentales sont également nombreux et variés. Lors de cette enquête, les tutelles ou familles des victimes, les notables et les relais communautaires, les cadres des organisations de la société civile et les autorités locales particulièrement les chefs de quartier, ont cité principalement : des jeunes drogués et ceux associés aux groupes armés actifs dans la région, des commerçants, des motards et chauffeurs, des acteurs humanitaires, des policiers de la PNC, des militaires FARDC etc." +239662,47230.0,2311.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,40,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"el 10% de la población no cuenta con un servicio sanitario que permita el manejo de las excretas de manera eficiente, lo que incluye 7% de la población que no posee ningún sistema de servicio sanitario," +238187,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,138,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Against the odds, humanitarians have maintained a national presence, expanded their geographical reach and anticipate reaching the vast majority of the people they planned to support by the end of 2020. However, the depth of the assistance provided has been limited by underfunding (49 per cent of requirements received with two weeks of 2020 remaining). Due to funding constraints and urgent COVID-19 needs, there has been greater focus on higher-reach, lower-cost and less comprehensive programming (such as mass awareness raising and prevention campaigns, risk communications and community engagement (RCCE) activities, remote education rollout). This has been at the expense of more complex and costly durable interventions that require greater time and investment, such as transitional shelter or health system strengthening." +315353,53333.0,2334.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"For most young girls who have the impression that their concerns matter in the community, the reason was that if it was not for the crises, most of them could have been in school." +323046,54626.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,46,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,"As with the vaccination efforts, UNICEF focused on COVID-19 prevention measures by training 586 health facility staff and community health workers (317 females, 294 males) on infection prevention and control (IPC) and maintaining handwashing stations at UNICEF- supported facilities." +236310,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,60,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Of the 18 per cent of households who reported a change in behaviour (indicating a sign of distress/mental health problems) in the 2020 WoA assessment, half reported angry, aggressive and violent behaviour change due to poverty and distress, which increases the risk that children experience greater levels of domestic and GBV in their homes." +493932,67712.0,1224.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,46,[],['Context'],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"In relation to the international legal frameworks for refugees, only Guyana has not ratified these agreements. In this country, the UNHCR undertakes the registration and determination of refugee status due to the absence of national legislation and processes pertaining to asylum and refuge" +213239,44840.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,44,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,"Ensuring energy access for health facilities is a priority for addressing the potential increase of patients from COVID-19. UNDP, WHO and partners intend to address the energy gap in health care facilities through a rapid expansion of decentralized low-cost solar hybrid solutions" +146012,34803.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,34,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"To expand testing capacity, the Cluster lead agency is procuring two more PCR machines. These are expected to arrive by mid-July, in addition to laboratory supplies (DNA extraction kits)" +193140,43423.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,98,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Toutes les treize (13) régions et 41/70 districts sanitaires touchés par l’épidémie Cas actifs dans neuf (09) régions (Boucle du Mouhoun, Cascades, Centre, Hauts-Bassins, Sud-Ouest, Centre-Est, Est, Centre-Nord, et le Centre-Ouest ) sur 13 touchés, Aussi 16 districts (Baskuy, Bogodogo, Boulmiougou, Nongremassom, Signonghin, Dô, Dafra, Sindou, Gaoua, Zabré, Banfora, Fada N’Gourma, Réo, Karangasso -vigué, Boromo et Kaya) sur 41 touchés ont des cas actifs" +315819,52949.0,2331.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health', 'WASH']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,50,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The 194,000 worst affected non-displaced vulnerable people categorized as being in extreme need – or Severity 4 – tend to face critical gaps in access to water, sanitation, healthcare and nutrition to the point of exhausting their coping capacity and strategies amidst increased morbidity and mortality rates." +22512,8907.0,788.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,41,['Impact'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://www.vanguardngr.com/2019/02/nigeria-losing-14-2bn-annually-from-jv-oil-contracts-rmafc/,"Revenue Mobilisation and Fiscal Allocation Commission, RMAFC, has lamented that Nigeria is currently not benefitting from existing Joint Venture Contracts, JVCs, disclosing that the country is currently losing $14.235 billion annually in revenue from JVs." +193964,43819.0,2330.0,['WASH'],[],[],en,42,[],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020%20Hurricanes%20Sit%20Rep%204.pdf,"WATER, SANITATION AND HYGIENE NEEDS: Shelters in lower- income communities frequently do not have adequate water or sanitation facilities. Overcrowded shelters put a burden on what facilities do exist, with inadequate protective measures to prevent coronavirus spread." +318308,52949.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,26,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,Women and girls who are survivors of SGBV face significant challenges in accessing competent health services that respond to their needs in a dignified manner. +179151,41842.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,83,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nw_syria_sitrep21_20201020.pdf,"(NW 19/10/2020) 2,685 confirmed COVID-19 cases as of 19 October, a twenty-fold increase in confirmed cases since 8 September, when only 138 cases were reported. Out of the total number of cases 1,476 are reported in Idleb area and 1,389 in northern Aleppo governorate. Idleb and Al Bab sub-districts are the most affected, together accounting for some half of all confirmed cases in the northwest. Twenty-oneCOVID-19 associated deaths have been reported in northwest Syria." +452678,63974.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,90,[],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_20210630-Rapport-Protection-Trimestriel.pdf,"Le pays a connu dans la nuit du 4 au 5 juin 2021, l’attaque la plus meurtrière depuis 2015, commise contre le village de Solhan (région du Sahel) et ayant fait plus de 132 civils tués y compris des enfants et des femmes selon la source gouvernementale. La situation sécuritaire s’est fortement dégradée avec en toile de fond, des attaques des groupes armés nonétatiques (GANE) contre les populations civiles et les forces de défense et de sécurité." +164469,32982.0,1183.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']",[],[],es,45,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Respuesta%20COVID-19%20-%20GIFMM%20Arauca%2C%20actualizaci%C3%B3n%20n%C2%B03%20%28Del%201%20al%2030%20de%20mayo%20de%202020%29.pdf,Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición •Acompañamiento telefónico en promoción de lactancia materna. •Asistencia telefónica para el sostenimiento de 278 huertas de seguridad alimentaria. •Valoraciones nutricionales presenciales. •Visitas domiciliarias y acompañamiento telefónico a los casos identificados de alto riesgo en temas de nutrición. +174221,34287.0,1899.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,112,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3652850,"La Organización Internacional para las Migraciones (OIM) en coordinación con la Embajada de la República de Guatemala, a través del Programa de Retorno Voluntario Asistido (AVR), asistió el retorno de 70 personas guatemaltecas que se encontraban varadas en Nicaragua, a causa del cierre de las fronteras por la pandemia COVID-19. La Embajada de la República de Guatemala en Nicaragua, solicitó asistencia a la OIM en la gestión del retorno de 70 personas: 32 mujeres, 38 varones, de los cuales 4 eran niños y 5 niñas respectivamente, quienes desde el mes de mayo iniciaron las coordinaciones para su retorno." +382665,59706.0,1187.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/HFS_ReporteNarrativo_ARG_1S2020.pdf,"La mayoría de las personas encuestadas indicaron que en el grupo familiar habían 2 miembros en edad de trabajar, sin embargo, un 55% indicó que no obtuvieron ingresos por horas trabajadas durante la última semana y tampoco estar recibiendo algún subsidio gubernamental u organización (79%)." +196847,43840.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,61,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_291_20201116.pdf,"Un total de 1 602 voyageurs en trafic international a été screené ce 16/11/2020 ; aucune alerte n’a été identifiée. Au niveau des PoE/PoC nationaux, 19 922 voyageurs ont été recensés, parmi lesquels 100% (n=19 922) ont été screenés. Fort heureusement, aucune alerte n’a été décelée non plus." +288540,51848.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,137,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/herams_fourth_quarter_2020_final.pdf,"[Dec 2020, NWS] 423 HFs functional compared to 396 in 3rd quarter 2020. The breakdown of the functioning health facilities is as follows 63 (15%) are Hospitals, 173 (41%) are fixed PHCs, 83 (19.5%) are mobile clinics, 53 (12.5%) specialized care centers**, while 51 (12%) others health facilities***. 51 health partners managing and supporting were reported. Out of total (565) reported health facilities, 423 HFs functioning, 124 nonfunctioning and 18**** with no reports compared to (577) reported health facilities, 396 HFs functioning, 157 nonfunctioning and 24 with no reports in the 3rd quarter 2020." +178012,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,58,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Les conflits armés et les catastrophes naturelles continuent en effet de provoquer des mouvements de population massifs principalement dans l’est du pays. La RDC abrite aujourd’hui la plus grande population de déplacés internes en Afrique avec 5,01 millions de personnes déplacées. Le pays accueille également 538 000 réfugiés des pays voisins." +62406,18389.0,1386.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,41,[],['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://elpitazo.net/gran-caracas/90-de-los-hogares-venezolanos-no-puede-cubrir-las-condiciones-de-saneamiento-del-agua/,"Ese 90%, explicó el economista, es el resultado de la caída de las inversiones, lo que se traduce en una infraestructura y un servicio deficientes que se ve agravado, además, por el crecimiento poblacional." +221978,45410.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,54,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"[La région du Lac dans la Zone 8 - « Zone ouest agropastorale et de pêche » ]: Plus de 87 000 personnes demeurent privées de l‘assistance en raison des restrictions sécuritaires décidées par le gouvernement rendant inaccessibles les localités de Kaiga et Tchoukoutalia, déclarées zones de guerre." +159099,37975.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,5,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_ndeg112.pdf,04 cas guéri le 18/06/2020 +191506,43304.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,23,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Quant au transport urbain assuré par les taxis, les pertes mensuelles sont de l’ordre de 4,3 milles de FCFA." +177070,41752.0,2099.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,72,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Les trois raisons principales de cette amélioration mentionnées par les personnes enquêtées qui pensent que leurs capacités de répondre aux besoins se sont améliorées sont : l’augmentation de l’aide et des services reçus (6), l’augmentation du soutien communautaire (5) et l’impact positif sur les commerces dû à une augmentation de la demande de certains biens (5)." +209815,45080.0,2170.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,57,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%209%20Dec%202020.pdf,"[9thDec2020,Nigeria]The reduced presence of humanitarian personnel, especially in some of the deep field locations, has strained available services and limited access to GBV service provision. Meanwhile, frontline staff and response teams lack access to adequate basic personal supplies to enable them to respond appropriately to the identified needs" +146179,37548.0,1187.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,104,[],['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/policy_brief_cuidados_espanolv_190829.pdf,"Ciudad de Buenos Aires: el proyecto de Ley sobre la creación del Sistema de Cuidados pretende formular, implementar, coordinar, fiscalizar y evaluar políticas públicas integrales con perspectiva de género, promoviendo el desarrollo de la autonomía y atención a las personas en situación de dependencia. A través de este sistema se garantiza el derecho de las personas a recibir cuidados, cuidarse y a cuidar en condiciones de calidad e igualdad en todo el territorio, promoviendo una organización social del cuidado corresponsable entre familias, Estado, mercado y comunidad, así como entre hombres y mujeres." +329132,53878.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,12,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SOYDA%20Monthly%20Progressive%20Report-Feb%202021.pdf,IEC materials on Covid-19 awareness and protection disseminated throughout our sites . +149791,37699.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,27,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/ne-syria-60-increase-covid-19-cases-past-week-irc-calls-increased-health,"Agencies face a critical shortage of medicines, PPE, ventilators and ICU beds making it extremely challenging for health professionals to respond to the pandemic." +235032,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,58,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Data shows that 41 per cent of displaced households reported no women in the household had a Tazkera. This indicates that there is a need to improve levels of ownership, particularly for women who may be made more vulnerable, both in public life and within the household, by the absence of civil documentation." +484742,65398.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,38,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Estas situaciones pueden provocar, sin duda, el surgimiento o agravamiento de condiciones de especial vulnerabilidad, debido a que estas personas enfrentan dificultades adicionales a las que otros migrantes pueden tener para conseguir ingresos económicos." +191891,43304.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,53,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"En outre, les restrictions de mobilité mises en place au Tchad affectent la capacité des partenaires humanitaires et de développement à avoir accès aux bénéficiaires pour mettre en œuvre leurs projets et leurs programmes, malgré leurs efforts pour assurer la continuité de l’assistance la plus urgente et indispensable." +410310,63222.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,148,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_mvam_bulletin_57_july_2021.pdf,"[Syria, July] The further erosion of the purchasing power and the marked reductions in households’ economic coping capacity pushed more than seven out of ten interviewed households (71 percent) to buy food on credit, with a wider share recorded among female-headed households (78 percent). The reported adoption of this strategy was more pronounced in Quneitra (83 percent), Deir-ez-Zor (80 percent) and Hama (79 percent). This generally reflects the dire living conditions countrywide and signals an upward trend in peoples’ indebtedness to source their food needs. Moreover, 14 percent of surveyed households reported to have relied on child labor having been forced to remove their children of mandatory school age out of school and having them work instead to bring home needed additional income to the household." +389908,60915.0,2170.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,109,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.brookings.edu/blog/education-plus-development/2021/07/27/education-in-emergency-in-nigeria-creating-gender-equitable-policies-so-all-girls-have-an-uninterrupted-right-to-learn/,"[27th July 2021,Nigeria] Even under what some may describe as normal conditions, girls in Nigeria face a distinctive set of barriers to formal education at all levels. Nearly 2 out of 3 (about 6.34 million) of the country’s 10.19 million out-of-school children in the country are girls. Prior to the outbreak of COVID-19, violence, child, early, and forced marriages (CEFM), lack of schools, inadequate infrastructure, unsafe environments, limitations in teacher training, and systemic gender biases impeded girls’ participation and learning in formal schooling across Nigeria." +158677,39040.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,23,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/combatting-health-worker-infections-nigeria,"Nigeria has benefited from the United Nations Solidarity Flight campaign, which distributed essential medical supplies including personal protective equipment and ventilators." +307119,51467.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Cross', 'Shelter']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,70,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"South Sudan continues to receive refugees and is seeing a steady return of South Sudanese refugees. Refugees arrive after days and weeks of walking, often without any belongings. Consequently, all new arrivals need non-food items including sanitary items (soap, buckets, etc.) and basic household items (mosquito nets, blankets, clothes, plastic sheets, and shelter materials)." +315684,52949.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,19,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,A total of 1.65 million children are in urgent need of a second round of oral polio vaccine. +341893,56644.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,135,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.sismamujer.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/MUJERES-DERECHOS-LABORALES-Y-EMERGENCIA-SANITARIA.docx.pdf,"A las Empresas: Aplicar las directrices de género para los Principios Rectores sobre empresas y derechos humanos. Promover el trabajo de las mujeres a todos los niveles de la empresa, especialmente en los sectores tradicionalmente masculinizados. Aquello requerirá estrategias de formación en competencias específicas que logren convocarlas y atraerlas41 Contar con protocolos adecuados para prevenir el acoso sexual, garantizando los derechos de las mujeres denunciantes. Fomentar la inclusión de mujeres víctimas de violencias basadas en género. Hay que recordar que la Ley 1257 de 2008 establece beneficios tributarios por ello. Reconocer que invertir en la incorporación de perspectiva de género en sus procesos y procedimientos es una ganancia para su empresa. Fomentar la participación de las mujeres trabajadoras en los espacios de decisión o análisis." +290585,52074.0,2334.0,"['WASH', 'Health']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,61,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,"Relief International, through the NGO LUKMEF, carried out 1,876 consultations in Tole and Muea. This was done through community health workers and mobile clinics. They also conducted 91 referrals to some health facilities and reimbursed the cost of treatment of 85 patients. The targeted health facilities of Muea and Tole had their WASH facilities improved." +329857,53694.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/03042021_sitrep_s11_whe_oms_rdc.docx.pdf,"Le paludisme, les infections respiratoires aigües (IRA) et la fièvre typhoïde gardent la tête de la notification hebdomadaire sur l’ensemble de la RDC au décours de S11/2021 avec respectivement 322 197 cas suspects, 104 231 cas suspects et 27 990 cas suspects." +287008,51749.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,80,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[dans le Centre-Est] Le parcours des soins suit l’organisation structurelle du système de santé, en effet les CSPS [le Centre de santé et de promotion sociale] et les CM sont les premiers lieux de contact avec les populations. Les CMA [Centre médical avec antenne chirurgicale] et le CHR [Centre hospitalier régional] sont des structures de références mais il arrive parfois que ce circuit ne soit pas respecté." +36136,11046.0,788.0,"['Nutrition', 'Protection', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,57,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68626.pdf,"Starvation with one meal per day have led many refugees with malnutrition situation, while potential insecurity in CBI implementation have worried refugees in the settlements. More specifically, harassment from the local motorcycle riders’ association have time by time made refugee youth losing job opportunities since refugees’ motor cycles are not registered." +212100,45203.0,2334.0,[],[],[],en,34,[],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://fews.net/west-africa/cameroon/food-security-outlook/june-2020,"Trucks carrying livestock from the north of the country to target markets are currently taking longer than usual to cross the borders due to enhanced customs checks, thereby driving up transport costs." +208390,43992.0,2332.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,84,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"Key challenges [to COVID-19 response plan] remain: delayed availability of diagnostics such as laboratory tests (GeneXpert); limited capacity at decentralised level for surveillance, tracing and case management, management of contacts and laboratory testing capacity in the provinces (only nine provincial laboratories have been set up so far in Abéché, Sarh, Moundou, Mongo, Bol, Mao, Doba, Bongor and Pala); and limited enforcement of land border control." +182053,42270.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,27,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep21_20201020.pdf,"[20th October NWS] Twenty-one COVID-19 associated deaths have been reported in northwest Syria, while 1,544 cases are reportedly active and 1,300 people recovered." +178196,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",fr,82,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"La répartition géographique de la population évolue de manière constante en raison de mouvements de population continus. Les personnes déplacées représentent actuellement près de cinq pour cent de la population totale de la RDC et les personnes retournées deux pour cent.16 De plus, la RDC accueille 538 000 réfugiés et 10 000 demandeurs d’asile des pays voisins, la plupart en provenance du Rwanda, de la République Centrafricaine, du Soudan du Sud et du Burundi." +205513,44672.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,20,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The Corona Emergency Committee was tasked to pay the water and electricity bills of around 350,000 families in Kabul." +292438,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,65,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"END USER VERIFICATION – MALARIA: Selected Ministry of Public Health staff from the Central level were trained on EUV during the first ever EUV exercise for Cameroon 6 out of the 10 regions of Cameroon were covered, one hundred and twelve (112) sites comprising regional hospitals, district hospitals, sub-divisional hospitals and health centers were involved in the exercises." +193698,43353.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,103,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Burkina%20Faso%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%207%20-%20August%202020%20%281%29.pdf,"The results of a nutritional rapid survey in 11 municipalities hosting IDPs showed a very high (>15%) GAM prevalence in 2 municipalities {Barsalogho IDP site, Gorom-Gorom}, and high in 4 communes (between 10% and 15% {in Fada N'Gourma, Dori, Gorgadji and Bourzanga}) {conducted in July-August 2020 in Sahel : Gorom-Gorom, Dori, Gorgadji et Djibo, Centre-Nord : Bourzanga, Kongoussi, Kaya, Barsalogho (town and site), Nord : Ouahigouya, Est : Fada N’Gourma, Matiacoali}." +192047,42659.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,35,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_175.pdf,"Le CTCO, les engins roulants aux POC et les locaux autour des cas positifs ont été désinfectés et un approvisionnement en eau a été fait au CTCO et POC dans le Haut Uélé." +125151,32835.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,22,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77444.pdf,"El 1 % de las personas encuestadas manifestaron tener una orientación sexual diversa, es decir, pertenecen a la población LGBTI" +48246,12622.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,22,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LIBRO%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20las%20necesidades%20insatisfechas%20SSR%20y%20Migrantes%20Venezolanos%20-%20Digital.pdf,"El perfil de los migrantes venezolanos es de hombres y mujeres, particularmente en adultos entre los 18 y 59 años." +289301,52049.0,2098.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,36,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Bangladesh%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%201%20%28Rohingya%20Camp%20Fire%29%20-%2023%20March%202021.pdf,"[23rd March 2021,Cox's Bazar] One Information and Feedback Centre (IFC), which provides critical information to people seeking services in the camps, was destroyed in Camp 9." +341938,56493.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Dans les espaces de dialogue qui ont été institués, la dilution de la légitimité de l’autorité traditionnelle a été évoquée de mani��re récurrente comme un facteur alimentant la conflictualité au Burkina Faso. Les chefs traditionnels ne sont plus considérés comme par le passé, ce qui ne leur permet pas toujours de juguler les tensions au sein de leur communauté." +148182,36609.0,1388.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,93,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/01.%20CRI%20Operation%20July%202020%20.pdf,"Livelihoods UNHCR livelihoods initiatives increase individuals’ self-reliance and promote economic inclusion by removing barriers to income generating activities, through vocational or technical capacity building and by increasing PoC access to the labour markets. The Living Integration Program, through initiatives such as the Living Integration Seal and different employment and entrepreneurship actions, developed jointly with the Costa Rican Government and partner agencies, seeks to assist asylum seekers and refugees in their local integration. Over 2,000 asylum seekers and refugees have benefitted from this initiative since 2014." +325694,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,248,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"En affectant la disponibilité et la régularité des eaux de pluie, le changement climatique risque d’affecter la production de riz en Afrique de l’Ouest (Terdoo et Feala, 2016). Dans le même temps, la production de riz, en particulier la culture du riz paddy, génère de grandes quantités (9 à 11 pour cent au niveau mondial) d’émissions de méthane, c’est-à-dire le plus important gaz à effet de serre non carbonique. En outre, la production de riz a été liée à d’autres externalités environnementales négatives telles que la pollution de l’air et de l’eau (due à la forte pression des mauvaises herbes et des parasites dans la production de riz) ainsi qu’à une augmentation constante de l’utilisation de l’eau (le riz nécessite environ deux fois plus d’eau que les autres cultures céréalières). En fait, la plupart des terres à riz peuvent être considérées comme dégradées d’une manière ou d’une autre. L’envasement en aval, l’extraction de nutriments, la pollution par les pesticides, l’acidification, l’alcalinisation, la toxicité et la salinisation des sols et d’autres phénomènes se poursuivent sans relâche dans les écosystèmes de riz irrigué comme dans ceux de riz pluvial" +393648,62284.0,2170.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security', 'WASH']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,46,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"[7th Apr 2021, Borno State] Displaced communities should be supported with emergency shelter kits to reinforce their makeshift tents.  NFIs such as cooking utensils, water storage kits, cloth and beddings, mats and mosquito nets should be distributed." +149829,37865.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,61,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cxb-situation-report-20.pdf,"Nine hundred and ninety people were referred to health facilities in the past week, from a total of 7671 and CHWs provided messages on COVID-19 to 240 446 persons. Since the beginning of the response, CHW Group conducted more than 1.98 million household visits and had contacts with a cumulative number of more than 3.86 million adults." +157877,38800.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Nutrition']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,50,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GTS%20-%20HNAP%20COVID19%20Syria%20Bulletin%20R3.pdf,"Products are less available in low-density areas (46%),17 making price hikes a primary concern (45%). Lack of understanding of the virus in low-density sub-districts may cause people to choose between the certainty of hunger and the perceived uncertainty of the virus." +300514,52762.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,28,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_087_28210321_hebdo_s12.pdf,"[S12/2021] Quant au sexe, les hommes représentaient 64,1% (17669/27558) de l’effectif, avec un sexe ratio H/F de 1,8/1." +61701,18346.0,1184.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,66,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71003.pdf,"Área de Intervención 1: Asistencia directa de emergencia • 50.576 personas asistidas en mayo 2019, 61% del total de las asistencias registradas5 • 26% fueron mujeres, 15% hombres y 59% fueron niños, niñas y adolescentes • 6.224 refugiados y migrantes beneficiaron del acceso a servicios de comunicación en fronteras6 • 4.963 personas asistidas con transferencias de efectivo multipropósito" +341946,56493.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,101,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Dans un tel contexte, c’est la propension des individus à se rendre eux-mêmes justice qui se développe. Désormais, les gouvernés, face à une injustice ou un problème quelconque, ont tendance à se rendre justice sans passer par la médiation des mécanismes traditionnels qui pourtant ont constitué pendant longtemps, le levier de la cohésion sociale. La propension à se rendre soi-même justice est, par là-même, une porte ouverte à la violence, à la vengeance cyclique ainsi qu’aux règlements de compte qui alimentent la conflictualité au Burkina Faso." +313212,53183.0,2466.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,42,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"More work to address domestic violence: 80 per cent of women interviewed in Darfur recognized domestic violence as a problem, 70 per cent identified economic violence as an issue, while 5 per cent cited rape as a concern." +291001,51911.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Hospitalization & Care', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,57,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.radiookapi.net/2021/03/23/actualite/sante/covid-19-la-rdc-depasse-la-barre-de-25000-personnes-gueries,"La RDC a dépassé lundi 22 mars la barre de vingt-cinq mille personnes guéries depuis le début de l’épidémie de Coronavirus, déclarée le 10 mars 2020. C’est ce qu’indique le bulletin du Comité multisectoriel de lutte contre la pandémie de Coronavirus en RDC publié ce mardi 23 mars." +132546,35164.0,1188.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"29% se encuentra sin un estatus migratorio regular, un 57% se encuentra con algún tipo de visa o en trámite, un 8% es solicitante de la condición de refugiado o ha sido reconocido como tal, y un 6% ha obtenido la residencia permanente" +177660,41763.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,36,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_devaluation_rapide_vbg_dans_le_contexte_de_la_covid-19_dans_la_region_du_nord_du_burkina_faso.pdf,"Les agents ont exprimé avoir un besoin en renforcement des capacités sur les VBG notamment sur les mutilations génitales Féminines, le Genre et les droits pour une meilleure prise en charge des survivantes identifiées." +287963,51049.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,59,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nw_syria_sitrep25_20210226.pdf,"[26 Feb, 2021, NWS] The biggest funding gap remains in the support to teacher incentives, which enable teachers to continue teaching especially through distance learning modalities. Strengthening teachers’ capacities and providing access to internet and digital devices both to teachers and students are also critical gaps that need to be addressed." +179494,42077.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,50,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.sana.sy/en/?p=207595,"[26th October 2020, Overall Syria] The ministry indicated, in a statement to SANA, that the total number of Coronavirus infections registered in the country so far has reached at 5461, out of which 1788 ones have recovered while 272 others have passed away." +306545,51572.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,108,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"5-10 girls are reported monthly pregnant, as a result of no schools’ attendance and lack of food and basic needs and majority of this children are UASC including orphan and other vulnerable group of children. Cases of abortion have been happening reported by community leaders and majority of this are children. Some children are left at home by the parents and went to paloch to find some jobs and some children headed the household as a result become not attending school as resort to marriage at early age. [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +176046,40890.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Intentions'],es,57,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"Al preguntar por la intención de retorno a Venezuela, el 86% de los hogares encuestados menciona que no pretende volver el próximo mes. Por el contrario, en el 8% de los hogares hay al menos un miembro con intención de retorno y en el 5% restante hay incertidumbre sobre esta posibilidad" +60750,17952.0,729.0,[],[],[],en,56,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/international-meeting-essential-getting-libya-led-political-process-back-track-ending,"To date, more than 100 civilians have been killed, more than 300 injured and 120,000 displaced, with the number of fighters killed thought to be in the low thousands. Recent casualties include three United Nations staff members killed and two seriously injured in a bomb attack in Banghazi on 10 August." +265943,49323.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.pulzo.com/nacion/regular-venezolanos-colombia-que-significa-podran-votar-PP1029436,¿Qué requisitos se necesitan? *Estar en Colombia. *Presentar documento de identidad. *Acta de nacimiento para menores de edad. *Declaración expresa de la intención de permanecer temporalmente en Colombia. *Autorización de recolección de datos biométricos. +347858,57145.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,25,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"(Centre-Nord, Bourzanga) 37 maisons de la population hôte situées aux alentours des sites sont écroulées ou leurs toitures se sont envolées." +62680,18394.0,1386.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Context->Politics', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",es,73,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3295213,"Mi Oficina documentó casos de tortura y malos tratos, tanto físicos como psicológicos, de personas arbitrariamente privadas de su libertad, en particular de militares. Las condiciones de detención no cumplen con los estándares internacionales básicos y las personas detenidas no tienen acceso a atención médica adecuada. Solicito a las autoridades tomar acción para corregir estas prácticas, permitir acceso médico e investigar violaciones a los derechos humanos." +194605,43822.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,36,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19112020_flash_update_no.3_emergencias_por_ola_invernal_-_colombia_vf.pdf,"se reportaron al menos 200 viviendas con daños graves y otras con daños leves en cerca de 20, siendo la zona urbana la más afectada por el represamiento de las aguas en las viviendas." +149232,36019.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,35,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"The effects of mitigation measures, coupled with the rapid devaluation of the SYP, continue to exacerbate the humanitarian needs of 4 million people living in the area, including 2.7 million internally displaced" +186863,41080.0,1184.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,244,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000119627.pdf,"1. Doble carga de malnutrición Ecuador enfrenta una doble carga de malnutrición: Casi 1 de cada 4 niños y niñas menores de 5 años tiene desnutrición crónica mientras que 6 de cada 10 adultos tienen sobrepeso u obesidad. La desnutrición crónica y el sobrepeso coexisten en los mismos hogares y están vinculados a dietas inadecuadas. La prevalencia de la desnutrición crónica, representada por baja talla para la edad, para los niños y las niñas menores de 5 años en Ecuador, aunque se haya reducido desde el 1984 (40%) y del 2004 (34%), sigue siendo elevada, afectando a 23% de la población de este grupo de edad en el país (Figura 6) (Centro de Estudios de Población y Desarrollo Social 2005, Ministerio de Salud Pública del Ecuador e Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos 2018, INEC 2018). Esta tasa es la segunda más alta de la región de América Latina, muy por encima de otros países de la región como Argentina (8%), Brasil (6%), Colombia (13%), México (12%), y Perú (14%) (Tabla 3) (Ministerio de Salud Pública del Ecuador y Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos 2014). (FAO, OPS, WFP y UNICEF 2018)" +236878,47076.0,2334.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,24,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,"AFRINET, IRC and REACHOUT facilitated access to clean water to over 14,400 individuals through provision of household aquatabs in the SW region." +314813,52949.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,27,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"About 1.6 million IDPs are in severe need of healthcare protection to reduce severity of illnesses (morbidity), including long term poor health and disability" +489111,67500.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,68,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_15.pdf,"[April -June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Injuries accounted for three percent (25,846) of the OPD consultations during the reporting period. Most of the injuries were reported in children under five years (70 percent). Following the fire incident reported in quarter one, of the six health facilities that were damaged or destroyed, all have resumed health services." +220514,45655.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,53,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"[9th Dec, Overall Syria] In GoS-controlled areas, the GoS continues to maintain a widespread easing of preventive measures introduced throughout May, albeit with some ongoing, ad-hoc changes, including the recent suspension of some schools/classrooms where students or teachers had been confirmed to have contracted COVID-19." +46578,16136.0,729.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,90,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/echo_-nf_bud_2019_91000_v2.pdf,"Only one third of Primary Health Care (PHC) clinics are fully functional and only 40% offer basic maternal and child health care. General medical curative services, general surgical services, patient services, and emergency services are available in at least 60% of hospitals, but only 50% of hospitals have the capacity to offer maternity services. 19.3% of public health facilities offer antenatal services. Only 9% of hospitals have appropriate staffing and care for mental health patients." +236418,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,74,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Already fragile and under-developed systems across Afghanistan have been further disrupted due to the ongoing conflict, recurrent natural disasters and the pandemic, directly impacting people’s access to quality healthcare, education, housing, markets and WASH systems. Effects on these systems likely create sectoral needs, but also may create needs across sectors, reducing people's dignity, compounding vulnerability and creating self-reinforcing cycles of suffering." +178235,41756.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,97,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Par ailleurs, les personnes retournées ou rapatriées retrouvent la plupart du temps leurs maisons et leurs terres endommagées, détruites ou occupées par d’autres en leur absence. Ces éléments constituent un frein au retour mais également une source potentielle de nouveaux conflits intercommunautaires et fonciers. De plus, suite à la destruction ou incendies des maisons lors des conflits, la réhabilitation ou la reconstruction des logements représente une charge financière très importante pour les ménages retournés, qui priorisent la génération de revenus comme la relance de leurs activités agricoles." +312318,53183.0,2466.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,61,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"Standard Expanded Nutrition Survey (SENS) conducted among refugees in White Nile, East Darfur, South and West Kordofan indicated ‘critical’ rates (>15 per cent) of Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM) and Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) (>3 per cent) among children 6 to 59 months of age." +161912,39490.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200707_acaps_covid-19_secondary_impacts_in_rohingya_refugee_camps.pdf,"As of 5 July 2020, the WHO and the Government of Bangladesh reported 53 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the refugee camps and 2,776 in the host community in Cox’s Bazar." +318953,53305.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,48,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Insecurity along the major supply routes remained fluid and negatively impacted on reaching people in need. The number of ambushes reported increased, leading to the death and injury of aid workers and loss of supplies. The majority occurred in Eastern Equatoria and Lakes states." +292394,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"Through the local implementing partner CARITAS, WHO assured a timely access to basic essential health care to 9891 persons in Meme, Manyu, Mezam, Ngoketunjia, and Boyo divisions." +215145,44840.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,101,"['Capacities & Response', 'Priority Interventions']",[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,"The COVID-19 crisis is revealing vulnerabilities and systemic weaknesses in crisis response, as well as limitations of the wider risk governance system in Somalia. Alongside the health institutions, disaster management authorities, both at Federal and State levels, need to be engaged and capacitated to ensure the COVID-19 response follows a multi-hazards risk management approach taking account of biological hazards. These institutions typically offer crisis coordination skills, rapid response protocols. Somalia’s historical experience of recovering from recurrent humanitarian crises must be leveraged to support the COVID-19 response and sustainable recovery in Somalia" +157429,38526.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,22,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sante.gov.bf/detail?tx_news_pi1%5Baction%5D=detail&tx_news_pi1%5Bcontroller%5D=News&tx_news_pi1%5Bnews%5D=228&cHash=7f9d972ba6e0a500e3ecfd5738fa3587,"Le point de la maladie à coronavirus dans cette zone donne 7 cas suspects enregistrés, 4 prélèvements, tous négatifs." +161561,39295.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,51,['Priority Interventions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,"Precautionary measures need to be rigorously implemented at community level. Therefore, camp managers need to be aware of preventive activities and to emphasize the public use of fabric face masks, physical distancing, avoiding mass gatherings and other measures as recommended by WHO and the COVID-19 taskforce." +61298,18235.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Context->Economy', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",en,127,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"Some cities that used to be transit points are increasingly becoming final destinations for people in Venezuelan mixed migration flows, in particular the border cities of Maicao, Riohacha and Cúcuta. Due to the limited economic opportunities they offer, these cities were not popular destination choices before. This change is linked to the lower socio-economic profile of those who left Venezuela during the third and current migration phase mentioned above, as well as to the increasing insecurity in border crossings between Venezuela and Colombia: according to several key informants, due to both their lack of resources and the robberies that they fall victim to, many on the move simply lack the money they would need to travel further." +320109,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,27,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Inadequate specific targeting of women for food aid and direct cash/voucher assistance contributed to sustaining food insecurity in families, heightened tensions and intimate partner violence." +343246,45764.0,2332.0,['Shelter'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,84,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/0004_202008_rrm_msa_rapport_final_wolirom.pdf,"Bien qu’il y ait déjà eu une distribution de non-vivres par le CICR, la situation, en termes de NFI et Abris, dans le site, reste cependant préoccupante, du fait qu’en moyenne, une personne occupe 1,8 m² par abri et la proportion des ménages sans abri (32,7%). Entre temps, le site continue toujours d’accueillir d’autres personnes en provenance de Diamerom et des environs de Kaïga-Kindjiria." +224043,45768.0,2332.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,13,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,Le mariage précoce est une pratique dans la communauté selon les enquêtées. +280102,51005.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Deaths'],en,36,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-in-bangladesh-10-more-deaths-push-up-toll-to-8451/65697,"[6th March 2021, Bangladesh] Bangladesh recorded 10 more Coronavirus related deaths and 540 new cases in the last 24 hours till Saturday morning, showing a slight fall in daily infection rate." +177031,41752.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,40,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Quel est votre principal canal d’information sur la façon de vous protéger contre le COVID-19 ?* (n=400) 93% Radio (373) 61% Face-à-face (245) 35% Télévision (140) +343090,53036.0,2334.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,17,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/1-Lolo_Dec%202020_0.pdf,"Santé Taux de mortalité = 0,36/1000/mois Taux de mortalité chez les moins de 5 ans = 0,38/1000/mois" +61501,18235.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']","['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",en,128,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'Context']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"In the case of Colombia, for instance, notwithstanding the above-mentioned link between smuggling and armed groups, smuggling networks remain quite informal, and sometimes (as is common in many parts of the world) smugglers are migrants themselves. This is the case in the Cúcuta area, with the “guides” that refugees and migrants usually hire to show them the safest way across the border or to help them carry luggage. According to Insight Crime, “[i]n many cases, these individuals are young Venezuelans who themselves are in need and seeking some form of involvement of armed groups and/or organized crime in migrant smuggling is however potentially extremely dangerous for people on the move." +244753,48003.0,2425.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)'],en,31,[],['Information And Communication'],Lebanon Situation Analysis,2021-01-25 12:39:46.093809+00,,The committee discussed the rumors circulating on social media about injuries in schools among students and called on parents to avoid broadcasting such news and obtain information from its official sources +149029,37702.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,101,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"Of note, according to the MoH, 69 healthcare workers (four per cent of reported cases) have tested positive for COVID-19, an increase of 25 since the last report. This includes 48 in Damascus, 13 in Rural Damascus, three each in Aleppo and Quneitra, and one each in Tartous and As-Sweida. This highlights the particular risks faced by healthcare workers; and underscores – given Syria’s fragile healthcare system with already insufficient numbers of qualified healthcare personnel – the potential for its overstretched healthcare capacity to be further compromised." +315843,52949.0,2331.0,"['Education', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Amid declining livelihood opportunities, nearly half of all parents reported they could not provide basic needs to their children and access to educational services during the pandemic due to economic losses incurred by the outbreak of COVID-19." +234886,47045.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,32,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/coronavirus-idlib-spiralling-out-control-warns-charity,"[9th January 2021, Idleb NW]The pandemic has been compounded further in Idlib, with limited hospitals and medical facilities either damaged or destroyed by Syrian government bombardment." +341732,56493.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,80,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Si l’oralité fut longtemps le mode par lequel les propriétaires donnaient ou prêtaient leurs terres, dans une société où l’écrit s’est imposé comme canal de transmission, l’exploitation à long ou court terme des terres devient un facteur d’affrontements lié aux contestations. Le contrat verbal s’altère au fil des années et des versions corrompues des transactions prennent de l’ascendance sur les faits réels." +81780,22495.0,1231.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Economy'],es,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,https://acento.com.do/2019/actualidad/8762434-sinfonica-binacional-dominico-venezolana-por-inclusion-e-integracion/,"Estas iniciativas son posibles gracias al apoyo financiero de la Oficina de Población Refugiados y Migraciones, del Departamento de Estado de los Estados Unidos (PRM por sus siglas en inglés)." +453923,63974.0,2099.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection', 'Food Security', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,92,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_20210630-Rapport-Protection-Trimestriel.pdf,"Au psycho trauma engendré par les violences et les pertes, s’ajoutent d’autres sources de stress et de mal-être, les difficultés quotidiennes d’accès aux services de base (eau ; alimentation ; abris...), les divers problèmes de protection souvent préexistants et exacerbés par la crise (en particulier VBG, exploitation, travail des enfants, document civil, accès justice) et l’incertitude d’un retour à une situation sécurisée pour tous, communautés hôtes et PDI." +173641,39908.0,1388.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,62,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20-%20Impacto%20de%20la%20COVID-19%20en%20la%20poblaci%C3%B3n%20venezolana%20-%20Costa%20Rica%2C%20Agosto%202020.pdf,"Antes de la pandemia, 94% de los hogares entrevistados reportó tener un negocio o trabajo remunerado como una de sus principales fuentes de ingreso. Actualmente este porcentaje ha disminuido a un 71%. 91% de quienes tenían trabajo remunerado antes de la pandemia, experimentaron un cambio en sus condiciones laborales como consecuencia de la pandemia." +90132,25213.0,1621.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,32,[],['Context'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A_HRC_43_75_E.pdf,"In 2019, the ongoing armed conflict and overall deterioration in security in Libya had an adverse impact on the situation of human rights and further exacerbated political and economic uncertainty." +21835,9026.0,322.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Demography']",en,110,['Impact'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,,"Several squatter settlements are also found in Sana’a, including on lands reserved for public facilities and in flood paths and other marginal land. Squatter populations have no secure land tenure and lack access to basic infrastructure and municipal services. The municipality has undertaken some projects to upgrade squatter settlements and resettle squatters living in flood prone areas (e.g., el saila) in public housing projects. The improvement of living conditions in squatter settlements and the socio-economic integration of the poor in the city’s fabric is a pressing priority and an explicit aim of local authorities in Sana’a." +38839,13711.0,729.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,50,[],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,http://www.thenewhumanitarian.org/photo-feature/2019/05/09/Libya-war-refugees-seek-safety-tripoli-school,"The UN’s refugee agency,UNHCR, said an airstrike landed near a migrant detention centre that holds more than 500 people on 8 May, injuring two people. And in late April conflicting reports emerged that a militia had opened fire in another Tripoli facility." +234306,46381.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,94,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Preparedness for the winters season: Identify vulnerable areas where the roads and transportation system are blocked during the winter; provision of oxygen machines and 14 ventilators (at district level) and establishment of oxygen production factory (at provincial level); provision of medicine and primary health care services (Sehatmandi project) for COVID-19; provision of strategic and essential medicine for primary health services and COVID-19 patients (the health centers run by MOPH); encouraging and implementing preventive measures at the national and local levels. +188205,40860.0,1899.0,['Food Security'],[],[],es,127,[],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200922_OCHA_GUATEMALA%20HRP%20COVID-19%20ESPAN%CC%83OL.pdf,"El precio del frijol negro durante los últimos 3 meses supero aproximadamente en un 20% el precio máximo reportado durante los últimos 10 años, actualmente aun cuando inicia a presentar una estabilización y una pequeña reducción el precio se mantienen muy por arriba de la capacidad adquisitiva de los hogares vulnerables. El precio del maíz durante el mismo período también fue superior al precio promedio de los últimos cuatro años, actualmente he disminuido a los precios del año pasado en la misma fecha. Los mercados hasta la fecha no han presentado un desabastecimiento, pero el incremento de los precios ha dejado sin acceso a los alimentos a las familias afectadas por COVID y falta de ingresos debido a la temporalidad." +205131,44672.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,MoPH [Ministry of Public Health] recently instructed private hospitals and clinics across the country to start treating COVID-19 based on clinical symptoms and approved plasma transfusion for therapy in critical patients. +458228,64540.0,1185.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)'],es,75,[],['Information And Communication'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"IDENTIFICACIÓN DE LOS CONOCIMIENTOS, VACÍOS DE INFORMACIÓN Y PRINCIPALES DUDAS DEL SECTOR PRIVADO PARA LA CONTRATACIÓN DE PERSONAS INMIGRANTES Y REFUGIADAS ¿Conoce la base legal y el régimen laboral de los trabajadores extranjeros?. Los participantes no cuentan con conocimientos precisos sobre la legislación laboral que corresponde a la contratación de trabajadores extranjeros. Justifican su desconocimiento señalando que sus funciones en sus respectivas empresas son de carácter administrativa y no legal." +236252,46388.0,2336.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Nearly one in two children under five (3.1 million children out of 7 million) and one in four PLW is now facing acute malnutrition and requires life-saving treatment services. +194840,43763.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,27,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/wos_quarterly_report_q3.pdf,"[October 2020, Overall Syria] Shelter: Needs for shelter continue to remain significant with an estimate 5.65 million people across the country in need" +170810,40367.0,2099.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)'],en,40,[],['Information And Communication'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"However, data and information on education in emergency needs across the country is limited due to insufficient resources or capacity to collect and process the information, directly impacting prioritization and resource mobilization exercises within the education cluster." +298880,51893.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,86,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[January 2021, Overall Syria] The median household expenditure is higher in all the regions for Male headed households. The highest median household expenditure can be seen with 271,003 SYP for male headed households (Northeast Syria) and 256,500 SYP for the female headed households (Northeast Syria). The lowest median household expenditure can be seen with with 221,500 SYP for male headed households (Northwest Syria) and 203,507 SYP for the female headed households (GoS)." +42630,14905.0,729.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,39,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/reuters/article-7198445/Haftars-forces-say-destroyed-Turkish-drone-Tripoli.html,"Eastern Libyan forces loyal commander Khalifa Haftar said they destroyed a Turkish drone parked at Tripoli's only working airport on Sunday and declared a ""general mobilisation"" as tensions between Ankara and the eastern administration mounted." +10448,4760.0,321.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,155,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Libya%20Flash%20Update%2013%20July%202018.pdf,"Since the start of the evacuation operation from Libya in late 2017, a total of 1,858 persons (including unaccompanied children) were evacuated to Niger (1,536), Italy (312) and the ETC Romania (10). There are 262 evacuated unaccompanied children remaining in Niger. Currently the total remaining capacity to accommodate evacuees in UNHCR’s Emergency Transit Centre in Niamey is 125 persons. In addition, since 1 September 2017, 565 individuals were submitted for direct resettlement from Libya to 7 resettlement States (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Sweden, and Switzerland). A total of 44 individuals already departed on resettlement directly from Libya to Canada, France, Sweden and the Netherlands. A total of 541 individuals have been submitted for resettlement and are pending interview or decision by a resettlement State." +192729,43304.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,28,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,les secteurs d’activités durement touchés par les mesures barrières sont ceux relatifs aux unités économiques non alimentaires dont 155 585 personnes sont directement en chômage technique +178021,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],fr,49,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Les acteurs humanitaires notamment dans les provinces de l'Ituri, du Nord-Kivu, du Sud-Kivu et du Tanganyika, ont dû suspendre temporairement leurs activités à plusieurs reprises en 2019 en raison d'incidents interrompant l’assistance destinée à des dizaines de milliers de personnes dans le besoin." +161334,39528.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,51,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Appui financier de l’OMS aux activités de communication de proximité pour l’observance des gestes barrières contre la COVID-19 dans les 12 arrondissements et 6 communes rurales de Ouagadougou par 360 volontaires de 2 associations pour 3 semaines avec l’appui financier de l’OMS ; +196711,43328.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,42,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_smart_rapid_pdi_2020_bfa_final.pdf,"Au vu de la fermeture des formations sanitaires dans la majorité de ces localités, renforcer l’implication de la plateforme communautaire pour assurer la continuité des services de santé et de nutrition. [Au Ministère de la santé]" +63467,18412.0,1386.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,189,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,,"Las políticas de salud mental han sido históricamente débiles en Venezuela37. Las personas con alguna condición de salud mental (esquizofrenia, demencia, depresión y trastornos bipolar, de ansiedad, de la personalidad, déficit de atención, discapacidad intelectual y autismo) sólo han dispuesto de atención pública en 11 hospitales del Ministerio de Salud y 68 casas de reposo de la seguridad social. Entre 2009 y 2013, las camas descendieron 42% y, entre 2013 y 2015, el número de personas atendidas bajó de 23.000 a 5.500, debido a los graves problemas de infraestructura, escaso presupuesto y falta de medicinas38. En 2016, la escasez de medicinas psicotrópicas alcanzaba 85%, generando alta probabilidad de discapacidad y mortalidad39. En ENCOVI 2016, 63% de las personas con estas condiciones no conseguía medicinas en farmacias40. Los psiquiatras expresaban haber regresado a prácticas superadas como amarrar o aislar en un cuarto sin ropa para evitar autoagresiones41. En 2018, 3.500 personas debían desalojar los centros por severos cuadros de desnutrición y episodios psicóticos42." +314689,53183.0,2466.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,56,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"Around 67 per cent of these refugees live in out-ofcamp settlements, among the host community, while the rest remain in camps – especially in East Sudan and White Nile State. The fragile situation in neighboring countries continues to force people to cross the border into Sudan, seeking safety and life-saving assistance." +189143,42865.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],es,41,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-LMA-Colombia-Espanol.pdf,"incluso aunque se hayan controlado otros indicadores de los resultados del mercado laboral (específicamente edad, sexo, educación y ubicación), los venezolanos estaban ganando en promedio 30 porciento menos que los colombianos para octubre del 2019." +498765,60104.0,1187.0,[],[],[],es,60,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,"https://www.unicef.org/argentina/media/11626/file/Impacto%20de%20la%20pandemia%20en%20la%20educaci%C3%B3n%20de%20ni%C3%B1as,%20ni%C3%B1os%20y%20adolescentes.pdf","En mayo 2021 la Encuesta Rápida registra nuevamente un crecimiento en el porcentaje de hogares que han experimentado reducción de ingresos (56%), valores que resultan levemente inferiores a los observados un año atrás al inicio de la pandemia y del cierre de la actividad económica (en abril de 2020 había alcanzado 60%)." +325812,54267.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,51,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"La première institution de microfinance au Burkina Faso, la Première agence de microfinance au Burkina Faso (PAMF-BF), a été créée en 2006 et leur nombre n’a cessé de croître depuis, souvent avec l’appui de partenaires au développement ou d’ONG." +265975,49325.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/el-estatuto-de-proteccion-no-pone-en-riesgo-la-democracia-migracion-colombia/2461,"Juan Francisco Espinosa desmintió algunos mitos alrededor del estatuto. “Los migrantes no pueden participar, por ley, en elecciones. No están habilitados, no son votantes”. En este orden de ideas, es un mito que el estatuto ponga en riesgo la democracia. Al contrario, la protege, afirmó el alto funcionario." +241581,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,33,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Each month, some 97 civilians are either killed or injured by mines, including improvised mines, and explosive remnants of war. Children remain the predominant victims of these IEDs." +315542,54167.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],es,92,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_caqueta_dic_2020_vf.pdf,"la violencia basada en género reportó una disminución de casos importante frente al 2019. De esta manera, hasta noviembre de 2020, se reportaron 777 casos de VBG (135 menos que en 2019), en su mayoría relacionadas con violencia física (297 mujeres víctimas) y abuso sexual (168 mujeres víctimas). La mayoría de las víctimas de violencia física fueron mujeres entre 27 y 59 años, mientras que las niñas entre 12 y 18 años fueron las mayores víctimas de abuso sexual." +221972,45410.0,2332.0,[],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,53,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"La crise sanitaire en cours vient accentuer les impacts négatifs déjà présents par suite de la fermeture des frontières décidée en vue de limiter la dégradation du contexte sécuritaire provoquée par Boko Haram. Il en résulte le ralentissement systématique des échanges commerciaux avec le Nigéria, le Niger et la Libye." +173815,39928.0,2170.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,79,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"On a positive note, the Borno State Judiciary granted courts “to recommence in Bama, Monguno, Dikwa and Damasak in compliance with CLASS and as facilitated by the chief registrar working with relevant agencies.” In the same vein, the sitting of the 2 mobile courts located in Bakasi and Gubio Road IDP Camps in MMC was extended, to twice a week, in line with both camp and health regulations and CLASS." +209717,45080.0,2170.0,['Nutrition'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,74,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%209%20Dec%202020.pdf,"[9thDec2020,Yobe and Adamawa states]The prolonged lean season had added pressure on the low stabilization centres capacities to cope with the increased rates of SAM cases with medical complications who require intensive medical care and increased mortality rate. The Sector requires additional resources to increase the coverage of SCs in Yobe and Adamawa states and to establish temporary SCs in partially accessible areas like Magumeri and Gubio LGAs." +324326,54626.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,43,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,"The operational capacity of the UNICEF-led Clusters is significant, with a network of over 230 operational partners, including sub-regional coordinators in over 15 regions. The network facilitates access to information, coordination and interventions in hard-to-reach and inaccessible areas." +317189,53333.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,34,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Throughout the response, it is important to ensure gender-responsive approaches to SRHR, and conversely, SRHR is part of addressing the situation of girls and women and working toward gender equality." +320222,53305.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,39,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"7 UN AFPs in Abyei town (OCHA, RCO, WFP, FAO, IOM, UNICEF, UNMAS) are operating in Abyei Box, implementing activities, either through direct implementation or NGOs and contractors." +175893,40890.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,81,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"En contexto de las medidas de aislamiento por el COVID-19, aproximadamente el 40% de los hogares con niños y/o niñas en los dos grupos de edad (6-11 y 12-17 años) han tenido acceso al aprendizaje en línea: El 52% de hogares con niños y/o niñas de 6 a 11 años, y el 44% de hogares con niños y/o niñas de 12 a 17 pudieron acceder a otros tipos de las tareas escolares." +167136,40126.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,78,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_weekly_situation_update_-_27_september_ne_nigeria_0.pdf,"1 case is presently on admission at the end of ep-week 39 in Borno State. 2 patients were discharged at the end of Week 39, and no patient is in self-isolation. In Yobe State, 1 new confirmed case was admitted in the isolation centre, and the 6 active confirmed cases are in stable condition. In Adamawa State, 13% of deaths occurred in the community (2/15). CFR=7.1%" +159503,35728.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']","['Context->Demography', 'Casualties->Dead']",es,44,"['At Risk', 'Impact']","['Context', 'Casualties']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no_6_covid-19_choco_vf.pdf,"Preocupa la situación de mujeres gestantes y lactantes durante el periodo de cuarentena. De acuerdo con SIVIGILA, Chocó se encuentra entre tres departamentos con mayores tasas por razón de mortalidad materna, mortalidad perinatal y neonatal por cada 100 mil habitantes." +235023,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Pervasive disregard for International Humanitarian Law (IHL) by all parties to the conflict continues to characterise the conduct of hostilities in Afghanistan and the landscape in which humanitarians are attempting to reach people in need. +239644,47230.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,49,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"Tomando como referencia los resultados de la ESAE 2020, más del el 41.4% de hogares refugiados y migrantes tienen un consumo de alimentos pobre o limitado y el 18.4% tiene una baja diversidad de consumo (con menos consumo de frutas, verduras y lácteos)" +69900,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,69,[],['Context'],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"Men are more likely to finish high school than women (57% of men vs 51% of women), but men are less likely than women to finish college (9.8% of men vs 14.4% of women). Women are more likely than men to have participated in higher education (17.6% of men compared to 25.9% of women)." +295962,52417.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",en,55,[],"['Covid-19', 'Humanitarian Access']",IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.dropbox.com/s/fpu0ox89go0s7li/Syria%202021%20HNO%20%28advance%20copy%29.pdf?dl=0,"[23rd March 2021, Overall Syria] COVID-19 has also impacted the ability of affected communities to access and use certain forms of assistance in 2020. Eight per cent of households cite movement restrictions related to COVID-19 as the primary reason why they did not receive assistance in the last three month." +61457,18235.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"Venezuelans with an irregular immigration status face especially precarious living conditions in Colombia. Their access to healthcare – a widespread need among Venezuelan refugees and migrants in the third migration phase – is limited to emergency care and excludes access to medical evaluation, specialized medical care, therapies and medicines. People with chronic diseases such as cancer or HIV thus do not have access to adequate treatmen" +325601,54815.0,2099.0,[],[],[],en,35,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Neither at the primary nor PPS level does the RAI have a significant association with dropout rates, when controlling for all the other factors that may have an effect on children dropping out." +37249,11796.0,788.0,['Cross'],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,83,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Humanitarian Access']",Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/6%20Months%20Update%20Nigeria%20Report%20Flood%20Operation%20MDRNG025.pdf,"Due to the extent of the flooding and the damage to infrastructure, it has not been easy to reach out to the affected communities. During food and NFI distributions, some communities would only be reached using hired engine boats. The ongoing activities in some affected communities also require boats to reach them out. Some areas are also very far from the Branch offices and operation teams need to sleep over in order to access the affected communities." +178161,41756.0,2225.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],fr,75,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Les provinces où le nombre de personnes dans le besoin est le plus élevé sont localisées dans les régions de l’est du pays et du Kasaï. Les provinces du Nord-Kivu et de l’Ituri ont chacune plus de deux millions de personnes dans le besoin. Dans les provinces du Tanganyika, du Sud-Kivu, du Kasaï et du Kasaï-Central, plus d'un million de personnes sont dans le besoin." +214123,45385.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,18,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,Le début de la saison des pluies rend les pistes souvent impraticables dans le Logone et Chari. +304342,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,25,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"A total of 34 out of 78 counties were classified as facing low level access constraints, a reduction from 44 counties in 2019." +439730,63184.0,2099.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],en,13,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Burkina%20Faso%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%201%20May%20-%2030%20June%202021.pdf,The access gap in formal and non-formal education is 96.8 per cent. +287070,51749.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,40,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[Pouytenga] Les ménages PDI expriment également avoir des besoins en ustensiles de cuisine (marmites, assiettes), différents contenants (bidons seaux) et habits qu’ils ont perdus du fait de leur déplacement." +162984,39115.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,45,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/267_1595433556_0.pdf,"We urge patients undergoing home-based care to practice all recommended preventive measures including strict self-isolation, hand hygiene, physical distancing etc. If condition worsens, you are advised to immediately call your state helpline for immediate transfer to a designated treatment centre." +195741,44015.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,36,[],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN27D1PT,Democratic Republic of Congo’s army said on Wednesday it killed 33 militiamen and lost two soldiers as it seized two rebel strongholds in four days of intense fighting in the north-eastern Ituri province. +218733,45568.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,55,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/para-combatir-la-trata-instalaron-puesto-migratorio-en-amazonas/2333,"De acuerdo con el jefe de la autoridad migratoria colombiana, en lo corrido de este año, los Oficiales de la Regional Amazonas han logrado rescatar a siete víctimas de trata de personas y han puesto en evidencia, nuevas modalidades usadas por las redes de trata, para la explotación de personas." +268304,49758.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,27,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Salud: Las familias requieren atención en salud física priorizando a los niños y niñas, además de elementos de bioseguridad y prevención para la COVID-19." +22521,9106.0,729.0,"['Agriculture', 'Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,70,['Impact'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"Nearly three-quarters (74 per cent) of households who are still engaged in agricultural production report challenges associated with the crisis. Crop producers commonly cite power cuts, increased insecurity and the inability to access or afford inputs. Livestock producers commonly face a lack a shortage of veterinary services, and supplies, difficulties feeding herds, and having had to consume animals for food needs." +264291,48806.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,52,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_final_enquete_smart_27112019.pdf,"En outres, les résultats montrent qu’au niveau national 66,4 % des enfants de 6 à 8 mois bénéficient d’aliments de complément. Les valeurs extrêmes sont observées dans les provinces du Logone Occidental (94,2%) et dans celle de Borkou (38,7%)." +164821,39789.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,68,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Movementwide%20Operation%20Report%20August%202020.pdf,"10 small scale awareness sesssions conducted at HHs level on how to stay protected from virus through ensuring DAPS approach at communal camp setting.  98 families reached remotly to provide instant support in order to avoid furhtur harm in CP, GBV & PSEA considering the pandemic situation.  26 on-site sessions conducted with stakehoders to ensure engagement of the community in community awareness activities" +353808,57860.0,2170.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,115,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.vanguardngr.com/2021/06/rise-in-prices-push-7m-additional-nigerians-into-poverty-world-bank/,"[15th Jun 2021, Nigeria] “The urban inflation rate increased by 18.51 percent (YoY) in May 2021 from 18.68 percent recorded in April 2021, while the rural inflation rate increased by 17.36 percent in May 2021 from 17.57 percent in April 2021. “On a MoM basis, the urban index rose by 1.04 percent in May 2021, up by 0.05 percentage points compared to the rate recorded in April 2021 (0.99), while the rural index rose by 0.98 percent in May 2021, up by 0.03 points compared to the rate that was recorded in April 2021 (0.95 percent).”" +209129,43992.0,2332.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,60,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"|UNICEF COVID-19 strategy] An agreement has been signed with 23 to start broadcasting spots in local languages on COVID-19 protection. 25-minute informative programmes are being produced with the Government, UN and local partners to inform the population on COVID-19 and to answer questions from listeners. To date, 5,103 spots and microprogrammes have been aired." +235846,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,57,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"At the same time, active conflict and the intentional targeting of health facilities and staff by parties to the conflict has led to the periodic, prolonged, or permanent closure of critical health facilities, impacting as many as 1.2 million people across at least 17 provinces in the first ten months of 2020." +178042,40661.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,61,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Les provinces les plus touchées [par l'insécurité alimentaire] sont l’Ituri, le Nord-Kivu, le Sud-Kivu, le Tanganyika et le Maniema. L’activisme des groupes armés et l’insécurité grandissante, limitent également l’accès des populations à leurs champs, et par conséquent, la capacité de production des ménages." +224050,45768.0,2332.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,23,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,Il y a donc un travail de mobilisation de la communauté pour le changement de comportement en vue de la scolarisation des filles +144251,35186.0,1187.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,75,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3657214,"By mid-July, in the 24 subnational jurisdictions in Argentina, around90 percent of caseswere from the city and province of Buenos Aires where more than 50% of the country’s population resides. Of the remaining jurisdictions, roughly half were experiencing only sporadic cases (or no cases) and the other half were experiencing more localized community transmission with some recent acceleration associated with the relaxing of quarantine measures." +327258,54714.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,56,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,"[SHELTER & NON-FOOD ITEMS (SNFI) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Three most commonly reported types of shelter enclosure issues reported by households were Leaks during heavy rain (30%), Leaks during light rain (24%), Lack of insulation from cold (17%)." +228082,46579.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,42,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Las comunidades desplazadas se encuentran alejadas de sus actividades de sustento (recolección de alimentos para el autoabastecimiento), por lo que se hace necesaria la entrega de kits alimentarios y recuperación de los medios de vida para cuando regresen." +236665,46388.0,2336.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Enrolment rates among IDP, cross-border returnee and refugee children were even worse with 67 per cent of school-aged girls and 55 per cent of school-aged boys out of school." +46608,16136.0,729.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,123,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/echo_-nf_bud_2019_91000_v2.pdf,"There is an overall lack of comprehensive data. However, market availability is fair although the prices of essential goods have drastically increased due to the liquidity crisis and the booming of the black market. In the 2017 Multi-Sector Needs Assessment (MSNA), food security was not reported as a major concern. However, IDP households were more likely to have a worse Food Consumption Score (FCS) across all mantikas (regions) assessed with an overall of 79.5% ‘acceptable’ Food Consumption Score (FCS), 12.5% ‘borderline’ and 7.9% ‘poor’. The lowest FCS was found in Tripoli (15.3% of households)." +341966,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,80,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Tradipraticiens à la base, les dozo sont devenus des chasseurs avec une structure traditionnelle bien plus vieille que les structures administratives. À travers une confrérie fortement implantée dans plu- sieurs pays d’Afrique de l’Ouest, les dozo ont pour rôle de faire la chasse, de protéger la faune et la flore, d’assurer la protection des personnes et des biens, de soigner les personnes souffrant de certaines maladies occultes." +453920,63974.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_20210630-Rapport-Protection-Trimestriel.pdf,"Le manque de documentation légale constitue un problème majeur en matière d’accès au logement dans les localités de Yalgo (Mamaguel), Matiacoali et Boussouma (Louda village). L’accès aux terres et aux logements est conditionné aux capacités financières des Personnes déplacées internes (PDI)" +188623,43181.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Contact Tracing'],fr,42,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_270_20201026_.pdf,"Au total, 892 alertes ont été comptabilisées ce 25/10/2020 dont 840 nouvelles ; 840 (94,2%) d’entre elles ont été investiguées et 13 (1,5%) ont été validées comme nouveaux cas suspects de COVID-19." +196701,43328.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_smart_rapid_pdi_2020_bfa_final.pdf,"Les prévalences de MAG fournies par la mesure du PB chez les enfants de 6 à 59 mois confirme la situation de prévalences MAG élevées constatées dans certaines localités comme Gorgadji (14,2%), Dori (10,9%) et le site d’accueil de Barsalogho (10,9%)." +329871,53694.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],fr,56,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/03042021_sitrep_s11_whe_oms_rdc.docx.pdf,"A S10/2021, le Sud-Kivu a rapporté 43 cas suspects et aucun décès contre 44 cas suspects et aucun décès à la semaine précédente. La notification hebdomadaire de nouveaux cas suspects de choléra est restée en dessous de 50 cas suspects pour la troisième semaine consécutive après le pic de S7/2021 (111 cas)" +219062,45655.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,50,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"T[9th Dec, Overall Syria] he actual number of cases remains difficult to confirm. This is due to limited testing across Syria with a subsequent prioritized testing strategy used, and, the likelihood that a significant number of asymptomatic and mild cases are going undetected" +323717,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Environment'],fr,70,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Outre le changement climatique, les principales menaces pour la biodiversité au Burkina Faso sont l’augmentation du taux de déforestation (4 pour cent par an), la réduction des masses d’eau douce et des zones humides, et la diminution du rendement des cultures, qui entraînent une nouvelle conversion des zones naturelles en terres agricoles (Posthumus et al., 2019)." +486225,67505.0,2098.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,87,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Myanmar%20Emergency%20Update%20-%2001%20Sep_0.pdf,"[June - July 2021, Cox's Bazar] During the reporting period and earlier in the year, COVID-19 movement restrictions impeded the supply chain of materials and labor for site development activities. This challenge, compounded by restrictions on approved activities during the COVID-19 lockdown, negatively impacted monsoon preparedness and DRR activities that are critical to the safety of Rohingya refugees. Inconsistent construction quality and field-level coordination of contracted services contributed to additional challenges and setbacks in providing quality infrastructure." +400310,62279.0,2170.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"[10th November 2020, MONGUNO LGA, BORNO STATE]When data of stunting is further segregated by age shows that the younger children (46.86%) have a higher prevalence than older children (37.87%). The same analysis for severe underweight depicts that prevalence of severe underweight among younger children (23.67%) was higher than older children (17.68%)." +235018,46388.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,37,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Health facilities and workers continue to suffer harm from attacks, as well as and acts of intimidation by parties to the conflict, even as there is heightened need for their services due to COVID-19." +209714,45080.0,2170.0,['Nutrition'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Casualties->Dead'],en,93,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%209%20Dec%202020.pdf,"[9thDec2020,BAY states ]However, approximately 4% of the children admitted in the SCs died. The major cause of mortality is attributed to caregivers seeking health and nutrition treatment only when their children are presenting advanced poor nutritional status and medical complications. The delay in seeking treatment is often due to use of traditional herbal concoctions and the lack of nutrition services in areas affected by insecurity. Three children have died every day in the BAY states on average since the beginning of the year." +116227,32967.0,1185.0,[],[],"['Context->Environment', 'Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics']",es,44,[],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3648194,"""El ministro de Agricultura, Jorge Montenegro, llegó hasta el lugar del desastre y comprobó la magnitud del deslizamiento y el peligro que representa. En sesión de Consejo de Ministros se aprobó la declaratoria de emergencia"", manifestó Mamani." +267905,49773.0,2028.0,['Agriculture'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,34,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_HSOS-NWS_-January-2021.pdf,"(January 2021, NWS) communities where barriers to accessing income from agriculture to meet basic needs reported lack of access to resources (32% among residents and 24 among IDPs)" +292427,52073.0,2334.0,['Nutrition'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,54,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"Du 28 janvier au 31 mars 2019, L’ONG Alima conjointement avec certains partenaires médicaux ont dépisté 5 392 enfants de 6 à 59 mois. 127 MAS dépistés ; soit 2,4% et 357 MAM dépistés ; soit 6,6% de MAM. Un taux de MAG de 9%." +69911,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],[],en,84,[],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"Evidence from a range of crises demonstrates that SRH needs increase but barriers to accessing services are further exacerbated. As noted, GBV often increases in the aftermath of a crisis, increasing the need for access to clinical management of rape for survivors. A lack of privacy to ensure patient confidentiality is a barrier for patients to access SRH information and services in general and particularly compromises survivor-centred approaches for GBV and other stigmatized SRH services such as family planning." +341452,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],fr,120,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Cependant, les mêmes tares des régimes passés ont refait surface. Ce sont : la présence d’une administration partisane avec la politisation de l’administration publique (votre appartenance au parti au pouvoir vous confère un pouvoir), le développement d’une culture d’impunité, sources de la rupture de confiance entre les gouvernés et les gouvernants (les valeurs traditionnelles d’intégrité et de dignité s’effritent), la subordination du pouvoir judiciaire au pouvoir exécutif menaçant l’indépendance de la Justice, le déficit de dialogue et de confiance mutuelle, la confiscation des libertés, la primauté des intérêts partisans sur le bien commun." +145950,34803.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,65,['Capacities & Response'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"People who had encountered these patients in recent weeks are being advised to isolate themselves and be alert to potential symptoms, while all contacts exhibiting symptoms are being tested for COVID-19. As of 12 July, more than 2,500 samples had been PCR tested for COVID-19. Humanitarian and health partners are continuing their efforts to mitigate against the spread of the pandemic" +191540,43304.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,67,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"On note que les ressources générées par les activités (Location de salle, redevance du BUTDRA et visite au Musée) des structures du Ministère en charge de la Promotion de la Culture et du Tourisme sont en baisse au premier trimestre de l’année 2020 comparativement à celui de 2019. Cette baisse est induite par les conséquences des mesures barrières au COVID-19." +176003,40999.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,64,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_levaluation_rapide_sur_les_vbg_et_covid-19_dans_la_region_de_lest.pdf,"Par ailleurs il y a des normes sociales négatives qui tendent à légitimer le viol et les agressions sexuelles sur les femmes et filles. Certaines informations révèlent que dans des contextes bien particuliers, le viol est légitimé par certaines pratiques traditionnelles qui obligent tout homme dont l’épouse est décédée pendant une grossesse à violer une femme pour se purifier." +188862,43387.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,32,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20DE%20PROTECTION_SEPTEMBRE2020-SAHEL.pdf,"Dans certains villages tels que Tokabangou, Damban et Iklan, les hommes ne dorment plus dans leurs ménages du fait des attaques des GANI qui les visent de façon spécifique." +28414,10158.0,729.0,[],[],[],en,42,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ET_Feb_2019_Final%2820190313%29.pdf,"Abusliem In February, an estimated 330 migrants arrived in Abusliem from neighbouring municipalities. This included new migrants looking for work and some returning to resume jobs they held prior to the deterioration of the security situation in September 2018." +178190,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,57,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,Le Conseil de Sécurité des Nations Unies a décidé en mars 2019 de prolonger le mandat de la Mission des Nations Unies pour la stabilisation en RDC (MONUSCO) jusqu’au 20 décembre 2019 tout en demandant de préparer un plan de retrait échelonné à partir de 2020 ainsi qu’une stratégie de sortie.8 +173199,39903.0,1388.0,[],[],[],es,56,[],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3644542,"El PANI cuenta con protocolos dictados por el Ministerio de Salud, y trabaja en la capacitación y coordinación de su personal en todo el país. Estas caretas se distribuirán en los 46 albergues, las 52 Oficinas Locales y otras unidades operativas que atienden a la niñez, la adolescencia y las familias." +61696,18346.0,1184.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,22,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71003.pdf,"• 770 funcionarios públicos fueron capacitados en temas de derechos humanos, movilidad humana, protección infantil y acceso al asilo." +313666,53333.0,2334.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,26,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,In collaboration with the Education and Child Protection sub Cluster support the creation of an Adolescent/Youth task team that works across/ coordinate with different sectors. +2623,520.0,321.0,"['Health', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Food Security', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://www.amnesty.org/en/countries/middle-east-and-north-africa/libya/report-libya/,"Hundreds of civilians remained trapped without access to clean water, food, power or medical care in Benghazi’s Ganfouda area due to fighting." +193965,43819.0,2330.0,['Shelter'],[],[],en,74,[],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020%20Hurricanes%20Sit%20Rep%204.pdf,"The U.N. reports it is impossible to estimate the level of shelter need at this moment, and overcrowding makes transmission of COVID-19 a significant concern. Shelters commonly turn away those who continue to seek it, as water levels still rise even after the systems have dissipated. Even homes that have not been totally lost feature some kind of damage requiring repair, and necessitating the replacement of household goods." +177049,41752.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,37,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Selon informateurs clés à Dori et à Kaya, le renforcement des pratiques d’hygiène, porter un masque et garder ses distances sont également les mesures les plus répandues au sein de leurs communautés." +292287,52058.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,41,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/16-03-21_ni_nord_kivu.pdf,"[terr. Walikale] Par ailleurs, dans le groupement d’Ikobo, le 9 mars, plus de 1 000 personnes se sont déplacées vers la localité de Buleusa, à la suite des combats entre groupes armés" +57727,17280.0,1186.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Legal & Policy', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",es,36,[],"['Context', 'Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/439982_ed8c90c2b9644fbbabee3b33e6e9e918.pdf,"Como se ha indicado anteriormente, tanto en Santiago como en Antofagasta, la condición de vulnerabilidad de las personas migrantes se caracteriza por la escasez de redes de apoyo que tiene en el país," +452348,64945.0,2099.0,[],[],['Casualties->Missing'],fr,76,[],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MONITORING%20PROTECTION%20DE%20JULLET%202021%20EST.pdf,"Des cas d’enlèvements, de détentions de civils par des GANE ont été enregistrés au nombre de 03 incidents. Ces enlèvements ont concerné 07 personnes dont 03 en provenance de Diapaga enlevées sur l’axe Diapaga Kantchari (l’un d’eux auraient été relâché deux jours plus tard), un chauffeur d’un minibus enlevé sur l’axe Matiacoali-Fada et 03 personnes enlevés à Madjoari." +219299,45655.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,24,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"[9th Dec, Northeast Syria]Although levels of enforcement vary, the partial lockdowns remain in effect across all areas of NES" +313716,53333.0,2334.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,25,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Another driver for life-saving needs is returnee school-aged children estimated at 142, 544 from the returnee population of 203,634 for Jan-Aug 2020 period." +270241,50227.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,85,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Colombia reporta con corte al 24 de febrero a las 4pm, un total de 50.524 dosis aplicadas, Bogotá con el mayor número de dosis (13.169), Antioquía (6.570), Valle del cauca (4.635), Barranquilla (2.524), Cundinamarca (2.520). en los departamentos fronterizos con Brasil y Perú se reportan dosis colocadas en Amazonas (333), Vaupés (59), Guainía (165) y putumayo (150 dosis)" +178098,40661.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,104,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"En plus de ce qui précède, le Bulletin Conjoint des Marchés de juin 2020, développé dans le cadre de l’initiative collaborative lancée en mars par l’ensemble des acteurs impliqués dans la surveillance des prix et le fonctionnement des marchés, indique que, la combinaison de facteurs liés à la mise en place des mesures, tels que l’impact de la fermeture des frontières sur le commerce transfrontalier et l’effet sur les disponibilités de stock, a probablement provoqué une partie de l’augmentation initiale des prix observée entre mars et avril." +167109,40215.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,47,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20201001-syrias-damascus-airport-resumes-commercial-flights-after-covid-19-halt/,"[1st October 2020, Syria] Commercial flights were suspended on March 25, just a few days after Syria reported its first COVID-19 infection, which medics and UN officials said was linked to Shi’ite pilgrims who travelled by air from Iran." +316056,52949.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,33,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The Shelter Cluster estimates that 1.3 million non-IDPs require shelter and non-food item (NFI) assistance, mainly due to inadequate conditions and related living standards like overcrowding and economic hardship." +238151,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,FSAC is also particularly concerned about people selling their productive assets as a means to weather income loss and food consumption gaps. This not only affects people’s productivity but is more difficult to reverse in the future with implications for their recovery. +183558,43049.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,31,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20response%20in%20the%20Central%20Sahel%202020%20%E2%80%94%20October%202020.pdf,"NSAG activity has increased exponentially and expanded geographically in recent years, restricting access for State, humanitarian, and development actors to the areas in most need of support." +235091,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,53,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"While NGOs recognise the benefits of having a clear NGO Law in place that facilitates their work according to international best practice, such legislation must be enabling, allowing NGOs to serve the people of Afghanistan according to core humanitarian principles of transparency, operational independence, impartiality, and neutrality." +248086,48110.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Hospitalization & Care', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,61,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/democratic-republic-congo/evolution-du-nouveau-coronavirus-covid-19-en-rdc-mise-jour-publi-0,"Aucun patient supplémentaire n’est sorti guéri dans la journée du 28 janvier 2021 des CTCo, ni parmi ceux qui sont pris en charge à domicile. Total de personnes guéries du nouveau coronavirus, COVID-19 en RDC : 14 997. Taux de guérison : 67%. Le total de cas actifs est de 6 660 ;" +165164,38412.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],en,43,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20200902-wfp-over-9-3-syrians-are-food-insecure/,"According to the organisation, in April food prices increased 107 per cent when compared to the same period a year earlier, due to the economic crisis in neighbouring Lebanon and the outbreak of the novel coronavirus that exacerbated the situation." +325476,54815.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Agriculture', 'Logistics', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,38,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,The poor state of the road network leads to overall low rural and urban mobility that prevents the country from opening its agricultural production zones; improving access to education and health services; and spurring economic development +438432,64539.0,1185.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,43,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"La falta de un contrato formal reduce las posibilidades de disfrutar de los derechos laborales establecidos por la legislación peruana, la cual genera riesgos de protección, además que no permite que sean parte del sistema de tributario en el Perú." +61795,18350.0,1184.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,404,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71151.pdf,"Intervención 4: Apoyo al gobierno receptor • 1.071 funcionarios públicos capacitados • 243 miembros del personal de salud capacitados Procesos de capacitación En el mes de junio se han registrado varios procesos de acompañamiento o fortalecimiento de las capacidades del estado, beneficiando a varias instituciones (Defensoría pública, la Policía Nacional, el Ministerio de Inclusión Económica y Social, el Ministerio del Interior, entre otras); además se fortalece el trabajo con instituciones locales para fortalecer el conocimiento sobre movilidad humana, con procesos de sensibilización y capacitación dirigidos a los presidentes de gobiernos parroquiales, funcionarios de los Gobiernos Autónomos Descentralizados (GAD) de las Prefecturas, así como los Consejos Cantonales de Protección de Derechos y las Juntas Parroquiales, por ejemplo: • En Ambato, Machala y Loja se capacitó en total 68 defensores públicos y a 81 funcionarios/as de Consultorios Jurídicos Gratuitos en temáticas de protección relacionadas a movilidad humana. • En San Lorenzo se realizaron reuniones con la Junta Parroquial de las Peñas (playa turística) para identificar las necesidades de la población venezolana asentada en este lugar, a las cuales también participó la Defensoría Pública. • Se realizó un taller con los funcionarios del MIES sobre mejores prácticas para la erradicación de la pobreza en grupos vulnerables en la ciudad de Quito. • En Ibarra se desarrolló la capacitación a funcionarios públicos de la Red de Salud de la Parroquia Natabuela en el cantón Antonio Ante, ante el incremento de población venezolana en la zona. • En Cuenca se capacitó en temas de protección que incluyeron protección internacional, acceso al asilo y alternativas migratorias, protección de la infancia y VGB, del cual fueron beneficiados 60 hombres y 46 mujeres. • En la Provincia de Orellana se ha generado un vínculo con el personal técnico del MIES que favorece la remisión de casos que se encuentren en una situación de vulnerabilidad, como NNA en situación de riesgo y mujeres víctimas de violencia intrafamiliar. • El 19 de junio se proyectó la película “Capernaum” en la Escuela de Policía del Carchi, permitiendo que los aspirantes y oficiales de Policía adquieran consciencia de la situación que enfrentan las personas en movilidad humana (participación de 91 aspirantes de Policía y 15 oficiales de la Escuela)." +242927,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In a needs assessment carried out by Oxfam in April 2020, 97 per cent of female respondents said that GBV had increased since the COVID 19 outbreak started." +85618,21792.0,1233.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,82,[],['Context'],UNHCR Aruba,2019-05-28 03:09:23.652639+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/R4V%20Regional%20SitRep%20JulyAugust%202019.pdf,"In the Caribbean, particularly Aruba and Curacao, the Fifth Periodic Review on the Netherlands for the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) recognized the challenges posed by Venezuelans seeking international protection and expressed concern for the lack of legal frameworks governing asylum and the conditions of detention, to which it recommended the introduction of appropriate legislation, in line with international human rights and refugee laws, while establishing or strengthening their asylum procedures." +341593,55986.0,2225.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_cluster_sante_rdc_s16.pdf,"[site de réfugiés de Modale] Pour ce qui est l’eau, hygiène et assainissement, quelques infrastructures sont en train de se mettre en place mais le gap reste grand, car une bonne partie de réfugiés n’ont pas accès à l’eau potable, aux latrines et continuent à faire la défécation à l’air libre." +194595,43822.0,2311.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],es,31,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19112020_flash_update_no.3_emergencias_por_ola_invernal_-_colombia_vf.pdf,"En Córdoba, desde la Oficina de Gestión de Riesgos y Desastres del departamento, se informa que, el 66 por ciento del departamento se encuentra en calamidad pública." +325688,54267.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,161,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"En termes de nutrition, il est bien connu que le riz brun produit localement peut avoir une valeur nutritionnelle beaucoup plus grande que le riz blanc importé, en termes de fibres, de vitamines, de minéraux et d’antioxydants, et pourrait contribuer à lutter contre l’obésité et les maladies chroniques liées à l’alimentation qui sont de plus en plus répandues au Burkina Faso et en Afrique de l’Ouest. La sélection, la diversification des variétés de riz, les technologies de mouture et l’enrichissement (fer, vitamines D et E) peuvent également renforcer ces avantages nutritionnels, étant donné que la consommation de riz importé est en constante augmentation. Dans ce secteur, comme dans d’autres dans le contexte burkinabé, la sécurité et la qualité des aliments sont également des défis qui nécessitent des politiques et des investissements plus efficaces." +135714,35301.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,43,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"UNICEF also continued to support preventative nutrition interventions, reaching some 390,000 caregivers with awareness on appropriate infant and young child feeding practices (IYCF). COVID-19 -related messages were also included in IYCF messages since the beginning of COVID-19 response." +93379,26310.0,1386.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,45,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Venezuela_%20Violent%20Abuses%20in%20Illegal%20Gold%20Mines%20_%20Human%20Rights%20Watch.pdf,"Nearly every person interviewed who had worked in mines or mining towns had had malaria, many of them multiple times. The public health system, amid the humanitarian emergency in the country, has not been able to provide treatment to everyone." +46577,16136.0,729.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,83,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/echo_-nf_bud_2019_91000_v2.pdf,"According to the Service and Availability Readiness Assessment (SARA) of the public health facilities in Libya, 19 baladiyas/100 (districts) report less than 20% health facilities functioning. 94 baladiyas claim that there is no regular access to medicines. Service readiness index score for the Primary Health care public services is 36.8%. 20.1% of the Public Health Centres and 17.5% of public hospitals have been closed (damaged or not accessible)." +451921,64945.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MONITORING%20PROTECTION%20DE%20JULLET%202021%20EST.pdf,"La région a connu une baisse de chiffre en termes d’incidents ce mois, soit 08 contre 16 pour le mois passé. Cependant, le sentiment d’insécurité, la peur, la détresse psychologique, la restriction des mouvements sont toujours partagées dans toutes les provinces comme conséquences indirectes des violations perpétrées par les GANE." +157869,38800.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,91,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GTS%20-%20HNAP%20COVID19%20Syria%20Bulletin%20R3.pdf,"Staying indoors (76%) and social distancing (66%) are more difficult for communities in high-density sub-districts.12 In addition to needing to attend or seek work (60%), people are afraid of missing out on aid services (53%) if they stay home. This fear of losing aid is less prevalent in low-density areas (21%), perhaps because these “hard to reach” locations face higher barriers to the implementation of humanitarian activities to begin with." +224003,45768.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,Elles [personnes déplacées] sont venues des zones déclarées zone rouge (Bohoma et autres villages insulaires) et donc il n’y a pas de perspectives à moyen terme pour leur retour dans leurs villages d’origine. +238166,47090.0,2170.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_15_dec_2020_report.pdf,"[1st-15thDec 2020, Borno and Adamawa state]56% of latrines across 126 sites in 17 LGAs need gender marking. 21% latrines needs desludgement across 71 sites in 16 LGAs (table 1)." +240423,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,27,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"For farming households, crop pests and diseases, damaged irrigation systems, and problems accessing seeds and fertiliser were the major challenges faced in 2020." +235640,47076.0,2334.0,['Education'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,24,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,"Only 6% of the 2020 targeted 355,000 children affected by the crisis have had access to quality formal or non-formal basic education." +12737,5579.0,322.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,92,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20Jun%202018.pdf,"Since the begging of 2018, approximately 138,800 children with Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM), over 184,000 children with Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM) and 149,000 Pregnant and lactating women (PLW) with acute malnutrition, have been admitted for treatment. In addition, 321,491 children have received micronutrient powders, while 869,000 women have received Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) counselling. Some 200,700 children aged 6-23 months and 244,600 pregnant and lactating women, were reached through Blanket Supplementary Feeding programmes." +156592,38698.0,2098.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,43,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flood_dashboard_monitoring_5_september_2020.pdf,"There are still large numbers of people displaced across the affected districts who are likely to remain without significant assistance or permanent shelter for many months to come. • Due to COVID-19 pandemic, the implementation of activities is slowing down." +149680,37702.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Food Security', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,48,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"Humanitarian partners are providing multi-sectoral support including IPC measures such as sterilization of accommodation and examination centers and the provision of PPE to teachers, invigilators and observers; as well as the provision of meals, NFIs and dignity kits to those hosted in accommodation centers." +221793,45410.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,69,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,[Les parties Sud des provinces administratives du BEG et du Kanem dans la Zone 5 - « agropastorale» ]: Une suroffre est rapportée sur les marchés à bétail de la zone en raison du séjour prolongé des transhumants dont la descente vers les localités de la zone soudanienne est retardée comparativement à une année normale à cause des inondations qui limitent le déplacement des animaux. +176393,41733.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,39,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/reach_drc_bulletin-des-marche-2_juin-2020.pdf,"Suite à cette augmentation, le coût médian du PMA est redescendu entre avril et mai de 7%, à une valeur de 177 808 FC, bien que les coûts restent généralement plus élevés qu'en mars." +235476,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,42,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Despite the heightened pressure and need for their services, health facilities and workers continue to suffer harm from attacks, as well as acts of intimidation by parties to the conflict, undermining the system's ability to meet needs." +309786,51467.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,Improvements are noted as progress has been made since 2010. Chronic levels of malnutrition including stunting prevalence among children under-five has decreased from 31.1 per cent in 2010 to 15.6 per cent in 2019 +169947,40360.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,29,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Au cours de ce mois d’août 2020, les cas de VBG identifiés dans la Région du Sahel sont des cas de mariage d’enfants." +9921,4389.0,321.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,158,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Libya%20Flash%20Update%2029%20June%202018.pdf,"The number of individuals disembarked in Libya has increased dramatically during the reporting period, with rescue/interception operations taking place almost on a daily basis. As of 28 June, the LCG rescued/intercepted more than of 10,000 refugees and migrants. During the week, some 2,425 refugees and migrants were disembarked in Al Khums (459 individuals), Tajoura (86 individuals) and at the Tripoli Naval base (1,880 individuals). The highest number was recorded on 24 June, when 947 individuals were disembarked in Tripoli. On 29 June, at least 100 people died after a boat carrying around 123 refugees and migrants sank off the coast of Tajoura in Libya. UNHCR and its partner International Medical Corps were present at disembarkation points where they provided core-relief items and vital medical assistance at disembarkation points and in detention centres to which individuals were transferred by the authorities." +78101,21602.0,1224.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,42,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/72608.pdf,"Basic Needs and Essential Services Partners have provided assistance to more than 8,000 refugees and migrants from Venezuela in Peru, Guyana, Aruba, Curaçao, Argentina, Uruguay, Dominican Republic, Guyana, Panama and Trinidad and Tobago." +159085,37975.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,27,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_ndeg112.pdf,"Cas actifs dans la seule région du Centre sur 09 touchés, 05 districts (tous à Ouagadougou) sur 22 touchés ont toujours des cas actifs" +175178,40890.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,44,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"En relación con la salud materna, es de precisar que la atención en salud es el principal determinante de la mortalidad y el 20% de los hogares con mujeres gestantes o lactantes expresaron necesidades de atención en salud sexual y reproductiva." +311440,54007.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,275,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Proporción de UCI y cama hospitalaria adulto: Al corte 13 de abril, del total de las 12.404 camas de UCI, el 72,3% (8.964) están ocupadas con una disponibilidad a nivel nacional del 27,7% (3.440), que en comparación con las últimas 24 horas el porcentaje de disponibilidad se ha disminuido en un 1,44% y el número de camas disponibles en un 0,95%, y en los últimos 7 días con una tendencia a la disminución de la disponibilidad el porcentaje de disponibilidad se observa una disminución en un 15,64% y el número de camas disponibles en un 13,96%. Del total de las 8.964 camas de UCI ocupadas, se encuentran: 4.437 (49,5%) casos confirmados, 871 (9,7%) pacientes sospechosos y 3.656 (40,8%) casos no COVID-19. En los últimos 7 días el porcentaje de los casos de COVID-19 hospitalizados se han incrementado en 12,24% y en el 2,34% en las últimas 24 horas. Del total de 45.119 camas hospitalarias para adultos, el 67,3% (30.344) se encuentran ocupadas, con una disponibilidad del 32,7% (14.775), en comparación con las últimas 24 horas el porcentaje de disponibilidad se ha disminución en un 1,95% y el número de camas disponibles en un 1,86%. Del total de las 30344 camas hospitalarias ocupadas, se encuentran: 4.457 (14,7%) casos confirmados, 1.794 (5,9%) pacientes sospechosos y 24.093 (79,4%) casos no COVID-19." +304146,51467.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"The continued and protracted macro-economic crisis, accompanied by currency depreciation, has also resulted in high food prices, eroded household purchasing power and made food unaffordable for a significant proportion of the population." +341845,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,97,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Dans ce contexte de bouleversement socio-politique où les besoins en matière de sécurité ne sont pas satisfaits, on assiste à l’émergence de groupes d’autodéfense se désignant principalement comme koglwéogo, « les gardiens de la brousse » qui se manifestent à travers la volonté des populations de prendre en charge elles-mêmes leur sécurité. Ces structures communautaires de sécurité bien que jouissant d’une adhésion populaire s’arrogent des prérogatives sécuritaires qui contribuent aujourd’hui à une montée de l’insécurité locale de plus en plus décriée." +456033,65411.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,149,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[16-29 August 2021, Cox's Bazar] Host/Refugee: Currently, 641 beds are functional in 13 Severe Acute Respiratory Infection Isolation and Treatment Centers (SARI ITCs) in the camps with provision of oxygen to assist both the Rohingya refugee population and the nearby host communities of Cox’s Bazar. The bed occupancy of these SARI ITCs is 54% at the end of the reporting period. Moreover, the capacity of general isolation beds in the district is 517. The Intensive Care Unit/High Dependency Unit (ICU/HDU) at the Cox’s Bazar Sadar Hospital has a capacity of 43 beds for severe and critical patients. During the past weeks, an increase in the bed occupancy at the ICU has been observed, indicating the increased demand of hospitalization due to severe disease presentation at admission." +311747,53183.0,2466.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,27,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,Children need to receive a full package of education activities in order to have improved access to education and quality of education.(HRP Recommendations) +294637,51749.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[District sanitaire de Ouargaye] L’accès aux services d’urgence est largement entravé par l’absence à la fois de moyens de transports et du cout qui y est lié, avec un risque élevé de dépense catastrophique." +148537,36019.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,50,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"Markets, restaurants, cafes, gyms, public parks, theatres, cinemas and most leisure facilities are now allowed to open, so long as precautionary COVID-19 measures are adopted. Mosques and churches are also open, including for group prayers, provided physical distancing is observed" +305673,51474.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,72,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"United Nations police also conducted 925 technical assistance sessions with the National Police Service during which 5,120 officers, including 1,316 women, received information on those topics. The training programmes are aimed at building the capacity of the National Police Service and other law enforcement agencies, thereby enhancing professionalism, accountability and the community-oriented disposition to further guarantee and foster the protection of civilians and build durable peace." +47267,16362.0,729.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,64,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/shipwreck-coast-libya-has-claimed-lives-150-people,"A shipwreck off the coast of Libya has claimed the lives of 150 refugees and migrants, the most recent incident in a line of tragedies in the Mediterranean Sea. This is a stark reminder of the humanitarian crisis emerging out of the country, and of the urgent need for search and rescue missions to be resumed in the Mediterranean Sea." +195334,43799.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],fr,76,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://sante.cd/2020/10/29/la-rdc-face-a-la-deuxieme-vague-de-coronavirus/,"Selon une source au sein du Secrétariat Technique de la riposte contre la Covid19, les voyageurs qui viennent de l’Extérieur des frontières de le République Démocratique du Congo. Il semblerait que les résultats de leurs tests aurait été falsifiés, d’autres achètent des résultats au lieu de passer réellement le test. Cette attitude irresponsable de certains voyageurs est susceptible de faire grimper les nombres des cas en Rdc." +159087,37975.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_ndeg112.pdf,"Un (1) nouveau cas confirmé le 18/06/2020, il s’agit d’une transmission communautaire à Ouagadougou (District sanitaire de Baskuy)" +188212,40860.0,1899.0,['Livelihoods'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,78,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200922_OCHA_GUATEMALA%20HRP%20COVID-19%20ESPAN%CC%83OL.pdf,"Aun cuando se ha iniciado un proceso de reapertura del país las consecuencias de la paralización económica seguirán sintiéndose durante los próximos meses y se podrían incrementar debido a la experiencia en otros países que al haber un mayor contacto de personas se pueda producir una segunda oleada de contagios, lo cual podría provocar una nueva reducción de movilización. Adicionalmente el sector de turismo no presentara una pronta recuperación y de él dependen comunidades enteras." +327337,54982.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,52,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/04/changes-in-eating-habits-ramadan-does-not-taste-the-same-in-syria/,"[5 APR, Overall Syria] In a 5 April report, Qasioun, an online economy newspaper, reported that the cost of living for a five-membered family increased by 42 percent since the first months of 2021, amounting to one million and 40 thousand SYP last March." +330252,55051.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,19,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Note%20dinformation%20%2317%20R%C3%A9ponse%20Epid%C3%A9mie%20Ebola%20au%20Nord-Kivu_29-04-21.pdf,Déclaration de fin d’épidémie : six jours avant la fin des 42 jours sans nouveau cas; +341729,56493.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,104,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Le premier défi à noter de ce point de vue porte sur la législation nationale. En effet, lorsque l’Etat est amené à réglementer un aspect du domaine foncier, il arrive souvent qu’il ne prenne pas en charge toute la question et de façon définitive. C’est le cas de la loi portant réorganisation agraire et foncière au sein de laquelle il est fait une distinction entre plusieurs domaines fonciers, celui de l’Etat, celui des collectivités territoriales, celui des particuliers... dans des termes peu clairs qui confondent les populations." +134464,35170.0,1188.0,['Cross'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],es,25,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,No parece existir ninguna estructura comunitaria en la ciudad. Los asistentes si comentaron la importancia y necesidad de la existencia de estas estructuras. +490423,67723.0,1234.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,90,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Trinidad and Tobago,2019-05-28 03:09:47.864552+00,,"By 31 December, Aruba had a total of 5,489 COVID-19 cases, 291 ac(cid:415)ve cases and 49 deaths. Curaçao COVID-19 infec(cid:415)ons reached a total of 4,260 cases including 1,321 ac(cid:415)ve cases and the death toll moved to 14. Trinidad and Tobago reached 7,150 cases, 373 ac(cid:415)ve cases with 127 deaths. Guyana reported 6,332 total cases, 348 ac(cid:415)ve cases and moved to 164 deaths." +241533,46388.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,34,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In addition to killing and maiming, the psychological trauma, stress and anxiety associated with the ongoing conflict has been compounded by the impact of COVID-19 economic pressure and loss of livelihoods." +317820,52949.0,2331.0,"['WASH', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,65,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The Education Cluster Children’s Voices survey showed that in schools where partners are responding, 46 per cent of the girls do not receive sanitary materials, 15 per cent of the children reported that their schools do not have gender segregated latrines, and 67 per cent of the children reported that their schools do not have a girl friendly space." +275895,50662.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[July- December 2020, Cox's Bazar] In 2020, the majority of NCD cases reported in DHIS2 were Musculo-skeletal problems (49%), diabetes mellitus (17%) and hypertension (16%). Others include Asthma (5%), and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Cardiovascular Disease (1%)." +306900,51572.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,93,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"[WASH] World Vision was running the 5 SWATs (2 in D1 and 3 in D2) in Denthoma camps, but the project which was covering incentives for SWAT operators ended in September 2020. As a solution, the SWATs were handed over to community and volunteers have been trained to run the SWATs. The project is still ongoing in Koradar with funding available until March 2021 only. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +410306,63222.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,133,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_mvam_bulletin_57_july_2021.pdf,"[Syria, July] During the reporting period, 16 percent of interviewed households in Syria reported poor food consumption, up by three percentage points from July 2020. This trend was much higher in Ar-Raqqa (22 percent), an increase of nine percentage points year-on-year, followed by Deir-ez-Zor (22 percent). The highest monthly increase of surveyed households reporting poor food consumption was recorded in Quneitra (up by eight percentage points) and Hama (up by seven percentage points), reaching 20 percent and 19 percent, respectively, in July 2021. Also, in Dar’a governorate, 11 percent of interviewed house- holds reported poor food consumption, marking almost double the level recorded a month earlier." +239301,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,48,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The level of vulnerability increases for people with specific needs. Women, the elderly, adolescents, youth, children, people with physical and mental disabilities, refugees, migrants, and minorities experience the highest degree of socio-economic marginalisation, especially in the winter." +224800,43304.0,2332.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security', 'WASH']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"[migrants en détresse bloqués aux frontières ou à l’intérieur du Tchad] incapables de subvenir à leurs besoins fondamentaux (tels que l’eau, la nourriture et les articles non- alimentaires)." +205542,44672.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,52,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Ministry of Public Health announced further commitments of around $300 million by the World Bank ($100 million), Asian Development Bank ($40 million) and European Union ($129 million) with the condition that the funds should be spent through UN and NGOs." +296803,52565.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/2019/06/WFP-COUNTRY-BRIEF-CAMEROON-APRIL-2019.pdf,"The four priority regions of Far North, North, Adamawa and East account for 62.5 percent of the total of food-insecure people in the country (CFSVA 2017)." +208395,43992.0,2332.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,59,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"A total of 720 thermoflash, 30,175 protective face shields, 30,175 FFP2 masks, 2,400 protective goggles, 500 examination gloves and 700 lab coats have been distributed in ten provincial hospitals, five district hospitals and 246 health facilities in nine districts [through the process of provision of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)]." +237282,46388.0,2336.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"At 2.6 million, EiE needs remain largely the same as the 2020 mid-year revision and will continue to primarily focus on shock-affected children who cannot access regular schools." +178191,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,64,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Dans cette optique, la Mission a fermé plusieurs bureaux terrains en 2019 (Mbandaka, Bandundu, Matadi, Kisangani, Dungu, Kamina, Mbuji-Mayi, Lubumbashi)9 et devrait maintenir sa présence dans les six provinces touchées par le conflit. En 2020, ce repositionnement de la mission devrait concerner la région du Kasaï et la province du Tanganyika.10" +238286,46388.0,2336.0,"['Education', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,37,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"This constant interruption to education, as well as the inadequate availability of schools and teachers have grave consequences for children's capacity to thrive and contribute to the economic and civic future of their country." +285122,50882.0,2466.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,34,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/ipc_sudan_acute_food_insecurity_projection_update_2020octdec_report_1.pdf,[Recommendation For Action] Close monitoring and facilitation of nomads’ seasonal movements with their animals to the summer season grazing areas to avoid the destruction of farms and conflict with farmers. +195743,44015.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,40,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN27D1PT,"On Saturday morning CODECO fighters loyal to the rebel leader known as “Mountain Wolf” attacked an army position near Dele, 6 km (4 miles) south-east of Bunia, the U.N. said in a statement." +149828,37865.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cxb-situation-report-20.pdf,"In the past week, 2364 patients with mild symptoms of respiratory tract infections and two patients with moderate COVID-like symptoms were identified during 131 756 household visits. The cumulative number of patients identified with mild symptoms since the introduction of the activity eight weeks ago is 14 896 and additional 90 patients with moderate/ severe symptoms." +177073,41752.0,2099.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,33,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Par rapport à l’étude de la Fondation Hirondelle, le pourcentage des personnes interrogées qui estiment que le virus a aggravé leurs difficultés quotidiennes (84%) a dimunué." +289282,51905.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,19,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[2nd March, 2021, SDF] 63% of sub-districts have sufficient knowledge of COVID-19 risk." +318640,52949.0,2331.0,"['Nutrition', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Given the prevalence of natural disasters in Somalia, combined with the impact of the global pandemic, many households will continue to lose their purchasing power, which will impact the rates of malnutrition." +224040,45768.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,18,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,Les informateurs clés confirment la présence sur le site de Diamérom des enfants séparés ou non accompagnés. +314692,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Demography'],en,22,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"An estimated 15 per cent of the global population are persons with disabilities, 10 per cent of whom are children." +148175,36609.0,1388.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,102,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/01.%20CRI%20Operation%20July%202020%20.pdf,"Protection UNHCR Costa Rica works to reduce vulnerabilities and enhance protection through a variety of interventions and activities for asylum-seekers, refugees, and stateless persons. UNHCR advocates for safe access to territory, nonrefoulement, no sanctions for irregular entry, effective registration, access to a fair and efficient refugee status determination (RSD) procedure, timely issuance of documentation, and access to basic rights and services. Activities implemented also help strengthen the response to sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), child protection, and comprehensive care for persons with specific protection needs." +310549,53179.0,2466.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,22,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Flash%20Update%20-%20Sudan%20-%2017%20Jan%202021_1.pdf,"Protection monitoring covered 24 gathering points since the start of the response, reaching 32,600 people with community-level protection monitoring assessments." +304500,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,78,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Men constituted the majority of civilian victims of violence, particularly during the first half of the year. Most of them were killed or injured during incidents of sub-national violence, while the others were abducted for forced labour and/or military recruitment. Women were primarily subjected to conflict related sexual violence, killing and abduction, largely in the context of sub-national violence. Children faced abduction, recruitment into armed groups and separation from families" +26102,10739.0,786.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],en,100,[],[],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/the_americas/venezuela-has-its-electricity-back-for-now-but-its-still-on-the-verge-of-collapse/2019/03/20/1cb0060e-4986-11e9-8cfc-2c5d0999c21e_story.html?utm_term=.a236d74c7c19,"Word from the countryside is that farmers have been unable to find seeds and fertilizer. And the planting season is about to start. Everyone from Wall Street analysts to Rodríguez, who has sold carrots, parsley, bananas and garlic here for decades, worries that this will be the year Venezuela’s agricultural sector collapses. “The situation is critical,” said Rodríguez, 70, squatting on a plastic stool as customers handled her food, then moved on without buying. “There’s already very little production.”" +400318,62279.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Population'],[],en,84,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"[10th November 2020, MONGUNO LGA, BORNO STATE]Among these 90 children, 36.7% (26.8% - 47.5%) preferred visiting mobile clinics to seek the treatment of the ailment for their children. About 27.8% (18.9% - 38.2%) caretakers of the children preferred pharmacy medicines whereas 12.2% children visited a hospital. About 11.1% visited PHC and 1.1% and 2.2% visited private clinician and traditional practitioners respectively." +317187,53333.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Adolescent girls also expressed concern for their health and wellbeing in relation to communicable diseases, especially malaria which contributes to mortality in pregnant people and morbidity for children under five." +174186,38392.0,1899.0,['Health'],[],[],es,49,[],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ALC%20post%20COVID-19%20-%20Retos%20y%20oportunidades%20para%20pa%C3%ADses%20de%20Centroam%C3%A9rica%2C%20Hait%C3%AD%2C%20M%C3%A9xico%2C%20Panam%C3%A1%2C%20y%20Rep%C3%BAblica%20Dominicana.pdf,"Actualmente, el sistema de salud de Guatemala se caracteriza por altos niveles de fragmentación entre instituciones públicas, así como por un sector privado que, a pesar de interactuar con el sistema público de la salud en diversos niveles, opera bastante independientemente bajo mínima regulación." +178064,40661.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Environment'],fr,143,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Selon CFSAM, concernant l’accès physique aux marchés, l’état des routes constitue une contrainte majeure pour les producteurs qui se résignent soit à vendre dans les centres de consommation les plus proches de leurs milieux de production soit à endurer d’énormes coûts énormes de transport. Environ 60% des routes de desserte agricole dans le pays sont dans un très mauvais état. Les provinces les plus touchées sont celles du Tanganyika (84%), Bas-Uélé (78) et Kwango (71%). Les provinces de la Tshuapa, Lualaba, Kongo-central, Kasaï, Kasaï-Oriental et Nord-Ubangi ont plus de 60% de leurs routes en mauvais état qui, avec la saison pluvieuse, ont tendance à se détériorer davantage (Source CFSAM, Septembre 2019)." +132435,35164.0,1188.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"Casos de trata de personas: Importante señalar que durante el año 2018, de 54 posibles víctimas de la trata de personas, 14 eran de nacionalidad venezolanas." +305213,53100.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],fr,17,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/plan_de_preparation_coronavirus_cmr._version_du_10_mars_2019.pdf,Absence de cadre juridique du COUS [Centre des Opérations d’Urgences de Santé Publique] +294556,51749.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],fr,42,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,[commune de Comin-Yanga] Mais l’arrivée régulière de nouveaux ménages fait qu’il y a constamment un besoin en abris d’urgence et les ménages présents depuis plusieurs mois souhaiteraient bénéficier d’abris plus pérennes. +181908,42262.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,66,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_KAP4_Covid_NWS_TK_21.10.20-2.pdf,"[October 1, NWS, # of cases] As of 1 October, 1,072 people have tested positive for COVID-19 in Northwest Syria (NWS), including 6 fatalities. Reports from the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) indicate that 16% of all cases in NWS (172 respondents) are health care workers." +209495,45056.0,2334.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,60,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://wcaro.unfpa.org/fr/news/limpact-de-la-covid-19-sur-les-violences-bas%C3%A9es-sur-le-genre-en-afrique-de-louest-et-du-centre,"Dans chacun des deux pays [Cameroun et Mali] , les évidences exposées démontrent qu’il y a eu une augmentation des cas de violence basée sur le genre pendant les périodes de confinement durant la pandémie de coronavirus (COVID-19), dans les pays ayant appliqué des mesures restrictives pour freiner la propagation du virus." +390064,61349.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,38,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://news.un.org/es/story/2021/07/1493952,"El rechazo a los tratamientos y a las medidas de prevención, incluida la vacunación, es común en los pueblos indígenas de toda la Amazonía, alcanzando también a las comunidades aborígenes en Perú y Ecuador." +176058,40999.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,132,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_levaluation_rapide_sur_les_vbg_et_covid-19_dans_la_region_de_lest.pdf,"Des informations recueillies lors des entretiens avec les prestataires de santé, il ressort qu’il n’existe pas un point focal VBG dans la plupart des formations sanitaires. Seul le district sanitaire dispose d’un point focal VBG mais on note que certains membres du personnel ont reçu une formation sur la gestion clinique du viol. Cependant aucun agent de santé n’a bénéficié de la formation sur la prise en charge des enfants survivants de viol. Il est ressorti des discussions la nécessité de former plus d’agents de santé au niveau périphérique à la gestion clinique du viol car pour des raisons d’insécurité il est souvent très difficiles de rejoindre les grands centres pour bénéficier de soins appropriés." +306845,51467.0,2335.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"In 2019, about 17 per cent of girls were enrolled in pre-primary, 58 per cent in primary and only 25 per cent of girls received a secondary level education." +7527,1268.0,321.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,93,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/unfpa-and-unhcr-assist-more-8500-displaced-women-across-libya,"In order to respond to the growing needs of vulnerable displaced women across Libya, UNHCR and UNFPA, with the support of German funding, are currently distributing 8,517 dignity and hygiene kits in 16 different locations in the areas of Tripoli, Misrata, Sabha, Nafusa Mountains, Bani Walid , Janzour , Ubari and Murzaq. The kits contain hygiene and sanitary items such as soap, shampoo, tooth-brushes and toothpaste, as well as other items explicitly tailored towards the local needs of women and girls." +304340,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,50,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Out of the 7.5 million people in need of assistance in 2020, approximately 254,000 people lived in counties with high access constraints, including some 215,000 targeted with assistance. This represents over 200 per cent increase from 65,000 people targeted in areas with high access constraints in 2019" +319806,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"General Protection: There are 2.2 million people in need of education .Similarly, 0.5M non-IDPs, 1.7IDPs, 28,000 refugees/asylum seekers, 110, 000 refugee returnees are in need." +48491,12622.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],['Context->Demography'],es,35,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LIBRO%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20las%20necesidades%20insatisfechas%20SSR%20y%20Migrantes%20Venezolanos%20-%20Digital.pdf,"En 2018, mujeres gestantes venezolanas han requerido acceso a controles prenatales y atención especializada del parto, de las cuales 6.304 no han tenido ningún control prenatal (Banco Mundial, 2018)." +22279,9106.0,729.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,108,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"Culturally it is also more likely that women reduce the number of meals they eat per day, limit portion sizes, and limit their food consumption so that children can eat. Given women’s position in Libyan society, women are also more likely to be forced to adopt emergency negative coping mechanisms including begging and engaging in degrading and/or illegal work. More detailed information on coping mechanisms related to GBV is needed, including information on women and girls engaging degrading and/or illegal work. Those adopting such negative coping mechanisms face high risks of stigmatization, and even risk their lives." +244110,46388.0,2336.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Cluster analysis shows more than 35 per cent of health care facilities and schools have no reliable access to water supply and sanitation services to facilitate quality education to children and health care services to patients. +22541,9106.0,729.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,110,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"Additionally, recurrent power cuts have led to complete black out in the country particularly in the western and southern areas. Consequently, the water supply has frequently been suspended for several days. Wastewater collection and treatment systems have also been further debilitated with less than 10 per cent of wastewater being treated and disposed of properly. The continual disposal of wastewater into the sea will have highly adverse impact on coastal areas, the sea environment and public health. Finally, WASH institutions continue to face financial problems with reduced or no budget allocations to deal with diminishing water supply services across the country." +288046,51049.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],en,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nw_syria_sitrep25_20210226.pdf,"[26 Feb, 2021, NWS] The WASH service gap at the time of reporting stands at 3 million people in need of WASH services in 739 locations. Additionally a gap in the provision of water via piped networks in Idleb governorate for approximately 200,000 people is expected to occur in February due to funds no longer being available to support 15 water stations." +193968,43819.0,2330.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020%20Hurricanes%20Sit%20Rep%204.pdf,"Lutheran World Relief works in concert with Corus International, a family of faith-based organizations delivering holistic, lasting solutions to the interconnected challenges of poverty, health care access and climate change." +185143,39920.0,1231.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,18,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/resultados_primera_encuesta_covid-19_-_formato_11x17.pdf,42% esperan medidas para eliminar el estigma y discriminación por COVID-19 sumado al ya existente por VIH +240027,46388.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,64,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Refugees have the highest levels of borderline and poor food consumption scores with 77 per cent of the refugee population found to have severe or extreme food security needs and more than 90 per cent reporting borrowing food or borrowing money to buy food.Their livelihoods are also extremely insecure due to their precarious legal status and heavy reliance on inconsistent daily wage labour. +315427,54309.0,2311.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)'],es,37,[],['Information And Communication'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Colombia_Evaluacion_Rapida_ECNI_Arauca_ESP.pdf,"Desagregación: No se tienen datos específicos y detallados sobre la desagregación de la población colombiana y venezolana, lo cual dificulta tener un dato mucho más preciso de la proporción y características de la población." +165506,39922.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,113,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.channelstv.com/2020/09/24/111-new-covid-19-cases-recorded-as-fg-begins-distribution-of-palliatives-worth-n10-9-billion/,"In a late-night tweet, the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) noted that the new cases were reported from 12 states of the federation, including Lagos where 31 cases were recorded. Other states with new cases include Gombe (31), Kaduna (18), FCT (15), Rivers (14), Imo (3), Kwara (3), Oyo (3), Bayelsa (2), Edo (1), and Osun (1). The NCDC report shows that 48,985 recovered patients have been discharged while 1,102 deaths have been recorded so far." +188101,42790.0,2099.0,[],[],[],en,10,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000120225.pdf,Chronic malnutrition: 25% of children aged 6-59 months +319837,53305.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,68,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"The cost of General Protection ($23,443,241); Child Protection ($29,000,020), GBV ($29,999,984) and Mine Action ($9,999,972) sub-clusters; and HLP TWG activities ($6,370,529) means that a total of $98,813,746 is needed to meet the protection needs of 2.6 million people. The average estimated cost per person is $41.25." +176890,41091.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"La proporción de positividad es de 24,9%, donde la entidad territorial que presenta la mayor positividad es el departamento de Caquetá con el 50,1%, seguido de Magdalena con el 42,8% y Atlántico con el 35,4%. Ciudades que presentan mayor número de casos como Bogotá tienen una positividad del 23,6% Cartagena de 18,1% y Barranquilla del 16,2%." +320246,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)'],en,68,['Impact'],['Information And Communication'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The Joint Humanitarian Gap Analysis (July 2020) in Middle Shabelle found that GBV services implemented by one humanitarian partner are ongoing in the IDP settlements of Jowhar town, but there are no protection services in the entire Middle Shabelle region. Coordination is also hampered by inadequate availability of valid sex, age, gender and disability disaggregated data to inform targeting and focus." +165214,39714.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->Local Response'],[],es,4,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,46 suspendió viajes. +300525,52762.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],fr,59,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_087_28210321_hebdo_s12.pdf,"[S12/2021] On peut constater que le nombre moyen d’échantillons analysés par jour a cru d’environ 26,6% entre S11/2021 et S12/2021, passant respectivement de 338 à 428 tests/jour (Figure 10). On reste en outre très loin de la capacité maximale du pays évaluée à environ 1 300 tests/jour." +178214,41756.0,2225.0,['Logistics'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Les infrastructures de transports demeurent précaires et ne suffisent pas à couvrir un pays d’une taille continentale. De nombreuses zones reculées sont difficilement accessibles par la route. Les fortes pluies cycliques dans un climat équatorial endommagent fréquemment les routes, isolant davantage les populations et perturbant les activités économiques, les échanges commerciaux et les opérations humanitaires." +325102,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,75,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Of all the localities, 6,974 have at least one public primary school present. Large parts of the Sahel and Est regions have no availability of public primary schooling; however, also many of the existing public primary schools in the other regions are located in areas far from the classified road network or near roads in poor condition: only about a quarter are within 2 km of an all-season road." +59604,17198.0,1224.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,62,[],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"At White Water, it was learnt that nine (9) young who are alleged members of the Syndicato Gang was prevented by members of the Guyana Police and Guyana Defence Force from entering White Water and moving onward to other locations such as Mabaruma and Kumaka. This occurred approximately one week prior to the conduct of this mission." +291337,51259.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,27,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2020_access_annual_overview.pdf,"While humanitarian access has improved since the revitalized peace agreement was signed in September 2018, the number of incidents recorded in 2020 rose from 2019." +294902,51749.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,113,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Enfin en termes de capacité de réapprovisionnement en cas d’augmentation de la demande, les détaillants interrogés déclarent être capables de se réapprovisionner pour doubler leurs capacités d’approvisionnement en l’espace de 72 heures. Les difficultés anticipées par les informateurs clés sont le fait que les commandes de marchandises se font globalement avant que les stocks ne soient écoulés. Cette augmentation devrait donc être bien anticipée et connue des marchands. Le marché de Pouytenga semble le plus à même d’être réactif et d’avoir la capacité de se réapprovisionner rapidement du fait de sa taille et de sa proximité avec Ouagadougou." +324318,53817.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Context->Economy']",en,46,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Context']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/democratic-republic-congo/security-council-briefing-great-lakes-region-implementation-peace,"The PBC (Peacebuilding Commission) noted that the COVID-19 pandemic could contribute to the deterioration of regional macroeconomic indicators, the disruption of economic activities and increase pressure on national budgets, thereby affecting the countries’ capacities to address peace and security challenges." +159624,39079.0,2170.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,63,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NIGERIA_Food_Security_Outlook_Update_August_Final.pdf,"While maize and millet availability on the market is increasing, this has had a limited impact on staple food prices which continue to broadly increase, remaining above last year and five-year average. Staple cereal prices, including that of millet, maize, and sorghum is relatively higher in conflict-affected areas of the northeast to other markets in the country" +224127,45768.0,2332.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,31,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"Redynamiser et renforcer la capacité de l’équipe mobile pour une prise en charge globale ( soins de santé primaire, PECIMAS, ANJE, SVA, etc.)" +320108,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,22,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Vulnerable women and girls fleeing conflict or seeking livelihoods are constantly in danger of sexual violence, abuse and physical attack." +330666,55042.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,181,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.gage.odi.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Adolescents%E2%80%99-experiences-of-covid-19-in-Chittagong-and-Sylhet-divisions-Bangladesh.pdf,"[30 April 2021, Bangladesh]As a result of increasing poverty due to the covid-related economic crisis, the re-emergence of higher rates of child labour, child marriage, and transactional sex involving children and adolescents may lead to longer-term impacts, notably higher school dropout rates (Uddin, 2020). Moreover, the closing of schools has brought a sudden and unexpected end to adolescents’ face-to-face interaction with their peers, as well as their opportunities for recreation, physical activity, and outdoor mobility. As a result, adolescents’ mental health has been adversely affected. Financial pressures within the household and young people’s health fears surrounding the virus may also be undermining adolescents’ psychosocial well-being (Aresfin and Shafiullah, 2020). According to a study conducted by GAGE, 75% of adolescents reported feeling scared or worried about covid-19, and 80% reported an increase in household stress since the advent of the pandemic in Bangladesh (Baird et al., 2020)" +393643,62284.0,2170.0,['Cross'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],en,60,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"[7th Apr 2021, Borno State] Most of the affected population now engage in negative coping strategies such as street begging, child labor, sex for food, drug abuse and skipping meals. It was also revealed that most community members were farmers before the displacement, and they left all their harvest while fleeing." +165032,38902.0,1183.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,49,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"Disruption of supply chains has been reported during the national quarantine. Although traders are likely to try to adapt to disruptions, and many restrictions have been lifted as of 1 September 2020, a return to more strict containment measures is likely to lead to new disruptions" +406775,63608.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,65,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17082021_alerta_por_desplazamiento_en_narino_magui_payan._vf.pdf,"El 14 de agosto al menos 1.684 personas (421 familias) de las veredas de El Chocho, El Diviso, Cualala, La Unión y Las Villas pertenecientes principalmente al Consejo Comunitario Manos Amigas se desplazaron hacia el casco urbano del municipio de Magüí Payán, por enfrentamientos entre grupos armados organizados (GAO) y grupos delictivos organizados (GDO)." +297853,52145.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_humanitaire_numero_12_v_04.pdf,"Les inondations ont forcé certaines familles à se déplacer dans des communes voisines, dans une région déjà fragilisée par la crise sécuritaire du Bassin du Lac Tchad." +344400,56726.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,60,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20210526_USG%20Statement%20to%20Security%20Council%20on%20Syria.pdf,"[26 May 2021, Overall Syria] More than two households in five – more than 40 per cent – report not having sufficient, or sufficiently nutritious, food. Nearly half of Syrian families who were surveyed in April said that adults are eating less themselves so that the children in the family can be fed." +305224,53100.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,80,['Capacities & Response'],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/plan_de_preparation_coronavirus_cmr._version_du_10_mars_2019.pdf,"ACQUIS: -Renforcement de la surveillance du COVID19 aux points d’entrée prioritaires (aéroport de Douala, aéroport de Nsimalen, Port autonome de Douala, Port autonome de Kribi) Veille sanitaire effective à travers un numéro vert 1510 GAPS: Effectif insuffisant du personnel aux PSF - PSF faiblement équipé (EPI, outils de surveillance, thermo flash, etc) - Personnel non formé pour la surveillance du Covid-19 - Personnel et équipements insuffisants" +158654,39277.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,68,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NMMB_June2020_Final.pdf,"In April, Borno recorded its first case of COVID-19 and has continued to witness an increase in the state. Control measures were implemented, including a lockdown, market shutdowns, and road closures. Consequently, these events triggered panic buying to stock up food, which was further compounded by the Ramadan season, and consequently leading to a surge in food prices." +164167,39714.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->Local Response'],[],es,17,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"82% redujo la movilidad (evitó salir, usar el transporte público y viajar)." +323708,54267.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,72,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Outre les disponibilités, l’accès à la nourriture est influencé par les fluctuations saisonnières et annuelles des prix du bétail et des aliments pour animaux, ainsi que des céréales et des légumineuses. Il en résulte qu’une partie importante de la population manque de nourriture dans plusieurs régions du pays et pendant une grande partie de l’année (Posthumus et al., 2019)." +418530,63159.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population', 'Casualties->Missing', 'Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,86,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20210701_note-info_3_bukavu.pdf,"Dans le reste du territoire d’Uvira, la situation sécuritaire reste précaire. Deux employés nationaux d’une ONG locale ont été enlevés le 19 mai à Kiringiye dans la zone de santé de Lemera. Libérés deux jours plus tard, l’un d’eux, déjà souffrant avant son enlèvement, est décédé pendant son transfert à l’hôpital.Ces humanitaires finalisaient les travaux de construction de trois sources d’eau potable en partenariat avec Norwegian Church Aid" +144199,35186.0,1187.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Economy'],en,70,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3657214,"Currently, the number of new cases is accelerating in the country and topped 100,000 in mid-July, which is wintertime in the Southern Hemisphere. Yet, public pressure is growing to continue opening up the country, already in recession before the pandemic even started, and now facing a projected 7.3% contraction in GDP that could see 45% of the population living in poverty." +176382,41733.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,29,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/reach_drc_bulletin-des-marche-2_juin-2020.pdf,La stabilisation observée en mai suggère que l’augmentation en avril a pu être influencée par des comportements spéculatifs de la part des commerçants sur les prix. +220273,45084.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],en,134,"['Priority Interventions', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_5_november_2020_final.pdf,"Second Wave: Following two months of consistently lower confirmed COVID-19 cases, MoPH tracking data is beginning to reflect anecdotal reports of a recent uptick in cases, with 86 new COVID-19 cases recorded over the past 24 hours. According to WHO, in the past 7 days, there has been a 10 per cent increase in the number of deaths reported regionally compared to the previous week. As the winter months approach, the spike in new cases suggest a second wave of the pandemic is either looming or has already begun. While the official numbers are not yet at the same level as the May/June peak, when taken together with reports of increased hospitalisations for COVID-19-like symptoms, the need for vigilance should be reinforced." +234943,46388.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Context->Economy', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,54,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"COVID-19 resulted in an estimated 5.5–7.4 per cent contraction in the economy in 2020, a significant spike in food prices, with the price of some basic food items increasing by more than 20 per cent in the first half of 2020, and reduced income for 59 per cent of households." +234295,46381.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,54,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In reference to above discussion and evidence, generally the preventive and control measures in the society should not be lifted at once because only 31.5% of the population have had current or past infection and the majority of the population have not achieved the necessary level of immunity against the disease." +390854,60791.0,1186.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,79,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Para 2019 se estimó un total de 12.340 personas extranjeras residentes en la Región de Ñuble. Esta cifra representa un aumento absoluto de 2.188 personas y un alza relativa de 21,6% respecto a lo estimado para 2018. En 2019, la población extranjera la región se compuso de 7.180 hombres y 5.160 mujeres, con una relación de masculinidad de 139,1 hombres por cada 100 mujeres, la más alta del país junto con Maule." +189167,42865.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],es,47,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-LMA-Colombia-Espanol.pdf,"El gobierno ha expandido también la cobertura de seguro para los venezolanos y garantizado el acceso a las pruebas y tratamientos del COVID-19 en hospitales públicos.36 Al mismo tiempo, ONGs y actores humanitarios han adaptado sus programas para satisfacer las necesidades cambiantes durante el COVID-19." +64123,18925.0,729.0,[],[],[],en,36,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/va_report_libya_2019-libmac-unmas.pdf,"The recent clashes in Tripoli caused the displacement of 100,000 individuals and 6845 casualties (1093 fatalities) between April 4th and July 15th 2019, according to the World Health Organization (WHO)." +237914,47230.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,138,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"SEGURIDAD ALIMENTARIA Y NUTRICIÓN los hogares no pueden satisfacer sus La mayoría de necesidades alimentarias. De acuerdo con el Puntaje de Consumo de Alimentos, que mide la cantidad y calidad de la dieta, el 25% de los hogares tiene un consumo de alimentos ¨limítrofe¨ o ¨pobre¨. El 64% de los hogares consumen dos comidas al día o menos, lo que indica que están restringiendo el consumo mínimo recomendado al día de tres comidas. A pesar del aumento del acceso al trabajo como fuente de ingresos, Entre julio y noviembre, hubo solo un leve aumento (4 puntos porcentuales) en los hogares que hacían tres comidas al día. El 71% de los hogares de panel encuestados continúa privándose de al menos una comida al día." +240458,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"2020 saw a surge in people returning to Afghanistan from Iran – an early hotspot for COVID-19. This accelerated community transmission of the virus across all 34 provinces as returnees fanned out across the country, back to their places of origin or into overcrowded urban centres." +193967,43819.0,2330.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,85,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020%20Hurricanes%20Sit%20Rep%204.pdf,"The pandemic’s effects on the informal labor sector have been significant, where 3 out of ever 4 workers have reported significant income loss. Much of this work is agricultural labor, and the hurricane has had a significant, negative impact on the nation’s coffee and cocoa industry. Loss of income from cacao, rotting under the burden of too much moisture, will impact laborers, farmers, producers and others stakeholders in the value chain." +156771,32148.0,1898.0,['Health'],[],[],es,197,[],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/El%20Salvador%20-%20Respuesta%20a%20la%20pandemia%20COVID-19%2C%20Situation%20Report%20No.%2002%20%2818%20al%2020%20de%20marzo%20de%202020%29.pdf,"Entre las nuevas medidas adoptadas están: 1. Se prohíben aglomeraciones de más de 50 personas. 2. El sector público y la empresa privada deben enviar a casa, sin excepción, a sus trabajadores mayores de 60 años y mujeres embarazadas. 3. Personas con enfermedades crónicas, como insuficiencia renal, afecciones cardíacas serias y todos los casos que indique el Ministerio de Trabajo. 4. Las pistas del Aeropuerto Internacional “Óscar Arnulfo Romero y Galdámez” quedan cerradas a vuelos de pasajeros, a partir del 16 de marzo y hasta nuevo aviso. Se mantiene la restricción de ingreso a extranjeros de siete países en el territorio salvadoreño y el cierre de las fronteras. 5. Se ordena el cierre de atención de clientes en mesa en restaurantes y lugares de comida, quedando solamente permitido el servicio a domicilio y para llevar. El 19 de marzo se ordenó el cierre de todos los centros comerciales y solo quedan abiertos supermercados, farmacias y bancos. 6. El 21 de marzo se ordenan nuevas medidas de restricción de movilidad en todo el territorio naciona" +241486,46388.0,2336.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,82,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,The Nutrition Cluster’s analysis of aggravating factors revealed provinces with high levels of acute malnutrition concurrently have a higher proportion of acutely food insecure people (over 42 per cent of people classified as being in crisis and emergency phases of food insecurity (IPC phase 3 and 4)); higher rates of stunting among children under five; higher rates of diarrheal morbidity; low rates of exclusive breastfeeding; and poor maternal nutrition status). +291260,51259.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2020_access_annual_overview.pdf,"Central Equatoria had the highest concentration of incidents reported, 149, primarily due to active hostilities in parts of Lainya, Morobo and Kajo-keji counties. Twenty-two of these incidents were severe access impediments at Juba International Airport." +236221,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,36,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"According to a UN Women and International Rescue Committee (IRC) study, 78 per cent of women surveyed reported that their mental health had been affected by ongoing conflict and compounded by COVID-19." +325793,54267.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,104,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Malgré certains progrès en matière d’inclusion financière, des difficultés d’accès aux services financiers subsistent. Environ 39 pour cent des adultes burkinabés sont exclus du système financier. Selon les derniers chiffres disponibles, seuls 15 pour cent environ de ces adultes possèdent un compte bancaire et une proportion beaucoup plus faible utilise effectivement ces comptes pour des opérations bancaires traditionnelles telles que l’épargne ou l’emprunt. Environ un burkinabé sur deux n’a pas de produit d’épargne. [(MAP, FinScope et FinMark Trust, 2017).]" +266577,49773.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,45,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_HSOS-NWS_-January-2021.pdf,"[January 2021, NWS] 96% of communities where KIs reported that households experienced barriers to accessing sufficient food. In 27% of these communities, KIs reported that the unavailability of certain food items was a challenge to accessing sufficient food" +2620,520.0,321.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,63,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://www.amnesty.org/en/countries/middle-east-and-north-africa/libya/report-libya/,"Fighting between rival armed groups in Tripoli, al-Zawiya and other cities in western Libya, as well as tribal fighting in southern Libya, also caused deaths and injuries among civilians. On 16 October, indiscriminate shelling between GNA forces and pro-NSG armed groups hit a camp for internally displaced people in Tripoli, killing one civilian and injuring others." +165503,39488.0,2098.0,"['Nutrition', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,51,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/vitamin-campaign-rohingya-children-goes-door-door-due-covid-19,"Due to restrictions to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 in the camps, there is limited presence of humanitarian workers. Over 21,300 children with acute malnutrition were identified through the screening process as a part of this campaign. More than 7,000 of them were entirely new cases." +181848,42297.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,48,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syria.tv/%D8%A7%D8%B1%D8%AA%D9%81%D8%A7%D8%B9-%D8%B9%D8%AF%D8%AF-%D8%A5%D8%B5%D8%A7%D8%A8%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D9%81%D9%8A%D8%B1%D9%88%D8%B3-%D9%83%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%88%D9%86%D8%A7-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D9%85%D8%AF%D8%A7%D8%B1%D8%B3-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B3%D9%88%D9%8A%D8%AF%D8%A7%D8%A1-%D8%A5%D9%84%D9%89-16,"[8 Oct 2020] [GoS] The School Health Directorate in the Ministry of Education of the government of Syria announced on the eighth of last month that it would not close schools, because the epidemiological situation of the Coronavirus is within acceptable limits." +239239,47351.0,2170.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,72,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Factsheet_NGA2005-Biu-LGA-Borno-state-November-2020.pdf,"[1st Nov2020,Biu LGA, Borno states]Of households that reported either owning or renting their place of dwelling, 58% of internally displaced households (n=93) reported having no form of documentation demonstrating tenure, compared to 43% of non-displaced households (n=103).8% of internally displaced households and 5% of non-displaced households reported fearing being forcefully evicted from their homes." +220291,45084.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,25,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_5_november_2020_final.pdf,"While 14 laboratories are now operating in Afghanistan, the capacity of these facilities remains limited and stocks of supplies have periodically run out." +344432,56726.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Education', 'Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,83,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20210526_USG%20Statement%20to%20Security%20Council%20on%20Syria.pdf,"[26 May 2021, NWS] the Security Council authorization for UN cross-border assistance into the north-west expires in just over six weeks. A failure to extend it would immediately end direct cross-border deliveries by the UN. That means food deliveries for 1.4 million people every month, millions of medical treatments, nutrition assistance for tens of thousands of children and mothers, education supplies for tens of thousands of students – all of those things would stop." +472940,63777.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,43,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"la majorité des femmes étant veuves car leurs maris ayant été assassinés lors de l’attaque, elles appréhendent déjà les mois à venir. Pourrontelles prendre en charge leur besoins essentiels dont les loyers des maisons qu’elles occupent ?" +292441,52073.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,67,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"GHSC-PSM [Global Health Supply Chain Program] worked with the National Malaria Control Program (NMCP) to develop a robust distribution strategy for the Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention (SMC) campaign to ensure the delivery of commodities right up to SDPs throughout nearly 100,000 km2, mostly rural areas — including areas under the threat of terrorism or with little to no transportation infrastructure." +265889,49322.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,121,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.portafolio.co/opinion/editorial/ruta-hacia-la-humanidad-editorial-francisco-miranda-548952,"Tras varios años la migración venezolana es una realidad social, económica, laboral, cultural y hasta de seguridad para Colombia. Varios estudios han estimado los impactos fiscales de la atención estatal al fenómeno migratorio, en especial en las áreas de salud, educación y atención a la primera infancia. Investigadores del Banco de la República calcularon estos costos en un 0,12 por ciento del PIB entre 2017 y 2019. En el corto plazo, como lo experimentó Colombia, el choque migratorio venezolano generó un evidente estrés fiscal transitorio. No obstante, efectos positivos en productividad, crecimiento y recaudo tributario- los migrantes también tributan- se calculan en el mediano y largo plazo." +236150,47122.0,2334.0,['Shelter'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,45,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"In the South West, a pre-distribution assessment carried out by Plan International in some sub-divisions such as Buea Central, Tiko, West Coast, Limbe, Kumba Central, Mbonge indicated a need for about 3,000 shelter kits and 4,000 NFI kits." +305038,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,27,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Of the nearly 2,000 settlements assessed in September 2020, people in two thirds of them received some form of assistance in the previous six months." +266567,49773.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_HSOS-NWS_-January-2021.pdf,"[January 2021, NWS] 64 days is the Number of days the average day labourer would need to work to earn the monthly cost of basic SMEB items." +292944,51778.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,84,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/nos-estan-invadiendo-los-venezolanos-este-y-otros-mitos-de-la-migracion/2545,"En el mercado laboral colombiano existe una alta informalidad, sin embargo, la tasa de informalidad para la población migrante proveniente de Venezuela es superior a la de los colombianos (90% versus 60%, respectivamente) y la mayoría de los refugiados y migrantes trabajan un mayor número de horas a la semana y tienen ingresos inferiores en cerca de un 42% con respecto a los colombianos, según la investigación de Tribín del Banco de la República." +290508,52074.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps']",en,67,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,Persistent attacks on healthcare in the NWSW constitute a huge threat to the availability of essential health care to the populations in these regions. The recent arson attack on the Tole Integrated Health centre (see above) is just one among many. Lack of funding is greatly affecting the operations of the few organisations that are carrying out health activities in the NWSW. +273830,50464.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,43,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210203FINALFactSheetSomaliaSkisserLR11.pdf,"Strong winds in 2020 helped to spread locusts across the region; in March/April and November/December, Somali agriculturalists faced two infestations that led to the loss of approximately 20 per cent of national crop yields. New infestations in 2021 are likely" +70616,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],[],en,74,[],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"Young women between 16 and 18 were deemed the most vulnerable group and a recommendation made that access to contraception without parental consent should be allowed at 16, the age of sexual consent, rather than 18, with the potential to reduce HIV cases in addition to unwanted pregnancies. This is problematic for agencies wishing to provide confidential, post-exposure care for survivors of sexual violence who are under 18." +305442,51467.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Protection', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,84,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Food security drove the analysis in 48 counties, representing 67 per cent of people in need. Access to water determined the needs in 25 counties, representing 29 per cent of people in need. In 5 counties, protection needs were the highest and determined 4 per cent of the people in need. A total of 54 per cent of the people in need are children, 24 per cent are women, and 22 per cent are men." +321648,54675.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,41,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/compte-rendu_de_lactualite_des_nations_unies_en_rdc_a_la_date_du_21_avril_2021_final.pdf,"De même, lundi 19 avril, la MONUSCO, à travers ses Sections Genre et Information publique, a organisé à Bunia une matinée de réflexion sur le rôle et les responsabilités des journalistes dans une zone de conflit." +183556,43049.0,2099.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,44,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20response%20in%20the%20Central%20Sahel%202020%20%E2%80%94%20October%202020.pdf,"This context [These complex exacerbated by climatic variability, demographic pressure, high poverty levels, and the absence of state institutions in most impacted regions] creates a lack of access to basic services and livelihood opportunities, contributing to disaffection." +313216,53183.0,2466.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,17,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,Provision of cash support for GBV survivors (case by case basis including referral related costs) +69917,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],[],en,47,[],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"Of the approximately 6,000 people over 15 living with HIV (2,600 women; 3300 men), UNAIDS estimates 3,107 were affected by Dorian as the storm has limited access to regular treatment and access to antiretroviral therapy (ART) and other complementary services." +152358,38139.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,15,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cox-s-bazar-sitrep-17.pdf,"Among host communities, 6603 people participated in 1944 community awareness meetings on COVID-19." +237941,47230.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,96,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"En los hogares de panel, la percepción de ser discriminado por motivos de nacionalidad se mantiene en un 45%. El 7% de las personas conocen a alguna mujer que durante el aislamiento obligatorio experimentó alguna situación de violencia por parte de su pareja, expareja o algún familiar. El 11% de la población respondió que ha tenido que realizar algún tipo de oficio, labor o actividad sin la posibilidad de retirarse voluntariamente cuando lo han querido hacer, lo que puede indicar un riesgo de trata y tráfico." +303937,51174.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,47,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.afro.who.int/sites/default/files/2021-02/South%20Sudan%20IDSR%20Bulletin%20Week%201%2C%20%20%204-%2010%20January%202021%20.pdf,The first round oral cholera campaign (OCV) began on 16 January 2021 in Pibor where 93 250 individuals are targeted. The campaign is expected to be conducted in Mangala and payams bordering the regions of Ethiopia with ongoing cholera outbreak by health cluster. +236095,47122.0,2334.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,18,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"A total of 9,450 persons were sensitized on key messages on infant and young child feeding practices." +159054,37967.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,12,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_ndeg_115.pdf,Contacts confirmés COVID-19 depuis le début : 493/907 (55%) +220277,45084.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,102,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_5_november_2020_final.pdf,"The conflict has also resulted in a surge in trauma cases and has stretched hospitals in Hilmand, Kandahar and Uruzgan provinces to capacity. Furthermore, attacks on health facilities during fighting are particularly worrying with WHO reporting that 15 health facilities have been targeted in Hilmand alone. One hospital and three health facilities are reportedly closed in Kandahar province due to active fighting and the risk of IEDs making it difficult for health staff to access the clinics. The closure of health clinics across the three provinces due to insecurity is directly affecting close to 150,000 people." +490432,67748.0,1234.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,31,['Impact'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Trinidad and Tobago,2019-05-28 03:09:47.864552+00,,"Deporta%ons con%nued from Trinidad and Tobago, and repatriaKon flights for Venezuelans started across the subregion, in coordina%on with Venezuelan authori%es." +178060,40661.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,154,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"La dépréciation du Franc Congolais (FC) sur le marché depuis le mois de mars 2020 a également pu influencer l’évolution des prix observés. En janvier 2020, le taux pour un Dollar Américain était de 1,600 FC, atteignant 2,010 FC en avril et juillet 2020. Au 17 août 2020, la Banque Central du Congo (BCC) a noté une légère appréciation du FC face au Dollar Américain passant de 2,010 FC à 1,960 FC. Le communiqué de la BCC indique ainsi qu’il a été observé au cours du mois d’août, une tendance à l’appréciation du Franc Congolais sur les deux segments, attestée par le taux d’appréciation de 0,9% au 12 août 2020. La dépréciation du FC a été à la base de la perte du pouvoir d’achat des ménages." +236553,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,123,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"While the impact of COVID-19 on health-seeking behaviours has been noted above, COVID-19 has also impacted the ability of providers to offer services in a socially distanced and safe manner. For example, the country’s biggest disability therapy and prosthetics service run by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Kabul, with satellite hospitals in other parts of the country, was forced to scale-down its services during COVID. In a normal year, the service treats approximately 3,300 patients, providing them with physical therapy, life-changing prosthetics and opportunities to engage in sport. In 2020, the service scaled-down due to social distancing requirements and reached only 1,810 clients." +484740,65398.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Algunas de las personas entrevistadas reportan que quienes no cuentan con pasaporte tienen una mayor dificultad para encontrar trabajo, a pesar de que en el Perú se puede laborar de manera legal con solo la realización del trámite de solicitud tanto del PTP como del reconocimiento de la condición de refugiado." +236133,47122.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,23,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,focus group discussions and rapid community assessments were also organized in 11 communities in the NWSW reaching a total of 597 households. +300515,52762.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,32,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_087_28210321_hebdo_s12.pdf,"[S12/2021] 28 009 cas confirmés et 1 cas probable ont été comptabilisés depuis le début de l’épidémie dont 743 décès, soit une létalité globale de 2,7%" +305398,51474.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,67,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"In Lakes, communal violence and cattle raids centred on Cueibet, Rumbek North, Rumbek Centre, Rumbek East and Yirol West, with 15 people killed in Mayath Payam, Cueibet, on 9 December alone. In addition, Dinka Atuot cattle keepers from Yirol West clashed with Moru cattle keepers in Mvolo, Western Equatoria, on 15 December over grazing lands." +318940,53305.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,51,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Concurrently, stronger accountability measures should be designed to ensure that people in need are supported by the humanitarian partners who provide the best standards of response, increase awareness of those accountability requirements for all stakeholders, while promoting localization through greater national NGO representation in governance and decision-making." +490605,67927.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,98,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/adamawa_state_2021_cholera_situation_report_no_9.pdf,"[5th Sept 2021, Adamawa State] (Cholera) Challenges: Inadequate water point mapping, profiling, testing, chlorination and supervision across the affected LGAs More partners required to support risk communication. Funds to support outbreak response is yet to be released by the state Government. LGA level coordination needs to be strengthened. Lack of stipends to support Case Managers in the CTC in SSH & GH Garkida. Ambulance services still a challenge especially for distant locations. Some of the health facilities in affected LGAs have inadequate manpower." +325392,54815.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,15,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,17 percent of respondents named the cost of travel as among the top reasons. +64136,18925.0,729.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],en,65,[],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/va_report_libya_2019-libmac-unmas.pdf,"Moreover, the Institute of Development study in April 2018 reported that 39.7% of PwDs are illiterate (compared to 12.2% of the total population), a much higher proportion of which are female (54.8%) compared to male (28.8%). Boys with disabilities are also more likely to go to school than girls with disabilities." +261594,49218.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,189,"['At Risk', 'Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Reporte%20de%20situaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Migrantes%20y%20refugiados%20en%20tr%C3%A1nsito%20provenientes%20de%20Venezuela%2C%20diciembre%202020_0.pdf,"Las necesidades en salud de la población en tránsito están ligadas a: a) la falta de acceso a agua segura para consumo e higiene en las rutas o en la calle, lo que genera enfermedades diarreicas principalmente en niños y niñas y aumenta el riesgo de contagio por COVID-19; b) la carencia de calzado y elementos apropiados para el frío de la sabana, las lluvias y los cambios de clima exponen a las personas a enfermedades respiratorias severas –la mitad de las personas en tránsito entrevistadas por REACH plantean que las temperaturas extremas representan un problema para su viaje –; c) la larga exposición al sol y a bajas temperaturas durante jornadas de caminata de 10 y 17 horas generan quemaduras en piel y heridas, de leves a graves, en los pies; d) la imposibilidad de consumir una dieta rica en nutrientes y suficiente agua que soporten las extenuantes jornadas de trabajo físico, principalmente para niños y niñas; y e) la falta de elementos de protección personal ante riesgos de contagio por COVID-19." +330389,53831.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",['Casualties->Dead'],fr,73,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/12042021_sitrep_s12_whe_oms_rdc_f.pdf,"La division provinciale de la santé (DPS) du Haut-Katanga a gardé la tête de la notification hebdomadaire des cas suspects de choléra en RDC avec 67 cas et 4 décès (létalité 6,0%) à S12/2021. Après la forte hausse de la notification de cas suspects de choléra enregistrée la semaine précédente, elle connait une baisse de près de 13,0% de cas suspects entre S11 et S12/2021" +310690,53333.0,2334.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,53,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"In Focus group discussions, 60% of adolescent girls who are pregnant/married/mothers reported that it is difficult to go back to school without childcare services in place. 80 % of respondents suggested community learning centres because of their proximity and because they would be able to attend with their children." +176026,40890.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],es,46,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"Las situaciones reportadas con mayor frecuencia por aquellas mujeres que conocen de estas violencias corresponden a agresiones físicas, con un 70%, y maltrato emocional con un 59%. 7% de los reportes se relacionan a violencia sexual (13 casos," +215139,44840.0,2331.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,53,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,"In line with the multi-partner REINTEG 3 Project funded by the European Union, and as part of continued efforts to promoting social cohesion and peace building, UNHCR plans to scale up awareness campaigns through CBIs for youth volunteers among IDPs, refugee returnees, the urban poor and host communities." +188611,43181.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,49,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_270_20201026_.pdf,"Kinshasa reste le foyer principal de l’épidémie pour avoir notifié 74,8% (8373/11192) des cas, suivie du Nord-Kivu et du Kongo-Central avec respectivement 9,7% (1082/11192) et 4,8% (534/11192) des cas (Tableau I ; Figure 2)." +183612,42456.0,2099.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,38,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.unicef.org/wca/media/5411/file/UNICEF-WCARO-Central-Sahel-Advocacy-October-2020.pdf,"the nutrition situation of children under-5 and mothers is of serious concern, especially in a context of conflict, endemic poverty, high incidence of childhood illnesses, fragile health systems, and household food insecurity." +325775,54267.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Le nombre de points de vente au détail modernes (supermarchés) est encore modeste et les ventes au détail de produits alimentaires sont pour la plupart traditionnelles (ventes à la ferme, vendeurs de rue, marchés ouverts, etc.)" +235924,46388.0,2336.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,47,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"While disability rates varied little between assessed population groups, households headed by the elderly and by women were more likely to report that a household member or the head of household had a disability, potentially increasing the level of vulnerability of these already-vulnerable groups." +287078,51749.0,2099.0,['WASH'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,52,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[Pouytenga] Avant même la crise les difficultés d’approvisionnement en eau constituaient un problème structurel pour les ménages autochtones. L’eau, l’hygiène et l’assainissement est le besoin le plus prégnant relevé par l’informateur clé comme existant avant la crise." +305468,51467.0,2335.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Although the flooding in 2020 is not as widespread as 2019, more individuals were affected’. The impact of the floods was exacerbated by compounded shocks such as violence and severe food insecurity and will likely further deepen the already high levels of vulnerability in 2021." +411864,63817.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,52,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/An%20update%20of%20Cholera%20outbreak%20in%20Nigeria_060821_32.pdf,"[9th- 15th Aug 2021, Nigeria] Risk communication: Cholera jingles are being aired in English and local languages. Community social mobilisation, media interviews, distribution of Information, Education and Communication(IEC) materials and awareness campaigns ongoing in affected communities. Conducted Ministerial press briefings" +39381,13671.0,729.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,53,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_libya_en_05_may.pdf,"Lack of food remains a concern at seven of the nine occupied DCs exposed to or at risk if armed conflict (Al Saba’a, Janzour, Ghiryan, Triq al Sika, Azzawya Al Nasr and Zwara DCs), where a total of 2,354 individuals are currently detained." +178252,41756.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Par ailleurs, les spéculations régulières depuis 2016 sur le prix du maïs dans le sud-est de la RDC à chaque déficit de production et interdiction d’exportation prise par les pays voisins (notamment la Zambie) affectent directement les populations de cette zone, en période de soudure notamment, et se généralise au centre du pays qui dépend en partie du maïs issu de ces mêmes pays.74" +317259,53333.0,2334.0,[],[],[],en,21,[],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,Support parents/caregivers and adolescent girls with programs that promote savings e.g. VSL schemes and training support can be availed. +244050,46388.0,2336.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"IDPs, disaster-affected people and those living in conflict-prone areas are the groups most exposed to risks from unsafe water sources, lack of hygiene and unimproved sanitation facilities." +151458,37915.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,80,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/78176.pdf,"Reports were received from 125,599 household visits, in which 2,443 patients were identified with mild respiratory symptoms (fever, sore throat, cough) and 9 patients were identified with moderate COVID-like symptoms. 1,146 persons were referred to health facilities. The work of CHWs has contributed to an increase also in the uptake of COVID-19 testing within the community - from less than 5 cases/day previously to an average of 65 tests daily these days." +410304,63222.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,116,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_mvam_bulletin_57_july_2021.pdf,"[Syria, July] Broken down by governorate, in July 2021, the highest proportion of households with poor or borderline food consumption was recorded in Hama, with nearly three out of five interviewed households (58 percent) reporting inadequate food con- sumption (representing a 26 percent increase year-on-year), followed by Deir-ez-Zor (57 percent). On the other hand, As- Sweida (31 percent) recorded the lowest level of inadequate food consumption in July 2021, which nevertheless witnessed an increase by nine percentage points from levels recorded in July 2020. This highlights a sustained worsening trend in the food security situation countrywide." +272323,50464.0,2331.0,"['Nutrition', 'Protection']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,50,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210203FINALFactSheetSomaliaSkisserLR11.pdf,"Somalia is highly susceptible to the effects of climate change and extreme weather. Without anticipatory preventive approaches, these factors are likely to exacerbate existing vulnerabilities and reduce the people’s livelihood options, which in turn may have negative impacts for stability and security in Somalia." +178086,40661.0,2225.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,75,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Concernant la nutrition, selon les enquêtes SMART conduites en 2020, cinq Zones de Santé (ZS) ont un taux de Malnutrition Aiguë Globale (MAG) supérieur à 10%: Minembwe (Sud-Kivu), Manono et Ankoro (Tanganyika), Basankusu (Équateur) et Bukama (Haut-Lomami) et deux zones ont une MAG supérieure à 15% (Kamina et Bikoro) (SMART 2020)." +161882,39572.0,2170.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,55,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/410572-nigeria-announces-fine-for-airlines-carrying-passengers-without-covid-19-test-result.html,"The Federal Government on Monday said airlines would be fined $3,500 per passenger for airlifting passengers without negative COVID-19 test results as it prepares to open international flights. The coordinator, Presidential Task Force on COVID-19, Sanni Aliyu, said this at the daily briefing of the PTF on in Abuja." +329974,53694.0,2225.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,55,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/03042021_sitrep_s11_whe_oms_rdc.docx.pdf,IEDA Relief : appui à l’alimentation du nourrisson et du jeune enfant (ANJE) et la PeC intégrée de la malnutrition aigüe (PCIMA) dans les AS de Dikongayi et Kanyuka (ZS de Lukonga) et les AS de saint Martyr et Mamu Mwilu (ZS de Tshikaji). +390868,60791.0,1186.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,71,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Para 2019 se estimó un total de 3.988 personas extranjeras residentes en la Región de Aysén. Esta cifra representa un aumento absoluto de 620 personas y un alza relativa de 18,4% respecto a lo estimado para 2018. En 2019, la población extranjera de la región se compuso de 1.972 hombres y 2.016 mujeres, con una relación de masculinidad de 97,8 hombres por cada 100 mujeres." +162644,36464.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,114,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/medicos-venezolanos-esperan-pronta-autorizacion-del-gobierno-para-ejercer-en-el-pais/2067,"Ahí hay requisitos como certificaciones de horas de práctica, horas de cirugía, de internado médico e indicación pormenorizada de los programas de las materias académicas que integran la malla curricular del pregrado universitario. Completar esas solicitudes resulta una misión imposible para los médicos migrantes, ya que por falta de recursos no pueden devolverse a Venezuela a tramitarlos presencialmente ni pagar honorarios en dólares a un abogado. Los documentos no se pueden tramitar en el vecino país por las siguientes razones: No los expiden, no hay quien los firme, no existe data sobre ellos, ni se cuenta con el personal para que realice las certificaciones." +473044,63732.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,60,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2f4004e6/REACH_BFA_Factsheet_Abri-AME-et-LTB_Pouytenga_juillet-2021.pdf,"8 IC ont rapporté l'existence de conflits fonciers dans la ville de Pouytenga, dont la moitié des IC de Koumbogo. Principaux conflits fonciers rapportés par les IC au moment de la collecte de données: Litiges latents non réglés sur la terre et la propriété 4/8, Accaparement des terres 4/8, Problèmes de limites des parcelles 2/8" +178087,40661.0,2225.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],fr,97,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Les bulletins de surveillance nutritionnelle, sécurité alimentaire et alerte précoce (SNSAP) d’avril à juin 2020, classent en alerte les 10 ZS de Kwango, 2 ZS de Kwilu, 2 ZS de Mai Ndombe, 4 ZS de l’Equateur, 7 ZS de la Tshuapa, 2 ZS de la Tshopo, 1 ZS du Bas-Uélé, 3 ZS du Sud-Kivu, 5 ZS du Maniema, 8 ZS du Kasaï Oriental, 4 ZS du Sankuru, 8 ZS du Kasaï Central et 11 ZS du Kasaï." +112280,32028.0,1185.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,31,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77082.pdf,Some refugee and migrant hosted in supported shelters have not been able to register their newborns. The GTRM is following up with authorities to ensure the registration takes place. +236663,46388.0,2336.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,35,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"While the education system was significantly disrupted by COVID-19 in 2020, it faced challenges even before the outbreak, which are likely to be compounded when schools attempt to fully re-open in 2021." +270413,49943.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,198,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Inequidades de género entre niños y niñas Otra repercusión de la pandemia son las cargas de tareas del hogar y de cuidado que experimentan los niños y en particular las niñas. Las mujeres realizan una cantidad desproporcionada de tareas domésticas y cuidado de niños/as, al dedicar de dos a diez veces más de su tiempo a estas tareas, en comparación con los hombres (Save the Children, 2020). Durante la pandemia, estas dinámicas se han visto exacerbadas (Save the Children, 2020). Además, este contexto ha puesto a algunas mujeres en riesgo de no poder seguir trabajando, lo que ha provocado un aumento de la pobreza. Las mujeres y las niñas asumen la responsabilidad principal de la carga de las tareas del hogar y de cuidado de enfermos, familiares o niños/as menores que no asisten a la escuela, así como la gestión de alimentos, salud y saneamiento del hogar. Esta situación, sumada a la falta de acceso a información, servicios y recursos, puede afianzar aún más las desigualdades de género existentes (Save the Children, 2020)" +452368,64945.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,76,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MONITORING%20PROTECTION%20DE%20JULLET%202021%20EST.pdf,"L’accès à la documentation civile n’est pas un droit partagé dans toutes les communes de la région de l’Est. En effet dans les localités à risque élevé d’incidents, le transfert des services sociaux de base des zones ruraux vers les zones urbaines ne favorisent pas un accès facile à cause du manque de moyens financiers pour le déplacement ou pour honorer le coût du service." +189177,42865.0,1183.0,[],[],[],es,84,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-LMA-Colombia-Espanol.pdf,"La recurrente imposibilidad de los profesionales médicos para validar sus credenciales es parte de un conjunto amplio de barreras que limitan la inclusión económica para los venezolanos en Colombia. Como se mencionó previamente, estas barreras incluyen procesos difíciles para la validación de credenciales y habilidades, altos niveles de discriminación, una falta de acceso legal al mercado laboral formal, y una alta concentración de venezolanos en áreas con altos índices de desempleo (tales como Cucuta y Riohacha)." +338317,55951.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,70,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://preventepidemics.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/PERC-Finding-the-Balance-Part-III-12-May-2021.pdf,"[Survey conducted by phone with approximately 24,000 people across 19 Member States in five geographical regions in Africa, including DRC] Limited global production capacity, reluctance to transfer technology and share know-how, restrictions on vaccine exports from India and hoarding of vaccines by wealthier nations, as well as safety concerns around the AstraZeneca vaccine, have further hampered access to doses across the continent." +194470,43501.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,52,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"Dans 32% (98) des localités évaluées, les IC ont rapporté des accidents dans lesquels plusieurs civils ont été tués ou gravement blessés au cours du mois précédent. 3 principaux types d’accidents, en % de localités évaluées20: Attaque armée/combats Inondation Accident de la route" +176381,41733.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,49,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/reach_drc_bulletin-des-marche-2_juin-2020.pdf,Coût médian du PMA en mai 2020 : 177 808 francs congolais (FC) Evolution depuis mars 2020 (pré-mesures COVID-19) : ▲ +7% (165 092 FC) Evolution depuis avril 2020 (post-mesures COVID-19) : ▼ -7 % (190 765 FC) +343255,45764.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/0004_202008_rrm_msa_rapport_final_wolirom.pdf,"De tout ce qui précède, nous concluons que le problème d’accès et de non diversification alimentaire, pourrait aggraver rapidement la situation nutritionnelle des ménages en particulier chez les enfants et les femmes enceintes et allaitantes." +11322,2953.0,322.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,145,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20feb%202018.pdf,"Yemen is the world’s largest humanitarian crisis. Some 22.2 million people - 75 per cent of the population - are in need of humanitarian assistance. 17.8 million people are food insecure and 8.4 million people do not know how they will obtain their next meal. Conflict, protracted displacement, disease and deprivation continue to inflict suffering upon the country’s population. Disruption to commercial imports, inflation, lack of salary payment to civil servants and rising prices of basic commodities are further exacerbating people’s vulnerability. Despite a difficult operating environment some 114 international and national partners are actively coordinating to assist people with the most acute needs in priority districts across Yemen’s 22 governorates. Together they have assisted over 7.5 million people monthly with some form of humanitarian assistance." +196703,43328.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_smart_rapid_pdi_2020_bfa_final.pdf,"Cette situation d’urgence est encore plus prononcée dans deux (2) localités avec des prévalences de MAG au-delà de 15% que sont : Gorom-Gorom (16,1%) et le site d’accueil de Barsalogho (15,4%). [chez les femmes enceintes et/ou allaitantes]" +240056,46388.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,17,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"However, in 2020 the domestic wheat harvest left a deficit of 1.3 million metric tons." +149209,36019.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,46,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"Even though the number of suspected and confirmed cases is lower than initially expected, the risk of transmission remains high due to pre-exiting vulnerabilities amongst internally displaced people (IDPs), overcrowded last-resort sites, dense urban centres and limited health system capacity." +305645,51572.0,2335.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Cross']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,29,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Advocate for provision of immediate assistance to floods-affected population. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +54046,16873.0,1378.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],es,51,[],['Shock/Event'],Central America - Dengue Outbreak 2019,2019-08-09 22:51:53.645619+00,https://www.efe.com/efe/america/sociedad/aumentan-un-160-los-casos-de-dengue-en-costa-rica-comparacion-con-2018/20000013-4035695#,"El Ministerio de Salud de Costa Rica informó este jueves que el país registra en lo que va de año un aumento del 160 % de los casos de dengue, en comparación al mismo periodo de 2018, ante lo que hizo un llamado a reforzar las medidas preventivas." +452354,64945.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,77,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MONITORING%20PROTECTION%20DE%20JULLET%202021%20EST.pdf,"Les enfants sont exposés à plusieurs risques de protection dans la région de l’Est. En effet, les données du monitoring démontrent l’existence d’enfants séparés (ES), non accompagnés (ENA) déscolarisés à cause de la crise sécuritaire. Certains enfants se retrouvent dans les rues, exerçant des activités comme la mendicité, le petit commerce, les activités de ménage de porte à porte." +297865,52145.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_humanitaire_numero_12_v_04.pdf,"Les villages sis entre Double et Kossa ont été désertés par leurs populations, dont 1 150 personnes qui se sont réfugiées à Kossa où gendarmes, policiers et comités de vigilance procurent un minimum de sécurité." +165033,38902.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,31,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"In April, lack of availability of products and lack of transport were among the main reasons for product shortages reported by traders in 20 departments (FAO 23/04/2020)." +315538,54167.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,28,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_caqueta_dic_2020_vf.pdf,"Es importante destacar los desplazamientos individuales y familiares por cuenta de intentos de reclutamiento forzado, los cuales tienden a no ser visibilizados por falta de denuncias." +209716,45080.0,2170.0,['Nutrition'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,65,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%209%20Dec%202020.pdf,"[9thDec2020,Borno,Yobe State]The main challenge facing the Nutrition sector is the lack of capacity to effectively respond to sudden onset emergencies due to escalating insecurity. Insecurity has resulted in disruptions of nutrition services in places including Gubio, Magumeri, Mafa, and Mobbar LGAs in Borno State and in Geidam and Gujba LGAs in Yobe State." +307045,51572.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,33,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Discussion with the HC to rehabilitate the water tank supply by Melut town. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +245853,47671.0,2425.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,26,[],['Context'],Lebanon Situation Analysis,2021-01-25 12:39:46.093809+00,https://www.care-international.org/files/files/Rapid_Multi-Sectoral_Needs_Assessment_Lebanon2021.pdf,"Besides, in light of the current dollar inflation crisis and the deteriorating socio-economic status, most families are getting paid below the minimum wage." +325244,54815.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,33,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"The security situation functionality of schools and health clinics in these regions and imposes additional demands from facilities in other parts of the country, as conflict- displaced populations migrate and resettle." +62528,18514.0,1386.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190328_acaps_briefing_note_venezuela_update_and_2019_outlook__0.pdf,"WASH: Access to clean water is increasingly difficult due to the collapse of basic services, exacerbating water and sanitation problems. Only 18% of the population residing inside Venezuela receives clean water in a continuous and consistent way (CHE Agua 10/2018)." +79062,21860.0,729.0,"['Protection', 'Cross', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Politics'],en,89,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/09.30.19%20-%20USAID-DCHA%20Libya%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%232.pdf,"Conflict remains the primary driver of food insecurity in Libya, due to closures of roads and ports restricting delivery of commercial food imports, declining domestic food production, displacement, and disrupted markets. However, the Government of National Accord’s decision to reduce foreign-currency transaction fees in late July helped reduce the cost of imported food items countrywide and improved the ability of people living in areas with functioning markets to access food, particularly in western Libya, according to the REACH Initiative" +339451,56380.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,88,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb4645es.pdf,"Los resultados de la encuesta sugieren una reducción general en el uso de semillas mejoradas (38% de los encuestados) y de fertilizantes y productos fitosanitarios (9%), principalmente en las regiones Caribe y Pacífico. Esta información se trianguló con entrevistas a distribuidores de insumos agrícolas. Esta reducción probablemente fue menos marcada entre los agricultores familiares (que normalmente no utilizan productos químicos) y las granjas más grandes (que dependen menos de los circuitos de suministro locales)." +317182,53333.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"The qualitative assessments have also revealed that adolescent girls had limited access to contraceptives and knowledge on sexual and reproductive health and rights which resulted in them getting unwanted pregnancies, with consequent child early and forced marriage." +306888,51572.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Security situation is reported as calm by FGDs participants with no major incidents in the area reported during last year. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +294813,51749.0,2099.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,[Gounghin] Il ressort du groupe de discussion mené avec les ménages non déplacés que la communauté n’arrivait pas à satisfaire ses besoins en eau avant même l’arrivée des ménages PDI. [12 participants au Groupe de discussion)] +62859,18514.0,1386.0,['Agriculture'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,121,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190328_acaps_briefing_note_venezuela_update_and_2019_outlook__0.pdf,"Since 2008, agriculture began to fall and be replaced by imported products. The crisis has had a significant impact on agriculture, with the current level of production only able to cover 25% of national consumption according to the National Association of Farmers (Fedeagro). In the last 11 years, agricultural production has dramatically dropped (65% in corn, 68% in rice, 95% in sorghum, 62% in sugarcane, 70% of coffee) and many producers have gone bankrupt as a result of the economic crisis and other factors such as expropriations, price control, or state monopoly of inputs (CHE Health 09/2018)." +83870,23144.0,1620.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,93,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_adamawahumanitariansituationoverview_decedition_11012020.pdf,"During the period under review, the state has witnessed increased levels of insecurity ranging from NSAGs attacks in Madagali LGA, petty crimes in Yola and big LGA towns and Kidnappings by criminal gangs. Over 30 kidnap-forransom incidents have been reported for the past three months. Key incidents include the kidnap of the Divisional Police Office (DPO) heading the Mubi North LGA Police Division by unknown gunmen; killing of 11 hunters by suspected NSAGs in Song LGA. Song LGA is largely considered safe and secure." +330048,53699.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Contact Tracing'],fr,66,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_094_20210404_hebdo_s13.pdf,"A la fin de la semaine S13/2021 (données disponibles pour le 30/03 et 04/04/2021), 810 nouveaux voyageurs ont été enregistrés ; aucun d’entre eux n’est devenu symptomatique et aucun voyageur n’était sorti de suivi. Pour comparaison, ces chiffres étaient respectivement de 1 928, 0 et 916 à la fin de la semaine 12/2021." +294603,51749.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,81,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[District sanitaire de Ouargaye] Bien que le ratio sage-femme, habitant ne réponds pas aux normes OMS, il faut préciser que le nombre d’accouchement réellement effectué dans les CSPS (46 au CSPS Salabaoré d’aout, septembre et octobre 2020, 47 au mois d’octobre 2020 au CSPS urbain et 136 les mêmes 3 mois au CSPS de Yondé) par les personnels qualifiés dénote une sous-utilisation du service de maternité." +307193,51467.0,2335.0,"['Cross', 'Shelter']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,49,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"As women face barriers to Housing, Land, Property (HLP) ownership rights, this will continue to cause tension among affected people and exacerbate conflict, and the provision of shelter and other aid has potential to shape population movements and associated tension between communities." +146036,35870.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,47,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Further, the Logistics Cluster continues to facilitate access to free-to-user warehousing around Syria and is in fortnightly consultations with partners, including cluster coordination and Supply Chain working group meetings, and engaging with the PWG to keep an overview of any potential downstream supply needs" +264576,49669.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,33,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://colombia.as.com/colombia/2021/02/20/actualidad/1613846806_672285.html,"8. Proveer los componentes de bioseguridad y conexos como agua potable, baterías sanitarias, instalar lavamanos y suministrar jabón líquido antibacterial proporcional al universo poblacional que asiste en cada jornada." +301810,51958.0,2332.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,62,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_devaluation_de_protection_des_retournes_tchadiens_de_la_rca_installes_dans_les_sites_au_sud_du_tchad_002.pdf,"Par ailleurs, un mouvement pendulaire des enfants des sites de retournés de Kobiteye et Danamadja à Goré a été observé. Ces enfants dont l’âge varie de 5 à 10 ans viennent à la recherche de la nourriture en pratiquant les activités de survie et la mendicité qui constituent un facteur de risque de protection importante pour eux." +323681,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Economy'],fr,43,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"La faible productivité et la vulnérabilité du secteur agro-sylvo-pastoral, associées au déclin des industries manufacturières et à la domination de son industrie de services par le secteur informel, limitent les performances économiques du pays (FEWS NET, 2017)." +48088,13061.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.derechos.org.ve/web/wp-content/uploads/MigracionLigia.pdf,"y medicamentos (25%) y, en tercer lugar, inseguridad y violencia (12%). Otras razones alegadas, en menor medida, incluyen oportunidades de estudio, temor a persecución política, crisis en general." +342022,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,50,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"L’un des défis de la cohésion sociale concerne la bonne cohabitation entre les religions. La religion, par moment, est utilisée comme un canal de diffusion de certaines idéologies qui véhiculent parfois la violence. La diffusion de ces idéologies nuit à la cohésion sociale." +191545,43304.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,80,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Ces arrêts d’activités [commerciales] ont infligé une perte de revenus considérable aux entités économiques concernées. Le chiffre d’affaire considéré comme le manque à gagner pendant le mois d’avril 2020 est estimé à 74,6 milliards de FCFA. Les revenus qui devraient être tirés de ce chiffre d’affaires, sous forme de bénéfice sont évalués à 22,4 milliards de FCFA, soit 30% du chiffre d’affaires." +214303,45385.0,2334.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,33 postes radio et 33 clés USB pour l’écoute des messages de sensibilisation autour des mesures de prévention contre la COVID-19 ont également été distribués aux élèves les plus vulnérables. +161168,35726.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection', 'Cross']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Capacities & Response->Local Response', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",['Context->Security & Stability'],es,270,"['At Risk', 'Capacities & Response', 'Impact']",['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_arauca_junio_2020_vf%20%281%29.pdf,"I. 1. Conflicto Armado y Desplazamiento Forzado: El ELN históricamente ha estado en todo el departamento y con la desmovilización de las FARC-EP se ha fortalecido. Por su parte, las disidencias -autodenominadas Estructura décima Martín Villa- que reúnen a exguerrilleros de los antiguos Frentes 10, 28 y 45 de las FARC-EP, comenzaron su reaparición en los municipios de Saravena, Tame, Fortul y Arauquita en 2018, pero actualmente se mueven por todo el territorio. Según el Registro Único de Víctimas (RUV), 1.787 personas fueron desplazadas en 2019 en Arauca4. El desplazamiento se presenta de manera individual, causado principalmente por amenazas, homicidios y el riesgo de reclutamiento forzando de NNA, que aumenta en comunidades rurales e indígenas. Este fenómeno no solo afecta a la población de acogida, sino a refugiados y migrantes, quienes también acceden al Registro Único de Víctimas, tras las declaraciones que toman las Personerías en cada uno de los municipios del Departamento. Por otro lado, continúa el ingreso de colombianos retornados, muchos de ellos víctimas de desplazamiento interno, los cuales se encuentran en proceso de declaración. Así mismo, se resalta que entre los meses de agosto y septiembre de 2019, al menos 804 familias, en su mayoría víctimas de desplazamiento, accedieron a la legalización de los asentamientos donde se integraron localmente, en los municipios de Saravena, Tame y Arauca. Sin embargo, persiste el vacío en la respuesta de soluciones duraderas para estas familias." +35506,13057.0,788.0,"['Agriculture', 'Cross']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,136,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000105395.pdf,"Currently, there are 1,762,793 million individuals who remain displaced in camps and host communities, and who are reliant on humanitarian assistance to meet their essential needs. While some affected populations have made efforts to resettle back into their communities and resume their livelihoods, pervasive security threats and constraints have hampered access to the most productive agricultural fields and the cultivation of wide range of crops. Between July and August 2018, a total of 24,872 new arrivals were recorded in the key hotspots of Bama, Banki, Damboa, Dikwa, Gwoza, Pulka, Mafa, Monguno, Magumeri and Ngala LGAs in Borno State, with poor living conditions, voluntary relocation, ongoing conflict and fear of attacks as the four main triggers for such movement ." +490596,67927.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",['Casualties->Dead'],en,119,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/adamawa_state_2021_cholera_situation_report_no_9.pdf,"[5th Sept 2021, Adamawa State] (Cholera) Surveillance and Laboratory: 45 new suspected cases with 2 deaths have been reported. DSNOs are line listing suspected Cases and collecting sample 15,115 households so far have been visited by the 3 ACS teams in Yola North, Yola South & Girei LGAs. 14 suspected cases were detected and reported. WHO supported by SMOH, NCDC & ADPHCDA has trained and deployed 41 additional ACS individuals to Gombi, Shelleng, Fufore, Yola North & Yola South. WHO provided 50 biohazard bags to the laboratory in SSH. oRegular hot spot analysis has been shared to stakeholders to guide the response." +325597,54815.0,2099.0,[],[],[],en,56,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"lowering average travel time to nearest school across nearly all outcome variables of interest has a slightly larger effect for girls specifically. The only exception is the secondary school completion rate, where the effect of lowering travel time to school is slightly lower for girls than for the overall secondary school student population." +338327,56100.0,2311.0,['Cross'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,42,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/130521_actualizacionn2-_alerta_por_confinamiento_alto_baudo_choco_vf.pdf,"Dada la masividad de las emergencias que se han registrado en este municipio entre 2020 y 2021, la Personería municipal no cuenta con el apoyo en talento humano suficiente para digitalizar y completar la toma de censos de las comunidades." +59556,17198.0,1224.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"Communities raised the urgent need for non-food items, particularly highlighting the need for tents, hammocks, clothing and bedding, and hygiene items. Many families are sleeping directly on the ground. Hammocks provided by CDC and IOM were visible in some communities, but additional supplies are needed." +191746,43622.0,2330.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,32,[],['Shock/Event'],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20201111_acaps_briefing_note_nicaragua_honduras_hurricane_eta.pdf,"Because of a lack of state investment, other basic infrastructure such as roads, bridges, health ser- vices, and public buildings are also highly vulnerable to extreme weather conditions" +361188,58845.0,2028.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,53,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_price_bulletin_may_2021.pdf,"[May 2021, Overall Syria] The national average ToT between wheat flour and wage labour, a proxy indicator for purchasing power, increased by four percent between April and May 2021, reaching 3.3 kgs of wheat flour/daily wage compared to 3.2 kgs of wheat flour in April 2021." +346144,56952.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,22,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20monitoreo%20enero-marzo%202021%20-%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20vers%C3%B3n%20final.pdf,También se encontró que existe discriminación contra los NNA con discapacidad en centros edu- cativos por parte de compañeros de clase. +475695,63295.0,2099.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,40,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rpca_avis_pregec_cotonou-visio_17_18_juin2021_fr.pdf,"[Sahel et Afrique de l’Ouest] Une situation alimentaire et nutritionnelle préoccupante au Sahel et en Afrique de l’Ouest fortement affectée par les effets conjugués des crises sécuritaires, sanitaires et de l’inflation" +475557,63296.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Environment'],fr,70,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"En plus de l’augmentation de la demande en terres et de la surexploitation de celles-ci sous la pression démographique, selon les IC, les sols ont été graduellement appauvris au cours des dernières décennies sous la pression hydrique et éolienne, menant à des récoltes insuffisantes pour le nombre de personnes à nourrir et à des périodes de soudure particulièrement difficiles lors des moins bonnes années." +164375,38902.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,25,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"Some parts of Antioquia department and the Bajo Cauca region, with confrontations between ELN, AGC, FARC-EP dissident groups and Los Caparros." +201494,44481.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,51,"['Impact', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep22_20201120.pdf,"Due to the increased COVID-19 cases and deteriorating security situation, more schools are now closed either fully or partially. Distance and blended learning support have thus become a top priority, including provision of support to education personnel and teacher incentives and training for learning to be continued." +185138,39920.0,1231.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,11,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/resultados_primera_encuesta_covid-19_-_formato_11x17.pdf,22% deben salir a trabajar o bien a hacer diligencias +305341,51467.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Shelter']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"At border points and in return areas, South Sudanese refugees report cases of extortion by authorities, GBV incidences, other protection concerns, and the lack of shelter in return areas." +83876,23144.0,1620.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,94,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_adamawahumanitariansituationoverview_decedition_11012020.pdf,"Harmful coping mechanisms are on the increase, with young women and girls resorting to transactional sex. As the state enters the dry season, seasonal farmer/herder clashes and reprisal attacks between the indigenous population and settlers are likely to escalate due to lack of concrete measures from the Government/weak or inconsistent implementation of land policies. No facilitated voluntary repatriation from Cameroon and Niger during the reporting period and will likely to remain so due to the absence of services and insecurity in some areas refugees would like to return to." +313225,53183.0,2466.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,47,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"As part of UNAMID [African Union – United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur] transition plan for Darfur, a range of capacity building activities were implemented under the human rights and rule of law components of the State Liaison Functions (SLF) projects." +178385,41756.0,2225.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,113,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Les régions les plus affectées par ces effets sont le Nord-Kivu, le Sud-Kivu, le Tanganyika, le Haut-Katanga et l’Ituri. Les personnes âgées et les personnes en situation de handicap sont également plus vulnérables lorsqu’elles sont déplacées, les situations d'urgence ayant tendance à créer et à exacerber les vulnérabilités existantes. Les femmes et les filles sont exposées à de multiples formes de violence et de discrimination liées au genre si elles ne disposent pas d’un abri sûr et digne. L’échange de sexe pour accéder à un logement ou à des articles ménagers est également un risque pour elles." +324329,54626.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,56,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,"The communication team also continued sharing COVID-19 prevention messages, celebrated the World Social Work Day and the important role of social workers in Somalia, marked the World Water Day and called for climate resilient solutions, and provided visibility to donors through the Country Office’s Facebook, Instagram and Twitter feeds." +240052,46388.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,43,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Levels of severe hunger were particularly high in Sar-e-Pul (15 per cent), Kandahar (6 per cent), Hirat (7 per cent), Kabul (6 per cent) and Daykundi (8 per cent)." +360008,58741.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,84,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC_FSO_2021_06_final.pdf,"la RDC fait face à une troisième vague de COVID-19 [...] laquelle continue d'avoir des effets négatifs sur l'économie des ménages, notamment à travers la perte et la baisse des revenus, une situation qui pourrait s’empirer avec le renforcement des restrictions en cours par le gouvernement congolais qui consiste dans un premier temps à la fermeture des bars et bistrots sur tout le territoire national et le raccourcissement du temps de couvre-feu, avancé d’une heure" +203444,44603.0,2028.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,77,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2762130,"[ February 24, NES] Similar estimates for NES are not available. Based on international estimates, around 15% of the COVID-19 affected population will develop moderate-severe disease (requiring ward-based hospital care with oxygen and medical support) and 5% will develop critical disease requiring intensive care admission (which includes ventilation, cardiac and renal support;) however different populations may have different proportions of moderate-severe or critical cases." +211769,45203.0,2334.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,35,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://fews.net/west-africa/cameroon/food-security-outlook/june-2020,"Economic conditions remain depressed on account of border closures and restrictions on non-essential travel, leading to job losses and a decline in everyday income, and leaving poor households with reduced purchasing power." +264325,48806.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,51,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_final_enquete_smart_27112019.pdf,"L’analyse des résultats a montré une prévalence nationale de la malnutrition aigüe globale de 12,9% dont 2,9% de la forme sévère. Selon la classification 2019 de l’OMS, la prévalence sur le plan national est élevée d’où une situation nutritionnelle préoccupante." +290402,51970.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Intentions'],en,61,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"INTENTIONS TO MOVE When asked about their future intentions to migrate, migrants in Ecuador (57%) and Colombia (46%) saw the largest increase, with +15% and +8%, respectively. The situation is nearly stable in Peru, where 54% of migrants (+4%) is willing to stay." +169479,40368.0,2099.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,6,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"1,173,306 people assisted in August 2020" +303954,51174.0,2335.0,[],[],[],en,30,[],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.afro.who.int/sites/default/files/2021-02/South%20Sudan%20IDSR%20Bulletin%20Week%201%2C%20%20%204-%2010%20January%202021%20.pdf,An assessment mission recommended the need to strengthen routine immunization (thru static and outreach vaccination; social mobilization for routine immunization; and enhanced measles case-based surveillance). +320182,52949.0,2331.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,40,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Services most affected by COVID-19 include legal support (with the closure of courts), community awareness campaigns (due to the need for social distancing), psychosocial support services, Gender-Based Violence shelters and child-friendly spaces." +355065,58069.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,51,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.eluniversal.com.co/cartagena/cierre-temporal-a-casa-hostal-donde-vivian-65-venezolanos-en-aglomeracion-CH4810433,"En el inmueble se encontraron más de 65 personas entre niños, jóvenes y adultos, todos de nacionalidad venezolana, que no cumplían con las medidas de bioseguridad. La edificación tiene 19 habitaciones, en las que viven hasta cuatro familias integradas por hasta cinco personas cada una." +310216,53177.0,2466.0,['Food Security'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,80,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Sudan%20Multi-Sectoral%20Location%20Assessment_South%20Kordofan.pdf,"Food security is a high priority need at only one of the locations in Abu Jubaiha. The main reasons for food shortages in the locality have been attributed to the lack of finances, crop damage and low rainfall. Food aid has only been provided to two locations. The main income generating activities in the area are agriculture, livestock husbandry, firewood collecting and small trading. Veterinary services are only available in three villages." +338999,56192.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,65,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.internal-displacement.org/sites/default/files/publications/documents/grid2021_idmc.pdf,"Forty-eight million people were living in internal displacement as a result of conflict and violence in 59 countries and territories as of 31 December 2020, an increase of 2.1 million compared with 2019 and the highest figure on record. Most IDPs were in Syria, DRC and Colombia, which between them accounted for more than a third of the global total." +475540,63296.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,les IC de la quasi-totalité des localités évaluées dans la province ont aussi rapporté que l’élevage était pratiqué dans leur localité. L’artisanat est la troisième activité profesionnelle la plus fréquemment rapportée par les IC (27% des localités évaluées). +271055,47809.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,101,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_7.pdf,"Por grupos de edad, los adultos de más de 60 años representan el 57,3 % (6 655), seguido por los de 40 a 59 años con el 26,4 % (3 069) y los de 20 a 39 años con el 7,7 % (894). La mayor proporción de hospitalizaciones por IRAG en UCI sobre el total de hospitalizaciones en UCI e intermedio por todas las causas se presenta en el grupo de mayores de 60 años con el 33,2 %, seguido por el de 40 a 59 años con el 31,4 %" +21826,9026.0,322.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],en,105,[],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,,"cent of the country’s population, but in less than three decades the population had grown more than tenfold to reach 1.7 million inhabitants in 2004, representing 9 percent of Yemen’s total population. If the 1994–2004 population rate of increase of Sana’a continues, the city popula- tion will double in 13 years and increase by over three times by 2027. It is interesting to note that the Comprehensive Traffic Management Study for Sana’a (Team International, 2006) projected a population of 2.847 million in 2014 and 3.825 million by 2024." +115051,30166.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,52,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://col.jrs.net/es/noticias/jrs-colombia-continua-acompanando-dos-comunidades-indigenas-yukpa-durante-la-crisis-de-covid-19/,"Un total de 100 familias, recibieron ayuda humanitaria, gracias a la articulación con la Secretaria Municipal para la Atención del Riesgo de Desastres de la Alcaldía de San José de Cúcuta, La Organización Internacional para las Migraciones (OIM) y con el apoyo de la Policía Nacional." +224061,45768.0,2332.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,30,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"Bien avant l’arrivée des 20000 nouveaux IDPs, le site de Diamerom accueillait déjà environ 10,000 IDPs. Ce site compte actuellement un total de 30,000 personnes." +178045,40661.0,2225.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,71,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Les territoires avec le plus de déplacés récents sont Beni, Lubero, Masisi, Oicha, Rutshuru, et Walikale (Nord-Kivu); Aru, Djugu, Irumu, Mahagi, et Mambasa (Ituri) ; Fizi, Kalehe et Shabunda (Sud-Kivu); Kalemie, Kongolo, Manono, Moba et Nyunzu (Tanganyika); Kabambare, Kasongo, et Punia (Maniema)." +150070,32165.0,1388.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],es,43,[],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/74589.pdf,"Seguidamente se incluye la sistematización realizada con respecto a la opinión y percepción de los actores clave sobre la oferta de apoyo, papel de entes relevantes, condiciones, factores para la incorporación de los refugiados al mercado laboral y/o empresarial." +148574,36019.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,18,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,Increasing capacity of rapid response teams and for sample collection also remain priorities to improve case detection. +325799,54267.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,78,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"De même, l’utilisation des services bancaires mobiles reste très faible, malgré le grand nombre d’abonnés au téléphone portable estimé à plus de 12 millions en 2015. Selon les dernières statistiques de Findex, un peu plus de trois millions d’adultes ont un compte d’argent mobile, ce qui reflète l’importance du potentiel de croissance (MAP, FinScope et FinMark Trust, 2017)." +146744,35870.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,55,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Overall, only 57 public hospitals (64 per cent) are fully functioning in the country. There is also a considerable shortage of trained staff and a high turnover rate, all of which reduce its capacity to manage cases, and of medical equipment essential for case management, including ventilators." +329851,55152.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,115,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bcnudh_-_communique_de_presse_-_note_mensuelle_mars_2021.pdf,"Au mois de mars 2021, les cas de violences sexuelles liées au conflit documentés concernent 55 victimes adultes de sexe féminin, soit une augmentation significative par rapport au mois précédent (25 victimes). Les groupes armés sont responsables de la majorité de ces violations (41 victimes), tandis que 14 femmes ont été victimes de violences sexuelles commises par des agents de l’Etat. La grande majorité de ces femmes ont été victimes de violences sexuelles dans la province du Sud-Kivu (26 victimes) suivie notamment du Nord-Kivu (11 victimes) du Maniema (sept victimes) et du Tanganyika (quatre victimes)." +164464,39777.0,2028.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Context->Economy'],en,43,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/grandi-concludes-syria-visit-pledge-maintain-assistance-most-vulnerable,"“The challenges they face have been compounded by a severe economic downturn and the coronavirus pandemic,” the High Commissioner added. “UNHCR is committed to continuing its work to provide humanitarian assistance to those most in need.”" +265108,49769.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,58,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/64010/covid-19-vaccination-drive-to-start-soon-in-idleb.html,"[22 Feb, NWS] Dr. Rami Kilzi, Head of Community Programs at the Ministry of Health in the Interim Government expected the arrival of the first batch of the vaccine in late March or early April, explaining that “the initially proposed number of doses is about 1,700,000 doses for 850,000 people.”" +327089,54714.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,56,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,[HEALTH LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 80% of Households of non-IDP settlements have not been able to access healthcare facilities in the six months prior to data collection while 16% of Households of non-IDP settlements have been able to access healthcare facilities in the six months prior to data collection. +315546,52949.0,2331.0,['Education'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The Education Cluster identified 300,000 school-aged, displaced children in need of emergency education services. Displaced children are more likely to have dropped out of school than those that are not displaced." +386134,60459.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,103,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"Dans les provinces où les PDI représentent au moins 20 pour cent de la population (les provinces de la région du Sahel, le Loroum et le Sanmatenga), l’assistance alimentaire en cours (42 pour cent en nature et 58 pour cent en cash ou coupons) constitue la principale source de nourriture des pauvres. Dans ces provinces, l’assistance est plus présente dans les chefs-lieux, mais les principaux donateurs que sont le Programme Alimentaire Mondiale (PAM) et le gouvernement ont renforcé leurs capacités logistiques pour atteindre les zones à accès limité" +64173,18925.0,729.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,33,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",['Humanitarian Access'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/va_report_libya_2019-libmac-unmas.pdf,"From January to December 2018, UNSMIL/OHCHR documented at least 196 civilian deaths and 369 injuries caused by gunfire, explosive remnants of war, airstrikes, shelling and improvised explosive devices." +346153,56952.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,75,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20monitoreo%20enero-marzo%202021%20-%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20vers%C3%B3n%20final.pdf,"En el período monitoreado cambió la tendencia sobre los principales obstáculos para el acceso al registro civil de nacimiento, porque se iden- tifica la falta de documentación de los padres o del NNA a registrar como la barrera más frecuen- te enunciada por la población (57.80%) seguida del desconocimiento de cómo hacer el registro (18.80%) y en un tercer lugar la falta de dinero (12.50%)" +112937,31293.0,1388.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,100,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3641092,"En primer lugar planteó las acciones en Seguridad Pública, a través de la incorporación de lineamientos que contengan las medidas de bioseguridad establecidas por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) ante COVID-19 para la implementación oportuna del trabajo policial, el refuerzo de la protección del personal policial y militar directamente expuesto, los lineamientos de atención epidemiológica entre los cuerpos policiales, militares y el sector salud y la atención psicosocial de los funcionarios policiales, militares y ciudadanos bajo custodia policial, por medio de campañas de sensibilización e información a los ciudadanos." +325401,54815.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"(on 161 women sample) However, the salience of physical security while traveling is much higher for women of reproductive age living in individual provinces; for example, 50 percent of the women in Mouhoun province and 42 percent of the women in Koulpelogo province consider this as the most important or among the main constraints for accessing health services." +164770,38506.0,2098.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,97,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/monsoon_floods_rco_flash_update2_28.07.2020_final_1.pdf,"Earlier this month, the anticipated impacts of the current severe floods were assessed. The assessment activated the Humanitarian Preparedness and Response Plan (HPRP) in line with the HCTT contingency plan for climate-related disasters in time of the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to the direct impact of COVID-19 on the resilience of communities most exposed to climate-related disasters, the pandemic context puts further challenges to response and recovery efforts. Partners are using their response packages adapted to COVID-19 as well as delivery modalities that mitigate the risks of virus propagation." +209133,43992.0,2332.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,61,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"|UNICEF COVID-19 strategy] U-Report (an SMS-based interactive information platform for youth, free of charge) is currently entirely devoted to COVID-19 and is a platform for lively exchanges and questions. To date, 139,384 consultations have been conducted using U-Report, through its dedicated Info-centre ''CORONA'' using the U-Report national number ‘1301’." +235109,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,48,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Active conflict, large-scale population movements, recurrent natural disasters and the ongoing impact of COVID-19 on the social and economic fabric of the country have hindered longer-term urban planning, reduced attention on more expensive durable solutions and diminished people’s access to essential services." +283918,47069.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,70,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/iom_dashboard_cameroun_extreme-nord_round_21_en.pdf,[Round 21 / DTM / Far North Region / 25 May - 10 June] Changes in the numbers of displaced populations over the last four rounds Returnees: Round 18 = April 2019 = 110 023 Round 19 = Aug 2019 = 110 574 Round 20= Dec 2019 = 116 979 Round 21 = May 2020 = 123 489 +6% since Round 20 (Dec 2019) +168507,40102.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://lefaso.net/spip.php?article99505,"Depuis le début de la pandémie au Burkina (9 mars 2020), c’est au total 1 929 cas confirmés dont 642 femmes et 1 287 hommes. Nombre de guérisons 1 252." +305227,53100.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,51,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/plan_de_preparation_coronavirus_cmr._version_du_10_mars_2019.pdf,ACQUIS: - EIIR multidisciplinaires et multisectorielles formées dans les 10 régions GAPS: - Absence d’un texte réglementaire mettant en place les EIIR - Absence de procédures de mobilisation et de moyens de fidélisation des membres EIIR - Dernière formation datant de 2017 - Turn over du personnel +292391,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,9,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,Health Cluster coordination meetings and inter-cluster coordination meetings. +90036,25213.0,1621.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],"['Context->Demography', 'Context->Security & Stability', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints', 'Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,117,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access', 'Casualties']",2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A_HRC_43_75_E.pdf,"Airstrikes were the leading cause of civilian casualties during the period under review, accounting for 394 victims (182 deaths and 212 injured), including 302 men, seven women, 24 boys, and 53 males whose age could not be determined, followed by ground fighting, improvised explosive devices, abductions and killings. UNSMIL/OHCHR documented the highest number of civilian casualties in the western part of the country (171 deaths and 182 injured), followed by the southern part (97 deaths and 96 injured) and eastern areas (16 deaths and 85 injured). Most of the casualties were attributed to the Libyan National Army." +327115,54982.0,2028.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,80,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/04/changes-in-eating-habits-ramadan-does-not-taste-the-same-in-syria/,"[17 APR, Overall Syria] Stricken by the 10-year-war, populations across Syria have been battling with a manifold living crisis. With rising rates of unemployment, shrinking meager incomes, soaring prices of or lacking essential goods, Ramadan had to be adapted to new household economy dynamics. Syrian Muslims had to relinquish many former Ramadan habits, including the usual collective iftar banquets—fast-breaking meals with families and friends had to adhere to tightening budgets" +418853,64000.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)']",es,128,['Impact'],"['Information And Communication', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Según el Grupo de Trabajo sobre Violencia de Género de la Plataforma Regional de Coordinación Interinstitucional para Refugiados y Migrantes de Venezuela (R4V), los casos de violencia de género reportados están muy por debajo de la realidad debido a la situación irregular de mujeres y niñas refugiadas y migrantes, y los temores asociados con el acto de denunciar, así como la falta de datos desagregados por sexo, edad, lugar de origen, situación migratoria, etc. (R4V 2019). Del mismo modo, Freier y Pérez (2021) encontraron que el 16% de las mujeres venezolanas encuestadas afirmaron haber sido discriminadas por su género, en comparación con el 2% de sus connacionales varones." +205830,44672.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,31,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The UNDP established 15 fixed health centers and 11 mobile health teams and 2 home follow up teams— which will significantly expand prevention, diagnosis, and management of COVID-19." +194450,43501.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,24,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,Des évaluations ponctuelles ne suffisent pas à identifier toutes les crises et leurs impacts sur les communautés sur l’ensemble du territoire. +178049,40661.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Après la ville de Kinshasa qui présente 7 924 cas confirmés, le Nord-Kivu, le Kongo Central, le Haut-Katanga et le Sud-Kivu sont les provinces les plus affectées avec respectivement 642 cas, 429 cas, 314 cas et 298 cas enregistrés depuis le début de la pandémie." +297855,52145.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_humanitaire_numero_12_v_04.pdf,"La réponse a ciblé les arrondissements de Maga, Zina, Kai Kai, Logone Birni (1 000 ménages) et Ngouma, Sagmé, Tchika (500 ménages)." +241048,47700.0,2332.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],en,31,"['Priority Interventions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,,"additional funding is urgently needed to expand UNHCR’s emergency response in the Kouchaguine-Moura site, including measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 among refugee and host communities." +361125,58845.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,60,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_price_bulletin_may_2021.pdf,"[May 2021, Overall Syria] M-o-m, the national average price of a whole clean chicken increased by 13 percent, reaching SYP 7,643/kg. Dar’a recorded the highest price at SYP 8,452/kg (up 17 percent m-om), while Ar-Raqqa recorded the lowest price at SYP 6,007/kg (up two percent m-o-m)." +323025,54626.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Economy', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,"The impact of delayed and erratic rains in the Deyr season is becoming more apparent with water shortages and displacements continued to be reported in many communities, with increases in water prices being observed." +316646,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"An estimated 320,000 civilians fled their homes due to conflict and insecurity in 2018, which decreased by 59 per cent to 190,000 in 2019. In 2020, 242,000 people were displaced due to insecurity." +270213,50227.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",es,136,[],"['Context', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Por grupos de edad es evidente el incremento de la tasa con la edad, el grupo de edad que presenta el mayor número de muertes es el de 70 a 79 años (16.063); siendo el grupo de 80 a 89 donde encuentran las mayores tasas de mortalidad en ambos sexos. El 0,2% de los casos de mortalidad por COVID- 19 se presentan en el grupo de menores de 10 años, y el 0,2% en el grupo de 10 a 19 años. En relación con la letalidad por edad y sexo, se observa que para los hombres la letalidad es del 3,5% y las mujeres 1,9%, lo cual evidencia que por cada mujer que muere por COVID-19, mueren 1,85 hombres por COVID-19." +236871,47076.0,2334.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,48,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,SHUMAS in the month of June assisted a total of 66 persons with rental subsidies (41 in Bamenda and 25 in Bui division). 39 persons were also assisted with shelter materials by IVSPD to rebuild their houses destroyed as a result of the crisis. +492304,67914.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_mvam_bulletin_58_august_2021.pdf,"[August 2021, Overall Syria] In terms of displacement status, the average rCSI was highest among IDPs and returnees. In August 2021, 91 percent of IDPs and 88 percent of returnees reported adopting at least one food-based coping strategy to deal with insufficient food stocks and source their essential food needs amid the dire economic living conditions, compared to 85 percent of residents." +188705,43183.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,40,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_268_20201024.pdf,"Ainsi depuis le début de l’épidémie, 11 161 cas confirmés et 1 cas probable ont été notifiés dont 305 décès, soit une létalité globale de 2,7% (Tableau I ; Figures 1 & 2)" +90063,25213.0,1621.0,[],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Demography', 'Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,146,[],"['Context', 'Casualties']",2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A_HRC_43_75_E.pdf,"On 4 February, in the Kuweifiya area of Benghazi, three boys, aged between 9 and 15 years, were injured when an unexploded explosive ordnance detonated when they were collecting scrap metal. During the night of 17 February, in Murzuq, an unattributed airstrike on the Zawiat Zala complex killed a civilian man and injured two children. On 5 March, also in Murzuq, an unidentified armed group fired a rocket at a group of civilians watching a football game, killing three boys and injuring four others. On 8 April, in Qasr Bin Ghashir, five children were injured by a mortar round that dropped beside a tent where a funeral was being held. On 28 November, Libyan National Army airstrikes in Um alAraneb killed 10 children and seriously injured six other children." +170917,40447.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syriahr.com/en/185493/,"[24th September 2020, NW Syria] In north-west Syria, cases are increasing dramatically. We fear that this is only the tip of the iceberg in terms of the true scale of the problem." +170805,40367.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",en,39,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,The main constraints in the implementation of activities are the inaccessibility of some localities for security reasons and the beginning of the rainy season which makes some sites inaccessible for drilling and slows down the construction of latrines. +317173,53333.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"The Adolescent MSNA has revealed that parents especially fathers and the girls themselves were largely responsible for girls getting into early and forced marriages primarily due to poverty, settling their own debts and also teen pregnancy where they did not want any “shame”, keeping her with her baby." +325400,54815.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"(on 161 women sample) In the overall ranking of constraints that inhibit access to health services, women of reproductive age more of transportation as “the main constraint” or “among the main constraints” (68.4 percent" +81779,22495.0,1231.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,https://acento.com.do/2019/actualidad/8762434-sinfonica-binacional-dominico-venezolana-por-inclusion-e-integracion/,"A través de asociaciones, organizaciones civiles y ONG, la OIM ha venido apoyando el trabajo en la atención a nacionales venezolanos en situación vulnerable en República Dominicana desde 2018, como parte del Plan de Respuesta a Refugiados y Migrantes de Venezuela." +157956,38137.0,2098.0,['Education'],"['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,58,"['Capacities & Response', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cxb_education_covid_response_reaching_every_learner_final.pdf,"Provision of home-based teacher and learner supplies. # of children, adolescent, and youth benefiting from the provided educational, recreational, and skill development materials and supplies # of relevant and essential persons receiving educational, recreational, and skill development materials and supplies to facilitate continuous learning for children, adolescents, and youth" +489852,67830.0,2170.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,51,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rc_report_august_2021.pdf,"[1st Aug 2021, BAY states] FOOD SECURITY (FS): FS services include wet feeding, general food distribution and cash based transfer. There is a need for wet feeding in Ngala (514HH), Bama (115HH) and Monguno (10HH)." +311043,54065.0,2170.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,114,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nenfss_round_9_final_report_11032021.pdf,"[1st Dec 2020,North-East Nigeria] Prevalence of acute malnutrition as assessed by MUAC and/or oedema was highest in Yobe (5.2 %) followed by Borno (3.7%) and Adamawa (1.6%). While prevalence of severe acute malnutrition was highest in Yobe (2.1%). By domain prevalence of acute malnutrition by MUAC was highest in Northern Borno (7.9%). Prevalence was higher among girls than boys in all domains with the exception of Southern Adamawa and Central Borno. In all domains, the majority of children identified as acutely malnourished by MUAC were under 24 months of age." +48092,13061.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],es,53,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.derechos.org.ve/web/wp-content/uploads/MigracionLigia.pdf,"En el caso de Colombia, en la región del Catatumbo (Norte de Santander), donde persiste una situación de conflicto armado, se presenta una práctica que incluye, no solo la explotación sexual, sino también el sometimiento de niños y adolescentes a situaciones análogas a la esclavitud." +386117,60459.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"La Jama'a Nusrat ul-Islam wa al-Muslimin (JNIM) et l'État Islamique dans le Grand Sahara (ISGS) continuent d'exercer une influence et un contrôle sur les populations dans les zones frontalières de ces régions, provoquant des déplacements internes persistants." +170462,40462.0,2099.0,"['Shelter', 'Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Environment'],fr,37,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,La question du logement et de l’accès à des terres devient un problème crucial pour les personnes déplacées internes en cette période hivernale dans une région où la population est à 85% agriculteurs. +315609,52949.0,2331.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,22,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,Displaced GBV survivors and their families continue to adopt negative coping strategies of early/forced marriage to leverage social and financial security. +145162,32516.0,1187.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,190,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200624%20Resumen%20Semanal%20de%20Situaci%C3%B3n%2022-28%20de%20junio%202020.pdf,"ARGENTINA Un informe publicado por el sistema de las Naciones Unidas en la Argentina en junio determinó que, si bien la respuesta del país a la emergencia de COVID-19 ha sido eficaz, es probable que los efectos económicos de las medidas preventivas para contener la propagación de la enfermedad lleven a una economía ya en recesión a una crisis, ya que se prevé que el producto interno bruto disminuya en más del 8% este año. El informe presenta un panorama muy sombrío, ya que 11 millones de argentinos dependen actualmente del Estado para la seguridad alimentaria y la pobreza infantil podría aumentar del 53 al 58,6%. La crisis de COVID-19 ha exacerbado en gran medida la vulnerabilidad y la discriminación hacia los menos protegidos de la sociedad, poniendo de relieve profundas desigualdades económicas y sociales que requieren una atención urgente como parte de los esfuerzos de respuesta y recuperación, incluidos los niños y adolescentes, los ancianos, los pueblos indígenas, las personas refugiadas y migrantes, en situación de pobreza, con discapacidad y la comunidad LGBTIQ+." +236132,47122.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,25,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"Protection actors trained 71 humanitarian workers including community leaders on protection principles, while 379 persons were reached by awareness raising on numerous topics." +311841,53183.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,11,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,Challenges: Localised conflicts affected the delivery of the assistance. +195791,43091.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,53,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/aprueban-en-segundo-debate-el-proyecto-de-politica-migratoria/2244,"l proyecto de Ley de Política Integral Migratoria —aseguró la ponente en una transmisión virtual — establece los elementos de protección internacional de extranjeros, recogidos en los acuerdos y compromisos que actualmente ha suscrito Colombia, entre los que están: la condición de refugiado, el asilo y la apatridia." +22262,9106.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"People with disabilities, survivors of explosive hazards, elderly people and people with chronic illnesses are among the most severely impacted by the deterioration of the public Health Sector and resulting lack of access public healthcare, as the services available to them are grossly insufficient to match their critical needs." +425470,64199.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,30,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=247125,"The Ministry noted that the total number of the coronavirus cases reported in Syria has reached 27,654, of which 22,429 have recovered while 2,003 others have passed away." +214338,45385.0,2334.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,35,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"En juin 2020, plus de 1.6 tonnes d’intrants COVID-19 ont été acheminés de la coordination centrale de Yaoundé vers l’Extrême-Nord grâce à l’appui logistique des Nations Unies." +64101,18925.0,729.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Demography'],en,104,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/va_report_libya_2019-libmac-unmas.pdf,"Only 12% of households with a member reported to have physical disability have adequate access to the needed healthcare, while 85% have limited access or no access to it.9 . • Only 5% of Libyan households with a member reported to have physical disability could access the needed mental healthcare services, 47% reported no access to services and 44% limited access10 . • Only 15% of households with a member with a physical disability reported access to physical rehabilitation services, 85% of households reported limited access or no access to physical rehabilitation services." +339489,56380.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,91,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb4645es.pdf,"En la actual coyuntura de COVID-19, el 25% de los hogares encuestados ha afirmado que los ingresos del hogar se han reducido significativamente (entre el 20 y 50% de sus ingresos) o drásticamente (superior al 50% de sus ingresos) durante los tres meses previos a la encuesta, frente al mismo periodo de 2019. Se denota que la situación ha generado una mayor afectación en los hogares que dependen principalmente de asistencia humanitaria, así como los trabajadores independientes y/o trabajadores calificados" +262900,48718.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Cases'],en,82,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://newspaper.albaathmedia.sy/2021/02/11/%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%83%d9%88%d8%b1%d9%88%d9%86%d8%a7-%d8%a8%d8%b7%d8%b1%d8%b7%d9%88%d8%b3-%d8%a5%d9%84%d9%89-%d8%aa%d8%b1%d8%a7%d8%ac%d8%b9/,"[February 11, Tartous] The General Director of Al-Bassel Hospital in Tartous, dr. Iskandar Ammar said that the number of suspected cases of Coronavirus is decreasing and decreasing significantly during the past period, at a rate of more than 60%, while the occupancy rate of the isolation section reached 25% compared to the past two months, reaching 95%, revealing that most of the existing cases are from the elderly and chronic diseases" +327102,55027.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],en,72,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Under-Secretary-General%20for%20Humanitarian%20Affairs%20and%20Emergency%20Relief%20Coordinator%2C%20Mark%20Lowcock%20-%20Briefing%20to%20the%20Security%20Council%20on%20the%20humanitarian%20situation%20in%20Syria%2C%2028%20April%202021.pdf,"[28 April 2021, Overall Syria & NES] One consequence of the exchange rate being volatile is that there are, in some places, some reductions in prices, for staples like rice and sugar, many of which are imported, obviously. But food prices overall do remain at historically high levels. In fact, in Al Hassakeh, subsidized bread prices doubled this month." +224085,45768.0,2332.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,19,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,Mener aux moins quatre (4) cliniques mobiles en faveur des PDI dans les 11 sites de Diamerom +318014,52949.0,2331.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Non-displaced rural people are also at risk of increased food insecurity. Anticipated drought conditions will particularly affect pastoralist and agro-pastoralist communities, which are considered the most vulnerable groups within the non-IDP category, with about 60 percent of Somalia’s population being pastoralists whose livelihoods depend on rainfall." +492301,67914.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,93,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_mvam_bulletin_58_august_2021.pdf,"[August 2021, Overall Syria] Furthermore, insufficient consumption of protein-rich food items continued to be reported across Syria. In August 2021, the national average consumption rate of animal-source protein was less than twice a week (average of 1.95 times per week). While this trend remains generally low, it represents the third highest national average level since August 2020. The first and the second highest national levels throughout the past year were recorded during Ramadan 2021 (in April and May 2021)." +61318,18235.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",en,76,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"The presence of armed groups and its impact on Venezuelan mixed migration flows is not limited to crossing the border in the Cúcuta area. Venezuelan refugees and migrants transiting Colombian territory to reach either another destination in Colombia or its southern border with Ecuador, often traveling on foot, have to pass through areas with a presence of armed actors involved in the Colombian conflict, which increases the protection risks they face." +161163,35726.0,1183.0,[],[],[],es,41,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_arauca_junio_2020_vf%20%281%29.pdf,"En este contexto, es necesario que la acción humanitaria continúe para establecer procesos duraderos de reducción de brechas, a través de la creación de capacidad de resiliencia local, tanto en las comunidades, como en las instituciones." +239022,47107.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,89,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[12th Jan 2021] In Government of Syria (GoS) controlled areas of Syria, as of 10 January, there have been 12,462 laboratory-confirmed cases reported by the MoH: 7 in Ar-Raqqa; 49 in Deir-Ez-Zor; 35 in Al-Hasakeh; 229 in Quneitra; 583 in Hama; 909 in Tartous; 762 in As-Sweida; 915 in Dar’a; 1,375 in Lattakia; 1,392 in Rural Damascus; 1,957 in Homs; 1,923 in Aleppo; and 2,326 in Damascus." +413056,63958.0,2311.0,"['Logistics', 'Shelter']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,27,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/colombia/natural-hazards-monitoring-23-august-2021,"No fatalities were reported, however, 268 homes sustained damages, and 71 roads, 6 vehicular bridges, and 1 pedestrian bridge were affected." +390823,60791.0,1186.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,75,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Para el año 2019 se estimó un total de 28.437 personas extranjeras residentes en la Región de Arica y Parinacota. Esta cifra representa un aumento absoluto de 2.757 personas y un alza relativa de 10,7% respecto a lo estimado para 2018. En 2019, la población extranjera en esa región se compuso de 13.733 hombres y 14.704 mujeres, con una relación de masculinidad de 93,4 hombres por cada 100 mujeres." +209142,43992.0,2332.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,77,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"To date, an estimated 239,455 children nationwide have been supported with distance/home-based learning. In partnership with through financial support from Education Cannot Wait, the production and recording of audio and video courses began in September and will complement the reopening of classes. 10,000 booklets will also be printed and provided to students in rural areas who do not have access to TV or radio in order to provide individualized academic support." +287437,51638.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Displacement->Intentions'],fr,55,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20_FEVRIER%202021_SAHEL.pdf,"(Sahel) En effet, certains ménages retournés pour des activités agricoles sont revenus et évoquent des violations du droit à la liberté dans les zones de retour. Bon nombre de PDIs ont exprimé le souhait de retourner dans leurs localités d’origine si les conditions sont réunies pour leur sécurité." +7563,1447.0,321.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,43,['At Risk'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/libya-migrants-fight-survival,"In addition to Libya’s migrant population, about 165,000 Libyans have been internally displaced. Both groups are especially vulnerable to challenges faced by the entire society, including an unreliable telecommunications network and a health care system in disarray." +149530,32172.0,1388.0,"['Cross', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods']",[],['Context->Economy'],es,89,[],['Context'],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/75318.pdf,"la crisis sanitaria debido al COVID-19 ha generado a su vez una crisis en el mercado de trabajo al haberse reducido sustancialmente la actividad económica, por el cierre de muchos centros de trabajo o por la reducción de sus operaciones, debido a las restricciones a la libertad de tránsito y a la cuarentena que han decretado muchos gobiernos, para evitar mayor número de contagios. De esta manera, ha disminuido la producción de bienes y servicios, así como el consumo y la inversión." +214268,45385.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,54,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Comme dans l’ensemble du département, les membres des organisations humanitaires basés à Kousseri sont de plus en plus isolés en raison de la fermeture de la frontière avec le Tchad d’une part et de la dégradation rapide de la seule voie terrestre d’accès sûre vers Maroua." +220252,45084.0,2336.0,[],[],[],en,47,[],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_5_november_2020_final.pdf,"The majority of recorded deaths were men between the ages of 50 and 79. Men account for more than 69 per cent of the total COVID-19 confirmed cases in the MOPH data, although this may be the result of over-representation of men in testing." +313724,53333.0,2334.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"They [girls] do not have access to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), protection, nutrition and a decent livelihood. As a result, adolescent girls continue to be exposed to further protection risks." +193267,43081.0,2311.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],es,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.radiofeyalegrianoticias.com/autoridades-de-arauca-dificultan-el-retorno-de-venezolanos-a-apure/,"A pesar de las restricciones que tanto el gobierno de Colombia como el de Venezuela han aplicado en los pasos fronterizos, los venezolanos buscan maneras de pasar hacia el otro lado. Lo hacen para hacer algunas diligencias puntuales o para proseguir su camino a otras regiones del país vecino." +178075,40661.0,2225.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,26,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Dans la province du Kasaï, ce sont 60% des ménages qui déclarent s’approvisionner en eau à partir des sources non aménagées." +149265,35869.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,28,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep18_25july2020.pdf,Major humanitarian needs persist across all sectors while the vulnerability of the people is exacerbated by the devaluation of the Syrian Pound and the impact of COVID-19. +167544,40328.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,41,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/iom-amazon-step-covid-19-rohingya-refugee-response-cox-s-bazar,"As one of the largest health partners in the district, IOM is supporting or operating 35 health care facilities in Cox’s Bazar – contributing to infection prevention control, risk communication, community engagement and case management." +386138,60459.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Environment'],fr,96,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"[scenario] Les séquences sèches longues attendues en début de saison pourraient non seulement entrainer des re-semis, mais aussi favoriser le développement d’ennemis de cultures, en particulier la chenille légionnaire d’automne. Les attaques sur les jeunes plants pourraient aussi entrainer des re-semis ou des changements d’objectifs de production à travers la substitution des cultures céréalières par des cultures rente à cycle plus court. Toutefois, l’activation du plan national de riposte permettra de circonscrire et de réduire l’intensité des attaques." +253693,48548.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,73,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=221142,"[7th Feb, 2021, Damascus Gos] The Syrian Airlines have announced running Damascus-Doha-Damascus flight on Wednesday Feb. 10th 2021. The Ministry of Transport, in a statement on its telegram page, said that the flight will be run from Damascus at 00:10, and it will arrive in Doha at 03:45 as it will be run again at 05:15 and it will arrive in Damascus at 07:05." +229506,45706.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,30,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://sn4hr.org/blog/2020/12/04/55697/,"[November 2020]In areas under the control of Syrian Regime forces, the Ministry of Health in November officially announced 2,159 cases of infection and 129 deaths." +238075,46388.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,82,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Utilisation of health services has gone down, and vaccination services for other diseases were also disrupted due to physical distancing requirements, affecting polio vaccination campaigns. This will mean a likely deterioration of health conditions throughout 2021 (higher maternal deaths; higher trauma-related deaths; higher prevalence of disability; etc.), as well as higher GBV risks, with survivors having had reduced access to life-saving GBV services that are part of the health response." +47363,16259.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.unwomen.org/en/news/stories/2019/7/feature-ensuring-public-services-for-venezuelan-migrant-women,"Some 770,975 Venezuelans have legal status,[3] while another 489,619 have ‘irregular migratory status (who can only access protection and urgent care services and particularly vulnerable to labor exploitation, human trafficking, etc.)’, according to the latest Colombian Government report." +161510,39535.0,2099.0,[],[],[],en,32,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Shelter partners are currently reviewing from the technical prespective the shelter response in order to better adapt it to climate challenges and the displacement during, starting some mid-term shelter solutions." +291301,51584.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,29,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://docs.wfp.org/api/documents/WFP-0000121004/download/?_ga=2.267291910.926065783.1606212133-1055501472.1562658913,"WFP disbursed US$760,610 and distributed 1,429 mt of food to 148,064 participants of ongoing asset creation activities, benefitting more than 1 million food-insecure family members." +310687,53333.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,64,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Virtually all respondent groups cited kidnappings as a risk for both adolescent girls and boys: for girls with the purpose of sexual violence, especially rape; for boys to join separatist fighters. In fact, boys in DYPL reported that they are more endangered than the girls because boys are mostly being kidnapped and forced to join the separatist fighters." +323590,54626.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,"A total of 506 survivors of gender-based violence (88 per cent female) continued to receive support (legal, medical, material, MHPSS) in safe houses and service points." +191666,43304.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,15,[],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,L’interdiction de la circulation des bus et minibus destinés au transport de personnes +438318,64539.0,1185.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,86,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"La vivienda representa una de las principales preocupaciones de la población migrante cuando buscan establecerse en Tumbes. Ante las necesidades de acceso a vivienda, la opción utilizada por el 93.3% de las personas consultadas es el alquiler. Este mecanismo que les permite residir en la ciudad de Tumbes donde se concentra un mayor acceso a bienes y servicios, así como oportunidades laborales. En menor presencia se encuentra los distritos cercanos a Tumbes como Corrales, Andrés Araujo y Puerto Pizarro" +83043,22885.0,1621.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,30,['Impact'],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-libya-security/flights-suspended-in-libyas-capital-due-to-rocket-fire-official-idUKKBN1Z20JA?rpc=401&,"Flights were suspended until further notice at the only functioning airport in Libya’s capital Tripoli on Friday due to rockets falling nearby, an airport official said." +341734,56493.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,156,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Le second problème, qui prend sa source dans le premier, concerne la désacralisation de la terre. La propriété foncière a eu pour effet le fait que la terre, jadis sacrée et ‘’gratuite’’a acquis aujourd’hui une valeur marchande. L’acquisition de la valeur marchande de la terre est due au fait qu’avant, une personne ne pouvait s‘arroger la propriété. Les terres appartenaient aux familles qui l‘exploitaient pour les besoins d’alimentation et pour la vente. La surpopulation a fait naître des velléités de partage de la terre dans les familles. L‘action des sociétés immobilières qui acquièrent des terres à des prix élevés en vue de leur aménagement et revente a fait prendre conscience à la population que la terre est un moyen efficace pour se procurer de l‘argent." +113821,32048.0,1185.0,"['Education', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Nin%CC%83ez%20venezolana%20Covid19%20Ingle%CC%81s%20Web_FINAL.pdf,"Under the lockdown measures, almost 80% has access to soap and water, while 20% have little or no access. In their questioned phones, television and Internet, and there, they learn about the risks and care related to COVID-19." +303979,51174.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.afro.who.int/sites/default/files/2021-02/South%20Sudan%20IDSR%20Bulletin%20Week%201%2C%20%20%204-%2010%20January%202021%20.pdf,"The second round of the campaign ended on 14th January 2021 with over 56, 615 (78.8%) people (one year and above) were covered by WHO." +112832,32048.0,1185.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,53,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Nin%CC%83ez%20venezolana%20Covid19%20Ingle%CC%81s%20Web_FINAL.pdf,"The impact in the educational process remains constant. Thirty percent of children are not attending school because they have suspended classes or because they are not enrolled in any school, while 61% of children, adolescents and young people are receiving education over the Internet or through print material." +48247,12622.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LIBRO%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20las%20necesidades%20insatisfechas%20SSR%20y%20Migrantes%20Venezolanos%20-%20Digital.pdf,"A pesar de la relativa capacidad instalada de las instituciones colombianas, ésta no se traduce en un acceso efectivo y oportuno a servicios de salud sexual y salud reproductiva (SSSR) para estas mujeres y hombres" +62683,18394.0,1386.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",es,148,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3295213,"Según las últimas cifras de Naciones Unidas hay más de 4,3 millones de personas venezolanas refugiadas y migrantes en el mundo. Celebro los esfuerzos realizados en materia de recepción, documentación y acceso a derechos en los países de acogida. Concuerdo con las palabras de Eduardo Stein, Representante Especial del Secretario General para los refugiados y migrantes venezolanos, sobre la necesidad de adoptar medidas para garantizar una migración segura, ordenada y regular, las mismas no deberían imponer obstáculos de acceso al territorio que pueden incrementar la migración irregular, y exacerbar los riesgos a ser víctimas de diversas formas de violencia y explotación. Preocupan los informes de brotes de xenofobia en países de la región y redoblo mi pedido a las autoridades de los países de acogida para mitigarlos y prevenirlos preservando los derechos de las personas migrantes y refugiadas." +177341,41093.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",[],['Context->Economy'],es,61,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"En agosto, el Índice de Confianza del Consumidor (ICC) registró un balance de -25,4%, que representa un incremento de 7,3 pps relativo al mes anterior. Este resultado obedeció principalmente a un incremento de 11,7 pps en el Índice de Expectativas del Consumidor y un aumento de 0,9 pps en el Índice de Condiciones Económicas." +149739,37702.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,108,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"The UNCT in Syria is focused on reinforcing comprehensive, multi-sectoral preparedness and mitigation measures for COVID-19. At the same time, the UNCT is also focused on protecting, assisting and advocating for the most vulnerable, including IDPs, refugees and host communities particularly vulnerable to the pandemic, including by, to the extent possible, working to continue principled programme delivery and provision of life-saving assistance across the country. WHO is the lead agency and is working to support the MoH in enhancing health preparedness and response to COVID-19, in accordance with the International Health Regulations (IHR 2005)." +194558,43822.0,2311.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,28,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19112020_flash_update_no.3_emergencias_por_ola_invernal_-_colombia_vf.pdf,"La Isla de Providencia reporta daños en infraestructura del 100 por ciento, 80 por ciento de las viviendas destruidas, se calcula que 6.300 personas están afectadas" +312934,53183.0,2466.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,63,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"Sector partners were able to reach 0.8 million people with treatment of acute malnutrition, covering 48.8 per cent of the target. A total of 0.5 million children were reached with micronutrient supplements while 0.7 million pregnant and lactating women (PLW) received infant and young child feeding (IYCF) counselling accounting for 79 per cent of the target." +188226,40860.0,1899.0,['Nutrition'],[],[],es,44,[],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200922_OCHA_GUATEMALA%20HRP%20COVID-19%20ESPAN%CC%83OL.pdf,"También se ha identificado la necesidad de desarrollar estrategias de base comunitaria para atender a los niños/as en riesgo de desnutrición, identificados en la búsqueda activa pero que no tengan acceso al ATLU por la brecha existente en el Ministerio de Salud." +12758,5579.0,322.0,"['Shelter', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,143,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20Jun%202018.pdf,"The RMMS continues to provide life-saving assistance to refugees, asylum-seekers and migrants, including to the 50,339 new arrivals from January to June 2018. IOM have provided NFIs (including hygiene kits) to 16,634 individuals and temporary shelter to 244 individuals (MRPs). In the realm of durable solutions, as of 30 June, 1,205 refugees returned to Somalia through the UNHCR ASR programme; an additional 430 migrants were assisted to returned to their country of origin through IOM’s Voluntary Humanitarian Return programme. 22 families (81 individuals) were submitted for resettlement to Sweden under various criteria, using resettlement as a durable solution but also as a protection tool, while 68 Eritreans were submitted for resettlement to Sweden under emergency priority as an alternative to indefinite detention in Aden." +113743,30002.0,1386.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,25,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://medium.com/humanitarian-dispatches/getting-out-the-right-covid-19-information-to-saves-lives-70719f27266e,This strict lockdown compounded with fuel limitations across the country have severely restricted movement in the city and to the rest of the country. +314719,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"In 2020, floods were the main reason for people leaving their area of origin or previous location (73 per cent), followed by insecurity (17 per cent) and drought (7 per cent)." +214305,45385.0,2334.0,"['WASH', 'Health', 'Education']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,35,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Si la plupart des écoles sont équipées de dispositifs de lavage de mains et les élèves sensibilisés au port du masque et aux gestes barrières, ces mesures ne sont pas pour autant respectées." +325492,54815.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,96,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[Ouagadougou] In the case of healthcare facilities, bus-based accessibility varies depending on the level of care the facility offers. Assuming a travel time threshold of 30 minutes, the average resident of Ouagadougou is not able to reach even a single CHU or CMA and only one CM and one CSPS. Even assuming travel time of an hour, still, roughly two-thirds of the city’s population are not able to reach a hospital by bus, while nearly half are not able to reach even a CMA." +184822,42091.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,39,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/61359/216-coronavirus-cases-recorded-in-opposition-areas-laboratory.html,"[October 21,2020 Overall Syria] The camps also recorded the highest numbers with 22 new cases and 23 among healthcare workers. According to Hallaj, the numbers are expected to increase further in the coming days." +270161,50226.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_6.pdf,"En comparación con la notificación histórica, se registran comportamientos inusuales de decremento en 27 entidades territoriales; mientras que, Barranquilla, Bogotá y Norte de Santander se encuentran por encima de lo esperado." +291978,51982.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,81,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/colombia2020/justicia/jep/cada-media-hora-un-colombiano-ha-sido-desplazado-este-ano-fiscalia-de-la-jep/,"El cuarto informe del Sistema de Monitoreo de Riesgo de la Unidad de Investigación y Acusación (UIA), más conocida como la Fiscalía de la JEP, revela que el desplazamiento forzado ha sido el delito que más ha aumentado desde la firma del Acuerdo de Paz en 2016. En lo que va de este año, 3.119 personas y 1.311 familias han tenido que abandonar sus territorios por riesgos en el mismo, según la entidad." +191667,43304.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,13,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"La fermeture des écoles, des lieux de culte et des commerces non-essentiels" +305395,51474.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,18,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,Intracommunal and intercommunal violence and cross -state clashes continued to prevail in the greater Bahr el-Ghazal region. +220294,45084.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,34,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_5_november_2020_final.pdf,This price increase is accompanied by declining purchasing power of casual labourers and pastoralists – which have deteriorated by 9 per cent and 13 per cent respectively (compared to 14 March). +205025,44672.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"OCHA [UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs] warned about a bigger food security risk, and rank Afghanistan among the top 5 countries in the World" +299354,51893.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,78,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[January 2021, Overall Syria] Coping Strategy in % of Households: 81% (Northeast Syria) and 57% (Northwest Syria) rely on borrowing or buying on credit. 56% (Northeast Syria) and 28% (Northwest Syria) rely on remittances from abroad and 8% (Northeast Syria) rely on child labour. And 10% of female headed households also rely on child labour." +330430,53831.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],fr,60,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/12042021_sitrep_s12_whe_oms_rdc_f.pdf,"[Poliomyélite - OMS] A la clôture de S12/2021, 270 alertes ont été reçues et investiguées dont 268 dans les 48 heures soit 99,3% de promptitude ; pour un cumul de 2 818 alertes reçues et investiguées depuis le début de l’année 2021 dont 2 784 investiguées dans les 48h soit 98,8% de promptitude" +178065,40661.0,2225.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Selon le rapport Combler le déficit en nutriment du PAM du 18 Juin 2020, 8% des ménages n’ont pas accès à une alimentation énergétique, alors que 82% des ménages n’ont pas accès à une alimentation nutritive ; le coût de l’alimentation nutritive étant plus de trois fois plus cher que l’alimentation énergétique." +148177,36609.0,1388.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,97,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/01.%20CRI%20Operation%20July%202020%20.pdf,"Asylum System Strengthening: In line with the MINARE framework, UNHCR supports the Migration Authority in system strengthening to effectively and efficiently respond to asylum cases. To address the influx of asylum-seekers in Costa Rica, UNHCR provides support to the Refugee Unit in San Jose and Upala, including with funding of human resources, infrastructure, and capacity building. UNHCR also provides support to the Commission on Restricted Visas and Refugees (CVRR) and the Administrative Migration Tribunal (TAM) to increase the adjudication capacity and accelerate processing times." +21834,9026.0,322.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Context->Demography']",en,93,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,,"The massive population growth and the absence of effective urban planning and control instruments have led to a very rapid proliferation of informal land devel- opment and housing construction, particularly since 1990. Much construction in Sana’a over the past decade has taken place in unplanned areas without building permits and in the absence of infrastructure and municipal ser- vices. City planners, lacking a coherent up-to- date city master plan, have prepared detailed neighborhood plans for some of these sprawl- ing areas after development has started." +388541,60980.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/informe_de_emergencias_humanitarias_reportadas_elc_enero_junio_2021.pdf,"Durante enero y junio de 2021, al menos 23.558 personas han sido desplazadas en emergencias masivas mientras que 4.218 fueron confinadas en Nariño. El departamento afronta una grave crisis humanitaria relacionada con la reciente llegada de un GANE al departamento, cuyas acciones armadas han incrementado el impacto humanitario sobre la población civil." +218160,45410.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,66,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"Les déplacés et ménages hôtes du Lac continuent de dépendre de l’assistance, des récoltes de la campagne pluviale et des produits de cueillette. Ils peuvent couvrir leurs besoins de consommation mais ne pourraient s’engager dans des dépenses non alimentaires essentielles. Ils seront en Stress (Phase 2! de l’IPC) grâce à l’assistance." +125713,31803.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77205.pdf,Las principales barreras que impiden a los venezolanos encontrar un trabajo formal están directamente relacionadas con la falta de documentación en el país (43.2%) y la escasez de oportunidades laborales +322099,54706.0,2311.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,53,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/comunicado_de_prensa_lanzamiento_hrp_colombia_2021_vf.pdf,"El plan requiere 174 millones de dólares para llegar a 1,4 millones de personas con asistencia humanitaria multisectorial. Basado en tres objetivos estratégicos, este plan pretende salvar vidas, fortalecer la protección de las personas afectadas y preservar la dignidad humana mientras se garantiza el acceso a bienes y servicios básicos" +438454,64539.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Asimismo, el 5% de la población femenina consultada indicó que se encontraba en estado de gestación, requiriendo contar con adecuados servicios prenatales para evitar cualquier complicación durante el embarazo." +316076,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,17,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,Access to GBV services by survivors also remains limited compared to the large population in need. +325822,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,71,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Récemment, une nouvelle initiative de soutien au secteur agroalimentaire a été lancée, le Projet d’appui à la promotion des filières agricoles (PAPFA). Le projet cible le riz, les cultures maraîchères, le niébé et le sésame dans quatre régions, à savoir la Boucle du Mouhoun, les Cascades, les Hauts-Bassins et le Sud-Ouest (Agence Ecofin, 2020)37." +486181,67505.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,118,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Myanmar%20Emergency%20Update%20-%2001%20Sep_0.pdf,"[June - July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Partners built 7,198 new shelters in the camps affected by the March 2021 fire , a resource-intensive activity that was not planned under the JRP. The shelter design that was approved by the RRRC for rebuilding the fire-affected camps has generally not been accepted by the refugee community due to its small size. The humanitarian community is concerned that continuing to provide this design for shelters that do not provide privacy to refugee families may increase the likelihood of protection issues and cases of child marriage. Discussions are ongoing regarding the provision of previously approved larger shelters that would provide more dignified living conditions." +209250,44897.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,84,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://alwatan.sy/archives/237888,"[December 3, As-Sweida] The director of the hospital, Dr. Imad Al-Gabriel, stated in a statement to Al-Watan that the departments were closed due to the lack of medical staff, namely (the women's section - the pediatric department - the neurological division - and the orthopedic - and the urinary division of urology and a college department) due to the leakage of doctors, whether they broke the contract with the hospital or due to travel" +264575,49669.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,60,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://colombia.as.com/colombia/2021/02/20/actualidad/1613846806_672285.html,"7. Garantizar la conexión a Internet como derecho público universal, democratizar el acceso gratuito a la conectividad y ejecutar inversiones para convertirla en un medio de fácil acceso. ""La educación en la virtualidad se constituye en una herramienta de apoyo didáctico - pedagógico en el proceso educativo, pero nunca podrá suplantar la presencialidad""." +473248,67203.0,2311.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],es,94,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2020/04/09/devastador-impacto-del-covid-19-para-ninos-y-ninas,"La crisis del COVID-19 tambiénacentúa el riesgo de explotación sexual infantil en Internet. Según indica Europol, diversos socios de aplicación de la ley han informado una “mayor actividad en línea de quienes buscan materiales relacionados con abuso infantil” como consecuencia del COVID-19. Los niños y las niñas pasan más tiempo en línea a causa del cierre de las escuelas y es probable que el aislamiento y el confinamiento hagan que se sientan ansiosos o solitarios y, en esa situación, sean más vulnerables a predadores en Internet." +125147,32835.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,52,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77444.pdf,"El 2 % de los encuestados respondió que no cuenta con un espacio o cuarto para él/ ella y su grupo familiar, el 55 % tiene un cuarto/habitación exclusiva para él/ella y su grupo familiar y el 43% tiene más de un cuarto/habitación para él/ella y su grupo familiar." +62669,18394.0,1386.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,108,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3295213,"En este contexto, el 8 de agosto pasado expresé mi preocupación por el impacto potencialmente severo en los derechos humanos del nuevo conjunto de sanciones impuestas por el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de América. Pese a las excepciones contempladas en las últimas sanciones en el área de asistencia humanitaria, el escrutinio estricto (over-compliance) del sector financiero, la reducción de los ingresos públicos y la caída en la producción petrolera está teniendo ya un fuerte impacto en los programas sociales y en la población en general. Todo esto contribuye a agravar la situación humanitaria y el éxodo de personas venezolanas." +164373,38902.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,50,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"The Pacific Coast: In Chocó department, lucrative territories and irregular economies are disputed by ELN, AGC, and FARC-EP dissidents. ELN is also expanding into areas under control of other armed groups, such as AGC (InSight Crime 16/01/2020; Crisis Group 08/08/2019)." +273788,50464.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,77,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210203FINALFactSheetSomaliaSkisserLR11.pdf,"The AU should support [African Union Mission in Somalia] AMISOM, including through the use of its Continental Early Warning System (CEWS), in integrating climate-related security risks in its protection of civilian planning. AMISOM should increase its preparedness to support the [Federal Governmet of Somalia] FGS, [Federal Member States] FMS and humanitarian actors, on request, to respond to slow and rapid-onset climate-related impacts." +163434,32455.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,125,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/6._elc_flash_update_covid_19_quincenal_18.06.2020.pdf,"Decreto 417 de 2020: Se declara Estado de Emergencia económica, social y ecológica en todo el territorio Nacional. Decreto 457 de 2020: Se decreta aislamiento preventivo obligatorio en todo el territorio Nacional. Decreto 593 del 24 de abril de 2020: Se extienden las medidas de aislamiento en todo el territorio nacional hasta el 11 de mayo del 2020. Decreto 636 del 6 de mayo del 2020: Se extienden las medidas de aislamiento en todo el territorio nacional hasta el 25 de mayo del 2020. Decreto 749 del 28 de mayo del 2020: Se extienden las medidas de aislamiento en todo el territorio nacional hasta el 1 de julio del 2020, incluyendo 43 excepciones." +319780,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,67,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,Food insecurity and school disruptions contributed to the increase of Female genital mutilation(FGM) and GBV incidence in the period of COVID-19 in some regions in Somalia. Major reasons adduced for an increase in Female genital mutilation(FGM) include closure of schools (39 per cent) and a source of income for Traditional Birth Attendants (28 per cent). +167724,40343.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,26,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/418384-covid-19-weekly-review-as-nigeria-announces-reopening-of-schools-new-covid-19-cases-double.html,"Last week, seven persons died of COVID-19 complications, according to the data provided by the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC)." +22532,9106.0,729.0,"['Protection', 'Cross', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,50,['Impact'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"The crisis in Libya has negatively impacted access to water, sanitation and hygiene facilities and practices. The protracted nature of the conflict, and inability of government authorities to execute core government functions, has resulted in weakened technical capacity and reduced resources for WASH service providers." +337605,55860.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,38,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb4752en.pdf,"Compounding the situation are the effects of the COVID‑19 pandemic and related containment measures, which have significantly affected food systems and households’ agriculture‑based livelihoods, including in terms of accessing inputs, markets and credit." +267261,49773.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,60,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_HSOS-NWS_-January-2021.pdf,"[January 2021, NWS]13% mentioned Education services were not always functioning in person because schools in the assessed location were closed by local authorities at least some days due to COVID-19 and 70% mentioned Education services were not always functioning in person because classes were reduced (number of days/grades) due to COVID-19." +191675,43304.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,95,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Par ailleurs, la diminution des transferts de fonds est une autre conséquence économique importante de la pandémie de COVID-19. En l’occurrence, les transferts de fonds, qui jouent un rôle de soutien financier capital pour de nombreux ménages au Tchad, notamment en zones rurales, ont souffert de la crise sanitaire. Dans les zones frontalières, notamment avec la Libye, le Soudan et le Cameroun, une baisse importante de ces flux a été enregistrée, ainsi qu’une hausse significative des prix en vigueur." +296518,52534.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],es,20,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://observatoriofeminicidioscolombia.org/attachments/article/455/Bolet%C3%ADn%20Vivas%20nos%20queremos%20Colombia-%20Febrero%202021.pdf,13 niños y niñas menores de edad quedaron huérfanos de madre producto de los 51 feminicidios en febrero de 2021 +358682,58669.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,70,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/informe_de_emergencias_humanitarias_reportadas_elc_enero_mayo_2021.pdf,"• Tanto los pueblos indígenas como comunidades afrodescendientes de Nariño y Chocó, siguen siendo las más afectadas en las zonas rurales. Preocupa la situación de vulnerabilidad que presentan dado su contexto socio-económico complejo y los altos riesgos de protección y afectación constante, ante la expansión del accionar e interés de los GANE en sus territorios ancestrales. En Mayo, más de 641 indígenas fueron desplazados." +178405,41756.0,2225.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,53,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Les zones géographiques les plus affectées par les problématiques humanitaires liées à l’EHA sont celles où des situations d'urgence prolongées et complexes sévissent, notamment les provinces affectées par les effets des conflits, tensions intercommunautaires et désastres naturels ainsi que celle touchées par des épidémies et la malnutrition aigüe." +309818,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,21,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Economic pressures from COVID-19 have forced some families to rely on negative coping mechanisms, including child labor and early marriage" +500651,31283.0,1232.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,39,['Priority Interventions'],[],UNHCR Uruguay,2019-05-28 02:56:46.441375+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNDRR%20COVID-19%20BRIEF%20PERSONAS%20CON%20DISCAPACIDADES%20FRENTE%20AL%20COVID-19%20EN%20LAS%20AM%C3%89RICAS%20Y%20EL%20CARIBE%20%283%29.pdf,"Es necesario producir datos desagregados y geo-referenciados que faciliten una atención más adecuada a la población, permitiendo la flexibilización de los paquetes de protección social, de tal forma que sean inclusivos para las personas con discapacidad." +22811,9097.0,788.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,28,[],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20NIGERIA%20December%202018%20sitrep.pdf,"Hostilities between non-state armed groups (NSAGs) and security forces increased in late December in northern Borno, leading to fresh displacements and increased humanitarian needs." +306521,51572.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,64,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"There is an immediate need for NFI provision targeting displaced communities. Due to limitations of NFIs at the existing markets, direct NFI kits distribution is the most required for IDPs in three camps. Priority items include mosquito nets, plastic sheets, blankets and solar lamps. [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]" +177504,40876.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,27,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200904_evaluaciondenecesidades_antioquia_caceres_mire.pdf,"Geográficos Comunidad ubicada a las orillas del río Cauca, limita con comunidades estratégicas que constituyen corredor importante de movilidad con conexión al departamento de Córdoba." +216644,45416.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,"Dans le même rapport, selon certains directeurs et enseignants, beaucoup d’enfants pygmées s’absentent pendant la période de chasse, de cueillette de champignon ou des chenilles à cause de la faim." +12722,5579.0,322.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",en,97,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Humanitarian Access'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20Jun%202018.pdf,"The major health care needs are life-saving minimum service packages at primary and secondary health care facilities, capacity for prevention and control of epidemics and outbreaks, and operational costs including salaries for health workers. There is also a need for sustained delivery of medicines, medical supplies and equipment with reliable pipelines, support to declining vaccination coverage and maintenance of epidemiologic surveillance. Partners face challenges in delivery of health care services due to disrupted health systems, including access restrictions, delays in signing sub-agreements and have to encounter multiple entities." +297889,52145.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,22,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_humanitaire_numero_12_v_04.pdf,Distribution of Mama and dignity kits to women and girls affected by the crisis in the South West and North West. +323578,54626.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,26,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,"Despite a national spike in COVID-19 cases, child protection partners delivered services in a safe environment with a mandatory observation of COVID-19 preventive measures." +235456,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,20,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"[COVID-19] While 14 laboratories are now operating in Afghanistan, the capacity of these facilities remains limited." +61411,18235.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,99,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"survivors of SGBV do not easily disclose what happened to them, often out of shame. Nor do they want to report to the authorities, mainly for fear of deportation due to their irregular immigration status. The few Venezuelans who did try to report faced multiple barriers, including the fact that the General Prosecutor’s Office does not allow them to file complaints without a valid Colombian ID or does not follow up on complaints of sexual violence in the trochas as it does not consider the crime to fall within its jurisdiction." +39377,13671.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Logistics', 'Cross', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,98,['Impact'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_libya_en_05_may.pdf,"The assessment also found that access to cash and availability of services were impacted to varying degrees based on area, with water services least affected in seven of the eight municipalities assessed, electricity not available or interrupted in all but one municipality and access to cash impacted to some extent in all eight of the municipalities assessed. Health services were reported to be negatively impacted in six of the assessed municipalities. Across the board, education has been the worst impacted, with schools entirely or partially non-functioning in six of eight municipalities." +160800,38029.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,26,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syriadirect.org/news/mapping-coronavirus-in-syria-unofficial-cases-and-hot-spots/,"However, the political fragmentation of Syria means that access to testing is not equal, with northeast Syria having limited numbers of test kits." +230188,46693.0,2335.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,116,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']","['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"COVID-19 related movement restrictions have slowed the flow of humanitarian cargo into and within South Sudan. WFP is working closely with all partners to ensure the safe and continuous delivery of assistance to the most vulnerable. Currently, a 14- day self-quarantine has been established as an alternative prerequisite to a COVID-19 free certificate prior to inter-state flights from Juba and Torit. The High-Level Taskforce has also established escort of trucks from Nimule border point which should ease the passage of goods coming in from Uganda. WFP is expediting delivery of food from the Northern, Southern and Eastern corridors to South Sudan. The border status is being closely monitored." +22250,9106.0,729.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,107,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"The availability of preventative and curative services for children under five is also extremely limited. Over one-third of municipalities cannot provide child healthcare to their constituents, and even where PHC facilities do offer services the package is very limited. There are major gaps in the provision of Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses (IMCI) and essential Newborn Care. Among refugees and migrants there are an estimated 11,000 children under five years old in need of health assistance. Within the IDP, returnee, host and non-displaced communities, there are an estimated 24,000 children under five in-need healthcare support." +48243,16492.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,24,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.unhcr.org/news/stories/2019/7/5d3723374/pregnant-women-flee-lack-maternal-health-care-venezuela.html,"Colombia’s national registry estimates that about 23,000 children born in Colombia to Venezuelan parents are awaiting to be granted Colombian nationality." +341745,56493.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,104,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"En effet, les données indiquent que les populations de la région de la Boucle du Mouhoun (77,75 %) suivie des régions des Hauts Bassins (39,25%) et du Centre Nord (35,50%), n’ont jamais rencontré des conflits entre les éleveurs et les agriculteurs. Ce constat s’expliquerait certainement par le respect mutuel des “accords ""de cohabitation pris entre éleveurs et agriculteurs. Ces clauses concernent une meilleure surveillance du bétail, la non-occupation des aires de pâturage par les agriculteurs, et la non-introduction des animaux dans les champs." +223978,45768.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,53,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"Protection et fournitures des services humanitaires en deux phases : en toute urgence une partie à Diamerom (notamment en santé, Wash et protection-fixing des IDPs-) et une partie pouvant attendre la relocalisation à Amma (abris d’urgences, moyens de subsistance, éducation, Wash, etc." +116337,32643.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/77408,"• On 19 June, the Superintendence for Migrations (SNM for its acronym in Spanish) announced the implementation of a Migratory Information Registry to record data at the border points. This new regulation aims to strengthen the SNM’s border monitoring and security." +320514,52949.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,84,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"IDPs often reside for protracted periods in these sites due to a lack of financial resources. Even if they have the means, IDPs normally do not build more durable shelters, mainly due to lack of long-term land tenure and the threat of eviction. As such, many shelters need to be repaired, especially the roof and wall materials, while non-food items such as blankets, sleeping mats, mosquito nets and jerrycans need to be replaced periodically." +292436,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"TRAINING ON LOGISTICS AND SUPPORTIVE trained District SUPERVISION: Regional supervisors supervisors: from 30 DS in the Far North (120 supervisors), from 15 DS in the North (40)" +303986,51467.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",en,106,[],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"As was the case in 2019, violence involving civil defence groups accounted for many victims of the four major forms of harm - killing, injury, abduction and sexual violence - throughout 2020. This mirrors trends observed more broadly since the signing of the R-ARCSS in September 2018, as conflict involving signatory parties to the Revitalised Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan (R-ARCSS) has in some cases taken more covert forms, involving proxy armed elements supported by political and military stakeholders, vying for land, natural resources and political influence." +322038,54521.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,55,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/post_clearance_report_narino_la_union_colombia_halo.pdf,"Impact of explosive devices on households Of the households surveyed, only three respondents replied that they or a family member had been involved in an accident caused by ERW. An additional ten respondents reported that they had lost cattle due to incidents involving ERW, with a total of 14 cows lost." +193909,43327.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,52,[],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_sectoriel_octobre.pdf,"Les attaques perpétrées par les groupes armés au Burkina Faso se sont multipliées et affectées plusieurs régions. 2053 incidents (dont 44 ONGs) ont été rapportés de janvier à octobre 2020, qui ont fait plusieurs centaines de morts et de blessés, dont la plupart sont des civils." +159231,39354.0,2099.0,"['Nutrition', 'Cross', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Displacement->Push Factors'],en,92,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/burkina-faso/more-half-million-children-under-five-burkina-faso-are-acutely-malnourished,"“The aggravating factors causing the nutritional situation of children to deteriorate in these areas are primarily linked to the displacement of populations due to insecurity and reduced access to livelihoods, health care and nutrition services,” said James Mugaju, UNICEF Deputy Representative in Burkina Faso. “The coronavirus pandemic has had a brutal impact on families’ ability to provide for the basic needs of their children. Children are paying the highest price, facing a triple crisis: security, health and food.”" +239641,47230.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,36,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"El 64% de los hogares consumen dos comidas al día o menos, lo que indica que están restringiendo el consumo mínimo de comidas recomendado al día de tres comidas (ver gráfica 33)" +216661,45416.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,23,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,Les filles sont très souvent victimes d’abus sexuelle (attouchement et viol) par les adultes y compris les enseignants. +22302,9106.0,729.0,['Health'],[],[],en,82,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"IDPs, returnees, host communities, and refugees and migrants are among the most affected people in need of healthcare support in Libya. Overall there are an estimated 554,000 people in need of healthcare assistance including both primary and secondary healthcare services. Of those, an estimated 45 per cent are Libyans and 55 per cent refugees and migrants. Approximately, 31 per cent of those identified as in need of healthcare assistance are women and girls." +199049,44308.0,2225.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,33,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RD%20Congo%20-%20Note%20d%E2%80%99informations%20humanitaires%20pour%20la%20province%20du%20Nord-Kivu%2017%20novembre%202020.pdf,"Près de 50 000 personnes déplacées ont besoin d’une assistance en articles ménagers essentiels dans la zone de santé de Mutwanga, à l’est du territoire de Beni." +472923,63777.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,83,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Les mouvements de population observés sont principalement les mouvements pendulaires des PDIs entre le lieu d’origine et le lieu de déplacement [Cela s’explique par le fait que la plupart des individus ont tout abandonné au moment du déplacement et qu’ils repartent pour récupérer ce qui peut l’être ou pour mener quelques activités rémunératrices]. 72 personnes enquêtées affirment avoir constaté ce type de mouvement dans les localités de Sebba et de Sampelga. +162300,38786.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,40,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/uae-flies-second-batch-medical-aid-syria-fight-against-covid-19,"The medical aid includes basic supplies used to maintain the precautionary and preventive measures aimed at confronting the coronavirus pandemic, assist front-line medical staff and support their efforts to contain the virus in Syria, he further added." +162974,37820.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/iom_rohingya_crisis_response_-_external_sitrep_-_july_2020.pdf,"The ACAPS-NPM hub and IOM's CWC teams collaborated to produce a new edition of the Covid-19 Explained series titled, ""The stories being told: Rohingya Report of the epidemic""." +178536,40661.0,2225.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,82,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Après la mi-mars 2020, 10,5% de ménages ont déclaré avoir des membres qui ont perdu leur emploi et que, pour faire face à la hausse des prix, les ménages ont réduit le nombre de repas pris par jour pendant le confinement comparé à la situation d’avant pandémie. En effet, 20% des ménages ont réduit leur consommation alimentaire à un repas par jour faisant passer la proportion de 8,4% à 28,6%." +493777,68258.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],"['Context->Demography', 'Casualties->Dead', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,162,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Shock/Event', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDRNG033do.pdf,"Nigeria is experiencing one of its worst cholera outbreaks in years. According to Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) Cholera Situation Report No. 38, as of 21st September 2021, a total of 73,055 suspected cases including 2,407 deaths (CFR 3.3%) have been reported from 27 states1 out of 36 states and in Abuja, the Federal Capital Territory (FCT). According to the NCDC, children between 5 and 14 are the most affected age group and the overall case fatality rate is 3.3%. So far, the affected states are Benue, Delta, Zamfara, Gombe, Bayelsa, Kogi, Sokoto, Bauchi, Ekiti, Osun, Kano, Kaduna, Plateau, Kebbi, Cross River, Nasarawa, Ogun, Niger, Jigawa, Yobe, Kwara, Adamawa, Enugu, Katsina, Borno, Taraba, Abia, and the FCT" +314343,52949.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"According to the Health Cluster, measles cases were reported in Kismayo, Jubaland from March to the end of December 2020, with Kismayo General Hospital admitting 1,033 children (of whom 845 were under 5)." +296176,52520.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,176,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[échantillon de 100 femmes – terr. Rutshuru] C’est pourquoi, une intervention stratégique et intégrale du gouvernement congolais s’avère essentielle pour prévenir et mettre fin aux violences sexuelles des femmes et jeunes filles atteintes d’une incapacité mentale. Cette intervention doit en effet s’accompagner d’actions communautaires pour renforcer les mécanismes de protection de la femme et de l’enfant dans un contexte des conflits armés et de crise humanitaire. La RDC devrait s’efforcer de respecter les textes nationaux et internationaux qu’elle a signés et ratifiés dans ce domaine. Et finalement, les personnes souffrant des maladies mentales particulièrement les femmes et jeunes filles doivent être encadrées et prises en charge notamment dans un centre de transit mais aussi l’éducation de la population doit être assurée afin d’apporter une certaine stabilité qui induirait la diminution des cas de violence sexuelle et de harcèlement sur les femmes et jeunes filles dépourvues de raisonnement." +496942,60104.0,1187.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,29,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,"https://www.unicef.org/argentina/media/11626/file/Impacto%20de%20la%20pandemia%20en%20la%20educaci%C3%B3n%20de%20ni%C3%B1as,%20ni%C3%B1os%20y%20adolescentes.pdf",se registra un porcentaje aún significativo de hogares donde las niñas y niños no han tenido controles médicos (24%) o vacunación (7%). +200611,44433.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",['Displacement->Local Integration'],en,47,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Within the sample of in-school children, Venezuelan children exhibited significantly higher SEL skills than their Colombian counterparts, including higher levels of empathy and lower levels of hostile attribution bias, sadness and anger intensity. Colombian students generally showed medium levels of SEL skills." +401812,62956.0,2098.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,64,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[29th July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Rapid assessment tools should include information related to persons with disabilities and older people including their basic and specific needs related to their difficulties. • Ensure meaningful participation of persons with disabilities and older people in the process of Emergency Preparedness Plan to ensure the barriers they face will be taking into consideration." +458118,64540.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,124,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"De acuerdo con la investigación de PLADES y UARM, un tercio de los inmigrantes y refugiados venezolanos que trabajan como asalariados se dedica a la actividad comercial (33%), como empleados en tiendas o vendiendo productos o servicios ambulatoriamente. Un segundo tercio (32%) realiza labores de atención al cliente, tareas de seguridad, limpieza u apoyo administrativo en empresas. El último tercio (35%) se distribuye en diversas actividades: restaurantes (11%), salones de belleza y barberías (10%), sector de construcción (6%). Finalmente, destacamos que un 5% manifestó estar ocupado como “técnico” de diversas ramas." +159501,35728.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,177,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no_6_covid-19_choco_vf.pdf,"Decreto 417 (17.03.2020): Se declara estado de emergencia económica, social y ecológica en todo el territorio Nacional. Circular 001 (17.03.2020): El Consejo Comunitario del Rio Baudó y sus afluentes (ACABA) dicta medidas de prevención por COVID-19 a Consejos Comunitarios locales, territorios colectivos y organizaciones humanitarias. Decreto 0081 (20.03.2020): Se declara calamidad pública para el departamento. Circular 008 (10.04.2020): Se conforma la mesa para la coordinación y entrega de ayudas humanitarias. Decreto 0136 (06.06.20): Modificación del decreto 0134. Se establecen medidas más estrictas relacionadas con toques de queda de 6:00p.m. a 05:00a.m., horario de atención de establecimientos comerciales de 07:00a.m. a 05:00p.m. y ley seca de jueves 06:00p.m. a martes 06:00a.m. Decreto 0156 (07.07.2020): Se declara nuevamente aislamiento preventivo obligatorio dado el rápido incremento de casos en Quibdó. Decreto 0163 (20.07.20): Ampliación del decreto 0156 hasta el primero de Agosto." +235877,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,66,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The temporary suspension of the polio vaccination campaign between February and August 2020 resulted in 9.9 million children missing out on vaccination; already 53 new cases of polio have been verified in Afghanistan in 2020. This compounded the effect of existing bans on house-to- house vaccinations in Taliban controlled areas, which have led to increased cases in these parts of the country." +15513,6440.0,321.0,['Shelter'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,80,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Libya%20Flash%20Update%209%20November%202018.pdf,"As of 5 November 2018, 12 states have committed 3,886 resettlement places for the Libya-Niger situation. The 12 States are Belgium, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Out of these pledges, 1,090 are allocated for resettlement processing directly from Libya. UNHCR calls on countries to provide additional resettlement opportunities for vulnerable persons of concern in Libya." +183353,42586.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,52,[],"['Context', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-bangladesh-sees-1586-new-cases-14-deaths/59384,"[23rd Oct 2020, Bangladesh] Currently, there are 78,587 active cases in the country.Of the total victims, 4,435 are men and 1,326 are women. Of the latest 24 victims, 13 are aged above 50 years and one other is aged between 41 and 50 years." +313274,53183.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"In 2020, floods affected over 830,000 people across the country, with the highest water levels recorded in the Khartoum State, Sennar, Blue Nile, White Nile in a century" +271046,47809.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],es,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_7.pdf,"A semana epidemiológica 07 de 2021, se han notificado 1 029 casos de muerte perinatal y neonatal tardía (MPNT) de los cuales 17 corresponden a casos residentes en el exterior por lo que no se incluyen en el análisis. En esta semana se notificaron 142 casos, 109 corresponden a esta semana y 33 a notificaciones tardías." +236146,47122.0,2334.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,17,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"During the reporting period, 16,375 people were reached with GBV interventions in the NWSW regions." +329872,53694.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],fr,27,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/03042021_sitrep_s11_whe_oms_rdc.docx.pdf,La DPS Lualaba a notifié 26 cas suspects de choléra et aucun décès contre 3 cas suspects et aucun décès la semaine précédente [S10]. +325749,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,93,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Il existe de grandes variations spatiales dans la production agricole et la disponibilité des céréales d’une province à l’autre (par exemple, les zones occidentales de la zone agro-climatique soudano- guinéenne présentent des excédents structurels, tandis que les zones centrales (à forte consommation) et les zones plus au nord dans les zones soudano-sahéliennes et sahéliennes sont déficitaires). En conséquence, un flux de commerce intérieur s’établit entre les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du pays (FEWS NET, 2017)." +13499,5946.0,321.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,64,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/half-million-children-immediate-danger-tripoli-enar,"For children on the move transiting through Libya, this violence is increasing their already deep suffering. Hundreds of detained refugees and migrants, including children, were forced to move because of violence. Others are stranded in centres in dire conditions. UNICEF has been working to provide emergency relief to those children and continues to advocate for their release." +456050,65411.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,111,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[16-29 August 2021, Cox's Bazar] Host/Refugee: In 2020, a total of 28 RDT positive cases for Cholera were detected through sentinel testing, 5 of which were confirmed by culture – 2 from Ukhiya host community, 1 from Teknaf host community and 2 from the refugee camps. It is important to note that a Cholera outbreak occurred in late 2019 with a reported number of 239 RDT/ culture positive cases and in response a mass Oral Cholera Vaccine (OCV) vaccination campaign was conducted with over 160 000 children of 1-<5 years being vaccinated with a 2- doses regimen." +401413,62279.0,2170.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,205,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"[10th November 2020, MONGUNO LGA, BORNO STATE]Handwashing practices: In this survey, 45.9% (41.4% - 50.5%) of respondents use only water for handwashing whereas 34.0% (29.8% - 38.5%) uses water with soap and 19.0% (15.6% - 22.9%) uses the water and ash for the same. In terms of timing of handwashing practices, the majority of the population washes their hands after defecation i.e. 98.7% (97.2% - 99.5%) and 86.0% (82.5% - 88.9%) washes before eating. About 63.5% (59.0% - 67.8%) washes their hands before cooking but only 22.5% (18.9% - 26.6%) said that handwashing was done prior to feeding the baby. Data also revealed that 55.3% (50.7% - 59.8%) have been washing their hands at three critical points i.e. after defecation, before eating and before cooking whereas 11.1% (8.5% - 14.3%) participants confirmed that handwashing is done at all five critical points.(See fig.7)" +317164,53333.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,46,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"need to ensure adolescents and young people can access accurate information about their sexual and reproductive health and rights, as well as to further capacitate parents to feel able and confident to talk to their children about sensitive topics such as sex and sexuality." +313309,53183.0,2466.0,"['Cross', 'Shelter']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,70,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,Lack of standardized shelters design for the ES/NFI sector as each NGO has its own design. Lack of staged plan to implement semi-permanent or longerterm shelter options as many IDPs will remain in their location of displacement. Returnees need also more permanent shelter solutions to ensure durable solutions and stability of their returns. Lack of shared resources to follow the current activities of other ES/NFI partners. +69890,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,27,[],['Shock/Event'],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"As was seen in Hurricane Katrina in the south-eastern U.S. in 2005, sexual assault and other forms of GBV can occur in overcrowded community shelters." +342048,56493.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,278,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"La principale raison avancée évoque le manque de crédibilité accordée aux FDS. Cette absence de crédibilité est due d’une part à un manque de professionnalisme (du point de vue de la population), qui à son tour explique l’inefficacité des systèmes de renseignements. D’autre part, elle s'explique par l’accumulation des griefs, des exactions violentes commises par des Forces de défense et de sécurité (FDS) et le déficit de légitimité de l’État Burkinabè. Pour une bonne partie des populations enquêtées, la faible collaboration entre les civils et les FDS s’explique par l’incapacité de ces derniers à assurer une protection de leurs informateurs et par la multiplication des exactions militaires ne respectant aucunement les engagements du Burkina Faso en matière de droit international humanitaire et de droits de l’homme. Plusieurs personnes ont ainsi trouvé la mort à cause de la fuite d’informations sur leur identité civile. L’anonymat qui doit être un des principes de base des services de renseignements n’est pas toujours respecté par des FDS. Cependant de nombreux cas de fuite d’information ou de dénonciation des collaborateurs des FDS ont été évoqués durant les échanges avec les populations enquêtées avec très souvent des représailles violentes à l’en- droit des personnes incriminées. L’incapacité des FDS à garder le secret de l’anonymat des informateurs a abouti à une crise de confiance entre les populations civiles et les FDS, rendant difficile voire impossible une quelconque collaboration." +200614,44433.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,41,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Support the literacy, numeracy and SEL skills of Venezuelan and Colombian children in Colombia by employing a range of low, medium and high tech solutions that facilitate remote learning for the duration of the COVID-19 crisis and beyond." +177511,40876.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,37,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200904_evaluaciondenecesidades_antioquia_caceres_mire.pdf,"ICLA • Se requiere apoyo ICLA con recurso humano que ayude a digitación y validación de censos, diligenciamiento anexos 13 del FUD y espacios de información y orientación dirigido a líderes comunitarios y autoridades locales." +438421,64539.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,91,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Seguido de esta actividad tenemos ocupaciones orientadas a los servicios de transporte con un 12.2% como conductores de vehículos y 11.7% como mayoristas y minoristas en tiendas y establecimientos, entre otras actividades destacadas en sectores de servicios y construcción; 9.4% albañiles y constructores de casas y grandes obras civiles, 8.9 % Meseros/as camareros/as, 6.7 % cocineros y ayudantes de cocina, 6.1 % ama de casa (no remunerado), 5.6% otras ocupaciones elementales, 3.3% limpiadores y asistentes domésticos." +161342,39528.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],fr,43,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Dotation de matériel de protection contre la COVID-19 à 49 enfants vulnérables des centres d’accueil des provinces du Sanmatenga, Namentenga et Bam formés sur la gestion du stress, les Premiers Secours Psychologiques (PSP) et la COVID-19 ;" +198712,44313.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,25,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_294_20201119.pdf,"A l’issue de l’harmonisation des données, 1 cas confirmé du 05/11/2020 a été reclassifié de Kinshasa à la Tshuapa." +162641,36464.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,135,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/medicos-venezolanos-esperan-pronta-autorizacion-del-gobierno-para-ejercer-en-el-pais/2067,"En su opinión, la regulación del Ministerio de Educación en el caso del sector salud, que exige el aval de organizaciones científicas y gremios, favorece arbitrariedades y negativas. ""Hemos presentados derechos de petición porque se les está exigiendo a los médicos extranjeros procedimientos que no se les exigen a los médicos nacionales. En realidad estos gremios no están interesados en que se convaliden a médicos extranjeros, menos venezolanos"", apunta el abogado Carvajal. De ese trato diferencial también habla el gastroenterólogo Schloeter. ""En el proceso cambian los requisitos y las plataformas cada cierto tiempo"", rememora. Mientras eso pasaba, él debió trabajar como digitador o como ayudante de la unidad de endoscopia, mientras obtenía la convalidación de su título." +236224,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,42,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"MoPH notes that issues of access to services for newly impacted people and continuity of care for people with developing or existing mental health conditions, along with the mental health and wellbeing of frontline workers, have become major concerns." +291542,51259.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,16,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2020_access_annual_overview.pdf,Twenty-two humanitarian staff were relocated from Ayod and Twic East in Jonglei due to flooding. +452432,64948.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,108,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/juin_2021_evaluation_drs_est_rapport_mission_conjointe_corus_est.pdf,"[District sanitaire de Mani] Principales difficultés rencontrées : • Problème d’insécurité : fonctionnement à minima et fermeture de FS • Insuffisance en personnel qualifié suite aux nombreux départs ; • Insuffisance en matériels médicotechniques, en médicaments et en consommables • Insuffisance de connaissances des agents de santé et des agents de santé à base communautaire dans certaines thématiques dans le contexte d’urgence : la gestion médicale des VBG, la PCIME communautaire, SIMR, Vaccination en situation d’urgence, Accouchement sécurisé, PCIMAInsuffisance de la logistique : notamment roulante pour la vaccination en stratégie avancée et les évacuations" +221800,45410.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,52,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"Kanem dans la Zone 5 - « agropastorale» ]: De plus, selon le PAM, l’assistance alimentaire (réponse à la COVID-19 et intervention saisonnière) fournie en fin de soudure bénéficie à 54 % des ménages très pauvres et pauvres durant les trois derniers mois." +162902,37781.0,2028.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,17,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://tande.substack.com/p/syria-in-context-coronavirus-update-5cd,"COVID-19 cases are on the rise in all areas of Syria, especially in government-held governorates." +305207,53100.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,98,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/plan_de_preparation_coronavirus_cmr._version_du_10_mars_2019.pdf,Une stratégie de formation continue o Formation avancée des personnels de santé humaine et animale en épidémiologie de terrain (près de 50 médecins et vétérinaires) ; o Formation de base pour tous les personnels de santé en épidémiologie de terrain (toutes les régions ont été capacitées) ; o L’implémentation et la formation des équipes d’intervention et d’investigation rapides (EIIR) dans les 10 régions ; o La formation d’une dizaine d’experts nationaux à la gestion des urgences de santé publique par CDC Atlanta +346171,56952.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20monitoreo%20enero-marzo%202021%20-%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20vers%C3%B3n%20final.pdf,"El hacinamiento y la ausencia de servicios públi- cos conllevan a niveles de higiene insuficientes para asegurar una vida digna. De igual manera afectan dinámicas del hogar como la preparación de alimentos, así como reporta uno de los partici- pantes de los grupos focales “la luz que llega no es fuerte, me toca cocinar en leña”." +113790,32028.0,1185.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,12,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77082.pdf,Concerns over food security and risk of eviction remain a priority. +152595,30471.0,1188.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,103,[],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SITREP-ESTACIONES%20DE%20RECEPCION%20MIGRATORIA%20%28ERM%29-20200420-REPORTE%20%234.pdf,"Desde el 24 de marzo el país se encuentra bajo cuarentena domiciliar obligatoria, con funcionamiento de servicios básicos y con funcionalidad media del aparato estatal. La circulación ha sido restringida por día, de acuerdo con el género, y por horas, de acuerdo con el número final del documento de identidad (extranjeros usan su número de pasaporte). Desde el 17 de abril de 2020, se anunció que los sábados y domingos la movilidad está reducida únicamente a personal esencial, por lo que los ciudadanos sin permisos no podrán circular esos días de cuarentena total" +307057,51467.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,45,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"In addition, 310,000 refugees and asylum seekers are also identified with shelter and NFI needs. The number of people in need increased by 100,000 in 2021, compared to 2 million in 2020, due to an increase in the number of returnees" +149780,37699.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,45,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/ne-syria-60-increase-covid-19-cases-past-week-irc-calls-increased-health,"Al Hol camp, the largest camp in northeast Syria, has been particularly badly affected with 12 health facilities, including two field hospitals, already forced to suspend operations - either due to staff having to self-isolate or due to lack of PPE" +294636,51749.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,68,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[District sanitaire de Ouargaye] La couverture sanitaire est assurée par les formations sanitaires, la stratégie avancée et la présence des ASBC dans les communautés, cependant l’accès au PMA pour les populations vivant éloignées des CSPS semble limité selon les intervenants clefs. L’accès pour les populations les plus vulnérables est aussi à questionner (personnes âgées et personnes handicapées)" +360020,58741.0,2225.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC_FSO_2021_06_final.pdf,"Selon l’Unicef, une prévalence de la malnutrition aiguë sévère (MAS) supérieure au seuil critique et d'urgence de 5 % est observée dans certaines provinces dont l’Ituri et le Nord-Ubangi. Le taux de prévalence de la malnutrition aiguë globale s’élève à 6,5 pour cent et celui de la malnutrition chronique à 42 pour cent." +22545,9106.0,729.0,"['Protection', 'Cross', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,156,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"However, regardless of enrollment rates, 15 per cent of school-aged children do not regularly attend school across Libya, particularly in Azzawya, Alkufra, Ubari, Jabal al Akhdar, and Wadi Ashshati.164 Over the past couple of years, the start of the school year has been delayed due to security reasons or teacher protests for improved working conditions and education environments. These delays are a serious problem as children are out of school for months at a time, with children being put in a position in which they need to catch up on their education and attain the minimum learning competencies required. Furthermore, overcrowded classrooms have created serious challenges for teachers and learners in terms of delivering and accessing quality education and enabling children to reach their full potential. The quality of education is impacted by the lack of capacity of teachers in class-room management." +453776,63974.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,80,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_20210630-Rapport-Protection-Trimestriel.pdf,"les interventions des acteurs du domaine de responsabilité des VBG au cours du trimestre 2 de l’année 2021, ont permis d’identifier 557 survivant-e-s principalement dans les régions du Centre-Nord (277), de l’Est (192), du Sahel (68) et du Nord (28). Il est à noter que 49,73% des survivant-e-s ont été identifié-e-s dans la province du Sanmatenga, principalement à Barsalogho." +314054,52949.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,56,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"It is of particular concern that children constitute over 60 per cent of those in need in Somalia, and malnutrition rates among children remain among the worst in the world. Close to 1 million children in Somalia are estimated to be acutely malnourished, including 162,000 under 5 suffering from life-threatening severe malnutrition." +268292,49758.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],es,18,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,>210 Personas desplazadas >78 Familias desplazadas >90 Niñas y niños desplazados 2 Comunidades afrodescendientes desplazadas +183515,42688.0,2170.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,78,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20Nigeria%20DTM%20COVID-19%20Point%20of%20Entry%20Dashboard%20%28October%202020%29.pdf,"[1st Oct 2020,North East Nigeria] During the period 1 to 31 October 2020, 624 movements were observed at Seventeen Points of Entries in Adamawa and Borno states. Of the total movements recorded, 188 were incoming from Extreme-Nord, 17 from Nord, 3 from Centre in Cameroon and 6 from N’Djamena in Chad republic. A total of 214 Incoming movements were observed at Eleven Points of Entries." +452715,63974.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,56,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_20210630-Rapport-Protection-Trimestriel.pdf,"De façon générale, l’intensification des hostilités opposant les GANE aux Forces de Défense et de Sécurité (FDS) et leurs auxiliaires, ainsi que des attaques ciblées, continuent d’affecter sérieusement la situation de protection des populations civiles en particulier des femmes, des enfants et autres personnes vulnérables." +263950,48992.0,2028.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,66,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[15th Feb, NSAG areas] In the NSAG region, POPULATION AT HIGH RISK TO COVID was found to be highest in Dana subdistrict in Idleb governorate with 1,003,977 at high-risk to COVId-19 followed by Idleb subdistrict of Idleb governorate WITH 248,808 individuals at risk. Also, the lowest risk was seen amongst Ziyara sub-district of Hama governorate with 150 at risk." +386804,60459.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,129,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"[scénario] Du fait de la multiplication des incidents sécuritaires à l’approche de la saison écoulée, l’accès aux champs a été réduit. Par ailleurs, certains exploitants se sont déplacés vers les zones plus calmes au sud du pays pour pratiquer l’orpaillage. Pour les ménages qui ont pu produire, plus de 38 pour cent estimaient en mars 2021 (résultats ENISAN) que leurs stocks ne devraient pas couvrir plus de trois mois, c’est-à-dire, s’épuiseront au mois de mai contre juin en année typique. Par contre, pour les ménages hôtes qui partagent les réserves alimentaires se sont épuisées plus tôt en mars/avril (SAP, mai, 2021)." +223980,45768.0,2332.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,38,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"Au cours de leur mouvement vers Diamérom, 20 personnes parmi eux sont portées disparues et 12 ont été tués par les BH lors de l’attaque ou se sont noyés au moment de la fuite." +399241,62442.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,84,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/health/coronavirus/2021/08/10/government-eases-strict-covid-curbs,"[10th August 2021, Bangladesh] The government is set to ease strict restrictions on public movement across the country from Wednesday, although it has stressed that health guidelines must still be maintained. Starting from Wednesday, all offices, banks, financial institutions, factories, and markets will reopen while strictly maintaining the government-issued health safety protocols. The safety protocols include the maintenance of social distancing, wearing of masks, and regular use of hand sanitizers." +126410,33843.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,105,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Entre los encuestados se indagó sobre la presencia de síntomas relacionados con el COVID 19 tales como dolor de garganta, congestión nasal, tos, fiebre, dolor de cabeza, dificultad para respirar, y en 19% de los casos se reconoció haber tenido alguno de ellos. En contrapartida 61% reportó no haber padecido ninguno de esos síntomas y 20% se abstuvo de responder. A la par se preguntó también si se había consultado algún servicio de salud para atender tales eventos y menos de 15% respondió afirmativamente, aunque se acudió fundamentalmente a la farmacia." +438314,64539.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,80,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Las dificultades económicas, limitada oferta laboral y disminución en el acceso a servicios motivaron a miles de ciudadanos venezolanos/as a migrar a los distintos países latinoamericanos en los últimos años. De esta forma, los flujos migratorios de ingreso a territorio peruano fueron incrementando desde el año 2016, teniendo los picos más altos en el 2018. Por otro lado, aproximadamente 1 de cada 3 grupos familiares llevan viviendo en Tumbes entre 6 a 12 meses" +306898,51572.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,44,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"To verify/identify the cases of orphans, missing, separated and unaccompanied children and initiate an FTR (Family tracing and reunification) process. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +313689,53333.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,25,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,Consider community initiatives that avail wet or dry food rations to at-risk adolescents who are mothers attending schools alone or with their young children. +305402,51474.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,14,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"Some 483,000 pregnant and lactating women will need treatment for malnutrition in 2021." +323018,54498.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,111,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/89758cd4/REACH_COL_RAN_Factsheet_Trend_analysis_March2021.pdf,"Con respecto al perfil demográfico según lo señalado por los ICs, el grupo etario que mayormente integraban los viajeros fue entre los 18 a 59 años. Desde la primera ronda, se reportó que de los 562 viajeros que viajaban en un grupo el 68% se encon- traba en este rango de edad, tendencia que se mantuvo a lo largo de las cuatro rondas posteriores, alcanzando en la cuarta ron- da, su reporte máximo donde de los 506 viajeros que iban en grupo se reportó que más de dos terceras partes (71%) de ellos se encontraban en este grupo de edad." +167729,40343.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,164,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/418384-covid-19-weekly-review-as-nigeria-announces-reopening-of-schools-new-covid-19-cases-double.html,"A breakdown of the confirmed cases shows that Lagos State has so far reported 19,636 cases, followed by FCT – 5,745, Plateau — 3,479, Oyo — 3,268, Edo — 2,628, Kaduna — 2,444, Rivers — 2,517, Ogun — 1,878, Delta — 1,802, Kano — 1,738, Ondo — 1,634, Enugu — 1,289, Ebonyi — 1,042 , Kwara — 1,044, Abia — 898, Gombe — 883, Katsina — 874, Osun — 847, Borno — 745, Bauchi — 699, Imo — 576, Benue — 481, Nasarawa — 452, Bayelsa — 401, Jigawa — 325, Ekiti — 321, Akwa Ibom — 293, Niger — 259, Anambra — 238, Adamawa — 248, Sokoto — 162, Taraba — 105, Kebbi — 93, Zamfara — 79, Cross River— 87, Yobe — 76 and Kogi — 5." +39380,13671.0,729.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_libya_en_05_may.pdf,"However the displacement areas of IDPs increasingly extend to areas outside of Tripoli, along the coastal line in Western Libya. 29 collective shelters are now in operation, estimated to house some 550 IDP families (approximately 2,750 individuals), with the majority of IDPs staying in urban areas with family/friends or in rented accommodation." +176417,41733.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,86,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/reach_drc_bulletin-des-marche-2_juin-2020.pdf,"Une hausse considérable du coût médian du PMA entre mars et avril a ainsi été observée, suivie par une légère baisse en mai, d'après les prix rapportés par les commerçants. Localement, cette tendance générale varie, avec des territoires en mai qui atteignent des valeurs proches de 500 000 FC (Kambove), plus élevées qu'en avril, ainsi que de nombreux territoires où le coût médian du PMA a augmenté de plus de 50% entre avril et mai." +63481,18412.0,1386.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Politics'],es,230,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,,"La escasez de medicamentos en farmacias es de 85% y en hospitales de 88%. Entre los años 2014 y 2018, el consumo de medicinas bajó de 22 a 1,5 unidades per cápita. Hasta 2018, las empresas de la industria farmacéutica nacional reportaban una caída de la producción interna de medicamentos entre 60% y 70%, debido a los excesivos recortes en la asignación de divisas para la compra de materia prima, 98% de la cual es importada76, así como la pérdida de aproximadamente 60% de los trabajadores de la industria77. Entre los años 2016 y 2018, la red de farmacias privadas registró una escasez de medicinas en sus anaqueles que osciló entre 80% a 85%78. En 2016 cerraron 40 farmacias, en 2017 habían quebrado 125 y, en 2018, se esperaba el cierre de 100 más79. En los hospitales, la escasez de medicinas aumentó de 55% a 88% entre los años 2014 y 2018, de acuerdo con los datos proporcionados por la V Encuesta Nacional de Hospitales (ENH 201880). Entre 2016 y 2018, las políticas oficiales se han limitado a medidas de racionamiento en la distribución de medicinas, cuyo acceso está sujeto a criterios y condiciones de carácter político81." +159582,39148.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,92,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_july2020_ne_nigeria.pdf,"WHO :Public health actions still ongoing include regular coordination meetings in the BAY states, screening of travelers at point of entry locations, which has seen over 35,340 travelers screened, Health Facility and Community surveillance in the 3 states except inaccessible LGAs, risk communication activities including motorized campaign at IDP camps, entry point locations in Jere, Konduga and MMC LGAs.Messages are focused on community voluntary testing, de-stigmatization, timely reporting of cases, high-risk age group, use of facemask, handwashing and social distancing" +313726,53333.0,2334.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,23,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Respondents noted that to ensure the safety of pupils/students and school infrastructures, security operatives have been drafted to guard school premises." +237189,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],en,35,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"While all provinces have high levels of debt, displaced households in Khost, Bamyan, Baghlan, Parwan, Logar, and Badghis all report average debt burdens above 70,000 AFN/$909." +61400,18235.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Context->Security & Stability', 'Casualties->Injured']",en,147,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"One of them, interviewed in Tumbes, described how, while he was travelling on the back of a truck with several other refugees and migrants near the city of Cali, a group of hinchas (hooligans, or violent football fans) jumped on the truck in the middle of the night, woke the entire group – which included women and children – and robbed them all. According to the respondent, when one young man tried to resist, the attackers proceeded to cut off one of his arms with a machete and threw him off the vehicle. Another young man interviewed in Lima described a similar experience, also near Cali. A key informant interviewed in Tumbes confirmed having heard of many similar cases from Venezuelan refugees and migrants who arrived in Peru after transiting through Colombia." +21300,8634.0,788.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,80,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/01022019_ocha_nga_humanitarian_dashboard_december.pdf,"The crisis, in its tenth year, has largely been triggered by a regionalized armed conflict and is first and foremost a protection crisis. Civilians continue to bear the brunt of a conflict that has led to widespread forced displacement and violations of international humanitarian and human rights law. Since the start of the conflict, more than 27,000 people have been killed in the BAY states and thousands of women and girls have been abducted." +325231,54815.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,94,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"At the regional level, travel time by motorized the nearest transport to functioning CSPS ranges from just 20 minutes for the average resident of the very urbanized Centre region to over four hours for the average resident of Sahel. Travel times to more advanced healthcare facilities are much higher across all the regions; nevertheless, the range is substantial, from about 50 minutes to the nearest CM, CMU or CMA in the Centre region to over 7 hours for the residents of Sahel, Est, and Cascades." +386801,60459.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Context->Environment', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,53,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,L’insécurité a empêché les opérations de prospection contre les acridiens et les oiseaux granivores au cours des saisons passées. Une survenue plus importante de ces ravageurs pourrait être sévère sur les récoltes prochaines et augmenter la dépendance des ménages des marchés et de l’assistance humanitaire (scenario) +149206,36019.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,65,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"However, funding for the response within Syria remains a major concern; the current gap for case management alone is 90 per cent (US $6.5 million) of overall requirements, while only 10 per cent of these supplies (ventilators, oxygenators, intubation etc.) can be procured locally, with local exchange rate fluctuations further complicating the situation" +187192,34290.0,1900.0,['Health'],[],[],es,67,[],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Resumen_Informe_16_07_2020_No_080.pdf,"Atenciones médicas llevadas a cabo desde los CT.  Traslado de paciente desde CAT INFOP Miraflores hacia  Labores de limpieza, desinfección y descontaminación de los CAT y CT.  Labores preventivas por parte de los Equipos de Respuesta Inmediata ERI asegurando el bienestar de la población.  Detención de personas por el incumplimiento de las disposiciones de seguridad por parte de Las Autoridades." +179420,42085.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,43,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.sana.sy/en/?p=206600,"[17th October 2020, Overall Syria] The Ministry added in a statement to SANA that this brings the total number of Coronavirus cases registered in Syria to 5033, of which 1494 patients were recovered while 245 others passed away." +189088,42865.0,1183.0,[],[],[],es,61,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-LMA-Colombia-Espanol.pdf,"En parte debido a la respuesta proactiva del gobierno, el contagio inicial del virus en Colombia se dio de forma relativamente lenta.12 Sin embargo, aunque la tasa diaria de casos comenzó a disminuir en agosto (ver figura 1), Colombia tiene el segundo lugar en casos acumulados en Latinoamérica y el quinto lugar en el mundo." +224066,45768.0,2332.0,"['WASH', 'Health']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,25,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,99.84% de la population font la défécation à l’air libre. Ce qui pourrait affecter négativement l’état de santé. +12745,5579.0,322.0,"['Food Security', 'Education']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,92,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20Jun%202018.pdf,"From January to June, around 213,000 children have benefited from school repairs including rehabilitation of WASH facilities. Cluster partners supported various activities reaching around 346,000 students by providing emergency related training for their teachers, 89,400 with provision of learning supplies. Almost 72,000 students were provided with food and 7,800 were provided with alternative learning classrooms. Education staff & Father-Mother Councils (FMCs) received training in the form of Education in Emergency (EIE) and resilience in four governorates benefiting 94,200 staff & FMCs members." +489857,67830.0,2170.0,['WASH'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,124,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rc_report_august_2021.pdf,"[1st Aug 2021, BAY states] WATER, SANITATION AND HYGIENE (WASH) : WASH services include construction of latrines and showers, distribution of sanitation materials, dislodgement of latrines/solid waste, chlorination of water, hygeine promotion and maintenance of WASH facilities. 2 (17%) of latrines in Gwoza, 7 (64%) in Monguno, 3 (8%) in Ngala, and 2 (7%) in Banki are damaged and requires different levels of repairs while 20 (11%) of latrines in pulka need gender marking. 7 (64%) of showers are damaged in Monguno and 2 (33%) in Gwoza." +299092,52086.0,2028.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,69,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[25th March, 2021, Overall Syria] 13 percent live in non-durable shelters, such as tents and unfinished buildings. A comparison of priority needs showed that those living in non-durable shelters have a much higher need for food (80 percent) and housing/shelter support (22 percent), compared to those in durable shelters (67 and 4 percent, respectively)." +291421,51259.0,2335.0,[],[],[],en,19,[],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2020_access_annual_overview.pdf,The number of staff arbitrarily detained for extended periods reduced from 47 in 2019 to 16 in 2020. +149199,36019.0,2028.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,41,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"An estimated 12 million people have been reached by television and radio awareness campaigns, and printed information, education and communication (IEC) materials since March, while more than six million people have been reached through social media" +216660,45416.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,Les filles sont utilisées par les parents comme aide pour les travaux ménagers diminuant leur temps consacré à l’apprentissage en réduisant leur chance de réussite. +341850,56644.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Population'],[],es,47,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.sismamujer.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/MUJERES-DERECHOS-LABORALES-Y-EMERGENCIA-SANITARIA.docx.pdf,Para las mujeres resulta de suma importancia que el Estado avance de manera decidida para lograr que los avances jurisprudenciales en reconocimiento de sus derechos se plasmen en una Ley. Ello le dará solidez jurídica a la demanda de garantía y protección de sus derechos. +289636,52074.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Politics'],en,112,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,"The Major National Dialogue took place from 30 September to 4 October 2019. Amongst the recommendations of the dialogue was the granting of a special status to the NWSW regions as per article 62 of the Constitution. In line with recommendations from the dialogue, on 3 October, the President of the Republic issued a decree discontinuing legal proceedings against 333 detainees held in connection with the crisis in the NWSW. However, none of the recognized highprofile leaders were released. Pro-independentists insist that negotiations with the Government of Cameroon must be done by an independent, impartial and credible party, in a neutral location." +360009,58741.0,2225.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,56,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC_FSO_2021_06_final.pdf,"[Eruption volcanique du Nyiragongo] les activités qui avaient été interrompues pendant plusieurs jours ont repris de façon assez rapide, comme les services bancaires ou encore les écoles. Certains marchés sont restés fermés pendant une courte période, et l’approvisionnement était momentanément interrompu pendant que des routes endommagées étaient réhabilitées." +490602,67927.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,81,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/adamawa_state_2021_cholera_situation_report_no_9.pdf,"[5th Sept 2021, Adamawa State] (Cholera) 244 pieces of soaps were distributed the hygiene promotion sessions. 38 cholera cases were reported from the CTC in Adamawa for the week. As a result, 38 cholera kits were distributed to the patients. 151 HHs (23 case+ 128 neighboring) and 23 latrines were disinfected by the disinfection team. 720 pieces of soaps was distributed to the neighboring HHs that were sprayed/Disinfected." +317172,53333.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,47,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Adolescent boys and girls reported fearing going to school and health centres due to fear of the military presence where they fear being victims of random arrest, harassment, rape, stray bullets, cross fire and violence, and a repeat of attacks on schools" +149733,37702.0,2028.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,83,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"Prior to the COVID-19 crisis, an estimated 80 per cent of people in Syria already lived below the poverty line. According to estimates, 9.3 million people in Syria are now considered food insecure. With the loss of job opportunities due to the impacts of COVID-19, particularly for those reliant on daily wage labour or seasonal work and the continued rise in food prices, it is likely more may be pushed to food insecurity in the coming months" +172833,38004.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,41,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/04/28/syria-aid-restrictions-hinder-covid-19-response,"[28th April 2020, NE Syria] To respond to the lack of testing kits for Covid-19, in March, the health authorities in northeast Syria repurposed test kits designed for other diseases such as polio and HIV." +359350,58669.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",es,127,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/informe_de_emergencias_humanitarias_reportadas_elc_enero_mayo_2021.pdf,"IMPACTO POR DESPLAZAMIENTO: En Mayo se reportaron 11 emergencias por desplazamiento masivo que afectaron a 4.732 personas (1.183 familias), el departamento que lidera en el número de afectados es Nariño con 3.267 personas desplazadas en este mes. Desde finales de abril y durante mayo constantes enfrentamientos y combates en zona rural de Telembí (Nariño) han incrementado el número de población afectada por desplazamiento en Roberto Payán y Magüí Payán, quienes toman por destino Tumaco y/o Barbacoas. La administración municipal ha manifestado que la cantidad de población afectada sobrepasa la capacidad de respuesta del municipio, además se presume de alianzas entre dos GDO en la zona que podrían incrementar los riesgos de protección de la población civil." +182586,42252.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,121,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2020_29Oct2020_FINAL.pdf,"[29th October 2020] In Syria, 5,580 laboratory-confirmed cases have been reported by the MoH to date: 7 in Ar-Raqqa; 16 in Deir-Ez-Zor; 35 in Al-Hasakeh; 90 in Quneitra; 155 in Dar’a; 180 in As-Sweida; 188 in Hama; 248 in Tartous; 501 in Lattakia; 585 in Rural Damascus; 705 in Homs; 1,241 in Aleppo; and 1,629 in Damascus. In total, 1,478 new cases have been announced since the last report on 29 September. The MoH has also announced 267 fatalities, representing an increase of 86, in addition to 1,861 recoveries; the CFR is approximately 4.9 per cent." +216651,45416.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,46,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,"Dans la province de l’Ituri, le rapport ERM _ Bulo-Dede _ LITA 464 dit que les enseignants travaillent dans de mauvaises conditions : trop d’enfants sur un même pupitre ou banc et ne perçoivent pas de prime, ni salaire." +317238,53333.0,2334.0,[],[],[],en,29,[],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Support child-led groups in schools and communities to raise awareness of adolescent SRHR with emphasis on tackling harmful gender norms, so as to empower girls and boys." +410313,63222.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,84,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_mvam_bulletin_57_july_2021.pdf,"[Syria, July] In July 2021, a third of the interviewed households (33 percent) indicated facing difficulties in reaching markets, an increase of five percentage points from a month earlier and by seven percentage points year-on-year, representing the highest national average level recorded since April 2020. This trend was more pronounced among female-headed households (43 percent), up by 10 percentage points month-on-month, compared to male -headed households (32 percent)." +305240,53100.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,42,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/plan_de_preparation_coronavirus_cmr._version_du_10_mars_2019.pdf,ACQUIS: - Parc automobile disponible pour les situations d’urgence GAPS: - Les acteurs de la chaine d’approvisionnement d’urgence ne sont pas officiellement désignés - Absence de système de télécom disponible - Parc automobile vétuste +214344,45385.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Plus de 55 radios ont été mobilisées par le CICR, l’OMS et la CRF pour la diffusion des spots de sensibilisation [covid-19] et des émissions interactives." +178541,40661.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,35,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,Priorités de réponse : • Fournir une assistance alimentaire immédiate pour accompagner les couches de populations les plus vulnérables et les personnes à besoin spécifique dans la restauration de leurs moyens d’existence ; +59101,17455.0,788.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,80,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/201908-nigeria-cross-border-report.pdf,"A disproportionate number of the country’s poor live in the north-eastern states of Adamawa, Borno and Yobe, which together account for around a third of Nigeria’s territory and 14 per cent of its population. Many people are subsistence farmers, and even during periods of high national economic growth the region’s productivity has been low and unemployment high. Illiteracy is widespread, access to healthcare limited and infrastructure lacking." +172543,40367.0,2099.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,25,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"UNICEF continued to provide support, alongside OCHA, to the interagency community engagement and accountability to affected populations (CEAAP) working group." +177104,41093.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,83,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"De otro lado, resulta necesario poner en la agenda económica la economía del cuidado. Se han realizado cálculos que indican que este segmento de la economía puede equivaler incluso al 20% del PIB de Colombia (Corewoman, 2020), por encima de sectores tradicionales como el comercio (18% en 2019) y la industria (11% en 2019). Adicionalmente, las actividades de la economía del cuidado recaen en su mayoría sobre mujeres" +218535,45654.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,48,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/hrp_weekly_funding_status_201124.pdf,"[24 Nov 2020, Whole of Syria, COVID-19 RP Funding Overview] COVID-19 Response Plan: Funding requirements for Early Recovery and Livelihoods sector are 20.7 Million USD, of which 7.7 Million USD have been funded, leaving a gap of 13 Million USD." +236058,47076.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,25,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,UNICEF in the NW through the Cameroon Baptist Convention continued to provide life-saving services to beneficiaries in the Bui division despite the security challenges. +341968,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,124,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Le 21 janvier 2020, l'Assemblée nationale Burkinabè a voté à l'unanimité une loi instituant le recrute- ment de ""Volontaires pour la défense de la patrie"" (VDP). Ces citoyens sont recrutés au niveau local, sur la base du volontariat avec comme principale mission de remonter des informations sur les déplacements de groupes et autres conflits locaux aux responsables militaires. D’après les autorités Burkinabè, il s’agira essentiellement d’enrôler des jeunes d’au moins 18 ans qui recevront une formation initiale de 15 jours afin de maîtriser le maniement des armes légères et les tactiques militaires de base pour mener des patrouilles en concertation avec les forces nationales de défense." +492281,67914.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,131,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_mvam_bulletin_58_august_2021.pdf,"As of July 2021, 1.7 million internally displaced people (IDP) were reported in IDP sites across northwest Syria, with 80 percent of these IDPs being women and children. Furthermore, in Dar’a governorate in southern Syria, the security situation was tense with artillery shelling and ground clashes reported during most of August, in particular in the town of Dar’a Al Balad, resulting in civilian casualties and displacement of more than 38,600 people as of 17 August. The displaced people included around 15,000 women, over 3,200 men and elderly, and over 20,400 children. Most IDPs were hosted by relatives in Dar’a city, however, around 1,500 IDPs were accommodated in seven collective shelters" +174515,41368.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)'],en,66,['At Risk'],['Information And Communication'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20201012_acaps_thematic_series_on_migrant_vulnerability_in_south_asia_0.pdf,"[October 2020, Bangladesh] Undocumented migrants outside their own countries are the most vulnerable due to their inability to access services that require proof of identity. However, it is unclear what proportion of migrant workers fall into this category.Undocumented female migrants are likely to be at increased risk of violence and lack of support in comparison to their male counterparts amidst COVID-19" +337614,55860.0,2225.0,['Agriculture'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,23,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb4752en.pdf,"[January-april 2021] Vaccinated 25 410 cattle against pasteurellosis, belonging to around 1 000 people in Kwango and Kwilu provinces." +193020,43411.0,2099.0,"['Education', 'Livelihoods']","['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,77,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'At Risk', 'Priority Interventions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"• Children's education: With the start of the new school year looming on the horizon, many affected parents are already worried about their children's schooling. Many will not be able to afford tuition fees without support as they no longer have a source of income. Thus, they would like to have assistance to be able to ensure the education of their children. [The needs of disaster victims]" +266566,49773.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_HSOS-NWS_-January-2021.pdf,"[January 2021, NWS] 91% of communities where KIs reported daily waged labour as a common source of income for residents and and 96% for IDPs." +236127,47122.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,16,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,25 flash alerts related to communal clashes and targeted extra-judicial killings were reported by protection monitors +314344,52949.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,74,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"An immunization campaign launched in Mogadishu by the Ministry of Health, with technical support from WHO and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), vaccinated 408,000 children under 5 against measles and over 1.33 million against polio between August and October 2020. A second nation-wide round of demonovalent oral polio vaccine type 2 (mOPV2) immunization activities is scheduled to take place between 13-16 December 2020." +323229,54498.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,120,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/89758cd4/REACH_COL_RAN_Factsheet_Trend_analysis_March2021.pdf,"En cuanto a la atención médica, durante la primera y segunda ron- da un porcentaje significativo de los ICs reportó no haber recibido atención médica. Es así como en la segunda ronda, de 25 ICs que reportaron haber acudido a un centro médico, un poco más de la mi- tad (52%) mencionó no haber recibido atención médica. No obstante, este reporte fue disminuyendo a partir de la tercera ronda, llegando a reportarse en la quinta ronda, que sólo el 22% de los 27 ICs que habían manifestado que ellos o personas dentro de su grupo habían acudido a un centro médico, no habían recibido atención médica." +292432,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"Afin de combler les gaps dans la prise en charge des femmes enceintes, Alima a renforcée l’offre de service à la maternité de l’Hôpital de district de Makary. Un système de référencement a aussi été mis en place pour des examens spéciaux et les césariennes." +228085,46579.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Shelter']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,84,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Se registra hacinamiento en la escuela dispuesta para albergar a las 899 personas, debido a que éste es insuficiente en términos de espacio se requiere un albergue adicional y adecuación sanitaria de ambos espacios para mitigar brotes de IRA, EDA y prevención de contagio de COVID-19. Tanto la Alcaldía municipal como la gobernación han expresado no tener capacidad presupuestal para atender esta emergencia debido a los múltiples eventos que se han presentado en el departamento a lo largo del año." +70797,20127.0,1386.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,43,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://mundo.sputniknews.com/america-latina/201910291089147859-la-conferencia-internacional-sobre-refugiados-venezolanos-recauda-120-millones-de-ayuda/,"La Conferencia Internacional de Solidaridad sobre la crisis de migrantes y refugiados de Venezuela recolectó unos 120 millones de euros (133,1 millones de dólares) de ayuda, anunció la jefa de la diplomacia de la Unión Europea, Federica Mogherini." +235677,47076.0,2334.0,['Education'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,74,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,"According to the mid-year review report, 65% (12,963 against the annual target of 20,000) of targeted children have been supported through radio education/distance learning, 19% (61,621 against the annual target of 321,000) conflict affected learners received psychosocial support and 6% (20,112 against the annual target of 355,000) of children affected by crisis have had access to quality formal or non-formal basic education." +418529,63159.0,2225.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,105,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20210701_note-info_3_bukavu.pdf,"Des affrontements entre groupes armés ont éclaté depuis fin avril dans plusieurs villages du groupement de Kigoma, située dans les Hauts-Plateaux d’Uvira, provoquant le déplacement de près de 24 000. 95 % de ces déplacés se trouvent dans des familles d’accueil dans les aires de santé de Lemera, Bwegera, Mubere, Ndegu, Mulenge, Bushuju et Katala. Les 5 % restant occupent des centres collectifs (écoles et des églises). Ces nouveaux déplacés viennent s’ajouter aux 13 224 déplacés arrivés dans cette même zone entre le 16 et 21 mars" +59597,17198.0,1224.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Humanitarian Access->Population To Relief'],en,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Humanitarian Access'],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"Health concerns are vomiting and diarrhoea. A health worker from Mabaruma usually visits the community. A health team visited during the week of February 4-10, 2019 and provided vaccinations. They received Non-Food Items and hygiene kits (provided by CDC / IOM) but there were not enough to provide to all community members, and more is needed." +394881,61265.0,1186.0,[],[],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,42,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.biobiochile.cl/noticias/nacional/region-de-tarapaca/2021/02/04/no-son-un-bulto-el-saldo-fatal-de-la-crisis-migratoria-en-la-frontera-norte.shtml,"“Los inmigrantes que ingresan de forma irregular, en su mayoría venezolanos, son tratados como delincuentes. Pero el Gobierno es responsable, en gran medida, del ingreso clandestino de estas personas”, remarcó el profesor Thayer." +192885,43304.0,2332.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,45,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,Il est tout aussi crucial d’investir dans le renforcement des capacités institutionnelles des systèmes de santé dans le pays afin de s’atteler aux causes et aux facteurs sous-jacents qui ont rendu la flambée de la COVID-19 si difficile à endiguer. +313702,53333.0,2334.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,24,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,Strengthen linkages between the nutritional program and the maternal and neonatal health care so that no pregnant adolescent or mother is left behind. +287159,51749.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[district sanitaire de Pouytenga] A travers notre évaluation, nous avons constaté que 100% des formations sanitaires effectuent des surveillances épidémiologiques et fournissent un rapport hebdomadaire aux autorités sanitaires du district." +170806,40367.0,2099.0,[],[],[],en,47,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Significant progress has been done towards the achievement of the objectives compared to the previous month. However, gaps remain significant, due to the funding gaps and the insufficient capacity of sector’s stakeholders to face the crises and the rapidly increasing needs." +188706,43183.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,48,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_268_20201024.pdf,"En outre, 27,7% (263/948) des cas auraient visité une structure sanitaire dans les 14 jours précédant la maladie et 35,7% (314/879) des cas auraient été en contact étroit avec un sujet présentant les symptômes d’une infection respiratoire aigüe." +339457,56380.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,89,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb4645es.pdf,"> El 42,4% de los hogares encuestados enfrentaron una situación de inseguridad alimentaria moderada o severa reciente entre julio y agosto de 2020, según lo evaluado con la Escala de experiencia de inseguridad alimentaria (FIES). En cuanto al nivel más grave de inseguridad alimentaria, se estima que el 4,7% de hogares encuestados se vio afectado durante este mismo período. Existe coherencia entre los niveles de prevalencia de la inseguridad alimentaria y el nivel de agotamiento de los medios de subsistencia." +192030,42659.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,45,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_175.pdf,"Ce 23/07/2020, 47 nouveaux cas confirmés de COVID-19 ont été rapportés dont 31 à Kinshasa, 16 au Nord-Kivu, 6 en Ituri, 2 dans la Tshopo et 1 à l’Equateur (Annexe 1 ; Figures 1 & 2)." +310213,53177.0,2466.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,62,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Sudan%20Multi-Sectoral%20Location%20Assessment_South%20Kordofan.pdf,"Health in Abu Jubaiha represents a high priority need in 16 (out of the 97 visited) locations. There are currently 165 doctors and 174 nurses, in addition to 240 midwives available. Of significance, 68 per cent of the locations do not have any health facilities available and 88 per cent do not have any pharmacies." +187702,43292.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,83,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/msna_2020_factsheet_refugee.pdf,"[July-August 2020, Bangladesh] Rohingya Refugees: The reduction in the proportion of individuals requiring medical treatment compared to 2019 likely reflects a reduction in health-seeking behaviour, with respondents reporting whether individuals had been ill enough to seek treatment rather than whether they were ill enough so that treatment was or should have been sought. At the same time, however, visits from community health workers increased from 44% in 2019 to 61% in 2020." +146003,35870.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,55,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Since 28 April, repatriation flights for Syrian nationals have progressively arrived, with approximately 2,940 nationals – out of around 10,000 who registered – repatriated from various locations to date. During the reporting period, a repatriation flight from Iraq arrived, carrying approximately 250 Syrian nationals, who remain in quarantine." +151906,34062.0,1898.0,['Food Security'],[],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Context->Environment']",es,60,[],['Context'],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3653085,"“En el Regimiento de Caballería de La Libertad tenemos agrónomos con cierta experiencia. Con ellos vamos a apoyar en lo que el Ministerio de Agricultura nos requiera. Estamos preparados para ello y cumplimos una orden del Presidente de la República Nayib Bukele, de que tenemos que combatir esta plaga”, explicó el titular de Defensa" +69888,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],[],en,52,[],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"Evacuees are being registered on the island of New Providence (Nassau) where some 1,650 people are being housed in Government-run shelters10 such as churches and community centres.11 These are at full capacity and as more evacuees arrive, families have reportedly been turned away due to lack of space." +167668,39765.0,2170.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,63,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20COUNTRY%20BRIEF%20NIGERIA%20JUNE%202020.pdf,"WFP operations are focused on crisis response to prevent further deterioration of food and nutrition security, reduce malnutrition and minimize gender inequalities. The spread of COVID-19 in Nigeria imposes multiple challenges for WFP food assistance operations, including accessing urban populations in need, and restrictions on movement of WFP and cooperating partner staff, transporters and financial service providers." +310029,51467.0,2335.0,['WASH'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,75,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"In addition, 310,000 refugees and asylum seekers lack access to sufficient and quality WASH services. As access to water sources is predominately communal in South Sudan, the limited access to WASH services impacts all population groups. Those in need are not restricted to one specific group. IDPs, non-displaced and host community members, returnees from internal displacement and refugee returnees are vulnerable with limited access to WASH services." +178171,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,20,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,TSHOPO Les affrontements entre les FARDC et les groupes armés ont affecté la situation sécuritaire du territoire d’Ubundu2 +304878,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Poverty, food insecurity, lack of livelihood opportunities and other humanitarian needs have forced many families to resort to negative coping strategies. Some are harmful to children such as early/forced marriage and child labour" +290380,51970.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Migrants reported significantly higher levels of food insecurity compared to resident population, as a result of lower levels of food consumption, higher use of food-related coping strategies and less stable income sources." +132557,35164.0,1188.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,138,[],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"Durante el año 2018, de la totalidad de 42 posibles víctimas de la trata de personas identificadas en Panamá, se evidencia que 14 eran de de nacionalidad venezolana identificadas por el Estado panameño Estudio 2018 Trata / trafico Es así como el 33% del total de las personas encuestadas indicó haber recibido una propuesta para trabajar en Panamá, de las cuales: un 12% la recibió antes de salir de Venezuela; un 43% no recibió el pago acordado por el trabajo desempeñado; y un 6% expresó que tuvo que desempeñar el trabajo en contra de su voluntad. Estudio 2018 Cabe señalar que las víctimas de trata identificadas en Panamá cuentan con una atención y asistencia por parte del Estado en el evento que decidan permanecer en el país" +2586,518.0,321.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/unicef-libya-humanitarian-situation-report-01-january-31-march-2017,"Tripoli continues to experience severe power shortage and fuel and water outages, leading to renewed street protests and road blocks from those affected. Clashes have recently erupted in Libya’s oil crescent and the seizure of key oil ports by the Benghazi Brigade has resulted in the displacement of several families to the Benghazi area, forcing the children to interrupt their schooling." +282375,51025.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,30,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/bangladeshs-daily-covid-19-cases-keep-crossing-1000-mark/66030,"[13th March 2021, Bangladesh] However, the country's daily Covid-19 cases stayed below the 1,000-mark before Wednesday when the daily Covid-19 cases rose to 1,018." +179164,41842.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,57,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nw_syria_sitrep21_20201020.pdf,"(NW 20/10/2020) Given the increase in traffic from Bab Al-Hawa under UNSCR 2522, the roads connecting Bab Al-Hawa to northern Aleppo require urgent rehabilitation to ensure continued access of humanitarian supplies through winter and beyond. A gap of some50 kilometres remains to be rehabilitated, of the some70 kilometres of this stretch." +199051,44308.0,2225.0,['Cross'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,17,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RD%20Congo%20-%20Note%20d%E2%80%99informations%20humanitaires%20pour%20la%20province%20du%20Nord-Kivu%2017%20novembre%202020.pdf,Ces familles se trouvent dans plusieurs villages du groupement Banyungu et vivent dans une vulnérabilité extrême. +215135,44840.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,64,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,"The UN’s “Shared Responsibility, Global Solidarity: Responding to the socio-economic impacts of COVID-19” emphasizes that national solidarity is key to leave no one behind. Despite the magnitude of this challenge in Somalia, a coordinated, Somali-led approach supported by the international community will be key to successfully tackling and recovering from the impact of COVID-19." +178044,40661.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Push Factors', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,62,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Le rapport des mouvements des populations d’OCHA indique que, depuis 2016, environ 6,6 millions de personnes vivent en situation de déplacement. Pour l’année 2020, on enregistre 476,105 personnes récemment déplacées au Nord-Kivu, 662,581 en Ituri, 61,324 personnes déplacées au Sud-Kivu, 145,102 dans le Tanganyika et 60,345 personnes déplacées au Maniema." +178266,41756.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,103,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Entre janvier et septembre 2019, au moins 35 000 incidents de protection ont été enregistrés au travers du mécanisme de monitoring de protection. La province du Nord-Kivu reste la plus affectée, suivie notamment du Sud-Kivu, de l’Ituri, du Kasaï-Central, du Kasaï, et du Kasaï-Oriental. Environ 29 pour cent de ces incidents ont été commis par les groupes armés et 21 pour cent par les forces armées nationales. Parmi ces victimes de violations, la majorité sont des personnes déplacées (61,5 pour cent) et retournées (25 pour cent)." +310214,53177.0,2466.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Sudan%20Multi-Sectoral%20Location%20Assessment_South%20Kordofan.pdf,"Education is a high priority need across nine of the locations in the locality. Out of a total 17,734 students enrolled in educational institutions in Abu Jubaiha, there is a notably even gender distribution." +168577,40367.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,39,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Attacks by NSAGs dramatically increased in 2019 and maintained the same pace in the first months of 2020, with more civilians being targeted or threatened. Consequently, new waves of displacements took place in several regions." +346792,57052.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,90,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/syria-country-office-market-price-watch-bulletin-issue-77-april-2021,"(Whole of Syria, April 2021) In April 2021, the formal butane gas cylinder price (25,000 L) increased by 16 percent m-o-m due to added transport cost and other fees by agents. One butane gas cylinder on the formal market was priced at SYP 4,079/refill. Broken down by regions, northwest Syria recorded the highest informal refill price at SYP 35,094/refill (up 35 percent m-o-m), followed by the cross-border region at SYP 33,997/refill (down 15 percent m-o-m)." +306733,51467.0,2335.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,69,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Although community governance structures exist in PoC(Protection of Civilian) sites, formal IDP camps and collective sites, these remain highly political, under-resourced and lack sufficient accountability to the people they were formed to serve. This is proving to be a challenge to a handover of site management. Similarly, the camp administration capacities remain a challenge to deal with in 2021." +141373,35118.0,1187.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,92,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Ahondando aún más, el impacto sobre los pequeños emprendimientos de personas migrantes, en muchos casos asociados a la manufactura de textiles y/o productos alimenticios, se encuentran en el punto de llegar a vender la totalidad de capitales adquiridos (como máquinas y herramientas de trabajo), para hacer frente con ello a la crisis. Ante esto, se genera un cuadro de vulnerabilidad por cuanto la población objetivo se desprende de recursos valiosos que han contribuido en su inserción comunitaria para hacer frente a necesidades básicas." +386812,60459.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,119,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"L’insécurité continue d’entrainer un disfonctionnement des services de santé. En fin avril, 5 pour cent des formations sanitaires de la région demeuraient fermés et 19 pour cent autres fonctionnaient à minima. Cela limite l’accès des populations à des soins de santé adéquats. Au cours du premier trimestre de 2021, les admissions de MAS et de MAM ont augmenté respectivement de 26 pour cent et 36 pour cent au niveau des formations sanitaires de la région comparativement au premier trimestre de 2020. Déjà en octobre 2020, les résultats de l’enquête SMART indiquaient une MAG de 6,8 pour cent pour la province. (scenario)" +69893,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,73,[],['Shock/Event'],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"According to the UN’s Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women, persisting gender stereotypes, patriarchy and sex-based discrimination exist to a worrying extent in The Bahamas. This lies at the root of violence against women, an effect of power dynamics and discrimination leading to a situation in which, “violence against women is hidden, denied and, even more worryingly, accepted as normal.”" +243104,46388.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Unmet needs, depleted financial resources and increased debt (including debt fuelled by COVID-19) are worsening the protection crisis that was already firmly entrenched in Afghanistan." +312249,53183.0,2466.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,55,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"While there has been a major focus on the provision of nutrition treatment services in conflict-affected states, most Sudan’s acutely malnourished children (52 per cent) are living in eastern and central states (non-conflict affected states). An estimated 3.6 million children suffer from wasting annually in Sudan." +472944,63777.0,2099.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,87,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Il existe des écoles dans les zones d’accueil des PDIs (Sebba et Sampelga) ; ce qui n’est pas le cas des zones d’origines des PDIs. En effet, Sebba est la seule commune qui dispose d’écoles fonctionnelles dans toute la province du Yagha. Les autres écoles ont dû fermer sous la menace des GANE. [16 509 élèves sont affectés e limitant ainsi l’accès des enfants à l’éducation. ]" +192639,43304.0,2332.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,38,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"l’inflation est beaucoup plus rapide au Nord du pays. Par exemple, comme mentionné précédemment, le prix de l’essence à Faya est passé de 450 XAF à 1 200 XAF par litre" +62674,18394.0,1386.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Politics'],es,110,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3295213,"En el mes de julio, el Tribunal Supremo de Justicia ratificó la condena en contra de un miembro de los Servicios Bolivarianos de Inteligencia Nacional (SEBIN) por el homicidio de Bassil Dacosta, quien murió de un disparo en la cabeza en las protestas anti-gubernamentales de 2014. Asimismo, se capturó en España a uno de los presuntos responsables de la muerte de Orlando Figuera, a quien prendieron fuego durante las manifestaciones convocadas por la oposición en 2017. Llamo a las autoridades de justicia a agilizar las investigaciones y procesos penales del resto de los casos de muertes en el contexto de protestas." +339491,56380.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,155,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb4645es.pdf,"Entre los hogares encuestados, el 49% reportó no haber tenido que adoptar estrategias de supervivencia, mientras que el 14% reportó haber adoptado estrategias de estrés, el 32% reportó haber adoptado estrategias de crisis y el 8% reportó haber adoptado estrategias de emergencia. Cabe resaltar que la región con la mayor proporción de hogares encuestados que no reportaron ningún cambio en sus medios de vida durante los 30 días previos a la encuesta es la región Central (56% de hogares). Las regiones con un alta porcentaje de hogares encuestados habiendo reportado la adopción de estrategias de crisis y de emergencias son las regiones Amazonia (38 y 4%, respectivamente), Caribe (38 y 9%, respectivamente), Gran Santander (51 y 9%, respectivamente) y Orinoquía (24 y 31%, respectivamente).18" +159568,39148.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,35,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_july2020_ne_nigeria.pdf,FSACI: Health education and Community Mobilization on COVID-19 was conducted. Posters on hand washing techniques were distributed and the community members were advised to seek medical care early and maintain social distancing. +286512,51586.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,48,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_19_november_2020_final.pdf,"Ongoing needs: While responding to COVID-19, humanitarian partners are also mobilising to respond to needs in southern Afghanistan where tens of thousands of people have been displaced by conflict placing them at greater COVID19 risk and where there has been a surge in trauma cases." +195232,43324.0,2334.0,"['Shelter', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,28,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irc_-_rapport_devaluation_covid-19_extreme_nord_-irc.pdf,"La baisse des ventes de certaines entreprises a fait mettre au chômage technique de nombreux employés, et donc ces derniers se retrouvant sans emploi et sans revenu" +125358,29180.0,1620.0,"['Health', 'Logistics']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,36,['Impact'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Gap-Supply-Demand-Contraceptive-Services-Northeast-Nigeria-Report.pdf,"Only three facilities (one hospital and two primary facilities) functioned 24/7. Three did not have electricity; however, one of these facilities is new and awaiting the installment of solar power." +309800,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,72,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Children (0 to 17 years old) constitute 61 per cent of the refugee population. They continue to face protection risks including neglect, abuse, exploitation, child labour, forced recruitment, SGBV, and lack of access to services. Protection concerns are especially high for girls risks for early marriage, early pregnancies, and denial of education particularly for girls and children living with disabilities" +135699,35301.0,2028.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection', 'Food Security', 'WASH']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,32,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Longer-term needs are increasing, particularly in health, nutrition and education services, even as urgent needs for shelter, food, water, sanitation, hygiene and protection persist ." +193038,43411.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Environment'],en,80,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Burkina Faso has faced a wave of flooding events during each rainy season for the past few years. Since the start of the 2020 rainy season, several cases of flooding have been recorded in several localities causing significant damage (see map on the right for affected areas). In the light of the magnitude of the situation, the government declared a state of natural disaster on September 9, 2020 during the cabinet meeting." +456032,65411.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,260,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[16-29 August 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugee: Among the Rohingya refugee population, the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases has remained stable in the past weeks. In week 34, a total of 105 positive cases were registered in the Rohingya refugee camps with a test positivity rate of 7.0%, in comparation to the 100 confirmed cases in week 32, with a test positivity rate 7.6%. As of 29 August 2021, a total of 2 883 COVID-19 cases have been reported among Rohingya. With a total of 17 cases, Camp 3 has the highest number of cases to date ahead of Camp 24 and 2W with 174 and 160 cases, , Camp 15 with 154 cases, Camp 17 with 152 cases and Camp21 with 151 cases. To date, 150 cases have been reported from Camp 4, 132 cases have been reported from Camp 1W, 120 cases from Camp 20 extension and 111 cases from Camp 9. In Camp 5, 110 cases and camp 2E 100 cases have been registered. Camp 1E, 4 Ext, 6, 7, 8E, 8W, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, Kutupalong RC and Nayapara RC so far had less than 100 cases. 7 cases have been registered from Zero Point and 5 amongst new arrivals." +174185,38392.0,1899.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],es,46,[],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ALC%20post%20COVID-19%20-%20Retos%20y%20oportunidades%20para%20pa%C3%ADses%20de%20Centroam%C3%A9rica%2C%20Hait%C3%AD%2C%20M%C3%A9xico%2C%20Panam%C3%A1%2C%20y%20Rep%C3%BAblica%20Dominicana.pdf,"Las tasas de pobreza para la población rural e indígena, que representaban el 40% y 35% de la población total, respectivamente, se encontraban en 76% y 79% en 2014, superiores al promedio nacional (59,3%)." +438414,64539.0,1185.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,96,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Respecto a la asistencia regular a su centro educativo, un 3.3% manifestó que los menores asisten de manera irregular a la escuela. Entre este grupo, el 50% comentó que el motivo era que no se adaptaban a la escuela, mientras que el 16.7% mencionó que se debía al acoso escolar. También cabe precisar que un 16.7% no asiste de forma regular por enfermedad y 16.7% por actividades laborales, lo cual evidencia un clara vulnerabilidad de los niños y niñas escolarizados frente al trabajo infantil." +310514,53179.0,2466.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],en,27,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Flash%20Update%20-%20Sudan%20-%2017%20Jan%202021_1.pdf,"Almost 400 people were killed and another 473 injured during the inter-communal clashes, while about 8,400 people lost personal belongings and livestock, IOM reported." +193697,43353.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,102,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Burkina%20Faso%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%207%20-%20August%202020%20%281%29.pdf,"According to the education in emergency technical secretariat of the Ministry of national education, literacy and national languages promotion (MENAPLN), the baccalaureate examination (high school diploma) took place from 3 to 21 August 2020. A total of 125,805 candidates (49 per cent girls) were registered, out of which 121,586 participated in the exams and (96.6 per cent), including 32,219 from regions affected by the security crisis (26.4 per cent). Out of the 47,840 candidates admitted, 23,432 (48.9 per cent) were from crisis-affected regions" +315426,54309.0,2311.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)'],es,63,[],['Information And Communication'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Colombia_Evaluacion_Rapida_ECNI_Arauca_ESP.pdf,"Otros municipios de Arauca: De momento se han elevado alertas tempranas en municipios como Tame y Saravena sobre la posible llegada de población proveniente de Venezuela afectados por las acciones armadas en La Victoria. Se cuentan con datos de reportes de fuentes secundarias, pero se debe mantener la alerta en caso de un aumento significativo de la población afectada." +270198,50226.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_6.pdf,"Brote de varicela en batallón de policía que inició 03/02/2021 y notificado el 08/02/2021. Se identificaron 3 masculinos de 19 y 37 años respectivamente quienes presentaron lesiones vesiculares, malestar general, fiebre y cefalea; el total de expuestos 120, tasa de ataque 2,5 %. El último caso reportado inicio síntomas el 10/02/2021. A" +163264,36028.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,51,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/after-several-failed-attempts-security-council-authorizes-one-year,"oday’s outcome, which was announced during a videoconference meeting*, followed four failed attempts in the past week to renew authorization for the cross-border mechanism, which expired on 10 July. (See Press Releases SC/14244 of 8 July and SC/14246 of 10 July.)" +340444,53036.0,2334.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,18,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/1-Lolo_Dec%202020_0.pdf,"Partenaires nutrition : AHA, ASAD, PAM, UNICEF, OMS, UNFPA, UNHCR, MINSANTE" +303931,51174.0,2335.0,[],[],[],en,21,[],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.afro.who.int/sites/default/files/2021-02/South%20Sudan%20IDSR%20Bulletin%20Week%201%2C%20%20%204-%2010%20January%202021%20.pdf,"Over one million (1,034,00 people) affected and 485 000 displaced by flooding across 47 counties since June 2020." +151522,37915.0,2098.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,36,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/78176.pdf,"Regular latrine desludging as well as garbage collection continues to be carried out. Latrines were desludged over 370,000 times (individual latrines may have been desludged several times) since the response to COVID-19 started" +305360,53013.0,2331.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,46,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/3c8084ae/REACH_SOM_Factsheet_Assessment-of-Hard-to-Reach-Areas_December-2020.pdf,Food Security and livelihoods: 41% of the assessed settlements reported that it takes less than 30 minutes to reach the functional market by walking while 24% reported it takes 60 minutes to half a day to reach the functional market by walking. +314505,52949.0,2331.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,24,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,It is expected that poor agropastoral households will face moderate to large food consumption gaps through the end of 2020 and into 2021. +318082,52949.0,2331.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Women and children are particularly exposed to elevated health risks. Access to birth spacing services is limited, and up to 99 per cent of women experience FGM or female genital cutting (SHDS, 2020)." +283921,47069.0,2334.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/iom_dashboard_cameroun_extreme-nord_round_21_en.pdf,[Round 21 / DTM / Far North Region / 25 May - 10 June] Reasons for displacement : 11% Natural Disasters / 89% Armed Conflicts +177120,41093.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],es,111,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"De acuerdo con Deloitte (2020), la participación de mujeres en juntas directivas en Colombia es apenas del 13%. Lo anterior es el resultado de culturas corporativas poco inclusivas en la práctica y de establecimientos en donde permanecen los roles de género tradicionales. De hecho, de acuerdo con un estudio reciente de McKinsey&Co. (2019), los obstáculos laborales que deben enfrentar las mujeres empiezan a la hora de acceder a un trabajo: por cada 100 hombres contratados y promovidos en el primer nivel directivo, solo 72 mujeres son contratadas y promovidas (McKinsey&Co., 2019)" +296814,52565.0,2334.0,"['Nutrition', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,48,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/2019/06/WFP-COUNTRY-BRIEF-CAMEROON-APRIL-2019.pdf,"1,767 malnourished ART clients (425 men, 1,155 women and 187 children) were provided with nutrition care and support, and 675 ART clients were supported with livelihood activities including financial support for income generating activities in agriculture, livestock farming, and petty trade." +63635,18631.0,788.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,131,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_floodoverview_13092019.pdf,"Increased number of severely malnourished children with medical complications (due to diarrhea) in all Stabilization Centres resulting in congestion (significant increase observed in Biu LGA, UMARU Shehu Hospital and ALIMA supported clinic). • Over 33% increase of new Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) admissions in July/August compared to previous months, mostly attributed to increased cases of diarrhea. The 33% increase represents 10,000 cases across the BAY states. In previous years, partners observed a 20% increase during the rainy season. An increase of SAM cases is directly linked to gaps in the response of other sectors, for example, unhygienic conditions, lack of food, and water-borne diseases that increasing the prevalence of malnutrition." +165236,39714.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],es,78,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"97,7% no se hizo la prueba, y 1,5 % prefirió no responder la pregunta; 0,85% se hizo la prueba (30 casos): 0,48% se hizo la prueba y el resultado fue negativo (17 casos);0,34% se hizo la prueba y aún no ha recibido el resultado (12 casos); y 0,03 se hizo la prueba y el resultado dio positivo (1 caso)." +203294,44588.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,24,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/syria-anniversary-press-release-6-march-2020,"[ March 6, NWS] This and the exodus of more than 70% of the healthcare workforce have debilitated the health system" +243150,46388.0,2336.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,51,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"According to the latest ERM report (September 2020)the average debt accumulated by households over the past year was 20 times higher than the average income, at the time of the assessment. Children continue to be at heightened risk as a result of this economic situation." +35514,13057.0,788.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],en,159,['Impact'],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000105395.pdf,"In Nigeria, the economy remains fragile as the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) declined to 1.50% in the second quarter of 2018 from 1.95% in the first quarter of 2018 largely due to a decline in oil production from 2 million barrels per day in Q1 to 1.84 million barrels per day in Q2. This resulted in a decline in the corresponding contribution of the oil sector to GDP from 9.61% in Q1 to 8.55 percent in Q2 although oil revenue still accounted for 10% of the GDP. These weak economic fundamentals along with other risk to output growth such as weakening demand and consumer spending, rising debts of contractors, low minimum wage, the impact of flooding on agricultural production as well as continuing security problems in the north east and north central parts of the country have raised concerns that economy could slip back into a recession" +224044,45768.0,2332.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"Beaucoup [d'enfants séparés ou non accompagnés] ont, entre autres, au moment de leur fuite, vu des corps des militaires et autres combattants. Nombreux disent faire régulièrement des cauchemars au moment de leur sommeil." +147111,36461.0,2028.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,18,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77428.pdf,Increases in gender-based violence (GBV) and child rights violations have also been reported by partners. +172077,40714.0,2170.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,144,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20Nigeria%20DTM%20Emergency%20Tracking%20Tool%20%28ETT%29%20Report%20No.185%20%20%2817%20-%2023%20August%202020%29.pdf,"[17 - 23 August 2020, Borno, Adamawa] A total of 1,522 movements were recorded, comprising 1,365 arrivals and 157 departures, between 17 and 23 August 2020. Arrivals were recorded at locations in Askira/Uba, Bama, Dikwa, Gwoza, Mobbar, Monguno and Ngala Local Government Areas (LGAs) of the most-affected Nigerian State of Borno. Arrivals were also recorded in Fufore, Gombi, Guyuk, Lamurde, Madagali, Maiha, Michika, Mubi North, Mubi South, Numan, Song and Yola South LGAs of the state of Adamawa. Departures were recorded in Askira/Uba, Dikwa, Kala/Balge and Monguno LGAs of Borno; Fufore, Girei, Guyuk, Lamurde, Madagali, Maiha, Michika, Mubi North, Numan and Yola South LGAs of Adamawa." +59591,17198.0,1224.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,19,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,The area in which families are living was heavily littered with garbage that washed up on the river. +317203,53333.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,44,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Uniforms while key to identify the girls as school children, were reportedly shunned in some areas for ordinary clothing, being preferred more when one is going to school for fear of reprisals especially from separatist fighters wanting to enforce the school ban" +236135,47122.0,2334.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,22,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,More awareness raising on prevention and response measures [about COVID 19] will need to be mainstreamed into protection activities. +286612,51586.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],en,92,"['Priority Interventions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_19_november_2020_final.pdf,"Additionally, frontline NGO workers have recently received new deliveries of PPE – including both surgical and N95 masks, face shields and shoe covers – from WHO. In total, since the start of the pandemic, almost 1.3 million PPE items have been delivered by humanitarian partners to both MoPH and frontline NGO workers in Afghanistan. With a second wave of the gathering pace globally, there is an urgent need to ensure a rapid distribution of medical and protective equipment to all corners of the country." +267911,49773.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,50,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_HSOS-NWS_-January-2021.pdf,"[January 2021, NWS] 90% of communities reported in-person education services when these were functioning and 22% online. 33% of communities where KIs reported that the lack of access to internet, electricity and/or equipment was a barrier to accessing online education services." +492307,67914.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,218,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_mvam_bulletin_58_august_2021.pdf,"[August 2021, Overall Syria] COVID-19 has added further strain on Syria���s already overburdened health system. During the reporting period, one out of five interviewed households in Syria (20 percent) indicated facing challenges in accessing medical care services, an increase of five percentage points from the level of August 2020, with a higher proportion recorded in Deir-ez-Zor (30 percent) and Quneitra (29 percent). In Dar’a governorate, 25 percent of surveyed households reported difficulties in accessing healthcare facilities, marking the highest level recorded since August 2020. At the national level, this trend was more pronounced among returnees (24 percent) and IDPs (23 percent) compared to residents (17 percent). Additionally, 41 percent of interviewed households in Syria reported not being able to purchase the necessary medicines in August 2021, mainly due to a lack of financial resources (74 percent) and a shortage of medicines in pharmacies (22 percent). Furthermore, as the COVID-19 vaccinations are underway, around 70 percent of surveyed households countrywide reported their intent to have all household members vaccinated were the COVID-19 vaccine made available to them free of charge." +149753,37702.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,119,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"The UN RC/HC and WHO Country Representative continue to engage senior officials on the COVID-19 response, including with the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister and Deputy Ministers of Health, the Ministers of MoSAL, MoLAE and Ministry of Education, as well as ICRC and SARC. In the reporting period, the CCC continued to follow up on recommendations made following a WHO-led technical mission from EMRO in early July, including increasing and strengthening surveillance, testing, isolation and contact tracing in order to suppress the transmission of COVID-19; and enhancing Risk Communication and Community Engagement efforts by making information and advice available to communities in “real time”" +145999,35870.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,30,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"To support the MoH’s plans to establish quarantine and isolation for treatment centres in all governorates, WHO completed inter-sectoral mapping in coordination with departments of health." +163100,37820.0,2098.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,82,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/iom_rohingya_crisis_response_-_external_sitrep_-_july_2020.pdf,"Responding to the reports of new COVID-19 cases in Camps 24 and 25, SM and Wash units have increased the capacity of the sanitation teams in the affected blocks. Not all the families identified as potential contacts agreed to go to the Quarantine Facilities, so Site Management teams have mobilized contact races to monitor and ensure families received the required supplies to ensure their health and social distance Community health Workers (CHE) will be visiting them regularly" +16345,6355.0,322.0,[],[],[],en,43,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/181002%20YEMEN%20HODEIDAH%20CHOLERA%20CASES%20SURGE.pdf,"As of 24 September this year, more than 78,400 households have been displaced from their homes in Hodeidah since June. With an average household size of seven individuals, that’s a total of 548,800 people displaced since June." +321148,54677.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,95,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_n68_mve_nord_kivu_16_avril_20211.pdf,"[SitRep MVE - Ministère de la Santé - 15/04/2021 ] Aucun nouveau cas [MVE] confirmé ; 45ème jour sans nouveau cas confirmé et 18 jours restants avant la déclaration éventuelle de la fin de l’épidémie. Depuis le début de l'epidemie, 11 cas confirmés et 1 cas probable ; Taux de guérison de 50% (6/12) ; Létalité globale de 50 % (6/12) ; 2 personnels de santé ont été infectés par la MVE, soit 16,6 % de l’ensemble des cas." +271058,47809.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,126,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_7.pdf,"El 56,9 % (2 790) de los casos de dengue se reportó en 28 municipios, con mayor frecuencia en: Cali, con 19,7 % (968); Cartagena, con el 7,9 % (388); Barranquilla, con 5,0 % (244); Orito, con el 2,2 % (106); Santa Marta, con el 1,9 % (93); Villavicencio, con el 1,4 % (67); Neiva y Cúcuta, con el 1,3 % (65); Ibagué, con el 1,2 % (58); Yumbo (51), Montería (50) y Medellín (49), con el 1,0 % cada uno." +408814,61216.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,19,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/humanitarian-situation-overview-syria-hsos-northeast-syria-june-2021,"[June 2021, NES] Estimated median monthly rent price for a two bedroom apartment: 30,000 SYP" +401787,62956.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,81,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[29th July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Both Host and Refugees: 28% of refugee respondents share that they feel unsafe due to emergency situation. • Person with disabilities have higher rate of feeling unsafe in the camps as compared to persons without disabilities. 56 (35 with disabilities and 21 people without disabilities) Rohingya respondents and 4 host respondents without disabilities were reported to feel unsafe in the camp or within their community." +19781,7911.0,730.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,38,[],['Context'],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://www.hrw.org/news/2019/01/17/yemen-civilians-bombed-shelled-starved,"(Beirut) – TheSaudi-led coalition and the Houthi armed group engaged in a conflict inYemenwhich have turned the country's humanitarian crisis into a full-blown catastrophe, Human Rights Watch said today in itsWorld Report 2019." +325418,51474.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,30,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,The Mission (unmiss) also conducted peace campaigns between 16 and 18 December that engaged youth and local leaders in order to encourage non-violent approaches to resolving communal conflict +197381,43093.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Deaths'],es,34,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.las2orillas.co/maduro-habla-770-muertes-covid-en-colombia-son-casi-7000-los-fallecidos-venezolanos/,"Hasta el 30 de agosto de este año, después de seis meses de pandemia, habrían fallecido en Colombia 6.915 inmigrantes venezolanos, según el informe de la ONG Progresar Wilfredo Cañizales." +304039,51174.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,14,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.afro.who.int/sites/default/files/2021-02/South%20Sudan%20IDSR%20Bulletin%20Week%201%2C%20%20%204-%2010%20January%202021%20.pdf,Implement other critical activities to prevent the risk of cholera importation into South Sudan +209701,45080.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,64,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%209%20Dec%202020.pdf,"[9thDec2020 ,BAY states] The BAY states, like the rest of the country, recorded lower numbers of new COVID-19 cases. Experts, including the Nigeria Center for Disease Control are warning these lower infection rates are most probably due to reduced testing across the country. Humanitarian partners have however sustained response and risk mitigation activities throughout September." +194659,43820.0,2311.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Environment'],es,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/guur-115.1_fsa_19112020_v3.pdf,"El servicio se presenta con normalidad en la mayoría del área del casco urbano, aunque en muchas comunidades es muy deficiente llegando a ser nulo." +48541,12622.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,53,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LIBRO%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20las%20necesidades%20insatisfechas%20SSR%20y%20Migrantes%20Venezolanos%20-%20Digital.pdf,"En Riohacha, la Secretaría de Salud Distrital se preparó destinando puntos focales dedicados al VIH, desarrollando materiales de IEC y recolectando datos de indicadores de VIH. La clínica de Profamilia de Riohacha se preparó desarrollando materiales IEC a nivel comunitario y en lugares con alta concentración de migrantes venezolanos." +304281,51467.0,2335.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"COVID-19, sub-national violence, and flooding continue to strain access to the very limited basic services. More than 56 per cent of health facilities are non-functional." +142054,35870.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"While the UN is not in a position to verify this information; it is of note that official cases confirmed by the MoH have increased more than 100 per cent in July, and the source of 277 cases to date remains unknown, potentially indicating that community transmission is now widespread." +238147,47086.0,2170.0,"['Cross', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_31_dec_2020_report.pdf,"[16th-31st Dec 2020, Borno and Adamawa states]30% of the camps in the displaced LGAs currently have access to vocational trainings. 70% do not have access to any form of vocational training within the site or nearby. IDPs in all the camps have access to market on site or nearby." +413250,63655.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Vaccination', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,110,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://zoom-eco.net/a-la-une/rdc-covid-19-le-vaccin-astrazeneca-en-rupture-de-stock/,"Le vaccin AstraZeneca est en rupture de stock en République Démocratique du Congo. C’est ce qu’annoncent les autorités congolaises le mercredi 14 juillet 2021. Les autorités sanitaires du pays ont également indiqué que les cas de contaminations et la mortalité liés au Covid-19 ont commencé à baisser. « Actuellement, il n’y a plus de doses d’AstraZeneca » en RDC où les trois différents lots reçus le 2 mars ont périmé successivement les 24 et 27 juin ainsi que le 11 juillet, a déclaré à l’AFP le Dr Jean-Jacques Mbungani, ministre de la Santé." +5047,618.0,322.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,35,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,http://gulfnews.com/news/gulf/yemen/100-al-houthis-killed-in-hodeida-air-strike-1.2184537,Massive air support and military logistics on the ground from the Saudi-led coalition have played a pivotal role in helping government forces to push back Al Houthis and take the offensive on the battlefield. +10176,3789.0,321.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,121,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_jmmi_may2018.pdf,"• In May 2018, an updated Minimum Expenditure Basket (MEB), endorsed by the CMWG and the Inter-Sector Coordination Group (ISCG), was incorporated into the JMMI. Across all assessed locations, the median cost of the MEB in May 2018 was 616.34 LYD, with costs slightly lower in the west and significantly higher in the south. • Across Libya, the value of REACH's price indices increased only slightly between April and May. The median Food Price Index rose by 1.7%, and the median NFI Price Index rose by 4.6%. Food items accounted for 85% of the cost of the MEB's key elements." +485131,65398.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,84,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Esta información sobre casos de estafa fue confirmada por la OIM (2018) tras la realización del estudio ya mencionado, cuyos resultados arrojan que el 20 % de las personas encuestadas que trabajaban afirmaron no haber recibido el pago que habían acordado con su empleador, y el 8,5 % no recibió ningún pago por el 36 trabajo realizado. Por lo tanto, casi tres de cada diez personas venezolanas que han trabajado han sufrido alguna estafa de este tipo." +317055,54280.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,43,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.burkina24.com/2021/03/29/commerce-et-industrie-au-burkina-faso-les-acteurs-dressent-le-bilan-des-activites-realisees-en-2020/,Il y a aussi le lancement officiel du projet d’appui à la mise en place du centre national d’appui à la transformation artisanale et celui du programme régional de facilitation des échanges en Afrique de l’Ouest. +188895,43387.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,65,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20DE%20PROTECTION_SEPTEMBRE2020-SAHEL.pdf,La Région du Sahel au regard des incidents collectés au cours de ce mois de septembre reste toujours une grande zone d’insécurité du fait de l’activisme accru des GANI surtout dans la province du Soum où les violations du droit à la liberté et de la sécurité sont récurrentes avec des attaques dans les localités et sur les axes routiers. +59551,17198.0,1224.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],['Humanitarian Access->Population To Relief'],en,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Humanitarian Access'],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"Nonetheless, nearly all adults (84.49% or 523 persons) are unemployed or do not have consistent access to income- generating activities. The afore-mentioned unemployment rate is negatively affecting the Venezuelan migrants being able to afford sufficient food on a regular basis." +239650,47230.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,31,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,El 67% de los hogares encabezados por mujeres consumen dos o menos comidas al día mientras que este porcentaje es del 59% para los hogares encabezados por hombres. +415998,63153.0,2225.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,88,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ETT-ITURI_Gina_Djugu_Rapport%20067.pdf,"La capacité d’hébergement est sous pression en raison de la présence des populations nouvellement déplacées. Ces familles vivant dans le groupement de Gina en territoire de Djugu ayant perdu leurs biens essentiels à cause du déplacement soudain, ont trouvé refuge dans des communautés d’accueil avec peu de capacité de réception. La majorité des ménages dorment à la belle étoile tandis que les plus vulnérables vivent dans des abris de fortunes, dans les centres collectifs et sous des tentes improvisées." +397564,61842.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.eldesconcierto.cl/opinion/2021/02/17/migracion-venezolana-ni-aumento-de-delincuencia-ni-aumento-del-desempleo-ni-baja-de-salarios.html,"Como reto para este país, sí ocurre que uno de cada cinco trabajadores extranjeros están sobrecalificados para sus trabajos por falta de redes de contactos, por la invalidez de los títulos y por el idioma." +236128,47122.0,2334.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,24,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"During the reporting period, protection actors recorded and documented 1,307 individual protection incidents which reflects increased access allowing field monitors to work." +62920,18642.0,1386.0,"['Cross', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Environment'],es,134,['Impact'],['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://transparencia.org.ve/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/EPE-II-Sector-Agua.pdf,"2.1 Producción (embalses, pozos, plantas desalinizadoras) Venezuela, como país enclavado en el trópico, está sometida a los pe- ríodos de sequía y lluvia que obligan a generar grandes reservas de agua necesarias para cubrir los períodos de verano, por lo que nues- tro país tiene 81 grandes embalses, sin incluir los diseñados para ge- neración eléctrica. La mayoría tienen usos múltiples (abastecimiento, control de inundaciones, riego o recreación), construidos bajo planes de desarrollo sostenible lamentablemente abandonados. Sólo dos em- balses se han construido en los últimos veinte años; la ampliación de El Diluvio en Perijá y la reparación del Guapo, en Miranda. Estas grandes obras son maravillas de la ingeniería y vitales para el desarrollo." +172546,40367.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,68,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"During this round 2, about 98 percent of parents received key information and messages on polio and the campaign. The proportion of missed children was less than 5 percent (the norm). The absence of children due to the fact that parents went to harvest or travelled with them is the main reason for non-vaccination. There were no reported cases of refusal." +327910,55046.0,2225.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,62,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_04_27%20USG%20Democratic%20Republic%20of%20the%20Congo%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%233.pdf,"Armed clashes between the Armed Forces of the DRC and OAGs displaced approximately 63,000 civilians formerly residing in North Kivu’s Masisi Territory from March 9 to 15; many of these internally displaced persons (IDPs) lack access to food, shelter, and other basic commodities, according to the International Organization for Migration (IOM)." +235021,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,29,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Women and children continue to bear the brunt of the conflict and accounted for 44 per cent of all civilian casualties in the first three quarters of 2020. +325110,54815.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,17,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Notably, neither functioning nor planned CSPSs are available in large areas of the Sahel region." +170799,40367.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,25,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"From 27 July to 2 August, UNICEF supported catch-up immunization activities covering all antigens for internally displaced children who missed out routine immunization." +241407,47421.0,2170.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,87,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SHL_report_pushed-to-the-brink_January-2021-1.pdf,"[1st Jan 2021, Nigeria]Among Nigerian respondents who migrated cross-border to Maradi, small jobs and manual labour were the most commonly reported livelihood sources thought to be impacted (mentioned by all Nigerian respondents), mirroring their primary activity in the area of destination. For Burkinabé respondents, impacts were particularly felt in relation to their agricultural activities in Côte d’Ivoire (reported by 34 out of 65) or manual labour (12 out of 65)." +176082,40999.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,93,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Information And Communication']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_levaluation_rapide_sur_les_vbg_et_covid-19_dans_la_region_de_lest.pdf,"Le tribunal de grande instance de fada a été la seule structure d’assistance judiciaire ayant pris part à l’évaluation. De l’entretien on retient que depuis la crise, les justiciables saisissent moins le tribunal car Fada est difficile d'accès à cause de l'insécurité. En outre, il ressort que ce sont les justiciables des localités environnantes qui saisissaient plus la cour mais à cause de l'insécurité sur les voies il leur est difficile d'avoir accès à la ville de Fada encore moins au tribunal." +188904,43387.0,2099.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,51,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20DE%20PROTECTION_SEPTEMBRE2020-SAHEL.pdf,"Au cours des activités de monitoring dans les différentes provinces de la Région du Sahel des Personnes à Besoins Spécifiques (PBS) ont été identifiées et enregistrées par les moniteurs. Les problèmes majeurs de ces personnes sont généralement d’ordre alimentaire, sanitaire et d’abris." +56052,17111.0,1187.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,56,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Entre 2009 y 2018 se radicaron en Argentina 130.820 venezolanos. Pero de ese total, el 53,91% llegó en 2018. Así, 70.531 venezolanos se radicaron en Argentina en 2018 frente a 47.391 provenientes de Paraguay, y 37.203 originarios de Bolivia, según datos de la Dirección Nacional de Migraciones argentina." +486204,67505.0,2098.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,77,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Myanmar%20Emergency%20Update%20-%2001%20Sep_0.pdf,"[June - July 2021, Cox's Bazar] WASH infrastructure was significantly damaged as a result of monsoon rains in end-July. In the camps and in the host communities, partners repaired 60% of the damaged latrines and bathing cubicles, 72% of the damaged tube wells, and nearly 50% of the damaged tap stands. COVID-19 restrictions contributed to delays in the response by limiting access for technicians." +24809,9461.0,730.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,127,[],['Context'],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/02.26.19-%20USG%20Yemen%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet.pdf,"A mortar shell struck a market in Al Hudaydah Governorate’s At Tuhayat District on February 19, killing eight civilians and injuring 10 others, according to the UN. Despite ongoing UN-led negotiations between parties to the conflict, fighting in Al Hudaydah’s Ad Durayhimi, At Tuhayat, and Bayt Al Faqiah districts has continued in recent months, with hostilities impeding humanitarian access to vulnerable populations in the districts. Countrywide, hostilities resulted in at least 271 civilian casualties, including 96 fatalities, between January 1 and February 14. In a February 22 statement, UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Yemen Lise Grande called on all parties to Yemen’s conflict to protect civilians." +315567,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"As such, displaced households are more vulnerable and less resilient to the impact of shocks and tend to resort faster to negative coping strategies, which contributes significantly to their high severity of humanitarian need." +178310,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],['Displacement->Local Integration'],fr,55,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Par ailleurs, à mesure que le déplacement se prolonge, les tensions avec les communautés d’accueil sont exacerbées par la pression accrue sur des ressources déjà limitées et des services existants souvent faibles. Ces tensions ont pour conséquence un possible accroissement de l’insécurité et de potentiels nouveaux déplacements." +343830,56757.0,2311.0,['Cross'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,33,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Factsheet%20sobre%20diagn%C3%B3sticos%20participativos%20con%20pueblos%20ind%C3%ADgenas%20y%20afrocolombianos%20en%20Colombia.pdf,RIESGOS Y/O NECESIDADES IDENTIFICADOS Los pueblos indígenas y las comunidades afrocolombianas identificaron una serie de riesgos y/o necesidades prioritarias a partir de las cuales establecieron las acciones de respuesta para su mitigación. +292277,52058.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Pull Factors']",fr,92,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/16-03-21_ni_nord_kivu.pdf,"[terr Beni] D’un autre côté, à la faveur d’une accalmie, environ 14 000 ménages sont retournés dans leurs villages respectifs de la zone de santé de Kamango entre décembre 2020 et février 2021, selon les autorités administratives locales. Ces familles retournées avaient fui les attaques d’hommes armés à Kamango en décembre 2019, et s’étaient réfugiées vers Nobili et Ndjapanda, à l’est du territoire de Beni, à la limite avec la frontière ougandaise." +149683,37702.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,43,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"It was further reported that humanitarian personnel with a quarantine certificate issued in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI) do not have to undergo quarantine upon entering NES, if entry is within 48 hours of leaving quarantine in KRI." +265110,49772.0,2028.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],en,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/17_feb_2021_fas_meeting_minutes.pdf,"[17th Feb 2021, Overall Syria] There are 14.2 million people in need (PiN) of some form of food and agriculture assistance, compared to 9.8 million in the previous year i.e. a 45% increase in the sector PiN." +80487,22034.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'Education']",[],[],es,53,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/cuatro-reflexiones-del-primer-mes-del-campamento-humanitario-para-venezolanos-en-bogota/780,"El aumento de migrantes en la ciudad también ha incrementado la demanda por el acceso a servicios básicos, pero cada vez es más difícil garantizar salud, educación, vivienda y empleo para los venezolanos sin dejar de atender a los bogotanos, que también tienen sus propias demandas para la administración" +217459,45653.0,2333.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,112,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://docs.wfp.org/api/documents/WFP-0000114546/download/?_ga=2.153594736.918642439.1605111758-1773529422.1605111758,"The high prevalence of malaria, diarrhoea and respiratory infections were also some of the major contributors to malnutrition in at least 18 out of the 34 departments analysed (IPC AMN 2019). In 2019, a total of 10 727 suspected cases of measles with 55 confirmed cases were reported in eight regions of the country, but the case incidence gradually decreased following the vaccination campaign in September (WHO, December 2019). At 45.7 percent, stunting levels were ‘very high’ in children aged 6–59 months, reaching 55.4 percent in Maradi and 52.9 percent in Zinder (SMART, 2019)." +183351,42586.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,72,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-bangladesh-sees-1586-new-cases-14-deaths/59384,"[23rd Oct 2020, Bangladesh]Bangladesh recorded 1,586 new coronavirus cases in the last 24 hours, pushing the total caseload to 396,413, the health authorities said Friday. Fourteen more deaths from Covid-19 during this time took the fatalities to 5,761.Meanwhile, 1,533 patients have recovered, taking the total recoveries to 312,065. The recovery rate has climbed to 78.72 percent, the health authorities said." +316677,52949.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Despite the lower relative predicted increase, there is still a possibility of surges in the number of severe cases as seen in the first quarter of 2021." +493412,68136.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,51,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/borno_state_cholera_outbreak_response_sitrep_no_5_27_09_21_0.pdf,"[26th Sept 2021, Borno State] Kaga: (AAH, CRS, Caritas, and IOM): 12,526 people were reached with house to house messaging on cholera prevention in Kaga LGA. AAH distributed 6 cholera kits to households of the affected communities in Ngamdu." +473247,67203.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,54,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2020/04/09/devastador-impacto-del-covid-19-para-ninos-y-ninas,"Es menos probable que se detecten casos de abuso infantil durante la crisis del COVID-19, dado que los organismos de protección infantil han limitado sus acciones de seguimiento para evitar propagar el virus y, con el cierre de las escuelas, los docentes tienen menos posibilidades de identificar signos de maltrato." +452362,64945.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,24,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MONITORING%20PROTECTION%20DE%20JULLET%202021%20EST.pdf,"Les catégories de personnes telles que les enfants, les femmes enceintes et les personnes âgées ont besoins d’une attention particulière." +313626,53333.0,2334.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Adolescent girls, including those who are pregnant/married/young caregivers, have limited access to menstrual hygiene products, which is key for them if they are to continue with school." +178317,41756.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Cross', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,112,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"L’ensemble de 15,6 millions de personnes en situation d’insécurité alimentaire aigüe présente des besoins liés à la dégradation de leurs conditions de vie. En effet, l’effondrement des structures socio- économiques suite au conflit ou à des catastrophes naturelles limite les activités agricoles, entraînant un épuisement des stocks alimentaires ainsi qu’une variation des prix des denrées essentielles de base, et contribue dès lors fortement à la réduction des opportunités de revenus et à la détérioration des moyens de subsistance des ménages, dont l’agriculture. Ces derniers sont alors contraints d’adopter des stratégies de survie irréversibles." +69892,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],[],en,73,[],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"According to the UN’s Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women, persisting gender stereotypes, patriarchy and sex-based discrimination exist to a worrying extent in The Bahamas. This lies at the root of violence against women, an effect of power dynamics and discrimination leading to a situation in which, “violence against women is hidden, denied and, even more worryingly, accepted as normal.”" +472945,63777.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Les problèmes soulignés à travers les différents entretiens et enquêtes sont le manque de moyens financiers et la non-effectivité de la gratuité des soins se caractérisant par la rupture des produits pharmaceutiques. +337228,55827.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,83,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/bogota/mendicidad-en-bogota-el-incremento-del-fenomeno-en-la-ciudad-585210,"Según elInstituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar (ICBF), entre enero y marzo de 2021, la Regional Bogotá abrió procesos administrativos de restablecimiento de derechos para 211 niños, niñas y adolescentes en estas situaciones: 84 en situación de trabajo infantil, 116 en situación de alta permanencia en calle y 11 más en situación de vida en calle. De los 211, 89 tienen entre 6 y 12 años, siendo este el grupo etario más afectado." +132534,35164.0,1188.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"Se identifica una flexibilización en el proceso de convalidación a través del otorgamiento de convalidaciones provisionales por parte del Ministerio de Educación (MEDUCA). No obstante, esta convalidación debe realizarse, hasta en seis meses, como permanente con la entrega total de la documentación requerida" +386450,60395.0,1186.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,101,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"En promedio, los migrantes tienen más años de escolaridad que los nacionales (11.6 y 9.9 respectivamente), especialmente los migrantes venezolanos que tienen 14,19 años de educación en promedio (Mundaca Ovalle et al., 2018). El 65.3% de los inmigrantes viven en la Región Metropolitana de Santiago y son mayoritariamente jóvenes (media de 33 años) y en edad laboral (20- 45 años). Se desempeñan principalmente en el sector terciario (87.8%), con una tasa de actividad mayor que los nacionales (INE, 2018a)." +188238,40860.0,1899.0,['Education'],[],[],es,187,[],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200922_OCHA_GUATEMALA%20HRP%20COVID-19%20ESPAN%CC%83OL.pdf,"Educación Como consecuencia del COVID-19, se prevé un período más prolongado de la suspensión de clases presenciales y ante ello, se requiere continuar con las estrategias de aprendizaje remoto, tanto impreso como digital y audiovisual. Esto se traduce en un incremento de estudiantes (4,034,909) y familias de todos los niveles que necesitarán materiales educativos. Esto implica el diseño, desarrollo, impresión y distribución de material educativo, considerando además que deberá dotarse de material específico para niñez y adolescencia indígena y estudiantes con discapacidad. Habrá que producir más material audiovisual para continuar con las estrategias de televisión y radio y actualizar el material en las soluciones digitales que ofrece el Ministerio de Educación en el sitio Aprendo en Casa. Será indispensable realizar un diagnóstico de los aprendizajes alcanzados para poder determinar el tipo y estrategia pedagógica para recuperarlos y nivelar a los estudiantes al grado que cursen en el año 2021. También es fundamental considerar la impresión y distribución de material para salud mental y apoyo psicosocial para los diferentes actores de la comunidad educativa." +190137,43304.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,30,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Ces secteurs [ transports aériens et terrestre, hôtellerie et restauration, commerce et éducation] dont leurs contributions au PIB sont importantes doivent être accompagnés pour se rehausser." +11364,2953.0,322.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'Food Security', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20feb%202018.pdf,"Migrants and refugees are in need of life-saving, multi-sectoral assistance such as food, WASH, health, temporary shelter and direct protection. From January to February 2018, 11,267 migrants and refugees are estimated to have arrived in Yemen, crossing the Red and Arabian Seas." +473038,63732.0,2099.0,"['Shelter', 'Education', 'Health', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2f4004e6/REACH_BFA_Factsheet_Abri-AME-et-LTB_Pouytenga_juillet-2021.pdf,"12/30 des IC ont rapporté que les logements et l'environnement étaient insalubres, dont 4 IC du secteur 3 au sud de l'axe d'Andemtenga. Enfin, 5 IC, dont trois à Yargo, ont indiqué un manque d'accès aux services sociocommunautaires de base (marchés, écoles, centres de santé)." +458175,64540.0,1185.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,204,[],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Derechos y beneficios sociales para trabajadores extranjeros. La legislación laboral peruana establece que las remuneraciones, derechos y beneficios del personal extranjero no pueden ser menores a los reconocidos a los trabajadores del régimen laboral de la actividad privada (D. Leg. N° 728, Ley de Fomento al Empleo). Asimismo, el Reglamento de la Ley para la Contratación de Trabajadores Extranjeros, aprobado inicialmente con Decreto Supremo Nº 014–92–TR y luego por Decreto Supremo Nº 023– 2001–TR, ha sido modificado en varios aspectos, en la línea de simplificar mecanismos y procedimientos para la contratación laboral formal. Con las últimas modificaciones aprobadas (RM Nº 107–2019–TR), ya no serán necesarios algunos procedimientos que podían resultar engorrosos tanto para el empleador como el trabajador: presentar una Declaración jurada relacionada con el cumplimiento o exoneración de porcentajes limitativos según corresponda, o la entrega de una fotocopia legalizada por notario y visada por el servicio consular y el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores del Perú, del título profesional o técnico o certificados de experiencia laboral expedidos en el exterior, vinculados con el objeto del servicio (ver cuadro de la parte inferior)." +194590,43822.0,2311.0,"['Logistics', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,33,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19112020_flash_update_no.3_emergencias_por_ola_invernal_-_colombia_vf.pdf,"por el estado de las vías y caminos se hace sumamente difícil el tránsito de vehículos, lo que ha conllevado que a un desabastecimiento de alimentos y combustibles y actualmente incomunicadas," +287147,51749.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[district sanitaire de Pouytenga] [Centre médical avec antenne chirurgicale du district sanitaire de Pouytenga] Pour les 3 derniers mois de l’année, la moyenne mensuelle des interventions chirurgicale programmées était de 7 et celle de la chirurgie d’urgence était de 9." +2569,517.0,321.0,"['Nutrition', 'Protection', 'Education', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,111,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Libya%20Situation%20Report%20-%20End%20of%20Year%202017.pdf,"UNICEF LCO works in coordination with the Libyan Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) leading WASH and Education sectors and the Child Protection sub-sector under protection. In December 2017, UNICEF LCO established an Interagency Nutrition Working Group in Libya within the health sector coordination group led by WHO. The nutrition working group leads the coordination between the different actors and provides nutrition support. With the assistance of UNICEF LCO, the annual workplans and Terms of Reference (ToR) of both WASH and education sectors were finalized and agreed with national counterparts, which reflect jointly agreed areas and activities to be implemented in 2018." +12744,5579.0,322.0,"['Shelter', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,85,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20Jun%202018.pdf,"Disruption to the payments of salaries to teachers in 13 governorates has greatly hindered the commencement of the school year in these governorates and continues to jeopardise the provision of education. Displacement is also affecting education systems as teachers and students are displaced and schools are often used by IDPs as shelter. There is an urgent need to support schools in districts with high severity of need, through provision of desks and essential learning supplies and teacher training on psychosocial support." +304399,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,56,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"A total of 20 looting incidents were recorded in the second quarter of 2020, compared to three over the same period in 2019. A total of 635 metric tons (MT) of WFP food and nutrition items were looted in Gumuruk, Verteth, Pieri and Nyadin, Jonglei State and Greater Pibor.48" +386133,60459.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"Dans les régions du Sahel et du Centre-Nord en particulier, les admissions d’enfants malnutris ont augmenté au premier trimestre 2021 comparativement à la même période de l’année passée : 26 pour cent pour les MAS et 36 pour cent pour les MAM dans le Centre-Nord; 77 pour cent pour les MAS et 83 pour cent pour les MAM dans le Sahel" +293809,52074.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,78,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,"Partners supported 15 persons (seven women) to re-establish civil status documents of which 10 were in the NW. Partners also gave legal support to 41 people, with 27 in the NW (21 women). Partners provided various assistance to 317 persons with disability or special needs (252 women). Partners reached 8,500 people (5,600 women) with protection awareness/sensitisation sessions in the Mezam, Bui and Fako divisions." +342027,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,131,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[De juillet à début septembre 2020, les enquêteurs ont administré le sondage auprès de 2396 Burkinabè dans les régions du Centre Nord, Nord, Sahel, Est, Boucle du Mouhoun et Hauts-Bassins] Les religieux et les coutumiers constituent des per- sonnes ressources qui jouent un rôle important dans la prévention et la gestion des conflits. Ils sont considérés comme des sages et lorsqu’ils sont sollicités pour régler un problème par la voie du dialogue, ils sont écoutés au regard de l’autorité morale qu’ils incarnent. Il en est de même chez certaines ethnies où des communicateurs traditionnels comme les forgerons, les griots et autres castes ont un rôle de médiation et de régulation dans la société." +219301,45655.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,46,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"[9th Dec, Northeast Syria]Public transportation is allowed to enter/exit NES. Across all areas of NES, schools, universities and kindergartens were closed between 26 November and 5 December. It is understood that education facilities reopened on 6 December." +338399,55951.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,66,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://preventepidemics.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/PERC-Finding-the-Balance-Part-III-12-May-2021.pdf,"[Survey conducted by phone with approximately 24,000 people across 19 Member States in five geographical regions in Africa, including DRC] Income loss was a primary barrier to food access and a primary driver of decisions to skip or delay essential health services. Our findings support other reports in identifying considerable economic and food security challenges during the course of the pandemic." +215157,44840.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,69,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,"Access challenges have always limited participation in coordination structures in Somalia, especially for FMS. This crisis and associated restrictions on movement and gatherings, is now forcing a reliance on digital platforms for communication and coordination. This is an opportunity to enhance the digital infrastructure of the FGS and FMS to enable remote work at scale by fast-tracking procurement of connectivity equipment and providing training." +162704,33948.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,54,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"1.212 personas entre niños, niñas, adolescentes, jóvenes y familias han sido atendidas por primera vez y de manera presencial en servicios de talleres para NNA, talleres para mujeres gestantes y lactantes, escuelas de padres, atención psicosocial, conectividad, zona de hidratación y espacio amigable para NNA." +190183,43304.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,35,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Les finances publiques sont également affectées par la COVID-19. Ainsi, Le déficit budgétaire en 2020 et 2021 se creusera en raison de la baisse des recettes pétrolières et de l'augmentation des dépenses." +327056,55027.0,2028.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Population To Relief'],en,55,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Under-Secretary-General%20for%20Humanitarian%20Affairs%20and%20Emergency%20Relief%20Coordinator%2C%20Mark%20Lowcock%20-%20Briefing%20to%20the%20Security%20Council%20on%20the%20humanitarian%20situation%20in%20Syria%2C%2028%20April%202021.pdf,"[28 April 2021, NWS] The vaccine doses that reached north-west Syria were delivered, like all UN humanitarian assistance there, through the Bab al-Hawa border crossing. It is really not clear how future such deliveries could reach north-west Syria unless the re-authorization of UN cross-border access is confirmed. ." +173688,41024.0,1388.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rapid%20needs%20assessment%20-%20Impact%20of%20COVID-19%20on%20PoC%20from%20other%20nationalities%20-%20Costa%20Rica%2C%20August%202020.pdf,"42% of the households required medical services from the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic Of these, 46% experienced limitations in access, mainly due to lack of affiliation to the national health system" +132434,35164.0,1188.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,El DE No. 123 de 2019 publicado en GO el 26 de marzo de 2019 cumplirá los seis meses de vigencia este mes con lo cual no continuará la prórroga para utilizar los pasaportes con vigencia expirada hasta dos años. Se mantiene las dificultades de acceder a un Permiso de Trabajo a pesar de haber logrado un proceso de residencia por los costos del carné. +320220,53305.0,2335.0,"['Education', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Health', 'Shelter']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"People’s living conditions are also impacted by very limited government-led services and lack of access to basic public health, WASH, education and protection services, including SGBV and child protection" +22815,9097.0,788.0,"['Health', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Demography', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",en,182,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20NIGERIA%20December%202018%20sitrep.pdf,"Apart from the impact that hostilities have had on the local population, they have also significantly reduced humanitarian access and increased the number of people who are beyond the reach of humanitarian assistance (particularly in Kukawa LGA) which has become completely inaccessible to aid workers since December 2018. At least 253 humanitarian workers temporarily relocated from their duty stations in November-December due to ongoing hostilities, including 113 humanitarian workers who relocated from Monguno on 29 December. Among the specific incidents that impacted on UNICEF facilities during the reporting period are the 7 December attack on Rann (Kala Balge LGA, Borno state) where the UNICEF-supported clinic was burnt, and the 24 December attack in Kukareta (Damaturu LGA, Yobe state) where the maternity section of the Kukareta health facility was burnt and medicine looted. On 24 and 26 December NSAGs also burnt down three primary schools in Kukareta and Katarko towns where 1,389 children (721 girls and 668 boys), including internally displaced children, were schooling." +236121,47122.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,36,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"It is important to note that, the number of cholera cases in in the Tiko Health District increased from 34 on 7 March to 47 cases as at 31 March with 01 death registered." +156587,38698.0,2098.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,34,['Impact'],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flood_dashboard_monitoring_5_september_2020.pdf,"Due to COVID-19 pandemic the schools are closed, and distribution of materials is restricted in some places. So partners are facing challenges to provide Education Kits to the flood affected children." +329128,53878.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SOYDA%20Monthly%20Progressive%20Report-Feb%202021.pdf,"Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is an extreme form of discrimination against women, reflecting deep-rooted gender inequality. Evidence shows that COVID-19 is worsening existing gender and social inequalities." +242573,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Out of the 19 per cent of the households who reported that children are not living in the home, 65 per cent report that the child migrated out of the country to seek employment." +498732,60095.0,1187.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,88,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RMRP%202021%20Plan%20de%20respuesta%20regional%20para%20refugiados%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%2C%20enero%20-%20diciembre%202021.pdf,"INTEGRACIÓN | EDUCACIÓN El desempleo y la reducción de los medios de vida en trabajo por cuenta propia o en itinerarios de emprendimiento, así como el aumento de la prevalencia del trabajo informal en 2020, han contribuido significativamente a un mayor riesgo de explotación y abuso para las personas refugiadas y migrantes de Venezuela.399 En los sectores de Integración y Educación, existe una necesidad significativa de ampliar las intervenciones en 2021 para asistir a las personas refugiadas y migrantes de Venezuela con apoyo específico." +213211,44840.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,93,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,"The ninth National Development Plan (NDP9), which serves as Somalia’s national poverty reduction strategy and plan for achieving the Sustainable Developmetn Goals (SDGs) in 2030, maintains central relevance in this context. It identifies the key drivers of poverty and lays out the strategy for strengthening resilience, building on the Recovery and Resilience Framework (RRF). While sector-specific interventions will need to adapt to changing realities, the needs of the most vulnerable remain largely the same, albeit with increased urgency" +318905,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,68,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"A CCCM assessment in Dinsor, Bay region and a joint Humanitarian Gap Analysis (July 2020)169 in Middle Shabelle region (Balcad and Jowhar) of IDP camps, found that distant water points, markets, health facilities/schools, poor lighting, lack of doors on toilets and lack of disaggregation of sanitary facilities are some of major factors that increase GBV exposure." +244752,48003.0,2425.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)'],en,59,[],['Information And Communication'],Lebanon Situation Analysis,2021-01-25 12:39:46.093809+00,,"UNRWA indicated that there are some families whose members have died, refusing to admit that the death was caused by Covid-19 disease. The agency stressed that Covid-19 disease is not a shameful or flawed matter, and it is not permissible to conceal the injury for what is in the interest of the individual and society." +400314,62279.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,85,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"[10th November 2020, MONGUNO LGA, BORNO STATE]Morbidity and treatment: In terms of morbidity, almost one-quarter of the children i.e. 22.5% (18.6% - 27.0%) were suffered one or more illnesses in the past 14 days prior to data collection. Among all children who reported illness (90), 51.1% of children suffered fever, 36.7% had diarrhoea and 50.0% had a cough in the past two weeks." +306407,51572.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,64,"['Priority Needs', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Kitchen sets: IDPs in FGDs highlighted the most pressing needs for the affected population to support their current situation. Families also highlighted their inability to cook at the ideal time (a proper daily meal) due to access constraints and the inability to purchase cooking items. [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]" +309769,51467.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,24,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Planned mass vaccination campaigns were disrupted by the COVID-19 containment measures in place, which worsened the vaccination coverage and related health risks." +141418,35118.0,1187.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,se destaca que el 77% (315) de las per- sonas entrevistadas refierieron tanto para sí misma como para perso- nas allegadas haber estado en contacto con este tipo de situaciones (malestar emocional y estrés). +172351,40829.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,26,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_233_20200919.pdf,"Fort revigorant, 39 nouvelles guérisons ont été rapportées, ce qui porte à 9 930 le nombre de guéris de COVID-19 dans le pays." +79061,21860.0,729.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Context->Security & Stability', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",en,52,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/09.30.19%20-%20USAID-DCHA%20Libya%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%232.pdf,"Since April, the UN has reported nearly 50 attacks on health facilities and health workers that have killed at least 11 health care workers and adversely impacted operations at nearly 20 hospitals. Additionally, hostilities in Tripoli have impeded access to health care services for the district’s residents" +327295,54982.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/04/changes-in-eating-habits-ramadan-does-not-taste-the-same-in-syria/,"[17 APR, Overall Syria] Salaries in Syria range from 37 thousand SYP (8 USD-lowest average) to 663 thousand SYP (about 146 USD highest average). A person working in Syria, in both the private and public sectors, earns 149 thousand SYP (32 USD) per month, according to the Salary Explorer website." +48539,12622.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,79,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LIBRO%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20las%20necesidades%20insatisfechas%20SSR%20y%20Migrantes%20Venezolanos%20-%20Digital.pdf,"En Cúcuta, la organización Aids Healthcare Foundation se preparó para la emergencia a través de diferentes actividades como destinación de recursos financieros, identificación de puntos focales dedicados a la atención de personas con VIH, desarrollo de materiales de IEC, recolección de indicadores de VIH contemplados en el PIMS (adherencia, disponibilidad de condones gratis, acceso a tratamiento antirretroviral y prevención vertical madre-hijo), labores de incidencia y desarrollo de capacidad técnica." +91817,26015.0,1620.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,55,['Impact'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Situation-Overview_H2R_Oct-Dec_13.03.2020.pdf,"Meanwhile, an increase in shelters being partly destroyed or completely destroyed was reported in Gwoza from 3% in October to 58% in December. In Bama in October, a quarter (25%) of assessed settlements reported that shelters were being partly or completely destroyed due to the conflict." +390941,60780.0,1186.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,76,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Así, vemos que en población extranjera recluida podemos encontrar delitos asociados a condiciones de vulnerabilidad, tanto para quienes se encuentran “de paso”, como burreros; como para quienes 5.3% 4.9% 8.1% 2018 2019 2020 (hasta junio) 17 establecidos, han caído detenidos por causales de comercio ambulante, o en 2020 por infringir las reglas del estado de excepción en el marco de la crisis sanitaria" +329889,53694.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'Food Security']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,38,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/03042021_sitrep_s11_whe_oms_rdc.docx.pdf,"Le territoire de Nyunzu abrite environ 33 400 personnes retournées récentes qui n’ont pas encore bénéficié d’une assistance humanitaire. Ces personnes présentent des besoins en abris, vivres et soins de santé." +176287,41093.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],es,125,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Al comparar la participación laboral de las mujeres en Colombia frente al resto de los países que hacen parte de la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico (OCDE), Colombia sigue teniendo tasas de participación femenina menores a las de los hombres. En Colombia el 62% de las mujeres en edad de trabajar participan en el mercado laboral (alrededor de 8 pps por debajo del promedio OCDE, aunque 2 pps por encima del promedio de las 7 economías más grandes de la región), mientras que la participación de los hombres es de alrededor del 85%, similar a la de países desarrollados e incluso por encima del promedio OCDE (Gráfico 1)." +178428,41756.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"De plus, des personnes déplacées s’abritent dans un certain nombre d’instances dans les écoles, perturbant les programmes d’éducation. Dans la province du Kasaï, les conséquences de la crise de 2017 pèsent encore sur la population. Un grand nombre d’enfants reste déplacé et déscolarisé131 tandis que les infrastructures scolaires ont souffert de destruction et/ou pillage." +179236,41946.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://publications.unescwa.org/projects/saw/sdgs/pdf/en/Syria-at-War-8-years-on-Report-Final.pdf,"[Syria 2019, Health] Despite the de-escalation in several regions, attacks on health facilities were persistent in 2019. The number of people in need of care increased in 2019 to 13.2 million across the country compared with 11.3 million in 2018." +63173,18642.0,1386.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://transparencia.org.ve/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/EPE-II-Sector-Agua.pdf,"Con relación a los acueductos rurales, la situación es más dramáti- ca, pues solamente en seis estados, el porcentaje de cobertura por acueducto supera el 70%." +168506,40102.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,10,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://lefaso.net/spip.php?article99505,Les cas actifs ou cas sous traitement sont 621. +293843,52074.0,2334.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,57,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,"NRC has distributed more than 6,900 hybrid shelter and NFI kits in Fundong (NW), Jinikom (NW), Belo (NW) and Pow camp (SW). UNHCR and its partner Plan International distributed 330 shelter kits in Kosalla and 370 in Kake in the Meme division (SW)." +240426,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,55,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The September 2020 SFSA found that while nearly half of the households owned livestock, their herd size had significantly decreased, down by 14 per cent overall, 16 per cent for small ruminants (sheep and goats), 14 per cent for buffalos and 4 per cent for cattle and yak." +325239,54815.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"(Boucle du Mouhoun, Hauts-Bassins) Similarly, in the case of healthcare facilities, Boucle du Mouhoun and Haut-Bassins have a large number of villages with risk exposed facilities;" +271044,47809.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],es,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_7.pdf,"Para la semana epidemiológica 07 de 2021 se observó un aumento significativo en las muertes maternas tempranas comparado con el promedio histórico en las entidades territoriales de Bogotá, Guaviare, Huila, Meta, Putumayo, Valle del Cauca y Cali y disminución en la entidad territorial de Nariño" +58953,17671.0,1183.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Economy']",es,81,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.elnuevosiglo.com.co/articulos/08-2019-pib-se-beneficiaria-con-llegada-de-venezolanos,"La llegada de 1,4 millones de venezolanos al país, podría ser positivo para el Producto Interno Bruto (PIB) a mediano y largo plazo. Esta situación se debe a que muchos venezolanos que llegan a ingresar el mercado laboral colombiano, son jóvenes y otros están altamente formados para ejercer altos cargos en empresas. Pero también hay otros que por su capacidad de gestión, son empresarios y buscan un espacio en la actividad económica del paí" +299148,52086.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],en,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[25th March, 2021, Overall Syria] Sub-districts with highest number of HHs in need of food: % of HHs in need of food - Damascus Governorate, Damascus Sub-District: 86% - Idleb Governorate, Dana Sub-District: 95% - Hama Governorate, Hama Sub-District: 95%" +160707,38798.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,85,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/OCHA%20Syria_SitRep%20%232_Alouk%20Water%20Station_28Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"On 25 August, the Head of the Al-Hasakeh Directorate of Health announced that more than a thousand cases of diarrhea had been reported in health centers since the beginning of August due to water purchased by individuals in local markets that came from contaminated wells. Continual disruptions to the Alouk station are of additional concern given the rapid increase in COVID-19 cases across northeast Syria, for which communities require reliable access to safe water to prevent further spread of the pandemic." +315344,53333.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,30,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Nevertheless, the crisis also appears to load more household work in the girls as some boys were reported to have left to other regions without fighting for school." +413055,63958.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Environment'],en,81,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/colombia/natural-hazards-monitoring-23-august-2021,"Landslides occurred in 10 municipalities: La Calera, El Colegio, Guayabetal, La Palma, Caqueza, Medina, Beltrán, Sesquile, Fosca and Chipaque, floods occurred in Guayabetal, Junín, Chipaque, Ubala, Une, La Palma and Quetame, and river overflows occurred in the municipalities of Quebrada Perdices, Rio Caqueza, Quebrada La Honda, Quebrada Pimporro, Rio Negro, Rio Gasamumo, Quebrada Puente Guara and Quebrada Cucuate." +177378,41093.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,36,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"En el trimestre móvil mayo – julio, el déficit comercial fue de USD 609 millones FOB, lo que representó un incremento de USD 273 millones respecto al mismo trimestre móvil del año pasado." +266574,49773.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,32,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_HSOS-NWS_-January-2021.pdf,"[January 2021, NWS] KIs in 28% of communities where barriers to education access were reported, cited the high cost of a private tutor as a common challenge" +48100,13061.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,138,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.derechos.org.ve/web/wp-content/uploads/MigracionLigia.pdf,"En cuanto a la población Yukpa, para enero de 2019, unas 36 familias con un total de 84 personas habitaban en el barrio Nuevo Escobal de Cúcuta31. Por otra parte, un grupo más numeroso, estimado en más de 400 Yukpas, estuvo viviendo debajo del puente internacional Francisco de Paula Santander; en marzo de 2018 fueron desalojados y retornados a territorio venezolano por las autoridades colombianas. Sin embargo, un grupo permaneció en Colombia y otros han retornado, sin que se haya dado una respuesta integral y duradera a su situación. Hasta el presente, el Estado colombiano no los reconoce como pueblo indígena binacional, lo cual los coloca en una situación de precariedad, al no tener acceso a los derechos básicos que forzaron su migración." +198295,44277.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,51,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.cnews.fr/monde/2020-11-18/la-republique-democratique-du-congo-annonce-la-fin-de-lepidemie-ebola-1019280,"Les autorités avaient affirmé la fin de cette épidémie en mai, mais le virus avait cependant continué à se propager, un foyer s’étant déclaré dans la province de l’Équateur en juin, menant à la onzième épidémie du pays, aujourd’hui terminée." +325789,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,94,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Il existe plusieurs groupes locaux d’épargne et de prêt, dont les membres sont souvent des femmes (Posthumus et al., 2019). Il existe également un mécanisme de financement indirect actuellement utilisé par la société agro-industrielle Société burkinabé des fibres textiles (SOFITEX), qui collecte les prêts accordés aux organisations de producteurs de coton contre la livraison ultérieure des récoltes (FEWS NET, 2017). Le secteur céréalier bénéficie également d’un financement limité par le biais du mécanisme de financement du coton." +393633,62284.0,2170.0,[],[],['Displacement->Push Factors'],en,91,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"[7th Apr 2021, Borno State] Findings from FGD and KII reveals that the major reason of their flight was due to NSAG activities which have ravaged their communities. Some of the IDPs came on foot while others that could afford to pay for transportation travelled using public means. Respondents from FGD sessions and KII stated that family were separated during displacement fleeing NSAG attack. Women got separated from their husband and children while fleeing AOG attacks. Many of the elderly were left behind." +22534,9106.0,729.0,"['Cross', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,61,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"Wastewater treatment systems are not functioning properly compared with the pre-conflict situation due to poor maintenance. Furthermore, according to DTM Round 21, only 5 per cent of municipalities have regular access to waste water collection, and treatment and proper disposal. In 42 per cent of the municipalities garbage is not properly disposed of and collected." +486118,67506.0,2098.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,97,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/4-years-rohingya-refugee-influx-unfpa-remains-committed-supporting-women-and-girls,"[9 September 2021, Cox's Bazar] August 2021 marked four years since almost a million Rohingya people fled to Bangladesh from neighbouring Myanmar, settling in a broad network of refugee camps in the coastal city of Cox’s Bazar. Rendered stateless, the Rohingya were seeking dignity, rights and protection from persecution. The Government and people of Bangladesh were the first responders to the crisis and even after four challenging years, they continue to generously host more than 860,000 Rohingya refugees in Cox’s Bazar district." +290103,52074.0,2334.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,63,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,"In both regions, most teachers are now out of work. In the NW, only 1,774 (10%) out of 17,806 teachers are reporting to work. Teachers, who are still able to work, require training on crisis management, including providing psychosocial support to children, classroom management in crisis situations and crisis sensitive teaching." +62947,18642.0,1386.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,57,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://transparencia.org.ve/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/EPE-II-Sector-Agua.pdf,"Hoy en día, áreas fundamentales de los sistemas como las cuencas o las descargas finales a los cuerpos de agua, no tienen responsables asociados a la empresa que opera el acueducto. Esto tiene un impacto importantísimo en la calidad de las aguas, que afecta a la población y a los sistemas letalmente." +341756,56493.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"La seconde porte sur la capacité des autorités coutumières à légiférer en matière foncière. En effet, ces autorités sont contestées à cause de leur appartenance politique, perçue généralement comme un élément de partialité dans la prise de décision mais également par l’affaiblissement des cadres de trans- mission et d’expression de l’autorité que leur confère leur statut." +305714,51572.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,32,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Do not Borrow food, or rely on help from friends or relatives [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +164390,38902.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"2020 has also seen a notable increase of massacres 2 . The massacres were perpetrated in differing regional contexts, with alleged motives including armed groups exercising territorial control or control over the civilian population (" +191451,43304.0,2332.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"En plus de la faiblesse du système de santé, son organisation pose un problème. Une pandémie de cette ampleur exige un bon système décentralisé et fonctionnel de gouvernance particulièrement dans le secteur sanitaire." +303934,51174.0,2335.0,[],[],[],en,36,[],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.afro.who.int/sites/default/files/2021-02/South%20Sudan%20IDSR%20Bulletin%20Week%201%2C%20%20%204-%2010%20January%202021%20.pdf,"Air and river transport remain the only means to deliver humanitarian assistance to affected people. Parts of Nyirol, Fangak and Ayod continue to face access challenge because of the flooding and its aftermath." +214144,45203.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://fews.net/west-africa/cameroon/food-security-outlook/june-2020,"In May, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) recorded over 297,300 IDPs who had fled from Boko Haram attacks. There are also around 115,600 Nigerian refugees living at the Minawao camp and in host households in the Far North region." +228083,46579.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],es,77,"['Priority Interventions', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"La Personería municipal alertó sobre la existencia de casos confirmados de COVID-19, enfermedad diarreica aguda (EDA) e infección respiratoria aguda (IRA) en las comunidades desplazadas que se encuentran hacinadas en el albergue temporal. Se hace imperativo el ingreso de una brigada de salud interdisciplinaria que además de atender los casos de COVID-19, IRA y EDA, también brinde atención psicosocial a las familias afectadas por estos hechos de violencia." +150367,37702.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Logistics']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,57,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"To enhance diagnosis and prioritize increased testing capacity, WHO continues to support the CPHL in Damascus. Rehabilitation of the CPHL to establish a designated laboratory for COVID-19 was completed in June; in addition two airconditioners and two refrigerators were procured; two air-conditioners and four refrigerators were fixed; and the laboratory generator repaired" +317260,53333.0,2334.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,29,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,Consider multipurpose cash transfers to provide money to families in the interim as they look to pursue income earning opportunities which are currently limited due to the crisis. +333071,51259.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,22,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2020_access_annual_overview.pdf,"Incident Type: 46% violence against personnel, 37% violence against assets and facilities and 17% active hostilities." +173363,40446.0,2028.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,55,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syriahr.com/en/187036/,"[5th October 2020, Syria] The International Community should take three steps now: first, in order to be credible, the UN Secretary General should immediately implement recommendations in the Syria Board of Inquiry report, most critically the appointment of a Senior Advisor as was promised six months ago." +22355,9106.0,729.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,41,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"In return areas, thousands of people without adequate shelter are living in damaged and/or unfinished buildings and houses, or in collective centres. These living conditions make people more vulnerable and in need of an appropriate shelter support." +142050,35870.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Since the last update, humanitarian actors have also received unverified reports concerning additional possible cases, and information indicating that in some areas, existing healthcare facilities have been unable to absorb all suspected cases and/or healthcare facilities are suspending surgeries or adapting wards to accommodate increased numbers of COVID-19 patients" +493887,68073.0,2098.0,['Shelter'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,61,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/shelter_standard_assessment_final.pdf,"[January - March 2021, Cox's Bazar] 96% of households that paid cash as rent reported not facing any threat of eviction and 3% reported facing threat because they could not pay rent, followed by 1% that reported eviction threat because host community needed their land back for their own plans and purpose." +320274,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,92,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The continued lack of a strong legal framework for the protection of women and girls in the Federal Member States of Somalia – Galmudug, Hirshabelle, South West State and Jubaland – and the lack of political will to implement the approved legislation in the Federal Member State of Puntland, has weakened the ability of Government to ensure protection of women and girls.It has also depleted the capacity of women and girls’ survivors of GBV to implement action to protect themselves and eroded their confidence to seek justice." +167193,40132.0,2170.0,"['Logistics', 'Health', 'Food Security', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,93,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Nigeria%20-%20Key%20Message%20Update_%20Wed%2C%202020-09-30.pdf,"On September 30, there are 58,647 confirmed COVID-19 cases across the country. Curfews have been further relaxed in recent weeks allowing households to return to their somewhat normal livelihoods. Similarly, international and domestic flights have fully resumed, while centers and schools are gradually re- opening across the country. the relaxation in control measures is resulting in increased engagement in income earning activities , though at below -average levels. Urban poor households have notably increased economic activity as they heavily rely in income to purchase food." +161527,39295.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,36,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,"Two PCR machines were delivered this week, one to a laboratory in Afrin city in northern Aleppo governorate, and another to the existing laboratory in Idleb city to complement the existing testing capacity." +187162,39357.0,1898.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,31,[],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ALC%20post%20COVID-19%20-%20Retos%20y%20oportunidades%20para%20pa%C3%ADses%20de%20Centroam%C3%A9rica%2C%20Hait%C3%AD%2C%20M%C3%A9xico%2C%20Panam%C3%A1%2C%20y%20Rep%C3%BAblica%20Dominicana.pdf,"Impulsar el crecimiento de la inversión post pandemia será una tarea crítica, y para esto se deben mejorar la planificación estratégica, aspectos institucionales y el clima de negocios." +196290,43846.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,72,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://zoom-eco.net/a-la-une/rdc-le-comite-multisectoriel-de-riposte-a-la-covid-19-alerte-sur-une-deuxieme-vague-de-cette-pandemie-en-afrique/,"D’après le vice- premier Ministre, Ministre de l’intérieur, Sécurité et Affaires Coutumières, Gilbert Kankonde qui a fait le compte rendu de cette réunion, « cette alerte nous oblige à rappeler, comme le Chef de l’Etat a eu à le faire, que la fin de l’état d’urgence ne signifie pas la fin de la maladie »." +310538,53177.0,2466.0,['WASH'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Sudan%20Multi-Sectoral%20Location%20Assessment_South%20Kordofan.pdf,"WASH is the highest priority need in 29 of the visited locations in Reif Ashargi. At present, there are 193 water sources, of which only 54 per cent are considered functional." +22362,9106.0,729.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,94,['At Risk'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"Specific groups facing high protection risks include displaced people, returnees, refugees and migrants, vulnerable persons in conflict areas, individuals deprived of their liberty, and affected residents in host communities. Amongst those, women, children, the elderly, people with disabilities, ethnic minorities, human rights defenders, journalists and other activists and people perceived to be affiliated with Islamic groups or opposition political groups are also highly vulnerable to violence, distress, arbitrary detention, exploitation, trafficking, and human rights violations." +2574,517.0,321.0,['Education'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,28,['Impact'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Libya%20Situation%20Report%20-%20End%20of%20Year%202017.pdf,"The commencement of the school year in 2017 was delayed due to the teachers’ strike, with term not resuming until to the end of October." +178217,41756.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],fr,114,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"La RDC dispose d’immenses ressources naturelles, avec notamment 152 millions d’hectares de forêt (soit la deuxième plus grande forêt tropicale au monde et « poumon » de la planète), plus de 1 100 minéraux et métaux précieux répertoriés, (diamant, or, cobalt, coltan, etc.), d’importantes ressources en eau (13 pour cent du potentiel hydroélectrique mondial), une grande biodiversité et 80 millions d’hectares de terres arables. Cependant, ce capital est menacé, particulièrement par la déforestation, le braconnage, la pression démographique et l’exploitation illégale des minerais.41" +133609,35118.0,1187.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"En este sentido, el bajo ingreso habitualmente se utiliza para satisfacer necesidades más urgentes relacionadas a la alimentación (que no deja de estar en la base de la pirámide de nece- sidades)." +300526,52762.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],fr,56,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_087_28210321_hebdo_s12.pdf,"[S12/2021] Ainsi depuis le début des opérations, le laboratoire a analysé 141 000 échantillons à la recherche du SARS-CoV-2, prélevés chez 134 912 cas suspects de COVID-19. Un cumul de 28 009 cas a été confirmé positif au virus, soit une proportion de cas positifs autour de 20,8%." +11338,2953.0,322.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,94,['Impact'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20feb%202018.pdf,"While the cholera outbreak is decreasing it has not disappeared. In February 2018, 171 districts continued to report suspected cases. A large-scale cholera response continues to be required to curb the outbreak and prevent its resurgence. Public water and sanitation systems struggle to remain functional due to lack of maintenance and damage caused by conflict, the increase in the price of fuel is negatively impacting households’ access to clean water. At the beginning of the year, prices doubled while in some locations they increased six-fold." +26111,10739.0,786.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)'],en,57,[],['Information And Communication'],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/the_americas/venezuela-has-its-electricity-back-for-now-but-its-still-on-the-verge-of-collapse/2019/03/20/1cb0060e-4986-11e9-8cfc-2c5d0999c21e_story.html?utm_term=.a236d74c7c19,Maduro has blamed the power failure on a U.S. cyberattack. Engineers and analysts dismiss the claim. They think itstarted with a brush fire near power lines or an electrical substation in southern Bolivar state that eventually knocked out the Guri hydroelectric plant — the source of 80 percent of the country’s power. +157317,38928.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,90,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Selon lui, cette organisation est aux côtés du ministère depuis belle lurette, dans le cadre de l’amélioration de l’état de santé des populations. « Dès que la COVID-19 a fait son apparition, elle s’est mobilisée à travers ses agences et accompagne nos structures pour la riposte contre la COVIOD- 19 et cet appui nous a permis d’être dans la situation actuelle, qui est que la maladie a beaucoup reculé dans notre pays », a-t-il relevé." +313043,53183.0,2466.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,Sustaining nutrition services for the refugees remains a challenge. With the recent influx of Tigray refugees further stretches the resources. Sudan hosted around 1.1 million refugees. +317204,53333.0,2334.0,['Shelter'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,28,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"There are indeed some agencies providing Shelter and NFI but this is far short of the need, and adolescent girls are not treated as a distinct group" +327489,54714.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,[PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)]78% and 73% of households of IDP settlements and Non-IDP settlement reported no child-friendly spaces in their community. +192643,43304.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,29,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Les services et l'industrie occupent une place importante derrière l’agriculture concentrant chacun 9,1% des activités, suivis du commerce qui emploie 7,5% d’actifs" +239384,46388.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods', 'Shelter']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"People’s lack of access to warm clothing and heating coincides with limited livelihood opportunities and heightens the risk of preventable mortality, especially among children and the elderly." +196743,43328.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,127,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_smart_rapid_pdi_2020_bfa_final.pdf,"A l’image de la situation nutritionnelle donnée par l’indice poids-taille selon le statut de résidence, la mesure selon le PB indique également que la malnutrition sévit plus chez les enfants déplacés (6,6% et 2,2% de forme sévère) que dans la population hôte (3,5%) à Fada N’Gourma. C’est pareil à Bourzanga avec 4% chez les déplacés contre 2,6% dans la population hôte. A Matiacoali par contre, la malnutrition selon la mesure du PB touche plus la population hôte (8,1%) contre 6,2% dans chez les déplacés. [Malnutrition aigüe et statut de résidence chez les enfants de 6-59 mois selon le PB]" +385191,60693.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods', 'Nutrition', 'Education']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,156,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/malnutrition-among-children-rife-nigeria-what-must-be-done,"[22nd July 2021, Nigeria]Prior to the emergence of COVID-19, approximately 4 in 10 Nigerians were living in extreme poverty based purely on monetary measures. Post-COVID-19, the cost of living has continued to rise, thereby plunging Nigerians deeper into poverty. But poverty goes beyond monetary measures, it extends to being a multidimensional phenomenon. According to the Multidimensional Poverty Measure, about 47% of Nigerians (98 million people) live in multidimensional poverty. This encompasses the various deprivations experienced by poor people in their daily lives. These include poor health, lack of education, inadequate living standards, disempowerment, poor quality of work and the threat of violence. Living in areas that are environmentally hazardous is also a contributing factor. These various dimensions of deprivation have an impact on the nutritional status of the population directly and indirectly." +439017,64533.0,2028.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,69,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, Overall Syria] At the community level, Aleppo city center received some 1,800 returns, the highest number of spontaneous return movements in June, while Mahin community in Homs governorate received around 1,600 return movements. The Hajar Aswad community in Rural Damascus governorate received around 1,100 return movements, and the Darayya community in Rural Damascus received around 700 return movements." +267257,49773.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,70,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_HSOS-NWS_-January-2021.pdf,"[January 2021, NWS] % of communities where COVID-19 risk indicators were reported: 11% Lack of necessary protective equipment or supplies at health facilities reported as a barrier to healthcare access, 13% Shortage of health workers reported as a barrier to healthcare access, 52% Lack of medicines or medical equipment at the health facility reported as a barrier to healthcare access." +313705,53333.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,74,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Promote dialogue between warring parties so that they consent to promote safe movement of children to and from school, and this precisely a recommendation coming from the girls themselves,” peace and dialogue.” Given the existence of religious and cultural sentiments around a child, early and forced marriage, regularly engage with traditional and religious leaders to address relevant social norms and gain their support in discouraging such practices." +292276,52058.0,2225.0,[],[],['Casualties->Dead'],fr,65,[],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/16-03-21_ni_nord_kivu.pdf,"[terr.Beni] Environ 30 personnes ont été tuées entre le 8 et le 15 mars lors d’attaques dans des localités du secteur Rwenzori sur l’axe Beni-Kasindi, dans la zone de santé de Mutwanga, et dans des localités sur l’axe Oïcha-Eringeti ainsi que dans la cité d’Oïcha dans la zone de santé d’Oïcha" +320724,52949.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Negative coping mechanisms for sanitation include sharing a latrine with more households than in normal conditions (35 per cent), open defecation (22 per cent) and using unhygienic facilities (52 per cent)." +323325,54815.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"According to 2019 data,1 over 56 percent of deaths and 62 percent of disability adjusted life years (DALYs) in Burkina Faso overall and even higher shares specifically among women were attributed to diseases that could be treated at the primary care level, including communicable diseases, maternal and neonatal disorders, and nutritional diseases." +333070,51259.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2020_access_annual_overview.pdf,"The highest number of aid workers killed was 30 in 2017 with lowest 3 in 2013 and 2019. In 2020, 9 aid workers were killed." +273803,50464.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,31,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210203FINALFactSheetSomaliaSkisserLR11.pdf,"The UNSC should call on AMISOM and UNSOM to enhance their climate-related security risks analysis and reporting, and report on how issues of climate security are affecting its mandate." +292368,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"Enfin, dans certaines localités, les formations sanitaires sont peu fonctionnelles du fait de l’insécurité. La disponibilité des services de santé essentiels se trouvent ainsi impactée de même que la prise en charge des malades chroniques." +219058,45655.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,42,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"[9th Dec, Overall Syria] As of 8 December, 239 health care workers (HCW) have tested positive for COVID-19 in GoS-controlled areas. Of these, 12 fatalities have been reported, while 114 cases remain active" +341937,56493.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,107,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Cette perte de légitimité [de l'autorité traditionnelle] découle inévitablement sur une conséquence majeure qui est l’accentuation de la vengeance, des règlements de compte et de la violence. Ainsi, plus l’autorité traditionnelle se trouve fragilisée, moins les populations se réfèrent à elle pour le règlement de leurs conflits, et plus cela a des répercussions sur la cohésion sociale en ce que les populations auront recours à la justice pour soi- même. La dilution de l’autorité traditionnelle prend sa source dans un fait : le manque de statut clair en faveur des autorités traditionnelles." +236108,47122.0,2334.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,49,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"The Health and WASH clusters are mobilizing their partners to have a comprehensive response to COVID-19 in the NWSW, especially in the areas of risk communication, contact tracing/follow-up of contacts, expansion of isolation capacities and infection prevention and control at community and health facility level." +289262,51893.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[January 2021, Overall Syria] Lack of employment opportunities are most frequently cited in Northeast Syria (82 percent) and North Syria(78 percent) and least frequently cited in Central & south Syria and Northwest Syria(63 percent in both)." +341462,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,84,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"En effet, l��incapacité de l'Etat à ne plus pouvoir porter une assistance et des subventions conséquentes aux populations a laissé la place à de nouveaux acteurs locaux soutenus par des bienfaiteurs (sous le couvert d’organismes étrangers de bienfaisance véhiculant parfois des idéologies extrémistes) qui ont apporté des formes de solidarité et de générosité aux couches vulnérables. L’extrémisme religieux s’est construit et à séduit progressivement sous l’influence de ces bienfaiteurs." +63476,18412.0,1386.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,126,"['At Risk', 'Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,,"Entre 2012 y 2017 migraron del país 22.000 médicos venezolanos, entre especialistas y residentes, cuya mayoría prestaba servicios en las áreas de pediatría, medicina general, emergencia y cirugía del sistema sanitario público61. Esta cifra representa una pérdida de al menos 55% del personal médico capacitado sobre un total de 39.900 registrados por la OPS en 2014. Tampoco se conocen los niveles de deserción. A las renuncias del personal médico se han sumado las de 6.600 bionalistas (33% de 20.000 en total63) y de 6.030 enfermeras/os64 (24% de unos 24.500 según OPS en 2014), aumentando a 74% el déficit de 50% en personal de enfermería que arrastraba el país65." +315547,52949.0,2331.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,134,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Systemic poverty, long distances to school, safety concerns, social norms favouring boys’ education, a lack of teachers – particularly female teachers – and the low availability of sanitation facilities, stop parents from enrolling children, particularly girls, in school. As a result, the living standard of displaced school-aged children is severely affected by barriers to accessing education facilities. A reported 43 per cent of IDPs with school-aged children interviewed reported the cost of school fees and school materials as the main obstacles, followed by closure of schools in their area (29 per cent), long distance to reach schools and lack of transportation (15 per cent), and a lack of education facilities (14 per cent)." +306891,51572.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,47,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"While local protection partners are conducting parental awareness raising sessions, run child friendly and women spaces, this response is not sufficient to cover arising needs. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +194568,43822.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],es,32,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19112020_flash_update_no.3_emergencias_por_ola_invernal_-_colombia_vf.pdf,"de 28 médicos y personal de la salud que trabajaba en la isla, al menos 12 fueron diagnosticados positivos para COVID-19 y evacuados hacia la Isla de San Andrés. M" +294634,51749.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,[District sanitaire de Ouargaye] Les couts de prise en charge constituent probablement une barrière dans l’accès aux soins pour les plus pauvres et les plus vulnérables. Si les soins sont gratuits l’accès aux médicaments et consommable est payant. Il ne semble pas que les PDI bénéficient de la gratuité des soins par ailleurs. +63192,18642.0,1386.0,"['Cross', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,79,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://transparencia.org.ve/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/EPE-II-Sector-Agua.pdf,"Desprecio por la cultura de servidor público, eliminando los programas de adiestramiento y mejora del personal en sus aspectos fundamentales, indispensables para realizar eficientemente sus labores. • Efecto país, demoledor al mantener en condición infrahumana al personal cuyos sueldos o salarios no alcanzan para la cesta básica. Esto ha generado, a partir del año 2015, un éxodo del conocimiento al renunciar a sus cargos los recursos humanos más aptos y competitivos." +159803,39079.0,2170.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NIGERIA_Food_Security_Outlook_Update_August_Final.pdf,"Most conflict-affected households in northwest and northcentral states are atypically dependent on markets for food and with limited incomes. As food prices are high, many households have resorted to less preferred foods and reduced quantity and frequency of meals." +162097,39490.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200707_acaps_covid-19_secondary_impacts_in_rohingya_refugee_camps.pdf,"Children, adolescents, and youth no longer have access to essential services delivered through education and skills programs, such as food (through school feeding programs), sexual reproductive health awareness and services, and child protection services, all of which have been temporarily suspended" +290421,52074.0,2334.0,['Education'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,50,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,"Schools that remain operational are under-resourced. There is a need to provide textbooks and other school materials to children. In some places, communities are supporting learning activities. However, a rise in Government action to prevent non-formal learning activities has been seen since September 2019." +341988,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,79,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Dans la région de l’Est, les rapports entre les Koglwéogo et les rouga se limitent à des schèmes de courtoisie. Parfois, ces groupes d’autodéfense collaborent à travers les échanges de renseignements mineurs. Mais cela ne cache pas la méfiance qui existe entre ces deux groupes, qui s’accusent mutuellement d’entretenir l’insécurité à travers des règlements de comptes, de transmission de préjugés identitaires discriminatoires." +195337,43799.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,57,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://sante.cd/2020/10/29/la-rdc-face-a-la-deuxieme-vague-de-coronavirus/,"Hormis le fait que ces frontières ouvertes demeurent un risque permanant pour la Rdc, il faut souligner aussi le manque d’engagement des congolais eux-mêmes dans la lutte contre la maladie à coronavirus. Très peu des congolais prennent au sérieux la lutte contre le coronavirus. Le respect des gestes barrières est quasi-inexistant." +182905,32165.0,1388.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],es,177,[],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/74589.pdf,"Actividades productivas que pueden generar ingresos a corto plazo, tales como: elaboración y ventas de artesanía y manualidades en lugares públicos frecuentados por turistas; reparto de comidas preparadas en restaurantes y cafeterías; venta ambulante de bebidas y comidas (agua de pipa, jugos, helados, comidas de consumo rápido); prestación de servicios de asistencia a los visitantes (suministro de información sobre los viajes, actividades de guías de turismo, actividades de promoción turística, servicios de traducción); venta de servicios de entretenimiento y eventos culturales y deportivas a hoteles, restaurantes, parques, parque central de centros urbanos, etc., presentando obras de teatro, espectáculos de danza y musical, actividades deportivas; actividades de restauración de obras de arte en lugares turísticos (iglesias, museos, centros culturales); servicios de mantenimiento y cuido de jardines y reservas naturales frecuentadas por turistas; servicio de cuido de personas y bienes; alquiler de bicicletas y equipos de deporte." +235388,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,56,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In addition to the immediate physical trauma inflicted on victims of this violence, 85 per cent of victims interviewed by UNAMA report that the incident had cause long- term physical disability and disfigurement. 100 per cent of victims report emotional and mental stress, many with manifestations such as nightmares or trouble sleeping." +214336,45385.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,30,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"110 cas ont été enregistrés, 63 guérisons et 6 décès entre le début de l’épidémie dans l’Extrême-Nord le 28 avril et le 30 juin." +320712,52949.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,57,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,Some Somalis have access to their own household latrines (48 per cent) or share with one or two other households (13 per cent). Other people either share their latrine with three households or more (5 per cent) or do not have access at all (14 per cent). +342054,56493.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,140,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Les populations des régions du Sahel, du Centre Nord, de l’Est, du Nord, qui sont également les régions qui bénéficient le moins que les autres des opportunités économiques accordées par le gouvernement, se placent avec des scores assez élevés sur la non atteinte des personnes bénéficiaires des micro-crédits de l’Etat. Ce qui permet d’affirmer que le niveau d’investissement du gouvernement dans les opportunités économiques régionales est lié à l’accès des populations de ces dites régions aux micro-crédits. Cette hypothèse pose ainsi la problématique de la gouvernance étatique, de la gestion et de la mise en valeur des autres régions du pays. Cette argumentation a été soulevée lors des consultations dans les régions de l’Est et des Hauts Bassins." +240424,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,59,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,The outlook for 2021 looks grim with around 90 per cent of those with access to agricultural land reporting that they will not have access to certified wheat seeds and another 66 per cent saying that they will not have access to any type of wheat seeds for the next cultivation season which runs from May until December. +183692,42299.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,70,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syria.tv/%D8%AA%D8%AD%D8%B0%D9%8A%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D9%85%D9%86-%D8%AE%D8%B1%D9%88%D8%AC-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%88%D8%B6%D8%B9-%D8%B9%D9%86-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B3%D9%8A%D8%B7%D8%B1%D8%A9-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B1%D9%82%D8%A9-%D8%A8%D8%B3%D8%A8%D8%A8-%D9%83%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%88%D9%86%D8%A7,"[October 29, Raqqa, # of cases increases] Yesterday, the ""Autonomous Administration"", which controls areas in northern and eastern Syria, decided to re-impose a ban on movement in its areas of control, after the noticeable increase in the number of infections with the Coronavirus. Where the administration decided to impose a partial curfew from October 30 to November 8." +498592,60095.0,1187.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,55,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RMRP%202021%20Plan%20de%20respuesta%20regional%20para%20refugiados%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%2C%20enero%20-%20diciembre%202021.pdf,"En este contexto, la pandemia ha afectado de manera más negativa a las personas refugiadas y migrantes en términos de inclusión y permanencia en el mercado laboral369, pues muchas de ellas se encuentran en situación de desempleo o en puestos para las que están sobrecalificadas y en sectores significativamente afectados por la crisis.3" +315421,54309.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,15,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Colombia_Evaluacion_Rapida_ECNI_Arauca_ESP.pdf,"Adicionalmente, los informantes claves reportaron un alto riesgo de xenofobia si la situación continúa" +194839,43763.0,2028.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']","['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,46,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/wos_quarterly_report_q3.pdf,"[October 2020, Overall Syria] Winterization: It is estimated that 3.1M people are in need of winter assistance across Syria. Acute needs are identified with individuals residing in camps, collective shelters, informal settlements and areas of high altitude and snowfall" +201565,43427.0,2311.0,"['Logistics', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Context->Security & Stability']",es,78,['Impact'],"['Shock/Event', 'Context']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Los datos reportados en este resumen se refieren al 31 diciembre 2019, para el año 2020 se pueden prever efectos en el crimen transnacional del narcotráfico relacionados con COVID-19. En Colombia, esta contingencia puede afectar el desabastecimiento de las cadenas de producción y los procesos de distribu- ción. Los grupos ilegales han visto bloquea- das sus vías de suministro o ven dificultada la distribución por el mayor despliegue po- licial y el confinamiento." +224126,45768.0,2332.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,52,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"Au Cluster Santé de recadrer et réorganiser les stratégies de réponse d’urgence sanitaire et nutritionnelle à Diamerom (clinique mobile, screening nutritionnel, supplémentation en micronutriment, soins curatifs primaires, ANJE, PECIMAS) tout en tenant compte des barrières et mesures préventives contre la pandémie Covid-19." +285607,51622.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,125,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://npasyria.com/61657/,"[March 21, Damascus]Omar Al-Bakri, a mechanical engineering student told North-Press that ""after my father was examined, they asked me to transfer him to the Government's Red Crescent Hospital on Baghdad Street, because the hospital was unable to receive him because it was filled with Corona patients. He pointed out that the same thing was repeated at Al-Hilal Hospital, ""they transferred him to al-Mouwasat and from there to the mujtahid, without being received in any hospital."" He added, ""We cannot afford the costs of treatment in private hospitals, and this new state of government hospitals threatens my father's health and similar cases to his.""" +299147,52086.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],en,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[25th March, 2021, Overall Syria] Sub-districts with highest number of HHs in need of food: Estimated number of total HHs - Damascus Governorate, Damascus Sub-District: 365,253 - Idleb Governorate, Dana Sub-District: 206,435 - Hama Governorate, Hama Sub-District: 150,715" +142101,35870.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,64,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Humanitarian personnel, students and medical cases are reported to be exempt but subject to a 14-day quarantine on arrival. It was further reported that humanitarian personnel with a quarantine certificate issued in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI) do not have to undergo quarantine upon entering NES, if entry is within 48 hours of leaving quarantine in KRI." +316956,53333.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods', 'Education', 'Shelter']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,65,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Girls participating in the visioning exercise cited many material and immaterial issues as key challenges for marriage and family. Materially they cited lack of finance for sending girls to school, finance for family needs, insufficient food supplies, lack of utensils, lack of shelter for many families, lack of well paid work to provide economical means for the family." +308026,53290.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,54,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://logcluster.org/sites/default/files/logistics_cluster_south_sudan_operation_overview_2102.pdf,"During the month (February, 2021), the Logistics Cluster coordinated three humanitarian road convoys, transporting life-saving supplies from Juba to Kapoeta and along the Western Corridor. The Logistics Cluster continued to advocate for partners to preposition cargo in strategic locations along the corridor prior to the rainy season." +214279,45385.0,2334.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,73,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Présidées par les autorités administratives, ces rencontres [réunions de coordination locale CCCM dans les principaux sites de déplacements de populations à Kolofata, Mora (Département Mayo Sava) et Zamay (Département Mayo Tsanaga)] ont bénéficié d’une forte participation des autorités communales, des chefs traditionnels, des délégués départementaux des Ministères technique, des agences des Nations Unies et des ONGs nationales et internationales." +405395,63222.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,34,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_mvam_bulletin_57_july_2021.pdf,"[Syria, July] At the same time, the Syrian Government doubled the price of a bundle of bread wrapped in a nylon bag, from SYP 100/bundle to SYP 200/bundle." +194457,43501.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,78,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"Dans 56%(170) des localités évaluées, les IC ont rapporté une augmentation du nombre de personnes décédées par rapport au mois précédent. La cause de décès la plus souvent citée par les IC pour expliquer cette augmentation était le paludisme dans 48% (81) de ces localités, tandis que la deuxième cause la plus souvent citée était le cholera/la diarrhée dans 36% (61) de ces localités." +342062,56493.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,16,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,Les cultures hivernales et cultures de contre saison ont été abandonnées pour des raisons de sécurité +183606,42456.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,64,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.unicef.org/wca/media/5411/file/UNICEF-WCARO-Central-Sahel-Advocacy-October-2020.pdf,Women and children without legal documents are at greater risk of rights violations and their access to social services is further limited; civil registration is the first step to recognizing the legal existence of children and protect their rights. It is essential to strengthen civil registration systems and provide birth certificates so that children have an identity and can access services. +179156,41842.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,42,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nw_syria_sitrep21_20201020.pdf,"(NW 20/10/2020) Given the crowded living conditions across northwest Syria, a significant challenge in countering COVID-19 remains the difficulty of physically isolating people. To address this, one quarantine centre is due to start operating this month." +236129,47122.0,2334.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"In February, mostly due to election related security constraints, only 399 reports were collected [by the protection actors]. Among the documented incidents, only 37 happened within the month of March" +327103,55027.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Under-Secretary-General%20for%20Humanitarian%20Affairs%20and%20Emergency%20Relief%20Coordinator%2C%20Mark%20Lowcock%20-%20Briefing%20to%20the%20Security%20Council%20on%20the%20humanitarian%20situation%20in%20Syria%2C%2028%20April%202021.pdf,"[28 April 2021, Overall Syria] Most Syrian households – more than half of them – report not having sufficient, or sufficiently nutritious, food. That’s an increase of more than 70 per cent compared to last year. And the proportion is much higher among people who have been displaced or among returnees." +241652,46388.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,17,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Recruitment of children into armed groups, child marriage and child labour are on the rise." +129747,32891.0,1184.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,345,[],['Context'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,,"3. Demanda laboral en Manab´ı La provincia de Manab´ı, ubicada tambi´en en la Costa ecuatoriana, destaca tambi´en dentro del panorama econ´omico global del Ecuador debido a su representaci´on en la producci´on de varios de los bienes agr´ıcolas de mayor exportaci´on del pa´ıs (como, por ejemplo, el caf´e y el banano). Manab´ı es una de las provincias con mayor representaci´on en el PIB nacional; a diciembre de 2018 su VAB total provincial ascendi´o a $6,062.625 millones, con lo cual esta provincia se ubic´o como la tercera con una contribuci´on del 6.07 %, ´unicamente despu´es de Guayas (26.65 %) y Pichincha (26.58 %). La representaci´on de cada uno de los sectores en la actividad econ´omica de la provincia, ha mostrado ciertos cambios entre el a˜no 2015 y el 2018. En la Figura 14 se puede observar que, sobre todo, los sectores de la construcci´on y la manufactura han experimentado variaciones significativas: mientras que la contribuci´on del VAB de la construcci´on al VAB provincial disminuy´o, la de la manufactura increment´o considerablemente. A diciembre de 2018, la participaci´on de los sectores de servicios, manufactura, construcci´on, comercio, agricultura y actividades de bienes p´ublicos fue de aproximadamente 37 %, 18 %, 16 %, 13 %, 10 % y 6 %, respectivamente. En cuento a la variaci´on anual del VAB en la provincia, por sectores, en la Figura 15 se puede ver que mientras que el sector de petr´oleo y minas, y el de actividades de servicios p´ublicos se presentan fluctuantes pero con tasas positivas al finalizar el 2018, el sector de la construcci´on y el del comercio se muestran tambi´en fluctuantes pero con tasas negativas (a 2018), los sectores de servicios y agricultura se muestran relativamente estables (con servicios mayormente oscilando en tasas positivas), y la manufactura presenta una leve baja ´unicamente al finalizar 2018." +339490,56380.0,2311.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,76,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb4645es.pdf,"Los hogares agrícolas y, especialmente los productores de cultivos, se han visto menos afectados comparativamente con hogares que dependen de otras actividades y fuentes de ingresos. Sin embargo, el 61% de los hogares encuestados que producen cultivos agrícolas como fuente de ingreso principal reportó una reducción drástica o significativa de sus ingresos, mientras que, entre los hogares encuestados dedicados a la ganadería, este porcentaje alcanzó un 73%" +175402,41304.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://allafrica.com/stories/202010020073.html,"The review of maternal deaths highlighted the direct evoked causes of reported maternal deaths: hemorrhage (delivery hemorrhage), severe infections, postoperative complications (pelvic peritonitis), and eclampsia." +304345,51467.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,54,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Fighting in Lainya, Kajo-keji and Morobo in Central Equatoria led to suspension of activities, ambushes of humanitarian convoys, looting of critical supplies and violence against humanitarians. The prolonged closure of the main road in Central Equatoria for humanitarian movement prevented approximately 144,000 people in need from accessing humanitarian assistance." +320284,53680.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps']",fr,42,[],"['Humanitarian Access', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cicr-guide_pour_une_action_humanitaire_plus_proche_des_communautes.pdf,"[Ituri] Dans cette zone où la dégradation de la situation sécuritaire ces derniers mois rend difficile l’accès des communautés aux organisations humanitaires, le nombre de déplacés et de retournés n’a fait qu’augmenter." +160375,35728.0,1183.0,[],[],[],es,79,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no_6_covid-19_choco_vf.pdf,"Las medidas de aislamiento obligatorio suponen un riesgo para la generación de ingresos de la población (especialmente a mujeres y población LGTBI), y con ello, se convierte en un riesgo para el acceso a alimentos, medicamentos y otros servicios básicos, considerando la alta tasa de informalidad laboral del departamento (tasa de informalidad general del 57,7% en Quibdó y de 69,2% en el caso de las mujeres del departamento)." +36139,11046.0,788.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68626.pdf,"in Adagom, refugees have raised their serous concerns and challenges on health sector, such as not easy to access to primary healthcare at the health post; lack of in-patient care at the health facilities during admission; inadequate drugs at the health post; and inconsistent/irregular immunization of refugee children." +161528,39295.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,30,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,"Health partners continue to raise awareness about COVID-19 precautions among local communities and other stakeholders, emphasizing practices to prevent transmissions including hygiene practices, self-isolation and physical distancing." +125252,29180.0,1620.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,56,['At Risk'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Gap-Supply-Demand-Contraceptive-Services-Northeast-Nigeria-Report.pdf,"Globally, studies have shown that conflict-affected and forcibly displaced women and girls face increased risks of maternal morbidity, mortality, and gender-based violence (GBV); higher risks of sexually transmitted infections (STIs); greater risks of unintended pregnancy; and heightened risks of unsafe abortion and its associated complications." +2632,520.0,321.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,49,[],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://www.amnesty.org/en/countries/middle-east-and-north-africa/libya/report-libya/,Most of Sirte’s civilian inhabitants fled the city at the time of the GNA offensive against IS in May. The fighting caused extensive damage but some residents were able to return. Conflict in Benghazi and tribal fighting in southern Libya also caused population displacement. +294310,51259.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,24,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2020_access_annual_overview.pdf,"On 24 March, Juba International Airport suspended all international flights, with exceptions to a limited number of cargo and internal flights." +188047,32246.0,1900.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,23,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3646470,Ryan también informó sobre el reciente porcentaje de aumento de los casos en otros países de la región: Honduras: 38% +195734,44016.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,35,[],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN27X227,"A military patrol has discovered 29 bodies in a region of eastern Democratic Republic of Congo where civilians are facing a sharp rise in attacks by Islamist militants, local authorities said on Tuesday." +59549,17198.0,1224.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,Access to safe drinking water and latrines is a key issue in all of the host communities in this region. Many communities rely on the rivers or creeks for access to drinking water; in some area’s contamination of the fresh water and salinity levels further adds to the challenge of accessing safe potable water. +325668,54267.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Environment'],fr,64,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Le Sourou est un fleuve de 150 km de long qui prend sa source au Mali et se jette dans le Mouhoun (ex-Volta noire) en territoire burkinabé. Sa vallée, dont la province tire également son nom, occupe le nord-ouest du Burkina Faso et couvre cinq communes rurales (Di, Lanfiéra, Barani, Sono et Gassan)." +215101,44840.0,2331.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,79,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,"In consultation with the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management, UNHCR and WHO have supported previously-trained women to produce Personnel Protective Equipment (in particular non-clinical and reusable face masks), with the goal of creating livelihood, public health and protection dividends simultaneously. Hano Academy, a vocational and polytechnic institution based in Mogadishu supported by UNHCR, has also begun the production of face masks and soap." +329868,53694.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],fr,83,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/03042021_sitrep_s11_whe_oms_rdc.docx.pdf,"La division provinciale de la santé (DPS) du Haut-Katanga a pris la tête de la notification hebdomadaire des cas suspects de choléra en RDC. Elle a connu une forte hausse de la notification de cas suspects de choléra de 9 cas suspects à S9 à 77 cas suspects à S11/2021 passant par 52 cas suspects à S10/2021. La létalité a également connu une hausse de 36,8 % (3,8% vs 5,2%) entre S10 et S11/2021." +145976,35870.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,25,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"WHO has further supplies and equipment in the pipeline, including four GeneXpert machines. In addition, UNHCR is procuring one GeneXpert machine." +235176,46388.0,2336.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,51,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Shelter issues reported by displaced households include a lack of insulation (59 per cent), leaking during rain (44 per cent), poor ventilation (36 per cent) and presence of dirt or debris attributed to use of sub-standard materials (15 per cent)." +386791,60459.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"Avec les pillages de biens par groupes djihadistes et les ventes excessives d’animaux les périodes antérieures, 40 à 50 pour cent des pauvres ont perdu leur principale source de revenu et se sont déplacés vers le chef lieux de la province." +12375,5597.0,322.0,"['Logistics', 'Food Security']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Context->Security & Stability', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",en,200,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']","['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://docs.wfp.org/api/documents/WFP-0000074046/download/,"As of first week of August 2018, the quantity of in-country available stock of food commodities approximately estimated at around 1.1 million MT: 587,000MT of wheat (grain/flour); 71,150MT of rice; 325,000MT of pulses; 71,300MT of sugar, and 4,130MT of vegetable oil. The current amount of wheat expected to cover the national requirement for about 70 days, the quantity of rice will be sufficient for two months and that of sugar will cover the needs for around four months. However, the estimated amount of vegetable oil is too little to last any longer than 10 days. As a result of the overall good supply of food commodities, most of the essential food items are abundantly available in all governorates except in Al Hodieda where basic commodities are scarcely available due to the ongoing intensified fighting has disrupted the markets and movements of traders and commodities. Markets in Ad Dhuraimi and At Tuhyata districts of Al Hodieda governorate have been closed and availability of food is scarce, while access to these districts for supply of humanitarian aid has not been possible for 2 months now." +165100,39822.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Covid-19', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"On 26 August: Syria resorts to exporting its vegetables by sea through Lattakia and Tartous ports to ensure produce reaches the destined Arab States due to the closure of the Syria – Jordan border. By 30 August: 2,703 COVID-19 confirmed cases in Syria with 614 recovered and 109 deaths. Number of confirmed COVID-19 cases increased from 757 on 31 July." +338356,56101.0,2311.0,"['Livelihoods', 'WASH']","['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Population', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,59,"['At Risk', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/alerta_btb_inundaciones_en_arauca_14052021_vf_1.pdf,"-Salud: Se requiere atención en salud primaria a través de jornadas de salud dirigidas a niños, niñas y adolescentes, adultos mayores y mujeres gestantes con el fin prevenir brotes de dengue, diarrea y fiebre amarilla generados por la aparición de vectores en temporada invernal. Se requiere entrega de EPP para prevenir contagio de COVID-19" +317499,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,53,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"It is expected that localized flooding will continue during the Gu season (April-June 2021), however, this may not be as severe as in 2020. Nevertheless, recent climate events show that even during drought conditions, heavy and localized rains are likely to cause damage and displacement." +325094,54766.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Casualties->Dead'],fr,87,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note-info_1_31_mars_2021_ocha_bukavu_0.pdf,"Le 25 février, une équipe d’investigation composée de la DPS du Maniema et de l’UNICEF a conduit une mission exploratoire dans la zone de santé de Kailo. L’équipe a rapporté 144 cas suspects de rougeole et quatre décès. Durant le mois de mars, le nombre de cas a augmenté pour atteindre 168 cas dans la zone de santé de Kailo. Cette zone de santé regroupe plus de la moitié des cas recensés dans la province." +493597,61216.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,25,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/humanitarian-situation-overview-syria-hsos-northeast-syria-june-2021,"[June 2021, NES]% of communities where COVID-19 risk indicators were reported: Overcrowding reported as a shelter inadequacy: 49%" +341908,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",fr,115,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[De juillet à début septembre 2020, les enquêteurs ont administré le sondage auprès de 2396 Burkinabè dans les régions du Centre Nord, Nord, Sahel, Est, Boucle du Mouhoun et Hauts-Bassins] Pour les personnes enquêtées, tout le problème trouve son origine dans une conception très libérale des droits des enfants qui ne prend pas suffisamment en compte les devoirs de ces derniers. L’application sans adaptation au contexte national par le Burkina Faso des dispositions des conventions internationales relatives aux droits de l’enfant à partir de 1990 a été relevée comme l’une des causes ayant un lien avec la conflictualité actuelle." +176024,40890.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,61,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"Los departamentos donde más hogares reportaron tener conocimiento de casos de violencia intrafamiliar son Cesar con el 14%, Atlántico con el 12% y La Guajira con el 11%, de igual manera estas situaciones fueron reportadas en menor medida en Santander y Valle del Cauca (4% en ambos casos, ver gráfica 37)." +406776,63608.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17082021_alerta_por_desplazamiento_en_narino_magui_payan._vf.pdf,"De acuerdo con reportes realizados, existe restricción en la movilidad por los enfrentamientos entre GAO/GDO en todo el municipio de Magüí Payán. Se estima que más de 12.000 personas estarían siendo afectadas por estas restricciones." +22536,9106.0,729.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,29,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"Prices of hygiene items are highly increased with limited availability in the market. The most needed items are soap, women’s sanitary materials and diapers." +35516,13057.0,788.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,199,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000105395.pdf,"At the domain level, the prevalence of GAM was very highin Northern Yobe A (16.1 percent), whereas the situation was high in Central Yobe, Northern Yobe B and Northern Borno, where the prevalence of GAM was 14.0 percent. The results also reveal that GAM rates were at high levels in Central Borno B (12.1 percent), Southern Yobe (12.0 percent), Central Borno A (11.5 percent) and MMC & Jere (10.6 percent), and medium in most of the remaining domains (East Borno: 9.9 percent, Southern Adamawa: 7.8 percent, Southern Borno: 6.6 percent and Northern Adamawa A: 5.4 percent) except for Northern Adamawa B (4.9 percent) where the rate was low. The prevalence of severe acute malnutrition (<-3 WHZ) was highest at 3.7 percent, 3.1 percent, 2.9 percent and 2.8 percent in Northern Borno, Northern Yobe B, Northern Yobe A and Southern Yobe respectively. Only three cases of nutritional oedema were verified: two cases in Northern Yobe A and one case in Southern Adamawa" +327084,54267.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],fr,58,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Le Burkina Faso est membre de deux communautés économiques régionales, la Communauté économique des États de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (CEDEAO) et l’Union économique et monétaire ouest- africaine (UEMOA), dont les politiques sectorielles influencent l’environnement économique du Burkina, notamment pour les marchés agroalimentaires." +149627,35869.0,2028.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,55,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep18_25july2020.pdf,"Some Nutrition Cluster members have procured light PPE for their non-health staff who are involved in routine Middle Upper Arm Circumference screening to ensure continuity of this activity as it informs the nutrition situation and impact of COVID-19 on children and PLW. However, the procured quantities are insufficient due to funding constraints." +323311,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Burkina Faso has the lowest mean years of schooling of all countries for which data is available – a mere 1.4 years – explaining its ranking as only 185th among the 188 countries ranked in the United Nations HDI. At the primary level, the gross enrollment rate increased from 81.3 percent in 2012/2013 to 88.8 percent in 2018/2019, equivalent to actual enrollments increasing from 2.4 million to 3.2 million." +294633,51749.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,40,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[District sanitaire de Ouargaye] Dans les zones d’afflux de PDI l’utilisation des services a très fortement augmenté, mettant en tension les capacités des personnels présents et les stocks d’intrants pharmaceutiques." +234217,46381.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,85,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Kabul region had the highest proportion (46.4%) of COVID-19 positive among participants aged 5-17 years. It was followed by East region (32.4%), West region (24.5%), South region (24.4%), North region (23%), Central region (21%), Southeast region (17.6%) and the proportion of IgG and IgM positive was the lowest in the Central highland region (14.6%)." +9166,2909.0,322.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",['Context->Demography'],en,64,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_jan_to_apr_2018.pdf,"In 2018 to date, 60,896 children with Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM), 98,512 children with Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM) and 78,511 pregnant and lactating women (PLW) with acute malnutrition were admitted for treatment. In addition, 107,664 children received micronutrient powders, and 313,278 women received Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) counselling." +159801,39079.0,2170.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,63,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NIGERIA_Food_Security_Outlook_Update_August_Final.pdf,"In May over 2.3 million people received food and livelihood assistance across Adamawa, Borno, and Yobe States with over 1.4 million food assistance beneficiaries.Humanitarian actors scaled-up livelihood and food assistance in June to the Northeast, reaching about 3.0 million people in June, with over 1.8 million people receiving food assistance across Borno, Yobe, and Adamawa states." +322034,54521.0,2311.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,24,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/post_clearance_report_narino_la_union_colombia_halo.pdf,"Similarly, considering the level of accessibility to many veredas, garbage collection is not feasible and waste is either burned or buried." +161581,39295.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,68,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,"According to updates from 24 WASH Cluster members in 110 locations to the WASH COVID-19 reporting matrix, 89 percent have changed their response due to COVID-19, 80 percent have increased the amount of water supplied, 83 percent have adapted hygiene promoted activities, 59 percent have increased the amount of soap distributed, and 15 percent have increased the amount of laundry detergent distributed." +178402,41756.0,2225.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,86,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,La couverture de base en termes d’accès aux services EHA est très limitée dans l’ensemble du pays. Seulement un ménage sur 3 (33 pour cent) a accès à une eau de boisson provenant d’une source améliorée et un ménage sur 7 (14 pour cent) à une installation sanitaire améliorée et ce pourcentage chute à 9 pour cent en milieu rural. Les disparités restent fortes entre les milieux urbains et ruraux et entre provinces. +236667,46388.0,2336.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Across all demographics, girls are disproportionately denied educational opportunities. Their access to education is limited by cultural factors and the scarcity of qualified female teachers, especially in remote and hard-to-reach areas." +239299,46388.0,2336.0,"['Shelter', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,16,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Some 15 per cent of displaced households reported going into debt to satisfy shelter needs. +200974,44409.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],es,90,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.minsalud.gov.co/Paginas/Esperamos-aplicar-la-primera-vacuna-en-primer-semestre-de-2021.aspx,"Frente a las propuestas de cobrar la vacuna a los estratos sociales más altos, el ministro Ruiz rechazó la iniciativa, indicando que no es posible discriminar a las personas por su condición socioeconómica. Al respecto, indicó que no se puede discriminar a los menores de edad o adultos mayores que vivan en estratos 5 o 6. ""Saldría incluso más costoso un proceso de discriminación, mas engorroso y limitaría el acceso a la vacunación de una manera muy grave"", dijo Ruiz." +143719,35870.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,64,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"To date, 432 RRT personnel in 13 governorates have received dedicated training, including refresher training, on COVID-19 case investigation, sample collection and referral, with further trainings planned at the governorate level in July. In NES, five RRTs are active in AlHasakeh, five in Ar-Raqqa and four in Deir-Ez-Zor, while Menbij/Kobane is being covered from Aleppo" +181167,42386.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,23,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_RMU_October-2020_vfinal.pdf,La disponibilité des ressources fourragères et en eau est aussi bonne pour permettre une alimentation typique du bétail dans l’ensemble. +147703,35158.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross', 'Education']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,56,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"The impact has been double for vulnerable children including Syrian. This is manifested in emotionaldistress, particularly during prolonged periods of school closure and restricted movement, with increased parental anxieties and frustrations caused by social isolation and fears around livelihoods and financial difficulties, which exacerbate and increase protection risks within the family." +240845,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Conflict and direct attacks on health facilities and personnel regularly disrupt the provision of critical health care where these services do exist, leaving patients with unmet needs." +12390,5590.0,322.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,92,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,http://wam.ae/en/details/1395302704259,"HODEIDAH, 18th August, 2018 (WAM) -- The Emirates Red Crescent, ERC, has continued the distribution of relief and food aid to the population of the liberated areas of Ad Duraihimi district in the Governorate of Hodeidah and the surrounding villages. The assistance is part of the UAE’s urgent aid convoy targeting Yemeni families to ease their suffering to overcome the dire humanitarian conditions as a result of the violations committed by the Iran-backed Houthi militia aimed at starving and intimidating innocent civilians." +167140,40126.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,52,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_weekly_situation_update_-_27_september_ne_nigeria_0.pdf,"Traditional, Religious, and influential leaders on COVID-19 prevention in 8 LGAs (Gujba, Gulani, Damaturu, Tarmuwa, Fika, Fune, Potiskum, and Nangere). House to house sensitization by UNICEF VCMs and WHO HTR Teams has reached 39,693 people with COVID-19 prevention messages." +256963,48806.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,93,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_final_enquete_smart_27112019.pdf,"L’état nutritionnel des femmes en âge de procréer a été évalué dans l’ensemble des provinces. Cette évaluation était basée uniquement sur la mesure du périmètre brachial (PB). Il est apparu au seuil de 210 mm que le déficit pondéral est présent au sein de la population féminine de 15 à 49 ans dans toutes les provinces du Tchad avec des prévalences oscillant entre 0,5% dans les provinces du Moyen Chari et Mayo Kebi Est à 11,6% dans la province du Ennedi Ouest." +220293,45084.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,96,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_5_november_2020_final.pdf,"Socio-economic impacts: Average prices for key commodities remain elevated above pre-COVID levels while purchasing power has diminished. According to WFP’s latest market monitoring, the average wheat flour price (low price and high price) increased by more than 10 per cent between 14 March and 4 November, while the cost of pulses, sugar, cooking oil and rice (low quality) increased by 23 per cent, 19 per cent, 29 per cent, and 21 per cent, respectively, over the same period." +317243,53333.0,2334.0,[],[],[],en,39,[],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Support awareness raising among parents and partners of adolescent girls especially those who are pregnant/married/young caregivers to support their improved access to menstrual hygiene products, which is key for them if they are to continue with school." +176148,40999.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,212,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_levaluation_rapide_sur_les_vbg_et_covid-19_dans_la_region_de_lest.pdf,"Recommandations à l’endroit de la coordination du sous-cluster VBG et à UNFPA en tant qu’agence lead: -Renforcer la coordination des interventions VBG par la mise en place du sous cluster VBG sous-national dans la région de l’Est ; -Mettre en place des mécanismes de référencement pour la prise en charge multisectorielle des survivants de VBG dans chaque localité et une cartographie des services intégrant la disponibilité des kits post-viol et le personnel formé sur la gestion clinique des survivants du viol -Plaidoyer auprès du HCT pour la mobilisation des fonds pour mettre en place les services de réponse aux besoins des survivants des VBG, amélioration de la qualité et l’accès aux services disponibles ; -Plaidoyer auprès du HCT et de la coordination inter secteur pour renforcer la centralité de la protection en recommandant a tous les autres clusters de disposer des plans d’atténuation des risques des VBG dans leurs opérations pour compléter les efforts des acteurs spécialisés ; -Former les agents de santé sur la gestion clinique du viol et sur le soutien de premier ligne ; -Mobiliser des acteurs spécialisés dans la réponse VBG en urgence pour le renforcement des capacités locales et une meilleure couverture de cette réponse" +192837,43304.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,45,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Les mesures barrières prises par le Gouvernement pour contenir la propagation de la pandémie exercent des effets dévastateurs sur presque tous les secteurs économiques induisant un ralentissement considérable des activités notamment à travers une perte de productivité, de production et d’emplois." +338390,55951.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,71,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://preventepidemics.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/PERC-Finding-the-Balance-Part-III-12-May-2021.pdf,"[Survey conducted by phone with approximately 24,000 people across 19 Member States in five geographical regions in Africa, including DRC] Among respondents that reported they or someone in their household required a health care visit, almost one in four (23%) reported missing or skipping services since November 2020 and more than four in 10 (42%) since the start of the pandemic" +310033,51467.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,79,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"The highest proportion of households relying on surface water were found in Upper Nile, with 66 per cent, followed by Jonglei with 43 per cent and Central Equatoria with 41 per cent. The quantity of water available per day is also below standards in many locations, with 17 per cent of people unable to collect enough water for drinking, and 39 per cent of people reporting insufficient access to water for hand washing." +321328,54765.0,2225.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,15,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/democratic-republic-congo/recent-surge-violence-drc-s-ituri-province-worsening-already,Only one in three people in the province has access to basic sanitation services. +304775,51467.0,2335.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,77,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Poor access to clean water, hygiene and sanitation services combined with high levels of food insecurity compromises people’s health and nutrition conditions across South Sudan and contributes to one of the highest child mortality rates in the world. Some 70 per cent of households report members affected by a water or vector-borne disease. Lack of access to water has led to tension and conflict between communities over competition of already scarce resources" +236503,46388.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,80,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The Protection Cluster further highlights that COVID-19 has added to the uncertainty, increased vulnerability and extreme distress of children and their families. This includes returnee and deportee children who face discrimination in Afghanistan after returning from abroad and children who have lost their care-givers due to COVID-19 who then face the additional hardship of rejection or stigmatisation. In turn, stigma and discrimination related to COVID-19 may make children more vulnerable to violence and psychosocial distress." +427580,63512.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,89,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://opendocs.ids.ac.uk/opendocs/bitstream/handle/20.500.12413/16796/IDS_Policy_Briefing_183.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y,"Particularly in conflict-affected contexts, social networks and relationships also condition exposure to various dynamics of violent conflict, from direct violence to recruitment or exploitative practices. They are therefore key in understanding dynamics of marginalisation from education. The research shows that a household’s social ties with authorities and participation in village groups (such, as women’s groups, religious groups, savings’ groups) is positively associated with school enrolment, and the effect is stronger for poorer households." +234219,46381.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,54,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The national COVID 19 morbidity and mortality survey in Afghanistan reveals that about 10 million people (31.5%) had either current or past COVID-19 infection, while about 6 million adults aged 18 or above and 3 million children aged 5 to 17 years old had either current or past infection ." +241540,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In addition to psychological needs, people’s physical wellbeing is also critically jeopardised by the presence of explosive hazards, especially those of improvised nature from recent armed clashes and ERW." +341943,56493.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[autorité traditionnelle] Pour les chefs qui ne font pas de la politique dans ce contexte généralisé de politisation de la sphère traditionnelle, ils ne sont pas non plus considérés car ne disposant pas des mêmes ressources financières que les autres pour se faire respecter et considérer." +323105,54815.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],en,48,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"The country is among the least urbanized in West Africa, with less than a third of population living in urban areas; nevertheless, it is catching up, with impressive urban population growth of nearly 6 percent annually (Nguyen and Dizon, 2017)." +221770,45410.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,55,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,[Les parties Sud des provinces administratives du BEG et du Kanem dans la Zone 5 - « agropastorale» ]: Les échanges commerciaux transfrontaliers demeurent limités en raison des restrictions aux frontières libyennes du fait de la pandémie du COVID-19 et de l’instabilité sécuritaire dans le sud du territoire libyen. +179229,41946.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,54,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://publications.unescwa.org/projects/saw/sdgs/pdf/en/Syria-at-War-8-years-on-Report-Final.pdf,"[Syria 2019, Food insecurity and nutrition] Nutritional assistance remains substantial as the agriculture sector, which provides the main source of income for most Syrians, continues to suffer from losses in crucial infrastructure, crop production, livestock and human capital. Droughts in 2017-2018 furthered limited production capacity." +219912,45811.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Security & Stability'],es,96,"['At Risk', 'Priority Needs']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/noticias/nacional/denuncian-incursion-de-los-rastrojos-en-palmarito-zona-rural-de-cucuta/,"La Fundación Progresar, en cabeza de su director Wilfredo Cañizares, y la Alianza de Organizaciones Sociales y Afines, hicieron un llamado al Gobierno Nacional, en el que denuncian la presencia del grupo armado ilegal Los Rastrojo, en Palmarito, zona rural de Cúcuta. De acuerdo con la Fundación, “desde el lunes 14 de diciembre hacen presencia en los corregimientos de Palmarito y Banco de Arena alrededor de 100 hombres fuertemente armados distribuidos en varios grupos, los cuales se han identificado como miembros de Los Rastrojos”." +339461,56380.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],es,92,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb4645es.pdf,"Al 23 de noviembre de 2020, Colombia registraba 1 518 067 casos de COVID-19, de los cuales 90 945 estaban activos.7 Durante noviembre se registraron, en promedio, 11 633 casos diarios, siendo este el número más alto de casos promedio reportados semanalmente desde que inició la toma y procesamiento de pruebas de COVID-19 (en marzo de 2020). Cabe resaltar que se han detectado dos variantes genéticas del virus en circulación y se han reconocido 12 sublinajes (Ministerio de Salud, 2020)." +149599,32165.0,1388.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,71,[],['Context'],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/74589.pdf,"Según la clasificación mundial de competitividad del World Economic Forum (WEF), Costa Rica representa el 0.07% del PIB global; con un ingreso per cápita anual de $ 11.7 miles; un promedio de crecimiento de su producción en términos reales de un 3.3% para los últimos 10 años y una importancia del 39% del consumo de energía renovable dentro de su matriz energética." +318033,52949.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,90,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Health: There are 3.9 million people in need of health services .Similarly, 2.3M non-IDPs, 1.6M IDPs, 28,000 refugees/asylum seekers, 42000 refugee returnees are in need. Health Cluster key vulnerable groups are (590,000) people living with disability, 540,000 children under five, 220,00 pregnant and lactating women, 81000 older persons, 2.5M COVID a risk and affected people . Severity of needs: 75% (Severe), 19% (Extreme) and 6% (catastrophic)." +236073,47122.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"In the NWSW, OCHA is ensuring the humanitarian community supports the work of the Government of Cameroon in a transparent and coherent manner and in full respect of humanitarian principles." +236049,47076.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,49,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,"To ensure dietary diversity, partners have continued to assist the affected population in setting up micro-gardening within their home compounds to produce fresh vegetables for consumption and selling to generate some income to the families. So far, approximately 6,000 people have benefited from this activity." +313656,53333.0,2334.0,"['Nutrition', 'Education']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,30,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Through relevant authorities and the Education Cluster, develop, or adapt an existing, age-appropriate learning package for adolescents, especially girls that includes SRHR, MHM, nutrition" +156498,35724.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],['Context->Demography'],es,80,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3655762,"Según el director territorial en Antioquia, Wilson Córdoba Mena, “los municipios de Caucasia, Tarazá, Cáceres, Nechí, Zaragoza y El Bagre están entre los más afectados por el conflicto y con más víctimas y por eso se identificaron con cruce de bases de datos estas familias que no habían recibido ninguna ayuda de otras instituciones del Estado y las priorizamos para mitigar las carencias y el impacto de este aislamiento preventivo obligatorio”." +221980,45410.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,43,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,[La région du Lac dans la Zone 8 - « Zone ouest agropastorale et de pêche » ]: Les liens de solidarité conduisent régulièrement au partage des repas entre nouveaux et anciens déplacés ainsi qu’avec les ménages hôtes. +158780,39292.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,36,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Round-3-Analysis-Factsheet-NES_TK_09.09.20.pdf,"The report indicated that the actual number of COVID-19 cases in NES is likely much higher due to significant under-testing, particularly in areas outside Al-Hasakeh, along with lockdown measures in many areas being arbitrary" +35716,13057.0,788.0,['Food Security'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,105,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000105395.pdf,"More than 4 in 5 households in the three north eastern states spent over 50 percent of their household expenditure on food in a month and therefore face varying degrees of vulnerability to market shocks. Some 39.3 percent of households spent a very high share (75 percent) of their total expenditure on food and are therefore, remain at heightened risk of food insecurity. Specifically, the expenditure levels for households in the north east is 18.5 percent (low), 22.5 percent (medium), 19.7 percent (high) and 39.3 percent (very high)." +306271,51572.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Education']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Lack of dignity kits for adolescent girls. This resulted in some school dropouts. [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]" +292361,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,on note une augmentation des traumatisés mentaux ainsi qu’une diminution de l’offre de services de santé du fait du sous-financement du secteur durant ce premier semestre 2019. +305680,51474.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,103,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"Between 2 and 9 December, United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) supported the Ministry of Youth and Sports in carrying out five inclusive public consultations, including three virtual consultations involving young people from across the country, on the African Youth Charter. The consultations sought to raise awareness of the content and importance of the Charter. Following the consultations, all stakeholders, including line ministries, parliamentarians, independent government bodies and youth-led civil society organizations, unanimously endorsed the Charter and recommended its ratification by the Transitional National Legislative Assembly, once reconstituted." +236075,47122.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,47,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,To ensure such a strategy [COVID 19 humanitarian response strategy] is coherent with existing programs OCHA this month met with Cluster Coordinators and UN agencies to ensure that clusters develop and implement multi-sectoral responses to the crisis while limiting interventions to life saving activities. +61452,18235.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"As the number of refugees and migrants arriving in the country – as well as their humanitarian needs – grew exponentially, Colombians’ perception of and attitude towards Venezuelans seems to have soured." +317161,53333.0,2334.0,['Livelihoods'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,43,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"While idleness was observed a lot for this group just like the 10-14 group, other FGD participants reported that there were no resources especially money for these girls to be gainfully engaged as unemployment was considered high with the ongoing crisis." +337600,55860.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,33,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb4752en.pdf,"[Outlook] [Nord Kivu et Ituri] The clashes between non‑state actors will disrupt smallholders’ access to farms, inputs, extension services, markets and other basic services." +343391,55976.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],fr,94,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.lemonde.fr/afrique/article/2021/05/10/beaucoup-ne-croient-pas-au-danger-du-covid-19-en-afrique-la-defiance-face-aux-vaccins_6079678_3212.html,"La décision de l’Afrique du Sudd’abandonner le vaccin suédo-britannique en raison de sa moindre efficacité sur le variant B.1.351 a donné un argument supplémentaire aux méfiants. Le variant dit « sud-africain » circule aujourd’hui dans 23 pays du continent. Semaine après semaine, le bureau Afrique de l’OMS et les Centres africains de contrôle et de prévention des maladies (CDC-Afrique) ont beau répéter que« les bénéfices du vaccin l’emportent sur les risques », le doute est installé." +321522,54671.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,77,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/democratic-republic-congo/education-cannot-wait-and-un-refugee-agency-announce-us2-million,"This new, 12-month ECW ‘first emergency response’ grant of US$2 million will support UNHCR’s education response to the crisis, helping to ensure access to quality education for crisis-affected children and adolescents impacted by these forced displacements. The investment will be delivered by UNHCR in partnership with the Government of DRC and with local organizations such as AIRD (African Initiatives for Relief and Development) and ADSSEE." +291269,51259.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,21,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2020_access_annual_overview.pdf,"A total of 267 humanitarians were relocated in 2020 due to insecurity and flooding, compared to 129 in 2019." +334938,55774.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,38,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bcf29d656a8d5984f4c8ffe40908514aad85d.pdf,"[6 April, 2021, Bangladesh] Bridge Collapse: A bridge collapsed in Basail upazila of Tangail district on April 24, 2021. No impact is recorded but communication is disrupted due to it." +170404,40462.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Shelter', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"La protection des personnes déplacées et de la population hôte : la population hôte se sent beaucoup plus en sécurité que les personnes déplacées. Ces dernières ont des difficultés d’accès aux services sociaux de base (vivres, d’abris, de soins santé)." +318968,53305.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,14,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,A total of $645 million will be required for activities planned in 2021 +239383,46388.0,2336.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"More than 5.8 million people need shelter repairs or upgrades, with more than 80 per cent of people reporting their shelter has an integrity issue – including lack of insulation and leaks during to rain, among others." +183601,42456.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,10,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.unicef.org/wca/media/5411/file/UNICEF-WCARO-Central-Sahel-Advocacy-October-2020.pdf,COVID-19 has also had an impact on birth registration services +306383,51572.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,26,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Preposition malaria testing kits, malaria treatment and acute diarhooea medicines. [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]" +292455,51535.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,48,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3722025,"La directora territorial de la entidad en Norte de Santander y Arauca, Ruby Johanna Gelvez Ascanio, destacó la activa participación de las administraciones departamental y municipal para contribuir al fortalecimiento en los procesos de atención y asistencia de la población afectada por el conflicto armado." +402902,63057.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,52,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/PB_CD_202107_FR.pdf,"Le prix de carburant (essence), à laquelle s’ajoute l’état des infrastructures routières qui relient les zones rurales de production aux grands marchés de consommation se complètent à d’autres facteurs multiples qui peuvent influencer les prix des denrées dans l’Est du pays" +191672,43304.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,70,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Le Tchad est un pays de départ, de transit et de destination pour les travailleurs migrants de l’Afrique du Centre, de l’Ouest et de l’Est motivés par des raisons économiques. En effet, il existe plusieurs pôles d’attraction économique au Tchad et au sein des pays voisins, qui orientent et influencent les flux migratoires dans la région." +177690,41763.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_devaluation_rapide_vbg_dans_le_contexte_de_la_covid-19_dans_la_region_du_nord_du_burkina_faso.pdf,"L’ensemble des groupes interviewés ont déclaré avoir des informations sur la pandémie de la COVID 19, de son niveau de contagion et propagation ainsi que du fort taux de mortalité qu’elle occasionne et ceci à travers la radio, les crieurs publics, les agents de santé." +155273,38385.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'Livelihoods']",[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,71,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/R4V%20Flash%20Update%20Colombia%20-%20Situaci%C3%B3n%20de%20refugiados%20y%20migrantes%20provenientes%20de%20Venezuela%20ante%20COVID-19%2C%20Julio%2028%20al%20Agosto%2031%2C%202020.pdf,"• Posterior de puesta en marcha de estrategia de salida con entrega de transferencias monetarias entre otros se pudo realizar el cierre del albergue Carlos Mauro Hoyos, el cual brindó servicios temporales para personas con intención de retorno durante la primera fase de la contingencia por COVID-19 desde el 25 de marzo al 29 de julio, alojando un total de 1.859 personas (1.098 refugiados y migrantes)." +287161,51749.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[district sanitaire de Pouytenga] Enfin, l’approche SURGE, permettant d’aider les équipes des établissements de santé et des districts n’est pas en place." +236502,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,60,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Fear of COVID-19 is also leading to stigmatisation of people who are often baselessly assumed to be carrying the disease to communities. This is particularly true for those who have returned from Iran where COVID-19 rates were reported to be exceptionally high, especially during the first half of the year when the virus was first taking hold." +201583,43427.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,149,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Los estudios desarrollados por UNODC y el Ministerio de Justicia y del Derecho30; confirman que se requieren estrategias que se adapten a las condiciones del territorio y al “momento31”; integración de la población no infractora en el marco de beneficios de los procesos de sustitución; recuperación del control territorial y sostenimiento de la seguridad en el territorio incluyendo el for- talecimiento de la institucionalidad local; im- pulsar procesos de construcción de la me- moria histórica, de recuperación cultural y de tradiciones, y a la reapropiación del territorio por medio de metodologías que permitan a sus habitantes retomar prácticas que históri- camente les han permitido la generación de medios de vida menos abundantes que los que proporcionan los cultivos de coca, pero que tienen como contraprestación la posibili- dad de mejorar su calidad de vida y construir opciones de desarrollo." +345666,56858.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,117,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"(Hauts-Bassins) Les PDI rencontrées ont des difficultés d’accès à la terre pour l’agriculture ou la maraichère culture dans les différentes zones couvertes. C’était pendant la saison des pluies que des PDI avaient l’opportunité de mener des activités dans les champs des populations hôtes. Actuellement, surtout les femmes s’adonnent à la cueillette des noies d’acajou au profit de propriétaires de plantation. Certains déplacés internes sont sur les sites aurifères, pour le petit commerce, qui pour le concassage. Cela, dans le but d’avoir de ressources financières pour subvenir à certaines dépenses de la famille." +265112,49772.0,2028.0,['Agriculture'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,121,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/17_feb_2021_fas_meeting_minutes.pdf,"[17th Feb 2021,NE Syria] However, significant improvement in vegetation was observed in November 2020, especially in north and southern governorates, due to the favorable rainfall during the first dekad of November 2020. In contrast, the Vegetation declined in the northeastern governorates and the eastern regions of the Badia, while the rest of the governorates the vegetation cover was better especially in the central and southern areas in December 2020. There was improvement in Hama, Homs and Southern governorates with some slight improvement being observed in North East, while the development of vegetation declined in southern regions of Aleppo, Idlib and the eastern part of the Badia." +9080,2909.0,322.0,"['Logistics', 'Health', 'Cross', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,149,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response', 'Impact']",['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_jan_to_apr_2018.pdf,"Yemen is the world’s largest humanitarian crisis. Some 22.2 million people - 75 per cent of the population - are in need of humanitarian assistance. 17.8 million people are food insecure and 8.4 million people do not know how they will obtain their next meal. Conflict, protracted displacement, disease and deprivation continue to inflict suffering upon the country’s population. Disruption to commercial imports, inflation, lack of salary payment to civil servants and rising prices of basic commodities are further exacerbating people’s vulnerability. Despite a difficult operating environment some 156 international and national partners in January through April were actively coordinating to assist people with the most acute needs in priority districts across Yemen’s 22 governorates. Together they have assisted over 7.4 million people monthly with some form of humanitarian assistance." +311640,53198.0,2466.0,['Cross'],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,48,[],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/DTM%20Sudan%20Mobility%20Restriction%20Dashboard%204.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=8634,Khartoum International Airport (KRT) is closed for entry and exit until 20 May 2020. This excludes scheduled cargo flights; humanitarian aid and technical and humanitarian support flights; flights of companies operating in the oil fields; and evacuation flights for foreign nationals. +142072,35870.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Subsequently, authorities in NES in late April and early May announced an additional five cases (since recovered) through their own laboratory capacity. On 23 July, authorities in NES announced a further four in Qamishli (3) and Al-Hasakeh city (1); the first announced cases in NES in over two months" +164743,39789.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,28,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Movementwide%20Operation%20Report%20August%202020.pdf,1569 people reached with Integrated Community Based Psychosocial Support and Risk Communication Messages.  560 individuals provided with general Psychosocial First Aid (PFA) services. +237212,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"With increased needs in the home and few alternatives, child labour has been reported at an increasing rate amongst surveyed populations, particularly for boys." +169420,40506.0,2099.0,"['Cross', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,47,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://lefaso.net/spip.php?article99753,"Les plus impactées restent les vendeuses autour des écoles et universités qui ont connu une fermeture totale jusqu’en juin, avec une ouverture partielle pour les classes d’examen et les salles de spectacles et boîtes de nuit qui ont également rouvert tardivement." +70612,19974.0,1534.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,37,['At Risk'],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,Natural disasters increase risk of gender-based violence and humanitarians must work to mitigate and prevent it. Recovery programming offers the opportunity to tackle the root causes of GBV which include discrimination and unequal power dynamics. +313220,53183.0,2466.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,41,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"Enhancement of the quality of service provision and impact monitoring through capacity building of providers on GBV basic concepts, psycho-social support, Case management, Clinical management of rape, caring for child survivors, management of WGSSs and coordination" +318762,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,79,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Protection: There are 3.2 million people in need of protection .Similarly, 1.8M non-IDPs, 1.2M IDPs, 28,000 refugees/asylum seekers, 110,000 refugee returnees are in need. Protection Cluster key vulnerable groups are (480,000) person living with disability, 1.6M women, 1.6M men, 800,000 school and 800,000 older persons . Severity of needs: 83% (Stress), 14% (Severe), 2% (Extreme)." +270399,49943.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,118,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Cuando se preguntó a los niños y niñas sobre los obstáculos de aprender en el hogar, el 3,2% de los niños/as de hogares que perdieron más de la mitad de los ingresos indicaron como obstáculo tener trabajo remunerado, frente a 1% de los niños/as provenientes de hogares que no perdieron más de la mitad de los ingresos. Los niños/as con trabajo remunerado tienen menos confianza que volverán a la escuela: la proporción de niños/as con trabajo pagado que no creen que volverán a la escuela es mayor (6,8%) que la proporción de niños/as con trabajo pago que si creen que volverán a la escuela (2,6%)." +193041,43411.0,2099.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,66,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"The most affected regions [by the disasters] are the Sahel, the Centre-North, the Central Plateau, the East and the Centre, as shown in the table below, where almost 85% of the affected people live. The Sahel and the Centre-North are the regions hosting the largest number of internally displaced persons, i.e. more than 800,000." +313296,53183.0,2466.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,32,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"The need for adequate lighting in refugee camps and settlement areas, such as solar lanterns and streetlights is an important factor to support protection and physical safety of vulnerable refugees." +401409,62279.0,2170.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"[10th November 2020, MONGUNO LGA, BORNO STATE]Source of drinking water: The data from the SMART survey reveals that majority of the population i.e. 99.8% (98.7% - 100.0%) (n=477) are using the borehole as a main source of water. One household was using water vendor to receive supply for drinking water for his own household." +205597,44672.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"There are limited options for Afghanistan, a country that is under fiscal constraint and 55% of its population lives below the poverty line and perhaps half of the remaining are vulnerable or about to become vulnerable." +178023,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],fr,26,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Enfin, les obstacles administratifs restent importants pour l’ensemble des acteurs humanitaires, les ONG faisant face des difficultés statutaires et bureaucratiques additionnelles." +225557,45658.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,63,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[October 2020, Syria] Nationwide, one in ten IDPs (10 percent) are under the age of 5 years. This rate is much higher in NS, where around one in five IDPs (21 percent) are under the age of 5 years. In CSS, this rate is the lowest (6 percent)." +192638,43304.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,40,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Le phénomène d’achats paniques se traduit par les constitutions de stocks de précaution pour s’attendre à un éventuel confinement. La demande étant supérieure à l’offre, le prix à la consommation augmente." +198732,44313.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,45,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_294_20201119.pdf,"Au total, 1 783 alertes ont été comptabilisées ce 19/11/2020 dont 1 772 nouvelles ; 1 771 (99,3%) d’entre elles ont été investiguées et 208 (11,7%) ont été validées comme nouveaux cas suspects de COVID-19." +272103,49364.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,185,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/4-gender-violencia.pdf,"Las anteriores cifras revelan, por un lado, que viajar solas es peligroso para las mujeres migrantes y refugiadas de Venezuela y lo que explica en parte por qué hay más hombres que mujeres viajando solos. Por otra parte, la precariedad económica, expresada en las dificultades reseñadas, y la abrumadora carga de tareas de cuidado de las mujeres migrantes y refugiadas, aumenta exponencialmente su riesgo a sufrir diversos tipos de violencia. Vale la pena recordar que dentro de las principales necesidades de las mujeres migrantes y refugiadas está la de acceder a ingresos y empleo, dada su precariedad económica. A su vez, el aislamiento social, el miedo a acudir a las autoridades y la disminución de contactos con redes de apoyo, puede incrementar las posibilidades de que las mujeres sufran severas formas de violencia por períodos de tiempo extendidos.10 Esa ausencia de redes de apoyo también se refleja en el hecho de que las principales necesidades de las mujeres, arriba expuestas, son información para trámites legales y acceso a servicios." +114809,32498.0,1898.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,49,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://www.efe.com/efe/america/sociedad/una-caravana-recorre-washington-para-pedir-residencia-migrantes-con-el-tps/20000013-4280420,"Una caravana de hasta 150 vehículos llegados de todo EE.UU. recorrió este miércoles Washington para exigir la residencia permanente para miles de inmigrantes con TPS de países como Honduras o El Salvador, cuyo beneficio migratorio expirará en enero de 2021 si el Gobierno no lo renueva." +196736,43328.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_smart_rapid_pdi_2020_bfa_final.pdf,"On note également la forme sévère touche plus les enfants déplacés (5,2%) que les enfants hôtes (3,4%) . A Fada, 12,7% des enfants déplacés sont malnutris avec 3% de forme sévère contre 12,2% dans la population hôte et dont 1,6% sont atteint de la forme sévère. [Malnutrition aigüe chez les enfants de 6-59 mois selon le PB]" +189405,43448.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",es,45,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Como consecuencia de estas medidas, hubo un aumento considerable de población en tránsito en diferentes ciudades del país. Según Migración Colombia al 15 de septiembre2, al menos 106.000 venezolanos/as habrían retornado a Venezuela de manera voluntaria desde el 14 de marzo." +188094,42790.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,15,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000120225.pdf,"As of 8 September 2020, over one million people had been officially displaced." +176014,40890.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"Los departamentos con mayor porcentaje de hogares que no tienen asegurado su lugar de vivienda o no lo saben para el siguiente mes son Valle del Cauca (64% de los hogares), Nariño (62%), Bogotá (58%), Atlántico (58%), Antioquia y Cesar (56% cada uno), y Bolívar (50%)." +226838,46454.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,35,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2022_23Dec2020_FINAL.pdf,"On 12 November, Turkish authorities introduced new restrictions at Bab Al Salam border crossing (Turkey-Aleppo), including limiting NGO staff movement, and requirements to register with the crossing’s authorities" +260333,48912.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,54,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/internet-connections-syria-maintain-access-medical-care-during-covid,"[2020, Overall Syria] Many Syrians suffer from psychological disorders, consequences of the traumas suffered during the conflict which has been ongoing for almost 10 years; hence communications assistance is therefore essential for their health. These calls are mainly made via WhatsApp thanks to TSF’s connection." +216630,45416.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,17,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,Certains enseignants victimes des inondations sont délocalisés pour donner suite à leur condition de vie insupportable. +274534,50587.0,2099.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,21,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MENSUEL%20DE%20PROTECTION%20JANVIER%202021-NORD.pdf,La vie économique suit son cours normal avec les marchés hebdomadaires qui fonctionnent dans les quatre communes [Loroum]. +20774,8434.0,729.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,121,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/refugees-returned-overcrowded-libyan-detention-centres,"Recent fighting that erupted in southern Tripoli has left 14 dead and 58 wounded according to World Health Organization (WHO) representatives in Libya. Civilians have been caught at times in the conflict zone, including approximately 228 refugees, migrants, and asylum seekers who are being arbitrarily held in the Qasr Bin Gashir detention centre, previously located on the frontlines. Power to the centre’s borehole pump was lost and detainees were left without access to clean water until we were able to respond with an emergency provision of water. Our medical teams have visited the centre twice over the past 48 hours to conduct consultations and provide medication for tuberculosis patients." +310508,53179.0,2466.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,58,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Flash%20Update%20-%20Sudan%20-%2017%20Jan%202021_1.pdf,"The overall security situation in Ag Geneina remains calm, with protests, sit-ins continuing and supply routes to the town cut off. The main market is closed, and the key roads to the town remain blocked. Fresh food prices have started to increase in Ag Geneina as only a few shops are open." +148549,36019.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,38,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"Most land borders into Syria remain closed, with some limited exemptions (from Jordan, Iraq, Turkey and Lebanon), including commercial and relief shipments, and movement of personnel from humanitarian and international organizations" +132558,35164.0,1188.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,89,[],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"PROTECCIÓN 1. Necesidades prioritarias identificadas • • • • • Falta de documentación que impide el goce de derechos que les ponen en peligros de protección Falta de documento individual estandarizado para solicitantes de la condición de refugiado Ausencia de un permiso de carácter humanitario que facilite la regularización migratorio y laboral Riesgo de detención administrativa, deportación y expulsión para personas sin estatus regular o documentación apropiada. Además de la institucionalización de NNA. Falta de información e identificación de casos de GVB y trata." +340772,56222.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,84,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.radiookapi.net/2021/05/20/actualite/securite/etat-de-siege-au-nord-kivu-les-etudiants-appellent-soutenir-larmee?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+radiookapi%2Factu+%28Radiookapi.net+-+Actualit%C3%A9%29,"La coordination de la jeunesse estudiantine du Sud de Lubero recommande aux habitants de ce territoire du Nord-Kivu de soutenir à « tous les niveaux » les Forces armées de la RDC (FARDC), engagées dans les opérations militaires pour pacifier cette région. Cette structure a lancé cet appel, mercredi 19 mai dans la cité de Kirumba, lors d’une campagne de sensibilisation de la population sur le renforcement du mariage entre les civils et les militaires." +239064,46388.0,2336.0,['Shelter'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Their insecure land tenure in informal settlements on private land limits investment in shelter and infrastructure support, exposing residents to long periods of deprivation and accumulating vulnerabilities." +325792,54267.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,84,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Lorsque des financements bancaires sont disponibles pour les PME, ils sont généralement de petite taille (couvrant seulement environ 16 pour cent de l’investissement total), avec des taux d’intérêt élevés (entre 7,75 et 15 pour cent), et de courte durée (maximum de deux ans), avec des exigences strictes en matière de garanties, qui sont difficiles à satisfaire pour les petites et moyennes entreprises (Banque mondiale, 2019)." +323699,54267.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",fr,42,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Cependant, des efforts supplémentaires sont nécessaires pour garantir que les diverses questions liées au genre et les perspectives des femmes sur le développement agricole soient soulevées dans les documents finaux et la mise en œuvre (Gnisci, 2016)." +12378,5597.0,322.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,51,['Impact'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://docs.wfp.org/api/documents/WFP-0000074046/download/,"Despite the continued improvements in the availability of food commodities in local markets during June and July 2018, prices remained high and slightly increased from previous months, and they are still much more than those recorded before the pre-crisis and those reported during the blockade in November/December 2017." +342023,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,112,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[De juillet à début septembre 2020, les enquêteurs ont administré le sondage auprès de 2396 Burkinabè dans les régions du Centre Nord, Nord, Sahel, Est, Boucle du Mouhoun et Hauts-Bassins] De l’avis des populations consultées, les initiatives de dialogue, qui existent entre les différents leaders religieux contribuent à maintenir le vivre ensemble. Ces initiatives, qui sont ponctuelles mais aussi formelles dans un cadre plus permanent, permettent aux leaders religieux de diffuser des messages de cohésion sociale. De manière ponctuelle, lors des fêtes chrétiennes et musulmanes, les leaders religieux se rendent des visites de courtoisie." +391217,61647.0,2170.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,77,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_15_jul_2021_report_2.pdf,"[ 01 -15 July 2021,Northeast Nigeria] During the reporting period of 01 -15 July 2021, sector partners provided life-saving assistance to the vulnerable population in locations across Borno, Adamawa and Yobe states. With the increased shelter and NFI damages incurred in this reporting period as a result of flooding and strong rains, it is expected that affected persons vulnerabilities in the north-east will be exacerbated during the rainy season." +306168,51474.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"Violations were perpetrated by, among others, South Sudan People's Defence Forces (SSPDF) (one boy and four girls) and Sudan People's Liberation Movement-in-Opposition (abbreviated SPLM-IO) (two boys and three girls). A violation against one boy resulted from crossfire between SPLM/A-IO and an unknown group." +175029,40890.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],es,61,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"La Guajira y Arauca son los departamentos que cuentan con más hogares con una alta tasa de dependencia (34% y 24% respectivamente); en contraste con los departamentos de Santander, Valle del Cauca y Bogotá, que presentan tasas más bajas (11%, 15% y 15% de los hogares encuestados)." +306544,51572.0,2335.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"According to the teachers, because of limited food in the camps children loose attention and concentration that negatively results in their knowledge obtained. [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +345982,56087.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,35,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.thedefensepost.com/2021/05/04/dr-congo-military-ituri-north-kivu/,The Democratic Republic of Congo’s presidency on Monday ordered military and police officers to take over civil authorities in two regions that have been declared under a “state of siege.” +475549,63296.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,41,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"L’irrégularité des pluies est un problème récurrent dans la région du Boulkiemdé depluis plusieurs années et entraîne une précarité des ménages, particulièrement les ménages plus pauvres qui dépendent plus fortement des récoltes pendant la période de soudure." +325592,54815.0,2099.0,[],[],[],en,72,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Despite the relatively small sample size (45), the analysis confirms that accessibility to schools – as measured by the average motorized travel time to the nearest school – has a statistically significant association with not only school enrollment (gross and net), but also school completion and drop-out rates, with lower accessibility associated with distinctly lower enrollment and completion rates and distinctly higher drop-out rates." +292399,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,58,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"Pour réduire les risques de propagation transfrontalière des épidémies ainsi que l’importation de maladies déjà éliminées dans le pays, l’OMS, sur financement du Fonds de l’aide humanitaire Européenne (ECHO), a entrepris de renforcer les compétences des responsables des Postes Santé aux Frontières sur la surveillance épidémiologique." +337226,55827.0,2311.0,"['Shelter', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],es,60,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/bogota/mendicidad-en-bogota-el-incremento-del-fenomeno-en-la-ciudad-585210,"Hay quienes dicen habitar la calle y desempeñarse en labores como el reciclaje y otros que piden limosna a diario para conseguir lo necesario para comer y dormir, así sea en un ‘pagadiario’. Ambos recorren la ciudad bajo el sol o la lluvia, exponiendo a sus niños a las difíciles condiciones de la calle." +224072,45768.0,2332.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],fr,57,"['Impact', 'Priority Interventions']",[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"Mais, pour la relocalisation, il faudra envisager la mise en place provisoire d’un « bladder » pour la distribution de l’eau en attendant la construction des forages. Il n’y a pas de latrines et le système de gestion des ordures ménagers. Tout est donc à refaire." +282357,51023.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,32,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-educational-institutions-reopening-may-be-delayed/65989,"[12th March 2021, Bangladesh] Bangladesh has so far recorded 555,222 coronavirus cases and 8,515 fatalities. So far, 509,172 patients have recovered, according to government data." +161584,39295.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,30,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,"The transhipment hub at Bab al Hawa is being expanded to improve physical distancing. The augmentation will add an extra 5,000 m2 of space to improve physical distancing." +490431,67748.0,1234.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need']",[],en,109,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Trinidad and Tobago,2019-05-28 03:09:47.864552+00,,"All Sub-regional R4V countries stepped up measures to deal with the latest waves of the COVID-19 pandemic which led to con%nued job loss and reduced access to basic needs among refugees and migrants, who are in dire need of financial support, shelter, safe accommoda%on and food security. In Trinidad and Tobago, for instance, this was evidenced through a 36 per cent increase in Cash Based Interven%ons related queries to one partner’s hotlines, and a 170 percent increase in the number of CBI applica%ons made for the month, compared with August." +297860,52145.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,56,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_humanitaire_numero_12_v_04.pdf,"Si jusqu’alors les agressions étaient lancées depuis le territoire nigérian, la majorité des attaques portées contre les populations civiles en septembre, octobre et novembre prennent racine sur le territoire même du Cameroun. Elles affectent de ce fait des localités jusqu’alors épargnées car plus distantes de la frontière nigériane." +386744,60459.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,76,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"Pour les PDI et ménages pauvres hôtes qui ont perdu leurs avoirs, l’assistance alimentaire est la principale source de nourriture. L’assistance en cours et planifiée pour la période de soudure de juin à aout, devrait atteindre 49 pour cent de la population et répondre au moins à 50 pour cent de leurs besoins. Elle reste concentrée dans la commune de Gorom-Gorom, le chef-lieu de la province." +157955,38137.0,2098.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,18,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cxb_education_covid_response_reaching_every_learner_final.pdf,"Development and remote delivery of distance learning guidance for teachers, including tips on remote facilitation on learning" +303677,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,43,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,Less than a third of the population has access to electricity. Mobile network coverage is poor in most parts of South Sudan and largely non-existent in many rural areas. Radio is a key communications tool for people in hard-to-reach areas. +24815,9461.0,730.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,150,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/02.26.19-%20USG%20Yemen%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet.pdf,"An estimated 19.7 million people lack access to adequate health care, including 14 million people who are in acute need of health services, according to the 2019 HRP. Furthermore, fewer than 50 percent of health facilities countrywide are fully functional, often due to high operating costs, staff shortages, and lack of equipment, medicine, and other supplies, the 2019 HNO reports. Limited access to health care services and poor sanitation conditions increases the risk of communicable disease outbreaks among vulnerable populations. Due to the continued deterioration of health and WASH facilities, the UN estimates health actors could record 250,000−350,000 suspected cholera cases in 2019. To date in 2019, health actors have recorded more than 52,000 suspected cases of cholera, including 49 related deaths, according to the UN World Health Organization (WHO)." +169953,40360.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,63,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Des orphelins au nombre de 09 ont été recueillis par un septuagénaire c’est-à-dire qu’ils vivent avec ce dernier dont 3 en situation d’handicape physique, tous déscolarisés. Un enfant de 10 ans au secteur 2 de la ville de Djibo exerce la bergerie pour pourvoir aux besoins de ses sœurs déscolarisées et de sa mère." +227161,46454.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,48,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2022_23Dec2020_FINAL.pdf,"[23rd December, Overall Syria] Reports indicate even households with regular income have been adversely affected as the cost of living has spiraled; for example, WFP’s national average food basket exceeds the highest paid official government monthly salary of SYP 80,240." +214208,45203.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,74,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://fews.net/west-africa/cameroon/food-security-outlook/june-2020,"In April and May, however, approximately 800 IDPs and refugees returned to the Northwest and Southwest regions from the Littoral region and from Cross River State because they feared contracting COVID-19. In addition, around 1,200 people in the Northwest and Southwest regions returned to their home villages due to poor living conditions in the place to which they were displaced and improved security conditions in their place of origin." +176964,40354.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,53,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Recent analyses show that the number of food insecure people in Burkina Faso has risen by more than 1 million. Across the region, 5.5 million people are now facing critical shortages of food. The impact of COVID-19 and related restriction measures risk further increasing food insecurity in the region." +327610,54714.0,2331.0,[],[],[],en,18,[],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,[PRE-EXISTING VULNERABILITIES] 51% households reporting relying on unstable income sources to meet basic needs. +341488,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,120,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[De juillet à début septembre 2020, les enquêteurs ont administré le sondage auprès de 2396 Burkinabè dans les régions du Centre Nord, Nord, Sahel, Est, Boucle du Mouhoun et Hauts-Bassins] Les personnes enquêtées en veulent pour preuve le niveau de formation de certains responsables au ni- veau de la religion islamique qui pour elles n’est pas toujours complète. Ce qui a des répercussions sur la qualité du message (discours religieux radicaux) qui est transmis aux fidèles. Ce faisant, la religion de- vient ici l’un des maillons faibles par lesquels des groupes armés passent pour convaincre des per- sonnes et y avoir des adhérents." +452347,64945.0,2099.0,[],[],['Casualties->Dead'],fr,84,[],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MONITORING%20PROTECTION%20DE%20JULLET%202021%20EST.pdf,"Des cas d’assassinats de civils par des GANE ont été enregistrés dans la Tapoa, le Gourma et la Komondjari. . Il s’agit d’un conseiller villageois et 2 jeunes du village de Kpencangou (Matiacoali), 01 civil otage depuis 08 mois à Boudiéri, l’exécution d’un vieil homme de 70 ans à Madjoari et 01 homme victime de l’explosion d’un engin improvisé sur l’axe Madjoari-Tambarga." +264587,49668.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,76,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/llegaron-las-vacunas-y-aun-no-definen-plan-de-la-migracion-irregular/2486,"Al respecto, el gobierno de Iván Duque ha señalado que, al igual que para los colombianos, las vacunas estarán disponibles para los venezolanos cuya situación migratoria en esté regularizada, bajo los criterios de priorización y en las etapas y fases dispuestas por el Ministerio de Salud: ""Nosotros seguiremos teniendo una política fraterna y se vacunará por supuesto a aquellas personas de Venezuela que hayan legalizado su situación migratoria en Colombia" +177323,41093.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],es,43,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"En julio, el Indicador de Seguimiento de la Economía (ISE) registró una variación anual de -9,6% en su serie original, 13,5 pps inferior a la variación registrada un año atrás, cuando se ubicó en 3,9%." +323029,54626.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,"As of 23 March, the cumulative total number of suspected cholera cases in 2021 was 780, including 2 associated deaths with a case fatality ratio (CFR) of 0.3 per cent1." +215863,45340.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,90,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.primature.cd/public/2020/12/07/lutte-contre-la-2eme-vague-de-covid-19-en-rdc-les-propositions-du-comite-multisectoriel-de-riposte-deja-sur-la-table-du-chef-de-letat/,"Le Ministre d’Etat en charge de la Communication et Médias, Jolinho Makelele, dans sa restitution de cette réunion a confié que vu l’augmentation journalière de nombre de cas confirmés, les mesures à appliquer sont à prendre de toute urgence. Les membres du Comité Multisectoriel de Riposte contre la COVID-19 ont aussi annoncé que les propositions pour contrer cette deuxième vague sont déjà transmises au chef de l’État, et d’autres mesures complémentaires pourraient accompagner celles déjà prises." +341376,56493.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[peulhs] Rarement scolarisés (pour cette raison ils sont des « proies » faciles pour les agents de l’Etat qui les soumettent souvent à des contraventions injustifiées et au racket) et vivant à l‘écart des agglomérations, les peulhs sont considérés comme des êtres qui ré- futent l’intégration avec les autres communautés." +142053,35870.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,91,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"In total, 214 new cases have been announced since the last report. The MoH has also announced 35 fatalities – an increase of 19 since the last report – and 184 recoveries. Of the cases, 104 cases were announced as imported and 203 as a secondary case (exposure/contact with a known case). According to available MoH data, nearly 28 per cent of cases presented as severe/critical requiring hospitalization, including, in some cases, oxygenation or mechanical ventilation in ICU units." +137568,35118.0,1187.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,33,[],['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,En relación a la nacionalidad la distribución en todos los grupos de situaciones migratorias la distribución resulta homogénea consideran- do que el 80% de la muestra está compuesta por personas venezolanas. +156437,32374.0,1234.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],en,95,[],['Context'],UNHCR Trinidad and Tobago,2019-05-28 03:09:47.864552+00,https://newsday.co.tt/2020/06/22/venezuelans-in-tt-organising-return-home/,"That same night, the 30 Trinidadians were able to return from Venezuela on a charter flight which cost them US$1,000 each. The Venezuelans here had asked their embassy for help to return on the same plane, but did not get the exemption. The plane, owned by the Rutaca airline, returned empty to Caracas. Ambassador Carlos Pérez said his office has two lists with almost 200 people waiting to return to their homeland, but everything will depend on the health authorities and the Venezuelan government." +178340,41756.0,2225.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,Une autre étude récente réalisée en Ituri en mai 2019 a également identifié le manque de nourriture et de moyens pour accéder aux soins de santé comme l’une des raisons principales du sexe de survie par les filles et femmes déplacées dans les sites.113 +296800,52565.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/2019/06/WFP-COUNTRY-BRIEF-CAMEROON-APRIL-2019.pdf,"A total of 475,00 people is targeted [people in need] of which 250,000 in the SW/ NW regions of Cameroon." +70635,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],[],en,71,[],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"According to the Bahamian Crisis Centre, human trafficking in the Bahamas applies mainly, but not exclusively, to persons brought or coming in from Jamaica and Haiti. People who have received promises of work to support families at home are forced into prostitution or hard labour in order to survive. 44 Women and adolescent girls who are alone or with their children are at greatest risk." +320215,53305.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,19,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"The cluster estimates that $35.5 million will be required to provide approximately 188,000 households with S/NFI assistance." +305237,53100.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,14,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/plan_de_preparation_coronavirus_cmr._version_du_10_mars_2019.pdf,- Existence des systèmes de surveillance à base communautaires et fondés sur les évènements +342312,55996.0,2225.0,['Logistics'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,44,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/democratic-republic-congo/l-acheminement-de-l-aide-une-route-sem-e-d-embuches-dans-le-sud,"[Sud Kivu] Pour permettre de désenclaver les zones isolées, de leur fournir un accès rapide à l’aide humanitaire il est essentiel de mettre en place un réseau de routes interconnecté et adapté aux aléas climatiques de la région." +304363,51590.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,86,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/IOM%20DTM%20SSD%20FMR%20Cross%20border%20trends%20and%20impact%20of%20restrictions%202020.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10755,"On the border with Uganda, contextual reports indicate that the economic pressure induced by the pandemic on refugee communities, together with frictions with host communities in camps, contributed to the wave of returns that started in the summer and gathered momentum in September and October. Outgoing movements have remained low as restrictions continued to be place in Uganda for longer term migration, although operational issues at Nimule Border FMP may have resulted in an underestimation of outgoing flows since October 2020" +297884,52145.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,18,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_humanitaire_numero_12_v_04.pdf,The ongoing conflict has clear effects on the Gender-Based Violence (GBV) landscape of the crisis. +216619,45416.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,La province du Tanganyika est celle qui a enregistré le nombre le plus élevé d’enseignants (2731) dans ses 9 rapports d’évaluations. +46673,16136.0,729.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,70,['At Risk'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/echo_-nf_bud_2019_91000_v2.pdf,"The failure to restore the rule of law and demobilize rebel militias after the 2011 conflict has resulted into a widespread insecurity and proliferation of weapons. The porousness of Libya’s borders, especially in the south along the migratory route, also allows for trafficking and smuggling, and the circulation of criminals and armed groups. Kidnappings are still of concern for Libyans and foreigners." +194582,43822.0,2311.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,59,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19112020_flash_update_no.3_emergencias_por_ola_invernal_-_colombia_vf.pdf,"Asi mismo, la vía que comunica al departamento con Antioquia se encuentra parcialmente bloqueada por múltiples derrumbes en el tramo de Carmen de Atrato. La vía que comunica a Quibdó con Pereira se encuentra habilitada con paso a un carril en varios segmentos justo después de Playa de Oro, debido a derrumbes de menores proporciones." +309788,51467.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Nutrition']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,58,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Malnutrition needs are greatest in Jonglei, Upper Nile, Lakes, Warrap and Northern Bahr el Ghazel states where number of acutely malnourished children under-five and Pregnant and Lactating Women caseloads are highest, also with more than 50 per cent of their respective population facing Crisis (IPC Phase 3) or worse acute food insecurity" +323592,54626.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,35,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,"Two streams of intervention, one for mass awareness on the prevention of COVID-19 infection and fatalities and another for promotion of the COVID-19 vaccine, were in full scale operation throughout the month." +177345,41093.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,59,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"El índice de precios al consumidor (IPC) registró una variación anual en agosto de 1,88%, mientras que hace un año esta variación fue de 3,75%. En este mes la inflación mensual fue de -0,01%, inferior a las expectativas de la Encuesta de Opinión Financiera de Fedesarrollo (0,04%)." +125712,31803.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77205.pdf,"Entre enero y marzo de 2020, un promedio del 55.9% de las personas encuestadas declararon que no trabajaban, aunque este porcentaje llegó al 83.7% en la ciudad de Riohacha. Entre los que sí trabajan un 94.5% realizan actividades informales" +325781,54267.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,47,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Le Burkina est également un important centre régional d’échanges commerciaux, en particulier dans le bassin central (comprenant le Burkina Faso, le Mali, la Côte d’Ivoire, le Ghana et le Togo) (FEWS NET, 2017)." +270398,49943.0,2311.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,137,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Efectos de la pérdida de ingresos en la violencia en el hogar y hacia los niños y niñas La pérdida de ingresos en el hogar puede llevar a situaciones de estrés, incrementando el riesgo de violencia en el hogar y hacia los niños y niñas. Se observó una mayor proporción de violencia reportada por niños y niñas en hogares que han perdido más de la mitad de los ingresos debido a la COVID-19 (4,2%), que los que no perdieron (2,3%). También se observa mayor reporte de estrés en hogares, y violencia por parte de cuidadores que perdieron más de la mitad de los ingresos (37,4% y 7,7%) que entre quienes no perdieron tal cantidad (20,3% y 5,4%)." +326022,53013.0,2331.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/3c8084ae/REACH_SOM_Factsheet_Assessment-of-Hard-to-Reach-Areas_December-2020.pdf,"Protection: KIs from 90% of the settlements where people were not able to move safely around the settlement during the day, reported that these settlements relied on own production as the main source of food." +325099,54766.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,73,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note-info_1_31_mars_2021_ocha_bukavu_0.pdf,"L’ONG Rebuild Hope for Africa poursuit l’implémentation de son projet Wash dans le Maniema : en plus de la construction de latrines à l’école primaire de Mbunge dans la zone de santé de Punia, l’ONG organise des activités de sensibilisation sur la promotion de l’eau, hygiène et assainissement dans les formations sanitaires, en plus des activités de consultation prénatale." +13857,5545.0,322.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,63,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/IOM%20Yemen%20-%20Sitrep%20-%201%20July%202018.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=3857,"IOM provided healthcare assistance to 17,206 IDPs and other conflict affected Yemenis and 549 migrants during the reporting week. Healthcare services – provided through IOM-supported healthcare facilities across Yemen – includes primary healthcare, MHPSS, and health promotion orientation through Migrant Response Points (MRPs), static and mobile health clinics, mobile health teams, and foster care." +294569,51749.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,61,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[commune de Ouargaye] Comme dans les communes de Pouytenga et de Comin-Yanga (voir plus haut), les ménages déplacés ne sont pas en mesures de pratiquer les activités génératrices de revenus qu’ils pratiquaient avant la crise à savoir (par ordre d’importance) : l’agriculture, le commerce et l'élevage." +58956,17671.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,51,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.elnuevosiglo.com.co/articulos/08-2019-pib-se-beneficiaria-con-llegada-de-venezolanos,"Hace poco el director de Fedesarrollo,Luis Fernando Mejía, dijo que la migración de venezolanos puede ser positiva. “Este flujo de personas podría darle al país un dividendo importante, en materia de empleo y productividad laboral, sobre todo a mediano y largo plazo”." +293838,52074.0,2334.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,16,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,"DRC has distributed close to 2,000 shelter/NFI kits in Yoke and Owe (SW)." +188394,42860.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,35,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_covid-19_6_departamento_del_cauca.pdf,Decreto 0639 del 19 de marzo de 2020: Por el cual se adoptan medidas y acciones en el departamento del Cauca con ocasión de la declaratoria de emergencia sanitaria por causa del COVID-19. +220144,44615.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",es,44,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://caracol.com.co/emisora/2020/11/30/cucuta/1606693844_269041.amp.html,"De igual forma se ha decretado que no se permitirán en ningún lugar del territorio eventos de carácter público y privado con aglomeración de personas, discotecas y lugares de baile, consumo de bebidas embriagantes en espacios públicos y establecimientos de comercio." +149784,37699.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/ne-syria-60-increase-covid-19-cases-past-week-irc-calls-increased-health,"There are over 65,000 people living in Al Hol and the camp, which has a population density of 37,570 people per km2, is so congested that it is practically impossible for people to practice physical distancing." +175119,40890.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,83,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"En el 28% de los hogares, hay al menos una mujer embarazada y/o lactante. A nivel departamental, destaca de manera significativa la alta proporción de mujeres embarazadas y lactantes en los hogares de La Guajira, que duplica la de otros departamentos. Esto se explica por el análisis según grupos étnicos: el 12% de los hogares con mujeres embarazadas o lactantes corresponden a comunidades indígenas, cuya proporción en La Guajira es del 38%." +305334,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,62,['Impact'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"IDPs reported they could not hold the government directly accountable as this would put them at risk. For instance, in Upper Nile IDPs noted that before the conflict communities raised their complaints with the local chief for escalation to the county commissioner, but currently chiefs fear elevating complaints to commissioners as they will be accused of opposing the government" +135705,35301.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,47,['Impact'],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"In southern Syria, Rukban camp has not been reached by a humanitarian convoy since September 2019. Informal commercial supply routes from Damascus and Dhumer were closed off in February, further disrupting the delivery of food, fuel and medical supplies into the camp." +263011,49608.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,71,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/noticias/economia/en-enero-de-2021-retrocedio-la-confianza-de-los-empresarios/,"Finalmente, la encuesta les pidió a los empresarios proyectar la situación tres meses hacia el futuro y concluyó que hay un optimismo del 41 % respecto a un eventual aumento en ingresos, lo que refleja un incremento de 2,1 p.p. frente a la expectativa registrada en diciembre. El 65 % reportó que esperaba estabilidad en el personal ocupado en la empresa durante los próximos tres meses." +301782,51958.0,2332.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,92,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_devaluation_de_protection_des_retournes_tchadiens_de_la_rca_installes_dans_les_sites_au_sud_du_tchad_002.pdf,"L’observation montre également que certains ménages essaient de construire eux-mêmes des abris semis durables mais sont très souvent butés au problème d’accès aux matériaux de construction. L’inspection forestière est rigide au niveau de la coupe de bois de construction et l’accès à la paille n’est pas souvent évident. Du fait de leur faible pouvoir d’achat, la majorité des ménages disent n’être pas en mesure d’acquérir ces matériaux de construction sur le marché." +294733,52246.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,70,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sidwaya.info/blog/2021/03/05/reconciliation-nationale-et-cohesion-sociale-zephirin-diabre-decline-son-role-et-les-attentes/,"(Discours de Zéphirin Diabré) Enfin cinquièmement, le ressenti de la gouvernance globale de l’Etat notamment dans ses dimensions de gestion du développement et d’administration de la justice, pose problème dans notre pays. Des groupes sociologiques et des territoires posent la question de l’équité dans ces domaines (équilibre, équité entre régions, entre catégories de populations)." +190134,43304.0,2332.0,"['Education', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,38,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Les principaux résultats de cette première séquence de l’étude montrent que les secteurs durement affectés par les mesures barrières au COVID-19 sont les Transports aériens et terrestre, hôtellerie et restauration, commerce et éducation." +353493,57852.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Context->Economy'],es,45,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://noticialdia.com/2021/06/colombia-da-marcha-atras-y-amplia-el-cierre-de-la-frontera-con-venezuela-hasta-el-1-de-septiembre/,"En ese sentido, ha lamentado que el cierre de los puentes haya generado un aumento de la economía informal e irregular, con una grave incidencia en la situación socioeconómica de la frontera, afectando también la recaudación fiscal en las dos naciones." +292406,52073.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,Le pré-positionnement en intrant de prise en charge dans les CSI de Bodo et Afade après la première vague des réfugiés en collaboration avec l’OMS et la DRSP-EN. +359814,58733.0,2098.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,59,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/2021/06/30/study-70-of-low-income-households-consumed-less-food-amid-covid-19-pandemic,"[30th June 2021, Bangladesh] Food security has been greatly compromised in the low-income households of Bangladesh amid the Covid-19 pandemic so far, with 40% of households facing difficulties to have three meals a day and 70% of households consuming less quantity food than what they regularly consumed before, says a study." +178188,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,83,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Les tensions intercommunautaires sont parfois exacerbées par la politisation de l’identité et de la citoyenneté, et la reconfiguration des frontières provinciales et des systèmes administratifs qui ont contribué à la polarisation des tensions depuis 2015. A cela s’ajoutent des conflits armés nourris par la présence active de quelques 130 groupes armés à l’est du pays, ayant tué 1 900 victimes civiles et enlevé plus de 3 300 personnes entre juin 2017 et juin 2019.6" +62686,18394.0,1386.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,95,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3295213,"Reitero mi llamado tanto al Gobierno como a la oposición para que superen sus diferencias y den prioridad a la negociación que considero como la única manera para poder superar la actual situación. Una vez más expreso mi disponibilidad y la de mi oficina, fuera y dentro del país, para acompañar todos los esfuerzos que contribuyan a superar la actual crisis que afecta a millones de venezolanos. Apoyo el espacio facilitado por el reino de Noruega, así como las diversas iniciativas de dialogo que la comunidad internacional está impulsando." +343392,55976.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],fr,73,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.lemonde.fr/afrique/article/2021/05/10/beaucoup-ne-croient-pas-au-danger-du-covid-19-en-afrique-la-defiance-face-aux-vaccins_6079678_3212.html,"Nous avons un sérieux problème de communication », reconnaît le docteur Samba Sow. Pour sa part, le ministre gabonais de la santé, Guy Patrick Obiang Ndong, ne cache pas devoir faire face à« un manqued’adhésion ». Un mois après le début de la campagne de vaccination, moins de 10 % des 100 000 doses offertes par le chinois Sinopharm ont été écoulées." +325538,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,90,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[Ouagadougou] In the case of schools, some differences in bus-based accessibility for the poor compared to the overall city population emerge at the PPS school level, where 56 percent of the city’s poor population are estimated to be able to access at least one public PPS school within half hour of travel by bus, compared to 60 percent among the overall population, and accessibility for the poor is also slightly lower for private PPS schools with Catholic or Muslim affiliation specifically." +61498,18235.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,94,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"In Cúcuta, however, the border closure meant that mixed migration flows that previously crossed the border regularly using the Simón Bolivar International Bridge, would, after February 23, do so irregularly via a trocha. People on the move contributed to the smuggling economy at least by paying the extortion fee to be able to cross the border. The smuggling business was so profitable that the criminal and armed groups present near the border started fighting for its control, causing an increase in violence in the area." +235887,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,22,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Children are also affected with 17.3 per cent of children aged 2-17 having a mild, moderate, or severe disability." +64311,18707.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",[],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Context->Economy', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,58,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/integracion-financiera-a-migrantes-venezolanos-en-colombia/1481,"Migración Colombialogró también una alianza con la aplicación Movi, una billetera electrónica que les permite abrir una cuenta con pasaporte, cédula de extranjería y PEP. En ella podrán ahorrar, hacer pagos electrónicos y solicitar una tarjeta débito.La entidad migratoria colombiana confirmará la información que el extranjero suministre para que puedan usar el servicio." +239284,46388.0,2336.0,"['Shelter', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,11,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Many people are unable to afford rent and fear eviction. +472875,63777.0,2099.0,"['Shelter', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Casualties->Dead'],fr,88,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"dans la nuit du 04 au 05 juin 2021, un incident sécuritaire s’est produit à Solhan, un village situé à environ 12 kilomètres de Sebba chef-lieu de la province du Yagha. Cet incident sécuritaire a occasionné des graves violations des droits de l’Homme. Les données officielles font état de 132 personnes tuées et plusieurs autres blessées. Des boutiques, des maisons, des véhicules, des motos et bien d’autres matériels ont été brûlés ou emportés." +173818,39928.0,2170.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"There have been 32% incidents identified as children and 29% of those identified are survivors of child and forced marriage. 98% of incidents were reported in Borno state, 1% incidents in Adamawa and no single case in Yobe state." +170410,40462.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Pull Factors']",fr,74,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Aussi, Les 36 PDIs dont 13 enfants 9 hommes et 14 femmes de Natiaboani arrivés à fada au cours du mois de Février 2020 sont retournés dans leur localités d’origine pour s’occuper de leur champ malgré les menaces à leur rencontre par des HANI. Elles sont retournées individuellement à Fada dans les secteurs 01, 02, 03 et 11 à la date du 10 au 15/08/2020." +162643,36464.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,168,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/medicos-venezolanos-esperan-pronta-autorizacion-del-gobierno-para-ejercer-en-el-pais/2067,"Miembros de Asovenezuela comprobaron hace unos meses que en La Parada, cerca del Puente Internacional Simón Bolívar, en Cúcuta, médicos argentinos (los cascos blancos) ejercían la medicina solo con una autorización del Gobierno, sin tener convalidados los títulos académicos. Con ese antecedente, hicieron un derecho de petición a la Cancillería, cuyos funcionarios los invitaron a una reunión de trabajo en donde les explicaron que, en efecto, sí es posible autorizar de manera temporal a médicos extranjeros en el ámbito de misiones humanitarias para ejercer en Colombia. “Ese tratamiento bien podría aplicarse a los cientos de médicos venezolanos en trámite de convalidación (sin respuesta) para que atiendan de manera primaria, como médicos generales en el ámbito de la emergencia sanitaria por la covid-19. Se trata de médicos en curso de su convalidación, perfectamente ubicables, localizables y seguramente dispuestas a prestar sus servicios”, recomienda el presidente de Asovenezuela." +64346,19041.0,1184.0,['Shelter'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']","['Context->Security & Stability', 'Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics']",es,59,['At Risk'],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://www.expreso.ec/guayaquil/parque-municipal-venezolanos-policia-retiro-municipio-MB3164781,"Cerca de 200 agentes de laPolicía MunicipalyMetropolitana de Guayaquilintervienen este martes en elparque municipalde laavenida Benjamín Rosales, donde acampaban alrededor de150 ciudadanos venezolanos. Al sitio también acudieron representantes delMunicipio de Guayaquily de la Intendencia del Guayas. Algunos extranjeros, al notar la presencia de los uniformados, empezaron a gritar para oponerse a la acción." +311045,54065.0,2170.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nenfss_round_9_final_report_11032021.pdf,"[1st Dec 2020,North-East Nigeria] Prevalence of cGAM was highest in Yobe at 14.7%, twice that of Adamawa at 7.3% and followed by Borno at 11.2%. By domain, prevalence is higher in Northern Yobe (17.7%) followed by Northern Borno (16.8) and Central Yobe (16.6%), it is lowest in Southern Adamawa (4.9%)." +223979,45768.0,2332.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,14,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,Longue file d’attente au niveau des points d’eau à Diamerom +317249,53333.0,2334.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,28,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,Adolescent parenting classes can foster the role of young fathers and/or male caregivers to the babies of the young mothers to share in the care of babies. +305344,51467.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,83,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Many refugee returnees lack identity documentation, which further limits their access to services, and their ability to exercise their rights of their rights as national citizens. Refugee returnees bear the same challenges, if not worse, as other South Sudanese nationals in terms of civil documentation and particularly in terms of documentation proving property ownership. Recognition of civil status and documentation acquired in their country of asylum may not be recognized in South Sudan, enhancing vulnerability." +2575,517.0,321.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Context->Demography'],en,39,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Libya%20Situation%20Report%20-%20End%20of%20Year%202017.pdf,"During 2017, a total of 20,510 children (7,739 girls) benefited from the establishment of six mobile classes and from the rehabilitation of 24 schools in Benghazi, Sirte, Sebha, Tripoli and Ubari cities." +208412,43992.0,2332.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,108,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"Furthermore, a decree signed by the MoH instructing health staff to provide a 3-month supply of ART has been implemented to ensure service continuity and access to Anti-retroviral Therapy (ART) supplies for people living with HIV (PLHIV).However, the COVID-19 pandemic could severely disrupt HIV services in Chad and HIV deaths may increase substantially during the COVID-19 pandemic due to challenges of international procurement of ART. UNICEF therefore continues to provide logistic and financial support to the MoH and closely monitor the procurement process from planning, purchase and transport to ensure the necessary provisions of ART and other commodities." +196731,43328.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,78,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_smart_rapid_pdi_2020_bfa_final.pdf,"Par ailleurs une analyse approfondie de la situation de nutritionnelle chez les moins de 2 ans révèle que la malnutrition aigue globale touche davantage les moins d’un an c’est-à-dire les 6- 11 mois (19,7%) comparée aux enfants de 12 -23 mois (18,7%). Cependant la forme sévère touche légèrement un peu plus les 12-23 mois (5,4%) que les 6-11 mois (4,8%)." +145978,35870.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,70,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Following WHO support for on-site training of laboratory technicians and delivery of essential supplies, COVID-19 testing is also ongoing at the Tishreen University Hospital in Lattakia, the Zahi Azraq Hospital in Aleppo, and at the public health laboratory in Homs. As of 24 July, the MoH reported that 12,416 cases have been tested, with a current average of 226 tests performed per day." +143647,35870.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,58,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Working closely with WHO and MoH, the RCCE Group has developed and widely disseminated a multi-component package, including a toolkit of key messages covering a wide range of issues related to COVID-19. The Group has also finalized online training materials in Arabic and trained several partners in NES and other parts of the country." +59580,17198.0,1224.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"The Toshao noted that their food provisions by the government are not sufficient to meet the size of the community and suggested that for income generation / food security, they would benefit from support to harvest peanuts, ginger, and cassava." +337595,55860.0,2225.0,['Agriculture'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,25,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb4752en.pdf,It is crucial to provide livelihood support to vulnerable populations in time for the upcoming planting season so they can produce their own food. +325486,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,85,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[Ouagadougou] Average accessibility to primary schools using the existing bus system is estimated to be relatively good. Out of the 1,212 primary schools, residents, on average, are able to reach 20 schools within 30 minutes of travel using the SOTRACO bus services. At least one primary schools is accessible within 30 minutes of travel for the vast majority (94 percent) of people, and within an hour at least one school is accessible for everyone." +325248,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,40,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Since the crisis intensified and mass school closures began about two years ago, some children began to attend schools further from their homes in order to access education, but they are exposed to other dangers during long transits" +149676,37702.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,59,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"On 16 August, the GoS announced new entry requirements for individuals arriving from official border crossing points with Lebanon following presentation of a negative PCR certificate at the border. Tests must have been conducted within the past 96 hours at accredited laboratories in Lebanon noting that those unable to present such a document would be quarantined." +61142,18235.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,123,[],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"Since the Venezuelan government started creating obstacles for citizens wanting to leave the country, obtaining a passport can entail not only an extremely lengthy procedure, but also a high financial cost – from a few hundred to several thousand US dollars – in bribes to public officials.59 This series of restrictions to the movement of Venezuelan refugees and migrants risks having one, or both, of the following consequences: an increase in irregular migration, if people on the move decide to head to these countries regardless of their entry requirements; and/or Colombia – which cannot effectively close its border with Venezuela – will continue to be left carrying the biggest burden of this migration crisis." +151720,38087.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,49,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Deux thématiques ont été abordées au cours de cette session de formation. Il s’agit respectivement des généralités sur la COVID-19, l’état des lieux de la lutte et la communication sur les risques, l’engagement communautaire et les messages de sensibilisation." +452370,64945.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,56,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MONITORING%20PROTECTION%20DE%20JULLET%202021%20EST.pdf,"Dans le cadre de la sécurisation des personnes et de leurs biens, on observe des patrouilles et des contrôles qui se font sur les axes reliant les provinces au chef-lieu de la région. Dans Les zones rurales comme Logobou, Tansarga, Bartiébougou, on constate une absence totale des forces de sécurité." +234294,46381.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,116,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Based on the information of countries with a similar context to Afghanistan, if we assume the Ro = 2 to 3 in the country , the required proportion of COVID-19 infection which is required to build a herd community is between 56 to 75%; Kabul province with 53% COVID 19 morbidity is in this range. The eastern and central regions with 34 to 42% COVID 19 adult morbidity are relatively in good position, but the western, northeastern, southeastern, northern, southern and central highlands regions with less than 35% of morbidity are not in relatively good condition and not close to the herd immunity." +149585,32165.0,1388.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],es,48,[],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/74589.pdf,"Programa Empléate, creado por el MTSS y tiene como objetivo principal mejorar la empleabilidad de personas jóvenes, en el rango de los 17 a los 24 años, que no estudien ni trabajan, y que se ubican por debajo de la línea de pobreza." +164290,34183.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,70,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://s3.amazonaws.com/semanaruralvzla/documentos/1594859069_boletin_inversionpdf,"El intercambio de productos entre países, así como la inversión que realizan, ha sido caso de estudio de diferentes autores. Por el lado del comercio internacional, se dice que los países obtienen un mejor nivel de vida cuando producen y comercian el bien o servi- cio con el que tienen menores costos con res- pecto a otro país (Krugman & Wells, 2006)." +474607,65021.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,77,['Impact'],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"The crisis has also changed the dynamics inside the household. The amount of unpaid work, such as taking care of the house and/or of the children, has increased for 77% of the respondents. The analysis by sex of respondent shows that 23% of male respondents are now performing domestic duties that were not used to do before the lockdown measures, such as the shopping of food and other essential goods" +214358,45385.0,2334.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,38,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"36,048 enfants sont pris en charge par le Blanket Supplementary Feeding programme (BSFP) du PAM dont 1,718 Malnutris Aigües Modérés (MAM) avec l’appui de Plan International dans 5 districts de santé." +167201,39184.0,2170.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,97,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/202006%20Monthly%20Regional%20Report_WCA_v1.pdf,"Fifteen PoE were asssed in Nigeria’s North East Zone, at which 136 movements were observed on average every week. Travellers were heanding to or coming from Cameroon’s Far North region or Chad. Almost all travellers (99%) were Nigerian nationals, and the majority (62%) were male. Most individuals observed crossing the PoE (54%) were conducting seasonal migration, with the next most-common reasons for travel being family visits (15%) and economic migration (15%)." +157380,38830.0,1185.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,39,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3668042,"El envío es la respuesta del Gobierno español a la solicitud, por parte del Ministerio de Salud peruano, de apoyo en forma de medicinas y material sanitario para frenar el avance del virus en el país." +327105,54714.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,44,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,"[NUTRITION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Among households of both IDP and non-IDP settlements with children , 13% households reporting having access to mobile nutrition team able to assess for malnutrition in the 6 months prior to data collection." +484739,65398.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Una de las dificultades que declaran haber encontrado para la inserción laboral formal es el hecho de que varios empleadores les exigen tener el Permiso Temporal de Permanencia para la contratación. Sin embargo, la obtención de dicho documento, como se verá en el capítulo siguiente, demora cierto tiempo." +315658,52949.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Overall, the nutrition situation among IDPs has shown no improvement; there are around 223,000 IDP children under 5 facing Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM), as has been the case over the past three rainy seasons." +341911,56493.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,143,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[De juillet à début septembre 2020, les enquêteurs ont administré le sondage auprès de 2396 Burkinabè dans les régions du Centre Nord, Nord, Sahel, Est, Boucle du Mouhoun et Hauts-Bassins] L’école peine à répondre avec efficacité à sa mission pour une raison principale. De l’avis des personnes enquêtées, le retrait de l’éducation civique et morale des programmes scolaires transforme l’école en un lieu d’acquisition du savoir au détriment du sa- voir vivre, du savoir être. Tout ce que les enfants apprennent à l’école, c’est la manière d’œuvrer pour ac- quérir de l’argent. Bâtir des femmes et des hommes de vertu n’est plus la vocation première de l’école." +329849,55152.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,89,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bcnudh_-_communique_de_presse_-_note_mensuelle_mars_2021.pdf,"[Mars 2021] A l’instar du mois précédent, les combattants des groupes armés sont les principaux responsables des violations [des droits de l’homme ] commises dans ces provinces (57%). De toutes les parties au conflit, les militaires des FARDC ont commis le plus grand nombre de violations dans les provinces affectées par le conflit, tandis que parmi les groupes armés, ce sont les combattants Nyatura qui ont commis le plus grand nombre des atteintes documentées" +57315,17307.0,1224.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,96,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20on%20the%20Migration%20flows%20in%20Latin%20America%20and%20the%20Caribbean%20No.%205%20-%20as%20of%20June%202019.pdf,"Hygiene promotion and distribution of water filters and jerry cans for a total of 4,540 people (50:50 male/female) of which 1,106 are migrants (442 are children) continues through community consultations that include collaboration from the Region-based Environmental Health Department. In one host community primary school the project constructed a duplex VIP latrine to provide an additional facility for the 60 students and 2 teachers, as an interim intervention while progress is underway with the designs and costings for the school’s green and sustainable rehabilitation and expansion intervention." +236870,47076.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Shelter']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,48,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,"In the NW region, NRC distributed NFIs to 400 households in Bamenda II and Bamenda III Sub-Divisions (150 kits in Bamenda II and 250 kits in Bamenda III). The beneficiaries were sensitized on COVID-19 prevention and provided with kits aimed at disease prevention." +492195,67712.0,1224.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],en,42,[],['Context'],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"According to data compiled by the 2019 DTM5 surveys, 60 per cent of respondents were women in Guyana and Brazil, while in Chile and Trinidad and Tobago they were 42 per cent (Chaves-González & Echeverría-Estrada, 2020)." +172332,40829.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_233_20200919.pdf,"La zone de santé (ZS) de Kalemie dans le Tanganyika a rapporté son premier cas confirmé de COVID-19. Ainsi, le nombre de ZS affectées dans le pays passe à 139 (Tableau I)." +22348,9106.0,729.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,136,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",['Humanitarian Access'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"Hardship resulting from multiple displacements and the deteriorated protective environment puts children in Libya at higher risk of abuse, exploitation and violence. As highlighted in a study conducted in 2017 by UNICEF,136 violence is a recurrent concern in the community, but also in places that should be safe for children, such as schools and their homes. Children are disproportionally affected by the ongoing conflict and violence in Libya,137 as many are unaccompanied (35 per cent of refugee and migrant children138), and at risk of domestic violence, recruitment by armed groups, sexual and gender-based violence, abduction, unlawful detention, torture and other forms of ill-treatment, as well as killing or maiming due to presence of unexploded ordnance, and/or explosive remnants of war." +305208,53100.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,22,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/plan_de_preparation_coronavirus_cmr._version_du_10_mars_2019.pdf,L’élaboration d’un plan de contre-mesures médicales dans le cadre de la chaine d’approvisionnement d’urgence +285962,51487.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no1_desplazamientos_en_buenaventura.pdf,"Hay hermetismo y silencio de las personas y la no denuncia de estos hechos, a causa de desconfianza en la institucionalidad y temor a represalias por parte de los GDO, situación que dificulta el seguimiento de las personas desplazadas, la activación de rutas de atención y la protección de los derechos de las víctimas." +304752,51467.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,59,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Around 1.4 million South Sudanese children under age 5 and another 483,000 pregnant and lactating women are expected to be acutely malnourished in 2021. This is the highest number in three years and related to increased food insecurity and the decrease in coverage and uptake of nutrition services due to conflict, flooding and impacts of COVID-19." +194652,43820.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Logistics', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Context->Environment', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",es,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/guur-115.1_fsa_19112020_v3.pdf,"Todas las comunidades perjudicadas notifican tener mucha dificultad de acceso a los servicios básicos, pues en el tema de salud, las personas enfermas no pueden acudir al hospital que se encuentra en el casco urbano, ni las IPS pueden transportarse hasta las comunidades." +169383,40506.0,2099.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,46,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://lefaso.net/spip.php?article99753,"Pour limiter la propagation du Covid-19, le gouvernement burkinabè a édicté, dès le début de la pandémie, un certain nombre de restrictions : fermeture des marchés et des écoles, interdiction des rassemblements, fermeture des frontières, instauration de couvre-feu, quarantaine" +176022,40890.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],es,46,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"De las 2.447 mujeres y personas transgénero encuestadas (79% del total de entrevistados), 7% de las personas conocen a alguna mujer que durante el aislamiento obligatorio ha experimentado alguna situación de violencia por su pareja, expareja o algún familiar." +283825,50882.0,2466.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,64,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/ipc_sudan_acute_food_insecurity_projection_update_2020octdec_report_1.pdf,"During the projection update of October - December 2020, an estimated 7.1 million people, representing 16% of the total analysed population, are expected to face high levels of acute food insecurity (IPC Phase 3 or above) through December 2020 and are in need of urgent action to save lives, protect livelihoods and reduce food consumption gaps." +303376,51947.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,51,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,,"Un grand nombre de femmes ont indiqué financer leur voyage grâce aux économies faites avant le voyage (34%), tandis que 18 % d’entre elles s’étaient faites aider par leur famille et leurs amis dans le pays d’origine ou de départ." +193917,43327.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,53,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_sectoriel_octobre.pdf,"Pour la polio, il s’agit des cas de Polio virus dérivé du vaccin qui ont été confirmé dans la Région du Centre-Est. Le 1er janvier 2020, un cas de poliomyélite (cVDPV2) a été détecté dans le District Sanitaire de Ouargaye, Région du Centre Est." +187424,43202.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,34,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/425396-coronavirus-nigeria-records-94-new-cases-four-deaths.html,"[9thNov 2020,Nigeria]Of the over 64,000 total, about 60,069 persons have been discharged from hospitals, after treatment, while nearly 3,000 active cases remain in the country." +219782,45777.0,2333.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,28,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/niger/un-soutien-additionnel-d-education-cannot-wait-pour-intensifier-l-ducation-dans-les,"Le soutien de l'UNICEF au secteur a aidé un total de 301.000 enfants en 2019, notamment grâce à la distribution de kits et de fournitures scolaires." +48110,13061.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,67,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.derechos.org.ve/web/wp-content/uploads/MigracionLigia.pdf,"En consonancia con la nota de orientación, ACNUR hizo un llamamiento para recaudar 46,1 millones de dólares, con el objeto de atender las necesidades de protección internacional de las personas provenientes de Venezuela durante 2018. La respuesta internacional no pudo ser menos alentadora; hasta agosto de ese año, solo se había recaudado 24,9 millones, equivalente al 54% de lo esperado" +294761,51749.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,70,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"En termes démographiques, et comme précisé dans le tableau n°01 « Démographie des communes enquêtées », entre 681 et 900 ménages20 sont arrivés au cours de l’année 2020 soit une augmentation de 9 à 12% de la population. Ces PDI viennent de la Province de Gourma, Commune de Fada N’Gourma et notamment des villages de Tanwalbougou, Natiaboani, Nagaré." +17395,5452.0,322.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,78,"['At Risk', 'Capacities & Response']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Dangerous%20Crossings%20Factsheet_June%202018%20%28Final%29.pdf,"In early 2017, UNHCR launched the Dangerous Crossings campaign to spread awareness among the tens of thousands of refugees and migrants who risk their lives crossing the Gulf of Aden and Red Sea from the Horn of Africa to war-stricken Yemen. With the help of prominent musicians from Ethiopia, Somalia, and Egypt, UNHCR produced the Dangerous Crossings song to help raise awareness and break the business model of people trafficking and smuggling." +178437,41756.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,109,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Le Cluster Éducation estime que 1 147 174 d'enfants âgés de 3 à 17 ans en situation de déplacement datant de 7 à 18 mois ainsi que ceux des ménages d’accueil n'ayant pas accès à l'école ou étant à risque d'une déscolarisation sont exposés au risque d’une dégradation de leurs conditions de vie et ont des besoins en éducation. Ceci représente 100 pour cent des enfants de 3 à 17 ans affectés par un impact sévère, critique ou catastrophique de mouvements de population prolongés. Parmi eux, on compte 172 076 enfants en situation de handicap (15 pour cent)." +237943,47230.0,2311.0,"['Shelter', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],es,35,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,El 65% de los hogares estaban endeudados al momento de la recolección de los datos y el 52% de los hogares encuestados incurrieron en deudas para pagar el arriendo de su vivienda. +295583,52417.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,121,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.dropbox.com/s/fpu0ox89go0s7li/Syria%202021%20HNO%20%28advance%20copy%29.pdf?dl=0,"[23rd March 2021, Overall Syria] Indeed, with only 58 per cent of sub-districts across the country reporting sufficient knowledge of the risks posed by COVID-19, and minimal-to-zero implementation of population level mitigation measures in almost all, it is likely that COVID-19 will continue to negatively impact the functionality of the health system and the health of the Syrian population over the next year. This includes indirect and longer-term impacts resulting from delayed diagnosis and deferred or cancelled treatments, as well as COVID-19 patients undergoing long recovery periods. Between quarter two 2019 and 2020, for example, there was a 25 per cent decrease in health facilities providing cancer treatment and diagnosis" +453772,63974.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,74,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_20210630-Rapport-Protection-Trimestriel.pdf,"La mise en avant et l’utilisation des enfants dans les attaques contre les civils semble être un nouveau mode opératoire par des groupes armés, exposant d’avantage les enfants aux différents risques de blessures voire de décès et de traumatisme. Profiter de l’inconscience des enfants pour les utiliser dans les attaques des civils et autres faits de guerre, est une violation grave de leurs droits." +157382,38830.0,1185.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,93,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3668042,"Tras 5 meses de medidas de contención, el impacto de la pandemia en Perú continúa entre los más altos de la región y se sitúa entre los seis primeros países del mundo en cuanto a número de casos confirmados de COVID-19 y el segundo en Sudamérica. El coronavirus tiene especial incidencia en las poblaciones que viven en situación de extrema pobreza, así como en los pueblos indígenas. Mientras, el país continúa en situación de Emergencia Nacional, prorrogada, por el momento, hasta finales de mes." +294640,51749.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[District sanitaire de Ouargaye] Les services de SMSPS sont absents des CSPS alors que l’incidence des problèmes en santé mentales augmente dans le contexte d’insécurité. La pris en charge des VBG est insuffisante sur la zone évaluée, alors que les déplacements de population sont un facteur d’augmentation des risques liées la protection" +314448,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,30,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,The October 2020 World Bank Somalia Economic Update stated that COVID-19 has impacted all sectors of the economy leading to declines in revenue for both Federal and State Governments. +167723,40343.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,36,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/418384-covid-19-weekly-review-as-nigeria-announces-reopening-of-schools-new-covid-19-cases-double.html,"The increase in the number of infections is perhaps evidence of poor compliance with the safety protocols, which include but is not limited to observation of social distancing rules and use of face masks." +193929,43327.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population', 'Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,53,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_sectoriel_octobre.pdf,"Au mois d’octobre, 88 personnes blessées et 36 décès ont été rapportés suite aux attaques des groupes armés non identifiés dans les seuls 6 régions affectées par les conflits. Toujours dans le même période, on a rapporté un total de 182 incidents dont 3 sur les humanitaires." +196858,43626.0,2311.0,[],[],[],en,68,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/AAH_Regional%20Appeal%20Latam%202021-2023.pdf,"On the other hand, due to the economic data that was handled until a few years ago, Latin America has ceased to be a priority for most international donors, while the prioritised humanitarian crises have had little financial coverage (the coverage of HRPs in Colombia, Haiti, Venezuela and Regional migration in 2019 has been between 30% and 50%)." +112828,29955.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']","['Casualties->Dead', 'Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics']",es,6,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'Casualties']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76820,33.354 CONTAGIOS 1.045 FALLECIDOS 12.288 RECUPERADOS +343250,45764.0,2332.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,88,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/0004_202008_rrm_msa_rapport_final_wolirom.pdf,"Parlant d’accès à l’eau, le site de Wolirom ne possède aucun forage même s’il en ressort 1% dans le résultat il serait une pure erreur ou soit l’enquêté aurait effectué des kilomètres dans un autre village pour en procurer. La plupart des eaux consommées par les déplacés de ce site sont non hygiénique d’où 44% d’eau consommée est puisé de puit non protégé et 34% sont des eaux de pluie." +317242,53333.0,2334.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,51,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,Adolescent girls who are married or have babies and who prefer to attend community learning centres to advance their education and livelihood opportunities should be helped to access SRHR information and services while there so that they be assisted to prevent unwanted repeated pregnancies (see Recommendations on Education). +12731,5579.0,322.0,[],[],[],en,100,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20Jun%202018.pdf,"Widespread violations of IHL by parties to the conflict pose an ongoing threat to the life and safety of civilians, resulting in loss of life, displacement and destruction of infrastructure. The protracted nature of the conflict is particularly affecting women, children and persons with specific needs whose vulnerability is further exacerbated and resort to negative coping mechanisms as means of survival. As grave violations of children’s rights continue to occur, support for affected children is critical, as is mine risk education. GBV incidents have significantly risen requiring multi-sectoral responses." +306397,51474.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,72,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) continued its good offices with the parties to and partners and stakeholders of the Revitalized Agreement. These included several meetings between the Special Representative and senior officials of the Revitalized Transitional Government of National Unity and other representatives in support of the timely implementation of the Agreement. The Special Representative also engaged with regional envoys to coordinate and reinforce efforts. +192071,43669.0,2330.0,[],[],[],en,20,[],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://edition.cnn.com/2020/11/18/weather/tropical-storm-iota-wednesday/index.html,"At least two people are dead, and one is missingon Providencia, Colombia President Ivan Duque said on Tuesday" +240010,46388.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In urban areas, where many protracted IDPs with insecure tenure are concentrated in informal settlements with insecure employment, people’s capacity to maintain adequate food consumption is greatly reduced." +182594,42252.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,33,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2020_29Oct2020_FINAL.pdf,"[8th September 2020, Overall Syria] on 8 September, local authorities announced individuals holding expired European residency permits can cross to Iraq to undertake renewal processes once per week." +289334,51901.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,36,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[2nd March, 2021, NSAG] % of SDs with majority of population in need of; - 69 % Soap or Water, - 71% masks and - 67% disinfectant." +20767,8434.0,729.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,94,['At Risk'],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/refugees-returned-overcrowded-libyan-detention-centres,"Over the past two weeks, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) teams in Libya have observed a sharp increase in the number of people held in detention centres in Misrata and Khoms in Libya, following a series of disembarkations of people to Libyan shores. Vulnerable refugees, migrants, and asylum seekers were intercepted or rescued at sea and brought back to Libya in violation of international law. The population in the detention centres in the area went from 650 at the beginning of the year to 930 today." +386142,60459.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,110,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"[scenario] Au niveau national, les PDI et ménages hôtes resteront plus dépendants des marchés, mais l’opération en cours de vente de céréales à prix social par le gouvernement et l’assistance alimentaire contribueront à réduire la pression sur les marchés et éviter une hausse saisonnière atypique des prix pendant la soudure, en attendant les nouvelles récoltes à partir d’octobre. Entre octobre et janvier, les besoins de reconstitution des stocks commerçants et les besoins des PDI entraineront une demande supérieure à la normale et les prix pourraient se maintenir légèrement au-dessus de leurs moyennes saisonnières pendant la période." +323596,54626.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,35,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,"Over 700 radio and TV spots were broadcast covering the entire country. Furthermore, 488 hours of public addresses was done and 4,913 IEC materials including billboards were displayed in key public places." +310545,53179.0,2466.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,64,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Flash%20Update%20-%20Sudan%20-%2017%20Jan%202021_1.pdf,"Eight temporary primary healthcare clinics are functioning in the gathering sites. Over 1,000 children under five received access to health services in seven clinics supported by UNICEF, that also provided consultation services and treatment to 2,500 people. Supplies were dispatched to support reproductive health services in IDPs gathering points. WHO dispatched four inter-agency emergency health kits for 2,000 people." +160331,38480.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,28,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Laboratoire • Analyse de 293 échantillons (242 dépistages volontaires, 39 voyageurs, 03 personnes contacts, 02 suspect et 07 contrôles) aux laboratoires de diagnostic" +193865,43070.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,66,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Borrador%20texto%20Sitrep%20Sectorial_2020_SAN%20AGO_WFP_VF.pdf,"Respecto a la lactancia materna exclusiva, las mujeres tienen necesidades básicas insatisfechas y se ven afectadas por factores socioeconómicos, emocionales y de sus contextos, los cuales pueden causarles estrés y afectar su salud mental. De igual manera, la necesidad de buscar ingresos puede causar separación física de madre y bebé, limitando alternativas nutricionales como la conservación de la leche." +201707,43427.0,2311.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)'],es,120,[],['Information And Communication'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"En ningún otro país de la región Andina, el cultivo de coca está más disperso que en Colombia, donde se cultiva en 20 de los 32 departamentos. De igual manera, su in- tensidad de siembra y ubicación es muy di- námica. En el territorio nacional no solo se observa una tendencia a hacia la concen- tración, sino que esta sucede en zonas his- tóricamente afectadas. Sin embargo, existe aún poca información sobre cómo esta di- námica se asocia con el número de hogares que la cultivan, de tal manera que permita la implementación de políticas adecuadas para el control de drogas, de desarrollo y de uso de la tierra efectivas" +268703,49756.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,68,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19022021_flash_update_no_2_impacto_covid-19_triple_frontera_vff.pdf,"Protección: se requiere retomar y fortalecer las campañas de prevención, autoprotección y ruta de atención de violencia basada en género (VBG) para las niñas, adolescentes y mujeres, frente a un incremento de casos de violencia contra la mujer, violencia intrafamiliar y de explotación sexual de niñas y adolescentes como estrategia de confrontación negativa a la crisis en el departamento del Amazonas" +290425,52074.0,2334.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,"FAO and other organizations provided agriculture and livelihoods assistance to 10,395 persons (4,518 NW; 5,877 SW). These livelihood projects include home gardening, egg production, trainings and fish farming/processing." +489943,67838.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,77,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/adamawa_state_2021_cholera_situation_report_no_8.pdf,"[31st Aug 2021, Adamawa State](Cholera) Challenges: Funds to support outbreak response is yet to be released by the state Government. Lack of stipends to support Case Managers in the CTC in SSH & GH Garkida. Ambulance services still a challenge especially for distant locations. Some of the health facilities in affected LGAs have inadequate manpower. Most referred cases from PHCs are coming in critical state ." +305328,51474.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,70,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"On 15 January, large-scale clashes among young Nuers occurred in Paguir, Fangak, which reportedly re sulted in five dead and 18 wounded. The clashes were reportedly triggered by young people attempting to disarm other local young people without instructions or permission from local authorities. Violence persisted in Pibor and surrounding areas through Dec ember and January, primarily between the Kurenen and Lango groups." +306896,51572.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,33,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Increase awareness about child Protection and S/GBV issues. Strengthen family and parenting programs [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +473187,67207.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,52,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.europapress.es/internacional/noticia-cerca-200-municipios-colombia-estan-riesgo-reclutamiento-menores-defensoria-20210420154812.html,"El informe achaca la responsabilidad del reclutamiento forzado de menores a grupos de delincuentes, el Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN), el Ejército Popular de Liberación (EPL), las Autodefensas Gaitanistas de Colombia y las disidencias de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC)." +493409,68136.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,110,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/borno_state_cholera_outbreak_response_sitrep_no_5_27_09_21_0.pdf,"[26th Sept 2021, Borno State] WASH: MMC :(GGSI, SI, AAH, NRC, CIDAR, IOM): 75 hygiene promoters and 18 health workers were trained on water chlorination and disinfection. SI distributed a total of 298 hygiene and dignity kits at Bolori 2 ward. 37,218 people were reached with specific hygiene promotion messages on cholera and COVID19 prevention and mitigation measures across IDP Camps and host communities. Total of 2,122 m3 of water were chlorinated from the 20 water points in Ngarnam community. UNICEF completed the installation of dosing pump at Kasuwa borehole in Ngarnam community" +306273,51572.0,2335.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Teachers use classrooms as teachers room in Abwong and Khor adar primary school. [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]" +177093,41093.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],es,138,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"En las zonas denominadas por el DANE como resto el desempleo de los hombres se encuentra actualmente en 7,8%, y en las cabeceras es de 20,4%. La situación es más angustiante para las mujeres, pues estas tasas corresponden a 19,8% y 26,2% (Gráfico 11). Con la pandemia, la brecha entre hombres y mujeres aumentó, tanto en las ciudades como en las zonas rurales: en las cabeceras en 2019 la brecha era de 4,5 pps y pasó a 5,8 pps en 2020-II; en las zonas dispersas, la diferencia era de 7,4 pps en 2019 y aumentó a 12,0 pps en el segundo trimestre de 2020. Lo anterior demuestra la vulnerabilidad del empleo femenino, en particular en las zonas rurales del país." +317176,53333.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,41,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Besides fear of kidnapping by the NSAG that affects both adolescent girls and boys, there is fear of random arrests, harassment, rape, stray bullets, cross fire and violence, and a repeat of attacks on schools" +38841,13711.0,729.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Demography'],en,63,[],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,http://www.thenewhumanitarian.org/photo-feature/2019/05/09/Libya-war-refugees-seek-safety-tripoli-school,"Asaad al-Jafeer, a Libyan Red Crescent employee who works at the shelter, said his organisation is struggling to provide for the approximately 150 people living in the school, including more than 40 children and six pregnant women. Most are from Sudan and Eritrea, and have already survived multiple conflicts and sometimes horrific journeys to get to Libya." +323576,54626.0,2331.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,66,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,"The MoE Somaliland undertook a rapid assessment in 61 schools to find the effects of pre-drought on schools. The report indicated that 1,158 children (486 girls) had dropped out of these schools and among these 50 per cent of the children are in Togdheer and Sool regions. The school dropout was exacerbated by the movement of families as result of drought." +325878,55012.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Deaths'],es,111,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Al 27 de abril, en el país se han presentado 72.235 defunciones por COVID-19, de las cuales corresponden 62,9% a hombres. La tasa de mortalidad nacional es de 1.434 muertes por cada millón de habitantes; se observa una tasa de mortalidad mayor a la nacional en: Amazonas (2.948,6), Barranquilla (2.675,3), Santa Marta (2.031,1), Quindío (2.018,4), Bogotá (1.939,4), Norte Santander (1.733,6), Huila (1.632,8), Tolima (1.630,6), Caquetá (1.593,1), Santander (1.568,7), Valle del Cauca (1.531,9)." +161188,35726.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_arauca_junio_2020_vf%20%281%29.pdf,"Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional, ya que pueblos como los Hitnü practican la caza, pero debido a las restricciones a la movilidad impuestos por los grupos armados, ven limitada la obtención de alimentos por este medio." +169171,40391.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_200_20200817.pdf,"Kinshasa reste la principale province affectée du pays avec 80,8% (7850/9721) de l’ensemble des cas. La seconde province la plus touchée est celle du Nord-Kivu qui a rapporté 5,7% (551/9721) des cas ." +425284,64521.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,65,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syrianobserver.com/news/69287/daily-covid19-cases-exceed-1000-in-northern-syria.html,"[31 AUG, Northern Syria] A number of 249 cases were reported in Idleb city, 533 in the northern rural city of Harem, 71 in Jericho, and one in Jisr al-Shughour. In addition to 35 cases in the Jabal Samaan area, 86 in Jarabulus, 55 in Al-Bab, 182 in Afrin, and 50 in Azaz." +291346,51584.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://docs.wfp.org/api/documents/WFP-0000121004/download/?_ga=2.267291910.926065783.1606212133-1055501472.1562658913,"• Funding requirements for the coming six months (November 2020 – April 2021) are US$236.69 million, of which US$126.16 million remain to be resourced." +150134,36723.0,1184.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,155,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77597.pdf,"RTÍCULOS NO ALIMENTARIOS En todos los grupos focales se hizo hincapié en que el acceso a alimentos se ha facilitado gracias a las tarjetas de alimentos entregadas por el PMA, pero la compra de otros artículos no alimentarios se ve limitada, ya que el cupo de las tarjetas no incluye este tipo de insumos. Adquirir artículos personales de higiene o artículos de limpieza para el hogar resulta complicado por la falta de recursos; sin embargo, los participantes los consideran necesarios. Adicionalmente, los costos de productos como pañales para bebés o desinfectantes son elevados. Los artículos de limpieza y aseo como detergente, jabón, escoba, trapeador, papel higiénico, jabón, pasta dental, desinfectantes, toallas higiénicas, desodorantes fueron los insumos más mencionados. No obstante, los participantes también indicaron artículos de vestimenta como parte de sus necesidades en el hogar." +214361,45385.0,2334.0,"['Nutrition', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,19,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"1,040 parents d'enfants atteints de MAS dans les CNTI et CNAS ont reçu des kits eau et assainissement." +235840,46388.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,62,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The increased use of indiscriminate victim-activated PPIEDs indicates blatant disregard for civilian life in the conduct of hostilities and consistent willingness by NSAGs to breach international norms. Beyond their immediate impact, these tactics sow fear amongst families and limit their willingness to move freely to access assistance, tend to routine medical needs, or enrol children in schools." +178094,40661.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,67,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Environ 19% [des entités économiques] ont été en cessation d’activité au cours de ce mois dont 65,2% suite aux mesures gouvernementales de lutte contre la pandémie. Il s’agit principalement de l’observation des mesures de confinement et des restrictions imposées par le Gouvernement. Ceci aurait entraîné pour beaucoup de ces entités des difficultés de trésorerie." +16125,6549.0,322.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],en,74,[],['Humanitarian Access'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/logistics_cluster_yemen_situation_update_180930.pdf,"Within the framework of the Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM), there were significant delays in the dispatch of Phase 9 kits due to deconfliction requests not being granted. All kits in stock have now been moved from the warehouse in Al Marawiah to the warehouse in Bajil and all dispatches will be carried out from there. This should ease dispatches as Bajil warehouse is further away from the frontline." +327048,54714.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,51,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,"[HEALTH LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Five most commonly reported illnesses or injuries household members of IDP settlements had in the past two weeks prior to data collection were fever(1%), Diarrhea (3%), eye infections (2%)." +13490,5625.0,321.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,20,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://www.radionz.co.nz/news/world/365749/libya-violence-un-says-ceasefire-agreed,"At least 47 people have been killed and 1,800 families internally displaced by the violence, officials have said." +208406,43992.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,67,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"However, |in the context of the implementation of new nutrition practices in the COVID-19 context] some difficulties continue to be noted, including insufficiency of PPE for healthcare providers at heath centre level, inadequate space in health centres to apply physical distancing measures particularly during the rainy season and RUTF stock-outs due to delayed transit time impairing the performance of the nutrition services." +236096,47122.0,2334.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,27,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"30 health workers (nurses, doctors and intern nutritionist) from the Bamenda regional hospital (NW) were trained on inpatient management of SAM." +303370,51947.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,37,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,,"Il est à signaler que tandis que 15 % des hommes ont mentionné avoir quitté leur lieu de départ à cause d’un conflit, seules 3 % des femmes ont indiqué la même chose." +149671,37702.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"Since the last report, authorities in Northeast Syria have announced a further 194 cases bringing the total in NES to 204 (139 in Al-Hasakeh, 46 in Aleppo, 10 in Deir-ez-Zor and nine in Ar-Raqqa). Of these, 175 are active with 20 recoveries and nine fatalities also recorded. Twenty two per cent of all cases are amongst healthcare workers." +45652,15533.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,56,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_report_areabasedassessment_aba_azzawya_jun2019.pdf,"Aside from the fact that IDPs were often more affected by a lack of transport due to living further from health facilities, different Libyan population groups did not report substantive differences in their ability to access healthcare, including a lack of medical supplies, medical staff, or money to pay for care." +330711,55042.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,108,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.gage.odi.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Adolescents%E2%80%99-experiences-of-covid-19-in-Chittagong-and-Sylhet-divisions-Bangladesh.pdf,"[30 April 2021, Bangladesh]Impact of economic hardship on adolescents: The economic hardships of the family had direct impacts on adolescents’ lives. During lockdown, most respondents reported having to contribute more to household work, which they did not do before. While boys mostly took care of livestock and cut wood for the fire, girls were more involved in household chores such as cooking and cleaning. Some boys also mentioned helping their mothers with daily activities. Adolescents living in the hilly regions5 of Chittagong reported collecting water for drinking and cooking purposes as an additional household chore" +411866,63817.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,29,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/An%20update%20of%20Cholera%20outbreak%20in%20Nigeria_060821_32.pdf,"[9th- 15th Aug 2021, Nigeria] Confirmed Case: A suspected case in which Vibrio cholerae O1 or O139 has been isolated in the stool by culture" +224129,45768.0,2332.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,30,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,Organiser un screening de masse au sein des déplacés et faire le suivi systématique de référencement auprès de clinique mobile et centres de santé du district sanitaire de Liwa. +406902,63600.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],es,36,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/04082021_alerta_vendaval_en_ituango_antioquiavf_.pdf,"El 22 de julio un vendaval en el costado oriental del casco urbano de Ituango afectó a cerca de 2.600 personas, y destruyó al menos 46 viviendas. Las personas afectadas permanecen en albergues." +214119,45392.0,2333.0,['Health'],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,46,[],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.afro.who.int/sites/default/files/countries/Niger/Bulletin_3_nCoV_Niger%2013032020.pdf,{Actions menées} La suspension jusqu’à nouvel ordre des missions à l’extérieur du pays du personnel du Ministère de la santé à l’exception de celles en lien avec la pandémie de COVID-19 à partir du 09 mars 2020 ; +289305,51905.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[2nd March, 2021, SDF] Ar-Raqqa and Deir-ez-Zor governorate and it's subdistricts had insufficient to no service of isolation space in health centres for suspected COVID-19 cases." +399244,62442.0,2098.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,96,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/health/coronavirus/2021/08/10/government-eases-strict-covid-curbs,"[10th August 2021, Bangladesh] “As Bangladesh is one of the least vaccinated countries, strict restrictions should continue until the infection rate drops to 5% or after mass vaccinations roll out,” Dr Tarek Hussain, health advisor to the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS). He also said that the infection rate had been dropping for the past few days due to the strict restrictions, but it would rise again following the relaxation as more people would use public transports and go to malls." +418805,64000.0,1185.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Information And Communication->Communication Means And Preferences', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,193,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Information And Communication', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"A mediados de 2017, se comienza a mencionar con mayor frecuencia el aumento en la cantidad de personas venezolanas que llegan al país, así como también las medidas implementadas por el Estado peruano que facilitan la acogida e inserción laboral de esta población. El desplazamiento venezolano se abordó más a menudo entre enero de 2018 y enero de 2019, con un pico sustancial en agosto. Dentro de este rango de fechas, los artículos resaltaron la polarización de la imagen de la población refugiada y migrante venezolana – entre ‘‘peligros’’ y ‘‘actores que contribuyen al desarrollo del país’’ – con el aumento en llegadas de esta población a Perú. Continuando con un enfoque positivo y neutral, los artículos criticaron la discriminación socioeconómica y diversos proyectos de ley que buscaban restringir la llegada de personas venezolanas al país. Por último, se resaltó la importancia de facilitar a las personas refugiadas y migrantes venezolanas el acceso a derechos, especialmente en los ámbitos de regularización e integración laboral, y la protección de esta población dada su vulnerabilidad" +303678,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,77,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"JULY 2011- Independence: South Sudan becomes the world’s newest country and the 193rd country recognized by the United Nations. 2011-2012- Refugee influx: Tens of thousands of refugees from Blue Nile and South Khordofan states in Sudan flee into Unity and Upper Nile states in South Sudan DECEMBER 2013 Fighting erupts Fighting erupts in Juba and quickly spreads to Jonglei, Unity and Upper Nile. Thousands of people flee their homes." +221791,45410.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,78,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"[Les parties Sud des provinces administratives du BEG et du Kanem dans la Zone 5 - « agropastorale» ]: L’offre des produits alimentaires est en baisse à cause des restrictions relatives au COVID-19, notamment la fermeture des frontières occasionnant la hausse des coûts des transports. En compensation, des baisses observées, l’offre en riz sur les marchés est exceptionnellement soutenue par les approvisionnements depuis N’Djaména." +264397,49670.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,41,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://diariodelsur.com.co/noticias/econom%C3%ADa/empresas-no-aguantarian-mas-cierres-por-pandemia-audionotici-662218,"Otros datos del sondeo empresarial arrojaron que un50.6% de los empresarios, tuvo que destinar el 20% de sus ingresos, en la adaptación de protocolos de bioseguridad. Mientras que el63.2%ha logrado mantener sus nóminas." +289295,52049.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Casualties->Injured']",en,87,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']","['Shock/Event', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Bangladesh%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%201%20%28Rohingya%20Camp%20Fire%29%20-%2023%20March%202021.pdf,"[23rd March 2021,Cox's Bazar] The UNICEF-supported primary health centre (PHC) in Camp 8W was damaged by the fire. A UNICEF implementing partner deployed a mobile medical team (MMT) and started delivering urgent medical services at the school building next to Balukhali sub-centre for affected refugees from 5:00PM until midnight. The MMT has so far treated a total of 95 patients including 10 with burns and 25 others with injuries related to the fire and displacement." +169489,40368.0,2099.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,48,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"In several municipalities of the Centre- Nord and Sahel regions, the global acute malnutrition (GAM) above the critical thresholds as defined by WHO (>15 percent) were observed in children aged 6-59 months, both among displaced people and the host population." +187935,42521.0,1899.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020-10-29%20Panorama%20de%20Situacio%CC%81n%20Mensual%20%28al%2030%20de%20octubre%29.pdf,"Las restricciones de movilidad por COVID-19 han hecho poco para frenar la violencia crónica en Centroamérica y México. Honduras reporta más de 2.500 muertes violentas en lo que va del año 2020, con un promedio de 9 muertes diarias y sólo 1 menos que en 2019.11 Guatemala indica más de 5.600 denuncias de violencia sexual hasta la fecha." +235836,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Conflict is driving civilian deaths and injuries, destroying life- sustaining civilian infrastructure – including the critical facilities developed to treat physical and mental health needs -- and triggering displacement." +21765,9026.0,322.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",en,59,[],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,,"With support from the Cities Alliance and The World Bank, the CDS process in each of these cities has brought together public and private sector lead- ership to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the city, think strategically about opportunities for equitable economic growth, develop a long-term vision, and draft a prioritized action plan." +142077,35870.0,2028.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,49,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"International repatriation flights landing in Damascus and Lattakia international airports from multiple locations are ongoing with approximately 2,950 people repatriated so far – out of a reported 10,000 registered. The most recent repatriation flight reported was aflight for approximately 260 Syrian nationals from Erbil on 16 July." +156774,32148.0,1898.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,62,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/El%20Salvador%20-%20Respuesta%20a%20la%20pandemia%20COVID-19%2C%20Situation%20Report%20No.%2002%20%2818%20al%2020%20de%20marzo%20de%202020%29.pdf,"La OIM, dentro de la acción humanitaria, ha creado un mecanismo de apoyo logístico entre el Ministerio de Gobernación y la Dirección General de Migración y Extranjería que tiene como objetivo facilitar el suministro de asistencia humanitaria para los centros de cuarentena de personas migrantes retornadas, así también, ha articulado donaciones por parte de la empresa privada." +386452,60395.0,1186.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,56,[],['Context'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Del total de migrantes, 12.7% son menores de 14 años (Ministerio de Desarrollo Social, 2017). En 2017, los estudiantes migrantes representaban el 2.2% de la matrícula escolar y en 2018 el 3.1% (Centro de Estudios Justicia & Sociedad, 2020; Fernández, 2018)." +69903,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)'],en,32,[],['Information And Communication'],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,Agencies responding to Dorian should be conscious of issues related to the specific needs and capacities of different groups and put in measures to overcome obstacles and discrimination they may face. +178249,41756.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],fr,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Dans les provinces du Haut-Katanga, de l’Ituri, du Tanganyika et de la région du Kasaï, les pourcentages de personnes en phase 4 dépassent les 10 pour cent. D’une manière générale, les prix et le fonctionnement des marchés ont une incidence directe sur la situation alimentaire des populations." +146029,35870.0,2028.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,27,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"WHO has established the Supply Chain Coordination Cell to improve information management and coordination to support strategic guidance, operational decision-making, and overall Supply Chain monitoring" +325800,54267.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,76,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"De grandes disparités existent entre les hommes et les femmes en termes d’accès aux services financiers de base. Deux tiers des personnes possédant un compte bancaire sont des hommes. Pas moins de 22 pour cent des hommes disent avoir un compte, un service financier essentiel pour entreprendre un certain nombre d’activités économiques, contre moins de 10 pour cent des femmes. [(OCDE, 2018)]" +83545,23030.0,1620.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",en,120,[],['Context'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/s_2019_1005.pdf,"On 16 September, in Monrovia, at the opening of the second extraordinary session of the ECOWAS Parliament, the Speaker called on Nigeria to reopen its borders. Similarly, on 16 October, during a visit to Abuja, the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration of Ghana, called on Nigeria to urgently review the decision to close its border with Benin because, according to her, it could lead to political tensions in Ghana. On 4 November, the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Nigeria announced that a tripartite ministerial committee consisting of Benin, the Niger and Nigeria would be established to come to an agreement about reopening the borders." +327484,54714.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,[PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 2% of both households of IDP settlements and Non-IDP settlement reported gender-based violence (GBV)-related incidents against anybody in their community in the 30 days prior to data collection. +176063,40999.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,42,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_levaluation_rapide_sur_les_vbg_et_covid-19_dans_la_region_de_lest.pdf,La fréquentation des services de protection assurés par la gendarmerie et la police a nettement baissé à cause de la situation sécuritaire. Les populations des villages environnants n’ont plus accès aux services car les voies ne sont pas sécurisées +323713,54267.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Environment'],fr,54,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Le Burkina Faso a un climat soudano-sahélien, avec deux saisons distinctes et de grandes variations de température et de pluviométrie (FEWS NET, 2017). Les températures mensuelles moyennes varient de 23 ºC à 34 ºC dans le nord, et de 25 ºC à 31 ºC dans le sud." +236346,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,7,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Women in displacement are particularly vulnerable. +388547,60980.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/informe_de_emergencias_humanitarias_reportadas_elc_enero_junio_2021.pdf,"Tambien en Buenaventura, según la AT N° 007-19 habitantes de al menos seis comunas (3,4,9,10,11 y 12) afrontan restricciones a la movilidad en el casco urbano de la ciudad. Al menos 169.492 habitantes de la zona siguen en riesgo por los enfrentamientos entre bandas delincuenciales, y GANE." +267293,49773.0,2028.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_HSOS-NWS_-January-2021.pdf,"[January 2021, NWS] % of communities where extreme coping strategies used by residents and IDPs to meet basic needs were reported: For both residents(69%) and IDPS(80%) most commonly reported coping mechanism was Sending children (15 or below) to work and early marriage 35% of residents and 42% of IDPs." +326899,54714.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,23,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,[Accountability to Affected Populations] 9% of households reported having received aid in the 30 days prior to data collection. +239610,47230.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,40,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"El 70,8% personas en hogares encuestados de refugiados y migrantes venezolanos no tienen PEP, Tarjeta de Movilidad Fronteriza (TMF) vigente, cédula de extranjería, salvoconducto de solicitante de asilo o condición de refugiado. E" +327911,55046.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,41,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_04_27%20USG%20Democratic%20Republic%20of%20the%20Congo%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%233.pdf,"In addition, more than 21,000 Congolese civilians—mainly women and children—have been displaced in the greater Kasaï region since March 28 due to intensified intercommunal violence, according to the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)" +395336,61905.0,1186.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,28,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.eldinamo.cl/pais/2021/05/07/servicio-jesuita-asegura-que-el-gobierno-prepara-nuevas-expulsiones-de-inmigrantes/,"El Servicio Jesuita a Migrantes (SJM) aseguró que se han realizado detenciones masivas de inmigrantes en tres ciudades del país, los cuales serán expulsados." +224090,45768.0,2332.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,20,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,Le message sur la prévention et la lutte contre le COVID-19 a été transmis aux IDPs et aux réfugiés. +298877,51893.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,43,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[January 2021, Overall Syria] Rates of household engagement in daily labour are extremely high in NorthWest Syria (41 percent) and lowest in Central and South Syria and NorthEast Syria (15 and 17 percent, respectively)." +176892,41091.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],es,203,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"En el seguimiento de indicadores de oportunidad se observan los tiempos, en días, que trascurren entre el inicio de síntomas y la notificación en el sistema de vigilancia, el cual tiene un promedio de 4,2 días, en la población indígena es de 4,3 y en la población afrodescendiente es de 4,6; el tiempo transcurrido entre la notificación del caso y el diagnóstico, tiene en promedio 6,9 días, en población indígena es de 7,4 días y en población afrodescendiente 7,1 días. Por último, se ha calculado la diferencia de días entre el momento del inicio de síntomas y la fecha de diagnóstico que para el país está en promedio en 10,9 días, en población afrodescendiente y en población indígena es de 11,3 días. Es importante destacar que a nivel nacional el 33,5% de los resultados se disponen durante la primera semana, en la población afrodescendiente esta cifra es inferior al nacional y es de 29,4% y en población indígena es de 27,4%. Al momento del corte, no se evidencio en los departamentos, resultados de casos confirmados durante la primera semana por encima de 50%." +48118,13061.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,52,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.derechos.org.ve/web/wp-content/uploads/MigracionLigia.pdf,"A un año del acuerdo voluntario de Quito I sobre acoger los documentos de viaje vencidos como documentos de identidad de los ciudadanos venezolanos para fines migratorios, menos de la mitad de los países han puesto en práctica este acuerdo: Argentina, Perú, Colombia, Paraguay y Chile." +196854,43840.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,51,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_291_20201116.pdf,Une séance de sensibilisation Covid-19 a été organisée au Collège de GBADOLITE et au Complexe Scolaire Belge. Et 1850 élèves ont été sensibilisés sur le respect des gestes barrières Covid-19 par les membres de CPC suivie de la distribution symbolique de 500 dépliants dans la ZS GBADOLITE au NORD-UBANGI. +158015,38777.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,47,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/food-insecurity-impact-covid-19-among-critical-challenges-facing-syria,"adding that those States which lobbied against cross-border access must now engage actively to ensure that deliveries are consistent, safe and unimpeded. Help should go to those people and health-care facilities that require it, not just to those whom the regime deems worthy." +239579,47230.0,2311.0,['Cross'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,94,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"Entre la tercera y cuarta ronda la preferencia sigue siendo dinero en efectivo para acceder a alimentos y vivienda. Sin embargo, se evidencian variaciones en cuanto a las modalidades preferidas de asistencia en alimentos: más hogares prefieren recibir bonos o cupones (7 puntos porcentuales más), y en contraste, menos hogares señalaron preferir dinero en efectivo (8 puntos porcentuales menos). Frente al apoyo de vivienda la modalidad predilecta continúa siendo recibir el dinero en efectivo, aun cuando su preferencia descendió seis puntos porcentuales." +341973,56493.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,161,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Sur la base des données de l’enquête quantitative, les régions des Hauts bassins (49,5%), du Nord (46,72%), du Sahel (46,25%) et de la Boucle du Mouhoun (30,75%) se présentent comme les régions ou la crainte d'être agressé, enlevé ou tué est élevée ; cela comparativement à la région de l’Est (25%) qui est l’une des zones à haut risque sécuritaire. Si les résultats des zones du Sahel et du Nord corroborent avec les propos recensés pendant les consultations régionales, la faible proposition de la crainte enregistrée à l’Est pourrait se justifier primo par la présence des koglwéogo qui travaillent à réduire la criminalité, aux différentes opérations de sécurité et de défense menées par les FDS, et surtout par l’adhésion et la collaboration des populations avec les FDS." +453771,63974.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Displacement->Push Factors'],fr,87,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_20210630-Rapport-Protection-Trimestriel.pdf,"La multiplication des attaques violentes contre les civils par les groupes armés non étatiques dans les différentes localités des régions du Nord, du Centre Nord, de l’Est et du Sahel souvent avec l’utilisation des enfants et obligeant des villages entiers à se vider de leurs populations, illustre la gravité de la situation. Face à une telle brutalité, la vulnérabilité des enfants ne cesse de s’accroitre et leur état émotionnel est de plus en plus impacté." +161185,35726.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,60,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_arauca_junio_2020_vf%20%281%29.pdf,"Salud, ya que el acceso a los centros médicos es complejo por las distancias, sumado a la precaria calidad del servicio; por otro lado, tras entrar en liquidación la EPS Salud Vida en 2019, fueron reasignados en su mayoría a la Nueva EPS, la cual no cuenta con un enfoque diferencial para la atención" +317937,53305.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,19,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"One of the highest under-five mortality rates (90.7 deaths per 1,000 live births) in the world." +235606,46388.0,2336.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In a deteriorating trend from the beginning of the year, findings of the most recent nutrition surveys show that 27 out of 34 provinces are now within the emergency threshold for acute malnutrition; 10 provinces are facing critical situations." +226971,46454.0,2028.0,"['Education', 'Cross', 'Food Security']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,52,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2022_23Dec2020_FINAL.pdf,"[23rd December, Overall Syria] Due to exchange rate volatility, the regional banking crisis and other factors, including knock-on effects of COVID-19 such as supply chain disruptions, panic buying, and restrictions on trade, industry and agriculture, food prices have soared in past months." +264297,48806.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,80,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_final_enquete_smart_27112019.pdf,"Au plan national, 39,9% des enfants ont une fréquence minimum des repas recommandée. Cette proportion varie selon que les enfants sont allaités ou non. En effet, chez les enfants allaités, elle est de 38,1% et de 45,5% pour les non allaités. Au niveau provincial, elle varie de 56,9 % dans la province du Mayo Kebi Est à 16,4% dans le Moyen Chari pour l’ensemble des enfants." +271052,47809.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,109,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_7.pdf,"Se notificaron 31 791 hospitalizaciones por IRAG en sala general, presentando incremento frente a lo notificado a la misma semana de los tres años anteriores con el 16,4 % frente a 2020, 26,8 % comparado con 2019 y 18,7 % frente a 2018. Teniendo en cuenta el comportamiento de notificación de los últimos siete años, se presenta disminución en 15 entidades territoriales, entre las cuales resaltan Quindío, Atlántico, Chocó, Guainía, Caquetá, Putumayo, Guaviare y Caldas; e incremento en 10 entidades territoriales resaltando Amazonas, Huila, Cundinamarca y Meta; no presentan comportamientos inusuales 13 entidades territoriales" +294553,51749.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[commune de Comin-Yanga] Différentes stratégies de survie sont adoptées parmi lesquelles la diminution de la quantité consommée pendant les repas ou du nombre de repas par jour, la r��duction de la consommation des adultes au profit des enfants et la consommation d’aliments moins préférés et moins chers." +191871,43304.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Si des vols spéciaux sont organisés par les autorités tchadiennes pour rapatrier ces personnes [migrants], un grand nombre d’entre eux restent encore en attente d’un retour au pays." +307019,51467.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,21,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,Lack of alternative shelter options have forced thousands of IDPs to occupy and use school buildings as a temporary shelter solution +270144,50221.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],es,91,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/pandemia-exacerbo-problemas-de-seguridad-alimentaria-para-los-migrantes/2498,"En parte debido a su situación migratoria y en parte también debido al impacto de la pandemia vimos que, regularmente, un 16% de los encuestados pasaron un día sin comer. Un número muy alto, si consideramos que esta cifra está por debajo del 5% para la población total en los países de esta región”, sostuvo Bottone, quien también señaló como uno de los factores agravantes el cierre del sector informal, en el que se emplea buena parte de esta población." +193946,43327.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Environment'],fr,29,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_sectoriel_octobre.pdf,"Les aléas climatiques marqués par des pluies torrentielles en cette saison hivernale , causant des inondation/destruction d’habitations avec augmentation des population en besoin d’assistance." +156585,38698.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Agriculture', 'Cross', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,75,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flood_dashboard_monitoring_5_september_2020.pdf,"Floods have large social consequences for communities and individuals including children. The immediate impacts of flooding include loss of human life, damage to property, destruction of crops, loss of livestock, and deterioration of health conditions owing to waterborne diseases which broadly affected children in affected areas. Violence against children including adolescents and women has exponentially increased due to Monsoon flood to reach vulnerable populations particularly in ongoing COVID-19 situation" +112826,32048.0,1185.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Nin%CC%83ez%20venezolana%20Covid19%20Ingle%CC%81s%20Web_FINAL.pdf,"Only one-third of those interviewed said they have access to health care services, while another third did not because of their migrant status. The remaining third does not know if there is a health facility near their place." +149316,35869.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,46,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep18_25july2020.pdf,"Sharp decrease in people’s purchasing power. This has consequent negative impact on shops and businesses (compounding impacts of COVID-19-related restrictions), and the number of people in need of assistance is increasing, creating new gaps in the humanitarian response." +48441,12622.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Intentions'],es,48,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LIBRO%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20las%20necesidades%20insatisfechas%20SSR%20y%20Migrantes%20Venezolanos%20-%20Digital.pdf,"La aplicación de la caja de herramientas del IAWG hizo posible la recolección de información de diferentes fuentes de información para construir una mirada panorámica de las necesidades en salud sexual y salud reproductiva, los servicios de atención en salud y las barreras más comunes de acceso" +338358,56101.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",es,65,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/alerta_btb_inundaciones_en_arauca_14052021_vf_1.pdf,"La gestión y entrega de respuesta está siendo afectada por la actual coyuntura del paro nacional, las restricciones han generado un desabastecimiento de combustible dificultando el acceso por parte de la institucionalidad para la realización de los EDAN y el levantamiento de necesidades en las zonas afectadas, así como la presencia y respuesta por parte de socios del ELC y del GIFMM Arauca" +52807,16815.0,1184.0,[],[],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Context->Politics']",es,35,[],['Context'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://www.elcomercio.com/actualidad/moreno-exigencia-visa-venezolanos-bienestar.html,el presidente Lenín Moreno se pronunció sobre su decisiónde exigir visa a los migrantes de Venezuela que quieran ingresar al país y extender un visado humanitario para venezolanos que ya radican en el Ecuador. +341444,56493.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Politics'],fr,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Aussi, comme le mentionnent les salariés, les dysfonctionnements et le non-respect de l’éthique professionnelle qui relèvent la monétarisation des services et des actes, produit de la corruption qui entretient l’injustice. L’accès à un emploi, les affectations et les promotions de complaisance sont entretenus par les moyens pécuniaires." +356078,58253.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.migracioncolombia.gov.co/noticias/en-mes-y-medio-mas-de-813-mil-ciudadanos-venezolanos-han-completado-la-primera-etapa-del-estatuto-temporal-de-proteccion,"Respecto a los más de 813 mil migrantes venezolanos que han terminado con éxito la primera fase de implementación del Estatuto Temporal de Protección, el Director de Migración Colombia indicó que el 52% son mujeres, mientras que el 48% restante son hombres." +174469,40809.0,2170.0,['Agriculture'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,122,['Impact'],"['Shock/Event', 'Context']",IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NGA%20%281%29.pdf,"[8th Oct 2020, Adamawa]However, in September, below-average rainfall and moisture deficits are impacting main season cereals in northwestern parts of the country. Moreover, flooding across northwestern and northcentral parts of the country due to heavy rains in July and August, coupled with the widespread high levels of conflict in the northern areas and the effects of restriction measures due to the COVID-19 pandemic, had a negative impact on yields, curbing production prospects. In addition, localized Fall Army Worm (FAW) attacks were reported, with high presence in Adamawa State. Overall, the 2020 cereal crop production is estimated at slightly above the last five-year average." +216601,45416.0,2225.0,"['Education', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,16,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,"946 classes détruites, 161 latrines détruites, 70 écoles occupées par les populations déplacées." +310053,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,114,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"As roads and ports significantly deteriorate during the rainy season, humanitarian organizations become reliant on costly air transport to reach people in need. However, the quality of airstrips also remains low, and only four airstrips are equipped with tarmac (Juba, Malakal, Paloich and Wau). Another 234 landing sites or murram airstrips (including 123 suitable for Fixed-Wing aircrafts and 115 helipads) are functioning in South Sudan, enabling humanitarian organizations to access people in hard-to-reach locations. Nevertheless, due to low maintenance and very limited infrastructure, a large majority of these airstrips becomes accessible to helicopters only during the rainy season." +315537,54167.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Security & Stability']",es,189,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_caqueta_dic_2020_vf.pdf,"Desplazamiento Forzado: Desde la firma del Acuerdo de Paz en 2016, el desplazamiento forzado presentó una tendencia decreciente, según los datos de la Unidad de Atención y Reparación Integral para las Víctimas (UARIV)26; se pasó de 11.690 eventos en 2015 (11.584 víctimas) a 2.845 en 2017 (2.805 víctimas), es decir una disminución del 76 por ciento en el número de víctimas. Sin embargo, posteriormente los casos empezaron a aumentar paulatinamente y en 2019 se alcanzaron 3.179 eventos (3.122 víctimas), un incremento del 9 por ciento en el número de víctimas en comparación a 2017, pero valores considerablemente menores frente a los resultados de 2015. Para octubre de 2020 se habían reportado 845 eventos y 846 víctimas, principalmente en San Vicente del Caguán (108 eventos y 106 víctimas), Cartagena del Chairá (108 eventos y víctimas), la Montañita (67 eventos y víctimas) y Belén de los Andaquíes (56 víctimas, el único desplazamiento masivo registrado hasta la fecha en el departamento27)" +490435,67748.0,1234.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,40,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Trinidad and Tobago,2019-05-28 03:09:47.864552+00,,"On 13 September, a number of Venezuelan refugees and migrants were rescued by fishermen aFer their boat overturned. Addi%onally, 40 Venezuelan na%onals arrived by boat on a remote shoreline of the island." +303971,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,70,['Impact'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"People’s perception of safety varied by month and region. From April to June 2020, on average 41% of assessed settlements across South Sudan reported that most people did not feel safe most of the time. This decreased marginally in July-September 2020, which could be attributed to the seasonal reduction in violence that is sometimes seen during the rainy season in locations experiencing flooding" +22237,9106.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']","['Context->Security & Stability', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",en,163,"['Impact', 'At Risk']","['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"In May 2018, conflict broke out in Derna as rival groups fought for control following a lengthy encirclement of the city by forces allied to the LNA, leading to civilian casualties. In the midst of the fighting humanitarian access to the city was extremely limited, however as more access became possible, it became clear people were in need of food, safe drinking water and medicines. Protection risks were very high, driven by exposure to conflict and violence, destruction of property and looting, extrajudicial executions, and restrictions on the freedom of movement. Local activists, medical professionals and other civilians from Derna were captured by forces allied to the LNA, many on account of their identity and political opinions, and continued to be held incommunicado.9 By the end of June the LNA declared control of the city of Derna, while clashes continued in small pockets across the city." +162713,33948.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,40,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Niños, niñas y adolescentes en espacios amigables 757 NNA han asistido a los espacios amigables y protectores de Bethany en Colombia. Talleres para NNA Se han realizado 27 talleres deportivos y psicosociales para NNA de manera presencial." +305317,51474.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,57,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"The low price of oil has further depreciated the South Sudanese pound. The rising gap between the official rate and the parallel market rate continued to cause hardship and tension. Inflationary pressure has aggravated food insecurity for households, including those hosting a total of 1.24 million internally displaced persons living outside displacement sites." +294628,51749.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,[District sanitaire de Ouargaye] Il a été constaté par l’analyse des données une faible implication des auteurs communautaires dans la surveillance épidémiologie dans son volet communautaire. +179216,41946.0,2028.0,"['Shelter', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,82,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://publications.unescwa.org/projects/saw/sdgs/pdf/en/Syria-at-War-8-years-on-Report-Final.pdf,"[Syria 2019, # of schools affected by conflict] Schools have endeavored to operate in conflict zones but deliberate attacks on educational institutions have not ceased, with 426 school bombardments officially verified since 2011. More than 40 per cent of school infrastructure is crippled, with one out of three schools either damaged or destroyed or used as a shelter.59 The widespread use of schools as collective shelters for IDPs has increased pressure on the education infrastructure." +183603,42456.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,60,"['At Risk', 'Priority Interventions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.unicef.org/wca/media/5411/file/UNICEF-WCARO-Central-Sahel-Advocacy-October-2020.pdf,"Children associated with armed forces and non-state armed groups are first and foremost victims of recruitment, a violation of their rights. Children who have been arrested because of their association with an armed group must be transferred to the care of relevant civilian authorities as quickly as possible to facilitate their return to their families and communities." +201922,44488.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],es,38,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/salud/primeros-resultados-del-estudio-de-seroprevalencia-de-covid-19-en-colombia-551393?cid=SOC_PRP_POS-MAR_ET_WHATSAPP,"El Instituto Nacional de Salud dio a conocer este jueves los resultados preliminares del estudio de seroprevalencia en el país, que busca medir la proporción de personas que ya han tenido contacto con el nuevo coronavirus." +291356,51259.0,2335.0,[],[],[],en,24,[],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2020_access_annual_overview.pdf,The number of aid workers killed increased threefold from 2019 to nine and brought the number of humanitarians killed since 2013 to 124. +28421,10158.0,729.0,[],[],[],en,26,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ET_Feb_2019_Final%2820190313%29.pdf,"Nesma An estimated 170 migrants were reported to have arrived in Nesma, from southern Libya, planning to continue their journey to other destinations." +160801,38029.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,18,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syriadirect.org/news/mapping-coronavirus-in-syria-unofficial-cases-and-hot-spots/,"Currently there have been 54 and 253 cases of COVID-19 in the northwest and northeast, respectively." +150370,37702.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,112,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"WHO has provided testing kits to the MoH since 12 February. To date, WHO has provided enzyme kits (31,240 reactions), extraction kits (47,250 reactions), screening kits (62,992 reactions) and confirmatory testing kits (1,920 tests), 52,000 swabs and viral transport medium for sample collection, five polymerase chain reaction (PCR) machines and two extraction machines, in addition to 5,000 waste bags and 21,000 bags for samples, and PPE for staff. WHO has further supplies and equipment in the pipeline, including four GeneXpert machines. In addition, UNHCR has procured one GeneXpert machine." +46572,16136.0,729.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],en,38,[],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/echo_-nf_bud_2019_91000_v2.pdf,"According to the IOM DTM of June 2018, there were still 192 513 IDPs and 372 741 returnees in Libya. 51% of IDPs are below 18 years old and 10% are above 60." +226643,46454.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2022_23Dec2020_FINAL.pdf,"[23rd December, Overall Syria] Many local Committees of Health are also reporting shortages in swabs, limiting sample collection. Emergency procurements are underway to meet gaps, including up to 40,000 testing kits." +179239,41946.0,2028.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,51,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://publications.unescwa.org/projects/saw/sdgs/pdf/en/Syria-at-War-8-years-on-Report-Final.pdf,"[Syria 2019, protection] Exploitative practices have escalated during the conflict. Several groups, commonly children, youth, women and the elderly, have been left unprotected from various threats, including loss of civil documents, human trafficking, looting and other forms of exploitation." +303863,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Although people across the country are impacted by the protracted humanitarian crisis, states such as Jonglei, Upper Nile, Unity, Lakes and Warrap continue to face multiple shocks, further deepening extreme levels of vulnerabilities." +224106,45768.0,2332.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"Entre-temps, l’environnement protecteur n’est pas bon à Diamerom et la prise en charge adéquate des cas individuels de protection (à l’instar des enfants traumatisés) n’est pas garantie." +439615,63184.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,34,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Burkina%20Faso%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%201%20May%20-%2030%20June%202021.pdf,"As of 30 June 2021, the number of internally displaced persons (IDP) reached 1,312,071 (CONASUR) out of which over 60.5 per cent [794,409 children] are children." +161526,39295.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,34,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,"As of 8 September, seven isolation hospitals and 11 isolation treatment centres for primary care level management (called COVID-19 Community Treatment Centres, or CCTCs) were active in northwest Syria." +178219,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Context->Environment', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",fr,72,[],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,Le Groupe intergouvernemental d’experts sur l’évolution du climat (GIEC) alerte sur l’augmentation des températures dans les zones proches de l’équateur et le raccourcissement de la saison pluvieuse dans les régions du sud du pays. La région du Katanga pourrait perdre plusieurs mois de saison des pluies dès 2020 alors qu’elle est déjà sujette à des épisodes de sécheresse. +161919,39490.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,99,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200707_acaps_covid-19_secondary_impacts_in_rohingya_refugee_camps.pdf,"One of the main contributing factors to the low consent rate amongst Rohingya refugees is that, once tested positive, the individual must be transferred to an Isolation and Treatment facility and their contacts may be transferred to quarantine facilities (Health, WASH, CWC Sectors, 06/2020). As of 1 July, only 37 Rohingya refugees were in quarantine facilities in the camps (WHO 02/07/2020). The fear and unwillingness to be admitted to these facilities is due to the lack of trust in both the health system and the camp authorities" +271759,50331.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'Education', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,61,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDRCO017du1.pdf,"Only within the island of Providencia, 95 per cent of the population was affected, between 1,900 and 2,000 houses were destroyed, water and sanitation infrastructure were weakened, health and education installations were left unsafe for use, and storehouses and medical equipment were damaged. This created an increasing social and economic impact on the island." +62860,18514.0,1386.0,[],[],[],en,66,[],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190328_acaps_briefing_note_venezuela_update_and_2019_outlook__0.pdf,"Nutrition: There is no official data available for malnutrition rates in Venezuela, but the prevalence of malnutrition has been increasing due to food shortages and high prices of food, from 3.6% in 2013 to 11.7% in 2017(FAO 16/01/2019). Consultations for severe malnutrition in hospitals have increased from 2% to 14% (IACHR 09/01/2019)." +311744,53183.0,2466.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,66,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"The highest levels of need were found in Darfur, West and South Kordofan, Blue Nile, White Nile, Sennar, Kassala, and Gedaref. This included over 786,000 children in an extreme or catastrophic situation (severity level 4 and 5) and approximately 674,000 children in a severe situation (severity level 3). [Specified location : Darfur]" +313704,53333.0,2334.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,37,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Establish/rehabilitate water, sanitation and hygiene promotion facilities at formal and non-formal institutions Hygiene education is a particularly key element for the health of adolescent mothers and their babies and can be supported by village health workers" +170407,40462.0,2099.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,39,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Les Liens humanitaires-développement et consolidation de paix : le renforcement des communautés en résilience, l’initiation des cadres d’échanges entre PDIs et population hôte, la mise en place des organismes œuvrant dans le volet" +22540,9106.0,729.0,"['Protection', 'Cross', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,58,['Impact'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"Protracted conflict accompanied with multiple onset of emergencies taken place in 2018 like Derna conflict, tribal conflict in the south caused complete failure of wastewater systems in Sebha and recently the fighting of different factions in Tripoli. This resulted in displacement of thousands of families with immediate required action to respond to their urgent needs." +293371,52057.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,140,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/fhrdc_ra_hauts_plateux_sud-kivu_fv.pdf,"[Sud-Kivu, Dec 2020] Depuis mai 2020, la région des Hauts Plateaux de Fizi/Itombwe et de Bijombo est confrontée à une nouvelle crise humanitaire majeure, conséquence notamment des affrontements entre groupes armés impliquant les miliciens des différents groupes vivant dans la zone. Ces affrontements s’accompagnent de violences contre des civils d’une intensité rare. Des cas d’assassinats, de viols, d’incendie de villages, de pillages de biens sont régulièrement rapportés. Le déclenchement de la crise actuelle résulte du prolongement de l’escalade des tensions liées à différents facteurs qui prennent rapidement un caractère communautaire qui a commencé en février 2019. Cette nouvelle phase de la crise intervient six mois après une période de relative accalmie observée entre novembre 2019 et avril 2020" +48096,13061.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,27,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.derechos.org.ve/web/wp-content/uploads/MigracionLigia.pdf,"Según un análisis de la organización colombiana DeJusticia, se estima que, hasta octubre de 2018, habrían ingresado a Colombia unas 8.200 mujeres venezolanas embarazadas25" +410307,63222.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,66,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_mvam_bulletin_57_july_2021.pdf,"[Syria, July] According to residency status, in July 2021, around 53 percent of IDPs and 51 percent of returnees reported inadequate food consumption, an increase of nine percent and 24 percent, respectively, year-on-year. Moreover, the total share of resident households with poor or borderline food consumption increased in July as well, reaching 42 percent." +188250,30608.0,1900.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,42,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Americas%20Update%20COVID%2010_1%20June.pdf,"UNHCR delivered personal protective equipment to 50 leaders within various LGTBI groups in San Pedro Sula to support efforts to monitor the human rights situation, and to six community health clinics to strengthen the delivery of medical and social services." +236070,47122.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,45,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"Though only one confirmed case had been reported in the NWSW, the risk of more cases is high considering the number of persons who travel from Centre, Littoral and West regions considered to be the epicenter of the pandemic to the NWSW." +220874,45410.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,L’approvisionnement des marchés des zones insécures (Tibesti et Lac) se poursuivrait timidement en raison des facteurs sécuritaires (état d’urgence) et des mesures relatives au COVID-19 (fermetures des frontières). +306371,51572.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,69,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Other livelihoods activities such as collecting firehood or selling charcoal are difficult as the access to the bush is restrained by the host communities and as the women, mostly in charge of this activity, face GBV concerns when going far away from the camp. This situation worsen by the floods as there is now a limited access to the bush and no dry wood available." +183536,43045.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Deaths'],en,53,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/60670/two-franciscan-friars-die-from-covid-19-in-aleppo.html,"[sep 2020,Overall syria} However, two Franciscan friars have died from COVID-19. “Unfortunately, the two were at the Holy Land college. Fr Edward Tamer (pictured) was 82 but in good condition and Fr Firas Hejazin was 49. What a tragedy!”" +170412,40462.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)']",fr,69,[],"['Information And Communication', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Il faut noter que certains PDIs n’ont pas un lieu fixe de résidence, ce qui ne facilite pas leur identification. Pour les communes de Fada et Matiacoali qui hébergent le plus grand nombre des PDIs, une mise à jour du nombre des PDIs est nécessaire avec le mouvement quotidien des populations. Car les PDIs sont mobiles entre les sites d’accueil." +7528,1268.0,321.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,43,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/unfpa-and-unhcr-assist-more-8500-displaced-women-across-libya,"Beside the distribution of the hygiene kits, UNHCR and UNFPA seize this vital opportunity to meet displaced women across the country and assess their wellbeing and the conditions they are living in, in order to respond adequately to their needs." +297862,52145.0,2334.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,48,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_humanitaire_numero_12_v_04.pdf,"Entre le 1er septembre et le 28 novembre, 98 attaques de prédation auront couté la vie à plus de 47 civils et occasionné des vols de biens et de nourriture et la destruction de centaines de maisons dans plus de 15 localités différentes des deux arrondissements." +209500,45056.0,2334.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,61,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://wcaro.unfpa.org/fr/news/limpact-de-la-covid-19-sur-les-violences-bas%C3%A9es-sur-le-genre-en-afrique-de-louest-et-du-centre,"Ils [les représentants de UNFPA: Mabingue Ngom et Madame Siti Batoul Oussein] ont également présenté quelques recommandations dont l’intégration de la COVID-19 dans la réponse humanitaire, le pré positionnement de kits post viol, la mobilisation communautaire, le plaidoyer et plus de mobilisation des ressources pour faire face aux besoins sans cesse grandissants." +456708,58748.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://cdn.odi.org/media/documents/ODI-PB-SRHR.pdf,"Despite several progressive responses aimed at maintaining sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) during the Covid-19 pandemic, the availability of SRHR services and products has been restricted, and this is felt especially keenly by already-marginalised groups." +305393,51474.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,73,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"In Kajo Kaji, Central Equatoria, on 27 December, clashes broke out between SPLM/A-IO( Sudan People's Liberation Movement-in-Opposition) and the forces of Major General Lokujo, resulting in the death of three SPLM/A-IO soldiers and the capture of four soldiers loyal to Major General Lokujo. The subsequent deployment of South Sudan People's Defence Forces (SSPDF) acted as a buffer between the clashing forces." +288552,51848.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,103,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/herams_fourth_quarter_2020_final.pdf,"[Dec 2020, NWS] Figure 12(A.B): Availability ICU Beds and Ventilators per districts Most of ICU beds available are in Harim (170 bed) followed by Idleb city (103) and Jabal Saman in Aleppo (34). No ICU beds are available in Al Bab, Jarablus, Ariha and Tel Abiad Ventilators for Adults: Most of available ventilators are in Idleb city(60) followed by Harim(47) and Afrin(46). No Ventilators are available in Al Bab, Jarablus, Ariha and Tel Abiad" +323588,54626.0,2331.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,21,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,"Awareness messages covered prevention of family separation, gender-based violence (GBV), COVID-19 preventive measures and risk awareness." +161550,39295.0,2028.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,116,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,"Continuation of learning needs: o Childcare arrangements for children whose parents are healthcare workers (in coordination with the Child Protection sub-cluster). o Adaptation of existing curricula and implementation through printed materials and/or social media and self-learning programmes. o Assessment of students’, parents’ and teachers’ access to affordable internet connectivity and internet-enabled devices. Consider paper-based individual home learning assignments based on current curricula as alternative. o Provision of education materials and supplies to children affected by COVID-19 to enable them to continue education through distance learning. o Provision of exercise sheets to all students, regardless of whether they have access to online platforms." +240681,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,"['Priority Needs', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Tuberculosis, HIV/ AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections are increasingly prevalent among migrants in many parts of Afghanistan, rapidly making the issue of migrant health a priority." +169910,40360.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Casualties->Missing', 'Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,62,[],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Province du Soum : Assassinats : Le 15 aout 2020 sur l’axe Djibo – Mentao, le grand Imam de Djibo Souabou Cissé enlevé en début de semaine, a été retrouvé mort ce samedi matin, le corps sans vie du guide a été découvert à Tilere localité située à 4 km de Djibo sur l'axe Djibo Mentao." +187911,42378.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,52,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.acu-sy.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/COVID-19-Surveillance_NWS_EWARN_Daily-Sitrep_-123.pdf,[26 Oct 2020] [NWS] New cases: 91 | Total cases: 4281 | New tests: 285| Total tests: 22082 | New recoveries: 107 | Total recoveries: 1857 | Total active cases: 2384 | New deaths: 0 | Total deaths: 21 +236098,47122.0,2334.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,35,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"A total of 8,163 beneficiaries (4,861 children between 6 to 23 months and 3,302 pregnant and lactating women (PLW)) were reached through the blanket supplementary feeding program (BSFP)." +59599,17198.0,1224.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,There is a shortage of clean water; people collect rainwater or collect it from a nearby creek. Open defecation and contamination of water sources is also a concern. +183616,42456.0,2099.0,['WASH'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,20,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.unicef.org/wca/media/5411/file/UNICEF-WCARO-Central-Sahel-Advocacy-October-2020.pdf,The sharp increase in displaced populations during 2019 and insecurity have placed WASH infrastructures in host communities under pressure. +307195,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Bor, Bentiu, and Juba PoC(Protection of Civilians) sites have recorded outflows as people concerned with potential insecurity in transitioning or transitioned PoCs return to their areas of habitual residence or move to secondary displacement locations." +48484,12622.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",[],[],es,80,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LIBRO%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20las%20necesidades%20insatisfechas%20SSR%20y%20Migrantes%20Venezolanos%20-%20Digital.pdf,"Colombia, el Instituto Nacional de Salud reportó que las atenciones por violencia de género a las migrantes venezolanas aumentaron en un 207%, pasando de 71 casos en 2017 a 218 casos en 2018 (MSPS, 2018). Se esperan más casos de VBG pero el subregistro por estigma, miedo a la deportación o falta de acceso a servicios de salud dificultan determinar la magnitud real del problema (Banco Mundial, 2018)." +235832,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,30,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"At the time of writing, many organisations continue to keep a proportion of their international staff outside the country, supporting the response remotely while national staff in-country." +291334,51584.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,27,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://docs.wfp.org/api/documents/WFP-0000121004/download/?_ga=2.267291910.926065783.1606212133-1055501472.1562658913,"After a rapid price surge from March to May, most food prices stabilized around July, although they have not dropped back to pre-COVID-19 levels." +162711,33948.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Shelter', 'Food Security']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,70,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Kits en Bogotá • Se han entregado 100 mercados en Bogotá para familias vulnerables • 49 kits de material pedagógico para NNA Kits en Cúcuta • Se han entregado 573 kits de higiene para familias, socios y albergue. • 43 kits de seguridad Covid 19 para NNA y sus familias • 86 kits de refrigerio para NNA • 43 kits de material pedagógico para NNA • 43 linternas" +236097,47122.0,2334.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,15,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,UNICEF is working with partners to adjust implementation taking into consideration the COVID-19 pandemic. +80486,22034.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],[],[],es,70,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/cuatro-reflexiones-del-primer-mes-del-campamento-humanitario-para-venezolanos-en-bogota/780,"Según las cifras de Migración Colombia, en noviembre, en Bogotá había 238.758 venezolanos, la cuarta parte de la migración venezolana registrada y reconocida oficialmente en el país. Centenares de esos migrantes llegaban a la Terminal sin dinero ni contactos para moverse en la ciudad, por eso se fue creando el asentamiento informal y la administración tuvo que responder con un albergue que pudiera controlar." +386128,60459.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,120,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"Dans les régions plus calmes, les revenus des ménages pauvres proviennent principalement de la vente de produits forestiers non ligneux - PFNL (amendes de karité, grains de néré et leurs dérivés, etc.), de la pratique de l’orpaillage, de la vente d’animaux et de la main-d’œuvre agricole. Dans l’ensemble, ces sources procurent des revenus similaires ou supérieurs à la moyenne du fait de l’augmentation des prix par rapport à la moyenne : environ 8 pour cent pour les PFNL ; 20 pour cent pour le gramme de l’or ; 10 à 20 pour cent pour les petits ruminants." +183605,42456.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,20,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.unicef.org/wca/media/5411/file/UNICEF-WCARO-Central-Sahel-Advocacy-October-2020.pdf,"With insecurity and forced displacement on the rise, children are at risk of being separated from their families." +221794,45410.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,93,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,[Les parties Sud des provinces administratives du BEG et du Kanem dans la Zone 5 - « agropastorale» ]: Cette suroffre [sur les marchés à bétail de la zone] est également due à la fermeture des frontières avec le Nigéria par suite des conflits avec Boko Haram dans le Lac et des mesures gouvernementales liées à la COVID-19 (fermeture de toutes les frontières nationales) limitant l’exportation ainsi qu’aux ventes massives occasionnées par la hausse significative des prix sur les marchés céréaliers. +176059,40999.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)'],fr,60,['Impact'],['Information And Communication'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_levaluation_rapide_sur_les_vbg_et_covid-19_dans_la_region_de_lest.pdf,"Les kits post viol sont disponibles dans le district sanitaire de Fada et au centre médical de Matiacoali. On note, qu’il n’est pas possible de répertorier les données sur les VBG dans Endos et cela empêche de fournir une statistique probante sur les cas de VBG pris en charge par les formations sanitaires." +211783,45203.0,2334.0,[],[],[],en,38,[],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://fews.net/west-africa/cameroon/food-security-outlook/june-2020,"The pandemic is increasing the vulnerability of displaced persons and refugees, especially those working in the informal sector in the country’s two largest cities (Yaoundé and Douala), where activity has slowed." +162007,39490.0,2098.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,43,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200707_acaps_covid-19_secondary_impacts_in_rohingya_refugee_camps.pdf,"The Rohingya refugee population, the host community, and protection actors operating in Cox’s Bazar all reported an increase in protection issues in the camps and the surrounding areas as a result of COVID-19 and the subsequent containment measures." +193928,43327.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,22,[],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_sectoriel_octobre.pdf,"De janvier à fin octobre 2020, 2053 incidents ont été rapportés avec plus de 986 personnes décédées et 556 blessées." +223975,45768.0,2332.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,17,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,Les enfants sont traumatisés de ce qu’ils ont vu pendant l’attaque de Bohoma +315571,52949.0,2331.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"As a result of food consumption gap, many were employing negative coping strategies when they did not have enough food or money to purchase food. These were related to changes in diets to less preferred food options or the consumption of fewer calories – short term strategies with a long-lasting impact for the households." +314323,52949.0,2331.0,"['Nutrition', 'Cross', 'WASH', 'Food Security']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,44,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The presence of non-state armed actors or active fighting severely constrains safe humanitarian access in these areas. With limited access to life-saving assistance, crisis affected communities are disproportionally affected by food insecurity, malnutrition, disease outbreaks and inadequate WASH services." +46675,16136.0,729.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],en,64,['Impact'],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/echo_-nf_bud_2019_91000_v2.pdf,"Libya faces a worsening currency and a liquidity crisis, which deepens distrust towards Libya's public financial system as a whole. Black market exchange rates are spiralling and the price of a loaf of bread has significantly increased. At the same time, oil production continues to ramp up to one million barrels per day (a record since 2014)" +358693,58530.0,2311.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.superservicios.gov.co/sala-de-prensa/comunicados/en-el-dia-mundial-de-los-servicios-publicos-superservicios-presenta,"Con respecto a la percepción sobre la calidad de los servicios públicos, la encuesta realizada por la entidad en el año 2020 arrojó una calificación muy buena y buena dada por el 88% de usuarios del servicio de gas, 78 % para aseo, 75 % para alcantarillado, 70 % para acueducto y 60% para energía." +287118,51749.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,111,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[district sanitaire de Pouytenga] Les personnels soignants des CSPS [Centre de santé et de promotion sociale] travaillent en collaboration avec les agents de santé a base communautaires (ASBC) dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre de la PCIME-C et PCIMA-C. Les ASBC reçoivent des incitatifs financiers payés par l’état, gérés par les COGES, pour mettre en œuvre les activités communautaires et sont approvisionnés en intrants par les CSPS. Cependant cet approvisionnement dépend du niveau de stock des CSPS et peut être parfois interrompu. Les accoucheuses villageoise, tradi- praticienne ne sont pas inclues dans la pyramide sanitaire." +487120,40789.0,1900.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,29,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://infosegura.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Seguridad-y-movilidad-humana-30sep2020.pdf,"En 2019 el número total de personas, originarias de El Salvador, Guatemala y Honduras, viviendo fuera de su país alcanzó los 3.6 millones de personas." +438309,64539.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,114,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"La mayor parte de la población encuestada lleva residiendo, en su mayoría, más de un año en los distintos distritos de la provincia. Llegaron antes de la exigencia de la Visa Humanitaria en el Perú y han podido acceder a algunos de los servicios prestados por el Estado peruano dentro de Tumbes. De esta manera, el 73.9% manifestó que contaba con su Cédula de Identidad como documento de identidad de su país de origen, mientras el 25.6% indicó la utilización de pasaporte como principal documento de identidad. Menos del 1% precisó no contar con ningún documento en el momento de realizarse el cuestionario." +314500,52949.0,2331.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"It is expected swarms of Desert Locust will continue to cause crop and pasture losses through to at least May 2021, especially in central and south-central Somalia." +220644,45655.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,24,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"[9th Dec, Overall Syria] Eighty-eight per cent of respondents have experienced a moderate or significant loss of income from COVID-19 restrictions" +493415,68136.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,103,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/borno_state_cholera_outbreak_response_sitrep_no_5_27_09_21_0.pdf,"[26th Sept 2021, Borno State] Risk Communication and Community Engagement: UNICEF and WHO continues to support the state to curtail the outbreak of Cholera through the community health champion house-to-house intervention across the hotspot locations with cholera preventive messages 12,300 persons were sensitized. Mobile health teams continue to sensitize people in hard-to-reach locations on cholera awareness and prevention with 1,400 persons reached and 20 suspected cholera cases reported for investigation. WHO-supported motorized campaign in IDP camps, host communities and densely populated areas with cholera preventive messages, over 125,000 persons were reached across Borno state." +155207,37856.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,100,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Sur l’axe Niangoloko – Badara – Kaouara, 333 voyageurs dont 273 hommes et 60 femmes ont été observés se rendant en Côte d’Ivoire. Parmi ces voyageurs, faisaient partie 26 enfants de moins de 5 ans. Aussi 243 Nigériens, 9 Ivoiriens, 4 Maliens et 77 Nigérians ont également été observés sur ce point. Sur ce même point, 186 voyageurs (161 hommes et 25 femmes) ont été observés, entrant au Burkina Faso par les voies de contournement. Ce sont: 161 Burkinabés et 25 Nigériens." +218177,45410.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,62,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"En plus, l’approvisionnement interne des marchés du Lac est affecté par l’état d’urgence sécuritaire et ceux du Tibesti par la limitation des volumes de flux transfrontaliers de produits alimentaires importés de la Libye. Au Lac, l’offre de produits alimentaires est progressivement renforcée par les récoltes de maïs pluvial en cours." +297890,52145.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,21,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_humanitaire_numero_12_v_04.pdf,The creation of a temporal shelter home for survivors with the need for shelter and other services in the South West +493593,61216.0,2028.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,23,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/humanitarian-situation-overview-syria-hsos-northeast-syria-june-2021,"[June 2021, NES]38% of communities in which households reportedly were unable to access markets in the assessed location" +407421,63069.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Population', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],fr,125,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs', 'Priority Interventions', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Bulletin%20d%E2%80%99information%20sous%20cluster%20protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99enfance%20%28GTPE%29%20Mars%20%E2%80%93%20Mai%202021.pdf,"Les besoins restent urgents pour la prise en charge et documentation des enfants affectés par les conflits à Kalemie (axe Nord), Kongolo et Nyunzu(axe nord). Pendant le mois d’avril 178 ENA (100 filles et 78 Garçons), 385 EAFGA (49 filles et 336 Garçons), 37 VSV et 4 écoles incendiés ont été renseignés. Au mois de mai : • 72 ENA identifiés et pris en charge • 45 EAFGA identifiés et pris en charge • 9 enfants victimes de viol (prise en charge médicale et psychosociale) • 49 allégations de violations graves (MRM), dont 45 recrutement/utilisation, 2 enlèvements et 2 cas de viols/violences sexuelles" +2612,520.0,321.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Economy']",en,42,['At Risk'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://www.amnesty.org/en/countries/middle-east-and-north-africa/libya/report-libya/,Libya remained deeply divided as rival governments continued to vie for political legitimacy and assert control against a background of economic collapse and widespread lawlessness in which armed groups and militias abducted people for ransom and committed unlawful killings with impunity. +390821,60791.0,1186.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,80,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Respecto al índice de masculinidad (total de hombres por cada cien mujeres) para 2018 y 2019, cinco comunas de la Región Metropolitana pasaron de estar predominantemente compuestas por hombres extranjeros a tener mayoría de mujeres extranjeras. Esas comunas son San Miguel (101,3 vs 97,0), Macul (101,9 vs 98,9), Santiago (100,9 vs 99,4), La Florida (100,7 vs 98,5) y Maipú (100,3 vs 99,6)." +303963,51174.0,2335.0,[],[],[],en,22,[],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.afro.who.int/sites/default/files/2021-02/South%20Sudan%20IDSR%20Bulletin%20Week%201%2C%20%20%204-%2010%20January%202021%20.pdf,"With current COVID -19 Pandemic Outbreak, WASH partners to increase the coverage of hand washing facilities within the PoCs community." +9133,2909.0,322.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']","['Context->Demography', 'Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population']",en,96,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_jan_to_apr_2018.pdf,"An estimated 7.5 million people need nutrition assistance, with 2.9 million people who will require treatment for acute malnutrition, including 1.8 million children under the age of five and 1.1 million pregnant and lactating women (PLW). 2.3 million of PLW and caretakers of children 0-23 months will require infant and young child feeding counselling. Main challenges faced by nutrition partners include bureaucratic and administrative impediments to deliver assistance, non-payment of salaries for the health workers, access constraints and limited number of community health workers in the country." +316297,52949.0,2331.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,53,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"For HNO planning, the Food Security Cluster is using an average projection of 3.5 million Somalis facing Crisis (IPC Phase 3) and Emergency (IPC Phase 4) food security conditions through 2021, of which 67 per cent are non-IDPs, the majority of whom are urban poor." +297874,52145.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_humanitaire_numero_12_v_04.pdf,"C’est ainsi que le projet d’amélioration de la sécurité alimentaire des personnes déplacées internes et leurs communautés hôtes mis en œuvre depuis décembre 2018, redonne de l’espoir aux bénéficiaires des départements ciblés dans les deux régions en crise." +161326,39528.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,26,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Démarrage de l’accompagnement psychologique des agents de Santé du district sanitaire de Bogodogo impliqués dans la prise en charge des cas de COVID-19. +235004,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Context->Economy'],en,44,['Impact'],['Context'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Vital regional remittance rates have shrunk by 40 per cent compared to 2019, new investment remains constrained by political uncertainties and rising insecurity, and both per capita and real GDP are expected to remain below pre-COVID-19 forecasts over the medium term." +248856,48079.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,120,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/DRC_FSOU_2020_12_final.pdf,"Assistance humanitaire : Selon les données du cluster de sécurité alimentaire, 3,4 millions de personnes ont bénéficié de l’assistance alimentaire durant le 3e trimestre de l’année 2020 (juillet, août, septembre) dans les provinces de l’Ituri, le grand Kasaï, le Sud-Kivu et le Nord-Kivu, représentant environ 15 % de la population totale de ces provinces. FEWS NET estime que cette assistance améliore la sécurité alimentaire des bénéficiaires. Cependant, la collecte d’informations sur les rations et la fréquence des distributions est en cours et une analyse plus détaillée sera fournie dans le rapport sur les perspectives de la sécurité alimentaire de février." +318956,53305.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,94,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) has stabilized over the past four years in South Sudan. However, there are limits to its feasibility in some locations due the official exchange rate. For example, while in-kind food assistance still dominated the FSL Cluster's response in 2020 with 73 per cent of the overall response, CVA continued to grow with 16 per cent in 2020. A mixed package of CVA and in-kind support represented the remaining 11 per cent of the cluster’s response in 2020." +162819,37820.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,17,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/iom_rohingya_crisis_response_-_external_sitrep_-_july_2020.pdf,A total of 14 contacts were quarantined at Camp 20 Extension in the month of July. +341542,55986.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,81,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_cluster_sante_rdc_s16.pdf,"Aujourd'hui le 3 Mai 2021 marque la fin des épidémies EVD dans la province du Nord Kivu. L'épidémie a été déclarée le 7 février sur une patiente de l’Aire de sante de Masoya Zone de Sante de Biena 4 zones de santé ont été touchées au total (Biena, Butembo, Musienene, Katwa) Un plan de 90 jours pour le renforcement du système de santé à la suite de cette épidémie a été élaboré." +292161,52074.0,2334.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,"The coverage of nutrition interventions in both regions is low. Only 14% out of the total estimated Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) caseloads for 2019 (2,500) have accessed treatment for SAM." +164197,37783.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Casualties->Dead'],en,50,['Impact'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://tande.substack.com/p/syria-in-context-coronavirus-update-ffe,"Last week, doctors reported that 30 of their colleagues had died from COVID-19. Syria can ill afford a further loss of professionals in the medical sector, which had already suffered heavily throughout the war, which killed or displaced half of all doctors across the country." +241313,46388.0,2336.0,"['WASH', 'Health']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Some 9 per cent of children under 5 have AWD, while there were 183 cases of Crimean-Congo Haemorrhagic Fever (CCHF) in the first 10 months of 2020, with some 15 deaths." +473033,63732.0,2099.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2f4004e6/REACH_BFA_Factsheet_Abri-AME-et-LTB_Pouytenga_juillet-2021.pdf,"Principaux problèmes (hors dégâts matériels) rapportés par les IC au niveau des abris : Manque d'éclairage dans l'abris ou à proximité 17/30, Pas d'accès aux services d'eau et/ou assainissement 17/30, Logement / environnement insalubre 12/30." +323222,54498.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,116,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/89758cd4/REACH_COL_RAN_Factsheet_Trend_analysis_March2021.pdf,"Del mismo modo, el reporte del consumo de tres comidas diarias antes de marzo 2020, frente al consumo de tres comidas dia- rias durante los siete días previos a la fecha de la encuesta, siempre fue mayor. En la primera ronda, solo el 31% de los 210 ICs informó que ellos o personas dentro de su grupo habían tenido tres comidas diarias, durante los siete días anteriores a la fecha de la encuesta, frente a un 74% de los 210 ICs que señaló haber tenido el mismo número de comidas, antes de marzo 2020, tendencia que se mantuvo durante todas las rondas de recolección." +330038,53699.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,98,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_094_20210404_hebdo_s13.pdf,"Ainsi, au terme de la semaine 13/2021, 174 ZS ont enregistré au moins un cas confirmé ou probable de COVID-19, réparties dans 23 des 26 provinces de la RDC (Tableau I). Kinshasa demeure l’épicentre de l’épidémie, pour avoir enregistré 71,7% (20329/28352) des cas notifiés sur l’étendue du territoire national. Les 2ème et 3ème provinces les plus touchées restent aussi celles du Nord-Kivu et du Haut-Katanga qui comptabilisent respectivement 7,4% (2099/28352) et 6,5% (1844/28352) des cas" +188254,40860.0,1899.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,106,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200922_OCHA_GUATEMALA%20HRP%20COVID-19%20ESPAN%CC%83OL.pdf,"OMS, a nivel global no se observa una situación similar (ratio hombres: mujeres = 1:1). El grupo de niños es el menos afectado, lo que corresponde también con lo que se observa a nivel global, con una alta proporción de niños y jóvenes con síntomas muy leves o asintomáticos. La letalidad es más alta en hombres que en mujeres, lo que coincide con datos de otros países. En términos generales, esto puede deberse a que los hombres presentan más factores de riesgo que las mujeres, así como a otras explicaciones fisiológicas y genéticas." +270219,50227.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],es,80,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Hasta el 24 de febrero, el Instituto Nacional de Salud reportó el procesamiento de 8.089.392 pruebas PCR en 165 laboratorios adjuntos para diagnóstico de COVID-19, con 25.820 pruebas realizadas en las últimas 24 horas. A la fecha 1.895.926 muestras han arrojado un resultado positivo; sin embargo, este dato incluye segundas pruebas o más, a casos activos que aún no se recuperan. La capacidad máxima declarada por el INS es de 65.090 muestras/día." +341740,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],fr,62,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,Le rôle de protection de l’Etat vis-à-vis des populations vulnérables à travers l’encadrement de l’activité de cession immobilière surtout des terres rurales est remis en cause puisqu’il ne protège pas suffisamment « les plus faibles contre les plus forts ». Cela nourrit des frustrations ainsi qu’un sentiment d’injustice. +452369,64945.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MONITORING%20PROTECTION%20DE%20JULLET%202021%20EST.pdf,La liberté de mouvement au cours de la nuit est régulée par un couvre-feu et une exigence des documents tels que la CNIB au cours des voyages. On constate un accès limité au service de la justice dû au fait que les services fonctionnels se retrouvent uniquement dans les chefs-lieux de provinces +314874,53183.0,2466.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,63,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"With regards to education, schools were closed for most part of 2020, with many still non-committal regarding the COVID-19 protocols in 2021. The rollout of the new curriculum poses a challenge as well, due to the lack of new textbooks. The EMIS (Education Management Information System) has not provided yet accurate and timely programming data." +275274,50662.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,62,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[July- December 2020, Cox's Bazar] 14 Severe Acute Respiratory Infection Isolation and Treatment Centres (SARI ITCs) were active, including 652 operational beds, that have the capacity to treat severe COVID-19 cases. Additionally, 579 beds are currently kept on standby, all of which can become operable within 24-48 hours when needed." +301117,51958.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,99,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_devaluation_de_protection_des_retournes_tchadiens_de_la_rca_installes_dans_les_sites_au_sud_du_tchad_002.pdf,"Après les crises soudanaise et centrafricaine de 2002/2003, les conflits en RCA depuis 2014 ont généré des mouvements importants des personnes vers le Tchad, plus particulièrement dans sa zone méridionale. Au-delà des réfugiés, il y a eu le mouvement vers le Tchad de migrants tchadiens vivant en RCA de longue durée. Environs 100.000 sont revenus au Tchad en 2014 en raison des conflits en RCA. Au cours des premiers mois, les agences des Nations Unis et leurs partenaires ont apporté une assistance en faveur de ces retournés tchadiens de la RCA." +306411,51572.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Shelter']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,63,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"A comprehensive shelter intervention in Atar, Dingtoma 1 & is the most urgent priority to address immediate needs and ensure the population's safety, privacy, and population. However, the intervention has to be a sectorial response because of the scale of the needs. [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]" +157835,38137.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,61,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cxb_education_covid_response_reaching_every_learner_final.pdf,"Develop and delivery of remote guidance for teachers (and relevant person like - Burmese Language Instructors, youth and adolescent volunteers) on lifesaving messages re: COVID-19 and the importance of social isolation, how to remotely support well being and play, including referrals and self care in coordination with child protection actors for Rohingya and host community" +164386,38902.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"The number of assassinations of social leaders, human rights defenders, and their family members, as well as demobilised former FARC-EP combatants has been decreasing since the beginning of 2020, though they remain commonplace: 43 assassinations were recorded in January, and 28 in August" +341549,55986.0,2225.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,85,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_cluster_sante_rdc_s16.pdf,"Mahagi: Il demeure le territoire avec le plus de déplacés (630 723 personnes). Ce territoire est suivi du territoire de Djugu, avec 501 951 déplacés. Pour le territoire d’Irumu nous avons 412 286 déplacés et, en territoire de Mambasa, 49 997 déplacés. Mais aussi, le plus grand nombre de retournés se trouve dans le territoire de Mahagi, avec 401 790 retournés, suivi du territoire de Djugu, 262 964 retournés." +323314,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"The poor performance of the education sector is explained by both supply- and demand-side factors. On the supply side, lack of financial resources and limited autonomy among the public education providers have prevented the development of appropriate the provision of equipment and the recruitment and deployment of qualified staff." +13396,5560.0,322.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",['Context->Demography'],en,75,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RDP%20Monthly%20SitRep_July_2018.pdf,"Hygiene Awareness – Raising: To help improve families’ health and prevent further diseases outbreaks, RDP volunteers have conducted WASH awareness sessionsfor 113 individuals disaggregated (83 men, 13 women, 9 boys, 8 girls) of IDPs and affected host communities in Al-Ahmol area of Fara Al-Udayn district, delivering many hygiene messages to raise awareness about the importance of WASH and how to practice it through daily life." +169952,40360.0,2099.0,"['Protection', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,84,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,La problématique du travail des enfants et leur exploitation s’est accentuée avec la fermeture des établissements scolaires à cause de l’insécurité et avec l’avènement de la pandémie du corona virus. Le travail des enfants est constaté dans plusieurs secteurs surtout dans le secteur minier et de l’élevage. Certains parents préfèrent que leurs enfants travaillent que de les scolariser si bien que bon nombre d’enfants déscolarisés ou non scolarisés sont des bergers. +56053,17111.0,1187.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,51,[],['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"El Gobierno argentino estableció un programa especial para facilitar el ingreso de ciudadanos venezolanos al país, que agiliza la regularización de su condición migratoria. El denominado “Programa de Asistencia a Migrantes Venezolanos” fue creado a través de la Disposición 520/2019 de la Dirección Nacional de Migraciones." +235885,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"According to Human Rights Watch, four decades of war has left Afghanistan with one of the world’s highest per capita populations of people with disabilities, including many with amputations, vision or hearing problems." +309795,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"An estimated 4.77 million women, girls, men and boys will face protection risks and violations in 2021. In addition, 310,000 refugees and asylum seekers in South Sudan are in need of protection services." +164990,38902.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"With the “Ingreso Solidario” programme, the Colombian government is providing cash assistance to vulnerable households. However, some population groups do not have access to this programme, for example Venezuelan households with an irregular legal status (Proyecto Migración Venezuela 23/05/2020)." +318284,52949.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,50,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Minimal service delivery packages such as co-located maternal, child-health and nutrition services, tied to infection protection and control improvements, can help to ease burdens on families and caregivers, ultimately improving the very low utilization rates and improve safety and privacy for families during their care." +318514,54556.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,80,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/2021/04/25/dghs-chief-2-1-million-doses-of-covid-19-vaccine-to-arrive-in-early-may,"[25th April 2021, Bangladesh] Meanwhile, Prof Robed Amin, spokesperson for the DGHS, in a news bulletin on Sunday said: “China has informed us that it will provide us with 600,000 Chinese Covid-19 vaccines as gifts.” Moreover, discussions over the potential coproduction of Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine had been going well, and the authorities concerned would make an announcement if an agreement was signed, he added." +173709,40798.0,1388.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,43,[],['Context'],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://infosegura.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Analisis-SC-2T-2020.pdf,"Respecto a los delitos contra la propiedad, según datos del Organismo de Investigación Judicial se muestra una disminución en las cifras de denuncias en los delitos al comparar el primer semestre del año 2020 con el primer semestre del año 2019." +178058,40661.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Economy'],fr,56,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Dans les provinces telles que Kongo Central, Kwango, Equateur, Sud- Ubangui, Mongala, Tshuapa, Lualaba, Kasaï Oriental, Lomami, Kasaï, le secteur informel est très développé. Plusieurs sources indiquent aussi que le secteur informel a été fortement impacté par les effets de la pandémie du COVID-19." +317928,53305.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,62,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Some 1.6 million people remain internally displaced, including 125,000 people who are sheltering in two remaining Protection of Civilians (PoC) sites. Another 2.2 million South Sudanese refugees have fled to neighbouring countries and, despite some modest improvements in the political and security situation, do not yet consider it safe to return home in large numbers." +306252,51572.0,2335.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,72,['Impact'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"IDPs informed that sometimes they might be arrested by local law enforcement agencies if they go for livelihoods activities outside the camp, with requests to pay to be released. Livestock are reportedly detained by the host community on claims that IDPs’ animals allegedly destroy host communities’ farms and crops [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +219305,45655.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"Currently, three laboratories have been operationalized (Idleb, Jarablus, and Afrin), with a total of four PCR machines (two of which were delivered in September)" +235675,47076.0,2334.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,60,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,"Although schools in the NWSW are closed there are ongoing activities to prepare children who are sitting for general exams in advance of the school year which will commence in October. The exams scheduled for secondary level students in June registered only 82 candidates in the NW, according to the statistics received from the Regional Education Delegate." +57317,17307.0,1224.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Context->Demography'],en,141,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20on%20the%20Migration%20flows%20in%20Latin%20America%20and%20the%20Caribbean%20No.%205%20-%20as%20of%20June%202019.pdf,"Under the “Transitioning to Normalcy through Culturally Appropriate Early Childhood and Adolescent Friendly Interactive Interventions” project, 88 children between the ages of 4 to 17 years (50:50 boys/ girls) and their families have been provided with basic English Language support in their host communities. During the month of June, ten ECD sessions were conducted by community volunteers trained under the project in four Region 1 host communities, that were attended by 62 children between the ages of 0 to 8 years old. This has been complimented with the various Sports and Culture for Development (SC4D) sustained interventions where 150 children under 12 years old and 50 children between 13-18 years have the opportunity to participate in community-led activities that combine health education within the anti-xenophobia and social cohesion initiative." +271645,49364.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/4-gender-violencia.pdf,"Los tipos de violencia sufridos por las mujeres entrevistadas más mencionados fueron los siguientes: violencia física (35%), violencia verbal (25%), violencia psicológica (11%) y violencia sexual (10%)" +174879,40890.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,42,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"Del total de personas afrodescendientes, el 68% son mujeres y el 32% hombres; por su parte, del total de personas indígenas, el 80% son mujeres, el 19% hombres y 1% transgénero." +237186,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],en,29,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Prevalence and scale of indebtedness has increased considerably for all population groups in 2020 compared to 2019. This increase appears to be most severe for refugee households. +306436,51474.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,114,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"On 28 January, the African Union, Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD)and the reconstituted Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission issued a joint statement expressing concern about the slow implementation of the transitional security arrangements and the lack of food, medicine, shelter and separate facilities for women in the training sites. The partners recommended that the Revitalized Transitional Government of National Unity improve conditions, graduate the necessary unified forces and publish their redeployment plan. They also called upon the Presidency to engender the political will across all implementing mechanisms to make up for lost time and implement the transitional security arrangements in letter and spirit." +164727,39789.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,69,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Movementwide%20Operation%20Report%20August%202020.pdf,"BDRCS volunteers has been working at the entrance of the 60 district Central Jails through respective Unit Offices in order to monitor Infection Prevention & Control (IPC) activities. A total of 240 RCY volunteers are involved in this activity while 9,600 people reached so far with infection control & prevention (IPC) materials and awareness raising message and materials for behavioral change in prisons." +161084,39509.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,70,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sidwaya.info/blog/2020/09/15/covid-19-les-hauts-bassins-passent-en-tete-avec-315-cas/?fbclid=IwAR06krUyHij1KJuxRpsefbnW1qw3Pn7ghXu7fwJbjEVMVA922ljKlJeKtnE,"99 élèves testés positifs ont été déportés à Ouagadougou et logés dans des sites d’hébergement et des suivis sont faits. A Bobo-Dioulasso, 56 ont été aussi logés dans des sites », a-t-il dit. En termes de perspectives pour ces cas, il a fait savoir que des familles des élèves testés positifs seront suivies car selon lui, ces dernières sont aussi exposées." +325707,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,18,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,les pisciculteurs du Burkina Faso ont du mal à concurrencer les importations bon marché de tilapia chinois. +270174,50226.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],es,63,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_6.pdf,"La razón nacional preliminar de mortalidad materna a semana epidemiológica 06 es de 54,3 muertes por cada 100 000 nacidos vivos. La razón de mortalidad materna superior a 100 muertes por cada 100 000 nacidos vivos se observó en las entidades territoriales de Guaviare, Magdalena, Valle del Cauca, Putumayo, Bolívar, Meta, Chocó, Tolima y Cali" +242894,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,20,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"This means that women are inhibited from seeking critical healthcare, including life- saving sexual and reproductive health care." +317939,53305.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,12,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,The year-on-year inflation rate stood at 40 per cent in March 2020 +294606,51749.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,107,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[District sanitaire de Ouargaye] Pour la gestion des déchets bio médicaux, le CMA utilise un incinérateur de petite capacité peu utilisé, mais il existe un autre d’une grande capacité en état de hors usage, non fonctionnel. On observe dans la cour du CMA une fosse à ordure dans un état lamentable avec un désordre où les sachets, gants et seringues se voient partout à terre. Dans la plus tard des services il existe des safety box (boite de sécurité) pour la collecte des objets piquants et tranchants situé dans un coin de la salle." +293846,52074.0,2334.0,['WASH'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,92,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,"[WASH] Partners reached more people in the SW than in the NW. In the SW, IRC/REO, RI/LUKMEF, AFRINET, DECOMS, IRC/AMEF, NRC/AMEF, NRC, UNICEF/CARITAS and UNICEF/REO reached 78,415 people through WASH activities. Activities covered Fako, Meme, Manyu, Ndian, and Kupe-Manenguba divisions. In the NW, CREDA, GRC, NRC, GHNI/Greenry, UNICEF/CARITAS and UNICEF/CBCHS reached 34,379 individuals. These partners implemented the WASH activities in Boyo, Bui, Mezam and Ngo-Ketunjia divisions." +146120,34803.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,79,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"The SNFI Cluster ensured that proposals for the first SCHF sSNFI Cluster members continue to provide awareness-raising sessions at the individual level or in small groups. The Cluster is participating in the inter-sector tracking of the PPE gap, with surveys conducted to monitor gaps reported by Cluster members. Some Cluster members have been able to provide protective equipment to their staff. tandard allocations for 2020 proposals are in line with Cluster guidelines on COVID-19." +239667,47230.0,2311.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,20,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,El 33% de los hogares de refugiados y migrantes provenientes de Venezuela no cuenta con acceso a Internet. +438342,64539.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,130,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Dentro de los centros educativos, las niñas, niños y adolescentes han podido acceder a servicios como la atención en salud y apoyo psicopedagógico. En el caso de los servicios de salud, más de la mitad ha tenido acceso a la salud (59.4%), principalmente a través de campañas de vacunación gratuitas organizadas por la Dirección Regional de Salud de Tumbes. En el caso de los servicios psicopedagógicos, solo la cuarta parte de estudiantes accedió a estos (26.7%). En distritos como Puerto Pizarro y Andrés Araujo nadie recibió esta atención, mientras que en Corrales solo el 6.2%. Solo en el distrito de Tumbes el 30.2% pudo contactar a un especialista en su centro educativo" +205134,44672.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,51,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The situation can be aggravated by the large influx of refugees returning from Iran and Pakistan—without proper quarantine and containment measures in place. The danger posed by COVID-19 in Afghanistan has been exacerbated, as returnees from the Islām Qala, Torkham, and Chaman border areas enter communities." +340469,56371.0,2099.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,61,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20Burkina%20Faso%20Country%20Brief%2C%20April%202021.pdf,"In April, WFP undertook in-kind food distributions and cash- based transfers (CBT), reaching 570,000 IDPs in the Boucle du Mouhoun, Centre-Est, Centre-Nord, Est, Nord, and Sahel regions. In addition, 13,521 pregnant and lactating women and girls (PLW/Gs) and 33,864 children aged 6-23 months benefited from nutritional support." +341185,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Among these (displaced settlements), girls and female-headed households are some of the most vulnerable as they face the greatest risk of Gender-Based Violence (GBV)." +178209,41756.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,24,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,Seulement 12 pour cent des centres de santé sont construits en matériaux durables et 8 pour cent sont dans un état de délabrement avancé.33 +191663,43304.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,13,[],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,La limitation stricte des mouvements de personnes en dehors des camps de réfugiés +224070,45768.0,2332.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"Les déplacés font face à plusieurs problèmes de santé, suite à l’exposition récurrente à la poussière, la consommation de l’eau insalubre, l’insécurité alimentaire et le stress." +205595,44672.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,58,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Given the domestic revenue mobilization is unlikely to fill the gap, the government should aggressively seek additional donor money. With security spending reaching around 30 percent of GDP, there is already limited fiscal space for emergency health interventions. While, peace and security expenditures are paramount for effective recovery and development in Afghanistan." +240448,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,24,[],['Context'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Maternal mortality also declined from 600 deaths per 100 000 livebirths in 1990, to 299 deaths per 100 000 livebirths in 2017." +224049,45768.0,2332.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"Mais, dans tous les cas, même si une partie des IDPs déciderait de rester à Diamerom, il y aura toujours 6,000 enfants à scolariser entre les 02 sites (Diamerom et Amma)." +458173,64540.0,1185.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,196,[],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Aprobación de contratos de personal extranjero La contratación de trabajadores extranjeros en el Perú está sujeta al régimen laboral de la actividad privada (Texto Único Ordenado del D. Leg. N° 728, DS Nº 003–97–TR, Ley de Fomento del Empleo), y a las exigencias y límites que establece el Decreto Legislativo N° 689. El contrato de trabajo para personal extranjero debe celebrarse por escrito y debe contener la información mínima de contratación; por ejemplo: datos del empleador, datos del trabajador, objeto del contrato, remuneración, etc. (ver formato propuesto por el MTPE, Anexo N° 2). Según las normas citadas, el contrato de trabajo para personas extranjeras en el Perú se considera aprobado desde su presentación ante la autoridad administrativa de trabajo, a través del Sistema Virtual de Contratos de Extranjeros (SIVICE). Este servicio, a su vez, constituye el mecanismo a través del cual la autoridad migratoria constatará la aprobación del contrato de trabajo. Las modificaciones, prórrogas y exoneraciones también se deberían tramitan de forma virtual y serán de aprobación automática." +292157,52074.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps']",en,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Humanitarian Access', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,"The deterioration of household livelihoods and food access, particularly in urban centres, and the low coverage of assistance, expose internally displaced persons (IDPs) and poor host populations in urban areas to poor living conditions and acute food insecurity Crisis (IPC 3)." +178515,41756.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,La problématique de l'accès à la terre est soit la cause ou une des conséquences des conflits et des violences. La loi foncière congolaise de 1973 ne traite pas définitivement la question de sécurisation des terres coutumières. Or la gestion des terres et des ressources naturelles dans le contexte de déplacement suscite de nombreux litiges. +235400,46388.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,47,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Children also continue to face risks from attacks and harassment while seeking education. According to data from the Monitoring and Reporting Mechanism (MRM),7 casualty incidents were reported between January and September 2020, resulting in 13 children being killed and 8 injured." +226837,46454.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,42,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2022_23Dec2020_FINAL.pdf,"[23rd December, Bab Al-Hawa] Bab Al-Hawa in Idleb remains partially re-opened for humanitarian workers and emergency medical cases to cross to Turkey. Syrian citizens in Turkey can reportedly apply for voluntary return to Syria through the crossing." +144256,35186.0,1187.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,92,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3657214,"The PAHO Argentina team also prepared content to help locals understand the new normal. Topics covered include: the safe return of construction workers to a sector that saw a76% decline in April alone; infection prevention and control in difficult environments such as prisons; how to manage stress during the lockdown; the importance of blood donation, given an 80% drop in donations; the food system in the context of the pandemic; and perspectives on “recovering better” in a new normal." +236115,47122.0,2334.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,35,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,The WASH Cluster has developed a WASH Cluster Specific Risk Assessment and Mitigation Measures Matrix that will guide partners to implement only life-saving activities while adhering to the “do no harm” principle. +224487,46169.0,2170.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.vanguardngr.com/2020/12/nigeria-has-the-highest-number-of-poor-people-living-with-less-than-1-90-a-day-financial-times/,"Financial Times, an international business newspaper, Tuesday described Nigeria as a nation that has the highest number of poor people living with less than $1.90 a day. The paper equally stated that Nigeria is on the brink of becoming a failed state, following the spate of kidnappings, killings, insecurity and violation of human rights." +235679,47076.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,48,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,"The number of people assisted with food security activities is 200,172. Of this number 175,077 were reached with food assistance and 25,092 with agriculture/livelihoods. This achievement translates to 39% of the Cluster target. The shortfall is mostly due to lack of adequate funding." +323016,54498.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,159,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/89758cd4/REACH_COL_RAN_Factsheet_Trend_analysis_March2021.pdf,"No obstante, desde la implementación de las medidas de emergencia sanitaria para evitar la propagación del COVID-19 decretadas en Colombia y según la información recolectada en esta evaluación, se identificó un perfil del viajero diferente. Es así como durante las cinco rondas de recolección de datos, la mayoría de ICs reportó estar viajando en un grupo con el cual compartía gastos, alimentos y próximos destinos. Desde la primera ronda (30 de julio al 9 de agosto de 2020), donde según los 210 ICs entrevistados, un poco más de dos tercios (68%) reportó estar viajando de esta forma, por su parte, en las cuatro rondas siguientes la tendencia fue casi la misma, llegando a reportarse en la quinta ronda (19 al 24 de octubre de 2020), por los 311 ICs que el 73% de ellos viajaba en un grupo." +209147,43992.0,2332.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,80,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"UNICEF is among the UN agencies which contributed to the socio-economic impact assessment of COVID- 19, in support of the Ministry of Economy, Development Planning and International Cooperation, which noted the potential impact of COVID-19 in undermining progress made on the SDGs and on children’s well-being. Moreover, UNICEF has supported the finalization of a multi- sectoral strategy developed by UN agencies in support of the Government's response to the COVID-19 crisis." +325701,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Environment'],fr,83,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Selon les statistiques 2009 de la Direction générale des ressources en eau (DGRE), le soutien à la production halieutique et aquacole au Burkina Faso est constitué de 1 208 réservoirs auxquels il faut ajouter les fleuves, dont les plus importants sont les fleuves Mouhoun, Nakambé, Nazinon, Bougouriba, Comoé, Sirba, Pendjari, Léraba, Tapoa. La production moyenne exploitable de l’ensemble des zones humides a été estimée à 12 500 tonnes/an" +310510,53179.0,2466.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,12,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Flash%20Update%20-%20Sudan%20-%2017%20Jan%202021_1.pdf,"Health services are provided through mobile clinics to at least 17,000 people" +208410,43992.0,2332.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,56,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"As COVID-19 prevention activities are combined with antenatal care and prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) interventions, to date a total of 215,020 pregnant women and children and have received essential HIV prevention and treatment services in UNICEF-supported facilities, representing 29% coverage for pregnant women and 32% coverage for children." +314249,52949.0,2331.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,59,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Somalia experiences two types of flooding: river floods and flash floods that result from localized heavy rains. Severe riverine and flash floods in April and early May caused significant population displacement, damage to property, infrastructure, farmland and crops, and disruption to road networks, especially along the Juba and Shabelle River valleys." +178506,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,48,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Dans la province du Tanganyika, notamment sur les axes au Nord-Est et Ouest de Kalemie et dans le nord du territoire de Nyunzu, les nouveaux déplacements enregistrés à la suite des tensions intercommunautaires qui se sont intensifiées en juin 2019, impliquaient aussi les enfants." +305713,51572.0,2335.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,28,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Education : Provision of tents for flood affected school [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +164389,38902.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,81,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"Pamphlets from various armed groups have circulated in departments such as Nariño, Cauca, and Valle del Cauca, threatening those who do not (Semana 13/05/2020; HRW 15/07/2020). Some establish comply with additional rules, such as regulating prices and businesses, or imposing additional restrictions on movement such as not permitting people to leave their homes during curfew, even in a medical emergency or other serious necessity (Semana 13/05/2020; HRW 15/07/2020)" +235647,47076.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,"62% of respondents in a GBV assessment acknowledged an increasing trend in GBV incidents and recognized high risks of domestic violence, denial of resources, unwanted pregnancies, child sexual abuse and sex for survival in the current COVID-19 context in the NWSW regions." +317984,52949.0,2331.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,78,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Past trends show when two consecutive rainy seasons in Somalia perform poorly or fail, rapid and large-scale deterioration in acute food insecurity can occur, for example in 2010/2011 and more recently 2016/2017. As a result, a high proportion of the population that is projected to be Stressed in terms of food insecurity (IPC Phase 2) in October-December 2020 could deteriorate to Crisis levels (IPC Phase 3) in early 2021." +361245,58845.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,100,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_price_bulletin_may_2021.pdf,"[May 2021, Overall Syria] The price of all monitored COVID-19 items increased between April and May 2021. M-o-m, the price of surgeon masks and plastic gloves increased by 20 and 26 percent, reaching SYP 451/mask and SYP 643/pair, respectively. M-om, the price of hand gel and soap bars increased by six and 13 percent, reaching SYP 1,211/50 ml and SYP 615/bar, respectively. Moreover, m-o-m, the price of alcohol spray and bleach increased by three and four percent reaching SYP 2,263/200 ml and SYP 1,512/litre, respectively" +13127,5620.0,321.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,128,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_jmmi_august2018_0.pdf,"In August, while the overall median price of flour increased slightly, it showed strong variations between the east (+60%) and west (-12.5%). The overall median price of bread rose by 33.3% since July, notably in Aljufra (+71.2%). This was due to the fact that the median pieces of bread per bag dropped to 3 pieces. Bakeries were forced to adopt strategies to deal with increases in the price of flour, of which two main ones were identified in August. In most of the cases, bakers increased the price of bread and reduced the quantity of bread pieces, or they kept the same quantity but fixed higher price." +66707,19425.0,1184.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Humanitarian Access->Population To Relief'],es,196,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Humanitarian Access'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71649.pdf,"TRATA DE PERSONAS CON FINES DE EXPLOTACIÓN SEXUAL El 53% de los/las profesionales humanitarios encuestados, afirma tener conocimiento sobre la existencia de protocolos inter-institucionales de atención y referencia específicos para la trata de personas. Las rutas de atención son fundamentales para la debida protección de víctimas de este delito y para que puedan tener acceso a servicios de salud, apoyo psicosocial y espacios seguros. Sin embargo, solo un 20% de las personas encuestadas reporta la disponibilidad de albergues especializados, lo cual es un reto para la recuperación psicosocial y la seguridad física de las personas víctimas de trata de personas. Por otro lado, una barrera importante a considerar es que el 60% del personal profesional humanitario hace notar, que se exige a las víctimas de trata un documento de identidad o migratorio al momento de presentar las denuncias y no se admite hacerlas de manera anónima para la investigación de oficio de estos delitos. Sólo el 20% del personal encuestado reporta conocimiento acerca de que a las víctimas de trata se les otorga un permiso temporal de estancia en el país." +242977,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,43,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Findings from the 2020 WoA Assessment suggest that only 20 to 30 per cent of returnees, IDPs, and refugees were aware of the presence of explosive hazards (mines, ERW and improvised mines) in or near their communities." +270175,50226.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],es,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_6.pdf,"Para la semana epidemiológica 06 de 2021 se observó un aumento significativo en las muertes maternas tempranas comparado con el promedio histórico en las entidades territoriales de Guaviare, Huila, Meta, Putumayo, Valle del Cauca y Cali" +458230,64540.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,55,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"¿Considera que el procedimiento establecido en la legislación,facilita o dificulta la contratación formal de extranjeros? Los representantes de las empresas no mostraron mucha claridad respecto al impacto de los procesos establecidos en la legislación. Sin embargo, reconocieron que algunos procedimientos pueden resultar costos o engorrosos para los inmigrantes venezolanos." +321465,54677.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,98,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_n68_mve_nord_kivu_16_avril_20211.pdf,[SitRep MVE - Ministère de la Santé 15/04/2021 ] Recommendations: Organiser les réunions virtuelles de la coordination jusqu’à la stabilisation de la situation sécuritaire ; Interagir avec les médecins chefs des zones de santé ne rapportant pas les alertes ; Mobiliser les ressources pour soutenir les différents piliers de la riposte ; Augmenter les capacités d’accueil formations sanitaires en vue d’un meilleur isolement des malades suspects ; Elaborer le plan d’action opérationnel pour la phase de 90 jours post épidémie en vue du renforcement du système de santé +199353,43112.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,104,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/el-desafio-mas-grande-es-vencer-la-irregularidad-migrante/2261,"Sobre este punto, el director del ente migratorio trajo a colación las más recientes estadísticas de la migración en el país. A corte de agosto de 2020 contabilizaron 1.722.919 venezolanos, de los cuales 55 por ciento se encuentra en condición irregular, y 45% posee estatus regular. “El desafío más grande es vencer la irregularidad, esto genera el desconocimiento de la población venezolana, lo que impide la toma de medidas por parte del Gobierno”, recalcó Espinosa, quien definió este tema como una piedra angular para enfrentar los demás desafíos de la migración." +175400,41304.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,40,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://allafrica.com/stories/202010020073.html,"There was a significant reduction in the use of services, deliveries in health facilities, the number of cesarean sections, Family Planning, and a high rate of institutional maternal deaths compared to the number of deliveries." +305310,53013.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/3c8084ae/REACH_SOM_Factsheet_Assessment-of-Hard-to-Reach-Areas_December-2020.pdf,"Displacement: Lack of job (34%), no consensus (26%), no access to services (23%) were most commonly reported secondary reason for non-displaced population leaving." +90074,25213.0,1621.0,[],[],['Casualties->Dead'],en,87,[],['Casualties'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A_HRC_43_75_E.pdf,"On 19 September, one migrant was shot dead by coast guards after being intercepted at sea and resisting being returned to detention upon disembarkation. On 26 October, alleged members of the Libyan Coast Guard threatened a humanitarian search and rescue vessel operated b a non-governmental organization, and fired shots in the air as the vessel attempted to rescue 90 migrants off the coast of Libya. These actions led many of the migrants to jump overboard before the vessel eventually rescued them." +235177,46388.0,2336.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Cross', 'WASH', 'Livelihoods', 'Health', 'Shelter']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,53,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"People’s vulnerability due to the pandemic has become heightened due to poor infrastructure, particularly in the almost 1,150 informal settlements which feature crowded living conditions, low availability of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) infrastructure, and limited access to health, social and economic services." +305640,51572.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Cross', 'Shelter']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,63,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Emergency response inter-cluster mission is recommended to be organized to address acute needs, including IDPs affected by floods (2,000 inds/250 HHs+), with priority to NFIs and WASH items (Logistics cluster to be involved in case of need). [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +303981,51174.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,101,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.afro.who.int/sites/default/files/2021-02/South%20Sudan%20IDSR%20Bulletin%20Week%201%2C%20%20%204-%2010%20January%202021%20.pdf,"OCV campaign in Pibor will start on 16th January 2021 targeting 93, 250 people one year and above in Pibor, Lekuangule, Verteth and Gumuruk by WHO. – Pibor: the campaign ended on 21st January, a total of 24, 912 (90%) people one year and above were vaccinated. – Gumuruk; the campaign ended with total of 26,281 (95%) people one year and above were vaccinated. – Verteth: the campaign ended with a total of 6,767 (57%) individuals one year and above." +268290,49794.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syria.tv/%D8%B1%D8%BA%D9%85-%D8%B1%D9%81%D8%B9-%D9%82%D8%B3%D8%AF-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AD%D8%B5%D8%A7%D8%B1-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AE%D8%A8%D8%B2-%D8%BA%D9%8A%D8%B1-%D9%85%D8%AA%D9%88%D9%81%D8%B1-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AD%D8%B3%D9%83%D8%A9-%D9%88%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%82%D8%A7%D9%85%D8%B4%D9%84%D9%8A,"[February 5, NES] Private sources told Syria TV today, Thursday, that the people of the ""security squares"" controlled by the regime in the cities of Hasaka and Qamishli are suffering from securing bread, due to the failure to bring flour to them despite the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) lifting the siege imposed on the two cities." +314438,52949.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,76,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"COVID-19 infections have been confirmed across the country, with Banadir region having more than 36 per cent (1,593 cases and 57 deaths) of the reported cases, followed by Somaliland (1,247 cases and 39 deaths) and Puntland (1,101 cases and 13 deaths). While the end of 2020 saw a decline in new reported daily cases, numbers began to increase significantly in the first quarter of 2021." +311759,53183.0,2466.0,['Education'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,17,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"In 2020, the Education Response Plan received only 52 per cent of its financial requirements." +179160,41842.0,2028.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,211,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nw_syria_sitrep21_20201020.pdf,"(NW 20/10/2020) Protection partners are observing a steady increase in adoption of harmful coping mechanisms, resulting especially in child protection and gender-based violence (GBV) violations. Some women are reported to leave their abusive relationships, but lack safe shelter elsewhere. GBV partners continue to report that male adolescents are exposed to sexual abuse, especially in orphanages, and note an increase in rates of sexual harassment and abuse against children, especially by other children. Isolated but increasing reports of suicides, including of young women, are received. Dynamics around housing, land, and property rights remain of concern, with local authorities in Idleb reportedly increasingly expropriating property from absent landowners. Forced evictions of displaced persons from residential, commercial and public properties are being increasingly reported, suggesting a concerning upward trend. COVID-19 and widespread fears of infection are causing social pressure and distress, especially for women who are considered by their community to be primarily responsible for the health and well-being of their families. Social stigma associated with COVID-19, alongside pressure to maintain income and livelihood, is reportedly inducing people to hide symptoms and avoid seeking treatment or self-isolating." +244550,47907.0,2425.0,['Health'],[],[],en,127,[],[],Lebanon Situation Analysis,2021-01-25 12:39:46.093809+00,,"Throughout the past 9 months, LRC also supported quarantined households by providing 1,720 quarantine kits to 9,221 individuals. In addition, 32,840 vulnerable beneficiaries received in-kind and food parcels in response to COVID-19. Moreover, 741 entities were disinfected by LRC and 193,908 PPEs, disinfection, hygiene as well as medical equipment were distributed to the targeted entities at the governorate level such as the Lebanese University, LRC centers, quarantine centers etc. Under the community engagement component, a package of innovative interventions was developed to address the different groups in the community. Different communication channels and tools were selected based on the needs and role of the targeted groups as well as the phase of the pandemic." +353511,57854.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,40,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://primerinforme.com/2021/06/02/cierre-de-frontera-con-colombia-beneficia-a-mafias-de-las-trochas/,Gómez también se refirió a4.000 niños que residen en Táchira pero asisten a las escuelas en Colombia. Agrega que en ese país ya abrieron las escuelas conforme avanzan las vacunaciones y estos niños no pueden asistir a clases. +205496,44672.0,2336.0,['Health'],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,73,[],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"On June 6, the government announced that it was extending the nationwide lockdown for three more months, issuing new health guidelines for citizens to follow. According to the new guidelines, people must wear a face mask in public places at all times, maintain a 2-metre physical distance, avoid gatherings of more than 10 people, disinfect all workplaces, and ensure older people stay at home." +171477,40699.0,2098.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,79,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20201004_acaps_thematic_review_vulnerable_households_rohingya_refugee_response.pdf,"[4th october, Cox's Bazar] The socio-economic impacts of COVID-19 resulted in the deterioration in safety and security for women and girls in the camps, with an increase in SGBV and decrease in access to protection services (UNHCR 06/2020). These barriers make female headed household and households with no males of working age harder to reach and forces them to adopt negative coping mechanisms, further reducing their already diminished wellbeing." +159543,39200.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)']",en,38,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'Information And Communication']",IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_H2R_COVID19_June2020.pdf,"The first confirmed case in Borno state was announced on 20 April 2020. Due to the limited access to H2R areas, it is unlikely that there will be confirmation of an outbreak in these areas." +150366,37702.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,96,['Capacities & Response'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"At all points of entry (PoE), the MoH has stationed at least one ambulance with medical personnel. To date, WHO has supported screening efforts by providing PPEs, infrared thermometers, guidance notes, registration forms and one thermal scanner camera. To reduce the risk of importing and exporting cases, WHO has developed a three-tiered strategy to enhance preparedness and response capacity at PoE; including early detection and timely isolation of suspected cases among travelers; effective IPC measures; and establishment of multi-sectoral mechanisms for preparedness." +61749,18350.0,1184.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,7,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71151.pdf,• 39.795 personas recibieron asistencia de protección +313223,53183.0,2466.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,16,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,Enhancing measures to mitigate the risk of GBV in the humanitarian response through integration and mainstreaming +325687,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,100,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"es principaux facteurs limitant la commercialisation du riz local sont la présence de nombreuses impuretés, notamment des cailloux, qui nécessitent un long temps de travail et surtout sa faible efficacité à la cuisson. De plus, le volume obtenu après la cuisson du riz local reste faible contrairement au riz importé. Le riz importé, généralement issu d’anciens stocks, est donc très sec et la cuisson consomme beaucoup d’eau et augmente en volume. Alors que le riz local, généralement commercialisé l’année de production, gonfle beaucoup moins" +310693,53333.0,2334.0,['Education'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,41,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"About 90% of respondents reported that financial resources to cover school fees, learning materials especially books, pens, bags but also uniforms, clothes, shoes were key to support girls to continue their education/return to school." +493607,61216.0,2028.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/humanitarian-situation-overview-syria-hsos-northeast-syria-june-2021,"[June 2021, NES]% of communities where extreme coping strategies used by residents to meet basic needs were reported: Early marriage 17%, Forced marriage 3%, High risk work 7%, Sending children (15 or below) to work 55%." +148542,36019.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,69,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"Humanitarian cases, i.e. people travelling to KRI to seek health treatment and returning to NES are to be quarantined for a period of 14 days, except for humanitarian workers if they undergo quarantine in KRI 48 hours before entering NES These measures add to cross-border movement restrictions already in place before the pandemic, with humanitarian supplies and goods allowed into NES only once a week" +224078,45768.0,2332.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,53,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"Il est à signaler la présence de deux (2) équipes mobiles de l’ONG Alerte Santé dans les sites Diamerom assurant la PECIMAS au sein de la communauté, mais également la configuration de huit (8) centres de santé dans le district de Liwa appuyé par IRC." +241047,47700.0,2332.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,47,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,,"[EMERGENCY RESPONSE IN KOUCHANGUINE-MOURA ] Under UNICEF fund, the NGO Help began the construction of 210 emergency latrines. 40 have been completed and the remaining are still under construction. In the meantime, UNHCR started the construction of 120 Latrines and bathrooms." +215137,44840.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,96,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,"In addition to the activities identified in the humanitarian component of the CPRP, UN Agencies (IOM, UNDP, UNICEF, UNHCR, UN-HABITAT) and NGO partners are adapting and scaling up ongoing programming for displacement affected communities in line with the Somalia Preparedness and Response Plan for Displacement Affected Communities. This plan was formulated by the National Durable Solutions Secretariat in an effort led by the MOPIED, and coordinated with 14 Ministries and entities in the FGS and BRA. Reprogramming are being coordinated through the Durable Solutions Initiative." +317785,52949.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,83,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Only 30 per cent of children aged 6 to 13 years are enrolled in primary education and only 26 per cent of children aged 14-17 years are enrolled in secondary education. It is estimated that 1.4 million school aged children (45 per cent girls) will be in need of humanitarian assistance in 2021 to retain children in schools or enroll in schools. Of these, 1,139,632 are children from non-displaced families and 300,398 are children from displaced families." +61748,18350.0,1184.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,52,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71151.pdf,"• A raíz de la implementación de nuevas medidas migratorias en Perú, se registraron picos en entradas y salidas de población venezolana entre el 11 y 16 de junio, llegando el 14 de junio a 8.100 entradas registradas en frontera norte y más de 6.300 salidas registradas en Huaquillas." +185742,40789.0,1900.0,[],[],[],es,31,[],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://infosegura.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Seguridad-y-movilidad-humana-30sep2020.pdf,"Más de 400,000 retornos involuntarios al país en los últimos cinco años. En 2019 Honduras registró el número y la tasa de retornos más alta del norte de Centroamérica." +35539,13057.0,788.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,90,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000105395.pdf,"As livelihood activities are generally underpinned by prevailing security conditions, which tends to constrain access to income-earning opportunities and the quantity of own-produced stocks, humanitarian food assistance remain the main source of food for most conflict-affected households. Thus, households’ sources of food are also related to the status of that household vis-a-vis the impact of the conflict. Displaced households are generally more reliant on food assistance as they mostly do not have the means to engage in agricultural production or income generating activities." +21838,9026.0,322.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,95,['Impact'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,,"Sana’a exists in an upland basin or bowl sur- rounded on all sides by higher elevations, not dissimilar to Mexico City or Kathmandu. The rapid rise in the number of vehicles over the past decade and the relatively cheap price of fuel (in spite of the recent price hikes) has resulted in ever increasing volumes of pollut- ants being released into the atmosphere. These factors lead at times to thermal inversions and polluted, stagnant air, which is a common com- plaint in Sana’a." +287010,51749.0,2099.0,['Logistics'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,46,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[dans le Centre-Est] Le réseau routier est praticable jusqu’au centre de la région à Tenkodogo en passant par Koupela, route bitumée, mais les axes qui mènent vers les communes rurales sont difficilement accessible surtout pendant la saison des pluies." +270214,50227.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,150,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"La principal comorbilidad que se reporta entre los casos fallecidos es Hipertensión (18%), seguido de Diabetes (10,9%), enfermedad respiratoria (6,8%), enfermedad renal (6,2%), enfermedad cardiaca (5,8%), Cáncer (3,1%), enfermedad tiroides (2,9%), enfermedad cerebrovascular (1,6%), enfermedad autoinmune (0,7%), VIH (0,4%), sin comorbilidades (0,2%) y se notifican factores de riesgo como obesidad (5,4%) y antecedente de fumar (0,5%). De acuerdo con los grupos de edad entre los menores de 50 años el principal factor de riesgo asociado en la obesidad, seguido de hipertensión y diabetes, en mayores de 50 años son la hipertensión y la diabetes los más comunes." +214156,45385.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,Les organisations humanitaires de leur côté évaluent les possibilités de transfert des activités alors en cours sur le site ; vers les quartiers de Kolofata où sont désormais concentrés les PDIs. +145972,35870.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,65,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"As outlined in previous reports, samples continue to be collected by RRTs (99 at the district level, 13 at the governorate level) and sent to the CPHL or regional laboratories in Aleppo, Homs and Lattakia with WHO support. As of 22 July, approximately 4,300 samples had been collected from ten governorates, including three samples from Al-Hasakeh." +388543,60980.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,88,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/informe_de_emergencias_humanitarias_reportadas_elc_enero_junio_2021.pdf,"Debido a enfrentamientos entre GANE, se presentó un desplazamiento desde La vereda La Ceiba hacia el corregimiento de El Plateado (Argelia). Este municipio también presenta un deterioro de la situación humanitaria desde diciembre de 2020. Desplazamientos y confinamientos en zonas rurales de Argelia, son causados por la pugna territorial entre diferentes actores armados no estatales. En el primer semestre de 2021, al menos 6 desplazamientos masivos tuvieron lugar en Argelia, en dónde al meno 3.140 personas fueron afectadas." +56059,17111.0,1187.0,"['Education', 'Livelihoods']",[],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Context->Politics']",es,66,[],['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"El 5 de diciembre pasado, diez legisladores presentaron en la Cámara de Diputados de la Nación, un proyecto de ley que promueva la habilitación provisoria de títulos universitarios venezolanos. Se trata de un proyecto para integrar a los migrantes, pero especialmente a los migrantes con título académico, de una forma que beneficie tanto al país como a sus propias carreras profesionales" +289277,51905.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,79,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[2nd March, 2021, SDF] % of SDs with insufficient COVID-19 medical services: - Testing provision for COVID-19: 96% Lack this service, - Quarantine space for diagnosed COVID-19 cases: 96% Lack this service, - Isolation space in health centres for suspected COVID-19 cases: 96% Lack this service and - Provision of space in health facilities to monitor suspected COVID-19 cases: 96% Lack this service." +213053,44840.0,2331.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,106,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,"In addition, protection related risks associated with family separation due to infection within households; increased gender based violence (including domestic violence), particularly against women and girl; neglect and exploitation of children and vulnerable households, as well as stigmatization and targeting against specific communities, particularly marginalized groups,migrants and refugees remain high. People with disability may also be particular exposed to violence and neglect, as well as denied access to healthcare. School children are also directly affected. In March, school closures have left approximately 1 million students without any access to education." +238133,46388.0,2336.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,50,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The Education in Emergencies Working Group (EiEWG) is also particularly concerned that the planned re-introduction of school closures over the 2020-2021 winter would see more than 10 million children’s education interrupted again, making the re-entry of the most vulnerable children even more challenging later on" +341491,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,196,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[De juillet à début septembre 2020, les enquêteurs ont administré le sondage auprès de 2396 Burkinabè dans les régions du Centre Nord, Nord, Sahel, Est, Boucle du Mouhoun et Hauts-Bassins] S’il est vrai que la laïcité de l’Etat est un principe constitutionnel, il est aussi vrai qu’il est de la responsabilité de l’Etat de veiller à la sécurité de tous ses citoyens et de prévenir toutes les entraves à cette sécurité. Au regard du fait que l’insécurité actuelle est alimentée par la religion, de l’avis des personnes enquêtées, l’Etat devrait avoir un certain regard sur les prêches dans les lieux de culte en s’assurant que les leaders religieux soient bien formés pour ne pas délivrer des messages de haine. Le laisser-faire de l’Etat dans ce domaine au nom de la laïcité a conduit à une liberté nuisible car des discours haineux sont prêchés dans les églises et les mosquées, favorisant ainsi une méfiance réciproque et une propension à la haine et à la violence." +164174,39714.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Capacities & Response->Local Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],es,9,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,32% empezó a trabajar desde su casa. +144257,35186.0,1187.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,79,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3657214,"“I think that an important, but underestimated role of PAHO/WHO in Argentina has been the strong information management and communication of interim guidance,” said Dr Birmingham. “Also important has been the exchange of experiences between and within countries to encourage local ´genius´ and innovation, because the local authorities and community often know best how to implement something, once they have a clear understanding of the ´what´ and the ´why´.""" +36138,11046.0,788.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross', 'Health']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,80,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68626.pdf,"In the area of psychosocial support, poor state of mental health was identified by the subgroups as a serious issue in the settlement. Causes of poor mental health highlighted include: experience of violence in home country before and during the flight from Cameroon and these include: killing of loved ones; separation from families; breakdown of family structures; burning of houses; loss of property as well as difficulties in the asylum country." +215171,44840.0,2331.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,164,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,"Mitigate risks, promote accountability and build trust: As issues of access are not new in the Somali context, the UN and its partners already have significant experience in remote-based management. However, this crisis presents new challenges and opportunities to ensure rigorous fiscal controls, robust management and accountability. With support from the Risk Management Unit, the UN will agree common approaches to address aid diversion, such as joint monitoring activities for common partners, adopting innovative ways of doing business while strengthening the safeguards for protecting UN managed resources and increasing accountability. There will be increased use of in-kind distributions; mobile money transfers; GPS/GIS monitoring tools and applications (photos, interviews, reports etc); and e-learning/ training platforms (webinars, seminars, skype, MS teams). UN and NGOs are also amending existing SOPs/memos or developing new ones to reflect the new way of doing business." +177082,41752.0,2099.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,38,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Les PDIs sont plus nombreux (62%) que les membres de la communauté hôte (47%) à affirmer que la crise de COVID-19 a aggravé les relations sociales au sein de leurs communautés. +174188,38392.0,1899.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],es,75,[],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ALC%20post%20COVID-19%20-%20Retos%20y%20oportunidades%20para%20pa%C3%ADses%20de%20Centroam%C3%A9rica%2C%20Hait%C3%AD%2C%20M%C3%A9xico%2C%20Panam%C3%A1%2C%20y%20Rep%C3%BAblica%20Dominicana.pdf,"El sector privado guatemalteco se caracteriza por tener elevada informalidad y alta concentración en servicios. La actividad económica se compone 66% por comercio y servicios, 24% de industria y 10% agropecuaria. La PEA crece más rápido que la capacidad de la economía de generar empleos formales, siendo absorbida por el sector informal, en el cual los trabajadores no tienen acceso a la red de seguridad social." +224814,43304.0,2332.0,['Cross'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,58,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"La période de quarantaine n’est pas prise en charge, et en l’absence de réseaux familiaux ou amicaux à proximité du lieu de quarantaine, les personnes [migrants en détresse bloqués aux frontières ou à l’intérieur du Tchad] dépendent du bon vouloir des autres voyageurs pour se procurer quelques provisions" +325497,54815.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[Ouagadougou] Similarly to education facilities, also for accessing clinics and hospitals the existing bus system does not appear to provide much additional value over what could be reached by walking. The difference between walking-only and bus-based accessibility is slightly larger for more advanced facilities, also because there are fewer of them in the city and their distribution is less even." +61702,18346.0,1184.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,101,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71003.pdf,"Durante el mes de mayo se fortaleció el equipamiento y adecuación de albergues (pintura, mejora de cocinas, adecuación de espacio de lavanderías) así como la instalación/mantenimiento de redes wi-fi para contribuir al restablecimiento de comunicación de la población refugiada y migrante con sus familias. Servicios de comunicación se siguen proporcionando servicios en los puntos fronterizos: CENAF-Rumichaca (4.453 beneficiarios) y CEBAF-Huaquillas (1.771 beneficiarios). Espacios temporales de descanso siguen funcionando, los cuales han sido utilizados por alrededor de 4.715 personas en Rumichaca y San Miguel durante el mes de mayo." +226835,46454.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,31,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2022_23Dec2020_FINAL.pdf,"Abu-Kamal-Al-Quaem crossing is reported open for commercial and military movements; Ras al-Ain border crossing is partially open for humanitarian shipments, voluntary returns and visits relating to the agricultural harvest" +311065,54065.0,2170.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,76,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nenfss_round_9_final_report_11032021.pdf,"[1st Dec 2020,North-East Nigeria] Overall the proportion of children aged 0-23 months who were ever breastfed was over 80% in all three states. By domain, the proportion ever breastfed ranged from 79.5-90.9%. However, only about half of children 43.9% in Borno, 35.3% in Adamawa and 45.3% in Yobe were put to breast within one hour of birth. (Table 3.5.1)" +339000,56192.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,41,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.internal-displacement.org/sites/default/files/publications/documents/grid2021_idmc.pdf,"Most of the new displacements triggered by conflict and violence in 2020 were recorded in Sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East and North Africa. The majority took place in DRC, Syria and Ethiopia, as in previous years." +159065,37967.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,11,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_ndeg_115.pdf,Au total huit-cent-vingt-trois (823) patients ont été déclarés guéris +390063,61349.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://news.un.org/es/story/2021/07/1493952,"Se trata, en definitiva, de que los 2500 habitantes que están en el territorio puedan tomar decisiones bien informadas que les permitan salvar sus vidas." +186881,41080.0,1184.0,['Nutrition'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,231,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000119627.pdf,"La tasa de anemia en las niñas se triplica en la adolescencia desde la infancia, y llega a superar la de los niños adolescentes (14.3% contra 4.1% en el rango de edad 15-19) (Ministerio de Salud Pública del Ecuador e Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos 2014). Las niñas y mujeres en edad fértil (12-49 años) tienen una tasa de anemia de 15% a escala nacional, es menor en el grupo de 12-14 años y desde los 15 años se triplica (Figura 17). En este grupo de edad se evidencia también una prevalencia de deficiencia de zinc de 56%, o sea, en una de cada dos mujeres. Estas deficiencias en micronutrientes para mujeres en edad reproductiva podrían ayudar a explicar las deficiencias de estado nutricional medidas en niños y niñas. Además, las mujeres con sobrepeso u obesidad tienen prevalencias más altas de deficiencias en micronutrientes, lo que sugiere dietas de baja calidad nutritiva (Figura 18) (Ministerio de Salud Pública del Ecuador e Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos 2014). Las deficiencias de estos micronutrientes en los niños y niñas pequeños, en las adolescentes y en las mujeres de edad reproductiva puede contribuir a la prevalencia de la desnutrición crónica en el país." +160798,38029.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syriadirect.org/news/mapping-coronavirus-in-syria-unofficial-cases-and-hot-spots/,"The current testing rate for all of Syria, 1.3 tests per thousand people, puts Syria in last place globally among countries for which data on testing rates is available." +304882,51467.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,44,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"In order to meet their needs, some displaced families opt for negative coping mechanisms, including child labour and early marriage. Early marriage among IDP children is more prevalent than in recent years. Poverty is relatively more widespread among IDPs." +176384,41733.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,51,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/reach_drc_bulletin-des-marche-2_juin-2020.pdf,"Suite à la mise en place des mesures contre la propagation du COVID-19, le coût médian du PMA global a d'abord augmenté de 15% entre mars et avril, puis est redescendu de 7% entre avril et mai, selon les prix rapportés par les commerçants interrogés." +177725,41774.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,391,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"Mesure complémentaires du 24 mars 2020 Mesures complémentaires d’application immédiate : 1. Interdiction de tous les voyages de Kinshasa vers les Provinces et des Provinces vers Kinshasa, afin de permettre le confinement de la Ville de Kinshasa, foyer de la pandémie. Ceci implique : 2. L’interdiction de tous les vols des passagers dans les deux sens Kinshasa – Provinces, à l’exception des avions transportant du fret et dont les équipages seront soumis à un contrôle d’usage strict au départ comme à l’arrivée ; • L’interdiction de tous les mouvements migratoires, par les transports en com- mun, des bus, camions et autres véhicules de l’intérieur vers Kinshasa et de Kinshasa vers l’intérieur. Des barrières doivent être érigées par les Gouver- neurs, et les équipages devront se soumettre au contrôle de rigueur en matière du Coronavirus ; • L’interdiction des tous les transports fluviaux des passagers de Kinshasa vers les Provinces et vice-versa. Seuls les bateaux et les embarcations transportant les marchandises avec équipages et convoyeurs seront autorisés ; 3. La fermeture de toutes les frontières du pays aux passagers et à toute personne, sauf pour les camions, navires, avions cargos avec fret ; 4. L’obligation pour le Gouverneur de la Ville Province de Kinshasa d’instruire tous les Bourgmestres de chaque commune de la Ville d’éviter tout attroupement. Et de placer plusieurs points de lavage des mains avec désinfectant ou savon, surtout dans des agglomérations à grandes affluences où le manque d’eau et d’électricité est quasi permanent. Ici, j’instruis le Gouvernement de trouver les moyens de ravitailler ces quartiers pour assurer l’hygiène. En même temps, il faudra multiplier les points de lavage des mains à l’aéroport International de N’Djili et appuyer les équipes de la RVA et de la DGM pour que nul n’échappe au contrôle d’hygiène 5. Mise en place d’un service minimum au sein du gouvernement et des institutions pour palier au confinement, à leurs domiciles des autres agents de l’État." +205377,44672.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,82,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The effect of COVID-19 on MPI is estimated based on multi-dimensional deprivation indicators. For instance, regarding “work” deprivations are most likely to affect the population living in households in which all working members hold a vulnerable employment post characterized by informal work arrangements and insecure tenure (75% of the population). If the effects concentrate only in that part of particularly vulnerable population, then MPI could rise from 51.7% to 67.3%." +164728,39789.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,56,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Movementwide%20Operation%20Report%20August%202020.pdf,"390 people (male 115, female 275) from 4 communities of Jamalpur districts participated in practical sessions on proper hand washing techniques through IRP  5430 beneficiaries reached in person and through cell phone to aware them on COVID-19 by providing health guideline in order to avoid health risk under V2R Barishal project." +438311,64539.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,63,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Por otro lado, el 25% de la población venezolana residente consultada indicó contar con estudios superiores, porcentaje similiar al promedio de la población de Tumbes con ese nivel de estudios, el 21.8%3 cuenta con estudios superiores. Dentro de este porcentaje el 15% cuenta con estudios universitarios y el 10% con estudios técnicos superiores." +177043,41752.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,32,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Les groupes religieux (3%) et les groupes communautaires (3%) ne sont que peu mentionnés par les personnes interrogées comme sources d’information de confiance. +329126,53878.0,2331.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health', 'Cross', 'Food Security']",['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,45,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SOYDA%20Monthly%20Progressive%20Report-Feb%202021.pdf,"However, Somali Young Doctors Association (SOYDA) have been providing integrated package of nutrition, Food Security, Education, Civic Education, Youth empowerment, WASH, protection, and health intervention in Benadir, Southwest and Jubbaland State of Somalia." +338303,55951.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Food Security']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,58,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://preventepidemics.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/PERC-Finding-the-Balance-Part-III-12-May-2021.pdf,"Beyond calamitous health outcomes from COVID-19 itself, the pandemic has inflicted significant economic, social and nutritional damage that have harmed populations already at risk of malnutrition and poor health outcomes. Income loss remains widespread and continues to worsen, exacerbating lack of access to food and health care services, particularly for more vulnerable groups" +294892,51749.0,2099.0,"['Logistics', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,104,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Le marché de Gounghin est donc dépendant de l’approvisionnement du marché de Pouytenga. Ce dernier s’approvisionne à Ouagadougou et semble donc plus à même d’avoir la capacité d’augmenter rapidement son stock de marchandises. De plus, en termes d’accessibilité l’approvisionnement se fait via la route par tous types de véhicules (camion, voiture, motos). L’état de la route semble bon pour accéder au marché de Pouytenga, correcte pour les marchés de Ouargaye et de Gounghin mais mauvais pour le marché de Comin-Yanga." +235866,47091.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,23,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/borno_state_covid-19_weekly_sitrep_wk_52.pdf,"Point of entry activities continues across the state directed on the use of facemask, handwashing, physical distancing and environmental hygiene." +236299,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The economic, psychological and social stress from the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated risks for children with recruitment into armed groups, child marriage and child labour all on the rise." +238139,47086.0,2170.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_31_dec_2020_report.pdf,"[16th-31st Dec 2020, Borno and Adamawa states]The main source of drinking and non-drinking water at displacement sites is the borehole (81%). Other sources of water supply include hand pumps, wells, water vendors and water trucking." +174473,40809.0,2170.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,155,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NGA%20%281%29.pdf,"[1st Aug 2020, Borno, Yobe states] According to the March 2020 ""Cadre Harmonisé"" analysis, without considering the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, about 7 million people were estimated to be severely food insecure during the lean season between June and August 2020, well above the about 5 million food insecure people estimated in the same period in 2019. The main drivers for the significant increase in the number of people in need of assistance are some localized cereal production shortfalls in 2019, the escalation of armed and community conflicts and high inflation rates. The areas most affected by food insecurity are Borno and Yobe states, where over 2 million people are food insecure. However, the current situation is worse than expected as the COVID-19 containment measures adversely effected households’ livelihood activities and incomes, especially in urban areas." +125285,29180.0,1620.0,[],[],['Casualties->Dead'],en,30,[],['Casualties'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Gap-Supply-Demand-Contraceptive-Services-Northeast-Nigeria-Report.pdf,"Nigeria has one of the highest maternal mortality ratios in the world at 814 deaths per 1,000 live births—consequently, the effects of this ongoing emergency are especially dire." +310537,53177.0,2466.0,['Food Security'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Sudan%20Multi-Sectoral%20Location%20Assessment_South%20Kordofan.pdf,"Food security exists as a high priority need in one of the locations in Reif Ashargi. The main reasons for food shortages this past year were the low levels of rainfall, the damage to crops and the lack of finances. Food aid has been provided to eight locations." +175839,40890.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],es,81,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"El 43% de las personas entrevistadas mencionó que algún miembro de su hogar ha presentado síntomas de ansiedad, reducción en las horas de sueño o episodios de llanto durante los siete días antes de la recolección de los datos: El 28% del total de entrevistados manifestó que él/ella o alguno de los miembros del hogar ha tenido reducción de horas de sueño, el 24% síntomas de ansiedad y el 17% episodios de llanto." +248859,48079.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,105,['Impact'],"['Shock/Event', 'Context']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/DRC_FSOU_2020_12_final.pdf,"Conflits et mouvements des populations : Etant donné le non-aboutissement des négociations en cours avec les groupes armés et leur rattachement aux communautés, les conflits dans les zones concernées (territoires de Fizi et Uvira au Sud-Kivu, territoires de Djugu et Mahagi dans l’Ituri et territoire de Mweka au Kasai) maintiendraient le même niveau d’avant sans accuser d’amélioration comme prévu auparavant. Cette situation présage un niveau d’insécurité grandissante au cours des six prochains mois qui entrainerait à nouveau, des déplacements possibles des populations pendant la prochaine saison agricole (saison B)" +91801,26015.0,1620.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Situation-Overview_H2R_Oct-Dec_13.03.2020.pdf,"In absence of health care facilities and services, FGD participants described how they instead used traditional medicine, herbs and prayers as treatment options. Additionally, participants from a few FGDs described how they were getting treatment and drugs from non-formal sources unrelated to formalised health care, however often at a very high price." +289605,52074.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Education', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Context->Security & Stability', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,58,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,"Both parties to the conflict [Cameroon military and NSAGs] continue to breach International Law, including International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law, attacking civilians, schools and civilian health facilities. The health facility in Tole (SW) was destroyed by NSAGs after being used as a base by the Cameroon military." +203222,44585.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,82,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://applications.emro.who.int/docs/syr/EMRLIBSYR233E-eng.pdf?ua=1,"[December 30, Syria, Lack of functioning facilities] By the end of December 2019, and out of the 113 assessed public hospitals [MoH & MoHE], 50% (57) were reported fully functioning, 25% (28) hospitals were reported partially functioning (i.e., shortage of staff, equipment, medicines or damage of the building in some cases), while 25% (28) were reported non-functioning." +178050,40661.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,90,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Concernant la rougeole, les autorités ont annoncé le 26 août 2020, que la plus grande épidémie de rougeole au monde, qui a tué dans le pays plus de 7 000 enfants, est dorénavant terminée. La riposte a toutefois été entravée par la faible couverture vaccinale des communautés vulnérables, la malnutrition, la faiblesse du système de santé publique, l’accès difficile des populations vulnérables aux soins de santé, l’insécurité de même que les faibles infrastructures routières du pays." +238294,46388.0,2336.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In addition, displacement and negative coping strategies for vulnerable households prevent children from enrolling and attending school, especially in hard-to-reach areas, and gender and cultural norms further restrict access for girls." +292898,51778.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,80,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/nos-estan-invadiendo-los-venezolanos-este-y-otros-mitos-de-la-migracion/2545,"En cinco años ha ocurrido un aumento significativo del número de ciudadanos venezolanos en el país; sin embargo, en la actualidad esta población representa menos del 4% de la población total y el resto de extranjeros representa el 0,3% del total de la población colombiana. Estos porcentajes demuestran que la presencia de refugiados y migrantes venezolanos con respecto a la población total aún es limitada y en ningún caso se puede hablar de invasión." +188028,42199.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,72,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://acturdc.com/haut-katanga-3-jours-de-confinement-pour-lubumbashi-kipushi-et-kasumbalesa/,"En vue de retrouver les contacts des contacts des nouvelles personnes testées positives au Coronavirus, le gouvernement provincial du Haut-Katanga a annoncé ce mardi 07 juillet 2020 un confinement de trois jours dans les villes de Lubumbashi, Kasumbalesa et la cité de Kipushi. Le confinement ira de jeudi 09 au samedi 11 juillet. Une information qui dégaine beaucoup d’inquiétudes et des suspicions parmi la population." +317175,53333.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,52,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"In terms of COVID19, the girls and caregivers lamented the lack of testing capacity in local institutions and a general low response capacity worsened due to the crisis as some hospitals are not functional and for those that are functional there is shortage of medicines, equipment and like saving materials" +308113,53309.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,79,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/gender_alert_brief_final.pdf,"[29th March 2021, Cox's Bazar] Measures must be adopted to ensure that the distribution of aid is safe for all who are eligible to obtain it and that the risk of exploitation and abuse of displaced persons, in particular women and children, is minimized. Overall, distribution activities must adhere to COVID-19 prevention measures, including access to hand sanitizers, personal protective equipment (PPE), and social distancing." +292945,51778.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,113,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/nos-estan-invadiendo-los-venezolanos-este-y-otros-mitos-de-la-migracion/2545,"Por otro lado, de acuerdo con el informe Inclusión laboral de refugiados y migrantes, una apuesta del sector privado de la ANDI, Fundación ANDI, USAID, ACDI/VOCA y Fundación Corona, del año2020, los empresarios que han contratado población migrante en sus nóminas perciben que entre las ventajas y características a resaltar se encuentran las siguientes: la baja rotación de puestos de trabajo; altos niveles de calificación y cualificación; altos niveles de efectividad y productividad; alto sentido de pertenencia con la empresa; cubrimiento de vacantes de difícil colocación; y creatividad e innovación dada la multiculturalidad que le aportan a la organización." +218174,45410.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,45,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,La descente des transhumants vers les localités de la zone soudanienne est retardée du fait de la bonne disponibilité des ressources pastorales en zone de transhumance et de la présence des eaux d’inondations dans les zones d’accueil des provinces méridionales. +26122,10739.0,786.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,151,['Impact'],[],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/the_americas/venezuela-has-its-electricity-back-for-now-but-its-still-on-the-verge-of-collapse/2019/03/20/1cb0060e-4986-11e9-8cfc-2c5d0999c21e_story.html?utm_term=.a236d74c7c19,"Authorities are prioritizing obtaining gasoline even over diluents, the chemicals that are used to thin Venezuela’s sludgy crude so it can be exported through pipes. Officials managed to contain monthly inflation in February to about 60 percent by sharply limiting banks from lending, Arcay said. But inflation is expected to soar again in March, he said, because the government is furiously printing money to pay employees. The Venezuelan money supply — as measured by cash, checking accounts and bank accounts accessed by debit card — is now doubling every month, he said. As for theoil industry, production slipped nearly 9 percent from January to February, to just over 1 million barrels a day, according to the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. That’s about half as much as Venezuela was pumping in 2017." +238238,46388.0,2336.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,20,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Distance to schools and auxiliary education costs were the most frequently cited barriers for shock-affected children in accessing education. +316539,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"As per UNHCR’s assessment, all refugee and asylum seekers in Somalia are in need of a variety of protection services and assistance." +52912,16812.0,1184.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,57,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://www.elcomercio.com/actualidad/lenin-moreno-ecuador-venezuela-migracion.html,"En lo que a Ecuador respecta, registró 1,5 millones de llegadas en el mismo periodo, un millón de ellas desde enero del año pasado, y las últimas estimaciones apuntaban a que unos 300 000 ciudadanos venezolanos se habían quedado en suterritorio, cifra que Moreno elevó este martes 16 de julio a medio millón" +132433,35164.0,1188.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,48,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"Renovación de pasaportes: Continúan las dificultades para la renovación del pasaporte venezolano. Se dificultan una serie de trámites como son los trámites bancarios, trámites migratorios y de asilo, obtención de licencia de conducir, trámites ante el Ministerio de Educación, entre otros." +174893,40890.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,42,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"Si bien a nivel nacional la población afrodescendiente es minoritaria (oscila entre el 1% y 3% de entrevistados a nivel departamental), se destaca Bolívar con un 8% de población encuestada identificada en este grupo étnico." +287435,51638.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,49,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20_FEVRIER%202021_SAHEL.pdf,"(Sahel) Beaucoup de PDI vivent en location et elles peinent le plus souvent à pouvoir régler leurs loyers par manque d’argent. La problématique des logements, terres et biens continue de se compliquer davantage dans la mesure où les mouvements de population sont permanents" +214343,45385.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,61,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"L’OMS a appuyé la DRSP [Délégation régionale de la Santé Publique] dans la formation de 540 « influenceurs de confiance » (personnels des enseignements secondaires, membres du Conseil National de la Jeunesse, leaders des groupes associatifs, professionnels des médias, personnels de l'administration pénitentiaire, inspecteurs de l'éducation de base etc…)." +59527,17198.0,1224.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,26,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"In Guyana, the migrants are able to access food, medical services and other basic amenities that are presently unavailable to them in Venezuela." +188233,40860.0,1899.0,"['Health', 'Shelter']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,97,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200922_OCHA_GUATEMALA%20HRP%20COVID-19%20ESPAN%CC%83OL.pdf,"Las personas en situación de calle, así como las personas en riesgo de desalojo, sin reales opciones de observar las medidas de aislamiento y prevención recomendadas y, por tanto, quedando más expuestas al contagio del virus. Según indicado por la Relatora Especial de las Naciones Unidas sobre la vivienda adecuada como elemento del derecho a un nivel de vida adecuado7, “La vivienda se ha convertido en la primera línea de defensa frente al coronavirus. Pocas veces anteriormente el hogar ha supuesto un asunto de vida o muerte.”" +337615,55860.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,14,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb4752en.pdf,[January-April 2021] Provided 600 households with fishing equipment and technical support. +175174,40890.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,72,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"Frente al acceso a tratamiento médico, 25% de los hogares encuestados manifiestan que al menos un miembro de su hogar ha sido diagnosticado con alguna enfermedad crónica como hipertensión, diabetes, enfermedad renal, cáncer o infección por VIH. Así, la mayor enfermedad reportada es la hipertensión con el 18%, seguido de diabetes con el 6% y enfermedades renales con el 3%." +149233,36019.0,2028.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],en,44,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"The price of the minimum expenditure basket reached historical highs in May 2020. Reports of gender-based violence and related protection issues are on the rise. Longer-term needs of displaced persons are increasing, and in some cases, are becoming more complex" +239265,47351.0,2170.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,36,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Factsheet_NGA2005-Biu-LGA-Borno-state-November-2020.pdf,"[1st Nov2020,Biu LGA, Borno states]0% of displaced households reported earning no income in the 30 days prior to data collection, compared to 1% of non-displaced households." +323040,54626.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,25,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,"More specifically, 6,757 people (3,961 under 5 years, 1,797 females, 999 males) received curative care through outpatient department consultations." +329969,53694.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,71,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/03042021_sitrep_s11_whe_oms_rdc.docx.pdf,"[Nord Kivu] BDRINT : appui médical et psycho-social aux personnes marginalisées dont les enfants de la rue, les PVVIH, les professionnelles de sexe et les victimes des VSBG dans le CS CCLK, le CS Kahembe et l'HGR Virunga, avec le financement de MSF/France ; identification et écoute en vue de la réinsertion sociale des enfants en rupture familiale et le référencement des structures de santé" +188869,43387.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,27,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20DE%20PROTECTION_SEPTEMBRE2020-SAHEL.pdf,"Au cours de ce mois, il a été enregistré aussi des mouvements de retour de Sebba vers Boundoré, Tankougounadié dans la province du Yagha." +209704,45080.0,2170.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,59,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%209%20Dec%202020.pdf,"[9thDec2020,Nigeria]Some schools have resumed but there are still only a few actors to support them. Due to security and logistics issues, partners work through existing national structures in different LGAs. Many LGAs cannot be reached and this has an adverse effect on monitoring and supporting the resumption of schools." +207833,44822.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/62229/medical-sources-in-damascus-coronavirus-situation-from-bad-to-worse.html,"Amin indicated that since the beginning of the month, from 170 suspected cases, more than 50 cases of coronavirus have been recorded, compared to only 15 cases last month, adding that a number of patients have been discharged after recovering. Those who are still in the hospital are high-risk cases, old people with pre-existing conditions+" +28424,10158.0,729.0,[],[],[],en,39,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ET_Feb_2019_Final%2820190313%29.pdf,Swani Bin Adam An estimated 400 migrants were reported to have arrived in Swani Bin Adam during February from other municipalities. Some were looking for work opportunities whereas others were planning to continue onwards to other destinations. +291766,52074.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Nutrition']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,62,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,"The overall nutrition situation in the NWSW regions remains of great concern despite lower proxy Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM) rates for the NW (4.4%) and SW (5.6%) regions (EFSA January 2019) as the underlying factors to malnutrition persist (food insecurity, poor WASH and limited access to health care)." +149756,37702.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,111,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"As detailed in previous reports, development, printing and distribution of information, education and communication (IEC) materials in addition to awareness raising on social media, WhatsApp, radio and television channels, and direct community engagement/person-to-person, including during distributions and in mosques and churches is ongoing. Other channels, including through the Smart Card/Takamol application and online interactive quizzes, are also being utilized, with an estimated cumulative reach of approximately 12.5 million people. Direct awareness raising through teams at distributions and door-to-door continues, as does engagement at universities, of religious leaders in mosques, and with church networks." +63197,18417.0,1386.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Demography'],es,70,[],['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://www.acnur.org/noticias/press/2019/6/5cfa5eb64/refugiados-y-migrantes-de-venezuela-superan-los-cuatro-millones-acnur-y.html,"El ritmo de la salida de Venezuela ha sido asombroso. Unos 695.000 a fines de 2015, la cantidad de refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela se ha disparado a más de 4 millones a mediados de 2019, según datos de las autoridades nacionales de inmigración y otras fuentes. En solo siete meses desde noviembre de 2018, el número de refugiados y migrantes aumentó en un millón" +63468,18412.0,1386.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Nutrition', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,413,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,,"En 2017, el país acumulaba 34% de los casos de América Latina, ocupando el primer lugar de incidencia. La OMS ha reconocido la emergencia y ha dispuesto apoyar a Venezuela junto a Nigeria, Sudán del Sur y Yemen, con situación similar43. En 2017, los casos aumentaron 200%, pasando de 136.000 en 2015 a 406.289 en 2017 extendidos a 10 estados del país por los desplazamientos de población minera44, escasez de medicamentos antipalúdicos y debilitamiento del control de vectores según OMS45. En 2018, la OMS alertó que Venezuela presentaba el mayor incremento de casos del mundo debido a la drástica reducción de las campañas antipalúdicas46. La malaria dejó de estar en áreas remotas para extenderse a zonas urbanas y peri-urbanas47. Los especialistas estiman para 2018 al menos 700 mil casos48 y, registros hasta abril de 2018 muestran la extensión de la epidemia a todo el territorio nacional, pasando a concentrar 60% de los casos de América Latina y generando posiblemente unas 1.500 muertes49. • 10.952 nuevos casos de Tuberculosis ocurrieron en 2017, intensificándose en las cárceles debido a las condiciones inhumanas de hacinamiento y desnutrición de la población reclusa. Los casos de tuberculosis aumentaron 67% entre 2011 y 2017, pasando de 6.552 a 10.952, según OMS50. Los datos publicados por el Ministerio de Salud arrastran un subregistro mayor a 100%51. El repunte de esta enfermedad es reflejo del empeoramiento de la seguridad alimentaria y de las condiciones de vida de la población, siendo más vulnerables las personas con VIH, las personas reclusas y los pueblos indígenas. De acuerdo con OMS, 60% de los casos en 2017 correspondía a personas con VIH; pero, entre 2011 y 2015, se intensificaron en la población carcelaria, aumentando 833%52. Entre 2017 y el primer semestre de 2018, Una Ventana a la Libertad registró un incremento de 18 a 54 personas reclusas fallecidas por tuberculosis, falta de atención médica y desnutrición en centros de detención preventiva bajo custodia y responsabilidad del Estado, los cuales presentan condiciones inhumanas con un hacinamiento de 300% y falta de alimentación, salud e higiene personal. El peso de estos casos, pasó de 18% a 33%, en el total de defunciones registradas durante el período53." +387294,60969.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,126,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fasozine.com/actualite/politique/9333-lutte-contre-l-insecurite-de-nouveaux-equipements-logistiques-pour-la-gendarmerie-nationale.html,"Dans le cadre de la phase II du projet , deux GARSI seront deployées à Mangodara dans la région des Cascades et à Nioronioro dans le Sud-ouest.""Vous avez la lourde tâche de pacifier cette partie de notre pays’’ , a martelé le ministre Maxime Lomboza Koné ,avant de préciser :"" Ces zones ont commencé à être le lit de l’insécurité. Le déploiement de ces forces dans cet espace nous permettra d'anticiper, de déjouer le coup qui est préparé contre notre nation. Cette partie est un corridor important pour notre approvisionnement en produits venant des côtes. Nous avons cette vision claire qu'il nous faut de l’anticipation dans cette partie ’’." +305389,53013.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,36,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/3c8084ae/REACH_SOM_Factsheet_Assessment-of-Hard-to-Reach-Areas_December-2020.pdf,"Health: Most commonly reported barriers for accessing healthcare by assessed settlements were cost of services (63%), Distance (53%), Absence of qualified personnel (37%)." +178198,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,38,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"La majorité de l’activité économique provient de secteurs informels tels que les activités agricoles et commerciales hors des systèmes de distribution, l’exploitation minière et forestière artisanale, le braconnage et la pêche incontrôlée.21" +358725,58573.0,2311.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,34,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/acleddata.com-Regional%20Overview%20South%20America12-18%20June%202021.pdf,"Additionally, levels of political violence increased in Colombia last week, with clashes between state forces and rebel groups reported in the departments of Arauca, Cauca, and Norte de Santander." +194469,43501.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"Dans 32% (97) des localités évaluées, les IC ont rapporté que la majorité de la population n’avait pas accès à une école secondaire fonctionnelle à moins d’une heure de marche" +334890,55774.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,74,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bcf29d656a8d5984f4c8ffe40908514aad85d.pdf,"[6 April, 2021, Bangladesh] In April 2021, eleven hazards took place across Bangladesh i.e. Covid-19 pandemic, Boat capsize, Earthquake, Bridge collapse, Fire, Heat wave, Lightning, Nor’wester, Storm, Hailstorm and wild animal attack. . Covid-19 affected a total of 147,837 persons across the country among which 2,404 persons died and 139,017 persons recovered in April, 2021." +22304,9106.0,729.0,['Health'],[],[],en,23,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"People with special needs, people with mental health issues, and people chronic illnesses are in critical need of healthcare support." +157492,38880.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,40,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/covid-19-isolation-and-treatment-centre-opens-bangladeshi-communities-and-rohingya,The humanitarian community is collaborating closely with the Government of Bangladesh to establish a total of 17 SARI ITCs in Cox’s Bazar District to serve both Rohingya refugees and local communities. Thirteen centres are already operational. +326956,54714.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,75,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,"[WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE (WASH) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Proportion of households of non-IDP settlements reporting not having sufficient water for the following purposes were Not enough water for cooking, bathing, washing, and other domestic uses(33%), Not enough water for domestic purposes only (9%),Not enough water for personal hygiene only (67%)." +294560,51749.0,2099.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,101,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[commune de Comin-Yanga] En matière d’hygiène et d’assainissement selon les données issues du Programme national d’approvisionnement en eau potable (PN-AEP) de 2018, 646 latrines étaient fonctionnelles en 2018 et 167 latrines auraient été construites14. A raison de 01 latrine pour 50 personnes cela signifie donc que la commune de Comin-Yanga a suffisamment de latrines pour 40 400 personnes alors que la commune en compte environ 62 132 personnes (8 876 ménages) aujourd’hui. Ces estimations corroborent les données collectées dans le cadre de ces enquêtes" +187185,34290.0,1900.0,['Health'],[],[],es,26,[],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Resumen_Informe_16_07_2020_No_080.pdf,Seguimiento casos positivos/sospechosos/ aislamiento por parte de representantes de Salud. Jornadas de realización pruebas rápidas a personal SINAGER como parte de las medidas preventivas. +164195,37783.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,75,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://tande.substack.com/p/syria-in-context-coronavirus-update-ffe,"Despite the apparent rapid spread of the virus, the government and international response remain inadequate. During April and May, the UN’s COVID-19 response inside Syria built just four of 14 planned labs, reaching just 9% of their testing target. Just 0.1% of the planned PPE for humanitarian workers, including health workers, was distributed during this period. More recent figures are not available." +341909,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,131,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[De juillet à début septembre 2020, les enquêteurs ont administré le sondage auprès de 2396 Burkinabè dans les régions du Centre Nord, Nord, Sahel, Est, Boucle du Mouhoun et Hauts-Bassins] Il se dégage un sentiment partagé que les droits des enfants sont promus au détriment de leurs devoirs. La compréhension de la question des droits des enfants par les Burkinabè dans leur ensemble (enfants, jeunes, adultes) a donc conforté l’idée que les enfants peuvent tout faire puisque la loi les protège, mais surtout, a dépossédé les parents de leur autorité et responsabilité parentale sur leurs enfants. Il s’en est suivi l’incapacité de la famille à exercer le contrôle parental." +90069,25213.0,1621.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,85,[],"['Displacement', 'Casualties']",2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A_HRC_43_75_E.pdf,"In total, there were at least 743 known deaths in the Central Mediterranean in 2019, with the death rate steadily increased over each of the past three years. For instance, on 25 July, up to 150 migrants and refugees reportedly died at sea after their vessel capsized off the coast of Al Khoms in western Libya. The Libyan Coast Guard returned the 137 survivors to Libya, where their fate remained unknown as at the time of writing." +304057,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,Population movement 1.6M Internally displaced people in South Sudan 230K IDPs arrived during the first nine months of 2020 125K IDPs are in Protection of Civilians sites (IOM DTM as of November 2020) +307037,51572.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Protection']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,37,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"During the FGD with women, the lack of dignity kits was reported as a high priority. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +157634,38893.0,2098.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,46,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/humanitarian_collaboration_and_coordination_in_bangladesh_2nd_draft_12_july_2020_kazi_hg.pdf,Establish Digital Platform with necessary technical tools & processes for tracking coordinated h umanitarian response related spending and activities in line with HRP; ▪ Support in forming a working group under the HCTT to discuss and contribute to promoting localisation agenda for six months. +201708,43427.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,120,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Según la información reportada por los cul- tivadores en el marco de los estudios de pro- ductividad, un hogar dedicado a la siembra de coca está integrado en promedio por cinco personas, el jefe es hombre, oriundo de la zona en donde habita. Adicionalmente, la tierra para el cultivo es ocupada independientemente de si tiene títulos de propiedad y sus ingresos de- penden en más del 70 % de las actividades asociadas al cultivo de coca y su transforma- ción. En promedio, un hogar con cultivos de coca tiene alrededor de una hectárea con coca, constituida entre 1,3 y 1,8 lotes, cada uno con un área aproximada de 0,75 ha62." +133658,35117.0,1187.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,112,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"En torno a las dificultades en el acceso a la atención de salud, en su mayoría se relacionan con la negativa de la atención por no poseer documentación Argentina, lo cual incumple con la Ley Nacional de Migraciones nº 25.871. En el actual contexto de ASPO, esta dificultad presenta la particularidad de que, al no estar habilitados los turnos en consultorios externos, recurrir a las guardias hospitalarias, es la única alternativa para acceder a la atención de salud por primera vez. En algunos casos, esta dificultad se complejiza ante la necesidad de tramitar un permiso de circulación para llegar hasta la institución." +235830,46388.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,51,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The economic impact of COVID-19 is also translating into increased criminal activity, with financial pressures possibly leading to more criminally motivated actions against humanitarians, including 12 incidents by community members in quarter three of 2020 compared to 3 and 5 incidents in the first and second quarters respectively." +178177,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,48,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"NORD-KIVU Le contexte sécuritaire est resté marqué par les affrontements entre groupes armés et entre groupes armés et Forces Armées de la RDC (FARDC). Entre juin et septembre 2019, les attaques contre les civils ont augmenté dans les territoires de Beni et de Masisi" +323205,54498.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Pull Factors'],es,108,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/89758cd4/REACH_COL_RAN_Factsheet_Trend_analysis_March2021.pdf,"Por su parte, en cuanto a las razones del porqué se eli- gió un destino final, independientemente del país, siguió predominando que se debía a las redes de amigos y fa- miliares que tenían allí. Sin embargo, a partir de la tercera ronda, se reportó como segunda razón principal, que allí encontrarían mayores oportunidades laborales, registrán- dose en la quinta ronda el reporte máximo, donde de los 308 ICs entrevistados, el 62% indicó que había elegido el destino final basados en las oportunidades laborales que ellos y/o los integrantes de su grupo de viaje encontrarían allí." +169509,40367.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,24,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Eight of these regions12 still have active cases. The average age of confirmed cases is 41.5 years and 64,4 years for deaths." +220901,45410.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,51,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"Cette tendance des prix [baisse du prix des céréales] se maintiendrait jusqu’en fin 2020, avant d’amorcer une hausse qui se maintiendrait jusqu’à fin mai 2021 à cause du ralentissement des flux et des coûts élevés des transports occasionnés par la COVID-19." +192730,43304.0,2332.0,"['Education', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,69,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"le secteur éducatif avec un effectif total de 78 541 postes touchés dont 44 691 postes dans l’éducation primaire, 15 079 postes dans l’enseignement moyen, 14 197 postes dans l’enseignement secondaire Général, 1 267 postes dans les centres de Formation Technique et Professionnelle, 351 postes dans les écoles normales et 2 956 postes dans l’enseignement supérieur." +206394,44672.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,91,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Benefit from the existing Philanthropists that are also pitching in the fight against COVID-19. The foundation, created by Jack Ma, a United Nations advocate for sustainable development goals and the co-founder of Alibaba Group Holding, is donating protective masks and test kits around the world. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Wellcome, and Mastercard partnership will contribute up to $125 million in seed funding to speed-up the response to the COVID-19 pandemic by identifying, assessing, developing, and scaling-up treatments." +325117,54815.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,77,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"(Ouagadougou) In contrast, less than 7 percent of all people live near any advanced healthcare facility and less than 2 percent – specifically near a hospital. In sum, accessing advanced medical care for the vast majority of people in the city necessarily involves using some type of (likely) motorized transportation, including possibly the fixed-route bus service, given its relatively good spatial alignment with the health facility locations." +386797,60459.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,85,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"Cependant, face à la perte de leurs avoirs, les PDIs seront contraints de multiplier les travaux journaliers telles que la main- d’œuvre dans la construction et dans le maraichage et la vente de bois et de secco pour chercher à compenser les besoins sur les marchés. Toutefois, il est probable que ces revenus ne soient pas suffisants pour couvrir tous leurs besoins alimentaires et que des légères déficits de consommation soient observées pendant la période. (scenario)" +345011,56075.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Legal & Policy', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,122,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://actualite.cd/index.php/2021/05/18/rdc-etat-de-siege-la-seule-alternative-est-de-laisser-les-fardc-faire-leur-travail,"En effet, selon les mesures d’accompagnement de cette décision [état de siège en Ituri et Nord-Kivu], les gouverneurs civils ont été remplacés par des militaires. De nouveaux commandants ont été désignés à la tête des opérations militaires dans ces provinces affectées par les violences. Le lieutenant-général Lubaya N’Kashama Johny et le commissaire divisionnaire Alongabony Bangadiso Benjamin, respectivement gouverneur et vice-gouverneur militaires de l’Ituri sont en fonction depuis le jeudi, 06 mai. Dans la province du Nord-Kivu, le lieutenant-général Constant Ndima Kongba et le commissaire divisionnaire Ekuka Lipopo prennent les commandes, respectivement comme gouverneur et vice-gouverneur. Cette décision exceptionnelle est effective pendant trente jours." +149618,35869.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,30,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep18_25july2020.pdf,"The planned COVID-19 Community Treatment Centres (CCTCs) are still delayed due to local councils’ agreement, donor agreements and the difficulty to recruit needed human resources." +311635,53183.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"Meanwhile, eastern and central/northern Sudan accounted for 22 per cent of the total assisted, despite the fact that they have 42 per cent of the total number of people in need." +275273,50662.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,85,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[July- December 2020, Cox's Bazar] The first COVID-19 case was reported in Cox’s Bazar district on 23 March 2020 in the host community, and on 14 May 2020 a FDMN/Rohingya refugee was confirmed as COVID-19 positive. As of 27 December 2020, a total of 5,358 individuals from the host community in the Cox’s Bazar district have tested positive for COVID-19, and a total of 366 COVID-19 cases have been confirmed among FDMN/Rohingya refugees" +150061,37980.0,1187.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Demography'],es,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3665436,"El COVID-19 provocó un paro temporal de la actividad económica que afectó tanto a los ingresos de los argentinos como a los de los migrantes que representan alrededor de un 5% del total de la población del país, o unos 2,2 millones de personas" +264339,48806.0,2332.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,62,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_final_enquete_smart_27112019.pdf,"Le paludisme est la cause principale de mortalité des enfants de moins de 5 ans et affecte la majorité des régions du Tchad. Près de 750 000 cas suspects de paludisme, dont 337 000 cas confirmés et 900 décès ont été enregistrés entre la première et les vingt sixième semaines (S1 à S26) de l’année 2016" +179226,41946.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://publications.unescwa.org/projects/saw/sdgs/pdf/en/Syria-at-War-8-years-on-Report-Final.pdf,"[Syria 2019, Coping mechanisms] Households trying to close the income-expenditure gap also resorted to harmful or short-term coping mechanisms, including borrowing and relying on humanitarian assistance, and cutting down on essential needs, such as food rations and health care." +292941,51778.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/nos-estan-invadiendo-los-venezolanos-este-y-otros-mitos-de-la-migracion/2545,"Según la Encuesta de Percepción de la Migración en Colombia en su último levantamiento de septiembre de 2020, el 56% de los colombianos encuestados dijo estar de acuerdo con que los refugiados y migrantes les quitan los empleos a los colombianos, a pesar de que con respecto a abril de 2020 este indicador disminuyó nueve puntos porcentuales." +22813,9097.0,788.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",en,199,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20NIGERIA%20December%202018%20sitrep.pdf,"As the year drew to a close, the total number of IDPs in 2018 peaked at 1.81 million1 , up from about 1.6 million2 at the beginning of the year. New displacements of people over the course of 2018 were relatively stable, with a total of 176,000 newly displaced people in Adamawa, Borno and Yobe states. The last weeks of December witnessed the highest movement of people, due to increased conflict between Nigerian security forces (SF) and non-state armed groups (NSAGs), especially in northern Borno. Hostilities in Baga on 26 December and Monguno on 28 December resulted in significant fresh displacement, with new registrations at camps in Maiduguri and Monguno estimated at 44,032 people in 11 camps (10 in MMC and 1 in Monguno). With increased IDPs, the availability of land for humanitarian response has become an increasingly urgent limitation for humanitarian partners attempting to provide shelter, constructlatrines and provide safe water. In Monguno, over 10,000 persons are currently sleeping outside without any shelter, almost all camps in Maiduguri are congested and more people continue to arrive." +61396,18235.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Context->Security & Stability', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",en,117,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"Another area with an enduring presence of armed groups is, as previously mentioned, the border department of Arauca.120 There is limited data on the impact of the conflict on Venezuelan mixed migration flows in this department and this assessment did not include a field visit to the area, but one of the two Venezuelans interviewed who entered Colombia through the Arauca department – a former military officer who had deserted – stated having had to flee the area and move to Cúcuta together with several fellow officers due to the fact that, in Arauca, the ELN had managed to identify them as former military officers and was calling for their assassination." +317784,52949.0,2331.0,['Education'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Somalia has one of the world’s lowest school enrolment rates. Somalia has an estimated 4.9 million school-aged children, more than 3 million of whom are estimated to be out of school." +173359,40446.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syriahr.com/en/187036/,"[5th October 2020, Syria] Health workers comprise 15 percent of all confirmed COVID cases in northeast Syria; in the northwest it’s 35 percent." +188395,42860.0,1183.0,[],[],[],es,44,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_covid-19_6_departamento_del_cauca.pdf,"• Decreto 0640 del 19 de marzo de 2020: Por el cual se declara toque de queda desde el 20 de marzo hasta el 20 de abril, entre las 8:00 pm de cada día hasta las 5:00 am del día siguiente." +236136,47122.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,23,[],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,Restrictions of movement were reported to be continuing at military checkpoints largely in application of government measures to limit the spread of COVID-19 +57454,17280.0,1186.0,[],[],[],es,76,[],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/439982_ed8c90c2b9644fbbabee3b33e6e9e918.pdf,"De acuerdo con la encuesta Casen (2017), mientras el 78% de la población migrante del país arrienda la propiedad en que vive, el 35% sin contrato y pagando casi 20% más de valor de arriendo promedio que la población no migrante, el 25% vive en condiciones de hacinamiento, situación que se acentúa en algunas comunas del país, llegando a 56% en Estación Central." +133610,35118.0,1187.0,['Shelter'],[],[],es,104,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Por otro lado, los resultados arrojados acerca de la dificultad para costear los gastos de alojamiento pueden correlacionarse con las llamadas que recibe la línea de 0800 de Cruz Roja Argentina, desde la cual se ha brindado soporte y asesoramiento a 234 personas migrantes, comunicando información acerca de sus derechos frente a situaciones de desalojos forzados a partir de las disposiciones nacio- nales tendientes a paliar la crisis habitacional en el marco de la pan- demia y sobre centros alimentarios y de salud cercanos al lugar en el que se encontraban y al que podían acudir en busca de asistencia." +244053,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The nine provinces where recent AWD cases among children were most common were Badakhshan, Bamyan, Daykundi, Ghor, Hilmand, Nangarhar, Parwan, Samangan and Sar-e-Pul." +178206,41756.0,2225.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,87,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"L’accès à l’eau potable et à l’assainissement est très insuffisant et inégal : 85 pour cent des raccordements d’eau se concentrent dans les zones urbaines de quatre provinces, 31 pour cent de la population n’a pas accès à une source d’eau de boisson améliorée, plus de 56 pour cent a recours à des toilettes non améliorées et 12 pour cent n’a accès à aucune installation d’assainissement de base." +473043,63732.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,96,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2f4004e6/REACH_BFA_Factsheet_Abri-AME-et-LTB_Pouytenga_juillet-2021.pdf,"Au total, 20 IC ont rapporté des cas d'éviction au cours des trois derniers mois. Parmi eux, 4 IC de Yargo ont indiqué des évictions fréquentes (plus d'une par mois). L'ensemble des IC de Koumbogo ont quant à eux indiqué des évictions occasionnelles. Principales raisons rapportées par les IC pour expliquer les cas d'éviction: Incapacité à payer le loyer 17/20, Dispute concernant le montant du loyer 8/20, Le propriétaire terrien est revenu et a réclamé l'abri 4/20, Dispute autour de l'occupation avec le propriétaire 4/20" +425282,64521.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,34,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syrianobserver.com/news/69287/daily-covid19-cases-exceed-1000-in-northern-syria.html,"[31 AUG, Northern Syria] For the first time since the beginning of the pandemic, the daily number of COVID19 infections has exceeded the 1,000 cases threshold in Northern Syria." +191655,43304.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,56,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Le phénomène migratoire au Tchad est dynamique et multidimensionnel. La pandémie de COVID-19 a eu et continue d’avoir des conséquences significatives sur les différents flux de mobilité (entrant et sortant) ont des conséquences économiques, sociales et humanitaires considérables sur les populations mobiles au Tchad et dans les pays voisins." +234993,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Wider prevalence and the increased scale of debt is continuing to perpetuate adoption of negative coping mechanisms, eroding household resilience and overall coping capacity, straining the social fabric of the country." +193266,43082.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],es,30,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.rcnradio.com/judicial/mujeres-migrantes-venezolanas-entutelan-para-reclamar-beneficio-de-ingreso-solidario,"Agregó que toda esta difícil situación económica se suma a las difíciles condiciones de encierro producto de la cuarentena, que terminó por recrudecer sus circunstancias económicas y sociales." +325402,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"The vast majority of respondents (817 respondents) with children in primary school (92 percent) report walking as the mode used by the children to get to school, with biking accounting for another 7 percent." +294811,51749.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,42,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[Gounghin] La principale activité génératrice de revenu des déplacés avant la crise étant l’agriculture, ils ont besoin de terrains qui leur sont propres pour cultiver afin d’être autonome et de subvenir à leurs besoins." +484741,65398.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Las personas que más dificultad han tenido para encontrar o tener trabajo son aquellas que se encuentran en situaciones de vulnerabilidad, como estar embarazada, poseer menores a cargo o tener determinadas condiciones de salud." +219846,45437.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Environment'],es,46,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep5_ach_ola_invernal_nov2020_v5.pdf,"Según el IDEAM se sigue presentando alerta roja por alta probabilidad de crecientes súbitas, inundaciones y/o desbordamientos en las zonas hidrográficas del Atrato-Darién, Caribe – Guajira, Medio Magdalena, Nechí y Bajo Magdalena – Cauca, ingresa la zona de San Juan." +418531,63159.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],fr,127,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20210701_note-info_3_bukavu.pdf,"Province du Maniema: Le nombre de nouveaux cas de rougeole est en baisse au mois de mai, passant d’un nombre hebdomadaire de 190 cas à 135 à la fin du mois, selon la Division provinciale de la santé. Depuis le début de l’année, 1 862 cas de rougeole ont été référencés dans la province. La zone de santé de Salamabila occupe toujours la première position avec 541 cas suivi de la zone de santé de Kailo avec 415 cas. Dix zones de santé sur les 18 de la province sont en alerte d’épidémie de rougeole. La riposte continue de se faire attendre en raison de la rupture de stock en vaccins antirougeole." +174514,41368.0,2098.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,66,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20201012_acaps_thematic_series_on_migrant_vulnerability_in_south_asia_0.pdf,"[October 2020, Bangladesh] There are reports of inability to afford food as families’ meagre savings have dwindled during the lockdown period, and government food assistance and rice subsidies have not reached everyone who needs it (The Conversation 16/07/2020). The urban poor, who tend to have two weeks of savings, have reportedly resorted to reducing food consumption" +193923,43327.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,48,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_sectoriel_octobre.pdf,"Le système de santé reste fortement impacté par la situation sécuritaire au Burkina Faso. Des attaques perpétrées contre le système de santé, intimidations et enlèvement des agents de santé, vols de médicaments, ont été rapportés durant le mois de d’octobre 2020." +330058,53699.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,29,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_094_20210404_hebdo_s13.pdf,Plus de 600 élèves de l’E.P KALONGE dans la ZS MWENGA ont été briefés sur les moyens de prévention contre la COVID-19 dans le Sud Kivu. +187189,34290.0,1900.0,['Health'],[],[],es,28,[],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Resumen_Informe_16_07_2020_No_080.pdf,"Equipo de la Oficina Sanitaria Internacional OSI posicionados en puerto de cabotaje y aeropuerto internacional, llevando s cabo labores de monitoreo, vigilancia y evaluación de pasajeros" +273929,50464.0,2331.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Environment']",en,50,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210203FINALFactSheetSomaliaSkisserLR11.pdf,"By June 2019, the compounded effect of several years of drought had caused widespread crop failure, reduced livestock profitability – and the displacement of 53 000 people from the worst-affected communities. These joined an estimated 2.6 million Somalis already displaced by other factors, including war." +157594,38893.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,88,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/humanitarian_collaboration_and_coordination_in_bangladesh_2nd_draft_12_july_2020_kazi_hg.pdf,"▪ Support and strengthen existing health care facilities and hospitals to support functioning referral m echanisms for women and girls of reproductive age, pregnant women and lactating mothers, and adolescents and youth with particular attention on areas with high rates of child marriage, and adolescent pregnancies. ▪ Ensure access 24/7 SRH services, including life-saving Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care (CEmONC) care, e.g., treating women in labour with severe bleeding, prolonged or obstructive labour, eclampsia or infection" +176645,41091.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],es,50,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"A la fecha Colombia registró 886.179 casos (8.496 casos nuevos en las últimas 24 horas) con un incremento nacional del 0,9% en las últimas 24h y 27.331 defunciones (151 en las últimas 24 horas) con un incremento de 0,6% en las últimas 24h." +473042,63732.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2f4004e6/REACH_BFA_Factsheet_Abri-AME-et-LTB_Pouytenga_juillet-2021.pdf,"Les IC ayant indiqué la présence de PDI vivant dans des abris en location ont rapporté en majorité que ces PDI ne disposaient pas de baux formalisés. Un tiers des IC a rapporté des personnes en difficulté pour accéder au logement en raison d'un manque de documents légaux au cours des trois mois précédant la collecte de données, dont 5/6 IC de Yargo." +175150,40890.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,69,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"Antes de la emergencia sanitaria, el 20% de los hogares tenía al menos un miembro que se encontraba buscando trabajo, porcentaje que ha aumentado al 38%. Por otro lado, se puede observar un cambio más drástico frente a los hogares en donde al menos un miembro estaba trabajando, pues este pasó de un 86% a un 60% durante la pandemia" +192941,43304.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,19,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Garantir les prêts bancaires à certaines MPME [micro, petites et moyennes entreprises] touchées par la crise" +330251,55051.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],fr,40,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Note%20dinformation%20%2317%20R%C3%A9ponse%20Epid%C3%A9mie%20Ebola%20au%20Nord-Kivu_29-04-21.pdf,"Le 27 avril, l’antenne de Butembo de la DPS a réceptionné 14 500 doses de vaccins anti covid-19 pour lancer les opérations de vaccination dans les 15 zones de santé de Butembo affectées par cette pandémie." +305404,53013.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/3c8084ae/REACH_SOM_Factsheet_Assessment-of-Hard-to-Reach-Areas_December-2020.pdf,"Health: Most commonly reported health issues by assessed settlements were Malaria (36%), Fever (32%), Diarrhoea (3%)." +275898,50662.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,63,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[July- December 2020, Cox's Bazar] Between July and December 2020, 155 healthcare workers were trained on Mental Health Gap Action Programme (mhGAP) to ensure that all Primary Health Centres had at least one person trained. Supportive supervision sessions in the field for hands on training were held to better integrate MHPSS services in the facilities" +147732,35158.0,2028.0,"['Cross', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,46,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"COVID 19 has caused a triple shock for young people, including disruption of education and training, job losses and collapse of businesses and increased obstacles to find work. This situation needs to be addressed in order to prevent progress from being reversed." +184420,42131.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Security & Stability'],es,60,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://m.lasillavacia.com/putumayo-no-golpea-tanto-virus-del-covid-como-los-armados-78952?amp=1&__twitter_impression=true,"La Defensoría del Pueblo ya había advertido la situación en tres alertas tempranas, una de ellas de 2018. No solo por la confrontación territorial, sino porque en esa disputa están asesinando líderes sociales y reclutando menores de edad. Organizaciones campesinas han denunciado presencia de grupos de hasta 30 armados en otros municipios como Puerto Asís." +161690,35755.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,64,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77956.pdf,"Debido a la situación en Venezuela, sigue aumentado la llegada a Colombia de población proveniente del vecino país. Para finales de 2019, 1.8 millones de venezolanos vivían en Colombia y, según las proyecciones contempladas en el Plan de Respuesta (RMRP por sus siglas en inglés), para 2020 habrá 2.4 millones de refugiados y migrantes en el país" +240057,46388.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"This is forcing agricultural families to cover the rest of their food needs through other external sources – savings, sale of productive assets and livestock, borrowing food, working for food, and sending household members out of the country to work and send money back." +186890,41080.0,1184.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000119627.pdf,"3. Costo y acceso A nivel nacional, casi todos los hogares, podrían satisfacer sus requerimientos de energía, pero casi la mitad no tendría acceso económico a una dieta nutritiva. El acceso a una dieta nutritiva depende de la disponibilidad local, el costo de los alimentos y del poder de compra." +329848,55152.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,167,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bcnudh_-_communique_de_presse_-_note_mensuelle_mars_2021.pdf,"En mars 2021, le BCNUDH a documenté 655 violations des droits de l’homme sur tout le territoire de la RDC, soit une augmentation de 32% par rapport au mois de février (495 violations). Cette augmentation reflète une forte hausse du nombre de violations attribuables à des militaires des Forces armées de la République démocratique du Congo (+127%), en particulier dans les provinces du Nord- Kivu, du Sud-Kivu et du Tanganyika, ainsi qu’à des agents de la Police nationale congolaise (+64%), notamment dans les provinces du Nord-Kivu et du Sud-Kivu. Le nombre d’atteintes attribuables à des groupes armés a augmenté mais dans une moindre mesure (+8%), avec notamment une intensification des attaques perpétrées par des combattants des Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), des Forces démocratiques de libération du Rwanda (FDLR) et des Nyatura dans le Nord-Kivu." +324337,54626.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,29,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,UNICEF’s Response and Funding Status Highest funding status: SAM Admission (39%) Lowest funding status: People reached with messaging (0%) +230183,46693.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,41,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,UNHAS has transported 48 suspected COVID-19 samples from across South Sudan to Juba for testing at the Public Health Laboratory. UNHAS has performed 14 non-COVID-19 related medical evacuations on behalf of seven organizations since the start of the pandemic. +306152,51474.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,70,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"As at 1 February, United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) documented a total of 155 incidents January, the overall number of such incidents, in particular in Lakes, Warrap and Eastern Equatoria, had risen by more than 30 per cent compared with the same period in 2020. This included a series of clashes around Juba involving armed elements from various communities." +134468,35170.0,1188.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"No se mencionaron ejemplos de información poco fiable o falsa. Las principales fuentes de información que más utilizan son grupos de Facebook, páginas oficiales de internet de la ONPAR y Servicio Nacional de Migración." +320324,53680.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,158,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cicr-guide_pour_une_action_humanitaire_plus_proche_des_communautes.pdf,"[Sud-Kivu] De nombreux groupes armés trouvent refuge dans ces hautes collines vertes et boisées, traversées par des rivières poissonneuses à une centaine de kilomètres de Bukavu, à l’Est de la RDC. Au sein de certains groupes nous constatons la présence de mineurs. Les raisons de leur recrutement à un groupe armé sont nombreuses ainsi que leurs fonctions : agent de reconnaissance des avant-postes, combattant, garde de sécurité, commis de cuisine ou de ménage ou esclave sexuel. Privés de leur enfance ou de leur adolescence, ils souhaitent souvent retrouver leur famille et leur village. Quand ces enfants sont enfin démobilisés et quittent ces groupes, ils ne retrouvent pas forcement une famille ou une communauté prête à les accueillir. Ils peuvent parfois rencontrer des réactions hostiles de la part des membres de leur communauté du fait de leur vécu dans un groupe armé." +93376,26310.0,1386.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,114,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Venezuela_%20Violent%20Abuses%20in%20Illegal%20Gold%20Mines%20_%20Human%20Rights%20Watch.pdf,"Residents are also exposed to mercury, which miners use to extract the gold, despite it being prohibited in Venezuela. Mercury can cause serious health problems, even in small amounts, with toxic effects on the nervous, digestive, and immune systems, and on lungs, kidneys, skin, and eyes. Studies conducted in mining areas in Bolívar many years ago already found high levels of mercury exposure, including among women and children, for whom the health risks are even higher and, for pregnant women, include serious disability or death of the fetus and, if carried to term, the child." +61708,18346.0,1184.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Context->Demography'],es,44,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71003.pdf,"Área de Intervención 2: Protección • 30.111 personas asistidas en mayo 2019, 37% del total de asistencias registradas10 • 30% fueron mujeres, 29% hombres y 41% fueron niños, niñas y adolescentes • 49 personas LGBTI atendidas" +156529,35863.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,28,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Northwest_Situation-Overview_Market-Monitoring_June_2020.pdf,"The price of soap, used for handwashing and considered a preventive measure against COVID-19 by the World Health Organisation, increased by 60% since May." +261575,49218.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,45,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Reporte%20de%20situaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Migrantes%20y%20refugiados%20en%20tr%C3%A1nsito%20provenientes%20de%20Venezuela%2C%20diciembre%202020_0.pdf,"Los migrantes y refugiados que retornan tras haber vivido y permanecido en territorio colombiano manifestaron haber sido víctimas de discriminación institucional, de xenofobia y aporofobia; teniendo, en términos generales, grandes dificultades para acceder a trabajos formales y a derechos fundamentales." +188393,42860.0,1183.0,[],[],[],es,37,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_covid-19_6_departamento_del_cauca.pdf,• Directiva Procuraduría General de la Nación No 006 del 10 de marzo de 2020: Implementación de los planes de preparación y respuesta ante el riesgo de introducción del nuevo COVID-19 en el territorio nacional. +70641,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)'],en,39,[],['Information And Communication'],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"While emphasis is on immediate relief and humanitarian assistance to the affected populations, the use of market-based responses in the recovery phase will be important and should be done with an intention of women’s empowerment." +176407,41733.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,34,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/reach_drc_bulletin-des-marche-2_juin-2020.pdf,En vue de l'influence du coût des haricots sur le coût médian du PMA - c'est l'article le plus cher qui le compose et donc susceptible de faire augmenter le coût médian du PMA +142201,35870.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,58,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"The daily curfew remains lifted, as has the travel ban between and within governorates. Markets, restaurants, cafes, gyms, parks, theaters, cinemas and most leisure facilities remain open, so long as precautionary measures are adopted. Mosques and churches are allowed open, so long as physical distancing is observed" +497058,60104.0,1187.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,87,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,"https://www.unicef.org/argentina/media/11626/file/Impacto%20de%20la%20pandemia%20en%20la%20educaci%C3%B3n%20de%20ni%C3%B1as,%20ni%C3%B1os%20y%20adolescentes.pdf","En octubre de 2020, la Tercera Encuesta Rápida había captado niveles altos de incertidumbre al respecto entre las personas adultas consultadas: la mitad (49%) consideraba que las escuelas a las que asistían las niñas, niños y adolescentes del hogar no se encontraban en condiciones de cumplir con las medidas necesarias de prevención frente al COVID-19; y una proporción relevante (23%) no había sabido responder si las escuelas podrían de organizar un regreso seguro a la presencialidad." +313696,53333.0,2334.0,"['Education', 'Shelter']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,19,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,Address shelter needs for adolescent girls in relation to the need to stay safe near functional schools/community learning centres +473183,67207.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,64,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.europapress.es/internacional/noticia-cerca-200-municipios-colombia-estan-riesgo-reclutamiento-menores-defensoria-20210420154812.html,"Asimismo, la institución ha tenido conocimiento de 83 casos de reclutamiento forzado en diferentes territorios del país desde el 17 de marzo de 2020, fecha en la que entraron en vigor las restricciones impuestas para frenar la pandemia de COVID-19 --entre las que destacan en cierre de colegios--, hasta septiembre de 2020, cuando terminó el aislamiento estricto." +2561,517.0,321.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Context->Demography'],en,47,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Libya%20Situation%20Report%20-%20End%20of%20Year%202017.pdf,"During 2017, the UNICEF and partners provided 30,394 children (16,607 girls) with community and school-based psychosocial support in the East, West and South of Libya while 1,393 children survivors of Gender-based Violence (726 girls, 667 boys) received specialized services." +235721,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,63,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Despite critical health needs, 30 per cent of displaced households report feeling unsafe travelling to or being at health facilities due to insecurity, 15 per cent report being afraid to seek treatment for COVID-like symptoms due to stigma, and 44 per cent report being unable to access health care due to distance and the lack of transportation options available." +90088,25213.0,1621.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A_HRC_43_75_E.pdf,"Members of the judiciary continued to be attacked and threatened. On 24 October, an unidentified armed group raided the house of a judge in Benghazi, demanding the release of a person charged from detention." +237175,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,40,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"However, data suggested that households headed by women found it even harder for someone in their household to find work after the lockdown was lifted in August and September 2020, suggesting livelihood impacts are severe and long-lasting." +62870,18514.0,1386.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,123,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190328_acaps_briefing_note_venezuela_update_and_2019_outlook__0.pdf,"Inside Venezuela, the Pan American Health Organization is cooperating with the Venezuelan Ministry of Health to strengthen the health system and provide medicines, vaccines, and other medical supplies (PAHO 09/2018). In late 2018, UNICEF also has an agreement with the government for supplying medicines, health, and nutrition supplies for women and children inside Venezuela (UNICEF 26/11/2018). Between 2018 and 2019, the International Committee of the Red Cross has more than doubled their budget for responding to the crisis inside the country, from 9 million CHF to 19 million CHF. Their focus is for the most part on the areas of health and sanitation (ICRC 01/03/2019)." +35529,13057.0,788.0,"['Agriculture', 'Cross', 'Protection', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,41,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000105395.pdf,"In Yobe State, food insecurity conditions remain high in the Southern Yobe where security threats from Non-State Armed Groups (NSAG) remain a disruptive influence on livelihoods and agriculture and access constraints affect the delivery of humanitarian assistance." +317501,52949.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,72,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Higher than usual rainfall in northern Somalia will continue to cause favourable conditions for locusts to breed, thus increasing the numbers of swarms even with control measures being undertaken. In this scenario around 75,000 pastoralist and agro-pastoralist will be affected by swarms of Desert Locusts in 2021, an estimation that is already included in the IPC projected data and reflects the same amount of people affected in 2020." +297871,52145.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_humanitaire_numero_12_v_04.pdf,"Pour rappel, le HCR avait signé le 29 juin 2019 à Yaoundé, un accord tripartite avec le Cameroun et la République centrafricaine (RCA). Cet accord fixait le cadre juridique du retour volontaire des 275 000 réfugiés centrafricains établis au Cameroun." +150364,37702.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,97,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"WHO continues to engage closely with the MoH with technical teams meeting daily. Severe acute respiratory infection, one of the case definitions of COVID-19, is covered by the early warning alert and response system (EWARS) in Syria. Currently 1,271 sentinel sites report cases through the EWARS system across all 14 governorates. With the support of WHO, MoH is conducting active surveillance utilizing a network of surveillance officers across 13 governorates, who are in regular contact with and actively visit private and public health facilities to monitor admissions." +318765,54316.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,60,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Colombia_Reporte%20Situacional_GIFMM_Arauquita_08042021_VF.pdf,"Las llegadas de población siguen aumentando en Saravena: autoridades locales y socios humanitarios señalan que unas 682 personas / 192 familias se encuentran en zona rural del municipio, en seis veredas y/o corregimientos del sector de Isla del Charo Por su parte, en el municipio de Arauca se identificaron 37 personas que llegaron al corregimiento El Caracol" +303369,51947.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,76,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,,"Un peu plus de la moitié des femmes interrogées (52%) ont quitté leur lieu de résidence habituelle pour des raisons économiques, 31% d’entre elles rejoignaient leur famille et 11% voyageaient pour un événement familial. Parmi les femmes voyageant pour des raisons économiques, la plupart ont cité les affaires (71%) comme motif de migration et 21% ont mentionné les opportunités de travail." +325695,54267.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Agriculture', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Les ressources budgétaires sont plus susceptibles d’être affectées aux dépenses militaires au détriment d’autres investissements nécessaires dans l’agriculture, l’éducation et la santé" +220645,45655.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,27,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"[9th Dec, Overall Syria] There has also been a reported lack of adherence to public health measures and organizational SOPs among NGO fieldstaff." +161553,39295.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,32,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,"In Idleb and Dana sub-districts, 171,494 students and teachers have been provided with awareness raising on COVID-19 and received information, education and communication (IEC) and sterilisation materials." +304414,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Severity of humanitarian access by county in 2020: 5 counties with high access constraints, 39 counties with medium access constraints, 34 counties are accessible or with low access constraints." +295574,52417.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Covid-19->Hospitalization & Care'],en,71,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.dropbox.com/s/fpu0ox89go0s7li/Syria%202021%20HNO%20%28advance%20copy%29.pdf?dl=0,"[23rd March 2021, NE Syria] Extremely high case fatality rates among ventilated patients (of 97 per cent), also in the North-east, are further indications that people with the most severe or complicated forms of the illness are seeking treatment too late or ventilation services may not be sufficiently available at the time of admission, negatively impacting their long-term health prospects and survival." +384845,60265.0,2311.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,75,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COL_2003_WASH_Resultados_Catatumbo_Mayo2021_MesaNdS.pdf,"Las dos formas de afrontamiento reportadas, ante las dificultades de compra en el mes previo a la recolección de datos, fueron (N=123 hogares): 1. Se compra de una marca más barata (62%). 2. Amigos o familiares brindan estos productos (29%) 3. Se reemplazó el producto, por uno diferente, que cumpla una función similar (25%)." +290574,52074.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,21,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,"WHO donated emergency health kits to the Mamfe District Hospital to support the provision of essential healthcare to 1,200 beneficiaries." +297868,52145.0,2334.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_humanitaire_numero_12_v_04.pdf,"Une majorité des ménages déplacés sont réparties auprès de familles d’accueil qui à Kourgui, qui à Mora, Double ou Kossa ; mais de nouveaux sites spontanés sont apparus, à Kourgui et à Kossa." +266579,49773.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_HSOS-NWS_-January-2021.pdf,"[January 2021, NWS] Most commonly reported coping strategies for a lack of food (by % of communities): 67% - Relying on less preferred food or lower food quality, 62%- Skipping meals and 61%- Buying food with money usually used for other things." +157690,38800.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,67,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GTS%20-%20HNAP%20COVID19%20Syria%20Bulletin%20R3.pdf,"Collaborating with local news outlets is recommended for dissemination of COVID-19 information in GoS areas. For NSAG/TBAF areas, posting materials on relevant social media platforms and groups might help increase uptake, while collaborating with local government and news media could be more effective in SDF areas. The impact of social media information campaigns will be heavily dependent on trusted sources in AoCs." +240589,46388.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,39,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,One report by UNFPA suggests that 32 per cent of women who are victims of GBV have significant physical injury. This means that inability to access health care for GBV may have detrimental consequences on their survival. +415999,63153.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,83,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ETT-ITURI_Gina_Djugu_Rapport%20067.pdf,"Il existe deux (2) écoles fonctionnelles et gratuites dans la localité de Gina avec une bonne capacité de réception des enfants déplacés. Néanmoins, cette capacité de réception pourrait être fragilisée compte tenu de l’arrivée de ménages nouvellement déplacés. Toutefois, la fragilité de la situation socio-économique des ménages déplacés dissuade, plus de la moitié des enfants déplacés à fréquenter les écoles car cela engendre des frais supplémentaires pour l’acquisition des matériels didactiques." +191738,43622.0,2330.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",[],[],en,86,[],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20201111_acaps_briefing_note_nicaragua_honduras_hurricane_eta.pdf,"Food and livelihoods Nicaragua: Agriculture accounts for 17% of GDP and is the primary source of livelihoods for 90% of the rural population (WFP 08/2020). The North Atlantic Autonomous Region has 72% of the country’s forested area, 70% of fishing production, 23% of the total agricultural area, and 60% of mining resources. The hurricane is likely to have a devastating effect on communities’ main livelihoods of fishing and agriculture" +318478,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,39,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Through its Information Management services, the Logistics Cluster is also providing timely information on available logistics resources and access, ensuring the logistics gaps are captured in intersectoral discussions and access is mapped to support transport planning." +9706,3785.0,321.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,76,['At Risk'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/libya-protect-civilians-under-siege-derna,"Derna, a port city in the east of Libya, has been under siege since July 2017. Fighting has intensified since mid-May as the LNA has sought to consolidate its power and expel the Derna Security Force, a recently renamed armed group previously known as the Derna Shura Council. The city has also experienced intensive aerial and artillery bombardment and ferocious ground fighting which has reached the centre of the city." +176397,41733.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,84,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/reach_drc_bulletin-des-marche-2_juin-2020.pdf,"La dépréciation continue du FC depuis mars9 enregistrée a également pu influencer l'évolution des prix rapportés au courant des deux mois passés. Au 30 avril, le taux de change était de 1 dollar américain (USD) pour 1 750 FC, au 31 mai, pour 1 809 FC,9 dépassant 1 USD pour 1 825 FC vers la mi- juin, le taux le plus bas depuis mai 2019. Des tendances similaires ont été observées sur le marché noir." +164462,32982.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",[],[],es,12,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Respuesta%20COVID-19%20-%20GIFMM%20Arauca%2C%20actualizaci%C3%B3n%20n%C2%B03%20%28Del%201%20al%2030%20de%20mayo%20de%202020%29.pdf,Integración •Atención y acompañamiento de manera virtual a programas de emprendimiento. +156660,38715.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,55,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/roap_covid_response_sitrep_14.pdf,"Shelter teams in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh worked with religious leaders to identify 1,073 elderly beneficiaries in 13 camps in need of Non-Food Items (NFIs) and distribute packages with a blanket, tarpaulin, floor/sleeping mat, solar light, mosquito net, 3mm rope, and cloth face masks." +61398,18235.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,105,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"Robberies against people on the move are extremely common in certain areas. In Maicao and Riohacha, for instance, refugees and migrants are often robbed, either while crossing the border or shortly after entering Colombia as they walk to the city or sleep on its streets. Two young brothers traveling together described how, as they were walking into Riohacha after crossing the border, they were surrounded by a group of six people who pointed a gun at them and stole everything they had – money, shoes, clothes, IDs – right after they entered the country." +159504,35728.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no_6_covid-19_choco_vf.pdf,"Incremento de denuncias por reclutamiento forzado, uso, utilización y violencia sexual contra niñas y adolescentes por parte de los Grupos Armados Organizados (GAO) y estructuras criminales en municipios como Lloró, Bojayá e Istmina y de forma más reciente, en Quibdó." +164477,32982.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",[],[],es,100,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Respuesta%20COVID-19%20-%20GIFMM%20Arauca%2C%20actualizaci%C3%B3n%20n%C2%B03%20%28Del%201%20al%2030%20de%20mayo%20de%202020%29.pdf,"Salud •Atención en salud en convenio con tres instituciones de salud: i. Hospital San Vicente de Arauca (atención ginecobstetricia 24 horas, atención a sobreviviente de violencia basada en género, así como acceso a derechos de salud sexual y reproductiva); ii. Empresa Social del Estado Prestadora de Servicios de Salud (E.S.E) Alvarado y Castillo (Jornadas de salud sexual y reproductiva y atención de primer nivel de complejidad); iii. E.S.E. Moreno y Clavijo, sedes Tame y Arauquita (atención en salud sexual y reproductiva)." +159379,38283.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,26,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.un.org/africarenewal/news/humanitarian-needs-grow-burkina-faso-faces-unprecedented-level-internal-displacement,"As part of the response against COVID-19, IOM has supported the region withprotection kitsand has been carrying outawareness-raising activities for both communities and IDPs." +306224,51474.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,48,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"In coordination with humanitarian partners, United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) conducted 801 force protection patrols supporting convoys and humanitarian partners, including non-governmental organizations. The force also conducted maintenance of several key main supply routes, including the Juba-Bor and Mankien-Jonglei roads" +193939,43327.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,13,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_sectoriel_octobre.pdf,[Kongoussi] 9 2405 enfants mesurés avec 45 MAS et 82 MAM +236113,47122.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,46,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"In the month of March, Health Cluster partners (HRP [humanitarian response plan] and non-HRP) reached in total 44,615 beneficiaries including 42,895 IDPs, 1,620 host community members and 100 government partners through health promotion, essential healthcare and immunization activities." +320651,52949.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,79,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Water, Sanitation & Hygiene: There are 4.6 million people in need .Similarly, 3.4M non-IDPs, 1.2M IDPs, 28,000refugees/asylum seekers, 54,000 refugee returnees are in need. Cluster key vulnerable groups are (2.9M) children, (722,000)women, (680,000) people with disabilities, (174,000) elderly people. Severity of needs: 63% stress, 18% severe, 9% extreme, 9% catastrophic." +221860,45410.0,2332.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,44,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"Avec une contraction de l’économie projetée à 0,2 % (par rapport au taux de croissance de 4,8 % prévu avant la pandémie), selon la Banque Mondiale, la pandémie de COVID-19 impacterait négativement les perspectives macroéconomiques au Tchad." +456711,58748.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,30,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://cdn.odi.org/media/documents/ODI-PB-SRHR.pdf,"Global supply chains having been disrupted, health care facilities have been closed, contact between health practitioners and patients has been drastically reduced, and health-seeking behaviour has declined" +272908,49818.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,94,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.adiac-congo.com/content/famine-la-rdc-exposee-une-insecurite-alimentaire-aigue-124563,"Le Programme alimentaire mondial (Pam) a donné le ton en estimant le nombre total de personnes en situation alimentaire aigüe dans 54 pays IDA à 233 millions à fin 2020. Au moins 96 millions de personnes ont basculé dans ce statut rien que l’année passée, s’ajoutant ainsi aux 137 millions déjà dans cette situation. Certaines de ces personnes vivent dans des environnements en proie à la fragilité ou aux conflits. En d’autres termes, ce sont des zones réputées très exposées." +341591,55986.0,2225.0,[],[],['Displacement->Intentions'],fr,48,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_cluster_sante_rdc_s16.pdf,[déplacpés Kasai et Kasai Central]Ces personnes hésitent à ce jour de retourner dans leurs localités d’origine par crainte d’un nouvel épisode de la crise ; malgré́ l’accalmie qui règne depuis le début du mois d’avril 2021. +173637,38392.0,1899.0,['Health'],[],[],es,45,[],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ALC%20post%20COVID-19%20-%20Retos%20y%20oportunidades%20para%20pa%C3%ADses%20de%20Centroam%C3%A9rica%2C%20Hait%C3%AD%2C%20M%C3%A9xico%2C%20Panam%C3%A1%2C%20y%20Rep%C3%BAblica%20Dominicana.pdf,"Guatemala es el país de la región que menos pruebas realiza per capita, ya que el Ministerio de Salud hace alrededor de 4 por 10.000 habitantes, muy por debajo de lo recomendado para avanzar con un plan de regreso a la normalidad." +162659,31010.0,1183.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",[],[],es,32,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/elclaguajira_flasupdate1_covid19.05.2020vf_0.pdf,"Las solicitudes recibidas en materia de Seguridad alimentaria, nutrición y medios de vida, suman un total aproximado a 180.000 kits de alimentos y 14.252 familias con necesidad de atención." +194449,43501.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,29,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"Dans 29% (88) des localités évaluées, les IC ont rapporté que des attaques ou des pillages avaient eu lieu au cours du mois précédent." +393638,62284.0,2170.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,114,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"[7th Apr 2021, Borno State] Women and girls also stated that they do not feel respected because they do not have power or control over resources. Most adult women and girls who are married do not feel respected due to the use of violence by their spouses. According to them, nothing is being done to protect women and girls, and there are no services in place to address such issues. Most women feel it’s ok to be caught up in any form of violence and hence, they do not see the need to report this situation as being harmful in a way." +145958,34803.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,30,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Response: 1,376 people were employed through the creation of short-term work opportunities, in light rehabilitation works of road and drainage systems or in COVID-19 awareness raising campaigns." +313628,53333.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,37,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"While farming is still taking place, disruptions have been reported due to fighting between armed the groups and related displacement that have made access to food difficult for many, along with increasing food prices." +149317,35869.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep18_25july2020.pdf,"1,804 persons were employed through the creation of short-term work opportunities, in light rehabilitation works of road, waste removal and drainage system rehabilitation, COVID-19 awareness raising campaigns, and personal protective equipment and mask manufacturing." +13393,5560.0,322.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,55,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RDP%20Monthly%20SitRep_July_2018.pdf,"On July 19th, 2018, our team conducted the CMAM basic training and IYCF within the activities of the integrated health, nutrition project in Mudhiakhera district of Ibb governorate. This eight – day training was targeting 12 health workers in order to enhance their skills on dealing with acute malnutrition cases." +268297,49758.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],es,54,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Debido a la presencia de grupos delictivos organizados (GDO) en zona rural del municipio de Mosquera (Nariño), se ha generado temor permanente en la población civil, ya que los GDO han realizado amenazas directas en contra de la comunidades y las señalan de colaborar con otros grupos." +235405,46388.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,53,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The stress of poverty and unemployment followed by food insecurity, low access to WASH and hygiene materials, and the high burden of care for the sick and for children has impacted on the overall living conditions of people in Afghanistan, which has indirectly triggered GBV cases and mental distress." +214120,45392.0,2333.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,170,[],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.afro.who.int/sites/default/files/countries/Niger/Bulletin_3_nCoV_Niger%2013032020.pdf,2. Surveillance épidémiologique et laboratoire : • Mise en place des fiches de surveillance épidémiologique à l’aéroport international de Niamey ; • Mise en place des fiches de suivi des mouvements des personnes aux points d’entrée ; • Formation de 12 cliniciens de l’Hôpital Général de Référence (site de prise en charge de prise en charge identifié) sur les techniques de prélèvement des échantillons COVID-19 ; • Partage des outils de collecte des données et de rapportage reçus du Bureau régional de l’OMS pour l’Afrique (AFRO) avec le Ministère de la santé ; • Visites de supervision du point d’entrée de l’aéroport international de Niamey par le comité de crise ; • Mise à jour et partage avec AFRO de la liste de vérification de l’état de préparation COVID-19 le 12/03/2020. L’état de préparation du pays à la pandémie de COVID-19 est à 58%. +164396,38902.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,18,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,Reduced financial capacity to implement the Peace Agreement components related to the reduction of violence and inequality. +218155,45410.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,13,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,Les bonnes récoltes améliorent la situation alimentaire malgré la COVID-19 et les inondations +314723,53183.0,2466.0,['Cross'],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,21,[],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"Importantly, the Government of Sudan generously kept the border open to allow civilians crossing the border to seek asylum." +344396,56726.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,90,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20210526_USG%20Statement%20to%20Security%20Council%20on%20Syria.pdf,"[26 May 2021, NES] Nearly 5.5 million people in Syria rely on the Euphrates and its subsidiaries for drinking water. There are about 200 water stations which pump, treat and deliver the water to those people. Those stations can’t function without electricity from the Tishreen and Tabqa dams. In addition to the water pumping stations, some 3 million people would lose their electricity if the dams shut down, as would hospitals and other vital infrastructure across the north-east." +329853,55152.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,162,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bcnudh_-_communique_de_presse_-_note_mensuelle_mars_2021.pdf,"En mars 2021, le BCNUDH a documenté 39 violations des droits de l’homme et des libertés fondamentales en lien avec l’espace démocratique, un nombre quasi égal aux violations documentées au cours du mois de février (40). La majorité de ces violations est imputable à des agents de la PNC (16 violations) et à des militaires des FARDC (15 violations). Les violations les plus fréquemment documentées en mars sont les violations du droit à la liberté et à la sécurité de la personne (11 violations), suivies notamment de violations du droit à la liberté d’opinion et expression (neuf violations) et du droit à l’intégrité physique (sept violations). Le nombre de victimes a diminué, avec 49 victimes en mars contre 76 en février, dont la plupart des membres de partis politiques (14 victimes)." +386738,60459.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,71,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"La récente mesure gouvernementale de fermeture des sites dans les communes frontalières empêche davantage les gains de revenu de cette source. Comme indiqué plus haut, près de la moitié des pauvres n’ont plus accès au revenu de la vente d’animaux et produits animaux qui représente en année normale, environ 40 pour cent du total de leur revenu (SAP, profile 2012)." +218520,45654.0,2028.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,42,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/hrp_weekly_funding_status_201124.pdf,"[24 Nov 2020, Whole of Syria, Funding Overview] Funding requirements for Food Security and Agriculture sector are 1120.5 Million USD, of which 565.2 Million USD have been funded, leaving a gap of 555.3 Million USD." +22245,9106.0,729.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,59,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"Gender-based violence, taking various forms, is widespread in Libya and has been exacerbated by the conflict. Approximately 40 per cent of respondents to a 2017 assessment survey indicated GBV was either very common or common.23 Women or girls who dare to speak out risk being threatened, kidnapped, physically assaulted, or even killed." +390365,60780.0,1186.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],es,169,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"En relación a lo planteado es oportuno considerar los delitos por los cuales personas migrantes que efectivamente se encuentran establecidas en Chile son detenidas, y para aproximarnos a ello se utilizó información de detenciones de Carabineros de Chile. Así se conoce si hay infracciones particulares llevadas a cabo por población migrante en relación a la población nacional. En 2018 el 5,3% de las detenciones se realizó a personas migrantes, en 2019 el 4,9% y en 2020 ascendió a 8,1%. Este aumento porcentual se explica primordialmente por razones asociadas al contexto de crisis sanitaria y la necesidad económica, dado que el 62% de las causas de detención a personas extranjeras entre enero y junio 2020 se asocian a infringir reglas impuestas en el contexto de la pandemia (lo cual alcanza un 39% a detenciones de nacionales). Este año, el 3% de las detenciones realizadas a personas extranjeras se asoció a tráfico de drogas." +194448,43501.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,44,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"L’Est de la RDC est caractérisé par une situation humanitaire complexe du fait de la présence de nombreux groupes armés dans la province, de tensions intercommunautaires, d’épidémies, de catastrophes naturelles et d’une pauvreté chronique." +166681,39928.0,2170.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,31,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,Right to food characterised by delays associated with the updating of family sizes and issuance of biometric registration cards due to COVID-19 concerns continue to impact negatively on affected families. +237133,46388.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,36,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Challenges for women to access markets remain, with four per cent of key informants reporting that women have no access and 36 per cent reporting they have access only when accompanied by a man." +346141,56952.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,60,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20monitoreo%20enero-marzo%202021%20-%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20vers%C3%B3n%20final.pdf,"Las personas con condición médica seria (24.98% de la población monitoreada) y los NNA en ries- go (24.71%) corresponden a los dos grupos que presentan más necesidades específicas de pro- tección, seguido por las madres o padres solos (22.23%), y las mujeres en riesgo (20.01%)." +338414,55951.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,117,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://preventepidemics.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/PERC-Finding-the-Balance-Part-III-12-May-2021.pdf,"[Survey conducted by phone with approximately 24,000 people across 19 Member States in five geographical regions in Africa, including DRC] More vulnerable populations—particularly those with lower reported household income—reported higher rates of complete income loss and barriers to accessing food. Lower-income households were more likely to report complete income loss (81% versus 73% in higher-income households) as well as barriers accessing food (85% versus 77% in higher-income households). This trend is particularly concerning given that lower-income households are less likely to have substantive savings and more likely to rely on the informal sector, which has been hard-hit by COVID-19, for income." +159234,39354.0,2099.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,22,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/burkina-faso/more-half-million-children-under-five-burkina-faso-are-acutely-malnourished,Areas with particularly high prevalence of acute malnutrition among children are also those with the highest number of acutely food-insecure families. +178482,41756.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,84,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"De janvier à septembre 2019, 34 598 incidents de protection ont été rapportés via le mécanisme de monitoring de protection, dont 4 604 cas de VBG, 8 810 incidents relatifs au droit à la liberté, 13 282 incidents relatifs au droit à la propriété et 7 899 cas relatifs au droit à la vie/intégrité physique. Ces violations ont affecté majoritairement les personnes déplacées, (61,5 pour cent des cas) et retournées (25 pour cent)." +69894,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],[],en,73,[],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"According to the UN’s Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women, persisting gender stereotypes, patriarchy and sex-based discrimination exist to a worrying extent in The Bahamas. This lies at the root of violence against women, an effect of power dynamics and discrimination leading to a situation in which, “violence against women is hidden, denied and, even more worryingly, accepted as normal.”" +211252,44944.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,44,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Whole%20of%20Syria%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20October%202020.pdf,"[October 2020, Syria] After a temporary reduction of new-born care training activities due to COVID-19 pandemic, while taking appropriate IPC measures, 395 health workers were trained in neonatal care, now totalling 1,630 since the beginning of the year" +390069,61349.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Environment'],es,43,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://news.un.org/es/story/2021/07/1493952,"Con el invierno, llegaron las inundaciones y la proliferación de zancudos, malos olores y problemas de salud por enfermedades diarreas agudas, infecciones respiratorias agudas y enfermedades dermatológicas, que pusieron más presión al frágil sistema de salud del territorio." +77070,21592.0,1234.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,32,[],[],UNHCR Trinidad and Tobago,2019-05-28 03:09:47.864552+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/72316.pdf,"Five countries in the sub-region have been hosting a significant number of refugees and migrants from Venezuela: Aruba, Curaçao, the Dominican Republic, Guyana, and Trinidad & Tobago" +304103,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,57,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"However, some 345,000 refugees have returned to South Sudan in a self-organized manner since 2017, with 110,000 returning in 2020 alone. Overall, spontaneous refugee returns are driven by both push and pull factors, including family reunification, limited livelihood opportunities, and insufficient access to basic services in the countries of asylum" +358767,58669.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,90,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/informe_de_emergencias_humanitarias_reportadas_elc_enero_mayo_2021.pdf,"IMPACTO REGIONAL: NARIÑO 3.267 En la zona de Cordillera ocurrieron múltiples desplazamientos por la persistencia de los combates. Se presume una alianza entre dos GDO que estarían ocasionando más ataques en contra de otro GDO, y por ende desencadenando más emergencias humanitarias de desplazamientos masivos en Roberto Payán y Magüí Payan hacia Tumaco y Barbacoas. Preocupa que las administraciones municipales ya han advertido la falta de recursos para responder a las emergencias masivas, tanto por la recurrencia como por el impacto de gran magnitud." +149137,36019.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Demography'],en,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"Based on information currently available, 92 per cent of cases are related to contact with confirmed cases and travel. 52 per cent of confirmed cases are among men and 48 per cent among women. The case fatality rate is currently 4%. To date, at least 22 health care workers have been infected with COVID-19." +236577,46388.0,2336.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,45,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Pre-existing shelter and Non-Food Item (NFI) needs driven by decades of conflict, recurrent natural disasters and the sustained erosion of communities’ resilience have been further compounded by the outbreak of COVID-19 and the implementation of related containment measures in 2020." +237271,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,59,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Heading into 2021, updated analysis has indicated that, despite success in scaling up humanitarian assistance to meet increased need, the overwhelming, multi-dimensional impact of COVID-19 has resulted in another large increase in the number of people in humanitarian need at 18.4m people for 2021 - this is almost double the number a year ago." +146032,35870.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,30,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,The RC/HC has also designated a dedicated Supply Chain Task Force Coordinator for within Syria who will oversee and validate related requests for Damascus-based partners uploaded onto the system. +325700,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Quelques barrages de taille importante ont été construits dans les années 1980, avec des réservoirs destinés à développer l’aquaculture, mais ceux-ci sont restés pour la plupart en sommeil jusqu’à récemment. Par ailleurs, l’insuffisance des financements et le manque de savoir-faire ont freiné le développement du secteur." +63066,18404.0,1386.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],es,39,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://lanacionweb.com/frontera/edicion-frontera-venta-de-medicinas-en-la-calle-un-problema-de-salud-publica/,El Ministerio de Salud hace varios días emitió un alerta sanitario sobre la venta de crema dental de dudosa procedencia. Lo mismo sucede con las medicinas que no son compradas en farmacias. Debe privar la prudencia. +145955,34803.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,72,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, expanding and establishing camps is essential to decongest overcrowded sites while ensuring that services are available in the new locations. Establishing and reinforcing camp management is also required. The CCCM Cluster’s multisectoral service monitoring factsheet for May indicates that out of 907 sites hosting more than 1.2 million displaced people, camp management is not available in 515 sites." +61686,18348.0,1184.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,18,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Ecuador%20Country%20Brief%20July_2019.pdf,"58,629 people benefited from WFP’s food vouchers. The majority were Venezuelans (88.89 percent)" +163442,32455.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],es,24,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/6._elc_flash_update_covid_19_quincenal_18.06.2020.pdf,"Negación de atención en salud de controles prenatales y registro civil de niños recién nacidos, por el cierre de notarias y registradurías." +59113,17455.0,788.0,"['Protection', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],en,114,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/201908-nigeria-cross-border-report.pdf,"Education is a particular concern. The group has deliberately targeted teachers and students, including the abduction of more than 200 schoolgirls in Chibok in 2014, and such tactics have led to school closures and falling attendances. Cost is also a significant obstacle. “There’s a school nearby and it’s a very good one”, said Stephanie. “But the children don’t go to school because we can’t afford to enroll them.” Many go instead to religious schools that focus largely on learning and reciting the Qur’an, and are often more accessible to poor households." +361135,58845.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,73,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_price_bulletin_may_2021.pdf,"[May 2021, Overall Syria] M-o-m, the national average retail price of wheat flour throughout Syria remained unchanged in May 2021 at SYP 1,931/kg, while y-o-y the wheat flour price increased by 200 percent. Lattakia recorded the highest wheat flour price at SYP 2,337/kg (up 21 percent m-o-m), while Idleb recorded the lowest average price of SYP 1,460/kg (up 0.5 percent m-o-m)." +316011,52949.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,57,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Linked to the overall health and food security context, non-displaced Somalis also face a range of barriers when attempting to access preventive nutrition services or treatment. This is predominantly due to a lack of awareness of available supplementary nutrition products and services, distance to services and difficulty in enrolling children in existing programs." +296174,52520.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,281,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[échantillon de 100 femmes – terr. Rutshuru] Les risques encourus par les victimes et les conséquences de ces actes [..] -La violence physique: [..] le danger le plus immédiat auquel font face les femmes et jeunes filles débiles, c’est la violence physique de leurs violeurs. Ils renseignent que la plupart d’entre les victimes ont été copieusement tabassées, frappées à coup de pieds et violées jusqu’à perdre connaissance pour avoir tenté de s’échapper. [..] -Le VIH-SIDA et les MST: sachant qu’une femme violée est rarement en position de réclamer un préservatif, les malades mentales sont encore plus vulnérables aux maladies sexuellement transmissibles y compris à l’infection par le VIH et le sida. -Les répercutions psychologiques: [..]. Sachant que des personnes supposées valides décrivent notamment un sentiment de honte, de culpabilité et de manque de respect d’elles-mêmes après le viol, nous craignons que pour des malades mentales ces effets soient encore plus néfastes. -Les grossesses indésirables: les résultats de notre enquête révèlent que 54% des victimes ont eu des grossesses engendrées lors de la violence sexuelle. Ce qui apparait comme un risque majeur et un malheur de plus pour ces futurs enfants et leurs mères (ces femmes et jeunes filles malades mentales) déjà rejetées par leurs familles et communautés. La grossesse et l’accouchement sont deux processus présentant également le plus des risques pour ces vulnérables n’ayant même pas accès aux soins de santé primaire." +303976,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,68,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"39% of internally displaced persons and 42 per cent of returnees, over 1.1 million individuals, live in settlements reporting conflict-related incidents over a six-month period, including both instances of armed conflict and more commonly localized conflict over land and resources. A third of IDPs and returnees live in communities where women and girls avoid certain areas due to fear for their safety." +152594,30471.0,1188.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,48,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SITREP-ESTACIONES%20DE%20RECEPCION%20MIGRATORIA%20%28ERM%29-20200420-REPORTE%20%234.pdf,"Hasta el momento hay 1.900 migrantes varados en la provincia de Darién, en su mayoría en la Estación de Recepción Migratoria (ERM) La Peñita, la comunidad de Bajo Chiquito, y más de 500 en ERM Los Planes en la provincia de Chiriquí." +492283,67914.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,52,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_mvam_bulletin_58_august_2021.pdf,"[August 2021, Overall Syria] More than two out of five interviewed households (44 percent) at national level reported poor or borderline food consumption in August 2021, marking a two percentage points decrease compared to July 2021 and an increase by three percent from August 2020." +326862,54714.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,31,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,[General household information]Two most commonly reported preferred sources through to receive information about COVID-19 were SMS(43%) and Radio classes (39%). +188900,43387.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,81,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20DE%20PROTECTION_SEPTEMBRE2020-SAHEL.pdf,"Les risques de protections que courent les enfants sont nombreux surtout ceux qui sont nés dans la période de la crise sécuritaire et dans les zones à risque. Ces enfants en plus des problèmes d’exploitations, de travail des enfants, de mariage d’enfants ne disposent pas d’actes de naissance ou de jugements supplétifs. Il a été constaté également le problème de la mendicité des enfants surtout dans la ville de Dori." +2578,517.0,321.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,141,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Libya%20Situation%20Report%20-%20End%20of%20Year%202017.pdf,"UNICEF LCO and partners provided 97,390 people 32,138 of whom are estimated children (including 18,350 migrants and refugees) with access to safe water through water trucking, rehabilitation of water networks and the installation of water pumps in different locations in Sabha, Ubari, Sabratha, Tajura, Benghazi, and Gharyan. In addition, 100,450 people benefited from improved sanitation facilities, rehabilitation of toilets, drainage networks, and fumigation campaigns in Sabratha, Gharyan, Tajura, Benghazi, Sabha, Ubari and Tripoli. 16,390 children were provided with improved water and sanitation facilities in schools in Sabha, Ubari, Tripoli and Sirte. Additionally, a total of 44,390 people were reached with basic hygiene items and WASH related information in Benghazi, Sabha, Tripoli, Sirte and Ubari." +167841,40369.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sig.gov.bf/fileadmin/user_upload/Communique___point__Covid-19_Burkina_Faso_02_octobre_2020.pdf,"A la date du 02 octobre 2020, la situation de la maladie à coronavirus au Burkina Faso se présente comme suit: nombre de nouveaux cas confirmés : 13, tous à transmissions communautaires (09 à Ouagadougou et 04 à Bobo-Dioulasso) Nombre de cas actifs : 689" +157963,38137.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,67,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cxb_education_covid_response_reaching_every_learner_final.pdf,"Establish school-level early-warning systems to monitor and identify future waves of COVID-19 infections, Conduct consultations with students to understand their needs, the impact the crisis has had on their families/rights/community and what actions they may want to take, in coordination with other sectors, Capacity building Sector partners and key stakeholders in line with their needs to improve quality and accountability of emergency response" +157850,38800.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,56,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GTS%20-%20HNAP%20COVID19%20Syria%20Bulletin%20R3.pdf,"People in north-west Syria (NWS) have alternative systems for internet access, for example through Turkish mobile or internet service providers. In NWS, health and humanitarian actors share detailed information on COVID-19 cases regularly. Humanitarians using social media for messaging must tailor their approaches in accordance with the controlling authority." +317194,53333.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,40,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"The crisis makes food scarce in a number of ways and this affects the girls and their families significantly. They reported that while hiding in bushes, fighters attack their homes and food scarcity becomes a huge problem." +16337,6355.0,322.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,66,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/181002%20YEMEN%20HODEIDAH%20CHOLERA%20CASES%20SURGE.pdf,"“There are no aboveground water sources in Yemen so the vast majority of communities depend entirely on wells and water trucks to meet their daily needs. Even in towns and cities water systems are in a state of disrepair or damaged from the fighting. Limited availability often results in poor hygiene practices and sanitation, heightening the risk of further cholera outbreaks." +218526,45654.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,42,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/hrp_weekly_funding_status_201124.pdf,"[24 Nov 2020, Whole of Syria, Funding Overview] Funding requirements for Early Recovery and Livelihoods sector are 174.4 Million USD, of which 17.3 Million USD have been funded, leaving a gap of 157.1 Million USD." +320516,52949.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,54,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Persons with disabilities face additional challenges due to narrow and irregular streets and difficulties in accessing services. About 46 per cent of IDP households live in shelters that host more people than their capacity, with 16 per cent of households living in shelters that host people more than double their capacity." +63631,18631.0,788.0,"['Agriculture', 'Logistics', 'Shelter', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,66,['Impact'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_floodoverview_13092019.pdf,Transportation (e.g. using tricycles) to/from the farmland of farm inputs and produce as well as firewood collection has become very difficult due to the flooded ground and poor road conditions. Damage to shelters due to the flood is preventing families from properly storing food items at the household level. Partners are experiencing similar challenges to preposition food in large quantities. +176387,41733.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,31,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/reach_drc_bulletin-des-marche-2_juin-2020.pdf,Les prix rapportés de la farine de manioc et de la farine de maïs sont ceux pour lesquels des augmentations ont le plus souvent été rapportées entre avril et mai. +496481,60067.0,1187.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,60,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sentir%20que%20se%20nos%20va%20la%20vida%20-%20Personas%20LGBTI%2B%20refugiadas%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%20en%20Colombia%2C%20Ecuador%20y%20Chile.pdf,"Afectación al estado de ánimo o físico En Argentina, algunas personas buscan actividades en que ocupar el día ya que… “el encierro y la enfermedad me hace sentir más triste, paranoico.” Las mujeres trans han manifestado bajones emocionales a causa de las mismas dinámicas de la cuarentena y el aislamiento, se sienten inútiles y tristes" +314768,53183.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,55,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"The multi-sectoral inter-agency response was done in collaboration with inter-agency partners and co-led by Sudan’s Commission for Refugees (COR). The CRP is based on assessments, gaps analysis, and priorities identified by the RCF, the Refugee Working Groups in each State, and the Technical Advisory Groups." +330114,55171.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],es,85,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-america-latina-56897151,"Los disturbios y destrozos probablemente dominen el debate político durante días, pero las multitudinarias protestas mostraron que el descontento de 2019 está vigente. Es más: que miles de colombianos hayan salido a las calles a pesar de que el país vive el peor repunte de contagios y muertes desde que empezó la pandemia, y que además desacaten una resolución que prohibió la protesta el martes, sugiere que el descontento ahora puede ser mayor que hace un año y medio." +194653,43820.0,2311.0,"['Agriculture', 'Logistics', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Environment'],es,47,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/guur-115.1_fsa_19112020_v3.pdf,"Se han perdido algunos cultivos en las zonas donde se siembran en las temporadas de lluvias, así mismo algunos animales y elementos de artesanías no pueden ser comercializados debido al deterioro de las vías, viendo mermado a cero el ingreso de las comunidades afectadas." +397565,61842.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],es,100,['Impact'],['Context'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.eldesconcierto.cl/opinion/2021/02/17/migracion-venezolana-ni-aumento-de-delincuencia-ni-aumento-del-desempleo-ni-baja-de-salarios.html,"Para las economías avanzadas, se ha encontrado que un aumento de 1% de la migración sobre el empleo total, aumenta la producción en 1% en los siguientes cinco años. Asimismo, para Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, México, Perú y Uruguay,un aumento del 10% de las patentes registradas, aumenta más la producción si lo hacen extranjeros (0,44%) que si lo hacen residentes nativos (0,25%). De esta forma, la migración podría aumentar la producción y la innovación." +125708,31803.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77205.pdf,El 62.8% de los encuestados declara alquilar su vivienda y el pago del arriendo es una de las preocupaciones más frecuentes entre la población migrante y refugiada +60333,17853.0,788.0,['Shelter'],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,113,[],['Shock/Event'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/inter-agency_flood_assessment_aug._2019.pdf,"The rainy season has not been so kind to the internally displaced persons in the North east of Nigeria especially across the 3 Bay states of Borno , Yobe and Adamawa. The intensive, destructive and stormy rains have left IDP camps flooded, disease prone, rendered roads impassable, reduced accessibility, increased shelter/ NFIs damages and induce further displacements. Out of the 136 camp sites in which CCCM activities are carried out, 75 camp sites have been identified as being high flood prone sites in the rain season with more than 9,518 shelters being damaged and affecting 56,705 individual since the rains started in late April." +390377,60780.0,1186.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,93,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Esto puede deberse a que entre 2014 y 2019 la cantidad de extranjeros privados de libertad se mantiene relativamente constante: aumentando solo en 1.243 casos totales por año entre 2014 y 2019, mientras que la población migrante total aumentó en al menos 1.080.000 en el mismo período. Es más, la cantidad de recluidos extranjeros que tuvieron condena aumentó en solo 469 casos por año en el mismo período. Ello reafirma que el aumento de población migrante residente no ha traído aparejado un aumento porcentual de recluidos extranjeros." +235871,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,34,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"WHO notes that when health systems like Afghanistan's are overwhelmed, deaths, both as a direct result of the outbreak and resulting from other preventable and treatable conditions, increase dramatically." +22361,9106.0,729.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Demography'],en,48,[],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"Approximately 490,000 people are in-need of protection assistance across Libya. Approximately 70 per cent are refugees and migrants. Overall 31 per cent are women and girls. A total of 133,000 children are in-need of protection support (estimated 54,000 girls and 80,000 boys)." +221864,45410.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,56,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"[Les parties Sud des provinces administratives du BEG et du Kanem dans la Zone 5 - « agropastorale» ]: La disponibilité des produits alimentaires importés serait en baisse par rapport à une année normale en raison de la limitation des flux en provenance de la Libye principalement, induite par la pandémie." +46564,16136.0,729.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/echo_-nf_bud_2019_91000_v2.pdf,"The security situation is volatile, affecting the main urban centres, characterised by fighting between the militias vying for control over state resources; and occasional terrorist attacks, absence of Rule of Law, all kinds of smuggling and trafficking, including of migrants." +149583,32165.0,1388.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,51,[],['Context'],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/74589.pdf,"En Costa Rica existen durante los últimos años, una serie de convenios, proyectos y decretos (que involucran el MTSS y otras instancias), apoyando a la generación de ingresos económicos, ya sea por medios propios o mediante la inserción laboral en empresas tanto públicas como privadas" +292284,52058.0,2225.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)'],fr,25,[],['Information And Communication'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/16-03-21_ni_nord_kivu.pdf,"[terr. Masisi] Actuellement, la poursuite des combats empêche la tenue d’une évaluation des besoins de ces personnes déplacées." +217406,45653.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://docs.wfp.org/api/documents/WFP-0000114546/download/?_ga=2.153594736.918642439.1605111758-1773529422.1605111758,"Throughout 2019, the population in need of food support steadily rose from 0.7 million in Crisis or worse (CH Phase 3 or above) in March–May to around 1.2 million during the June–August lean period and peaked at the end of the year (CILSS-CH, November 2019)." +220288,45084.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,39,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_5_november_2020_final.pdf,"WHO also stresses the need to balance the demands of responding directly to COVID-19, with simultaneously engaging in strategic planning and coordinated action to maintain essential health service delivery, mitigating against the risk of system collapse." +13126,5620.0,321.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,96,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_jmmi_august2018_0.pdf,"The median cost of the Minimum Expenditure Basket (MEB) decreased by 2.4% in August compared to July, reaching 656.80 LYD, notably due to a 10.2% decrease in the cost of the hygiene portion. According to KIs, preparations for Eid alAdha contributed to price volatility, encouraging merchants to free their stores from some goods to replace them with others more appropriate for the occasion. Additionally, the CBL approved letters of credit for the import of sheep, which allowed for the decrease of lamb meat prices" +48498,16403.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,," Condiciones deterioradas de vida en origen, tránsito y destino: Asentamientos informales, condición de calle, niños, niñas y adolescentes (NNA) por fuera del sistema educativo y sin acceso a alimentación y a otros servicios básicos; grupos de “caminantes” atravesando el país en condiciones precarias." +271259,50244.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,48,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"Ongoing violence and conflict also prevent people from accessing their fields and markets, generating even more poverty. Around 20 million people face severe food shortages, the highest level ever recorded. Some 3.6 million children under the age of 5 suffer from acute malnutrition." +146013,34803.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,118,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"For COVID-19: o Four COVID-19 cases have been identified in northwest Syria as of 12 July, with two cases in Idleb governorate and two cases in northern Aleppo governorate. Contact tracing was activated following the first positive result from the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test. People who had encountered these patients in the last two weeks are being advised to isolate themselves and be alert to potential symptoms, while all contacts exhibiting symptomsare being tested for COVID-19. Health partners are working to interrupt transmission of the identified virus cluster, including reducing secondary infections among close contacts and healthcare workers, preventing transmission amplification events and preventing community spread." +472943,63777.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,22,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Aussi, selon 44% des enquêtés, des cas de stress et de traumatismes ont été identifiés parmi les PDIs." +386933,60462.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,53,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNDP-DFS-Secondary-Impacts-of-COVID-19-Closing-Civic-Space-in-Fragile-Contexts.pdf,"The combination of COVID-19-related risks and the security situation severely disrupted Burkina Faso’s electoral process. While the presidential election poling was held on time, voter registration was on hold for two months and much of the country’s displaced population was at risk of being unable to vote" +491965,67963.0,2170.0,"['Protection', 'Cross', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,140,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Nigeria%20Northeast%20Operational%20Update-July%202021.pdf,"[1st Jul 2021, North east Nigeria]In Yobe State, NSAG members attacked Gujba local government area and looted a large quantity of food items and fuel before retreating. Security forces drafted a reinforcement from Buni-Yadi to the scene, but the insurgents left before they arrive. Meanwhile, fighters also raided the residence of a local vigilante leader in Ngirbuwa village, killing 2 of his children and 5 other members of the community. The vigilante leader was not at home at the time of the raid. The fighters also raided a newly reconstructed health facility in the village but found no drugs, so, they retreated. These constant attacks have continued to instill constant fear and tension in most return communities and villages within Gujba local government area." +314449,52949.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,31,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Overall, according to data from the Central Bank of Somalia, remittances declined less than expected due to COVID-19 in Quarter 2 of 2020, and largely recovered afterwards." +161579,39295.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,68,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,"Since December 2019, GBV sub-cluster members have distributed over 240,000 dignity kits. Based on feedback, those kits where critical in responding to their increased need for personal hygiene products in the time of COVID-19 and satisfaction was reported with measures taken by GBV sub-cluster members during distributions to prevent against COVID-19. Kit contents are being adjusted to meet specific needs related to COVID-19." +159046,39293.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Round-3-Analysis-Factsheet-NWS_Tk_09.09.20.pdf,"Temperature checks were in place in 26 sub-districts and distribution of soap/disinfectant/masks were available in 27 subdistricts. 82% of assessed communities lack testing provision for COVID-19, and 68% lack space in health facilities to monitor suspected cases of the virus." +239678,47230.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],es,79,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"De las 2.464 mujeres y 6 personas transgénero encuestadas, 173 personas (7%) afirman conocer a mujeres que han pasado por una violencia basada en género durante la emergencia sanitaria. El Sistema Integrado de Información de Violencias de Género (SIVIGE)41 reporta que el mayor número de víctimas extranjeras son las mujeres venezolanas, con 2.538 casos reportados a 1 de diciembre de 2020, y no reporta ningún caso para personas transgénero" +320225,53305.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,22,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"4 N/L NGOs (AIRS, ACAD, Inspired Children, SSRC) in Agok are operating in southern and central Abyei" +173627,38392.0,1899.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ALC%20post%20COVID-19%20-%20Retos%20y%20oportunidades%20para%20pa%C3%ADses%20de%20Centroam%C3%A9rica%2C%20Hait%C3%AD%2C%20M%C3%A9xico%2C%20Panam%C3%A1%2C%20y%20Rep%C3%BAblica%20Dominicana.pdf,"El 27 de mayo, pasados más de 56 días del primer caso confirmado, el Gobierno de Guatemala reportaba 3,954 casos de coronavirus y 63 fallecidos." +209274,44879.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Cases'],en,56,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://alwatan.sy/archives/237899,"[December 3, Lattakia] The Director of Education in Lattakia, Omran Abu Khalil, revealed to Al-Watan that 64 infections were recorded in Lattakia schools, and that about 15 classrooms were closed at the governorate’s level of 1212 schools, from the beginning of the school year to date." +313685,53333.0,2334.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,28,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Support prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted infections, including HIV, through awareness-raising, counselling vaccination and access to condoms and other available care and treatments." +317195,53333.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Furthermore, the crisis is reported to push up food prices, resulting in families failing to access it in sufficient quantities because their income earning capacities are curtailed by the crisis." +325679,54267.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"(Riz) Cela s’ajoute à d’autres contraintes, dont le manque d’infrastructures et le mauvais accès, pour les producteurs burkinabés occidentaux, aux grands centres de consommation, ainsi que l’insécurité sur les routes en milieu rural" +358684,58669.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,41,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/informe_de_emergencias_humanitarias_reportadas_elc_enero_mayo_2021.pdf,"• En Mayo, al menos 8.642 personas (2.161 familias) fueron víctimas por desplazamiento y confinamiento, en los departamentos de Chocó, Antioquia, Córdoba, Putumayo, Cauca, Nariño, Risaralda y Norte de Santander." +334940,55774.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,56,['Impact'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bcf29d656a8d5984f4c8ffe40908514aad85d.pdf,"[6 April, 2021, Bangladesh] Lightning: 3 incidents of lightning took place in 4 districts i.e. Netrokona, Sunamganj, Sirajganj and Dinajpur district which killed 3 persons, 2 cows and 3 injured and causes of fire in hospital due to lightning which damage cost is BDT 50 lac." +188368,42876.0,1183.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,20,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Reporte_Situacional_Arauca_Agosto_VF.pdf,Los alumnos venezolanos que estudian en Colombia ahora podrán presentar las pruebas ICFES con el documento de identidad venezolano. +388565,60980.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'Food Security', 'WASH']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,78,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/informe_de_emergencias_humanitarias_reportadas_elc_enero_junio_2021.pdf,"En Arauca se reportaron cerca de 17.780 personas afectadas por el desbordamiento de ríos en la zonas Fortul, Saravena y Tame. Ante el anuncio de la limitada capacidad de respuesta por financiación y logística de parte de las entidades municipales, el ELC Arauca coordinó respuesta inicial de kits alimenticios y de higiene y la entrega de tanques de agua, mientras que la UNGRD continua avanzando con las EDAN de las 4.445 familias afectadas." +317264,53333.0,2334.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,19,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,Work with education cluster and partners to provide designs for safe construction in schools and community learning centres. +264340,48806.0,2332.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,76,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_final_enquete_smart_27112019.pdf,"Une épidémie de choléra et de rougeole perdure au Tchad depuis maintenant une année. L’épidémie de choléra survenue dans les provinces du Sila et du Salamat avait affecté 1 253 personnes, parmi lesquelles 81 décès. La proximité du Tchad avec le Cameroun, la RCA et le Nigeria, où des cas sont régulièrement rapportés, rend les zones frontalières à risque et mérite une surveillance et une préparation appropriées." +306448,51474.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,53,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"As at 1 February, United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) recorded 54 Status of Forces Agreement violations compared with 79 in the previous reporting period. Of those, 50 violations involved movement restrictions by the Government, impeding the Mission’s ability to implement its mandate." +279465,50942.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,64,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/health/coronavirus/2021/03/11/global-covid-cases-near-118-million,"[11th March 2021, Bangladesh] The daily infection rate jumped to 5.98% from 5.13% on Tuesday. But the mortality rate remained unchanged at 1.54% over the past few weeks, the DGHS said in a handout. With the latest figure, the Covid-19 fatalities climbed to 8496 and total infections to 553,105, the handout added." +241009,47700.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,71,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,,"In addition, Chad’s borders with Sudan and the Central African Republic remain closed and mass gatherings of more than 50 people remain prohibited. The international airport in N’Djamena also remains closed for commercial flights, although goods and cargo flights are able to land. Notwithstanding this, it is feared that the global movement restrictions may affect the flow of supplies into Chad." +498590,60095.0,1187.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RMRP%202021%20Plan%20de%20respuesta%20regional%20para%20refugiados%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%2C%20enero%20-%20diciembre%202021.pdf,". Otros factores estaban relacionados con la situación particular de las personas refugiadas y migrantes de Venezuela, como son la falta de oportunidades de regularización y acceso a la documentación necesaria, los obstáculos para la certificación y el reconocimiento de las cualificaciones académicas o los prejuicios y la discriminación, entre otros." +177704,41774.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,49,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"Arrêtés du 18 avril 2020 Le gouverneur de la ville de Kinshasa, Gentiny Ngobila annonce le port obligatoire d'un masque de protection dans les lieux publics à partir du 20 avril et le déconfinement progressif de la commune de la Gombe qui débutera ce mardi 21 avril." +80497,22034.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],[],[],es,174,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/cuatro-reflexiones-del-primer-mes-del-campamento-humanitario-para-venezolanos-en-bogota/780,"Los errores empezaron desde la planeación. El albergue está en una zona con temperaturas muy bajas y en una cancha de fútbol que se encharca frecuentemente cuando llueve; los funcionarios no tenían experiencia en atención a población migrante y tampoco los capacitaron, además, su carga laboral aumentó al tener que responder en el campamento y en las 20 localidades. El manual de convivencia del campamento no tuvo en cuenta el origen de los migrantes. Por ejemplo, no hay sistema de calefacción y se les prohíbe las fogatas, una medida que parece simple pero que los afecta considerablemente, porque la mayoría no están habituados al clima de Bogotá. Actualmente, y por esos matices, el reglamento ha sido modificado, flexibilizado o endurecido conforme se conoce más sobre la vida dentro del campamento y los casos particulares; por ejemplo, quienes trabajan hasta después de las 8 de la noche tienen permiso para entrar al albergue después del cierre de la puerta." +310530,53177.0,2466.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Sudan%20Multi-Sectoral%20Location%20Assessment_South%20Kordofan.pdf,"Health presents a high priority need in two (out of the 49 visited) locations in Reif Ashargi. At present, there are zero doctors, nine medical assistants and 14 nurses, in addition to 93 midwives." +194454,43501.0,2225.0,['Agriculture'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,35,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"Dans 16% (49) des localités évaluées, les IC ont rapporté que la majorité de la population ne cultivait pas la terre au cours du mois précédent {septembre 2020}." +500647,31283.0,1232.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)'],es,31,[],['Information And Communication'],UNHCR Uruguay,2019-05-28 02:56:46.441375+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNDRR%20COVID-19%20BRIEF%20PERSONAS%20CON%20DISCAPACIDADES%20FRENTE%20AL%20COVID-19%20EN%20LAS%20AM%C3%89RICAS%20Y%20EL%20CARIBE%20%283%29.pdf,"En lo que respecta al acceso a la información, 68% afirma contar con ella (véase el anexo para mayor detalle sobre los resultados de la encuesta)." +339450,56380.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],es,80,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb4645es.pdf,"El 48% de los encuestados se enfrentó a una o más crisis, principalmente relacionadas con lluvias intensas o inundaciones, brotes de plagas o enfermedades y sequías prolongadas. Los cultivos más afectados fueron: café (en las regiones Gran Santander y Centro), yuca (en las regiones Caribe, Cafetera y Amazonía), banano (en todas las regiones) y maíz (en las regiones Caribe, Orinoquía y Amazonía)." +178022,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],fr,38,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Outre les problématiques de sécurité, l’état extrêmement médiocre des infrastructures, notamment le nombre très limité de réseaux routiers de qualité, crée des problèmes logistiques critiques pour atteindre les communautés dans le besoin." +359353,58669.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Shelter', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,88,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/informe_de_emergencias_humanitarias_reportadas_elc_enero_mayo_2021.pdf,"IMPACTO POR DESPLAZAMIENTO: La población desplazada, presenta usualmente necesidades asociadas a alojamientos temporales, seguridad alimentaria, protección y servicios WASH y de salud. Sin embargo, se enfrentan a situaciones de hacinamiento, puesto que en la mayoría de los casos, las administraciones municipales no cuentan con los espacios físicos adecuados y necesarios para establecer albergues temporales; las comunidades también usan sus redes de apoyo (amigos y familiares) para pernoctar, aumentando riesgos de enfermedades por aglomeraciones y/o hacinamientos." +47369,16259.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],[],en,30,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.unwomen.org/en/news/stories/2019/7/feature-ensuring-public-services-for-venezuelan-migrant-women,"UN Women has also developed brochures and informational products mapping how migrant women can access social services, ranging from healthcare to legal assistance for survivors of gender-based violence." +327397,54982.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,88,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/04/changes-in-eating-habits-ramadan-does-not-taste-the-same-in-syria/,"[17 APR, GoS] In an interview with Sham FM radio station, Admon Qutaish, the head of the Butchers’ Association in Damascus, explained that the total amount of meat consumed [in regime-held areas] decreased by 40 percent due to the high price. Only well-off people have the purchasing power to buy meat. He said that the main reason for the high prices of meat is that livestock is being smuggled to “Lebanon and northern Syria.”" +217385,45653.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,86,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://docs.wfp.org/api/documents/WFP-0000114546/download/?_ga=2.153594736.918642439.1605111758-1773529422.1605111758,"Eight departments in those areas had more than 20 percent of their population in Crisis or worse (CH Phase 3 or above). Acute food insecurity deteriorated between 2018 and 2019 and was particularly severe for displaced people and pastoralists. In 2019, the peak number of people in need of urgent humanitarian food assistance was 82 percent higher than the 2018 peak when 0.8 million were in Crisis or worse (CH Phase 3 or above) during the lean period." +314052,52949.0,2331.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,45,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Huge food and nutrition gaps remain, particularly among poor agropastoral, marginalized and urban communities, where many vulnerable persons can be classified as, or are in danger of being pushed into, the most severe phases of food and nutrition insecurity." +149638,35869.0,2028.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep18_25july2020.pdf,"Activities that continued with COVID-19 countermeasures included specialized services such as case management for high-risk and individual cases and referrals for child protection, GBV and mine action, individual protection assistance and physical rehabilitation. Where feasible, psychosocial support, legal awareness raising, and counselling on housing, land, and property rights and civil documentation have also continued (in centres, via outreach, and in camps)" +287431,51638.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,84,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20_FEVRIER%202021_SAHEL.pdf,"(Sahel) On y constate le non-fonctionnement de beaucoup de CSPS (Datambi, Tankougounadie, Takatami) et mêmes pour les formations sanitaires encore fonctionnelles dans les zones à risque, le personnel est en sous-effectif. Le dépôt des médicaments essentiels génériques (MEG) est fréquemment vide. Particulièrement au Centre Médical de Mansila durant ce mois de février 2021, le dépôt MEG n’a pas été approvisionné car les GANI ont instauré un embargo sur la ville" +303975,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,49,['Impact'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"While refugee returnees would not return to the most insecure areas, the vast majority or 96 per cent of the refugee returnees surveyed in 2020 said they felt safe in their current locations, while more than half reported having a good relationship with their host communities." +182303,42508.0,1900.0,"['Cross', 'WASH', 'Livelihoods']",[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,109,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020-10-12%20Resumen%20Semanal%20de%20Situacio%CC%81n%205-11%20de%20oct%202020.pdf,"HONDURAS La Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores de Honduras informa de que al menos el 83 por ciento de los participantes en la caravana han regresado a sus hogares. El ACNUR, Visión Mundial y la Cruz Roja hondureña ayudaron a más de 1.000 retornados en los centros de recepción de Omoa con alimentos, higiene, primeros auxilios, transporte y el restablecimiento de contactos familiares, mientras que el ACNUDH supervisó la situación de los derechos en Corinto y en Omoa. Siguen circulando en Honduras las llamadas a futuras caravanas, con una prevista para el 30 de octubre y otra para enero de 2021." +294566,51749.0,2099.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,70,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[commune de Ouargaye] Enfin dans le cadre des groupes de discussion, quatre besoins prioritaires ont été exprimés : (1) abris et Articles Ménagers Essentiel (AME) ; (2) accès à la nourriture et aux moyens d’existence ; (3) une amélioration de la situation en eau, hygiène et assainissement. Abris et Articles Ménagers Essentiels (AME)" +235488,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,25,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Among displaced households in debt, the primary reason for taking on this debt was to pay for food (55 per cent)." +318226,53305.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,94,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"While the humanitarian operation is well-established in South Sudan, high staff turnover and new global guidance requires humanitarian organizations and clusters to constantly evolve and strengthen internal capacities. Adapting the response to the specific needs and capacities of particular groups or individuals – according to their age, gender, disability, vulnerability to particular protection concerns, or preference for particular modalities of assistance such as cash – often requires specialist knowledge and expertise. Similar capacity is needed when setting up tailored feedback and complaints mechanisms in affected communities." +235713,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,58,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The ongoing conflict, COVID-19 and the challenging physical environment continue to directly impact on the ability of people in need to access life-saving assistance and on the speed with which humanitarians can reach them with support. Despite these challenges, humanitarians continue find ways to stay and deliver, actually increasing reach during the pandemic." +191739,43622.0,2330.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],en,30,[],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20201111_acaps_briefing_note_nicaragua_honduras_hurricane_eta.pdf,"In northern Nicaragua, landslides could affect coffee plants and block roads that are needed to bring harvest produce to market, impacting livelihoods (AP News 04/11/2020)." +325594,54815.0,2099.0,[],[],[],en,22,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"In other words, better transport accessibility to schools is associated with more children starting school and also staying in it." +294581,51749.0,2099.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],fr,74,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,[commune de Ouargaye] Le nombre de cas graves de paludisme et ainsi tout particulièrement élevé : 4 551 (La commune de Comin-Yanga et de Ouargaye se trouvent tous deux dans le même district sanitaire de Ouargaye). Ce qui est nettement supérieur à la moyenne nationale par district sanitaire qui s’élève à 3902 cas par district sanitaire entre le 30 décembre 2019 et le 07 septembre 2020. +316675,52949.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,45,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Somalia will remain at risk of being particularly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021 due to its fragile healthcare systems, the number of IDPs and ongoing conflict and insecurity.As of 21 November 2020, 4,445 cases with 113 deaths had been confirmed." +292372,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"Par ailleurs, suite à l’absence d’appui financier les activités programmées dans les régions de l’Adamaoua, de l’Est et du Nord, les interventions des partenaires du secteur santé ont diminué de façon significative dans ces localités." +193944,43327.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,43,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_sectoriel_octobre.pdf,"L’accès à certains districts reste toujours problématique surtout dans les régions de l’Est, Boucle du Mouhoun, Centre Nord, Nord et le Sahel où certaines localités sont restées enclavées et en proie aux forces armées négatives ;" +239374,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,19,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"While construction materials and household items are available in major urban centres, they remain unaffordable to many." +22544,9106.0,729.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"Despite the high overall enrolment rate of 87 per cent among Libyan children countrywide, in some mantikas enrollment rates are lower, such as Azzawya (62 per cent) Al Jabal Al Akhdar (78 percent), Sebha and Ubari (79 per cent)." +142202,35870.0,2028.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,40,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Public and private transportation services have also resumed, as have universities and institutions. In the reporting period, the Minister of Health publicly stated that broad-based restrictions would not be re-imposed due to economic and social impacts." +35535,13057.0,788.0,"['Agriculture', 'Protection', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,154,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000105395.pdf,"At the domain level, the highest level of poor and borderline food consumption is reported in Central Borno A, Central Borno B, Northern Adamawa A and Southern Yobe domains. These domains are constituted by LGAs within the Sambisa axis and central Borno where the security threats associated with activities of Non-State Armed Group (NSAG) remain a disruptive force on the lives and livelihoods of communities. In most of these locations, agricultural production is undertaken with security considerations not only in terms of access to land, but also in terms of the types of crops cultivated. With most farming households restricted from the cultivations of tall crops, food insecurity incidents tend to be partly underscored by the fact that farmers are compelled to cultivate crops of lower yields to purchase their preferred staples albeit on a rather limited scale due to security restrictions." +178230,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Pull Factors']",fr,84,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Le Haut-Katanga (32 pour cent), le Nord-Kivu (22 pour cent), le Sud-Kivu (21 pour cent), le Tanganyika (20 pour cent) et le Lualaba (5 pour cent) sont les provinces enregistrant le plus grand nombre de mouvements de retours récents (moins de six mois). La plupart des mouvements de retours ont été favorisés suite à l’amélioration de la situation sécuritaire locale (84 pour cent).53" +236549,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,62,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Nation-wide post distribution monitoring (PDM) carried out amongst displaced populations supported by the Emergency Response Mechanism (ERM) indicated significant barriers to healthcare including: cost of medicines (76 per cent), cost of care (56 per cent), and the cost of transportation to and from the facilities (34 per cent)." +310578,53179.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,20,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Flash%20Update%20-%20Sudan%20-%2017%20Jan%202021_1.pdf,The majority of gathering points have established community management structures that coordinate with humanitarian agencies and prioritise vulnerable cases. +224019,45768.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"Il faut tout de même noter qu’il a été signalé des cas de viols et abus sexuels des militaires sur des femmes dans les zones d’origine des IDPs, spécialement à Bohoma." +234208,46381.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The total proportion of COVID-19 positive infection (including all positive results, IgG positive (past infection) IgM positive (current infection) or both IgG and IgM positive) was 31.5% for Afghanistan." +169169,40391.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],fr,110,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_200_20200817.pdf,"Au total, 9 720 cas confirmés et 1 cas probable ont été répertoriés depuis le début de l’épidémie dont 246 décès, soit une létalité globale de 2,5%. Parmi ceux des cas dont on avait l’information, 69,9% (1991/2850) étaient symptomatiques à la notification. Les symptômes majeurs étaient : la fièvre (1005/1351 ; 74,4%), la toux (940/1306 ; 72,0%), l’essoufflement (555/1079 ; 51,4%), le mal de gorge (387/990 ; 39,1%) et le nez qui coule (354/1006 ; 35,2%)." +401791,62956.0,2098.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,56,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[29th July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Both Host and Refugees: 66.4% respondent were reported to feel very upset/tensed/hopeless, where 34.6% of them were persons with disabilities and 31.8% of them were persons without disabilities. 61.4% of them were refugees and 5.0% from Host community." +305217,53100.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],fr,9,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/plan_de_preparation_coronavirus_cmr._version_du_10_mars_2019.pdf,Exercices de simulation à réaliser à tous les niveaux +451920,64945.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MONITORING%20PROTECTION%20DE%20JULLET%202021%20EST.pdf,"Perpétrés contre des civils, ces incidents [de protection: l’atteinte au droit à la vie, l’atteinte à la liberté de personne, l’atteinte au droit à la propriété] ont été enregistrés dans les provinces du Gourma, de la Tapoa, de la Komondjari et de la Kompienga" +219056,45655.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,89,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"[9th Dec, Overall Syria] In GoS-controlled areas of the country, 8,580 laboratory-confirmed cases have been reported by the Syrian MoH as of 8 December. Of these, seven were in Ar-Raqqa; 22 in Deir-Ez-Zor; 35 in Al-Hasakeh; 115 in Quneitra; 473 in Dar’a; 470 in Tartous; 395 in Hama; 515 in As-Sweida; 1,326 in Homs; 965 in Rural Damascus; 886 in Lattakia; 1,516 in Aleppo; and 1,855 in Damascus." +224063,45768.0,2332.0,['WASH'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"Le manque d’eau a des répercussions sur la santé des enfants et sachant que nous sommes en période forte demande en eau, cela signifie que la quasi-totalité des IDP est sujette au stress hydrique." +61709,18346.0,1184.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,254,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71003.pdf,"Violencia Basada en Género Para los casos de protección relacionados con la Violencia Basada en Género (VBG), el fortalecimiento del sistema de protección a sobrevivientes de violencia basada en género es un eje fundamental de trabajo de los socios. En las fronteras, se estableció rutas para remisión de casos y orientación en las áreas legal, psicológica y soluciones duraderas. También se han clarificado las rutas para que los casos de VBG sean derivados a la Defensoría Pública para la denuncia respectiva y que reciban las medidas de protección estatal con la finalidad de precautelar la integridad de las sobrevivientes. Se continúa implementando espacios seguros para personas en situación de movilidad humana que lo necesitan, incluyendo población LGBTI, y permitiendo la gestión de casos de VBG (Tulcán, San Miguel, Huaquillas, Santa Rosa e Ibarra). Se ha fortalecido el apoyo a casas de acogida o servicios de atención especializado en VBG que acompañan a mujeres sobrevivientes que requieren atención inmediata (“Manos Unidas Tejiendo Progreso”, “Puerta Violeta”, casa de acogida María Amor, campaña “Juntas Migramos”). Paralelamente, durante el mes de mayo, en San Miguel, se implementaron procesos de formación en unidades educativas, comedores comunitarios y centros comunitarios sobre la “Ruta de respuesta a sobrevivientes de la VBG en situación de movilidad humana” (15 participantes: 10 mujeres y 5 hombres)." +329486,54412.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Push Factors', 'Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,94,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_cluster_sante_rdc_s14_ok.pdf,"[ Bukavu] La persistance de l’insécurité dans le territoire de Shabunda (Zs de Lulingu, Zs de Mulungu). L’insécurité due à l’activisme des groupes armés qui s'illustre par les attaques, les pillages et les violences sexuelles dans cette région forestière pleine des minerais est la cause principale du déplacement des population. C’est notamment le cas du village de Kigulube.A cause d’une accessibilité difficile, les humanitaires ont complètement déserté la zone laissant la population dans une précarité sévère" +237036,46388.0,2336.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,16,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In 2021, it is anticipated that 2.6 million children will need emergency education assistance." +174477,40809.0,2170.0,"['Logistics', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,70,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NGA%20%281%29.pdf,"[1st Aug2020, Nigeria] Prices of coarse grains continued to increase significantly in most markets in the past few months, supported by the effects of the restrictive measures implemented to contain the COVID-19 pandemic and strong domestic demand. The situation is exacerbated by the closure of the borders with neighbouring countries, implemented since August 2019 to curb the smuggling of imported rice and maize." +304797,51467.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,An estimated 16 per cent of displaced people and 20 per cent of returnees live in settlements with more than half of their shelters collapsed or in danger of collapse. +192070,43669.0,2330.0,[],[],[],en,52,[],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://edition.cnn.com/2020/11/18/weather/tropical-storm-iota-wednesday/index.html,"And now more than 400,000 people in Nicaragua have been affected by the strongest storm to hit the country, Murillo said. Over 62,000 people in the Central American nation have been moved into 683 government shelters following the storm, the country's government said on national television Tuesday." +235869,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,39,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Additional resources to expand current community engagement, surveillance, and contact tracing efforts, equip medical facilities and frontline staff with PPE, and support expanded testing and rollout of anticipated vaccines are urgently needed in 2021." +325714,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Au cours des dernières décennies, de nombreux projets d’aquaculture ont été promus au Burkina Faso par différents donateurs, mais ils ont largement échoué en raison d’un manque de pertinence par rapport aux conditions, aux compétences et aux cadres institutionnels locaux. Ils ont également souvent manqué de soutien financier de la part du gouvernement." +22520,9106.0,729.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,132,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"Engagement in the agricultural sector – crop or livestock production and fishing – stands at 22 percent. The vast majority of households are involved in agricultural production for household consumption, and less than 10 percent rely on agriculture exclusively as a source of income. Engagement in crop production or gardening stands at 14 percent of households nationally, with the highest proportions in Wadi Ashshati (50 per cent), Misrata (29 per cent), and Almarj (27 per cent). Nationally, 12 per cent of households are engaged in livestock production, with the highest proportions in Sebha (50 per cent), Wadi Ashshati (40 per cent) and Al Jabal Al Akhdar (31 per cent)." +201483,44481.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],en,21,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep22_20201120.pdf,"Daily testing capacity has exceeded 1,400 tests in a day, with 45,924 tests performed to date in the NW." +388566,60980.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Food Security', 'WASH']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,76,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/informe_de_emergencias_humanitarias_reportadas_elc_enero_junio_2021.pdf,"El ELC Putumayo, recibió solicitud de complementariedad para responder con el suministro de agua y el apoyo técnico para la recolección de datos de la EDAN en algunos municipios afectados por inundaciones: Puerto Asís, Puerto Caicedo, San Miguel, Orito, Valle del Guamez, Puerto Guzmán y Villagarzón, reportaron la afectación en al menos 20,400 personas. La Gobernación declaró la situación de calamidad pública mediante el decreto 0228." +191740,43622.0,2330.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']",[],[],en,26,[],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20201111_acaps_briefing_note_nicaragua_honduras_hurricane_eta.pdf,"Honduras: Floods have damaged the infrastructure of small businesses and disrupted agri- cultural production activities. Over 32,000 hectares of crops have been destroyed." +230132,46693.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,19,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,Nearly 4 million people remain displaced: 1.5 million internally and 2.2 million as refugees in neighboring countries. +169991,40360.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,42,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Ainsi, le chef-lieu de Région qui est la commune de Dori reste jusque-là non seulement la ville la plus stable où toutes les administrations fonctionnent normalement mais également l’une des principales zones d’accueil des déplacés internes." +219162,45719.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,41,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/431459-coronavirus-nigerias-new-cases-rise-again-as-country-records-second-highest-figure.html,"[16thDec2020,Nigeria]In nearly two weeks, daily cases in the country averaged 500 for the first time since the pandemic reached Nigeria in late February. The total number of infections in the country is now 74,132" +309789,51467.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,102,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"The prevalence of GAM among children under-five in South Sudan’s refugee camps stood at 11.2 per cent, an increase from 6.8 per cent in 2018. This is below the critical emergency threshold of 15 per cent but categorized as high, indicating a poor nutrition situation. Stunting (1 in 3 children stunted) and anaemia (1 in 2 children anaemic) level remain high. These proportions indicate that refugee locations continue to face various shocks ranging from funding cuts, insecurity and environmental challenges, resulting in a nutrition situation requiring continuous attention." +125089,32835.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,62,['At Risk'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77444.pdf,"Según cálculos de Migración Colombia, dentro del territorio nacional permanecen un poco más de 1 771 237 venezolanos, de los cuales 754 085 tienen estatus migratorio regular y 1 017 152 se encuentran en situación migratoria irregular2 . Así mismo, Migración Colombia reporta 568 849 Permisos Especiales de Permanencia (PEP) vigentes a 26 de enero de 20203" +170439,40462.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Food Security', 'WASH', 'Shelter', 'Education']",['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,47,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Les groupes à risque dans les localités couvertes par le monitoring de protection sont les femmes et les enfants. Ils ont d’énormes difficultés d’accès aux services sociaux de base : vivres, matériels hygiéniques, abris, soins santé et éducation." +270194,50226.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_6.pdf,"Por procedencia, Chocó (29,4 %), Nariño (21,0 %), Córdoba (15,1 %) y Antioquia (10,2 %) aportan el 75,6 % de los casos de malaria no complicada." +188415,42886.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],es,226,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Equipo%20Local%20de%20Coordinaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Choc%C3%B3%20Flash%20Update%20COVID-19%20%2312%20%28octubre%2031%20de%202020%29.pdf,"Especial preocupación por la atención a grupos poblacionales vulnerables que presentan casos positivos y que requieren atención diferencial como comunidades indígenas (245 casos en Alto Baudó, Bagadó, Bahía Solano, Bajo Baudó, Bojayá, Cértegui, Carmen de Atrato, Istmina, Lloró, Medio Baudó, Nuquí, Quibdó, Riosucio, Tadó y Unión Panamericana), afrodescendientes (3.193 casos), personal médico (248 casos), mujeres gestantes (33 casos), adultos mayores (639 casos) y recién nacidos (4 casos). Preocupa la atención precaria a mujeres gestantes y lactantes durante el periodo de cuarentena. Para el periodo que comprende este informe, el Boletín Epidemiológico #40 del INS resalta a Chocó como el segundo departamento con mayor razón de mortalidad materna (227,9) por cada 100.000 nacidos vivos) y el primer departamento con mayor razón de mortalidad perinatal y neonatal (32,5 por cada 1.000 nacimientos). Persistencia en falta de atención a casos de enfermedad diarreica aguda (EDA), infección respiratoria aguda (IRA), y malaria (Chocó tiene el 27,60% de los casos a nivel nacional) que han visto poco abordaje por cuenta de la saturación del sistema de salud en el marco de la pandemia" +312028,53177.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,17,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Sudan%20Multi-Sectoral%20Location%20Assessment_South%20Kordofan.pdf,Eighty-two per cent of the population with radio access reported to listen to non-local radio stations. +305647,51572.0,2335.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Cross']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,42,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Enhance capacity of community structures and mechanisms to monitor and provide feedback on the quality of services in collaboration with local authorities. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +22349,9106.0,729.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,149,['At Risk'],['Humanitarian Access'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"The presence of explosive hazards, including landmines, improvised explosive devices, and unexploded/abandoned ordinance (UXO/AXO) has been a persistent threat to people in Libya. Libya is also contaminated by Cluster Munition Remnants (CMR) and other Explosive Remnants of War (ERW). Explosive hazards contamination poses a serious threat to displaced, returnees and host communities, in terms of safety, access to services and mobility. It also hinders the safe return and restricts access for humanitarian workers. According to the 2018 MSNA, 4 per cent of households reported the presence of explosive hazards at neighbourhood level, among which 11 per cent are returnees, 8 per cent IDPs and 3 per cent non-displaced population. 9 per cent of IDPs have not returned to their area of origin due to the threat of explosive hazards" +177040,41752.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,39,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"À Dori, les informateurs clés citent la radio (77%) et la télévision (69%) comme principaux canaux d’information utilisés par leurs communaut��s pour accéder à des informations sur le virus." +330053,53699.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Testing']",fr,63,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_094_20210404_hebdo_s13.pdf,"Au terme de S13/2021, 9 971 nouvelles alertes étaient remontées contre 10 402 à S12/2021, soit une décroissance de près de 4,1% ; au cours de la même période et après investigation (n=9 925), 13,4% (n=1 364) de ces alertes ont été validé et 85,0% (n=1 159) des suspects étaient prélevés" +64129,18925.0,729.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,100,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/va_report_libya_2019-libmac-unmas.pdf,30% of the respondents with disabilities stated that the service needed was too far from where they were and/or that transportation costs to reach assistance were too high; • 55% of respondents with disabilities highlighted as a priority the necessity of obtaining accessible information on the availability of services or during the provision of services; • 59% of respondents with disabilities who had been internally displaced reported having been subject to abuse; • 92% of the humanitarian actors responding to the survey estimated that PwDs were not properly considered in humanitarian response. +125730,31803.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77205.pdf,"La Violencia Basada en Género (VBG) representa el 2.6% de los factores de inseguridad reportados, aunque en Bogotá se observó que esta cifra es de 5.1%. Entre las personas con necesidades específicas, las sobrevivientes de VBG representan únicamente el 0.7%. Sin embargo, se estima que muchos casos de VBG no se reportan por ser un tema sensible." +388451,61054.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,20,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://lefaso.net/spip.php?article106528,"Depuis le 9 mars 2020, le Burkina Faso a enrégistré au total 13. 566 cas de coronavirus." +155203,37856.0,2099.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,66,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Du 20 au 26 juillet 2020, environ 448 individus en partance soit au Niger soit au Burkina Faso ont contourné les voies officielles sur l’axe Dori – Seytenga (Burkina Faso) – Petelkolé (Niger), en conséquence de la fermeture des frontières imposée par les autorités burkinabè dans le cadre de la réponse à l’épidémie du COVID-19." +152099,37764.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,27,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/31-07-20-buf-5w-dashboard_education.pdf,"En 2019, la situation sécuritaire a déclenché une urgence humanitaire d'une ampleur sans précédent dans 14 des 45 provinces, soit un tiers du pays." +500801,30415.0,1232.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Uruguay,2019-05-28 02:56:46.441375+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020-feb-28-phe-actualizacion-epi-sarampion.pdf,"Resumen de la situación Entre el 1 de enero y el 22 de febrero de 2020, 6 países notificaron casos confirmados: Argentina (45 casos, incluida una defunción), Brasil (338 casos, incluida una defunción), Canadá (1 caso), Chile (2 casos), Estados Unidos de América (5 casos) y Uruguay (2 casos)." +310694,53333.0,2334.0,['Education'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Lack of qualified teachers in schools was also mentioned as an important issue. 30% of the respondents suggested that some teachers sexually harass pupils, which results in girls shunning the school environment.,." +287009,51749.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,[dans le Centre-Est] Chaque chef-lieu de commune est dotée d’au moins une ambulance 4 roues fonctionnelle. Les évacuations se font avec ces ambulances et aucun enlèvement d’ambulance n’a été enregistré jusqu’au moment de l’évaluation. +301855,51958.0,2332.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,70,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_devaluation_de_protection_des_retournes_tchadiens_de_la_rca_installes_dans_les_sites_au_sud_du_tchad_002.pdf,"L’éducation souffre des conséquences de la réduction de l’assistance (alimentaire en particulier), du manque d’enseignants qualifiés, du matériel et infrastructure scolaires et des effets de la grève des enseignants. Mais aussi du manque d’implication des parents eux-mêmes qui ne favorisent pas systématiquement l’accès à l’école comparativement aux travaux champêtres ou travaux ménagers." +187160,39357.0,1898.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],es,40,[],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ALC%20post%20COVID-19%20-%20Retos%20y%20oportunidades%20para%20pa%C3%ADses%20de%20Centroam%C3%A9rica%2C%20Hait%C3%AD%2C%20M%C3%A9xico%2C%20Panam%C3%A1%2C%20y%20Rep%C3%BAblica%20Dominicana.pdf,"La pérdida de empleo formal podría ser hasta de un -23.9% por lo que medidas que mitiguen los efectos sobre el empleo, protejan la actividad económica y resguarden la vida y la salud de los trabajadores son cruciales" +328450,54887.0,2311.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,277,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7894133/pdf/main.pdf,"Frequent handwashing with soap and water is critical for reducing the spread of communicable diseases, including COVID-19. Soap de- stroys the lipid bilayer that envelopes SARS-CoV-2 and water washes away the exposed, inactivated virus (Staddon et al., 2020). Yet nearly one in four households (23.0%) in our study reported that they were “unable to wash their hands in the prior four weeks after dirty activities” (e.g., defecating, changing diapers) due to problems with water (Fig. 2). Of households with children, 23.6% reported being unable to wash their young children’s hands and faces because of problems with water. Over a third (33.7%) of households reported being unable to wash their bodies, varying widely from 4.1% of sampled households in Honda, Colombia, to 94.8% of households in Punjab, Pakistan. Sometimes washing was limited or impossible because water was not available in sufficient quantities. For example, when water was limited due to shutoffs, some households reported that they prioritized water for drinking and cooking over hygiene. Other households reported that there was water available, but that the quality was too low for hand- washing or bathing. Although water does not need to meet drinking- water standards for hygienic purposes (WHO/UNICEF, 2020a), handwashing with severely contaminated water can be unacceptable, irritate the skin and create open sores, or expose individuals to a variety of water-washed diseases (Bartram and Hunter, 2015)." +289343,51901.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,19,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[2nd ​March, 2021, NSAG] 53% of sub-districts have sufficient knowledge of COVID-19 risk." +157838,38137.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,22,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cxb_education_covid_response_reaching_every_learner_final.pdf,Develop and deliver audio messages for caregivers on parenting for ECD (3 to 5 YO) (including COVID-19 awareness) +454465,64537.0,1185.0,"['Shelter', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"El 41% de las personas migrantes y refugiadas entrevistadas también indicó otras maneras en las que la pandemia impactó sus vidas diarias, principalmente mencionando falta de recursos financieros y dificultades para pagar el alquiler." +191730,43622.0,2330.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,42,[],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20201111_acaps_briefing_note_nicaragua_honduras_hurricane_eta.pdf,"Flooding and landslides have damaged roads and bridges and severed power supplies in both Honduras and Nicaragua, cutting off 68 commu- nities (95,000 people) in Honduras and at least three communities in Nic- aragua from physical access and telecommunications" +291519,51259.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,25,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2020_access_annual_overview.pdf,"In Bentiu, threats by the youth against Equatorian staff and other nationalities disrupted activities since September, impacting services for some 97,000 people." +226640,46454.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,44,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2022_23Dec2020_FINAL.pdf,"[23rd December, Overall Syria] In addition, for reasons including community stigma and individual reluctance to go to hospitals, it is further likely significant numbers of people with symptoms are not seeking tests or treatment or are obtaining private services" +472947,63777.0,2099.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Selon les informations reçues au cours des entretiens et selon 72% des enquêtés, les PDIs ont accès à l’eau potable au même titre que les communautés hôtes." +487890,67500.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Deaths'],en,100,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_15.pdf,"[April -June 2021, Cox's Bazar] The COVID-19 wave ongoing at the time of this report has been associated with more deaths, with 35 deaths occurring in the host community in quarter two compared to just one in quarter one. Similarly, in the refugee camps, 50 percent (10 out of 20) of the deaths recorded during the pandemic (by June 2021) were in quarter two. Most of the deaths have been recorded in the elderly and those with comorbidities (WHO Surveillance Data, April-June, 2021)" +316241,54179.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,84,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://congovirtuel.com/information/medecins-sans-frontieres-sinquiete-de-la-resurgence-de-la-rougeole-en-rdc/,"[Rougeole] «Malheureusement, plusieurs provinces enregistrent à nouveau une hausse de cas depuis fin 2020, notamment le Nord et Sud Ubangi« , explique le coordinateur des équipes d’urgence de MSF en RDC, Anthony Kergosien. «Nous avons donc, une nouvelle fois, envoyé nos équipes mobiles d’intervention« , qui ont notamment pris en charge plus de 6.000 malades et vacciné plus de 136.000 enfants dans le Sud Ubangi depuis décembre." +161520,39295.0,2028.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,18,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,COVID-19 and economic deterioration compound existing humanitarian needs across all sectors in all parts of northwest Syria. +333348,51259.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2020_access_annual_overview.pdf,"Severity of access constraints: Significant incidents consists 7% of threat, intimidation, harassments, extortion, 4% of relocation of staff, 4% detention arrest, 4% administrative restriction and 4% damage, destruction, theft of humanitarian equipment." +453914,63974.0,2099.0,"['Shelter', 'Agriculture']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,82,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_20210630-Rapport-Protection-Trimestriel.pdf,"Les conflits fonciers constituent un des obstacles majeurs à l’exercice des droits LTB. L’on signale des conflits entre éleveurs et agriculteurs à Yalgo, l’accaparement des terres, les litiges latents non réglés sur la terre et la propriété à Matiacoali des cas d’expulsion, problèmes de limites de parcelles et de propriété, conflits entre éleveurs et agriculteurs à Titao et des tensions sociales autour de la question de la propriété." +189972,43324.0,2334.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,71,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irc_-_rapport_devaluation_covid-19_extreme_nord_-irc.pdf,"La région de l’EN est marquée quant à elle par des attaques perpétrées par des groupes armés (dont Boko Haram), des opérations militaires, des vols et destructions de biens et de propriétés, des inondations qui engendrent la perte de récoltes et perturbent les moyens d’existence des ménages vulnérables et des violations graves des droits humains causant des déplacements de populations forcés." +178433,41756.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],fr,26,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Près de 1,8 million de personnes ont des besoins dans le secteur éducatif liés aux mouvements de population et à l’épidémie de chol��ra." +70649,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],[],en,59,[],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"Economic differences between islands exist with those in the Family Island region more likely to be poor (17.2%) than people living in New Providence (12.4%) or Grand Bahama (9.4%). The Family Islands have higher percentages of non- nationals, fewer young people, and fewer with college educations." +237273,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,83,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The 4.4 million increase to 14.5 million people (up from 10.1 million in mid-2020) in the Health Cluster’s number of people in need reflects both urgent COVID-19 related needs (including widespread need for information provision and measures to mitigate against additional waves of COVID-19 transmission), as well as non-COVID-19 health needs, many of which that have been exacerbated due to delayed health seeking in 2020 been exacerbated due to delayed health seeking in 2020." +303364,51947.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,98,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,,92% étaient de nationalité tchadienne / 65% étaient mariées / 5% étaient des filles âgées de 14 à 17 ans / Moins de 1% avaient plus de 60 ans / 59% n’avaient reçu aucune éducation / 43% effectuaient un travail indépendant / 81% avaient pour destination le Tchad / 52% voyageaient pour des raisons économiques / 72% voyageaient en groupe / 15% ont rencontré des difficultés pendant leur voyage / 34% ont utilisé leurs économies pour financer leur voyage / 58% voyageaient en camion +298883,51893.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],en,119,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[January 2021, Overall Syria] The median value of daily per-capita income is 1,934 SYP, which is correspondent to living on $0.66 (USD) a day. This is extremely concerning, given that this would be a daily income rate of less than half of what is usually considered as being in extreme poverty - which is defined as living on less than $1.90 per day. The median value of daily per-capita expenditure is 2,407 SYP ($0.82), which is equally meager, but outstrips the income rate, implying that individuals, or households, will have to resort to coping strategies to make ends meet." +19133,7822.0,730.0,"['Shelter', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,75,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_Jan_to_nov_2018.pdf,"Disruption to teacher salary payments in 13 governorates continues to jeopardise the provision of education. Displacement affects the education system, as teachers and students are displaced, and schools are used by IDPs as shelters. There is an urgent need to support schools in districts with high severity of needs, through school repairs, provision of essential learning supplies, hygiene education, school feeding and other education related support." +183560,43049.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,12,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20response%20in%20the%20Central%20Sahel%202020%20%E2%80%94%20October%202020.pdf,Disputes between herders and farmer communities have been generating massive displacements. +386113,60459.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,51,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"Les flux sortants de céréales plus importants vers les pays voisins et la baisse des importations, exerceront une pression sur les marchés de façon générale et les prix des denrées de base pourraient demeurer au-dessus de la moyenne saisonnière entre juin 2021 et janvier 2022. [risque -scenario]" +311638,53198.0,2466.0,['Health'],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,65,[],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/DTM%20Sudan%20Mobility%20Restriction%20Dashboard%204.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=8634,"In response to the pandemic, the Government of Sudan (GoS) declared a nationwide health emergency and introduced mitigation measures in March 2020 to reduce the transmission of the virus. These measures include restrictions on travel due to closure of airports, points of entry (PoE) along land borders and maritime boundaries, as well as domestic movement restrictions." +148145,36609.0,1388.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,52,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/01.%20CRI%20Operation%20July%202020%20.pdf,"In 2020, the operation added a San Jose Field Unit to respond to the needs of persons of concern (PoC) in the metro area. At a policy level, the framework for the multi-sectoral refugee response is outlined in the Comprehensive Refugee Response Plan (MINARE)." +236349,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,65,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"A telling 97 per cent of female respondents reported to a needs assessment conducted by OXFAM, of over 600 households, covering 20 districts, carried out in April 2020, reported that they thought there was an increase in GBV since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, a threat which will not fade quickly given a second wave is already underway." +165198,38902.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",en,36,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"in April, 22% of respondents of a non-representative survey of Venezuelan refugees and migrants in Colombia and Peru stated that they experienced more xenophobia and racism due to COVID-19 (MMC 04/2020)." +307024,51572.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,59,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"All the jerrycans observed during the visit were broken and dirty, without leads, which means that even if the water at the water point is clean, the risk of contamination at HHs level is very high. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +315659,52949.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Meanwhile, SAM prevalence has increased among IDP children to 39,000 children under 5, while an estimated 184,000 children and 39,000 pregnant and lactating women are facing Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM)." +397562,61842.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,47,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.eldesconcierto.cl/opinion/2021/02/17/migracion-venezolana-ni-aumento-de-delincuencia-ni-aumento-del-desempleo-ni-baja-de-salarios.html,"Por otra parte, en las zonas de estos países donde había más delitos fue en las que se tenía mayores tasas de desempleo. Así pues, una forma de reducir los delitos de cometidos por estas personas, sería facilitándoles acceso al mercado laboral." +314717,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"In addition to poor access to services and humanitarian assistance, older persons face a significant risk of indirect consequences from the crisis i.e. increased levels of violence, abuse and neglect due to heightened household tensions." +307025,51572.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,69,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"The average time of queuing, according to discussion at the differents water point is 2-3 hours, with 15/30 minutes walk to reach the water point. The SWATs operators all reported having troubles with the women waiting for water, with regular fights at the water point. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +187252,32688.0,1900.0,['Cross'],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],es,40,[],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/El%20Salvador%2C%20Honduras%2C%20and%20Nicaragua%20Key%20Message%20Update%20-%20Inicio%20escalonado%20del%20desconfinamiento%2C%20pero%20la%20recuperaci%C3%B3n%20ser%C3%A1%20gradual.pdf,"A pesar del continuo incremento en la incidencia la del COVID-19, ambos gobiernos iniciaron la reapertura de las actividades de comercio e industria, el 15 de junio en El Salvador y el 8 de junio en Honduras." +152369,38139.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,73,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cox-s-bazar-sitrep-17.pdf,"As part of the operational capacity building to enhance preparedness for COVID-19 in Cox’s Bazar, WHO conducted a 4-day training for Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) of COVID-19 with participants from Severe Acute Respiratory Infection (SARI) ITC partners and Government facilities with ongoing direct and indirect support from WHO. So far, 567 government workers and 1320 humanitarian health care workers have been trained." +313712,53333.0,2334.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,45,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Indeed adolescents, especially females in the NWSW regions are one of the main groups being affected seriously by the conflict and COVID 19 situation, which is hindering their ability to remain and complete education, both secondary and tertiary education including vocational training" +149028,37702.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,77,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"The MoH has also announced 64 fatalities – an increase of 29 since the last report – and 417 recoveries. Of the cases, 105 cases were announced as imported and 203 as a secondary case (exposure/contact with a known case). According to available MoH data, nearly 24 per cent of cases presented as severe/critical requiring hospitalization, including, in some cases, oxygenation or mechanical ventilation in ICU units." +309797,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,50,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Disaggregated data collection and analysis of armed incidents indicate that violence continues to affect civilians across the country. Sub-national organized violence has increased during the first six months of 2020 as compared to the same period in 2019, most notably in Lakes, Warrap and greater Jonglei region" +176893,41091.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,121,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"De acuerdo con la proporción de casos activos en relación con el total de casos reportados por cada departamento, se evidencia que los 10 territorios con mayor proporción de casos activos son: Quindío 27,9%, Casanare 25,3%, Caldas 22,1%, Guaviare 20,8%, Vichada 20,4%, Boyacá 19%, Arauca 18,9%, Huila 17,1%, San Andrés 15,1%, Risaralda 15%, Cauca 14,7%, y Guainía 13,4%. Con relación al total de casos activos del país la mayor proporción de estos casos están en Bogotá 29,5%, Antioquía 15,3%, Valle 8,4%, Santander 5,1% y Cundinamarca 3,9%." +213222,44840.0,2331.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health', 'Cross']","['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,63,"['Capacities & Response', 'Priority Interventions']",[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,"Efforts to protect health and nutrition services and systems during the crisis are being scaled up following a two-pronged approach. Targeted support is being provided for the continuity of essential, lifesaving services, while complementary investments in health systems recovery, preparedness and strengthening at all levels of government are being made now and should continue into the recovery phase." +320331,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,53,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Gender-based violence is a common occurrence within the context of forced eviction in Somalia and not only are women and girls more likely to suffer violence during forced evictions, but they are also exposed to increased levels of violence within their own homes and communities once a forced eviction takes place." +193722,43353.0,2099.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']","['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Casualties->Injured', 'Context->Environment', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,83,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Burkina%20Faso%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%207%20-%20August%202020%20%281%29.pdf,"The rainy season began in April and is believed to be the worst in over a decade. Torrential rains and violent winds caused extensive damage to households and infrastructure across the country. According to CONASUR11, as of 10 September, 71,341 people have been affected, out of which 13 killed, 50 injured, and 563 households left without shelter. The floods affected all 13 regions cutting off bridges and roads, and causing extensive material damage." +209128,43992.0,2332.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,42,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"|UNICEF COVID-19 strategy] Together with local artists, seven one-minute clips about hand washing, physical distancing, and the negative impact of rumors have been recorded in different languages and broadcast on national and local radios and TV stations." +320477,52949.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Persons with disabilities face several barriers to shelter and NFI assistance, including access to information. Key physical constraints are also faced in relation to access to distribution points and markets, and the actual construction of shelters." +144250,35186.0,1187.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,41,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3657214,"The constitution guarantees universal health coverage in Argentina, however, its health system is highly decentralized and fragmented, resulting in governance challenges, considerable inefficiency, and variabilities in access, equity, and resources in each jurisdiction." +161172,35726.0,1183.0,['Education'],"['At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,206,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_arauca_junio_2020_vf%20%281%29.pdf,"En lo concerniente al tema educativo, se destaca que, en 2019 aproximadamente 700 NNA quedaron desescolarizados, 65.189 se matricularon en las Instituciones educativas oficiales del departamento, de los cuales 2.782 (4,27%) desertaron. A pesar de que se presenta una leve mejoría en comparación con 2018, en el que la tasa de deserción se ubicó en 4,73%, este fenómeno junto con la alta tasa de desescolarización sigue generando preocupación, ya que, no estar dentro del sistema educativo aumenta el riesgo de ser reclutado por los grupos armados. Es importante resaltar que la tasa de deserción rural (5,32%), fue mayor que la urbana (3,64%), debido que, es en la primera donde los menores son más vulnerables. En 2020, a pesar de que el número de NNA matriculados en I.E oficiales es menor (64.550), la situación presenta mejoría debido que todavía se reportan cupos disponibles, por lo que la tasa de escolarización puede aumentar y el número de NNA desescolarizados disminuyó a casi 3009. Sin embargo, resulta necesaria la creación y/o fortalecimiento de estrategias de permanencia educativa." +114347,31782.0,1186.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77210.pdf,"Es importante señalar que el 82% de los encuestados reveló que tiene serios problemas con el acceso a los alimentos. Adicionalmente, vale la pena resaltar que la mitad de la población encuestada está en casa con toda la familia, mientras que la otra mitad, señaló que alguien debía salir a trabajar, lo que impacta directamente en el cuidado y la posibilidad de comprar alimentos." +158636,39277.0,2170.0,"['Logistics', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,102,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NMMB_June2020_Final.pdf,"There has been a reduction in staple food supply across the country since March 2020, largely due to movement restrictions implemented by the federal and state governments to reduce the spread of COVID19. These have resulted in delays in transportation of goods following increased sanitary checks along main roads. Transportation time and costs have increased as a result, contributing to below normal market supply of most commodities across the country. Market and household stocks are within normal levels and seasonally decreasing, though there are still carryover trader stocks from previous year in surplus production areas." +309776,51467.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,The health needs of refugees are dependent on humanitarian agencies and require continuous support and they are still below minimum standards due to the low ratio of health workers to people and the number of health facilities per person +452364,64945.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],fr,70,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MONITORING%20PROTECTION%20DE%20JULLET%202021%20EST.pdf,"Les femmes enceintes, particulièrement celles dans la catégorie des PDI peinent à faire correctement leur visite médicale. En effet, le manque de moyen financier ne leur permet pas de faire un bon suivi prénatal. Plus de 15 femmes enceintes n’ayant pas de moyens pour la consultation prénatale ont été identifiées au cours du mois dans les différentes zones d’activités de protection." +344398,56726.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],en,33,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20210526_USG%20Statement%20to%20Security%20Council%20on%20Syria.pdf,"[26 May 2021, Overall Syria]The Syrian pound remains at over 3,000 to the dollar and food prices, partly as a consequence, remain at historically high levels." +214207,45203.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,73,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://fews.net/west-africa/cameroon/food-security-outlook/june-2020,"there are 290,000 refugees from Central African Republic (CAR) in the Est, Nord and Adamawa regions, exerting growing pressure on the resources and living conditions of host communities. Although 70 percent of these refugees from CAR have been fully integrated into their host communities since 2013, the remaining 30 percent are living at dedicated sites and are entirely dependent on humanitarian food assistance (HFA)." +159090,37975.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,12,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_ndeg112.pdf,Cumul de contacts sortis après 14 jours de suivis : 6 985 +312798,53783.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],fr,117,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.radiookapi.net/2021/04/18/actualite/sante/la-rdc-lance-la-campagne-vaccination-contre-la-covid-19-ce-lundi-19-avril,"[ministre sortant de la santé, Dr Eteni Longondo]« Il a été décidé de commencer la campagne de vaccination à partir de ce lundi 19 avril 2021 sur base volontariste. Et la priorité sera accordée au personnel de santé, aux personnes qui souffrent des maladies chroniques telles que diabète, hypertensions et au personnel social de base c’est-à-dire ceux qui sont en contact permanent avec le public. Il s’agit des personnels travaillant par exemple dans les aéroports, au niveau des postes frontaliers, au niveau des banques, le personnel qui est aux guichets par exemple »,avait expliqué le ministre de la Santé." +411329,63303.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,48,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/burkina-faso/hunger-season-arrives-sahel,"""At times, the response to COVID-19 has come at the expense of other necessary health coverage campaigns to prevent illnesses such as malaria and measles. In addition, people's fears and beliefs have impacted traditional vaccination campaigns like polio,"" explains Diop." +57769,17280.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",es,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/439982_ed8c90c2b9644fbbabee3b33e6e9e918.pdf,"Mientras 69% de los encuestados considera su vivienda como total o bastante segura, un 56% la considera con un buen estado general de conservación. Sin embargo, hay aproximadamente un 12% que considera la vivienda como muy insegura y en mal estado general. No hay diferencias significativas entre ciudades en la evaluación de la vivienda, tanto en seguridad como en estado de conservación." +359395,58669.0,2311.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,33,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/informe_de_emergencias_humanitarias_reportadas_elc_enero_mayo_2021.pdf,"IMPACTO POR EVENTOS DE ORIGEN NATURAL: En Mayo, seis departamentos reportaron emergencias causadas por desastres de origen natural, afectando en total a cerca de 40.705 personas en 33 eventos." +313717,53333.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"According to the latest humanitarian report provided by OCHA on Cameroon, 4,300,000 people are identified as in need of humanitarian assistance of which 2,300,000 are children under 18 years old" +148575,36019.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,54,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"More than 3,600 humanitarian personnel, particularly health care workers, have been trained in infection, prevention and control, and 1,180 health care workers have been trained in case management. Twenty-four (out of 54 planned) isolation centers have been set up at governorate level, equipped with life-saving essentials" +187188,34290.0,1900.0,['Health'],[],[],es,14,[],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Resumen_Informe_16_07_2020_No_080.pdf,Operación Honduras Solidaria llevada a cabo en el departamento de Gracias a Dios. +217501,45653.0,2333.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,53,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://docs.wfp.org/api/documents/WFP-0000114546/download/?_ga=2.153594736.918642439.1605111758-1773529422.1605111758,"Chronic malnutrition was also highly concerning, with stunting above critical levels (40 percent) in all camps/ settlements (SENS, 2018). In 2016, 35.5 percent of households in Sayam Forage camps and 32.6 percent in Kbalew were not consuming micronutrient-rich foods (SENS, 2016)." +69874,19974.0,1534.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,53,['At Risk'],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"Hurricane Dorian, which battered The Bahamas from 1-3 September 2019, directly impacted an estimated 78,2851 people among the population of almost 400,0002 who live on the Bahama islands. Thousands have lost their homes and, having been evacuated, are sleeping in communal accommodation centres unsure about the future." +313330,53183.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,67,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,The Shelter/NFI Sector in Sudan faced various challenges in 2020; Security: Darfur context remained unstable in 2020. The sector had to cancel or postpone some activities and distributions due to security issues. The ongoing economic situation and deterioration of living conditions resulted in increase of negative coping mechanisms and community conflict. This had an impact on the security during the distributions. +313660,53333.0,2334.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,15,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,Provide appropriate material equipment and child care support to facilitate girls’ return to school +40021,11715.0,729.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,95,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/what-s-happening-libya-five-facts-you-need-know,"The fighting in Tripoli has brought the crisis in Libya to the headlines across the world, highlighting the crucial role that European countries have to support people in need. Refugees and migrants continue to be at a heightened risk. Many are trapped in detention centers or living in the shadows. At this dangerous time, it is now more crucial than ever for the European Union to address policies such as allowing arbitrary detention and the withdrawal of search rescue missions in the Mediterranean Sea that put people at risk." +325682,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Les principales contraintes du secteur du riz sont les suivantes: le faible niveau de coordination des interventions de production, le faible accès aux intrants, la diffusion insuffisante des bonnes pratiques, les difficultés de financement, la faible superficie ensemencée par producteur, la faible qualité du riz, le coût élevé de l’énergie, la fiscalité inappropriée et les faibles marges bénéficiaires" +35538,13057.0,788.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],en,78,[],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000105395.pdf,"At the state level, more than 80 percent of households with adults aged 18+ years in each of the three states consumed three meals a day prior to the assessment (82.3% for Adamawa, 81.3% for Borno and 89.1% for Yobe States). Children between the ages of 0 to 59 from more than 50% of households in each of the three states consumed three to four meals a day." +70617,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],[],en,74,[],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"Young women between 16 and 18 were deemed the most vulnerable group and a recommendation made that access to contraception without parental consent should be allowed at 16, the age of sexual consent, rather than 18, with the potential to reduce HIV cases in addition to unwanted pregnancies. This is problematic for agencies wishing to provide confidential, post-exposure care for survivors of sexual violence who are under 18." +399245,62442.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,60,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/health/coronavirus/2021/08/10/government-eases-strict-covid-curbs,"[10th August 2021, Bangladesh] Dr Mushtaq Hussain, advisor to the Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research (IEDCR), noted that the Covid situation would deteriorate after the restrictions have been relaxed. He stressed the need to continue following health rules, including the wearing of masks and maintaining social distancing." +236054,47076.0,2334.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,47,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,"In June, despite the security challenges and lockdowns in the NWSW, Health Cluster partners continued to provide life- saving essential health services in Fako, Meme, Ndian, Kupe-Manenguba, Manyu, Mezam, Boyo, Ngoketunjia, Bui, and Momo divisions." +242572,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,17,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,The most common reason for children to leave their families is to seek better job opportunities. +116997,32497.0,1386.0,"['Cross', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,57,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://eltiempo.com.ve/2020/06/24/medicos-sin-fronteras-combaten-el-covid-19-en-uno-de-los-barrios-mas-grandes-de-venezuela/,"La pandemia encontró a Venezuela, con 30 millones de habitantes, con sus servicios colapsados por una grave crisis económica. Según la ONG Médicos Por la Salud, en 2019 hubo escasez de 50% de medicinas e insumos en hospitales y más de 70% de estos presentaron fallas de agua o electricidad." +90073,25213.0,1621.0,[],[],['Casualties->Missing'],en,33,[],['Casualties'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A_HRC_43_75_E.pdf,"Between 30 April and 23 May, hundreds of rescued migrants were reported to have been sent to Khoms detention centre but were later listed as missing by the Libyan Coast Guard." +405397,63222.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,64,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_mvam_bulletin_57_july_2021.pdf,"[Syria, July] In line with the recent increases in prices, on 11 July 2021, the Syri- an Government raised the salaries of civil servants and military workers by 50 percent, as well as pensions for retirees by 40 percent, effective as of August 2021. The last salary increase in Syria was announced in November 2019." +16333,6355.0,322.0,"['Cross', 'WASH']",[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,84,[],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/181002%20YEMEN%20HODEIDAH%20CHOLERA%20CASES%20SURGE.pdf,"In a recent UN survey of more than 2,000 respondents across Yemen, more than half (56 per cent) cited water supply damage as the most common form of infrastructure damage. In Hodeidah governorate this jumped to 62 per cent of respondents. As battles have intensified around Hodeidah’s port city in September, Save the Children is warning of a humanitarian catastrophe should the ground fighting reach densely populated areas or if the city should be besieged." +241185,47089.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,53,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000122811.pdf,"[1st Dec 2020,Nigeria] The total COVID-19 infections and fatality rates were relatively low compared to global rates at under 260,000 infections and under 4,000 fatalities in the region (Figure 2).[11] Nigeria, Cameroon, Ghana and Senegal have the highest recorded cases." +236348,46388.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,21,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,The pandemic has only added to the fear and violence experienced by a majority of women and girls in Afghanistan. +289670,52074.0,2334.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,62,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,"In addition to the proliferation of NSAGs, the government allegedly has equipped community or vigilante groups to counter NSAGs in Nkambe and other areas. Furthermore, there were deadly confrontations between various NSAG factions in Ngoketunjia and Momo divisions. On 20 October, the head of a police officer was found in Bamenda, likely killed by NSAGs." +390067,61349.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://news.un.org/es/story/2021/07/1493952,"Algunos, incluso, durante ese lapso decidieron soportaron el rigor de la enfermedad en voz baja, recibiendo cuidados de familiares y amigos, encomendando la vida a las medicinas ancestrales y a la fortaleza espiritual que para algunos les exige el hecho de ser líderes de la comunidad. Otros sintieron los síntomas de la COVID-19 sin la certeza de saber si habían sido contagiados." +239372,46388.0,2336.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Shelter and NFI items remain unaffordable to many and people resort to coping mechanisms such as borrowing, living with others, and moving from one location to another." +173197,39903.0,1388.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,79,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3644542,"El Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para la Infancia (UNICEF), entregó hoy 6500 caretas de protección facial al Patronato Nacional de la Infancia (PANI), por un monto de $10,000.00 dólares, para ser utilizadas por las personas menores de edad bajo protección en los albergues y el personal en las oficinas, con el objetivo de seguir las instrucciones del Ministerio de Salud, para contribuir con la prevención de COVID-19." +70602,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],[],en,59,[],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"GBV risk mitigation strategies should be strengthened in the Nassau shelters, including the establishment and communication to all humanitarian actors of the referral pathway and shared standard operating procedures (SOPs). Humanitarian actors should host awareness raising sessions and provide information to the affected population, particularly women and girls and other at risks groups." +236156,47076.0,2334.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,53,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,"Also, 5,441 pregnant and lactating women (PLW) were also screened among whom 14 cases with MUAC between 180mm and 210 mm. A total of 16,446 persons were sensitized on key messages on IYCF (infant and young child feeding) practices and these messages integrated COVID-19 preventative messages." +325590,54815.0,2099.0,[],[],[],en,44,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Difficulty obtaining reliable transportation to a clinic and the cost of transportation for monthly clinic visits have been identified as a potential barrier to antiretroviral (ARV) adherence in African countries (see, e.g., Lankowski et al., 2014)." +294807,51749.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,34,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[Gounghin] Les ménages PDI ont également exprimés leurs besoins en divers articles AME ustensiles de cuisines (étagères ménagères, marmites, assiettes), contenants (jerrycans) ou habits." +401809,62956.0,2098.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,47,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[29th July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Ensure that the most vulnerable population (including persons with disabilities and older people) who live in areas with potential risks of landslides need to be given priorities in emergencies relief support including relocation and shelter." +304147,51467.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,The indirect effects of COVID-19 in terms of disruptions to the supply chains of both commercial and humanitarian assistance worsened the severity of food insecurity for most of 2020. +161676,35720.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Respuesta%20COVID%2019%20-%20GIFMM%20La%20Guajira%20-%20Riohacha%2C%20a%206%20de%20julio%20de%202020.pdf,"En Colombia se han reportado al día 6 de julio 120.281 casos de COVID 19, el departamento de La Guajira reporta hasta el momento 661 casos (Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social), de los cuales 104 se encuentran en el municipio de Riohacha (Gobernación de La Guajira)" +235854,47091.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Hospitalization & Care']",en,42,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/borno_state_covid-19_weekly_sitrep_wk_52.pdf,Total number of patients discharged for the week – 3. Cumulative number discharged so far - 724. No death recorded in week 52. Total associated deaths – 36 (25 in Isolation facilities and 11 community death.) +320102,52949.0,2331.0,"['WASH', 'Protection']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,71,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Findings from 2020 joint assessments indicate that with increasing multiple displacements, forced evictions and loss of livelihoods due to droughts, conflicts and COVID-19 restriction measures, an increasing population of women and girls continue to express the need for dignity protection and material support (such as dignity and hygiene kits, solar lanterns, torches, mats and mattresses) to meet both basic and protection needs." +292445,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,Artemether/Lumefantrine (AL) was distributed to all the 45 health districts in the two PMI supported regions. The Project redeployed the remaining Artesunate Amodiaquine (ASAQ) tablets from both regions to the Centre Region upon the request of the NMCP and enforcing a ministerial order replacing ASAQ with AL +322100,54706.0,2311.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,114,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/comunicado_de_prensa_lanzamiento_hrp_colombia_2021_vf.pdf,"Unos 6,7 millones de personas necesitan asistencia humanitaria, de las cuales 5,6 millones evidencian tener necesidades graves. Unos 3,5 millones de personas se enfrentan a una grave inseguridad alimentaria, sobre todo como consecuencia de la COVID-19 y su impacto socioeconómico. Las mujeres y los niños siguen siendo los más afectados, así como las minorías étnicas y las comunidades indígenas de las zonas periféricas del país. Jozef Merkx, Coordinador Humanitario a.i. en Colombia, reflexiona: ”los actores humanitarios complementan los esfuerzos del Estado para aliviar las necesidades de los más afectados mientras el país continúa sus esfuerzos de recuperación y consolidación de la paz“" +149783,37699.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/ne-syria-60-increase-covid-19-cases-past-week-irc-calls-increased-health,"In just one week, cases of COVID-19 have risen by over 60% in northeast Syria – a situation that is cause for serious alarm, according to the International Rescue Committee." +299124,52086.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,98,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[25th March, 2021, North Syria] In North Syria, there is a much higher demand for food (76 percent), compared to other regions and the national average (69 percent). In the same region, food is more frequently reported by female-headed and income insufficient households (91 and 89 percent, respectively), while very vulnerable households in addition to their greater need for food (85 percent), report the highest need for rental subsidies (25 percent), compared to other households." +271780,50331.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,53,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDRCO017du1.pdf,"Trade: Although small shops can be found throughout the island, commerce and services are located to a greater extent in the Central Zone and Pueblo Viejo. There is a strong affectation in two supermarkets, vehicle rentals (motorcycles and buggies), hardware stores, and other businesses." +83547,23030.0,1620.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",en,105,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Humanitarian Access', 'Displacement']",2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/s_2019_1005.pdf,"In September, restrictions imposed by the military culminated in the suspension of two international non-governmental organizations in Borno and Yobe states for more than five weeks, leaving nearly 400,000 people without food and other essential help. The suspension was lifted on 30 October. From 6 to 8 November, the Government of Nigeria held a workshop in Maiduguri to strengthen coordination between the Government, the military and the humanitarian community. Meanwhile, in November, during the rainy season, over 300,000 people were affected by torrential rains and flash floods and 19,000 were displaced in Adamawa State." +196856,43840.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,41,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_291_20201116.pdf,Une réunion d’évaluation des activités SBC a été tenue avec les Présidents CAC de l’Aire de Santé MABOLIO en vue de conscientiser les RECOs sur la remontée quotidienne des alertes dans la ZS GOMA au NORD-KIVU. +61617,18442.0,1184.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"Access to territory Several instances of lack of access to Ecuadorian territory and cases of possible refoulement – including collective expulsions – of Venezuelans have been identified by the GTRM, especially in the aftermath of the introduction of the criminal records requirement in February 2019." +323722,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Environment'],fr,109,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"En outre, certaines stratégies visant à renforcer la biodiversité sont en train d’émerger, en vue de soutenir la production alimentaire et les moyens de subsistance dans les zones semi-arides du Burkina Faso. Par exemple, dans le Sahel, la régénération naturelle des espèces ligneuses gérée par les agriculteurs s’est avérée être une stratégie économiquement intéressante pour restaurer les paysages dégradés et soutenir la biodiversité, et peut conduire à des systèmes agricoles plus résistants à la sécheresse grâce au reboisement (Rey et Garrity, 2016; Reij et Winterbottom, 2015, dans Posthumus et al., 2019)." +202004,43104.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,165,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://concejodebogota.gov.co/la-inseguridad-en-bogota-no-esta-asociada-a-la-migracion/cbogota/2020-10-30/145513.php,"No es momento de generar xenofobia; por el contrario, reconociendo la realidad de la ciudad y los retos que ha generado la pandemia del Covid-19, articular esfuerzos, para superar la crisis de inseguridad en la que está sumida Bogotá, a la falta de apoyos sociales durante la cuarentena que conllevaron a más familias residentes a la vulnerabilidad, el desempleo creciente que hoy se ubica en 22%, la quiebra del 31% del comercio bogotano, una movilidad que no tiene norte, temas de prioridad en la agenda de ciudad que de concentrar las acciones de la Administración como debería estar ocurriendo, generarían menos incertidumbre en los ciudadanos. La inseguridad en Bogotá no está asociada a la migración y esperamos los resultados que en inteligencia, capturas y desarticulación de bandas ya debería estar arrojando el plan de choque que lanzó la Alcaldía hace más de tres meses como la solución a la crisis." +325818,54267.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,77,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Au niveau du ministère en charge de la jeunesse, il s’agit notamment du Fonds d’appui au secteur informel (FASI), du Fonds d’appui à la promotion de l’emploi (FAPE), du Fonds d’appui aux initiatives des jeunes (FAIJ) et du Fonds d’appui à la formation professionnelle et à l’apprentissage (FAFPA), entre autres." +169984,40360.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Il faut noter que ces services publics sont concentrés dans les chefs-lieux de province (Gorom-Gorom, Djibo, Sebba) et surtout à Dori qui est la commune actuellement la plus stable et aussi le chef-lieu de région." +235838,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,72,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"While UNAMA documented the lowest number of civilian casualties in the first nine months of 2020 since 2012, the conflict in Afghanistan remains one of the deadliest in the world for civilians. The majority of civilian casualties continue to be from ground engagements where the use of indirect fire (mortars, rockets, and grenades) in populated areas makes it impossible for civilians to avoid conflict areas." +188206,40860.0,1899.0,[],[],[],es,987,[],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200922_OCHA_GUATEMALA%20HRP%20COVID-19%20ESPAN%CC%83OL.pdf,"1. Evolución del impacto a la salud El 31 de diciembre del 2019 la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) fue alertada sobre un grupo de casos en China de síndrome respiratorio agudo, ahora llamado COVID-19. El origen zoonótico preciso aún es incierto. El virus ha sido identificado en muestras ambientales de un mercado de animales vivos en la ciudad de Wuhan, China y en algunos casos se han relacionado epidemiológicamente con este mercado. Cada vez más, la evidencia apunta a vínculos con otros coronavirus similares que circulan en murciélagos. La evidencia epidemiológica muestra que el COVID-19 también se puede transmitir de un individuo a otro. Durante brotes anteriores de coronavirus, incluido el coronavirus de síndrome respiratorio de Oriente Medio (MERS-CoV) y el coronavirus de síndrome agudo severo (SARS-CoV), la transmisión de persona a persona se produjo con mayor frecuencia a través de gotas pequeñas, contacto personal y objetos contaminados. Es probable que las formas de transmisión del COVID-19 sean similares. La incidencia de COVID-19 depende de las medidas de contención del país, incluyendo la capacidad de vigilancia epidemiológica para identificar nuevos casos, llevar a cabo un monitoreo completo de contactos para control de cadenas de transmisión y de las medidas de prevención y control de infecciones durante el manejo de casos leves, moderados, graves y críticos. Aunque la evidencia aún se está generando, la gravedad observada de los casos en otros países corresponde a un 81% de grado leve, 14% de grado grave y 5% de grado crítico. El uso de camas hospitalarias se proyecta en promedio de 14 días para casos graves y 21 días para casos críticos. La letalidad del COVID-19 está aún bajo estudio pero oscila entre 0.8% en China (excluyendo la provincia de Hubei) a 4.2% en diversos países y territorios (Fuente: Wilson, N, et al., 2020; accedido 22 marzo en https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/26/6/20/20-0320_article). Siendo Guatemala el país con más alto gasto de bolsillo en salud de América Latina y el Caribe y baja inversión pública (2% PIB), el potencial de vulnerabilidad ante el brote ha sido generalizado para la población nacional. Guatemala tiene una prevalencia de desnutrición crónica de 46.5% en niños y niñas menores de 5 años por lo que esta población tiene una particular vulnerabilidad ante un brote de COVID-19. Así mismo, los altos índices de pobreza, altos índices de desigualdad ajustada y bajos índices de desarrollo humano subnacionales (Fuente: PNUD, 2014) de comunidades en sitios rurales, en su mayoría indígena, destacan a estas poblaciones en potencial vulnerabilidad por el difícil acceso y baja cobertura de los servicios de salud. El primer caso de COVID-19 en Guatemala fue diagnosticado el 13 de marzo de 2020, para el 31 de julio, ya en una fase de transmisión comunitaria, el Ministerio de Salud Pública y Asistencia Social (MSPAS) de Guatemala ha registrado un total de 160,101 casos tamizados, de los cuales 33.4% han sido positivos; se tienen 8,935 casos activos estimados, para un total de 51,001 casos acumulados. El número de personas fallecidas a esa fecha era de 2,026 personas con una tasa de letalidad del 3.9%. El MSPAS dispone actualmente de 1,152 puestos de salud para atención primaria en salud, 115 centros de salud especializados en el segundo nivel de atención y 46 hospitales, los cuales han sido reorganizados para expansión de camas de aislamiento y UCI para atención de COVID-19. Además, se han habilitado cinco hospitales temporales: Parque de la Industria, Parque de Quetzaltenango, Zacapa, Petén y Escuintla. En total en los 46 hospitales de la red de servicios de salud y en los 5 hospitales temporales, se cuenta con un total de 1970 camas destinadas específicamente a la atención de pacientes con COVID-19, de las cuales 268 son para cuidados críticos. Aproximadamente, el 50% de estas camas están ubicadas en el departamento de Guatemala. En la ciudad de Guatemala fueron habilitados otros servicios: un hotel privado y las instalaciones del Campamento de la Paz del Ministerio de la Defensa, con capacidad de atención de hasta 200 personas cada uno (casos leves)1. Hay que mencionar que inicialmente se aspiraba llegar a 3,000 camas, sin embargo, por la falta de disponibilidad de recurso humano esto no ha sido posible. En el Hospital Temporal Parque de la Industria, se han habilitado al 31 de julio 297 camas que incluyen 38 de UCI. Otros hospitales de la red pública del país han tenido que hacer reconversión de camas en las áreas de emergencia, observación e internación para atender la alta demanda de pacientes, ampliando de 840 camas disponibles en 46 hospitales en marzo, a 1436 en mayo y a 1970 en julio en 51 hospitales. El porcentaje promedio de ocupación para camas de aislamiento de pacientes leves es del 96%, para camas moderadas del 72% y para camas de cuidados intensivos del 84%, variando algunos hospitales como Hospital General San Juan de Dios, Roosevelt, Amatitlán y Villa Nueva, entre otros, con porcentaje de ocupación del 90 al 100%. Adicionalmente al impacto del COVID-19 en la salud de las personas afectadas y la presión ejercida sobre el sistema de salud pública del país, la crisis está provocando, y se espera que siga provocando, una serie de impactos colaterales en el ámbito económico, social y político." +268299,49758.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,32,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Alojamiento: Se requiere el apoyo con kits de hábitat y dotación para atender aproximadamente a las 210 personas desplazadas, debido a que la alcaldía no cuenta con albergues temporales." +386793,60459.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"De plus, selon les résultats de la mission conjointe du SAP (mai, 2021), les autres sources de revenu habituel telles que, transferts de la migration, orpaillage, et le travail journalier sont épuisées ou faible et ne permettent de réaliser des achats suffisants sur les marchés" +272267,49940.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,200,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Save the Children hace un llamado a los gobiernos, los donantes, las organizaciones multilaterales y todas las demás partes interesadas para que sumen esfuerzos y adopten medidas para garantizar que: La respuesta humanitaria ante la COVID-19 no intensifique la vulnerabilidad de niños, niñas y sus familias, en especial las prácticas discriminatorias y las desigualdades de género. Los planes de respuesta de COVID-19 priorizan la protección de la niñez y la atención a partir de la identificación y priorización de riesgos y necesidades, bajo una perspectiva de género y respuestas integradas. Los servicios de protección de la niñez no sean suspendidos y aseguren la capacidad y financiación necesarias para proporcionar servicios esenciales e inclusivos de forma segura, integrando la atención en salud mental y apoyo psicosocial para la niñez. Los niños y niñas son escuchados sobre sus vivencias bajo la COVID-19 – a través de mecanismos de retroalimentación e investigación – que incluyan sus sugerencias en el diseño de planes de respuesta. Los sectores de educación y protección están habilitados para responder ante situaciones de violencia, en especial cuando de trata de población migrante, niñas y adolescentes." +164816,39789.0,2098.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,79,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Movementwide%20Operation%20Report%20August%202020.pdf,"Swedish Red Cross: 7,000,000 (around) liters of chlorinated water distributed among community (through piped network and tap stands) to meet regular demands of water supply and encourage peoples to wash their hands with running water.  Orientation sessions arranged for the community volunteers working within the construction team in camp-18 on intensified handwashing and key protective measures.  The doughnut chart is representing the Cox’s Bazar camp level disinfectant status" +197395,43077.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,46,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.areacucuta.com/camara-de-comercio-de-cucuta-y-gerencia-de-fronteras-articulan-esfuerzos/,"El alistamiento de la región para una eventual reapertura fronteriza se seguirá trabajando de manera articulada con autoridades locales, regionales y nacionales en el marco de las tres mesas de reactivación económica que se instalaron en los ejes de economía, salud y seguridad." +310675,53333.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Politics']",en,34,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"By the summer of 2019, the government controlled the major cities and parts of the countryside, while the separatists held parts of the countryside and regularly appeared in the major cities." +165025,38902.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,42,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,Analysis since COVID began from the Universidad de los Andes estimates that monetary poverty will increase by 15% (Uni Andes 27/05/2020). The Inter-American Development Bank estimates that poverty will increase by 4% (IADB 06/2020). +93369,26310.0,1386.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Economy'],en,53,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Venezuela_%20Violent%20Abuses%20in%20Illegal%20Gold%20Mines%20_%20Human%20Rights%20Watch.pdf,"The various syndicates that control the mines exert strict control over the populations who live and work there, impose abusive working conditions, and viciously treat those accused of theft and other offenses – in the worst cases, they have dismembered and killed alleged offenders in front of other workers." +241614,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,An additional 3.9 million returnees have come back to the country since 2012 with many struggling to re-enter their communities and survive. +439614,63184.0,2099.0,[],[],['Casualties->Dead'],en,17,[],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Burkina%20Faso%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%201%20May%20-%2030%20June%202021.pdf,"Burkina Faso registered 13 security incidents which resulted in 334 civilian casualties, including four children." +237192,46388.0,2336.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Other reasons for debt include paying for rent, displacement (paying for transport), hosting displaced family members, shelter repairs, weddings and celebrations, and general costs related to COVID-19." +48095,13061.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.derechos.org.ve/web/wp-content/uploads/MigracionLigia.pdf,"Una tercera amenaza para la niñez venezolana fuera de Venezuela, es el riesgo de apatridia, que se presenta especialmente en Colombia y República Dominicana." +155202,37856.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,101,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"En outre, 354 voyageurs (310 hommes et 44 femmes) ont ainsi été observés en train de traverser la frontière pour se rendre au Niger. Parmi ces voyageurs se trouvaient 11 mineurs de moins de 5 ans. Ainsi, 331 Nigériens et 23 Burkinabés ont été observés sur ce point de contournement. Par contre, sur ce même point, 134 voyageurs dont 112 hommes et 22 femmes ont été observés entrant au Burkina Faso par le contournement des voies officielles; Ce sont 113 Burkinabés, 17 Maliens, 02 Sénégalais et 2 Ivoiriens." +130345,30998.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],es,26,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Reporte%20Situacional%20Local%2C%20GIFMM%20Arauca%20%28Febrero%202020%29.pdf," Salud: >5400 refugiados y migrantes recibieron consultas de atención primaria en salud y >800 recibieron información, educación y comunicación en salud" +173636,38392.0,1899.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],es,20,[],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ALC%20post%20COVID-19%20-%20Retos%20y%20oportunidades%20para%20pa%C3%ADses%20de%20Centroam%C3%A9rica%2C%20Hait%C3%AD%2C%20M%C3%A9xico%2C%20Panam%C3%A1%2C%20y%20Rep%C3%BAblica%20Dominicana.pdf,"Sin embargo, la baja calidad del capital humano y la consecuente informalidad limita el potencial de recuperación económica." +333355,51259.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,54,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2020_access_annual_overview.pdf,"Severity of access constraints: Minor incidents consists 7% other bureaucratic, administrative impediment, 7% Threat, intimidation, harassment, extortion, 7% Interference in HR, staffing, admin, 5% Damage, destruction, theft of humanitarian equipment, 5% Interference in response location." +214366,45385.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,Certaines zones restent difficiles d’accès pour des raisons de sécurité et d’autres sont enclavées du fait du mauvais état de la route dû aux pluies. +296169,52520.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,55,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,[échantillon de 100 femmes – terr. Rutshuru]la plupart de ces femmes et jeunes filles débiles mentales vivent notamment sur la rue et cela généralement sans assistance car les interventions des organisations humanitaires ne prennent habituellement pas en charge les problèmes de santé mentale dans l’Est de la RDCongo. +149655,35869.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,34,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep18_25july2020.pdf,"The transhipment hub at Bab al Hawa is being expanded to improve physical distancing. The Cluster continues to implement COVID-19 counter-measures at the hubs, including regularly holding workshops on COVID-19 awareness." +236608,46388.0,2336.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,61,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Potentially compounding vulnerability, 53 per cent of women- headed households reported having only a verbal rental agreement, compared to 36 per cent of male-headed households. This insecurity of tenure is particularly concerning in informal settlements on the fringes of urban centres where many IDPs and returnees live on private land, paying rent without formal property rights." +22341,9106.0,729.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,87,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"In 2017 at least 40 children were killed and 38 children injured, by air strikes, shelling, small arms fire, improvised explosive devices and explosive remnants of war.116 Around 150,000 displaced persons, returnees and host community members are in need. An estimated 194,000 persons are still displaced in Libya and not able to return to their places of origins due to insecurity, fear of reprisals, violence against them and lack of access to services in their places of origins." +261023,49454.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,116,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.emro.who.int/syr/syria-news/update-on-covid-19-vaccination-in-syria.html,"[February 16, NWS] The Vaccine Request Form (Part A) envisaged to cover up to 20% of the Syrian population residing in north-west Syria. The target groups were prioritized based on series of discussions among the parties involved and include health care workers (3%), the elderly aged 60 and above (7.5%) and people in the age group 20-59 with special conditions such as immune-compromised persons and persons with chronic illnesses (9.5%). The GAVI letter received on 3 February 2021 expresses the intent to allocate vaccines to cover the initial 3% of the population with AZ SII vaccines." +164504,32982.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",[],[],es,72,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Respuesta%20COVID-19%20-%20GIFMM%20Arauca%2C%20actualizaci%C3%B3n%20n%C2%B03%20%28Del%201%20al%2030%20de%20mayo%20de%202020%29.pdf,"Agua, Saneamiento e Higiene •3.925 bonos intercambiables por artículos de aseo entregados en siete asentamientos en Arauca capital. •Entrega de filtros de agua en Arauquita. •Entrega de kits de higiene en Tame, Arauca y Puerto Rondón. •Entrega de sistemas de lavado de manos en Araucacapital. •Entrega de kits de desinfección COVID-19. •Entrega de canecas de residuos sólidos y talleres para el manejo de estos." +224143,45768.0,2332.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,28,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,Mobiliser les parents d’élèves des nouveaux IDPs pour l’envoi des enfants à l’école en particulier les filles [ Amma et Diamerom] +188216,40860.0,1899.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,160,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200922_OCHA_GUATEMALA%20HRP%20COVID-19%20ESPAN%CC%83OL.pdf,"De acuerdo con los registros del MSPAS, hay una tendencia al aumento de casos de desnutrición aguda (DA). A nivel nacional, en el 2019 se registraron 15,332 casos, lo cual representó un aumento del 24% en comparación con el 2018 (2,950 casos más). En 2020, se ha visto un incremento aún más pronunciado en los casos de desnutrición aguda. A la semana epidemiológica 29 (18 de julio 2020), las niñas y niños afectados por desnutrición aguda son 18,717 comparado a 9,206 en la misma semana en 2019. Los departamentos más afectados son San Marcos, Escuintla, Alta Verapaz, Huehuetenango y Quetzaltenango. Aunque ha habido un cambio en el sistema de información del Ministerio de Salud, y puede haber sobreestimación de (aún no determinada y bajo revisión), se considera que sí existe aumento debido al contexto actual." +236139,47122.0,2334.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,61,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"Until this note [guidance note on the protection of children during the outbreak of COVID-19] is finalized, the Child Protection AoR has decided to temporarily suspend all child protection activities such as Child Friendly and other Safe Spaces, Psychosocial Support Units and other activities that require gatherings and could expose children and communities to further harm." +235408,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Undocumented returns in 2020 had surpassed 2018 levels by December, making it the highest return year on record with 824,000 migrant returnees crossing the border from Iran and Pakistan." +224006,45768.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,Les Décrets 0379 et 0380 instaurant respectivement l’état d’urgence et déclarant « zone de guerre » les départements de Kaya et Fouli sont toujours d’application. +261657,49368.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,60,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://humvenezuela.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Caminates-de-ida-y-vuelta-2021.pdf,"Es posible anticipar que continuará el ingreso por pasos no controlados, lo que traerá como consecuencia el aumento de personas en condición irregular. A causa de la retención y destrucción de los pocos documentos de identidad con los que iniciaron el recorrido, la identificación y regularización de estas personas supone un gran desafío para los países receptores" +191503,43304.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,20,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"les minibus qui assurent le transport urbain ont enregistré une perte mensuelle évaluée à 25, 4millions de FCFA." +195240,43324.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],fr,63,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irc_-_rapport_devaluation_covid-19_extreme_nord_-irc.pdf,"39,8% des ménages interrogés (barre en rouge) sont en situation d’urgence, c’est-à-dire qu’au cours des 30 derniers jours ayant précédé l’évaluation, ils ont fait recours à au moins une des stratégies d’adaptation suivantes : - Vente de maison ou champ - Mendicité - Vente du dernier animal femelle" +242971,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,9,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,379 out of 875 mine-related casualties were men. +185058,40800.0,1900.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],es,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://infosegura.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Analisis-SC-2T-2020.pdf,"Pese a la reducción de homicidios a nivel nacional, los dos municipios con mayor concentración de víctimas presentan un comportamiento opuesto. Mientras que en San Pedro Sula los homicidios se han reducido 31%, en Distrito Central aumentaron 13%." +39383,13671.0,729.0,['Health'],[],['Context->Demography'],en,82,[],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_libya_en_05_may.pdf,"IOM and UNHCR report that many refugees and migrants in Azzawya Al Nasr DC, particularly those previously transferred from Qasr Bin Ghasheer, are extremely distressed and in need of psychosocial support (PSS). 655 individuals (519 men, 108 women and 28 children) were transferred to Azzawya Al Nasr DC following an incident on 23 April, in which 12 individuals sustained injuries that required hospitalization when an armed group entered Qasr Bi Ghasheer DC." +175872,40890.0,1183.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,99,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"A nivel departamental, además de La Guajira, que presenta una alta proporción de acceso a agua sin tratar, tres departamentos presentan menor proporción de acceso y disponibilidad de agua: Antioquia se destaca por un mayor porcentaje de acceso a agua no potable (tanto permanente como intermitente), mientras que en Arauca y Nariño se destaca la proporción de hogares con acceso constante a agua sin tratar (ver gráfica 28). La evaluación identificó hogares sin acceso al agua en todos los departamentos evaluados, con excepción de Valle del Cauca." +410309,63222.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,93,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_mvam_bulletin_57_july_2021.pdf,"[Syria, July] Between June and July 2021, the national average reduced Coping Strategy Index (rCSI) increased from 18.5 to 19.8. In July 2021, close to nine out of ten interviewed households in Syria (89 percent) reported applying at least one food-based coping mechanism to deal with insufficient food stocks and meet their food consumption needs, representing a five percent increase year-on-year. This trend was higher among female-headed households (96 percent) compared to male-headed households (88 percent)." +183690,42299.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,76,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syria.tv/%D8%AA%D8%AD%D8%B0%D9%8A%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D9%85%D9%86-%D8%AE%D8%B1%D9%88%D8%AC-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%88%D8%B6%D8%B9-%D8%B9%D9%86-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B3%D9%8A%D8%B7%D8%B1%D8%A9-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B1%D9%82%D8%A9-%D8%A8%D8%B3%D8%A8%D8%A8-%D9%83%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%88%D9%86%D8%A7,"[October 29, Raqqa, adherence to preventive measures] Commenting on the adoption of the principle of self-protection, Faisal al-Jassim, a resident of the al-Mashlab neighborhood, east of the city’s center in Raqqa, says, “We are in a tribal tribal society that is far from the possibility of commitment. Originally, this is one of the great dilemmas that cause an increase in injuries. """ +151439,37915.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/78176.pdf,"In the midst of the pandemic, some refugees in Cox’s Bazar have also expressed concerns with the renewed discourse regarding potential relocation to Bhasan Char. They are anxious about separation from family members and social networks, and the uncertainty over the prospect of moving to a new living environment where their knowledge of services and conditions is limited." +62678,18394.0,1386.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,84,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3295213,"Deseo expresar mi rechazo a la condena del líder sindical Rubén González a 5 años y 9 meses de prisión por un tribunal militar el 13 de agosto por hechos ocurridos en el ejercicio de su activismo sindical. Su familia también ha sido objeto de diversas formas de hostigamiento. La aplicación de la justicia militar para juzgar a civiles constituye una violación del derecho a un juicio justo, incluido el derecho a ser juzgado por un tribunal independiente e imparcial." +209136,43992.0,2332.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"UNICEF, through its Zonal Offices and in collaboration with the Provincial Health Delegations supported advocacy, capacity building of community relays and sensitization on behavior change through adoption of COVID-19 prevention measures." +239270,47351.0,2170.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Factsheet_NGA2005-Biu-LGA-Borno-state-November-2020.pdf,"[1st Nov2020,Biu LGA, Borno states]3% of internally displaced households and 1% of non-displaced households reported that at least one household member had faced movement restrictions in their neighborhood or village in the 30 days prior to data collection." +214266,45385.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,32,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"les PDIs se sentant de plus en plus menacées par les infiltrations d’éléments de Boko Haram, et se retrouvant souvent soupçonnées en retour de complicité par les Forces Armées" +187928,43370.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,52,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.acu-sy.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/COVID-19-Surveillance_NWS_EWARN_Daily-Sitrep_-133.pdf,[5 Nov 2020] [NWS] New cases: 328 | Total cases: 7828 | New tests: 934 | Total tests: 31953| New recoveries: 45 | Total recoveries: 2882 | Total active cases: 4796 | New deaths: 0 | Total deaths: 42 +149311,35869.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,81,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep18_25july2020.pdf,"In total, since the beginning of the year, the SCHF has allocated US$163 million to support the humanitarian response in northwest Syria, complementary to other bilateral and multilateral funding. Out of this amount, US$ 19.2 million has been specifically allocated to support the response to the COVID-19 pandemic, including US$8 million for the procurement and shipment of personal protective equipment (PPE) to be distributed to frontline responders." +45656,15533.0,729.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_report_areabasedassessment_aba_azzawya_jun2019.pdf,"KIs working in the health sector disagreed, instead reporting a lack of medicines and medical items as the foremost unmet need to access and to provide healthcare. The situation seems to be deteriorating over time and spreading to the private sector, forcing patients to bring their own medical supplies, including surgical instruments, to health facilities. Prices in pharmacies were unaffordable for many households." +194565,43822.0,2311.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],es,31,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19112020_flash_update_no.3_emergencias_por_ola_invernal_-_colombia_vf.pdf,"El mayor impacto se registra en La Guajira (35.602 personas afectadas), Chocó (30.218), Norte de Santander (11.732) y Bolívar (155.000)." +183489,42815.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,39,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://guardian.ng/news/ncdc-records-155-new-covid-19-cases-4-more-casualties/,"[5th Nov 2020,Nigeria] The Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) has recorded 155 new cases of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), as the total number of confirmed cases soared to 63,328." +214389,45385.0,2334.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,45,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"De janvier à juin 2020, 78 points d’eau ont été construits et réhabilités dans toute la région par de nombreuses organisations dont Codas Yagoua, UNHCR, LWF, Action Contre la Faim, NRC, et Première Urgence (PUI)" +384844,60265.0,2311.0,['WASH'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,70,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COL_2003_WASH_Resultados_Catatumbo_Mayo2021_MesaNdS.pdf,"Las principales razones manifestadas como dificultades para la compra, en el mes previo a la recolección de datos (N=124 hogares) fueron: 1. Sin recursos recursos financieros para comprar este producto (86%) 2. Aumento en el precio de los productos (31%). 3. Los productos no están disponibles en las tiendas o mercados (7%)." +59568,17198.0,1224.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,85,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Humanitarian Access'],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"At least two households noted that they attempted to register with Immigration for a stay permit but were unsuccessful because they do not have a cedula (documents). They do not wish to be in Guyana with illegal status and fear that they could be deported. Another household had received conflicting advice on whether or not they could renew the stay permits in Mabaruma, or if they had to travel to Georgetown which is very costly and unattainable for them." +179243,41946.0,2028.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,48,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://publications.unescwa.org/projects/saw/sdgs/pdf/en/Syria-at-War-8-years-on-Report-Final.pdf,"[Syria 2019, protection] Further, limited socioeconomic opportunities for women have led to pervasive gender-based violence. Forced marriages for girls as young as 10, verbal harassment and sexual violence, including rape, are all reported as mounting concerns by assessed communities." +311040,54065.0,2170.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,88,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nenfss_round_9_final_report_11032021.pdf,"[1st Dec 2020,North-East Nigeria] On the other hand, the prevalence of SAM was highest in Adamawa 3.1%, Borno 0.8% and Yobe 0.7%. Disaggregation by domain reveals that 5 out of 10 domains (Southern Adamawa, Southern Borno, East Borno, Central Borno and Southern Yobe) have 0.0% prevalence while Northern Adamawa and Northern Borno have 6.0% and 4.0% respectively. SAM rates are higher in females in all states and domains." +317174,53333.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"FGDs reported many concerns around adolescent girls and young women working, some of which include rape, ill-treatment, not receiving pay for work done, child labour, exploitation and harmful work." +164292,34183.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,68,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://s3.amazonaws.com/semanaruralvzla/documentos/1594859069_boletin_inversionpdf,"En Colombia, la apertura económica se dio a comienzos de los años noventa. Esta tuvo como objetivo dar a conocer a nivel internacional el mercado colombiano y generar mayor competencia de productos y servicios con respecto a otros países. Se esperaba que esto representara aumentos significativos de productividad, inversión tecnológica y un mejor aprovechamiento de los puertos (Villar Gómez, 2000)." +343248,45764.0,2332.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,98,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/0004_202008_rrm_msa_rapport_final_wolirom.pdf,"Recommandations: Procéder à la distribution de NFI pour ces déplacés. Bien qu’une partie de ces d��placés s'est construite un abri de fortune, la situation demeure, en effet, inquiétante car les ménages d'accueil, de leur côté, ne se retrouvent pas, pour la prise en charge des déplacés. Procéder à l'amélioration des conditions de vie de ces ménages par la distribution des bâches pour leur permettre de s'abriter pendant cette période où les pluies s’intensifient, mettant la santé des membres de ces communautés en danger." +272102,49364.0,2311.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,44,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/4-gender-violencia.pdf,"Al observar que las mujeres entre 18 y 34 años son quiénes principalmente experimentan estas violencias, se infiere que los proyectos de vida dignos de mujeres jóvenes, en vez de ser potenciados por el proyecto migratorio, están siendo afectados gravemente." +91810,26015.0,1620.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Situation-Overview_H2R_Oct-Dec_13.03.2020.pdf,"Reported latrine use across all LGAs decreased from 88% in October to 61% in December and varied between assessed settlements throughout the reporting period. In Bama in October, almost all (96%) assessed settlements reported that at least one person was using a latrine." +132547,35164.0,1188.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,69% es solicitante a la espera de resolución / 29% no ha solicitado / 30% no tiene ningún permiso / 41% pendiente de expedición del permiso +178448,41756.0,2225.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,76,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"La probabilité de décéder pour les enfants souffrant de malnutrition aigüe est 9 fois plus élevée que celle des enfants ne souffrant pas de malnutrition, d’où une forte contribution de la malnutrition à la surmortalité parmi les enfants en RDC. Il a été estimé que plus de 35 pour cent des causes de décès parmi les enfants de moins de 5 ans sont directement ou indirectement liées à la malnutrition. 136" +235378,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,45,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In contrast to the national trend of an overall reduction in civilian casualties, nine provinces witnessed an increase in civilian casualties compared to last year: Balkh, Samangan, Jawzjan, Badakhshan, Ghor, Kapisa, Logar, Khost and Bamyan." +148180,36609.0,1388.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,46,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/01.%20CRI%20Operation%20July%202020%20.pdf,"To further expand its child protection response and assist Nicaraguan asylum-seeker and refugee children, particularly those who are unaccompanied or separated (UASC), UNHCR provides technical assistance to national entities to ensure early identification of children-at-risk, and implementation of appropriate responses." +141401,35118.0,1187.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"desde el enfo- que de género debe considerarse en relación al rol de cuidadoras atri- buido a las mujeres y en particular a las madres, a partir del cual se organiza el mito de la abnegación en pos del bienestar de los/as hijos/as." +69887,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],[],en,52,[],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"Evacuees are being registered on the island of New Providence (Nassau) where some 1,650 people are being housed in Government-run shelters10 such as churches and community centres.11 These are at full capacity and as more evacuees arrive, families have reportedly been turned away due to lack of space." +61689,18346.0,1184.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,25,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71003.pdf,"• El personal humanitario fue capacitado en protección contra la explotación y abuso sexual, con un total de 321 personas capacitadas en mayo." +193947,43327.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,23,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_sectoriel_octobre.pdf,Les recrudescences des attaques entraînant la fuite des personnels soignants et la fermeture des formations sanitaires dépassants les projections du premier trimestre 2020 +196289,43846.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,45,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://zoom-eco.net/a-la-une/rdc-le-comite-multisectoriel-de-riposte-a-la-covid-19-alerte-sur-une-deuxieme-vague-de-cette-pandemie-en-afrique/,"Docteur Jean Jacques Muyembe, Secrétaire Technique du Comité Multisectoriel de Riposte à la Covid-19 en RDC, a démontré, grâce aux dernières statistiques, que les cas de Covid-19 en RDC commencent déjà à augmenter, même si la létalité reste faible." +325622,54815.0,2099.0,[],[],[],en,106,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"In the case of the examined health outcomes, visually, there does not appear to be a correlation between child mortality from malaria and either of the transport connectivity variables (Annex 4), and the association is not statistically significant, either, when controlling for the other variables that might affect this health outcome. In other words, other factors besides transport connectivity are at play in determining the likelihood of a child under 1 year of age dying from malaria, or there might be more specific transport constraints, not measured in this study, that matter more." +306153,51474.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,72,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"Also of concern was an increase in the number of casualties attributed to conventional parties to the conflict (up from 27 to 73 compared with the previous reporting period), as well as the impact on local populations of rising tensions and clashes involving Sudan People's Liberation Movement-in-Opposition (abbreviated SPLM-IO)defectors affiliated with government forces in areas of Central Equatoria, Upper Nile and Western Equatoria." +149222,36019.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,45,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"Overall, gaps remain most extensive in informal settlements, informal camps as well as in collective centres outside Al-Hasakeh city. In Deir-Ez-Zor alone, almost 3,000 HHs living in these last resort sites are currently not being covered with any COVID-19 related assistance" +13851,5545.0,322.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,138,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/IOM%20Yemen%20-%20Sitrep%20-%201%20July%202018.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=3857,"Escalation in armed clashes in Hudaydah between the parties to the conflict is continuing for nearly three weeks. Fighting and shelling have significantly decreased in recent days, but displacement continues, as families continue to leave their homes and the unsafe zones altogether. Displacement is resulting in absence of staff in most institutions, affecting service delivery capacity and quality. Most of the commercial activities remain suspended, with shops – including money exchange places where people can receive cash sent via remittances – remaining closed. Many roads in the Hudaydah city remain blocked, but the area remains accessible to and from Sana’a. Many of the displaced families are moving to capital Sana’a, where several schools are being used for temporary shelter for vulnerable IDPs." +337223,55827.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need']",['Context->Demography'],es,102,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/bogota/mendicidad-en-bogota-el-incremento-del-fenomeno-en-la-ciudad-585210,"Según el último censo realizado en convenio entre la Secretaría de Integración Social (SDIS) y el Departamento Nacional de Estadísticas (Dane) en el 2017, en Bogotá hay 9.538 personas habitantes de calle, 8.477 hombres y 1.061 mujeres. La mayor parte de la población tiene entre 20 y 45 años. También se encontraron 280 personas entre los 12 y 19 años, 2.420 entre los 20 y 29, 6.057 entre los 30 y 59 y 781 de 60 años en adelante. Este censo, hasta el momento, no se ha actualizado." +208418,43992.0,2332.0,"['WASH', 'Health']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,61,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"To date a total of 71 public sites have been disinfected with chlorine in Abéché and 152,925 people (58,170 men and 90,905 women, 2,203 pregnant women and 1,647 adolescents) were sensitized on COVID-19 prevention by 165 volunteers of the Chadian Red Cross in the Ouaddaï province and 80 community agents of the NGO partner ALIMA in N'Djaména." +158057,38777.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],"['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,79,['Capacities & Response'],"['Information And Communication', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/food-insecurity-impact-covid-19-among-critical-challenges-facing-syria,"Discussing the COVID-19 pandemic, he said that efforts within Syria to combat a possible outbreak are insufficient. So far, at least 60 doctors in Syria have died due to the virus, he said, adding that the severity of the situation in regime-controlled areas will never be known due to the lack of reliable information. North-west Syria is best prepared to mitigate the effects of an outbreak due to medical assistance from Turkey." +315371,53333.0,2334.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,26,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Others suggested that parents, caregivers and husbands to be educated on the importance of girls education and also discourage child early and forced marriages." +209144,43992.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,73,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"In addition, during this report period, three separated and unaccompanied children including two (one girl and one boy) associated with armed groups and forces in Lac province benefited from alternative care. The two children associated with armed forces and groups were referred to the Transit and Orientation Centre of Bol for transitional care, while the third is being provided with alternative care by NGO partner INTERSOS." +187155,39357.0,1898.0,['Food Security'],[],[],es,40,[],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ALC%20post%20COVID-19%20-%20Retos%20y%20oportunidades%20para%20pa%C3%ADses%20de%20Centroam%C3%A9rica%2C%20Hait%C3%AD%2C%20M%C3%A9xico%2C%20Panam%C3%A1%2C%20y%20Rep%C3%BAblica%20Dominicana.pdf,"Se debe asegurar el provisionamiento de alimentos, especialmente de la población más vulnerable. El 49% de los hogares salvadoreños sufren algún tipo de inseguridad alimentaria y la mayoría de estos hogares se encuentran en las zonas rurales" +181174,42386.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,48,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_RMU_October-2020_vfinal.pdf,"L’accalmie a aussi favorisé l’approvisionnement des marchés principaux et leur fréquentation par les acteurs étrangers. Néanmoins, les marchés secondaires, surtout ceux dans les zones frontalières au nord fonctionnent au ralenti du fait des attaques isolées et des menaces des groupes terroristes" +19131,7822.0,730.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,108,['Impact'],[],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_Jan_to_nov_2018.pdf,"The health care system is strained and overwhelmed due to inadequate financial and human resources. To secure access by people in need of primary and secondary health care, there is a need to ensure the availability of medicine and medical supplies as well as support operations by providing health staff incentives. There is a need to support surveillance systems and improve capacities to prevent, detect and control epidemic prone diseases and outbreaks. Health staff require training and refresher courses to build their capacity, and in frontline districts, such as Al Hudaydah, there is an augmented need for trauma care." +411332,63303.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Economy'],en,78,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/burkina-faso/hunger-season-arrives-sahel,"While health and other essential services are compromised, food insecurity continues to grow. ""How can families prepare for the lean season when the prior months have been marked by constant increases in food prices?"" says Paloma Martín de Miguel, Action Against Hunger’s regional director for the Sahel. Inflation in the region is now estimated at more than 10% compared to the average of the last five years." +320474,52949.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"According to the Protection Cluster, in 2020 (from January to August), an estimated 102,311 people have been evicted, mostly in Banadir and Bay regions, where about 85 per cent of all evictions occur." +149581,32165.0,1388.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,165,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/74589.pdf,"“El 72.9% de los trabajadores extranjeros de sexo masculino se desempeña en los siguientes grupos ocupacionales (desagregación a dos dígitos, entre paréntesis el número de trabajadores): a. Peones agropecuarios, pesqueros y forestales (29.436). b. Oficiales y operarios de la construcción excluyendo electricistas (14.743). c. Peones de la minería, construcción, industria y transporte (10.475). d. Vendedores (10.032). e. Personal de los servicios de protección (7.899). f. Oficiales y operarios de metalurgia, construcción, mecánica y afines (4.990). g. Operarios y oficiales trabajadores del procesamiento de alimentos, confección, ebanistas, otros artesanos y afines (4.805). h. Conductores de vehículos y operadores de equipos pesados móviles (4.751). i. Agricultores y trabajadores calificados de explotaciones agropecuarias con destino al mercado (4.288). j. Trabajadores de los servicios personales (4.063)" +325670,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,52,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"(Hauts-Bassins, Boucle du Mouhoun) En ce qui concerne la production de riz, le gouvernement local de la vallée du Sourou a récemment pris la décision (mai 2020) de préparer 2000 hectares supplémentaires pour la culture du riz dans la région (RTB, 2020)." +280931,50817.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,87,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://tishreen.news.sy/?p=634523,"[March 3, GoS] The General Director of Al-Mouwasat Hospital, Dr. Essam Al-Amin, stated to “Tishreen” that starting tomorrow, Thursday, the vaccination will begin to be given to the medical and nursing staff in the first lines who are in direct contact with patients in the hospital, and upon the arrival of the second quantity, it can be distributed to the second lines, and the vaccine is optional. It is not mandatory for them." +338415,55951.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,54,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://preventepidemics.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/PERC-Finding-the-Balance-Part-III-12-May-2021.pdf,"[Survey conducted by phone with approximately 24,000 people across 19 Member States in five geographical regions in Africa, including DRC] Key drivers of food insecurity, particularly in the context of COVID-19, are rising food prices (aligned with the PERC survey findings) and decreased access to food markets" +194464,43501.0,2225.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,29,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"Dans 69% (211) des localités évaluées, les IC ont rapporté que des abris avaient été détruits ou partiellement détruits au cours du mois précédent." +317212,53333.0,2334.0,"['WASH', 'Cross', 'Shelter']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,38,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Key informants reported that in some areas Caritas distributed WASH items like soaps, aquatabs, and Hygiene pads, while Amref provided buckets and soaps to households. However adolescent girls were not necessarily a distinct group" +306276,51572.0,2335.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,21,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Advocate for increase of incentives to teachers [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]" +303377,51947.0,2332.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,149,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,,"Parmi les femmes ayant répondu à la question relative aux difficultés (27% du total des migrantes enquêtées), 15% ont indiqué avoir rencontré des difficultés pendant leur voyage (contre 29% des hommes). Parmi les problèmes les plus cités figurent les problèmes financiers (mentionnés par 40% des femmes qui ont rencontré des difficultés, contre 16% des voyageurs hommes interrogés), la maladie (32% - 37% chez les hommes), la faim et la soif (24% - 62% pour les hommes), ainsi que le manque d’abri (24% - 36% pour les hommes). Par ailleurs, les problèmes liés au manque des documents d’identité et le manque d’information ont chacun été signalés par 20% de ces femmes." +314843,53183.0,2466.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,70,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"In Khartoum, out of the nine so-called Open Areas, only two are covered by WaSH partners while seven remain with no WaSH support, despite the dire need. In the newly established Um Rakuba refugee camp, Gedaref State, emergency water is provided through water trucking to refugees from Ethiopia’s Tigray region, at a below minimum emergency standards (20 l/p/d)." +193036,43411.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,61,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs']",['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Assessments made in the 13 regions show more than 250 tons of food lost as a result of the floods. Added to this are the flooded fields and the hunger season. We must also add the fact that some localities in the country are in food crises. Most of the victims expressed food as their first priority need +112822,32048.0,1185.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Intentions'],en,60,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Nin%CC%83ez%20venezolana%20Covid19%20Ingle%CC%81s%20Web_FINAL.pdf,"Peru is the second most popular destination for Venezuelan migrants after Colombia. Peru is also the second place where migrant children have experienced hunger to a greater extent. Eighty-six percent claimed not having enough food at home. Thus, income and food have been the most critical factors for migrant children and their families in Peru." +217457,45653.0,2333.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://docs.wfp.org/api/documents/WFP-0000114546/download/?_ga=2.153594736.918642439.1605111758-1773529422.1605111758,"As of 18 December 2019, four health centres and 47 health posts had closed due to insecurity in crisis-affected areas (WHO, December 2019)." +325250,54815.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"(Sahel, Est, Centre-Est, Centre-Nord, Nord, Boucle du Mouhoun) Recent mapping of health the availability of services suggests that the Sahel, Est, Centre-Est, and part of Centre-Nord, Nord, and Boucle du Mouhoun regions have essentially become ""health deserts""" +221857,45410.0,2332.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",fr,100,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"[Les parties Sud des provinces administratives du BEG et du Kanem dans la Zone 5 - « agropastorale» ]: Par suite de l’impact de la COVID-19 sur l’économie du pays déjà marquée par la chute du cours du pétrole depuis plus de cinq ans, les opportunités d’embauche (main d’œuvre agricole, maçonnerie, migration, transferts des migrants, etc.) continueraient de s’effriter. On assisterait à une érosion continue des autres sources de revenus à cause de la perte des capitaux." +452324,64945.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,75,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MONITORING%20PROTECTION%20DE%20JULLET%202021%20EST.pdf,"Les zones à risque élevé d’incidents au cours de ce mois sont les villages de Tanwalbougou, Nassougou, Namoungou, Ougarou, Bomoana dans la province du Gourma ; Logobou, Kombongou, Botou, Kantchari, dans la Tapoa et Foutouri, Bartiébougou dans la Komondjari. Cependant, il est bon de noter que les groupes armés non étatiques sont présents dans toutes les différentes provinces de la région." +218519,45654.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,39,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/hrp_weekly_funding_status_201124.pdf,"[24 Nov 2020, Whole of Syria, Funding Overview] Funding requirements for Health sector are 443.2 Million USD, of which 132.2 Million USD have been funded, leaving a gap of 311 Million USD." +218197,45410.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,28,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,Près de 214 608 déplacés internes (IDP) du Lac soit 72 pourcents des IDP recoivent une assistance alimentaire fournie par le PAM et ses partenaires. +235867,47091.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,48,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/borno_state_covid-19_weekly_sitrep_wk_52.pdf,"WHO’s mhGAP continued COVID-19 health facility-based sensitization and psychological first aid (PFA) awareness in MMC, Jere, Ngala and Nganzai LGAs. • mhGAP response teams from WHO provided group sensitization and counselling on COVID19 during routine mental health care outreach sessions." +188859,43387.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,32,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20DE%20PROTECTION_SEPTEMBRE2020-SAHEL.pdf,"On constate cependant, que les chefs-lieux de provinces restent des zones moins à risque. Tel est le cas de la commune de Dori qui est le chef-lieu de Région." +273785,50250.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints', 'Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,59,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://preventepidemics.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/7_PERC-Weekly-Update.pdf,"The Italian Ambassador to DRC, along with two other people, were killed in a convoy attack near Goma. The circumstances around the attack are unclear, however, it may negatively affect government and international organizations ability to respond to the multiple disease outbreaks (Ebola, COVID-19, Measles) DRC is experiencing currently." +346138,56952.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20monitoreo%20enero-marzo%202021%20-%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20vers%C3%B3n%20final.pdf,"Una de las condiciones para ac- ceder al ETPV, es portar un documento de identidad, y algunos de los perfiles que DRC ha identificado se encuentran en condiciones de vulnerabilidad extre- ma y no cuentan con esos documentos." +116995,32497.0,1386.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,25,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://eltiempo.com.ve/2020/06/24/medicos-sin-fronteras-combaten-el-covid-19-en-uno-de-los-barrios-mas-grandes-de-venezuela/,Médicos Sin Fronteras instaló un campamento donde más de cien profesionales atienden la pandemia de COVID-19 sorteando la crisis de salud pública del país. +61764,18350.0,1184.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Context->Demography'],es,56,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71151.pdf,"Para el mes de junio se ha registrado un beneficio para un total de 1.866 personas en Huaquillas (39 niñas y 58 niños, así como también 659 mujeres y 1.110 hombres); y 3.214 en Tulcán (67 niñas y 135 niños, así como también 1.173 mujeres y 1.839 hombres)." +284992,51587.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,43,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=226958,"[20 March, 2021, GoS] The Ministry said in a statement that the total number of Coronavirus cases registered in Syria up till now has reached up to 17240 of which 11503 have recovered and 1153 have passed away." +310539,53177.0,2466.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,54,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Sudan%20Multi-Sectoral%20Location%20Assessment_South%20Kordofan.pdf,"The main water sources available are hand pumps (78%) and these are maintained by the community. For 17 per cent of the population, it takes between 30 minutes to one hour for households to collect their water supply – 88 per cent of which is free of charge." +183592,42456.0,2099.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,28,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.unicef.org/wca/media/5411/file/UNICEF-WCARO-Central-Sahel-Advocacy-October-2020.pdf,26 direct attacks against schools and education personnel have been reported in July 2020. 5 schools were reportedly attacked and 13 burned down in Burkina Faso. +240453,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,26,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Infectious diseases, poor maternal and neonatal health, and malnutrition still cause substantial mortality and morbidity, and non-communicable diseases are becoming more prevalent." +341818,56493.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,156,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Si l’on compare la région de l’Est avec la région des Hauts-Bassins : Il y a à l’Est beaucoup plus de per- sonnes qui connaissent des victimes de violences que de personnes qui craignent elles-mêmes d’être agressées. Dans la région des Hauts-Bassins, c’est l’inverse. La crainte est très élevée pour soi-même mais peu de personnes connaissent des victimes. Au Sahel, dans la Boucle du Mouhoun et au Centre Nord, par contre, les deux variables vont de pair (plus on connaît quelqu’un qui a été agressé, plus on a tendance à avoir soi-même peur). Une des hypothèses est que le sentiment d’insécurité qui ne se base pas sur des faits réels, pourrait être issu de rumeurs, et causé par un manque d’information ou de communication." +61300,18235.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,97,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"Another reason frequently cited by refugees and migrants for choosing to settle in Maicao, Riohacha and Cúcuta is their closeness to the border, which means that it would be easier for them to go back and visit their families, either during the holidays or in case of necessity. In addition to this, the fact that people on the move tend to build a basic support network upon their arrival in these cities, and the availability of humanitarian assistance at the border, also seem to have contributed to this trend." +244551,47907.0,2425.0,['Health'],[],[],en,57,[],[],Lebanon Situation Analysis,2021-01-25 12:39:46.093809+00,,"LRC also delivered quarantine guidelines trainings since August to 50 municipalities and quarantine centers based on material developed by national actors responding to the COVID-19. Out of the 50-targeted entities, 11 were quarantine centers designated for COVID-19 cases, where the personnel received the training highlighting best practices to be adopted at the centers." +125966,29180.0,1620.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],en,60,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Gap-Supply-Demand-Contraceptive-Services-Northeast-Nigeria-Report.pdf,"These findings suggest that communities need increased education to understand the complete method mix and that healthcare providers should ensure they provide information about all available methods, including the advantages and disadvantages of each method, so that individuals can make an informed decision about which method is best for them with support from a qualified health provider." +310038,51467.0,2335.0,['WASH'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,36,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,Water availability in all refugee camps and settlements is above the SPHERE minimum standards at an average of 17.31 litres per person per day but water system operations and maintenance require continuous attention and support. +59104,17455.0,788.0,[],[],[],en,74,[],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/201908-nigeria-cross-border-report.pdf,"Displacement is ongoing, but the International Organization for Migration (IOM) estimates that 1.5 million internally displaced people (IDPs) and refugees have returned. More than 11,000 refugees returned from neighbouring countries in the first three months of 2019. There is, however, growing evidence to suggest that many recorded returnees are in fact unable to go back to their homes, effectively leaving them internally displaced." +438415,64539.0,1185.0,"['Education', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,110,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Por último, la deserción escolar también es una problemática frecuente entre niñas, niños y adolescentes de Venezuela. El 14.4% mencionó haber dejado de estudiar por algún periodo desde su llegada a Tumbes. La razón principal fue tener dificultades económicas, casi en la mitad de los casos (46.2%). También se mencionaron otras dificultades como haber llegado después del inicio del año escolar (19.2%), no contar con la documentación necesaria (15.4%), desconocer el funcionamiento del sistema educativo (11.5%) y la insuficiencia de cupos en el colegio (7.7%)." +201563,43427.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Economy']",es,49,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Se estima que el ingreso bruto de la pro- ducción potencial de clorhidrato de cocaína tipo exportación producido (1.327 tm)19 en Colombia en 201920, tiene en el país un va- lor de COP $ 6.33 billones de pesos21 (USD $1.928 millones)." +325376,54815.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"The capitals of the provinces such as Fada, Pâma, Gayéri, Piéla, Diapaga are the reception areas with the largest numbers of IDPs (UNHCR, 2020c), with commensurate additional demands imposed on their schools and healthcare facilities." +273789,50464.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,50,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210203FINALFactSheetSomaliaSkisserLR11.pdf,"The UNSC should institutionalize the position of the Environmental Security Advisor in UNSOM, to enhance coordination with the FGS, but also for better-integrated responses within the UN system across the humanitariandevelopment–peace nexus and mainstreaming climate security into the work of the UN system on the community level." +475703,63295.0,2099.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rpca_avis_pregec_cotonou-visio_17_18_juin2021_fr.pdf,"[Sahel et Afrique de l’Ouest] La situation alimentaire et nutritionnelle demeure préoccupante dans l’ensemble des pays sahéliens et le Nord du Nigeria affectés par l’insécurité civile liée aux conflits armés et le banditisme ; une situation engendrant des flux importants de personnes déplacées internes (5,2 millions)." +345277,56065.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",fr,49,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.financialafrik.com/2021/04/21/rdc-dieudonne-kaluba-elu-a-la-presidence-de-la-cour-constitutionnelle/,Le juge Dieudonné Kaluba a été élu président de la Cour constitutionnelle de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC) le 20 avril 2021 à Kinshasa par ses pairs. Il succède à Benoît Lwamba Bindu qui avait démissionné de ses fonctions pour des raisons de santé. +317168,53333.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,37,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,Limited knowledge of sex and menstrual education was reported a related challenge for the girls. The young mothers groups cited that the IVSPD madam who come down from Bamenda to teach them only came once. +148514,36019.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],en,63,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"The latter has contributed to a significant depreciation of the Syrian pound (SYP), which reached its lowest informal exchange rate against the US Dollar in early June (SYP 3,200 to US$ 1). As a result, prices of essential goods and services have surged, further impacting a population already struggling to make ends meet." +386115,60459.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"les tendances en 2021 indiquent une disparité en termes de victimes. Dans les régions du Sahel, du Centre-Nord et du Nord, les cinq premiers mois de 2021 ont vu un nombre constant d'attaques perpétrées par des groupes militants par rapport à la même période de l'année précédente, avec un nombre décroissant de victimes associées." +327080,54267.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],fr,87,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Le Burkina Faso a déployé des efforts systématiques pour surmonter les obstacles au développement des entreprises et améliorer l’environnement des investissements privés dans le secteur agricole (AGRA, 2014). Les principaux cadres politiques pour le développement rural font référence au secteur privé comme moteur de la croissance et mettent l’accent sur une approche qui favorise les pôles de croissance, les chaînes de valeur prometteuses et les politiques de croissance en faveur des pauvres (AGRA, 2014)." +385198,60693.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,86,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/malnutrition-among-children-rife-nigeria-what-must-be-done,"[22nd July 2021, Nigeria]Improving child nutrition is key intervention. But this needs a multi-sectoral approach and collaboration from stakeholders in the public and private sectors. Because childhood malnutrition is inextricably linked to multidimensional poverty, interventions to address malnutrition must be multidimensional. They must address various deprivations experienced by the Nigerian people. Therefore, a commitment from the government at all levels (federal, state and local) is crucial in improving child health in Nigeria." +245229,48020.0,2170.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,71,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_15_jan_2021_report.pdf,"[1st-15th Jan 2021,North east Nigeria] 79% of the total showers are functional while 21% need to be repaired. 24 sites in 5 LGAs (Girei in Adamawa state, Konduga, Jere, Maiduguri and Dikwa in Borno state) do not have shower on site. 2,351 showers needs to be repaired across 77 sites in 17 LGAs (table 2)." +306253,51572.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,125,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"During FGDs, community members informed the team that a number of individuals are returning from mainly Uganda and Sudan to Melut sites. A primary pull factor is the signing of peace agreement and awaited formation of the new Transitional Government of National Unity by the government and opposition, consistent with the results of a recent survey indicating perceived improvement in security situation in South Sudan as a pull factor. As a result, many individuals returning to Melut are re-uniting with their families within the different sites, and intend to return to their areas of origin to engage in livelihoods. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +164330,38902.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",[],[],en,29,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"The national containment measures to reduce the transmission of COVID-19, including lockdowns and movement restrictions, are severely impacting livelihood opportunities, especially in the informal sector." +159045,39293.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,38,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Round-3-Analysis-Factsheet-NWS_Tk_09.09.20.pdf,"According to the report, public spaces remain open and accessible in most communities (86%), while awareness campaigns were in place in a majority of communities in only 16 of 44 assessed sub-districts." +236295,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Grave child rights violations are a significant concern, with children in Afghanistan consistently killed and injured, recruited and used in hostilities, detained, abducted, made victims sexual violence, exposed to deliberate attacks on schools and hospitals, and denied humanitarian assistance by parties to the conflict." +194572,43822.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],es,45,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19112020_flash_update_no.3_emergencias_por_ola_invernal_-_colombia_vf.pdf,"Es importante resaltar la situación de contagio de COVID-19 que hasta el 17 de noviembre reportaba un total de 2.004 casos con una incidencia acumulada de 3.146,6 casos por 100.000 habitantes, cifra superior a la tasa de incidencia nacional (2.404,3/100.000 hab.)" +326981,54714.0,2331.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,62,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,"[WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE (WASH) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Most commonly reported problems related to accessing sanitation facilities by households of IDP settlement were Lack of sanitation facilities (latrines/toilets) / facilities too crowded (34%),Sanitation facilities (latrines/toilets) are not functioning or full (24%)." +15105,5486.0,322.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,118,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,http://www.ye.undp.org/content/yemen/en/home/presscenter/pressreleases/2018/undp-conducts-community-protection-workshops-to-help-conflict-af.html,"Aden, Yemen - UNDP Yemen, in partnership with Oxfam, is conducting a series of Community Protection workshop for 300 beneficiaries from the targeted districts of Craiter, Attawahi and Mualla in Aden with the funding support from Government of Japan. The sessions run from July 4th to 19th, 2018. They are expected to enhance community protection mechanisms empower those who have been through traumatic experiences during and after the 2015 war and its devastating psychosocial impacts on the lives and relationships of the communities in Aden. Youth participants identify the behavior, influences and prejudices that negatively impact their neighborhood and devise mechanisms to protect their community from future shocks." +59534,17198.0,1224.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Humanitarian Access->Population To Relief', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",en,93,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,The vast majority of Venezuelans did not hold a valid passport. Some had a cedula (Venezuelan Identification Card) or birth certificate while others face challenges of having no documentation at all or having conflicting documentation. 57% or 609 Venezuelan migrants are not documented by the Immigration Office in this region. 40% or 428 migrants are documented by the Immigration Office. Such gaps in documentation raised concerns that they will not be able to register with immigration for the stay permit or a work permit. +50125,12653.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",en,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/290119_hno_2019_en.pdf,"Colombian returnees These people need to be identified and in some cases documented as co-nationals in order to ensure their access to rights as Colombians, as well as actions to permit their socio-economic ntegration in the country and their protection against risks that exist in areas they are settling, particularly in cases where Colombians had left the country due to the armed conflict." +159615,39079.0,2170.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,36,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NIGERIA_Food_Security_Outlook_Update_August_Final.pdf,Sustained conflict and military operations associated with Boko Haram coupled with the COVID-19 pandemic and related restrictions have led to an increase in the population facing Crisis (IPC Phase 3) or worse outcomes. +156664,38708.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,45,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/cox-s-bazar-icrc-backs-emergency-wing-renovation-catering-100000-patients-year,"The staff has been trained in emergency care and essential medication and equipment have been made available. The hospital is the district's main government medical facility that covers close to 3.5 million people, including host communities and displaced population from Rakhine." +164752,39789.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,51,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Movementwide%20Operation%20Report%20August%202020.pdf,"349 people admitted and 214 people released from the quarantine Centre of Nayapara and Kutupalong camps. Among the admitted and released people 258 were males and 305 females. Besides, 168 positive suspected cases (male 69 & female 99) are staying at the Quarantine Center of camps" +305470,51467.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,55,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"The already limited functionality of health services is likely to be further strained by COVID-19, including the macroeconomic adverse impacts, deepening vulnerabilities. Morbidity and mortality from epidemic diseases, including malaria, is expected to rise sharply due to the disruption of vaccination campaigns and lack of healthcare capacity in 2021." +358770,58669.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,51,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/informe_de_emergencias_humanitarias_reportadas_elc_enero_mayo_2021.pdf,"IMPACTO REGIONAL: RISARALDA 400 Debido a las amenazas de un GAO, indígenas de la comunidad Vichuvara se desplazaron hacia Puerto Rico en búsqueda de protección. La comunidad expresó temor para realizar la declaración del hecho victimizante ante la posible retaliación que el GAO podría tener contra ellos." +361166,58845.0,2028.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,70,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_price_bulletin_may_2021.pdf,"[May 2021, Overall Syria] In May 2021, the informal exchange rate strengthened m-o-m, and the Syrian pound gained one percent of its value reaching SYP 3,113/USD. However, compared to one year ago, the Syrian pound significantly depreciated by 49 percent. Moreover, the official exchange rate and the UN operational rate have both remained unchanged m-o-m, at SYP 2,500/USD." +164402,38902.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,42,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"Venezuelan refugees and migrants are vulnerable to forced recruitment (FLM 17/07/2020), given their socioeconomic vulnerability. Many Venezuelan refugees and migrants lack knowledge about the dynamics of armed conflict in Colombia, making them easier targets for recruitment." +10447,4760.0,321.0,"['Cross', 'Education', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,99,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Libya%20Flash%20Update%2013%20July%202018.pdf,"UNHCR continues to implement quick-impact projects (QIPs) to support host communities, refugees and internally displaced persons in Libya. So far in 2018, UNHCR implemented 75 QIPs throughout Libya reaching an estimated population of 37,500 individuals affected by the crisis. To help internally displaced persons and returnees, UNHCR has provided local communities, municipalities, hospitals and schools with different support including school desks, computers, water tanks, solar street lights and waste management items. In the upcoming weeks, UNHCR is planning to support medical facilities in Benghazi." +22077,8649.0,788.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],en,107,['Impact'],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://www.vanguardngr.com/2019/02/47-million-bank-accounts-go-dormant/,"MORE Nigerians have abandoned their bank accounts majorly due to economic hardship caused by sluggish economic growth, rising job losses and reduction in purchasing power occasioned by double digit inflation. Statistics from the Nigeria Interbank Settlement System, NIBSS, showed that Nigerians abandoned 10 million bank accounts in 2018. NIBSS is owned by all Nigerian banks and the Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN. According to the company, the number of bank accounts abandoned by bank customers and hence categorised as ‘inactive bank accounts’ rose by 28 percent to 46.7 million in 2018 from 36.7 million in 2017." +123576,30832.0,1620.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,45,[],['Humanitarian Access'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/PRESS%20RELEASE%20-%20NIGERIA%20-%20UN%20APPALLED%20BY%20ATTACK%20HITTING%20CIVILIANS%20AND%20HUMANITARIAN%20FACILITY%20IN%20MONGUNO%20-%2014062020%20-%20final.pdf,"Humanitarian hubs, managed by IOM for the humanitarian community, are critical to reaching the most vulnerable in insecure areas in Borno State. They enable aid workers to deliver assistance and carry out life-saving activities in remote locations amid challenging operational environments." +294600,51749.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,91,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[District sanitaire de Ouargaye] Agent itinérant de santé Les ressources humaines sont inégalement réparties dans les structures de santé visitées (CMA, CSPS Yondé, CSPS Salambaoré et CSPS Urbain) et ne répondent pas aux normes OMS (1 médecin pour 10.000 habitants, 1 infirmier pour 3000 habitants et 1 sage-femme pour 5000 habitants). Le CMA a une pléthore de médecin au nombre de 7 tandis que le CSPS urbain avec une population de plus de 16.000 habitants n’a aucun médecin." +329921,55140.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,60,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[8th April 2021, Cox's Bazar] 209 new COVID-19 positive cases were reported in Cox’s Bazar: - 2 new cases among FDMN/ Rohingya refugees - 203 from the host community • 60 Rohingya refugees are in-home quarantine in the camps • 692 persons from HC are currently in-home quarantine in Cox’s Bazar" +143712,35870.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,59,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"In NES, awareness campaigns and trainings of partner staff, including in camps, IDP settlements and collective shelters are ongoing. In the reporting period UNICEF supported 15 focus group discussions, in addition to awareness sessions and hygiene promotion for 200 community leaders in Al-Hol. Interactive and edutainment activities were also conducted for 350 children" +126336,33843.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,80,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"En la muestra estudiada de migrantes venezolanos 42% reportó que perdió su empleo y 46% declaró que tiene un empleo. Entre estos últimos la situación más común es la permanencia en casa sin laborar (22%), solamente 3% hace trabajo desde casa, luego hay 10% que tiene empleo y sale a trabajar con autorización y una fracción similar que aunque no está autorizado igualmente sale a trabajar porque hay necesidad." +61136,18235.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],en,35,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"Healthcare infrastructure has deteriorated due to a lack of medical supplies, including drugs and machinery, as well as to a dearth of health professionals, many of whom have left the country." +286637,51586.0,2336.0,[],[],[],en,42,[],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_19_november_2020_final.pdf,"Humanitarian partners urge the Government to ensure laboratories are appropriately equipped, staff receive timely renumeration and that procured supplies go to under-resourced health centres in a transparent manner so that life-saving support can be delivered to those most in need." +132436,35164.0,1188.0,['Protection'],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,18,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"Deportados, Retornados, Expulsados: 574. Desde 2010 a la fecha 5,917 nacionales de Venezuela." +295279,52417.0,2028.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],en,87,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.dropbox.com/s/fpu0ox89go0s7li/Syria%202021%20HNO%20%28advance%20copy%29.pdf?dl=0,"[23rd March 2021, Overall Syria] The economy has experienced irreparable harm since the crisis began, with the gross domestic product having declined by 60 per cent and the government increasingly unable to raise sufficient revenue to subsidize essential commodities such as fuel and bread on which the most vulnerable families rely. The Syrian pound is in virtual freefall having lost 78 per cent of its value since October 2019, while price increases for staple goods are at an all-time high." +91779,26015.0,1620.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,84,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Situation-Overview_H2R_Oct-Dec_13.03.2020.pdf,"Potentially related to subsistence farming and cultivation practices, around half (47%) of assessed settlements in Kukawa reported that people consumed three meals per day and that less than half (39%) consumed two meals per day in the month of November .The proportion of assessed settlements reporting that people consumed three meals per day however decreased to 35% in December, whereas assessed settlements reporting that people consumed two meals per day increased to 60%." +330406,53831.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],fr,71,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/12042021_sitrep_s12_whe_oms_rdc_f.pdf,"Au total, 6 AS (Masoya, Kaheku, Muchanga, Tulizeni, Nduko et Vutsundo) sont touchées, réparties dans 4 ZS (Biena : 6 cas, Butembo : 3, cas Katwa : 2 cas et Musienene : 1 cas). Deux personnels de santé ont déjà été affectés par la MVE, soit 16,7% de l’ensemble des cas de MVE." +301779,51958.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,54,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_devaluation_de_protection_des_retournes_tchadiens_de_la_rca_installes_dans_les_sites_au_sud_du_tchad_002.pdf,"Enfin, les retournés déplorent le manque d’appui de la part des services étatiques dans leur situation actuelle [en termes de livelihoods]. La cohabitation se passe bien grâce aux efforts des chefs de village et leaders retournés, mais sans une implication réelle ni encadrement des autorités administratives." +61753,18350.0,1184.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,25,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71151.pdf,"Área de Intervención 1: Asistencia directa de emergencia • 99.606 personas asistidas en junio 2019, 70% del total de las asistencias registradas" +323122,54498.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,260,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/89758cd4/REACH_COL_RAN_Factsheet_Trend_analysis_March2021.pdf,"Durante las cinco rondas de recolección, el reporte de viajeros que señalaron que ellos o personas dentro de su grupo estaban viajan- do con algún tipo de dificultad física osciló entre entre el 22% y el 33%, siendo la primera ronda el máximo reporte, donde el 33% de los 210 ICs señaló que él o alguien de su grupo tenía alguna dificultad física. Las dos principales dificultades físicas re- portadas durante las cinco rondas fueron: Dificultad para ver incluso si usaba anteojos fue la mayormente reportada a lo largo de cuatro rondas de recolección. Para la quinta ronda, fue la segunda más reportada. A lo largo de las cuatro rondas su reporte estuvo entre el 52% y el 57% de los ICs que reportaron tener alguna dificultad física, siendo la cuarta ronda el mayor reporte, donde el 57% de los 47 ICs que reportaron tener alguna dificultad física, señalaron tener esta condición. Dificultad para caminar o subir es- calones fue la segunda dificultad ma- yormente reportada a lo largo de cuatro rondas de recolección. Para la quinta ronda, fue la primera más reportada. A lo largo de las cuatro rondas su reporte estuvo entre el 42% y el 53% de los ICs que reportaron tener alguna dificultad física, siendo la cuarta ronda el mayor reporte, donde el 53% de los 47 ICs que reportaron tener alguna dificultad física, señalaron tener esta condición." +458124,64540.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,101,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"condiciones de trabajo precario . De acuerdo con la investigación citada, se identificaron los siguientes indicadores de empleo precario: El 82% de las personas encuestadas manifestaron trabajar más tiempo de lo establecido en la jornada laboral semanal legal, equivalente a 48 horas. Un 55% indicó trabajar más de 60 horas semanales, lo que puede implicar jornadas diarias de más de 8 horas diarias. El 17% reportó trabajar jornadas semanales que estarían dentro del máximo permitido, lo que podría indicar (en una proporción no determinada) situaciones de subempleo involuntario." +313294,53183.0,2466.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,25,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"For refugees living in camps, over-crowding and congestion remains a serious concern, with all camps currently hosting populations beyond their initial capacity." +236684,46388.0,2336.0,['Education'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,48,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"With the onset of COVID-19 and restrictions designed to slow the spread of the virus, the limited access to education that did exist was shuttered for more than six months for more than 10 million children, leaving them with education deficits and catch-up learning needs." +150135,36723.0,1184.0,['Livelihoods'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,182,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77597.pdf,"MEDIOS DE VIDA Frente a la pregunta sobre ¿cuáles son sus medios de vida principales? aproximadamente un 90% de participantes indicaron dedicarse al sector informal, con actividades como la venta ambulante, los trabajos eventuales y los emprendimientos propios. La razón mencionada es que conseguir un trabajo bajo relación de dependencia es muy complicado para la población venezolana. Es así, que al responder ¿cuáles son las barreras principales para acceder a sus medios de vida? pudo observarse un común denominador entre los diferentes grupos focales: la falta de documentación y la xenofobia. Adicionalmente, varios participantes mencionaron algunos problemas al momento de acceder a sus medios de vida, principalmente estafas, como, por ejemplo, que no les paguen luego de haber realizado su jornada de trabajo; y también explotación laboral, indicando tener que trabajar hasta 12 horas diarias recibiendo un promedio de 10 a 15 dólares. A esto se suman barreras económicas para acceder a las herramientas, equipos e insumos que necesitan para sus emprendimientos." +315948,52949.0,2331.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Overall, women and girls who are survivors of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) face significant challenges in accessing competent health services that may respond to their needs in a dignified manner." +188871,43387.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,62,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20DE%20PROTECTION_SEPTEMBRE2020-SAHEL.pdf,"Le mois de Septembre a connu plus d’incidents sécuritaires que le mois d’août. Des atteintes aux droits humains dues à l’activisme des GANI ont été constatées notamment, des cas d’assassinats, d’enlèvements, de vols et pillages, de menaces, de physiques violences et d’arrestation arbitraire." +187153,39357.0,1898.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],es,102,[],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ALC%20post%20COVID-19%20-%20Retos%20y%20oportunidades%20para%20pa%C3%ADses%20de%20Centroam%C3%A9rica%2C%20Hait%C3%AD%2C%20M%C3%A9xico%2C%20Panam%C3%A1%2C%20y%20Rep%C3%BAblica%20Dominicana.pdf,"Se espera que el consumo se contraiga debido a la disminución en las remesas y en los ingresos de los hogares debido a la cuarentena y el confinamiento. Las remesas se contraerían en un 17 por ciento, en comparación con un aumento del 4.3 por ciento que se proyectó en enero de este año. Por otro lado, una encuesta realizada por el BID (2020) reveló que muchos latinoamericanos han perdido sus empleos debido a las medidas de confinamiento (Bottan, Hoffmann y Vera-Cossio, inédito), situación mucho más grave entre los vulnerables74." +20768,8434.0,729.0,[],[],[],en,31,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/refugees-returned-overcrowded-libyan-detention-centres,"Two days ago, 106 people disembarked in Khoms from a commercial ship. It is feared that at least six people reportedly drowned while the group was at sea." +12373,5597.0,322.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,73,[],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://docs.wfp.org/api/documents/WFP-0000074046/download/,"During the last week of July and beginning of August 2018, the national average daily exchange rate has further deteriorated and reached as high as over 550YER/USD. The main reason for skyrocketing exchange rates in recent weeks is due to lack of foreign currencies in the Central Bank of Yemen, printing of Yemeni Riyal by the central bank without adequate reserves and widespread reliance of traders on black markets." +241458,46388.0,2336.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"An analysis of SMART surveys conducted between 2015 and 2019 across Afghanistan showed that a staggering 15.3 per cent of infants under 6 months in Afghanistan are affected by wasting, 6.2 per cent of whom are severely wasted." +320445,52949.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,77,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"According to the JMCNA 2020, shelter is the top priority need of more than half of the entire population. An estimated 3.15 million people are in need of shelter and NFI assistance: mainly due to inadequate shelter conditions, overcrowding, economic hardship and lack of security of tenure. Those in particular need of shelter and NFI assistance include IDPs, poor host communities, refugees and asylum seekers and refugee returnees." +393631,62284.0,2170.0,"['Logistics', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,58,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"[7th Apr 2021, Borno State] This belief that witchcraft is carried out at night has instilled great and deep fear in members of the community. Furthermore, there is no lighting and most household have no flashlights, and as such women and girls fear going out at night to use the washroom." +315346,53333.0,2334.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"The assessment showed that some girls reported they have the freedom to choose when to get married and have children, and with whom, but also that they risk missing out on education and economic opportunities as a result." +310031,51467.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Counties with the greatest need (of WASH) include Canal, Pibor and Pochella in Jonglei, Terekeka and Juba in Central Equatoria, Ulang, Nasir, and Melut in Upper Nile." +325541,54815.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,103,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[Ouagadougou] The differences in accessibility between the overall population and the poor are greater with respect to healthcare facilities, especially the more advanced ones (CHU, and CMA). Compared to the overall city population of whom 18 percent can access a CHU within 45 minutes of travel by bus, among the poor population the share is only 10 percent. Similarly, for accessing CMAs, the share of the poor able to access at least one within this time threshold is only 22 percent, compared to 34 percent among all city residents combined." +309796,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Despite recent positive developments on the implementation of the Revitalised Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan (R-ARCSS), violence and insecurity remain a persistent reality." +473030,63732.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2f4004e6/REACH_BFA_Factsheet_Abri-AME-et-LTB_Pouytenga_juillet-2021.pdf,"Dans la majorité des zones couvertes par l'évaluation, environ 50% des ménages semblent disposer de suffisamment d'espace dédié au couchage dans l'abris. Ce dernier semble particulièrement manquer à Yargo où l'ensemble des IC a indiqué que moins de 50% des ménages disposait de suffisamment d'espace pour leurs membres pour dormir." +132453,35164.0,1188.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"En los grupos focales se detecta que usualmente las personas venezolanas firman un contrato de arrendamiento, pero raramente éste se notaría o registra en el Ministerio de Vivienda (MIVI). La relación con las personas arrendatarias en general es buena, aunque se dan casos de amenazas de denuncia por su situación irregular en el país, o desahucios por impago de mensualidad." +183541,43045.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,32,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/60670/two-franciscan-friars-die-from-covid-19-in-aleppo.html,"[Sep 2020,Overall Syria] According to some estimates, at the height of the pandemic, the pandemic had hundreds of victims, up to 800 a day." +386769,60459.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,67,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"Les exactions et menaces des groupes djihadistes continueront de perturber le fonctionnement normal des marchés locaux. L’approvisionnement du marché principal (Gorom-Gorom) demeurera en-dessous de la moyenne jusqu’en janvier 2022 en raison d’une part, de la réduction des flux entrant et d’autre part, de la baisse attendue de la production locale. (scenario)" +178093,40661.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,35,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"En RDC, au cours du mois de mai 2020, on note une baisse du rythme de l’activité dans près de 90% des entités économiques qui ont eu à travailler." +385199,60693.0,2170.0,['Nutrition'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,73,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/malnutrition-among-children-rife-nigeria-what-must-be-done,"[22nd July 2021, Nigeria]At the individual level, nutrition-based interventions to improve child malnutrition should include: educating mothers and fathers about the need to breastfeed infants within the first hour of life. exclusive breastfeeding in the first six months of life. introduction of appropriate complementary food accompanying breast milk after six months of age. appropriate diet diversity. administering iron and vitamin A supplements." +177707,41774.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,189,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"Article 2 : Des mesures sécuritaires sur le territoire national Jusqu’à ce que soit proclamée la fin de l’état d’urgence sanitaire, sont de stricte application les mesures ci-après : 1. La fermeture de toutes les frontières du pays aux passagers et à toute personne, sauf pour les navires cargos et autres moyens de transport frets qui sont autorisés à accéder au territoire national. Leurs personnels sont cependant soumis aux contrôles de santé publique nécessaire. 2. Tous les vols en provenance des pays à risque et des pays de transit sont suspendus dès vendredi 20 mars 2020. Dans ce contexte, le voyage de tout passager de pays à risque, à destination de la République Démocratique du Congo, est censé reporté. 3. Sous peine d’être éconduit à la frontière, à leur arrivée sur le territoire national, tous les passagers d’un aéronef à destination de la République Démocratique du Congo remplissent la fiche de renseignements, se soumettent au lavage des mains et au test de température." +327158,54714.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,55,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,"[SHELTER & NON-FOOD ITEMS (SNFI) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 76% of the household found with Shelter and Non-food items(SNFI) living Standard Gap (LSG). 3% found to be extreme+, 11% extreme, 62% severe and 24% stress." +181145,42386.0,2099.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,80,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_RMU_October-2020_vfinal.pdf,"Malgré la bonne distribution des pluies entre juillet et octobre, les productions agricoles pourraient être en-dessous de la moyenne dans les zones du nord plus touchées par l’insécurité du fait de l’accès limité aux champs et des poches de sécheresse, mais elles resteront similaires à la moyenne dans l’ensemble du pays en dépit de l’accès tardif aux intrants et des inondations localisées dans les zones de production plus calmes." +390915,60780.0,1186.0,[],[],[],es,83,[],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Es posible que la información relacionada con personas privadas de libertad a 2020 esté siendo afectada por la pandemia, debido a que el sistema penal generó acciones en el marco del COVID-19 para descongestionar algunas cárceles con miras a controlar los contagios. Desde el Ministerio Público se solicitó a los y las fiscales ajustar sus criterios al momento de decretar prisión preventiva en casos que realmente lo ameriten con fines de evitar la sobrepoblación carcelaria (Ayala, 2020)." +237210,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,37,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Displaced households headed by a person with a disability reported a median net income of -2,000 AFN, which is 4 times lower than that of the displaced households headed by people without a reported disability.`" +48091,13061.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",[],[],es,56,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.derechos.org.ve/web/wp-content/uploads/MigracionLigia.pdf,"Se han registrado casos de niños no acompañados o viajando con adultos que no son sus representantes, en Pacaraima (al menos 27 casos, más 224 casos de adultos que afirmaron que viajan con niños que no son sus hijos)17, diferentes puntos de Colombia (con unos 400 casos)18" +132440,35164.0,1188.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,53,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"Aunque el flujo de población venezolana en Panamá ha disminuido desde la introducción del requisito de visa estampada en 2017, se observa en 2019 un saldo migratorio de más de 14,000 personas. Según el SNM, las solicitudes de visas viene aumentando, las cuales en su mayoría están siendo otorgadas" +493604,61216.0,2028.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/humanitarian-situation-overview-syria-hsos-northeast-syria-june-2021,"[June 2021, NES]% of communities where the lack of civil documentation for residents and IDPs was reported: 15% and 17%" +314325,52949.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Often, communities living in areas regained by government forces and their allies are left without protection once those forces withdraw. As a result, many are forced to leave their homes, with some moving pre-emptively" +144800,36608.0,1187.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020-08-17%20Resumen%20Semanal%20de%20Situaci%C3%B3n%2010-16%20de%20agosto%202020.pdf,"En un seguimiento de las encuestas realizadas por el UNICEF en abril, el 36 por ciento de los hogares utiliza tarjetas de asistencia alimentaria del Gobierno, frente al 19 por ciento en abril, mientras que el 47 por ciento recibe los ingresos familiares de emergencia del Gobierno, frente al 22 por ciento en abril." +333140,44672.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,35,[],['Context'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The proportion of people living in households that are deprived in food security the impact of the pandemic will deteriorate the MPI by a two-digit figure in practically all Provinces, except for Baghlan." +238810,47230.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,84,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"El 86% del total de encuestados manifestó ser la/el jefe del hogar. De las/los jefes de hogar, el 77% son mujeres, el 23% son hombres y el 0,2 se identifican como personas transgénero. Igualmente, para las personas que no son jefes de hogar, pero contestaron en nombre de éste (14% de los entrevistados), se encuentra que el 94% son mujeres y el 6% hombres. (ver gráfica 2" +183688,42299.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,90,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syria.tv/%D8%AA%D8%AD%D8%B0%D9%8A%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D9%85%D9%86-%D8%AE%D8%B1%D9%88%D8%AC-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%88%D8%B6%D8%B9-%D8%B9%D9%86-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B3%D9%8A%D8%B7%D8%B1%D8%A9-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B1%D9%82%D8%A9-%D8%A8%D8%B3%D8%A8%D8%A8-%D9%83%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%88%D9%86%D8%A7,"[October 29, Raqqa, # of cases increases] He said, ""They (the Autonomous Administration) basically do not adhere to prevention in their headquarters, institutions and centers in general, so that schools, restaurants, public transport buses and other gathering places are actively working, and two days ago, the Autonomous Administration in Raqqa held a large festival for women in the black stadium that includes halls. Community isolation, without taking any distancing measures or the like. """ +57458,17280.0,1186.0,[],[],[],es,48,[],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/439982_ed8c90c2b9644fbbabee3b33e6e9e918.pdf,"La asimetría de información que vive la población migrante, en todo orden de materias, aumenta el riesgo de vulneración de sus derechos, exponiéndolos a situaciones de engaño y abuso que atentan contra su dignidad humana, en especial con relación a su situación habitacional." +145993,35870.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,55,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Also as previously detailed, WASH sector partners continue to deliver increased quantities of soap and hygiene kits. In the reporting period, UNICEF in collaboration with SARC continued distribution of family hygiene kits in areas of Idleb governorate, including 3,250 people in Abo-Al Dohur, and an additional 12,092 people in Sinjar" +346143,56952.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20monitoreo%20enero-marzo%202021%20-%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20vers%C3%B3n%20final.pdf,"Las personas entrevistadas contaron que no cuentan con medios idóneos y especializados de conformidad a sus condicio- nes de discapacidad, tales como lentes, prótesis y otros elementos esenciales y las instituciones no siempre han hecho ajustes razonables para su acceso. Además, hay dificultades para conseguir implementos como audífonos, medicinas y sillas de ruedas." +453913,63974.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_20210630-Rapport-Protection-Trimestriel.pdf,"8% des personnes ayant accès à la terre (1/12 personnes) et 75% au logement (9/12 personnes), ne disposent pas d’accords formels." +306120,53200.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,45,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/en/documents/details/84544,"[Some refugees] stay in 21 camps (9 at the East Sudan, 9 at White Nile State, 2 at East Darfur State and 1 at the Central Darfur State). Sudan continues to generously host and receive additional asylum-seekers." +142103,35870.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,59,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Al-Bukamal-Al Quaem crossing is reported to be still closed from the Syrian side, and Ras al-Ain border crossing also remains closed except in limited circumstances. Tabqa crossing point is reported as currently open to commercial and humanitarian cargo, and medical cases and students are also reported allowed to cross with a 14-day quarantine on arrival." +315393,53333.0,2334.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,15,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,Psychosocial support and livelihoods support were also suggested as key safety and protection solutions. +151460,37915.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,41,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/78176.pdf,"Currently, 39 refugees are under quarantine at four quarantine facilities managed by UNHCR in Ukhiya and Teknaf. These facilities offer space for refugees to stay when they have had close contact with suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19." +149535,32172.0,1388.0,"['Protection', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,206,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/75318.pdf,"Las trabajadoras domésticas: En la región de América Latina y el Caribe más de 18 millones de personas se dedican al trabajo doméstico remunerado, de las cuales el 93% son mujeres. Más del 78% de ellas lo hacen en la informalidad3 . Las trabajadoras domésticas enfrentan los desafíos derivados de la crisis sanitaria al menos de dos formas particulares. Por un lado, enfrentan los desafíos derivados de la mayor carga de cuidados por el incremento del trabajo no remunerado en los hogares y el cuidado de niños y niñas durante el cierre de las escuelas, así como de personas enfermas y en condición de discapacidad. Por otro lado, cuando por razones sanitarias se les solicita dejar de trabajar por considerarlas un riesgo de contagio para las familias con las que trabajan4 y por la imposibilidad de desplazarse a sus lugares de trabajo por las restricciones a la movilidad. Arriesgan así la pérdida de su trabajo e ingresos. Por estas mismas razones podrán verse expuestas a cuidar de personas enfermas, con el consiguiente riesgo para su salud. Los riesgos de desprotección social son aún mayores para trabajadoras domésticas migrantes y mujeres rurales." +341783,56493.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,La formation scolaire et académique a été décrite comme inadaptée aux besoins du marché de l’emploi. L’Etat devrait donc revoir les curricula pour une meilleure professionnalisation des jeunes. +315696,52949.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,55,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"All cholera cases reported in Somalia during this current outbreak had never received oral cholera vaccine.Many communities, including those in IDP settlements suffering from AWD, are on the outskirts of towns where no or few healthcare facilities are located. This often means that they must travel long distances to seek care." +359391,58669.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,237,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/informe_de_emergencias_humanitarias_reportadas_elc_enero_mayo_2021.pdf,"La Defensoría del Pueblo publicó la Alerta Temprana N° 009-21 para la población rural del municipio de Ovejas (Sucre) por el riesgo de protección que enfrenta la población civil debido a la nueva presencia de un grupo delictivo organizado (GDO) en el municipio. Esto ha generado restricciones de acceso y movilidad a la población civil, especialmente durante horas nocturnas, en veredas de zonas rurales, incluyendo las ubicadas en corredores de movilidad estratégicos entre el río Magdalena, la carretera Troncal del Caribe, la Troncal Montes de María y los puertos naturales de San Onofre. Así mismo, la defensoría del pueblo recibió denuncias sobre censos que realiza este grupo armado a la población civil como estrategia para expandir su control social sobre las comunidades. Este tipo de censos se ha realizado a lo largo de todo el municipio, pero las zonas en donde los censos y las restricciones de acceso y movilidad generadas por el GDO han sido más fuertes es en las veredas: Salitral, Los Números, Chengue, Almagra, Don Gabriel, El Palmar Pijiguay, San Rafael, Flor del Monte, Canutal, Canutalito y las veredas Damasco, Pedregal, Medellín, Villa Colombia, Las Babillas, Oso, San Francisco, Bajo Grande, Arena, El Tesoro, Buenos Aires y El Zapato." +329487,54412.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Push Factors', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,99,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_cluster_sante_rdc_s14_ok.pdf,"[ Bukavu] Des affrontements armés opposent depuis le 1er avril 2021 le groupe armé Nyatura aux miliciens Raïa Mutomboki dans l’Aire de santé de Mushunguti et les environs allant jusqu’à Chigoma ; précisément dans le groupement de Mubugu, en zone santé de Bunyakiri. Ces affrontements ont causé le déplacement de plusieurs de personnes (estimés à 43 000 personnes) vers les localités voisines de Bushaku, Karasi, Kairenge, Ciriba, Chambombo, Bulambika et Kambegete. Ces déplacements auraient continué jusqu’à la date du 05 avril 2021" +294333,51259.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2020_access_annual_overview.pdf,"Complying with the required COVID-19 restrictions, some partners reduced their footprint by relocating non-essential staff. Some of this reduced humanitarian presence and affected timely response to people in need." +167135,40126.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,65,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_weekly_situation_update_-_27_september_ne_nigeria_0.pdf,"A total of 10,764 COVID-19 tests have been conducted in Borno State, initial test stands at 10,420 while follow up test Stands at 328. In Adamawa State, 2,066 samples have been tested, 240 are positive and 148 results are pending. In week 39 in Yobe State, 67 additional samples were collected for testing in the Yobe Molecular Laboratory." +453868,63974.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead']",fr,83,[],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_20210630-Rapport-Protection-Trimestriel.pdf,"Sur la période d’avril à juin, on compte 17 incidents [aux engins explosifs] répartis comme suit :- Est : 10 incidents - Sahel : 4 incidents - Cascades : 2 incidents - Centre Nord : 1 incidents. Ces incidents ont fait 29 victimes dont 16 civils (9 tués et 7 blessés). Depuis 2017, on a enregistré 212 incidents ayant fait au moins 402 victimes (233 tuées et 169 blessées)." +474582,65021.0,1185.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,78,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Overall, 29% of respondents reported living alone, with Peru showing the highest share (34%). Those who reported living alone are males in 33,5% of the cases, compared to 22% for females. Conversely, female respondents show a higher likelihood to live alone with children (18%) compared to males (10%). Overall, 34% lives with at least one child." +290381,51970.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,29,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,Food-related coping strategies remain a common practice among migrants. Nearly seven out of ten migrants (68%) are resorting to coping strategies affecting food consumption. +458184,64540.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)'],es,77,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Information And Communication'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"¿Conoce Ud. cuáles son los beneficios laborales como trabajador extranjero?. El conocimiento que tienen los participantes sobre sus derechos laborales es difusa e incompleta. La idea que subsiste entre los venezolanos entrevistados es que por el tema documentario (no resuelto para una mayoría) y las pocas oportunidades de acceder a un empleo o generarse un ingreso económico se encuentran en el sector informal, al margen de la regulación laboral." +149608,35869.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,72,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep18_25july2020.pdf,"There is a need to ensure that precautionary measures are rigorously implemented at community level such as appropriate use of masks, hand washing, physical distancing, avoiding mass gatherings and other measures as recommended by WHO and the COVID-19 taskforce. There is a need to enhance the local procurement and production of masks aligned with the COVID-19 taskforce recommendations and WHO’s global guidelines for mask use." +303965,51174.0,2335.0,[],[],[],en,32,[],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.afro.who.int/sites/default/files/2021-02/South%20Sudan%20IDSR%20Bulletin%20Week%201%2C%20%20%204-%2010%20January%202021%20.pdf,The WASH Cluster/HEV task force should engage in group discussion with Community leaders and woman group at water distribution points to understand their opinions on issue of Collapsing Jerry cans distribution. +247737,48086.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Deaths'],fr,181,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"Parmi les pays qui communiquent activement des données épidémiologiques sur COVID-19, 21 pays signalent des taux de létalité supérieurs au taux mondial de létalité de 2,2 %. Il s'agit de la République arabe sahraouie démocratique (15,4 %), du Soudan (6,2 %), de l'Égypte (5,5 %), du Liberia (4,4 %), du Mali (4,1 %), du Tchad (3,6 %), du Niger (3,5 %), d'Eswatini (3,4 %), du Zimbabwe (3,4 %), de la Gambie (3,2 %), de la Tunisie (3. 2%), Comores (3,2%), République démocratique du Congo (3%), Afrique du Sud (2,9%), Somalie (2,7%), Algerie (2,7%), Malawi (2,6%), Mauritanie (2,5%), Angola (2,4%), Sierra Leone (2,4%) et Sénégal (2,3%)." +59579,17198.0,1224.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,21,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,Some individuals leave for periods of time to work in the mining sector but then do not receive their salary. +397561,61842.0,1186.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,29,['Impact'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.eldesconcierto.cl/opinion/2021/02/17/migracion-venezolana-ni-aumento-de-delincuencia-ni-aumento-del-desempleo-ni-baja-de-salarios.html,"En Chile el 0,7% de las personas acusadas de crímenes proceden de Venezuela, mientras que los venezolanos representan el 2,4% de la población del país." +178215,41756.0,2225.0,['Logistics'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Les systèmes de transports ferroviaires et fluviaux sont vétustes et les services aériens insuffisants. Les coûts de transport sont dès lors élevés, et la connectivité entre zones rurales et urbaines demeure limitée, tout comme la connectivité entre les centres urbains." +59578,17198.0,1224.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,16,[],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,He is concerned that one small group left for the mines and never came back. +158010,38777.0,2028.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",en,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Humanitarian Access', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/food-insecurity-impact-covid-19-among-critical-challenges-facing-syria,"A United Nations inter-agency mission on 28 July found that fewer than 300 families had returned to those areas and that civilian infrastructure had incurred severe damage. Meanwhile, there remains no humanitarian access to the Rukban camp in south-east Syria, near the border with Jordan, which houses 12,000 people." +224077,45768.0,2332.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,47,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"En effet, tout cela [suivre les diverses pathologies et les femmes enceintes et allaitantes] nécessitait l’établissement d’un poste de santé, dans la communauté pour mieux orienter les activités curatives primaires et préventives en faveur de ces ayants droit." +285960,51487.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,32,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no1_desplazamientos_en_buenaventura.pdf,"Según estimaciones del Consorcio MIRE, más de 2.600 personas (822 familias) se habrían desplazado entre enero y febrero de 2021 en algunos barrios del casco urbano en Buenaventura." +327990,55045.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,83,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Transcription%20de%20la%20conf%C3%A9rence%20de%20presse%20ONE%20UN%20en%20RDC%2C%20le%207%20avril%202021%20%C3%A0%20Kinshasa.pdf,"""Comme vous le savez, nous sommes en phase de fermeture des bureaux de la MONUSCO dans le Kasaï. Néanmoins le 26 mars, le bureau de la MONUSCO à Kananga a procédé à la pose de la première pierre du commissariat de Nganza dans le cadre d’un projet de réduction de la violence communautaire dans cette commune de la ville"" - Mathias Gillmann, porte-parole de la MONUSCO et coordonnateur du Groupe de communication des Nations Unies" +294574,51749.0,2099.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,75,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[commune de Ouargaye] Du fait du manque d’accès à une eau potable en quantité suffisante, les ménages (tout particulièrement les ménages déplacés) ont recours à plusieurs stratégies néfastes. Parmi lesquelles la réduction de la quantité d’eau utilisée à des fins domestiques, la consommation d’eau non potable et le fait de laisser les enfants sans surveillance afin d’accéder au PE." +286687,51586.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,119,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_19_november_2020_final.pdf,"In a recently published report on COVID-19 and the Child Protection Crisis in Afghanistan, World Vision reports that the children of Afghanistan, especially those already suffering from poverty and inequity, are among the most vulnerable to the harsh socioeconomic impact of COVID-19. Child mortality, malnutrition, forced marriages, sexual abuse, child labour and other forms of violence and exploitation and are all common challenges now facing children. With the addition of COVID-19 and its related impacts, children are now more anxious and worried than ever before and at greater risk of facing physical, sexual and emotional violence, especially as the economic impacts of the crisis set in." +314783,52949.0,2331.0,['Food Security'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,44,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"In addition, flooding, insecurity and conflict related displacements have contributed to lower crop production in rural areas, particularly in Hiraan and Middle and Lower Shabelle regions, creating additional stress for displaced people and increasing their reliance on food assistance." +157687,38800.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,29,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GTS%20-%20HNAP%20COVID19%20Syria%20Bulletin%20R3.pdf,"In NSAG/TBAF areas, social media remains the main source of information; 29% of focal points said this in May, versus 48% in July." +287148,51749.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,25,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,[district sanitaire de Pouytenga] Le PMA [Paquet minimum d’activité] est disponible sur l’ensemble des CSPS visités. +236072,47122.0,2334.0,"['Cross', 'Nutrition', 'WASH', 'Health', 'Shelter']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,51,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"The population affected by the crisis in the NWSW regions are particularly vulnerable to COVID-19 because of the closure or dysfunctional health facilities, risks associated with movement/displacement, overcrowding, increased exposure due to sub-standard shelter, poor nutritional and health status, and lack of essential WASH services." +214418,45385.0,2334.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,53,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Le CICR a mené une sensibilisation auprès de 60 membres de comités d’hygiène et d’assainissement et 9,000 bénéficiaires PDI et population hôte dans le Mayo-Tsanaga. Dans le Logone et Chari, 8,714 morceaux de savons et dispositifs de lavage de mains ont été distribués à 4,357 éleveurs." +494345,67226.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,143,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ETT-%20NORD%20KIVU_Masisi%20centre_rapport%20_73.pdf,"Depuis le 10 juin 2021, des affrontements militaires entre les Forces Armées de la République Démocratique du Congo (FARDC) et le groupe armé APSLC et ses alliés ont provoqué des déplacements massifs de populations en provenance des villages LOASHI, BUKOMBO, BUABO, BAPFUNA, groupements BUABO, BIIRI, BAPFUNA, BANYUNGU, secteur d’OSSO BANYUNGU, territoire de MASISI, dans la province du Nord-Kivu. Ces affrontements s’inscrivent dans le cadre des opérations militaires lancées par le gouvernement congolais pendant la période d’État de siège et ont entrainé d’importantes pertes en vie humaine et en biens matériels. Les ménages touchés par la crise se sont dirigés et installés dans la commune rurale de Masisi, secteur Osso Banyungu, territoire de Masisi, province du Nord-Kivu." +303988,51174.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Health']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,26,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.afro.who.int/sites/default/files/2021-02/South%20Sudan%20IDSR%20Bulletin%20Week%201%2C%20%20%204-%2010%20January%202021%20.pdf,Send out and alert to: respective state Ministry of Health; CHD(Community Health Diagnosis)s; partners (Health and WASH) +327608,54714.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,24,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,"[PRE-EXISTING VULNERABILITIES] 13% households reporting having at least one member facing discrimination due to age, disability, or heritage." +341792,56493.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,101,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Au total, les inégalités d’accès des populations aux ressources socio-économiques du pays engendrent des sentiments de frustration qui constituent un terreau fertile pour les groupes terroristes. En particulier, le manque d’emploi, la faiblesse des revenus, le chômage des jeunes, l’inflation et le coût trop cher de la vie constituent autant d’éléments qui justifient le mal être des populations. Pour les Burkinabè rencontrés, l’Etat n’arrive pas à assumer son rôle de régulateur et de distribution équitable des richesses économiques du pays." +452376,64945.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MONITORING%20PROTECTION%20DE%20JULLET%202021%20EST.pdf,La vente de portion de terre communément appelée « zone non lotie » est une réalité constatée notamment dans les communes urbainessans une règlementation par un texte juridique quelconque. +294351,51259.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,17,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2020_access_annual_overview.pdf,"Similar to 2019, violence against humanitarian personnel was the most prevalent access issue in 2020." +188396,42860.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,40,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_covid-19_6_departamento_del_cauca.pdf,Decreto 0641 del 19 de marzo de 2020: Por el cual se dicta una medida de aislamiento preventivo desde el sábado 21 de marzo a las 02:00 pm hasta el martes 24 de marzo a las 5:00 am. +287001,51749.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,La ville de Tenkodogo abrite toutes les directions régionales des administrations présentes dans la région et ne présente aucune contrainte d’accès avec une voie bitumée longue de 243Km qui mène à la capitale Ouagadougou. +214283,45385.0,2334.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,31,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Les plateformes de coordination locales (CCCM) permettent ainsi aux acteurs directement impliqués de discuter de solutions concrètes et adaptées, à court termes cependant, pour soutenir ces PDIs" +407418,63069.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,85,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Bulletin%20d%E2%80%99information%20sous%20cluster%20protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99enfance%20%28GTPE%29%20Mars%20%E2%80%93%20Mai%202021.pdf,"Persistance du conflit dans les Hauts Plateaux d’Uvira, Fizi et Mwenga, avec une dégradation de la situation sécuritaire également dans les moyens plateaux d’Uvira et vers la plaine de la Ruzizi (zone d’accueil des IDPs). Le risque élevé de re-recrutement des enfants(même après processus de réintégration) reste élevé due à la nature communautaire du conflit, de plus l’utilisation de la violence sexuelle envers les filles est systématique." +198297,44277.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,57,"['Impact', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.cnews.fr/monde/2020-11-18/la-republique-democratique-du-congo-annonce-la-fin-de-lepidemie-ebola-1019280,"L’OMS a appelé à la RDC à «poursuivre [son] engagement pour le renforcement du système de santé», alors que des soupçons de corruption pèse sur le gouvernement et certains organismes privés, accusés par des bailleurs de fonds de tenter de s’enrichir sur le dos des malades." +297849,52145.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Environment'],fr,51,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_humanitaire_numero_12_v_04.pdf,"Les pluies diluviennes qui se sont abattues ces derniers mois à l’Extrême- Nord du Cameroun ont provoqué de fortes inondations. Dans les zones affectées, les habitations, les quelques biens matériels et les moyens de subsistance des populations sinistrées, ont été engloutis par les eaux." +393642,62284.0,2170.0,"['WASH', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,33,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"[7th Apr 2021, Borno State] Respondents reported that all the members of the displaced community experience the same challenge e.g lack of water, lack of food, unemployment." +235925,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,64,[],['Context'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"A 2019 study conducted by Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission into the human rights challenges facing people with disabilities found that 72 per cent of people with a disability who were surveyed were unemployed, only 53 per cent were receiving social security support, 80 per cent had not received a formal education and half faced physical barriers in accessing health services." +493780,68258.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,147,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDRNG033do.pdf,"The National Cholera Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) was activated on the 22 June 2021, following an increase in the number of cholera cases at the start of the rainy season. The Emergency Operations Center (EOC) which is hosted at NCDC, is being coordinated in collaboration with the Federal Ministries of Health, Environment and Water Resources, National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA), World Health Organization (WHO), IFRC, the Nigerian Red Cross Society (NRCS) and other implementing partners. The national multi-sectoral EOC activated at level 2 continues to coordinate the national response. According to sitrep from the EOC, cholera activity in Nigeria in 2021 has grossly surpassed the total case counts identified in 2020 and 2019, when 1,800 cases and 3,500 cases were reported, respectively" +234296,46381.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,45,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"If disease control policies continue, the health system can control the level of morbidity of disease. Otherwise, the rate of hospitalization and the need for ventilator for patients will be increased and subsequently the health system should bear its high burden." +213439,44840.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,School closures put children at higher risk of violence and other forms of abuse as well as increase the likelihood of pregnancy and child marriage. +325549,54815.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,77,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[Ouagadougou - 2,086 individuals were interviewed] The importance of travel distance [to health services] as a constraint is somewhat higher among women of reproductive age (in this survey: 18-45 years old), of whom 23 percent characterize it as the main constraint or among the main constraints. The share is higher yet among the younger age group within this sub-set of respondents – 27 percent of women aged 18-25" +22551,9106.0,729.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)'],en,79,['Impact'],['Information And Communication'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"Due to the limited international humanitarian presence, there is a general vacuum in humanitarian logistics knowledge, especially regarding the status of bridges, roads, ports and airports, as well as the availability of warehousing, making logistics planning more difficult. Information gaps also include humanitarian customs procedures through the different entry points and other administrative processes. These issues can cause significant delays in the clearing process as the volume of cargo increases." +325702,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Environment'],fr,99,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"On peut distinguer deux grands types de pêche, en fonction de leur nature hydrologique: la pêche fluviale le long des fleuves et de leurs affluents primaires et secondaires, dont la superficie totale est estimée à environ 27500 ha, soit 22,5 pour cent de la surface totale des masses d’eau du pays (122 000 ha); et les étangs, lacs, plaines d’inondation et réservoirs saisonniers d’une superficie totale de 94 500 ha, soit 77,5 pour cent de la surface totale des masses d’eau" +309803,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,41,"['Priority Interventions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,Security in the transitioned sites is now implemented by the South Sudan National Police Service (SSNPS) with capacity building support from United Nations Police (UNPOL). Further capacity building on protection and human rights is essential. +151721,38087.0,2099.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,68,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Le ministère de la Santé a organisé en collaboration avec l’OMS, une formation au profit des animateurs des émissions interactives des organes de presses publiques et privés dans le cadre du projet de renforcement de la communication et de l’engagement communautaire en vue de la riposte contre la COVID-19. La rencontre a eu lieu le vendredi 29 mai 2020 à Ouagadougou." +324331,54626.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,38,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,UNICEF’s Response and Funding Status UNICEF Appeal 2021 US$ 124 million Funding Status in US$ millions 2021 funding requirement $124 m Carry forward $21.7 Funds received $6.3 Funding gap $96.4 +338311,55951.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,65,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://preventepidemics.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/PERC-Finding-the-Balance-Part-III-12-May-2021.pdf,"[Survey conducted by phone with approximately 24,000 people across 19 Member States in five geographical regions in Africa, including DRC] Affordability (i.e., cost of services or travel for care) was another key reason that people did not seek health services [during the pandemic], and was likely related to significant loss of income due to the pandemic" +330757,55042.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,37,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.gage.odi.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Adolescents%E2%80%99-experiences-of-covid-19-in-Chittagong-and-Sylhet-divisions-Bangladesh.pdf,"[30 April 2021, Bangladesh]Teachers have also been affected. Key informants reported that the continuous shutdown of educational institutes affects not just their students’ education but also teachers’ mental health." +177517,40876.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],[],[],es,143,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200904_evaluaciondenecesidades_antioquia_caceres_mire.pdf,"Albergue • 87 familias - 295 personas se encuentran albergados en institución educativa del corregimiento, en condiciones de hacinamiento, haciendo uso de 250 elementos de hábitat que fueron entregados por la UARIV. El espacio de albergue no cuenta con las condiciones requeridas para albergar a las familias, ausencia de espacios con enfoque de género, no se puede garantizar una buena iluminación y ventilación. Las instalaciones de las baterías sanitarias son insuficientes y se encuentran en malas condiciones; las 295 personas pernoctan en aproximadamente 11 aulas escolares. • 92 familias - 271 personas fueron albergadas por familiares y/o amigos (red de apoyo), en condiciones difíciles de habitabilidad. Se requiere entrega de elementos de hábitat que mejoren las condiciones y mecanismo que permita evitar el hacinamiento en el lugar utilizado como albergue temporal" +69889,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)'],en,28,[],['Information And Communication'],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"Further analysis is required to understand where people who cannot access shelter are sleeping as this poses a serious protection risk, particularly to vulnerable groups." +314602,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,50,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"In Somalia, there are high rates of GBV incidence as well as abuse and neglect of children. An estimated 98 per cent of girls and women aged 15 to 49 years have undergone Female genital mutilation, with rates reported to have increased even further during COVID-19." +177103,41093.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Education']",['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],es,93,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"En el marco de la pandemia por el COVID-19 se han presentado algunas situaciones que afectan específicamente a las mujeres, particularmente a las cuidadoras. Por ejemplo, el cierre de colegios y jardines. Por un lado, son 481.247 las mujeres que viven con un niño menor a 10 años y 771.592 las mujeres que viven con un joven menor de 18 años, lo que significa una carga significativa de tareas del cuidado durante el periodo de confinamiento establecido por el Gobierno nacional (Corewoman, 2020)." +184747,43141.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,48,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=209440,"[9th November 2020, Overall Syria] The ministry added in a statement to SANA that the total number of Coronavirus infections registered in the country till now has reached at 6284, out of which 2405 ones have recovered while 321 others have passed away." +157590,38893.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,86,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/humanitarian_collaboration_and_coordination_in_bangladesh_2nd_draft_12_july_2020_kazi_hg.pdf,"GBV risk mitigation activities targeted towards adolescent and youth through promotion of healthy coping strategies, psychosocial support, suicide prevention, and risk communication including information on lifesaving GBV and SRHR services. ▪ Support to national government in strengthening GBV response, particularly case management, PSS, referral and shelter home support. ▪ Support to minorities and marginalized communities, particularly in densely populated urban areas to ensure these communities GBV response services and be included in the GBV risk mitigation measures" +235841,46388.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Before choosing to seek assistance, conflict forces people to weigh additional dangers, including the possibility of mined roads and IEDs;100 ground fighting; targeted attacks;101 checkpoints; harassment, criminality; and insecurity at night." +178210,41756.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,20,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"La RDC ne compte que 0,9 médecin pour 10 000 habitants et 4,7 infirmiers et sages-femmes pour 5 000 habitants.34" +347857,57145.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,10,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"(Centre-Nord, Bourzanga) 58 abris de fortunes détruits" +201526,43427.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,102,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Por la venta de la hoja de coca, la pas- ta básica y la base de cocaína producida en finca (UPAC), los cultivadores recibieron alrededor de COP$2,66 billones (US$810 millones15) en 2019. A nivel local, la inci- dencia del mercado ilegal es significativa, el presupuesto oficial de los 10 municipios más afectados por coca, por ejemplo, re- presenta apenas el 34 % del valor total de la producción potencial de la hoja de coca, pasta y base de cocaína que se produce en estos municipios." +327296,54714.0,2331.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,"[EDUCATION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Education LSGs were found to be primarily driven by Households with school-aged children who reported barriers to accessing education for boys (64%) , Households with school-aged children who reported barriers to accessing education for girls (66%)." +164470,32982.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,37,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Respuesta%20COVID-19%20-%20GIFMM%20Arauca%2C%20actualizaci%C3%B3n%20n%C2%B03%20%28Del%201%20al%2030%20de%20mayo%20de%202020%29.pdf,"Comunicación •Elaboración de piezas comunicativas vía radial y redes sociales de mensajes de cuidado ante el COVID-19, de prevención de violencia y de fortalecimiento familiar a nivel pedagógico. •Restablecimiento de contactos familiares en Saravena." +244108,46388.0,2336.0,"['WASH', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Shelter']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,38,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Overcrowding was reported to be an issue in one-third of the almost 1,150 assessed informal settlement sites. Lack of soap and water was reported in more than a quarter of hand washing facilities in these sites." +64122,18925.0,729.0,[],[],[],en,81,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/va_report_libya_2019-libmac-unmas.pdf,"As shown in the map above, main people in need are migrants (288,000), refugees and asylum seekers (125,000), Internally Displaced People (IDPs, 97,000), returnees (165,000) and host communities/non-displaced people (148,000) affected by the crisis across the country. Overall people with the most severe needs are located in the Mantikas of Sirt, Alkufra, Murzuq and Sebha24, as shown in the map below." +291223,51259.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,58,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2020_access_annual_overview.pdf,"An increase in sub-national and localized violence, including the resumption of politicized conflict in parts of the country, impacted humanitarian operations and impeded humanitarian assistance to vulnerable people. Based on available information, compromised of humanitarian access in 2020 was mainly as a result of active hostilities and violence against humanitarian workers and assets." +164983,38963.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods', 'Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,104,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Press%20Release_WorldVision_COVID-19.pdf,"Results of the report reveal that 62% of the interviewed households indicated limited access to basic food supplies due to affordability challenges. Access to adequate water and sanitation remains a challenge which increases the risk of malnutrition and the spread of the diseases, including COVID-19. The stress on families related to loss of income, lack of school, change of children’s behaviour and quarantine measures contributes to children experiencing physical punishment and emotional abuse. In Bangladesh, over 33% of children are likely at risk of engaging in high-risk activities or jobs to survive." +318216,53305.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,36,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,SSHF (South Sudan Humanitarian Fund) launched a reserve allocation of $5 million to procure 70 tons of personal protective equipment to protect frontline health workers responding to COVID-19. [MAY 2020] +173323,41060.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,91,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/2020/10/09/covid-19-17-die-1-278-new-cases-in-24hrs,"[9th October 2020, Bangladesh] Of the 17 deceased, including nine men, 12 were from Dhaka division, two from Khulna, and one each from Chittagong, Rangpur, and Mymensingh divisions. All the victims died at different hospitals in the country. So far, 4,222 men (77.09%) and 1,255 women (22.91%) have died from Covid-19 across the country. The mortality rate against the total number of cases detected so far, stands at 1.46%." +487884,67500.0,2098.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],en,57,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_15.pdf,"[April -June 2021, Cox's Bazar] As per UNHCR registration data, the Rohingya population in Cox’s Bazar campsis estimated at 889,704 people (52 percentwomen and girls, and 52 percent-children). Persons with disabilities constitute around one percent. The average household size is 4.7 persons per household." +391316,61129.0,1186.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,37,['Impact'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.biobiochile.cl/noticias/nacional/chile/2021/01/29/desproteccion-y-problemas-de-integracion-las-consecuencias-de-la-inmigracion-ilegal.shtml,"El director del Departamento de Extranjería del Ministerio del Interior, Álvaro Bellolio, señaló que la entrada irregular de las personas explica en gran medida sufalta de integración en materias de vivienda y derechos laborales." +327398,54714.0,2331.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,55,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,"[EDUCATION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Three most commonly reported reasons why children stopped attending school since the outbreak were: Schools have closed (96%), Lack transportation to schools due to COVID-19 (11%), Parents prefer that children stay home (14%)." +287116,51749.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,118,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[district sanitaire de Pouytenga] Le nombre ressources humaines qualifié au niveau du CMA [Centre médical avec antenne chirurgicale] atteint un niveau très élevé en regard du nombre de ressources humaines sur les CSPS [Centre de santé et de promotion sociale] et le taux d’activité. Dans les CSPS, même si les standards nationaux sont respectés, le nombre de personnels qualifiés restent faible. A titre d’exemple le CMA emploie 20 sagefemme pour 143 accouchements mensuels sur les 3 derniers mois et 11 CPN1, quand sur le CSPS de Andemtenga, il y une seule sagefemme pour 59 accouchements mensuels en moyenne et 66 CPN1." +41582,14577.0,729.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,36,[],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.libyaobserver.ly/news/80-days-haftars-forces-struggle-keep-grip-last-positions-southern-tripoli,"Meanwhile, heavy crashes have erupted on Tripoli Airport frontline today with Volcano of Rage Operation saying its forces have seized the main entrance gate, VIP lounge and other important areas of the airport." +192644,43304.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Context->Economy']",fr,63,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Au Tchad, la population active croit année après année. Elle est passée de plus de 2 millions de personnes en 1990 à près de 6 millions de personnes en 2018. La répartition de cette population selon le secteur d’activité montre que l’agriculture est le premier secteur économique du pays et occupe 74,3% de personnes." +292418,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,10,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,896 consultations prénatales et 311 consultations post-natales ont été réalisées +485134,65398.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"En relación a las dificultades encontradas por parte de la población venezolana durante la búsqueda de trabajo o en los mismos empleos, las personas han adoptado diversas posiciones. Por un lado, como se mencionaba anteriormente, frente a las malas condiciones laborales, intentan buscar otro trabajo que les permita mejorar tanto el salario como los horarios o bien optan por autoemplearse" +341987,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,166,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Dans la région des Hauts Bassins, les dozo et une partie de la population ont demandé le départ de la localité des groupes d’auto-défense Koglwéogo de Karangasso-Vigué à la suite d’une bavure qui leur était prêtée. Les tensions qui ont opposé les dozo et les Koglwéogo à Karangasso-Vigué pourraient être le symptôme d’une crise ‘’politico-ethnique’’. Les Koglwéogo ont été présentés comme des allogènes ambitionnant déposséder les autochtones de leur terre pour leur imposer en outre leurs propres réalités culturelles. De l’autre côté, les dozo étaient perçus comme des autochtones se donnant pour mission de garder sauve l’intégrité de la culture et de la tradition de la terre de leurs ancêtres. Cette « opposition allogène-autochtone » avait aussi été le vecteur du conflit politico-communautaire à la suite du processus de désignation du maire de cette commune déclenchant donc un conflit de pouvoir entre ces deux communautés." +271048,47809.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],es,93,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_7.pdf,"Según el momento de ocurrencia de la muerte la mayor proporción son muertes perinatales anteparto con 48,8 % (494), seguido de neonatales tempranas con 27,6 % (279), neonatales tardías con 13,1 % (133) y perinatales intraparto con 10,5 % (106). De acuerdo con las causas de muerte agrupadas se observó la mayor proporción en: otras causas de muerte 26,9 %, principalmente trastornos de origen perinatal y placentarios, seguido por prematuridad-inmaturidad 23,5 % y asfixia y causas relacionadas 21,0 %" +297875,52145.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,32,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_humanitaire_numero_12_v_04.pdf,"l’insécurité et la violence grandissante dans plusieurs localités des régions anglophones au Cameroun causent un nombre considérable de déplacements internes, drainant des populations apeurées, en quête de sécurité" +310692,53333.0,2334.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"It was also reported that some schools, which are functioning, are usually far from where they live and that parents do not have the resources to cover for additional education-related costs such as for instance transportation, housing etc." +264293,48806.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,57,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_final_enquete_smart_27112019.pdf,"Au niveau national 11,3 % des enfants ont consommé au moins 5 ou 4 groupes d’aliments dont 9,1 % d’enfants allaités et 22,1% d’enfants non allaités. Au niveau provincial, la Capitale Ndjamena présente la prévalence la plus élevée d’enfants qui ont une bonne diversité alimentaire." +453745,63974.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,29,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_20210630-Rapport-Protection-Trimestriel.pdf,L’insécurité grandissante et la perte des moyens de subsistance durant le déplacement affectent différemment les femmes et les filles ainsi que les hommes et les garçons. +135770,35301.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,27,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"In 2020, UNICEF reached almost 7,000 children with disabilities with cash assistance and case management services (58 per cent of the annual target)." +307994,53309.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Protection', 'Shelter', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,136,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/gender_alert_brief_final.pdf,"[29th March 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: The fire outbreak affected Camps 8W, 9, 10 and 8E located in Balukhali and Kutupalong areas that accommodate Rohingya refugees in Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh. On the afternoon of March 22, 2021, a massive fire broke out in the Rohingya refugee camps in Ukhiya, Cox’s Bazar. The fire quickly spread across three camps consuming shelters and personal belongings of refugees as well as essential facilities such as hospitals, primary health facilities, learning centers, and women friendly spaces in the camps. More than 48,000 individuals have been affected by the fire. Many are staying with relatives or in learning and transit centers which are accommodating the most vulnerable people." +489338,67691.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,31,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=248397,"[12 September 2021, GoS] Health Ministry announced that 140 coronavirus cases were recorded in Syria, adding that 39 other cases recovered, while 6 passed away." +322030,54521.0,2311.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,81,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/post_clearance_report_narino_la_union_colombia_halo.pdf,"As part of the assessment of living conditions for each of the target groups, respondents were asked how they obtain their water for cooking. Over 70% of direct beneficiary households reported to collect their water for cooking from a nearby river or stream, compared with 59% of indirect beneficiary households and 57% of control group households reporting the same source for water, which demonstrates the need for clearance in the most vulnerable communities." +144799,36608.0,1187.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,66,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020-08-17%20Resumen%20Semanal%20de%20Situaci%C3%B3n%2010-16%20de%20agosto%202020.pdf,"ARGENTINA Según UNICEF en Argentina, la crisis de COVID-19 empujará a 1,3 millones niños, niñas y adolescentes a la pobreza en 2020, lo que resultará en más de 8 millones este grupo en la pobreza para finales de año. Las tasas de pobreza infantil pueden llegar al 62,9 por ciento y la pobreza infantil extrema puede subir un 18,7 por ciento." +83872,23144.0,1620.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,88,[],['Humanitarian Access'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_adamawahumanitariansituationoverview_decedition_11012020.pdf,"Access to remote areas in northern Adamawa, bordering southern Borno state remain a challenge. This due to occasional infiltration and attacks by suspected NSAGs, mainly against military targets. Humanitarian access is also affected by the temporary restrictions put in place by the military on civilian movements in some areas, including the movement of agricultural inputs such as fertilizers. Also, there have been reports by some humanitarian partners based in Mubi of intimidation of their field staff members by the military." +307117,51467.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,18,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Shelter and NFI needs among refugees remain high, especially among new arrivals and persons with specific needs" +325488,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,86,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[Ouagadougou] However, once disaggregating by the private versus public status of schools, accessibility is considerably lower. This matters in particular for those residents who cannot afford to send their children to private schools. In the case of public primary schools (of which there are significantly less than private ones, as discussed earlier), only 5, on average, are accessible within 30 minutes of travel by bus, compared to 15 private primary schools." +305722,51572.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,57,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"To address the shelter needs of affected households, emergency shelter kits to be distributed as a shortterm measure (plastic sheet, nylon rope). Guidance on shelter construction should be provided to the local population [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +388448,61054.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,23,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://lefaso.net/spip.php?article106528,Le bilan de la situation quoitidienne du Covid-19 fait état de six nouveaux cas enrégistrés à la date du 28 juillet 2021. +177222,41093.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,126,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Por su parte, las tasas de los microcréditos mostraron un comportamiento a la baja en abril de 2020, donde se registró una tasa de 29,4%, no observada desde 2007. Sin embargo, ante mayores percepciones de riesgo por parte de los establecimientos frente a las pequeñas empresas que por cuenta de la coyuntura presentan una menor capacidad de pago, las tasas de esta modalidad han aumentado desde mayo hasta ubicarla en 38%. Para estas tasas, la transmisión de la tasa de política monetaria no tuvo el mismo impacto que en las tasas interbancarias, de captación y de las principales categorías de cartera comercial. Por el contrario, se registraron aumentos desde febrero de 2020." +132563,35164.0,1188.0,['Food Security'],[],[],es,57,[],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,SEGURIDAD ALIMENTARIA 1. Necesidades prioritarias identificadas; • Dificultades y limitaciones para el acceso a alimentos • Vulnerabilidad de los hombres migrantes y refugiados por su circunstancia como proveedor (en el país y fuera de él) • Reducción de las porciones de alimentos por limitaciones económicas afectando la calidad y cantidad de la alimentación +271647,49364.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,30,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/4-gender-violencia.pdf,. El 40 por ciento de mujeres entrevistadas respondió que había sentido discriminación y el 86 por ciento de ellas reportó que había sido con base en su nacionalidad. +359315,58669.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,81,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/informe_de_emergencias_humanitarias_reportadas_elc_enero_mayo_2021.pdf,"IMPACTO REGIONAL: ANTIOQUIA 300 528 La comunidad del resguardo indígena de Las Palmas en Cáceres fue desplazada tras combates constantes y denuncias por amenazas que reciben de parte de un GANE con presencia en esa zona. Ante las preocupantes condiciones de seguridad, las personas desplazadas temen regresar a sus hogares. Debido a las necesidades intersectoriales que presenta esta comunidad indígena se requiere urgentemente incluir el enfoque diferencial étnico en las actividades de respuesta que se realicen." +193864,43070.0,2311.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,104,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Borrador%20texto%20Sitrep%20Sectorial_2020_SAN%20AGO_WFP_VF.pdf,"Frente a la falta y el acceso a alimentos, el 47% de los hogares encuestados afrontan la situación mediante estrategias de supervivencia de emergencia que implican una disminución crítica de la productividad futura del hogar, reducir gastos en salud, educación, entre otros, para acceder a alimentos. De igual modo, un 42% tienen actividades de emergencia, como pedir dinero en la calle o aceptar trabajos riesgosos para su integridad, salud o vida. Estos mecanismos son reportados más frecuentemente en hogares cuyo jefe presenta alguna discapacidad, o aquellos con alta tasa de dependencia" +69914,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],[],en,80,[],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"Unwanted pregnancies are also known to rise in the aftermath of emergencies, as gender and social norms that limit women and girls’ access to services are further restricted, while operational barriers are exacerbated. As hospitals and health facilities in hurricane affected areas are operating at limited capacity, with increased patient-load, it is critical to ensure a gender-appropriate health workforce trained on the clinical components of the MISP and equipped with adequate medical supplies." +493944,67712.0,1224.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"Nevertheless, access by foreigners from other regions to the social security system is poorly regulated and extremely limited. A similar situation occurs in Guyana, where the Migration Law is extremely limited and does not establish the right to assistance or social protection." +305214,53100.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],fr,16,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/plan_de_preparation_coronavirus_cmr._version_du_10_mars_2019.pdf,Absence d’un mécanisme clair de mobilisation rapide des fonds en situation d’urgence +303667,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Demography'],en,44,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"More than half of the South Sudanese people in-country are under 18 years of age. With a considerable portion of the population below productive age, the burden lies with the working age population to provide for a large number of dependents." +155281,38385.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],"['Capacities & Response->Local Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],es,31,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/R4V%20Flash%20Update%20Colombia%20-%20Situaci%C3%B3n%20de%20refugiados%20y%20migrantes%20provenientes%20de%20Venezuela%20ante%20COVID-19%2C%20Julio%2028%20al%20Agosto%2031%2C%202020.pdf,Reunión con autoridades locales del municipio de Maicao para apoyo en la respuesta a población refugiada y migrante afectada por la ola invernal y afectaciones en asentamientos en ese municipio. +209164,43992.0,2332.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,40,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"Policy work on the revision of the National Social Protection Strategy is ongoing, integrating a stronger focus on shock- responsive social protection, including shock due to the COVID-19 pandemic and expansion of social protection coverage for children." +188095,42790.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Environment'],en,10,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000120225.pdf,Burkina Faso is a semi-arid country in the Sahel. +317526,54586.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_humanitarian_snapshot_february.pdf,"High levels of food insecurity, violence and cattle raids affected vulnerable people in February. Sub-national violence in Greater Tonj continued, displacing an estimated 117,000 people according to authorities" +301121,51958.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Health', 'Protection', 'WASH']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,113,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_devaluation_de_protection_des_retournes_tchadiens_de_la_rca_installes_dans_les_sites_au_sud_du_tchad_002.pdf,"Depuis 2014, plusieurs acteurs humanitaires étaient intervenus dans les zones d’accueil pour la réponse multisectorielle d’urgence [retournés tchadien de la RCA dans le sud du Tchad], notamment dans le cadre de la santé, Wash, abris, documentation. Malgré tout, ces différentes interventions menées ont permis de répondre à des besoins essentiels mais à court/moyen terme. Mais l’absence d’une vision claire sous le lead des autorités ainsi que l’absence de mise en œuvre du plan de réintégration de ces personnes n’ont pas permis d’apporter une solution sur le long terme." +181151,42386.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,80,['Impact'],"['Shock/Event', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_RMU_October-2020_vfinal.pdf,"La baisse dans l’observation des mesures barrières au sein de la population, les mobilisations communautaires pour les élections en novembre et les festivités de fin d’année, pourraient favoriser la propagation de la maladie au cours des prochains mois. On pourrait alors s’attendre à une poursuite du ralentissement des activités économiques en général, et une baisse des exportations des produits de rente et des transferts de la migration en particulier." +346807,57052.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,137,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/syria-country-office-market-price-watch-bulletin-issue-77-april-2021,"(Whole of Syria, April 2021) M-o-m, the national average retail price of wheat flour decreased by two percent throughout Syria in April 2021. M-o-m, the national average retail price of Egyptian white rice decreased by two percent reaching SYP 2,695/kg in April 2021. The national average retail price of bulgur increased by one percent m-o-m. The national average price of subsidized bread in April 2021 reached SYP 120/bundle (up one percent m-o-m and 132 percent y-o-y). M-o-m, the national average retail price of vegetable oil throughout Syria de-creased by eight percent after a significant increase last month reaching SYP 7,591/litre. In April 2021, the national average retail price of red split lentils continued to increase by eight percent m-o-m reaching SYP 2,826/kg." +315350,53333.0,2334.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,13,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,They also bemoaned lack of sexuality and menstruation education leading to unwanted pregnancies +7565,1447.0,321.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,105,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/libya-migrants-fight-survival,"From the IOM’s perspective, it’s important to provide information about risks but also to allow migrants to make personal decisions. One initiative the IOM uses to provide options to migrants facing difficult choices is a voluntary return program. Through this program, migrants who wish to return home can receive assistance in leaving Libya, and participate in vocational training and reintegration programs upon returning home. The IOM handles voluntary returns on a case-by-case basis and treats the program not as an endorsement to return home but rather as an option for those who want it." +310215,53177.0,2466.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Sudan%20Multi-Sectoral%20Location%20Assessment_South%20Kordofan.pdf,"There are 502 teachers working in the locality (67% of whom are female). Seventy-one per cent of the present population have access to education, with primary schools being the most prominent. Eighty-nine per cent of existing schools are functional." +287412,51638.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,124,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20_FEVRIER%202021_SAHEL.pdf,"Cette crise sécuritaire touche l’ensemble des provinces occasionnant des situations de précarité et de vulnérabilité extrême au sein des populations. A l’instar du mois de janvier, le mois sous revue a connu aussi des incidents sécuritaires et/ou de protection. Comparativement au mois dernier, il est constaté moins d’incidents sécuritaires au cours de ce mois de février. Cependant, ces attaques ont occasionné de nombreuses violations des droits humains notamment les violations du droit à la vie, du droit à la propriété, du droit à l’intégrité physique et psychique, du droit à la liberté et à la sécurité. Et cela est perceptible dans presque toutes les provinces." +273784,50250.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,48,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://preventepidemics.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/7_PERC-Weekly-Update.pdf,"The following Member States have reported presence of the 501Y.V2 variant (B.1.351): Botswana, Comoros, DRC, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, The Gambia and Zambia. Note, at present, global genomic surveillance is limited." +224138,45768.0,2332.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,11,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,La distribution de savon [recommandation sur le site d'Amma] +239256,47351.0,2170.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Factsheet_NGA2005-Biu-LGA-Borno-state-November-2020.pdf,"[1st Nov2020,Biu LGA, Borno states]17% of internally displaced households and 17% of non-displaced households reported not having access to enough water to meet their household’s daily needs.7% of internally displaced households and 9% of non-displaced households reported not having access to enough drinking water." +179158,41842.0,2028.0,"['Logistics', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,82,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nw_syria_sitrep21_20201020.pdf,"(NW 20/10/2020) With basic commodities such as fuel, bread, transport, electricity and telecommunications services now reportedly priced in TRY, people without adequate access to TRY risk being excluded from markets or facing higher prices for the same goods and services because of exchange rate disparities –further marginalising more vulnerable members of society. The devaluation of the SYP intensifies the precarious economic situation and is worsened by the impacts of COVID-19 on communities and markets." +2580,517.0,321.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,53,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Libya%20Situation%20Report%20-%20End%20of%20Year%202017.pdf,"During 2017, the health sector witnessed a deterioration in health care facilities, with 20 per cent destroyed due to the ongoing conflict. There exists also an inability to transfer funding to the Ministry of Health, a lack of qualified staff and poor access to essential medicines and equipment." +386130,60459.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,103,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"Dans la moitié nord et est du pays, l’insécurité limite les mouvements et l’accès aux sources habituelles de revenu. Les ménages pauvres qui ont épuisé leurs avoirs suite aux pillages des groupes djihadistes et/ou aux déstockage de bétail, se retournent maintenant vers les transferts monétaires en cours par les acteurs humanitaires. Avec ces revenus, certains se lancent dans de petit commerce de condiments, beignets, de produits agricoles transformés etc. Les ménages moyens peuvent encore compter sur la vente d’animaux et profiter des termes de l’échange bétail/céréales." +287429,51638.0,2099.0,"['Protection', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,87,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20_FEVRIER%202021_SAHEL.pdf,(Sahel) La question de protection de l’enfance est un sujet préoccupant dans la Région du Sahel. Les enfants sont fortement impliqués dans les activités économiques au niveau des sites d’orpaillage et sont exploités dans les travaux domestiques. Cette importante implication des enfants dans ces activités exerce un impact considérable sur leur scolarisation déjà faible. Le fait que les enfants ne partent plus à l’école a eu pour conséquence des mariages précoces de certaines filles déscolarisées. +325623,54815.0,2099.0,[],[],[],en,60,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"On the other hand, the other key health outcome examined in this study – maternal mortality per 100,000 deliveries15 – appears to be quite strongly associated with average travel time to the nearest primary care facility, although not with the Rural Access Index or the population share living within 1- hour service area of a primary care facility" +178386,41756.0,2225.0,['Shelter'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,55,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Le retour est par ailleurs souvent en lien avec le calendrier agricole. Les personnes déplacées décident en effet de poursuivre leurs activités agricoles (souvent la principale source de revenu), prolongeant de fait, la période de vulnérabilité liée à un logement inadéquat et donc leur exposition à de multiples risques." +325553,54815.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,77,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[Ouagadougou - 2,086 individuals were interviewed] Transport cost appears to be a somewhat less important obstacle than travel distance in the ability of Ouagadougou’s residents to access healthcare services, with 16 percent of the respondents saying it is either the most important constraint or one of the main ones. Unlike in the case of travel distance, equal shares of women and men consider transport cost as a major constraint." +60999,17926.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,66,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.laopinion.com.co/frontera/70-del-plan-de-atencion-migrantes-venezolanos-esta-desfinanciado-stein-182455#OP,"Para el canciller, la atención a la población migrante desbordó desde hace ya varios meses las capacidades del Estado colombiano. Señaló que entre marzo de 2017 y junio de 2019 se han reportado en el sistema nacional de salud 3.269.194 atenciones realizadas a 389.358 migrantes venezolanos. El 25,5% de estas atenciones se han prestado a 130.839 niños, niñas y adolescentes." +327294,54982.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,125,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/04/changes-in-eating-habits-ramadan-does-not-taste-the-same-in-syria/,"[17 APR, Overall Syria] Youssef Suleiman, 38, is the sole breadwinner of his family of five, pointed to the steep rise in food prices since last Ramadan. In 2020, he used to buy a kilo of chicken for 1,500 Syrian Pounds (SYP-0.47 USD), while today he has to pay a hard-earned 5,000 SYP (1.57 USD). We had at least five chicken meals last Ramadan. This year, things are going to be different,” he said, adding that a kilo of rice and one chicken cost 20 thousand SYP (6.2 USD), not to mention the costs of ghee, cooking fuel, and spices." +169414,40506.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Logistics']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,52,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://lefaso.net/spip.php?article99753,"L’une des difficultés en lien avec les droits en santé sexuelle et reproductive qui a été révélée lors de cette étude, est la rupture de la chaîne d’approvisionnement en produits contraceptifs au niveau de la Centrale d’achat des médicaments essentiels génériques (CAMEG)." +22526,9106.0,729.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"The majority of the Libyan food insecure households are located in Tripoli, Zwara and Aljfara. The highest number of food insecure IDPs are living in Tripoli, Alkufra, Benghazi and Murzuq. Most of the food insecure returnees are in Sirt, Benghazi, Zwara and Tripoli." +393639,62284.0,2170.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,85,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"[7th Apr 2021, Borno State] During an FGD and KII sessions with men and adolescent boys, respondents stated that children do not feel safe in their community. The community lies across a highway wherein children can be hit by moving vehicles. Children stand the risk of being abducted and abused due to the porous nature of the community and possible risky interactions with the neighboring community wherein they go to work, fetch water, or sell water." +236124,47122.0,2334.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,24,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,To ensure sustainable operation and maintenance WASH committees have been created to manage those [28 emergency] latrines [in Bakassi]. +2560,517.0,321.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']","['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Economy']",en,93,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Libya%20Situation%20Report%20-%20End%20of%20Year%202017.pdf,"In 2017, an estimated 1.3 million people including 439,000 children were in need of urgent humanitarian assistance in Libya due to the continued conflict, insecurity, and the collapsing economy. The periodic escalations of armed conflict that took place in 2017 further aggravated the humanitarian needs especially for the most vulnerable people including children. In addition, towards the end of 2017, an estimated 400,000 migrants and refugees were estimated to be in Libya including over 33,000 children exposed to huge protection risks and human rights violations." +385197,60693.0,2170.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,75,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/malnutrition-among-children-rife-nigeria-what-must-be-done,"[22nd July 2021, Nigeria]In addition, the proportion of children who are wasted -- where a child is too thin for their height -- is approximately twice as high in the North-East at 10% and North-West at 9%. In the other zones, the percentage is at 4%-6%. This gap in child malnutrition between northern and southern Nigeria has been constant over time." +125706,31803.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security', 'Education']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,66,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77205.pdf,"Finalmente, debido a la emergencia de salud pública se ha restringido la matrícula a nuevos estudiantes hasta que termine la cuarentena, de modo que los niños desescolarizados no pueden ingresar al sistema educativo. Estos niños también quedarán excluidos del Programa de Alimentación Escolar (PAE) del Ministerio de Educación para escuelas públicas aumentando el riesgo de inseguridad alimentaria infantil y adolescente." +314561,52949.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,34,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The pandemic led to a temporary decline in staple food imports and livestock and frankincense exports, curtailed remittances to households and small and medium businesses, and increased unemployment in urban areas." +272910,49818.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,83,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.adiac-congo.com/content/famine-la-rdc-exposee-une-insecurite-alimentaire-aigue-124563,"Quant aux causes de ce phénomène, elles sont multiples. Il faut se rappeler qu’il n’y avait pas de coronavirus lors de la crise alimentaire de 2008, qui était le fruit des perturbations sur les marchés mondiaux. Il y a eu, à cette époque, un mélange entre les pertes de revenus massives et la chute des remises migratoires qui ont entamé la capacité des ménages urbains et ruraux à couvrir les dépenses alimentaires." +289297,52049.0,2098.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,59,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Bangladesh%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%201%20%28Rohingya%20Camp%20Fire%29%20-%2023%20March%202021.pdf,"[23rd March 2021,Cox's Bazar] Two INFs in Camp 9 and Camp 8E were destroyed in the fire. Part of the buffer stock of ready-to-use therapeutic food is being released to meet the needs of these children along with stock from the INFs located in areas where the displaced refugee children are sheltering." +205459,44672.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,80,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"As highlighted by the OECD [Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development], while measures undertaken in response to the COVID-19 pandemic help improvement in outdoor air quality, at the same time, confinement measures can result in increased exposure to indoor air pollution. This is particularly relevant for Afghanistan where many people still rely on polluting fuels for cooking stoves, lighting, and heating. In addition, housing conditions tend to be crowded." +452380,64945.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Local Integration'],fr,78,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MONITORING%20PROTECTION%20DE%20JULLET%202021%20EST.pdf,"On constate aussi une forte expression de la volonté de rester dans la zone d’accueil, soit 60% des personnes interrogées. Ces dernières pointent du doigt comme raisons, l’insécurité généralisée, les affrontements entre GANE et FDS, la présence des GANE dans les zones de départ, l’accaparement des terres, l’absence des services sociaux de base et le manque d’acteur de sécurisation." +291294,51259.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2020_access_annual_overview.pdf,INCIDENT TYPE : COVID-19 restrictions - 5% Restriction of movement - 8% Active hostilities - 10% Operational interference - 12% Bureaucratic impediments - 14% Violence against assets - 23% Violence against personnel - 28% +240007,46388.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,90,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Families who are facing decreased income often resort to borrowing to meet their food needs, with credit provided at higher than average rates. This has combined with unseasonably high food prices and decreased the purchasing power of households to put enormous pressure on household budgets. This is even ahead of seasonal increases in prices during the lean season, which vary based on geography and onset of snows, but usually running between December and March when food availability declines and remaining food stocks are consumed." +177970,41855.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,45,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_Factsheet_2003_HSM_COVID19_Tanganyika_juillet-2020.pdf,"Dans 42% (101) des localités évaluées [Province Tanganyika], les IC ont rapporté que la source d’information considérée comme la plus fiable par la population pour obtenir des informations liées au COVID-19 était l’appel téléphonique." +183590,42456.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Education']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,24,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.unicef.org/wca/media/5411/file/UNICEF-WCARO-Central-Sahel-Advocacy-October-2020.pdf,"The sharp increase in armed attacks on communities, schools, health centres and other public institutions and infrastructure has reached unprecedented levels." +148581,36019.0,2028.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,48,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"Community or groupbased activities such as education and protection services have been more seriously impacted by these mitigation measures. However, individual specialized protection, GBV and CP support continued to be provided remotely, with a quick adaptation to the new modality of service provision." +63877,18785.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,69,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/first-sphere-workshop-libya-strengthens-humanitarian-efforts-time-deepening-crisis,"Libya’s civil war has caused widespread shortages of food, water, medical supplies and fuel, and the country has recently experienced some of its worst violence since the start of the conflict in 2014. Access to basic services is extremely limited, almost 700,000 people have been displaced, and the country is in great need of professionally delivered humanitarian assistance and protection." +237270,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,The 48 per cent increase in number of people in need came largely as a result of the inclusion of all people in crisis or emergency food insecurity (IPC 3 and 4). +340448,53036.0,2334.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,12,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/1-Lolo_Dec%202020_0.pdf,"Partenaires livelihood : LWF, UNHCR, MINEPDED, MINFOF, ADRA/PAM" +178212,41756.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Les infrastructures scolaires sont insuffisantes et quelques 22 pour cent des enfants en âge d’aller à l’école, et la moitié des filles de 5 à 17 ans, ne sont pas scolarisés.36" +63175,18642.0,1386.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,20,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://transparencia.org.ve/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/EPE-II-Sector-Agua.pdf,El servicio de suministro de agua potable es deficiente; en el 39.2% de los casos presenta discontinuidad. +241339,46388.0,2336.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Other barriers including the limited number of female frontline workers and counsellors, as well as the need for a Maharam to accompany them to access facilities, further contribute to the malnutrition burden." +229508,45706.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,40,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://sn4hr.org/blog/2020/12/04/55697/,"[November 2020, NW& NESyria] The report adds that the Health Authority in the Self-Management Authority of Northern and Eastern Syria had announced recording 2,427 cases of infection and 70 deaths in November in northeastern Syria." +188078,43162.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,76,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.agenceecofin.com/cuivre/0110-80857-rdc-malgre-le-coronavirus-la-production-de-cuivre-est-en-hausse-de-13,"La RDC peut donc battre des records de production cette année, à un moment où ses concurrents d’Amérique latine connaissent une baisse de résultats à cause de la pandémie. La hausse des prix du cuivre constatée depuis peu sur les marchés et qui devrait se poursuivre en 2021 en raison du déficit attendu de l’offre, constitue également une aubaine pour générer davantage de revenus grâce à ce secteur." +214355,45385.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Nutrition', 'WASH']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,63,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Ces résultats [le taux de manutrition aigüe globale et le taux de MAS] sont liés à un accès limité à l’eau potable chez les PDIs, les réfugiés et les communautés d’accueil, un taux de 11% d’insécurité alimentaire dans la région avec une proportion de 9% de ménages ayant une alimentation pauvre" +358504,58673.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,19,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syrian%20Arab%20Republic%20-%20Euphrates%20water%20crisis%20and%20drought%20outlook%2C%20as%20of%2017%20June%202021.pdf,"(June 2021, overall Syria) 5.5 million people at risk to have reduced access to drinking water" +61459,18235.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,118,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"People with an irregular immigration status do not have access to formal jobs – yet access to a livelihood is indicated by most Venezuelan refugees and migrants in the country as their main need.134 Some employers decide not to hire people with an irregular immigration status even in areas where the economy is largely informal, out of fear of immigration inspections. At the same time, both key informants and people on the move described how most employers take advantage of people’s irregular status in order to impose working conditions that amount to labour exploitation, such as salaries that are much lower than the minimum, excessively long working hours, etc." +325232,54815.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,98,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"While in a few provinces in Centre, Nord, Plateau-Central, and Centre-Ouest regions upwards of 80 percent of people are within the 1-hour service area, in Sahel and Est and the Houet province in Haut-Bassins, the share is below 20 percent. In absolute terms, the size of the population living beyond the one-hour travel time to a primary care facility is estimated to be the highest in the Houet province (Haut-Bassins), Comoe (Cascades), and Soum (Sahel) provinces, exceeding 400,000 people in each." +176536,41093.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,120,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Al separar las tasas de participación laboral entre cabeceras y el resto de las zonas del país, se encuentra que la brecha de participación es sustancialmente más alta en el sector rural. Mientras que la participación laboral de los hombres es ligeramente más alta en el resto versus cabeceras (75,0% frente a 73,6%), la participación de las mujeres en zonas más distantes de los centros urbanos es mucho menor (39,2% frente a 56,7% en cabeceras) (Gráfico 6). Además, el choque del COVID-19 impactó en mayor magnitud a las mujeres rurales (caída en la participación de 9,7 pps respecto al primer trimestre de 2020)" +304601,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,50,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Displaced women and girls continue to bear the brunt of GBV. A third of people displaced live in communities where women and girls avoid certain areas due to fear for their safety, while basic GBV risk mitigation measures around sanitation facilities remain extremely rare outside large IDP camps" +386140,60459.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,120,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"[ Scénario] Avec les longues séquences sèches attendues en début de saison, il est probable que la régénération des pâturages soit retardée et que la soudure pastorale se prolonge en fin juillet en particulier dans l’extrême-nord du pays. Dans ce cas, le recours des éleveurs aux achats d’aliments de compléments (SPAI) sur les marchés sera plus forte avec un impact négatif sur leurs revenus au regard de l’augmentation du niveau des prix. L’insécurité persistante ne favorisera pas le retour des gros éleveurs dans leurs zones et l’offre locale de lait devrait demeurer en-dessous de la normale pendant toute la période du scénario." +299360,51893.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[January 2021, Overall Syria] The Median Female Monthly Income from reported work is 62,000 SYP (21 USD) with the highest income in North Syria(160,000 SYP) followed by Northeast Syria(140,000 SYP), Northwest Syria( 91,008 SYP) and Central & South Syria (60,000 SYP)." +268705,49756.0,2311.0,['WASH'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,91,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19022021_flash_update_no_2_impacto_covid-19_triple_frontera_vff.pdf,"Agua, Saneamiento Básico e Higiene: es necesario asegurar la calidad del agua en comunidades indígenas afectadas por el crecimiento del río Amazonas y la actual temporada de lluvias que ya inició en la región y, se extenderá en los próximos meses. Se hace necesario realizar acciones encaminadas al monitoreo de la calidad del agua, rehabilitación y adecuación de sistemas de abastecimiento y tratamiento de agua, teniendo en cuenta que el 73 por ciento de la población del departamento no tiene acceso a agua segura." +323586,54626.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,46,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,Child rights awareness reached 29 per cent more people when compared to the last reporting period in February. Awareness campaigns included 294 school children (154 boys and 140 girls) in Puntland who engaged in school-based outreach to promote child rights and governance. +164741,39789.0,2098.0,[],[],[],en,57,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Movementwide%20Operation%20Report%20August%202020.pdf,"BDRCS continues providing awareness raising and life-saving messages on COVID-19 through social media (Facebook, Twitter, Viber). The total reach through different posts altogether by the aforementioned social media accounts counted 1,042,908+ up during 1-31 August 2020 consisting Facebook (817,181+), twitter (28,900+) and viber (196,827+)." +61409,18235.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,134,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"In most cases, the line between survival sex and exploitation for Venezuelan women in Colombia is somewhat blurred: there is no coercion, but a third person takes advantage of a woman’s desperation and/or somehow profits from it, as in the case of the many bars where waitresses end up doing sex work. In any case, even where there is no third party involvement or exploitation, resorting to survival sex is in itself a protection concern and an indicator of potential vulnerability to trafficking.125 Those considered to be most at risk are women on the move traveling with several children but without their partner or other adults, because, regardless of what happens during their journey, they need to feed their children somehow." +132551,35164.0,1188.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,87,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"Varios participantes de los diferentes grupos sí observaron problemas de restricción de movilidad, existe un temor generalizado hacia los agentes de migración y de la policía ya que constantemente les están solicitando documentación y aseguraron sentir mayor inquietud al ser parados por alguno de estos funcionarios frente a ser robados o cualquier otro tipo de incidente Por otro lado, existe una desconfianza en las autoridades y afirmaron no sentirse cómodos para reportar incidentes de seguridad por miedo a que los detengan o los deporten." +191511,43304.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,17,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,la hausse des prix de transport en taxi a pour conséquence la réduction de la demande. +169961,40360.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,56,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Quant aux personnes en situation de besoin de logements nous avons identifié 46 ménages dans la commune de Gorom-Gorom. En effet, certains de ces ménages ont des tentes qui coulent et d’autres n’ont pas encore d’abris depuis leur arrivée. Il s'agit notamment des PDI de Petabouli." +290583,52074.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,Up to 142 (77 adolescent girls and 65 women) pregnant and lactating women received maternal care kits. Caregivers (3 adolescent girls and 49 women) received 52 new born kits +165094,38902.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition', 'Food Security', 'WASH']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,37,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"Indigenous Wayuu communities in La Guajira department are particularly at risk of increased malnutrition, due to already high pre-crisis incidence of malnutrition and limited access to WASH, food, and healthcare (HRW 13/08/2020)" +125714,31803.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77205.pdf,. Las personas monitoreadas que han reportado haber hecho remisiones de dinero hacia Venezuela han disminuido en marzo de 2020 (46.9%) en comparación a febrero (51.1%) y enero (50%). +287432,51638.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,188,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20_FEVRIER%202021_SAHEL.pdf,"Dans la Région du Sahel, les FDS notamment les militaires et les gendarmes, sont présentes dans certaines localités et font souvent des patrouilles. Nous notons la présence d’un poste de gendarmerie à Sebba et à Boundoré. Il y a aussi la présence des militaires à Sebba et à Mansila. Les volontaires pour la défense de la patrie (VDP) sont également à Boundoré, à Sebba, à Solhan, à Mansila, à Gorgadji et à Bani. Cependant, dans plusieurs localités de la Région, les administrations publiques et privées ne fonctionnent plus à cause des attaques perpétrées dans de nombreuses localités telles que Déou, Oursi, Tin-Akoff, Mansila, Boundoré, Tongomayel, Koutoukou et Baraboulé. Par conséquent, le problème d'accès à la documentation et à la justice se pose dans ces localités. Il faut noter que ces services publics sont concentrés dans les chefs-lieux de province (Gorom-Gorom, Djibo, Sebba) et surtout à Dori qui est la commune actuellement la plus stable et aussi chef-lieu de région" +283928,47069.0,2334.0,"['Education', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods', 'Food Security', 'Health', 'Shelter']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,60,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/iom_dashboard_cameroun_extreme-nord_round_21_en.pdf,[Round 21 / DTM / Far North Region / 25 May - 10 June] Priority needs of displaced populations (by key informants) = 44% Potable water 28% Access to food 8% Health Care 6% Access to agricultural materials / inputs 5% Protection 3% Shelters 3% Education 3% WASH +221797,45410.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,88,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"[Les parties Sud des provinces administratives du BEG et du Kanem dans la Zone 5 - « agropastorale» ]: A Moussoro, les termes de l’échange ovin/mil sont en défaveur de l’éleveur qui doit vendre deux têtes d’ovins pour se procurer un sac de céréales de 100 kg. Cette variation des TdE est plus accentuée que la même période de l’année 2019 (-14 %) mais demeurent stables par rapport à la moyenne quinquennale." +312030,53177.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Sudan%20Multi-Sectoral%20Location%20Assessment_South%20Kordofan.pdf,"Mobile network is available across 86 per cent of the locality, but 14 per cent of the locations have no access to a radio." +187895,42380.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,53,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.acu-sy.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/COVID-19-Surveillance_NWS_EWARN_Daily-Sitrep_-121.pdf,[24 Oct 2020] [NWS] New cases: 107 | Total cases: 4082 | New tests: 360 | Total tests: 21498 | New recoveries: 84 | Total recoveries: 1630 | Total active cases: 2416 | New deaths: 0 | Total deaths: 21 +337318,55938.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/venezolanos-sin-internet-podran-acceder-al-estatuto-en-100-puntos-de-atencion-/2657,"Espinosa precisó que a seis días de haber comenzado la fase virtual de la implentación del Estatuto ya van 131 mil migrantes venezolanos que han creado su usuario y contraseña, 6.200 han adelantando su inscripción en el Registro Único de Migrantes Venezolanos (RUMV) y 3.872 ? han diligenciado la encuesta de caracterización socioeconómica." +486231,67505.0,2098.0,['Education'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,91,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Myanmar%20Emergency%20Update%20-%2001%20Sep_0.pdf,"[June - July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Since March 2021, authorities have restricted home-based learning and training for Burmese Language Instructors (BLIs). Limitations on the use of radios, phones, and tablets remain, therefore widening the critical gaps in access to education for refugee children and youth. Until Learning Centres are reopened, support for home-based learning is needed to avoid a lost generation of Rohingya lacking the basic education and skills to reintegrate in Myanmar when return becomes possible." +498731,60095.0,1187.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,89,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RMRP%202021%20Plan%20de%20respuesta%20regional%20para%20refugiados%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%2C%20enero%20-%20diciembre%202021.pdf,"Las medidas de distanciamiento físico y los confinamientos debidos a la pandemia han afectado a la situación de salud mental de gran parte de la población refugiada y migrante de Venezuela, provocando un aumento de sus niveles de estrés a causa de, por ejemplo, a la pérdida de ingresos, a la ansiedad y a la angustia generada por el aislamiento y a la incertidumbre de sus futuros, lo que implica una necesidad de reforzar el apoyo y la atención psicosocial en toda la subregión" +63462,18412.0,1386.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,284,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,,"Unas 74.000 personas con condiciones crónicas graves recibían medicamentos de alto costo en 58 farmacias de la seguridad social y unas 300.000 en total podían conseguir y comprar otras medicinas en farmacias privadas. A raíz de severos recortes de importaciones, en 2016 se suspendieron las compras de medicamentos de alto costo, sin otra alternativa, y se agotaron las medicinas en las farmacias, privando a las personas de sus tratamientos18. Hasta 2018, 3.000 personas trasplantadas dejaron de recibir inmunosupresores y, como consecuencia, 96 personas sufrieron rechazo de sus órganos y 12 fallecieron19; a 5.000 personas con hemofilia se negaron factores de coagulación para prevenir el sangrado y la artropatía hemofílica y, por esta razón, fallecieron 43 personas y 270 se encuentran en riesgo de morir; 33.000 personas con Parkinson perdieron sus medicamentos, causándoles terribles sufrimientos que van desde la pérdida de equilibrio hasta una rigidez total que puede provocar la muerte; también 8.000 mujeres con Cáncer de Mama, 13.000 con Linfoma, 2.700 con Esclerosis múltiple, 200 con Hipertensión Pulmonar, entre otras, han sufrido daños a su salud y corren peligro de perder la vida20. • 140.000 personas con cáncer y más de 300.000 con condiciones cardíacas severas han visto reducidas sus posibilidades de sobrevivir por ausencia de diagnóstico, tratamiento y cirugía. En los casos de personas con cáncer y problemas cardiovasculares, principales causas de muerte en el país, la esperanza de vida es muy baja. Los centros oncológicos no garantizan quimioterapia a 140.000 personas con cáncer; ya no hay radioterapias21 y las cirugías disminuyeron 50%22." +156655,38715.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,59,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/roap_covid_response_sitrep_14.pdf,"IOM Bangladesh distributed emergency hygiene materials to law enforcement agencies, government officials, health workers, and other emergency providers, including committees of the Islamic Foundation working on safe and dignified burials, and volunteers from the Extended Programme of Immunization and Cyclone Preparedness Programme. Distributions included 32,663 washable cloth masks and 32,000 face shields." +150465,37702.0,2028.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,45,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"Further, Shelter and NFI partners are continuing to conduct their activities while applying the precautionary measures of masks, physical distancing and rotating staff. Movement restrictions have been implemented in NES as of 31 July which could slow the pace of work." +214222,45203.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,42,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://fews.net/west-africa/cameroon/food-security-outlook/june-2020,"As of late June, most poor households in the Northwest and Southwest regions have depleted their food stocks and staple food prices are 30 percent higher than they were in the same period prior to the onset of the conflict." +353500,57854.0,2311.0,['Logistics'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Context->Politics', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",es,125,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://primerinforme.com/2021/06/02/cierre-de-frontera-con-colombia-beneficia-a-mafias-de-las-trochas/,"La presión de empresarios y comerciantes delárea metropolitana de Cúcutaconsiguió que elgobierno colombiano accediera a reabrir la frontera con Venezuela. Sin embargo, la respuesta venezolana sigue siendo elbloqueo fronterizo. Colombia planeaba mantener el cierre hasta el 1 de septiembre. Finalmente, el 1 de junio, elMinisterio de Interior colombianoordenó a Migración Colombia la“apertura gradual de los pasos terrestres y pluviales” con Venezuela. Pero de lado venezolano la decisión es mantener los pasos formales cerrados. Elgobernador de facto nombrado por Maduropara el estado Táchira,Freddy Bernal, dijo que la reapertura no puede ser unilateral. Emplea como excusa laCOVID-19y dice que hay que coordinar los protocolos para evitar la propagación de la enfermedad." +159804,39079.0,2170.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,40,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NIGERIA_Food_Security_Outlook_Update_August_Final.pdf,"Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic has constrained income-earning activities, particularly among urban households. Urban households are mainly dependent on informal and daily labor work which remains restricted and as a result, most urban areas remain in Stressed" +296775,52516.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,88,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.alwatanonline.com/%d8%a7%d8%b2%d8%af%d9%8a%d8%a7%d8%af-%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%a5%d8%b5%d8%a7%d8%a8%d8%a7%d8%aa-%d8%a8%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%85%d9%88%d8%ac%d9%80%d8%a9-%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%ab%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%ab%d8%a9-%d9%84%d9%81%d9%8a/,"[March 26,Qunaitra] A member of the Health Sector Executive Office, Saleh Sweid, indicated the increase in the number of patients coming to the General Authority of the Martyr Mamdouh Abaza Hospital in Quneitra, who suffer from symptoms and respiratory problems, and who are suspected of being infected with the virus, Noting the increase in the number of those admitted to the isolation department during the past week, as 15 positive cases were recorded within two days only." +493595,61216.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,38,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/humanitarian-situation-overview-syria-hsos-northeast-syria-june-2021,"[June 2021, NES]Most commonly reported health priority needs (by % of communities): Treatment for chronic diseases 67%,Medicines and other commodities 54%, Pediatric consultations 46%." +192882,43304.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Sacrifier le développement, notamment celles relatives aux infrastructures routières et énergétiques et à la construction d’écoles et d’hôpitaux au profit des actions humanitaires, pourrait empêcher le Tchad de récolter les dividendes de la paix." +317529,54586.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_humanitarian_snapshot_february.pdf,"Violence between armed youth groups in Akoka County and surrounding areas, and fighting between armed youth groups and suspected Sudan People’s Liberation Army-in-Opposition in Maban County, all in Upper Nile, displaced about 6,000 people." +214132,45203.0,2334.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,58,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://fews.net/west-africa/cameroon/food-security-outlook/june-2020,"Cameroon remains affected by a number of protracted crises. Since January 2020, there have been 178 incidents and 299 deaths related to incursions by Boko Haram, compared with 88 incidents and 154 deaths in the same period in 2019. Most kidnappings and lootings are concentrated in the Mayo-Tsanaga, Mayo-Sava and Logone-et-Chari departments." +318962,53305.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,14,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,A total of $19.6M million is needed for activities planned for 2021. +178346,41756.0,2225.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],fr,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Près de 10 millions de personnes dans le besoin réparties dans 190 zones de santé sont ainsi affectées par une combinaison d’au moins trois impacts humanitaires sévères (67,2 pour cent), critiques (25,4 pour cent) ou catastrophiques (7,4 pour cent)." +317870,52949.0,2331.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,103,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"According to the JMCNA findings, the main barriers to accessing quality education in a protective learning environment are posed by socio-economic and cultural differences. As public schools lack basic resources and enough space to accommodate new enrolments, privately-owned schools are on the rise to address the gaps. However, school fees are not affordable to vulnerable households who typically rely on daily wages or work in the informal sector to survive. At present they are faced with widespread job losses compounded by the devastating consequences of ongoing conflict and double disadvantage of the pandemic and natural disasters." +320666,52949.0,2331.0,"['WASH', 'Health']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,132,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"According to the Joint Multii cluster Need Assssment(JMCNA ), approximately 8.9 million people are affected by poor WASH conditions. For 2021, it is estimated that 4.6 million people are in catastrophic (10 per cent), severe (9 per cent) or extreme (18 per cent) need of humanitarian WASH assistance. The 10 per cent of households in catastrophic need mainly face a lack of access to water both in terms of quality and quantity, accompanied by a lack of access to functional sanitation. It is also a cause of relapse for acute diarrheal diseases when treated patients and children return to their communities with limited safe water and sanitation coverage, resulting in limited sustainability of health programs." +453753,63974.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_20210630-Rapport-Protection-Trimestriel.pdf,"Lutte anti-mine (LAM) : Le nombre de victimes civiles a augmenté au fil des années pour atteindre 50% des victimes en 2020, et 68% des victimes depuis le début de 2021." +317936,53305.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,17,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,Early marriage An estimated half of South Sudanese girls get married before the age of 18. +164480,32982.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],es,54,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Respuesta%20COVID-19%20-%20GIFMM%20Arauca%2C%20actualizaci%C3%B3n%20n%C2%B03%20%28Del%201%20al%2030%20de%20mayo%20de%202020%29.pdf,"•Acompañamiento pedagógico y psicosocial a mujeres gestantes, lactantes y primera infancia en Saravena Arauquita y Arauca. •Atención de salud sexual y reproductiva y controles prenatales en Saravena. •Atención prenatal, consultas psicológicas y de medicina general y entrega de medicamentos en el Centro de Salud Meridiano 70 en Arauca capital." +333154,44672.0,2336.0,['Protection'],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,20,[],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Public transport facilities, such as buses, carrying more than four passengers will not be allowed to travel." +475541,63296.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"les participants aux groupes de discussion (GD) ont également rapporté l’importance de la migration comme source alternative de revenu, une tendance historique qui a tendance à s’accentuer du fait de la pression démographique et foncière et d’une détérioration progressive de la productivité agricole." +216629,45416.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,56,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,"De plus, les conditions de travail des enseignants peuvent se dégrader par certaines situations telles que révélées dans le Rapport d'Evaluation Rapide Education Uvira Juin 2020_Cluster Educ dans le Sud-Kivu disant que 421 enseignants sont victimes des inondations et se retrouvent aussi dans les sites spontanés d’accueils (écoles et églises)," +161297,39528.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,33,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Les PDIs sont localisées majoritairement dans les régions du Centre Nord (39,8%) et du Sahel (35,2%) soit 70% des PDIs enregistrées sur le territoire national." +178387,41756.0,2225.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],fr,109,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Un total de 4 070 578 millions de personnes sont affectées au point d’être en situation de besoin d’abris, et 1,9 million de personnes sont dans le besoin d’AME. Dans le Nord-Kivu et le Haut-Katanga, plusieurs zones de santé comptent plus de 100 000 personnes ayant des besoins en abris, de même qu’à Kalemie dans le Tanganyika et Angumu en Ituri. Kiribizi, Birambizo et Kirotsche, au Nord Kivu, sont les trois zones de santé avec le plus de personnes dans le besoin d’abris (au-delà de 145 000 personnes)." +394429,61272.0,1186.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods', 'Cross', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,59,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://radio.uchile.cl/2021/02/04/colchane-la-ciudad-que-revela-la-crisis-migratoria-y-pone-entre-la-espada-y-la-pared-al-gobierno/,"“Esto está produciendo un colapso en cuanto a la atención médica, también a los servicios básicos, dado que Colchane no cuenta con los servicios como alcantarillado, luz eléctrica las 24 horas, no contamos con supermercado.Cada día vemos el aumento considerable de inmigrantes que ingresan a Chile sin control alguno“, denuncia García." +159055,37967.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,12,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_ndeg_115.pdf,Cumul personnes contacts listées depuis le 09 mars 2020 : 7 061 +322032,54521.0,2311.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/post_clearance_report_narino_la_union_colombia_halo.pdf,"On average, only 41% of households reported access to water through aqueduct. Aqueducts are normally established at a vereda level (though sometimes through the municipal government), pumping water from a natural spring that can be shared among a number of residences. The majority of rural households collect their water from natural sources on or close to their property." +205599,44672.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,56,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"UNDP [UN Development Programme] prioritizes its support in expanding health facilities and services for police. UNDP will continue to support the Government in prioritizing, piloting and upscaling its programs in security, peace, and rule of law that are paramount for effective pathways for recovery from COVID-19 and economic development." +331946,55424.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,42,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://tishreen.news.sy/?p=662488,"[MAy 5, GoS] Al-Ghobash pointed out that the Ministry of Health has 71 hospitals and 96 vaccination clinics distributed in all governorates, in addition to 416 mobile teams in the areas where there is no health center." +199033,44308.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,33,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RD%20Congo%20-%20Note%20d%E2%80%99informations%20humanitaires%20pour%20la%20province%20du%20Nord-Kivu%2017%20novembre%202020.pdf,La situation humanitaire et de protection de civils dans le territoire de Beni demeure inquiétante en raison de la recrudescence de violentes attaques perpétrées par des hommes armés contre les populations civiles. +339469,56380.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],es,93,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb4645es.pdf,"De las dificultades en el proceso productivo reportadas, una proporción importante de los hogares encuestados (48%) mencionó haber enfrentado choques significativos, principalmente relacionados con las fuertes lluvias o inundaciones, brotes de plagas o enfermedades y sequías prolongadas. Los cultivos más afectados fueron: café (en las regiones Gran Santander y Central), yuca (en las regiones Caribe, Cafetera y Amazonía), plátano (en todas las regiones) y maíz (en las regiones Caribe, Orinoquía y Amazonía)." +238243,46388.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,50,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Negative coping strategies, such as child labour, early or forced marriage, and other forms of exploitation and abuse, were also being employed pre-COVID-19 due to poverty, insecurity, displacement, and natural disaster, and were further seen during the 2020 school closure period." +264391,49670.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Economy'],es,21,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://diariodelsur.com.co/noticias/econom%C3%ADa/empresas-no-aguantarian-mas-cierres-por-pandemia-audionotici-662218,"La encuesta también arrojó que un52,8% de empresarios se vería obligado a reducir su personalante una nueva orden de confinamiento" +61694,18346.0,1184.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,9,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71003.pdf,• 1.091 personas asistidas en integración socioeconómica y cultural +306211,51474.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,137,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) continued to observe concerning levels of sexual violence perpetrated by parties to the conflict, self-defence groups or other armed elements involved in localized violence. The Mission verified 11 incidents of conflict-related sexual violence involving 16 survivors, including six girls. Victims, whose ages ranged from 13 to 50, were subjected to, inter alia, rape (1), gang rape (3) and attempted rape (1). Incidents were attributed to outh Sudan People's Defence Forces (SSPDF), (6) and defected Sudan People's Liberation Movement-in-Opposition (abbreviated SPLM-IO) Riek Machar elements allegedly affiliated with government security forces (1), while unidentified armed elements were responsible for four incidents." +185149,39920.0,1231.0,['Health'],[],[],es,16,[],[],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/resultados_primera_encuesta_covid-19_-_formato_11x17.pdf,61% espera que el gobierno entregue a domicilio medicamentos ARV por la pandemia de COVID-19 +307030,51572.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,54,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"There are numerous latrines built from 2014 to 2019 that are full but no decommissioned. Some of them are now taking by water leading to a very hazardous situation in terms of sanitation. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +438453,64539.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Durante los días de levantamiento de información en las instituciones educativas, el 58.9% de las personas consultadas manifestaron haber podido acceder a servicios de salud cuando lo necesitaron en la ciudad de Tumbes, ya sea para ellos, ellas o para sus familiares" +237938,47230.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,81,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"Riesgos de protección Para el 11% de los 1.037 niños y niñas nacidos en Colombia desde el 1 de enero de 2015 no se ha solicitado registro civil de nacimiento. De estos, el 26% menciona como motivo el cierre temporal de las registradurías (del 17 de marzo al 31 de mayo de 2020), el 22% que no cuentan con recursos para hacerlo, y el 16% temor de contagio de COVID-19." +5049,618.0,322.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,39,[],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,http://gulfnews.com/news/gulf/yemen/100-al-houthis-killed-in-hodeida-air-strike-1.2184537,"Al Mukalla: Yemen’s Ministry of Defence has said that Saudi-led coalition fighter jets struck an Al Houthi gathering, killing as many as 100 in Al Bouga’a region in Hodeida’s Attuhayatta." +311829,53183.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,18,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,Challenges: COVID-19 restriction movement caused late response from partners and some problems in delivering assistance needed. +262986,49226.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",es,54,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"El 28 de noviembre a través del decreto 1550 el Gobierno amplió hasta el 16 de enero de 2021 la medida de “aislamiento selectivo con distanciamiento individual responsable”, y determinó la extensión del cierre de las fronteras terrestres y fluviales con Ecuador, Panamá, Venezuela, Perú y Brasil." +264574,49669.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,32,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://colombia.as.com/colombia/2021/02/20/actualidad/1613846806_672285.html,"6. Articular y vincular el sistema de salud al sistema escolar. Esto mediante reuniones con la comunidad médica y científica, y disponer de asistencia médica de manera permanente." +132367,33059.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,42,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://diariolalibertad.com/sitio/2020/07/06/naciones-unidas-destaco-el-trabajo-de-la-jep-en-el-marco-de-la-pandemia/,"Sumado a esto el informe recoge la ampliación de medidas de protección colectivas emitidas en marzo respecto a las comunidades indígenas y afrocolombianas del Chocó acreditadas en el caso 04, que prioriza la situación territorial en la región de Urabá." +452351,64945.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,80,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MONITORING%20PROTECTION%20DE%20JULLET%202021%20EST.pdf,"Les typologies d’incidents enregistrés au cours du mois de juillet 2021, montrent la persistance de l’activisme des GANE malgré les différentes opérations des FDS et de leurs présumés informateurs. Les civils sont ceux qui, par leur vie, leurs biens et même leur dignité, payent le plus tribu de cette guerre. Les enlèvements sont le signe que les GANE ne tolèrent aucune collaboration des civils d’avec les FDS." +458083,64540.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,159,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,". En Perú, de acuerdo con el estudio de PLADES y UARM, 9 de cada 10 venezolanos (92%) se encontraba trabajando (de manera formal o informal, como asalariados o independientes). El desempleo, a su vez, era bajo, coincidiendo con la tasa de desempleo nacional (4%). Asimismo, un 60% de las personas inmigrantes y refugiadas venezolanas encuestadas labora en una relación de dependencia, es decir, trabaja para un empleador, ya sea en calidad de empleado u obrero. Quienes trabajan como independientes o autónomos representan el 38% (en otros informes difundidos por la OIM situaban este sector en alrededor del 20%). Apenas el 1% de los encuestados se identificó como empleador o manifestaron tener personal a su cargo. El trabajo doméstico y trabajo familiar no remunerado resultó marginal en la muestra." +341784,56493.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,58,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Le sentiment qu’il existe une classe restreinte de privilégiés qui accaparent toutes les richesses et les opportunités, notamment économiques exacerbe les clivages sociaux, les tensions et les velléités de conflits. L’inégale distribution des richesses a donc un lien même plus important et direct avec l’aggravation de la violence." +15515,6440.0,321.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Education']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,89,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Libya%20Flash%20Update%209%20November%202018.pdf,"So far in 2018, UNHCR implemented 88 quick impact projects (QIPs) in Libya. During the reporting period, UNHCR and its partner ACTED supported a school for displaced (IDP) children in Guanfooda (Benghazi) with educational equipment, including computers, printers, stationary, and recreational materials. UNHCR also improved the school’s electric system. In addition, with its partner Mercy Corps, UNHCR provided medical equipment to a clinic in Sonka (southwest Libya)." +196729,43328.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_smart_rapid_pdi_2020_bfa_final.pdf,"La répartition par groupe d’âges des prévalences indique que la situation nutritionnelle est critique chez les plus jeunes c’est-à-dire chez les moins de 2 ans comparativement à celle des enfants plus âgés. En effet, la malnutrition aigüe globale touche 19,1% d’enfants de 6-23 mois contre 7,8% chez les 24-59 mois." +235663,47076.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,31,[],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,Additional lockdowns were also declared in some divisions and subdivisions such as Ngoketunjia in the NW and Mamfe Central in the SW as part of ongoing tensions in these localities. +174895,40890.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,44,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"En términos de etnias, el 89% de la población indígena encuestada pertenece al grupo indígena Wayúu. Otros grupos indígenas de los entrevistados incluyen aquellos correspondientes al área binacional13, con un 4% y otros grupos corresponden al 7%." +235377,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The majority of civilian casualties are from ground engagements where the use of indirect fire (mortars, rockets, and grenades) in populated areas makes it impossible for civilians to avoid conflict areas." +388552,60980.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,58,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/informe_de_emergencias_humanitarias_reportadas_elc_enero_junio_2021.pdf,"El 44% de los eventos de desplazamiento forzado en junio fueron causados por amenazas directas de GANE contra la población civil, además, otro 44% fueron causados por hostigamientos con afectación a las comunidades y finalmente el 11% (sólo 1 evento) fue por causa de enfrentamientos entre grupos armados no estatales." +155204,37856.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,110,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Sur l’axe Koundougou – Faramana – Sona, 228 voyageurs (168 hommes et 60 femmes) ont été observés sortant du Burkina Faso. Parmi eux, 8 mineurs de moins de 5 ans ont effet 166 Burkinabés et 62 Maliens qui on été observés. Par contre 384 voyageurs (347 hommes et 37 femmes) sont entrés au Burkina Faso dont 348 Burkinabés et 36 Maliens. Des mesures médicales sont mises en place au niveau des points clés de contrôle sur les voies officielles fermées aux voyageurs sur cet axe frontalier, et notamment le contrôle systématique des températures aux points de contrôles." +22236,9106.0,729.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],en,27,[],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"Important steps were taken in July 2017, when rivals Prime Minister al-Serraj and General Haftar agreed to a ceasefire and to hold elections in 2018." +156214,36465.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,76,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/en-un-mes-mas-de-82000-venezolanos-han-renovado-el-permiso-especial-de-permanencia/2087,"Por otra parte, se informó que han realizado 28.900 diligencias de verificación en todo el país, y durante este proceso se han expulsado a más de 450 personas por incumplir las leyes migratorias. Estas verificaciones son a solicitud de los alcaldes, gobernadores, la Policía Nacional. ""El objetivo de es proteger a los migrantes y conservar el cumplimiento de las normas en territorio nacional"", explicó Espinosa Palacios." +402957,63058.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Democratic%20Republic%20of%20Congo%20-%20Key%20Message%20Update_%20Fri%2C%202021-07-30.pdf,"[Outlook] Cette faible production occasionne une courte durée de stocks avec une période de soudure qui commencera un mois plus tôt en août 2021. En dépit de cette faible production, les ménages pauvres pourront utilisés diverses stratégies de survie afin de combler leurs déficits alimentaires jusqu’à la fin de la période de soudure en décembre 2021" +303939,51174.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,98,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.afro.who.int/sites/default/files/2021-02/South%20Sudan%20IDSR%20Bulletin%20Week%201%2C%20%20%204-%2010%20January%202021%20.pdf,"The total number of AFP(Acute Flacid Paralysis) cases confirmed as cVDPV2(circulating Vaccine Derived Polio Virus ) remain 37, and the geographical distribution of circulating Vaccine Derived Polio Virus cases are as follows: Western Bahr El Ghazal (7), Warrap state (16), Central Equatorial state (4), Northern Bahr El Ghazal (3), Lakes (3), Western Equatoria state (1), Jonglie (1), Upper Nile (1) and Eastern Equatoria state (1)." +188608,43181.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,41,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_270_20201026_.pdf,"Ainsi depuis le début de l’épidémie, 11 191 cas confirmés et 1 cas probable ont été notifiés dont 305 décès, soit une létalité globale de 2,7% (Tableau I ; Figures 1 & 2)." +199000,44208.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],fr,53,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fasozine.com/actualite/politique/8925-elections-du-22-novembre-2020-les-parties-prenantes-signent-un-pacte-de-bonne-conduite.html,"A travers ces signatures [du pacte de bonne conduite]par les principaux acteurs concernés par le processus électoral, ces derniers s'engagent à faire prévaloir l’intérêt général au détriment de l’intérêt personnel pour des élections apaisées, crédibles et dont les résultats seront acceptés de tous." +91813,26015.0,1620.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Situation-Overview_H2R_Oct-Dec_13.03.2020.pdf,"The lower latrine use reported in Kukawa could be due to cultural practices within this part of Borno State, where open defecation is commonly practised and accepted. FGD participants from Dikwa and Gwoza further described that some people were living in the bush and therefore not using the latrine as usual." +313632,53333.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Basic Income was mentioned by 90 % of respondents as a push factor for activities involving sexual exploitation in an effort to meet very basic needs including food, clothing, and learning material, start- up capital for equipment and materials for income-generating projects." +282355,51023.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,33,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-educational-institutions-reopening-may-be-delayed/65989,"[12th March 2021, Bangladesh] The daily infection rate rose to above 5 percent after a month of a downtrend. The percentage jumped to 6.62 from 5.82 on Thursday." +292413,52073.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Health', 'Cross', 'WASH']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,73,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"Suite au déplacement massif des personnes de Rann (Nigéria) qui sont venues se réfugier à Goura (Cameroun) et, compte tenu de la promiscuité, l’exposition aux aléas climatiques, la précarité, l’insécurité alimentaire, faible accès à l’eau potable pour cette population réfugiée, constituant des facteurs pouvant entrainer un impact tant sur le plan médical que sur le plan nutritionnel" +21839,9026.0,322.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Context->Politics', 'Context->Economy']",en,43,['Impact'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,,"Various surveys as well as interviews with entrepreneurs underscore how corruption intervenes in transactions where govern- ment administrations are involved, such as taxation, foreign trade, and permits, among others. Significant extra-legal payments are stated to be common." +388564,60980.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Food Security', 'WASH']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,102,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/informe_de_emergencias_humanitarias_reportadas_elc_enero_junio_2021.pdf,"En Junio cuatro ELC reportaron emergencias por desastres de origen natural, con afectación en más de 43.909 personas en 17 eventos (44% del total reportado en 2021). • En Amazonas, se presentaron inundaciones causadas por lluvias intensas que desbordaron los ríos Igaraparaná y Putumayo en las zonas no municipalizadas de La Chorrera y en Puerto Arica. Por ello, al menos 2.520 personas fueron afectadas, de éstas al menos un 85% pertenecen a comunidades indígenas. Las necesidades desencadenadas se dieron en términos de seguridad alimentaria, salud, agua y saneamiento." +174675,41363.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,42,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://guardian.ng/news/fg-extends-covid-19-national-response-third-phase-by-four-weeks/,"[16th Oct 2020, Nigeria] According to him, the PTF also proposed recommencement of all outdoor activities, including football league, sustaining the midnight-4am curfew nationwide and removal of the limitation on civil servants allowed at workplaces." +150071,32165.0,1388.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,93,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/74589.pdf,"Con excepción de la Dirección General de Migración y Extranjería, ACNUR o las Agencias Socias (RET, Fundación Mujer, HIAS, etc.) o aquellas que tienen o han tenido una relación directa con estas organizaciones, la mayoría indica que los programas, proyectos o acciones que desarrollan tienen un carácter más general para poblaciones vulnerables (enfocadas hacia el desarrollo humano, disminución de la pobreza y acciones de subsistencia), pero no necesariamente dirigidas de manera exclusiva a las personas refugiadas o solicitantes de refugio" +243163,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Furthermore, the Hard-to-Reach (HTR) areas assessment between July and August 2020 suggests that the presence of explosive hazards significantly hinders access to basic services." +150076,32165.0,1388.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",es,101,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/74589.pdf,"Un factor importante para derribar barreras tiene que ver con el nivel de información que se brinda tanto a la población en general como a las empresas, ya que existe un alto grado de desconocimiento sobre la realidad, derechos y potencialidades de la población refugiada. Esto se ve reforzado por los estigmas y estereotipos que se tienen acerca de la persona refugiada, ya que muchos los ven como una amenaza, vinculados a temas de seguridad ciudadana. Culturalmente se les aparta y se les mira con temor, principalmente debido a ese desconocimiento casi generalizado." +330106,55171.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,49,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-america-latina-56897151,Miles de personas salieron a protestar este miércoles en varias ciudades de Colombia. Las manifestaciones fueron convocadas en rechazo a un proyecto de reforma tributaria del gobierno del presidente Iván Duque. Los manifestantes salieron a las calles a pesar de los intentos de prohibir la marcha. +152354,38139.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,84,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cox-s-bazar-sitrep-17.pdf,Health Sector SAG meeting was held with discussions focusing on home-based care during low transmission and inter-agency quality assurance and supportive supervision among other issues. During recent inter-agency field visit it was observed that COVID-19 messaging need to be sustained in the camps as fears of isolation and separation from family (due to COVID-19 associated hospital admissions) persist. Service gaps such as dental and eye care and access to NCD medications were also shared by stakeholders in visited camps. +317169,53333.0,2334.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,The Adolescent MSNA confirmed that the ongoing crisis in NWSW and COVID- 19 are major sources of insecurity for adolescent girls and boys and undermine their ability to return or continue with education. +330110,55171.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,38,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-america-latina-56897151,"La tarde del martes, un tribunal había emitido un polémico fallo que ordenabaaplazar la protestapara evitar el contagio masivo de coronavirus. La alcaldesa de Bogotá, Claudia López, también había pedido posponer la jornada." +270157,50226.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,101,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_6.pdf,"Durante el 2020, se notificaron 31 focos de encefalitis en équidos, según su ocurrencia, el mayor número de focos se presentó en la costa Atlántica principalmente en Córdoba, Magdalena, Cesar; seguido de la región de la Orinoquia. Dentro de los factores que predisponen la presentación de la enfermedad se encuentran: zonas tropicales húmedas cálidas, aguas estancadas son condiciones favorables para la proliferación de vectores, zonas cenagosas, transición época seca a época lluviosa, animales de tra- bajo, no vacunación en los predios, animales jóvenes < 2 años." +497029,60104.0,1187.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Demography'],es,109,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,"https://www.unicef.org/argentina/media/11626/file/Impacto%20de%20la%20pandemia%20en%20la%20educaci%C3%B3n%20de%20ni%C3%B1as,%20ni%C3%B1os%20y%20adolescentes.pdf","Tal como fue señalado por un estudio de UNICEF sobre impacto en la salud mental desarrollado entre septiembre de 2020 y febrero de 2021, la situación excepcional asociada a la pandemia generó entre las niñas y los niños de 3 a 12 años la emergencia de expresiones de malestares subjetivos que se fueron profundizando con la extensión temporal de la cuarentena: “las niñas y los niños se angustiaban fácilmente o lloraban mucho, se enojaban más que antes, estaban irritables, ansiosas o ansiosos y/o tenían altibajos emocionales. También, algunas y algunos manifestaban cambios o trastornos en la alimentación y/o el sueño." +214139,45385.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,70,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Ces attaques [de Boko Haram] provoquent systématiquement des mouvements de populations, d’échelles variables cependant. Même s’ils font suite à des attaques répétées dans leurs villages dans les jours précédents, la majorité des déplacements sont préventifs, permettant ainsi aux personnes déplacées internes (PDIs) d’emmener un minimum de biens, et parfois de stock alimentaire avec eux." +159621,39079.0,2170.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],en,37,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NIGERIA_Food_Security_Outlook_Update_August_Final.pdf,"The macroeconomic conditions continue to deteriorate with the slow but persistent increase in annual inflation to 12.82 percent in July, decline in foreign reserves, and continued depreciation of the NGN on the parallel market." +188245,40860.0,1899.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",[],[],es,119,[],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200922_OCHA_GUATEMALA%20HRP%20COVID-19%20ESPAN%CC%83OL.pdf,"as familias del área rural, quienes en su mayoría se dedican a la agricultura han tenido una disminución de sus ingresos y por lo tanto de su poder adquisitivo. Esto debido a la falta de empleo, pérdida de acceso al mercado, por ejemplo los agricultores de pequeña escala que han sido proveedores del Programa de Alimentación Escolar, debido al COVID-19 perdieron temporalmente esa ventana de mercado, así mismo productores de hortalizas han visto reducidas sus ventas a nivel nacional e interrumpidas totalmente con países vecinos, esto repercute en las familias que venden su mano de mano, en las que comercializan y en los venderos de insumos agropecuarios, entre otros." +89681,25174.0,1621.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_Update-Sirt_20200213_EN_Final%20%281%29.pdf,"DTM conducted a quick assessment of new IDPs in Misrata on 05 February in support of humanitarian partners, surveying 60 newly displaced families. The majority of displaced families (79%) reported to be staying in rented accommodation, while 21% are staying with host families." +224105,45768.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,43,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"Il est clair que la communauté humanitaire ne peut investir suffisamment des ressources sur le site de Diamerom au même moment qu’elle est, en appui aux autorités, en train d’envisager la relocalisation des IDPs à Amma." +318218,53305.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,28,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Humanitarian organizations responded to the needs of more than 100,000 people displaced by sub-national violence in Jonglei and the Greater Pibor Administrative Area. [JULY 2020]" +50119,12653.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",en,113,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']","['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/290119_hno_2019_en.pdf,"In order to respond to this situation, the Colombian State has progressively expanded access to rights for populations from Venezuela. In the case of Colombian returnees, the program Colombia Nos Une (Colombia Joins Us) of the Ministry of Foreign Relations, has facilitated access to registries and benefits from being on registries, as well as different sectoral norms that has allowed for the identification and documentation of populations arriving from Venezuela who have a right to the Colombian nationality, as is the case with people born in Venezuela to Colombian fathers or mothers and who were not registered at the Consulate in Venezuela before their return" +116340,32643.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,19,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/77408,"• Peru scaled up to number six in the global COVID-19 ranking with more than 268,000 cases confirmed." +274529,50587.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,32,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MENSUEL%20DE%20PROTECTION%20JANVIER%202021-NORD.pdf,"En ce qui concerne les autres communes d’intervention de la province (Thiou, Tangaye Séguénéga, Barga) une relative accalmie a été observée au cours du mois." +238162,47090.0,2170.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_15_dec_2020_report.pdf,"[1st-15thDec 2020, Borno and Adamawa state] 44% of the IDPs are living in emergency shelter, 33% in makeshift, 11% in collective/ communal shelter, 9% in public facilities and 3% in transitional shelter. 8,236 HH are sharing shelter across 31 sites in 8 LGAs" +149677,37702.0,2028.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,42,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"International repatriation flights have not taken place since 16 July when 260 Syrian nationals arrived from Erbil. In recent weeks, a reported 2,000 Syrian nationals residing in Lebanon have also reportedly returned through land crossings, mainly Maasna border point" +341736,56493.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,62,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Les propriétaires terriens se livrent ainsi à la vente des superficies au plus offrant, privant ainsi une bonne partie de la communauté de portions de terres. Les ventes opérées unilatéralement et parfois clandestinement entre l’acquéreur et le propriétaire sont sources de conflits familiaux à cause de la redistribution des parts de vente ou de la superficie cédée." +492285,67914.0,2028.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_mvam_bulletin_58_august_2021.pdf,"In August 2021, overall 69 percent of surveyed households indicated that they bought food on credit, an increase of five percent yearon-year, with a higher share recorded in Dar’a (78 percent) and Al-Hasakeh (77 percent)." +151455,37915.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,70,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/78176.pdf,"UNHCR is managing 2 SARI ITCs, which provide medical care for COVID-19 positive patients from the refugee settlements and the host community. As of 31 July, over 210 patients have received treatment at facilities supported by UNHCR, of which over 30 are currently in-patients, close to 150 discharged, and others transferred to facilities such as the ICU care in Cox’s Bazar town" +61763,18350.0,1184.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,129,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71151.pdf,"Acceso a la Información Durante el mes de junio, 13.336 personas recibieron información sobre procedimientos migratorios y acceso al asilo en diferentes localidades del país, especialmente en las ciudades fronterizas de Tulcán, Lago Agrio y Huaquillas. Se realizaron sesiones informativas grupales a la población que arribó a Ecuador, así como también atención individual y seguimiento de casos específicos. Además, 36.576 personas recibieron charlas y un folleto con información sobre derechos y prevención de riesgos, focalizado en NNA. También se ha diseñado y elaborado un instructivo de información para personas venezolanas que acuden al Puesto de Información del Terminal Terrestre de Guayaquil. Además, se continúa brindando servicio de wifi gratuito a los recién llegados en los pasos fronterizos." +390807,60791.0,1186.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,31,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"En 2018 había 36 comunas con 10.000 o más personas extranjeras, las que concentraban en total 899.256 personas, representando el 71,9% del total estimado para ese año." +291298,51259.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,15,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2020_access_annual_overview.pdf,AFFECTED AGENCIES : INGO - 45 % UN - 32% NNGO - 23% +62954,18642.0,1386.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']","['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",es,83,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Capacities & Response']","['Context', 'Information And Communication']",UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://transparencia.org.ve/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/EPE-II-Sector-Agua.pdf,"el caso del estado Vargas, donde ocurrió una calamidad al destruirse la Planta de Tratamiento de Picure, principal fuente de agua del Litoral Varguense, y todos los niveles de gobierno involucrados; Mi- nisterio del Ambiente, Hidrocapital, gobernación, alcaldía y cámaras le- gislativas estadales y municipales, en complicidad acordaron ocultar el desastre de entregar agua cruda a los habitantes7, incumpliendo el man- dato explícito de la Constitución y las Leyes que amparan al ciudadano." +414782,63620.0,2225.0,"['Nutrition', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,68,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://zoom-eco.net/developpement/rdc-plus-de-100-mille-enfants-affectes-par-la-malnutrition-aigue-en-ituri-ocha/,"Plus de 100 mille enfants affectés par une malnutrition aiguë et 250 écoles détruites dans la province de l’Ituri. C’est ce qu’indique le rapport sur la situation humanitaire en province de l’Ituri entre janvier et juillet 2021, publié le mercredi 18 août 2021, par le Bureau de coordination des affaires humanitaires des Nations-Unies (OCHA)." +169914,40360.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Environment'],fr,58,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Pendant ce mois sous revue des catastrophes naturelles sont aussi constatées dont les causes sont essentiellement les inondations et les vents violents. A cause du fort taux de pluviométrie, les inondations sont constatées dans les quatre provinces si bien que des maisons s’effondrent dans presque toutes les localités de la Région du Sahel." +70644,19974.0,1534.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,18,[],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,Bahamians have experience with cash and voucher assistance through social safety net schemes and in disaster relief. +205471,44672.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,42,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Indoor air pollution is an issue for buildings and small shops lacking, or with poor, ventilation systems. Circulation of people in buildings with poor ventilation, including hospitals, can also facilitate the spread of COVID-19 and other viruses" +290379,51970.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,69,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,A migrant out of four (27%) either consumed only one meal (18%) or spent the previous day without eating (9%) at the time of the interview. This represents an increase compared to the previous round of data collection (22%) and it is more than twice higher (2.25) compared to June 2020 (12% +290584,52074.0,2334.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,10,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,"A total of 1,468 households received long-lasting mosquito nets." +199036,44308.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Casualties->Missing', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,22,[],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RD%20Congo%20-%20Note%20d%E2%80%99informations%20humanitaires%20pour%20la%20province%20du%20Nord-Kivu%2017%20novembre%202020.pdf,"Au cours de ces attaques, des établissements médicaux ont été pillées systématiquement, et trois personnels soignants ont été enlevés." +306250,51572.0,2335.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,69,['Impact'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"IDP communities face restrictions from the side of host communities to undertake livelihoods activities (farming, fishing). In KhorAdar, IDPs have to pay tax to host communities (10%) from each and every sold fish. Local communities highly rely on humanitarian assistance. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +310541,53177.0,2466.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,22,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Sudan%20Multi-Sectoral%20Location%20Assessment_South%20Kordofan.pdf,Twelve per cent of existing shelters are unoccupied and 53 per cent of the locations visited are currently constructing new shelters. +325744,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Le secteur agricole est dominé par la production pluviale à petite échelle avec une productivité généralement faible22 et est largement basé sur des systèmes de production ruraux extensifs, mais il existe une petite minorité de systèmes urbains et périurbains intensifs." +240450,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,26,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Attacks on health facilities and personnel frequently lead to closures affecting health access for hundreds of thousands of people and resulting in unmet health needs. +216634,45416.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,44,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,"« Au total 4085 élèves dont 2076 filles affectées, parmi ces élèves, 1065 sont déplacés dont 534 filles, 336 orphelins de massacre dont 206 filles ainsi que 49 orphelins d’Ebola dont 22 filles ». [Nord Kivu]" +90031,25213.0,1621.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],"['Context->Demography', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,73,['At Risk'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A_HRC_43_75_E.pdf,"More than 100 bodies were recovered from the old city, including those of women and children (S/2019/682, para. 25). Moreover, the Libyan National Army affiliates reportedly launched a broad intimidation campaign inside the city, targeting the families and perceived associates of members of the Derna Protection Force (ibid., para. 46). Arbitrary arrests and the forced displacement of civilians continued." +201576,43427.0,2311.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Security & Stability'],es,77,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Se ha reportado escasez de gasolina que antes llegaba de contrabando de Venezuela, una materia prima necesaria para el proce- so de producción de cocaína. Mientras en algunas zonas del país el coronavirus podría implicar una disminución en las acciones armadas de grupos ilegales y un descenso en los delitos, en otras esta situación podría ser el contexto propicio para revivir disputas ilegales, o traer mayores amenazas para co- munidades en riesgo." +201719,43427.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,164,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"La importancia económica de esta actividad se ve reflejada en el he- cho que el total del presupuesto de los diez municipios con más afectación por coca re- presenta apenas el 34 % del valor total de la producción potencial de la hoja, pasta y base de cocaína que se produce en estos municipios. En el escenario en que abrup- tamente no existan hectáreas cultivadas, y no haya una actividad lícita que sustituya la dinámica generada por esta actividad en la economía local de estos territorios, no solo se afectan los ingresos del cultivador con coca, sino que se impacta la generación de ingresos de toda la red de proveedores que apoyan directa e indirectamente en el cultivo y su transformación; incluido quienes no necesariamente realizan actividades ilíci- tas como: abastecimiento de agroquímicos, apoyo en el trabajo de la siembra, manteni- miento, sostenimiento y cosecha del cultivo, trasporte local, entre otros." +22525,9106.0,729.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,92,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"The current situation in Libya affects the food security of nondisplaced households and returnees in a similar way. Returnee and non-displaced households reported the same level of food insecurity (11 per cent and 12 per cent respectively), while displaced households reported a higher level of food insecurity, with 17 per cent being classified as food insecure. In Tripoli, food insecurity is affecting displaced households (53 per cent food insecure) to a greater extent than nondisplaced (20 per cent food insecure)." +313623,53333.0,2334.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,36,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"The practice of loitering was also reported to be common, putting adolescent girls at risk of sexual exploitation, as some were reported to frequent bars and nightclubs where older men frequented as well." +242972,46388.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],en,83,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"While this shows that men are more impacted by explosive devices, their death and injury subsequently places a significant burden on women who often have to become the head of household and breadwinner to large families, while carrying out their prior duties and tending to their injured family members all at the same time. This results in accumulated stress for women and girls, who are already under immense pressure to care for their families during the COVID-19 pandemic." +285965,51487.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,75,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no1_desplazamientos_en_buenaventura.pdf,"La alimentación consta principalmente de arroz, huevos y granos, sin embargo, esta se limita a una vez al día lo que evidencia el deterioro de la situación. Se requieren kits de alimentos y/o transferencias monetarias que permitan suplir las necesidades básicas alimenticias de las personas que habitan en los barrios mencionados, debido a que los alimentos se han encarecido por las extorsiones de las que son víctimas los comerciantes." +57465,17280.0,1186.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",es,45,[],"['Context', 'Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/439982_ed8c90c2b9644fbbabee3b33e6e9e918.pdf,"En relación a las condiciones de habitabilidad en la muestra, el grupo venezolano se diferencia del resto: en número de familias en la vivienda, superan el promedio con casi un 17% que declara tres familias o más en la misma vivienda" +221963,45410.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,57,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"[La région du Lac dans la Zone 8 - « Zone ouest agropastorale et de pêche » ]: Compte tenu des bons niveaux de production favorisés par un bon déroulement de la campagne (cumul pluviométrique excédentaire), l’approvisionnement des marchés connaît une nette amélioration grâce aux nouvelles récoltes en cours." +70615,19974.0,1534.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,74,['At Risk'],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"Young women between 16 and 18 were deemed the most vulnerable group and a recommendation made that access to contraception without parental consent should be allowed at 16, the age of sexual consent, rather than 18, with the potential to reduce HIV cases in addition to unwanted pregnancies. This is problematic for agencies wishing to provide confidential, post-exposure care for survivors of sexual violence who are under 18." +149239,36019.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,15,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,The Coronavirus Awareness Team (CAT) is working on an enhanced digital communication strategy +323051,54626.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,22,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,"On sanitation, 300 new IDP latrines were completed in Boondheere, Wardigley, Cabdulasis and Karan districts in Banadir region." +219066,45655.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Covid-19->Testing'],en,66,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"[9th Dec, Overall Syria] Overall, the number of confirmed cases does not provide an accurate reflection of infection prevalence. The decrease in new cases appears to be a result of multiple factors, including a reduction in testing capacity (due to supply shortages), low surveillance capacity, as well as continued challenges related to case diagnosis and detection" +329490,54412.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Security & Stability', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,50,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_cluster_sante_rdc_s14_ok.pdf,"Territoire Djugu : Déplacement préventif d’environ 80% des 15 000 habitants de l’AS de Fataki vers les alentours de la Base MONUSCO de Djaiba. Certaines populations seraient parties en brousse. Pour cause, l’insécurité actuelle autour de Fataki et Drodro." +303956,51174.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,23,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.afro.who.int/sites/default/files/2021-02/South%20Sudan%20IDSR%20Bulletin%20Week%201%2C%20%20%204-%2010%20January%202021%20.pdf,"Reactive measles campaign was concluded in Ibba with total of 11,896 children age 6-59 month been vaccinated and coverage of 96%." +157383,38830.0,1185.0,['Health'],[],[],es,48,[],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3668042,"La gran incidencia del coronavirus ha producido la sobrecarga del sistema de salud tanto en Lima como en los departamentos o regiones del país, así como la falta de disponibilidad de medicamentos y equipos de protección necesarios para atender a la población afectada por la enfermedad." +314502,52949.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,82,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The Desert Locust impact assessment conducted by the Food Security and Nutrition Working Group in June and July 2020 indicated that among cropping, agropastoral and pastoral regions, the impact of locusts was quite severe. Of the cropping areas, 48 per cent had high or very high losses while 65 per cent estimated harvests of their most important crop would be below average. About 75 per cent of livestock rearing respondents reported high or very high rangeland losses" +292358,52073.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"De plus, si les attentats suicides ont significativement diminué, les incursions armées augmentent le nombre de blessés et de décès ainsi que les troubles psychologiques." +235882,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,24,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Given the health and economic impacts of COVID- 19, the need for a vaccine to be urgently rolled-out cannot be overstated." +175173,40890.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"De los hogares con miembros que se encuentran afiliados a salud (16%), el 92% pertenecen al régimen subsidiado y el 8% al contributivo." +359396,58669.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'Food Security', 'WASH']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,206,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/informe_de_emergencias_humanitarias_reportadas_elc_enero_mayo_2021.pdf,"IMPACTO POR EVENTOS DE ORIGEN NATURAL: El ELC Meta-Guaviare recibió solicitud por parte de la Alcaldía de Puerto Lleras (Meta) para apoyo complementario en la respuesta a emergencias por inundaciones a mediados de mayo, las cuales afectaron al menos a 3,200 personas (apróx. 400 familias) sólo en este municipio; se requirió apoyo complementario con alojamientos, comida y kits de higiene, mientras que las autoridades locales brindaron la primera respuesta en evaluación de familias, y prestación de atención psicológica. En otros 7 municipios de Meta y Guaviare, al menos 7,789 personas (apróx. 1,947 familias) también se vieron afectadas. Aparte de esto se destaca la respuesta por parte de las entidades públicas frente a la evacuación de damnificados, entregas de kits alimentarios, evaluación de viviendas afectadas, entrega de subsidios de arriendo entre otras. Debido a la segunda creciente del rio Ariari en el municipio de Puerto Lleras el 10 de mayo, y la entrega de 300 kits alimentarios que no cubren en su totalidad a las familias damnificadas, persisten necesidades en seguridad alimentaria y nutrición, así como colchonetas y frazadas para los damnificados." +318392,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,99,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Based on the ‘triple threat’ emergency of floods, COVID-19 and this year’s locust outbreak, and a demand from partners for Logistics Cluster services to support the response to these emergencies, a Concept of Operations was developed in April 2020. This outlined the need to support humanitarian partners in areas where physical access is a continued challenge - either due to the closure of roads or airstrips operational capacity further indicating the need for augmented common transport services to facilitate the support of the humanitarian community to affected populations in Somalia." +162646,36464.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],es,78,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/medicos-venezolanos-esperan-pronta-autorizacion-del-gobierno-para-ejercer-en-el-pais/2067,"Precisamente, la organización Coalición por Venezuela, contabilizó en un censo a 948 profesionales de la salud venezolanos que presentan dificultades en los procesos de homologación y convalidación en Colombia. Con el registro se logró precisar que el 50,21 por ciento de estos profesionales están aptos para aplicar las convalidaciones ante el Ministerio de Educación, de acuerdo con Juan Viloria, coordinador de la organización que agrupa a 63 asociaciones de la sociedad civil." +230186,46693.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,37,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"WFP requires USD 210 million to sustain operations through October 2020. Further, WFP foresees additional needs of USD 142 million to cater for new needs and additional operational costs related to the COVID-19 pandemic." +176940,41739.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,73,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.lemonde.fr/afrique/article/2020/05/18/en-rdc-la-prise-en-charge-des-malades-du-covid-19-entre-debrouille-et-defiance_6040023_3212.html,"La situation serait plus difficile dans d’autres établissements de Kinshasa. Dans une vidéo diffusée sur les réseaux sociaux au début du mois, plusieurs patients d’un autre hôpital, celui du Cinquantenaire, se plaignaient de se retrouver enfermés dans leur chambre sans aucun suivi médical. Un autre affirmait que les équipes de l’hôpital attendaient parfois plusieurs heures avant d’évacuer les morts." +210468,45124.0,2028.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://globalvoices.org/2020/07/16/in-assad-controlled-syria-the-official-narrative-is-no-covid-19-cases/,Another person from al-Mouwasat Hospital in Damascus was also quoted in the same article confirming this claim: “These terminations are conducted in complete secrecy and are carried out by doctors dedicated to following up on cases of suspected virus infection.” This claim also appeared on social media +208407,43992.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,51,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"In Toukra health centre (N’Djaména), preventive measures against COVID-19 have been implemented, such as handwashing at the entrance and social distancing. Along with management of Severe Acute Malnutrition activities, an explanation of breastfeeding and infant feeding techniques during the pandemic was provided." +209710,45080.0,2170.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,62,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%209%20Dec%202020.pdf,"[9thDec2020,BAY states]The nutrition situation in the BAY states significantly deteriorated in September with increased rates of acute malnutrition attributed to the reduced access to food during the ongoing lean season (increased food prices, low harvest) and disease outbreak. Continued insecurity also generated disruption of health and nutrition services and new population displacements." +199059,44171.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],fr,56,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.lemonde.fr/afrique/article/2020/10/26/au-burkina-faso-les-deplaces-sont-les-grands-oublies-des-elections-de-novembre_6057413_3212.html,"Alors que le pays s’apprête à voter le 22 novembre pour les élections présidentielle et législatives, ces mêmes rescapés seront une deuxième fois victimes. Faute de carte d’électeur ou à cause de l’insécurité dans leur localité, de nombreux déplacés risquent d’être exclus du scrutin." +306530,51572.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,51,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"UNICEF and WVI to speed up the PD amendment process to ensure that the CNVs are reinstated as soon as possible to ensure that adequate coverage in terms of screening, referral, and health/nutrition education. [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]" +330394,53831.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],fr,54,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/12042021_sitrep_s12_whe_oms_rdc_f.pdf,"La ZS de Mushenge au Kasaï continue d’enregistrer des cas suspects de choléra et pour la S12/2021, elle a notifié 20 cas suspects de choléra et aucun décès contre 27 cas dont aucun décès la semaine précédente. Si la létalité a été maintenue à 0,0% depuis quatre semaines." +181177,42386.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,28,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_RMU_October-2020_vfinal.pdf,"Avec la présence des acheteurs étrangers (majoritairement en provenance du Ghana), au moins 80 pour cent des animaux présentés sur les marchés sont vendus." +247736,48086.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,78,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"Au 26 janvier 2021 à 9h00, heure de l'Afrique de l'Est (HAE), un total de 3 455 328 cas de COVID-19 et 85 883 décès (CFR: 2,5%) ont été signalés dans 55 États membres de l'Union africaine (UA). Cela représente 3,5% de tous les cas signalés dans le monde. La majorité (86 %) des États membres continuent de signaler une transmission communautaire." +292354,52073.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,13,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,Intensification de la crise humanitaire dans les régions du Nord-Ouest et du Sud-Ouest +344422,56726.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,44,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20210526_USG%20Statement%20to%20Security%20Council%20on%20Syria.pdf,"[26 May 2021, NWS] A first batch of vaccines from the COVAX Facility has been airlifted by WHO from Damascus to Qamishli this month. It’s due to cover 9,000 health workers. Vaccinations started earlier this week." +83869,23144.0,1620.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Shock/Event', 'Casualties']",2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_adamawahumanitariansituationoverview_decedition_11012020.pdf,The Cholera outbreak emergency declared on 27 June recorded over 800 cases and four deaths. Health and WASH partner prevention and response efforts have helped to contain the epidemic. +286703,51586.0,2336.0,"['WASH', 'Health', 'Shelter']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,30,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_19_november_2020_final.pdf,"More than 2.9 million people have been reached with WASH assistance. More than 596,000 people have been reached by ES-NFI partners with key messages on prevention of COVID-19." +178216,41756.0,2225.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Le territoire est également peu couvert par les réseaux de téléphonie mobile. La population congolaise est parmi la moins connectée au monde, 64 pour cent des habitants restant privée d’accès aux services mobiles.39" +187289,42134.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,64,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Colombia%20COVID-19%20Update%20-%201-15OCT20.pdf,"As per GIFMM monitoring, between 12 June and 19 October, 466 evictions reports were registered affecting 1,909 Venezuelans, as per the following breakdown: 53.9 percent females, 43.2 percent males and 0.4 percent others (2.5 percent does not have information disaggregated by gender). Additionally, 2,109 Venezuelans have identified themselves as being at risk of eviction." +317257,53333.0,2334.0,['Nutrition'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,25,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Establish multidisciplinary mobile units who deliver positive parenting, child and maternal health, nutrition messages to adolescent and young mothers during food distribution." +63187,18642.0,1386.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Economy']",es,74,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://transparencia.org.ve/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/EPE-II-Sector-Agua.pdf,"Para el año 2012, un porcentaje similar a 37% de la población aten- dida, no recibía factura ni pagaba por el servicio. En tanto que ac- tualmente sólo se cobra 71% del agua facturada. Todo esto ha ori- ginado un déficit operativo que para 2014 se situó en 2.614 millones de bolívares y a la fecha aún mayor al no mantener un programa de reposición de activos." +133666,35117.0,1187.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,87,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Con respecto al segundo eje, mayormente se presenta la dificultad para acceder a tratamientos oncológicos, y tratamientos por enfermedades tales como VIH, diabetes o problemas neurológicos. En estas situaciones, la falta de DNI también se presenta como el principal obstáculo, ya que muchas veces los Hospitales realizan los estudios, diagnostican, y refieren que no pueden continuar con el tratamiento correspondiente porque no hay quien lo financie si la persona no posee documentación Argentina o acceso a obra social." +173325,41060.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/2020/10/09/covid-19-17-die-1-278-new-cases-in-24hrs,"[9th October 2020, Bangladesh] The health authorities said 1,596 people recovered from the disease over the preceding 24 hours. So far, 289,912 patients — 77.13% of all infected — have made full recovery across the country." +318429,53855.0,2225.0,['Cross'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],en,56,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/democratic-republic-congo/aid-delivery-tricky-road-south-kivu-and-maniema,"[Outlook] Neighbouring conflicts have also caused significant movements of population in the region, and these people may find themselves in landlocked areas without access to aid or information. As the rainy season approaches, the most isolated provinces, such as South Kivu and Maniema, become increasingly difficult to access." +320515,52949.0,2331.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Most IDPs live in IDP sites that are overcrowded and not planned, leading to an increased risk of fire outbreak, spread of diseases including COVID-19, GBV incidences and flooding due to poor drainage systems." +317910,52949.0,2331.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,27,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"In 2019, 64 attacks on education facilities were reported, with incidents including killings, abduction and threats against teachers, destruction, and looting." +308106,53309.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,90,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/gender_alert_brief_final.pdf,"[29th March 2021, Cox's Bazar] In such contexts, women and girls are highly likely to experience greater risks of violence and disrupted access to life-saving care and support. The referral pathways must be recirculated amongst the affected population as well as frontline responders. Gender-based violence (GBV) actors need to ensure robust presence in the affected areas to assist women and girls. Displaced women and girls without male companions must have access to sex segregated safe spaces as alternative accommodations." +22546,9106.0,729.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,99,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"Refugee and migrant children, particularly those who are non-Arabic speakers coming from sub-Saharan African countries, are often denied access to education within the national educational system and rarely attend school with Libyan children. Available data reveals that out of an estimated 62,000 school-aged refugee and migrant children registered in the country, approximately 53,000 children are in-need of support to access education services. A REACH/ UNICEF report, forthcoming in December 2018, found that that 100 per cent of interviewed unaccompanied and separated children (UASC) had no access to education in Libya" +79052,21860.0,729.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,48,[],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/09.30.19%20-%20USAID-DCHA%20Libya%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%232.pdf,"An eruption of violence in and near Murzuq city, located approximately 480 miles south of Tripoli, resulted in at least 90 civilian deaths and displaced an additional 26,500 individuals in Libya in mid-to-late August, according to the International Organization for Migration (IOM)." +285969,51487.0,2311.0,['WASH'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,72,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no1_desplazamientos_en_buenaventura.pdf,"Agua y saneamiento básico: Se requiere especial atención en lo que respecta a agua y saneamiento básico puesto que las comunidades no tienen acceso a agua potable las 24 horas del día. El servicio se limita a algunas horas día de por medio. Esto se traduce, en que el cumplimiento de los protocolos de bioseguridad como el lavado frecuente de manos, no puede cumplirse a cabalidad." +161536,39295.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,34,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,"Over-populated sites and lack of camp management continue to be prevalent concerns, especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic where the application of preventive, response and mitigation guidance is essential." +169413,40506.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,68,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://lefaso.net/spip.php?article99753,"Une baisse de la demande des services en santé sexuelle et reproductive a même été relevée par les deux principaux centres d’écoute pour jeunes de l’Association burkinabè pour le bien-être familial (ABBEF) et Maries Stopes International, qui ont enregistré respectivement un nombre décroissant de clients accédant aux services de santé de la reproduction, de 50% et 30%." +150464,37702.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,133,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"In addition, sectors have completed an isolation centre in Al-Hol. In Ar-Raqqa, an isolation ward is being set up at the National Hospital, and a quarantine center at Hawari Bu Median school in Ar-Raqqa city. On 20 April, NGOs opened a first phase (60 beds) of a 120-bed hospital in a repurposed factory building outside Al-Hasakeh; however, due to lack of demand, the hospital has been placed on standby, and can be reinstated quickly should circumstances necessitate. Across NES there are up to 18 specially equipped ambulances available to support COVID-19 related referrals. Of these, seven are in Al-Hasakeh, three in Ar-Raqqa, four in Deir-Ez-Zor (but require additional preparation) and four in Aleppo." +35757,13057.0,788.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,94,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000105395.pdf,"Food insecurity impacts various groups differently and with different levels of intensity based on the depth of vulnerability at the household level. The prevalence of severe and moderate food insecurity was higher in female-headed households (48.0 percent) compared to male-headed counterparts (37.6 percent). Moreover, result disaggregation by marital status of the head of household showed that divorced or separated households (53.1 percent) and widowed headed households (49.3 percent) were the most affected by food insecurity compared to counterpart households in the same category" +71077,20271.0,1187.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",[],[],es,39,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://cnnespanol.cnn.com/video/el-temor-de-los-migrantes-venezolanos-en-argentina-kirchnerismo-chavismo-pkg-hernandez/,Las elecciones en Argentina también tienen impacto sobre los ciudadanos venezolanos que han emigrado a ese país. Osmary Hernández está en Buenos Aires realizando una serie de informes especiales sobre la vida de sus compatriotas en Argentina. +319012,54316.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,21,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Colombia_Reporte%20Situacional_GIFMM_Arauquita_08042021_VF.pdf,Se requiere mayor refuerzo de los mensajes sobre protocolos de bioseguridad para la prevención de COVID-19 en toda la población. +341585,55986.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,77,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_cluster_sante_rdc_s16.pdf,"L’analyse montre que la situation de certains territoires affiche une détérioration de leur situation de sécurité alimentaire. Dans le Sud-Est, le constat est particulièrement marqué pour les territoires des provinces du Haut Lomami à savoir Malemba Nkulu et du Tanganyika (Moba et Kabalo) où ces zones ont basculé d’une situation de crise (phase 3) à une phase d’urgence (phase 4 de IPC)." +473244,67203.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,68,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2020/04/09/devastador-impacto-del-covid-19-para-ninos-y-ninas,"La crisis ha puesto de manifiesto las marcadas disparidades entre los países en materia de preparación para emergencias, acceso a Internet de niños y niñas y disponibilidad de materiales de estudio. Si bien ahora han cobrado preponderancia las plataformas de aprendizaje en línea, numerosas escuelas públicas no están preparadas para usarlas y no tienen la tecnología ni los equipos para impartir clases en Internet." +341960,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,135,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"(À propos des auteurs des attaques) « Au tout début, on dit ce sont les gens de l’ancien régime. D’autres disent que ce sont les militaires radiés de Blaise Compaoré. Après on a dit c’est le Régiment de la Sécurité Présidentielle RSP. L’État même n’a pas un discours convaincant pour nous dire qui sont les responsables. Moi à mon avis ce sont des délinquants ou bien des bandits qui sont en train de sillonner le Sahel. Comment est-ce qu’un Djihadiste soutenu financièrement va poser un acte et puis ne pas le revendiquer. Il faut que l’Etat travaille davantage pour nous rassurer. Pour moi je condamne l’Etat avant tout »" +320681,52949.0,2331.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,84,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Among those groups, the cluster also recognises that 15 per cent are persons with disabilities and 4 per cent are elderly persons who will require specific attention. Persons with disabilities face both social and physical challenges to access WASH services like WASH facilities, for example physical barriers or discrimination within communities. Physical barriers are often due to the design and distance to water and sanitation facilities, which makes it difficult for persons with disabilities to have equal access." +221977,45410.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,47,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"[La région du Lac dans la Zone 8 - « Zone ouest agropastorale et de pêche » ]: Par ailleurs, une assistance humanitaire est fournie à une population de 214 608 déplacés soit 73 % des effectifs des IDP enregistrés à fin septembre." +498730,60095.0,1187.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RMRP%202021%20Plan%20de%20respuesta%20regional%20para%20refugiados%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%2C%20enero%20-%20diciembre%202021.pdf,"La salud sexual y reproductiva constituye una preocupación especial, tanto en términos de atención como de prevención. Las medidas de confinamiento temporal y otras para la pandemia han complicado el acceso a los controles prenatales habituales, a medicamentos como el hierro o el ácido fólico, a los anticonceptivos, así como a los servicios de asesoramiento profesional aún más que antes del brote de la COVID-19.398" +235007,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,18,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Widespread, sporadic conflict continues to inflict physical trauma and mental distress on the people of Afghanistan." +61399,18235.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,120,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"Key informants interviewed in La Guajira also reported that almost all Venezuelan refugees and migrants they assist mention having been robbed and left with nothing, not even their IDs. These robberies, combined with the extortion by the Bolivarian National Guard that respondents reported to have suffered in Venezuela while trying to reach the border, compound migrants’ and refugees’ vulnerability, as they are left without their IDs and the very few resources they had managed to put together for their journey and are not in a position to to raise more money. As a result, many Venezuelan refugees and migrants are now stranded in border cities, especially in La Guajira." +439697,63184.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Burkina%20Faso%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%201%20May%20-%2030%20June%202021.pdf,"In regions where health facilities are closed or are operating at a minimum because of the security situation, community-based interventions make it possible to strengthen the availability of health services to the population, especially in the North Central, Sahel and Eastern regions, which alone account for 78 per cent of the country's closed health facilities." +188903,43387.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,74,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20DE%20PROTECTION_SEPTEMBRE2020-SAHEL.pdf,"Après la rentrée administrative, la situation au primaire à la date du 21 septembre 2020 dans la Région du Sahel est de 887 écoles primaires fermées et 55 établissements post-primaires et secondaires fermés selon les statistiques du ministère de l’éducation nationale, de l’alphabétisation et de la promotion des langues nationales par le biais de son secrétariat technique de l’éducation en situation d’urgence. ." +174510,41368.0,2098.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20201012_acaps_thematic_series_on_migrant_vulnerability_in_south_asia_0.pdf,"[October 2020, Bangladesh] BRAC data indicates that 87% of returnees from overseas have no alternative sources of livelihood and that more than one-third of them are likely to run out of savings in less than three months (Dhaka Tribune 22/05/2020)." +178236,41756.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,9,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,Seulement 35 pour cent des enfants retournés sont scolarisés.55 +190285,43439.0,2225.0,[],[],[],en,39,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Southern%20Africa%20COVID-19%20Six-Month%20Report.pdf,"Thousands of people were reached through radio messaging in refugee and IDP-hosting areas, including in Kasai, Haut-Katanga, Tanganyika, Nord Ubangi, Sud Ubangi, North Kivu, South Kivu, Ituri and Haut Uele Provinces" +125967,29180.0,1620.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,29,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Gap-Supply-Demand-Contraceptive-Services-Northeast-Nigeria-Report.pdf,"Findings from KIIs, FGDs, and facility assessments showed that barriers to access contraceptive services—while present for all women—are particularly onerous for adolescent and unmarried girls and women" +178242,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Pull Factors', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",fr,113,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Au total, 16 656 congolais auparavant réfugiés dans les pays voisins ont été rapatriés en RDC au cours des 12 derniers mois (octobre 2018-septembre 2019), principalement en provenance de l'Angola, de la Zambie, de l’Ouganda, du Burundi, de la Tanzanie et du Kasaï Central. Un nombre important de réfugiés retournant dans la région du Kasaï ont choisi de revenir dans des zones où ils avaient des liens culturels et communautaires, plutôt que dans les lieux où ils vivaient avant leur fuite. Cela a rendu leur retour et leur réintégration plus complexe, pouvant entrainer des tensions avec les communautés hôtes.60" +178081,40661.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"L’utilisation de stratégies d’adaptation demeure également élevée : selon l’EFSA, dans les provinces du Tanganyika et de l’Ituri, respectivement près de 75% et 70% des ménages ont utilisé des stratégies de survie de Crise ou d’Urgence." +173662,41107.0,1899.0,"['Cross', 'Protection', 'Education']","['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,144,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3678296,"A nivel global están matriculadas en la educación secundaria 2 de cada 3 niñas en edad de asistir a la escuela secundaria, en comparación con 1 de cada 2 niñas en 1998[ii]. No obstante, en al menos 20 países son muy pocas las mujeres jóvenes pobres y de entornos rurales que finalizan la escuela secundaria superior[iii]. En Guatemala de 10 niñas indígenas, solo 6 termina la educación primaria, 2 la secundaria y una accede a la universidad. A pesar de los esfuerzos, esta situación se está agravando debido al COVID-19. Recientemente el Ministerio de Educación ha reportado que a la fecha 64,536 estudiantes se han retirado de sus estudios por esta causa. Las niñas y las adolescentes son las más afectadas por la discriminación y la pobreza." +310532,53177.0,2466.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,25,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Sudan%20Multi-Sectoral%20Location%20Assessment_South%20Kordofan.pdf,"At present, there are 1,648 persons with physical disabilities, 352 persons with mental disabilities and 1,897 persons with chronic diseases/serious medical conditions." +128132,34137.0,1620.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],en,67,"['Priority Interventions', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/treasures-crisis-and-poverty,"Agitating youths from the area engaged in violence to register their displeasure at the state of affairs in the region. The amnesty programme has not fully addressed these challenges, hence, the frequent protests and threats of violence. Therefore, the Nigerian government must engender development in the oil-rich region. The infrastructural expectations in the 2009 Presidential amnesty programme must be achieved." +489858,67354.0,2098.0,[],[],[],en,64,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/health/2021/09/14/dengue-3-die-288-hospitalized-in-24-hours,"[14th September 2021, Bangladesh] In the month of August, the country recorded the highest number of 7,698 dengue cases in 2021. In July, 2,286 people were diagnosed with dengue and 12 died while in June 272 cases were recorded with no deaths. Health authorities have been recording over 200 dengue cases per day since August 1." +177201,41093.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,56,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Por su parte, las tasas de interés de los créditos ordinarios, que representan el 33% de los desembolsos de la cartera comercial, registraron una disminución menos acentuada, donde la reducción en 133 pbs frente a febrero del presente año equivale al 66% del ajuste de la tasa de intervención." +9733,3786.0,321.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/derna_flash_update_no7_11june2018.pdf,"• Since 6 June, reportedly at least 2,272 households have been displaced from Derna to the baladiyas of Shahhat, Alqubba, Albayda, Umm Arrazam and Benghazi. Within Derna, at least 800 families have been displaced between neighbourhoods. Reportedly, as of 9 June, at least 160 families are being hosted in IDP shelters in schools inside the city." +114415,31799.0,1898.0,['Health'],[],"['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead']",es,38,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Casualties']",UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/situation_report_11_25_05_2020_cccm_cluster.pdf,"El Ministerio de Salud continúa realizando pruebas de COVID-19, a la fecha cuenta con 75,146 pruebas. Casos activos en territorio nacional se encuentran 1,250 y se reportan, hasta la fecha, 35 personas fallecidas." +46571,16136.0,729.0,[],[],[],en,46,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/echo_-nf_bud_2019_91000_v2.pdf,"The total population of Libya is 6.3 million. 1.1 million people, including migrants, refugees and asylum seekers are considered to be directly affected by the conflict (i.e. 20 %) and 0.9 million indirectly (i.e. 14%)." +311634,53183.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,52,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"In 2020, HRP partners reached close to six million people in Darfur, the Kordofan and Blue Nile. About a third of Darfur’s total population with some form of humanitarian assistance. In Blue Nile and the Kordofan region, about 1.3 million people received humanitarian assistance." +493588,61216.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/humanitarian-situation-overview-syria-hsos-northeast-syria-june-2021,"[June 2021, NES]Main network was the most commonly reported main source of electricity (reported by KIs in 77% of communities)." +314488,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,21,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"In total, floods in 2020 displaced 919,000 households, killed 35 people and destroyed significant amounts of infrastructure and property" +170406,40462.0,2099.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,56,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,La coordination des structures humanitaires : les organisations collaborent entre elles et avec les services de l’Etat. Cependant ce niveau de collaboration doit être renforcé avec plus d’implication des agents de l’action social dans les différentes étapes de mise en œuvre du projet. Les services offerts se complètent +386932,60462.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,58,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNDP-DFS-Secondary-Impacts-of-COVID-19-Closing-Civic-Space-in-Fragile-Contexts.pdf,"Burkina Faso saw a rise in conflict events committed by non-state armed groups, peaking in May of 2020.34 The increased frequency of these attacks and the expansion of territories under the armed groups’ control has led to a rapid deterioration of the security situation, including the proliferation of armed groups and a large displacement crisis" +222583,46032.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,14,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/External%20Weekly%20_10-16dec_ENG.pdf,"In comparison, there were 245 new cases confirmed in the preceding week." +224004,45768.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,70,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"il a été conclu qu’il faille privilégier la relocalisation de nouveaux sur le site d’Amma. Pour ce faire, la communauté humanitaire a demandé au Cluster Protection d’effectuer une mission à Diamerom pour préparer cette relocalisation (sensibilisation, recueillir l’accord de la communauté, identifier les PBS, examiner les faisabilités d’un fixing, etc.)." +475554,63296.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Environment'],fr,53,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Les chocs climatiques n’expliquent pas à eux seuls les résultats préoccupants observés dans le Centre-Ouest en matière de sécurité alimentaire et de la situation nutritionnelle des ménages. Au cours des dernières décennies, certaines parties de la région du Centre-Ouest ont subi une dégradation progressive de leur couvert végétal." +341815,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,221,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Enfin, la perte de l’autorité de l’Etat, alimentée par la crise de confiance en ce dernier découle sur fait : le manque de collaboration entre les populations et les forces de défense et de sécurité dans la réponse à donner au terrorisme. Il est connu que la collaboration des populations est une clé indispensable dans la lutte contre le terrorisme. Or, pour que cette collaboration soit une réalité, cela nécessite une confiance en l’Etat et en ses institutions. En particulier, la population souhaite un minimum de garantie quant au fait que sa collaboration ne lui porte pas préjudice et ne menace pas sa sécurité. Le fait que l’Etat et les FDS ne soient pas présents sur toute l’étendue du territoire dissuade la population de prêter son concours à la traque des terroristes. On ob- serve donc beaucoup de réserves de la part de la population sur les dénonciations des suspects car elle n’est pas à l’abri de mesures de représailles dans la mesure où L’Etat ne puisse garantir effectivement sa sécurité. Pour les populations, les Forces de défense et de sécurité sont perçues comme ne garantissant pas l’anonymat des informateurs." +91787,26015.0,1620.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,75,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Situation-Overview_H2R_Oct-Dec_13.03.2020.pdf,"Meanwhile, assessed settlements in Gwoza reporting foraging as their main source of food increased from almost none in October (<1%) to almost half (46%) in December. As the proportion of assessed settlements reporting foraging as the main source of food decreased in Dikwa, assessed settlements reporting cultivation as the main source of food increased from 19% in October to 74% in December." +487787,67684.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,33,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=247943,"[September 7, GoS] The Health Ministry announced on Tuesday evening that 136 new coronavirus cases were registered in Syria, adding that 23 patients recovered and 5 passed away." +325379,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,140,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"(Nord, Est, Boucle du Mouhoun, Sahel) the highest numbers of primary-school-age IDPs are enrolled in schools in Tapoa in the Est region (nearly 30,000), Yatenga in Nord, Gourma in Est, Sourou in Boucle du Mouhoun, and Soum in Sahel (each above 5,000) (Figure 33). The Soum province is by far the most affected in terms of the additional students (IDPs) per receiving primary school (nearly 190 students received, on average, by each school that received any students at all). Primary schools that are hosting IDP students in the Komandjoari province in Est region and the Yagha province in the Sahel are also significantly affected, seeing an influx of 120-140 IDP students per school, on average" +159373,38283.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,28,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.un.org/africarenewal/news/humanitarian-needs-grow-burkina-faso-faces-unprecedented-level-internal-displacement,"The Sahel Region hosts 310,066 IDPs living in 16 of the 26 municipalities in the region. About 25 per cent of these IDPs are hosted by families" +196697,43328.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,50,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_smart_rapid_pdi_2020_bfa_final.pdf,"On compte de nos jours selon les données du « cluster santé » que : • 95 formations sanitaires fermées privant l’accès aux soins à environ 1,2 million habitants • 199 formations sanitaires fonctionnent à minima. • 183 aires sanitaires ont accueilli des personnes déplacées internes." +314472,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,56,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Approximately 85 per cent of the sites are informal settlements on private land and about 74 per cent are in urban areas, according to the Detailed Site Assessment (DSA). These populations live in protracted displacement in unplanned settlements across the country and require basic services, livelihoods, shelter and protection." +194453,43501.0,2225.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"Dans 49% (148) des localités évaluées, les IC ont rapporté qu’une grande majorité de la population (entre 75% et 99%) ou toute la population avait accès à la terre (sans nécessairement la cultiver) au cours du mois précédent {septembre 2020}." +148538,36019.0,2028.0,"['Logistics', 'Health']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,37,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Covid-19', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"Public and private transportation services have also resumed, as have universities and institutions. However, a number of public areas in Aleppo remained closed following the death of a COVID-19 patient on 27 June." +305380,53013.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,16,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/3c8084ae/REACH_SOM_Factsheet_Assessment-of-Hard-to-Reach-Areas_December-2020.pdf,Health: 51% of assessed settlements reportedly had no access to any health services. +490433,67748.0,1234.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,16,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Trinidad and Tobago,2019-05-28 03:09:47.864552+00,,Trinidad and Tobago tripled the number of cases to reach 4531 cases and 76 deaths. +400305,62279.0,2170.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,92,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"[10th November 2020, MONGUNO LGA, BORNO STATE]About 26.4% (20.7% - 33.1%; 95% C.I.) of children in the surveyed population were underweight. Among 409 sampled children, 8.3% (5.3% - 12.9%, 95% CI) were severely underweight. When the prevalence of underweight was compared by gender, table 8 demonstrates that the prevalence of underweight is higher among boys than girls and the situation is the same among severely underweight children." +219262,45655.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,34,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"[9th Dec, Overall Syria] All essential humanitarian activities are permitted to continue although additional movement permissions procedures have been implemented at the local level, with some level of local variance" +236219,46388.0,2336.0,[],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,23,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Training gaps are a significant problem for general health staff who may be the entry point for people experiencing mental health issues. +165216,39714.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Local Response'],[],es,26,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"12% evitó las relaciones sexuales con su pareja, esposa(o), compañera(o) sexual, novia(o)." +205570,44672.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,66,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"To protect and bring Medium and Small Size Enterprises back better, access to formal finance should be provided. Only 2% of firms use banks to finance investments; this is less than one-tenth the average for firms across all LDC [Least Developed Countries]. Despite a slight increase from 2008, access to bank finance for investments remains extremely low." +321327,54765.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,27,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/democratic-republic-congo/recent-surge-violence-drc-s-ituri-province-worsening-already,"Attacks on schools have left almost 400,000 already displaced and returning children aged 6-11 out of school in the territories of Djugu, Irumu and Mahagi;" +91808,26015.0,1620.0,"['Protection', 'WASH']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,90,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Situation-Overview_H2R_Oct-Dec_13.03.2020.pdf,"Among assessed settlements across all LGAs, around half (48%) reported that security concerns limited people’s access to their preferred water source in December. This was an increase from October, where 37% of assessed settlements reported this. The proportion of assessed settlements reporting that security concerns limited people’s access to their preferred water source also increased in Dikwa and Marte (from 10% and 28% in October to 68% and 65% in December, respectively" +386458,60395.0,1186.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,103,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"En primer lugar, el sistema educativo se caracteriza por un currículum escolar asimilacionista y “chilenizante” (Stefoni et al., 2016), con un sistema de evaluación de altas consecuencias que sanciona a los establecimientos educativos que no cumplen con mínimos en pruebas estandarizadas de matemáticas y lenguaje, y una formación docente inicial que no incorpora en su currículum la diversidad ni herramientas para realizar adecuaciones pedagógicas y metodológicas (San Martín et al., 2017). Así, la estructura del sistema no facilita una educación intercultural que reconozca, valore y respete la diversidad." +149531,32172.0,1388.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],['Context->Economy'],es,102,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/75318.pdf,"• Las trabajadoras y trabajadores del sector de la economía informal: La afectación es mayor en el sector de la economía informal, impactando en particular a quienes laboran en el comercio ambulatorio, ya que no pueden movilizarse para hacer sus ventas diarias que les generan, a su vez, ingresos diarios; a quienes laboran bajo plataformas digitales como repartidores de comida; a quienes se encuentran subempleadas y a las mujeres trabajadoras de la economía informal2 . Sectores altamente generadores de empleo femenino como el comercio, la gastronomía y el turismo han sido gravemente afectados." +323672,54267.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,84,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"La production et la croissance économiques. L’économie burkinabé est fortement dépendante de l’agriculture, de la sylviculture et de l’élevage, ainsi que de l’exploitation des ressources minérales (FAPDA, 2014). Le coton et l’or sont les principales exportations du Burkina Faso et la croissance économique du pays dépend fortement des niveaux de production et des prix internationaux de ces deux produits (Posthumus et al., 2019)." +132467,35164.0,1188.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,En entrevistas con organizaciones se reportaron que en ocasiones se detectan problemas de acceso de las personas venezolanas migrantes y refugiadas al tratamiento de enfermedades crónicas como VIH y cáncer +313322,53795.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],fr,115,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"(Sahel) Le cluster SECAL et le GCORR sont entrain de coordonner la réponse d’assistance alimentaire inconditionnelle aux 33K nouveaux IDP dans les six régions prioritaires de la réponse humanitaire. La cluster a facilité la réunion de coordination extraordinaire entre les acteurs SECAL intervenant dans les provinces de Seno et Yagha (Sahel). Il ressort des GAP majeurs dans les deux provinces: 61% et 98% en relation aux personnes en PH3+ et respectivement 56% et 31% faisant le lien avec le nombre des PDIs dans la province. Ainsi, un nouveau membre est en train de se positionner pour renforcer la réponse." +268904,49938.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Food Security']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,143,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Save the Children hace un llamado a los gobiernos, los donantes, las organizaciones multilaterales y todas las demás partes interesadas para que sumen esfuerzos y adopten medidas para garantizar que: Todos los niños y niñas tengan acceso a los sistemas de salud y nutrición habituales, incluyendo servicios de transporte en emergencias. Todos los servicios públicos de salud apliquen protocolos de bioseguridad para evitar el contagio de COVID-19 dentro de los servicios. La población más vulnerable tenga acceso a alimentos nutritivos mediante la financiación y ampliación de medidas de protección social, junto con acciones para hacer frente a los problemas de los medios de vida, del sistema alimenticio y del acceso al agua. Los servicios de protección social son inclusivos, y cuentan con atención en salud mental y apoyo psico-social para la niñez." +196735,43328.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,98,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_smart_rapid_pdi_2020_bfa_final.pdf,"Les communes de Bourzanga, de Fada N’Gourma et de Matiacoali sont les localités où les prévalences de la malnutrition sont à la fois disponibles pour les hôtes et les déplacés. Contrairement à Matiacoali, les communes de Bourzanga et Fada N’Gourma présentent des prévalences plus élevées chez les enfants déplacés que chez les enfants de la population hôte. En effet, à Bourzanga la malnutrition touche 15,4% des enfants déplacés contre 11,5% des enfants hôtes. [Malnutrition aigüe chez les enfants de 6-59 mois selon le PB]" +489933,67838.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,126,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/adamawa_state_2021_cholera_situation_report_no_8.pdf,"[31st Aug 2021, Adamawa State] (Cholera) The total number of cases reported as at 31st August, 2021 stands at 124 suspected cases with 5 deaths (CFR=4.0%), Girei reported 38 cases with 2 deaths (CFR= 5.3%); Yola North reported 25 suspected case with 1 death (CFR= 4%), Yola South reported 8 suspected cases with 0 death (CFR= 0%), Shelleng reported 17 cases with 0 death (CFR=0%), Fufore reported 2 cases with 0 deaths (CFR=0%) and Gombi reported 34 cases with 2 death (CFR=5.9%). Of the 124 suspected cases, 15 revealed 01 serotype." +148583,36019.0,2028.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,32,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"At the same time, critical humanitarian response and services need to be maintained and scaled-up where necessary to support a further deterioration in the lives of an already vulnerable population." +188348,42925.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/huir-tres-veces-el-drama-de-los-caminantes-venezolanos/2256,"Según el Gifmm, que hizo una evaluación presencial entre el 9 y el 15 de septiembre a 230 mujeres en tránsito, el 20 por ciento de ellas reportó estar en periodo de gestación o lactancia, o viajar con otra mujer en ese estado. Asimismo, el 6 por ciento de los encuestados aseguró que en su grupo había menores de edad sin su acudiente legal." +209155,43992.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,25,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,The country is moving towards the provision of MUAC tapes to mothers instead of the mass screening previously carried out by community health workers. +61796,18350.0,1184.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,96,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71151.pdf,"Como datos principales podemos citar los siguientes: 97,8% de los encuestados declaro poseer algún tipo de documentación como pasaporte o cedula de identidad; 41, 6% indico encontrarse en el país de manera regular mediante visa de turista o visa UNASUR; el 20,2% de las personas manifestó encontrarse desempleada y 0,1% en condición de mendicidad; 70,3% de las personas manifestó haber tenido algún problema de salud, de las cuales el 23,3% no busco asistencia debido a la falta de información a que organización acudir." +175131,40890.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,116,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"Como lo ilustra la gráfica 14, de estos 971 niños y niñas, 20% no han solicitado registro. Las razones mencionadas por los encuestados para ello incluyen: el cierre temporal de las registradurías (del 17 de marzo al 31 de mayo26) en el marco de las medidas del aislamiento preventivo obligatorio (32% correspondiente a 60 niños y niñas), falta de conocimiento 27(19% correspondiente a 35 niños y niñas), por temor de contagio de COVID-19, porque no cuentan con recursos para hacerlo (16% correspondiente a 30 niños y niñas en cada caso) y/o debido a otras barreras." +312248,53183.0,2466.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,24,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"About 3.2 million people needed life-saving nutrition services in 2020, with 2.7 million children (0-59 months) suffering from acute malnutrition." +221968,45410.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,65,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"[La région du Lac dans la Zone 8 - « Zone ouest agropastorale et de pêche » ]: Compte tenu de l’éloignement des transhumants sur les terres dunaires, frontalières du BEG et du Kanem l’offre sur les marchés est en baisse. La limitation des échanges transfrontaliers continue de réduire la demande sur les marchés à bétail." +315366,53333.0,2334.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,Educational challenges were also expressed in terms of a shortage of learning materials and equipment like furniture. Better schools were said to be distant and beyond the reach of many parents. +452101,64651.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,76,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"In addition to the direct effects of COVID-19 it is important to lessen any indirect effects on pregnant women which might make the disruptions due to COVID-19 a bigger challenge. WHO and UNICEF have highlighted the importance of timely access to respectful patient-centered and skilled midwifery, obstetric and neonatal care, as well as psychosocial support for all pregnant women, including those suspected of or confirmed as having COVID-19 (16)." +307011,51467.0,2335.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,26,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"In October 2020, education was identified as the type of aid most needed by children in one-third of almost 2,000 assessed settlements across South Sudan" +240475,46388.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,45,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In the first 11 months of 2020, some 346,202 people have been treated for physical traumatic injuries caused by a variety of dangers including combat and landmines. Many will be left with life-long disabilities, requiring post-operative care, rehabilitation and prosthetics." +341778,56493.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,130,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Spécifiquement, les populations répondantes des régions du Nord, du Sahel, de l’Est, du Centre Nord avec respectivement 60,79%, 52,26%, 44,59%, 42, 51%, affirment ne jamais avoir eu recours à la justice traditionnelle pour un litige les concernant ou concernant un de leurs proches. A l'exception de la région du centre Nord, les régions du Sahel, du Nord et de l’Est présentent des ratios assez expressifs de la confiance accordée au système de justice officiel. A la question “Faites-vous confiance au système de justice officiel ?”, les populations desdites régions ont répondu “jamais” à respectivement à 55,25%, 29,8% et 29,75%." +235621,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,50,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Natural disasters regularly affect various parts of the country, with those in the capital, the south east, and east bearing the brunt in 2020. Flooding in Parwan was especially severe. The number of people impacted by floods in 2020 is significantly lower than 2019." +274524,50587.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,29,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MENSUEL%20DE%20PROTECTION%20JANVIER%202021-NORD.pdf,La problématique de l’accès à la terre ne se pose pas pour le moment au regard du fait que nous ne sommes pas en saison pluvieuse. +326018,53013.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/3c8084ae/REACH_SOM_Factsheet_Assessment-of-Hard-to-Reach-Areas_December-2020.pdf,"Shelter: Most commonly reported type of shelter by assessed population were dwelling hut with attached roof (74%), permanent structure (11%)." +142216,35870.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,75,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Humanitarian partners report that the volatility of the informal exchange rate had forced temporary suspension of local procurement. Some partners also report that redesign of budgets due to the exchange rate and inflation was being considered, and programme delivery would likely be delayed. As reported in previous updates, even as restrictions have eased, in particular some Health and Nutrition sector partner activities continue to be impacted by preventive measures." +219398,45655.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,28,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"[9th Dec, Overall Syria] In addition, reports indicate internal crossings into the Tal-Abiad and Ras Al-Ain area, across frontlines, remain closed." +496972,60104.0,1187.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Information And Communication->Information Challenges And Barriers'],es,147,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",['Information And Communication'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,"https://www.unicef.org/argentina/media/11626/file/Impacto%20de%20la%20pandemia%20en%20la%20educaci%C3%B3n%20de%20ni%C3%B1as,%20ni%C3%B1os%20y%20adolescentes.pdf","La Evaluación Nacional de la Continuidad Pedagógica llevada a cabo en julio de 2020 por el Ministerio de Educación de la Nación con el apoyo de UNICEF permitió estimar que un 13% de estudiantes de la educación obligatoria habían tenido hasta mitad del ciclo lectivo una continuidad escolar de baja o nula intensidad12 (MEN-UNICEF, 2020). Se trataba de un conjunto de aproximadamente 880.000 niñas, niños y adolescentes particularmente vulnerables en términos educativos, dado que por su situación se encontraban en riesgo de desvincularse de la escolaridad. No obstante, las dificultades para relevar y obtener información oportuna acerca de la dimensión del abandono escolar durante un año tan particular para el sistema educativo como lo fue el 2020, implicó que al momento de redacción de este documento no sea posible contar con una cifra oficial de desgranamiento13." +235005,46388.0,2336.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,62,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"With a projected population growth rate of 2.3 per cent per annum, one of the steepest in the region, the country’s financially-dependent youth population is set to grow even further. In these circumstances, engaging these young people in education, so that they can later join the skilled workforce, is more critical than ever." +493946,67712.0,1224.0,"['Education', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"In certain cases, countries opt to follow geographic or individual targets, or a combination of the two, to offer nutrition at all school levels. The National School Feeding Programme in Guyana has a geographic focus, offering nutrition to all nursery and primary schools in specific regions" +2622,520.0,321.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,39,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://www.amnesty.org/en/countries/middle-east-and-north-africa/libya/report-libya/,The World Health Organization reported in April that Libya’s health care system had virtually collapsed and in June estimated that almost 60% of public hospitals in areas of conflict had shut down or become inaccessible. +173668,41107.0,1899.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,191,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3678296,"Las mujeres son más propensas a ser víctimas de violencia sexual, explotación y trata de personas, entre otros crímenes que se cometen contra ellas. En Guatemala, de enero al 20 de mayo del 2020 se registraron 1,962 embarazos en niñas de 10 a 14 años y 44,901 en niñas y adolescentes de 15-19 años. De los 12 casos de violencia sexual que se reporta todos los días, el 91% de las víctimas es una niñas o adolescente. En el 2019 el Ministerio Público recibió 40,593 denuncias por diferentes delitos contra la niñez y la adolescencia, de los cuales 25,001 corresponden a delitos contra las niñas y las adolescentes mujeres. Es decir que de las 111 denuncias que se reciben al día, aproximadamente 70 son de delitos contra niñas y adolescentes mujeres. De enero a junio 2020, el Ministerio Público recibió 12,095 denuncias por delitos contra la niñez y la adolescencia, de las cuales 7,781 corresponden a delitos contra niñas y adolescentes mujeres. De las cuales 2,113 son de violencia sexual y 2,508 por Maltrato Infantil." +130341,30998.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,15,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Reporte%20Situacional%20Local%2C%20GIFMM%20Arauca%20%28Febrero%202020%29.pdf,271 VENEZOLANOS REALIZARON SOLICITUD DE REFUGIO ANTE MIGRACIÓN COLOMBIA EN EL DEPARTAMENTO DE ARAUCA. +275277,50662.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Testing'],en,90,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[July- December 2020, Cox's Bazar] COVID-19 testing capacity at the Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research (IEDCR) laboratory in Cox’s Bazar is currently at 1500 tests per day. Since the first test was conducted in the laboratory 02 April 2020, 85 267 tests have been conducted in total (as of end of 2020), including 12 483 tests for the neighboring districts. 25 sentinel sites remain active to collect samples in the refugee camps." +458179,64540.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Situación de los ciudadanos venezolanos hombres. ¿Cuenta con un contrato de trabajo en su actividad actual?. Ninguno de los entrevistados reconoció haber firmado un contrato de trabajo. En los casos que se comentaron experiencias de trabajo para una empresa o empleador, se trató de acuerdos informales" +452379,64945.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Intentions'],fr,93,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MONITORING%20PROTECTION%20DE%20JULLET%202021%20EST.pdf,"Aucune communauté déplacée jusque-là n’est retournée dans les zones de départ. Cependant, les intentions sont manifestes selon les participants des focus groups de monitoring communautaire. Bien que bénéficiant de l’assistance pour certains, entreprendre des activités lucratives seraient un atout. Ce qui n’est pas chose aisée dans les zones d’accueil. L’épanouissement n’est possible que dans sa résidence habituelle où les réalités sont maitrisées. 40% des personnes interrogées ont affirmé cette volonté de retour." +239997,46388.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,54,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Unmet needs in past years, due in part to underfunding of durable livelihood interventions or late funding, are compounding growing food insecurity needs with the number of people in emergency levels of food insecurity (IPC 4) increasing from 8 per cent in 2019 to 14 per cent in 2020." +157829,38137.0,2098.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,33,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cxb_education_covid_response_reaching_every_learner_final.pdf,"Preparedness: Share Country-level contextualised advocacy and key messages on education sector role in prevention, mitigation, containment of pandemic (e.g. school closures to be accompanied by social distancing)" +159590,39148.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,70,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_july2020_ne_nigeria.pdf,"WHO: 124 team members of HTR Mobile teams across the 21 LGAs of the State were also trained. These HTR Mobile teams are supported by UNICEF (60), SOML (30) and WHO (36). They were trained on COVID-19 IPC, case reporting and risk communication. Trained personnel will enhance activities of PoE and strengthened compliance and reporting of cases." +169377,40509.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,11,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://lefaso.net/spip.php?article99707,"Actuellement, le pays compte 679 cas actifs du Covid-19." +327913,55046.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,73,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_04_27%20USG%20Democratic%20Republic%20of%20the%20Congo%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%233.pdf,"With approximately $7.4 million in FY 2021 funding, USAID is working with three UN agencies and one NGO partner to support EVD preparedness and response activities in the DRC and RoC. In addition, USAID/BHA provided more than $6 million in FY 2021 funding to expand access to primary health care services, increase the availability of essential medicines and immunizations, and support disease surveillance and response efforts" +297893,52145.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_humanitaire_numero_12_v_04.pdf,A referral pathway has been produced and is being distributed in the communities though it does not carry enough information on service providers in areas like Lebialem which are hugely affected. +237202,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,41,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Compounded by a worsening negative median net income (-500 AFN), these findings point to a cyclical dynamic of ever-worsening debt, with decreased resilience and minimal ability to absorb further shocks in the future as a consequence." +317917,52949.0,2331.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,41,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Safe learning environments and access to education are critical to ensure that children displaced or affected by natural disasters and pandemics such as COVID-19 are better able to cope, survive and recover from the negative impacts of the crisis." +146061,34803.0,2028.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,122,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Nutrition Cluster partners provided the following COVID-19 related services: o 32,809 mothers and caregivers received information and prevention measures related to COVID-19; o 14,806 mothers and caregivers were counselled on breastfeeding in context of COVID-19; o 6,650 beneficiaries received masks and IEC materials related to COVID-19 (posters, WhatsApp videos, etc.); o 298 staff of partners trained on COVID-19 IPC measures; o 254 staff of partners trained on programmatic adaptations in the context of COVID-19 (Community-based Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM), IYCF-E, surveillance, etc.); o 554 staff of partners received PPE tools (masks, gloves, hand sanitisers, etc.)." +304280,51467.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,41,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"The depreciation of the South Sudanese pound in 2020 led to a rise in the cost of food basket, and consequently a rise in the share of food expenditure, leaving households little to no resources to cover non-food needs" +243151,46388.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,46,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,The 2020 WoA Assessment shows that 8 per cent of shock-affected people had at least 1 child between the ages of 11-17 working outside the household 30 days prior to the survey. This figure jumps to 13 per cent for IDP and returnee households. +304804,51467.0,2335.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,45,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,Protection and safety concerns also prevent girls and children with disabilities from going to schools when they are located far from a community. Long travelling distance to school is one of the main reasons for children dropping out of school in South Sudan. +57260,17282.0,1186.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,55,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.dt.gob.cl/portal/1626/articles-117135_archivo_01.pdf,"Estamos viviendo un punto alto en inmigración cuando observamos que su presencia creció casi cuatro veces entre 2002 y 2017 según datos censales estimándose en 1.251.225 las personas extranjeras residentes en Chile, lo que corresponde a un 6,6% por ciento de la población total del país al 31 de diciembre de 2018." +176117,41333.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],fr,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_149.pdf,"Ce 27/06/2020, 137 nouveaux cas confirmés ont été rapportés dont 124 à Kinshasa, 5 dans le Haut-Katanga, 4 au Nord-Kivu, 3 dans la Tshopo et 1 dans le Lualaba (Annexe 1 ; Figures 1 & 2). Ce même jour, 9 nouveaux décès ont été enregistrés." +307043,51572.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,24,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Organization of soap distribution. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +236547,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,27,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The WoA Assessment found that 82 per cent of households reported paying for healthcare, with particularly high rates among refugees (92 per cent)." +325535,54815.0,2099.0,['Logistics'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,80,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[Ouagadougou] The paved road network is extremely sparse, limited to seven radial national- importance roads. Based on the Global Road Inventory Project (GRIP) 2018 data, which suggests that there are about 360 km of paved roads in the city, the estimated paved road density is thus only 0.52 km per km2 of area, which is about a quarter of the level in Accra, Douala, Conakry, and Abidjan." +70620,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)'],en,40,[],['Information And Communication'],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"To this end, humanitarian responders should collect sex and age disaggregated data about the affected population, particularly pertaining to GBV risk, and asking different groups what measures would be most appropriate to mitigate it for them." +61622,18442.0,1184.0,['Protection'],[],[],en,27,[],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"As in Colombia, xenophobia has also increased in Ecuador, partially due to the media coverage of criminal acts committed by Venezuelans refugees and migrants." +321518,54671.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,70,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/democratic-republic-congo/education-cannot-wait-and-un-refugee-agency-announce-us2-million,"21 April 2021, Modale Village, Nord-Ubangi Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo– Education Cannot Wait Director Yasmine Sherif and UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi announced today a US$2 million emergency education grant in response to the rapidly-escalating humanitarian crisis in the border region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and the Central African Republic (CAR)." +498728,60095.0,1187.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,89,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RMRP%202021%20Plan%20de%20respuesta%20regional%20para%20refugiados%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%2C%20enero%20-%20diciembre%202021.pdf,"En cuanto a las necesidades de alojamiento, en las principales zonas urbanas de asentamiento de la población refugiada y migrante de Venezuela, los albergues colectivos se saturan cada vez más y se encuentran en condiciones precarias, incluyendo la falta de instalaciones sanitarias.390 En las zonas fronterizas la falta de infraestructuras suficientes para las personas refugiadas y migrantes de Venezuela recién llegadas, que a menudo se encuentran en condiciones muy vulnerables, se ha visto agravada por la reducción de plazas disponibles en los alojamientos colectivos" +236848,47076.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,84,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,"The number of children and caregivers reached by Child Protection (CP) actors continue to increase as parents feel safer to send their children to Child Friendly and other Safe Spaces due to the risk mitigation measures implemented by Child Protection actors, and the rise in community awareness on COVID-19. Some Child Protection actors have started implementing remote psychosocial support services, particularly for communities that are hard to reach due to security and/or high risk of infection with COVID-19." +152378,38139.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,62,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cox-s-bazar-sitrep-17.pdf,"The restrictions imposed by COVID-19 such as lockdown and confinement may lead to increase domestic violence, child abuse and neglect, and sexual exploitation and abuse. Access to life saving health services for survivors may be further disrupted when the perpetrator is at home, survivors fear getting infected at health facilities and associated stigma to accessing such services." +149312,35869.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,57,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep18_25july2020.pdf,"A record amount of US$127 million dollars has been generously contributed by 15 donors since the beginning of the year. As of 23 July, the 2020 Syria HRP remains underfunded with 31 per cent of the total requirement funded halfway through the year, similar to the level reported earlier in July." +327607,54714.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,16,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,[PRE-EXISTING VULNERABILITIES] 26% households with at least one pregnant and/or lactating woman. +183540,43045.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,44,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/60670/two-franciscan-friars-die-from-covid-19-in-aleppo.html,"[Sep 2020,Overall Syria] In his letter, the clergyman describes the work of raising awareness among members of his parish and across the city, from social distancing to wearing masks, to “avoid a larger catastrophe.”" +391225,61647.0,2170.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,69,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_15_jul_2021_report_2.pdf,"[ 01 -15 July 2021,Northeast Nigeria]SHOWERS: 86% of the total showers are functional while 14% need to be repaired. • 24 sites in 4 LGAs (Girei in Adamawa state, Jere, Magumeri and Maiduguri LGA in Borno state) do not have shower on site. • 1,656 showers needs to be repaired across 71 sites in 17 LGAs" +300513,52762.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,28,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_087_28210321_hebdo_s12.pdf,"Au terme de la semaine 12/2021, 440 nouveaux cas confirmés et 17 nouveaux décès ont été notifiés, contre 495 cas confirmés et 4 décès à S11/2021" +230138,46693.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,26,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,South Sudan had recorded 35 confirmed cases of COVID-19 as of 30 April 2020. WFP continues to support national-led COVID-19 prevention and preparedness efforts. +220255,45084.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,63,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_5_november_2020_final.pdf,"Furthermore, WHO notes that the official numbers reported by MOPH are likely not capturing the full scale of the situation since testing remains limited to only the most severe cases. WHO warns that widespread complacency and failure to follow public health advice is creating grave risks in the community with people generally not observing physical distancing or mask wearing protocols." +199350,43112.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,58,"['Impact', 'Priority Interventions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/el-desafio-mas-grande-es-vencer-la-irregularidad-migrante/2261,"Los invitados fueron convocados por la Organización de las Naciones Unidas al diálogo sobre Movilidad Humana Segura, impacto diferencial de la covid-19, medios de vida e integración de la población migrante y refugiada venezolana. El conversatorio virtual fue moderado por Adriana Sabogal Moreno, directora del Proyecto Migración Venezuela, de la Revista Semana." +287117,51749.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,[district sanitaire de Pouytenga] Au niveau de CSPS [Centre de santé et de promotion sociale] il n’y a pas de perception d’insécurité influençant la rétention des personnels soignants. +237942,47230.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,64,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"Mecanismos de afrontamiento El 82% de los hogares incurre en estrategias de sobrevivencia basadas en medios de vida, en el que se incluye un 44% que acude a estrategias de “emergencia” como pedir limosnas (32%) o aceptar trabajos que tienen un riesgo en su integridad, salud, seguridad o vida (15%)." +221803,45410.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],fr,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,[Les parties Sud des provinces administratives du BEG et du Kanem dans la Zone 5 - « agropastorale» ]: La vente de petits ruminants s’intensifie à fin de permettre aux ménages de disposer de ressources suffisantes pour accéder au marché durant les récoltes et de pouvoir conserver leur stock. +209709,45080.0,2170.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,24,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%209%20Dec%202020.pdf,"[9thDec2020,Nigeria]Communal asset creation activities remain currently limited due to restrictions in place to reduce the spread of COVID-19." +305436,51474.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"In parallel, United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS)peacekeepers conducted regular patrols in Jonglei to project their presence, increase security and support the delivery of humanitarian assistance." +235393,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,82,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"From 1 January to 30 September 2020, UNAMA documented 584 civilian casualties (323 killed and 261 injured) from pressure-plate IEDs (PPIEDs), of which 12 per cent were women and 31 per cent were children. This is a 44 per cent increase in civilian casualties from these devices compared with the first nine months of 2019. More than double the number of civilians were killed in this way over the same period in 2019." +267071,49959.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,103,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://s3.amazonaws.com/semanaruralvzla/documentos/1614089620_boletin___violencia_de_generopdf,"Entre enero y septiembre de 2020, la violencia física contra los migrantes aumentó un 64 % (577 casos) con respecto al mismo periodo de 2019 (Gráfico 4). Cerca de la mitad de los casos registrados (47,3 %) se presentó en un rango de edad entre los 18 y 28 años en el periodo de análisis (Gráfico 5), y es la mujer migrante la más afectada por este tipo de violencia, dado que el 84,6 % (1.256) de los casos por violencia física en migrantes se presenta en mujeres." +305744,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,25,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,Women and girls face not only the risk of sexual violence within the sites but also when they travel outside sites for livelihood activities. +317234,53333.0,2334.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,42,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Carry out community awareness on the importance of education for both girls and boys. o Work in collaboration with the CP AoR to implement the Safe Schools Declaration including reporting attacks on schools (education facilities, learners and teachers." +188609,43181.0,2225.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,48,['At Risk'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_270_20201026_.pdf,"En outre, 27,7% (263/948) des cas auraient visité une structure sanitaire dans les 14 jours précédant la maladie et 35,7% (314/879) des cas auraient été en contact étroit avec un sujet présentant les symptômes d’une infection respiratoire aigüe." +11333,2953.0,322.0,"['Health', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Logistics', 'WASH']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,99,['Impact'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20feb%202018.pdf,"The collapse of the health system due to lack of fuel to run water, sanitation, and health services; destruction and damage to health facilities; disruption of commercial imports, including drugs and non-payment of health worker salaries are creating the major gaps that health partners are trying to cover. Access to life-saving minimum service package at primary and secondary health care facilities and sustained delivery of medicines and medical supplies are main priority needs. Additional needs include support for vaccination programs as well as preventive measures to avert the resurgence of outbreaks." +313636,53333.0,2334.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,60,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"There are shelter needs for adolescent girls to allow them to stay safe near functional schools; displacement related to the fighting has damaged shelter for some. Hence despite obvious protection concerns, some adolescent girls were said to be learning away from their parents using rented accommodation; others wanted this option but cannot afford it." +185146,39920.0,1231.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,11,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/resultados_primera_encuesta_covid-19_-_formato_11x17.pdf,4.8% nunca se ha hecho la prueba de Carga Viral +453916,63974.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,34,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_20210630-Rapport-Protection-Trimestriel.pdf,"Le nombre de personnes déplacées s’accroît de jour en jour avec une capacité de réponse limitée. Quant aux terres, elles constituent une problématique dans les zones d’accueil." +255407,48602.0,2028.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,64,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Whole%20of%20Syria%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20-%20End-of-year%202020.pdf,"[1Jan-31Dec 2020, Overall Syria] For most of 2020, Syria’s economy experienced an unprecedented downturn with a sharp decline in the value of the Syrian pound (SYP) by 74 per cent compared to 2019. In November 2020, the SYP depreciated by 11 per cent in the informal exchange rate market and reached SYP 2,638/USD." +390945,60780.0,1186.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],es,173,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Las regiones con mayor proporción de personas migrantes, según estimación del INE y DEM a Diciembre 2018 son Tarapacá (17%), Antofagasta (14%), Arica y Parinacota y Metropolitana (10% ambas), mientras que las demás regiones tienen un 5% o menos13. Si bien coincide con que Arica y Parinacota, Antofagasta y Tarapacá -donde para 2019 Antofagasta es la tercera región con más cantidad de residentes migrantes, Tarapacá la cuarta y Arica y Parinacota la décima- son las regiones que también han reportado mayores tasas de delitos en la década, éstas han sido establemente elevadas desde 2010, y no se han incrementado acorde aumenta la población migrante que ahí reside, ocupando como proxy las permanencias definitivas otorgadas, las que comienzan a tener incremento desde 2014 y sobre todo 2015 (Ver Gráfico 9). En todas ellas la correlación entre tasa de delitos y permisos definitivos entregados en negativa (Ver Tabla 7)" +64132,18925.0,729.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/va_report_libya_2019-libmac-unmas.pdf,"There is an overall lack of ambulance services availability with 0.7 centres per 100,000 population, and no service available Ghat, Wadi Al Haya and Benghazi. Ambulance services are supervised directly by the Prime Minister’s Office, under the Authority of Ambulance Services." +493599,61216.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/humanitarian-situation-overview-syria-hsos-northeast-syria-june-2021,"[June 2021, NES]Lack of necessary protective equipment or supplies at health facilities reported as a barrier to healthcare access: 11%." +325764,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,20,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,Il existe également des négociants et des distributeurs d’intrants communément appelés «magasins d’intrants». +148183,36609.0,1388.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,51,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/01.%20CRI%20Operation%20July%202020%20.pdf,"Multipurpose Cash-Based Intervention UNHCR implements a multipurpose cash-based intervention (CBI) to provide immediate assistance to the most vulnerable asylum-seekers. These non-conditional, unrestricted cash grants provide a timely response, allowing prioritized individuals and families to address their most critical needs and support integration into their host communities" +408810,61216.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,33,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/humanitarian-situation-overview-syria-hsos-northeast-syria-june-2021,"[June 2021, NES] Most commonly reported overall priority needs for IDPs (by % of communities): Livelihood: 77% Healthcare: 52% WASH: 47%" +19129,7822.0,730.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,98,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_Jan_to_nov_2018.pdf,"An estimated 7.5 million people need nutrition assistance, of whom 2.9 million people will require treatment for acute malnutrition in 2018. This includes 1.8 million children under age 5 and 1.1 million pregnant and lactating women (PLW). Approximately 2.3 million PLW and caretakers of children aged 0-23 months will require infant and young child-feeding (IYCF) counselling. The main challenges faced by nutrition partners include bureaucratic and administrative impediments, non-payment of salaries to health workers, access constraints and the limited number of community health workers in the country." +133604,35118.0,1187.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Existe también en este escenario una realidad de protección; la comu- nidad de acogida es completamente desconocida y la manera de reducir los riesgos, indefectiblemente es aliándose con coterráneos que ya hayan estado por un período más prolongado." +239343,46388.0,2336.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Similarly, across other population groups, 86 per cent of recent IDPs, 94 per cent of refugees, 74 per cent of returnees and 67 per cent of acutely vulnerable people reported having either severe or critical ES-NFI needs." +345262,56821.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,43,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.thenewhumanitarian.org/news-feature/2021/5/27/hunger-and-COVID-19-drive-venezuelans-to-take-more-dangerous-routes-out,"With large numbers of migrants continuing to move, and borders now militarised, the situation presents a golden opportunity for those who smuggle people across the border, as well as the armed groups who control illicit crossings throughout South America." +168503,40101.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,12,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://lefaso.net/spip.php?article99471,"Pour le nombre des cas actifs, le Burkina compte 599." +473243,67203.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,64,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2020/04/09/devastador-impacto-del-covid-19-para-ninos-y-ninas,"Para muchos niños y niñas, la crisis del COVID-19 implicará que la educación que reciban será limitada o nula, o que no puedan seguir el ritmo de avance de sus pares. Más del91 %de los alumnos de todo el mundo ahora no están yendo a la escuela, debido al cierre de estas instituciones en al menos 188 países." +310533,53177.0,2466.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Sudan%20Multi-Sectoral%20Location%20Assessment_South%20Kordofan.pdf,"Education is a high priority need in eight of the locations in Reif Ashargi. There are 9,188 students enrolled in school, 5,901 of which are females and 4,297 of which are male. Out of the 470 teachers available, only 97 are female." +316427,52949.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,62,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The health system is ill-equipped to manage an increasing burden of mental disorders and non-communicable diseases. Mental health services and psychotropic drugs, essential for treatment in more severe cases, are insufficient for addressing the needs. Mental health and psychosocial support capacity of primary health care staff is limited, with specialized staff available in very few locations." +145979,35870.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],en,37,"['Priority Needs', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"As detailed above, the GoS committed to establish laboratories in all 14 governorates. The increased capacity and decentralization of testing, including in NES, continues to be a priority for WHO to support." +230131,46693.0,2335.0,"['Education', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Context->Economy', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"The multifaceted nature of the crisis continues to disrupt local economy, increase displacements and reduce access to basic services and education." +306447,51474.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,91,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"The force and the United Nations police continued to provide training to personnel on preventing and addressing sexual and gender-based violence, thereby further strengthening the Mission’s overall response to it. In parallel, substantive sections further implemented gender-responsive programmatic activities while advocating the application of gender analysis and the inclusion of women in conflict management, reconciliation and social cohesion efforts, as well as in local peace dialogues, to address gender dimensions at the local level, including through the participation of women peacebuilders." +61712,18346.0,1184.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,154,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71003.pdf,"Educación En base a los últimos levantamientos de información, el porcentaje de niños/as sin acceso a educación sigue siendo alto (con 41% de los entrevistados reportando que los niño/as entre 5 a 11 años están fuera de la escuela y 53.33% de los entrevistados reportando que los niño/as entre 12 y 17 años están fuera de la escuela). El acceso a educación para los refugiados y migrantes provenientes de Venezuela mejora cuando su estadía en el país es mayor a seis (6) meses. Las razones de inasistencia escolar son múltiples y evidencian las dificultades socioeconómicas de las personas en su proceso de integración y las capacidades de absorción limitadas del sistema educativo. Las principales dificultades que se presentan para la inserción de los NNA al sistema son: falta de recursos, falta de documentos, falta de cupo y falta de información." +496832,60104.0,1187.0,"['Health', 'Food Security', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,125,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,"https://www.unicef.org/argentina/media/11626/file/Impacto%20de%20la%20pandemia%20en%20la%20educaci%C3%B3n%20de%20ni%C3%B1as,%20ni%C3%B1os%20y%20adolescentes.pdf","La información relevada en la Cuarta Ronda Encuesta Rápida muestra que la pandemia de COVID-19 está teniendo fuerte impacto sobre los hogares donde residen niños, niñas y adolescentes. Partiendo de niveles ya elevados en 2019, la emergencia sanitaria ha contribuido a profundizar los niveles de pobreza, generando una serie de riesgos sociales significativos: impacto en la salud mental de niños, niñas y adolescentes afectando aspectos del desarrollo (alimentación, sueño y comunicación); mayores probabilidades de que los niños, niñas y adolescentes interrumpan su escolaridad, ingresen tempranamente al mercado laboral, consuman menos alimentos y de peor calidad, vean restringido su acceso a los servicios de salud, o sean víctimas de violencia." +299351,51893.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[January 2021, Overall Syria] Borrowing or buying on credit was the most frequently reported (71 percent) Coping Strategy followed by Remittances from abroad(45%) and using savings(33%)." +309807,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,81,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"As part of its (Protection Cluster's) obligations under the centrality of protection concept, the cluster supports efforts to ensure that affected people and the risks they face are at the center of response strategies, from design and planning to implementation and evaluation. The cluster works collectively with the wider humanitarian community to support programming that is conflict sensitive and includes common vulnerability criteria across clusters to support meaningful access to services for all individuals." +80498,22034.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],[],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,76,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/cuatro-reflexiones-del-primer-mes-del-campamento-humanitario-para-venezolanos-en-bogota/780,"En el próximo mes, los venezolanos que sigan en el refugio tendrán que salir. Es probable que si continúa el ritmo de salida que se ha presentado hasta ahora, pueda cerrarse antes del 14 de enero, pues actualmente solo quedan 271 migrantes. Algunos seguirán su camino hacia otros países, otros regresarán a Venezuela y los demás se quedarán en Colombia, bien sea en Bogotá o en otras ciudades." +188418,42882.0,1183.0,[],[],[],es,73,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Nari%C3%83%C2%B1o_infografia_refugiados_corte_junio_VF.pdf,"• El departamento de Nariño ocupa el puesto 18 con relación al número de venezolanos en Colombia. • El 41% de los venezolanos en Nariño se encuentran en la ciudad de Pasto, y el 35% en Ipiales. • En el mes de Agosto a diferencia de la dinámica general en Colombia, el departamento de Nariño presenta un incremento del 2% con respecto al mes anterior." +57397,16417.0,788.0,"['Protection', 'Cross', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,97,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Briefing.-Addresing-Dignity-%26-Menstrual-Hygiene-Needs.pdf,"Without access to culturally appropriate clothing, sanitary and hygiene items, the mobility of women and girls is restricted. Their health and safety can also be compromised. As a result, they might be unable to seek basic services including humanitarian aid. The provision of dignity and menstrual hygiene kits and services is very significant and will help in addressing several other protection concerns. Including the ability to promote mobility, self-esteem and safety of women and girls and right to dignity, privacy and other sexual and reproductive health rights." +341377,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,65,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,Les stéréotypes sur l’ethnie Peulh se sont accrus avec l’implication des populations nordistes dans les groupes armés actifs au Mali et au Niger. Ces accusations sont réfutées par les peulhs qui se défendent en justifiant la présence d’autres ethnies comme les mossis dans les groupes terroristes et argumentant qu’eux-mêmes sont également des victimes des terroristes. +235401,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,18,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,The socio-economic impact of the pandemic is exacerbating pre-existing gender inequalities driven by harmful norms and stereotypes. +414784,63620.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://zoom-eco.net/developpement/rdc-plus-de-100-mille-enfants-affectes-par-la-malnutrition-aigue-en-ituri-ocha/,"Cette organisation enregistre également la destruction de 256 écoles depuis le début de l’année dans cette province, une recrudescence d’incidents sécuritaires depuis le mois de mai 2021 notamment dans le territoire d’Irumu et de Djugu." +189164,42865.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,66,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-LMA-Colombia-Espanol.pdf,"Una encuesta reciente de venezolanos en tránsito indicó que la pérdida de trabajo y desalojamientos eran los motivos principales de la migración desde Colombia, jugando un papel importante al forzar al 77 y al 40 porciento, respectivamente, a reubicarse. Mientras que algunos están optando a migrar dentro de Colombia o incluso hacia un nuevo país, la mayoría están volviendo a Venezuela.32" +306267,51572.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,43,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Poor state of latrines particularly in Khor Adar and Dingtoma 2 primary school. However, two blocks of latrines are under construction in Abwong primary school by WV [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]" +2617,520.0,321.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://www.amnesty.org/en/countries/middle-east-and-north-africa/libya/report-libya/,"In Benghazi, the LNA shelled and launched air strikes in the suburb of Ganfouda and other civilian areas under SCBR control and the SCBR shelled other densely populated civilian areas. A LNA air strike on 1 July killed two civilians in Ganfouda. On 4 October, indiscriminate shelling apparently by SCBR forces killed three civilians in Sidi Hussein, central Benghazi." +271789,50331.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,20,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDRCO017du1.pdf,"Diseases derived from difficulties in accessing drinking water, the deterioration of basic sanitation, and vectors' appearance." +163449,32455.0,1183.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/6._elc_flash_update_covid_19_quincenal_18.06.2020.pdf,Cerca de 200 mil familias se han declarado en crisis humanitaria por la carencia de alimentos a razón el confinamiento y de no tener medios de subsistencia por las erradicaciones forzosas que se presentan en la zona. +158054,38777.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,38,['Impact'],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/food-insecurity-impact-covid-19-among-critical-challenges-facing-syria,"He expressed great concern that the health-care system and health workers continue to be attacked, and that COVID-19 has not only limited humanitarian access, but hindered efforts to resolve Syria’s crisis through dialogue." +178392,41756.0,2225.0,['Shelter'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,56,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,Les personnes déplacées qui s’installent au sein de sites spontanés se retrouvent sans toit ou dans des abris précaires. Cette situation les expose aux éléments climatiques et à l’insécurité. S’ajoute à cela les risques pour leur santé (surtout pour les enfants) et les risques épidémiques. +193941,43327.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,44,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_sectoriel_octobre.pdf,"Appui technique et financier de l’OMS au briefing du personnel pénitentiaire et judiciaire des maisons d’arrêt et de correction de Diébougou et Gaoua sur la COVID-19 à Gaoua, région du Sud-Ouest, avec la participation de 64 personnels." +112823,32048.0,1185.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Economy'],en,20,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Nin%CC%83ez%20venezolana%20Covid19%20Ingle%CC%81s%20Web_FINAL.pdf,Thirty-four percent needed to find a cheaper house and 32% are at risk of eviction because of non-payment. +174980,41498.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,28,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://news.trust.org/item/20200927170154-rcfev,"(27/09/2020 Border Jordan/Syria) Jordan on Sunday resumed its land border traffic with Syria, following a more than month-long closure, and reopened the Nasib-Jaber crossing" +174160,38392.0,1899.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,77,[],['Context'],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ALC%20post%20COVID-19%20-%20Retos%20y%20oportunidades%20para%20pa%C3%ADses%20de%20Centroam%C3%A9rica%2C%20Hait%C3%AD%2C%20M%C3%A9xico%2C%20Panam%C3%A1%2C%20y%20Rep%C3%BAblica%20Dominicana.pdf,"Guatemala mantenía al final de 2019 un desempeño macroeconómico estable, baja inflación (4% al año), una de las deudas públicas más bajas de la región (25% del PIB) y un déficit fiscal moderado y sostenido en el tiempo (2,3% del PIB). Asimismo, las reservas internacionales triplicaron en los últimos 10 años (US$15,3 mil millones a finales de marzo 2020)." +40019,11715.0,729.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,76,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/what-s-happening-libya-five-facts-you-need-know,"There are 5,700 refugees and asylum seekers currently trapped in detention centers in Libya. Those who are detained are kept in cramped, overcrowded cells and given no indication of when they’ll be released. The conditions are atrocious and people are completely reliant on other people bringing them water, food and medicine. The fighting in Tripoli could leave them stranded without a way to meet these basic human needs." +315534,54167.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']","['Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",es,108,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_caqueta_dic_2020_vf.pdf,"El asesinato de líderes sociales, excombatientes y el reclutamiento forzado, son las dinámicas que más han crecido en el departamento durante el 2020. Hasta noviembre 2020 se habían denunciado 9 asesinatos de líderes sociales , 2 de ellos líderes indígenas, sin embargo, solo 3 casos han logrado ser verificados. Igualmente, 7 excombatientes han sido asesinados (4 personas en proceso de reincorporación -PPR13), y 21 menores han sido reclutados de manera forzada durante el tiempo de la emergencia sanitaria, lo que también ha generado amenazas por parte de los GGV a las familias que no permitieran el reclutamiento" +291368,51259.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2020_access_annual_overview.pdf,"Of the nine aid workers killed in 2020, eight lost their lives while delivering lifesaving assistance to people in Jonglei, and one in Lakes" +342507,56617.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,74,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.rescue.org/press-release/irc-and-lego-foundation-launch-playful-education-audio-program-refugees-and-displaced,"The ability to participate in remote learning during the pandemic is a privilege for children that have laptops or cellphones, whose parents work from home, have time to guide them through the lessons, and can afford to pay for a reliable internet service. For those who don’t, like the millions of Venezuelan families on the move, keeping up with their studies is an unrealistic possibility." +264591,49668.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,87,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/llegaron-las-vacunas-y-aun-no-definen-plan-de-la-migracion-irregular/2486,"Adicional a esto, en una entrevista radial el Gerente de Fronteras precisó que con la entrada en vigencia del Estatuto, a través de la cooperación internacional, se gestionarán dos millones de dosis de vacunas adicionales para venezolanos que se regularicen. “Vamos a ingresar un número adicional, dos millones de dosis adicionales. Estamos viendo los mecanismos, la manera como ingresarían. Tendríamos la posibilidad de vacunar en total a 36’250.000 personas en el país”, aseguró." +48115,13061.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,126,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.derechos.org.ve/web/wp-content/uploads/MigracionLigia.pdf,"A partir del 18.0817, mediante la Resolución 3015, el Ministerio de Salud permite la afiliación de ciudadanos venezolanos con PEP al sistema de salud colombiano70. Desde el 07.0218 hasta el 07.0618 se habilitó una segunda etapa del PEP para los ciudadanos venezolanos que se encentraban dentro del país y que hubiesen ingresado antes del 2 de febrero por un Puesto de Control Migratorio oficial, sellando su pasaporte71. En diciembre de 2018 se habilitó una tercera fase del PEP, que permite a los ciudadanos venezolanos que ingresaron hasta el 17 de diciembre al territorio colombiano, por un Puesto de Control Migratorio, sellando su pasaporte, a partir del 27 de diciembre, tramitar la expedición del referido permiso72." +313988,54309.0,2311.0,['WASH'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,52,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Colombia_Evaluacion_Rapida_ECNI_Arauca_ESP.pdf,"El acceso a AGUA, SANEAMIENTO y/o HIGIENE fue priorizado por 39 grupos, o 78%. Casi todos los informantes claves, 17 de 18, mencionaron el acceso a servicios y artículos de higiene como problema importante, sobre todo porque no hay suficiente infraestructura como duchas y lavamanos" +239990,46388.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Health', 'Nutrition']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,39,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The deterioration in the food security situation has posed significant threats to people’s immediate survival and wellbeing. Combined with other factors, it has also fuelled surging acute malnutrition particularly among for women and children." +390917,60780.0,1186.0,[],[],[],es,100,[],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"De este modo, hace falta una investigación en profundidad que pueda dar cuenta de los distintos casos en que personas extranjeras han quedado en prisión preventiva, analizando ciertas tendencias, criterios y modos en que se justifica esta medida. Se podría pensar, por lo tanto, que la decisión de recluir a personas extranjeras imputadas se debería por el riesgo que eludan la justicia, yéndose del país5, lo cual puede estar asociado a prejuicios de tipo racista y xenófobo, donde por ser migrantes se consideren “peligrosos” y “sospechosos”." +16338,6355.0,322.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/181002%20YEMEN%20HODEIDAH%20CHOLERA%20CASES%20SURGE.pdf,Other parts of Yemen are also reporting an increase in cholera. Suspected cholera cases nearly doubled in Save the Children-supported health facilities in Ibb governorate between June (383) and August (746) this year. +163439,32455.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],es,30,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/6._elc_flash_update_covid_19_quincenal_18.06.2020.pdf,"Los hospitales del departamento son de mediana y baja complejidad, y presentan poca capacidad de atención a posibles casos COVID-19 (i.e. Unidades de Cuidado Intensivo)." +491737,67949.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,100,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syrianobserver.com/news/69787/petroleum-ministry-gas-re-pumped-into-arab-pipeline-after-maintenance.html,"[20 September 2021, GoS] The Petroleum and Mineral Resources Ministry said that gas was re-pumped to the Arab Gas Pipeline after maintenance works by its technicians. The Ministry has announced the beginning of the maintenance operations of the Arab Gas Pipeline after coming under a terrorist attack in the Harran al-Awamid area, causing the cessation of gas supply to the southern region, stopping a number of electricity generation plants. In a statement, the Ministry pointed out that the technical workshops affiliated with the Syrian Gas Company started to repair the damage." +239992,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,75,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,The proportion of households living with an ‘emergency’ LCSI score has more than doubled in a year from 16 per cent in 2019 to 42 per cent in 2020. This is the most severe category of coping mechanisms people can employ – such as selling one’s land – which not only affects future productivity but is more difficult to reverse in the future as part of a recovery process. +218185,45410.0,2332.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,34,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"Dans la Province du Lac, plus de 33 000 personnes ont été déplacées à cause des inondations qui ont détruit 14 000 hectares de cultures appartenant à plus de 55 000 exploitants." +180601,42294.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,70,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=208256,"[1st Nov 2020] [GoS] The Ministry of Health have announced on 1st of November that 61 new COVID-19 cases were registered in Syria, and that 45 patients have recovered while 4 others have passed away. Thus resulting in a total number of 5789 COVID-19 cases registered till now, out of which 2021 ones have recovered, while 292 others have passed away." +292912,51778.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,99,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/nos-estan-invadiendo-los-venezolanos-este-y-otros-mitos-de-la-migracion/2545,"Según los resultados de la Encuesta de Percepción de la Migración en Colombia del Observatorio del Proyecto Migración Venezuela, en septiembre de 2020 el 43% de los colombianos encuestados dijo estar de acuerdo con que los refugiados y migrantes son una amenaza para la seguridad ciudadana. Este indicador tuvo una mejora con respecto al levantamiento de abril de 2020; sin embargo, la percepción de inseguridad y su asociación con la migración es una relación que no tiene fundamento y a la fecha no hay evidencia académica contundente que demuestre que dicha relación exista." +330419,53831.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],fr,109,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/12042021_sitrep_s12_whe_oms_rdc_f.pdf,". Entre le 3 janvier et le 28 mars 2021, 78/519 ZS (15,0%) dans 11 provinces ont été déclarées en épidémie confirmée sur la base des résultats du laboratoire notamment. Il faut également noter que les provinces du SudUbangi (6 687 cas suspects soit 42,1%), du NordUbangi (5 603 cas suspects soit 35,3%), du Bas-Uele (861 cas suspects soit 5,4%) et du Maniema (788 cas suspects soit 5,0%), ont recensé le plus grand nombre de cas suspects de rougeole (13 939 cas suspects soit 87,7%)." +178348,41756.0,2225.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,132,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Les mouvements de population affectent 67 zones de santé de manière critique, sévère ou catastrophique dans 14 provinces, soit 13 pour cent du pays. Il s’agit en particulier de la région du Kasaï, du nord du Haut-Katanga et des provinces du Tanganyika, Sud-Kivu, Nord-Kivu et de l’Ituri, où la sévérité des déplacements est catastrophique dans les territoires de Kalemie, Kabalo, Kongolo, Nyunzu (Tanganyika), Pweto (Haut Katanga), Fizi, Kabare, Kalehe, Mwenga (Sud-Kivu), Beni, Masisi, Oicha, Rutshuru (Nord-Kivu), Djugu, Mahagi (Ituri), Kamonia (Kasai), Luiza (Kasai Central), et Kikwit (Kwilu)." +172821,38004.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,49,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/04/28/syria-aid-restrictions-hinder-covid-19-response,"[28th April 2020, Syria] Nine years of conflict have decimated Syria’s infrastructure and social services, including for health care, resulting in massive humanitarian needs and leaving the population, including about6 million internally displaced people, vulnerable to a Covid-19 outbreak." +308114,53309.0,2098.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,111,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/gender_alert_brief_final.pdf,"[29th March 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: In responding to shelter needs, it is important to consider the safety and diverse needs of women, girls, men, and boys, older people, persons with disabilities and third gender populations. Host families who are providing housing support for the affected Rohingya families should receive assistance. In situations where families must share accommodation spaces, safety measures must be implemented to assure that the facilities are safe considering differences in vulnerabilities. Identification and support to unaccompanied youth, children, older people, and those who are caregivers must be ensured." +159051,37967.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_ndeg_115.pdf,Quatre (4) nouveaux cas confirmés le 21/06/2020 dont 2 cas importés (01 à Ouagadougou et 01 à Nouna) et 02 cas à transmissions communautaires +198650,44330.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://lefaso.net/spip.php?article100998,"En 2018, le Burkina Faso a enregistré 16 940 naissances prématurées sur 759 084 naissances, soit 2,2% des naissances. Et comme le relève Pr Yé Diarra, présidente de la Société burkinabè de pédiatrie (SOBUPED), la prématurité constitue la troisième cause de décès dans les formations sanitaires après le paludisme et les infections respiratoires." +239099,46388.0,2336.0,"['Livelihoods', 'Shelter']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,88,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The 2020 WoA Assessment findings show that more than 60 per cent of returnees alone have critical ES-NFI needs. Many of them live in informal settlements where more than a quarter of people are renters and where many have insecure employment. For example, some 65 per cent of those in the Kabul informal settlement are unskilled labourers. Their situation is exacerbated by increases in average prices for staple foods since the onset of the pandemic, pushing families to adopt negative coping mechanisms." +358501,58673.0,2028.0,['Agriculture'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,94,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syrian%20Arab%20Republic%20-%20Euphrates%20water%20crisis%20and%20drought%20outlook%2C%20as%20of%2017%20June%202021.pdf,"(June 2021, overall Syria, especially NES) In Syria, poor precipitation during the 2020/2021 winter season, as well as the months critical for crop development (January-April), have negatively impacted several governorates in the northeast, with Al-Hasakeh – typically the breadbasket of the country – particularly badly affected. Water shortages pose a significant threat to agricultural production and food security, with informal crop forecasts for 2021 indicating a possible drop in barley production to 1.2 million tonnes – as low as in 2018." +145952,34803.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,109,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"At least seven hospitals in the Idleb area reportedly suspended routine clinical work and surgeries for at least one week on 10 July, in an effort to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 in medical settings. 159 hospitals and primary health centres (PHC) have been equipped with COVID-19 triage systems, and five community-based treatment centres (CCTC) have been operationalised to treat patients with mild-to-moderate cases of COVID-19. Humanitarian actors continue to adapt how they work in order to assist people in need while minimising transmission risks for themselves and local communities, suspending services only where no safe solution is available." +273976,50464.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,70,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210203FINALFactSheetSomaliaSkisserLR11.pdf,"The FGS and FMS, with support from regional and international partners, should strengthen their capacity to prevent and resolve climate-related clan and other local disputes before they turn violent. Early anticipatory preventive responses to emerging climate-related security risks can disrupt attempts by local and national elites to manipulate climate-change impacts. Importantly, such environmental peacebuilding efforts can enhance local and national capacities to resolve disputes peacefully" +159052,37967.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_ndeg_115.pdf,"Cas actifs dans deux (2) régions (Centre et Boucle du Mouhoun) sur 09 touchés, 06 districts (Baskuy, Bogodogo, Boulmiougou, Nongremassom, Signonghin et Nouna) sur 22 touchés ont toujours des cas actifs" +417782,63302.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,21,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LGC_Monthly_Dashboard_Jun_2021_v5.pdf,"Sixty-five per cent of the displaced population (1,240,450 individuals) were located in Burkina Faso 1,218,754 IDPs / 21,696 Refugees" +237817,47230.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],es,58,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"Las tres principales necesidades percibidas por los hogares siguen siendo alimentación (85% de los hogares), vivienda, por ejemplo, ayuda para pagar el arriendo (68%) y acceso a empleo o fuentes de ingreso (44%). Como cuarta prioridad, el 29% señala la asistencia médica." +339453,56380.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,61,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb4645es.pdf,"El 16% de los productores de ganado encuestados reportó haber enfrentado dificultades menores, mientras que el 33% reportó dificultades mayores. Estos problemas en toda la producción ganadera se dieron principalmente en las regiones Orinoquía y Cafetera. Las dificultades que enfrentaron los ganaderos estaban asociadas con el acceso a los servicios de asistencia alimentaria y veterinaria." +237644,47248.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Intentions']",fr,32,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC_Rapport_d_analyse_des_intentions_sur_les_solutions_durables___Ituri__5_sites_01082021_0.pdf,"La majorité des personnes déplacées internes, 84 %, (soit 5 922 individus) a affirmé avoir l’intention de choisir comme destination le territoire d’IRUMU." +318489,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,45,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"For common services, the Logistics Cluster continues to assess the operational context for humanitarian partners and augment logistics capacity whenever it is required, together with increasing efforts for making best use of available resources and explore pooled/cost-sharing alternatives whenever they are available." +70637,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)'],en,31,[],['Information And Communication'],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,All schools in Abaco were closed as of 8 September as most school-aged children have been evacuated. There are no official reports as yet of separated or unaccompanied children. +158038,38777.0,2028.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],en,63,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/food-insecurity-impact-covid-19-among-critical-challenges-facing-syria,"Political will is needed more than ever, he insisted, stressing that a political solution must be the “number one” priority for all stakeholders. “Humanitarian assistance should not replace our shared responsibility to this end,” he added, as he called for releasing detainees, abductees and missing persons and providing information to their families." +150127,36723.0,1184.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,94,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77597.pdf,"En cuanto a los gastos mensuales del hogar, se consultó a los participantes: Actualmente, ¿cuáles son los artículos primarios en los que su hogar gasta dinero? A lo que la mayoría de los grupos focales respondieron alimentos y arriendo. Artículos relacionados con la salud y la educación también fueron mencionados por los participantes. Aunque en menor medida, se indicaron artículos para los bebés, limpieza del hogar, vestimenta y transporte. Gráfico 1: Comprensión de la canasta básica ecuatoriana en una familia en movilidad humana1" +238165,47090.0,2170.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,22,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_15_dec_2020_report.pdf,"[1st-15thDec 2020, Borno and Adamawa state]87% of latrines in Borno are functional while 13% are damaged" +35759,13057.0,788.0,"['Protection', 'Cross', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,146,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000105395.pdf,"Access to farming land and cultivation opportunities continue to play a key role in food security among conflict affected households in the northeast. In general, households without access to land were more food insecure (42.9 percent) compared to counterparts with land access (36.9 percent). Households with larger expanse of land were found to be more food secure compared to those with smaller plots of land particularly in garrison towns where households have restricted access to land due to security restrictions by the military. Moreover, the level of food insecurity was found to be lowest (35.6 percent) among households that had land access and cultivated during the planting season [2017/2018] compared to counterparts with land access that did not cultivate (66.7 percent) and those without land access (42.9 percent)." +320221,53305.0,2335.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,23,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,Humanitarian and recovery agencies are working to reinvigorate economic activities to ramp up local income generating opportunities in order to improve livelihoods. +305613,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Approximately 872,000 displaced people live in spontaneous sites or informal settlements or with host communities, some 187,000 are in PoC/former PoC sites and more than 231,000 live in collective sites." +163435,32455.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,154,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/6._elc_flash_update_covid_19_quincenal_18.06.2020.pdf,"Decreto 0111 del 13 de marzo de 2020: Se declara calamidad pública en el departamento de Putumayo. Decreto 0118 del 19 de marzo de 2020: Se adoptan medidas transitorias preventivas y de contención contra el COVID-19. Decreto 0143 del 8 de abril de 2020: Se decreta toque de queda en todo el departamento entre las 6:00 pm y las 5:00 am de lunes a sábado, y los domingos de 1:00 pm a 5:00 am del día siguiente. Decreto 0144 del 11 de abril de 2020: Se decreta toque de queda en todo el departamento entre las 6:00 pm y las 5:00 am de lunes a viernes, y los sábados y domingo las 24 horas. Decreto 0158 del 25 de abril de 2020: El departamento de Putumayo, se acoge al decreto 593, mediante el cual se extienden las medidas de aislamiento." +236245,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,26,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In rural areas, agricultural production remains one of the primary sources of livelihood and has also seen a dramatic downturn in production during 2020." +177598,41681.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/iom_rohingya_crisis_response_-_external_sitrep_-_august_2020.pdf,"[August 2020, Bangladesh] 15 contacts were quarantined at camp 20 Extension Quarantine facility. 47 contacts linked to 18 confirmed cases were successfully traced, monitored and quarantined through IOM's contact tracing supervisors and medical support teams across 13 camps." +337227,55827.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/bogota/mendicidad-en-bogota-el-incremento-del-fenomeno-en-la-ciudad-585210,"Mientras que, según la SDIS luego de una georreferenciación de parches,cambuchesy población flotante en 2019 se pudo establecer que los puntos de alta concentración y los posibles puntos críticos de habitabilidad en calle de personas de 29 años en adelante están enLos Mártires,Santa Fe,Antonio NariñoyKennedy, la gente percibe que este fenómeno prácticamente se tomó aBogotá." +214015,45203.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,61,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://fews.net/west-africa/cameroon/food-security-outlook/june-2020,"Conversely, the prices of livestock for local consumption are higher than in previous months, since this is the time of year when working animals are purchased. Preparations for Eid al-Adha are already influencing demand for rams, which are selling for up to 14 percent more than last month at markets in Maroua, Yagoua and Moulvoudaye." +311607,53183.0,2466.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,64,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"Many IDPs face harassment when trying to farm, which contributed to food insecurity. Access to protection services remained a concern, coupled with weak rule of law and social protection mechanisms. IDPs and refugees were highly vulnerable, particularly at risk of not accessing basic services such as birth registration and may suffer harassment and direct violence triggered by displacement." +307205,51467.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,98,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"In early 2019, humanitarian organizations were able to reach more people with food assistance and livelihood support when insecurity reduced, and access improved. This led to a reduction in the severity of food insecurity. However, since mid-2019, South Sudan has experienced two consecutive years of flooding that affected more than 900,000 people in 2019 and over 1 million people in 2020, the arrival of COVID-19 and an upsurge in sub-national violence in 2020 with disruption to the delivery of humanitarian assistance which has erased earlier gains made in food security." +209251,44897.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,137,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://alwatan.sy/archives/237888,"[December 3, As-Sweida] Al-Gabriel pointed out that an isolation section was prepared in the hospital with the increase in infections with the Coronavirus, consisting of 24 beds, explaining that no more than 15 patients are admitted according to the oxygen outlet in the department because the hospital does not contain an oxygen generation station and the cylinders are relied upon, and after the increase in the number of cases, they are no longer. The patients were sufficient, which led to the introduction of liquid oxygen from Damascus to support the cylinders, indicating that the hospital lacked intensive care due to the transfer of all competitors to the National Hospital in Sweida, according to the plan of the Ministry of Health at the beginning of the pandemic" +438413,64539.0,1185.0,[],[],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,113,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"La incidencia del acoso fue más frecuente en el distrito de Puerto Pizarro (55.6%), donde la proporción de estudiantes de Venezuela es menor que en los demás distritos. Esto podría indicar que los distritos con menos cercanía a personas migrantes tienen mayores actitudes de rechazo. En cuanto a los motivos del bullying, la nacionalidad fue el principal, reportado por 9 de cada 10 personas. Además, el acoso también tuvo como base la situación socioeconómica (21.4%) o el sexo (8.9%) de las y los estudiantes. Estas variables no actúan de forma independiente, sino en simultáneo." +169378,40509.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Demography'],fr,19,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://lefaso.net/spip.php?article99707,"Depuis le 9 mars 2020, le Burkina Faso compte 2123 cas dont 715 femmes et 1408 hommes." +161169,35726.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],es,404,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_arauca_junio_2020_vf%20%281%29.pdf,"2. Minas Antipersonal (MAP) y Municiones sin Explotar (MUSE) De acuerdo con la Dirección para la Acción Integral Contra Minas Antipersonal, Tame es el municipio del Departamento con mayor número acumulado de víctimas de MAP/MUSE, seguido por Arauquita y Saravena5. Los riesgos causados por el uso de municiones sin explotar son una amenaza para la población, en tanto siguen presentándose artefactos en cercanías a centros poblados, causando así, limitaciones de acceso humanitario y afectaciones a los sectores de Educación, al ubicarse cerca de instituciones educativas y Salud, al representar un riesgo para la integridad de la comunidad. En 2019 los Grupo Armados Organizados retomaron el uso de carros y motobombas en los municipios de Tame, Saravena y Arauquita. En este sentido, el corredor vial Arauquita- Caño Limón y Fortul-Tame y la parte rural del entorno del oleoducto se vieron gravemente afectados por este tipo de armas. Así mismo, se instalaron artefactos explosivos en la granja de la Institución Educativa (I.E) Aguachica en el municipio de Arauquita, lo cual generó un riesgo para los estudiantes y una afectación a su proceso educativo, al verse restringido el componente agropecuario. Sumado a lo anterior, las acciones relacionadas con bloqueos y presencia de artefactos explosivos en las vías imposibilitan la llegada de los estudiantes a sus planteles educativos; estos casos se presentan mayoritariamente en los municipios de Arauquita, Fortul y Saravena. Por otro lado, ese año la Personería de Tame tomó 70 declaraciones de personas afectadas por la volqueta bomba que explotó en inmediaciones de Villa Caro y 35 por el carro bomba que explotó en Betoyes. Es menester resaltar el impacto ambiental que generan los atentados contra la infraestructura petrolera, como consecuencia de los derrames en fuentes hídricas de las que se abastece la población rural e indígena. Finalmente, se destaca que a pesar de las acciones preventivas y de acompañamiento adelantadas por varias organizaciones, la capacidad instalada es insuficiente y las víctimas de MAP/MUSE tienen una baja representación en los espacios de participación establecidos en la Ley de Víctimas 1448/2011. Por esta razón, resulta necesario fortalecer el desminado humanitario, implementar más campañas de educación en riesgo de minas y ampliar los espacios de participación para la población afectada." +243100,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,21,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Unequal access to land is a major cause of gender inequality in Afghanistan, with women being at the bottom." +270185,50226.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,83,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_6.pdf,"Por grupos de edad, los adultos de más de 60 años representan el 43,1 % (11 920), seguido por los de 40 a 59 años con el 22,0 % (6 079). La mayor proporción de hospitalizaciones en sala general por IRAG sobre el total de hospitalizaciones por todas las causas se presenta en los niños de 1 año con el 14,3 %, seguido por los niños de 2 a 4 años con el 12,0 %" +496482,60067.0,1187.0,[],[],"['Information And Communication->Communication Means And Preferences', 'Information And Communication->Information Challenges And Barriers']",es,80,[],['Information And Communication'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sentir%20que%20se%20nos%20va%20la%20vida%20-%20Personas%20LGBTI%2B%20refugiadas%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%20en%20Colombia%2C%20Ecuador%20y%20Chile.pdf,"Necesidades de información y comunicación En Argentina, consideran que el flujo de la información sobre la prevención de COVID-19 y los servicios ha sido amplio, ha habido una gran difusión en los medios de comunicación tradicionales, así como por internet y redes sociales. Esta situación, sin embargo, es diferente para las personas LGBTI+ venezolanas que han llegado en los últimos meses, ya que no tiene acceso a servicios por falta de documentación." +331228,55216.0,2098.0,['Food Security'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,90,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://api.godocs.wfp.org/api/documents/WFP-0000126934/download/,"[March 2021, Cox's Bazar] The re-introduced lockdowns, if extended, will potentially disrupt supply chains and result in further price increases and commodity unavailability in some cases. Need for close monitoring of market dynamics. • Livelihoods disruptions from the current lockdown, coupled with disruptions from the upcoming monsoon season could likely result in increased food insecurity and vulnerability among market dependent poor households. Calls for close monitoring and readiness should there be need to expand safety nets and assistance programmes." +411623,63817.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,96,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/An%20update%20of%20Cholera%20outbreak%20in%20Nigeria_060821_32.pdf,"[9th- 15th Aug 2021, Nigeria] (Cholera) As at 15th August 2021,a total of 47,603 suspected cases including 1,768 deaths (CFR 3.7%) have been reported from 23 states and FCT in 2021. There was a 21% decrease in the number of new suspected cases in week 32 (2,984) compared with week 31(3,781). Bauchi(1,306), Jigawa(714) and Kebbi(325) account for 78.6% of 2,984 suspected cases reported in week 32." +472942,63777.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,74,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"L’acquisition des documents d’Etat civils [ CNIB, l’extrait de naissance ou le jugement supplétif] constitue un problème pour la majorité de la population surtout les personnes déplacées internes. En effet, plusieurs PDIs ont relevé avoir perdu les documents pendant l’attaque lorsque leurs maisons et commerces ont été incendiés. Certaines personnes ont aussi égaré leurs documents au moment de la fuite." +264353,48806.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,65,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_final_enquete_smart_27112019.pdf,"L’enquête a permis d’avoir une image de la couverture du pays en sel iodé [apport trop faible d'iode : carence, affecte thyroïde, développement cérébral foetus, peut provoquer des déficiences mentales]. Au niveau national, plus d’un ménage (01) sur deux (02) n’utilise pas du sel iodé." +98321,28256.0,1621.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://www.libyaobserver.ly/news/woman-and-her-son-killed-haftars-indiscriminate-shelling-garabulli,"Earlier, sources said one person was killed as a rocket fired by Haftar's forces fell on his house in Al-Mouz Street in Tripoli, while another person was killed in Baer Al-Alam in south Tripoli due to Haftar's indiscriminate shelling." +48543,12622.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,28,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LIBRO%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20las%20necesidades%20insatisfechas%20SSR%20y%20Migrantes%20Venezolanos%20-%20Digital.pdf,"Los regímenes de excepción y especial reúnen los trabajadores de la industria petrolera, profesores, miembros de las fuerzas militares y población privada de la libertad." +174673,41363.0,2170.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,65,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://guardian.ng/news/fg-extends-covid-19-national-response-third-phase-by-four-weeks/,"[16th Oct 2020, Nigeria] Chairman of the PTF and Secretary to the Government of the Federation (SGF), Mr. Boss Mustapha, who said this yesterday in Abuja, added that the President approved further relaxation of restrictions in the third phase of the response, while maintaining key limitations to curb the risk of spike in coronavirus cases." +215114,44840.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,45,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,"UNDP, with support from UNIDO, IOM and the World Bank, is preparing a Socio-Economic Impact Analysis, which will include reviewing risks concerning the macro-economic and business level risks and how they have evolved or emerged under influence of the COVID-19 crisis" +358778,58535.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,35,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.invima.gov.co/web/guest/invima-otorgo-autorizacion-sanitaria-de-uso-de-emergencia-a-la-vacuna-desarrollada-por-la-farmaceutica-moderna-switzerland-gmbh?redirect=%2Farticulos-de-interes-coronavirus-covid-19,"El Instituto Nacional de Vigilancia de Medicamentos y Alimentos- Invima, informa que otorgó Autorización Sanitaria de Uso de Emergencia - ASUE para la vacuna contra covid-19 desarrollada por la farmacéutica Moderna Switzerland GmbH." +241254,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,29,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,The aforementioned MSF report shows that postponing medical care due to financial pressure is a dangerous coping strategy adopted by 89 per cent of patients and carers surveyed. +178013,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],fr,60,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"La forte prévalence des maladies à potentiel épidémique contribue également à la complexité et à la gravité de la situation humanitaire en RDC, dans un contexte de développement où l’accès aux services et infrastructures de base (soins, eau, hygiène, assainissement, routes, électricité, etc.) est déjà très limité." +241483,46388.0,2336.0,"['Nutrition', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"People’s eroded resilience capacities make them susceptible to sliding down into acute malnutrition, irrespective of the degree of severity of the shock. This reduced coping capacity has been compounded by ongoing conflict and recurrent disasters." +161525,39295.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,"Of the 55 active cases, 32 cases are in Aleppo governorate’s Afrin, Al Bab, Jarablus and Jebel Saman districts, while 23 cases are in Idleb governorate’s Idleb, Ariha and Harim districts." +452387,64948.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/juin_2021_evaluation_drs_est_rapport_mission_conjointe_corus_est.pdf,"Les populations font face à des attaques terroristes répétées, enlèvements et assassinats de personnes, destructions de biens, ce qui a conduit au déplacement de 98 627 personnes déplacées internes, la fermeture des 8 formations sanitaires et 89 autres fonctionnant à minima à la période de l’évaluation." +35762,13057.0,788.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,77,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000105395.pdf,"Displaced population are more vulnerable to food insecurity since displacement causes asset loss as well as human and social capital deficit. Additionally, exposure to additional shocks, in the face of displacement, further exacerbates vulnerability among displaced individuals and forces them to rely on severe coping mechanism in order to meet their basic food needs. Generally, IDPs and returnees were more likely to be affected by food insecurity compared to permanent residents" +323033,54626.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,"The cumulative positivity rate since the start of the outbreak has declined gradually and now stands at 7.4 per cent, with a cumulative case fatality rate at 4.8 per cent 4." +173813,39928.0,2170.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,103,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"In Adamawa State, activities of the NSAG continued. In Michika LGA in the northern axis, kidnappers continue to terrorise the returnee communities demanding money under threat of kidnapping. Communal clashes were reported over ownership of farmland at Lagule community and between the Tangalere and Bare communities over boundary issues. These resulted in burning of several houses in Adamawa Central. Cattle rustling, kidnapping and gun running continue to cause fears in the Southern parts of Adamawa State. Criminal activities and the Shilla boys2 continue to heighten fear amongst the civilian population in the affected areas." +150462,37702.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,85,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"WHO continues to deliver case management trainings. In the reporting period, WHO supported specialist training for 100 healthcare workers from four governorates on major incident medical management and support, targeting doctors, nurses and anesthesia technicians working in ICU and emergency departments. As already mentioned, WHO also supported the training of 100 healthcare workers on triage, IPC/PPE measures and case management for SARI cases when COVID-19 is suspected across four Ministry of Higher Education university hospitals in Damascus." +161552,39295.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,27,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,"At least 205,474 children and teachers benefited from distance learning in Idleb and Aleppo governorates as an alternative way to continue education during the COVID-19 pandemic." +333137,44672.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,29,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Private expenditure on health is the highest in the region and this strains financially ordinary household most of whom (55%) are below the poverty line. +13390,5560.0,322.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,67,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RDP%20Monthly%20SitRep_July_2018.pdf,"Our nutritionists in four targeted health centers (Bani Ali – Halian – Al-Sharqi – Al-Afuash) continue providing nutritional services such as Outpatient Therapeutic Program (OTP), Targeted Supplementary Feeding Program (TSFP) for Children Under five (CU5) and Pregnant & Lactating Women (PLW), reaching a total number of 2,068 individuals in Mudhiakhera district of Ibb governorate." +315368,53333.0,2334.0,"['Nutrition', 'Cross', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,18,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Others also complained about peer pressure, poor parental upbringing, poor nutrition and access to food." +162724,32457.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,45,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/proyecto-de-ley-migratoria-avance-o-retroceso/1970,"El proyecto de ley para crear una política migratoria integral ya pasó a segundo debate en el Senado de la República. Diferentes ONG y expertos jurídicos afirman que hay que hacer profundas modificaciones al proyecto, mientras los congresistas esperan su pronta aprobación." +196292,43846.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,77,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://zoom-eco.net/a-la-une/rdc-le-comite-multisectoriel-de-riposte-a-la-covid-19-alerte-sur-une-deuxieme-vague-de-cette-pandemie-en-afrique/,"Il faut préciser que le Comité Multisectoriel de Riposte à la Covid-19 en RDC est composé du Ministère de l’intérieur, Celui de Communication et des Médias, du Ministère de la Santé, le Ministère de l’ESU, Celui de l’EPST, Ministère des Affaires Sociales, les FARDC, la Police Nationale, l’ANR, la DGM et à Kinshasa, le Gouverneur de la Ville." +238135,47086.0,2170.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,86,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_31_dec_2020_report.pdf,"[16th-31st Dec 2020, Borno and Adamawa states] As reported on the site tracker in sites benefiting from camp coordination and camp management (CCCM) interventions, 64,406HH live in makeshift shelters, 933HH are living in the open with no shelter, while 2,266 are sharing shelter. Furthermore, many vulnerable displaced persons face difficulties and barriers in accessing humanitarian assistance due to security and access constraints, which is seriously curtailing shelter and NFI partners from providing assistance required." +167133,40126.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,82,['Capacities & Response'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_weekly_situation_update_-_27_september_ne_nigeria_0.pdf,"A total of 31 contacts are being closely monitored in Borno State. In Yobe State, case fatality rate amongst confirmed cases is 10.5% and positivity rate of 9.0% of the 840 samples tested. Case to contact ratio is 1:10 and percentage of LGAs that reported at least one confirmed case in the state is 76.1%. The positivity rate for week 39 is 2.4% while the positivity rate for the preceding week was 4.8%" +20769,8434.0,729.0,['Health'],[],[],en,37,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/refugees-returned-overcrowded-libyan-detention-centres,"“Upon disembarkation, several people were in need of urgent medical care and we provided medical assistance”, explains Julien Raickman, in charge of MSF activities in Misrata, Khoms and Bani Walid." +297870,52145.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_humanitaire_numero_12_v_04.pdf,"Le 23 octobre 2019 dernier, le Cameroun a entamé le rapatriement volontaire de 410 réfugiés centrafricains installés dans la région du l’Est du pays, avec l'appui du Haut-Commissariat des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés (HCR)." +236111,47122.0,2334.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,36,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"Health Cluster members have been providing lifesaving services to persons in need in the Fako, Meme, Ndian, Kupe- Muanenguba, Manyu, Mezam, Boyo, Bui, Momo and Ngoke-tunjia divisions." +438456,64539.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,93,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Los episodios de Violencia Basada en Género (VBG) no son ajenos a la población migrante residente en la ciudad de Tumbes. De las personas consultadas, el 17.8% manifestó haber tenido conocimiento de episodios de VGB desde que llegó al Perú. Según lo indicaron durante el cuestionario, estos episodios de violencia pueden adoptar distintas formas: el 81.2% indicó haber tenido conocimiento de violencia física, un 71.9% tuvo conocimiento de violencia verbal y/o psicológica mientras que un 12.5% señaló la violencia sexual." +305649,51572.0,2335.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,26,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Need for clean water in the school [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +322031,54521.0,2311.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,104,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/post_clearance_report_narino_la_union_colombia_halo.pdf,"In terms of sanitary services, 65% of direct beneficiary households reported to have a lavatory in their homes that was not connected to any waste disposal system and 24% had a lavatory connected to a septic tank or sewage system. Comparatively, 52% of indirect beneficiary households reported to have a lavatory without connection and 24% with a connection to either a septic tank or sewage system and 44% of control group households reported having a lavatory with a connection to either mains sewerage or septic tank and 47% having a lavatory with no connection." +220895,45410.0,2332.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,41,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"Compte tenu du ralentissement des activités économique par suite des impacts de la COVID- 19 accentué par les inondations intervenues durant la soudure, les sources de revenus des ménages seraient en baisse durant toute la période d’analyse." +176403,41733.0,2225.0,"['Logistics', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Economy'],fr,45,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/reach_drc_bulletin-des-marche-2_juin-2020.pdf,"Etant donné que la RDC, structurellement déficiente en maïs, dépend des importations de pays voisins pour s'en approvisionner,11 les perturbations sur le transport transfrontalier liées aux mesures COVID-19 ont pu avoir un impact particulier sur le prix de la farine de maïs." +214393,45385.0,2334.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,35,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"En date du 25 juin 2020, 375 édifices publics, 204 domiciles privés, 18 formations sanitaires dans 11 aires de santé ont été désinfectés par les partenaires étatiques et les acteurs humanitaires." +390858,60791.0,1186.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,80,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Para 2019 se estimó un total de 35.687 personas extranjeras residentes en la Región de Biobío. Esta cifra representa un aumento absoluto de 8.758 personas y un alza relativa de 32,5% respecto a lo estimado para 2018, el incremento más alto entre las regiones del país. En 2019, la población extranjera la región se compuso de 19.032 hombres y 16.655 mujeres, con una relación de masculinidad de 114,3 hombres por cada 100 mujeres." +317261,53333.0,2334.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,24,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Provide parents and caregivers with training, materials (for example high yield seedlings) and follow-up support on crop and livestock farming." +258004,48907.0,2098.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,109,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[20th January 2021, Cox's Bazar] All participants said they’ve had to come up with new ways to cope with increased difficulties as a result of not having access to cash, which they say is essential so they can afford additional items such as tuition. Even before the pandemic, some families sold relief items in order to have cash— now, with work opportunities reduced or non-existent, they say they must resort to selling even more of their relief items. They also report taking loans from friends, relatives or neighbours during emergencies and/or to cover extra costs." +327603,54714.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,16,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,[PRE-EXISTING VULNERABILITIES] 90% households reporting having been displaced for longer than one year +340992,56522.0,2170.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,81,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.reuters.com/article/nigeria-oil-idUSL5N2N76Y3,"[19th May 2021, Abuja, Nigeria ] Kaduna state’s governor, Nasir el-Rufai, said at a meeting to discuss appropriate pricing for the petrol in Nigeria that an estimated 70 billion-210 billion naira ($170.6-$512 million) was spent every month to keep petrol at 162 naira per litre. El-Rufai called the situation “unsustainable” in a statement issued by the Nigeria’s Governors’ Forum late on Wednesday." +346176,56952.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,75,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20monitoreo%20enero-marzo%202021%20-%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20vers%C3%B3n%20final.pdf,"En Riohacha DRC identificó riesgos para la niñez como el trabajo infantil, niños cuidadores, el con- sumo de sustancias psicoactivas y el reclutamien- to a bandas delincuenciales. También se observó que los NNA están expuestos al tráfico sexual, explotación laboral, embarazos en adolescen- tes, abusos físicos, la permanencia en la calle, el riesgo de desnutrición, el consumo de sustancias psicoactivas y la vinculación al delito." +309820,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Gender-based violence is pervasive in South Sudan. As a result of structural gender inequality and unequal gender power relationships, with women and girls and especially those who are internally displaced or living near cantonment sites, or with a disability continue to suffer from GBV" +172135,40718.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,56,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20Nigeria%20DTM%20Emergency%20Tracking%20Tool%20%28ETT%29%20Report%20No.182%20%20%2827%20July%20-%202%20August%202020%29.pdf,"[ 27 July - 2 August 2020, Borno, Adamawa ] ETT assessments identified the following movement triggers: voluntary relocation (41.7%), poor living conditions (26.4%), improved security (19.2%), conflict/attack (12.2%) and lack of food (0.4%)." +316073,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"A particular risk of GBV exists for those who live in open, makeshift and unfinished shelters, with both men and boys, and women and girls reporting not feeling safe in these structures." +61137,18235.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",en,47,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"Inter-agency coordination platforms were also created at the national level in the countries that received the largest influx of Venezuelan refugees and migrants, such as Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. The national platforms are tasked with coordinating the implementation of the RRMRP national chapters." +48086,13061.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,34,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.derechos.org.ve/web/wp-content/uploads/MigracionLigia.pdf,"Los resultados de los DTM aplicados son consistentes en indicar que las razones económicas y laborales constituyen la principal motivación para migrar (más del 60%), seguidas por falta de alimentos" +194562,43822.0,2311.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],es,23,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19112020_flash_update_no.3_emergencias_por_ola_invernal_-_colombia_vf.pdf,"Según IDEAM 25 departamentos se encuentran en alerta roja por las inundaciones2 y las cifras de personas damnificadas ya superan las 260.000," +317628,52949.0,2331.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,29,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,CCCM safety audit reports conducted in 2020 detailed the obligatory need for functioning solar lights located in areas that would benefit women and girls accessing sitelevel communal infrastructure. +330755,53077.0,2333.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,197,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/reach_ner_factsheet_vulnerabilites_refugies_decembre_2018.pdf,"[Voies de référencement] ~ Existence d'au moins une voie de référencement au sein du site selon les IC, par nombre de sites : 121/147 (82% Oui - 26/147 (18%) Non ~ Nombre de sites dans lesquels au moins une partie de la population connait, a accès et utilise les voies de référencement selon les IC : Connaissance 120/121 - Accessibilité 117/121 - Utilisation 116/117 - Efficacité 115/116 ~ Parmi les sites dans lesquelles au moins une partie de la population utilise ces voies (116), principales voies utilisées, par nombre de sites : 1. Services médicaux (92) 2. Services éducatifs (73) 3. Services délivrant des documents légaux (58) ~ Parmi ces sites / camp, au moins une partie de la population considère ces voies comme étant efficaces dans 115/116 sites selon les IC ~ Principales raisons pour lesquelles ces voies sont jugées efficaces : 1. Répond aux besoins de la population (101) 2. Améliore les perspectives futures (48) 3. Permet d’obtenir des conseils (31)" +21830,9026.0,322.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Context->Demography', 'Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Economy']",en,41,['Impact'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,,"There is also a large informal business sector, esti- mated in 2002 to represent 32 percent of non- government employment. nearly 6.5 percent of the total poor of the coun- try and 23 percent of poor urban households." +305464,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Lack of progress on governance and peacebuilding, combined with reduced regional economic activity and increased pressure on public finances, is likely to result in continued localized and sub-national violence with armed groups fighting for control over territory and resources" +386740,60459.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,Le marché de Gorom-Gorom est le principal marché fonctionnel de la zone. Son niveau d’approvisionnement est en-dessous de la normale du fait de la réduction des flux avec les zones habituelles de provenance. +158058,38777.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,47,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/food-insecurity-impact-covid-19-among-critical-challenges-facing-syria,he said people in Al‑Hasakeh Governorate and Al Hol camp are facing a water crisis and it is crucial to find a long-term solution. The United Nations must continue to advocate for a sustainable agreement on the facilitation of water access as a basic service. +490696,67502.0,2098.0,"['Shelter', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Context->Environment', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,135,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/flooding-fires-and-covid-bring-fresh-challenges-rohingya-refugees-bangladesh,"[3rd September, 2021] Refugee: Life in the congested camps that are home to over 880,000 Rohingya refugees was already tough, but the COVID-19 pandemic has brought new hardships -- limiting movements, closing learning canters and reducing on-site assistance provided by aid organizations. Then came a massive fire in March that reduced nearly 10,000 shelters to ashes and killed 11 refugees. The fire was followed by a particularly wet monsoon season that brought more than 700mm of rain in just one week between 27 July and 3 August, inundating more than 400 local villages, washing away shelters and triggering flooding and landslides that killed some 20 people, 10 of which were refugees. Some 24,000 refugees were forced to abandon their homes and belongings." +157593,38893.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,89,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/humanitarian_collaboration_and_coordination_in_bangladesh_2nd_draft_12_july_2020_kazi_hg.pdf,"▪ Awareness raising and information sharing to reduce the risk of stigma and to share knowledge on SRH, including adolescent and youth SRH, in relation to COVID-19 for targeted groups such as communities, midwives and HCW. ▪ Advocating for hospitals, health facilities, midwives and HCW to provide evidence-based care and prioritizing women of reproductive age, pregnant women, lactating mothers, and adolescents and youths. Ensuring separate areas in health facilities for COVID positive and non-positive patients seeking SRH care." +63491,18412.0,1386.0,"['Health', 'Logistics']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)'],es,191,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",['Information And Communication'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,,"Los sistemas de vigilancia epidemiológica y ambiental han decaído, aumentando los sub-registros y los vacíos de información sobre los graves problemas en la situación de salud. El menoscabo y destrucción de las capacidades sanitarias a nivel nacional afecta también los alcances y calidad de los datos que recogen los sistemas de vigilancia epidemiológica y de saneamiento ambiental, lo cual aumenta los niveles de sub-registro de mortalidad y morbilidad y los vacíos de información sobre sus causas y patrones. Además, estos sistemas han perdido capacidades para el control, investigación y seguimiento de casos por la ausencia de transporte terrestre y aéreo, y de presupuesto para gastos logísticos, trayendo como consecuencia que los equipos de trabajo no puedan realizar actividades en terreno de supervisión e inspección de establecimientos de salud, visitas a comunidades, traslado de muestras, control de vectores, aguas y residuos sólidos, así como la distribución de vacunas, medicamentos y material médico quirúrgico. A esto se suma en 2018, la falta de formas de papel para suministrar a las familias actas de nacimiento100 y defunción101." +244060,46388.0,2336.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In 2021, some 289,000 IDPs, 615,000 returnees, 180,000 disaster-affected people, 194,000 COVID-19 patients, 39,000 refugees, and 7.5 million acutely vulnerable people will require WASH assistance." +21822,9026.0,322.0,[],[],[],en,64,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,,"Rapid urban growth led to the establishment of the Municipality of Capital Sana’a (amanet al- aasema sana’a) by Presidential Decree No. 13 of 1983. Another presidential decree No. 2 of 2001 was issued dividing the Municipality of the Capital Sana’a into nine administrative areas or directorates (muderiat), plus added Bani" +294639,51749.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,60,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[District sanitaire de Ouargaye] Les standards en matière d’EHA en santé en particulier l’accès à l’eau et la gestion des déchets n’autorise pas la mise en œuvre des mesures PCI, particulièrement nécessaires en période d’épidémie (COVID, rougeole) et d’afflux de PDI." +305329,53013.0,2331.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,45,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/3c8084ae/REACH_SOM_Factsheet_Assessment-of-Hard-to-Reach-Areas_December-2020.pdf,"Food Security and livelihoods: Among the assessed settlements, most commonly reported reasons why people were not able to access enough food were Natural causes(66%), Economic causes (56%), Security issues (41%)." +220652,45655.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,72,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"In NES (as of 1 December) overall levels of hospitalization to COVID-19 dedicated facilities remains extremely low. Based on partial data provided by 9 of the 17 operational COVID-19 facilities, only 9 per cent of available beds were occupied as of 27 November.This increases the concern that people are not receiving the treatment they require, potentially contributing to a significant number of people dying at home." +317185,53333.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"While schools, clinics, and some NGOs were identified as sources of adolescent sexual health information, they were reported as not widely available and consistent given the crisis" +152376,38139.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,37,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cox-s-bazar-sitrep-17.pdf,Immunization is an essential health service to protect individuals from vaccine-preventable diseases (VPD). WHO continues to provide guidance regarding the operation and sustaining of immunization programs in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. +256962,48806.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,84,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_final_enquete_smart_27112019.pdf,"L’échantillon analysé présente un sexe ratio garçon-fille de 1,1 avec environ 52,6% de garçons contre 47,4 % de filles. Cette proportion reflète la tendance selon le sexe des enfants de 0 - 59 mois dans la population générale. Les résultats montrent que les garçons sont significativement plus touchés par la malnutrition que les filles selon tous les indicateurs. L’analyse statistique montre également que les garçons sont significativement plus nombreux dans la base que les filles." +164170,39714.0,1183.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->Local Response'],[],es,18,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"78% aumentó frecuencia del lavado de manos y uso de desinfectante, alcohol y/o gel antibacterial." +162006,39490.0,2098.0,['Nutrition'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,69,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200707_acaps_covid-19_secondary_impacts_in_rohingya_refugee_camps.pdf,"All nutrition facilities and services were scaled down to comply with COVID-19 containment measures, to reduce crowds, and to facilitate physical distancing. In addition, outreach services were suspended. In May 2019, 316,296 children under 5 years old were screened for acute malnutrition compared to May 2020, where 100,424 children and Pregnant and Lactating Women (PLW) cumulatively were screened for malnutrition" +178334,41756.0,2225.0,['Cross'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],fr,105,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Confrontées à des chocs multiples et récurrents, les populations vulnérables de RDC voient leurs capacités de résilience toujours plus réduites. L’extrême vulnérabilité chronique, aggravée par différents facteurs décrits dans la section 1.2 limite leur capacité à se relever suite à une crise et à faire face à de nouveaux chocs, qu’ils soient liés aux conflits, aux catastrophes naturelles ou encore à des flambées épidémiques. Pour 2020, l’indice du manque de capacités d’adaptation de la RDC reste ainsi très élevé (8,1 sur 10) et stagnant comparé aux années précédentes.109" +162654,31010.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,66,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/elclaguajira_flasupdate1_covid19.05.2020vf_0.pdf,"Decreto 076 de 16 de marzo de 2020: Se declara calamidad pública y emergencia sanitaria en todo el territorio del departamento de La Guajira, hasta el 15 de mayo de 2020, agravado por los efectos de la temporada de sequía. Decreto 090 de 18 de marzo de 2020: Se declara emergencia sanitaria y calamidad pública en el Distrito de Riohacha." +188228,40860.0,1899.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",[],[],es,85,[],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200922_OCHA_GUATEMALA%20HRP%20COVID-19%20ESPAN%CC%83OL.pdf,"En esta situación de pandemia por COVID19, continúa la pérdida de medios de vida y la baja en la recepción de remesas en dólares además del incremento de la canasta básica, lo cual inevitablemente se ver reflejado en los niveles de inseguridad alimentaria y nutricional lo cual es un riesgo para el incremento de la desnutrición aguda. Adicionalmente, también hay un traslape con la época de “hambre estacional”, que aumenta el riesgo para las familias más vulnerables." +301856,51958.0,2332.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,128,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_devaluation_de_protection_des_retournes_tchadiens_de_la_rca_installes_dans_les_sites_au_sud_du_tchad_002.pdf,"Le problème majeur mentionné est le manque de documentation. 6.321 retournés bénéficient d’un récépissé en vue de l’obtention de cartes d’identité (récépissés reçus en 2016). Mais le processus est suspendu depuis 3 ans à cause d’un blocage au niveau central lié aux capacités d’impression des cartes. Au-delà, ce manque de documentation représente une entrave à la liberté de circulation et à différentes opportunités économiques (ouverture de compte). Il faut néanmoins souligner que ce manque de documentation et les entraves liées ne touchent pas uniquement la population retournée mais l’ensemble de la population de ces régions, notamment les populations des villages environnant des sites de retournés." +179230,41946.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://publications.unescwa.org/projects/saw/sdgs/pdf/en/Syria-at-War-8-years-on-Report-Final.pdf,"[Syria 2019, Food insecurity and nutrition] De-escalation of the conflict in the past few years has led to improvements in food security and market access, yet restrictions on delivering goods remain high." +161076,39509.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],fr,17,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sidwaya.info/blog/2020/09/15/covid-19-les-hauts-bassins-passent-en-tete-avec-315-cas/?fbclid=IwAR06krUyHij1KJuxRpsefbnW1qw3Pn7ghXu7fwJbjEVMVA922ljKlJeKtnE,Le nombre de décès reste inchangé soit 56 et celui des cas actifs est de 536. +266580,49773.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,60,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_HSOS-NWS_-January-2021.pdf,"[January 2021, NWS] Winter-related findings % of communities where winter-related shelter inadequacies for residents and IDPs were reported: 46% residents and 65% IDPs said Lack of heating, 39% residents and 60% IDPs said Lack of insulation from the cold and 6% of IDPS said Shelters are prone to flooding." +310051,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Although three large-scale infrastructure projects have been initiated by the Government of South Sudan (Juba-BorMalakal, Juba-Rumbek and Juba-Torit), currently there is only one sealed road between Juba and Nimule." +179542,39528.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,39,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Dans la région de l’Est, le nombre de personnes déplacées internes augmente de façon exponentielle passant de 20 000 à plus de 65 000 personnes dans l’espace d’un mois en juillet." +292416,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,13,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,11 accouchements conduits par le personnel qualifié ont été enregistrés sur le site +194602,43822.0,2311.0,[],[],['Casualties->Missing'],es,7,[],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19112020_flash_update_no.3_emergencias_por_ola_invernal_-_colombia_vf.pdf,Se estiman aproximadamente 20 personas desaparecidas. +28416,10158.0,729.0,[],[],[],en,15,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ET_Feb_2019_Final%2820190313%29.pdf,Benghazi An estimated 690 migrants arrived in Benghazi during February looking for job opportunities. +62855,18514.0,1386.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,140,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190328_acaps_briefing_note_venezuela_update_and_2019_outlook__0.pdf,"Diseases: The dysfunctions of the health system have led to the resurgence of diseases that used to be eradicated, such as malaria, which saw a 205% increase across the country in recent years (Financial Times 08/02/2019). Between 2017 and 2018, 2,500 deaths of people requiring dialysis for kidney deficiencies have been attributed to deficiencies of the health system (IACHR 09/01/2019). 6,400 cases of measles including 76 deaths (CFR 1.2%) have been recorded between mid-2017 and the end of 2018. 2,400 cases of dengue fever were reported in 2018 alone, and 150 people have died of diphtheria since July 2016, the case fatality rate having increased from 6% in 2017 to 20% at the beginning of 2019 (USAID 01/03/2019)." +152112,37764.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/31-07-20-buf-5w-dashboard_education.pdf,"19 mois après le déclenchement de la crise sécuritaire (et plus récemment avec le COVID-19), les besoins en éducation en situation d’urgence (ESU) ne cessent de s’accroître ." +61688,18348.0,1184.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,10,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Ecuador%20Country%20Brief%20July_2019.pdf,"16,324 vulnerable Venezuelans received one-time food assistance at immigration checkpoints" +61620,18442.0,1184.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,88,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"robberies and physical assault are the type of protection incidents most frequently affecting Venezuelans in Ecuador.138 These incidents have a very adverse impact on the situation of refugees and migrants, including their physical and mental wellbeing but also on the conditions of their onward movement and their future living conditions. Robberies, in particular, leave people on the move even more vulnerable, as they lose the few resources they had to cover their basic needs during the journey and start settling upon arrival." +187206,34290.0,1900.0,['Health'],[],[],es,35,[],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Resumen_Informe_16_07_2020_No_080.pdf,"Atenciones de Triage a Nivel Nacional: 56,892  Regional II COPECO San Pedro Sula 16,667  Regional IV COPECO Comayagua 31,515  Regional V Olancho: 218  Regional VIII Distrito Central: 8,492" +241741,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In 2021, some 12.8 million people (3,274,974 men, 2,842,262 women, 6,675,853 children and 1,138,585 people with disability) are in need of protection assistance to prevent avoidable deaths and maintain their safety, dignity and rights." +150126,36723.0,1184.0,['Cross'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],es,121,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77597.pdf,"NECESIDADES BÁSICAS Para definir el contenido de la canasta básica, se consultó a todos los grupos focales: ¿Qué consideran como necesidades básicas en el hogar? a fin de conocer cuáles necesidades son consideradas como las más básicas por parte de la población en movilidad humana, y por ende, son priorizadas. De manera general, las personas indicaron que sus necesidades básicas son la alimentación, higiene, vestimenta, salud/medicinas, transporte, educación y vivienda. Sin embargo, cabe notar que los alimentos fueron la necesidad más nombrada en todos los grupos focales seguido por el alojamiento (arriendo y servicios básicos), y luego el acceso a salud y medicinas." +329489,54412.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Agriculture', 'Shelter']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],"['Casualties->Missing', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Casualties->Dead', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,115,['Priority Needs'],"['Displacement', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_cluster_sante_rdc_s14_ok.pdf,"[Ituri] Selon les évaluations UNIRR effectuées le 08 avril à Tchabi, quelque 7 440 PDI ont été enregistrées entre le 26 mars et 08 avril à Sikwaela, Bukima, Tchabi Centre et Bandikidede. Ce déplacement a été causé par les incursions de présumés ADF à Vido, Bwakadi et Kaina (Beni). Le bilan initial de ces incidents faisait état 4 civils tués, 15 personnes kidnappées, etc. Parmi ces déplacés, 1170 (234 ménages) retournés : - Ces personnes déplacées et retournées ont besoin d’une assistance en santé, abris, semences(retournées) pour relancer leurs activités agricoles." +125365,32724.0,1620.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,39,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ca5464en.pdf,"The risk of spread of disease is high due to the rise of the informal sector, the low resilience of the malnourished population, the large increase in human population and lack of investments in animal health." +438304,64539.0,1185.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,77,[],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"El grupo etario más amplio son los niños y niñas de 3 a 5 años en el nivel pre-escolar o inicial, representando el 31.5% del total del alumnado registrado. Después de ellos, la edad del 27.4% de niños y niñas oscila entre los 6 a 8 años y el 19% tiene entre 9 a 11 años. Finalmente, el 20.9% de matriculados tiene entre 12 a 17 años." +46317,15533.0,729.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,69,['Impact'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_report_areabasedassessment_aba_azzawya_jun2019.pdf,"The temporary closures of bakeries were also explained by power outages (3/8) and a diminished migrant workforce (2/8). According to baker KIs, migrants working in bakeries had been gradually leaving Libya between 2014 and 2017 due to the depreciation of the Libyan dinar, which led to a rise in salaries, as Libyans work on contracts that follow national wage laws." +475697,63295.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,96,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rpca_avis_pregec_cotonou-visio_17_18_juin2021_fr.pdf,"[Sahel et Afrique de l’Ouest] Elles [les hausses de prix alimentaires] sont en partie liées à la forte demande créée par les effets combinés de la crise sécuritaire, de la pandémie de la covid-19 et des tracasseries routières sur les principaux corridors des échanges commerciaux. A cela, il faut ajouter l’inflation qui sévit dans certains pays en raison des difficultés économiques liées notamment à la dépréciation des taux de change au Ghana, en Guinée, au Libéria, au Nigéria et en Sierra Leone" +401180,63037.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],fr,16,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note-info_5_kananga_juillet_2021.pdf,5 760 incidents de protection enregistrés entre janvier-juin 2021 dans la région (Cluster protection) +186030,43174.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,33,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/communique_de_presse_attaques_contre_humanitaires_06112020.pdf,"Notamment, depuis le 15 octobre, trois attaques ont été rapportées au Sud-Kivu visant des membres d’organisations non-gouvernementales au cours de leurs missions d’assistance aux plus vulnérables." +287919,51049.0,2028.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,92,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nw_syria_sitrep25_20210226.pdf,"[26 Feb, 2021, NWS] According to data from monthly nutrition surveillance and admission into programmes for treatment of acute malnutrition, the nutrition situation continues to deteriorate across northwest Syria with a 55 percent increase in cases of severe acute malnutrition (SAM) in January 2021 compared to January 2020. Similarly, the proxy prevalence of chronic malnutrition (stunting) in January 2021 increased by 5 percent compared to the same period in the year prior, affecting one-third of children aged 6-59 months." +114424,31708.0,1898.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']",[],[],es,72,[],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3642039,"El Gobierno, por medio del comisionado Presidencial para Proyectos de Juventud, Salvador Alas, y personal del Ministerio de Vivienda, entregó 400 cestas solidarias a familias del cantón Ayagualo, en Santa Tecla, La libertad. La entrega se realizó en medio de las dos emergencias decretadas por la pandemia de COVID-19 y por las fuertes lluvias tipo temporal que afectaron a El Salvador durante una semana." +313622,53333.0,2334.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,85,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Girls aged 10-17 have limited opportunities to engage in recreational and productive activities and education. Both adolescent girls’ groups 10-14 and 15-17 were reported to spend significant time browsing on the internet and watching television. With content that is not created for young people and that promotes harmful gender norms, it is perceived to promote early engagement in sexual activities – especially when young people are not given the tools to protect themselves and critically analyse the media they consume." +313982,54309.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],es,23,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Colombia_Evaluacion_Rapida_ECNI_Arauca_ESP.pdf,"En 41 grupos focales, o 82%, el acceso a SALUD y medicamentos fue priorizado por los participantes como necesidad principal" +339818,56060.0,2028.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,67,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/05/the-financial-prospects-of-reopening-nassib-border-crossing-has-syrian-regime-achieved-any/,"[May 13, overall Syria] In an interview withEnab Baladi, Abdul Hakim al-Masri, Minister of Finance and Economy of the Syrian Interim Government (SIG) believes that the Syrian regime is not counting on any economic gains achieved by the ongoing commercial transactions through the crossing. The Syrian regime mainly intends to achieve two goals far from the financial gains." +305043,51467.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,49,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"The most common aid most needed according to women (>=18years) was food assistance (23%), according to men (>=18 years) were food assistance and livelihood (16%) and according to children were education (32%)." +125140,32835.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,65,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77444.pdf,"El 76 % de los encuestados informó que la razón principal para salir de Venezuela fue la situación económica, el 10 % lo hizo por falta de alimentos, el 7 % adujo otras razones no especificadas, el 4 % salió por razones políticas, el 2 % tuvo una oferta de trabajo y el 1 % emigró para reunirse con su familia" +265065,49431.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Deaths'],en,30,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-in-bangladesh-daily-infection-rate-falls-to-265pc/64736,"[11th Feb 2021, Bangladesh] The mortality rate stood at 1.53 percent, according to a handout from the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS)." +218734,45568.0,2311.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,68,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/para-combatir-la-trata-instalaron-puesto-migratorio-en-amazonas/2333,"Espinosa denunció que en los últimos meses se han encontrado con que las redes de trata de personas ubicadas en el departamento Amazonas han decidido no solo tratar a menores de edad con fines de explotación sexual, sino que ahora les están apuntando a familias enteras, las cuales, con falsas promesas, son llevadas a territorio peruano, para trabajar en cultivos de coca." +9732,3786.0,321.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,151,['At Risk'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/derna_flash_update_no7_11june2018.pdf,"Despite reassurances by the LNA that civilians would be protected, civilians are still being affected by the conflict and there are reports of human rights violations. According to a local source, reportedly four children died during the week of 4-10 June from mortar bomb shelling. Furthermore, the Libyan Red Crescent Derna branch reported that it had recovered nine bodies from the clashes zone. As the LNA takes full control of Derna, there are concerns that human rights abuses (for civilians and fighters who have surrendered, laid down their weapons, are sick or wounded, or otherwise hors de combat) will likely increase, given the serious violations of human rights law and international humanitarian law that were documented during fighting for control of the eastern oil crescent and for parts of the city of Benghazi, in early 2017." +338397,55951.0,2225.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,62,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://preventepidemics.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/PERC-Finding-the-Balance-Part-III-12-May-2021.pdf,"[Survey conducted by phone with approximately 24,000 people across 19 Member States in five geographical regions in Africa, including DRC] Income loss and challenges accessing food were pervasive across all Member States surveyed. More than three quarters of all respondents (77%) reported losing some or all of their income since the start of the pandemic" +156215,36465.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,43,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/en-un-mes-mas-de-82000-venezolanos-han-renovado-el-permiso-especial-de-permanencia/2087,"Además, Migración Colombia reveló que el Certificado de Movimientos Migratorios ya se puede solicitar desde su página web. A la fecha, se ha entregado más de 3.000 constancias de salvoconducto de refugio y 50 duplicados de cédula de extranjería." +146643,34803.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,60,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Needs: To manage the threat of COVID-19, coordination and timely information sharing with partners will be critical to assist with partner operational decision-making and to ensure bottlenecks and the duplication of efforts are avoided. Ensuring the safety and health of staff working at the transshipment points by following WHO guidelines on mitigating COVID-19 risks at transshipment points" +301120,51958.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,80,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_devaluation_de_protection_des_retournes_tchadiens_de_la_rca_installes_dans_les_sites_au_sud_du_tchad_002.pdf,"Ces populations [Retournés Tchadien de RCA entre 2014 et 2017] ont abandonné leurs activités quotidiennes, tel que l’élevage et perdu une grande partie de leurs biens pendant la fuite. D’autres ont abandonné leurs activités de commerce et/ou cultures maraîchères. En plus de cette crise liée à la volatilité du contexte sécuritaire, se greffe aussi la conjoncture économique qui sévit dans cette région, depuis plusieurs années pour cette population." +294561,51749.0,2099.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],fr,83,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[commune de Comin-Yanga] En effet Il apparait qu’au sein de la communauté, la pratique de la défécation à l’air libre (DAL) est très courante. Lorsqu’elle se fait loin des habitations comme c’est souvent le cas cela peut présenter un risque d’incident de protection important. Elle constitue également un facteur de risque de transmission des maladies hydriques conséquent lorsqu’elle est pratiquée près des habitations." +224295,45394.0,2099.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,7,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,113 cas guéris du 03/12/2020 au 08/12/2020 +178452,41756.0,2225.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Malgré cette situation, le niveau de couverture de la prise en charge de la malnutrition aigüe modérée (MAM) et sévère (MAS) demeure limité. Près de 53 pour cent des zones de santé du pays ont accès à la prise en charge de la MAS et seulement 7 pour cent des zones de santé ont accès à la prise en charge des cas de MAM.138" +193926,43327.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,38,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_sectoriel_octobre.pdf,"En outre l’augmentation soudaine d’une demande de soins et de services d’urgences, les différentes morbidités causées par des traumatismes violents et l’insuffisance des plateaux techniques est très inquiétant." +173264,41059.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/2020/10/04/covid-19-23-die-1-125-new-cases-in-24hrs,"[4th October 2020, Bangladesh] The mortality rate against the total number of cases detected so far stands at 1.45%. The DGHS said 9,739 samples were collected from suspected Covid-19 patients in the last 24 hours." +164465,39777.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,50,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/grandi-concludes-syria-visit-pledge-maintain-assistance-most-vulnerable,"“The most pressing need is to respond and do more to combat the virus, including expanding the support to quarantine centers, enhancing testing capability and providing protective equipment to frontline and healthcare workers at public and university hospitals and UNHCR-funded community centers,” Grandi said." +148213,35158.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,52,"['Impact', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"RECOMMENDATIONS: Integrate psychosocial support in formal and non-formal education services - especially as governments prepare to re-open schools and other learning sites that have been closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic- by building capacities of teachers, counsellors, and care-workers to deliver PSS as an integral component of the curriculum" +19135,7822.0,730.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross']",[],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,68,[],['Humanitarian Access'],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_Jan_to_nov_2018.pdf,The humanitarian community faces several critical logistics challenges that hampers the delivery of relief items in and across the country. This includes: damaged road infrastructure; access disruptions to many parts of the country for staff and cargo; congestion at main entry points; unreliable and unpredictable access to fuel; substantial bureaucratic processes; and limited international shipping options by sea and air. +146016,34803.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,71,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"An orientation on International Health Regulations 2005 (IHR 2005) for COVID-19 was provided to Health Cluster partners. This followed previous orientation sessions organised for the COVID-19 Health Task Force by the Health Cluster lead agency. o On mental health aspects of COVID-19, a volunteer psychiatrist based in the United Kingdom is offering online training for eight Syrian psychiatrists and six resident psychiatrists in northwest Syria." +287154,51749.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Le dépôt pharmaceutique du CMA de Pouytenga est très petit, ce qui ne permet pas une bonne organisation dans l’enceinte du dépôt. Les conditions de stockage ne respectent pas les normes standards de gestion des stocks." +161532,39295.0,2028.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,48,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,"Most recently, 220,000 people were recorded to have returned to their homes or previous places of displacement to areas, mostly along the M4 and west of the M5 highways– areas in proximity to the frontlines that have witnessed increased levels of hostilities since early July." +161305,39528.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,46,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Le système de santé reste fortement impacté par la situation sécuritaire au Burkina Faso. Des attaques perpétrées contre le système de santé, intimidations et enlèvement des agents de santé, vols de médicaments, ont été rapportés durant le mois de juillet 2020." +266570,49773.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,33,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_HSOS-NWS_-January-2021.pdf,"[January 2021, NWS] KIs in 68% of communities where barriers to accessing electricity were reported, cited the high cost of fuel for generators as a common challenge." +157585,38893.0,2098.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,78,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/humanitarian_collaboration_and_coordination_in_bangladesh_2nd_draft_12_july_2020_kazi_hg.pdf,"▪ Support pre-service and in-service teacher training programs to ensure teachers are qualified and equipped to teach and support their students when schools reopen.Support local and national education authorities with improved tools for reliable data collection on school infrastructure damages to enable timely disbursement of Education in Emergency block funds. ▪ Before reopening the school, support ensuring policies and protocols for infection prevention and control in place to maintain a safe environment and prevent future outbreaks" +456629,58986.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,50,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.lemonde.fr/afrique/article/2021/07/08/en-rdc-les-autorites-inquietes-face-a-une-troisieme-vague-dominee-par-le-variant-delta_6087597_3212.html,"Selon Jean-Jacques Muyembe, le chef de la riposte congolaise, le variant Delta, identifié pour la première fois en Inde, est responsable de 84 % de ces nouveaux cas. Le variant Alpha anglais et le variant Bêta sud-africain ont également été repérés dans des échantillons." +314845,53183.0,2466.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"There is an inconsistent and inadequate distribution of soap across all locations, despite the need for it and hand washing, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. Women and girls of reproductive age have remained underserved, due to lack of personal hygiene items." +456634,58986.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,103,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.lemonde.fr/afrique/article/2021/07/08/en-rdc-les-autorites-inquietes-face-a-une-troisieme-vague-dominee-par-le-variant-delta_6087597_3212.html,"Avec ces nouvelles mesures, les contrôles de police se sont multipliés : ces dernières semaines, les vidéos d’arrestations musclées dans des bars ou des restaurants de la capitale congolaise ont été largement diffusées sur les réseaux sociaux. Des mesures répressives insuffisantes pour le personnel médical.« Quand je marche dans les quartiers, j’ai mal au cœur. Les gestes barrière ont été complètement abandonnés. J’ai envie de dire aux gens qu’on meurt du Covid-19 dans nos hôpitaux », soupire le docteur Lubanda, de l’hôpital Saint-Joseph." +307089,51467.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,18,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,More than 50 per cent of returnees also need emergency shelter and NFI support.(2020) +162640,36464.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,176,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/medicos-venezolanos-esperan-pronta-autorizacion-del-gobierno-para-ejercer-en-el-pais/2067,"Para ejercer su profesión en Colombia, el gastroenterólogo venezolano Johann Schloeter debió recorrer por más de un año un intrincado camino de trámites, requisitos y negativas y apilar documentos que, incluso, lo obligaron a regresar a su país a conseguirlos. Hoy, es uno más de los especialistas del Hospital Erasmo Meoz, en Cúcuta. Esa hazaña, sin embargo, les es esquiva a 1843 profesionales extranjeros de la salud que esperan pacientemente la convalidación de sus títulos. En total, acorde con el Ministerio de Educación, son 6921 trámites pendientes en carreras como ingeniería, docencia, periodismo y derecho, entre otras. Esas cifras podrían ser solamente la punta del iceberg respecto del número de profesionales preparados y listos para trabajar en Colombia, dice el abogado colombo-venezolano Daniel Carvajal. Explica que hay un desconocimiento muy grande acerca del procedimiento de convalidación de títulos en el país, lo que hace que los migrantes se abstengan si quiera de considerar el trámite." +291540,51259.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,15,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2020_access_annual_overview.pdf,The already strained access environment was negatively impacted by abnormal flooding and poor road conditions +242922,46388.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In addition to negative cultural beliefs, other barriers to girls’ education include verbal and physical harassment, limited availability of safe facilities and female teachers in schools, and a heavy burden of household work." +22531,9106.0,729.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"Concerning refugees and migrants in urban areas, in 69 per cent of the assessed mahalas, food was a priority need. In an assessment conducted by REACH in September 2018, 35 per cent of the refugees and migrants interviewed had a poor or borderline food consumption. Respondents from West Africa had a lower food consumption as well as respondents living in the South." +325796,54267.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,55,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"En outre, il existe des différences croissantes dans l’accès au financement en fonction de l’éducation et des revenus, ainsi que le fait que les femmes sont généralement moins susceptibles que les hommes d’avoir un compte bancaire (MAP, FinScope et FinMark Trust, 2017)." +144819,33070.0,1187.0,['Shelter'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,117,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Americas%20Update%20COVID%20%2313_3%20July.pdf,"Argentina: With the Southern Hemisphere winter starting in June, a campaign got underway to support refugees and migrants. Aimed at distributing 1,500 coat kits and 3,800 blankets to people spending their first winter season in Buenos Aires, the campaign is a joint e(cid:29)ort with four Venezuelan community organizations that managed to open 30 delivery points in greater Buenos Aires to reduce the distance people must travel to receive assistance. UNHCR has also designed a virtual tool that allows people to select the closest delivery point to their homes. With some 450 kits already handed out, the process will continue through the first week of July." +163051,37820.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,73,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/iom_rohingya_crisis_response_-_external_sitrep_-_july_2020.pdf,"Hygiene items distribution among host community in response to COVID 19; Manufacturing of doth masks, hand sanitizers, 2,289 face shields, 15 iron cots, 14 infrared thermometers, 100 pillows and 6,000 hand gloves to the District Commissioners office, UDMCs and Union Nirbahi officers (UNO) of Moheshkali Ramu, Cox’s Bazar, as well as volunteers form fire service and Community Health Teams." +342059,56493.0,2099.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,75,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"L’absence de contrôle de l’État sur l’ensemble d’un territoire qui laisse des espaces non gouvernés aux mains de groupes criminels transnationaux et de groupes terroristes. Les premières attaques avaient pour cibles les symboles de l’administration publique, les FDS et écoles qui symbolisaient à la fois l’Etat mais aussi l’éducation occidentale contraire aux prescriptions islamiques selon les groupes extrémistes violents" +307029,51572.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,61,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"World Vision constructed 80 HHs latrines in 2020, targeting only the PSN (Persons with Specific Needs). This means an average of minimum 400 people per latrines, where the SPHERE standard is 50 in case of emergency. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +341890,56644.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,75,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.sismamujer.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/MUJERES-DERECHOS-LABORALES-Y-EMERGENCIA-SANITARIA.docx.pdf,"Existe, para este sector, una necesidad de generar espacios donde las mujeres puedan desarrollar sus liderazgos36 y dar lugar a sus necesidades particulares como mujeres trabajadoras del sector hotelero y de restaurantes. Así mismo, es necesaria la construcción de planes de prevención del acoso en estos escenarios, para que se facilite el reconocimiento y prevención de estas formas de violencia y la activación de las rutas de atención respectivas." +177331,41093.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",[],['Context->Economy'],es,49,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"En agosto, el Índice de Confianza Comercial (ICCO) se ubicó en 13,8% lo que representa una reducción de 15,3 pps frente al mismo mes en 2019. Por su parte, frente al mes anterior, el ICCO registró un incremento de 6,7 pps." +16344,6355.0,322.0,"['Nutrition', 'Cross', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,90,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/181002%20YEMEN%20HODEIDAH%20CHOLERA%20CASES%20SURGE.pdf,"The humanitarian crisis in Yemen is widely acknowledged as the worst in the world. According to UNICEF, 22.2 million people – including 11.3 million children – are in need of humanitarian assistance. Sixty per cent of the country’s population is hungry, including 8.4 million acutely food insecure people who do not know where their next meal will come from, half of them children under 18 years. An estimated 400,000 children under the age of five are suffering from severe acute malnutrition." +170440,40462.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Environment']",fr,49,['At Risk'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"En plus de ces deux groupes spécifiques, nous pouvons mentionner les ménages qui se sont déplacés en pleine saison hivernale laissant derrière eux leurs champs et qui ne bénéficient pas d’aide alimentaire notamment les ménages déplacés dans de Diapangou, Tibga, Diabo et Yamba." +144253,35186.0,1187.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,84,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3657214,"Of particular concern was the need to maintain essential services within the COVID-19 context, such as vaccination, mental health, maternal and child health, reproductive and sexual health, as well as continuous care for people with chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, chronic lung disease, diabetes and HIV. PAHO/WHO also helped develop specific protocols for high-risk populations, including older people, those with chronic conditions, as well as populations in vulnerable situations." +61670,18356.0,1184.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],es,39,[],['Context'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://www.elcomercio.com/actualidad/migracion-venezolanos-mies-crisis-humanitaria.html,"Para Ecuador, brindarles atención en salud y educación, además de seguridad e inclusión económica y social, representó USD 76 823 009 el año pasado, de acuerdo con el Informe gubernamental sobre laEmergencia Migratoria Venezolana." +304042,51467.0,2335.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Protection']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,68,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"By November 2020, the sites in Bor, Juba and Wau were transitioned, with Bentiu and Malakal PoC sites planned to transition in 2021. The re-designation of the PoC sites poses several protection concerns related to security, access to justice and rule of law, due to limited trust between the government and local populations, based on historical, ethnic and political reasons" +338315,55951.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,93,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://preventepidemics.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/PERC-Finding-the-Balance-Part-III-12-May-2021.pdf,"[Survey conducted by phone with approximately 24,000 people across 19 Member States in five geographical regions in Africa, including DRC] While the PERC survey found vaccine acceptance was encouragingly high, these findings coincide with a period where most respondents did not yet have access to vaccines or much information about the specific vaccines rolling out in the region. Furthermore, recent news about vaccine side-effects is likely to have eroded vaccine confidence. Acceptance patterns clearly vary among countries and may also vary sub-nationally by region or district" +390070,61349.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,42,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://news.un.org/es/story/2021/07/1493952,"Los indígenas con COVID-19 optaron por no ir al centro de salud ni permitieron ser remitidos al Hospital de Leticia, en la capital del departamento, pues se extendió la creencia que eso significaba ir a morir lejos de casa." +170643,40462.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,58,[],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,L’incident le plus violent du mois a été l’attaque du marché de bétail à Namoungou le 07 aout 2020 à 30 km à l’est de la ville de Fada. Cet incident coûté la vie à 21 personnes (toutes des civils) et a causé la blessure de 40 personnes. +164171,39714.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Local Response'],[],es,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,73% evitó salir a eventos sociales y lugares concurridos. 70% evitó saludos de beso y apretón de manos. 69% acató inmediatamente el aislamiento preventivo obligatorio del gobierno. +388544,60980.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,26,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/informe_de_emergencias_humanitarias_reportadas_elc_enero_junio_2021.pdf,"En el primer semestre de 2021, al menos 6 desplazamientos masivos tuvieron lugar en Argelia, en dónde al meno 3.140 personas fueron afectadas." +238906,46388.0,2336.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"An analysis of several assessment findings shows that the highest numbers of children in need of emergency education are in Kabul, Nangarhar, Hilmand, Kandahar, Kunduz, Khost, Faryab, Baghlan, Paktika, Hirat, Uruzgan, Balkh, Takhar, Badghis, and Jawzjan provinces." +327031,54714.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,91,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,"[HEALTH LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 37% of the households of non-IDP settlements reported that it takes less than 15 minutes to reach to the nearest health facility by foot while 27%, 18%of the households of non-IDP settlements reported it takes 15-30 minutes, 30-60minutes to reach to the nearest health facility by foot respectively. Only 5% of the households of non-IDP settlements reported that it takes more than 3 hours to reach to the nearest health facility by foot ." +181180,42386.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,59,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_RMU_October-2020_vfinal.pdf,"En l’absence d’assistance alimentaire, les récoltes en cours restent insuffisantes pour éviter une insécurité alimentaire aigue Crise (Phase 3 de l’IPC) entre octobre et mai dans les provinces du Soum, du Sanmatenga et du Séno dans lesquelles les PDIs représentent au moins 20 pour cent de la population." +59601,17198.0,1224.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,Two families had arrived earlier the said day of the team’s visit and expect that at least 10 more will join them in Yarakita in the coming days. Shelters are needed for these newly arriving families. +313620,53333.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"About 34% of girls who participated in GES reported that it was ‘never’ their decision to decide when to get married while 24% also said that they ‘seldom’ did with 6% saying ‘sometimes’, 27% often and 10% always." +264585,49669.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,31,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://colombia.as.com/colombia/2021/02/20/actualidad/1613846806_672285.html,"10. Designar equipos de las secretarías de salud del ente territorial, responsables de aplicar el testeo a todas las personas al momento del ingreso a los espacios escolares." +22060,9036.0,729.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,53,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/impact_lby_so_refugees_and_migrants_access_to_food_wash_shelter_november_2018.pdf,"As of October 2018, the United Nations (UN) estimates that 798,000 individuals are in need of humanitarian assistance in Libya. Of them, 412,000 are refugees and migrants,1 including individuals who are in Libya primarily to work and individuals who aim to transit to Europe from Libyan shores." +320703,52949.0,2331.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,34,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"According to the Joint Multii cluster Need Assssment(JMCNA ) 2020, over half of all IDPs reportedly face challenges in terms of access to WASH services like soap and handwashing facilities." +149234,36019.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,28,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"All civilians, displaced and resident population, living in northwest Syria have been impacted by the economic downturn. Those in displacement may be disproportionately impacted." +160372,35728.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],es,56,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no_6_covid-19_choco_vf.pdf,". Preocupa la falta de condiciones de bioseguridad del personal médico y administrativo asociado en términos de disponibilidad de EPP, la necesidad de capacitación sobre el uso adecuado de estos elementos y formación en el manejo de las 142 UCI que serán equipadas, de acuerdo con el Plan de Respuesta de COVID departamental." +178273,41756.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Education', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,114,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Dans les zones affectées par des violences, les infrastructures de bases existantes (eau et assainissement, santé, éducation) sont souvent détruites ou endommagées. Certaines écoles et centres de santé sont aussi occupés par des groupes armés ou utilisés comme lieu d’hébergement par les déplacés et retournés. Environ 5 pour cent des déplacés vivant dans des sites sont ainsi abrités dans des écoles.89 Par ailleurs, les structures sanitaires et scolaires sont également parfois prises pour cible par les groupes armés, notamment dans les provinces de l'Ituri et du Nord-Kivu, où les attaques étaient principalement associées à la riposte contre l’épidémie MVE." +493587,61216.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,24,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/humanitarian-situation-overview-syria-hsos-northeast-syria-june-2021,"[June 2021, NES]71% % of communities where KIs reported that not all households had access to sufficient water." +194574,43822.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",es,43,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Context']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19112020_flash_update_no.3_emergencias_por_ola_invernal_-_colombia_vf.pdf,"Por parte de la Presidencia de la República se emitió el Decreto N°1472 del 18 de noviembre de 2020 en donde se declara la situación de desastre departamental en el Archipiélago de San Andrés, Providencia y Santa Catalina y Sus Cayos." +41654,14575.0,729.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",[],[],en,63,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/2019/06/190611-Flash-Update---Floods.pdf,"Immediate needs were provided by the Libyan Red Crescent, national and local authorities, and sectors’ partners operational in the region. After the initial first days and with the immediate shelter and food needs covered, needs are shifting from household lifesaving to community level basic service provision. Needs pertaining to refugees and migrants need to be identified." +195735,44016.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,41,[],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN27X227,"The Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), an armed group active in eastern Congo since the 1990s, have increased attacks on civilians in the region since the army launched a fresh offensive against the militia in October 2019." +96509,26816.0,1621.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,51,[],['Context'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/course-coronavirus-pandemic-across-libya-depends-silencing-guns,"The conflict is taking a heavy toll on Libya’s already struggling economy. An oil blockade imposed on 17 January has results in more than $4 billion in financial losses, while funds that should be going into critical infrastructure are being redirected to the war effort." +317614,52949.0,2331.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross', 'Shelter']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"IDP sites in Somalia face routine threats such as forced eviction and overcrowding which undermines living conditions in sites.s. Overcrowding of IDP sites exacerbates risks of fire, flooding, GBV and child rights violations, and disease outbreaks/COVID19 transmission." +235369,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In the last 10 years, more than 7,000 people have lost their lives because of earthquakes in Afghanistan, with an average of 560 fatalities per year." +172120,40587.0,2225.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,47,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SOUTHERN%20AFRICA_Food_Security_Outlook_%20June%202020_%20Final.pdf,"Throughout the projection period, formal and informal employment were significantly affected resulting in loss of income, especially among urban households. In the rural areas, the impacts of COVID-19 on food security were slow partly because of the contribution of the 2020 harvest." +314695,53183.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,61,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"The inclusion of refugees in the national development programmes and access to local infrastructures, as well as the strengthening of education, health, nutrition and water, sanitation and hygiene (WaSH) conditions are critical to ensure the capacity of local service systems to absorb and respond to the increasing needs of the refugee and host communities." +313332,53183.0,2466.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,92,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"The Shelter/NFI Sector in Sudan faced various challenges in 2020; COVID-19: in 2020, one of the major challenges was COVID-19 pandemic. The measures taken by the Sudanese government in March had consequences (borders closure, movement restriction, curfew, lockdown) on response. Some activities were affected as the risks were high – physical distancing and adequate PPE and sanitary measures were not possible. Some specific measures were taken to limit the risks (masks, small groups of beneficiaries, physical distancing)" +410317,63222.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,130,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_mvam_bulletin_57_july_2021.pdf,"[Syria, July] In July 2021, more than one out of four interviewed households in Syria (28 percent) indicated that they had lost one or more sources of income over the past month, with a higher proportion recorded among returnees (33 percent) and IDPs (29 percent) compared to residents (27 percent). This was the case even among interviewed breadwinners nationwide who had a university degree (19 percent). In addition, one out of five interviewed households across Syria (20 percent) reported having lost more than half of their monthly income in July 2021, with peaks rec- orded in Rural Damascus (26 percent) and Homs (24 percent)." +161800,38960.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,39,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/proposal-gender-responsive-humanitarian-response-to-the-covid-19-pandemic-en.pdf,"UN Women has launched a series of prevention campaigns, placing women as central campaign figures to combat the spread of COVID-19. This has been done in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cameroon and Democratic Republic of Congo." +35521,13057.0,788.0,['Nutrition'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Demography'],en,156,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000105395.pdf,"Adolescent women (15 – 19 years) were 6 times more likely (17.8 percent) to be malnourished compared to counterparts aged 20 – 49 years(2.7 percent). The trend was consistent across all domains where there were at least, three times more adolescents aged 15 – 19 years that were malnourished compared to adult counterparts aged 20 – 49 years. The domains with the highest proportion of malnourished adolescents of reproductive age were Northern Borno (28.6 percent), Northern Yobe A (25.3 percent), Northern Yobe B (21.5 percent), Southern Yobe (21.5 percent), Central Yobe (19.0 percent) and Central Borno B (19.0 percent). However, the prevalence of adult women aged 20 – 49 years across all domains in Yobe was higher compared to counterparts in neighboring states of Borno and Yobe." +163470,36042.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,37,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/failure-renew-un-cross-border-resolution-tomorrow-will-be-catastrophic,"Without the border access, many NGOs will be unable to carry out their activities thus creating “a vacuum of service delivery and putting upwards of a million people at risk of acute food insecurity." +173956,41035.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,74,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_september_2020_0.pdf,"As of 27th September 2020, a total of 1,051 confirmed cases have been recorded including 60 deaths, 28 active cases and 963 (92%) recoveries in the three states. In Borno, 1 confirmed case was reported for week 39 and there was no death recorded. 2 patients were discharged. 23 samples were collected in week 39. Total initial samples tested so far stands at 10,764" +48500,16403.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Afectación psicosocial asociada a la migración (ruptura de redes familiares, condiciones de tránsito y llegada, conflictos sociales que potencian brotes de xenofobia y discriminación; competencia por acceso servicios de salud y otros)." +178055,40661.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Economy'],fr,56,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Le pays peut compter sur une disponibilité des denrées alimentaires sur le marché globalement stable, un nombre élevé de commerçants et la proximité des sources d’approvisionnement en dépit d’un manque des structures de stockage, de routes à l’état délabré et d’un accès difficile au crédit." +485681,65398.0,1185.0,"['Education', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,89,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Se identificaron dificultades con los colegios profesionales en el caso de algunas carreras que tienen requerimientos especiales para ejercer la profesión estudiada. El colegio profesional de médicos, por ejemplo, pasó de solicitar el reconocimiento del título de médico a la revalidación del título como requisito para colegiarse. Además, se les exige contar con el PTP o el carné de extranjería. Esta situación complejiza las posibilidades de trabajar de acuerdo a las cualificaciones del migrante, debido a los altos costos del procedimiento." +244549,47907.0,2425.0,['Health'],[],[],en,139,[],[],Lebanon Situation Analysis,2021-01-25 12:39:46.093809+00,,"On the 5th of February 2020, LRC transported the first COVID-19 mission, and until this day through 48 responding EMS stations and 1,607-trained EMTs, LRC has succeeded in transporting 7,314 suspected and confirmed COVID-19 patients to hospitals. The number of COVID-19 missions increased post the Beirut blast in August whereby the number reached up 4,061 in comparison to 3,372 missions during February 5 and August 3. In addition, 166 volunteers have been trained on PCR transportation, and until the end of October, 53,398 PCR tests have been transported from and to hospitals across the 8 Lebanese governorates. Since February 2020, EMTs have used up to 5,702 advanced COVID-19 kits and 56,635 intermediate ones; a total of 62,337, half of which were consumed between August and October." +307016,51467.0,2335.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,27,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"A functional and properly resourced school should have nutrition, protection, water and sanitation facilities to ensure a child can learn in a safe environment." +255418,48602.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,126,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Whole%20of%20Syria%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20-%20End-of-year%202020.pdf,"[1Jan-31Dec 2020, Overall Syria] According to a socio-economic impact assessment, only 4.5 per cent of surveyed households indicated that their children had access to e-learning platforms during the school closures while about 70 per cent used at least one form of distance learning as of April/May 2020. Sadly, due to the above-mentioned reasons, child-labour reportedly increased by about seven per cent, and children with disabilities suffered a dramatic decline in access to rehabilitation programmes, physiotherapy and psychosocial counselling. In September 2020, through the Child Protection Area of Responsibility for northwest Syria – about 82 per cent of interviewed key informants reported that children are engaged in child labour that prevents them from attending school." +453867,63974.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,71,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_20210630-Rapport-Protection-Trimestriel.pdf,"La menace des engins explosifs constitue une préoccupation majeure au Burkina Faso, autant pour les Forces de Défense et de Sécurité (FDS) que pour les populations civiles. En effet, elle contribue à l’exacerbation des vulnérabilités existantes du fait de la crise humanitaire et nuit à la sécurité des populations, en plus d’entraver l’accès aux services sociaux de base." +147701,35158.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,82,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"• Inside Syria, two thirds of children are in public schools. However, the quality of education is affected by a lack of basic teaching and learning materials, unsafe spaces and teachers who are not trained in addressing learning challenges of children affected by psycho-emotional stress or trauma. If we are to provide Syrian children with the skills to have a better future, we need to reinvest in schools and teachers to rebuild the education system." +169907,40360.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,51,[],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Assassinats : Le 01 Août 2020 dans la commune Markoye Homicide sur un civil du village de Tokabangou par les FDS pour suspicion de complicité avec les GANI. Le 03 Août 2020 dans la commune de Markoye, assassinat d’un civil par les GANI pour des raisons inconnues" +172545,40367.0,2099.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,35,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"• UNICEF has signed a partnership with the Réseau des radios de proximité du Sahel (RAPS) to scale up social and behaviour change, community engagement and accountability interventions in the Sahel region" +454109,64250.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,195,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.mediacongo.net/article-actualite-89775_covid_19_la_france_place_la_rd_congo_en_zone_rouge.html,"La France vient de classer la RDC, en « rouge » à cause d’une « circulation active du coronavirus » ainsi que « la présence de variant préoccupant » dans le pays. [..] Les autorités françaises n’autorisent les voyages en provenance des « pays rouges » qu’en cas de « motifs impérieux ». Les vacanciers et les touristes ne peuvent donc pas se rendre dans l’Hexagone. Et pour ceux qui ont le droit de voyager, il faut en plus présenter un test de dépistage négatif avant d’embarquer. Un autre test est réalisé à l'arrivée en France et une quarantaine de 7 ou 10 jours doit être observée suivant si les personnes sont vaccinées ou non. [..] depuis le 26 juin, la RDC est également considérée comme un « pays à très haut risque » par les autorités belges. Les voyages vers la Belgique hors motifs impérieux sont interdits. Lorsqu’ils sont autorisés, vaccinés ou non, une quarantaine de 10 jours et plusieurs tests de dépistages sont obligatoires." +182492,42270.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,27,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep21_20201020.pdf,[20th October NWS] The devaluation of the SYP intensifies the precarious economic situation and is worsened by the impacts of COVID-19 on communities and markets +2189,473.0,322.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Context->Politics', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,36,['Impact'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://www.reuters.com/article/us-yemen-famine-un-factbox/factbox-could-yemen-face-the-largest-famine-in-decades-idUSKBN1D927I,Dozens of ships carrying food and supplies to Yemen have been stopped since 2015 by warships belonging to Saudi Arabia and its allies seeking to stop arms reaching Houthi fighters seeking to overthrow the government. +214267,45385.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"L’accès des organisations humanitaires dans ces arrondissements [Fotokol, Makary, Hile Alifa et Darack] est rendu très difficile en raison de la dégradation des pistes liée au début de la saison pluvieuse." +305396,51474.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"In Tonj North, Warrap, cattle-related conflicts in the second half of December 2020 and January 2021 occurred mostly between Kirik- and Noi-allied communities." +292352,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,13,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,Epidémies de Rougeole dans les régions du Nord et de l’Extrême-Nord +341753,56493.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Protection', 'Shelter']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,150,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Pour ce qui concerne le cas spécifique des litiges fonciers, les échecs enregistrés par les parties plaignantes sont imputables le plus souvent à l’absence de documents justifiant l’appartenance de la propriété foncière (titres fonciers). L’indisponibilité des titres de propriété foncière expose les populations locales à une impuissance dans la revendication de leurs droits en justice. Les acquéreurs qui, eux, comprennent mieux les enjeux autour des questions foncières ainsi que les différentes procédures s’entourent de toutes les garanties pour une acquisition légale de titres fonciers qui protègent ainsi leurs propriétés. Cela donne le sentiment aux populations rurales que cette situation découle de leur situation économique défavorable, qui les empêche de disposer d’un traitement équitable en matière de justice, et qui, de ce fait, crée un sentiment de frustration." +294775,51749.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH', 'Shelter', 'Food Security']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,103,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[Gounghin] Il n’y avait pas de problème structurel identifié avant la crise si ce n’est un niveau de pauvreté plutôt généralisé. Désormais l’augmentation démographique a mis sous pression les ressources et plusieurs besoins prioritaires ont été identifiés par les communautés dans le cadre des groupes de discussion : (1) abris et Articles Ménagers non essentiel; (2) sécurité alimentaire et moyens d’existence (AME) ; (3) une amélioration de la situation en eau, hygiène et assainissement ; (4) santé et soins primaires" +205598,44672.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,111,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"As per UNDP [UN Development Programme] and UNICEF estimates increase in poverty rate and MPI [Multi-dimensional Poverty Index] are likely to reach double digits (respectively around 11-13 percentage points) during COVID-19 pandemic. Under this condition, the most promising universal benefit can be to grant a social pension to the elderly. In terms of more targeting measures, a promising measure may be public works for poor households in poor regions. Income support programs for a period of 6 moths targeting only IDPs, only returnees or only unemployed as per official statistics would fall within the Government’s budget." +309758,51467.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,46,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Owing to resource constraints, since 2015, refugees have been receiving 70 per cent of the standard ration size. The food assistance gap translates into inadequate dietary intake for most refugees who have limited access to additional sources of food and livelihood opportunities." +198739,44313.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,58,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_294_20201119.pdf,"Un briefing a été organisé à l’intention des Responsables scolaires sur l’appropriation de la CREC, PCI et Surveillance à base scolaire avec comme thème : « Sensibilisation sur la lutte contre la Covid-19 dans les milieux scolaires » avec l’appui de IMA/ADRA dans la ZS de MONT-NGAFULA II à KINSHASA." +161512,39535.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,77,['Impact'],"['Shock/Event', 'Humanitarian Access', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Geographical coverage remains challenging due to the added difficulties in access to the some areas most affected by the attacks. Multiple displacement and already there have been experiences of beneficiaries of emergency shelters that had to dismantle, transport and reinstall the shelter in a safer area. Access to adequate land represent one of the key challenges and some displaced population have already experienced a relocation due to flooding damages in their previous land." +305324,51474.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,23,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"Central Equatoria remained the key hotspot for conflict -related sexual violence, accounting for 53 per cent of the 11 incidents reported." +167656,40056.0,2170.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,39,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20COUNTRY%20BRIEF%20NIGERIA%20JULY%202020.pdf,"The spread of COVID-19 in Nigeria imposes multiple challenges for WFP food assistance operations, including accessing urban populations in need, and restrictions on movement of WFP and cooperating partner staff, transporters and financial service providers." +287106,51749.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,114,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Par manque d’infrastructures donc, les ménages PDI pratiquent la défécation à l’air libre ce qui nuit à la bonne cohésion entre les communautés et est un facteur de risque important pour la transmission de maladies hydriques. A titre d’exemple la commune de Pouytenga concentre à elle seule 28 des 44 (soit 63%) des cas de dengues recensés dans la région du Centre Est. Alors même que la Dengue est peu répandue dans les régions limitrophes (57 cas pour la totalité du Centre-Nord ; 02 dans le Centre-Sud ; 12 dans l’Est et 19 dans le Plateau Central)." +270203,50227.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],es,69,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"A situación COVID-19 Colombia. Corte 24 de febrero 10:00pm. Con base en los datos publicados en: A la fecha Colombia reporta 2.237.542 casos (3.953 casos nuevos en las últimas 24h) con un incremento nacional del 0,2% en las últimas 24h y 59.260 defunciones (142 en las últimas 24 Horas) con un aumento nacional del 0,2% en las últimas 24h." +261017,49454.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,72,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.emro.who.int/syr/syria-news/update-on-covid-19-vaccination-in-syria.html,"[February 16, Syria]Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization(GAVI), in return, on 3 February 2021 has acknowledged and expressed the intent to provide initially one million twenty thousand doses of Astra Zenica SII (AZ SII) vaccines[2], to cover the first 3% of the population (targeted high-risk groups), including the population in the north-east." +292887,51786.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,74,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/estatuto-de-proteccion-no-fomenta-la-competencia-desleal-de-los-venezolanos/2540,"El ente migratorio se comprometió a seguir vigilando los procesos de contratación de extranjeros, para garantizar que los mismos se hagan de acuerdo a la legislación colombiana, y aseguró que en este escenario el ciudadano colombiano y extranjero tendrán la posibilidad de competir en igualdad de condiciones, aplicando las respectivas sanciones administrativas como ya se ha hecho con 100 empleadores que buscan sacar provecho de la vulnerabilidad de los migrantes." +393649,62284.0,2170.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security', 'WASH']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,73,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"[7th Apr 2021, Borno State] Affected population should be supported with food assistance and cash vouchers to be able to meet their needs.  There is need for case management to support survivors of GBV both women and girls. Provisions of dignity kits to women and girls and also hygiene kits to improve their hygiene practices.  WASH facilities should be provided to the affected population." +405396,63222.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,65,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_mvam_bulletin_57_july_2021.pdf,"[Syria, July] On 7 July 2021, the Ministry of Internal Trade and Consumer Protection increased the liter price of Octane 95 gasoline from 2,500 SYP to 3,000 SYP. This represents the third rise in Octane 95 gasoline prices since January 2021. Also, the liter price of the subsidized diesel has been increased from 187 SYP to 500 SYP" +274520,50587.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],fr,59,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MENSUEL%20DE%20PROTECTION%20JANVIER%202021-NORD.pdf,L’accès aux services de santé sur certains sites accueillants les personnes déplacées internes a été amélioré grâce à l’intervention de certains acteurs humanitaire comme Médecin Sans frontières à travers les équipes mobiles. Cependant des efforts supplémentaires sont nécessaires pour accompagner les PDIs qui sont dans les zones non desservies par ces équipes. I +177045,41752.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,61,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"D’après les personnes interrogées, un niveau de connaissance élevé sur le virus peut expliquer l’application de ces mesures considérées comme étant les plus importantes. Ce haut degré de respect des mesures fait écho à l’étude de la Fondation Hirondelle qui souligne que 69% des personnes interrogées se lavent régulièrement les mains." +160609,35777.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],[],[],es,35,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3658037,"Durante tres días, la Unidad para las Victimas realizó la entrega de kits de alimentos en la subregión del Nordeste antioqueño, beneficiando a 800 familias que han sido víctimas del conflicto armado." +274536,50587.0,2099.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,36,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MENSUEL%20DE%20PROTECTION%20JANVIER%202021-NORD.pdf,"(Nord) Les services déconcentrés tels que les écoles, les mairies, préfectures, police restent toujours fermer à Banh, à Sollé et une partie de Ouindigui pendant la période sous revue." +165507,39922.0,2170.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,46,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.channelstv.com/2020/09/24/111-new-covid-19-cases-recorded-as-fg-begins-distribution-of-palliatives-worth-n10-9-billion/,"President Buhari noted that the government has established a N500 billion fiscal stimulus package and sustained delivery of humanitarian and social interventions to poor and vulnerable households, while our Central Bank has launched a N3.5 trillion-stimulus package to boost manufacturing and facilitate import substitution." +160799,38029.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syriadirect.org/news/mapping-coronavirus-in-syria-unofficial-cases-and-hot-spots/,"The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) case-load in Syria has significantly spiked in the last month, reaching 2,118 cases and 89 deaths across the country at the time of publishing." +238296,46388.0,2336.0,[],[],[],en,14,[],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,An estimated 80 per cent of girls with disabilities are out of school. +161556,39295.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,12,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,"25,000 masks provided for student exams in Idleb and Aleppo countryside." +150079,32165.0,1388.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",[],[],es,87,[],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/74589.pdf,"Aunado a lo anterior, la persona empresaria muchas veces no contrata o establece relación comercial con estas personas, pues tiene la percepción (inclusive temor) de que la persona refugiada o solicitante de refugio no permanezca mucho tiempo en el país y, por lo tanto, para la persona empresaria representa un riesgo en contratarla o firmar un acuerdo comercial, capacitarla e invertir tiempo y recursos que luego se perderían en caso que la persona refugiada no permanezca en Costa Rica." +236205,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Displaced households headed by a person with a disability were found to suffer from higher levels of debt, reported having felt distressed at higher levels than other households, and indicated that this distress directly impacts their ability to work." +174190,38392.0,1899.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],es,42,[],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ALC%20post%20COVID-19%20-%20Retos%20y%20oportunidades%20para%20pa%C3%ADses%20de%20Centroam%C3%A9rica%2C%20Hait%C3%AD%2C%20M%C3%A9xico%2C%20Panam%C3%A1%2C%20y%20Rep%C3%BAblica%20Dominicana.pdf,"En Guatemala, se aprobó el Fondo de Protección de Capitales (US$30 millones) y el Fondo de Capital Trabajo (US$350 millones), individuales, profesionales, empresas, cooperativas de ahorro y crédito." +214280,45385.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,67,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Depuis le début de l’année 2020, on constate une augmentation des mouvements de populations fuyant réactivement ou préventivement les agressions répétées d’éléments de groupes armés non-étatiques (GANE) en particulier dans les arrondissements de Mora, Kolofata et Mayo Moskota qui accueillent de nombreux sites de personnes déplacées internes (PDIs) dans les arrondissements abritant les sites de PDIs." +142204,35870.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,56,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"In NES, following the announcement of four new cases, local authorities reinstated a partial curfew. This includes the banning of all mass gatherings, including weddings and funerals, and restaurants to be only allowed for take-away. Authorities also emphasized the importance of personal preventive measures, such as physical distancing." +313178,53183.0,2466.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,52,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"Other gaps include capacity to provide PSS, PFA, identify and respond to the basic needs of most vulnerable individuals, families, counseling and legal assistance, timely food distribution to the newly displaced families, basic services, NFIs/ shelter, adequate health service, water and livelihood." +412979,63086.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,108,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_07_14_MSF%20RDC_RAPPORT%20VIOLENCES%20SEXUELLES%20%28FR%29%281%29.pdf,"Les équipes de MSF observent que les mouvements militaires et les changements de contrôle de territoires entraînent souvent une augmentation des violences sexuelles. Au cours du deuxième trimestre de 2020, une situation de ce type s’est déroulée sur l’axe Mugunga-Sake-Parc des Virunga, d’où proviennent 85% des victimes de violences sexuelles soignées dans les structures soutenues par MSF à Goma. Le nombre de victimes ayant reçu un traitement médical a triplé entre le premier et le second semestre, passant de 142 patients (entre janvier et juin) à 520 (entre juillet et décembre)." +193966,43819.0,2330.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,20,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020%20Hurricanes%20Sit%20Rep%204.pdf,"The back-to-back storms are of particular concern for Honduras’ economy, where half the population reported food insecurity." +390806,60791.0,1186.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,38,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Las regiones que más crecieron en términos absolutos respecto de 2018 son: Metropolitana, que adicionó 123.033 personas, Valparaíso, que aumentó en 18.475 casos, y Antofagasta, con un incremento de 10.570 personas." +473022,63732.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2f4004e6/REACH_BFA_Factsheet_Abri-AME-et-LTB_Pouytenga_juillet-2021.pdf,"les communautés déplacées s’installent souvent dans des secteurs caractérisés par des conditions socioéconomiques très précaires, et s’implantent sans autorisation ou propriété sur les terres. En résulte une importante pression sur les conditions de logement et d'accès à la terre dans les zones d’accueil." +47371,16259.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],[],en,40,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.unwomen.org/en/news/stories/2019/7/feature-ensuring-public-services-for-venezuelan-migrant-women,"The project, now active in the cities of Maicao, Barranquilla, Soledad and Cartagena, is part of the UN system response in Colombia and has also facilitated dialogues between Venezuelan and Colombian women’s movements." +234976,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']","['Context->Economy', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,29,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Almost one in five displaced households were found to have taken on catastrophic levels of debt, mainly to cover immediate food, healthcare and shelter related needs." +16331,6355.0,322.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,81,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/181002%20YEMEN%20HODEIDAH%20CHOLERA%20CASES%20SURGE.pdf,"The rise in suspected cases in Hodeidah follows a dramatic increase in fighting between the Houthis and forces backed by the Saudi- and Emirati-led Coalition since June. Between 26 and 28 July, airstrikes resulted in the damage of a sanitation facility and water station that supplies Hodeidah with most of its water. After this incident, suspected cholera cases almost doubled between July (732) and August (1,342) in Save the Childrensupported health centres." +79059,21860.0,729.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,118,[],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/09.30.19%20-%20USAID-DCHA%20Libya%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%232.pdf,"UNSMIL and relief actors have expressed alarm over an increase in shelling and air strikes against airports in western Libya. On September 1, the UN Humanitarian Air Service suspended flights to Tripoli’s Mitiga Airport—the only operational airport in the city for civilians and the delivery of humanitarian assistance—after authorities closed it following an airstrike that injured four civilians and damaged the airport’s infrastructure; the incident was the seventh airstrike on Mitiga Airport since July. Additionally, an airstrike struck Zuwara airport, a civilian facility located in northwest Libya’s An Nuqat Al Khams District, on August 15, causing damage to the airport’s infrastructure." +177709,41774.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,419,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"Article 5 : Des mesures sanitaires Les Chefs et responsables de toutes les institutions, tant nationales que provinciales, sont tenus de prendre des dispositions sanitaires idoines pour mettre leurs membres et personnels ainsi que l’ensemble de la population à l’abri de toute contamination ou de toute propagation de la contamination au Coronavirus, Covid-19. Tous les services de la santé publique sont requis pour assurer la vulgarisation et veiller à l’efficacité des mesures à appliquer. Aux fins d’éviter la propagation de l’épidémie et de garantir la santé publique, sont autorisées, sous la Coordination de la Cellule de riposte contre le Covid-19, des mesures ayant notamment pour objet : 1. Le contrôle sanitaire systématique de toute personne entrant sur le territoire national et de celle au départ des villes, en particulier de la Capitale vers les autres provinces du pays ; 2. Les postes d’entrée maritime, fluviale, lacustre et terrestre du territoire national sont dotés du même dispositif de surveillance pour renforcer le contrôle des passagers en provenance de l’étranger ; 3. Le Gouvernement est instruit de trouver les moyens de ravitailler les agglomérations à grande affluence où le manque d’eau et d’électricité est quasi permanent, pour assurer l’hygiène ; de multiplier les points de lavage des mains dans les aéroports du pays et appuyer les équipes de la Régie des Voies Aériennes (RVA) et de la Direction Générale des Migrations (DGM) pour que nul n’échappe au contrôle d’hygiène ; 4. La mise en quarantaine de quatorze (14) jours maximums des personnes présentant les symptômes de Covid-19 et susceptibles d’être affectées par le Coronavirus ; 5. Le placement et le maintien en isolement, à leur domicile ou tout autre lieu d’hébergement adapté, des personnes affectées par le Coronavirus ; 6. Le Gouvernement de la République conçoit des voies et moyens pour augmenter la capacité d’accueil des hôpitaux, avec des pavillons spécialement dédiés aux personnes atteintes du COVID-19, et tient prêts les hôpitaux privés à intervenir en cas d’aggravation de la situation ; 7. Le Gouvernement est instruit de prendre toute mesure permettant la mise à la disposition des patients de médicaments appropriés pour l’éradication de la catastrophe sanitaire" +193028,43411.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Health problems could very quickly develop due to the difficult conditions in which disaster victims live in host sites and within host families (overcrowding, insufficient water points, latrines, closure of centres in areas plagued by insecurity, proliferation of mosquitoes due to stagnant water, etc.)." +149848,37865.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cxb-situation-report-20.pdf,"WHO is supporting NCD services to increase prevention, early detection and treatment after disruption on essential health services imposed by COVID-19 through a partnership with James P Grant School of Public Health." +486227,67505.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,98,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Myanmar%20Emergency%20Update%20-%2001%20Sep_0.pdf,"[June - July 2021, Cox's Bazar] In the COVID-19 context, the humanitarian community has witnessed increases in child protection concerns including violence, child marriage, child labour, and psychological and emotional abuse. • In June and July, 1,469 case management cases were recorded (669 girls, 800 boys), yet due to restrictions on protection activities, only emergency cases were addressed, often through volunteers providing life-saving support. Challenges with internet connectivity and electricity limit the ability for humanitarian actors to provide remote support." +292420,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,A la Fin de la campagne de vaccination contre la rougeole/rubéole : 10 635 enfants ont été touchés et 12 453 enfants ont été vaccinés contre la poliomyélite. +155274,38385.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,35,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/R4V%20Flash%20Update%20Colombia%20-%20Situaci%C3%B3n%20de%20refugiados%20y%20migrantes%20provenientes%20de%20Venezuela%20ante%20COVID-19%2C%20Julio%2028%20al%20Agosto%2031%2C%202020.pdf,"Articulación con la coordinación del GIFMM Local de Norte de Santander, para la socialización de la estrategia implementada por la Alcaldía de Medellín para el traslado de refugiados y migrantes hacia esa región fronteriza" +287108,51749.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,80,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Le district sanitaire de Pouytenga relève de la province administrative de Kouritenga fait partir des 7 (sept) districts sanitaire de la région du Centre-est. Il compte au total 24 formations sanitaires, toutes fonctionnelles. Le district accueillait plus de 9336 PDIs dans des familles d’accueil, selon le rapport de mission CORUS/OMS en août 2020. En novembre le CONASUR a enregistré 7.905 PDIs dont 2756 enfants, 1550 hommes et 1695 femmes." +474602,65021.0,1185.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,296,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Females and males show a similar pattern in the use of preventive measures, while migrants in rural areas reported significantly lower levels of use. This might be partially explained by the fact that a higher share of migrants in rural areas claimed that hygiene items are no longer available (17%) compared to those in (peri) urban areas (11%). Overall, the majority (54%) reported only a partial availability of hygiene items. They are found to be always available only in 33% of the cases, with the remaining 12% being no longer available. Access to health services has also changed as a result of the pandemic. It was found that nearly half of the migrants interviewed (45%) can access health facilities only for emergencies, with only 27% of the structures functioning as usual. In 12% of the cases health facilities are not functioning at all, while 16% reported a total absence of health services. In rural areas there is a higher likelihood that health facilities are no longer functioning or absent (42%) compared to urban settings (26%). In Colombia this was also observed when comparing female migrants (28%) with their male counterparts (18%). Interestingly, when compared to residents’ responses, migrants perceived7 a lower access to those services, as illustrated in Figure 11. Migrant status might be a potential explanation affecting their access to public health services, treatments, which might expose Venezuelan migrants to a greater extent to many of the vulnerabilities that characterize this emergency." +473245,67203.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,51,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2020/04/09/devastador-impacto-del-covid-19-para-ninos-y-ninas,"Las tensiones adicionales que soportan las familias en relación con la crisis del COVID-19 –como pérdida de empleos, confinamiento excesivo y ansiedad por motivos de salud y económicos— agravan el riesgo de violencia en el hogar, entre parejas como la infligida en niños y niñas por sus cuidadores." +236143,47122.0,2334.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,24,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"Most of the sub-divisions in the affected NWSW regions are not sufficiently covered by GBV lifesaving interventions, especially GBV case management is lacking" +325255,54815.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,47,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Still, as of mid-2020, nearly 20,000 refugees from various countries, mostly Mali, were present in Burkina Faso, of which over a quarter were primary school-age children (5-11 years old) and another one-fifth – secondary school age (12-17)." +412971,63086.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],fr,70,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_07_14_MSF%20RDC_RAPPORT%20VIOLENCES%20SEXUELLES%20%28FR%29%281%29.pdf,"Dans certaines zones, la violence extrême prend parfois la forme de viols collectifs, commis par jusqu’à 15 auteurs à la fois. Ces situations d’une violence inouïe sont tragiquement fréquentes. En 2020, MSF a ainsi fourni des soins médicaux et/ou psychologiques à 2 628 victimes de viols collectifs dans les zones de santé de Kananga, Masisi, Mweso et Walikale." +224146,45768.0,2332.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,15,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,Prévoir la construction de quatre (04) forages [a Diamerom et Amma] +187733,43292.0,2098.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,99,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/msna_2020_factsheet_refugee.pdf,"[July-August 2020, Bangladesh] Rohingya Refugees: 42% of households reported at least one school-aged child (age 6-18) not having attended a TLC before the COVID-19 outbreak. 64% % of households with children that attended TLCs before the COVID-19 outbreak reporting having spoken to a teacher since learning centres closed. 27% of households reported loss or diminished access to education as an impact of the COVID-19 outbreak. 86% of individuals that attended any form of learning before the COVID-19 outbreak were reported to have continued learning remotely." +353509,57854.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,47,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://primerinforme.com/2021/06/02/cierre-de-frontera-con-colombia-beneficia-a-mafias-de-las-trochas/,Pidieron abrir el paso vehicular y así reactivar el intercambio comercial que ha dejado a personas sin trabajo y pérdidas en ingresos para ambos países. El cierre perjudica a los ciudadanos colombianos y venezolanos que viven en una zona que está social y económicamente interconectada. +255447,48602.0,2028.0,"['Logistics', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,60,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Whole%20of%20Syria%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20-%20End-of-year%202020.pdf,"[1Jan-31Dec 2020, Overall Syria] By the end of 2020, Alouk water station stopped pumping water for the fifteenth time in 2020 as a result of power supply disruptions or damages to the station. This affected almost half a million people in Al-Hassakeh, forcing them to resort to potentially unsafe alternative sources of water." +305330,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Jonglei, Lakes and Central Equatoria states saw the highest levels of need across sectors in IDP communities assessed in early 2020." +313120,53183.0,2466.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,57,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"The Protection Sector led by UNHCR, GBV, Child Protection Sub-sectors led by UNFPA and UNICEF respectively carried out regular protection monitoring activities in the field, with their partners and jointly with other agencies. They collected information on physical safety, material safety, legal safety issues, freedom of movement and residence." +170809,40367.0,2099.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,27,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"With over five million children in the system and the gaps in the coverage of school feeding programme, school absenteeism is expected to be high." +245224,48020.0,2170.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross', 'Food Security']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,106,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_15_jan_2021_report.pdf,"[1st-15th Jan 2021,North east Nigeria] A total of 88,330HH need complete NFI kits. This include 15,627HH in Maiduguri, 13,614HH in Monguno, 13,548HH in Dikwa, 12, 396HH in Jere, 6,211HH in Konduga, 5,986HH in Ngala, 5,197HH in Gwoza, 4,417HH in Damboa, 3,886HH in Mafa, 2,808HH in Bama, 1,327HH in Magumeri, 3,356HH in Yola North, Yola South, Girei, Fufore, Biu and Kaga LGA. 70% of the sites reported that blankets/mats are the most needed NFIs while Kitchen sets are the second most needed NFIs." +318389,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Additional challenges include physical access constraints, with the lack of available commercial air and sea transport options thereby hampering the overall cost and accessibility of logistics services." +399242,62442.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,55,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/health/coronavirus/2021/08/10/government-eases-strict-covid-curbs,"[10th August 2021, Bangladesh] Public transport services on land, rail, and waterways will resume operations at full capacity as well. Meanwhile, shopping malls will now be allowed to stay open from 10am to 8pm. Restaurants will be allowed to offer dine-in services at half seating capacity." +340447,53036.0,2334.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,8,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/1-Lolo_Dec%202020_0.pdf,"Partenaires CCCM : AIRD, UNHCR, MINATD" +303664,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,20,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"The Transitional Legislative Assembly has not been reconstituted, hindering progress on the constitution and passing of necessary laws." +292376,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,Seule la région du Nord continue d’enregistrer des cas et des décès. La région de l’Extrême-Nord a intensifié la surveillance épidémiologique pour une détection précoce des cas de choléra et une prise en charge rapide. [épidémie de choléra] +181170,42386.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,88,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_RMU_October-2020_vfinal.pdf,"L’assistance alimentaire et le marché demeurent les principales sources d’alimentation des ménages hôtes et PDIs, car les récoltes sont insuffisantes surtout dans les zones de forte présence de PDIs. Les PDIs représentent 22 pour cent de la population dans la province du Séno, 33 pour cent dans la province du Sanmatenga et 40 pour cent dans la province du Soum et entre 13 et 16 pour cent dans les provinces environnant (Loroum, Oudalan, Ban et Namentenga)." +341380,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,74,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"La dégradation de la situation sécuritaire ainsi que la faiblesse des institutions étatiques et traditionnelles, chargées de la régulation sociale et politique ont créé une grande méfiance entre les communautés. Les stigmatisations prospèrent et parfois les exactions commises envers la communauté peulh en particulier restent très souvent impunies. Cela renforce le repli communautaire et les préjugés entre groupes sociaux qui cohabitent en détruisant un tis- su social déjà extrêmement fragile." +318065,52949.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,51,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Those most vulnerable to health risks are displaced people, pregnant and lactating women, young children,unvaccinated children, single-headed households, elderly persons, persons with disabilities and those with mental health disorders. These individuals become more vulnerable when healthcare is inaccessible and of poor quality." +292430,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,55,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"La capacité d’accueil du Centre de santé de Bodo étant largement dépassée (cette aire de santé a accueilli environ 40 000 déplacés) Alima [ONG] s’est positionnée pour une bonne prise en charge, principalement la nuit en mettant en place un maïeuticien avec compétence d’infirmier" +63489,18412.0,1386.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,197,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,,"Según la ENH 201889, 71% de las salas emergencia en los hospitales públicos no prestaba servicios de manera regular, 22% había dejado de funcionar y 53% de los quirófanos en 730 pabellones, se encontraba cerrado. La severa interrupción de los servicios de emergencia y cirugía obedece al elevado deterioro de las instalaciones, el gran número de equipos averiados, la extrema escasez de insumos y medicinas, el cierre o parálisis de laboratorios y la falta de personal médico y de enfermería. La ENH 2018 también reportó fallas en 97% de los tomógrafos, 94% de los servicios de Rayos X y 86% de los servicios de ecografía; así como escasez de 84% en catéteres y sondas y 79% en material médico-quirúrgico. En el principal Hospital Cardiológico Infantil G.R. Ochoa, las cirugías disminuyeron 42%90. Hasta 2016, se estimaba una deuda quirúrgica de 450.000 personas91. En 2017, el gobierno implementó un Plan Quirúrgico Nacional para cirugías menores y esterilizaciones92, dejando sin atender a quienes están en espera de cirugías complejas y urgentes93." +2638,520.0,321.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,24,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://www.amnesty.org/en/countries/middle-east-and-north-africa/libya/report-libya/,"Refugees and migrants were subjected to serious abuses by armed groups, people smugglers and traffickers, and guards in government-run detention centres." +125326,32724.0,1620.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ca5464en.pdf,"Urbanization has significantly increased, but due to lack of adequate resources the infrastructure is poor – causing problems with traffic in bigger towns – and access to public services is poor." +167666,39765.0,2170.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need']",[],en,99,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20COUNTRY%20BRIEF%20NIGERIA%20JUNE%202020.pdf,"At the request of the Federal Government, WFP, IOM, and UNHCR plan direct food assistance to complement Government social safety net efforts using in-kind and cash-based transfers in Lagos, Kano and Abuja. A joint proposal submitted to the UN COVID-19 Basket Fund for USD 8 million includes USD 5 million in food assistance for Phase 1 of the intervention. USD 20 million is required to reach 900,000 people in need. The Federal Government contributed 2,000 mt of cereals from the national Strategic Grain Reserve for COVID-19 response in these urban hotspots." +224051,45768.0,2332.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,21,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"Par ailleurs, sur les 30 garçons, 03 seulement fréquentaient à Bohoma, soit 10% de garçons scolarisés." +62844,18514.0,1386.0,[],[],[],en,137,[],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190328_acaps_briefing_note_venezuela_update_and_2019_outlook__0.pdf,"The socioeconomic crisis in Venezuela continued to deteriorate throughout 2018, leading to further collapse of services, deterioration of health facilities, food security, and nutrition among the population, and one of the biggest mass displacements in South America’s history. In December 2018, inflation stood at 2,500,000%, and this is expected to keep increasing. Food availability is hampered by import restrictions, and price increases reduce access to food, medicine and other basic goods. The economic crisis is exacerbated by the deepening political crisis. This is characterised by the erosion of democratic institutions and growing civil discontent. The standoff between the government and the opposition is exacerbating the risk of armed confrontation, and the likelihood of international intervention seems increasingly likely." +325604,54815.0,2099.0,[],[],[],en,62,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Moreover, security threat related school closures appear to have a much stronger (negative) association with primary school completion rates for girls specifically: controlling for the other factors, provinces in which any schools have been closed see about 16-pp lower primary completion rates overall but as much as 23-pp lower completion rates specifically among primary school girls." +186681,43205.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,22,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/425162-weekly-review-nigerias-new-covid-19-cases-increase-for-second-consecutive-week.html,"[2nd Nov 2020, Nigeria]On Monday, 72 new cases of the pandemic were reported in the country." +163163,37820.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,100,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/iom_rohingya_crisis_response_-_external_sitrep_-_july_2020.pdf,"COVID -19 Key messaging awareness activities are ongoing through interactive platforms such as ideas Box using the tablet, multimedia communication, the interactive Voice Response (IVR) system, household visits, feedback and information Centers (FICs), info hubs, info boards, EVI outreach, and use of mobile PA system. THE DMU volunteers and Women’s Groups are supporting in awareness outreach activities as well. A total of 48, 082 sessions were held where 197,729 members of the community attended including 94, 684 women and 103.045 men." +319838,53305.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,71,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Child protection life-saving interventions such as case management can be costly and demanding a higher ratio of specialized human resource capacity. Reunification of UASC is expensive in South Sudan as there is a need to charter flights, especially when parents are in different states. Rehabilitation and reintegration programming for children formerly associated with armed forces and groups are also extremely expensive and requires long-term and sustained funding." +338357,56101.0,2311.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Population'],[],es,52,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/alerta_btb_inundaciones_en_arauca_14052021_vf_1.pdf,"- Agua, Saneamiento e Higiene (WASH): Se requieren kits de aseo, filtros de agua, kits de higiene familiar y kits para menores de edad. Se requiere contar con agua potable para el aseo personal, así como para la preparación de alimentos de manera higiénica" +152355,38139.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,40,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cox-s-bazar-sitrep-17.pdf,"WHO is supporting translation of essential technical materials into local languages to improve public awareness and behavioural change, including key messages for public and official guidance. In one week, community messaging on COVID-19 reached 237 759 individuals" +22550,9106.0,729.0,['Education'],[],[],en,61,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"A UNICEF assessment of functionality of 25 schools in Tawergha city revealed that 17 schools needed rehabilitation and eight were completely destroyed. For Libyan children, in order to ensure minimum disruption of education services, national NGOs have been supporting through provision of catch up and remedial classes, particularly in the East and South of the country." +38719,13756.0,729.0,[],[],[],en,70,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LibyaCOFlashUpdate%200703June2019.pdf,"The ongoing fighting has displaced 90,500 people, of which half are reported to be children.3 By 02 June, as per the OCHA data base, 47 collective centres, of which 214 are schools, have been established by the Tripoli crisis committee to host Internally Displaced Persons, most of whom are coming from southern Tripoli. There are currently 4,000 IDPs in these collective shelters." +272907,49818.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,72,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.adiac-congo.com/content/famine-la-rdc-exposee-une-insecurite-alimentaire-aigue-124563,"Parmi les maux, l’on cite aussi les perturbations des chaînes d’approvisionnement, les dépréciations monétaires, les restrictions de circulation, la fermeture des marchés de produits frais, la diminution de la main d’œuvre, le manque de liquidité, l’arrêt des activités des micro-petites et moyennes entreprises informelles et fragiles, etc. La liste n’est pas exhaustive." +339492,56380.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,93,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb4645es.pdf,"Entre los hogares agrícolas encuestados, se identificó una diferencia importante entre aquellos que dependen de la venta de cultivos comerciales (la mayoría, o el 69%, de los cuales no reportaron haber adoptado estrategias de supervivencia drásticas), aquellos que venden cultivos extensivos (de los cuales el 31% adoptó estrategias de crisis y 9% estrategias de emergencia) y los hogares ganaderos (de los cuales el 33% adoptó estrategias de crisis y 5% estrategias de emergencia)19(Figura 26)" +327081,54267.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],fr,75,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Malgré un environnement globalement peu propice aux affaires, le Burkina Faso possède l’un des meilleurs cadres de gouvernance d’Afrique: la corruption y est moins importante que chez ses voisins côtiers. Cependant, le développement du secteur privé et des entreprises est confronté à de multiples défis, en raison des risques sécuritaires, climatiques et fiscaux. (AGRA, 2014; Banque mondiale, 2019)]" +57271,17282.0,1186.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",es,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.dt.gob.cl/portal/1626/articles-117135_archivo_01.pdf,"El marco regulatorio actual respecto de personas con nacionalidad extranjera distingue dos aspectos: por un lado, la habilitación o permiso para trabajar, regulado legalmente y por actos administrativos de la autoridad competente. Por otro lado, se encuentran los derechos laborales, establecidos por ley" +148176,36609.0,1388.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']","['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",en,146,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/01.%20CRI%20Operation%20July%202020%20.pdf,"Community-Based Protection (CBP): This strategy aims to reduce protection risks and vulnerabilities while fostering peaceful co-existence and integration. CBP activities will strengthen bonds between UNHCR and community organizations and support their efforts to respond to COVID-19 and other challenges. In the medium and long term, CBP activities will bring UNHCR closer to refugees and Costa Rican host communities and promote empowerment, self-reliance and peaceful coexistence. The CBP strategy includes the following components: strengthening self-protection mechanisms, fostering community organization and empowerment, communicating with communities and promoting peaceful coexistence with host communities. UNHCR began directly implementing CBP in January 2020, building on work done through partners in 2019. Additionally, an information center is operational since 2018 to receive inquiries from PoC and a helpwebsite has been put in place for online information." +195790,43091.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,44,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/aprueban-en-segundo-debate-el-proyecto-de-politica-migratoria/2244,"Con 82 votos a favor fue aprobado, este martes, en segundo debate del Senado el proyecto de Ley 036 de 2019, por medio del cual se crea un marco legal para una política migratoria integral de largo plazo en Colombia." +59100,17455.0,788.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/201908-nigeria-cross-border-report.pdf,"Nigeria has a population of more than 200 million, making it the most populous country in Africa and seventh in the world. Around 47 per cent of Nigerians are living in extreme poverty, which means that the country has more people living in extreme poverty than anywhere else in the world." +289300,52049.0,2098.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,94,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Bangladesh%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%201%20%28Rohingya%20Camp%20Fire%29%20-%2023%20March%202021.pdf,"[23rd March 2021,Cox's Bazar] UNICEF partners are actively repairing damaged hand pumps in the fire-affected areas. Pre-positioned emergency supplies are also being distributed. Initial estimates of the damages include the following. • Six water supply networks were damaged out of the 12 water supply networks in Camps 8E and 8W. • Approximately 1,600 latrines and 630 bathing spaces were destroyed in Camps 8E and 8W • Approximately 850 handpumps are in the affected camp areas and are currently being assessed for damage and functionality." +237181,46388.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,38,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Predictably, households headed by a person with a disability or refugees, for whom employment opportunities are limited due to documentation and physical access challenges, were found to employ negative coping strategies at elevated levels." +21821,9026.0,322.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],en,64,[],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,,"Rapid urban growth led to the establishment of the Municipality of Capital Sana’a (amanet al- aasema sana’a) by Presidential Decree No. 13 of 1983. Another presidential decree No. 2 of 2001 was issued dividing the Municipality of the Capital Sana’a into nine administrative areas or directorates (muderiat), plus added Bani" +484743,65398.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,119,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"El mercado de trabajo en el que deben insertarse las personas venezolanas a su llegada a Perú está fuertemente marcado por la informalidad. Según cifras del Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática (INEI), la tasa de empleo 30 informal en la zona urbana llegó al 66 % en el 2018 (Castillo, 2019). Es decir, en Perú, casi siete de cada diez personas trabajan en este sector. Esta tendencia se repite entre las personas migrantes. Así, según datos de un estudio realizado por la OIM (2018), el 85 % de personas venezolanas en Lima se encuentra trabajando sin haber firmado un contrato laboral." +41655,14575.0,729.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,74,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Shock/Event'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/2019/06/190611-Flash-Update---Floods.pdf,"Due to the pre-existing needs in Ghat over the past years, situation has been exacerbated with the current floods. Despite limited improvements in the impacted areas, logistics remain challenging and hindered a humanitarian needs assessment. Based on the rapid NFI and market assessment conducted by IOM/DTM, bakeries, food markets and markets in general reported to be closed; however, the Eid holiday needs to be factored." +116346,32643.0,1185.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,19,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/77408,"3. As winter temperatures set it, nearly 10,000 vulnerable persons have been assisted with winter support." +178034,40661.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],fr,82,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Les populations qui font face à un niveau élevée d’insécurité alimentaire aiguë (Phase 3 et 4 de l’IPC - Crise et Urgence) se trouvent principalement dans les provinces de l’Ituri (47% de la population analysée), du Tanganyika (45% de la population analysée soit 5 territoires sur 6), du Kasaï Central et du Kasaï (respectivement 44% et 43% de la population analysée)." +161881,39572.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,39,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/410572-nigeria-announces-fine-for-airlines-carrying-passengers-without-covid-19-test-result.html,"Mr Aliyu also said that when a passenger arrived Nigeria and presents a PCR negative result, the passenger was expected to self-isolate for seven days and submit his or her COVID-19 test before reuniting with the community." +316107,52949.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,45,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Given the potential for drought conditions in 2021 and growing pressures on livelihoods, an increased risk of negative coping mechanisms is anticipated. Vulnerable populations are likely to reduce water consumption and rely on seasonal or unsafe water sources as water becomes scarcer." +319651,54516.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,51,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3732932,"La Unidad para la Atención y Reparación Integral a las Víctimas conoció de la ocurrencia de 124 emergencias humanitarias masivas, correspondientes a 95 desplazamientos forzados, 28 confinamientos y un acto terrorista desde el inicio del aislamiento a causa de la covid-19 hasta el 15 de abril de 2021." +179153,41842.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nw_syria_sitrep21_20201020.pdf,"(NW 20/10/2020) Some 2.8 million people in need of winterisation in northwest Syria. Nearly 1.5 million people live in 1,160 camps/sites in northwest Syria (79% women and children)." +205122,44672.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,32,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The medical response is beyond the ability of Afghanistan to cope largely due to huge deficiency of hospital beds, medical equipment such as testing kits and ventilators across the country." +159100,37975.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,12,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_ndeg112.pdf,Réception de 8 675 appels parmi lesquels 09 alertes sur le 3535 +178505,41756.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Dans la région du Kasaï, un grand nombre d’enfants ont été observés lors de la reddition des milices depuis janvier 2019 avec un total de 894 enfants identifiés (dont 113 filles) et pris en charge en particulier dans les provinces du Kasaï et Kasaï Central." +11356,2953.0,322.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,68,['Impact'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20feb%202018.pdf,"The humanitarian community faces a number of critical logistics challenges hampering the delivery of relief items in and across the country, including damaged road infrastructure; access disruptions to many parts of the country for both staff and cargo; congestion at main entry points; unreliable and unpredictable access to fuel; heavy bureaucracy; limited international shipping options, both by sea and air." +199050,44308.0,2225.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],fr,23,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RD%20Congo%20-%20Note%20d%E2%80%99informations%20humanitaires%20pour%20la%20province%20du%20Nord-Kivu%2017%20novembre%202020.pdf,Elles n’ont pas reçu d’assistance humanitaire notamment à cause des problèmes d’accès dûs à l’insécurité +392236,61167.0,1186.0,['Cross'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,43,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.revistasur.cl/revistasur.cl/2020/12/nueva-ley-de-migraciones-causa-rechazo-entre-las-organizaciones-migrantes-y-promigrantes/,"Teniendo en cuenta el estudio de las experiencias de otros países, La Red alerta que esta ley aprobada “va a generar mucha inmigración irregularizada sistemáticamente con las consecuencias negativas que ello comporta para las personas migrantes y el país.”" +188708,43183.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,94,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_268_20201024.pdf,"Au Sud-Kivu la 5ème province la plus affectée de la RDC, les ZS hot spots, pour les 317 cas dont l’information a été renseignée, sont celles d’Ibanda (216/317 ; 68,1%), Kadutu (55/317 ; 17,4%), Bagira (16/317 ; 5,0%), Miti- Murhesa (7/317 ; 2,2%), Nyantende (7/317 ; 2,2%), Katana (4/317 ; 1,3%) et Kitutu (4/317 ; 1,3%)(Figure 3)." +137566,35118.0,1187.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,108,[],['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Si se estudia este ítem según género se observa que tanto para la residencias temporarias como permanentes la distribución resulta homogénea, mientras que en el caso del grupo de personas que se encuentran tramitando la residencia temporaria, la residencia perma- nente o que se encuentran en situación de refugiadas o en trámite de serlo el número de mujeres es considerablemente mayor. En relación a la categoría “otra” 2 de las respuestas corresponden a mujeres, 2 a varones y 1 a otro. En el único caso en que aparece la respuesta pre- fiero no responder, se trata de un varón." +83878,23144.0,1620.0,"['Cross', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Demography'],en,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_adamawahumanitariansituationoverview_decedition_11012020.pdf,"Based on assessment by UNICEF in collaboration with Adamawa State government in November 2019, 31% of school-going children are out of school. Many of the children do not have access to basic scholastic materials, limiting access to education. In addition, there are no opportunities for vocational skills to support adult-learning and provide alternative livelihoods." +22816,9097.0,788.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Communication Means And Preferences'],en,162,[],['Information And Communication'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20NIGERIA%20December%202018%20sitrep.pdf,"Throughout 2018, UNICEF highlighted the urgent needs of children and women affected by the conflict and advocated for the protection of their rights to both domestic and international audiences. The release of children associated with armed groups created a strong advocacy momentum, and press releases issued on the events sparked the interest of both local and international media, spurring them to cover the humanitarian crisis and document the issues children and women face in the northeast. These events were followed by television and radio interviews generating over 90 stories in both local and international media. In the northeast, UNICEF supported at least 57 media appearances for technical specialists on various thematic areas in both local and international media, including in top tier publications like Time Magazine, VOA TV, AFP, RFI, Al Jazeera and CNBC Africa. The team also supported nine media field visits for local and international journalists." +412678,63416.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.lafm.com.co/colombia/regreso-clases-presenciales-piden-reactivar-corredor-humanitario-en-la-frontera,"Agregó el funcionario que en 23 municipios de Norte de Santander regresaron a clases presenciales, en donde se ha detectado que un 30% del total de los estudiantes de la región son de nacionalidad venezolana y viven en Norte de Santander." +60997,17926.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,46,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.laopinion.com.co/frontera/70-del-plan-de-atencion-migrantes-venezolanos-esta-desfinanciado-stein-182455#OP,"Si dividimos lo recibido hasta el momento por Colombia con el llamamiento de la ONU, que son USD 96 millones, por el número de migrantes venezolanos que hay en nuestro país, significa quepor cada migrante se han recibido USD 68,18 este año." +344188,56725.0,2028.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Whole%20of%20Syria%20Nutrition%20Cluster%20Sector%20Brief%20%28January%20-%20December%202020%29.pdf,"[Jan - Dec 2020, Overall Syria] There are high levels of anaemia across Syria, with one in four children and one in three PLWs with anaemia. Maternal malnutrition remains a concern, with the situation worse among displaced and hard to reach population." +224015,45768.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,malgré la situation sécuritaire volatile qui nécessite le respect des mesures applicables et des précautions nécessaires il ne se pose pas de souci d’accès physique à Diamerom. Aucune barrière n’a non plus été identifié ni signalé tout le long du parcours. +167547,40328.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/iom-amazon-step-covid-19-rohingya-refugee-response-cox-s-bazar,"IOM and the humanitarian community, with support from organizations like Amazon, continue working around the clock to boost health response efforts and expand support to those disproportionately vulnerable to COVID-19." +256959,48806.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,51,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_final_enquete_smart_27112019.pdf,"Au niveau provincial, quatre (4) provinces (Hadjer Lamis, Lac, Salamat et Kanem) sur les 23 présentent des prévalences supérieures au seuil critique de 30% selon l’OMS (2002) et treize (13) autres sont dans une situation préoccupante." +298878,51893.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,85,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[January 2021, Overall Syria] Regional Breakdown in % of Livelihood activities of Female Headed Households: In North Syria no livelihood activities for 33% and daily labour for 21%. In Northeast Syria no livelihood activities for 26% and agriculture for 12%. In Central and South Syria public sector for 31% and private sector for 22%. In North Syria daily labour for 21% and in Northwest Syria daily labour for 30%." +193862,43070.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,43,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Borrador%20texto%20Sitrep%20Sectorial_2020_SAN%20AGO_WFP_VF.pdf,"Las principales barreras para acceder alimentos por los hogares son la falta de ingreso en un 92%, seguida por el precio de los bienes alimentarios (28%) y el temor de contagio por COVID-19 (14%)." +208385,43992.0,2332.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,70,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"As of 23 September 2020, out of the total of 1,171 confirmed COVID-19 cases registered in Chad (the majority being male aged 25-59 years), seven are children. Of these seven children, two cases have been confirmed in children under five (two girls), and five cases are children aged between 5 and 14 years (four girls and one boy)." +325674,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"(Centre-Est, Hauts-Bassins, Cascades, Boucle du Mouhoun) Au Burkina Faso, les principales zones de production de riz sont les régions du centre-est, des Hauts-Bassins, des Cascades et de la Boucle du Mouhoun qui représentent plus de 60 pour cent de la production nationale." +497816,35118.0,1187.0,[],[],[],es,89,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"En Argentina, como consecuencia del brote de COVID-19 se dispuso el cierre total de fronteras, lo que afectó severamente el habitual flujo migratorio de los pasos terrestres, principalmente La Quiaca y Puerto Iguazú. El ingreso de personas migrantes por pasos terres- tres, que en los meses previos a la pandemia alcanzaba entre cinco mil y seis mil ingresos de manera mensual, se vio mermado, llegando solo a 20 y 30 personas y de forma excepcional por razones de pro- tección internacional." +248084,48110.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",fr,82,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/democratic-republic-congo/evolution-du-nouveau-coronavirus-covid-19-en-rdc-mise-jour-publi-0,"La RDC enregistre 133 nouveaux cas de contamination par le coronavirus, COVID-19, dont 100 à Kinshasa, 16 au Kongo Central, 10 au Sud-Kivu, 5 dans le Haut-Katanga et 2 au Nord-Kivu (source : données issues des laboratoires de l’INRB et validées par le Comité multisectoriel de la riposte COVID-19 de la RDC). Les tests ont été réalisés sur les 597 échantillons reçus pour l’analyse biologique à l’INRB." +191510,43304.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,28,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,il faut mentionner que les taxis ne sont pas aux arrêts mais sont obligés de réduire le nombre de passagers pour respecter la mesure de distanciation sociale. +193265,43082.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,131,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.rcnradio.com/judicial/mujeres-migrantes-venezolanas-entutelan-para-reclamar-beneficio-de-ingreso-solidario,"La acción popular prioriza el caso de 15 de estas mujeres cuya condición actual ha sido considerada de un mayor riesgo. ""El día a día para estas mujeres se vuelve muy duro, porque ya es una población que trae una difícil experiencia en su propio territorio, una lamentable circunstancia al escuchar a sus hijos que se van a acostar con el estómago vacío y diciéndoles con todo su cariño, que tienen hambre"", dijo. Sostuvo que ""es una experiencia muy fuerte que traumatiza, porque una persona adulta puede asumir y sobrellevar las responsabilidad de ciertas limitaciones superiores, pero es muy distinto cuando también tiene que responder por un niño u otras personas y más cuando también tiene una discapacidad""." +344171,56725.0,2028.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],en,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Whole%20of%20Syria%20Nutrition%20Cluster%20Sector%20Brief%20%28January%20-%20December%202020%29.pdf,"[Jan - Dec 2020, Overall Syria] Ten years of protracted conflict in Syria has led to a staggering 4.6 million pregnant and lactating women (PLW) and children in need of life-saving nutrition interventions with 3.7 million of these in acute need (severity 4 & 5)." +315917,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,44,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Minority clan communities are also extremely vulnerable to discrimination and persecution by the myriad armed actors in Somalia and have reduced capacity to provide meaningful protection to members, while lacking redress for grave violations of human rights due to limited state protection." +493043,67710.0,1188.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,36,[],['Context'],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,Panama. Decree No. 5 regulates the right to work and to access social benefits for refugees and migrant residents. (Ar�cles 82 and 83 of Execu�ve Decree No. 5 of 2018) +384923,60265.0,2311.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,106,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COL_2003_WASH_Resultados_Catatumbo_Mayo2021_MesaNdS.pdf,"La mitad de los prestadores del servicio de agua (3) y solo un (1) prestador del servicio de aseo, consideran que van a todas las zonas donde pueden prestar el servicio, sin embargo la otra mitad (3) de los prestadores de agua y la mayoría (4) de los prestadores del servicio de aseo, no prestan el servicio en todas las zonas en las que podría hacerlo. Las principales razones son el estado de las vías y el hecho de que las personas de estas regiones no permiten el acceso para prestar el servicio." +36132,11046.0,788.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Demography'],en,84,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68626.pdf,"Though no serious security incidents and criminal activities in the above settlements were reported, there were however some security issues have identified by refugees. Lacking of lockable tents and low security consciousness with high rate of thefts and break-ins have been recognized by refugees in safety and security of communities in Adagom settlement. Violence and crime resulting from late night sales of alcohol with increased drugs and substance abuse have made refugees over 60 years old people worrying than others." +325475,54815.0,2099.0,['Logistics'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,77,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Despite its importance for the country's economic development and human development objectives, the transport sector faces multiple issues, ranging from inadequate infrastructure, and insufficient institutional capacity to adequately manage the sector issues. One of the core issues of the transport sector is the lack of funds to finance priority investment in national and rural roads improve connectivity and mobility, including insufficient funds allocated to the Special Fund for Road maintenance." +309828,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,Widespread lack of literacy and insufficient legal ownership documentation made it difficult for many people to understand and effectively advocate for themselves. This issue contributes to attempts of improper land-grabbing that can drive further conflict and displacement. +214274,45385.0,2334.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,22,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Seuls les classes d’examens ont repris au primaire, où 87% des élèves ont effectivement rejoint leur classe." +237187,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,31,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"According to WoA Assessment data, the percentage of displaced households with any debt has increased from 71 per cent to 84 per cent (2019 compared to 2020)." +236214,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,52,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"While no comprehensive study has been able to quantify the magnitude of the impact of repeated exposure to traumatic incidents, it is conservatively estimated that over half of the population suffer from some form of depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress as a result of these conditions in Afghanistan." +301763,51958.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,87,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_devaluation_de_protection_des_retournes_tchadiens_de_la_rca_installes_dans_les_sites_au_sud_du_tchad_002.pdf,"Des acteurs comme la FAO, FLM, CARE, GIZ et le PAM ont eu et ont toujours des interventions dans le domaine de la sécurité alimentaire en faveur des retournés et des populations hôtes. Mais les programmes mis en place ne permettent pas de sécuriser les moyens d’existence des retournés car ces interventions sont généralement de petite envergure et de courte durée. Associé à un manque de moyens de production et de stratégie de solutions durables en faveur des retournés." +270184,50226.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,108,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_6.pdf,"Se notificaron 27 655 hospitalizaciones por IRAG en sala general, presentando incremento frente a lo notificado a la misma semana de los tres años anteriores con el 18,0 % frente a 2020, 29,3 % comparado con 2019 y 21,2 % frente a 2018. Teniendo en cuenta el comportamiento de notificación de los últimos siete años, se presenta disminución en 12 entidades territoriales, entre las cuales resaltan Vaupés, Chocó, Quindío, Guainía, Atlántico, Guaviare, San Andrés y Caquetá; e incremento en 15 entidades territoriales resaltando Huila, Meta, Cundinamarca, Tolima, Santander y Valle del Cauca" +218198,45410.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,78,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"En réponse à la COVID-19, le PAM a assisté 1 694 ménages soit 10 164 personnes à N’Djamena et a apporté un appui logistique à l’ONASA pour la distribution à N’Djamena. Quelques interventions isolées de l’ONASA ont été enregistrées au bénéfice de plus de 700 ménages sinistrés de N’Djaména dans quelques sites d’accueil (Lycée de Walia, Adda, etc.)." +407439,63069.0,2225.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,77,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Bulletin%20d%E2%80%99information%20sous%20cluster%20protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99enfance%20%28GTPE%29%20Mars%20%E2%80%93%20Mai%202021.pdf,"Suite aux affrontements dans les ZS de Bena Leka (territoire de Demba, Kasaï Central) et la ZS de Kakenge (territoire de Mweka, Kasaï) une centraine d’enfants non accompagnés auraient été identifiés à Kakenge, Bakua-Mbuyi et Bena Milombe. Ainsi, environ 2 900 enfants déplacés n’ont plus accès à l’école (12 écoles actuellement fermées) et sont exposés davantage aux risques de protection" +158678,39040.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,62,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/combatting-health-worker-infections-nigeria,"Back in April, Kano state, which borders Kaduna to the north-east, was particularly badly hit by COVID-19 infections. Many of the first cases detected in the state were among health workers, prompting the deployment of a federal response team for support. WHO also helped in coordinating infection prevention and control training for health facility staff." +452651,63974.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],fr,73,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_20210630-Rapport-Protection-Trimestriel.pdf,"La crise de protection au Burkina Faso affecte plus de 1,5 millions sur 3,5 millions de personnes ciblées par l’assistance humanitaire en 2021, dont près de 60% sont des enfants. Les personnes les plus touchées demeurent les déplacés internes et les communautés d’accueil. Ces populations ont individuellement ou collectivement perdu leurs capacités de réaction ou de résistance aux chocs dans les zones en conflit." +50126,12653.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",en,79,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/290119_hno_2019_en.pdf,"Host communities In many cases, due to geography and/or the cost of living in the country, Venezuelans are arriving in the same areas, which puts additional pressure on available goods and services and on the labor market. For these reasons, the Colombians living in these areas of arrival are also impacted by arrivals from Venezuela and require support to satisfy their own needs, foment social cohesion, and prevent discrimination and xenophobia." +271650,49364.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],es,143,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/4-gender-violencia.pdf,"Las violencias de género como el acoso sexual, la violencia de pareja, y la violencia sexual, entre otras, siguen siendo naturalizadas, silenciadas e invisibilizadas por hombres y mujeres; mientras otros tipos de violencias que sufren los hombres durante el trayecto puede ser más fácilmente identificadas y nombradas. Es importante recordar que, de acuerdo con información del 2019 publicada en informes y artículos investigativos de prensa, las mujeres venezolanas, ya sea en el trayecto migratorio o en los lugares de destino, están expuestas de manera generalizada, sistemática y constante a situaciones de acoso sexual callejero y a demandas de sexo por supervivencia entre otras violencias.6 Además se ha establecido que hubo más de 120 casos de mujeres víctimas de feminicidio durante el proceso migratorio, desde 2017 hasta mediados del 2019." +205136,44672.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,33,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Both returnees and IDPs have limited access to basic health services and testing facilities. They may have lost income and assets and therefore not being able to afford health care services. +342019,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,141,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Le mariage renforce les liens entre les familles. De l’avis des personnes consultées, cela est l’un des facteurs qui limite les conflits au sein des communautés. Cela est d’autant plus vrai pour les mariages qui unissent différentes communautés ou différentes ethnies. Le fait que les populations ne sont pas réfractaires à ce type d’union renforce la cohésion sociale. S’il est vrai que des particularités existent en termes d’interdiction de mariage entre certaines ethnies comme les peulhs et les bissas, les bobos et les bolons, ces particularités sont peu nombreuses. Il est donc difficile qu’une ethnie s’oppose sans fondements plausibles à une autre ethnie. Cela est un plus pour la prévention des conflits ethniques ou tribalistes." +320090,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,64,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Gender-Based Violence: There are 1.7 million people in need .Similarly, 854,000 non-IDPs, 681,000 IDPs, 14,000refugees/asylum seekers, 55,000 refugee returnees are in need. Cluster key vulnerable groups are (70,000) women and girls living with disability, (80,000) female headed households, (100,000) single and married adolescents girls and (50,000) widow." +280104,51005.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,39,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-in-bangladesh-10-more-deaths-push-up-toll-to-8451/65697,"[6th March 2021, Bangladesh] The daily infection rate stood at 4.13 percent which was 4.63 percent on Friday. The overall infection rate slightly fell to 13.30 percent, which was 13.33 percent on Friday." +237209,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,20,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Geographically, median net incomes were lowest for displaced households in Hilmand province (-12,000 AFN/$156)." +148558,36019.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,29,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,There are still no qualified medical personnel inside the camp and only a few commercial trucks recently managed to reach the camp (five trucks in May). +174485,41367.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,87,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/iom-uk-emergency-medical-team-continue-covid-19-health-support-refugees-locals-cox,"[ 13th October 2020, Bangladesh] The first confirmed case of COVID-19 in Cox’s Bazar was found on March 23, 2020. As of 11 October 2020, 4,602 cases among the host community have been confirmed in the district. In the Rohingya refugee settlements, a total 276 COVID-19 cases have been found and eight deaths have been officially recorded. Of the 276 confirmed, 134 patients have recovered and 134 are isolated in health facilities within the camp." +80490,22034.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],[],[],es,65,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/cuatro-reflexiones-del-primer-mes-del-campamento-humanitario-para-venezolanos-en-bogota/780,"El asentamiento se convirtió en un problema de salud pública. Los venezolanos no tenían agua potable ni baños y muchos se enfermaron por tomar agua de un caño cercano. Mientras tanto, la Alcaldía de Bogotá, la Cruz Roja y otras organizaciones empezaron jornadas de vacunación y repartieron tapabocas y preservativos ante el aumento de enfermedades respiratorias y de transmisión sexual." +192756,43304.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,86,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Les dépenses publiques augmenteront en raison d'une hausse de la masse salariale et des transferts vers le secteur de la santé pour contenir la pandémie de COVID-19. Le 9 janvier 2020, le gouvernement a accepté de rétablir les primes et indemnités des travailleurs de la fonction publique pour mettre fin à une grève de deux jours. Ces nouveaux engagements de dépenses vont potentiellement ajouter environ 0,43 % du PIB (31 milliards de francs CFA) à la masse salariale de 2020." +325880,55012.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,125,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Del total de las 10.382 camas de UCI ocupadas, se encuentran: 6.106 (58,8%) casos confirmados, 973 (9,4%) pacientes sospechosos y 3.303 (31,8%) casos no COVID-19. En los últimos 7 días el porcentaje de los casos de COVID-19 hospitalizados se han incrementado en 6,3% y aumenta en 0,2% en las últimas 24 horas. Del total de 45.342 camas hospitalarias para adultos, el 67,8% (30.746) se encuentran ocupadas, con una disponibilidad del 32,2% (14.596), en comparación con las últimas 24 horas el porcentaje de disponibilidad se ha disminución en un 2,4% y el número de camas disponibles en un 2,4%" +145949,34803.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],en,74,['Capacities & Response'],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Four cases of COVID-19 have been identified in northwest Syria, with the first positive result recorded in Bab Al-Hawa on 9 July. Of the four cases, two are in the Idleb area and two in northern Aleppo governorate, and all four patients are health professionals. Contact tracing was activated upon the return of the first positive result from the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test on 9 July" +305233,53100.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,25,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/plan_de_preparation_coronavirus_cmr._version_du_10_mars_2019.pdf,ACQUIS: Algorithme de prise en charge disponible GAPS: - Stock d’intrants pour prise en charge d’éventuels cas à pourvoir +175152,40890.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"Es notorio el caso de Antioquia, pues no solo presenta altos niveles de hogares sin ingresos sino también de hogares que gastan sus ahorros y se endeudan; así como el caso de Nariño que presenta altos niveles para endeudamiento, uso de ahorros, apoyo de la comunidad y, de manera más preocupante, venta de bienes personales (8 puntos porcentuales por encima del promedio)." +452372,64945.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MONITORING%20PROTECTION%20DE%20JULLET%202021%20EST.pdf,Certains propriétaires terriens ont préféré la mise en location de terres à environ 20000 F à 25000CFA/Ha. Cette pratique existait bien avant mais a pris de l’ampleur avec la crise. Le problème de l’accès aux terres est conditionné par les moyens financiers. +70237,20090.0,1386.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,73,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71686_0.pdf,"En la 4ta reunión del Proceso Quito celebrada en Buenos Aires durante el mes de julio, se registró la mayor participación de delegaciones a la fecha, y se lograron varios compromisos para responder a los flujos de refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela, que no se avizora que vayan a disminuir en el corto plazo, incluyendo la intensificación de los esfuerzos de apoyo por parte de la comunidad internacional." +212059,45203.0,2334.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,53,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://fews.net/west-africa/cameroon/food-security-outlook/june-2020,"Farmers in conflict-affected areas are continuing to move their animals to neighboring regions to escape widespread theft and seizure of livestock and kidnapping of livestock farmers. At present, livestock from the Northwest region are concentrated in the Adamawa region, exerting greater pressure on the pastoral resources of host communities." +93370,26310.0,1386.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']","['Context->Politics', 'Context->Economy']",en,77,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Venezuela_%20Violent%20Abuses%20in%20Illegal%20Gold%20Mines%20_%20Human%20Rights%20Watch.pdf,"“Poor Venezuelans driven to work in gold mining by the ongoing economic crisis and humanitarian emergency have become victims of macabre crimes by armed groups that control illegal mines in southern Venezuela,” said José Miguel Vivanco, Americas director at Human Rights Watch. “It is critical for gold buyers and refineries to ensure that any Venezuelan gold in their supply chains is not stained with the blood of Venezuelan victims.”" +475555,63296.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Demography'],fr,69,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"à l’instar du reste du pays, la province du Boulkiemdé fait face à une croissance démographique rapide qui s’accompagne d’une demande toujours grandissante en terres sur une surface relativement limitée. Cette province est déjà l’une des plus densément peuplées du Burkina Faso, du fait qu’elle compte la troisième ville en importance du pays, Koudougou." +224005,45768.0,2332.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,27,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"A l’instar de l’ensemble de la province du Lac, la situation sécuritaire est relativement calme sur l’axe Bagasola-Liwa- Amma-Diamerom." +384919,60265.0,2311.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,76,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COL_2003_WASH_Resultados_Catatumbo_Mayo2021_MesaNdS.pdf,"Efectos positivos generados por el COVID-19, reportados por los prestadores de servicios: 1. La demanda del servicio aumentó (1 prestador de aseo y 1 prestador de agua). 2. Debido al aumento de la demanda por la situación del COVID-19 se amplió la cobertura del servicio (1 prestador de aseo). 3. El gobierno brindo ayudas para seguir brindando el servicio (1 prestador de agua)" +236116,47122.0,2334.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,22,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,To this end [WASH Cluster in implementing life saving activities] partners have reprogrammed their activities to include COVID-19 activities. +314816,52949.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,13,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"In addition, reproductive health services remain a priority need for IDPs." +313320,53795.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,74,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"(Sahel, Centre-Nord) Le GAP lié à l’assistance alimentaire d’urgence aux déplacées au niveau des communes présente une amélioration dans la province de Djibo (Soum), 67% contre 53%, à Gorgadji (Seno), 63% contre 86% et trois communes du Centre-Nord, Bouroum (69%), Bourzanga (59) et Bassalogo (19%)." +176118,41333.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],fr,88,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_149.pdf,"Au total, 6 826 cas confirmés et 1 cas probable ont été notifiés depuis le début de l’épidémie dont 167 décès, soit une létalité globale de 2,4%. Des informations disponibles, 67,9% (1624/2391) des cas étaient symptomatiques à la notification et 33,3% (246/738) auraient été en contact étroit avec un sujet atteint d’une infection respiratoire aiguë au cours des 14 jours précédant l’apparition des symptômes ou la confirmation de la maladie." +159042,39293.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,17,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Round-3-Analysis-Factsheet-NWS_Tk_09.09.20.pdf,Contact tracing is continuing for all positive cases and health partners are focusing on additional preventative measures +90248,25674.0,1621.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,63,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/libya-man-s-death-detention-center-fire-underscores-urgency-evacuating-refugees,Detainees have told MSF teams of the horrors they experience on their way to Libya and in Libya. Some were kidnapped and tortured by human traffickers who extorted money from them and their relatives. Some attempted to cross the Mediterranean Sea to reach safety in Europe but were intercepted by the European Union-supported Libyan coastguard and thrown back into detention. +386824,60459.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,93,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"L’assistance alimentaire devrait couvrir 37 pour cent de la population entre juin et aout et répondre à au moins 50 pour cent de leurs besoins. En plus, avec la présence typique de légumes vertes, les ménages ne seront pas contraints à l’adoption de stratégie de crise pour accéder à l’alimentation. Les PDI et ménages hôtes pauvres resteront exposés à l’insécurité alimentaire aigue Stress ! (Phase 2 ! de l’IPC) jusqu’en septembre. (scenario)" +219298,45655.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,37,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"[9th Dec, Overall Syria] Although levels of enforcement vary, the partial lockdowns remain in effect across all areas of NES. On 6 December new measures were put in place until 20 December" +297591,52552.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,123,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/West%20and%20Central%20Africa%20Transhumance%20Crisis%20Response%20Plan%202021.pdf,"IOM supports its Member States along the regional transhumance corridors to develop and apply a unified data collection mechanism to inform sound policies as it pertains to the regional governance of transhumant mobility. To do so, IOM will broaden the application of the Transhumance Tracking Tool in the 14 targetted countries as follows: Mapping of transhumance corridors (including water points, grazing areas, markets, border posts, inter alia); Early Alert notifying at-risk communities ahead of the arrival of at-risk herds to ensure communities can agree on solutions to facilitate safe passage ahead of clashes materialising; Regional Transhumance Movement Tracking for the enhanced provision of reliable and unified analysis to enable regional decision-making." +313722,53333.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,18,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Girls are particularly vulnerable to sexual abuse, possible pregnancy and the resulting psychosocial and physical implications." +163437,32455.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,196,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/6._elc_flash_update_covid_19_quincenal_18.06.2020.pdf,"Decreto 0166 del 10 de mayo del 2020: El departamento del Putumayo se acoge al decreto 636, mediante el cual se extienden las medidas de aislamiento. Y se mantiene el toque de queda de lunes a viernes de 6:00 pm a 5:00 am y 24 horas sábados y domingos. Decreto 174 del 23 de mayo del 2020: Se prorroga el Decreto 166 del 10 de mayo del 2020, extendiendo las medidas de aislamiento, hasta el 1 de junio de 2020. Decreto 177 del 29 de mayo del 2020: El departamento del Putumayo se acoge al decreto 749, mediante el cual se extienden las medidas de aislamiento. También se mantiene el toque de queda de lunes a viernes de 7:00 pm a 5:00 am y 24 horas sábados y domingos. Adicionalmente se mantienen las medidas de pico y cédula. Decreto 183 del 9 de junio del 2020: Se mantiene el pico y cédula de lunes a viernes, los sábados podrán salir las mujeres y los domingos los hombres. Se mantiene el toque de queda entre 7:00 pm y 5:00 am." +236126,47122.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,25,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,A request to reprogram CERF funds (IDPs and cholera) to include COVID-19 activities [into WASH cluster activities] has been submitted. +285608,51622.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,94,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://npasyria.com/61657/,"[March 21, Damascus] In turn, Izzat Samaan (27 years), a resident physician at Ibn Al-Nafees Hospital, told North Press: “The hospital is full of Covid patients, and even some cases that are not diagnosed with COVID 19, they become infected within 3 days due to poor sterilization and prevention in the hospital.” Samaan deliberately informs all patients of the hospital’s condition, especially those with chronic diseases, as “infection poses a fatal danger to them.”" +62853,18514.0,1386.0,[],[],[],en,43,[],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190328_acaps_briefing_note_venezuela_update_and_2019_outlook__0.pdf,"According to a Gallup survey conducted in 2018, 36% of Venezuelans said they would like to leave Venezuela permanently if they could, including a majority (51%) of Venezuelans aged 15 to 29 (Gallup 29/01/2019)." +167657,40056.0,2170.0,"['Logistics', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,60,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20COUNTRY%20BRIEF%20NIGERIA%20JULY%202020.pdf,"Stock gaps for cereals and pulses continue due to market volatility associated with COVID-19 and related supplier default on WFP contracts. Poor road conditions during the raining season led to delayed food dispatches. Restriction of UNHAS flights to lifesaving Programme Criticality Level 1 activities reduced opportunities for planned improvements, including the voucher programme for fresh food." +287428,51638.0,2099.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],fr,53,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20_FEVRIER%202021_SAHEL.pdf,"(Sahel) Au regard de la situation de précarité, les femmes et les filles sont exposées au viol et au sexe de survie afin de subvenir aux besoins de leurs ménages. Les jeunes filles sont obligées de travailler comme aide-ménagères pour survivre et contribuer même aux charges du ménage." +305641,51572.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,32,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Advocacy with donors should be strengthened for finding longer-term solutions and response. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +304777,51467.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Protection']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,106,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"An assessment conducted before the 2020 flooding found that overall, some 40 per cent of IDPs and half of returnees live in settlements where the main water source is over 20 minutes away on foot, while about a third of IDPs and returnees live in settlements reporting water unfit for human consumption. Additionally, 20 per cent of IDPs and 28 per cent of returnees live in settlements where people feel unsafe when they go to collect water, highlighting the protection risks especially for women and girls who experience harassment, assault and sexual violence while collecting water far from their homes" +305455,53013.0,2331.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,37,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/3c8084ae/REACH_SOM_Factsheet_Assessment-of-Hard-to-Reach-Areas_December-2020.pdf,WASH: 59% of assessed settlements reporting source of water for drinking and cooking is unavailable during both dry and rainy seasons while 28% reported source of water for drinking and cooking is unavailable. +178525,40661.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,57,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Même dans des provinces comme le Haut Uélé, le Bas Uélé, la Tshopo, le Maniema, le Haut-Katanga, le Lualaba, le Haut Lomami, où les populations déplacées sont moins importantes, l’assistance alimentaire en faveur des plus vulnérables joue un rôle de mitigation de l’insécurité alimentaire." +191887,43304.0,2332.0,"['WASH', 'Health', 'Shelter']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,74,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"les populations déplacées, principalement celles qui résident dans des sites (85% du total des personnes déplacées identifiées au Lac) vivent dans des conditions insalubres, avec un accès limité aux équipements de protection personnelle et à l’eau, l’assainissement et l’hygiène ; plus de 87% des localités évaluées par la DTM Tchad n’ont pas d’accès convenable aux toilettes." +320680,52949.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,92,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The population in need of adequate WASH services in 2021 includes approximately 1.16 million IDPs, 3.36 million host communities, 53,906 returnees and 28,002 refugees and asylum seekers. Among the people in need, 2.9 million are children, 0.7 million are women and 0.7 million are men. In addition, it is anticipated that over 1 million people could be in acute life-saving WASH needs along the Shabelle and Juba river basins in case of above normal rainfall performance during the Gu and Deyr 2021 rainy seasons." +305697,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,53,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Uncertainty over the transitions and inconclusive peace process may lead to the majority of displaced people currently in the PoC(Protectio of civilian sites) /former PoC sites to either remain in the sites, or prematurely leave to find shelter and livelihood opportunities in other locations but essentially remain displaced." +165472,39300.0,2028.0,"['WASH', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,71,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNFPA%20and%20WFP%20scale%20up%20the%20e-voucher%20emergency%20cash-based%20transfer%20mechanism%20%20targeting%20pregnant%20and%20lactating%20women%20%28PLW%29%20across%20Syria.pdf,"“UNFPA is keen to contribute to the joint efforts with other UN agencies to ensure access of vulnerable women & girls to essential hygiene and dignity items of their choice. Ensuring access to livelihood opportunities for women and girls is key for building the resilience of families who suffered from the prolonged crisis and the recent COVID-19 impact,” said Karen Daduryan, UNFPA Representative in Syria." +57462,17280.0,1186.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",es,39,[],"['Context', 'Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/439982_ed8c90c2b9644fbbabee3b33e6e9e918.pdf,"Otra situación crítica, detectada en ambas ciudades, se estaría dando con las personas migrantes que llegan en grupos familiares sin una red de contacto que les provea alojamiento, dado que no existen refugios para familias," +2651,521.0,321.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Education', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],en,68,['Capacities & Response'],['Humanitarian Access'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://www.unicef.org/appeals/libya.html,"In 2017, UNICEF worked with partners to respond to emergencies by strengthening the provision of WASH, health, child protection and education services for refugees, migrants, internally displaced persons and Libyans otherwise affected by humanitarian crisis. Despite the challenging operating environment and insecurity, UNICEF and partners were able to reach affected populations with life-saving emergency assistance and expanded access to services." +325763,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Le secteur de la distribution des intrants est principalement composé de négociants et de distributeurs d’intrants agricoles (engrais chimiques, pesticides, semences de variétés produites localement ou importées), d’équipements et de services" +193948,43327.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,58,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_sectoriel_octobre.pdf,"Le secteur de la santé est concerné par la question du risque d’inondation : prise en charge des victimes directes de ces événements, exposition des infrastructures à la submersion, accueil de patients de services en difficulté, indisponibilité du personnel, adaptation face aux éventuels effets domino, notamment les ruptures d’approvisionnement" +48103,13061.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,70,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.derechos.org.ve/web/wp-content/uploads/MigracionLigia.pdf,"Al igual que en el caso de la niñez y adolescencia, una de los principales riesgos enfrentados por la población femenina es el de trata, bien sea con fines de explotación sexual o para el sometimiento a alguna otra modalidad de esclavitud moderna. Sin embargo, más allá de las preocupaciones expresadas al respecto por diferentes entrevistados, se crece de información sistemática sobre la materia." +191584,43304.0,2332.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,43,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,un dialogue social entre les pouvoirs publics et ses acteurs importants de l’école pourrait s’avérer indispensable pour desserrer cet étau dans un scénario de prolongement de la pandémie et de maintien de la fermeture prolongée des établissements éducatifs. +310698,53333.0,2334.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"75%of adolescent mothers, pregnant and married girls mentioned that Community learning centres that offer non-formal education remain the preferred option to continue their studies." +165232,39714.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Local Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],es,30,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Sólo el 2% adoptó la cuarentena voluntaria porque tuvo síntomas de gripa, fiebre o tos y porque el hospital municipal, IPS o EPS se lo indicó." +405274,63250.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,32,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=245166,"[August 13, GoS] The Health Ministry announced on Friday that 42 new coronavirus cases were recorded, adding that 16 coronavirus patients recovered, while 3 passed away." +230164,46693.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,43,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Since COVID-19 related travel restrictions came into effect, WFP has maintained 97 percent of staffing component in the field offices and 93 percent in the country office. Offices and facilities are operating on a criticality basis to ensure physical distancing." +217500,45653.0,2333.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,57,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://docs.wfp.org/api/documents/WFP-0000114546/download/?_ga=2.153594736.918642439.1605111758-1773529422.1605111758,"Nutrition surveys conducted in host and refugee populations showed a ‘high’ to ‘very high’ percentage of children affected by wasting in five refugee camps and settlements (12–16.1 percent GAM) (SENS, 2016). Four out of five of the camps and settlements documented SAM prevalence higher than 2 percent" +22224,9106.0,729.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,65,['Impact'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"An estimated 823,000 people, including around 248,000 children, are in-need of humanitarian assistance in Libya as a result of persisting political instability, conflict and insecurity, the breakdown of the rule of law, a deteriorating public sector and a dysfunctional economy. These include internally displaced persons, returnees, nondisplaced conflict-affected people and host communities, refugees1 and migrants." +178054,40661.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,21,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"De façon générale, la grande majorité des ménages reste dépendante des marchés pour son approvisionnement en aliments de base." +83673,23081.0,1620.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need']","['Context->Security & Stability', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",en,89,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Humanitarian Access', 'Displacement']",2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/logistics_sector_nigeria_conops_191217.pdf,"The ten-year long conflict in northeast Nigeria has caused a large-scale humanitarian crisis across the worst-affected states of Borno, Adamawa, and Yobe with 7.1 million people in need of humanitarian assistance in 2019. An estimated 1.8 million people are internally displaced across the three states in the northeast; livelihoods have been lost, commercial markets and trade have been disrupted, host community resources are depleting, and large areas of Borno State remain inaccessible for humanitarian actors due to the volatile security situation." +7513,2188.0,321.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,37,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Libya%20SNAP%20Dashboard%20-%20Apr2018.pdf,"Following a drop in food prices in February, the cost of the main food commodities increased in April by 3% on national average, with significant spikes in the CentralWestern part of the country." +286785,51586.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,36,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_19_november_2020_final.pdf,Humanitarians stress the critical importance of maintaining a reliable flow of humanitarian cargo from all neighbouring countries and are advocating for special consideration to expedite movement of humanitarian food and relief items through border crossings. +305745,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Displaced families sometimes use negative coping mechanisms to address needs, including forcing their adolescent girls into early marriage. Early marriage among displaced girls is now more prevalent than in recent years" +340471,56371.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,35,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20Burkina%20Faso%20Country%20Brief%2C%20April%202021.pdf,"Nutrition: WFP supported the screening and subsequent care of 32,292 acutely malnourished children aged 6-59 months and 13,024 PLW/Gs across Boucle du Mouhoun, Centre-Nord, Est, Nord, and Sahel regions." +191737,43622.0,2330.0,['WASH'],[],[],en,30,[],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20201111_acaps_briefing_note_nicaragua_honduras_hurricane_eta.pdf,"Honduras: High levels of rainfall and overflowing rivers have increased contamination in wa- ter sources, reducing accessibility to drinking water. Numbers of those affected are currently unavailable" +342024,56493.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,86,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[De juillet à début septembre 2020, les enquêteurs ont administré le sondage auprès de 2396 Burkinabè dans les régions du Centre Nord, Nord, Sahel, Est, Boucle du Mouhoun et Hauts-Bassins] Selon les personnes consultées, l’éducation connait une crise. L’individu (enfants et jeunes) grandit en n’intégrant pas toutes les normes et codes de la société. Cela pourrait contribuer à expliquer l’incivisme voire la crise des valeurs." +325091,54766.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,47,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note-info_1_31_mars_2021_ocha_bukavu_0.pdf,"Les semaines suivantes ont vu une baisse progressive du nombre de cas, atteignant 13 cas à la semaine épidémiologique 10 (8 au 14 mars). Cette baisse est survenue grâce à la synergie des interventions menées par les partenaires intervenant dans la riposte." +193268,43081.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],es,63,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.radiofeyalegrianoticias.com/autoridades-de-arauca-dificultan-el-retorno-de-venezolanos-a-apure/,"Particularmente en el caso de la frontera del estado Apure con el Departamento de Arauca, por los lados de El Amparo, en los últimos días se ha venido presentando una novedad. Las autoridades colombianas han aumentado los controles en los pasos del río Arauca que dificultan el acceso y retorno a los llamados migrantes pendulares y los migrantes forzados." +173263,41059.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,79,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/2020/10/04/covid-19-23-die-1-125-new-cases-in-24hrs,"[4th October 2020, Bangladesh] With the latest figure, the number of all confirmed cases so far jumped to 368,690, according to the daily virus update released on Sunday by the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS). Of the 23 deceased -- 17 men and six women -- 17 were from Dhaka division, two from Rangpur, and one each from Chittagong, Rajshahi, Khulna, and Sylhet divisions." +196696,43328.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,63,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_smart_rapid_pdi_2020_bfa_final.pdf,"On estime un total de 2,2 millions de burkinabè qui sont dans un besoin humanitaire de plus en plus croissant dans tous les secteurs. Parmi ces 2,2 millions de personnes, on compte 1 013 234 déplacés internes à la date du 08 août 2020 et plus de 1,2 millions étaient directement privées d’un accès aux soins de santé." +401408,62279.0,2170.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"[10th November 2020, MONGUNO LGA, BORNO STATE]Children in the 6-23 months age group consumed on an average 3.6 food groups as part of their meals. Primarily, the complementary feed consumed by this age group was cereal-based (Rice gruel), pulses and dairy products sometimes a child is fed vitamin A rich food." +270238,50227.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],es,46,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Dando seguimiento a los depratamentos de Amazonia limitrofes con Brasil y Perú se evidencia en Amazonas, Guainía, Vaupes y Putumayo un total de 15.045 casos y 510 muertes. Los mayores incrementos se observan en el departamento de Amazonas con 70 casos activos." +239606,47230.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Push Factors'],es,92,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"Algunas de las motivaciones para quienes salieron de Venezuela son distintas que para los que salieron de otros países, y también estas motivaciones son distintas para los hogares que cambiaron de residencia dentro de Colombia. En el primer caso, la búsqueda de alimentos (67%), trabajo (65%) y salud (43%) son las prioridades además de las preocupaciones sobre la violencia o inseguridad (36%), motivo señalado con más del doble de frecuencia que para los demás grupos" +176047,40890.0,1183.0,[],[],[],es,134,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"La principal razón que se reporta para tener la intención de retornar corresponde a las limitaciones de acceso a ingresos en Colombia, que se han acentuado dadas las actuales circunstancias de aislamiento preventivo obligatorio. Esta fue reportada como causa en el 46% de los hogares en donde alguna persona tiene la intención de retornar. Le siguen, reunirse con la familia en Venezuela (36%), tener vivienda en Venezuela (19%) y no tener acceso a alimentación (18%), En línea con lo anterior, cabe señalar que entre quienes menor número de comidas están consumiendo al día (una comida al día), hay un mayor porcentaje de personas que tiene la intención de retornar (12%)." +239647,47230.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,81,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"De acuerdo con la Encuesta Nacional de Situación Nutricional (ENSIN 2015)23, la sola percepción de alza de precios puede alterar los patrones de consumo en la población. Si en una semana de aislamiento la población encuestada cambia sus patrones de consumo para productos como el huevo, que es una fuente importante de proteína y accesible en precio para una población de recurso limitado, puede poner en riesgo la diversidad del consumo de alimentos." +305460,53013.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,44,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/3c8084ae/REACH_SOM_Factsheet_Assessment-of-Hard-to-Reach-Areas_December-2020.pdf,Communication: 79% of the assessed settlements reported lack of electricity as a barrier to accessing information while 39% and 35% of the assessed settlements reported lack of mobile signal and radio signal as a barriers to accessing information respectively. +214352,45385.0,2334.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,54,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"21,051 cas de Malnutrition Aigüe Sévère (MAS) ont été admis dans les CNAS/CNTI de la région depuis janvier 2020 avec 81 décès déjà enregistrés. Selon le Centre Régional de Prévention et de Lutte Contre les Epidémies (CERPLE), 2,830 enfants ont été diagnostiqués avec MAS avec complications médicales." +327408,54714.0,2331.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,45,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,[EDUCATION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 44% and 71% of households of IDP settlement and Non-IDP settlement reported all school-aged children in their household who were previously attending school are continuing learning activities remotely since schools have been closed. +143709,35870.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,73,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"UNFPA also continues to conduct awareness raising in its reproductive health clinics and mobile teams in 13 governorates. In addition, UNHCR report that in the reporting period, 2,421 outreach volunteers reached approximately 40,506 people across 13 governorates on awareness raising, including more than 1,900 physical visits, with appropriate precautions, to the most vulnerable individuals in need of support who could not be reached through other modalities." +176408,41733.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,29,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/reach_drc_bulletin-des-marche-2_juin-2020.pdf,Les prix du sel et de l'huile de palme sont restés relativement stables depuis janvier et ne semblent donc pas particulièrement affectés par la conjoncture actuelle en RDC. +264355,48806.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,36,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_final_enquete_smart_27112019.pdf,>90% des ménages utilisent du sel adéquatement iode; - La concentration médiane d’iode urinaire dans la population générale est de 100-199 µg/L et chez les femmes enceintes de 150-249 µg/L. +16329,6355.0,322.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],en,45,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/181002%20YEMEN%20HODEIDAH%20CHOLERA%20CASES%20SURGE.pdf,"Save the Children’s health centres report 170 per cent spike in suspected cases. • Malnutrition, displacement and attacks on water supplies could spark a new wave of the disease nationwide. • 100,000 severely malnourished children at risk in Hodeidah." +320723,52949.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,19,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,About half of the households (45 per cent) report problems with domestic waste near their household. +2610,520.0,321.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://www.amnesty.org/en/countries/middle-east-and-north-africa/libya/report-libya/,"Rival government forces and other armed groups and militias committed serious violations of international law and abuses of human rights with impunity. All sides to the conflict carried out indiscriminate attacks and direct attacks on civilians, forcing thousands to become internally displaced and causing a humanitarian crisis." +309811,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,28,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"The Protection cluster will continue to provide technical support on protection to the Cash Working Group, the Inter-Cluster Coordination Group, and peacekeeping and development organizations." +175782,41235.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],en,109,"['Priority Needs', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[October 14, NES, Providing additional capacity to SA supported COVID facilities ]In multiple areas, additional support is needed to improve the functionality of COVID-19 facilities established by the authorities. In areas such as Deir-ez-Zor, Qamishli, Menbij and Tabqa, capacity is limited with many facilities comprising beds and basic medical equipment with little consideration around organizational layout or staffing. As well as providing in-kind and financial support for such facilities (e.g. covering running costs and staff salaries), technical expertise is also required to ensure these facilities are fit for purpose and do not exacerbate IPC risks" +149576,32165.0,1388.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/74589.pdf,"De los 169.683 empleos creados en el último año (en el país), el 71% fueron ocupados por mujeres, y si la mayoría de los nuevos empleos son informales (según el punto anterior), esto se traduce en una mayor precariedad del empleo para ellas." +329895,55152.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,69,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bcnudh_-_communique_de_presse_-_note_mensuelle_mars_2021.pdf,"En mars 2021, le BCNUDH a organisé ou pris part à au moins 21 activités de renforcement de capacités des acteurs étatiques et non-étatiques sur les droits de l’homme, parfois conjointement avec d’autres sections de la MONUSCO et des partenaires externes. Ces activités ont connu la participation d’au moins 1.269 personnes dont 565 femmes (soit 44%)." +295269,52417.0,2028.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,24,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.dropbox.com/s/fpu0ox89go0s7li/Syria%202021%20HNO%20%28advance%20copy%29.pdf?dl=0,"[23rd March 2021, Overall Syria] 2.45M children were out of school in 2020 (number estimated to have increased since)" +305229,53100.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,48,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/plan_de_preparation_coronavirus_cmr._version_du_10_mars_2019.pdf,ACQUIS: - Disponibilité d’un personnel formé pour la collecte d’échantillons biologiques pour les pathogènes respiratoires GAPS: - Besoin de recyclage spécifique Covid-19 et d’exercice de simulation - Pas de formations spécifiques pour les enquêtes sur les éclosions des maladies respiratoires +341590,55986.0,2225.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,72,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_cluster_sante_rdc_s16.pdf,"Au total, 26.386 personnes se sont déplacées dans le Kasaï et 10.271 au Kasaï central. Dans le Kasaï, la quasi-totalité des villages situés sur l’axe Kakenge et Bakwakenge, plus précisément entre la rivière Luembe située à 07 km de la cité de Bakwakenge jusque dans cette dernière cité, se sont vidés de leurs populations, en grande partie en déplacement vers la cité de Kakenge" +397557,61842.0,1186.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,26,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.eldesconcierto.cl/opinion/2021/02/17/migracion-venezolana-ni-aumento-de-delincuencia-ni-aumento-del-desempleo-ni-baja-de-salarios.html,"Con la llegada de 1.800 migrantes, en su mayoría venezolanos, esta comuna no cuenta con la infraestructura para hacer frente a esta situación." +58568,17343.0,788.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Shelter', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,97,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://nextierspd.com/the-war-among-us/,"Some IDP camps have been reported to be synonymous with severe lack of food items, basic shelter, health and protection. In some camps in Borno state -the worst-hit- it has been more than 4 months since the displaced persons last received relief materials either from state or non-state actors. Visitors to the camps are almost mobbed in a bid to secure some sort of relief items. The condition of some camps is unliveable, yet it is the lived experience of Nigerians struggling to survive the situation that has befallen them." +179161,41842.0,2028.0,['Nutrition'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,184,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nw_syria_sitrep21_20201020.pdf,"(NW 20/10/2020) The prevalence of chronic malnutrition among children aged 6-59 months increased from 19 percent to 33 percent (35percent for boys, 31percentfor girls) between May 2019 and September 2020, while the prevalence of acute malnutrition increased from 1 percent to 2 percent over the same period.For Pregnant and Lactating Women (PLW), proxy prevalence of acute malnutrition across northwest Syria is at 11 percent. There are also significant differences across northwest Syria. The proxy prevalence of acute malnutrition was higher in Idleb compared to Aleppo among children aged 6-59 months (4 percent vs. 1 percent) and PLW (20 percent vs. 2 percent)and was generally higher among displaced persons for both children aged 6-59 months and PLW. The COVID-19 outbreak and economic downturn may potentially cause further deterioration of the nutrition situation during the second half of 2020, due to dysfunctional markets, limited livelihoods opportunities, inflation, low purchasing power, increasing food insecurity, and disruption of access to health and WASH services." +159625,39079.0,2170.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,53,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NIGERIA_Food_Security_Outlook_Update_August_Final.pdf,"Food prices are increasing due to the deteriorating macroeconomy and recent increase in petrol prices. Petrol was deregulated in June with the removal of the price cap. This has increased transportation costs as petrol prices increased to 144 NGN/liter in July from 122 NGN/liter, leading to some price transmission." +149529,32172.0,1388.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],es,68,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/75318.pdf,"Esta situación está generando despidos, disminución de la oferta de empleos, reducción de los horarios de trabajo, disminución en los ingresos o la privación de estos con la consiguiente imposibilidad de contar con el sustento diario y, por lo tanto, pobreza y desigualdad, impactando a las personas trabajadoras, tanto de las comunidades de acogida como a las refugiadas y migrantes." +62867,18514.0,1386.0,[],[],[],en,145,[],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190328_acaps_briefing_note_venezuela_update_and_2019_outlook__0.pdf,"Humanitarian and operational constraints The Venezuelan government does not recognise the scale of humanitarian needs in Venezuela and has largely refused to accept international humanitarian aid (Miami Herald 08/02/2018). The government has restricted the shipping of medical supplies and medicines into Venezuela as well as relief operations inside the country (NPR 13/06/2017). In February 2019, Venezuelan authorities blocked the entry of US humanitarian aid, setting up barricades, firing tear gas, and targeting protestors. In addition, Maduro closed the borders with Colombia and Brazil, preventing any aid from entering the country (The Conversation 07/03/2019, BBC 20/02/2019). The nature of the political crisis adds to the operational constraints: road blockages are frequent during protests, while blackouts and rationing affect the availability of electricity (Reuters 16/03/2018)." +313654,53333.0,2334.0,['Protection'],"['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],en,64,"['Priority Needs', 'Priority Interventions']",[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"There is need for intergenerational dialogues involving especially boys, men and local traditional and religious leaders to tackle negative attitudes towards girls` challenges, and perceived social norms that cause girls to drop out of school, and to provide an impetus for adolescent girls to return to school, formal and non-formal even if they are pregnant/married/ or have babies." +388996,60730.0,2098.0,[],[],[],en,96,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://app.box.com/s/asye4w9ljbvdby3gy5p0jy8a859nsmzt,"[25th July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: Some believe that Covid-19 spreads through dust, waste, dirty water and dirty places. They think Covid-19 is spread by garbage, and/or when drainage and sewerage lines do not work properly. A few believe Covid-19 can spread if latrines are not clean or are broken, filled/overflowing. They also think Covid-19 can spread through dirty drinking water, and that only clean drinking water is free from Covid-19. Furthermore, some said drinking cold water can spread Covid-19." +48239,16492.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,31,['At Risk'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.unhcr.org/news/stories/2019/7/5d3723374/pregnant-women-flee-lack-maternal-health-care-venezuela.html,"Between 2015 and 2016, maternal deaths grew by 65 per cent and child mortality after six days of being born increased by 53 per cent, according togovernment data." +63633,18631.0,788.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],"['Context->Demography', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,72,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_floodoverview_13092019.pdf,Increased cases of skin infections reported in Jere and Monguno LGAs. Over 70 case-patients between the age of 1 month to 20 years old were identified in a single camp in Jere LGA. • Scale-up and intensification of public health awareness (community sensitization) to prevent cholera outbreak in Kuya IDP camp and Ngurno host community in Monguno as most of the flood-affected people live in cholera-prone areas. +325241,54815.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Environment'],en,73,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"(Sud-Ouest, Plateau-Central) In total, 513 km of Burkina Faso’s overall primary road network, 292 km of the secondary road network, and 669 km of the tertiary road network are at risk of flooding at the 5-year return period; this is equivalent to 9.7 percent, 10 percent, and 12.6 percent of each type of network, respectively. Mainly in Sud-Ouest and Plateau-Central" +241250,46388.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,50,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Despite the fact that healthcare in Afghanistan is nominally free, paying for healthcare is increasingly common and constitutes a high proportion of household spending. Some 82 per cent of assessed households report paying for healthcare, with particularly high rates among refugees (92 per cent)." +161522,39295.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH', 'Shelter', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,82,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,"The humanitarian situation remains dire as the additional strains related to the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic downturn in Syria continue to impact the 4.1 million people living in northwest Syria. Nearly a decade of conflict marked by multiple displacements, economic shocks, military operations and violence is continuously eroding the resilience of the population. An estimated 2.8 million people rely on humanitarian assistance to meet their basic needs such as shelter, food, water and health." +316243,54179.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,92,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://congovirtuel.com/information/medecins-sans-frontieres-sinquiete-de-la-resurgence-de-la-rougeole-en-rdc/,"«La rougeole est la maladie la plus contagieuse au monde, près de dix fois plus que la Covid-19« , explique Anthony Kergosien. «‘Pour lutter efficacement contre ce fléau en RDC, il faudrait une couverture vaccinale de 95% avec deux doses par enfant, et des campagnes de ‘ratissage’ régulières pour vacciner ceux qui passent entre les mailles du filet, y compris dans les zones les plus difficiles d’accès. Mais on en est encore très, très loin.«" +343087,53036.0,2334.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,21,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/1-Lolo_Dec%202020_0.pdf,"NUTRITION Taux de malnutrition globale (GAM) = 5% Taux de malnutrition sévère (SAM) = 0,72%" +237921,47230.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,205,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"SALUD El 43% de los hogares manifiestan que al menos un miembro de éste ha necesitado algún tratamiento médico en los 30 días antes la recolección de los datos. De los hogares mencionados, el 49% afirma que han tenido dificultades para acceder a tratamiento médico y dentro de las principales limitaciones se encuentran no estar afiliados al sistema de salud (56%), el alto costo de los servicios y medicamentos (51%) y la falta de documentación. El 80% de los miembros de los hogares encuestados no se encuentran afiliados al sistema de salud. El 16% de los niños y niñas entre los 0 y 6 años nunca han sido vacunados. El 24% de las personas entrevistadas manifestó que, durante los 30 días anteriores a la encuesta, algún miembro del hogar ha presentado necesidades relacionadas con servicios de salud sexual y reproductiva. Hay grandes brechas entre la necesidad de salud sexual y salud reproductiva y la disponibilidad de estos servicios. El 7% de los hogares manifestó necesidades relacionadas con los servicios de anticoncepción, de estos hogares el 35% no logró acceder al servicio" +106113,30611.0,1860.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,28,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],COVID-19 Americas Region Multi-Sectorial Assessment,2020-05-18 21:51:19.040784+00,https://1bec58c3-8dcb-46b0-bb2a-fd4addf0b29a.filesusr.com/ugd/188e74_6f98530009f54edfa41096e8142b717b.pdf,"At the same time, people in the caravans may experience predatory violence, sexual assault, rape, trafficking, food insecurity, discrimination and social exclusion1" +287955,51049.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nw_syria_sitrep25_20210226.pdf,"[26 Feb, 2021, NWS] Some 70 percent of displaced people in camps in northwest Syria continue to rely on WASH partners to provide daily water trucking, which is costly and short-term." +309831,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,86,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Spontaneous returns of both IDPs and refugees are expected to increase in 2021 as the government moves forward with the implementation of the Revitalised Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan (R-ARCSS).This will result in a rise of HLP issues in areas of return, especially because of illegal occupation and grabbing of houses and lands, which has potential to contribute to sub-national and localized violence along with conflict based on identity lines in some areas" +238832,47230.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],es,109,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"En cuanto a los hogares pertenecientes a comunidades étnicas hay algunas particularidades respecto al resto de los hogares: las necesidades son mayores entre los hogares de grupos étnicos en relación con el empleo o la generación de ingresos (49%), la documentación y regularización de su situación migratoria (15%), el acceso a medicamentos (15%) y la educación para los niños, niñas y adolescentes (14%) frente a los hogares sin pertenencia étnica particular, para los cuales las necesidades asociadas con la vivienda son más frecuentes (70%, ver gráfica 11)." +317506,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,53,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,COVID-19 is estimated to have a direct or indirect impact on 20 per cent (3.1 million) of the total population in Somalia according to WHO global guidance. This projection has been already included in the actual HNO analysis and PiN calculation as part of the Health Cluster needs analysis. +327091,54714.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,[NUTRITION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 100% of IDP settlement and 49% of non-IDP settlement households found with a nutrition Living Standard Gaps (LSG) +149678,37702.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,44,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"In addition, the Government of Syria (GoS) further announced that Syrians wishing to transit through Lebanon abroad must reach the borders no more than 24 hours before their flight and within 96 hours of a negative PCR test being conducted." +17174,7188.0,321.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,99,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/67421.pdf,"Total resettlement processing in Libya and Niger (Groups 1, 2, 3, 4) Since 1 September 2017, a total of 3,608 individuals have been submitted for resettlement from Libya and Niger to 12 resettlement States. A total of 1,489 individuals have departed on resettlement from Libya and Niger. A total of 548 individuals have been accepted for resettlement and are pending departure from Libya and Niger. A total of 1,251 individuals have been submitted for resettlement and are pending interview or decision by a resettlement State in Libya or Niger." +385196,60693.0,2170.0,"['Nutrition', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,70,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/malnutrition-among-children-rife-nigeria-what-must-be-done,"[22nd July 2021, Nigeria]The prevalence of malnutrition in Nigeria goes beyond the ability to purchase food. It is ingrained in those structural, cultural and physiological predispositions that hinder Nigerians from considering nutrition as a priority in the light of other challenges. With the increasing level of multidimensional poverty in Nigeria, it is expected that malnutrition at all levels will also rise." +182896,32165.0,1388.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],es,48,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/74589.pdf,"Otras barreras tienen que ver con el plazo que se requiere para normalizar su situación legal, que en muchos casos tarda mucho más de los términos establecidos. Esto se une a los trámites burocráticos y a los costos transaccionales involucrados en los procesos de tramitología." +236606,46388.0,2336.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In Badghis, Bamyan, Ghor, Hilmand, Kandahar, Khost, Laghman, Logar, Nangarhar, Paktika, and Sar-e-Pul, the use of makeshift shelters is much higher than the national average, with 9 out of 10 respondents reporting they were living in these sub-standard conditions." +355481,58185.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,73,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/10062021_alerta_de_situacion_por_inundaciones_en_arauca_vf.pdf,"En todos los municipios afectados se requiere la asistencia con kits de alojamientos, colchonetas, frazadas, y carpas, en especial los sectores donde la afectación fue mas severa y el aumento del nivel del agua destruyo enseres, como son: Puerto Nariño-Saravena (1.880 personas), Cajaros-Arauquita (248 personas), Nuevo Fortul-Fortul (320 personas) y zona rural de Tame (1.280 personas)." +317941,53305.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,14,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"South Sudan has only one physician for every 65,574 person in the country." +149792,37699.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,31,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/ne-syria-60-increase-covid-19-cases-past-week-irc-calls-increased-health,"Lack of access to these supplies provides a stark illustration of the impact of the loss of the crossing point, which supported health care provision for millions of Syrians." +151422,37915.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross', 'Education']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,71,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/78176.pdf,"The closure of learning centres, child friendly centers and other venues for children has resulted in further exposure of children to protection risks, giving rise to increased behavioural challenges and the adoption of negative coping mechanisms. The Mental Health and Psychosocial Support working group (which UNHCR co-chairs) is increasing its work on psychological first aid for children, recognising the severe challenges children are facing." +215164,44840.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,64,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,"Local Governance: Local governments are at the frontline of the epidemic, but their capacity to respond rapidly depends heavily on context and resources. While strengthening local capacity is a longer term objective, existing mechanisms to deliver support should be utilized and expanded to include emergency and recovery activities, including by way of collaboration between humanitarian and government agencies." +439189,64647.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,62,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.portafolio.co/economia/gobierno/produccion-local-de-vacunas-espera-politica-de-largo-plazo-555678,"Si bien,el Gobierno Nacional se ha adherido al Instituto Internacional de Vacunasde las Naciones Unidas para avanzar en el proceso de restablecer el desarrollo de los biológicos, la competencia regional es alta, por ejemplo, Brasil, México y Argentina ya han tomado ventajas y también las condiciones locales en las empresas no están del todo definidas." +176944,41739.0,2225.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,76,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.lemonde.fr/afrique/article/2020/05/18/en-rdc-la-prise-en-charge-des-malades-du-covid-19-entre-debrouille-et-defiance_6040023_3212.html,Aux défis matériels s’ajoutent les fausses informations qui circulent. Beaucoup pensent que la maladie n'existe pas et qu'il ne faut pas prendre de traitement car celui-ci était dangereux. D'autres patients sont dans le déni malgré leurs symptômes et se plaignent d'être privés de liberté. Ils demandent à quitter l'hôpital avant la fin de leur traitement. L'hôpital fait venir des psychologues pour aider les médecins à leur faire entendre raison. +141416,35118.0,1187.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,96,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"En relación a la cobertura con la que contaban las personas al momento de ser encuestadas, el 64% (264) recurría al sistema público de Salud -entre el que se incluyen hospitales y centros de salud de asistencia gra- tuita-, el 24% (100) no había requerido realizar consultas de salud hasta el momento de la encuesta, el 10% (39) contaba con cobertura privada y el 2% (7) acudía a otros tipo de cobertura entre los que se incluye la seguridad social." +453910,63974.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,81,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_20210630-Rapport-Protection-Trimestriel.pdf,"Il ressort des enquêtes [REACH entre le 21 avril et le 3 mai 2021 concernant trois centres urbains d'accueil de PDI situés dans des zones accessibles du Centre-Nord, à savoir Boussouma, Tougouri et Yalgo] réalisées que l’arrivée de deux vagues de PDI à Tougouri (environ 7 000 personnes) durant le mois de mai pourrait contribuer à renforcer la pression sur l’accès au logement, à la terre et aux biens." +239341,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"More than half of shock- affected IDP households, and one in four households overall, reported feeling unsafe, most commonly due to natural disasters in general, or shelters failing during natural disasters." +492316,67914.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,115,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_mvam_bulletin_58_august_2021.pdf,"[August 2021, Overall Syria] At the governorate level, in August 2021, Hama (36 percent), Aleppo (35 percent) and As-Sweida (32 percent) recorded the highest proportion of surveyed households having lost one or more sources of income over the past month. Nearly one quarter of interviewed households in As-Sweida (22 percent) and 18 percent of respondents in Aleppo, lost more than half of their August income. Meanwhile, to cope with limited income and soaring inflation, 18 percent of surveyed households nationwide reported having been pushed to work more than one full-time job over the past month." +390850,60791.0,1186.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,83,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Para 2019 se estimó un total de 42.874 personas extranjeras residentes en la Región del Maule. Esta cifra representa un aumento absoluto de 7.737 personas y un alza relativa de 22% respecto a lo estimado para 2018. En 2019, la población extranjera en esa región se compuso de 24.946 hombres y 17.928 mujeres, con una relación de masculinidad de 139,1 hombres por cada 100 mujeres, la más alta del país junto con la Región de Ñuble." +106122,30611.0,1860.0,['Health'],[],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,22,[],['Shock/Event'],COVID-19 Americas Region Multi-Sectorial Assessment,2020-05-18 21:51:19.040784+00,https://1bec58c3-8dcb-46b0-bb2a-fd4addf0b29a.filesusr.com/ugd/188e74_6f98530009f54edfa41096e8142b717b.pdf,"3.4 Considering the demographic profile of the Central American migrant population in Mexico, health vulnerabilities might increase COVID-19 morbidity and mortality" +475698,63295.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rpca_avis_pregec_cotonou-visio_17_18_juin2021_fr.pdf,"[Sahel et Afrique de l’Ouest] Les prix des principales denrées importées particulièrement le blé, le riz, le sucre et l’huile, ont connu également une hausse." +143708,35870.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,22,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,UNICEF-supported C4D teams continue to promote physical distancing as well as awareness raising in public health and service facilities across the country +305419,53013.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/3c8084ae/REACH_SOM_Factsheet_Assessment-of-Hard-to-Reach-Areas_December-2020.pdf,Protection/GBV: 5% of assessed settlements where KIs reported presence of unaccompanied children in the month preceding data collection.83% reported there were no any presence of unaccompanied children in the month preceding data collection. +291618,52080.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],fr,48,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.unicef.org/drcongo/communiqu%C3%A9s-de-presse/arriv%C3%A9e-de-plus-de-17-million-de-doses-de-vaccin-contre-la-covid-19-en-rdc,"Avec l’appui de ses partenaires, notamment Gavi, l’OMS et l’UNICEF, le PEV procédera à la formation du personnel de santé sur les aspects logistiques et à la sensibilisation de la population avant les opérations de vaccination proprement dites." +182489,42270.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep21_20201020.pdf,"[20th October NWS] One new laboratory is in Jarablus and the other is in Afrin, each with one polymerase chain reaction (PCR) machine to test for COVID19." +270211,50227.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,106,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Con relación a los casos activos se observa que la proporción de casos en hospitalización general y UCI se incrementa con la edad, es así como del total de pacientes referidos en hospitalización, el 60,8% son personas de 50 años y más; de las personas en UCI el 74,4% son personas de 50 años y más. Entre la población de casos activos de 60 años y más, se observa un 62,4% de los casos son clasificados como graves; del total de fallecimientos del país, el 78,5% ocurre entre personas de este grupo de edad." +309802,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,88,"['Priority Needs', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Protection was the sixth commonly cited form of priority assistance needed for men, women and children, as reported by three to eight per cent of assessed settlements across South Sudan in October 2020. Insecurity was also cited as a key challenge in both male and female FGDs held in October 2020. All issues, covering five Protection Cluster’s areas of responsibility have been mentioned – general protection, GBV and CP (including cross-cutting issues), HLP and Mine Action." +361266,58845.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,85,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_price_bulletin_may_2021.pdf,"[May 2021, GoS & NES] Broken down by regions, the retail price of sugar, the coastal region recorded the highest price of SYP 2,227/kg (down four percent m-o-m), followed by the southern region at SYP 1,952/kg (down 11 percent m-o-m). Conversely, northeast Syria recorded the lowest price at SYP 1,782/kg (down 12 percent m-o-m), followed by the middle region at SYP 1,841 /kg (down 12 percent m-o-m)." +61759,18350.0,1184.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,154,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71151.pdf,"Seguridad Alimentaria En junio se incrementó la asistencia alimentaria (kits de alimentos/cupones de compra y raciones de comida caliente) a la población venezolana en las fronteras norte y sur debido a la situación de contingencia; y se continuó la entrega de asistencia alimentaria dentro del país para población venezolana en tránsito. En el mes de junio la entrega de kits de alimentos incrementó en 15%, alcanzando los 43.412 kits, de los cuales el 48,45% se entregó a NNAs. En Huaquillas, se gestionó la utilización de una bodega de alimentos en el CEBAF, para el almacenamiento de alimentos perecibles, que también se equipó con climatización. Así también, 45.059 personas establecidas en Ecuador fueron beneficiadas con cupones canjeables por alimentos en 10 provincias al nivel nacional. El incremento en la entrega de estos cupones fue de 14,5% en junio." +244078,46388.0,2336.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,51,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Climbing rates of household debt will continue to make it harder for the most vulnerable to access safe and sufficient drinking water, as well as soap for handwashing, especially those living in informal settlements who mostly purchase water from commercial vendors due to the lack of municipal infrastructure." +165192,38902.0,1183.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,25,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"Risk 5 Colombian economy re-opens and conditions in Venezuela worsen, resulting in increased arrivals of Venezuelan refugees and migrants in need of humanitarian assistance" +90029,25213.0,1621.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']","['Context->Security & Stability', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",en,119,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A_HRC_43_75_E.pdf,"Since 4 April, fighting between the Libyan National Army forces and the Government of National Accord has continued in and around Tripoli, with serious human rights abuses and violations and violations of international humanitarian law committed by all parties, with total impunity. In July, the conflict spread beyond the capital, with air and drone strikes against Misrata, Sirte and Jufra. Since May, the conflict in southern Tripoli has escalated, with intensified airstrikes by fixed-wing aircraft and armed unmanned aerial vehicles, and the increasing use of explosive weapons, including artillery, mortars, rockets and grenades, causing even more civilian casualties and damage to civilian infrastructure." +271042,47809.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],es,81,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_7.pdf,"Enviado la semana epidemiológica 07 de 2021 se notificaron 68 muertes maternas, 60 corresponden a mortalidad materna temprana (ocurridas durante el embarazo, parto y hasta los 42 días de terminada la gestación), 6 tardías (ocurridas desde el día 43 hasta un año de terminada la gestación) y 2 por causas coincidentes (lesiones de causa externa). Se observa un aumento del 53,8 % en la mortalidad materna temprana respecto al 2020 (" +296801,52565.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/2019/06/WFP-COUNTRY-BRIEF-CAMEROON-APRIL-2019.pdf,"All these multi-folded factors [crisis and instabilities] left 136,399 refugees, 437,354 IDPs and vulnerable local host communities affected by crises requiring food assistance for long-term livelihood recovery." +157818,38137.0,2098.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,140,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cxb_education_covid_response_reaching_every_learner_final.pdf,"On 24th March 2020, the Refugee Relief and Repatriation Commissioner (RRRC) (based in Cox’s Bazar) released a statement defining the essential and critical activities in all 34 camps in Cox’s Bazar for COVID19. The statement defined education as a non-essential activity. This resulted in severely restricted access for UN and NGO staff and the closure of learning facilities. This closure means that the education sector closed nearly 6,000 education facilities across the camps for the foreseeable future, disrupting learning of over 325,000 children (of which, 49 per cent are girls and adolescents aged 3 to - 24 years), and cutting off their access to education. These students are missing vital learning opportunities and have had their social support systems further disrupted." +151724,38087.0,2099.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,59,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"« Ces derniers temps nous avons travaillé à élargir les cibles, ce n’est plus seulement les cas suspects, tous ceux atterrissent sur le sol burkinabè sont dépistés systématiquement de même que ceux qui développent des pathologies à risque comme l’hypertension, l’hémodialyse, etc.», a souligné Dr Bicaba." +411853,63817.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Demography'],en,95,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/An%20update%20of%20Cholera%20outbreak%20in%20Nigeria_060821_32.pdf,"[9th- 15th Aug 2021, Nigeria] (Cholera) Of the suspected cases since the beginning of the year, age group 5-14 years is the most affected age group for both male and female. Of all suspected cases, 51% are males and 49% are females Since the beginning of the year, a total of 1,999 samples have been collected with positive cases as follows-314 RDT positive only; 113 culture positive. The test positivity rate (TPR) for laboratory confirmation by culture is 5.7%" +393637,62284.0,2170.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,63,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"[7th Apr 2021, Borno State] They are also complaints regarding members of the security forces harassing women and adolescent girls on their way to fetch firewood or water. They also stated that security forces make casual advances at them and sometimes, prevent them from crossing check points, all in the name of curfew imposition by 5pm." +273936,50464.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,69,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210203FINALFactSheetSomaliaSkisserLR11.pdf,"This makes it especially important for the Somali government, at federal and member state level, to be able to take anticipatory preventive response measures to reduce the risk of climate-related migration triggering violent conflict. Regional and international partners – including IGAD, AMISOM and UNSOM – can help the FGS and FMS to have access to early warning systems and to increase their response capacities." +169478,40368.0,2099.0,[],[],[],en,25,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Since the first COVID-19 case in March, the Government of Burkina Faso has introduced restriction measures which have been gradually lifted or eased." +271061,47809.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],es,69,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_7.pdf,"Durante el 2021 se han notificado 23 muertes probables por dengue, procedentes de: Cartagena y Magdalena, con 4 casos cada uno; Cali y Tolima, con 2 casos cada uno; y Atlántico, Archipiélago de San Andrés y Providencia, Barranquilla, Bolívar, Cauca, Cesar, Córdoba, Meta, Nariño, Santander y Exterior, con 1 caso cada uno." +313122,53183.0,2466.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,88,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"Based on the protection monitoring findings, IDPs and returnees were supported through the establishment and strengthening of CBPNs, implementation of community support projects, establishment of and support to communitybased dispute resolution structures, training programmes, people with special needs were identified, assisted through projects, including cash for shelter, NFIs, psychosocial support (PSS), psychological first aid (PFA), information counseling, legal assistance and provision of other in-kind assistance or referred to specialized service providers." +410320,63222.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,42,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_mvam_bulletin_57_july_2021.pdf,"[Syria, July] In July 2021, close to half of the surveyed households across Syria (49 percent) who reported losses of income also reported inadequate food consumption, representing an increase of nine percentage points year-on-year." +301123,51958.0,2332.0,"['WASH', 'Health']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,141,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_devaluation_de_protection_des_retournes_tchadiens_de_la_rca_installes_dans_les_sites_au_sud_du_tchad_002.pdf,"L’infirmier [centre de santé de Danamadja] collecte de l’eau avec l’appui de la communauté et parfois achète l’eau pour le travail car il n’y a aucun forage au centre. Aucune ambulance n’étant disponible, l’infirmier conseille l’auto- référencement à Goré en cas de maladie grave. Dans ce genre de cas, les patients se font transporter, à leur charge par des mototaxi vers Goré ou d’autres grands centres. Mais le manque de moyen ne permet pas à toute la communauté de s’y rendre pour des soins appropriés. La communauté apprécie l’appui de CARE International qui approvisionne, même si c’est en petite quantité, le centre en produits pharmaceutiques." +293824,52074.0,2334.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,"On 28 October 2019, UNFPA partners organised a training of internally displaced and host vulnerable women and girls on soap making to empower and make them self-reliant and less vulnerable." +323575,54626.0,2331.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,45,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,"In March, UNICEF supported 18,078 children (8,777 girls) with school supplies in Galgaduud, Hiraan and Middle Shabelle regions. There were 117 teachers (47 female) who were trained on psychosocial support and class management and received monthly incentives." +148559,36019.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,23,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"In north-west Syria (NWS), individual crossings to and from Turkey remain restricted while humanitarian and commercial deliveries are authorized." +360025,58741.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,85,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC_FSO_2021_06_final.pdf,"[terr. Beni] Le vol de bétail est fréquent dans la zone, ce à quoi s’ajoutent des maladies comme la peste porcine africaine, le rouget, la pseudo peste aviaire alors que l’accès à des services vétérinaires est limité à cause des conflits. Selon l’inspection provinciale de l’agriculture pèche et élevage (IPAPEL), le territoire a perdu près de la moitié de son cheptel durant les deux dernières années." +237920,47230.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,91,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"El 15% de los niños y niñas entre los 5 y los 11 años, y el 23% de los niños y niñas entre los 12 y los 17 años no tenían acceso a la educación antes del COVID-19. El acceso a educación ha disminuido durante las restricciones por COVID-19: Ahora, los hogares señalan que 46% de los niños y niñas entre los 5 y los 11 años y 48% entre los 12 y los 17 años no tienen acceso a sesiones virtuales." +345012,56075.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Legal & Policy', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,102,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://actualite.cd/index.php/2021/05/18/rdc-etat-de-siege-la-seule-alternative-est-de-laisser-les-fardc-faire-leur-travail,"Le cabinet du gouverneur militaire est composé de cinq collaborateurs nommés par le même gouverneur. Ce dernier est investi des pouvoirs exorbitants de la légalité normale. Le gouverneur a également la conduite des opérations militaires. Il jouit des pleins pouvoirs de gestion, de police et de maintien de l’ordre. Durant l’état de siège, la compétence pénale des juridictions civiles est dévolue aux juridictions militaires. Pendant cette période également, les gouvernements provinciaux ainsi que les assemblées provinciales desdites provinces sont suspendus et leurs prérogatives sont transférées aux autorités militaires provinciales." +214272,45385.0,2334.0,[],[],[],fr,39,[],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"L’épidémie de rougeole est toujours présente dans l’Extrême Nord. Depuis le début de 2020, 743 cas et quatre décès ont été rapportés dans 12 districts de santé – sur 31 au total." +497781,60104.0,1187.0,['Education'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,65,['Priority Needs'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,"https://www.unicef.org/argentina/media/11626/file/Impacto%20de%20la%20pandemia%20en%20la%20educaci%C3%B3n%20de%20ni%C3%B1as,%20ni%C3%B1os%20y%20adolescentes.pdf","Promover la escolarización de los más pequeños, favorecer actividades de juego y lúdicas en el aula, fomentar el intercambio, la práctica de la oralidad y la comunicación a través de diversos lenguajes. Establecer estrategias de fortalecimiento de los mecanismos para dar continuidad a servicios esenciales de salud, como los controles médicos periódicos y la vacunación de niños y niñas." +311675,53183.0,2466.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,53,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"Lack of funding for those areas and lack of implementing partners were the main factors limiting the ability of humanitarians to lift the response to the levels of Darfur, Blue Nile and Kordofan where humanitarian agencies have historically had the bulk of their operations as well as stronger presence and capacity." +150461,37878.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Population'],[],en,36,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=198966,"In turn, a number of shops’ owners in al-Jazmatia area stressed the importance of sterilization and maintaining the spatial distance in crowded places, affirming their commitment to the preventive measures of disinfection." +236548,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,20,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The informal, yet widespread application of user fees appears to be a primary barrier to access to healthcare." +209814,45080.0,2170.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,70,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%209%20Dec%202020.pdf,"[9thDec2020,north-east Nigeria]The COVID-19 pandemic is heightening already existing vulnerabilities for gender-based violence, reducing survivors access to report, seek help or receive quality response services. In some situations, there has been an increase in the incidents of GBV; however, in north-east Nigeria, restrictions and lockdown measures have presented barriers for survivors who are seeking help and service provision." +305411,51474.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,53,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"Some 8,000 people were displaced in Mundri East, Western Equatoria, and an estimated 13,000 people were displaced by fighting in Maban, Upper Nile. In the meantime, according to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refuge es, over 4,000 refugees spontaneously returned in December." +178511,41756.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],fr,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Plus de 7,6 millions de personnes ont des besoins liés à la prévention des VBG, la protection et l’assistance aux survivantes et l’atténuation des risques. Certaines zones de santés prioritaires, telles que les hauts et moyens plateaux du Sud-Kivu souffrent d’un manque d’acteurs opérationnels." +301858,51958.0,2332.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security', 'Protection', 'WASH']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,173,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_devaluation_de_protection_des_retournes_tchadiens_de_la_rca_installes_dans_les_sites_au_sud_du_tchad_002.pdf,"Toutes les faiblesses sectorielles mentionnées ont un impact sur la protection de ces populations, nuisant gravement à leur capacité d’autonomisation: i) le manque d’abris semi-durables conduisant à une promiscuité élevé et à des risques de santé (surtout en saison des pluies), ii) le manque d’accès aux vivres conduisant à des mécanismes d’adaptation néfastes, iii) le manque de points d’eau fonctionnels pouvant amener à des tensions autour des points d’eau fonctionnels, iv) le manque d’accès à des emplois ou autres sources de revenus, conduisant à une exposition des enfants pour des travaux forcés et/ou mendicité dans les villes, v) manque d’accès aux terres de manière organisée, conduisant à des risques de tensions avec populations des villages environnants, vi) le manque de documentation limitant la liberté de circulation et l’accès à des moyens de subsistance dans une certaine mesure." +143643,35870.0,2028.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,57,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"In the reporting period, sectors continued support to students sitting national exams, including humanitarian support to students who travelled cross-line to GoS-controlled areas, including their safe return post-exams. Partners are planning to provide support to a second batch of students to sit ninth grade national exams, expected to occur next month." +169474,40368.0,2099.0,[],[],[],en,52,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Burkina Faso is a semi-arid country in the Sahel. Its population is estimated at about 20.9 million, with 40 percent who live below the poverty line. Most of the population depends on one season of rain-fed agriculture for their livelihoods, leaving the country vulnerable to climate shocks." +275891,50662.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,48,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[July- December 2020, Cox's Bazar] Twenty (out of 23) sentinel sites for Cholera surveillance were fully functional during the reporting period, including two Upazila Health Complexes (UHCs) and one Diarrhoea Treatment Centre (DTC) in Camp 24." +172129,40587.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,122,"['Impact', 'Priority Interventions']","['Shock/Event', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SOUTHERN%20AFRICA_Food_Security_Outlook_%20June%202020_%20Final.pdf,"A new outbreak of Ebola virus disease has recently been reported in Mbandaka and Bikoro Territories of Équateur province (the 11th Ebola epidemic recorded in the DRC), just as the authorities declared the end of the epidemic in Nord-Kivu and Ituri Provinces. This 11th epidemic, which has already claimed six victims and comes amid the COVID-19 pandemic, could adversely affect the quality of life and food security of households in the province, which is considered the breadbasket of the city of Kinshasa. The situation could worsen during the current lean season and as the COVID- 19 pandemic progresses, requiring a rapid response to limit the spread of the disease to neighboring regions." +224133,45768.0,2332.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,35,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"[sur le site de Diamerom] Faire les essais de pompage sur l’un des forages et l’équiper d’une pompe électrique, un bladder et des rames de robinets" +235409,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Now, 100 per cent of undocumented returnees are considered in need of assistance, up from 20 per cent in 2019." +237134,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, the majority of vulnerable people in Afghanistan relied on the informal sector for employment, leaving them to depend on unstable and irregular sources of income to support their household’s basic needs." +329888,53694.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,80,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/03042021_sitrep_s11_whe_oms_rdc.docx.pdf,"[Tanganyka] Trois aires de santé (AS) (Ngombe, Ngoy et Makumbo) de la zone de santé (ZS) de Nyunzu sont redevenues opérationnelles après trois ans d’interruption des activités et service de base à cause de l’insécurité. Cependant, six autres AS (Kalima, Kabeya Mukena, Kampulu, Mukundi, Kankwala, Kilunga) de la même ZS demeurent non fonctionnelles suite à l’insécurité" +236213,46388.0,2336.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,14,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,An estimated 80 per cent of girls with disabilities are out of school. +2585,518.0,321.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,43,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/unicef-libya-humanitarian-situation-report-01-january-31-march-2017,"In the same period, 5,000 children attended non-formal education programmes, which consist of catch up classes to support out of school children to reintegrate into formal schooling, or remedial classes, which assist students to continue their formal education." +197394,43077.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,56,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.areacucuta.com/camara-de-comercio-de-cucuta-y-gerencia-de-fronteras-articulan-esfuerzos/,"Durante la jornada se analizaron las cifras económicas que tiene actualmente Norte de Santander en materia de desempleo, informalidad, flujo migratorio, exportaciones, dinámica comercial y tejido empresarial. Todo el trabajo y la articulación de esfuerzos apunta a la exploración de posibilidades bioseguras y responsables para una reapertura fronteriza con Venezuela." +187290,42134.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,44,['At Risk'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Colombia%20COVID-19%20Update%20-%201-15OCT20.pdf,"The Territorial Committee for Transitional Justice reports a large-group displacement of 25 families (65 persons) in the indigenous territory Awá, Alto Ulbí Nunalbí (Nariño). Additionally, two confinements were reported in the location, affecting 20 families." +160613,35777.0,1183.0,[],[],[],es,44,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3658037,"Además, en respuesta a la emergencia sanitaria por la pandemia, la entidad continúa este mes con la entrega de más de 11.500 indemnizaciones económicas y 46.562 giros de ayuda humanitaria para atender a víctimas de desplazamiento forzado en alimentación y alojamiento." +182897,32165.0,1388.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],es,70,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/74589.pdf,"El marco de servicios de apoyo a la persona refugiada se limita en muchos casos a solventar su situación migratoria, lo cual se ha convertido en una de las grandes barreras para su inserción. Por tal motivo, el marco de la política migratoria, en la práctica, debe ampliar su visión y cobertura hacia la verdadera inserción de la persona refugiada o solicitante de refugio." +292377,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,92,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"À la suite de l’analyse du risque de transmission du choléra faite par l’OMS en décembre 2018, il a été relevé un fort risque d’expansion de l’épidémie dans les régions du Nord et de l’Extrême-Nord en 2019, ce qui a abouti à une requête de plus de 1 297 000 doses vaccin oral contre le choléra qui a été formulée par le Ministère de la santé avec l’appui de l’OMS et transmise à l’ICG" +165163,38412.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,41,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20200902-wfp-over-9-3-syrians-are-food-insecure/,"The UN agency said on Twitter that in May “a record 9.3 million people in Syria were food insecure, as spiralling prices and the novel coronavirus pandemic compound the damage of the country’s nine-year war.”" +301859,51958.0,2332.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,146,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_devaluation_de_protection_des_retournes_tchadiens_de_la_rca_installes_dans_les_sites_au_sud_du_tchad_002.pdf,"A l’issu de cette évaluation, il ressort un dénominateur commun aux gaps identifiés dans les différents secteurs : le manque d’implication des services techniques de l’Etat. Ceci est un point fondamental avec, au sein de la communauté des retournés, un sentiment d’abandon de la part des autorités. Or pour toute solution sur le long terme, cette implication des autorités est nécessaire. Sans besoin d’un soutien financier d’envergure. Le secteur le plus illustratif sur ce point est le secteur agricole. Des terres agricoles sont disponibles autour des différents sites. Mais la gestion reste anarchique, sans implication ni des services techniques de l’Etat ni des autorités administratives pour une meilleure gestion/organisation, impactant considérablement sur l’efficacité des activités agricoles menées." +178178,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,44,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"SUD-KIVU / MANIEMA Les groupes armés sont toujours actifs particulièrement dans les territoires de Fizi, Uvira, Mwenga, Kalehe, Kabambare ainsi que dans les zones minières du territoire de Shabunda et continuent d’avoir un impact sur la situation sécuritaire" +164726,39789.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,45,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Movementwide%20Operation%20Report%20August%202020.pdf,"Holy Family Red Crescent Hospital (HFRCH) has been providing medical services to the COVID-19 patients as dedicated COVID-19 hospital Since April 2020. In August, 252 new COVID-19 positive patients got admitted for treatment while 279 COVID-19 patients recovered and discharged." +176128,41333.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,26,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_149.pdf,"Très bonne nouvelle, 48 nouvelles guérisons ont été rapportées, ce qui porte à 985 le nombre de guéris de COVID-19 dans le pays." +61455,18235.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,72,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"The options available for Venezuelans to regularize their immigration status are currently limited, as the PEP is not available anymore. Very few Venezuelans apply for asylum in Colombia for a number of reasons, including the low recognition rate and the fact that, at least until July 2019, the temporary document they used to receive during the application process – the salvoconducto – explicitly prohibited them from working" +472936,63777.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead']",fr,35,[],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Les pertes en vie humaine lors de l’incident de Solhan sont essentiellement dues aux armes à feu. Mais on note aussi des victimes liées aux engins explosifs improvisés (EEI). +331180,55216.0,2098.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,318,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://api.godocs.wfp.org/api/documents/WFP-0000126934/download/,"[March 2021, Cox's Bazar] Mixed price trends observed across commodities, with soybean oil, onions and red chilli prices rising significantly from February due to higher transportation cost, seasonality and unavailability in some markets, among other factors. • Vegetable oil price was the most volatile, with the government intervening to regulate the price. The steady increase in prices is attributed to shortage of raw materials in the country and increased prices in the international market. Current prices are up to 30 percent above quarter 1 2020 prices. • Rice prices have also been increasing steadily from the second half of 2020 to early part of 2021, driven by draw down in stock levels. Shortfall in production due to severe flooding in June/July 2020 and low import volumes contributed to tight supplies amidst increased demand, pushing prices up. • Although rice prices stabilized in March, they remain elevated and up to 60 percent above Q1 2020 prices. While more imports are expected, prices are unlikely to come down significantly until mid-2021, when Boro harvest is expected to reach the market. • Red lentil prices remained fairly stable from mid-2020, thanks to adequacy in stock levels through imports. According to Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, lentils imports in the second half of 2020 was 58 percent higher than same period in 2019. However, marginal price increases were observed in some remote markets moving into March 2021. • Prices of onion and red chilli, continue an upward trend since mid-February. Before then, onion prices had registered a steady decline supported by ample import levels. While imports from India remain active, reports of collusion and hoarding by traders and anticipated demand surge during Ramadan could be keeping the prices high." +331227,55216.0,2098.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://api.godocs.wfp.org/api/documents/WFP-0000126934/download/,"[March 2021, Cox's Bazar] Households buying food on credit went up since last year due to low purchasing power. However, traders are increasingly becoming worried about the ability of households to repay debts with the increasing mobility restrictions and limited income earning opportunities." +224000,45768.0,2332.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health', 'WASH', 'Shelter']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"Ces personnes [entre 25000 et 30000 personnes déplacées] sont installées sur 11 sites autour de Diamerom. Elles vivent dans des conditions difficiles et manquent de tout (WASH, abris, AME, soins médicaux…)." +303989,51174.0,2335.0,[],[],[],en,13,[],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.afro.who.int/sites/default/files/2021-02/South%20Sudan%20IDSR%20Bulletin%20Week%201%2C%20%20%204-%2010%20January%202021%20.pdf,Review and update the contingency stocks for cholera investigation and case management kits +316055,52949.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,21,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"According to the 2020 JMCNA, shelter is a top priority need for more than half of the non-IDP population." +181176,42386.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Displacement->Push Factors'],fr,92,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_RMU_October-2020_vfinal.pdf,"Sur les marchés à bétail, les offres d’animaux restent stables ou en légère baisse à Dori, mais avec des baisses plus importantes sur le marché de Djibo par rapport à la normale : 25 pour cent pour les ovins, 17 pour cent pour les caprins et 37 pour cent pour les bovins. Cela s’explique par l’érosion des avoirs des ménages après cinq années de crise sécuritaire. De plus, certains éleveurs ont fui les menaces de pillages des groupes armés." +275907,50662.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],en,88,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[July- December 2020, Cox's Bazar] The number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the FDMN/Rohingya refugee camps remains lower than initially estimated. To understand more about COVID-19 transmission in the camps, the Bangladesh Institute of Epidemiology and Disease Control Research (IEDCR) has undertaken aseroprevalence study in all 34 camps to identify antibodies to SARS-CoV-2, the causative agent of COVID-19. During the survey conducted from 2-30 December 2020, 5498 households were visited, and 3699 blood samples obtained." +238843,47230.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,73,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"A partir de lo anterior, es posible decir que la alimentación es una necesidad prioritaria generalizada a nivel territorial, y independientemente de la edad, el sexo y la pertenencia étnica , así como también lo es la vivienda (aunque en menor medida para los hogares con pertenencia étnica declarada). Estos resultados son similares a los de las tres rondas anteriores desarrolladas a lo largo de 2020." +176406,41733.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Economy'],fr,56,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/reach_drc_bulletin-des-marche-2_juin-2020.pdf,"L'évolution des prix rapportés des deux types de farine suit les tendances observées concernant l'évolution du coût médian du PMA depuis janvier : ils étaient bas en mars, mais ont considérablement augmenté en avril, puis sont légerment redescendus en mai. Le prix des haricots a quant à lui continué d'augmenter après avril." +304605,51467.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,56,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Assessments conducted in Bentiu, Malakal and Wau PoC/IDP sites between 2015 and 2019 indicate persistent experiences of cumulative distress, mourning and grieving of multiple losses, acculturative stress, loneliness, anxiety, loss of self-esteem, strain and fatigue from cognitive overload and perceptions of inability to function completely in current circumstances." +236092,47122.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,59,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"Poor households in the NWSW are facing an atypically early start to the lean season, which is expected to be harsher due to unusually high prices (increase of 28 to 78% for maize, 22 to 33% for imported rice, 50 to 140% for beans) and the rapid depletion of food stocks" +311396,53183.0,2466.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,52,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"Health care, sanitation, protection, and education services were affected throughout the country. Inflation resulted in a 200 per cent increase in the cost of medicines and health services, while at the same time the level of medicines imported remained 30 per cent lower compared to 2017." +341797,56493.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Dans les régions du Centre Nord, de l’Est, Sahel et du Nord, les populations ont exprimé à respectivement 72, 75%, 70, 25%, 67, 50%, 63, 38% que les régions ne bénéficient pas des opportunités économiques accordées par le gouvernement." +177962,41855.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_Factsheet_2003_HSM_COVID19_Tanganyika_juillet-2020.pdf,"Dans 59% (141) des localités évaluées [Province Tanganyika], les IC ont rapporté que la majorité de la population n’avait pas accès à ses moyens de subsistance habituels au cours du mois précédent." +178192,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],fr,43,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Couvrant un territoire de deux millions de km² divisé en 26 provinces, la RDC est le deuxième pays le plus vaste d’Afrique avec une population de 99,9 millions d’habitants dont 45 pour cent de moins de 15 ans.11" +177518,40876.0,1183.0,['WASH'],[],[],es,276,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200904_evaluaciondenecesidades_antioquia_caceres_mire.pdf,"Acceso a agua: la institución educativa no cuenta en estos momentos con servicio de agua, la misma viene siendo distribuida a través de carro tanques. El lugar de albergue no cuenta con servicio de acueducto, el agua es recogida de un “pozo” cercano a la Institución educativa. Se requiere garantizar el funcionamiento y acceso de agua al albergue, esto con actividades de adecuaciones de unidades sanitarias en el albergue (duchas y puntos de lavado de manos), distribución de tanque de almacenamiento y filtros de agua. Se debe garantizar la habilitación de espacios con enfoque de género, contar con la apropiada iluminación y ventilación de los espacios. Se requieren 5 tanques de almacenamiento de agua. • Higiene y Promoción de la higiene: las familias están expuestas a enfermedades asociadas al consumo de agua no segura y condiciones de hacinamiento. Así mismo, tienen limitaciones para acceder a elementos de aseo personal por la falta de recursos. La alcaldía entregará kits de aseo para una duración de 5 días, y la Gobernación elementos de protección personal para una duración de 10 días aproximadamente. En cuanto a la promoción de la higiene, se requieren espacios de información sobre hábitos higiénicos saludables, como el lavado de manos, lavado de alimentos, lavado de recipientes de almacenamiento de agua, correcta disposición de residuos. • Saneamiento: se requiere adecuación de 10 baterías sanitarias, las mismas son insuficientes y no se encuentran en condiciones óptimas para la atención de las familias alojadas en la institución educativa" +270420,49943.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Un 77% de los niños y niñas indicó sentirse menos felices si comen menos que antes, mientras que la disminución en el sentimiento de felicidad fue menor con quienes comen igual (40,1%) o comen más que antes (48,4%)." +165031,38902.0,1183.0,"['Education', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,18,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"Additionally, the closure of schools affects the food security of school children dependent on school meals." +188244,40860.0,1899.0,"['Health', 'Food Security']",[],[],es,120,[],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200922_OCHA_GUATEMALA%20HRP%20COVID-19%20ESPAN%CC%83OL.pdf,"Actualmente los más afectados por los impactos del COVID-19 son los segmentos más pobres y vulnerables de la población, estos hogares tienen menos recursos para hacer frente a la pérdida de puestos de trabajo e ingresos, aumento de los precios e inestabilidad de la disponibilidad de alimentos, por lo tanto, han tenido menos capacidad para adaptarse a la crisis. Se encuentran en mayor riesgo frente a la pandemia las familias que residen en regiones del país que han venido sufriendo de Inseguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional (INSAN), la cual se agravó en estos últimos meses debido a que entre mayo y septiembre todos los años se presenta el periodo de hambre estacional." +293810,52074.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,The Task Force in charge of civil status documentation held workshops on the process to support at least 800 IDPs in need of civil status documents before the end of December in both regions +299089,52086.0,2028.0,"['Logistics', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,58,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[25th March, 2021, Overall Syria] When considering only the highest priority needs, the classification differs somewhat from the aggregated needs: while food remains the top need (39 percent), livelihoods is the second highest priority need (18 percent) and fuel is the third (10 percent)." +59575,17198.0,1224.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"The Toshao noted that access to health care is acceptable, and certainly better than in Venezuela. He raised attention to a Guyanese returnee woman (head of household) who has 7 daughters and two sons and is relying on the support of the host community." +341853,56644.0,2311.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,119,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.sismamujer.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/MUJERES-DERECHOS-LABORALES-Y-EMERGENCIA-SANITARIA.docx.pdf,"Finalmente, llamamos la atención sobre la relación que existe entre la precarización del trabajo doméstico y la posibilidad de comisión de delitos como la trata de personas. Se hace un llamado a que se preste especial atención a las situaciones de vulnerabilidad a la que se ven sometidas las niñas y adolescentes21, mujeres migrantes22, o provenientes de entornos rurales23. Ante la falta de vigilancia, muchas personas disfrazan la esclavitud y la servidumbre bajo la sombrilla de un supuesto trabajo doméstico, hecho que se hace posible y se favorece, porque no existen sistemas de vigilancia adecuados o que promuevan la denuncia e investigación de irregularidades en la prestación del trabajo doméstico." +359397,58669.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Nutrition', 'Shelter', 'Food Security']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],es,88,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/informe_de_emergencias_humanitarias_reportadas_elc_enero_mayo_2021.pdf,"IMPACTO POR EVENTOS DE ORIGEN NATURAL: En Norte de Santander, el municipio de Puerto Santander se vio afectado por fuertes lluvias que generaron deslizamientos e inundaciones. Al menos 1.433 personas (incluidos 331 personas refugiadas y migrantes provenientes de Venezuela) resultaron afectadas, por lo que el ELC y el GIFMM de Norte de Santander estuvieron coordinando con la Alcaldía municipal la atención y respuesta en términos de Alojamientos temporales, seguridad alimentaria y nutricional, Agua y Saneamiento, Salud y Protección." +199354,43112.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,31,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/el-desafio-mas-grande-es-vencer-la-irregularidad-migrante/2261,Espinosa insistió en la necesidad de apuntarle a un mecanismo de regularización a largo plazo que aumente la confianza en los migrantes que vienen desprotegidos del sistema de su país. +315569,52949.0,2331.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Without access to remittances as a coping strategy, the majority of IDPs are particularly vulnerable to acute food insecurity and malnutrition, which is particularly high among IDPs who have lost their means of livelihood." +236130,47122.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"93.3% of victim reports [protection incidents ] come from IDPs, while 4.6% are returnees and 2% from the host community. Women were most affected with 74% of complaints. Meanwhile 84% of incidents reportedly occurred at the residence of the victims." +236496,46388.0,2336.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,49,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Nutrition treatment services have seen similar trends; analysis from the MOPH nutrition database showed a 33 per cent decrease in admissions for SAM treatment within health centres – ‘inpatient’ treatment – and a three per cent decrease in ‘outpatient’ treatment in November 2020. +330773,55042.0,2098.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,116,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.gage.odi.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Adolescents%E2%80%99-experiences-of-covid-19-in-Chittagong-and-Sylhet-divisions-Bangladesh.pdf,"[30 April 2021, Bangladesh]Policy implications: Key policy priorities for adolescents:The ministry of education and private organisations working in the education sector should urgently develop a plan and strategy to identify and address the educational gaps created by the covid-19 pandemic in order to help adolescents from rural and poor families who had limited access to distance learning in this academic year. There is a need to review and restructure online study materials, distance learning modalities and teacher training. The differences in access to and affordability of digital modalities across socioeconomic groups and genders risk further exacerbating the existing inequalities between different groups in the community." +212026,45203.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,55,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://fews.net/west-africa/cameroon/food-security-outlook/june-2020,"However, due to the ongoing insecurity, the total amount of cultivated land was below average in conflict-affected areas of the country for the fourth consecutive year (approximately 35 percent below average for maize and 58 percent for rice), in line with the trends observed in the past three years." +143642,35870.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,69,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"OCHA Syria also continues to engage the Inter-Sector Coordination team in Damascus to coordinate the response within Syria. WHO is holding daily meetings in Damascus and weekly Health sector coordination meetings and operational calls to monitor implementation of the COVID-19 Preparedness and Response plan. Weekly operational calls on NES are also ongoing, including on enhancing and strengthening preparedness and response efforts at points of entry." +302520,53036.0,2334.0,[],[],[],fr,38,[],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/1-Lolo_Dec%202020_0.pdf,"[PRINCIPAUX DEFIS] Eau, Assainissement et Hygiène (WASH): Insuffisance d’ouvrages d’assainissement, manque de bonnes pratiques d’hygiène, Besoin de maintenir les ouvrages WASH en fonctionnement." +239387,46388.0,2336.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,A staggering 61 per cent of households report possession of less than one blanket per family member and 55 per cent of displaced households report having no winter clothes for any of their children. +52808,16815.0,1184.0,['Protection'],[],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Context->Politics']",es,131,[],['Context'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://www.elcomercio.com/actualidad/moreno-exigencia-visa-venezolanos-bienestar.html,"El canciller José Valencia señaló, en días pasados, que dentro del plan se incluye una amnistía migratoria, debido a que muchos de los ciudadanos venezolanos que se encuentran en Ecuador “habían sobrepasado el tiempo de estadía o no tenían el documento para regularizarse o tener visa”. A esta amnistía podrán acogerse aquellos extranjeros que ingresaron al país a través de los puntos migratorios regulares hasta antes de la expedición del Decreto 826, que establece el visado de ciudadanos venezolanos, difundido el pasado 26 de julio del 2019. También se organizará un censo de ciudadanos venezolanos y se establecerá un sistema que permita recolectar huellas dactilares, para reconstruir todas las bases de identidad que no se han podido obtener de Venezuela." +268305,49758.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,25,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,La presencia de los GDO en zonas rurales y apartadas del municipio de Mosquera generan constantes riesgos de protección de las comunidades más vulnerables. +311306,54065.0,2170.0,['Nutrition'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,80,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nenfss_round_9_final_report_11032021.pdf,"[1st Dec 2020,North-East Nigeria] Infant and young child practices that prevents against malnutrition are below the required levels that will positive impact on the outcome of malnutrition in the 3-BAY states of NE Nigeria. Provision of services that protects against malnutrition are suboptimal to very low with the rate of uptake of vitamin A, anthelminthic drugs and micronutrient powder all below 50%, 30% and 10% respectively in all states." +341733,56493.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,137,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Les confrontations comme moyen de rétablissement des faits réels sont cependant des événements de discorde. En effet, le droit foncier coutumier est caractérisé par l’oralité qui est fondée sur le caractère verbal des transactions et la confiance mutuelle. Cependant, cette dimension orale est souvent à la base de la remise en cause des contrats conclus et des arrangements locaux. Par ailleurs, en cas de différend devant les tribunaux, l’oralité des transactions en- gendre des difficultés au moment de la justification par des preuves de l’existence d’un accord et de sa nature. Le tribunal se trouve donc dans l’obligation de recourir à des témoins qui ne sont pas toujours fiables et fidèles, tirant profit des intérêts en jeu." +382667,59706.0,1187.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/HFS_ReporteNarrativo_ARG_1S2020.pdf,"Un 92% de las personas encuestadas manifestó sentirse seguro en el área o comunidad donde reside, y solo un 21% manifestó sentirse solo o socialmente aislado en Argentina" +216614,45416.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,"A la suite des crises, les rapports démontrent que nous arrivons à des situations éducatives plus complexes. Le rapport Enquête Ecoles Rapide dans le Nord-Kivu dit que 69% des écoles n’a jamais bénéficié de cours de récupération et de rattrapage." +306972,51467.0,2335.0,"['Education', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,50,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Displaced people, refugees and returnees are identified as vulnerable groups and the education needs of children in these groups are particularly dire in Jonglei, Upper Nile, Unity, Lakes, Eastern and Central Equatoria where a high percentage of children do not have access to an education" +320478,52949.0,2331.0,"['WASH', 'Protection', 'Cross', 'Shelter']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,46,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Finally, there is a need to ensure that refugees, asylum seekers and refugee returnees have sufficient access to basic and domestic items and provision of shelter kits, dignity kits and core relief item kits, either in kind or through cash-based interventions." +91807,26015.0,1620.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,115,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Situation-Overview_H2R_Oct-Dec_13.03.2020.pdf,"Assessed settlements across all LGAs reporting that people had access to their preferred water source in both dry and wet season was consistently reported throughout the reporting period. In December, almost all assessed settlements in Gwoza (94%), Kukawa (95%) and all assessed settlements in Marte (100%) reported that people’s preferred water source was available in both dry and wet seasons. For Bama 89% of assessed settlements reported this in October. This proportion was a bit lower in Dikwa, where 84% of assessed settlements reported that people had access to their preferred water source in December." +458223,64540.0,1185.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)'],es,57,[],['Information And Communication'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"¿Conoce Ud. cuáles son los beneficios laborales como trabajadora extranjera?. Existe un desconocimiento general por parte de las mujeres participantes sobre las normas que regulan la contratación laboral de personas extranjeras. Fueron pocas las mujeres que mencionaron algunas referencias al respecto. y cuando lo hicieron, fue de manera muy superficial." +175896,41152.0,2028.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,134,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/09/23/syrias-100-dollar-barrier-return,"(GoS July) The Syrian government insists thateach Syrian national entering Syria must exchange US$100for Syrian pounds at the official rate. The policy was put in place in July. This is just that latest policy by the Syrian government to make it difficult for Syrians to return home, along witharbitrary restrictions on access, home demolitions, andlaws that allow the governmentto confiscate lands and homes without due process or adequate compensation.Syrians with residency in Lebanon, who used to cross the border regularly, are now faced with a financial barrier that is impossible to overcome. In the period following the implementation of the decision, several Syrians were stranded between the Lebanese and Syrian borders, unable to pay the fee to go home." +330697,55042.0,2098.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,104,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.gage.odi.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Adolescents%E2%80%99-experiences-of-covid-19-in-Chittagong-and-Sylhet-divisions-Bangladesh.pdf,"[30 April 2021, Bangladesh]Impact of the pandemic and lockdown: Education and remote learning: Most adolescents in our sample felt that the government closure of schools was an appropriate response to the pandemic, but shared that this has had a number consequences for their education and learning. Adolescents reported that before the pandemic, regular schools and private tuition classes used to keep them occupied with studies all day. However, they now get up late and spend most of their day on leisure, leading to fewer study hours and lack of a study routine" +221964,45410.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,63,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,[La région du Lac dans la Zone 8 - « Zone ouest agropastorale et de pêche » ]: Une inflexion de la demande est observée à cause des récoltes en cours contribuant à reconstituer les stocks des ménages. De nombreux ménages de déplacés et hôtes disposent de produits de récoltes de leur propre production et des paiements en nature. +177590,41763.0,2099.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,83,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_devaluation_rapide_vbg_dans_le_contexte_de_la_covid-19_dans_la_region_du_nord_du_burkina_faso.pdf,"En termes de ressources humaines impliquées dans la prise en charge des survivant-e-s de VBG, nous pouvons noter une faiblesse à travers une analyse des effectifs des agents de santé présents dans ces formations sanitaires. Pour ce qui concerne les formations reçues, les agents de santé de Titao ont déclarés avoir été déjà formés sur la gestion clinique des survivant-e-s de viols par l’ONG Médecin Sans Frontières (MSF), contrairement aux agents la province du Yatenga" +70638,19974.0,1534.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,31,[],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,The Ministry of Education is offering registration to all displaced Abaco and Grand Bahama students to attend schools on Nassau or unaffected family islands with access to referrals for counselling. +192886,43304.0,2332.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,34,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Cela implique la réhabilitation des infrastructures sanitaires, l’amélioration qualitative et quantitative des effectifs de personnels de santé et l’investissement dans la décentralisation de la gestion des systèmes de santé" +61768,18350.0,1184.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,462,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71151.pdf,"Violencia Basada en Género y Trata de personas En junio se ha continuado el trabajo en colaboración con las instituciones locales para reforzar los mecanismos de prevención y respuesta a la violencia basada en género. Por ejemplo, los socios del GTRM han reportado trabajar con las Juntas Parroquiales para coordinar acciones que beneficien a mujeres venezolanas y sus familias, incluyendo procesos psicológicos individuales que permiten que las sobrevivientes puedan superar hechos traumáticos e integrarse en el país de acogida. Para esto se ha venido elaborando e implementando una ruta de respuesta en caso de abuso/explotación, especialmente con los socios que tienen presencia en frontera, recalcando la prioridad de ofrecer asistencia a la víctima, mantener la confidencialidad y evitar que la información se trate inapropiadamente. La cooperación con la Defensoría del Pueblo continúa para dar seguimiento a los casos que han sido referidos y proporcionar la respuesta adecuada. En Imbabura, los socios del GTRM trabajan con la Red de Protección Integral en Casos de Violencia Intrafamiliar de Género y Sexual de Imbabura (RED VIF-GXI), en cuyo marco se realizó el Foro sobre Violencia basada en Género en el Consejo de Protección de Derechos. Asimismo, se han desarrollado talleres semanales en conjunto con la Casa de Acogida “Manos Unidas Tejiendo Progreso de Tulcán” para mujeres víctimas de violencia basada en género, enfocado en la mediación artística. Además, se ha fortalecido la cooperación con otras casas de acogida para tratar casos puntuales de mujeres víctimas de violencia; así como con fundaciones a las cuales se refieren casos de mujeres víctimas de violencia. Todavía en frontera norte, la implementación de un espacio seguro en San Miguel se hace en coordinación con el Distrito de Salud de Lago Agrio y el Servicio de atención externa de VGB “Puerta Violeta”. Para reforzar las capacidades locales para prevenir y responder a los casos de VBG, se brindó asistencia técnica a fundaciones locales y se capacitó a líderes y lideresas comunitarias en temas de prevención de VBG en las ciudades de Guayaquil y Durán. Además, en Lago Agrio se realizaron procesos de formación en las unidades de salud, las asambleas de salud de la Federación de Mujeres de Sucumbíos y en el CEBAF de San Miguel. Se mantiene los procesos de sensibilización en VBG a personal humanitario y personal de salud, socializando la “Ruta de respuesta a sobrevivientes de la VBG en situación de movilidad humana”. Se realizo un taller informativo con personas venezolanas que arriban al Ecuador por los puntos de fronteras Norte y Sur sobre trata de personas y tráfico ilícito de migrantes" +305392,51474.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,70,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"On 7 January, Mundari cattle keepers attacked two cattle camps in Lainya belonging to the Pajulu community. Subsequently, on 12 January, NAS -affiliated armed actors conducted cattle raiding activity against the Mundari, which led to at least 12 deaths. National Salvation Front (NAS) also attacked an South Sudan People's Defence Forces (SSPDF) position at Loka on 25 January." +306257,51572.0,2335.0,"['Cross', 'Shelter']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,133,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Overall, although D-1 ‘s market and some areas close to the river banks remain at risk of getting overrun by the flooding in weeks or months ahead. D-2 has however got 3 good blocks that are either partially or fully taken over by floods. Most of the shelters (tukuls) are in poor condition. Currently, the firewood and wood local communities co used to collect and use for cooking or sell in town to earn a living, is also restricted and the bushes are flooded when going there becomes possible. As a result, they have to go far distance to reach safer areas. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +325881,55012.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,37,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Del total de las 30.746 camas hospitalarias ocupadas, se encuentran: 5.946 (19,3%) casos confirmados, 2.194 (7,1%) pacientes sospechosos y 22.606 (73,5%) casos no COVID-19." +319006,54316.0,2311.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,120,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Colombia_Reporte%20Situacional_GIFMM_Arauquita_08042021_VF.pdf,"Para los 17 puntos evaluados hasta el 8 de abril, se requiere de 6.440 litros de agua para el consumo por día y se producen 8.084 kg de residuos sólidos al día. Asimismo, en dichos puntos se requiere de 82 recipientes para residuos sólidos de 55 litros, 4.320 litros de agua para hidratación, 9 grifos para hidratación, 43 sanitarios, 163 duchas, 26 lavaderos y 51 lavamanos. Además de los resultados del diagnóstico, se han considerado también las necesidades identificadas en el Mapeo de Instituciones Educativas realizada en 2020 de cara a un escenario posterior a la emergencia, para espacios ubicados en instituciones educativas en área urbana y rural." +225560,45658.0,2028.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],en,65,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[October 2020, Syria] In total, 9 percent of in-camp IDP households are female-headed. Extremely high rates of female head of households are found among the in-camp population in NES (38 percent). 55 percent of in-camp IDP households in NES report at least one missing member, which might help explain this very high rate of FHHs." +214374,45385.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"De manière générale, le HCR et son partenaire INTERSOS ont recensé pour la période de janvier à mai 2020, 2,646 incidents de protection affectant 2,078 hommes et 568 femmes dans les départements Mayo-Sava (27%), Mayo-Tsanaga (34%) et Logone et Chari (39%)." +473027,63732.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2f4004e6/REACH_BFA_Factsheet_Abri-AME-et-LTB_Pouytenga_juillet-2021.pdf,"Les IC ayant indiqué des ménages vivant dans des bâtiments inachevés se situent principalement à Koumbogo, Ramessen et dans le secteur 3 au sud de l'axe d'Andemtenga. La moitié des IC de Ramessen ont aussi indiqué des ménages vivant dans des constructions non destinées au logement." +386136,60459.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,75,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"[scenario] Après un répit attendu dans les attaques en raison des perturbations des transports liées aux pluies saisonnières de juin à octobre 2021, les attaques des groupes militants contre la population civile sont susceptibles de reprendre à un rythme similaire et d'atteindre les niveaux qui ont été observés pendant la saison sèche de janvier à mai 2021 dans les régions de l'Est, du Nord, du Centre-Nord et du Sahel." +324320,54626.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,53,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,"In line with the 2021 Somalia Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP), as well as the Centrality of Protection Strategy, UNICEF’s priorities are to provide life-saving services to address critical malnutrition and excess mortality, effectively respond to mounting protection threats and support resilience building and early recovery." +143713,35870.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,24,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"In addition, UNICEF supported a mine risk education and COVID-19 campaign in Areesha camp, including the training of 65 community volunteers." +274533,50587.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Push Factors', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,130,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MENSUEL%20DE%20PROTECTION%20JANVIER%202021-NORD.pdf,"Quant à la province du Loroum, elle évolue dans un contexte sécuritaire relativement calme malgré la présence des HANI dans les communes de Banh et de Sollé Spécifiquement dans la commune de SOLLE, ils font même des contrôles routiniers pour prêcher le port de voile par les femmes et aux hommes de couper les pantalons. Ils font également des prélèvements de la « zakat » (une forme de contribution involontaire) sur les biens notamment le bétail. Ces situations engendrent des mouvements pendulaires de la part de la population qui s’effectuent toujours entre le Mali-Sollé-Wendo. Ces mêmes mouvements sont également observés dans la commune de Banh. Selon les estimations, environ une centaine de PDI sont repartis dans ladite commune." +164377,38902.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,28,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"Putumayo department, at the border with Ecuador: Different FARC-EP dissident groups are fighting over territorial control and lucrative drug trafficking routes (FIP 24/05/2020)." +183492,42815.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,69,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://guardian.ng/news/ncdc-records-155-new-covid-19-cases-4-more-casualties/,"[5th Nov 2020,Nigeria]Giving the breakdown, he said that Lagos State reported the highest number of infections with 85, while the FCT had 23, Ondo State had 18 and Ogun reported eight. According to the NCDC boss, Kaduna, Oyo and Taraba recorded five each, Kano State, three; Rivers, two and Bauchi State had one." +343089,53036.0,2334.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/1-Lolo_Dec%202020_0.pdf,"Moyens de subsistance 30,90% de personnes prises en charge (18-59 ans) ayant leur propre affaire ou travaillant comme indépendant depuis plus de 12 mois 2,70% de ménages ayant accès à une énergie renouvelable ou durable" +238142,47086.0,2170.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_31_dec_2020_report.pdf,"[16th-31st Dec 2020, Borno and Adamawa states]45% of latrines across 126 sites in 17 LGAs need gender marking. 16% latrines needs desludgement across 64 sites in 15 LGAs (table 1)" +272331,50464.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,44,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210203FINALFactSheetSomaliaSkisserLR11.pdf,"Anticipatory preventive responses to climate-related security risks, including environmental peacebuilding, can help to strengthen the resilience of IDPs and local communities – especially women and youth – and contribute to climate-proofing governance, basic service provision and peace and security efforts." +15349,6687.0,321.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,140,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/66997.pdf,"Since 1 September 2017, 1,458 individuals have been submitted for resettlement to 11 resettlement States (Belgium, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom and the United States). A total of 863 individuals have departed on resettlement from Niger to Belgium, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States. A total of 249 individuals have been accepted for resettlement and are pending departure from Niger to Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Norway, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States. A total of 238 individuals have been submitted for resettlement and are pending interview or decision by a resettlement country in Niger." +157633,38893.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,65,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/humanitarian_collaboration_and_coordination_in_bangladesh_2nd_draft_12_july_2020_kazi_hg.pdf,"Capacity building of Women affairs officers and social welfare officers so that they can influence and contribute to inclusive local level COVID response and recovery plan ▪ Develop prevention messages on COVID-19 from the perspective of women and girls, including addressing prevetion of GBV, hate speech and advocating for shared care burdens ▪ Awareness building on psychosocial needs for the special groups." +292423,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,19,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"Du 28 Décembre 2018 au 31 Janvier 2019, 154 personnes ont été consultés sur le site de Goura" +236636,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,18,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Decades of conflict and repeated sudden- onset natural disasters have damaged the limited infrastructure that does exist. +339305,56367.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Push Factors', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,60,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"The rising spiral of violence and repeated attacks in Burkina Faso, especially in the border regions with Mali and Niger, has forced more than 1.14 million people to flee their homes in search of safety in just over two years. The country also continues to host more than 20,000 refugees and asylum-seekers, mostly from Mali." +244052,46388.0,2336.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,29,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"IDP children are particularly affected, with some 33 per cent of children under five years having experienced AWD in the two weeks prior to the 2020 WoA Assessment" +178498,41756.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,95,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Le Nord-Kivu demeure l’épicentre de l’enrôlement et de l’utilisation d’enfants, avec un total de 2 461 Enfants Associés Aux Groupes Armés (EAFGA) (dont 221 filles) déjà séparés des groupes armés et pris en charge en 2019. Le Sous-Cluster Protection de l’Enfance (GTPE) estime que 5 397 EAFGA sont en besoin d’assistance dans cette province. En 2018, 66 pour cent des violations graves des droits des enfants documentées ont été commises au Nord-Kivu." +238006,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,33,['Priority Interventions'],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Floods, storms and drought continue to pose risks, accounting for many of those requiring humanitarian assistance and requiring investment in prevention and mitigation efforts by development partners and the Government." +135779,35301.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Education', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,78,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Over 57,000 young people were benefited from online and offline skills development programmes, including life skills and citizenship education, entrepreneurship and vocational training (29 per cent of the annual target). Following participation in the programme, young people were provided with opportunities for engaging with their communities, including COVID-19 response, hygiene promotion, polio vaccine campaign in cooperation with health section, initiating youth platforms for social discussions like debates." +46313,15533.0,729.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,96,['Impact'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_report_areabasedassessment_aba_azzawya_jun2019.pdf,"In early January 2019, at the time of the ABA data collection, the median price of 1 piece of bread sold by baker KIs was 0.50 LYD (2.50 LYD for a standard bag of 5 pieces of bread).4 Between March and October 2018 in Azzawya, the median price of bread had increased by 48.4% as a result of flour shortages; it then decreased by 25.0% between October 2018 and January 2019 due to the renewed expansion of the letter-of-credit system following the September 2018 economic reforms." +318294,52949.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,34,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Supporting healthcare workers to remain safe and mentally well and resilient is a particular challenge, requiring new stress and coping resources and timely logistics to maintain sufficient levels of personal protective equipment." +177035,41752.0,2099.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,35,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Néanmoins, Fondation Hirondelle a trouvé que 27% des personnes qu’elles ont interrogées pensent que les médias burkinabé (radio, télévision, journaux) cachent certaines informations sur le coronavirus." +394647,61903.0,1186.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['Casualties->Dead'],es,141,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.biobiochile.cl/noticias/nacional/region-de-arica-y-parinacota/2021/05/26/pdi-investiga-muerte-de-mujer-inmigrante-en-colchane-ingresaba-a-chile-por-paso-no-habilitado.shtml,"La Brigada de Homicidios Iquique (BH), junto a la Fiscalía Local de Pozo Almonte,investigan la muerte de una ciudadana venezolana, de 59 años, en la comuna de Colchane. A través del análisis criminal, la BH estableció que la mujer salió desde Perú el pasado 19 de abril en compañía de familiares, con la intención de llegar a Chile. Al llegar a Bolivia, tomaron contacto con personas del lugar con el objetivo de ser guiados por el paso fronterizo que une ambos países. Este lunes, la ciudadana extranjera salió a pie rumbo a Colchane junto a otro grupo de extranjeros, cuandocomenzó a sentir dolor en sus piernas y dificultad para respirar, desvaneciéndose y perdiendo los signos vitales, por lo que falleció en el lugar." +318309,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,36,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Based on feedback from Logistics Cluster partners and cluster members, the Logistics Cluster continues to factor in the overall impact of logistics challenges to response operations and adapt and/or scale up its support accordingly." +60751,17952.0,729.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,53,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/international-meeting-essential-getting-libya-led-political-process-back-track-ending,"Libya condemned an offensive in April by the forces of the Libyan National Army to seize control of Tripoli as an “aggression”. This resulted in 106 deaths, destruction of infrastructure in the capital, including a major airport, and the displacement of a significant number of people." +155275,38385.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,64,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/R4V%20Flash%20Update%20Colombia%20-%20Situaci%C3%B3n%20de%20refugiados%20y%20migrantes%20provenientes%20de%20Venezuela%20ante%20COVID-19%2C%20Julio%2028%20al%20Agosto%2031%2C%202020.pdf,"Socialización en la plenaria del GIFMM Antioquia del eje de trabajo “Alianzas territoriales para la migración”, por parte del equipo de Secretaría de Inclusión Social, Familia y Derechos Humanos de la Alcaldía de Medellín. • Socialización de las acciones de la Fundación ProBono en la plenaria del GIFMM sobre servicios de asesoría jurídica para población refugiada y migrante." +125332,32724.0,1620.0,['Agriculture'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,25,['Impact'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ca5464en.pdf,Production has marginally increased with respect to today in all production systems. It has increased the most in the commercial and agro-pastoral sectors. +489170,67500.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,105,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_15.pdf,"[April -June 2021, Cox's Bazar] With the assistance of the Camp Health Focal Points (CHFPs), the Health Sector conducted quarter two (April-June) Health Facility Monitoring covering 140 health facilities in all 34 camps with 42 partners participating. The report from this exercise highlighted the following; At present, in-patient capacity does not meet Sphere standards. Despite the recommendation from Cox’s Bazar MPEHS for all PHCs to provide BEmONC services, only 57 percent (24 out of 42) provided all signal functions at the time of the monitoring exercise." +412972,63086.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,126,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_07_14_MSF%20RDC_RAPPORT%20VIOLENCES%20SEXUELLES%20%28FR%29%281%29.pdf,"Du fait des nombreux obstacles et risques auxquels sont confrontés les patients et d’un accès humanitaire réduit, l’accès aux soins dans un délai de 72 heures permettant de prévenir la transmission du VIH, reste un défi pour un grand nombre de victimes de violence sexuelles. En 2020, à peine 62% d’entre elles ont pu accéder à un traitement médical dispensé dans les structures appuyées par MSF dans un délai de 72 heures. Cette proportion est plus faible dans certaines régions, comme à Kananga15 (Kasaï-Central) et dans le territoire de Walikale (Nord-Kivu) où respectivement 28% et 38% des patients ont pu bénéficier de soins dans les 72 heures" +327595,54714.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,48,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,"[PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Most commonly reported areas in the community where boys or men do not feel safe were In the markets (12%), In shelter (77%) and When leaving settlement/town (12%)." +129761,32891.0,1184.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Economy'],es,220,[],['Context'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,,"5. Conclusi´on En base a un an´alisis de las perspectivas de crecimiento econ´omico, generaci´on de empleo, contrataci´on de migrantes, y emprendimiento, de cada uno de los sectores y subsectores econ´omicos, se determina que las actividades econ´omicas que presentan mejores panoramas de inserci´on laboral futura son: (1) en Quito, dentro del sector servicios las “actividades profesionales, t´ecnicas y administrativas”, seguidas de las de “alojamiento y servicios de comida”, y las de “transporte y almacenamiento” y, dentro del sector de manufactura la “elaboraci��on de productos alimenticios (carnes y productos de moliner´ıa y panader´ıa)”, la “fabricaci´on de productos textiles y prendas de vestir”, y la “fabricaci´on de metales comunes y sus derivados”; (2) en El Oro, dentro del sector servicios, el “alojamiento y servicios de comida”, seguido de las actividades de “ense˜nanza”, y los “servicios sociales y de salud” y; finalmente (3) en Manab´ı, dentro del sector servicios el “transporte y almacenamiento”, seguido por el “alojamiento y los servicios de comida”, y por las actividades de “ense˜nanza”." +192789,43304.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,50,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Il est essentiel que, dans la réponse à la crise, le Tchad maintienne les objectifs de développement durable en vue de conserver les acquis passés et, dans la reprise, de faire des investissements qui puissent propulser vers un avenir plus inclusif, durable et résilient." +157688,38800.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GTS%20-%20HNAP%20COVID19%20Syria%20Bulletin%20R3.pdf,"• Across all AoCs, focal points believe communities cannot meet their needs due to higher prices (98%), fear of losing employment (54%), and lack of product availability (29%)." +239841,47107.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,64,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[Jan 2021] Movements were also disrupted following the closure of crossing points for a minimum of 3-days over the new year holiday. Regular organized crossing of international humanitarian staff into NES via the Fishkabbour/Semalka crossing have continued as normal, with the cancellation of just one crossing on 5 January due to KRG office closure over the new year holiday." +220685,45655.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,23,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"[9th Dec, Northwest Syria]In NWS, all planned COVID-19 hospitals are now operational, at partial or full capacity" +410314,63222.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,101,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_mvam_bulletin_57_july_2021.pdf,"[Syria, July] From interviews conducted in July 2021, more than half of the surveyed households with no regular access to markets nationwide (53 percent), had poor or borderline food consumption, up by 10 percent month-on-month. Furthermore, in July 2021, overall four percent of inter- viewed households reported difficulties in obtaining remittances and/or food assistance due to movement restrictions or security issues over the past month. This trend was observed more in Ar-Raqqa (eight percent), Quneitra (seven percent) and Deir-ez-Zor (seven percent)." +305463,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,54,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Continued macroeconomic crisis, the low preparedness capacity of national and state authorities, COVID-19 pandemic, relatively lower oil prices, and consecutive years of flooding are expected to further exacerbate existing vulnerabilities and humanitarian needs of people, while pushing more people downward spiral into crisis and reliance on humanitarian assistance." +313674,53333.0,2334.0,"['Education', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,51,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,Adolescent girls who are married or have babies and who prefer to attend community learning centres to advance their education and livelihood opportunities should be helped to access SRHR information and services while there so that they be assisted in preventing unwanted repeated pregnancies (see Recommendations on Education). +247738,48086.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],fr,57,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"À ce jour [26 janvier], plus de 30 millions de tests pour COVID-19 ont été effectués sur le continent [africain], avec un taux de positivité de 11,4 % et un ratio de tests par cas de 8,8, soit une augmentation de 3,2 % par rapport à la semaine dernière." +91823,26015.0,1620.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Communication Means And Preferences'],en,87,[],['Information And Communication'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Situation-Overview_H2R_Oct-Dec_13.03.2020.pdf,"Similar to the last reporting period, the primary source of information reported was in-person communication in December (81%). However, assessed settlements reporting having no means of information increased in Dikwa and Gwoza, from 4% and 0% in October to 26% and 12% in December, respectively. The increase in assessed settlements reporting people to have no means of communication could suggest that the restriction of reaching the H2R areas increased during the reporting period." +386728,60459.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,101,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"(scenario) Entre octobre 2021 et janvier 2022, l’accès aux nouvelles récoltes permettra aux ménages pauvres d’être en insécurité alimentaire aigue Stress (Phase 2 de l’IPC), excepté dans les provinces du Yagha et de l’Oudalan, du Loroum et du Soum où la situation de Crise (Phase 3 de l’IPC) pourrait persister en raison de l’insuffisance de l’autoproduction, de la faiblesse des revenus pour compenser les pertes des avoirs et de l’assistance humanitaire non encore planifiée." +215113,44840.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,110,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,"USAID and DFID are co-leading remittance coordination discussions with participation from the U.S. State Department and Treasury Department, WB/IFC, IMF, the EU, Norway, Switzerland and other donors to develop a joint action plan to collectively address remittance bottlenecks and downstream economic impacts. The UN is part of this ongoing effort to to address transmission bottlenecks, e.g. by exploring options to facilitate and reduce the cost of remittances (IOM, UNDP). The UN is also considering using crowdsourcing to mobilize funds for various economic activities in selected areas/ vulnerable populations, as well working with Somali diaspora to mobilize resources" +241454,46388.0,2336.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,25,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"An additional 1.1 million children under five and 446,000 PLW, mothers and caretakers will also be nutritionally ‘at- risk’ in 2021." +213061,44840.0,2331.0,[],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,53,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,"Despite the efforts and progress made the national coordination committee to institute preparedness, there are still significant gaps in the health sector in Somalia, particularly in terms of surveillance, laboratory testing and personal protective equipment supply, to enable quick identification, diagnosis and tracing of all suspected cases." +248857,48079.0,2225.0,['Agriculture'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,61,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/DRC_FSOU_2020_12_final.pdf,"Production agricole : Etant donné la faible production de plusieurs saisons agricoles consécutives qui ont occasionné une soudure précoce, on pourrait s’attendre au cours de la période du scenario à des perturbations dans le fonctionnement des marchés, particulièrement de mars à mai 2021 alors que l’impact positif de la saison A se sera estompé." +57316,17307.0,1224.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,143,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20on%20the%20Migration%20flows%20in%20Latin%20America%20and%20the%20Caribbean%20No.%205%20-%20as%20of%20June%202019.pdf,"UNICEF, with the Ministry of Education, continued scoping through the Positive Discipline initiative in primary schools to utilise the modules to address new challenges many schools in Regions 1, 2, 3 4 and 7 experience through integrating migrant children. In the educational districts most impacted by the migration influx, over 15,000 host community including over 800 migrant children (50:50 boys/girls) benefit from innovative teaching and learning approaches implemented with UNICEF standards for ECD, conflict resolution and positive discipline. UNICEF’s support to the MoE’s drafting and finalisation of the 2019-2023 Education Sector Plan provides further opportunities for upstream advocacy to ensure strategies to address the negative causes and impacts of xenophobia will be included. The first draft was prepared and circulated with UNICEF’s assistance in June." +158679,39040.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,45,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/combatting-health-worker-infections-nigeria,"Some of the challenges identified were: inadequate knowledge regarding COVID-19 transmission, non-triage of patients, and incorrect use of PPE. Intensive three-week practical training promptly began for healthcare providers in public, private and primary health care facilities in the state." +177094,41093.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],es,70,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"a partir de mayo, se empezó a observar un aumento en la brecha entre hombres y mujeres informales, alcanzando 3,3 pps en julio. Lo anterior podría ser el resultado de que, una vez relajadas las medidas de confinamiento, los hombres informales volvieron a ocuparse en el mercado laboral mientras que las mujeres debieron quedarse en casa, probablemente dedicadas a las labores de cuidado." +112950,31706.0,1388.0,['Health'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],['Context->Demography'],es,105,['Impact'],['Context'],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3643670,"Costa Rica con 5 millones de habitantes, registra la tasa de letalidad más baja de la región. Tiene actualmente más casos recuperados que activos. No registra transmisión comunitaria y los contagios diarios han caído significativamente (se han mantenido por debajo de los 10 en las últimas semanas) . A inicio de mayo los pacientes contagiados en unidades de cuidados intensivos han bajado y en todo el país no llegan ni a media docena. ¿Pero cuáles han sido algunas de las claves y fundamentos para estos resultados? Desde Naciones Unidas intentamos hacer un balance que resumimos a continuación." +220295,45084.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,153,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_5_november_2020_final.pdf,"Border Crossings: The Milak (Nimroz) and Islam Qala-Dogharoon (Hirat) crossings with Iran are officially open to commercial traffic and movement of documented Afghanistan nationals. According to the Border Monitoring Team of the Directorate of Refugees and Repatriation (DoRR), a total of 29,420 Afghanistan nationals returned from Iran through the Milak and Islam Qala border crossing sites between 25 and 31 October, a 7 per cent increase from the previous week (27,524). More than 20,000 people returned voluntarily and more than 9,000 were deported. IOM provided post-arrival humanitarian assistance to 1,271 people or 4 per cent of all undocumented Afghanistan nationals returning from Iran at its transit centres in Hirat and Nimroz during the past week. Afghanistan’s border with Pakistan at Spin Boldak officially opened on 21 August and the border at Torkham on 28 September." +21815,9026.0,322.0,[],[],[],en,68,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,,"Bound by mountains and steep slopes to the east and west, the city has few options but to expand primarily along its north and south axes. Furthermore, the location of the international airport together with the main sewage treat- ment plant in the north also constrains devel- opment in that direction, leaving the southern axis as the main path for the city expansion." +209813,45080.0,2170.0,"['Shelter', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,102,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%209%20Dec%202020.pdf,"[9thDec2020,Borno and Adamawa states]The sub-sector continues to identify eviction cases through field visits and referrals from community leaders, sector partners and NNGOs/CBOs for HLP legal assistance due to inability of IDPs to pay rent. Most of the eviction cases are from Borno and Adamawa states, and are largely attributed to the lack of livelihoods to generate income for rent, and the economic hardship exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. With limited donors funding “cash-for-rent” interventions, the existing gaps remain huge, leaving many IDPs at risk of forced evictions." +183588,42456.0,2099.0,['Cross'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,22,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.unicef.org/wca/media/5411/file/UNICEF-WCARO-Central-Sahel-Advocacy-October-2020.pdf,The COVID-19 pandemic adds further risks to the plight and safety of millions of children already affected by the humanitarian crisis. +237174,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,27,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Of key informants assessed as part of separate informal settlements data collection efforts, 51 per cent reported that work had completely stopped for most residents." +329131,53878.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,58,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SOYDA%20Monthly%20Progressive%20Report-Feb%202021.pdf,"Somali Young Doctors Association (SOYDA) conducted internally displaced persons IDPs community awareness sessions through informing about COVID-19 risks, prevention, and seeking behavioral change of COVID-19 and good hygiene practice. We also provided face masks and hand sanitizers of the high vulnerability of older people and people with underlying health conditions to COVID-19." +235870,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,56,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"While 2,000 beds have been made available for isolation and intensive care, medical equipment has been provided for 1,642 isolation beds, 1,778 oxygen concentrator machines have been supplied and some 98 ventilators have been delivered,111 this is only sufficient to cover a small fraction of needs in a country of 40.4 million people." +225559,45658.0,2028.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],en,61,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[October 2020, Syria] The vast majority of IDP head of households (HoHs) are male (93 percent). Only 7 percent are female, of whom 72 percent are widowed (compared to just 1 percent of males) - which is very likely the primary explanatory factor for their current status as HoH." +494350,67226.0,2225.0,"['Shelter', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,161,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ETT-%20NORD%20KIVU_Masisi%20centre_rapport%20_73.pdf,"Pendant la journée, deux écoles primaires sont opérationnelles dans les villages évalués, dont l’EP IMARA et l’EP AKILIMALI. Pendant la nuit, ces mêmes écoles sont utilisées comme abris par les populations nouvellement arrivées. Les informateurs clés déplorent l’état précaire des infrastructures scolaires caractérisé par des pupitres délabrés, des salles de classe exposées à la pluie, au soleil et aux jeux des enfants déplacés à la sortie des classes. Suite à la crise, beaucoup d’élèves déplacés de la 6ème année secondaire n’ont pas pu participer aux examens d’état qui ont débuté le dimanche 11 juillet 2021. Selon l’autorité locale scolaire de la sous-division éducationnelle de Masisi 1, un total de 19 écoles primaires de quatre groupements (Biri, Bapfuna, Buabo et Banyungu) est fermé favorisant le décrochage scolaire d’environ 4174 élèves." +305764,51572.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,35,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Distribution of WASH NFI, hygiene and MHM (menstrual hygiene management) kits distribution. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +199048,44308.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,26,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RD%20Congo%20-%20Note%20d%E2%80%99informations%20humanitaires%20pour%20la%20province%20du%20Nord-Kivu%2017%20novembre%202020.pdf,"Plus de 4 400 personnes, qui ont déjà fui ces tensions depuis avril 2020 tardent à rentrer chez elles vu la persistance des tensions." +307027,51572.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,50,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"There is a water tank installed by Oxfam and which was supply from Melut town. It is not in use anymore since Oxfam pulled out, 5 months ago. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +170463,40462.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,57,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"A défaut d’être logées dans une famille d’accueil, les PDIs prennent un loyer ou ils peinent à payer à la fin du mois. Ceux qui logent dans les maisons d’accueil sont confrontés au manque de matériel de couchage tels que les nattes, les moustiquaires, les couvertures." +456636,58986.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],fr,74,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.lemonde.fr/afrique/article/2021/07/08/en-rdc-les-autorites-inquietes-face-a-une-troisieme-vague-dominee-par-le-variant-delta_6087597_3212.html,"De nombreuses personnalités publiques, dont le président lui-même, Félix Tschisekedi, et le coordinateur de la riposte contre le Covid-19, ne se sont pas fait vacciner, le premier pointant du doigt des problèmes d’effets secondaires liés au vaccin AstraZeneca et son« inefficacité ». Le pays en a reçu 1 700 000 doses en mars et les trois quarts ont été restituées à l’OMS." +125292,29180.0,1620.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],en,20,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Gap-Supply-Demand-Contraceptive-Services-Northeast-Nigeria-Report.pdf,Multiple reports have documented the SRH needs of women and girls in Northeast Nigeria since the onset of the crisis +304600,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,36,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"IDP women also reported feeling unsafe due to congestion in the camps, given that it leads to a lack of privacy which contributes to increased risk, and actual occurrence of, sexual violence." +388538,60980.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,81,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/informe_de_emergencias_humanitarias_reportadas_elc_enero_junio_2021.pdf,"Hasta el momento no hubo reportes sobre confinamientos de junio, pero sí se dieron a conocer 3 emergencias por este hecho victimizante en emergencias de mayo, específicamente en en Medio San Juan (Chocó), Pueblo Rico (Risaralda) y Puerto Leguizamo (Putumayo), tras el accionar de grupos armados no estatales (GANE). Para el primer semestre de 2021, al menos 30.902 personas se han confinado en 27 eventos reportados." +314773,52949.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,17,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"IDPs have limited livelihood assets and options, and therefore rely heavily on external humanitarian assistance." +498591,60095.0,1187.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,41,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RMRP%202021%20Plan%20de%20respuesta%20regional%20para%20refugiados%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%2C%20enero%20-%20diciembre%202021.pdf,"Además de la creciente escasez de nuevas oportunidades de empleo371, las personas trabajadoras del sector informal están más expuestas a los efectos de la pandemia debido a su limitado acceso a protección social y a la inestabilidad de sus ingresos372" +315544,54167.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Casualties->Dead'],es,108,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_caqueta_dic_2020_vf.pdf,"Como se refirió anteriormente, las comunidades étnicas también han sido víctimas recientes de desplazamientos forzados y homicidios de sus líderes. Este es el caso de la comunidad Misak en 2020, desplazada del resguardo El Águila en febrero que permanece en la cabecera de Belén de los Andaquíes, razón por la cual desde la URT se solicitó una medida cautelar de protección a la comunidad, mientras se restablecen los derechos territoriales de ésta sobre el resguardo. Cabe mencionar que, desde la firma del Acuerdo de Paz han asesinado a 5 líderes indígenas, 3 de ellos en Belén de los Andaquíes ." +276646,50715.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,35,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=224491,"[2nd March, Gos] Health Ministry in Damascus, on Tuesday said that 54 new coronavirus cases were registered in Syria, adding that 79 patients recovered, and 5 passed away." +325587,54815.0,2099.0,[],[],[],en,45,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Global evidence suggests transportation barriers matter for healthcare access. They can lead to rescheduled or missed appointments, delayed care, and missed or delayed medication use; these consequences may lead to poorer management of chronic illness and thus poorer health outcomes." +216595,45416.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,"En outre, la contribution communautaire se manifeste au-delà par la mise à disposition d’espaces (bâtiments, appâtâmes, maisons, etc.) pour abriter les écoles détruites, pillées, incendiées ou inaccessibles à cause de l’insécurité." +161336,39528.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,39,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Appui de l’OMS en logistique roulante : mise à disposition de 17 véhicules par l’OMS à la coordination nationale pour renforcer les activités de riposte contre le COVID-19 dans les 13 régions du pays; +227235,46290.0,2099.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Hospitalization & Care'],fr,78,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sidwaya.info/blog/2020/12/15/gestion-de-la-covid-19-les-deputes-deplorent-des-tatonnements/,"Des insuffisances qu’a reconnues la ministre de la Santé, Claudine Lougué. « Il y a eu un protocole de prise en charge non ambitieux. Ensuite, nous l’avons réévalué et nous avons mis en place un protocole plus ambitieux », a-t-elle souligné. Devant la Représentation nationale, elle a soutenu que les informations du rapport ont permis de mettre en exergue l’engagement de tous les acteurs." +165217,39714.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Local Response'],[],es,11,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,68% adoptó más de tres medidas de higiene y autocuidado +391170,61715.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Contact Tracing']",en,92,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/yobe_state_covid-19_pandemic_weekly_situation_report_sitrep_for_week_30_26_jul_-_01_aug_2021_.pdf,"[26th Jul - 1st Aug 2021, Yobe State] Surveillance and Epidemiology: • All 17 LGAs have recorded at least a confirmed COVID-19 case (s) • The case fatality rate amongst confirmed cases is 1.8% • The positivity rate for week 30 is 0%. This represents the same positivity rate compared to the previous week (0% positivity rate in week 29) • The case to contact ratio is 1:4 • The percentage of contacts that were confirmed positive is 3.6%" +303953,51174.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.afro.who.int/sites/default/files/2021-02/South%20Sudan%20IDSR%20Bulletin%20Week%201%2C%20%20%204-%2010%20January%202021%20.pdf,"Measles outbreaks confirmed in 2020 : 8 counties – Tonj East, Magwi, Bor, Kapoeta East, Tonj South, Wau and Pibor Locations with ongoing measles transmission •Ibba County" +386826,60459.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,126,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"Les disponibilités de nouvelles récoltes à partir du mois d’octobre renforceront l’accès alimentaire des ménages. Toutefois, l’insécurité pourrait toujours limiter les opportunités de revenu pour les ménages, en particulier l’orpaillage. De plus, les productions agricoles en-dessous de la moyenne avant la crise, ne permettront pas aux ménages d’avoir des revenus moyens de la vente de leurs produits mais seront assez pour maintenir un niveau de consommation acceptable. Des déficits de protection des moyens d’existence pourraient demeurer et maintenir les PDI et ménages hôtes pauvres dans une situation de Stress (Phase 2 de l’IPC) entre octobre 2021 et janvier 2022. (scenario)" +196699,43328.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,23,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_smart_rapid_pdi_2020_bfa_final.pdf,Les populations déplacées présentent une situation globalement plus à risque que celle des populations hôtes). [en term de MAG] +325390,54815.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"When asked to identify the top five challenges that prevent them from seeking treatment as frequently as they would like to, three in four respondents named the cost of medical services" +309809,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,52,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,Realization of durable solutions for South Sudanese displaced people will be of importance in 2021 and the Protection Cluster will continue to advocate at the higher levels to ensure that the draft South Sudan Bill on Protection and Assistance to Internally Displaced Persons is reviewed by the Ministry of Justice and adopted +235879,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,50,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"While the direct and indirect impacts of conflict and COVID-19 on healthcare have been felt by the entire country, 2020 WoA Assessment findings indicate that disruption to the healthcare system may have a greater effect on households headed by the disabled, the elderly, and by women." +291244,51259.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2020_access_annual_overview.pdf,"Despite strong advocacy, access constraints remained under-reported. The surge in sub-national violence, gaps in leadership structures and COVID-19 related movement restrictions contributed to the overall rise in access constraints." +150361,37702.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,79,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"During the reporting period, reports were also received that the four specified centres in Damascus in which Syrian nationals could obtain PCR tests were replaced with two new centers (Al-Jalaa and Tishreen sports city), in addition to one dedicated to UN staff and diplomats. Further reports on social media indicated that the authorities had approved five private laboratories for PCR testing. At the time of writing, this information was still being verified" +168504,40101.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Demography'],fr,18,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://lefaso.net/spip.php?article99471,"Depuis la parution du Covid-19, il y a 1907 cas dont 1272 hommes et 635 femmes." +161559,39295.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,69,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,"Given the spread of the virus among the health staff, scaling-up of testing for health care workers (HCWs) is needed with a special focus on those who are working at COVID-19 designated health facilities (e.g. hospitals, CCTCs) and at facilities caring for most vulnerable groups such as tuberculosis clinics, dialysis centres as well as members of tracing and laboratory teams." +188211,40860.0,1899.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200922_OCHA_GUATEMALA%20HRP%20COVID-19%20ESPAN%CC%83OL.pdf,"Un 38 por ciento de la población (6.6 millones de personas aproximadamente) reportan tener que estar tomando medidas de mitigación debido a la reducción de ingresos, basado en esto se estima que un 43 por ciento de los hogares que se encuentran en etapa 3 de la CIF han pasado de un 21 a 43 por ciento durante los últimos 3 meses." +205132,44672.0,2336.0,['Health'],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,79,[],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Since the beginning of pandemic in Afghanistan, the Government introduced measures to contain the spread of the virus and “flatten the curve” as discussed in the following sections. Public health policies aim to contain the rapid spread of the virus may reach 190,000 persons. Given the limitations of the health system, authorities plan to impose stricter containment measures, such as wearing masks and maintaining social distancing for the next 3 months." +205387,44672.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,48,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The UNICEF report foresees socio-economic vulnerabilities for children to be further deepened by the pandemic. Eight out of 10 people and nine of 10 children may face at least one type of deprivation, thus the poverty impact of the pandemic on children would be higher." +268685,49756.0,2311.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,76,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19022021_flash_update_no_2_impacto_covid-19_triple_frontera_vff.pdf,"Seguridad alimentaria y nutricional, y medios de vida: las comunidades indígenas para prevenir el contagio de la COVID-19 han disminuido las actividades de caza y pesca, que son su principal fuente de proteína ya que continúan manteniendo un aislamiento con los centros poblados. También se reduce la posibilidad de comercializar los productos agrícolas excedentes de la chagra (áreas de siembra) para acceder a elementos complementarios y otros productos básicos." +91788,26015.0,1620.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,63,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Situation-Overview_H2R_Oct-Dec_13.03.2020.pdf,"Likewise, as the proportion of assessed settlements reporting foraging as the main source of food increased in Gwoza, assessed settlements reporting cultivation as the main source of food decreased from 97% in October to 48% in December. These findings may be indicative of foraging being used as the main source of food when cultivation is not possible." +314247,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,48,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The condition of the roads has a direct impact on humanitarian organizations, as road access challenges were reported in five districts across the country in 2020 (as of 30 November) due to heavy seasonal rains and flooding, resulting in subsequent damage to infrastructure." +190283,43439.0,2225.0,[],[],[],en,46,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Southern%20Africa%20COVID-19%20Six-Month%20Report.pdf,"The DRC has rolled out UNHCR’s largest risk communication and awareness-raising campaigns in the Southern Africa region, reaching approximately 1.6 million people between March and September 2020 through community- based protection groups and community mobilizers, information sessions, flyers and leaflets." +238000,46388.0,2336.0,"['Education', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The limited ability of Afghan families to mitigate against the effects of unexpected income losses means they have turned to potentially harmful coping strategies, such as reducing spending on education and food or selling assets." +188247,40860.0,1899.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],es,114,['Priority Needs'],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200922_OCHA_GUATEMALA%20HRP%20COVID-19%20ESPAN%CC%83OL.pdf,"Actualmente las personas que se dedican a la agricultura familiar expusieron que los principales problemas que experimentan en la producción de alimentos son: contar con poca o ninguna disponibilidad de insumos (semillas, fertilizantes, etc.), los insumos han presentado un incremento en los últimos meses, han tenido dificultades para movilizar sus productos al mercado, ha habido una interrupción de la asistencia técnica y que han tenido pérdidas de las cosechas, principalmente en productos perecederos. Expresaron además que actualmente su autoproducción cubre en su mayoría una tercera parte de lo que consumen en el hogar, teniendo que comprar el resto de los alimentos." +317171,53333.0,2334.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,30,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,In fact boys in DYPL reported that they are more endangered than the girls are because most boys are the ones being kidnapped and forced to join the separatist fighters +11339,2953.0,322.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,90,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20feb%202018.pdf,"Partners continued support to water and sanitation systems, with an estimated 1.9 million people reached in January and February. Fuel support to public water networks in key cities is further scaled up. Cholera response continued at large scale; around a million people were reached with safe water, chlorine tablets, hygiene kits or hygiene messages in January and February. Cholera preparedness is ongoing, and the cluster is mapping potential gaps in the preparedness capacity of partners ahead of a possible third cholera wave" +341453,56493.0,2099.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Le risque d’être exclu et marginalisé augmente très fortement avec l’appartenance sociale, ethnique et économique. La propension à l’exclusion concerne certes de nombreux groupes vulnérables qui se si- tuent au bas de l’échelle sociale, mais elle touche principalement les jeunes et les femmes qui constituent une une frange importante de la population." +317255,53333.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,23,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,Work with the Food Security Cluster and WFP to target child headed households and adolescent single parents for vulnerable group feeding interventions. +235232,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"While conflict and insecurity remain the primary drivers of displacement, natural disasters and environmental risks remain recurrent disruptors, frequently contributing to heightened vulnerability and need. Afghanistan has an Inform Risk Index of 8.1, the second highest country out of the 191 profiled." +169954,40360.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,43,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Le droit à la santé des enfants n’est pas effectif dans la mesure où plusieurs CSPS sont toujours fermés et même ceux qui fonctionnent dans les zones à risque sont en sous-effectif et on y constate la rareté des produits. +293374,52057.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",fr,75,['Impact'],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/fhrdc_ra_hauts_plateux_sud-kivu_fv.pdf,"[Sud-Kivu, Dec 2020] Des attaques de groupes armés ont ciblé des civils associés aux pillages de bétails et les conflits intercommunautaires continuent dans les Moyens et Hauts Plateaux. Des alertes récurrentes font état de la détérioration persistante des conditions de vie d’environ 76 4001 déplacés dans la région, en raison de la poursuite des hostilités et des difficultés d’accès physique et sécuritaire des acteurs humanitaires." +83693,23093.0,1621.0,[],[],"['Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,31,[],['Casualties'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://www.libyaobserver.ly/news/21-civilians-have-been-killed-tripoli-war-start-2020,"The report didn't detail military casualties or casualties of airstrikes on the Tripoli Military College in Tripoli, where 32 cadets were killed and over 30 others were injured." +305412,51474.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,20,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"Humanitarian access deteriorated during the reporting period. As at 1 February, 86 humanitarian access incidents were recorded." +297848,52145.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_humanitaire_numero_12_v_04.pdf,Plus de 40 000 personnes directement affectées par les inondations à l’Extrême-Nord. Plus de 20 000 ont été touchées dans le département du Logone-et- Chari uniquement. +287067,51749.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[Pouytenga] En ce qui concerne les ménages autochtones, les activités génératrices de revenus sont demeurées les mêmes avant comme après la crise avec (par ordre d’importance) : le commerce, l’agriculture et l’élevage." +239638,47230.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,99,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"Ante esta situación, el 68% de las personas trabajando han tenido que desempeñar trabajos por cuenta propia, en su mayoría, en actividades como ventas ambulantes, mientras que el 22% trabajan en una empresa o son empleados domésticos (ver gráfica 27). A lo anterior se añade que tan solo el 1% es patrón o emplea a otros individuos. Solo el 19% gana un salario mínimo (COP $877.803 o 243 USD) o más, mientras que sólo el 5% de estos trabajadores cotizan a pensión" +165026,38902.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],en,30,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"The national unemployment rate, which considers loss of formal employment, increased from 12.2% in February 2020 to 19.8% in June 2020 (DANE 06/2020)." +318958,53305.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,21,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,Other response priorities include phasing out and decommissioning shelters and site facilities left behind by returning or relocating displaced people. +294568,51749.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,36,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[commune de Ouargaye] En termes d’AME les besoins sont multiples : ustensiles de cuisine (marmites, plats), contenants (bidons, jerrycans) ou autre (habits)." +172123,40587.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,39,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SOUTHERN%20AFRICA_Food_Security_Outlook_%20June%202020_%20Final.pdf,"With poor households competing for the limited available opportunities, wages are likely to reduce due to increased labor and will result in poor purchasing power for poor households who will largely depend on market purchases for food." +224057,45768.0,2332.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,59,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"Enfin, il importe de signaler que le représentant du chef de canton de canton [en l’occurrence Kiskra] ne semble pas être favorable pour la relocalisation. Il s’agirait plutôt d’un problème d’intérêt visé qu’il imagine par le fait de la présence des IDPs à Diamerom." +178290,41756.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,112,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"GROUPES PRIORITAIRES: Les enfants sont particulièrement affectés par la crise et notamment les conflits armés qui les exposent à de multiples risques de protection. Les victimes de violences liées au conflits armés, y compris les violences sexuelles, les enfants non accom - pagnés tout comme les enfants associés aux forces et groupes armés nécessitent une prise en charge spécifique. Les enfants de moins de 5 ans particulièrement vulnérables à l’insécurité alimentaire et la malnutrition aigüe et aux épidémies, de même que les enfants vivant seuls avec des personnes âgées ou en situation de handicap, doivent faire l'objet d'une attention particu - lière." +165474,39300.0,2028.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,65,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNFPA%20and%20WFP%20scale%20up%20the%20e-voucher%20emergency%20cash-based%20transfer%20mechanism%20%20targeting%20pregnant%20and%20lactating%20women%20%28PLW%29%20across%20Syria.pdf,"WFP provides families across Syria with an electronic voucher to buy life-saving food each month in more than 125 stores. In May 2020, UNFPA started the provision of an additional top-up to support pregnant and lactating mothers, as they are considered more susceptible to the risk of COVID-19 infection and are therefore the most vulnerable group among women of reproductive age." +498718,60095.0,1187.0,[],[],[],es,44,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RMRP%202021%20Plan%20de%20respuesta%20regional%20para%20refugiados%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%2C%20enero%20-%20diciembre%202021.pdf,Las políticas de bienestar y otras políticas públicas que se han puesto en marcha para ayudar a las personas más vulnerables quedan a menudo inaccesibles para personas refugiadas y migrantes de Venezuela debido a barreras legales o administrativas y lagunas en los planes nacionales +344193,56725.0,2028.0,['Nutrition'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,95,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Whole%20of%20Syria%20Nutrition%20Cluster%20Sector%20Brief%20%28January%20-%20December%202020%29.pdf,"[Jan - Dec 2020, Overall Syria] The poor nutrition situation is largely attributed to continued exposure of children and mothers to unsafe living conditions, diseases (including impacts of COVID-19), suboptimal infant and young child feeding (IYCF) practices, high maternal malnutrition, economic downturn, low purchasing power, poverty, food insecurity, family separations and poor care practices, early marriages, and destruction of infrastructure causing limited access to health services, and inadequate water and sanitation supply, and sub-optimal hygiene." +177961,41855.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,45,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_Factsheet_2003_HSM_COVID19_Tanganyika_juillet-2020.pdf,"Les premiers cas de COVID-19 ayant été signalés en RDC le 10 mars 2020, l’état d’urgence a été déclaré le 24 mars et a été maintenu jusqu’au 22 juillet 2020, avec une reprise progressive des activités." +235013,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,70,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Despite three temporary ceasefires in 2020, a significant reduction in the number of civilians injured due to attacks by NSAGs and a drop in the number of airstrikes carried out by international military forces over recent years, the continued use of improvised explosive devices (IEDs), asymmetric attacks, targeted killings and attacks on schools and hospitals have been devastating for the people of Afghanistan." +224297,45394.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Testing']",fr,42,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Analyse de 3858 échantillons (2137 dépistages pour voyage, 1186 personnes contacts, 189 cas suspect, 138 dépistages volontaires, 39 voyageurs entrants, 167 contrôles, 01 APL et 01 HTA) dans les laboratoires de diagnostic COVID-19." +390378,60780.0,1186.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],es,105,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Por su parte, a julio 2020 hay 40.342 personas privadas de libertad, de las cuales el 7,4% (2.978) son extranjeras. Si se diferencia entre condenados e imputados (ver Gráfico 4), se observa que el 6% de los condenados son extranjeros (1.595 en relación a los 25.977 de nacionalidad chilena). Un 11% de las personas que se encuentran en calidad de imputadas son extranjeras (1.383 en relación a los 11.387 chilenos). De este modo comienza a verse una mayor representación de personas extranjeras en imputados que en condenados." +241531,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The Nutrition Cluster also coordinates with other clusters and partners in joint assessments to identify the specific and gendered needs of people displaced by conflict, returnees and disaster affected people." +325385,54815.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"(Sahel) Access to health services is a particular issue for the IDPs in Sahel. A recent assessment suggests that at least a quarter of the IDP households there perceive access to healthcare to be challenging, due to the inability to reach a health facility within a walking distance, cost, long queues, and unavailability of medicines" +386748,60459.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,64,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"(scenario) La zone restera exposée aux attaques et menaces des groupes djihadistes. La mobilité de ces groupes pourrait être ralentie entre juin et septembre avec l’installation de la saison des pluies. A partir d’octobre, les attaques contre la population civile devraient reprendre à un rythme similaire à celui observé de janvier à mai 2021." +224288,45393.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Testing']",fr,39,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Analyse de 2 688 échantillons (1 726 dépistages pour voyage, 587 personnes contacts, 134 cas suspect, 97 dépistages volontaires, 65 voyageurs entrants, et 79 contrôles) dans les laboratoires de diagnostic COVID-19." +291262,51259.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2020_access_annual_overview.pdf,"Bureaucratic impediments, access denials and operational interference accounted for 196 of the reported incidents, 20 incidents less than in 2019. The slight decrease may be attributed to the decrease in humanitarian staff footprint due to COVID-19." +341912,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,86,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Tous ces faits cumulés expliquent non seulement la recrudescence des actes d’incivisme dans la société Burkinabè mais aussi contribue à expliquer celle des conflits. Car, l’une des conséquences de l’affaiblissement des capacités de la famille à transmettre les valeurs sociales est l’avènement d’une société en perte de repère et par conséquent une société vulnérable aux moindres chocs car n’ayant pas suffisamment de forces endogènes pour faire face à l’adversité." +164753,39789.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,50,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Movementwide%20Operation%20Report%20August%202020.pdf,IFRC Bangladesh CO shared COVID-19 Fact sheet to the Director General of UN in Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) and different diplomatic missions in Bangladesh  A Senior health Advisor is recruited by IFRC to advise BDRCS and IFRC teams working on COVID-19 and other emergency responses. +185050,40800.0,1900.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Injured'],es,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://infosegura.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Analisis-SC-2T-2020.pdf,"Las armas de fuego continúan estando presentes en la mayoría de las lesiones, sin embargo, hubo un importante incremento de lesiones provocadas con arma blanca (+16.8%)." +211075,44944.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Economy'],en,47,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Whole%20of%20Syria%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20October%202020.pdf,"[October 2020, Overall Syria] Major humanitarian needs persisted across all sectors and were exacerbated by the continued socio-economic downturn and the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic continued affecting Syrian people, especially those living in densely populated areas, camps and informal settlements." +151405,37915.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,44,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/78176.pdf,"To date, over 210 people have received treatment in two UNHCR-supported Severe Acute Respiratory Infection Isolation and Treatment Centres (SARI ITCs) in Ukhiya and Kutupalong in Cox’s Bazar. Patients include refugees and members of the host community." +360011,58741.0,2225.0,['Agriculture'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,51,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC_FSO_2021_06_final.pdf,"Des conditions météorologiques favorables ont marqué le début de la saison B avec des pluies dans le nord-est et le centre-est, ce qui a encouragé les agriculteurs à participer à la saison agricole, avec des semis qui ont évolué normalement, excepté les zones affectées par les conflits." +240055,46388.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,51,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The latest IPC projection which covers the months of November 2020 – March 2021 shows that Badakhshan, Badghis, Daykundi, Ghor, Nuristan, Samangan, Uruzgan and the urban centres of Hirat, Kandahar and Maymana are classified emergency levels of food insecurity (IPC 4)." +486760,67510.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],fr,70,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://acpcongo.com/index.php/2021/09/14/reduction-de-prix-du-test-de-la-covid19-a-maniema/,"Le ministre provincial de la Santé publique au Maniema, Junior Kibungi Mutanga a, dans un communiqué dont une copie est parvenue à l’ACP dernièrement, annoncé la réduction du prix du test de la covid-19 dans toute l’étendue de la Province du Maniema. [..] réduction de 10 dollars américains du montant qui était prévu, soit de 30 dollars américains," +327993,55045.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,49,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Transcription%20de%20la%20conf%C3%A9rence%20de%20presse%20ONE%20UN%20en%20RDC%2C%20le%207%20avril%202021%20%C3%A0%20Kinshasa.pdf,"Bureau du porte-parole militaire [Major Mohamed Ouhmmi] : Au cours des trois dernières semaines, la Force a continué d'accélérer le rythme des opérations dans ses zones de responsabilité en intensifiant ses activités, en particulier à Beni. Elle a mené au total 7.387 activités opérationnelles" +28413,10158.0,729.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,26,[],['Displacement'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ET_Feb_2019_Final%2820190313%29.pdf,"Ashshwayrif An estimated 950 migrants were reported to have arrived in Ashshwayrif, from southern Libya, planning to continue their journey to other destinations." +182321,34292.0,1900.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020-07-20%20Resumen%20Semanal%20de%20Situacio%CC%81n%2013-19%20de%20julio%202020.pdf,"HONDURAS La ocupación de los hospitales oscila entre el 94 por ciento y el 145 por ciento, lo que supera la capacidad operacional y pone de relieve la falta de personal, medicamentos, tratamientos y suministros. Alrededor del 40 por ciento del personal médico informa de que ha dado positivo para COVID-19." +311046,54065.0,2170.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,106,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nenfss_round_9_final_report_11032021.pdf,"[1st Dec 2020,North-East Nigeria] Prevalence of stunting is higher in Yobe (43.7%) and Borno (33.1%) than in Adamawa (29.2%). Based on the WHO classification of malnutrition, prevalence in Adamawa was below serious level (between 30 and 40%). At least one in ten children in Yobe and Borno are severely stunted (15.5% and 10.7%, respectively). Stunting prevalence is higher in boys than girls in all three states. By domain, prevalence was highest in Southern Yobe (44.6%)." +236230,46388.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,56,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The updated IPC analysis published in November 2020 shows the food security situation has further deteriorated during COVID-19 due to a confluence of factors including: reduced daily wage opportunities and small trader income, ongoing conflict leading to displacement and loss of livelihood, higher than usual prices for key commodities, and floods." +63479,18412.0,1386.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Politics'],es,49,"['At Risk', 'Capacities & Response']",['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,,"El gobierno ha venido otorgando títulos a más de 20.000 médicos integrales comunitarios (MIC) y 12.000 médicos generales62, sin haber cursado los programas de formación de las facultades de medicina ni hacer revalidas en las universidades públicas que acreditan a todos los médicos en Venezuela." +490598,67927.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",['Casualties->Dead'],en,116,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/adamawa_state_2021_cholera_situation_report_no_9.pdf,"[5th Sept 2021, Adamawa State] (Cholera) Case management: 9 cases currently on admission in the CTC. 48 cases were admitted and 37 discharges in the CTC Specialist Hospital Yola. 2 deaths recorded at the CTC. WHO with support from SMOH, ADPHCDA & NCDC trained 40 CTC staff on Cholera case management, IPC, PSS & RCCE. They were from Fufore, Shelleng, Gombi and the CTC in SSHY. SI is currently supporting water trucking in the CTC following the breakdown of the borehole.. No stipends for the contracted staff who work in the SSH CTC after 4 weeks of work." +325542,54815.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,84,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[Ouagadougou] Either a hospital or a CMA is accessible within 45 minutes for one-fourth of the city’s poor, compared to more than one-third of the overall population. These accessibility differences vis-à-vis the overall population appear to be mostly driven by the absence of advanced healthcare facilities and relative sparsity of public PPS schools in the secteurs of the city where the poverty incidence and/or the density of the poor per area is high (Figure 55)." +489856,67830.0,2170.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,65,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rc_report_august_2021.pdf,"[1st Aug 2021, BAY states] LIVELIHOOD: Livelihood services include cash for work, distribution of charcoal, cap knitting, distribution of seedlings, skills acquisation and starp up kit There is a need for briquette in Bama, Banki and Pulka while skills acquisition related services and cash for work are being sought for in Ngala, Monguno and Konduga" +35515,13057.0,788.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,99,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000105395.pdf,"At the State level, using weight-for-height z-scores (WHZ)19 and/or oedema, the prevalence of global acute malnutrition (GAM) was above 10 percent, and hence, high in Borno (10.6 percent) and Yobe (13.3 percent) based on WHO classification of nutrition situation,20 compared to 6.5 percent in Adamawa where the nutrition situation is medium. The manifestation of severe acute malnutrition (SAM) was highest in both Yobe and Borno where SAM rates stood at 2.5 percent and 1.8 percent respectively compared to 0.3 percent in Adamawa." +304881,51467.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,19,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"A significant proportion of IDPs are living with host communities, straining both communities’ ability to cope." +179155,41842.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,88,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nw_syria_sitrep21_20201020.pdf,"(NW 20/10/2020) The recent increased of confirmed cases comes alongside the more than twofold increase in testing capacity, as two additional laboratories are now active, taking the total to three in northwest Syria. One new laboratory is in Jarablus and the other is in Afrin. These supplement the existing laboratory in Idleb city and contribute to a sharp rise in daily testing capacity, now averaging of over 500 tests per day. As of 19October, 18,076tests have been performed." +157861,38800.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,65,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GTS%20-%20HNAP%20COVID19%20Syria%20Bulletin%20R3.pdf,"In GoS areas, adherence has remained consistent across all three months, especially with hygiene protocols (84%). However, the proportion of focal points reporting people staying home except for essential purposes decreased from 56% in May to 33% in July, and the proportion of those reporting facemask usage dropped from 37% to 31%." +342006,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,165,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[De juillet à début septembre 2020, les enquêteurs ont administré le sondage auprès de 2396 Burkinabè dans les régions du Centre Nord, Nord, Sahel, Est, Boucle du Mouhoun et Hauts-Bassins] Les personnes consultées ont également mis en exergue des facteurs qui permettent de maintenir la cohésion sociale en dépit de toutes les difficultés rencontrées. Ces facteurs de résilience, de l’avis des personnes enquêtées, méritent d’être consolidés. Ils renvoient notamment à la parenté à plaisanterie, aux mécanismes de résolutions de conflit traditionnels, à l’hospitalité qui caractérise les communautés Burkinabè, au système matriarcal qui renforce les liens familiaux au sein de certaines communautés, aux alliances intercommunautaires, au dialogue interreligieux, à l’éducation au savoir-être, à l’existence de cadres de dialogue communautaires, et à l’existence d’un Etat de droit malgré ses fortes défaillances et faiblesses." +164734,39789.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'WASH', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,73,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Movementwide%20Operation%20Report%20August%202020.pdf,"15,600 drinking water bottles (500ml) distributed among selected COVID-19 dedicated hospitals, test and response centers, Police station, DC office, at several districts.  An inception meeting was organized for the relevant stakeholders of DSCC on ‘Cash Grant & Infection Prevention Control’ as part of Emergency COVID-19 Response at Dhaka South City Corporation (DSCC) under COVID-19 response project supported by German RC." +311641,53198.0,2466.0,['Cross'],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,32,[],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/DTM%20Sudan%20Mobility%20Restriction%20Dashboard%204.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=8634,"All points of entry along land borders, as well as the Sawakin sea port, are closed for entry and exit. The Karb Eltoum unofficial border crossing point remains open" +170798,40367.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,31,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"33 percent of notified cases of malaria, diarrhea and pneumonia were treated CBHWs (76 percent for diarrhea, 18 percent for malaria, 8 percent for pneumonia15)." +162938,37781.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,41,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://tande.substack.com/p/syria-in-context-coronavirus-update-5cd,"Additionally, the lack of awareness of the risks, symptoms, treatments, and access to treatment of the disease were cited by doctors as concerns. On August 20, Syria received medical supplies in aid from Iran." +151024,38088.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,65,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Le ministère de la Santé et son partenaire, Médecin sans frontières, ont rénové le centre de traitement des épidémies pour la prise en charge de la COVID-19. Le lancement des activités a eu lieu le mardi 26 mai 2020 à Ouagadougou sur le site, sis dans l’enceinte du centre médical avec antenne chirurgicale (CMA) de Pissy." +175883,40890.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,79,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"Solamente dos tercios de los hogares tienen acceso a internet, y quienes lo hacen, tienen una alta dependencia de los teléfonos celulares para ello: el 55% de los hogares acceden a Internet con celulares, mientras que menos del 2% utilizan computadores y el 37% de los hogares no tienen acceso a Internet, proporción que incrementa a 69% en el caso de los hogares que pertenecen a un pueblo indígena38." +323712,54267.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Environment'],fr,139,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"La croissance rapide de la population du Burkina Faso et l’augmentation de la demande alimentaire qui en résulte exercent une pression accrue sur les ressources en terres et en eau déjà limitées, augmentant ainsi le stress environnemental (voir le figure 5 à l’annexe 1). En particulier, l’extension des zones agricoles, la gestion inadéquate des terres, les mauvaises pratiques agricoles et l’élevage extensif ont largement entraîné la destruction du couvert végétal naturel (empiètement sur les forêts et les pâturages) et la dégradation des terres par l’érosion des sols (Nyamekye et al., 2018). Ces facteurs constituent à leur tour des obstacles majeurs au développement socio-économique durable et intégré des agriculteurs et des autres groupes d’utilisateurs." +175118,40890.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],es,52,['Priority Needs'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"Así mismo, el hecho de que el hogar corresponda a población indígena o afrodescendiente disminuye significativamente la probabilidad de reportar preferir efectivo en términos generales (-14%) y aumenta la preferencia por bienes para vivienda (+4%), frente a hogares sin una pertenencia étnica particular." +238991,46388.0,2336.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In a rapid assessment of six conflict-affected provinces, children from IDP families (enrolled in CBE) in urban areas were nearly four times more likely to access distance learning than those in rural areas" +355063,58069.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,107,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.eluniversal.com.co/cartagena/cierre-temporal-a-casa-hostal-donde-vivian-65-venezolanos-en-aglomeracion-CH4810433,"Este jueves, en un operativo se cerró de manera preventiva un inmueble que ofrece servicio de hospedaje conocido como la Ballena, en la calle Real del barrio Espinal. “En este sitio se hizo un plan de control de parahotelería, con el fin de verificar sí cumplía con la documentación requerida para ofrecer el servicio como hostal. Al requerir los documentos, la persona responsable del lugar no aportó ninguno, y por ello fue necesario aplicar la sanción de 10 días de cierre que permite la norma”, señaló David Múnera Cavadía, secretario del Interior y Convivencia Ciudadana." +305466,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Economy', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,53,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Economic contractions aggravated by COVID-19 including the drop in oil price and non-oil revenues, is expected to continue to impact the macroeconomic situation. Prices are averaging $50 per barrel at the end of 2020. The US Energy Information Administration expects oil prices to reach $56/barrel in 2021." +149201,36019.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,18,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,111 rapid response teams have been deployed in 13 governorates with 432 personnel trained in COVID-19 surveillance; +196760,43328.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,110,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_smart_rapid_pdi_2020_bfa_final.pdf,Les écarts de niveau de mortalité chez les enfants constatés entre les deux enquêtes traduit une évolution préoccupante de la situation dans laquelle vivent les populations des localités concernées par les déplacés internes. Cette évolution négative de la situation pourrait être expliquée par les prévalences élevées de la MAS (>2%) obtenues dans les localités de Djibo et le site d’accueil de Barsalogho avec l’enquête SMART Rapid d’octobre 2019 et la dégradation de la situation sanitaire marquée par la fermeture des centres de santé et la recrudescence des épidémies de rougeole dans la plupart des districts sanitaires du pays. +188882,43387.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,118,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20DE%20PROTECTION_SEPTEMBRE2020-SAHEL.pdf,"Vols et pillages : Le 08 septembre 2020 à Tambao dans la commune de Markoye, Des GANI sont entrés dans le village et ont pillé le bétail des habitants prétextant que c’est le prélèvement de l’impôt. Mais le nombre de tête de bétail emporté n’est pas connu. Le 27 septembre 2020, des GANI ont fait irruption dans le village de Tin-jollel dans la commune de Markoye et ont emporté plus de 150 têtes de bœufs appartenant aux habitants. Le 21 septembre 2020 à Darkoye dans la commune de Markoye, des GANI ont également pillés une boutique en volant la marchandise et une somme en numéraire." +46312,15533.0,729.0,['Food Security'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,62,['At Risk'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_report_areabasedassessment_aba_azzawya_jun2019.pdf,"Bakery owners in Azzawya perceived themselves to have been more strongly affected by the crisis than the owners of grocery shops or supermarkets. Most baker KIs (8/10) reported that they had had to close their businesses at some point in 2018 due to disruptions in the provision of flour, which caused a significant decrease in bread production." +489463,67753.0,1234.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,15,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Trinidad and Tobago,2019-05-28 03:09:47.864552+00,,"REFUGEES AND MIGRANTS IN THE SUBREGION* 150,000 * Estimated population by end of 2020" +20772,8434.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/refugees-returned-overcrowded-libyan-detention-centres,"Among the people recently disembarked, some are suffering from malnutrition, hypothermia, or severe diarrhoea. Some report that before trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea, they had been held captive by traffickers for weeks, sometimes months, and were deprived of food and systematically abused and tortured." +46680,16140.0,729.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],en,29,['Impact'],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.libyanexpress.com/libyas-state-oil-firm-declares-force-majeure-on-al-zawiya-port/,"Production from Sharara, Libya’s largest oil field, was stopped as a result of a probe into a suspected valve closure, the company said." +162821,37820.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,74,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/iom_rohingya_crisis_response_-_external_sitrep_-_july_2020.pdf,"IOM is supporting contact tracing activities for Covid-19 surveillance in refugee camps, including identification and follow-up of persons whom have been exposed. In addition, IOM health teams are dispatching contact tracing supervisors ad medical support teams in 13 camps, equipping them with community-based surveillance tools as necessary. New Kobo tools for contact tracing and laboratory data have been deployed, aiming to streamline the collection of Covod-19 information." +175165,40890.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,138,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"A nivel departamental, hogares en Nariño en general presentan resultados consistentemente por debajo de la media en cuanto a la frecuencia de consumo de grupos variados la semana previa a la encuesta. Es de especial preocupación el consumo de carnes y huevos, que se sitúa 1,5 días por debajo del promedio; esta misma situación se repite en La Guajira. Además, Nariño presenta valores por debajo del promedio para legumbres, verduras y grasas, lo que refleja una dieta pobre en aporte proteico y energético. Cesar destaca como el departamento donde se consume la fruta de manera más frecuente (0,5 días por encima del promedio), y Santander como el departamento donde se consume más leche y carnes (0,9 y 0,5 días por encima del promedio)." +325383,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"(Plateau-Central) In Plateau-Central, basic social services, including schools and health clinics, are functional and, on paper, accessible to IDPs; however, in practice, difficulties such as the distance to school, lack of space in host schools, and lack of school canteens present obstacles to access" +149824,37865.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,47,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cxb-situation-report-20.pdf,"WHO is supporting the translation of essential technical materials into local languages to improve public awareness and help lead to behavioural change. Such materials include key messages for public and official guidance. In one week, community messaging on COVID19 reached 275 107 individuals." +146033,35870.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"WHO in coordination with the Health Sector has developed an online COVID-19 Supplies Tracking System to monitor the items procured, distributed and in the pipeline in real time by health sector partners" +316013,52949.0,2331.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"An estimated 1.1 million non-displaced school-aged children and youth remain out of school.The low enrolment rates are disproportionate across the districts in the country. Districts with the lowest attendance rates are scattered in south and central Somalia, including Bakool, Mudug, Middle Shabelle and Middle Juba" +490532,67720.0,1231.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,40,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,,"the interviewed had tertiary education or had attended university. Nevertheless, despite the highly qualified profile of Venezuelans in the Dominican Republic, 84% of the 230 interviewed did not have a contract at their current employment." +80494,22034.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],[],[],es,141,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/cuatro-reflexiones-del-primer-mes-del-campamento-humanitario-para-venezolanos-en-bogota/780,"Aún no se ha dado a conocer el reporte oficial de los costos del campamento, pero la Secretaría de Integración Social asegura que, hasta el momento, la operación del campamento “El Camino” se ha conseguido con capacidad instalada, es decir, con los recursos actuales, y no ha representado gastos nuevos para el Distrito. Las carpas son del Idiger (Instituto Distrital de Gestión de Riesgos y Cambio Climático), los trabajadores llegaron de distintas secretarías y la alimentación se ha provisto a través de donaciones y alianzas. Quienes han asumido la atención en el campamento están cansados. La mayoría nunca había tenido experiencia con población migrante, por ello se contratarán 15 profesionales nuevas para reforzar el equipo, lo que sí representará un costo adicional para la Alcaldía" +314756,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The 2020 JMCNA results indicate that more than 3 per cent of all 2.6 million IDPs have extreme needs (severity 4), and 50 per cent severe needs (severity 3), while the remainder are characterized as stressed (severity 2)" +46685,16146.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.libyanexpress.com/un-humanitarian-coordinator-for-libya-condmems-attack-on-field-hospital-in-southern-tripoli/,"“The targeting of medical personnel and facilities in Libya have become increasingly frequent, in flagrant violation of international humanitarian law. The attack on Tuesday was the third in 40 days to damage the same field hospital”. He added." +319960,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Between 1 August 2016 to 30 June 2020, the Country Task Force verified 17,156 violations against 14,637 children (2,533 girls, 12,104 boys) of which the majority were attributed to Al-Shabaab, followed by the Somali National Army regional forces and clan militias." +244148,47872.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,23,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[20th Jan 2021, GOS] Hardly any to no communities in Rural Damascus of GOS have access to psychosocial support." +270234,50227.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Deaths'],es,94,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Los fallecimientos por COVID-19 reportados a la fecha para las poblaciones afrocolombianas son 1.798 muertes, 61,4% en hombres. Los fallecimientos ocurren por carga principalmente en Bogotá 15,7% (278), Cartagena 10,6% (187), Barranquilla 8,6% (153), Cali 7,6% (135), Buenaventura 7,3% (130). las tasas de mortalidad por municipio son mayores en Bahía Solano, Rio Quito, Quibdó, Santo Tomas, Unión Panamericana, Buenaventura, Tadó y Jagua de Ibirico." +13491,5625.0,321.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,70,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://www.radionz.co.nz/news/world/365749/libya-violence-un-says-ceasefire-agreed,"""Under the auspices of [UN envoy Ghassan Salame], a ceasefire agreement was reached and signed today to end all hostilities, protect civilians, safeguard public and private property,"" the Unsmil mission said. The ceasefire would also allow for the reopening of the capital's only functioning airport, Mitiga, which has been closed since 31 August due to the clashes." +59532,17198.0,1224.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,13,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,Venezuelans and returning Guyanese raised the need for legal status and documentation. +220911,45410.0,2332.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,72,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"[Les parties Sud des provinces administratives du BEG et du Kanem dans la Zone 5 - « agropastorale» ] : La bonne pluviométrie de la saison a favorisé un bon développement des cultures. Au Kanem, les cumuls fin septembre sont légèrement supérieurs à ceux d’une année normale tandis qu’au BEG sud, la situation est inverse avec un cumul autour de 200 mm." +132472,35164.0,1188.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,99% de las personas venezolanas de los hogares encuestados han completado la educación media o secundaria 76% de las personas venezolanas de los hogares encuestados han finalizado estudios universitarios +170808,40367.0,2099.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,32,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"COVID-19, insecurity and the closing of the school year 2019-2020 continue to affect children’s access to education despite the efforts made by education stakeholders to organize distance education." +173639,39908.0,1388.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,47,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20-%20Impacto%20de%20la%20COVID-19%20en%20la%20poblaci%C3%B3n%20venezolana%20-%20Costa%20Rica%2C%20Agosto%202020.pdf,15% no tienen asegurado un lugar en donde vivir el próximo mes y 21% no están seguros de si lo tendrán 24% Han cambiado de residencia desde el inicio de la pandemia 77% afirman que se debió principalmente a su incapacidad de pago +177370,41093.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,72,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"En la reunión de julio, la Junta Directiva del Banco de la República decidió disminuir 25 puntos básicos la tasa de interés de política y se ubicó en 2,00%. La tasa de captación DTF en agosto se redujo 1,6 pps frente al mismo mes de 2019. Por su parte, la tasa promedio de colocación reportó una caída de 2,1 pps frente al mismo mes de 2019." +320219,53305.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,59,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"In 2020, the outbreak of conflict in Kolom village in January, which resulted in the displacement of some 4,000 people to Abyei town, further increased humanitarian needs. COVID-19 added an additional burden, as the pandemic heavily impacted existing humanitarian operations in the area, as well as peace and stability, and resilience-building activities" +496941,60104.0,1187.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,82,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,"https://www.unicef.org/argentina/media/11626/file/Impacto%20de%20la%20pandemia%20en%20la%20educaci%C3%B3n%20de%20ni%C3%B1as,%20ni%C3%B1os%20y%20adolescentes.pdf","Asimismo, otro indicador que preocupa es el incremento en la proporción de hogares donde los niños y niñas reciben un cuidado inadecuado cuando los adultos salen trabajan fuera de la casa: en el 7% de los casos quedan al cuidado de hermanos o hermanas menores de 18 años (situación que alcanzaba al 3% de los hogares en julio 2020) y en un 10% se quedan solos (duplicando los valores registrados en julio)." +341728,56493.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Avec l’avènement de la propriété foncière privée, les questions de terres se sont complexifiées car elles dépendent maintenant de plusieurs systèmes de gestion : le système traditionnel qui ne connaît pas la propriété individuelle et le système moderne qui privilégie la propriété individuelle." +298393,52417.0,2028.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Covid-19', 'Humanitarian Access']",IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.dropbox.com/s/fpu0ox89go0s7li/Syria%202021%20HNO%20%28advance%20copy%29.pdf?dl=0,"[March 2021, Overall Syria] Even where COVID-19 preventive measures have been subsequently relaxed or lifted, monitoring has shown a demonstrable impact on the delivery of protection and community-based services, including child protection and GBV, due to continued restrictions on the number of people who can meet and the physical distancing required when they do." +241615,46388.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Shelter']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,14,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Many displaced people reside precariously in urban informal settlements with insecure land rights. +244059,46388.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,25,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Moreover, facilities adapted for people with disability are often unavailable, making this group susceptible to high risks associated with safety and dignity." +157584,38893.0,2098.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,55,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/humanitarian_collaboration_and_coordination_in_bangladesh_2nd_draft_12_july_2020_kazi_hg.pdf,"Support alternative arrangement of education process/distribution of EiE kits which will include distance learning activities and tools, including radio, TV and ICT Informed online lessons which should be accessible to children and youth with disabilities ▪ Monitor school attendance in the most affected schools with particular emphasis on children from the vulnerable families" +402960,63058.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Shelter']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,90,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Democratic%20Republic%20of%20Congo%20-%20Key%20Message%20Update_%20Fri%2C%202021-07-30.pdf,"[outlook] Dans les hauts plateaux de Fizi, Mwenga, et Uvira, la montée des tensions intercommunautaires, et les opérations militaires des FARDC contre les groupes armés locaux en début juillet 2021 ont occasionné le déplacement de près de 211 000 personnes selon OCHA. Ces personnes déplacées ont perdu leurs actifs suite aux pillages et incendies de leurs maisons. Cette situation perturbe les activités des éleveurs en cette période de transhumance et celles des agriculteurs qui se préparent pour la saison agricole A." +164499,32982.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],es,40,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Respuesta%20COVID-19%20-%20GIFMM%20Arauca%2C%20actualizaci%C3%B3n%20n%C2%B03%20%28Del%201%20al%2030%20de%20mayo%20de%202020%29.pdf,"Salud •Articulación permanente con la Unidad Administrativa de Atención en Salud del departamento, para las medidas e complementación de protocolos por COVID-19, así como para la entrega de insumos y medicamentos a centros de salud y hospitales." +178072,40661.0,2225.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Dans la province du Nord-Kivu, 62% des ménages s’approvisionnent en eau à partir du robinet, 1,4 % à partir des rivières lac ou cours d’eau ; 20% de sources aménagées, alors que le reste de la population s’approvisionne soit à des puits aménagés, forages ou pompes." +361174,58845.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,85,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_price_bulletin_may_2021.pdf,"[May 2021, NWS, GoS & NES] Price of butane gas, broken down by regions, northwest Syria recorded the highest informal refill price at SYP 38,281/refill (up nine percent m-o-m), followed by the cross-border region at SYP 32,418/refill (down five percent m-o-m). While northeast Syria recorded the lowest price at SYP 21,523/refill (up three percent m-o-m), followed by the middle region at SYP 24,839/refill (down 17 percent m-o-m)." +172816,38004.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],en,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/04/28/syria-aid-restrictions-hinder-covid-19-response,"[28th April 2020, NE Syria] Two million people are stuck in northeast Syria without the tools to tackle outbreaks of Covid-19,” saidGerry Simpson, associate crisis and conflict director at Human Rights Watch" +128127,34137.0,1620.0,[],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Environment']",en,37,[],['Context'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/treasures-crisis-and-poverty,At the heart of the renewed schisms or threats are socio-economic development deficits and environmental degradation due to oil exploration. These were some of the causative factors to violent militancy before the granting of amnesty. +341907,56493.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,104,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Au nombre des causes profondes des conflits communautaires et de l’insécurité grandissante au Burkina Faso, on note l’affaiblissement des capacités ou de la légitimité des cadres de transmission des normes et valeurs sociales. De l’avis général de la population, la génération actuelle n’est plus en phase avec les valeurs et les normes qui ont toujours caractérisé la société africaine de façon générale et la société Burkinabè en particulier. Cela, parce que la même société ne joue plus son rôle dans l’éducation et l’instruction des plus jeunes." +194564,43822.0,2311.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],es,36,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19112020_flash_update_no.3_emergencias_por_ola_invernal_-_colombia_vf.pdf,"En dicho tiempo se han reportado 482 eventos de desastres naturales, siendo las inundaciones, los movimientos en masa y los temporales (vendavales con fuertes lluvias) los que más se han registrado." +236056,47076.0,2334.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,54,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,A total of 132 surgical procedures were performed by the trauma surgeons deployed by WHO and the mobile clinic teams. The clinical psychologists provided psychosocial support to 145 beneficiaries. They also conducted 9 psychoeducational sessions for 79 participants and 1 training session for 33 health personnel on mental health first aid. +330050,53699.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],fr,112,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_094_20210404_hebdo_s13.pdf,"Ce 04/04/2021, 2 754 voyageurs en trafic international ont été enregistrés et screenés ; 800 d’entre eux ont fait l’objet d’une alerte. Au terme de S13/2021, 42 296 voyageurs ont été enregistrés aux PoE internationaux, d’entre lesquels 99,9% (n=43 290) ont bel et bien été screenés ; 2 119 alertes ont été identifiées et validées (complétude de transmission des données de 70,9%). A S12/2021, 1 316 alertes avaient également été détectées et validées parmi les 99,9% (53730/53746) de voyageurs screenés aux différents PoE (complétude de 66,7%)" +61773,18350.0,1184.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,60,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71151.pdf,"Área de Intervención 3: Integración socioeconómica y cultural • 2.477 personas asistidas en junio 2019, 2% del total de asistencias registradas • 35% fueron mujeres, 27% hombres y 38% fueron niños, niñas y adolescentes • 275 intervenciones para facilitar el acceso a trabajo y promover la cohesión social • 60 periodistas capacitados" +401789,62956.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,46,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[29th July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: 10% of refugee respondents (20 people, including 11 persons with disabilities and 9 persons without disabilities) also reported that their family members have faced protection incidents since the flood happened." +304397,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,Local authorities continued to interfere in humanitarian responses to people in need. Navigating an untransparent regulatory environment including various fees and taxes imposed by authorities delayed humanitarian assistance and diverted resources that would have otherwise been used for lifesaving supplies +61700,18346.0,1184.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71003.pdf,"en medios de vida, se reporta que el acceso a trabajo formal y digno es un desafío, y solamente una minoría de venezolanos logra obtener estabilidad laboral. La gran mayoría se dedican a la venta ambulante (49%), trabajo informal (21%) o se encuentran desempleados (12%" +382663,59706.0,1187.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,14,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/HFS_ReporteNarrativo_ARG_1S2020.pdf,un 21% consideró difícil o muy difícil acceder a internet cuando lo necesita +313728,53333.0,2334.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"To boost the school enrolment of the displaced pupils/students, all-year-round registration of children was introduced with flexible documentation (birth certificates and transfer cards) requirements." +178017,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,37,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,Il s’agit d’une crise de santé publique [ épidémie Ebola] qui constitue un facteur aggravant de la crise humanitaire préexistante car affectant des zones déjà touchées par d’autres urgences. +11334,2953.0,322.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,84,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20feb%202018.pdf,"Nearly one million consultations were provided including 73,149 to the IDPs in January and February 2018. 69,374 children under the age of one year received Penta 3 vaccine while almost 31,000 deliveries were assisted by skilled birth attendants. Additionally, 4,846 mental health consultations were provided and 4,328 trauma cases related to conflict were treated by the health care providers. More than 1,340 health staff were trained on Minimum Service Package and 300 midwives were trained on BEmONC and CEmONC." +115503,31694.0,1898.0,['Food Security'],[],[],es,42,[],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UN_Situation%20Report%2011_COVID19_del%2003%20al%2015%20JUN_2020.pdf,"Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional (SAN) Por medio de organizaciones de la sociedad civil 14,750 personas solicitaron asistencia alimentaria al PMA, estas organizaciones, están buscando ayuda para apoyar a grupos vulnerables y sin recursos para compra de alimentos." +205472,44672.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,18,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Improved air quality is one of the priorities for sustained development and sustained health outcomes in Afghanistan. +177956,41855.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_Factsheet_2003_HSM_COVID19_Tanganyika_juillet-2020.pdf,"Dans 90% (215) des localités évaluées [Province Tanganyika], les IC ont rapporté que la majorité de la population n’avait pas accès à suffisamment de nourriture au cours du mois précédent." +286596,51586.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,63,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_19_november_2020_final.pdf,"Between 1 January and 31 October, WHO reports there were 67 incidents in 17 provinces across 40 districts. Direct, targeted attacks on health facilities and health workers now account for 78 per cent of all incidents. During this period, Afghanistan has witnessed the closure of 38 health facilities across four provinces, with threats of additional closures." +438999,64519.0,2028.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,35,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/idpmovements_202106_jun_final_en.pdf,"[June 2021, Overall Syria] In June 2021, the humanitarian community tracked some 50,000 IDP movements across Syria, around 51% per cent more than the numbers tracked in May." +64114,18925.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross', 'Education']",[],['Context->Demography'],en,53,[],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/va_report_libya_2019-libmac-unmas.pdf,"According to the 2019 HNO, an estimated 823,000 people (11% of the population), including around 248,000 children, are in need of humanitarian assistance, especially in protection; access to critical services such as healthcare and education services; access to basic household goods and commodities." +125149,32835.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77444.pdf,"El 6 % de los encuestados reportó que, en los últimos tres meses, en su hogar no han tenido qué desayunar, almorzar o cenar, debido a falta de recursos para obtener los alimentos necesarios para todo el grupo familiar." +325787,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,Les prêts bancaires pour les activités agricoles ne représentent que 2 pour cent de leur volume de prêts et sont principalement des prêts à court terme (financement des intrants agricoles ou des activités de négoce). Il en résulte une importante demande non satisfaite de besoins de financement à moyen et long terme pour investir dans la modernisation des systèmes de production. +151513,37915.0,2098.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,58,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/78176.pdf,"COVID-19 WASH activities: Some 65,400 handwashing tippy taps were installed with soapy water for household use at the block level. A further 14,500 handwashing devices were installed near latrines and over 380 in high-use public spaces, such as distribution points. Refugee volunteers are assisting with the monitoring and maintenance of handwashing points daily." +193949,43327.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,142,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_sectoriel_octobre.pdf,"On peut ainsi observer lors d’une inondation : • des cas de noyade ou d’hypothermie, notamment pendant les épisodes soudains ; • des maladies hydriques, soit par son contact, soit par la détérioration de l’approvisionnement en eau potable (par ex. cholera, hépatites E, etc.) ; • des cas de tétanos, des traumatismes; • des infections respiratoires aiguës et des pathologies cardiaques liées au développement de moisissures après la décrue ; • des intoxications au monoxyde de carbone dues à l’utilisation de chauffages d’appoint dans des locaux mal ventilés ; • des morsures d’animaux : animaux déplacés comme les individus lors d’une inondation ou nuisibles dérangés lors du retour des personnes dans leur logement après le ressuyage." +224086,45768.0,2332.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,9,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,Recruter et former les relais communautaires en surveillances épidémiologiques +199230,43099.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],['Displacement->Pull Factors'],es,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/migrantes-se-arriesgan-a-cruzar-rio-crecido-en-la-frontera/2248,"La diputada venezolana Karim Vera relató en redes sociales que los venezolanos arriesgan sus vidas a diario para pasar hacia Colombia a través de los pasos irregulares.""Algunos buscan sus sueños de libertad, otros solo a buscan alimentos y medicinas que la dictadura les niega"", escribió Vera en su cuenta twitter." +329134,53878.0,2331.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']",['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,42,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SOYDA%20Monthly%20Progressive%20Report-Feb%202021.pdf,"A total of 3,803 of under five children and 1,859 Pregnant or Lactating Women(PLW) were provided Targeted Supplementary Feeding Program (TSFP) and Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition(MCHN) service in Lower Shabelle region." +327616,54714.0,2331.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,104,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,"[CAPACITY GAP (CG)] 98% of households were found to have at least one Food Security Living Standard Gap(LSG) and/or a Capacity Gap (CG). 23% of households were found to have a food security LSG but no Capacity Gap (CG) in food security, 75% of households were found to have both a food security LSG and a Capacity Gap (CG) in food security, 2% of households were found to have no food security LSG but a Capacity Gap (CG) in food security." +329140,53878.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SOYDA%20Monthly%20Progressive%20Report-Feb%202021.pdf,263 Children and Pregnant or Lactating Women(PLW) were provided acute malnutrition treatment and also provided Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) and NHHP counseling during this reporting period. +213039,44840.0,2331.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People']","['Context->Economy', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,83,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Covid-19']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,"The Somali economy is heavily reliant on imports. The lock down of key supply markets , the closure of borders and restrictions on domestic movements are beginning to have an impact. As retailers begin to stockpile, rising prices on key imported commodities are impacting low-income earners, particularly IDPs and rural communities. Moreover, reports indicate that remittances, received by an estimated 40 per cent of Somali households, have dropped by as much as 50 per cent" +306212,51474.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,24,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) continued to engage with parties to the conflict on the prevention of sexual violence. +157847,38800.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,58,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GTS%20-%20HNAP%20COVID19%20Syria%20Bulletin%20R3.pdf,"It is important that organisations using social media to disseminate COVID-19 information note that their information comes from experts (e.g. healthcare professionals). Social media reliance is unsurprisingly greater in high-density sub-districts (frequently corresponding to urban areas), where network coverage is better, than in low-density (mostly rural) ones." +165505,39368.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,70,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20WCARO%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20No.%206%20-%2030%20July-31%20August%202020.pdf,"The first meeting on digital solutions allowed Cote d'Ivoire, Senegal, DRC and Nigeria to share how they adopted existing and new digital solutions (like UReport, WhatsApp and ODK) to conduct assessments and inform allocation of WASH facilities at health centers, notify and track COVID19 cases and contracts, communicate COVID19 information and counter myths, and conduct virtual COVID-19 training for health workers." +125203,34131.0,1620.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,21,['Impact'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/clean-water-hygiene-and-sanitation-crucial-contain-covid-19-among-idps-northeast,"Maiduguri – COVID-19 continues to disrupt the health, public life and livelihoods in Africa’s most populous country." +146062,34803.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,64,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Nutrition Cluster partners are implementing the recommended adaptations for COVID-19, including continuity of lifesaving nutrition services, integration of infection prevention and control (IPC) measures in all platforms to mitigate against transmissions of COVID-19, enhanced communication on IYCF-E in the context of COVID-19, simplified protocol for treatment of acute malnutrition, surveillance, and supply pre-positioning to avoid stockouts" +304421,51590.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Context->Economy', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,53,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/IOM%20DTM%20SSD%20FMR%20Cross%20border%20trends%20and%20impact%20of%20restrictions%202020.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10755,"Evidence collected in Northern Bahr El Ghazal by the Rift Valley Institute, in line with contextual reports received through DTM’s enumerators network, shows that the imposition of border restrictions on both sides of the border with Sudan promoted the development of local smuggling networks and informal taxation systems." +176401,41733.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Economy'],fr,35,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/reach_drc_bulletin-des-marche-2_juin-2020.pdf,"Les farines de manioc et de maïs sont les produits dont le prix rapporté a le plus souvent augmenté entre avril et mai, et notamment dans les provinces du Haut- Lomani et du Sud-Kivu" +315395,53333.0,2334.0,"['Education', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,20,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Livelihood priorities were also stated in terms of enablers, especially for their education or preferred pathways for vocational training" +160708,39181.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Population'],[],en,86,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/supporting-local-responses,"In response to the humanitarian crisis, government must mobilise local initiatives. These efforts must be sponsored by the government and donor-agencies but executed and implemented by the local people.Government must partner with grassroots civil society groups, community groups to identify and support local responses to the humanitarian crisis, terrorism, and COVID-19 pandemic. The Ministry of Humanitarian Assistance, Disaster Management and Social Development must live up to its statutory expectation to be the driving government force to this approach." +280105,51005.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,46,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-in-bangladesh-10-more-deaths-push-up-toll-to-8451/65697,"[6th March 2021, Bangladesh] But the mortality rate remained unchanged at 1.54 percent for the past few days, the DGHS said in a handout. So far, 501, 966 patients (91.31 percent) have recovered from the Covid-19." +390837,60791.0,1186.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,71,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Para 2019 se estimó un total de 34.744 personas extranjeras residentes en la Región de Coquimbo. Esta cifra representa un aumento absoluto de 5.060 personas y un alza relativa de 17% respecto a lo estimado para 2018. En 2019, la población extranjera en esa región se compuso de 18.808 hombres y 15.936 mujeres, con una relación de masculinidad de 118 hombres por cada 100 mujeres." +412967,63086.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,87,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_07_14_MSF%20RDC_RAPPORT%20VIOLENCES%20SEXUELLES%20%28FR%29%281%29.pdf,"La honte et la peur de la stigmatisation des jeunes filles victimes d’abus sexuels peuvent parfois affecter toute la famille. Dans certaines localités, comme à Walikale (Nord-Kivu), les équipes MSF constatent que des solutions « à l’amiable » – comme le mariage forcé, par exemple – sont mises en place par les familles en guise de compensation et/ou afin de préserver l’honneur et de garantir une place dans la société pour les jeunes survivantes." +188248,40860.0,1899.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],es,136,[],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200922_OCHA_GUATEMALA%20HRP%20COVID-19%20ESPAN%CC%83OL.pdf,"Los efectos por la actual crisis del COVID-19 ha implicado en los grupos y organizaciones de productores agropecuarios una caída en sus ingresos, incertidumbre al momento de establecer sus cultivos, falta de empleo (especialmente a las familias más vulnerables) que venden su mano de obra como jornaleros, debido a esto las áreas de producción de hortalizas se han ido restringiendo, pues la percepción es que no se tienen muchas oportunidades de mercado, por lo que toman fuerza los circuitos cortos de comercialización e identificar oportunidades de mercado internacionales, las restricciones de movilidad en comunidades y municipios son un riesgo de perder los avances organizativos de productores de agricultura familiar, será necesario utilizar plataformas digitales, llamadas telefónicas y visitas esporádicas para mantener viva la organización empresarial." +291345,51584.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,22,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://docs.wfp.org/api/documents/WFP-0000121004/download/?_ga=2.267291910.926065783.1606212133-1055501472.1562658913,"In October, the United Nations Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS) transported 1,350 passengers to 21 locations across the country." +141403,35118.0,1187.0,['Food Security'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",['Context->Demography'],es,87,['Priority Needs'],['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Si se considera en conjunto a las personas que indicaron que en Argen- tina los precios de los alimentos son altos y muy altos se constata que alcanzan el 82% (333) de la muestra. Entre estas personas, 212 fueron mujeres, en un 65% (137) tenían entre 30 y 59 años de edad (siendo la media de este grupo de 37 años) y en su gran mayoría (83%-177) prove- nientes de Venezuela." +149831,37865.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,31,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cxb-situation-report-20.pdf,"Between 13 - 19 August 2020, COVID-19 prevention messages reached 96 365 persons. Additionally, 59 708 Rohingya refugees received COVID-19 key messages through 8395 community consultation meetings." +264342,48806.0,2332.0,[],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_final_enquete_smart_27112019.pdf,"La combinaison entre malnutrition et rougeole est particulièrement dangereuse. La rougeole peut aggraver la malnutrition et la malnutrition, affaiblissant le système immunitaire, peut aggraver la rougeole et augmenter le risque de décès." +91790,26015.0,1620.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,60,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Situation-Overview_H2R_Oct-Dec_13.03.2020.pdf,"The majority of assessed settlements in Dikwa, Gwoza and Bama reported that people only consumed one or two meals per day. In Bama in October, more than half (60%) of assessed settlements reported that most people had two meals per day, and 16% reported that people had one meal per day." +91972,26132.0,1620.0,[],[],[],en,9,[],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_28_february_2020-report.pdf,10% of camps reported cases of malaria. +221313,45584.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,107,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/10/private-bakeries-in-homs-are-banned-from-operating-despite-bread-crisis/,"[ October 1, Homs] Nouri al-Najjar, a resident of al-Farhaniya village, attributed the bread crisis to the Syrian security’s refusal to give approval to private bakeries to start their work, arguing that these private bakeries used to cooperate with relief organizations during the opposition’s control. “When the area was under the control of the opposition factions, several baking projects were implemented with relief organizations and the local council in the area. This was the main reason for not renewing the licenses of the private bakeries,” added the owner of the bakery." +178245,41756.0,2225.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],fr,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,Une évaluation multisectorielle effectuée en octobre 2019 dans le territoire de Masisi suite à un récent mouvement de population montre ainsi que la pression démograhique a augmenté de près de 400 pour cent dans certains villages de la zone rendant la situation alarmante en terme d’accès à l’eau potable et à l’assainissement.62 +304365,51590.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/IOM%20DTM%20SSD%20FMR%20Cross%20border%20trends%20and%20impact%20of%20restrictions%202020.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10755,"FMP(Flow Monitoring Points) along the border with Sudan recorded an average of 170 South Sudanese forced to flee to Sudan every month, primarily as a result of food insecurity or flooding, although the figure was higher prior to the imposition of border restrictions." +491961,67963.0,2170.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,89,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Nigeria%20Northeast%20Operational%20Update-July%202021.pdf,"In July, the Northeast Nigeria and Lake Chad Basin areas witnessed intensified security and political activities, which greatly hampered general humanitarian response. The none-state armed groups (NSAGs) continued to terrorise communities in different UNHCR operational locations in Northeast Nigeria, causing fear, panic, and inability to go to farms. They also attacked and killed Cameroonian soldiers several times at the Nigeria-Cameroon borders within a very short period. This forced the UN to temporarily suspend humanitarian activities in the area." +164172,39714.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->Local Response'],[],es,7,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,63% evitó usar transporte público. +106685,31308.0,1183.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,85,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Se entregaron Kits de higiene, en Nariño y Norte de Santander en coordinación con los institutos departamentales de salud. Se han identificado en Norte de Santander unas zonas para instalar lavados de manos, se adecuaron puntos de hidratación como puntos de lavado de manos. Se van a compartir planos y diseños de lavado de manos portátiles. En la Guajira se avanzó con la identificación de capacidad y necesidades. Trabajo que se va ampliar con las demás coordinaciones territoriales." +236847,47076.0,2334.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,105,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,"About 60 humanitarian workers benefited from various capacity building activities on protection thematic areas and mainstreaming of protection in COVID-19 response implementation while 3,737 persons were reached through sensitization and awareness raising on themes including legal issues, GBV key concepts, protection and humanitarian principles, COVID-19 prevention. Also, 33 community leaders benefited from awareness campaigns around social cohesion and peaceful coexistence. Protection actors intensified awareness strategy through mass media with radio stations in the NWSW. The media awareness campaign focused on protection issues and COVID- 19, with emphasis on feedback through the Hotline number “8564”." +341737,56493.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,81,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Il arrive même que la vente soit opérée en suivant toutes les procédures requises, et donc avec le consentement exprès des différents co-propriétaires. Toutefois, la précarité financière ou l’urgence conduit, dans bien des cas, les propriétaires terriens à brader leurs terres à vil prix au profit d’acquéreurs qui ne se privent pas pour engranger d’énormes superficies. Ce qui conduit à une situation d’acquisitions abusives des terres." +157635,38893.0,2098.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,40,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/humanitarian_collaboration_and_coordination_in_bangladesh_2nd_draft_12_july_2020_kazi_hg.pdf,"Provide technical support to the local collaboration platform with tools, guidance and processes in line with the HRP; ▪ Support the local stakeholders for greater engagement in HCTT and cluster activities both at national and local level." +486178,67505.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,32,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Myanmar%20Emergency%20Update%20-%2001%20Sep_0.pdf,"[June - July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Mental health and psychosocial support activities located outside of health facilities have largely been put on hold during the COVID-19 lockdown." +146740,35870.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,75,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Other enhanced WASH interventions also continue, including delivery of 30 liters of water per person/per day in all phases. In the reporting period, while emergency water trucking has continued, disruptions to Alouk water station – a frequent occurrence in past months – has once impacted the water supply at Al-Hol, limiting the ability of residents to implement basic preventive measures against COVID-19, such as hand washing and increased hygiene" +308030,53290.0,2335.0,[],[],[],en,39,[],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://logcluster.org/sites/default/files/logistics_cluster_south_sudan_operation_overview_2102.pdf,"WFP, through the Logistics Cluster, as a co-lead of the Operational Support and Logistics Pillar of the National COVID-19 Response Plan, continues to coordinate requests for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) from humanitarian organisations." +317496,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,95,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"According to the Climate Prediction Center (CPC) and the International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI) El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO), La Niña is likely to continue through March 2021 (~95 per cent chance) and further through March to May 2021 (~65 per cent chance), coinciding with the dry 2021 Jilaal (January-March) and Gu (April-June) seasons in Somalia. As a result, drought conditions are expected to develop and worsen during the first half of 2021." +216628,45416.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,63,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,Une telle situation dans le contexte de la gratuité scolaire et de la Covid19 a pour conséquence la démotivation de certains enseignants qui étaient habitués à recevoir la prime des parents et la tenue des grèves des enseignants dans plusieurs coins du Nord Kivu et sur l’étendue du pays comme mentionné dans le RAPPORT ETUDE DE CAS IMPACT GRATRUITE ET COVID-19 +177030,41752.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,36,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Les femmes (21%) et les personnes âgées de plus de 51 ans (21%) ont également besoin d’informations sur comment / où poser des questions concernant le COVID-19. +358500,58673.0,2028.0,"['Logistics', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,181,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syrian%20Arab%20Republic%20-%20Euphrates%20water%20crisis%20and%20drought%20outlook%2C%20as%20of%2017%20June%202021.pdf,"(June 2021, NES) At the same time, water flows into the Euphrates River from Turkey – which has also experienced several seasons of poor rain[3] – have progressively reduced over the past six months, falling from 500m3 per second in January to 214m3 per second in June.[4] As a consequence, the hydroelectric potential of the Tishreen and Tabqa Dams, two of the most significant reservoirs in Syria, have significantly diminished,[5] leading to reduced energy production capacity which have resulted in power blackouts across northeastern Syria, and limited electricity to 1-2 hours a day in some locations. This, in turn, and compounded by ongoing fuel shortages, has led to reduced operation of vital water pumping stations, which have impacted available drinking water across Al-Hasakeh, Ar-Raqqa, Deir-ez-Zor and Aleppo governorates. Currently, 54 of 73 water stations along the western bank of the Euphrates are significantly or severely impacted by critically low water levels." +453959,63974.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,87,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_20210630-Rapport-Protection-Trimestriel.pdf,"Plusieurs milliers de personnes déplacées internes non déclarées dans le délai légal se trouvent hors de leurs communes de naissance. Leur naissance ne peut ainsi être légalement enregistrée par les autorités de lieu de déplacement, en raison de la compétence territoriale. Leur enregistrement « tardif » à l’état civil se trouve ainsi compromis en raison de la crise qui persiste, et/ou à cause de l’absence des services publics de l’état civil dans leur zone de naissance." +360021,58741.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC_FSO_2021_06_final.pdf,"Les récoltes de la saison agricole B dans le nord-est et le centre-est, bien qu’inférieures à la normale, viennent améliorer la consommation alimentaire des ménages en ce mois de juin 2021." +276669,50735.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,41,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[3rd Feb 2021, Bangladesh] Many COVID-19 vaccines are currently in development. Bangladesh is undertaking preparations to introduce the Astra Zeneca/Oxford COVID-19 vaccines from 7 February throughout the country. Bangladesh may receive other vaccines as available." +345658,56858.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"(Hauts-Bassins, Houndé) 16 enfants (8 filles et 8 garçons) ont été déscolarisés à cause du déplacement et par manque de ressources financières au niveau des parents" +236229,46388.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Afghanistan is facing a severe food insecurity crisis with levels now rivalling the devastating 2018- 2019 drought and the world's second highest IPC 4 population with 5.5m people in emergency food insecurity. +235450,46388.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"With a fragile health system, a developing economy and underlying vulnerabilities, the people of Afghanistan are facing extreme consequences from the COVID-19 pandemic." +218187,45410.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,49,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,Une évaluation conjointe des acteurs humanitaires et des structures gouvernementales a relevé des besoins humanitaires notamment en vivres et non vivres pour ces sinistrés des inondations. Les pertes de récoltes enregistrées couplées aux bas niveaux de revenus de ces ménages sinistrés limitent leur accès à la nourriture. +320093,52949.0,2331.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,39,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Limited specialized services such as rape treatment for rape survivors, psychosocial support and higher levels of mental healthcare for traumatized women and girls are major hindrances to expanding provision of timely, confidential and quality GBV services." +191732,43622.0,2330.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],en,22,[],['Humanitarian Access'],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20201111_acaps_briefing_note_nicaragua_honduras_hurricane_eta.pdf,Several Nicaraguan NGOs and community groups have reported that the government has obstructed efforts to collect and distribute donations for affected communities +271065,47809.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,112,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_7.pdf,"Se notificaron 149 casos de malaria complicada, que proceden de 20 entidades territoriales y un caso procedente del exterior. Nariño, Antioquia, Chocó, Risaralda y Vichada notifican el 59,8 % de los casos. De los casos de malaria complicada el 56,4 % (84) corresponde a hombres. El 19,5 % (29) se presenta en personas de 20 a 24 años y el 23,5 % (35) ocurre en indígenas. Por lugar de procedencia, el 47,6 % (71) proviene de rural disperso. Por régimen de afiliación, el 65,8 % (98) pertenece al régimen subsidiado." +306266,51572.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Health']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,50,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Inadequate hand washing materials like soap and buckets with taps and facemask for prevention of Covid-19. No hand facilities like taps, and soap were seen at each door of the classroom and latrines. [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]" +193937,43327.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,32,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_sectoriel_octobre.pdf,Formation de 96 agents de santé du district sanitaire de Bogodogo sur l’assistance psychologique et les aspects de prévention et contrôle des infections dans le contexte de la COVID-19. +330429,53831.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],fr,64,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/12042021_sitrep_s12_whe_oms_rdc_f.pdf,"Vaccination : la 1 ère phase de la campagne préventive de vaccination anticholérique orale (VCO) dans 76 AS de 14 ZS de la province du HautKatanga, a permis de vacciner 1 193 920 personnes âgées d’une année et plus sur une cible de 1 359 080, soit une couverture vaccinale (CV) partielle de 87,8% ;" +306412,51572.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,51,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"This requires a clear shelter strategy led by the Shelter-NFI-CCCM sector as part of an overall coordinated response, assistance should be based on needs and targeted. A comprehensive shelter and NFI assessment is required. [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]" +491978,67963.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,39,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Nigeria%20Northeast%20Operational%20Update-July%202021.pdf,"[1st Jul 2021, North east Nigeria]A CCCM team carried out campaign and awareness on the Delta variant of COVID-19 prevention across Ngala local government area, while advocating for face-mask support to the IDPs." +190280,43439.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,26,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Southern%20Africa%20COVID-19%20Six-Month%20Report.pdf,"Ongoing attacks by armed groups have hampered humanitarian access, hindered assistance to displaced people, and made COVID-19 prevention and awareness-raising activities particularly challenging." +235046,46388.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Education', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Lack of documentation also presents challenges to accessing health care (although not a legal requirement), the formal education system, statutory justice systems, mobile phone services and the attainment of credit from banking institutions." +317001,53786.0,2225.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,92,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://ec.europa.eu/echo/news/humanitarian-aid-eu-allocates-545-million-africa-s-great-lakes-region_en,"The EU announced today new funding of €54.5 million in humanitarian aid for life-saving assistance to the most vulnerable people affected by human-made or natural hazards, epidemics, and displacement in the Great Lakes region of Africa. [...] Out of the €54.5 million, over 80% of the funds will go to humanitarian response in the DRC- €44 million, including €4.5 million for education in emergencies and €1.5 million for disaster preparedness. Some €1.5 million go to disaster preparedness in the Republic of Congo." +458151,64540.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"De los inmigrantes y refugiados venezolanos que contestaron ser trabajadores asalariados, el 92,1% contestó no contar con un contrato de trabajo. Es decir, se encuentran en una relación laboral informal. Con relación a esta variable, las diferencias por género son mínimas: el 93% de los venezolanos varones trabajan informalmente, mientras que el 91% de las mujeres están en situación similar." +214370,45385.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Selon les résultats du round 21 de la matrice de suivi des déplacements (DTM) de l’OIM (juin 2020), le département du Mayo-Sava a accueilli 12,393 nouveaux PDI depuis le mois de mars 2020 dont 8,299 dans l’arrondissement de Mora." +341726,56493.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,131,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Il est un sentiment partagé par les populations que le monopole foncier exercé par l’Etat, au regard de la légitimité de leurs droits fonciers endogènes, engendre des difficultés dans la gestion des terres. Les collectivités locales sont aussi pointées du doigt par les populations qui leur reprochent d’user de leurs prérogatives de puissance publique pour très souvent disposer abusivement de terres au nom de l’intérêt général. Dans ce domaine, la cohésion sociale se trouve confrontée à la réalité de l’existence de droits coutumiers de gestion de la terre qui sont ignorés ou ne sont pas suffisamment pris en compte par le législateur dans l’édiction des règles modernes qui doivent s’appliquer à ladite terre." +26119,10739.0,786.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,46,[],['Humanitarian Access'],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/the_americas/venezuela-has-its-electricity-back-for-now-but-its-still-on-the-verge-of-collapse/2019/03/20/1cb0060e-4986-11e9-8cfc-2c5d0999c21e_story.html?utm_term=.a236d74c7c19,"The State Department said in January that sanctions would not target “the innocent people of Venezuela.” The United States has attempted to send humanitarian aid to the country, but Maduro has blocked it, saying it’s aimed at undermining him." +439735,63184.0,2099.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,24,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Burkina%20Faso%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%201%20May%20-%2030%20June%202021.pdf,The onset of the rainy season has severely limited road transport access to hard to reach rural areas in the Centre Nord region. +401177,63037.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],fr,17,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note-info_5_kananga_juillet_2021.pdf,237 décès liés aux infections respiratoires aiguës dans la région Kasaï entre janvier-juillet 2021 (DPS/OMS) +341828,56644.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,93,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.sismamujer.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/MUJERES-DERECHOS-LABORALES-Y-EMERGENCIA-SANITARIA.docx.pdf,"La buena noticia es que, a pesar de las dificultades, las mujeres trabajadoras tienen un gran potencial para la reactivación económica del país en escenario pos-pandemia. Reconocer y atender las necesidades de las mujeres trabajadoras, en este momento, es una oportunidad de ganancia para el Estado, las empresas, los empleadores/as y las sociedades7. En otras palabras, invertir en los derechos de las mujeres es una inversión a riesgo cero, con una garantía de retorno, a corto plazo, indiscutiblemente, exitoso." +325690,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,41,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Le secteur du riz est fortement soutenu par les politiques gouvernementales. Le Burkina Faso a récemment lancé une initiative présidentielle pour produire 1 million de tonnes de riz, ce qui est une priorité dans le programme du gouvernement." +21762,9026.0,322.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],en,61,[],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,,"Since 2000, with the issuance of the Local Authorities Law No. 4, Yemen has been pursuing an ambitious decentralization agenda. This agenda aims to delegate greater fiscal and administrative authority to local governments and to give communities—public leaders, residents, and investors— more control over the economic and social development of their cities and towns." +325256,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Burkina Faso’s asylum law provides for refugees to access school enrolment in the country’s Sahel region stands at 52 percent in primary schools and 60 percent in secondary schools. Some refugees in the camps have received vocational training, but the level and scope of this training is not sufficient to meet the overall needs of the refugee population." +291476,51259.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2020_access_annual_overview.pdf,"Subsequently, there was violence against humanitarian assets, destruction of humanitarian supplies and threats against humanitarian staff, prompting the relocation of 30 aid workers and suspension of operations" +452424,64948.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,168,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/juin_2021_evaluation_drs_est_rapport_mission_conjointe_corus_est.pdf,"[District sanitaire de Diapaga] Principaux problèmes identifiés : • Blocus récurrent de la commune de Madjoari par les groupes armés, fermeture et fonctionnement a minima des formations sanitaires ; • Insuffisance en médicaments, en consommables et en matériels médicotechniques ; • Problèmes d’approvisionnement des formations sanitaires de la commune de Madjoari en médicaments et intrants (PEV, Nutrition, et autres) • Surcharge de travail pour les formations sanitaires fonctionnelles accueillant les personnes déplacées internes ; • Insuffisance en personnel qualifié (départ et insuffisance de formation continue) • Vétusté du bloc opératoire du Centre Médical avec Antenne chirurgicale (CMA) de Diapaga • Insuffisance en produits sanguins labiles notamment l’approvisionnement en consommables ; • Délégation des taches en vaccination aux Agents de santé à base communautaire • Faible capacité d’accueil dans les formations sanitaires • Insuffisance de la logistique : notamment roulante pour la vaccination en stratégie avancée et les évacuations sanitaires ;" +174672,41363.0,2170.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,54,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://guardian.ng/news/fg-extends-covid-19-national-response-third-phase-by-four-weeks/,"[16th Oct 2020, Nigeria] President Muhammadu Buhari has approved the extension of third Phase of the National Response to COVID-19 by four weeks with effect from Monday. According to the Presidential Taskforce on COVID-19, the extension is due to exigencies, including celebration of Nigeria’s independence." +315820,52949.0,2331.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Shelter']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,58,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"In comparison, the 4.4 million non-displaced people categorized as severely in need – Severity category 3 – face rapidly degrading living standards, physical and mental wellbeing, and an interrelated lack of access to basic needs, which could lead to the adoption of negative coping strategies that could cause irreversible harm in the future." +193017,43411.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,66,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Food: this is the priority need expressed by the victims, since they have lost their food stocks that the water has washed away or with the collapse of the granaries. To feed themselves, they only depend on occasional help they receive from social action or people of good will who make a few donations. [The needs of disaster victims]" +271774,50331.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,42,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDRCO017du1.pdf,"According to the Damage Assessment and Needs Analysis carried out by the National Society's first team to arrive on the island of Providencia, strong winds destroyed approximately 1,200 homes, and about 400 are damaged and are suitable for repair" +305343,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,63,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Refugee returnees face challenges receiving basic services in return locations, as these limited services and resources have typically been apportioned for those currently in the area. This puts at risk returnees with specific needs and the most vulnerable as these groups may not be able to continue to receive the level of care they need in their areas of return." +239063,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,49,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,The WoA Assessment confirmed again that the vast majority (86 per cent) of those displaced longer-term are either unwilling or unable to go home in the near future and 47 per cent of those people say they never intend to return to their areas of origin. +166347,33628.0,1234.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Context->Environment'],en,38,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],UNHCR Trinidad and Tobago,2019-05-28 03:09:47.864552+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3556173,"Trinidad and Tobago’s flood alleviation efforts have just received a boost in the amount of US$495,000 (TT$3.37M) via a grant provided by CAF - Development Bank of Latin America." +294808,51749.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,83,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[Gounghin] Les ménages déplacés ne sont pas en mesures de pratiquer les activités génératrices de revenus qu’ils pratiquaient avant la crise à savoir (par ordre d’importance) : l’agriculture, le commerce et l'élevage. Les déplacés ont réussi à diversifier leurs activités en travaillant de manière journalière dans les champs des populations autochtones ou en menant des activités de couture, mais cela demeure insuffisant pour subvenir à leurs besoins de base." +416270,64000.0,1185.0,[],[],"['Information And Communication->Communication Means And Preferences', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,104,[],"['Information And Communication', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"En términos generales, los artículos en cuestión tienden a referirse a la población refugiada y migrante en el país de manera neutra (46%), el 28% de manera negativa y el 26% de manera positiva. Estos hallazgos son sorprendentes, ya que difieren de los resultados del informe de Equilibrium CenDE (2020b), el cual describe que, durante abril y mayo de 2019, la mayoría de los titulares analizados (67%) tuvieron un sesgo negativo hacia la población refugiada y migrante, mientras que un 33% tuvo un sesgo neutral" +46684,16146.0,729.0,['Health'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,34,[],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.libyanexpress.com/un-humanitarian-coordinator-for-libya-condmems-attack-on-field-hospital-in-southern-tripoli/,"“The latest attack was on Tuesday 16 July, when it targeted a field hospital in Swani, West Tripoli, injured three medical personnel and damaged equipment”, he said." +192883,43304.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,27,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,La communauté internationale devrait traduire ses promesses en actes et s’engager fermement à ne plus jeter le discrédit sur les dépenses d’infrastructure. +302522,53036.0,2334.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,101,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/1-Lolo_Dec%202020_0.pdf,[PRINCIPAUX DEFIS] Moyens de subsistance : Accès limité aux terres fertiles agricoles et insuffisance d’intrants et outils agricoles pour les réfugiés. Peu d’opportunités d’emploi et autoemploi. La divagation des animaux décourage les agriculteurs. La pression sur les ressources naturelles pose un problème de protection de l’environnement. La liberté de mouvement très limitée entrave les activités Livelihood des réfugiés. Insuffisance des centres de formations professionnelles compétentes. Inaccessibilité aux facilités bancaires et services financiers (non reconnaissance des cartes des réfugiés par les EMF locales). +191535,43304.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,33,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"En outre, l’annulation des séminaires, des ateliers de formation et des mariages dans les différents hôtels ont entraîné une baisse très importante de leurs chiffres d’affaires." +240049,46388.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,47,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Compared to 2019, there is an increase in the proportion of households with poor food consumption (up by 5 per cent) as well as in the proportion of households consuming less than 5 different food groups (up by 15 per cent)." +199568,44216.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,78,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/health/coronavirus/2020/11/16/covid-19-bangladesh-records-21-deaths-2-139-new-cases,"[16th November 2020, Bangladesh] With 1,604 fresh recoveries,in total 80.82% of the patients or 351,146 people have so far recovered from the disease. Of the 21 deceased – 15 men and six women – 13 were from Dhaka division, four from Chittagong, three from Rangpur, and one from Rajshahi divisions. Of the victims 20 died at different hospitals in the country and one died at home." +343585,55985.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],fr,33,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_121_20210501.pdf,"[01/05/2021] A la date du 01/05/2021, 180 ZS ont recensé au moins un cas confirmé ou probable de COVID-19, lesquelles se trouvent dans 23 des 26 provinces du pays" +194584,43822.0,2311.0,"['Cross', 'Education']","['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,43,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19112020_flash_update_no.3_emergencias_por_ola_invernal_-_colombia_vf.pdf,"En Bolívar, además de la afectación a al menos 155.000 personas (31.000 familias), 40 barrios y 50 colegios de su capital (Cartagena) han resultado afectados, se registraron deslizamientos en el barrio Nelson Mandela de Cartagena." +401799,62956.0,2098.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,67,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[29th July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Persons with disabilities face significant challenges to move around during heavy rainfall due to their functional limitations. A total of 125 respondents reported that they have difficulties to move around. Among them 64% (80 people) are persons with disabilities and 36% of them (45 people) are persons without disabilities." +214146,45385.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,71,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Selon les conclusions de la mission interagence, conduite conjointement par des ONGs et les agences des Nations Unies le 18 juin 2020, plus de 4,000 PDIs ont rejoint les multiples sites spontanés au cœur de la ville alors que 1,500 se sont déplacées plus à l’ouest dans les localités de Gance, Kourgui et Mora [suite au démantèlement du site principal de PDIs à Kolofata]" +188889,43387.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Environment', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,59,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20DE%20PROTECTION_SEPTEMBRE2020-SAHEL.pdf,"Le mois de septembre, en comparaison aux mois précédents, a connu plus d’incidents sécuritaires qui ont occasionné des victimes au sein des PDI et de la communauté hôte et quelques catastrophes naturelles. Les causes de ces catastrophes sont essentiellement les inondations et les vents violents qui ont détruit des tentes et des abris." +325837,55009.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,103,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/noticias/el-mundo/sin-cedula-pasaporte-ni-opciones-el-limbo-venezolano/,"Y algo que preocupa aún más: “En Colombia, la ausencia de pasaporte también constituye una barrera para el acceso al derecho a la salud, más allá de la atención por urgencias, incluyendo, entre otras situaciones, toda el área de salud sexual y reproductiva, la imposibilidad de acceder a asistencia de salud para la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo, por parte de mujeres que han sido víctimas de abuso o cuya vida podría correr riesgo o que hayan quedado embarazadas a causa de la ausencia de métodos anticonceptivos en Venezuela”, señala el documento." +149587,32165.0,1388.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],es,44,[],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/74589.pdf,"Programa Nacional de Apoyo a la Micro y Media Empresa y a la Movilidad Social (PRONAMYPE): promueve el Convenio de Cooperación entre el Ministerio de Planificación Económica, Nacional y Política, y el Ministerio de Trabajo y Seguridad Social." +319835,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,31,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Women from marginalized communities are particularly vulnerable to forms of SGBV. There is need for targeted interventions aimed at reducing the vulnerability, risk and exposure of marginalized/minority communities." +475485,63296.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Environment'],fr,102,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"La région du Centre-Ouest est cependant une zone affectée depuis plusieurs années par d’autres problématiques, incluant certains aléas climatiques ainsi qu’un appauvrissement progressif des sols. Du fait de ces aléas, entre autres, la région enregistre des taux de malnutrition aigue globale (MAG) préoccupants. La plus récente enquête SMART à l’échelle nationale (2020) a permis d’y identifier des taux de MAG parmi les plus élevés dans le pays, particulièrement dans les provinces de Ziro (11.8%) et Boulkiemdé (10.3%)." +191731,43622.0,2330.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,18,[],['Context'],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20201111_acaps_briefing_note_nicaragua_honduras_hurricane_eta.pdf,"In some affected areas in Honduras, gang members are extorting people and restricting access to humanitarian workers" +125126,32835.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,21,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77444.pdf,El 63 % de los encuestados tiene dependientes económicos en Venezuela y el 51 % tiene dependientes económicos en Colombia12. +167770,40329.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,85,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/clinicians-dhaka-and-chattogram-receive-health-facility-management-and-leadership,"In September, the program organized two 4-day trainings and two half-day orientation workshops for local clinicians in Dhaka and Chattogram. In these occasions, the participants were educated on the national COVID-19 management protocol and received leadership training to serve as examples to others during the crisis response. They also completed self-reflection exercises to find ways to improve themselves both personally and professionally, as well as learned methods to reduce stress and anxiety amidst the pandemic, such as yoga." +323594,54626.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,18,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,There were 173 religious leaders whom were actively promoting COVID-19 vaccines and creating awareness of the virus. +193868,43070.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,40,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Borrador%20texto%20Sitrep%20Sectorial_2020_SAN%20AGO_WFP_VF.pdf,"Poco seguimiento y visibilidad al impacto nutricional en población vulnerable y adultos mayores presentes en las comunidades de acogida, así como también dentro de la población con vocación de permanencia, pendular, en tránsito y colombianos retornados." +162978,37820.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,38,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/iom_rohingya_crisis_response_-_external_sitrep_-_july_2020.pdf,"IOM's regular distribution effort delivered 1,639 soaps, 2,526 masks, 62 sanitary pads, 178 dignity kits and 2,037 thamis to the women and girls to support beneficiaries' regular hygiene and menstrual hygiene maintenance." +261021,49454.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,56,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.emro.who.int/syr/syria-news/update-on-covid-19-vaccination-in-syria.html,"[February 16, Syria]The implementation across the north-east will follow the current experience of the Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) microplanning through the 22 fixed facilities (hospitals and PHC centres) and 108 mobile teams. Formal and informal settlements will be targeted as well through the same modalities." +214387,45385.0,2334.0,"['WASH', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,65,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"La présence des enfants à la maison à cause de la fermeture des écoles pour la prévention du COVID-19 augmente la consommation d’eau des ménages, donc une plus forte sollicitation des points d’eau. L’insuffisance des points d’eau et leur éloignement y augmentent le temps d’attente variant d’une à trois heures." +307017,51467.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,59,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"In South Sudan, 17 per cent of primary schools do not have access to drinking water while 31 per cent do not have functional latrines. The lack of latrines and/or dignified sanitation facilities to be used as changing rooms during menstrual period discourages adolescent girls from coming to schools hence contributing to absenteeism and school dropout." +54062,16878.0,1378.0,['Health'],[],[],es,86,[],[],Central America - Dengue Outbreak 2019,2019-08-09 22:51:53.645619+00,https://www.vivanicaragua.com.ni/2019/08/05/sociales/alcaldias-jinotega-intensifican-lucha-contra-dengue/,"Alcaldías de Jinotega en conjunto con el Ministerio de Salud (MINSA) intensificaron la lucha contra el dengue realizando fumigaciones en los barrios Villa Norte, Villa Venezuela; y Carlos Rizo 1 y 2. El objetivo de estas jornadas de fumigación, abatización y concientización hacia las familias de Jinotega y el resto del país es para erradicar al mosquito adulto y prevenir la reproducción de larvas de este mismo. Porque recientemente se han visto casos febriles en las familias nicaragüenses." +330377,53831.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,72,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/12042021_sitrep_s12_whe_oms_rdc_f.pdf,"[MVE] le compte à rebours des 42 jours pour la déclaration de la fin de l’épidémie a débuté le 22 mars 2021 et au 10/04/2021, il reste 23 jours pour déclarer la fin de l’épidémie. Un cumul de 1 898 personnes a déjà été vacciné depuis le début de cette épidémie et aucun cas confirmé n’est pris en charge dans les CTE" +174161,38392.0,1899.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,41,[],['Context'],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ALC%20post%20COVID-19%20-%20Retos%20y%20oportunidades%20para%20pa%C3%ADses%20de%20Centroam%C3%A9rica%2C%20Hait%C3%AD%2C%20M%C3%A9xico%2C%20Panam%C3%A1%2C%20y%20Rep%C3%BAblica%20Dominicana.pdf,"El gasto público fue de apenas 12,6% en 2019, mientras que el gasto de capital alcanzó 2,6% del PIB en el mismo año, de los más bajos de la region de America Latina y el Caribe." +317211,53333.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,20,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,Key informants have indeed confirmed the high risk of cholera outbreaks based on current situation and low response capacity. +69891,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,167,[],['Context'],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"Community-based organisations working on equality who are based in The Bahamas report sex stereotyping and norms in which women are expected to be submissive. Described examples of this include 7 World Population Prospect: demographic projections for 2020 for The Bahamas. 8 UNFPA Response in the Bahamas, Situation Report #2, 7 September 2019 9 Bahamas Household Expenditure Report, 2013. Ministry of Finance, Bahamas, p.27 10 Bahamas: Hurricane Dorian Situation Report No.02 As of 10 September 2019, OCHA 11 PDC Hurricane Dorian Shelter Status, Nassau, 8 September 2019 12 Desperation mounts [sic] Bahamas as shelters turn survivors away, Al Jazeera, 10 September 2019 13 Hurricanes like Irma increase risk for sexual assault, Newsweek, 09/10/2017 https://www.newsweek.com/hurricane-irma-shelters-sexual-assault-violence-shelters-662558 3 an expectation that women should submit to husbands and that men should control resources and decision- making, creating an environment where women will find it difficult to report abuse." +325544,54815.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,55,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[Ouagadougou] The accessibility improvements over walking-only provided by the bus system for the poor specifically emerge at the higher travel time thresholds: for example, while 39 percent of the poor can access at least one CMA within an hour of travel by bus, only 31 percent can by walking." +15667,6572.0,322.0,"['Health', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,53,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Yemen%20Update%2021%20Sept-%2012%20October%202018%20FINAL.pdf,"UNHCR activities are ongoing in Hajjah and Al-Hudaydah Governorates despite the continued deterioration of the security situation. Following the attack in the IDP camp in the Al-Khawkhah district of Al-Hudaydah Governorate, UNHCR’s partner Danish Refugee Council is providing psychosocial support and emergency cash assistance to 80 affected families." +453773,63974.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],fr,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_20210630-Rapport-Protection-Trimestriel.pdf,L’attaque de Solhan dans la nuit du 4 au 5 juin qui a entrainé la mort de plus de 132 civils y compris des enfants constitue un des pires cas où les enfants et adolescents âgés entre 12 et 14 ans ont été utilisés par les groupes armés pour mener des tueries. +167654,40056.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,50,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20COUNTRY%20BRIEF%20NIGERIA%20JULY%202020.pdf,"WFP is providing technical support to the Federal Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs, Disaster Management and Social Development and supporting the government’s distribution of take-home rations in Abuja Federal Capital Territory (FCT) and Lagos. WFP continues technical support to the government’s COVID-19 response" +338310,55951.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,57,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://preventepidemics.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/PERC-Finding-the-Balance-Part-III-12-May-2021.pdf,"[Survey conducted by phone with approximately 24,000 people across 19 Member States in five geographical regions in Africa, including DRC] Fear of contracting COVID-19 from health facilities—and the widespread belief that health care workers should be avoided because you can catch COVID-19 from them—was a key reason that people did not seek health services" +158778,39292.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Round-3-Analysis-Factsheet-NES_TK_09.09.20.pdf,Reports from the The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) indicate that one in four confirmed cases are amongst health workers in NES with the greatest concentration in Hassakeh city +185049,40800.0,1900.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://infosegura.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Analisis-SC-2T-2020.pdf,"Las muertes por accidentes de tránsito, suicidios y lesiones también se redujeron en el periodo analizado (-39.1%, -16.4% y -12.2% respectivamente)" +219535,45655.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,54,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"On 12 November, Turkish authorities introduced new restrictions at Bab Al Salama border crossing (Turkey-Aleppo), including limiting NGO staff movement to Tuesdays and Thursdays only, limiting two staff to one vehicle per NGO being granted movement per day, and requirements to register with the crossing’s authorities" +192041,42659.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Contact Tracing'],fr,42,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_175.pdf,Un total de 934 voyageurs en trafic international ont été screenés ce 23/07/2020 ; aucune alerte n'a été identifiée. Ce même résultat a été obtenu après que 38 102 voyageurs aient été screenés du côté du trafic national. +265969,49325.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,81,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/el-estatuto-de-proteccion-no-pone-en-riesgo-la-democracia-migracion-colombia/2461,"Aquellos que ingresen por trochas, pasos ilegales, no serán susceptibles de ser incluidos en esta gran oportunidad para el pueblo venezolano… siempre un marco de legalidad, al que cumpla con lo legal, nuestro abrazo fraterno, al que opte por las medidas inadecuadas tendrán las sanciones administrativas. Y por su puestos lo que opten por el lado criminal, serán judicializados”, aclaró. Se estudiaría en cada caso, la expulsión y deportación." +311610,53183.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,50,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"The Government made provisions for the movement of humanitarian cargo, allowing most aid operations to continue. Despite difficulties in movement and suspension of faceto-face activities, such as monitoring visits and community engagement, humanitarians managed to continue their work and assist 7.6 million people in 2020." +221862,45410.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,98,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,[Les parties Sud des provinces administratives du BEG et du Kanem dans la Zone 5 - « agropastorale» ]: Des ventes continues de petits ruminants continueraient d’être observés et se maintiendraient jusqu’à mars 2021 pour faire face aux prix élevés sur les marchés céréaliers. La stagnation des transhumants dont la descente vers les localités de la zone soudanienne serait retardée par les inondations sur le trajet et dans les zones d’accueil de la transhumance contribuerait à cette suroffre des petits ruminants sur les marchés à bétail locaux. +164748,39789.0,2098.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,78,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Movementwide%20Operation%20Report%20August%202020.pdf,71024 Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) refills distributed to 71024 Forcibly Displaced Myanmar National (FDMN) families. Apart from this 88 FDMN new families received 88 set stove and LPG cylinder.  7291 families from the host community received 7291 LPG refills and 1589 new families from the host community received 2983 set stove and LPG cylinder.  28098 FDMN families provided with 126953 pcs laundry soap and 253906 pcs bath soap. +411214,63842.0,2028.0,"['Logistics', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210823_OCHA%20Syria_Dar%27a%20Flash%20Update-3_FINAL.pdf,"[23 AUG, Dar'a] Access to services and goods within Dar’a al Balad is extremely challenging; food shortages and electricity outages have been reported." +148576,36019.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,25,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"As for other sectors, the Nutrition cluster has so far reached over 34 organizations with workshops on COVID-19 guidance to adapt nutrition programming." +161531,39295.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,38,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,"According to a survey by a UN partner, income loss, price increases, loss of humanitarian assistance and forced business closures were communities’ main concerns about the economic impact of COVID-19 in northwest Syria." +239339,46388.0,2336.0,[],[],[],en,22,[],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Women and children are at particular risk of exposure to household air pollution as they stay at home more than men. +173322,41060.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/2020/10/09/covid-19-17-die-1-278-new-cases-in-24hrs,"[9th October 2020, Bangladesh] The country's total number of Covid-19 cases crossed 375,000. Bangladesh has registered 17 more deaths from Covid-19 in the last 24 hours until Friday morning, taking the number of total fatalities to 5,477. The latest single-day death toll is the lowest since May 28 when the figure stood at 15." +341826,56644.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,112,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.sismamujer.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/MUJERES-DERECHOS-LABORALES-Y-EMERGENCIA-SANITARIA.docx.pdf,"Para nadie es desconocido que el Covid-19 produjo y sigue produciendo grandes impactos a los derechos laborales de las mujeres2. Hubo un incremento en la brecha de desempleo, se aumentaron las cargas de cuidado y se profundizaron las violencias basadas en género en las dinámicas laborales. De este modo, la discriminación ya existente, dio paso a la flexibilización de las garantías laborales mínimas, a amenazas de despido, a cargas de trabajo excesivas y a la falta de entrega de elementos de bioseguridad necesarios, por parte de empresas y empleadores, produciendo efectos adversos desproporcionados y diferenciales en la vida de las mujeres trabajadoras3." +178296,41756.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,117,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"GROUPES PRIORITAIRES: Les personnes âgées vivant seules, sans proches susceptibles de pouvoir prendre soin d’elles, dépendent de la solidarité de la communauté pour survivre. Il s’agit dans la majorité de femmes et il est souvent difficile de les identifier. Elles ont également des besoins spécifiques liés à leur âge, comme la santé. Les personnes âgées qui suite à un décès, une maladie ou un déplacement forcé doivent prendre seules en charge la responsabilité du ménage (souvent déjà en situation de précarité) ont quant à elles davantage de difficultés à subvenir aux besoins de la famille et doivent faire l'objet d'une attention particulière." +159102,37975.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,26,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_ndeg112.pdf,Diffusion des programmes habituels (Coronavirus Mag sur RTB radio rurale ; émission spéciale/JT de 20h sur RTB ; Allo Docteur sur Omega ; COVID Actu +236148,47122.0,2334.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,41,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"171 GBV actors, including health personnel, community mobilizers, community leaders and other humanitarian actors (80% female) received training and orientation on GBV prevention, referral pathways, case management and clinical management of rape." +224289,45393.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,46,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Diffusion journalière d’un communiqué de presse • Diffusion des programmes habituels (Coronavirus Mag sur RTB radio rurale ; émission spéciale/JT de 20h sur RTB ; Allo Docteur sur Omega ; COVID Actu, Vaincre la COVID-19, les médias s’engagent)" +292158,52074.0,2334.0,['WASH'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,52,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,preliminary findings from the MSNA conducted in September 2019 indicate a worrying WASH situation with over 55% of the assessed communities reporting that more than half of the vulnerable groups do not have enough water for their needs and more than 40% of the assessed communities practice open defecation. +178490,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Socio Cultural', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,43,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,Il est important de préciser que les réfugiés congolais rapatriés d’Angola ne reviennent pas dans leurs zones d’origine du fait des tensions ethniques persistantes et deviennent donc pour beaucoup des déplacés internes une fois de retour en RDC. +61489,18235.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"even if they do manage to find an employer who is willing to hire them, Venezuelan refugees and migrants still face additional practical challenges in opening a bank account, as many financial institutions do not accept the PEP as a valid form of ID." +64435,19126.0,788.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,68,[],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/acleddata.com-Regional%20Overview%20%20Africa%202%20October%202019.pdf,"In Borno state of Nigeria, Boko Haram increased its activity both on civilians and the military forces. On 25 September, a military convoy was ambushed on the Gubio-Maiduguri road of Borno and 14 soldiers were killed. On the same day, the Nigerian army conducted airstrikes against a Boko Haram camp in Kusuma, claiming to have inflicted heavy casualties on the group." +45669,15533.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_report_areabasedassessment_aba_azzawya_jun2019.pdf,"Private health facilities were reported to be unaffordable by the majority of Libyan MFGD participant. This was exacerbated by a shortage of liquidity and inflexibility in regards to payment methods, as many private facilities reportedly only accepted cash." +314877,52949.0,2331.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,51,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"About 1.2 million displaced people in Somalia were found to be in critical WASH conditions, including the use of negative coping mechanisms like the practice of open defecation, living in settlements where solid waste and wastewater are visible, and living in communities with inadequate hand washing facilities." +125258,29180.0,1620.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Protection', 'Food Security', 'Shelter']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need']",[],en,58,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Gap-Supply-Demand-Contraceptive-Services-Northeast-Nigeria-Report.pdf,"An estimated 26 million people live in areas affected by the conflict.The conflict is concentrated in three Northeastern states of Nigeria: Adamawa, Borno, and Yobe. Across these states, an estimated 6.9 million people need health assistance, 5.1 million are food insecure, and 1.62 million IDPs live in camps and settlements." +214199,45203.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,22,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://fews.net/west-africa/cameroon/food-security-outlook/june-2020,"According to the latest UNHCR figures (May 2020), there are around 679,000 conflict-displaced IDPs in the English-speaking regions." +492196,67712.0,1224.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,62,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"In other countries such as Chile and Guyana, close to 70 per cent of migrants hold a valid temporary visa (for tourism, students, among others), which guarantee their legal stay for a stipulated length of time and authorizes them or not to work or participate in professional programs (Chaves-González & Echeverría-Estrada, 2020)." +496922,60104.0,1187.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],es,66,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,"https://www.unicef.org/argentina/media/11626/file/Impacto%20de%20la%20pandemia%20en%20la%20educaci%C3%B3n%20de%20ni%C3%B1as,%20ni%C3%B1os%20y%20adolescentes.pdf",Esta pérdida de ingresos se traduce en muchos casos en una insuficiencia de recursos para satisfacer plenamente las necesidades del hogar: 1 de cada 4 hogares tuvo que recurrir a algún préstamo o fiado para la obtención de alimentos y un 41% dejaron de comprar algún alimento por falta de dinero. Estas últimas dos situaciones se vieron incrementadas respecto del año pasado. +70631,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],[],en,28,[],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,Humanitarian actors should analyse the potential protection risks that exist among such a vulnerable community which could include risk of exploitation and reluctance to seek humanitarian assistance. +177506,40876.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],es,12,[],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200904_evaluaciondenecesidades_antioquia_caceres_mire.pdf,Ambientales Daño significativo en la zona por acciones de minería ilegal. +57464,17280.0,1186.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Economy', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",es,26,[],"['Context', 'Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/439982_ed8c90c2b9644fbbabee3b33e6e9e918.pdf,"Mientras, en Antofagasta la oferta de alojamiento sería más limitada, lo que ha generado un aumento muy significativo en los costos de arriendo." +314416,54331.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,41,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=230448,"[21 APR 2021, GoS] The Ministry noted that the total number of the coronavirus cases registered in Syria has reached up to 21,433 till now, of which 15,088 have recovered while 1,468 others have passed away." +161945,39490.0,2098.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,30,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200707_acaps_covid-19_secondary_impacts_in_rohingya_refugee_camps.pdf,"According to the WHO in Bangladesh, the low rate of current immunization coverage has the potential to lead to an outbreak of vaccine preventable diseases (VPD)." +218518,45654.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,39,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/hrp_weekly_funding_status_201124.pdf,"[24 Nov 2020, Whole of Syria, Funding Overview] Funding requirements for Education sector are 264.4 Million USD, of which 91.1 Million USD have been funded, leaving a gap of 173.4 Million USD." +236669,46388.0,2336.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,22,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,The absence of female teachers dissuades parents from sending their girls to school as cultural norms promote a same-sex teaching-learning process. +345263,56821.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,35,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.thenewhumanitarian.org/news-feature/2021/5/27/hunger-and-COVID-19-drive-venezuelans-to-take-more-dangerous-routes-out,"In a December report, the International Crisis Group documented killings, forced sex work and recruitment, child recruitment, and sexual assaults at the hands of armed groups along the Venezuela-Colombia border." +165562,38891.0,2098.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,42,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Bangladesh%20news%20release.pdf,"On 4 July, the Global Flood Awareness System (GloFAS) 10-day probabilistic forecast predicted that the areas targeted with the pilot have a greater than 50 per cent chance of experiencing a severe flood between 14 and 16 July." +286695,51586.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,56,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_19_november_2020_final.pdf,"Humanitarians have rapidly scaled-up services to support the response to the pandemic, reaching millions of people with life-saving assistance for new and existing needs. Since the beginning of the pandemic, humanitarians have implemented a multi-sectoral response to COVID-19 needs and have reached over 3 million people across the country with COVID19-specific assistance." +13852,5545.0,322.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,64,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/IOM%20Yemen%20-%20Sitrep%20-%201%20July%202018.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=3857,"Distributed Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM) kits—containing enough food rations for a family for a week, basic hygiene requirements, and other essential items—among 725 displaced families to date. Provided emergency accommodation, hot meals, water, mattresses, necessary healthcare support, and dignity kits to 160 individuals at the Migrant Response Point (MRP) in Hudaydah." +191729,43622.0,2330.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,39,[],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20201111_acaps_briefing_note_nicaragua_honduras_hurricane_eta.pdf,"The hurricane has caused widespread damage to roads, bridges, houses, and power lines, leaving people cut off from assistance and with urgent shelter, non-food item (NFI), food, and WASH needs" +13859,5545.0,322.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,102,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/IOM%20Yemen%20-%20Sitrep%20-%201%20July%202018.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=3857,"As part of supporting national programmes in the implementation of HIV/AIDS, TB, and Malaria activities in Yemen, IOM established a mobile medical team to increase awareness of these diseases, and to create demand for the health services made available through this initiative. During the reported period, the mobile medical team conducted awareness sessions and distributed printed materials in places such as orphans schools, prisons, and camps and camp-like settings in Amran, Hajjah, Hudaydah, and Sana’a. Suspected cases of TB/Malaria were referred for laboratory investigation and necessary treatment." +209161,43992.0,2332.0,['Education'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,60,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"To adapt its interventions in response to school closure since March 2020, UNICEF has partnered with the national NGO TECHNIDEV, in support of the MoE, to provide students with distance education in order to help students at intermediate and secondary levels maintain contact with the school and complete educational programmes in basic scientific and literary subjects." +305637,51572.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,77,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Taking into account dire humanitarian situation and increased protection concerns in Melut IDP camps, clusters are recommended to preposition supplies to address acute needs in Melut. Emergency response inter-cluster mission is recommended to be organized to address acute needs, including IDPs affected by floods (2,000 inds/250 HHs+), with priority to food. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +294558,51749.0,2099.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,90,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,[commune de Comin-Yanga] L’accès à l’eau était un problème qui était déjà structurel avant même l’arrivée des PDI. Les difficultés liées à l’accès à l’eau ce sont donc accrues depuis. Avant la crise seulement 50% des ménages autochtones déclarent qu’ils satisfaisaient leurs besoins de base en eau de boisson et en eau pour les tâches domestiques. Aujourd’hui seul 30% des ménages autochtones sont capables de satisfaire ces besoins. +17498,6794.0,322.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,77,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/yemen/qatar-charity-provides-food-aid-26000-displaced-yemenis,"Qatar Charity (QC) has recently distributed 3,700 food baskets to the displaced people of Al Hudaydah Governorate in the capital Sana'a. The baskets worth up to QR 800,000 have benefited 26,000 people experiencing acute food insecurity, according to the classification of UN agencies operating in Yemen, while the charity prepares to provide food and shelter assistance for other 2,000 families this month, in conjunction with the approaching winter." +325595,54815.0,2099.0,[],[],[],en,83,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,The statistical association with lowering travel time to nearest school is particularly high and significant for post-primary school completion rates: a decrease in the average motorized travel time to the nearest PPS school by 10 minutes is associated with an increase in post-primary school completion rate by about 3.26 percentage points (pp). The association is somewhat lower (but still highly statistically significant) for gross and net enrollment rates at both the primary and the PPS level. +458217,64540.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,25,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,¿Cómo consiguió el trabajo actual?. Una de las formas como se accede a oportunidades de empleo es solicitándolo directamente a negocios o empresas +70241,20090.0,1386.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",[],['Humanitarian Access->Population To Relief'],es,147,[],['Humanitarian Access'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71686_0.pdf,"Cambio en supuestos de planificación Chile se ha convirtido en uno de los principales países de acogida: la cifra oficial de stock en 2018 fue de 288.200 venezolanos. Durante la primera mitad de 2019, según datos oficiales, el saldo migratorio supera los 120 mil venezolanos. Sin embargo, debido a las nuevas políticas de ingreso, es probable que este crecimiento disminuya a lo largo de la segunda mitad del 2019. Asimismo, el número de refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela en Brasil también ha aumentado. Mientras que el número de ingresos en Colombia, Ecuador y Perú sigue siendo similar al de 2018. Actualmente, hay 3.5 millones de refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela en América Latina y el Caribe. 597.047 solicitantes de asilo y alrededor de 2 millones de permisos de residencia concedidos desde 2014." +164735,39789.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,61,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Movementwide%20Operation%20Report%20August%202020.pdf,3 batches day-long data collection training through Kobo collect app were conducted for 50 volunteers at NHQ in order to select beneficiaries for Multipurpose Cash Grants (MPCGs) support under COVID-19 response project.  Bagerhat and Chattogram district unit RCY volunteers carried out home delivery service for medicines and essential daily products during lockdown in the selected areas. +325663,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Context->Environment', 'Context->Economy']",fr,82,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"(Boucle du Mouhoun, Hauts-Bassins) Le bassin de la Haute-Volta est l’un des principaux bassins fluviaux du Burkina Faso, couvrant 40 pour cent du pays et comprenant les principaux affluents de la Volta, dont le Mouhoun dans le sud-ouest. C’est également une zone de pêche et d’aquaculture. La production de ces deux régions représente 35 pour cent de la production aquacole nationale en 2017 (DGRH, 2017)." +112939,31293.0,1388.0,['Protection'],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,72,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3641092,"En el componente dos sobre Migración, se ha trabajado en las coordinaciones de un corredor humanitario para el retorno seguro de los ciudadanos de los países miembros del SICA varados en otros países y en la asistencia a estos. Asimismo, se poseen planes de seguridad fronteriza en los gobiernos, campañas de difusión de información sobre disposiciones migratorias y de seguridad fronteriza, entre otras acciones de coordinación." +325675,54267.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Economy'],fr,79,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Cependant, la production de riz peine encore à répondre à la demande croissante des ménages burkinabés, ne couvrant que la moitié des besoins domestiques. Le déficit est comblé par des importations de plus en plus importantes, qui sont passées d’environ 149 000 tonnes en 2007 à 432 000 tonnes en 2017, contribuant à la détérioration de la balance commerciale globale, avec un impact négatif sur les réserves de change du pays" +149027,37702.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,81,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"In Syria, 1,677 laboratory-confirmed cases have been reported by the MoH to date: four in Deir-ez-Zor; 15 in Al-Hasakeh; 29 in Dar’a; 38 in Hama; 63 in Quneitra; 73 in Tartous; 76 in As-Sweida; 134 in Homs; 154 in Lattakia; 210 in Aleppo; 237 in Rural Damascus; and 644 in Damascus. In total, 1,069 new cases have been announced since the last report." +170468,40462.0,2099.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,35,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Les Leaders communautaires jouent leur rôle dans le cadre de activités de protection avec un profil bas compte tenu des enlèvements qu’on enregistre depuis 4 mois. Ils facilitent la mobilisation communautaire. +113819,32048.0,1185.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,9,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Nin%CC%83ez%20venezolana%20Covid19%20Ingle%CC%81s%20Web_FINAL.pdf,86% claimed not having enough food at home +325746,54267.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Le riz est également un aliment de base de plus en plus important, en particulier pour les ménages urbains, mais il est de plus en plus importé." +149620,35869.0,2028.0,"['Nutrition', 'Cross', 'Health', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,82,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep18_25july2020.pdf,"The poor nutrition situation is largely attributed to continued exposure of children and PLW to unsafe living conditions, diseases (including impacts of COVID-19), suboptimal infant and young child feeding (IYCF) practices, high maternal malnutrition, economic downturn, low purchasing power, poverty, food insecurity, family separations and poor care practices, early marriages, and destruction of infrastructure causing limited access to health services, and inadequate sanitation and water supply." +13502,5557.0,322.0,"['Shelter', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,109,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Shleter%20NFI%20CCCM%20Cluster%20Yemen%20-%20Al%20Hudaydah%20Displacement%20Update%203-9%20Aug....pdf,"In AlHudyadah hub, , NFIs (Non-Food Items) distributions completed by UNHCR through JAAHD (Jeel Albena Association for Humanitarian Development) for 578 families in Al Munirah district and 1,050 families in Al Garrahi district also EESKs (Enhanced Emergency Shelter Kit) distributions completed for 68 families in Al Munirah district, 200 families in Al Garrahi district and partial kits for 889 families in Az Zuhrah district. The kits ensured that the families have access to basic, safe and dignified sheltering, offering integrated protection for safety from the elements and the surrounding environment as well as the essential household items." +296776,52516.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,78,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.alwatanonline.com/%d8%a7%d8%b2%d8%af%d9%8a%d8%a7%d8%af-%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%a5%d8%b5%d8%a7%d8%a8%d8%a7%d8%aa-%d8%a8%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%85%d9%88%d8%ac%d9%80%d8%a9-%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%ab%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%ab%d8%a9-%d9%84%d9%81%d9%8a/,"[March 26,Qunaitra] Sweid confirmed the governor's directives to manage Abaza Hospital and the Health Directorate to receive all cases and provide the necessary treatment for them with all available capabilities and the possibility of opening additional isolation departments in case of necessity and the high number of injuries, pointing to the readiness of the isolation section in the Baath centers and the fire brigade headquarters after securing All supplies and supplies." +341461,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,47,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"L'Islam politique est devenu un redoutable levier de contestation et de mobilisation ; la religion sert de plus en plus de support aux thèmes de repli identitaire ; elle est présentée comme le seul pivot de l'appartenance culturelle, l'unique modèle de ressource- ment et d'identification." +125354,29180.0,1620.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,49,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Gap-Supply-Demand-Contraceptive-Services-Northeast-Nigeria-Report.pdf,"Many of the partners reported that the facilities they are supporting do not provide PAC services, with reasons including a lack of supplies, providers that are not trained on the provision of PAC or are out of practice, and the inability to keep facilities open 24/7" +314480,52949.0,2331.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,14,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Further, evictions expose people to various forms of exploitation and disrupt livelihoods." +275900,50662.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,47,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[July- December 2020, Cox's Bazar] Community Health Workers (CHWs) and the majority of FDMN/Rohingya refugee volunteers received trainings to identify symptoms of COVID-19-like illnesses and being able to conduct targeted counselling on testing, quarantine and treatment through door-to-door visits." +393634,62284.0,2170.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,109,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"[7th Apr 2021, Borno State] During an FGD session with men and women, respondents stated that lack of documentation has hindered access to services. However, there are no relevant actors (government, NGOs, UN agencies) that are supporting the issuance of documentation by the Government to the affected persons, and they are not aware of any registration centers nearby. Other barriers are lack of supporting documents, high cost of transportation to travel to registration centers in Maiduguri, and harassment at security check points they would need to cross in order to access the registration center." +387129,60395.0,1186.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,179,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,". En términos generales, los estudiantes migrantes tienen mayor nivel de autoestima (0.2 desviaciones estándar) que los estudiantes chilenos (p = 0.02). Al comparar al grupo de estudiantes chilenos con los estudiantes de los grupos de países 1 y 2, encontramos diferencias significativas entre estudiantes chilenos y los estudiantes provenientes de Perú, Colombia, Venezuela y otros países (Grupo 1) tanto para autoestima como para autoeficacia. Mientras los estudiantes migrantes de este grupo presentan un nivel de autoestima mayor que los estudiantes chilenos (0.23 desviaciones estándar mayor; p =0.047), los estudiantes chilenos presentan un puntaje menor en autoeficacia (0.31 desviaciones estándar menor) que los estudiantes migrantes de este grupo (p = 0.042). En segundo lugar, considerando la relevancia de la percepción de los docentes respecto a la diversidad, y en particular la incidencia de sus prejuicios y expectativas en el desempeño académico de los estudiantes, resulta necesario conocer qué entienden los docentes por inclusión escolar." +318621,52949.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,75,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The 2019 post-Deyr assessment showed that out of 24 IDP sites, GAM levels were critical in five sites and severe in 13 sites in children under 5, indicating that children in IDP sites are disproportionately affected and more often require lifesaving nutrition interventions. In addition, the total figure of those in need of nutrition services should include an estimated 28,000 refugees and asylum seekers in Somalia and 38,276 refugee returnees." +220876,45410.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,La limitation des exportations continuerait de causer une faible demande intérieure et les bonnes conditions pastorales et l’embonpoint satisfaisant favorisant une hausse des mises bas contribuerait à une suroffre sur les marchés à bétail. +161344,39528.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],fr,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Appui à la supervision mensuelle des 02 points d’entrée (Dakola et Guelwongo) et des districts sanitaires par la Direction Régionale de la Santé (DRS) Centre-Sud ; +167199,39184.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,29,[],"['Covid-19', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/202006%20Monthly%20Regional%20Report_WCA_v1.pdf,"- Continued movements across borders observed in Guinea, Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Niger and Nigeria, despite borders being closed amidst the COVID-19 pandemic." +214210,45203.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,59,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://fews.net/west-africa/cameroon/food-security-outlook/june-2020,"Cameroon is among the epicenters of the COVID-19 pandemic in Central and West Africa, with 12,592 confirmed cases and 313 deaths as of June 29, 2020. Although some social-distancing restrictions (curfew, travel restrictions and gatherings) were lifted in April, depressed economic conditions are negatively impacting everyday income-generating opportunities for poor households." +317819,52949.0,2331.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,Girls consistently face greater challenges to accessing education. While the gender parity for enrollment at primary school level is 0.91 (1 is equal enrolment) it drops to 0.83 at the secondary level. +224047,45768.0,2332.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,45,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"En considérant le chiffre de planification de 30.000 individus à relocaliser à Amma, l’on s’attendrait à 6,000 enfants à scolariser en raison d’une estimation de 20% des enfants scolarisables par rapport à la population totale)." +191534,43304.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,40,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,Il faut noter toutefois que la réquisition des hôtels par l’Etat pour la mise en quarantaine des personnes suspectes ou rapatriées devrait contribuer à l’atténuation des effets négatifs de cette crise sanitaire sur ce secteur. +313721,53333.0,2334.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,39,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Grave violations against children continue to be committed. Girls and boys are abducted and taken hostage during which time they are also exposed to various risks, including varying forms of emotional, physical and sexual abuse." +199032,44308.0,2225.0,[],[],['Casualties->Missing'],fr,23,[],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RD%20Congo%20-%20Note%20d%E2%80%99informations%20humanitaires%20pour%20la%20province%20du%20Nord-Kivu%2017%20novembre%202020.pdf,"Plusieurs autres civils sont portés disparus depuis le mois d’octobre 2020 dans la région, selon la société civile locale." +489864,67837.0,2170.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,74,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/who-reiterates-commitment-improve-adolescent-health-nigeria,"[1st Sept 2021, Nigeria] Adolescence is a phase of life between 10 to 19, and an important time for laying the foundation of good health. The period is characterized by significant physical, psychological and social transition. Despite thought as a health stage of life, over 1.1 million adolescents die each year from preventable causes such as road traffic injuries, suicide, and interpersonal violence." +46579,16136.0,729.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,68,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/echo_-nf_bud_2019_91000_v2.pdf,"Inpatients functional bed density (11 beds/10 000 people) is two times lower than the target value (25 beds / 10 000 people) but the private sector offer somehow compensates the gap in public services. Although the number of physicians is sufficient, their capacity is considered inappropriate (in 2016 there was a gap of 4 997 nurses and 359 midwives)." +292914,51778.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,79,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/nos-estan-invadiendo-los-venezolanos-este-y-otros-mitos-de-la-migracion/2545,"Por su parte, un análisis de Migration Policy Institute y Global Economy and Development at Brookings, realizado en 2020 sobre las percepciones falsas del crimen y los inmigrantes venezolanos de Colombia, Perú y Chile, señala que los venezolanos cometen menos delitos que la población nativa con respecto a su proporción dentro de la población en general, lo que muestra que la percepción sobre el alza en criminalidad causada por los inmigrantes es errónea." +291261,51259.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,50,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2020_access_annual_overview.pdf,"Thirty COVID-19 related access constraints amplified pre-existing difficulties in reaching people, especially during the first half of the year. These included movement restrictions for goods and personnel within and into the country, violence and threats against humanitarian personnel and assets, bureaucratic impediments and operational interference." +313640,53333.0,2334.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,19,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Sanitation facilities are a challenge both at home and at school, often amongst infrastructure damaged by fighting." +135764,35301.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,36,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"97,000 out-of-school children (48 per cent girls) were reached with non-formal education through Curriculum B (an accelerated learning programme) and self-learning activities (24 per cent of the annual target)." +178427,41756.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Les zones géographiques les plus affectées sont celles où des situations d'urgence prolongées et complexes sévissent, notamment dans les régions de l’est du pays et du Kasaï. La destruction et le pillage des écoles sont répandus dans l’Ituri, le Tanganyika, le Nord-Kivu et le Sud-Kivu." +187980,43324.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,51,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irc_-_rapport_devaluation_covid-19_extreme_nord_-irc.pdf,"Cette crise sanitaire a lourdement affecté la capacité des ménages à satisfaire leurs besoins essentiels, notamment seuls 9% des ménages indiquent être en mesure de satisfaire leurs besoins alimentaires et pour 80,4% des ménages interrogés, le Covid-19 a affecté leur capacité à répondre à leurs besoins fondamentaux" +157864,38800.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,51,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GTS%20-%20HNAP%20COVID19%20Syria%20Bulletin%20R3.pdf,"In high-density sub-districts, focal points report that wearing facemasks (45%) and gloves (19%) is more prevalent than in low-density areas (10% and 4% respectively). This is unsurprising given the lower availability of personal protective equipment in rural areas." +345661,56858.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"(Hauts-Bassins, Houndé) Il a été également enregistré dans cette même localité d’accueil 43 enfants (14 filles et 29 garçons) qui ont pu être rescolarisés à l’école classique par leurs parents dont 29 (11 filles et 18 garçons) inscrits sans acte de naissance." +175177,40890.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"Sobre las necesidades de anticoncepción se encontró una proporción del 11% de gestantes y lactantes que presentan una alta necesidad servicios de anticoncepción, así, 39% de quienes requirieron un método anticonceptivo no lograron acceder a este" +142207,35870.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,78,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"According to WFP VAM data, the price of an average food basket in June was the highest on record, on average costing 48 per cent more compared to May, and 240 per cent more when compared to the same time in 2019. In June, the highest rises were recorded in Quneitra (up 78 per cent), Rural Damascus (62 per cent), and Deir-Ez-Zor (61 per cent)" +314141,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,53,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Following Cabinet approval in September 2019, President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed launched the ninth Somalia National Development Plan (NDP9) on 23 December 2019. The Plan lays out Somalia’s development priorities for 2020 to 2024 and serves as the key overarching planning framework for the Government and international partners" +172132,40718.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,87,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20Nigeria%20DTM%20Emergency%20Tracking%20Tool%20%28ETT%29%20Report%20No.182%20%20%2827%20July%20-%202%20August%202020%29.pdf,"[ 27 July - 2 August 2020, Borno,Adamawa ] Mobbar: 88 arrivals were recorded in Mobbar LGA of Borno state. All 88 arrivals were from Diffa region in Niger Republic. All movements recorded were voluntary. Guyuk: 76 departures were recorded in Guyuk LGA of Adamawa state. The departures included 39 from Numan LGA, 23 from Guyuk LGA and 14 from Lamurde LGA of Adamawa state. All of the movements were due to poor living conditions." +314531,53183.0,2466.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"WASH needs continued to be a big load for protracted displacement, and host families. During the of 2020, the effect of the economic crisis has reduced the access to water and sanitation as those services were provided at a higher cost or no longer provided." +382655,59706.0,1187.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,24,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/HFS_ReporteNarrativo_ARG_1S2020.pdf,"En comparación con 2019, disminuye un 10% el número de personas que manifestaron tener un pasaporte válido (60%)," +316077,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,61,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Further, existing GBV services are under threat due to violent targeting of service providers and the limited capacity of security personnel to apply a survivor-centred approach and guide the prosecution process to ensure access to justice. The COVID-19 pandemic further shrunk availability of service provision and access for survivors as a result of movement restrictions and closure of services" +325882,55012.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,147,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Trabajadores de la salud: De acuerdo con el INS en su boletín N.73 del 21 de abril de 2021 sobre esta población y la base de datos publicada, con un reporte de 55.939 casos (1.069 nuevos), 3.952 casos son asintomáticos, recuperados 55.561 casos (1.593 nuevos) y 264 casos fallecidos (7 nuevos). El 0,2% (85 casos) son activos, 99,3% (55.561 casos) son recuperados, el 0,05% (27 casos) están hospitalizados, el 0,01% (6 casos) en UCI. La letalidad es del 0,47% que corresponden a los 264 casos fatales. De acuerdo con la fase de contagio el 40,3% (22.526 casos) están asociados a la prestación del servicio y el 42,6% (23.808 casos) son indeterminados." +313727,53333.0,2334.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,35,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"To meet with the scheme of work, the syllabus has been shortened to cover only the essential lessons, and classes continued on weekends, to make up for the days of lockdown." +165243,39714.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Las personas están obteniendo información sobre COVID-19 a través de las siguientes fuentes: 63% sitios web Oficiales 58% redes sociales 54% televisión 35% comunicaciones del trabajo, colegio o universidad 31% familia y amigos 28% periódico/revistas (impreso o digital) 20% radio 9% otras redes de apoyo 6% doctor u otro profesional de la salud 3% comunidad religiosa." +178232,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,41,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Lorsqu’elles arrivent dans leurs zones d’origine, la plus grande partie des personnes retournées (83 pour cent) vivent à leur domicile tandis que 17 pour cent se logent dans des familles d’accueil." +161545,39295.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,17,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,Support micro-businesses/businesses to contain the impact of the COVID-19 and the ongoing economic crisis on their activities +342025,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",fr,180,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[De juillet à début septembre 2020, les enquêteurs ont administré le sondage auprès de 2396 Burkinabè dans les régions du Centre Nord, Nord, Sahel, Est, Boucle du Mouhoun et Hauts-Bassins] Dans les consultations menées, il ressort qu’une partie importante de la population s’identifie en pre- mier lieu à l’Etat. Le sentiment d’appartenance à un même Etat est un élément essentiel dans la construc- tion de la cohésion sociale, tant horizontale que ver- ticale. Selon les personnes enquêtées, un point d’at- tention concerne la perte de la confiance en l’Etat par des populations et en ses capacités à répondre à leurs besoins. Cette situation les pousse progressivement à rechercher d’autres éléments d’identification comme l’appartenance à une même région ou à une même ethnie. Mais, il se dégage un sentiment partagé que l’appartenance à une même patrie est quelque chose qui caractérise encore les populations Burkinabè." +235833,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,21,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Despite these constraints, humanitarians continue to stay and deliver with a surprising increase in overall reach during the pandemic." +173265,41059.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/2020/10/04/covid-19-23-die-1-125-new-cases-in-24hrs,"[4th October 2020, Bangladesh] As many as 9,859 samples, including the pending ones, were tested in the 109 authorized labs — government and private — across the country and 1,125 new patients were confirmed. To date, 1,989,664 tests have been conducted in the country, leading to an overall infection rate of 18.53% so far." +62858,18514.0,1386.0,[],[],[],en,99,[],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190328_acaps_briefing_note_venezuela_update_and_2019_outlook__0.pdf,"Inflation has had a devastating impact on the purchasing power of Venezuelan households. In January 2019, a basic food basket containing 60 items cost about 360,115 Venezuelan Bolivars (VES). Between January 2018 and January 2019, the price of a basic food basket increased by 283,880%. In order to purchase a food basket, a household would have to earn 20 times the minimum monthly salary (VES 18,000) (CENDA 18/02/2019). In 2017, food prices in Venezuela increased by 2,616%. (Reuters 08/01/2018)." +237129,46388.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,91,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"JMMI October 2020 data shows that, at the national level, an average of 61 per cent of key informants reported that consumers had at least one barrier to accessing markets. This number is pushed up to 88 per cent in the east. The main reasons given for these market barriers include insecurity while travelling to the market (24 per cent), financial barriers (23 per cent), and fear of exposure to COVID-19 and public health restrictions (18 per cent)." +165092,38902.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,29,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"Further, a panel survey among Venezuelan migrants and refugees showed a reduction in the diversity of food intake between early April and May (GIFMM 17/07/2020)." +194617,43822.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,25,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19112020_flash_update_no.3_emergencias_por_ola_invernal_-_colombia_vf.pdf,"Se requieren 10.000 kits de alimentos para los municipios afectados (Riohacha, Manaure, Maicao, Distracción, El Molino, Uribia)." +283927,47069.0,2334.0,['Shelter'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,94,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/iom_dashboard_cameroun_extreme-nord_round_21_en.pdf,[Round 21 / DTM / Far North Region / 25 May - 10 June] Shelter types Personnal Residence : 7% IDP / 0% out-of-camp refugees / 82% Returnees Host Family : 49% IDP / 52% Out-of-camp Refugees / 14% Returnees Spontaneous Site : 13% IDP / 3% Out-of-camp refugees / 4% Returnees Collective Center : 29% IDP / 42% Out-of-camp refugees / <1% Returnees Rental : 2% IDP / 3% Out-of-camp refugees / <1% Returnees +341809,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,111,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"La prolifération des attaques terroristes accentue cette absence de l’Etat dans certaines localités du pays. Ainsi, dans bon nombre de régions, l’on assiste à un désengagement des forces de sécurité notamment de la police nationale qui déserte les zones d’attaque dans plusieurs communes en raison du fait qu’elle n’est pas suffisamment équipée pour opposer une résistance en cas d’attaque. On assiste également à un abandon par les représentants de l’Etat, notamment le personnel administratif, le personnel enseignant, le personnel médical et les autorités politiques de leurs postes et services." +330109,55171.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,36,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-america-latina-56897151,"Las autoridades ordenaron el despliegue de la policía y el ejército, y decretaron toque de queda desde la 1 p.m., hora local, hasta el próximo domingo a las cinco de la mañana." +229344,46655.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,81,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/289_1608877604.pdf,Actions To date: National COVID-19 multi-partner Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) continues to coordinate response activities across states. High level virtual strategic coordination engagement with Honourable Commissioners for Health and State Epidemiologists. Ongoing deployment of response strategies in collaboration with State response teams to improve response to surge in COVID-19 cases. Currently tracking reports from trained healthcare workers in hotspot LGAs across 10 States. Ongoing data management and analysis on the channel’s software +193860,43070.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Borrador%20texto%20Sitrep%20Sectorial_2020_SAN%20AGO_WFP_VF.pdf,"En los departamentos de La Guajira, Atlántico, Antioquia y Nariño se percibieron las privaciones más altas y la menor diversidad de la dieta en promedio." +315387,53333.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Shelter']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"They spoke of sexual violence, unwanted pregnancies, CEFM and contracting diseases including communicable diseases like malaria as they spoke of the shortage of mosquito nets." +188251,40860.0,1899.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200922_OCHA_GUATEMALA%20HRP%20COVID-19%20ESPAN%CC%83OL.pdf,"Con respecto a la gravedad de la enfermedad, la información disponible sugiere que el virus puede afectar de manera moderada al 81% de los casos, severa al 14% y crítica al 5%12." +219065,45655.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,36,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"[9th Dec, Overall Syria] Although infection remains widespread, the rate of transmission has slowed somewhat in the second half of November, particularly in areas where a full lockdown was in force" +221314,45584.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,104,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/10/private-bakeries-in-homs-are-banned-from-operating-despite-bread-crisis/,"[ October 1, Homs] “I have a hard time getting a loaf of bread, yet, I have no choice. The government-subsidized bread is difficult to obtain because I have to wait in very long lines. Besides, bread loaves are of very poor quality. On the other hand, bread produced by private bakeries is not available because their licenses are not renewed.” People in the cities of the northern countryside of Homs, such as Rastan and Talbiseh, and the villages of Houla, also suffer a lack of access to bread." +316007,52949.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,42,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"About 36 per cent of non-IDP households must travel more than 30 minutes to reach a hospital, with 12 per cent travelling over 1 hour to access health services. The vast majority of non-IDPs access medical care by foot." +177033,41752.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,48,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Une étude de la Fondation Hirondelle souligne que les canaux d’information les plus utilisés sont la presse traditionnelle (radio, télévision, journaux papiers) (92%) et les moyens de communication communautaires (famille et voisins) (73%)." +317237,53333.0,2334.0,[],[],[],en,60,[],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Update and adapt the school strategy for adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights, in line with the crisis, so that all functional schools implement comprehensive sexuality education as part of their curriculum. This could take the form of mobile services by health personnel, linking with community health workers to provide safe referral and access." +187148,39357.0,1898.0,['Health'],[],[],es,15,[],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ALC%20post%20COVID-19%20-%20Retos%20y%20oportunidades%20para%20pa%C3%ADses%20de%20Centroam%C3%A9rica%2C%20Hait%C3%AD%2C%20M%C3%A9xico%2C%20Panam%C3%A1%2C%20y%20Rep%C3%BAblica%20Dominicana.pdf,"Tras dos meses desde el cierre, El Salvador aún mantiene medidas de confinamiento." +325107,54815.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,134,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Only 70 localities across the country have a health center (Centre Médical, or CM/CMU), while 42 localities have a medical center that also has a surgical antenna (Centre Médical avec Antenne chirurgical, or CMA); these types of medical facilities are typically located in the main towns of Communes. While a health center can be found in nearly all parts of the country – except for significant areas of the Est region and the eastern part of Cascades, corresponding to areas with very low population density – they are frequently connected only by roads in a poor condition. This is particularly common in the Sahel region. In Centre-Est and Sud-Ouest, the medical facilities are connected by roads in a fair condition." +199357,43118.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],es,62,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.laopinion.com.co/frontera/frontera-seguira-cerrada-hasta-el-1-de-diciembre-migracion-205328,"La frontera entre Colombia y Venezuela seguirá cerrada hasta el 1 de diciembre. Así lo anunció Juan Francisco Espinosa, director de Migración Colombia durante una visita al departamento de Norte de Santander. A pesar del cierre, se mantienen habilitado un corredor humanitario para el retorno voluntario de migrantes venezolanos por el puente Simón Bolívar y en Arauca." +320481,52949.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,67,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The scale of shelter and NFI needs in 2021 is expected to increase in comparison to the needs in 2020, mainly driven by extensive flooding that damaged shelters and caused the loss of NFIs, displacement due to conflict, drought and forced eviction, and the inability of households to repair and construct shelters or buy basic non-food items due to limited financial resources." +268301,49758.0,2311.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,25,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,Agua y saneamiento básico (WASH): Se requieren kits de aseo y de higiene para las 78 familias desplazadas hasta el momento. +186680,43205.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,49,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/425162-weekly-review-nigerias-new-covid-19-cases-increase-for-second-consecutive-week.html,"[1st Nov 2020, Nigeria]On Sunday, 111 new cases of COVID-19 were reported in the country. As of 11:55 p.m. on November 1, a total of 62,964 cases had been reported, out of which 58,790 had recovered and 1146 deaths recorded." +316647,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The displacement of civilians continues to be related to direct exposure to violence or the threat of violence, in particular in Lower Shabelle, Lower Juba, Middle Shabelle, Bay, Gedo, Hiraan, Mudug and Banadir. This dynamic will most likely remain the same in 2021." +496485,60067.0,1187.0,[],[],[],es,61,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sentir%20que%20se%20nos%20va%20la%20vida%20-%20Personas%20LGBTI%2B%20refugiadas%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%20en%20Colombia%2C%20Ecuador%20y%20Chile.pdf,"En los países abordados la común situación es el subregistro de estas vio- lencias, las personas refugiadas y migrantes LGBTI+ no aparecen en las listas, ni en las estadísticas y ante esa invisibilidad pareciera que no pasa nada y que los problemas de las personas refugiadas y migrantes están sólo vinculados a asuntos de satisfacción de necesidades básicas." +205435,44672.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,19,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,It is also reported that about 70% COVID-19 quarantining has caused a spike in domestic violence levels. +306254,51572.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,70,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"The majority of the population in Dingthoma 1, Dingthoma 2, Khor-Adar and Malek hail from different payams of Baliet County, as well as Khorfulus and Atar. Many fled the area following the onset of the crisis in 2013, and have resided in Melut area since 2015 [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +173201,39903.0,1388.0,[],[],[],es,98,[],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3644542,"En Costa Rica, el plan de respuesta de UNICEF se centra en campañas de comunicación masiva para combatir la desinformación, evitar la discriminación y proteger a niñas, niños, adolescentes y sus familias a la exposición COVID-19, distribuir suministros sanitarios, apoyar los procesos educativos a distancia y presencial, colaborar con los servicios de protección y la defensa contra todas las formas de violencia, promover la participación de adolescentes y jóvenes y monitorear la situación y el impacto de la pandemia en las niñas, niños y adolescentes y sus familias." +329846,55152.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,84,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bcnudh_-_communique_de_presse_-_note_mensuelle_mars_2021.pdf,"[Mars 2021] Sur l’ensemble du territoire, les agents de l’Etat sont responsables de 47% des violations [des droits de l’homme ] documentées, dont les exécutions extrajudiciaires d’au moins 37 personnes, dont trois femmes et cinq enfants, tandis que 53% ont été commises par des combattants de groupes armés, dont les exécutions sommaires d’au moins 201 personnes, dont 46 femmes et neuf enfants." +158629,39277.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,69,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NMMB_June2020_Final.pdf,"A total of 35 states have recorded COVID-19 cases, with Lagos, Kano, and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) are the most affected. A total lockdown by the federal government of Nigeria, aimed at reducing the spread of COVID-19 took effect from 30th March 2020 across FCT, Lagos and Ogun state, which was in place until 4th of May 2020." +311819,53183.0,2466.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,149,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"Overall, 7.2 million people were estimated to be in need of urgent humanitarian assistance. This represents a 65 per cent increase compared to 2019. Major concern is the 10 out of the 18 states of Sudan, with acute food insecurity are South Kordofan (38 per cent of the state population are food insecure), Blue Nile (34 per cent food insecure), North Darfur (32 per cent food insecure), Central Darfur (30 per cent food insecure), West Darfur (30 per cent food insecure), Red Sea (28 per cent food insecure), Kassala (25 per cent food insecure), South Darfur (21 per cent food insecure), North Kordofan (21 per cent food insecure) and East Darfur (20 per cent food insecure)." +172824,38004.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,49,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/04/28/syria-aid-restrictions-hinder-covid-19-response,"[28th April 2020, NE Syria] Several aid workers from organizations registered in Damascus and UN agencies said that the combination of restrictions from Damascus, the KRG, and the Security Council has prevented them from preparing for an outbreak of Covid-19 in northeast Syria." +264298,48806.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,107,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_final_enquete_smart_27112019.pdf,"Au niveau national, 8,9% des enfants ont une alimentation minimum acceptable. La province du Logone Occidental présente la plus forte prévalence avec 18,5% tandis que la province de Sila présente la plus faible prévalence avec 1,3%. Pour les enfants allaités, elle est de 9,0% au niveau national avec une disparité au niveau provincial allant de 19,1% dans le Logone Occidental à 0,0% dans l’Ennedi Est. Pour les non allaités, elle varie entre 50,0% dans la province de l’Ennedi Est à 0,0% dans plus de la moitié des provinces." +169507,40367.0,2099.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,56,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"In regions with high security challenges, 16,461 internally displaced students (7,936 girls) participated out of a total of 306,774 candidates8 (161,389 girls), a participation rate of 5.3%. Schools are set to open 1st October, which will also mark the beginning of the new school year 2020-20219." +313062,53183.0,2466.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,59,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"In addition, around 200,000 persons were affected by 280 incidents of intercommunal violence, factional fighting and other incidents in different parts of Darfur, South Kordofan and Red Sea states. While some of them returned after the security situation improved in their places of origin, many of them, including IDPs, remained displaced." +300527,52762.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Hospitalization & Care'],fr,30,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_087_28210321_hebdo_s12.pdf,"[S12/2021] Le cumul est désormais de 25 319 guéris de la COVID-19, ce qui correspond à un taux de guérison de 90,3% (25319/28009)." +412717,63416.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,44,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.lafm.com.co/colombia/regreso-clases-presenciales-piden-reactivar-corredor-humanitario-en-la-frontera,"Así mismo, dijo Bautista quese busca garantizar seguridad a los niñosen una zona en donde hay presencia de diversos grupos armados y en donde se corren riesgo de ser reclutados por bandas que buscan el dominio de rutas de contrabando y narcotráfico." +453958,63974.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],fr,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_20210630-Rapport-Protection-Trimestriel.pdf,"La problématique majeure de l’établissement des actes de naissance dans le contexte de déplacement massif des populations est essentiellement une défaillance de l’environnement juridique. En effet, la loi sur l’état civil apparait de plus en plus comme un obstacle à l’enregistrement des naissances en raison de la crise actuelle et de ses conséquences." +199058,44171.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],fr,112,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.lemonde.fr/afrique/article/2020/10/26/au-burkina-faso-les-deplaces-sont-les-grands-oublies-des-elections-de-novembre_6057413_3212.html,"On prépare le scrutin. Mais cette année, Issouf Ouédraogo, le président, est amer. Derrière son bureau, il traite une pile de demandes de transferts de bureau de vote. Le seul recours pour les personnes déplacées qui ne peuvent pas rentrer voter dans leur circonscription d’origine est de s’inscrire sur le fichier électoral de leur commune d’accueil. Sauf que la plupart des dossiers qu’il reçoit finissent à la poubelle.« Sans pièce d’identité, impossible de réimprimer leur carte d’électeur et de changer leur bureau de vote », regrette Issouf Ouédraogo." +163583,30901.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,49,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Colombia%20-%20Resultados%20de%206%20meses%20de%20operaci%C3%B3n%20-%20ADN%20Dignidad.pdf,RESPUESTA COVID-19 Implementamos procesos y protocolos de bioseguridad para asegurar el distanciamiento físico entre los participantes y nuestros equipos en terreno y evitar el contagio. Kits de higiene y lavado de manos serán entregados en las próximas semanas a poblaciones altamente vulnerables en nuestras zonas de intervención. +340465,56371.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],en,40,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20Burkina%20Faso%20Country%20Brief%2C%20April%202021.pdf,Food and nutritional security across the country is critical – with over 2 million people facing food insecurity - and COVID-19 has added an additional layer of vulnerability to an already fragile situation (Cadre Harmonisé March 2021). +9928,4388.0,321.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,37,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Libya%20SNAP%20Dashboard%20-%20%20May%202018.pdf,"The cost of the main food commodities increased in May 2018 by 2% on national average, when compared to previous month. Food price are continued to be higher in south governorates of the country" +162657,31010.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security']",[],[],es,65,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/elclaguajira_flasupdate1_covid19.05.2020vf_0.pdf,"La Mesa de diálogo y concertación para el pueblo Wayúu, comunidades indígenas de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, comunidades y barrios de Riohacha, Maicao, Uribia, Manaure, Albania, San Juan del Cesar, Dibulla y Fonseca, han solicitado ayuda humanitaria ante la escasez de alimentos a la que están expuestos por las medidas de aislamiento preventivo obligatorio" +135720,35301.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,76,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"UNICEF also continued the humanitarian emergency response as a top priority for 1.5 million IDPs in 67 locations including, camps, collective shelters and host communities in Al-Hasakeh, Dar’a, Idleb, Homs and Aleppo governorates through the distribution of family hygiene kits, women sanitary napkins, baby diapers, water purification tabs, jerry cans, water tanks, soap bars (92 per cent of the target)." +473186,67207.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,61,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.europapress.es/internacional/noticia-cerca-200-municipios-colombia-estan-riesgo-reclutamiento-menores-defensoria-20210420154812.html,"De estos 80 casos, el 80 por ciento se presentaron en zonas rurales. En cuanto a las edades de las víctimas, oscilan entre los 8 y los 18 años. De ellos, el 33 por ciento son menores de 14 años y un 59 por ciento son varones. Además, 20 son indígenas y dos afrodescendientes" +391314,61129.0,1186.0,"['Shelter', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,31,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.biobiochile.cl/noticias/nacional/chile/2021/01/29/desproteccion-y-problemas-de-integracion-las-consecuencias-de-la-inmigracion-ilegal.shtml,"El desempleo y la falta de una red familiar que pudiera ayudarlos, ha llevado a que muchos extranjeros no tengan otra posibilidad que llegar a vivir en la calle." +330052,53699.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Testing']",fr,50,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_094_20210404_hebdo_s13.pdf,"Des 798 alertes remontées ce 04/04/2021 (dont 1 796 nouvelles), 99,7% (796) ont été investiguées dont 68 (8,5%) ont été validées comme cas suspects de COVID-19 et dont 97,1% (n=66) d’entre eux ont été prélevées." +177689,41763.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,94,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_devaluation_rapide_vbg_dans_le_contexte_de_la_covid-19_dans_la_region_du_nord_du_burkina_faso.pdf,"Aucun mécanisme endogène de survie et de lutte contre les VBG n’a été développé par les communautés. La raison avancée est dû aux faites qu’ils ne sont pas dans leurs localités donc difficile de mettre en place une organisation quelconque. Néanmoins, il existe des services de prise en charges accessible connus des communautés tels que les formations sanitaires, les services de l’action sociale, la gendarmerie, la police, ainsi que certaines associations et ONG comme MSF, et la Croix-Rouge Burkinabé." +129726,32891.0,1184.0,['Livelihoods'],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Context->Economy']",es,1360,[],['Context'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,,"En Ecuador, luego de superada la crisis de los a˜nos 90 en t´erminos econ´omicos (crisis que tuvo como desenlace la adopci´on del d´olar como moneda de curso legal en el pa´ıs), a partir de los a˜nos 2000 hist´oricamente se empiezan a mostrar mejor´ıas traducidas en consecutivas tasas positivas de variaci´on del PIB. Tales tasas de crecimiento econ´omico tienen un ascenso a´un m´as generalizado a partir del a˜no 2007, ascenso causado en gran parte por el cambio de r´egimen y las implementaciones de pol´ıtica econ´omica realizadas desde entonces. A pesar de ello, tal como se muestra en la Figura 1, mientras que a diciembre de 2011 a´un se ven tasas de variaci´on trimestral de PIB de aproximadamente 5 % (BCE, 2020b), tal tendencia se evidencia ´unicamente hasta el primer trimestre del a˜no 2015. En efecto, desde finales del a˜no 2014 el Ecuador empez´o a tener fuertes dificultades macroecon´omicas debido a la crisis petrolera mundial que afect´o significativamente gran parte de los ingresos del pa´ıs (tendiendo en cuenta que Ecuador es un pa´ıs mayormente exportador de materias primas y, entre estas, la m´as importante es justamente el petr´oleo). As´ı, la cifra de crecimiento econ´omico trimestral que para marzo de 2015 se ubic´o en alrededor de 4 % (BCE, 2020b), para marzo de 2016 descendi´o a aproximadamente -4 %. Desde el segundo trimestre de 2016, sin embargo, empiezan a mostrase mejor´ıas leves en torno a la tasa de crecimiento trimestral del PIB, esto, principalmente debido a las pol´ıticas de corte intervencionista adoptadas por el gobierno en aquel entonces. Pero tales mejor´ıas en el entorno econ´omico del pa´ıs no durar´ıan sino hasta aproximadamente el ´ultimo trimestre de 2017: a diciembre de 2017 tal tasa se ubic´o en alrededor del 3 %, mientras que para diciembre de 2019 alcanz´o el valor de -0.02 % (BCE, 2020b). Este cambio, se ha debido en gran parte a la orientaci´on de la pol´ıtica econ´omica que ha estado vigente desde el ´ultimo cambio de gobierno, que empez´o justamente en el a˜no 2017 y se mantiene en la actualidad, y tambi´en a factores externos concernientes con la econom´ıa global. En efecto, por ejemplo, la pol´ıtica econ´omica aplicada por el actual gobierno ha estado abiertamente alineada principalmente con pr´acticas de “austeridad”, que han supuesto, entre otras cosas, la reducci´on general del tama˜no del Estado y la disminuci´on de la inversi´on p´ublica. Por otro lado, la importante nueva disminuci´on abrupta de los precios del petr´oleo a nivel mundial tambi´en ha afectado significativamente el desempe˜no econ´omico del pa´ıs. De esta forma, tal como se evidencia en la Figura 1, actualmente el Ecuador enfrenta un entorno econ´omico desfavorable, que prev´e igualmente un a´un mayor deterioro de la situaci´on econ´omica, social, y pol´ıtica en el pa´ıs para los per´ıodos futuros. La actual crisis econ´omica mundial generada por la pandemia del COVID-19, igualmente, est´a ya generando efectos econ´omicos adversos en todos los pa´ıses y, para el caso especial de Am´erica Latina, las consecuencias podr´ıan tener a´un mayor intensidad, seg´un estimaciones de organismos como el Banco Mundial(BM), el Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI), y la Comisi´on Econ´omica para Am´erica Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL). En medio de este entorno econ´omico-social relativamente desfavorable en que se ha visto inmersa la realidad ecuatoriana durante los ´ultimos a˜nos, los cinco sectores que mayor crecimiento econ´omico interanual presentaron a marzo de 2020, seg´un cifras del BCE, fueron los siguientes: servicio de electricidad y agua (15.4 %), acuicultura y pesca de camar´on (9.6 %), actividades de servicios financieros (2.4 %), alojamiento y servicios de comida (1.9 %), agricultura (1.6 %). La situaci´on del empleo en el Ecuador, por otra parte, ha venido evolucionando en concordancia con el comportamiento del PIB. Como se puede observar en la Figura 1, entre diciembre de 2011 y el segundo trimestre de 2014 ´este se mantiene relativamente estable (alrededor del 95 %), al igual que la tasa de variaci´on del PIB, luego de lo cual tiene un importante descenso que se extiende hasta el primer trimestre de 2016 (originado por la crisis petrolera de 2015), seguido de un corto ascenso que se da hasta aproximadamente el tercer trimestre de 2017 (per´ıodo de ´ultimo cambio de gobierno), y posteriormente muestra un car´acter bastante irregular con fluctuaciones alrededor del 94.5 % de tasa de empleo (BCE, 2020b). As´ı, tanto el empleo como la producci´on en el pa´ıs muestran importantes y consecutivas caracter´ısticas de deterioro desde el a˜no 2017, lo cual es un factor de relevancia que evidentemente se tendr´a en cuenta en la descripci´on del mercado laboral que se har´a a continuaci´on; esto, con el prop´osito de contribuir hacia la generaci´on de alternativas de inserci´on laboral (del grupo de migrantes analizados en este estudio) que sean viables y que puedan coadyuvar hacia el mejoramiento integral del empleo (en t´erminos de cantidad y calidad) tanto de migrantes residentes en Ecuador, como de ecuatorianos. En lo que resta de este an´alisis, se considerar´an las caracter´ısticas y evoluci´on del mercado laboral ecuatoriano, sobre todo desde el a˜no 2017, que ha marcado significativamente un cambio de curso para todas las variables macroecon´omicas. En la Figura 3 se muestra la evoluci´on, entre diciembre de 2017 y diciembre de 2019, de las tasas globales de desempleo y empleo adecuado1 en el pa´ıs. Como es visible, mientras que durante este per´ıodo la tasa de desempleo global se mantiene relativamente estable (fluctuando alrededor del 4.5 %), la tasa de empleo adecuado ha disminuido considerablemente (un 8.27 % entre diciembre de 2017 y de 2019). Esto dar´ıa cuenta de un importante deterioro, adem´as de en cantidad del empleo, en su calidad: entre quienes trabajan en el Ecuador, quienes lo hacen en condiciones adecuadas (en torno al ´ambito salarial, de seguridad social, de condiciones laborales, de horas trabajadas, etc.) cada vez son una proporci´on menor del total de trabajadores. Finalmente, dentro del entorno del mercado laboral global en el Ecuador, tambi´en es importante destacar c´omo se caracteriza actualmente la PEA. Seg´un cifras de BCE (2020b), entre diciembre de 2017 y de 2019 la tasa de la PEA en relaci´on a la PET disminuy´o ligeramente, ubic´andose en 65.3 % (a diciembre 2019), esto se deber´ıa esencialmente a una disminuci´on de la PEA en las zonas urbanas (de 65.9 % en 2017 a 62.3 % en 2019). Por otro lado, conforme al g´enero, la PEA en Ecuador no ha presentado variaciones importantes, al menos dentro de los 7 ´ultimos a˜nos, con un porcentaje de PEA que se mantiene alrededor del 75 % para el caso de los hombres, y uno de aproximadamente 50 % para el caso de las mujeres. Finalmente, en cuanto a los grupos etarios, se ha evidenciado tambi´en que la distribuci´on de la PEA se ha mantenido relativamente estable durante los ´ultimos a˜nos, de la siguiente forma: se compone en alrededor de 80 % por personas de entre 25 y 65 a˜nos (25 % correspondiente a edades entre 25 y 34 a˜nos, 25 % a edades entre 35 y 44 a˜nos, y 30 % a edades entre 45 y 64 a˜nos), un 15 % de personas entre los 15 y los 24 a˜nos, y un aproximadamente 5 % de personas mayores a 65 a˜nos." +216596,45416.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,17,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,Le choix des écoles s’opère par les parents parfois en fonction du rapprochement ethnique. +325664,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Environment'],fr,120,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"(Hauts-Bassins) Alors que cette section se concentre sur la vallée du Sourou, d’autres vallées fluviales de la région du Grand Ouest présentent un intérêt pour le projet AgrInvest-Systèmes alimentaires. La vallée du Kou, également connue sous le nom de vallée de Bama, est une importante zone de production agricole développée, irriguée par un fleuve important dans les Hauts-Bassins. Entre les communes de Bama et de Banzon, elle dispose d’un périmètre irrigué de 1200 hectares, notamment pour la production de riz. Cependant, le rôle de cette ressource en eau est compromis par l’érosion de ses berges et l’envasement du fleuve." +146750,35870.0,2028.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,52,['Capacities & Response'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Due to the pandemic, a COVID-19 Global HRP (GHRP) to address direct and indirect public health consequences on the population has been developed, with inputs from WHO, IOM, UNDP, UNFPA, UNHABITAT, UNHCR and UNICEF, and the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement." +323053,54626.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,28,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,"Additionally, nine schools in Belet Weyne had repairs and other improvements done to existing water systems by adding water connections with provision of plastic water tanks." +15670,6572.0,322.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,71,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Yemen%20Update%2021%20Sept-%2012%20October%202018%20FINAL.pdf,"During the reporting period, the IDP Community Centre run by UNHCR’s partner, the Hudaydah Girls Foundation (HGF), undertook a protection assessment for 1,722 households in various districts of Al-Hudaydah, while the IDP Community Centre run by UNHCR’s partner ADRA in Hajjah, conducted protection assessments for 198 households (110 IDP and 88 host community households) in Abs district." +178351,41756.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,47,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Les besoins s��vères, critiques et catastrophiques dus aux épidémies sont présents dans 300 zones de santé et dans toutes les provinces du pays, soit 58 pour cent du pays, dont 51 liés à la rougeole, 228 au paludisme et 72 au choléra." +112948,31706.0,1388.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],es,52,[],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3643670,"Costa Rica está ganando reconocimiento por su manejo de la pandemia de COVID-19. Alice Shackleford, coordinadora residente de la ONU en ese país, y la representante de la OMS, María Dolores Pérez-Rosales, explican cómo el pequeño país centroamericano ha logrado mantener baja la cantidad de casos." +234211,46381.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,75,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Kabul Region had the highest proportion of COVID-19 positive infection (53%) followed by East Region (42.9%), Central Region (36.3%), West Region (34.1%), Northeast Region (32.4%), Southeast Region (32.2%), North Region (30.7%) and lowest was in CentralHighland Region (21.1%) followed by South Region (25.8%)" +339480,56380.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,124,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb4645es.pdf,"El 13,3% de los hogares encuestados se dedicaban a la producción de ganadería bovina o de especies menores, como aves de corral y porcicultura. Entre ellos, el 16% (correspondiente al 2% de la muestra total) reportó haber enfrentado dificultades menores, mientras que el 33% (correspondiente al 4% de la muestra total) reportó dificultades mayores. Estos problemas a lo largo de la producción pecuaria se presentaron principalmente en las regiones Orinoquía y Cafetera (Figura 12), afectando en mayor medida al grupo de hogares encuestados beneficiarios de FAO (35% de este grupo reportó dificultades mayores, frente al 24% de los hogares seleccionados aleatoriamente)." +237312,46388.0,2336.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,37,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"If these social protection needs are not met in a timely manner, people risk falling into or into more severe humanitarian need, threatening hard-fought development gains and requiring a more expensive emergency humanitarian response." +386768,60459.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,164,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"(scenario) Nonobstant une pluviométrie favorable, les déplacements de population et la réduction des mouvements vont perturber les activités agropastorales et entrainer une baisse des superficies. Certains PDI continueront d’essayer de faire des va-et-vient dans leurs zones de départ pour entamer les semis, mais l’accès aux champs restera limité autour des villages. Ceux vivant dans les familles d’accueil accompagnent leurs hôtes pour les activités agricoles et d’élevage mais qui resteront limitées autour des villes. Tout comme la saison passée, la distribution de semences et d’engrais par le gouvernement et ses partenaires pourrait aussi bénéficier aux PDI. Toutefois, l’encadrement techniques et les opérations de lutte contre les ravageurs (oiseaux granivores, criquets et cantharide) pourront être freinés et exposer à des pertes de récoltes plus importantes. En sommes les productions attendues seront nettement en-dessous de la moyenne avant la crise." +161500,39535.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,29,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Since end of last year year, displacements of population have increased significantly, reaching the figure of 921.471 internally displaced people by the 7th of June 2020." +313680,53333.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,23,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,Integrate SRHR into parenting classes for caregivers to strengthen parental roles in supporting their adolescent girls and boys to affirm their SRHR. +389909,60915.0,2170.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,52,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.brookings.edu/blog/education-plus-development/2021/07/27/education-in-emergency-in-nigeria-creating-gender-equitable-policies-so-all-girls-have-an-uninterrupted-right-to-learn/,"[27th July 2021,Nigeria] With the outbreak of the pandemic and the subsequent closure of schools, the country has not only suffered direct losses from its impact, but also an ever-worsening spate of insecurity and violence across the country, including attacks on school children—especially girls." +199014,43643.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,64,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://cerosetenta.uniandes.edu.co/migracion-colombia-margino-a-los-extranjeros-durante-la-cuarentena/,"A la deficiente respuesta oficial se suma la desinformación. Muchos migrantes ignoran cómo acceder a sus derechos, y tampoco saben defenderse de los abusos. Las denuncias no suelen figurar en los medios de comunicación por desconocimiento y temor de los afectados. Cuando entran a Colombia, los extranjeros piensan que cualquier falta implica ser sancionados o expulsados del país." +159091,37975.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,7,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_ndeg112.pdf,Nombre de contacts à suivre : 81 +318066,52949.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,50,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"In particular, IDPs displaced by conflict and members of minority groups have lower access to healthcare and social services. Similarly, refugees, asylum seekers (28,000) and refugee returnees (41,956) often struggle to access healthcare and assistance at the primary or secondary level." +228081,46579.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,76,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"En el Subcomité de Prevención, Protección y Garantías de No Repetición (SPPGNR) se alertó sobre el hecho de que, a pesar de la existencia de una alerta temprana por parte de la Defensoría del Pueblo (AT No. 016 del 2020) para que las instituciones competentes mitiguen y prevengan los riesgos, persisten las violaciones a los DDHH en contra de la población indígena por parte de los GAO." +309832,51467.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,24,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"In urban and peri-urban areas, there has been an increase in the risk of evictions as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic." +195336,43799.0,2225.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,71,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://sante.cd/2020/10/29/la-rdc-face-a-la-deuxieme-vague-de-coronavirus/,"Le monde étant un village planétaire, si les frontières congolaises restent ouvertes face à une Europe, secouée par la deuxième vague de Coronavirus, il est plus qu’évident que de nombreux pays Africains soient eux aussi frappés par la seconde vague du coronavirus. Celle-ci risque d’ailleurs d’être beaucoup plus ravageuse que la première qui a été tendre avec les pays Africains." +219300,45655.0,2028.0,"['Cross', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,56,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"[9th Dec, Overall Syria] On 6 December new measures were put in place until 20 December. While shops, grocery stores, schools, universities and educational facilities are allowed to open, places of worship are closed, except for Fridays and Sundays, and all mass social gatherings are prohibited" +259904,48602.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,93,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Whole%20of%20Syria%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20-%20End-of-year%202020.pdf,"[1Jan-31Dec 2020 NWS] Similarly, there is an ongoing water supply crisis in Al-Bab subdistrict of northwest Syria. About 150,000 residents of AlBab used to receive water from the Al-Bayda water station, which comes from Al-Furat river. As the government of Syria lost control over Al-Bab since 2017, water supply from Al-Bayda water station was disconnected by the government. Since then, Al-Bab has been dependent on locally developed low yield borewells and generators that use fossil fuels for pumping to run the water stations." +301777,51958.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Economy', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,67,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_devaluation_de_protection_des_retournes_tchadiens_de_la_rca_installes_dans_les_sites_au_sud_du_tchad_002.pdf,"Pour générer du revenu, les retournés exercent des petits commerces tels que la vente de fagots, de condiments, des petits travaux temporaires en ville ou dans les champs. Certains membres de la communauté ont eu accès aux AGR appuyés par des ONG humanitaires. D’autres se reconvertissent tant bien que mal à l’agriculture ou pratiquent l’élevage." +489938,67838.0,2170.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,77,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/adamawa_state_2021_cholera_situation_report_no_8.pdf,"[31st Aug 2021, Adamawa State] (Cholera) Wash: Additional 32 water points mapped and tested in Girei and Yola North LGAs last week for faecal contamination by IRC, making a total of 214 mapped water points. (See table 2 above). Chlorination of 32 water points ongoing by SI (716,133 liters (716m3), NRC, IOM, and ICRC in Girei and Yola North LGAs" +177968,41855.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_Factsheet_2003_HSM_COVID19_Tanganyika_juillet-2020.pdf,"Dans seulement 3% des localités évaluées [Province Tanganyika], les IC ont rapporté que la communauté avait mis en place des mécanismes pour continuer à soutenir l’éducation (même informelle) des enfants en âge d’être scolarisés au cours du mois précédent." +59106,17455.0,788.0,['WASH'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,82,['Impact'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/201908-nigeria-cross-border-report.pdf,"Boko Haram has also capitalised on livelihood challenges and competition over resources aggravated by serious climate variations and the disappearance of the Lake Chad, the surface area of which has shrunk by 90 per cent in less than half a century, exacerbated by poor water resource management. These factors have increased migration from rural areas to saturated urban centres, “into the waiting hands of groups that promise them better livelihoods in the face of economic hardships”" +126408,33843.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,117,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Está abierto el debate sobre las implicaciones del COVID-19 en lo concerniente a la inserción laboral de los migrantes, la caída de sus ingresos y la reducción de las remesas. El Banco Mundial señala que la recesión económica actual está afectando gravemente la capacidad de enviar dinero a los hogares de origen y calcula que las remesas en todo el mundo caerán en un 20%, cifra que representa el descenso más abrupto de la historia reciente6 . Por su parte la CEPAL advierte que “en caso de reducirse las remesas provenientes de familiares que migraron, se acentuará la situación de pobreza de quienes las reciben en sus países de origen”" +178176,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,25,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,SANKURU Les tensions liées aux élections ont augmenté ainsi que les risques de violences liées aux luttes de pouvoir local dans le territoire de Lodja3 +311760,53183.0,2466.0,['Education'],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,55,[],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"Due to COVID-19, all schools in Sudan were closed on 15 March 2020, with a planned reopening for 6 September 2020. Grades 8 and 11 briefly re-opened in October and then closed again shortly thereafter. A phased reopening began in December 2020, with states prioritizing grades 8 and 11." +132464,35164.0,1188.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"90% de las personas encuestadas afirma no tener ningún seguro de salud, ni público ni privado 47% de las personas encuestadas desconocían que la vacunación es gratuita en Panamá" +318287,52949.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,20,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"To effectively control outbreaks, public health authorities must strengthen surveillance to assess risk and target disease control efforts." +192755,43304.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Health', 'Cross']",[],"['Context->Economy', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,77,[],"['Context', 'Covid-19']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Parmi ces mesures on peut citer la reconduction des exonérations des produits alimentaires, la réduction de 50% de la contribution au titre de la patente au profit de tous les assujettis et des contributions au titre de l’Impôt Général Libératoire (IGL), et l’exonération des droits de douanes et taxes de tous les produits et matériels médicaux qui entreront dans le cadre de la lutte contre le coronavirus." +193702,43353.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,20,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Burkina%20Faso%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%207%20-%20August%202020%20%281%29.pdf,"1,034,609 internally displaced persons (IDP) registered 624,674 children (60%) (CONASUR 8 September 2020)" +323031,54626.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,34,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,"March saw a continued uptake in the number of cases of COVID-19 within Somalia. As of the end of the month there was a total of 11,504 positive cases with 537 deaths." +174668,41364.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],['Context->Economy'],en,105,['Priority Interventions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.legit.ng/1375199-nigeria-ready-full-reopening-economy-fg.html,"[15th Oct 2020, Nigeria] Boss Mustapha, the secretary to the government of the federation on Thursday, October 15, said that Nigeria is not ready for full reopening of the economy while calling caution against the second wave of coronavirus infection in the country. The chairman of the COVID-19 Presidential Task Force (PTF) made this known while speaking at the joint national briefing in Abuja, Daily Trust reports.The SGF went on to note that emerging statistics indicated that Nigerians still have to be cautious due to the second wave of the virus across the world." +315847,52949.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The protracted exposure to climatic shocks over the years, coupled with the infestation of Desert Locusts and indirect impact of COVID-19, has contributed to a further reduction of the most vulnerable pastoralist and agro-pastoralist coping capacities." +48440,12622.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,45,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LIBRO%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20las%20necesidades%20insatisfechas%20SSR%20y%20Migrantes%20Venezolanos%20-%20Digital.pdf,"Adicionalmente, en Venezuela las personas no cuentan con acceso universal a muchos de estos servicios, lo cual implica que los migrantes llegan a Colombia con una demanda insatisfecha de SSSR, donde enfrentan barreras de acceso que aumentan el riesgo de resultados negativos" +236172,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Though there is no available nationwide data, experience suggests that people with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities are often excluded or under-represented during any humanitarian response. Physical, communication and attitudinal barriers prevent them from accessing humanitarian programmes." +301812,51958.0,2332.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,56,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_devaluation_de_protection_des_retournes_tchadiens_de_la_rca_installes_dans_les_sites_au_sud_du_tchad_002.pdf,"Présentement, la couverture en infrastructures d’eau disponible dans les sites n’est pas estimée de manière approfondie. Du moins, la qualité de l’eau de certains forages est mise en cause du fait qu’ils ne sont pas traités On note également beaucoup de forages en panne." +157985,38777.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,80,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/food-insecurity-impact-covid-19-among-critical-challenges-facing-syria,"a dozen health facilities suspended operations in August due to a lack of personal protective equipment or staff becoming infected. Of the 65,000 people at Al Hol, the majority — some 35,000 — are under the age of five. “No child should be forced to live under the challenging and potentially dangerous conditions at Al Hol camp,” he said, adding that the camp has also endured repeated water supply disruptions in August." +294353,51259.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,44,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2020_access_annual_overview.pdf,"Moderate and minor incidents accounted for 37 and 19 per cent of all incidents respectively. These reported incidents largely involved unnecessary administrative procedures, illegal taxation and fees, interference with operations, threats and intimidation of staff, theft and compound intrusions" +386736,60459.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"Habituellement les ménages pauvres comptent sur les transferts d’argent de leurs membres partis en migration ou en exode, représentant environ 15 pour cent du revenu total." +28419,10158.0,729.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,38,[],['Displacement'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ET_Feb_2019_Final%2820190313%29.pdf,"Hrawa An estimated 130 to 270 migrants were reported to have arrived in Hrawa from Alkufra, Ejdabia and Aljufra; some were looking for job opportunities while others planned to continue their journey to other destinations." +271041,47809.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],es,89,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_7.pdf,"Se notificaron 3 muertes probablemente asociadas a enfermedad diarreica aguda en menor de 5 años, 1 correspondiente a esta semana y 2 de semanas anteriores. Para la misma semana epidemiológica de 2020 se notificó 1 caso. Para esta semana se observó un aumento en el número de casos en las entidades territoriales de Bolívar, Cauca, Córdoba, Meta, Norte de Santander, Quindío, Tolima y Vichada, en comparación con el histórico notificado a semana epidemiológica 07 entre 2014 a 2020." +188411,42886.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],"['Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead']",es,113,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Equipo%20Local%20de%20Coordinaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Choc%C3%B3%20Flash%20Update%20COVID-19%20%2312%20%28octubre%2031%20de%202020%29.pdf,"Al 30 de octubre del 2020, el Instituto Nacional de Salud (INS) ha reportado 1'063.151 casos confirmados de COVID-19 en Colombia. En Chocó, la Gobernación reportó para el 28 de octubre 4.162 casos positivos, de los cuales 28 se encuentran activos. Los casos se han registrado en 28 de los 30 municipios del departamento, 159 muertes, 3.952 recuperados (95% del total de casos). Del total de casos confirmados, el 48% son mujeres, el 52% hombres y 11% menores de 19 años; y la ocupación de UCI en el departamento es del 16%." +132442,35164.0,1188.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,77,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"Solicitantes de Asilo - - - Desde el año 2014 se han registrado 10,755 solicitudes de asilo de personas venezolanas en Panamá, pero con una clara caída en el 2019 En ese periodo, tan sólo 37 personas han sido reconocidas como refugiadas, 9 han sido rechazadas, cerca de 1,000 no fueron admitidos y más de 5,500 abandonaron el procedimiento A junio de 2019, poco más de 4,000 solicitantes estaban pendientes de decisión" +161582,39295.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,25,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,"In August, 176,160 soap bars have been delivered to the CAT, which were distributed to 44,040 households through 1,600 Community Health Workers." +339464,56380.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,82,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb4645es.pdf,"En cuanto a la demanda, el consumo de los hogares se ha contraído en un 2,8% anual, en línea con las pérdidas de ingreso de los hogares, su alto nivel de endeudamiento y el aumento del desempleo (ANIF, 2020). Para abril, mayo y junio de 2020 (Figura 2), se observaron contracciones en el empleo nacional del 25, 22 y 19%, respectivamente (Nuñes Méndez, 2020)" +190284,43439.0,2225.0,[],[],[],en,23,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Southern%20Africa%20COVID-19%20Six-Month%20Report.pdf,"Community-based groups conducted awareness-raising sessions in groups of less than 15 people, keeping at least two meters distance from each other." +241019,47700.0,2332.0,"['Health', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,36,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,,"Regarding the camps in the region covered by UNHCR’s Farchana Office, the construction of isolation rooms for COVID-19 patients was completed in Bredjing, Treguine, Farchana, Gaga and Kouchaguine-Moura camps." +237171,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,49,[],['Context'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Across different population groups between 25 and 44 per cent of 2020 WoA-assessed households reported that they could not find work for 5 or more days per week before the COVID-19 lockdown; while 8-12 per cent of assessed households reported they could not find work at all. +234210,46381.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,57,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Of the 360 clusters planned for this survey, 338 (94%) completed the survey. Similarly, of the total planned 5760 households, 5177 (90%) households completed the survey. A total of 9,514 household members in this 338 clusters were interviewed and tested for COVID-19 in this survey." +164335,38902.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,41,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"Increased restrictions on border crossings, or even a complete halt to returns, risks overwhelming the capacities of Colombian border departments to meet the needs of those waiting to return, leading to an increase in people crossing irregularly." +266653,49773.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_HSOS-NWS_-January-2021.pdf,"[January 2021, NWS] Access to Health Services: 54% % of communities where KIs reported that the households did not have access to health services in the assessed location" +325397,54815.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,91,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"(Boucle du Mouhoun, Centre-Est,)The 13 women (8 percent) (on 161 women sample) in the sample who report that they do not receive medical care as frequently as they would like to live in the Mouhoun, Nayala, Sourou, Boulgou, Koulpelogo, and Kouritenga provinces. Compared to the overall sub-sample, these women belong larger households, households earning less than CFA 100,000 per month, and more commonly to households that do not own a motorized vehicle." +496926,60104.0,1187.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Demography'],es,63,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,"https://www.unicef.org/argentina/media/11626/file/Impacto%20de%20la%20pandemia%20en%20la%20educaci%C3%B3n%20de%20ni%C3%B1as,%20ni%C3%B1os%20y%20adolescentes.pdf","Las dificultades para la inserción y el sostenimiento ocupacional se encuentran en la base de la reducción de ingresos de los hogares: el 38% de la población atravesó alguna situación de inestabilidad laboral desde el inicio de la pandemia, afectando de manera más marcada a las mujeres (44%) que a los varones (33%)." +330701,55042.0,2098.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,78,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.gage.odi.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Adolescents%E2%80%99-experiences-of-covid-19-in-Chittagong-and-Sylhet-divisions-Bangladesh.pdf,"[30 April 2021, Bangladesh]Teachers from rural areas reported being unable to teach in online classes as few students have access to a smartphone, computer or internet at home. Students from rural areas are typically from a lower socioeconomic background than their urban counterparts and cannot afford private tutors at home, with the result that their educational loss during the pandemic is more severe compared to most of their urban counterparts" +267110,49959.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],es,55,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://s3.amazonaws.com/semanaruralvzla/documentos/1614089620_boletin___violencia_de_generopdf,Entre enero y septiembre de 2020 hubo un aumento del 92 % (59 casos) de personas migrantes víctimas de violencia psicológica con respecto al mismo periodo del 2019 (Gráfico 10). La mayoría de hechos se presentaron en junio de 2020 y desde entonces se han registrado paulatinamente menos casos. +9172,2909.0,322.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,64,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_jan_to_apr_2018.pdf,"WASH cluster partners continued their support to water and sanitation systems, with an estimated 2.5 million people reached. Fuel support to public water networks in key cities was further scaled up. Cholera response continued at large scale; with around a million people reached with safe water, chlorine tablets, hygiene kits or hygiene messages during March and April." +320213,53305.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,43,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"The operating environment and various response modalities required to implement mine action services in South Sudan, for example, establishing and maintaining a remote field site camp for the duration of the project period, increases the cost per demining team." +266651,49773.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,60,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_HSOS-NWS_-January-2021.pdf,"[January 2021, NWS] Access to Electricity 5-6 hrs per day was the most commonly reported range for hours of electricity accessible to households (reported by KIs in 35% of communities). 49% % of communities where KIs reported the main network is partially or completely not functioning as a barrier for electricity access" +261584,49218.0,2311.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,67,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Reporte%20de%20situaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Migrantes%20y%20refugiados%20en%20tr%C3%A1nsito%20provenientes%20de%20Venezuela%2C%20diciembre%202020_0.pdf,"En la primera ronda de Evaluación de Necesidades de REACH , 4 de cada 10 migrantes encuestados dijeron que dormir al aire libre era un problema en su viaje y el 38 por ciento reportó que lo era la inseguridad. Al pernoctar al aire libre se incrementa este riesgo y también se presentan riesgos de violencia sexual, especialmente contra niñas, niños y mujeres ." +177381,41093.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,46,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"En el mes de agosto, el promedio de la tasa de cambio se ubicó en $3.779,64 pesos por dólar, lo que representó una depreciación de 3,18% frente al promedio de julio, cuando se situó en $ 3.661,96 pesos por dólar." +157872,38800.0,2028.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,77,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GTS%20-%20HNAP%20COVID19%20Syria%20Bulletin%20R3.pdf,"Most focal points (82%) continue to report that living conditions have worsened for their communities since the beginning of the pandemic, moreso in low-density areas (96%).15 All focal points in SDF and 94% in GoS areas say this, but in NSAG/TBAF areas, just over half report little change in people’s ability to meet their needs, and only 42% note a deterioration." +267104,49959.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,132,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://s3.amazonaws.com/semanaruralvzla/documentos/1614089620_boletin___violencia_de_generopdf,"La mayoría de agresiones físicas ocurrieron en el Valle del Cauca (10 %), Norte de Santander (9 %), Atlántico (7 %), Antioquia (7 %) y Bogotá (6 %). Los municipios con las tasas más altas de violencia física por cada 100.000 habitantes contra migrantes son Santa Sofía, en Boyacá (93); el Arenal, en Bolívar (90); Barranca de Upía, en el Meta (76); y Puerto Carreño, Vichada (64). Lo que llama la atención es que los municipios con tasas más altas no coinciden con las zonas o departamentos que más casos reportan ni tampoco con aquellos con mayor concentración de población migrante." +165212,39714.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Local Response'],[],es,29,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"58% está más atenta/o a los síntomas de su cuerpo. 54% evita visitar centros de salud y hospitales (su IPS, EPS o médico)" +213254,44840.0,2331.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,29,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,UNICEF is working with the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs to strengthen government ownership in the social protection sector and to establish a government-owned Unified Social Registry. +353805,57860.0,2170.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],en,110,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.vanguardngr.com/2021/06/rise-in-prices-push-7m-additional-nigerians-into-poverty-world-bank/,"[15th Jun 2021, Nigeria] Continuing, the World Bank report said: “In 2020 the Nigerian economy experienced a shallower contraction of -1.8% than had been projected at the beginning of the pandemic (-3.2%). “Although the economy started to grow again, prices are increasing rapidly, severely impacting Nigerian households. “As of April 2021, the inflation rate was the highest in four years. Food prices accounted for over 60% of the total increase in inflation. Rising prices have pushed an estimated 7 million Nigerians below the poverty line in 2020 alone.”" +304753,51467.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"The proxy prevalence of Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM) among under-five children ranges from 1.3 per cent to 33.4 per cent. In total, 47 counties out of 78 have a proxy prevalence of GAM above the emergency threshold of 15 per cent." +339819,56060.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Economy']",en,57,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/05/the-financial-prospects-of-reopening-nassib-border-crossing-has-syrian-regime-achieved-any/,"[May 13, overall Syria] First, the Syrian regime wants to use the crossing as a means of carrying out “drug” smuggling deals in secret with other countries. In addition, the regime seeks to rebuild its legitimacy and score political gains via the normalization of relations with neighboring countries." +414743,63622.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,74,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://zoom-eco.net/economie/rdc-une-mesurette-de-mais-passe-de-1500-a-1-800-cdf-a-kindu-au-maniema/,"La province du Maniema enregistre une hausse des prix des denrées alimentaires au marché Central de Kindu. Selon des sources locales, un gobelet de riz blanc est passé de 400 CDF à 650 CDF ; une mesurette de maïs ce négocie actuellement à 1 800 CDF au lieu de 1 500 CDF ; une botte de feuilles de manioc qui se négociait à 200 CDF se vend désormais à 500 CDF." +341545,55986.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Push Factors', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,60,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_cluster_sante_rdc_s16.pdf,"La persistance de l’insécurité dans le territoire de Shabunda (Zs de Lulingu, Zs de Mulungu). L’insécurité due à l’activisme des groupes armés qui s'illustre par les attaques, les pillages et les violences sexuelles dans cette région forestière pleine des minerais est la cause principale du déplacement des population." +237905,47230.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,53,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"• Mujeres gestantes/lactantes: El 28% de los hogares tiene al menos una mujer gestante y/o lactante. El 65% de estos hogares consumen dos comidas al día o menos, y uno de cada tres de estos hogares ha tenido que pedir dinero en la calle para comprar comida." +337243,55827.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,79,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/bogota/mendicidad-en-bogota-el-incremento-del-fenomeno-en-la-ciudad-585210,"Es demasiado evidente que el ejercicio de la mendicidad ha crecido y de forma sistemática tras la diáspora venezolana. “Las mafias son tan organizadas que se ubican en los terminales, viendo los grupos de personas extranjeras que van llegando”. Y no solo se lucran de plata, también de los alimentos que recogen. “Las mafias venden estos productos en mercados de piso de zonas populares de Kennedy o Ciudad Bolívar”." +313694,53333.0,2334.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,25,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Provide parents and caregivers with training, materials (for example, high yield seedlings) and follow-up support on crop and livestock farming." +19136,7822.0,730.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,111,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_Jan_to_nov_2018.pdf,"Registration of newly arrived asylum-seekers resumed in northern Yemen in November 2019, after the suspension of all registration activities since August 2018. So far 138 individuals approached the Bureau for Refugee Affairs (BRA) in Sana’a to claim asylum. On-going coaching and guidance is provided daily by UNHCR to the BRA on registration matters and renewal of documentation for already recognised refugees holding expired documents. Awareness raising and sensitization sessions on the resumption of registration activities targeting refugees and asylum-seekers to approach the BRA were carried out in October and November 2018, in order to encourage them to benefit from BRA services." +176120,41333.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_149.pdf,"Kinshasa reste la principale province affectée du pays, avec 88,6% (6051/6827) de l’ensemble des cas, suivie du Kongo-Central qui a notifié 4,5% (309/6827) des cas (Tableau I ; Figure 2)." +497032,60104.0,1187.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,115,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,"https://www.unicef.org/argentina/media/11626/file/Impacto%20de%20la%20pandemia%20en%20la%20educaci%C3%B3n%20de%20ni%C3%B1as,%20ni%C3%B1os%20y%20adolescentes.pdf","Los datos indican que 4 de cada 10 hogares cuyas niñas, niños y adolescentes retornaron a las escuelas en 2021 experimentaron dificultades organizativas de distinto tipo. Entre las principales, las personas adultas consultadas señalaron haber tenido problemas para acompañar y ayudar a las y los estudiantes con sus tareas los días que no asistían a la escuela; también para organizarse con los diferentes horarios de entrada y salida pautados por las instituciones para evitar las aglomeraciones (más aún en los hogares con más de una niña, niño o adolescente asistiendo); y para compatibilizar los horarios de la escuela con el trabajo y las tareas del hogar." +161333,39528.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,62,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Appui technique et financier de l’OMS à la formation des formateurs régionaux et des acteurs des districts sur la recherche active et la surveillance à base communautaire de la COVID-19 dans les régions de la Boucle du Mouhoun, du Centre Nord, du Centre Ouest, du Plateau Central, du Nord, du Sahel et du Sud-Ouest ;" +216608,45416.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,83,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,"Les ménages déplacés adoptent une stratégie d’acceptation en s’éparpillant dans différentes localités pour éviter d’être des charges trop lourdes pour les communautés d’accueil. Toutefois, dans certains cas, nous pouvons observer un effet contraire très néfaste comme le dit le rapport ERM _ Commune de SHARI_BUNIA, les enfants des déplacés ne fréquentent pas les écoles depuis qu’ils sont arrivés même avant la fermeture des écoles par suite de COVID-19." +492284,67914.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,45,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_mvam_bulletin_58_august_2021.pdf,"In August 2021, overall 69 percent of surveyed households indicated that they bought food on credit, an increase of five percent yearon-year, with a higher share recorded in Dar’a (78 percent) and Al-Hasakeh (77 percent)." +311820,53183.0,2466.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,57,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"Additionally, the highest severity of acute food insecurity is recorded in the 61 localities classified as IPC phase 3+ in North Darfur, South Darfur, West Darfur, Central Darfur, East Darfur, Kassala, Red Sea, Blue Nile, White Nile, North Kordofan, South Kordofan, Gadarif, and Northern" +306889,51572.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)']",en,87,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Information And Communication', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"While there is no official data about the numbers of sexual and gender based violence cases, young females interviewed in Dingthoma 1,2 reported incidents that happen during evening hours along the Dingthoma 1 and Melut Town road. In Khor Adar, the women attributed such incidents to drunkenness. Some of the cases were reported to and handled by both IDP and host community police structures [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +491972,67963.0,2170.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,82,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Nigeria%20Northeast%20Operational%20Update-July%202021.pdf,"[1st Jul 2021, North east Nigeria]Most affected areas: Bama recorded the highest incidents of human rights violations with 27.27%, followed by Gwoza with 17.05%, Jere with 15.91%, Damboa with 11.36%, while Dikwa and Konduga recorded 5.68% each, and Mobbar (Damasak) and Monguno 4.55% each. Gujba recorded 3.41%, Mubi South 2.27%, and 1.14% each for Fufore and Kala/Balge." +390814,60791.0,1186.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,44,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"De las comunas con 10.000 o más personas extranjeras en 2019, las tres que más crecieron en términos absolutos son Santiago, que adicionó 32.164 personas; Estación Central, que creció en 9.009 personas, e Independencia, en 7.661 personas." +178260,41756.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"La forte prévalence des maladies à potentiel épidémique contribue à la complexité et à la gravité de la situation humanitaire en RDC, dans un contexte de développement où l’accès aux services et infrastructures de base (soins, eau, hygiène, assainissement, routes, électricité, etc.) est déjà très limité." +170503,40462.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,84,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"1. Réalisation de sensibilisations sur les VBG (Actions préventives des violences sexuelles) ; 2. Renforcer le système d’orientation et de référencement des cas de VBG la région, entre les acteurs de la région, particulièrement les sites d’accueil ; 3. Former les acteurs de sur la thématique VBG une meilleure intervention adaptée au contexte ; 4. Renforcer les capacités locales pour le signalement des cas de VBG et de violences faites aux enfants" +191676,43304.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,38,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,Les populations migrantes jouent un rôle essentiel dans l’approvisionnement des marchés au Tchad. La plupart des marchés situés dans les zones frontalières sont fermés limitant ainsi l’offre transfrontalière des biens et services. +239842,47107.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,86,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[Dec 2020] Also of note, WHO, in coordination with UNICEF, has commenced engagement with the MoH concerning technical assistance for documentation needed for the COVID-19 Vaccine application process for COVAX, which has been signed by the MoH and submitted to GAVI on 15 December; in addition to supporting preparedness/readiness for different coordination bodies including the Inter-Ministerial Coordination committee, COVID-19 National Immunization Technical advisory group and MOH technical working groups as well as the communication with regulatory authorities." +270393,49943.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,109,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Según las características del cuidador, se pueden observar diferencias de género y según la condición de discapacidad del cuidador (Gráfico 5). De esta manera, las mujeres perdieron en mayor proporción algún ingreso (77,3%) o más de la mitad de los ingresos (62,9%) que los hombres (71,6% y 56,8% respectivamente). Además, los cuidadores con discapacidad perdieron en mayor proporción algún ingreso (90%) o más de la mitad de los ingresos (75,3%) en comparación con los cuidadores sin discapacidad (72,3% y 57,5% respectivamente)." +475486,63296.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"La province du Boulkiemdé fait partie de la zone de moyens de subsistance dite ‘Ouest céréales et transferts’, qui couvre une partie de la Boucle du Mouhoun et la portion nord de la région du Centre-Ouest. La majorité des ménages y vit de l’agriculture, qui constitue la principale source de nourriture." +262987,49226.0,2311.0,"['Shelter', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Environment'],es,56,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Se destacan dos situaciones de naturaleza de doble afectación sucedidas en noviembre: La primera corresponde al impacto humanitario ocasionado por la temporada invernal, que afectó las viviendas, asentamientos y vías de zonas como Costa Caribe, Norte de Santander y Arauca, donde un número indeterminado de refugiados y migrantes resultaron afectados." +338389,55951.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,100,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://preventepidemics.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/PERC-Finding-the-Balance-Part-III-12-May-2021.pdf,"[Survey conducted by phone with approximately 24,000 people across 19 Member States in five geographical regions in Africa, including DRC] Reports of missed health visits were more common among urban households and among respondents with longstanding, chronic conditions. In addition, reports of missed health visits in the past six months were more common among households that reported losing all of their income since the start of the pandemic (42%) than among those that reported losing some income (33%) and those without any income loss (20%)" +313709,53333.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,37,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Recently on 24 October 2020, a group of unidentified armed men attacked the Mother Francisca in Kumba, South-West (SW) Cameroon, shooting and killing at least eight children and wounding twelve others." +330381,53831.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,76,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/12042021_sitrep_s12_whe_oms_rdc_f.pdf,"A la clôture de S12/2021, 92 957 cas de paludisme avaient un TDR positif, sur les 341 978 cas suspects notifiés (taux de positivité : 27,1%). Par ailleurs, plusieurs autres maladies à potentiel épidémique ont été rapportées dont la COVID-19, la rougeole, le monkey-pox, le choléra, la méningite, la peste, la diarrhée sanglante, la grippe et la fièvre jaune, entre autres" +162299,38786.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,49,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/uae-flies-second-batch-medical-aid-syria-fight-against-covid-19,"A medical aid aircraft dispatched by the Emirates Red Crescent (ERC) arrived in Damascus Friday, carrying 25 tonnes of medications and medical supplies and equipment as part of the UAE's humanitarian response to the global pandemic. The first aid plane arrived on Sunday." +178408,41756.0,2225.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],fr,29,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Le Cluster EHA estime que 6 872 770 de personnes (dont 50,8 pour cent de femmes) ont des besoins vitaux en eau, hygiène et assainissement." +177057,41752.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,27,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"À Kaya, ce ne sont que 33% des informateurs clés qui affirment qu’il est difficile pour leurs communautés de porter un masque." +326873,54714.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,41,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,"[General household information] The most commonly reported reasons for not taking action on COVID-19 were COVID-19 is not prevalent in the area (41%), not at high risk of getting COVID-19 (24%)." +45654,15533.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,79,['Impact'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_report_areabasedassessment_aba_azzawya_jun2019.pdf,"According to MFGD participants, 5 of the 60 public and private health facilities mapped in Azzawya were non-operational (Map 4). Medical professional KIs explained that these facilities had shut down due in part to a lack of qualified medical staff, which had led to mistrust from the residents. In addition, insecurity, the lack of governmental support and shortages in medicines and medical equipment contributed to the closure of these facilities." +341369,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,72,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Le Burkina Faso est un pays multi-ethnique où cohabite une soixantaine de groupes socioculturels. Des échanges multiformes ont toujours caractérisé leur cohabitation. Ce- pendant, le pays vit actuellement une crise du vivre ensemble liée à un déséquilibre social et sociétal. La montée de l’intolérance, de la haine et des violences multiformes dans la coexistence des communautés interrogent le vivre ensemble de la société Burkinabè." +401422,62279.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,100,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"[10th November 2020, MONGUNO LGA, BORNO STATE]Recommendations: The health care workers from PHCs should be trained since the unavailability of paediatricians at the LGA level. In addition, the nurses and other health staff need to be trained in identifying the cases during the routine check-up of children in the non-CMAM clinic setup. The participants shall be trained on the referral system and to avoid common mistakes of treatment of SAM children that would risk the life of the child such as using Intravenous saline among SAM children without any needs." +199001,44208.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],fr,102,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fasozine.com/actualite/politique/8925-elections-du-22-novembre-2020-les-parties-prenantes-signent-un-pacte-de-bonne-conduite.html,"Le contenu du pacte de bonne conduite, a été adopté le 29 septembre dernier par les différents acteurs du processus électoral. Il stipule entre autres, que les signataires s’engagent à cultiver le respect mutuel et la courtoisie entre adversaires politiques et entre acteurs du processus électoral, à rejeter toute forme de violence et à respecter la différence, à privilégier le dialogue et la concertation, en cas de différend qui naîtrait de leurs rapports, à respecter la loi, le cas échéant, les voies légales de recours en cas de contestation des résultats…" +338993,56192.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,88,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.internal-displacement.org/sites/default/files/publications/documents/grid2021_idmc.pdf,"The majority of conflict displacements were triggered by armed conflict, but communal violence accounted for a significant proportion of the global total of 9.8 million. Geolocated data shows that although internal displace- ment is a global challenge, it tends to be concentrated not only in some regions or countries but in certain areas within them. For conflict, these included Syria’s northern governorate of Idlib, border areas between Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger, and eastern provinces of DRC." +64128,18925.0,729.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,80,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/va_report_libya_2019-libmac-unmas.pdf,An assessment was conducted by REACH and UNHCR on Internally Displaced People in 2016 in Libya using the recommended Washington Group approach to assess disability types and prevalence in IDP populations affected by the conflict. The report showed that: • 47% of PwDs had difficulties with sight; • 45% had difficulties with movement or walking; • 34% had difficulties with hearing; • 17% had difficulties with communicating or using language. +497822,35118.0,1187.0,[],[],[],es,38,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,las 4 personas en situación de calles eran varones y venezolanos y 3 de ellos viviendo en Argentina entre 6 meses y 1 año -solo 1 se reportó en el grupo de entre 18 y 29 años-. +2639,520.0,321.0,[],[],[],en,44,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://www.amnesty.org/en/countries/middle-east-and-north-africa/libya/report-libya/,"The IOM said in October that it had identified 276,957 migrants in Libya but estimated the true number to be between 700,000 and 1 million. UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, had registered 38,241 refugees by the end of the year." +160371,35728.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no_6_covid-19_choco_vf.pdf,"Persistencia de cuadros de enfermedad diarreica aguda (EDA), infección respiratoria 4 aguda (IRA) y malaria (Chocó aporta el 28% de los casos de malaria a nivel nacional) que han tenido poca atención por cuenta de la saturación del sistema de salud en el marco de la pandemia." +341374,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,116,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[De juillet à début septembre 2020, les enquêteurs ont administré le sondage auprès de 2396 Burkinabè dans les régions du Centre Nord, Nord, Sahel, Est, Boucle du Mouhoun et Hauts-Bassins] C’est ainsi qu’une partie de la population peulh dit craindre des messages haineux à son égard. Les peulhs rapportent le plus grand nombre de réponses oui (18%) à la question de savoir si eux-mêmes ou des membres de leur famille ont été la cible de messages haineux ou dévalorisants. Ils et elles sont également plus susceptibles que la moyenne de dissimuler leur identité afin d'éviter ce genre de messages." +185135,39920.0,1231.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,17,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/resultados_primera_encuesta_covid-19_-_formato_11x17.pdf,47%desea recibir información acerca de las comunidades donde se presentan los mayores casos de COVID-19 +125121,32835.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,83,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77444.pdf,"Una alerta importante para resaltar son las altas tasas de trabajo infantil, especialmente en los niños y niñas de 12 a 17 años que, en el caso de los migrantes, casi triplica a la misma tasa que se observa para el promedio de Colombia. Esta situación se profundiza para los niños y niñas de 15 a 17 años, en quienes se evidencian tasas de trabajo cercanas al 28 % en el caso de la población migrante venezolana." +237277,46388.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,61,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Changes in the FSAC number of people in (up from 13.2 million in mid-2020 to 17.6 million in 2021) are based on results from the recent SFSA and IPC analysis revealing a worrying increase in the number of people now in IPC 3 and 4 levels of food insecurity, largely due to the economic impact of COVID-19." +59526,17198.0,1224.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,68,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"One thousand sixty-six (1,066) migrants were documented during this mission, of this amount six hundred and nineteen (619) are adults and four hundred and forty seven (447) are children. Fifty-five adults are considered elderly persons (aged 55 years and older) while fifty-six (56) infants (1 year and younger) make up the children population." +170796,40367.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,58,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"As of the end of July, in the framework of the Integrated community case management (ICCM) programme, 126,727 children under the age of 5 (including 22,800 cases of malaria, 35,264 cases of diarrhea and 68,663 cases of pneumonia) were reached CBHWs in the five regions affected by the humanitarian crisis." +458171,64540.0,1185.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,47,[],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"LA CONTRATACIÓN DE PERSONAL EXTRANJERO La contratación laboral de personal extranjero en Perú está regulada por el Decreto Legislativo Nº 689, Ley para la Contratación de Trabajadores Extranjeros11 y su Reglamento, aprobado por Decreto Supremo Nº 014–92–TR12; así como por sus normas modificatorias." +79055,21860.0,729.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,100,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/09.30.19%20-%20USAID-DCHA%20Libya%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%232.pdf,"UN agencies and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have called for the closure of detention facilities across Libya and the adoption of principled migration policies to protect nearly 3,000 refugees and migrants held in detention facilities near conflict-affected areas. IOM also reports that continued airstrikes and shelling in areas inhabited by civilians continues to impact people in the detention centers. For example, airstrikes on July 2 hit Tripoli’s Tajoura Detention Center, resulting in more than 50 fatalities and 130 injured, as well as damage to the detention facility, according to IOM." +452434,64948.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,79,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/juin_2021_evaluation_drs_est_rapport_mission_conjointe_corus_est.pdf,"[Centre Hospitalier Régional (CHR) de Fada N’gourma] Les difficultés rencontrées portent: - Insuffisance en kits traumatologiques et en médicaments essentiels pour la prise en charge des blessés venant des zones d’insécurité - Insuffisance en matériels médicotechniques pour augmenter la capacité d’accueil au niveau des urgences (lits, matelas, Aspirateurs électrique, Brancards, table de consultation, chariots de soins, concentrateurs d’oxygène)" +325621,54815.0,2099.0,[],[],[],en,27,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"In the case of the share of assisted deliveries, there does not appear to be a visible correlation with any of the transport accessibility variables." +236114,47122.0,2334.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,The WASH Cluster is working with the Health Cluster and all partners to ensure that Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) measures are included in all WASH activities in the NWSW regions. +227168,46454.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,55,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2022_23Dec2020_FINAL.pdf,"[23rd December, Overall Syria] Precautionary measures, even in areas where restrictions have eased, continue to also impact programming, with Health, Nutrition and Protection sector partners in particular reporting challenges in implementing alternative modalities, including due to poor mobile phone coverage in some areas and prolonged power outages" +355981,58248.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,84,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Salud_reporte_trimestral_enero_marzo_2021_VF%20%281%29%20%281%29.pdf,"A comienzos de enero del 2021, desde el Gobierno nacional se dieron declaraciones puntuales de que solo se vacunará a la población refugiada y migrante en condición regular, por lo cual, organismos internacionales expresaron su preocupación considerando que el excluir a los refugiados y migrantes irregulares, que representan el 55% de la población refugiada y migrante en el país, pone en riesgo su misma salud y a la vez la efec�vidad de toda la campaña de vacunación." +216605,45416.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,"Chez les enfants déplacés IDP, les filles représentent 43% et les garçons 57% soit un IPS de 0.75 en faveur des garçons. Chez les enfants autochtones et retournés, les filles représentent 47% et les garçons 53% d’où un IPS de 0.88 en faveur des garçons." +178267,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,93,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Dans le contexte de violences armées, les violations du droit international des droits de l’homme et du droit international humanitaire constituent l’une des problématiques humanitaires majeures de la RDC, notamment les atteintes au droit à la vie, à la dignité et à l’intégrité physique et mentale de la personne, les violations des droits de l’enfant et les violences basées sur le genre. A cela s’ajoutent les atteintes à la liberté et à la propriété de la personne." +316957,53333.0,2334.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,45,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Another challenge reported by girls had to do with giving birth to so many children, which they had no control of as decision-making power lies with the man/husband, which in turn leads to malnutrition among their children as food is a challenge." +475546,63296.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,76,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"des IC ont mentionné que la situation sécuritaire avait affecté certains ménages de la zone en rendant difficile l’accès aux sites d’orpaillage dans les zones les plus affectées par l’insécurité tel que la région du Sahel. Ces ménages ont été contraints d’arrêter de rejoindre leurs sites d’orpaillages habituels en raison de la situation sécuritaire, limitant leur accès à une source de revenu complémentaire." +343091,53036.0,2334.0,[],[],[],fr,36,[],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/1-Lolo_Dec%202020_0.pdf,Sécurité Alimentaire Distribution de vivres en nature ou crédit pour l'achat de vivres (CBT) = 1050 Kcal/pers/jr - soit 50% du standard équivalent en cash à 4400 FCFA / pers / mois. +306215,51474.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,102,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"To mark the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence campaign, in early December national and local authorities, in collaboration with civil society and the United Nations, carried out nationwide awareness-raising activities on sexual and gender-based violence throughout South Sudan. These included a joint campaign by United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS)and the national and state ministries of gender, child and social welfare to denounce the stigmatization of survivors of conflict-related sexual violence, with over 200 participants attending workshops, focus group discussions and radio programmes in locations across the country." +151419,37915.0,2098.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,63,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/78176.pdf,"UNHCR and its partners are following up on 5,000 child protection cases. The number of cases increased significantly after the COVID-19 response started. It is a serious indication of the impact and consequences of the pandemic on the refugee community. Children are exposed to heightened levels of violence, pressure to work, as well as abuse and neglect." +411865,63817.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,91,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/An%20update%20of%20Cholera%20outbreak%20in%20Nigeria_060821_32.pdf,"[9th- 15th Aug 2021, Nigeria] Challenges: Difficulty in accessing some communities due to security concerns. Open defecation in affected communities. Lack of potable drinking water in some rural areas and urban slums. Inadequate vaccines to coverall LGAs, wards and settlements with cholera outbreaks. Inadequate health facility infrastructure and cholera commodities for management of patients (Ringer’s lactate and ORS). Inadequate trained manpower for Cholera outbreak, detection, investigation and management. Poor and inconsistent reporting from states" +149136,36019.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"The total number of governorates affected is now eight – Damascus, Rural Damascus, Dar’a, As-Sweida, Homs, Lattakia, Hama and Quneitra, although 85 per cent of all cases have been recorded in just two governorates – Damascus (53 per cent) and Rural Damascus (34 per cent)." +306890,51572.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],en,83,"['Impact', 'Priority Interventions']",[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"The women in Khor Adar also noted that there have been no incidents following the lodging of cases against the suspects. Community leaders have advised their members about the need to report all incidents to the local leaders and authorities in IDP and host communities. Most of the SGBV cases are not reported due to the fear of stigma or reprisal. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +182056,42270.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],en,38,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep21_20201020.pdf,"[20th October NWS] These supplement the existing laboratory in Idleb city which has two PCR machines, and contribute to a sharp rise in daily testing capacity, now averaging of over 500 tests per day" +170461,40462.0,2099.0,['Cross'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Displacement->Push Factors'],fr,74,['At Risk'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"La majorité de ces PBS sont des femmes PDIs cheffes de ménage avec plusieurs enfants et sans revenus dont les maris ont été assassinés par des HANI ou des femmes qui ont fui à cause des exactions terroristes pour se réfugier dans les localités plus stables sur le plan sécuritaire. Il y a également des personnes âgées, des malades chroniques et aussi les enfants orphelins, ou vivant avec un handicap." +2577,517.0,321.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,62,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Libya%20Situation%20Report%20-%20End%20of%20Year%202017.pdf,"As part of UNICEF’s support to teachers’ development, a total of 212 teachers and master trainers (129 female) were trained on the areas of child rights, special education needs, management of overcrowded classrooms, inclusive education, and child-centred teaching and learning leading to concrete steps in laying the foundation for sector reform development" +157868,38800.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,39,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GTS%20-%20HNAP%20COVID19%20Syria%20Bulletin%20R3.pdf,"Though the proportion of focal points reporting people in NSAG/TBAF wearing facemasks increased slightly over three months, it decreased to 12% in June, likely due to depreciation of the Syrian pound making them too expensive." +182898,32165.0,1388.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Politics'],es,72,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/74589.pdf,"El marco legal y de política debe sufrir ajustes para simplificar la tramitología, disminuir los costos y facilitar la inserción de los refugiados y sus hijos. Si bien existe una base legal importante, debe instrumentalizarse efectivamente para pasar “del papel a la práctica”, garantizando la equidad de oportunidades para formación, educación y acceso a servicios, según la opinión de algunos de los entrevistados." +492317,67914.0,2028.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,86,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_mvam_bulletin_58_august_2021.pdf,"[August 2021, Overall Syria] The difficulties faced by the Syrian families in the labor market have a general negative impact on households’ food security situation. In August 2021, more than half of the surveyed households across Syria (52 percent) who reported losses of income also reported inadequate food consumption, representing an increase of 13 percent year-on-year. Moreover, 95 percent of these respondents indicated having relied on at least one food-based coping strategy in August." +163265,36028.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,42,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/after-several-failed-attempts-security-council-authorizes-one-year,"[Security Council resolutions are currently adopted through a written procedure vote under temporary, extraordinary and provisional measures implemented in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, as set out in a letter (document S/2020/253) by its President for March" +243967,46388.0,2336.0,"['WASH', 'Health']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,18,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,The sanitation situation also remains poor with 45 per cent of people unable to access proper latrines. +240584,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,13,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Women are the most vulnerable when it comes to accessing health care. +311821,53183.0,2466.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"Around 1.3 million of people in need faced emergency levels of acute food insecurity (IPC 4, the phase before famine) and estimate 6 million people under (IPC 3). A" +125129,32835.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,40,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77444.pdf,"A medida que la situación económica y política se ha venido agravando en Venezuela, las cifras oficiales del control migratorio permiten evidenciar un incremento significativo de la entrada de migrantes hacia Colombia entre 2017, 2018 y 2019." +411331,63303.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Education', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,81,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Humanitarian Access', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/burkina-faso/hunger-season-arrives-sahel,"The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is compounded by increased violence and insecurity, which has brought the current number of internally displaced persons and refugees in the region to 5.3 million. Violence is causing immense challenges of access. Communities cannot safely access basic services including healthcare, education, water, food, and sanitation infrastructure while, at the same time, humanitarian actors cannot always safely reach vulnerable communities to provide emergency assistance." +219855,45437.0,2311.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Impact->Impact On People'],['Context->Environment'],es,140,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep5_ach_ola_invernal_nov2020_v5.pdf,"Existe alta probabilidad de deslizamientos de tierra en el departamento del Chocó y una moderada probabilidad en los departamentos de Antioquia, Boyacá, Caldas, Casanare, Cauca, Chocó, Meta, Nariño, Norte de Santander, Putumayo, Risaralda, Santander, Tolima y Valle del Cauca. Existen departamentos con doble afectación (Ola Invernal– Conflicto) como el caso de Arauca, Bolívar, Caquetá, Cauca, Córdoba, Chocó, Guaviare, Meta, Norte de Santander donde se presentan presencia de grupos armados (GAO) y acciones armadas contra la población. Otros departamentos tienen posibilidad de triple afectación por alta afectación por Covid-19, las fuertes lluvias causadas por la ola invernal y la presencia de GAO como sucede en los departamentos de Norte de Santander y Antioquia." +183555,43049.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",en,27,[],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20response%20in%20the%20Central%20Sahel%202020%20%E2%80%94%20October%202020.pdf,"These complex crises are exacerbated by climatic variability, demographic pressure, high poverty levels, and the absence of state institutions in most impacted regions." +325106,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,74,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Approximately the same number of localities have a private Catholic PPS school (1%), of which, too, the vast majority are located close to an all-season road. Very few private Muslim PPS schools are present in the country (26), most of them concentrated in Haut- Bassins and Centre. Most of these schools are near an all-season in Ouagadougou, Bobo-Dioulasso, and Ouargaye." +237940,47230.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"El 20% de las personas encuestadas no se sienten seguras en el barrio donde viven, lo cual es más frecuente entre las mujeres (21%) que entre los hombres entrevistados (16%). Casi la mitad (44%) de las personas encuestadas reportó haber sufrido algún episodio o situación de discriminación en 2020." +388991,60730.0,2098.0,[],[],[],en,83,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://app.box.com/s/asye4w9ljbvdby3gy5p0jy8a859nsmzt,"[25th July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: Furthermore, in the phone interviews, most of the male participants believe that as they perform ablution (Ozu) to keep themselves clean before prayer, they will not get Covid-19. In one of instance, via an informal conversation, one respondent said people living in other countries and the Bangladeshi host community could get Covid-19, whereas the Rohingya community were not able to be infected." +236247,46388.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Current projections indicate the most severe food insecurity is in Badakhshan, Nuristan, Samangan, Urzugan, Daykundi, Ghor, and Badghis provinces, as well as the urban centres of Hirat, Kandahar and Maymana." +178280,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,31,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Les incidents de sécurité incluent notamment des violences armées contre du personnel humanitaire tels que des vols à main armée, des braquages de convois humanitaires ou encore des enlèvements." +137567,35118.0,1187.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,142,[],['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Si se considera la situación migratoria según rango etáreo se observa que entre quienes cuentan con residencia temporaria, la mayor parte tienen entre 30 y 59 años (69% - 37), el 28% (15) tiene entre 18 y 29 años y solo 1 de los encuestados refirió tener más de 60; mientras que entre quienes cuentan con residencia permanente el 74% (14) refirieron tener entre 30 y 59 años al momento de completar la encuesta y sólo 5 tenían entre 18 y 29 años. En relación a las personas que se encontraban en condición de refugiadas o refugio en trámite (27) se observa una distribución homogénea entre los rangos de entre 18 y 29 (16) y de entre 30 y 59 años (11)." +275890,50662.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,83,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[July- December 2020, Cox's Bazar] In 2020, 26 AWD Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDTs) positive Cholera cases were reported and verified with 20 qualifying for a Joint Assessment Team (JAT) investigation. 18 of the cases were detected through sentinel testing between October and December 2020. Of these, three were confirmed for Cholera (one each in the Ukhiya and Teknaf host communities, and one in the FDMN/Rohingya refugee camps)." +498716,60095.0,1187.0,[],[],[],es,23,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RMRP%202021%20Plan%20de%20respuesta%20regional%20para%20refugiados%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%2C%20enero%20-%20diciembre%202021.pdf,Las personas refugiadas y migrantes de Venezuela se han visto obligadas a recurrir a mecanismos de adaptación negativos para alcanzar seguridad alimentaria. +149846,37865.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,49,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cxb-situation-report-20.pdf,"21 health care workers completed a 4-days training on Water and Sanitation in Health care facilities Improvement Tool (WASH FIT). This training included field visits and assessment with participants drawing action plans for improvements on IPC, WASH, waste management at their respective facilities." +58959,17671.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Context->Economy'],es,64,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.elnuevosiglo.com.co/articulos/08-2019-pib-se-beneficiaria-con-llegada-de-venezolanos,"n informe del Banco Mundial denominado “Migración desde Venezuela a Colombia: impactos y estrategia de respuesta en el corto y mediano plazo"", indica que la tasa de inmigración desde Venezuela podría estar afectando esfuerzos en reducción de pobreza en el corto plazo, con dicha tendencia moderándose progresivamente a medida que los migrantes se integran en la fuerza laboral." +303980,51174.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,40,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.afro.who.int/sites/default/files/2021-02/South%20Sudan%20IDSR%20Bulletin%20Week%201%2C%20%20%204-%2010%20January%202021%20.pdf,Oral cholera campaign was conducted in Bor where over 63000 (88% coverage) people (one year and above) were vaccinated during the first round of the campaign that ended on 20 December 2020 by WHO. +59587,17198.0,1224.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"One family shared that they used to regularly go back and forth to Venezuela, but they have now chosen to stay in Guyana due to the further deteriorating situation at home. They used to bring fish and fuel from Venezuela and sell it in Guyana." +192734,43304.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,68,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"il faut noter que la situation de près de 250 000 nouveaux diplômés qui frappent chaque année à la porte du marché de travail tchadien risque d’être compromise par la pandémie de la COVID-19. En effet, le ralentissement des activités économiques plongerait ces jeunes diplômés dans un chômage massif et structurel si des mesures atténuantes ne sont pas prises par les autorités publiques." +134461,35170.0,1188.0,['Cross'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],es,35,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"Se identificó como temas de los que desearían recibir más información; acceso a servicios de salud, sobre el proceso de reconocimiento de la condición de refugiado y sobre procedimientos de regularización migratoria." +22292,9106.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,84,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"The elderly population (over 64 years old) represents 5.1 per cent of the overall population in Libya.81 In general, elderly persons are considered as vulnerable in Libya with significant support needs that are not met by public sector services. Many elderly people in Libya require regular access to healthcare services due challenges related to physical frailty and illness. More than 76 per cent of the elderly population with chronic diseases suffer from a lack of access to medicines." +301853,51958.0,2332.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,118,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_devaluation_de_protection_des_retournes_tchadiens_de_la_rca_installes_dans_les_sites_au_sud_du_tchad_002.pdf,Deux secteurs apparaissent comme des révélateurs de non amélioration de la situation sur le long terme : La dépendance à l’assistance en vivres fournie par le PAM. Et ceci malgré le projet CERF Multipurpose Cash mené en 2018 qui devait permettre une certaine autonomisation et donc un arrêt des distributions. Ce qui n’est pas le cas. Les abris : de nombreux abris d’urgence construits en 2014 sont encore utilisés mais dans un état de délabrement. La promiscuité dans ces abris et leur niveau de délabrement exposent les personnes à la fois aux conséquences sévères des intempéries / saisons des pluies mais aussi à des risques de protection. +220903,45410.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,50,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"L’assistance humanitaire au bénéfice des déplacés et ménages hôtes de la province du Lac se poursuivra jusqu’en fin d’année 2020. Cependant, les ménages sinistrés, victimes des inondations bénéficient des distributions alimentaires en cours afin d’aider à leur relèvement." +70798,20127.0,1386.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,27,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://mundo.sputniknews.com/america-latina/201910291089147859-la-conferencia-internacional-sobre-refugiados-venezolanos-recauda-120-millones-de-ayuda/,"Mogherini indicó que los fondos recaudados ""se sumarán a los otros 30 millones de euros que instituciones de la Unión Europea movilizan estos días""." +62530,18514.0,1386.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security', 'Education', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,113,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190328_acaps_briefing_note_venezuela_update_and_2019_outlook__0.pdf,"Almost all (95%) of schools exhibit some degree of deterioration, either WASH-related (at least 4,000 schools experience water shortages ranging from 7 days to 3 months) or lectricity shortages. Due to the lack of functioning hygiene facilities in schools, proliferation of chronic illnesses has been reported, and malnutrition rates are aggravated by school food programmes provisions have deteriorated in quality and quantity. The quality of education has also been affected, with schools lacking material, support for teachers, functioning library, and services for children with special needs having been interrupted for the most part (CHE Education 11/2018)." +148511,36019.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"As of 14 July, the Syrian Ministry of Health (MoH) confirmed 417 cases of COVID-19, including 19 deaths and 136 recoveries. An additional six cases have been reported by local authorities in north-east Syria (NES), while to date four cases has been registered in north-west Syria (NWS)." +187291,42134.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,44,['At Risk'],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Colombia%20COVID-19%20Update%20-%201-15OCT20.pdf,"There are also reports of confinement risks in the Pital de la Costa village near Tumaco (Nariño) and of forced displacement in the indigenous community of Inda Sabaleta (Nariño), both caused by ongoing confrontations between illegal armed groups." +169501,40368.0,2099.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Population'],[],en,32,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"66 percent of the households surveyed stated that they would like to receive cash assistance, 30 percent mixed assistance (cash and food), and 4 percent in-kind assistance." +174878,40890.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,68,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"En cuanto a la pertenencia étnica, el 88% de las personas encuestadas no se identifican como parte de un grupo étnico, el 9% se identifica como población indígena y el 3% como afrodescendiente. Cabe destacar que las personas indígenas encuestadas están en el departamento de La Guajira, con casi el 75% del total de indígenas encuestadas a nivel nacional12." +198725,44313.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,71,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_294_20201119.pdf,"Aussi, 2 442 voyageurs étaient en cours de suivi ce 19/11/2020, tous à Kinshasa ; 732 (29,9%) d’entre eux ont été vus au cours de ces dernières 24h. Aucun voyageur n’est devenu suspect. Par ailleurs, 174 voyageurs sont sortis de suivi à Kinshasa, d’entre (46,6%) n’avaient pas d’adresses." +192049,42659.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],fr,88,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_175.pdf,"Des 1 254 alertes enregistrées, 549 (43,8%) provenaient des formations sanitaires (FOSA), 504 (40,9%) de la recherche active des cas et 102 (8,1%) de la communauté. Depuis le début des opérations, le laboratoire a analysé 41 673 échantillons à la recherche du SARS-CoV- 2, prélevés chez 38 568 cas suspects de COVID-19. Un cumul de 8 162 cas étaient positifs, soit une proportion de cas positifs autour de 21,2%" +38723,13756.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,71,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",['Humanitarian Access'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LibyaCOFlashUpdate%200703June2019.pdf,"Increased risk of Gender Based Violence continues to manifest as a result of the ongoing conflict and conflict-affected children and their caregivers are in need of psychosocial support and recreational activities. 7 Children and their families are at increased risk to unexploded ordnances (UXO) and explosive devices since the conflict is close to residential areas in southern Tripoli, meaning they are in need of mine-risk education." +323049,54498.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,21,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/89758cd4/REACH_COL_RAN_Factsheet_Trend_analysis_March2021.pdf,"Finalmente, la edad promedio reportada desde la segunda ronda de recolección8, osciló entre los 25 a 28 años." +235853,47091.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,35,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/borno_state_covid-19_weekly_sitrep_wk_52.pdf,19 new cases were confirmed for the reported week . Total number of Confirmed Cases as at end of epi-week 52 stands at 797. 34 active cases in self isolation for home care. +485137,65398.0,1185.0,[],[],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,27,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Además, se observa que, conforme ha aumentado el número de personas venezolanas en Perú, el acceso al trabajo se ha tornado más difícil." +172122,40587.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,38,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SOUTHERN%20AFRICA_Food_Security_Outlook_%20June%202020_%20Final.pdf,"Although, there are expected to be medium to long-term impacts due to the likely lower than normal level of remittances and more broadly incomes. Remittances normally provide additional income for food and agriculture input purchases." +62910,18642.0,1386.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",es,149,[],['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://transparencia.org.ve/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/EPE-II-Sector-Agua.pdf,"Toda esa estructura construida entre las décadas de 1940 a 1980, bajo la administración del INOS y luego con el concurso del Ministerio del Ambiente y los Recursos Naturales Renovables (MARNR) a partir del año 1975, comenzó su decadencia en la década de los 80. La reestruc- turación del Estado, propiciada por el gobierno de Carlos Andrés Pérez, en su segundo mandato, generó la Ley de Supresión del INOS (1989), la creación de HIDROVEN como casa matriz y las Empresas Hidrológicas Regionales, Estatales y Locales. Esta conformación del sector se mantiene a la fecha, a pesar de que la aceleración del proceso de descentralización del sector, a través de las Leyes de Prestación del Servicio de Agua Potable y Saneamiento y la Ley de Aguas que fueron promulgadas y aprobadas, nunca ocurrió." +192898,43304.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Health', 'WASH', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,48,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Soutenir les programmes favorables à l’emploi adaptés aux activités de prévention, de gestion sanitaire, d’aménagement et d’assainissement des espaces publics, de sensibilisation communautaire sur les mesures barrières dans le contexte COVID19. Fournir une assistance alimentaire sous diverses formes" +194610,43822.0,2311.0,"['Shelter', 'Logistics']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,31,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19112020_flash_update_no.3_emergencias_por_ola_invernal_-_colombia_vf.pdf,"hay carencia de elementos no alimentarios (cobijas, ropa para niños o adultos e implementos de aseo). Se requiere la disponibilidad de combustible para atención de emergencia." +309821,51467.0,2335.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,48,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Flooding, armed conflict in pockets of areas, sub-national violence and COVID-19 are escalating the risk of GBV including ConflictRelated Sexual Violence (CRSV) and sexual exploitation and abuse. The condition also compounded reduced access to sexual and reproductive health services for women and girls" +314873,53183.0,2466.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"Two key challenges have severely affected the ES/NFIs activities in 2020, mainly COVID-19 measures, impacting on the movement of items between states and the sever fuel shortage, affecting delivery of goods." +219260,45655.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,46,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"[9th Dec, Northeast Syria] Stringent restrictions have been implemented across different parts of NES in recent weeks, with three separate full lockdowns initiated in four cities (Ar-Raqqa, Al-Hasakeh, Qamishli and Tabqa) between 26 November and 5 December." +307038,51572.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,32,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Deployment of emergency response team and static teams (long-term perspective). [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +258007,48907.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,69,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[20th January 2021, Cox's Bazar] Most members of the Rohingya community are aware of the dangers of COVID-19 and are trying their best to protect themselves from contracting the virus. Yet awareness of testing and its importance in community protection remains low. When discussing COVID-19 testing, many confused this with testing involving checking vital signs or doctors asking them about COVID-19 symptoms" +185815,30439.0,1898.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,70,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/73726.pdf,"Creation of the National Technical Team and development of participatory consultations with key actors, with the aim of gathering inputs and designing the National Plan that addresses forced displacement, prioritizes actions and establishes regional follow-up indicators. 170 people participated in the focus groups, including displaced people or those at risk, asylum seekers, refugees, NGOs, State institutions and international and cooperation organizations." +178540,40661.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"A Kinshasa, dans les 9 communes analysées (enquête CAID), 25% des ménages présentent un score de consommation alimentaire limite et pauvre, 27% des ménages ont un score réduit des stratégies d’adaptation (rCSI) supérieur à 19 alors que plus de 30% des ménages ont eu recours aux stratégies d’adaptation des moyens d’existence d’urgence." +338271,55941.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,35,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://noticialdia.com/2021/05/autoridades-colombianas-abrieron-corredor-humanitario-y-dejaron-pasar-siete-buses-con-venezolanos-varados-en-cali-video/,"En horas de la madrugada de este viernes 14 de mayo, autoridades colombianas abrieron un «corredor humanitario» y permitieron el paso de siete buses con venezolanos que estaban varados en Cali." +240028,46388.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,46,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The main food insecurity drivers include reduced employment opportunities, reduced income and a steep surge in food prices. These drivers were compounded by the death or illness of household income providers due to COVID-19 or non-COVID diseases, conflict, and recurrent disasters." +22524,9106.0,729.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"The food insecure households although having an acceptable food consumption, the consumption is met at the expense of households’ future productivity or capacity to cope – many spend savings and/or reduce expenditure on health/ education." +265122,49431.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Vaccination', 'Covid-19->Hospitalization & Care']",en,44,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-in-bangladesh-daily-infection-rate-falls-to-265pc/64736,"[11th Feb 2021, Bangladesh] Physicians and nurses have been trained to carry out the vaccination drive. So far, top government officials, Cabinet members, judges, policemen, along with general people, have received the vaccine." +194600,43822.0,2311.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Casualties->Dead'],es,37,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19112020_flash_update_no.3_emergencias_por_ola_invernal_-_colombia_vf.pdf,"En el caso de Norte de Santander, la UNGRD informa que existe un acumulado de 2.928 familias afectadas y 5 muertos, 180 vías, 14 puentes y 209 acueductos afectados en todo el departamento." +236105,47122.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,29,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,The Health Cluster partners in the NWSW held meetings with the various regional delegates of public health to develop regional response plans considering the context of the NWSW. +275896,50662.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,88,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[July- December 2020, Cox's Bazar] Health Sector partners trained 181 Health Care Workers, including 68 from the Government, on Packages of Essential Interventions of Non-Communicable Diseases (PENs) in limited resource settings, which follow national protocols for hypertension and diabetes management and control. UHCs in Ukhiya and Teknaf received equipment to better screen and manage patients with diabetes and hypertension, and 94% of all PHCs can now manage diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and chronic respiratory diseases." +178097,40661.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,50,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Sur l’ensemble du pays, quelle que soit la ville, le salaire de départ d’un travailleur peu qualifié serait aujourd’hui inférieur à celui de 2019. Cependant, pour un travailleur hautement qualifié, le salaire reste similaire à celui de 2019." +325550,54815.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,57,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[Ouagadougou - 2,086 individuals were interviewed] Finally, it also appears to be more concerning for older respondents compared to younger ones, with about one-third of the individuals older than 55 reporting it [travel distance] as among the main constraints or the most important one [to access health services]." +325758,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Legal & Policy'],fr,94,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"La législation burkinabé reconnaît différents droits, des ressources communes et la mobilité du bétail, mais les lois ne sont souvent pas appliquées, tandis que la pression croissante et la hausse de la valeur des terres sapent les régimes fonciers coutumiers. Il en résulte une insécurité foncière et une exposition des biens communs à l’acquisition de terres et à la spéculation, les femmes, les pasteurs et les migrants risquant d’être exclus de l’accès aux ressources essentielles (Posthumus et al., 2019)" +187678,43292.0,2098.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,71,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/msna_2020_factsheet_refugee.pdf,"[July-August 2020, Bangladesh] Rohingya Refugees: At the same time, the global COVID-19 pandemic and associated control measures have severely restricted access and service delivery to the highly aid-dependent refugee communities since March 2020, likely exacerbating levels of need. An understanding of how household-level needs and access to services have been impacted throughout the lockdown period2 will therefore be essential for 2021 response planning." +132438,35164.0,1188.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,6,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,Tránsito Irregular por Darién: 43 +473031,63732.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,48,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2f4004e6/REACH_BFA_Factsheet_Abri-AME-et-LTB_Pouytenga_juillet-2021.pdf,"à Yargo, la majorité des IC (4/6) ont rapporté que l'ensemble de la population vivait dans des abris endommagés. Le vent semble être une problématique majeure au niveau de Yargo. [Principales causes des dégâts rapportées avec les inondations et les termites]" +176404,41733.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Economy'],fr,41,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/reach_drc_bulletin-des-marche-2_juin-2020.pdf,L’augmentation du prix des farines de maïs et de manioc entre avril et mai semble également être à l’origine des augmentations du coût médian du PMA dans les territoires ou marchés marqués par une hausse considérable. +305042,51467.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,36,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Despite food assistance being the most commonly reported priority need overall, food assistance was reported as the main priority need for men and women in only 1 per cent of assessed settlements in Western Equatoria" +35760,13057.0,788.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,46,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Shock/Event'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000105395.pdf,"Shocks have a negative impact on food security as households become highly vulnerable and oftentimes, food insecure when exposed to shocks, with duration of the impact lasting from short, medium to long term depending on the nature and frequency of the shock." +316010,52949.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"A lack of access to hygiene items also remains prevalent among non-IDPs, with over one third of non-IDP households using substitutes to soap (like sand) or diapers (like clothes)." +400329,62279.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,91,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"[10th November 2020, MONGUNO LGA, BORNO STATE]The crude death rate and U5MR were 0.29 and 0.38 per 10000 per day respectively. However, as per IPC classification cut-offs, these figures are lower than the emergency threshold. About 42.9% of death caused due to any illness such as Malaria, Sickle cell anaemia and intestinal disorders. The majority (85.7%) of deaths occurred while the deceased was at home whereas 14.3% at the previous location (migration)." +341983,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,42,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Les Koglwéogo ne présentent plus la garantie d’une justice équitable, gage de leur succès et de leur renommée. Les agissements de ce groupe d’autodéfense attisent le mécontentement, la frustration et appellent à la révolte." +172330,40829.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_233_20200919.pdf,"Ce 19/09/2020, 27 nouveaux cas confirmés de COVID-19 ont été rapportés dont 14 au Kongo-Central, 6 dans le Tanganyika - la 21ème province affectée en RDC - 5 à Kinshasa, 1 au Sud-Kivu et 1 dans le Haut-Katanga (Annexe 1 ; Figures 1 & 2). Tout de même, aucun nouveau décès n’a été enregistré." +182589,42252.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Contact Tracing'],en,24,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2020_29Oct2020_FINAL.pdf,"[29th October 2020, Overall Syria] Contact tracing is also a particular challenge, including in more remote governorates and camps." +325696,54267.0,2099.0,"['Nutrition', 'Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,85,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"(Programme de production et de lutte intégrée contre les ravageurs - IPPM) Grâce à la formation à la gestion intégrée des produits phytosanitaires, les agriculteurs ont appris de nouvelles méthodes de culture pour augmenter les rendements, ainsi que des compétences pour améliorer la commercialisation de leurs produits. Ils ont été encouragés à diversifier leurs cultures et leur élevage, ce qui profitera non seulement à l’environnement, mais aussi à la nutrition et aux revenus des ménages." +288549,51848.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,32,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/herams_fourth_quarter_2020_final.pdf,"[Dec 2020, NWS] *Reinforced: underground HFs or Strengthened building structure for protection against the attacks 47% of the functioning fixed facilities rehabilitated or/and *reinforced." +125349,29180.0,1620.0,[],[],['Displacement->Local Integration'],en,41,[],['Displacement'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Gap-Supply-Demand-Contraceptive-Services-Northeast-Nigeria-Report.pdf,"According to UNFPA, MOH, and Borno SPHCDA representatives, there were tensions between host communities and IDPs at the beginning of the insurgency, with host community members reportedly fearing some of the IDPs were part of the insurgency" +343930,56774.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,41,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.larepublica.co/economia/tercer-pico-de-contagios-llevo-a-caida-de-la-confianza-de-los-consumidores-en-abril-3175755,"En la encuesta también se evidenció que 78,4% de los hogares urbanos en Colombia no tenían mayores posibilidades de comprar artículos de primera necesidad, como alimentos o ropa, si se compara con su situación hace un año." +341892,56644.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,149,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.sismamujer.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/MUJERES-DERECHOS-LABORALES-Y-EMERGENCIA-SANITARIA.docx.pdf,"A los Empleadores: Reconociendo que el trabajo doméstico remunerado es una labor que se desempeña principalmente, en el espacio privado (casas de familia): Informarse sobre los derechos de las mujeres trabajadoras domésticas remuneradas y garantizarlos. Revisar y modificar las prácticas familiares que toleran o favorecen las violencias contra las mujeres trabajadoras. Generar canales de comunicación efectivos entre empleadores y trabajadoras. Eliminar prácticas como la presunción permanente de hurto. Hay que recordar que las trabajadoras domésticas, tienen derecho al debido proceso. Asesorarse sobre buenas prácticas para el manejo de la relación laboral. Garantizar un pago justo en todo momento y condición laboral, incluida la modalidad de trabajo por días. Nombrar el trabajo doméstico remunerado debidamente, eliminar expresiones que no reconocen el trabajo que desempeñan las mujeres como: ayuda, servicio doméstico, colaboración." +149686,37702.0,2028.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,82,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"Since 23 July local authorities have issued further directives aimed at curbing the spread of COVID-19. This includes a full curfew in Jazeera Canton, Al-Hasakeh from 6 August for a period of at least two weeks, as well as bans on mass gatherings and movement restrictions between towns, cities and districts; the closure of all non-essential shops/services, all local authority departments and limits on the operating hours of nonessential medical services to four hours per day" +17501,6794.0,322.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,72,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/yemen/qatar-charity-provides-food-aid-26000-displaced-yemenis,"The distribution of the food aid came with the generous support of the people of Qatar to coincide with UN warnings of a devastating famine that Yemen could face soon Food baskets include flour, rice, sugar, cooking oil, powdered milk, dates, salt, cans of bean and other materials, and will cover the needs of beneficiary families for basic food items for one month." +209807,45080.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Push Factors', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,54,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%209%20Dec%202020.pdf,"[9thDec2020,Borno State ]The deteriorating security situation remains the main cause of displacements. Ongoing unilateral relocation of IDPs by Borno State Government, expected to continue in the coming weeks despite safety and security risks triggered by escalating attacks and clashes, is a major concern for Sector partners." +218188,45410.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,60,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"Le Tchad abrite 883 583 personnes en déplacement dont 482 691 réfugiés (à l’est et au sud du pays par respectivement des réfugiés soudanais et centrafricains), 3 901 demandeurs d’asiles, 297 187 personnes déplacées internes et 30 461 retournés au Lac ainsi que 69 343 retournés tchadiens de la République Centrafricaine." +313657,53333.0,2334.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,31,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Using the same materials, support facilitators and teachers in non-formal learning centres and schools with relevant skills and knowledge so that they deliver quality education for adolescents at risk." +152374,38139.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,47,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cox-s-bazar-sitrep-17.pdf,"As of 02 August 2020, 12 SARI ITCs are active and can receive patients. The ICU/HDU facility at Sadar Hospital with eight ICU and ten HDU beds is also operational. There are 448 and 38 active SARI ITC and isolation beds in the camps" +167732,40343.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/418384-covid-19-weekly-review-as-nigeria-announces-reopening-of-schools-new-covid-19-cases-double.html,"(01 /10/2020)On Thursday, 153 new cases were reported in Nigeria, hence bringing the tally of confirmed cases to 59,001. (02 /10/2020)On Friday, 126 new cases of the pandemic were recorded. (03 /10/2020)On Saturday, 160 new cases were reported in Nigeria, hence bringing the tally of confirmed cases to 59,387 as of 11:55 p.m. on October 3." +172134,40718.0,2170.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,147,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20Nigeria%20DTM%20Emergency%20Tracking%20Tool%20%28ETT%29%20Report%20No.182%20%20%2827%20July%20-%202%20August%202020%29.pdf,"[ 27 July - 2 August 2020, Borno,Adamawa ]A total of 1,030 movements were recorded, comprising 680 arrivals and 350 departures, between 27 July and 2 August 2020. Arrivals were recorded at locations in Askira/Uba, Bama, Gubio, Gwoza, Mobbar, Monguno and Ngala Local Government Areas (LGAs) of the most-affected Nigerian State of Borno. Arrivals were also recorded in Girei, Gombi, Hong, Lamurde, Madagali, Maiha, Mayo-Belwa, Michika, Mubi South, Numan, Song, and Yola South LGAs of the state of Adamawa. Departures were recorded in Askira/Uba, Dikwa and Kala/Balge LGAs of Borno; Fufore, Gombi, Guyuk, Lamurde, Maiha, Michika, Mubi North, Mubi South, Numan, Song and Yola South LGAs of Adamawa." +330254,55051.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,41,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Note%20dinformation%20%2317%20R%C3%A9ponse%20Epid%C3%A9mie%20Ebola%20au%20Nord-Kivu_29-04-21.pdf,"Grâce à l’accalmie observée dans les territoires de Beni et Lubero depuis le 23 avril, les prestataires ont repris leurs activités de surveillance sur l’ensemble des 22 points de contrôle de la coordination de Butembo." +236444,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,33,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Daily life is also dominated by fear both because of the dangers of moving around a war zone but also fear over catching COVID-19 and the related financial stress facing many households. +214351,45385.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,21,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,La continuité des services de santé est assurée sur l’ensemble de la région malgré l’épidémie de COVID-19 +185048,40800.0,1900.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Injured'],es,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://infosegura.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Analisis-SC-2T-2020.pdf,"En esta misma línea, las lesiones provocadas con arma blanca fueron mayores (en porcentaje) para las mujeres (42%), en comparación con los hombres (32%)" +305759,51572.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,50,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Restore access to clean water through EPR (Emergency and Preparedness Response) intervention while planning fund raising for static partner. The top priority should go to SWATs rehabilitation. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +193925,43327.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,59,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_sectoriel_octobre.pdf,Le système de santé reste à l’épreuve pour assurer l’offre des soins de santé dans les zones à sécurité précaire et dans les localités abritant les personnes déplacées internes. L’insécurité a engendré des conséquences néfastes sur l’accessibilité aux structures sanitaires et l’offre de soins de qualité devient incertaine +61719,18346.0,1184.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,70,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71003.pdf,"• El grupo de trabajo de seguridad alimentaria se ha enfocado en la armonización de los kits alimentarios que se entregan a población venezolana. En este sentido, se colectó información sobre el contenido de los kits (precio, alimentos, unidades, valor nutricional) y lugares de implementación. Adicionalmente, se presentaron los principales resultados de las evaluaciones disponibles en esta área de intervención." +313652,53333.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,46,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Adolescent girls and young women need to be supported by cluster partners with skills, knowledge, equipment and materials that enable them to pursue decent work opportunities, combined with support to authorities to monitor harmful work environments to prevent adolescents from working there." +183239,42114.0,1186.0,[],[],['Casualties->Dead'],en,70,[],['Casualties'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Chile%20COVID-19%20Situation%20report%20No.%205%20-%20October%202020.pdf,"According to WHO COVID-19 Dashboard on 26 October, Chile is no longer in its 12 countries in the world for highest confirmed cases per million people, compared to its 9th place in September. It is now on 8th place in the world for deaths per million people, after Peru, Bolivia, and Brazil in the region, compared to its 4th place in August." +161501,39535.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,81,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Centre-North and Sahel regions remain the most affected regions of the country, with respectively 42 % and 33.6 % of the total registered displaced population. They are followed by the Nord (7.8 %), the Est (7.1 %) and the Boucle de Mouhoun (3.5 %). Displaced population are also seeking for refuge in others regions of the country, like Plateau-Central (1.5 %) et Hauts- Bassins (1.5 %)" +497060,60104.0,1187.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,82,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,"https://www.unicef.org/argentina/media/11626/file/Impacto%20de%20la%20pandemia%20en%20la%20educaci%C3%B3n%20de%20ni%C3%B1as,%20ni%C3%B1os%20y%20adolescentes.pdf","Retomando la tipología de acceso a TIC detallada en el apartado anterior, y la modalidad de cursada al momento de la encuesta se advierte que 1 de cada 6 adolescentes que cursan exclusivamente bajo modalidad no presencial carecen de recursos TIC en sus hogares: o bien no tienen acceso a ningún dispositivo electrónico para efectuar actividades escolares o bien no cuentan con conexión domiciliaria a Internet. Se trata de alrededor de 121.000 estudiantes que se encuentran en esta condición" +330424,53831.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Casualties->Injured', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,120,[],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/12042021_sitrep_s12_whe_oms_rdc_f.pdf,"Le conflit de pouvoir coutumier sur le partage de la redevance coutumière liée à l’exploitation du marché transfrontalier de Kalamba-Mbuji, situé à la frontière du Kasaï-Central et l’Angola, est à l’origine des affrontements observés le 11 mars 2021 qui ont opposé les partisans de deux membres de la famille régnante dans l’AS de Kalamba-Mbuji (ZS de Luambo) dans le Groupement Bakwa Luyambi (territoire de Luiza), (source : sources locales, ONG Travail et Droits de l'Homme (TDH)). Ces affrontements auraient entrainé au moins neuf blessés dont deux graves et des incendies d’une dizaine des maisons d’habitation" +204320,42252.0,2028.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,18,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2020_29Oct2020_FINAL.pdf,remittances –on which many families heavily rely –are estimated to have reduced up to 50 per cent. +149732,37702.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Economy'],en,135,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"Due to exchange rate volatility, the regional banking crisis and other factors, including knock-on effects of the preventive measures of COVID-19 on the economy, dramatic price rises have been recorded in many basic commodities. According to WFP VAM data, the price of an average food basket in the first half of July was 6 per cent higher than June however gradually reduced over the remainder of the month due to the strengthening of the informal exchange rate. Prices nevertheless remained above those recorded in June and 261 per cent more when compared to the same period in 2019. In July the highest rises were recorded in Idleb (up 25 per cent), Lattakia (15 per cent), and Tartous (11 per cent)" +238072,46388.0,2336.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,64,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Similarly, in ceasefires or as part of demobilisation processes, GBV risks are likely to rise. There is a risk that limited but hard-won gains in women’s rights may be a casualty of the peace process and strong advocacy is underway by the international community to emphasise the critical importance of protecting these gains for the future of Afghanistan." +313049,53183.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,20,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"The deteriorating macroeconomic situation in Sudan has affected all facets of life, including the operations of humanitarian interventions." +292289,52058.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,74,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/16-03-21_ni_nord_kivu.pdf,"La société civile de Bukombo dans le territoire de Rutshuru, rapporte qu’environ 2 250 élèves de neuf écoles primaires n’ont pas accès à l’éducation depuis la reprise des cours le 22 février. Ces écoles se trouvent dans les zones affectées par des affrontements armés récurrents, liés aux opérations militaires lancées par l’armée congolaise contre une coalition des groupes armés depuis le 29 janvier" +240058,46388.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Health']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,11,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Food shortages threaten the immediate survival and wellbeing of people. +338316,55951.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,55,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://preventepidemics.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/PERC-Finding-the-Balance-Part-III-12-May-2021.pdf,"[Survey conducted by phone with approximately 24,000 people across 19 Member States in five geographical regions in Africa, including DRC] The delay in vaccine supply does present an opportunity to ramp up vaccine acceptance campaigns and logistics for efficient vaccine roll-out—and to continually monitor and address vaccine confidence—before vaccines arrive in country" +194603,43822.0,2311.0,[],[],['Casualties->Dead'],es,30,[],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19112020_flash_update_no.3_emergencias_por_ola_invernal_-_colombia_vf.pdf,"Por su parte, el CDGRD de Norte de Santander reporta inundaciones por lluvias en el Municipio de Cúcuta y 3 fallecidos en el sitio por caída de muro." +271054,47809.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,102,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_7.pdf,"Se notificaron 11 613 hospitalizaciones por IRAG en unidad de cuidados intensivos - UCI e intermedios, presentando incremento frente a lo notificado a la misma semana de los tres años anteriores con el 310,1 % frente a 2020, 371,1 % comparado con 2019 y 400,3 % frente a 2018. Se presenta incremento en 31 entidades territoriales, entre las cuales resaltan Caquetá, Valle del Cauca, Nariño, Cundinamarca, Antioquia y Huila; Arauca presenta disminución y no presentan comportamientos inusuales: Amazonas, Atlántico, Chocó, Córdoba, Guainía, Guaviare, y Vaupés." +346152,56952.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,109,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20monitoreo%20enero-marzo%202021%20-%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20vers%C3%B3n%20final.pdf,"equisitos - prueba sumaria e idónea: Se re- fiere a la portación de una prueba que pueda certificar que la persona en situación irregular migratoria estuvo en Colombia antes del 31 de enero, por ejemplo, a través de un contrato de arriendo o servicios. Sin embargo, las personas monitoreadas por DRC podría presentar difi- cultades para presentar tal prueba porque, en su mayoría viven en arriendos de pago diario, contratos verbales, asentamientos informales, inquilinatos etc. Estas circunstancias dificultan demostrar la intención de permanencia en Co- lombia por medio de contratos de arriendo o fac- turas de servicios públicos." +196716,43328.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,49,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_smart_rapid_pdi_2020_bfa_final.pdf,"Poursuivre et augmenter la couverture des interventions d’appui, de promotion et de support à l’allaitement car la cible des enfants de 6-23 mois a été identifiée dans cette enquête comme la plus vulnérable à la malnutrition aigüe. [partenaires techniques et financiers]" +299248,52086.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,32,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[25th March, 2021, Overall Syria] 62% of female-headed HHs reported health facilities as their second infrastructure need (compared to 47 percent of male-headed HHs)." +175166,40890.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"La no disponibilidad de recursos financieros es la principal barrera para acceder a alimentos, señalada por el 92% de los hogares; el siguiente motivo más frecuente (28%) es que los productos preferidos han subido de precio o están demasiado costosos. La falta de artículos de hogar para preparar los alimentos, al igual que el temor de contagio, son también barreras destacadas" +238001,46388.0,2336.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,12,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Loss of livelihood and increased food prices have increased household vulnerability. +320479,52949.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Overall, 28,000 refugees and asylum seekers and 65,859 refugee returnees will be in need of shelter and NFI support in 2021." +329148,53878.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,40,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SOYDA%20Monthly%20Progressive%20Report-Feb%202021.pdf,Provided 174 solar lanterns to improve safety for women and girls in IDP communities and provide opportunity for school children to study after work. Lanterns reduce the risk of fire and the negative impacts of burning kerosen indoors. +150424,37702.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,70,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"WHO, UNICEF, Health and WASH partners are working closely with relevant authorities to enhance IPC measures across public spaces, support health facilities, and to integrate measures across humanitarian programmes. Health and WASH actors continue health facility assessments to gauge IPC capacity, with many implementing IPC measures, including by establishing distance, maintaining cross-ventilation, handwashing and disinfection, and upgrading triage areas." +310511,53179.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,24,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Flash%20Update%20-%20Sudan%20-%2017%20Jan%202021_1.pdf,"On 2 February, the Deputy Governor lifted the requirement for police escorts to deliver aid in the gathering sites in Ag Geneina." +214337,45385.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,58,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Seulement trois districts de santé sur 31 sont toujours actifs au 30 juin (Maroua 1 et 2 et Pette). Les tests de dépistage rapides sont décentralisés au niveau des districts depuis le 22 juin, ce qui a permis de réduire les retards et les coûts liés à la centralisation des dépistages à Maroua." +146064,34803.0,2028.0,['Nutrition'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Economy'],en,49,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"TheCOVID-19 outbreak and continued economic downturn will cause further deterioration of the nutrition situation during the second half of 2020, as result of dysfunctional markets, limited livelihood opportunities, inflation, low purchasing power, increasing food insecurity and disruption of access to health and WASH services" +112846,29955.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,26,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76820,"La población migrante, en especial las mujeres, ven aumentada su exposición a riesgos asociados a situaciones de trata, tráfico y violencia sexual." +178221,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],['Displacement->Pull Factors'],fr,50,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Les conflits armés et les catastrophes naturelles (inondations, etc.) continuent de provoquer des mouvements de population massifs, principalement dans l’est du pays. Les déplacements sont continus et très dynamiques en raison des chocs récurrents et des évolutions des différents contextes locaux." +209811,45080.0,2170.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,57,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%209%20Dec%202020.pdf,"[9thDec2020 Borno State]Delays in delivery of WASH construction materials from Maiduguri to Dikwa LGA in Borno due to security clearance slowed the response throughout the month of August. In Konduga and other locations, the theft of submersible pumps has led to water supply shortages and increased pressure on existing water points." +178538,40661.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Dans la plupart des villes, le recours à des stratégies d’adaptation des moyens d’existence est limitée. Par exemple, 27% des ménages de Goma et 30% des ménages de Mbuji-Mayi n’ont utilisé aucune stratégie de survie." +176400,41733.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,52,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/reach_drc_bulletin-des-marche-2_juin-2020.pdf,"En comparaison, les variations du prix du PMA étaient moins marquées entre février et mars, comparé aux augmentations notées entre avril et mai. Entre février et mars, les variations étaient plutôt saisonnières, étant donné que cette période est marquée par une plus grande disponibilité de produits." +310518,53179.0,2466.0,[],[],[],en,52,[],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Flash%20Update%20-%20Sudan%20-%2017%20Jan%202021_1.pdf,"Almost US$7 million has been allocated for the response in West Darfur. This includes $1.3 million from the Sudan Humanitarian Fund, and $1.1 million from IOM’s Rapid Response Fund (RRF). The Start Fund provided $272,716 to two international NGOs." +341889,56644.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,59,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.sismamujer.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/MUJERES-DERECHOS-LABORALES-Y-EMERGENCIA-SANITARIA.docx.pdf,"En general, la Corporación Sisma Mujer pudo evidenciar que este sector, en especial el hotelero, se encuentra organizado en sindicatos mixtos, en el que las mujeres participantes manifestaron encontrar violencia de género al interior, no solo por las formas organizativas jerárquicas y patriarcales, sino también por las posturas machistas de sus integrantes35." +220902,45410.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,82,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"Les prix du mouton à N’Djaména actuellement inférieurs à la moyenne resteraient à ce niveau avec une relative hausse ponctuelle, qui serait encore en deçà de la moyenne quinquennale, en décembre 2020 en raison des fêtes de fin d’année. Cette tendance baissière serait davantage prononcée à partir de mars à cause de la perte d’embonpoint consécutive à la soudure pastorale et une faible demande intérieure couplée à la limitation de l’exportation" +151723,38087.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,56,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Selon Dr Brice Bicaba, Coordonnateur par intérim de la pandémie, l’analyse de la courbe épidémiologique montre que le ralentissement du nombre de nouveau cas se confirme et que toute l’équipe de riposte travaille au renforcement des messages de sensibilisation afin d’en arriver au nombre de zéro cas." +274518,50587.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MENSUEL%20DE%20PROTECTION%20JANVIER%202021-NORD.pdf,"A Anegada, dans la commune de Titao, on rencontre de plus en plus des personnes qui disposent de CNIB expirée mais qui n’ont pas la possibilité de faire établir de nouvelles cartes." +193159,42642.0,2311.0,"['Logistics', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://noticias.canal1.com.co/nacional/defensoria-pueblo-puestos-ingreso-atencion-migrantes/,"No solo en Cúcuta, sino en otros municipios por donde tambiéningresan por caminos ilegales como Pamplona, Los Patios y Silos, en Norte de Santander, y la vía a Bucaramanga en Santander." +268302,49758.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,28,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,Educación: Se requiere kits de educación en emergencia y el desarrollo de actividades dirigidas a los cerca de 90 niños y niñas desplazados que se reportaron. +178501,41756.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],fr,79,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Au Sud-Kivu, le GTPE estime que 475 000 enfants sont affectés par les conflits et ont besoin d’appui psychosocial. La détérioration de la situation sécuritaire dans les Hauts Plateaux de Fizi, Itombwe/ Mwenga et Uvira a exposé un nombre important d’enfants à la séparation familiale et au recrutement par les groupes armés. Dans la province, plus de 1 080 EAFGA ont besoin d’une prise en charge adéquate." +48094,13061.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,47,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.derechos.org.ve/web/wp-content/uploads/MigracionLigia.pdf,"Trabajo y explotación sexual por supervivencia, incluso trata de personas, controladas por grupos armados con repercusiones en salud pública (ETS). Se reportan casos de violencia/abuso sexual contra mujeres y menores venezolanas por miembros de las comunidades de acogida y actores armados24." +158653,39277.0,2170.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,43,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NMMB_June2020_Final.pdf,"Prices of food commodities are expected to remain on the rise following COVID-19 related restriction with decreased supply due increased transportation costs, border and movement restrictions, and seasonal decreased supply during the current lean season from June to August 2020." +184407,42131.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Security & Stability'],es,97,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://m.lasillavacia.com/putumayo-no-golpea-tanto-virus-del-covid-como-los-armados-78952?amp=1&__twitter_impression=true,"El fin de semana, la Defensoría del Pueblo y sectores políticos alternativos, denunciaron una incursión armada en el corregimiento de Yurilla de Puerto Leguízamo, el municipio más militarizado del departamento. Hasta allá llegaron integrantes de La Mafia, un grupo armado que se creó con disidentes de las Farc y otras bandas que históricamente han movido el narcotráfico en la región. La intención de La Mafia, según le confirmaron a La Silla cuatro fuentes en terreno, era presentarse ante la comunidad y anunciar su presencia y control del territorio." +198999,44208.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],fr,45,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fasozine.com/actualite/politique/8925-elections-du-22-novembre-2020-les-parties-prenantes-signent-un-pacte-de-bonne-conduite.html,"En prélude à ces joutes oratoires entre les différents partis politiques engagés dans la course, le Conseil supérieur de la communication (CSC) a organisé ce lundi 26 octobre 2020 dans l'apres-midi, une cérémonie de signature solennelle du pacte de bonne conduite" +241404,47421.0,2170.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,105,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SHL_report_pushed-to-the-brink_January-2021-1.pdf,"[1st Jan 2021, Nigeria]The majority of respondents reported that COVID-19 had impacted their livelihood sources in their area of origin (100 out of 135). This was particularly the case for Nigerian (29 out of 30) and Burkinabé respondents (55 out of 74) and slightly less so for Nigerien respondents (16 out of 31). No difference was found between those who migrated and those had been unable to do so, illustrating how both groups likely rely on the same livelihood sources which were equally affected for both groups at origin." +489847,67830.0,2170.0,['Cross'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,66,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rc_report_august_2021.pdf,"[1st Aug 2021, BAY states] NON-FOOD ITEMS (NFI): NFI services include the distribution of full NFI kits, hygiene kits and dignity kits. 1,536HH are in need of NFIs in Pulka (680HH), Ngala (368HH), Bama (201HH), Banki (159HH) Monguno (113HH) and Gwoza (15HH)." +325626,54815.0,2099.0,[],[],[],en,56,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"The results also suggest that maternal mortality is strongly associated with the primary health facility theoretical radius of action (rayon moyen d'action théorique, RMAT), another distinctly spatial variable. Namely, maternal mortality increases by between 11 and 14 per 100,000 deliveries for each additional kilometer of RMAT, all else equal" +305551,51474.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,70,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"From 25 to 27 January, the Deputy Special Representative (Political) for South Sudan visited Maban, where he engaged with key stakeholders, including representatives of the Ceasefire and Transitional Security Arrangements Monitoring and Verification Mechanism, communities, humanitarian partners and local authorities, and called upon all parties to immediately deescalate the situation and prevent the further loss of life and displacement of civilians." +200167,44439.0,2099.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],fr,22,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"- Accès difficile à certains sites (Banh, Sollé, Kaïn Tangaye, Koumbri) pour cause d’insécurité," +9175,2909.0,322.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,79,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_jan_to_apr_2018.pdf,"During March and April, Health Cluster partners provided over 1.1 million consultations through supported health facilities. Over 30,000 children under the age of one year received Penta 3 vaccine while more than 13,500 deliveries were assisted by skilled birth attendants. Additionally, around 6,400 trauma cases were treated, and 1,494 mental health consultations provided by the health workers. More than 65,000 women received antenatal care. More than 3,000 health staff were trained." +152350,38139.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,59,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cox-s-bazar-sitrep-17.pdf,"As of 02 August 2020, 12 Severe Acute Respiratory Illness (SARI) ITCs are active and can receive patients. The Intensive Care Unit/High Dependency Unit facility at Sadar Hospital with eight ICU and ten HDU beds is also operational. There are 448 and 38 active SARI ITC and isolation beds respectively in the camps." +183620,42456.0,2099.0,['WASH'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Environment'],en,20,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.unicef.org/wca/media/5411/file/UNICEF-WCARO-Central-Sahel-Advocacy-October-2020.pdf,"Accelerated climate change effects are causing water points to dry-up, and yearly floods are regularly damaging WASH infrastructure." +177153,41093.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,133,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"La tasa de interés de los certificados de depósito a término de 90 días (DTF) registraron una disminución de 167 pbs respecto a la tasa observada en febrero del presente año, que equivale al 84% del ajuste de la tasa de política monetaria (Cuadro 1). Por su parte, la tasa de interés promedio por cuentas de ahorro se redujo en 80 pbs frente la tasa observada en febrero de 2020. La menor reducción en la tasa de las cuentas de ahorro es consistente con una menor volatilidad histórica. Ambas tasas, DTF y tasa de interés promedio de cuenta de ahorros, registraron su mínimo histórico, al igual que la tasa de intervención y las tasas interbancarias (Gráfico 2)." +17172,7188.0,321.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,153,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/67421.pdf,"Resettlement processing of evacuees from Libya in Niger (Group 2 + 3) Since 1 September 2017, 1,581 individuals have been submitted for resettlement to 11 resettlement States (Belgium, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom and the United States). A total of 970 individuals have departed on resettlement from Niger to Belgium, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States. A total of 290 individuals have been accepted for resettlement and are pending departure from Niger to Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Norway, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States. A total of 202 individuals have been submitted for resettlement and are pending interview or decision by a resettlement country in Niger" +239235,47351.0,2170.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,60,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Factsheet_NGA2005-Biu-LGA-Borno-state-November-2020.pdf,"[1st Nov2020,Biu LGA, Borno states]Nearly one in five (17%) displaced households and one in five (17%) non-displaced households reported insufficient access to water to meet the daily needs of the household, while 7% and 9% of households, respectively, reported insufficient access drinking water" +164196,37783.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://tande.substack.com/p/syria-in-context-coronavirus-update-ffe,"There is a significant lack of PPE among medical personnel, asSyria in Contextreported last week. Indeed, front-line medical workers and key civil servants have been heavily affected." +303978,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,48,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Between January and October 2020, UNMISS documented more than 1,200 human rights incidents, including arbitrary killings, injuries, abductions, conflict-related sexual violence, arbitrary arrests and detention, torture and ill-treatment, forced military recruitment, and the looting and destruction of civilian property" +38724,13756.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,85,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LibyaCOFlashUpdate%200703June2019.pdf,"Migrants and refugees including children remain trapped in the detention centres close to the conflict lines and are in serious need of food, water, health care and protection services. According to reports, the situation in the detention centres which are accommodating migrants moved from the conflict affected centres are worsening, resulting in appalling living conditions. On 03 June UNHCR succeeded in evacuating over 100 detainees from the Zintan Detention centre to their Gathering and Departure Facility in Tripoli." +307203,51467.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Health', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,95,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Food security and livelihoods were identified as the most needed forms of assistance for men in 16 per cent of assessed settlements in October 2020. Similarly, food assistance was recognized as the priority need for women, as reported in 23 per cent of assessed settlements, however, livelihoods was the fifth most commonly reported priority need for women. In the case of children, food assistance was the third most frequently identified pressing need (as reported in 14 per cent of assessed settlements), behind education and health" +173682,41024.0,1388.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],en,23,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rapid%20needs%20assessment%20-%20Impact%20of%20COVID-19%20on%20PoC%20from%20other%20nationalities%20-%20Costa%20Rica%2C%20August%202020.pdf,92% of those with paid jobs before the pandemic experienced a change in their work conditions as a consequence of the pandemic +265494,49772.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,38,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/17_feb_2021_fas_meeting_minutes.pdf,"(Syria 17/02/2021) most of governorates were reached with at least 50% or above except for Tartous and Lattakia. However, there was some overlap observed in the sector response in Quneitra in 2020." +239025,47107.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,59,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[Sep 2020] Since reopening in September, sharp rises of school-related cases have also been recorded, with 1,540 cases reported up to 10 December; including at least 12 reported deaths. Of those affected, 858 were reported to be teachers/administrative staff, with the highest numbers in Rural Damascus, Homs and Hama." +491607,68069.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,50,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20Nigeria%20DTM%20Emergency%20Tracking%20Tool%20%28ETT%29%20Report%20No.241%20%2813%20%20-%2019%20September%202021%29.pdf,"[13th-19th Sep 2021, Borno] Bama: 1,518 arrivals were recorded in Bama LGA of Borno State. The arrivals included 1,385 individuals from within Bama LGA, and 133 individuals from Marwa region in Cameroon. All of the movements recorded were due to voluntary relocation." +70239,20090.0,1386.0,[],[],[],es,188,[],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71686_0.pdf,"Se resaltan tres retos frente a los cambios de la población refugiada y migrante venezolana, que marcan la dinámica de movilidad: 1. Frente a las personas que aún no han salido de Venezuela: la mayoría no tiene documentos, por lo que se prevén problemas de irregularidad y mayores necesidades humanitarias y de protección. En este sentido, la respuesta operativa debe ser complementaria, aunque diversa. 2. Se debe aprovechar las oportunidades de regularización para quienes ya se encuentren dentro de los países receptores. Por parte de la Plataforma Regional, se debe fortalecer el monitoreo en frontera para medir la incidencia. Las Defensorías del Pueblo, pueden jugar un papel fundamental en todas las fronteras de la región, realizando un monitoreo con enfoque binacional, y muchas veces regional. 3. Así mismo, debe estar presente en la planificación el apoyo a las comunidades locales. En Colombia, por ejemplo, el porcentaje de aceptación a la población venezolana ha disminuido. Se deben difundir mensajes positivos sobre la llegada de venezolanos." +164334,38902.0,1183.0,['Cross'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,25,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"Risk 4 Venezuelan authorities halt regular returns to Venezuela, leaving Venezuelans with return intentions stuck in Colombia, unable to meet their basic needs" +194608,43822.0,2311.0,"['Nutrition', 'Shelter', 'Food Security', 'WASH']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,37,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19112020_flash_update_no.3_emergencias_por_ola_invernal_-_colombia_vf.pdf,"En San Andrés, se han reportado 700 familias que se encuentran en albergues temporales, con necesidades de implementos de aseo e higiene con enfoque diferencial por sexo y edad, alimentos, y medicamentos." +325096,54766.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,117,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note-info_1_31_mars_2021_ocha_bukavu_0.pdf,"A la mi-février, le Programme alimentaire mondial a distribué des vivres en faveur de 93 000 personnes déplacées dans les Hauts-Plateaux de Fizi, grâce à son partenaire AIDES. Il s’agit du troisième cycle de distribution, les deux premiers ayant eu lieu en octobre et novembre 2020. Le PAM a renouvelé son action au mois de mars avec des rations d’un mois qui ont pu être distribuées cette fois-ci uniquement à la moitié des 93 000 déplacés dans le territoire de Fizi en raison de contraintes logistiques, principalement sur les axes Abala – Lusuku, Lumanya – Kichula – Fizi centre et Bwala – Milimba – Kananda." +292383,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,11,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,TPFANPA4 : 5/100 000 enfants < 15 ans [hepatitis] +338416,55951.0,2225.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,99,"['At Risk', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://preventepidemics.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/PERC-Finding-the-Balance-Part-III-12-May-2021.pdf,"[Survey conducted by phone with approximately 24,000 people across 19 Member States in five geographical regions in Africa, including DRC] Social protection programs have not adequately reached the most vulnerable in order to lessen the economic burdens experienced during the pandemic. Only 13% of all respondents reported receiving any support from the government in the past month. Among households that reported receiving government support, lower income groups were no more likely receive benefits than the higher income groups, suggesting that further efforts are needed to target the most vulnerable populations." +162653,31010.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],"['Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead']",es,100,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/elclaguajira_flasupdate1_covid19.05.2020vf_0.pdf,"Al día 14 de mayo en el departamento de La Guajira se reportan 32 casos de COVID-19, distribuidos así; 9 en Riohacha, 10 en Maicao, 3 en Albania, 2 en Distracción, 2 en Fonseca y 6 en San Juan del César. Se registran 4 fallecidos, 1 paciente hospitalizado en Valledupar y 1 recuperado. Se registran 2 casos positivos que han sido notificados por otros departamentos a donde los pacientes fueron remitidos por requerir servicios de mayor complejidad tecnológica. El número de pruebas realizadas en el departamento es de 779." +236312,46388.0,2336.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,40,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Quarantine measures, school closures and restrictions on movement have disrupted children's routine and social support structures, while also placing new stressors on parents and caregivers who often have to find new childcare options or forgo work." +178208,41756.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"La couverture sanitaire en RDC est également très faible (30 pour cent). Seulement 27 pour cent de l’ensemble des institutions sanitaires ont un indice moyen de capacité opérationnelle de délivrance des prestations conforme aux normes (personnels de santé formés, disponibilité d’intrants, d’équipements, de matériels médicaux, existence de protocoles).32" +211248,44944.0,2028.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],en,54,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Whole%20of%20Syria%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20October%202020.pdf,"[October 2020, NW Syria] On 6 October, a vehicle-borne IED exploded in Al Bab city and reportedly killed 21 people including four children and injured at least 80 others. Three of the people injured are NGO workers working as part of the northwest’s COVID-19 referral system." +325245,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,29,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Armed groups have also reportedly threatened teachers, children, and families, causing fear about attending school, and in some cases, resulting in school closures." +318582,52949.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,71,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"It is estimated that in 2021 around 2.3 million people (1.14 million for treatment services and 1.16 million for preventive services) in Somalia will require both lifesaving curative and preventive nutrition support. This number includes children under 5, pregnant and lactating women, as well as girls. Out of the total in need, around 511,706 are IDPs, who are particularly vulnerable to malnutrition." +325092,54766.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,52,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note-info_1_31_mars_2021_ocha_bukavu_0.pdf,"Les organisations Actions et Interventions pour le Développement et l'Encadrement Social (AIDES) et Médecins d’Afrique (MDA) interviennent sur la prévention communautaire, la désinfection des ménages affectés, la sensibilisation porte-à-porte, les émissions à la radio et la distribution de purifiants d’eau." +322088,54683.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],es,39,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/noticias/salud/coronavirus-en-colombia-hoy-26-de-abril-casos-y-principales-noticias/,Hay 103.686 casos activos de COVID-19 en el país. El gobierno nacional pidió que se aplazaran las marchas convocadas para el paro del 28 de abril por los altos contagios y ocupación UCI en el territorio nacional. +155285,38385.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],es,69,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/R4V%20Flash%20Update%20Colombia%20-%20Situaci%C3%B3n%20de%20refugiados%20y%20migrantes%20provenientes%20de%20Venezuela%20ante%20COVID-19%2C%20Julio%2028%20al%20Agosto%2031%2C%202020.pdf,"Continúa la asistencia en salud en Cali, por medio de la atención en salud primaria prioritaria, atención psicosocial y entrega de medicamentos a través de la Empresa Social del Estado E.S.E Centro de Cali, además de la atención en primer nivel (medicina general, psicología, nutrición y odontología) y las atenciones de segundo nivel (obstetricia) en el Hospital Carlos Carmona." +125697,31803.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Protection']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,32,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77205.pdf,"La pandemia de COVID-19 ha dificultado aún más el acceso al proceso de solicitud de refugio, porque ha reducido la capacidad de las agencias humanitarias de asistir a los solicitantes." +216610,45416.0,2225.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,35,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,"Sept (7) écoles (EP) situées toutes au quartier Masosi sont présentement occupées par 795 ménages déplacés soit 4770 personnes dont 3339 enfants, parmi ces ménages figurent 131 ménages pygmées." +309770,51467.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"According to WHO and UNICEF estimates of immunization coverage from 2019, more than half of children are not fully immunized and the transmission of vaccine-preventable diseases such as measles continues unabated." +219165,45719.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,50,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/431459-coronavirus-nigerias-new-cases-rise-again-as-country-records-second-highest-figure.html,"[16thDec2020,Nigeria]The number is over 300 per cent higher than the 201 cases recorded the previous day and came four days after the country recorded its highest daily figure of 796. The previous record before the 796 was the 745 reported on June 19." +212857,45247.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,14,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20201204_SPD_Weekly_Delivering-SDG-in-Africa-Amidst-COVID-19-Part-4-of-4.pdf,"As of December 4, 2020, Nigeria has so far recorded 68,303 cases" +36135,11046.0,788.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,90,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68626.pdf,"Maltreatment of UASCs by relatives and foster families; substance abuse most by boys, a few by girls; and lacking of play facilities and equipment for children in settlements have been recognized by refugees as most serious child protection issues. It is essential to conduct BIA/BID and have regular monitoring and follow up of UASCs in both settlements, through which UNHCR, local authorities and partners can support and intervene. The Child Protection Committee can play a better role to improve the above situation." +212037,45203.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Protection', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,46,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://fews.net/west-africa/cameroon/food-security-outlook/june-2020,"The recent Boko Haram attacks, which have involved looting of food and livestock, are damaging the livelihoods of poor families because farmers are reluctant to work in their fields for fear of violence, especially in the Logone-et-Chari, Mayo-Sava and Mayo-Tsanaga departments." +314803,52949.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,48,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"More than 1.6 million displaced people are in urgent need of improved transitional and permanent shelters that offer more protection, privacy and dignity over longer periods of time. Of this, 1.3 million are in severe need of basic shelter while 191,000 reported catastrophic conditions." +292421,52073.0,2334.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"L’ONG Alima a été présente dès le 28 Janvier 2019 en se positionnant sur la prise en charge spécifique des populations par groupe d’âge. Ainsi, les enfants de moins de 5 ans ont pu être assistés sur des urgences nutritionnelles et pédiatriques." +63636,18631.0,788.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Demography'],en,101,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_floodoverview_13092019.pdf,"Increased protection-related vulnerabilities such as the enhanced risk of SGBV, physical and sexual abuse and abductions for women and children. Many are sleeping under open skies with limited access to shelters as camps have become waterlogged. This has led to congestion in drier areas within all affected camp particularly in Bama, Maiduguri, Munguno, Ngala, Damboa, and Damasak of Borno State. • About 100 HHs moved to the host community in Maiduguri from Mohammed Goni International Stadium Camp leading to congestion in the host community and enhanced vulnerabilities of the moving population." +386453,60395.0,1186.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,78,[],['Context'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"En materia educativa, se han desarrollado una serie de decretos, circulares y ordenanzas, entre los que destaca el Decreto 1393 (2014) que crea el Consejo de Política Migratoria, que coordina y regula la política migratoria; y el Instructivo Presidencial No 5 (2015), que asegura el acceso, permanencia y continuidad de los niños, niñas y adolescentes migrantes en el sistema educativo (MINEDUC, 2017)." +325875,55012.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],es,95,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Indicadores de incidencia Los departamentos y distritos que presentaron los aumentos relativos más altos de COVID-19 en las últimas 48 horas fueron: San Andrés 3,4% (114), Barranquilla 2,7% (384), La Guajira 2,5 % (673), Casanare 1,9% (275), Buenaventura 1,7 % (73), Atlántico 1,6 % (1314), Cesar 1,6 % (810), Putumayo 1,5 % (141), Santa Marta 1,4% (574), Bolívar 1,4 % (176)" +170918,40447.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,44,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syriahr.com/en/185493/,"[24th September 2020, NW Syria] Testing capacity is insufficient, and [fewer] than 9,000 tests have been administered to date. But lack of testing is just one of the many challenges people in north-west Syria are facing." +310515,53179.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Flash%20Update%20-%20Sudan%20-%2017%20Jan%202021_1.pdf,IOM reports that 72 per cent of the IDPs in Ag Geneina town intend to return to their previous locations – the Krinding and Sultan House camps – once the security situation allows. +274522,50587.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,50,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MENSUEL%20DE%20PROTECTION%20JANVIER%202021-NORD.pdf,"Dans les communes d’accueil comme Ouahigouya, la plupart des PDIs vivent dans des maisons d’emprunts, en location ou dans des familles d’accueil. Le coût moyen de la location dans les zones communément appelées non loties s’élève à 7500f." +209708,45080.0,2170.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,39,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%209%20Dec%202020.pdf,"[9thDec2020,Nigeria]The Food Security sector together with WASH, CCCM and Protection sectors continued their joint approach to messaging, hygiene kit delivery, physical-distancing in all activities, and protection-related monitoring and referrals." +291538,51259.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2020_access_annual_overview.pdf,"Partners working in Ayod, Fashoda, Juba, Malakal, Rubkona, Wau and Yei counties were most affected with 65 per cent of access denials, interferences and bureaucratic impediments incidents reported." +311693,53183.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,41,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"In 2020, donors provided US$979.6 million towards the 2020 Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) and outside the HRP. The total contributions to the HRP were $865.8 million, or 53 per cent of requirement." +354368,57966.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,28,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/salud/colombia-recibe-un-nuevo-lote-de-vacunas-538200-anticovid-de-pfizer/?cx_testId=28&cx_testVariant=cx_1&cx_artPos=0#cxrecs_s,"Esta semana el plan de vacunación ya superó los 13 millones de dosis aplicadas en el territorio nacional, de las cuales 3′980.118 corresponden a segundas dosis." +236154,47122.0,2334.0,['Shelter'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,25,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"In line with needs assessments, UNHCR and partners are transporting 4,000 shelter kits and 3,000 NFI kits in warehouses in Bamenda and Buea." +192896,43304.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,73,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Soutenir les services de promotion de l’emploi pour assurer la continuité de leurs services (intermédiation entre l’offre et la demande de travail, le placement de la main-d’œuvre, appuis aux entreprises dans l’identification de la main-d’œuvre requise, etc) en se réadaptant au contexte du COVID19 sur la base de nouvelles approches innovantes de travail respectant la distanciation physique ?" +190164,43304.0,2332.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],fr,19,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Pour ce qui est des transports interurbains, les pertes mensuelles sont évaluées à 633 millions de FCFA." +142073,35870.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,According to reports the new cases have not had contact with each other; all are further reported to have underlying health conditions and are self-isolating in their homes; with immediate family members and recent contacts also in quarantine. Contact tracing is reported to be ongoing. +282377,51025.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,60,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/bangladeshs-daily-covid-19-cases-keep-crossing-1000-mark/66030,"[13th March 2021, Bangladesh]Before that, a daily caseload of above 1,000-mark – 1,071 cases – were recorded on January 10. With the new numbers, the death toll went up to 8,527 and total infections to 556,236, the DGHS said. However, 1,138 people recovered from Covid-19 during the same period." +50960,16732.0,1184.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,55,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,,"Con miras a una encuesta nacional sobre el impacto de la migración en comunidades receptoras y migrantes, el BM y Telefónica se asociaron para utilizar “big data” y otras tecnologías innovadoras que hacen uso de los datos de teléfonos para estimar el lugar de residencia de los migrantes en el país." +190133,43304.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,39,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Il s’agit notamment des boutiques non alimentaires (quincaillerie, ventes des cosmétiques, ventes des prêt-à-porter, etc.) où plus de trente mille unités de ventes sont fermées depuis le 24 Mars 2020." +325090,54766.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,94,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note-info_1_31_mars_2021_ocha_bukavu_0.pdf,"Selon le rapport épidémiologique de la semaine 8 (22 au 28 février 2021) de l’OMS et du ministère national de la santé, une flambée de cas de choléra a été observée dans la zone de santé de Fizi (61 cas notifiés en semaine 7 contre 23 cas en semaine 6). Cette situation est consécutive aux inondations qui ont affecté, la semaine précédente, l’aire de santé de Katanga, qui a notifié 90 % des cas de toute la zone de santé." +237819,47230.0,2311.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Population'],[],es,39,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"El 76% de los hogares que priorizan alimentos, y el 85% de los que priorizan vivienda como necesidad, prefieren transferencias monetarias (dinero en efectivo, bonos o cupos) como modalidad de respuesta." +319968,52949.0,2331.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,44,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"As at September 2020, 14,263178 unaccompanied and separated children have been registered, most of whom report experiencing emotional distress. These groups of children are at further heightened risk of child trafficking, abuse and exploitation in the camps and communities." +314693,52949.0,2331.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,24,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Children with disabilities often struggle to access education in Somalia, due to a lack of accessibility facilities, transport and trained staff." +61705,18346.0,1184.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,24,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71003.pdf,"En cuanto a salud y nutrición, 1.056 niños/as recibieron suplementos nutricionales y se entregó kits de bebés a 2.157 niños y niñas8." +343258,45764.0,2332.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Protection']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,101,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/0004_202008_rrm_msa_rapport_final_wolirom.pdf,"Protection : Les personnes, se sentant toujours en danger dans leurs localités, continuent d’affluer vers Wolirom. L’effectif augmente chaque jour, sans un suivi. C’est la raison pour laquelle le nombre exact n’a pu être apprécié afin d’évaluer le flux hebdomadaire. Bien qu’il n’y ait pas encore eu de cas avérés de violences sexuelles, il serait prudent de rester vigilent puisqu’il n’y a pas d’éléments des forces de défense et de sécurité à proximité." +264344,48806.0,2332.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,95,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_final_enquete_smart_27112019.pdf,"Le facteur état de santé étant une cause directe de la malnutrition, pourrait également expliquer les taux de mortalité très élevés dans certaines provinces dont les deux Logones (Ouaddai (2,46), Salamat (2,21), Sila (3,29), Chari Baguirmi (2,65), Logones Occidental (2,99) et Logone Oriental (5,08). La province du Logone oriental est en situation d’urgence avec plus de 4 décès par jour pour 10 000 enfants de moins de 5 ans (5,08 décès)." +303770,51467.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Context->Economy', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,101,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,FEBRUARY-OCTOBER 2020- Access: Access constraints related to sub-national violence hindered humanitarian organizations from reaching people in need. Nine aid workers were killed in 2020. NOVEMBER 2020- Economic woes: The South Sudanese Pound rose to a new yearly high due to a decrease in the country’s oil revenues and in turn led to a sharp rise in the price of basic commodities. DECEMBER 2020- Food insecurity: The Integrated Food Security Phase Classification projected that 7.37 million people will be food insecure (IPC Phase 3 or worse) by the 2021 lean season. +439617,63184.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,72,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Burkina%20Faso%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%201%20May%20-%2030%20June%202021.pdf,"During the period June 21 to 28, 2021, eight schools were attacked by non-state armed groups in the Est region from the following basic education districts of Manni II: Mopienga, Balemba, Pénifoagou, Dabesma, Madori, Kobori, Liamboandi and Karmama. The report mentioned the following major facts (not exhaustive): theft of school materials, burning of documents and school supplies." +236294,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,19,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Child casualties amounted to 31 per cent of all civilian casualties in the first 9 months of 2020. +221975,45410.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,67,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"[La région du Lac dans la Zone 8 - « Zone ouest agropastorale et de pêche » ]: Dans le cadre de la réponse à la COVID-19, le PAM a fourni deux cycles d’assistance à travers des distributions générales ciblées (DGC) à 16 170 personnes dont 11 658 bénéficiaires lors du second tour mi-septembre dans les chefs-lieux de départements." +312029,53177.0,2466.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,23,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Sudan%20Multi-Sectoral%20Location%20Assessment_South%20Kordofan.pdf,The main income generating activities in Reif Ashargi are agriculture and livestock husbandry. Veterinary services are available at only six sites. +237219,46388.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,57,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Particularly high rates of households marrying off a daughter earlier than intended were recorded in Faryab (35 per cent), Paktya (26 per cent), Kunduz (22 per cent), Uruzgan (14 per cent), Badghis (14 per cent), Khost (14 per cent)." +238299,46388.0,2336.0,"['Education', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,26,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In addition, negative coping strategies for vulnerable households prevent children from enrolling and attending school in favour of employment that contributes to household income." +193958,43327.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,7,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_sectoriel_octobre.pdf,"Enfants vaccinés contre la rougeole 1,5 K" +115508,31694.0,1898.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,95,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UN_Situation%20Report%2011_COVID19_del%2003%20al%2015%20JUN_2020.pdf,"Protección Contexto y necesidades: • Según el informe de la OIM con base a 498 encuestas en CC: 35 personas son casos de desplazamiento forzado interno y no pueden volver a su comunidad de origen. Se evidencian retos para integrarse a la vida comunitaria, inclusión laboral, acceso a servicios financieros y acceso al sistema de salud. Además, el 29% de las personas no tienen acceso a documentos vigentes, lo cual puede ser un desafío y obstáculo para la inclusión laboral y acceso a servicios financieros." +307055,51467.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],en,54,"['Impact', 'Priority Interventions']",[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,COVID-19 is affecting the mental health of children and adolescents and depression and anxiety are prevalent. Additional research is needed to assess the short- and long term effects of COVID-19 on children’s overall mental health and to look at ways to improve the situation through the use of positive coping mechanisms +313723,53333.0,2334.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,37,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Besides the fear that is associated with attending formal education even when schools reopened on October 5 2020, the adolescent girls lacked the means to continue with their education as they had to assume parental roles" +125337,32724.0,1620.0,"['Agriculture', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,41,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ca5464en.pdf,"The cattle sector is highly productive, and particularly the commercial systems. Productivity has however increased in all systems with respect to today, because of availability of both public and private goods and services along the value chain." +287944,51049.0,2028.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nw_syria_sitrep25_20210226.pdf,"[26 Feb, 2021, NWS] Malnutrition among pregnant and lactating women (PLW) reported to be five times higher than it is among children aged 6-59 months. Similarly, the odds of being wasted are consistently higher in girls compared to boys which is possibly attributed to preferential feeding practices and gender dynamics." +236609,46388.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Shelter']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Poor shelter as well as a lack of winter clothing and other household items leave people vulnerable to disease and unable to cope with Afghanistan’s harsh winters. +292278,52058.0,2225.0,"['Shelter', 'Education']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,76,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/16-03-21_ni_nord_kivu.pdf,"[terr. Beni] Outre des soins de santé primaire, ces personnes retournées [environ 14 000 ménages retournés dans leurs villages respectifs de la zone de santé de Kamango] ont des besoins urgents en articles ménagers essentiels, abris et en éducation [..] Cependant, seuls trois acteurs humanitaires exécutent des projets en sécurité alimentaire, éducation ainsi qu’en eau, hygiène et assainissement dans la zone." +161575,39295.0,2028.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,74,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,"Restrictions of movements and forced quarantine measures are impeding GBV and violence against children survivors’ access to services. Schools, community centers, Child Friendly Spaces and Women and Girl Safe Spaces were significantly scaled down due to COVID-19 precaution measures. This has also made it more difficult for women and girls to disclose incidents and seek GBV services as well as for children affected by violence to be identified." +341436,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,121,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[Peulhs] A cela s’ajoute leur mode de vie soit nomade ou sédentaire dans les hameaux de culture. Selon qu’ils soient en mode sédentaire ou de transit, les peul- hs très souvent vivent en autarcie avec très peu d’interaction envers le voisinage. Cela dans le but de se tenir à l’écart des autres communautés et de se protéger. Cette précaution de mise à l’écart s’est accentuée avec les attaques terroristes à cause du ralliement de certains membres de la communauté peulh aux groupes armés. Cette adhésion est considérée comme un moyen d’expression de révolte en réponse à la frustration ressentie." +320430,52949.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,54,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Shelter: There are 3.2 million people in need .Similarly, 1.3M non-IDPs, 1.7M IDPs, 28,000refugees/asylum seekers, 66,000 refugee returnees are in need. Cluster key vulnerable groups are (593,000) IDPs living in high risk sites, (800,000) newly displaced populations, (200,000) evictees." +164500,32982.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,59,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Respuesta%20COVID-19%20-%20GIFMM%20Arauca%2C%20actualizaci%C3%B3n%20n%C2%B03%20%28Del%201%20al%2030%20de%20mayo%20de%202020%29.pdf,"Protección •Articulación permanente con entidades del Gobierno como el Ministerio Público, el Ministerio de Salud, y el Instituto Colombiano del Bienestar Familiar (ICBF) para atención en casos de VBG y niños y niñas no acompañados o separados; de igual manera para la identificación de casos de desalojo y personas en situación de calle." +149673,37702.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,76,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"Since July, the epidemiological situation in Syria has rapidly evolved. In July, 532 cases were confirmed, compared to 157 cases in June and 79 cases in May. At the time of writing in August, authorities have confirmed 920 cases. Given the limited testing across Syria, it is therefore possible that asymptomatic and mild cases are going undetected and the actual number of cases may far exceed official figures" +401423,62279.0,2170.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,121,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"[10th November 2020, MONGUNO LGA, BORNO STATE]Recommendations: Due to ongoing COVID 19 pandemic, sector has stressed on using Family MUAC method where families are given MUAC tapes to measure their children. Though this is an innovative strategy, the impact of it is unknown. Therefore, the data needs to collect to assess the accuracy of the measurement conducted by families and referral impact of the same. The Child level excel based database has been created by SMART survey PM, however, the utilization of the same is not optimal. Therefore, database management needs to be strengthened as it will help to understand the program outcomes better." +163014,37820.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,86,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/iom_rohingya_crisis_response_-_external_sitrep_-_july_2020.pdf,"From contracting the COVID -19 virus. During the second round, 92% of the respondents could recall at least three measures to protect themselves and others form COVID- 19 transmission. Considering the acceptable reach and efficacy of this messaging, IOM has advised implementing partners to revise the hygiene promotion modality not only focusing on COVID- 19 related messages but also other hygiene issues monitoring hygiene issues, monitoring hygienic practices, and community engagement, utilizing this effective door to door modality" +327071,54267.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],fr,29,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"La Stratégie de Développement Rural (SDR, 2016- 2020) est le cadre stratégique de référence pour les interventions en faveur du secteur rural au Burkina Faso." +20771,8434.0,729.0,"['WASH', 'Protection', 'Nutrition', 'Food Security', 'Shelter']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,83,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/refugees-returned-overcrowded-libyan-detention-centres,"People recently disembarked in Libya are now locked up in overcrowded detention facilities. The facilities have been overwhelmed with the new arrivals and are struggling to cope, leading to a further deterioration of already dire detention conditions. The people detained have virtually no access to open air space and little access to clean water and food. Food is insufficient and totally inadequate to meet the nutritional needs of people with serious medical conditions, children and pregnant women." +320665,52949.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The protracted crisis in Somalia, compounded by COVID-19, floods and droughts, has resulted in massive challenges in meeting the WASH needs of the Somali population." +388553,60980.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,157,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/informe_de_emergencias_humanitarias_reportadas_elc_enero_junio_2021.pdf,"Nuevamente, los departamentos del Pacífico (Cauca y Nariño) concentran el 91% de las personas desplazadas en junio. Particularmente, Roberto Payán y Magüí Payán (Nariño) concentran el 66% de personas afectadas durante este mes. Preocupa que la situación de la zona no mejore ante la presunta alianza entre dos GDO y las disputas entre éstos con otro GDO, que incrementaría el número de enfrentamientos y la consecuente afectación en la población civil. Las administraciones municipales de Roberto Payán, Magüí Payán y de municipios receptores como Tumaco y Barbacoas ya han informado sobre el desborde de capacidades para la atención integral a la población afectada por la violencia y el conflicto armado, mientras las organizaciones humanitarias reportan falta de condiciones adecuadas de seguridad (ante la presencia y accionar armado activo de los GANE) para proveer atención humanitaria complementaria en las zonas afectadas." +69881,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)'],en,17,[],['Information And Communication'],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"At the moment, sex and age disaggregated data on the affected population is not available." +320282,53680.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,139,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cicr-guide_pour_une_action_humanitaire_plus_proche_des_communautes.pdf,"[Nord-Kivu, Goma - L’hôpital de Ndosho] Le département de chirurgie de guerre de l’hôpital reçoit quotidiennement des blessés victimes de violences et de conflits armés qui ont cours dans plusieurs régions de la RDC. Avec le soutien financier du CICR, les blessés, essentiellement par armes, y sont soignés gratuitement. Un accompagnant est aussi pris en charge. Deux équipes chirurgicales du CICR apportent leur soutien aux chirurgiens locaux en les formant aux techniques de la chirurgie de guerre. Cependant, les communautés, surtout celles loin des grands centres urbains, ne sont pas averties de la gratuité des soins. Dans l’urgence, admis à l’hôpital, les patients ne comprennent pas pourquoi ils bénéficient d’un tel privilège." +358797,58362.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],es,55,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.lafm.com.co/internacional/derechos-de-ninas-y-adolescentes-migrantes-venezolanas-no-se-estan-garantizando-segun,"En su relató, las participantes manifestaron que enfrentan prejuicios y estereotipos sobre su supuesta promiscuidad o aparente disposición sexual y por ello se crea el imaginado de que migran para prostituirse. Dichas percepciones hacen que las personas las vean como un objeto a disposición, aumentando su vulnerabilidad ante la violencia sexual." +152359,38139.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,81,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cox-s-bazar-sitrep-17.pdf,"WHO continues to provide epidemiological data to continuously support operational decision making for the COVID-19 response in Cox’s Bazar. As of 02 August 2020, a total of 3350 individuals from the host community in Cox’s Bazar district have tested positive for COVID-19: 384 in Chokoria, 280 in Teknaf, 159 in Maheshkhali, 1678 in Sadar, 354 in Ukhia, 262 in Ramu, 141 in Pekua and 92 in Kutubdia." +115506,31694.0,1898.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,21,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UN_Situation%20Report%2011_COVID19_del%2003%20al%2015%20JUN_2020.pdf,+ 5.770 Kits de higiene personal y familiar entregados por las organizaciones del sector WASH en el período de este informe +341905,56493.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,99,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"La famille, cadre initial de socialisation des individus, connait une crise dans sa capacité à transmettre les valeurs sociales. Ce déficit dans la transmission des valeurs par la fa- mille conjuguée à l’incapacité de l’école à jouer le rôle de garant d’une société civique et morale suffisante a eu pour conséquence la méconnaissance et la transgression des principes traditionnels du vivre-ensemble. Plus ces cadres sont donc défaillants, plus l’on assiste à une perte de repères en termes de valeurs sociétales de référence par les individus." +149240,36019.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,55,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"As of 11 June, six health cluster members reported utilizing 345 awareness workers to reach 19,853 beneficiaries with different awarenessraising activities, 459 NGO workers participated in related trainings. Clusters have collaboratively distributed 720,000 food parcels with soap, including 420,000 with COVID-19 stickers, instead of the in-person distribution of brochures." +148512,36019.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,58,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"The socio-economic impacts of COVID-19, including from mitigation measures such as border closures and movement restrictions which were mainly implemented from March to May, have already affected large segments of the population. COVID-19 mitigation measures have added to the consistent macroeconomic decline of recent years, further spurred by the regional financial crisis in Lebanon" +178062,40661.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,54,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"En cumulé et glissement annuel, l’inflation a atteint des taux respectifs de 12,31% et 14,59%. Dans ce contexte, à conditions inchangées, l’année pourrait se clôturer avec un taux d’inflation de 20,76% contre un objectif à moyen terme de 7%." +172128,40587.0,2225.0,['Agriculture'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Environment'],en,56,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SOUTHERN%20AFRICA_Food_Security_Outlook_%20June%202020_%20Final.pdf,"June marks the beginning of the main season B harvests in northeastern and central-eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Agricultural production is expected to be below average due to the combined impact of climate- related disruptions, including heavy floods in central-eastern DRC, the security situation and COVID-19 control measures." +325773,54267.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,Les normes et réglementations en matière de sécurité alimentaire ou de santé font largement défaut et très peu de consommateurs peuvent se permettre de payer des prix plus élevés pour une meilleure qualité. +224799,43304.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,24,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,ces individus [migrants en détresse bloqués aux frontières ou à l’intérieur du Tchad] se retrouvent souvent en situation de détresse +224104,45768.0,2332.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"la situation humanitaire actuelle à Diamerom est préoccupante, les services essentiels n’étant pas actuellement fournis, excepté les vivres qui ont déjà été donnés par le PAM, à travers son partenaire BCI." +292434,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"Present in Cameroon in the Far North, North, Centre, North West and South West regions, The USAID- Global Health Supply Chain Program (GHSC-PSM) aims at strengthening the Health System and fight against malaria and HIV" +298881,51893.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,80,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[January 2021, Overall Syria] Median monthly expenditure as a percentage of median monthly income is highest on food (60 percent), 9 percent is spent on fuel, 6 percent on hygiene and 5 percent on health, 4% on transportation, 3% on communication, 2% on education, 3% on on electricity, COVID-19 & water(1% each) and 8% on other unspecified items." +453921,63974.0,2099.0,"['Shelter', 'Agriculture']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_20210630-Rapport-Protection-Trimestriel.pdf,"Pour les activités agricoles et l’élevage, les terres sont également acquises par location, de 15000 F à 20 000FCFA/ha. L’accès aux biens est aussi tout à fait difficile à cause du manque de moyens pour les Personnes déplacées internes (PDI) mais aussi la non-disponibilité des certains documents légaux tels que l’extrait de naissance et la carte nationale d’identité" +240477,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,36,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Lack of access to health care has reduced people’s living standards, with one-third of the population (mostly in hard-to-reach areas) unable to access a functional health facility within two hours." +266654,49773.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_HSOS-NWS_-January-2021.pdf,"[January 2021, NWS] Going to a pharmacy instead of a clinic was the most commonly reported coping strategy for a lack of healthcare (reported by KIs in 87% of communities)." +490424,67723.0,1234.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,44,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Trinidad and Tobago,2019-05-28 03:09:47.864552+00,,"On 5 December, the Prime Minister announced that schools would re-open virtually on 4 January 2021 and students preparing for exams would return to physical loca(cid:415)ons. All students would be required to follow distancing and hygienic protocols." +179367,42045.0,2170.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,95,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20Nigeria%20DTM%20COVID-19%20Point%20of%20Entry%20Dashboard%2022%20%2810%20-%2016%20October%202020%29.pdf,"During the period 10 - 16 October 2020, 168 movements were observed at Six Points of Entries in Adamawa and Borno states. Of the total movements recorded, 64 were incoming from Extreme Nord, 2 from Nord, 2 from Centre in Cameroon and 4 from N’Djamena in Chad Republic. A range of data was collected during the assessment to better inform on migrants’ nationalities, gender, reasons for moving, mode of transportation and timeline of movement as shown in Figures 1 to 4 below:" +221326,45584.0,2028.0,"['Logistics', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,79,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/10/private-bakeries-in-homs-are-banned-from-operating-despite-bread-crisis/,"[ October 1, Homs] Despite the stifling crisis that Syrian is going through, the Syrian regime does not allow the private sector to enter the production line of primary materials used in making bread, such as importing fuel, operating large private bakeries, and importing flour or wheat. the Syrian government has prevented the private bakeries restored by civil-society associations and organizations from operating, amid the dilemma of restoring public bakeries." +294638,51749.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,21,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,[District sanitaire de Ouargaye] Les infrastructures et équipements ne permettent pas un accueil respectant les standards de qualité. +305434,53013.0,2331.0,"['Cross', 'Shelter']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,48,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/3c8084ae/REACH_SOM_Factsheet_Assessment-of-Hard-to-Reach-Areas_December-2020.pdf,Shelter: 52% of the assessed settlements reported that the damaged shelters had not been rebuilt due to lack of money while 23% of the assessed settlements reported that people whose shelters were destroyed moved away so that the damaged shelters had not been rebuilt. +149701,37702.0,2028.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,126,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"Otherwise, the daily curfew remains lifted, as has the travel ban between and within governorates. Markets, restaurants, cafes, gyms, parks, theaters, cinemas and most leisure facilities remain open, so long as precautionary measures are adopted. Mosques and churches are allowed open, so long as physical distancing is observed. Public and private transportation services have also resumed, as have universities and institutions. As per previous reports, broad-based restrictions are not anticipated to be re-imposed due to economic and social impacts, however localized lockdowns in specific hotspots, such as previously enforced in Jdeidet al-Fadl in Quneitra and Ras al-Ma’ara in Rural Damascus, cannot be ruled out" +188243,40860.0,1899.0,['Food Security'],[],[],es,165,[],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200922_OCHA_GUATEMALA%20HRP%20COVID-19%20ESPAN%CC%83OL.pdf,"os grupos de alimentos de mayor valor nutricional y considerados perecederos, como las frutas y verduras y, en menor medida, las legumbres, han sido las más afectadas por lo complejo de sus cadenas de distribución, almacenamiento y conservación. La disponibilidad de maíz y frijol en los mercados locales ha sido normal durante la pandemia, los precios si sufrieron un alza considerable, de febrero a julio de 2020 el precio del quintal de maíz se incrementó en un 23% y el precio del frijol se incrementó en 42% en esas mismas fechas. Los factores que provocaron este incremento fueron la demanda que generaron las familias a mediados de marzo, acaparamiento por parte de intermediarios y disminución de la movilidad entre departamentos, municipios y comunidades. Las reservas familiares de granos han sido similares a años anteriores, actualmente cuentan con reservas mínimas, la cual les alcanza en promedio para 0.5 meses." +248853,48079.0,2225.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,115,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/DRC_FSOU_2020_12_final.pdf,"Invasion des criquets au sud : La résurgence des essaims de criquets migrateurs africains signalée par le Food and Nutrition Security Working Group au Botswana, en Namibie, au Zimbabwe, et en Angola reste préoccupante et présage des pertes éventuelles de cultures estimées à environ 1,1 million d'hectares au niveau régional. Pour rappel, le Haut- Katanga est dépendant à près de 70 % des importations de maïs en provenance de la région. Cette situation qui s’ajoute aux effets de la pandémie de COVID-19 occasionnerait des faibles productions dans ces pays excédentaires pour le maïs et diminuerait la disponibilité pour ce produit dans le sud-est de la RDC." +311050,54065.0,2170.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,80,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nenfss_round_9_final_report_11032021.pdf,"[1st Dec 2020,North-East Nigeria] By domain, crude mortality rate and under five mortality rates were highest in MMC & Jere, 0.34 (0.17-0.70 95% CI) and 0.66 (0.27-1.62 95% CI). By domain crude mortality rate ranged from 0.08-0.34 total deaths / 10,000 people / day. Under five mortality rates ranged from 0.04 to 0.66 deaths in children under five / 10,000 children under five / day." +21813,9026.0,322.0,[],[],[],en,24,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,,"The city developed around its medieval core, and Old Sana’a has been declared by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site." +453918,63974.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,33,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_20210630-Rapport-Protection-Trimestriel.pdf,"Des tensions existeraient entre population hôte et PDI, dues au retrait arbitraire des terres. C’est le constat fait dans la commune de Diapangou dans la province du Gourma." +199037,44308.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,63,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RD%20Congo%20-%20Note%20d%E2%80%99informations%20humanitaires%20pour%20la%20province%20du%20Nord-Kivu%2017%20novembre%202020.pdf,"La population civile de cette zone de santé estimée à plus de 370 000 personnes, et déjà affectée par la crise liée aux violences armées et à la dixième épidémie de la maladie à Virus Ebola (MVE), ainsi que par la pandémie de Covid-19, risque ainsi d’être privée d’accès aux soins de santé." +221796,45410.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,79,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"[Les parties Sud des provinces administratives du BEG et du Kanem dans la Zone 5 - « agropastorale» ]: Malgré la suroffre sur les marchés à bétail, la dynamique de prix affiche une stabilité sur les prix des petits ruminants à Moussoro à l’exception de Mao (-17 %) où une tendance baissière sur le prix des ovins est rapportée en raison de la présence prolongée des transhumants dans la zone." +304603,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,15,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,Displaced women and girls and those living near cantonment sites are most affected by GBV +358795,58362.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],es,59,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.lafm.com.co/internacional/derechos-de-ninas-y-adolescentes-migrantes-venezolanas-no-se-estan-garantizando-segun,"Dicho estudio contó con la colaboración de 452 niñas y adolescentes refugiadas y migrantes de Venezuela entre los 10 y los 19 años de edad residentes en Colombia, Ecuador y Perú. De acuerdo con la organización humanitaria, la violencia basada en género y la xenofobia, son los riesgos más altos que enfrenta esta población." +313664,53333.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,16,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,Work in coordination with the cash Working Group to support the integration of Cash and/or Voucher +345662,56858.0,2099.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"(Hauts-Bassins, Samorogouan) 06 enfants (5 filles et 1 garçon) non scolarisés et sans extrait d’acte de naissance (égaré lors du déplacement)." +169916,40360.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,26,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,On remarque la présence de volontaires pour la défense de la patrie principalement dans certaines localités comme Gorgadji et Bombofa dans la province du Seno. +310674,53333.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",[],['Context->Economy'],en,29,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"The women food marketers are generally known in Cameroon as ""buyam-sellam"" women for they are involved in buying and reselling of mainly agricultural produce from farmers." +61157,18235.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,108,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"In 2017, the government created a special residence permit, the Permiso Especial de Permanencia (PEP),67 specifically aimed at providing Venezuelan refugees and migrants the chance to regularize their immigration status. The first rounds of applications for the PEP were only open to Venezuelan citizens who had entered Colombia with their passport through a regular border crossing. Following a registration effort known as Registro Administrativo de Migrantes Venezolanos (RAMV)68 carried out from April to June 2018, the government then extended PEP eligibility Venezuelan refugees and migrants who had entered the country irregularly but had registered through RAMV." +306739,51467.0,2335.0,['Education'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"In addition, there are 98,500 school-aged refugee children, of whom 18,000 children are out of school. The negative impact of COVID-19 and subsequent school closures have resulted in an increased number of children in need of education support." +9929,4388.0,321.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],en,46,['Impact'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Libya%20SNAP%20Dashboard%20-%20%20May%202018.pdf,"Inflation rate in February 2018 went down to 18 percent year on year. Cost of food increased 30.9 percent in February of 2018 over the same month in the previous year, while in January 2018 food inflation was recorded at 44.5 percent level." +320682,52949.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,26,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"It is therefore essential to consult and engage with persons with disabilities when designing WASH facilities and services, in order to avoid further marginalization." +63632,18631.0,788.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Demography'],en,99,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_floodoverview_13092019.pdf,"Increased cases of acute watery diarrhea (AWD) due to lack of and/or contaminated drinking water were reported in Bama, Gwoza, Damboa, Jere, Maiduguri, and Ngala LGAs, with a total of 14,536 cases and 2 deaths reported between Epi week 22 – 33. • Increased cases of malaria were recorded in Monguno, Jere and Maiduguri where there is stagnant water in IDP camps with poor drainage. Between June and August, 65,866 malaria cases in children under 5 years of age were reported in Borno state through EWARS." +300531,52762.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,45,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_087_28210321_hebdo_s12.pdf,Une séance de travail de la coordination a été tenue à COTEX pour validation du recueil des Questions – Réponses liées à la vaccination contre la COVID-19 ainsi que sur le circuit protocolaire des réponses aux rumeurs et feedbacks communautaires à travers les médias sociaux +390065,61349.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,111,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://news.un.org/es/story/2021/07/1493952,"En las noches, como hijos del tabaco, de la coca y de la yuca dulce, en el sagrado espacio de la maloca, sabedoras, sabedores y oidores invocaron a los espíritus de la sabiduría y la iluminación, a través de oraciones y bailes a los compases de los sonidos de chaquiras y sonajeros, para encontrar las causas de la enfermedad. Ytuvieron encuentros marcados por el diálogo, en el que intercambiaron conocimientos ancestrales para encontrar en plantas, cortezas y bejucos, bebidas y vaporizantes con los que intentar dominar la enfermedad, definida como reik+, “candela” en lengua Uitoto." +145225,36045.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,55,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/statement-first-case-covid-could-be-catastrophic-syria-s-idlib,Refugees and International is alarmed that the first official case of COVID-19 has been confirmed in Idlib province in Syria. The spread of the virus could be catastrophic for a population already reeling from years of war and displacement and a Russian bombing campaign that has destroyed much of its health and medical infrastructure +306409,51572.0,2335.0,"['Health', 'Shelter']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,70,"['Priority Needs', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Mosquito nets: Affected population, the camp structure has highlighted Malaria been the most prevalent ailment in the whole camps, due to the spreading of floods within and the surrounding. The affected population expressed their concerns due to the absence of household mosquito nets, iterating their children and women's worries. [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]" +149832,37865.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,36,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cxb-situation-report-20.pdf,"And finally, 5319 participated in 665 group sessions to watch 493 video/film show sessions about the new virus. Among host communities, 58 340 people participated in 16 090 community awareness meetings about COVID-19" +176013,40890.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,157,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"Esta incertidumbre se profundiza para aquellos hogares que están en situación de calle (87%). La proporción de hogares en arriendo o subarriendo que manifiestan dicha inseguridad sigue siendo alta (55%) para esta modalidad de vivienda, aparentemente más ‘estable’ que las ya mencionadas. Esto podría relacionarse con la informalidad de la contratación (p.ej. acuerdos verbales) y/o preocupaciones por una baja capacidad de pago en el futuro cercano. Cabe señalar que ambas variables se relacionan con el riesgo de desalojo: de acuerdo con el monitoreo a desalojos, liderado por los sectores de Protección y Multisectorial del GIFMM, tres de cada cuatro de estos incidentes ocurrieron en acuerdos de tenencia sin contrato formal (79%); así mismo, 95% de los riesgos y 80% de los incidentes de desalojo señalan como motivo la incapacidad de pago40." +214334,45385.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,45,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Entre janvier et juin 2020, le PAM a assuré la distribution de plus de 8,418 tonnes de nourriture pour 226,985 personnes soit 104,824 hommes et 107,347 femmes dans les 3 départements [Logone-Chari, Mayo-Sava et Mayo-Tsanaga] touchés par le conflit armé." +306410,51572.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,92,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"To ensure maximum impact of response, DRC (Democratic Republic of the Congo) recommends household size to be the determining factor for a number of items to be distributed, especially for key items such as blankets and mosquito. A household size of 1 – 5 individuals: receives 1 piece of mosquito net and blanket. A household size of 6 – 7 individuals: receives two pieces of mosquito net and blanket. [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]" +474606,65021.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Economy'],en,176,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"LIVELIHOODS The economic consequences of the pandemic are having a severe impact on the ability of migrants to earn a living and meet their essential needs. The analysis found that seven out of ten (71%) Venezuelan migrants experienced a decrease in their income due to the COVID-19 outbreak, with no major differences among the countries. Similar findings were also observed for the resident population, indicating that COVID-19 negatively impacted the economy as a whole. Migrants interviewed rely to a greater extent (48%) on unsustainable income sources, such as informal activities and assistance, than residents (34%). This share reaches 50% in Peru. An additional 17% is unemployed, with highest shares among female respondents (20% against 14% for males). Finally, 24% relies on formal employment namely salaried work in the private (12%) and public (6%) sector or self-businesses (6%)8." +325678,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,105,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"(Riz) Les acteurs commerciaux sont relativement petits et dispersés, et les producteurs vendent leur production commercialisable à quelques rares commerçants et surtout aux femmes, en petites quantités, et à SONAGESS, qui doit faire face à une variabilité des systèmes de commercialisation d’une plaine rizicole à l’autre. Ceci, ajouté à la variabilité des prix du riz sur le marché intérieur, nuit à la structuration des marchés céréaliers, y compris pour le riz (réglementations et normes, formation professionnelle, etc.) et au financement des opérations et des investissements." +192033,42659.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,32,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_175.pdf,"Au total, 8 766 cas confirmés et 1 cas probable ont été notifiés depuis le début de l’épidémie dont 204 décès, soit une létalité globale de 2,3%" +317272,53333.0,2334.0,[],[],[],en,21,[],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Engage particularly with men, as they were foremost amongst FGD participants in blaming girls for the pregnancies and consequent marriages" +191541,43304.0,2332.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,61,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Les mesures relatives à l’interdiction de regroupement de plus de 50 personnes et la suspension des vols internationaux à destination du Tchad ont occasionné un ralentissement des activités dans le secteur du tourisme, la culture et le sport. Ainsi, plusieurs activités et manifestations culturelles de masse prévues pour le deuxième trimestre sont décalées ou annulées." +169920,40360.0,2099.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,29,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,La situation de protection des bénéficiaires de nos actions continue de s’aggravée pendant cette période de saison hivernale avec des dégâts matériels et parfois humains importants. +243101,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Though no comprehensive data exists, the HLP-TF estimates that less than 5 per cent of land tenure/ownership documents include the name of a female family member." +305406,51474.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"Meanwhile, humanitarian organizations targeted over 420,000 people for live-saving responses in flood-affected areas. Physical access to Jonglei and the Greater Pibor Administrative Area, however, remained challenging." +497769,60104.0,1187.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,120,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,"https://www.unicef.org/argentina/media/11626/file/Impacto%20de%20la%20pandemia%20en%20la%20educaci%C3%B3n%20de%20ni%C3%B1as,%20ni%C3%B1os%20y%20adolescentes.pdf","Un dato que cabe destacar, respecto de las actividades domésticas, de cuidado y laborales es que los resultados de la Cuarta Encuesta Rápida muestran que la participación de las y los adolescentes se ha venido incrementando desde el comienzo de la pandemia. El 70% colabora con la gestión de las compras para el hogar o para otros familiares, el 86% ayuda con las tareas domésticas (limpiar, lavar, cocinar) y el 43% cuida a otras niñas, niños o personas mayores con las que conviven en su hogar. Todos estos valores resultan más elevados que los registrados en las anteriores rondas de la Encuesta Rápida efectuadas en 2020." +341942,56493.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Politics'],fr,109,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[autorité traditionnelle] La politique n’étant pas neutre, elle entraîne une prise de position partisane. De ce fait, l’autorité traditionnelle, du fait de son appartenance à un bord politique est soupçonnée de manque d’impartialité et de neutralité dans la gestion des affaires de la société. Le risque de cette situation réside dans l’incapacité des chefs à gérer certaines situations de conflit. Il y a également un risque que la situation débouche sur une crise de confiance des gouvernés vis-à-vis de l’autorité qui est pourtant censée incarner les valeurs de la société." +301857,51958.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,137,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_devaluation_de_protection_des_retournes_tchadiens_de_la_rca_installes_dans_les_sites_au_sud_du_tchad_002.pdf,"Le statut de ces personnes [retournés] et la terminologie désormais couramment utilisée pose problème. Au cours des discussions de groupes, les participants ont expliqué qu’ils se sentent avant tout tchadien. Même si ceux étant resté dans les sites n’ont plus de liens directs avec leurs familles dans leurs zones d’origine, ils se considèrent comme citoyens tchadiens et n’envisagent leur futur que dans cette zone au sud du Tchad où ils sont installés depuis près de 5 ans. Or cette terminologie participe à une certaine discrimination et contribue également au niveau des autorités à les associer à un groupe devant bénéficier d’une assistance humanitaire sans recherche de manière proactive des solutions sur le long terme en tant que citoyens tchadiens." +314060,52949.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The Nutrition Cluster estimates that the highest rates of acute malnutrition continue to be found in IDP sites, while 95% of all IDPs in need of humanitarian assistance are hosted in urban areas in informal sites." +341551,55986.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_cluster_sante_rdc_s16.pdf,"Tanganyika : ✓ Enlèvements de civils Du 1 er janvier au 10 avril, les acteurs de protection ont rapporté 65 enlèvements de civils dans le Tanganyika ; une tendance à la hausse comparée aux statistiques annuelles de 2020 où 49 cas avaient été répertoriés" +149207,36019.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"Issues with the quality of PPE available on the local market is a further constraining factor, with it currently extremely difficult to source N95 masks, face shields and goggles. Currently, there is also a gap of $1.1 million for PPE." +161322,39528.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,68,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Appui à la Direction générale de l’offre des soins (DGOS) pour la validation des procédures opérationnelles de mise en œuvre du Guide d’orientation de la continuité des soins et services de santé dans le contexte de la pandémie à covid19 élaboré en juin ; dix-neuf procédures sont disponibles pour reproduction prevue au profit des formations sanitaires de type CSPS et CM. +132459,35164.0,1188.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,Los participantes que viven en la ciudad de Panamá comentaron que los precios de los alquileres son muy elevados y que los arrendadores les aumentan el precio del alquiler específicamente a los venezolanos en comparación con otros extranjeros o nacionales +57318,17307.0,1224.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,111,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20on%20the%20Migration%20flows%20in%20Latin%20America%20and%20the%20Caribbean%20No.%205%20-%20as%20of%20June%202019.pdf,"In June, the Ministry of Social Protection presented the “Shock Responsive Social Protection Systems- Cash Transfers to Migrant Families with Children” facility to the national response Multi-agency Coordinating Committee. UNICEF had provided technical support for the development of the facility including its Terms of Reference and eligibility criteria, and provided funds to cover the costs for the initial batch of 20 migrant families in Georgetown to access the Guyana Dollar cash, equivalent of USD$238.00. It is expected that this initial project will be expanded to cover other localities hosting migrants once a review and follow up of the disbursements is undertaken." +493417,68136.0,2170.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,31,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/borno_state_cholera_outbreak_response_sitrep_no_5_27_09_21_0.pdf,"[26th Sept 2021, Borno State] Recommendations: Continue community active case search and alert investigation. Improve portable water supply in hotspot communities and point source chlorination." +165497,39488.0,2098.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,61,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/vitamin-campaign-rohingya-children-goes-door-door-due-covid-19,"In a typical year, a Nutrition Action Week (NAW) is conducted biannually by UNICEF and the Nutrition Sector in order to regularly deliver Vitamin-A supplements and screen children for acute malnutrition. However, due to the current risks associated with large gatherings, this campaign has adapted to better fit the challenges and context of COVID-19." +191744,43622.0,2330.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],en,58,[],['Context'],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20201111_acaps_briefing_note_nicaragua_honduras_hurricane_eta.pdf,"Political instability in Nicaragua: Nicaragua has been facing a political crisis since 16 April 2018, when reforms to the social security system prompted a period of large-scale civil unrest. Violent crackdowns by the government against opposition protesters and human rights defenders have increased and are likely to continue, with no political resolution in sight" +188909,43387.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20DE%20PROTECTION_SEPTEMBRE2020-SAHEL.pdf,"Dans la Région, les FDS notamment les militaires et les gendarmes, sont présents dans certaines localités et font souvent des patrouilles. Après une année d’absence, la police est revenue dans la commune de Djibo. Elle s’était absentée le 13 septembre 2019 et est revenue le 13 septembre 2020 donc une année jour pour jour." +59111,17455.0,788.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,87,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/201908-nigeria-cross-border-report.pdf,"Displaced people in north-eastern Nigeria face similar challenges whether or not they have previously sought refuge abroad. Living conditions are generally poor, particularly in camps, and many displaced people have no running water or toilet facilities. More than half of the survey respondents said they were living in tents or makeshift shelters.These findings are corroborated by UNHCR, which found: “Displaced populations are living in squalid conditions characterized by overcrowding and limited access to safe, sanitary and dignified accommodation." +388999,60730.0,2098.0,[],[],[],en,84,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://app.box.com/s/asye4w9ljbvdby3gy5p0jy8a859nsmzt,"[25th July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: Perception data shows that many think they do not need to wear masks as there is no Covid-19, others said whether they get infected depends on Allah. In telephone interviews, people said they do not wear masks due to hot weather, because it makes them sweat and smell bad, or that wearing a mask will affect their breathing process as both their nose and mouth are covered." +284943,51597.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Shelter']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,75,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Cross-Border%20Humanitarian%20Response%20Fact%20Sheet%20-%20North-west%20Syria%20-%20January%202021.pdf,"[11 February 2021, NWS] In coordination with other humanitarian actors, the Cluster has been collecting data on COVID-19 cases inside camps. By 11 February 2021, there were 2,206 cases reported in camps, of which 134 are recovered cases, 15 are deceased, and 2,057 are alive cases. Over-crowding and lack of camp management remain major challenges in the fight against the pandemic in IDP sites." +360938,58845.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,100,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_price_bulletin_may_2021.pdf,"[May 2021, Overall Syria] M-o-m, 12 governorates recorded a decreasing average reference food basket price in May 2021. The highest m-o-m decrease of eight percent was reported in Aleppo, Dar’a and Deir-ez-Zor, where the cost of the food basket reached SYP 161,976, SYP 167,101 and SYP 153,980, respectively. The lowest m-o-m decrease of one percent was reported in Homs at SYP 167,922. The lowest reference food basket price remained Al-Hasakeh (SYP 119,466, down seven percent m-om) due to the cheaper price of bread." +152372,38139.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,78,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cox-s-bazar-sitrep-17.pdf,"Since the beginning of July 2020, IPC supportive supervision visits have been conducted in 19 facilities. The visits are a follow up to assessments carried out in February 2020. • WHO completed the first round of training in Infection Prevention and Control for government healthcare workers at the Upazila health complexes. Eighty- eight Health Care workers benefited from the training. The second round of training will begin soon after the Government holidays." +159057,37967.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,7,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_ndeg_115.pdf,Nombre de contacts à suivre : 81 +294898,51749.0,2099.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,138,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Et la demande pour les produits de base (riz, farine de maïs, haricot, sorgho, sucre, huile, sel) a plutôt eu tendance à se réduire ces trois derniers mois. Cette situation peut sembler paradoxale car le nombre d’habitants de ces localités a lui augmenté avec l’arrivée des nombreux ménages PDI. Mais l’explication la plus plausible semble être le fait que les ménages autochtones ont eu tendance à voir leur situation financière stagner voire baisser. Et nous pouvons prendre l’hypothèse que les ménages PDI, du fait du manque d’activités génératrices de revenus et de l’absence de terres pour cultiver, n’ont pas les moyens financiers pour acheter les denrées disponibles sur les marchés." +181171,42386.0,2099.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,81,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_RMU_October-2020_vfinal.pdf,"L’évaluation conduite auprès de plus de 2/3 des PDIs (SP/CONASUR, septembre 2020) montre que 42 pour cent ont bénéficier d’une assistance alimentaire en aout. Toutefois, les approvisionnements sur les marchés représentent la principale source alimentaire pour 61 pour cent des PDIs. La réduction des quantités consommées par jour, les emprunts ou la mendicité et le recours aux aliments moins chers, sont les principales stratégies développées par ces ménages." +224098,45768.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,20,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,Les autorités doivent également assurer une mise à disposition des terres et leur paisible jouissance pendant l’exploitation. +317868,52949.0,2331.0,['Education'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,47,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Despite political progress and ongoing efforts to strengthen government institutions, the Ministry of Education (MoE) has limited outreach to deliver basic education services for IDPs, children living in areas with ongoing conflict, and other groups living under the most challenging circumstances." +80493,22034.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],[],[],es,95,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/cuatro-reflexiones-del-primer-mes-del-campamento-humanitario-para-venezolanos-en-bogota/780,"Carlos Vargas-Silva, investigador del Centro de Migración, Política y Sociedad de la Universidad de Oxford, explica que “los campamentos son usualmente una necesidad en el corto plazo, porque reducen la integración laboral y social de los migrantes. Es costoso mantener un campamento abierto y estos resultan en una concentración geográfica de los migrantes que se restringe a áreas específicas y esto no es lo ideal”. Si no fueran temporales, los campamentos se convierten en una barrera para la integración laboral y social de los migrantes." +157631,38893.0,2098.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,39,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/humanitarian_collaboration_and_coordination_in_bangladesh_2nd_draft_12_july_2020_kazi_hg.pdf,▪ Reinforcement of activities related to access to water and sanitation facilities including operation and maintenance of such facilities and hygiene promotion sessions; Provide guidance and support solid Waste Management and Fecal Sludge Management and Menstrual Hygiene Management +326927,54714.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,81,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,"[WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE (WASH) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)]The main drivers of WASH LSGs were found to be: Households without access to an improved water source (72%) , Households without access to sufficient quantity of drinking water (10%), Households without access to soap at home (29%) , Households without access to a functional and improved sanitation facility (62%)." +439696,63184.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],en,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Burkina%20Faso%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%201%20May%20-%2030%20June%202021.pdf,"The security context remains a big concern, which has led to limited access in some areas with the closure of health centres and difficulties in access. The involvement of community actors in areas where health centres are closed is therefore critical to ensure the continuity of nutrition services" +361104,58845.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,49,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_price_bulletin_may_2021.pdf,"[May 2021, Overall Syria] The demand for red meat has decreased due to high prices. Red meat traders complained that sales have decreased. Additionally, the higher price of fuel needed for refrigerators and freezers also contributed to the increased price of meat." +160820,38029.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,35,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syriadirect.org/news/mapping-coronavirus-in-syria-unofficial-cases-and-hot-spots/,The densely populated Internally Displaced People (IDP) camps in northwest and northeast Syria present a frightening scenario for the coronavirus to spread unabated due to the lack of medical infrastructure and supplies. +323723,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,101,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Le secteur agricole est considéré comme le secteur économique le plus vulnérable car il dépend fortement des conditions climatiques (GoBF, 2015). Ce secteur est également étroitement lié au secteur de l’eau, et ensemble ils constituent les deux secteurs les plus touchés par le changement climatique. Il est donc primordial pour les mesures de promotion des investissements d’intégrer les risques dus au changement climatique et de veiller à ce que les projets d’investissement contribuent à l’adaptation au changement climatique des systèmes économiques et agricoles du Burkina Faso." +359369,58669.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",es,102,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'Humanitarian Access', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/informe_de_emergencias_humanitarias_reportadas_elc_enero_mayo_2021.pdf,"IMPACTO POR CONFINAMIENTO Y RESTRICCIONES A LA MOVILIDAD Y ACCESO: Respecto al confinamiento registrado en el Litoral de San Juan (Chocó) -426 personas afectadas- y tras activar el mecanismo de identificación de respuesta rápida del ELC Chocó, se identificó que no existe capacidad de respuesta por parte de socios debido a que no se reciben solicitudes de respuesta complementaria. A esta situación se suma restricciones de acceso humanitario por bloqueos sobre la vía y por el riesgo de contagio de COVID-19, lo que ha ocasionado la suspensión de misiones por parte de las organizaciones humanitarias." +292393,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"Basic essential, trauma and mental health care services were delivered by mobile and local fixed posts (through implementing partner - CARITAS), trauma surgeon and mental health specialists engaged by WHO" +238809,47230.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,130,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"De las 3.111 encuestas realizadas, el 79% de las personas entrevistadas son mujeres, el 21% son hombres y un 0,2% (6 personas) se identifican como transgénero. La edad promedio de los hombres entrevistados es de 36 años, la de las mujeres es de 33 años y la edad promedio de las personas transgénero es de 32 años, para un promedio de edad general de 33 años. En el histograma de edad se puede observar que el rango de edad de las personas encuestadas se encuentra distribuido entre 18 y 84 años, con una mayor concentración de quienes están entre los 18 y 40 años, que corresponden al 78% de los encuestados (ver gráfica 1)" +317196,53333.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Money was reported as an important reason that drives girls into sexual exploitation in an effort to meet their very basic needs including food, clothing, scholastic material and start-up capital for equipment and materials for income generating projects." +235029,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,19,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,The lack of government-issued identification documents continues to be a limiting factor for many of people in Afghanistan. +408821,61216.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/humanitarian-situation-overview-syria-hsos-northeast-syria-june-2021,"[June 2021, NES] 93% and 47% % of communities where KIs reported the insufficient income of households and general lack of employment opportunities as barriers to meeting basic needs." +194451,43501.0,2225.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],fr,28,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"Par ailleurs, l’accès aux populations affectées est souvent limité par la situation sécuritaire, le mauvais état des infrastructures et des conditions géographiques difficiles." +415995,63153.0,2225.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,89,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ETT-ITURI_Gina_Djugu_Rapport%20067.pdf,"La population déplacée du groupement de Gina pour garantir leur sécurité alimentaire travaille dans les champs des ménages de la communauté hôte. D’autres ménages n’ayant pas accès aux champs comptent principalement sur l’aide des membres de la communauté hôte et celle avoisinante. La majorité des ménages déplacés n’a accès qu’à un seul repas par jour. Cette situation affecte considérablement la situation nutritionnelle des femmes enceintes, allaitantes et des enfants de moins de 5 ans." +181895,42437.0,2099.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],fr,34,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sig.gov.bf/actualites/details?tx_news_pi1%5Baction%5D=detail&tx_news_pi1%5Bcontroller%5D=News&tx_news_pi1%5Bnews%5D=776&cHash=9139883b1c4d82d8e2c06a0e5c598710,"251 échantillons analysés, répartis en : - 174 tests de dépistages pour voyage ; - 36 tests de cas contacts ; - 22 tests de cas suspects ; - 19 tests de contrôle" +321463,54677.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],fr,103,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_n68_mve_nord_kivu_16_avril_20211.pdf,"[SitRep MVE - Ministère de la Santé - 15/04/2021 ] 857/910 CAC ont rapporté dans les zones de santé de Biena, Butembo, Kalunguta, Katwa et Musienene, 18969 ménages visités par les CAC, 82259 personnes touchées par le message pendant les visites à domicile et 426 alertes remontées ; Causerie éducative en faveur de 460 personnes : 18 à Biena, Butembo (74) 25 à Katwa, et 343 à Musienene ; Sensibilisation en faveur de 59 leaders communautaires en ZS de Katwa, 112 fidèles de l’église catholique en ZS de Butembo." +63176,18642.0,1386.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,70,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://transparencia.org.ve/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/EPE-II-Sector-Agua.pdf,"Los datos del censo 2011 del INE indican problemas de racionamiento en todos los estados. Esta situación reviste mayor gravedad en los casos de Vargas, Nueva Esparta, Guárico, Miranda, Delta Amacuro, Falcón, Zulia y Lara, especialmente los dos primeros, que constituyen casos de extrema gravedad, por tener solamente 34% y 12% respectivamente de población con suministro continuo." +201577,43427.0,2311.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,48,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Finalmente es importante destacar que los cultivadores de coca se encuentran en zonas aisladas, con muy baja cobertura de servicios de salud, a la vez que el aislamien- to los protege del contagio, las limitaciones en acceso servicios de salud los hace muy vulnerables." +236220,46388.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,59,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Where services are available, cultural barriers, stigma, and the limited number of female mental health providers often mean that women are excluded from accessing appropriate services, which is particularly problematic as self- reporting by communities indicates that the emotional and mental health of women has been most impacted by the burdens of the pandemic." +112292,32028.0,1185.0,"['Health', 'Shelter']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,32,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77082.pdf,"In coordination with the Ministry of Health, partners are organizing the distribution of some 50 Refugee housing units (RHU) across country to strengthen health infrastructures during the emergency." +164672,39483.0,2098.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,69,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"The programme supports 16,887 families as part of the existing social protection programme of the Government of Bangladesh through cash from the Bangladesh Post Office. A further 19,000 targeted families have been selected for emergency cash assistance through ‘Mobile Money’, following assessments conducted in early 2020, using a combination of socio-economic criteria. More than 5,600 families have already received their first instalments." +194586,43822.0,2311.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],es,44,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19112020_flash_update_no.3_emergencias_por_ola_invernal_-_colombia_vf.pdf,"Las inundaciones han dejado a más de 35.602 personas damnificadas en sectores de Maicao (9.131), Manaure (3.912), Uribia (14850), Riohacha (7500), Distracción (150) y El Molino (55)." +182981,32165.0,1388.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,74,[],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/74589.pdf,"Además de la asesoría legal para su estatus migratorio y otros derechos relacionados, se debe orientar a los emprendedores sobre cuáles son los aspectos básicos para la creación de una empresa formal, en cuanto a la legislación, trámites legales, seguridad social, licencias, registros y patentes, aspectos fiscales y labores, estructura, aportes, registro PYME ante el MEIC y sus ventajas y desventajas, etc." +70647,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,59,[],['Context'],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"Economic differences between islands exist with those in the Family Island region more likely to be poor (17.2%) than people living in New Providence (12.4%) or Grand Bahama (9.4%). The Family Islands have higher percentages of non- nationals, fewer young people, and fewer with college educations." +61287,18235.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,87,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"In particular, respondents cited the precarious hygiene and infrastructure conditions in hospitals, and described how the obligation to purchase medical equipment and medicines for surgery and treatment becomes impossible in a country where hyperinflation is making even the most basic things unaffordable. Refugees and migrants described how nothing is available inside hospitals but, just outside the healthcare facilities, one finds plenty of people offering to sell medicines and medical equipment (gloves, syringes, etc.) at inflated prices." +361168,58845.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,36,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_price_bulletin_may_2021.pdf,"[May 2021, Overall Syria] In May 2021, the formal national average price of diesel increased by one percent m-o-m, reaching SYP 176/litre due to added fees at the fueling stations." +218195,45410.0,2332.0,"['Nutrition', 'WASH', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,40,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,Cette tendance est occasionnée par les difficultés d’accès alimentaire couplées aux mauvaises conditions d’hygiène ainsi qu’aux ruptures de l’approvisionnement en intrants de quelques unités de prise en charge de la malnutrition. +61775,18350.0,1184.0,['Health'],[],[],es,21,[],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71151.pdf,"En Ibarra, a su vez, 678 docentes de centros educativos que acogen a NNA venezolanos recibieron apoyo psicosocial." +176418,41733.0,2225.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Economy'],fr,45,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/reach_drc_bulletin-des-marche-2_juin-2020.pdf,"Les mesures mises en place afin de lutter contre la propagation du COVID-19 en RDC, notamment la fermeture des frontières et les limitations de déplacement menant à des irregularités de stock, entre autres, ont probablement eu des effets sur les prix." +300516,52762.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Deaths'],fr,23,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_087_28210321_hebdo_s12.pdf,"[S12/2021] Spécifiquement pour les 662 décès dont l’information était disponible, le sexe ratio H/F était de 2,2/1." +63637,18631.0,788.0,"['Protection', 'Cross', 'WASH']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,105,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_floodoverview_13092019.pdf,"There is a need to survey for the presence of explosive ordinances in new locations as well as areas where camps are being expanded. • Urgent need to restore communal and child-friendly spaces (CFS). For example, the playground in Damboa is inaccessible and the CFS reception center in Bama is damaged. • Increased vulnerabilities for children in camps across Borno State (Bama, Maiduguri, Monguno, Ngala, Damboa, and Damasak) especially risks posed by stagnant water including drowning. For example, 14 children were injured in IDP camps in Maiduguri and Monguno." +194579,43822.0,2311.0,"['Shelter', 'Agriculture', 'Logistics']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,45,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19112020_flash_update_no.3_emergencias_por_ola_invernal_-_colombia_vf.pdf,En los municipios del Carmen del Atrato y Lloró se registraron pérdidas de cultivos por motivo de las inundaciones y las familias debieron abandonar sus hogares en canoas y transportes improvis ados debido al deterioro y pérdida total de la infraestructura de sus viviendas. +159060,37967.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,6,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_ndeg_115.pdf,Nombre de contacts restant : 58 +162812,37820.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,56,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/iom_rohingya_crisis_response_-_external_sitrep_-_july_2020.pdf,Quarantine Facilities: ninety-three shelters in Camp 20 Extension are currently operating as a Quarantine Facility for contacts of confirmed cases to support early containment of the outbreak. IOM is working with World Concern/ Medair who are providing dedicated Community Health Workers (CHWs) to carry out contact follow-up and health check-up services. +306519,51572.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"The displaced population highlighted that there is no general distribution of S/NFIs that took place in Khor Adar and Dingtoma1-2 since 2014. [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]" +314688,53183.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,61,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"Sudan hosts one of the largest refugee populations in Africa, more than one million, with an overwhelming majority of them coming from South Sudan and others refugees and asylum-seekers fleeing violence and persecution in neighboring countries – including Eritrea, the Central African Republic, Ethiopia and Chad – as well as the war in Syria and Yemen." +258009,48907.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Population'],[],en,91,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[20th January 2021, Cox's Bazar] Five of the 18 people interviewed have heard about COVID-19 testing but are not sure about the details. They want more information about: ● Where to go if they have symptoms ● Which hospitals and clinics offer testing in the camps ● What happens to people who test positive for the virus ● How long they will need to stay in Cox’s Bazar or isolation centres ● What treatment they will receive ● How long the treatment takes" +323702,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,48,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Les femmes représentent 55 pour cent de la main d’œuvre agricole, dont 40 pour cent sont propriétaires de terres agricoles. Cependant, même lorsqu’elles possèdent des terres, elles n’ont qu’un pouvoir de décision limité sur celles-ci." +91811,26015.0,1620.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,80,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Situation-Overview_H2R_Oct-Dec_13.03.2020.pdf,"Assessed settlements reporting that at least one person was using a latrine increased in Marte (from 39% in October to 69% in December), whereas it decreased in Dikwa (from 94% in October to 63% in December) throughout the reporting period. In Gwoza latrine use was consistently reported throughout the reporting period, with 79% of assessed reporting that at least one person was using a latrine in December." +179231,41946.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Economy'],en,110,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://publications.unescwa.org/projects/saw/sdgs/pdf/en/Syria-at-War-8-years-on-Report-Final.pdf,"[Syria 2019, Food insecurity and nutrition] As of the end of 2016 and up to mid-2018, the price of an average food basket fell steadily across the Syrian , yet since then the food prices began to increase again.Compared with pre-conflict levels, prices are much higher and purchasing power substantially lower due to various factors, including the limited production capacity described above, disrupted trade and the currency devaluation. In some 40 per cent of Syrian households, more than 65 per cent of expenditure is on food.This spending pattern has squeezed the middle-class budgets and is pushing more people into poverty." +169734,40580.0,2170.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,63,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://thenationonlineng.net/taraba-approves-re-opening-of-schools/,"[02/10/2020, Taraba] The Taraba Government has approved the reopening of the state University in Jalingo and other tertiary institutions in the state. Taraba State Commissioner for Information and Re-orientation, Mr Danjuma Adamu, , disclosed this at a news conference in Jalingo on Friday. Adamu said that the schools will reopen at the end of October." +227835,45936.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,67,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"En Colombia, las desigualdades generalizadas, la pobreza y la discriminación de grupos marginados como los refugiados, los migrantes, la población de lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y trans y las comunidades étnicas, han aumentado en el contexto de la emergencia sanitaria por COVID-19, así como los riesgos de Violencia basada en género (VBG) para las mujeres y las niñas" +164378,38902.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,27,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"ELN has also been expanding its areas of influence, for example, in northern Boyacá and southern Bolívar (Semana 13/05/2020; FIP 24/05/2020)." +287006,51749.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,83,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"La région centre-est compte 162 CSPS dont 3 privés, 13 dispensaires isolés dont 4 privés, 4 maternités isolées, 12 cabinets de soins privés, et les CM (3 dont 1 privé confessionnel) et le second échelon est représenté par 6 CMA ou hôpitaux de district. Le district sanitaire de Tenkodogo centré sur le CHR n’a pas d’hôpital de district. Le deuxième niveau de soins est représenté par le CHR de Tenkodogo." +255434,48602.0,2028.0,"['Agriculture', 'Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,166,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'Displacement', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Whole%20of%20Syria%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20-%20End-of-year%202020.pdf,"[1Jan-31Dec 2020 NWS] Since December 2019, more than 940,000 people, of which 194,000 are women and 566,000 are children, have been displaced in northwest Syria, in addition to the 2.7 million people who were already displaced. Of the four million people living in the northwest, 2.8 million require urgent humanitarian assistance. 2020 was a particularly dangerous year for children in the northwest. January to March 2020 saw the highest number of child casualties in a single quarter since the conflict began. In late 2020, violence again intensified after the March ceasefire, increasing the risk for children and humanitarian workers. In one week alone in November 2020, at least five children were reportedly killed in northwest Syria, including a four-year-old who was on her way to school. In the same week, two aid workers - partners of UNICEF - were killed while heading to a UNICEF-supported child-friendly space." +314562,52949.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Economy', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,61,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The indirect impact of COVID-19 on remittances has particularly worsened the condition of displaced people compared to the non-displaced. A majority of urban and IDP households who received remittances reported a 10 to 30 per cent decline compared to what they typically received due to COVID-19, hampering their ability to sustain their life and pay for critical services." +64130,18925.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,70,['Impact'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/va_report_libya_2019-libmac-unmas.pdf,"According to the 2018 MSNA, health care continues to present the most substantial obstacles to Libyan households with the highest proportion of households facing unmet needs (23%) due to three main barriers in access to services: • Lack of medical staff (43%) • Lack of money to pay for care (37%) • Lack of medical supplies (32%" +341459,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,88,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"L’émergence et la persistance des conflits tiennent à l’incapacité à définir un projet politique permet- tant de conjuguer le développement économique et la construction d’un Etat de droit au service des populations. L'État fait face à des violences très diversifiées, des violences qui mettent à mal une certaine idée de la nation : incivisme, extrémisme violent, terrorisme, conflits « communautaires », criminalité organisée transfrontalière ou transnationale, montée des revendications syndicales et des luttes corporatistes." +150077,32165.0,1388.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",[],[],es,87,[],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/74589.pdf,"Una de las principales barreras que enfrentan los refugiados, desde la perspectiva empresarial, surge por el desconocimiento que tienen en dicho sector sobre los derechos que tiene los refugiados o solicitantes de refugio para ser contratados o desarrollar su propia iniciativa empresarial, para desempeñarse individualmente o de forma encadenada como proveedor en la cadena de valor. Existe la percepción por parte de los empresarios que una persona refugiada no puede ser contratada o desarrollar una relación de negocio, dado su estatus." +235834,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,64,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"While there had been a minor dip in number of partners during the first peak of the COVID crisis, third quarter data shows that the number of humanitarian organisations has now normalised back to 162 partners. According to third quarter data, 151 or 92 per cent of all humanitarian partners are NGOs (82 national and 69 international NGOs)." +323323,54815.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,85,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Despite this progress, governance issues in the health sector have contributed to inequalities in staffing and infrastructure across regions and across socio-economic groups. Since 2003, health has received at least 10 percent of the government budget each year, reaching 12 percent in 2017 (Ministère de la Sante et al., 2020a). However, the technical efficiency challenges allocative and constrain progress, and the fragmentation of financing targeted and donor-driven approaches weakens health sector governance and accountability." +164717,39789.0,2098.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,26,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Movementwide%20Operation%20Report%20August%202020.pdf,"BDRCS Response Highlights: 1,042,908+ People received life-saving awareness messages on COVID-19 through social media (facebook, twitter, viber) in August 2020." +294555,51749.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,36,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,[commune de Comin-Yanga] L’intégralité des PDI déclarent vivre dans des abris précaires. La particularité de la commune de Comin-Yanga est que les PDI vivent dans des sites organisés / planifiés. +164609,38699.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,62,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/monsoon-floods-push-millions-children-uncertainty-amid-covid-19,"In response to this situation, UNICEF promoted messaging on flood awareness and the safety of children, and the importance of wearing masks and maintaining social distancing in shelters through community radio. UNICEF is also working with the Government and NGO partners on the ground to provide hygiene kits to help people stay safe from COVID-19 and other diseases." +209817,45080.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,56,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%209%20Dec%202020.pdf,"[9thDec2020,Nigeria]Moreover, families directly affected by COVID-19 face serious stigma from community members especially when a family has been confirmed to be positive or is suspected. Additional efforts, including raising awareness to counter stigmatization, need to be undertaken to ensure the protection of people affected by COVID-19." +319774,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,57,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Similarly, GBV Information Management System 2020 data showed an increase in intimate partner violence (55 per cent), physical assault (61 per cent) and rape (12 per cent), compared to the 2019 figures: physical assault (45 per cent) and rape (8 per cent)." +304879,51467.0,2335.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Both men and women report relying on small scale livelihood activities to mitigate the difficulties they face, including fishing, hunting, farming, harvesting honey, brewing alcohol and selling charcoal. Trees cut down and burned for charcoal have a high environmental impact." +323017,54498.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,105,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/89758cd4/REACH_COL_RAN_Factsheet_Trend_analysis_March2021.pdf,"Por su parte, en cuanto a la composición por sexo, según lo señalado durante las cin- co etapas de recolección de datos, los grupos de viaje estuvieron mayormente integrados por personas del sexo mas- culino. Desde la primera ronda, de los 562 viajeros que estaban en grupo, más de la mitad (56%) eran hombres, tendencia que siguió reportándose en las rondas poste- riores, alcanzando un máximo de reporte en la última ronda, donde casi dos terceras partes (63%) de los 903 viajeros que iban en grupo, eran hombres." +220290,45084.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,135,"['Priority Interventions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_5_november_2020_final.pdf,"In support of the Government, humanitarian partners have provided tens of thousands of pieces of PPE and several thousand items of life-saving medical equipment to the Ministry of Public Health. Additionally, frontline NGO workers are set to receive new deliveries of PPE – including both surgical and N95 masks, face shields and shoe covers – from WHO over the coming weeks. So far, through support of the European Commission Humanitarian Aid Office (ECHO), WHO has delivered more than 520,000 PPE items to frontline NGO workers in Afghanistan since the start of the pandemic. With a second wave of the gathering pace globally, there is an urgent need to ensure a rapid distribution of medical and protective equipment to all corners of the country." +341980,56493.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Il semblerait que les Koglwéogo bénéficient de la complicité et des allégeances de certaines autorités politiques qui les confortent dans leurs pratiques de sévices corporels et autres maltraitances dans l’exercice d’une justice privée (règlements de comptes, la légitimation de la violence) qui constitue une menace pour la cohésion sociale." +325686,54267.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Le riz apparaît comme un produit d’importation pour les populations urbaines. La consommation de riz augmente régulièrement en raison de la demande urbaine croissante et plus orientée vers le riz importé. Le riz local, en revanche, est peu compétitif dans un contexte social caractérisé par la pauvreté, la grande taille des ménages et les faibles revenus monétaires qui poussent les gens vers des produits moins chers" +329495,54412.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,46,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_cluster_sante_rdc_s14_ok.pdf,"[Nord Ubangi] Sur le plan sanitaire, l’accès aux services de santé de base pour les nouveaux réfugiés (soins santé primaires, l’eau potable, latrines hygiéniques, nourriture) reste la principale problématique dans les trois provinces." +317193,53333.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,Food is reported as a problem for host communities due to unpredictable fighting and even more dire for IDPs who have limited access to farming land +62871,18514.0,1386.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Economy'],en,320,['Impact'],['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190328_acaps_briefing_note_venezuela_update_and_2019_outlook__0.pdf,"Hyperinflation, persisting economic deterioration, and collapse of services inside Venezuela Venezuela’s economy keeps spiralling and its economic capacities are expected to deteriorate further, with the IMF predicting inflation to reach 10,000,000% by the end of 2019 (IMF 10/2018). The consequences of oil sanctions imposed on Venezuela will soon be felt by the population, especially the poorest households (Crisis Group 04/03/2019, The Independent 26/01/2019). In addition to increasing wages and revaluating the monetary system based on the ‘Petro’, the government implemented an Economic Recovery Programme on 20 August 2018. It is too early to evaluate the impact, but already, the IMF warns that the implementation of inappropriate policies aimed at stabilising the economy in the current fragile socioeconomic situation could have the opposite effect and aggravate the crisis (IMF 10/2018, FAO 16/01/2019). Recuperation from economic collapse will be long and difficult. A study from Harvard University looking at trajectories of countries that had suffered economic catastrophes found that it would take Venezuela 35 years to recover its pre-crisis GDP with a 1.8% GDP annual growth rate(Harvard University 10/2018). The situation for Venezuelans inside the country is increasingly difficult – access to food, medicine, and basic services is challenging. The March 2019 country-wide electric failure shows the continuous collapse of basic services provision, and further deterioration is to be expected as the crisis deepens, with increased food shortages, deaths caused by the failures of the health system, paralysis of commerce, education, and increased poverty (El Stimulo 12/03/2019). Shortages of food, malnutrition, and food insecurity are likely to be exacerbated by an El Nino episode that was confirmed in the beginning of 2019 (IFRC 01/02/2019). 6" +149211,36019.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,27,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"Low surveillance capacity and inconsistent application of quarantine and screening procedures compounds these risks, limiting the ability to detect cases early and break-up transmission chains." +306272,51572.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Some children in the lower classes were reported to be engaged in economic activities like fishing, working in the market as schools remained closed due to COVID-19. This has created protection concerns among the teachers. [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]" +322058,54521.0,2311.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,92,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/post_clearance_report_narino_la_union_colombia_halo.pdf,"Natural resources In rural communities across Colombia, there is a high level of dependence on natural resources in order to survive. Natural sources of water and fuel (firewood) are integral to rural living, and the presence of IEDs often forces people to put their lives at risk when collecting these essential resources. It was recorded that 60% of direct beneficiary households continued to collect natural resources in areas suspected of ERW contamination, directly risking their lives due to a lack of other options." +319682,54196.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead']",es,58,[],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.wradio.com.co/noticias/regionales/un-muerto-y-un-herido-dejan-enfrentamientos-del-eln-en-villa-del-rosario-zona-de-frontera/20210407/nota/4123747.aspx,"""Producto de ese enfrentamiento resultó una persona muerta y otra herida, que fue trasladada a un centro asistencial, las actuaciones de la policía judicial se están llevando a cabo en este momento y hemos podido establecer que son dos ciudadanos venezolanos, se está realizandola inspección al cadáver para establecer los responsablesdirectos"". Señaló" +329850,55152.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,67,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bcnudh_-_communique_de_presse_-_note_mensuelle_mars_2021.pdf,"[Mars 2021] La majorité des violations [des droits de l’homme ] et atteintes a de nouveau été enregistrée dans la province du Nord-Kivu (359 violations, soit 59% des violations commises dans ces provinces), suivie de l’Ituri (77 violations), du Sud-Kivu (63 violations) et du Tanganyika (46 violations)." +163262,36028.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,54,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/after-several-failed-attempts-security-council-authorizes-one-year,"The resolution did not approve the Bab al-Salam crossing on Syria’s border with Turkey, through which aid had continued until yesterday, as well as Al Yarubiyah and Al-Ramtha on the country’s borders with Iraq and Jordan, through which deliveries had moved from 2014 to early January 2020" +235024,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,18,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Afghanistan remains one of the top five most dangerous countries in which to be an aid worker. +414632,63627.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,98,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://zoom-eco.net/developpement/rdc-une-prime-de-brousse-de-20-000-cdf-sera-accordee-aux-enseignants-de-linterieur-du-pays-des-octobre-2021-officiel/,"Le Ministre de l’Enseignement Primaire, Secondaire et Technique (EPST), Tony Mwaba, a obtenu l’approbation par le Conseil des ministres de l’instauration de la « prime de brousse ». Objectif : améliorer la rémunération des enseignants en provinces. En effet, la mise en œuvre de cette mesure débutera dès fin octobre prochain. Selon le Ministre de l’EPST, il existe un écart dans la rémunération des enseignants selon qu’ils prestent dans les chefs-lieux des provinces administratives ou dans les territoires" +144260,35186.0,1187.0,"['Cross', 'WASH']",[],[],en,111,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3657214,"“This needs to be accompanied by continued strong community engagement to do its part in hygiene and social distancing. We know this comprehensive set of measures work, when done well and sustained to suppress new chains of transmission, because it has already worked in several countries that had intense transmission,” said Dr. Birmingham. “With the human talent and experience in health in Argentina, I am convinced that Argentina can find a way to do it. At this point, without a vaccine, it is the only alternative to avoiding uncontrolled transmission, because continuous lockdown is not sustainable.”" +237314,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,22,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Preliminary analysis suggests that COVID-19 lockdowns in 2020 disproportionally affected urban areas, where restrictions on movement were more heavily enforced." +310302,53177.0,2466.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Sudan%20Multi-Sectoral%20Location%20Assessment_South%20Kordofan.pdf,"Shelters in Abu Jubaiha are mostly constructed from rakooba grass (48%) or from brick (28%). Of the existing shelters available, only six per cent are unoccupied. At present, 55 per cent of locations are in the process of constructing new shelters." +214122,45385.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,31,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"23 attaques de groupes armés contre les civils, dont 14 dans le Mayo Sava avec 13 morts, 16 blessés et au moins 16 personnes enlevées dont huit enfants." +330380,53831.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],fr,46,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/12042021_sitrep_s12_whe_oms_rdc_f.pdf,"Le paludisme, les infections respiratoires aigües (IRA) et la fièvre typhoïde caracolent en tête de la notification hebdomadaire sur l’ensemble de la RDC à S12/2021 avec respectivement 341 978 cas suspects, 111 117 cas suspects et 32 753 cas suspects" +212080,45203.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,101,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://fews.net/west-africa/cameroon/food-security-outlook/june-2020,"Fear of contracting the virus, social-distancing measures and border closures are continuing to restrict the flow of rice, fish and other imported goods from Douala and Yaoundé to the rest of the country, as well as hindering the movement of locally produced food. As a result, prices for some staple foods are higher than their seasonal averages, especially in Yaoundé and Douala. Yet these price rises are also caused by speculative practices and artificial shortages created by some wholesalers, although government-imposed rules and measures are containing the increases to below 10 percent." +150467,37702.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,85,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"Due to the prolonged crisis in Syria, the public health system is fragile and requires considerable support to reinforce its capacity to support a potential outbreak of COVID-19. Overall, only 57 public hospitals (64 per cent) are fully functioning in the country. There is also a considerable shortage of trained staff and a high turnover rate, all of which reduce its capacity to manage cases, and of medical equipment essential for case management, including ventilators." +13497,5946.0,321.0,"['Health', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Food Security', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],en,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/half-million-children-immediate-danger-tripoli-enar,"“A shortage of food water and electricity is among the daily challenges facing children and families. The country is facing an outbreak of measles, with over 500 cases reported – most of which are among children. A growing lack of fully functioning health services will only result in more cases of measles." +61754,18350.0,1184.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,8,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71151.pdf,43.412 personas nuevas recibieron asistencia en seguridad alimentaria +56379,17222.0,1183.0,['Education'],[],[],es,18,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.unicef.org/lac/historias/las-oportunidades-en-el-camino-son-oportunidades-para-aprender,"Colombia generó actividades de aprendizaje no formal para 1.258 niños, niñas y adolescentes ese mismo mes." +237237,46388.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Conflict now shapes daily decision making for civilians about movements and access to services, posing terrifying protection risks but also having a devastating impact on the country’s development and infrastructure." +194594,43822.0,2311.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],es,55,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19112020_flash_update_no.3_emergencias_por_ola_invernal_-_colombia_vf.pdf,"Por parte del municipio Manaure, el censo inicial es de 252 familias inundadas en 13 comunidades de la zona rural, las comunidades de Mayapo el Pajarón y el barrio Manaure Abajo (zona urbana) se han visto severamente afectadas. Otras 100 familias afectadas fueron registradas en el sector del Pájaro." +341884,56644.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],es,130,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.sismamujer.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/MUJERES-DERECHOS-LABORALES-Y-EMERGENCIA-SANITARIA.docx.pdf,"Las mujeres de este sector que son empleadas de tiendas, supermercados o negocios locales, manifestaron sufrir de violencia psicológica por parte de compradores y por parte de sus compañeros de trabajo. Igualmente, manifestaron presentar sobrecarga de trabajo dentro de los equipos, haber experimentado discriminación por edad para el acceso al empleo o manejo de cargos de dirección y subestimación de sus habilidades comerciales y administrativas por el hecho de ser mujeres. En el marco de la pandemia, las mujeres fueron las primeras en ser despedidas, por no considerarse fundamentales. Aquellas que conservaron su empleo se vieron recargadas en sus funciones, desempeñando por el mismo salario, o incluso menos, las labores propias de su cargo y otras funciones29." +173765,35181.0,1899.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,42,[],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Americas%20Update%20COVID%20%2313_3%20July.pdf,"Quarantine and border restrictions have been extended in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Panama, and Honduras, while Caribbean countries are relaxing COVID-19 related restrictions, with flights resuming and bars and beaches opening again." +310050,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],en,58,['Impact'],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"The lack of road infrastructure makes the supply chain in South Sudan extremely expensive, not only for humanitarian operations but also for the private sector. Poor roads and the lack of market infrastructure are some of the reasons due to which South Sudan ranks 185 out of 190 economies in the Doing Business 2019 report." +303366,51947.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,141,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,,"La migration en Afrique de l'Ouest est souvent dépeinte comme un fait majoritairement jeune et masculin. Selon cette conception, les migrants seraient principalement des jeunes hommes, partant à la recherche d'opportunités économiques. Pourtant, les activités de suivi des flux migratoires dans le Nord du Tchad, débutées en 2017, enregistrent une portion importante de femmes parmi les voyageurs (18% en 2018 et 22% en 2019), qui migrent pour une variété de motifs – et non pas uniquement pour rejoindre leur famille. Il est fréquent de rencontrer des femmes qui voyagent tant pour des motifs économiques, de manière indépendante, pour subvenir aux besoins de leur famille, que pour rejoindre d'autres membres de leur famille. Les types de flux effectués par les femmes sont donc diversifiés." +236120,47122.0,2334.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,30,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"Out of the total number of individuals sensitized [22,920] [through WASH activities], 2,285 and 1,049 people were sensitized on COVID-19 and cholera preventions respectively." +360012,58741.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,22,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC_FSO_2021_06_final.pdf,"Sur les principaux marchés suivis, les prix des principales denrées alimentaires sont restés stables ou en légère baisse par endroits." +192946,43304.0,2332.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,11,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,multiplier la sensibilisation des prisonniers sur les mesures d’hygiène +311052,54065.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nenfss_round_9_final_report_11032021.pdf,"[1st Dec 2020,North-East Nigeria] Measles is a highly contagious viral respiratory tract infection known to be an important cause of death and acute malnutrition among young children particularly in emergency contexts. Symptoms include high fever, coughing and skin rashes and it can be fatal if not treated quickly. About 1 to 5 percent of children with measles die from complications of the disease." +386124,60459.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,78,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"Néanmoins, les conséquences des restrictions au niveau mondial continuent d’affecter négativement les importations et les exportations du pays. Au mois de mai, le volume de flux entrants des produits alimentaires de grande consommation (riz, huile, sucre, farine de blé) et contrôlés par les services de douane a baissé de plus de 70 pour cent comparativement au même mois de 2020 (DGRCP, Ministère du commerce)." +165213,39714.0,1183.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->Local Response'],[],es,14,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,59% aumentó la frecuencia de la limpieza en su hogar/lugar de trabajo. +472933,63777.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,41,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"les enfants sont confrontés aux risques des blessures des restes d’engins explosifs, au risque de mariage d’enfant, au risque d’enlèvement et même au risque d’enrôlement forcé dans les groupes armés." +489940,67838.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,66,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/adamawa_state_2021_cholera_situation_report_no_8.pdf,"[31st Aug 2021, Adamawa State] SI distributed 34 Cholera kits to the 34 HHs where AWD was reported as suspected/confirmed. Also distributed 1,152 pieces of soaps to the neighboring HHs and spraying/Disinfection of the HHs conducted. Disinfection of infected Household latrines and public dump sites by IOM, SI and NRC ongoing in communities of Girei and Yola North LGAs." +169518,40367.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,16,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,UNICEF and partners continue to support the health response in areas affected by the emergency. +323042,54626.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,37,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,"Over 90 per cent of diarrhoea cases under five years (509 girls, 557 boys) were treated with oral rehydration salts and 377 pregnant women were able to complete their fourth antenatal care visit." +214155,45385.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'WASH']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,53,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"La ville de Kolofata est congestionnée par cet afflux ; les PDIs y représentent désormais plus de 65% de la population totale. Les services sociaux de base, l’accès à l’eau potable et à l’alimentation subissent donc une énorme pression avec ce nouvel afflux." +70601,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],[],en,55,[],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"Officials are reportedly considering the establishment of “tent or container cities”. 32 The location and construction of these should be carried out in consultation with communities and constructed according to minimum Shelter and WASH standards to ensure they are appropriate and safe for different sexes, ages and levels of mobility." +311645,53198.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,25,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/DTM%20Sudan%20Mobility%20Restriction%20Dashboard%204.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=8634,An additional 50 IDP gold miners working in Northern State are also reportedly unable to return home to Shadad IDP Camp in North Darfur. +175403,41304.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,56,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://allafrica.com/stories/202010020073.html,"At the level of health facilities: in addition to the health facilities that are closed (72/121) or that operate at minimum (24), there are stock-outs of essential drugs, a lack of qualified personnel, no resuscitation or intensive care services, and permanent unavailability of labile blood products." +475706,63295.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rpca_avis_pregec_cotonou-visio_17_18_juin2021_fr.pdf,[Sahel et Afrique de l’Ouest] La campagne agricole d’hivernage en cours est caractérisée par des séquences sèches longues qui ont occasionné des déficits hydriques sur les cultures dans certaines localités au niveau des pays du Golfe de Guinée et perturbé l’installation des semis dans la bande sahélienne. +135767,35301.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,53,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Since the beginning of the year, to strengthen the quality of learning, 632 teachers were trained in various technical areas such as active learning and child-centred and protective pedagogy (only 1 per cent of the target, due to the suspension of training as a preventive measures for COVID-19)" +290390,51970.0,2311.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,164,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"As a result of lower restrictions aimed at stimulating the economy, people are finding less limitations to access markets. The share of those facing constraints nearly halved since the beginning of the pandemic, passing from 80% to 47%. Fear to go out due to the disease outbreak, which was reported as the main concern to access markets registered a remarkable decrease, as shown in figure 4, with a similar pattern in the three countries. Feb-21 Along the same line, there has been an increase in the number of food shops and markets claimed to be always open, from 50% to 72%. Similarly, 61% (+10%) claims that food is always increased available. The food availability is also entailing positive effectsas a lower share of migrants (66%) reported an increase compared to the start of the pandemic (76%)." +329883,53694.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Hospitalization & Care']",fr,98,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/03042021_sitrep_s11_whe_oms_rdc.docx.pdf,"Quant à l’exposition, 20,2% (620/3 064) des cas auraient séjourné endéans les 14 jours avant la maladie dans une ou plusieurs autres villes affectées par la COVID-19, à l’intérieur ou en dehors de la RDC. En outre, 22,6% (465/2 062) des cas auraient visité une structure sanitaire ; 44,2% (874/1977) des cas auraient été en contact étroit avec un sujet présentant les symptômes d’une infection respiratoire aigüe, dans les 14 jours précédant le début de la maladie." +172831,38004.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,22,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/04/28/syria-aid-restrictions-hinder-covid-19-response,"[28th April 2020, NE Syria] Aid agencies have developed a Covid-19 awareness campaign planing camps and collective shelters." +171479,40699.0,2098.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,93,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20201004_acaps_thematic_review_vulnerable_households_rohingya_refugee_response.pdf,"[4th october, Cox's Bazar] PreCOVID-19, Rohingya households led by men had more basic and medium assets compared to those led by women, and households led by women were more likely to use emergency coping mechanisms such as child labor, trafficking begging than those led by men (9% and 4% respectively) (WFP 12/2019). Households without a working age male were also less likely to make needed improvements to their shelters because they lacked the income to purchase labour and materials" +451658,64995.0,2225.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,36,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://api.godocs.wfp.org/api/documents/3fe1ff1f31994345b29d18dd8de64897/download/?_ga=2.16256693.2084338085.1630505186-1866825941.1625132385,COVID-19 Operational Impact - Status WFP Response adjusted : Extended distribution timelines / Crow control and social distancing measures at distribution sites / Mandatory hygiene measures at distribution sites / School feeding through take home rations +194086,42940.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",es,112,[],"['Context', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/flash_update_no_12_covid-19_choco_vf.pdf,"Al 30 de octubre del 2020, el Instituto Nacional de Salud (INS) ha reportado 1'063.151 casos confirmados de COVID-19 en Colombia. En Chocó, la Gobernación reportó para el 28 de octubre 4.162 casos positivos, de los cuales 28 se encuentran activos. Los casos se han registrado en 28 de los 30 municipios del departamento, 159 muertes, 3.952 recuperados (95% del total de casos). Del total de casos confirmados, el 48% son mujeres, el 52% hombres y 11% menores de 19 años; y la ocupación de UCI en el departamento es del 16%" +313700,53333.0,2334.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,43,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"To promote gender equality and encourage boys to support girls’ aspirations in education, including adolescent boys in NFI distributions with dignity kits that can assist them in accessing basic necessities like towels, soap, shaving blades, and undergarments." +62948,18642.0,1386.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,84,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://transparencia.org.ve/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/EPE-II-Sector-Agua.pdf,"Repasando la cobertura en términos porcentuales (indicadores relativos), alcanzaba al 68% de cobertura del servicio de AP (71% en áreas urbanas y 48% en rurales) para el año 2004, último año con información. Ahora, según ENCOVI 2014, la cobertura alcan- zaba el 83.6%, pero este dato es errático. Aunque la red cubra ese porcentaje, las que conducen agua son mucho menos y la discontinuidad es la regla." +170916,40447.0,2028.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,47,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syriahr.com/en/185493/,"[24th September 2020, NW Syria] North-western Syria, where up to 4 million people, many of them internally displaced, are crammed into a corner of a broken country, is seen as one of the most at-risk parts of the world." +319851,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],en,26,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,The restrictions on movement and public gatherings have limited access to basic services as well as reduced access to information and participation in community-level decision-making. +125331,32724.0,1620.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,17,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ca5464en.pdf,Public services are of bad quality and there are no social safety nets protecting the poor. +453961,63974.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_20210630-Rapport-Protection-Trimestriel.pdf,"la non-possession de document d’état civil par les personnes déplacées internes ne résulte pas du seul fait du non-enregistrement à l’état civil dans le délai légal lors de leur naissance, la perte, le vol ou l’oubli en sont aussi des motifs" +325545,54815.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Education']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,43,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[Ouagadougou] Compared to the overall population of Ouagadougou, the poor appear to be nearly equally able to rely on walking for accessing schools and lower-level medical facilities, but are at a clear disadvantage for accessing advanced medical facilities." +61407,18235.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,148,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"According to one key informant interviewed in Riohacha, the Anti-Trafficking Committee in La Guajira had not identified any cases of trafficking as of June 2019. Key informants in Bogotá stated that this gap in identification and response in cases of human trafficking is linked, among other things, to the fact that Colombia has historically been a country of origin of human trafficking victims rather than a destination, meaning that neither its legal framework nor its response mechanisms are tailored for a situation of potential trafficking within the framework of a migration flow. Local actors also seem not to fully understand the difference between the concepts of survival sex, exploitation, and trafficking, for instance conflating prostitution with trafficking, or assuming that all women who engage in sex work must be forced by a third person to do it." +317931,53305.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,Among the most vulnerable people are newly displaced families; communities hosting large numbers of displaced and/or recently returned people; and households that are headed by a single parent or looking after older people or people with disabilities. +13861,5545.0,322.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Food Security', 'Shelter']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Context->Demography'],en,112,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/IOM%20Yemen%20-%20Sitrep%20-%201%20July%202018.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=3857,"A total of 1,995 migrants (1% girls, 17% boys, 5% women, and 78% men) were provided direct assistance during the reporting week, including:  114 migrants were registered and screened.  760 migrants were provided snacks and hot meals.  416 migrants were provided NFIs and hygiene kits.  35 migrants were provided temporary accommodation.  392 migrants were provided awareness raising orientation.  IOM’s coastal search and rescue teams for migrants found 278 new arrivals and provided them information, food, water, NFIs, and medical assistance, as necessary." +2589,518.0,321.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,90,[],['Displacement'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/unicef-libya-humanitarian-situation-report-01-january-31-march-2017,"IOM’s latest Displacement Tracking Matrix1 identified in February 2017 a total of 294,436 Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), 196,852 returnees, and 256,690 migrants by the end of 2016. UNHCR2 reported a total number of registered refugees and asylum seekers of 40,259 by the end of March 2017, while the total number of refugees in Libya was estimated at 100,0003. In January 2017 alone and despite winter conditions at sea, 4,463 people left Libya to Italy, 40 children reportedly died." +182902,32165.0,1388.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],es,129,[],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/74589.pdf,"El servicio doméstico continúa siendo una opción viable como empleo en “hogares privados”, sin embargo, este tipo de trabajo requiere condiciones de empleo más claras, registradas y del alcance de la legislación laboral. Este tipo de puesto laboral permite trabajar a tiempo completo o parcial; puede trabajar para una sola familia o para más empleadores; puede vivir en el hogar del empleador. Las labores principales, que pueden ser alcanzados por los refugiados o solicitantes de refugio en el corto plazo, son: limpieza, lavado y planchado, cocina, cuidar de niños-adultos mayores, mantenimiento y arreglos, cuido de jardines. En estos casos, la persona estará prestando sus servicios directamente a la familia." +195808,43853.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Testing']",fr,65,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.rtbf.be/info/monde/detail_coronavirus-en-rdc-les-voyageurs-testes-a-leur-descente-d-avion?id=10622664,"Les voyageurs en provenance de l’étranger sont testés à leur descente d’avion depuis samedi en République démocratique du Congo, où l’ambassade de France a annoncé la fermeture pour une semaine des écoles françaises à Kinshasa, afin d’éviter l’importation des cas de Covid-19 d’Europe où la deuxième vague fait des ravages." +327067,54267.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],fr,34,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,La Politique nationale de sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle (PNSAN) est le cadre de référence unique pour l’orientation de toutes les actions visant à promouvoir la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle. +125734,31803.0,1183.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,31,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77205.pdf,la xenofobia es una de las principales razones (76.2%) por la cual los refugiados y migrantes manifiestan no tener una buena relación con la comunidad de acogida. +146182,37548.0,1187.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],es,41,[],['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/policy_brief_cuidados_espanolv_190829.pdf,Se lanzó la campaña #CuarentenaconDerechos promoviendo la distribución de las tareas del hogar y el acompañamiento de las tareas y juegos de menores de forma equitativa y el reconocimiento de los derechos otorgados a las trabajadoras de casas particulares. +178229,41756.0,2225.0,"['Education', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,83,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"En situation de déplacement, le taux de scolarisation des enfants dans les zones d’origine baisse drastiquement. Il est estimé à 36 pour cent pour les enfants déplacés,49 comparé à 78 pour cent au niveau national.50 En effet, les ménages fragilisés n’ont plus les moyens de prendre en charge les coûts de scolarisation - les mesures de gratuité de l’école annoncées par le nouveau Gouvernement en 2019 n’étant pas encore pleinement appliquées." +132458,35164.0,1188.0,['Shelter'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,44,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"Algunos mencionaron que priorizan el pago del arrendamiento sobre alimentación y salud; y varias personas manifestaron que los han expulsado de sus viviendas por tan sólo un día de retraso en el pago, aún contando con menores de edad en la vivienda" +285957,51487.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Logistics', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods', 'Education', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,113,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no1_desplazamientos_en_buenaventura.pdf,"Las restricciones en la movilidad que presentan los habitantes de estas comunidades repercuten en el acceso a la educación virtual de quienes no tienen internet en el hogar, teniendo en cuenta que debido a la emergencia sanitaria por COVID-19 no hay clases presenciales. Así mismo, hay limitaciones en el acceso a la recreación de los niños, niñas y adolescentes, así como en el acceso a alimentación, salud y medios de vida de la población en general; adicionalmente, los habitantes de estos barrios no tienen acceso a transporte público, ya que los prestadores de este servicio no se atreven a ingresar a la zona." +21817,9026.0,322.0,[],[],[],en,57,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,,"The old town contains about 6,000 buildings, almost all of which are beige-colored, multi- storey, masonry structures with elaborate white gypsum friezes and embellishments as well as gypsum and stained-glass windows. Another unique feature are a number of urban vegetable and fruit gardens whose vibrant green pleasantly off-sets the towering masonry buildings." +193954,43327.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,18,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_sectoriel_octobre.pdf,Le renforcement du fonctionnement des groupes de travail qui interagissent directement ou indirectement avec le Cluster Santé; +179162,41842.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,198,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nw_syria_sitrep21_20201020.pdf,"(NW 20/10/2020) Access to safe water is a priority; only 57 percent of water stations in northwest Syria are functioning, of which only 80 percent are disinfecting their water. Current gap analysis indicates that across 27 sub-districts, 1.3 million people lack some form of WASH service, including water trucking (156,278 people), connection to piped water networks (1,041,343 people), latrine construction and sewage network rehabilitation or construction (179,393 people), solid waste removal services (454,641 people), and hygiene kit distributions (62,787 people). Observations from sites assessed by WASH field facilitators indicate that 33 percent of locations receive less than 30 litres of safe water per day and 58 per cent of locations have insufficient chlorine levels in drinking water. Average latrines coverage is one for every 103 persons, 41 percent of locations have a coverage of more than 50 persons per latrine, and in 19 percent of locations latrines are not segregated by sex. In 69 percent of locations, affected populations had no access to hygiene kits in the past three months." +160828,38029.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syriadirect.org/news/mapping-coronavirus-in-syria-unofficial-cases-and-hot-spots/,"To help track and limit the spread of COVID-19, 25,000 new testing kits were purchased by the KRC on August 5, raising the number of available tests from 5,000 to 30,000." +220286,45084.0,2336.0,"['WASH', 'Health', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_5_november_2020_final.pdf,COVID-19 awareness raising and community engagement work is being incorporated into this response due to the increased risks facing people who are displaced and living in crowded conditions without proper access to hygiene facilities. +255416,48602.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,77,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Whole%20of%20Syria%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20-%20End-of-year%202020.pdf,"[14 march-13 Sept 2020, Overall Syria] COVID-19 has brought severe disruption to basic services. Moreover, the government closed all schools as a preventative measure between 14 March and 13 September. Continuing health and nutrition preventative as well as surveillance activities became a major challenge. Simultaneously, the number of mental health consultations tripled from March through May compared to the same period in 2019, posing a great concern." +305461,53013.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/3c8084ae/REACH_SOM_Factsheet_Assessment-of-Hard-to-Reach-Areas_December-2020.pdf,77% of assessed settlements where people were reportedly not receiving information about available humanitarian assistance while only 13% are receiving information about available humanitarian assistance. +287000,51749.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[Boulgou : Tenkodogo] Comme acteurs armés, on peut citer la présence de l’armée de terre à travers le 31e régiment d’infanterie commando en charge de la sécurisation de la région et bas��e à Tenkodogo, la gendarmerie, la police, la douane, les services des eaux et foret et les membres de la milice koglweogo." +178195,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],fr,51,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Environ 44 pour cent de la population vit en zone urbaine. Avec un taux moyen de croissance urbaine du pays durant la dernière décennie de 4,1 pour cent (soit un million de citadins de plus chaque année), ce pourcentage pourrait atteindre 52 pour cent en 2030.14 15" +270228,50227.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",es,83,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"De los casos reportados en los pueblos el 4,2% son graves o fatales en todos los grupos de edad, para la población de 60 años y más son el 20,6% los casos graves y fatales, el 71,9% de los fallecidos en los pueblos indígenas son personas de ese grupo de edad. Los fallecimientos por COVID-19 reportados a la fecha para las poblaciones indígenas son 1.160 muertes, 62,7% en hombres en 202 municipios del país." +306372,51572.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"The camp chairmen of D-1, D-2 insisted on the uselessness of vegetables and cereals seeds distribution, as there is no place for agriculture. For the last distribution, the community ate the seeds directly." +191897,43304.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,54,[],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Dans le cadre des mesures barrières à la COVID-19, le Gouvernement de la République du Tchad a décidé de la fermeture, à compter du 23 mars 2020 de tous les marchés et les établissements suivants : lieux de grillades, boutiques et magasins de vente des articles et produits non alimentaires." +343088,53036.0,2334.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,21,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/1-Lolo_Dec%202020_0.pdf,"EDUCATION 28,79 % d'enfants en âge scolaire inscrits à l'école primaire 6,02 % d'enfants en âge scolaire inscrits à l'école secondaire" +59530,17198.0,1224.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",en,111,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"Team members also engaged the migrants in discourse during which they were able to gather qualitative data that were not otherwise gathered. In some cases, interaction was facilitated in English, Spanish and Warrau. Several team members speak and understand Spanish and this helped to reduce/remove barriers to communication. Where the local language of Warrau was spoken by the migrants, translation was done via a representative from the respective village; here again, communication barriers were reduced/removed. It must be mentioned that despite a large presence of Warrau, most of the migrants also speak and understand Spanish and in some cases English." +415302,61079.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,90,[],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/acleddata.com-Regional%20Overview%20Africa12-18%20June%202021.pdf,"In Burkina Faso, presumed Jama’at Nusrat al-Islam wal-Muslimin (JNIM) fighters targeted civilians in several regions of the country, triggering clashes with Volunteer for Defense of Homeland (VDP) forces in North and Sahel regions. Meanwhile, Burkinabe military forces launched operations, including airstrikes and artillery attacks, against JNIM positions in East, Sahel, and Cascades regions. In a combined air-ground operation in the Banga area in Yagha province, military forces killed around 40 suspected JNIM militants." +307051,51467.0,2335.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,119,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"South Sudan’s school-aged population, aged between 3 and 17, reached 5.3 million in 2020. The increase is challenging the provision of education particularly in areas that may also experience an influx of displaced people or returnees when conflict eventually subsides. There are also a number of key supply-side barriers to education such as the lack of qualified teachers; a damaged education infrastructure; overcrowded classrooms; inconsistencies in the provision of teacher incentives; a shortage of learning materials; poor sanitation and water facilities in schools; the long distance a child needs to travel to school; and little to no support services in schools for children with disabilities." +209810,45080.0,2170.0,['WASH'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,47,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%209%20Dec%202020.pdf,"[9thDec2020,Nigeria]With ongoing heavy rains and constant flooding, sector partners are prioritizing the dislodgement of filled latrines across camps, while congestion in some camps puts pressure on available sanitation facilities with little or no space for installation of new ones." +239264,47351.0,2170.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Factsheet_NGA2005-Biu-LGA-Borno-state-November-2020.pdf,"[1st Nov2020,Biu LGA, Borno states]Internally displaced households that reported knowing their approximate income in the 30 days prior to data collection (73%), reported earning an average 12,761 NGN, compared to non-displaced households (77%) who reported an average 22,796 NGN. 1" +299359,51893.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[January 2021, Overall Syria] The Median Male Monthly Income from reported work is 130,000 SYP (44 USD) with the highest income in Northeast Syria(200,000 SYP) followed by North Syria (180,000 SYP), Northwest Syria (150,000) and Central and South Syria( 120,000 SYP)." +157944,38777.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,62,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/food-insecurity-impact-covid-19-among-critical-challenges-facing-syria,"The spread of COVID-19 in Syria is likely more severe than official data suggests, a senior United Nations officialtoldthe Security Council during a videoconference meeting* on 27 August, adding that food insecurity remains a nationwide concern and that humanitarian convoys are suffering delays after the 15-member organ in July reduced the number of authorized border crossings to one." +264335,48806.0,2332.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,65,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_final_enquete_smart_27112019.pdf,"Les résultats de cette analyse montrent une corrélation entre le statut vaccinal contre la rougeole ou la supplémentation en Vitamine A ou le déparasitage avec la MA et MC [Malnutrition Chronique]. Le passage à l’échelle de tous ces programmes doit être une priorité si ce n’est le cas, pour le bien-être et la santé des enfants." +318860,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,73,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Conflict in Somalia has resulted in contamination from explosives remnants of war (ERW), landmines, and IEDs, which has a detrimental impact on the physical security of civilians, especially for mobile pastoral communities. In the period January-August 2020, 23 individuals (21 children) were killed and maimed by mines and ERW, while IEDs, including pressure plate operated, caused 313 civilian casualties." +314812,52949.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Particularly high population density, prevalent in most IDP sites in Somalia, is also a key factor in communicable disease transmission, increasing the infection risks of COVID-19, cholera and polio." +219302,45655.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,44,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"[9th Dec, Northwest Syria]In NWS (as of 7 December), a total of 17,527 confirmed cases were reported (9,648 from Idleb and 7,879 from Aleppo governorates), including 221 deaths.A total of 8,334 people reportedly recovered" +270187,50226.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,126,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_6.pdf,"En la semana epidemiológica 06 de 2021 se notificaron 816 casos probables de dengue: 471 casos de esta semana y 345 casos de semanas anteriores. En el sistema hay 4 118 casos, 2 054 (49,9 %) sin signos de alarma, 1 980 (48,1 %) con signos de alarma y 84 (2,0%) de dengue grave. En Colombia, los casos de dengue proceden de 32 departamentos, 4 distritos, 440 municipios. Las entidades territoriales de Cali, Cartagena, Valle del Cauca, Barranquilla, Tolima, Putumayo, Huila, Antioquia, Cundinamarca, Atlántico, Meta y Bolívar aportan 71,5 % (2 945) de los casos a nivel nacional" +187027,42474.0,1184.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,30,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Americas%20COVID-19%20Update%20-%2016OCT20.pdf,"Venezuela-bound movements have also been noted in other parts of the region, such as the Ecuadorian border with Colombia, where some 150-200 people are crossing daily. I" +294817,51749.0,2099.0,['WASH'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],fr,78,"['At Risk', 'Priority Needs']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,[Gounghin] Mais la question de leur entretien et de l’accès des nouveaux ménages déplacés se pose toutefois. Rappelons que le groupe de discussion des femmes déplacées cite l’accès à des latrines et à une meilleure hygiène de vie comme le premier besoin à satisfaire selon elles. Et que les ménages hôtes citent également le besoin en latrines et en une meilleure hygiène comme le deuxième besoin à satisfaire actuellement. +439000,64519.0,2028.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,73,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/idpmovements_202106_jun_final_en.pdf,"[June 2021, NWS] As in preceding months, most IDP movements were concentrated in northwest Syria, with 95 per cent of these movements occurring within and between Aleppo and Idleb governorates. This was the largest displacement of people since the March 2020 ceasefire and about half of them were due to the escalation in conflict in southern Idleb, with the rest likely due to economic reasons." +297882,52145.0,2334.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_humanitaire_numero_12_v_04.pdf,"D’autre part, le projet permet aux familles à travers la commercialisation de leurs produits, de générer des revenus afin de répondre à leurs besoins élémentaires." +220143,44615.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],es,49,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://caracol.com.co/emisora/2020/11/30/cucuta/1606693844_269041.amp.html,"Mediante el decreto 1550 del 28 de noviembre del 2020 el Gobierno Nacional decidió ampliar las medidas tomadas por la emergencia sanitaria generada por el Coronavirus COVID-19, y así mantener el mantenimiento del orden público y el aislamiento selectivo para evitar una mayor propagación de la pandemia." +498478,60095.0,1187.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,24,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RMRP%202021%20Plan%20de%20respuesta%20regional%20para%20refugiados%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%2C%20enero%20-%20diciembre%202021.pdf,Se estima que el número de personas que viven en situación de pobreza habrá crecido drásticamente en el Cono Sur hacia principios de 2021.3 +38718,13756.0,729.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,78,[],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LibyaCOFlashUpdate%200703June2019.pdf,"As fighting in Tripoli and Western Libya enters into its ninth week, the conflict lines remain stagnant, but both parties to the conflict continue to use heavy weaponry and airstrikes, resulting in an average of 63 casualties per day. 1 Over 100,000 civilians are reported to be in areas close to conflict lines and 116 civilian injuries and 41 civilian deaths have been reported since the beginning of the conflict on 04 April." +306376,51572.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,16,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,Planning distribution of food at school to avoid having kids dropping school out of hunger. +313308,53183.0,2466.0,['Shelter'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,59,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"There are also substantial gaps in refugee out-of-camp settlements and dispersed self-settlements in South and West Kordofan and the Khartoum ‘open areas’. Further, the situation is exacerbated as partners have to provide shelter and non-food items to all newly arrived refugees in camps, in line with the Government of Sudan’s policy." +292891,52019.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],es,41,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://www.indepaz.org.co/lideres-sociales-y-defensores-de-derechos-humanos-asesinados-en-2021/,"LÍDERES SOCIALES, DEFENSORES DE DD.HH Y FIRMANTES DE ACUERDO ASESINADOS EN 2021 *LÍDERES SOCIALES, DEFENSORES DE DERECHOS HUMANOS EN 2021*: 36 FIRMANTES DE ACUERDO DE PAZ. EXCOMBATIENTES FARC ASESINADOS O DESAPARECIDOS EN 2021: 13" +214299,45385.0,2334.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,27,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,Plan International a assuré la désinfection des salles de classe du camp de réfugiés de Minawao et dans les écoles de la communauté autour du camp. +406462,63069.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,31,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Bulletin%20d%E2%80%99information%20sous%20cluster%20protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99enfance%20%28GTPE%29%20Mars%20%E2%80%93%20Mai%202021.pdf,"De janvier à avril 2021 les partenaires du Sous Cluster Protection de l’Enfance en RDC ont atteint 229.000 personnes, dont plus de 178.000 enfants et 50.000 adultes." +59592,17198.0,1224.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,15,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,Imbotero ▪ There are 27 Venezuelan families (a total of 132 people). +313994,54309.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Intentions'],es,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Colombia_Evaluacion_Rapida_ECNI_Arauca_ESP.pdf,"En tres puntos de recolección, Alcaraván, La Esmeralda y el Sector Urbano - Riberas, reportaron que las personas que tienen la intención de movilizarse a otra área enfrentan barreras por motivos de seguridad." +215129,44840.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,68,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,UNIDO in collaboration with the Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MoCI) has been analyzing the impact of COVID-19 on the economy and articulated a focused government response. As a result a policy paper was drafted and adopted by MoCI examining possible interventions that will promote self-sufficiency. Discussion on potential advisory activities are ongoing and will be scaled-up as part of the PSDP interventions. +313667,53333.0,2334.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,39,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Improve access to SRHR information and training for teachers in schools and informal learning centres, so that adolescents are equipped with the confidence and self-assertive skills and can make informed and positive choices regarding their SRHR while young" +209706,45080.0,2170.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,98,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%209%20Dec%202020.pdf,"[9thDec2020,Nigeria]The Food Security sector continues to monitor prices in various locations following the increase in transfer values in late August. Recent market prices have not shown any significant increases since the last monitoring meeting in early September. However, prices remain relatively high. This is partially attributed to vendors’ difficulty to transport goods due to continued insecurity and roads being impassable during the rainy season. Advocacy actions are needed to increase transfer values in response to the significant rise in prices recorded since the end of August." +345259,56821.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Casualties->Dead', 'Covid-19->Cases', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,75,[],"['Context', 'Covid-19', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.thenewhumanitarian.org/news-feature/2021/5/27/hunger-and-COVID-19-drive-venezuelans-to-take-more-dangerous-routes-out,"Colombia is struggling with a new wave of COVID-19, reaching a record 530 deaths on 16 May and nearly 19,000 infections, and facing a seven-day average of 482 daily deaths. Its coronavirus crisis has been compounded by weeks of anti-government demonstrations that have drawn thousands onto the streets, protesting rising inequality amid the pandemic. These have been met with violence, with at least 40 people killed by police." +330472,53831.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],"['Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Hospitalization & Care']",fr,79,['Capacities & Response'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/12042021_sitrep_s12_whe_oms_rdc_f.pdf,"Prise en charge médicale (PeC) et psychosociale : au terme de la S13/2021, 395 nouvelles guérisons ont été rapportées. Le cumul se porte à 25 714 guéris de la COVID-19, ce qui correspond à un taux de guérison de 90,7% (25 714/28 351) ; un soutien psychologique a été apporté à 32 personnels de première ligne, 4 patients confirmés et quatre membres de famille éprouvée dans la province de Kinshasa" +188607,43181.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,37,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_270_20201026_.pdf,"Ce 26/10/2020, 17 nouveaux cas confirmés de COVID-19 ont été rapportés dont 9 à Kinshasa, 5 au Nord-Kivu, 2 au Kongo-Central et 1 dans le Haut-Katanga (Annexe 1 ; Figure 1)." +487793,67687.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,30,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=248142,"[September 10, GoS]Health Ministry announced that 134 coronavirus cases were recorded in Syria, adding that 21 other cases recovered, while 5 passed away." +308107,53309.0,2098.0,[],[],[],en,31,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/gender_alert_brief_final.pdf,"[29th March 2021, Cox's Bazar] The affected population who is currently displaced is more prone to risks related to health, security, and economic losses." +164201,37783.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,70,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://tande.substack.com/p/syria-in-context-coronavirus-update-ffe,"A new rule mandating masks on public transport and limiting the number of passengers was not widely obeyed, according to multiple images online showing overcrowded buses with limited mask usage. The government says that masks are affordable, costing only 100 SYP, which is belied by local reports of face covers selling for 1,000-2,000 SYP – a considerable sum in a country mired in economic crisis." +188241,40860.0,1899.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",[],[],es,122,[],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200922_OCHA_GUATEMALA%20HRP%20COVID-19%20ESPAN%CC%83OL.pdf,"durante la pandemia del COVID-19 ha habido pocas interrupciones en la red de abastecimiento alimentario, la cual incluye el camino que siguen los alimentos desde el campo hasta las mesas de los hogares, lo cual involucra a una extensa red de actores y conexiones: productores, proveedores de insumos agrícolas, producción y procesamiento de alimentos, almacenamiento, transporte, distribución y puesta a disposición del consumidor en los puntos de venta. Esta red afrontó una mayor complejidad a medida que aumentaron los casos de contagio por el virus y el Gobierno tomó acciones más restrictivas para contener su propagación y salvaguardar la salud de sus ciudadanos, aun así, las interrupciones han sido mínimas." +145951,34803.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,68,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,". Precautions against a potential spread of the virus have been scaled up in response to the identified cases, including restrictions on movements, gatherings and commercial activities as well as inperson education services. These measures are crucial to contain transmissions of COVID-19, though they may intensify humanitarian need through their impacts on local markets, income-generating opportunities and vital services while complicating humanitarian response" +416203,63989.0,2099.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],fr,139,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sante.gov.bf/detail?tx_news_pi1%5Baction%5D=detail&tx_news_pi1%5Bcontroller%5D=News&tx_news_pi1%5Bnews%5D=641&cHash=61e26da3f32ca13577d84b653bedb3cf,"Le ministre, de la santé Pr Charlemagne Ouedraogo a réceptionné les premières doses du vaccin contre le covid-19 le dimanche 30 mai 2021 à Ouagadougou. Cette dotation s’inscrit dans l’initiative COVAX dans lequel notre pays est engagé. Le vaccin reçu par le Burkina Faso est l' astrazeneca au nombre de 115 200 doses et devient le 94e pays à le recevoir. La cérémonie de lancement officiel de la vaccination est fixée au 2 juin 2021. Les publics cibles sont les agents de santé, les personnes pouvant avoir des complications sévères en cas de contamination au covid-19 et les pèlerins. Chaque personne doit recevoir deux doses pour être immunisée contre la maladie à coronavirus. La vaccination contre le covid-19 est gratuite et libre (...)." +46574,16136.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Food Security', 'Shelter', 'Education']",[],[],en,66,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/echo_-nf_bud_2019_91000_v2.pdf,"The identification of the most acute humanitarian needs is hampered by confusion between the humanitarian crisis stemming from the conflict and the mixed migration crisis, exacerbated by the conflict. Nevertheless, according to latest DTM report, health, food and shelters remain the three primary needs expressed by IDPs. Health, education and security are the three primary needs of returnees." +315541,54167.0,2311.0,"['Food Security', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,97,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_caqueta_dic_2020_vf.pdf,"La emergencia sanitaria ha aumentado la vulnerabilidad de los niños, niñas, adolescentes y jóvenes, especialmente en las zonas rurales, donde la deserción escolar ha aumentado por cuenta de la emergencia sanitaria . De igual manera, el cierre de los colegios impactó los programas de alimentación escolar (PAE), la cual se detuvo varios meses y los alimentos entregados posteriormente no eran suficientes para cumplir las necesidades alimentarias, por lo cual los niños, niñas, adolescentes y jóvenes han aumentado su grado de inseguridad alimentaria en el departamento." +69885,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],[],en,36,[],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"Around 4800 people were evacuated from Abaco, mostly from the Marsh Harbour area which housed a significant migrant population, mainly from the Haitian community, who were living with significant levels of poverty." +305061,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,62,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"While women were more likely to raise concerns regarding the fair targeting and distribution of aid, lack of information on how to register for aid and the need for assistance in registration, men voiced concern about the quality of infrastructure, such as the poor condition of roads and/or unmet needs for construction, repair work, and transportation." +316604,54167.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Security & Stability'],es,148,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_caqueta_dic_2020_vf.pdf,"De otra parte, las agencias del SNU reportaron 3 casos de restricción a la movilidad, siendo el más grave el presentado en la zona limítrofe entre Caquetá y Meta, el cual implicó la amenaza a un equipo de ONUDDHH y la quema de un vehículo (en cercanías al Meta). Las demás restricciones se han reportado en zona rural de Puerto Rico y Solita e implicaron amenazas a los equipos de trabajo de diferentes agencias. En esta zona limítrofe se ha incrementado la presencia de grupos armados y las acciones violentas se han hecho más constantes, situación que derivó en combates entre el ejército y un GGV cerca de viviendas en los municipios de San Vicente del Caguán, así como del municipio de la Macarena, y que pueden causar un confinamiento de la población por represarías de los GGV" +401176,63037.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Intentions', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,106,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note-info_5_kananga_juillet_2021.pdf,"Le 8 juin1, plus de 3 400 personnes ont fui les groupements Bakua Kaya et Bakua Mayi en zone de santé de Lubunga pour échapper à un conflit communautaire foncier. Près de 81% de ces personnes déplacés ont trouvé refuge en familles d’accueil dans les localités de Bana-Bantumba, Bakwa-Lukusa et Bena-Kanyema au Kasaï Central et les autres dans les localités de Kaboto et Muloway au Kasaï Oriental. Il n’y a pas eu de mouvements de retour jusque-là par crainte d’une reprise des affrontements et manque d’abris dans les zones d’origine." +214363,45385.0,2334.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"25,500 sachets de plumpynut ont également été distribués à 1,650 enfants du même âge [de 6 à 59 mois] au centre de santé de Tolkomari dans le même arrondissement." +235048,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Finally, the lack of a Tazkera [Afghan identity card] can impede freedom of movement and the ability to formally migrate from the country because identification is required to secure a passport." +238288,46388.0,2336.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Approximately 33 per cent of schools (nearly 6,000 schools that serve 2.3 million students) lack water and WASH facilities that are critical to keep children safe from COVID-19." +342016,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,116,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Dans le système de matriarcat, le neveu joue un rôle important dans le renforcement des liens familiaux. L’enfant qui nait n’appartient pas aux oncles paternels. Il appartient d’abord et avant tout à ses oncles maternels. Si la femme est d’une autre ethnie, cet enfant fait agrandir la famille. De la sorte, en cas de conflits opposant les deux familles, la dispute ne peut s’aggraver et atteindre certaines proportions car les oncles maternels ne peuvent faire du mal à la famille de ce dernier (neveu). Aussi, les neveux doivent obéissance à leurs oncles maternels." +401802,62956.0,2098.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[29th July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Both Host and Refugees: Environment in the refugee camps is severely damaged by the flood which reduces people’s accessibility in the communities, further limiting their access to essential services. The heavy rainfall also damaged the existing accessibility and the work carried out by HI previously in both refugee camps and host community." +301852,51958.0,2332.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,108,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_devaluation_de_protection_des_retournes_tchadiens_de_la_rca_installes_dans_les_sites_au_sud_du_tchad_002.pdf,Leur statut et la dénomination même utilisée (« retournés ») contribue à maintenir un flou quant aux responsabilités des différents acteurs. Le nombre d’acteurs humanitaires intervenant dans les sites de retournés a considérablement diminué depuis leur arrivée. Les quelques projets menés au cours des 2 dernières années sont des projets à court terme et dont les impacts sont aussi sur court terme. Même le projet CERF Multipurpose Cash mené en 2018 semble n’avoir pas avoir eu l’impact escompté à court terme. L’impact sur le long terme non plus n’est pas perceptible. +329494,54412.0,2225.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,110,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_cluster_sante_rdc_s14_ok.pdf,"[Nord Ubangi] Sur terrain, les travaux d’aménagement des sites d’opportunité pour la relocalisation des réfugiés se poursuivent (Modale dans la zone de santé de Wasolo, le site de Dugulu dans la zone de santé de Bosobolo, le site de Goya dans la zone de santé de Monga, et le site de Libenge). En attendant, la majorité des réfugiés vivent dans les abris de fortunes, exposés à toutes formes d’intempéries. Selon HCR, la relocalisation des réfugiés de Yakoma vers le site de Modale pourra intervenir à la semaine du 12 au 18/04/2021" +245855,47671.0,2425.0,['Livelihoods'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,11,['At Risk'],[],Lebanon Situation Analysis,2021-01-25 12:39:46.093809+00,https://www.care-international.org/files/files/Rapid_Multi-Sectoral_Needs_Assessment_Lebanon2021.pdf,About half of the households have an unstable employment status. +416265,64000.0,1185.0,[],[],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,122,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Si bien no existen datos sobre el número de víctimas venezolanas en Perú, diversos estudios y encuestas sugieren que la población venezolana en el país percibe ser víctima de prácticas de discriminación y rechazo (Equilibrium CenDE 2020a; Freier y Pérez 2021). Freier y Pérez (2021) encuentran que, en las entrevistas y grupos focales, el 33% de las mujeres y el 24% de los hombres refirieron experiencias discriminatorias basadas en el prejuicio que asocia la nacionalidad venezolana con una mayor propensión a cometer crímenes. También destacaron lo que percibieron como una relación directa entre esas experiencias y la criminalización de su nacionalidad en los medios de comunicación en el país." +410301,63222.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,74,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_mvam_bulletin_57_july_2021.pdf,"[Syria, July] In July 2021, close to half of the surveyed households (46 percent) reported poor or borderline food consumption in Syria, with the highest levels recorded among female-headed households (53 percent). The national average rate of inadequate food consumption (poor and borderline combined) increased by three percentage points from June 2021 and up by 15 percent compared to July 2020." +61695,18346.0,1184.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,17,[],['Context'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71003.pdf,"• 28% de las personas asistidas fueron mujeres y 52% niños, niñas y adolescentes" +151027,38088.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,47,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Le centre de traitement COVID-19 de Pissy a la capacité d’accueillir 62 patients, dont 9 en soins intensifs. Ce centre de traitement des épidémies a été entièrement rénové par Médecins sans frontières à un coût d’environ 210 millions de FCFA." +125322,32724.0,1620.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ca5464en.pdf,"Out of 190 million people, 102 million are estimated to live under the poverty line. Most of the poor live in rural areas. Undernourishment affects 11.5 percent of the population, with wasting and stunting in children under 5 years of age being at 10.8 and 43.6 percent, respectively (SOFI, 2018)." +239389,46388.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods', 'Shelter']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Insecure land tenure concerns remain a challenge on many fronts, mainly presenting risks for eviction, exploitation, or rights violations, as well as driving land and shelter disputes." +235726,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,118,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"According to analysis by the HAG, in the first three quarters of 2020, humanitarians faced 722 access constraints. This represents a frightening 62 per cent increase compared to the number of incidents (444) reported for all of 2019.These access incidents include interference in the implementation of humanitarian activities, levy requests, military operations and kinetic activity, movement restrictions, physical environmental factors and lack of infrastructure, violence/threats against humanitarian personnel/assets/facilities, and landmines. The most frequently recorded constraint remains active interference by the Taliban, armed criminal groups and government authorities, in that order.These interferences slow down the delivery of aid and sometimes prevent needs being met." +483072,67376.0,2225.0,['Agriculture'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,131,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.radiookapi.net/2021/09/02/actualite/sante/kasai-central-une-maladie-inconnue-decime-plus-de-10-000-chevres-dibaya,"Une maladie inconnue a décimé plus de dix mille chèvres depuis plus de deux mois dans le territoire de Dibaya au Kasaï-Central. La plateforme de la société civile Serviteurs congolais pour le développement et la citoyenneté (SECODEC), a lancé cette alerte mercredi 1er septembre. Selon cette structure de la société civile, la maladie se manifeste par une diarrhée qui touche principalement les chèvres. « Ça fait deux fois que cette [maladie] se déclenchée et ravage nos bêtes. On ne sait pas si c’est quelle maladie. Lorsqu’elle touche la bête, celle-ci faiblit et commence la diarrhée. Deux ou trois jours après, elle succombe », décrit le coordonnateur de SECODEC, Ali Tshitoko." +106686,31308.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Education', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,82,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"ACNUR- En la guajira (Rioacha y Maicao) instalaron 21 puntos de agua y LM en los espacios de atención integral, igual se ha restringido el acceso a estos centros. En los comedores se está haciendo una estrategia de entrada por turnos, se cerraron espacios protectores y se está entregando material didáctico en casa para los NNA. En los CAR se está haciendo las mismas medidas, cumpliendo la recomendación de 2 lavamanos por 20 personas." +175840,40890.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],es,88,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"Según pertenencia étnica, la afectación en al menos un síntoma se presenta en el 34% de los hogares indígenas, en el 43% de los hogares que no reportan pertenencia a ningún grupo étnico. Los hogares afrodescendientes reportan más frecuentemente las tres clases de síntomas que otros grupos étnicos: dificultades para dormir (35%), ansiedad (33%) y llanto (27%), con afectación de uno o más síntomas en un 56% de los casos" +237177,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,24,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The death and sickness of male breadwinners has also placed increased pressure on family incomes, given the limited options available to women." +304282,51467.0,2335.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,76,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"COVID-19 placed an additional demand for health services, supplies and health professionals. Health workers and other frontline workers faced stigmatization due to their COVID-19 related work. Some routine programmes such as the Expanded Programme on Immunization were disrupted. Surging violence also resulted in the suspension of activities at several health centres, particularly in Upper Nile, Jonglei, and Lakes states, due to attacks on health workers and looting." +135716,35301.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,67,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"UNICEF also supported 190,000 children with DPT3 through routine immunization and special campaigns (33 per cent of the target), while over 2.6 million children were reached with polio vaccine (91 per cent of the target). However, the limited operating hours of health clinics and reduced capacity due to COVID-19 restrictions resulted in a lower than planned routine immunization reach." +217421,45653.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://docs.wfp.org/api/documents/WFP-0000114546/download/?_ga=2.153594736.918642439.1605111758-1773529422.1605111758,"Even with food assistance, around a quarter of the 70 000 Malian refugees in formal camps (17 500 people) were in Crisis or worse (CH Phase 3 or above) in October–December 2019." +313292,53183.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,55,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"Populations in areas affected by emergency situations due to conflicts, natural or man-made disasters received timely assistance during and in the aftermath of a shock; and displaced populations, refugees, returnees and host communities were provided with assistance to meet their basic needs and/or access basic services while increasing their self-reliance." +235844,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In 2020, COVID-19 severely interrupted these kinds of rehabilitative and prosthetics services, slowing the recovery of those with disabilities and prolonging their suffering. This backlog will have lingering effects into 2021." +333152,44672.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,23,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In April 2020, the government opened national food reserves for public use and experimented with distribution of wheat in West Kabul." +177052,41752.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,54,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Près de la moitié des personnes interrogées ne trouve aucune des mesures difficiles à respecter. En revanche, les principales préoccupations des personnes affectées semblent concerner les mesures de distanciation sociale. Les hommes (35%) trouvent cette mesure plus difficile à respecter que les femmes (15%)." +235403,46388.0,2336.0,"['WASH', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods', 'Food Security', 'Health']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,31,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"COVID-19 has particularly impacted women who have suffered a decrease in income-generating opportunities, risking their access to essential services such as healthcare, food, water, and protection." +325093,54766.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,42,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note-info_1_31_mars_2021_ocha_bukavu_0.pdf,Les apports de MSF et de l’OMS ont permis à la Division Provinciale de la Santé (DPS) du Sud-Kivu d’organiser la prise en charge médicale gratuite des cas dans les centres de traitement de choléra. +237906,47230.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,48,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"Es más probable que hogares con jefatura femenina (el 69% de los hogares) y aquellos cuyo jefe de hogar presenta una discapacidad (el 11%) incurran en estrategias de supervivencia de emergencia y coman, en promedio, menos que otros hogares." +57781,17280.0,1186.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,74,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/439982_ed8c90c2b9644fbbabee3b33e6e9e918.pdf,"En los subarriendos, la línea entre el negocio y el abuso es delgada. Para el caso de Santiago, el subarriendo se produce en casas, cités y galpones. En el caso de Antofagasta, también existen dinámicas de subarriendo y hacinamiento en departamentos, además de viviendas en campamentos sin necesidad puesto que se trata de personas que ya tienen propiedad o son sujetos de subsidio y las subarriendan." +323692,54267.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,95,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"[covid-19] Les ménages burkinabés ont également connu une baisse générale du montant des transferts de fonds reçus (Banque mondiale, 2020b)8. Conjuguée à la chute des prix des produits de base au niveau mondial, cette baisse prévue des envois de fonds affectera gravement les ménages qui dépendent fortement de ces flux (environ 22 pour cent de la population du Burkina Faso dépend des envois de fonds et 82 pour cent n’ont pas d’autre revenu parce qu’ils sont au chômage)." +325236,54815.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Environment'],en,44,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"(Sahel, Boucle du Mouhoun, Est) According to this assessment, the most exposed to risk are the Sahel, East, and Boucle du Mouhoun regions, where upwards of 14 percent of the territory is exposed to flood risk" +240588,46388.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Health is most often the entry point for victims of GBV. The limited physical and psychological treatment available for victims of GBV continues to affect their recovery. +167703,40348.0,2170.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,36,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://thenationonlineng.net/fg-orders-reopening-of-unity-schools-oct-12/,The Federal Government announced the closure of schools in March to contain the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. Adamu said the decision was taken after due consultation with the Presidential Task Force on COVID-19. +310552,53179.0,2466.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,12,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Flash%20Update%20-%20Sudan%20-%2017%20Jan%202021_1.pdf,Many women reported incidents of rape/ harassment and require psychosocial support. +165030,38902.0,1183.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"Food Security While the loss of purchasing power is likely to be the main driver behind increased food insecurity and malnutrition, supply chain disruptions and price increases will contribute to reduced access to a variety of foodstuffs, especially in remote areas with sustained transport issues" +91803,26015.0,1620.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,87,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Situation-Overview_H2R_Oct-Dec_13.03.2020.pdf,"In Gwoza, the main barrier reported for accessing a functional health facility varied throughout the reporting period. In October, the majority of assessed settlements reported destruction of health facilities as the main barrier (70%), whereas the lack of pre-existing health facilities was reported as the main barrier in December (42%). A possible explanation for the reported change in barriers in Gwoza could be that different wards within the settlements were assessed in the different months." +317240,53333.0,2334.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,59,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Awareness raising amongst parents and partners of adolescent girls, especially those who are pregnant/married/young caregivers, to support their improved access to SRHR services and menstrual hygiene products which is key for them if they are to continue with school. This can include empowering communities and adolescents to prepare reusable Sanitary wear with locally available resources." +61703,18346.0,1184.0,['Shelter'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,8,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71003.pdf,Se entregó un total de 4.533 cobijas. +341367,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,112,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[De juillet à début septembre 2020, les enquêteurs ont administré le sondage auprès de 2396 Burkinabè dans les régions du Centre Nord, Nord, Sahel, Est, Boucle du Mouhoun et Hauts-Bassins] Les stéréotypes, selon les populations enquêtées, s’accompagnent d’une dévalorisation de l’autre et prennent des formes variées ouvertes ou latentes. Ils sont toujours réducteurs de l’être à des valeurs parfois immoraux, voire irréfléchis. Les préjugés communautaires sont, dans ce contexte actuel, perçus comme une entrave à la cohésion sociale car ils développent des représentations entretenues par les communautés à dessein." +341486,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,31,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Toutefois, il est important de relever qu’une certaine idéologie islamique qui s’appuie sur le contexte de pauvreté des populations est diffusée par les groupes armés." +323036,54626.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,36,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,"Hence, UNICEF will continue to advocate for and mobilize resources to ensure that no child with SAM is left behind, prioritizing those living in marginalized and hard-to-reach communities including the internally displaced persons." +304728,51467.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"The states with the highest number of counties in Emergency (IPC Phase 4), projected at the peak of the 2021 lean season are Jonglei and Upper Nile." +329968,53694.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,190,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/03042021_sitrep_s11_whe_oms_rdc.docx.pdf,"[Nord Kivu] OMS : poursuite de l’appui au renforcement de la surveillance épidémiologique ; coordination du cluster santé et appui technique à la préparation et organisation des différentes réunions (CRIO, CORA, Inter cluster, cluster régional, coordination COVID19, ICR, Corah, GT-VSBG, etc. ; appui à la riposte aux différentes épidémies (Ebola, cholera…) ; accompagnement des ZS et des antennes PEV dans les activités de vaccination (supervision, gestion de l’information, logistique, etc.) ; renforcement de la surveillance communautaire ; concertation avec les RECO de l’AS de Katindo à Goma sur la surveillance des PFA et autres maladies évitables par la vaccination (MEV) ; renforcement de la vaccination de routine au niveau des CS à travers la supervision avec l’outil ISS ; dotation des AS en outils de gestion de l’information, appui à la gestion de l’information et au renforcement du système de récupération des enfants manqués et à la prise en charge de cas de rougeole" +305474,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"INFORM Index 2021 for South Sudan: Value= 8/10, Risk class= Very high, Hazard & Exposure= 6.4/10, Vulnerability= 8.5/10 (Source: INFORM 2021)" +214286,45385.0,2334.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,36,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Au secondaire, 363 établissements sur 379 ont rouvert. Dans l’ensemble, 87% d’élèves, 91% d’enseignants et 93% des personnels administratifs ont répondu présents." +22276,9106.0,729.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,75,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"People in Libya are also adapting how they access food and their food consumption, including relying on less expensive or less preferred food (72 per cent), borrowing food (22 per cent), limiting portion sizes (38 per cent), reducing the number of meals per day (31 per cent), and restricting adult food consumption so children can eat (21 per cent)." +194122,42940.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],es,72,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/flash_update_no_12_covid-19_choco_vf.pdf,"Preocupa la atención precaria a mujeres gestantes y lactantes durante el periodo de cuarentena. Para el periodo que comprende este informe, el Boletín Epidemiológico #40 del INS resalta a Chocó como el segundo departamento con mayor razón de mortalidad materna (227,9) por cada 100.000 nacidos vivos) y el primer departamento con mayor razón de mortalidad perinatal y neonatal (32,5 por cada 1.000 nacimientos)." +411328,63303.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,132,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/burkina-faso/hunger-season-arrives-sahel,"More than 29 million people in this region of West Africa face hunger and are in need of urgent assistance – triple the number just two years ago. In the Sahel – the semi-arid region of West Africa that borders the Sahara Desert in the north and tropical savannas in the south – the number of people at risk of food insecurity has tripled in just two years, bringing the figure to more than 29 million. Families are bracing themselves as they enter what’s known as the lean season, or the period after stored food has run out and before the next harvest begins. An estimated 811,000 people face emergency levels of hunger and require urgent assistance, a nearly eightfold increase since 2019." +297888,52145.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,15,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_humanitaire_numero_12_v_04.pdf,Provision of rapid income generating activities and start-up capital for survivors in the South West +475705,63295.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rpca_avis_pregec_cotonou-visio_17_18_juin2021_fr.pdf,"[Sahel et Afrique de l’Ouest] Il est attendu 9.6 millions de cas de malnutrition aiguë parmi les enfants de moins de 5 ans, sur lesquels 3.1 millions seront des cas sévères nécessitant une prise en charge médicale adaptée au cours de l’année." +341553,55986.0,2225.0,"['Nutrition', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,66,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_cluster_sante_rdc_s16.pdf,"De nombreuses victimes sont enlevées pendant qu’elles recherchent des moyens de subsistance. Le territoire de Nyunzu est le plus affecté avec 45% des cas. D’après les spécialistes de protection, même si les hommes représentent la majorité des victimes, les femmes et jeunes filles qui sont enlevées sont sexuellement exploitées et s’occupent des corvées ménagères." +151884,38244.0,1898.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020-08-31%20Resumen%20Semanal%20de%20Situacio%CC%81n%2024-30%20de%20agosto%202020.pdf,"El Salvador ha informado de una disminución de los casos diarios durante más de 20 días, pasando de un máximo histórico de 449 nuevos casos el 9 de agosto a menos de 100. Los medios de comunicación locales indican que el número de pacientes recuperados ha sido mayor que el número de casos nuevos." +221974,45410.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,[La région du Lac dans la Zone 8 - « Zone ouest agropastorale et de pêche » ]: L’artisanat : Cette activité est intensifiée en vue de compenser les pertes enregistrées par suite des conflits liés à Boko Haram. +214143,45392.0,2333.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,108,[],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.afro.who.int/sites/default/files/countries/Niger/Bulletin_3_nCoV_Niger%2013032020.pdf,"6. Toutes les missions officielles vers les pays affectés par l’épidémie sont interdites jusqu’à nouvel ordre. 7. Les cérémonies de réjouissance doivent être organisées le plus simplement possible, en évitant au maximum les regroupements ; il en est de même pour les deuils. 8. Il est demandé à tous les citoyens d’implorer Dieu pour qu’il mette notre pays à l’abri de ce terrible fléau. Le Gouvernement tient à préciser que seul le Ministère de la Santé Publique est habilité à communiquer sur la gestion de l’épidémie à CORONAVIRUS." +195233,43324.0,2334.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,57,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irc_-_rapport_devaluation_covid-19_extreme_nord_-irc.pdf,La fermeture des frontières avec les pays voisins a eu de nombreuses conséquences telles que : a) la hausse des prix du carburant et donc du transport et ainsi du prix des denrées alimentaires et non alimentaires ; b) la baisse des ventes pour ceux qui exportaient leurs marchandises ou qui vendaient principalement aux étrangers +317248,53333.0,2334.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,24,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,Integrate SRHR into arenting classes for caregivers to strengthen parental roles around supporting their adolescent girls and also boys to affirm their SRHR. +387542,60891.0,2099.0,"['Shelter', 'Health', 'Food Security', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,164,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/burkina-faso/burkina-faso-anticipating-immediate-consequences-conflict-agricultural,"In 2019, FAO launched a pilot initiative on strengthening early warning and anticipatory action to mitigate the immediate consequences of conflict and displacement in Burkina Faso. The initiative stemmed from the recognition that while existing rapid response mechanisms answer immediate needs on water, shelter, health and food, there is limited capacity to do the same regarding consequences of conflict and violence on people's agricultural livelihoods. Under this initiative, FAO is strengthening strategic partnerships with a range of actors including the governmental and non-governmental entities closely involved in responding to ongoing displacement crises. FAO is also producing regular reports and alerts to support partners' efforts to ensure better coordination, consolidation and triangulation of information. In addition, FAO is setting up capacities for carrying out rapid assessments of immediate needs related to the impact of a violent event or a recent displacement within a maximum time of 10-15 days after the event." +458213,64540.0,1185.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,76,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"¿Sufrió de acoso laboral en su centro de trabajo? ¿De qué tipo? Sobre el tema del acoso laboral, refieren que éste se da principalmente en el caso de las mujeres venezolanas: “En el caso de las mujeres, la inserción laboral depende de la persona. Hay mujeres que han venido a trabajar, y otras sinvergüenzas que vienen hacer lo que les da la gana. La vida fácil." +236507,46388.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,33,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Things are particularly challenging in hard-to-reach areas where 27 per cent of assessed settlements report they do not have a comprehensive health centre and 69 per cent report no access to medicine. +219913,45811.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,47,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/noticias/nacional/denuncian-incursion-de-los-rastrojos-en-palmarito-zona-rural-de-cucuta/,"El 5 de agosto la Defensoría del Pueblo emitió la Alerta Temprana N° 035-2020, incluyendo a los corregimientos de Palmarito y Banco de Arena como zonas de riesgo en el accionar violento de varios grupos armados ilegales, entre los cuales se encuentran Los Rastrojos." +418920,64000.0,1185.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,98,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"En cuanto al acceso al sistema de salud, el Decreto Legislativo 1466 del 21 de abril de 2020 autorizó la afiliación temporal al Seguro Integral de Salud (SIS) para todas las personas en el territorio peruano que presenten síntomas, o sean diagnosticadas, con COVID-19. Sin embargo, esto solo se aplicó para personas peruanas y extranjeras con Carné de Extranjería - documento que no es accesible para la mayoría de la población venezolana debido a los elevados costos administrativos (Freier y Vera Espinoza 2021; Zambrano-Barragán et al. 2021)" +142221,35870.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,74,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"The UNCT in Syria is focused on reinforcing comprehensive, multi-sectoral preparedness and mitigation measures for COVID-19. At the same time, the UNCT is also focused on protecting, assisting and advocating for the most vulnerable, including IDPs, refugees and host communities particularly vulnerable to the pandemic, including by, to the extent possible, working to continue principled programme delivery and provision of life-saving assistance across the country" +217118,45468.0,2170.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,46,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20Nigeria%20DTM%20COVID-19%20Point%20of%20Entry%20Dashboard%2030%20%2805%20-%2011%20December%202020%29.pdf,"During the period 05 - 11 December 2020, 262 movements were observed at Three Points of Entries in Borno state. Of the total movements recorded, 159 were incoming from Extreme Nord in Cameroon and 10 from N’djamena in Chad Republic." +187158,39357.0,1898.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ALC%20post%20COVID-19%20-%20Retos%20y%20oportunidades%20para%20pa%C3%ADses%20de%20Centroam%C3%A9rica%2C%20Hait%C3%AD%2C%20M%C3%A9xico%2C%20Panam%C3%A1%2C%20y%20Rep%C3%BAblica%20Dominicana.pdf,"En 2017, en El Salvador, el 10.1% de la población no contaba con acceso a servicios de salud (14.9% entre la población pobre) (STP, 2018). El país ha venido enfrentando un aumento considerable de Enfermedades Crónicas No Transmisibles (ECNT) que complican el cuadro médico y aumentan la probabilidad de muerte por COVID-19." +330108,55171.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,76,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-america-latina-56897151,"La jornada empezó de forma pacífica, con música, bailes y arengas. La protesta fue mayormente pacífica. Sin embargo, en la ciudad de Cali, en el suroeste del país, las autoridades confirmaron la muerte de una persona. El alcalde de esa ciudad, Jorge Iván Ospina, dijo que la muerte ocurrió en ""hechos no esclarecidos vinculados con la manifestación"", según recoge la agencia EFE." +323684,54267.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,35,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Le manque d’investissements et l’affaiblissement des services publics entravent le développement du secteur rural, réduisant ainsi la productivité agro-sylvo-pastorale et la création d’emplois dans les zones rurales." +456041,65411.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,230,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[16-29 August 2021, Cox's Bazar] In week 34, 4 Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT) positive cases were reported, (all 4 awaiting for culture, in addition 1 case was culture confirmed from RDT negative sample. In week 33 (16-22 August), 2 RDT positive cases were reported 1 was culture confirmed and 1 was awaiting for culture result. In week 32 (9-15 August) 9 RDT positive cases were reported (1 was culture positive and 8 were discarded). In line with the Multisectoral AWD response plan, a joint Health and WASH Sector investigation takes place for each case, followed by the implementation of household and sub block level measures. Areas of focused intervention have been identified based on at least one culture confirmed case in camp in last 30 days and/or 2 or more RDT positive cases from same sub-block in last 14 days, where WASH, health and community engagement activities are undertaken/intensified at sub block/camp level as appropriate. In 2021, at least one confirmed cholera case was reported in last 30 days, from camps 1E, 6, 8E,13 and 15. Out of these camps with culture confirmed cases, two camps have reported more than one case namely: 1E and 13." +168571,40367.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"On 9 March, the first case of COVID-19 was confirmed in the country, reaching 1,143 cases by the end of July (Ministry of Health (MoH))" +439574,63595.0,2225.0,"['Shelter', 'Agriculture']","['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,44,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20External%20Emergency%20Update_Volcano%20Nyiragongo_%20%235.pdf,"Local authorities report that 23,045 individuals have been impacted by the eruption: among those 22,395 individuals lost their home or had them heavily damaged by the earthquakes that followed the eruption, while 650 lost their fields, destroyed by the lava." +339297,53878.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,27,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SOYDA%20Monthly%20Progressive%20Report-Feb%202021.pdf,"Approximately 120,000 people were affected, including the displacement of around 42,100 people. (Affected due to floods, dessert locusts, pandemic, etc)" +145962,34803.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,77,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Schools in northwest Syria reopened on 6 June after being closed for nearly three months; since 14 March in the Idleb area and since 16 March in northern Aleppo governorate. The summer semester is planned to continue until midAugust. To mitigate against the risk of COVID-19 transmissions, measures are reportedly in place to avoid large congregations of students and to ensure physical distancing in classes, while classroom hours have been halved." +164359,38902.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],en,33,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"The government also uses social protection measures to mediate the socioeconomic impact of the lockdown, such as cash transfers to poor households as part of the “Ingreso Solidario” programme." +346805,57052.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,162,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/syria-country-office-market-price-watch-bulletin-issue-77-april-2021,"(Whole of Syria, April 2021) The national average ToT between wheat flour and wage labour, a proxy indicator for purchasing power, increased by nine percent between March and April 2021, reaching 3.2 kg of wheat flour/daily wage compared to 2.9 kg of wheat flour in March 2021. However, the national average ToT between wheat flour and wage labour de-creased by 36 percent compared to October 2020 (six months ago) and by 21 percent compared to April 2020. In other words, the national average daily wage of a non-skilled labourer could buy 3.2 kg of wheat flour in April 2021 compared to four kg in October 2020, and five kg in April 2020.Broken down by regions, the cross-border region recorded the highest ToT at 5.5 kg (up six percent m-o-m). While northeast Syria recorded the lowest ToT at 2.7 kg (up 13 percent m-o-m)" +236099,47122.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"In the SW, the assistance was hampered by high levels of insecurity, wherefore four food distribution points (NgoloBolo, Supe, Diongo and Ikiliwindi) in the Meme division were not reached." +299253,52086.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Education', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,108,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[25th March, 2021, Overall Syria] Regional access to services varies—for example, northwest Syria reported the highest reported access to the top 6 services, while central and south Syria and northeast Syria reported some of the worst access. Specifically, markets (84 percent), health services (67 percent) and education (60 percent) were least accessible in central and south Syria. On the other hand, households in northeast Syria reported the lowest access to financial services (70 percent), safe water (63 percent) and legal services (45 percent)." +187149,39357.0,1898.0,['Health'],[],[],es,53,[],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ALC%20post%20COVID-19%20-%20Retos%20y%20oportunidades%20para%20pa%C3%ADses%20de%20Centroam%C3%A9rica%2C%20Hait%C3%AD%2C%20M%C3%A9xico%2C%20Panam%C3%A1%2C%20y%20Rep%C3%BAblica%20Dominicana.pdf,"Desde el punto de vista epidemiológico, los escenarios de reapertura dependerán de la evolución del R0 y el incremento logrado en la capacidad del sistema de salud. Se han modelado escenarios sobre cómo podría evolucionar el COVID-19, derivados de un modelo epidemiológico para El Salvador elaborado por el Observatorio COVID-19.6" +257999,48907.0,2098.0,"['Protection', 'Cross', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,136,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[20th January 2021, Cox's Bazar] From March to October 2020 major concerns related to the availability of various relief items and living conditions. These included the need for personal documentation, shelter or shelter materials, food and non-food items and site development. Since July, concerns about finances and specifically the need for ways to generate cash have increased. From July to October, 8% of the community feedback was about the need for ways to generate cash compared to only 1% in the four proceeding months from March to June.This was of particular note in Camp 14: 26% cited this as a major concern from July to October, compared to 8% in the four proceeding months from March to June." +294552,51749.0,2099.0,"['WASH', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,63,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[commune de Comin-Yanga] Des difficultés structurelles déjà présentes s’aggravent notamment en eau, hygiène et assainissement et de nouveaux besoins apparaissent tels qu’en sécurité alimentaire et moyens d’existence. La situation sécuritaire est pour le moment volatile dans cette commune et l’arrivée probable de nouveaux déplacés risque d’aggraver la situation." +292747,51997.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,162,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elcolombiano.com/internacional/latinoamerica-el-cierre-de-escuelas-mas-largo-del-mundo-por-covid-CH14756141,"Según Unicef, Latinoamérica no cuenta con las condiciones necesarias para que todos los alumnos puedan estudiar a distancia, por lo que este tipo de estrategias son sólo ""soluciones parche"". ""Necesitamos soluciones que realmente garanticen el derecho a todos y especialmente a los más vulnerables. La única forma para estos niños que no tienen conexión, de los sitios rurales, los migrantes, es regresar a las clases presenciales"", insiste Custode. Pero la falta de aprendizaje en sí no es lo único que preocupa a los expertos, que avisan de que sin ir a clase, los niños están perdiendo el proceso de socialización que es fundamental a esas edades y ya están sufriendo las consecuencias. ""Estamos perdiendo mucho más que la educación y esto va a tener repercusiones a corto, mediano y largo plazo"", señala la especialista de Unicef en una entrevista por videoconferencia." +187888,42382.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,52,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.acu-sy.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/COVID-19-Surveillance_NWS_EWARN_Daily-Sitrep_-119.pdf,[22 Oct 2020] [NWS] New cases: 263 | Total cases: 3761 | New tests: 844 | Total tests: 20607| New recoveries: 37 | Total recoveries: 1488 | Total active cases: 2239 | New deaths: 0 | Total deaths: 21 +287606,51588.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/20210212%20IOM%20SSD%20DTM%20Wau%20Population%20Count%20January%202021.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10760,"In January 2021, the monthly population count was conducted at Masna collective centre where 3,860 individuals/882 households were identified and Naivasha IDP Camp with 8,597 individuals/2,539 households." +161564,39295.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,53,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,Concrete measures are being put in place to strengthen the implementation in certain critical areas such as improving testing and sample collection and improving field strength for contact tracing. This includes strong monitoring mechanisms to audit facility level readiness in terms of IPC measures including triage and refresher trainings for staff. +325097,54766.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,63,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note-info_1_31_mars_2021_ocha_bukavu_0.pdf,"L’assistance alimentaire aux réfugiés burundais installés dans le camp de Lusenda, zone de santé de Ruzizi, et sur le site de Mulongwe, zone de santé d’Uvira, a débuté en mars sous forme de transfert monétaire (cash) pour une ration de deux mois, touchant la grande majorité des 40 000 réfugiés burundais." +318766,52949.0,2331.0,"['Protection', 'Shelter']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,58,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Most of the 2.6 million IDPs in Somalia live in informal and unplanned settlements where living conditions are poor and forced eviction is a common threat. Safety and security concerns remain a high priority for all affected populations, with displacement contributing to immediate and heightened exposure to violence, exploitation and other forms of abuse." +159364,38362.0,2099.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,18,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.unocha.org/fr/node/956257,"In addition, some 250,000 people were reached with food assistance and 10,000 households with livelihood assistance." +161189,35726.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints', 'Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics']",es,99,[],"['Context', 'Shock/Event', 'Humanitarian Access']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_arauca_junio_2020_vf%20%281%29.pdf,"6. Confinamiento, restricciones y Acceso Humanitario Las manifestaciones más comunes de limitaciones y restricciones a la movilidad son los llamados “paros armados” convocados por el ELN y las Disidencias de las FARC-EP, los cuales generan un gran impacto humanitario multisectorial. Sin embargo, no son los únicos, en ocasiones los grupos armados bloquean las vías e impiden el tránsito por horas. Según el monitoreo de OCHA, durante 2019 se registraron 23 bloqueos de vías, siendo Saravena el municipio con mayor número de eventos, seguido por Arauquita y Fortul11" +198723,44313.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,38,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_294_20201119.pdf,"Les cumuls sont de 381 611 voyageurs internationaux et 3 850 633 voyageurs nationaux screenés ; ceci a permis de détecter 63 et 351 alertes et de confirmer 22 et 22 d’entre elles, respectivement." +151523,37915.0,2098.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,63,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/78176.pdf,"WASH teams also support 2 SARI ITCs and 4 quarantine centres. Work at these sites included the constructions of latrines, bathing cubicles, handwashing stations; laundry facilities; garbage collection points; and other infrastructure including water towers, boreholes, holding tank and other wastewater treatment for grey and black water. Maintenance of all facilities is ongoing daily" +205491,44672.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,30,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Since the first case in February, the central government has been working to stabilize market prices by protecting food supply into the country and reopening borders for supplies." +297878,52145.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,22,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_humanitaire_numero_12_v_04.pdf,la FAO Cameroun travaille à améliorer la sécurité alimentaire des personnes déplacées internes et des membres de la communauté hôte rendus vulnérables +317363,54437.0,2311.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,57,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/la-casa-que-abraza-el-centro-de-ayuda-para-la-comunidad-lgbtiq-migrante-y-refugiada-en-cucuta-/2597,"Encontramos que muchas mujeres se ven obligadas a ejercer el sexo por supervivencia para poder acceder a medios de vida ymuchas de ellas no tienen con quién dejar a sus hijos y pues los niños quedan expuestos a muchos riesgos en el contexto de calle”, explica la referente de género de la Casa que Abraza" +310684,53333.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,83,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"The assessment revealed blaming attitudes towards girls themselves for getting into early and forced marriages, said to be due to the need for quick money, a better life, ”comparison” and referred them as ”stubborn”. Male participants had the largest voice on this. Some girls defended themselves as not solely responsible, citing poverty in the girls` households, orphanhood and the security crisis, making it difficult for them to access school." +125717,31803.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']","['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,46,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77205.pdf,"Como resultado a ello, muchos refugiados y migrantes no respetan las medidas de aislamiento preventivo para salir e intentar generar ingresos exponiéndose a recibir sanciones por parte de las autoridades y a ser identificados por las comunidades de acogida como los transmisores del virus." +338777,56127.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,21,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/factsheet%20Cali%20V3.0%20externo.pdf,Doble afectación dadas las emergencias humanitarias por amenazas y desplazamientos forzados causados por el conflicto armado a población refugiada y migrante +338314,55951.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,54,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://preventepidemics.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/PERC-Finding-the-Balance-Part-III-12-May-2021.pdf,"[Survey conducted by phone with approximately 24,000 people across 19 Member States in five geographical regions in Africa, including DRC] Public willingness to take a vaccine when it becomes available was relatively high—underscoring the crucial role of meaningful community engagement—but people cannot take vaccines until the global community delivers them" +493576,61216.0,2028.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,25,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/humanitarian-situation-overview-syria-hsos-northeast-syria-june-2021,"[June 2021, NES]A lack of bathing facilities was reported as a shelter issue for IDPs in 14% of communities ." +21827,9026.0,322.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],en,102,[],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,,"In Sana’a, the poor account for 15 percent of all residents.3 High inflation rates of between 10 percent and 20 percent during the past five years combined with low per capita income growth (0.7 per- cent per annum) and a skewed distribution of growth in the favor of the better-off suggest have impoverished part of the middle classes during the past two decades. Despite govern- ment efforts to orient public policies towards the poor4, all indicators suggest that poverty incidence in Sana’a cannot be expected to decline significantly in the near future" +187983,43324.0,2334.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],fr,33,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irc_-_rapport_devaluation_covid-19_extreme_nord_-irc.pdf,"En moyenne, à cause de cette pandémie et des mesures barrières adoptées, les ménages ont vu leur revenu chuter de moitié, passant ainsi de 50608 XAF à 25815 XAF." +305415,53013.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/3c8084ae/REACH_SOM_Factsheet_Assessment-of-Hard-to-Reach-Areas_December-2020.pdf,"Protection: 57% of the assessed settlement where KIs reported any protection incidents happened in road, 53% reported in markets and 47% reported in field." +310683,53333.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"While the COVID-19 pandemic saw one armed group declare a unilateral ceasefire to combat the spread of the virus, other groups and the Cameroonian government ignored calls to follow suit and kept on fighting" +313677,53333.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,44,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Ensure boys participate in gender-related training so they can support girls’ aspirations to remain in school and embrace those returning after dropping out, and support themselves and their male peers to challenge harmful gender norms that place boys at certain risks." +208397,43992.0,2332.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,59,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"UNICEF also supported the Government with provision of 35 oxygen cylinders, 80 hospital beds to strengthen case management capacity in Guéra, Ouaddaï, Logone Occidental and Kanem provinces, 10 rental vehicles for the surveillance teams, and 30 internet connection kits and 10 laptops to facilitate data collection and analysis, as well as virtual meetings" +387130,60395.0,1186.0,[],[],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,29,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"La gran mayoría considera que la inclusión es aceptar las diferencias de los estudiantes, mientras un solo docente considera que la inclusión involucra estrategias específicas de enseñanza-aprendizaje." +205495,44672.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Health']",['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,20,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Charity foundations, celebrities, private sector firms and NGOs started distributing food and medical supplies across the country." +182051,42270.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,57,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep21_20201020.pdf,"[20th October syria] Of the current cases, 1,476 are in the Idleb area and 1,389 cases are in northern Aleppo governorate. Idleb and Al Bab sub-districts are the most affected, together accounting for some half of all confirmed cases in the northwest, drawing calls for urgent attention to these areas." +188890,43387.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,100,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20DE%20PROTECTION_SEPTEMBRE2020-SAHEL.pdf,"Dans la Région du Sahel, la force publique est plus présente dans les grandes villes (Dori, Gorom-Gorom, Djibo et Sebba) et font souvent des patrouilles dans certaines localités telles que Saouga, Korizena, Tasmakat dans la commune de Dori, Dambame, Salmossi dans la commune de Markoye, la commune de Titabé, Tankougounadié, Mansila dans la province du Yagha et Sampelga dans le Seno. On remarque la présence de volontaires pour la défense de la patrie principalement dans certaines localités comme Gorgadji et Bombofa dans la province du Seno." +411330,63303.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,70,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/burkina-faso/hunger-season-arrives-sahel,"Indeed, restrictions related to the pandemic, as well as the fear and stigma around the spread of COVID-19 and the COVID-19 vaccine, have limited people’s access to health centers. These issues have impacted nutrition programs in a variety of ways, including by interrupting supply chains for nutrition treatment and supplemental products and limiting nutrition education sessions, screenings, and support groups." +401411,62279.0,2170.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,146,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"[10th November 2020, MONGUNO LGA, BORNO STATE]Practice and methods for water purification: It was observed that more than three fourth i.e. 77.2% (73.2% - 80.9%) of total respondents do not practice any water purifying technique while about 22.8% of the total respondents practiced some method of purifying drinking water to make it safer for drinking. Filtering the water with cloth as a purification was the most preferred method as 11.1% (8.5% - 14.3%) of respondents selected as the most preferred method. 2.5% (1.4% - 4.5%) use chemical water treatment method whereas 4.2% (2.6% - 6.5%) preferred boiling of the water. Moreover, 5% use letting it settle as a preferred method of purification." +191673,43304.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,57,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Parmi les secteurs d’activité les plus attractifs au Tchad figurent le commerce, la pêche, l’agriculture (dans les provinces du Sud), les services (réparation, travaux ménagers), notamment à N’Djamena, et surtout l’orpaillage, dans les zones minières au Nord." +318084,52949.0,2331.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Negative coping practices as a result of poverty, displacement and isolation due to the crisis, that have also been exacerbated by COVID-19, place the affected at increased risk of violence, abuse and marginalization, as well as negatively affecting their healthcare choices and access." +272911,49818.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,52,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.adiac-congo.com/content/famine-la-rdc-exposee-une-insecurite-alimentaire-aigue-124563,"Enfin, il y a la Covid-19 aujourd’hui :« Les effets de la Covid-19 viennent s’ajouter aux multiples facteurs qui contribuent depuis 2014 à une aggravation de la faim dans le monde ». La tendance est plus prononcée et plutôt ancienne dans les pays IDA." +61720,18346.0,1184.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,82,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71003.pdf,"El grupo de trabajo de cash-based interventions (transferencias en efectivo) aprobó sus Términos de Referencia (TdR). Se priorizó tener un mejor entendimiento de las asistencias multipropósito para articular las intervenciones sectoriales. Al ser un grupo transversal se acordó dividir el trabajo por temáticas prioritarias, para lo cual se propuso una priorización de las temáticas para los próximos seis meses, lo cual permitirá que el grupo se vincule con los grupos de trabajo temáticos." +243102,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,22,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Instead, women’s relationship to land in Afghanistan is typically secondary – through her relationship with a male owner." +270226,50227.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,101,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"De acuerdo con la curva epidémica por fecha de inicio de síntomas se observan el mayor número de casos entre las semanas epidemiológicas de la 27 a la 31, y posteriormente en las semanas de 27 de dic al 9 de enero con la mayor cantidad de casos activos se concentran en territorios como: el Nariño 21,4%, Cauca 15,5%, Bogotá 12,7% Caldas 6,7%, Córdoba 6,7%, Putumayo 6,7%, Tolima 6,2% y Valle 5,2%. El 7,8% de los casos en los grupos indígenas son asintomáticos." +116228,32967.0,1185.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->Local Response'],"['Context->Environment', 'Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics']",es,73,['Capacities & Response'],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3648194,"Más de 12 equipos pesados de la Autoridad Autónoma de Majes (Autodema), el Ministerio de Vivienda, Construcción y Saneamiento, entre otras instituciones, trabajan para habilitar un dren que permita descargar las aguas del río Colca almacenadas por el dique que se formó en el cauce y pone en riesgo las zonas agrícolas de Achoma, Yanque e Ichupampa, así como de los distritos río abajo." +191889,43304.0,2332.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"la forte densité de la population dans les sites surpeuplés [les prisons], où les mesures de distanciation sociale sont quasiment impossibles à mettre en place, multiplient les risques sanitaires." +325618,54815.0,2099.0,[],[],[],en,84,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"It is conceivable that transport accessibility directly affects household health behaviors, such as the ability to seek an assisted delivery or to bring in a child for a post-natal consultation. However, there is likely also a broader association between the extent to which populations are from healthcare opportunities and the ultimate outcomes such as As in the case of schooling behaviors, the statistical analysis also controls for household welfare as measured by the index derived from the 2014 EMC." +98320,28256.0,1621.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,28,[],['Context'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://www.libyaobserver.ly/news/woman-and-her-son-killed-haftars-indiscriminate-shelling-garabulli,"Meanwhile, Haftar's forces continued rocket attacks on civilian houses in Ain Zara, Baer Al-Alam and Souq Al-Jumua, causing casualties and damage to properties." +237313,46388.0,2336.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Further, ensuring adequate supplies of food for nutritionally vulnerable populations such as pregnant and lactating mothers, anaemic adolescent girls, and malnourished children, boys and girls, has become a significant development challenge in Afghanistan, requiring humanitarian nutrition treatment when their situations become acute." +178531,40661.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],fr,79,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Les restrictions liées au COVID-19 en milieu rural ne seraient plus mises en place. Toutefois, les ménages vivant des cultures de rente continueront de subir les conséquences des restrictions de la part d’autres pays : les mesures de restriction du COVID-19 ont été levées sur le territoire national et le scénario le plus probable indique que les restrictions ne seraient plus implémentées dans les mois à venir ou le seraient de façon moins stricte." +209213,44898.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,65,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://alwatan.sy/archives/237507,"[December 1, Aleppo] He added: “What raises concern is the general public’s lack of commitment to social distancing, especially in cafes, shops and markets, as cafes and restaurants in Aleppo still openly offer hookahs in light of the great demand for them, as if there is no second wave of the pandemic!”" +323028,54626.0,2331.0,['WASH'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,31,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,"By the end of March, a 200-litre barrel of water sold between USD$7 to $9, up from an average of $3 in February 2021." +162941,37781.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://tande.substack.com/p/syria-in-context-coronavirus-update-5cd,"Northwest: New appearance of new COVID-19 infections in Syria's northwest appears to be slowing, with only two cases reported since August 20. As of Tuesday, there are 61 registered infections in Idlib, 52 of whom recovered and one died. However, just 371 of 656 identified contacts of known cases have been tested, meaning it is possible that some cases remain unidentified" +264329,48806.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,80,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_final_enquete_smart_27112019.pdf,"Douze (12) provinces présentent des prévalences du retard de croissance supérieures à 30%, considérées comme très élevée selon la classification de l’OMS. Il s’agit des provinces du Ouaddaï, de la Tandjilé, du Chari Baguirmi, du Mayo Kebi Est, du Hadjer Lamis, du Logone Oriental, du Lac, du Salamat, du Sila, du Logone Occidental, du Mayo Kebi Ouest et du Kanem." +323720,54267.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],fr,66,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"La mise en œuvre de mesures de conservation des sols et de l’eau au Burkina Faso a connu un certain succès, mais l’adoption accrue des pratiques nécessite un renforcement des institutions et une augmentation de la participation des agriculteurs à la prise de décision, ainsi que la sécurisation de la propriété foncière (Nyamekye et al., 2018)." +160610,35777.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],[],[],es,40,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3658037,"Wilson Córdoba Mena, director de la Unidad para las Víctimas en Antioquia dijo que “seguimos en la entrega de los paquetes alimentarios, esta semana en los municipios de Segovia, Remedios, Vegachí y Amalfi""." +325883,55012.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,88,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Colombia reporta con corte al 27 de abril, un total de 4.625.373 dosis aplicadas, 1.476.363 segundas dosis aplicadas, Bogotá con el mayor número de dosis (878.334), Antioquía (682.075), Valle del Cauca (464.834), Cundinamarca (248.288) y Santander (219.665). En los departamentos fronterizos con Brasil y Perú se reportan dosis colocadas en Amazonas (50.196), Vaupés (12.782), Guainía (16.272) y Putumayo (12.887 dosis)." +305238,53100.0,2334.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,47,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/plan_de_preparation_coronavirus_cmr._version_du_10_mars_2019.pdf,"-Foire aux Questions (FAQs), messages CRAWLs, et outils de sensibilisation disponibles - Veille téléphonique et médiatique effective - Participation des experts du MINSANTE aux émissions de grande audience - Elaboration, traduction, production et dissémination des supports de sensibilisation dans les différents" +191742,43622.0,2330.0,['Protection'],[],[],en,52,[],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20201111_acaps_briefing_note_nicaragua_honduras_hurricane_eta.pdf,"Protection Nicaragua: Rates of domestic violence, gender-based violence (GBV), underage pregnan- cies, and femicides are high in Bilwi compared to other regions. Risks to girls and women are likely to increase during this emergency, particularly in overcrowded, mixed shelters and isolated communities." +310519,53179.0,2466.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,20,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Flash%20Update%20-%20Sudan%20-%2017%20Jan%202021_1.pdf,"WFP has reached all 67,380 IDPs in Ag Geneina with a one-month food ration in all 71 gathering points." +238081,46388.0,2336.0,['Nutrition'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,50,['Priority Interventions'],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"COVID-19 related interruptions to services can have catastrophic consequences for people with acute conditions such as malnutrition. Once treatment is disrupted, people must re-start from the beginning for the nutrition treatment to be effective, often with deeper health complications and higher chances of morbidity and mortality." +75131,21295.0,1184.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019-11-18_resumen_semanal_de_situacion_11-18_noviembre.pdf,"Ecuador: Proyección de población venezolana para el 2020 de 659.000 habitantes, buscando US$199,3 millones y con objetivo de asistir a 316.000 personas de un total de 612.000 personas en necesidad" +176004,40999.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,168,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_levaluation_rapide_sur_les_vbg_et_covid-19_dans_la_region_de_lest.pdf,"Les discussions ont aussi révélé que la société porte un jugement assez sévère sur les survivantes de VBG, lorsqu’elles ne sont pas rejetées par la famille ou l’époux, elles sont exclues de la vie familiale et sociale et les enfants conçus pendant les actes de viol sont considérés comme des enfants sans filiation paternelle et rejetés par la communauté. La majorité des femmes rencontrées ont dit qu’elles n’ont pas d’information sur les services de prise en charge. Elles ont soulevé la crainte d’être rejetées par leurs époux et stigmatisées par leurs communautés considérant la perception communautaire selon laquelle toute survivante de viol serait porteuse des maladies sexuellement transmissible et d’un malheur. Cependant pour les cas de viol commis au cours d’un rituel traditionnel, il y a d’autres rituels à entreprendre pour restaurer la dignité et à assurer la réinsertion sociale de la survivante." +292724,51990.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,70,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elcolombiano.com/colombia/salud/volver-a-vivir-campana-de-la-andi-para-que-retornen-los-pacientes-a-consultas-medicas-AP14821177,"A los problemas administrativos y de agenda de muchas EPS se suma la desconfianza de los pacientes para asistir a los centros médicos. Frente a esto, la Andi junto a asociaciones médicas y fundaciones de pacientes lanzaron la campaña “Volver es vivir” que busca concientizar a las personas acerca de la importancia de atender sus condiciones y enfermedades en los centros de salud del país." +292419,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,11,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,1 cas suspect de rougeole a été notifié chez un refugié +316739,54478.0,2028.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.athrpress.com/%d8%ad%d9%85%d8%b5-%d8%a5%d8%ba%d9%84%d8%a7%d9%82-%d8%b4%d8%b9%d8%a8%d8%aa%d9%8a%d9%86-%d9%85%d8%af%d8%b1%d8%b3%d9%8a%d8%aa%d9%8a%d9%86-%d8%a8%d8%b9%d8%af-%d8%b1%d8%b5%d8%af-%d8%a5%d8%b5%d8%a7%d8%a8/%d8%a3%d8%ab%d8%b1-%d9%85%d8%ad%d9%84%d9%8a/,"[April 1, Homs] Dr. Abbas explained that the new infections were recorded after 219 swabs were conducted, indicating that the directorate is permanently taking random spaces to monitor the health situation in schools and limit the spread of the Corona virus, pointing out that the number of infections within the accepted so far, adding that the number of infections In the first semester reached 425 cases." +63620,18631.0,788.0,['Cross'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],"['Context->Demography', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,122,['At Risk'],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_floodoverview_13092019.pdf,"Torrential rainfalls and flash floods hitting the BAY states have had a devastating impact on thousands of people in IDPs camps and host communities. Heavy rainfall and flooding continued throughout the last week of August and is expected to continue until the end of September. The 2019 contingency plan estimated that 53,913 HHs in camps and host communities would be vulnerable to risks of floods in the three states between May and September 2019 (41,297 in Borno; 4,893 in Adamawa; and 7,723 in Yobe). The rains and floods have so far affected 21,056 HHs across the three states (10,757 in Borno; 5,454 HHs in Adamawa; and 4,845 HHs in Yobe)." +313256,53183.0,2466.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"Challenges: Lack of services for GBV survivors especially in the remote areas, has affected timely referral to PSS and CMR support. GBV services are not available in 90 per cent of localities and CMR services are available in less than one in five health facilities." +311748,53183.0,2466.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,27,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,The non-food interventions need to be scaled up and significant investments need to be made in water and sanitation infrastructure in schools. (HRP Recommendations) +244056,46388.0,2336.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Another 27 per cent reported the distance to water points as a main concern and 23 per cent reported not enough containers to fetch and store water. +298879,51893.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,94,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[January 2021, Overall Syria] The median household income is higher in all the regions for Male headed households except in Northwest Syria. The highest median household income can be seen with 250,000 SYP for male headed households (Northeast Syria) and 2000,000 SYP for the female headed households ( Northeast Syria and Northwest Syria). The lowest median household income can be seen with with 180,000 SYP for male headed households (Northwest Syria) and 170,000 SYP for the female headed households (North Syria)." +456042,65411.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,127,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[16-29 August 2021, Cox's Bazar] In response to the surge of Acute Watery Diarrhea (AWD) cases in Cox’s Bazar, a rapid mapping conducted by WHO and partners in line with the Multisectoral Acute Watery Diarrhea Response Plan (August 2020) has identified 72 isolation beds for AWD are functional at this time, with additional 400 beds on stand-by that could be activated on short notice. Out of these standby beds, 160 are SARI ITC standby capacity beds that could be repurposed for AWD if the epidemiological situation required. Diarrhea Treatment Centers (DTC) in Leda remain open for strengthened case management of AWD patients and are ready to expand the capacity." +21823,9026.0,322.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross', 'WASH']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,48,['Impact'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,,"Within the last seven years, the city has enjoyed relative prosperity because of the implemen- tation of improvements of services and infra- structure, especially related to water supply, telephone, roads, street lighting, drainage, and beautification and cleanliness of the city." +178090,40661.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,45,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Dans les semaines qui ont suivi, un couvre-feu a été instauré dans tout le pays, les écoles ont été fermées et l’accès aux villes de Kinshasa, Bukavu, Goma, Bunia et Beni ont été restreints (FAO)." +314169,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Between 2018-2020, over 1.6 million Somalis were displaced by flooding, which constituting by far the largest driver of displacement in 2020, while severe droughts occurred in 2007/2008, 2011/2012, and 2015/16/17." +486229,67505.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,46,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Myanmar%20Emergency%20Update%20-%2001%20Sep_0.pdf,"[June - July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Permission for in-person GBV-related activities, which can be implemented with COVID-19 mitigation protocols in place, are needed to provide effective life-saving support for the increasing numbers of GBV cases, including intimate-partner violence." +163579,30901.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,22,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Colombia%20-%20Resultados%20de%206%20meses%20de%20operaci%C3%B3n%20-%20ADN%20Dignidad.pdf,Entregar Transferencias Monetarias Multi-Propósito (TMMP) a población altamente vulnerable y contribuir a su acceso a bienes y servicios básicos. +13501,5557.0,322.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Shleter%20NFI%20CCCM%20Cluster%20Yemen%20-%20Al%20Hudaydah%20Displacement%20Update%203-9%20Aug....pdf,"In Aden hub, the security situation in Aden governorate worsened further this week with two IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices) explosions in Enma’a city and Al Mualla district also the city experienced security unrest including blocked roads due to public protest and security deployments that spread in various locations." +151539,37915.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,83,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/78176.pdf,"Some 14,250 kits were distributed to identified elderly persons in UNHCR managed camps to date. Cumulatively, since March 2020, the COMs have reached almost 130,000 refugees with key messages on COVID-19, including 25,352 elderly refugees and 1,897 persons with disabilities. COMs have also held community trainings on making reusable cloth masks. They conducted 2,805 training sessions for a total of 6,585 refugees. Some 4,500 masks were produced by the refugee participants for use in the community" +473241,67203.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,46,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2020/04/09/devastador-impacto-del-covid-19-para-ninos-y-ninas,"Las tensiones que atraviesan las familias, sobre todo aquellas en cuarentena o confinamiento, están agudizando la incidencia de laviolencia doméstica. Al aumentar latasa de fallecimientospor COVID-19, más niños y niñas estarán en situación de orfandad y expuestos a explotación y abusos." +325398,54815.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,121,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"(Boucle du Mouhoun, Centre-Est) While women in the two regions are more likely than men to rely on non-motorized modes to reach health facilities, it is even more so among women of reproductive age. Nearly 48 percent of women in this sub-group report using a bicycle, compared to 42 percent among all women surveyed and 33 percent of all men. Over 22 percent of women in this sub-sample walk to a health facility, compared to only 7 percent of all the surveyed men. In other words, the availability of roads that are safe for pedestrians and bicyclists is even more important for this sociodemographic compared to the overall surveyed population." +241259,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,16,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Tuberculosis remains rampant with some 72,000 cases, three per cent higher compared to 2019." +458146,64540.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,134,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"En cuanto a las remuneraciones, el promedio de ingresos de los inmigrantes y refugiados venezolanos en Perú es de S/ 1,025.64 mensuales. No obstante, casi la mitad (49%) de las personas encuestadas reporta ingresos que se encuentran entre el salario mínimo (S/ 930) y los S/. 1,500. El 46% declaró ingresos por debajo del salario mínimo vital7. El 95% de los inmigrantes y refugiados venezolanos residentes en Perú obtendrían ingresos que no superan el monto aproximado de la canasta básica familiar (S/ 1,535). En el otro extremo, solo un 5% de los encuestados señaló tener ingresos entre S/ 1,500 y S/ 4,000. Y menos del 1% recibiría ingresos por encima de S/ 4,0008." +330033,53699.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,117,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_094_20210404_hebdo_s13.pdf,"D’un autre côté, les informations disponibles pour 2 498 cas indiquaient 552 (22,1%) professionnels de santé contaminés et répartis dans 8 provinces du pays. Leurs âges variaient de 18 à 88 ans. Aussi, 23 décès ont été répertoriés parmi eux, soit une létalité de 4,1%. Au moment du diagnostic, la plupart d’entre eux étaient en service à Kinshasa (n=299/552 ; 54,2%), suivi du Kongo-Central (n=117/552 ; 21,2%), du Nord-Kivu (63/552 ; 11,4%), du Sud-Kivu (n=42/552 ; 7,6%) et dans le Haut-Katanga (17/552 ; 3,1%)" +151521,37915.0,2098.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,61,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/78176.pdf,"Bathing cubicles, hand washing points, as well as water collection points and tube well areas have been continuously disinfected with chlorine solution as part of ongoing work and as a critical activity during COVID-19 response. A further 21,500 public spaces and buildings that are used by government, humanitarian staff and refugees were disinfected with chlorine solution." +161689,35720.0,1183.0,['WASH'],[],[],es,89,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Respuesta%20COVID%2019%20-%20GIFMM%20La%20Guajira%20-%20Riohacha%2C%20a%206%20de%20julio%20de%202020.pdf,"3.803 kits de higiene entregados (Brisas del Norte, comunidades en Juan y Medio, La Esperanza y Pulishamana, Pastoral Social y Salto Angel), 397 filtros de agua (Potrerito Playa y villa del Sur), 235 tanques de almacenamiento y 226 purificadoras de agua instalados. 470 letrinas entregadas en Villa del Sur y entrega de agua en comunidades Wayuú de Puerto Chentico, Loma Fresca y Tocoromana, entre otras. 1.200 cartillas para niños y niñas en Villa del Sur." +218166,45410.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"Par conséquent, l’accès aux aliments des ménages reste limité en raison des bas niveaux de revenus, des prix élevés dans les zones déficitaires agropastorales du Sahel comme au BEG (Bahr-el-Gazal) et au Kanem." +169502,40367.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,24,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"The Sahel region continues to register the highest number of health centres closed, 56 out of 133 (42 per cent)." +177592,41763.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,30,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_devaluation_rapide_vbg_dans_le_contexte_de_la_covid-19_dans_la_region_du_nord_du_burkina_faso.pdf,"Les acteurs sanitaires au sein des formations sanitaires visitées à Séguénéga, Titao, Ouahigouya et Thiou ont déclaré ne pas avoir des kits post viols à leurs dispositions." +151461,37915.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,51,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/78176.pdf,"Until now the treatment of COVID-19 cases in the camps has been managed on-site in health facilities that UNHCR and other humanitarian agencies established. However, some refugees are reluctant to seek treatment in facilities, which for many is based on a fear of being separated from family." +35756,13057.0,788.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000105395.pdf,"Food insecurity was highest among households adopting begging as their main livelihood activity (62.6 percent), followed by those primarily reliant on agricultural casual labor (57.6 percent). Moreover, the prevalence of food insecurity was most pronounced among households that involved in unskilled wage labor (42.5 percent) and artisanal work (42.3 percent)." +177037,41752.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,28,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,54% des informateurs clés à Dori notent que leurs communautés ont besoin d’informations sur comment / où accéder aux tests de dépistage du COVID-19. +427581,63512.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,70,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://opendocs.ids.ac.uk/opendocs/bitstream/handle/20.500.12413/16796/IDS_Policy_Briefing_183.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y,"First, marginalisation from education is both a result and driver of the historical marginalisation of ethnocultural and identity groups. As education conditions access to political and economic resources and positions, the exclusion of particular groups reinforces their political exclusion, in turn reinforcing educational marginalisation. Educational marginalisation can be central in grievances that underpin violent conflicts, which are often pitted along ethnic identity lines." +176032,40890.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"De igual manera, los hogares con alta tasa de dependencia, los hogares conformados únicamente por venezolanos y los hogares en los que el jefe de hogar tiene una discapacidad presentan estrategias de supervivencia más severas." +165473,39300.0,2028.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,84,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNFPA%20and%20WFP%20scale%20up%20the%20e-voucher%20emergency%20cash-based%20transfer%20mechanism%20%20targeting%20pregnant%20and%20lactating%20women%20%28PLW%29%20across%20Syria.pdf,"Families are now able to choose from a range of nutritious food items and various hygiene products, including sanitary napkins, soap, shampoo and various detergents. This partnership will provide additional purchasing power to the families to help them buy items they need the most in a single trip, and with one electronic voucher, thus limiting their exposure to COVID-19. The e- vouchers, therefore, promote the well-being, safety and dignity of women and girls." +303990,51174.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,12,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.afro.who.int/sites/default/files/2021-02/South%20Sudan%20IDSR%20Bulletin%20Week%201%2C%20%20%204-%2010%20January%202021%20.pdf,Request and preposition contingency stocks of cholera investigation and case management kits +341978,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,83,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"L’une des options qu’a choisiE le Burkina Faso pour contrer le terrorisme est une approche militaire, et celle-ci n’implique pas seulement les FDS mais aussi les groupes d’autodéfense. La nature délicate et complexe des rapports de collaboration qu’ils entretiennent concourt à créer davantage l’insécurité plutôt qu’à rassurer les populations. Cette insécurité proviendrait également des opérations menées sur le terrain par les acteurs de la sécurité." +178453,41756.0,2225.0,['Nutrition'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,72,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Les enfants de moins de 5 ans, les femmes enceintes et allaitantes et les personnes vivant avec le VIH ou avec la tuberculose sont les plus vulnérables aux différentes formes de la malnutrition du fait de leur situation physiologique et immunitaire. De plus, certaines personnes en situation de handicap (filles, garçons et femmes pour la plupart) ont besoin d’interventions de nutrition en urgence." +221965,45410.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,75,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"[La région du Lac dans la Zone 8 - « Zone ouest agropastorale et de pêche » ]: La dynamique des prix du mil et du maïs affiche une hausse par rapport à la même période de l’année 2019 pour les deux spéculations. Cependant, comparé à la moyenne quinquennale, le mil est stable (+3 %) alors que le maïs est en hausse de 24 %." +161540,39295.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,30,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,"Contextual factors, such as the majority of sites being self-settled and the subsequent absence of camp management systems; makes the application of COVID-19 response measures more challenging." +235481,46388.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,24,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Over the past five years, the food security situation in Afghanistan has steadily deteriorated with the percentage of food insecure people doubling." +132471,35164.0,1188.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,164,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"En el caso de las personas que habitan en la provincia de Panamá Oeste, mencionaron que en los centros de salud se brinda una buena atención y servicios de salud adecuados, tanto para consultas generales como con los especialistas. Sin embargo, las personas que viven en la provincia de Panamá mencionaron que la atención médica es muy mala y el acceso a los servicios es muy complicado. Los tiempos de espera para consultar con los médicos especialistas pueden ser hasta por varios meses También existe una falta de información sobre el tema de salud sexual y reproductiva, que en el caso de la población adolescente únicamente reciben información cuando es abordado en las escuelas. En el caso de la población adulta, mencionaron que dan prioridad a otros servicios médicos, como por ejemplo las citas con los pediatras para sus hijos en lugar de hacer una cita para un chequeo de rutina con un ginecólogo-obstetra." +307041,51572.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,31,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Decomissioning of old latrines which are at risk of being flooded. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +59552,17198.0,1224.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Economy'],en,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"Venezuelans and returning Guyanese households shared concerns about insufficient access to food. They use cash to access food in local markets, at much lower prices compared to Venezuela." +439684,63184.0,2099.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,90,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Burkina%20Faso%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%201%20May%20-%2030%20June%202021.pdf,"[As of 28 May 2021] Forty-nine schools were closed and 203 reopened compared to the last situation update as of 14 May 2021. On analysis, the closure of these 49 schools follows threats observed in the Boucle du Mouhoun and Sahel regions and a fire at a school in the Est region (Mopienga school). The Sahel region (41.08 per cent) is the most affected by the closure of schools, followed by the Est region (25.40 per cent)." +327606,54714.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,14,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,[PRE-EXISTING VULNERABILITIES] 10% households with a vulnerable primary income earner. +209145,43992.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,45,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"103 children including 92 boys and 11 girls were reunified with their families in N’Djaména. To date, a total of 650 unaccompanied and separated children (UASC) were reunified or provided with appropriate alternative care arrangements with UNICEF support." +176398,41733.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,74,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/reach_drc_bulletin-des-marche-2_juin-2020.pdf,"Entre avril et mai, et donc une fois les mesures COVID-19 mises en place, on note à la fois une baisse du coût médian du PMA pour la plupart des territoires ou marchés (25 sur 41, tel que mentionné ci-dessus) et des fluctuations à la hausse importantes pour d'autres, avec des augmentations du coût du PMA allant de 1% à 66% entre avril et mai." +149849,37865.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,50,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cxb-situation-report-20.pdf,"Technical support at the IEDCR Field Laboratory in Cox's Bazar Medical College is ongoing, including provision of PPE and extension and backup power. WHO supported the transport of test kit supplies from Dhaka to Cox’s Bazar and transport of COVID-19 samples from the camps." +341994,56493.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Context->Politics', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"De même, les opérations militaires menées par les FDS (exécutions sommaires des suspects au nom de la sécurité), contre-productives, selon les populations enquêtées, favorisent le recrutement par ces groupes de terroristes, entretiennent les tensions intercommunautaires déjà vives. Ces représailles dépossèdent l’État de la confiance des citoyens dont il a tant besoin." +132474,35164.0,1188.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"Se identificaron desafíos para el acceso educativo, tanto a nivel público como privado, por la necesidad de documentación educativa completa y autenticada por la autoridad competente en materia de educaci��n en Venezuela, así como por la necesidad de Apostilla de documentos oficiales" +355463,58187.0,2311.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,31,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17062021_alerta_situacion_humanitaria_inundaciones_en_el_putumayo_vf.pdf,"Se evidencian necesidades en recuperación temprana debido a la perdida parcial o total de cultivos de pancoger, proyectos productivos o perdida de animales de cría de las familias damnificadas." +64131,18925.0,729.0,['Health'],[],[],en,31,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/va_report_libya_2019-libmac-unmas.pdf,"According to the 2019 HRP, 17.5% of hospitals, 20% of primary health care facilities and 18 specialized hospitals are partially or completely damaged by the conflict96 ." +226805,46454.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,46,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2022_23Dec2020_FINAL.pdf,"[23rd December, Overall Syria] Local authorities continue to provide exemptions for humanitarian goods and personnel at the Fishkabour/Semalka informal border crossing, and in other limited cases, including urgent medical cases to cross to Iraq, however other movements generally remain restricted" +201558,43427.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,81,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"La hoja de coca que no se procesa en fin- ca (52 %) y que es vendida a actores ilegales que extraen y refinan el alcaloide, produce al- rededor de 752 tm de base de cocaína, que se estima demandaron COP $2,12 billones de pesos (USD $647 millones) para la adqui- sición de la hoja, de los insumos químicos, de la mano de obra y pago de “impuesto”." +178502,41756.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Dans le Maniema, les membres du GTPE ont été alertés par de nombreux cas de violations affectant les enfants dans les territoires de Kabambare, Kasongo et Kibombo, avec plus de 240 EAFGA identifiés et 221 cas de viols sur mineurs signalés." +161323,39528.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,51,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Dans ce contexte de la pandémie de COVID19 un plan de contingence basé sur les standards OMS et Malaria Consortium a été adopté. Ainsi, des actions concrètes ont été déployées pour faciliter une mise en œuvre de qualité, en réduisant le risque de transmission de la COVID19." +199010,43643.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Casualties->Dead'],es,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://cerosetenta.uniandes.edu.co/migracion-colombia-margino-a-los-extranjeros-durante-la-cuarentena/,"un inmigrante venezolano de 58 años radicado en Bogotá, murió el 20 de mayo pasado prácticamente sin acceso a la salud; apenas atendido en los servicios de urgencias." +178411,41756.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,85,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Les effets des conflits armés et des violences intercommunautaires sur l’éducation sont multiformes. Ils provoquent des mouvements de population, qui ont un effet négatif sur l’accès à l’éducation des enfants. Leur taux de scolarisation est estimé par le Cluster Éducation à 36 pour cent pour les enfants déplacés, 35 pour cent pour les enfants retournés et à 62 pour cent pour les enfants dans les communautés hôtes,128 comparé à 78 pour cent au niveau national.129" +291299,51584.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://docs.wfp.org/api/documents/WFP-0000121004/download/?_ga=2.267291910.926065783.1606212133-1055501472.1562658913,"Among them, WFP distributed 139 mt of vegetable oil to the 138,531 girl students at primary schools and US$66,934 to 11,574 girl students at secondary schools to maintain their enrolment." +235448,46388.0,2336.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Cross', 'Shelter']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,70,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) data shows almost 4.8 million people have been displaced since 2012 and have not returned to their homes. Many are renting or squatting in insecure housing, including in informal settlements on private land on the fringes of major cities. Their insecure land tenure limits investment in shelter and infrastructure, exposing residents to long periods of deprivation and accumulating vulnerabilities." +325665,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Environment'],fr,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Dans la vallée de Samandéni, le barrage de Samandéni, récemment construit, situé au confluent de deux affluents du Mouhoun, représente un grand projet de développement économique. L’objectif de ce projet est de relier la production d’électricité à la production agricole et aux activités agro-industrielles dans la vallée de Samandéni, y compris la production de paddy et la transformation du riz." +176646,41091.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],es,90,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Los departamentos y distritos que presentaron los aumentos relativos más altos de COVID-19 en las últimas 24 horas fueron: Arauca 8,0% (158), Vichada 6,7% (41), Caldas 4,8% (331), Risaralda 3,0% (375), Quindío 2,8% (136), Guainía 2,8% (28), Casanare 2,5% (71), Huila 2,3% (310), Tolima 2,2% (293) y Caquetá 1,8% (171)." +230189,46693.0,2335.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Context->Economy', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, South Sudan markets are under significant stress, as evidenced by price increases. Purchasing power is decreasing, as both formal and informal employment have significantly reduced." +186836,41080.0,1184.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,47,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000119627.pdf,"El análisis revela también que el costo de una dieta adecuada para las adolescentes, mujeres lactantes y embarazadas es mayor en comparación con otros miembros de la familia, poniendo en evidencia la dificultad económica para cumplir con los requerimientos nutricionales en estos grupos vulnerables." +294891,51749.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,87,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Les marchés de Pouytenga et de Ouargaye ont lieu tous les jours. Les jours d’affluences de ces marchés sont le lundi pour Pouytenga et le lundi/vendredi pour le marché de Ouargaye. Les marchés de Comin-Yanga et de Gounghin sont hebdomadaires. Le marché de Comin-Yanga a lieu le lundi, vendredi et dimanche avec un jour de forte affluence le vendredi. Le marché de Gounghin a lieu le lundi, jeudi et dimanche avec un jour de forte affluence le dimanche." +319962,52949.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,41,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"According to a perception survey176, 71 per cent of child protection partners reported that children were experiencing psychological distress. Child protection partners have also witnessed increased fear and anxiety amongst children due to disruption of their daily routines." +345260,56821.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Local Integration'],en,28,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.thenewhumanitarian.org/news-feature/2021/5/27/hunger-and-COVID-19-drive-venezuelans-to-take-more-dangerous-routes-out,Government claims that the protests are partly the fault of Venezuelan infiltrators – an accusation made without proof – may also be driving increased xenophobia towards migrants. +237710,47300.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.laopinion.com.co/judicial/eln-el-pulpo-de-la-frontera,"Pero muchas personas tienen claro que la guerrilla siempre empieza de la misma manera, generando confianza entre la población para luego comenzar a hacer de las suyas y quien no se someta a sus órdenes es asesinado o desterrado. Por eso, los pobladores se sienten en medio de un conflicto que los tiene muy perjudicados y que las autoridades no le están poniendo la atención debida." +151904,34062.0,1898.0,[],[],['Context->Environment'],es,36,[],['Context'],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3653085,Es ese sentido afirmó que miembros de la Fuerza Armada andan en el campo recolectando muestras de larvas para que sean analizadas por técnicos del MAG y de ahí se defina un plan de trabajo. +41695,14575.0,729.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,66,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'Information And Communication']",Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/2019/06/190611-Flash-Update---Floods.pdf,"Health facilities and pharmacies were affected by the floods, impacting on the medical service provision. Among the flooded facilities are Ghat hospital and its warehouse. The scale and the damage of the medical equipment and supplies hasn’t been assessed yet. National and local authorities have responded to the crisis by sending medical teams and supplies to Ghat affected areas." +201496,44481.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,104,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep22_20201120.pdf,"Despite the WASH Cluster’s efforts to phase out costly and short-term activities such as water trucking, 70 percent of IDPs in camps in northwest Syria continue to rely on WASH partners to provide trucked water on a daily basis. Only 255 water stations out of 448 in Idleb and Aleppo are currently functioning(57 percent), from which 209 (82percent) are being chlorinated. Without electricity, partners continue to operate these water stations through diesel generators, with the cost of fuel accounting for an estimated 30 percent of the total WASH Cluster expenditure." +303675,51467.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,National access to safe water is at 35 per cent13 and only 10 per cent of the population has access to improved sanitation +458125,64540.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,91,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"condiciones de trabajo precario . De acuerdo con la investigación citada, se identificaron los siguientes indicadores de empleo precario: Si hacemos un corte por género, se tiene que los hombres trabajan más jornadas semanales mayores a las 60 horas, que sus pares mujeres (58% contra 51%). En el caso de las inmigrantes y refugiadas venezolanas, hay una mayor incidencia en jornadas que duran entre 21 y 48 horas semanales que sus pares hombres (21% contra 14%)." +172121,40587.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,31,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SOUTHERN%20AFRICA_Food_Security_Outlook_%20June%202020_%20Final.pdf,"Parts of Ituri province in DRC where conflict is significantly limiting household engagement in normal livelihoods, Emergency (IPC Phase 4) outcomes are projected to emerge in October." +193934,43327.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],"['Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",fr,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_sectoriel_octobre.pdf,"Réponse COVID-19 A Ouagadougou, l’appui du consortium ALIMA/KEOOGO/SOS MEDECINS BF aux CHU de Tengandogo et Bogodogo se poursuit. En septembre, le triage a accueilli 13 402 patients. 1 393 personnes ont été testées, parmi lesquelles 34 ont été confirmées positives. [COVID-19]" +492314,67914.0,2028.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,159,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_mvam_bulletin_58_august_2021.pdf,"[August 2021, Overall Syria] In light of the deteriorating economic situation, Syrian households continued facing difficulties in sustaining income generating activities and livelihood opportunities, while prices of commodities remained high. In August 2021, more than one out of four interviewed households in Syria (28 percent) indicated that they had lost one or more sources of income over the past month, with a higher proportion recorded among returnees (33 percent) and IDPs (31 percent) compared to residents (26 percent). This was the case even among interviewed breadwinners nationwide who had a university degree (21 percent). Moreover, nearly one out of five interviewed households across Syria (18 percent) reported having lost more than half of their monthly income in August 2021, with peaks recorded in Rural Damascus (23 percent) and Hama (23 percent)" +186029,43174.0,2225.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],fr,39,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/communique_de_presse_attaques_contre_humanitaires_06112020.pdf,"Alors que la COVID-19 aggrave la situation socio-économique et que les fonds manquent pour répondre aux besoins les plus urgents, la RDC observe, depuis début 2020, une recrudescence des incidents sécuritaires visant le personnel humanitaire." +235702,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,60,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In addition to consumers facing challenges, merchants also note problems with stocking items due to conflict, COVID-19, and poor infrastructure. Of the 48 per cent of traders who reported facing difficulties in road-based transportation of goods, 42 per cent cited conflict, 31 per cent cited roadblocks and 12 per cent reported seasonal challenges." +286430,51586.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,52,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_19_november_2020_final.pdf,"MoPH data shows that 44,133 people across all 34 provinces in Afghanistan are now confirmed to have COVID19. Some 35,339 people have recovered, and 1,650 people have died - 79 of whom are healthcare workers. Only 133,691 people out of a population of 36.7 million have been tested." +301125,51958.0,2332.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,104,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_devaluation_de_protection_des_retournes_tchadiens_de_la_rca_installes_dans_les_sites_au_sud_du_tchad_002.pdf,"Il faut noter aussi par ailleurs qu’UNICEF appuie le centre avec des intrants pour la prise en charge de la malnutrition chez les enfants. Dans les sites de Sido et Maigama, les problèmes de personnels qualifiés et en nombre insuffisant, le manque d’approvisionnement en médicaments et de gestion logistique des référencements ont également été les principaux points soulevés par la communauté. A ceci s’est ajouté, un manque de compréhension par la population du mécanisme de coordination du système de Santé, notamment avec la présence de structures privées opérant dans le secteur." +297872,52145.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,24,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_humanitaire_numero_12_v_04.pdf,"Au Cameroun, un projet d’amélioration de la sécurité alimentaire redonne espoir aux victimes de la crise dans les régions du NOSO" +215500,44962.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.dw.com/en/coronavirus-in-afghanistan-do-confirmed-cases-depict-the-real-picture/a-54489465,"Nearly a third of Afghanistan's population — around 10 million people — has been infected by the novel coronavirus since February, according to a report published by the country's Health Ministry." +316106,52949.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Of the 3.4 million non-IDPs needing water, sanitation and hygiene assistance, roughly 22 per cent are in extreme need and 24 per cent in catastrophic need." +310305,53177.0,2466.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Sudan%20Multi-Sectoral%20Location%20Assessment_South%20Kordofan.pdf,"Health presents a high priority need in three (out of 39 visited) locations across Kadugli. At present, there are 194 doctors and 160 nurses, in addition to 118 midwives." +193933,43327.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Displacement->Push Factors'],fr,70,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_sectoriel_octobre.pdf,"Les attaques, qui entrainent le déplacement de la population et la fermeture des formations sanitaires, occasionnent une forte pression sur l’offre des soins de santé pour certaines zones et une absence des services des soins pour certaines zones. Les ressources disponibles ne parviennent pas à satisfaire tous les besoins selon les différentes stratégies proposées pour répondre aux besoins critiques qui sauvent les vies humaines." +456712,58748.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,48,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://cdn.odi.org/media/documents/ODI-PB-SRHR.pdf,"Early on, a 10% decline in contraceptive usage and over 15 million unintended pregnancies were predicted (Haddad et al. 2021). Reduced contraceptive use will mean more births, with a growing proportion taking place without medical attention or in unsafe conditions." +134458,35170.0,1188.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,Los asistentes afirmaron mantenerse informados de la situación de su país de origen a través de WhatsApp (chat y llamada) con sus familiares en Venezuela. +21840,9026.0,322.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",en,177,[],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,,"The municipal status of Sana’a, under which are grouped 10 districts, is unique in Yemen. As explained above, in other areas of the country there is a simple two tiered adminis- trative system of governorates (muhafadhat) and districts (mudiriyat), with no distinction between urban and rural areas. For example, the urban areas of both Taiz and Hodeidah extend across three mudiriyat, but adminis- tratively these mudiriyat are undistinquishable from rural mudiriyat and all fall equally under the relevant governorates. The legal and executive status of Sana’a Munic- ipality as an independent local authority and capital of the nation and municipality, yet with governorate status, is still somewhat a gray area. Article 166 of the Local Authorities Law of 2000 states the necessity for promulgation of a special law governing the Sana’a Municipality, “which clarifies the powers and specializations which it enjoys and which aim at developing the capital of the country.”" +305550,51474.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,28,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"(unmiss) Peacekeepers conducted patrols in the area to build confidence, assess the security situation and reopen roads to enable the delivery of humanitarian assistance." +239664,47230.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,113,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"El 80% de los hogares encuestados están en un hogar en arriendo o subarriendo, en línea con rondas previas de análisis. Los hogares que se encuentran en posesión sin título corresponden al 7%, mientras el 4% se encuentran en casa de alguien de más, sean familiares o amigos. Por su parte, el 3% se encuentra en vivienda totalmente pagada (ver gráfica 70). Gran parte de hogares con alguna pertenencia étnica viven en posesión sin título (esto es, son ocupantes de hecho o residen en una propiedad colectiva) y el 4% viven en arriendo o subarriendo." +9710,3785.0,321.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,51,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/libya-protect-civilians-under-siege-derna,"Derna's main hospital is reporting severe shortages of medical supplies; medical professionals have informed Amnesty International that their ability to provide help beyond lifesaving is strained and at this rate, even that will not be possible soon if they do not receive the much needed medical assistance." +317486,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,43,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Despite the ongoing effort to control the spread of Desert Locust yielding positive results, there are still significant risks in 2021 for Somalia, particularly as a result of Cyclone Gati, that will encourage the development of a new generation." +314070,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,59,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Against a backdrop of increasing needs, Somalia remains one of the most insecure countries in the world to operate in, particularly for aid workers, impacting on humanitarian’s ability to reach those in need. Humanitarian partners face multiple obstacles to the delivery of assistance across Somalia, including active hostilities and access challenges." +22535,9106.0,729.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,115,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"WASH providers require resources and strengthened technical capacities in order to deliver the necessary WASH services to people in Libya, otherwise system failure may affect up to 3.9 million people across the country as a result of the failure of the Man-Made River. An estimated 600,000 people may be affected as a result of the failure of desalination systems. Around 1 million people may be affected as a result of failure in ground water systems managed by the General Company for Water and Wastewater. Additionally, dysfunctional water, sanitation and garbage collection systems is likely to lead to increases in risks of water borne illnesses including acute watery diarrhoea." +361167,58845.0,2028.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,75,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_price_bulletin_may_2021.pdf,"[May 2021, GoS & NES] The highest informal exchange rate was reported in Damascus at SYP 3,145/ USD (appreciated by one percent m-o-m), followed by Rural Damascus at SYP 3,139/USD (unchanged m-o-m). While, the lowest rate was reported in Dar’a at SYP 3,086/USD (appreciated by one percent m-o-m), followed by Al -Hasakeh at SYP 3,093/USD (unchanged m-o-m)." +220021,45809.0,2311.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,56,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.rcnradio.com/colombia/antioquia/por-falta-de-permiso-mas-de-200-venezolanos-en-medellin-no-se-han-graduado-de,"Durante este 2020, un total de218 ciudadanos venezolanos cursaron el grado once en las instituciones públicas y privadas de Medellín, sin embargo,no han podido acceder a su título de bachiller porque no cuentan con el Permiso Especial de Permanencia para el sector Educación, que es otorgado por el Gobierno Nacional." +178349,41756.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,145,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"220 zones de santé sont en phase de crise (IPC phase 3) et d’urgence (IPC phase 4) d’insécurité alimentaire aigüe dans 19 provinces, soit 42 pour cent du nombre total de zones de santé. Les zones en phase 4 se trouvent dans les provinces du Tanganyika, Maniema, Sud-Kivu, du Haut Uélé, Mongala, Tshuapa, Kwango, des Kasaï et de la Lomami. A un niveau granulaire, on constate qu’ils se situent notamment dans les territoires également affectés par des mouvements de population majeurs (sévérité 3 ,4 et 5) : Djugu, Mahagi (Ituri), Shabunda, Kalehe (Sud-Kivu), Moba, Manono, Kabalo, Nyunzu (Tanganyika), Kazumba (Kasaï-Central) et Kamonia (Kasaï)." +309779,51467.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,27,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,Returnees face challenges in accessing health services in return locations as often they return to areas where the health services are already limited and often stretched. +116345,32643.0,1185.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",en,30,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']","['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/77408,"2. GTRM partners have provided more than 41,000 general orientations, assisted almost 3,200 refugees and migrants with legal counseling and managed some 6,600 cases during the emergency." +61714,18346.0,1184.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,128,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71003.pdf,"Medios de vida Por otro lado, los miembros del GTRM continúan implementando y adaptando programas, herramientas y actividades para trabajar con población venezolana en temas de emprendimiento y empleabilidad. Por ejemplo, se ha coordinado la participación de venezolanos/as en centros de formación artesanal; además del acceso a cupos para jóvenes venezolanos/as en talleres de danza, baile, taekwondo e inglés. En mayo, hombres y mujeres venezolanos/as han sido atendidos con programas en empleabilidad y emprendimiento por primera vez; además que se han referido a refugiados y migrantes venezolanos para vinculación laboral a instituciones como Banco Pichincha. Adicionalmente, se continúa entregando capital semilla para emprendimiento a venezolanos de acuerdo con un análisis de los perfiles de vulnerabilidad." +188893,43387.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Casualties->Missing', 'Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,126,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20DE%20PROTECTION_SEPTEMBRE2020-SAHEL.pdf,"Le droit à la liberté et à la sécurité est la violation la plus récurrente au cours de ce mois avec 16 cas dont 06 cas d’enlèvements, 05 cas de menace, 03 cas d’arrestation illégale et 02 cas d’ultimatum commis sur des populations civiles. La violation du droit à la vie avec 15 personnes tuées est la deuxième typologie la plus constatée. La troisième typologie est l’atteinte au droit à l’intégrité physique et psychique avec 01 cas de violence psychologique et 10 cas de coups et blessures. La quatrième typologie est l’atteinte au droit à la propriété avec 04 cas d’extorsions et 02 cas de pillages." +83674,23081.0,1620.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",en,94,['Impact'],['Humanitarian Access'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/logistics_sector_nigeria_conops_191217.pdf,"Insecurity, poor/damaged infrastructure, and increased humanitarian activity have placed significant demands on logistics capacities in the three affected states, with Borno State being the most heavily impacted. Movement of humanitarian assistance into key operational areas remains limited, access for humanitarian staff is restricted, and some areas remain completely inaccessible due to active hostilities. Given the prevailing security conditions, most of the existing (or proposed) humanitarian activities are conducted in areas where the Nigerian Armed Forces (NAF) are present and providing security." +62667,18394.0,1386.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,73,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3295213,"El Gobierno también se ha comprometido a establecer un mecanismo para atender casos individuales, y mi Oficina ya ha remitido 27 casos prioritarios que esperamos se resuelvan pronto. Asimismo, las autoridades nos han comunicado las medidas recientemente adoptadas para aliviar la situación médica de algunos detenidos. Además, el Gobierno está avanzando con respecto a su invitación al país a diez Procedimientos Especiales en los próximos dos años." +193030,43411.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,25,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"On September 18, 2018, armed and masked men posing as members of AQ-M uploaded a video announcing their presence in Burkina Faso." +355978,58248.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,44,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Salud_reporte_trimestral_enero_marzo_2021_VF%20%281%29%20%281%29.pdf,El Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social está trabajando en el diseño de un programa especial para vacunar a migrantes en condición irregular solicitando apoyo de la cooperación internacional (logís�ca y recursos humanos) y solicitando vacunas a través del mecanismo COVAX. +240455,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,34,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Hospitals and clinics are reporting challenges maintaining or expanding their facilities’ capacity to treat patients with COVID-19, as well as maintaining essential health services, especially in areas of active conflict." +214368,45385.0,2334.0,['Protection'],[],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",fr,26,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Depuis le mois de janvier 2020, 164 incidents sécuritaires majeurs liés aux conflit armé ont été enregistrés dans la région de l’Extrême- Nord" +317607,52949.0,2331.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,69,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']","['Information And Communication', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Moreover, as the number of IDP sites continues to escalate throughout the country, the requirement for CCCM site management and corresponding equitable service delivery becomes of paramount importance. Only 36 per cent of the documented 2,400 IDP sites in Somalia are currently being managed by CCCM partners, presenting key gaps in humanitarian information and standard monitoring which has adverse effects on cross-sector service provision." +304023,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,24,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"COVID-19 related restrictions on humanitarian organizations limited provision of protection services in 2020, including legal assistance, psychosocial support and case management." +188218,40860.0,1899.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200922_OCHA_GUATEMALA%20HRP%20COVID-19%20ESPAN%CC%83OL.pdf,"Este estudio indica que el incremento de los casos de desnutrición aguda probablemente es reflejo de las sequías de 2018 y 2019 más que al impacto directo de COVID-19. Debido a las condiciones actuales y las limitaciones de movilidad y saturación de los servicios de salud, el riesgo del deterioro del estado nutricional aumenta." +317250,53333.0,2334.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,70,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Ensure essential SRH services meet the “Availability, Accessibility, Acceptability, and Quality” framework of the right to health. Help adolescents access correct information about SRHR and gender equality and risks related to other risks such as substance abuse, from trusted sources, and challenge harmful norms or practices that they may encounter online or through TV, to minimize risks and empower adolescents." +48453,12622.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],es,59,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LIBRO%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20las%20necesidades%20insatisfechas%20SSR%20y%20Migrantes%20Venezolanos%20-%20Digital.pdf,"Estas condiciones sociodemográficas específicas y las características culturales de las comunidades receptoras, deben ser tenidas en cuenta debido al hecho de que la llegada de los migrantes pueden exacerbar la exclusión social, el estigma por falta de comprensión, la falta de empatía y solidaridad, así como sentimientos xenofóbicos que ya existen en estos territorios." +112838,32048.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Displacement->Intentions']",en,120,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Nin%CC%83ez%20venezolana%20Covid19%20Ingle%CC%81s%20Web_FINAL.pdf,"Three-quarters claimed they know where to go in case of risk or injury due to violence. Unlike the other countries, in Peru, 60% said they would go to the police rather than to their own family. It is important to point out that Peru is the country where the migrant children who participated in the study felt more discrimination: 50% have reported experiencing increased discrimination against a particular group with the onset of the pandemic and almost all of them (91%) showed that it is against them because of their migrant condition coming from Venezuela. About 14% of migrant children said want to go back to Venezuela." +193725,43353.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,199,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Burkina%20Faso%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%207%20-%20August%202020%20%281%29.pdf,"• two municipalities have a very high global acute malnutrition (GAM) prevalence (>15%): Barsalogho IDP site (16.1 per cent GAM and 4.3 per cent SAM) Centre-Nord region, Gorom-Gorom (18.4 per cent Global Acute Malnutrition (MAG) and 6 per cent Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM), Sahel region • four municipalities have a high GAM rate (between 10 per cent and 15 per cent) • five municipalities have a moderate prevalence of GAM (<10%) • children aged 6-23 months are more vulnerable to GAM than children 24-59 months, as the rates are higher in that age group • infant mortality rates in all communes and on the site are below the emergency threshold of 2 per cent. However, the results show that the situation is worry some in Barsalogho (1.3 per cent) and in the municipality of Gorgadji (1.7 per cent), where mortality rates have reached 1 per cent. [from a nutrition survey conducted in 11 municipalities in the Centre Nord, Nord, Sahel, and Est regions]" +177973,41869.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,82,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2020/10/5/covid-19-syria-hospital,"(GoS 05/10/2020) There is a huge gap between the actual number [of cases and deaths] and the one announced by the government due to its lack of resources and capacity to receive patients, but also because it wants to mitigate any unexpected impact of the pandemic, like social unrest,” Zaki Mehchy, a London-based senior consulting fellow at Chatham House and co-founder of the Syrian Center for Policy Research, told Al Jazeera." +291224,51259.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Humanitarian Access', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2020_access_annual_overview.pdf,"In 2020, a moderate increase in humanitarian access incidents was reported, from 535 incidents in 2019 to 580 in 2020." +223981,45768.0,2332.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,27,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"Par ailleurs, sur les 150 ménages demandeurs d’asile anciennement implantés sur le site, plusieurs sont repartis au Niger par manque d’assistance" +159378,38283.0,2099.0,[],[],[],en,32,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.un.org/africarenewal/news/humanitarian-needs-grow-burkina-faso-faces-unprecedented-level-internal-displacement,"More than 5,000 IDPs and members of host communities received IOM’s psychosocial assistance at the sites of Djibo in the crisis-hit Sahel Region and Barsalogho in the North-Central Region." +61307,18235.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],[],en,30,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"There have been some cases of expulsions reported by the media, usually linked to crimes committed in Colombia. There have also been some press reports of deportations." +157599,38893.0,2098.0,"['Shelter', 'Education']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,54,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/humanitarian_collaboration_and_coordination_in_bangladesh_2nd_draft_12_july_2020_kazi_hg.pdf,"▪ Repair and maintenance of alternative shelters (school, public buildings etc.) for temporary shelter / camps for vulnerable communitiesin selected vulnerable COVID19 Hots Spots areas. ▪ Developing Shelter technical assistance guidelines on minimizing congested living for people living in higher density areas and with increased risk of COVID19." +358771,58669.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,93,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/informe_de_emergencias_humanitarias_reportadas_elc_enero_mayo_2021.pdf,"IMPACTO REGIONAL: CAUCA 370 perspnas 150 familias La situación del municipio de Argelia sigue siendo preocupante y se deteriora cada vez más. Desde inicios de mayo se presentaron múltiples combates y enfrentamientos entre GANE en la zona rural, que causaron desplazamientos masivos y un confinamiento. Además, en el marco del Paro nacional, se presentaron retrasos en la respuesta a estas emergencias por las dificultades de acceso ante los bloqueos de vías y condiciones de seguridad que ocasionó la suspensión de actividades por parte de organizaciones humanitarias." +305467,51467.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,64,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"The widening fiscal deficit will likely further diminish the Government capacity to finance key lifesaving services. High inflation, including on prices of basic commodities, combined with disrupted livelihoods mainly in rural settings will continue to erode the purchasing power of market dependent households. Rural areas will also continue to be affected by rising food and other basic commodity prices." +306524,51572.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,91,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"World Vision currently do not have Community Nutrition Volunteers (CNVs) in all the two IDP camps since 31st Dec 2020. The project under UNICEF ended last year December 2020 and the PDs for 2021 are still under amendment. This has affected nutrition programming in these camps by reducing on the admission rate for both the OTP ((Outpatient Therapeutic Program) and TSFP((Targeted Supplementary Feeding Program) programs. [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]" +337613,55860.0,2225.0,['Agriculture'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,51,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb4752en.pdf,"[January-April 2021] Trained about 927 households on seed multiplication, beekeeping, caisses de résilience activities (farmer field schools, village savings and loan associations, Dimitra clubs), community radio stations, good agricultural and livestock practices, management of input shops and community warehouses." +214360,45385.0,2334.0,"['WASH', 'Health']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,35,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"338 personnels de santé et 27 agents de santé communautaire (ASC) ont reçu des équipements de protection individuelle (masque, savon, solution hydroalcoolique) par AHA, HKI et IEDA." +185140,39920.0,1231.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,9,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/resultados_primera_encuesta_covid-19_-_formato_11x17.pdf,46% de las personas encuestadas no genera ingresos +147112,36461.0,2028.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,28,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77428.pdf,"Moreover, partners are concerned that persons with disabilities, particularly women and girls, are at an increased risk of experiencing violence, abuse and neglect." +418919,64000.0,1185.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,84,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Los resultados del reporte de ACNUR (2020) muestran que el 90% del grupo entrevistado se encuentra desempleado o en condiciones laborales precarias, con el número de personas desempleadas aumentando en un 30% en comparación con marzo de 2020. Asimismo, más del 90% reportó haber experimentado afectaciones en su salud mental como consecuencia de la emergencia sanitaria del COVID-19, y solo el 12% tuvo acceso a servicios de salud mental (ACNUR 2020)." +305694,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,21,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"People in informal and collective sites lack access to information about their rights, freedom of movement and available services." +219163,45719.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,61,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/431459-coronavirus-nigerias-new-cases-rise-again-as-country-records-second-highest-figure.html,"[16thDec2020,Nigeria]Lagos and Abuja are the hardest hit cities and again had the highest numbers on Tuesday. Three deaths were also recorded on Tuesday, bringing the country’s total fatalities to 1,200. Meanwhile, of the over 74,000 infections recorded in Nigeria, 66,494 patients have been discharged from hospitals after treatment." +270193,50226.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,78,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_6.pdf,"En la semana epidemiológica 06 se notificaron 1 522 casos de malaria, teniendo un acumulado de 6 400 casos, de los cuales 6 270 son de malaria no complicada y 130 de malaria complicada. Predomina la infección por Plasmodium vivax (P. vivax) con 53,5 % (3 421), seguido de Plasmodium falciparum (P. falciparum) con 45,8 % (2 931) e infección mixta con 0,8 % (48" +176402,41733.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Economy'],fr,23,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/reach_drc_bulletin-des-marche-2_juin-2020.pdf,"Globalement, le prix rapporté de chaque type de farine a augmenté d’au moins 50% dans sept territoires chacun." +61717,18346.0,1184.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,25,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71003.pdf,Apoyo al gobierno receptor • 9.602 miembros de la sociedad civil capacitados • 770 funcionarios públicos capacitados • 38 miembros del personal de salud capacitados +182494,42270.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,44,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep21_20201020.pdf,"In September, 845 trucks of UN humanitarian assistance were shipped via Bab Al-Hawa, compared to 176 in August and 21 in July – illustrating the increasing importance of keeping this lifeline open and accessible for millions of people in the northwest." +236416,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,31,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In the first 9 months of 2020, 746 female casualties were recorded (251 killed and 495 injured) which amounts to 13 per cent of overall civilians casualties." +240585,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,77,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The limited number of female medical staff, as well as cultural limitations on women’s movement, continue to restrict women’s access to life-saving treatment and services (both COVID-19-related and non-COVID-19-related). For example, only approximately 50 per cent of pregnant women in Afghanistan deliver their children in a health facility with a skilled attendant, in contrast to the 70-80 per cent reported in many other low-income countries." +192987,43687.0,2330.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,94,[],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IB18112020.pdf,"It is estimated that Iota affected about 60% of Nicaragua's territory, initially impacting Puerto Cabezas and Bilwi (Northern Caribbean) and affecting the South Pacific area. There are reports of about 73,000 evacuees, 6 deaths, 4,000 homes lost, local markets and crops destroyed, and extensive damage to infrastructure and shelters. More than 53,000 people are reported to have no access to drinking water, an area where 30% of the population has access to water through electricity and 70% through wells." +394648,61903.0,1186.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['Casualties->Dead'],es,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.biobiochile.cl/noticias/nacional/region-de-arica-y-parinacota/2021/05/26/pdi-investiga-muerte-de-mujer-inmigrante-en-colchane-ingresaba-a-chile-por-paso-no-habilitado.shtml,"En lo que va del año, ya son seis inmigrantes que ingresan de manera ilegal a Chile los que han muerto. Antes de la mujer que falleció esta semana, se habían dado numerosos casos en marzo pasado." +178061,40661.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,70,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Le communiqué mensuel de la BBC du 14 août 2020 indique que sur le marché des biens et services, une légère accélération de l’inflation apparaît en juillet, soit 2,95% contre 2,55% le mois précédent, sur fond de déficit de l’offre des biens dans un contexte de sortie des mesures de confinement aussi bien sur le plan externe qu’interne." +112315,32025.0,1185.0,['Shelter'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,33,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/76913.pdf,"GTRM partners are assisting homeless refugees and migrants with temporary shelter and hotel rooms. Food assistance is available at these accommodations in Arequipa, Cusco, Lima, Tacna and Tumbes." +314474,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The influx of displaced people from rural areas also increases the risk of localized conflicts and social exclusion, aggravated by increased competition for livelihoods in urban settings." +458080,64540.0,1185.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,147,[],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"La población venezolana en el Perú es mayoritariamente joven. El 60% de los inmigrantes venezolanos tiene menos de 30 años y el 90% es menor de 40 años. Se trata, por tanto, de una población que está en su edad más productiva y laboral, que coincide con la etapa de agotamiento del bono demográfico peruano, previsto para fines de la década de 2030. Destaca que las inmigrantes y refugiadas sean mayoritariamente más jóvenes que sus pares varones (en el grupo de 18 a 29 años), reduciendo su participación conforme avanza la edad. De acuerdo con las estimaciones realizadas a inicios de 2019, el 55% de la población venezolana en Perú son hombres y 45% son mujeres (UARM, 2019; OIM y Superintendencia Nacional de Migraciones, 2018)." +235484,46388.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,53,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"According to the IPC Secretariat, Afghanistan has the second highest number of people in IPC 4 (emergency) in the world – 5.5 million people. COVID-19 has resulted in increasing food insecurity among urban residents where the impacts of the pandemic on employment and health have been most severe." +330413,53831.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,94,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/12042021_sitrep_s12_whe_oms_rdc_f.pdf,"Comparativement à S12/2021 où 440 cas confirmés et 17 décès ont été enregistrés, au terme de S13/2021, 342 nouveaux cas et 2 nouveaux décès ont été notifiés soit une baisse de 22,3% des cas. Tout compte fait, la ville province de Kinshasa demeure l’épicentre de l’épidémie avec 71,7% (20 329/28 352) des cas notifiés suivi des provinces du Nord-Kivu et du Haut-Katanga qui comptabilisent respectivement 7,4% (2 099/28 352) et 6,5% (1 844/28 352) des cas" +48099,13061.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.derechos.org.ve/web/wp-content/uploads/MigracionLigia.pdf,El principal problema que enfrentan los indígenas que han salido de territorio venezolano es el desconocimiento de su condición como pueblo indígena. Esta situación se presenta con los Warao en Brasil y los Yukpa en Colombia. +302518,53036.0,2334.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,62,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/1-Lolo_Dec%202020_0.pdf,"[PRINCIPAUX DEFIS] Education : Insuffisance des infrastructures scolaires, Intégration des enfants réfugiés dans le système éducatif national, Mise à disposition des enseignants par l’Etat, Pesanteur culturelle, accès des élèves réfugiés aux enseignements à distance préconisés par le Gouvernement à la suite de la situation COVID-19, notamment ceux des classes d’examen." +361172,58845.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,42,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_price_bulletin_may_2021.pdf,"[May 2021, Overall Syria] In May 2021, the official butane gas cylinder price (25,000 L) remained unchanged m-o-m at SYP 4,079/refill. However, compared to May 2020, the price increased by 43 percent." +453917,63974.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,24,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_20210630-Rapport-Protection-Trimestriel.pdf,"Pour l’agriculture comme pour l’élevage, la condition d’accéder aux terres est la location soit à 25000/Ha." +341492,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,71,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"L’élargissement des cibles des attaques, des lieux et symboles religieux chrétiens, les kidnappings et assassinats des pasteurs, prêtres et fidèles jettent da- vantage de troubles au sein des populations et accentuent la psychose. Ces manœuvres accentuent les clivages, le développement de la haine et sus- citent des représailles qui peuvent constituer le point de départ d’un embrasement social aux contours religieux." +149533,32172.0,1388.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Humanitarian Access->Population To Relief'],es,33,[],['Humanitarian Access'],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/75318.pdf,"Por la falta de documentación podrán ver excluidas de los planes de respuesta que adoptan los gobiernos, para mitigar los efectos de la crisis en la pérdida de medios de vida." +215531,44962.0,2336.0,"['WASH', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Health']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.dw.com/en/coronavirus-in-afghanistan-do-confirmed-cases-depict-the-real-picture/a-54489465,Internally displaced people are particularly affected by the pandemic. Many live in crowded camps on the outskirts of cities in unhygienic conditions and without access to healthcare. +297869,52145.0,2334.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,51,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_humanitaire_numero_12_v_04.pdf,"Le CICR [Comité international de la Croix Rouge] , les ONG présentes dans la zone [Double, Kossa et Mora] (NRC, PU, ACF, IRC, Intersos notamment) apportent des réponses pour renforcer les abris et compléter les biens de première nécessité." +20770,8434.0,729.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,76,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/refugees-returned-overcrowded-libyan-detention-centres,"Among the 250 people who disembarked in Misrata and Khoms, there are women, some of whom are pregnant, babies and young children under seven years old. They were transferred to detention centres in the area. Days earlier, another 117 people drowned in a separate incident, clearly pointing to a deliberate neglect on the part of European authorities for providing lifesaving search and rescue capacity in the Central Mediterranean." +300488,51301.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,68,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2021/03/syria-euphrates-river-water-crisis-kurdish-accuse-turkey.html,"[11 Mar 2021, NES (Ar-Raqqa)] The water level of the Euphrates River in Syria’s northern province of Raqqa has decreased dramatically over the past few weeks. Should the river's water flow continue as it is now, economic activities — and particularly agriculture — in Raqqa and other Syrian areas that the river crosses through will be harmed." +492081,67712.0,1224.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,82,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"Several of the findings of this note show that LAC countries have employed the components of social protection by using programs of social assistance, social security, and the labor market to protect the affected population. Nevertheless, as of October 2020, there are few government programs that include the Venezuelan migrant population, being mostly social assistance programs, and, when they do, it is almost always those who have legal migratory status in the country" +175502,41235.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,69,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[October 14, NES, laboratories] Since May 2020 the SA has had one operational lab (two including the laboratory in Tall Refaat) for testing of COVID- 19 samples. This laboratory currently has two active PCR machines and two laboratory teams. There are a further 6 PCR machines in stock. At present the lab can process over 200 samples per day." +157629,38893.0,2098.0,['WASH'],"['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,55,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/humanitarian_collaboration_and_coordination_in_bangladesh_2nd_draft_12_july_2020_kazi_hg.pdf,"Emergency construction/rehabilitation of sanitation facilities (latrine & bathing chamber) (All beneficiaries have access to adequate sanitation facilities and need separate bathing place f or adolescent girls and women thereby ensuring their security) ▪ Emergency construction/rehabilitation of water facilities (raised platforms, operation & maintenance and established water treatment plants)" +258010,48907.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,52,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[20th January 2021, Cox's Bazar] For many community members, the lack of information about COVID-19 testing and treatment makes them afraid of getting tested. To allay their fears and encourage people to get tested, they need more information so they can make informed choices." +391163,61715.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,104,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/yobe_state_covid-19_pandemic_weekly_situation_report_sitrep_for_week_30_26_jul_-_01_aug_2021_.pdf,"[26th Jul - 1st Aug 2021, Yobe State] The total number of contacts who completed 14 days of monitoring without symptoms is two thousand, one hundred and twenty-six (2,126) • The total number of samples collected is eighteen thousand, nine hundred and sixty-one (18,961). Four hundred and ninety-nine (499) results are positive, sixteen thousand, six hundred and forty-four (16,644) are negative, forty-two (42) for a repeat test, and one thousand, seven hundred and seventy-six (1,776) remaining sample results are pending." +323119,54498.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,84,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/89758cd4/REACH_COL_RAN_Factsheet_Trend_analysis_March2021.pdf,"Según World Vision11 a mayo de 2020, se estimaba que más de un millón de niñas, niños, adolescentes y jóvenes refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela vivían en Colombia, Ecuador, Brasil, Perú, Bolivia y Chile. No obstante, con la implementación de las restricciones de movilidad impuestas en estos países para prevenir el con- tagio por COVID-19, muchos de ellos empezaron a movilizarse hacia otros destinos, en algunos casos sin sus acu- dientes legales." +286603,51586.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,69,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_19_november_2020_final.pdf,"Almost 9 per cent of the total confirmed COVID-19 cases are among healthcare staff. Health facilities across the country continue to report shortfalls in PPE, medical supplies and equipment, further challenging their capacity to treat COVID19 patients. In support of the Government, humanitarian partners have provided hundreds of thousands of pieces of PPE and several thousand items of life-saving medical equipment to MoPH." +172144,40587.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,104,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SOUTHERN%20AFRICA_Food_Security_Outlook_%20June%202020_%20Final.pdf,"Between October 2020 January 2021, households in Djugu territory (Ituri province) will be in Emergency (IPC Phase 4) as a result of severe food consumption gaps and having exhausted all available crisis strategies, while other areas affected by conflict and mass displacement (Sud-Kivu, Nord-Kivu, Tanganyika, Ituri, Kasaï and Kasaï Central) will remain in Crisis (IPC Phase 3). More stable areas of the provinces will be in Stressed (IPC Phase 2), while northern provinces will continue to face Minimal (IPC Phase 1) food insecurity." +242928,46388.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The Oxfam briefing note highlights the difficulties women face to safely access available services, especially in rural locations, and amid COVID-19 the information highlights how the protection needs of women and girls, and GBV survivors are increasing." +22549,9106.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Education']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,131,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"Access to education is one of the key priorities for returnees, in order to establish normalcy in children’s lives. The majority of returnees are found in Benghazi, Sirt, Tripoli and Ubari. As per the MSNA 2018, 24 per cent of interviewed households cited health issues as a reason for not attending and/or dropping out of school, with 16 per cent of households citing poor quality of education and 14 per cent of households citing limited access to transport. 5.6 per cent have indicated loss of documentation as one of the main reasons for not continuing in education. Irregular school attendance is mainly found in Wadi Ashshati, Al Jabal Al Akhdar, Alkufra, Azzawya, Murzuq and Ubari." +173669,41107.0,1899.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,115,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3678296,"El Día Internacional de la Niña es una oportunidad para impulsar que sus voces sean escuchadas, tomadas en cuenta y sus derechos cumplidos. Para revertir los retos que enfrentan las niñas y adolescentes, UNICEF trabaja con varios sectores y actores sociales e impulsa acciones para poner a las niñas y a las adolescentes en el centro de las soluciones. Pero aún se requiere de un cambio de comportamiento y de normas sociales que las empodere; contar con marcos nacionales y programas más robustos que apoye su desarrollo integral y políticas y servicios que atienda a las necesidades de las niñas y las adolescentes y les restituyan de los derechos violados" +305333,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,46,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Displaced women continued to disproportionately bear the brunt of the conflict and displacement. Some have lost their husbands and become single heads of household, and are exposed to different types of harassment, including GBV, which adds to their vulnerability and trauma." +188096,42790.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,23,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000120225.pdf,"Most of the population depends on one season of rain-fed agriculture for their livelihoods, leaving the country vulnerable to climate shocks." +164320,38902.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,23,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"Risk 2 Reduced capacities to cover humanitarian needs among Venezuelan refugees and migrants, Colombian IDPs, and people affected by natural disasters" +292355,52073.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,44,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"[3 principales crises qui ont marqué la situation épidémiologique en 2019] Il s’agit de la crise dans le Bassin du Lac Tchad, la crise des réfugiés centrafricains et la crise dans les régions du Nord-Ouest et du Sud-Ouest." +236869,47076.0,2334.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],en,107,"['Priority Interventions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,"It is important to highlight that the number of people reached in June represent only 1% of the people in need of GBV lifesaving interventions and 2% of the target set by the GBV AoR in the HRP. If the GBV response is not supported with meaningful funding, thousands of IDP women and girls will be left without any assistance to recover from GBV and rebuild their lives. It is crucial to reinforce the existing GBV interventions by prioritizing GBV risk mitigation; prepositioning of post rape kits, expansion of GBV case management services and capacity building for frontline workers." +172534,40367.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],en,28,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"54 cases of children, including 22 girls with serious signs of serious mental health and psychological distress received specialized care by clinical psychologists assigned by UNICEF." +235625,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,71,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,More than a quarter (27 per cent) of key informants in assessed hard-to-reach areas report having no health facilities accessible; 100 per cent of key informants reported that the health facility used by most residents had been closed or damaged in the three months prior to data collection; and 69 per cent reported having no access to medicine in the three months prior to data collection. +325498,54815.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[Ouagadougou] Nearly all of the advanced medical facilities are connected to a bus route; however, this immediate proximity to bus service does not translate into significant accessibility gains. This is intuitive given the very limited speeds on some routes" +62865,18514.0,1386.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,187,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190328_acaps_briefing_note_venezuela_update_and_2019_outlook__0.pdf,"Credible accounts of extrajudicial killings by government security forces have been reported. In impoverished areas where the population largely depends on state- sponsored social programmes, pro-Maduro armed groups (colectivos) are particularly active, using fear and repression as a strategy of social control. Poor areas in Caracas and all over the country register the highest number of victims killed in clashes with the authorities (Amnesty International 20/02/2019, The Guardian 22/06/2018, Caracas Chronicles 02/02/2018). A panel of experts mandated by the Organisation of American States (OAS) documented some 8,292 extrajudicial killings and 12,000 arbitrary detentions at the hands of the government since 2014 (R2P 15/03/2019). Between April and June 2017, crackdown on protests resulted in the death of over 100 people (R2P 15/03/2019). In 2018, the Venezuelan Observatory on Social Conflict (Observatorio Venezolano de Conflictividad Social) registered at least 12,715 protests (equivalent to 35 protests per day), a 30% increase from 2017 (9,787 protests) (Noticiero Digital 18/01/2019)." +181915,42262.0,2028.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,33,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_KAP4_Covid_NWS_TK_21.10.20-2.pdf,"[October 1, NWS]Compared with previous rounds, it should be noted that this sample of respondents reported a higher estimated likelihood of contracting COVID-19 (61%)." +425443,64261.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Push Factors', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,161,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Le mercredi 02 juin 2021, des GOA auraient intercepté un camion de transport de matériels médicotechniques sur la route Tambarga- Madjoari et récupéré certains produits médicaux, avant de laisser le camion poursuivre sa route. Quelques jours plus tard, soit le samedi 05 juin 2021, des éléments de GOA radicaux ont bloqué la route de Tambarga –Tindangou en demandant aux populations de quitter le village de Kodjoari. Ensuite à la date du 09/06/2021 les GOA sont revenus donner un ultimatum aux populations de Namounyouri, Tambarga et localités environantes de quitter leurs lieux de residences dans les 72 heures qui suivent sous peine de représailles. Kodjoari est situé entre Tapiéni et Nadjilinga sur l'axe Tindangou-Tambarga dans la commune de Madjoari. Ainsi, c'est après la réalisation de l'évaluation des besoins des ménages déplacés dans les zones d'acceuils de Nadiagou, et Kompienga _commune que le seuil de 100 ménages à Koalou a été atteint" +196840,43840.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,33,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_291_20201116.pdf,"Ce 16/11/2020, 27 nouveaux cas confirmés de COVID-19 ont été rapportés dont 22 à Kinshasa, 3 au Sud-Kivu et 2 dans le Haut-Katanga (annexe 1 ; Figure 1)." +327078,54267.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],fr,70,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"En particulier, le code des investissements agricoles de 2018 vise à développer des secteurs ruraux résilients et productifs, tout en renforçant une approche orientée vers le marché et fondée sur les principes du développement durable. Toutefois, le code pourrait inciter davantage les investisseurs à utiliser les biens et services locaux ou à établir des accords de développement communautaire (Nikièma et Coulibaly, 2018)." +181158,42386.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Environment'],fr,38,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_RMU_October-2020_vfinal.pdf,"Depuis la deuxième décade de juillet, la distribution des pluies est globalement satisfaisante et les cumuls entre le premier avril et le 10 octobre sont excédentaires à similaires à la normale dans presque tout le pays." +306256,51572.0,2335.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,68,['Impact'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"According to local authorities and community leaders, over 500 cattle,3000 goats and 2500 sheep deaths reported by the local authorities and the cause if floods that always come with its associated disease outbreak like Trypanosomiases/nagana, foot, and mouth disease and then the high blood pressure. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +209158,43992.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,43,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, UNICEF has provided support to the Child Protection sub-cluster to review and adapt tools, guidelines and implementation process for the provision of psychosocial support within the COVID-19 response as well as vulnerability mapping." +359367,58669.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,92,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/informe_de_emergencias_humanitarias_reportadas_elc_enero_mayo_2021.pdf,"IMPACTO POR DESPLAZAMIENTO: Además de lo anterior, los desplazamientos están teniendo un carácter de “sin retorno”, en donde muchas familias prefieren establecerse en otras ciudades antes que regresar a las condiciones de inseguridad en los lugares de expulsión y los riesgos de protección que representan vivir en zonas de influencia y/o control de grupos armados no estatales. A la fecha el 91% de las personas desplazadas en mayo continua sin retornar ante condiciones de seguridad inadecuadas y falta de garantías para su retorno seguro." +191547,43304.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,61,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"une extrapolation de l’analyse au niveau national porterait à 67 924 le nombre des structures de commerce général fermées soit 33 962 structures pour les autres villes du Tchad. A cet égard, le manque à gagner de l’économie au niveau national peut être estimé à 149,2 milliards FCFA pour le mois d’avril." +306249,51572.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"There is no dedicated CCCM partner in the IDP camps, thus communities organized local structures for coordination purposes. There is functioning community leadership structure, however women remain unrepresented. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +303929,51174.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,54,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.afro.who.int/sites/default/files/2021-02/South%20Sudan%20IDSR%20Bulletin%20Week%201%2C%20%20%204-%2010%20January%202021%20.pdf,"On 16th January, 2021 the Community Health Diagnosis in Boma reported cases of diarrhea with no deaths in Raat area. Five deaths were reported in July 2020 and there were no response taken. There is no health faciality or medical personnel in Raat and the area is inaccessible from Pibor." +292374,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"La situation épidémiologique [épidémie de Choléra] au 30 juin 2019 fait état de 1 132 cas suspects de choléra avec 66 décès (taux de létalité : 5,8%)." +493581,61216.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/humanitarian-situation-overview-syria-hsos-northeast-syria-june-2021,"[June 2021, NES]Commonly reported sources of food for households other than markets (by % of communities):Borrowing money for food(52%), Own production or farming (35%), Relying on food stored previously(20%)." +182206,42696.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,74,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.alwatanonline.com/%d9%85%d8%af%d9%8a%d8%b1-%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%b5%d8%ad%d8%a9-%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%85%d8%af%d8%b1%d8%b3%d9%8a%d8%a9-%d8%a8%d8%ad%d9%85%d8%b5-%d9%84%d9%80%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%88%d8%b7%d9%86-%d9%84%d8%a7/,"[ October 25, Homs, rumors] The Director of School Health in Homs, Dr. Ghayath Abbas, denied to ""Al-Watan"" what is being circulated on social media about the closure of schools due to the new Corona virus in Homs. He stressed that what is rumored about this are just rumors and false news, and that no school has been closed throughout the governorate until today." +332466,51467.0,2335.0,"['Education', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,17,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,Lack of financial resources which prompt parents to put children to work instead.(2020) +166680,39928.0,2170.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,56,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"As the effects of COVID-19 continue to emerge, men and male adolescents in Gwoza, Bama, Banki and Jere have reported that due to movement restrictions, the loss of their livelihoods has made them to endure verbal abuse from their spouses as they cannot meet up with family demands as breadwinners." +319836,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Another concerning trend from the SPMS highlights that equal access to formal justice for GBV survivors, victims of evictions or people facing disputes is extremely limited, while traditional justice mechanisms are discriminatory against marginalized groups and women." +90249,25674.0,1621.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,69,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Displacement', 'Casualties']",2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/libya-man-s-death-detention-center-fire-underscores-urgency-evacuating-refugees,"When MSF staff first visited Dhar el Jebel detention center in May 2019, the conditions were catastrophic—including people suffering from a tuberculosis outbreak that had been raging for months. At least 22 migrants and refugees died from tuberculosis and other diseases between September 2018 and May 2019 in the area. People in Dhar el Jebel detention center live in inhumane conditions with almost no assistance." +301767,51958.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,41,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_devaluation_de_protection_des_retournes_tchadiens_de_la_rca_installes_dans_les_sites_au_sud_du_tchad_002.pdf,"Dans les sites de Maro, les retournés recommandent particulièrement la prise en compte des membres des populations des villages environnants dans les différentes assistances afin d’éviter les petites querelles qui naissent habituellement en cas de non inclusion." +63385,18412.0,1386.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,27,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,,"El riesgo de fallecer en un hospital público es bastante alto, causando extrema vulnerabilidad a las personas por la precariedad de las condiciones de atención." +310673,53333.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,43,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"In September 2017, separatists in the Anglophone territories (collectively independence of Ambazonia and began fighting against the Government of Cameroon. Starting as a low-scale insurgency, the conflict spread to most parts of the Anglophone regions within a year." +178046,40661.0,2225.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,22,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Par ailleurs, les zones qui ont connu une stabilisation et une réduction des déplacements se trouvent dans le Grand Kasaï." +52915,16812.0,1184.0,"['Health', 'Education']",['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,46,['Impact'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://www.elcomercio.com/actualidad/lenin-moreno-ecuador-venezuela-migracion.html,"Recordó asimismo que, a pesar de la ""compleja situación económica"" por la que atraviesa su país, ""miles de niños venezolanos hoy estudian en Ecuador, y vamos cifrando en más de un millón las asistencias médicas a hermanos venezolanos""." +324582,54934.0,2334.0,"['Cross', 'Shelter']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,24,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/IOM_ETT_E-N_21%20PoucheMora%20massif%20et%20Massare%202.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10098,- 35 ménages de 245 PDI se sont déplacés depuis Adakele vers Massare 2 et résident au sein de familles d’accueil. +193024,43411.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Shelter']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,40,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Since thousands of populations find themselves without shelter, the risk of exposure to mosquito bites is greater, at the same time worsening the risks of malaria and / or dengue fever. [because of the floods]" +330700,55042.0,2098.0,['Education'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,121,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.gage.odi.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Adolescents%E2%80%99-experiences-of-covid-19-in-Chittagong-and-Sylhet-divisions-Bangladesh.pdf,"[30 April 2021, Bangladesh]Differential impact on learning: urban vs rural adolescents Data shows differential impacts of school closures on learning according to area of residence. Some adolescents, mostly those living in well-off households in urban areas, were found to have more resources to continue learning (either through remote learning or private tuition) than others who mainly live in rural areas and lack access to the technologies needed for remote learning or who can access TV only. Adolescents from rural areas in particular were found to have limited access to mobile phones, internet and TV, and noted the risk of dropping out of school completely if the crisis continues" +313058,53183.0,2466.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,29,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,There has been a sizeable increase in the costs of all projects’ inputs and services associated with high inflation and extreme devaluation of local currencies against USD. +493040,67710.0,1188.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",en,161,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"A series of more flexible measures, such as submitting expired passports for migratory regularization processes were implemented in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, and Ecuador. On a parallel level, however, the number of countries (Chile, Peru, Ecuador, and Trinidad and Tobago) that moved to require visas from Venezuelan nationals increased between 2018 and 2019. Before this time frame, Panama and Guyana already required visas; nowadays only Argentina, Brazil, and Colombia allow the free entry of Venezuelans who present only their passport or identification document. In Argentina, Venezuelan children under the age of 9 years who enter by land, with one or both parents, may present their birth certificate due to the impossibility of obtaining identity documents prior to that age in Venezuela, as well as the many obstacles faced for the issuance of passports (Provision DNM 520/2019)" +341970,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,135,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Les koglwéogo de la région de l’Est : Avec un effectif estimé à 19500 hommes en 2018, les Koglwéogo de la région de l’Est ont été installés à Fada le 14 mai 2016 avec à leur tête Thiombiano Moussa dit « Django », artiste fondateur de la troupe de danse Buayaba. L’association est présente dans 34 villages de la région où elle est subdivisée en sous-groupes de quartiers comptants chacun 21 personnes. Elle est présente dans presque tous les secteurs de la ville de Fada. Les Koglwéogo de l’Est dans leur organisation, sont proches du Naaba Sonré (président national des Koglwéogo et Chef coutumier) du village Rassamkandé situé dans la province du Bazèga (région du Centre-Sud)." +194647,43820.0,2311.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Environment'],es,50,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/guur-115.1_fsa_19112020_v3.pdf,"Las familias se encuentran desconcertadas y requieren del apoyo inmediato de las ayudas humanitarias, pues sus casas han sido destruidas, no tienen que comer y lo mismo sucede con los elementos de aseo general y personal, necesitan de colchonetas, hamacas, mosquiteros para estar mejor." +456026,65411.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],en,102,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[16-29 August 2021, Cox's Bazar] Host: WHO continues to provide epidemiological data to support operational decision making for the COVID-19 response in Cox’s Bazar. As of 29 August 2021, a total of 16 548 individuals from the host community in Cox’s Bazar district have tested positive for COVID-19: 1247 in Chokoria, 250 in Kutubdia, 1078 in Moheshkhali, 595 in Pekua, 974 in [16-29 August 2021, Cox's Bazar] ZRamu, 7080 in Sadar, 2519 in Teknaf and 2 805 in Ukhiya." +224135,45768.0,2332.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,37,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"[ sur le site d'Amma] Faire les essais de pompage sur le forage à l’école et l’équiper d’une pompe électrique, un bladder de 10m3 et des rames de robinets" +325795,54267.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Ces faibles taux s’expliquent en partie par l’existence d’obstacles structurels tels que les faibles revenus, le coût des services, la distance par rapport au point de service et les exigences documentaires complexes. [(MAP, FinScope et FinMark Trust, 2017).]" +178201,41756.0,2225.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Economy'],fr,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Par ailleurs, en l’absence d’un système inclusif de protection sociale et de création d’emplois, les indicateurs ne montrent pas de progrès significatifs concernant la réduction des inégalités.25" +325227,54815.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,79,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Nearly 12 million people (58 percent) live in areas from which the nearest CM/CMU cannot be reached even within four hours of driving, and over 65 percent are not able to reach a CMA within that time threshold. Even if considering CMs/CMUs and CMAs jointly, only about a quarter of the population is able to access any of these facilities within an hour – again, assuming a motorized vehicle is available." +125125,32835.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77444.pdf,"El 87 % de las personas encuestadas vive con menos de un salario mínimo legal vigente, es decir, con menos de COP $ 828 11611 al mes. El 12 % tiene un ingreso promedio mensual entre 1 y 2 salarios mínimos y el 1 % tiene el doble del salario mínimo al mes." +239027,47107.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,81,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[December 2020,Overall Syria] Throughout December, there has been a successive rise in the daily cases reported by the MoH, with the highest reported new daily caseload since the outbreak of the pandemic reported on 18 December (169 cases). In December, cases already represent the peak of official numbers reported in a single month (2,555 as of 23 December), following the previous record in November (2,159)." +391229,61647.0,2170.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,78,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_15_jul_2021_report_2.pdf,"[ 01 -15 July 2021,Northeast Nigeria]EARLY RECOVERY AND LIVELIHOOD (ERL): 27% of managed camps in LGAs affected by the displacements have access to cash for work activities within the onsite and nearby locations. 58% of the managed camps do not have access to a form of vocational training within the site or nearby. IDPs in all the camps have access to market on site or nearby." +271039,47809.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],es,95,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_7.pdf,"Se notificaron 9 muertes por infección respiratoria aguda en menores de 5 años, 7 correspondientes a esta semana y 2 de semanas anteriores. Para la misma semana epidemiológica de 2020 se notificaron 20 casos. Para esta semana se observó un aumento en el número de casos en las entidades territoriales de Boyacá, Huila y Santa Marta en comparación con el histórico notificado a semana epidemiológica 07 entre 2014 a 2020, mientras que, en Antioquia se observó una disminución. En las entidades territoriales restantes no se presentaron variaciones." +178513,41756.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,118,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Sur la période allant du 1er janvier 2017 au 31 octobre 2019, 902 alertes provenant des ONG et communautés locales, de la MONUSCO, des FARDC ainsi que de la police nationale congolaise ont été enregistrées par le système de gestion de l’information sur la lutte anti-mine (IMSMA) mis en place par UNMAS. Au regard de ces données, les 4 provinces les plus affectées sont le Nord-Kivu (41 pour cent avec 371 alertes), le Sud-Kivu (33 pour cent avec 296 alertes), le Tanganyika (15 pour cent avec 138 alertes) et l’Ituri (8 pour cent avec 70 alertes)." +273804,50464.0,2331.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,42,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210203FINALFactSheetSomaliaSkisserLR11.pdf,"Somalia is highly susceptible to the effects of climate change and extreme weather, such as periods of extended drought, flash floods, erratic rainfall, disruption to the monsoon seasons, strong winds, cyclones, sandstorms and dust storms" +265071,49779.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Pull Factors']",en,80,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[Dec 2020, NWS] In December 2020, the humanitarian community tracked some 43,000 IDP movements across Syria, similar to numbers tracked in November. As in preceding months, most IDP movements were concentrated in northwest Syria, with 92 percent occurring within and between Aleppo and Idleb. These movements are estimated to mostly be incentivised by access to services and livelihoods, and facilitated by reduced levels of shelling compared to preceding months." +337597,55860.0,2225.0,['Agriculture'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,26,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb4752en.pdf,[Outlook] The declaration of the state of emergency in the provinces of Ituri and North‑Kivu will likely impact agriculture‑based livelihoods and value chains. +317207,53333.0,2334.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,22,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Schools lack potable water, just like at community levels, which forces adolescent girls and boys to fetch it elsewhere." +192840,43304.0,2332.0,"['Education', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods', 'Food Security', 'Health']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,74,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Sur le plan social, les effets induits par la maladie [COVID-19] sur les revenus sont considérables et pourraient saper les avancées enregistrées sur le front des ODD [Objectifs de développement durable] au cours des dernières années, en particulier dans les domaines de la réduction de la pauvreté, la sécurité alimentaire, l’éducation et la santé maternelle et infantile, la croissance et les emplois décents" +177703,41774.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,89,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"L'état d'urgence sanitaire décrété le 24 mars par le président de la République, Félix Antoine Tshisekedi, est prolongé jusqu'au 08 mai 2020. Pour rappel, les rassemblements de plus de 20 personnes dans des lieux publics en dehors du domicile familial, les activités sportives, les discothèques, les bars, les cafés, les restaurants et l'organisation du deuil dans des salles sont interdits. La mesure dans laquelle les écoles, les universités, les instituts officiels et privés sont fermés persiste." +59558,17198.0,1224.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,13,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"During this brief visit, 51 Venezuelans and returning Guyanese were counted." +496940,60104.0,1187.0,"['Cross', 'Education']",['Impact->Impact On People'],['Context->Demography'],es,103,['Impact'],['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,"https://www.unicef.org/argentina/media/11626/file/Impacto%20de%20la%20pandemia%20en%20la%20educaci%C3%B3n%20de%20ni%C3%B1as,%20ni%C3%B1os%20y%20adolescentes.pdf","Las mujeres a cargo de niñas, niños y adolescentes, que afrontan de manera desigual la carga de tareas domésticas y de cuidados, son las más afectadas por la crisis. Adicionalmente, unos de los temas monitoreados por el estudio es la carga de tareas en las mujeres: el relevamiento actual muestra que el 54% de las mujeres se sienten más sobrecargadas, en línea con los resultados obtenidos en 2020 que indicaban con claridad que eran ellas quienes se ocupaban mayormente de las tareas de cuidado y acompañamiento a las y los estudiantes en sus tareas escolares" +340470,56371.0,2099.0,"['Nutrition', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,53,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20Burkina%20Faso%20Country%20Brief%2C%20April%202021.pdf,"Assistance to refugees: Despite high insecurity in the Sahel region, WFP delivered assistance to refugees residing in the town of Djibo and in Goudébou camp (near Dori) in April. A total of 17,749 Malian refugees received lifesaving assistance consisting of nutritious food items and direct cash transfers." +66700,19425.0,1184.0,[],[],[],es,108,[],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71649.pdf,"Esta crisis está teniendo un efecto desproporcionado en mujeres, niñas y adolescentes, y especialmente en aquellas embarazadas, lactantes y las mujeres que viajan solas. También están particularmente en riesgo de Violencia basada en Género (VBG), las niñas, niños y adolescentes no acompañadas/os o que han sido separadas/os de su familia y en particular de sus progenitores, personas con discapacidad, personas de minorías raciales y étnicas, personas LGBTI3, y trabajadoras sexuales, que en muchos casos, se ven expuestos a la trata de personas y requieren de una urgente respuesta de protección coordinada y efectiva." +391228,61647.0,2170.0,['Education'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,71,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_15_jul_2021_report_2.pdf,"[ 01 -15 July 2021,Northeast Nigeria]EDUCATION : 36% of camps have access to primary education on site while 64% access varies in distance or not accessible due to distance (figure 12) Over 60% of the camps need instructional and writing materials. 14% of camps do not have access to functional primary education or alternative form of basic education on site" +48446,12622.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,28,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LIBRO%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20las%20necesidades%20insatisfechas%20SSR%20y%20Migrantes%20Venezolanos%20-%20Digital.pdf,"Los datos desagregados permiten identificar cuatro dinámicas migratorias: migración de retorno, migración regular en tránsito, migración regular pendular y migración irregular con vocación de residencia" +341821,56493.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],fr,80,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Sur l’ensemble des régions les indices de crainte de l’insécurité sont élevés. En effet, les participants (e- s) craignent d'être agressés, enlevés ou tués quand ils ou elles circulent pour les tâches quotidiennes, surtout dans les régions des Hauts Bassins (49.5%), du Nord (46.72%), du Sahel (46.25%), et de la Boucle du Mouhoun (30.75%)." +340994,56522.0,2170.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],en,80,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.reuters.com/article/nigeria-oil-idUSL5N2N76Y3,"[20th May 2021, Abuja, Nigeria ] In March, NNPC said it is spending between 100 billion-120 billion naira a month on petrol subsidies for consumers, a burden that is becoming untenable. Nigeria, Africa’s top oil exporter, has made producing its own fuel a priority for years but efforts to revamp its refineries have failed, leaving it almost entirely reliant on imports. ($1 = 410.3000 naira)" +341465,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,87,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"La religion devient un facteur qui mobilise, embrigade les groupes terroristes, sur la base des insatisfactions socio-économiques que vivent les populations. Son usage sert à définir le groupe et à manifester ses valeurs qui apparaissent comme un critère de regroupement et de solidarité. Elle est comme un système de classement et d’appartenance des individus à des traditions sociales différenciées d’où proviendrait l’affadissement ou de la perte des repères et des modes politiques classiques d’intégration." +439732,63184.0,2099.0,[],[],[],en,56,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Burkina%20Faso%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%201%20May%20-%2030%20June%202021.pdf,"UNICEF provided technical and financial support for communication and social mobilization to increase the acceptance of the vaccine and generate demand for COVID-19 vaccinations including the establishment of the rumours and misinformation management working group with the RCCE Commission, interactive media programmes, social listening, free hotline 3535, TV and radio jingles." +191736,43622.0,2330.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,19,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20201111_acaps_briefing_note_nicaragua_honduras_hurricane_eta.pdf,The affected population has also been exposed to high levels of stress and trauma and will require psychosocial support +239843,47107.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,32,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[Dec 2020] At a meeting of the Whole of Syria Strategic Steering Group on 14 December, COVID-19 vaccination roll-out planning via COVAX was discussed with all response hubs." +70626,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],[],en,56,[],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"Undocumented migrant populations may be among the most vulnerable affected people. Satellite data suggests that in Central Abaco, destruction is centred in the area surrounding Marsh Harbour, particularly The Pea and The Mudd, which are mostly inhabited by undocumented migrant populations living in poor accommodation (“shanty towns”)." +290581,52074.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,84,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,"Through Reach Out and the Cameroon Baptist Convention (CBC), UNICEF provided basic lifesaving services in the Ekondo-Titi subdivision (SW) and the Kumbo subdivision (NW). In October, 326 children (160 boys and 166 girls) were treated for acute respiratory infections, 344 (166 girls and 178 girls) were treated for acute diarrhea and 947 persons (448 males and 499 females, including 57 adults) were treated for simple malaria." +12733,5579.0,322.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,118,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20Jun%202018.pdf,"Despite gaps in funding and serious operational constraints to protection, as of June 2018, Protection Cluster partners have reached over 1.4 million people with life-saving protection services such as psychosocial support, legal assistance and protection, as well as clinical care for survivors and safe spaces for women, men, girls and boys. Over 172,000 persons have been reached through monitoring of protection and IHL/IHRL, while almost 922,000 children and community members have received information to protect them against mines and UXOs. Community-based responses continue to be strengthened through community-based protection network volunteers, community protection initiatives as well as community centers serving the needs of IDPs and conflict-affected populations." +83873,23144.0,1620.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",en,97,[],['Displacement'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_adamawahumanitariansituationoverview_decedition_11012020.pdf,"There is an increase in displacements due to displacement from the herder’s attacks. According to IOM assessment report released in November, some 4,392 individuals (623 households) were displaced from Kala’a, Shuwa-Kala’a, Zigayerima, Mambula, Kokuwa, Milna and Dilwachira in the Bangshika ward of Hong Local Government Area (. The IDPs were temporarily hosted in Daksiri, Garaha, Hong communities at the Hildi wards of Hong LGA while some fled to Sorau “A” and Konkol wards of Maiha LGA." +171517,40699.0,2098.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,74,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20201004_acaps_thematic_review_vulnerable_households_rohingya_refugee_response.pdf,"[4th october, Cox's Bazar] The Urban Assessment in Cox’s Bazar Sadar during COVID-19 found that the combination of the discriminatory nature of the labor market, differential effect of lockdown-induced movement restrictions on women, and cultural factors meant that nearly half of all female headed households in Cox’s Bazar Municipality were highly vulnerable, compared to a quarter of male headed households (WFP 07/2020" +317166,53333.0,2334.0,"['Education', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],en,27,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,The men`s group also reported school dropout and drug addiction as a problem among adolescents and this was confirmed by women`s groups. +294554,51749.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,33,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,[commune de Comin-Yanga] Il ressort des discussions de groupes que les ménages déplacés souhaiteraient avoir accès à la terre pour pouvoir cultiver. [16 participants au Groupe de discussion] +456046,65411.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[16-29 August 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugee: A total of 741 refugee cases were admitted to DTC and other health facilities with AWD isolation capacity. Out of the cases, 21% were severely dehydrated, 29% had some dehydration and 49% showed no sign of dehydration at the time of admission among refugees." +283916,47069.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,43,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/iom_dashboard_cameroun_extreme-nord_round_21_en.pdf,Dashboard 25May - 10June 2020 Far North 494144 Individuals 78386 Households Displacement overview 321 886 IDP (64%) 123 489 Returnees (25%) 48769 Out-of-camp refugees (10%) 964 Locations assessed +33 Villages assessed since last round +191504,43304.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Education', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,119,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Les mesures barrières mises en place par le Gouvernement afin de contenir la crise sanitaire sinon du moins limiter la propagation de la maladie à Coronavirus ont produit des conséquences lourdes dans les secteurs économiques et sociaux au Tchad. Les plus touchés sont le transport, l’hôtellerie-restauration, le commerce général, l’industrie et l’éducation en liaison avec la baisse des échanges intérieurs et internationaux, la baisse du flux entrant de touristes et donc de la demande en services hôteliers et d’hébergement, de la fermeture des marchés et commerce de vente d’articles non alimentaires, ainsi que de la fermeture des établissements scolaires et universitaires." +386739,60459.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,111,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"Ils ont aussi perdu les revenus de la main-d’œuvre de l’élevage après le départ des gros éleveurs et les pertes enregistrées par les nantis restés sur place n’encouragent pas ces derniers à demander de la main-d’œuvre. Ainsi, les pauvres ne peuvent pas tirer profit de l’augmentation des prix de vente d’animaux constatée sur le marché principal de Gorom-Gorom. Pour ceux qui ont encore la moitié de leur cheptel et qui sont éloignés du marché principal, ils sont contraints de vendre leurs animaux à des prix en-dessous de la moyenne par faute d’acheteurs." +35513,13057.0,788.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,118,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000105395.pdf,"The February/March 2018 Emergency Food Security Assessment found that 27 percent of Borno, Yobe and Adamawa households were food insecure, which was an improvement from February 2017 (45 percent). A seasonal decrease by 8 percent of the overall proportion of food insecure households was observed from October 2017 to February 2018.8 Despite the improvements the volatile nature of the crisis continue to keep a large number of households food insecure. The March 2018 Cadre Harmonisé analysis found that food availability and access are expected to decline towards the June to August lean season due to a decrease in supply, high food prices, and depletion of households’ stock levels." +62857,18514.0,1386.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,87,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190328_acaps_briefing_note_venezuela_update_and_2019_outlook__0.pdf,"Mental health policies have historically been neglected in Venezuela, and people with mental health conditions (schizophrenia, dementia, depression, bipolar disorders, anxiety, attentional deficit, intellectual disability, autism, etc.) are heavily impacted by the collapse of the health system: the number of people in psychiatric institutions has reduced from 23,000 to 3,500 (CHE Health 09/2018). The social and economic stresses caused by the current crisis are certain to aggravate mental health issues." +271258,50244.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",en,69,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"There are currently over 5 million displaced people within the DRC – the second highest number of displaced people within a country in the world after Syria. More than 900,000 Congolese refugees live in neighbouring countries. Given the instability in the region, the DRC itself hosts more than half a million refugees mainly from Rwanda, the Central African Republic, South Sudan and Burundi." +489936,67838.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/adamawa_state_2021_cholera_situation_report_no_8.pdf,"[31st Aug 2021, Adamawa State] (Cholera) Surveillance and Laboratory: 10 new suspected cases with 0 deaths have been reported. DSNOs are line listing suspected Cases and collecting sample. Regular hot spot analysis has been shared to stakeholders to guide the response." +182982,32165.0,1388.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],es,74,[],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/74589.pdf,"Asesoría contable Se brinda apoyo básico para que el emprendedor inicie sus fundamentos básicos en el registro de sus entradas y salidas; adquiera conocimientos básicos sobre su situación contable y organice y controle sus operaciones en cuanto a costos e ingresos básicos de su iniciativa o emprendimiento. Además, se brinda apoyo para que aprenda a interpretar los reportes financieros y valore su situación financiera por medio de análisis básico financiero." +21824,9026.0,322.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],en,47,[],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,,"Today, Sana’a accommodates 8.9 percent of Yemen’s total population and 30.3 percent of the country’s urban population.2 It hosts between 20 percent and 30 percent of the country’s industrial base, varying by the source of information." +13382,5560.0,322.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,66,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RDP%20Monthly%20SitRep_July_2018.pdf,"As of 17 July, 1,014 displaced households have been assisted through the rapid response mechanism (RRM). The figure includes 271 displaced households currently living in six public schools in Sana’a City. As schools are due to reopen in few weeks, discussions and assessments are underway to move the IDPs to the Olympic Centre dormitory in the Capital." +83875,23144.0,1620.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross', 'Nutrition']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,79,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_adamawahumanitariansituationoverview_decedition_11012020.pdf,"The increase in displacement is exacerbating the vulnerability of the IDPs, especially those in informal settlements, due to low response capacity both from the Government and humanitarian partners. The majority of people in informal sites have no access to proper shelter and some are forced to sleep in overcrowded shelters or out in the open. As a result, children and lactating mothers in some informal settlements are showing signs of severe acute malnutrition." +297898,52145.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_humanitaire_numero_12_v_04.pdf,Le CBI [Cash Based Intervention] fait partie des programmes mis en œuvre par le HCR afin de garantir la protection et l’assistance aux réfugiés au Cameroun +184402,42131.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Casualties->Dead'],es,174,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://m.lasillavacia.com/putumayo-no-golpea-tanto-virus-del-covid-como-los-armados-78952?amp=1&__twitter_impression=true,"A diferencia de sus vecinos de Huila, Caquetá y Amazonas, en Putumayo la pandemia aún no ha mostrado su peor cara, al menos en cifras. Tienen 4.924 casos y 199 muertes, mientras en Caquetá, que tiene una población similar, los casos llegan a 11.036 y las muertes a 387. La ocupación de las 26 unidades de cuidados intensivos que tienen es del 60 por ciento. Eso tiene varias explicaciones. Primero, que no han hecho las muestras necesarias para medir el impacto, van 14 mil en los ocho meses de emergencia. Mientras que en Caquetá van 21.336, por ejemplo. También que es una población mayoritariamente rural, con poca concentración urbana. Sus habitantes creen que se han ‘salvado’ de un colapso por su medicina tradicional indígena. Por eso, aunque se mantienen medidas de restricción como aglomeraciones, la atención de los putumayenses se centra en otras situaciones que les están pegando más de frente." +90246,25674.0,1621.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],"['Context->Demography', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/libya-man-s-death-detention-center-fire-underscores-urgency-evacuating-refugees,"Late Saturday night, February 29, a fire broke out in Libya’s Dhar el Jebel detention center, killing a 26-year-old Eritrean man and traumatizing refugees and asylum seekers who witnessed the event. The fire destroyed one building holding 50 people, and partially damaged a second one. A similar incident occurred in December 2019, with no reported casualties." +164307,38902.0,1183.0,['Cross'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,36,['At Risk'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"There is a risk of an escalation of the armed conflict, as armed groups take advantage of containment measures and the overstretching of the state security forces, to consolidate control over disputed areas." +309764,51467.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"The people of South Sudan have limited access to optimal health services due to ongoing conflict, flooding and an underdeveloped health care system. Only 7.5 per cent of the 1,763 reporting health facilities provide basic health services" +220906,45410.0,2332.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,78,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"Entre février et mai, un épuisement normal des stocks serait observé dès fin février occasionnant une dépendance aux marchés de la plupart des ménages très pauvres et pauvres du BEG et du Kanem. Cependant, leur accès aux marchés serait limité par les bas niveaux revenus tirés de la vente du bois de chauffe, de petits ruminants et des transferts. Ces ménages seraient en Stress (Phase 2 de l’IPC)." +267103,49959.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,92,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://s3.amazonaws.com/semanaruralvzla/documentos/1614089620_boletin___violencia_de_generopdf,"Entre enero y septiembre de 2020 hubo un incremento del 16 % (123 casos) de reportes por violencia sexual en población migrante respecto al mismo periodo de 2019 (Gráfico 7). La mayoría de casos se presentaron en los primeros seis meses del año. A partir de junio, los casos reportados disminuyeron en contraste con los mismos meses de 2019. Esto coincide con las cifras generales de violencia sexual en Colombia que, en términos generales, han tenido una contracción respecto a 2019." +63629,18631.0,788.0,"['Shelter', 'Education']",['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,62,['At Risk'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_floodoverview_13092019.pdf,"Some 211 TLS need urgent repairs. • Rehabilitation of 220 damaged latrines in TLS. • Resumption of the new school term in September will remain a challenge if current rains and floods persist. • Difficulty in accessing some schools due to floods, for example in Stadium camp (Maiduguri), and Waterboard camp (Monguno)." +214333,45385.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,68,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Le CICR a vacciné 483,212 ruminants dans les départements du Mayo Sava, Mayo Tsanaga et Logone et Chari. Outre l’appui en semences et autres intrants et dans l’objectif d’assurer la redevabilité, le CICR a formé 30 leaders communautaires aux bonnes pratiques du processus d’assistance agricole (comité d’écoutes, des plaintes etc.)." +205543,44672.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,46,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"To satisfy Afghanistan’s dependency on imported food; India pledged 75,000 Tons of wheat in total to ensure food security in the country. The first consignment of India’s wheat donation arrived through alternative routes (Chahbahar and Karachi ports)." +2587,518.0,321.0,"['Cross', 'Education']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,57,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/unicef-libya-humanitarian-situation-report-01-january-31-march-2017,"By the beginning of 2017, there were still an estimated 10,420 returnee children in urgent need for education and psychosocial support in Sirte and its surroundings, following the 2016 crisis. In response, UNICEF and partners have established four fixed and mobile Child Friendly Spaces for the regular benefit of around 6,400 children." +48511,16403.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,74,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,Retos sectoriales e intersectoriales • Gestión para la inclusión social de la población y Mecanismos de regularización • Gestión de cooperación y financiación internacional • Manejo de Brotes de xenofobia y convivencia • Fortalecimiento al aseguramiento en salud (especialmente población regular - grupos prioritarios) • Recursos para el pago de atenciones de migrantes y atención de madres venezolanas • Estrategias sectoriales e intersectoriales para abordar prioridades por momentos de curso de vida +191678,43304.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,90,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"La pandémie de COVID-19 a également un impact sur les marchés et le commerce à l’échelle régionale, au sein du réseau des routes transafricaines. En effet, les Tchadiens ont une place très importante dans les structures de marché au niveau régional, au regard du nombre croissant des bétails sur pieds qui écoulent vers les pays voisins. Cependant, leur incapacité à exercer leurs activités, consécutive à la crise sanitaire, a donc un impact sur les marchés à travers la région." +292362,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,18,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"La situation sanitaire est marquée par les épidémies de choléra, Rougeole, poliomyélite et Monkey Pox." +237908,47230.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",es,77,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,El 7% afirma que vivía en otro municipio de Colombia y 6% que vivía en otro país hace un año. La razón principal para moverse entre municipios en Colombia fue por trabajo. El 10% de estos hogares se mueven por razones de inseguridad. La búsqueda de alimentos y el trabajo fueron las razones para salir de Venezuela. El 36% de estos huye de Venezuela por razones de inseguridad. +305340,51467.0,2335.0,"['Cross', 'Shelter']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,51,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Surveys show that insecurity at intended destination, as well as the comparatively better conditions at places of current settlement remained the main reasons for staying within displacement sites. Women are particularly affected, being most prone to having issues, risks, or concerns at destinations preventing return movement" +178231,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,54,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Quelques 2,1 millions de personnes sont retournées dans 14 des 26 provinces de la RDC,51 selon les données confirmées au cours des 18 derniers mois (avril 2018 à septembre 2019). Parmi elles, 1,2 million de personnes sont retournées au cours des 12 derniers mois (octobre 2018-septembre 2019).52" +156349,35301.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,78,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"UNICEF supported over half a million people in Aleppo, Rural Damascus, Homs, and AlHasakeh governorates through installing and cleaning of WASH facilities, desludging septic tanks, and rehabilitating the sewage systems inside camps, in addition to emergency water trucking. Activities were constrained by the impact of COVID-19 and the devaluation of the Syrian currency, however it is expected that the target will be fully achieved by the end of the year" +164754,39789.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,42,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Movementwide%20Operation%20Report%20August%202020.pdf,"IFRC Bangladesh Country Office (CO) handed over 500 pieces coverall; 500 pieces goggles; 40,000 surgical masks; 1,000 face shields; 4,200 N95 masks and other Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) items to BDRCS in Dhaka." +64310,18707.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",[],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Context->Economy', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,53,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/integracion-financiera-a-migrantes-venezolanos-en-colombia/1481,"La Superfinanciera registra hasta el momento 137.571 venezolanos afiliados al sistema bancario. Deesta cifra, 45.000 están vinculados a Bancolombia. Ellos tienen otra opción en las cooperativas, que les permiten asociarse y ahorrar. Ese es el caso de Confiar, que le presta el servicio a 206 migrantes." +314493,52949.0,2331.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,54,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The impact of floods exacerbated already difficult conditions in some areas, which have yet to recover from the impact of past flooding (2018 Gu, 2018 Deyr and 2019 Deyr), including destroyed irrigation infrastructure, inundated farms and destroyed crops, and shortened growing seasons that undermined crop cultivation." +182900,32165.0,1388.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],es,112,[],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/74589.pdf,"Los puestos laborales con mayor capacidad de generar trabajo en el corto plazo son como de peón o ayudante del cultivo agrícola y cría de animales, prestando servicios a partir de instrucciones concretas y que requieren esfuerzo físico. Básicamente no requiere de conocimientos específicos y las tareas son principalmente manuales, realizando funciones de podador, aplicador de productos fitosanitarios, recolector de malezas, recolector de productos. También puede ser contratado como ayudante en manejo de equipos y maquinarias, que requieren de conocimiento práctico y la titulación necesaria de conductor para manejar tractor y maquinarias agrícolas utilizadas en la preparación de terreno, explotación o almacén." +236153,47122.0,2334.0,['Shelter'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,19,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"A total of 6,152 persons were assisted with either shelter /core relief items in the month of March." +240051,46388.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The September 2020 SFSA further showed that some 48 per cent of households in Afghanistan had experienced some sort of hunger in the 30 days prior to the survey, 3 per cent of whom experienced severe hunger." +35525,13057.0,788.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],en,71,[],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000105395.pdf,"Crude and under five mortality rates are measures of all causes of death occurring during the recall period. Deaths both from both conflict as well as natural causes contribute to allcause mortality. At the State level, the crude mortality rate was highest in Adamawa at 0.89 deaths per 10,000 people per day compared to 0.59 and 0.56 deaths per 10,000 people per day in Borno and Yobe respectively" +161318,39528.0,2099.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,26,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Les interventions des partenaires du Cluster santé ont permis d’atteindre 981 946 personnes soit 45% de cible en besoins des services sanitaires. +22243,9106.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Context->Security & Stability', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",en,80,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"Many people, particularly in urban centres, have been exposed to conflict and violence over the past years, most notably in Tripoli, Sirt, Derna, and Benghazi. The impacts of direct exposure to conflict, violence and explosive hazards contamination have been severe including physical harm, psychological distress and trauma. Armed clashes have displaced people and interrupted access to basic services such as healthcare, education and access to functional safe water supplies" +236605,46388.0,2336.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shelter']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,43,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"According to averaged Household Emergency Assessment Tool (HEAT) assessments in 2020, 64 per cent of immediately shock-affected households reported living in makeshift shelters (including both mud houses and tents). Some regional and provincial variations were revealed." +295749,52417.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],en,61,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.dropbox.com/s/fpu0ox89go0s7li/Syria%202021%20HNO%20%28advance%20copy%29.pdf?dl=0,"[23rd March 2021, Overall Syria] Congested conditions pose additional health and protection risks to teachers and administrative staff who make up almost 60 per cent of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Ministry of Education-run schools, jeopardizing the delivery of quality education due to illness-induced absence and quarantine requirements which limit the amount and nature of instruction available." +162903,37781.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,35,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://tande.substack.com/p/syria-in-context-coronavirus-update-5cd,"Three weeks ago, Syria in Context reported that the government’s figures vastly understate the scale of the outbreak and estimated that there are likely at least 85,000 cases in Damascus alone." +214307,45385.0,2334.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,39,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Selon l’UNICEF (HNO 2020) au moins 18,183 élèves de la région de l’Extrême-Nord sont en décrochage scolaire à cause de la fermeture et ou la destruction des écoles du fait du conflit armé" +214125,45385.0,2334.0,[],[],[],fr,21,[],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,Les programmes santé et de lutte contre les épidémies continuent malgré l’impact de l’épidémie de COVID-19. +341789,56493.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Par ailleurs, les populations estiment qu’elles ne bénéficient pas de compensations suffisantes en nature ou en argent par rapport à leurs terres qui également font l’objet de confiscation. D’où les frictions avec les forces de défense et de sécurité pour revendiquer leurs droits d’accès aux richesses minières au même titre que les compagnies étrangères." +157856,38800.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,47,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GTS%20-%20HNAP%20COVID19%20Syria%20Bulletin%20R3.pdf,"Overall, adherence to precautionary measures in July is similar to that in June. Practising good hygiene, such as handwashing, is the most widely adopted measure (75%). 21% report wearing masks, down from 31% in May." +162908,39542.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Education']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,59,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://thenationonlineng.net/children-under-five-dont-have-to-wear-masks-fg/,"States are agitating that they want to open schools, but we have continued to educate the public on measures to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19 and we will continue to review the situation in other countries that have re-opened schools, with guidance from the World Health Organisation (WHO) and other health authorities." +61292,18235.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,99,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"Most Venezuelan refugees and migrants enter Colombian territory through one of two locations: the area near the town of Maicao, in the La Guajira department, or the city of Cúcuta, in the Santander North department. A third border crossing area is the Arauca department. According to the key informants interviewed, this region is used much less frequently than La Guajira or Santander North. With fewer people transiting through Arauca, the area receives less attention that the other two entry regions and has a more limited presence of humanitarian actors." +287966,51049.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nw_syria_sitrep25_20210226.pdf,"[26 Feb, 2021, NWS] On livestock, the limited availability of pasture and high costs of animal feed present a major challenge to all livestock owners." +314767,52949.0,2331.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,78,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"There are more than 930,000 displaced children, many of whom reside in informal sites, that are facing very high risks of family separation, experience mental distress and are at risk of recruitment to armed forces. As a result, this population subgroup is likely to experience severe or catastrophic mental health and wellbeing outcomes as they are more likely to be subject to violence, economic and sexual exploitation, abuse and potential trafficking" +327062,54714.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,51,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,"[HEALTH LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Five most commonly reported illnesses or injuries household members of non-IDP settlements had in the past two weeks prior to data collection were fever(2%), Diarrhea (2%), eye infections (1%)." +330372,54970.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,7,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Niger%20%E2%80%93%20Niger%20PoC%20Map%20-%20March%202021.pdf,"Population of concern in Niger : 580,610" +317269,53333.0,2334.0,['Nutrition'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,46,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,Strengthen linkages between the nutritional program and the maternal and neonatal health care so that no pregnant adolescent or mother is left behind. Consider implementing advanced nutritional interventions that tackle especially under-five children for these young mothers who need to continue with their education. +320713,52949.0,2331.0,"['WASH', 'Health']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,22,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Among toilets/latrines, 48 per cent are improved and 52 per cent are un-improved and pose a risk to public health." +221804,45410.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,66,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"[Les parties Sud des provinces administratives du BEG et du Kanem dans la Zone 5 - « agropastorale» ]: Malgré la disponibilité des produits alimentaires de base notamment les nouvelles récoltes et le lait devant contribuer à l’amélioration de l’état nutritionnel des enfants dans les deux provinces, BEG et Kanem, la situation nutritionnelle demeure toujours préoccupante." +341997,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,87,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Les violations commises par les FDS, l’absence de suites données à des promesses d’enquêtes sont autant d’éléments qui alimentent la frustration des victimes. Les conséquences de ces actes de représailles servent de mobiles et motifs aux groupes terroristes pour recruter de nouveaux combattants. Les groupes terroristes profitent de ces situations de fait pour répondre aux frustrations des communautés et identifier les clivages opposant les différentes communautés, cherchant à retourner toutes ces victimes contre l’Ètat." +346089,56952.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Intentions'],es,29,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20monitoreo%20enero-marzo%202021%20-%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20vers%C3%B3n%20final.pdf,"Las personas monitoreadas en este primer trimestre de 2021 tienen la in- tención de permanecer en territorio co- lombiano, tanto en el corto como en el largo plazo" +157846,38800.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,68,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GTS%20-%20HNAP%20COVID19%20Syria%20Bulletin%20R3.pdf,"A wide variety of actors use social media platforms to share information on COVID-19. While such platforms allow healthcare professionals, authorities, and humanitarians to reach large swathes of the Syrian population with useful guidance, they also transmit misinformation and rumours. Social media is a major source of information, but only 10% of focal points think that their communities trust it." +159580,39148.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,91,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_july2020_ne_nigeria.pdf,"To date, 37 (60%) out of 65 local government areas (LGAs) have reported at least one confirmed case of COVID19. There are 231 active contacts across the BAY states, of which an average of 156 (68%) are seen in the past 24 hours. Active case search is ongoing, and alerts are being report both at health facility and at the community level of which > 95% of COVID-19 related alerts are verified/investigated within 48hours of reporting." +177983,41869.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,53,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2020/10/5/covid-19-syria-hospital,"(GoS 05/10/2020) Once at the overcrowded facility, Khalil said a paramedic told his cousin: “You have to wait if one of the [other] patients dies, only in this case your father would be admitted.” Two days later, the man died at home." +493402,68136.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/borno_state_cholera_outbreak_response_sitrep_no_5_27_09_21_0.pdf,"[26th Sept 2021, Borno State] Out of the 43 samples collected and tested in the state using rapid diagnostic test for cholera, 25 (58.1%) were positive, while 18 (66.7%) of which were culture positive." +308110,53309.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,56,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/gender_alert_brief_final.pdf,"[29th March 2021, Cox's Bazar] It is necessary to establish static service points for missing and lost children, along with hotline numbers of Protection, Child Protection and GBV actors to address related issues, as well as a systematic documentation process for missing, separated, and unaccompanied children." +9131,2909.0,322.0,[],[],[],en,101,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_jan_to_apr_2018.pdf,"Widespread violations of IHL by parties to the conflict pose an ongoing threat to the life and safety of civilians, resulting in loss of life, displacement and destruction of infrastructure. The protracted nature of the conflict is particularly affecting women, children and persons with specific needs whose vulnerability is further exacerbated and resort to negative coping mechanisms as means of survival. As grave violations of children’s rights continue to occur, support for affected children is critical, as is mine risk education. GBV incidents have significantly risen with requiring multi-sectoral responses." +313271,53183.0,2466.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"The ongoing economic crisis continues to be a key driver of deteriorating humanitarian needs, which have been exacerbated by COVID-19. Control and containment measures increase the cost and time for delivering shelter and NFI assistance." +152596,30471.0,1188.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,201,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SITREP-ESTACIONES%20DE%20RECEPCION%20MIGRATORIA%20%28ERM%29-20200420-REPORTE%20%234.pdf,"Al día 23 de abril, Panamá cuenta con 5,166 casos confirmados y un total de 146 defunciones. En términos de provincias fronterizas, Darién reporta un total de 131 casos, y Chiriquí un total de 98 casos al 23 de abril de 2020. Al momento de la redacción de este informe, se confirmó el contagio por transmisión comunitaria de COVID-19 en la ERM La Peñita en Darién. Se confirmaron 23 casos positivos y hay alrededor de 62 segregados por ser familiares o haber estado en contacto con las personas que resultaron positivo por COVID-19. Autoridades tomaron la decisión de trasladar todos los casos positivos de COVID-19 a la ERM Lajas Blancas. Además, se acordó el traslado de los migrantes que se encuentran en la ERM La Peñita a la ERM Lajas Blancas. Se reporta que 161 migrantes que se ubicaban en la comunidad de Bajo Chiquito, decidieron trasladarse a la ERM La Peñita, dejando un total de 1766 migrantes en la localidad. En la ERM Los Planes, ubicada en la provincia de Chiriquí, al día 23 de abril no se reportan casos positivos de COVID-19." +311865,53183.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,20,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,Challenges: People became more vulnerable as a result of multiple shocks and high food commodity prices.response in 2020. +285068,51307.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,68,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.alwatanonline.com/%d8%a5%d8%b5%d9%84%d8%a7%d8%ad-%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%ae%d8%b7-%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%85%d8%ba%d8%b0%d9%8a-%d9%84%d9%85%d8%ad%d8%b7%d8%a9-%d8%b9%d9%84%d9%88%d9%83-%d9%88%d8%a5%d8%b9%d8%a7%d8%af%d8%aa%d9%87-%d8%a5/,"[14 Mar 2021, NES (Al-Hasakeh)] The General Director of Al-Hasakeh Water Corporation, Eng. Mahmoud Al-Okla, indicated that pumping drinking water will resume today after the station is being resupplied with electric current, and the pumping will be directed to the eastern and western Al-Nashwa neighborhood according to the rationing program approved by the Public Corporation for Drinking Water." +69906,19974.0,1534.0,['WASH'],[],[],en,53,[],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"A lack of safe water for drinking for domestic use combined with a general deterioration in sanitary conditions from floodwater and potential sewage contamination pose a risk of waterborne and vector-borne disease transmission. Groups such as pregnant and lactating women, children and the elderly are particularly vulnerable to these diseases." +475571,63296.0,2099.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,83,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[Projection] A l’approche de la période de soudure 2021, et étant donné l’épuisement prématuré des récoltes issues de la dernière campagne agricole, il est possible d’anticiper que la situation alimentaire et nutritionnelle deviendra progressivement plus critique pour une large proportion de ménages dans la province du Boulkiemdé et d’autres provinces voisines de la région du Centre-Ouest au fil des mois, à tout le moins jusqu’aux prochaines récoltes." +341948,56493.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,19,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,La dépolitisation des chefs traditionnels maintient et augmente le niveau de confiance que la population place en eux. +261581,49218.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,65,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Reporte%20de%20situaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Migrantes%20y%20refugiados%20en%20tr%C3%A1nsito%20provenientes%20de%20Venezuela%2C%20diciembre%202020_0.pdf,"Durante su estancia en Colombia, a la totalidad de ellos se le negó el acceso regular a salud, incluyendo a personas con enfermedades crónicas y a mujeres gestantes; y únicamente recibieron atención primaria cuando se presentó una urgencia. De la misma manera, ante la negación del derecho al trabajo, se enfrentaron a episodios frecuentes de informalidad y explotación laboral" +48476,12622.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'WASH']",[],[],es,93,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LIBRO%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20las%20necesidades%20insatisfechas%20SSR%20y%20Migrantes%20Venezolanos%20-%20Digital.pdf,"las comunidades receptoras están expuestas a condiciones que no son sanitarias y a un acceso deficiente a agua potable (MSPS, 2018), en particular los caminantes, las personas viviendo en asentamientos fuera de las áreas urbanas, en las calles o como habitantes de calle; este es el caso especial en La Guajira y Arauca, porque no existen, o existen muy pocos servicios básicos, lo cual genera un mayor riesgo de deterioro de las condiciones de salud (OMS y OPS, 2018a)." +54551,16960.0,1186.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,73,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.latercera.com/politica/noticia/subsecretario-del-interior-insiste-exigencia-antecedentes-absolutamente-limpios-venezolanos-solicitan-visa/778339/,"la firma del Memorándum de Entendimiento entre el gobierno y la Organización Mundial para las Migraciones (OIM), en el que Chile solicita la instalación de un centro de procesamiento de visados en Lima con el objetivo de apoyar al consulado chileno en esa ciudad y descomprimir la situación migratoria en la frontera norte, dada la concentración de solicitudes de visas de venezolanos en el consulado chileno en Tacna." +165218,39714.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Local Response'],[],es,11,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,60% adoptó más de tres medidas de distanciamiento físico. +36137,11046.0,788.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68626.pdf,Refugees also complained that lack of adequate means of livelihoods; low payments are offered for labour/jobs conducted by refugees while nationals receive higher payments. Refugees have faced discriminated situation. +306763,53282.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,58,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/health/coronavirus/2021/04/12/police-to-issue-movement-passes-during-lockdown,"[12th April 2021, Bangladesh] Police will issue movement passes online for people who need to go out for emergency purposes during the upcoming seven-day countrywide lockdown from April 14. According to the Police Headquarters, movement passes will be required to go out during the lockdown in case of emergency or official work." +261638,49368.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",es,56,['At Risk'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://humvenezuela.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Caminates-de-ida-y-vuelta-2021.pdf,"También destaca la salida de integrantes del pueblo Warao que han abandonado sus territorios ancestrales a causa de la emergencia humanitaria. A pesar del cierre de fronteras por la pandemia, tan solo en la primera quincena de 2021, al menos 600 indígenas Warao han llegado a Boa Vista, Roraima desde Venezuela14 ." +416180,63977.0,2099.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],fr,94,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sante.gov.bf/detail?tx_news_pi1%5Baction%5D=detail&tx_news_pi1%5Bcontroller%5D=News&tx_news_pi1%5Bnews%5D=692&cHash=e7208e26299ecfd490329a2331ccf3b7,"Le ministre de la santé, Pr Charlemagne Ouédraogo, a échangé le jeudi 22 juillet 2021 à Ouagadougou, au siège de la Fédération des associations islamiques du Burkina avec l’équipe dirigeante de cette faitière du vaccin de lutte contre la COVID-19. (...) [Il a] sollicité leur accompagnement dans la sensibilisation des fidèles pour qu’elles se fassent vacciner. (...) Il dit être prêt à envoyer des équipes devant les lieux de cultes, les marchés et Yaars pour la vaccination." +438341,64539.0,1185.0,[],[],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,57,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"En cuanto a la convivencia de niñas, niños y adolescentes, el 82.8% de familias han participado en actividades de integración socio culturales dentro de su centro educativo. Las actividades mencionadas fueron sobre todo celebraciones de la institución educativa, fechas emblemáticas del país o la región y fechas de celebración o conmemoración internacionales" +408818,61216.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,24,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/humanitarian-situation-overview-syria-hsos-northeast-syria-june-2021,"[June 2021, NES] KIs in 46% of communities cited the high cost of water trucking as a common challenge." +226637,46454.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,69,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2022_23Dec2020_FINAL.pdf,"[23rd December, Overall Syria] After a slight tapering off of reported cases in September, since October reported case numbers have accelerated across the country. Throughout December, there has been a successive rise in the daily cases reported by the MoH, with the highest reported new daily caseload since the outbreak of the pandemic reported on 18 December (169 cases)." +236052,47076.0,2334.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,21,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,WHO has supported the training of trainers from both regions on case management of COVID-19 and Infection Prevention and Control. +330708,55042.0,2098.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.gage.odi.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Adolescents%E2%80%99-experiences-of-covid-19-in-Chittagong-and-Sylhet-divisions-Bangladesh.pdf,"[30 April 2021, Bangladesh]A few of the adolescents also mentioned selling their livestock during lockdown to manage money. However, even then, many of their families had to take out loans (from neighbours or relatives) to meet their daily expenses. Some also mentioned buying goods from grocery shops on credit. Paying these loans back also become a burden after lockdown." +59571,17198.0,1224.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Humanitarian Access->Population To Relief', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",en,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"At least two households noted that some of them have the right to Guyanese citizenship because a parent is a Guyanese national, but they have not gone through the legal/administrative process because they do not have the requisite documents." +186682,43205.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,67,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/425162-weekly-review-nigerias-new-covid-19-cases-increase-for-second-consecutive-week.html,"[3rd Nov 2020, Nigeria]On Tuesday, 137 new cases were reported. [4th Nov 2020, Nigeria]On Wednesday, 155 new cases of COVID-19 were reported in the country. [5th Nov 2020, Nigeria]On Thursday, 180 new cases were reported in Nigeria, hence bringing the tally of confirmed cases to 63, 508." +235175,46388.0,2336.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,62,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"According to the WoA assessment, the need for emergency and transitional shelter is reported to be the highest among refugees (50 per cent), followed by non-recent IDPs (37 per cent), recent IDPs (36 per cent), cross-border returnees (30 per cent) and acutely vulnerable people (21 per cent)." +238076,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,25,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,There is also likelihood of continued reluctance to seek health services due to COVID-19 with significant need for confidence-building on infection prevention and control. +327600,54714.0,2331.0,[],[],[],en,19,[],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,[MUTLI-SECTORAL NEEDS] 100% of both IDP settlement and non-IDP settlement households found with multi-sectoral needs. +91818,26015.0,1620.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,88,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Situation-Overview_H2R_Oct-Dec_13.03.2020.pdf,"Similar to the last reporting period, access to any educational services (formal and informal)7 was consistently reported as lacking throughout the reporting period, with an exception of Dikwa and Gwoza where small changes were observed. In December, the majority of assessed settlements in Dikwa (89% - decrease from 99% in October), in Kukawa (100%) and in Marte (85%) reported not having access to any educational services within walking distance." +217431,45653.0,2333.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://docs.wfp.org/api/documents/WFP-0000114546/download/?_ga=2.153594736.918642439.1605111758-1773529422.1605111758,"By the end of 2019, there were 109 000 IDPs in the Diffa region and 80 800 IDPs in host households in Tahoua and Tillabéri (UNHCR, December 2019) who had lost their livelihoods." +296413,52417.0,2028.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,152,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.dropbox.com/s/fpu0ox89go0s7li/Syria%202021%20HNO%20%28advance%20copy%29.pdf?dl=0,"An online survey of protection actors conducted in Government-controlled areas aimed at better understanding the impact of COVID-19 on vulnerable groups found that 76 per cent of respondents cited psychological trauma, stress and anxiety as the main protection issue faced by the population due to COVID, with 56 per cent stating increased gender-based violence against women and girls as the next biggest concern followed by access to health care and other services (43 per cent) which often serve as a critical entry point for GBV survivors. For women and girls specifically, 52 per cent highlighted violence or abuse within the family as a primary protection issue and 48 per cent referred to a lack of safe space and privacy – signalling that increased economic strains, fears over health, and cramped lockdown conditions arising from the pandemic may have exposed them to additional dangers." +313683,53333.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,47,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Help adolescents access correct information about SRHR and gender equality and risks related to other risks such as substance abuse, from trusted sources, and challenge harmful norms or practices that they may encounter online or through TV, to minimize risks and empower adolescents." +353512,57854.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,33,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://primerinforme.com/2021/06/02/cierre-de-frontera-con-colombia-beneficia-a-mafias-de-las-trochas/,Personas con necesidad detratamientos médicostambién se vieron afectadas. Una usuaria dijo que tendrían que pagar para pasar por la «trocha» en donde no existe ningún tipo de control sanitario. +61707,18346.0,1184.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,111,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71003.pdf,"Se continúa entregando información y orientación sobre acceso al asilo y procedimientos migratorios, con 8.589 refugiados y migrantes alcanzados durante el mes de mayo. Esa actividad incluyó la entrega de folletos informativos, la organización de sesiones informativas y otras actividades grupales. Además, se entregó material informativo específico (5.916 personas alcanzadas) acerca de prevención de trata de personas, de tráfico ilícito de personas, e información sobre derechos de las personas LGBTIQ. Asimismo, se han entregado mensajes de protección (incluyendo mensajes relacionados al cuidado a los niños durante el viaje y prevención de la separación familiar) a 33.355 personas." +482717,67369.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],fr,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.francetvinfo.fr/monde/afrique/societe-africaine/epidemie-de-meningite-en-rdc-129-deces-dans-le-nord-est-du-pays_4764131.html,"le bureau de l'Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) en Afrique.""La République démocratique du Congo a déclaré une flambée épidémique de méningite dans la province de la Tshopo, dans le nord-est du pays, où 261 cas suspects et 129 décès (létalité de 50%) au total ont été notifiés à la date du 7 septembre 2021" +156657,38715.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,86,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/roap_covid_response_sitrep_14.pdf,"in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, the IOM-managed isolation and treatment center (ITC) in Leda and three temporary isolation facilities are collecting samples for laboratory testing of suspected and severe acute respiratory infection cases; these facilities are sentinel sites for sample collection from patients with acute respiratory infection or influenza like illness for surveillance and case identification. , 250 samples were collected and transported to the laboratory in Cox’s Bazar, of which one sample was positive." +305456,53013.0,2331.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,66,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/3c8084ae/REACH_SOM_Factsheet_Assessment-of-Hard-to-Reach-Areas_December-2020.pdf,WASH: 41% of assessed settlements where half or less of the population was estimated to use latrines reported no available of latrines was the main barriers to using latrines. Similarly 31% of assessed settlements reported the insufficient quantity of latrines was the main barriers to using latrines while 22% reported it is not common to use them as a barrier. +159591,39148.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,51,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_july2020_ne_nigeria.pdf,"WHO supported State Ministries of Health in Borno, Adamawa and Yobe to train 44, 50, and 50 social workers respectively in the month of July 2020, on COVID-19 Psycho Social Support (PSS) response in order to meet the unmet gap of COVID-19 PSS counselling." +325489,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,108,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[Ouagadougou] As many as 15 percent of the city’s residents cannot reach even a single public primary school within that time threshold, and for 2 percent of the population not a single public primary school is reachable even within an hour of travel by bus. Similarly, residents of several secteurs, such as in the city’s northeast, are not able to reach even a single public PPS school within 30 minutes. On average, Ouagadougou residents can access only one public PPS school within that travel time threshold, compared to 11 private PPS schools." +287120,51749.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[district sanitaire de Pouytenga] Dans la cour se trouvent 2 (deux) blocs de latrines séparées pour les femmes et pour les hommes. Malgré, l’existence d’un incinérateur avec brique réfractaire à fonctionnement électrique, le système de gestion des déchets biomédicaux reste très précaire dans le CMA [Centre médical avec antenne chirurgicale] de Pouytenga." +341723,56493.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,60,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"En effet, la croissance démographique, les migrations mais aussi la volonté affichée par l’Etat de privatiser certaines terres constituent aujourd’hui un enjeu important pour les ressources foncières qui deviennent de plus en plus un objet de compétition et qui provoquent des relations sociales tendues entre groupes ethniques ébauchant parfois sur des conflits violents." +305212,53100.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],fr,16,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/plan_de_preparation_coronavirus_cmr._version_du_10_mars_2019.pdf,Absence d’un plan national de préparation et de réponses aux évènements de santé Publique +491968,67963.0,2170.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,70,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Nigeria%20Northeast%20Operational%20Update-July%202021.pdf,"[1st Jul 2021, North east Nigeria]Refugee returnees: There was a sustained trend of spontaneous refugee returns at the borders across the BAY States in Northeast Nigeria, during July. For instance, UNHCR in partnership with the Nigeria Immigration Service captured close to 500 individual refugee returnees, from Cameroon and Niger, through Banki, Damasak, Gwoza and Pulka entry points." +340993,56522.0,2170.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],en,103,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.reuters.com/article/nigeria-oil-idUSL5N2N76Y3,"[20th May 2021, Abuja, Nigeria ] Nigeria deregulated its downstream oil sector a year ago, after the COVID-19 pandemic triggered a collapse in the global price of oil, its main export. However, rising oil prices since last year have increased the cost of petrol imports, stoking inflation and creating some social unrest, issues that the government needs to agree with labour unions prior to increasing pump price. The government announced last year that petrol prices will move with the market and eliminate subsidies but said it would maintain control through a pricing mechanism" +338305,55951.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,61,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://preventepidemics.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/PERC-Finding-the-Balance-Part-III-12-May-2021.pdf,"[Survey conducted by phone with approximately 24,000 people across 19 Member States in five geographical regions in Africa, including DRC] Nearly nine in 10 respondents reported using masks when near others in February 2021—almost identical to findings six months before. This demonstrates the effectiveness of ongoing mask use campaigns in motivating compliance where usage was up." +164332,38902.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],[],[],en,20,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,Price increases and supply chain disruptions are likely to further contribute to decreased access to food and dietary diversity. +303993,51174.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,10,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.afro.who.int/sites/default/files/2021-02/South%20Sudan%20IDSR%20Bulletin%20Week%201%2C%20%20%204-%2010%20January%202021%20.pdf,Training of frontline health workers on suspect cholera case identification +493586,61216.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/humanitarian-situation-overview-syria-hsos-northeast-syria-june-2021,"[June 2021, NES]5-6 was the most commonly reported range for hours of electricity accessible to households (reported by KIs in 35% of communities." +238298,46388.0,2336.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Recent returnees and refugees have similarly high proportions of girls and boys not enrolled in school (75 and 76 per cent for girls, respectively, and 59 per cent for boys in both population groups)." +343157,55976.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,117,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.lemonde.fr/afrique/article/2021/05/10/beaucoup-ne-croient-pas-au-danger-du-covid-19-en-afrique-la-defiance-face-aux-vaccins_6079678_3212.html,"Certes, ces chiffres ne reflètent que partiellement la réalité, mais même le bilan plus meurtrier de la deuxième vague n’a pas vraiment entamé l’idée répandue que le Covid-19 est« une maladie de Blancs »qui ne concerne pas une population dont plus de la moitié a moins de 19 ans.« Beaucoup ne croient pas au danger du Covid-19. Allez dans n’importe quelle ville, dans n’importe quel village, rares sont ceux qui portent aujourd’hui le masque », constate l’épidémiologiste Samba Sow, envoyé spécial de l’OMS pour le Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest." +219776,45777.0,2333.0,"['WASH', 'Education']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,16,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/niger/un-soutien-additionnel-d-education-cannot-wait-pour-intensifier-l-ducation-dans-les,"De plus, 50 écoles bénéficieront d'installations d’eau, hygiène et assainissement améliorées." +486226,67505.0,2098.0,[],[],[],en,31,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Myanmar%20Emergency%20Update%20-%2001%20Sep_0.pdf,"[June - July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Critical case management and systems strengthening activities for the refugee and host communities are under-funded for the remainder of 2021." +315695,52949.0,2331.0,"['WASH', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The cholera outbreak was fuelled by the extensive floods in 2020, which limited access to safe drinking water, and increased poor sanitation and population displacement." +320473,52949.0,2331.0,"['Protection', 'Shelter']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,68,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"There are over 2,400 IDP sites in Somalia, of which 75 per cent are built on private land. Only an estimated one-third of IDP sites reported an existing land tenure agreement between residents and landowner, with IDPs either paying rent or a portion of their humanitarian assistance to the private landowner. The general lack of land tenure agreements makes IDPs vulnerable to eviction." +327915,55046.0,2225.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,52,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_04_27%20USG%20Democratic%20Republic%20of%20the%20Congo%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%233.pdf,"USAID/BHA has provided more than $8.7 million in FY 2021 funding to support WASH activities in ten provinces across the DRC, helping to improve access to safe drinking water and sanitation, and reduce the spread of infectious diseases, such as cholera, COVID-19, measles, and EVD" +169379,40508.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],fr,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://lefaso.net/spip.php?article99720,"A la même date, le pays enregistre 12 nouvelles guérisons portant le nombre total à 1 397. Aucun décès n’est à déplorer. Le compteur est donc maintenu à 59 à ce niveau." +313673,53333.0,2334.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,34,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Given the problem of unsafe abortions related to unwanted pregnancies, government and humanitarian partners should support the establishment and improved facilities providing post-abortion care to avoid maternal and new-born mortality and morbidity." +317246,53333.0,2334.0,[],[],[],en,31,[],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Support policing services to enforce non-access to night clubs, bars and other areas where age restriction of 18 exists, to minimize exposure to substance abuse and sexual exploitation." +220554,45655.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,33,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"[9th Dec, Overall Syria]After the lifting of lockdown measures in the summer, reported mask-wearing went from over 50 per cent of the population to around 10 per cent" +497002,60104.0,1187.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,116,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,"https://www.unicef.org/argentina/media/11626/file/Impacto%20de%20la%20pandemia%20en%20la%20educaci%C3%B3n%20de%20ni%C3%B1as,%20ni%C3%B1os%20y%20adolescentes.pdf","No obstante, es importante reparar en que en el 19% de estos hogares sigue habiendo estudiantes desvinculados de sus escuelas. Representa en términos absolutos unos 67.000 hogares y al menos ese mismo número de estudiantes, de los cuales la mayor parte proviene de los sectores más desfavorecidos. Entre los motivos por los cuales no habían regresado este año a la escolaridad las personas adultas encuestadas destacaron principalmente que los estudiantes se habían “desenganchado” de la escuela durante la pandemia y que no querían seguir estudiando, o bien que las y los estudiantes se vieron atravesados por problemas de salud, situaciones de embarazo, maternidad o paternidad." +315424,54309.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Intentions'],es,105,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Colombia_Evaluacion_Rapida_ECNI_Arauca_ESP.pdf,"En la gran mayoría de los grupos de discusión, 40 de 50 grupos, un 80% de los participantes indicaron que hay intención de quedarse en el municipio de Arauquita. Algunos dijeron que van a quedarse hasta que les den garantías de que pueden regresar a Venezuela. En los demás grupos, los participantes señalaron que van a devolverse a Venezuela lo más pronto posible y algunos expresaron incertidumbre. En general, las familias están dispuestas a que regrese al menos un miembro del hogar, temporalmente, para verificar el estado de sus viviendas, enseres y pertenencias." +54552,16960.0,1186.0,['Protection'],[],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Context->Politics']",es,48,[],['Context'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.latercera.com/politica/noticia/subsecretario-del-interior-insiste-exigencia-antecedentes-absolutamente-limpios-venezolanos-solicitan-visa/778339/,"“Nuestro consulado en Tacna seguirá recibiendo inscripciones online hasta el día 16 de agosto, a partir de lo cual, toda nueva postulación a visas tendrá que hacerse a través de nuestro consulado en Lima”, afirmó el pasado jueves el canciller Teodoro Ribera." +265972,49325.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/el-estatuto-de-proteccion-no-pone-en-riesgo-la-democracia-migracion-colombia/2461,"Este estatuto de protección es un mecanismo jurídico y tendrá una vigencia de diez años, durante el cual los migrantes venezolanos deberán pasar al régimen ordinario de visas. “Es una ventana de oportunidad que permite mayor inclusión financiera, social, económica, al sistema de seguridad, mayores posibilidades de acceso a servicios""" +177501,40876.0,1183.0,[],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Casualties->Missing']",es,166,[],"['Context', 'Casualties']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200904_evaluaciondenecesidades_antioquia_caceres_mire.pdf,"El 2 de septiembre del 2020, en horas de la mañana, llega un grupo armado a la Isla y retiene a 4 jóvenes quienes posteriormente fueron amenazados e intimidados y finalmente liberados. Uno de los jóvenes fue golpeado y se encuentra en institución de salud. Los actores armados envían con los jóvenes un mensaje que indicaba, que todas las familias de la comunidad debían desocupar la isla, a más tardar el 3 de septiembre a las 12 a. m. de lo contrario atentarían contra la vida de todos. Les manifestaron que los iban a torturar si no daban información sobre los “Caparrapos”. Tres grupos familiares (8 personas) está pidiendo apoyo para desplazarse a Córdoba - San Carlos y Necoclí Antioquia. Al parecer hay 3 jóvenes desaparecidos, información que no ha podido ser verificada. Por todo esto las familias abandonan sus hogares y arriban a la vereda de Guarumo – Cáceres." +473025,63732.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,98,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2f4004e6/REACH_BFA_Factsheet_Abri-AME-et-LTB_Pouytenga_juillet-2021.pdf,"Selon la majorité des IC, une partie de ces PDI est établie de façon dispersée dans la ville, dans les zones péri-urbaines. Parmi les 4 IC ayant rapporté l'existence d'installations groupées, l'ensemble a rapporté des sites spontanés regroupant plus de 20 ménages PDI. Les ménages PDI installés dans le secteur 3, dans la zone de l'abattoir et au sud de l'axe d'Andemtenga, vivent en zone lotie selon l'ensemble des IC. Les quartiers de Koumbogo, Yargo et de Ramessen sont quant à eux situés principalement en zone non lotie." +61296,18235.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,80,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"Key informants however highlighted how, with the passing of time, Venezuelans have increasingly started travelling to other destinations for several reasons: Bogotá is an expensive place to live, and as the number of refugees and migrants in the city increased exponentially, it became harder and harder for Venezuelans to find livelihood opportunities there. More and more Venezuelans therefore started to move towards other major cities, such as Medellín, Cali and Barranquilla." +292414,52073.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,69,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"l’ONG ALIMA s’est déployée sur le site afin de venir au secours de près de 40 380 personnes répartie comme suit : 20 000 personnes à Goura 1 ; 5 000 à Medina (1, 2,3) ; 2 000 à Goura 2 ; 1 600 à Bodo, 1 500 à Leifa, 1 200 à Biamo et 2 000 à Blamé." +22281,9106.0,729.0,[],[],"['Information And Communication->Communication Means And Preferences', 'Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)']",en,128,[],['Information And Communication'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"According to a study conducted by Internews, UNHCR and Mercy Corps in November 2017 , the main information needs of affected people are related to health and medical issues, access to assistance, information on education and safe places to live, and security, political and economic developments. Displaced people are mainly concerned about accessing information regarding the possibilities of returning to their homes. The most trusted sources of information are family, friends, neighbours and religious and tribal leaders. The main tools for accessing information are mobile phone applications, the internet, and events including social gatherings. In certain communities, where conservatism is growing, face to face communication is a key information source for women." +191873,43304.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Suite à des attaques terroristes régulières ayant lieu depuis plus de cinq ans dans le bassin du Lac Tchad, la province du Lac accueille plus de 272 000 personnes déplacées, dont 208 000 Personnes déplacées internes" +330029,53699.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,54,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_094_20210404_hebdo_s13.pdf,"Près de 87,7% des cas étaient âgés entre 20-69 ans (24053/27436) ; 4,7% (1300/27436) des cas étaient quant à eux âgés entre 70-100 ans. L’âge médian était de 41 ans, avec des extrêmes allant de 2 mois à 100 ans (Figure 2)" +323574,54626.0,2331.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,"In March, the Ministry of Education announced the closure of the schools for four weeks as a precaution to prevent transmission of COVID-19 in Banadir region. This mostly affected learning of children in schools in the Banadir region." +309761,51467.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"The majority—83 per cent—of the refugees in South Sudan are adopting negative coping strategies to fill the food assistance gap including selling of assets, cash borrowings, reducing meal quantities and frequency, and begging." +268696,49756.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,88,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19022021_flash_update_no_2_impacto_covid-19_triple_frontera_vff.pdf,"Salud: las instituciones de salud no han tenido en cuenta las condiciones de ruralidad y se desconoce lo que ocurre en las poblaciones indígenas y las zonas no municipalizadas distantes de los centros de atención en salud, en donde no se realizan pruebas, ni se garantiza la atención médica; se desconoce el grado de afectación mental y emocional en las comunidades indígenas, sumado a que durante 2020 se presentó un incremento de suicidios en las comunidades indígenas cercanas al municipio de Leticia." +313155,53183.0,2466.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,22,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,The protection sector supported the establishment of youth networks and contributed to capacity building of government institutions at the state level. +188841,42870.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200909_Respuesta_COVID_Norte_de_Santander_Julio_VF.pdf,"Durante el mes de julio, debido a que Norte de Santander fue el departamento con mayor retraso en la entrega de resultados de las pruebas COVID-192. Dado el aumento de casos positivos, además de una ocupación del 98% en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos, se declaró la alerta roja hospitalaria en el departamento." +313222,53183.0,2466.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,22,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,Advocacy for increased availability of services for clinical management of rape and the response to the needs of survivors of GBV. +306251,51572.0,2335.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,59,['Impact'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"The community decried the restrictions imposed by the host community on the use of land for agriculture and animal grazing. Additionally, following Melut youth petition, all IDPs lost their jobs with humanitarian organizations in Melut town. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +191664,43304.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,18,[],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,L’obligation de ne pas dépasser quatre personnes à bord des taxis et véhicules à usage personnel +238283,46388.0,2336.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Attacks on schools have also undermined the right of children to a safe learning environment, compromising their physical and psychological wellbeing." +112938,31293.0,1388.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",[],[],es,57,[],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3641092,"Acciones en seguridad, justicia y migración frente al COVID 19 Se plantea la contribución del sector seguridad, justicia y migración de los países miembros del SICA, a través del establecimiento de lineamientos regionales que permitan la ejecución del trabajo articulado incorporando medidas de bioseguridad para enfrentar la propagación de la letalidad del virus." +239101,47107.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Covid-19->Contact Tracing'],en,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[12th Jan 2021,Overall Syria] Given the limited/insufficient testing across Syria, it is therefore likely that the actual number of cases far exceeds official figures, with significant numbers of asymptomatic and mild cases, in particular, going undetected. Contact tracing is also a challenge, including in more remote governorates and camps" +219303,45655.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,63,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"[9th Dec, Northwest Syria]In NWS Of all cases, 1,618 (9.23 per cent) were among HCWs, and 747 (4.26 per cent) were identified among community health workers, as well as other staff working in health facilities. A total of 1,596 (9.63 per cent) cases were reported from IDP camps." +414633,63627.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,96,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://zoom-eco.net/developpement/rdc-une-prime-de-brousse-de-20-000-cdf-sera-accordee-aux-enseignants-de-linterieur-du-pays-des-octobre-2021-officiel/,"« A Bukavu où j’ai séjourné, les enseignants observent depuis un moment ce qu’ils appellent « Jeudi sans enseignants ». A cet effet, nous avons ajouté 20 000 CDF à tous les enseignants de la brousse » a-t-il fait savoir le Ministre, Tony Mwaba. Il sied de rappeler que les enseignants de différents territoires de la province du sud-Kivu revendiquent, à travers un arrêt de travail, chaque jeudi, la suppression des zones salariales et le paiement des enseignants dits « nouvelles unités. »" +178079,40661.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"L’emploi des stratégies liées à l’alimentation est élevé pour 38% des ménages pour les zones EFSA, 32% pour les zones VAM, 23% pour les zones CAID." +214278,45385.0,2334.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,48,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Après plusieurs mois d’interruption, les réunions de coordination locale (CCCM) ont été relancées pour encadrer l’assistance humanitaire dans les principaux sites de déplacements de populations à Kolofata, Mora (Département Mayo Sava) et Zamay (Département Mayo Tsanaga)" +164739,39789.0,2098.0,[],[],[],en,96,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Movementwide%20Operation%20Report%20August%202020.pdf,"170 call has been received through BDRCS Hotline on COVID-19 during this reporting period. Major feedback and information request were information about Polio Vaccine, demand for blood plasma remain high, information on First Aid training, treatment facilities of COVID 19 patients, request for cash and food support, dead body management (COVID-19). 155 feedback and complaints received from two flood affected districts named Tangail and Sirajganj. Most of the calls/ information were related to support and diseases came from community people including widow and disable people." +323677,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],fr,149,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"[hypothèse] Pourtant, suite à la pandémie de covid-19, la chute de la production dans la plupart des secteurs et la baisse de la demande mondiale d’exportations burkinabé pourraient entraîner une baisse importante des exportations sectorielles (-10 pour cent pour les produits miniers, l’or en particulier, et -16 pour cent pour les produits de cultures de rente, le coton notamment), entraînant ainsi une perte de recettes d’exportation. Comme l’or et le coton représentent à eux seuls plus de la moitié des recettes d’exportation du Burkina Faso, cela pourrait avoir de graves conséquences économiques. Une grave crise socio-économique pourrait suivre la crise de santé publique en l’absence de mesures majeures de sauvetage et de relance économique (Ouedraogo, Kinda et Zidouemba, 2020)." +206390,44672.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,130,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Regarding funding opportunities, UNDP [UN Development Programme] can help to identify, in collaboration with the World Bank, other IFIs [International Financial Institutions] and the Global Fund, resources that can be mobilized immediately. Possible focus areas include offering mass testing for the virus, protecting workers’ health, expanding medical facilities, and contributing to economic recovery. Act fast by adopting fund raising instruments that use advanced technology such Crowdfunding. UNDP can use an existing Crowdfunding Platform to raise donations such as Youcaring.com, Causes, Give- Forward, Crowdrise, GoFundme, FundRazr, Indiegogo, Kickstarter etc. UNDP can also have its own UNDP Crowdfunding Platform that can be used also for SDGs project financing." +221985,45410.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,78,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"[La région du Lac dans la Zone 8 - « Zone ouest agropastorale et de pêche » ]: L’instabilité du climat sécuritaire pourrait compromettre l’approvisionnement des marchés à partir de fin janvier 2021 à cause du retrait des eaux entre février et mars 2021, ce qui pourrait ainsi favoriser les incursions d’éléments de Boko Haram. De probables mouvements de personnes liées à ces attaques pourraient être enregistrés." +174954,41235.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,97,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[October 14, NES, Complacency among authorities and public health officials]In some areas, authorities have actively encouraged people to go about their normal daily lives, making unfounded claims that the strain of the virus in NES is ‘weak’ and unlikely to cause serious illness or death. In addition, there has been limited uptake of personal preventative measures (such as use of face coverings, hand-washing, social distancing and screening at building entrances) among these groups, contributing to general complacency among the population." +325786,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Trois types de structures fournissent le crédit agricole, à savoir les banques traditionnelles, les associations et les organisations non gouvernementales (ONG), mais le financement de la production végétale en dehors des zones de culture du coton est très limité." +295561,52417.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,32,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.dropbox.com/s/fpu0ox89go0s7li/Syria%202021%20HNO%20%28advance%20copy%29.pdf?dl=0,"[23rd March 2021, NE Syria] In 2020, health actors in Government of Syria controlled areas reported a 13 per cent reduction in trauma services compared to 2019." +61458,18235.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,93,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"Venezuelan children with an irregular immigration status are supposed to get access to education based on the best interest of the child principle. In practice, however, key informants reported that they face several obstacles, starting from the fact that while they can attend class they are not able to graduate. Moreover, their parents are supposed submit their previous school certificates and regularize their immigration status as soon as possible – something that, in most cases, the parents are not in a position to do." +169185,40391.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_200_20200817.pdf,"Prise en charge médicale : Pour la même journée, 177 nouvelles guérisons ont été rapportées, ce qui porte à 8 882 le nombre de guéris de COVID-19 dans le pays." +234939,46388.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Violence continues to be a daily, terrifying risk for civilians across the country and is a significant barrier to the rollout of national programmes by the Government, given NSAGs control over so much geographical area." +313707,53333.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,27,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Hold validation meetings with communities and service providers/humanitarian partners, to validate these proposed priorities and where possible, jointly design detailed prevention and response actions." +456714,58748.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,98,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://cdn.odi.org/media/documents/ODI-PB-SRHR.pdf,"Many of the restrictions and interventions imposed on pregnant people have been unnecessary for controlling virus spread, inconsistent with patient dignity and bodily autonomy, and not medically or scientifically justified. By July 2020, ‘traumatic’ incidents had been reported across 45 countries that defied World Health Organization guidelines, including deaths of pregnant women due to care delays, excess restrictions like not allowing pregnant people to be accompanied in childbirth, and caesarean sections performed without medical justification (Archer and Provost, 2020; Sadler et al., 2020)." +321323,54765.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Displacement->Push Factors'],en,31,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/democratic-republic-congo/recent-surge-violence-drc-s-ituri-province-worsening-already,"A large number of people have been displaced because of the attacks, which has separated more than 275 children (including 118 girls) from their parents throughout Ituri." +40779,11933.0,729.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,70,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SitRep_Libya_EN_19%20April.pdf,"Lack of food remains a key concern across detention centres exposed to or at risk of conflict due to the breakdown of regular food supplies to these sites as a result of the conflict, according to UNHCR and IOM. Urgent food assistance is needed for some 800 refugees and migrants in the Qasr Bin Ghasheer detention center and 530 refugees and migrants in the Sabaa detention centre." +161828,38962.0,2098.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ExSitrep_cov19_PlanInternational_AP_10July.pdf,"PLAN international-Reached 2,555 beneficiaries in awareness and child protection sessions, including 914 children. -Conducted 942 counselling sessions to adolescents, pregnant mothers, lactating mothers and newly married couples." +188861,43387.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,168,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20DE%20PROTECTION_SEPTEMBRE2020-SAHEL.pdf,"Les zones à risques identifiées pendant cette période sous rapport dans la province du Seno sont la commune de Gorgadji et certains villages tels que Demniol et Bombofa. Dans la province du Yagha, toutes les communes sont des zones à risque sauf celle de Sebba qui retrouve lentement sa stabilité grâce aux opérations de sécurisation des FDS. Dans la province du Soum, les communes de Djibo, Koutoukou, Arbinda restent des zones de violation sans cesse du droit à la liberté et à la sécurité sur les axes routiers. Les axes les plus concernés sont l’axe Namsiguiya- Mentao- Djibo. Dans l’Oudalan, les zones à risques identifiées pendant cette période d'activité sont les villages de Doumam, Set-sere Tasmakat, Korizena, Gagara, Petabouli, Petelkochia Gosey -site dans la commune de Gorom-Gorom et Tin-Agadel, Iklan Oudalan, Mamassi, Inssalatin, Toleykaya, Tokabangou, Danbam et Inawas dans la commune de Markoye." +169982,40360.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,24,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Dans la Région, les FDS notamment les militaires et les gendarmes, sont présents dans certaines localités et font souvent des patrouilles." +492287,67914.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,136,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_mvam_bulletin_58_august_2021.pdf,"[August 2021, Overall Syria] Food insecurity in Syria remained at critical levels. In August 2021, more than two out of five interviewed households (44 percent) reported poor or borderline food consumption in Syria. The national average rate of inadequate food consumption (poor and borderline combined) slightly decreased by two percentage points from July 2021; it however witnessed an increase of three percent compared to August 2020. This trend was higher among female-headed households (49 percent) compared to male-headed households (43 percent). At the national level, around 20 percent of surveyed households in Syria who had been reporting borderline food consumption in previous rounds of the survey since March 2021, reported poor food consumption in August 2021." +236222,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Analysis by MOPH at the onset of the pandemic indicated a significant intensification of mental health needs amongst a population already struggling with the impact of conflict. +292911,51778.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,99,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/nos-estan-invadiendo-los-venezolanos-este-y-otros-mitos-de-la-migracion/2545,"Según los resultados de la Encuesta de Percepción de la Migración en Colombia del Observatorio del Proyecto Migración Venezuela, en septiembre de 2020 el 43% de los colombianos encuestados dijo estar de acuerdo con que los refugiados y migrantes son una amenaza para la seguridad ciudadana. Este indicador tuvo una mejora con respecto al levantamiento de abril de 2020; sin embargo, la percepción de inseguridad y su asociación con la migración es una relación que no tiene fundamento y a la fecha no hay evidencia académica contundente que demuestre que dicha relación exista." +188707,43183.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,49,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_268_20201024.pdf,"Kinshasa reste le foyer principal de l’épidémie pour avoir notifié 74,8% (8351/11162) des cas, suivie du Nord-Kivu et du Kongo-Central avec respectivement 9,6% (1077/11162) et 4,8% (532/11162) des cas (Tableau I ; Figure 2)." +113787,32028.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,35,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77082.pdf,"The Superintendence of Migration (SNM) facilitated the extension of the carné de extranjería, obtained after the temporary stay permit (PTP for its acronym in Spanish) for a second year." +295289,52417.0,2028.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,48,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.dropbox.com/s/fpu0ox89go0s7li/Syria%202021%20HNO%20%28advance%20copy%29.pdf?dl=0,"[23rd March 2021, Overall Syria] Remittances, on which millions of Syrians and particularly IDPs rely are understood to have halved, from US$1.6 billion in 2019 to US$800 million in 2020, due to global and regional economic contraction." +159549,39200.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,45,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_H2R_COVID19_June2020.pdf,"In approximately half of the assessed settlements where people had reportedly heard of COVID-19, radio was the most commonly reported source of information on the disease, which suggests that radio campaigns might be an effective tool for sharing information in H2R areas." +236246,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,At the same time the percentage of urban households using emergency coping strategies has gone from 11.7 per cent in 2019 to 30 per cent in the second half of 2020. +291420,51259.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,14,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2020_access_annual_overview.pdf,Four aid workers were abducted in 2020 after none were reported in 2019. +223982,45768.0,2332.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,23,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,Besoin d’une mission d’information et de sensibilisation des autorités et des IDPs sur la relocalisation sur le site d'Amma +46268,15533.0,729.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,124,['Impact'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_report_areabasedassessment_aba_azzawya_jun2019.pdf,"Overall, between May 2018 and January 2019, the median price of food items in Azzawya decreased by 3.7%. Yet the high cost of goods remained the most common barrier for consumers to access food items, as reported by merchant KIs.7 This perception may be explained by the fact that, between 2014 and 2017, prices of core commodities across Libya increased substantially due to the liquidity crisis and the nearly sevenfold depreciation of the Libyan dinar on the parallelmarket. Though the dinar strengthened greatly throughout 2018 and the liquidity crisis began to ease, prices have remained stubbornly high compared to their 2014 levels, which may affect Libyans’ perceptions of more recent economic improvements." +161697,35720.0,1183.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",[],[],es,9,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Respuesta%20COVID%2019%20-%20GIFMM%20La%20Guajira%20-%20Riohacha%2C%20a%206%20de%20julio%20de%202020.pdf,13.358 bonos alimentarios y 1.119 transferencias en efectivo. +148190,36609.0,1388.0,['Shelter'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,35,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/01.%20CRI%20Operation%20July%202020%20.pdf,■ University for Peace: Provides a temporary shelter program for high risk individuals from northern Central America in transit to a third host country. The program includes English classes and psychosocial support. +497046,60104.0,1187.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,"https://www.unicef.org/argentina/media/11626/file/Impacto%20de%20la%20pandemia%20en%20la%20educaci%C3%B3n%20de%20ni%C3%B1as,%20ni%C3%B1os%20y%20adolescentes.pdf","No obstante, tal como se señaló al comienzo de este informe, prácticamente la mitad de las familias (47%) aún no cuentan con una computadora para que las niñas, niños y adolescentes puedan realizar actividades escolares. Asimismo, 1 de cada 5 hogares sigue sin acceder a conectividad domiciliaria." +194479,43501.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,80,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"3 principaux pourvoyeurs d’informations utilisés par la majorité de la population au cours du mois précédent, en % de localités évaluées : Chef communautaire Amis/famille NC 3 principaux types d’informations qui auraient été les plus utiles à la majorité de la population au cours du mois précédent, en % de localités évaluées : Information sur l’accès à l’assistance humanitaire Information sur le contexte sécuritaire, NC Information liée au COVID-19" +83688,23090.0,1621.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,56,[],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://www.libyanexpress.com/high-council-of-state-welcomes-turkish-parliaments-approval-to-deploy-troops-to-libya/,"In a statement on Thursday, the HCS expressed sorrow for the destruction of infrastructure and the suffering of the civilians caused by Khalifa Haftar’s forces and his supporters France, Russia, Egypt and the UAE, saying such foreign intervention made the GNA legally enlist assistance from Turkey to protect civilians." +305327,53013.0,2331.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/3c8084ae/REACH_SOM_Factsheet_Assessment-of-Hard-to-Reach-Areas_December-2020.pdf,"Food Security and livelihoods: Most commonly reported strategies used to cope with lack of food in the settlement were limiting portion sizes(57%), Borrow food from others(49%), Reduce number of meals (45%)." +305228,53100.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,56,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/plan_de_preparation_coronavirus_cmr._version_du_10_mars_2019.pdf,"ACQUIS: EIIR prêtes à être déployées dans les villes de Yaoundé, Douala et Garoua GAPS: - Personnel pour la collecte insuffisant, et absence de formation au niveau régional - Equipements de protection individuelle appropriée insuffisant - Logistique d’accompagnement des EIIR insuffisante (EPU, moyens de locomotion, etc…)" +239000,46388.0,2336.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"More than 3.7 million children were out of school in Afghanistan, even prior to the pandemic. While some of these children have acute humanitarian needs, the majority have chronic issues that are hindering their ability to access education." +292360,52073.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,58,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"Enfin, la crise dans le Nord-Ouest et le Sud-Ouest qui a gagné en intensité en 2018 et affecte aussi les régions du Littoral et de l’Ouest pose le problème de l’accès aux zones abritant les PDI dans un contexte de haute insécurité où des formations sanitaires sont vandalisées, détruites et/ou pillées." +330382,53831.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],fr,124,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/12042021_sitrep_s12_whe_oms_rdc_f.pdf,"Un total de 2 012 cas suspects de choléra dont 73 décès (létalité de 3,6%), a été enregistré dans 51 ZS appartenant à 11 provinces, contre 6 300 cas suspects et 73 décès (létalité de 1,2%) rapportés dans 91 ZS appartenant à 16 provinces au cours de la même période en 2020. On note que le nombre de cas suspects de choléra a baissé de 68,1% alors que nombre de décès dû au cholera est resté stable entre 2020 et 2021. Le nombre de cas est resté dans l’intervalle compris entre 100 et 217 avec une moyenne de 168 cas suspects hebdomadaires depuis le début de l’année 2021." +323716,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Environment'],fr,51,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Plus généralement, le changement climatique entraîne une dégradation de l’environnement, notamment une réduction de la couverture végétale et de la production de biomasse, une perte de diversité biologique, une contraction des stocks de poissons et une augmentation de la fréquence des événements climatiques exceptionnels." +360015,58741.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,119,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC_FSO_2021_06_final.pdf,"En revanche, les prix du riz ont augmenté sur les marchés suivants : 10 % (Beni), 8 % (Bunia), 10 % (Kalemie), 14 % (Kindu), 18 % (Kinshasa) du riz, 5 % (Matadi) et 54% (Mbandaka). Cette hausse des prix pour Kalemie est surtout due à l'interdiction des importations en provenance du Burundi par les autorités burundaises et à la montée des eaux du lac Tanganyika, qui inonde les ports, entraînant une diminution du trafic maritime et, par conséquent, une diminution du volume des importations de la Tanzanie via le lac Tanganyika." +83877,23144.0,1620.0,"['WASH', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_adamawahumanitariansituationoverview_decedition_11012020.pdf,"Following the repatriation of the first batch of 134 Nigerian refugees from Cameroon into Adamawa state, consultations with the returnees indicated they are having re-integration challenges. They have raised concerns of lack of food, WASH services and livelihood. While UNHCR and partners are working on durable solutions to address the concerns raised by the returnees, some are already considering return to Cameroon." +46681,16140.0,729.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],en,24,['Impact'],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.libyanexpress.com/libyas-state-oil-firm-declares-force-majeure-on-al-zawiya-port/,"Production of 290,000 barrels a day has been halted, preventing the loading of crude at the terminal, according to the statement." +62410,18389.0,1386.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],es,98,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://elpitazo.net/gran-caracas/90-de-los-hogares-venezolanos-no-puede-cubrir-las-condiciones-de-saneamiento-del-agua/,"Luego del primer apagón masivo, el 7 de marzo de este año, la falta de agua sucedió a la falta de electricidad y las familias caraqueñas comenzaron a buscar agua en tomas improvisadas en toda la ciudad. El 12 de marzo, en cadena de radio y televisión, Nicolás Maduro planteó: “He decidido iniciar un plan llamado el tanque azul para dotar a todos los hogares del país con un tanque. Ya disponemos de 50 mil tanques que se van a vender a través del carnet de la patria”." +206616,44547.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,47,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=211942,"[29th November, 2020, Overall Syria]In a statement to SANA, the ministry indicated that the infections toll registered in the country till now has reached at 7797, out of which 3500 ones have recovered while 413 others have passed away." +300521,52762.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Contact Tracing'],fr,47,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_087_28210321_hebdo_s12.pdf,"Au total, 3 534 contacts étaient en cours de suivi ce 28/03/2021 (107 nouveaux contacts). Parmi les 3 133 contacts dont l’information était disponible, 2 669 (82,2%) ont été vus au cours des dernières 24 heures." +313253,53183.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"Challenges: Delayed implementation of some activities due to insecurity, cash and fuel shortages, increasing market prices. Some NGOs were forced to stop operations." +63630,18631.0,788.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",[],[],en,27,[],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_floodoverview_13092019.pdf,"Approximately 1,810 HHs have lost food items. • Farmlands of some 924 HHs have been affected. • Livestock and poultry lost in the floods." +163263,36028.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,46,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/after-several-failed-attempts-security-council-authorizes-one-year,"Adopting resolution 2533 (2020), the Council approved delivery of aid through the Bab al-Hawa crossing until 10 July 2021. The text received 12 votes in favour to none against, with 3 abstentions (China, Dominican Republic, Russian Federation)" +271030,47809.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_7.pdf,"Se identifica que en la semana epidemiológica 07, los eventos de parotiditis, mortalidad perinatal y neonatal tardía, leishmaniasis cutánea y varicela se encuentran por debajo de lo esperado, los demás eventos están dentro del comportamiento histórico de la notificación" +238168,47090.0,2170.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,46,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_15_dec_2020_report.pdf,"[1st-15thDec 2020, Borno and Adamawa state]Supplementary feeding for children, pregnant and lactating mothers was carried out in 60% of the camps while screening and supplementary feeding for malnourished children was carried out in 45% of the IDP camps." +157966,38137.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,84,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cxb_education_covid_response_reaching_every_learner_final.pdf,"Education Sector partners are already implementing activities aimed at preventing the spread and transmission of COVID-19 in the camps and are helping to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 crisis in Cox’s Bazar both in the Rohingya camps and the host communities. The strategy is based on practical and applicable programming models but with innovation to be able to reach every learner, hence the exploration of digital learning platforms such as audio and videos in Mp3 and Mp4 formats." +175881,40890.0,1183.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,107,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"En cuanto a saneamiento ambiental, 46% de los hogares cuentan con condiciones no aptas para un apropiado desarrollo de las personas en su ambiente, lo que pone de manifiesto implicaciones sanitarias y problemas ligados la contaminación ambiental En este los hogares manifiestan afectaciones como vectores como zancudos, moscas o similares (33%), aguas estancadas (18%), basura o residuos sólidos en la calle (19%) y animales muertos (4%) en las cercanías de su lugar de residencia. La gráfica 30 presenta la proporción de hogares según el número de afectaciones." +265066,49431.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,19,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-in-bangladesh-daily-infection-rate-falls-to-265pc/64736,"[11th Feb 2021, Bangladesh] Until morning, 485,971 patients (90.07 percent) have recovered." +236631,46388.0,2336.0,"['Cross', 'Shelter']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,27,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Household air pollution is particularly acute during the winter as thousands of families burn plastic, car tyres and raw coal in their stoves for heating." +226963,46454.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,55,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2022_23Dec2020_FINAL.pdf,"[23rd December, Overall Syria] Otherwise, markets, restaurants, cafes, gyms, parks, theaters, cinemas and most leisure facilities are open, with mandated precautionary measures, as are mosques and churches. Public and private transportation services have resumed, as have schools, universities and institutions" +199062,44171.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],fr,53,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.lemonde.fr/afrique/article/2020/10/26/au-burkina-faso-les-deplaces-sont-les-grands-oublies-des-elections-de-novembre_6057413_3212.html,"Du côté de la classe politique, l’omerta règne.« Aucun dispositif particulier n’a été prévu pour les déplacés, ceux qui ont pu s’enregistrer ont simplement été pointés comme des changements de résidence », rapporte le président de la CENI, Ahmed Newton Barry." +214394,45385.0,2334.0,"['WASH', 'Health']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,66,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"458 volontaires communautaires ont été formés sur les techniques de sensibilisation de cette pandémie dans le Diamaré, le Mayo-Tsanaga, le Mayo-Sava et le Logone et Chari par CRC-UNICEF, PLAN, NRC, IRC et 10,258 ménages (51291 personnes) ayant reçu des kits WASH et des kits COVID-19 dans les trois derniers départements cités ci-dessus par NRC, IRC, AAEDC," +149650,35869.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,68,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep18_25july2020.pdf,"According to updates from 24 WASH Cluster members in 110 locations to the WASH COVID-19 reporting matrix, 89 percent have changed their response due to COVID-19, 80 percent have increased the amount of water supplied, 83 percent have adapted hygiene promoted activities, 59 percent have increased the amount of soap distributed, and 15 percent have increased the amount of laundry detergent distributed." +156500,35724.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,44,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3655762,"Además, en respuesta a la emergencia sanitaria por la pandemia, la entidad continúa este mes con la entrega de más de 11.500 indemnizaciones económicas y 46.562 giros de ayuda humanitaria para atender a víctimas de desplazamiento forzado en alimentación y alojamiento." +313179,53183.0,2466.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,15,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,Low funding is affecting data collection and creation of income generation and livelihood opportunities. +178258,41756.0,2225.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Par ailleurs, six provinces sur 26 dépassent le seuil d’alerte fixé à 10 pour cent (Kwilu, Maï-Ndombe, Ituri, Nord-Kivu, Lualaba, Tanganyika) et 35 pour cent des causes de décès parmi les enfants de moins de 5 ans sont directement ou indirectement liées à la malnutrition.77" +206525,44554.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,37,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.sana.sy/en/?p=211062,"[23rd November, 2020, Overall Syria] Health Ministry announced on Monday that 70 new Coronavirus cases were registered in Syria, adding that 58 patients have recovered while 4 others have passed away." +341971,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,118,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Les groupes d’autodéfense sont souvent appréciés pour leur proximité avec la population et leur rapidité d’action. Issus des communautés qu’ils protègent, les Koglwéogo connaissent parfaitement la géographie des zones dans lesquelles ils opèrent. Ils bénéficient très souvent d’un fort soutien populaire particulièrement dans les zones rurales. En effet, dès leur apparition, les Koglwéogo, équipés d’armes blanches et de fusils, ont engrangé des succès en sécurisant certaines routes et des villages entiers. Très vite, cette initiative de défense s’est répandue de localité en localité avec les bénédictions des populations à la faveur du contexte politico sécuritaire." +490434,67748.0,1234.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,33,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Trinidad and Tobago,2019-05-28 03:09:47.864552+00,,"r. In Aruba and Curacao, schools re-opened on a shiF system basis, observing hygiene protocols, while classes in Trinidad & Tobago and Guyana resumed via remote modali%es." +236218,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,54,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Despite Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Services (MHPSS) being integrated into the national Basic Package of Health Services (BPHS) and Essential Package of Hospital Services (EPHS), nationwide only 320 hospital beds in the public and private sector are available for people suffering from mental health problems." +475543,63296.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,110,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"De nombreux ménages dépendent des transferts monétaires provenant des membres de la famille ou de proches qui travaillent en Côte-d’Ivoire, et en particulier durant la soudure agricole. En effet, la description faite par le Famine Early Warining System Network (FEWSNET) de cette zone de moyens d’existence spécifiait que « tout ce qui pourrait avoir un impact négatif sur cette économie basée sur l’envoi d’argent aurait de graves conséquences pour la zone », ce qui soulève l’hypothèse d’un impact important de la fermeture des frontières dans le contexte de la pandémie COVID-19." +301764,51958.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,61,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_devaluation_de_protection_des_retournes_tchadiens_de_la_rca_installes_dans_les_sites_au_sud_du_tchad_002.pdf,"Les communautés des sites se félicitent d’une parfaite cohabitation avec les populations des villages environnants, malgré quelques disputes mineures autour de la collecte de bois de chauffe. Les rares malentendus qui surviennent (conflits éleveurs/agriculteurs et autres) sont résolus à l’amiable par les différents comités mixtes en place, notamment celui des sages." +305413,51474.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"Owing to insecurity, 22 aid workers were relocated in four locations. In addition, two humanitarian workers were arbitrary detained. No humanitarian workers were killed" +340442,53036.0,2334.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,16,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/1-Lolo_Dec%202020_0.pdf,"Partenaires WASH : ADES, UNHCR, MINEE, MINSANTE, PLAN, CARE, ACF" +179419,42085.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,43,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.sana.sy/en/?p=206600,"[17th October 2020, Overall Syria] Health Ministry announced on Saturday that 46 new Coronavirus cases have been registered in the country, and that 38 patients infected with the virus have been recovered while 4 others have passed away." +175779,41235.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,63,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[October 14, NES, expanding IPC interventions in displacement settings and other high-risk environments] Humanitarian actors will prioritize IPC measures in high risk settings including displacement sites (camps, collective centres and informal settlements) and areas with poor sanitation and hygiene practices (e.g. Deir-ez-Zor). These interventions will be closely coordinated with RCCE initiatives." +132456,35164.0,1188.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,78,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"Alrededor de la mitad de los asistentes comentaron que comparten el apartamento con otras familias, cada familia arrienda una habitación, muchas veces no cuentan con un baño privado y tienen que compartir el baño con varias familias. El grupo focal integrado por jóvenes y adolescentes manifestaron que sus viviendas no les permiten tener privacidad, cuando quieren conversar por teléfono con un amigo (a) tienen que salir de sus casas para poder hacerlo" +189056,31621.0,1899.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,91,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3645298,"De acuerdo con las directrices del Gobierno, la transferencia de asistencia ha sido coordinada con el MINEX y entregada en las bodegas de la Coordinadora Nacional para la Reducción de Desastres (CONRED) para su distribución. Las donaciones realizadas hasta la fecha por el proyecto Respuestas Integrales sobre Migración en Centroamérica, de USAID y la OIM, tienen un costo aproximado de 3.1 millones de quetzales (unos 425 mil dólares americanos) y ha beneficiado a más de 1,500 personas migrantes retornadas hasta la fecha." +236412,47175.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,153,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Nigeria%20-%20Displacement%20Tracking%20Matrix%20%28DTM%29%20Emergency%20Tracking%20Tool%20%28ETT%29%20Report%20-%20No.%20205%2C%2004%20-%2010%20January%202021.pdf,"Monguno: 184 arrivals were recorded in Monguno LGA of Borno state. The arrivals included 65 from Guzamala, 62 from Kukawa, 10 from Nganzai LGAs of Borno state and 47 from Diffa region in Niger Republic. 69 per cent of the movements were triggered by conflict/attack and 31 per cent relocated as a result of poor living conditions. Mubi North: 93 arrivals and 72 departures were recorded in Mubi North LGA of Adamawa state. The arrivals included 59 from Askira/Uba LGA of Borno state, 21 from Madagali and 13 from Mubi South LGAs of Adamawa state. Meanwhile, departures recorded were 50 to Gombi, 12 to Fufore and 10 to Madagali LGAs of Adamawa state. 36 per cent relocated due to conflict/attack, 34 per cent relocated voluntarily and the remaining 30 per cent relocated as a result of improved security." +162959,37806.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",['Casualties->Dead'],es,130,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Casualties'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Al 1 de junio de 2020, el país registraba 30.493 casos de COVID-19 y 969 defunciones en 31 departamentos, cinco distritos y 415 municipios; al finalizar el mes se reportaron 97.846 casos y 3.334 defunciones, cifras que evidencian un rápido crecimiento del contagio. Este aumento puede estar relacionado con la capacidad de respuesta diagnóstica del país, que pasó de procesar 557 muestras por día en marzo, a 7.328 en mayo y 14.297 en junio, lo que significa un crecimiento del 95% entre los últimos dos meses. El Gobierno Nacional amplió la capacidad de las Unidades de Cuidado Intensivo de 5.345 camas a 6.364 en tres meses y continúa el aislamiento preventivo obligatorio hasta el 31 de agosto de 2020." +224001,45768.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,8,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,Situation nutritionnelle préoccupante sur les sites de Diamerom +176388,41733.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,35,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/reach_drc_bulletin-des-marche-2_juin-2020.pdf,"Cependant, alors que les prix médians globaux des farines et des haricots ont tous augmenté entre mars et avril, seulement le prix des haricots a continué de subir une augmentation en mai." +265111,49772.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/17_feb_2021_fas_meeting_minutes.pdf,"[17th Feb 2021, Overall Syria] An estimated 12.4 million people are estimated to be facing acute food insecurity and of these, 1.3 million people are considered to be severely food insecure in Syria." +189050,42865.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,63,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-LMA-Colombia-Espanol.pdf,"El brote de COVID-19 solo ha agravado estos retos. Como resultado del cierre del país y la cuarentena, el PIB de Colombia está pronosticado a caer casi 8 porciento este año, llevando al país a su primer recesión económica en dos décadas.4 Esta desaceleración económica está teniendo efectos severos en el mercado laboral colombiano, con el índice de desempleo" +271787,50331.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDRCO017du1.pdf,"Chronic diseases not treated on time are aggravated, deteriorating the health conditions of the affected population. At the time of this update, relevant pathologies include hypertension, diabetes, and obesity." +327032,55027.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,50,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Under-Secretary-General%20for%20Humanitarian%20Affairs%20and%20Emergency%20Relief%20Coordinator%2C%20Mark%20Lowcock%20-%20Briefing%20to%20the%20Security%20Council%20on%20the%20humanitarian%20situation%20in%20Syria%2C%2028%20April%202021.pdf,"[28 April 2021, GoS] From the available information, it is pretty clear that the virus spread is, again, rapid but also accelerating. The number of new cases recorded by the Ministry of Health in March was twice the number recorded in February." +241184,47089.0,2170.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Economy'],en,137,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000122811.pdf,"[1st Dec 2020,Nigeria] In Nigeria, food insecurity increased (+130% increase to over 9 million people compared to November last year – see figure 4) due to the onsets of floods potentially undermining a good agricultural season in a context of prolonged conflict in the North-East, increased violence between herders and farmers in the North West, and higher food prices due to COVID-19. Nigeria is also experiencing the deepest recession in the region with a GDP contraction of 5.4 percent between 2019 and 2020 (Figure 9). Food prices are among the highest in the region, with increases of over 40 percent compared to normal levels. Approximatively 13 million people are expected to face significant food gap during the lean season 2021." +237135,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,82,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The 2020 WoA analysis indicates sources of income spanned both sustainable and unsustainable categories of work - day labour without a contract was the most frequently reported source of income for displaced households (74 per cent), followed by agriculture (22 per cent), borrowing money (16 per cent), small businesses (12 per cent), and livestock (10 per cent).Employment profiles were similar for vulnerable non-displaced households as well." +239260,47351.0,2170.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Factsheet_NGA2005-Biu-LGA-Borno-state-November-2020.pdf,"[1st Nov2020,Biu LGA, Borno states]40% of internally displaced households and 26% of non-displaced households reported sharing their primary sanitation facility/latrine with at least one other household." +323104,54815.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,53,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Burkina Faso is one of the poorest countries in the world. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita was just US$787 in 2019, according to the World Bank World Development Indicators, and 80 percent of the population lives on less than US$3 per day." +238137,47086.0,2170.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,106,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_31_dec_2020_report.pdf,"[16th-31st Dec 2020, Borno and Adamawa states]A total of 88,330HH need complete NFI kits. This include 15,627HH in Maiduguri, 13,614HH in Monguno, 13,548HH in Dikwa, 12, 396HH in Jere, 6,211HH in Konduga, 5,986HH in Ngala, 5,197HH in Gwoza, 4,417HH in Damboa, 3,886HH in Mafa, 2,808HH in Bama, 1,327HH in Magumeri, 3,356HH in Yola North, Yola South, Girei, Fufore, Biu and Kaga LGA. 76% of the sites reported that blankets/mats are the most needed NFIs while Kitchen sets are the second most needed NFIs" +142075,35870.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,66,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Border crossings remain impacted as Syria and neighboring countries continue implementation of precautionary measures. Most land borders into Syria remain closed, with some limited exemptions (from Jordan, Turkey and Lebanon) including commercial and relief shipments, and movement of humanitarian and international organization personnel. International commercial passenger flights remain suspended however domestic commercial cargo and passenger flights are ongoing." +287423,51638.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,38,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20_FEVRIER%202021_SAHEL.pdf,"(Sahel) Les principaux auteurs présumés des incidents sont les GANI avec 31 cas ensuite viennent les VDP avec 05 cas et enfin, les FDS et les membres de la communauté avec 01 cas chacun." +264328,48806.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_final_enquete_smart_27112019.pdf,"La prévalence de la malnutrition chronique au niveau national (32,0%) est très élevée selon la classification de l’OMS d’où une situation nutritionnelle critique." +179154,41842.0,2028.0,"['Shelter', 'Logistics']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,23,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nw_syria_sitrep21_20201020.pdf,"(NW 20/10/2020) Economic crisis is inhibiting individuals’ independent access to vital supplies for winterisation, such as fuel for heating" +317495,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"La Niña has developed and is expected to last into 2021, affecting temperatures, precipitation and storm patterns in many parts of the world, according to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO)." +188097,42790.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,22,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000120225.pdf,Increasing conflicts in the Sahel region affect Malian refugees’ means of subsistence and food security as well as humanitarian access. +315376,53333.0,2334.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,39,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"They also stated as their priority giving health education, especially SRHR education, bringing health care closer to the people, having skilled workers, especially nurses and doctors, and prioritizing health for pregnant women and girls" +219774,45777.0,2333.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,47,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/niger/un-soutien-additionnel-d-education-cannot-wait-pour-intensifier-l-ducation-dans-les,"L'UNICEF s'emploie à aider les familles touchées par les conflits à réintégrer les enfants dans l'éducation formelle. Lorsque l'intégration dans les écoles formelles n'est pas possible, l'UNICEF travaille avec des partenaires pour créer des environnements d'apprentissage alternatifs, sûrs et temporaires pour les enfants." +192817,43304.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,53,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Sur le plan national, l’analyse consensuelle utilisant l’outil Cadre Harmonisé de mars 2020 a fait ressortir 15 départements en crise et 38 départements en phase sous pression. Pour la période de juin à août, 1 017 358 personnes seraient dans les phases crise et plus." +157957,38137.0,2098.0,"['Cross', 'Education']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,84,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cxb_education_covid_response_reaching_every_learner_final.pdf,"Delivery of the Audio-Visual message for caregivers, Develop and deliver audio messages for caregivers on play/simple home-based activities, Develop guidance for play kits (instructional content + material list) for distribution to ECD learners, Develop and deliver audio and videos to support caregiverled ECD activities - stories, songs, rhymes, or step-by-step activities – could be based on LCFA and/or existing partner content, Develop and deliver monitoring guidance to collect data on caregiver-led education including ECD activities" +189151,42865.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,63,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-LMA-Colombia-Espanol.pdf,"El alto índice de empleo informal para los venezolanos es probablemente debido a las muchas barreras de inclusión económica a las que se enfrentan.28 Estos altos índices de informalidad, a cambio, conducen su alto índice de empleo hacia los sectores más impactados—esto debido a que los sectores dominados por la informalidad también tienden a verse más impactados por la pandemia." +176885,41091.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],es,133,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Al 7 de octubre, el 58,5% (6.292) de las UCI están ocupadas a nivel nacional. Del total de las 10.752 camas de UCI, se encuentran: 2.096 (19,5%) casos confirmados, 938 (8,7%) pacientes sospechosos y 3.258 (30,3%) casos no COVID-19. Los territorios que han reportado ocupación de UCI entre el entre el 66,0% y 84,0% fueron en Quindío (84,0%), Antioquía (73,0%), Valle del Cauca (71,0%), Cauca (71,0%), Santander (71,0%), Huila (70,0%), San Andrés (69,0%), Medellín (67,0%) y Casanare (66,0%)." +61713,18346.0,1184.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,251,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71003.pdf,"Respecto a la respuesta dada durante el mes de mayo, se acompañó casos de NNA provenientes de Venezuela para facilitar su acceso al sistema educativo. Se realizó un listado de NNA que no han tenido acceso o que han sufrido vulneraciones a este derecho, con el fin de hacer abogacía con el Ministerio de Educación (MINEDUC). El sistema escolar público en la zona Sierra está por finalizar el año lectivo, por lo que persiste un porcentaje significativo de niños, niñas y adolescentes venezolanos/as no escolarizados/as. En ese contexto, varias familias recibieron orientación sobre los procesos para acceder al sistema educativo para el próximo ciclo. En las salas de espera fronterizas se brinda orientación sobre el acceso a servicios de educación para población recién llegada, enfatizando el riesgo para los NNA por no acudir a la escuela. El acceso a servicios de desarrollo infantil temprano es limitado, sin embargo; desde el Ministerio de Inclusión Económica y Social (MIES) se realizará la identificación de los casos para otorgamiento de cupos de manera directa. Además, existen servicios de cuidado infantil públicos en funcionamiento para evitar el trabajo infantil de población venezolana, por lo que los miembros del GTRM han fomentado su referenciación. En este sentido, se da seguimiento a centros del MIES y gobiernos locales para la inclusión de niños y niñas venezolanas/os en servicios de desarrollo temprano para la infancia." +318213,53305.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],en,24,[],['Humanitarian Access'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,An upsurge in violence severely impacted humanitarian operations in Jonglei. Assessments were hindered and aid workers were relocated. [FEBRUARY 2020] +313226,53183.0,2466.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,21,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,• Provision of dignity kits as part of a larger GBV intervention to raise awareness about GBV and available services. +2624,520.0,321.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,26,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://www.amnesty.org/en/countries/middle-east-and-north-africa/libya/report-libya/,"In October, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs estimated that 1.3 million people across Libya were in need of humanitarian assistance." +214375,45385.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,Le mois de février a enregistré à lui seul 780 incidents de protection. [48% de ces incidents ont été commis par des Groupes Armés Non Etatiques (GANE) et 9% par des membres des comités de vigilance] +283917,47069.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,70,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/iom_dashboard_cameroun_extreme-nord_round_21_en.pdf,[Round 21 / DTM / Far North Region / 25 May - 10 June] Changes in the numbers of displaced populations over the last four rounds IDP : Round 18 = April 2019 = 262 831 Round 19 = Aug 2019 = 270 870 Round 20= Dec 2019 = 297 380 Round 21 = May 2020 = 321 886 +8% since Round 20 (Dec 2019) +313681,53333.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,27,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,Adolescent parenting classes can foster the role of young fathers and/or male caregivers to the babies of young mothers to share in the care of babies. +167132,40126.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_weekly_situation_update_-_27_september_ne_nigeria_0.pdf,"As of 27th September 2020, a total of 1,051 confirmed cases have been recorded including 60 deaths, 28 active cases and 963 recoveries in the three states." +337606,55860.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,19,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb4752en.pdf,"Rising food prices and the shortage of fertilizers, veterinary supplies and other inputs also affect food production." +184421,42131.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Security & Stability'],es,60,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://m.lasillavacia.com/putumayo-no-golpea-tanto-virus-del-covid-como-los-armados-78952?amp=1&__twitter_impression=true,"En medio del fuego cruzado quedan las comunidades, con otro agravante, no saber a qué grupo obedecer o reconocer, porque los dos se presentan como autoridad, hablan con las juntas, quieren imponer sus manuales de convivencia y zanjar problemas”, comentó un líder de la región que pidió omitir su nombre por seguridad." +493044,67710.0,1188.0,[],[],[],en,1,[],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,Education +236685,46388.0,2336.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"While efforts were made to provide distance education options – through TV and radio – during the school closure period in 2020, many children, especially those living in remote and hard-to-reach areas, had limited access to TV and radio or a regular supply of electricity." +237206,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Households headed by an elderly person also carry more debt on average (57,384 AFN/$745) than other displaced households (44,287 AFN/$575)." +314326,52949.0,2331.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,59,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"People who are continuously exposed to conflict, violence and climatic shocks are particularly prone to resort to negative coping mechanisms. This has led to early marriages of girls, family separation, child labour and the association of children with armed groups to limit the number of dependents among desperate families and generate additional household income." +267105,49959.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,48,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://s3.amazonaws.com/semanaruralvzla/documentos/1614089620_boletin___violencia_de_generopdf,"el incremento en este tipo de violencia puede explicarse, en parte, por las medidas de confinamiento para contener la covid-19 en el país que obligaron a la población en general a permanecer más tiempo en casa, aumentando de esta forma las conflictividades en el hogar" +62851,18514.0,1386.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",en,200,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190328_acaps_briefing_note_venezuela_update_and_2019_outlook__0.pdf,"Latest developments: In January 2019, the opposition-controlled National Assembly declared Maduro’s second term illegitimate, and, using a constitutional disposition, designated its leader Juan Guaido, as interim president. He immediately declared his intention to put together a transition government and to organise a presidential election in the next year. In the following days, he was recognised by about 50 states, including the United States, Brazil, Ecuador, and most Western European countries (Le Monde Diplomatique 03/2019). Between 21 and 27 January, nation-wide protests against Maduro’s regime were violently repressed by government forces (El Universal 28/01/2019). In the beginning of February, tensions at the border escalated when the US and Venezuelan opposition attempted to deliver aid across the borders separating Colombia, Brazil and Venezuela, but were blocked by the Venezuelan security forces. Protests ensued, and were met with force from Venezuelan authorities, causing over 300 injuries and at least 4 deaths along Venezuela’s borders with Colombia and Brazil (Caracas Chronicles 24/02/2019, Al Jazeera 25/02/2019, BBC 25/02/2019)." +332204,51467.0,2335.0,[],[],[],en,23,[],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Violence and flooding destroyed or damaged existing health facilities in 2020, worsening people’s already poor access to essential health services" +90034,25213.0,1621.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,64,[],['Context'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A_HRC_43_75_E.pdf,"A number of armed conflicts involving multiple parties have been reported in Libya. The most recent ongoing round of hostilities following the march of the Libyan National Army on Tripoli mainly broke out in the context of a non-international armed conflict opposing the Government of National Accord, its affiliated armed groups and third States supporting it against the Libyan National Army." +193940,43327.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,38,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_sectoriel_octobre.pdf,Appui technique et financier de l’OMS à la formation des 22 femmes et hommes de médias pour leur implication dans la poursuite de la sensibilisation des populations sur la COVID-19 dans la région du Sud-Ouest. +218173,45410.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"A la faveur des bons cumuls pluviométriques, les bonnes conditions pastorales sont favorables, le tapis herbacé est richement reconstitué et les mares sont remplies au-delà de leur niveau saisonnier. Ceci contribue à un bon état physique des animaux d’où une bonne disponibilité laitière." +388286,60868.0,2099.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Deaths'],fr,51,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Au total 168 décès notifiés à ce jour ; âge moyen 67,12 ans (écart type : 17, 90ans) avec un minimum à 26 ans et un maximum à 93 ans La majorité des décès (71%) est observée chez les personnes de 60 ans et plus" +152356,38139.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,73,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cox-s-bazar-sitrep-17.pdf,"Through enhanced community-based surveillance, community health workers (CHWs) continue to assist people identify COVID-like symptoms. In the past week, 125 599 household visits allowed the identification of 2433 patients with mild symptoms of respiratory tract infections and 9 patients with moderate/severe symptoms. In total, 1196 patients were referred to health facilities. This new approach aims to address community concerns and increase testing and treatment." +91800,26015.0,1620.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Situation-Overview_H2R_Oct-Dec_13.03.2020.pdf,"Throughout the reporting period, , the vast majority of assessed settlements across all LGAs reported not having access to a functional health facility within walking distance. The only exception was in Gwoza, where 17% of assessed settlements in December reported having access to a functional health facility" +173310,41059.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/2020/10/04/covid-19-23-die-1-125-new-cases-in-24hrs,"[4th October 2020, Bangladesh] The health authorities said 1,587 people recovered from the disease over the preceding 24 hours. So far, 281,656 patients — 76.39% of all infected — have made full recovery across the country." +329854,55152.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['Context->Legal & Policy'],fr,82,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bcnudh_-_communique_de_presse_-_note_mensuelle_mars_2021.pdf,"Au cours du mois de mars 2021, le BCNUDH a continué d’appuyer les activités des juridictions militaires et civiles dans le cadre de la lutte contre l’impunité. Au moins six agents de la PNC, cinq militaires des FARDC, un ancien leader de la milice Kamuina Nsapu et 15 combattants Maï-Maï ont été condamnés pour des violations et atteintes aux droits de l’homme sur l’ensemble du territoire de la RDC." +169480,40368.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,5,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"14,810 mt of food distributed" +270232,50227.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Hospitalization & Care', 'Covid-19->Cases']",es,102,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"El 0,4% de los casos están activos (248), de estos casos activos, el 21,4% (53) se reportan en casa, el 70,2% (174) se encuentran hospitalizados y un 8,5% (21) en UCI, ubicados en 68 municipios. El 50,8% de los casos fueron confirmados en hombres y el grupo de edad con mayor número de casos esta entre los 20 a 39 años con 26,6%, en menores de 10 años el 7,4% y personas de 60 años y más el 32,3%." +323714,54267.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Environment'],fr,81,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"En fonction des conditions climatiques et du régime des pluies, le pays peut être divisé en trois zones agricoles : la région nord (Sahel; précipitations annuelles inférieures à 600 mm), les régions centrale et orientale (précipitations annuelles entre 600 et 900 mm), et la région occidentale (précipitations annuelles entre 900 mm et 1 100 mm) – qui possède le plus grand potentiel agricole (Posthumus et al., 2019)." +339009,56192.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,70,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.internal-displacement.org/sites/default/files/publications/documents/grid2021_idmc.pdf,"The security situation in the CAR deteriorated significantly in December 2020, after the Constitutional Court barred former president François Bozizé from running for office again. A new alliance of armed groups, the Coalition of Patriots for Change (CPC), emerged in response and launched attacks across the country, triggering 185,000 new displacements. More than 30,000 people fled across the border to DRC." +294614,51749.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,78,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[District sanitaire de Ouargaye] Le CMA de Ouargaye dispose de 15 lits d’hospitalisation pour le service intégré gynécologie et obstétrique, 3 blocs opératoires pour les cas de chirurgie d’urgence et programmé en plus des unités de prise en charge de la santé mentale et soutien psychosocial et ophtalmologie. Le CMA réalise le dépistage régulier du VIH et assure la prise en charge et le suivi en ambulatoire des PVVIH." +382660,59706.0,1187.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,32,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/HFS_ReporteNarrativo_ARG_1S2020.pdf,"Aquellas personas que requirieron atención médica, un 92% reportó haber recurrido a un centro de salud (público o privado) y consideraron que recibieron la atención médica necesaria." +304422,51590.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,63,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/IOM%20DTM%20SSD%20FMR%20Cross%20border%20trends%20and%20impact%20of%20restrictions%202020.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10755,"While the common reliance on alternative routes and informal crossings to avoid closed official border crossings has been an essential lifeline for informal livelihoods in cross-border communities, it has exposed traders – often women – to increased risks of gender-based violence as well as abuse and extortion by security forces, as denounced by civil society actors in recent media reports ." +151913,34062.0,1898.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,47,[],['Context'],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3653085,"A la fecha, el Gobierno del Presidente Nayib Bukele reporta 26 días sin homicidios y de junio de 2019 a mayo de 2020 se reportan 1,626 homicidios menos, lo que se traduce a que más familias han dejado de llorar a sus seres queridos." +325229,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,26,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Accessibility to schools beyond the primary level is significantly worse, with the average motorized travel time to the nearest PPS facility at 78 minutes." +185150,39920.0,1231.0,['Health'],[],[],es,23,[],[],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/resultados_primera_encuesta_covid-19_-_formato_11x17.pdf,"De las mujeres parturientas que llenaron la encuesta,37% no contaban con medicamentos pediátricos para todo el tiempo que su bebe lo necesita" +26117,10739.0,786.0,['Agriculture'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,91,['Impact'],[],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/the_americas/venezuela-has-its-electricity-back-for-now-but-its-still-on-the-verge-of-collapse/2019/03/20/1cb0060e-4986-11e9-8cfc-2c5d0999c21e_story.html?utm_term=.a236d74c7c19,"The government nationalized the farm-supply business nine years ago. Analysts say authorities have not imported seeds, fertilizer or pesticides for this year’s crop. (Calls and emails to the Agriculture Ministry were not returned.) Venezuela’s agricultural productionhad been slumping for years under government price controls and the expropriation of farms. Now, the country’s farms can fulfill only about 20 percent of domestic food needs, said Carlos Albornoz, head of the national dairy and livestock association." +223999,45768.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,13,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,Présence de l’équipe mobile assurant la PECIMAS dans les sites. +237218,46388.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,27,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Overall, three per cent of surveyed households responded that they had already exhausted this coping strategy (i.e., already married off their daughter/s)." +83692,23093.0,1621.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Casualties->Injured']",en,21,[],"['Context', 'Casualties']",2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://www.libyaobserver.ly/news/21-civilians-have-been-killed-tripoli-war-start-2020,"The watch said the attack on Tripoli caused also 15 civilian injuries, including three children and two foreign nationals." +305614,51467.0,2335.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Protection']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"The displaced people who live in informal settlements in urban and hard to reach rural areas have limited access to CCCM services. Unless these gaps are addressed, the protective environment of camp and camp-like settings will continue to deteriorate resulting in aggravated risks and abuse" +305755,51572.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Protection']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,31,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Expedite distribution of dignity kits to women and girls of reproductive age [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +292916,51778.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Economy'],es,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/nos-estan-invadiendo-los-venezolanos-este-y-otros-mitos-de-la-migracion/2545,"Sin embargo, los refugiados y migrantes generan importantes aportes a la economía del país de acogida, aunque la magnitud de los mismos depende de las políticas migratorias que facilitan, según expone la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos (OCDE)." +491963,67963.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,126,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Nigeria%20Northeast%20Operational%20Update-July%202021.pdf,"[1st Jul 2021, North east Nigeria] Economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic continued to take its toll on the vulnerable civilian and displaced populations in Northeast Nigeria and the Lake Chad Basin region. Most people still run the risk of getting infected because of non-compliance to prevention protocols, but prices of basic commodities continue to skyrocket, leaving many at the mercy of humanitarian assistance. The situation is worsened by the reluctance or refusal of most people to receive the COVID-19 vaccines as part of misconceptions. However, in its COVID-19 vaccination campaign, the Government in the Northeast have continued to target frontline workers in the region as a measure of curbing the spread of the virus." +330676,55042.0,2098.0,[],[],[],en,65,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.gage.odi.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Adolescents%E2%80%99-experiences-of-covid-19-in-Chittagong-and-Sylhet-divisions-Bangladesh.pdf,"[30 April 2021, Bangladesh]Almost all of the adolescents mentioned the reinforcement of hygiene practices in their household in response to the ongoing pandemic. They reported that they now wash their hands and clothes and clean their house with soap and Savlon (an antiseptic liquid) more often than they used to do before the outbreak of the virus." +62664,18394.0,1386.0,[],[],[],es,37,[],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3295213,"Desde la presentación de mi informe a este Consejo el pasado 5 de julio, la situación de derechos humanos sigue afectando a millones de personas en Venezuela y con claros impactos desestabilizadores en la región." +241256,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Of 3,680 measles cases treated in the first seven months of 2018 by MSF, 48 per cent were admitted to the isolation ward due to severe complications which may have been prevented or controlled if care had been sought earlier." +173200,39903.0,1388.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,50,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3644542,"La coordinación entre el PANI y el UNICEF continuará con el fortalecimiento de las líneas tecnológicas de consulta y denuncia, la contratación de personal para ampliar el servicio de atención psicológica y la creación de un sistema de inteligencia artificial para la recepción y respuesta de los incidentes." +303662,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Politics'],en,93,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"The people of South Sudan witnessed an important political development in the peace process with the formation of the Transitional Government of National Unity in February 2020. All state and county positions have since been allocated, and governors for nine of the ten states and chief administrators of the three administrative areas have been appointed, with only the appointment of the governor of oil-rich Upper Nile State pending. The ceasefire has been holding in many parts of the country since the signing of the revitalized peace agreement in 2018" +325709,54267.0,2099.0,"['Nutrition', 'Agriculture', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,142,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"La pisciculture est un secteur à fort potentiel économique et social. Le sous-secteur de la pêche et de l’aquaculture contribue efficacement à la réduction de la pauvreté en fournissant un revenu supplémentaire à un grand nombre de pêcheurs, d’agriculteurs qui se diversifient dans l’aquaculture, de transformateurs de poisson, de poissonniers et d’autres parties prenantes, en particulier les femmes. Il a le potentiel de contribuer davantage à la durabilité socio-économique du Burkina Faso en créant des opportunités de revenus pour les jeunes et en répondant à la forte demande de produits de la pêche. En particulier dans les zones rurales, les ressources halieutiques constituent déjà d’importantes sources complémentaires de protéines, d’emplois et de revenus en espèces pour un grand nombre de ménages" +498720,60095.0,1187.0,[],[],[],es,46,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RMRP%202021%20Plan%20de%20respuesta%20regional%20para%20refugiados%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%2C%20enero%20-%20diciembre%202021.pdf,"La crisis sanitaria ha expuesto a las personas refugiadas y migrantes de Venezuela a un inmenso estrés debido al aislamiento prolongado en condiciones de hacinamiento y al miedo al futuro, que se ve agravado por un acceso limitado a servicios de salud psicosocial y mental" +178077,40661.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Pour les zones rurales, les résultats de l’EFSA (Autorité Européenne de la Sécurité des Aliments) révèlent qu’il existe de grandes variations à travers le pays, mais l’insécurité alimentaire reste extrêmement élevée. Selon les moyennes provinciales, entre 61% et 86% des ménages des zones rurales ont une consommation alimentaire faible ou limite." +162709,33948.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,26,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Circulo de mujeres en Bogotá 60 mujeres hacen parte del Circulo de mujeres, un espacio para el empoderamiento y salud mental de las beneficiarias." +196843,43840.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,50,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_291_20201116.pdf,"Parmi ceux dont l’information a pu être collectée, 65,8% (2564/3895) des cas étaient symptomatiques à la notification. Par ailleurs, 60,0% (1441/2403) des cas auraient été en contact étroit avec au moins un cas confirmé ou probable de COVID-19." +185142,39920.0,1231.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,16,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/resultados_primera_encuesta_covid-19_-_formato_11x17.pdf,"1 de cada 4, entiende necesita apoyo psicológico para abordar la ansiedad durante la pandemia" +474586,65021.0,1185.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,77,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"The majority of respondents (51%) claimed that food is always available, with the highest share being found in Ecuador (Figure 4). An additional 39% reported only a partial availability, while a migrant in ten (10%) claimed that food is no longer available. Rural areas show significantly lower availability of food commodities (35%) compared to urban settings (53%)." +330672,55042.0,2098.0,[],[],[],en,94,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.gage.odi.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Adolescents%E2%80%99-experiences-of-covid-19-in-Chittagong-and-Sylhet-divisions-Bangladesh.pdf,"[30 April 2021, Bangladesh]Protective measures to prevent covid-19: The covid-19 pandemic has brought many changes in people’s way of life and daily practices all around the world. To prevent infection, people have been adopting various protective measures and precautions. This section presents our findings on the preventive measures adopted by adolescents and their families during and after lockdown. Common measures include the use of masks and gloves, washing hands with soap and sanitiser, maintaining social distance, and restricting mobility." +187256,32688.0,1900.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],['Context->Environment'],es,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/El%20Salvador%2C%20Honduras%2C%20and%20Nicaragua%20Key%20Message%20Update%20-%20Inicio%20escalonado%20del%20desconfinamiento%2C%20pero%20la%20recuperaci%C3%B3n%20ser%C3%A1%20gradual.pdf,"Los hogares rurales más pobres del corredor seco hondureño y algunas zonas de El Salvador iniciaron anticipadamente la temporada de escasez, debido a las pérdidas agrícolas resultantes de la sequía en 2019 y los efectos de varios años consecutivos de malas cosechas de granos básicos y de café, y llevan varios meses implementando estrategias para la obtención de recursos económicos y alimentarios." +309806,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,86,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"The Protection Cluster remains committed to the unified statement on the centrality of protection in humanitarian action and the Human Rights Up Front initiative. The cluster remains committed to focusing on alleviating human suffering and protecting the lives and dignity of people in need by providing strategic direction, that is consistent with the principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality and independence, International Human Rights Law (IHRL) and the broader framework for international humanitarian action, ensuring respect of human rights" +497779,60104.0,1187.0,['Education'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,68,['Priority Needs'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,"https://www.unicef.org/argentina/media/11626/file/Impacto%20de%20la%20pandemia%20en%20la%20educaci%C3%B3n%20de%20ni%C3%B1as,%20ni%C3%B1os%20y%20adolescentes.pdf","Continuar priorizando los esfuerzos y condiciones para asegurar la mayor presencialidad en las aulas de todos los chicos y chicas del país. Sostener la vigilancia de los protocolos en las escuelas y promover acciones de cuidado en toda la comunidad educativa, para que los niños y adolescentes puedan acceder a la mayor cantidad de clases presenciales especialmente en las regiones que han evidenciado menor presencialidad." +150365,37702.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,124,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"Within Syria, including NES, all relevant stakeholders have agreed to collect samples through 112 RRTs for referral to the CPHL for testing (in line with similar established mechanisms for sample testing). To date, 432 RRT personnel in 13 governorates have received dedicated training, including refresher training on COVID-19 case investigation, sample collection and referral, with further trainings planned at the governorate level in July. In NES, five RRTs are active in AlHasakeh, five in Ar-Raqqa and four in Deir-Ez-Zor, while Menbij/Kobane is being covered from Aleppo. During the reporting period, more than 2,600 suspected COVID-19 cases and contacts were investigated within 24 hours of an alert being received." +173650,39908.0,1388.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20-%20Impacto%20de%20la%20COVID-19%20en%20la%20poblaci%C3%B3n%20venezolana%20-%20Costa%20Rica%2C%20Agosto%202020.pdf,El 94% de los hogares tiene acceso a agua potable siempre que la necesita. El 99% de los hogares encuestados afirmó que sus miembros se lavan las manos regularmente con agua y jabón. El 25% afirmó que usan regularmente gel antibacterial. +313272,53183.0,2466.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,14,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,Flooding is a seasonal occurrence in Sudan and contributes to shelter and NFI needs +214300,45385.0,2334.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,60,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"L’UNICEF a offert aux MINEDUB [Ministère de l'Education de Base Cameroun] et MINESEC [Ministère des Enseignements Secondaires] 19,000 flacons de gel hydroalcooliques de 500 ml, 3,813 cartons de savon, 5,499 lave-mains et 10,070 bidons d’eau pour lutter contre la propagation de l’épidémie pendant la réouverture des écoles." +394882,61265.0,1186.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.biobiochile.cl/noticias/nacional/region-de-tarapaca/2021/02/04/no-son-un-bulto-el-saldo-fatal-de-la-crisis-migratoria-en-la-frontera-norte.shtml,"En los medios trascendió que las autoridades estarían planeando instalar dos campamentos para inmigrantes cerca de Colchane y del aeropuerto de Iquique, pero este último sería utilizado, precisamente, para posibilitar futuros vuelos que lleven de regreso a las personas indocumentadas a Venezuela." +173814,39928.0,2170.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],"['Displacement->Push Factors', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,74,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"In Yobe State, the situation was characterised by the movement and regrouping of the NSAG Members reported in the Northern part of the State. This has resulted in the displacement of returnees from Dapchi to Damaturu. NSAG continued to plant IEDs and mount ambushes and illegal checkpoints on main supply routes. Attacks on civilian and military targets were also reported in the northern and southern part of the state." +307044,51572.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,30,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Distribution of WASH NFI, hygiene and MHM kits distribution. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +236163,47076.0,2334.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,107,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,"Out of the 386 [protection] incidents recorded, a majority were female victims, (308 i.e 79.8%) while 20.2% were male victims. Most (82.9%) of the victims were IDPs, 9.6% returnees and 7.5% represented the host community. 33% (127) of the victims were vulnerable, among them 21 children. Men are not willing to share information for fear of being targeted. Most of them have ran away from their communities to stay in safe locations. Most of the violations occurred at the residence of the victims." +388548,60980.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],es,94,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/informe_de_emergencias_humanitarias_reportadas_elc_enero_junio_2021.pdf,"Para el Magdalena y Cesar se emitió la AT N° 012-21 que alerta sobre los riesgos de protección que enfrentan pobladores de comunidades, grupos étnicos y otros grupos poblacionales en 6 municipios: El Banco, Guamal, San Sebastián de Buenavista (Magdalena), Tamalameque, Chimichagua y Astrea (Cesar); lo anterior, ante las restricciones a la movilidad, desplazamiento forzado, violencia sexual y utilización de niños, niñas, adolescentes, comunidades étnicas y migrantes de Venezuela en economías ilícitas manejadas por dos GANE." +13399,5560.0,322.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",['Context->Demography'],en,58,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RDP%20Monthly%20SitRep_July_2018.pdf,"WASH Basic Services: Our WASH field team has distributed 1,750 Hygiene Kits to benefit 12,250 beneficiaries disaggregated (5,462 men, 5,661 women, 540 boys, 587 girls) for most affected families with malnourished cases either children under 5 or Pregnant & Lactating Women (PLW) in Ash Shamayatayn district of Taizz governorate." +69919,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,28,[],['Shock/Event'],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"Loss of shelter and privacy, possessions and limited access to safe water will compromise women and girls’ ability to manage menstruation hygienically and with dignity." +305710,51572.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Education']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,24,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Education : Construction of latrines [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +239605,47230.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,28,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"La red social de mensajería ‘WhatsApp’ es el medio preferido para recibir información de la evaluación, elegido por el 78% de las personas encuestadas" +261306,48911.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,8,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/inclusive_cccm_nwsyria_2021_.pdf,"[11 Feb 2021, Overall Syria]" +305403,53013.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,53,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/3c8084ae/REACH_SOM_Factsheet_Assessment-of-Hard-to-Reach-Areas_December-2020.pdf,"Health: In 19% of assessed settlements, health workers reportedly provided basic health services within the settlement. For these settlements, 48% reported that the healthcare workers provide health services once a month ,26% reported 2-3 times a month and 19% reported only once a week." +40774,11933.0,729.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,64,['Impact'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SitRep_Libya_EN_19%20April.pdf,"Additional damage to civilian infrastructure has been reported from Swani and Al Aziziya, 25 and 50km south of Tripoli, respectively, where the electrical grid was particularly severely damaged, and power cuts last for at least 16 hours per day. Some specific areas reported 24-hour blackouts. There are additional alleged reports that water supply infrastructure has recently been hit" +189162,42865.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,31,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-LMA-Colombia-Espanol.pdf,"la expulsión ha sido extendida, el 25 porciento de los venezolanos dicen que no saben dónde vivirán el próximo mes, y muchas familias se han quedado sin hogar." +158684,39040.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,29,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/combatting-health-worker-infections-nigeria,"Across the country, about 10,000 health workers have trained under Professor Olayinka. In turn, they have gone on to train tens of thousands of others." +300512,52762.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,58,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_087_28210321_hebdo_s12.pdf,"[S12/2021] La tranche d’âge majoritairement affectée était celle des 30-39 ans (6477/27099 ; 23,9%) tandis que la moins affectée était celle des 90 ans et plus (50/27099 ; 0,1%). L’âge varié entre 2 mois et 100 ans, avec un âge médian de 41 ans" +150457,37878.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,44,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=198966,"Damascus,SANA-Damascus Governorate on Monday launched a disinfection campaign covering all the city’s streets and neighborhoods, starting from Bab Musalla and al-Midan areas aimed at enhancing measures taken to contain Coronavirus in light of the increase in registered infections." +307022,51572.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,88,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"The fact that the SWATs are not functioning every day, with a limiting quantity of water (2 jerrycans per HH per day), drive people to drink water directly from the river. One of the World Vision WASH operators estimated a maximum of 3 liters per day per people available, far away from the 15 liters of the Sphere standard in emergency situation. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +319779,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Increasing targeting of boys for rape, forceful recruitment and kidnapping of men and boys are also major forms of GBV affecting men and boys." +297897,52145.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,27,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_humanitaire_numero_12_v_04.pdf,Reach Out is one of the local Non-Governmental Organizations highly involved in the humanitarian response in the South West region since the start of the crisis. +150431,37702.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,79,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"Training in IPC and use of PPE also continued. WHO supported eight one-day workshops targeting 136 trainees at 79 primary health care facilities in Damascus, Rural Damascus and Deir-ez-Zor on triage, IPC/PPE, case definition and referral pathways. In addition, 100 health care workers were trained on triage, IPC/PPE measures and case management for SARI cases when COVID-19 is suspected through workshops at four Ministry of Higher Education university hospitals in Damascus." +270222,50227.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,85,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Al corte del 19 de febrero, se han reportado 501 secuencias a GISAID y se ha identificado la circulación en el territorio de 49 linajes de SASR-CoV-2, provenientes de 28 departamentos En ninguna de las muestras se ha encontrado, hasta el momento, los linajes o cepas del Reino Unido, de Sudáfrica. Se encontró en el departamento del Amazonas, la variante P1 en nueve casos, acorde a lo reportado al 19 de febrero, procedentes de Amazonas." +274525,50587.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,21,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MENSUEL%20DE%20PROTECTION%20JANVIER%202021-NORD.pdf,"De façon générale depuis la crise, la communauté peulh est stigmatisée car considérée comme présumé auteur des différentes attaques." +241187,47089.0,2170.0,[],[],['Context->Environment'],en,92,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000122811.pdf,"[1st Dec 2020,Nigeria] The 2020 rainy season recorded enough rainfall, and overall good agriculture and pastoral conditions across the region. There were variations within countries with normal rains noted in parts of Senegal, Mali, Burkina Faso and Chad. The Sahel recorded above normal rain particularly in Northern Chad and Western Niger. Whereas in the coastal countries, rain was below the normal levels especially in Guinea, Sierra Leone, and parts of Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana and Nigeria." +306879,51572.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,45,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"In case of disputes, those are resolved by local community structures. In case of serious crime, perpetrators are referred to local police. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +146079,34803.0,2028.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,22,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Child Protection case management including family tracing continues to be provided, with the necessary precautions against COVID- 19 in place." +289645,52074.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Politics'],en,51,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,"The President, on 7 October, appointed new administrative Divisional Officers and Senior Divisional Officers (DO and SDOs) in many divisions all over Cameroon, including in the NWSW. The installation of these administrators was marked by several NSAG declarations of lockdowns in the various localities." +178516,41756.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Les institutions formelles de gestion de droits fonciers sont difficiles d'accès pour les communautés rurales (complexité des procédures, éloignement, coûts élevés). L’administration foncière a des moyens limités pour résoudre les questions d'accaparement des terres, d’occupation secondaire et d’éviction forcées soulevées dans les zones de déplacement et de retour." +306894,51572.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Protection']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,24,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Prioritize distribution of dignity kits [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +227361,46454.0,2028.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,53,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2022_23Dec2020_FINAL.pdf,"[23 Dec, AL hol camp ] Recognizing that a complete lockdown of the camp would be near impossible to enforce, partners continue to advocate for enhanced preventive measures. Alternatives for some distributions have been agreed. Some activities, including in education and protection, are currently suspended." +309824,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Based on the 2020 GBV Information Management System data analysis, 29 per cent of GBV survivors in need of safe house did not obtain the service because of lack of safe houses." +242963,46388.0,2336.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,66,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The WoA, Emergency Response Mechanism (ERM) HEAT and War Child assessments (April 2020) all indicate a minimum 70 per cent increase in the use of loans to meet basic needs, with serious gendered implications that affect the ability of women, girls and GBV survivors to access services due to a weakened economic situation and economic dependence on others." +271260,50244.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,67,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"The DRC currently faces several epidemics. Its weak health system and lack of basic infrastructure and social services, including in the health care sector, are a challenge to any response. The coronavirus pandemic reached the DRC in March 2020. Since 2018, the DRC has been grappling with a serious measles outbreak that has so far killed more than 7,000 children." +56054,17111.0,1187.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Politics'],es,92,[],['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"“Resulta conveniente dictar una medida que propenda a la flexibilización, simplificación y eventual eximición, previa evaluación de cada caso en particular, de los requisitos documentales exigidos en la Ley y su Reglamento”, publicó entre los considerandos de la norma, el Gobierno, al tiempo que expresa una “firme voluntad de ayudar al pueblo venezolano que vive una crisis humanitaria sin precedentes en la historia”, según aparece en el Boletín Oficial de la República Argentina, del 31 de Enero de 2019." +390815,60791.0,1186.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,41,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"De las comunas con 10.000 o más personas extranjeras en 2019, las que más crecieron en términos relativos son Concepción, con 36,2%; San Miguel, con 35,4%, y Puerto Montt, con 33,6%." +305320,53013.0,2331.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/3c8084ae/REACH_SOM_Factsheet_Assessment-of-Hard-to-Reach-Areas_December-2020.pdf,Food Security and livelihoods: 78% KIs reported increase of price for food compared to the previous month while 19% KIs reported no any changes in the price of the food compared to the previous month. +215142,44840.0,2331.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,69,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,"Eviction presents a significant challenge for displaced communities across Somalia, having affected 48,000 persons in 2020 (268,000 in 2019) and disrupted their livelihood and access to services. A moratorium on evictions being advocated by the UN and partners will protect vulnerable individuals and businesses alike. The UN’s monitoring and early warning measures also help mitigate the adverse socio-economic impact of eviction." +452342,64945.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Push Factors'],fr,45,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MONITORING%20PROTECTION%20DE%20JULLET%202021%20EST.pdf,Les violations de droits humains perpétrées par les groupes armés non étatiques engendrent chaque mois des déplacements forcés. Ces déplacements dans la région de l’Est sont effectués à titre préventifs après des incidents ou des irruptions de GANE dans une localité. +305718,51572.0,2335.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,40,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Providing assistance for a reconciliation meeting with the host community to ease the access to the river and to the bush [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +315381,53333.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,18,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,The girls' ages 10-14 suggested for psychosocial support for rape survivors and provide them counselling support. +182677,42252.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,61,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2020_29Oct2020_FINAL.pdf,"[29th October 2020, Overall Syria] nine cases of COVID-19 among residents has been confirmed, in addition to five healthcare workers and several distribution staff. Sadly, three residents have died (in hospitals located outside the camp), three have recovered and three active case remain in the COVID-19 treatment facility at the camp." +151406,37915.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,65,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/78176.pdf,"UNHCR is one among a number of other UN agencies and NGOs offering assistance to the people of Cox’s Bazar and refugees through health facilities, in support of the Bangladesh health authorities in Cox’s Bazar. To date, the health services put in place have had sufficient capacity to support all patients with COVID-19 and provide medical assistance." +196695,43328.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,60,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_smart_rapid_pdi_2020_bfa_final.pdf,"Au total, 250 localités sont concernées par le repli massif des PDIs dont les six plus importantes avec près de 50% des PDIs sont : Djibo (163960), Kaya (102494), Barsalogho (87374), Gorgadji (43651), Dori (42033) et Fada N’Gourma (32526)." +309825,51467.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,52,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Increased risk of GBV coupled with gaps in response services necessitates an urgent need for strengthened primary GBV prevention, integration of GBV risk mitigation in other sectors, and scaling up GBV response services. Provision of safe housing, dignity kits and livelihood support continue to be a high priority" +337144,55827.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,63,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/bogota/mendicidad-en-bogota-el-incremento-del-fenomeno-en-la-ciudad-585210,"En una sola cuadra y en un día cualquiera se pueden ubicar hasta cinco grupos dehabitantes de calle, entrefamilias de migrantesycolombianos. Piden algo de comer o alguna moneda, otros gritan esperando a que les tiren algo desde alguna ventana, y aunque esto no es nuevo en Bogotá es visible el incremento de ese fenómeno y sus nuevas formas." +341368,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,92,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Aujourd’hui cependant, ces systèmes de représentations stables sont presque moribonds. Ils sur- vivent et posent le problème de l’effritement actuel des constructions sociales. Les clichés sont construits de sorte à ne plus faire valoir leur aspect positif mais plutôt leur versant négatif et discriminatoire ravivant évidemment les rancœurs et les frustrations. En relevant des points de différence et d’exclusion, ces conceptions portées sur l’autre développent des traits distinctifs d’infériorité, de capacité ou d’incapacité." +313293,53183.0,2466.0,['Shelter'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,42,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"Shelter/NFI sector responded to the needs of flood-affected, fire affected people, IDPs, returnees as well as host communities in all states, with more than 520,000 people reached with NFI and almost 75,000 people reached with shelter assistance." +473032,63732.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,94,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2f4004e6/REACH_BFA_Factsheet_Abri-AME-et-LTB_Pouytenga_juillet-2021.pdf,"A Koumbogo, l'effondrement de certains murs a été rapporté comme principal dégât dans l'abri par 5/6 IC. La majorité des IC (23/30) ont rapporté que moins de 50% des ménages avaient été en mesure de réparer les dégâts au niveau de leur abri, dans les trois mois précédant la collecte de données. Le manque de moyens financiers pour acheter du matériel de réparation (21 IC) et pour faire appel à un professionnel (7 IC) étaient les principales causes expliquant les difficultés de réparation" +234995,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,The WoA Assessment shows that the percentage of households living with this “Emergency” Livelihood Coping Strategy Index (LCSI) Score has increased from 16 per cent in 2019 to 42 per cent in 2020 amid COVID-19 and worsening security. +166678,39928.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,68,[],"['Covid-19', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"Cross-Border movements: While the closure of official border points between Nigeria and neighbouring countries, remain in effect, cross-border movements continue to be recorded through the official and unofficial entry points. Poor living conditions , voluntary relocation, family reunification, fear of attack, seasonal movement and fear of Covid-19 have been the major push factors for the cross-border movements in the reporting period" +439698,63184.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Vaccination']",en,64,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Burkina%20Faso%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%201%20May%20-%2030%20June%202021.pdf,"The average national consumption of vaccines is less than one-third. The least consumption (16 per cent) was recorded in the Hauts-Bassin region, a region which, along with the Centre region, has been the epicenter of COVID-19 disease since the beginning of the pandemic, with 20 per cent of cases recorded and 32 per cent of deaths." +211250,44944.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Whole%20of%20Syria%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20October%202020.pdf,"[October 2020, NW Syria] Given the increased challenges with access to bread and the impact of COVID-19, WFP has reported that in Dar‘a Governorate, with a population of some 1 million people, 41 per cent are food insecure and over a third of the population are returnees." +358685,58669.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead']",es,103,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/informe_de_emergencias_humanitarias_reportadas_elc_enero_mayo_2021.pdf,"En mayo continuaron las movilizaciones/protestas sociales a lo largo del país, que en algunos casos generaron bloqueos intermitentes en las vías principales interdepartamentales, y terminaron afectando el abastecimiento y/o precios de productos de consumo básico (alimentos, medicamentos, oxígeno, combustible y gas). Los departamentos de la región suroccidente del país, principalmente Cauca, Valle del Cauca, Nariño, Putumayo y Caquetá fueron los que tuvieron el mayo impacto, además de los ataques contra civiles (dejando muertos y heridos) y otros actos de violencia registrados en el marco del Paro nacional." +7511,2188.0,321.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Economy']",en,87,['Impact'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Libya%20SNAP%20Dashboard%20-%20Apr2018.pdf,"The collapse of both tax revenue and oil output, and concurrent increases in current spending, during the conflict have led to soaring budget deficits. However, the fiscal situation is gradually improving; the Economist Intelligence Unit estimates that the country's budget deficit was around LYD 10.7bn (17.6% of GDP) in 2017, down from LYD 24.3bn in 2016. The improved performance has been driven by a revival in oil output and a pick-up in global oil prices." +9735,3786.0,321.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Cross', 'Protection', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,153,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/derna_flash_update_no7_11june2018.pdf,"On 8 June, the LNA granted safe passage to the Libya Red Crescent (LRC) to allow humanitarian assistance to enter the city. The safe passage is also being used as a corridor for families to leave conflict affected areas and more than 320 families were reportedly able to leave Derna when the passage opened. The LRC provided food and NFIs to 1,800 families living in areas of conflict in Derna. The LRC has set up emergency telephone numbers as of 9 June to help civilians flee conflict areas after hostilities infiltrated densely populated neighbourhoods. Furthermore, from 9 June the LRC also started to deliver food and NFIs to over 6,000 affected persons (1,000 households) in Bab Tobruk. According to the LRC, a school in Bab Tobruk is reportedly being used as an IDP centre as well as an emergency room." +178211,41756.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,60,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,Les capacités du système sanitaire national en termes de surveillance épidémiologique et de prise en charge sont faibles et la couverture vaccinale est très limitée avec seulement 37 pour cent des enfants de 12 à 23 mois ayant un accès aux vaccins de base contre les maladies infantiles évitables et 20 pour cent n’ayant jamais été vaccinés. +493601,61216.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,21,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/humanitarian-situation-overview-syria-hsos-northeast-syria-june-2021,"[June 2021, NES]Shortage of health workers reported as a barrier to healthcare access: 9%." +485145,65398.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,82,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Según la normativa peruana vigente, para ser evaluado y acceder al Seguro Integral de Salud (SIS), es necesario contar con el carné de extranjería. El PTP no es válido para realizar dicho trámite. Por tanto, solo los migrantes que cuentan con un trabajo formal tienen cobertura de salud por parte de EsSalud. Del grupo de personas entrevistadas que cuentan con este seguro, solo el 4 % se ha atendido en un hospital." +320480,52949.0,2331.0,"['Protection', 'Shelter']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"UNHCR post return monitoring data suggests that a high proportion of refugee returnees live in housing they do not own, are squatting or have no documentation; this leads to protection concerns, including housing insecurity and risk of eviction." +164305,38902.0,1183.0,['Cross'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,33,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"The armed conflict has continued despite the COVID-19 crisis, with armed groups increasingly using national government measures to exercise social control over the civilian population in areas where they are present." +79044,21860.0,729.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,39,[],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/09.30.19%20-%20USAID-DCHA%20Libya%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%232.pdf,"HIGHLIGHTS • UN reports nearly 50 attacks on health care facilities and personnel since April • Outbreak of violence in Murzuq displaces nearly 26,500 individuals in August • Relief actors report increased humanitarian access constraints following ongoing Tripoli clashes" +413054,63958.0,2311.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],['Context->Environment'],en,25,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/colombia/natural-hazards-monitoring-23-august-2021,"On 20 August, media reported more severe weather in Cundinamarca department that caused landslides, floods, and overflowing rivers affected 1,137 people." +148131,36609.0,1388.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,69,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/01.%20CRI%20Operation%20July%202020%20.pdf,"Since the onset of the sociopolitical crisis in Nicaragua in April 2018, over 80,000 individuals have sought asylum in Costa Rica. UNHCR works with the Costa Rican Government to support persons in need of international protection. UNHCR expanded its operations in 2018 by opening a Field Office in the north to assist the Government’s response to the influx of Nicaraguan asylum-seekersin the region." +325258,54815.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,58,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"(Centre-Nord, Sahel, Nord, Est, Boucle du Mouhoun) (CONASUR) suggests that the largest number of IDPs are in Centre-Nord, accounting for over 40 percent, followed by Sahel (33 percent) and Nord, Est, and Boucle du Mouhoun (each between 4 and 7 percent)." +410299,63222.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,48,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_mvam_bulletin_57_july_2021.pdf,"[Syria, July] In Dar’a governorate, 32 percent of the surveyed households indicated that they had lost one or more sources of income over the past month, with 19 percent of these respondents lost more than half of their July income." +188213,40860.0,1899.0,['Food Security'],[],[],es,107,[],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200922_OCHA_GUATEMALA%20HRP%20COVID-19%20ESPAN%CC%83OL.pdf,"El Gobierno de Guatemala ha iniciado la distribución de alimento a los hogares más vulnerables del país y este proceso podría extenderse hasta el mes de octubre del presente año aun cuando es una sola entrega por familia, adicionalmente se mantiene la transferencia de alimentos a familias que tienen niños en escuelas públicas. Las organizaciones no gubernamentales han iniciado a ejecutar sus planes de respuesta con fondos obtenidos de forma directa (US$1.4 millones) y tienen intervenciones en los departamentos donde ya cuentan con presencia operativa y que coinciden en la mayoría de las áreas con mayor déficit de consumo alimentario." +132533,35164.0,1188.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,24,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"Igualmente hay una barrera al acceso, sobre todo en Ciudad de Panamá, por la limitación de cupos en los centros escolares públicos" +182490,42270.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Covid-19->Testing'],en,33,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep21_20201020.pdf,"As of 19 October, 18,076 tests have been performed. Given the crowded living conditions across northwest Syria, a significant challenge in countering COVID-19 remains the difficulty of physically isolating people" +114349,31782.0,1186.0,"['Health', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77210.pdf,"La mitad de ellos tiene un lugar al que acude por temas de salud, y ese mismo porcentaje, recibe educación por internet, o por medio de materiales impresos. La otra mitad tiene las clases suspendidas, o no están matriculados en ninguna escuela." +474587,65021.0,1185.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,43,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"The emergency also entailed a remarkable impact on food price levels. Overall, 76% reported a general increase in food prices compared to before the pandemic, with no major differences between the three countries. (Figure 5)." +317485,52949.0,2331.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,36,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"In 2020, the Desert Locust upsurge was mostly confined to northern and central Somalia, causing damage to crops, fruit trees and pasture, and spreading to the south late in the year." +161166,35726.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'WASH']",[],"['Context->Environment', 'Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics']",es,75,[],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_arauca_junio_2020_vf%20%281%29.pdf,"Los desastres naturales son causados por dos fenómenos principales: los incendios forestales -muchos causados por quemas intencionales- en temporada de verano y las inundaciones en época de invierno, las cuales afectan a las poblaciones asentadas en la ribera del río, así como también, a aquellas que residen en las zonas inundables de la sabana. Estos fenómenos generan un gran impacto en los sectores de Albergue, Salud y WASH." +401418,62279.0,2170.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,152,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"[10th November 2020, MONGUNO LGA, BORNO STATE]Food consumption score: The FCS is calculated based on the past 7-day food consumption recall for the household and classified into three categories: poor consumption (FCS = 1.0 to 28); borderline (FCS = 28.1 to 42); and acceptable consumption (FCS = >42.0). The FCS is a weighted sum of food groups. The score for each food group calculated by multiplying the number of days the commodity consumed and its relative weight. As per the analysis presented in figure, about 95.4% (93.0% - 97.0%) population has an acceptable food consumption score whereas 4.4% (2.8% - 6.7%) had a boarderline consumption score and 0.2% (0.0% - 1.3%) had a poor consumption score." +161923,39490.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,46,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200707_acaps_covid-19_secondary_impacts_in_rohingya_refugee_camps.pdf,"The drastic reduction in consultations with healthcare providers (over 50% in last 3 months) poses a risk to long-term health as both minor and chronic health issues go unchecked and unaddressed, potentially increasing the average mortality and morbidity of non-COVID-19 diseases." +291628,52080.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],fr,124,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.unicef.org/drcongo/communiqu%C3%A9s-de-presse/arriv%C3%A9e-de-plus-de-17-million-de-doses-de-vaccin-contre-la-covid-19-en-rdc,"L'UNICEF met à profit son expérience en tant que plus grand acheteur de vaccins au monde et travaille avec les fabricants et les partenaires à l'achat de doses de vaccins COVID-19, ainsi qu'au fret, à la logistique et au stockage. L'UNICEF achète déjà plus de 2 milliards de doses de vaccins par an pour la vaccination de routine et les interventions en cas de flambée épidémique pour le compte de près de 100 pays. [...] L'UNICEF joue également un rôle de premier plan dans les efforts visant à renforcer la confiance dans les vaccins, en assurant des communications sur la confiance dans les vaccins et en suivant et en traitant les informations erronées dans le monde entier" +284990,51587.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,34,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=226958,"[20 March, 2021, GoS] Health Ministry announced that 163 new coronaviruses were registered in Syria and that 93 cases recovered while 12 patients infected with the virus passed away." +162706,33948.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,26,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Servicios remoto en Bogotá 203 personas han sido atendidas en los servicios remotos de líneas de atención telefónica, acompañamiento psicosocial telefónico y talleres virtuales." +199043,44308.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,38,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RD%20Congo%20-%20Note%20d%E2%80%99informations%20humanitaires%20pour%20la%20province%20du%20Nord-Kivu%2017%20novembre%202020.pdf,"La détérioration continue de la situation sécuritaire dans le territoire de Masisi, cristallisée entre autres par des violences armées et une persistance des conflits fonciers ne cesse d’aggraver la situation humanitaire dans ce territoire." +306899,51572.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,38,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Strengthen support to Child Friendly Spaces (runed by WVI) and promote the well-being of children employed. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +174946,41235.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,45,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[ October 14, NES, occupancy level] Although as of the beginning of October 2020, COVID-19 hospital occupancy levels remained low, it is inevitable that established capacity for COVID-19 cases will be rapidly exceeded during the final quarter of 2020." +391224,61647.0,2170.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,86,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_15_jul_2021_report_2.pdf,"[ 01 -15 July 2021,Northeast Nigeria]85% of latrines in Borno are functional while 15% are damaged. • 4 sites in Maiduguri (2), Jere (1), and Kala/Balge (1) LGA in Borno state do not have latrines on site. 52% (14,650) of latrines across 128 sites in 18 LGAs need gender marking. • 18% (5,108) of latrines needs desludgement across 76 sites in 18 LGAs" +235665,46388.0,2336.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,18,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Almost two thirds of key informants in assessed hard-to-reach settlements report having no access to nutrition services. +304798,51467.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Protection']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,81,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Having to defecate in the open undermines the dignity and safety of women, children and people living with disabilities, and poses them to high risk of violence and discrimination. Four in five IDPs and returnees live in settlements with evidence of open defecation.The limited access to WASH services impacts people across all population groups, but the needs are the most severe among the newly displaced population, and in areas hosting recently returned refugees and IDPs." +170408,40462.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",fr,82,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Selon les données du Conseil National de Secours d’Urgence et de Réhabilitation, datant du 08 aout 2020, la région de l’Est compte 66.325 personnes déplacées internes enregistrées dont 11.870 hommes, 16.415 femmes et 38.040 enfants. Cependant, ces reflètent la situation des PDIs enregistrées. Lors du monitoring de protection, la Direction régionale de l’Action sociale de l’Est estime le nombre de PDIs de la région a 130.213." +239446,47275.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,119,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://newspaper.albaathmedia.sy/2021/01/06/%d9%88%d8%b6%d8%b9-%d9%a4-%d8%a2%d8%a8%d8%a7%d8%b1-%d8%ac%d8%af%d9%8a%d8%af%d8%a9-%d8%a8%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%ae%d8%af%d9%85%d8%a9-%d9%81%d9%8a-%d9%85%d9%86%d8%b7%d9%82%d8%a9-%d8%b9%d9%84%d9%88%d9%83/,"[January 6, Al Hasakeh] Eng. Mahmoud Al-Akla, Director of the Water Corporation in Al-Hasakah, confirmed that 4 new wells had been placed in the Alouk area in the countryside of Ras al-Ain occupied by the Turkish regime and its mercenaries, thus bringing the number of wells operating to 18 wells producing 200 thousand barrels per day, indicating that the new wells produce 300 thousand barrels Today, its combined abundance is about 80 thousand cubic meters per day, which is sufficient for the city of Hasakah and its population centers, pointing out that the necessary maintenance has been carried out for the wells and the delivery of electricity." +241651,46388.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,42,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The health and socio-economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic have compounded the protection crisis in Afghanistan. This has pushed fragile households, who have lost their income and productive assets, to resort to negative coping strategies to make ends meet" +199029,44161.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],en,55,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN2800ML,"In a crowded field of 13 candidates, two opponents stand out: former finance minister Zephirin Diabre, who came runner-up in 2015 and who has a lot of young support; and Eddie Komboigo who runs the party of ousted former president Blaise Campaore and enjoys the large funding network that brings." +289371,51901.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[2nd ​March, 2021, NSAG] Ar-Raqqa and Hama governorate and it's subdistricts had no service of isolation space in health centres for suspected COVID-19 cases." +218191,45410.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],fr,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"En réponse [à la diminution de revenus des ménages], le petit commerce et l’intensification de la vente des récoltes ou de petits ruminants sont observés comme une stratégies alternative au travers du pays." +315674,52949.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,104,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Somalia continues to experience health outbreaks including measles, vaccine-derived poliovirus and AWD/cholera, further compounding the seriousness of the situation. As a result, according to the FSNAU assessment in September 2020, morbidity rates were high (≥ 20 per cent) among some IDP population groups, particularly in Garowe, Galkayo, Mogadishu and Baidoa. The Crude Death Rate (CDR) and Under 5 Death Rate (U5DR) were low across most IDP population groups, with the exceptions of Garowe, Mogadishu, Dollow and Baidoa, which had serious levels of CDR and/or U5DR" +405400,63222.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,32,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_mvam_bulletin_57_july_2021.pdf,"[Syria, July] Simultaneously, the COVID-19 vaccination campaign continues in Syria. As of 9 July 2021, a total of 131,221 COVID-19 vaccine doses have been administered." +61776,18350.0,1184.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,41,[],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71151.pdf,"se siguen detectando situaciones de bullying hacia NNA venezolanos, por lo que se ha hecho un acercamiento con organizaciones con el objetivo de promover un trabajo en la prevención de la discriminación, con población local y población extranjera." +306765,53282.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,69,['Priority Interventions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/health/coronavirus/2021/04/12/police-to-issue-movement-passes-during-lockdown,"[12th April 2021, Bangladesh] The government is going to enforce the strict lockdown to curb the transmission of coronavirus. On Monday, the country saw the highest number of daily deaths from Covid-19. Public apathy towards health rules has resulted in a massive upsurge of coronavirus cases in recent days. Health experts have been urging people to properly follow the health guidelines." +155269,38385.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,3,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/R4V%20Flash%20Update%20Colombia%20-%20Situaci%C3%B3n%20de%20refugiados%20y%20migrantes%20provenientes%20de%20Venezuela%20ante%20COVID-19%2C%20Julio%2028%20al%20Agosto%2031%2C%202020.pdf,607.938 Casos confirmados +330474,53831.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,67,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/12042021_sitrep_s12_whe_oms_rdc_f.pdf,"[Nord Kivu] BDRINT : appui médical et psycho-social aux personnes marginalisées dont les enfants de la rue, les personnes vivants avec le VIH (PVVIH), les professionnelles de sexe et les victimes des VSBG dans le centre de santé (CS) CCLK, le CS Kahembe et l'hôpital général de référence (HGR) de Virunga (ville de Goma)" +292426,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"Pour une meilleure prise en charge, Alima a aménagé la maternité de l’hôpital de district de Makary, changer les matelas, mené de petites réhabilitations, renforcé le plateau technique et recruté 4 sages-femmes pour faire fonctionner le service 24H/24 et 7jour/7." +137573,35118.0,1187.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Sí abordamos ahora al grupo de personas que se encontraban desem- pleadas al momento de la encuesta, se reporta en esta condición a alre- dedor del 71% (296) de la muestra. Además, más de un 10% (42) de las personas manifestaron haber sido suspendidas de sus fuentes de trabajo." +315840,52949.0,2331.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,43,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"As the urban poor spend a major portion of their income on food, they are also adversely affected by increases in food prices, while both food prices and work opportunities were impacted by COVID-19 in 2020, further aggravating conditions." +240427,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,24,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The same assessment found that livestock productivity had deteriorated for 48 per cent of herders, compared to the same period in 2019." +62673,18394.0,1386.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,64,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3295213,"Según información recibida recientemente por parte del Ministerio Público, de agosto de 2017 a mayo de 2019, se condenaron a 104 miembros de fuerzas de seguridad por violación a los derechos humanos. Mi oficina espera información detallada sobre el tipo de violación a los derechos humanos, la adscripción institucional de los funcionarios, y el perfil de las víctimas." +317186,53333.0,2334.0,"['WASH', 'Health']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,24,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Due to limited access to potable water, sanitation and poor hygiene, cholera was also considered a health threat for the adolescents." +159101,37975.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,30,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_ndeg112.pdf,"Analyse de 180 échantillons (78 voyageurs, 19 agents de santé, 11 cas suspects, 47 dépistages volontaires, 17 personnes vulnérables, 02 personnes contacts et 06" +243962,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Climate change is expected to influence the severity and frequency of disasters in Afghanistan, which may lead to more displacement and IDPs requiring access to safe land in the long term." +272328,50464.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,48,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210203FINALFactSheetSomaliaSkisserLR11.pdf,"The Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) and Federal Member States (FMS) need to adapt and enhance their analysis and coordination mechanisms, to prevent climate-related inter-group tensions from becoming violent and Al Shabaab and other armed groups from taking advantage of climate impacts." +313992,54309.0,2311.0,['Cross'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,31,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Colombia_Evaluacion_Rapida_ECNI_Arauca_ESP.pdf,"En todos los puntos se identificaron personas con necesidades específicas tales como adultos mayores, niños y niñas menores de seis meses, personas con discapacidad, entre otros perfiles." +157836,38137.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,37,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cxb_education_covid_response_reaching_every_learner_final.pdf,"Develop and deliver remote guidance for caregivers/ community volunteers on EiE lifesaving messages re COVID-19, how to facilitate wellbeing and play, how to access specialized services and self-care in coordination with child protection actors." +486264,67505.0,2098.0,['Nutrition'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,42,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Myanmar%20Emergency%20Update%20-%2001%20Sep_0.pdf,"[June - July 2021, Cox's Bazar] The COVID-19 lockdown and 50% reduction in presence of nutrition service providers in the camps during the COVID-19 pandemic has limited the ability to provide consistent and quality nutritional care." +235712,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,112,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Ongoing conflict and direct targeting by armed groups is compounding challenges to improve poor nationwide phone and internet connectivity. For example, in the third quarter of the year the Humanitarian Access Group (HAG) recorded five incidents of armed groups destroying network towers, often after the companies refused to pay taxation or to adhere to requests to go offline during the night, including in Maywand where an armed group destroyed two AWCC cell towers after they ignored a request to go offline from 7pm to 7am.These interruptions to phone services also impact on the ability of humanitarians to operate and conduct needs assessments in affected areas." +319680,54196.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.wradio.com.co/noticias/regionales/un-muerto-y-un-herido-dejan-enfrentamientos-del-eln-en-villa-del-rosario-zona-de-frontera/20210407/nota/4123747.aspx,"Los habitantes del municipio de Villa del Rosario vivieron momentos de pánico por losenfrentamientos generados entre los grupos armados ilegalesque hacen presencia en la zona de frontera. El hecho se registró en la zona histórica del municipio, muy cerca de los conjuntos residenciales de la zona,la comunidad reclama la presencia de la Policía y el Ejército Nacionalpara garantizar la seguridad." +162397,32461.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,36,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/colombia-ha-deportado-a-334-venezolanos-por-incumplir-normas-durante-la-pandemia/1995,Al menos 80 mil venezolanos han retornadopor los principales puntos de frontera como lo son Villa del Rosario y Arauca.El titular de Migración Colombia informó además que la frontera se mantendrá cerrada hasta nuevo aviso. +244553,47907.0,2425.0,['Health'],[],[],en,104,[],[],Lebanon Situation Analysis,2021-01-25 12:39:46.093809+00,,"As part of preparing to the re-opening of schools in Lebanon (hybrid learning), 74 Lebanese health supervisors at public schools aged above 30 years, with the majority (73%) being females, were trained on COVID-19 awareness dissemination specifically on effectively raising awareness at their respective entities and share the information and knowledge gained with the administrative bodies, teachers and students at schools. This would contribute to safe return and minimize the risk of transmission at educational institutions. LRC also contributed in the provision of masks, disinfectants and hand sanitizers at public schools." +125367,32724.0,1620.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,11,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ca5464en.pdf,There are limited employment opportunities along the poultry value chain. +330698,55042.0,2098.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,78,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.gage.odi.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Adolescents%E2%80%99-experiences-of-covid-19-in-Chittagong-and-Sylhet-divisions-Bangladesh.pdf,"[30 April 2021, Bangladesh]Most adolescents mentioned having some form of difficulty accessing remote learning at home, resulting in reduced study hours and a tailing off of interest, leading to discontinuation of their studies. Some adolescents expressed that although online classes are available so that they can continue their education, the virtual class system seems to be not as effective as face-to-face classes in school, especially for young children." +243966,46388.0,2336.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,45,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"It is estimated that 73 per cent of the population live in rural areas are where access to safe drinking water, sanitation and hygiene services is lowest, where open defecation is still common and hand washing with soap is not widely practiced." +309817,51467.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,50,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Children continue to face a multitude of risks, including abduction, GBV and other forms of violence, recruitment into armed groups and separation from families. These risks are further challenged by COVID-19 with reduced access to schools and the disruption of environments where children grow and develop" +323673,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Environment'],fr,60,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"En outre, le pays est confronté aux impacts du changement climatique (précipitations faibles et variables, variation de la température et de la vitesse du vent, perturbations écologiques, etc.), à la faible productivité des systèmes agro-sylvo-pastoraux et halieutiques, à une faible modernisation du secteur rural et à un petit marché intérieur." +341846,56644.0,2311.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,114,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.sismamujer.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/MUJERES-DERECHOS-LABORALES-Y-EMERGENCIA-SANITARIA.docx.pdf,"Adicionalmente, el trabajo doméstico remunerado, como gremio se enfrenta a un problema estructural de sociedades como la nuestra: el bajo reconocimiento del cuidado que adelantan las mujeres12. Por ello, las trabajadoras domésticas, afrontan, de entrada, un escenario de invisibilización, que se refuerza por el hecho de que las garantías laborales son de origen jurisprudencial13. Ello a pesar de representar un gran logro, es al tiempo, en la realidad, un obstáculo para la materialización de sus derechos y también una excusa, que utiliza el Estado y que favorece a los empleadores, para evadir sus responsabilidades con las mujeres trabajadoras." +125705,31803.0,1183.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77205.pdf,"Por otra parte, las medidas de aislamiento preventivo establecidas en el país desde el 24 de marzo de 2020 han agravado el acceso a la educación debido al cierre de las escuelas en todo el país. Frente a esto, las autoridades han tenido que establecer procesos de formación utilizando plataformas virtuales, cuya efectividad depende del acceso de las familias a ciertas tecnologías" +248848,48079.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,93,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/DRC_FSOU_2020_12_final.pdf,"En dépit de récoltes vertes de décembre, les régions de l'est de la RDC en situation de conflit resteront en Crise (Phase 3 de l’IPC), tandis que certaines régions du centre moins affectées pourront améliorer leur niveau et se retrouver en Stress (Phase 2 de l’IPC) alimentaire. En revanche, une partie des ménages dans les territoires de Djugu et Irumu sera en situation de Crise (Phase 3! de l’IPC) grâce à l’assistance alimentaire." +242569,46388.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],en,94,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"According to the 2020 WoA Assessment, 59 per cent of key informants in hard-to-reach areas across 120 districts said they know at least one girl under the age of 16 that was married off in the preceding three months. The same assessment further showed that 19 per cent of informants reported family separation by marriage (with the child being taken away from their family to be married), with the highest figures being reported by refugee (41 per cent) and IDP households (30 per cent)." +299254,52086.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Logistics', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,88,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[25th March, 2021, Overall Syria] In north-east Syria access to health services is the second lowest regionally; correspondingly, nearly half of households in that region report health priority need (48 percent), which was the highest proportion regionally. Similarly, in central and south Syria, households reported lowest access to bakeries (31 percent); concurrently, the infrastructure need for bakeries was highest in that region (55 percent), compared to other regions." +218529,45654.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,45,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/hrp_weekly_funding_status_201124.pdf,"[24 Nov 2020, Whole of Syria, COVID-19 RP Funding Overview] COVID-19 Response Plan: Funding requirements for Health sector are 158 Million USD, of which 66 Million USD have been funded, leaving a gap of 91.9 Million USD." +239066,46388.0,2336.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,43,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The COVID-19 pandemic has also decreased people’s purchasing power with displaced households in informal settlements more likely to report living in inadequate shelter, lacking basic household items, experiencing a protection incident and a recent decrease in monthly income." +484737,65398.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,117,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Las personas venezolanas entrevistadas arribaron a Perú con necesidad y deseo de encontrar un trabajo que les permitiera tener ingresos económicos para sustentarse en el país y enviar remesas a sus familiares que permanecen en Venezuela. Al llegar, se encontraron con un mercado laboral dinámico que les posibilitó una relativamente rápida inserción, ya fuera por cuenta ajena o por cuenta propia. Así, según datos de la Superintendencia Nacional de Migraciones, a octubre del 2018 el 80,3 % de los varones y el 76,6 % de las mujeres que tienen en trámite o aprobado su Permiso Temporal de Permanencia (PTP) se encuentran trabajando (2018, p. 99)." +151491,37915.0,2098.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,53,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/78176.pdf,"Since the start of the COVID-19 response, UNHCR and its WASH partners have supported hygiene promotion efforts in all camps managed by UNHCR, delivering over 1 million messaging opportunities on COVID-19 through household level visits. Over 1.4m messages were made also by megaphone, audio/USB sticks, and via mosques" +224093,45768.0,2332.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,47,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,Aucune intervention dans ce domaine [les abris] n’a été faite dans ce domaine au stade actuel. Certains passent la nuit sous les arbres. D’autres ont pu confectionner des abris de fortune couverts des morceaux des linges ou pagnes. +181157,42386.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Environment'],fr,28,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_RMU_October-2020_vfinal.pdf,"Des pluies faibles à modérées ont été enregistrées depuis le début du mois d’octobre, confirmant ainsi la fin normale à tardive de la saison." +325480,54815.0,2099.0,['Logistics'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Of the country’s classified road network of about 15,300 km only 20 percent are paved. About half of the non-classified road network of about 46,000 km (mostly rural roads) is impassable during the rainy season." +320711,52949.0,2331.0,"['WASH', 'Protection']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,41,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"A concerning 5 per cent of households request their children, especially girls, to walk long distances and/or fetch water more frequently than when water is more available, leading to a high risk of protection and GBV issues." +386132,60459.0,2099.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,49,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"Dans les zones plus touchées par l’insécurité, en plus de la dégradation des moyens d’existence, l’épuisement précoce des stocks et la baisse des revenus dégradent l’accès alimentaire des ménages, en particulier les PDI et ménages pauvres hôtes." +317615,52949.0,2331.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shelter']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,38,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"There is a need to engage with humanitarian stakeholders on activities that can rectify these threats to IDP wellbeing, and to facilitate decongestion and site re-planning exercises that ultimately create safer and more dignified living conditions." +494352,67226.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,189,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ETT-%20NORD%20KIVU_Masisi%20centre_rapport%20_73.pdf,"À Masisi centre, il y a un centre de santé et un hôpital fonctionnels grâce à l’appui permanent de MSF-Belgique qui a placé un total des 9 ouvrages sanitaires d’urgence au niveau des centres collectifs. Les soins de santé sont gratuits pour tout le monde y compris pour les populations déplacées, même si le ratio patient/infirmier a considérablement augmenté depuis l’arrivée des déplacés. Au cours des quatre dernières semaines, le personnel de santé confirme un total de 3 245 cas de pathologie comprenant des cas de diarrhée, malaria et infection respiratoire. Au cours de la même période, les informateurs clés de la santé comptent aussi plus de 63 cas de malnutrition aigüe sévère, dont 11 cas auprès les filles de moins de deux ans, 9 cas pour les garçons de moins de deux ans, 19 cas pour les filles de plus de deux ans, 22 cas pour les garçons de plus de deux ans, un cas d’une femme enceinte et un cas d’une femme allaitante." +178240,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,71,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"La RDC accueille 538 000 réfugiés et 10 000 demandeurs d’asile en provenance des pays voisins, essentiellement du Rwanda, de la République centrafricaine, du Soudan du Sud et du Burundi.57 La majorité des réfugiés (72,2 pour cent) sont installés hors camps ou sites de réfugiés ; seulement 27,1 pour cent vivent dans des camps et sites ; et 0,7 pour cent en zone urbaine.58" +161535,39295.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,43,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,"As of 20 August, the 2020 Syria Humanitarian Response Plan remains underfunded with only 38.6 per cent of the total requirement received halfway through the year, similar to the level reported earlier in August. Further funding is urgently needed." +133605,35118.0,1187.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,177,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"el hecho de que en Argentina, en particular en la ciudad de Buenos Aires, los requerimientos para acceder al alquiler de una vivienda incluyen la necesidad de una persona propietaria que adopte para el contrato de alquiler la figura de garante, la condición de presentar recibos de sueldo y la disposición de pagar además del mes de ingre- so, un depósito por posibles daños hacia la locación y los gastos que derivan de la firma del contrato. En este punto, muchas personas se encuentran con diversos obstáculos en el acceso a la vivienda y en este sentido, las convivencias colectivas plantean la posibilidad de afrontar gastos en conjunto y disminuir la carga que ello conlleva (no únicamente el peso monetario, sino la necesidad de papeles y trámi- tes arrendatarios, donde aquellas personas que acaban de llegar al país probablemente requieran la asistencia de otras (conocidos o no) personas migrantes que ya estén establecidos y puedan dar soporte documental a su necesidad de arriendo)." +220296,45084.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,58,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_5_november_2020_final.pdf,"Humanitarians stress the critical importance of maintaining a reliable flow of humanitarian cargo from all neighbouring countries and are advocating for special consideration to expedite movement of humanitarian food and relief items through border crossings. To enable and sustain this operation, urgent funding of US$900,000 is required until the end of the year." +241049,47700.0,2332.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Education', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Health', 'Shelter']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,42,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,,"Among UNHCR’s key priorities are sanitation and hygiene activities, shelter, sufficient provision of core relief items, access to health care and education, access to energy, logistics and the prevention of sexual and gender-based violence." +489889,67778.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=248722,"[16 September, 2021, GoS] First Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) flight will arrive at Damascus International Airport on Friday, Syrian Transport Ministry announced. The Ministry added, in a statement to SANA, that the flight comes within the framework of operating air flights from Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad Airports in Pakistan towards Damascus and vice versa." +133669,35117.0,1187.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],es,48,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"En lo que respecta a salud mental, cabe señalar que el contexto inédito de pandemia y aislamiento evidenció un alto grado de vulnerabilidad, en la salud de las personas migrantes y refugiadas, requiriendo atención específica. Contabilizamos en seguimiento al día de hoy 26 situaciones" +178014,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],fr,36,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"La RDC est également le deuxième pays au monde au regard du nombre de personnes en insécurité alimentaire aigüe avec 15,6 millions de personnes affectées alors que 4,7 millions de personnes souffrent de malnutrition aiguë." +152097,37764.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,38,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/31-07-20-buf-5w-dashboard_education.pdf,"Depuis fin 2018, le Burkina Faso fait face à une instabilité croissante en raison de la montée de la violence et de l’insécurité liées aux activités des groupés armés non étatiques (GANE)." +315593,52949.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"On average, 3 per cent of the IDP population covered by the assessment reported employing emergency levels of livelihood coping strategies, including child labour, while 5 per cent and 60 per cent employed crisis and stress levels of coping strategies respectively – for example, the sale of productive assets or borrowing money." +62531,18514.0,1386.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)'],en,50,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Information And Communication'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190328_acaps_briefing_note_venezuela_update_and_2019_outlook__0.pdf,"The latest available information regarding collection of residual waters is from 2011, when the National Institute of Statistics estimated 30% of residual water was redistributed to the population, as opposed to 84% of water recollected and 48% in 1998 (CHE Agua 10/2018)." +339008,56192.0,2225.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,50,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.internal-displacement.org/sites/default/files/publications/documents/grid2021_idmc.pdf,"Countries mired in protracted conflict including DRC, South Sudan, Sudan and many across the Lake Chad region, host some of the largest numbers of IDPs globally. Persistent ethnic and communal violence continued to trigger displacement in 2020, challenging efforts to establish stability and security." +320475,52949.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,74,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"IDPs living in these protracted situations are in need of durable solutions as many aim to settle in their area of displacement with no intent to return to their areas of origin, predominantly due to insecurity or a lack of employment opportunities. That said, the provision of durable shelters with long-term security of tenure remains a challenge, mainly due to lack of funding and the unavailability of suitable land." +141375,35118.0,1187.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Demography'],es,85,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Si se estudia al grupo de personas desempleadas (296) según género, edad y situación migratoria, se observa que el 66% (195) de estas perso- nas fueron mujeres de entre 30 y 59 años de edad que se encontraban tramitando su residencia temporaria. Este dato se condice con el infor- me del INDEC para el segundo semestre del 2019 el cual plantea que el 40% de la población que cuenta con los menores ingresos son mujeres." +287434,51638.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Local Integration'],fr,80,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20_FEVRIER%202021_SAHEL.pdf,"(Sahel) Cette sensibilisation a été réalisée à travers des affiches grand-format sur la coexistence pacifique produit par le MBDHP en collaboration avec l’UNHCR. Le but de cette activité de sensibilisation est de renforcer le vivre ensemble, le pardon et l’entente entre les PDI et les communautés hôtes. Elle a permis de renouer et de consolider davantage la vie entre les PDI et les communautés hôtes dans la Région du sahel." +236109,47122.0,2334.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,35,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"Over 300 reports and 22 alerts have been generated by the community health workers trained on community-based surveillance in the framework of EWARS [Early Warning, Alert and Response System] in March." +21810,9026.0,322.0,[],[],[],en,34,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,,"The city’s endowments also include important infra- structure, including an international airport and a relatively efficient primary road network. Sana’a City currently contains approximately two million people." +201921,44488.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],es,41,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/salud/primeros-resultados-del-estudio-de-seroprevalencia-de-covid-19-en-colombia-551393?cid=SOC_PRP_POS-MAR_ET_WHATSAPP,"En Barranquilla, por otra parte, más de la mitad de los ciudadanos analizados (el 55 por ciento) ya estuvieron afectados con el virus; y en Medellín casi la tercera parte (27 por ciento)." +214133,45392.0,2333.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,133,[],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.afro.who.int/sites/default/files/countries/Niger/Bulletin_3_nCoV_Niger%2013032020.pdf,"Aussi, le Gouvernement a-t-il décidé de prendre les mesures préventives suivantes : 1. Annulation jusqu’à nouvel ordre de tous les évènements internationaux programmés pour se tenir au Niger. 2. Toute personne venant d’un pays où sévit l’épidémie sera confinée chez elle ou dans tout autre endroit adéquat pendant 14 jours. 3. Tous les regroupements notamment à caractère politique, sportif et culturel susceptibles de mettre ensemble au moins 1.000 personnes sont interdits. 4. Il est fortement conseillé de se saluer sans se donner la main, et de se laver les mains au savon le plus souvent possible. 5. Il est fortement conseillé d’éviter de voyager dans les pays où sévit l’épidémie." +238188,46388.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,73,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In 2021, an updated common needs analysis with development actors has identified approximately 30.5 million people who need some form of social assistance in 2021 (IPC 2+ food insecurity; 76 per cent of the population). Of those, 18.4 million are considered to be in humanitarian need. The rest are outside the scope of humanitarian planning and need broader assistance from development actors and the Government." +177076,41752.0,2099.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,78,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Les informateurs clés à Dori et Kaya affirment qu’au sein de leurs communautés, la capacité de subvenir à ses besoins essentiels s’est détériorée. À Dori on explique cette dégradation par le manque d’assistance humanitaire (88%) comme raison majeure, tandis qu’à Kaya, les informateurs clés soulignent la perte d’emploi (60%) comme l’explication principale de cette dégradation." +315345,53333.0,2334.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],en,45,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Teen pregnancies and early forced marriages were reported as a current norm which causes many girls to drop out of school and in some cases were reported as forcing girls to take that route, while in some girls were blamed for that situation." +318083,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,34,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Survivors of GBV, reported as 77 per cent of IDPs and 20 per cent from the host community, face fear of reprisals, stigmatization and difficulties accessing safe and appropriate services." +304022,51467.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Conflict, insecurity and natural disasters have displaced nearly 4 million people since 2013. Some have been forced to flee multiple times due to successive waves of violence and flooding." +290575,52074.0,2334.0,"['WASH', 'Health']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,67,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,"UNFPA, through its implementing partners in Mezam, Ngoketunjia, Fako, Meme, Ndian and Manyu divisions, provided 264 kits to pregnant ladies, medically assisted seven victims of sexual assault and provided medical assistance to 61 women with pregnancy-related complications. Through UNFPA, 225 women received clean delivery kits, seven received caesarean kits and seven women benefitted from blood transfusions." +412976,63086.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,57,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_07_14_MSF%20RDC_RAPPORT%20VIOLENCES%20SEXUELLES%20%28FR%29%281%29.pdf,"Les conflits armés et la prolifération des armes sont parmi les principaux facteurs contribuant à l’ampleur des violences sexuelles en RDC. En 2020, plus de 60% des victimes soignées par MSF ont été agressées par des porteurs d’armes, souvent identifiés par les victimes comme étant parties au conflit." +239546,47230.0,2311.0,['Cross'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],es,71,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"Para cada necesidad priorizada se consultó a los hogares sobre sus preferencias en torno a modalidades de asistencia, eligiendo entre las siguientes opciones: dinero en efectivo, bonos o cupones, entrega de bienes y servicios específicos, o no sabe. Dadas las necesidades prioritarias, a continuación, se presenta la modalidad de asistencia predilecta para las tres necesidades prioritarias: alimentación, vivienda y atención médica" +494353,67226.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,106,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ETT-%20NORD%20KIVU_Masisi%20centre_rapport%20_73.pdf,"Des cas d’arrestations arbitraires, de meurtres et de violences sexuelles ont été signalés par les informateurs clés. Bien qu’un mécanisme communautaire de médiation soit mis en place dans la zone d’évaluation, la collaboration civilo-militaire de l’état de siège, souvent peu connu par la population, reste très limitée dans la commune rurale de Masisi. Par ailleurs, plusieurs jeunes de la population assimilés aux éléments des groupes armés sont ciblés ou traqués par des militaires des FARDC. Les informateurs clés signalent la présence de 12 enfants non accompagnés parmi les personnes déplacées" +83546,23030.0,1620.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",en,107,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Humanitarian Access', 'Displacement']",2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/s_2019_1005.pdf,"In Nigeria, the humanitarian situation continued to deteriorate. In the states of Borno, Adamawa and Yobe, 150,000 people had been newly displaced since the beginning of the year, putting a strain on already congested camps and limited basic services. Recent months have also seen a 10 per cent increase in food insecurity, from 2.7 million to 3 million. The situation could further escalate as millions of people affected by conflict have little or no access to their land. The environment in which humanitarian organizations are operating remains restrictive and insecure, owing to the highly militarized context." +261019,49454.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,147,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.emro.who.int/syr/syria-news/update-on-covid-19-vaccination-in-syria.html,"[February 16, Syria]The priority categories identified in Part A are based on the National Technical Advisory Group recommendation, SAGE values framework and the COVAX facility fair allocation (prioritization roadmap) and the following high-risk groups were agreed upon as a target under COVAX: Health workforce (including front line social workers and teachers), 3% of population; Older adults >55-year population, about 13% of population; People with chronic diseases, 5% of population. Phase One: All health workers (190,000) will be vaccinated and older group (55 years or more) - 485,450 people to be vaccinated. Phase 2: rest of the older group - 1,540,900 people; person with comorbidities - 1,125,750; school teachers - 302,827 people and other essential workers - 858,073 people" +208392,43992.0,2332.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,76,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"To date, UNICEF has supported the establishment of laboratory testing in nine provinces (Logone Occidental, Moyen-Chari, Ouaddaï, Guéra, Lac, Kanem, Logone Oriental, Mayo Kebbi-Est and Mayo Kebbi-Ouest) using the GeneXpert system previously set up for HIV testing in newborns of HIV positive mothers. In addition, 418 kits of 10 SARS-COV-2 tests supplied by UNICEF are expected to be received by end of September." +388450,61054.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],fr,31,['Capacities & Response'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://lefaso.net/spip.php?article106528,Le gouvernement invite a cet effet les populations à recevoir gratuitement le vaccin contre le COVID-19 sur les sites de vaccination afin de se protéger et de protéger les autres. +161913,39490.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,63,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200707_acaps_covid-19_secondary_impacts_in_rohingya_refugee_camps.pdf,There is an urgent need to mitigate and address the long-term secondary impacts of COVID-19 containment measures to save lives and relieve people of their suffering.More focus needs to be placed on improving trust in health facilities and camp authorities. Mistrust has led to low consultations rates and a lack of willingness to report COVID-19 symptoms and to consent to testing. +473246,67203.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,40,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2020/04/09/devastador-impacto-del-covid-19-para-ninos-y-ninas,"El secretario general de las Naciones Unidas se ha referido a un aumento global “estremecedor” de la violencia doméstica vinculada con el COVID-19, y en algunos países se habríaduplicadoel número de llamados a líneas de ayuda." +45658,15533.0,729.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_report_areabasedassessment_aba_azzawya_jun2019.pdf,"According to KIs, migrants’ access to quality healthcare was first and foremost reportedly hindered by the inability to afford good-quality healthcare, followed by a lack of information and non administrative access restrictions such as linguistic barriers, heightened economic vulnerability, and discrimination, to which non-Libyans are more exposed." +294314,51259.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,44,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2020_access_annual_overview.pdf,"Approximately half of the COVID-19 related incidents were administrative in nature. Threats and fears of the spread of the virus led to entry denials for humanitarian personnel from listed countries, affecting 60 staff members from the UN and international and national NGOs" +137572,35118.0,1187.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Demography'],es,69,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Sí se considera a este último grupo según género se observa una distribu- ción homogénea entre géneros, siendo los varones empleados 38 y las mujeres empleadas 34. Si se considera la edad, la mayor parte de las personas empleadas tenía entre 30 y 59 años (67%- 48) y el 32% (23) refirió tener entre 18 y 29 años." +201514,43427.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,30,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"A pesar de la reducción para el 31 de diciembre de 2019 había tres veces más coca que en 2013, el punto más bajo de la serie histórica." +358766,58669.0,2311.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",es,62,['Impact'],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/informe_de_emergencias_humanitarias_reportadas_elc_enero_mayo_2021.pdf,"Adicionalmente, diferentes organizaciones humanitarias tuvieron que cancelar actividades de respuesta intersectorial a emergencias activas, debido a la falta de garantías de seguridad y desabastecimiento de alimentos y gasolina para completar la respuesta. En relación con las emergencias, algunas de estas tuvieron interferencia en la toma de declaraciones y verificación de la situación en medio de este contexto." +353809,57860.0,2170.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,110,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.vanguardngr.com/2021/06/rise-in-prices-push-7m-additional-nigerians-into-poverty-world-bank/,"[15th Jun 2021, Nigeria] On food inflation, the report stated: “The composite food index rose by 22.28 percent in May 2021 compared to 22.72 percent in April 2021. “This rise in the food index was caused by increases in prices of bread, cereals, milk, cheese, eggs, fish, soft drinks, coffee, tea and cocoa, fruits, meat, oils and fats and vegetables. “On a MoM basis, the food sub-index increased by 1.05 percent in May 2021, up by 0.06 percent from 0.99 percent recorded in April 2021.”" +161565,39295.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,55,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,"Under capacity building, the Early Warning and Response Network’s (EWARN) District Level Officers (DLOs) conducted 9 training sessions for 108 health care providers working in 9 health facilities in Idleb, Harim, Afrin and Jisr Ash Shugur on the basics of COVID-19 disease surveillance and diagnosis." +330390,53831.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],fr,76,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/12042021_sitrep_s12_whe_oms_rdc_f.pdf,"La létalité a connu une hausse de 15,4 % (5,2% vs 6,0%) entre S11 et S12/2021. On a sept ZS touchées (Kambove, Mufunga-Sampwe, Mitwaba, Lukafu, Kapolowe, Kampemba et Kikula) depuis le début de l’année 2021 et pour la deuxième semaine consécutive la ZS de Kambove a notifié la majorité de nouveaux cas suspects de choléra (65/67 cas soit 97,0%)" +162907,37781.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,24,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://tande.substack.com/p/syria-in-context-coronavirus-update-5cd,"Meanwhile, the Damascus governorate has attempted to placate public speculation by announcing an implausible drop in daily deaths over the past week." +304041,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"A small minority of displaced people remain sheltering in the UNMISS( United Nations Mission in South Sudan)-protected Protection of Civilians (PoC) sites, which are currently in the process of transitioning to conventional IDP sites under jurisdiction of the government." +224056,45768.0,2332.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,63,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"De plus, les tokens à remettre pourraient provisoirement faire office de « document d’identification » dès lors que l’on sait que la plupart des IDPs (et tous les réfugiés) ont déclaré avoir perdu leurs documents lors de la fuite ou lors des incendies de leurs abris par les BH au moment de l’attaque." +358505,58673.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,17,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syrian%20Arab%20Republic%20-%20Euphrates%20water%20crisis%20and%20drought%20outlook%2C%20as%20of%2017%20June%202021.pdf,"(June 2021, overall Syria) 3 million people at risk to face reduced electricity available" +151912,34062.0,1898.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3653085,"Y aunque los elementos de la Fuerza Armada están enfocados en apoyar las acciones para frenar los contagios de COVID-19 a nivel nacional, el ministro de Defensa explicó que los resultados positivos del Plan Control Territorial continúan." +224285,45393.0,2099.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,7,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,91 cas guéris du 28/11/2020 au 02/12/2020 +164398,38902.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,31,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"Extension of lockdowns and other containment measures imposed by the government such as mobility restrictions, and prolonged state of emergency in parts of Colombia due to the COVID-19 outbreak." +90030,25213.0,1621.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A_HRC_43_75_E.pdf,"Serious violations of international humanitarian law and human rights abuses, including the summary execution of combatants and civilian detainees, were reportedly committed by affiliates of the Libyan National Army." +292730,51997.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,38,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elcolombiano.com/internacional/latinoamerica-el-cierre-de-escuelas-mas-largo-del-mundo-por-covid-CH14756141,"También destacan los prolongados cierres en Bolivia (192 días), Brasil (191), Costa Rica (189) o México (180). Colombia tuvo en este caso 115 días de cierre." +63492,18412.0,1386.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,165,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,,"El colapso de servicios básicos a nivel nacional agrava los problemas de saneamiento de los centros de salud públicos, la mayoría con precarias condiciones de infraestructura. En 2018, la ENH encontró que 79% de los hospitales públicos carecía de suministro regular de agua, lo cual genera serios problemas de higiene y falta del líquido para la hidratación y alimentación de las personas hospitalizadas. Entre 2012 y 2017, las denuncias por escasez de agua subieron 8 puestos en los problemas que presentan los hospitales públicos monitoreados por Provea anualmente98. Los cortes de luz, intensificados los dos últimos años por la caída de las capacidades de energía eléctrica en el país, también constituyen un aspecto de enorme preocupación dado que al menos 33% de los hospitales públicos no cuentan con plantas para mantener encendidos equipos de soporte vital en caso de fallas dentro de áreas críticas como emergencias, quirófanos y unidades de cuidado intensivo99." +306901,51572.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,68,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"[WASH] The SWAT operators volunteer 4 days a week but as they don’t receive any incentive, they need to have another activity to support their family. As a result, some members of the community rely on water directly from the river. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +205483,44672.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,36,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,The Government continues to face major challenges in coping with the situation created by COVID19 pandemic due to vast gaps in the health sector’s capacities to accommodate the evolving needs of its citizenry. +209866,45115.0,2170.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],"['Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,http://saharareporters.com/2020/12/08/insecurity-216-nigerians-killed-144-kidnapped-november%E2%80%94report,"[8th Dec 2020, Nigeria] No fewer than 216 Nigerians were killed in November, and 144 others kidnapped amid the rising insecurity in the country, according to data gathered by the Civic Media Lab. The data released on Monday showed that the Northern part of the country was the worst hit with its areas claiming 180 of the 216 deaths recorded within the period." +171439,40699.0,2098.0,['Cross'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,89,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20201004_acaps_thematic_review_vulnerable_households_rohingya_refugee_response.pdf,"[4th october, Cox's Bazar] Pre COVID-19 almost all Rohingya refugees (94%) were identified as highly or moderately vulnerable and in continued need of humanitarian assistance to meet their basic needs (WFP 12/2019). Host community households were found to be better off than refugee households across all dimensions of well-being, with 41% identified as vulnerable (WFP 12/2019). In both populations there, is a high level of unmet basic needs leading to poor wellbeing outcomes" +48105,13061.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.derechos.org.ve/web/wp-content/uploads/MigracionLigia.pdf,"según un informe interagencial de Naciones Unidas publicado en mayo de 2018, se estima que 2% de las mujeres venezolanas que salen del país, con edades comprendidas entre 15 y 49 años, podrían ser sobrevivientes de violencia sexual41." +214128,45385.0,2334.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,80,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Plus de 22 attaques de groupes armés contre les civils ont été enregistrées au mois de juin 2020 ; la majorité de ces attaques, transfrontalières ou pas, sont lancées contre les villages isolés et dépourvus de système de défense avec pour double objectif d’assurer le ravitaillement des éléments des groupes armés et de provoquer la fuite des communautés et libérer ainsi des corridors permettant la mobilité, surtout nocturne, des éléments de Boko Haram." +306138,51474.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,66,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"As at 1 February, United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) documented a total of 155 incidents that negatively affected the human rights and protection situation, including arbitrary killings, abductions, conflict-related sexual violence, arbitrary arrests and detention (including proxy detention), torture and ill-treatment, forced military recruitment and the looting and destruction of civilian property." +149584,32165.0,1388.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],es,60,[],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/74589.pdf,"Programa Nacional de Empleo, una iniciativa que busca “apoyar el mejoramiento de las condiciones de vida de la población en riesgo de pobreza y en pobreza, otorgando una ayuda económica temporal por su incorporación en proyectos de interés comunal, procesos de capacitación o el apoyo de grupos de personas con ideas o proyectos productivos”." +177071,41752.0,2099.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,55,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Si la capacité de subvenir aux besoins essentiels s’est détériorée, quels facteurs y ont contribué ? (n=270) 54% Fermeture des routes entre régions/villes (147) 43% Fermeture des marchés (139) 23% Perte d’emploi / de revenu pour le ménage (124)" +2571,517.0,321.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Demography'],en,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Libya%20Situation%20Report%20-%20End%20of%20Year%202017.pdf,"A recent study by the National Center for Disease Control (NCDC) on Violence against Children (VAC) in 2017 among middle school students in Libya, showed a high prevalence of violence against children at home and in school with 92 per cent of male and 88 per cent female students having experienced at least some form of violence" +224013,45768.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,108,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"Il s’agit des retournés qui font partie du groupe de celui qui était parti au Niger depuis plus de 40 ans et vivaient dans la région de Diffa. Ils y pratiquaient l'élevage à travers des mouvements transfrontaliers entre les deux pays. En conséquence, le gouvernement nigérien leur avait accordé le statut de « transhumants». Ils avaient quitté le Tchad entre 1982 et 1990, fuyant le régime de répression des Arabes sous Hissène Habré. De plus, certaines études ont indiqué une vague de départs d'Arabes du Tchad au Niger entre 1973 et 1974 en raison de la sécheresse." +338309,55951.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,57,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://preventepidemics.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/PERC-Finding-the-Balance-Part-III-12-May-2021.pdf,"[Survey conducted by phone with approximately 24,000 people across 19 Member States in five geographical regions in Africa, including DRC] COVID-19 and accompanying response measures have posed sizable barriers to accessing other essential health services in Africa, threatening the hard-won gains in linking people to health care over the past several decades." +171432,40699.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,56,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20201004_acaps_thematic_review_vulnerable_households_rohingya_refugee_response.pdf,"[4th october, Cox's Bazar] The same [security challenges annd vulnerable to basic needs] can be said for more than 370,000 Bangladeshis in Cox’s Bazar district living under the poverty line and an additional 400,000 estimated to be particularly vulnerable to poverty and other secondary impacts of the pandemic" +170429,40462.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,132,[],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"C’est la typologie d’incident qui a enregistré le plus grand nombre d’incident et qui a fait le plus grand nombre de victime au cours du mois d’aout 2020, soit 5 incidents et 30 victimes, toutes des civiles. Parmi ces 05 incidents, on note une attaque meurtrière du marché à bétail de Namounou dans la commune de Fada par des hommes armés non identifiés, faisant 21 victimes. Les 6 autres incidents sont des assassinats de personnes ou de groupe de personne dont 1 dans le village de Ougarou avec 04 victimes, 1 à Nassougou avec 01 victime, 1 à Nagré avec 03 victimes tous des hommes, 1 à Mahadaga avec une (01) victime." +22264,9106.0,729.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,46,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"An estimated 823,000 people are need of humanitarian assistance in Libya, including 248,000 children. 50 per cent of people in need are Libyans and 50 per cent refugees and migrants. Approximately 34 per cent of people in need are women and girls." +239282,46388.0,2336.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,24,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Additionally, of the 72,000 refugees in humanitarian need in Afghanistan, at least 78 per cent have critical shelter and NFI needs." +310301,53177.0,2466.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Sudan%20Multi-Sectoral%20Location%20Assessment_South%20Kordofan.pdf,"Sixty-three per cent of the available water is free of charge – collected mostly from pools/wells (36%) or hand pumps (35%). It takes, on average, between 0-30 minutes for households to collect water in Abu Jubaiha." +11344,2953.0,322.0,"['Protection', 'Cross', 'Education']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,101,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20feb%202018.pdf,"Widespread violations of IHL by parties to the conflict pose an ongoing threat to the life and safety of civilians, resulting in loss of life, displacement and destruction of infrastructure. The protracted nature of the conflict is particularly affecting women, children and persons with specific needs whose vulnerability is further exacerbated and resort to negative coping mechanisms as means of survival. As grave violations of children’s rights continue to occur, support for affected children is critical, as is mine risk education. GBV incidents have significantly risen with requiring multi-sectoral responses." +189161,42865.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,18,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-LMA-Colombia-Espanol.pdf,el porcentaje de familias venezolanas consumiendo tres comidas al día ha caído del 69 porciento al 26 porciento.29 +341463,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,151,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Les pratiques relevant de la mal gouvernance, consécutive aux dérives de la classe politique, sont exploitées et interprétées régulièrement par les extrémistes pour justifier les changements qu’ils revendiquent. Ils s’inscrivent dans un registre contestataire de l’ordre établi. Etant incapables de s’exprimer dans le champ politique traditionnel, ils s’attèlent à détruire celui - ci et à vouloir s’exprimer par la force. L’espace religieux est trans- formé en un terrain de conflit et l’expression par la violence comme mode de conquête et d’installation : violences directes (tueries, menaces et agressions), violences culturelles (instrumentalisation de la pensée, violence épistémique) les violences structurelles (racisme, discrimination, dynamiques d’exclusion, construction d’une altérité, processus de déshumanisation)." +161684,35720.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],es,27,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Respuesta%20COVID%2019%20-%20GIFMM%20La%20Guajira%20-%20Riohacha%2C%20a%206%20de%20julio%20de%202020.pdf,"Dotación de equipos médicos, contratación de personal y transporte. Promoción de la salud y prevención del COVID-19 mediante perifoneo y otros medios de comunicación." +214347,45385.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,61,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Si les risques liés à la propagation de la COVID-19 sont pris au sérieux, cette dernière n‘est cependant pas la seule épidémie qui menace les populations de la région. Depuis le début de 2020, 743 cas de rougeole ont été rapportés dans 12 districts de santé – sur 31 au total -- faisant quatre morts." +172337,40829.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_233_20200919.pdf,"Au cours des 14 derniers jours, 305 cas confirmés ont été notifiés dans 64 ZS réparties dans 14 des 21 provinces affectées du pays (Tableau I ; Figure 2)." +292382,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,10,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,Cas de Paralysie flasque <15 ans investigués : 284 +187682,43292.0,2098.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/msna_2020_factsheet_refugee.pdf,"[July-August 2020, Bangladesh] Rohingya Refugees: 70% of households with pregnant/lactating women reported them to be enrolled in nutrition-feeding programmes and 57% of children aged 6-59 were reportedly enrolled in nutrition-feeding programmes. However, findings show significantly lower enrolment among less educated households." +181155,42386.0,2099.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,68,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_RMU_October-2020_vfinal.pdf,"Malgré la bonne pluviométrie enregistrée dans ces zones de moyen d’existence, la réduction des superficies emblavées entrainera des baisses de production en- dessous de la moyenne. La période de soudure commencera précocement dès février contre avril pour les ménages hôtes. Les PDI qui n’ont pas pu pratiquer les activités agricoles resteront dépendant des marchés et de l’assistance alimentaire." +241534,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,31,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The 2020 WoA Assessment shows that nearly a fifth of shock-affected households reported behavioural changes, indicating signs of distress and mental health problems as a result of the pandemic." +327426,54714.0,2331.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,48,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,"[EDUCATION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] The most commonly reported preferred types of remote learning modalities were: Basic writing materials(pen, paper) (49%), school textbooks (52%) and radio classes (28%)." +346750,57052.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,120,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/syria-country-office-market-price-watch-bulletin-issue-77-april-2021,"(GoS, April 2021) As a result of limited availability and access to fuel, the Syrian Government implemented a series of measures to ensure managed distribution and use of the limited fuel supplies it had. This led to heavy queues at petrol stations and has severely affected the smooth running of many businesses and services. The situation became so difficult that side jobs were created as many people left their cars with roadside caretakers who would wait in the queues instead of them and look after the vehicles. In most governorates, not all stations were functioning, and the waiting times ranged from three hours in Quneitra to three days in As-Sweida." +292422,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,De même des enfants de plus de cinq ans et adultes ont pu bénéficier de la prise en charge par un système de clinique mobile avec référencement des cas graves à l’Hôpital de district de Makary. +178509,41756.0,2225.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,Une étude récente d’Intersos réalisée en Ituri en mai 2019 a identifié le manque de nourriture et de moyens pour accéder aux soins de santé comme l’une des raisons principales du sexe de survie par les filles et femmes déplacées dans les sites. +346156,56952.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,74,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20monitoreo%20enero-marzo%202021%20-%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20vers%C3%B3n%20final.pdf,"También se identificó que algunas instituciones educativas siguen negando el cupo a NNA refu- giados y migrantes que no traen un reporte de notas de su país de origen, alegando que sin este documento no pueden ubicar a los estudiantes en uno de sus grados escolares. Frente a las barreras manifestadas por la pobla- ción monitoreada, se mantiene la falta de docu- mentación (32.34%) como el principal obstáculo" +262390,49509.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,42,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=222409,"[16/02/2021, GoS] In a statement, the Damascus Ministry said that the total number of the coronavirus cases registered in Syria has reached up to 14,906, of which 8,754 have recovered and 981 others have passed away." +169172,40391.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,84,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_200_20200817.pdf,"Au Nord-Kivu, les ZS hotspots parmi les 540 cas pour lesquels l’information a été renseignée, sont celles de Goma (253/540 ; 46,9%), Karisimbi (190/540 ; 35,2%), Nyiragongo (26/540 ; 4,8%), Rutshuru (16/540 ; 3,0%), Katwa (15/540 ; 2,8%), Butembo (14/540 ; 2,6%) Walikale (11/540 ; 2,0%) et Beni (10/540 ; 1,9%)" +150472,37702.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,90,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"Within Syria, the financial requirements for the revised COVID-19 operational response plan are currently estimated at $188.6 million; which will be updated as the situation evolves and aligned to the GHRP. Funding, however, remains a major concern with only $55.6 million raised to date. Of immediate and critical priority is $10 million needed to expand testing capacity; $6.5 million needed to support case management/clinical readiness and $3.1 million needed to procure PPE vital to protect frontline workers." +310695,53333.0,2334.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Adolescent girls who are participating in the scorecard process reported that 39% of the girls in their community “never “complete secondary education while 30% said that they seldom complete, 2% sometimes, 14% often and 15% always." +240586,46388.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,25,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"This is especially challenging during the pandemic where women bear a high care burden, exposing them to increased risk of contracting the virus." +17989,6972.0,321.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,77,['Impact'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_factsheet_msna_shelter_november2018_0.pdf,"Overall, 14% of all households across Libya had an unmet shelter need, with returnee HHs the most likely to have an unmet shelter need. 42% of returnee households were found to have an unmet need due to evictions, damage to housing, and precarious occupancy/shelter conditions. The mantikas in which shelter needs were highest were Derna and Sirt, where 56% of HHs respectively had unmet shelter needs." +215841,45342.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,13,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.primature.cd/public/2020/11/28/covid-19-des-nouvelles-mesures-pour-stopper-la-propagation-de-la-pandemie/,La recrudescence des cas de contamination au Coronavirus à Kinshasa est préoccupante. +346806,57052.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,106,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/syria-country-office-market-price-watch-bulletin-issue-77-april-2021,"(Whole of Syria, April 2021) Between March and April 2021, the price of all monitored COVID-19 items has increased except surgeon masks and bleach. The price of surgeon masks de-creased by four percent m-o-m to reach SYP 375/mask, and the price of bleach remained unchanged m-o-m at SYP 1,456/litre. The price of soap bars and hand gel increased by one and two percent reaching SYP 546/bar and SYP 1,140/50 ml, respectively. Moreover, the price of alcohol spray and plastic gloves increased by five and seven percent reaching SYP 2,194/200 ml and SYP 509/pair, respectively." +221986,45410.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,62,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,[La région du Lac dans la Zone 8 - « Zone ouest agropastorale et de pêche » ]: L’apparition des infections respiratoires et autres pathologies (méningites) complétée d’une inadéquation de la ration alimentaire contribueraient à une dégradation de l’état nutritionnel des enfants de 6 à 59 mois entre février et mai 2021 +305399,51474.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"Humanitarian needs were dire in 2020 and are projected to remain high in 2021. According to the 2021 humanitarian needs overview, some 8.3 million people are estimated to be in need of assistance, an increase of 800,000 people from the previous year." +324321,54626.0,2331.0,"['Nutrition', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,24,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,UNICEF leads the WASH and Nutrition Clusters and the Child Protection Area of Responsibility and co-leads the Education Cluster with Save the Children. +241530,46388.0,2336.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,60,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The Nutrition Cluster conducts periodic provincial and localised, integrated SMART nutrition surveys which allow collection of sex and age disaggregated data on children and women’s nutritional status, as well as on determining factors such as household food insecurity, morbidity status of children, access to health, and water, hygiene and sanitation services." +330669,55042.0,2098.0,[],[],[],en,226,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.gage.odi.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Adolescents%E2%80%99-experiences-of-covid-19-in-Chittagong-and-Sylhet-divisions-Bangladesh.pdf,"[30 April 2021, Bangladesh]Knowledge about treatment of covid-19 When asked about medical treatment for people with covid-19 and what needs to be done once someone becomes infected, many adolescents – mostly from rural areas – could give only vague or unclear answers. A 13-year-old girl suggested, ‘You have to take medication for it’ (grade 7, Sylhet rural area). Some respondents mentioned going to the doctor, taking medicine and getting hospitalised if needed, but most were unable to provide specific information about which doctor or hospital they should go to, what medicine they should take, and whom they should contact first. On the other hand, adolescents had clearer ideas about the home remedies one would use to cure and recover from covid-19, frequently mentioning drinking hot water and having citrus fruits such as lemons or oranges. Some mentioned taking painkillers such as Napa (paracetamol) and suggested herbal remedies such as tulsi (holy basil), cumin, cloves, etc. As one 15-year-old girl said, ‘I heard of a leaf which can cure coronavirus if eaten. There are many medicines. Eating a medicine of a leaf can cure’ (grade 8, Sylhet rural area)." +159579,39148.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",['Casualties->Dead'],en,84,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_july2020_ne_nigeria.pdf,"WHO continue to provide support to States Ministries of Health in Borno, Adamawa and Yobe in the fight against COVID-19 pandemic. There is a total of 844 cases (Borno- 613 %, Adamawa 164, Yobe-67 confirmed cases) including 53 deaths (case fatality ratio 6.3%). Overall, Eight-three (83) health workers are among the confirmed cases since the start of the outbreak in the BAY states, making up 9.8% of all cases" +167667,39765.0,2170.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,38,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20COUNTRY%20BRIEF%20NIGERIA%20JUNE%202020.pdf,WFP continues to scale up response in the northeast to provide COVID-19 related and other emergency food assistance to 1.72 million people. Targeting of distributions follows a tiered palliative care approach aligned with the Government response. +178420,41756.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Les enfants de 3 à 17 ans déplacés et retournés, dont les enfants expulsés d’Angola, les enfants des ménages d’accueil ainsi que le personnel éducatif sont les plus affectés par les différentes crises (conflits armés, violence intercommunautaires, épidémies, etc.)." +294576,51749.0,2099.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Demography'],fr,176,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[commune de Ouargaye] En terme de projection, si l’on croise les données issues du Programme national d’approvisionnement en eau potable (PN-AEP) de 2018 avec les données démographiques collectées par l’Institut national de la statistique et de la démographie (DG INSD) et consolidées en avril 2019, on peut établir qu’il y a a priori 216 points d’eau (PE) fonctionnels pour 6 958 ménages. Si l’on y ajoute les ménages nouvellement déplacés (571 ménages) on peut estimer que 7 529 ménages sont actuellement présents à Ouargaye. Selon les standards minimaux SPHERE18 on pourrait donc considérer que la commune de Ouargaye devrait avoir la capacité d’approvisionner de l’eau pour 12 342 ménages. Cependant si ces estimations peuvent sembler rassurantes, elles ne coïncident pas avec les observations terrain des équipes de collecte des données et les déclarations de l’informateur clé et des groupes de discussion." +358696,58530.0,2311.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,117,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.superservicios.gov.co/sala-de-prensa/comunicados/en-el-dia-mundial-de-los-servicios-publicos-superservicios-presenta,"Coberturas El 20% de municipios presenta una cobertura de servicio público de acueducto superior al 90% (219 municipios del país) y el 6% de los municipios del país presentaron coberturas inferiores al 15% (67 municipios). El resto de los municipios presentan valores de coberturas dispersas que varían entre el 16% y 89%.“Las principales zonas de bajas coberturas están en departamentos como Bolívar, Magdalena, Chocó, Norte de Santander, Tolima, Cauca y Putumayo, sectores donde es necesario mejorar el acceso al abastecimiento de agua potable, para cerrar brechas y mejorar este indicador”,dijo la superintendente." +132560,35164.0,1188.0,['Education'],[],[],es,59,[],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"EDUCACIÓN 1. Necesidades prioritarias identificadas; • Desconocimiento de los procedimientos de integración al sistema escolar • Baja cobertura de las escuelas públicas y dificultades para la integración • Imposibilidad de acceso a los programas de soporte por parte de la población no panameña (Beca Universal, Becas del IFARHU, INADEH, Universidades, etc)" +240763,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,38,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Recent Health Cluster estimates suggest that more than 7 million people have no or limited access to essential health services due to insufficient coverage by the public health sector and direct interruptions due to conflict and insecurity. +238240,46388.0,2336.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"As the COVID-19 pandemic reached Afghanistan in 2020, the Government of Afghanistan closed schools and restricted movement as part of its precautionary measures to limit the spread of the virus. These measures caused 10 million children to remain out of school for more than 6 months." +497772,60104.0,1187.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Impact->Impact On People'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,138,['Impact'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,"https://www.unicef.org/argentina/media/11626/file/Impacto%20de%20la%20pandemia%20en%20la%20educaci%C3%B3n%20de%20ni%C3%B1as,%20ni%C3%B1os%20y%20adolescentes.pdf","Según los datos más recientes de la Encuesta Rápida el 8% de los y las adolescentes padecieron maltratos o cyberbulling mientras se encontraban online y una proporción similar (9%) experimentó situaciones de discriminación en internet y redes sociales. Si bien estos porcentajes pueden parecer bajos, es importante considerar que su incidencia se viene incrementado lenta pero progresivamente en relación a las mediciones anteriores. Por otro lado, la exposición a la violencia verbal o a publicaciones que incitan a la violencia en internet es reportado por el 16% de los y las adolescentes, mientras que la exposición no buscada a contenidos obscenos o pornografía afecta al 12% de los encuestados. Estos valores también presentan una dinámica creciente en comparación con anteriores mediciones de la Encuesta Rápida." +149615,35869.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics']",en,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Shock/Event', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep18_25july2020.pdf,"New reinforcement messages were shared in the field targeting authorities and highlighting the seriousness of the outbreak. The community health workers (CHW) circulated the new messages to focal points in the community such as local councils in order to suspend the social gatherings, which resulted in the suspension of the local bazaar last weekend following the announcement of first confirmed COVID-19 case" +176647,41091.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],es,80,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"La tasa de incidencia nacional es de 1.759,3 casos por cada 100.000 habitantes; los departamentos y/o distritos que superan la tasa nacional son en su orden: Bogotá (3.651,8), Amazonas (3.480,1), Barranquilla (3.050,0), San Andrés (2.468,1), Cartagena (2.356,4), Caquetá (2.297,1), Guainía (2.014,4), Vaupés (1.945,8), Santa Marta (1.930,0) y Antioquia (1.869,2)." +311166,53183.0,2466.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,38,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"The high inflation rate – recorded at almost 270 per cent in December 2020 - and rising prices for food, fuel, and other basic commodities, continued to stretch people’s ability to cope." +70650,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],[],en,59,[],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"Economic differences between islands exist with those in the Family Island region more likely to be poor (17.2%) than people living in New Providence (12.4%) or Grand Bahama (9.4%). The Family Islands have higher percentages of non- nationals, fewer young people, and fewer with college educations." +156211,36465.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,37,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/en-un-mes-mas-de-82000-venezolanos-han-renovado-el-permiso-especial-de-permanencia/2087,"Juan Francisco Espinosa, director de Migración Colombia, precisó que 97.000 ciudadanos del vecino país han podido retornar a Venezuela, usando cerca de 1.250 buses para llevar a esta población a los pasos fronterizos." +311842,53183.0,2466.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"Challenges: The annual inflation rate was 269.33 per cent in December 2020, compared to 254.34 per cent in November, resulting in high prices of food commodities and agricultural inputs, which affected humanitarian assistance." +358796,58362.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,52,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.lafm.com.co/internacional/derechos-de-ninas-y-adolescentes-migrantes-venezolanas-no-se-estan-garantizando-segun,"Según el el informe “Niñas Venezolanas: Voces de la Migración”, realizado en Colombia, Ecuador y Perú, las violaciones, el abuso, el acoso y la explotación sexual comercial infantil se encuentran en la cima de las vulneraciones manifestadas por las participantes de la investigación." +169951,40360.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,La situation de protection de l’enfance dans la région du Sahel est mise à rude épreuve dans la mesure où les droits des enfants sont constamment violés. +218179,45410.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,66,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"En zone soudanienne, les prix du mil ont amorcé une baisse du fait de la reconstitution des stocks durant cette période de récoltes. A titre illustratif, les prix du mil sont stables, par rapport à la moyenne, à Moundou (-4 %) et Moissala (+4 %) ou en légère hausse comme à Sarh (8 %)." +312796,53783.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Vaccination', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,74,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.radiookapi.net/2021/04/18/actualite/sante/la-rdc-lance-la-campagne-vaccination-contre-la-covid-19-ce-lundi-19-avril,"La RDC s’engage ce lundi 19 avril dans la voie de la vaccination contre la pandémie de Coronavirus. Au moment où la République démocratique du Congo se lance dans cette campagne, le pays compte, selon les statistiques officielles datées du 18 avril, 28.956 cas, dont 28.955 cas confirmés et 1 cas probable. Au total, il y a eu 745 décès et 25.841 personnes guéries." +325598,54815.0,2099.0,[],[],[],en,66,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"In addition to the average motorized travel time to the nearest facility, also the Rural Access Index has a statistically significant association with primary school gross/net enrollment and completion rates. For example, a 10-pp improvement in the RAI at the Province level is associated with an increase in the the top-10% population in the Province (incurring the longest travel times)" +90091,25213.0,1621.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Context->Demography'],en,78,['At Risk'],['Context'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A_HRC_43_75_E.pdf,"In total, 278 women were detained, including 184 nonLibyans, and 109 children were held in prisons in the custody of the Judicial Police. Others were detained in facilities nominally under the control of the Ministry of the Interior or the Ministry of Defence, or in facilities directly operated by armed groups. Those held still had little opportunity to challenge the legality of their detention or to seek redress for violations suffered." +240847,46388.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,73,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Parties to the conflict killed, kidnapped, injured, and threatened health workers; damaged health facilities; and looted or robbed ambulances.This is expected to have affected 1.2 million people across at least 40 districts in 17 provinces in the first ten months of 2020. Such interruptions not only lead to avoidable deaths, but also reduce the quality and quantity of care provided resulting in deteriorating health outcomes." +159043,39293.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,32,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Round-3-Analysis-Factsheet-NWS_Tk_09.09.20.pdf,"Precautions against a potential spread of the virus have been scaled up in response to identified cases, including restrictions on movements, gatherings, commercial activities, and inperson education services.21" +323582,54664.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,79,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/3w_presence_operationnel-feb_21.pdf,"En République Démocratique du Congo, en fin février 2021, 114 acteurs opérationnels, dont 66% d’ONGs nationales mettent en œuvre près de 1470 interventions de prévention et de réponse aux Violences Basées sur le Genre dans 12 provinces à savoir : Haut Katanga, Ituri, Kasaï, Kasaï- Central, Kasaï-Oriental, Kinshasa, Lomami, Nord-Kivu, Sud-Kivu, Maniema Tanganyika et Lualaba en faveur de 1,1 millions de personnes ciblées." +178048,40661.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,82,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Le rapport de l’Institut National des Recherches Biomédicales (IRNB) indique, au 25 août 2020 que, depuis le début de la pandémie du coronavirus déclarée le 10 mars 2020 en RDC, le cumul des cas est de 9 912, dont 9 911 cas confirmés et 1 cas probable. Au total, il y a eu 254 décès (253 cas confirmés et 1 cas probable) et 8 987 personnes ont été guéries." +313703,53333.0,2334.0,['Nutrition'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,22,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,Consider implementing advanced nutritional interventions that tackle especially under-five children for these young mothers who need to continue with their education. +187684,43292.0,2098.0,['Education'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,56,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/msna_2020_factsheet_refugee.pdf,"[July-August 2020, Bangladesh] Rohingya Refugees: 86% of children previously in education reportedly continued studying remotely as learning centres were closed. However, 14% of households with children previously in education reported planning not to send all children back to learning centres, in particular households with high dependency ratios" +314469,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,50,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Between January and December 2020, around 1.3 million people were displaced in Somalia. Of these, more than 1 million new and secondary displacements occurred because of natural disasters, particularly due to the Gu and Hagaa flooding, as well as drought and other interrelated causes." +125143,32835.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,24,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77444.pdf,El 6 % de los hijos menores de un año que fueron reportados por hombres y mujeres en la encuesta DTM no están registrados +313991,54309.0,2311.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Colombia_Evaluacion_Rapida_ECNI_Arauca_ESP.pdf,"Participantes en 25 de los 50 grupos mencionaron que algunas personas están enfrentando dificultades especiales para suplir sus necesidades básicas o acceder a servicios, sobre todo las personas en condición de discapacidad y adultos mayores, que tienen difícil acceso a salud, saneamiento y otros servicios." +310032,51467.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,91,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Only 36 per cent of households reported having access to an improved water source in under 30 minutes without facing any protection concerns. The remaining 64 per cent of people across the country either rely on unimproved or surface water sources (41 per cent), take more than 30 minutes to reach an improved water source (19 per cent), or are able to reach an improved source in less than 30 minutes but face protection concerns while accessing the water (4 per cent)" +314059,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The Joint Multi-Cluster Needs Assessment (JMCNA) 2020 found that roughly over half of all households reported at least two overlapping severe, critical or catastrophic sectoral needs, underscoring the need for inter-sectoral integrated responses," +63174,18642.0,1386.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,42,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://transparencia.org.ve/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/EPE-II-Sector-Agua.pdf,"En el caso del servicio de recolección de aguas servidas, en nueve estados la cobertura urbana no alcanza el 70% de conexiones a cloacas, y en el área rural solamente se alcanza ese porcentaje en el Distrito Capital." +174957,41235.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,38,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[October 14, NES, Social stigma] Unfortunately, these factors are also fuelling harmful stereotypes. High levels of social stigma contribute a fundamental barrier to reporting symptoms and the early detection of cases." +306974,51467.0,2335.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,51,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Education needs remain high among South Sudanese spontaneous refugee returnees. Similarly, access to remote learning platforms and education opportunities by refugees from neighbouring countries are limited by lack of electricity and connectivity, and required devices including radio sets and lighting. Post-secondary opportunities for refugee students remain limited" +149688,37702.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,105,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"Restrictions remain in place at most other crossing points inside Syria. Abu Zendin, Um Jloud and Awn Dadat in Aleppo remain closed, as does Akeirshi and Abu Assi in Ar-Raqqa. Al-Taiha in Aleppo is reported open for commercial traffic. Ghazawiyet Afrin and Deir Ballut in Aleppo are reportedly open for commercial, military, and humanitarian cargo movement but closed to civilian crossings. On 20 July, Bab Al Hawa in Idleb partially re-opened for humanitarian workers and emergency medical cases to cross to Turkey after a week’s closure following reported cases of COVID-19 in Idleb." +439623,63184.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,73,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Burkina%20Faso%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%201%20May%20-%2030%20June%202021.pdf,"As of 30 June 2021 1,312,071 IDPs have been registered in the country (60.5 per cent children), an increase of 4.68 per cent compared to 1,253,416 IDPs registered as of 30 May 2021. While all 13 regions of the country are hosting IDPs, the most affected region remains the Centre-Nord, hosting almost 36.3 per cent of the IDPs, and the Sahel hosting 35.9 per cent." +323341,54815.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Persons with disabilities have the right to free consultations and treatment.vi The National Study for “Burkina 2025” (Conseil National de Prospective et de Planification Stratégique, 2005) defined a Vision 2025 for Burkina Faso as a nation that ensures access for all to quality education and healthcare services." +238077,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,23,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In-country supply chain management issues may persist, with stocks in MoPH warehouses not reaching provinces in a timely manner in 2020." +186908,41080.0,1184.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,112,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000119627.pdf,"En las áreas urbanas una dieta nutritiva cuesta más que en las zonas rurales. Por ejemplo, la dieta nutritiva cuesta un 16% más en las zonas urbanas de Guayas y Bolívar que en las zonas rurales, un 13% más en Pastaza y un 9% más en Chimborazo y Santo Domingo. Con un costo alto de la dieta nutritiva en las zonas urbanas el porcentaje de la población que no tendría acceso económico a esta dieta nutritiva es del 45%. Aunque sea más bajo el porcentaje en la zona urbana que en la zona rural todavía es casi la mitad de la población." +226969,46454.0,2028.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,39,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2022_23Dec2020_FINAL.pdf,"[23rd December, Overall Syria] Shocks has been the volatility of the informal SYP/USD exchange rate, which on 8 June rose to its highest rate on record – approximately SYP 3,200 to US$ 1." +390848,60791.0,1186.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,81,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Para 2019 se estimó un total de 44.194 personas extranjeras residentes en la Región de O´Higgins. Esta cifra representa un aumento absoluto de 8.581 personas y un alza relativa de 24,1% respecto a lo estimado para 2018. En 2019, la población extranjera en esa región se compuso de 25.413 hombres y 18.781 mujeres, con una relación de masculinidad de 135,3 hombres por cada 100 mujeres, la tercera más alta entre las regiones del país." +235173,46388.0,2336.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],en,38,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"There has also been a trend of people being reluctant to attend fixed health and nutrition facilities where they do exist, due to fear of catching COVID-19 due to gaps in infection prevention and control measures." +386741,60459.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"Les marchés locaux fonctionnent au minima car ils font parfois objet d’attaques et de pillages des groupes djihadistes. Avec l’épuisement des stocks et la présence de PDI atteignant 52 pour cent de la population, la demande des ménages en céréales est forte sur les marchés." +132460,35164.0,1188.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,25,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,Los participantes de la ciudad de Panamá desconocían que existían estás figuras de protección y que pueden acceder a ellos sin importar que son extranjeros +170800,40367.0,2099.0,[],[],[],en,37,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"These results confirm the efficacy and importance of community health response in the current emergency context, and the need to strengthen community-based interventions, particularly in areas with a high number of closed health facilities." +167200,39184.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,80,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/202006%20Monthly%20Regional%20Report_WCA_v1.pdf,"In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, DTM implemented a Mobility Restrictrion Mapping (MRM) activity at Points of Entry (PoE) throughout te West and Central Africa region, to assess the operational status of PoE and identify measures in place to prevent the spread of the epidemic. In May 2020, assessments were carried out in Cameroon, Chad, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Ghana, Mali, Mauritania and Nigeria." +390827,60791.0,1186.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,70,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Para 2019 se estimó un total de 68.394 personas extranjeras residentes en la Región de Tarapacá. Esta cifra representa un aumento absoluto de 7.467 personas y un alza relativa de 12,3% respecto a lo estimado para 2018. En 219 la población extranjera en esa región se compuso de 33.386 hombres y 35.008 mujeres, con una relación de masculinidad de 95,4 hombres por cada 100 mujeres." +177074,41752.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Logistics', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,121,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Étant donné que les restrictions mises en place entre mars et juin sont maintenant levées, nous avons demandé aux personnes enquêtées de quelle manière ces facteurs avaient encore aujourd’hui une incidence sur leur vie quotidienne. La majorité d’entre elles estime que la fermeture des routes entre les villes et la fermeture des marchés ont encore un impact négatif sur leur vie quotidienne malgré la levée de ces restrictions. Une étude de Norwegian Refugee Council souligne que ces restrictions ont eu un impact sévère sur le mouvement de produits frais, de production agricole et d’élevage et ont conduit à une réduction des revenus qui est ressentie toujours par les personnes interrogées." +334899,55774.0,2098.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,78,['Impact'],"['Shock/Event', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bcf29d656a8d5984f4c8ffe40908514aad85d.pdf,"[6 April, 2021, Bangladesh] A Bridge collapsed in Tangail district and communication was disrupted due to it. Strong Storm blew over Dhaka and Sunamganj district in this month. Hailstorm affected Natore district with 2 events that causes damaged Mango trees. A strong Earthquake was felt in different parts of the country on the last of this month. A Wild elephant attacked a women and killed her in Chattogram district." +325705,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,110,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Malgré une croissance constante de la production (en particulier pour le tilapia du Nil), l’augmentation des opérations d’aquaculture s’est heurtée à deux obstacles principaux: le coût élevé des alevins, dû à l’absence d’une industrie aquacole établie, et leur faible taux de survie, dû à des prédateurs naturels incontrôlés, au manque de ressources humaines qualifiées, au manque de nourriture et au manque d’alevins. En général, les chaînes de valeur du poisson ne sont pas encore bien structurées, et restent très informelles, et marginalisées au niveau macroéconomique" +474600,65021.0,1185.0,['Food Security'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,262,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"When analyzing the perceived food situation, the study found that the usage of food-related coping strategies remains to be common among the migrant population. Data show that, overall, 12% regularly went one whole day without eating during the previous month. Overall, nearly three out of four respondents (72%) are resorting to coping strategies affecting food consumption. The majority (35%) relies on less expensive/less preferred food. An additional 38% adopts strategies that directly affect the quantity of food consumed, namely by skipping meals (26%) or spending a whole day without eating (12%). Migrants in rural areas continue to show higher usage of food-coping strategies (81%) compared to those in (peri) urban areas (71%). A slightly higher use was also reported by female respondents (76%) compared to males (70%). In comparison with the pre-COVID-19 emergency (67%), a higher share of migrants resorted to the use of food-related coping strategies (72%). Figure 9 shows how the share of those claiming having difficulties eating enough food significantly increased across the three rounds of data collection. This situation is highly dynamic and must be continuously monitored as migrants could further exhaust in the long run the possibility to adopt coping strategies to limit the consequences of the outbreak and to keep food consumption to an acceptable level." +310581,53179.0,2466.0,['Shelter'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,16,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Flash%20Update%20-%20Sudan%20-%2017%20Jan%202021_1.pdf,"A total of 30,865 people received emergency shelter/NFI assistance since the start of the response." +318428,53855.0,2225.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,44,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/democratic-republic-congo/aid-delivery-tricky-road-south-kivu-and-maniema,"The democratic Republic of Congo is at the intersection of major crises within and outside its borders. These include food insecurity, violent conflicts, epidemics and natural disasters. 16 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance in the country." +137571,35118.0,1187.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Respecto a esta última se observa que solo 72 de las personas encuestadas refieren contar con un empleo. Entre ellas se observó que 16 trabajan de manera independiente o autónoma, mientras que 56 lo hacían en relación de dependencia." +338313,55951.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,63,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://preventepidemics.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/PERC-Finding-the-Balance-Part-III-12-May-2021.pdf,"[Survey conducted by phone with approximately 24,000 people across 19 Member States in five geographical regions in Africa, including DRC] Aligned with urgent warnings from the World Food Programme about the magnitude of severe food insecurity across the globe, PERC survey findings showed that more than 80% of respondents reported issues accessing food in the previous week." +325802,54267.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Les femmes utilisent principalement les caisses d’épargne (44 pour cent contre 36 pour cent des hommes), les banques traditionnelles (42 pour cent contre 54 pour cent des hommes) et les institutions de microfinance (13 pour cent contre 10 pour cent des hommes). [(OCDE, 2018)]" +223898,45764.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,76,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/0004_202008_rrm_msa_rapport_final_wolirom.pdf,"7 086 personnes déplacées (dont 2 352 hommes, 2 859 femmes, 721 garçons et 1154 filles) soit 1 417 ménages regroupés par quartier où l’on trouve des personnes d’une même ethnie. Les principaux groupes sont : boudouma, kanembou, arabe et peulh. La majorité vient de Tinana. D’autres, viennent de Kilikara, de Diamerom et des environs de Kaïga- Kindjiria." +238074,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,23,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Based on WHO projections, the HNO assumes that 195,000 people will require hospitalisation as a result of acute symptoms from COVID-19." +339012,56192.0,2225.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,62,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.internal-displacement.org/sites/default/files/publications/documents/grid2021_idmc.pdf,"National humanitarian response plans were also revised to include additional costs for sanitary measures, epidemiological monitoring, communication, prevention, testing, analyses and medical treatment. All initial budgets for the DRC, for example, were increased by seven per cent, and the cost of the Covid 19 response was estimated at $166.82 per beneficiary." +318490,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,35,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Partners have also demonstrated the need for storage facilities – temperature-controlled in particular – as part of one of the challenges of the wider health response, especially relevant in the context of COVID-19." +299252,52086.0,2028.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[25th March, 2021, Overall Syria] The highest proportion of households (87 percent) report having access to markets. Financial services are accessible to 77 percent of households, followed by health services (74 percent) and safe water (72 percent). Only 42 percent of households reported having access to electricity and 39 percent to bakeries." +223900,45764.0,2332.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,51,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/0004_202008_rrm_msa_rapport_final_wolirom.pdf,"Recommandations principales proposées : Compléter le gap restant de la distribution faite par le CICR (sur les 1417 ménages, 1250 ont reçu des NFI avant l’évaluation soit, 167 ménages) . Apporter une assistance en abris à 1417 ménages (en plus de la bâche)" +345981,56087.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,28,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.thedefensepost.com/2021/05/04/dr-congo-military-ituri-north-kivu/,"DR Congo Military Takes Charge of North Kivu, Ituri The two eastern provinces are declared under siege for 30 days starting on Thursday, May 6." +59531,17198.0,1224.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,76,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"Some migrants were issued with immigration documents legitimising their stay in Guyana for three (3) months. In excess of sixty (60) such immigration documents were issued to the migrants by Sergeant Ronnel Murphy of the Immigration Department. Upon completion of the three (3) months, they (Venezuelan migrants) are required to seek an extension to stay permit from the Immigration Office at Mabaruma Police Station." +491611,68069.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,75,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20Nigeria%20DTM%20Emergency%20Tracking%20Tool%20%28ETT%29%20Report%20No.241%20%2813%20%20-%2019%20September%202021%29.pdf,"[13th-19th Sep 2021, Adamawa] Gombi: 161 departures were recorded in Gombi LGA of Adamawa State. The departures included 151 individuals to Hong LGA in Adamawa State, and 10 individuals to Michika LGA in Adamawa State. Fifty-eight per cent of the movements were a result of the improved security situation in areas of origin, and 42 per cent of the movements were due to poor living conditions." +305638,51572.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,55,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Besides the general security situation remained calm in Melut county, two incidents of attack and cattle raiding took place in Melut county which resulted in death and injury of civilians including 1 IDP woman. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +5982,273.0,321.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,98,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/joint-au-eu-un-taskforce-assists-16000-people-0,"The International Organization for Migration (IOM) assisted 15,000 migrants to return to their homes from Libya through the voluntary humanitarian returns programme, with the support of the European Union and the active cooperation of the African Union. On its side, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has evacuated over 1,300 refugees from Libya. This fulfils the targets announced at the Taskforce meeting by High Representative/Vice-President Mogherini, African Union Commissioner El Fadil, IOM Director General Swing and UNHCR Assistant High Commissioner Türk on 14 December 2017." +152100,37764.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,29,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/31-07-20-buf-5w-dashboard_education.pdf,"En effet, l'insécurité a provoqué en moyenne le déplacement de 1 500 personnes par jour, principalement dans les régions du Nord, du Centre-Nord et du Sahel" +291369,51259.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,54,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2020_access_annual_overview.pdf,"Active hostilities and violence against personnel continued to impact humanitarian operations, with 245 aid workers relocated in 26 incidents from multiple locations across the country. Some 70 per cent of relocations took place in Jonglei, halting essential activities for communities in need, many of which were facilitated through OCHA." +169585,40332.0,2098.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,63,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/early-action-key-south-asia-copes-four-crises-one-year,"[1st October, Bangladesh] Indian Red Cross and Bangladesh Red Crescent volunteers are doing all they can to provide relief in the most difficult circumstances they have ever faced. The volunteers say they have a duty to support people, who are tackling growing hardships caused by the floods, poverty, COVID-19 and the increasing effects of climate change" +312938,53183.0,2466.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,The nutrition sector received $75.3 million (49.2 per cent) of the $153 million USD required for 2020. Such shortfalls constrained delivery of services to people in need. +48107,13061.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.derechos.org.ve/web/wp-content/uploads/MigracionLigia.pdf,"Finalmente, una motivación frecuente de las personas LGBTI para migrar se relaciona con la posibilidad de conseguir el tratamiento médico para quienes viven con VIH/SIDA." +240050,46388.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,50,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Similarly, the proportion of households with a moderate to severe level of hunger has increased (up by 11 per cent) as well as the proportion of households allocating more than 75 per cent of their monthly expenditure to food (up by 12 per cent)." +192901,43304.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,11,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Développer des activités d’appuis aux handicapés, personnes âgées" +318289,52949.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,86,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"With the high risk of disease outbreak, the public health system must take anticipatory action to strengthen prevention and case management, including pre-positioning of medications and supplies. COVID-19 also highlights the need to significantly scale-up infection prevention and control practices both in the community and in the healthcare setting. Effective infection prevention and control in healthcare facilities decreases nosocomial infection, keeping patients and healthcare providers safer, and contributes to better outcomes, for example in maternal and newborn health." +341793,56493.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,236,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"la perte ou la diminution de l’autorité de l’Etat a été évoquée de manière récurrente comme un facteur clé qui alimente cette conflictualité. Ce manque de régulation de la part de l’Etat a créé un processus d’accaparement des richesses du pays par une petite partie de la population au détriment de la grande masse qui se trouve sans perspectives. Il en découle des frustrations qui entrainent une colère particulièrement chez les jeunes, ce qui les rend plus sensibles aux sirènes des réseaux violents en tout genre. Spécifiquement de l’avis de certains groupes de jeunes rencontrés, il existe un décalage entre ce qui leur est dû et ce qu’ils reçoivent en termes d’opportunités économiques. Ils s’engagent dans les actes de violence non pas parce qu’ils vivent une situation de misère, mais parce qu’ils estiment qu’ils ne sont pas à leur juste place et que leur situation socioéconomique est injuste. En conséquence, les jeunes ne rejoignent pas les groupes d’extrémisme violent uniquement parce qu’ils sont chômeurs ou parce qu’ils sont ignorants. Ils le font parce qu’étant donné les potentialités qui existent dans leurs localités, ils s’attendent à bénéficier d’une meilleure condition sociale." +161339,39528.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],fr,39,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Formation de 29 enfants des provinces du Sanmatenga, Namentenga et Bam en détresse des centres/associations d’accueil d’enfants sur la gestion du stress, les Premiers Secours Psychologiques (PSP) et la COVID-1 ;" +385200,60693.0,2170.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,74,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/malnutrition-among-children-rife-nigeria-what-must-be-done,"[22nd July 2021, Nigeria]At the household level, ensuring good water, sanitation, and hygiene practice could help reduce infections which result in child malnutrition. While at the community level, supplementary food such as lipid-based nutrient supplements and fortified cereal products should be distributed. There should also be support in the form of food or cash transfers to allow households to buy their own food." +188367,42876.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,21,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Reporte_Situacional_Arauca_Agosto_VF.pdf,Desde el 14 de marzo hasta el 31 de agosto han retornado 19.654 personas por el Puente Internacional José Antonio Páez +45478,15533.0,729.0,"['Protection', 'Cross', 'Education']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,90,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_report_areabasedassessment_aba_azzawya_jun2019.pdf,"The majority of migrant KIs (11 out of the 17 who reported knowing about restrictions to access education) reported that while migrant children face restrictions in accessing education facilities, these tend to be non-administrative and include: (1) the inability of migrants to afford education, (2) the fear of being kidnapped or arrested near a school entrance (particularly prevalent among KIs originating from West Africa) and (3) the perception that roads leading to education facilities are unsafe." +310509,53179.0,2466.0,"['Food Security', 'Shelter']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,47,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Flash%20Update%20-%20Sudan%20-%2017%20Jan%202021_1.pdf,"Aid agencies are scaling up response and by 2 February, all IDPs in the 71 IDP gathering points in Ag Geneina verified by WFP received food assistance, that is 67,380 people. Almost 31,000 people – over half of the target – received NFIs." +240650,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,23,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,A severe shortage of trained female doctors and midwives is also a major obstacle to extending reproductive health care to Afghan women. +343636,56186.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Hospitalization & Care'],en,76,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.afro.who.int/news/what-fuels-use-unproven-covid-19-therapies,"How widespread is the use of unproven COVID-19 treatment in Africa? [Professor Lucille Blumberg, the Deputy Director of the South African National Institute for Communicable Diseases]: ""It is difficult to estimate how widespread the phenomenon is. Many medical products are purchased outside of formal pharmacies and there is no documentation of their use. It is thus difficult to confirm if they are being used for COVID-19.""" +175168,40890.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,74,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"Refugiadas y migrantes venezolanas enfrentan necesidades básicas insatisfechas en entornos difíciles en términos de alojamiento y privacidad, lo que, sumado a carencias en medios de vida y la incertidumbre ante la coyuntura, puede causar estrés y otras situaciones de salud mental. Así mismo, la necesidad de buscar ingresos puede causar separación física de madre y bebé, sin mayores posibilidades de alternativas como la conservación de la leche." +135780,35301.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,26,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Digital engagement and peer to peer mentoring sessions were supported despite COVID-related restrictions, more than 300 young people were trained by peers on blogging." +311299,54065.0,2170.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nenfss_round_9_final_report_11032021.pdf,"[1st Dec 2020,North-East Nigeria] The proportion of women meeting minimum dietary diversity, consuming iron rich foods, and consuming Vitamin A rich foods were all lower among adolescents (aged 15-19 years) than adult women (20-49 years). This is a consistent with the pattern of acute malnutrition as measured by MUAC." +213256,44840.0,2331.0,"['WASH', 'Health', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,27,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,"UNHCR has extended conditional cash transfers to targeted vulnerable households for purchasing health/sanitary materials (soap, gloves, masks) and/or accessing health care services." +188347,42925.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,105,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/huir-tres-veces-el-drama-de-los-caminantes-venezolanos/2256,"La autoridad migratoria calcula que, para finales de 2020, los venezolanos radicados en Colombia podrían alcanzar los dos millones. Ni la presión de la comunidad internacional ni el trabajo de las fuerzas opositoras venezolanas –hoy divididas para las elecciones parlamentarias de diciembre– han logrado solucionar la crisis política o reducir el suplicio de quienes permanecen en Venezuela. Colombia, sin embargo, hizo poco por prepararse para atender esta nueva ola migratoria, pese a haber previsto lo que el mismo gerente de Frontera, Lucas Gómez, reconoce como la llegada de una población con mayores niveles de vulnerabilidad." +62953,18642.0,1386.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,66,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://transparencia.org.ve/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/EPE-II-Sector-Agua.pdf,"al no ejecutar los planes previstos, no reponer los activos, no introducir nuevas tecnologías y mucho menos modernizar y sincerar el área comercial de las empresas procurando tarifas, catastros, gestiones de cobro y seguridad en el manejo de la recaudación, siempre arribamos al mismo sitio: empresas sin autonomía, con dirigentes que no tienen ninguna capacidad de administrar eficazmente." +272327,50464.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,27,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210203FINALFactSheetSomaliaSkisserLR11.pdf,"Droughts and floods can link local resource conflicts to broader insecurity, as elites may exploit the impacts to advance their influence over communities and resources." +194649,43820.0,2311.0,['Logistics'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Context->Environment', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",es,57,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/guur-115.1_fsa_19112020_v3.pdf,"Es de difícil acceso llegar a las comunidades en la alta guajira, tales como Nazareth, Siapana, Castilletes y demás puesto que el deterioro de las vías las vuelve prácticamente impenetrable, se puede evaluar constantemente algunas vías y será necesario del ingreso de camionetas toyotas 4x4 tipo pick up para el posible ingreso." +314489,52949.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,54,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"On average, approximately 300,000 hectares of agricultural land is cultivated across Somalia every season. Flooding impacted nearly 50 per cent of these lands, or 144,000 hectares of agricultural fields across seven states, with Hirshabelle followed by Jubaland, South West and Puntland reporting the highest number of affected people." +9159,2909.0,322.0,['Education'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,91,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_jan_to_apr_2018.pdf,"During March and April, 12 affected schools were repaired in Al Hudaydah, Taizz and Lahj governorates including rehabilitation of WASH facilities helping 4,923 students to have better schooling environment. Additionally latrines have been rehabilitatedin 26 schools in Aden, Amran, Ibb and Lahj benefitting 17,891 students. Cluster partners supported various activities reaching around 193,000 students with emergency related training for their teachers, 66,939 with provision of learning supplies, provision of school food to 59,618 students and 10,411 through provision of alternative learning classrooms." +456028,65411.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,105,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[16-29 August 2021, Cox's Bazar] Host: While the overall positivity of samples tested in the district is 12.8%, a considerable decrease of positive cases has been observed among the host community in recent weeks. In week 34, 329 cases tested positive, with a test positivity rate of 12.8%, in comparison with week 32 when 718 positive cases were registered with a test positivity rate of 19.4%. To date, a total of 236 deaths have been reported in the host community, with a case fatality ratio of 1.4%." +214302,45385.0,2334.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,35,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,800 élèves (257 filles et 543 garçons) de 30 écoles des localités situées en zones frontalières dans les trois départements les plus sinistrés ont été soutenus par NRC [en matériel scolaire] +155160,37856.0,2099.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,62,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Du 20 au 26 juillet 2020, environ 1 137 voyageurs ont été observés traversant la frontière Burkina Faso – Niger, sur l’axe reliant Kantchari (Burkina Faso) à Kankani (Niger), en contournant les voies officielles fermées du fait des mesures prises dans le cadre de la réponse à l’épidémie du COVID-19." +174993,41510.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,33,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,"http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2020-10/07/c_139422762.htm#:~:text=UNITED%20NATIONS%2C%20Oct.%206%20(,UN%20spokesman%20said%20on%20Tuesday.","(October 2020 - Syria) the prices of masks and gloves have increased by 300 percent, with sanitizer prices going up by more than 200 percent since February according to WFP" +192887,43304.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,39,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,Il est donc essentiel de sensibiliser continuellement les populations sur les conséquences de cette crise et de fournir les conseils stratégiques aux décideurs afin de mieux se préparer et de réduire l’impact négatif de la pandémie. +301776,51958.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,108,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_devaluation_de_protection_des_retournes_tchadiens_de_la_rca_installes_dans_les_sites_au_sud_du_tchad_002.pdf,"Les retournés, conscients des difficultés actuelles de la communauté humanitaire en matière de ressources, demandent d’être appuyés pour pouvoir produire et se prendre en charge. Ils recommandent que cela se fasse sur la base des résultats du profilage socio-économique qui les classe en catégories d’autonomisables à court, moyen et long terme. L’insuffisance d’opportunités économiques (faible demande sur le marché, accès à l’emploi etc.) ainsi que l’accès limité à la formation professionnelle et qualifiante ont clairement été identifiés comme les principaux défis à relever pour ce secteur." +80495,22034.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'Education']",[],[],es,44,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/cuatro-reflexiones-del-primer-mes-del-campamento-humanitario-para-venezolanos-en-bogota/780,"La clave está en la implementación de campamentos temporales, siempre que vayan de la mano con medidas gubernamentales para la regularización de los migrantes, pues así podrán participar formalmente en el mercado laboral y acceder a servicios como salud y educación." +162655,31010.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,109,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/elclaguajira_flasupdate1_covid19.05.2020vf_0.pdf,"Decreto 096 del 25 de abril de 2020: Se adoptan y aplican medidas de aislamiento preventivo obligatorio en el Departamento de La Guajira y se dictan otras disposiciones en el marco de la pandemia COVID19. Decreto 106 del 03 de mayo de 2020: Se decreta en el Distrito de Riohacha el toque de queda de lunes a viernes desde las 7:00 p.m. hasta las 5:00 a.m, los fines de semana rige de viernes a las 7:00 p.m. hasta las 5:00 a.m. del lunes. El decreto modifica el pico y cédula a una sola persona por familia, dos números por día cada siete días" +162398,32461.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,57,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/colombia-ha-deportado-a-334-venezolanos-por-incumplir-normas-durante-la-pandemia/1995,"En el encuentro virtual con periodistas y usuarios, la autoridad migratoria se refirió al nuevo acuerdo que llegó el estado colombiano con autoridades de Ecuador, los cuales permitirán el paso vía terrestre a ciudadanos colombianos atrapados en Ecuador y de ciudadanos ecuatorianos en Colombia.“El trato no incluye a venezolanos”, aclaró Espinosa" +305422,53013.0,2331.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,22,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/3c8084ae/REACH_SOM_Factsheet_Assessment-of-Hard-to-Reach-Areas_December-2020.pdf,Protection/GBV: In 49% of assessed settlements KIs reported that protection services were not available to women from the settlements. +188618,43181.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Contact Tracing'],fr,34,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_270_20201026_.pdf,"Les cumuls sont de 335 753 voyageurs internationaux voyageurs nationaux screenés ; ceci a permis de détecter 53 et 340 alertes et de confirmer 14 et 23 d’entre elles, respectivement." +188805,43322.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,130,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Humanitarian Access']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://news.un.org/fr/story/2020/11/1081772,"« Cibler le personnel humanitaire entrave le secours aux Congolaises et Congolais en situations très critiques, viole le droit international humanitaire, et va à l’encontre de la résolution 2417 (du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies » condamnant notamment les refus illicites d’accès humanitaire », a rappelé M. McLachlan-KarrLe Coordonnateur a, une nouvelle fois, appelé les autorités congolaises à considérer la protection des opérations humanitaires comme une priorité absolue « afin que l’aide puisse être acheminée librement ». Le haut responsable onusien a conclu que, si des incidents similaires se poursuivent en RDC, des acteurs humanitaires pourraient, au détriment des bénéficiaires identifiés, être contraints de se retirer pour préserver leur propre sécurité." +145973,35870.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,17,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"To enhance diagnosis and prioritize increased testing capacity, WHO continues to support the CPHL in Damascus" +194570,43822.0,2311.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],es,23,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19112020_flash_update_no.3_emergencias_por_ola_invernal_-_colombia_vf.pdf,La Isla de San Andrés también reporta al menos 700 familias damnificadas en albergues dispuestos por las autoridades locales y otros improvisados. +486199,67505.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,29,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Myanmar%20Emergency%20Update%20-%2001%20Sep_0.pdf,"[June - July 2021, Cox's Bazar] An average of 2.8* health consultations/person/year was achieved as of July 2021. (OB1, IN2)" +500646,31283.0,1232.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,50,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Uruguay,2019-05-28 02:56:46.441375+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNDRR%20COVID-19%20BRIEF%20PERSONAS%20CON%20DISCAPACIDADES%20FRENTE%20AL%20COVID-19%20EN%20LAS%20AM%C3%89RICAS%20Y%20EL%20CARIBE%20%283%29.pdf,"En cuanto al riesgo de contagio de las personas con discapacidad y de sus cuidadores, el 59% aseguró no contar con otra persona que les pueda cuidar en caso de que su cuidador/a principal sea contagiada, siendo este otro factor que aumenta aún más su vulnerabilidad." +291989,51982.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,91,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/colombia2020/justicia/jep/cada-media-hora-un-colombiano-ha-sido-desplazado-este-ano-fiscalia-de-la-jep/,"Cada media hora un colombiano se ha visto obligado a abandonar forzosamente su hogar este año”, dice el comunicado en el que también destacan que los departamentos que más se han visto afectados por este flagelo son Norte de Santander, Antioquia, Chocó y Nariño y las comunidades más vulnerables han sido las indígenas y afrodescendientes. “Entre la población más afectada, se encuentran precisamente los titulares de derechos y garantías ante la Jurisdicción Especial para la Paz como los resguardos indígenas y los consejos comunitarios" +291333,51584.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,18,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://docs.wfp.org/api/documents/WFP-0000121004/download/?_ga=2.267291910.926065783.1606212133-1055501472.1562658913,"WFP expanded its COVID-19 response from Kabul and Herat provinces to Nangarhar, Kandahar and Mazare-Sharif provinces." +273807,50464.0,2331.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Environment'],en,47,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210203FINALFactSheetSomaliaSkisserLR11.pdf,Temperature: Median daily maximum temperatures in Somalia range from 30°C to 40°C. The country has experienced a gradual and continuous increase of 1°C to 1.5°C in median annual temperatures since 1991. Long-term projections predict a continued increase of between 3.2°C and 4.3°C by 2100.3 +234303,46381.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,69,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Mandatory use of mask within the workplaces, educational institutions, shops and other commercial and public areas; enhance immunity level of the population (level of vitamin D is lower among females) such as use of vitamin D fortified oil increase utilization of primary health care services (vaccination, ANC, PNC and etc..) for routine health services disrupted due to COVID-19." +341965,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,125,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"« Le mot « Koglwéogo » est composé du verbe Kogl en langue mooré qui signifie « garder, préserver » et du mot wéogo qui désigne « la brousse, la contrée ». Le terme désigne également tout membre de ces groupes et renvoie donc plus généralement à l’ensemble des mesures ou stratégies à prendre pour sécuriser le cadre de vie des populations d’une contrée donnée. L’approche sécuritaire des Koglwéo- go implique tous les acteurs de la communauté locale dans la protection des hommes, des villages, des animaux et des ressources naturelles »108. Au sein des koglwéogo, on retrouve des anciens bandits, coupeurs de route repentis ou des agriculteurs." +177513,40876.0,1183.0,['Education'],[],[],es,57,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200904_evaluaciondenecesidades_antioquia_caceres_mire.pdf,"Educación en Emergencia • Se requiere entrega de material que permita la realización de actividades lúdicopedagógicas, en articulación con la secretaria de educación municipal. Adicionalmente se requieren espacios de formación en educación en emergencia dirigido a niños, niñas, jóvenes y docentes como mecanismo de protección ante riesgo persistente identificado en la zona." +234297,46381.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,48,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The proportion of COVID-19 positive infection is higher in urban areas compared to rural areas. It means that the COVID-19 spread will be towards rural areas in the coming months, therefore, there is need to improve health care facilities and services in these areas." +308105,53309.0,2098.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']","['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],en,66,"['At Risk', 'Priority Interventions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/gender_alert_brief_final.pdf,"[29th March 2021, Cox's Bazar] A comprehensive response to the fire must include interventions to prevent, mitigate and respond to violence against women and girls (VAWG). The existing crisis of VAWG in the camps is very likely to worsen where protection and law enforcement are weak, massive numbers of shelters are damaged and families are displaced." +408820,61216.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,24,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/humanitarian-situation-overview-syria-hsos-northeast-syria-june-2021,"[June 2021, NES] KIs in 88% of communities cited the high cost of health services as a common challenge." +287433,51638.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Local Integration'],fr,47,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20_FEVRIER%202021_SAHEL.pdf,(Sahel) Des sensibilisations sur la coexistence pacifique et la COVID-19 ont été réalisées au cours de ce mois. Elles ont permis de toucher 791 personnes dont 761 pour la sensibilisation sur la cohabitation pacifique et 30 personnes touchées par la sensibilisation sur la COVID-19 +218531,45654.0,2028.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,45,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/hrp_weekly_funding_status_201124.pdf,"[24 Nov 2020, Whole of Syria, COVID-19 RP Funding Overview] COVID-19 Response Plan: Funding requirements for Protection sector are 12.8 Million USD, of which 6.6 Million USD have been funded, leaving a gap of 6.2 Million USD." +145920,35870.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"To enhance surveillance efforts, WHO is working with the MoH to simplify the case definition for COVID-19 as well as expand active surveillance beyond the existing 125 hospitals to all primary healthcare facilities" +239661,47230.0,2311.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,49,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"La principal fuente de acceso al agua para consumo humano en los hogares es el agua de acueducto o alcantarillado, con un 75%. Sin embargo, el 9% de hogares encuestados no posee una fuente de agua potable para el consumo de manera fija." +146180,37548.0,1187.0,"['Cross', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']",[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,110,[],['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/policy_brief_cuidados_espanolv_190829.pdf,"Se suspende el deber de asistencia al lugar de trabajo mientras dure el aislamiento social con goce de sueldo a trabajadores y trabajadoras mayores de sesenta años, trabajadoras embarazadas y personas in- cluidas en los grupos de riesgo. Esta medida inicialmente se hizo por 14 días (Resolución 207/2020) pero luego se amplió mientras dure la extensión del aislamiento social preventivo y obligatorio (Resolución 296/2020) Se considera justificada la inasistencia de la persona adulta responsable a cargo, cuya presencia en el hogar resulte indispensable para el cuidado del niños, niñas o adolescentes, mientras dure la suspensión de clases en las escuelas." +221792,45410.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,77,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"[Les parties Sud des provinces administratives du BEG et du Kanem dans la Zone 5 - « agropastorale» ]: En raison du bas niveau de l’offre de produits alimentaires sur les marchés, il est observé une hausse par rapport à la moyenne quinquennale sur les marchés céréaliers où le mil à Moussoro et le maïs à Mao affichent des hausses respectives de 14 % et 27 % en septembre 2020." +193951,43327.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,20,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_sectoriel_octobre.pdf,L’appui à l’ouverture des postes médicaux avancés dans les zones d’accueil des PDI ; +135732,35301.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,42,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"In the first six months of 2020, UNICEF and partners supported some 50,000 children (48 per cent girls) with psychosocial support services; due to the COVID-19 outbreak, only remote sessions took place between March and June." +216597,45416.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,70,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,"Les attaques des groupes armés contre les civiles et contre les FARDC ; les affrontements entre milices de communautés opposées ; les attaques des villages, des centres de santé et des écoles (menaces, incendies, pillages et destructions) ; les inondations ; les épidémies ; les occupations des écoles sont autant d’incidents qui ont engendré des crises humanitaires dans les 4 provinces analysées." +192895,43304.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,37,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Soutenir techniquement et financièrement les entreprises, les PME et les unités de production informelle pour leur relèvement au choc lié à la COVID-19 (fonds de soutien aux acteurs de l’économie informelle);" +149208,36019.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"As of 12 July, local authorities have confirmed a total of six cases of COVID-19 in NES, all from the same cluster in Al-Hasakeh city." +151457,37915.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,65,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/78176.pdf,"A community-based surveillance initiative launched by UNHCR and WHO in the refugee settlements is yielding good results. The initiative relies on 1,440 trained Community Health Workers (CHWs) who assist in identifying patients with mild and moderate respiratory illness symptoms using simple criteria. They offer individual counselling about testing, treatment, and a referral if required, including for quarantine services" +338306,55951.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,70,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://preventepidemics.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/PERC-Finding-the-Balance-Part-III-12-May-2021.pdf,"[Survey conducted by phone with approximately 24,000 people across 19 Member States in five geographical regions in Africa, including DRC] Adherence to other measures—such as avoiding religious gatherings or minimizing trips to market— has decreased in the same timeframe, in line with relaxing of PHSMs. Rather than relying on severe and broad restrictions, governments have implemented more targeted measures while emphasizing mask use." +177060,41752.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,66,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Les perceptions récoltées par GTS font écho au rapport de REACH sur les vulnérabilités au COVID-19 à Kaya, où la décision de se rendre dans un centre de santé, de s’auto-confiner et d’appeler le numéro vert sont les premières procédures à suivre au cas où un membre du ménage présente des symptômes de COVID-19, selon les personnes enquêtées." +303995,51174.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Health']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,25,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.afro.who.int/sites/default/files/2021-02/South%20Sudan%20IDSR%20Bulletin%20Week%201%2C%20%20%204-%2010%20January%202021%20.pdf,Update the state cholera contingency plans – to strengthen surveillance; case management; risk communication; WASH; OCV( Oral Cholera Vaccination) +63625,18631.0,788.0,['Shelter'],[],['Context->Demography'],en,128,[],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_floodoverview_13092019.pdf,"In Adamawa State, the State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA) reported that 15 people were killed due to the floods and 280 houses/shelters were completely destroyed. Some 5,454 HHs are affected in nine LGAs – Demsa, Fufore, Ganye, Girei, Mayo-Belwa, Shelleng, Song, Yola North, and Yola South. According to the data provided by SEMA, 62% of the affected households are in four LGAs – Yola South (24%), Yola North (15%), Fufore (13%), and Ganye (10%). SEMA is closely working with state authorities and has requested federal level support to respond to the needs caused by the floods." +162977,37820.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,127,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/iom_rohingya_crisis_response_-_external_sitrep_-_july_2020.pdf,"IOM and partners continued sensitization of both Rohingya refugees and host community members through awareness raising on human trafficking and Covid-19. The outreach messages promoted personal hygiene and physical distancing while discouraging mass gatherings, as well as describing the possible risks of human trafficking during the pandemic context. The effort reached 5,761 individuals (2,235 women, 12 elderly women, 10 women with disabilities, 2,063 men, 51 elderly m,en, 21 men with disabilities, 704 boys, two boys with disabilities and 663 girls) through 740 sessions. Meanwhile, 3,226 (comic) pocket books that depict possible trafficking scenarios were distributed to Rohingya and host community members to sensitize them regarding human trafficking risks." +325395,54815.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"(Centre-Est, Boucle du Mouhoun) On the other hand, the residents of Centre-Est were much more likely to identify the cost of medical services themselves as a top-five reason for not seeking treatment as often as they would like to (85 percent, compared to 60 percent in Boucle du Mouhoun)." +209816,45080.0,2170.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,41,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%209%20Dec%202020.pdf,"[9thDec2020,Nigeria]Community-based GBV prevention activities have also been limited due to physical distancing measures during the COVID19 pandemic. These are avenues through which communities are engaged on GBV awareness and avenues for seeking help for survivors" +239336,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,27,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Recent IDPs and returnee households are more likely to report not having a heating device (78 per cent and 71 per cent, respectively)." +240583,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The 2020 WoA Assessment showed that health costs were the second most common reason, after food, for a household to have taken on debt, with average spending on healthcare in the 30 days prior to the assessment being 2327 AFN/$30.2" +320705,52949.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Availability of water containers is also limited, with 92 per cent and 8 per cent of household respectively reporting their non-availability for transporting and household storage, further impacting their regular access to water." +63168,18642.0,1386.0,"['Cross', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Context->Economy']",es,80,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://transparencia.org.ve/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/EPE-II-Sector-Agua.pdf,"Las inversiones consolidadas del sector, en el período 2002-2013, han sido mucho menores en términos reales, a las requeridas para cubrir el crecimiento vegetativo de la población y mantener los porcentajes de cobertura. Además, entre 2002 y 2012, la inversión pública para el sec- tor no ha superado el 0,1% del PIB, cuando lo deseable para servicios públicos, de acuerdo con estándares internacionales, es el 1% como mínimo." +485130,65398.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,69,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"En las entrevistas, se han identificado casos de estafas en los que el empleador les ofrecía una remuneración que, finalmente, no era pagada o, por lo menos, no de manera íntegra. Todos estos casos se han producido en trabajos informales. Ninguna de las víctimas sabía a dónde debía acudir en caso de desear presentar una denuncia frente a situaciones como las mencionadas" +164271,34183.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,101,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://s3.amazonaws.com/semanaruralvzla/documentos/1594859069_boletin_inversionpdf,"Las relaciones económicas entre Colombia y Venezuela han estado enmarcadas por las estrategias de adaptación de las empresas frente a los cambios políticos. En Venezue- la, las expropiaciones de las empresas, su retiro de acuerdos comerciales, como el de la Comunidad Andina de Naciones (CAN), y la inestabilidad económica, sumado a los constantes cierres de frontera (ordenados tanto por el Gobierno de Colombia como el de Venezuela) han sido algunos de los fac- tores que incentivaron la salida de capital venezolano a diferentes destinos, entre los que se encuentra Colombia" +317200,53333.0,2334.0,"['WASH', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,28,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Furthermore, schools being the centre field of the crisis were reported to have limited facilities in terms of classrooms and toilets after some were destroyed by fighting" +206557,44550.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,37,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=211507,"[25th November, 2020, Overall Syria] Health Ministry announced on Wednesday that 90 new Coronavirus cases were registered in Syria, adding that 58 patients have recovered while 6 others have passed away." +325226,54815.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"For Burkina Faso overall, motorized travel time for the average person to the nearest functioning CSPS is 77 minutes, and 67 minutes if also considering the planned CSPSs." +155278,38385.0,1183.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->Local Response'],[],es,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/R4V%20Flash%20Update%20Colombia%20-%20Situaci%C3%B3n%20de%20refugiados%20y%20migrantes%20provenientes%20de%20Venezuela%20ante%20COVID-19%2C%20Julio%2028%20al%20Agosto%2031%2C%202020.pdf,"Acompañamiento en jornadas de limpiezas y desinfección gestionadas por líderes y lideresas comunitarias de los asentamientos informales en Arauca (3), Tame (2), y Saravena (1)." +235376,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,16,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,The conflict in Afghanistan still remains one of the deadliest in the world for civilians. +293825,52074.0,2334.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH', 'Livelihoods', 'Food Security', 'Health']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,59,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,"Most IDPs living in urban areas have raised not having resources to start livelihood activities as a major concern. IDPs in rural areas also frequently highlight the lack of food, medicines, potable water and NFIs such as mosquito nets, mattresses, warm clothing, blankets, cooking utensils etc. as a main need." +472871,63777.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,122,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"A l’instar de plusieurs communes de la région du Sahel, les communes de Sebba dans le Yagha et de Sampelga dans la province du Séno accueillent des Personnes Déplacées Internes (PDI) depuis plusieurs mois. Ces déplacements font suite à de nombreuses attaques et menaces des Groupes Armés Non Etatiques que connaissent toutes les provinces de la région du Sahel. Selon les données enregistrées par le CONASUR à la date du 31 avril 2021, les PDI étaient de 3277 à Sebba (dont 2234 enfants et 601 femmes) et 362 à Sampelga (dont 77 femmes et 215 enfants). A ces chiffres, il faudrait ajouter les PDIs non encore enregistrées." +318430,53855.0,2225.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,99,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/democratic-republic-congo/aid-delivery-tricky-road-south-kivu-and-maniema,"ACTED continues to provide food and non-food items, the main challenge is to find ways to access populations in particularly isolated areas. In areas that are so isolated that bagged food distributions are not feasible, as access by truck is costly and complicated, ACTED opts for cash distributions, provided that its beneficiaries can find nearby markets that are supplied in sufficient quantity and frequency. In coordination with our partners, different distributions have been organized. More than 6,000 families have received food aid and more than 3,000 have received household kits." +489339,67691.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,39,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=248397,"[12 September 2021, GoS] The Ministry added in a statement that the total number of coronavirus cases reported in Syria has reached 29,498, of which 22,752 have recovered, while 2077 have passed away." +235009,46388.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"According to a study commissioned by the European Union, approximately half of the population in Afghanistan experiences depression, anxiety or post-traumatic stress due to violence." +70613,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],[],en,53,[],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"According to the UN’s Special Rapporteur on violence against women, gender-based violence is “hidden, denied and… accepted as normal” in the Bahamas. Marital rape is noted as particularly pressing as it is not outlawed within the Bahamian legal framework other than in narrowly defined circumstances." +313701,53333.0,2334.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,53,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,Support adolescent mothers and their partners require training and follow up support through village health workers to support and meet the nutritional demands of their unborn and young babies.Key nutritional support training for young mothers should focus on exclusive breastfeeding and improved feeding practices taking into consideration of locally available nutritious foods. +114351,31782.0,1186.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77210.pdf,"Comparativamente, respecto a otros países, la niñez migrante que vive en Chile es la que más sabe (93% comparado con el 75.5% promedio sub-regional) a dónde puede acudir en caso de riesgos o daños, pero son sus madres, padres y la familia los primeros referentes de auxilio." +485648,65398.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Information And Communication->Communication Means And Preferences', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,90,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Information And Communication', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"En cuanto a la difusión de la información sobre el sistema de salud, se ha identificado que los migrantes han recibido información sobre el proceso de inscripción, pero han tenido dificultades en el trato entre paciente y médico. Algunos entrevistados que fueron atendidos (especialmente niños y embarazadas, que son quienes tienen SIS) percibieron que recibieron maltrato, pues se les increpaba que por su condición de migrantes no debían acceder al sistema de salud en las mismas condiciones que las personas de nacionalidad peruana" +313659,53333.0,2334.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,17,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,Work with the relevant authorities to strengthen the implementation of the Teacher Code of Conduct in schools +178024,41756.0,2225.0,['Cross'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],fr,29,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Les populations à risque recourent de plus en plus à des mécanismes d'adaptation dangereuses, érodant davantage leur capacité de résilience et augmentant leur dépendance à l'aide humanitaire." +165028,38902.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,55,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"In a representative REACH assessment in June 2020 of 19 departments, 89% of respondents, all recipients of cash assistance, indicated that their income levels had decreased due to the crisis, mainly due to less income-generating opportunities and having been let go from their previous jobs (REACH 30/06/2020)." +162904,37781.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,31,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://tande.substack.com/p/syria-in-context-coronavirus-update-5cd,"The northwest has conducted 5,160 Coronavirus tests, 61 of which have returned positive. In northeast Syria there are 400 cases so far, indicating rapid spread in the region" +199047,44308.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,31,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RD%20Congo%20-%20Note%20d%E2%80%99informations%20humanitaires%20pour%20la%20province%20du%20Nord-Kivu%2017%20novembre%202020.pdf,"Dans le territoire de Masisi, les groupements Nyamaboko 1 et 2 sont affectés depuis plusieurs années par des conflits fonciers entre les éleveurs et agriculteurs impliquant des hommes armés." +318964,53305.0,2335.0,"['Cross', 'WASH', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,45,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"School closures because of COVID-19 movement restrictions interrupted education activities, hindered children’s access to essential basic needs and services including school feeding, health information on disease prevention, protection and access to clean water and sanitation services and impacted livelihoods." +69879,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],[],en,43,[],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"Rape, trafficking, exploitation and other forms of violence against women tend to increase in times of natural disasters meaning that responders need to be aware of risks, avoid doing harm, and put in protective measures within their interventions." +193026,43411.0,2099.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,59,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"To date, the following measures have been taken to curb the spread of the disease: mandatory mask wearing, mandatory negative Covid-19 tests are required before entry or exiting the country, set up of proximity screening sites, set up of treatment centres; risk communication, providing updated information on the COVID- 19 situation." +341573,52949.0,2331.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,52,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"[The unplanned nature of Somalia IDP sites presents immense barriers for women, girls and persons with disabilities to access essential services within the site] Consequently, site improvement measures should be upheld with the primary focus of enhancing safe and secure access to critical services available within IDP sites" +317533,54586.0,2335.0,[],[],[],en,5,[],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_humanitarian_snapshot_february.pdf,306K Refugees in South Sudan +258156,48884.0,2028.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,46,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/63781/a-historic-collapse-of-the-syrian-pound-against-the-dollar.html,"[12th Feb 2021, Syria]The continued decline in the value of the pound is sending the prices of basic food and supply commodities soaring throughout the country, registering the highest prices, which makes citizens unable to purchase basic food needs." +227163,46454.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,54,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2022_23Dec2020_FINAL.pdf,"[23rd December, Overall Syria] The informal sector and businesses have been heavily impacted, with 15 per cent of small and medium sized business reporting permanent closure. In addition, remittances – on which many families heavily rely – are estimated to have reduced up to 50 per cent." +292378,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,114,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"Entre janvier et juin 2019 au Cameroun, 1 040 cas suspects de Rougeole ont été investigués avec 242 cas confirmés au Laboratoire et 572 cas confirmés par lien épidémiologique. Ainsi, 30 Districts de Santé ont été déclarées en épidémie pour cette période, à savoir : Kousseri, Mada, Goulfey, Makary, Kolofata, Koza, Ngaoundéré rural, Bangué, Guider, Figuil, Ngong , Mora, Maroua 3, Vélé, Pitoa, Maroua 1, Bourha, Touboro, Mogodé, Bibémi, Garoua 1, Garoua 2, Lagdo, Tcholliré, Guidiguis, Moutourwa, Mokolo, Cité verte, Djoungolo et Nkolndongo" +151905,34062.0,1898.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3653085,"En entrevista de radio 102 nueve, Merino Monroy dijo que pone a disposición parte de la tropa para que a nivel nacional realicen tareas de fumigación si es necesario, como también las naves aéreas para el transporte de técnicos y por si se requieren para rociar químicos en extensas plantaciones." +311642,53198.0,2466.0,['Cross'],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,35,[],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/DTM%20Sudan%20Mobility%20Restriction%20Dashboard%204.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=8634,"All bus travel between states has been banned as of 26 March 2020 with the exception of humanitarian, commercial and technical shipments. Bridges linking Omdurman, Khartoum and Khartoum North are closed." +13401,5560.0,322.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",['Context->Demography'],en,96,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RDP%20Monthly%20SitRep_July_2018.pdf,"In addition to the second & third distribution cycles of food assistance vouchers in Alzakeria sub-district that was targeted after the first distribution cycle in Al-Asabeh, Adeem, and Hadharem sub-districts of Ash Shamayatayn district, our FSL team launched the first distribution cycle of food baskets in July, 2018, benefiting 191 HHs of 982 individuals disaggregated (230 men, 240 women, 280 boys, 232 girls) by utilizing the voucher modality for the most affected and vulnerable households in Alzakeria sub-district of Ash Shamayatayn district, Taizz Gov." +187297,42134.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,70,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Colombia%20COVID-19%20Update%20-%201-15OCT20.pdf,Livelihoods UNHCR is collaborating with the United Nations Information Centre in Colombia to raise awareness and advertise refugee and migrant entrepreneurship initiatives supported by UN agencies in Colombia. UNHCR will promote some 18 initiatives in Bogotá and Medellin. UNHCR is also working with the Government and ILO on an orientation guide for civil servants on rights of Venezuelan refugees and migrants to access the Colombian labor market. +192040,42659.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Contact Tracing'],fr,18,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_175.pdf,"D’autre part, 90 contacts sont devenus symptomatiques et 608 autres sont sortis de suivi." +337608,55860.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,27,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb4752en.pdf,"Despite disarmament, demobilization and reintegration initiatives in certain areas, armed conflict persists in the Kivus, Ituri and Tanganyika provinces, causing further population movements" +112313,32025.0,1185.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,52,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/76913.pdf,"In Tumbes, GTRM partners established an exit strategy for refugees and migrants staying in alternative shelters while stranded because of the emergency. This strategy is based on registration of cases, confirmation of support networks, evaluation for cash assistance, and coordination of humanitarian transportation to destination cities." +306525,51572.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,56,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Lack of supplies for the TSFP Programme. There are currently no supplies for Pregnant and Lactating Women (PLW) in all the nutrition sites in the two IDP camps. These supplies are supposed to be provided by WFP. [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]" +90039,25213.0,1621.0,[],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Demography', 'Casualties->Injured']",en,75,[],"['Context', 'Displacement', 'Casualties']",2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A_HRC_43_75_E.pdf,"On 2 July, a fighter jet dropped two bombs on the Damam complex in Tajoura. The first bomb hit a vehicle repair workshop and maintenance facility. Ten minutes later, a second bomb hit a section of a detention facility, where 616 migrants and refugees were staying. The attack killed 53 migrants and refugees, including 47 men and six boys, and injured 87 others, all men." +200615,44433.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,43,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,Radio programming and digital content both have an important part to play in these efforts. Educational content can be distributed and relayed using these media and help keep students on track academically even if they cannot physically go to school. +294818,51749.0,2099.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],fr,94,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[Gounghin] Il a été remonté aux enquêteurs terrain d’ACTED que la pratique de la défécation à l’air libre est en courante en périphérie des habitations ce qui facilite le risque de transmission des maladies. Ainsi à titre d’exemple si le nombre de cas graves de paludisme n’est pas alarmant, il est à surveiller car se situant au niveau de la moyenne nationale avec 3 848 cas (du 30 décembre 2019 au 07 septembre 2020) contre 3 902 cas nationalement." +182493,42270.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,26,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep21_20201020.pdf,"[20th October NWS] With the economic crisis making it more difficult for people to independently access vital supplies such as fuel for heating," +187150,39357.0,1898.0,['Health'],[],[],es,158,[],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ALC%20post%20COVID-19%20-%20Retos%20y%20oportunidades%20para%20pa%C3%ADses%20de%20Centroam%C3%A9rica%2C%20Hait%C3%AD%2C%20M%C3%A9xico%2C%20Panam%C3%A1%2C%20y%20Rep%C3%BAblica%20Dominicana.pdf,"Algunos aspectos del manejo de la crisis tienen espacio de mejora, tanto en lo económico como en lo sanitario. En lo sanitario, diversos expertos locales han declarado la necesidad de tomar ventaja del tiempo que se ha tenido para preparar los insumos y requerimientos que el sistema de salud necesite para atender un aumento repentino de hospitalizaciones. Para esto es necesario procesar el mayor número de pruebas RT-PCR posibles para identificar infectados e inmunes. Priorizando entre otros a trabajadores en sectores esenciales (salud, alimentación, seguridad y transporte, entre otros). Esto permitiría la identificación de infectados, sintomáticos que inicialmente dieron negativo, nexos epidemiológicos, no expuestos ni infectados e inmunes. Esto a su vez facilitará la creación de un programa de “identificación de inmunidad” para reincorporar la fuerza productiva a las empresas siguiendo controles sanitarios y no paralizar la economía de forma indefinida" +190517,31296.0,1899.0,[],[],[],es,57,[],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3641092,"Acciones en seguridad, justicia y migración frente al COVID 19 Se plantea la contribución del sector seguridad, justicia y migración de los países miembros del SICA, a través del establecimiento de lineamientos regionales que permitan la ejecución del trabajo articulado incorporando medidas de bioseguridad para enfrentar la propagación de la letalidad del virus." +40357,14236.0,788.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'Cross', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,114,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://theconversation.com/aid-agencies-should-take-note-of-how-displaced-people-in-nigeria-survive-118077,"The unpaved road is badly damaged, full of pot holes. At some point along the road, you find an open refuse dump, where a few young children can be found openly defecating. The rest of the path is bounded by thick bushes on both sides. We soon arrive at the settlement. There are between 150 and 200 people living here. They have constructed makeshift shelters from tree trunks, used planks and old clothes for covering. Needless to say these roofs cannot stand a drizzle, let alone a full downpour of rain. For good measure, mosquitoes are an ever-present threat." +61690,18346.0,1184.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,6,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71003.pdf,• 81.778 personas atendidas en tota +192043,42659.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Contact Tracing'],fr,45,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_175.pdf,"Au total, 164 voyageurs étaient en cours de suivi ce 23/07/2020 incluant 139 à Kinshasa, 24 au Sud- Kivu et 1 au Kongo-Central ; 103 (62,8%) d’entre eux ont été vus au cours de ces dernières 24h." +346157,56952.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,69,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20monitoreo%20enero-marzo%202021%20-%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20vers%C3%B3n%20final.pdf,"seguida por la falta de cupos (27.02%), otras razones (13.09%) dis- tintas a las mencionadas, el ingreso reciente al territorio nacional (9.79%), la falta de uniforme o útiles escolares (5.57%), la distancia (2.70%), los costos (3.04%) y la educación especial requerida (2.70%)." +178218,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Context->Environment', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",fr,52,[],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Certaines zones du pays sont également particulièrement vulnérables aux catastrophes naturelles et à l’impact du changement climatique, comme les rives du fleuve Congo et ses affluents ou encore la zone volcanique du Nord-Kivu. Des inondations importantes ont notamment frappé le Nord-Ubangi et le Sud-Ubangi en novembre 2019." +325540,54815.0,2099.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,77,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[Ouagadougou] The resulting estimated poverty Ouagadougou overall is about 17 percent but exceeds 25 percent in individual secteurs in the city’s southwest. The lowest levels of poverty are in the city center (less than 5 percent of the population). When expressed in human density terms, the poverty distribution is fairly similar, with the exception of individual high-density secteurs in the city’s north and east." +293372,52057.0,2225.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Nutrition', 'Education']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,70,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/fhrdc_ra_hauts_plateux_sud-kivu_fv.pdf,"[Sud-Kivu, Dec 2020] En étroite collaboration avec le Conseil Consultatif (CC) du FH RDC, le Coordonnateur humanitaire (CH) a approuvé une Allocation de Réserve (AR) de (3,752) trois millions sept cent cinquante-deux mille Dollars américains en vue de fournir une assistance vitale aux personnes déplacées et populations hôtes les plus vulnérables dans les Hauts Plateaux au Sud-Kivu," +83694,23093.0,1621.0,[],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead', 'Casualties->Missing']",en,30,[],"['Context', 'Casualties']",2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://www.libyaobserver.ly/news/21-civilians-have-been-killed-tripoli-war-start-2020,"It documented 19 incidents that caused 177 casualties since December 01 2019, 42 of which were in areas outside Tripoli - Murzuq, Masllata, Al-Zawiya and Misrata." +21832,9026.0,322.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,188,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,,"the public water network is estimated to cover only 55 percent of the city’s households. The problem of undersupply is exacerbated by the physical deterioration of the net- work, which results in serious leakages (estimated at 40 percent). As a result, water supply in Sana’a is rationed—a particular area of the city will have water in the system only one day in 15, and deliveries of water by private tanker truck must make up the shortfall. For the 45 percent of households without connections to the water network, supply by tanker truck is the only option, and an expensive one. It is estimated that cur- rent domestic water consumption per capita is already only 30–50 liters per capita per day, far below urban norms in the MENA region. This water shortage poses problems not just in residential areas but also repre- sents a severe constraint for industry and commerce. This issue is crucial for determining the future spa- tial development trends of the city and its population growth pattern." +318628,52949.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,128,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Vulnerable population groups are further exposed to the risks of malnutrition due to the prevailing triple threat of COVID 19, floods and Desert Locusts. The triple threat aggravated existing shocks and further exposed vulnerable groups to causes of malnutrition such as food insecurity, decreasing purchasing power, and morbidity due to water borne diseases and low immunization services. For example, flooding triggered reported displacements that further exposed the population to poor livelihood conditions. These shocks exacerbated the existing high number of children infected by AWD, malaria and the low coverage of measles vaccination and vitamin A supplementation (FSNAU), and contributed to an increase in the vulnerability of children to acute malnutrition due to low immunity and morbidity." +386461,60395.0,1186.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"En tercer lugar, las expectativas docentes, es decir, las inferencias que los profesores realizan acerca del desempeño académico y el comportamiento en el aula –presente y futuro– de sus estudiantes, tanto a nivel individual, como grupal y de curso (Good & Brophy, 1997; Rubie-Davies, 2018; Wang et al., 2018) pueden constituir barreras adicionales o ser factores que promuevan la inclusión." +475709,63295.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rpca_avis_pregec_cotonou-visio_17_18_juin2021_fr.pdf,"[Sahel et Afrique de l’Ouest] dans les zones agropastorales, la mobilité du cheptel est perturbée à cause des problèmes sécuritaires. La transhumance transfrontalière en direction des pays côtiers (Bénin, Togo, Côte d’Ivoire et Ghana) demeure également perturbée entraînant de fortes concentrations et une surexploitation des ressources pastorales disponibles dans les zones accessibles." +235008,46388.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The World Health Organisation (WHO) notes that decades of conflict have left an estimated 800,000 Afghans (2.7 per cent of the population) with a range of severe disabilities. This is only a portion of people with disabilities overall, especially when considering psychological and mental health issues." +313260,53183.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,31,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"Challenges: Limited financial resources and funding, Limited GBV capacity especially among government staff, Monitoring and follow up by the Ministry of Health is weak for GBV interventions." +305459,53013.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,24,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/3c8084ae/REACH_SOM_Factsheet_Assessment-of-Hard-to-Reach-Areas_December-2020.pdf,Communication: People in 83% of assessed settlements had reportedly been receiving any information about COVID-19 in the month preceding data collection. +482719,67369.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.francetvinfo.fr/monde/afrique/societe-africaine/epidemie-de-meningite-en-rdc-129-deces-dans-le-nord-est-du-pays_4764131.html,"La méningite est une maladie difficile à détecter car ses premiers symptômes, comme les maux de tête ou la fièvre, sont similaires à ceux d'autres maladies courantes. Elle laisse souvent des séquelles irréversibles, dont la surdité et un retard mental chez les enfants." +401793,62956.0,2098.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,55,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[29th July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Both Host and Refugees: 40.5% respondent reported difficulties with daily activities, where 24.1% of them were persons with disabilities and 16.4% of them were persons without disabilities. 39.1% of them were refugees and 1.4% from Host community." +328888,55063.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,219,['Capacities & Response'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://ec.europa.eu/echo/news/eu-launches-100-million-humanitarian-initiative-support-covid-19-vaccination-campaigns-africa_en,"In February 2021, Presidentvon der Leyenannounced that an additional €100 million would be provided in humanitarian assistance to support the roll-out of vaccination campaigns in Africa in cooperation with the Africa CDC. [...] - One track of indicative €25 million in funding will aim to support the rollout of the vaccination campaign in African countries. This will include the support of capacity building of national health authorities and health care workers as well as the support to managing the information and coordination platform on vaccination. It will also address critical logistical gaps, including equipment. This implementation at country and continental level will ensure better and independent monitoring of the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccination campaigns across Africa, supporting Africa CDC's ongoing work. From a long-term perspective, it would also seek to reinforce national health systems' resilience to address future epidemic outbreaks. - The second track of an indicative €65 million in funding aims to support the rollout of vaccination campaigns in specific humanitarian settings, notably in conflict and hard-to-reach areas, implemented through needs-specific activities, in close cooperation with various EU humanitarian partners. - A further €10 million is in reserve, to be allocated to any of two tracks as needed" +238149,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,61,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Overall, the effects of a surge in COVID-19 cases and interruptions to other essential services (as resources are diverted; care-seeking behaviour is reduced or services are suspended) affect people’s immediate wellbeing, and erode people’s coping capacities, making them vulnerable to all forms of future shocks, irrespective of the scale." +199046,44308.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,43,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RD%20Congo%20-%20Note%20d%E2%80%99informations%20humanitaires%20pour%20la%20province%20du%20Nord-Kivu%2017%20novembre%202020.pdf,"L’aire de santé de Nyabiondo a déjà accueilli plus de 37 000 personnes déplacées entre août et novembre 2020 suite aux violences armées, dont la persistance risque d’accroitre le nombre de déplacés dans le territoire de Masisi." +236602,46388.0,2336.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,19,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"As a result, safe, warm and secure shelter remains out of reach for many vulnerable families." +304607,51467.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Maternal mortality ratio is at 789 per 100,000 live births—fifth highest in the world—while the under-five mortality rate is at 99.2 per 1,000 live births. Three in four child deaths in South Sudan are due to preventable diseases." +36140,11046.0,788.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,115,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68626.pdf,"Refugees raised their concerns over inadequacy of clean water and in some occasions of tasty water1 . Sanitation facilities are poor and limited (81 blocks of latrines and 162 drop holes in Adagom, while a total of 68 blocks of latrine with 136 drop holes in Anyake). As a result, the number of people using a single drop hole far exceeds the standard and thus, many refugees especially women and adolescent girls are reluctant to use these facilities due to risks of getting infections. Persons with disability have very few latrines constructed for them and as such they could not easily use or access latrines meant for others" +241455,46388.0,2336.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Analysis of Mid-Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC) screening data for the first 9 months of 2020 (Jan - Sep 2020) indicated a worsening nutrition situation in 13 provinces compared to the same period in 2019. +307194,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"DTM data round 8 shows that 87.7 per cent of IDPs (1,403,069 people) and 85.5 per cent of returnees (1,316,232 people) live in rural areas in host community settings" +188005,42197.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,70,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.rfi.fr/fr/afrique/20200403-rdc-kinshasa-commune-gombe-confin%C3%A9e-6-20-avril,"Pas d’entrée, ni de sortie, exception faite notamment pour le personnel soignant et la presse. Un confinement destiné à faciliter la tâche aux équipes de riposte, selon le gouverneur : «L'équipe de coordination nationale de la riposte s'organisera pour rechercher les personnes malades mais aussi investiguer les contacts à risque et les cas symptômatiques pour leur dépistage et prise en charge.»" +306515,51572.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Health', 'Shelter']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,60,"['Priority Needs', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"The immediate risks to the displaced include inadequate shelter and lack of basic NFIs, which exposes them to health risks and undermines their well-being and access to life with dignity. They expressed food, shelter, and mosquito nets as their priority items. [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]" +355477,58185.0,2311.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,29,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/10062021_alerta_de_situacion_por_inundaciones_en_arauca_vf.pdf,"Según el Comité Departamental de Gestión del Riesgo y Desastres (CDGRD), al menos 14.000 hectáreas de cultivos fueron afectadas en todo el departamento de Arauca." +224010,45768.0,2332.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,76,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"Une partie des IDPs est arrivée après l’attaque de Bohoma en date du 23.03.2020. Une autre est venue à la suite de la déclaration de la « zone de guerre » et de l’instauration de « l’état d’urgence » par les décrets précités, suivie des instructions données par les autorités pour évacuer les zones insulaires ou proches de champs de guerre pour mesures de prévention." +220653,45655.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Covid-19->Deaths'],en,79,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"[9th Dec, Overall Syria] Of reported deaths at 9 COVID-19 facilities, 37 per cent (95) have died within 24 hours of admission, with well over half dying within 48 hours of admission. The late presentation indicates that patients are often not reporting symptoms until they become severe, or that there are delays in referral, with patients reportedly often visiting multiple health facilities before being admitted to a COVID-19 hospital" +402961,63058.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,63,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Democratic%20Republic%20of%20Congo%20-%20Key%20Message%20Update_%20Fri%2C%202021-07-30.pdf,"La courbe des nouvelles contaminations de COVID- 19 est toujours ascendante depuis la présence du variant Delta dans le contexte d’une population très faiblement vaccinée. Selon le ministère de la santé, en date du 26 juillet 2021, la RDC a enregistré 48.768 cas positifs confirmés, soit une progression de 21 pourcents par rapport au mois précédent." +217373,45653.0,2333.0,['Cross'],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Economy', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",en,54,[],['Context'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://docs.wfp.org/api/documents/WFP-0000114546/download/?_ga=2.153594736.918642439.1605111758-1773529422.1605111758,"In January, the government extended the state of emergency in conflictaffected Diffa, Tahoua and Tillabéri regions. Extreme poverty is estimated at 41.5 percent in 2019 (WB, October 2019). The Niger was ranked last out of 189 countries in the 2019 Humanitarian Development Index (UNDP)." +315347,53333.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,There are a number of reasons why girls disagreed that they are able to decide on when get pregnant. They cited forced pregnancies as a result of rape which is common in the crisis. +220553,45655.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"[9th Dec, Northwest Syria]In NWS, a quarantine centre is now operational with a 61-bed capacity, and the COVID-19 Task Force is working towards fully activating all linked pillars to isolate asymptomatic cases." +188229,40860.0,1899.0,['Nutrition'],[],[],es,68,[],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200922_OCHA_GUATEMALA%20HRP%20COVID-19%20ESPAN%CC%83OL.pdf,"Es necesario la identificación oportuna de la desnutrición aguda para su tratamiento oportuno y referencia a un nivel superior si presenta complicaciones. Asimismo, asegurar los insumos necesarios para la tención nutricional es indispensable, y sobre todo considerando que con la búsqueda activa los requerimientos de insumos serán mayores por la identificación de niños y niñas menores de 5 años afectados que se espera encontrar." +298389,52417.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],en,68,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.dropbox.com/s/fpu0ox89go0s7li/Syria%202021%20HNO%20%28advance%20copy%29.pdf?dl=0,"[Overall Syria] However, the pandemic highlighted the impact of the crisis on public health laboratory capacity and surveillance network and testing capacity remained extremely modest and geographically uneven since the start of the outbreak with only 181,000 tests conducted across all governorates at the time of writing, although ten laboratories with polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing capacity have now been established." +187146,39357.0,1898.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],"['Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Economy']",es,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ALC%20post%20COVID-19%20-%20Retos%20y%20oportunidades%20para%20pa%C3%ADses%20de%20Centroam%C3%A9rica%2C%20Hait%C3%AD%2C%20M%C3%A9xico%2C%20Panam%C3%A1%2C%20y%20Rep%C3%BAblica%20Dominicana.pdf,"Se estima una fuerte caída de la economía en 2020 como resultado de la crisis sanitaria. Producto de la disminución de la actividad económica doméstica y el impacto del choque externo (principalmente por la caída del crecimiento de EEUU), se espera una contracción del PIB de -5.4% (según estimaciones del FMI) 56, y que podría incluso alcanzar -6.7% según propias estimaciones5" +168502,40101.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,21,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://lefaso.net/spip.php?article99471,Le nombre de guérisons à cette même date est de 63. Le total de guérison est désormais de 1252. +175786,41235.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,67,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[October 14, NES, Camp preparedness] In these camps effective COVID contingency planning is complicated by the absence of permanent health partner presence. In other camps, dedicated trainings are required for all personnel working in the isolation areas (caregivers, cleaners, guards) on IPC protocols, while support from health actors is still required to conduct medical screening." +146070,34803.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,65,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Despite limitations in an increasingly restrictive operational environment and suspension of Child Friendly Spaces (CFSs), child protection partners have strived to deliver, while incorporating where possible COVID-19 prevention messages and messages on childcare in times of isolation and unpredictability. Child protection partners continue to adapt core activities, such as psychosocial support (PSS) activities and parenting programmes." +311619,53183.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,35,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"In 2020, HRP partners provided 7.6 million people across Sudan with humanitarian assistance from one or more sectors. This includes 6.9 million IDPs, returnees and other vulnerable residents and 745,000 refugees." +238150,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Women face unique impacts from this economic risk due to their more precarious financial position and insecure property rights and the linkages between negative coping strategies and increased risks of GBV. +314872,53183.0,2466.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,59,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"The reporting of gender-based violence (GBV) incidents is believed to remain underreported across Sudan. Some of the causes that can lead to this is the taboo, shame, stigma and lack of awareness of current reporting mechanisms in place. These mechanisms require strengthening and scaling up including awareness raising on multi-sectorial referral pathways." +311620,53183.0,2466.0,"['Education', 'WASH', 'Livelihoods', 'Food Security', 'Health']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,45,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"By sector, 3.8 million people received food assistance, 3.7 million were provided medical consultations, 2.8 million were given access to safe water, 1.6 million received livelihoods assistance, and 1.2 million were assisted by education sector, mainly school feeding." +179414,42082.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,36,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.sana.sy/en/?p=206807,"[19th October 2020, Overall Syria] Health Ministry announced on Monday that 57 new Coronavirus cases were registered in Syria, and that 37 patients have recovered while 3 others have passed away." +359815,58733.0,2098.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,77,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/2021/06/30/study-70-of-low-income-households-consumed-less-food-amid-covid-19-pandemic,"[30th June 2021, Bangladesh] During the discussion, moderated CPJ Executive Director Manzoor Hasan, lead researchers Dr Sanaul Mostafa and Dr Shahidul Islam said that urban informal workers and returnee migrants suffered the most during the pandemic. “Low-income people lost one-third of their income compared to the pre-pandemic period. Food security has been greatly compromised as 87% reduced their protein consumption,” they said quoting the study." +133596,35118.0,1187.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,81,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"condición de acceso a la vivien- da- el 80% (331) refirió estar alquilando un espacio, el 12% (50) convi- vía en la residencia de algún familiar o conocido, 12 personas respon- dieron que se encontraban en albergues temporales estatales al mo- mento de la encuesta, 8 en albergues temporales privados, 5 reporta- ron ser propietarios del espacio en el que viven y 4 refirieron encon- trarse en situación de calle." +236664,46388.0,2336.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Less than a quarter (22 per cent) of displaced households reported that their children attended school fewer than four days a week prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, compared to 11 per cent of refugee households and 8 per cent of vulnerable non-displaced households." +151572,37915.0,2098.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,48,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/78176.pdf,"Two of UNHCR’s partners supporting livelihood initiatives have started cash distributions to the host community as part of the COVID-19 response. Some 3,600 local Bangladeshi households out of a target of 6,000, received 2,500 Bangladesh Taka (about US$ 30) each." +310697,53333.0,2334.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,24,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Learning facilities at schools or community learning centres were reported as inadequate, and some girls reported classes as being “overcrowded”." +305469,51467.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"The population is likely to continue to be highly vulnerable to epidemic disease outbreaks due to low immunization coverage, a weak health system and poor hygiene and sanitation in 2021." +159612,39148.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,81,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_july2020_ne_nigeria.pdf,"As of 30th July 2020, 88% of 844 confirmed cases in BAY states have been discharged since the beginning of the COVID-19 response. With 40 new cases, Adamawa state maintains a weekly lead in COVID-19 burden among the BAY states; Yola North and South LGAs account for 75% of all cases in the state. Yobe state launched a heroes campaign to celebrate survivors of COVID-19 who were declared as “heroes and heroines”" +126777,29482.0,1620.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,43,[],"['Displacement', 'Casualties']",2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/West%20and%20Central%20Africa%20-%20Weekly%20Regional%20Humanitarian%20Snapshot%20%2819%20-%2025%20May%202020%29.pdf,"On 15 and 16 May, 73 people were killed and over 1,000 displaced in inter-communal clashes in three communities in Lamurde LGA, in the west of Adamawa State, according to an initial assessment by the State Emergency Management Agency." +289628,52074.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,86,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,"A Multi-Sectoral Needs Assessment (MSNA) completed in September 2019 assessed displacement in the NWSW at 465,909. This is in addition to 200,189 IDPs from the NWSW displaced in the Littoral and West regions (October 2019 MultiSector Rapid Assessment (MIRA), OCHA) and 44,247 refugees from the NWSW registered by UNHCR in Nigeria. The total level of displacement from the NWSW is therefore over 700,000 from a population prior to the conflict of just over 4 million people." +271040,47809.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],es,79,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_7.pdf,"Para esta semana se notificaron 2 muertes probablemente asociadas a desnutrición en menor de 5 años, ambas correspondientes a semanas anteriores. Para la misma semana epidemiológica de 2020 se notificaron 2 casos. Para esta semana se observó aumento en el número de casos en las entidades territoriales de Barranquilla y Santa Marta en comparación con el histórico notificado a semana epidemiológica 07 entre 2014 a 2020. En las demás entidades no se observaron variaciones." +314815,52949.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,62,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Particularly severe health access barriers have been reported by 49 per cent per cent of IDPs, with the main reason being the high cost of services (39 per cent), followed by no access to qualified health staff (14 per cent) and distance (9 per cent), including in relation to a lack of transport" +271257,50244.0,2225.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Displacement->Push Factors', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",en,46,['Impact'],"['Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"For decades, people in the DRC have had to escape violence. Leaving their homes behind, those most vulnerable are forced to look for safety in overcrowded family homes, makeshift camps, schools or churches, and to restart their lives repeatedly." +225558,45658.0,2028.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],en,99,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[October 2020, Syria] The vast majority of dependents - who make up 42 percent of the population - are children under the age of 15 (39 percent), as opposed to the relatively small number of elderly persons, aged over 64 years (3 percent). In CSS rates of elderly are higher: 4 percent compared to 2 percent in NWS and NES and 1 percent in NS. The dependency rate is alarmingly high in NS, where over half of the population are dependents (53 percent)." +493578,61216.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/humanitarian-situation-overview-syria-hsos-northeast-syria-june-2021,"[June 2021, NES]]98% % of communities where KIs reported that households experienced barriers to accessing sufficient food.In 19% of these communities, KIs reported that the unavailability of certain food items was a challenge to accessing sufficient food." +166344,40035.0,1234.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,174,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Trinidad and Tobago,2019-05-28 03:09:47.864552+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20T%26T%20Situational%20Report%20-%20August%202020.pdf,"An environment of increased fear has arisen, due to recent instances of detentions, deportations, evictions and a generally heightened xenophobic atmosphere, including one instance of severe physical assault against a female Venezuelan asylum- seeker. Authorities have published images of COVID-19 positive asylum-seekers, in one instance referring to a registered Venezuelan refugee who tested positive for COVID-19 as “a risk to the safety of citizens”. In another incident, the images of female Venezuelan minors who escaped from a quarantine facility were published on social media by authorities. Health authorities have also reported on the number of “non-nationals” who are infected with COVID-19. Partners reported notable spikes in mood disorders due to this environment. UNHCR is aware of at least 13 asylum-seekers who have tested positive for COVID-19 and were quarantined at state facilities. Planning for the 2021 Refugee and Migrant Response Plan also commenced in August, with R4V partners coordinating the protection response for the next year." +176648,41091.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],es,84,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"La tasa de mortalidad nacional es de 542,6 muertes por cada millón de habitantes; se observa una tasa de mortalidad mayor a la nacional en: Amazonas (1.480,6), Barranquilla (1.320,0), Bogotá (905,9), Córdoba (859,0), Santa Marta (842,9), Caquetá (799,0), Sucre (621,5), Santander (619,1), Norte Santander (586,3), Buenaventura (551,6) y Cartagena (546,3)." +238144,47086.0,2170.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,47,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_31_dec_2020_report.pdf,"[16th-31st Dec 2020, Borno and Adamawa states]Supplementary feeding for children, pregnant and lactating mothers was carried out in 47% of the camps while screening and supplementary feeding for malnourished children was carried out in 42% of the IDP camps." +149850,37865.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,59,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cxb-situation-report-20.pdf,"As a respiratory disease, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a negative impact on the TB program in Cox’s Bazar, hindering its progresses among host and refugee communities due to the stigma associated to both conditions but also because the populations were reluctant to seeking health services due to some reservations about quarantine and isolation centres" +489861,67692.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,76,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=248424,"[13 September، 2021, GoS] The Syrian Airlines has announced that an additional weekly flight Damascus/Kuwait/Damascus will be run throughout September starting from Sep 14th. The Ministry of Transport clarified in a statement published on its online platforms that with the operation of the additional flight, two flights are available per week on Tuesday and Thursday, calling on those wishing to book to visit the offices of the Syrian Airlines." +288054,51049.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,77,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nw_syria_sitrep25_20210226.pdf,"[26 Feb, 2021, NWS] In January, assessments conducted by WASH Cluster field facilitators found that across 217 IDP sites the average water consumption stands at 27 litres per day (with 51 percent of the locations consuming below the Cluster recommended 30 litres per day); 80 percent were found to lack sufficient water storage capacity for at least one day; 20 percent of the locations had no chlorination." +236253,46388.0,2336.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In a deteriorating trend from the beginning of the year, findings of the most recent nutrition surveys show that 27 out of 34 provinces are now within the emergency threshold for acute malnutrition." +314585,52949.0,2331.0,"['WASH', 'Health']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Just over half the population has access to basic water services, though this declines to only 28 per cent in rural areas. This has led to an ongoing outbreak of AWD and cholera, aggravated by recurrent flooding." +239681,47230.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,112,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"Analizando este componente según el sexo del jefe de hogar, se encuentra que 40% de los hogares encabezados por mujeres está adoptando estrategias de emergencia, en comparación con 34% de aquellos encabezados por hombres (ver gráfica 90). De igual manera, se encuentran diferencias relevantes al analizar los hogares cuyo jefe presenta una discapacidad, los cuales incurren en estrategias de supervivencia como pedir dinero en la calle, o hacer trabajos que ponen en riesgo su seguridad con mayor frecuencia, en comparación con los hogares no encabezados por una persona con discapacidad (42% vs. 38%, ver gráfica 91)" +221958,45410.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,73,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"[La région du Lac dans la Zone 8 - « Zone ouest agropastorale et de pêche » ]: Compte tenu de l’état d’urgence sécuritaire et de l’impact de la COVID-19 sur les coûts de transport, l’effectif des migrants saisonniers en provenance du BEG et du Kanem en quête d’emplois agricoles est en baisse par rapport à une année normale." +205833,44672.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,131,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"UNDP [UN Development Programme] stands firm in its support to Afghanistan. In close dialogue and consultations with the government and United Nations Country Team (UNCT), it is examining ways to develop stronger partnerships with other international organizations such as the Global Fund and World Bank. It is currently reprogramming existing resources in line with the identification of critical measures that would strengthen the health system, contain the economic impact, and provide social support to mitigate the adverse health and economic effect on citizens. Assisting the government in devising a cash transfer or other income support program is also being explored along with a stimulus package to the MSMEs [Medium and Small Size Enterprises] and Private Public Development Programs." +306540,51572.0,2335.0,"['Nutrition', 'Cross']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,29,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"There is need for a security guard and a cleaner at the nutrition sites. [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]" +221225,45848.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,28,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.rfi.fr/fr/afrique/20201217-covid-19-en-rdc-l-inqui%C3%A9tude-monte-avant-l-instauration-du-couvre-feu-national,"Alors que la République démocratique du Congo subit une deuxième vague de Covid-19, le pays connaîtra ce vendredi 18 décembre au soir son premier couvre-feu national." +2614,520.0,321.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,101,[],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://www.amnesty.org/en/countries/middle-east-and-north-africa/libya/report-libya/,"The HOR-affiliated Libyan National Army (LNA), an armed group composed of former army units and tribal militias, commanded by retired army General Khalifa Haftar, consolidated its power and made significant territorial gains in the east. The LNA replaced some elected municipal council heads with military-appointed governors in areas they controlled, while their forces captured vital oil terminals from a GNA-allied armed group in September. The LNA continued to participate in fighting against the Shura Council of Benghazi Revolutionaries (SCBR) armed group in Benghazi, and conducted air strikes in Derna." +178268,41756.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Près de 4 600 cas de violences basées sur le genre ont été rapportées entre janvier et septembre 2019, ainsi que 8 810 incidents relatifs au droit à la liberté, 12 805 incidents relatifs au droit à la propriété et 7 899 cas relatifs au droit à la vie/intégrité physique.86" +216606,45416.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,Le rapport ERM_BWANASURA-KOMANDA 496 dans l’Ituri stipule que 4 écoles Primaires (EP) comptant 2939 enfants scolarisés dont 1142 enfants déplacés scolarisés qui représentent 70% des enfants IDPs inscrits contre 30% non scolarisés. +178388,41756.0,2225.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"La perte d’abris et AME affecte les enfants, les femmes, les hommes, les personnes âgées et les personnes en situation de handicap de manière différente." +244054,46388.0,2336.0,['WASH'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,The WASH challenges for women and girls are multi- faceted. They are exposed to protection threats while fetching water or using unsafe sanitation facilities lacking privacy. +343863,56761.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,93,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/partos-de-mujeres-migrantes-en-zonas-fronterizas-asi-son-las-cuentas/2662,"Cuando son venezolanas en estado de gravedad a veces hacen la excepción para que ingresen a Colombia, previa autorización con un código del Instituto Departamental de Salud. Pero las que van a control no les dan acceso y las envían a los hospitales del estado Táchira”, detalló Jaimes, quien estima que en un día pueden pasar por el canal humanitario de 10 a 15 madres gestantes a citas de control, y una o dos a parir en centros de salud de Cúcuta y Villa del Rosario." +236350,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],en,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"A separate Oxfam and War Child assessment shows a 35 per cent increase in GBV during the pandemic, including a 91 per cent rise in verbal abuse and a 55 per cent increase in physical abuse." +186879,41080.0,1184.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,185,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000119627.pdf,"La prevalencia de anemia para los niños y las niñas menores de 5 años es preocupante. A escala nacional, 25.7% de los preescolares sufren de anemia. La prevalencia de anemia es más alta en los niños y las niñas menores de 36 meses y particularmente en los menores de 1 año (Figura 15). Los quintiles económicos más pobres se ven desproporcionadamente afectados, así como la población indígena y afroecuatoriana respecto a los otros grupos étnicos (Figura 16) De hecho, la alta prevalencia de anemia en los niños y niñas de 6 a 11 meses pone en evidencia la preexistencia de una deficiencia de micronutrientes presente en las mujeres en edad reproductiva. A esto se agrega el hecho de que al iniciar la alimentación complementaria, examinada en el Mensaje 4 de este informe, muchas veces carente de cantidades suficientes de hierro, esta población de niños y niñas se convierte en un grupo altamente vulnerable (Ministerio de Salud Pública del Ecuador e Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos 2014)." +220493,45837.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,57,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/2020/12/17/covid-19-bangladesh-records-1-134-new-cases-another-36-die,"[17th December 2020, Bangladesh] The DGHS said 12,776 samples were collected from suspected Covid-19 patients in the last 24 hours. As many as 13,191 samples, including some pending ones, were tested at the 140 authorized labs — government and private — across the country and 1,134 new patients were confirmed." +317225,53333.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,68,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"There is need for protection partners to work with education practitioners to continue scaling up sensitization and training on gender-based violence (GBV), child protection and human right violations to help reduce challenges for adolescent girls and better support their return to school safely. There is also need to work with caregivers in these areas, to support them in their roles as parents." +173364,40446.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,33,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syriahr.com/en/187036/,"[5th October 2020, Syria]Second, the UN should also appoint a permanent body to speak out about attacks on healthcare, investigate and preserve evidence from its inquiries." +214371,45385.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Dans le Mayo-Tsanaga, 7,227 nouveaux PDIs ont été enregistrés dont 4 895 dans l’arrondissement de Mokolo frontalier du Nigeria." +2563,517.0,321.0,[],[],[],en,26,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Libya%20Situation%20Report%20-%20End%20of%20Year%202017.pdf,"Through the installation and rehabilitation of latrines, drainage networks and fumigation campaigns, a total of 100,450 people gained access to improved sanitation facilities." +291309,51584.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,36,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://docs.wfp.org/api/documents/WFP-0000121004/download/?_ga=2.267291910.926065783.1606212133-1055501472.1562658913,"As mentioned above, WFP provided 652,603 people struck by the socio-economic impact of COVID-19 with a total of US$4.6 million in CBT to help cover families’ food needs for two months." +175894,40890.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,167,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"El alto porcentaje de niños y/o niñas sin acceso a estos dos tipos actividades educativas es preocupante: el 27% de los hogares con niños y/o niñas de 6 a 11 años y el 37% de hogares con niños y/o niñas de 12 a 17 no tienen acceso a actividades educativas. Esto, además de retrasar su proceso educativo e incrementar las posibilidades de deserción escolar, implica desafíos en el uso del tiempo de niños y niñas y el acompañamiento de los padres que ello implica, el cual queda sujeto a posibles mecanismos de afrontamiento negativo en el contexto del COVID-19 (llevar los niños, niñas y adolescentes consigo en la búsqueda de medios de vida, dejarles al cuidado de terceros, etc.), lo que a su vez les expone a otros riesgos, tales como el trabajo infantil, la mendicidad, reclutamiento forzado por grupos armados, el maltrato y otros tipos de violencia." +333150,44672.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,53,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"If unemployment, underemployment, youth NEET [Youth not in education, employment, or training] increase, given the and a high dependency ratio (less than one household member works for every 6 people), the multidimensional poverty headcount could rise from 51.7% to 73.5%." +317252,53333.0,2334.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,29,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Support prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted infections, including HIV, through awareness raising, counselling vaccination and access to condoms and other available care and treatments." +133597,35118.0,1187.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Demography'],es,137,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"• entre las 331 personas que alquilaban un espacio privado, el 60% (203) fueron mujeres y el 40% (128) varones. En relación al rango etáreo el 90% (298) de ellas refirieron tener entre 18 y 29 años. Si se considera la nacionalidad de este grupo de 331 personas se observa que 259 (78%) fueron venezolanos, mientras que el 20% se repartió de manera homogénea entre personas brasileras, colombianas, peruanas, paraguayas, bolivianas y haitianas y solo 2% fueron de Jamaica, Rusia, Senegal y Ucrania. Acerca del tiempo de permanencia en el país se observa que casi el 70% (221) tenían más de 1 año de residencia en el país." +320224,53305.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,14,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,1 INGO (Concordis International) in Abyei town is operating across Abyei. +188440,42859.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",es,59,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Venezolanos%20en%20Colombia_agosto_2020%20%28ES%29.pdf,"Para finales de febrero 2020, más de 1.8 millones de venezolanos vivían en Colombia. Desde finales de marzo, alrededor de un 6% de la población ha retornado a Venezuela, debido -mayoritariamente- a las medidas de aislamiento preven�vo obligatorio, decretadas por el Gobierno Nacional para hacer frente a la pandemia de la COVID-19." +314823,52949.0,2331.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,68,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,A recent Fill the Nutrient Gap (FNG) Analysis by Scaling up Nutrition (SUN) and WFP showed that only two out of ten households in Somalia has access to a nutritious diet. High numbers of these children and their mothers suffer from anaemia and vitamin A deficiency. They are also more susceptible to infectious diseases and at risk of developing acute malnutrition. +164495,32982.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],[],[],es,63,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Respuesta%20COVID-19%20-%20GIFMM%20Arauca%2C%20actualizaci%C3%B3n%20n%C2%B03%20%28Del%201%20al%2030%20de%20mayo%20de%202020%29.pdf,"Alojamiento •Apoyo a los Gobiernos municipales de Arauca y Tame con entregas de elementos no alimentarios y kits de dormida en los espacios temporales habilitados (Bioparque en Tame y Plaza de Ferias en Arauca capital). •Pago de alojamiento a familias en alta condición de vulnerabilidad, como respuesta a la situación de desalojo que se presenta en el departamento." +342013,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,99,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Les populations consultées ont mis en exergue que de nombreuses communautés au Burkina Faso se caractérisent par une longue tradition d’hospitalité. C’est par exemple le cas des communautés dans la région du Sud –Ouest à travers le “diatiguiya”. On y rencontre, en effet, des personnes en provenance de toutes les régions du pays. Mais de façon générale, dans toutes les régions, des exemples de communautés hospitalières existent. Cette tradition d’hospitalité est une clé pour la pacification des rapports sociaux à plusieurs égards." +314844,53183.0,2466.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,61,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"Water provision in Al Mashaga settlement, South Darfur State, for the Central African Republic refugees also continues to be delivered via water trucking, due to delays in borehole drilling. Latrine coverage remains quite low in White Nile State, with a usage ratio of more than 70 people per latrine in most of the refugee camps." +323224,54498.0,2311.0,['Logistics'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],es,169,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/89758cd4/REACH_COL_RAN_Factsheet_Trend_analysis_March2021.pdf,"Por su parte, esta necesidad estuvo relacionada con el reporte de la forma en cómo se habían transportado los ICs y/o su grupo de viaje desde el lugar de origen del viaje hasta el lugar de la encuesta. Duran- te tres rondas, los ICs reportaron ir a pie como el medio de transporte más usado para llegar al lugar de la encuesta. Es así como en la quinta ronda, un poco más de la mitad (52%) de los 308 ICs señaló la caminata como el medio de transporte más usado hasta ese punto del viaje. Según OXFAM26, esto supone un riesgo para las personas, ya que a la falta de recursos los lleva a que afronten estrategias da- ñinas para su seguridad, integridad física y moral, como solicitar “pedir cola27” durante el camino, donde a menudo viajan en la parte trasera del vehículo, no contando con muchas medidas de seguri- dad25." +500650,31283.0,1232.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)'],es,45,['Priority Interventions'],['Information And Communication'],UNHCR Uruguay,2019-05-28 02:56:46.441375+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNDRR%20COVID-19%20BRIEF%20PERSONAS%20CON%20DISCAPACIDADES%20FRENTE%20AL%20COVID-19%20EN%20LAS%20AM%C3%89RICAS%20Y%20EL%20CARIBE%20%283%29.pdf,"Las comunicaciones y plataformas de información deben ser accesibles, en braille, con subtítulos y con lenguaje de señas para ser inclusivas. Una comunicación que no sea inclusiva, no es comunicación, sobre todo cuando se trata de gestión del riesgo." +316009,52949.0,2331.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,37,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Meanwhile, common access issues related to sanitation facilities are that toilet facilities are too crowded (27 per cent), not functioning (25 per cent) or unclean (18 per cent)." +114802,32270.0,1898.0,['Cross'],[],"['Context->Economy', 'Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics']",es,77,[],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020-06-21%20Panorama%20de%20Situaci%C3%B3n%20Mensual%20%28al%2022%20de%20junio%29-2.pdf,"El impacto económico de COVID-19 en Centroamérica se ve agravado por la disminución de las remesas. Tras experimentar un aumento sostenido al principio de 2020, El Salvador, Guatemala y Honduras presentan una disminución de las remesas desde marzo. Esas caídas tendrán un mayor efecto en zonas rurales que dependen más de las remesas para obtener ingresos, lo que supone el riesgo de que más personas caigan aún más en la pobreza." +305390,53013.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,44,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/3c8084ae/REACH_SOM_Factsheet_Assessment-of-Hard-to-Reach-Areas_December-2020.pdf,"Health: Most commonly reported steps people undertaking to protect themselves from COVID-19 from the assessed settlements were wash hands with water (61%), pray (45%), wash hand with soap and water (6%)." +169417,40506.0,2099.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,18,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://lefaso.net/spip.php?article99753,"Ce qui, évidemment, les expose aux risques d’infections sexuellement transmissibles et grossesses non-désirées." +472948,63777.0,2099.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,81,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"71% des personnes interrogées disent acheter l’eau. L’accès à l’eau potable est entravé par des coupures intempestives d’eau de l’ONEA et aux pannes des forages. En somme, les points d’eau sont insuffisants entrainant parfois de longues files d’attentes au niveau des forages pendant les coupures d’eau. Mais ces problèmes ne concerneraient pas seulement les PDIs mais toutes les populations." +188392,42860.0,1183.0,[],[],[],es,37,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_covid-19_6_departamento_del_cauca.pdf,• Decreto 457 del 22 de marzo de 2020: Por el cual se imparten instrucciones en virtud de la emergencia sanitaria generada por la pandemia y el mantenimiento del orden público todo el territorio Nacional. +317828,52949.0,2331.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,24,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Finally, according to UNHCR Somalia, 11,118 refugees and asylum seekers and 46,034 school-aged children that are refugee returnees need education support." +173286,41064.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/one-dies-from-covid-19-in-bagura/58353,"[2 October, Bagura] According to the District Civil Surgeon office, five people have been infected with the virus in the last 24 hours and 10 have recovered. The district has so far recorded 7,648 coronavirus cases and 6766 recoveries. So far, 186 people have died of Covid-19 in the district. The infection rate is 4.34 percent at present." +238293,46388.0,2336.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,48,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Qualified female teachers are scarce in remote and hard-to-reach areas because of the lack of girls’ enrolment past the early grades. This further limits access for girls whose families will not allow male teachers to teach their daughters, making the issue a cyclical one." +390062,61349.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],es,69,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://news.un.org/es/story/2021/07/1493952,"Agobiados por la tristeza, las autoridades y sabedores de 22 cabildos de los pueblos indígenas Uitoto, Bora, Okaina y Muinane, que hacen parte de la Asociación Zonal Indígena de Cabildos y Autoridades Tradicionales de la Chorrera (Azicatch), en cada uno de sus pueblos se reunieron en rituales de armonización para encontrar en la medicina tradicional remedios capaces de apaciguar la COVID-19." +271791,50331.0,2311.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDRCO017du1.pdf,"All of the above implies an increase in health risks due to dehydration, problems in the management of excreta, the spread of vectors, difficulty in implementing hygiene habits, and a high possibility of contracting diseases associated with the lack of sanitation and water suitable for human consumption." +314491,52949.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,52,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"During the 2020 Gu season alone, more than 50,000 hectares of crop and farmland were inundated (12,000 hectares in Middle and Lower Shabelle; 10,500 hectares in Hiraan; 20,000 hectares in Middle Juba; 10,000 hectares in Lower Juba; and 3,500 hectares in Bay and Bakool)." +205832,44672.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,60,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In partnership with Ministry of Interior Affairs, UNDP [UN Development Programme] is operationalizing five new hospital facilities to quarantine, isolate, and treat infected Afghan National Police personnel. These hospitals will receive health equipment and medical supplies and comprise some 300 beds, with quarantine facilities and intensive care units, across five provinces." +159108,37975.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,16,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_ndeg112.pdf,Soutien psychologique des patients et agents de santé œuvrant dans les sites de prise en charge +244145,47872.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[20th Jan 2021, GOS] % of SDs with insufficient COVID-19 medical services: Testing provision for COVID-19 98% Lack this service, Quarantine space for diagnosed COVID-19 cases 94% Lack this service, Isolation space in health centres for suspected COVID-19 cases 90% Lack this service and Provision of space in health facilities to monitor suspected COVID-19 cases 90% Lack this service." +188252,40860.0,1899.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200922_OCHA_GUATEMALA%20HRP%20COVID-19%20ESPAN%CC%83OL.pdf,"En Guatemala los departamentos con mayor número de casos acumulados son Guatemala, Escuintla, Quetzaltenango, Sacatepéquez, San Marcos y Suchitepéquez. El mayor número de casos confirmados se registra en hombres y en el grupo etario de 20-49 años, que corresponde a la población económicamente activa. Según datos de la" +22305,9106.0,729.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,69,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Shock/Event'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"As a result of the volatile security situation triggering periodic incidences of displacement and a refugee and migrant population of almost 670,000, the severity of health needs is a major concern. The spread of infectious diseases has increased. The number of tuberculosis cases in 2016 was 118111 while in 2017 it was 1,357.112 An estimated 15 per cent of people affected were refugees and migrants." +341799,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,121,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Sur la question des engagements non tenus, après l’insurrection populaire des 30 et 31 octobre 2014, les nouvelles autorités se sont engagées à adopter une gouvernance vertueuse qui tranche avec les pratiques antérieures ayant entraîné la révolte de la population. Pourtant, de l’avis des différents participants, cette promesse n’est pas une réalité. Selon eux, des pratiques fortement décriées sous le régime antérieur continuent de prévaloir dans l’actuel régime. Cette idée est réfutée, par l’autorité en charge de la cohésion sociale qui justifie que la situation généralisée d’insécurité est une véritable entrave à la réalisation des programmes gouvernementaux de développement." +159377,38283.0,2099.0,[],[],[],en,32,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.un.org/africarenewal/news/humanitarian-needs-grow-burkina-faso-faces-unprecedented-level-internal-displacement,"More than 5,000 IDPs and members of host communities received IOM’s psychosocial assistance at the sites of Djibo in the crisis-hit Sahel Region and Barsalogho in the North-Central Region." +224014,45768.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,43,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"Ces derniers font partie du groupe des réfugiés qui vivaient à Bohoma et qui étaient en attente de transfert vers le camp de Dar Es Salam, à l’instar de ceux transférés de Kaiga Kinjiria au mois de Décembre 2019." +208389,43992.0,2332.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,64,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"This assistance [UNICEF] contributes to the implementation of the National Contingency Plan for Preparedness and Response to the Epidemic of Coronavirus COVID-19 (Plan National de contingence pour la préparation et la riposte à l’épidémie de la maladie coronavirus COVID-19) prepared by the Ministry of Health (MoH), with support from the UN and Development Partners." +205127,44672.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,47,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"With the surge in cases and the daily testing capacity is still estimated to be at around only 30% of the planned testing capacity. While the current plan envisages an increase of daily test to 3,000, the current number is less than 1,000." +112849,29955.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],[],[],es,14,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76820,Situaciones de desalojos masivos por ausencia de recursos económicos para cubrir necesidades habitacionales. +176023,40890.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,25,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"La proporción se duplica en el caso de las personas indígenas entrevistadas (14%, correspondiente a 33 de 236 mujeres y transgénero)" +291616,52080.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],fr,43,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.unicef.org/drcongo/communiqu%C3%A9s-de-presse/arriv%C3%A9e-de-plus-de-17-million-de-doses-de-vaccin-contre-la-covid-19-en-rdc,"L’UNICEF a assuré la commande et le transport des vaccins, des matériels d’injection et des matériels de protection. L’UNICEF va également assurer la qualité de la chaine de froid et du stockage des vaccins." +209712,45080.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,89,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%209%20Dec%202020.pdf,"[9thDec2020,Nigeria]To address the continued increase in acute malnutrition rates, the Nutrition sector requires additional resources including Ready-to-use Therapeutic Food (RUTF), supplementary foods to expand MAM treatment, and funding to expand the stabilization centres capacities. The sector also requires MUAC tapes to scale-up the family/mother MUAC approach to ensure households are empowered to monitor the nutritional status of their children. The sector will also require resources to strengthen the existing surveillance system and monitor the nutrition situation." +242564,46388.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,32,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The socio-economic pandemic has fuelled harmful coping mechanisms such as child labour, early marriage and child recruitment, while simultaneously straining the capacities of families and communities to protect children." +219064,45655.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,39,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"In NES (as of 6 December), there have been 7,256 confirmed cases of COVID-19. Of these, 5,984 are currently recorded as active, 1,058 have recovered, and there have been 214 confirmed deaths" +151456,37915.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,83,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/78176.pdf,"A weekly case conference call has been established between the ICU medical staff at the District Hospital in Cox’s Bazar and COVID-19 specialists in other parts of the world to ensure advice is available, including on best practices in dealing with serious cases. A WHO case adviser is also available for support. UNHCR provided upgrades for the ICU facility and medical equipment, as well as supporting a team of medical and support staff for six months." +314487,52949.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,60,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Flash and riverine flooding in Somalia affected 1.6 million people, resulting in a further weakening of the resilience of farmers in particular, who rely solely on agricultural activities for their survival, and leaving many families with no other alternative than to migrate to already overpopulated cities and IDP sites in the hope of securing humanitarian assistance." +181914,42262.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,56,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_KAP4_Covid_NWS_TK_21.10.20-2.pdf,"[October 1, NWS, adherence to preventive measures] Fifty-five percent (55%) of respondents in Aleppo reported that they face barriers in taking preventive measures to the mitigate risk of contracting COVID-19. Those who do not wear a mask (3%) report that it is too uncomfortable." +386815,60459.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"En tenant compte de la régularité de l’assistance dans la province, la demande globale des ménages restera similaire à d’habitude. Par contre, les prix demeurent légèrement au-dessus de la moyenne en raison des niveaux élevés dans les zones de provenance. (scenario)" +341466,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,76,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"La religion est également utilisée comme un vecteur de légitimation de la violence. Ces mutations des comportements trouvent souvent leurs origines dans la délinquance, l’appât du gain, les questions ethniques ou socioéconomiques. L’exploitation abusive et intéressée du fait religieux le place au centre de la contestation des politiques publiques, de la justification de la violence dans un contexte de déviance des normes et valeurs sociales établies." +177377,41093.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,71,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"En julio, el valor en dólares de las importaciones disminuy�� 20,1% frente al mismo mes de 2019. Este resultado obedeció principalmente a la caída de 27,4% del grupo de bienes intermedios y materias primas, a la disminución de 19,0% en el grupo de bienes de capital y en menor medida, a la disminución de 7,4% en el grupo de bienes de consumo." +319098,54625.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,42,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://notitotal.com/2021/04/23/adultos-mayores-se-arriesgan-por-las-trochas-para-llegar-a-colombia-y-vacunarse/,"Según el boletín de vacunación de la Alcaldía de San José de Cúcuta, para el 20 de abril tenían disponibles 13.108 vacunas para adultos mayores de 70 y de 60 años, únicamente si residen en geriátricos o están presos." +307007,51467.0,2335.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,16,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,Refugees in urban areas lack the financial means to access the national education system services. +313325,53795.0,2099.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],fr,148,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"(Sahel) Pour les indicateurs de sécurité alimentaire : la situation est plus sévère est dans le Seno pour le SCA, 76% de SCA pauvre et le SDA est de 2 groupes ou moins pour 16% des ménages enquêtés, suivi par le Yagha (65% de SCA pauvre et 9% de SDA de moins de deux groupes) et finalement l’Oudalan (30% de SCA pauvre et 0% de SDA de moins de deux repas). Pour l’échelle de la faim la situation est inversée 72% sévère et plus à l’Oudalan, 30% au Seno et 7% au Yagha. Les stratégies néfastes d’adaptation sont presque dans les mêmes seuils dans le 3 provinces entre 88% (Yagha) et 97% (Oudalan)." +325560,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[Ouagadougou - 2,086 individuals were interviewed] Compared to travel for medical needs, transport cost appears to be a more important constraint for children to attend school, relative to other constraints, and also somewhat more important than travel distance: for 26 percent of the respondents transport cost is either the most important constraint or one of the main ones" +169500,40368.0,2099.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,60,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Three main highlights of the evaluation are the following: (i) Donations are the main source of household income and reflect low economic activity among the beneficiaries; (ii) 36 percent of households receiving cash assistance have an acceptable food consumption score, against 23 percent among beneficiaries receiving in-kind food assistance; (iii)" +458178,64540.0,1185.0,[],[],[],es,117,[],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"LA CONTRATACIÓN DE CIUDADANOS VENEZOLANOS Para poder trabajar formalmente en Perú, los ciudadanos venezolanos deben contar con un certificado o acreditación de su estatus migratorio regular, de acuerdo con las disposiciones establecidas en el Decreto Legislativo Nº 689, así como sus modificaciones y normas especiales. Los empleadores que contraten a trabajadores venezolanos que cuenten con la condición habilitante, están comprendidos en las limitaciones porcentuales previstas en las normas citadas. Siendo así, en cualquier empresa que contrate trabajadores extranjeros, incluidos los ciudadanos venezolanos, no se deberá superar el 20% del total de los trabajadores, ni el 30% de las remuneraciones del valor de su planilla." +325548,54815.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[Ouagadougou - 2,086 individuals were interviewed] Over 40 percent of respondents report usually going to a CSPS for their regular medical needs, while only about 10 percent report going to a hospital. Preference for hospitals is much more common among the higher-income respondents: in the > CFA 300,000/month sub-sample, nearly one-third report going to a hospital rather than a less sophisticated medical facility." +193959,43327.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,12,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_sectoriel_octobre.pdf,"Financements Requis 40,7 M Financement reçu 13 M [Health Cluster]" +161533,39295.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Food Security', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,44,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,"Families in 75 percent of assessed communities reportedly cannot afford essential food items, and half have insufficient access to water. In the context of the COVID-19 outbreak, these conditions increase the risk of transmission among this highly vulnerable population." +323202,54498.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Intentions']",es,95,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/89758cd4/REACH_COL_RAN_Factsheet_Trend_analysis_March2021.pdf,"Según Migración Colom- bia, hacia septiembre de 2020, se estimaba que por cada persona que retornó a Venezuela a inicios del aislamiento preventivo en Colombia, regresarían dos personas a te- rritorio colombiano17. Esta situación coincide con los re- sultados recolectados a partir de la tercera ronda, donde de los 311 ICs, el 60% señaló que tenía como intención desplazarse a un municipio dentro de Colombia, ya en las rondas posteriores, su reporte fue disminuyendo, pero manteniendo la vocación de permanencia en Colombia como principal destino" +320484,52949.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Similarly, shelter and NFI items remain unaffordable to many, leaving people to resort to coping mechanisms such as scavenging for NFIs, borrowing cash, living with others and moving from one location to another." +186874,41080.0,1184.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,247,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000119627.pdf,"La dieta promedio nacional cumple con los requerimientos de energía, pero no cumple con los requerimientos de micronutrientes. Hay un alto consumo de azúcares y alimentos procesados para todos los grupos de edad. El consumo promedio de energía de los ecuatorianos cumple con las Recomendaciones Dietéticas Diarias (RDD) Por el contrario, el consumo de varios micronutrientes esenciales como hierro, vitamina A, zinc y calcio, que se encuentran en frutas, verduras, alimentos de origen animal y otros alimentos densos en nutrientes, es demasiado bajo y no cumple con las RDD (Figura 11) (MSP-INEC 2014). De los niños y niñas de 1 a 3 años, el 93% no tiene una ingesta adecuada de hierro (Figura 12) De las adolescentes que tienen de 14-18 años, el 97% no cumplen con la RDD de hierro, el 85% no cumplen con la RDD de vitamina A y el 97% no cumplen con la RDD de calcio (Figura 13) (MSP-INEC 2014). De las mujeres en edad fértil, el 86% no cumplen con la RDD de hierro, el 82% no logran cumplir con la RDD de vitamina A y el 97% no logran la RDD de calcio (Figura 14) (Ministerio de Salud Pública del Ecuador e Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos 2014)." +264305,48806.0,2332.0,['WASH'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,63,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_final_enquete_smart_27112019.pdf,"le lavage des mains n’est pas une pratique systématique pour les mères des enfants de moins de 5 ans. En effet, sur le plan national, 60,1% des femmes se lavent les mains avant et après le repas mais seulement 16,3% d’entre elles se lavent les mains avant de donner à manger aux enfants." +386111,60459.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,103,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"[Scenario] L’accès généralisé aux nouvelles récoltes à partir d’octobre contribuera à maintenir une insécurité alimentaire Minimale (Phase 1 de l’IPC) pour la plupart des ménages jusqu’en janvier 2022. Par contre, dans les zones plus touchées par l’insécurité et de forte présence de PDI, l’assistance alimentaire planifiée pour la soudure contribuera à maintenir une situation de Stress ! (Phase 2 ! de l’IPC) dans les provinces du Sanmatenga, Loroum, Soum, Séno et Yagha jusqu’en septembre." +90064,25213.0,1621.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,73,['At Risk'],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A_HRC_43_75_E.pdf,"UNSMIL/OHCHR has received reports of children arbitrarily detained and deprived of liberty, including in several detention centres and prisons, without charge or trial, on account of their alleged family’s links with Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) fighters. UNSMIL/OHCHR followed up on the cases of 62 children held at Al Jawiya prison, whose mothers were reportedly charged with membership of ISIL." +341437,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,99,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"La polarisation explique le repli de la communauté peulh sur elle-même. Ils sont particulièrement touchés par les conséquences de jugements qui sèment la différenciation et la catégorisation des citoyens en fonction de leur origine. Le regard stéréotypé porté sur certaines communautés est assez symptomatique d’une société sélective en fonction de l’appartenance ethnique et/ou religieuse. Or, ces stéréotypes interethniques qui ont toujours animé le quotidien des populations, et leurs perceptions fournissent et enrichissent les relations entre les communautés ethniques dans la construction des normes et va- leurs du vivre ensemble." +183559,43049.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,59,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20response%20in%20the%20Central%20Sahel%202020%20%E2%80%94%20October%202020.pdf,"The crises also generate significant protection concerns and needs, with frequent human rights violations committed by all forces and armed groups, widespread violence, notably towards women and children, the presence of explosive devices, forced recruitments into NSAGs, kidnappings, a lack of access to documentation and justice, and massive forced displacements." +147704,35158.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,77,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"The COVID-19 outbreak has increased the levels of stress and anxiety among children and adults, and has had a great impact on adolescents who feel isolated, as they have seen their connections with peers, so important at this age of transition, even more limited and curtailed than before the pandemicThe provision of age and gender appropriate MHPSS services has become even more crucial for people/communities to adapt and cope with the situation." +146181,37548.0,1187.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,68,[],['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/policy_brief_cuidados_espanolv_190829.pdf,"Se establece un “Ingreso Familiar de Emergencia” para personas desocupadas, trabajadores y traba- jadoras informales y trabajadores y trabajadoras de casas particulares (estén formalizadas o no). La prestación por este Ingreso Familiar de Emergencia fue de $10.000 pesos argentinos. Se abonó dos veces íntegro y una tercera vez para aquellas personas que viven en áreas que continúan en aislamiento." +338776,56127.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],es,22,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/factsheet%20Cali%20V3.0%20externo.pdf,89.258 refugiados y migrantes venezolanos en Valle del Cauca. Mas de 8.000 víctimas de desplazamientos masivos y confinamientos en 2021. +196690,43641.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/en-un-mes-11500-venezolanos-se-han-regularizado-en-el-pais/2278,"En un mes, 11.500 venezolanos han sacado la nueva versión del Permiso Especial de Permanencia (PEP), y otros 7.500 han renovado el PEP-RAMV,informó Juan Francisco Espinosa, director de Migración Colombia," +90062,25213.0,1621.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,23,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A_HRC_43_75_E.pdf,"According to information received, migrant women and girls continue to be disproportionately affected by rape and other forms of sexual violence." +341373,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,46,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Les stéréotypes sont émis à tort ou à raison sur la communauté peulh. Ils sont accusés d’être des ban- dits de grands chemins, de manquer de vertus socialisantes, d’être les responsables des attaques terroristes islamiques au Burkina Faso." +76910,20373.0,788.0,['Nutrition'],[],['Context->Demography'],en,44,[],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Guidance-on-the-Nutrition-Sector-2020-Humanitarian-Response-Plan-in-Northeast-Nigeria.pdf,"In 2020, the Nutrition Sector is 915,620 children under five, pregnant and lactating women affected by the conflict or vulnerable and require nutrition services prioritized. The focus of the Enhanced HNO is on lifesaving interventions and on the unmet needs." +317256,53333.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,26,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,Consider community initiatives that avail wet or dry food rations to at risk adolescents who are mothers attending schools alone or with their young children. +161174,35726.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,94,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_arauca_junio_2020_vf%20%281%29.pdf,"En muchas ocasiones las mujeres no denuncian por temor a represarías de su agresor, más si este está vinculado a un grupo armado, lo cual genera un subregistro en el número de agresiones. Por otra parte, el sexo por supervivencia es un fenómeno creciente en el departamento. En los municipios de Arauca, Arauquita o Tame, el número de trabajadores sexuales continúan presentando un gran crecimiento, muchas de ellas tienen hijos, los cuales son expuestos a contextos adversos al acompañar a sus madres a trabajar." +274530,50587.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Push Factors', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,88,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MENSUEL%20DE%20PROTECTION%20JANVIER%202021-NORD.pdf,"Ainsi dans la province du Yatenga, la commune de Koumbri a essuyé trois attaques successives au cours du mois notamment le 31 décembre 2020, les 04 et 09 janvier 2021 qui ont engendré des mouvements de population vers les communes de Ouahigouya et de Barga. On estime à près de 11439 personnes déplacées vers les deux (02) communes dont 8911 à Ouahigouya et 2528 à Barga. Ces attaques ont également occasionné de nombreuses pertes en vies humaines et des dégâts matériels." +391175,61715.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,49,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/yobe_state_covid-19_pandemic_weekly_situation_report_sitrep_for_week_30_26_jul_-_01_aug_2021_.pdf,"[26th Jul - 1st Aug 2021, Yobe State] Logistics and Operational Support: • Distributed COVID-19 IPC commodities to SSH molecular diagnostic laboratory, and GH Potiskum • Distributed PPEs and IEC materials to the IPC, Surveillance, POE, and Risk Communication teams." +224008,45768.0,2332.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,51,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"Leur base est attenante au site des IDPs. Ce qui pose des inquiétudes vis-à-vis de la protection des IDPs. Il faut rappeler que, selon les sources sécuritaires, Diamerom est actuellement le Poste de Commandement dans le cadre des opérations en cours dans le Département de Fouli." +310041,51467.0,2335.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Poor access to WASH services combined with high levels of food insecurity continue to have a detrimental impact on the health of children, as seen through the high prevalence of malnutrition and water-borne diseases. Counties reporting high GAM rates have also high WASH needs" +46573,16136.0,729.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,51,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/echo_-nf_bud_2019_91000_v2.pdf,"The UN estimates that 1.1 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance, including refugees, asylum seekers and migrants. A response in other countries in North Africa affected by the Libyan crisis will depend on an informed assessment and analysis of needs, vulnerabilities and protection risks." +177712,41774.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,312,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"Suite à son adresse à la nation de ce 18 mars 2020, voici les décisions prises ce mercredi 18 mars 2020 par le Chef de l’État Son Excellence Monsieur Félix- Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo, au sujet de l’épidémie au Coronavirus-COVID-19. Mesures Générales 1. De suspendre, jusqu’à nouvel ordre, dès ce vendredi 20 mars 2020, tous les vols en provenance des pays à risque et des pays de transit. Seuls les avions et les navires cargos et autres moyens de transport frets seront autorisés à accéder au territoire national et leurs personnels soumis aux contrôles ; 2. De reporter les voyages à destination de la République Démocratique du Congo de tous les passagers résidant dans les pays à risque jusqu’à nouvel 3. D’imposer à tous les passagers, à leur arrivée aux frontières nationales, de remplir une fiche de renseignements et de se soumettre, sans exception, à l’obligation de lavage des mains et du prélèvement de la température ; 4. D’imposer une mise en quarantaine de 14 jours maximum à toute personne suspectée à l’issue du test de température, pour un examen approfondi et au besoin d’interner, dans les hôpitaux prévus à cet effet, les personnes qui seront testées positives ; 5. De doter tous les postes d’entrée maritime, fluviale, lacustre et terrestre du territoire national du même dispositif de surveillance pour renforcer le contrôle des passagers en provenance de l’étranger ; 6. De soumettre systématiquement les personnes en partance de Kinshasa vers les différentes Provinces de notre pays aux mesures de contrôle dans le but d’éviter la propagation de cette pandémie sur le reste de notre pays." +285959,51487.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,31,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no1_desplazamientos_en_buenaventura.pdf,"No obstante, persisten las dificultades en la respuesta institucional local, ya que no se ha logrado consolidar un censo que permita la activación de las rutas de atención." +135765,35301.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,29,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"To ensure that children continued to access learning and recreational materials during COVID-19, over 46,000 children (50 per cent girls) benefitted from non-formal educational supplies." +299070,52086.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Logistics', 'Livelihoods', 'Shelter', 'Food Security']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,71,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[25th March, 2021, Overall Syria] Nationwide, 69 percent of households across Syria selected food as most pressing aggregated priority need, followed by fuel (58 percent). 41 percent of households identified access to income-generating activities as their third priority need, followed by electricity (33 percent), health services (28 percent) and rental subsidies (15 percent)." +178292,41756.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,97,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"GROUPES PRIORITAIRES: Les femmes et filles sont confrontées à des risques particuliers notamment d’abus et exploitation sexuels, y compris l’utilisation de mécanismes de survie préjudiciables tels que le sexe de survie ou les mariages précoces. Les survivantes de violences basées sur le genre, dont le viol, nécessite une prise en charge et un accompagnement spécifique. Les femmes enceintes et allaitantes présentent également des besoins spécifiques les rendant particulièrement à risque (malnutrition, risques liés à la grossesse/accouchement) et doivent faire l'objet d'une attention particulière." +338981,56192.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,40,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.internal-displacement.org/sites/default/files/publications/documents/grid2021_idmc.pdf,"Conflict continued unabated in countries such as the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Syria and Ethio- pia, which are also home to some of the largest numbers of people living in protracted internal displacement." +339477,56380.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,73,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb4645es.pdf,"Respondiendo sobre el proceso productivo de sus cultivos, el 41,1% de los hogares agrícolas encuestados afirmaron que sus cosechas, en general, tuvieron un menor rendimiento que el periodo anterior. Los encuestados que cultivan, como su cultivo principal, arroz, maíz, papa y yuca (cultivos típicos de agricultura familiar), reportaron una disminución importante en su producción (superior al 45%)." +221806,45410.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,107,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"[Les parties Sud des provinces administratives du BEG et du Kanem dans la Zone 5 - « agropastorale» ]: Le retrait de certains partenaires techniques (ONG ACF) appuyant le volet, le ralentissement de la chaine d’approvisionnement en intrants thérapeutiques perturbent la prise en charge de la malnutrition. Ceci occasionne un relâchement de la fréquentation des unités de prise en charge créant ainsi une détérioration de l’état nutritionnel des enfants. Cette situation se traduit par une hausse des admissions de 7 %, en août 2020 par rapport à la moyenne des cinq dernières années." +158782,39292.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,29,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Round-3-Analysis-Factsheet-NES_TK_09.09.20.pdf,"Awareness campaigns were in place mostly in Al-Hasakeh, while temperature checks and distribution of soap/disinfectant/masks were available in very few sub-districts, with most available in Al-Hasakeh only" +242895,46388.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,19,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Women and girls also have much lower access to other basic services such as education and legal services. +152362,38139.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,138,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cox-s-bazar-sitrep-17.pdf,"As of 02 August 2020, a total of 75 COVID-19 cases among Rohingya/FDMN have been reported: one in Camp 1E, six in Camp 1W, three in Camp 2E, seven in Camp 2W, ten in Camp 3, one in Camp 4, one in Camp 5, ten in Camp 6, five in Camp 7, one in Camp 8E, two in Camp 8W, two in Camp 9, two in Camp 10, two in Camp 11, one in Camp 12, two in Camp 14, one in Camp 17, two in Camp 18, two in Camp 22, three in Camp 24, one in Camp 25, one in Camp 27, three in Kutupalong RC and four in Nayapara RC." +304608,51467.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Less than half of the South Sudanese population has been vaccinated against common diseases, which has resulted in continued outbreaks of measles since 2019 and throughout 2020." +209215,44898.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Deaths'],en,94,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://alwatan.sy/archives/237507,"[December 1, Aleppo] On the number of doctors ’deaths due to their infection with the emerging virus in its second wave, Dr. Batal explained that there is no accurate statistic yet about the deaths of doctors“ because there are doctors who die without infection with Corona or without knowing the cause of death, and it is known that two Aleppo doctors have died so far in The second wave of the pandemic, with a good number of doctors in the rest of the Syrian governorates." +496483,60067.0,1187.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,97,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sentir%20que%20se%20nos%20va%20la%20vida%20-%20Personas%20LGBTI%2B%20refugiadas%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%20en%20Colombia%2C%20Ecuador%20y%20Chile.pdf,"Retroalimentación a actores humanitarios En Argentina consideran que los programas de atención a sobrevivientes de violencia de género no saben cómo responder a necesidades de las parejas LGBTI+, ya que no es la tradicional violencia de varón a mujer. Es necesaria la articulación con el Estado y las instituciones encargadas para fortalecer este vacío. Durante el conversatorio estuvieron presentes personal de algunas organizaciones locales LGBTI+ quienes consideran importante trabajar en red y tomar en cuenta a organizaciones que no solo brindan servicios de atención, pero que pueden ayudar en temas de incidencia." +414744,63622.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,75,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://zoom-eco.net/economie/rdc-une-mesurette-de-mais-passe-de-1500-a-1-800-cdf-a-kindu-au-maniema/,"Selon les vendeurs du marché central de Kindu, cette hausse des prix est due à la rareté de ces produits pendant cette saison sèche ainsi qu’à la loi de l’offre et de la demande, les paysans étant plus préoccupés par l’entretien des champs. Notons que l’une des raisons qui justifient la hausse des prix de produits alimentaires est le mauvais état des routes." +324324,54626.0,2331.0,[],[],[],en,43,[],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,"UNICEF has also supported gender capacity strengthening through multiple training sessions for Clusters to ensure the drought preparedness and response is gender-responsive and inclusive, including access to gender-based violence (GBV) services and psychosocial support to separated or unaccompanied children." +406469,63069.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,76,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Bulletin%20d%E2%80%99information%20sous%20cluster%20protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99enfance%20%28GTPE%29%20Mars%20%E2%80%93%20Mai%202021.pdf,"Du fait des incursions des ADF, une augmentation des violations graves affectant les enfants a été enregistrée. En Avril 2021, des attaques menées par les ADF ont engendrés d’importants mouvements de populations dans la commune rurale de Mangina avec des séparations familiales et exposition accrue des enfants aux risques de protection (notamment VBG), en particulier dans les sites de déplacés et dans les familles d’accueil." +361236,58845.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,90,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_price_bulletin_may_2021.pdf,"[May 2021, GoS, NWS & NES]Broken down by regions, price of a two-year old alive male sheep, the coastal region recorded the highest average price across Syria at SYP 545,350/sheep (up 15 percent m-o-m), followed by the middle region at SYP 543,604/sheep (down eight percent m-o-m). The northeast Syria recorded the lowest price at SYP 469,519/sheep (down nine percent m-o-m), followed by northwest Syria at SYP 475,885/sheep (down five percent m-o-m)." +393635,62284.0,2170.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,65,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"[7th Apr 2021, Borno State] Respondents also stated that their freedom of movement has been restricted due to lack of documentation. Persons without identity card are harassed and extorted at the security check points. Groups that are mostly affected are men and women. There are no actor or organization who is trying to assist people with legal problems." +492527,67775.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,32,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=248709,"[16th September، 2021, GoS] Health Ministry announced on Wednesday that 169 new coronavirus cases were registered in Syria, adding that 43 patients recovered and 7 passed away." +313625,53333.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],en,63,"['Priority Needs', 'Priority Interventions']",[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"In addition, while parents were cited as a common source of this information for girls, some girls were living as orphans, and some parents were reported not to have good parenting skills and adequate knowledge to help girls avoid teenage pregnancy. Hence parents themselves need orientations and guidance on SRHR [Sexual and reproductive health and right]." +306384,51572.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,25,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Consider provision of anti-venom to decrease effects of snake bites. [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]" +132457,35164.0,1188.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,34,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,La mayoría de los participantes dijeron que las viviendas a las que pueden acceder cuentan con espacio físico muy reducido y tienen que compartir las habitaciones con 2 o más miembros de la familia +292442,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,The first phase of distribution covered commodities for at least two cycles of the Malaria SMC Campaign in all the 297 health areas in the 30 health districts in the Far North Region and 130 health areas in the 15 health districts in the North Region. +311864,53183.0,2466.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,6,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,Challenges: Outbreaks of malnutrition diseases +237182,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Almost two-thirds (63 per cent) of households headed by a person with a disability were classified as being within the “emergency” level of the LCS Index, compared to 40 per cent of other households." +493608,61216.0,2028.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/humanitarian-situation-overview-syria-hsos-northeast-syria-june-2021,"[June 2021, NES]% of communities where extreme coping strategies used by IDPs to meet basic needs were reported: Early marriage 19%, Forced marriage 4%, High risk work 5%, Sending children (15 or below) to work 623%, Sending family members to beg 1%." +173638,38392.0,1899.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,80,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ALC%20post%20COVID-19%20-%20Retos%20y%20oportunidades%20para%20pa%C3%ADses%20de%20Centroam%C3%A9rica%2C%20Hait%C3%AD%2C%20M%C3%A9xico%2C%20Panam%C3%A1%2C%20y%20Rep%C3%BAblica%20Dominicana.pdf,"El nivel de informalidad laboral, que en Guatemala alcanza casi el 70% de la población economicamente activa (PEA), hace que grandes sectores de la población queden excluídos de la rede de seguro social. Asimismo, en el primer quintil de ingresos, la proporción de hogares sin ningún trabajador formal alcanza el 95%. Algunos de estos hogares son beneficiarios de programas existentes, los cuales tienen retos de cobertura y focalizacion." +230029,46517.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,133,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/health/coronavirus/2020/12/26/bangladeshi-researchers-find-ivermectin-effective-as-covid-19-preventive-drug,"[26th December 2020, Bangladesh] While multiple vaccines are undergoing clinical trials across the globe, an observational trial in Bangladesh has found Ivermectin, a cheap and widely available drug, effective in preventing Covid-19.Mohammed Tarek Alam of Bangladesh Medical College Hospital, who led a 13-strong team mentioned in the EJMED article, told Dhaka Tribune on Saturday that the team administered Ivermectin dosages four times, one each per month, to 58 volunteers in Dhaka during the May-August period this year and found that only four of them later suffered from mild Covid-19.On the other hand, he added, as many as 44 volunteers out of 60 others, who chose not to take the tablet during the same period, later suffered from Covid-19." +186891,41080.0,1184.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,193,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000119627.pdf,"El acceso limitado a alimentos nutritivos representa una barrera importante para el logro de dietas adecuadas. Casi la mitad de los hogares ecuatorianos tendría acceso económico a la dieta nutritiva que satisfaga sus requerimientos(1).El análisis del CotD estimó que una dieta adecuada en energía para el hogar modelo de 5 personas costaría $2.5 al día (promedio nacional). El costo promedio nacional mínimo de una dieta que satisfaga los requerimientos de energía, proteína y 13 micronutrientes(2) para esta misma familia costaría $8.60 diario, casi 3.5 veces más (Figura 20). Para la dieta adecuada en energía el costo estimado más bajo es Guayas ($2.2) y los costos estimados más altos son los de Galápagos ($3.1) Pichincha, Napo, Tungurahua y Loja ($2.8) (Figura 21). Para la dieta nutritiva el costo estimado más bajo es Carchi ($7.1) y los costos estimados más altos son los de Galápagos ($15.7) y Guayas ($9.6) (Figura 22)." +318431,53855.0,2225.0,['Logistics'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,47,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/democratic-republic-congo/aid-delivery-tricky-road-south-kivu-and-maniema,"In South Kivu and Maniema, road maintenance remains very limited. In addition, South Kivu is a province particularly affected by natural disasters. During the rainy season, roads are often cut off due to landslides or flooding, and bridges are destroyed." +308112,53309.0,2098.0,"['Nutrition', 'Shelter', 'Cross', 'WASH']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,69,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/gender_alert_brief_final.pdf,"[29th March 2021, Cox's Bazar] While women should be prioritized as targets for the distribution of NFIs, separate lines for distribution, along with breastfeeding corners in distribution areas and porter services should be established to assist the most vulnerable.This also includes the distribution of female hygiene kits, house-repairing kits, essential resources and clothes as based on GFOs interviews with women." +214285,45385.0,2334.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,56,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Suivant les instructions du gouvernement, les cours ont repris le 1er Juin 2020 uniquement pour les classes d’examens du primaire et secondaire et tous les cycles du supérieur. 2,085 écoles primaires ont rouvert leurs portes dont 58 pour le sous-système anglophone, avec au total 87% d’enseignants présents." +317878,52949.0,2331.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,92,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Cash and voucher assistance (CVA) for Education in Emergency (EIE) can remove the economic barriers to education, both on the demand and supply side, which prevent crisis-affected children from accessing education. Cash for EIE is a modality that is urgently needed, alongside other service strengthening interventions to support families to purchase necessary supplies for school; cover school fees, transportation cost and other expenses for the re-enrolment of children who have been out of school as a result of the triple threat." +270391,49943.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,183,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"La pérdida de los ingresos según las características de los hogares, del cuidador y del entorno urbano/rural En el gráfico 4 se puede observar la proporción de hogares que perdieron algún ingreso y aquellos que perdieron más de la mitad de los ingresos desde el inicio del brote, según características del hogar. Se observa una mayor pérdida de ingresos en los hogares con algún miembro de la familia con discapacidad (89,5% en comparación con los hogares sin miembros con discapacidad 72%) y en los hogares que pertenecen a minorías (79,6% vs 72,2% en los hogares que no pertenecen a minorías). En los hogares pobres hay mayor proporción de pérdida de más de la mitad de los ingresos (64,8%) en comparación con los no pobres (55,9%). También es mayor la pérdida de más de la mitad de los ingresos en los hogares que recibían beneficios antes de la pandemia (54,8%), respecto a los que no recibían (61,5%)." +342057,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",fr,184,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Dans les régions du Centre-Nord et de la Boucle du Mouhoun, la méfiance est très soutenue. L’appartenance ethnique dicte l’appréciation de l’autre (altérité). La communauté peulh est indexée par les populations locales pour leur caractère « d’asociabilité », « d’individualisme », « d’amoralité » ; et surtout stigmatisée comme étant la principale responsable du terrorisme islamique que vit le pays. L’acceptation du moaga ne soulève que peu d’hostilités. Le vécu de cette forme d’injustice évoquée par les populations des localités d’accueil se traduit parfois par des attitudes de rejet, de dénigrement, voire d’accusation de déstabilisation. Ces mêmes tensions latentes se diffusent aujourd’hui de plus en plus au sein des communautés, avec un caractère ethnique et inter- communautaire assez marqué. Certaines tueries de masse survenues récemment dans les localités du Nord laissent craindre une explosion des violences communautaires liées à une instrumentalisation de la dimension ethnique." +338352,56101.0,2311.0,"['Cross', 'WASH']","['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Environment'],es,116,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/alerta_btb_inundaciones_en_arauca_14052021_vf_1.pdf,"Mayo 10 Fuertes lluvias en el piedemonte llanero y parte alta del Río Arauca provocaron el aumento en los niveles del caudal de al menos seis ríos (Arauca, Ele, Cusay, Banadia, Bojaba y Cobaria) cuyo desbordamiento afectó a poblaciones ubicadas en las zonas rurales y urbanas (2.437 familias, 6.749 personas) de los municipios de Arauquita (12 sectores), Saravena (8 sectores), Tame (2 sectores), y Arauca (7 sectores). Al sur del municipio de Fortul se generó una inundación debido a la superación de la capacidad de infiltración del suelo que afectó al centro poblado de Palmarito" +79053,21860.0,729.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,41,['Impact'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/09.30.19%20-%20USAID-DCHA%20Libya%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%232.pdf,"Ongoing clashes in the southern areas of Tripoli since early April had resulted in at least 111 civilian fatalities, nearly 300 civilians injured, and the displacement of more than 128,000 people as of mid-August, relief actors report." +160821,38029.0,2028.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,20,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syriadirect.org/news/mapping-coronavirus-in-syria-unofficial-cases-and-hot-spots/,"Similarly, the approximately 100,000 Syrians locked away in government prisons and detention centers are particularly vulnerable to the virus" +106120,30611.0,1860.0,['Health'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,32,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],COVID-19 Americas Region Multi-Sectorial Assessment,2020-05-18 21:51:19.040784+00,https://1bec58c3-8dcb-46b0-bb2a-fd4addf0b29a.filesusr.com/ugd/188e74_6f98530009f54edfa41096e8142b717b.pdf,Mexico is in a particularly compromised position when it comes to facing the onslaught of COVID-19 due to the country’s high prevalence of chronic disease and inequitable access to healthcare +341586,55986.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,65,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_cluster_sante_rdc_s16.pdf,"La hausse des prix, le ralentissement des échanges commerciaux et la baisse de pouvoir d’achat des ménages engendrés par la crise de la COVID-19 associés pour certains territoires à des facteurs d’insécurité qui provoquent des mouvements de population, ou encore les mouvements de retournés faibles économiquement sont parmi les facteurs déterminants de l’évolution de ces situations." +306374,51572.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,40,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Direct food distribution is needed to address the urgent food shortage as well as monthly distributions as community does not have any coping mechanism in place (no access to land, limitied access to fishing, no cattle)" +91781,26015.0,1620.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,60,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Situation-Overview_H2R_Oct-Dec_13.03.2020.pdf,"Similar to assessed settlements in Kukawe and Marte, the majority of assessed settlements in Bama in October (99%) reported people to be engaged in subsistence farming practices. Assessed settlements in Dikwa, further consistently reported people to be engaged in subsistence farming practices throughout the reporting period (reported by 95% in December)" +157870,38800.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,55,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GTS%20-%20HNAP%20COVID19%20Syria%20Bulletin%20R3.pdf,"In these areas, poor understanding of precautionary measures, and family pressure not to adhere to them, are more common. People in high-density sub-districts are almost three times more likely than people in lower-density ones to cite a lack of space to socially distance as a reason why measures are difficult." +179220,41946.0,2028.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,81,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://publications.unescwa.org/projects/saw/sdgs/pdf/en/Syria-at-War-8-years-on-Report-Final.pdf,"[ Syria, Loss of documentation] The loss of civil documentation is another barrier to school enrolment and grade completion, particularly when sitting official exams. With these emerging social epidemics, the Syrian Arab Republic faces the acute challenge of having lost a generation. The detrimental outcomes of a rising generation of undereducated youth will likely unfold throughout the later stages of their lives, jeopardizing their future employment opportunities, mental health and lifetime well-being." +234307,46381.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Education', 'Cross']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,110,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Recommendations :Change in the lockdown/movement restriction measures: Relaxing the lockdown/movement restrictions measures based on WHO recommendations; gradual opening of schools and educational institutions (for instances, only secondary and high school or two to three days per week; availability of active surveillance; availability and implementation of case detection guideline in the schools; clear guideline for contact tracing); resuming restaurants and wedding halls activities based on MOPH guidelines (for instance maximum participants should not be exceed more than 200 guests and keeping social distance of 2 meter between the tables); gradual resumption of other construction and developmental projects." +339308,56367.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,38,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"(Centre-Nord) Talking to displaced and host children in schools in the town of Kaya, in the Central-North region of Burkina Faso, which alone hosts more than 40 per cent of the country's IDPs" +194585,43822.0,2311.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],es,30,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19112020_flash_update_no.3_emergencias_por_ola_invernal_-_colombia_vf.pdf,"En La Guajira, se ha decretado la calamidad pública en los municipios Maicao, Uribia y El Molino, con vigencia de 6, 3 y 2 meses respectivamente" +286714,51586.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Health', 'Protection']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_19_november_2020_final.pdf,"Protection partners have reached more than 301,000 people with psychosocial support services. More than 1.1m people have been reached with COVID-19 specific food assistance by WFP between 1 March and 11 November." +491970,67963.0,2170.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,121,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Nigeria%20Northeast%20Operational%20Update-July%202021.pdf,"[1st Jul 2021, North east Nigeria]The IDP returnees also faced limited access to cooking fuel, a concern that UNHCR resolved by advocating for fuel efficiency stove and briquettes as alternative sources of cooking fuel in the return areas. The connection between safe sources of energy and gender-based violence (GBV) unfortunately continues to be registered especially for women and girls as they go about fetching firewood for domestic purposes. After the return exercise, GBV cases were reported, including denial of resources, physical assaults, and sexual exploitation, some of which resulted in family separations in return locations, such as Bama, Gwoza, Monguno, and Ngala." +159063,37967.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,6,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_ndeg_115.pdf,Cas suivis à domicile : 06 +487123,40789.0,1900.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,31,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://infosegura.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Seguridad-y-movilidad-humana-30sep2020.pdf,"Más de 400,000 retornos involuntarios al país en los últimos cinco años. En 2019 Honduras registró el número y la tasa de retornos más alta del norte de Centroamérica." +45696,15533.0,729.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,60,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_report_areabasedassessment_aba_azzawya_jun2019.pdf,"Faced with a lack of access to formal healthcare, migrants reportedly resort to pharmacies or alternative medicine. KIs from MENA reported that migrants from their region of origin also move to other parts of the city, by taxi or through the support of their employer, if in need of healthcare, or resort to self-medication." +158634,39277.0,2170.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,107,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NMMB_June2020_Final.pdf,"The government has taken a variety of other control measures since late March including closing schools and religious centers across the country. Nigerian airports have been closed for international flights since late March. Sea ports remain operational but will only allow cargo vessels that have been at sea for more than 14 days to dock in its ports, after the crew have been tested by the port health authorities. The sanitary checks are resulting in the delay of clearing goods. These restrictions do not apply to ships carrying oil and gas as there’s minimal human contact on those vessels." +55276,17031.0,1186.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Politics']",es,174,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.soychile.cl/Santiago/Sociedad/2019/08/13/610598/Acnur-por-flujo-de-venezolanos-Es-uno-de-los-mas-importantes-que-hemos-visto.aspx,"Tras la reunión que se extendió por más de una hora, Fillippo Grandi expresó que “yo no soy muy optimista, creo que este flujo de venezolanos en la región, un flujo muy importante, el más importante que hemos conocido nosotros en el Acnur, no solamente en esta región, es uno de los flujos más importantes que hemos visto en el mundo en las décadas pasadas“. Además, aseguró que “es uno de los flujos más importantes que hemos visto en el mundo. Yo creo que va a continuar si no vemos una solución política”. ""Yo creo que ese flujo va a continuar si no hay una solución política en Venezuela que permita a estas personas regresar a su país. En ese tiempo vamos a trabajar con todos los gobiernos de la región, el Acnur, la OIM (Organización Internacional para las Migraciones), estableciendo una plataforma regional de cooperación”, agregó el Alto Comisionado." +165194,38902.0,1183.0,[],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",en,61,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"Humanitarian access in Colombia is hampered by difficult terrain, armed conflict, and movement restrictions due to COVID-19. In the context of the COVID-19 crisis, threats and attacks against humanitarian organisations and medical missions are posing an additional access challenge, as armed groups use the crisis to exert territorial and social control (OCHA 12/08/2020)." +325490,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[Ouagadougou] Across all types of schools, the “added value” of the existing bus system appears to be quite low, if comparing the above results with estimates based on the assumption that the person relies on walking only. This is not surprising given the limited number of bus routes and the very large headways, sometimes exceeding two or more hours." +149624,35869.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,61,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep18_25july2020.pdf,"Nutrition Cluster members are implementing the recommended adaptations in the context of COVID-19 which include: continuity of life-saving nutrition services, integration of IPC measures for mitigation of COVID-19 infection in all platforms, enhanced communication on IYCF-E in context of COVID-19, simplified protocol for treatment of acute malnutrition, surveillance, supply pre-positioning to avoid stockouts, etc" +472925,63777.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,27,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"avec l’accroissement du nombre de PDIs et la raréfaction de certaines ressources, il est possible que des tensions mineures engendrent des conflits importants." +224012,45768.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"En plus de ces IDPs et des retournés/transhumants, il faut signaler la présence sur le site de Diamerom des 76 réfugiés/demandeurs d’asile réunis dans 40 ménages." +146119,34803.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,72,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"The SNFI Cluster is actively coordinating with the Health and WASH Clusters to respond to the needs of the displaced population in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The SNFI Cluster is working to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 during distributions, to improve the conditions of inadequate shelters and decongest overcrowded collective shelters. The population of collective centres has fallen to a third of the population in March." +346170,56952.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20monitoreo%20enero-marzo%202021%20-%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20vers%C3%B3n%20final.pdf,"En grupos focales realizados en asentamientos informales en el barrio Siete de Abril en Barran- quilla se observa que la población se somete a altos niveles de hacinamiento para compartir el costo elevado de los arriendos y acepta habitar en viviendas en pésimas condiciones sin servicios básicos como luz, gas y agua." +112851,29955.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,21,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76820,"1.809.000 venezolanos/as permanecen en territorio colombiano 4 Se ha dado una reducción del 0,9% en la población venezolana en Colombia" +287129,51749.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[district sanitaire de Pouytenga] Le CMA [Centre médical avec antenne chirurgicale] de Pouytenga dispose 4 [Médecine interne, Pédiatrie, Gynéco-Obstétrique, Chirurgie générale] services d’hospitalisation et d’un bloc opératoire pour les interventions chirurgicales mineurs. La moyenne mensuelle des 3 derniers mois est de 16 cas d’hospitalisation." +316959,53333.0,2334.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,35,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Another young mothers group reported that some of them were going for classes organized by an NGO called Indigenous Volunteers for Sustainable Peace and Development IVSPD but since coronavirus started, the classes stopped," +456038,65411.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,139,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[16-29 August 2021, Cox's Bazar] A Camp wise dedicated Contact Tracing (CT) network (34 supervisors and 311 volunteers) has been embedded in the Rapid Investigation and Response Teams (RIRTs) for COVID-19. A total of 2 653 confirmed cases (out of 2 883 to date) have been investigated by RIRTs by 29 August 2021, with contact tracing activities being conducted and captured through Go.data, including 5 227 contacts. Out of these, 3 526 (67%) contacts have seen their follow up visits completed and were released from quarantine. 285 (8.0%) tested positive cases during the follow up period. WHO is closely supporting contact tracing through the Camp Health and Disease Surveillance Officers (CHDSOs)." +235243,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,57,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"With its placement in a seismically active region, Afghanistan remains highly susceptible to catastrophic damage due to earthquakes – particularly across a number of densely populated urban areas along the Chaman, Hari Rud, Central Badakhshan, and Darvaz faults. Each of these faults is capable of producing 7 or 8 Magnitude earthquakes." +330766,55042.0,2098.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,80,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.gage.odi.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Adolescents%E2%80%99-experiences-of-covid-19-in-Chittagong-and-Sylhet-divisions-Bangladesh.pdf,"[30 April 2021, Bangladesh]Conclusion: Our findings suggest that despite the lifting of the nationwide lockdown and covid-related restrictions, adolescents and their families in Chittagong and Sylhet divisions continue to be affected by the consequences of the covid-induced crisis.Moreover, after several months of nationwide lockdown leading to loss of work or a sharp fall in household incomes, families are still struggling every day to regain their financial stability and repay their debts." +182595,42252.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,28,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2020_29Oct2020_FINAL.pdf,"[8th September 2020, Overall Syria] All border crossing points remain closed as a precautionary measure. Humanitarian personnel and medical cases are reportedly exempt." +318223,53305.0,2335.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,30,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,The humanitarian community scaled up assistance to save lives and avert collapse of livelihoods in six counties in response to the latest food security analysis. [DECEMBER 2020] +391174,61715.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,72,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/yobe_state_covid-19_pandemic_weekly_situation_report_sitrep_for_week_30_26_jul_-_01_aug_2021_.pdf,"[26th Jul - 1st Aug 2021, Yobe State] Risk Communication and Social Mobilization: • Yobe SPHCMB, in collaboration with WHO HTR teams, Community Health Champions and AVADAR Informants, UNICEF, and CGPP VCMs, conducted mass community sensitization, reaching 6,209 people with COVID-19 prevention messages • Conducted mass sensitization on COVID-19 prevention through phone-in program at Yobe State Broadcasting cooperation (YBC)." +323360,54815.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,37,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"The Government’s National Plan for Economic and Social de Développement Economique et Social, PNDES) (Government of Burkina Faso, 2016) has three strategic axes, including development of human capital." +173660,41107.0,1899.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,73,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3678296,"Ciudad de Guatemala, 10 de octubre 2020 - En el Día Internacional de la Niña, celebrado anualmente el 11 de octubre, el Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para la Infancia, UNICEF, hace un llamado para reinventar un mundo mejor inspirado por las niñas y adolescentes, difundiendo sus voces y sus soluciones. Reconocer su valía y unir esfuerzos para construir una generación de igualdad en Guatemala." +401804,62956.0,2098.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,77,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[29th July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Both Host and Refugees: 38% respondents (37% of refugees and 48% of host community respondents) have needs in food support. Among them, 17.7% were persons with disabilities • 37% respondents (40% of refugees and 48% of host community respondents) have needs in NFI. Among them, 11.2% were persons with disabilities." +456055,65411.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],en,122,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[16-29 August 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugee: Between early April 2020 and August 2021, a total of 212 937 tests for COVID-19 have been conducted, of which 192 010 are from Cox’s Bazar district and the remainder from Bandarban and Chittagong districts. An increase in the number of tests conducted among the Rohingya refugees was observed in weeks 33-34 as compared to weeks 31-32, from 2 546 to 2 493 tests. Among the host community an decreased number was tested as well; from 8 107 tests in weeks 31-32 to 4 797 tests in week 33-34. Currently, 42 sample collection sites are operating for suspected COVID-19 patients." +80496,22034.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],[],['Context->Politics'],es,93,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/cuatro-reflexiones-del-primer-mes-del-campamento-humanitario-para-venezolanos-en-bogota/780,"El campamento de la Alcaldía de Bogotá es el primero de este tipo que surge para atender a la población migrante venezolana, pero no es el primer albergue de atención humanitaria en el país. Durante los años de mayor recrudecimiento del conflicto en Colombia, organizaciones, muchas de ellas religiosas, asumieron la atención a los desplazados con refugios temporales. Recientemente, esos lugares han abierto sus puertas para recibir temporalmente a los migrantes venezolanos en distintas ciudades, pues el método es muy similar para la acogida." +234887,47045.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,51,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/coronavirus-idlib-spiralling-out-control-warns-charity,"[9th January 2021, Overall Syria] Amjad Yamin, from Save the Children's Syria Response team, said he believed the overcrowded camps and lack of access to water had allowed the virus to spread faster in northwest Syria in comparison to other parts of the country." +16335,6355.0,322.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/181002%20YEMEN%20HODEIDAH%20CHOLERA%20CASES%20SURGE.pdf,"“Children in Yemen are experiencing severe hardships that no child should endure, facing multiple threats from bombs and bullets to disease and extreme hunger. It’s unacceptable that they’re dying from entirely preventable causes" +325238,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,29,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"(Hauts-Bassins, Boucle du Mouhoun) the largest number of villages with primary and PPS schools exposed to flood risk are in Haut-Bassins and Boucle du Mouhoun;" +329859,53694.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],fr,118,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/03042021_sitrep_s11_whe_oms_rdc.docx.pdf,"De S1 à S11/2021, 3 863 461 cas suspects de paludisme dont 950 604 cas avec un test de diagnostic rapide (TDR) positif (soit 24,6%) et 2 900 décès (létalité 0,1%) ont été rapportés sur l’ensemble de la RDC, contre 4 065 804 cas suspects dont 759 659 cas avec un TDR positif (soit 18,7%) et 3 660 décès (létalité 0,1%) au cours de la même période en 2020. On note une stabilité de la létalité à 0,1% et une très légère baisse du nombre de cas suspect de paludisme (5,0%) entre 2020 et 2021" +159104,37975.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,15,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_ndeg112.pdf,Poursuite de l’appui aux prélèvements d’échantillons de cas suspects et personnes +61758,18350.0,1184.0,['Shelter'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,122,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71151.pdf,"Asimismo, en todas las fronteras, se fortaleció los espacios de descanso y se aumentó la asistencia de alojamiento en centros transitorios, fortaleciendo la capacidad de acogida en hostales y albergues. Se gestionó cupos de hospedaje a grupos vulnerables, con la disposición para pago de hospedaje y enseres, así como instalando espacios de descanso temporal en la frontera sur. También se aumentó la cantidad de buses destinados al transporte humanitario movilizados diariamente desde la frontera norte hacia el CEBAF Perú; además existió un aumentó en la entrega de kits de viajeros a la población caminante; así como kits de abrigo y kits de bebés en respuesta a la situación de emergencia en Rumichaca." +294564,51749.0,2099.0,"['Food Security', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[commune de Ouargaye] Cependant la commune de Ouargaye avait déjà des problèmes structurels avant la crise (en eau hygiène assainissement et en sécurité alimentaire) qui n’ont fait que s’aggraver depuis. Les quartiers Secteur 2, Secteur 1 et Dimtenga sont les plus touchés par l’arrivée des PDI." +287065,51749.0,2099.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,32,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[Pouytenga] Les femmes déplacées internes travaillent de manière journalière dans les champs des ménages autochtones, ce qui ne permet pas de couvrir les besoins de base en alimentation." +489824,67355.0,2098.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,79,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/2021/09/14/minister-vaccinate-university-students-by-sept-27,"[14th September, Bangladesh] Public universities can resume in-person academic activities any day after September 27 if all of the students can complete registration for Covid-19 vaccines by that date. The VCs of a number of universities told the meeting that around 50% of students had already taken their first dose of the vaccine. If the remaining students can complete their registration in due time, the universities will reopen after September 27." +235669,47076.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,"Temporary displacements continue to be recorded as civilians flee for safety. Over 15,780 individuals from 2,625 households were reportedly displaced in the NWSW due to ongoing violence during the month of June. Over 60% of the displacements were recorded in the NW." +289298,52049.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,93,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Bangladesh%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%201%20%28Rohingya%20Camp%20Fire%29%20-%2023%20March%202021.pdf,"[23rd March 2021,Cox's Bazar] Two multi-purpose centers in Camps 8E and 9 were destroyed by the fire. Initially, 87 children were registered as separated from their families by UNICEF’s partners. UNICEF partners have also initiated the provision of psychological first aid and psychosocial support to the affected children, caregivers and families. 180 tarpaulins are being dispatched to partners to be set up in various locations and will be used as temporary spaces to provide psychosocial support and other required services." +189051,42865.0,1183.0,[],[],[],es,64,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-LMA-Colombia-Espanol.pdf,"Esta desaceleración económica está teniendo efectos severos en el mercado laboral colombiano, con el índice de desempleo alcanzando el 19.8 porciento en Junio del 2020.5 Como resultado, los venezolanos han sido llevados a un estado creciente de precareidad económica, particularmente porque ellos son más propensos que los colombianos a trabajar en sectores que han sido fuertemente impactados por la pandemia." +313697,53333.0,2334.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,20,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,Work with the education cluster and partners to provide designs for safe construction in schools and community learning centres. +438420,64539.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"PRINCIPAL OCUPACIÓN Dentro de las principales ocupaciones que realiza la población migrante en Tumbes destacan las actividades ligadas al comercio y a los servicios, además de actividades informales como la venta ambulante. Esta última fue la ocupación del mayor porcentaje de población venezolana (18.9%) que dependen de esta como medio principal de subsistencia." +327611,54714.0,2331.0,[],[],[],en,23,[],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,[PRE-EXISTING VULNERABILITIES] 5% households with at least one member having lost employment in the three months prior to data collection +325879,55012.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,123,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Proporción de UCI y cama hospitalaria adulto La consulta realizada el 27 de abril reporta información con corte del 26 de abril, del total de las 12.667 camas de UCI, el 82,0% (10.382) están ocupadas con una disponibilidad a nivel nacional del 18,,0% (2.285), que en comparación con las últimas 24 horas el porcentaje de disponibilidad se ha disminuido en un 4,2% y el número de camas disponibles en un 4,2%, y en los últimos 7 días con una tendencia a la disminución de la disponibilidad el porcentaje de disponibilidad se observa una disminución en un 20,2% y el número de camas disponibles en un 19,6%." +412974,63086.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],fr,87,"['At Risk', 'Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_07_14_MSF%20RDC_RAPPORT%20VIOLENCES%20SEXUELLES%20%28FR%29%281%29.pdf,"Les déplacements forcés, particulièrement fréquents en RDC, accroissent la vulnérabilité aux violences sexuelles, notamment pour les femmes et les jeunes filles. Dans de nombreuses structures de santé appuyées par MSF, une forte proportion de victimes de violences sexuelles s’identifie comme étant des personnes déplacées. Au Nord-Kivu, c’est le cas de 39% des victimes prises en charge dans la zone de santé de Kibirizi et de 36% dans la zone de santé de Mweso." +306367,51572.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,95,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"The lack of food is the 1st need in the 3 camps as mentioned in each FGD (Focus Group Discussion). The only available food is greens picked up in the bush and wild fruits. The main coping mechanisms are to ask other community members to provide food (some HHs manage to share a bag of sorghum time to time), reduce the number of meal to one per day, with less preferred food. [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]" +170466,40462.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],fr,37,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,1 228 personnes ont été touchées par les sensibilisations sur la COVID-19. Ces personnes peuvent désormais relayer l’information sur les mesures barrières du COVID 19 à d’autres membres de leurs communautés. +238300,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,29,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,The 2020 WoA Assessment also showed that recent returnee and IDP households had the highest rate of boys working outside the home (some 13 per cent). +341991,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,205,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"L’Assemblée Nationale Burkinabè a adopté à l’unanimité, le 21 janvier 2020, une loi instituant le recrutement de « Volontaires pour la défense de la patrie (VDP) », visant, selon le gouvernement, à « associer toutes les composantes de la société Burkinabè à la lutte contre le terrorisme », aux côtés des forces de défense et de sécurité (FDS). Selon l’article 2 de la- dite loi, « le Volontaire pour la défense de la Patrie est une personne physique de nationalité Burkinabè ; auxiliaire des forces de défense et de sécurité ; servant de façon volontaire les intérêts sécuritaires de son village ou de son secteur de résidence, en vertu d’un contrat signé entre le volontaire et l’État ». Ces volontaires, dont l’âge minimum est fixé à 18 ans, seront recrutés dans leur secteur de résidence, après approbation des populations locales en assemblée générale, et placés sous la tutelle du ministère de la défense nationale. Après une formation militaire de 14 jours, ils exerceront des missions de surveillance, d'information et de protection." +148557,36019.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,34,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"The border with Jordan remains completely closed. Access to Rukban from within Syria remains under discussion with the various parties while individual departures are being catered to, notably emergency medical cases." +359817,58733.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,76,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/2021/06/30/study-70-of-low-income-households-consumed-less-food-amid-covid-19-pandemic,"[30th June 2021, Bangladesh] Stressing on the fact that violence against women has increased alarmingly during the pandemic, ActionAid Bangladesh Country Director Farah Kabir said: “Amidst the pandemic one noticed different dimensions of gender-based violence (GBV). Women who were not subjected to GBV earlier, have become the new victims, and child marriages have also spiked; these matters should have come under consideration.”" +313651,53333.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,21,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,There is also a need to work with caregivers in these areas to support them in their roles as parents. +164358,38902.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,23,[],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"Colombian economy re-opens and conditions in Venezuela worsen, resulting in increased arrivals of Venezuelan refugees and migrants in need of humanitarian assistance" +70238,20090.0,1386.0,[],[],[],es,153,[],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71686_0.pdf,"En los países afectados por la salida de refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela se han tomado decisiones en pro de los migrantes y refugiados de Venezuela, tales como, la tarjeta regional de vacunación que fue aprobada por 10 países en agosto y entrará en vigor a mediados de octubre y, la decisión del Estado colombiano de otorgar la nacionalidad colombiana a miles de hijos e hijas de padres venezolanos que nacieron en Colombia. Estas iniciativas contribuyen a mejorar la integración de los refugiados y migrantes en sus comunidades de acogida, y son ejemplos de la Hoja de Ruta acordada en la reunión del Capítulo de Buenos Aires del Proceso de Quito, centrándose en áreas de protección a la niñez y adolescencia, lucha contra la trata y tráfico de personas, sistemas de regularización y asilo, inserción laboral, y prevención y tratamiento de VIH." +165246,39714.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],es,53,['Priority Needs'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,72% está muy de acuerdo o de acuerdo con que la respuesta de gobierno local para controlar el COVID- 19 fue clara y consistente. 67% está muy de acuerdo o de acuerdo con que el gobierno local actúo de forma oportuna y rápida para controlar la transmisión del COVID-19. +157947,38137.0,2098.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,31,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cxb_education_covid_response_reaching_every_learner_final.pdf,"Map available distance/ continuous education tools and prepare additional relevant content for academic skills as well as mental health and psychosocial support, health, and child protection key messages." +344570,56751.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/98976/file/Water%20Under%20Fire%20%20%20Volume3.pdf,"[May 24, overall Syria] In the Syrian Arab Republic, when the conflict damaged urban water services and power systems, humanitarian water and sanitation programmes have reported urban residents developing their own solutions – such as handpumps made by residents themselves – to access shallow water." +178207,41756.0,2225.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Economy'],fr,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,Le taux national d’accès au réseau électrique reste également très bas avec seulement 20 pour cent de la population ayant accès à l’électricité30 bien que le potentiel hydroélectrique de la RDC représente 13 pour cent du potentiel mondial (moins de 3 pour cent sont exploités).31 +320285,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,76,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Forced evictions in Somalia often violate the right to housing and property. This often leads to the violation of a broad range of fundamental rights and freedoms. Apart from the right to housing, other fundamental rights are frequently violated, largely with impunity, in cases of forced evictions. These include the right to life, dignity, equality, freedom and security of the person, as well as privacy." +147108,36461.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,63,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77428.pdf,"UNHCR in cooperation with the World Food Programme and the Syrian Arab Red Crescent distributed food baskets for over 850 refugee families at the start of June. UNHCR outreach volunteers were present at the registration centre and distribution point to support with managing flows of people, verifying beneficiary names, delivering food baskets, and accompanying the most vulnerable cases." +394872,61265.0,1186.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Casualties->Dead']",es,65,[],"['Displacement', 'Casualties']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.biobiochile.cl/noticias/nacional/region-de-tarapaca/2021/02/04/no-son-un-bulto-el-saldo-fatal-de-la-crisis-migratoria-en-la-frontera-norte.shtml,"Colchane, pueblo ubicado en la frontera con Bolivia, en la región de Tarapacá, se convirtió este miércoles en el destino fatal para inmigrantes que buscaban de manera irregular entrar a Chile: dos personas, de nacionalidad venezolana y colombiana, murieron tras cruzar la desértica frontera a más de 3 mil 600 metros de altura sobre el nivel del mar." +224067,45768.0,2332.0,['WASH'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,67,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"Les paramètres organoleptiques (l’odeur et le goût) et physique (la couleur) ne sont pas dans les normes : odeur de jaune de l’œuf, le gout salé et la couleur jaunâtre. Selon les échanges avec les usagers, ce point d’eau [situé à l'école] est le meilleur de la localité d’Amma." +473185,67207.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,21,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.europapress.es/internacional/noticia-cerca-200-municipios-colombia-estan-riesgo-reclutamiento-menores-defensoria-20210420154812.html,La Defensoría del Pueblo de Colombia ha identificado riesgo de reclutamiento forzado de menores en 188 municipios colombianos durante 2020. +205493,44672.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,23,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,The Ministry of Public Health assigned a number of state-owned hospitals across the country as intensive care units and COVID-19 testing centers. +132554,35164.0,1188.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,16,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,58% de los NNA han sufrido cambios fuertes en su humor o actitudes o síntomas +164331,38902.0,1183.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,29,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"Vulnerable people who have lost income are at risk of increased food insecurity and malnutrition, as household assets are depleted and households’ purchasing power is reduced." +303992,51174.0,2335.0,[],[],[],en,13,[],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.afro.who.int/sites/default/files/2021-02/South%20Sudan%20IDSR%20Bulletin%20Week%201%2C%20%20%204-%2010%20January%202021%20.pdf,Strengthen investigation of acute watery diarrhoea/ suspect cholera alerts in the border counties +317530,54586.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,60,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_humanitarian_snapshot_february.pdf,"In Aweil East County, Northern Bahr el Ghazal, some 4,000 people were displaced following an armed attack by an ethnic group from Sudan. Cattle migration in parts of Central Equatoria, Warrap and Western Bahr el Ghazal caused tension between host communities and cattle keepers, posing a security threat to civilians and hindering humanitarian services." +214306,45385.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Education']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],fr,49,"['Priority Interventions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Il n’y a pas de circuits de détection de cas suspects dans les établissements. Dans ce contexte, la DRSP [Délégation régionale de la Santé Publique] plaide pour l’affectation d’un médecin scolaire dans la région de l’Extrême-Nord." +192738,43304.0,2332.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,47,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,Le déficit budgétaire en 2020 et 2021 se creusera en raison de la baisse des recettes pétrolières et de l'augmentation des dépenses. La chute du prix du pétrole devrait faire baisser les recettes pétrolières de 38 % en 2020 et de 50 % en 2021. +149323,35869.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,55,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep18_25july2020.pdf,"COVID-19 prevention needs: Cleaning of education facilities that are accessible to children and/or adults again. Clean WASH facilities in schools (in coordination with WASH cluster). Hygiene and basic health sensitisation at home, printed and/or through social media in coordination with Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) efforts" +306518,51572.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,29,['Impact'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"The host community is preventing IDPs from collecting construction Items unless they paid tax. [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]" +178199,41756.0,2225.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Economy'],fr,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Les faibles niveaux de revenus et le manque d’accessibilité aux marchés dûs au sous-investissement dans les infrastructures publiques sont des facteurs clés de la pauvreté, limitant l'accès aux biens essentiels et services." +35543,13057.0,788.0,['Food Security'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,108,['At Risk'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000105395.pdf,"Reliance on purchased food commodities to meet households' food needs is the most common sources of food across the three north eastern states (over 50 percent of households in each state) with the proportion of households reaching 72.4 percent in MMC & Jere. At the domain level, MMC & Jere and East Borno have the lowest proportions of households with access to own-produced grains at 9.2 percent and 7.6 percent respectively. While this phenomenon is linked to insecurity, some 36.9 percent of households in East Borno domain relied on food assistance, followed by Central Borno A at 17.6 percent." +178404,41756.0,2225.0,['WASH'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,46,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Les fragilités structurelles, notamment le manque de services de base et de maintenance et gestion des infrastructures et les lacunes en termes d’adoption de bonnes pratiques d’hygiène constituent les principales causes sous- jacentes des vulnérabilités liées à l’EHA." +296366,52417.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.dropbox.com/s/fpu0ox89go0s7li/Syria%202021%20HNO%20%28advance%20copy%29.pdf?dl=0,"[23rd March 2021, Overall Syria] In order to compensate for reduced or lost income and afford increasing prices for food, other basic goods and services, 71 per cent of households have taken on more debt since mid-2019. Debt increase has been even higher amongst female-headed households (75 per cent) and families with members with a disability (80 per cent)." +304143,51467.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,The worsening food insecurity situation in 2020 was brought about by compounded shocks on top of existing high levels of vulnerability caused by asset depletion and impoverishment experienced since 2013 +150706,32361.0,1184.0,['Education'],[],[],es,146,[],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/El%20derecho%20a%20la%20educaci%C3%B3n%20en%20tiempos%20de%20crisis%20-%20alternativas%20para%20la%20continuidad%20educativa.pdf,"Otros casos como Perú, Venezuela, Guatemala, Jamaica, Belice, Barbados, Chile y Ecuador han optado por ofrecer a sus maestros recursos libres y abiertos para la gestión virtual de aulas. La implementación de estos sistemas web dinámicos, creados para gestionar entornos de enseñanza virtual, es todavía incipiente. En algunos casos, están dentro de las plataformas y, en otros, son facilitados para su uso de modo complementario. Asimismo, en ocasiones, solo pueden compartirse contenidos entre docentes y estudiantes y, en otras, se desarrollan sesiones en vivo, se atienden consultas y evaluaciones de los participantes. Algunos países privilegian el uso del software libre y otros poseen licencias restringidas y de uso cerrado, dependiendo de ellos algunos son personalizados a los grupos de aprendizaje y otros menos flexibles." +172535,40367.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,54,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"As part of tactical capacity strengthening to improve service delivery and coverage, 243 staff from implementing partners (101 women) were trained on how to identify and respond to acute mental health and psychological distress of affected children and care givers using Inter-agency standing committee (IASC) guidelines on MHPSS." +164481,32982.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']",[],[],es,21,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Respuesta%20COVID-19%20-%20GIFMM%20Arauca%2C%20actualizaci%C3%B3n%20n%C2%B03%20%28Del%201%20al%2030%20de%20mayo%20de%202020%29.pdf,"Activación de ruta en casos de salud y nutrición en menores de 5 años en Arauquita, Saravena y Arauca." +157959,38137.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Education']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,67,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cxb_education_covid_response_reaching_every_learner_final.pdf,"Develop and deliver guidance for facilitators on how to support caregiver-led ECD guidance document with text/messaging designed for audio recording/SMS/ WhatsApp - will include COVID-19 awareness and facilitator wellbeing messaging, Development and delivery of distance learning guidance during COVID19 response, including the importance of learning at home (especially for vulnerable groups) and tips for caregivers/community volunteers to facilitate learning in local languages." +305400,51474.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"Some 1.4 million children under 5 years of age were expected to be acutely malnourished in 2021, the highest caseload for acute malnutrition since the start of the crisis in December 2013." +500649,31283.0,1232.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,49,['Priority Interventions'],[],UNHCR Uruguay,2019-05-28 02:56:46.441375+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNDRR%20COVID-19%20BRIEF%20PERSONAS%20CON%20DISCAPACIDADES%20FRENTE%20AL%20COVID-19%20EN%20LAS%20AM%C3%89RICAS%20Y%20EL%20CARIBE%20%283%29.pdf,"Para llegar a medidas apropiadas y funcionales, las organizaciones de personas con discapacidad, sus cuidadores y familias, y las organizaciones de la sociedad civil deben ser consultadas e involucradas activamente en todas las etapas de la preparación, la respuesta y la recuperación al COVID-19." +292893,51786.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",es,78,[],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/estatuto-de-proteccion-no-fomenta-la-competencia-desleal-de-los-venezolanos/2540,"Frente a los hechos registrados en los últimos días en la capital de la República, en los que fue asesinado el patrullero de la Policía Nacional Edwin Caro, Migración Colombia rechazó de manera categórica cualquier acto de violencia, independientemente de quien lo realice, y condenó este tipo de acciones. ""El delito no tiene pasaporte y la criminalidad debe ser prevenida y perseguida sin atención a nacionalidades"", refiere el comunicado." +188868,43387.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,124,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20DE%20PROTECTION_SEPTEMBRE2020-SAHEL.pdf,"Il a été constaté également dans la province du Soum notamment dans les localités de Djibo et de Silgueye des nouvelles PDI originaires de Koubel-Alpha. Ces populations ont fui leur localité d’origine pour des raisons d’insécurité due à un affrontement entre FDS et GANI. Il a été enregistré environ 104 ménages de 1202 individus dont 818 personnes de 73 ménages à Djibo et 384 personnes de 31 ménages à Silgueye selon la fiche d’alerte RRM du 18 septembre 2020. Ces PDI ont été accueillies dans la ville de Djibo et dans la localité de Silgueye par leurs parents anciens PDI, d’autres par des familles hôtes et certains sont toujours sans abris." +386806,60459.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'WASH', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,122,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"Les menaces de groupes djihadistes continuent de réduire l’accès aux sites d’orpaillage, notamment ceux qui sont éloignés. Par ailleurs, le tarissement des points d’eau a entrainé des pertes de production (récolte avant maturité) et une baisse des récoltes de second cycle en avril/mai d’environ 25 à 33 pour cent pour cent par rapport à la normale. Les prix de vente 25 à 30 pour cent en-dessous de la normale pour les principales spéculations (oignon et tomate) due à la baisse de fréquentation des sites maraichers par les acheteurs potentiels et la baisse des productions ont entrainé des baisses de revenus au cours des mois précédents." +325772,54267.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,77,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Les régimes alimentaires sont principalement basés sur les céréales, les légumes et les graisses d’origine végétale dans les plats traditionnels, et seuls (et timidement) les consommateurs les plus aisés des zones urbaines incluent des aliments plus «modernes» tels que la viande de poulet, les œufs, le fromage et les pâtes dans leur alimentation (Becquey et al., 2010, dans Posthumus et al., 2019)" +191505,43304.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,73,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"En ce qui concerne le secteur du transport urbain et inter-urbain, sur la base d’un échantillon de 211 bus inter urbain et de 2535 mini bus, les pertes totales qu’a subies ce dernier sont estimées pour le mois d’avril à 219,6 millions de FCFA selon les informations recueillies par la CCIAMA auprès des syndicats et associations des transporteurs de la ville de N’Djaména" +235850,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,42,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has overwhelmed the country’s fragile health system, requiring a rapid re-orientation of public health priorities and resourcing, and resulting in cascading impacts on the short- and longer-term health of the population." +323326,54815.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,47,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"The importance of improving maternal and infant care is highlighted by the fact that maternal and neonatal diseases account for over 11 percent of all deaths and over 13 percent of DALYs, and it is the fourth single largest cause of death in the country." +452714,63974.0,2099.0,"['Protection', 'Cross', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_20210630-Rapport-Protection-Trimestriel.pdf,L’accès aux services sociaux de base reste difficile dans les communes affectées par les déplacements internes dans la région de la Boucle du Mouhoun. La situation des VBG et de la protection de l’enfance ainsi que de la fermeture des écoles reste très préoccupante. +188613,43181.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,33,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_270_20201026_.pdf,"Au cours des 14 derniers jours, 322 cas confirmés ont été enregistrés dans 55 ZS réparties dans 10 des 21 provinces affectées du pays (Tableau I ; Figure 2)." +271783,50331.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,79,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDRCO017du1.pdf,"The heavy rains led to floods and landslides, with the consequent loss of assets, which increase the populations' vulnerabilities, facilitating the appearance of respiratory diseases, skin diseases, respiratory infections, and acute diarrheal disease. In addition to the Emergency Medical Teams' care, epidemiological monitoring and surveillance are required in the affected areas. The displacement of communities and the generation of temporary shelter could increase respiratory diseases and COVID-19." +205449,44672.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,54,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Scientists warn that polluted cities such as Kabul may have higher mortality rates from COVID-19, since there would be more people with underlying health issues. Scientists also believe viruses may bond with pollution particles, enabling them to remain in the air longer and helping them make their way into the body" +9734,3786.0,321.0,"['Health', 'WASH', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Protection', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,142,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/derna_flash_update_no7_11june2018.pdf,"The humanitarian needs in the city are rapidly increasing, with severe shortages reported for medicine and medical supplies, but also food, water, fuel, and cooking gas. Residents reported that because of limited movement due to the ongoing clashes and the closure of markets, they have been unable to purchase basic food items as prices also considerably increased. Cooking gas remains to be unavailable in Derna, forcing residents to use alternative cooking methods such as outdoor clay ovens. There is a large shortage of milk, eggs, vegetables, meat, drinking water, flour and rice. Eighty per cent of the city’s electricity has returned after a power cut that lasted for two days, whilst water remains cut off to the 125,000 residents of the city." +353803,57860.0,2170.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Economy'],en,117,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.vanguardngr.com/2021/06/rise-in-prices-push-7m-additional-nigerians-into-poverty-world-bank/,"[15th Jun 2021, Nigeria] The World Bank, Tuesday, said that the high inflation rate caused by rise in prices of goods and services pushed seven million Nigerians below the poverty line by 2020. Meanwhile the Nigeria Bureau of Statistics (NBS) released the Consumer Price Index (CPI) report which showed that the annual inflation rate fell marginally to 17.9 percent in May, representing 0.19 percentage points year-on-year YoY decline from 18.12 percent in April. The upward trend in prices of goods and services is reflected in the annual inflation rate which rose to a four year high of 18.17 per cent in March this year." +224074,45768.0,2332.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,43,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"Les pathologies les plus dominantes notées sont la diarrhée, la dermatose, la malnutrition, les infections respiratoires aigües (IRA) et la conjonctivite. Il faut noter que 90% des enfants observés dans la communauté présentent la dermatose." +70605,19974.0,1534.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,60,['Capacities & Response'],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"A large number of actors are arriving or are already operational in the Bahamas. Measures should be put in place immediately to protect against sexual exploitation and abuse, including clear and harmonized reporting protocols and communication pathways disseminated among the population in need and registration with the Government and Cluster System of all operational organisations and groups." +497041,60104.0,1187.0,"['Health', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,129,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,"https://www.unicef.org/argentina/media/11626/file/Impacto%20de%20la%20pandemia%20en%20la%20educaci%C3%B3n%20de%20ni%C3%B1as,%20ni%C3%B1os%20y%20adolescentes.pdf","Una de las situaciones previstas en los protocolos acordados a nivel federal para el regreso presencial a las aulas es la suspensión temporal de “burbujas” por casos confirmados de COVID-19 entre estudiantes o docentes que comparten un mismo espacio de trabajo en la escuela. El impacto de la segunda ola, con el consecuente aumento de casos que se registró en nuestro país desde mediados del mes de marzo, implicó que en muchos casos las y los estudiantes tuvieran que interrumpir la presencialidad. Según lo relevado por la Cuarta Encuesta Rápida, a dos meses de iniciado el ciclo lectivo, un tercio de los hogares cuyos estudiantes habían retornado a las aulas experimentaron interrupciones por contagios en sus correspondientes “burbujas”." +191557,43304.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,82,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"pour la première fois, la raffinerie (SRN) exporte des produits pétroliers raffinés vers le Cameroun (SRN était confrontée à une surproduction quelques semaines auparavant), la société sucrière (CST) a augmenté ses ventes intérieures, qui avaient été entravées par les importations frauduleuses, la Cotontchad vend son huile végétale sur le marché local, tandis que les entreprises de télécommunications ont augmenté leurs ventes à l’ère du confinement ou du télétravail." +191452,43304.0,2332.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,48,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,La cohésion sociale pourrait aussi limiter ou faciliter la riposte contre le COVID-19. La confiance de la population pourrait être compromise en raison du fait que les institutions de gouvernance et les organismes de prestation de services sont débordés et se trouvent au-delà de leurs capacités. +360026,58741.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,81,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC_FSO_2021_06_final.pdf,"[terr. Beni] on arrive à la fin du cycle cultural de la saison agricole B marquée par les récoltes des principales cultures vivrières (maïs, riz, haricot et arachide), lesquelles sont estimées inferieures à la normale, du fait de la faible participation des ménages de la zone dont une bonne partie s’est trouvée en déplacement en début de saison [estimè 9 pourcents de la population totale de Beni territoire]" +305766,51467.0,2335.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,31,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"When people are displaced, they seek shelter and protection in camps where a robust and capacitated camp management is needed to ensure a predictable and coordinated delivery of service." +401178,63037.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'Education']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,57,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note-info_5_kananga_juillet_2021.pdf,"En plus des mouvements de population, 304 maisons ont été incendiées dans les localités de Pembeyango, Tshibila et Mutanga. A l’heure actuelle, aucune réponse n’a encore été fournie. Le centre de santé ainsi que deux écoles du village de Mutanga ont aussi été pillées au moment des violences" +347855,57145.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,83,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"(Centre-Nord) Le vendredi 21 mai 2021 aux environs de 15 H, une forte pluie accompagnée de vent violent s’est abattue dans la commune rural de Bourzanga. Cette pluie a occasionné des dégâts innombrables notamment la destruction des toits de certaines maisons et tentes, l’écoulement de certaines maisons, des pertes en kits EHA et AME sous les décombres. Malgré ces dégâts, aucune perte en vie humaine n’est à déplorer." +317949,53305.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Total population 12.1 M, People in Need 8.3M, People targeted 6.6M. [South Sudan: 2021 Humanitarian Response Plan]" +69175,19842.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,45,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acnur.org/es-es/noticias/noticia/2019/8/5d5c64e64/de-vuelta-a-colombia-tras-una-vida-en-venezuela.html,"En promedio, 11.400 personas entraron diariamente a Colombia desde Venezuela a través del puente internacional Simón Bolívar en julio de este 2019. Jaime y su familia llegaron al puente desde Caracas y muy cerca de allí conversaron con los funcionarios de ACNUR." +323671,54267.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Economy'],fr,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Les principales contraintes de développement sont les inégalités sociales persistantes, un système de production inadéquat, des ressources humaines peu qualifiées et une gouvernance inefficace (GoBF, 2015; GoBF 2016; Posthumus et al., 2019)." +169511,40367.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need']",[],en,23,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"In the Sahel region, 11,394 people are considered to be in situation of famine, and over 500,000 in emergency situation." +473249,67203.0,2311.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],es,103,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2020/04/09/devastador-impacto-del-covid-19-para-ninos-y-ninas,"Es probable que la recesión económica global generada por la crisis del COVID-19, incluida la pérdida masiva de puestos de trabajo en todo el mundo, incremente las tasas de trabajo y matrimonio infantil. En todo el mundo, se estima que152 millones de niños y niñasya realizaban trabajo infantil antes de la pandemia del COVID-19, y 73 millones realizaban trabajos peligrosos. Según algunas investigaciones, hay unaestrechar elación entre el trabajo infantil y las crisis económicasque sufren las familias, como las debidas a enfermedad, discapacidad o la pérdida del trabajo de uno de los padres." +165470,39300.0,2028.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],en,106,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNFPA%20and%20WFP%20scale%20up%20the%20e-voucher%20emergency%20cash-based%20transfer%20mechanism%20%20targeting%20pregnant%20and%20lactating%20women%20%28PLW%29%20across%20Syria.pdf,"Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, with the first positive case announced on 22 March 2020, displaced populations are facing an exacerbated protection and poverty crisis. Those who are most at risk and in need of immediate humanitarian assistance include: pregnant and lactating women, widows, children, people with disabilities and people with chronic diseases. The ongoing economic crisis compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated humanitarian needs of more than 11 million people across Syria. Rapid depreciation of Syria’s currency and skyrocketing food prices have significantly contributed to plunging more people into poverty." +490116,67765.0,2098.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,103,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[January - June 2021, Cox's Bazar] In line with Government directives to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, humanitarian partners were required to reduce the scale of activities conducted in the camps and host communities. This reduced footprint seriously impacted the implementation of planned activities. Home gardening activities in the camp, which are season-dependent, were hampered and delayed due to such restrictions, also resulting in the suspension of operation of production centres. This left refugee volunteers without an income, while the level of self-reliance attained by livelihood programme participants has deteriorated." +45650,15533.0,729.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,29,['Impact'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_report_areabasedassessment_aba_azzawya_jun2019.pdf,"Thirdly, the need for security inside and outside school was insisted upon by education KIs, notably as a means to diminish course interruptions due to clashes." +96508,26816.0,1621.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Push Factors', 'Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,67,[],"['Displacement', 'Casualties']",2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/course-coronavirus-pandemic-across-libya-depends-silencing-guns,"The humanitarian situation has deteriorated to unprecedented levels, it said, with UNSMIL documenting at least 356 civilian deaths and 329 injuries in the year to 31 March. Some 149,000 people in and around Tripoli have been forced to flee their homes since the offensive began; nearly 345,000 civilians remain in frontline area and an estimated 749,000 live in areas affected by fighting." +216611,45416.0,2225.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,38,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,"Au total 4085 élèves dont 2076 filles affectées, parmi ces élèves, 1065 sont déplacés dont 534 filles, 336 orphelins de massacre dont 206 filles ainsi que 49 orphelins d’Ebola dont 22 filles." +338304,55951.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,100,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://preventepidemics.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/PERC-Finding-the-Balance-Part-III-12-May-2021.pdf,"[survey conducted by phone with approximately 24,000 people across 19 Member States in five geographical regions in Africa, including DRC] Although self-reported mask use remained encouragingly high overall—above 85%—it varied considerably by Member State. Adherence to the most restrictive containment strategies, such as avoiding social gatherings and limiting travel from home, has fallen. While this makes sense in the context of decreasing caseloads and relaxed PHSMs at the time of the survey, Member States are currently at risk for another surge in cases if PHSM loosening is not done strategically" +313670,53333.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,37,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Particularly given that some unwanted pregnancies are the result of rape, government and other humanitarian partners should establish or strengthen facilities that offer girls support in emergency contraception and PEP, trauma counselling and psychosocial support" +143395,36016.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Food Security']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,71,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/human-rights-council-holds-interactive-dialogue-independent,"The Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arabic Republic reiterated the calls made by Secretary-General Guterres and High Commissioner for Human Rights Bachelet to ease or waive sectoral sanctions imposed on countries to ensure access to food, essential health supplies, and COVID-19 medical support. Syrian victims and survivors needed and deserved justice, as defined by and for themselves, and an end to the rampant impunity." +305318,53013.0,2331.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,39,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/3c8084ae/REACH_SOM_Factsheet_Assessment-of-Hard-to-Reach-Areas_December-2020.pdf,"Education: Most commonly reported barriers to access education for boys from the assessed settlements were cost of studies ( 49%), Security (6%), Need to support family (8%)." +305642,51572.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,62,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Solutions Working Group and ICCG consider the operationalization of the support to returns to agreed areas (agreement should be reached with regards to IDPs from Atar and Khorfulus since they were not supported in 2019 and raised their concerns about that) [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +386125,60459.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,60,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"Cela se ressent sur l’approvisionnement des commerçants dont les stocks connaissent aussi des diminutions de 19 pour cent pour l’huile alimentaire et de 16 pour cent pour le riz importé. Quant aux prix de ces produits, ils subissent des hausses entre 15 et 20 pour cent par rapport à l’année passée." +178410,41756.0,2225.0,['WASH'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,64,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Le Cluster estime que 6 348 161 de personnes sont exposées au risque d’une dégradation de leurs conditions de vie et ont des besoins en EHA, dont 4 817 941 à risque de choléra et 1 530 220 de personnes affectées par des mouvements de population liés aux conflits et désastres naturels prolongés (entre 6 et 12 mois)." +48442,12622.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods', 'Shelter', 'Food Security']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,39,['Priority Needs'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LIBRO%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20las%20necesidades%20insatisfechas%20SSR%20y%20Migrantes%20Venezolanos%20-%20Digital.pdf,"las necesidades prioritarias de la población migrante venezolana están relacionadas con falta de empleo y de recursos para transporte, alimentos, higiene básica, ropa, alojamiento, servicios básicos de salud y acceso a medicamentos esenciales." +188093,42790.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Context->Economy']",en,19,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000120225.pdf,"Its population is estimated at about 20.9 million, with 40 percent who live below the poverty line." +157381,38830.0,1185.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,46,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3668042,"El envío ha sido posible gracias a la colaboración del EU HAB (European Union Humanitarian Air Bridge), el puente aéreo para transporte humanitario habilitado por la Comisión Europea para prestar asistencia a zonas en situación crítica durante la pandemia de la COVID-19." +157314,38928.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,100,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"« Le premier lot de tablettes a été transmis rapidement parce qu’il fallait faire face à la pandémie, avoir les informations sur son évolution au fil du temps. Les acteurs ont été formés et il fallait ce matériel pour collecter les données et les mettre à la disposition des décideurs. Et ces tablettes ont permis de faire l’état des malades et suivre les contacts » a souligné la Bijou Muruha. Le deuxième lot est venu en complément afin de couvrir le besoin de certaines structures dans la riposte contre la pandémie." +411333,63303.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,44,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/burkina-faso/hunger-season-arrives-sahel,"The pandemic has led to an alarming increase in food insecurity linked to a variety of factors, including market closures, declines in agricultural production, disrupted economic activities, reduced or lost employment opportunities, and severe disruptions in supply chains." +221829,45410.0,2332.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,53,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"[Les parties Sud des provinces administratives du BEG et du Kanem dans la Zone 5 - « agropastorale» ]: Des interventions en réponse à la pandémie de la COVID-19 ont couvert jusqu’à fin septembre, 10 007 personnes dans le BEG et 7 835 dans le Kanem." +176415,41733.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,27,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/reach_drc_bulletin-des-marche-2_juin-2020.pdf,"D'ailleurs, une augmentation des prix généralisée était anticipée par ces mêmes commerçants dont les comportements spéculatifs ont également pu à leur tour influencer les prix." +323201,54498.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Intentions'],es,115,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/89758cd4/REACH_COL_RAN_Factsheet_Trend_analysis_March2021.pdf,"En la primera ronda la mayoría de ICs entrevistados tenía la intención de retornar a Venezuela, de los 210 ICs el 54% señaló que ellos o las personas dentro de su grupo tenían como destino final llegar a Ve- nezuela; mientras que en la segunda ronda este reporte empezó a disminuir un poco y de los 285 ICs entrevistados el 44% manifestó querer retornar a Venezuela. Asimismo, el reporte de ICs que tenían como intención establecerse en algún municipio dentro de Colombia, fue en aumento y se registró que de los 285 ICs el 41% manifestó tener vocación de permanencia dentro de algún municipio de Colombia." +274527,50587.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,43,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MENSUEL%20DE%20PROTECTION%20JANVIER%202021-NORD.pdf,"La Région du Nord a connu au cours du mois de Janvier 2021, une accalmie relative au niveau sécuritaire. Cependant, dans la province du Yatenga, plus précisément dans la commune de Koumbri, quelques incidents ont été enregistrés." +342007,56493.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,94,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Il ressort des résultats de la recherche qualitative et quantitative que la justice traditionnelle est un facteur de résilience très important dans le contexte Burkinabè. Elle repose sur le principe gagnant-gagnant. L’objectif ultime étant le maintien du vivre-ensemble et de la paix sociale. La justice moderne quant à elle est basée sur l’application de la règle de droit. Dans ce cas de figure, il y aura toujours un gagnant et un perdant. Elle développe un sentiment de partialité dans la prononciation des verdicts." +313645,53333.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,20,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,58% of girls participating in the GES methodology disagreed that they were able to decide when to get pregnant +298882,51893.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,116,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[January 2021, Overall Syria] The Regional Breakdown in % of food, fuel and hygiene: Fuel expenditure is higher in North Syria (15 percent) and Northwest Syria (14 percent) with Northeast Syria and Central & South Syria with 7% and 8% expenditure respectively, while food expenditure is lower in Northwest Syria (50 percent) and Northeast Syria (48 percent) with Central & South Syria and North Syria with 63% each. All the regions have lowest expenditure for hygiene with 6% for Central & South Syria and Northwest Syria; and 5% for North Syria and Northeast Syria." +63634,18631.0,788.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross', 'Health']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,118,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Humanitarian Access'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_floodoverview_13092019.pdf,"Lack of long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLNIs) in Ngala LGA (Borno State) to prevent malaria transmission. • Shortage of anti-malarial drugs in Ngala. • Lack of secondary health care facilities for referral in Ngala. • Flooded and/or poor road conditions are delaying the transport of supplies by local transporters and the ferrying of emergency cases. • Lack of warehouses dedicated to medical supplies in Bama, Dikwa, and Ngala is preventing prepositioning in large quantities. • Flooding in the vicinity of health facilities is limiting access to the facilities (e.g. in Water Board Camp, Monguno) for the most vulnerable, disabled and healthcare staff." +388563,60980.0,2311.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],es,117,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/informe_de_emergencias_humanitarias_reportadas_elc_enero_junio_2021.pdf,"En relación con el acceso humanitario de las organizaciones, en Toribio (Cauca), Convención (Norte de Santander) y Buenaventura (Valle) se presentaron eventos de retención de personal en misiones interinstitucionales por parte de actores armados no identificados; a pesar de no reportarse heridos se alerta sobre los incidentes de seguridad en algunas zonas, evidenciando los riesgos de protección. Adicionalmente, se cuenta con reportes de interferencia con actividades humanitarias en Argelia (Cauca), Tame (Arauca), Cali (Valle), Leticia (Amazonas) en su mayoría por actores armados no identificados que atacaron fuentes de provisión eléctrica y/o de telecomunicaciones." +328451,54887.0,2311.0,['WASH'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,174,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7894133/pdf/main.pdf,"The frequency with which households are unable to wash hands due to problems with water is likely to increase during the pandemic. As hand hygiene messaging spreads, individuals may wish to increase handwashing but may be unable to do so due to competing water de- mands. For instance, water may become more difficult to access because of physical distancing recommendations or the need to divert greater quantities of water to other household tasks that have increased in fre- quency due to sheltering in place, such as cooking, cleaning, or caring for the ill. Women and girls typically experience water inadequacy even more acutely (Maxfield, 2020). This can be due to unequal access within households, or specific needs related to menstrual or sexual hygiene. While there is currently no evidence that COVID-19 affects the men- strual cycle or can be spread by blood or semen, the concomitant stress and anxiety are nonetheless important to consider (UNICEF, 2020)." +192765,43304.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],['Context->Economy'],fr,72,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"le gouvernement paiera aux sociétés respectives les factures d'électricité pour la tranche sociale pendant trois mois et les factures d’eau pour toute consommation pendant six mois. Enfin, les contributions du Gouvernement au renforcement des stocks de l’Office National de Sécurité Alimentaire (ONASA) et à la mise en place du Fonds National de Solidarité et de Soutien aux populations vulnérables accroîtront le déficit budgétaire." +326985,54714.0,2331.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,63,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,"[WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE (WASH) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Most commonly reported problems related to accessing sanitation facilities by households of non- IDP settlement were Lack of sanitation facilities (latrines/toilets) / facilities too crowded (24%),Sanitation facilities (latrines/toilets) are not functioning or full (11%)." +66706,19425.0,1184.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,115,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71649.pdf,"5. NECESIDAD DE UN ENFOQUE DIFERENCIADO EN LA RESPUESTA De las encuestas realizadas en los cuatro países, se observó la necesidad generalizada de tener en cuenta un enfoque diferenciado en la respuesta a las necesidades de la población migrante y refugiada Venezolana, y en particular aquellos grupos mayormente expuestos a situaciones de vulnerabilidad como las mujeres, las personas menores de edad, miembros de las comunidades indígenas y LGBTI, personas mayores de edad y personas con discapacidad. Un ejemplo de esto es la disponibilidad de albergues para personas sobrevivientes de VBG y su accesibilidad particularmente por las personas menores de edad, personas LGBTI y personas con discapacidad." +225561,45658.0,2028.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],en,66,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[October 2020, Syria] In total, 73 percent of Syrians are married, 20 percent are single, six percent are widowed and 1 percent are divorced. Marriage rates are much higher amongst males (79 percent) than females (67 percent), while widowship is higher among females (10 percent compared to 1 percent of males)." +169903,40360.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],"['Casualties->Missing', 'Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,55,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Le mois d’août a connu plus d’incidents sécuritaires que le mois de juillet. Des violations des droits humains dues à l’activisme des GANI ont été constatées notamment, des cas d’assassinats, d’enlèvements, de vols et pillages et d’arrestation arbitraire." +238170,47090.0,2170.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_15_dec_2020_report.pdf,"[1st-15thDec 2020, Borno and Adamawa state]50% of the camps do not have access to a functional secondary school while 32% of the camps do not have access to alternative basic education." +294641,51749.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,18,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,[District sanitaire de Ouargaye] La faible implication des acteurs communautaires dans le système de santé. +178010,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,60,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Alors que l'ampleur de la violence a diminué avec des améliorations significatives observées en particulier dans les Kasaïs et au Tanganyika et des élections qui ont marqué le premier transfert de pouvoir pacifique dans l’histoire du pays, les conflits armés se sont intensifiés dans d’autres régions, notamment en Ituri et dans les Kivus." +214117,45392.0,2333.0,['Health'],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,168,[],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.afro.who.int/sites/default/files/countries/Niger/Bulletin_3_nCoV_Niger%2013032020.pdf,"{Points saillants} ✓ La mise en place d’un comité interministériel COVID-19 présidé par le Premier Ministre ; ✓ La réquisition par le pays de 4 médecins, 12 infirmiers, une infectiologue sous l’encadrement d’ un Professeur en médecine interne pour la prise en charge d’éventuels cas ; ✓ La fourniture par l’OMS de 500 tests de Screening coronavirus et de 100 tests Confirmation Covid-19 au profit du CERMES ; ✓ La mobilisation du véhicule laboratoire mobile fourni par l’OOAS qui peut être déployé dans les autres régions en cas de besoin. ✓ L’organisation d’une deuxième conférence de presse conjointe MSP-OMS, le lundi 02 mars 2020 à Niamey ✓ L’organisation d’un séminaire Gouvernemental, élargi aux corps diplomatiques et aux Partenaires Techniques et Financiers(PTF), de sensibilisation et de plaidoyer sur la pandémie au Covid– 19 le 04 mars 2020, Niamey" +323709,54267.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,110,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"L’accessibilité à un régime alimentaire adéquat en termes de nutriments est très variable. Cela est dû aux variations temporelles et géographiques des prix et aux différences de revenus. Par exemple, dans la ceinture pastorale du nord du Burkina Faso, 82 pour cent des ménages n’avaient pas les moyens de s’offrir une alimentation adéquate en nutriments en 2019. En revanche, dans les régions agricoles du sud, l’incapacité à se procurer une alimentation adéquate en nutriments variait de 35 à 43 pour cent (FAO, FIDA, UNICEF, PAM et OMS, 2020)." +184412,42131.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Context->Security & Stability', 'Casualties->Dead']",es,81,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Casualties']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://m.lasillavacia.com/putumayo-no-golpea-tanto-virus-del-covid-como-los-armados-78952?amp=1&__twitter_impression=true,"Un líder de la región que tiene cómo saber lo que pasó, nos dijo que La Mafia había avisado que iba a llegar a la zona a presentarse ante la comunidad, pero que esa información se filtró y los del frente ‘Carolina Ramírez’ se enteraron y buscaron evitarlo. Y que, por eso, se presentaron los combates en los que los habitantes de Yurilla quedaron en la mitad. Las autoridades reportaron dos muertes." +70627,19974.0,1534.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"Undocumented migrant populations may be among the most vulnerable affected people. Satellite data suggests that in Central Abaco, destruction is centred in the area surrounding Marsh Harbour, particularly The Pea and The Mudd, which are mostly inhabited by undocumented migrant populations living in poor accommodation (“shanty towns”)." +294604,51749.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,91,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[District sanitaire de Ouargaye] Le CMA est le centre de référence des CSPS du district et comprend un bâtiment en bon état. Dans l’enceinte du CMA il y a 2 toilettes fonctionnelles mais sans indication ou séparation en genre homme et femme. La source d’énergie principale vient du réseau de la ville et en cas de délestage le relais est fait par un groupe électrogène permettant la réalisation de certaines activités en urgence dont les analyses de laboratoire, les interventions chirurgicales." +319834,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,Marginalized/minority communities are extremely vulnerable to discrimination and persecution by the myriad of armed actors in Somalia and have reduced capacity to provide meaningful protection to members.They lack redress for grave violations of human rights due to limited state protection. +61497,18235.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,120,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"Travel agencies or smuggling services? According to several key informants interviewed for this assessment, the line between offering legitimate travel services and profiting from irregular migration is rather blurred in the case of these “travel agencies”, which provide to people who are clearly not traveling for tourism but rather migrating to another country. Moreover, their “VIP packages” appear to entail bribing corrupt border officials to evade established administrative procedures. Often, some of the passengers the agencies transport are irregularly present in the country (or countries) they cross. In some instances, travel agencies even seem to be coordinating the irregular border crossings for their passengers." +70243,20090.0,1386.0,[],[],[],es,63,[],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71686_0.pdf,"EDUCACIÓN En junio - julio se incluyó el grupo de trabajo de Educación para refugiados y migrantes en la plataforma Regional. Este grupo espera lograr: a. Delinear indicadores para tener datos confiables en Colombia, Ecuador, Perú y Brasil b. Apoyar a las Plataformas Nacionales con asistencia técnica en educación c. Avanzar en un protocolo para trabajar con indocumentados." +313690,53333.0,2334.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health', 'Food Security']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,24,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Establish multidisciplinary mobile units which deliver positive parenting, child and maternal health, nutrition messages to adolescent and young mothers during food distribution" +309826,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,72,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"The continuous conflict dynamics and natural disasters perpetuated women’s vulnerability and exposure to GBV. As such, many women and girls stay in the PoC sites, transitioned to the IDP camps because of concerns about sexual violence and other forms of GBV. Formal and customary laws on marriage, land and property rights, among other support discrimination against women and afford them few legal rights." +288547,51848.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,17,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/herams_fourth_quarter_2020_final.pdf,"[Dec 2020, NWS] 10% of the facilities reported without/with an interrupted water supply" +181169,42386.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Displacement->Intentions'],fr,145,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_RMU_October-2020_vfinal.pdf,"Avec le calme relatif observé depuis le mois de juillet, certains PDI ont tenté de retourner dans les villages d’origine pour la pratique des activités agricoles. Cependant, l’exploitation des champs se limite aux abords des villages. Ainsi, les activités agropastorales sont perturbées à plus de 50 pour cent dans les communes de Kain, Tangaye, Thiou, Banh et Sollé (dans la Région du Nord), Djibo, Baraboulé, Nassoumbou, Koutougou, Arbinda, Déou, Tin-Akoff (dans la Région du Sahel), Pensa, Dablo, Namissiguima (dans la Région du Centre-Nord) et à plus de 20 pour cent dans les communes de Matiacoali, Botou, Bartiébougou, Foutouri, Tambarga, Madjoari et Logobou (dans la Région de l’Est)." +301807,51958.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,65,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_devaluation_de_protection_des_retournes_tchadiens_de_la_rca_installes_dans_les_sites_au_sud_du_tchad_002.pdf,Des incidents de protection impliquant des agents des forces de sécurité sont relevés. Notamment au niveau des retournés de la zone de Maro. Avec des cas d’extorsion de biens lors de déplacements ainsi que des cas d’arrestation arbitraires. Des cas de violences sexuelles impliquant des agents des forces de sécurité ont aussi été mentionnés dans différentes groupes. +59606,17198.0,1224.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,164,[],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"information received also indicate that members of the Venezuelan military based at Wausa (Venezuela) is violating Guyana’s territorial integrity. To this end, Venezuelan military personnel are conducting patrols way into the Karosaima River which is Guyana’s territory. Reports indicate this is a regular occurrence by the Venezuelan military with 2019/02/14 being the most recent. The Birroro Creek flows through Gaga Landing and into the Karosaima River which flows into the Amakura River. The Venezuelan military are reported coming all the way to the confluence of the Karosaima River and Birrroro Creek. The confluence of the Karosaima River and Birrroro Creek is approximately thirty (30) minutes’ drive via speedboat in high water from Gaga Landing, and ten (10) minutes’ drive to the confluence of the Karosaima and Amakura Rivers. Gaga Landing is approximately thirty (30) minutes’ drive by road from White Water" +219168,45719.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],en,21,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/431459-coronavirus-nigerias-new-cases-rise-again-as-country-records-second-highest-figure.html,"[16thDec2020,Nigeria]Nigeria has so far tested over 840,000 of its 200 million population for the virus." +221828,45410.0,2332.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,91,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"[Les parties Sud des provinces administratives du BEG et du Kanem dans la Zone 5 - « agropastorale» ]: La ration délivrée à chaque ménage, en deux cycles de distribution séparés, de 45 jours, couvrant ainsi un trimestre durant la soudure. La ration journalière par individu comporte 300 g de céréales, 70 g de légumineuses, 25 g d’huile, 5 g de sel. En plus de cette ration, les femmes enceintes et allaitantes reçoivent 200g de CSB++." +327188,54714.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,[SHELTER & NON-FOOD ITEMS (SNFI) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 84% of IDP settlement and 74% of non-IDP settlement households found with a Shelter and non-food items Living Standard Gaps (LSG). +325834,55009.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,81,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/noticias/el-mundo/sin-cedula-pasaporte-ni-opciones-el-limbo-venezolano/,"En Colombia, el consulado de Venezuela está cerrado desde febrero de 2019. Nicolás Maduro rompió relaciones con Colombia el 23 de febrero de 2019 a raíz del fallido intento del jefe de la oposición, Juan Guaidó, de ingresar una caravana de ayuda humanitaria desde Cúcuta. Desde entonces la casa de dos pisos, ubicada al norte de Bogotá, está abandonada al igual que los ciudadanos venezolanos, que no tienen cómo hacer sus trámites." +22303,9106.0,729.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,90,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Shock/Event'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"In general, there are serious health concerns for all people who have challenges to access adequate healthcare services, but of particular note is the dire situation of refugees and migrants detained in DCIM detention centres, in which there is a considerable decline in the overall health of the individuals, many suffering from tuberculosis and scabies, aggravated by poor hygiene facilities. According to the National Tuberculosis Programme (NTP), 1,357 tuberculosis cases were recorded in 2017, of these 14.6 were migrants." +187704,43292.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/msna_2020_factsheet_refugee.pdf,"[July-August 2020, Bangladesh] Rohingya Refugees: 61% of households reported having received a visit from a community health worker in the 14 days prior to data collection. 1% of households reporting having to walk more than one hour to the nearest health facility" +292365,52073.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,67,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"D’un autre côté, il a été noté une augmentation des cas suspects de méningite ; un faible taux (moins de 10%) de naissances assistées par un personnel qualifié ; l’enregistrement de nombreux civiles blessés (55) et décédé (78) lors des incursions des membres de Boko Haram dans la Région de l’Extrême Nord." +27981,11702.0,730.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_hrp_snapshot_meetings_calendar.pdf,"In IDP Hosting Sites some 465,000 IDPs live in close to 1,300 Sites, often as a last resort, and are considered among the most vulnerable populations with no means to support more adequate shelter solutions" +427592,63512.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,107,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://opendocs.ids.ac.uk/opendocs/bitstream/handle/20.500.12413/16796/IDS_Policy_Briefing_183.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y,"Second, some groups might be more severely affected by violent conflict. For example, the results show that the Twa minority of Tanganyika has not only been more exposed to violence during the Twa-Bantu conflict, but also that exposure to violence has more severe effects on the Twa than other groups in terms of educational outcomes. We analyse key mechanisms, in particular spatial segregation and the social segregation of schools along ethnic identity lines. Thus, the effect of conflict on education varies from group to group, and it is crucial to understand these differences when designing education policies." +17499,6794.0,322.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,74,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/yemen/qatar-charity-provides-food-aid-26000-displaced-yemenis,"He also noted out that the charity would distribute food and shelter aid to other 2,000 families this month. he also pointed out that QC’s office has recently distributed the benefits of the sponsorship for three months to 7,500 orphans, poor families and people with special needs sponsored by the charity, while the distribution of the benefits will continue to other 13000 sponsored persons during the coming period," +305312,53013.0,2331.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,49,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/3c8084ae/REACH_SOM_Factsheet_Assessment-of-Hard-to-Reach-Areas_December-2020.pdf,"Education: Most commonly reported types of education services that children from the assessed settlements were able to access were Quranic school for boys (96%), Quranic school for girls (96%), Primary schools for boys and girls (6%)." +177706,41774.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,142,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"Ordonnance du mardi 24 mars 2020 Le Chef de l’État S.E.M Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo a décrété par ordonnance ce mardi 24 mars 2020 l’état d’urgence sanitaire pour faire face à la pandémie du #Coronavirus en République Démocratique du Congo #RDC. Voici ce que le Chef de l’État a ordonné : Article 1er : Des dispositions générales L’état d’urgence sanitaire est proclamé sur l’ensemble du Territoire national pour faire face à l’épidémie de Coronavirus, Covid-19 qui met en péril, par sa nature et sa gravité, la santé de la population. L’état d’urgence est proclamé pour une durée de trente (30) jours prenant cours à la date de la signature de la présente ordonnance." +191579,43304.0,2332.0,"['Education', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,42,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,c’est environ 39000 vacataires et communautaires qui verront leurs conditions de vie négativement affecter en les rendant vulnérables du fait que les revenus liés à leurs activités ne leur seront pas versés au regard de la fermeture des écoles. +237213,46388.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,101,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In the WoA Assessment, a quarter (26 per cent) of displaced households reported a boy aged 11-17 working outside the home in the preceding 30 days. This is compared to 3 per cent of displaced households who reported a girl aged 11-17 working outside the home in the preceding 30 days. There are no significant differences in this pattern between the surveyed population groups and no apparent difference between reporting rates for male heads of household and female household members, indicating the use of child labour to supplement household income is pervasive and accepted." +213437,44840.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,20,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,"Without a conducive and disease-free school environment, COVID-19 poses a risk to children’s health and wellbeing." +192048,42659.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],fr,39,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_175.pdf,"463 échantillons ont été reçus au laboratoire ce 14/07/2020, d’entre lesquels 98,5 %(n=456) ont été analysés et 28 sont revenus positifs au SARS-CoV-2 incluant ceux des 28 nouveaux cas confirmés du jour." +317488,52949.0,2331.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,43,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Damage from Desert Locust swarms could exacerbate the impact of a below-average 2020 Deyr season and pose a serious risk to both pasture and crops across Somalia beyond 2020.As such, the situation requires intensified monitoring and scaling up of control measures." +304286,51467.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,26,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"As of 29th November, 2020 there were 3,109 confirmed cases, 61 deaths, 2954 recoveries, 58576 samples tested and 138 health workers infected" +274519,50587.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MENSUEL%20DE%20PROTECTION%20JANVIER%202021-NORD.pdf,Il n’est pas rare de rencontrer certains PDIs qui disposent des ordonnances et qui n’ont pas de l’argent pour les honorer. +174470,40809.0,2170.0,['Agriculture'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,117,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NGA%20%281%29.pdf,"[1st Aug 2020, Nigeria]The abundant rainfall in July and August boosted natural pasture conditions and contributed to replenish surface water, improving livestock body conditions and enhancing their market values. The animal health situation is generally stable, with only small seasonal outbreaks of epizootic diseases, including Trypanosomiasis in northern parts of the country. However, in the northern parts of the country, pastoralist production systems are still affected by armed and community conflicts, theft and banditry. As a result, a higher concentration of animals is expected in the areas less affected by insecurity, with a consequent rapid degradation of fodder and water resources." +152103,37764.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/31-07-20-buf-5w-dashboard_education.pdf,"De plus, les attaques contre les infrastructures publiques ont également un impact dramatique sur l’accès aux services sociaux de base, notamment les écoles et les centres de santé." +113572,31790.0,1231.0,['Shelter'],[],[],es,147,[],[],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3640851,"En ese mismo orden indicó que, el pasado viernes sostuvo una reunión virtual con todos los Directores Regionales y Provinciales, a fin de abordar entre otros temas, el correcto manejo de los albergues y/o centros colectivos, de cara a la pandemia del Coronavirus (COVID-19), con el objetivo primordial de asegurar que se respeten las recomendaciones de distanciamiento social y físico entre las personas evacuadas y albergadas, así como otras medidas contempladas en la “Guía para la Prevención y Respuesta frente al COVID-19 en Albergues y Centros de Acogida”, aprobada por el Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados, para cuya revisión final trabajan en coordinación con los Ministerios de Salud Pública y Defensa, Policía Nacional, el Centro de Operaciones de Emergencias y el Plan de Asistencia Social de la Presidencia." +178263,41756.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Bien que similaire à 2018, le nombre de cas de choléra reste également élevé avec près de 28 000 cas rapportés. Si la tendance du choléra est stagnante comparée à 2018, la moyenne des cas notifiés reste autour de 500 cas par semaine sur les trois dernières années, ce qui demeure largement au-delà du seuil épidémique." +309780,51467.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,28,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Health facilities including community-based healthcare systems to serve vulnerable people including women and girls, aged population and persons with a disability must be supported and strengthened." +169170,40391.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_200_20200817.pdf,"La zone de santé (ZS) de Mobayi-Mbongo au Nord-Ubangi a rapporté son premier cas confirmé de COVID-19. Ainsi, le nombre de ZS affectées dans le pays passe à 120." +188712,43183.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Contact Tracing'],fr,45,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_268_20201024.pdf,"Au total, 3 364 voyageurs étaient en cours de suivi ce 24/10/2020 incluant 2 293 à Kinshasa et 1 071 dans le Haut-Katanga ; 1 462 (43,5%) d’entre eux ont été vus au cours de ces dernières 24h." +63626,18631.0,788.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],['Context->Demography'],en,129,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_floodoverview_13092019.pdf,"In Yobe State, 4,845 HHs are affected across 56 settlements in 15 LGAs – Bade, Bursari, Damaturu, Fika, Fune, Geidam, Gulani, Jakusko, Machina, Nangere, Nguru, Potiskum, Tarmuwa, Yunusari and Yusufari. Some 64% of the affected HHs are in six LGAs – Nguru (15%), Damaturu (13%), Fika (11%), Fune (9%), Bade (8%) and Geidam (8%). Most of the affected HHs are hosted by relatives and friends in the affected areas, while 392 HHs are sheltered in schools or government buildings and need to be relocated as quickly as possible." +280106,51005.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],en,25,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-in-bangladesh-10-more-deaths-push-up-toll-to-8451/65697,"[6th March 2021, Bangladesh] Authorities have so far tested 41, 32,113 samples, including 13,082 in the past 24 hours." +221981,45410.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,85,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"[La région du Lac dans la Zone 8 - « Zone ouest agropastorale et de pêche » ]: Malgré les ventes de produits de pêches et l’intensification de la production artisanale, la plupart des déplacés fait face à des bas niveaux de revenus. Par conséquent, ils ne peuvent pas faire face à des dépenses non alimentaires de base ; ils sont en Stress (Phase 2 ! de l’IPC) grâce à l’assistance humanitaire" +474581,65021.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,83,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"In terms of level of education, data are consistent with the previous rounds of data collection. The majority (54%) reported secondary school (31%) or vocational training (23%) as the highest level achieved. Around one in four (24%) completed university, with a significantly higher share among female respondents. The remaining have either primary school (13%) or no formal education (9%)." +393641,62284.0,2170.0,"['Shelter', 'Agriculture', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,74,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"[7th Apr 2021, Borno State] Findings from FGD sessions and KII indicate food as the most urgent need of the affected population. As a result of the NSAG activities, they have lost their homes, farmlands, relations, farm produce, animals and all means of livelihood when they were displaced. 215HH were supported with 25kg bags of grains. But no further support ever came." +185284,43022.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,39,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/61780/what-happened-over-the-weekend-99.html,"[November 9 2020 Overall syria] On Saturday evening, the Health Ministry announced that 45 new coronavirus cases have been registered in Syria and that 48 people have recovered, while four patients have passed away." +62862,18514.0,1386.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,55,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190328_acaps_briefing_note_venezuela_update_and_2019_outlook__0.pdf,"Protection: According to the Rule of Law Index 2019, Venezuela ranks last in the world, meaning that security forces are not being held accountable for serious human rights violation perpetrated. Venezuela also ranked last between 2014 and 2018 (World Justice Project 2019, 2018, 2015, 2014)." +182587,42252.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,88,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2020_29Oct2020_FINAL.pdf,"[29th October 2020, Overall Syria] Also of note, since schools have reopened, at the time of writing the MoH had reported 303 confirmed COVID-19 cases among school children and teachers/school personnel. Of these, three had sadly died, including one teacher, one school cleaner, and one student. These cases also highlight the challenges of preventing transmission in schools, particularly given the overall country context of overcrowded classrooms, insufficient qualified teaching personnel, and poor/damaged infrastructure." +315377,53333.0,2334.0,"['WASH', 'Livelihoods', 'Food Security', 'Health', 'Shelter']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,72,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Some of the challenges affecting health and well-being of the girls included stress, lack of psychosocial support, lack of good food, lack of good medical facilities with drugs and trained personnel, lack of good environment, lack of good drinking water, lack of good toilets, change of climate, lack of money, lack of good shelter and also lack of good living and peace." +193700,43353.0,2099.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],en,16,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Burkina%20Faso%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%207%20-%20August%202020%20%281%29.pdf,"1,700,000 children in need of humanitarian assistance 2,900,000 people in need (OCHA August 2020)" +193969,43819.0,2330.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,46,['Capacities & Response'],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020%20Hurricanes%20Sit%20Rep%204.pdf,"While more robust support will be needed for livelihood recovery in the coffee and cacao sector, LWR will first address the need for urgent water, sanitation, hygiene and furnishing assistance aimed at returning laborers, famers and other stakeholders to their homes." +26113,10739.0,786.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,37,['Impact'],[],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/the_americas/venezuela-has-its-electricity-back-for-now-but-its-still-on-the-verge-of-collapse/2019/03/20/1cb0060e-4986-11e9-8cfc-2c5d0999c21e_story.html?utm_term=.a236d74c7c19,"The second-tier effects of the power failures could be profound. In many areas, water service still isn’t back to normal, because there isn’t enough electricity to run the pumps." +238185,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,106,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The ICCT has also produced a contingency plan for an earthquake affecting a major city in Afghanistan with serious impacts especially for people’s shelter and NFI needs. The scenario plans for a magnitude 7.6 earthquake with an epicentre between Kabul and Jalalabad, affecting 7 million people and leaving 3 million people in need of immediate humanitarian assistance. While this risk is considered an ongoing possibility with a high impact for which detailed contingency planning is required, the likelihood a quake will strike in any given year is low, with no major earthquake having struck Kabul in modern times." +144252,35186.0,1187.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,80,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3657214,"Argentina has well-trained human resource capacity in the health sector, which proved vital in its response to the virus. PAHO/WHO accompanied the government in the development and issuance of real-time guidance tailored to the Argentine context; helped host webinars for relevant personnel from all provinces on key topics, including laboratory methods, surveillance, contact tracing, infection prevention and control; and provided training on tools to support the ramping up of health services." +15347,6687.0,321.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,53,"['At Risk', 'Capacities & Response']",['Displacement'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/66997.pdf,"Since the start of the evacuation operation from Libya in late 2017, a total of 2,476 persons (including unaccompanied children) have been evacuated to Niger (2,069), Italy (312) and the ETC Romania (95). There are 259 evacuated unaccompanied children remaining in Niger" +341801,56493.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Economy'],fr,87,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"A la question de savoir si l’argent public est dépensé de façon à permettre le développement des localités, trois régions, le Sahel (44.3% “jamais”), le Nord (34.6%) et l’Est (22.3%) estiment que les investissements ne vont pas dans le sens de l’amélioration du cadre de vie des populations, contre le Centre Nord et la Boucle du Mouhoun qui expriment respectivement 7.5% et 3.8%." +318763,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Overall, the occurrence of multiple vulnerabilities reduces the coping capacity of the household, and when compounded by the comparatively weak social and community-based protection systems available in Somalia, protection risks and needs continue to increase." +176405,41733.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Economy'],fr,58,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/reach_drc_bulletin-des-marche-2_juin-2020.pdf,"Pour les quatre territoires ou marchés où le coût médian du PMA a augmenté de plus de 50%, les prix des deux types de farines ont augmenté aussi. A Karbare, les prix de la farine de maïs et de la farine de manioc rapportés ont augmenté de 110% et 81% respectivement." +2640,520.0,321.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,132,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://www.amnesty.org/en/countries/middle-east-and-north-africa/libya/report-libya/,"Libyan law continued to criminalize foreign nationals who irregularly enter, leave or remain in the country. Many actual and suspected irregular migrants and asylum-seekers were seized at checkpoints and in house raids or reported to the authorities by their employers. Thousands were held in indefinite detention pending deportation in facilities of the Department for Combating Irregular Migration (DCIM). Although they formally reported to the Ministry of the Interior, DCIM detention facilities were often run by armed groups outside the effective control of the GNA. Those detained were held in squalid conditions and were subject to torture and other ill-treatment by guards, including beatings, shootings, exploitation and sexual violence. UNHCR reported that there were 24 migrant detention centres across Libya." +90089,25213.0,1621.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,54,[],['Context'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A_HRC_43_75_E.pdf,"The ongoing armed conflict continued to impede the functioning of the judicial system, limiting its ability to process cases of human rights violations or to bring those responsible to justice. Perpetrators of serious human rights violations and abuses continued to operate without fear of being held to account for their crimes." +61777,18350.0,1184.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,242,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71151.pdf,"En las ciudades de Guayaquil y Durán se diseñó una propuesta de formación de Defensores Comunitarios de Derechos Humanos dirigido a líderes y lideresas comunitarios y población en necesidad de protección internacional. En el mes de junio se convocó y desarrolló el proceso, que permitió la promoción de la integración local, la lucha contra la discriminación y promoción de mecanismos de protección comunitaria a población refugiada y migrante de Venezuela. De la misma forma, se continuó con la difusión de la campaña “Juntemos Manos hoy ... mañana podrás necesitar una"", en televisoras locales de Lago Agrio, Tulcán y Esmeraldas; además de canales nacionales. En este marco se produjo 1 cuña de sensibilización, con un promedio de 15 difusiones mensuales; 4 programas radiofónicos, 52 publicaciones en Twitter y 21 publicaciones en Facebook. Se estima un alcance de 115.000 personas aproximadamente durante este mes. Además, en junio se realizaron varios spots en redes sociales, con un total de 100 “me gusta” durante el mes. En Imbabura se realizó el Festival Música Ocupa para la sensibilización en el tema de movilidad humana al cual asistieron 180 personas. El evento buscó sensibilizar a través de la música clásica, teniendo una gran acogida de público y fue acompañada por una escena artística de una crónica del recorrido de la migración venezolana al país." +264390,49670.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Economy'],es,44,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://diariodelsur.com.co/noticias/econom%C3%ADa/empresas-no-aguantarian-mas-cierres-por-pandemia-audionotici-662218,"La Red de Cámaras de Comercio, Confecámaras, adelantó unaencuesta entre los empresarios del país, en la que se pudo determinar que el 90% de las compañías no tienen la capacidad financiera para aguantar un cierre más de sus negocios." +475548,63296.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,45,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"les IC agriculteurs ont rapporté que la pluviométrie a été insuffisante d’avril à juin, durant la période des semis, entraînant des séquences sèches prolongées. Ces épisodes ont eu pour effet la perte de semences pour de nombreux producteurs agricoles." +161077,39509.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,96,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sidwaya.info/blog/2020/09/15/covid-19-les-hauts-bassins-passent-en-tete-avec-315-cas/?fbclid=IwAR06krUyHij1KJuxRpsefbnW1qw3Pn7ghXu7fwJbjEVMVA922ljKlJeKtnE,"Le point de presse animé, le mardi 15 septembre 2020 à Ouagadougou sur la COVID-19, a fait état d’une augmentation de cas de contamination de la maladie. En effet, à cette même date, le coordonnateur national de la riposte à la COVID-19, Dr Brice Bicaba a révélé que 467 échantillons ont été analysés. 16 nouveaux cas ont été confirmés, tous à transmission communautaire, à Ouagadougou, Houndé et Bobo-Dioulasso. Il y a eu quatre guéris, portant le nombre total à 1 141." +326955,54714.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,74,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,"WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE (WASH) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Proportion of households of IDP settlements reporting not having sufficient water for the following purposes were Not enough water for cooking, bathing, washing, and other domestic uses (25%), Not enough water for domestic purposes only (6%),Not enough water for personal hygiene only (71%)." +306732,51467.0,2335.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,25,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,A CCCM cluster service mapping conducted in PoC sites and formal IDP camps identified a critical need to strengthen camp management capacities across the country +265121,49431.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,36,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-in-bangladesh-daily-infection-rate-falls-to-265pc/64736,"[11th Feb 2021, Bangladesh] Doses of Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine that Bangladesh brought from India’s Serum Institute have been sent to hospitals across the country to make the inoculation drive a success." +486123,67505.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Hospitalization & Care', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,161,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Myanmar%20Emergency%20Update%20-%2001%20Sep_0.pdf,"[June - July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Following an increase in COVID-19 infections detected in June 2021, operational capacity at the 12 Severe Acute Respiratory Infection Isolation and Treatment Centres (SARI ITCs), which serve refugees and the host community, was scaled up to increase active bed capacity from 475 to 641 beds. High occupancy rates were observed, due in part to the continued mandatory admission of mild cases, comprising 80% of admissions. Cumulative COVID-19 Case Fatality Rates amongst the Rohingya refugees remained <1.5%. The number of sentinel testing sites was increased from 33 to 38, and a 29% increase in testing was observed among the refugee population by end-June, compared to the first quarter of the year. In July, testing rates decreased slightly, likely due to the heavy monsoon rains and associated transportation and access constraints for patients." +69916,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],[],en,80,[],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"Unwanted pregnancies are also known to rise in the aftermath of emergencies, as gender and social norms that limit women and girls’ access to services are further restricted, while operational barriers are exacerbated. As hospitals and health facilities in hurricane affected areas are operating at limited capacity, with increased patient-load, it is critical to ensure a gender-appropriate health workforce trained on the clinical components of the MISP and equipped with adequate medical supplies." +161926,39490.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,49,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200707_acaps_covid-19_secondary_impacts_in_rohingya_refugee_camps.pdf,The lockdown also impacted the availability of vaccine and logistics supplies. The dramatic drop in RI coverage from birth to 16 months is highlighted (Health Sector meeting minutes 24/06/2020). EPI vaccine coverage has dropped to 6% or below in both Ukhiya and Teknaf. +199231,43099.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",es,59,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/migrantes-se-arriesgan-a-cruzar-rio-crecido-en-la-frontera/2248,"Las fuertes precipitaciones de las últimas horas causaron el aumento del caudal del río Táchira, una línea divisoria entre Colombia y Venezuela, por dondese cuelan a diario más de 300 migrantes en situación irregular, a pesar de que por instrucciones del presidente Iván Duque se reforzó la seguridad con 900 oficiales de la fuerza pública." +456018,65411.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,44,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[16-29 August 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugee: 36 943 people received the first dose of COVID-19 vaccine during the first round of COVID-19 vaccination campaign in the Rohingya refugee camps, which reached 86% of the target population." +217053,45548.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,66,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://guardian.ng/features/media/experts-commend-media-coverage-of-covid-19-pandemic/,"Eleven months after the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) index case was confirmed in Nigeria, stakeholders in the health sector last week gathered at the Goshen City, Nasarawa State to appraise media coverage of the pandemic. The first confirmed case of COVID-19 was announced on February 27, 2020, when an Italian citizen tested positive for the novel Coronavirus in Lagos." +50122,12653.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods', 'Shelter', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",en,118,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/290119_hno_2019_en.pdf,"venezuelans with intention to remain permanently are those in Colombia and who desire to remain permanently in the country. According to official data, through the end of September 2018, there were a total of 1,032,016 people – to be updated , including 415,298 beneficiaries of PEP Special Permission for Permanency. Those in a regular ituation orwith the right to remain in Colombia, which total 503,502, have a right to access work, education and social security, but they face challenges in protection and the access to several basic rights due to financial difficulties and in some cases legal issues or a lack of capacity by local authorities to provide services." +325116,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"(Ouagadougou) On the other hand, a significantly higher share of the city’s population lives within 2 km of the nearest school – 84 percent live near a primary school and 81 percent – a PPS school, although the share is much lower specifically for public schools (52 percent and 27 percent, respectively)" +61721,18346.0,1184.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,77,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71003.pdf,"El grupo de trabajo de protección realizó un proceso de formación en PSEA al personal humanitario de las agencias y ONGs a nivel nacional durante los meses de abril y mayo con un total de 397 personas capacitadas a la fecha. Este espacio fue propicio para, por una parte, fortalecer las capacidades del personal humanitario que brinda apoyo directo en la emergencia; y por otra, detectar posibles casos para dar seguimiento." +358800,58362.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.lafm.com.co/internacional/derechos-de-ninas-y-adolescentes-migrantes-venezolanas-no-se-estan-garantizando-segun,"El reporte establecer que entre las diferentes dificultades para acceder a educación, están: la falta de documentación necesaria (20%), la falta de cupo en la institución educativa (20%) el embarazo temprano (15%) y a esto se suman otros factores como la carencia de recursos económicos, el tener que trabajar, entre otros." +264287,48806.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,146,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_final_enquete_smart_27112019.pdf,"Au niveau national, 32,0 % des enfants de 0 à 23 mois ont bénéficié d’une mise au sein dans la première heure qui a suivi leur naissance et 79,4% d’entre eux ont reçu le colostrum. La proportion d’enfant ayant bénéficié d’une mise au sein dans la première heure qui a suivi leur naissance varie d’une province à l’autre. Ce résultat varie de 7,9% dans la province de la Tandjilé à 59,7% dans la province de Sila. Pour comprendre ces résultats il est nécessaire de faire la corrélation avec le taux d’accouchement assisté afin d’orienter l’intervention de sensibilisation. Quant au don du colostrum, elle varie de 55,9% dans le Mayo Kebi Ouest à 94,3% dans le Tibesti." +386126,60459.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,124,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"Au niveau national, l’approvisionnement des marchés en céréales locales est inférieur à la normale, conséquence des baisses localisées de production enregistrées au cours de la dernière saison. Les entrées habituelles de maïs en provenance des pays côtiers ont connu une réduction de 50 à 60 pour cent. Pendant ce temps, il est constaté des flux sortants de céréales plus importants principalement en destination du Niger, du Ghana et du Mali. Outre la demande saisonnière des ménages, la demande en maïs de la part des sociétés de brasserie et des unités de production d’aliment volaille s’est aussi accrue sur les marchés locaux du fait des difficultés à l’importation." +83543,23030.0,1620.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,73,['Impact'],['Context'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/s_2019_1005.pdf,"In addition, clashes between farmers and herders, communal violence and banditry attacks resulting in the loss of human life and in material losses were reported in many federal states, particularly in the Middle Belt and the north-west of Nigeria. On 8 September, the governors of Zamfara, Sokoto and Katsina states signed an agreement on cross-border security cooperation with the Governor of Maradi Region in the Niger." +169484,40368.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,39,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"In the Sahel region, WFP provided assistance to 2,678 Malian refugees, including 1,393 women. A total of 95 mt of in-kind food was distributed during the month of August in the refugee camp of Goudébou." +313672,53333.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,32,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"There is also a need to support girls and young women to have the power to decide over their own bodies, including to access to safe abortion services when needed." +11361,2953.0,322.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,73,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20feb%202018.pdf,"The ETC continues to provide shared Internet and security telecommunications services in five areas across Yemen. The ETC completed the deployment of solar power solution, Internet services and cabling at five Emergency Operations Centers (EOC) to support WHO. The ETC scored 87 per cent satisfaction rate in its User Feedback survey report which has been published and the network cabling for UN Hadda compound is now complete." +212058,45203.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross', 'WASH']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,102,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://fews.net/west-africa/cameroon/food-security-outlook/june-2020,"Following the closure of the borders between Sudan, Chad and Cameroon to transhumance pastoralists due to the COVID-19 restrictions, livestock became concentrated in the Far North region of the country, causing early degradation of pastures and depletion of crop residues. Because livestock were in poor physical condition, herds were forced to move deeper into the country and southward in search of pastures and water. However, the arrival of the rains in the Far North region in mid-June promoted new pasture growth and filled surface water points, steadily improving access to feed for livestock." +174952,41235.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,83,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[October 9, NES, # of cases ]As of 9 October, there have been 2,314 case of COVID-19 in NES, comprising 1,686 active cases, 551 recoveries and 77 fatalities. 294 of all cases were confirmed among health workers (13% of all cases). 37% of the 6,339 samples tested have so far returned positive. As of 9 October, the 7-day rolling average of daily confirmed cases was 74 cases." +149572,32165.0,1388.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Demography'],es,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/74589.pdf,"La fuerza de trabajo (personas ocupadas + desempleadas, de 15 años y más) creció un 12% en el último año (259.145 personas más, y de estas, el 64% son mujeres, el 25% son jóvenes y el 79% son de la Región Central del país)." +386723,60459.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,69,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"(scenario) Les achats sur les marchés, les stocks de l’autoproduction et l’accès aux récoltes en vert (maïs frais, arachide, mil hâtif, fonio et niébé) pendant les mois d’aout et de septembre, continueront à assurer au moins deux repas par jour pour les ménages pauvres jusqu’à la fin de la soudure en septembre" +324325,54626.0,2331.0,[],[],[],en,24,[],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,UNICEF and partners engage with the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management (MoHADM) on strengthening collaboration mechanisms for humanitarian response. +183618,42456.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,47,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.unicef.org/wca/media/5411/file/UNICEF-WCARO-Central-Sahel-Advocacy-October-2020.pdf,"Inadequate water, sanitation, and hygiene practices threaten the development and survival of children. Without safe water, sanitation and hygiene children’s health and nutrition are compromised, and they are exposed to preventable diseases including diarrhea, typhoid, and cholera." +224065,45768.0,2332.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,45,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"Le taux de couverture actuel en eau sur le site [de Diamerom] est de 10,49%. Le temps d’attente au point d’eau est estimé à 6 heures pour se servir d’un bidon de 20 litres." +123566,30832.0,1620.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],en,72,[],['Humanitarian Access'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/PRESS%20RELEASE%20-%20NIGERIA%20-%20UN%20APPALLED%20BY%20ATTACK%20HITTING%20CIVILIANS%20AND%20HUMANITARIAN%20FACILITY%20IN%20MONGUNO%20-%2014062020%20-%20final.pdf,"On 13 June, non-state armed group operatives aboard light trucks mounted with heavy artillery raided Goni Usmanti community in Nganzai LGA before penetrating the town of Monguno around 11.45 a.m. from two different entry points, resulting in clashes with the military which lasted for about two hours. The armed assailants reached the humanitarian hub, where over 50 aid workers were present at the time of the attack." +327293,54982.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/04/changes-in-eating-habits-ramadan-does-not-taste-the-same-in-syria/,"[17 APR, Overall Syria] Ramadan has its own rituals, including a giant meal of flavorsome and hearty dishes. Attached to the ritual, based in Homs, Khaled Wahoud, reduced costly meat dishes ahead of Ramadan, saving what he could to afford beef, lamb, and chicken on the month of fasting." +242929,46388.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,51,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Increased reports in 2020 of early and forced marriage, baddal (the exchange of two girls between two families), baad (giving a woman for marriage) and coerced sexual and physical exploitation, show that the COVID-19 economic situation has also driven gendered negative coping mechanisms." +150427,37702.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,96,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"As part of ensuring appropriate IPC measures during national examinations for ninth grade students, WASH sector partners (UNDP, UNICEF, Syrian Arab Red Crescent, Rebuild and Relief International and UNFPA) supported light rehabilitation of WASH facilities at 42 accommodation centres in Rural Damascus, Hama and Raqqa governorates. As per previous reports, WASH items have also been provided to all examination centers in addition to PPE, hand sanitizers, dignity kits and relevant awareness raising, as well as sanitation and disinfection of all accommodation and examination centers" +313063,53183.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,10,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"Furthermore, around 900,000 were affected by seasonal floods." +323711,54267.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Environment'],fr,73,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Néanmoins, les expériences récentes de mise en œuvre et d’adoption de mesures de conservation des sols et de l’eau à l’échelle nationale par les gouvernements et les institutions – visant à ralentir le processus de dégradation, à lutter contre l’érosion des sols et à augmenter la production agricole – sont encourageantes (CILSS, 2016; Nyamekye et al., 2018)." +162656,31010.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],es,84,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/elclaguajira_flasupdate1_covid19.05.2020vf_0.pdf," La Red de Salud Pública del departamento solo cuenta con 3 hospitales con capacidad de atención de mediana complejidad, en Riohacha, Maicao y San Juan respectivamente, lo que manifiesta una baja capacidad de respuesta ante la emergencia.  La Administración Temporal del Sector Salud presentó una matriz de necesidades para dotar a los hospitales de la red pública con insumos, equipos médicos, equipos de protección personal y personal para aumentar su capacidad en la prestación de servicios" +289287,51905.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[2nd March, 2021, SDF] Al-Hasakeh governorate and it's subdistricts had insufficient provision of space in health facilities to monitor suspected COVID-19 cases." +91773,26015.0,1620.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,92,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Situation-Overview_H2R_Oct-Dec_13.03.2020.pdf,"The high and increasing proportions of assessed settlements reporting incidents of conflict that killed at least one civilian or incidents of looting in which most of a household’s property was stolen in, suggests that the conflict continued to have a strong impact on the security and protection concerns of people in Bama, Dikwa and Gwoza. In contrast, the decrease in reported incidents in Kukawa and Marte could indicate that the conflict had a relatively smaller impact on protection and security concerns of people living here." +264354,48806.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,63,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_final_enquete_smart_27112019.pdf,"Malgré la faible couverture en sel iodé, il existe des disparités géographiques; les ménages dans les provinces du Sud (Logone Occidental, Logone Oriental, Moyen Chari, Mayo Kebi Ouest, Mayo Kebi Est, Tandjilé) ont une plus grande couverture en sel iodé que les ménages dans les provinces du Centre et de l’Est." +177039,41752.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Selon les personnes interrogées, le gouvernement national, les prestataires de santé et le gouvernement local sont les principales sources d’information et celles auxquelles les membres de la communauté font le plus confiance pour se renseigner sur le COVID-19. Néanmoins, selon une étude de la Fondation Hirondelle, 40% attendait plus d’infos de la part des autorités locales." +282354,51023.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,30,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-educational-institutions-reopening-may-be-delayed/65989,"[12th March 2021, Bangladesh] On Friday, the health authorities confirmed 1,066 new cases and 13 more coronavirus-related deaths. The mortality rate is 1.53 percent." +298390,52417.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,91,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.dropbox.com/s/fpu0ox89go0s7li/Syria%202021%20HNO%20%28advance%20copy%29.pdf?dl=0,"[March 2021, NW Syria]Lastly, COVID-19 has also impacted the quality of service delivery. A recent assessment of infection prevention and control (IPC) measures and triage readiness conducted across 250 health facilities in the north-west revealed that only 16 per cent of facilities had all IPC measures in place, 15 per cent were adequate while needing some improvements, 33 per cent had only implemented a basic triage system and 35 per cent were found to be inadequate, requiring vast improvements." +292415,52073.0,2334.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health', 'Protection']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,67,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"Sur le plan sanitaire, les activités de réponse ont été marquées par : la prise en charge des cas, le screening nutritionnel, les références et contre références, la prise en charge spécifique des femmes enceintes, l’appui au fonctionnement du centre de santé de Bodo ainsi que l’appui aux activités de vaccination contre la Rougeole et la polio." +282952,51200.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Cases'],en,76,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://newspaper.albaathmedia.sy/2021/03/15/%d9%85%d9%86%d8%b9%d8%a7%d9%8b-%d9%84%d9%84%d8%b4%d8%a7%d8%a6%d8%b9%d8%a7%d8%aa-%d9%85%d8%af%d8%a7%d8%b1%d8%b3-%d8%af%d9%8a%d8%b1-%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%b2%d9%88%d8%b1-%d8%ae%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%8a%d8%a9-%d9%85/,"[MArch 15, Deir Ez Zor] The head of the School Health Department in the Directorate of Education in Deir Ez-Zour, Dr. Salam Al-Saeed, confirmed that Deir Ezzor schools are free of any infection with the Corona epidemic, denying rumors that promote this, pointing to weekly tours in all schools in the governorate to follow up on the implementation of preventive protocols, which was circulated across the board." +61699,18346.0,1184.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71003.pdf,"se destaca que el acceso a servicios de salud es positivo. De los encuestados, el 33% manifestaron haber requerido atención médica, de los cuales más de 91% recibió atención" +150460,37878.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,49,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=198966,"Head of Cleaning in Damascus Governorate Imad al-Ali said that the focused campaign includes disinfection and cleaning, and it will cover all Damascus neighborhoods in parallel with the usual daily work carried out by the services department, including disinfecting and cleaning the city’s streets." +59584,17198.0,1224.0,[],[],['Displacement->Intentions'],en,76,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"There is a notable government-led livelihoods project underway in Smith’s Creek. A packaging facility for crab and fish is currently being constructed (using the paid labour of 20 community members). Once completed (anticipated completion in March 2019), all residents, including the Venezuelan population, will be able to bring their fish and crabs to the facility to package the products and formally sell to stores." +178051,40661.0,2225.0,['Agriculture'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,71,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"L’Évaluation de la Campagne Agricole, Impact des Maladies Zoo-phytosanitaires, Sécurité Alimentaire et Nutritionnelle 2018-2019 (CFSAM) indique qu’avec un système national de production extensive, caractérisée par une faible productivité et reposant sur une agriculture de subsistance pratiquée en petites exploitations familiales (0,5 Ha), le secteur agricole est confronté à des contraintes d’ordre technique, économique et institutionnel." +305477,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,25,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,Changes in the situation and humanitarian needs must be communicated in a timely manner to operational partners and decision-makers for programming and funding decisions. +313180,53183.0,2466.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,36,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"Meanwhile, there is a need to increase the number of education facilities, train teachers, provide specialized protection services, including the registration of IDPs, issuance of birth certificate and other ID documentation" +163448,32455.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",[],[],es,57,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/6._elc_flash_update_covid_19_quincenal_18.06.2020.pdf,"Gran parte de la población vive de la informalidad o del comercio, por lo cual durante el aislamiento obligatorio no han contado con los medios económicos para adquirir alimentos. Se han recibido solicitudes de apoyo por parte de Resguardos indígenas y comunidades de acogida quienes no cuentan con suficientes cosechas para subsistir durante la cuarentena" +69898,19974.0,1534.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,25,['At Risk'],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,The rights of marginalised groups including immigrants and members of the LGBTQIA communities can also be compromised due to discrimination (discussed below). +90047,25213.0,1621.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,120,['At Risk'],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A_HRC_43_75_E.pdf,"On 17 July, Siham Sergewa, a member of the House of Representatives, was abducted from her home in Benghazi by an armed group. A few hours before, in an interview on Al-Hadath television, she called for “an end to the bloodshed”. She criticized General Haftar’s assault on Tripoli, and called for a unity government of all parties, including the Muslim Brotherhood, to which some of the groups defending Tripoli belong. At the time of writing, the fate and whereabouts of Ms. Sergewa were still unknown. UNSMIL/OHCHR condemned the abduction and disappearance, calling upon relevant authorities to investigate and disclose her whereabouts." +408816,61216.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,24,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/humanitarian-situation-overview-syria-hsos-northeast-syria-june-2021,"[June 2021, NES] KIs in 64% of communities cited that rent prices were unaffordable for the majority of people." +239672,47230.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,85,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"El acceso a educación ha disminuido durante las restricciones por la emergencia sanitaria de COVID-19: de estos niños y niñas, 38% entre los 5 y los 11 años y 35% entre 12 y 17 años no tienen acceso a sesiones virtuales después de las restricciones establecidas, lo que quiere decir que no se presentaron diferencias significativas entre los grupos de edad analizados. Tan solo el 6% de los refugiados y migrantes han mencionado obtener ayuda para educación." +490603,67927.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],en,85,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/adamawa_state_2021_cholera_situation_report_no_9.pdf,"[5th Sept 2021, Adamawa State] (Cholera) Risk Communication: WHO supported Community Champions Risk Communication reached 12,800 individuals from 1,920 households in 7 settlements of Yola South, Yola North, Girie, Shelleng, Gombi and Fufore were reached. 10 suspected cholera cases were detected and linked with the reporting channels. Sensitization letter containing key cholera messages on prevention and control have been written and distributed to state Chairman CAN and Muslim council to sensitize their members" +234132,46381.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,62,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"So far, no vaccine has been introduced and there is no effective and specific treatment for COVID-19; hence, the countries have recommended non-pharmaceutical measures such as social distancing, home quarantine, closure of schools and universities, and avoiding gathering in order to decrease the virus transmission within the society and decrease the burden on healthcare system." +178435,41756.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],fr,121,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Le Cluster Éducation estime que 596 820 enfants âgés de 3 à 17 ans qui sont en situation de déplacement depuis moins de six mois ainsi que ceux des ménages d’accueil n'ayant pas accès à l'école ou à risque d'être déscolarisés ont des besoins en éducation. Ce nombre représente 100 pour cent des enfants de 3-17 ans affectés par un impact sévère, critique ou catastrophique des mouvements de population depuis moins de six mois. Ce nombre inclut 89 523 enfants en situation de handicap (15 pour cent des enfants de 3-17 ans) et 220 347 enfants qui fréquentent les écoles dans des zones de santé touchées aussi par l’épidémie de choléra." +314334,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The volatile security situation in Somalia continues to create a challenging operating environment for humanitarian actors. Outside of major urban centres, accessibility to some districts, particularly in southern and central regions of Somalia, remains limited due to insecurity along key supply routes." +439619,63184.0,2099.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,34,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Burkina%20Faso%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%201%20May%20-%2030%20June%202021.pdf,"As of July 6, 30,479 people have been vaccinated i.e. a coverage rate of 26.45 per cent, only 23,09 per cent (11,623) of health workers have been vaccinated." +166343,40035.0,1234.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,155,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Trinidad and Tobago,2019-05-28 03:09:47.864552+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20T%26T%20Situational%20Report%20-%20August%202020.pdf,"SAN RAFAEL SHELTER PROJECT. UNHCR continues to support the self-sustaining livelihood activities of refugees and asylum-seekers under the San Rafael Shelter Project, led by implementing Partner Living Water Community. The shelter, which houses 19 adults and 13 children, continues to move towards sustainable livelihood efforts, which include the addition of a Cash- for-Work agricultural project involving six refugees and migrants, supported by UNHCR funding, who are expected to soon begin earning money from the sale of their crops. Living Water Community continues to meet the maintenance and repair needs of the shelter, while also working to improve the property through additions such as an upcycled playground for the children using car tyres and necessary infrastructure for the continuation of livelihood options. The property houses a diverse profile including LGBTI, indigenous Warao, as well as three locals who provide much needed support." +157828,38137.0,2098.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],en,37,['Impact'],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cxb_education_covid_response_reaching_every_learner_final.pdf,"The Government of Bangladesh has not included education as one of the essential services for the COVID 19 response, hence the Education Sector partners currently do not have direct access to children in the camps." +261639,49368.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,30,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://humvenezuela.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Caminates-de-ida-y-vuelta-2021.pdf,"También es frecuente que los caminantes sean extorsionados por los funcionarios en las alcabalas, pidiéndoles dinero o quitándoles ropa, alimentos u otras pertenencias que llevan para el trayecto" +458153,64540.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,128,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Esta situación de inestabilidad, precariedad o vulnerabilidad de la población venezolana en Perú influye directamente en la alta rotación laboral registrada en el medio. El 72% de los inmigrantes y refugiados venezolanos comprendidos en la investigación citada manifestó haber tenido entre 1 y 3 empleos. El 20% dio cuenta de 4 a 6 empleos, mientras que un 6% indicó haber laborado en más de 7 empleos. Estos niveles de rotación laboral no presentan mayores diferencias por género. Por otro lado, aunque el nivel de desempleo es bajo (2% en promedio), las mujeres inmigrantes y refugiadas se encuentran más expuestas que los hombres a no tener empleo (4% contra 1%)." +306522,51572.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,48,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Nutrition services are being provided in the two IDP camps by World Vision International. Both OTP (Outpatient Therapeutic Program) and TSFP (Targeted Supplementary Feeding Program) are functional in. [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]" +307118,51467.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Health', 'Shelter']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Refugees live in overcrowded camps and settlements and have inadequate access to space, soap, and water, which make them extremely vulnerable to COVID-19" +171519,40699.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,42,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20201004_acaps_thematic_review_vulnerable_households_rohingya_refugee_response.pdf,"[4th october, Cox's Bazar] The deterioration of social cohesion and insecurity due to the increase levels of hardship brought about by COVID-19 containment measures has likely reduced mobility and feelings of safety for female headed households even further" +146641,34803.0,2028.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,72,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"As part of the COVID-19 preparedness and response plan for northwest Syria and in collaboration with SNFI Cluster members, 316 tents were provided to be used as triage stations at health facilities in northwest Syria. The SNFI Cluster has also developed and widely shared its recommendations to mitigate the risks related to the COVID-19 outbreak for shelter and NFI activities. The recommendations have been updated and translated into Arabic" +163469,36042.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,56,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/failure-renew-un-cross-border-resolution-tomorrow-will-be-catastrophic,"Nearly 8 million people are food insecure, only half the country's health facilities are fully functional, and with the looming threat of Covid-19 and famine, Syrians more than ever will be relying on the lifesaving aid that comes through the Turkish-Syrian border (OCHA, 2020; WFP, 2020)." +306895,51572.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,40,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"To carry out a comprehensive mass awareness and Child Protection intervention on child education and early/child marriage, child rights. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +329881,53694.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,57,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/03042021_sitrep_s11_whe_oms_rdc.docx.pdf,"Depuis le début de l’épidémie jusqu’au 28 Mars 2021, 28010 cas (28 009 confirmés et 1 probable) dont 743 décès (létalité de 2,7%) ont été rapporté . La tranche d’âge majoritairement affectée était celle des 30-39 ans (6 477/27 099 ; 23,9%)" +177050,41752.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,47,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Lesquelles de ces mesures de précaution trouvez-vous les plus difficiles à adopter pour vous protéger du virus ?* (n=400) 49% Aucune (195) 26% Garder ses distances (102) 16% Renforcer les pratiques d’hygiène (62) +70618,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,34,[],['Shock/Event'],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"Women, men, boys and girls can experience GBV, however women and girls, as well as men and boys who do not conform to societies expectations, are disproportionately affected." +178223,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,86,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Le Nord-Kivu (371 000 PDI, soit 34 pour cent du total des récents déplacés), le Sud-Kivu (339 000 PDI, soit 31 pour cent), l’Ituri (242 000 PDI, soit 22 pour cent) et le Tanganyika (102 000 PDI, soit 9 pour cent) sont particulièrement affectées par ces déplacements récents. Cette situation s’explique notamment par l’intensification des violences en Ituri et dans les Kivus en 2019." +177967,41855.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,65,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_Factsheet_2003_HSM_COVID19_Tanganyika_juillet-2020.pdf,"Dans la très grande majorité des localités évaluées [Province Tanganyika] (76%), les IC ont rapporté qu’aucun enfant en âge d’être scolarisé (c.à.d. âgés entre 6 et 17 ans) ne bénéficiait d’un enseignement à distance depuis la fermeture des écoles (liée au COVID-19) au cours du mois précédent." +177044,41752.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,67,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Selon les personnes interrogées, les mesures perçues comme les plus importantes sont également celles qui sont les plus appliquées : le renforcement des pratiques d’hygiène (lavage des mains, ne pas se toucher le visage, tousser dans son coude ou dans un mouchoir), le fait de porter un masque et de devoir garder ses distances avec les autres personnes." +325559,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[Ouagadougou - 2,086 individuals were interviewed] In contrast to travel for regular medical needs, travel distance as a constraint for children to attend school is not clearly related to household income, possibly again due to the more even spatial distribution of schools across the neighborhoods." +137527,35118.0,1187.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,69,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"De entre ellas: 54 refirieron contar con residencias tempo- rarias, 38 manifestaron estar tramitándola, 27 se definieron como refugiados o tramitando el refugio, 21 contaban con residencia permanente, 18 tramitando la residencia permante, 6 seleccionaron la categoría “otra”, 3 se encontraban varados, 2 se definieron como turistas y solo 1 seleccionó la opción “prefiero no responder”." +159064,37967.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],fr,12,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_ndeg_115.pdf,Nombre de décès depuis le début de l’épidémie : 53 +174894,40890.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,38,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"Así mismo, la población indígena se destaca en La Guajira (38% de los entrevistados), y en menor medida en Atlántico y Cesar 7% en cada caso (ver gráfica 4)." +310680,53333.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,20,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"The war has killed approximately 3,000 people and forced more than half a million people to flee their homes." +188414,42886.0,1183.0,[],[],[],es,90,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Equipo%20Local%20de%20Coordinaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Choc%C3%B3%20Flash%20Update%20COVID-19%20%2312%20%28octubre%2031%20de%202020%29.pdf,"Desde la fecha de reporte del último Flash Update #11, se ha observado un incremento en el número de casos activos (de 26 a 28), lo que refleja la necesidad por parte de las instituciones departamentales, de incrementar el número muestras tomadas, pues se podría generar subregistro y limitaciones en la atención oportuna a pacientes ubicados en municipios donde hasta ahora se empiezan a registrar casos positivos y vacíos a la hora de generar estrategias en caso de que se generen rebrotes." +192902,43304.0,2332.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,18,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,monitoring des cas de violations des droits de l’homme et particulièrement les droits économiques et sociaux +329890,53694.0,2225.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security', 'WASH']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,58,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/03042021_sitrep_s11_whe_oms_rdc.docx.pdf,"Entre novembre 2020 et février 2021, environ 9 500 personnes ont fui leurs villages dans le Maniema et ont trouvé refuge à Kongolo, ce qui a aggravé des besoins prioritaires en termes de vivres, articles ménagers essentiels (AME), abris, accès à l’eau potable et aux soins de santé." +391226,61647.0,2170.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,48,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_15_jul_2021_report_2.pdf,"[ 01 -15 July 2021,Northeast Nigeria]NUTRITION: Supplementary feeding for children, pregnant and lactating mothers was carried out in 49% of the camps while screening and supplementary feeding for malnourished children was carried out in 42% of the IDP camps." +338307,55951.0,2225.0,[],[],[],en,86,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://preventepidemics.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/PERC-Finding-the-Balance-Part-III-12-May-2021.pdf,"[Survey conducted by phone with approximately 24,000 people across 19 Member States in five geographical regions in Africa, including DRC] In addition to differing levels of adherence to PHSMs among Member States (based on the epidemiological and policy context in each), the survey indicated three factors influencing peoples’ adherence to PHSMs: belief that such measures are necessary; perception of personal risk of contracting COVID-19; and satisfaction with the government’s handling of the pandemic." +196683,43626.0,2311.0,['Agriculture'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,48,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/AAH_Regional%20Appeal%20Latam%202021-2023.pdf,"In the case of Colombia, where more than half of the households (54%) experienced some degree of food insecurity before COVID-19, 87% of smallholder farmers have experienced a severe impact on their capacity to produce food due to increased production costs." +303938,51174.0,2335.0,[],[],[],en,12,[],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.afro.who.int/sites/default/files/2021-02/South%20Sudan%20IDSR%20Bulletin%20Week%201%2C%20%20%204-%2010%20January%202021%20.pdf,"WHO mobile teams are conducting outreaches in floods-affected locations in Pibor," +319969,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,37,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,There is an urgent need to improve the quality of child protection services for girls and boys at risk and increase the case management capacity to provide one-on-one support for children based on their specific needs. +238007,46388.0,2336.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,83,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Further, an estimated 5.6 million migrants have entered Afghanistan over the past 8 years. The returning population often joins the displaced population and has elevated needs initially for humanitarian assistance but also for more durable solutions that allow people to re-enter and communities and re-build lives. These populations are particularly vulnerable in times of economic downturn, lacking assets and social capital. They require directed assistance in terms of access to public services and efforts to bolster livelihoods." +171459,40699.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods', 'Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,104,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20201004_acaps_thematic_review_vulnerable_households_rohingya_refugee_response.pdf,"[4th october, Cox's Bazar] The COVID-19 containment measures which resulted in a reduction in livelihood opportunities, changes in assistance, and increase in barriers to assistance will likely result in an increase in crisis coping mechanisms, such as selling labour in advance, reliance on family and friends to meet their basic needs, and amplified dependence on humanitarian assistance that does not fulfil basic needs This could lead to protection risks such as eviction, forced and/or exploitative labour, trafficking, child marriage, a decrease in overall health, and food insecurity and malnutrition." +327609,54714.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,[PRE-EXISTING VULNERABILITIES] 18% households with at least one person with a chronic illness which lasted 3 months or longer at the time of the data collection +355461,58187.0,2311.0,['WASH'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,25,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17062021_alerta_situacion_humanitaria_inundaciones_en_el_putumayo_vf.pdf,En San Miguel se evidencian necesidades en WASH debido a la contaminación de aljibes de las comunidades con aguas residuales tras las crecientes súbitas. +302515,53036.0,2334.0,"['Education', 'Cross', 'Nutrition', 'WASH', 'Livelihoods', 'Health', 'Shelter']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,66,"['Priority Needs', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/1-Lolo_Dec%202020_0.pdf,"Au 31 Décembre 2020, la population du site s’élève à 12 395 réfugiés centrafricains. 54,58% de la population a moins de 18 ans et les femmes/filles représentent 50,83%. Les besoins prioritaires sont : les moyens de subsistance, les abris familiaux et les Infrastructures, l’assainissement, la santé, la nutrition et l’éducation." +237046,46388.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,117,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"According to WFP’s market monitoring, as of 3 December 2020, the average wheat flour price (low price and high price) increased by more than 11 per cent between 14 March and 2 December, while the cost of pulses, sugar, cooking oil and rice (low quality) increased by 21 per cent, 19 per cent, 36 per cent, and 21 per cent, respectively, over the same period. This price increase is accompanied by declining purchasing power of casual labourers and pastoralists – which have deteriorated by 13 per cent and almost 16 per cent respectively (compared to 14 March)." +408809,61216.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,33,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/humanitarian-situation-overview-syria-hsos-northeast-syria-june-2021,"[June 2021, NES] Most commonly reported overall priority needs for residents (by % of communities): Livelihood: 77% Healthcare: 57% WASH: 57%" +303866,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,53,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"From January to July, UNMISS(United Nations Mission in South Sudan) documented more than 570 incidents of sub-national conflict, an increase of 300 per cent compared to the same period in 2019. Sub-national violence between communities was most commonly reported type of violence during the same reporting period" +496474,60067.0,1187.0,[],[],[],es,140,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sentir%20que%20se%20nos%20va%20la%20vida%20-%20Personas%20LGBTI%2B%20refugiadas%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%20en%20Colombia%2C%20Ecuador%20y%20Chile.pdf,"Las personas venezolanas en situación de movilidad humana que se reco- nocen LGBTI+ se han visto sometidas a desplazamiento forzado, muchas han tenido que dejar su país producto de la crisis política y económica y también debido a la ausencia de acciones por parte del Estado y el no re- conocimiento de derechos de igualdad y de la no discriminación. A esto se suman acciones de violencia y amenazas por parte de actores privados, como grupos armados o pandillas, o actores estatales como las fuerzas ar- madas o policiales. Muchas personas LGBTI+ huyen porque un escenario de crisis se agudiza cuando por las diversidades se desconocen derechos y se ponen barreras al ejercicio de éstos, lo que pone en riesgo su vida, seguridad y libertad (Bula y Cuello, 2019)." +214357,45385.0,2334.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,70,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Avec l'appui de Plan International, HKI, AHA, la Délégation Régionale de la Promotion de la Femme et de la Famille et la Délégation Régionale des Affaires Sociales, 78,727 parents d’enfants de moins de 5 ans ont été sensibilisés sur l’Alimentation du Nourrisson et du Jeune Enfant (ANJE) et sur les mesures barrière au COVID-19 dans 13 districts de santé." +386732,60459.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"Par ailleurs, l’accès aux mares et zones pastorales est limité. Par conséquent, les grands éleveurs ont abandonné la zone et cela contribue à limiter l’offre de lait pour la consommation et la vente." +235020,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,66,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The stated unwillingness of the Taliban to agree to a ceasefire at this early stage of the peace talks, the accelerated withdraw of international military forces, the transition of Afghanistan Local Police (ALP) forces, and unclear intentions of other NSAGs (primarily ISK), indicate a strong potential for deterioration of an already highly dynamic security situation during 2021." +425469,64199.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,31,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=247125,"[30 Aug, GoS] The Health Ministry announced that 115 new coronavirus cases were recorded, adding that 19 other cases recovered, and 5 cases passed away." +35511,13057.0,788.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Demography'],en,92,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000105395.pdf,"These state figures, however, mask more critical rates at regional levels where, for example, the GAM prevalence in North Yobe is 14 percent. The nutrition situation for women of reproductive age (15 to 49 years) remains a concern, as the most current data found acute malnutrition rates of 10 percent in Borno State and 12 percent in Yobe State and only 42 percent and 31 percent of these women met the minimum dietary diversity (in Borno and Yobe states, respectively)." +338320,55951.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,99,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://preventepidemics.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/PERC-Finding-the-Balance-Part-III-12-May-2021.pdf,"[Survey conducted by phone with approximately 24,000 people across 19 Member States in five geographical regions in Africa, including DRC] Respondents who supported PHSMs were much more likely to report adherence to them than those who disapproved; support may be a necessary prerequisite for adherence, and implementing PHSMs with low support will likely lead to low adherence. Monitoring support for PHSMs is critical for understanding the likelihood of adherence, and what the barriers to adherence may be—whether risk perception, knowledge gaps, economic necessity or even cultural or religious priorities." +39134,13698.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,61,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.unhcr.org/news/press/2019/5/5cda9ad84/remarks-charlie-yaxley-unhcr-spokesperson-palais-briefing-morning.html,"UNHCR is very concerned for the safety of some 3,300 refugees and migrants being held in detention centres. In several detention centres, particularly in the western area, people are in urgent need of medical treatment. Food is in short supply as catering companies are facing difficulties with access. Water and sanitation facilities are in disrepair." +213158,44840.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Economy', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,58,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,"According to the latest World Bank estimates, GDP is projected to decline by 2.5% in 2020 to US$ 4.6 billion, compared with a pre-crisis forecast of 3.2% growth. Federal, state and local governments expect shortfalls in domestic revenue, greatly hindering their ability to respond to the increased needs of Somalis" +164304,38902.0,1183.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,28,[],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"In Colombia, the COVID-19 crisis is occurring in the complex context of humanitarian needs driven by the internal armed conflict and the migration and refugee crisis." +169989,40360.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,83,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Des quatre provinces que compose la Région celles du Soum est plus à risque de protection dans la mesure où les attaques y sont nombreuses avec son lot de violations des droits humains : restrictions des libertés d’aller et de venir; attaques perpétrées contre les populations surtout sur les axes routiers, des enlèvements, des assassinats, des vols et pillages. Les hommes sont les plus touchés par les cas d’enlèvements et d’assassinats." +178200,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,78,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"La RDC sort progressivement de la récession de 2015-2017 avec une croissance économique de 4,1 pour cent en 2018 (contre 3,7 pour cent en 2017 et 2,4 pour cent en 2016).22 Néanmoins, si la Banque centrale du Congo a annoncé un excédent budgétaire en avril 2019, les revenus du Gouvernement ont diminué de près d’un quart par rapport à l’année précédente, compromettant la fourniture de services de base.23" +21323,8635.0,788.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']",[],[],en,42,[],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2019/02/nigeria-deadliest-boko-haram-attack-on-rann-leaves-at-least-60-people-murdered/,"The organization also analyzed satellite imagery which shows hundreds of burned structures in the town. Many of the destroyed structures only date back to 2017, suggesting they were shelters for internally displaced people who came to Rann seeking protection." +239844,47107.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,39,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[Dec 2020] In NES, in response to the low levels of mask-wearing in NES and the reported economic barriers to implementing personal protective measures, the RCCE sub-task force has coordinated a multidimensional face-mask campaign." +164722,39789.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,44,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Movementwide%20Operation%20Report%20August%202020.pdf,The following activities depicts BDRCS responses in this regard:  Developed a training guide on Psychological First Aid for Volunteers.  7 people referred to specialized Mental Health services.  22 staff and volunteers reached with Caring for Volunteers activities. +182205,42698.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,74,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.alwatanonline.com/%d8%b4%d9%81%d8%a7%d8%a1-%d8%ac%d9%85%d9%8a%d8%b9-%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%a5%d8%b5%d8%a7%d8%a8%d8%a7%d8%aa-%d8%a8%d9%80%d9%83%d9%88%d8%b1%d9%88%d9%86%d8%a7-%d9%81%d9%8a-%d9%85%d8%af%d8%a7%d8%b1/,"[ October 18, Quneitra, preventive measures in schools] Asaad explained the implementation of the Ministerial Health Protocol with great care, providing sterilization materials for all schools, and taking all necessary precautionary measures, including sterilization and achieving the conditions for spacing and relieving pressure in classrooms, noting the role of health supervisors in organizing the entry and exit of students and the morning sterilization work for students." +268704,49756.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,44,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19022021_flash_update_no_2_impacto_covid-19_triple_frontera_vff.pdf,"Es necesario realizar acciones encaminadas a favorecer el acceso a derechos reproductivos a las mujeres de las comunidades indígenas que no se están trasladando a los municipios de Leticia y Puerto Nariño, teniendo en cuenta el contexto actual generado por la COVID-19." +327399,54714.0,2331.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,83,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,[EDUCATION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 40% of the households of IDP settlements reported that it takes less than 15 minutes to reach to the nearest education facility while 29% and 5% of the households of IDP settlements reported it takes 15-30 minutes and 30-60minutes to reach to the nearest education facility respectively. Only 4% of the households of IDP settlements reported that it takes 1-3 hours to reach to the nearest education facility. +235164,46388.0,2336.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,79,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The 2020 SFSA found the majority (73 per cent) of the population living in rural areas still lacks access to safe drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene services. In some of these rural areas, open defecation is as much as seven times more common than in urban areas. Meanwhile, 45 per cent of people in rural areas are without access to improved family latrines and collecting water takes three times longer." +397566,61842.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,63,['Impact'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.eldesconcierto.cl/opinion/2021/02/17/migracion-venezolana-ni-aumento-de-delincuencia-ni-aumento-del-desempleo-ni-baja-de-salarios.html,"En Chile, en una encuesta a 581 migrantes, el 60% reportaba una mejora en su situación laboral respecto a la que tenía en su país de origen. De este modo, los beneficios no sólo se extienden a los países que reciben más personas, sino que también se extienden a los extranjeros que llegan a estos países." +485143,65398.0,1185.0,[],[],['Displacement->Intentions'],es,43,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Entre quienes tienen interés por regresar a Venezuela, no influye la calidad migratoria obtenida o el tiempo de permanencia en el país. Sin embargo, respecto al interés de permanecer en Perú, la situación generacional influye en la decisión." +304880,51467.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Some of the vulnerable women and girls opt to exploitative survival sex in exchange for basic needs. Affected communities are adopting different coping mechanisms to avoid violence including relocating, restricting movements and remaining silent about concerns for fear of reprisals" +235873,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,57,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The imperative to shift health resources to pandemic response, preparedness, and prevention activities, combined with movement restrictions intended to mitigate against the spread of the virus has inadvertently resulted in a de-prioritisation of other critical health activities, such as routine screening for PLW or treatment of chronic illnesses, with long-term consequences." +416195,63980.0,2099.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],fr,68,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sante.gov.bf/detail?tx_news_pi1%5Baction%5D=detail&tx_news_pi1%5Bcontroller%5D=News&tx_news_pi1%5Bnews%5D=682&cHash=3a228b7632732a3fb8163b822822348f,"Le ministre de la Santé, Pr Charlemagne Ouédraogo et son staff technique accompagnés de HP+ ont eu le lundi 19 juillet 2021 à Ouagadougou, une rencontre d’information avec les blogueurs et les animateurs des émissions interactives sur la vaccination contre la COVID-19. C’est un plaidoyer pour un engagement soutenu en faveur de la vaccination contre la COVID-19 (...)." +305438,51474.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,71,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"The forum United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) adopted resolutions containing commitments to, inter alia, a return of all abducted women and children, the establishment of special courts, the cessation of cattle raiding and revenge attacks, the holding accountable of leaders who aid criminals in their areas and a call for comprehensive civilian disarmament across Jonglei and the Greater Pibor Administrative Area." +21807,9026.0,322.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,31,[],['Humanitarian Access'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,,"Bound by mountains and steep slopes to the east and west, the city has few options but to expand primarily along its north and south axes within its basin." +64433,18823.0,1183.0,['Education'],"['Capacities & Response->Local Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],es,107,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3313918,"“Adaptar y desarrollar el modelo de “Círculos de Aprendizaje”, permite restablecer el derecho a la educación de niñas y niños migrantes y de la población receptora que se encuentran desescolarizados. El programa busca integrarlos al sistema educativo formal a partir de la generación de espacios de aprendizaje en grupos de entre 15 y 20 niñas y niños, de diferentes edades, acompañados por un tutor que facilita su proceso de aprendizaje y les provee atención personalizada hasta que estén en condiciones de hacer la transición hacia la escuela o colegio formal.”, explica Aida Oliver Representante de UNICEF Colombia." +304098,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,67,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"An additional 2.2 million South Sudanese are refugees in neighboring countries. While most of them fled South Sudan during the earlier years of the conflict, people continue to flee, and some 26,000 South Sudanese individuals sought asylum in countries in the region between January and October 2020. The main causes of refugee flight in 2020 were insecurity, floods and food shortages." +240457,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,31,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"While national capacity for COVID-19 testing has topped 5,500 samples a day, fear of approaching health facilities has meant that fewer than 400 tests are actually being conducted daily." +70242,20090.0,1386.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,60,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71686_0.pdf,"Estado del financiamiento Las necesidades de las personas de Venezuela que se encuentran en América Latina y el Caribe son altas, sin embargo, el financiamiento sigue siendo bajo: a agosto de 2019, solo se ha cubierto el 23.9 por ciento de los requisitos presupuestarios, dejando una brecha en el financiamiento de 76.1 por ciento." +292456,51535.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,91,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3722025,"“Queremos resaltar los planes de desarrollo de los gobiernos de turno en Norte de Santander y Cúcuta, donde se evidencian el compromiso y las acciones para mejorar y dignificar las condiciones de vida de nuestras víctimas. Por tal motivo, la Unidad para las Víctimas, viene adelantando esta clase de jornadas que buscan orientar a los entes territoriales en el cumplimiento de los objetivos propuestos para garantizar la implementación de la política pública de víctimas en el marco de la ley 1448” dijo la funcionaria." +56047,17111.0,1187.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,34,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Cada vez más venezolanos deciden establecerse en Argentina. Si bien las radiaciones vienen creciendo sostenidamente desde hace diez años hasta superar las 130.000, en 2018, según datos de Naciones Unidas." +148188,36609.0,1388.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,40,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/01.%20CRI%20Operation%20July%202020%20.pdf,"■ The Center for the Social Rights of Migrants (CENDEROS): Implements protection programs and provides temporary shelter for refugees and asylum-seekers with special protection needs, particularly survivors of SGBV and LGBTI individuals in extreme vulnerability." +333136,44672.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Health']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,He [President Ghani] also stated that the economic consequence of the outbreak means that around 90% of the Afghan population requires food assistance and medical attention. +315394,53333.0,2334.0,['Education'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,21,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,Livelihood priorities for the girls were largely around their education and in particular the life careers they wanted to pursue. +310042,51467.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Nutrition']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,Mothers and care takers of malnourished children lack basic hygiene knowledge and access to safe water at domicile jeopardizing the benefits gained in nutrition programs. +193696,43353.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,17,[],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Burkina%20Faso%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%207%20-%20August%202020%20%281%29.pdf,"Burkina Faso registered 35 security incidents in August, causing 33 civilian casualties, including 6 children" +497059,60104.0,1187.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Context->Demography'],es,123,['Impact'],['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,"https://www.unicef.org/argentina/media/11626/file/Impacto%20de%20la%20pandemia%20en%20la%20educaci%C3%B3n%20de%20ni%C3%B1as,%20ni%C3%B1os%20y%20adolescentes.pdf","Al igual que en las anteriores mediciones de la Encuesta Rápida, en esta cuarta ronda la población entre 13 y 17 años constituyó un foco particular de estudio, por ello algunas de las preguntas sobre la experiencia educativa durante la primera etapa de 2021 fueron dirigidas a adolescentes y respondidas por ellas y ellos. Tal como ocurrió en el caso de los hogares, se consultó a las y los adolescentes escolarizados si habían asistido presencialmente a la escuela desde que comenzó el actual ciclo lectivo. Los resultados muestran que el 86% de este grupo tuvo alguna experiencia de presencialidad mientras que el 14% sostuvo su escolaridad puramente a distancia (279.500 chicos y chicas)." +341748,56493.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,Les difficultés d’accès à une juridiction impartiale et indépendante constituent une grande difficulté pour les populations. Ces difficultés sont liées au manque de confiance aux mécanismes judiciaires et traditionnels de règlement des conflits fonciers ainsi qu’à la perception du faible niveau d’intégrité des personnes qui assurent le fonctionnement de ces instances. +46609,16136.0,729.0,"['Protection', 'WASH']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,93,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/echo_-nf_bud_2019_91000_v2.pdf,"Risks are increasing in the WASH sector as the management of public utilities and governance of municipalities continue to deteriorate. Large parts of the population are at risk, notably the conflict-affected (IDPs and returnees) who are particularly vulnerable. The needs are structural and require mid to long-term investments. Access to clean water can be an issue where the network has been damaged due to fighting. People accommodated in IDP camps and collective shelters are in need of safe water provision and sanitation items and services." +358802,58362.0,2311.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.lafm.com.co/internacional/derechos-de-ninas-y-adolescentes-migrantes-venezolanas-no-se-estan-garantizando-segun,"Finalmente, el informe indica que hay una problemática sobre salud alimentaria y el derecho de las niñas y adolescentes refugiadas y migrantes a la nutrición. El 52% de las niñas a manifestado que, a veces se ha sentido preocupada por no tener comida y el 44% reporta que se ha acostado alguna vez con hambre." +50123,12653.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,92,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/290119_hno_2019_en.pdf,"Venezuelans in transi in October2018. These populations can be in a regular or irregular legal situation, and their needs, vulnerabilities, and access to rights vary based on whether they are regular or irregular. Among Venezuelans in transit, the so-called ‘walkers’ are those who, due to a lack of resources, and/or regular status, and/or lack of documentation, walk great distances, exposing themselves to risk throughout their journey. This is a particularly vulnerable profile with integral and regional needs." +50121,12653.0,1183.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",en,136,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/290119_hno_2019_en.pdf,"Population profiles The needs of this population vary enormously depending on their particular profile, legal status and if they are settled or in transit in Colombia. In this sense, this chapter organizes the population into five profiles: (1) Venezuelan refugees and migrations with the intention to remain permanently in Colombia, (2) Refugees and migrants in transit, (3) Venezuelans in pendular migration, (4) Colombian returnees, (5) Colombian host communities. In addition, there also exist a number of binational indigenous communities such as the Wayuu, who have similar characteristics to profiles in several categories since they have ancestral territories in both Colombia and Venezuela, and which therefore require a differential response in accord with their need" +490533,67720.0,1231.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Local Integration'],en,69,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,,"Consistent with the Protection Monitoring tool findings, the R4V joint market assessment on livelihoods for the Venezuelan population in the Dominican Republic, conducted by R4V partners, highlighted that Venezuelan refugees and migrants bring skills and expertise to the country and are an asset to the development strategy, but that the vast majority cannot access the formal labor market due to irregular migratory status." +178251,41756.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,41,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,Les résultats préliminaires de l’enquête de sécurité alimentaire en situation d’urgence (EFSA) réalisée en 2019 révèlent que les personnes déplacées internes et retournées sont les groupes les plus affectées par l’insécurité alimentaire. +205406,44672.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,32,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"With children out-of-school, unpaid care workload for women has also increased, it is well known that women already do three times as much unpaid care work as men globally." +297858,52145.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,25,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_humanitaire_numero_12_v_04.pdf,La dégradation de la situation sécuritaire depuis le mois de septembre conduit à de nouveaux déplacements de populations dans le département du Mayo Sava. +209707,45080.0,2170.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,50,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%209%20Dec%202020.pdf,"[9thDec2020,Maiduguri and Jere LGA.]The ongoing violent attacks by non-state armed groups and illegal checkpoints they set up make it difficult for the sector partners to operate and monitor prices, especially in the peri-urban LGAs neighboring the state capital Maiduguri and Jere LGA." +200619,44433.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,102,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Policies and practitioners should seek to establish and maintain safe, predictable and nurturing environments within Colombia’s public schools through training and equipping teachers with the means to do so. Through the Ley de Convivencia (2013), schools are required to have co-existence committees made up of teachers, staff and students in public schools to support student wellbeing, safety in schools and integration of migrant students. School systems need tools and support to implement this program and have it make a significant impact in the day to day lives of students and teachers." +330107,55171.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,26,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-america-latina-56897151,"Las protestas ocurren en medio de un grave repunte de casos decoronavirusen varias ciudades, que amenaza con colapsar el sistema de salud del país." +319653,54681.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,38,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.wradio.com.co/amp/nota.aspx?id=4127922&__twitter_impression=true,"La alcaldesa Claudia López anunció que en Bogotá quedan únicamente algunas dosis de la vacuna AstraZeneca y 35 mil dosis de la vacuna Pfizer, estas últimas serán destinadas a personal médico que no haya sido vacunado." +112935,31293.0,1388.0,[],[],[],es,55,[],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3641092,"El Secretario General del SICA, Vinicio Cerezo manifestó, “Hacemos alusión a los esfuerzos que tanto la institucionalidad regional con las instituciones nacionales están haciendo de manera conjunta para implementar las acciones contempladas en los componentes establecidos en el Eje 3, Seguridad, Justicia y Migración del Plan de Contingencia Regional”" +116644,32643.0,1185.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,35,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/77408,Sexual and reproductive health services from the State to assist refugees and migrants from Venezuela and host communities remain limited to births and emergencies. Prenatal care and family planning services are highly constraint. +317190,53333.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,34,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Particularly in the longer term, there are opportunities to work towards more gender- transformative approaches, and throughout to maximize interventions to work on norms and practices related to sexuality and gender." +182596,42252.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,64,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2020_29Oct2020_FINAL.pdf,"[12th October 2020, NE Syria] On 12 October, local authorities in NES announced that all internal crossings would be open for movement, and reports indicated this is occurring at Tabqa, Akeirshi and Abu Assi in Ar-Raqqa and Al-Taiha in Aleppo, although reports also indicate some individuals have been prevented moving to GoS areas in the former." +183613,42456.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,34,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.unicef.org/wca/media/5411/file/UNICEF-WCARO-Central-Sahel-Advocacy-October-2020.pdf,"In this context of complex crisis, nutrition interventions must respond to emergency humanitarian needs, without neglecting preventive interventions, which are essential for tackling to eliminate the underlying causes of malnutrition." +202000,43106.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],"['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",es,92,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/colombia/otras-ciudades/migrantes-venezolanos-cruzan-caudaloso-rio-hacia-colombia-546287,"Las fuertes lluvias de los últimos días han aumentado el caudal del río Táchira, límite fronterizo entre Colombia y Venezuela. Sin embargo, más de 300 migrantesvenezolanos han desafiado la fuerza del agua para cruzar hacia Colombia, pese a las restricciones del Gobierno Nacional. Por el río cruzan desde niños hasta adultos mayores, quienes se enfrentan al fuerte caudal en busca de alimento, medicina y mejores oportunidades laborales en Cúcuta y el interior del país. En 2018 dos migrantes fueron arrastrados por la corriente." +63639,18631.0,788.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']",[],['Context->Demography'],en,35,[],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_floodoverview_13092019.pdf,"Over 10,490 shelters have been damaged. • 11,134 HHs in need of NFI kits. • Relocation of 392 HHs sheltering in schools across Yobe State, following commencement of the new school term" +412825,63086.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,97,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_07_14_MSF%20RDC_RAPPORT%20VIOLENCES%20SEXUELLES%20%28FR%29%281%29.pdf,"Si en RDC les mouvements armés et les combats accroissent clairement le risque et le nombre d’agressions sexuelles, ces violences persistent en-dehors de ce cadre, y compris dans un contexte familial et de violence entre partenaires. Au-delà des répercussions physiques et psychologiques immédiates2 , les personnes prises en charge par MSF soulignent que ces violences ont des conséquences à long terme – parfois toute une vie – du fait notamment de la stigmatisation sociale, de leur exclusion et de la perte de leurs moyens de subsistance qui peut en découler." +176939,41739.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,119,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.lemonde.fr/afrique/article/2020/05/18/en-rdc-la-prise-en-charge-des-malades-du-covid-19-entre-debrouille-et-defiance_6040023_3212.html,"Dans l'hôpital public des Cliniques universitaires (Kinshasa) construit en 1957, les équipements sont peau de chagrin. Sur les sept respirateurs dont dispose l’hôpital, deux ont été cassés ces dernières semaines à cause des coupures d’électricité intempestives qui abîment les circuits des appareils. D’ailleurs, comme les besoins sont nombreux, un seul a été affecté à la zone Covid, ce qui oblige à agir en amont. Le directeur de l'hôpital explique que les équipes essayent de ne pas en arriver au stade du respirateur et se débrouillent en utilisant des bonbonnes d'oxygène et des extracteurs aussi longtemps que la santé des patients le permet." +45647,15533.0,729.0,"['Cross', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,116,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_report_areabasedassessment_aba_azzawya_jun2019.pdf,"Similarly, migrant KIs reported the following to be their greatest barriers to accessing high quality education: (1) an inability to afford education (both school fees and school supplies), (2) linguistic barriers (particularly reported by KIs originating from West Africa) and (3) a lack of infrastructure in school buildings (electricity, latrines, furniture). Besides the emphasis on the cost of school materials, migrant children from the MENA region reportedly face the most similar barriers to those experienced by Libyan children, ranging from a lack of education facilities to the poor educational curricula and the overcrowding of classrooms." +182767,31850.0,1900.0,['Food Security'],[],[],es,71,[],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020-04-20%20Resumen%20Semanal%20de%20Situaci%C3%B3n%2013-19%20de%20abril%202020%20%281%29-2.pdf,"HONDURAS El PMA ha distribuido alimentos en los 17 departamentos, con un total de más de 2.000 toneladas de asistencia alimentaria para más de 353.000 niños y niñas hasta la fecha. La entrega, realizada a través del programa de alimentación escolar del Gobierno y la Secretaría de Desarrollo e Inclusión Social, forma parte de la respuesta global a 3,2 millones de personas que necesitan asistencia alimentaria." +106119,30611.0,1860.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,39,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],COVID-19 Americas Region Multi-Sectorial Assessment,2020-05-18 21:51:19.040784+00,https://1bec58c3-8dcb-46b0-bb2a-fd4addf0b29a.filesusr.com/ugd/188e74_6f98530009f54edfa41096e8142b717b.pdf,"Similarly, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has appealed to the Mexican authorities to end migrant detention following a riots ignited by the unsanitary conditions and absence of COVID-19 medical preparedness in two facilities in Tabasco and Chiapas2" +193955,43327.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,22,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_sectoriel_octobre.pdf,Assurer un accompagner les régions sanitaires dans la réponse aux urgences de santé publiques telles que les inondations et les épidémies. +267067,49959.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,28,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://s3.amazonaws.com/semanaruralvzla/documentos/1614089620_boletin___violencia_de_generopdf,"La VBG en población migrante aumentó un 39,7 % -lo que equivale a 909 casos adicionales- con respecto al mismo periodo en 2019 (Gráfico 1)." +161699,35720.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],[],[],es,33,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Respuesta%20COVID%2019%20-%20GIFMM%20La%20Guajira%20-%20Riohacha%2C%20a%206%20de%20julio%20de%202020.pdf,"65 kits de dormida, 90 kits de menaje y 256 colchonetas (Fundación Iglesia Cristiana y Secretaría de Salud, Fundación Reintegrar del Caribe, Fundación Asor y Pastoral Social)." +325536,54815.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Education']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,52,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[Ouagadougou] The poorly spatially planned and inefficient public bus network of Ouagadougou appears to reach the poorest parts of the city to the same extent as the better-off ones, but its effectiveness in terms of ensuring accessibility to health and education facilities for the poor is also comparably low" +183597,42456.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,30,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.unicef.org/wca/media/5411/file/UNICEF-WCARO-Central-Sahel-Advocacy-October-2020.pdf,"For children who have been forcibly displaced, there is an increasing risk of separation from their caregivers, and of sexual and physical violence, exacerbating existing inequalities." +195814,43853.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,63,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.rtbf.be/info/monde/detail_coronavirus-en-rdc-les-voyageurs-testes-a-leur-descente-d-avion?id=10622664,"L’ambassade de France a de son côté annoncé samedi que l’école française René-Descartes de Kinshasa qui va de la maternelle au lycée ""resterait fermée du 2 au 6 novembre afin d’éviter l’importation de cas dans l’établissement"", après les vacances de la Toussaint que certaines familles ont passé en France." +175120,40890.0,1183.0,[],[],[],es,32,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"El 12% de los jefes de hogar encuestados presentan una discapacidad23, con un mayor porcentaje entre las mujeres (12%) que entre los hombres (11%)" +490427,67723.0,1234.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Displacement', 'Casualties']",UNHCR Trinidad and Tobago,2019-05-28 03:09:47.864552+00,,"Venezuelans conƟnued aƩempts to enter T&T irregularly, facing detenƟon by authoriƟes and deportaƟon. In one tragic incident, the bodies of over 30 Venezuelans, including children, were found 6.3 nauƟcal miles from the city of Güiria, within Venezuela’s jurisdicƟon, aŌer the boat in which they were aƩempƟng to enter T&T territory sank." +248851,48079.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,117,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/DRC_FSOU_2020_12_final.pdf,"Inondations et éboulements : Depuis octobre 2020, le retour des pluies ont occasionné des inondations et d’importants dégâts matériels dans plusieurs régions du pays, notamment dans le territoire de Masisi (Nord- Kivu), Kalehe (Sud-Kivu) et Mbanza-Ngungu (Kongo central). En tout, plusieurs dizaines des morts ont été signalées et des infrastructures ont été endommagées. Des centaines d’hectares ont été perdues à la suite de ces inondations. Selon une estimation de l’inspection de l’agriculture, près de 100 000 personnes seraient affectées par ces inondations ayant causé la perte de leurs réserves de nourriture et des récoltes." +305319,53013.0,2331.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,25,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/3c8084ae/REACH_SOM_Factsheet_Assessment-of-Hard-to-Reach-Areas_December-2020.pdf,Food Security and livelihoods: 94% of the assessed settlements reportedly had access to a functional market in the month preceding data collection. +149225,36019.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,60,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"Out of the 103 intensive care unit (ICU) beds for critical cases none are fully operational (only 1 mixed ward, also supporting non-COVID cases, is available to receive patients), while only 309 of 975 beds planned for moderate-severe cases are currently online (with no beds currently available in non-GoS controlled areas Deir-ez-Zor" +173687,41024.0,1388.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,34,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rapid%20needs%20assessment%20-%20Impact%20of%20COVID-19%20on%20PoC%20from%20other%20nationalities%20-%20Costa%20Rica%2C%20August%202020.pdf,"16 households (6%) reported that a relative in their country of origin had attempted to join them in Costa Rica since the borderb closure, but only 1 was successful." +238287,46388.0,2336.0,['WASH'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,21,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"COVID-19 has also magnified existing gaps in availability of water, sanitation facilities and hygiene materials in schools and CBEs." +313187,53183.0,2466.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,76,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"Restrictions imposed due to COVID-19 outbreak, weak capacity of the government and line ministries to provide physical protection and basic services, access of vulnerable population to access medical and social services, provision of physical protection for collection of firewood and fetching water by women and girls, access to land due to presence of armed people, inadequate prevention of crops destruction, ongoing inflation, referral mechanisms, and SGBV response capacity" +218161,45410.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,44,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,Les ménages du Tibesti font face à des déficits en raison de l’accès limité aux aliments par suite de la COVID-19 occasionnant des hausses de prix sur les marchés Ils sont en Crise (Phase 3 de l’IPC). +390845,60791.0,1186.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,82,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Para 2019 se estimó un total de 885.908 personas extranjeras residentes en la Región Metropolitana, la que concentra el 59,4% del total en el país. Esta cifra representa un aumento absoluto de 123.033 personas y un alza relativa de 16,1% respecto a lo estimado para 2018. En 2019, la población extranjera en esa región se compuso de 448.019 hombres y 437.889 mujeres, con una relación de masculinidad de 102 hombres por cada 100 mujeres." +394874,61265.0,1186.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,24,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.biobiochile.cl/noticias/nacional/region-de-tarapaca/2021/02/04/no-son-un-bulto-el-saldo-fatal-de-la-crisis-migratoria-en-la-frontera-norte.shtml,"Ellos eran parte de un grupo de treinta personas, según informaron las autoridades locales, sin precisar la causa de las muertes." +412970,63086.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,57,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_07_14_MSF%20RDC_RAPPORT%20VIOLENCES%20SEXUELLES%20%28FR%29%281%29.pdf,"Les agressions sexuelles sont souvent accompagnées d’autres types de violences. Beaucoup de survivantes racontent avoir été kidnappées, battues, avoir subi des mauvais traitements8 , avoir assisté au pillage de leur maison et de leur village, voire même à l’assassinat de leur proches pendant qu’elles étaient violées." +142051,35870.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,103,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"In addition, of particular concern is that according to the MoH, 44 healthcare workers (eight per cent of reported cases) have tested positive for COVID-19, an increase of 26 since the last report. This includes 34 in Damascus, six in Rural Damascus, two in Aleppo, and one each in Quneitra and As-Sweida. This highlights the particular risks faced by healthcare workers; and underscores – given Syria’s fragile healthcare system with already insufficient numbers of qualified healthcare personnel – the potential for its overstretched healthcare capacity to be further compromised." +191533,43304.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,73,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Cette perte [liées à la fermeture des unités économiques induites par COVID-19 dans le secteur de l’hôtellerie-restauration et bars dans la ville de N’Djaména] est répartie entre les différentes branches notamment les restaurants et hôtels, grillades, bar-alimentations-café et cabarets, avec des pertes respectivement évaluées à 40,5 milliards FCFA, 843,8 millions de FCFA, 1,2 milliards de FCFA et 148,5 millions de FCFA." +178522,41756.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Les résultats de l’enquête EFSA, conduite par les Ministères du Plan et de l’Agriculture avec l’appui du PAM entre mars et mai 2019, démontrent clairement que les personnes déplacées internes et les personnes retournées, y compris les personnes expulsées d ’Angola, sont les groupes les plus affectés par l’insécurité alimentaire aigüe." +183595,42456.0,2099.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,24,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.unicef.org/wca/media/5411/file/UNICEF-WCARO-Central-Sahel-Advocacy-October-2020.pdf,"Rates of child marriage, economic exploitation or unsafe migration can increase during high levels of insecurity as protection or livelihoods survival strategies." +18003,7218.0,322.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,112,['Impact'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,http://blogs.worldbank.org/arabvoices/yemen-s-private-sector-teaming-support-humanitarian-and-recovery-efforts,"As such, the conflict has also taken a heavy toll on local businesses. The preliminary findings of a recent survey conducted by the World Bank in October 2018 shows that around 35% of businesses in the country have closed, and over 51% of surviving firms have experienced a shrinkage in size and a scaling down of operations. Around 73% of closed firms cited security and financial constraints as the main reason for closure, with financial constraints, the increase of input costs, and the loss of demand and customer base as the main reasons for the change in many firms’ size." +360014,58741.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC_FSO_2021_06_final.pdf,"Les prix des principales denrées alimentaires importées, notamment le riz et les huiles végétales raffinées, sont restés stables. Cette stabilité est due à la stabilité de la monnaie locale et aux importations des pays voisins." +182609,42252.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,49,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2020_29Oct2020_FINAL.pdf,"[29th October 2020, Overall Syria] During the reporting period, more than 4,850 suspected COVID-19 cases and contacts were investigated within 24 hours of an alert being received. In addition, WHO supported the transport of 630 suspected case specimens to the central laboratories." +346165,56952.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20monitoreo%20enero-marzo%202021%20-%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20vers%C3%B3n%20final.pdf,Los porcentajes de trabajo informal no presen- tan variaciones significativas con relación al tri- mestre pasado y 98% de la población monito- reada genera sus ingresos a partir de actividades económicas informales. +309787,51467.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,96,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"According to the IPC Acute Food Insecurity and Acute Malnutrition Analysis for December 2020, an estimated 6.35 million people (52.6% of the population) faced Crisis (IPC Phase 3) or worse acute food insecurity, of which 2.1 million people faced Emergency (IPC Phase 4) acute food insecurity. During the same period 4,000 people were likely in Catastrophe (IPC Phase 5) acute food insecurity, out of which 11,000 were in Pibor Administration Area, and 13,000 were in Tonj North County in Warrap state." +347856,57145.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],fr,17,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"(Centre-Nord, Bourzanga) Environ 282 ménages inondés dont 260 ménages PDIs et 22 ménages hôtes" +164403,38902.0,1183.0,[],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Population To Relief', 'Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population']",en,54,[],['Humanitarian Access'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"Detrimental effect on humanitarian access. Confinement of affected communities is likely, restricting their access to humanitarian assistance as fighting between armed groups impedes their movement. Violence and insecurity will likely decrease humanitarian access to affected communities, adding to the restrictions already faced by humanitarian operations under national COVID-19 guidelines." +21328,8635.0,788.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,71,['Impact'],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2019/02/nigeria-deadliest-boko-haram-attack-on-rann-leaves-at-least-60-people-murdered/,"Amnesty International analyzed satellite images from 30 January 2019 showing hundreds of structures burned in the east, south and southeast of Rann. Environmental sensors detected fires in the area on 28 and 29 January. In the 14 January attack, Boko Haram burned well over 100 structures in other areas of Rann. These two recent attacks have left most of the town heavily damaged or destroyed." +149845,37865.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,65,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cxb-situation-report-20.pdf,"120 Health care workers were trained on IPC at UNICEF, iccdr, ITC in Teknaf as part of ongoing capacity building by WHO and the IPC TWG to support best practices. WHO is also engaging with health care waste management partners to offer options for the SARI ITCs to minimize waste and to identify the best possible combustion system with available incinerators." +330418,53831.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],fr,85,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/12042021_sitrep_s12_whe_oms_rdc_f.pdf,"De S1 à S12/2021, 15 887 cas suspects de rougeole dont 220 décès (létalité 1,4%) ont été notifiés dans 232 ZS de 26 provinces que compte la République contre 42 460 cas suspects et 531 décès (létalité 1,3%) au cours de la même période en 2020. On note une diminution de 62,6% du nombre de cas et un maintien de la létalité en 2021 par rapport à l’année 2020 pour la même période." +177326,41093.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",[],['Context->Economy'],es,50,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"En la medición de agosto de la Encuesta de Opinión Empresarial para la industria, el indicador de volumen actual de pedidos, en su serie desestacionalizada registró un balance de -23,7%, lo que representa una disminución de 10,3 pps frente al mismo mes un año atrás." +191658,43304.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,50,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"les communautaires (maîtres communautaires et animateurs des centres d’alphabétisation) perdraient eux seuls 34% du revenu total, suivis des vacataires de l’enseignement secondaire (22%), ceux du supérieur (19%) et du primaire (18%)." +187422,43202.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,51,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/425396-coronavirus-nigeria-records-94-new-cases-four-deaths.html,"[8thNov 2020,Nigeria]According to an update Monday night by the Nigerian Centre for Disease Control (NCDC), Nigeria recorded 94 new coronavirus infections, a sharp decrease from the 300 reported on Sunday, Nigeria’s highest daily tally in almost three months." +2618,520.0,321.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,38,[],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://www.amnesty.org/en/countries/middle-east-and-north-africa/libya/report-libya/,"Some attacks by armed groups and militias in Benghazi targeted hospitals and other civilian buildings. They included a car bomb attack on 24 June at al-Jalaa hospital that killed five and wounded 13, mostly civilians." +236112,47122.0,2334.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,44,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"WHO has deployed four clinical psychologists (two in the SW and two in the NW) and is providing essential health care to people in need through implementing partners (Reach Out, CARITAS and DEMTOU Humanitarian) by use of mobile clinics" +452099,64651.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,146,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"In addition, it is critical for policymakers to consider the indirect consequences of the pandemic. Experience during the 2014 Ebola outbreaks in Africa demonstrated indirect effects on access and utilization of healthcare as well as socio-economic impacts, which outweighed direct ones (11). A modelling study of COVID-19 effects using the Lives Saved Tool (LiST) estimated that the least severe scenario of reductions in coverage of essential interventions combined with an increase of wasting would result in 253,500 additional child deaths and 12,200 additional maternal deaths over 6 months from reduced coverage of MNCH interventions and increased wasting (12). While there has been some recovery, early and alarming reductions in immunization coverage have occurred in more than 68 countries, affecting approximately 80 million children under the age of one year (13)." +91821,26015.0,1620.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,97,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Situation-Overview_H2R_Oct-Dec_13.03.2020.pdf,"In Marte, assessed settlements consistently reported lack of pre-existing educational services as the main reason for lack of access to educational services (reported by 68% in December). In contrast to the other LGAs, the majority of assessed settlements in Gwoza in October (89%) reported destruction of facilities as the main reason for lack of access to educational services. However, this proportion decreased to 32% in December, whereas lack of pre-existing educational services increased from 9% in October to 27% in December." +287156,51749.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[district sanitaire de Pouytenga] Lors de l’évaluation, aucun outil de gestion n’étaient mis à jour et il n y a pas de suivi quotidien de température. Le dépôt ne dispose pas de réfrigérateur ce qui laisse croire qu’il n’existe pas de produits de la chaine de froid et si cela existe, alors n’obéit pas la conservation optimale." +182972,32165.0,1388.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']","['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,114,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/74589.pdf,"Los principales obstáculos para la empleabilidad y la empresariedad se resumen a continuación: 1. Los servicios de apoyo al refugiado se limitan en muchos casos a solventar su situación migratoria, lo cual se ha convertido en una de las grandes barreras para su inserción. 2. El proceso implica la obligatoriedad de tener los papeles legales vigentes, lo cual a veces es complejo para las personas que abandonaron su país, muchas veces, sin documentos originales ni probatorio de su condición. 3. Limitado conocimiento por parte del sector empleador sobre los derechos y potencialidades de la persona refugiada y limitado acceso a información legal pertinente." +216594,45416.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,"Dans la majorité des cas, les communautés hôtes ouvrent leurs écoles aux enfants des ménages déplacés afin qu’ils poursuivent leur scolarité au cours de la période de déplacement." +305655,51474.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,88,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"With the delayed appointment of the Governor of Upper Nile and tensions between residents of the site and the town of Malakal, the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) continued to carefully monitor the situation while maintaining efforts to promote peaceful co-existence in the area. It held two workshops with stakeholders from Malakal and the protection of civilians site, including traditional and youth leaders. Both workshops addressed issues of mistrust and the promotion of social cohesion between the two communities." +64135,18925.0,729.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,61,['Impact'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/va_report_libya_2019-libmac-unmas.pdf,"Over 4,800 primary and secondary schools in Libya (10,5% private)148 only 1% of public schools had functional toilets for children with disabilities, less than 5% offered provisions for students with disabilities in the classroom and 50% of schools stated the need for adapted textbooks, visual and audio aids to improve teaching standards" +64430,18823.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,29,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3313918,"con cerca de un millón cuatrocientas mil personas provenientes de Venezuela que han llegado a Colombia, de los cuales cerca del 30% son menores de edad." +412978,63086.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,120,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_07_14_MSF%20RDC_RAPPORT%20VIOLENCES%20SEXUELLES%20%28FR%29%281%29.pdf,"Il a également été observé que la proportion d’agressions sexuelles en présence d’armes croît parallèlement aux mouvements et combats entre les parties au conflit. A Masisi, le personnel MSF a constaté que la proportion d’agressions sexuelles perpétrées par des acteurs armés est passée de 60% au cours du premier trimestre de l’année à 89% au cours du quatrième trimestre, parallèlement à l’aggravation de l’insécurité dans les lieux des agressions. De même, dans le territoire de Walikale, la proportion est passée de 23% au cours du premier trimestre à 64% au cours du quatrième trimestre de l’année" +268711,49756.0,2311.0,"['Education', 'WASH']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,44,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19022021_flash_update_no_2_impacto_covid-19_triple_frontera_vff.pdf,"Educación: se requiere de herramientas y actividades educativas sobre el lavado de manos y desinfección al ingreso de las instituciones educativas urbanas y rurales en el departamento del Amazonas, teniendo en cuenta el regreso a clase bajo el modelo de alternancia." +198637,44369.0,2099.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,10,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bf-sh_response_cpaor_301020.pdf,ENFANTS AFFECTÉS PAR LA FERMETURE DES ECOLES : 111 K +218196,45410.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"Au Lac, la hausse des admissions résulte des effets conjugués des conflits (mouvements de populations) accentuant l’insécurité alimentaire et des impacts de la COVID-19 sur les ménages hôtes pauvres ainsi que les déplacés." +221329,45584.0,2028.0,"['Logistics', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,52,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/10/private-bakeries-in-homs-are-banned-from-operating-despite-bread-crisis/,"[ October 1, Homs] Hazaa denied that there is a shortage of flour, saying, “The flour is available, and raw materials and supplies used in making bread such as flour, yeast, and fuel are all secured to meet needs of Syrian people.”" +316293,52949.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Malnutrition levels among non-IDPs are above emergency thresholds in most parts of the country. The Nutrition Cluster estimates that 1,766,390 non-IDPs will require nutrition assistance in 2021, with pregnant and lactating women and children under 5 particularly in need." +264589,49668.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Vaccination', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,65,[],"['Covid-19', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/llegaron-las-vacunas-y-aun-no-definen-plan-de-la-migracion-irregular/2486,"No obstante, el gobierno ha señalado que, dado que la mayoría de las vacunas que llegarán al país requieren de dos dosis, la ausencia de información sobre la ubicación e identificación de los casi un millón de migrantes que están irregularmente en el país, se constituye como uno de los grandes obstáculos para su integración al Plan Nacional de Vacunación." +294901,51749.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,111,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Selon les informateurs clés interrogés les prix n’ont pas augmentés pour le marché de Pouytenga ces derniers mois. En revanche pour les marchés de Comin-Yanga, Ouargaye et Gounghin, les prix ont eu tendance à augmenter. Les principales raisons évoquées sont l’insécurité dans la zone qui complexifie l’approvisionnement, et le fait que ce soit la période de récolte pour certains produits. Par exemple les stocks de céréales datent de la dernière récolte en décembre 2019. Il faut donc attendre les nouvelles récoltes de actuelles (d’octobre à décembre 2020) pour que les stocks soient reconstitués." +237944,47230.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,82,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"Si bien sigue siendo una proporción considerable, se identifica una leve reducción en los hogares que incurren en estrategias de supervivencia de emergencia, tales como pedir alimentos o dinero en la calle (de 39% de los hogares en la tercera ronda a 37% en la cuarta ronda) y actividades que les suponen un riesgo de las que prefieren no hablar (17% en la tercera ronda vs. 16% en la cuarta ronda)." +304276,51467.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,The IPC analysis conducted in October/November 2020 has projected that the number of people likely to be severely food insecure during the 2021 lean season will increase by 10 per cent to 7.24 million people. This represents 60 per cent of the South Sudanese population. +386110,60459.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,62,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"Bien que les conditions pluviométriques attendues restent favorables au développement des cultures, l’insécurité continuera de perturber les activités agricoles et entrainera des baisses de productions agricoles par rapport à la moyenne avant la crise, en particulier dans les régions du Sahel, de l’Est, du Nord et du Centre-Nord. [risque - Scenario]" +273943,50464.0,2331.0,"['Nutrition', 'Livelihoods']",[],['Context->Environment'],en,54,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210203FINALFactSheetSomaliaSkisserLR11.pdf,"The Juba and Shabelle perennial rivers in southern Somalia are important sources of water for daily use such as irrigation, food production and sustaining livestock herds during periods of serious drought. The absence of dependable water resource management institutions due to ongoing conflict has led to severe degradation of water resources." +346162,56952.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20monitoreo%20enero-marzo%202021%20-%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20vers%C3%B3n%20final.pdf,"En cuanto a la afiliación, se evidenciaron barreras relacionadas con los tiempos de espera genera- dos por la Alcaldía de Medellín para el acceso al SGSSS de personas con salvoconducto SC2. En varios de los casos se presentó una solicitud des- de hace varios meses y, sin embargo, la respuesta ha sido muy limitada." +169958,40360.0,2099.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,70,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Beaucoup de PDI vivent en location et elles peinent le plus souvent à pouvoir régler leurs loyers par manque d’argent. Le problème des achats non sécurisés c’est à dire sans documents administratifs bien établis tenant lieu de preuve, aussi avec de faux propriétaires des terres est également constaté lors des ventes des terrains à usage d’habitation dans la Région du Sahel." +200786,44445.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",es,9,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://www.indepaz.org.co/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Masacres-en-Colombia-2020-INDEPAZ-2.pdf,306 personas asesinadas en 77 masacres durante el 2020 +218394,45694.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,30,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.primature.cd/public/2020/12/15/rdc-le-cce-appelle-a-nouveau-la-population-au-respect-des-gestes-barrieres-face-a-la-deuxieme-vague-de-covid-19/,"Concernant le secteur minier, les membres du CCE ont observé une embellie des prix des métaux à l’exception du Cobalt qui a baissé sur le marché." +62872,18514.0,1386.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Politics'],en,485,['Impact'],['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190328_acaps_briefing_note_venezuela_update_and_2019_outlook__0.pdf,"Political deadlock leading to civil unrest, potential foreign intervention, and/or internal armed conflict Pressure from international actors calling for a change in the leadership of the country and threatening military lead to an armed confrontation between the government (the military remains to this day largely loyal to Maduro) and the opposition backed by foreign actors, the US more specifically (R2P 15/03/2019, IFRC 01/02/2019). The US government has hinted at military intervention should Maduro refuse to step down from power, while Russia and China have shown support to the Venezuelan government (Reuters 03/02/2019). Should tensions escalate, foreign military intervention could lead to a conflict situation within the country, significantly worsening the current humanitarian situation and leading to further displacement. The socio-political situation within the country remains uncertain. A survey of almost 2,500 Venezuelans conducted between 12 September and 7 December 2018 by the Pew Research Centre found that dissatisfaction with the regime and the current situation is growing in Venezuela. 83% said the current situation is bad, including 60% who said it is really bad. Only 13% trust the national government a lot, and 20% somewhat trust it to do what is right for Venezuela. People aged 18-29 are the demographic the most opposed to the current regime. Despite widespread disapproval of the current government, 71% of people surveyed still identified with PSUV (United Socialist Party of Venezuela, Maduro’s party) (IACHR 09/01/2019, Pew Research Centre 25/01/2019). Since he proclaimed himself interim president, opposition leader Juan Guaido has consistently called for mass demonstrations across the country. Since the beginning of the crisis, the main focus had been demanding basic services such as food, medicine, and water. People are now calling for political change, even in working class neighbourhoods that had historically been pro-Maduro. As discontent grows, civil unrest is likely to increase, and there is a risk that mass demonstrations could be violently repressed by Venezuelan authorities and pro-Maduro paramilitary groups (Al Jazeera 12/03/2019, Reuters 05/03/2019). The erosion of popular support of Maduro is not necessarily coupled with support for the opposition. The current protests are more a sign of the population wanting to oust Maduro rather than complete adherence to an opposition that is still largely perceived as neoconservatives close to Washington. Within the opposition, it is still unclear what political project they will put forward should they come to power. If the opposition does not manage to find a way out of the crisis, there is a risk its popularity may decline and the political impasse persists (Le Monde Diplomatique 03/2019, Crisis Group 04/03/2019)." +397337,61407.0,1186.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,66,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.elmostrador.cl/destacado/2021/02/08/crisis-migratoria-en-tarapaca-centralismo-e-indolencia-gubernamental/,"Su decisión, además, tuvo efectos colaterales, luego que acompañada de una prensa amarillista y de sectores políticos de derecha, hizo confrontar a una población con una tradición fundacional de integración, como es la tarapaqueña, con hermanos bolivianos que tuvieron que residir en precarias condiciones en escuelas y calles, luego de quedar sin trabajo en la capital del país." +294565,51749.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Intentions'],fr,60,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,[commune de Ouargaye] On peut supposer que la volonté d’accéder à un abri pérenne et sécurisé est lié au fait que les intentions de retour des PDI sont réduites. En effet plus de la moitié des personnes composant les groupes de discussion déclarent actuellement ne pas souhaiter revenir dans leur commune d’origine. +178496,41756.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,131,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"De plus, les six violations graves à l’encontre des enfants dans les conflits armés recensées par le Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU sont toutes présentes en RDC et dans presque toutes les zones d’urgence. Selon le dernier rapport annuel du Secrétaire Général sur le sort des enfants en temps de conflit armé : en 2018, 631 enfants (dont 91 filles) ont été enrôlés et utilisés par des groupes armés principalement dans le Nord-Kivu, la région du Kasaï et le Sud-Kivu, et 2 253 enfants (dont 267 filles) ont été séparés de 39 parties au conflit, 77 enfants (dont 39 filles) ont été tués et 92 (dont 29 filles) grièvement blessés." +199571,44216.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,63,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/health/coronavirus/2020/11/16/covid-19-bangladesh-records-21-deaths-2-139-new-cases,"[16th November 2020, Bangladesh] In the last seven days, the test positivity rate crossed the 13% mark thrice. It was 12.57% on November 10, 11.93% on November 11, 10.78% on November 12, 13.05% on November 13, 12.98% on November 14, and 13.07% on November 15." +291335,51584.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,24,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://docs.wfp.org/api/documents/WFP-0000121004/download/?_ga=2.267291910.926065783.1606212133-1055501472.1562658913,"By the end of October, wheat flour costed 11 percent more than in mid-March and cooking oil was 28 percent more expensive." +316230,52949.0,2331.0,"['Health', 'Shelter']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,74,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Scavenging for required items, borrowing cash, living with others and moving from one location to another are the predominant coping strategies when faced with limited access to shelter, especially for those who cannot afford living costs, including rent. This results in a higher likelihood of individuals moving into close quarters, usually informal and overcrowded settlements, for shelter, putting them at higher risk of COVID-19." +393632,62284.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,93,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"[7th Apr 2021, Borno State] As a result of the separation, there are female headed-households, unaccompanied elders, child headed households, unaccompanied and separated children, as well as persons with disability who are highly vulnerable. These groups cannot always cater for themselves, leading to negative coping mechanisms such as street begging for unaccompanied and separated children and child headed household. Respondents also stated that these groups are traumatized due to separation from their loved ones and tend to be psychologically unstable." +199025,44158.0,2099.0,[],[],[],en,38,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN2810QP,"Burkina Faso opposition candidate Zephirin Diabre said President Roch Kabore is orchestrating a “massive fraud” to secure re-election in Sunday’s presidential vote, and that he will not accept results marred by irregularities." +242565,46388.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,23,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,The provinces of highest prevalence of child labour are Farah (49 per cent) and Hilmand (33 per cent). +315568,52949.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,108,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Reliance on remittances is an important coping mechanism in Somalia, but remittances are neither prevalent nor effective in reducing poverty among the most vulnerable households in IDP settlements. While IDP households are among the poorest households, only around 7 percent receive remittances. The amounts, if received, are not effective in reducing poverty because they are too small relative to the poverty gap. A majority of IDP households who did receive remittances reported a 10 to 30 per cent decline compared to what they typically received due to COVID-19, hampering their ability to sustain their lives and pay for critical services" +235455,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,45,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Facing unprecedented demand and multiple waves of the virus, hospitals and clinics continue to report challenges maintaining or expanding their facilities’ capacity to treat patients with COVID-19, as well as maintaining essential health services, especially in areas of active conflict." +325760,54267.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],fr,35,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"[agriculture] La Direction générale du foncier, de la formation et de l’organisation du monde rural (DGFOMER) et plusieurs autres institutions soutiennent les acteurs dans ce processus de formalisation2" +490436,67748.0,1234.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,45,['Impact'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Trinidad and Tobago,2019-05-28 03:09:47.864552+00,,"In Trinidad and Tobago, 93 Venezuelan refugees and migrants who had entered irregularly by boat were deported on 18 September and 13 more were detained on 27 September for illegal entry into the country, including five children, and a three-month-old baby." +294580,51749.0,2099.0,"['Protection', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,52,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[commune de Ouargaye] Cela réduit les ménages à recourir à la pratique de la défécation à l’air libre que ce soit près des habitations -ce qui facilite le risque de transmission des maladies- ou loin des habitations, ce qui peut conduire à des incidents de protection." +439016,64533.0,2028.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,81,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, Overall Syria] At the sub-district level, Jebel Saman sub-district in Aleppo governorate received the highest number of spontaneous return movements in June, with around 1,900 returns, while Mahin sub-district in Homs governorate received more than 1,700 spontaneous return movements. Over the same period, Hajar Aswad sub-district in Rural Damascus received some 1,100 spontaneous IDP return movements, while Markaz Daraya subdistrict in Rural Damascus governorate received around 700 spontaneous returns." +325249,54815.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,56,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Also a number of health facilities have reportedly closed due to insecurity: in late 2019, this was the case for 68 health centers, affecting over 800,000 people (OCHA, 2019), while by end-2020 the number of closed health centers had reached 95, affecting at least 1.2 million people." +195239,43324.0,2334.0,['Nutrition'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,62,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irc_-_rapport_devaluation_covid-19_extreme_nord_-irc.pdf,"47% des ménages interrogés ayant un FCS « Acceptable » et 21% ayant un FCS « Pauvre », donc en insécurité alimentaire contre 32% qui sont à cette « Limite ». Cependant dans le Mayo Tsanaga, seulement 8% des ménages ont une alimentation acceptation, jusqu’à 58% ont une alimentation pauvre." +353802,57860.0,2170.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],en,126,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.vanguardngr.com/2021/06/rise-in-prices-push-7m-additional-nigerians-into-poverty-world-bank/,"[15th Jun 2021, Nigeria] While noting that the upward trend in prices of goods and services will persist in the second half of 2021, the World Bank among other things called for measures to protect poor Nigerians from inflation. While noting that the country’s economy is expected to grow by 1.8 percent in 2021, The World Bank noted that while Nigerian economy has exited recession and it is projected to grow by 1.8 per cent in 2021, “the 2020 recession is expected to have lasting effects on poor and vulnerable households, adding that “uncertainty about the trajectory and duration of the COVID-19 pandemic will continue to influence household consumption and private investment.”" +265942,49323.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,130,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.pulzo.com/nacion/regular-venezolanos-colombia-que-significa-podran-votar-PP1029436,"¿A quiénes aplica? A los migrantes venezolanos que deseen permanecer de manera temporal en Colombia y cumplan algunas de estas condiciones: Regulares en Colombia titulares de: – Permiso de Ingreso y Permanencia (PIP). – Permiso Temporal de Permanencia (PTP). – Permiso Especial de Permanencia Vigente (PEP). – Salvoconducto de Permanencia SC-2 (Trámite de refugio). Irregulares en Colombia: – Que estén en Colombia en situación irregular a 31 de enero de 2021. Deben aportar prueba sobre la fecha de ingreso, antes de la entrada en vigencia del EPTV. Que ingresen a Colombia: – De manera regular por Puesto de Control Migratorio durante los primeros dos años de vigencia del estatuto." +317586,52949.0,2331.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,77,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"IDP site density is particularly troubling as 43 per cent of all IDP sites would not be able to accommodate slight increases in settlement population (DSA, 2020). This lack of spacing undermines the privacy of IDPs and leads to heightened GBV and protection incidents.Women and girls fear accessing basic services in IDP sites due to the lack of planned solar lighting in sites, or suitable access roads that are perceived as safe" +303933,51174.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.afro.who.int/sites/default/files/2021-02/South%20Sudan%20IDSR%20Bulletin%20Week%201%2C%20%20%204-%2010%20January%202021%20.pdf,"While water levels continue to recede, most of the road networks connecting Jonglei State & GPAA with neighbouring states remain inaccessible due to flood waters" +194581,43822.0,2311.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,32,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19112020_flash_update_no.3_emergencias_por_ola_invernal_-_colombia_vf.pdf,"Particularmente, se registran daños en las tuberías de provisión de agua y acueductos generales de los municipios 6: Carmen de Atrato7, Lloró8, Rio Iró9 , Medio Atrató10." +305768,51467.0,2335.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Protection']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,A reduction of the number of United Nations Police was a contributing factor to an increased number of violent incidents and protection concerns within the former PoC sites. +239607,47230.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Push Factors'],es,61,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"En el caso de quienes cambiaron de residencia en Colombia, la búsqueda de trabajo también es prioridad (70%), seguida por la búsqueda de alimentos (18%) así como razones de reunificación familiar (13%). El 10% de estos hogares se mueven por razones de inseguridad (ver gráfica 20)" +270173,50226.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],es,84,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_6.pdf,"Mortalidad materna En la semana epidemiológica 06 de 2021 se notificaron 58 muertes maternas, 53 corresponden a mortalidad materna temprana (ocurri- das durante el embarazo, parto y hasta los 42 días de terminada la ges- tación), 4 tardías (ocurridas desde el día 43 hasta un año de terminada la gestación) y 1 por causas coincidentes (lesiones de causa externa). Se observa un aumento del 43,2 % en la mortalidad materna temprana respecto al 2020" +9141,2909.0,322.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Economy']",en,54,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_jan_to_apr_2018.pdf,"Eight million people need emergency income to meet critical food needs and access to services. Landmines and explosive remnants of war (ERW) continue to pose threat to lives and prevent the resumption of economic activities, movements of populations and goods as well as access to basic services and infrastructure." +411217,63842.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,56,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210823_OCHA%20Syria_Dar%27a%20Flash%20Update-3_FINAL.pdf,"[23 AUG, Dar'a] Almost 300 families remain at risk of displacement from the camp. All roads into the camp and the roads between Dar’a and Muzeirib have been closed since 29 July and access from Dar’a camp to the city for pedestrians is a challenge." +316092,52949.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Due to an absence of formal insurance, most Somali households are forced to rely on self-insurance to cope with shocks like floods, drought, Desert Locust infestations and COVID-19. These strategies include selling, pledging or mortgaging physical and productive assets, and borrowing from friends, relatives and money lender." +216654,45416.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,"Les frais de TENAFEP pour les élèves en 6eme année Pour ce qui concerne les frais TENAFEP, les écoles recensent logiquement tous les élèves en classe de 6eme année qui doivent passer le TENAFEP. Le paiement effectif de ces frais d’examen est un défi pour les familles déplacées qui doivent surmonter les effets de la crise qui les frappe." +306366,51572.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"The last distribution of food by World Vision (WFP implementing partner) was in August 2020. [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]" +48528,12622.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Humanitarian Access->Population To Relief'],es,65,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Humanitarian Access'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LIBRO%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20las%20necesidades%20insatisfechas%20SSR%20y%20Migrantes%20Venezolanos%20-%20Digital.pdf,"Sin embargo, los participantes estuvieron en capacidad de identificar y describir múltiples barreras que existen para las mujeres que requieren cuidados prenatales y atención médica del parto; estas barreras a menudo fueron resultado de la discriminación, el estigma y la violencia durante los primeros contactos con la desinformación y la falta de documentos también son barreras destacadas en el acceso efectivo." +208982,43992.0,2332.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,69,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"|UNICEF COVID-19 strategy] Visuals (flyers, posters) on prevention/protection against COVID-19 were developed in French and Arabic as well as translated into four local languages. 150,000 copies were printed, with the majority distributed among community relays, traditional and religious leaders and health workers for use during public outreach and COVID-19 sensitization sessions as well as for display in key public places countrywide." +199038,44308.0,2225.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,38,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RD%20Congo%20-%20Note%20d%E2%80%99informations%20humanitaires%20pour%20la%20province%20du%20Nord-Kivu%2017%20novembre%202020.pdf,"Dans la zone de sante de Kalunguta, également affectée, de violences armées ont provoqué le déplacement de plus de 3 000 personnes vers Kalunguta, Maboya et Kabasha entre le 1er et le 5 novembre." +238143,47086.0,2170.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,71,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_31_dec_2020_report.pdf,"[16th-31st Dec 2020, Borno and Adamawa states]81% of the total showers are functional while 19% need to be repaired. 24 sites in 5 LGAs (Girei in Adamawa state, Konduga, Jere, Maiduguri and Dikwa in Borno state) do not have shower on site. 2,021 showers needs to be repaired across 74 sites in 17 LGAs (table 2)" +200613,44433.0,2311.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,72,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"These findings suggest that conditions within Cúcuta schools may be inhibiting the development of key SEL skills for those enrolled. It is critical to facilitate access to schooling. But policymakers, funders and implementers must focus on improving the quality, safety and security of learning environments to ensure that alongside foundational academic skills, children gain from school the social-emotional skills necessary to succeed in school and beyond." +341442,56493.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Agriculture', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods', 'Education']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,146,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"En milieu rural, la paupérisation des populations paysannes les amène à céder des parcelles de terres. Dépossédées de cette richesse, elles sont exposées davantage à la précarité. En effet, les terres arables les plus fertiles ont été vendues pour développer l’agro-business au détriment de l’agriculture de subsistance qui fait vivre la grande majorité des populations en milieu rural. La terre est un facteur de production de grande importance et la survie individuelle et collective en dépend. En plus, de ces difficultés, le recours à certains services de l’Etat tels l’accès à la justice en cas de conflit foncier, la scolarisation des enfants, la tarification des actes médicaux, la qualité des prestations et l’accès aux soins est effectif selon les capacités économiques et financières." +160300,39436.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://lefaso.net/spip.php?article99282,"Egalement à la date du 11 septembre 2020, on a enregistré le rétablissement de 8 personnes infectées. Le nombre total des cas guéris a ainsi atteint 1135." +21829,9026.0,322.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Context->Demography', 'Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Economy']",en,67,['Impact'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,,"Poor families live in older dilapidated structures in central neighborhoods, small single-storey structures in the middle of typical multi-storey buildings of middle class neighborhoods or in small rented flats throughout the city and also in fringe infor- mal and squatter settlements. Where the poor live and how they live is mainly driven by their economic circumstances and their access to affordable land and housing." +341880,56644.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,90,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.sismamujer.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/MUJERES-DERECHOS-LABORALES-Y-EMERGENCIA-SANITARIA.docx.pdf,"Se entiende por comercio al por menor o minorista, el ejercicio de compra y venta de distintos tipos de insumos o mercancías de consumo individual o doméstico. En este sector se encuentran agremiadas mujeres que en su mayoría no son empleadas. Ellas son mayoritariamente mujeres emprendedoras. En este sentido, para ellas es muy difícil vincular los conceptos de responsabilidad empresarial o debida diligencia empresarial, ya que en muchos de los casos ellas son sus propias empleadoras o están en escenarios de informalidad laboral." +313059,53183.0,2466.0,"['Food Security', 'Health']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,25,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated prevailing conditions. Loss of livelihoods disrupted access to the food value chain and restricted access to the health care system. +292351,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,19,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,L’Epidémie de choléra dans la région du Nord continue d’engendrer des cas et des décès +339643,52949.0,2331.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,9,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"445,000 persons benefited from education services by humanitarian actors" +341910,56493.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,106,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"De plus, la mutation de la société a conduit la fa- mille elle-même, en plus de l’autorité que lui enlève le concept de droits des enfants, à démissionner de son rôle. Il est un constat partagé que les parents ne s’impliquent plus personnellement dans l’éducation de leurs enfants, car très souvent absorbés par les occupations professionnelles et sociales, abandonnant la charge de l’éducation de leurs enfants à l’école qui n’est plus elle aussi en capacité de ré- pondre efficacement à cette mission car soumise aux mêmes contraintes." +15668,6572.0,322.0,"['Shelter', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,79,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Yemen%20Update%2021%20Sept-%2012%20October%202018%20FINAL.pdf,"UNHCR provided assistance through its partners in the form of non-food items (NFI), emergency shelter kits (ESK) and protection monitoring in areas that remain accessible in Al-Hudaydah. On 1 October 2018, UNHCR and its partner Jeel Albena completed the distribution of 2,973 NFIs and 1,067 ESKs in the As-Sukhna district of Al-Hudaydah. The distribution targeted 2,973 families who fled the armed clashes in Kilometre 16 and Kilometre 10 in AlHudaydah city" +353491,57852.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,62,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://noticialdia.com/2021/06/colombia-da-marcha-atras-y-amplia-el-cierre-de-la-frontera-con-venezuela-hasta-el-1-de-septiembre/,"La frontera fue cerrada al paso de vehículos en agosto de 2015 por orden del presidente venezolano, Nicolás Maduro. La circulación de personas quedó suspendida tras la ruptura de relaciones con el gobierno colombiano el 23 de febrero de 2019 después de que el líder opositor Juan Guaidó intentó que una caravana humanitaria entrara en el país desde Cúcuta." +235662,47076.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,40,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,NSAGs declared and enforced lockdowns from the 22 to 24 June and from 29 June to 2 July in the NW and SW respectively as a result of the PPRD [Presidential Plan for Reconstruction and Development] mission. +205502,44672.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"An institutional response to the evolving disease outbreak, has been the cabinet decision to create a new structure within the Ministry of Public Health to deal with coronavirus pandemic in the country." +149617,35869.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,55,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep18_25july2020.pdf,"Households Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV) vaccination was postponed from April 2020, following the recommendations from the Polio Oversight Board (POB), as a preventive measure to avoid the spread of COVID-19. Unfortunately, it is postponed again after the announcement of the first COVID-19 positive case in last week" +192938,43304.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,20,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,Mobiliser l’assistance (technique et financière) des partenaires pour accélérer la mise en œuvre des réformes prioritaires +235108,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,21,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Infrastructure Challenges stemming from under-investment in basic infrastructure continue to hamper quality of life and access to services throughout Afghanistan. +236341,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Afghanistan consistently ranks as one of the most dangerous places to be a woman, with deeply entrenched patriarchal norms and 87 per cent of women likely to experience GBV in their lifetime." +191741,43622.0,2330.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Communication Means And Preferences'],en,27,[],['Information And Communication'],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20201111_acaps_briefing_note_nicaragua_honduras_hurricane_eta.pdf,Emergency telecommunications Nicaragua and Honduras: Interruptions to power supplies as a result of fallen trees severing power lines are affecting Atlantic coast communities in both countries +205143,44672.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,20,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Both IDPs and returnees’ unplanned movements put additional pressure on health and social services in many Afghan provinces. +185285,43022.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,36,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/61780/what-happened-over-the-weekend-99.html,"[November 9 2020 Overall syria] The three schools recorded the infection of 140 students and 10 teachers,” a government source in the Directorate of Education in Aleppo, told North Press." +326903,54714.0,2331.0,[],[],[],en,32,[],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,"[Accountability to Affected Populations] Top three most commonly reported priority needs: Shelter (58%), Food (35%), Healthcare (30%)." +317209,53333.0,2334.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,22,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"In the community, the practice of open defecation is rampant due to limited sanitary facilities but also poor hygiene practices." +188610,43181.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,21,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_270_20201026_.pdf,La zone de santé (ZS) de Kambove dans le Haut-Katanga a rapporté son premier cas confirmé de COVID-19. +224064,45768.0,2332.0,['WASH'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,26,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"à Diamerom, 50 latrines sont fonctionnelles pour une population actuelle estimée à environ 30.000 personnes soit un taux d’accès de 0,16%." +156590,38698.0,2098.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,48,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flood_dashboard_monitoring_5_september_2020.pdf,The challenges during the response including: - Accessibility in the context of COVID-19. - More affected people than the beneficiary coverage. - Lack of support for recovery needs.Highlight challenges in meeting Priority Response actions as outlined in HCTT Response Plan - Noncompliance of FSC package +239267,47351.0,2170.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Factsheet_NGA2005-Biu-LGA-Borno-state-November-2020.pdf,"[1st Nov2020,Biu LGA, Borno states]80% of internally displaced households reported having debt at the time of data collection, compared to 69% of non-displaced households. 50% of internally displaced households and 59% of non-displaced households reported owning or using land for farming activies in their current location, at the time of data collection." +185051,40800.0,1900.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Injured'],es,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://infosegura.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Analisis-SC-2T-2020.pdf,"A nivel de área, las lesiones siguen ocurriendo en las zonas urbanas del país, sin embargo, se presentó un considerable incremento en el área rural (+12.7%)." +59570,17198.0,1224.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,86,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"Families wish to have work, but they do not have access to forms of steady employment. An adult male shared that he works informally for 1-day periods in manual labour such as cutting grass or logging trees. It is common that he and others in the community are “hired” for a particular salary and then paid less after completing the job. When walking on the streets he has received violent verbal threats related to his status as a foreigner." +239996,46388.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,19,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Household debt levels are also soaring, with food the most common reason for people to borrow money." +157693,38800.0,2028.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,59,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GTS%20-%20HNAP%20COVID19%20Syria%20Bulletin%20R3.pdf,"The probability that communities in sub-districts that host a high proportion of IDPs feel informed is 14 percentage points lower than in sub-districts hosting smaller proportions or no IDPs at all. IDPs and the communities that host them are already vulnerable, and may be further disadvantaged by the pandemic if they do not receive sufficient information." +317532,54586.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,7,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_humanitarian_snapshot_february.pdf,2.3M South Sudanese Refugees (outgoing) +361106,58845.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_price_bulletin_may_2021.pdf,"[May 2021, Overall Syria] Syrian households have started buying red meat in ounces instead of kilos as a coping mechanism due to their reduced purchasing power." +193916,43327.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_sectoriel_octobre.pdf,"Au 31 octobre le pays avait rapporté un cumul de 2508 cas confirmés, 2273 cas guéris, 67 décès soit une létalité de 2,7%. Toutes les 6 régions en sécurité précaire ont été affectées et seul le Sahel et le Nord n’avaient pas des cas actifs." +208386,43992.0,2332.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,73,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"Despite the reopening of the N’Djaména international airport on 1 August and the easing of travel restrictions in-country, the number of reported COVID-19 cases has remained relatively stable. The Government has continued to monitor the implementation of the revised protocol which includes the presentation of a negative COVID-19 test for passengers departing and arriving at the airport, a seven-day quarantine followed by a COVID-19 RT-PCR laboratory test." +309799,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],en,26,"['Impact', 'Priority Interventions']",[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,Competition over already scarce resources has caused tension between displaced persons and host communities. Maintaining harmonious co-existence between the two groups is a necessity. +178510,41756.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"La proportion des hommes survivants de VBG a varié en 2019 entre 0 pour cent et 7 pour cent selon la période et les zones, ces personnes risquent d’être laissées derrière en raison des services non suffisamment adaptés." +330391,53831.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,78,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/12042021_sitrep_s12_whe_oms_rdc_f.pdf,"L’analyse des listes linéaires a révélé que le sexe masculin et la tranche d’âge de plus de 5 ans sont les plus atteints (59% et 68% respectivement). Pour ceux dont la profession était renseignée, on note que les ménagères (32%) sont les plus représentés et environ la moitié (54%) de cas est arrivé au CTC/CTE avec une déshydratation du type C." +161567,39295.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,41,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,There are 11 COVID-19 Community Treatment Centres (CCTCs) and 7 hospitals dedicated for COVID-19 in northwest Syria with the capacity of 645 hospital beds out of which 114 are intensive-care unit beds. There are 86 available ventilators. +492315,67914.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,184,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_mvam_bulletin_58_august_2021.pdf,"[August 2021, Overall Syria] The reported shortfall of households' income was due to different factors. Close to half of the surveyed households in Syria in August 2021 (47 percent) reported a reduction of revenues from business activities or agricultural sales, with a higher proportion recorded among male-headed households (49 percent) compared to female-headed households (36 percent). During the reporting period, 33 percent of interviewed households nationwide reported having been impacted by a reduction in working hours and thus receiving a partial salary, with peaks recorded in Homs (42 percent) and As-Sweida (42 percent). Furthermore, 16 percent of surveyed households indicated job lay-offs, with a peak recorded in Deir-ez-Zor (25 percent). In light of the above findings, it seems likely that the decision of limiting operating hours in Syria, if extended in time, could further reduce income opportunities in the labor market over the next coming months, hereby possibly further exacerbating the ailing economic recovery." +164295,34183.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,40,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://s3.amazonaws.com/semanaruralvzla/documentos/1594859069_boletin_inversionpdf,"Para Colombia, el hecho de que Vene- zuela hiciera parte de la CAN trajo grandes beneficios. El país vecino era el segundo comprador de productos colombianos y, en especial, de aquellos que tenían un valor agregado" +325619,54815.0,2099.0,[],[],[],en,60,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"The analysis finds that, among the examined intermediate health behaviors, neither the share of assisted deliveries nor the share of post-natal consultations on the 6th day after delivery appear to have a statistically significant association with either of transport connectivity variables when controlling for the other factors that might affect these behaviors and the Province-level fixed effects." +188897,43387.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,19,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20DE%20PROTECTION_SEPTEMBRE2020-SAHEL.pdf,Les types de VBG identifiés dans la Région du Sahel sont des cas de violence psychologique et physique. +412966,63086.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],fr,84,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_07_14_MSF%20RDC_RAPPORT%20VIOLENCES%20SEXUELLES%20%28FR%29%281%29.pdf,"Les mineurs sont loin d’être épargnés par les agressions sexuelles : en 2020, près d’une victime sur cinq (19%) prise en charge par MSF avait moins de 18 ans. Des variations importantes sont constatées entre les différentes ZdS où MSF intervient, y compris par rapport à l’âge moyen des enfants. Dans le territoire de Walikale, au Nord-Kivu, l’âge moyen des victimes mineures est de 13 ans." +191894,43304.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"De manière générale, il est à noter que la mobilisation de la diaspora tchadienne hautement qualifiée pour soutenir le Tchad pourrait avoir un impact positif dans l’atténuation des conséquences de cette crise." +158876,39292.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,25,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Round-3-Analysis-Factsheet-NES_TK_09.09.20.pdf,"respondents in the first round of data collection, which was conducted in late April as communication efforts and curfews were well under way." +164296,34183.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,85,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://s3.amazonaws.com/semanaruralvzla/documentos/1594859069_boletin_inversionpdf,"En el año 2008, el comercio entre Colombia y Venezuela llegó a su máximo nivel. Colombia exportó 6.071 millones de dólares a Venezuela, de los cuales el 22 % fue en productos primarios y el 78 % en productos industriales; la industria livia- na fue la más beneficiada por este comer- cio, especialmente en los grupos de calzado, confecciones, jabones y cosméticos, texti- les, papel y química básica (Cámara Colom- bo Venezolana, 2016)" +173820,39928.0,2170.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,56,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"Overall, the trend shows that women and girls continue to bear the brunt of the protracted Boko Haram conflict although men have also been affected. Pre-existing socio-economic inequalities and the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on Persons of Concern continues to significantly increase vulnerability of women and girls to Sexual and Gender Based Violence." +173643,39908.0,1388.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],es,14,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20-%20Impacto%20de%20la%20COVID-19%20en%20la%20poblaci%C3%B3n%20venezolana%20-%20Costa%20Rica%2C%20Agosto%202020.pdf,29% Redujo el # de trabajos ocasionales 17% Redujo su jornada laboral +386721,60459.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition', 'Food Security', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,148,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"(scenario) L’accès limité des populations aux soins de santé en raison de la fermeture ou du fonctionnement réduits des formations sanitaires, la dégradation de la consommation alimentaire et l’accroissement saisonnière des cas de morbidité liées à l’installation de la saison des pluies, pourraient contribuer à l’augmentation du nombre des cas de personnes malnutris en particulier dans les zones de forte présence de PDI où les conditions d’accès à l’eau potable, à l’hygiène et à l’assainissement sont insuffisantes. Selon les résultats de l’analyse IPC MNA, la situation nutritionnelle, en particulier dans la région du Sahel pourrait connaitre une détérioration et restera en phase critique (IPC Phase 4) jusqu’en juillet 2021 si aucune réponse urgente n’est apportée." +177075,41752.0,2099.0,"['Logistics', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,51,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Impact économique du COVID-19 Au niveau de la commune, les autres facteurs cités sont la fermeture des frontières nationales pour les personnes à Kaya (53%) et l’augmentation des prix pour celles à Rollo (32%) et à Tougouri (29%)." +342026,56493.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,135,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[De juillet à début septembre 2020, les enquêteurs ont administré le sondage auprès de 2396 Burkinabè dans les régions du Centre Nord, Nord, Sahel, Est, Boucle du Mouhoun et Hauts-Bassins] L’un des facteurs de résilience évoqués par les per- sonnes consultées porte sur l’existence malgré tout d’un Etat de droit. L’administration qui offre des biens et services aux populations est présente dans toutes les régions ; même si cette présence d’un point de vue effectivité et efficacité sur l’intégralité du territoire comporte des insuffisances. En dépit des cri- tiques dont les secteurs de la justice et de la sécurité font l’objet, des recours existent pour trancher les conflits entre populations." +159519,39292.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,14,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Round-3-Analysis-Factsheet-NES_TK_09.09.20.pdf,Recommendation: Messaging should emphasize the importance of speaking to a medical professional. +307054,51467.0,2335.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,56,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Additional support is required to improve the provision of water and sanitation services in schools, the installation of hand washing stations, and changing areas/rooms for adolescent girls during menstrual period, teacher training and community support to build trust, and reassure parents that it is safe for children to return to school." +301780,51958.0,2332.0,['Shelter'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,85,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_devaluation_de_protection_des_retournes_tchadiens_de_la_rca_installes_dans_les_sites_au_sud_du_tchad_002.pdf,"A l’arrivée des retournés en 2014, le HCR a fourni des abris familiaux d’urgence. Cinq ans après cette assistance (2019), certains ménages logent encore dans des abris d’urgence. Quelques acteurs humanitaires dont OIM et CERF ont appuyé certains ménages vulnérables avec des abris semi-durables. Mais jusqu’ici, les différents groupes interviewés jugent la situation préoccupante, du fait de l’insuffisance d’abris adéquats dans les ménages." +264586,49668.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,59,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/llegaron-las-vacunas-y-aun-no-definen-plan-de-la-migracion-irregular/2486,"Luego de meses de espera, el lunes 15 de febrero llegaron 50.000 dosis de la vacuna de Pfizer al territorio nacional y con ello empezó oficialmente el Plan Nacional de Vacunación. No obstante, sigue sin resolverse del todo cómo se gestionará la inmunización para el millón 729 mil migrantes venezolanos que se encuentran en Colombia." +61314,18235.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Economy', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",en,79,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"The this assessment stated not having personally faced specific risks along the trocha in La Guajira – reckless driving aside. Several clarified that the risks are limited as long as one is able to pay the extortion fees at the checkpoints. Most had however heard stories of fellow Venezuelans who were robbed, threatened, beaten and – in the case of women and girls – subject to sexual harassment and abuse if unable to pay." +285123,50882.0,2466.0,"['WASH', 'Health']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,32,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/ipc_sudan_acute_food_insecurity_projection_update_2020octdec_report_1.pdf,"[Recommendation For Action] Scale up and improve access to basic services (health and WASH) throughout the projection period, with a special focus on flood affected areas." +242225,47809.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,63,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_7.pdf,"A nivel nacional, la alta ocupación de UCI en Nariño (92,3 por ciento), Tolima (87,6 por ciento), Risaralda (85,8 por ciento) y otras regiones podría llevar a que sus autoridades tomen también por esta vía. En todo caso, explican los expertos en salud, esos traslados dependen logísticamente de las EPS." +415994,63153.0,2225.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Displacement->Push Factors', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,123,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Displacement', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ETT-ITURI_Gina_Djugu_Rapport%20067.pdf,"Du 02 au 03 juin 2021 une attaque attribuée au groupe armé CODECO a été perpétrée contre les habitants des BELIBA centre et le village KONDGE dans le groupement BELIBA chefferie de BAHEMA BAGURU et ceux des villages LOMBU, SINGO TCHATSIKPA du groupement DIROKPA en chefferie de BAHEMA NORD. Ces exactions contre la population visaient principalement à piller les bétails et les vivres de la population. Cette attaque a occasionné des pertes en vie humaine ainsi que plusieurs maisons incendiées. Cette situation a entrainé un déplacement de population vers les villages PANGAPANGA, LOKPA1, LOKPA2, TOBA et KPAWA dans le groupement GINA et groupement LOPA en chefferie de Bahema Baguru dans la province de l’ITURI" +178347,41756.0,2225.0,['Cross'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,69,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Le Tanganyika, le Sud-Kivu et le Nord-Kivu sont les trois seules provinces avec des zones de santé affichant des besoins catastrophiques. Il s’agit des zones de santé de Nyemba et Kalemie pour le Tanganyika, Fizi et Minova pour le Sud-Kivu et Mutzanga et Mweso pour le Nord-Kivu. L’ensemble des 11 zones de santé du Tanganyika ont une sévérité superposée aigüe." +158641,39277.0,2170.0,"['Logistics', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,88,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NMMB_June2020_Final.pdf,"Prices of major staples such as maize, rice, millet, sorghum, and yam are currently above last year and five-year average levels across major markets compared. Imported rice prices increased significantly across monitored markets. Aboveaverage price trends are a result of an aboveaverage increase in demand, high transportation costs, and reduced market supplies related to COVID-19 outbreak coupled with Ramadan period. Local and imported rice price increases are attributed to border closure and ban on importation since August 2019." +317938,53305.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,20,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"South Sudan’s GDP per capita dropped from $1,111 in 2014 to less than $200 in 2017" +161701,35720.0,1183.0,['Education'],[],[],es,10,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Respuesta%20COVID%2019%20-%20GIFMM%20La%20Guajira%20-%20Riohacha%2C%20a%206%20de%20julio%20de%202020.pdf,1.433 unidades de material educativo y 350 kits escolares. +35522,13057.0,788.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,81,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000105395.pdf,"Child illnesses influence their appetite and normal metabolic processes, thus contributing to the manifestation of malnutrition. Overall, 64 percent of the sampled children were free of any disease or symptoms within the two-week period preceding the survey. Among the 36 percent of affected children, fever was the most common reported illness (41 percent), followed by diarrhea (32 percent) and lastly, acute respiratory tract infections or cough (28 percent)" +130338,30998.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,19,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Reporte%20Situacional%20Local%2C%20GIFMM%20Arauca%20%28Febrero%202020%29.pdf,142 INGRESOS DE VENEZOLANOS CON PERMISO DE TRÁNSITO TEMPORAL (PIP-TT) POR EL PUENTE INTERNACIONAL JOSÉ ANTONIO PÁEZ +493401,68136.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/borno_state_cholera_outbreak_response_sitrep_no_5_27_09_21_0.pdf,"[26th Sept 2021, Borno State] The total number of suspected cholera cases reported as at 26th September 2021 stands at 1,681 with 96 associated deaths, (CFR – 5.7%). 970 cases from Gwoza, 114 from Damboa, 220 from Hawul, 7 from Magumeri, 56 from Kaga, 24 from MMC, 203 from Jere and 11 from Askira Uba LGAs." +178202,41756.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Le système bancaire et l’accès au crédit et au micro-crédit restent faibles, limitant la capacité d’investissement dans des activités génératrices de revenus des populations." +175998,40890.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,89,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"Esta situación de tenencia informal preocupa en función de la posibilidad de desalojos, lo que a la vez se relaciona con la situación migratoria irregular de refugiados y migrantes, pues esta implica la imposibilidad de acreditar documentos que les permitan la formalización de contratos, lo que a su vez disminuye las opciones para que la población tenga garantías por escrito que podrían ayudarles a negociar la permanencia en sus lugares de residencia (por ejemplo, en casos de falta de capacidad de pago)." +191669,43304.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,19,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,Un couvre-feu de 20:00 à 05:00 dans quatre grandes provinces du Tchad et la capitale N’Djamena. +46581,16136.0,729.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Context->Security & Stability', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",en,76,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']","['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/echo_-nf_bud_2019_91000_v2.pdf,"Protection of affected population is a major concern due to the absence of rule of law, continuous fighting between the armed groups, indiscriminate shelling, the proliferation of small arms and light weaponry, remnants of war and improvised explosive devices, physical aggressions, gender-based violence, extortion, kidnappings and lack of freedom of movement. Sub-Saharan migrants endure systemic heinous abuse including sexual violence, torture, slavery and trafficking." +61192,18235.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,130,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"many of those who are leaving Venezuela now are travelling to reunite with a relative who had already migrated over previous years: many women are on the move with their children to join their partner, the children’s father. In other cases, grandparents and uncles/aunts are traveling with their nieces and nephews to join the children’s parents. The choice to leave children behind in Venezuela is usually based on one or both of the following reasons: •the intention to settle at destination first, and bring the children once the conditions of the parent(s) are more favourable; •the fact that the parents prefer not to have their children interrupt the school year or cycle to migrate." +386817,60459.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,L’offre d’animaux sur les marchés de bétail restera au-dessus de la normale du fait des déstockages continus opérés par PDI et ménages hôtes et aussi en raison des flux entrant plus que normale en provenance des régions du Sahel et du Niger. (scenario) +149672,37702.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,71,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"As of 10 August, the MoH report around 21,070 tests have been conducted by the Central Public Health Laboratory (CPHL) in Damascus and the public health laboratories in Aleppo, Lattakia and Homs. The enhancement of laboratory and case investigation capacity across Syria, including in NES, remains a priority, as does the timely communication of all information relevant to the safeguarding of public health" +270221,50227.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",es,94,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Se notifica a la fecha, la realización de 3.212.800 pruebas de antígeno, de las cuales se reportan 584.503 pruebas positivas, con una positividad del 7,4%, realizados en 1.499 IPS en 33 departamentos. Las entidades territoriales con mayores valores de positividad son el Sucre (36,5%), Vaupés (36,5%), Caquetá (31,7%), Amazonas (31,3%), San Andrés y Providencia (26,4%), Norte de Santander (24,9%) y Antioquia (23,7%)" +63461,18412.0,1386.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,167,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,,"La tasa de embarazo adolescente, en 95 por 1.000 mujeres, es la mayor de América Latina9. Entre 2015 y 2016, las muertes maternas crecieron en 66%, alcanzando una tasa de mortalidad de 140 embarazadas por 100.000 nacidos vivos, y siguieron ascendiendo durante 2017 y 2018. Las muertes infantiles, más de 60% neonatales, subieron en 30% (8.812 a 11.466) con una tasa de 19,0 fallecidos por 10.000 nacidos vivos10. En la ENCOVI 2017, 25.000 embarazadas nunca habían recibido control prenatal y 15.000 sólo a partir del octavo mes11. Hasta agosto de 2018, 48% de las embazadas en parroquias pobres tenía algún grado de desnutrición y 21% desnutrición severa, según Cáritas. En 2017, 117 embarazadas del estado Bolívar perdieron la vida por complicaciones a causa de la malaria12; en 2018, 10 embarazadas de 690 mujeres indígenas con malaria en el estado Amazonas también fallecieron13" +143716,35870.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,42,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"WHO continues to engage closely with the MoH with technical teams meeting daily. Severe acute respiratory infection, one of the case definitions of COVID-19, is covered by the early warning alert and response system (EWARS) in Syria" +61140,18235.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",en,60,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"11 out of 13 participating States agreed, among other things, to: • accept travel documents as expired valid documentation for Venezuelan people on the move; • give Venezuelan refugees and migrants – to the extent possible and depending on their financial resources – access to healthcare and education services, as well as employment opportunities;" +486266,67505.0,2098.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,65,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Myanmar%20Emergency%20Update%20-%2001%20Sep_0.pdf,"[June - July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Continued delays in obtaining government approvals to import telecommunications equipment and utilize the network, and operational restrictions related to the COVID-19 lockdown have halted some ETS programmes. ▪ Heavy rainfall and storms have caused disruptions in the network and affected the ability of staff to reach sites and resolve some connectivity issues." +256951,48806.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,67,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_final_enquete_smart_27112019.pdf,"Selon le PB [périmètre brachial], la prévalence de la malnutrition aigüe globale au niveau national est de 7,6% dont 2,0% de la forme sévère. La province de Wadi Fira (15,6%) présente la prévalence la plus élevées de malnutrition aiguë selon le PB et la plus faibles est rencontrée dans la province du Tibesti (1,4%)." +342028,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,96,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Dans la société Burkinabè, il existe des cadres de rencontres appelées “arbres à palabre” qui réunissent certaines personnes, qui de par leurs statuts, sont habilitées à débattre sur des préoccupations sociétales et litiges qui opposent les membres de la communauté. Il y a aussi d’autres instances qui existent comme les Conseils Villageois de Développement (CVD) qui sont des relais entre les populations et les autorités administratives. Ces conseils peuvent aussi servir de cadres de gestion des quotidiennetés des populations et de résolution de conflits." +178069,40661.0,2225.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Par ailleurs, en RDC, 43% des ménages ont accès à l’eau potable (69% en milieu urbain, 31 % en milieu rural) et seulement 20% ont accès à l’assainissement. Un aller-retour pour collecter de l’eau est supérieur à 30 minutes pour 12% de la pop. (UNICEF, WB)." +483071,67375.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],fr,68,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.radiookapi.net/2021/09/07/actualite/sante/covid-19-les-etats-unis-offrent-250-000-doses-de-vaccin-moderna-la-rdc,"Le gouvernement américain, à travers le mécanisme COVAX, a fait un don de 250 000 doses de vaccin Moderna à la République démocratique du Congo (RDC) dans la lutte contre la propagation de la COVID-19. L’UNICEF, qui a publié un communiqué de presse à cet effet, indique que la cargaison est arrivée lundi 6 septembre dans la capitale congolaise" +317188,53333.0,2334.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,29,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"There is a need for holistic, multi-sectoral approaches to promote and protect the SRHR of adolescents and young people, in particular adolescent girls and young women." +199176,43645.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,123,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/sin-miedo-a-los-refugiados-/2266,"Cuando las cosas se ponen económicamente críticas en casa, tal vez una decisión sea no albergar más a los familiares que nos visitan “temporalmente”. Después de unas semanas de broncas y quizá incomodidades, es probable que entonces, la esposa le pida al esposo que le diga a su hermano e hijos que deben irse. Este complejo ambiente no solo ha ido creciendo cada día en Colombia, con la presencia de los refugiados y migrantes venezolanos, sino que se va a incrementar cada día más con la agudización de la situación económica del país. El reto actual es reconstruir la deteriorada economía que se ha debilitado al extremo con la crisis del COVID19." +112921,29956.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],[],[],es,13,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76828,Apoyo a refugiados y migrantes con alojamiento temporal individual a corto plazo. +310580,53179.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,18,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Flash%20Update%20-%20Sudan%20-%2017%20Jan%202021_1.pdf,Recreation kits and sitting mats were provided to eight out of ten child-friend spaces in gathering sites. +176539,41093.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,91,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Durante el primer trimestre de 2020 el 66,6% de los hombres estaban ocupados, mientras que solamente el 44,3% de las mujeres lo estaban. Esta situación se agudizó con la pandemia del COVID-19, pues durante el segundo trimestre del año la ocupación de las mujeres pasó a ser del 32,8%, lo que equivale a una caída de 11,5 pps. En línea con lo anterior, la brecha de género aumentó ligeramente al pasar de 22,0 pps en 2019 a 22,1 pps en 2020-II." +149315,35869.0,2028.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,59,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep18_25july2020.pdf,"Most of the displaced families hosted in 3 Reception Centres (RCs) have been there for some seven months already, with no resettlement possibilities due to lack of adequate shelter options. Facilitating the relocation of IDPs from overcrowded RCs to sites where physical distancing and hygiene practices are more feasible is therefore a main priority." +313663,53333.0,2334.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,27,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Work in collaboration with the CP AoR to implement the Safe Schools Declaration, including reporting attacks on schools (education facilities, learners and teachers." +164303,34183.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,88,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://s3.amazonaws.com/semanaruralvzla/documentos/1594859069_boletin_inversionpdf,"Aunque Colombia ha realizado diferen- tes esfuerzos para atraer inversión extranje- ra e incentivar las exportaciones, se hacen necesarias medidas que tengan en cuenta la coyuntura binacional. Los cierres de frontera (parciales o completos), así como los requi- sitos de visas para inversionistas, requieren mayor flexibilidad. De igual manera, es im- portante proporcionar herramientas que ga- ranticen a los empresarios colombo-venezo- lanos el cumplimiento del acuerdo comercial binacional, independientemente de las rela- ciones políticas entre los dos países." +201564,43427.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,133,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"de las 12 categorías propuestas por ruta futuro, el 48 % de la coca detectada en 2019 se concentra en tres de estas categorías: 1. El 18 % de la coca se encuentra en zonas de Reserva Forestal29 que corresponden a zonas de manejo especial, localizadas principalmente en Norte de Santander, Bolívar y Nariño. 2. El 16 % de la coca está en tierras de las comunidades negras; la gran mayoría de la coca bajo esta categoría se encuentra en el departamento de Nariño. 3. El 14 % de la coca se encuentra en la zona de interés estratégico bajo la categoría de integración productiva. Putumayo y Norte de Santander tienen cerca del 58 % de la coca bajo esta categoría." +179232,41946.0,2028.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],en,61,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://publications.unescwa.org/projects/saw/sdgs/pdf/en/Syria-at-War-8-years-on-Report-Final.pdf,"[Syria 2019, Food insecurity and nutrition] The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) estimate that 46 per cent of households are cutting down on their daily food rations, and 38 per cent on adult consumption to ensure children have enough to eat" +187714,43292.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/msna_2020_factsheet_refugee.pdf,"[July-August 2020, Bangladesh] Rohingya Refugees: 3% of households reported the presence of at least one child (17 and younger) working for money in the 30 days prior to data collection" +9153,2909.0,322.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,99,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_jan_to_apr_2018.pdf,"The ETC opened a new hub at the PU-AMA office in Al Hudaydah and the ETC Coordinator conducted a mission to WFP IT’s Emergency Preparedness and Response branch in Dubai to present the ETC operation in Yemen. OCHA, the ETC and UNICEF organised a half-day workshop to explore ways to establish a Community Feedback Mechanism (CFM). The ETC has signed an agreement to extend its support of the implementation of the Emergency Operations Centers (EOC) project with World Health Organization (WHO) as part of the cholera response." +500641,31283.0,1232.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,46,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Uruguay,2019-05-28 02:56:46.441375+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNDRR%20COVID-19%20BRIEF%20PERSONAS%20CON%20DISCAPACIDADES%20FRENTE%20AL%20COVID-19%20EN%20LAS%20AM%C3%89RICAS%20Y%20EL%20CARIBE%20%283%29.pdf,"En suma, las barreras ya existentes han sido visibilizadas y exacerbadas por la pandemia. Las condiciones sociales y económicas de las personas con discapacidad, que generalmente las colocan en situaciones de pobreza o pobreza extrema, pueden verse incrementadas en esta crisis." +300529,52762.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Hospitalization & Care'],fr,31,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_087_28210321_hebdo_s12.pdf,"[S12/2021] Un soutien psychologique a été apporté à 42 personnels de première ligne, 15 patients confirmés et aux quatre membres de famille éprouvée dans les provinces de Kinshasa" +221226,45848.0,2225.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,24,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.rfi.fr/fr/afrique/20201217-covid-19-en-rdc-l-inqui%C3%A9tude-monte-avant-l-instauration-du-couvre-feu-national,Le couvre-feuva stopper l’activité durant des heures importantes. L’argument s’entend aussi dans le secteur du transport. +205565,44672.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"As COVID-19 is spreading quickly across Afghanistan, there are increasing concerns for its disproportionate impact on the most vulnerable, including returnees and internally displaced people." +157580,38893.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,78,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/humanitarian_collaboration_and_coordination_in_bangladesh_2nd_draft_12_july_2020_kazi_hg.pdf,"The overall child protection response strategy aims to support the GoB mitigate the negative short and long-term effects on children as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak, preventing and responding to abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence against children including adolescents , promoting safety, mental and psychosocial well-being of children especially the most vulnerable including children living with disabilities, children on the move, those living on the streets and in residential care." +339007,56192.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,60,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.internal-displacement.org/sites/default/files/publications/documents/grid2021_idmc.pdf,"In DRC, tensions between the Hema and Lendu communities in Ituri province became increasingly violent in 2020 as CODECO, the armed faction of the Lendu community, carried out indiscriminate attacks on civilians. The government had launched military operations in the area since December 2019, which has prompted CODECO to launch further attacks in retaliation." +141376,35118.0,1187.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,la situación migratoria que obstaculiza aún más el acceso al mundo del trabajo sino también por la falta de acceso de las personas migrantes a los espacios de asesoría acerca de la ley laboral Argentina y las situaciones de abuso o explotación al que son sometidos por los empleadores. +194658,43820.0,2311.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Environment'],es,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/guur-115.1_fsa_19112020_v3.pdf,"El servicio de energía en el casco urbano es bueno, aunque Uribieros notifican que este servicio puede mejorar, no obstante es nulo en la mayoría de las comunidades en la zona rural del municipio, mientras que algunas comunidades obtienen la energía de fuentes renovables como la energía eléctrica." +194948,43324.0,2334.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irc_-_rapport_devaluation_covid-19_extreme_nord_-irc.pdf,"97,6% des ménages interrogés ont indiqué avoir connaissance de la maladie à coronavirus (Covid-19) et au moins 43% (soit 40% pour les femmes et 48% pour les hommes, et 62% pour les Réfugiés et seulement 33% chez les IDPs) déclarent pratiquer les mesures d’hygiène et de distanciation édictées par le gouvernement" +475544,63296.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,85,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Si la région du Centre-Ouest n’est pas été affectée directement par la crise sécuritaire, les données récoltées auprès des IC indiquent que de nombreux ménages ont été confrontés à d’autres chocs au cours de la dernière année, dont d’une part des pluies erratiques lors de la plus récente campagne agricole et, d’autre part, de l’impact des restrictions de mouvement associées aux mesures de contrôle de la propagation de la COVID-19." +178074,40661.0,2225.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,29,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Dans la province du Sud-Ubangi, 47% des ménages s’approvisionnent à partir des sources non aménagées, contre 59% des ménages dans le Nord-Ubangi." +345280,56837.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,61,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/democratic-republic-congo/280000-children-face-displacement-because-drc-volcano-threat,"As the authorities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) advise people living in part of the city of Goma to vacate their homes due to the risk of another volcanic eruption, UNICEF has warned that as many as 400,000 people - including 280,000 children - could be displaced and in need of protection or support." +329856,53694.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Vaccination', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,135,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/03042021_sitrep_s11_whe_oms_rdc.docx.pdf,"La République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) a déjà enregistré 28 009 cas confirmés et 1 cas probable depuis le début de l’épidémie dont 743 décès (létalité globale 2,7%) dans 174 ZS, réparties dans 23 des 26 provinces de la RDC. A la clôture de la S12, 440 nouveaux cas confirmés et 17 nouveaux décès ont été rapportés. L’épicentre de l’épidémie demeure la ville province de Kinshasa car ayant enregistré 72,2% (20 226/28 010) des cas notifiés sur l’étendue du territoire national. Les préparatifs pour le début de la vaccination se poursuivent et plusieurs autres actions de riposte au sein des différents piliers pour contrôler cette pandémie en RDC sont également mises en place." +307093,51467.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Shelter']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Displaced people and returnees are experiencing challenges with regard to access to their lands and houses, HLP property documentation, security and protection concerns." +412980,63086.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,91,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_07_14_MSF%20RDC_RAPPORT%20VIOLENCES%20SEXUELLES%20%28FR%29%281%29.pdf,"Malgré le lien évident entre violence armée, conflits et violences sexuelles, il est important de noter que de nombreuses victimes sont agressées par des personnes qui ne participent pas aux conflits. En 2020, 30% des patients pris en charge ont déclaré avoir été agressés sexuellement par une personne sans arme. La violence domestique, la violence entre partenaires intimes19 ou, plus généralement, la violence sexuelle en tant qu’acte criminel non lié aux conflits persistent même dans les zones de combats intenses" +240789,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,31,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Limited availability of fully trained medical professional and health workers has, at times, led to problems in laboratories which have been temporarily out of service due to contamination." +317263,53333.0,2334.0,[],[],[],en,19,[],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,Address shelter needs for adolescent girls in relation to the need to stay safe near functional schools/community learning centres +325777,54267.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,22,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,Le commerce sur le marché au comptant est le plus courant et l’agriculture contractuelle n’existe pratiquement pas. +300524,52762.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],fr,46,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_087_28210321_hebdo_s12.pdf,"En effet, au 21/03/2021 les cumuls sont de 1 015 312 voyageurs internationaux et 6 672 657 voyageurs nationaux screenés, ce qui a permis d’identifier 8 992 et 429 alertes et de confirmer respectivement 738 et 25 d’entre elles." +237207,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,37,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Refugees reported the highest average debt by far (85,484 AFN/$1,110) while other population groups reported average debt of between 42,000 AFN and 48,500 AFN (between $545 and $630)." +224083,45768.0,2332.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,28,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"Approvisionner les principales formations sanitaires recevant les PDI et les cliniques mobiles en intrants nutritionnels, en kits médicaux d’urgences et en kits d’accouchement" +327086,54267.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],fr,49,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"L’accord établissant la Zone de libre-échange continentale africaine (ZLECA) a été négocié de 2016 à 2018, est entré en vigueur en mai 2019 et, en février 2020, il avait été signé par 54 des 55 États membres de l’UA." +313113,53183.0,2466.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,59,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"Specific protection needs include: expansion and support to community-based protection networks (CBPN), facilitation of conflict-sensitive community consultations; implementation of community support projects; protection monitoring and protection by presence; human rights awareness raising, including SGBV prevention, child recruitment and harmful traditional practices; supporting existing and establishing new conflict resolution mechanisms" +169983,40360.0,2099.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,59,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Cependant dans plusieurs localités de la Région, les administrations publiques et privées ne fonctionnent plus à cause des attaques perpétrées dans de nombreuses localités telles que Déou, Oursi, Tin-Akoff, Mansila, Boundoré, Tongomayel et Baraboulé. Par conséquent le problème d'accès à la documentation et à la justice se pose dans ces localités." +192787,43304.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,20,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,Cette situation pourrait causer une migration des travailleurs du secteur moderne vers des activités informelles comme stratégies de survie. +48093,13061.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],es,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.derechos.org.ve/web/wp-content/uploads/MigracionLigia.pdf,La presencia y accionar de actores armados tiene en riesgo de reclutamiento y vinculación en actividades ilícitas y explotación sexual de menores venezolanos que están desescolarizados por dificultades de acceso a la educación. +144258,35186.0,1187.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,38,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3657214,"Argentina’s strong research and innovation capacity has also come into play to contain the pandemic, and PAHO/WHO is actively facilitating aspects of this in diagnostics, health technology, therapeutic agents and vaccine development." +214282,45385.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'WASH', 'Shelter']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Les besoins les plus aigus concernent les biens de premières nécessité et les abris, les vivres et l’eau et l’assainissement. A Zamay par exemple, seulement 33 latrines sur 95 sont fonctionnelles pour une population estimée à 4,000 habitants." +329880,53694.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],fr,158,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/03042021_sitrep_s11_whe_oms_rdc.docx.pdf,"Dans la province du Nord-Kivu à l’est de la RDC : au 1 er avril 2021 et pour le 31ème jour consécutif, aucun nouveau cas confirmé de MVE n’a été notifié. Pour ce faire en date du 1/04/2021, le nombre de cas confirmés est resté à 12 (11 confirmés et 1 probable) dont 6 décès (létalité 50,0%) et 6 guéri (taux de guérison 50%) depuis le début de l’épidémie. Au total, 6 AS (Masoya, Kaheku, Muchanga, Tulizeni, Nduko et Vutsundo) sont touchées, réparties dans 4 ZS (Biena : 6 cas, Butembo : 3, cas Katwa : 2 cas et Musienene : 1 cas). Deux personnels de santé ont déjà été affectés par la MVE, soit 16,7% de l’ensemble des cas de MVE." +297864,52145.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,54,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_humanitaire_numero_12_v_04.pdf,"Dans l’arrondissement de Mora, il s’agit notamment des populations de villages de l’axe Limani – Homaka – Boundary et de l’axe Mora – Wasa qui se sont regroupées à Double (1 400 nouveaux PDIs enregistrés) où se trouve une base du 42ieme BIM" +148515,36019.0,2028.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,51,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"According to the World Food Programme (WFP), the price of an average food basket in early June stood at SYP 76,327, approximately 35 per cent higher when compared to the previous month – and over 200 per cent higher when compared to the same period in 2019" +305210,53100.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,7,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/plan_de_preparation_coronavirus_cmr._version_du_10_mars_2019.pdf,Existence d’un plan national grippe +298968,51893.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,117,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"25% of all households report the private sector as their primary livelihood activity, 200,000 SYP median monthly household income, 60% of monthly HH income is spent on food, 66% of households report lack of employment opportunities as their primary barrier, 83% of households report that their income is insufficient to meet needs, 71% of income insufficient households report borrowing or buying on credit, 98% of individuals are in extreme poverty, 22% of individuals live critically below the survival minimum expenditure basket (SMEB), 36% of individuals aged between 15 and 24 are not in education, employment or training." +237170,46388.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,30,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"With the onset of COVID-19 and restrictions on movement, informal employment opportunities largely dried up, resulting in overwhelming loss of income sources and decreased access to food." +386460,60395.0,1186.0,[],[],[],es,115,[],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,". Las escuelas reproducen la discriminación presente en el resto de la sociedad respecto al “otro,” tanto por parte de estudiantes, como docentes y directivos (Cerón et al., 2017; Pavez Soto, 2017; Poblete & Galaz, 2016; Salas et al., 2016). A modo de ejemplo, mientras las niñas haitianas y colombianas son hipersexualizadas, los varones migrantes sufren de bullying por su color de piel (Poblete & Galaz, 2016). Sin embargo, esta discriminación es invisibilizada y naturalizada en las escuelas (Stefoni et al., 2016), lo que dificulta las posibilidades de superarla." +238184,46388.0,2336.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,18,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Afghanistan has an Inform Risk Index of 8.1, the second highest country out of the 191 profiled" +303968,51467.0,2335.0,[],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"In many parts of the country, protection monitoring reports indicate that in many instances the police or governmental security forces contributed to the human rights violations towards particular ethnic or social groups." +116343,32643.0,1185.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/77408,"Education and Integration partners are establishing a database to avoid the duplication of refugees and migrants assisted through higher education initiatives, namely the validation of their professional studies and academic degrees." +61671,18356.0,1184.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,58,[],['Context'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://www.elcomercio.com/actualidad/migracion-venezolanos-mies-crisis-humanitaria.html,"La plataforma de la Oficina de la ONU para la Coordinación de Asuntos Humanitarios (Onocha) registraba, hasta el miércoles pasado,que Ecuador había recibido aportes por un total de USD 25 millones para esta crisis, siendoEstados Unidos(con el 76,9%) y laUnión Europea(8,5%) los mayoresdonantes." +79033,20199.0,1234.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,61,[],[],UNHCR Trinidad and Tobago,2019-05-28 03:09:47.864552+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/trinidad-and-tobago/odpm-boosts-disaster-management-units-sandbag-stores,"The Office of Disaster Preparedness and Management (ODPM) on Friday 25th October 2019, distributed ten thousand (10,000) sandbags to the Ministry of Rural Development and Local Government (MoRDLG), as part of its continued drive to support first responder agencies’ efforts at reducing discomfort, property damage and loss after heavy rainfall." +386730,60459.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"Bien que la pluviométrie de la saison passée ait été bonne dans la zone, l’insécurité a limité l’accès des populations aux champs et aux zones pastorales. Par ailleurs, les groupes djihadistes et l’abandon des récoltes suite aux déplacements, ont entrainé une baisse de la production. Par conséquent, les stocks ménages pauvres se sont épuisés précocement." +270230,50227.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",es,62,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Datos en población Afrocolombiana De acuerdo con la información publicada por el INS en la base de datos de los casos a la fecha se reportan, 57.642 casos (2,7% de los casos reportados en el país a la fecha) y 1.798 defunciones. El 96,1% de los casos se reportan recuperados y el 3,1% como fallecidos" +339471,56380.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],es,90,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb4645es.pdf,"Adicionalmente a las dificultades relacionadas con afectaciones climáticas, los hogares encuestados también reportaron la presencia de problemas con el acceso a insumos para la producción. Mientras que los choques son atípicos, también se han identificado dificultades para acceder a semillas y a insumos agrícolas (Figura 6) que, para el caso de las semillas, están relacionados principalmente al incremento de precios, a los ingresos insuficientes para su compra o a su falta de disponibilidad en el mercado local (Figura 7)." +130337,30998.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,22,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Reporte%20Situacional%20Local%2C%20GIFMM%20Arauca%20%28Febrero%202020%29.pdf,46.622 INGRESOS DE VENEZOLANOS CON TARJETAS DE MOVILIDAD FRONTERIZA (TMF)) O PEP POR EL PUENTE INTERNACIONAL JOSÉ ANTONIO PÁEZ +165195,38902.0,1183.0,['Cross'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']","['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",en,22,['At Risk'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,Opinion poll data is showing that rejection of Venezuelans increased among the Colombian population since the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis. +235027,46388.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Education', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,32,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,This [increased criminal activity] increases fear among civilians and acts as yet another constraint on people’s free movement around their cities to access services and attend school. +325625,54815.0,2099.0,[],[],[],en,66,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,". In other words, if the average travel time to the nearest facility decreased by 10 minutes, all else constant, maternal mortality rate for that health district would be expected to decrease by about 4.4 to 4.6 per 100,000 deliveries, while lowering the travel time by 20 minutes would be expected to decrease maternal mortality by about 9 per 100,000 deliveries." +162013,39490.0,2098.0,['Nutrition'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,41,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200707_acaps_covid-19_secondary_impacts_in_rohingya_refugee_camps.pdf,"As a result, many refugees are concerned about their health and the health of those most vulnerable. Given the reduced access and diversity of food, Rohingya children are at an even higher risk of suffering from acute malnutrition" +402958,63058.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,77,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Democratic%20Republic%20of%20Congo%20-%20Key%20Message%20Update_%20Fri%2C%202021-07-30.pdf,"Dans la province de l’Ituri et le Nord-Kivu depuis que le Gouvernement a décrété l’état de siège en date du 6 mai, on assiste à un changement de mode opératoire par les groupes armés traqués par les FARDC. Le nombre d’attaques sur les populations civiles ne plaident pas en faveur de l’instauration de l’état de siège selon la société civile dans les deux provinces." +62677,18394.0,1386.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,71,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3295213,"Desde la presentación de mi informe, la Asamblea Nacional Constituyente, a petición del Tribunal Supremo, ha levantado la inmunidad parlamentaria a otros cuatro diputados de la Asamblea Nacional, elevando el número total a una parlamentaria y 24 parlamentarios despojados de inmunidad, incluido su Presidente. Dos parlamentarios siguen en detención preventiva a la espera de juicio. Confío en que mi oficina pueda visitarles pronto." +320551,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,35,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"For one third of the population, it takes between 15 and 30 minutes to reach the nearest market, while for another third of the population it takes between 30 and 60 minutes." +313295,53183.0,2466.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,58,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"It remains difficult to ensure that adequate space and basic services are available to absorb new arrivals, while sustaining service provision to the existing caseloads. This is particularly problematic in camps hosting South Sudanese in White Nile and East Darfur, with the added challenge of complex land rights of private landowners and host communities." +61771,18350.0,1184.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,31,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71151.pdf,"Los socios GTRM especializados en la temática realizan acompañamiento y seguimiento en los procesos de salud sexual y reproductiva, así como acompañamientos en salud para en casos de VIH positivo" +307202,51467.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,31,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Children, people with disability, older persons and women headed households are identified as the most vulnerable in locations that receive blanket support by Food Security and Livelihood Cluster." +244051,46388.0,2336.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,33,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Nearly half of all displaced households do not have access to water within 30 minutes of home, while some 45 per cent report insufficient water for hand washing or improved sanitation." +159059,37967.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,7,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_ndeg_115.pdf,Nombre de contacts non vus : 03 +62405,18389.0,1386.0,[],[],[],es,71,[],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://elpitazo.net/gran-caracas/90-de-los-hogares-venezolanos-no-puede-cubrir-las-condiciones-de-saneamiento-del-agua/,"Caracas.- De acuerdo con los registros del Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE), de 2011, la Encuesta Nacional de Condiciones de Vida (Encovi) y la Encuesta Nacional de Hospitales (ENH), ambas de 2018,90% de las familias venezolanas no cuenta con un servicio de agua continuo y de calidad,por lo que no tienen capacidad para cubrir las condiciones de saneamiento." +240006,46388.0,2336.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,27,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Households are often forced to switch to less nutrient-rich and cheaper foods which can have serious impacts on the nutritional health of younger children and PLW. +2613,520.0,321.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,108,[],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://www.amnesty.org/en/countries/middle-east-and-north-africa/libya/report-libya/,"The Presidency Council of a UN-backed Government of National Accord (GNA) entered the capital, Tripoli, in March and seized power from the National Salvation Government (NSG) with support from armed groups from western cities and towns who previously backed the NSG. The NSG continued to claim legitimacy and unsuccessfully sought to reclaim power by force in October. The GNA failed to consolidate power amid continued sporadic clashes between armed groups, including in areas it controlled, while its legitimacy remained contested by Libya’s recognized parliament, the House of Representatives (HOR) based in Tobruk." +183684,42299.0,2028.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,54,['At Risk'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syria.tv/%D8%AA%D8%AD%D8%B0%D9%8A%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D9%85%D9%86-%D8%AE%D8%B1%D9%88%D8%AC-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%88%D8%B6%D8%B9-%D8%B9%D9%86-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B3%D9%8A%D8%B7%D8%B1%D8%A9-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B1%D9%82%D8%A9-%D8%A8%D8%B3%D8%A8%D8%A8-%D9%83%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%88%D9%86%D8%A7,"[October 29, Raqqa, # of cases increases] Medical sources inside the city of Raqqa told Syria TV that there has been an increase in the number of cases of Coronavirus, warning that the situation will get out of control with the approaching winter season, and low temperatures." +169173,40391.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,25,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_200_20200817.pdf,"Au cours des 14 derniers jours, 542 cas confirmés ont été rapportés dans 55 ZS réparties dans 10 des 17 provinces affectées du pays" +192798,43304.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,Environ 82 300 travailleurs journaliers à N’Djaména verront leurs revenus affectés par la crise et la sévérité de l’insécurité alimentaire sera accrue pour environ 320 027 personnes +159086,37975.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,12,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_ndeg112.pdf,Cumul des cas confirmés : 901 dont 327 femmes et 574 hommes +170431,40462.0,2099.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,119,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Au cours du mois d’aout 2020, le monitoring de protection a enregistré une série de destruction d’infrastructures scolaires par des hommes armés non identifiés dans la province de la Tapoa. Ainsi, 13 écoles primaires et 1 collège d’enseignement général ont été incendiés dans la commune de Tansarga. Particulièrement dans les villages de Malpoa, Kotchari, Kobana, Kaabigou, Bodiaga, Nimboanma, Koyana. La deuxième destruction d’infrastructure a porté sur l’incendie d’une école primaire à Kantchari à Sambalgou, d’un collège à Pori et la circonscription d’enseignement de base de la commune de Botou centre." +178406,41756.0,2225.0,['WASH'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,122,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Les groupes prioritaires qui ont les besoins les plus aigus sont : les personnes déplacées et retournées, les expulsés, les sinistrées et les familles d’accueil ; les personnes vivant dans les zones endémo-épidémiques au choléra (type A, B, AB selon la classification du PMSEC 2018-2020) et/ou ayant connu des flambées dans les dernières années ; les enfants de moins de 5 ans et les femmes enceintes et allaitantes souffrant de malnutrition aigüe sévère ; les élèves des écoles dans les zones affectées par des mouvements de populations et des épidémies et les EAFGA dans les CTO. Il est estimé que 15 pour cent de cette population se trouve en situation de handicap." +305612,51467.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"People in need living in protracted displacement and are unable to return home due to ongoing conflict in some potential areas of return and those whose housing, land and property have either been destroyed or occupied" +192032,42659.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Deaths'],fr,11,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_175.pdf,"Ce même jour, 3 nouveaux décès ont été rapportés." +186835,41080.0,1184.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,163,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000119627.pdf,"Los datos publicados por la Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Nutrición (ENSANUT 2018) reflejan un deterioro de la situación nutricional de la población ecuatoriana. A nivel nacional, la desnutrición crónica para menores de dos años pasó de 24,8% a 27,2% entre 2014 y 2018. El sobrepeso y obesidad en niños y niñas de 5 a 11 años es de 35,4%, por área de residencia los valores son 36,9% a nivel urbano y 32,6% en lo rural. En 2012, la prevalencia fue de 29.9%. El sobrepeso y la obesidad empiezan en la infancia y afectan a todos los grupos etarios en Ecuador, así como a todos los quintiles económicos. En muchos casos la desnutrición crónica y el sobrepeso coexisten en un mismo hogar, inclusive en la misma persona en las diferentes etapas de su vida, demostrando que la calidad de la dieta es inadecuada." +293820,52074.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,105,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,"In October, UNFPA and partners provided GBV services to 1,025 persons in the NWSW. UNFPA worked with LUKMEF and COMINSUD in the two regions to ensure access to holistic GBV survivor-centered care. This included awareness on GBV thematic, PFA, GBV case management and safe referrals. So far, UNFPA partners have distributed 1,941 dignity kits to survivors of violence in the NWSW. UNFPA partner organisations also distributed condoms to 4,014 persons (3,744 men and 270 women) in the SW region in order to help beneficiaries to prevent STIs/HIV and reduce the likelihood of unwanted pregnancies." +297863,52145.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_humanitaire_numero_12_v_04.pdf,"En réaction à ces attaques [Boko Haram] , mais aussi en prévention contre d’autres attaques, de nombreux ménages des touchées ou environnantes ont fui leur village pour se regrouper plus prêt de certaines positions militaires." +439223,63586.0,2225.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,140,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/dashboard_t2-2021.pdf,"Au deuxième trimestre 2021, les partenaires humanitaires en RDC ont atteint plus de 4 075 000 personnes. Le nombre total de personnes atteintes a été estimé sur la base du nombre maximum de personnes atteintes parmi les Clusters ayant rapporté, soit celui du Cluster Sécurité alimentaire. La réponse aux besoins vitaux est celle qui a atteint le plus grand nombre de bénéficiaires. Sur 9,6 millions de personnes ciblées, plus de 3,2 millions de personnes ont reçu une assistance humanitaire multisectorielle (34 pour cent). Cependant, l'assistance visant à améliorer les conditions de vie des personnes affectées a atteint plus de bénéficiaires proportionnellement aux personnes ciblées. Près de 1,4 millions de personnes ont bénéficié d’une assistance parmi les 3,4 millions de personnes ciblées, soit 41 pour cent." +270168,50226.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],es,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_6.pdf,"Esta semana se notificaron 13 muertes en menores de 5 años: 9 probablemente asociadas a infección respiratoria aguda, 2 a desnutrición y 2 a enfermedad diarreica aguda." +125686,31803.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,17,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77205.pdf,"Cabe resaltar que el 59% de las personas entró al territorio colombiano de manera irregular," +165231,39714.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Local Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],es,14,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"5% decidió auto-aislarse porque tuvo síntomas de gripa, fiebre o tos." +178041,40661.0,2225.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,64,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"La situation sécuritaire et l’activisme des groupes armés nationaux et étrangers continuent à impacter fortement les moyens d’existence des ménages. La reprise des hostilités par les groupes armés dans plusieurs parties du pays, ainsi que les violences intercommunautaires qui continuent dans la partie Est du pays, limitent la capacité des ménages à assurer leur autosuffisance alimentaire." +209140,43992.0,2332.0,['Education'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,86,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"To this end [raise awareness about COVID-19 and ensure a safe reopening of schools], 294 hand washing kits were distributed in 204 schools in the provinces of Ouaddaï, Lac and Guéra for the benefit of 56,640 primary, secondary and high school students, including 22,962 girls. Additionally, 320 posters were handed over to nine schools in the refugee camps of Wadi Fira and Ennedi Est provinces to support COVID-19 awareness-raising activities benefitting 4,192 students, including 1,844 girls." +292897,51778.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,61,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/nos-estan-invadiendo-los-venezolanos-este-y-otros-mitos-de-la-migracion/2545,"La xenofobia es la principal barrera para la integración de los migrantes venezolanos en sus comunidades de acogida en el país. De allí que en los imaginarios colectivos se han afianzado falsas creencias alrededor de expresiones cotidianas como ""los venezolanos vinieron a robar"", ""es una invasión"" o ""nos están quitando el trabajo""." +192636,43304.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Health']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Les tensions inflationnistes pourraient s’accroître dans ces conditions [covid19], en lien avec les ruptures d’approvisionnement en biens alimentaires, médicaments et autres produits pharmaceutiques." +313642,53333.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,42,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"The majority, 67% of girls who participated in the GES methodology disagreed that they feel confident to speak in front of a male adult, either because they are shy, or feel afraid or intimidated to do so." +361227,58845.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,39,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_price_bulletin_may_2021.pdf,"[May 2021, Overall Syria] The national average price of a two-year old alive male sheep decreased by six percent m-o-m; however, it increased by 82 percent y-o-y, reaching SYP 505,759/sheep in May 2021" +258055,48881.0,2028.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=221592,"[9th Feb 2021, Syria] More than 2000 coronavirus confirmed cases have been registered in schools among the students and teaching staff until today according to the statistics of Education Ministry which goes ahead in its efforts to train staff and enhance measures for human and technical monitoring capabilities and strictly apply the health Protocol to secure a safe, clear and healthy environment." +163581,30901.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Colombia%20-%20Resultados%20de%206%20meses%20de%20operaci%C3%B3n%20-%20ADN%20Dignidad.pdf,"Promover una nutrición balanceada, métodos de prevención del contagio de la COVID-19, una adecuada lactancia materna, así como dietas asequibles y diversas para aumentar el impacto de las TMMP" +340443,53036.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,16,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/1-Lolo_Dec%202020_0.pdf,"Partenaires Santé : AHA, PAM, UNICEF, OMS, UNFPA, UNHCR, MINSANTE" +193911,43327.0,2099.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_sectoriel_octobre.pdf,"Dans les régions frontalières du Burkina avec le Mali et le Niger, les défaillances de gouvernance et la capacité limitée des états voisins à fournir la sécurité, favorise les interventions des groupes armés dans la région du Sahel et ainsi entraine une limitation d’accès aux services sociaux de base." +410315,63222.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,122,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_mvam_bulletin_57_july_2021.pdf,"[Syria, July] In July 2021, more than one out of five interviewed households (21 percent) reported challenges in accessing medical care services, an increase of six percentage points year-on-year and representing the second highest national average level recorded since April 2020. The lack of access to hospitals and healthcare facilities was more pronounced in Lattakia (28 percent), Al-Hasakeh (28 percent) and Dar'a (25 percent). These find- ings point out to a nationwide health concern given that 17 percent of surveyed households have elderly members with chronic diseases, as well as around 52 percent of public hospitals in Syria were reportedly not fully functioning" +334138,51572.0,2335.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,114,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"There is only one education partner (World Vision) providing education services in the three IDP camps of Khor Adar, Dingtoma 1 and Dingtoma-2. The three camps have four schools; Khor Adar primary school in Khor Adar IDP camp, Dingtoma 2 primary school in Dingtoma2 IDP camp, and Abwong & Adong primary schools both in Dingtoma1 IDP camp. All the four schools are functional for candidate classes only. World Vision is paying teachers incentives, constructing latrines in the schools, training teachers and PTA and proving life skills for youth. [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]" +159062,37967.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,16,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_ndeg_115.pdf,"Treize (13) patients hospitalisés : CHU Tengandogo (01), Clinique Princesse Sarah" +148546,36019.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,75,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"The within-Syria nutrition response has also been severely hit by the pandemic, with over one million beneficiaries affected by the recent suspension and/or minimization of nutrition services and programs following the introduction of COVID-19 mitigation measures by GoS, mainly affecting mobile nutrition teams (who lack PPE); the provision of community-based services, such as blanket distributions, door-to-door screening, and IYCF counselling (given concerns around overcrowding)." +21325,8635.0,788.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']",['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,87,['At Risk'],['Displacement'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2019/02/nigeria-deadliest-boko-haram-attack-on-rann-leaves-at-least-60-people-murdered/,"Alleged withdrawal of troops, triggered a massive exodus of civilians to Cameroon, as fear spread that Boko Haram would take advantage and attack the town. At around 9am on 28 January, a group of Boko Haram fighters arrived on motorcycles. They set houses ablaze and killed those left behind. They also chased after those who attempted to escape and killed some people outside the town. Eleven bodies were found within Rann town, and 49 bodies were found outside." +161195,35726.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],es,42,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_arauca_junio_2020_vf%20%281%29.pdf,"Finalmente, es menester resaltar que el departamento no cuenta con la infraestructura ni la capacidad técnica para atender un posible brote, ya que, para una población superior a 294.000 personas, solo existen 4 camas de cuidados intensivos12." +339496,56380.0,2311.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb4645es.pdf,"De manera agregada, se identificó que el 50% de los hogares encuestados indígenas, el 40,5% de los hogares afrocolombianos y el 29,9% de los hogares raizales presentaron una pérdida de ingresos. Esto debe ser valorado frente a los grupos que se reconocen como campesinos/mestizos, y entre quienes la proporción de pérdida de ingresos fue del 38,3%" +261659,49368.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,118,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://humvenezuela.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Caminates-de-ida-y-vuelta-2021.pdf,"Los caminantes que retornaron a Venezuela durante los primeros meses de la pandemia lo hicieron a causa de la ausencia de redes institucionales y familiares de apoyo en los países receptores, pero se enfrentaron a una situación todavía más crítica en su país de origen, lo que los motivó a salir nuevamente. La ausencia de programas sociales de apoyo a esta población persiste, al tiempo que la falta de documentos de identidad y el reingreso por pasos no controlados los mantiene invisibilizados y, en consecuencia, es más difícil que sean identificados y alcanzados por políticas públicas o mecanismos humanitarios para mitigar el impacto de la pandemia en las personas en movilidad." +56058,17111.0,1187.0,"['Education', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],es,92,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Independientemente de su formación académica o experiencia, 39,02% de los consultados migrantes refirieron desempeñarse en tareas comercio, retail y servicios (repositor/a, cajero/a, vendedor/a, encargado, mozo/a); 13,28% manifestó “ser independiente” (consultor, cuidado de personas, trabajo en casas particulares, chofer de Uber y cadetería). El 12,14% indicó desempeñarse en algún trabajo vinculado con la industria (ingeniería, control de producción, construcción, jefe de depósito) y 35,55% confirmó estar desempleado" +164384,38902.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,57,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"Data on conflict events generally shows that while conflict intensity decreased during the second half of 2019, conflict levels increased again during 2020. A decrease was observed during March and April, likely related in part to ELN's unilateral ceasefire, but conflict intensity picked up again in May (OCHA 05/08/2020)." +313687,53333.0,2334.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,52,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Support vocational training, as one of the most talked-about options for adolescents who pregnant/married/have children, at the institutional level by equipping and training instructors, and at the individual level by providing necessary tools and equipment for the chosen trade, start-up materials and follow up support to track progress" +325712,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],fr,72,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Par ailleurs, le contrôle insuffisant des normes de pêche a cependant conduit à une surexploitation des ressources halieutiques qui ne peut plus permettre un développement économique efficace ni une amélioration nette du niveau de vie des acteurs (PNPA, 2013). L’aquaculture peut également avoir un impact négatif sur l’environnement, entraînant une pollution de l’eau et une diminution de la biodiversité." +164490,32982.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Education']",[],[],es,67,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Respuesta%20COVID-19%20-%20GIFMM%20Arauca%2C%20actualizaci%C3%B3n%20n%C2%B03%20%28Del%201%20al%2030%20de%20mayo%20de%202020%29.pdf,"•Recarga de datos móviles para NNA beneficiarios del programa círculos para que puedan conectarse a las clases virtuales. •Acompañamiento educativo a NNA recién escolarizados en su proceso de adaptación escolar, a través de llamadas telefónicas. •Apoyos específicos de guías o materiales requeridos para el aprendizaje e información con mensajes claves orientados a su protección, hábitos de higiene y uso del tiempo libre." +318581,52949.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,65,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Despite recent gains made through collective humanitarian and Government efforts, malnutrition remains a challenge for the children and women of Somalia. The projections of recent FSNAU assessments reveal that there is a dire need to address the risk of malnutrition, further confirming earlier projections which showed that malnutrition levels were above the emergency threshold level in most parts of the country." +164740,39789.0,2098.0,[],[],[],en,37,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Movementwide%20Operation%20Report%20August%202020.pdf,"2.5 lacs people reached in this reporting through month community radio program.  An orientation module developed on CEA with particular focus on basic concept, feedback mechanism, FCRM committee formation and reporting system." +287633,51588.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,20,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/20210212%20IOM%20SSD%20DTM%20Wau%20Population%20Count%20January%202021.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10760,Wau Masna saw an increase in its population (in collective centre ) by 123 individuals since December 2020. +493606,61216.0,2028.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/humanitarian-situation-overview-syria-hsos-northeast-syria-june-2021,"[June 2021, NES]Children below the age of 12 were reported as a group affected by child labour in 12% of communities." +271053,47809.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,84,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_7.pdf,"Por grupos de edad, los adultos de más de 60 años representan el 42,2 % (13 420), seguido por los de 40 a 59 años con el 21,6 % (6 881). La mayor proporción de hospitalizaciones en sala general por IRAG sobre el total de hospitalizaciones por todas las causas se presenta en los niños de 1 año con el 14,3 %, seguido por los niños de 2 a 4 años con el 12,2 %." +292417,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,11,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,21 accouchements à domicile ont été réalisés par le personnel qualifié +498717,60095.0,1187.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,80,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RMRP%202021%20Plan%20de%20respuesta%20regional%20para%20refugiados%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%2C%20enero%20-%20diciembre%202021.pdf,"En efecto, un estudio señala que la proporción de personas refugiadas y migrantes que solamente ingiere una comida al día o que no habían comido durante el día anterior se ha multiplicado por 2,5 en comparación con el período anterior a la COVID-19378 y en el mismo sentido, las personas refugiadas y migrantes de Venezuela informaron a los socios de R4V de que un gran número se enfrentan a graves desafíos para mantener tres comidas al día." +294615,51749.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,79,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[District sanitaire de Ouargaye] Les CSPS visités disposent l’essentiel du paquet minimum des activités (PMA). Par contre, le service de vaccination dans les CSPS de Salambaoré et Yondé connaissance assez de difficultés avec les réfrigérateurs en mauvais état qui cause souvent un frein à la prévention par la vaccination et augmente les dépenses des centres qui font des déplacements vers le district (dépôt répartiteur) pour s’approvisionner." +226788,46454.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,34,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2022_23Dec2020_FINAL.pdf,"[23rd December, Overall Syria] International commercial passenger flights are ongoing at Damascus International Airport, and resumed from Aleppo, Lattakia and Qamishli airports on 21 December, including international flights" +242926,46388.0,2336.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"At the lower secondary level of education, girls are more than twice as likely (8.3 per cent vs. 4.1 per cent) to drop out than boys." +242976,46388.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,48,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In August 2020 alone, some 81 civilians were killed or injured due to improvised mines. Such an alarming rate of maiming and killing by explosive ordnance not only threatens the physical wellbeing of civilians, but also their mental health and access to livelihood opportunities." +341785,56493.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,Il existe un sentiment généralisé que les autorités ne se préoccupent pas de la cause de la jeunesse qui ressent une forme d’injustice à son égard. Rejoindre des groupes armés peut alors être considéré comme un canal d’expression pour se faire entendre par des autorités qui ne semblent pas sensibles aux préoccupations de la plus grande frange de la population constituée par les jeunes. +178057,40661.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,75,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Selon l’enquête QUIBB-RDC-1/2016 conduite par l’Institut National de Statistique (INS), le secteur informel représente 69,9% des emplois dans l’ensemble de la RDC et occupe la première position pour l’ensemble des secteurs institutionnels. Cette moyenne est perceptible dans les provinces telles que Kinshasa, Kwilu, Maindombe, Nord-Ubangui, Bas-Uélé, Nord-Kivu, Maniema, Sud-Kivu, Haut-Katanga, Kasaï central." +241016,47700.0,2332.0,"['Education', 'Livelihoods']",[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,35,[],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,,"However, the government allowed bars, restaurants, markets and shops to reopen as of 21 May and schools to resume as of 25 June 2020, providing they respect the current prevention measures" +13854,5545.0,322.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,68,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/IOM%20Yemen%20-%20Sitrep%20-%201%20July%202018.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=3857,"Conducted verification of IDPs in multiple sites in Hudaydah (e.g. Al Marawah) and Sana ’a, including their exact numbers, locations, and immediate needs. Rapid needs assessments showed that IDPs require urgent assistance with food rations, NFIs, healthcare, and protection services. Distribution of 818 food baskets—containing two-weeks’ ration for a family—is ongoing in Baital Fakih." +386144,60459.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,152,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"[scenario] Malgré une saison globalement humide attendue, les déplacements continuent de populations et l’insécurité pourraient perturber négativement les activités agricoles et réduire les superficies emblavées dans la moitié nord et à l’est du pays. Tout comme les campagnes agricoles précédentes, il est probable que la pratique des cultures hautes soit interdite dans certaines localités dans le cadre de la lutte contre les attaques djihadistes. La demande de main-d’œuvre agricole pourrait être en-dessous de la normale dans ces zones. En revanche, dans les zones d’accueil au sud, l’offre de main-d’œuvre agricole pourrait être plus importante du fait de la présence des PDI. Cependant, les producteurs agricoles seront contraints de verser des rétributions journalières similaires à la moyenne pour maintenir cette main-d’œuvre plus attirée par l’orpaillage." +209149,43992.0,2332.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,53,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"A risk communication, water, hygiene, and sanitation and IPC/WASH interventions has been designed jointly with an NGO partner and aims to assist poor households in urban and peri-urban areas of N’Djaména affected by COVID-19 (expected to cover 8,538 households) as part of the UNICEF response." +330481,53831.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,59,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/12042021_sitrep_s12_whe_oms_rdc_f.pdf,"[Kasaï, Kasaï-Central, KasaïOriental, Lomami et Sankuru] CARITAS Congo : avec le financement des fonds humanitaires : projet VSBG et santé : formation de 40 prestataires dans les ZS de Luambo et Ndekesha sur les SONU et organisation d’une campagne de riposte contre la rougeole dans quatre AS de la ZS de Luiza" +150466,37702.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,80,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"No confirmed cases of COVID-19 have so far been reported among residents at Al-Hol, however during the reporting period five healthcare workers operating at one of the field hospitals tested positive for COVID-19. The field hospital has subsequently been closed for two weeks due to staffing constraints. Further, on 13 August samples were collected from 22 suspect cases, including a pregnant woman suffering from diabetes, who was subsequently transferred to Al-Hasakeh National Hospital." +323706,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,65,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Comme les autres pays du Sahel, le Burkina Faso a un bilan céréalier positif16. Néanmoins, en raison des conditions naturelles et des options limitées (agricoles, d’élevage et non agricoles) pour les populations, les bilans céréaliers locaux sont précaires et il existe une grande variabilité spatiale en termes de disponibilité et d’accès au marché." +305331,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,54,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"IDPs in Western Equatoria, while comparatively few in numbers, nevertheless face some of the highest intersectoral levels of need in relative terms. Compared to DTM’s previous multi-sector location assessment in June 2019, needs have increased the most in 2020 in IDP communities in Lakes, Jonglei and Unity" +346160,56952.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20monitoreo%20enero-marzo%202021%20-%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20vers%C3%B3n%20final.pdf,"La situación migratoria irregular y la falta de ac- ceso a salud, afecta en particular a personas de especial protección y en condiciones de alta vul- nerabilidad, como mujeres gestantes y lactantes, personas con enfermedades crónicas y personas jóvenes con infecciones de trasmisión sexual (ITS)." +192039,42659.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Contact Tracing'],fr,62,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_175.pdf,"La proportion de suivi des contacts était spécifiquement de 94,8% à Kinshasa, 100% dans le Haut-Katanga, 68,5% au Sud-Kivu, 98,5% au Nord-Kivu, 52,7% en Ituri, 100% au Lualaba, 100% au Kongo-Central, 91,0% dans la Tshopo, 100% dans le Haut-Uélé et 100% au Kasaï." +293812,52074.0,2334.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,45,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,The situation of children and adolescents continues to deteriorate due to the protracted conflict in the NWSW. Deliberate family separation is a major risk for children. This is because families have difficulties to provide for their children in the worsening humanitarian conditions. +302519,53036.0,2334.0,[],[],[],fr,47,[],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/1-Lolo_Dec%202020_0.pdf,"[PRINCIPAUX DEFIS] Santé et Nutrition : Disponibilité des infrastructures et plateau technique adéquats, Intégration de la prise en charge des réfugiés dans le système national de santé, Pesanteur culturelle. Forte mobilité des réfugiés, us et coutumes, diversification de la ration" +22523,9106.0,729.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,72,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"An estimated 12 percent of the Libyan population are food insecure, out of this, approximately 2 percent are severely food insecure. The food insecurity in Libya is due to a significant deterioration and decrease of economic access, as opposed to food availability. Most of the vulnerable households depend on market purchases as their main source of food, making them very susceptible to rising food prices." +62666,18394.0,1386.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Economy'],es,60,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3295213,"Por otro lado, la situación económica y social sigue deteriorándose rápidamente, restringiendo el ejercicio de los derechos económicos y sociales de millones de personas. La economía atraviesa lo que podría ser el episodio hiperinflacionario más agudo que haya experimentado la región, afectando la capacidad de compra de alimentos básicos, medicamentos y otros bienes esenciales." +239108,47107.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,37,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[NWS] Overall, most cases are in Idleb, Dana, and Afrin sub-districts. Some ten per cent of confirmed cases are in IDP camps (2,095 cases), mostly in Harim." +207834,44822.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/62229/medical-sources-in-damascus-coronavirus-situation-from-bad-to-worse.html,"According to the World Health Organization, only about half of hospitals in Syria are operating at full capacity, and a quarter of them suffer from a shortage of medical staff or medicine." +294559,51749.0,2099.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[commune de Comin-Yanga] La rareté de l’eau conduit les ménages déplacés à avoir recours à des stratégies néfastes telles que la consommation d’eau non potable, la réduction de la quantité d’eau utilisée à des fins domestiques ou le fait de laisser les enfants sans surveillance afin d’accéder à des points d’eau." +175160,40890.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"El 72% de los hogares encabezados por mujeres consumen 2 o menos comidas al día (vs. 63% para los hogares encabezados por hombres," +69827,19568.0,788.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,109,['Impact'],['Humanitarian Access'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Nigeria%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20-%20August%202019.pdf,"The shifts in the security situation along the Maiduguri-Damasak road (impacting Magumeri, Gubio and Mobbar LGAs), the Maiduguri-Monguno road (impacting primarily Nganzai LGA) and the Maiduguri-Bama road (impacting primarily Konduga LGA) has resulted in a significant reduction in humanitarian access. Reduced services in these areas as well as the possibility of increased hostilities is likely to create additional population movements, including into Maiduguri, over the coming weeks and months. These developments underline the importance of swiftly identifying additional land and securing permission to establish shelters and facilities for newly arriving displaced persons in and around Maiduguri." +159092,37975.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,10,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_ndeg112.pdf,Nombre de contacts vus : 78 (96%) +331083,46693.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,The country remains in a critical period of unprecedented severe food insecurity with 6.48 million people considered food insecure at the height of the 2020 lean season. +7512,2188.0,321.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],en,130,['Impact'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Libya%20SNAP%20Dashboard%20-%20Apr2018.pdf,"The most recent data from the Central Bank of Libya (CBL) show inflation rising to 31.3% in December 2017. However, improved hard-currency distribution has led to a strengthening of the dinar on the parallel market in early 2018, which has in turn lowered import costs. In light of these trends, inflation rate in February decreased to 18%, while food inflation decreased from 49.7% to 30.9%. In mid-April the CBL approved USD 2bn in letters of credit (LOCs) in an effort to dampen inflation. The LOCs, available at official rate rather than the parallel market rate, should help to alleviate the inflationary pressures by easing the shortage of foreign currency for imports." +487794,67687.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,40,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=248142,"[September 10, GoS] The Ministry added in a statement that the total number of coronavirus cases reported in Syria has reached 29,086 till now, of which 22,663 have recovered, while 2060 have passed away." +242892,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,49,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"While violence against women and girls has remained underreported due to lack of adequate survivor-centred services and stigma, an estimated 87 per cent of Afghan women will experience at least one form of GBV in their lifetime, with an estimated 62 per cent experiencing multiple forms." +126335,33843.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,78,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"La pérdida del empleo es uno de los primeros efectos adversos que ha traído la situación de confinamiento a causa del COVID-19, cuyo impacto puede ser particularmente significativo para los trabajadores migrantes, porque es común que se desempeñen en ocupaciones informales o en emprendimientos pequeños, sin la base económica necesaria para soportar las secuelas de la suspensión de las actividades generadoras de los ingresos, y debido a que carecen de redes de protección social" +125703,31803.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,167,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77205.pdf,"El 62.3 % de menores entre 6 y 17 años monitoreados se encontraba inscrito en el sistema escolar al momento de realizar la encuesta, lo que significa que el 37.7% no estaba estudiando. Entre la población venezolana se observó que los NNA con PEP tienen mayor acceso a la educación y el 80.7% de ellos se encuentran estudiando, mientras para los niños sin PEP esta cifra es sólo del 56.8%. El 57.1% de los encuestados identificó barreras que limitan el acceso a la educación de los menores, y entre los NNA venezolanos, los que tienen PEP enfrentan menos barreras (54.5%) que los que no tienen PEP (68.8%). Entre estas barreras se destacan la exigencia de documentos que no poseen (27%), la falta de cupos en las instituciones educativas (18.8%), y la falta de uniformes o útiles escolares (18.2%)." +313661,53333.0,2334.0,"['WASH', 'Protection']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,17,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,In coordination with the WASH Cluster provide gender-sensitive WASH facilities in schools and community learning centres. +179233,41946.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,79,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://publications.unescwa.org/projects/saw/sdgs/pdf/en/Syria-at-War-8-years-on-Report-Final.pdf,"[Syria 2019, Health] Health facilities and staff are indiscriminately targeted during attacks, with a detrimental impact on civilians. The availability of services in terms of quantity and quality has sharply declined. In 2018, health facilities and workers were attacked 142 times, a significant increase compared with 2017. Some 48 per cent of total public health facilities are reported to be partially functional or non-functional by the end of 2018." +143711,35870.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,26,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"In Deir-Ez-Zor, IMC in collaboration with SARC, went door-to-door to 889 households to provide awareness raising, including on symptoms and preventive measures." +307204,51467.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,53,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Currently, of those receiving food assistance from WFP, 18 per cent receive a 70 per cent ration (which includes the refugees and IDPs in the PoC sites); 64 per cent receive a 50 per cent ration; and 18 per cent receive less than 50 per cent." +235842,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,43,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"With little indication a cessation of hostilities or a sustained humanitarian ceasefire is on the horizon in 2021, it is estimated that as many as 310,500 trauma cases will require emergency medical treatment as a result of continued and escalating conflict." +241017,47700.0,2332.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,73,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,,"As of 22 June, there was a total of 858 registered cases of COVID-19 in 15 provinces (N’Djamena, Batha, Ennedi Est, Guera, Kanem, Lac, Logone Oriental, Mandoul, Mayo Kebbi-Est, Moyen-Chari, Sila, Ouaddaï, Wadi-Fira and Logone occidental). As of the same date, there were 752 recovered cases, 74 deaths and 32 active cases." +338330,55951.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,89,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://preventepidemics.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/PERC-Finding-the-Balance-Part-III-12-May-2021.pdf,"[Survey conducted by phone with approximately 24,000 people across 19 Member States in five geographical regions in Africa, including DRC] There has been significant disruption to health service delivery since the start of the pandemic, including during Africa’s second COVID-19 wave . More than four in 10 (43%) respondents reported that COVID-19 had made it more difficult for them or someone in their household to obtain required medication in the previous three months (between November 2020 and February 2021" +240425,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,18,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Herding households are also experiencing a decline in their livestock herd size with implications for income generation. +361140,58845.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,73,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_price_bulletin_may_2021.pdf,"[May 2021, Overall Syria] M-o-m, the national average retail price of Egyptian white rice decreased by eight percent reaching SYP 2,487/kg in May 2021, while the price of Egyptian white rice increased by 144 percent y-o-y. Quneitra recorded the highest price at SYP 2,905/kg (down six percent m-o-m), while Al-Hasakeh recorded the lowest price at SYP 1,996/kg (down seven percent m-o-m)." +303940,53077.0,2333.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,93,[],['Context'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/reach_ner_factsheet_vulnerabilites_refugies_decembre_2018.pdf,"[Atteintes à l'intégrité de la personne] Dans 44/147 sites, les IC ont rapporté qu’au moins une partie de la population a été confrontée à des atteintes à l’intégrité de la personne au cours des six mois précédant l’enquête. Parmi ces sites, principaux types d’atteinte rapportés, par nombre de sites: 1. Discrimination en termes d’accès aux services de base (44) 2. Violence physique (21) 3. Mariage forcé/précoce (20)" +244113,46388.0,2336.0,"['WASH', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,36,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In hard-to-reach areas, 66 per cent of key informants indicated that water sources were too far away or not available.Similar concerns arise over the unavailability of safe latrines, which also heightens GBV risk." +61750,18350.0,1184.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,12,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71151.pdf,• 141.878 personas atendidas en total1-2 • 99.606 personas recibieron asistencia humanitaria +161948,39490.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,67,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200707_acaps_covid-19_secondary_impacts_in_rohingya_refugee_camps.pdf,"Home-based physical distancing and limited family contact has been encouraged to protect those who are most susceptible to COVID-19, such as older persons and those with comorbidities (Health, Shelter, WASH Sectors, 05/2020). However, this contributes to a decrease in access to essential services and could result in an increase in feelings of isolation and the deterioration of mental health" +358681,58669.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,91,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/informe_de_emergencias_humanitarias_reportadas_elc_enero_mayo_2021.pdf,"• Preocupan nuevamente los municipios Roberto Payán, Magüí Payán y Tumaco (Nariño), ya que siguen siendo los principales expulsores de población , especialmente por los constantes enfrentamientos y acciones armadas por parte de grupos armados no estatales (GANE) con fuerte presencia en el departamento; en mayo al menos 3,267 personas fueron desplazadas de éstos municipios. Por su parte, el Medio San Juan (Chocó) presenta el 70% de la población confinada durante mayo (al menos 2,739 personas)." +174669,41364.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.legit.ng/1375199-nigeria-ready-full-reopening-economy-fg.html,"[15th Oct 2020, Nigeria] Mustapha further confirms that the test positivity ratio to less than 5% corroborates the belief that the epidemic curve is flattening, despite the unsatisfactory testing rate. Earlier, Legit.ng reported that Vice President Yemi Osinbajo said Nigeria has been presented an unprecedented opportunity to reset critical sectors of its economy as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic." +61306,18235.0,1183.0,['Cross'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Economy'],en,88,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"choose one of two means of transportation, mainly depending on their financial resources: those who can afford it, travel by bus; while those with no financial resources continue their journey on foot (the so-called caminantes, or walkers) or hitchhike. Caminantes are mostly found on the road heading south from Cúcuta, while one barely sees any in La Guajira, not least because there are several cheap transportation options leaving from Maicao and Riohacha, especially heading to Barranquilla." +330476,53831.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,94,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/12042021_sitrep_s12_whe_oms_rdc_f.pdf,"[Nord Kivu] OMS : coordination du cluster santé et appui technique à la préparation et organisation des différentes réunions. préparation de la norme d'allocation et priorisation des interventions ; tenue de la réunion de plaidoyer autour de l’accompagnement de la vaccination de la fièvre jaune. recherche active des cas avec e-surv ; briefing des acteurs sur la surveillance communautaire, acheminement des échantillons de PFA vers l’INRB ; appui technique à la ZS de Karisimbi dans l’investigation et le prélèvement des échantillons de PFA" +317531,54586.0,2335.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,51,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_humanitarian_snapshot_february.pdf,"Nearly 80,000 people were displaced in Jongei and Upper Nile by unseasonal flooding, which began in November 2020 and gradually increased through January and February 2021. COVID-19 cases significantly increased in February, bringing the total number of people who had tested positive to 7,926 since April 2020." +323701,54267.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Politics'],fr,105,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"La participation politique des femmes et la promotion de l’emploi et de l’entreprenariat féminin dans le secteur agroalimentaire au Burkina Faso est plus avancée que dans la plupart des pays d’Afrique de l’Ouest. Par exemple, la Fédération nationale des industries de l’agro- alimentaire et transformation (FIAB) et le Secrétariat permanent du Conseil national pour la promotion du genre (SP/CONAP-Genre) ont tenté de maximiser la participation des femmes entrepreneurs dans les chaînes de valeur stratégiques de l’alimentation (CSAO/OCDE, 2016, dans Gnisci, 2016)." +216604,45416.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,110,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,"Il est évident que la destruction des infrastructures et des équipements scolaires est une conséquence importante des effets néfastes de ces conflits armés et des inondations dans les zones affectées sur le secteur de l’éducation. Cette situation de destruction des classes, des latrines, des pupitres, des tables, des points d’eau, etc. crée un besoin important d’aménagement des écoles impactées par les crises. Ces besoins inhérents au bon fonctionnement des écoles entrainent la baisse de l’offre et de la qualité des services éducatifs dans ces zones s’ils ne sont pas satisfaits adéquatement." +191748,43622.0,2330.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,70,[],['Shock/Event'],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20201111_acaps_briefing_note_nicaragua_honduras_hurricane_eta.pdf,"Socio-economic situation: Pre-existing economic vulnerabilities have been aggravated by COVID-19-related shocks. Depletion of income and remittances because of the social and economic impacts of COVID-19 has severely affected households in Nicaragua and Hondu- ras, reducing sources of income and purchasing power. According to WFP surveys, all in- come-generating activities in Honduras have been affected by COVID-19-related restrictions and employment has dropped by over 50%" +341455,56493.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Context->Politics', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",fr,146,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Les mécanismes de l’isolement social/exclusion et de marginalisation font interagir de nombreux facteurs : • Les aléas naturels qui expliquent la vulnérabili- té structurelle de l'agriculture, alors que 80 % de la population en dépend ; • La croissance du taux de chômage et la faiblesse des revenus qui accentue la paupérisation ; • La perte des valeurs morales, les injustices, la corruption, les détournements et l’impuni- té sont autant de défis auxquels est confronté le pays et la famille, premier cadre de sociali- sation, éprouve des difficultés à assurer cette fonction. En effet, le rôle des parents dans l’édu- cation des enfants (l’autorité parentale) connait une forte fragilisation, entre autres en raison d’une générale perception d’incompatibilité des valeurs modernes et traditionnels." +386808,60459.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],fr,69,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,L’assistance alimentaire est régulièrement délivrée au profit des PDI et des ménages hôtes pauvres. Les distributions en nature et en cash en cours et planifiées jusqu’en aout devraient atteindre 37 pour cent de la population et répondre au moins à 50 pour cent de leurs besoins. Elles permettent aux ménages d’avoir au moins deux repas par jour. (scenario) +341489,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,74,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Les populations s’accordent sur le fait que moins les responsables religieux maitrisent les préceptes de la religion, plus ils transmettent des messages non conformes à ces préceptes au cours des prêches. De ce fait, ils transforment les points de vue et les com- portements des fidèles. Au lieu d’être un facteur de renforcement des liens sociaux, il arrive que la religion sépare les populations." +161921,39490.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,75,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200707_acaps_covid-19_secondary_impacts_in_rohingya_refugee_camps.pdf,"Popular mistrust and the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in a 50% decrease in medical consultations in the camps over the past three months, with many people reportedly seeking alternative healthcare for their symptoms, such as turning to pharmacies and traditional healers (WHO 21/06/2020, IOM ACAPS 06/2020). There was a recorded two-thirds reduction in total Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) consultations, indicating changes in specific health seeking behaviour" +158018,38777.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Education']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,61,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/food-insecurity-impact-covid-19-among-critical-challenges-facing-syria,"Advocating a needs-based, whole-of-society approach to assistance, he said the challenges arising from the use of a single border crossing highlight the need for dialogue to maintain access into the north-west. Citing rising food insecurity, he also called for better safety nets and the rebuilding of shattered hospitals and schools as a “moral imperative”." +161192,35726.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",es,150,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_arauca_junio_2020_vf%20%281%29.pdf,"8. En Arauca, los flujos migratorios mixtos provenientes de Venezuela se insertan en un contexto de afectación múltiple, marcado por la dinámica de conflicto armado y riesgos estructurales por desastres naturales. En 2019 se evidenció un crecimiento constante de la población proveniente de Venezuela, la cual se instaló mayoritariamente en los municipios de Arauca, Saravena y Arauquita, generalmente en los asentamientos humanos informales, habitados por población víctima del conflicto armado y colombianos retornados. Con el aumento de la población migrante y refugiada, se generan condiciones de hacinamiento y conflictos sociales con la población local. En este sentido, se han detectado brotes de xenofobia en varios puntos del Departamento, por lo cual, resulta menester la realización de campañas por parte de las autoridades locales en apoyo con las agencias de cooperación internacional que aborden esta situación." +209211,44898.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,62,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://alwatan.sy/archives/237507,"[December 1, Aleppo] A member of the Syrian Doctors Syndicate and former Aleppo Doctors Syndicate, Dr. Zahir Batal, told Al-Watan that the second wave of the Corona pandemic began 10 days ago, and described the situation in terms of the number of injuries as still “acceptable” in such a period of the year." +57772,17280.0,1186.0,[],[],[],es,86,[],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/439982_ed8c90c2b9644fbbabee3b33e6e9e918.pdf,"Observamos que un 77% paga menos de $150.000 mensuales y que en aproximadamente un 47% de los casos no hay requisitos para arrendar. Además, el 75% declara conocer al encargado del arriendo en la vivienda y confiar totalmente o bastante en él (41%). Según CASEN (2017), los arriendos sin contrato son más baratos, aunque tienen los riesgos asociados a la vulnerabilidad residencial, lo que puede aplicar también a esta muestra." +144259,35186.0,1187.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,89,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3657214,"Like the rest of Latin America, Argentina still faces several challenges as it fights COVID-19, as the virus is now accelerating in certain parts of the country, a testament to the virulence and persistence of the virus despite Argentina’s early and decisive measures. Dr. Birmingham says that the urgent priority now is to continue scaling up testing and tracing activities to place maximum pressure on the virus, especially given recent decisions togradually lift lockdown measuresto allow some resumption of socioeconomic activity." +343155,55976.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],fr,67,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.lemonde.fr/afrique/article/2021/05/10/beaucoup-ne-croient-pas-au-danger-du-covid-19-en-afrique-la-defiance-face-aux-vaccins_6079678_3212.html,"L’Unicef, qui est chargée d’acheminer les vaccins fournis gratuitement par le mécanisme de solidarité internationale Covax, va réallouer le quota congolais à la Centrafrique, au Sénégal, au Togo et au Ghana – ce dernier pays étant l’un des rares, avec le Rwanda, à avoir consommé rapidement le premier lot qui lui a été attribué." +178336,41756.0,2225.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Ainsi, au Katanga, 97 pour cent des ménages enquêtés ont recours a au moins une stratégie de survie basée sur la consommation alimentaire et 71 pour cent à une stratégie de crise ou d’urgence." +161681,35720.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Food Security', 'Protection', 'Shelter', 'Education']",[],[],es,28,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Respuesta%20COVID%2019%20-%20GIFMM%20La%20Guajira%20-%20Riohacha%2C%20a%206%20de%20julio%20de%202020.pdf,"Alojamiento temporal en Centro de Atención a Refugiados y Migrantes, y red de hoteles con medidas de protección, salud, alimentación, educación entre otros." +238841,47230.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,22,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"En general, en todos los departamentos con información suficiente, los alimentos son la principal necesidad señalada por la población encuestada" +9961,4383.0,321.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/unhcr-appalled-loss-life-sea-coast-libya,"UNHCR and its partners were present at both disembarkation points and provided urgent medical and humanitarian assistance to the survivors, before they were transferred to detention facilities by the authorities." +296811,52565.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,24,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/2019/06/WFP-COUNTRY-BRIEF-CAMEROON-APRIL-2019.pdf,"A total of 55,370 beneficiaries received food assistance through cash based transfer (CBT) amounting to a total value of USD 695,434." +209160,43992.0,2332.0,['Education'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,56,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"UNICEF is currently supporting the MoE to prepare schools and classrooms for the start of the 2020-2021 academic year in November, with a focus on provision of handwashing kits and implementation of physical distance measures. Discussions are also ongoing with the MoE to prioritize WASH in Schools activities planned for the school year." +325765,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Le secteur privé est fortement impliqué dans la distribution et la commercialisation des intrants agricoles, y compris les semences améliorées. Leur importance est prédominante surtout pour les semences de légumes et secondairement pour les variétés de semences de céréales agréées au Burkina Faso. Ces distributeurs sont souvent affiliés à des filiales de multinationales spécialisées dans l’importation et la distribution de semences" +155276,38385.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'WASH', 'Livelihoods', 'Shelter', 'Food Security']",[],[],es,44,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/R4V%20Flash%20Update%20Colombia%20-%20Situaci%C3%B3n%20de%20refugiados%20y%20migrantes%20provenientes%20de%20Venezuela%20ante%20COVID-19%2C%20Julio%2028%20al%20Agosto%2031%2C%202020.pdf,"Continúa la respuesta con actividades en los sectoressalud, agua y saneamiento básico, alojamiento, seguridad alimentaria, así como la entrega de transferencias monetarias multipropósito a población refugiada y migrante en situación de vulnerabilidad, para garantizar el aislamiento preventivo obligatorio." +230130,46693.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,South Sudan continues to face a political crisis which manifests in part in violent conflict and insecurity associated with an economic crisis and a serious and protracted humanitarian crisis. +355476,58185.0,2311.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,33,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/10062021_alerta_de_situacion_por_inundaciones_en_arauca_vf.pdf,"Los campesinos han reportado cuantiosas perdidas de cultivos de pan coger (plátano, cacao, yuca, maracuyá, caña) como también perdida de semovientes, y aves de corral." +497778,60104.0,1187.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,150,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,"https://www.unicef.org/argentina/media/11626/file/Impacto%20de%20la%20pandemia%20en%20la%20educaci%C3%B3n%20de%20ni%C3%B1as,%20ni%C3%B1os%20y%20adolescentes.pdf","Si bien la Tercera Encuesta Rápida ‒aplicada en octubre 2020‒ había registrado un leve descenso en el porcentaje de adolescentes que manifestaban emociones como miedo, angustia y ansiedad frente al escenario que plantea la pandemia, este valor parece haber recuperado una dinámica creciente en el relevamiento realizado en 2021. En cada una de estas situaciones se advierte un incremento en las respuestas: 33% manifiesta estar angustiado/a (9 puntos más que en la última medición); un 25% dice sentirse asustado/a (igualando los valores registrados a principios de la pandemia); y el 18% se siente deprimido/a (6 puntos porcentuales más que en octubre de 2020). Todo indica que la extensión temporal de la emergencia sanitaria y la incertidumbre asociada con su evolución en el corto plazo está agravando la situación emocional de la población adolescente." +306528,51572.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,25,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Shortage of clean water for drinking at the nutrition sites. [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]" +304419,51590.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,49,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/IOM%20DTM%20SSD%20FMR%20Cross%20border%20trends%20and%20impact%20of%20restrictions%202020.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10755,"While an exemption for formal cross-border cargo routes avoided immediate shortages of food and other basic goods in urban areas reliant on imports, the restrictions nevertheless disrupted supply chains and are likely to have contributed to increasing food prices and food insecurity (IPC December 2020)." +21811,9026.0,322.0,[],[],[],en,34,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,,"The city’s endowments also include important infra- structure, including an international airport and a relatively efficient primary road network. Sana’a City currently contains approximately two million people." +208383,43992.0,2332.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,89,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"During this reporting period, COVID-19 reported cases witnessed a slight increase; however, at a slower pace than at the beginning of the pandemic. Cases have now been reported in a total of 17 provinces (representing over three quarters of the country): N’Djaména, Batha, Chari-Baguirmi, Ennedi Est, Guéra, Kanem, Lac, Logone Occidental, Logone Oriental, Mandoul, Mayo Kebbi-Est, Mayo Kebbi-Ouest, Moyen-Chari, Ouaddaï, Sila, Tandjilé and Wadi-Fira." +61767,18350.0,1184.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,427,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71151.pdf,"En el marco de la contingencia, los servicios y asistencias de protección se activaron de manera inmediata, especialmente sobre procesos migratorios y acceso al asilo, revisando las rutas de referenciación de casos. En este sentido, en Rumichaca se gestionó hospedaje, alimentación y medicamentos para perfiles vulnerables y para los casos con necesidad de protección internacional identificados. De igual manera, se incrementó la provisión de orientación y la entrega material informativo a la población venezolana con respecto al acceso de procedimientos de asilo, mecanismos de regularización, tránsito seguro y los nuevos requisitos para ingresar a Perú. En la frontera de San Miguel, dando seguimiento a la Mesa de Movilidad Humana, se elaboró un plan de contingencia, logrando que la Policía de Migración envíe personal adicional para apoyar en el manejo de filas en los controles migratorios y que se incluya a personal policial femenino. Respecto a la respuesta en la frontera sur (Huaquillas), se brindó apoyo al lado peruano del Centro Binacional de Atención en Frontera (CEBAF) con un equipo de varios socios que se desplegó, para dar apoyo a los equipos en tareas de vacunación, orientación, registro migratorio, protección de la niñez, recepción de buses humanitarios y protección sectorial. En Huaquillas también se activó la Mesa de Movilidad Humana Extraordinaria que permitió reorientar a la población venezolana que desembarcaba en varios puntos de la ciudad. Dos puntos de orientación fueron ubicados en lugares estratégicos de la ciudad. El fortalecimiento de la repuesta en el CEBAF ecuatoriano posibilitó a algunas familias tomar una ducha, recibir orientación y asistencia, descansar, y al mismo tiempo aliviar la presión sobre el lado peruano. Así también se coordinó con el gobierno local para direccionar los buses humanitarios hacia el CEBAF ecuatoriano. Esos esfuerzos fueron posibles dado un despliegue significativo de personal humanitario a la frontera sur. En el marco del plan de contingencia elaborado por la Mesa de Movilidad Humana, la Policía de Migración envió personal adicional que incluyó personal femenino para el manejo de filas en los controles migratorios. La cooperación con las autoridades locales en Huaquillas permitió la activación del COE (Comité de Operaciones de Emergencia) cantonal, a fin de distribuir las responsabilidades entre el gobierno y los socios del GTRM y activar un Centro Transitorio Temporal (CTT) para facilitar una mayor sostenibilidad y provisión de servicios especializados." +167108,40215.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,40,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20201001-syrias-damascus-airport-resumes-commercial-flights-after-covid-19-halt/,"[1st October 2020, Syria] Airport officials said national flag carrier Syrian Airlines would initially resume scheduled flights to regional destinations including Cairo and Beirut, with a weekly flight to Khartoum and adhoc flights to Kuwait." +296809,52565.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,27,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/2019/06/WFP-COUNTRY-BRIEF-CAMEROON-APRIL-2019.pdf,"As per the January 2019 EFSA, 1.5 million people are food insecure of which 900,000 in the North-West region and 600,000 in the South-West region." +346142,56952.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20monitoreo%20enero-marzo%202021%20-%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20vers%C3%B3n%20final.pdf,En el período monitoreado se identificaron ca- sos de personas con discapacidad que presentan dificultades para el acceso a los servicios espe- cializados de rehabilitación debido a su estatus migratorio irregular +125715,31803.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77205.pdf,"Considerando que los ingresos del 78.3% de los encuestados provienen del trabajo de personas de su núcleo familiar, resulta claro que la disminución de remisiones hacia Venezuela se debe a la pandemia" +299364,51893.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[January 2021, Overall Syria] 22% of households report three or more persons per room (on average). Rates of rooms being shared by three or more persons are significantly higher in Northwest Syria and North Syria ( both 49 percent) and Northeast Syria (38 percent) than they are in Central & South Syria (11 percent)." +294648,52364.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Casualties->Injured', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,36,[],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3725200,"The United Nations Verification Mission in Colombia condemns the car bomb attack outside the Mayor's offices in Corinto, Cauca, which left dozens of people injured, including municipal officials and community members." +411863,63817.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,80,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/An%20update%20of%20Cholera%20outbreak%20in%20Nigeria_060821_32.pdf,"[9th- 15th Aug 2021, Nigeria] WASH: Hygiene promotion, provision of safe water, water chlorination, household disinfection and sensitisation on dangers of open defecation ongoing in high-risk communities by WASH sector partners and Community Health Volunteers in the affected states. National Youth Volunteer Programme on Clean Nigeria Campaign launched by the Federal Ministry of Water Resources (FMWR). Continuous construction of sanitation and hygiene facilities with boreholes in cholera hotspots." +2185,473.0,322.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,40,[],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://www.reuters.com/article/us-yemen-famine-un-factbox/factbox-could-yemen-face-the-largest-famine-in-decades-idUSKBN1D927I,"The Saudi-led military coalition fighting the Houthi movement in Yemen said on Monday it had closed all air, land and sea ports to the Arabian Peninsula country to stem the flow of arms to the Houthis from Iran." +303371,51947.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,60,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,,"L’analyse des raisons de départ en fonction du pays de résidence habituelle montre que la majorité (55%) des femmes partant de la Libye rejoignaient leur famille, alors que la grande majorité de celles venant du Nigeria (88%) et la plupart de celles venant du Tchad voyageaient pour des raisons économiques." +22235,9106.0,729.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",en,83,['At Risk'],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"On 26 August 2018, clashes broke out between rival armed groups in southern Tripoli, particularly in the Salaheddin, Ain Zara, Mashroua, Al Hadhba and southern mahalas.10 These clashes quickly escalated and spread throughout Tripoli with shells falling on wide swathes of the city.11 Three weeks later, despite a period of relative calm brokered on 4 September, fighting and shelling continued. Exposure to explosive hazards has notably increased as a result of the heavy fighting." +191512,43304.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,36,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Pour le transport aérien, la suspension des vols nationaux et internationaux à l’exception des cargos constitue un réel handicap majeur pour la compagnie nationale CHADIA qui vient juste de démarrer ses activités." +214388,45385.0,2334.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,67.9% des ménages s’approvisionnent en eau dans des forages et 22.6% dans des puits ouverts. Seuls 123 points d’eau communaux sont fonctionnels dans l’ensemble de la région. +236670,46388.0,2336.0,['Education'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The absence of girls due to the lack of female teachers creates a self-perpetuating cycle, with few girls able to qualify to become teachers in the future, creating potential generational consequences." +178454,41756.0,2225.0,['Nutrition'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,40,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"L’emplacement des centres nutritionnels peut demander de parcourir de longues distances et parfois ces centres se trouvent dans un emplacement dangereux pour les femmes, filles et garçons, les exposant aux violences basées sur le genre." +473047,63732.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2f4004e6/REACH_BFA_Factsheet_Abri-AME-et-LTB_Pouytenga_juillet-2021.pdf,25/28 des IC ont rapporté que la majorité des ménages de leur site n'était pas en mesure de couvrir ses besoins en ustensiles de cuisine et en vaisselle au cours des trois mois précédant la collecte de données +317944,53305.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,16,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,Access to electricity Only 28 per cent of people in South Sudan have access to electricity +115500,31694.0,1898.0,['Health'],[],[],es,101,[],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UN_Situation%20Report%2011_COVID19_del%2003%20al%2015%20JUN_2020.pdf,"Salud Respuesta nacional: • Inauguración del centro de monitoreo para pacientes COVID-19 en el Hospital de Nueva Guadalupe en San Miguel. • Movilización de cabinas de diagnóstico por COVID-19 para toma de pruebas en San Julián, Sonsonate, San Pedro Perulapán, Cuscatlán, San Francisco Javier, Usulután, Uluazapa e Intipucá en San Miguel y Chilanga en Morazán. • Remodelación de área de atención de pacientes con infecciones respiratorias del Hospital Monseñor Oscar Arnulfo Romero (San Miguel), Hospital de Chalchuapa (Santa Ana) y Hospital de Ilobasco (Cabañas)." +236687,46388.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,39,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The constant interruptions to education due to conflict, displacement and COVID-19, as well as the inadequate availability of schools and teachers have grave consequences for children's capacity to thrive and find work into the future." +143644,35870.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,51,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"The UN RC/HC and WHO Country Representative continue to engage senior officials on the COVID-19 response, including with the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister and Deputy Ministers of Health, the Ministers of MoSAL, MoLAE and Ministry of Education, as well as ICRC and SARC" +186905,41080.0,1184.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",[],[],es,286,[],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000119627.pdf,"La agricultura involucra al 62% de la mano de obra rural y es el sector más grande de la economía, con una contribución del 14% del PIB (MAGAP 2016). Aunque una gran parte de la producción es destinada a la exportación, la mayoría del consumo del país viene de la producción interna (95%) (MAGAP 2016). Sin embargo, el sistema de producción no favorece a los pequeños productores; los Agricultores Familiares Campesinos (AFCs), adolecen de falta de acceso a tierra, infraestructura, almacenamiento, crédito, tecnologías modernas y servicios de extensión para prácticas mejoradas. En general, tienen que producir en pequeñas parcelas de tierra y agricultura de secano (sin acceso a riego) (MAGAP 2016). En Ecuador, 85% de las unidades de producción agropecuaria están en propiedad de los AFCs, las cuales representan el 20% de la tierra total y acceden solo al 37% del agua de riego. (Figura 35) (FAO 2013). También, los productos campesinos son más vulnerable a variaciones en precio durante el año y entre un año y el próximo en comparación a los productos de exportación (Figura 36 y Figura 37) (Carrión & Herrera 2012). La variabilidad de los precios para los AFCs crea incertidumbre en que cuando siembra no sabe si la ganancia sería más que la inversión; del otro lado, los exportadores de la agricultura industrial se fijan en precios referenciales y pueden planear su producción con más certitud (Carrión & Herrera 2012)." +271486,49942.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,220,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"RECOMENDACIONES Save the Children hace un llamado a los gobiernos, los donantes, las organizaciones multilaterales y todas las demás partes interesadas para que sumen esfuerzos y adopten medidas para garantizar que: Haya un retorno seguro a la escuela cuando sea posible, plenamente financiado y con medidas específicas para garantizar que los niños y niñas más vulnerables puedan volver a la escuela. Los programas de enseñanza a distancia sean eficaces, flexibles e inclusivos, que incluyan recursos de aprendizaje de calidad, incluyendo material didáctico impreso, centrándose en llegar a los niños y las niñas más vulnerables. Durante los tiempos de enseñanza a distancia, los niños y las niñas siguen teniendo a su disposición los servicios esenciales vinculados a la escuela, como la alimentación escolar, el apoyo psicosocial, y los sistemas de referencia para casos de protección de la niñez con enfoque especial en la violencia basada en género. La educación sea priorizada a la hora de relajar o reintroducir las restricciones para el control de la pandemia. Los padres, madres y cuidadores reciban apoyo con el aprendizaje en el hogar y apoyo de salud mental y psicosocial, para permitir que los cuidadores aumenten la interacción y el juego con los niños y niñas." +297892,52145.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,27,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_humanitaire_numero_12_v_04.pdf,"Awareness raising activities are geared towards having people in the communities know where they can access various services, in the south West and North West." +224134,45768.0,2332.0,"['WASH', 'Protection']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,58,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"[sur le site de Diamerom] Réaliser quelques latrines sur le site non seulement pour réduire la défécation à l’aire libre mais aussi pour l’intimité des femmes, filles et minimiser les risques liés aux violences sexuelles et sexistes ; Sensibiliser les IDP sur la pandémie de COVID-19 et les mesures préventives." +167192,40132.0,2170.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,91,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Nigeria%20-%20Key%20Message%20Update_%20Wed%2C%202020-09-30.pdf,"Escalating levels of conflict, related to armed banditry, kidnapping, cattle rustling and communal tension in northwestern and north-central states is driving increases in fatalities, displacement, and further constraints on livelihood activities. Coupled with COVID-19 and flooding related impacts, substantial populations in Pleatue , Nasarawa, Taraba ,Kaduna, Benue and Niger states as well as in Katsina , Zamfara, Kebbii, and Sokot states in Northwest are facing stressed( IPC Phase2) and Crisis (IPC Phase 3) outcomes." +236972,47221.0,2311.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,66,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"las comunidades denuncian prohibiciones para ejercer actividades como la pesca, además de la instalación de retenes ilegales en las vías fluviales, apropiación y construcción de viviendas para miembros del GAO al interior de la comunidad, apropiación de la siembra y cultivos de pancoger para alimentación del GAO en detrimento de la propiedad colectiva de los indígenas, entre otras formas de intimidación." +316834,54100.0,2225.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)'],en,124,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Information And Communication'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://academic.oup.com/ajcn/advance-article/doi/10.1093/ajcn/nqab034/6214427?s=09,"While in South Kivu, located in the east region of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), according to the report of the DRC National Nutrition Program (PRONANUT) published in 2019, half of all children younger than 5 y suffer from chronic malnutrition (CM) (12), available evidence indicates that the country is experiencing growing burdens of obesity, hypertension (HTA), diabetes mellitus (DM), metabolic syndrome, and abdominal obesity in both urban and rural settings (13, 14). However, the presumed role of childhood malnutrition in the increased burden of NCDs and related risk factors in the DRC has not been explored." +176938,41739.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,44,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.lemonde.fr/afrique/article/2020/05/18/en-rdc-la-prise-en-charge-des-malades-du-covid-19-entre-debrouille-et-defiance_6040023_3212.html,"En République démocratique du Congo (RDC), la lutte contre le covid-19 se heurte au faible équipement sanitaire du pays, au manque d’infrastructures, mais aussi à une population qui refuse de croire à la réalité du virus." +159382,38363.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],"['Displacement->Push Factors', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,26,['At Risk'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/burkina-faso/extremism-displacement-and-covid-19-sahel-and-lake-chad-basin,"In Burkina Faso, 25,000 Malian refugees were targeted by armed groups inApril 2020, leading to a major flow of refugees back into Mali." +28423,10158.0,729.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,80,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ET_Feb_2019_Final%2820190313%29.pdf,"Sirt 25 IDPs were reported to have returned to Sirte from Tripoli and Misrata during the reporting period. These returnees are reportedly staying at their original homes, and their main need was reported as access to cash. An estimated 200 to 300 migrants were reported to have arrived from Ejdabia, Aljufra and Misrata. Some were reported to be looking for job opportunities, whereas others were planning to continue their journey to other destinations." +145974,35870.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,40,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"On-site training for 24 CPHL laboratory technicians has also been completed. In the reporting period, WHO supported refresher training for CPHL laboratory technicians and four new technicians to support expansion of laboratory capacity to include Rural Damascus." +162936,37781.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,33,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://tande.substack.com/p/syria-in-context-coronavirus-update-5cd,"One doctor who is providing help on social media who spoke to Syria in Context said they were treating 50-100 people per day, figures which corresponded to those of a similar project" +305758,51572.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,77,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Community leaders and stakeholders are identified with low capacity to response to CP (Child Protection) issues as a result of not being trained and have knowledge on how to use their local capacities to restore and protect children. Therefore they are need to be trained and given opportunity to lead in CP/PSS activities programme. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +193859,43070.0,2311.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],es,29,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Borrador%20texto%20Sitrep%20Sectorial_2020_SAN%20AGO_WFP_VF.pdf,"la alimentación es la necesidad prioritaria en 91% de los hogares, junto a vivienda (67%) y medios de vida (54%)." +390872,60791.0,1186.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,71,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Para 2019 se estimó un total de 10.050 personas extranjeras residentes en la Región de Magallanes. Esta cifra representa un aumento absoluto de 2.014 personas y un alza relativa de 25,1% respecto a lo estimado para 2018. En 2019, la población extranjera en la región se compuso de 4.863 hombres y 5.187 mujeres, con una relación de masculinidad de 93,8 hombres por cada 100 mujeres." +304420,51590.0,2335.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,63,['Impact'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/IOM%20DTM%20SSD%20FMR%20Cross%20border%20trends%20and%20impact%20of%20restrictions%202020.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10755,"In particular, the restrictions had an important impact on informal trade networks which did not benefit from the official exemption. This disproportionately affected female economic mobility, particularly on the border with Uganda – where male economic mobility at monitored FMP(Flow Monitoring Points) approximately halved while female economic mobility virtually stopped – but also along that with Sudan" +301778,51958.0,2332.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,48,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_devaluation_de_protection_des_retournes_tchadiens_de_la_rca_installes_dans_les_sites_au_sud_du_tchad_002.pdf,L’absence de papiers d’identité valides met les retournés dans une situation de vulnérabilité. Cela inhibe aussi les efforts d’autonomisation puisqu’ils n’ont pas accès aux services bancaires et aux crédits pour pouvoir démarrer/développer des activités économiques fiables. +388284,60868.0,2099.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,24,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"L’âge moyen des cas est de 39,43 ans (Ecart type 10,60) avec des extrêmes allant de 0 à 105 ans" +304144,51467.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,45,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Intensified conflict during the year has disrupted livelihoods, resulted in loss of assets, especially livestock, and also interrupted delivery of humanitarian assistance and other basic services. The loss of assets has created incentives for people to engage in armed violence." +290386,51970.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,79,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"During the previous month, 7 out of 10 migrants adopted at least one coping strategy. They range from selling assets (49%) to borrowing money (59%) and accepting informal, low-paid jobs (48%), with the latter registering the highest increase compared to the previous round (39%), particularly in Ecuador (from 38% to 51%) and Colombia (45%)." +330477,53831.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,103,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/12042021_sitrep_s12_whe_oms_rdc_f.pdf,"[Nord Kivu] Projet CERF/OMS sur le maintien de zéro cas d’Ebola et offre de soins aux survivants et aux communautés affectées par l’épidémie d’Ebola : mise à jour de la cartographie des guéris perdus de vue et jamais vus ; poursuite des démarches d’intégration des nouveaux guéris dans le programme de suivi. poursuite du suivi clinique, biologique (22 échantillons analysés par les laboratoires) et psychologique des personnes guéries de la MVE (81 vus sur 81 attendus soit 100,0% de taux de suivi des guéris à S12/2021)" +182976,32165.0,1388.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,69,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/74589.pdf,"Limitada información y espacio sobre verdaderas oportunidades de empleo en el mercado 5. Limitada asesoría y limitado acceso a información relevantes para iniciar un negocio, tales como, tendencias y potencial de mercado, oferta institucional especializada, trámites y requisitos para crear una empresa. 6. Limitada información y acceso a fuentes alternativas de financiamiento (capital de trabajo para iniciar un negocio)." +391218,61647.0,2170.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,127,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_15_jul_2021_report_2.pdf,"[ 01 -15 July 2021,Northeast Nigeria]The sector has also recorded 4,316HH new arrivals at Maiduguri (1,568HH), Monguno (1,188HH), Kaga(367HH), Dikwa (278HH), Konduga (234HH), Bama (220HH), Jere (128HH), Magumeri (105HH), Ngala (103HH), Gwoza (71HH), Damboa (37HH) and Girei (17HH) LGA also in need of NFIs. In addition, 1,430HH in Monguno (970HH), Magumeri (435HH) and Maiduguri (25HH) LGA are living in the open and are constrained to using inadequate materials to construct provisional shelters while having limited access to NFIs." +236250,46388.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,78,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"At the same time, household hunger is not distributed evenly across provinces. The worst provinces for household hunger appear to be Parwan (with 86 per cent of displaced households classified as having moderate or severe hunger), Faryab (80 per cent), Nimroz (74 per cent), and Sar-e-Pul (63 per cent), with Sar-e-Pul having the greatest proportion of displaced households classified as having severe hunger." +190122,43304.0,2332.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,39,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Depuis lors, le nombre de cas ne cesse d’augmenter passant de un à 848 cas confirmés à la date du 12 juin 2020 avec 72 décès et 718 cas guéris et cela devrait s’accroitre" +238140,47086.0,2170.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_31_dec_2020_report.pdf,"[16th-31st Dec 2020, Borno and Adamawa states]81% of the displacement sites has an average waiting time at water points less than 30minutes while 18% is between 30minutes and an hour and 1% is above one hour (figure 8)." +47268,16362.0,729.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,89,['At Risk'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/shipwreck-coast-libya-has-claimed-lives-150-people,"While the battle in Tripoli rages against a backdrop of dysfunctional governance, more than 5,000 people remain trapped in detention centres. Around 60% of them are confined in close proximity to the violence. Yet refugees who have attempted to cross the Mediterranean Sea in search of safety continue to be intercepted by the Libyan Coastguard and returned; the numbers have doubled since the start of the conflict in April with around 4,000 people having been intercepted and returned to Libya in July alone." +311298,54065.0,2170.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,63,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nenfss_round_9_final_report_11032021.pdf,"[1st Dec 2020,North-East Nigeria] By domain, the proportion of women meeting minimum dietary diversity, the proportions consuming iron rich food, and the proportion consuming Vitamin A rich foods were all lowest in Central Borno – 28.1%, Central Borno – 16.0% and Southern Adamawa 33.2%, respectively. (Table 3.7.2.)" +330431,53831.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],fr,82,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/12042021_sitrep_s12_whe_oms_rdc_f.pdf,"Coordination, surveillance et Points d’entrée et de contrôle sanitaire [MVE] : poursuite de la tenue des réunions de coordination présidées par le coordonnateur du pool des encadreurs de la DPS basés à Butembo avec la participation des partenaires ; poursuite de la recherche de 11 contacts jamais vus n’ayant pas encore atteint les 42 jours de suivi ; 512 alertes ont été remontées et toutes investiguées (100%) au 10 avril 2021." +26112,10739.0,786.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,47,['Impact'],[],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/the_americas/venezuela-has-its-electricity-back-for-now-but-its-still-on-the-verge-of-collapse/2019/03/20/1cb0060e-4986-11e9-8cfc-2c5d0999c21e_story.html?utm_term=.a236d74c7c19,"Because of official secrecy about power production, no one outside the government knows how severe the damage was. But one thing on which experts agree: Poor maintenance, underinvestment and an exodus of qualified technicians have left the system in a parlous state." +327602,54714.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,72,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,"[MUTLI-SECTORAL NEEDS] Among the 100% households found to have an overall MSNI of 3 and above, this score was most commonly driven by extreme LSGs in WASH, Education and Nutrition (9%), followed by WASH, Education, Nutrition, SNFI and Food security (11%), or WASH , Education, SFNI, Nutrition and Health(6%) ." +316534,52949.0,2331.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"A reported 18 per cent of returnees currently live in IDP sites, a term used to describe settlements comprised of vulnerable IDPs, returnees and host community members, mainly in the Banadir region and Kismayo, Jubaland." +2650,521.0,321.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,70,['At Risk'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://www.unicef.org/appeals/libya.html,"As a transit and destination country for economic and other temporary migrants from neighbouring countries and West Africa, Libya is also currently hosting an estimated 400,000 migrants and refugees, including 33,000 children, of which nearly 13,000 are unaccompanied. These children are at risk of abuse and human rights violations, and vulnerable to armed groups engaged in smuggling, trafficking and the exploitation of children." +162982,37820.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,22,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/iom_rohingya_crisis_response_-_external_sitrep_-_july_2020.pdf,"Shelter teams conducted a training on "" Distribution of Covid-19 Non-Food Items for Older Persons"" for ten participants for volunteers." +35517,13057.0,788.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Demography'],en,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000105395.pdf,The prevalence of GAM was higher among boys than girls in all domains with the exception of Northern Adamawa and Central Borno. Disaggregation by child’s age shows that prevalence of GAM was highest among children in the younger age cohorts (6-11 months and 12-23 months).T +319959,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,53,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Despite important measures taken by the Government to reduce recruitment of children, Somalia is still among the top six countries with the highest total number of grave violations against children in the world , and the recruitment and use of children as well as abduction and sexual violence are particularly alarming." +317690,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,70,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Camp Coordination and Camp Management : There are 2.3 million IDPs in need . Among them, CCCM Cluster key vulnerable groups are (559000) children under five, (351000) person with disability, (971000) school aged children and (96000) elderly people. Severity of needs:37% (Stress), 24% (Severe), 39% (Extreme)." +309808,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,61,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"The Protection cluster will continue to work with communities to identify and strengthen the resilience of affected people, and to build capacity of local organizations, including civil society organizations and national NGOs, to understand, adhere to, and report on violations of International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and International Human Rights Law (IHRL)." +159502,35728.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no_6_covid-19_choco_vf.pdf,Alerta por parte de la Personería de Istmina por el incremento de casos positivos de COVID-19 en la población carcelaria de Las Mercerces. De 40 pruebas realizadas a personas privadas de la libertad (PPR) 20 resultaron positivas. +224062,45768.0,2332.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,54,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"Pour couvrir le besoin [pour 30000 personnes] en termes d’eau, il leur faudrait avoir 62 PMH (sur la base de 500 par PMH) ou 15 mini-adductions d’eau potable sur la base de 2.000 par mini adduction). [sur le site de Diamerom]" +292435,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,50,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"LAUNCHING OF PMI ACTIVITIES: it took place in Garoua in March 2018 with the following officials: MOH (Andre MAMA FOUDA), US AMBASSADOR (Amb. Peter Balerin), GHSC-PSM [Global Health Supply Chain Program], CRS, The governors of both regions" +309805,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,43,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"In addition, the initiation of the National Response Plan has necessitated working closely with the existing Government-led mechanisms, which are co-led by the Government and international humanitarian community, in particular with a view toward ensuring the mainstreaming of protection." +314775,52949.0,2331.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health', 'Protection', 'WASH']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,62,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"[The situation has worsened in the COVID-19 pandemic context, with declined remittances, increased food prices, and declined employment and income earning opportunities, particularly in urban areas. ]This has increased already severe gaps in access to WASH, nutrition and health, while increasing the risk of localized conflicts and emerging forms of social exclusion." +159084,37975.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,17,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_ndeg112.pdf,"Un (1) nouveau cas confirmé de COVID-19 le 18/06/2020, total à 901 cas confirmés" +157598,38893.0,2098.0,['Nutrition'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,40,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/humanitarian_collaboration_and_coordination_in_bangladesh_2nd_draft_12_july_2020_kazi_hg.pdf,"Support case management of Severely Malnourished children with Cash package (3,000 BDT per child per treatment event) to cover referral and in-patient expenditure. ▪ Cash package to cover for additional needs of pregnant and lactating women." +271776,50331.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,18,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDRCO017du1.pdf,The sudden halt in economic activities is aggravated by the impact of COVID-19 on tourism and commerce. +170807,40367.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Education']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,97,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"UNICEF and partners supported the response to the educational needs of 97,277 school age children (43,708 girls) through distance learning via radio, out of an overall result of 217,984 children (106,043 girls) accessing education between January and July 2020. UNICEF also conducted training sessions for 309 teachers (160 women) on psychosocial support (including COVID-19 keys messages related to the health protocol in school areas) to cater approximately 31,913 children (15,999 girls) affected by conflict in the Tapoa and Gourma provinces in the Est region." +187300,42134.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,67,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Colombia%20COVID-19%20Update%20-%201-15OCT20.pdf,"The Multi-functional Space and Shelter for Victims (Espacio multifuncional y albergue para víctimas), a local government initiative supported by UNHCR to strengthen the response to victims of the armed conflict, was completed and handed over to the Municipality of Hacari (Catatumbo, Norte de Santander). In addition, 57 cases were referred to WFP in Arauca for food aid." +289663,52074.0,2334.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps']",en,44,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,"Security continues to deteriorate in the NWSW. Attacks on civilians, humanitarian cargo and personnel are on the rise. There was a rise in violence in several localities during installation of DOs and SDOs [Divisional Officers and Senior Divisional Officers]" +287438,51638.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],"['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,28,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Priority Interventions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20_FEVRIER%202021_SAHEL.pdf,"(Sahel) Apporter une assistance aux 5469 PDI nouvellement arrivées à Gorom- Gorom, Markoye, Dori, Mansila et Sebba en vivres, Abris et AME" +325790,54267.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,145,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Les prêts des banques au secteur privé sont orientés vers les grandes entreprises du commerce, des services, des travaux publics d’infrastructure et des industries extractives, qui représentent cumulativement près de 80 pour cent de l’actif total des banques. La part des prêts aux petites et moyennes entreprises (6 pour cent du total des actifs bancaires) et au secteur agricole (3,9 pour cent du total des actifs bancaires) reste faible. Cela représente un déséquilibre dans l’économie, car le secteur agricole contribue à un tiers du PIB du pays et les petites et moyennes entreprises représentent l’écrasante majorité des entreprises du Burkina Faso. L’accès limité au financement est particulièrement néfaste pour le développement du secteur agroalimentaire. [(Banque mondiale, 2019).]" +161541,39295.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,71,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,"The most important household barrier to employment or diversifying income was a lack of employment opportunities, as reported by 79% of households, followed by a lack of financing (66%), and lack of skills (48%). COVID-19 is not a significant barrier for 3% of households while security situation is a barrier to employment for 20% of the households." +150440,37702.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,109,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"As outlined previously, UNDP is supporting rehabilitation at three hospitals. PUI has completed light rehabilitation of WASH systems at isolation centres in Dar'a and Deir-Ez-Zor. As outlined in previous reports, WHO delivered 85 tons of medical supplies by road from Damascus to Qamishli, to be distributed to various health facilities and health authorities for health partners in NES. To date, 52 tons has been distributed to 17 hospitals, including seven in cross-line areas, two private hospitals serving as referrals for AlHol, six supported by NGOs operating in NES, and two hospitals in areas of government control" +35542,13057.0,788.0,['Food Security'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,114,['At Risk'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000105395.pdf,"Adamawa has the largest proportion of households (34.6 percent) that relied on own-produced food when compared to Borno (22.3 percent) and Yobe State (26.5 percent). The large number of households reliant on market purchase to meet their food needs even among IDPs should be put into perspective as several components of food consumed (e.g. condiments, spices, vegetables etc.) are purchased to complement the food assistance that households’ receive. Moreover, only a small fraction of the total sample (7 percent) were displaced, which are often the most vulnerable and high priority target for food assistance." +192042,42659.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Contact Tracing'],fr,35,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_175.pdf,"Les cumuls sont de 198 367 voyageurs internationaux et 2 843 191 voyageurs nationaux, ayant permis de détecter 28 et 302 alertes, respectivement, et de confirmer 26 d’entre elles." +2584,518.0,321.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,50,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/unicef-libya-humanitarian-situation-report-01-january-31-march-2017,"In the first quarter of 2017, more than 10,000 children have attended community-based psycho-social support services in Child Friendly Spaces or in schools. This support allows them to return to a normal routine, by offering access to structured activities, games and informal and non-formal education." +162939,37781.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,43,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://tande.substack.com/p/syria-in-context-coronavirus-update-5cd,"Further concerns surround the end of the school hiatus across the country. The government has decided to reopen schools on September 13 after having reviewed recommendations made by the Ministry of Health, a move that is worrying doctors and communities." +173648,39908.0,1388.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,15,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20-%20Impacto%20de%20la%20COVID-19%20en%20la%20poblaci%C3%B3n%20venezolana%20-%20Costa%20Rica%2C%20Agosto%202020.pdf,40 % de los y las jefes de hogar no cuentan con seguro de salud +143707,35870.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,51,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"WHO and UNICEF are incorporating RCCE sessions in all COVID-19 trainings for front line workers. Also in the reporting period, UNICEF supported Newborn Care at Home workshops in five northern governorates including COVID-19 awareness, in addition to four group awareness sessions and door-to-door visits on COVID-19 and nutrition" +219063,45655.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,82,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"[9th Dec, Overall Syria] Contact tracing continues to be a challenge, including in more remote governorates and camps. Furthermore, community stigma and individual reluctance to go to hospitals mean it is likely that a significant number of people with symptoms are not seeking tests or treatment, or, they are obtaining private services offering home care, negatively impacting the long-term health prospects and survival of a subset of patients with compromised immunity or complications" +313692,53333.0,2334.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,21,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,Support parents/caregivers and adolescent girls with programs that promote savings e.g. VSL schemes and training support can be availed. +61297,18235.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",en,204,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"As of the end of June 2019, Barranquilla was the city with the country’s third highest population of Venezuelan refugees and migrants.112 Several factors that explain this. First, it is the largest city close to the border crossings in La Guajira and it is relatively easy and cheap to reach from the border. Second, as Colombia’s main port on the Atlantic coast, Barranquilla’s economy is thriving and provides more opportunities than other cities. Third, people coming from Zulia State in Venezuela find a close cultural and climatic affinity to their place of origin. Fourth, Barranquilla is the place of origin of many Colombians who migrated to Venezuela decades ago, mostly looking for better economic opportunities. Many of these Colombian citizens – who in many cases married in Venezuela and have binational families – have returned to Colombia as a consequence of the Venezuelan crisis and are now receiving members of their extended Venezuelan family. Almost all 18 participants in a focus group discussion held in Barranquilla, for instance, stated having headed towards this city as they had relatives or contacts living there." +493575,61216.0,2028.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,24,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/humanitarian-situation-overview-syria-hsos-northeast-syria-june-2021,"[June 2021, NES]A lack of toilets was reported as a shelter issue for IDPs in 22% of communities." +224087,45768.0,2332.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,21,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,Former les équipes d’investigation et d’intervention rapide et pré-positionnement des intrants pour une riposte rapide aux épidémies +305670,51474.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,69,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"The United Nations police continued to expand its outwards protection posture and footprint beyond the protection of civilians sites, focusing on deterring and mitigating violence against civilians and building confidence. A total of 170 confidence- and trust-building patrols, 44 short-duration patrols, 23 long-duration patrols, 17 dynamic air patrols and 287 high-visibility patrols was conducted. Of those 541 patrols, 290 included women." +169957,40360.0,2099.0,"['Shelter', 'Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Des difficultés en matière de logement qui ont été constatées le mois précédent lors du monitoring demeurent toujours notamment la promiscuité, la surpopulation, la fragilité des abris, les occupations illégales des maisons abandonnées ou inachevées et l’insuffisance de terres cultivables." +158290,38905.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,61,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"De acuerdo con información suministrada por la Alcaldía de Cali en su página oficial2, a 17 de mayo de 2020 la Alcaldía apoyó el retorno de aproximadamente 2.100 refugiados y migrantes provenientes de Venezuela, desde Valle del Cauca hacia las ciudades de Cúcuta y Arauca, bajo la estrategia que la Alcaldía ha denominado “corredor humanitario”." +173710,40798.0,1388.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,49,[],['Context'],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://infosegura.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Analisis-SC-2T-2020.pdf,"Las denuncias con mayor reducción porcentual al comparar los periodos son el hurto (-33%), el asalto (-30%), el robo de vehículo (-28%), la tacha de vehículo (-28%) y el robo (-22%)" +59112,17455.0,788.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/201908-nigeria-cross-border-report.pdf,"Living conditions of displaced people in host communities are somewhat better than for those in camps. Since many humanitarian interventions focused on camps however, they may struggle to access services. Key informants even spoke of host community members setting up makeshift shelters in camps to access services there." +193950,43327.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,19,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_sectoriel_octobre.pdf,L’appui au maintien du fonctionnement des formations sanitaires dans les zones affectées par la crise sécuritaire ; +305391,51474.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,17,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"Flooding, land and resource disputes and defections served as drivers of insecurity in Central Equatoria." +90070,25213.0,1621.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,42,[],['Context'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A_HRC_43_75_E.pdf,"According to information obtained by UNSMIL/OHCHR, there were ongoing incidents of violence and the use of deadly force against migrants and refugees in detention by the detaining authorities, including after detainees protested against the inhumane conditions of their detention." +23063,9316.0,729.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],"['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",en,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Information And Communication', 'Humanitarian Access']",Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.libyaherald.com/2019/02/22/civilians-caught-in-tightening-derna-siege-hrw/,"Reliable information about developments in Derna is scarce. Few aid groups and journalists for international media have visited Derna in recent months, and LNA forces have tightly controlled access to the Old City. Local residents are afraid to speak on the record, fearing reprisals against themselves or relatives." +220646,45655.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,51,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"[9th Dec, Overall Syria] Stigma among people who are suspected of having COVID-19 is leading to a significant underreporting of cases, which in turn leads to those reluctant to seek support having higher case fatality rates at COVID-19 treatment facilities, reinforcing negative perceptions of seeking treatment" +262989,49226.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Economy'],es,147,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"El 80% de los hogares venezolanos viven en arriendo o subarriendo, y la mitad (49%) de los hogares enfrentan una situación de incertidumbre respecto a su situación de vivienda en un corto plazo. La principal razón de su incertidumbre se debe a que no tienen capacidad de pago, lo cual es coherente con que el 52% de los hogares reportaron estar endeudados para pagar su arriendo. Así mismo, el 38% de los hogares se encuentra en situación de hacinamiento (más de tres personas por cuarto o habitación), donde el 35% de los hogares han dormido en promedio entre cuatro y siete personas por cuarto en los siete días previos a la recolección de los datos, y en 3% de los hogares han dormido ocho o más personas por habitación." +187190,34290.0,1900.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",[],[],es,57,[],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Resumen_Informe_16_07_2020_No_080.pdf,"Campaña de concientización a través de la entrega de material informativo a la ciudadanía contemplando las diversas medidas preventivas y de seguridad a seguir para evitar la propagación del Covid-19.  Operación Todos con Mascarilla.  Supervisión en centros comerciales, gasolineras y otros establecimientos para verificar el cumplimiento de las medidas de bioseguridad." +209867,45115.0,2170.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,46,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,http://saharareporters.com/2020/12/08/insecurity-216-nigerians-killed-144-kidnapped-november%E2%80%94report,"[8th Dec 2020, Borno State]Also, Borno State, which has been the epicentre of the Boko Haram insurgency, suffered the most attacks from the terrorists which claimed 131 people, including the highest single attack which claimed 110 lives." +307087,51467.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Emergency shelter and NFI needs are greatest in Upper Nile, Unity, Jonglei, Lakes, Warrap, Western Bahr Ghazel, Central and Western Equatoria." +214356,45385.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,54,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,Ces pourcentages [11% d'insécurité alimentaire et 9% de ménage ayant une alimentation pauvre] pourraient se détériorer pendant la période de soudure (juin-août) tandis que les prix des vivres sur le marché sont en inflation à cause de la pandémie de la COVID-19 qui ralentit les activités économiques. +294549,51749.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,103,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"En termes démographiques, et comme précisé dans le tableau n°01 « Démographie des communes enquêtées », un total de 1 233 PDI (soit environ 176 ménages de 7 personnes) sont arrivés dans la commune de Comin-Yanga en 2020. De plus les informateurs clé interrogés dans le cadre de la présente enquête ont mentionné l’arrivée de nombreux PDI au cours des trois derniers mois et la probable arrivée de nouveaux ménages PDI après la récolte, soit au mois de décembre. Ces ménages déplacés se sont déplacés au sein même de la Province de Koulpélogo." +315596,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,73,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Similar proportions of both households in IDP and non-IDP sites reported restrictions on free movement and whether males and females feel unsafe in their community or settlement. There are a few noticeable differences between males and females, and between IDP and non-IDPs, such as more males reporting feeling unsafe in their shelters, more non-displaced households feeling unsafe at water points, and more males choosing not to answer." +173702,40798.0,1388.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']","['Context->Security & Stability', 'Casualties->Dead']",es,26,['At Risk'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://infosegura.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Analisis-SC-2T-2020.pdf,Los homicidios dolosos de mujeres (+15%) aumentaron más que los de hombres (+2%) en comparación al mismo período del 2019 +489939,67838.0,2170.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,88,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/adamawa_state_2021_cholera_situation_report_no_8.pdf,"[31st Aug 2021, Adamawa State](Cholera) House-to-House Hygiene Promotion and community sensitization/campaigns ongoing by SI (2,526 persons, (360HHs)), IRC (487 HHs with 2,922 persons, (1,623F & 1,281M)), NRC, IOM, ICRC and LESGO (50HHs 362 persons) teams in Girei and Yola North LGAs. SI Dislodged 100 pits of filled up latrines in IDPs camps and IDPs Host communities to mitigate the risk of outbreak of AWD." +224296,45394.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,28,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Mise en œuvre des activités du projet sensibilisation et recherche communautaire des cas et contacts de Covid-19 dans les villes de Ouaga, Kombissiri, Zorgho et Bobo" +353807,57860.0,2170.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,112,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.vanguardngr.com/2021/06/rise-in-prices-push-7m-additional-nigerians-into-poverty-world-bank/,"[15th Jun 2021, Nigeria] The NBS report stated: “The consumer price index, (CPI) which measures inflation increased by 17.93 percent (YoY) in May 2021. This is 0.19 percent points lower than the rate recorded in April 2021 (18.12 percent). Increases were recorded in all Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose (COICOP) divisions that yielded the Headline index. “On a month-on-month (MoM) basis, the Headline index increased by 1.01 percent in May 2021. This is 0.04 percentage points higher than the rate recorded in April 2021 (0.97 percent)." +59605,17198.0,1224.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,27,[],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,Team members were also informed that members of the Syndicato Gang are suspected of using an alternate trail to by-pass the security post at White Water. +320552,52949.0,2331.0,"['Cross', 'Shelter']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,66,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The Joint Market Monitoring Initiative (JMMI) was conducted in twelve urban locations across the country and found that most of the required construction materials and non-food items were available in these locations. The most reported barriers by vendors assessed in the JMMI included poor quality roads, low purchasing power, roads affected by flooding and the risk of conflict during transportation." +57463,17280.0,1186.0,[],[],[],es,72,[],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/439982_ed8c90c2b9644fbbabee3b33e6e9e918.pdf,"En Santiago existe mucha diversidad de oferta de alojamiento, formal o informal, ya sea en el mismo lugar de trabajo, o personas particulares que arriendan piezas, hoteles donde arriendan piezas por la noche, o refugios de tipo social, de ONGs como el Hogar de Cristo. Entonces, no sería un problema de disponibilidad de oferta, sino de estándar de calidad de esa oferta." +218192,45410.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"En cette période de moisson, les récoltes en cours constituent la principale source de nourriture des ménages très pauvres et pauvres dans la plupart des zones du pays." +2642,520.0,321.0,[],[],[],en,55,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://www.amnesty.org/en/countries/middle-east-and-north-africa/libya/report-libya/,"Thousands of refugees, asylum-seekers and migrants sought to flee Libya and cross the Mediterranean Sea to Europe in unseaworthy craft provided by people smugglers. The UN estimated that 5,022 people had died while trying to cross the Mediterranean from North Africa by the end of the year, mostly departing from Libya." +298186,52417.0,2028.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,113,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.dropbox.com/s/fpu0ox89go0s7li/Syria%202021%20HNO%20%28advance%20copy%29.pdf?dl=0,"[March 2021, Overall Syria] A tightening of unilateral coercive measures, including the introduction of the Caesar Syria Civilian Protection Act in June 2020 (also known as the Caesar Act), and the imposition of new measures against the Central Bank of Syria in December 2020 also means it is harder for small businesses and people to import goods, receive remittances or transfer funds including humanitarian partners securing funds from donors. This risks exacerbating humanitarian needs at a time few can ill-afford, all the while moving the goal posts for those wishing to restart, restore and recover their lives even further beyond reach." +192035,42659.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,49,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_175.pdf,"Kinshasa reste la principale province affectée du pays avec 84,7% (7428/8767) de l’ensemble des cas. La seconde province la plus touchée est celle du Kongo-Central qui a rapporté 4,1% (359/8767) des cas (Tableau I ; Figure 2)." +164173,39714.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->Local Response'],[],es,17,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,46% entró en autoaislamiento (cuarentena voluntaria) antes de que lo decretara el gobierno. +258008,48907.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,83,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[20th January 2021, Cox's Bazar] However, most of those interviewed knew that people with symptoms like a fever, cough or headache should see a doctor. Many also expressed concern about a likely rise in COVID-19 cases during winter. Some also noted that it is common to suffer these symptoms during winter without being COVID-19 positive. However, it is clear that the community needs more specific information related to the testing of COVID-19." +318013,52949.0,2331.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,77,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Cyclical climate shocks and ongoing conflict are challenging traditional rural livelihoods and contributing to growing numbers of urban poor and internally displaced people in Somalia. An estimated 2.6 million women, men, girls and boys are currently displaced, with IDPs constituting 30 per cent of all Somalis in IPC 3 and 4 requiring lifesaving assistance in 2021. In addition, many urban poor continue to face moderate and large food consumption gaps." +26115,10739.0,786.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,48,['Impact'],[],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/the_americas/venezuela-has-its-electricity-back-for-now-but-its-still-on-the-verge-of-collapse/2019/03/20/1cb0060e-4986-11e9-8cfc-2c5d0999c21e_story.html?utm_term=.a236d74c7c19,"Venezuela’s most acute issue might be its food shortage. At a fruit-and-vegetable stand in Caracas, Darwin Peña proudly tends to luscious mounds of tangerines, ripe green mangos, fat red tomatoes and tiny, sweet bananas. But he’s worried." +178359,41756.0,2225.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],fr,147,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"A la fin de l’année 2019, 15,6 millions de personnes présentent des besoins humanitaires aigus, dont 51,8 pour cent de femmes, 49,2 pour cent d’hommes, 58,5 pour cent d’enfants et 2,7 pour cent de personnes âgées. Il est estimé que 15 pour cent de personnes dans le besoin sont en situation de handicap. Il faut également noter qu’1,1 million d’entre elles sont des personnes déplacées, 1,2 millions des personnes retournées114 et 538 000 des réfugiés. Parmi l’ensemble des personnes dans le besoin, suite à une superposition d’au moins trois impacts humanitaires, près de 6,9 millions résident dans les zones de santé où les besoins sont sévères, 2,6 millions où les besoins sont critiques et 745 000 où les besoins sont catastrophiques." +452708,63974.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps']",fr,75,[],"['Humanitarian Access', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_20210630-Rapport-Protection-Trimestriel.pdf,"Dans la région de l’Est, l’on assiste de plus en plus à une réduction de l’espace humanitaire et à l’absence remarquée de l’Etat dans certaines communes. C’est le cas de la commune de Madjoari dans la Kompienga, où la population fait mouvement vers les lieux tels que Pama, Kompienga, Nadiagou et vers le Benin et le Togo." +47360,16259.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,40,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.unwomen.org/en/news/stories/2019/7/feature-ensuring-public-services-for-venezuelan-migrant-women,"In Colombia UN Women is working together with the National Government and other UN Agencies with support programmes, border mobility cards and a special work permit that has allowed thousands of migrants to stay and work legally in Colombia" +361263,58845.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,41,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_price_bulletin_may_2021.pdf,"[May 2021, GoS & NES] Lattakia recorded the highest vegetable oil price at SYP 8,206/litre (up one percent m-o-m), while Al-Hasakeh recorded the lowest price at SYP 5,153/litre (down five percent m-o-m)." +205389,44672.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,45,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The number of children aged 6-18 deprived in school attendance could rise from 5.6 to 9.7 million. Thus, if these children are unable to go back to school, the incidence of multidimensional poverty could rise from 51.7% to 60.9%." +196730,43328.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_smart_rapid_pdi_2020_bfa_final.pdf,"Parmi les enfants malnutris, la forme sévère touche 5,2% d’enfants de 6-23 mois, soit 3 fois de plus que les chez les 24-59 mois avec une prévalence de MAS estimée à 1,8%." +276670,50735.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,105,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[3rd Feb 2021, Bangladesh] Bangladesh has joined COVAX AMC countries to secure COVID-19 vaccine(s). As per the COVAX allocation, Bangladesh expects to receive vaccine doses equal to 20% of its population (34,561,877) followed by additional doses equal to at least 40% of its population (69,123,754) based on availability of vaccine and weighted allocation. It is estimated that the cost will be USD 2 per person to support operation. A total of $ 290.3 m is required for vaccine and operational cost for the first 20% of population." +69875,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,24,[],['Shock/Event'],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"As centres overflow, families and individuals have not been unable to access them, creating additional protection risks for people turned away." +343261,45764.0,2332.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,67,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/0004_202008_rrm_msa_rapport_final_wolirom.pdf,"Recommandations :  Sensibiliser les ménages sur la nécessité d’envoyer les enfants en âge scolaire à l’école, maintenant que les écoles ont ré ouvert  S’assurer de l’existence d’école proche, en définir la distance par rapport au village pour étudier la nécessité d’en créer une.  Créer des espaces d’apprentissage" +155284,38385.0,1183.0,['WASH'],[],[],es,80,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/R4V%20Flash%20Update%20Colombia%20-%20Situaci%C3%B3n%20de%20refugiados%20y%20migrantes%20provenientes%20de%20Venezuela%20ante%20COVID-19%2C%20Julio%2028%20al%20Agosto%2031%2C%202020.pdf,"Presentación por parte de la Secretaría de Bienestar Social de Cali de la iniciativa de atención a población refugiada y migrante asentada alrededor de la plaza de mercado Santa Elena, ubicada en la comuna 10 en Cali, en continuidad a la articulación con el GIFMM local, cuyos socios han brindado asesoría a esta autoridad local para implementar medidas en agua, saneamiento e higiene en cumplimiento con las medidas de bioseguridad en esta plaza de mercado." +90038,25213.0,1621.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Protection', 'Shelter', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,64,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",['Context'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A_HRC_43_75_E.pdf,"The incidents documented by UNSMIL/OHCHR included attacks against civilians, including internally displaced persons, migrants and refugees, health-care workers, community and religious leaders, journalists, human rights defenders and government officials, and attacks on civilian objects, such as detention centres, schools, residential homes, factories, health-care facilities, water and electricity supplies and airports." +305311,53013.0,2331.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,20,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/3c8084ae/REACH_SOM_Factsheet_Assessment-of-Hard-to-Reach-Areas_December-2020.pdf,Education: Children from 99% of settlements reportedly had access to education in the month preceding data collection. +305418,53013.0,2331.0,[],[],[],en,21,[],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/3c8084ae/REACH_SOM_Factsheet_Assessment-of-Hard-to-Reach-Areas_December-2020.pdf,Protection/GBV: 90% of assessed settlements where KIs reported children that went missing in the month preceding data collection. +209156,43992.0,2332.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,37,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"In order to meet the growing demand for training on IPC/WASH COVID-19 prevention and control, UNICEF and the MoH are offering partners the opportunity to invite more staff to participate in the COVID-19 training sessions." +315343,53333.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,63,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Those agreeing that work was now being shared equally also reported, “Yes, the crisis has changed the roles in my house because boys are now more involved in house chores”. This suggested a situational development that was evolving due to the crisis where boys due to security and COVID 19 concerns were also found more at home." +162905,37781.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://tande.substack.com/p/syria-in-context-coronavirus-update-5cd,The scale of unreported cases in Damascus received renewed attention this week when four out of five members of the constitutional committee arriving from Damascus tested positive for the virus on arrival +165197,38902.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",en,23,['Impact'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"According to a May GIFMM assessment, 46% of interviewed Venezuelan migrant and refugee households reported experiences of discrimination during 2020." +112312,32025.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Context->Politics']",en,175,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/76913.pdf,"Tumbes’ Superintendence of Migration (SNM) has enforced a prosecution mechanism against irregular entries of foreign nationals. The SNM has been issuing exit and expulsion notifications from the territory. This measure breaches a national decree granting all foreign persons’ regular status during the state of emergency. The SNM created the Agencia Virtual de Migraciones, and online platform that enables foreigners to change and update their migratory category and/or request the renewal or extension of their residency permit, among others. The Parliament is reviewing a law initiative proposing Peru’s withdrawal from the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, and to make the Temporary State Permit (PTP for its acronym in Spanish) ineffective within 15 days of the law entering into force. The bill specifies that the expiration of the PTP would be followed by the deportation of Venezuelan nationals. However, this initiative is under discussion and would yet have to be approved by the parliament." +45653,15533.0,729.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,38,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_report_areabasedassessment_aba_azzawya_jun2019.pdf,"Refugees and migrants, on the other hand, faced significant linguistic, financial, and social barriers to accessing healthcare, the last of which included discrimination and a fear of being arrested at healthcare facilities." +9168,2909.0,322.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,117,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_jan_to_apr_2018.pdf,"Despite gaps in funding and serious operational constraints to protection, as of April 2018 Protection Cluster partners have reached over 900,000 people overall with life-saving protection services such as psychosocial support, legal assistance and protection cash, as well as clinical care for survivors and safe spaces for women, men, girls and boys. Over 80,000 persons have been reached through monitoring of protection and IHL/IHRL, while 642,317 children and community members have received information to protect against mines and UXOs. Community-based responses continue to be strengthened through 4,708 community-based protection network volunteers, community protection initiatives as well as community centers serving the needs of IDPs and conflict-affected populations." +146026,34803.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,81,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"The poor nutrition situation is largely attributed to continued exposure of children and PLW to unsafe living conditions, diseases (including impacts of COVID-19), suboptimal infant and young child feeding (IYCF) practices, high maternal malnutrition, economic downturn, low purchasing power, poverty, food insecurity, family separations, poor care practices, early marriages, destruction of infrastructure causing limited access to health services, and inadequate sanitation and water supply." +487119,40789.0,1900.0,[],[],[],es,53,[],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://infosegura.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Seguridad-y-movilidad-humana-30sep2020.pdf,"Según el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, en 2014 los costos económicos del crimen representaron (en relación al PIB) 6.5% en Honduras. Para tener una perspectiva más cara de lo que esto representa, el gasto en educación en ese mismo año fue de 7.1% en Honduras." +473037,63732.0,2099.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,22,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2f4004e6/REACH_BFA_Factsheet_Abri-AME-et-LTB_Pouytenga_juillet-2021.pdf,17 IC on rapporté que les ménages manquaient d'accès aux services d'eau et/ou d'assainissement au niveau des zones couvertes par l'évaluation. +317208,53333.0,2334.0,['WASH'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,38,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"WASH facilities with water and safe for adolescents, remain very key for adolescent girls to continue school attendance during their menstrual period and this remains a challenge in most areas including at home and at school." +61159,18235.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,126,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"Although Venezuelans have the right to seek asylum in Colombia, only a very small percentage applies: the Regional Inter-Agency Platform reports that, as of May 8, 2019, only 5,303 Venezuelans had done so in the country.71 One of the main reasons for the low number is that, until July 2019, asylum seekers did not have the right to work during their refugee determination process.72 On July 12, 2019, the Colombian government created a new type of permit, the Permiso Especial Complementario de Permanencia (PECP - Special Complementary Stay Permit), which will be issued to asylum seekers and give them the right to work while they wait for a decision on their application." +176123,41333.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,40,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_149.pdf,"Au total, 1 173 échantillons ont été reçus au laboratoire ce 27/06/2020 ; 84,7% (n=993) ont été analysés et 143 sont revenus positifs au SARS- CoV-2 incluant ceux des 137 nouveaux cas confirmés du jour." +61309,18235.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",en,121,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Shock/Event', 'Context']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"Border areas between Venezuela and Colombia have historically been unsafe due to the presence of a range of armed actors, such as criminal groups involved in smuggling. In both La Guajira and the Cúcuta area – although to different extents – the smuggling of goods such as gasoline has long constituted an important part of the local economy, which is largely informal.114 In areas near Cúcuta and Arauca, moreover, there is still a considerable presence of armed groups involved in the internal armed conflict in Colombia, such as Ejército de Liberación Nacional (National Liberation Army, ELN) and Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (Colombian Revolutionary Armed Forces, FARC) dissidents." +304332,51590.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,68,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/IOM%20DTM%20SSD%20FMR%20Cross%20border%20trends%20and%20impact%20of%20restrictions%202020.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10755,"The rainy season, which starts in April and continues until October / November – although flood waters were reported in some parts of the country until December – is a key seasonal factor reducing mobility in South Sudan by affecting road conditions. This contributed to keeping cross-border mobility with Sudan and the Central African Republic below its baseline level until the last quarter of 2020." +238833,47230.0,2311.0,['WASH'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,48,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"Los hogares de comunidades étnicas son más tienden a mencionar más frecuentemente el acceso a agua (15%) como necesidad principal, lo que refleja la ausencia del agua en La Guajira, el departamento donde reside la mayoría de los encuestados de esta comunidad." +316678,54167.0,2311.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,85,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_caqueta_dic_2020_vf.pdf,"El impacto sobre la economía departamental, que se refleja en los indicadores de desempleo mencionados anteriormente, ha desincentivado la aplicación de nuevas medidas estrictas. Igualmente, pueden observarse efectos negativos sobre la seguridad alimentaria, pues al no existir una fuente de ingresos, las familias recurrieron a disminuir el consumo de alimentos; la deserción escolar, que aumentó especialmente en las zonas rurales; e incluso en la dificultad para pagar arriendos y servicios básicos necesarios para el cuidado." +359393,58669.0,2311.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,89,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/informe_de_emergencias_humanitarias_reportadas_elc_enero_mayo_2021.pdf,"IMPACTO POR CONFINAMIENTO Y RESTRICCIONES A LA MOVILIDAD Y ACCESO: En mayo se reportaron diferentes cortes de energía realizados por grupos armados no estatales en Argelia (Cauca) y en Leticia (Amazonas), dejando sin acceso de este servicio a gran parte de éstos municipios. Los primeros fueron realizados para brindar electricidad a laboratorios de procesamiento de cocaína, mientras que los segundos fueron resultado del no pago de extorsiones realizadas por GANE a la empresa prestadora del servicio público en el Amazonas." +78105,21602.0,1224.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,20,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/72608.pdf,"While in Guyana, trainings were provided to medical staff (41) in Malaria case management and treatment." +235719,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"WoA Assessment findings show that 8 per cent of displaced households indicate the presence of mines, ERW, and PPIEDs in their community and 29 per cent report the loss of or severely diminished access to basic services due to non-COVID events, such as active conflict." +346139,56952.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,74,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20monitoreo%20enero-marzo%202021%20-%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20vers%C3%B3n%20final.pdf,"El Régimen Especial y Excepcional para Adquirir la Nacionalidad Colombia- na por Nacimiento – Ley 1997 de 2019, la cual ampara a las personas nacidas en el país para obtener la nacionalidad colombiana, sólo se encuentra vigente hasta septiembre de 2021 y no hay no- vedades sobre su posible prórroga. La ausencia de la misma podría tener un impacto negativo en la población y au- mentar los riesgos de apatridia." +489854,67830.0,2170.0,['Nutrition'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,62,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rc_report_august_2021.pdf,"[1st Aug 2021, BAY states] NUTRITION : Nutrition services include mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) screening, severe acute maleria (SAM) screening, supplementary feeding for children and supplementary feeding for pregnant and lactating women. There is a gap in registration/enrollment and screening of children on site who are in need of nutrition services." +270182,50226.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_6.pdf,"Teniendo en cuenta el comportamiento de notificación de los últimos siete años, se presenta disminución en 22 entidades territoriales; Amazonas, Córdoba y Santa Marta presentan incremento;" +214353,45385.0,2334.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,43,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Le taux de malnutrition aigüe globale s’élève à 5.2% avec un taux de MAS de 1.4%. Au Cameroun, la région de l’Extrême-Nord enregistre le taux le plus élevé de malnutrition chronique soit 38.2%." +220897,45410.0,2332.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,55,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"A partir de février 2021, la baisse de niveaux des stocks dans les zones structurellement déficitaires (BEG et Kanem) et les perturbations de moyens d’existence des ménages dans les zones insécures (Tibesti et Lac) couplés aux infections respiratoires occasionneraient une hausse des admissions dans les unités nutritionnelles." +305431,51474.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,71,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"In Jonglei and the Greater Pibor Administrative Area, interventions to convene communities for dialogue seem to have been successful in mitigating widespread violence, despite rumours of mobilization and sporadic clashes. The Mission (UNMISS) facilitated separate consultative meetings between Murle and Lou Nuer young people and traditional leaders in Juba in early December. Both forums resolved to cease hostilities and pursue peace between the communities." +216612,45416.0,2225.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)'],fr,20,[],['Information And Communication'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,"Malheureusement, très peu de rapports font mention des enfants porteurs de handicap dans le cadre de ces évaluations." +215512,44962.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,16,['Capacities & Response'],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.dw.com/en/coronavirus-in-afghanistan-do-confirmed-cases-depict-the-real-picture/a-54489465,The Afghan government has struggled to control the coronavirus spread with its partial lockdown measures. +116347,32643.0,1185.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,18,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/77408,4. Some 270 persons living with HIV and 210 pregnant women were supported with health appointments. +359368,58669.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,104,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/informe_de_emergencias_humanitarias_reportadas_elc_enero_mayo_2021.pdf,"IMPACTO POR CONFINAMIENTO Y RESTRICCIONES A LA MOVILIDAD Y ACCESO: El 83% de los confinamientos han sido causados por enfrentamientos entre GANE dejando a la población civil en medio del fuego, y las amenazas de contaminación con minas antipersonales (MAP) también hacen parte de las causas (17%) de estas emergencias reportadas en mayo, por lo que persisten los riesgos algunas comunidades en zona rural de Vigía del Fuerte (Antioquia), Argelia (Cauca), Puerto Leguízamo (Putumayo), Tierralta (Córdoba) y Medio San Juan (Chocó)." +322035,54521.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,108,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/post_clearance_report_narino_la_union_colombia_halo.pdf,"As shown above, there was a sharp drop in economic ingress (38%) during the period that IEDs were present in Nariño. Once the IEDs were cleared, economic ingress for direct beneficiary households began to rise, though the current ingress being achieved is still lower than what it was prior to the appearance of IEDs. This can be attributed to a number of factors, including fewer people of a working age living in rural areas, depreciation in the value of market goods being sold and that Colombia is still recovering economically from more than 50 years of conflict." +189147,42865.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],es,47,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-LMA-Colombia-Espanol.pdf,"Es probable que las mujeres venezolanas se hayan visto mayormente afectadas (figura 4), con el 78 porciento de mujeres venezolanas empleadas trabajando en los sectores altamente impactados, comparado con el 57 porciento de hombres venezolanos empleados y 59 porciento de mujeres colombianas empleadas" +390811,60791.0,1186.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,37,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"En 2019, son 3 las regiones donde las personas extranjeras de Colombia superaron el 20%: Antofagasta, con 29,1%; Magallanes, con 24,9%, y Atacama, con 20%." +162642,36464.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,144,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/medicos-venezolanos-esperan-pronta-autorizacion-del-gobierno-para-ejercer-en-el-pais/2067,"A mediados de marzo, gremios médicos colombianos enviaron una carta al presidente Iván Duque en la que rechazaron duramente la posibilidad de flexibilizar tiempos y trámites para la convalidación de títulos de medicina y sus especialidades obtenidos en el extranjero. El abogado Carvajal mandó derechos de peticiones a estas asociaciones de médicos, y de ninguna obtuvo argumentos que sustenten esa posición de rechazo. La necesidad más grande de médicos que tiene Colombia no es de médicos generales sino de especialistas. En ese sentido, se requieren intensivistas, anestesiólogos e infectologos que podrían ayudar mucho en la emergencia sanitaria. ""No veo cuál es la reticencia de convalidar estos títulos si los profesionales vienen de buenas universidades en Venezuela. Me parece un poco necio poner todas las trabas para que no convaliden"", sostuvo Carvajal." +313156,53183.0,2466.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,50,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"The protection sector also produced a number of analytical reports that were shared with the donors, kept the HCT Protection Task Force informed of the situation, developed advocacy messages for follow up by agencies in relation to the protection situation and humanitarian needs of IDPs and returnees." +341777,56493.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Si 36% des populations constituant l’échantillon du sondage a affirmé n’avoir pas eu et n’avoir pas un proche ayant eu recours à la justice coutumière ou traditionnelle, 21,66% de ces enquêtés déclarent n’avoir jamais confiance à la justice officielle." +294625,51749.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,[District sanitaire de Ouargaye] Aucun des dépôts des CSPS ne fait le suivi régulier de la température et ne dispose pas de réfrigérateurs pour les produits de chaine d’où le manque de ces produits dans les CSPS et ne disposent pas de kit PEP pour la prise en charge médicale des victimes de VBG. +325774,54267.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Il existe une économie alimentaire très répandue, essentiellement informelle, basée sur des réseaux commerciaux (marchés de regroupement et de gros) reliant les zones rurales à un large éventail de petites villes. Ces canaux sont responsables de la majeure partie du commerce alimentaire dans le pays (céréales, bétail, fruits, légumes, produits forestiers non ligneux)." +325602,54815.0,2099.0,[],[],[],en,66,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"The statistical analysis also provides at least tentative evidence on the role played by the overall security situation in the differences in schooling rates across Burkina Faso, especially at the primary school level where the association is particularly strong, possibly explained by the fact that security threats have resulted in the closure of a much larger number of primary schools than PPS schools." +161573,39295.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,56,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,"A few Nutrition Cluster partners have procured light PPE for their non-health staff who are involved in routine Middle Upper Arm Circumference screening to ensure continuity of this activity as it informs the nutrition situation and impact of COVID-19 on children and PLW. However, the procured quantities are insufficient due to funding constraints." +310047,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,54,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"In 2020, 16 per cent of the people using water facilities reported safety concerns. High open defecation rates (73 per cent at national level) also expose women, children and people living with disabilities at higher risk of violence and discrimination, particularly in IDP sites and other crowded settlements" +391168,61715.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,51,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/yobe_state_covid-19_pandemic_weekly_situation_report_sitrep_for_week_30_26_jul_-_01_aug_2021_.pdf,"[26th Jul - 1st Aug 2021, Yobe State] Coordination: • The SMOH, with the support of WHO and partners, is coordinating the implementation of COVID-19 response activities in all LGAs of the state • Conducted regular COVID-19 response coordination meetings with partners and stakeholders." +341451,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],fr,132,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"L’espoir placé et les attentes envers les politiciens ont vite déchanté les populations. Dans l’entendement des populations, la démocratie est de façon intrinsèque liée à la bonne gouvernance. Elle est le miroir d’une bonne gouvernance. En effet, la démocratie devrait véhiculer des vertus morales et la transparence dans la gestion des affaires publiques devrait être une devise. Or, les faits rapportés sur les gouvernants, qu’ils soient justes ou erronés, à propos de la gestion corrompent l’appareil étatique. L’exercice sain du pouvoir politique ne doit pas s’entacher de manœuvres déloyales, de détournement des fonds publics au profit de quelques-uns ou à des fins de « clientélisme »." +315382,53333.0,2334.0,"['WASH', 'Health', 'Livelihoods', 'Shelter']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,51,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Both 10-14 and 15-17 girls advocated for the provision of food, providing money for hospital bills, more hospitals, providing them shelter, send qualified doctors and nurses to support addressing of health concerns, provide hand sanitisers and mask and also teaching girls how to treat water." +64437,19126.0,788.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,58,[],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/acleddata.com-Regional%20Overview%20%20Africa%202%20October%202019.pdf,"Also in Nigeria — in Taraba state — representatives of Tiv and Jukun ethnic groups agreed on a ceasefire in a peace meeting held in Jalingo by September 26. However, two days later, suspected Jukun militias attacked the Tiv community in Akume village of Taraba, continuing this inter-communal violence that re-emerged since April 2019" +291543,51259.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,23,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2020_access_annual_overview.pdf,OCHA advised humanitarian teams in areas vulnerable to flooding to monitor the water levels and to relocate ahead of time if possible. +164302,34183.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']",[],[],es,118,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://s3.amazonaws.com/semanaruralvzla/documentos/1594859069_boletin_inversionpdf,"Bogotá ha sido la ciudad recepto- ra de la mayor inversión (83 %), seguida por los departamentos de Antioquia (9 %) y Atlántico (4 %). Estos tres dominios geo- gráficos también fueron beneficiados con la creación de nuevos empleos, dado que, según la plataforma de FDI Markets, entre el 2005 y el 2018, en Colombia se han generado más de 4.547 empleos producto de la inversión venezolana, de los cuales 3.382 se crearon en la ciudad de Bogotá. Sectores como el de servicios TIC, seguido por el turístico, el textil y el agroindustrial, han sido los que más han generado empleo" +169904,40360.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Casualties->Injured', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,75,[],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Coups et blessures volontaire : Le 16 août 2020, deux commerçants ont été agressés par des bandits armés lorsqu’ils revenaient du marché de Titabé. Les bandits les ont ligotés avant de leur porter des coups. L’un des commerçants a été blessé à la tête. Les deux commerçants ont été dépouillés d’une somme de 85 000 francs dont 35 000 francs et 50 000 francs." +273951,50464.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210203FINALFactSheetSomaliaSkisserLR11.pdf,"Local conflicts, rather than civil wars, are a more likely outcome of environmental degradation due to climate change. However, small scale tensions can increase the risk of broader conflict when exploited by elites—individuals or groups with relative wealth, privilege, power or influence." +170457,40462.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,54,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"La région de l’Est selon le rapport du CONASUR du 08 aout 2020, la région de l’Est enregistre 38.040 enfants déplacés. Ils sont repartis dans chacune des cinq provinces de la région dont la Tapoa, le Gourma, la Gnagna, la Komondjari et la Kompienga." +317235,53333.0,2334.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,67,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,Work in coordination with the cash Working Group to support the integration of Cash and/or Voucher (CVA) modalities in formal and non-formal education programmes. Integrate ECD services and parenting sessions into formal and non -formal learning programmes. In collaboration with the Education and Child Protection sub Cluster support the creation of an Adolescent/Youth task team that works across/ coordinate with different sectors. +328453,54887.0,2311.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,82,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7894133/pdf/main.pdf,"The HWISE study revealed that, prior to COVID-19, a significant number of households borrowed (39.7%) and loaned (31.5%) water as part of their regular livelihoods (Fig. 3). The variability in these in- dicators across sites was high, with respondents in sites like Arua, Uganda, suggesting that they almost never borrow/loan water, while those in other sites such as Cartagena, Colombia, very frequently do." +341847,56644.0,2311.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,183,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.sismamujer.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/MUJERES-DERECHOS-LABORALES-Y-EMERGENCIA-SANITARIA.docx.pdf,"Bajo estos supuestos, generales y estructurales, encontramos que en el marco de la emergencia sanitaria las mujeres experimentaron las siguientes violencias: Extensión de la jornada laboral ordinaria sin remuneración extra; internamiento obligatorio en el hogar del empleador/a con aumento de carga de trabajo; disminución injustificada del salario; falta de entrega de la dotación de trabajo (uniforme, guantes y zapatos); falta de entrega de elementos de bioseguridad y exigencia a las trabajadoras del uso de mezclas desinfectantes, en exceso y peligrosas, so pena de despido. Algunas de las mujeres también manifestaron haber experimentado tratos que calificaron de indignos, como el sometimiento a dietas obligatorias para lograr pérdida de peso, la requisa de sus objetos personales a la entrada y salida del lugar de trabajo por presunción permanente de hurto, discriminación por su lugar de procedencia y racismo14. Finalmente, las mujeres también evidenciaron la persistencia, en la pandemia, de hechos constitutivos de violencia sexual, como tocamientos, insinuaciones, desnudos y violencias físicas15." +304800,51467.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,58,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"One in five refugee returnees reports not having access to their houses for reasons including damages and occupancy by others. According to a key informant assessment, nearly a quarter of assessed households host displaced people. Destruction of property is one of the most-cited reasons for families and individuals in displacement to remain in displacement." +291351,51259.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,14,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Humanitarian Access', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2020_access_annual_overview.pdf,"Some 354 violent incidents were reported, an increase from 319 in 2019." +313542,53905.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Shelter']",['Capacities & Response->National Response'],['Context->Economy'],fr,91,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.rfi.fr/fr/podcasts/les-t%C3%AAtes-d-affiches-de-denise-epot%C3%A9/20210418-la-lutte-contre-la-malnutrition-%C3%A0-madagascar-et-la-sant%C3%A9-des-a%C3%AEn%C3%A9s-en-rdc,"[Podcast -Santé des personnes ainés en RDC] - Kinshasa- Mise en place de la première structure médicalisée déstinée exclusivement aux personnes du troisième age, Souvent délaissées pour compte des structures publiques. Ce premier ospice a pour objectif de fournir le cadre familial et sanitaire nécessaire aux patiens ciblés, afin d'améliorer la prévention des patologies dont souffrent souvent les personnes de troisième age. En absence de couverture médicale universelle, le centre propose certains soins gratuits, et pour les plus vulnérables, un hébergement." +306228,51474.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"On 16 December, a grenade exploded inside a tukul in Jur River, Western Bahr el-Ghazal, which killed two boys and injured another three children (one girl and two boys) when one of the boys tried to play with the item." +227234,46290.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Hospitalization & Care'],fr,123,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sidwaya.info/blog/2020/12/15/gestion-de-la-covid-19-les-deputes-deplorent-des-tatonnements/,"De l’analyse de la prise en charge des cas confirmés, la mission a relevé des faiblesses. Il s’agit de l’inexistence au départ d’un dispositif de tri sur les sites de prise en charge des malades, de la longue attente des patients transférés pour détresse respiratoire (2 à 4 heures) avant internement. A cela s’est ajouté l’absence de directives claires dès le début de la pandémie ayant conduit à un tâtonnement dans la prise des décisions et la non implication de tous les spécialistes. Ce qui a crée des retards de prise en charge de certaines pathologies, selon le rapporteur, Sayouba Ouédraogo." +90090,25213.0,1621.0,[],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Casualties->Injured']",en,81,[],"['Context', 'Casualties']",2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A_HRC_43_75_E.pdf,"For instance, on 9 October, in Al-Aziza street in Tripoli, two photojournalists – one from Aljazeera, the other from Agence France Presse – were shot and injured, reportedly by armed groups affiliated to the Government of National Accord. On 27 August, a cameraman working at Libya al-Ahrar TV was arrested by an armed group affiliated to the Government and taken to Mitiga prison in Tripoli, where he was detained until 9 September." +291495,51259.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2020_access_annual_overview.pdf,"At the time of publication (19-02-2021 ), humanitarian services in the area remain suspended, pending negotiation and safety assurances for staff. This is affecting the delivery of humanitarian services to over 60,000 people in need." +325661,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Environment'],fr,90,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Enfin, il y a une dimension territoriale dans le choix des chaînes de valeur à privilégier. Il existe d’importantes complémentarités entre les secteurs du riz et de l’aquaculture au niveau territorial, notamment en ce qui concerne l’eau, la gestion des écosystèmes et l’action sur le climat. Ces deux chaînes de valeur peuvent contribuer à améliorer les systèmes de production durable et à lutter contre le changement climatique en participant à la gestion de l’eau." +243166,46388.0,2336.0,['Education'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,10,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,307 reported security as a main barrier to education. +164394,38902.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"Death threats directed at people with COVID-19 have circulated in Putumayo department, which is a further expression of armed groups’ intent to exercise social control (OCHA 17/06/2020)" +318214,53305.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Protection']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,43,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,SSHF (South Sudan Humanitarian Fund) launched a $35-million standard allocation for frontline activities under the 2020 HRP. CERF (Central Emergency Response Fund) allocated $17 million for food security and protection activities. [MARCH 2020] +386727,60459.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,56,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"(scenario) Dans la province de Oudalan, l’assistance alimentaire reste la principale source de nourriture et de revenu des PDI qui ont été contraints d’abandonner leurs localités et qui seront en insécurité alimentaire de Crise ! (Phase 3 ! de l’IPC) jusqu’en septembre." +213040,44840.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,"With the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) projecting an 11 per cent decline in nominal GDP through 2020 , an economic slowdown threatens to impact negatively on access to livelihoods and income generating activities across Somalia, and to place additional pressures on households trying to meet basic needs." +177959,41855.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,44,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_Factsheet_2003_HSM_COVID19_Tanganyika_juillet-2020.pdf,"L’Est de la RDC est caractérisé par une situation humanitaire complexe du fait de la présence de nombreux groupes armés dans la province, de tensions intercommunautaires, d’épidémies, de catastrophes naturelles et d’une pauvreté chronique." +317201,53333.0,2334.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,28,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Shelter needs were also expressed as a need for adolescent girls to access education in facilities far away from home, which are not affected by fighting." +226834,46454.0,2028.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,64,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2022_23Dec2020_FINAL.pdf,"[23rd December, Aleppo]Al-Taiha in Aleppo remains open, although reports indicate some individuals have been prevented moving to GoS areas. Further reports indicate internal crossings in Tal-Abiad-Ras al-Ain remained closed. In addition, restrictions appear to remain in place at Um Jloud in Aleppo; at Awn Dadat, the crossing has been closed since 19 October." +149788,37699.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,38,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/ne-syria-60-increase-covid-19-cases-past-week-irc-calls-increased-health,"The IRC says there is an urgent need to scale-up health capacity in the camp, and across the whole of northeast Syria, to prevent further deaths - both from preventable causes and from COVID-19 itself." +264300,48806.0,2332.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,63,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_final_enquete_smart_27112019.pdf,"Les résultats de l’analyse concernant le module EHA montre qu’au niveau national, 61,0% des ménages utilisent une source d’eau améliorée pour l’approvisionnement en eau potable. Cependant la situation est très variable au niveau provincial avec des extrêmes allant de 19,8% à Wadi Fira à 99,3% à N’djamena." +156348,35301.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Education']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,79,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Despite the challenging environment UNICEF continued to deliver in Syria, adjusting operational modalities to ensure the delivery of critical humanitarian assistance during escalations of violence as well as the COVID-19 pandemic. Distribution methods have been adapted to reduce face-to-face contact, and awareness raising efforts on COVID-19 risks and precautions were scaled up. Virtualization of in-person meetings and activities remains in place, including for coordination and awareness raising, education and case management services." +165112,38902.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,66,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"On 14 June, the government of Norte de Santander and humanitarian agencies opened a reception centre near the border, with the capacity to provide basic assistance for up to 600 Venezuelan refugees and migrants for a maximum of two days while waiting to be permitted to cross the border (Government of Norte de Santander 30/06/2020, 15/06/2020; La Opinión 16/06/2020)." +264570,49669.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,23,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://colombia.as.com/colombia/2021/02/20/actualidad/1613846806_672285.html,"5. Adecuar un nuevo calendario escolar, contenidos curriculares y horarios, teniendo en cuenta las circunstancias producto de la pandemia." +219399,45655.0,2028.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,65,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"[9th Dec, Overall Syria]Restrictions appear to remain in place at Um Jloud in Aleppo; at Awn Dadat, the crossing has been closed since 19 October. Al-Bukamal-Al-Quaem crossing is reported to open for commercial and military movements; Ras Al-Ain border crossing is partially open for humanitarian shipments, voluntary returns, and visits relating to the agricultural harvest" +330735,55042.0,2098.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.gage.odi.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Adolescents%E2%80%99-experiences-of-covid-19-in-Chittagong-and-Sylhet-divisions-Bangladesh.pdf,"[30 April 2021, Bangladesh]Nutrition, health and hygiene: The pandemic-related economic hardships have forced many families to reduce their daily consumption of food – something that came out strongly in qualitative interviews, as described in the following subsections." +205492,44672.0,2336.0,['Health'],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,21,[],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In March, the government announced restriction on movements and social distancing regulations which was followed by a nation-wide lockdown." +236145,47122.0,2334.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,25,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,The GBV AoR developed a guidance note on GBV interventions for COVID-19 to guide GBV actors in mitigating COVID- 19 risks in GBV interventions. +473036,63732.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2f4004e6/REACH_BFA_Factsheet_Abri-AME-et-LTB_Pouytenga_juillet-2021.pdf,"La majorité des IC (17/30) ont rapporté que la majorité des ménages vivait en zone inondable, en particulier au niveau de Koumbogo et de Ramessen. Aucune mesure d'atténuation des risques d'inondation ne semble avoir été mise en place, selon les IC." +46267,15533.0,729.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,52,['Impact'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_report_areabasedassessment_aba_azzawya_jun2019.pdf,"Between September 2018 and January 2019, on the other hand, prices began to sharply decrease in Azzawya as a direct consequence of large-scale economic reforms, which enabled the Central Bank of Libya to significantly narrow the gap between the official and parallel-market exchange rates for the Libyan dinar." +236141,47122.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,59,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"The slight decrease in numbers [in Child Protection activities] compared to last month is mainly due to COVID-19 restrictions and the new set of risk mitigation measures, such as handwashing, social distancing and limiting the number of children and animators per activity, which were collectively agreed upon by the Child Protection AoR members." +237132,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Among the security challenges reported, navigating explosive hazards has been particularly highlighted in Samangan and Uruzgan where up to 70 per cent of key informants reported the presence of explosive hazards as barrier." +160374,35728.0,1183.0,['Education'],[],[],es,53,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no_6_covid-19_choco_vf.pdf,"Las disposiciones nacionales sobre el inicio de jornadas educativas virtuales suponen un riesgo en términos de desescolarización para la mayoría de NNA en los municipios del departamento, que no cuentan con la infraestructura para continuar con las clases (solo el 14% de los hogares poseen conexión a internet)." +194656,43820.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Environment'],es,22,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/guur-115.1_fsa_19112020_v3.pdf,"No se ha identificado la necesidad en centros hospitalarios, pero se conoce que también han sido afectados por las inundaciones." +303670,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,18,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Early marriage is common, with half of South Sudanese girls getting married before the age of 18" +287418,51638.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,66,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20_FEVRIER%202021_SAHEL.pdf,"(Sahel) Il a été noté également des cas de retours de PDI de la ville de Sebba vers la localité de Takatami dans la commune de Boundoré. Des mouvements de populations ont été constatés entre Dori et Gorgadji escortés par les VDP tous les trois jours, il s’agit de mouvements des populations hôtes pour diverses activités notamment le commerce." +359371,58669.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,73,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/informe_de_emergencias_humanitarias_reportadas_elc_enero_mayo_2021.pdf,"IMPACTO POR CONFINAMIENTO Y RESTRICCIONES A LA MOVILIDAD Y ACCESO: Durante el periodo de protestas (28 abril a 4 junio de 2021) sociales se presentaron más de 256 ataques a misiones y personal medico, respecto a 242 que se presentaron durante todo 2020; estos incluyen ataques directos contra el personal y a ambulancias transportando pacientes y tuvieron lugar especialmente en Valle del Cauca y Norte de Santander." +299686,52510.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,62,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.alwatanonline.com/%d8%aa%d8%b4%d8%ba%d9%8a%d9%84-66-%d9%85%d8%ad%d8%b7%d8%a9-%d9%85%d9%8a%d8%a7%d9%87-%d9%81%d9%8a-%d8%af%d9%8a%d8%b1-%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%b2%d9%88%d8%b1/,"[March 29, Deir Ez-Zor] The Public Corporation for Drinking Water and Sanitation workshops restarted the Al-Abbas station in Al-Bukamal countryside and the Mahqan water station in Al-Mayadeen countryside, which are considered as model stations with a capacity of 160 cubic meters each, bringing the number of water stations in service to 66 out of 69 stations." +317206,53333.0,2334.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,57,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Malnutrition was also stated in terms of poor access to nutritious and adequate food causing malnutrition in adolescents and their babies. According to 80% of FGD respondents, nutrition is mostly a concern for babies of adolescent mothers who have limited knowledge on how to breastfeed and other infant and young children feeding practices." +194569,43822.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH', 'Shelter', 'Food Security']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,49,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19112020_flash_update_no.3_emergencias_por_ola_invernal_-_colombia_vf.pdf,"Providencia se mantiene sin servicio de energía. Entre las necesidades más urgentes para atender a la mayoría de los habitantes que están a la intemperie, se encuentran: kits de albergue e higiene, agua, alimentos, elementos de sanidad, personal médico, medicamentos." +142214,35870.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,69,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"In this regard, life-saving food assistance to 3.5 million people has continued with adjusted distribution modalities, as has agricultural and livelihoods programs. UNDP and partners have further focused on support for micro, small and medium enterprises for workers temporarily out of employment with social safety net activities, in addition to distribution of agricultural inputs and livestock to sustain food security in rural areas." +59110,17455.0,788.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,22,[],['Displacement'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/201908-nigeria-cross-border-report.pdf,"Many people have also fled abroad to neighbouring Cameroon, Chad and Niger, which between them host more than 230,000 refugees" +132469,35164.0,1188.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"De acuerdo con organizaciones que asisten a refugiados y migrantes refugiados venezolanos, las personas no están teniendo tiempo ni espacios donde procesar sus emociones, lo que puede derivar en explosiones de afectividad descontrolada, en un mayor riesgo de trastornos mentales a largo plazo y/o dependencia de sustancias psicoactivas (alcohol o drogas)." +427579,63512.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,112,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://opendocs.ids.ac.uk/opendocs/bitstream/handle/20.500.12413/16796/IDS_Policy_Briefing_183.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y,"Financial constraints are a significant barrier to education in low-income countries, and they are exacerbated in contexts of violent conflict, when households face a negative income shock. The study shows that, in periods of crisis, teachers and school staff take a range of measures to mitigate the increase in financial constraints to schooling. These include the temporary reduction or cancellation of school fees for all students within a school, or for specific groups of students – in particular, internally displaced persons and indigenous groups. These are part of a range of bottomup initiatives taken by education actors to deal with situations of crisis" +219092,45655.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,63,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"[9th Dec, Overall Syria] Transmission continues to be reported at health facilities across NES. Although transmission among health workers and at health facilities continues to have a detrimental impact on health service continuity, health partners have continued to improve Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) measures/ compliance resulting in a reduction in facility closures and staff infections" +214281,45385.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,50,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Dans un contexte marqué par la limitation des financements, les restrictions des mouvements dues à la COVID-19 et les difficultés d’accès à certains sites, il s’avère difficile d’apporter une réponse efficace aux nombreux déplacés de la région [Extrême Nord]." +317983,52949.0,2331.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,43,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"However, anticipated La Niña conditions are associated with an elevated likelihood of consecutive belowaverage rainfall seasons, and Somalia faces a high risk of drought conditions developing in early 2021. Desert Locusts could also further exacerbate crop and pasture losses." +173037,40858.0,1899.0,['Food Security'],[],[],es,74,[],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020-09-21%20Resumen%20Semanal%20de%20Situaci%C3%B3n%2014-20%20de%20sep%202020.pdf,"GUATEMALA Según un reciente estudio del UNICEF, una de cada cuatro familias ha eliminado una comida diaria debido al impacto de la crisis de COVID-19 en el acceso a la alimentación. Tres de cada 10 personas encuestadas informan que al menos un miembro de la familia está comiendo menos. La mitad de los hogares dicen que ya no compran ciertos alimentos debido al impacto de la pandemia en sus finanzas." +317925,53305.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,37,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Immediate response priorities include sustaining the ongoing, multi-sectoral response scale-up in the six most food insecure areas and preparing for the 2021 rainy season, which is forecasted to lead once again to major floods." +268291,49794.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,84,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syria.tv/%D8%B1%D8%BA%D9%85-%D8%B1%D9%81%D8%B9-%D9%82%D8%B3%D8%AF-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AD%D8%B5%D8%A7%D8%B1-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AE%D8%A8%D8%B2-%D8%BA%D9%8A%D8%B1-%D9%85%D8%AA%D9%88%D9%81%D8%B1-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AD%D8%B3%D9%83%D8%A9-%D9%88%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%82%D8%A7%D9%85%D8%B4%D9%84%D9%8A,"[February 5, NES] He added that people go out to the SDF control areas to buy bread because it is not available in the two cities, pointing out that the “Al-Masaken and Al-Rabee” bakery in the city of Qamishli in addition to the “Al-Baath” bakery in the city of Hasaka, stopped working 9 days ago, due to lack of material Flour as a result of the blockade imposed by the ""SDF""." +274513,50587.0,2099.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,22,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MENSUEL%20DE%20PROTECTION%20JANVIER%202021-NORD.pdf,"Selon les informations issues du monitoring de preotection, les personnes déplacées internes vivent pour la plus part dans la précarité." +183599,42456.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,23,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.unicef.org/wca/media/5411/file/UNICEF-WCARO-Central-Sahel-Advocacy-October-2020.pdf,"Children in institutions often live in congested and unhygienic conditions, and sometimes in environments that are prone to abuse and violence." +11330,2953.0,322.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods', 'Shelter']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,85,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20feb%202018.pdf,"An estimated 17.8 million people (six out of every ten Yemenis) are food insecure, with 8.4 million severely food insecure, requiring urgent humanitarian assistance to stay alive. Needs are driven by the disruptions of commercial imports, mass displacement, loss of income and livelihoods opportunities, fuel scarcity, high commodity prices and the collapse of public services including the payment of salaries for civil servants. FSAC is only 2 per cent funded as of end of February" +235458,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,27,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,There is no health system without a workforce; COVID-19 among healthcare workers has hampered the pandemic response and the provision of other essential health services. +273787,50464.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,91,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210203FINALFactSheetSomaliaSkisserLR11.pdf,"The UN system and international partners must support the [Federal Government of Somalia] FGS and strengthen its institutional capacity to integrate responses to climate-related security risk across government. To support regional integration and capitalise on synergies, this should be done in coordination with regional institutions such as the IGAD (Intergovernmental Authority on Development) Conflict Early Warning and Response Mechanism (CEWARN), and the IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Centre (ICPAC), as well as the African Union (AU)." +219536,45655.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,29,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"[9th Dec, Overall Syria] The Bab Al–Hawa border into NWS from Turkey, is open for commercial and humanitarian traffic and movement of humanitarian staff." +355462,58187.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,56,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17062021_alerta_situacion_humanitaria_inundaciones_en_el_putumayo_vf.pdf,"Es necesario el acompañamiento con campañas de salud a comunidades afectadas, especialmente aquellas que no poseen agua potable debido a enfermedades que pueden surgir en los damnificados, como son infecciones cutáneas, respiratorias y gastrointestinales, como la Hepatitis A, Diarrea, Meningitis, Pediculosis, Leptospirosis, disentería, entre otras." +401785,62956.0,2098.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,90,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[29th July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Both Host and Refugees: As per the initial assessment of HI, at least 10 refugee’s camps located near the hill’s slope of Ukhiya and Teknaf as well as many villages of various Union are flooded. Many shelters, roads, facilities, etc. are submerged or flooded. Along with the flood, a number of landslides and damage to infrastructure have also been reported among both in Camps and host communities." +169380,40508.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Demography'],fr,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://lefaso.net/spip.php?article99720,"Le nombre de cas actifs est de 698. Depuis le 9 mars 2020, le Burkina compte 2 154 cas confirmés dont 726 femmes et 1 428 hommes." +61294,18235.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,85,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"Bogotá has traditionally been the main destination of Venezuelan refugees and migrants heading for Colombia: according to government data, at the end of 2018 the city was hosting 31.9% of Venezuelans in the country.111 Based on the interviews with both key informants and people on the move, the main reasons behind migrants’ and refugees’ of Bogotá include the existence of economic opportunities and the fact that the capital has a broader availability of public services than other areas." +310678,53333.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Politics'],en,19,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Currently, Mondays are the ghost towns when the population is not allowed to engage in any commercial activities" +156216,36465.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,38,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/en-un-mes-mas-de-82000-venezolanos-han-renovado-el-permiso-especial-de-permanencia/2087,"Entre otros datos importantes, cerca de 32 mil colombianos han regresado al país en 280 vuelos humanitarios, junto con el retorno de otros 1.800 personas de forma terrestre por la frontera entre Colombia y Ecuador." +61451,18235.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Casualties->Dead'],en,21,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"Media sources have reported that several Venezuelans, including at least one baby, died from hypothermia along this route." +492258,67734.0,1224.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,31,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"Public schools which also serve refugees and migrants, reopened countrywide to facilitate students for exam preparations, even as the pandemic continued to plague all ten regions of Guyana." +151425,37915.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,118,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Priority Needs', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/78176.pdf,"Protection monitoring and case support continues to be conducted by UNHCR and partners, including with the help of refugee volunteers. The reduced staff presence and of authorities in the camps, coupled with limited mobile communication possibilities, is resulting in delayed responses to referrals. The number of refugees in need of legal assistance and mediation is increasing. With the reduced numbers of protection staff in the camps, appointed community representatives (mahjis) have taken on a greater role in mediating disputes in a manner that is not always in line with basic protection principles and, in some cases, reportedly has involved abuse of authority, extortion and bribery." +149145,36019.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,42,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"Many humanitarian partners have reported that the volatility of the informal exchange rate has forced a temporary suspension of local procurement, including vital COVID-19 related materials such as personal protection equipment (PPE), as suppliers have withdrawn tenders." +189165,42865.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,52,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-LMA-Colombia-Espanol.pdf,"De hecho, de acuerdo con las autoridades colombianas de migración, desde el 14 de marzo al 3 de agosto, más de 95,000 venezolanos regresaron a Venezuela.33 Sin embargo, los cierres de fronteras del gobierno venezolano están volviendo difícil o incluso imposible para muchos otros el completar la travesía" +162983,37820.0,2098.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,52,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/iom_rohingya_crisis_response_-_external_sitrep_-_july_2020.pdf,"Teams also provided partners 28 back sprayers so that they may spray the chlorine solution to ensure disinfection of WASH facilities and key communal spaces. Since the beginning of the Covid-19 responses, IOM has provided a total of 189 backpack sprayers and 3,253 kg of 65% HTH chlorine." +308116,53309.0,2098.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,77,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/gender_alert_brief_final.pdf,"[29th March 2021, Cox's Bazar] The different needs of women, girls, men and boys during and after this massive fire outbreak must be assessed. Incorporating sex, age and disability-disaggregated (SADDD) data and gender analysis in assessments is necessary to ensure that the interventions leave no one behind. To ensure minimum standards, assessment teams must at least include females, and ideally be gender balanced." +156213,36465.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,42,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/en-un-mes-mas-de-82000-venezolanos-han-renovado-el-permiso-especial-de-permanencia/2087,"Espinosa afirmó que 613.000 ciudadanos venezolanos cuentan con el PEP vigente. ""Nuestra meta es aumentar este número, algo que le va a permitir a esta población acceder a mayores oportunidades"", dijo en la rueda de prensa." +388556,60980.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/informe_de_emergencias_humanitarias_reportadas_elc_enero_junio_2021.pdf,"También se destaca al menos 287 personas pertenecientes a comunidades indígenas, quienes se desplazaron a inicios de mayo desde Bagadó (Chocó) hacia Pueblo Rico (Risaralda) tras amenazas directas de un GAO. Posteriormente la comunidad desplazada se vio forzada a confinarse junto a la comunidad receptora de Pueblo Rico (509 personas confinadas en total)." +182765,32000.0,1900.0,"['Food Security', 'WASH']",[],['Context->Environment'],es,73,[],['Context'],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020-06-01%20Resumen%20Semanal%20de%20Situacio%CC%81n%2025-31%20de%20mayo%202020.pdf,"HONDURAS Los daños en Honduras han sido comparativamente limitados, con 108 familias en ocho departamentos que han informado de los daños en sus hogares, según la Comisión Permanente de Contingencias (COPECO). COPECO se ha desplegado en las zonas afectadas para llevar a cabo evaluaciones de los daños y las necesidades y ha distribuido raciones de alimentos y kits de limpieza e higiene a casi 100 familias afectadas." +214376,45385.0,2334.0,"['Protection', 'Cross', 'Shelter']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,80,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Les vols et pillages (940), les extorsions de biens (326), les enlèvements (104) et les dénis de ressources (18) mais aussi l’accès difficile à la terre (37) constituent les principaux types d’incidents dénombrés. [48% de ces incidents ont été commis par des Groupes Armés Non Etatiques (GANE) et 9% par des membres des comités de vigilance.]" +285952,51487.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],"['Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",es,80,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no1_desplazamientos_en_buenaventura.pdf,"Los hechos de violencia registrados (ej. el homicidio de siete personas de las comunas 5, 6, 9 y 12) responden a una nueva y recrudecida intensificación de la violencia que vive la ciudad por el control territorial, y especialmente aquellos sectores que tienen salida al mar. Lo anterior, considerando que es una zona estratégica para el narcotráfico, quedando los habitantes de los barrios en disputa en medio del fuego cruzado." +305746,51467.0,2335.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,41,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"The school closures followed by COVID-19 increased the risk of gender-based violence and the sexual exploitation among girls. In the Malakal PoC(Protection of Civilian) site, a significant number of young females reported experiencing psychosocial distress." +235670,47076.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,In June OCHA coordination hubs in the NWSW extended coordination activities in the West and Littoral regions of Cameroon with Humanitarian Coordination Forum (HCF) meetings held in both regions. +133601,35118.0,1187.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Demography'],es,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,las 4 personas en situación de calles eran varones y venezolanos y 3 de ellos viviendo en Argentina entre 6 meses y 1 año -solo 1 se reportó en el grupo de entre 18 y 29 años-. +156495,35724.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],es,26,[],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3655762,"Fueron 1.700 familias beneficiadas en esta subregión, de un total de 4.000 priorizadas por la Unidad para las Víctimas durante la emergencia sanitaria en Antioquia" +318219,53305.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,30,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,A three-phased response approach was launched to meet the needs of close to half a million flood-affected people in low-lying areas along the Nile River. [AUGUST 2020] +224041,45768.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,22,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,Tous les enfants ont évoqué des situations de traumatismes en raison d’atrocités qu’ils ont vues ou vécues. +386794,60459.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,85,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"Entre juin et septembre, cette zone sera en insécurité alimentaire de Crise ! (Phase 3 ! de l’IPC) du fait de l’assistance alimentaire qui devrait toucher 49 pour cent de la population et répondre au moins à 50 pour cent de leurs besoins alimentaires. Cette assistance cible notamment les PDIs qui ont été contraints d’abandonner leurs localités et dont l’assistance reste la principale source de nourriture et de revenu. (scenario)" +213369,44840.0,2331.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Context->Economy']",en,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Context']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,"Acute food security crisis in Somalia is protracted. From 2012 to 2019, an average of 3 million Somalis were classified as IPC 2 (stressed) and 1.6 million people faced severe food insecurity (IPC Phase 3 (crisis) and above)." +327054,55027.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,22,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Under-Secretary-General%20for%20Humanitarian%20Affairs%20and%20Emergency%20Relief%20Coordinator%2C%20Mark%20Lowcock%20-%20Briefing%20to%20the%20Security%20Council%20on%20the%20humanitarian%20situation%20in%20Syria%2C%2028%20April%202021.pdf,"[28 April 2021, Damascus, GoS] Hospitals in Damascus, including intensive care units, are now full." +400313,62279.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,155,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"[10th November 2020, MONGUNO LGA, BORNO STATE]Immunization: In this survey, 55.3% (50.2% - 60.2%) children received vitamin A whereas 74.7% children received measles vaccination among which the majority of the participants has the EPI card (50.3%) along with them. Deworming is part of Nigeria`s one of the largest child survival intervention. Under this program, all children above 1 year of age receive one tablet/ syrup of anthelminthic drug at least once every six months. As the presence of helminths can also deteriorate nutrition status, therefore it was also included in the survey. As per the survey data, 52.8% (47.7% - 57.7%) of children between one to five years of age received at least one deworming tablet in the past six months to the survey." +169423,40506.0,2099.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,50,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://lefaso.net/spip.php?article99753,"Il s’agit notamment des restauratrices de rue et gérantes de kiosques, des vendeuses de fruits et légumes dans les quartiers, les maraîchères et celles évoluant dans le commerce itinérant, les coiffeuses et couturières, les travailleuses du sexe et les filles domestiques et aide-ménagères." +314050,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"In total, more than 2.6 million people are internally displaced – all of whom continue to face serious risks of marginalization, forced eviction and exclusion." +171481,40699.0,2098.0,['Cross'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,80,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20201004_acaps_thematic_review_vulnerable_households_rohingya_refugee_response.pdf,"[4th october, Cox's Bazar] While sharing information via microphones, tom-toms and other means was effective during the COVID-19 response, such mediums do not necessarily reach those with limited access to public spaces, such as single female headed households (IOM, ACAPS 04/2020). Lack of access to information increases household vulnerability as people are less able to receive information about employment opportunities, available services, or pertinent emergency messages." +164379,38902.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,23,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"Arauca department, where ELN is generally the dominant actor, has seen strengthening of FARC-EP dissident groups (LaFM 21/08/2020)." +173816,39928.0,2170.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Context->Legal & Policy', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,75,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"Similar extensions have been granted to other courts in addition to virtual court sittings as a COVID-19 prevention measure. As part of the government’s measures to curb the spread of COVID-19, correctional institutions were ordered to release inmates to decongest the detention facilities. These developments will no doubt, increase access to the courts by the affected population and contribute to the building of an overall conducive protection environment." +327344,54982.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,54,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/04/changes-in-eating-habits-ramadan-does-not-taste-the-same-in-syria/,"[17 APR, Overall Syria] With the rise in meat prices, many Syrian families are looking for less-costly alternatives, restricting many of their recipes to vegetables. However, Mounir estimated that the lowest cost for an all-vegetable iftar meal is probably over 10,000 SYP (3 USD)." +292364,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,De même 15/30 districts de santé de la région de l’Extrême Nord sont touché par une épidémie de Rougeole. Le nombre de zones affectées va grandissant au fil du temps. +161302,39528.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],fr,79,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"La COVID-19 continue à sévir au Burkina Faso et l’épicentre de l’épidémie est la capitale Ouagadougou qui à elle seule enregistre 79% des cas confirmés du pays. Au 31 juillet le pays rapportait un cumul de 1149 cas confirmés de COVID-19, 945 patients guéris, 53 décès soit une létalité de 4,6% étant au-dessus de la létalité moyenne observée dans la région de l’Afrique de l’Ouest." +489206,67799.0,2170.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,120,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/PB_NG_202108_2.pdf,"Sorghum, maize, millet, cowpea, gari (fermented cassava starch), and rice are all found in Nigerian markets. Sorghum, millet and maize are widely consumed by most households, but especially in the north, and are used by various industries. Maize is mainly used by the poultry industry as a raw material for feed while sorghum is used by breweries for producing beverages. Sorghum and millet are important for households in the north, particularly the border markets where millet is also heavily traded with Niger. Gari is widely consumed by households in the south and some in the north. Rice is produced and consumed throughout the country" +224053,45768.0,2332.0,"['WASH', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,44,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"En ce qui concerne les infrastructures scolaires existantes, il y a lieu de noter, à Diamerom, 02 salles de classes construites en matériaux non durables, 01 bloc de latrines de 04 cabines institutionnelles, 01 forage et 02 enseignants." +306523,51572.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,69,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Currently there are 17 SAM cases without medical complications and 119 MAM cases and 144 Pregnant and Lactating Women admitted in Dethoma PHCU (however, there’s currently stock out of CSB++ for the PLW and only 5 cartons of RUSF ( Ready-to-Use Supplementary Food) available for the MAM cases). [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]" +314250,52949.0,2331.0,['Food Security'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,35,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"In contrast, an extended dry spell between mid-May and late June 2020 across many parts of southern Somalia contributed to a significant decline in the 2020 Gu season crop production in agropastoral areas." +48102,13061.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Education']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,134,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.derechos.org.ve/web/wp-content/uploads/MigracionLigia.pdf,"la falta de documentación y la ausencia de diligencia debida por parte de las autoridades colombianas para otorgarles documentos, los enfrentan a situaciones de precariedad, tal como lo reporta ACNUR Colombia: La condición nómada de los wayuu puede implicar que muchos no posean la documentación de identidad legal requerida para acceder a los servicios en el lado colombiano de la frontera. Esto significa que cuando los wayuu llegan o vuelven a La Guajira, a menudo deshidratados, desnutridos y cargando solamente la ropa que llevan puesta, se enfrentan a una serie de barreras específicas para acceder a los centros de salud e inscribir a sus hijos en las escuelas primarias.33 Al cierre de este informe, el pueblo Pemón se sumó al fenómeno de la migración forzada." +386930,60462.0,2099.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,38,['Capacities & Response'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNDP-DFS-Secondary-Impacts-of-COVID-19-Closing-Civic-Space-in-Fragile-Contexts.pdf,"V-DEM’s PanDem index only shows two minor violations of democratic standards: (i) with regard to abusive enforcement of COVID restrictions, and (ii) lack of time limits on specific restrictions." +344401,56726.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Hospitalization & Care'],en,81,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20210526_USG%20Statement%20to%20Security%20Council%20on%20Syria.pdf,"[26 May 2021, Overall Syria] Following the artillery strikes on Atareb Surgical Hospital on 21 March, , the hospital remains largely out of action, even though staff have gone back to work. Before the attack, the hospital was carrying out over 200 consultations and procedures a day. That number has dropped to around 50. Potential patients are worried about another attack and so they are reluctant to go to the hospital." +305473,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,67,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"South Sudan ranks fourth highest globally on the 2021 INFORM Index for Risk Management, after Somalia, Afghanistan and Yemen. The top five factors contributing to South Sudan’s high risk are high intensity of violent conflict, low ranking on the Human Development Index and the Multidimensional Poverty Index, and high economic dependency on humanitarian and development aid and on remittances." +115497,31694.0,1898.0,"['Protection', 'Education', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],"['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Casualties->Injured', 'Context->Environment', 'Casualties->Dead']",es,74,['Impact'],"['Shock/Event', 'Context', 'Casualties']",UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UN_Situation%20Report%2011_COVID19_del%2003%20al%2015%20JUN_2020.pdf,"TT AMANDA/CRISTÓBAL • Más de 149.500 personas directamente afectadas y 30 fallecidas. • Más de 330.000 personas en inseguridad alimentaria severa por efectos de las lluvias. • US$8 millones de pérdidas en infraestructura, incluyendo carreteras y puentes. • US$22.1 millones de pérdidas en cultivos de granos, hortalizas y frutas. • 537 escuelas dañadas. • Continúan las evaluaciones de daños a nivel nacional." +314439,52949.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"A total of 6,589 cases of cholera, including 33 deaths, were reported in 2020. Over 40 per cent of cases and more than half the deaths were in children under 2, with the vast majority in Banadir." +316283,52949.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"High child and maternal mortality rates are of particular concern. Four in 100 Somali children die during the first month of life, 8 in 100 before their first birthday, and 1 in 8 before they turn 5." +355457,58187.0,2311.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,47,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17062021_alerta_situacion_humanitaria_inundaciones_en_el_putumayo_vf.pdf,"Debido a las pérdidas de cultivos de arroz, yuca, plátano, maíz, así como la pérdida de proyectos de piscicultura y animales de corral, las familias damnificadas presentan necesidades en seguridad alimentaria y nutrición y se requiere la entrega de kits alimenticios." +133668,35117.0,1187.0,['Health'],[],[],es,87,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Desde el Servicio social de CAREF estamos en articulación con organizaciones como Tzedaka y OIM, que disponen de bancos de medicamentos, o recursos para garantizar la medicación necesaria. Se articula también con los servicios sociales de los efectores de salud, a fin de que se cumpla La Ley de Migraciones y la norma constitucional, y se garantice el derecho a la salud sin distinción de la condición migratoria y garantizando el tratamiento igualitario y sin discriminación a todas las personas migrantes." +294562,51749.0,2099.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],fr,82,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,[commune de Comin-Yanga] Ce manque d’hygiène et d’assainissement au sein de la commune de Comin-Yanga est confirmé par le nombre de cas graves de paludisme qui s’élève à 4 551 cas au sein du District de Santé (DS) de Ouargaye -dont fait partie la commune de Comin-Yanga- ce qui est nettement plus élevé que la moyenne nationale pour l’année 2020 avec une moyenne de 3 902 cas par District. +341372,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,96,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Bien que les préjugés soient liés à des antécédents anecdotiques traditionnels, l’amalgame entre le point de départ des attaques terroristes, le nord sahélien, l’appartenance religieuse et la forte présence présumée des populations nordistes dans les groupes armés djihadistes, confortent les arguments de culpabilisation et d’indexation envers la communauté peulh. Il y a une sorte d’instrumentalisation communautaire qui a produit une assimilation de la communauté peulh aux terroristes. Cela a conduit par ricochet cette communauté à se sentir victime de représailles communautaires." +69152,19842.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acnur.org/es-es/noticias/noticia/2019/8/5d5c64e64/de-vuelta-a-colombia-tras-una-vida-en-venezuela.html,"Cuando su esposa, Deisy Lizarazo, dio a luz en 2016 al pequeño Francisco en un hospital de Caracas, Venezuela, el recién nacido tuvo que ser entubado de urgencia. El bebé sobrevivió, pero se enfrentaría a tantas complicaciones—apnea y bronquitis, entre otros problemas de salud—que los médicos dejaron de brindarle los tratamientos más básicos." +145921,35870.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,44,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"In the reporting period, WHO supported the 25 active surveillance teams to conduct 450 visits, in addition to active finding of suspected cases. In addition, WHO further supported a session for health worker teams on case definition and prevention measures" +219777,45777.0,2333.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,88,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/niger/un-soutien-additionnel-d-education-cannot-wait-pour-intensifier-l-ducation-dans-les,"""Sans éducation, les enfants font face à un avenir sans espoir. La vie d'un enfant exclu de l'école est une tragédie de potentiel non réalisé et d'opportunité perdue. Dans une région confrontée à des conflits et à une instabilité de plus en plus complexe - aggravés par les effets de la Covid-19 - l'éducation ne peut jamais être une option, c'est une nécessité, une question de survie et une clé de la stabilité sociale"", a poursuivi Dr Félicité Tchibindat." +181913,42262.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_KAP4_Covid_NWS_TK_21.10.20-2.pdf,"[October 1, NWS, coping mechanisms]Fifty-seven percent (57%) of respondents reported that drinking boiled herbs and eating certain foods remains one of the main myths they have heard surrounding the prevention of COVID-19." +199012,43643.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,49,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://cerosetenta.uniandes.edu.co/migracion-colombia-margino-a-los-extranjeros-durante-la-cuarentena/,"Entre marzo y septiembre de este año no trabajaron las 27 oficinas migratorias que existen en el país. Miles de extranjeros, la mayoría venezolanos, vivieron sin acceso a la identificación; un derecho fundamental que puede coartar otros, como salud, educación y empleo." +405402,63222.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,65,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_mvam_bulletin_57_july_2021.pdf,"[Syria, July] On 7 July 2021, the UN Security Council passed Resolution 2585 (2021), authorizing the continued cross-border delivery of humanitarian assistance from Turkey to northwest Syria, through the Bab al-Hawa crossing. The Resolution extends the cross-border operations for six months, with another six-month extension contingent on a substantive assessment by the Secretary General." +149841,37865.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,44,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cxb-situation-report-20.pdf,"From early April until 23 August 2020, a total of 33 148 laboratory tests for COVID-19 have been conducted in the laboratory, of which 27 790 from Cox’s Bazar district. The remainder are from Bandarban and Chittagong districts." +219090,45655.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,35,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"[9th Dec, Overall Syria] Despite the imposition of lockdown measures during November, there remains limited adherence to basic protective measures such as mask-wearing, and limited enforcement of these measures." +112848,29955.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,8,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76820,Concentración de ciudadanos venezolanos en frontera noreste. +236240,46388.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,25,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,COVID-19 has resulted in increasing food insecurity among urban residents where the impacts of the pandemic on employment and health have been most severe. +224813,43304.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,Ils [migrants en détresse bloqués aux frontières ou à l’intérieur du Tchad] dépendent souvent de l’assistance humanitaire ou du soutien de leurs familles pour survivre. +234218,46381.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,127,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The survey findings also reveal that the proportion of IgM positive among participants aged 5-17 was 3.3% (4.1% males and 2.3% females). The highest proportion of IgM positive was reported in the south region (4.7%), followed by Kabul region (3.5%), West region (3.3%), Central region and Northeast region (both 2.8%), Southeast region (2.4%), Central highland region (1.6%), East region (1.4%) and lowest the North region (1.2%). Furthermore, the proportion of IgM positive was 3.7% in rural areas compared to 2.3% in urban areas during the survey." +224068,45768.0,2332.0,['WASH'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,44,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"Le manque de latrines et de système de gestion des ordures [bref, l’absence des notions sur les bonnes pratiques à l’hygiène] constitue un souci majeur pour la santé de cette communauté [IDPs de Diamerom]." +385190,60693.0,2170.0,"['Nutrition', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,64,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/malnutrition-among-children-rife-nigeria-what-must-be-done,"[22nd July 2021, Nigeria]Malnutrition is one of world's major public health and development concerns. In Nigeria, the situation is dire. Currently, UNICEF says 5 in 10 children under five years old suffer from the effects of being malnourished. This has an overarching impact on the lives, future and productivity of Nigerian children." +314071,52949.0,2331.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,48,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Between 1 January and 31 December 2020, 255 incidents impacting humanitarian operations were recorded in which 15 humanitarian workers were killed, 12 injured, 24 abducted and 14 detained or temporarily arrested. By comparison, 151 incidents were recorded for the whole of 2019." +326845,50668.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,28,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"(SDF 16/02/2021) 52% of sub districts with a majority of population in need of soap or water, 70% masks and 74% disinfectants" +125700,31803.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,142,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77205.pdf,"En Colombia existe un régimen mixto de ius soli e ius domicili para acceder a la nacionalidad. Según el artículo 96 de la Constitución Política de Colombia, los hijos de extranjeros tienen derecho a la nacionalidad colombiana cuando alguno de sus padres está domiciliado en el país en el momento del nacimiento. Esto implica que los padres venezolanos de niños nacidos en Colombia tienen que demostrar domicilio en el territorio nacional para que sus hijos obtengan la nacionalidad colombiana. No obstante, únicamente la visa migratoria es válida para demostrar el domicilio, mientras que el PEP no lo es. Esto significa que las personas en estado irregular y los portadores de PEP no pueden acreditar sus domicilios para reclamar la nacionalidad de sus hijos. Esto pone a muchos niños venezolanos en riesgo de apatridia." +314876,52949.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Compared to non-displaced households, displaced households tend to more often share latrines, use latrines that are insecure and have less access to hygienic materials than non-displaced households." +361246,58845.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,60,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_price_bulletin_may_2021.pdf,"[May 2021, Overall Syria] Compared to November 2020 (six months ago), the price of surgeon masks and soap bars and plastic gloves increased by 33, 74 and 86 percent, respectively. Moreover, the price of hand gel, bleach and alcohol spray increased by 30, 37 and 40 percent." +187982,43324.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],fr,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irc_-_rapport_devaluation_covid-19_extreme_nord_-irc.pdf,"79,2% des ménages interrogés ont indiqué avoir contracté une dette pour compenser la baisse de revenu et les principales de ces dettes sont les besoins de subsistance et les coûts des soins médicaux" +189179,42865.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],es,44,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-LMA-Colombia-Espanol.pdf,"Sin embargo, la reacción negativa de la comunidad médica ante la expedición de verificación de credenciales muestra que existen obstáculos políticos sustanciales para el progreso de la estrategia de inclusión económica, los cuales son exacerbados con los niveles crecientes de xenofobia." +102884,29340.0,1620.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],en,22,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/OCHA_NGA_FlashUpdate_MunaGarageFireOutbreak_26052020.pdf,"Shelter, food, non-food items and clothes were identified as the immediate needs, until further assessment can be conducted." +165441,39912.0,1388.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",[],[],es,111,[],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3646994,"Protección Está dirigido a hogares “jefeados” por mujeres, con personas dependientes, adultas mayores o en situación de discapacidad, que no estaban cubiertos por otros programas del Estado. A diferencia del Bono Proteger, dirigido a personas afectadas laboralmente por el Covid-19, este subsidio tiene como requisito estar en situación de pobreza. Busca contribuir con esta población a cubrir sus necesidades básicas. El Instituto Mixto de Ayuda Social (IMAS) depositó a 23.700 familias un subsidio extraordinario por 100 mil colones, cuya condición de pobreza y conformación les hace vulnerables frente al impacto socioeconómico causado por la emergencia del COVID-19." +170502,40462.0,2099.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,53,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,1. Réalisation de dialogues intercommunautaires la cohésion sociale entre les PDIs et les populations hôtes 2. Identifier et redynamiser au sein des communautés hôtes et PDIs mécanismes communautaires de promotion du vivre ensemble et de la cohésion sociale 3. Mettre à contribution les radios communautaires pour des sensibilisations de masse +145967,34803.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,24,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"At least 13,806 children in schools and temporary learning spaces benefited from sterilisation of education facilities as mitigation against the spread of COVID-19." +26116,10739.0,786.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,52,['Impact'],[],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/the_americas/venezuela-has-its-electricity-back-for-now-but-its-still-on-the-verge-of-collapse/2019/03/20/1cb0060e-4986-11e9-8cfc-2c5d0999c21e_story.html?utm_term=.a236d74c7c19,"“In four months, we’ll be seeing less food,” said Peña, 25. Farmers in his home state of Merida are telling him they have no seeds. “And the river they use to water the plants is drying up,” he said." +46319,15533.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Education']",[],[],en,82,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_report_areabasedassessment_aba_azzawya_jun2019.pdf,"On the other hand, healthcare was the humanitarian need most commonly reported by Libyan residents across all of Azzawya’s DCUs, as the quality of existing healthcare was mainly described as poor or very poor. This was followed by safety and security, reported as a priority need in all DCUs except DCU 3. Education was the third most commonly reported need, cited by MFGD participants in all DCUs except DCU 4 and DCU 5." +9144,2909.0,322.0,[],[],[],en,68,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_jan_to_apr_2018.pdf,"The humanitarian community faces a number of critical logistics challenges hampering the delivery of relief items in and across the country, including damaged road infrastructure; access disruptions to many parts of the country for both staff and cargo; congestion at main entry points; unreliable and unpredictable access to fuel; heavy bureaucracy; limited international shipping options, both by sea and air." +320371,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,114,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Explosive Ordnances (EO), mainly IEDs, ERW and landmines, pose a significant threat to the safety of the civilian population in Somalia. Years of armed conflict in Somali has resulted in the widespread contamination of explosive hazards which are generally located in and around productive livelihood areas such as grazing land, roads, farming land and residential areas. The hazardous areas contain unexploded ordnance, mines and IEDs in urban and rural areas in the country. To date, the Explosive Hazard AoR has recorded 127 confirmed minefields, mainly concentrated along the Somali-Ethiopian border, 239 active ERW sites and 75 suspected hazardous areas." +452393,64948.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,127,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/juin_2021_evaluation_drs_est_rapport_mission_conjointe_corus_est.pdf,"[District sanitaire de Bogandé] Difficultés rencontrées : • Fonctionnement à minima de certaines formations sanitaires dû à l’insécurité • Pressions dans les formations sanitaires fonctionnelles suite à la présence des PDIs • Insuffisance en personnel qualifié (départ) • Capacité d’accueil insuffisante dans les formations sanitaires d’accueil • Insuffisance en matériels médicotechniques, en médicaments et consommables • Insuffisance de la logistique : notamment roulante pour la vaccination en stratégie avancée et les évacuations • Baisse des indicateurs • La perte de vue des patients files actives VIH/SIDA, TBC • Insuffisance en WASH dans les sites des PDI : insuffisance en latrines et en approvisionnement en eau potable • Faible complétude des indicateurs (données administratives)" +305035,51467.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Health', 'Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,97,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"The COVID-19 pandemic influenced households’ resilience in positive and negative terms. On the one hand, people’s access to basic services, especially health and safe water, improved from last year following the investments made to respond to and prevent COVID19. On the other hand, COVID-19 related restrictions led to a significant reduction in people’s participation in social groups and affected their access to essential services such as community-based protection, and capacity and resilience building activities which previously had a positive contribution to households’ resilience." +158781,39292.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,44,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Round-3-Analysis-Factsheet-NES_TK_09.09.20.pdf,"The Humanitarian Needs Assessment Programme's (HNAP) 26 August 2020 COVID-19 Rapid Assessment showed that community lockdowns and total curfews were in place in a majority of communities in AlHasakeh Governorate, but are absent in Aleppo, Ar-Raqqa, and Deirez-Zor" +157824,38137.0,2098.0,"['Logistics', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,55,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cxb_education_covid_response_reaching_every_learner_final.pdf,"Furthermore, without access to internet in the camps, many technology-based solutions are not viable. Over 8,500 teachers and education facilitators, both from the host and refugee communities, are disconnected from their students and from regular continuous professional development activities, as Education Partners have suspended all training and coaching programmes" +61698,18346.0,1184.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,133,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71003.pdf,"para este mes se reportó que la proporción de población venezolana en situación irregular es alta (40% de los entrevistados), así como los que cuentan con visa de turismo o tarjeta andina (38%)3. El acceso a mecanismos de regularización sigue siendo problemático para las personas cuya visa de turismo ha vencido. Si bien la mayoría entró al país como turista, al pasar los 3 meses de estadía, su principal problema para acceder a los mecanismos de regularización es contar con la documentación necesaria y tramitar opciones que le permitan permanecer en el Ecuador de manera regular, acceder a trabajo formal y legalizar estudios. Entre las principales limitantes para acceder a esta documentación se encuentran los requisitos y costos." +223976,45768.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,Environ 113 personnes composées des jeunes et femmes ont été enlevées par les éléments de Boko Haram avant l'attaque du 23 mars 2020 +168505,40102.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,26,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://lefaso.net/spip.php?article99505,"Il s’agit respectivement de 15 cas à Bobo-Dioulasso, quatre à Gaoua et trois à Ouagadougou. Aucune guérison enregistrée à cette date." +170464,40462.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,62,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Ensuite vient la question de logement « avant la saison des pluies, on dormait à l’air libre dans les maisons d’accueil et même sans natte, maintenant qu’il pleut ce n’est plus possible 2» dixit une PDI dans la commune de Yampa dans le village de Nayoeli, Province de Gourma." +238842,47230.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,102,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"La vivienda también es la segunda necesidad priorizada en todos los departamentos, a excepción de La Guajira, donde la necesidad de generación de ingresos es más frecuente que la necesidad de vivienda. No obstante, en departamentos como Arauca, Cesar y Magdalena, la frecuencia de la vivienda como una necesidad principal es menor en relación con la alimentación. Particularmente en el Cesar, el 62% de los hogares reportaron la atención médica como una de sus principales necesidades, incluso con más frecuencia que empleo o generación de ingresos (ver gráfica 12)." +236876,47076.0,2334.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,96,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,"Over 65,500 individuals were reached through WASH services including COVID-19 prevention activities, implemented by 11 WASH partners (AFRINET, ASWEDO, CAMGEW, CHAMEG, CUAPWD, GCR, H4BF, IRC, NRC, REACHOUT and SUDAHSER) in the NWSW regions. During the reporting period, various activities were carried out, reaching individuals as follows: hygiene promotion (8,800); water supply (13,100); WASH NFI kits (23,200), dignity kits and sanitation (1,100) and sensitization on COVID-19 (16,500)." +323043,54626.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,12,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,There were 256 deliveries were supported by a skilled birth attendant. +361262,58845.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,52,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_price_bulletin_may_2021.pdf,"[May 2021, Overall Syria] M-o-m, the national average retail price of vegetable oil decreased by 29 percent throughout Syria, reaching SYP 5,408/litre. Nevertheless, it has increased by 42 percent since November 2020 (six months ago) and by 239 percent since May 2020." +265114,49772.0,2028.0,['Agriculture'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],en,72,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/17_feb_2021_fas_meeting_minutes.pdf,"[17th Feb 2021, Overall Syria] In terms of prices, just a few agricultural inputs remained constant and with a very inputs recording some reduced prices. However, the majority of agriculture input prices continued to increase, especially fodder, nitrate fertilizers, herbicides and diesel. This can be attributed to the devaluation of the local currency, since most of these inputs are imported." +240025,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,33,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,The decrease in economic activity due to a regional economic slowdown and weak labour markets in adjacent countries has reduced the livelihood options and value of remittances for vulnerable families across Afghanistan. +458085,64540.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"En lo que respecta al grado de educación o formación logrado, una encuesta reciente del Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática (INEI) dirigida a la población venezolana en Perú, señala que el 37.9% ha alcanzado educación universitaria; el 19.2% superior técnica; el 0.8% estudios de posgrado (maestría/doctorado); el 31.9% cuenta con educación media y el 10.2% educación básica." +291347,51584.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,67,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://docs.wfp.org/api/documents/WFP-0000121004/download/?_ga=2.267291910.926065783.1606212133-1055501472.1562658913,"In view of the latest IPC analysis according to which 16.9 million people are experiencing high levels of acute food insecurity (IPC Phase 3 “crisis” and IPC Phase 4 “emergency”) until March 2021, WFP is currently revising its plans to reach more people. The total requirements for WFP in 2021 are expected to surpass US$460 million." +238186,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Large numbers of cross-border returnees are also at risk from land mines and ERW in terrain that may be unfamiliar, increasing the need for mine risk awareness" +114344,31782.0,1186.0,"['Cross', 'Protection', 'Food Security']",[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],es,75,[],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77210.pdf,"Si bien el ingreso y la comida son factores altamente críticos para las niñas y los niños migrantes que se encuentran en Chile, el mayor problema de la cuarentena para ellas y ellos, han sido los conflictos que se han generado al interior de la familia. El 43% de la niñez migrante en Chile comparado con el 22.8% del promedio sub-regional ha manifestado que los conflictos intrafamiliares han aumentado." +453747,63974.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps']",fr,74,[],"['Humanitarian Access', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_20210630-Rapport-Protection-Trimestriel.pdf,"La situation est devenue encore plus inquiétante au cours des mois de mai et de juin 2021, où plusieurs alertes sur des incursions des GANE et des déplacements internes ont été partagées par le RRM Frontline et les équipes de Monitoring de Protection du HCR et de DRC. Les déplacements de populations ainsi que les incidents de protection ont connu un accroissement dépassant les capacités de réponse des acteurs de la protection" +327992,55045.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,60,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Transcription%20de%20la%20conf%C3%A9rence%20de%20presse%20ONE%20UN%20en%20RDC%2C%20le%207%20avril%202021%20%C3%A0%20Kinshasa.pdf,"Également au Kasaï Central, plus tôt au mois de mars, la MONUSCO et la PNC ont lancé l’Opération Stratégie contre l’insécurité à Kananga (SOLIKAN). Pour cela, cinq véhicules, deux motocyclettes et deux lignes d’assistance téléphonique dédiées aux appels d’urgence ont été fournis à la PNC" +145989,35870.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,58,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"To date, UNICEF has supported light rehabilitation of WASH systems in 15 quarantine and isolation facilities across the country, including Al-Hol, with plans to rehabilitate WASH facilities at a new isolation centre in Damascus underway. As previously reported, additional light rehabilitation of WASH facilities was also completed in the Dweir quarantine centre." +346163,56952.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20monitoreo%20enero-marzo%202021%20-%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20vers%C3%B3n%20final.pdf,"Además de esto, también se observa el desconocimiento que continúan te- niendo las personas sobre el derecho a la afilia- ción oficiosa con el PEP. Los propios funcionarios desconocen las afiliaciones oficiosas con certifi- cado de nacido vivo y hay poca publicidad en ca- nales de información dedicados a este fin. E" +172350,40829.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,48,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_233_20200919.pdf,"Depuis le début des opérations, le laboratoire a analysé 65 253 échantillons à la recherche du SARS-CoV-2, prélevés chez 61 520 cas suspects de COVID-19. Un cumul de 10 514 cas étaient positifs, soit une proportion de cas positifs autour de 17,1%." +341751,56493.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[L’institution judiciaire souffre de son manque de crédibilité qui à leurs yeux serait de plus en plus au service des plus nantis] Convaincues de cette situation, elles se refusent à y recourir du fait également de leur situation socio-économique (statut de rural), de la longueur des procédures et des dépenses qu’elles pourraient occasionner." +161577,39295.0,2028.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,52,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,"The impact of the economic deterioration and COVID-19 mitigation measures exacerbates an already dire humanitarian situation for children in northwest Syria, resulting in a steep increase of families resorting to negative and harmful coping mechanisms including child labour, including the worst forms of child labour, and child marriage." +209141,43992.0,2332.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,50,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,UNICEF Chad has distributed school kits to the pupils of La Leproserie school in N’Djaména for the catch-up classes. The distribution was also used an opportunity to sensitize children on preventive measures against COVID-19 and to conduct a demonstration on how to wash their hands properly. +172551,40367.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"With the growing number of IDPs, half of whom are children, an emergency cargo has been shipped to provide vital medical supplies to vulnerable children (Facebook, Instagram)." +164811,39789.0,2098.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,69,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Movementwide%20Operation%20Report%20August%202020.pdf,"German Red Cross:  Supported a virtual technical lesson learned workshop organized by the BDRCS FbF team in close coordination and active participation of 38 participants from BDRCS, IFRC, Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD), Cyclone Preparedness Programme (CPP) and other PNSs to capture the learning’s regarding trigger and impact based forecast for cyclone AMPHAN amid of COVID 19 pandemic." +439839,64945.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MONITORING%20PROTECTION%20DE%20JULLET%202021%20EST.pdf,Les incidents sécuritaires ont concerné la province de la Komondjari avec deux attaques du détachement militaire de Tankoualou par des groupes armés non étatiques (GANE). +303379,51947.0,2332.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,62,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,,"Chez les hommes, si la majorité (66%) ont également cité le besoin en informations le retour et l’assistance au rapatriement, un nombre significatif (12%) ont mentionné les informations sur les services médicaux disponibles et 7 % souhaitaient avoir des transport, informations pratiques centres d’accueil et de transit)." +301118,51958.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,99,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_devaluation_de_protection_des_retournes_tchadiens_de_la_rca_installes_dans_les_sites_au_sud_du_tchad_002.pdf,"Un Plan de Réponse Global en faveur des retournés tchadiens de RCA, sous la coordination du Ministère du Plan, a été élaboré pour leur prise en charge et leur réintégration, mais jamais mis en œuvre. Son but était d’appuyer la réinsertion des retournés tchadiens venus de la République Centrafricaine (RCA) et soutenir les communautés hôtes des villages d’accueil autour des sites de retournés de Danamadja et Kobiteye dans la Province du Logone Oriental et des sites de retournés de Maingama et Sido dans la Province du Moyen Chari." +159359,38362.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,22,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.unocha.org/fr/node/956257,"With the COVID-19 pandemic, the UN and humanitarian partners have been supporting the government-led response with scaling up laboratory capacity;" +221956,45410.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,69,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"[La région du Lac dans la Zone 8 - « Zone ouest agropastorale et de pêche » ]: Les récoltes de la campagne pluviale sont terminées. Selon l’ANADER/DSA, une hausse des superficies emblavées par rapport à la moyenne quinquennale a été rapportée durant cette campagne. Malgré les inondations enregistrées et les contraintes sécuritaires, une hausse de la production est attendue." +178020,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],fr,80,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"La situation sécuritaire volatile, en particulier dans l'est du pays, continue d’affecter l’environnement opérationnel des acteurs humanitaires. 357 incidents sécuritaires touchant du personnel et des biens humanitaires ont été enregistrés majoritairement à l'Est du pays (Nord-Kivu, Sud-Kivu, Tanganika et territoires limitrophes, Ituri) depuis le début de l’année 2019. Quatre acteurs humanitaires ont été tués, 22 blessés et 36 enlevés pendant la même période." +48287,12622.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,14,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LIBRO%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20las%20necesidades%20insatisfechas%20SSR%20y%20Migrantes%20Venezolanos%20-%20Digital.pdf,"Muchos migrantes temen enfrentarse a difíciles consecuencias migratorias, por ejemplo la deportación." +185144,39920.0,1231.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,23,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/resultados_primera_encuesta_covid-19_-_formato_11x17.pdf,"1 de cada 3 personas que vive con VIH padece de otras enfermedades crónicas como tuberculosis, hipertensión alta, diabetes o asma" +310307,53177.0,2466.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,24,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Sudan%20Multi-Sectoral%20Location%20Assessment_South%20Kordofan.pdf,"There are at present 1,429 persons with physical disabilities, 580 persons with mental disabilities and 8,225 persons with chronic diseases/serious medical conditions." +274517,50587.0,2099.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MENSUEL%20DE%20PROTECTION%20JANVIER%202021-NORD.pdf,"(Nord) Des initiatives ont été développées pour assurer la continuité des services dans les zones d’accueil. Cependant, les populations se trouvent très souvent dans l’impossibilité de bénéficier de certains services par manque de ressources financières. La production des documents comme les actes de naissances et les cartes d’identité nationale (CNIB) demeure un défi pour les PDIs." +292723,51990.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],es,94,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elcolombiano.com/colombia/salud/volver-a-vivir-campana-de-la-andi-para-que-retornen-los-pacientes-a-consultas-medicas-AP14821177,"Las interrupciones en los servicios de salud de rutina pueden acarrear consecuencias graves como accidentes cerebrovasculares, que constituyen una de las principales causas de muerte en Colombia y una de las principales fuentes de incapacidad, por lo que su atención en los centros de salud no da espera. La Asociación Colombiana de Neurología estima que cada año 45.000 personas sufren un ACV en el país. Solo entre enero y julio del año pasado, 8.693 personas fallecieron por este tipo de enfermedades, según cifras reveladas por el Dane." +303984,51174.0,2335.0,[],[],[],en,85,[],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.afro.who.int/sites/default/files/2021-02/South%20Sudan%20IDSR%20Bulletin%20Week%201%2C%20%20%204-%2010%20January%202021%20.pdf,"Akobo, Pibor, and Pochalla are not classified as cholera transmission hotspot since they have not reported confirmed cholera cases in the last five years. However, one round of oral cholera vaccination campaign was conducted by WHO in Pibor town in April 2020 reaching 22,476 (73.2%) of individuals one year and above. A follow up campaign is planned for January 15, 2021 targeting 93,250 individuals aged one year and above in all the Payams of Pibor." +303365,51947.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,112,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,,"Parmi les femmes interrogées, la très grande majorité (92%) étaient de nationalité tchadienne. Cette proportion était néanmoins plus faible que chez les hommes: en effet, parmi les hommes auprès desquels des enquêtes ont été réalisées aux FMP de Faya, Kalait et Zouarké, cette proportion était de 99% Des femmes nigérianes (5%) et nigériennes (2%) ont également été observées. Ces résultats indiquent qu'il y avait une plus grande diversité de nationalités parmi les femmes migrantes, mettant ainsi en évidence l'importance de la migration féminine transfrontalière en Afrique de l'Ouest, particulièrement des femmes nigérianes." +151025,38088.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Médecins sans frontières s’est engagé à prendre en charge tous les coûts relatifs à la prise en charge des patients qui y seront admis dans les deux prochains mois. +22298,9106.0,729.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,87,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"Seven years since the Tawergha community was displaced from their hometown by Misrata militia forces, the vast majority are still unable to return safely to their homes. The Tawergha community has faced relentless reprisal attacks from Misrata forces. They have also faced human rights violations and abuses including arbitrary arrests, torture and other ill-treatment, enforced disappearances and extrajudicial executions. To date, there has been no investigation into these abuses and no one has been held to account for these crimes" +318220,53305.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,42,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,Bor was the first Protection of Civilians (PoC) site to transition into an IDP camp in 2020. Wau and Juba sites followed in October and November. Bentiu and Malakal PoC sites remain pending. [SEPTEMBER 2020] +273813,50464.0,2331.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,48,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210203FINALFactSheetSomaliaSkisserLR11.pdf,"By 2050 it is projected that precipitation will increase by about three per cent, especially during the rainy season, with increasing seasonal variability. This could benefit agriculture in some regions but lead to flooding and soil erosion in areas with minimal or degraded forests." +188619,43181.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Contact Tracing'],fr,53,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_270_20201026_.pdf,"Quatre-cent-quatre-vingt-dix-neuf nouveaux voyageurs ont été enregistrés à Kinshasa dont 157 ce 22/10/2020, 148 ce 19/10/2020, 138 ce 20/10/2020 et 56 ce 21/10/2020. Ils provenaient tous de différents pays affectés par la COVID-19 et 307 (61,5%) d’entre eux n’avaient pas d’adresses." +321329,54765.0,2225.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,35,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/democratic-republic-congo/recent-surge-violence-drc-s-ituri-province-worsening-already,"Through its Rapid Response Mechanism (UniRR), UNICEF has provided non-food, and hygiene items to more than 8,000 people fleeing attacks by armed groups in Tshabi (South Irumu territory)." +150131,36723.0,1184.0,['Shelter'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']","['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,219,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77597.pdf,"ALOJAMIENTO La vivienda se encuentra entre las principales necesidades básicas de la población junto con los alimentos, además que representa uno de los principales gastos mensuales de las familias. Al momento de consultar ¿cuál es el tipo de alojamiento más común en la zona para los migrantes venezolanos? la gran mayoría de las familias indicó que son departamentos o cuartos alquilados donde comparten la vivienda con otras familias para abaratar costos de arriendo. Los lugares son compartidos con dos o tres familias, en algunos casos conocidas, pero en ciertos casos se puede compartir el espacio con personas desconocidas. Adicionalmente, algunos participantes mencionaron dificultades al momento de buscar un arriendo debido a discriminación por su nacionalidad, por el número de miembros de su familia, puesto que es más difícil conseguir alojamiento para familias grandes. Además, los arrendadores solicitan garantías monetarias y de perfil (ej. que estén trabajando) para proceder al arriendo. Los participantes indicaron preferencia para habitar en zonas urbanas, pues están cerca de los servicios públicos y agencias humanitarias. Además del apoyo para el arriendo, algunos participantes indicaron requerir apoyo para artículos de hogar, por ejemplo, para insumos de cocina, tanque de gas, o colchones." +318583,52949.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,81,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The national median GAM prevalence in children under 5 was reported to be around 13.1 per cent (11.3 MAM & 1.8 SAM) (FSNAU Post Deyr report 2019) translating to 962,000 boys and girls. Of these children, 162,000 are affected by life threatening severely acute malnutrition while around 800,000 are moderately acute malnourished; of the total admissions, 54 per cent are girls. An estimated 181,954 pregnant and lactating women are acutely malnourished." +297839,46693.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,15,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,2.24M people assisted in March:- Female: 55% Male: 45% +182588,42252.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,51,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2020_29Oct2020_FINAL.pdf,"[29th October 2020, Overall Syria] Highlighting the particular risks faced by healthcare workers, according to the MoH, 193 healthcare workers have tested positive for COVID-19, an increase of 50 in October. Of particular concern, 11 healthcare workers are reported to have died." +393636,62284.0,2170.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,120,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"[7th Apr 2021, Borno State] During an FGD and KII session with women and adolescent girls, respondents stated that, women and girls do not feel safe at home, in their community and when they go out to fetch firewood. It was observed that the houses they live in are makeshift tents with no proper roofing, no doors, no fence for privacy and no protection against any external intruder or dry wind at the onset of the rainy season. Women and girls do not feel dignified in any manner and always feel threatened by the presence of people around them due to trauma and the fear of been sexually harassed." +181159,42386.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Environment'],fr,56,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_RMU_October-2020_vfinal.pdf,"D’autre part, les poches de sécheresse enregistrées en début de saison dans l’ouest du pays ont contribué à réduire les superficies céréalières au profit des cultures de rente. Les services des statistiques agricoles estiment la baisse des superficies céréalières à 3 pourcent comparée à la l’année passée." +9920,4389.0,321.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",en,192,['Capacities & Response'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Libya%20Flash%20Update%2029%20June%202018.pdf,"On 25 June, UNHCR evacuated 128 vulnerable refugees and asylum-seekers from Tripoli to UNHCR’s Emergency Transit Mechanism in Niger. The group included 41 men, 57 women and 30 children from Eritrea, Ethiopia and Somalia. This is the second evacuation taking place in June. Since November 2017, UNHCR has evacuated 1,858 individuals from Libya (1,536 to Niger, 312 to Italy and 10 to Romania). These evacuations allow for the transfer of vulnerable individuals from detention centres in Libya to a safe and dignified environment while their cases are processed for solutions such as resettlement or family reunification. As of 25 June 2018, 11 States have committed a total of 3,781 resettlement places for the Libya-Niger situation. The 11 States are: Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Out of these pledges, 1,100 will be used for resettlement processing directly out of Libya, while 2,681 places will be allocated to evacuees from Libya and refugees registered in Niger" +48493,12622.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Demography'],es,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LIBRO%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20las%20necesidades%20insatisfechas%20SSR%20y%20Migrantes%20Venezolanos%20-%20Digital.pdf,"La mayoría de la población migrante venezolana, son hombres y mujeres en edad reproductiva que requieren y tienen derecho a servicios de SSSR. Aproximadamente, el 18% es menor de 18 años, lo que implica una mayor demanda de acceso a la educación sexual integral, servicios de anticoncepción y servicios amigables para adolescentes y jóvenes." +386775,60459.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,76,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,L’insécurité continuera de limiter l’accès des populations aux sites d’orpaillage sur toute la période. L’interdiction par le gouvernement de la pratique de cette activité dans les communes frontalières privera les ménages de ces zones de cette source déjà limitée. L’abandon de la zone par les grands éleveurs continuera de réduire aussi les opportunités de main-d’œuvre de l’élevage (scenario) +178047,40661.0,2225.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],fr,49,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Alors que la lutte contre l’épidémie à virus Ebola n’était pas encore maîtrisée, le pays, comme le reste du monde, a fait face à la pandémie du COVID-19 qui continue d’affecter négativement l’économie et le cadre macro-économique." +304341,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,62,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Five counties experienced high access constraints in 2020 related to active hostilities, constant violence against humanitarian personnel and assets, and the physical environment: Longochuk, Maiwut and Panyikang in Upper Nile; Mundri East in Western Equatoria; and Rumbek North in Lakes. This is an increase from three counties classified in the same category in 2019." +9178,2909.0,322.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,70,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_jan_to_apr_2018.pdf,"FSAC partners reached an average of 6.8 million people with monthly emergency food assistance (relief food, cash transfers, & voucher transfers) in March and April. Additionally, by the end of April, a cumulative total of 517,906 individuals had received livelihoods assistance (emergency agricultural, livestock & fisheries inputs provided to 463,786 people; and longer-term livelihoods support to 54,120 individuals)." +194606,43822.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'Cross', 'Food Security']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],es,73,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19112020_flash_update_no.3_emergencias_por_ola_invernal_-_colombia_vf.pdf,"En Meta, se identificaron 400 personas afectadas del municipio de Guamal; frente a esta emergencia, la Alcaldía municipal, la Cruz Roja Colombiana, la Defensa Civil, Policía y Ejercito han apoyado en la evacuación de las familias y han brindado atención inicial con ropa y enseres, sin embargo, persisten las necesidades de kits de alimentos, albergues y campañas de salud para la población afectada." +164467,32982.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],es,23,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Respuesta%20COVID-19%20-%20GIFMM%20Arauca%2C%20actualizaci%C3%B3n%20n%C2%B03%20%28Del%201%20al%2030%20de%20mayo%20de%202020%29.pdf,Transferencias Monetarias •Atenciones vía telefónica a personas beneficiarias de transferencias multipropósito. •Entrega de transferencias multipropósito. •Identificación y selección de beneficiarios. +225562,45658.0,2028.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],en,37,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[October 2020, Syria] Average IDP household size is very similar across regions, although it is largest in NS and NWS (5.3 individuals) and lowest in CSS (4.7 individuals)." +345254,56821.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,59,[],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.thenewhumanitarian.org/news-feature/2021/5/27/hunger-and-COVID-19-drive-venezuelans-to-take-more-dangerous-routes-out,"A year into the pandemic, as South American countries continue to reel from second and third waves of infections, land borders in Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Chile, and Bolivia remain officially closed. Many are heavily militarised, leaving desperate Venezuelans forced to cross a continent along dangerous frontier routes controlled by criminals." +126775,29482.0,1620.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,21,['Impact'],['Humanitarian Access'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/West%20and%20Central%20Africa%20-%20Weekly%20Regional%20Humanitarian%20Snapshot%20%2819%20-%2025%20May%202020%29.pdf,The Governor of Adamawa State imposed an immediate and indefinite 24-hour curfew on Lamurde LGA to forestall further clashes and reprisals +193931,43327.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,48,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_sectoriel_octobre.pdf,"De janvier à fin Octobre 2020, 1 attaque sur l’offre des soins de santé a été notifiées dans la région du sahel, qui a impacté négativement l’offre des soins de santé, le personnel de santé, le stock des médicaments." +339452,56380.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,27,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb4645es.pdf,"Debido a sus características agronómicas y de estacionalidad, el cultivo de arroz no se vio muy afectado por esta situación en comparación con el maíz." +331226,55216.0,2098.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://api.godocs.wfp.org/api/documents/WFP-0000126934/download/,"[March 2021, Cox's Bazar] Reports of increased selling of non-food items were also recorded in the affected camps. Selling of bamboo, provided for rebuilding, and utensils were the most reported. Food assistance sell was quite minimal. Selling (of assistance? was mainly driven by desire to buy food and clothes." +162727,32457.0,1183.0,[],[],[],es,92,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/proyecto-de-ley-migratoria-avance-o-retroceso/1970,"De acuerdo con Romero, en América Latina existen capacidades muy desiguales para enfrentar estos problemas y Colombia es uno de los países que tiene menos institucionalidad y capacidad para desafiar una crisis migratoria desde un enfoque de derechos humanos. De hecho, afirma que todas las medidas tomadas son de corto plazo, no son duraderas y se han inventado sobre la marcha bajo el supuesto de que esta crisis migratoria se va a resolver pronto, aún cuando múltiples estudidos y encuestas han mostrado que no será así." +196845,43840.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,87,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_291_20201116.pdf,"A Kinshasa, les ZS hot spots, pour les 7 212 cas dont l’information a été communiquée, sont celles de Gombe (876/7212 ; 12,1%), Binza Ozone (806/7212 ; 11,2%), Limete (746/7212 ; 10,3%), Kokolo (670/7212 ; 9,3%), Lemba (526/7212 ; 7,3%), Binza Météo (481/7212 ; 6,7%) et Kasa Vubu (285/7212 ; 4,0%) (Figure 3)." +319775,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Also, a draft MARA report January – August 2020 shows increasing incidence of Gender-Based Violence(GBV)among adolescent girls." +320370,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,51,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Explosive Hazards: There are 859,000 people in need .Similarly, 376,000 non-IDPs, 483,000 IDPs, 110,000 refugee returnees are in need. Cluster key vulnerable groups are (429,000) children, (3,000) explosive ordnances victims and (15,000) families of victims of explosives ordnances." +192052,42659.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,24,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_175.pdf,"Le 22/07/2020, 649 cas confirmés étaient pris en charge dont 351 dans les structures de prise en charge et 298 à domicile." +236066,47122.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"An estimated 3,889 persons (604 households) in the NWSW were displaced as a result of continued violence in March alone." +305429,51474.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,44,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"Civilians continued to face threats of physical violence, such as killings and injuries, abductions, forced recruitment and sexual violence, including owing to continuing tensions in Jonglei and the flare-up of violence in Central Equatoria, Warrap and Upper Nile." +157987,38777.0,2028.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']",['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,36,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/food-insecurity-impact-covid-19-among-critical-challenges-facing-syria,"Humanitarian operations are reaching 7.2 million people every month, with food assistance reaching 5.4 million per month. “This assistance is all the more critical as food insecurity continues to rise in Syria." +216625,45416.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,40,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,Dans le Nord-Kivu à Beni le RAPPORT EVALUATION RAPIDE ECOLES OCCUPEES PAR MENAGES DEPLACES A OICHA JUIN 202 OK indique que 153 enseignants dont 56 femmes (y compris 110 enseignants payés) qui sont affectés par le conflit. +209214,44898.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,103,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://alwatan.sy/archives/237507,"[December 1, Aleppo] Regarding the small number of ""Covid-19"" infections in the country compared to neighboring countries and the rest of the global hotspots of the pandemic, a member of the Syrian Doctors Syndicate attributed the matter to ""the previous immunity that the infected may have acquired in the first wave, which played an important role in the decline in the number of second wave injuries."" Compared to the first, and continued: But there are injuries and we must not underestimate them to avoid what is worse in the future." +325791,54267.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,72,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Même si les institutions de micro-financement et de financement numérique tentent de combler le déficit de financement des PME, ces produits ne répondent pas toujours aux besoins des clients. En outre, les processus du secteur financier et la culture du risque ne sont pas propices à l’amélioration de l’inclusion financière des entreprises et des particuliers. [(Banque mondiale, 2019).]" +382657,59706.0,1187.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,36,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/HFS_ReporteNarrativo_ARG_1S2020.pdf,disminuye un 9% las personas con permiso pendiente o en proceso (precaria – 9%) y crece un 3% aquellas que poseen una visa de residencia permanente (8.6%). +150703,32361.0,1184.0,['Education'],[],[],es,16,[],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/El%20derecho%20a%20la%20educaci%C3%B3n%20en%20tiempos%20de%20crisis%20-%20alternativas%20para%20la%20continuidad%20educativa.pdf,"En El Salvador, se distribuyeron guías de aprendizaje, en Ecuador cartillas con actividades," +169091,40432.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.sana.sy/en/?p=205239,"[5th October, Overall Syria] New covid case update: Health Ministry announced on Monday that 45 new coronavirus cases were registered in Syria, adding that 13 patients have recovered while 2 others have passed away." +273815,50464.0,2331.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,75,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210203FINALFactSheetSomaliaSkisserLR11.pdf,"Dependence on agriculture makes the Somali population highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Increases in precipitation and temperature will have a significant effect on food security, as the overwhelming majority of the population is dependent on agriculture for their livelihood: in 2020, more than 80 per cent of the population was employed in the agricultural sector (including agriculture and pastoralism, hunting, forestry and fishing)." +200610,44433.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",['Displacement->Local Integration'],en,50,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"SEL Outcomes Despite clear academic struggles, OOS Venezuelan children showed greater SEL skills than children who are in school. Specifically, OOS Venezuelan children showed higher levels of empathy and lower levels of hostile attribution bias, sadness and anger intensity than in-school Colombian and Venezuelan children." +2562,517.0,321.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Context->Demography'],en,37,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Libya%20Situation%20Report%20-%20End%20of%20Year%202017.pdf,"26,639 children (13,390 girls), including 300 children with disabilities, enrolled in catch up and remedial education classes in conflict-affected and underserved areas such as Benghazi, Sirte and Southern part of Libya." +167107,40215.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,42,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20201001-syrias-damascus-airport-resumes-commercial-flights-after-covid-19-halt/,"[1st October 2020, Syria] Syria on Thursday reopened Damascus airport for regular international commercial traffic after a six-month halt due to the coronavirus pandemic, saying it had imposed strict health measures inside the facility, Reuters reports." +58954,17671.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Economy'],es,78,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.elnuevosiglo.com.co/articulos/08-2019-pib-se-beneficiaria-con-llegada-de-venezolanos,"Estas son las cifras que muestran solo un lado de la migración según los gastos que representan mayor atención en salud, educación, alimentación, vivienda y atención social. Pero desde la otra cara de este problema, existe ese aporte que hoy se ve en casi todas las ciudades del país, principalmente en Bogotá, Bucaramanga, Cali y Medellín, además de Cúcuta y capitales como Barranquilla, Santa Marta y Riohacha." +315539,54167.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",['Context->Security & Stability'],es,160,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_caqueta_dic_2020_vf.pdf,"Entre 2017 y 2020 se presentaron 27 eventos relacionados con minas antipersonal, de los cuales 22 fueron por desminado en operaciones militares, 2 por accidentes relacionados con MSE y 3 por accidentes con MAP, en los municipios de Cartagena del Chairá, Curillo, El Doncello, El Paujil, Florencia, La Montañita, Puerto Rico, San Vicente del Caguán y Solano. Durante este mismo periodo se presentaron 7 víctimas por accidentes por MAP/MSE, todos civiles. La Educación en Riesgo en Minas (ERM) llegó a un total de 8.953 personas. A pesar de los avances en la reducción de eventos con MAP/MSE, aún se presentan desafíos en el desminado del departamento, relacionados con amenazas por parte de GGV contra los operadores en el territorio, y ataques contra la fuerza pública que acompaña las labores, especialmente en San Vicente del Caguán y Cartagena del Chairá." +146730,35870.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,41,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Sanitation campaigns are ongoing, as are awareness campaigns, including during the reporting period Syria Al Yamama undertaking hygiene promotion for community leaders in IDP shelters and host communities in Al-Hasakeh, and at Al-Hol, for 600 people." +314479,52949.0,2331.0,"['Cross', 'Shelter']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,98,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Displaced people also continue to be the primary victims of evictions from Government buildings and by private landlords, particularly in Banadir. Despite the official directive issued by the Federal Government of Somalia suspending evictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, from January to October 2020, 148,786 people were evicted from their homes, with Banadir and Bay regions reporting the highest numbers (99,622 and 21,120 respectively). The evictions represent a constant risk for vulnerable communities, including displaced populations living in collective settlements and other urban poor in densely populated areas." +313189,53183.0,2466.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,51,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"Women and girls lacked access to quality specialized lifesaving GBV services, such as the clinical management of rape (CMR), psycho-social support (PSS), legal aid, case management and referral mechanisms, which are unavailable in over 90 per cent of localities in Sudan." +261641,49368.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,77,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://humvenezuela.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Caminates-de-ida-y-vuelta-2021.pdf,"La población que llega por la vía entre el estado Táchira y Norte de Santander es la más numerosa. Incluso se ha registrado caminantes que están llegando por Táchira desde los estados orientales como Sucre y Bolívar, pues dicen preferir ingresar por Colombia que optar por Brasil, quizás por el factor del idioma y por la posibilidad de explorar otras alternativas de países desde Colombia, país que muchos usan como plataforma de tránsito" +475560,63296.0,2099.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,74,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Selon un IC, l’appauvrissement général des sols fait en sorte que lors des bonnes comme des mauvaises années sur le plan des conditions climatiques, la situation alimentaire et nutritionnelle de nombreux ménages se trouve liée au soutien des membres de leur famille établis à l’étranger et des contributions alimentaires reçus de ceux-ci. Ces ménages ont été directement affectés par la fermeture des frontières liée au COVID-19." +325399,54815.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,95,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"(on 161 women sample) When asked to identify the top five challenges that prevent them from seeking treatment as frequently as they would like to, the most commonly named by reproductive-age women are the cost of medical services (69 percent), the length of the journey to the health facility (23 percent), the poor quality of the medical services available (15 percent), safety while traveling (15 percent), and transport cost for getting to the medical facility (8 percent)." +212017,45203.0,2334.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,66,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://fews.net/west-africa/cameroon/food-security-outlook/june-2020,"The Government conducted a national survey between April 26 and May 10, 2020 to measure the socioeconomic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in Cameroon. Of the 770 businesses and 1,310 individuals who took part, 65 percent of respondents said their income had fallen, 74 percent reported a slowdown in activity, and 62.7 percent said their standard of living had deteriorated." +341824,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Pull Factors', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",fr,127,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Le sud-ouest du Burkina Faso, relativement fertile et peu peuplé, a attiré depuis quelques décennies un grand nombre de migrants internes cherchant à améliorer leurs conditions de vie. Ce phénomène a pris une telle ampleur que, dans plusieurs localités, les « migrants » sont aujourd’hui en nombre égalitaire parfois avec les « autochtones ». Un tel flux migratoire en milieu rural ne va pas sans poser des problèmes de cohabitation entre différents groupes, particulièrement au niveau de la gestion du pouvoir et des terroirs. Les populations attendent de la décentralisation la reprise en main de la gestion de la commune par les autochtones et la mise à l’écart des allochtones des instances de gestion politique" +214342,45385.0,2334.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,50,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Depuis le début de la crise, MSF a mis en place un circuit de triage à l’hôpital régional qui a contribué à lutter contre la propagation de l’épidémie et à promouvoir la continuité des services dans l’enceinte même de l’hôpital." +386718,60459.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"(scenario) Cependant, la morosité des activités économique aussi bien dans le pays que dans les pays d'accueil limitera les demandes d'emplois et donc les revenus et les transferts vers les régions d'origine. Il en est de même des transferts de la diaspora au regard de la conjoncture économique globale." +410316,63222.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,99,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_mvam_bulletin_57_july_2021.pdf,"[Syria, July] Additionally, more than two out of five interviewed households (42 percent) reported not being able to purchase the necessary medicines in July 2021, mainly due to a lack of financial resources (78 percent) and a shortage of medicines in pharmacies (18 percent). Moreover, COVID-19 vaccination intentions were high countrywide, with more than two-thirds of interviewed households (67 percent) indi- cating their intent to have all household members vaccinated, were the COVID-19 vaccine made available to them free of charge." +45648,15533.0,729.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,103,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_report_areabasedassessment_aba_azzawya_jun2019.pdf,"As reported by education KIs, even though the vast majority of children could access education via public schools, the minority who were not enrolled in public schools usually received private education, implying that at least some affected families had sufficient income for this expense. When the education provided did not meet the children’s needs, parents mostly coped using three different strategies: (1) transferring their children to public schools in another area, (2) enrolling them in private schools, or (3) compensating for deficiencies with additional private lessons." +62675,18394.0,1386.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,82,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3295213,"Me preocupa el aumento de presencia de militares en el territorio del pueblo indígena Pemón, así como casos recientes recibidos de violencia en contra de personas indígenas, como las muertes de dos jóvenes Warao en julio presuntamente por elementos del FAES, las muertes de una mujer indígena Warao embarazada, y una niña de 6 años, así como la muerte de un líder indígena Curripaco en Amazonas, cometidos supuestamente por miembros de la Guardia Nacional Bolivariana." +341725,56493.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,101,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Trois problèmes particuliers sont mis en avant par les personnes enquêtées pour expliquer le niveau élevé des conflits en matière foncière. Il s’agit d’abord de la superposition de plusieurs systèmes de gestion foncière qui non seulement se contredisent dans leurs méthodes de gestion de la terre, mais ont renforcé une situation de désacralisation et de « marchandisation » qui est porteuse de nombreux conflits. A cela s’ajoutent également les effets de la péjoration climatique qui accentue une situation de rareté des terres débouchant sur des confrontations récurrentes entre agriculteurs et éleveurs." +329120,53878.0,2331.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,27,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SOYDA%20Monthly%20Progressive%20Report-Feb%202021.pdf,"An additional 2.9 million people are expected to be under food stress, bringing the total number of people facing acute food insecurity to 5.6 million." +358803,58362.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,22,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.lafm.com.co/internacional/derechos-de-ninas-y-adolescentes-migrantes-venezolanas-no-se-estan-garantizando-segun,"Algunas reconocen que han tenido que recurrir a la mendicidad o a pedir alimentos desechados, en diferentes tipos de mercados." +241314,46388.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Ongoing conflict and insecurity make it difficult to access hard-to-reach areas, and large- scale population movements along the porous border between Afghanistan and Pakistan further complicate vaccination efforts, making children on both sides vulnerable to contracting the debilitating disease." +304803,51467.0,2335.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"It is likely that many schools will struggle to reopen, given that most teachers have not been paid in a long time. The rate of return is also likely to be lower for girls. (2020)" +17943,7218.0,322.0,"['Protection', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,90,['Impact'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,http://blogs.worldbank.org/arabvoices/yemen-s-private-sector-teaming-support-humanitarian-and-recovery-efforts,"Since 2015, the Republic of Yemen has been overtaken by a brutal conflict that has resulted in massive casualties, hundreds of thousands of internally displaced families, substantial infrastructure damage, and hampered service delivery across both the economy and society. In total, according to the 2018 Humanitarian Needs Overview from the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, approximately 22.2 million people, roughly 75% of the population,are in need of some manner of humanitarian or protection assistance." +194654,43820.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",['Context->Environment'],es,38,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/guur-115.1_fsa_19112020_v3.pdf,"Actualmente no se han notificado enfermedades por las condiciones actuales generen enfermedades diarreicas y de la piel, por lo tanto se necesita de: Elementos de aseo personal, mosquiteros, hamacas y/o colchonetas, kit WASH" +330037,53699.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,127,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_094_20210404_hebdo_s13.pdf,"Au cours des 14 derniers jours, 782 cas confirmés de COVID-19 ont été dénombrés dans 65 ZS réparties dans 10 provinces affectées du pays (Tableau I & Figures 1 & 5). Les provinces ayant engrangé la majorité de ces cas sont Kinshasa (31,6%), le Nord-Kivu (28,3%), le Lualaba (21,1%), le Haut-Katanga (9,1%) et le Sud-Kivu (4,3%). Quant aux ZS hot spots, il s’agit de : Goma (n=113), Kanzenze (n=75), Dilala (n=69), Lubumbashi (n=36), Gombe (n=33), Karisimbi (n=30) et Binza Ozone (n=30)." +216615,45416.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,51,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,Une situation souvent constatée dans les écoles d’accueil des déplacés comme dans le Rapport ERM _ Salamabila _ Wamaza du 02 au 08 juillet 2020 (finale) révélant que dans plus de 70% d’écoles les enseignants avaient plus de 55 élèves dans les salles. +174319,32845.0,1899.0,['Protection'],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,58,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/FACTSHEET%20GUATEMALA%20MAY%202020_FINAL%20SPA.pdf,"Guatemala se está convirtiendo, cada vez más, en un país de destino para las personas que huyen de la violencia y persecución. Los datos, hasta abril 2020, reportan que hay 1,185 personas refugiadas y solicitantes de asilo en Guatemala. La Red Nacional de Protección ha brindado asistencia a 13,500 durante 2020." +410311,63222.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,69,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_mvam_bulletin_57_july_2021.pdf,"[Syria, July] The average rCSI was highest among IDPs and returnees. In July 2021, 94 percent of IDPs (The second highest average level recorded among IDPs since July 2020) and 93 percent of returnees reported adopting at least one food- based coping strategy to cover their essential food needs amid the consistent economic downturn, compared to 86 percent of residents." +102883,29340.0,1620.0,[],[],"['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",en,79,[],['Shock/Event'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/OCHA_NGA_FlashUpdate_MunaGarageFireOutbreak_26052020.pdf,There was a fire incident on Saturday 23 May 2020 in Muna Garage el-Badawe IDP camp. The fire started during an evening windstorm at around 5.00 p.m. and lasted for about one hour. The fire started when a windstorm blew sparks from a fire where an internally displaced person was cooking onto a makeshift shelter that caught ablaze Two tanks of the Borno State fire service arrived at the scene and helped put out the fire. +216617,45416.0,2225.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)'],fr,38,[],['Information And Communication'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,"Il est assez difficile de mobiliser les informations sur les résultats des apprentissages et leur portée dans le parcours des enfants victimes des crises surtout les élèves en déplacement, les élèves retournés et les élèves réfugiés." +192728,43304.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,70,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"les données du recensement général des entreprises réalisé par l’INSEED en 2015 révèlent que 50% des unités économiques sont basées dans la ville de N’Djaména et 50% réparties dans les autres provinces. En outre, les unités économiques installées dans la ville de N’Djaména occupent en moyenne 3 employés contre 2 personnes en moyenne dans les autres régions du pays." +188227,40860.0,1899.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,46,[],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200922_OCHA_GUATEMALA%20HRP%20COVID-19%20ESPAN%CC%83OL.pdf,"La crisis se ha enmarcado en un contexto de profundas desigualdades sociales y económicas, expresadas en diferentes formas, entre ellas, seis de cada diez personas en el país experimentan pobreza multidimensional3, afectando en su mayoría a pueblos indígenas y comunidades rurales." +78103,21602.0,1224.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,47,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/72608.pdf,"Access to Information, Referrals and Legal Support: Partners in Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana and Dominican Republic provided information on regularization, asylum, documentation and rights to more than 10,100, 8,500, 680 and 121 refugees and migrants from Venezuela, respectively." +218528,45654.0,2028.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,48,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/hrp_weekly_funding_status_201124.pdf,"[24 Nov 2020, Whole of Syria, COVID-19 RP Funding Overview] COVID-19 Response Plan: Funding requirements for Food Security and Agriculture sector are 37.8 Million USD, of which 3.3 Million USD have been funded, leaving a gap of 34.4 Million USD." +310677,53333.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Politics']",en,48,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"On Monday, January 9, 2017, towns across western Cameroon shut down as part of ‘Operation Ghost Town’, an initiative taken by the Cameroon Anglophone Civil Society Consortium as part of their long-term protest against a government they deem biased towards French-speakers." +162820,37820.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,45,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/iom_rohingya_crisis_response_-_external_sitrep_-_july_2020.pdf,"IOM supported health facilities received PPE including gloves, gowns, face masks, face shields, respirators, goggles, hand sanitizers, coveralls, gum boots and scrubs. This will contribute to ensuring staff safety while maintaining adequate infection prevention control." +205130,44672.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,40,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In late June, the MoPH [Ministry of Public Health] announced that the whole health system starting from the health post to national hospitals would be ready to provide COVID-19 related case management and contract tracing services." +163258,37781.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,63,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://tande.substack.com/p/syria-in-context-coronavirus-update-5cd,"Despite the arrival of testing machines in NES in recent weeks, testing rates remain low and the rate of positive tests remains high. This suggests community spread is entrenched and true caseloads are higher than reported. The highest number of registered cases is in the city of Qamishli, where at least 45 infections were recorded since August 22." +59590,17198.0,1224.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,24,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,Families emphasized the urgent need for hammocks and clothing. They would also like to build more stable shelters but need the tools. +22291,9106.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods', 'Shelter']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",en,117,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Information And Communication']",Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"Elderly women are more vulnerable to poverty and disease, and have limited access to services compared to elderly men and the rest of the population. Although it is reported that social security exists in Libya, no data is available to substantiate these claims. For the severely affected elderly to live a dignified life in Libya support with housing, healthcare, income, disability, and access to adequate food is required. Libyans are expected to continue to depend on their children in their old age instead of social security, and the burden of the care-giver role is often placed on the shoulders of daughters and other women in the family" +187286,42134.0,1183.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,22,[],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Colombia%20COVID-19%20Update%20-%201-15OCT20.pdf,"According to Migración Colombia, 113,894 Venezuelans have returned to Venezuela from or through Colombia as of Tuesday, 13 October." +386729,60459.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,120,[],"['Context', 'Displacement', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"Le Jama'a Nusrat ul-Islam wa al-Muslimin (JNIM) et l'État islamique dans le Grand Sahara (ISGS) continuent d'exercer une influence et un contrôle sur les populations des zones frontalières, provoquant des déplacements internes persistants. De la sortie des dernières récoltes d’octobre 2020 au mois d’avril 2021, l’effectif des PDI a presque doublé et est passé de 47670 à 82728 (SP/CONASUR, avril 2021), représentant 52 pour cent de la population. Au mois de Mai, les exactions de ces groupes ont fait 10 morts parmi les civiles et entrainé le déplacement d’environ 4755 personnes. (l’Oudalan)" +326858,54714.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,36,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,"[General household information] Two most common sources of COVID- 19 information, as reported by households were Health worker at health facility (71%) and Settlement leaders (27%)." +172815,38004.0,2028.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],en,44,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/04/28/syria-aid-restrictions-hinder-covid-19-response,"[28th April 2020, Damascus] Restrictions on aid deliveries from Damascus and Iraqare preventing medical supplies and personnel needed to prevent, contain, and treat Covid-19 from reaching two million people in northeast Syria, Human Rights Watch said today." +325558,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[Ouagadougou - 2,086 individuals were interviewed] Female parents are somewhat more likely than male ones to perceive travel distance as an important constraint, perhaps reflecting the fact that it is more commonly the households’ women who are responsible for bringing the children to school." +452381,64945.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Intentions'],fr,70,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MONITORING%20PROTECTION%20DE%20JULLET%202021%20EST.pdf,"Pour eux [60% des personnes interrogées], 04 conditions doivent être remplies pour envisager un retour vers les zones de départ. Il s’agit du retour total de la paix caractérisée par un retour et présence permanent des services sociaux de base, la sécurisation des personnes et de leurs biens par les forces de défense et de sécurité et la reconstruction des habitats." +112294,32028.0,1185.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,48,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77082.pdf,"GTRM partners distributed some 1,000 food kits from private donations. The distribution was made in coordination with the National Institute of Civil Defense (INDECI), door to door and through soup-kitchens. It benefited some 4,000 vulnerable refugees and migrants in Lima and Callao." +66699,19425.0,1184.0,[],[],[],es,89,[],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71649.pdf,"La falta de información confiable y segura, el desconocimiento sobre espacios de apoyo y redes de protección, la diversidad lingüística y/o étnica, la exposición a riesgos a lo largo de la ruta para personas en tránsito y sus posibles afectaciones psicosociales, entre muchos otros, representan obstáculos para acceder a derechos y protección. Entre los principales riesgos de protección nos encontramos la violencia sexual, el tráfico y la trata de personas, la explotación sexual y laboral y el sexo por supervivencia2." +12740,5579.0,322.0,"['Shelter', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,71,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20Jun%202018.pdf,"NFI distributions were completed for 16,592 families in urgent need of essential household items. Emergency shelter assistance was provided for 1,519 families. Cash for rental subsidies was received by 4,851 families. Transitional shelters were provided to 500 families. The distributions and cash grants ensured that the families have sufficient individual, general household and shelter support to ensure their health, dignity, safety and well-being." +386746,60459.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"Au cours du premier trimestre de 2021, les admissions de MAS et de MAM ont augmenté respectivement de 77 pour cent et 83 pour cent au niveau des formations sanitaires de la région comparativement au premier trimestre de 2021, tandis que le nombre de formations sanitaires fermés est resté stable." +314690,53183.0,2466.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,53,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"A multi-sectoral approach is required to address refugees’ protection and assistance needs through long-term interventions, especially focusing on self-reliance and wellbeing. At the same time, it is also key to widen and uphold refugees’ rights by aligning Sudanese national legislation and practices with the 1951 Refugee Convention." +164194,37783.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,103,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://tande.substack.com/p/syria-in-context-coronavirus-update-ffe,"Almost 400 cases were registered in government-held areas of Syria last week. According to the Ministry of Health, there are 1,327 registered cases, of which 53 people died and 364 recovered; that leaves 839 cases active. Registered confirmed cases have recently increased from 19-23 cases every other day, to 50-70 cases per day without any acknowledged increase in testing capacity, suggesting that even with the limited government testing program, a greater proportion of tests are returning positive. 67 cases were registered on Monday across ten governorates, followed by another 72 on Tuesdays." +304604,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,24,['Impact'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,Fifty-nine per cent of South Sudanese report signs of distress including depressive symptoms. Displaced and conflict-affected people experience elevated levels of psychological distress +182052,42270.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,39,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep21_20201020.pdf,"[20th October NWS] The recent increased of confirmed cases comes alongside the more than twofold increase in testing capacity, as two additional laboratories are now active, taking the total to three in northwest Syria." +316955,53333.0,2334.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,30,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Access to medical facilities was also a priority, including girls’ access to family planning services, education on menstruation management and also training on parenting and marriage." +63477,18412.0,1386.0,['Health'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,198,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,,"El gasto público en salud de Venezuela representa 1,5% del PIB. Este gasto es 75% inferior al 6% recomendado por la OMS y está ubicado en el último lugar de América Latina y el Caribe, a una distancia de 40,5% por debajo del 3,7% en promedio que destinan los países de la región66. Venezuela es el único país que retrocedió a menos de lo que gastaba en 1995, año donde era 1,8% del PIB. La mayor caída de recursos ocurrió entre los años 2007 y 2014, período en el cual disminuyeron 40%, luego de haber alcanzado un máximo de 2,5% del PIB en 200767. La reducción del presupuesto público para la salud por tantos años se ha hecho a expensas de mantener altos niveles de “gasto de bolsillo”68 cargados al presupuesto de las familias. El pago por medicinas y servicios médicos en 2014 fue 64,3% del gasto familiar en salud, siendo uno de los más altos del mundo y el mayor de América Latina y el Caribe, en 59% superior al promedio regional69." +133599,35118.0,1187.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"El cierre de fronteras sumado al aislamiento social preventivo y obligatorio ha impactado de lleno en la población objetivo, imposi- bilitando las reunificaciones familiares, la movilidad de las personas migrantes para llegar a su destino final y la necesidad de cumplir el aislamiento para aquellos que, habiendo arribado al país hacía solo un par de días, no tenían vivienda donde realizar la cuarentena." +35524,13057.0,788.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,101,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000105395.pdf,"The prevalence of cough was disproportionately high in East Borno and Northern Adamawa B (46 percent) and Central Borno A (39 Percent) whereas the lowest prevalence of 19 percent was reported in Northern Yobe B. For diarrhoea, more than one in every three children (> 30 percent) had experienced diarrhoeal like symptoms in almost all the domains in the northeast except for MMC & Jere (28 percent), Central Borno A (26 percent), Northern Adamawa B (24 percent) and East Borno (23 percent)." +305471,51467.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,19,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,The recurrent Ebola outbreak in neighbouring countries continues to pose a significant public health risk to South Sudan. +498715,60095.0,1187.0,[],[],[],es,53,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RMRP%202021%20Plan%20de%20respuesta%20regional%20para%20refugiados%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%2C%20enero%20-%20diciembre%202021.pdf,"Las condiciones precarias o de hacinamiento se han agravado en alojamientos temporales colectivos, de hospedaje informal o viviendas de estas zonas urbanas, donde se comparten aseos y espacios para cocinar y comer, lo que da lugar a condiciones insalubres y donde las medidas de distanciamiento físico son imposibles de cumplir.3" +188714,43183.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Contact Tracing'],fr,42,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_268_20201024.pdf,"Au total, 769 alertes ont été comptabilisées ce 24/10/2020 dont 717 nouvelles ; 717 (93,2%) d’entre elles ont été investiguées et 58 (8,1%) ont été validées comme nouveaux cas suspects de COVID-19." +306382,51572.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,57,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"The facility is offering RH, EPI (Expanded Program on Immunization), OPD (Outpatient Department) and nutrition services, whereby referral of cases out of the service capacity is sent to Paloch friendship hospital or melut county hospital. [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]" +317198,53333.0,2334.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,Shelter was also reported as a need for a good marriage and family wellbeing but was a challenge in relation to housing destroyed by the fighting and also a key need for many IDP families who struggled to access decent shelter. +220687,45655.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"[9th Dec, Overall Syria]he target for increasing ventilator capacity has been reached (164 new ventilators have been added) to have adequate capacity to treat critical cases. A total of 29 CCTCs have been activated, with 1,258 beds. Five additional CCTCs are planned in the coming months in Aleppo" +163611,34169.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Education', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",[],[],es,78,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3653968,"En Colombia, WFP está asistiendo a cerca de 400.000 personas al mes con transferencias monetarias o raciones de alimentos, incluidos migrantes, miembros de comunidades indígenas, víctimas de violencia armada, menores en programas de alimentación escolar, y personas afectadas por la COVID-19. WFP planea asistir a unas 550.000 personas adicionales, sujeto a la disponibilidad de recursos, y buscando apoyar y complementar los esfuerzos nacionales de atención a la crisis." +298392,52417.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,98,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.dropbox.com/s/fpu0ox89go0s7li/Syria%202021%20HNO%20%28advance%20copy%29.pdf?dl=0,"[March 2021, Overall Syria] Despite many reopening in September, few are able to enact safe school protocols due to a lack of classrooms and limited or non functioning toilets or handwashing facilities. It is estimated that there is only one functioning classroom for every 53 school aged children, while the combination of devastation and lack of rehabilitation mean that those who do attend have to contend with unsafe, insecure and unsuitable infrastructure, including absent walls, roofs, staircases, windows or heating, as well as severe overcrowding." +48471,12622.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'WASH', 'Shelter', 'Livelihoods']",[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Economy', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",es,82,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LIBRO%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20las%20necesidades%20insatisfechas%20SSR%20y%20Migrantes%20Venezolanos%20-%20Digital.pdf,"los migrantes venezolanos, debido al conflicto armado interno, el subdesarrollo histórico y profundas inequidades sociales. Por ejemplo, La Guajira y Arauca no cuentan con servicios de acueducto y alcantarillado en comparación con Cúcuta y Valledupar. En otras palabras, las áreas receptoras no tienen acceso suficiente a servicios básicos como agua potable, saneamiento adecuado, electricidad y viviendas en condiciones adecuadas, lo cual trae como resultado niveles de pobreza más altos que el promedio nacional" +161079,39509.0,2099.0,"['Logistics', 'Health']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,80,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sidwaya.info/blog/2020/09/15/covid-19-les-hauts-bassins-passent-en-tete-avec-315-cas/?fbclid=IwAR06krUyHij1KJuxRpsefbnW1qw3Pn7ghXu7fwJbjEVMVA922ljKlJeKtnE,"« Durant ces deux derniers mois, il y a eu une augmentation du nombre de prélèvements de cas testés, surtout depuis l’ouverture des frontières aériennes, liée au fait que le test est souvent demandé par les compagnies de voyage. Ce qui donne la moyenne d’analyses à environ 3000 tests par semaine, avec une pointe de 4 746 tests analysés en une semaine à la semaine 32 » A entendre Dr Bicaba" +327490,54714.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,40,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,[PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 2% of both households of both IDP settlements and Non-IDP settlement respectively reported their property or possessions were damaged or stolen in the 30 days prior to data collection. +177503,40876.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,36,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200904_evaluaciondenecesidades_antioquia_caceres_mire.pdf,"Servicios Se cuenta con servicios públicos, acceso a servicios de salud y otros servicios sociales a través de navegabilidad por el río Cauca, vía de movilidad que es controlado por actores armados ilegales." +46292,15533.0,729.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_report_areabasedassessment_aba_azzawya_jun2019.pdf,"In addition, some items were more difficult to find due to the short supply of subsidised items such as flour and cooking fuel10, both of which recorded median prices higher than the national level, an increase by respectively +158.3% and +42.9% between May 2018 to January 2019." +64133,18925.0,729.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,74,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/va_report_libya_2019-libmac-unmas.pdf,"Orthopaedic and General surgery structures: there are 47 hospitals which mostly provide major orthopaedic and general surgery, although there is also a capacity to do organ transplants and cardio-thoracic surgery. Four districts (Sirt, Aljufra, Wadi al Haya, and Ghat) do not have major surgical services available, while eight districts have readiness scores below 50%. SARA highlighted the need to improve these services." +159505,35728.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Education', 'Food Security']","['Capacities & Response->Local Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population', 'Casualties->Dead']",es,71,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']","['Humanitarian Access', 'Casualties']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no_6_covid-19_choco_vf.pdf,"Continúan las afectaciones a población étnica por cuenta de las acciones de control territorial de los GAO. Preocupa, la recurrencia de hechos victimizantes como amenazas y homicidios en personas protegidas y emergencias humanitarias como desplazamientos y confinamientos en el Litoral del San Juan y Alto Baudó (durante los últimos 15 días) que agravan la posibilidad de acceso a salud, alimentación y educación de las comunidades." +164166,39714.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],es,17,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,88% está preocupado porque alguien de la familia tenga una emergencia y no reciba atención. +59539,17198.0,1224.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Humanitarian Access->Population To Relief', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",en,53,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,The representative from the Ministry of Social Protection and other team members provided advise on actions to be taken to prevent such acts from recurring. 41% or 447 migrants are children age 17 years and younger. 5% or 56 migrants are infants (1 year and younger). +239107,47107.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,93,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"In NWS, as of 12 January, 20,717 confirmed cases of COVID-19 were reported, with 358 deaths and 14,000 recoveries. Among cases, 12,865 are males (62.1 per cent) and 7,753 females (37.4%). Among the cases, mean age of the cases is 37.4 years, 49 cases are under five years old, and 1,922 (9.7 per cent) cases are over 60 years old. Of all cases, 2,618 (12.6 per cent) are healthcare and associated workers." +241018,47700.0,2332.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,,"In Ouaddaï Province in Eastern Chad, six cases have tested positive for COVID-19, including one from Farchana, where UNHCR’s Sub Office for the zone is located. All of them have recovered." +190181,43304.0,2332.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,52,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Cependant, cette baisse [chute du prix du pétrole] sera compensée par la structure de l'accord de partage de la production et de l'accord fiscal pétrolier avec la CNPC qui permet à la compagnie de payer les impôts avec un an de retard. Par exemple, en 2020." +177200,41093.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,71,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"La modalidad de crédito preferencial, que representa la mayor participación en la categoría de cartera comercial (35% por desembolsos), presentó reducciones en su tasa de interés, pasando de 7% en febrero de 2020 a 5,5% en agosto (Gráfico 3). Este cambio de 151 pbs es consistente con una reacción del 75% respecto a la tasa de política monetaria." +218129,45571.0,2028.0,['Agriculture'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],en,101,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://thawra.sy/index.php/economy/economy-local/256379-2020-12-14-15-19-11,"[14 Dec 2020, GoS (Tartous governorate)] Farmers have asked the Agricultural Bank about the distribution of fertilizers for the crop of olive and citrus fruits, for which the Director of the Agricultural Bank of Tartous governorate have replied: ""Fertilizers for the wheat crop were given the priority as it is a strategic crop (200 tons of fertilizer for wheat were distributed). As soon as the distribution of fertilizer for wheat is done, the rest of the fertilizers will be distributed for the crops, according to priorities.""" +193936,43327.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,53,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_sectoriel_octobre.pdf,"[Réponse COVID-19 ]Participation au cluster national par Zoom ou a beaucoup discuté sur l’étude du Dr Aboubacar Ouédraogo qui parle du COVID-19 dans le district de Bama, en conclusion l’étude démontre que les mesures barrières sont délaissées par la population de Bama et en général." +333139,44672.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,16,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Both returnees and IDPs may also face limited economic opportunities because of the countrywide lockdown. +217374,45653.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Economy']",en,104,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://docs.wfp.org/api/documents/WFP-0000114546/download/?_ga=2.153594736.918642439.1605111758-1773529422.1605111758,"The number of people in Crisis or worse (CH Phase 3 or above) peaked at 1.4 million (7 percent of the population) in the October–December post-harvest period (CILSS-CH, November 2019). Of these, 89 000 were classified in Emergency (CH Phase 4). Some 4.5 million people were in Stressed (CH Phase 2). The vast majority of the acutely food-insecure people were in the four regions of Zinder (420 000), Tillabéri (355 000), Tahoua (262 000) and Maradi (214 000)." +438442,64539.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,102,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"JORNADA LABORAL Las horas de trabajo a la semana son otro indicativo relevante que permite visibilizar la situación laboral de las actividades de la población migrante. El 27.2% de las personas que más aporta al hogar trabaja más de 71 horas, mientras que el 26.1% trabaja entre 41 a 50 horas, lo que se encuentra en el umbral de las 48 horas de trabajo que estipulan la legislación nacional. Adicionalmente, el 24.4% trabaja de 51 a 70 horas, 12.8% menos de 30 horas y 9.4% de 31 a 40 horas." +341445,56493.0,2099.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Politics'],fr,69,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[De juillet à début septembre 2020, les enquêteurs ont administré le sondage auprès de 2396 Burkinabè dans les régions du Centre Nord, Nord, Sahel, Est, Boucle du Mouhoun et Hauts-Bassins] Dans le Sahel, le Nord, la Boucle du Mouhoun, les résultats montrent une influence sans conteste de l’argent et des affinités sur l’ascension sociale." +248083,48110.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,29,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/democratic-republic-congo/evolution-du-nouveau-coronavirus-covid-19-en-rdc-mise-jour-publi-0,Le nombre total de cas positifs au nouveau coronavirus en République démocratique du Congo est de 22 455 (22 454 cas confirmés et 1 cas probable). +292392,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"The training of 85 community health workers on community- based surveillance took place. Trainees were community health workers from priority health districts based on reporting profile, accessibility and the functionality of the health structures in the health areas." +275908,50662.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,118,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[July- December 2020, Cox's Bazar] In total, 1808 (966 male and 813 female) mortalities were reported,727 during the reporting period. In total, among female deceased, 193 were women of reproductive age (12 to 49). There were 236 still births were and 205 neonatal deaths. The highest number of deaths occurred at home (62.2%), followed by health facilities (31%), and community/public spaces (5.3%). Under 5 mortality rate was calculated at: 0.29/1,000 children <5/month (female: 0.20, male 0.29), and crude mortality was calculated at 0.17/1000 population/month." +113738,30002.0,1386.0,"['Health', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Context->Economy']",en,109,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Shock/Event', 'Context']",UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://medium.com/humanitarian-dispatches/getting-out-the-right-covid-19-information-to-saves-lives-70719f27266e,"access to basic services and products such as food and medicines was already challenging. Patience and good humour were the formula for overcoming the long queues to pay at the supermarket. In a country where local cash is not operational, credit cards, mobile payments and cryptocurrencies are the only ways to pay. This is not because of COVID-19, but because of a humanitarian situation caused by a prolonged economic and political crisis. Due to the almost 10,000 per cent hyperinflation last year, the exchange rate for US$1 has increased from 18,000 bolivars to 210,000 in only ten months." +326980,54714.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,"[WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE (WASH) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Most commonly reported coping mechanisms used to deal with limited availability of water by household of Non- IDP settlement were Rely on less preferred (unimproved/untreated) water sources for drinking water (18%), Rely on surface water for drinking water (18%)." +173321,41060.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/2020/10/09/covid-19-17-die-1-278-new-cases-in-24hrs,"[9th October 2020, Bangladesh] The country also logged more than 375,000 coronavirus cases with 1,278 people having tested positive over the same period. With the latest figure, the number of all confirmed cases so far jumped to 375,870, according to the daily virus update released on Friday by the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS)." +294812,51749.0,2099.0,['WASH'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,47,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,[Gounghin] L’accès à l’eau est problématique car les ménages déplacés et non déplacés utilisent les mêmes points d’eau ce qui en fait un besoin prioritaire cité à la fois par les ménages PDI et par les ménages autochtones. +330740,55042.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,89,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.gage.odi.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Adolescents%E2%80%99-experiences-of-covid-19-in-Chittagong-and-Sylhet-divisions-Bangladesh.pdf,"[30 April 2021, Bangladesh]Psychosocial well-being and coping: The psychosocial well-being of adolescents and their families has been an important concern during the pandemic. This section lays out our findings on the mental health challenges faced by adolescents due to covid-19 and how they have sought different strategies to cope with it. Most adolescents reported that being isolated from normal life due to the pandemic made them feel bored and exhausted because they could not go to school or meet their friends." +412973,63086.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,34,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_07_14_MSF%20RDC_RAPPORT%20VIOLENCES%20SEXUELLES%20%28FR%29%281%29.pdf,"Les obstacles aux soins de santé n’affectent pas uniquement la qualité de la prise en charge après une agression sexuelle, ils réduisent également l’accès au suivi médical et psychologique" +262373,49506.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,36,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=222767,"[18/02/2021 Gos] In Damascus, the Health Ministry on Wednesday announced that 50 new coronavirus cases were recorded, adding that 77 patients infected with the virus recovered and 3 others passed away." +341759,56493.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,112,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Cette violence comme mode d’expression du mal- être des individus occupe de plus en plus une place assez importante dans la vie des communautés. Les violences résultent d’un déficit dans la régulation des rapports sociaux. L’ordre légal établi garantissant la normalité de la vie en société n’assure plus le contrôle indispensable à la cohésion et à la canalisation des règles qui régissent les conduites individuelles et collectives. Les cadres juridiques, parfois méprisés voire abandonnés par les populations locales, sont perçus comme partiaux. Cette partialité présumée compromet le droit à une égalité d’accès aux ressources foncières." +193952,43327.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,22,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_sectoriel_octobre.pdf,L’harmonisation des stratégies et politique d’offre des soins en faveur des personnes vulnérables dans les zones affectées; +57782,17280.0,1186.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Economy']",es,44,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/439982_ed8c90c2b9644fbbabee3b33e6e9e918.pdf,"Las personas migrantes, si bien pueden no contar con una situación económica que les permita entrar en el mercado formal de arriendo una vez llegados a nuestro país, sí llegan con capacidad de pago para solventar alojamiento por un plazo acotado." +386722,60459.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"(scenario) Dans les zones plus calmes du pays, les ménages pauvres devraient plus compter sur les revenus favorables de la vente du bétail et des PFNL pour compenser les baisses des revenus issues des transferts et de la main-d’œuvre agricole. Ainsi, malgré l’augmentation des prix des denrées de base, l’accès aux marchés ne connaitra pas de dégradation significative." +183238,42114.0,1186.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Chile%20COVID-19%20Situation%20report%20No.%205%20-%20October%202020.pdf,"As of 25 October, Chile has 503,598 confirmed COVID-19 cases and 18,825 deaths. Suspected sharp increase of cases in September following the National Day celebrations did not happen." +303966,51174.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,32,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.afro.who.int/sites/default/files/2021-02/South%20Sudan%20IDSR%20Bulletin%20Week%201%2C%20%20%204-%2010%20January%202021%20.pdf,"Monitoring the FRC (Functional residual capacity) levels at the taps stands in the different sectors, and the concentration of chlorination should maintain at 0.5-1mg/L as the point of collection" +305039,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,28,['Impact'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,Key informants in three out of four of these settlements reported that people commonly think the assistance received was of the type most needed.( 2020) +199045,44308.0,2225.0,"['Nutrition', 'Agriculture', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,46,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RD%20Congo%20-%20Note%20d%E2%80%99informations%20humanitaires%20pour%20la%20province%20du%20Nord-Kivu%2017%20novembre%202020.pdf,"{Localité de Masisi, province du Nord-Kivu} Le difficile accès des populations aux champs {lié à la détérioration du contexte sécuritaire} entraine une carence des produits alimentaires sur le marché avec des conséquences négatives sur la situation nutritionnelle de la population." +149322,35869.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,60,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep18_25july2020.pdf,"However, after the first confirmed case of COVID-19 being identified in northwest Syria on 9 July, schools have been closed again from 10 July. Learning has switched to the distance learning modality once more. Education authorities in Idleb are planning to assess the situation until 1 August and potentially reopen the schools after an assessment." +281546,51143.0,2098.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_info_for_interlocated_families_-_march_2021_0.pdf,"[9th March 2021, Cox's Bazar] WFP's Fresh Food Corners, with fresh vegetables and fruits, may or may not be available at your new e-voucher outlet. However, Fresh Food Corners are being opened in all outlets on a rolling basis, so if there are none available at the moment, you will eventually have access again." +327117,54714.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,61,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,"[NUTRITION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 34% of the households of IDP settlements reported that it takes less than 15 minutes to reach to the nearest nutrition facility while 43%, 17% of the households of IDP settlements reported it takes 15-30 minutes, 1- hours to reach to the nearest nutrition facility respectively." +191543,43304.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"En plus, des revenus générés par les taxes touristiques, il faut signaler le nombre des touristiques en baisse est un manque à gagner pour l’économie nationale." +240451,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,33,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Since the COVID-19 outbreak and widespread myths about the disease, people’s care-seeking behaviour has reduced, in turn leaving many diseases untreated and allowing them to become more severe." +208401,43992.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,45,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"To date, UNICEF has provided supplies and technical assistance for the treatment of 183,242 children suffering from SAM within the targeted health centres, which represents 67.2% of the expected SAM cases for this period, with a 92% cured rate." +384921,60265.0,2311.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,61,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COL_2003_WASH_Resultados_Catatumbo_Mayo2021_MesaNdS.pdf,"Efectos negativos generados por el COVID-19, reportados por los prestadores de servicios: 1. Los protocolos de bioseguridad obligatorios por la pandemia implican un gasto adicional (1 Prestador de aseo y 1 Prestador de agua). 2. Las personas a las que se les brinda el servicio quedan debiendo. (2 Prestadores de Agua )" +339006,56192.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,60,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.internal-displacement.org/sites/default/files/publications/documents/grid2021_idmc.pdf,"Violence and displacement continued in the Sahel, particularly in Burkina Faso, and they reached unprecedented levels in Mozambique’s northern province of Cabo Delgado (...). The security situation also deteriorated in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and Ethiopia, particularly in the latter’s northern region of Tigray." +213479,44840.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,77,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,"To address the anticipated increase in SGBV, a number of agencies (UNHCR, OHCHR, UNFPA, UNICEF, UN Women and UNDP) are planning to enhance support for prevention and response in an environment already constrained by limited infrastructural and human resources capacities. Messaging and tools (e.g. radio programmes, guidance notes for community leaders) are being developed to address SGBV concerns specifically adapted to the current climate." +291280,51584.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,54,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://docs.wfp.org/api/documents/WFP-0000121004/download/?_ga=2.267291910.926065783.1606212133-1055501472.1562658913,"Under its emergency response activities, WFP further assisted 367,878 seasonally food insecure people, 69,993 refugees from Pakistan, 52,465 internally displaced people (IDPs), 10,542 returnees from Iran and Pakistan and 3,416 people struck by natural disasters with in-kind food rations or through CBT(Cash Based Transfer)." +240469,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,19,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"As of mid-December 2020, there were almost 50,000 confirmed COVID-19 cases in Afghanistan across all 34 provinces." +188257,40860.0,1899.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,191,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200922_OCHA_GUATEMALA%20HRP%20COVID-19%20ESPAN%CC%83OL.pdf,"rupos de riesgo Los grupos de mayor riesgo incluyen menores de 5 años, personas con comorbilidades, inmunosuprimidas, adultos mayores y mujeres gestantes. Así también las personas migrantes, poblaciones internamente desplazadas, comunidades rurales e indígenas en pobreza o pobreza extrema con limitado acceso a los servicios de salud constituyen grupos en condición de vulnerabilidad. Guatemala tiene alrededor de 1.2 millones de personas de 60 años y más (Fuente: Censo INE, 2019). Como se aprecia en las gráficas 1 y 2, la letalidad es más alta en las personas mayores (a partir de los 60 años), lo que coincide con lo descrito en otros países. En Guatemala, desde la confirmación del primer caso de COVID-19 y hasta el 31 de julio de 2020, se registró la información de 23,730 casos confirmados. De ellos, 1633 se definieron como parte de pueblos indígenas (Tabla 1), incluidas 58 defunciones. La letalidad registrada en casos definidos como mayas era 1.8 veces mal alta que la letalidad en casos definidos como ladinos." +90075,25213.0,1621.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']","['Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,74,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Casualties'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A_HRC_43_75_E.pdf,"The rights to the freedoms of expression, association and peaceful assembly remained restricted. From 1 January to 30 November, UNSMIL/OHCHR documented nine incidents involving violations of the right to freedom of expression. These incidents included the killing of at least one journalist and the injuring of two others; the arbitrary arrest and detention of three others; and acts of intimidation and harassment against at least 12 journalists." +190166,43304.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,37,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Le chiffre d’affaire considéré comme le manque à gagner pendant le mois d’avril 2020 est estimé à 176,8 milliards de FCFA. Néanmoins, certains secteurs semblent avoir bénéficié de ces mesures." +169476,40368.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,14,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"As of 17 August 2020, over one million people had been officially displaced" +148532,36019.0,2028.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,41,['At Risk'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"COVID-19 related restrictions and lockdowns have spurred the further loss of job opportunities, particularly for those reliant on daily wage labor or seasonal work, increasing the likelihood of more people being pushed into food insecurity in the coming months" +265973,49325.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/el-estatuto-de-proteccion-no-pone-en-riesgo-la-democracia-migracion-colombia/2461,El estatuto es una realidad. Y fue estructurado desde 2020 por parte de Migración Colombia cuya principal tarea fue obtener el registro único de migrantes del vecino país y la tecnología que permitiera la biometría para identificar a los ciudadanos venezolanos. +169481,40368.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,6,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,USD 3 million of cash distributed +173646,39908.0,1388.0,[],[],['Displacement->Intentions'],es,32,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20-%20Impacto%20de%20la%20COVID-19%20en%20la%20poblaci%C3%B3n%20venezolana%20-%20Costa%20Rica%2C%20Agosto%202020.pdf,"84% de los hogares no planea regresar a Venezuela en el futuro cercano, la mayoría por miedo a amenazas o violencia y/o por la falta de oportunidades de empleo." +160479,39423.0,2099.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],en,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"In response to the increasing needs and ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, humanitarian partners have revised the 2020 Humanitarian response Plan upwards by 36%, calling for US$424 million to address the needs of 2.2 million people." +150443,37702.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,100,['Capacities & Response'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"To date, humanitarian partners have been informed by local authorities of 34 identified quarantine facilities and 50 isolation spaces in 13 governorates. At the central level, the MoH has announced 22 isolation centres are currently running, with a cumulative capacity of 1,073 beds, including 894 isolation beds, 174 ICU beds, and 155 ventilators. The 30 quarantine centres are reported to have 5,774 beds. As mentioned in previous reports, information has been received indicating that patients experiencing mild symptoms have been requested by some isolation centres to quarantine at home." +303668,51467.0,2335.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",[],['Context->Demography'],en,36,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Life expectancy is among the 10 lowest in the world at 57 years. South Sudan has one of the highest under-five mortality rates (90.7 deaths per 1,000 live births) in the world." +325487,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,80,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[Ouagadougou] In the case of PPS schools, of which there are 763 overall, accessibility is slightly lower but still acceptable if all schools (public and private) are considered together. Within 30 minutes of travel by bus, 13 secondary schools are accessible to the average city resident, with 93 percent of the population being able to reach at least one school. Within an hour of travel, accessibility is universal." +206587,44549.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,37,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=211656,"[26th November, 2020, Overall Syria]Health Ministry announced on Thursday that 83 new Coronavirus cases were registered in Syria, adding that 59 patients have recovered while 8 others have passed away." +214365,45385.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,39,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,Une baisse d’admission de cas dans les programmes de prise en charge [en nutrition] a été observée à cause de la peur de contamination à la COVID-19 et de la limitation des ressources financières. +69883,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],en,92,[],['Context'],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"Nationally, according to UNFPA, there are an estimated 19,071 women of reproductive age in the Bahamas and an estimated 807 currently pregnant women with around 90 live births expected in the next month. There are approximately 5,339 adolescent girls.8 It is important to note that individual islands and locations within the affected areas of The Bahamas may have a different demographic profile from the national average. Moreover, specific populations like migrants and undocumented groups are likely to be significantly different in terms of age and gender." +157848,38800.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,52,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GTS%20-%20HNAP%20COVID19%20Syria%20Bulletin%20R3.pdf,"In NSAG/TBAF areas, social media remains the main source of information for many communities, increasing each month (29% in May, 32% in June and 48% in July), compared to just 15% and 16% in GoS and SDF areas, respectively." +341848,56644.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,117,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.sismamujer.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/MUJERES-DERECHOS-LABORALES-Y-EMERGENCIA-SANITARIA.docx.pdf,"Para el equipo de Sisma Mujer, resultó claro que la experiencia organizativa de las mujeres, en relación con las que no, marca una diferencia contundente, tanto en el conocimiento sobre sus derechos, como en las experiencias de exigencia de estos. Las mujeres, que pertenecen o han tenido la experiencia gremial, han participado en el desarrollo de insumos útiles, como la aplicación ALIADAS16, una herramienta que les permite a las mujeres trabajadoras domésticas, conocer las rutas de atención en caso de cualquier violencia que sea cometida contra ellas, así como acceder a una calculadora salarial y a la normativa vigente en materia de trabajo doméstico." +238095,47291.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,62,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://sham.fm/ar/article/82548/130-%D8%B7%D8%A8%D9%8A%D8%A8%D8%A7-%D8%B3%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%8A%D8%A7-%D8%B6%D8%AD%D9%8A%D8%A9-%D9%84%D9%81%D8%A7%D9%8A%D8%B1%D9%88%D8%B3-%D9%83%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%88%D9%86%D8%A7-%D8%AE%D9%84%D8%A7%D9%84-%D9%87%D8%B0%D8%A7-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B9%D8%A7%D9%85.html,"[January 9 ,GoS] Dr. Amer indicated that Damascus had the largest share of doctors who died from the virus, then Aleppo, and then Homs, indicating that all governorates lost doctors without exception, referring to that because they are in direct contact with patients, although they did not neglect the preventive aspect of prevention." +169386,40506.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,32,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://lefaso.net/spip.php?article99753,"Sur le plan socioculturel, l’étude a révélé que les jeunes filles et les femmes, du fait des inégalités de genres, subissent directement les effets du Covid-19." +180599,42145.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/10/residents-of-damascus-suffer-difficult-access-to-bread-limited-quotas-and-long-bread-lines/,"[7th Oct 2020] [Whole of Syria] The current average monthly income for a Syrian citizen is about 150,000 SYP (64.6 USD), the minimum salary is 20,300 SYP (8.7), and the maximum is 663,000 SYP (285.7 USD), according to statistics published by Salary Explorer, a salary comparison and career resources website." +116225,32967.0,1185.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Context->Environment', 'Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics']",es,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3648194,"Los escombros obstruyeron el cauce del río Colca, por lo que el Gobierno Regional de Arequipa, mediante el Centro de Operaciones de Emergencia Regional (COER), solicitó la declaratoria de emergencia." +306735,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,The transition of PoC(Protection of Civilians) sites in 2020 and continuing into 2021 may cause the security situation to deteriorate and lead to a possible reduction in humanitarian access. +248854,48079.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Hospitalization & Care', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,76,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/DRC_FSOU_2020_12_final.pdf,"Situation de COVID-19 : Le 2 décembre 2020, le nombre des cas confirmés de COVID-19 est passé à 13 132 selon le comité multisectoriel de riposte contre COVID (CMR) et on note une expansion continue de la pandémie vers de nouvelles provinces. Le CMR fait état d’une deuxième vague. Les hôpitaux de la ville de Kinshasa enregistrent depuis octobre 2020, une moyenne quotidienne de dix nouvelles hospitalisations." +341944,56493.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",fr,109,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"La dilution de l’autorité traditionnelle est aussi marquée par l’empreinte des forces politiques en présence dans les zones. Ces forces politiques usent de leurs influences dans le choix et l’installation des chefs coutumiers. Or, le choix, l’élection et l’installation des candidats à la chefferie traditionnelle sont soumis à certaines pratiques. L’intrusion et la main- mise des politiques sur le processus créent des mouvements de contestations au sein des communautés, et de ce fait attisent des distanciations et de la non-reconnaissance de la chefferie installée par une partie de la population." +318100,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The nature of the pandemic and some of the measures used to control it have increased vulnerability especially to gender-based and interpersonal violence, and for elderly persons and persons living with disabilities in their access to care." +185795,41126.0,1898.0,['Protection'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],en,52,['Priority Needs'],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20North%20of%20Central%20America%20Situation%20Fact%20Sheet%20August%202020.pdf,"Community-based protection interventions In El Salvador, several communities in Chalatenango, San Salvador and Usulután reinforced the identification and referrals of cases of forced displacement and the Local Network against Gender Violence in Santa Ana carried out actions aimed at the prevention, response and elimination of violence against women." +500642,31283.0,1232.0,['Livelihoods'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,37,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Uruguay,2019-05-28 02:56:46.441375+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNDRR%20COVID-19%20BRIEF%20PERSONAS%20CON%20DISCAPACIDADES%20FRENTE%20AL%20COVID-19%20EN%20LAS%20AM%C3%89RICAS%20Y%20EL%20CARIBE%20%283%29.pdf,"Debido a las barreras existentes en su entorno, las personas con discapacidad suelen vivir en situaciones de mayor vulnerabilidad que otros grupos sociales y ser más propensas a experimentar condiciones de pobreza o pobreza extrema." +255430,48602.0,2028.0,"['Logistics', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,65,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Whole%20of%20Syria%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20-%20End-of-year%202020.pdf,"[1Jan-31Dec 2020, Overall Syria] Due to restrictions on the movement of supplies, many children were not able to access or receive learning materials at home. The issue was particularly compounded by the lack of access to electricity and internet in many parts of the country, particularly in rural areas of Homs, Hama, Aleppo and across Idlib." +327073,54267.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],fr,49,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Conformément au troisième axe stratégique du PNDES, le Ministère burkinabé de l’agriculture – à travers la Direction générale de la promotion de l’économie rurale (DGPER) – a formulé une Stratégie de développement des chaînes de valeur (SDFA, 2019-2023)." +343264,45764.0,2332.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,110,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/0004_202008_rrm_msa_rapport_final_wolirom.pdf,"Recommandations  Faire un plaidoyer auprès de l’ONG médicale Alerte Santé, basée à Liwa, par rapport au service de sa clinique mobile pour le site ; Organiser un dépistage exhaustif de la malnutrition chez tous les enfants de 0-59 mois ;  Offrir des paquets complets de prise en charge médicale intégrant la prévention de la malnutrition chez les enfants de 6 à 59 mois et FEFA soit à travers une clinique mobile ou à travers un référencement  Mettre en place des équipes mobiles pour les activités en avancée de vaccination couplée à la supplémentation des enfants en vitamine A au le déparasitage." +157967,38137.0,2098.0,[],[],[],en,36,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cxb_education_covid_response_reaching_every_learner_final.pdf,"The response will require about USD 4,5 million to ensure that learners are reached with essential learning materials. Of this amount, already 1.5million has been acquired through Education Cannot Wait funding support." +473046,63732.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2f4004e6/REACH_BFA_Factsheet_Abri-AME-et-LTB_Pouytenga_juillet-2021.pdf,"27/29 des IC ont rapporté que la majorité des ménages de leur site n'était pas en mesure de couvrir ses besoins en articles de couchage, y compris en moustiquaires au cours des trois mois précédant la collecte de données." +239680,47230.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],es,41,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,El 75% de hogares reportó haber gastado los ahorros para satisfacer las necesidades de alimentos u otras necesidades. Solamente el 9% de los hogares no incurre en alguna clase de estrategia de supervivencia basada en medios de vida +325493,54815.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,78,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[Ouagadougou] In Ouagadougou overall, the average person has to travel approximately 22 minutes by bus to reach the nearest healthcare facility of any kind; however, the average time to the nearest facility is much longer if specific level of care is needed, ranging from 28 minutes to the nearest CSPS, about 45 minutes to a CM, an hour to a CMA, and over 1.5 hours to a hospital." +305763,51572.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,23,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Organization of soap distribution [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +157491,38880.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,55,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/covid-19-isolation-and-treatment-centre-opens-bangladeshi-communities-and-rohingya,"Dhaka, 31 August 2020 – UNICEF in partnership with icddr,b (International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh) is supporting a 200-bed isolation and treatment centre in Teknaf Upazila in Cox’s Bazar District to provide critical care for COVID-19 patients from both Bangladeshi and Rohingya refugee communities." +237173,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,21,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,A staggering 59 per cent of households reported reduced income and 55 per cent of households reported loss of employment. +287146,51749.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,104,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,[district sanitaire de Pouytenga] Le système de référencement fonctionne au CMA [Centre médical avec antenne chirurgicale] de Pouytenga vers le CHR de Tenkodogo ou vers les CHU à Ouagadougou. Des fiches de référence et contre référence sont disponibles et répondent aux directives du ministère de la santé. Le centre dispose une ambulance et le cout de ces références varie en fonction de la destination 16000-32000 XOF respectivement pour le CHR de Tenkodogo et les CHU à Ouagadougou. Il faut signaler aucun système n’est mis en place pour les PDIs et les communautés hôtes vulnérables. +390382,60780.0,1186.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,118,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"En el caso de la población penal extranjera parece ser diferente la realidad. Si vemos el Gráfico 5 se observa que a lo largo de los últimos siete años el porcentaje de personas privadas de libertad extranjeras que están condenadas es menor que en el caso de las personas chilenas, aun cuando desde 2016 en adelante se empieza a acortar esa diferencia, sobre todo en 2020. Entre 2016 y 2019 el porcentaje de extranjeros recluidos que estaban condenados fluctuó entre el 35% y el 43%, y en 2020 es el primer año en que es mayor el porcentaje de condenados (54%) que imputados (46%)." +162014,39490.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods', 'Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,65,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200707_acaps_covid-19_secondary_impacts_in_rohingya_refugee_camps.pdf,"The reduction in livelihood opportunities, changes in assistance, and barriers to assistance will likely result in increased levels of debt, fully depleted assets, and increased reliance on humanitarian assistance that does not fulfil basic needs, leading to protection risks such as eviction, forced and/or exploitative labour, a decrease in overall health, and food insecurity and malnutrition." +69876,19974.0,1534.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,28,['Impact'],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"Infrastructure has been destroyed or damaged including, but not limited to: medical services, sanitation facilities, transport routes, electricity infrastructure and educational sites." +192785,43304.0,2332.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,147,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"les jeunes comme les femmes sont en première ligne au niveau des activités les plus fragiles et susceptibles d’être affectées par les mesures relatives à la lutte contre la propagation de la pandémie. Les mesures de fermeture des marchés ou de réduction de la demande de travail par les entreprises vont affecter au premier rang les jeunes qui risqueraient alors d’augmenter en nombre au niveau de la population des actifs non occupés. L’impact est alors possible sur la cible 8.b de l’ODD8 sur l’emploi des jeunes. Du fait de l’absence de protection sociale et de mesures vigoureuses de soutien à l’emploi, à politique échangée ou inefficiente, on pourrait assister à un retard dans l’atteinte de la cible 3.8 sur la protection sociale des personnes vulnérables." +177711,41774.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,107,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"Article 4 : De l’organisation et du fonctionnement de la riposte Il est créée une Cellule de Riposte contre le Covid-19, doté d’une autonomie administrative et technique, fonctionnant sous l’autorité du Président de la République ayant pour principale mission d’éclairer les choix de l’Exécutif dans la gestion de la crise sanitaire provoquée par le Covid-19 ; de lui donner des avis sur les mesures prises en vertu de la situation de l’urgence. La Coordination de la Cellule de Riposte contre le Covid-19 est dirigée par le Professeur Docteur Jean-Jacques MUYEMBE TANFUM." +264349,48806.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_final_enquete_smart_27112019.pdf,"Le déficit pondéral est présent au sein de la population féminine de 15 à 49 ans dans toutes les provinces du Tchad avec des prévalences oscillant entre 0,5% dans les régions du Moyen Chari et Mayo Kebi Est à 11,6% dans la région du Ennedi Ouest." +194566,43822.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],es,64,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19112020_flash_update_no.3_emergencias_por_ola_invernal_-_colombia_vf.pdf,"En cuanto a la afectación por COVID-19 cabe resaltar que varios de los departamentos afectados por la ola invernal, especialmente Antioquia (2946.2 tasa de incidencia por cada 100,000 habitantes), Cartagena (Bolívar) (2765,8), y San Andrés (3159) tienen una tasa de incidencia por cada 100,000 habitantes superior al promedio nacional (2418)." +261605,49218.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,53,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Reporte%20de%20situaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Migrantes%20y%20refugiados%20en%20tr%C3%A1nsito%20provenientes%20de%20Venezuela%2C%20diciembre%202020_0.pdf,"Varias familias encontradas por NRC en las vías estaban caminando con niños y niñas neonatales o de brazos, madres gestantes o cerca de dar a luz, y adultos y adultas mayores que enfrentan mayores riesgos de enfermar ante las extensas jornadas de camino y la escasez de una dieta adecuada." +114473,31694.0,1898.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],"['Casualties->Injured', 'Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics']",es,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Shock/Event', 'Casualties']",UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UN_Situation%20Report%2011_COVID19_del%2003%20al%2015%20JUN_2020.pdf,"De los 1.824 casos activos, 530 están asintomáticos (29%), 517 estables (28%), 434 moderados (24%), 204 graves (11%) y 139 en estado crítico (8%)" +332467,51467.0,2335.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,42,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Lack or inadequate of educational infrastructure is another barrier for children to access education services. Without proper and sufficient shelter options, displaced people have taken refuge in school buildings, making many schools unusable for learning.(2020)" +271056,47809.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_7.pdf,"En la semana epidemiológica 07 de 2021 se notificaron 788 casos probables de dengue: 358 casos de esta semana y 430 casos de semanas anteriores. En el sistema hay 4 906 casos, 2 424 (49,4 %) sin signos de alarma, 2 386 (48,6 %) con signos de alarma y 96 (2,0%) de dengue grave." +114810,32498.0,1898.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,54,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://www.efe.com/efe/america/sociedad/una-caravana-recorre-washington-para-pedir-residencia-migrantes-con-el-tps/20000013-4280420,"Decenas de miles de hondureños, salvadoreños, nicaragüenses y haitianos viven y trabajan en EE.UU. gracias al Estatus de Protección Temporal (TPS, en inglés), un programa creado en 1990 y que concede un estatus migratorio legal a ciudadanos de países afectados por conflictos bélicos o desastres naturales." +63069,18404.0,1386.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,198,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://lanacionweb.com/frontera/edicion-frontera-venta-de-medicinas-en-la-calle-un-problema-de-salud-publica/,"La escasez de medicinas en Venezuela y el mínimo poder adquisitivo de muchas personas para poder comprar las que se consiguen en territorio nacional obliga a todos a buscarlas en Colombia. Algunas son más económicas y muchas de éstas son vendidas en las calles de Cúcuta y La Parada, por venezolanos quienes ofertan una variedad de pastillas al detal y a precios módicos. Otros han encontrado en su venta una manera de ganar dinero en el Táchira y otras regiones del país. Las compran en Cúcuta y/o La Parada, cruzan la frontera y las venden a los alrededores de los mercados municipales de San Cristóbal, centro de la ciudad, kioscos, bodegas, así como en muchos otros puntos del estado. Su comercialización se ha incrementado en los últimos meses. La venta no es a escondidas. Los vendedores ambulantes las ofrecen a plena voz en los mercados municipales de La Ermita, La Concordia, Dimo; en el centro de San Cristóbal están en manos de los comerciantes informales. Venden pastillas al detal de Acetaminofén, Ibuprofeno, Diclofenaco, Atamel, entre muchas otros." +307042,51572.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,42,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Emergency hygiene promotion focusing on mitigation measures such as handwashing with ash, CAT method of defecation, and household water treatment. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +221323,45584.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,85,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/10/private-bakeries-in-homs-are-banned-from-operating-despite-bread-crisis/,"[ October 1, Homs] The Syrian regime forces also deliberately destroyed physical infrastructure and public services, especially the bakeries in Rastan, during the armed conflict in the area, which used to provide the residents of the northern Homs countryside with bread. The automatic government bakery in Rastan, the only one in the region, was bombed by the Syrian regime forces in 2012. Besides, the bakery has been looted and robbed many times since then." +264302,48806.0,2332.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,115,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_final_enquete_smart_27112019.pdf,"Aussi, 15,9% des ménages enquêtés au niveau national utilisaient des toilettes améliorées (dispositif hygiénique qui permet de tenir les utilisateurs hors de contact des excrétas humains. Les types de dispositifs les plus susceptibles de répondre à cette exigence sont : une chasse d’eau dirigeant les excrétas vers un système d’égout avec canalisations, vers une fosse septique, ou vers une latrine à fosse. Cela peut aussi être : une latrine à compostage, une latrine améliorée à fosse ventilée (LAV), ou encore une latrine à fosse avec plancher / couverte par une dalle) avec une disparité notable au niveau provincial." +310303,53177.0,2466.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Sudan%20Multi-Sectoral%20Location%20Assessment_South%20Kordofan.pdf,"In Abu Jubaiha, police are present in 25 locations. A formal justice system is operating in one village, whilst tribal justice systems exist across 57 other locations." +304285,51467.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,43,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,Protracted and continued conflict and flood induced displacement limit access to WASH infrastructure and places an extra burden on existing WASH infrastructure in displacement sites. The flooding destroyed a fifth of women and girl friendly spaces countrywide. [In 2020] +198293,44277.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,64,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.cnews.fr/monde/2020-11-18/la-republique-democratique-du-congo-annonce-la-fin-de-lepidemie-ebola-1019280,"Depuis août 2018, laRDCfaisait face à sa dixième épidémie d’Ebola, la plus importante et meurtrière de son histoire. Le virus avait tué 2.287 personnes pour 3.470 cas d’Ebola, concentrés en majorité dans la province du Nord-Kivu, où plusieurs groupes armés sont toujours actifs, rendant la circulation du virus d’autant plus importante." +79058,21860.0,729.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,61,[],['Humanitarian Access'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/09.30.19%20-%20USAID-DCHA%20Libya%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%232.pdf,"Relief actors have reported increased humanitarian access constraints since clashes in and near Tripoli began in April, according to the UN. Insecurity is hindering relief agencies’ ability to deliver assistance in the area. In addition, humanitarian organizations report difficulty obtaining or renewing NGO registrations and international staff visas due to complicated and opaque bureaucratic procedures." +230139,46693.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"In response to the pandemic, and to protect its staff and beneficiaries, WFP put in place several contingency measures, including physical measures at distributions and revised distribution procedures." +475707,63295.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rpca_avis_pregec_cotonou-visio_17_18_juin2021_fr.pdf,"[Sahel et Afrique de l’Ouest] les prévisions saisonnières indiquent des dates de fin de saison de tendances normales à tardives. Par ailleurs, des écoulements normaux à excédentaires pourraient être observés avec des risques élevés d’inondations." +46293,15533.0,729.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,123,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_report_areabasedassessment_aba_azzawya_jun2019.pdf,"According to findings from the 2018 MSNA, when households did not have enough hard cash to purchase food, the most common coping mechanism they used was paying with credit or debit cards (52%), followed by spending their savings (46%) and borrowing money from others (33%). While hard currency was the primary method of payment used by consumers, other payment modalities (i.e. certified cheques, credit/debit cards, and mobile money) could be accepted by the shopkeeper under certain conditions.13 Either a markup of 10% to 35%14 was added to the price of the commodity, or a minimum purchase amount was applied." +408813,61216.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,21,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/humanitarian-situation-overview-syria-hsos-northeast-syria-june-2021,"[June 2021, NES] Estimated median monthly household expense for water for a household of six: 15,000 SYP" +239666,47230.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,36,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"Por otra parte, los hogares venezolanos que se encuentran en situación de hacinamiento corresponden a un 38%, considerando que ésta se configura cuando hay más de tres personas por cuarto o habitación." +9709,3785.0,321.0,[],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population', 'Humanitarian Access->Population To Relief']",en,57,[],['Humanitarian Access'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/libya-protect-civilians-under-siege-derna,"These reports are consistent with accounts by individuals who spoke with Amnesty International from inside Derna. In alarming reports, individuals have informed the organization that the LNA is deliberately blocking any aid from entering the city, as well as blocking the exit of those seeking permission to leave to access care outside Derna." +317179,53333.0,2334.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,21,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,Lack of functional schools due to the crisis/ insecurity and to the COVID 19 pandemic was also mentioned as a challenge +325391,54815.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,20,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,with over one-quarter identifying travel time to the medical facility as among the top reasons for not seeking medical treatment +389381,60913.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,119,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://thenationonlineng.net/groups-enlighten-children-on-covid-19/,"[29th July 2021, Nigeria]Beyond the Classroom, a non- governmental organisation, in partnership with the Mastercard Foundation, has engaged 6,000 children in Nigeria on COVID-19 safety protocols. The community engagement was part of the Mastercard Foundation’s COVID-19 public awareness campaign, aimed at delivering accurate, timely, and life-saving information on COVID-19 across African countries and communities. The initiative was rolled out in 11 public and private schools in Lagos and Nassarawa states. Each child received a free COVID-19 safety pack, containing a book, “There is a new virus in town”, written by Raquel Daniel, founder of Beyond the Classroom." +227159,46454.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,32,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2022_23Dec2020_FINAL.pdf,"[23rd December, Overall Syria] According to WFP, as of April 2020, 9.3 million people in Syria were considered food insecure, with one million severely food insecure" +237709,47300.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.laopinion.com.co/judicial/eln-el-pulpo-de-la-frontera,"Hoy, después de más de un año de esa pelea entre los dos grupos armados ilegales, por los alrededores de Puerto Santander hay opiniones dividas entre los habitantes de esa parte de Norte de Santander, porque el cambio de poder y represión se ha comenzado a sentir, aumentando el miedo y la incertidumbre, pero hay personas que extrañamente creen que la situación ha mejorado." +489308,67769.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/searo/bangladesh/bangladesh---rohingya-crisis---pdf-reports/ewars/2021/ewars-w34-2021.pdf?sfvrsn=52eebc31_9,"[23-29 August 2021, Bangladesh] Suspected SARI death under enhanced Community-based mortality surveillance has been continued since week 28, 2020. – One hundred thirty (130) suspected SARI deaths have been reported so far and reviewed subsequently by Rapid Investigation and Response Team (RIRT) for COIVD19. – Total eleven (11) SARI deaths were considered as death due to probable COVID-19 till date." +48488,12622.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],es,33,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LIBRO%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20las%20necesidades%20insatisfechas%20SSR%20y%20Migrantes%20Venezolanos%20-%20Digital.pdf,"En Colombia, el número de casos reportados de migrantes venezolanos con VIH fue de 28 casos en 2017 y de 109 casos en 2018 (Banco Mundial, 2018a). L" +224020,45768.0,2332.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,Cette proximité [ avec la base militaire ] est tout de même inquiétante car elle pourrait mettre en danger la vie des IDPs en cas d’une éventuelle dégradation de la situation sécuritaire ou accrochages au niveau de Diamerom. +306119,53200.0,2466.0,[],[],[],en,56,[],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/en/documents/details/84544,"Sudan hosts one of the largest refugee populations in Africa. South Sudanese make up the majority. Many others fled violence and persecution in neighboring countries, including Eritrea, the Central African Republic, Ethiopia and Chad, but also the wars in Syria and Yemen pushed people to seek safety in Sudan." +209134,43992.0,2332.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,45,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"|UNICEF COVID-19 strategy] Of the 139,384 consultations conducted through U- Report, 58,699 were questions regarding the ""Latest information on coronavirus in Chad"", 11,752 on ""What is coronavirus?"" and 5,986 on the ""Treatment of COVID-19""." +157874,38800.0,2028.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,54,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GTS%20-%20HNAP%20COVID19%20Syria%20Bulletin%20R3.pdf,"Nationwide, focal points believe communities cannot meet their needs due to an increase in prices (98%), fear of losing employment (54%), and lack of product availability (29%). These are also the top three issues for communities in all AoCs." +164369,38902.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,36,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,". In addition, the lockdown has led to price increases and shortages of basic goods in some areas of Colombia, due to increased demand for certain products and disruption of production and transport lines" +13384,5560.0,322.0,['WASH'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,46,[],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RDP%20Monthly%20SitRep_July_2018.pdf,"On 26, 27 and 28 July, airstrikes occurred near a reproductive health centre and public laboratory in Al Hudaydah and hit and damaged a sanitation facility in Zabid and a water station, which supplies the majority of the water to Hudaydah City." +38690,13760.0,729.0,['Cross'],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,52,[],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/190605-Flash-Update---Floods_0.pdf,"• Heavy rains caused flooding and damage in several locations in Ghat municipality from 28 May to 5 June. • Over 20,000 persons have been affected and about 2,500 are currently displaced to nearby areas. • Four people died, including three children, and about 30 suffered minor injuries" +21326,8635.0,788.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,63,[],['Displacement'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2019/02/nigeria-deadliest-boko-haram-attack-on-rann-leaves-at-least-60-people-murdered/,"Ten of us [Civilian Joint Task Force] came from Cameroon to Rann for the burial. When we arrived, we found and buried 11 corpses within the town, but the soldiers told us that they buried several others ... who had decayed. Outside the town, we recovered and buried 49 dead bodies all with gunshot wounds." +303936,51174.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,66,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.afro.who.int/sites/default/files/2021-02/South%20Sudan%20IDSR%20Bulletin%20Week%201%2C%20%20%204-%2010%20January%202021%20.pdf,"A pre-emptive oral cholera campaign (OCV) was concluded in Bor where the second round of the campaign ended on 14 January 2021. Preliminary data indicates that 56,615 individuals were vaccinated out of the targeted 71,852 (78.8%). A coverage of 88% (63,280 people vaccinated) was achieved during the first round of the campaign by health cluster." +221859,45410.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,72,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"[Les parties Sud des provinces administratives du BEG et du Kanem dans la Zone 5 - « agropastorale» ]: Toutefois, ces hausses resteraient en deçà d’une année normale à cause d’une faible demande. Cette dynamique des prix se maintiendrait et serait davantage accentuée, à partir de février 2021, en raison de la détérioration de l’embonpoint durant la soudure pastorale" +172548,40367.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,42,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Following several cases of polio acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) reported, UNICEF is supporting the MoH in the preparation of the social mobilization and community engagement plan for the campaign to be held in September in 36 health districts." +240572,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Ancillary costs for patients, such a transport, are a further barrier to accessing healthcare, particularly in the current socio-economic environment where people’s coping capacities are eroded." +191743,43622.0,2330.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,37,['At Risk'],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20201111_acaps_briefing_note_nicaragua_honduras_hurricane_eta.pdf,Honduras: An increase in domestic violence and GBV has been reported since COVID-19 restrictions began. The stress caused by the hurricane and temporary shelter arrangements may expose girls and women to further protection risks. +309829,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,15,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,Women and people with disabilities disproportionately struggle to assert rights to housing and land. +305408,51474.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,72,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"On the basis of these projections, humanitarian organizations scaled up life- saving operations in areas of most severe acute food insecurity, including Pibor and Akobo (Jonglei) and Aweil South, Tonj East, Tonj North and Tonj South (Warrap). By 31 December, humanitarian organizations had reached over 23,000 people in Pibor and 5,600 in Duk, both in Jonglei, with food assistance." +325393,54815.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"(Boucle du Mouhoun, Centre-Est) Both travel time and travel cost feature among the top challenges much more commonly among the respondents in Boucle du Mouhoun (44 percent and 28 percent, respectively) than in Centre- Est (15 percent and 9 percent)." +184473,42131.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],es,133,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://m.lasillavacia.com/putumayo-no-golpea-tanto-virus-del-covid-como-los-armados-78952?amp=1&__twitter_impression=true,"Con el Plan Nacional de Sustitución de Cultivos Ilícitos, Pnis, porque aunque hay unas 15 mil familias inscritas, no les están cumpliendo con los pagos y proyectos para arrancar las matas. Tres años después de la firma del acuerdo, sólo unas pocas familias han recibido los giros para comenzar con sus proyectos productivos. Un asunto que, en cualquier caso, no dista de lo ocurrido en otras zonas,como lo hemos contado. Eso generó, por ejemplo, que hace dos meses, en medio de la pandemia, unos mil campesinos salieran de sus parcelas y marchar por las calles de Puerto Asís exigiendo que lo cumplieran. La línea de la erradicación forzada también está en veremos y está causando tensiones." +194651,43820.0,2311.0,['Cross'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Context->Environment'],es,63,['At Risk'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/guur-115.1_fsa_19112020_v3.pdf,"La población más afectada es de la etnia Wayuu y aquí no hay consideración de grupos etarios, las personas indistintamente a su edad han sido perjudicados de igual manera. No obstante, no es desconocido que esto que ha sucedido perjudica mental y psicológicamente a niños, niñas, mujeres gestantes y lactantes, por lo que es importante considerarlo." +191726,43622.0,2330.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,39,[],['Shock/Event'],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20201111_acaps_briefing_note_nicaragua_honduras_hurricane_eta.pdf,"The North Atlantic coast of Nicaragua bore the brunt of the hurricane and people there have urgent needs. These are aggravated by pre-existing vulnerabil- ities and the remoteness of affected communities, which have limited response efforts." +223901,45764.0,2332.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,83,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/0004_202008_rrm_msa_rapport_final_wolirom.pdf,Recommandations principales proposées : Installer une mini adduction d’eau potable en urgence pour apporter de l’eau aux populations dans les plus brefs délais ; Construire 14 forages pour améliorer l’accès à l’eau potable de façon durable ; Construire 254 latrines familiales d’urgence et 141 douches garantissant l’intimité des usagers ; Sensibiliser la population sur les bonnes pratiques d’hygiène et les mesures de prévention et de lutte contre COVID-19. +297867,52145.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,74,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_humanitaire_numero_12_v_04.pdf,"On constate également de nombreux mouvements quotidiens de population des localités de Gouzoudou, Tolkomari, et Kouyape qui se réfugient la nuit à Kourgui ou même Mora. Pour beaucoup d’entre elles, les personnes déplacées se déplacent préventivement de peur d’une attaque, mais aussi pour éviter d’être suspectées par les Forces militaires qui ratissent de plus en plus les zones dites « infiltrées »." +472935,63777.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Les risques de VBG les plus récurrents sont les agressions sexuelles (selon 44% des enquêtés), les agressions psychologiques (selon 43% des enquêtés), les viols (selon 39% des enquêtés) les violences psychologiques (selon 37% des enquêtés). Les dénis de ressources et les enlèvements sont également signalés." +194587,43822.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,49,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19112020_flash_update_no.3_emergencias_por_ola_invernal_-_colombia_vf.pdf,"El sector rural de Uribia se encuentra incomunicado, hay 1421 personas alojadas temporalmente en tres albergues: Terminal de transporte (albergue inicial), Colegio Julio Sierra Iguarán y Colegio Alfonso López Pumarejo (en estos dos colegios están reubicando personas provenientes del terminal por hacinamiento)" +170642,40462.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,86,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Cette dégradation de la situation sécuritaire a entrainé des violations de droits de l’hommes telles que l’atteinte au droit à la liberté et sécurité de la personne, l’atteinte au droit à la propriété, l’atteinte au droit à la vie et au déplacement forcé des populations. Les provinces du Gourma et de la Tapoa sont les plus touchées, précisément dans les communes de Fada, Matiacoali, Kantchari, Botou, Tansarga et Logobou." +164360,38902.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],en,25,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"Further, the government has been strengthening the capacities of the public health system in the country, for example by importing tests and ventilators" +56056,17111.0,1187.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross', 'Protection']",[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,156,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Según datos de la Dirección Nacional de Migraciones, la mayoría de los venezolanos se radicaron en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires y, en menor medida, en las provincias. En esa misma línea, un informe de la Superintendencia de Riesgos de Trabajo señala que nueve de cada diez trabajadores registrados provenientes de Venezuela se desempeñan entre la Ciudad y la Provincia de Buenos Aires. De acuerdo con el mismo análisis, realizado en base a datos de 2017, entre los trabajadores venezolanos registrados, el 39% se concentra en el área de comercio, restaurantes y hoteles, y el 26% en establecimientos financieros, seguros, bienes inmuebles y servicios técnicos y profesionales . Libertades de la Población e instruyendo al Consejo Permanente para que identifique medidas apropiadas para apoyar a los Estados Miembros que están recibiendo un creciente número de migrantes y refugiados venezolanos”." +46314,15533.0,729.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,83,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_report_areabasedassessment_aba_azzawya_jun2019.pdf,"Baker KIs reported that their clients used three main coping strategies when they did not have enough cash to cover their household’s needs. The main strategy was purchasing items on credit, to be repaid either in instalments or as a lump sum by the end of the month. The second most common alternative was the use of certified cheques, followed by bartering (generally with animals, telephones, vegetables, meat, or gold)." +390860,60791.0,1186.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,71,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Para 2019 se estimó un total de 22.132 personas extranjeras residentes en la Región de la Araucanía. Esta cifra representa un aumento absoluto de 3.487 personas y un alza relativa de 18,7% respecto a lo estimado para 2018. En 2019, la población extranjera la región se compuso de 12.076 hombres y 10.056 mujeres, con una relación de masculinidad de 120,1 hombres por cada 100 mujeres." +198720,44313.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,33,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_294_20201119.pdf,"Au cours des 14 derniers jours, 611 cas confirmés ont été enregistrés dans 52 ZS réparties dans 11 des 22 provinces affectées du pays (Tableau I ; Figure 2)." +244076,46388.0,2336.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,There is a tension between the desire to increase awareness about COVID-19 mitigation and a widespread inability to access clean water and soap for many people in the community. +13397,5560.0,322.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,56,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RDP%20Monthly%20SitRep_July_2018.pdf,"Daily Nutritional Services in Ash Shamayatayn: According to the CMAM program, our targeted health centers (Adeem Hadharim – Maternity & Childhood) continue providing therapeutic nutritional services for all children under five and pregnant & lactating women, reaching a total number of 2,817 beneficiaries in Ash Shamayatayn district, Taizz governorate." +178205,41756.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Enfin, l’accès à la justice demeure limité et inégal sur l’ensemble du pays, favorisant l’impunité et la fragilité de la société face aux violences." +318523,52949.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,92,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Nutrition: There are 2.3 million people in need of nutrition services .Similarly, 1.8M non-IDPs, 511,000 IDPs, 6,000 refugees/asylum seekers, 21,000 refugee returnees, children and PLWs are in need. Nutrition Cluster key vulnerable groups are 962,000 children under five, 182,000 pregnant and lactating women treatment, 162,000 SAM children, 800,000 MAM children, 771,000 under 5 prevention, 389,000 PLW prevention . Severity of needs: 12% (stress), 15% (Severe), 73% (Extreme) ." +187205,34290.0,1900.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security', 'WASH']",[],[],es,76,[],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Resumen_Informe_16_07_2020_No_080.pdf,"Operación Honduras Solidaria, beneficiando a más de 4.2 millones de personas en la entrega de alimentación (sacos, bolsas y raciones), asistencia humanitaria (colchonetas, frazadas, láminas, kit de bebé, kit de higiene, kit de aseo, kit de vajilla) en los departamentos de: Atlántida, Choluteca, Colón, Cortés, El Paraíso, Francisco Morazán, Yoro. Avance Programa Entrega Honduras Solidaria" +214301,45385.0,2334.0,[],[],[],fr,32,[],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Environ 85,000 enfants ont reçu un appui en matériel distribués par les organisations humanitaires pour leur permettre de préparer les examens dans les régions du Nord et de l’Extrême-Nord." +221831,45410.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,56,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"[Les parties Sud des provinces administratives du BEG et du Kanem dans la Zone 5 - « agropastorale» ]: Les ménages très pauvres et pauvres du BEG et Kanem ont consommation alimentaire réduite d’adéquation minimale..Par conséquent, ils sont en Stress (Phase 2 de l’IPC)" +239069,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,34,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Urban planning challenges resulting from continuous internal displacement and unreliable water, electricity and communications, due to infrastructure underdevelopment and conflict-related disruptions across the country, further compound people’s needs." +325105,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,80,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Private PPS institutions are further divided into secular and religious. In only 5 percent of all localities there is a private secular PPS school – with their spatial distribution roughly similar to the overall distribution of PPS schools – of which three quarters are within 2 km of an all-season road. Less than 1 percent of all localities have any private Protestant PPS schools, of which 83 percent are directly accessible to the all-season road network." +178338,41756.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,Ce pourcentage considérable des ménages ayant un indice de stratégie de survie (rCSI) élevé démontre le niveau important de stress éprouvé par un grand nombre des ménages pour faire face aux contraintes d’accès à la nourriture.111 +340445,53036.0,2334.0,['Education'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,12,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/1-Lolo_Dec%202020_0.pdf,"Partenaires éducation : LWF, PLAN, UNICEF, MINEDUB, MINESEC" +150129,36723.0,1184.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],es,310,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77597.pdf,"ALIMENTACIÓN En todos los grupos focales la alimentación fue mencionada como necesidad básica principal para las familias. La mayoría de participantes eran beneficiarios/as de las tarjetas de alimentos del PMA, por lo que estos participantes adquieren sus alimentos en los Supermercados AKÍ. Sin embargo, varios también indicaron que acceden a productos en mercados municipales, o tiendas del barrio donde consiguen ciertos alimentos a mejores precios. Algunas mujeres hicieron una relación de precio de los alimentos, mencionando que en Ecuador es más costoso acceder a alimentos que en Venezuela. Además, en los grupos focales se mencionó que la tarjeta recargable del PMA ha sido crucial para acceder a alimentos, indicando que cuando falta la tarjeta es más complicado adquirirlos. En la mayoría de los grupos se indicó una preferencia para recibir la asistencia alimentaria mediante cupón/tarjeta para productos semiprocesados o procesados que encuentran en el supermercado, ya que impide que la asistencia se use para cubrir otras necesidades. Sin embargo, cabe resaltar que en varios grupos focales se indicó que ciertos productos, especialmente frutas y legumbres, pero también lácteos, huevos y productos que requieren refrigeración, son usualmente adquiridos en mercados locales, tiendas de barrio cercanas al hogar a un mejor precio que en supermercados, por lo que algunos participantes de los grupos focales expresaron también su preferencia en recibir asistencia en efectivo para la compra de estos productos. Para el resto de las necesidades del hogar los participantes indicaron preferencia por recibir la asistencia en efectivo. También es necesario mencionar que, en el grupo focal de San Lorenzo, los participantes indicaron que les gustaría recibir la asistencia en cupón para cubrir otras necesidades como limpieza del hogar, vivienda, higiene personal, salud y educación." +386139,60459.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,100,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"[Scenario] Avec une pluviométrie favorable et le soutien à un niveau habituel du gouvernement et de ses partenaires en intrants, les rendements moyens de cultures pourraient être atteints. L’accroissement interannuel des superficies permettra de compenser les réductions localisées de superficies dans la moitié nord et est du pays où l’accès aux champs par les producteurs sera limité dans certaines provinces en raison de l’insécurité et des déplacements de population. Dans l’ensemble, les récoltes de la saison pluviale pourraient se situer autour de la moyenne quinquennale." +338301,56100.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],es,52,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/130521_actualizacionn2-_alerta_por_confinamiento_alto_baudo_choco_vf.pdf,"ALERTA POR SITUACIÓN HUMANITARIA Confinamiento de seis comunidades del resguardo Embera Puerto Alegre y la Divisa y una comunidad afrodescendiente en el Alto Baudó (Chocó) >1.795 Personas Confinadas >374 Familias Confinadas >30% Niños, Niñas y Adolescentes confinados 6 Comunidades Indígenas Confinadas 1 Comunidad Afrodescendiente Confinada" +307058,51467.0,2335.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross', 'Shelter']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,61,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"At the time of writing, approximately 1.65 million women, men, girls, boys and older persons live with inadequate shelter and NFIs. Without shelter or having a strong social support network, women and children are especially vulnerable due to their roles in society and their health, wellbeing, safety and security are at risk." +386810,60459.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,59,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,La baisse de l’offre locale de production affecte négativement les disponibilités sur les marchés qui sont inférieures à la normale. Les commerçants qui s’approvisionnent à partir des zones du sud et de l’ouest du pays ont réduit leur rythme d’approvisionnement en s’alignant sur la demande des ménages. +475558,63296.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Lors de l’évaluation MSNA réalisée par REACH durant la dernière période de soudure en juillet-août 2020, la zone méridionale du Burkina Faso formée par le continuum du Centre-Ouest et Centre-Sud a présenté une proportion préoccupante de ménages avec des scores de consommation alimentaire (SCA) pauvres ou considéré comme à la limite." +224092,45768.0,2332.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,37,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,Il y a lieu ainsi d’envisager une grande campagne de sensibilisation contre cette maladie. Des mesures nécessaires doivent également et absolue ment être prises en compte lors de l’opération de relocalisation. +325710,54267.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Le poisson est un aliment très nutritif et sa demande croissante n’est pas satisfaite par l’offre intérieure actuelle. L’augmentation de la production aquacole locale peut contribuer à améliorer la consommation de protéines et l’état de santé général de la population burkinabé, en particulier des jeunes" +314600,53183.0,2466.0,['WASH'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,46,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"For some part of the country, the cost of water increased barrel increased from 50 to 200 per cent. Affected population that depend on fuel powered water system were specifically affected as systems operated at lower pace due to the scarcity of fuel." +157684,38800.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,44,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GTS%20-%20HNAP%20COVID19%20Syria%20Bulletin%20R3.pdf,"Six months since the first identified case of COVID-19 in Syria, communities seem less willing or able to comply with public health measures, while new cases for the first time in two months have led to tougher restrictions in the north-east." +163440,32455.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],es,48,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/6._elc_flash_update_covid_19_quincenal_18.06.2020.pdf,"Pacientes que son transferidos a otros departamentos para cuidados médicos de mayor nivel, no reciben de manera oportuna el apoyo en sus necesidades básicas para poder cumplir con la cuarentena; quedando bloqueados en condiciones precarias, sin poder regresar a sus hogares en otras ciudades." +188615,43181.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Contact Tracing'],fr,50,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_270_20201026_.pdf,"La proportion de suivi des contacts était spécifiquement de 94,8% au Nord-Kivu, 100% au Kongo-Central, 100% dans le Haut-Uélé, 95,0% au Sud-Kivu, 100% en Ituri, 100% à Kinshasa, 100% au Kasaï-Oriental et 100% au Nord-Ubangi." +209499,45056.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,51,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://wcaro.unfpa.org/fr/news/limpact-de-la-covid-19-sur-les-violences-bas%C3%A9es-sur-le-genre-en-afrique-de-louest-et-du-centre,"Dans sa présentation des résultats de l’enquête menée au Cameroun, la Représentante de UNFPA, Madame Siti Batoul Oussein, a indiqué que 62% des femmes interrogées perçoivent des impacts négatifs de la pandémie de COVID-19 dans la lutte contre les violences basées sur le genre ;" +164719,39789.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,40,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Movementwide%20Operation%20Report%20August%202020.pdf,HEALTH AND PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT  RCY volunteers provided Oxygen services 20 times to 12 patients in Chattogram.  RCY volunteers of Chattogram Unit assisted “Gausia Committee” to ensure healthcare support provided through Medical camp in Chattogram. +221802,45410.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,98,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"[Les parties Sud des provinces administratives du BEG et du Kanem dans la Zone 5 - « agropastorale» ]: la vente des bois de chauffe, de paille et de petits ruminants, la main d’œuvre agricole et les transferts des migrants constituent les principales sources de revenus des ménages très pauvres. Quoique réduits par la morosité économique due à la COVID-19, ces revenus contribuent à améliorer l’accès aux aliments à travers des achats sur les marchés pour sécuriser leurs stocks reconstitués à partir de leurs propres récoltes." +236493,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,49,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The 2020 WoA Assessment finds that both displaced and non-displaced households are overwhelmingly dealing with feelings of distress. These feelings are particularly common among refugee heads of household, with 92 per cent reporting that they had experienced distress in the two weeks prior to data collection." +219907,45811.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,48,['At Risk'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/noticias/nacional/denuncian-incursion-de-los-rastrojos-en-palmarito-zona-rural-de-cucuta/,La Fundación Progresar y la Alianza de Organizaciones Sociales y Afines aseguran que desde febrero denunciaron la presencia de ese grupo armado ilegal en sectores de Norte de Santander. La Fundación hace un llamado urgente al Gobierno Nacional para que garantice la seguridad en la zona. +135688,35301.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,39,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Displaced populations and returnees, particularly in Northeast and Northwest Syria, are vulnerable to outbreaks of infectious diseases, including COVID-19, due to unsanitary living conditions, overstretched health services and low coverage of routine immunization." +146729,35870.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,55,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"In Aleppo, AlHasakeh, Homs and As-Sweida, 804 shelter kits have been provided. Further, in Al-Hasakeh, 75 shelters have been assessed, and shelter kits for 100 families were provided to quickly improve privacy and complete basic repairs, however, partitioning for shelters in schools was not approved." +311554,53183.0,2466.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,21,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"Protection risks remained in many parts of the country, with increased risks and violence reported, especially in Darfur." +164730,39789.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,51,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Movementwide%20Operation%20Report%20August%202020.pdf,"500pcs of surgical masks were distributed among the field staff, volunteers and participants of refresher training and orientation on “COVID-19 and personal safety” under Costal DRR programme.  BDRCS Received 14,280 surgical masks as gift from Yunan Province handed over by the Chinese Ambassador in Bangladesh." +242973,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Returnees are also a group at risk, often having limited knowledge of the area they are returning to/ through and being at high risk of encountering ERW/landmines." +157595,38893.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,107,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/humanitarian_collaboration_and_coordination_in_bangladesh_2nd_draft_12_july_2020_kazi_hg.pdf,"▪ Support national government and local authority in strengthening SRH services, including adolescent/youth friendly health services, in disaster affected locations and prioritize the health needs of women and girls of reproductive age, pregnant women and lactating mothers, adolescents and youth, as well as SRH and GBV cross cutting areas such as clinical management of rape (CMR). ▪ Support the Ministry of Health to deliver innovative, online, and mobile SRH, including adole scent and youth SRH, and family planning education and counselling with particular attention on areas with high rates of child marriage and adolescent pregnancies" +304330,51590.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,50,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/IOM%20DTM%20SSD%20FMR%20Cross%20border%20trends%20and%20impact%20of%20restrictions%202020.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10755,"In South Sudan, DTM has been implementing flow monitoring and remote assessments at points of entry to ‘inform the wider response by generating and analysing information on mobility’, a strategic priority set out by the National COVID-19 Response Plan for the Points of Entry pillar." +9138,2909.0,322.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,85,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_jan_to_apr_2018.pdf,"Disruption to the payments of salaries to teachers in 13 governorates has greatly hindered the commencement of school year in these governorates and continues to jeopardise the provision of education. Displacement is also affecting education system as teachers and students are displaced and schools are often used by IDPs as shelter. There is an urgent need to support schools, in districts with high severity of need, with provision of desks and essential learning supplies and teacher training on psychosocial support." +405404,63222.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,69,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_mvam_bulletin_57_july_2021.pdf,"[Syria, July] Close to half of the surveyed households (46 percent) at national level reported poor or borderline food consumption in July 2021, marking a 15 percent increase in food insecurity levels compared to July 2020. Despite the Eid El-Adha festivities during July, overall 56 percent of surveyed households in Syria indicated consuming animal-source protein less than twice a week." +126184,29180.0,1620.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,92,['Priority Interventions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Gap-Supply-Demand-Contraceptive-Services-Northeast-Nigeria-Report.pdf,"The case study reveals that there is a strong reliance on short-acting methods in Maiduguri and Jere LGAs. It is therefore critical that organizations improve their monitoring of contraceptive continuation among clients, including the timely return of contraceptive users. Although some organizations reported having a system in place to track contraceptive users, the systems were not well followed and were not present in all organizations. Monitoring FP users and continuation must be confidential and private, particularly given the stigma attached to the use of contraceptives." +382664,59706.0,1187.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,51,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/HFS_ReporteNarrativo_ARG_1S2020.pdf,"Comparado con 2019, disminuye la cantidad de personas que indican arrendar un apartamento o casa (69%), o alquilar una habitación (14%), y aumenta la cantidad de personas residiendo en hoteles u otro tipo de alojamientos (e.g., alojamiento grupal)." +59589,17198.0,1224.0,"['Protection', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,142,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"An elderly woman noted that although they have lived in Smith’s Creek for 5 months, the children in her family are not in school because they are hesitant to register knowing that the children only speak Warrau and that they are not registered with Immigration. She is afraid to approach the school because she does not speak English. The family is from Delta Amacuro and they travelled for nearly a week in a “canoe” (paddle boat). The children in the community did go to school in Venezuela, but some of the schools shut down around 2-3 years ago due to the economic and political situation in the country. Her husband works in construction when he is able to find work but is generally paid half the salary as locals." +234938,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"However, while parties are negotiation towards lasting peace, in the short-term efforts by the Taliban to secure a strengthened position from which to negotiate continue to drive local violence and have displaced thousands of families from their homes." +181153,42386.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,89,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_RMU_October-2020_vfinal.pdf,"Malgré la relative accalmie observée au cours des trois derniers mois (figure 2) {juillet, août, septembre 2020}, l’accès des ménages aux champs a été difficile voire impossible dans plusieurs localités des régions du Sahel, du Nord, du Centre-Nord, de l’Est et de la Boucle du Mouhoun. Par conséquent, l’accès aux nouvelles récoltes est faible dans ces zones et les ménages restent dépendants de l’assistance alimentaires et des marchés." +149204,36019.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,12,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,Eighteen ambulances have been specially equipped to support COVID-19 related referrals. +45660,15533.0,729.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,32,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_report_areabasedassessment_aba_azzawya_jun2019.pdf,"As a result of clashes and security checkpoints, migrants, in particular, reportedly faced restrictions on their access to healthcare due to the fear of being arrested or abused." +173362,40446.0,2028.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,30,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syriahr.com/en/187036/,"[5th October 2020, Syria]most recently to narrow humanitarian access to the northwest of the country all amidst growing health and humanitarian needs due to COVID-19." +310217,53177.0,2466.0,['WASH'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,50,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Sudan%20Multi-Sectoral%20Location%20Assessment_South%20Kordofan.pdf,"WASH is the highest priority need in 70 of the location across the locality. At present, there are 264 water sources available in Abu Jubaiha – only 58 per cent of which are still functional. The community is largely responsible for the maintenance of these sources." +244147,47872.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,37,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[20th Jan 2021, GOS] GOS controlled areas have hardly or no communities implementing COVID-19 mitigation measures such as awareness campaigns, closure of public spaces, lockdown, isolation, temperature check etc." +304729,51467.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,58,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"According to the IPC64, people’s acute food insecurity situation has been worsening over the past two years, from an estimated 6.35 million people in Crisis (IPC Phase 3) or worse acute food insecurity during the 2019 lean season to 7.24 million people in the same conditions by the 2021 lean season." +175986,40999.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,114,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_levaluation_rapide_sur_les_vbg_et_covid-19_dans_la_region_de_lest.pdf,Plusieurs cas de viol et d’agression sexuelle perpétrés chez les jeunes filles et femmes ne sont pas dénoncés aux services compétents en la matière car la communauté estime que les présumés coupables sont les membres des groupes armés non identifiés (GANI) donc des inconnus et il sera très difficile pour les forces de sécurité de les appréhender au vue du contexte sécuritaire d’une part et la peur des risques de représailles et de stigmatisation de la communauté d’autre part. D’autres aussi affirment que même en cas de dénonciation il n’y a aucune action de la part des forces de sécurité. +176028,40890.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],es,111,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"Solo en un tercio de los casos (35%) se conoce sobre respuesta o atención para las mujeres agredidas (ver gráfica 39). De los 64 casos donde se conoce que hubo respuesta, el 48% ha recibido atención psicosocial, mientras que el 28% ha recibido atención por parte de la Policía. Es importante resaltar que la atención psicosocial suele ser uno de los servicios más solicitados por las sobrevivientes de VBG y con menor oferta tanto institucional como humanitaria. Solamente el 16% indicó que la víctima recibió asistencia legal y el 11% que tuvo acceso a un lugar seguro" +181164,42386.0,2099.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,107,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_RMU_October-2020_vfinal.pdf,"Sur les marchés, les prix en détail des céréales de base sont globalement stables en septembre comparé à la moyenne quinquennale. Ils sont néanmoins en hausse par rapport à l’année passée à la même période : 23 pour cent pour le maïs, 31 pour cent pour le mil et 20 pour cent pour le sorgho. Des hausses plus importantes entre 50 et 80 pour cent ont été particulièrement observées sur les marchés de l’Est en lien principalement avec les flux sortant plus importants vers le Niger et aussi aux achats locaux faits par les ONGs au profit des PDIs" +245228,48020.0,2170.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_15_jan_2021_report.pdf,"[1st-15th Jan 2021,North east Nigeria] 39% of latrines across 126 sites in 17 LGAs need gender marking. 17% latrines needs desludgement across 62 sites in 16 LGAs (table 1)." +305757,51572.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,43,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Parenting workshops on better parenting skills and children need life skills session and other focus PSS service implemented by the well trained facilitators. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +176649,41091.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],es,87,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"En el país se reportan 1.488 conglomerados activos con 30.234 casos, de los cuales 31,3% (5.588 casos) son reportados en empresas, el 24,5% (3.631 casos) en instituciones de salud, el 21,3% (7.101 casos) en Fuerzas militares y policía, 17% (11.900 casos) en centros de protección y población carcelaria, 3,3% (481 casos) en pueblos indígenas, plaza de mercado 1,1% (912 casos) entre otros." +172553,40367.0,2099.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],en,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"In 2020, UNICEF Burkina Faso aims at addressing the most urgent needs of 1.5 million people, including 690,000 vulnerable children, affected by humanitarian crisis in the five most affected regions by scaling up its response to emergencies while strengthening social cohesion and resilience as a mid-term strategy." +314031,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,70,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The number of people in need has consistently increased over the last three years, from 4.2 million in 2019 to 5.2 million in 2020 and 5.9 million in 2021. This is further reflected in the number of displaced people in 2020; Somalia recorded the highest number over the past three years at 1.2 million displaced people, compared to 884,000 in 2018 and 770,000 in 2019." +291245,51259.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,21,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2020_access_annual_overview.pdf,"Of the incidents reported, 44 per cent were significant in severity, compared to 24 per cent in 2019." +199034,44308.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,49,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RD%20Congo%20-%20Note%20d%E2%80%99informations%20humanitaires%20pour%20la%20province%20du%20Nord-Kivu%2017%20novembre%202020.pdf,"Dans la zone de santé de Oicha, l’une des plus affectées, 13 des 26 aires de santé ont déjà fermé en raison de ces attaques. Huit autres aires de santé de la zone seraient également en voie de fermeture pour la même raison." +188621,43181.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Contact Tracing'],fr,21,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_270_20201026_.pdf,"Dans les détails, la proportion de suivi était de 32,4% à Kinshasa et 96,3% dans le Haut-Katanga." +143650,35870.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,51,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"As preventive measures have been lifted across Syria, the RCCE is working with partners to continue to engage the public on the ongoing risks of COVID-19 and to continue to promote behavioral initiatives such as hand and respiratory hygiene, physical distancing and voluntary quarantine/isolation where feasible and appropriate." +174189,38392.0,1899.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],es,42,[],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ALC%20post%20COVID-19%20-%20Retos%20y%20oportunidades%20para%20pa%C3%ADses%20de%20Centroam%C3%A9rica%2C%20Hait%C3%AD%2C%20M%C3%A9xico%2C%20Panam%C3%A1%2C%20y%20Rep%C3%BAblica%20Dominicana.pdf,"Las PYMES representan cerca del 90% de las empresas del país y emplean cerca de un 60% de la PO, enfrentan numerosos obstáculos para su crecimiento, siendo el acceso al crédito una de las dificultades más importantes." +175880,40890.0,1183.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"En cuanto al tipo de implementos a los que acceden los hogares para la higiene menstrual, el más común es la toalla higiénica, seguido de las compresas y los tampones, y otros implementos como las copas y esponjas menstruales se utilizan en menor medida." +194593,43822.0,2311.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],es,46,"['Impact', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19112020_flash_update_no.3_emergencias_por_ola_invernal_-_colombia_vf.pdf,"La afectación también ha llegado a las comunidades indígenas Wayuú las viviendas presentan láminas de agua, pero las familias aún están en ellas, se requiere un estimado de 1.000 sacos o lonas vacías para apoyar a las familias a las adecuaciones de diques." +306537,51572.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,45,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"WVI to liaise with WFP as soon as possible to ensure supplies for the TSFP ((Targeted Supplementary Feeding Program) are delivered to these locations as soon as possible [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]" +320483,52949.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,40,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,The main reasons why damaged shelters are not repaired are a lack of money (58 per cent of those reporting damage to their shelters) and lack of materials (36 per cent) across all population groups. +143342,36053.0,2028.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,63,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/separate-votes-security-council-fails-adopt-two-draft-resolutions-0,"During a 7 July videoconference meeting*, the Council announced that a draft resolution (document S/2020/654), presented by Belgium and Germany, which would have enabled humanitarian assistance to continue to pass through the Bab al-Salam and Bab al-Hawa border crossing until 10 July 2021, was not adopted owing the negative vote of two permanent Council members." +185052,40800.0,1900.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,25,[],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://infosegura.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Analisis-SC-2T-2020.pdf,¹El 16 de marzo se adoptan medidas para prevenir la propaga-ción del Covid-19 que incluyeron la suspensión de circulación absoluta (salvo algunas excepciones) +183611,42456.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,22,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.unicef.org/wca/media/5411/file/UNICEF-WCARO-Central-Sahel-Advocacy-October-2020.pdf,The halt of polio campaigns and the significant decrease in routine immunization activities leave the population with a lower immunity against poliovirus +159094,37975.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,7,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_ndeg112.pdf,Nombre de contacts non vus : 03 +236057,47076.0,2334.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,110,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,"UNICEF supported the Regional Delegation of Public Health in the SW to carry out the third round of periodic intensification of routine immunization. Through this activity, 3,981 children received the Measles and Rubella vaccine, 2,422 children were vaccinated against polio, 2,051 children received the Penta vaccine and 2,018 children received the Pneumo vaccine. Additionally, 503 children received the BCG vaccine, 833 children received the yellow fever vaccine and 1,066 children received the vaccine against Rotavirus. A total of 182 pregnant women received Tetanus and Diphtheria vaccines and 169 pregnant women received intermittent treatment for malaria in pregnancy in 5 health districts." +178228,41756.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,La perte des moyens de subsistance a par ailleurs des conséquences immédiates sur la sécurité alimentaire et les capacités de résilience des personnes mais également sur l’adoption de comportements à risques. Le manque de moyens pour accéder aux soins de santé est ainsi l’une des principales causes du « sexe de survie » chez les femmes et les filles déplacées.48 +164300,34183.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,58,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://s3.amazonaws.com/semanaruralvzla/documentos/1594859069_boletin_inversionpdf,"De acuerdo con cifras del DANE, en- tre 2009 y 2010 el comercio colombo-ve- nezolano se redujo en un 68 %. Durante los años 2010 y 2014, con la elección de un nuevo Gobierno en Colombia, las cifras de intercambio no arrojaron variaciones negativas tan altas como las experimen- tadas entre 2008 y 2009" +230136,46693.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Nutrition', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,78,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"In March, WFP provided food and nutrition assistance to 2.24 million people across its General Food Assistance (GFA), School Feeding, Nutrition and Livelihoods and Resilience activities in South Sudan. Of this, 37 percent was delivered through the Integrated Rapid Response Mechanism. Through the Rapid Response teams, WFP dispatched enough GFA for 834,000 people in hard to reach areas across 14 counties in Jonglei, Unity and Upper Nile states" +236083,47122.0,2334.0,"['WASH', 'Health']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,47,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"65 (33 male and 32 female) community leaders, representing a community education committee, from five communities in the Fako division (SW) were sensitized on symptoms of COVID-19, best practices to control the virus including hand washing and physical distancing." +48535,12622.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",es,77,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LIBRO%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20las%20necesidades%20insatisfechas%20SSR%20y%20Migrantes%20Venezolanos%20-%20Digital.pdf,"a) El aumento de gestantes que migran desde Venezuela en búsqueda de controles prenatales; y b) Muchas de estas gestantes han logrado acceder a controles prenatales y la atención del parto en Colombia luego de sufrir injusticias, xenofobia y discriminación por parte de los prestadores de servicios de salud, particularmente en la red pública de hospitales, que por ley está a cargo de la atención de la población migrante venezolana." +246923,48193.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,84,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/ncdc-weekly-epidemiological-report-issue-volume-11-no-52-21st-27th-december-2020,"[21st-27th Dec 2020,Nigeria]The Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) has continued to work closely with relevant stakeholders to strengthen national preparedness and response capacities for global influenza outbreaks. We are currently working towards establishing an effective and sensitive in-country surveillance system capable of timely detecting all cases presenting with clinical signs and symptoms that may be indicative of influenza or COVID-19. This will be streamlined into the National Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response Strategy." +159499,35728.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Casualties->Dead'],es,133,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Casualties'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no_6_covid-19_choco_vf.pdf,"Al 24 de julio del 2020, el Instituto Nacional de Salud (INS) ha reportado 226.373 casos confirmados de COVID-19 en Colombia. En Chocó, la Gobernación del Chocó reportó para el 23 de julio 2.776 casos positivos en 24 de los 30 municipios del departamento, 83 muertes, 1.601 recuperados y 1.371 en estudio de resultados. Del total de casos confirmados, el 46% son mujeres, el 54% hombres y 11% menores de 19 años. Dentro de los grupos poblacionales vulnerables que presentan casos positivos y que requieren atención diferencial se encuentran: comunidades indígenas (13), afrodescendientes (1.902), personal médico (199), mujeres gestantes (15) y recién nacidos (3)." +149341,35869.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],en,23,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep18_25july2020.pdf,Needs : Provision of education materials and supplies to children affected by COVID-19 to enable them to continue education through distance learning. +344183,56725.0,2028.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Whole%20of%20Syria%20Nutrition%20Cluster%20Sector%20Brief%20%28January%20-%20December%202020%29.pdf,"[Jan - Dec 2020, Overall Syria] Chronic malnutrition (stunting) remains one of the major public health and development threats in Syria, where annually more than 0.5 million Syrian children and one in three displaced children lose their future development and learning potentials due to stunting. Stunting is strongly linked with poor IYCF (Infant and Young Child Feeding) practices and maternal malnutrition." +176896,41091.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'WASH']",[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,130,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Centros de estética y cosmetología cuentan con protocolo de bioseguridad. Un nuevo protocolo de bioseguridad expidió el Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social. En esta ocasión corresponde a las medidas para el manejo y control del riesgo de COVID-19 en los centros de estética y cosmetología, institutos de belleza, spa y zonas húmedas, establecidas en la Resolución 1764 de 2020. Para disminuir los riesgos de contagio deberán cumplir con medidas de adecuación como mantener los espacios entre camillas que aseguren el distanciamiento de dos metros entre personas; disponer de dispensadores de alcohol glicerinado al 60% o gel antibacterial en entradas y puntos de atención, garantizar la circulación natural del aire y contar con un espacio para verificar condiciones de salud." +198296,44277.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Casualties->Dead']",fr,45,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.cnews.fr/monde/2020-11-18/la-republique-democratique-du-congo-annonce-la-fin-de-lepidemie-ebola-1019280,"Cette année, la RDC a dû faire face à trois épidémies d’ampleur, entre le virus Ebola, le coronavirus, mais aussi la plus importante épidémie derougeoledans le monde, qui a tué plus de 7.000 enfants en deux ans." +386809,60459.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"Le prix du sorgho (denrée préférée) au mois de mai sur le marché de Kaya est en hausse légère de 12 pour cent par rapport à la moyenne. Les prix des substituts enregistrent aussi des hausses de 31 pour cent pour le maïs du fait des prix élevés dans les zones d’approvisionnements, mais une stabilité pour le mil par rapport à la moyenne quinquennale." +151781,36055.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/PHR.pdf,"With massive shortages in medical equipment and supplies and the expanding threat of the spread of COVID-19, it is critical that the UN Security Council ensure that the cross-border mechanism continues with two crossings into northwest Syria and reauthorize the crossing into northeast Syria, so that aid can reach the four million Syrians who rely on it in the most principled and effective manner." +325404,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,75,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"(Boucle du Mouhoun) On the other hand, a greater share of respondents in Boucle du Mouhoun are concerned about the time required to reach the school and COVID-19 related school closures (as well as about “other issues”, among which they name the lack or quality of drinking water and food in schools, lack of adequate furniture in schools, lack of teachers, and illness)." +327651,54714.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,83,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,"[SHELTER & NON-FOOD ITEMS (SNFI) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] The highest percentage of households per SNFI LSG severity score, per population group for IDP settlement was 40% for severe and lowest was 0% for no or minimal and extreme+. Similarly highest percentage of households per SNFI LSG severity score, per population group for Non-IDP settlement was 64% for severe and lowest was 0% for no or minimal and extreme+." +178204,41756.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,Le mariage des enfants reste également très répandu avec le 19ème taux le plus élevé de mariage des enfants et le 9ème plus grand nombre d’enfants mariés au monde.28 +158635,39277.0,2170.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,49,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NMMB_June2020_Final.pdf,"Demand is above average, particularly for grains, such as rice, maize, millet and sorghum in the north, and for rice and tubers in the south, as households continue to stock up their homes following the lockdown/restricted movement as a result of COVID-19." +177980,41869.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2020/10/5/covid-19-syria-hospital,"(Gos 05/10/2020) To fill in the gaps, coronavirus-related Facebook groups where doctors offer medical advice have sprung up online – as has happened with businesses renting oxygen tanks to patients for home use." +166682,39928.0,2170.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,20,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,Access to livelihood and employment opportunities: The displacement has caused widespread poverty and desperation amongst the affected population. +188344,42925.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,114,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/huir-tres-veces-el-drama-de-los-caminantes-venezolanos/2256,"De acuerdo con el mismo grupo, ese indicador pasó del 44 por ciento al 21 por ciento. Aunque importantes, las cifras no sorprenden. Ya estaba más que prevista esta nueva ola migratoria por efecto de la reactivación económica del país y el final de la cuarentena. De hecho, Juan Francisco Espinosa, director de Migración Colombia, había dicho que el 80 por ciento de quienes se fueron a Venezuela durante la pandemia regresarían con sus familias ante la debacle económica y social de esa nación. Además, todo parece indicar que aquellos que habían huido de Venezuela inicialmente solos hoy lo hacen con sus familias." +273944,50464.0,2331.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,38,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210203FINALFactSheetSomaliaSkisserLR11.pdf,"In addition to clashes between clans over access to water, there have been instances where Al Shabaab has exercised control over access to water, blocking access to rivers, poisoning wells or destroying water infrastructure." +61288,18235.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"Indeed, according to the key informants interviewed for this study, a minority of those who are leaving Venezuela do so due to either past persecution based on their political opinion, or to fear of future reprisals due to the fact that they do not support the ruling United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV)." +286597,51586.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],en,76,"['Impact', 'Priority Interventions']",[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_19_november_2020_final.pdf,"Health Services: Hospitals and clinics continue to report challenges maintaining or expanding their facilities’ capacity to treat patients with COVID-19, as well as maintaining essential health services, especially in areas of active conflict. WHO stresses the need to balance the demands of responding directly to COVID-19, with simultaneously engaging in strategic planning and coordinated action to maintain essential health service delivery, mitigating against the risk of system collapse." +325554,54815.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,83,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[Ouagadougou - 2,086 individuals were interviewed] Transport cost is more commonly perceived as a constraint by the older respondents (about 29 percent of the 55+ individuals reporting it as among the main or the main constraint). However, it is particularly high also among the younger tier of women of reproductive age (18-25), of whom 19 percent consider transport cost either as the most important or among the main constraints for accessing healthcare services." +456308,65414.0,2098.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Economy'],en,80,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://mcusercontent.com/79c0b81b4702d7bad4b431a3e/files/e6b0ec0e-80a1-d218-69be-7dc2c1b52a54/Info_Booklet_July_2021.01.pdf,"[1 July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Host: The COVID-19 pandemic hit the local economy with 51 percent of the host community population reported as moderately or highly vulnerable in 2020, up from 41 percent in 2019. This increase can be attributed to the economic contractions experienced during COVID-19 lockdowns, which led to a decline in economic activity, especially in the informal sector, which absorbs most of the host community labour force" +147653,35135.0,2028.0,"['Food Security', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,70,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"In Aleppo, Fares Shehabi, chairman of the Aleppo Chamber of Industry (ACI) and of the Federation of Syrian Chambers of Industry, said that the ACI was the first institution in the governorate to launch initiatives against the virus and that these included distributing bread for free to many households, offering food baskets for security officers and distributing 1,000 waterproof uniforms to cleaning workers." +63067,18404.0,1386.0,[],[],[],es,198,[],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://lanacionweb.com/frontera/edicion-frontera-venta-de-medicinas-en-la-calle-un-problema-de-salud-publica/,"La escasez de medicinas en Venezuela y el mínimo poder adquisitivo de muchas personas para poder comprar las que se consiguen en territorio nacional obliga a todos a buscarlas en Colombia. Algunas son más económicas y muchas de éstas son vendidas en las calles de Cúcuta y La Parada, por venezolanos quienes ofertan una variedad de pastillas al detal y a precios módicos. Otros han encontrado en su venta una manera de ganar dinero en el Táchira y otras regiones del país. Las compran en Cúcuta y/o La Parada, cruzan la frontera y las venden a los alrededores de los mercados municipales de San Cristóbal, centro de la ciudad, kioscos, bodegas, así como en muchos otros puntos del estado. Su comercialización se ha incrementado en los últimos meses. La venta no es a escondidas. Los vendedores ambulantes las ofrecen a plena voz en los mercados municipales de La Ermita, La Concordia, Dimo; en el centro de San Cristóbal están en manos de los comerciantes informales. Venden pastillas al detal de Acetaminofén, Ibuprofeno, Diclofenaco, Atamel, entre muchas otros." +83542,23030.0,1620.0,[],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,63,[],"['Context', 'Casualties']",2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/s_2019_1005.pdf,"Nigeria continued to face multiple security challenges. Boko Haram carried out 55 attacks resulting in 312 deaths between July and October. On 9 September, the “Islamic State’s West African Province” faction ambushed a convoy of the Multinational Joint Task Force near Gudumbali and simultaneously attacked another military position in Garunda, both in Borno State." +285964,51487.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],es,38,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no1_desplazamientos_en_buenaventura.pdf,"Seguridad alimentaria y nutricional y medios de vida: Debido a las restricciones a la movilidad, algunas personas que aún viven en los barrios afectados manifiestan haber perdido sus empleos y por ende su fuente de ingresos" +149588,32165.0,1388.0,[],[],[],es,113,[],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/74589.pdf,"A lo anterior se agrega la ausencia de oportunidades laborales a nivel local por la poca calificación de la mano de obra, unida a la baja productividad de la agricultura campesina (actividad preponderante en manos de pequeños productores) y los bajos ingresos que reciben de la misma, llevan a buscar salidas con una visión de corto plazo. Particularmente, varios de estos pequeños propietarios han optado por vender sus parcelas y convertirse, sea en asalariados de las grandes empresas agroindustriales de la zona, migrar hacia la costa pacífica a trabajar en el sector de la construcción, o a otras zonas en busca de nuevas oportunidades" +338420,55951.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,70,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://preventepidemics.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/PERC-Finding-the-Balance-Part-III-12-May-2021.pdf,"[Survey conducted by phone with approximately 24,000 people across 19 Member States in five geographical regions in Africa, including DRC] Demand for vaccines was high, with significant differences between Member States. Overall, about two thirds (67%) of respondents said they would definitely or probably get a vaccine when it becomes available; this is consistent with other findings from Africa CDC" +418806,64000.0,1185.0,[],[],"['Information And Communication->Communication Means And Preferences', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,82,[],"['Information And Communication', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Entre enero de 2019 y enero de 2020, los artículos de El Comercio continuaron con la representación del desplazamiento venezolano de manera positiva y neutra; sin embargo, también hubo un incremento en las visiones negativas sobre el tema. En el ámbito positivo y neutro, se siguió abordando la crítica de la discriminación, la facilitación de los derechos de las personas refugiadas y migrantes venezolanas y la protección de esta población dado su estatus de vulnerabilidad." +209275,44879.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']","['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,71,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://alwatan.sy/archives/237899,"[December 3, Lattakia] He explained that the infections were distributed between 25 male and female students and 39 injuries from the teaching staff, with one death recorded since the opening of schools for this year until the date of this December 2, pointing out that the decision to close schools is in the hands of the government team concerned with dealing with Corona virus exclusively." +48449,12622.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,82,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LIBRO%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20las%20necesidades%20insatisfechas%20SSR%20y%20Migrantes%20Venezolanos%20-%20Digital.pdf,"Sin embargo, existe también un número no conocido de personas que han cruzado la frontera sin documentación y no se han registrado con ninguna autoridad después de su llegada. Asimismo, el fenómeno migratorio es a veces pendular, cuando los migrantes llegan motivados por la búsqueda de oportunidades de empleo, alimentación o servicios de salud, pero regresan a Venezuela después de lograr una meta particular, satisfacer una necesidad básica específica, o porque quieren retornar." +274526,50587.0,2099.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,75,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Shock/Event', 'Displacement', 'Context']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MENSUEL%20DE%20PROTECTION%20JANVIER%202021-NORD.pdf,"De l’observation, sur ce site les deux communautés s’efforcent de cohabiter ensemble même si un climat de méfiance est installé. Les anciens PDI sur le site disent que la même communauté est à l’origine de leurs départs de chez eux. Au-delà de la diversité ethnique qui peut être une source de conflit, on note la rareté des ressources naturelle telles que l’eau." +287122,51749.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,95,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[district sanitaire de Pouytenga] Les infrastructures des CSPS montrent de manière globale les mêmes problématiques : - Des bâtiments vétustes ne permettant pas de mettre un circuit patient respectant les principes PCI dans le contexte COVID19 - Des infrastructures EHA défectueuses, notamment les latrines et l’accès à l’eau. - Les systèmes de gestion des déchets sont inexistants ou non fonctionnels. Les personnels des CSPS pointent un manque d’Equipment pour fournir le PMA dans des conditions satisfaisantes, notamment pour la provision de SONUB." +9154,2909.0,322.0,['Logistics'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,103,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_jan_to_apr_2018.pdf,"The Logistics Cluster supports an efficient logistics response through coordination and information management. The Logistics Cluster also facilitates access to common services for humanitarian organisations, which include: cargo transport from Djibouti to Sana’a by air, and to Aden and Al Hudaydah by sea; overland cargo transport and cargo storage across Yemen; fuel distribution in Sana’a, Al Hudaydah and Aden; sea passenger transport from Djibouti to Aden and Al Hudaydah. In addition, UNHAS connects Amman to Sana’a, and Djibouti to both Sana’a and Aden." +178174,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,26,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"HAUT UELE / BAS UELE La présence de groupes armés étrangers représente toujours une menace pour les populations civiles, notamment dans le territoire de Dungu" +176568,41712.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,66,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/abrir-fronteras-implica-mayor-carga-al-sistema-de-salud/2226,"""La frontera permanecerá cerrada hasta el 31 de octubre, lo cual no quiere decir que a partir del 1 de noviembre se abra. Eso quiere decir que el siguiente ciclo del mes de noviembre se considerará si es el momento de abrir o debemos esperar un poco más"",dijo la autoridad migratoria, acompañado de autoridades locales de La Guajira." +323573,54626.0,2331.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,"With an increased likelihood of drought in some areas of Somaliland, there is a strong possibility for children to drop out and eventual closure of schools." +288544,51848.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,107,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/herams_fourth_quarter_2020_final.pdf,"[Dec 2020, NWS] The functioning health facilities have been assessed according to whether the health facility exists prior to the crisis or established after the crisis. Out of the functional health facilities 312 (73.5%) were newly established, while 111 (26.5%) of health facilities existed prior to the crisis in 2011. See figure 4. Out of the new established health facilities 30% were established in new building, 17.5% working in governmental buildings, 20% in Residential Building and 4.5% working in schools and 28% in other public structures." +325378,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"The Ministry of Education in early February 2021 reported that 2,557 primary schools across the country were hosting a total of 85,594 IDP children. At the post-primary level, this was the case for 574 schools that were recipients of altogether 18,840 IDP children" +361129,58845.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,56,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_price_bulletin_may_2021.pdf,"[May 2021, Overall Syria] The national average price of chicken legs increased by five percent m-o-m reaching SYP 7,762/kg. Dar’a recorded the highest price at SYP 9,184/kg (up 16 percent m-o-m), while ArRaqqa recorded the lowest price at SYP 5,818/kg (down ten percent m-o-m)." +224149,45768.0,2332.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,75,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,Identifier et mobiliser les organisations humanitaires spécialisées dans l’aménagement des sites des IDPs et mobiliser les ressources pour cela avant le début de l’opération. La CNARR doit être mise en contribution dans l’Administration de ce site en tenant compte de la nécessité de garantir la coexistence pacifique. Il y a sur le site d’Amma de l’espace pour abriter tous les nouveaux IDPs. +219093,45655.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,45,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"As of 30 November, according to updates provided by 10 NES NGOs, covering 88 health facilities, three health facilities were closed or partially closed, including one in Raqqa (Mahmoudli), one in Al-Hasakeh city, and one in Kobane" +57262,17282.0,1186.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,106,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.dt.gob.cl/portal/1626/articles-117135_archivo_01.pdf,"En efecto, los datos del Reporte Migratorio 2017 del DEM mostraron que entre los años 2010 y 2016 los inmigrantes obtuvieron en mayor porcentaje su primera visa por razones de empleo (57%), seguidas por visas Mercosur (18,7%)6 . Para el caso de solicitudes de visa entre 2015-2016, la visa por razones de empleo representó el 69,8%, seguida por visas Mercosur con el 17,7%. Ambos datos expresan la gran importancia que tiene la migración por motivos laborales en el último tiempo, alcanzando más de la mitad de visas otorgadas y solicitadas." +214392,45385.0,2334.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,38,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Environ 520 dispositifs de lavage de mains ont été installés dans les marchés, gares routières, infrastructures administratives et autres lieux publics à Maroua, Kousseri, Makary et dans le camp de réfugiés de Minawao." +273783,50250.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,31,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://preventepidemics.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/7_PERC-Weekly-Update.pdf,"DRC, which declared an Ebola outbreak on 7 February, sustained a 20% increase in new reported cases and reported a very high test positivity rate of 31%" +194621,43822.0,2311.0,['WASH'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,49,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19112020_flash_update_no.3_emergencias_por_ola_invernal_-_colombia_vf.pdf,"Córdoba: • Agua, Saneamiento e Higiene: Se requieren tapabocas para las comunidades de algunos municipios, hay comunidades sin agua ni jabón para realizar lavado de manos constante. Los grupos Indígenas, tanto Zenues como Emberas manifiestan que escasean todos los productos de bioseguridad." +162934,37781.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,43,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://tande.substack.com/p/syria-in-context-coronavirus-update-5cd,"In the absence of an effective public or international response, doctors in Damascus and across Syria continue to treat patients using social media, telemedicine and home care due to the lack of available hospital beds and fear within the population." +91776,26015.0,1620.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,91,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Situation-Overview_H2R_Oct-Dec_13.03.2020.pdf,"Likely due to access to land and subsistence farming practice, the majority of assessed settlements in Kukawa and Marte reported cultivation as the main source of food. In Kukawa, reporting of cultivation as the main source of food was consistently high throughout the reporting period, with 95% of assessed settlements reporting cultivation as the main source of food in December. In Marte, assessed settlements reporting cultivation as the main source of food increased from 72% in October to 88% in December." +224022,45768.0,2332.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,29,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"sur les 12 filles interviewées, seule une fréquentait l’école au niveau de Bohoma. Ce qui sous-tend la pratique signalée des mariages précoces ou forcés." +293855,52074.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],en,46,[],['Humanitarian Access'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,"In the SW region concerns were raised around security force operations entering areas where humanitarian operations were also taking place. A number of cases of extortion by armed groups were also reported, both on organization premises and on main roads during humanitarian movements." +292431,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"Pour ce faire, un aménagement de fait, renforcement du plateau technique, changement des matelas et lits et électrification de la maternité, de la salle de soins et salle d’observation avec un kit solaire." +149635,35869.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,35,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep18_25july2020.pdf,"December 2019, GBV SC members distributed 152,537 dignity kits. Based on beneficiaries’ feedback, those kits where critical in responding to their increased need for personal hygiene products in time of COVID-19" +294356,51259.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Nutrition', 'Health', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2020_access_annual_overview.pdf,"Some 107 incidents directly impacted sectors of humanitarian action, primarily health (32 per cent), nutrition (23 per cent) and food security and livelihoods (19 per cent)." +216655,45416.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,"Aussi, le Rapport évaluation des besoins en éducation à Nobili-SD de Kamango territoire de Beni signale les besoins de payer les TENAFEP, TENASOSP en faveur des finalistes. Ils manquent l’argent pour payer les frais demandés évalués à 8 $ par trimestre." +178068,40661.0,2225.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,94,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Les résultats de l’EFSA (PAM, 2020) indiquent que 3,9% des ménages du Sud-Kivu n’ont pas consommé de vitamine A, 11% n’ont pas consommé de protéines, contre 38% qui n’ont pas consommé du fer. Par ailleurs, 9,6% des ménages du Nord-Kivu n’ont pas consommé de vitamine A; 14,1% n’ont pas consommé de protéines, contre 52,9% qui n’ont pas consommé d’aliments riches en fer." +132552,35164.0,1188.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"77% de los hogares con menores de 18 años no conocen la disponibilidad de los servicios de Juzgados de Niñez, un 80% no conocen los servicios de la Defensoría del Pueblo, y un 83% no conocen los de la SENNIAF" +346178,56952.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,40,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20monitoreo%20enero-marzo%202021%20-%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20vers%C3%B3n%20final.pdf,"En términos generales, continúa la tendencia de la población venezolana encuestada que reporta tener buena (58.20%), aceptable (20.70%) y muy buena (13.90%) relación con las comunidades de acogida." +174159,38392.0,1899.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,95,[],['Context'],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ALC%20post%20COVID-19%20-%20Retos%20y%20oportunidades%20para%20pa%C3%ADses%20de%20Centroam%C3%A9rica%2C%20Hait%C3%AD%2C%20M%C3%A9xico%2C%20Panam%C3%A1%2C%20y%20Rep%C3%BAblica%20Dominicana.pdf,"Sin embargo, parte de los ingresos privados que apoyan la actividad económica proviene de remesas, las cuales sobrepasaron el 13% del PIB en 2019, mientras que las exportaciones totales representaron 18% del PIB en el mismo año. No obstante, la baja carga tributaria del país limita su capacidad para ejecutar gasto público social. Guatemala es el país que menos ingresos tributarios como porcentaje del PIB recauda en la región (10% del PIB en 2019), con una tendencia decreciente en los últimos años." +385189,60693.0,2170.0,"['Nutrition', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,64,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/malnutrition-among-children-rife-nigeria-what-must-be-done,"[22nd July 2021, Nigeria]The main reason is malnutrition's close association with poverty. One of the consequences of poverty is the lack of access to nutritious food, which predisposes people to poor nutrition. Poverty increases the chances of malnutrition. Malnutrition, in turn, traps communities in poverty. Poverty and malnutrition are inextricably linked." +16341,6355.0,322.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,25,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/181002%20YEMEN%20HODEIDAH%20CHOLERA%20CASES%20SURGE.pdf,"In 2017 Yemen witnessed the worst recorded cholera outbreak since records began with well over one million suspected cases, 600,000 of them children." +390809,60791.0,1186.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,40,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Las regiones cuya población extranjera creció más en términos relativos respecto de 2018 son Biobío, que tuvo un alza de 32,5%; Los Lagos, que incrementó 26,6%, y Magallanes, que aumentó 25,1%." +325394,54815.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Security issues while traveling (i.e., due to risk of violence) and road safety concerns were among the main reasons named by 14 percent and 8.5 percent, respectively, of all respondents (817 respondents)" +221833,45410.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,87,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"[Les parties Sud des provinces administratives du BEG et du Kanem dans la Zone 5 - « agropastorale» ]: compte tenu des restrictions relatives à la COVID-19 (exportation limitée), malgré le bon état physique des animaux, jusqu’à janvier 2021, les prix seraient inférieurs à la moyenne à l’exception des fêtes de fin d’année et du Maouloud (naissance du Prophète Mahomet) durant lesquelles, de légères hausses ponctuelles pourraient être observées." +149203,36019.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,58,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"More than 1.3 million PPE items, including surgical masks, gloves, reusable heavy-duty aprons, gowns, headcovers, alcohol hand-rubs, medical masks, goggles and coveralls, and alcohol hand-rubs have been delivered to the MoH, partners and national hospitals, including in Qamishli, Al-Hasakeh, Menbij, Ar-Raqqa and Tabqa;" +317571,52949.0,2331.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,56,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Due to the informal nature of how such sites have been established, site planning and standard assurance is absent, leading to pervasive overcrowding and perilously situated communal infrastructure. This results in dense living conditions that elevate risks of fire outbreak, acute flooding and the spread of communicable diseases such as COVID-19." +113001,32025.0,1185.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,16,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/76913.pdf,"Partners have distributed over 3,000 blankets in Lima as part of the winter support efforts." +151514,37915.0,2098.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,51,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/78176.pdf,"Over 80,000 households were reached up to the end of June with distributions of soap, for personal hygiene as well as laundry soap. A further distribution is planned to cover needs for the coming months. Over 91,000 female hygiene kits were also distributed to women and girls." +341464,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,95,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"La destruction de lieux de culte, les enlèvements et tueries de religieux et de fidèles soulèvent un autre aspect de l’insécurité généralisée au Burkina Faso. En effet, des faits conflictuels impliquant le partage des convictions et croyances religieuses montrent que les attaques terroristes ne se limitent pas aux symboles de l’Etat mais s’étendent vers l’affirmation des oppositions entre blocs de valeurs dans un clivage social de conquête et d’introduction de l’action religieuse politique dans les cercles de gouvernance étatique." +90037,25213.0,1621.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Demography', 'Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,140,['At Risk'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A_HRC_43_75_E.pdf,"During the year, fighting to regain control of certain areas or to repel offensives by parties to the conflict intensified in and around civilian-populated areas. Airstrikes combined with indirect fire weapons during ground fighting, including artillery, mortars, rockets and grenades, caused the majority of the civilian casualties in civilian-populated areas. As indirect weapons cannot be guided to hit a specific target and have a wide area of impact, the risk of civilian casualties is very high when they are used in such areas. UNSMIL/OHCHR recorded 98 civilian casualties (29 deaths and 69 injured), including 64 men, 13 women, 14 boys, six girls, and one male whose age could not be determined, during ground fighting resulting from the use of indirect weapons." +236603,46388.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Shelter']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,25,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Across the country, the need for new or improved shelter is reported by affected populations as their second highest priority need after food." +63494,18412.0,1386.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)'],es,164,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",['Information And Communication'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,,"Las estadísticas oficiales sobre la situación de salud y rendimiento de los establecimientos sanitarios desaparecieron completamente en 2016. Desde 2013 no se publican los anuarios de mortalidad y en 2016 se suspendió el acceso a los boletines epidemiológicos y muertes de notificación obligatoria. En 2018 se eliminó la página web del Ministerio de Salud donde estas estadísticas se publicaban. Desde 2016 tampoco se presentan las memorias de gestión y presupuesto público al parlamento nacional. Numerosas denuncias señalan la orden de no registrar causas de enfermedades y muertes en centros de salud públicos que perjudiquen al gobierno. En 2018, se eliminó el Centro Venezolano de Clasificación de Enfermedades (CEVECE), que velaba por la integridad y calidad técnica de los registros y estadísticas epidemiológicas y de salud109. Las autoridades sanitarias han informado internacionalmente sobre una extensa red de establecimientos públicos de salud sin proporcionar datos sobre sus reales condiciones de funcionamiento y capacidades de respuesta." +323674,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Economy'],fr,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Pour diminuer les risques liés à la volatilité des prix alimentaires internationaux, le Burkina Faso a cherché depuis les années 2000 à diversifier sa production agricole en s’éloignant du coton, en exploitant ses dotations naturelles favorables et ses avantages comparatifs dans certaines céréales, fruits frais, fruits à coque et oléagineux, ainsi que dans l’élevage (AGRA 2014; Banque mondiale, 2019)." +208404,43992.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,44,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"To ensure better implementation of sensitization activities, communication materials on nutrition practices in the COVID-19 context were developed and distributed to 1,088 health facilities and 52 health centres received protective equipment (8 in Ouaddai and 44 in N’Djaména)." +179152,41842.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,25,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nw_syria_sitrep21_20201020.pdf,"(NW 20/10/2020) More than 13% of the 2,865 cases are medical health workers; 7.5% other workers in health sector." +301758,51958.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,51,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_devaluation_de_protection_des_retournes_tchadiens_de_la_rca_installes_dans_les_sites_au_sud_du_tchad_002.pdf,"Il apparaît également que le facteur inflation pèse lourdement par rapport au pouvoir d’achat. Cela est d’autant plus évident que la population retournée constituée principalement des éleveurs, ne disposent pas de moyen financier pouvant leur permettre d’accéder aux produits de première nécessité." +386773,60459.0,2099.0,"['Shelter', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,131,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"Par ailleurs, la concurrence entre PDI et ménages hôtes entrainera une offre de bois de chauffe et de secco supérieure à demande et cela continuera à entrainer les prix de vente en-dessous de la normale sur toute la période. Cependant à partir d’octobre, les ménages qui financent les activités de petit commerce avec les transferts monétaires issus de l’assistance de la soudure, pourront continuer de tirer quelques revenus de cette activité. Par ailleurs, le gouvernement et certains partenaires ont planifié de soutenir les activités de maraichage au profit des PDI et ménages hôtes dans les sites habituels de production. Cela pourrait fournir entre décembre 2021 et janvier 2022 des sources de revenus additionnels pour les bénéficiaires. (scenario)" +341454,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,49,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Les inégalités économiques (matérielles) et socio-culturelles sont une menace pour la cohésion de la société dans la mesure où plus celles-ci sont grandes, plus les populations s’inquiètent de la façon dont elles sont perçues et considérées comme vulnérables de par leur statut social." +280929,50817.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,84,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://tishreen.news.sy/?p=634523,"[March 3, GoS] The General Director of Al-Mouwasat Hospital, Dr. Essam Al-Amin indicated that the number of cases of Coronavirus infection increased by 30% compared to last month, and it is not possible to know if it was from a second strain or otherwise due to the lack of technical laboratories in the hospital that differentiate between mutated and non-mutant, and as for deaths, they are estimated at 3% of patients with Covid 19 ." +325672,54267.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Economy'],fr,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Au Burkina Faso, le riz est devenu une culture de base majeure et est actuellement la quatrième culture céréalière la plus importante, tant en termes de surface cultivée que de consommation. Il joue un rôle important dans l’économie, représentant une source de revenus et un élément important dans le régime alimentaire de nombreux ménages, en particulier dans les zones urbaines." +159383,38363.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,19,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/burkina-faso/extremism-displacement-and-covid-19-sahel-and-lake-chad-basin,"As of June,921,000 peoplewere forced to flee from Burkina Faso (a 92 percent increase since 2019)." +176610,41093.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Economy'],es,143,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Primero, en el sector económico donde se recibe un salario promedio más alto, la brecha salarial es de alrededor 2.385.000 pesos entre hombres y mujeres (lo que equivale a más de 2,5 SMMLV de 2020). Segundo, en seis de las ocho actividades en donde se ocupan más mujeres que hombres[10], éstas reciben un menor ingreso promedio, con diferencias importantes en los sectores de actividades profesionales, científicas y técnicas (brecha de 488,000 pesos) y salud y asistencia social (brecha de 429,000 pesos). Tercero, el ingreso laboral promedio de los hombres es más alto que el de las mujeres en alrededor de 155,000 pesos. Es importante destacar que esta tabla no tiene en cuenta las diferencias en cargo o niveles educativos de las personas empleadas." +178318,41756.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,101,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Ainsi, les résultats préliminaires des enquêtes EFSA menées en 2019 à travers le pays démontrent que 73% à 86% des ménages ont une consommation alimentaire pauvre ou limite.103 Accédant difficilement à une nourriture saine, nutritive et suffisante, les populations en situation d’insécurité alimentaire aigüe ont besoin d’être appuyées afin d’assurer leur relèvement et d’appuyer la restauration de leur moyens d’existence à travers un premier soutien à la production agricole d’urgence ciblée (distribution de semences améliorées, matériels horticoles, etc.)." +244754,48003.0,2425.0,[],[],[],en,65,[],[],Lebanon Situation Analysis,2021-01-25 12:39:46.093809+00,,"During the meeting, UNRWA clarified that the total number of people infected with Covid-19 among Palestinian refugees since the beginning of the crisis reached 3208 cases as of December 9. The number of active cases on this date reached 350 and the number of deaths 124 since the beginning of the crisis, most of them were elderly and people with chronic diseases" +492250,67734.0,1224.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,15,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"Guyana reported 5,406 total cases, 863 active cases and moved to 150 deaths." +193918,43327.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,119,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_sectoriel_octobre.pdf,"Le gouvernement Burkinabè avec l’appui des partenaires de l’initiative mondiale de l’Eradication de la poliomyélite (OMS, Unicef, Rotary, CDC et BMGF) et les partenaires locaux ont planifié une riposte avec 03 Round. Le Round 0 du 07-10 février 2020 avec 17 437 enfants de 0-59 mois vaccinés dans 5 formations sanitaires du District de Ouargaye. Le Round 1, du 28 Février au 02 Mars 2020 a permis de vacciner 158 455 enfants de 0-59 mois dans les Districts sanitaires de Ouargaye et Bittou. Le round 2 du 03 au 06 Juillet 2020, a permis de vacciner 159 538 enfants de 0-59 mois." +306405,51572.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"No general NFI distribution took place since 2015. The team observed that many shelters have deteriorated significantly and require new shelter material. The demand in NFIs is high across all IDP camps. [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]" +16339,6355.0,322.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/181002%20YEMEN%20HODEIDAH%20CHOLERA%20CASES%20SURGE.pdf,• One in four children under five years in Hodeidah governorate are malnourished. One in 20 suffer from severe acute malnutrition – the deadliest form of extreme hunger. Hodeaidah has a Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM) rate of 25.2% and a Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) rate of 5%. +161324,39528.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,52,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Lors de la Journée Mondiale de la Population (11/07/2020) : participation de MS BF aux côtés de la Direction Nationale de la Planification à une émission télévisuelle et à des émissions radiophoniques, avec pour thème : l’impact de la COVID-19 sur la santé de la reproduction." +353492,57852.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",es,118,[],"['Context', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://noticialdia.com/2021/06/colombia-da-marcha-atras-y-amplia-el-cierre-de-la-frontera-con-venezuela-hasta-el-1-de-septiembre/,"Por su parte, el gobierno colombiano ordenó también cerrar todos los pasos fronterizos con Venezuela para mitigar la propagación del coronavirus, Las reacciones ante el decreto emitido el lunes a última hora no se han hecho esperar: la Cámara de Comercio de Cúcuta ha pedido al gobierno de Iván Duque y a las autoridades de Venezuela la reapertura de todos los pasos. “La CCC hace un llamado respetuoso a los gobiernos de Colombia y Venezuela para que autoricen la apertura peatonal y comercial de la frontera que comunica a ambos países, particularmente en Colombia en el departamento Norte de Santander y en Venezuela en el estado Táchira”, ha señalado." +307031,51572.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Sanitation : The latrines in school are almost full, with no locker to close the door. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +150074,32165.0,1388.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],es,51,[],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/74589.pdf,"En ese sentido, los aspectos legales no se deben circunscribir solamente a los trámites migratorios, sino deben abarcar las posibilidades de incorporación e inserción a los mercados laborales y empresariales, con programas efectivos de acompañamiento y capacitación direccionados en el marco de sectores productivos potenciales de desarrollo." +325711,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"La pêche contribue aux moyens de subsistance des ménages, y compris aux revenus des femmes. Cependant, selon des recherches récentes, les organismes gouvernementaux responsables du secteur de la pêche ne sont pas conscients du rôle spécifique des femmes dans la gestion de la pêche. Par conséquent, ils ne considèrent pas suffisamment et adéquatement les femmes comme des acteurs clés dans leurs programmes stratégiques et politiques" +244045,46388.0,2336.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,62,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In 2021, some 8.8 million people will need water, sanitation and hygiene assistance. Of these, some 8 million will require safe drinking water; 8.3 million hygiene materials and practices; 4.2 million emergency sanitation options; 4.5 WASH items; and 1.2 million WASH in schools, health facilities, feeding centres and child friendly spaces." +341976,56493.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"D’ailleurs les régions du Sahel (68,25%), de l’Est (50,75%) présentent des taux élevés de la connaissance d’une victime de menaces ou de violences armées au cours des 12 derniers mois. Ces régions sont déjà répertoriées comme des zones à haut risque." +334949,55774.0,2098.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,40,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bcf29d656a8d5984f4c8ffe40908514aad85d.pdf,"[6 April, 2021, Bangladesh] Earthquake: A strong earthquake, measuring 6.0 magnitude on the Richter scale, was felt in different parts of the country including Dhaka on early morning of April 28, 2021" +193032,43411.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,69,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"There have been regular attacks against police, military personnel and civilians, especially near the borders with Mali, Niger and Côte d'Ivoire and in the eastern region. Attacks can be indiscriminate and affect Burkina Faso's security forces, religious sites, restaurants, schools and places visited by foreigners. Foreign or local government facilities may also be targeted. Other attacks are possible." +236607,46388.0,2336.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,51,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Reported dependence on verbal rental agreements and high rent burdens, especially among women- headed and recent-IDP households have contributed to increased shelter insecurity and economic fragility among households. For example, 14 per cent of displaced households and 37 per cent of refugees reported having no tenancy agreement." +167552,39184.0,2170.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,43,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/202006%20Monthly%20Regional%20Report_WCA_v1.pdf,"In Niger, the Arlit and Séguédine FMPs primarily observe movements to and from Algeria and Libya, respectively. Three of the FMPs (Dan Issa, Dan Barto and Magaria) are located along the border between Niger and Nigeria." +313634,53333.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,33,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"The need to ensure that the baby is well fed on a day-to-day basis, coupled with the need to care for their husband was a major stressor for many adolescent mothers." +205446,44672.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Shelter']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"UN-Habitat underlines that over 90% of COVID-19 cases are happening in urban areas. With over one billion people living in informal settlements and slum-like conditions, COVID-19 is also exacerbating the vulnerability of these population groups" +493413,68136.0,2170.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,41,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/borno_state_cholera_outbreak_response_sitrep_no_5_27_09_21_0.pdf,"[26th Sept 2021, Borno State] Gubio: (CRS): 435 households with 1,756 people were reached with hygiene promotion messaging on cholera prevention, and vector control activities (clean-up campaign) in Gubio Town." +412969,63086.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,60,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_07_14_MSF%20RDC_RAPPORT%20VIOLENCES%20SEXUELLES%20%28FR%29%281%29.pdf,"Durant le second semestre de 2020, dans la zone de santé de Masisi (Nord-Kivu), près d’une patiente sur 10 n’étant pas arrivée dans les structures de soins dans les 72 heures après son agression sexuelle a révélé que le délai était due au fait qu’elle avait été kidnappée ou détenue7" +323313,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Moreover, the probability that a child remains in school after the primary level remains low: only a quarter of the 13-16-year old children are still enrolled at school and only 5 percent of those between ages 17 and 19 (World Bank, 2016)." +474597,65021.0,1185.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,134,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Figure 8 shows how the number of migrants consuming only one meal or not eating at all increased in all the countries of study over time, with Ecuador registering the highest increase, from 21% to 31%. Migrants in rural areas continue to report lower levels of consumption (63%) compared to those living in (peri) urban areas (71%). The highest difference was again found in Ecuador where the share of migrants consuming only one or no meals reaches 46% compared to 28% in (peri) urban areas. Minor differences were also observed when comparing females (73%) and males (68%), with the latter reporting slightly lower numbers of meals consumed." +301854,51958.0,2332.0,"['WASH', 'Health']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,80,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_devaluation_de_protection_des_retournes_tchadiens_de_la_rca_installes_dans_les_sites_au_sud_du_tchad_002.pdf,"Au niveau WASH, il persiste un problème d’assainissement et de pérennisation des installations. Bien que des améliorations aient été relevées au niveau de l’accès à la santé (notamment à Danamadja/Kobiteye avec le centre de santé opérationnel depuis 2017), les services de santé sont aux minima en raison des ruptures fréquentes en médicaments, absence de chaine de froid, de système de référencement et de personnel qualifié en nombre suffisant." +303932,51174.0,2335.0,[],[],[],en,32,[],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.afro.who.int/sites/default/files/2021-02/South%20Sudan%20IDSR%20Bulletin%20Week%201%2C%20%20%204-%2010%20January%202021%20.pdf,"Two consecutive years of severe seasonal flooding in the country, among other drivers, has contributed to heightened food insecurity in the country in 2021 as projected recent IPC report." +188351,42925.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,75,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/huir-tres-veces-el-drama-de-los-caminantes-venezolanos/2256,"Entretanto, Pedro Vivas, su esposa embarazada y su hijo lograron esquivar la muerte al cruzar a pie el páramo de Berlín. Ahora deben enfrentar el lastre de tener una condición migratoria irregular que les impide emplearse formalmente y emprender, con todas las de la ley, una vida en el país. Son los damnificados de la falta de preparación, y esta no es una responsabilidad solo de Colombia." +172119,40587.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Environment'],en,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SOUTHERN%20AFRICA_Food_Security_Outlook_%20June%202020_%20Final.pdf,"Typically, from October through January there is an improvement in casual labor income through land preparation, planting, and weeding. Despite the forecast for average rainfall, areas where there have been consecutive poor seasons, better-off households who normally provide such opportunities, are not likely to afford additional labor due to increased expenses towards food purchases." +327432,54714.0,2331.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,61,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,"[EDUCATION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] The most commonly reported types of education facilities attended were Primary mixed school for boys and girls (43%), Quranic school for boys (12%), Quranic school for girls (14%) and Secondary mixed school for boys and girls (13%)." +171462,40699.0,2098.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,94,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20201004_acaps_thematic_review_vulnerable_households_rohingya_refugee_response.pdf,"[4th october, Cox's Bazar] Between March and early May, Bangladeshis in Ukhia reported an average monthly loss of BDT 8,400 (USD 99) per household, and 40% of urban households in Cox’s Bazar Sadar lost their primary source of income (WFP 05/2020, 07/2020). Those that did not lose their income saw a significant drop in earnings, resulting in 90% of households adopting negative coping strategies and household vulnerability levels in urban areas doubling (WFP 07/2020)." +306226,51474.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,54,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"As at 1 February, the Mine Action Service had deployed 20 teams, which had released 1,277,006 m2 of land and destroyed 963 explosive items and 60,205 rounds of small arms ammunition. This improved safety for civilians and conditions for the voluntary return and resettlement of refugees and internally displaced persons." +298107,52101.0,2028.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],['Context->Economy'],en,97,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://g4bzyquio7si624ivcclbh43dq--salonsyria-com.translate.goog/%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%81%d9%82%d8%b1-%d9%8a%d8%af%d9%81%d8%b9-%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%86%d8%b3%d8%a7%d8%a1-%d9%84%d8%a8%d9%8a%d8%b9-%d8%b4%d8%b9%d8%b1%d9%87%d9%86-%d9%81%d9%8a-%d8%b3%d9%88%d8%b1%d9%8a%d8%a7/#.YFxzB2Qzb0o,"[21 Feb 2021, GoS] After the living situation worsened for most of the families, and the poverty rate reached 90%, with the absence of opportunities to improve family income and the extremely high prices. This situation has led to many women resorting to selling their hair or the hair of their daughters due to the financial need to cover the expenses of basic needs such as providing diesel for heating or school supplies, or because of the need to provide medicine and treatment or even to provide food." +244146,47872.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[20th Jan 2021, GOS] Services such as testing provision for COVID-19, Quarantine space for diagnosed COVID-19 cases, Isolation space in health centres for suspected COVID-19 cases and Provision of space in health facilities to monitor suspected COVID-19 cases were insufficient or not available in Aleppo, As-Swieda, Daraa, Damascus, Hama, Idleb, Ar-raqqa, Tartous, Lattakia, Deir-ez-Zor, Quneitra, Rural damascus" +344131,56509.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Economy']",fr,122,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.fasoamazone.net/2021/05/17/sommet-sur-le-financement-des-economies-dafrique-subsaharienne-le-president-du-faso-a-paris/,"Le président du Faso, Roch Marc Christian Kaboré a quitté Ouagadougou ce matin pour Paris, où il prendra part à un Sommet sur le financement des économies africaines, ce mardi 18 mai. Avec le président français, Emmanuel Macron, le chef de l’Etat et ses pairs d’Afrique Subsaharienne vont échanger sur des mesures visant à soulager les pays touchés économiquement par les effets de la pandémie du Covid-19 et sur de nouvelles sources de financement. Les réflexions porteront également sur le traitement de la dette par de nouvelles stratégies qui pourraient être soutenues par des réformes allant dans le sens de renforcer le secteur privé africain et promouvoir de nouveaux investissements." +102885,29340.0,1620.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",en,60,[],['Displacement'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/OCHA_NGA_FlashUpdate_MunaGarageFireOutbreak_26052020.pdf,"The camp population has however continued to grow due to spontaneous movements, with the current population estimated at 7,332 Households/ 39,560 individuals displaced from Jere, Mafa, Marte, Bama, Konduga, Kala/balge, Dikwa, and Ngala LGAs. Major ethnic groups residing in the camp include Kanuri, Fulani, Shuwa, and Garmarju." +187257,32688.0,1900.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,63,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/El%20Salvador%2C%20Honduras%2C%20and%20Nicaragua%20Key%20Message%20Update%20-%20Inicio%20escalonado%20del%20desconfinamiento%2C%20pero%20la%20recuperaci%C3%B3n%20ser%C3%A1%20gradual.pdf,"En ambos países existe disponibilidad de alimentos, dado que la mayoría de los mercados (urbanos y rurales) se encuentran abiertos, pues el sector alimentario ha sido priorizado en las actividades permitidas durante la cuarentena. Sin embargo, a nivel de hogares, la baja en los ingresos y las restricciones de movilización han causado menor acceso alimentario." +316550,52949.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,51,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Similar to refugees and asylum seekers, there are also limited coping mechanisms and livelihoods opportunities available to refugee returnees. According to UNHCR’s PRM snapshot in 2020, 65 per cent of returnee households reported that their sources of income are insufficient to meet their household needs." +161534,39295.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,31,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,"the SCHF was able to support 2.9 million people with life-saving and basic assistance across ten clusters and for the critical COVID-19 preparedness, prevention and response in northwest Syria." +454463,64537.0,1185.0,"['Protection', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,84,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"El mayor impacto de la crisis del COVID-19 en la vida diaria de las personas migrantes y refugiadas venezolanas en Perú fue el acceso reducido al trabajo, mencionado por el 88% de los encuestados. Además, el 61% de los encuestados indicaron un aumento de los sentimientos de estrés y preocupación, mientras que el 46% declararon una reducción de la disponibilidad de bienes básicos y 21% incremento de racismo y xenofobia por parte de la población local" +292385,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,20,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"Entre Octobre 2013 et Avril 2015, neuf cas de Poliovirus sauvage (PVS) ont été détectés au Cameroun" +325225,54815.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Analysis based on the road conditions present in late 2019 suggests that most of Burkina Faso’s territory lies within six or less hours of motorized travel to the nearest CSPS facility, although populations in large areas in the Sahel and Est regions remain unable to reach the nearest CSPS even within six hours" +293837,52074.0,2334.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,62,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,"In urban areas like Kumba (SW), interviews with IDPs reveal their need for financial assistance to pay rents. Some of them have been evicted from their houses because of the inability to pay rent, causing secondary displacement. IDPs settled in the bushes face more challenges accessing basic services, especially in hotspots of the crisis." +239659,47230.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,30,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,el 24% de las personas entrevistadas manifestó que algún miembro del hogar presentó una necesidad en salud sexual y reproductiva durante los 30 días anteriores a la encuesta. +215112,44840.0,2331.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,43,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,The Somali economy is heavily dependent on remittances. Any reduction will directly affect household level income and overall food security. Remittances are likely to decline as the diaspora itself comes under economic stress and increased transmission bottlenecks from sending countries. +125144,32835.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,35,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77444.pdf,"Respecto a las condiciones de salud de los encuestados y las personas identificadas en los grupos familiares, se estableció que el 11 % de las personas tiene una enfermedad de larga duración o crónica" +325557,54815.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[Ouagadougou - 2,086 individuals were interviewed] Nearly one in four respondents with school-aged children report that travel distance is the main constraint or among the main constraints affecting their children's schooling. Thus, it appears to be a slightly more common constraint for children’s schooling than for the ability to attend to regular medical needs" +216607,45416.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,"Le rapport ERM ZS Aungba COOPI dit qu’on estime la population déscolarisée a 23 157 enfants dont 10 326 filles pour les autochtones, puis 11 250 enfants dont 5 358 filles pour les IDPs." +330479,53831.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,56,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/12042021_sitrep_s12_whe_oms_rdc_f.pdf,[Ituri] OMS : appui technique et financier aux activités de surveillance épidémiologique dans la DPS de l’Ituri; appui technique à la coordination du cluster santé sous le lead de l’OMS et appui à la riposte aux différentes épidémies; investigation des cas suspects de maladies sous surveillance épidémiologique. +178544,40661.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,45,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,Priorités de réponse : Mettre en place des mesures restrictives visant à contenir la propagation du COVID-19 dans les zones les plus affectées tout en garantissant aux ménages la capacité de maintenir l’accès à la nourriture et leurs moyens d’existence ; +7562,1447.0,321.0,"['Protection', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,80,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/libya-migrants-fight-survival,"In an interview with VOA, Belbeisi said that Libya has always been both a destination and transit country for migrants, but poor governance, an ailing infrastructure and economic challenges have restricted migrants’ options and bred lawlessness. That’s resulted in what Belbeisi calls “modern-time slavery,” in which people are held against their will and forced into life-threatening situations. Libya hosts about 700,000 migrants from 35 countries, he said." +15671,6572.0,322.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,114,"['At Risk', 'Capacities & Response']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Yemen%20Update%2021%20Sept-%2012%20October%202018%20FINAL.pdf,"On 25 and 26 September, UNHCR conducted a remote verification for lists of multi-purpose cash assistance beneficiaries covering 3,423 families in Hajjah Governorate and 496 families in Al-Hudaydah Governorate. UNHCR’s multi-purpose cash distributions enable persons of concern to meet their families’ most basic needs during this time of crisis. Without adequate financial support, they are likely to be exposed to increased protection risks and resort to negative coping mechanisms. In 2018, UNHCR and its partners assisted over 66,400 families across the country (62,026 families in the north and 4,600 families in the south) with multi-purpose cash grants and cash for rental subsidies." +264283,48806.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,105,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_final_enquete_smart_27112019.pdf,"De toutes les femmes non enceintes en âge de procréation incluses dans l’enquête, 44,7% présentaient une forme d’anémie (cf. Tableau XXII). Ce niveau de prévalence d’anémie est considéré comme critique par l’OMS. La prévalence de la forme légère de l’anémie est la plus élevée avec 23,4%. Au niveau provincial, tout comme chez les enfants, la province de la Tandjilé présente la prévalence la plus élevée (60,1%). La moyenne d’hémoglobine est de 11,98 g/dl sur le plan national." +194477,43501.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,31,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"3 principales préoccupations pour les hommes de plus de 18 ans au cours du mois précédent, en % de localités évaluées21 : NC Meurtre Enlèvements ou tentative d’enlèvement" +181162,42386.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,81,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_RMU_October-2020_vfinal.pdf,"Par ailleurs, dans les zones frontalières du sud, la fermeture des frontières comme mesures contre la propagation du COVID-19 n’a pas permis aux producteurs d’importer suffisamment d’intrants moins chers des pays voisins. En outre, la baisse des transferts de la migration et la baisse des revenus de la contre-saison de 2020 ont aussi contribué à réduire l’utilisation des intrants agricoles. Cela pourrait impacter négativement les rendements agricoles." +196710,43328.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,33,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_smart_rapid_pdi_2020_bfa_final.pdf,Mener une analyse des programmes de prévention et prise en charge de la malnutrition aiguë en cours dans les communes ciblées par l’enquête. [Au Ministère de la santé] +307023,51572.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Health']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,78,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"During our visit, we witnessed people fetching water from the flooded areas which where covering areas of open defecation. There is also a concern of polluted water as the floods covered areas with oil exploitation with reported leakages. We saw dead animals along the road to reach the camp, which could validate this concern. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +186683,43205.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,54,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/425162-weekly-review-nigerias-new-covid-19-cases-increase-for-second-consecutive-week.html,"[6th Nov 2020, Nigeria]On Friday, 223 new cases of the pandemic were recorded. [7th Nov 2020, Nigeria]On Saturday, 59 new cases were reported in Nigeria, hence bringing the tally of confirmed cases to 63,790 as of 11:55 p.m. on November 7." +475708,63295.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rpca_avis_pregec_cotonou-visio_17_18_juin2021_fr.pdf,[Sahel et Afrique de l’Ouest] La situation pastorale est caractérisée par un allongement de la période de soudure en raison du retard observé dans la mise en place de la biomasse herbacée en lien avec les perturbations pluviométriques +63640,18631.0,788.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_floodoverview_13092019.pdf,"Limited coverage of the camps across the three states. • Additional shelter response needed for 8,676 HHs across the states. • NFI kits needed for 8,740 HHs across the three states. • Additional sandbags and water pumps across the three states. • Decongestion and/or relocation of the HHs hosted in schools and support HHs living in makeshift shelter within the school premises" +239673,47230.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,30,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"INCIDENTES DE DISCRIMINACIÓN De acuerdo con la información recopilada, el 44% de las personas encuestadas ha sufrido algún episodio o situación de discriminación por ser venezolana/o durante 2020" +341460,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,49,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"C’est à la suite du malaise social vécu par les populations, surtout celles des zones du Nord et du Sahel, régions fortement islamisées, que l’appartenance ethnique et religieuse s’avère avant tout un outil de mobilisation pour des mouvements contestataires." +52913,16812.0,1184.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Economy', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",es,56,[],"['Context', 'Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://www.elcomercio.com/actualidad/lenin-moreno-ecuador-venezuela-migracion.html,"en Ecuador ya viven más de 500 000 venezolanos, eso tiene para nosotros un costo cercano a los 500 millones de dólares al año. Cada día entran a Ecuador 3 000 nuevos hermanos venezolanos, y la cifra llegó a ser de entre 5 000 y 6 000"", afirmó durante sudiscurso." +224042,45768.0,2332.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,16,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,Les filles témoignent avoir vu les corps des militaires sans vie et cela les traumatisent. +158628,39277.0,2170.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,67,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NMMB_June2020_Final.pdf,"The inflation rate rose for the eighth consecutive month, reaching 12.34 percent (year-on-year) in April, higher than rates in March (12.26 percent), February (12.20 percent) and January (12.13 percent). The persistent rise in inflation was driven by NGN depreciation, increased average food prices, an effect of the border closure and movement restrictions." +330473,53831.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],fr,50,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/12042021_sitrep_s12_whe_oms_rdc_f.pdf,"Vaccination [MVE] : depuis le début de la vaccination, 1 898 personnes ont déjà été vaccinées dont 1169 à Biena, 360 à Katwa, 297 à Butembo et 72 à Musienene. Parmi ces personnes vaccinées, 542 sont des prestataires de première ligne (PPL" +264564,49669.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,52,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://colombia.as.com/colombia/2021/02/20/actualidad/1613846806_672285.html,"2. Ampliar la planta de personal docente, de apoyo y orientadores escolares. En este sentido, la organización señala que es necesario ""disminuir el parámetro de relación estudiante/maestro con la finalidad de lograr el distanciamiento físico, mejorar los ambientes de enseñanza y disminuir el hacinamiento""." +239271,47351.0,2170.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",en,108,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Factsheet_NGA2005-Biu-LGA-Borno-state-November-2020.pdf,"[1st Nov2020,Biu LGA, Borno states]23% of internally displaced households and 13% of non-displaced households reported that at least one adult household member did not have a valid form of national identification at the time of data collection. Of households reporting having at least one household member under the age of 18 years old, 55% of internally displaced households (n=106) reported that at least one household member under the age of 18 did not have a birth certificate at the time of data collection, compared to 25% of non-displaced households (n=102)." +340474,56371.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,72,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20Burkina%20Faso%20Country%20Brief%2C%20April%202021.pdf,"WFP launched bootcamps on agricultural practices in the Centre- Nord and Nord regions (Est and Sahel regions will follow in the coming weeks). The objective of this accelerated training is to strengthen the capacity of beneficiaries, staff and partners in the implementation of asset creation activities, by taking into account the evolution of the agro-climatic context and innovations in terms of variety and performance of production." +235390,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Ongoing conflict has also forcibly displaced more than 294,600 people across 31 of 34 provinces in the first 11 months of 2020. This is considerably lower than 2019 where 441,141 people were displaced in the first 11 months of the year" +156610,38698.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,74,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flood_dashboard_monitoring_5_september_2020.pdf,"Hygiene Promotion activities have been intensified to respond and prepare for the current public health hazards related to COVID-19 Pandemic and AWD during the Monsoon season. This includes a mass awareness campaign on COVID-19, AWD prevention at field level that focused in intensification on safe water chain related activities such as house level water treatment and storage and distribution of related water treatment products also special emphasis on hand hygiene practices." +305342,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,38,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Due to the protracted nature of their [Refugee's]displacement, South Sudanese refugee returnees, refugees and asylum-seekers need access to information about their areas of return, rights as citizens and services available." +21322,8635.0,788.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,32,[],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2019/02/nigeria-deadliest-boko-haram-attack-on-rann-leaves-at-least-60-people-murdered/,"At least 60 people were killed following the 28 January devastating Boko Haram attack on Rann, a border town in Borno state, northeast Nigeria, Amnesty International has confirmed." +236159,47076.0,2334.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,95,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,"As part of measures to curb the spread of COVID-19, 10,800 pieces of cloth masks for health workers involved in nutrition activities in the community was delivered to the Regional Delegation of Public Health for NW (8,200 pcs) and SW (2,600 pcs). The items will be handed to organizations for further distribution to health workers. Hand washing facilities were made available at all distribution points and beneficiaries/field staff wore facemasks and practiced physical distancing. The Production of IYCF-E guidance material on COVID-19 preventative messages is ongoing." +13503,5557.0,322.0,"['Shelter', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,86,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Shleter%20NFI%20CCCM%20Cluster%20Yemen%20-%20Al%20Hudaydah%20Displacement%20Update%203-9%20Aug....pdf,"In Sana’a hub, UNHCR through ADRA assisted a total of 447 families with NFIs in Amanat Al Asimah and provided 9 schools that are hosting IDPs with gas cylinder for cooking also NFIs were provided to 36 families in two schools that are hosting IDPs in Dhamar governorate and through YRCS (Yemen Red Crescent Society) 48 families were assisted in Amran. The household items distributed addressed the critical needs of the most vulnerable families and reinforced their coping strategies." +164306,38902.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,14,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",['Humanitarian Access'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"Risk 1 Conflict escalation causes increased displacement, confinements, and reduced humanitarian access" +226566,46454.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,40,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2022_23Dec2020_FINAL.pdf,"[23rd December, Overall Syria] he toll of affected healthcare workers underscores – given Syria’s fragile healthcare system with already insufficient qualified personnel – the potential for its overstretched healthcare capacity to be further compromised." +203211,44585.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,72,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://applications.emro.who.int/docs/syr/EMRLIBSYR233E-eng.pdf?ua=1,"[December 30, Syria, Lack of personnel] The numbers of nurses and midwives per doctor in public health centers are almost above the MoH standards of 2 per facility, except in Hama, Aleppo and Damascus. However, the numbers of nurses and midwives per doctor in public hospitals centers are below the standards in Hama, Rural Damascus, Lattakia, Damascus, Quneitra and Aleppo" +325403,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Similarly to medical treatment, the most commonly reported constraint for sending children to school is the cost of school itself (tuition). The length of the journey is, similarly, among the most common challenges, named by nearly one-fourth of respondents (817 respondents). However, road safety issues are a top concern for a yet greater number of respondents (29 percent)" +321523,54671.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,124,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/democratic-republic-congo/education-cannot-wait-and-un-refugee-agency-announce-us2-million,"“These refugee girls, boys and their families have faced horrible violence and insecurity. Thousands have walked for weeks and hid in the forests desperately seeking safety. Many have witnessed and experienced violence and soul-shattering trauma,” said ECW Director Yasmine Sherif following today’s visit to Modale. “They urgently need our support. We call on donors to urgently fund the remaining US$4 million gap for the education component of UNHCR’s response in this forgotten crisis. These girls and boys are the ones left furthest behind. We must provide them now with the safety and hope of quality education so they can survive and build a better future.”" +149324,35869.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,49,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep18_25july2020.pdf,"COVID-19 prevention needs: Continued physical re-planning of school infrastructure, especially in camps, taking into consideration adequate physical distancing and to prevent large gatherings of children. Maintain adjusted modalities for education services (classes etc.) to incorporate physical distancing and prevent large gatherings." +311294,54065.0,2170.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,139,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nenfss_round_9_final_report_11032021.pdf,"[1st Dec 2020,North-East Nigeria] While about 8 in 10 children continued breastfeeding at one year of age, the proportion declined after a year. The percent of children who continued breastfeeding at two years (age 20-23 months) was lowest in Borno (18.4%) but about 30.0% or less in all three states. No significant differences in breastfeeding practices were documented by sex. The percentage of children 0-5 months exclusively breastfed (EBF) was highest in Borno (64.3%) followed by Adamawa (56.3%) while Yobe has the lowest at 37.6%. By domain, Northern Yobe has the lowest EBF rate with 23.6%, while Northern Borno has the highest with 77.4%. See table 3.5.2 for details." +161576,39295.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,50,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,"Issues related to women’s access to health services were observed during the reporting period, as well as a reduced willingness of older persons and persons with disabilities to seek basic healthcare due to fears of contracting COVID- 19 or a hampered ability to access health centers." +360004,58741.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,23,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC_FSO_2021_06_final.pdf,Le mois de juin marque le début des principales récoltes pour la saison B dans le nord-est et centre-est de la RDC. +239833,47107.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,42,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"From 16 August, as in many other countries, the GoS implemented requirements for individuals arriving from official border crossing points with Lebanon, including the presentation of a negative PCR certificate obtained within the past 96 hours at accredited laboratories" +35520,13057.0,788.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Demography'],en,143,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000105395.pdf,"Overall, 6.6 percent of women aged 15 – 49 years were malnourished (i.e. MUAC < 210 mm). At the domain level, the highest prevalence of malnutrition among women aged 15 – 49 years were reported in Yobe State where the prevalence rates across the four domains: Southern Yobe (12.1 percent), Northern Yobe A (12.0 percent), Northern Yobe B (10.1 percent) and Central Yobe (8.3 percent); exceeded the average prevalence rate of 6.6 percent recorded across the three states. Also, Northern Borno (5.8 percent), MMC & Jere (5.6 percent) and Central Borno B (5.2 percent) were other domains with a relatively high level of malnourished women aged 15 – 49 years when compared to other domains." +188003,42197.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,112,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.rfi.fr/fr/afrique/20200403-rdc-kinshasa-commune-gombe-confin%C3%A9e-6-20-avril,"En République démocratique du Congo, il n'y aura pas de confinement de toute la capitale Kinshasa, mais seulement de son centre administratif et commercial, la commune de la Gombe. Cette option a été acceptée par toutes les autorités. Elles considèrent cette commune comme l’épicentre de la pandémie qui a déjà fait 13 victimes parmi les 134 cas confirmés dans trois provinces en plus de la capitale, selon les derniers chiffres officiels. Le gouverneur de Kinshasa avait annoncé un confinement total alternatif, il y a une semaine,avant d’y renoncer face à une véritable levée de boucliers." +12729,5579.0,322.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,112,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20Jun%202018.pdf,"WASH partners continue to scale up their responses and have reached over 10 million individuals. Support to water and sanitation systems reached about 5.7 million people. This included rapid response teams for emergency repairs where pipe lines were damaged during conflict, and support with fuel/water treatment chemicals. WASH emergency and life-saving assistance included scaling up cholera prevention and response through rapid response teams and WASH interventions in cholera-risk areas. WASH partners also responded to new IDPs, particularly from Al Hudaydah. Some 7.1 million individuals have been reached through one or a combination of emergency water supply, sanitation, basic hygiene and awareness activities." +61751,18350.0,1184.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Context->Demography'],es,13,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71151.pdf,• 34% de las personas asistidas fueron mujeres y 40% NNA3 +271782,50331.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,60,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDRCO017du1.pdf,"Agriculture: Plots between ½ to 1 hectare are located throughout the island. According to the Ministry of Agriculture, the valley area between mountains has a high agricultural vocation, with several freshwater aquifers optimal for planting. Due to the closure of roads caused by falling trees, it has not been possible to get there." +388560,60980.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,106,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/informe_de_emergencias_humanitarias_reportadas_elc_enero_junio_2021.pdf,"Comunidades de algunas zonas rurales en Meta, Magdalena, Cauca, Putumayo, Norte de Santander, Nariño continúan reportando temor asociado a la distribución de panfletos con amenazas de grupos armados no estatales, que en algunos casos generan restricciones a la movilidad, además de extorsiones ante promesas de protección y seguridad de la población civil y sus propiedades. Preocupa que, las amenazas se materialicen y se genere más violencia contra civiles. A la fecha, algunos de los departamentos mencionados al igual que Antioquia y Valle del Cauca lideran los reportes de homicidios de civiles asociados con violencia armada" +325697,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,116,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Grâce à cette formation, de nombreux agriculteurs ont également commencé à explorer des solutions telles que la rizi-pisciculture intégrée. Le Programme de production et de lutte intégrée contre les ravageurs (IPPM) a formé au total 27 000 agriculteurs, dont 14 pour cent de femmes, grâce à son réseau d’écoles pratiques d’agriculture dans les 13 régions du pays. La formation s’est principalement concentrée sur la production de riz, de légumes, de niébé, de fruits et de coton. Le gouvernement a maintenant adopté le modèle des écoles pratiques d’agriculture comme l’un de ses outils nationaux de sensibilisation" +286672,51586.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,208,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_19_november_2020_final.pdf,"According to WFP’s market monitoring, the average wheat flour price (low price and high price) increased by 11 per cent between 14 March and 18 November, while the cost of pulses, sugar, cooking oil and rice (low quality) increased by 20 per cent, 18 per cent, 32 per cent, and 20 per cent, respectively, over the same period. This price increase is accompanied by a declining purchasing power of casual labourers and pastoralists – which has deteriorated by over 10 per cent and 14 per cent respectively (compared to 14 March). These factors, combined with COVID-19 related interruptions to informal employment and decrease in remittances, are driving people into crippling debt. Data from the Whole of Afghanistan Assessment shows that household debt is rapidly escalating in terms of both the number of people in debt and the scale of that debt. Average household debt is now 46,299 AFS/US$602, up from 9,813 AFS/US$128 in 2019. Of displaced households in debt, the primary reason for taking on this debt was to pay for food (53 per cent)." +287908,51049.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,33,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nw_syria_sitrep25_20210226.pdf,"[26 Feb, 2021, NWS] The number of new COVID-19 cases continues to decline in northwest Syria, with 225 new cases reported from 25 January to 25 February." +341438,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",fr,85,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Le sentiment ethnocentrique prend de plus en plus des marques au sein des communautés. Cela se manifeste par le refoulement de l’autre, de l’étranger. Ce refoulement met en jeu des aspects immatériels de la vie sociale (pouvoirs, identité des groupes et des individus) et s’exprime par le refus d’occupation des allochtones à des postes politiques dans les zones d’installation et le refus de promotion/mobilité sociale de ces derniers." +489855,67830.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,38,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rc_report_august_2021.pdf,"[1st Aug 2021, BAY states] HEALTH : Health services include medical screening, vaccination, immunization, antenatal and postnatal service. The health centre in Pulka needs medicines for basic health care needs." +180993,42071.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,35,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20201020-syria-to-begin-regular-flights-to-qatar-despite-no-diplomatic-ties/,[1-20 Oct 2020] [Whole of Syria] Earlier this month it was reported that Damascus Airport had reopened for regular commercial flights after a six-month hiatus due to the coronavirus pandemic. +388559,60980.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,84,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/informe_de_emergencias_humanitarias_reportadas_elc_enero_junio_2021.pdf,"En Putumayo, se informó sobre el confinamiento de al menos 199 indígenas Muina Murui pertenecientes a dos comunidades indígenas (Becocha y Guaquira) en Puerto Leguizamo, debido a la instalación de MAP por parte de GANE, aunado a enfrentamientos constantes que se presentan dentro de los resguardos indígenas de las comunidades. La lejanía de estas comunidades ha impedido la respuesta humanitaria por limitaciones geográficas y por falta de garantías de seguridad para el acceso de organizaciones del ELC." +239342,46388.0,2336.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,14,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,80% of non-recent IDPs report having either severe or critical ES-NFI needs. +388557,60980.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,80,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/informe_de_emergencias_humanitarias_reportadas_elc_enero_junio_2021.pdf,"En junio se dieron a conocer emergencias por confinamiento de comunidades indígenas y afrodescendientes cuyas restricciones iniciaron desde mayo. El ELC Chocó recibió información sobre el confinamiento de más de 2.730 afrocolombianos e indígenas en zona rural del municipio de Medio San Juan, debido a combates entre un GAO y la fuerza pública, además de la advertencia por parte del GAO sobre la instalación de minas antipersonal (MAP) en los cultivos de las comunidades." +80489,22034.0,1183.0,[],[],[],es,65,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/cuatro-reflexiones-del-primer-mes-del-campamento-humanitario-para-venezolanos-en-bogota/780,"El asentamiento se convirtió en un problema de salud pública. Los venezolanos no tenían agua potable ni baños y muchos se enfermaron por tomar agua de un caño cercano. Mientras tanto, la Alcaldía de Bogotá, la Cruz Roja y otras organizaciones empezaron jornadas de vacunación y repartieron tapabocas y preservativos ante el aumento de enfermedades respiratorias y de transmisión sexual." +175918,40999.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,125,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_levaluation_rapide_sur_les_vbg_et_covid-19_dans_la_region_de_lest.pdf,"Plusieurs facteurs contribuent à exacerber les risques de protection à l’endroit des PDI surtout à l’endroit des femmes et des filles. La Région de l’Est à l’instar des autres régions du Burkina est une région dont les pratiques culturelles sont des terreaux favorables à l’inégalité de genre entrainant la récurrence des actes de VBG. Le rapt des filles était une des formes de VBG la plus courante dans la localité avant la crise humanitaire. La situation sécuritaire a exacerbé les risques des actes de VBG préexistants tels que les actes de viol, d’enlèvement des femmes et des filles, les mariages forcés et les mariages d’enfants." +149636,35869.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,46,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep18_25july2020.pdf,"Following the announcement of confirmed COVID-19 cases, many health facilities in northwest Syria reinforced several restrictions on service provision as precautionary measures against COVID-19. This has reportedly curtailed women and girls’ access to critical medical services, including deliveries in some incidences." +336669,55824.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Covid-19->Cases'],es,81,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elnuevosiglo.com.co/articulos/04-30-2021-desplazados-de-venezuela-comenzaron-el-retorno,"No obstante, destacó que la situación en Arauquita sigue siendo “de alta preocupación” aunque dijo que la buena noticia es que ya se controló el tema del covid, pues se alcanzaron a temer 82 casos positivos. “Hoy podemos dar un parte de tranquilidad de que los temores que tuvimos en las últimas dos semanas han sido mitigados, pero seguimos manteniendo la vigilancia preventiva en los albergues”, señaló el Gerente de Fronteras." +289627,52074.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,"On 30 October, after fighting between Cameroon military and NSAGs, the Integrated Health Facility in Tole (SW) was burnt down. Government security forces continue to be associated with attacks against civilians, burning and looting of villages, as well as extrajudicial killings." +347861,57145.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,14,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"(Centre-Nord, Bourzanga) 4 magasins détruits dont 3 pour la CONASUR." +239104,47107.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,61,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"In NES, as of 9 January, there have been 8,227 laboratory-confirmed cases of COVID-19 in NES, comprising 6,786 active cases, 1,158 recoveries and 283 deaths. Seven hundred sixty-one of all confirmed cases (9 per cent of total) have been amongst health workers. Forty per cent of all samples tested have returned positive." +199566,44216.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,62,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/health/coronavirus/2020/11/16/covid-19-bangladesh-records-21-deaths-2-139-new-cases,"[16th November 2020, Bangladesh] According to the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS), 15,768 samples were tested in the 24-hour time span in 116 different laboratories across the country between Sunday and Monday mornings. Of them, 2,139 samples tested positive for coronavirus infection and so far, 434,472 people tested positive with Covid-19." +339478,56380.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,92,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb4645es.pdf,"De los cultivos comerciales, el 48% de productores de café mencionaron un menor rendimiento frente al año pasado. A pesar de las dificultades en las cadenas de abastecimiento de semilla e insumos y las afectaciones climáticas, la mayoría de los hogares agrícolas encuestados no mencionaron estar afectados de manera drástica. Sólo el 23% de los hogares beneficiarios de FAO y el 27% de los hogares seleccionados aleatoriamente14 mencionaron haber obtenido rendimientos inferiores al 25% con respecto al año anterior (Figura 11)." +318903,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,79,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Adolescents (10-19 years) account for 27 per cent of the total Somali population, and 81 per cent of the total population of Somalia are below 35 years old. Not only do adolescents face the worst forms of abuse such as rape and murder, but they are also often coerced into difficult circumstances which are detrimental to their own physical and mental wellbeing or forced to adopt maladaptive coping mechanisms to overcome structural deprivations." +341806,56493.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,125,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Les parties du Nord et de l’Est du pays fortement touchées par l’insécurité constituent les régions qui ont enduré le plus les conséquences conjoncturelles et structurelles des politiques de développement jusque-là mises en œuvre. Ce phénomène de marginalisation se caractérise par la faiblesse des infrastructures sociales de base dans ces zones frontalières en termes d’écoles, d’universités, de centres de santé… Ce qui explique en partie la faiblesse de qualification de la main d’œuvre locale entrainant un sous-emploi particulièrement criard chez les jeunes. Sur le plan économique, elles sont dépourvues d’usines de transformation qui pourraient créer un nombre considérable d’emplois au profit de la population locale." +329139,53878.0,2331.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']",['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,50,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SOYDA%20Monthly%20Progressive%20Report-Feb%202021.pdf,"Through this monthly reporting a total of 2,163 <5 children received penta 1-3 in both the mobile outreach project sites as well as the facility base program sites, this has since provided the target beneficiaries enhance access to feasible emergency integrated nutrition and primary health care services." +306529,51572.0,2335.0,"['Nutrition', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,25,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"There are no guards and cleaners at the nutrition sites. [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]" +317232,53333.0,2334.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,37,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Where possible work with regional delegates of basic and secondary education and other government line ministries to empower teachers in schools and learning centres, and children, to tackle sexual harassment of students especially of girls" +198744,44313.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,68,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_294_20201119.pdf,Un entretien a été tenu avec les membres de 2 équipes de football à GBADOLITE sur le respect des gestes barrières Covid-19 dans la ZS de GBADOLITE au NORD-UBANGI. Un message portant sur le respect des gestes barrières a été développé et communiqué durant la caravane motorisée sur la COVID à l’occasion de la journée Mondiale des toilettes dans la ZS BENI au NORD-KIVU. +193953,43327.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,32,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_sectoriel_octobre.pdf,L’appui à la coordination du cluster santé au niveau régional avec une accent sur la région de l’Est qui fait actuellement face à de nombreux incidents séuritaires; +236147,47122.0,2334.0,"['WASH', 'Health', 'Protection']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,99,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"A total of 13,697 people (81% female) including women with disabilities, adolescent girls and boys received GBV lifesaving key messages and information on available services; psychosocial support was provided to 190 persons (99% female); 379 women and girls received life skills trainings from women empowerment programs; dignity kits were distributed to 1,493 IDP women and girls of child bearing age; 50 women and girls attended safe space activities; 1,326 people were reached with COVID- 19 awareness raising messages and 391 youth and adolescents attended GBV activities." +167728,40343.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,40,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/418384-covid-19-weekly-review-as-nigeria-announces-reopening-of-schools-new-covid-19-cases-double.html,"Also a total of 532,765 samples have been collected for testing since the pandemic broke out in February. A total of 30,220 samples were collected for testing last week, as against the 30,354 tested the previous week." +319950,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,62,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Child Protection: There are 1.9 million people in need .Similarly, 648,000 non-IDPs, 12,000 IDPs, 15,000refugees/asylum seekers, 46,000 refugee returnees are in need. Child Protection Cluster key vulnerable groups are (187,000) children living with disability, (1.3 million) children, (500,000)Adolescent, (76,000)Unaccompanied or separated children." +315846,52949.0,2331.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,45,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"In rural Somalia, most areas are classified as being in food Stress (IPC Phase 2), while Guban Pastoral, Bay-Bakool Low Potential Agropastoral, and parts of Hiraan, Galguduud and the Jubas are in Crisis (IPC Phase 3." +66708,19425.0,1184.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,178,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71649.pdf,"PRÁCTICA PROMETEDORA DIFUSIÓN DE INFORMACIÓN PARA PREVENIR LA TRATA DE PERSONAS IMPLEMENTADO POR: OIM en asociación con el Ministerio de Gobierno en Ecuador DÓNDE: Ecuador - Tulcán/Rumichaca, Huaquillas and Quito FINANCIADOR-DONANTE: PRM ESTATUS: Octubre 2018 – En curso Desde 2018, la OIM difunde información en Ecuador para prevenir la trata de personas, incluida la de niños/niñas y personas LGTBI a través de videos, folletos y materiales lúdicos para que los niños y las niñas aprendan sobre los riesgos que conlleva la trata de personas. La información se difunde en las diferentes actividades que realiza la organización, como por ejemplo, a través de videos y puntos radiales que se transmiten en los autobuses para reforzar la prevención de la lucha contra la trata de personas. La información se difunde también en los puntos de entrada y salida migratorios, a través de instituciones estatales, organizaciones de la sociedad civil y en los puntos de información de la OIM y otras agencias de las Naciones Unidas." +242930,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,44,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The Oxfam multi-sectoral analysis in 2020 mentioned shows a more than 51 per cent increase in protection and GBV issues during COVID-19, while 61 per cent of the same respondents reported an absence of community outreach and awareness raising on GBV topics." +178447,41756.0,2225.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,60,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"La malnutrition est un problème humanitaire et de santé publique majeur en RDC. La prévalence de la malnutrition aigüe est toujours élevée, atteignant 6,5 pour cent134 des enfants de moins de cinq ans, de même que celle du retard de croissance qui s’élève à 42 pour cent.135 des enfants de moins de 5 ans." +70639,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],[],en,58,[],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"In the Bahamas, participation rates in the labour market for females aged 25‐44 years and 45‐64 years were 89.2% and 77.3% respectively. Only one in four women with less than high school education participated in paid work. This rises to almost 81.0% of women with at least some high school education." +315396,53333.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,22,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Also, regarding food, being an IDP made it more difficult to source, resulting in overdependence on food aid," +125693,31803.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,24,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77205.pdf,"En el primer trimestre de 2020, un 16.3% de las personas monitoreadas han presentado por lo menos una necesidad específica de protección" +22522,9106.0,729.0,['Food Security'],[],[],en,51,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"Displaced people, returnees, host communities, and refugees and migrants are in-need of food security assistance in Libya. An estimated 298,000 people are identified as in-need of food security assistance. Of those an estimated 61 per cent are Libyans and 39 per cent refugees and migrants." +492306,67914.0,2028.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,294,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_mvam_bulletin_58_august_2021.pdf,"[August 2021, Overall Syria] Syrian households continued to grapple with challenges to access markets. The ongoing fuel and electricity shortage experienced throughout Syria is reducing access to markets. In August 2021, more than a third of the interviewed households (34 percent) indicated facing difficulties in reaching markets, an increase of one percentage point from a month earlier and by nine percentage points year-on-year, marking the highest national average level recorded since April 2020. This trend was more pronounced in Tartous (40 percent), an increase of 15 percentage points compared to August 2020, followed by As-Sweida (39 percent). In Dar’a governorate, in August 2021, nearly two out of five interviewed households (38 percent) reported not having access to markets, representing an increase of 10 percentage points from a month earlier and up by 17 percentage points year-on-year. The monthly increase in the lack of access to markets in Dar’a was largely due to the intensified security issues and conflict in the governorate in August 2021. These findings generally highlight nationwide food access concerns. From interviews conducted in August 2021, close to half of the surveyed households with no regular access to markets nationwide (49 percent), had poor or borderline food consumption. Furthermore, in August 2021, overall five percent of interviewed households reported difficulties in obtaining remittances and/or food assistance due to movement restrictions or security issues. This trend was higher in Al-Hasakeh (11 percent), ArRaqqa (nine percent), Dar’a (eight percent) and Quneitra (eight percent)." +303679,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Politics', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",en,69,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,MAY 2014- Agreement signed: Parties to the conflict sign the Recommitment on Humanitarian Matters of the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement. MARCH 2015- Fighting escalates: Fighting escalates in the Greater Upper Nile region. Civilans are killed and homes and crops are destroyed by the fighting. APRIL 2016- Transitional Government: Formation of the Transitional Government of National Unity of the Republic of South Sudan. +214350,45385.0,2334.0,['Health'],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],fr,32,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Enfin, la saison des pluies qui a commencé au mois de juin est un facteur saisonnier propice au retour du choléra dont l’épidémie frappe la région chaque année." +240473,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,A separate telephone survey was conducted by MOPH in May 2020 with randomly selected health volunteers (713) who answered questions to help estimate COVID-19 morbidity in the country. The survey estimated that the proportion of people with COVID-19 signs and symptoms was 49.6 per cent. +61774,18350.0,1184.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,535,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71151.pdf,"Medios de vida En el mes de junio, varias iniciativas fueron reportadas por los socios del GTRM en términos de medios de vida, más allá de la respuesta regular para facilitar acceso al trabajo, referenciación laboral y apertura de cuentas bancarias. Se realizó en Cuenca, Quito y Guayaquil el taller “La Empresa Privada: Retos y Oportunidades para Inclusión Económica” con el apoyo de una variedad de instituciones, especialmente el Ministerio del Trabajo, que está orientado a sensibilizar a la empresa privada para la contratación de personas refugiadas y migrantes que cuenten con la documentación en regla, e informo sobre los derechos de los empleados y empleadores. Los talleres tuvieron una asistencia de 18 empresas en Cuenca, 57 en Quito y 69 en representantes de empresas en Guayaquil. En este evento se realizó la entrega de una caja de herramientas de contratación que contiene toda la información necesaria para el proceso de contratación de población refugiada y migrante por parte de la empresa privada. Además, se entregó un reconocimiento a las buenas prácticas de inclusión económica a las empresas destacadas de dichas ciudades. En Santo Domingo, se desarrollaron algunas ferias de emprendimiento en el mes de junio con la participación de emprendedoras de nacionalidad venezolana. En cuanto al trabajo conjunto con distintos Ministerios del Ecuador, se viene trabajando en la fase de implementación del programa “Sin Fronteras” con apoyo del Ministerio de Trabajo, Ministerio de Inclusión Económica y Social y socios del GTRM que buscan crear una conexión entre el sector privado y los socios que se encuentran inmersas en el proceso de integración socio económica para migrantes y refugiados en el país. Así también, se coordinó con el Ministerio del Trabajo un taller de capacitación abierta sobre “Orientación Laboral y Búsqueda de Empleo 2.0” y sobre “Generación de Ideas de Negocio”, participaron 15 personas venezolanas (7 hombres y 8 mujeres). Además, con el Ministerio de Agricultura se está trabajando en la planificación de talleres en diversos temas de interés como: crianza de animales menores, agricultura, y productos orgánicos dirigidos para población ecuatoriana, colombiana y venezolana que se ubica en áreas rurales de la Provincia del Carchi. Se intensifica el acercamiento y la planificación de talleres con empresas para la inclusión de refugiados y migrantes venezolanos. En la Provincia de Esmeraldas se está planificando un taller con varias empresas de palma sobre derechos laborales y efectos psicosociales del refugio, para prevenir situaciones de xenofobia y exclusión a población venezolana. En Quito, se ha realizado el contacto con empresas de conducción vehicular que otorgan licencias para conocer los requisitos necesarios tanto para sacar como para validar las licencias. En Ibarra se realizó un acercamiento con la empresa de la Terminal Terrestre para planificación de ferias; en Santo Domingo se ejecutó una aproximación con tres empresas para vinculaciones en temas de servicios generales y gastronomía; mientras que en Lago Agrio con tres potenciales empleadores en el área de hotelería y comercio." +493407,68136.0,2170.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,45,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/borno_state_cholera_outbreak_response_sitrep_no_5_27_09_21_0.pdf,"[26th Sept 2021, Borno State] Surveillance: Active case search continued in all affected locations across the state, supported by WHO. Priority locations identified and communicated to WASH and risk communication teams. Alerts investigation and samples collection ongoing." +390068,61349.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,83,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://news.un.org/es/story/2021/07/1493952,"Además de la resistencia a hacerse la prueba diagnóstica por miedo a adquirir el virus, no fue posible hacer tamizajes con PCR, ya que el centro de salud de La Chorrera no cuenta con neveras y químicos para poderlas procesar y, a medida que aumentaban los contagios en el país, se hizo cada vez más difícil enviarlas a la capital del departamento. Incluso, algunas pruebas de antígenos se dañaron al no poder conservar las temperaturas adecuadas." +226642,46454.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2022_23Dec2020_FINAL.pdf,"[23rd December, Overall Syria] Healthcare workers have also been affected, with 637 reported cases. As is the case elsewhere, limited testing likely means significantly higher numbers exist. Currently, the laboratory in Al-Hasakeh is only functional every other day due to limited testing kits." +193924,43327.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Shelter']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,102,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_sectoriel_octobre.pdf,"A la date du 31 octobre 2020, selon le rapport reçu du Ministère de la santé, 91 formations sanitaires étaient fermées soit 7% des formations sanitaires de six régions affectées par l’insécurité, et 232 autres formations sanitaires fonctionnant partiellement privant plus de 1,3 million des personnes d’accès aux soins suite à ce dysfonctionnement. A cela s’ajoute les 197 formations sanitaires qui ont accueilli les PDIs dans leurs aires de santé respectives (Tableau 3). Cette situation affecte l’offre des soins de santé à tous les niveaux." +264282,48806.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,149,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_final_enquete_smart_27112019.pdf,"L’anémie globale chez les enfants de 6-59 mois est estimée à 63,6%, ce qui est au-dessus du seuil critique de 40% défini par l’OMS. Seule la province de Tibesti a une prévalence n’atteignant pas ce seuil critique de 40%. Les prévalences de l’anémie les plus élevées dans cette tranche de la population sont observées dans les provinces de la Tandjilé (79,9%) du Mandoul (79,0%) suivi du Logone Oriental et du Logone Occidental avec respectivement 75,8% et 74,4%. Quant à l’anémie sévère, elle est observée chez 2,7% des enfants de cette tranche d’âge. La moyenne du taux d’hémoglobine est de 10,27 g/dl sur le plan national, ce qui est inférieur au seuil normal de 11 g/dl." +239649,47230.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Pull Factors'],es,34,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"Según la ESAE 2020, de las tres principales razones por las que los refugiados y migrantes han venido a Colombia, la primera es la búsqueda de alimentos (88%)." +178253,41756.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,136,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"A ceci {spéculations régulières depuis 2016 sur le prix du maïs dans le sud-est de la RDC à chaque déficit de production et interdiction d’exportation prise par les pays voisins (notamment la Zambie)}, s’ajoute des causes structurelles qui impactent directement la production agricole et l’accès aux biens alimentaires : la recrudescence des phytopathologies et prédateurs des cultures (comme la chenille légionnaire d’automne signalée dans plus de 22 provinces) ; l’accès limité à la terre et les conflits fonciers ; la précarité des infrastructures routières ; la faible application des politiques agricoles ; l’instabilité des prix ou encore le faible pouvoir d’achat des ménages. Les désastres naturels impactent également la sécurité alimentaire des ménages." +149760,37702.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,83,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"In NES, awareness campaigns and trainings of partner staff, including in camps, IDP settlements and collective shelters are ongoing. In the reporting period, UNICEF trained 14 third party monitors and 15 community volunteers in Al Hol camp on RCCE. The RCCE Committee also supported contact tracing training for 30 volunteers, while a rumour tracking system has been established with two anti-rumour messages aimed at dispelling widespread myths and misconceptions disseminated to the camp population via WhatsApp" +258167,48904.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,43,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syriahr.com/en/204953/,"[14th Feb 2021] Reliable medical sources in the Syrian regime-held areas have told the Syrian Observatory that 28,000 new confirmed coronavirus cases were recorded in the last few days, while 900 new deaths were recorded in the same period." +317251,53333.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,66,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Strengthening access to age- and gender-responsive services to support the prevention of adolescent pregnancies. This includes counselling and provision of modern contraceptives alongside Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (MNCH) for adolescent and young mothers: check-ups during pregnancy, safe deliveries and referrals in support of maternal and new-born health, child health, immunization, and nutrition and health promotion." +439720,63184.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",en,46,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Burkina%20Faso%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%201%20May%20-%2030%20June%202021.pdf,"UNICEF notes that water and sanitation indicators remain low after six months of intervention due to inaccessibility of certain localities for security reasons and hydrogeological context limiting the obtaining of deep boreholes (case of Barsalogho), particularly in the Sahel and Centre-North regions." +314336,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,85,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The presence of non-state armed groups across parts of Jubaland, South West, Hirshabelle and Galmudug, high incidence of violence, military operations and conflict, including airstrikes in Lower Shabelle and Juba, abduction and arrest, harassment, forcible seizure of assets and restrictions on road movement by conflict parties, continue to affect humanitarians’ ability to reach people in need, particularly in rural areas, as well as restricting the ability of civilians to safely seek assistance." +395337,61905.0,1186.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,44,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.eldinamo.cl/pais/2021/05/07/servicio-jesuita-asegura-que-el-gobierno-prepara-nuevas-expulsiones-de-inmigrantes/,"El organismo indicó que cuenta con antecedentes que apuntan a aprehensiones por parte de la PDI en Santiago, Calama y Los Ángeles, donde estarían involucrados 36 extranjeros, en su mayoría venezolanos, que entraron por pasos no habilitados al Chile." +178248,41756.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Globalement, la situation de la sécurité alimentaire demeure préoccupante dans les zones affectées, ou ayant été récemment affectées par des mouvements de population, notamment dans la région du Kasaï et dans les provinces du Tanganyika, du Nord-Kivu, du Sud-Kivu et de l’Ituri." +185731,40789.0,1900.0,[],[],[],es,63,[],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://infosegura.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Seguridad-y-movilidad-humana-30sep2020.pdf,"Municipios que concentran mayor inseguridad y violencia coinciden con el destino de una alta proporción de personas retornadas de forma involuntaria. Asimismo, estos territorios son identificados como aquellos de donde salen el mayor número de personas migrantes, es decir, que las personas que emigran regresan a su lugar de origen donde las condiciones de vulnerabilidad y violencia permanecen." +303864,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"A marked escalation in sub-national violence has been taking place in recent years, especially in 2019 and 2020. The security situation at the sub-national level deteriorated in 2020, with complex conflict among ethnic groups operating along increasingly fractious, and shifting alliances and targeted military/armed campaigns being carried out" +314673,53183.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,65,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"50 partners were participated to deliver assistance to emergency crisis and protractedly affected people. In Darfur, almost 2.2 million people including IDPs, returnees and vulnerable residents were assisted with and Gazera, Gedaref, Kassala, Khartoum, North Kordofan, Red Sea, Sennar, South Kordofan, West Kordofan and White Nile more than 1.06 Million people were reached." +401801,62956.0,2098.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross', 'Food Security', 'WASH']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,58,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[29th July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Both Host and Refugees: People from Camp 6, 21, 1E, 1W, 24 have the highest requirement of basic needs including food, NFI, dignity kits, hygiene materials, and shelter. • Host Communities have very high needs of hygiene materials." +321330,54765.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Nutrition', 'Education']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,25,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/democratic-republic-congo/recent-surge-violence-drc-s-ituri-province-worsening-already,"UNICEF is also mobilising a multisectoral response that integrates child protection, water and sanitation, health, education and nutrition in South Irumu." +299355,51893.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,87,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[January 2021, Overall Syria] 98% individuals in Syria are in extreme poverty. they are highest in Central & South Syria, where 99 percent of individuals are in extreme poverty, followed by Northeast Syria (98 percent are in extreme poverty), Northwest Syria (97 percent); conditions are marginally better in North Syria, where 93 percent are in extreme poverty, 5 percent are in poverty, and 2 percent are at risk to poverty." +452363,64945.0,2099.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection', 'Health']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,80,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MONITORING%20PROTECTION%20DE%20JULLET%202021%20EST.pdf,"La situation sanitaire des enfants se dégrade de plus en plus. Bon nombre d’enfants souffrent de la malaria et maladies respiratoires graves. Cela serait dû à l’exposition au froid, au manque d’abris adéquats, de couvertures, aux piqûres de moustiques et à la malnutrition. La gratuité de soins n’est plus effective dans certains centres de santé, à cause parfois de la rupture des produits pharmaceutiques." +236216,46388.0,2336.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,20,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Children with disabilities – especially girls – are also disadvantaged, with parents less likely to pursue their education." +209497,45056.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,26,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://wcaro.unfpa.org/fr/news/limpact-de-la-covid-19-sur-les-violences-bas%C3%A9es-sur-le-genre-en-afrique-de-louest-et-du-centre,55 sur 100 centres de santé interrogés déplorent le manque de kits complets post-viol pour prendre en charge les besoins grandissant des survivantes de violences. +439205,64647.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,109,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.portafolio.co/economia/gobierno/produccion-local-de-vacunas-espera-politica-de-largo-plazo-555678,"Además el país firmó de un memorando de entendimiento con SK Bioscience con el norte en la posibilidad de hacer fill and finish mientras se estudia la posibilidad de poner plantas de producción y se avanza en el desarrollo de seguridad sanitaria. “Esta es la empresa coreana líder en la producción de vacunas, es una empresa que desarrolla sus propias vacunas, pero también produce para la venta a escala mundial. Esta empresa es uno de los mayores productores de vacunas para AstraZeneca para el mecanismo Covax para países de mediano nivel de desarrollo”, indicó el jefe de la cartera de Salud." +149139,36019.0,2028.0,"['Logistics', 'Protection', 'Health']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,51,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"Between 29 April - 13 May, eleven incoming repatriation flights holding some 2,270 Syrian nationals arrived in the country; 78 passengers on these flights were later confirmed as having COVID-19 cases (mainly from Kuwait, UAE and Sudan), prompting the suspension of all such flights." +287424,51638.0,2099.0,['Logistics'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,62,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20_FEVRIER%202021_SAHEL.pdf,"(Sahel) La province de l’Oudalan, avec des embuscades sur les routes est la plus touchée dans la Région du Sahel du fait de l’activisme accru des GANI. Cette situation s’explique par le nombre élevé des cas d’incidents avec 11 cas soit 29% des cas survenus dans la Région." +330376,53831.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],fr,92,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/12042021_sitrep_s12_whe_oms_rdc_f.pdf,"Dans la province du Nord-Kivu à l’Est de la RDC, à la date du 10 avril 2021, pour le 40ème jour consécutif, aucun nouveau cas confirmé de MVE n’a été notifié. Le cumul est toujours de 12 cas dont 11 cas confirmés et un cas probable, 6 décès (létalité de 50,0%) et 6 guéris, recensés dans 4 ZS (Biena : 6 cas, Butembo : 3 cas, Katwa : 2 cas et Musienene : 1 cas)" +234131,46381.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,22,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Afghanistan has reported the first case of COVID-19 in Herat province on 24th Feb 2020 who had travel history to Iran. +48548,12622.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],es,48,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LIBRO%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20las%20necesidades%20insatisfechas%20SSR%20y%20Migrantes%20Venezolanos%20-%20Digital.pdf,"En el mes previo a la investigación, fueron admitidos en las instituciones 120 recién nacidos por sepsis neonatal, 63 por bajo peso al nacer/nacidos pretérmino y 30 por asfixia neonatal. También se han reportado casos de mortalidad materna y perinatal en la población migrante." +287956,51049.0,2028.0,"['Logistics', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,139,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nw_syria_sitrep25_20210226.pdf,"[26 Feb, 2021, NWS] Access to safe water through piped systems remains a challenge, with only 130 out of 200 (65 percent) systems in Idleb and 138 out of 244 (56 percent) systems in Aleppo currently functioning. Meanwhile, 15 percent of the stations in Aleppo and 16 percent of the stations in Idleb are running without being chlorinated. Without electricity, partners continue to operate these water stations through diesel generators, with the cost of fuel accounting for an estimated 30 per cent of the total WASH cluster expenditure. Further support is needed for the repair and rehabilitation of water stations and networks in order to connect these stations to electricity grids and improve service delivery while at the same time reducing the cost." +315391,53333.0,2334.0,"['WASH', 'Shelter']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,32,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"They also called for a stop to the crisis, encouraging handwashing and wearing face masks and provide sanitizers and masks which measures also were targeted more on the COVID 19 pandemic" +164492,32982.0,1183.0,['WASH'],[],[],es,29,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Respuesta%20COVID-19%20-%20GIFMM%20Arauca%2C%20actualizaci%C3%B3n%20n%C2%B03%20%28Del%201%20al%2030%20de%20mayo%20de%202020%29.pdf,"Agua, Saneamiento e Higiene •Apoyo a las autoridades locales a través del suministro de insumos para aseo y desinfección de áreas médicas en Arauca capital y Saravena." +497826,35118.0,1187.0,[],[],[],es,177,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"el hecho de que en Argentina, en particular en la ciudad de Buenos Aires, los requerimientos para acceder al alquiler de una vivienda incluyen la necesidad de una persona propietaria que adopte para el contrato de alquiler la figura de garante, la condición de presentar recibos de sueldo y la disposición de pagar además del mes de ingre- so, un depósito por posibles daños hacia la locación y los gastos que derivan de la firma del contrato. En este punto, muchas personas se encuentran con diversos obstáculos en el acceso a la vivienda y en este sentido, las convivencias colectivas plantean la posibilidad de afrontar gastos en conjunto y disminuir la carga que ello conlleva (no únicamente el peso monetario, sino la necesidad de papeles y trámi- tes arrendatarios, donde aquellas personas que acaban de llegar al país probablemente requieran la asistencia de otras (conocidos o no) personas migrantes que ya estén establecidos y puedan dar soporte documental a su necesidad de arriendo)." +343928,56774.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,83,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.larepublica.co/economia/tercer-pico-de-contagios-llevo-a-caida-de-la-confianza-de-los-consumidores-en-abril-3175755,"En la décima entrega de los resultados de la Encuesta de Pulso Social, el Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística (Dane) informó que, en abril, el indicador de confianza de los consumidores volvió a retroceder y se ubicó en 30,6%, el nivel más bajo que se ha registrado desde julio del año pasado, cuando el indicador llegó a 28,9%. El tercer pico de contagios y las restricciones de movilidad influyeron en este resultado." +313629,53333.0,2334.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,29,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Because it is also a question of life and death, adolescent boys especially were expected to accompany their parents to the fields while girls focus on household work" +217442,45653.0,2333.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,62,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://docs.wfp.org/api/documents/WFP-0000114546/download/?_ga=2.153594736.918642439.1605111758-1773529422.1605111758,"According to the IPC acute malnutrition analysis in December 2019, 918 360 children were acutely malnourished and in need of treatment. The analysis was conducted at the department level in five regions (Agadez, Diffa, Dosso, Maradi and Zinder) and at the regional level in the remaining three (Tahoua, Niamey and Tillabéri)." +178096,40661.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,25,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Ces unités économiques dont la plupart exercent dans le domaine du commerce, sont très exposées aux chocs dans le circuit d’approvisionnement." +2633,520.0,321.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,24,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://www.amnesty.org/en/countries/middle-east-and-north-africa/libya/report-libya/,"Armed groups and militias continued to harass, abduct, torture and kill human rights defenders, political and other activists and journalists." +191668,43304.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,21,[],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,L’interdiction d’entrée et de sortie dans les chefs-lieux de provinces et dans la capitale N’Djamena +161563,39295.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,47,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,"1,832,300 medical surgical masks, 3,521,900 examination gloves and 90,600 protective gowns were procured and will be transferred to northwest Syria soon. The COVID-19 supplies survey data is collected and supplies to cover the needs for a one-month period will be distributed to health facilities." +310536,53177.0,2466.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Sudan%20Multi-Sectoral%20Location%20Assessment_South%20Kordofan.pdf,"Ninety-one per cent of existing schools in Reif Ashargi were reported functionable, but with a wider variety of construction materials used – rakooba (made from grass/straw) featuring in addition to brick." +305441,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,111,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"A total of 8.3 million women, men, girls and boys are expected to be in need in 2021 including 304,000 refugees, across all of South Sudan’s 78 counties. This is an increase in absolute numbers from the 7.46 million people estimated to be in need in the 2020 Humanitarian Needs Overview and the 7.5 million presented in the Periodic Monitoring Report (PMR) after the first quarter of 2020. Accounting for an increase in the population baseline from 11.7 million in 2020 to 12.1 million in 2021, however, the proportion of South Sudanese people in need remains approximately two thirds." +164374,38902.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,49,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"ELN and FARC-EP dissident groups are also fighting over drug trafficking routes in Cauca department. In Nariño department, the conflict is characterised by confrontations between different armed groups, including different factions of FARC-EP dissidents (FIP 24/05/2020; OCHA 27/08/2020; Verdad Abierta 08/04/2020)." +142220,35870.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,74,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Reported resuming health services in recent weeks, although this remains under review should circumstances necessitate. UNFPA also continues to provide maternal and neonatal health services and GBV prevention and response services, with 240,343 people receiving reproductive health, awareness raising, and MHPSS since March. In addition, UNICEF report that nutrition activities are ongoing. Education activities have also increased in recent weeks, including in Al-Hol camp." +172826,38004.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Shelter']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,48,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/04/28/syria-aid-restrictions-hinder-covid-19-response,"[28th April 2020, NW Syria] The situation in northwest Syria is just as bad or worse, with the almost-complete decimation of the region’s health care infrastructure, severe overcrowding in areas sheltering displaced civilians, and the threat of continued hostilities." +316075,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,49,"['Priority Needs', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"More broadly, protection concerns continue to affect the ability of households to access basic humanitarian assistance, with 57 per cent of non-IDP households stating they faced a protection-related barrier when trying to access basic services like markets, water, sanitation, hygiene, or nutrition." +305457,53013.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/3c8084ae/REACH_SOM_Factsheet_Assessment-of-Hard-to-Reach-Areas_December-2020.pdf,"WASH: Most commonly reported strategy of disposing waste, by 34% of assessed settlements was dumping, 29% of of assessed settlements was burning and 19% reported they buried the waste." +161313,39528.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,96,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Le mois de juillet a été marqué par la mise en place du groupe de travail santé communautaire. Dans l’aperçu des besoins humanitaires et le plan de la réponse humanitaire 2020, le Cluster santé et nutrition ont priorisé des interventions à base communautaire comme une des quatre stratégies importantes qui aident à rendre disponibles les soins de santé. Les autres stratégies sont, la mise en place des cliniques mobiles, des postes médicaux avancés et l’appui à la fonctionnalité des formations sanitaires là où cela est possible." +194478,43501.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,33,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"Dans 96% (293) des localités évaluées, les IC ont rapporté que la nourriture était le besoin prioritaire pour la majorité de la population au cours du mois précédent." +227358,46454.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,49,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2022_23Dec2020_FINAL.pdf,"[23rd December, AL Hol] At Al Hol, four residents are reported to have sadly died, while nine cases recovered. In addition, in some camps, including Roj and Al Hol, camp staff have been reported to have tested positive for COVID-19" +214118,45392.0,2333.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,77,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.afro.who.int/sites/default/files/countries/Niger/Bulletin_3_nCoV_Niger%2013032020.pdf,"A la date du 13 mars 2020, aucun cas suspect de COVID-19 n’a été notifié dans le pays. En ce qui concerne la pandémie du Covid-19, le pays a élaboré son plan de préparation et de réponse. Ce plan a été présenté au cours d’un séminaire gouvernemental élargi aux corps diplomatiques et aux partenaires techniques et financiers pour une mobilisation des ressources nécessaires à sa mise en œuvre." +164164,39714.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],es,15,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,98% piensa que la pandemia de COVID-19 es un problema grave en Colombia. +493408,68136.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,43,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/borno_state_cholera_outbreak_response_sitrep_no_5_27_09_21_0.pdf,"[26th Sept 2021, Borno State] Case management: SMOH and health sector partners (WHO, MSF, ICRC, MDM) continue to support with managing of the CTCs/CTU and provision of medicalsupplies in all the affected LGAs." +305218,53100.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],fr,10,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/plan_de_preparation_coronavirus_cmr._version_du_10_mars_2019.pdf,Plan d’urgence de Yaoundé et Garoua à élaborer +218163,45410.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,La situation épidémiologique du 16 octobre relève un cumul de 1 404 cas recensés dans 17 des 23 provinces administratives avec 93 décès et 87 malades sous traitements. +187287,42134.0,1183.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,86,[],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Colombia%20COVID-19%20Update%20-%201-15OCT20.pdf,"The number of Venezuelans stranded on the Colombian side of the border with the intention to return to Venezuela continues to decrease (e.g 664 Venezuelans seeking to enter Venezuela at present compared to 719 on 22 September). While the humanitarian corridor at the Puente Simon Bolivar in Cúcuta remains open on weekdays, the corridor in Arauca is now open only once a week (Mondays), in Paraguachón on a needs only basis, due to the reduction in returns." +294332,51259.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,54,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2020_access_annual_overview.pdf,"The first positive case of COVID-19 identified in South Sudan on 5 April 2020 was a member of the international community, prompting an increase in anti-foreigner sentiments, stigma, harassment by locals and restriction of movement. Reports were shared of staff being harassed and attacked while delivering COVID-19 response services." +132465,35164.0,1188.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"16% de las personas encuestadas refieren haber presentado en el último año signos de afectación emocional, de tal magnitud que le ha impedido llevar a cabo sus tareas cotidianas" +221866,45410.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,60,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,[Les parties Sud des provinces administratives du BEG et du Kanem dans la Zone 5 - « agropastorale» ]: [Octobre - Janvier 2021] Une vente massive de petits ruminants visant à se procurer des revenus pour accéder aux marchés couplés aux achats intensifs sur les marchés en vue de sécuriser les stocks serait observé. +325384,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,95,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"(Nord, Centre, Plateau-Central, Centre-Nord) Another reported challenge – and reason why many IDP children in practice do not attend school – is the preference for the parents of many IDP children for Koranic schools over secular schools (UNHCR, 2020d), which is not always feasible to satisfy in the host community. For example, while privately run Islamic PPS schools are more widely accessible in Nord, Centre, and Plateau-Central, there are none present in Centre-Nord, the largest single IDP recipient region." +308102,53309.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],en,80,"['Priority Needs', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/gender_alert_brief_final.pdf,"[29th March 2021, Cox's Bazar] In addition, it is critical to assure access to clinical care for survivors of sexual violence, anti-retroviral treatmentalong with contraceptives and treatments for symptoms of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STDs). It has been noted that there is an imminent need of saline, antenatal and postnatal (ANC/PNC) services, mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS), as well as primary health care." +323704,54267.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],fr,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Outre les normes socioculturelles discriminatoires, la mauvaise application des lois au Burkina Faso explique les écarts importants entre les hommes et les femmes en matière de propriété foncière11. Cela s’ajoute aux difficultés des femmes à accéder aux ressources financières et aux facteurs de production." +325755,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,91,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"En outre, en raison de l’insécurité, l’accès aux pâturages est de plus en plus réduit dans les régions du Sahel (-11 pour cent), de l’Est (-5,1 pour cent), du Centre-Est (-6,7 pour cent) et du Nord (-1,9 pour cent). Cela a entraîné une baisse de la production d’ovins (-23,9 pour cent), de bovins (-42,08 pour cent) et de caprins (-7,01 pour cent)." +126778,29482.0,1620.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/West%20and%20Central%20Africa%20-%20Weekly%20Regional%20Humanitarian%20Snapshot%20%2819%20-%2025%20May%202020%29.pdf,"Nearly 1,200 displaced by the clashes are currently occupying two schools pending the establishment of two camps. The State Emergency Agency has started delivering food assistance." +169092,40432.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.sana.sy/en/?p=205239,"[5th October, Overall Syria] Total cases: In a statement to SANA, the ministry indicated that the total number of coronavirus infections that were registered in the country reached at 4411, of which 1168 ones have recovered while 207 others have passed away." +114346,31782.0,1186.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77210.pdf,"Junto con Brasil and Colombia, Chile forma parte de los países adónde casi el total (93%) de los encuestados reportan perdida del ingreso." +224876,46127.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,98,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://sham.fm/ar/article/82236/%D8%A5%D9%84%D8%BA%D8%A7%D8%A1-%D8%AC%D9%85%D9%8A%D8%B9-%D8%AD%D9%81%D9%84%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AA%D8%AE%D8%B1%D8%AC-%D8%A8%D8%AC%D8%A7%D9%85%D8%B9%D8%A9-%D8%AF%D9%85%D8%B4%D9%82-%D8%A8%D8%B3%D8%A8%D8%A8-%D9%83%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%88%D9%86%D8%A7.html,"[ December 15, Damascus] Damascus University has canceled all graduation ceremonies that were held in the faculties of the university, as part of the measures to address the Corona virus. The university’s Facebook page said that “as part of the precautionary measures for the Corona, and in order to avoid crowding and gatherings, the administrative office of the National Union of Syrian Students at the University of Damascus has directed the cancellation of all graduation ceremonies that were to be held in the faculties of the university.”" +24810,9461.0,730.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,25,[],[],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/02.26.19-%20USG%20Yemen%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet.pdf,• Nearly 80 percent of Yemen’s population requires humanitarian assistance • Number of people in acute need of assistance increases by 30 percent +346166,56952.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20monitoreo%20enero-marzo%202021%20-%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20vers%C3%B3n%20final.pdf,"Las principales barreas para acceder al trabajo identificadas durante el monitoreo anterior per- manecen iguales este trimestre: la falta docu- mentación (38%), la falta de oportunidades labo- rales (17.50%) y el cuidado de niños (12%)." +473250,67203.0,2311.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,39,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2020/04/09/devastador-impacto-del-covid-19-para-ninos-y-ninas,"Al desbordarse los sistemas de salud por efecto del COVID-19, es posible que los niños y las niñas dejen de recibir vacunas o pierdan el acceso a la atención de la salud esencial para preservar la vida." +317233,53333.0,2334.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,49,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,Work with the relevant authorities to strengthen implementation of the Teacher Code of Conduct in schools Provide appropriate material equipment and child care support to facilitate girls’ return to school In coordination with the WASH Cluster provide gender sensitive WASH facilities in schools and community learning centres. +282378,51025.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,38,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/bangladeshs-daily-covid-19-cases-keep-crossing-1000-mark/66030,"[13th March 2021, Bangladesh] By Thursday, 4,218,127 people received the first dose of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine. The second dose has to be taken between 8 and 12 weeks of the first one." +142052,35870.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"In Syria, 608 laboratory-confirmed cases have been reported by the MoH to date: one case in Tartous; seven in Dar’a; nine in As-Sweida; nine in Homs; ten in Hama; 29 in Lattakia; 30 in Aleppo; 34 in Quneitra; 136 in Rural Damascus; 319 in Damascus, and 24 cases where the location had yet been announced." +341379,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,110,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Bien que ces stéréotypes aient évolué, avec le contexte de la montée de l’insécurité et du terrorisme, les éleveurs pour la plupart peulhs, sont les principales victimes. En effet, la crise terroriste a constitué une opportunité, pour certaines communautés, d’exprimer leurs ras le bol et leurs contestations violentes vis-à-vis d’autres communautés et de l’ordre établi. Ce cliché a créé un repli identitaire pour contrer la vulnérabilité de ces communautés à l’égard des autres. Ce climat est de nature à exacerber la méfiance entre des ethnies qui vivaient naguère en harmonie." +343394,55976.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,141,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.lemonde.fr/afrique/article/2021/05/10/beaucoup-ne-croient-pas-au-danger-du-covid-19-en-afrique-la-defiance-face-aux-vaccins_6079678_3212.html,"Partout, des plans de « sensibilisation » sont élaborés pour marteler le credo sur l’efficacité et l’innocuité des vaccins. Fin mars, l’OMS a annoncé la création de Viral Facts Afrique, un projet réunissant des experts de la vérification des faits et des institutions sanitaires.« Ce dispositif a pour but de réfuter rapidement les mythes là où ils se propagent et d’aider les populations à faire la distinction entre les faits avérés, qui peuvent sauver des vies, et le bruit », a expliqué la docteure Matshidiso Moeti, directrice régionale de l’OMS pour l’Afrique. Ses messages seront diffusés sur Facebook, Twitter et Instagram, en anglais et en français, avant d’être traduits dans des langues locales." +291283,51584.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,23,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://docs.wfp.org/api/documents/WFP-0000121004/download/?_ga=2.267291910.926065783.1606212133-1055501472.1562658913,"In October, WFP reached 1,803,387 food-insecure girls, boys, women and men in 33 of Afghanistan’s 34 provinces." +188076,43162.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,56,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.agenceecofin.com/cuivre/0110-80857-rdc-malgre-le-coronavirus-la-production-de-cuivre-est-en-hausse-de-13,"Avec une production qui a déjà dépassé le million de tonnes cette année, la RDC demeure toujours le premier producteur de cuivre en Afrique. Le pays a pu compter sur des mines qui ont fonctionné malgré la pandémie et peut espérer des revenus record grâce à la hausse des prix du métal rouge." +386112,60459.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,60,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"Dans la province de l’Oudalan, où les PDI et ménages hôtes sont plus confrontés à l’érosion de leurs avoirs, l’augmentation des pratiques de mendicité et de restriction alimentaire exposent ces derniers à l’insécurité alimentaire aigue Crise ! (Phase 3 ! de l’IPC) entre juin et septembre" +323195,54498.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,212,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/89758cd4/REACH_COL_RAN_Factsheet_Trend_analysis_March2021.pdf,"en cuanto a la forma en que las personas entrevistadas cruzaron desde su país de residencia (diferente a Colombia) hasta el lugar de la entrevista, a partir de la tercera ronda se incluyó una pregunta que intentó capturar esa información. Según lo indican los reportes, durante la tercera y cuarta ronda solo el 18% (de 311 ICs en la tercera ronda y de 198 ICs en la cuarta ron- da de ICs que reportaron como país de residencia a un país diferente a Colombia) de los ICs reportó que ellos y/o los integrantes de su grupo cruzaron por un paso fronteri- zo oficial para llegar a Colombia. Hacia la ronda final, este reporte disminuyó conside- rablemente llegando a reportarse que solo el 8% de los 308 ICs entrevistados, habían cruzado por un paso oficial. De acuerdo con OXFAM13, esta situación puede representar un riesgo a la propia vida, debido a amena- zas tales como trata de personas, recluta- miento forzado, violencias basadas en género, violencia sexual, exposición a delitos comunes como robos, extorsión y hurtos que se encuentra a lo largo de los cruces irregulares, también denominados “trochas”." +456627,58986.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,77,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.lemonde.fr/afrique/article/2021/07/08/en-rdc-les-autorites-inquietes-face-a-une-troisieme-vague-dominee-par-le-variant-delta_6087597_3212.html,"Le coronavirus, qui avait principalement frappé les quartiers aisés de Kinshasa lors des deux premières vagues, touche désormais tous les secteurs de la ville.« On est à 80 % d’occupation dans les structures de santé, et à 100 % au niveau des soins intensifs. C’est du jamais-vu », alerte Jean-Marie Kayembe, responsable de la prise en charge des malades au comité national de la riposte." +224046,45768.0,2332.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,22,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"A Bohoma, pour des raisons de sécurité, l’école n’a pas fonctionné durant la rentrée scolaire 2019-2020" +493889,68135.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,65,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/31_August_2021.pdf,"[2nd - 8th Aug 2021, Nigeria] Actions To date: National Cholera Multi-Sectoral Technical Working Group (TWG) is monitoring all states and supporting affected states. National Rapid Response Teams (RRTs) with response commodities were deployed to support the response in all affected states. Cholera jingles being aired in English and local languages across the country." +106020,29939.0,1184.0,['Cross'],[],"['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Context->Politics']",en,42,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Context']",UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Americas%20Update%20COVID%2010_1%20June.pdf,"In this context, pre-existing social unrest is raising demands for an easing of restrictive measures or for economic support to those a(cid:30)ected by the crisis. Clashes between the police and protesters in Guayaquil, Ecuador." +239281,46388.0,2336.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,25,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Refugees reported deeper needs than any other population group with more than 50 per cent in need of emergency and transitional shelter support alone. +187262,32688.0,1900.0,['Food Security'],[],[],es,74,[],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/El%20Salvador%2C%20Honduras%2C%20and%20Nicaragua%20Key%20Message%20Update%20-%20Inicio%20escalonado%20del%20desconfinamiento%2C%20pero%20la%20recuperaci%C3%B3n%20ser%C3%A1%20gradual.pdf,"Los precios de los alimentos, presentados por los sistemas de información de mercados de la región, continúan reportando incrementos atípicos, a consecuencia de las pérdidas por la sequía del año anterior, las medidas para contener la propagación del COVID-19, la especulación y el acaparamiento. Los precios del maíz blanco y, especialmente, del frijol rojo incrementaron respecto al promedio de 5 años y al año anterior." +187326,43339.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,139,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20Nigeria%20DTM%20Emergency%20Tracking%20Tool%20%28ETT%29%20Report%20No.196%20%20%2802%20-%2008%20November%202020%29.pdf,"[2nd-8th Nov 2020,Nigeria] Ngala: 157 arrivals were recorded in Ngala LGA of Borno state. The arrivals included 117 from Marwa region in Cameroon and 40 from Jere LGA of Borno state. 82 per cent of the movements were due to poor living conditions and 18 per cent relocated voluntarily. Mubi North: 68 arrivals and 42 departures were recorded in Mubi North LGA of Adamawa state. The arrivals included 21 from Maiha, 21 from Song, 18 from Madagali and 8 from Mubi North LGAs of Adamawa state and departures recorded were 20 to Madagali, 11 to Mubi North and 11 to Gombi LGAs of Adamawa state. 84 per cent relocated voluntarily and the remaining 16 per cent relcocated as a result of poor living conditions." +240571,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,18,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Health facilities, including secondary and tertiary structures, are often understaffed, under-trained, and under-resourced." +214131,45385.0,2334.0,[],[],[],fr,49,[],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Après deux mois de calme relatif grâce au déploiement de forces militaires supplémentaires au mois de mars, les attaques ont repris dans le département du Mayo Tsanaga où des unités de Boko Haram sont toujours terrées dans les montagnes Mandara des arrondissements de Mokolo et Mayo Moskota." +177029,41752.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,74,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"66% des personnes interrogées (264) considèrent qu’elles ont suffisamment d’informations pour se protéger contre le virus. Les femmes se sentent moins informées (57%) que les hommes (74%). De plus, les personnes interrogées vivant dans la province de Namentenga se sentent moins informées que celles de Bam (67%) ou de Sanmatenga (69%)." +142206,35870.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],en,37,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Due to exchange rate volatility, regional banking crisis and other factors, including knock-on effects of the preventive measures of COVID-19 on the economy, dramatic price rises have been recorded in many basic commodities." +287105,51749.0,2099.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Demography'],fr,96,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"En matière d’hygiène et d’assainissement selon les données issues du Programme national d’approvisionnement en eau potable (PN-AEP) de 2018, 1002 latrines étaient fonctionnelles en 2018 et 25 latrines auraient été construites11. A raison de 01 latrine pour 50 personnes cela signifie donc que la commune de Pouytenga a suffisamment de latrines pour 51 350 personnes alors que la commune en compte environ 120 694 (17 242 ménages) aujourd’hui. Ces estimations corroborent les données collectées dans le cadre de ces enquêtes." +157386,38830.0,1185.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,99,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3668042,"Desde la llegada del coronavirus a Perú, la AECID, a través de suOficina Técnica de Cooperacióny en coordinación con la Embajada de España en el país, ha prestado su apoyo a migrantes venezolanos y poblaciones indígenas; ha impulsado el acceso a financiamiento a las microempresas y el impulso a la reactivación económica del país; así como campañas de prevención de la violencia de género durante el confinamiento domiciliar y el apoyo a la investigación para producir test moleculares en masa que contribuyan a un mejor seguimiento de los casos, entre otras actuaciones." +194536,43830.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,32,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ntn24.com/america-latina/venezuela/ministro-de-colombia-aseguro-que-los-venezolanos-han-generado-problemas-de,"La Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH), condenó las declaraciones de la alcaldesa Claudia López, por considerar que las mismas incitaban a la xenofobia contra los venezolanos." +164200,37783.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,74,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://tande.substack.com/p/syria-in-context-coronavirus-update-ffe,"Last month, the Syrian government authorized several medical centers to carry out PCR tests and provide negative-result certificates to those who are wishing to leave the country at a cost of $100. In the past week, photos circulated online showing dozens of people queuing inside and outside those centers with no social distancing enforced. Locals quipped that the tests come with a “free case of Covid”." +165162,38412.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,28,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20200902-wfp-over-9-3-syrians-are-food-insecure/,The World Food Program (WFP) yesterday warned that without urgent assistance over 2.2 million Syrians are at risk of slipping further into hunger and poverty. +265890,49322.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,67,['At Risk'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.portafolio.co/opinion/editorial/ruta-hacia-la-humanidad-editorial-francisco-miranda-548952,"Si bien la pandemia del coronavirus redujo considerablemente el flujo de venezolanos, los datos más recientes de Mígración Colombia reportan alrededor de 1,72 millones de migrantes de ese país en el territorio nacional. Un 56 por ciento de ellos, esto es 966 mil, se encuentran hoy en condición de irregularidad. De hecho, uno de cada cuatro serían niños y adolescentes." +230147,46693.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,58,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"In April, WFP reached 2.6 million people, with two to three months’ worth of food assistance as part of the COVID-19 response. WFP is distributing two to three months’ worth of food assistance to preposition food commodities at the household level to avoid large gatherings, minimize risks and promote social distancing." +489283,67769.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,97,[],"['Context', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/searo/bangladesh/bangladesh---rohingya-crisis---pdf-reports/ewars/2021/ewars-w34-2021.pdf?sfvrsn=52eebc31_9,"[23-29 August 2021, Bangladesh] As of this week (week 34) • Median age of tested and confirmed cases is 11 (0-120) and 21 (0-100) years • Female among tested and confirmed cases is 54% and 52% • All 34/34 camps have confirmed cases (C3-179, C24-174, C2W-160, C15-154 and C17-152) • A total of 30 deaths from COVID-19 with the case fatality rate 1.0% • Cases per million in last 7 days 122.1, change in last 7 days 4%" +162008,39490.0,2098.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,41,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200707_acaps_covid-19_secondary_impacts_in_rohingya_refugee_camps.pdf,"Decreased social cohesion and increased criminal activities have been reported by both the Rohingya and the host community due to a decrease in income, limited resources, fear and reduced humanitarian presence in the camps, and limited protection monitoring" +164321,38902.0,1183.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,11,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,Risk 3 COVID-19 crisis leads to increased food insecurity and malnutrition +157860,38800.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,52,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GTS%20-%20HNAP%20COVID19%20Syria%20Bulletin%20R3.pdf,"Only 22% of focal points in SDF areas report their communities practise social distancing, compared with 56% in May. An increased proportion report that people in SDF areas are not practising any precautionary behaviour at all (25%, compared to 10% in May)." +209703,45080.0,2170.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,63,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%209%20Dec%202020.pdf,"[9thDec2020,Nigeria]Many remote education programmes were coming to their end in October. For many actors and donors, schools must resume as planned by the states and remote (Radio and TV) programmes are experiencing lack of funds. This situation leaves many children without access to education for a short period before schools effectively resume." +294605,51749.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,78,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,[District sanitaire de Ouargaye] L’approvisionnement du CMA en eau est assuré par un forage auquel est raccordé un château dont le volume n’a pas pu être déterminé. Ce château d’eau ravitaille 5 points de distribution au sein du CMA. Par manque de ressource le CMA ne s’est abonné à l’ONEA pour l’obtention de l’eau du réseau de la ville. +337229,55827.0,2311.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],es,108,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/bogota/mendicidad-en-bogota-el-incremento-del-fenomeno-en-la-ciudad-585210,"Alexander Quinche es psicólogo y lleva 15 años trabajando el fenómeno de la mendicidad. Hoy trabaja con la Fundación Niños de los Andes en dos frentes: niños y adolescentes y habitantes de la calle. Sabe que sí hay familias que por su extrema necesidad y ante la imposibilidad de tener con quién dejar sus hijos salen juntos a pedir limosna, pero, aclara, no ocurre así en la mayoría de los casos. “A estos los vemos mucho en TransMilenio, son casos muy puntuales, lo otro son mafias que están instrumentalizando a los migrantes y a los niños”." +165097,39822.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,103,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"August FB prices have been relatively constant with minimal change. Between August week 1 and week 4, the national average reference food basket fell by 1.7%. The stabilization of prices was in large part due to falling prices especially of imported commodities of vegetable oil and sugar due to a more stable informal SYP/USD exchange rate as well as the arrival of the country’s main harvest. Rural Damascus reported the largest decrease in average FB prices in August which fell by 10% (SYP 8,860) between August week 1 and August week 5." +237310,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"While humanitarians have identified 18.4 million people within this group as having acute humanitarian needs already, without social assistance, all households in these classifications remain at risk of falling into a more acute category." +407416,63069.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Bulletin%20d%E2%80%99information%20sous%20cluster%20protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99enfance%20%28GTPE%29%20Mars%20%E2%80%93%20Mai%202021.pdf,"Augmentation de la violence dans le Territoire de Shabunda avec une recrudescence des cas viols et violences sexuelles, exploitation et utilisation des enfants dans les groupes armés dans les territoires de Shabunda (Lulingu et Mulungu)." +236151,47122.0,2334.0,['Shelter'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,Recent burning of houses in localities in the Ikata in Muyuka sub-division as well as villages in the Bui division (NW) indicate a need for assistance to affected households in these areas. +305724,51572.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,60,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"UNICEF and WVI ( World Vision International ) to speed up the PD amendment process to ensure that the CNVs are reinstated as soon as possible to ensure that adequate coverage in terms of screening, referral, and health/nutrition education [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +170405,40462.0,2099.0,"['Protection', 'Cross', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,82,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Besoins et capacités spécifiques des personnes déplacées et de la population hôte : la sécurisation des zones de départ, le retour dans les localités habituelles, la liberté de reprendre leurs activités économiques habituelle, le retour des enfants à l’école pour préparer leur avenir, la restauration de la force de l’ordre et la dignité de l’être humain sont entre autres les préoccupations et les besoins évoqués par les participants aux focus group." +81777,22495.0,1231.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration', 'Context->Economy', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",es,74,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,https://acento.com.do/2019/actualidad/8762434-sinfonica-binacional-dominico-venezolana-por-inclusion-e-integracion/,"Consideramos fundamental apoyar las actividades de integración económica y social de los migrantes venezolanos a la sociedad dominicana y qué mejor manera de hacerlo que a través de la cultura, en esta ocasión de la música,” señaló Josué Gastelbondo, Jefe de Misión interino de la OIM en República Dominicana. “Esta orquesta es una oportunidad y un ejemplo de integración intercultural y estamos complacidos de poder aportar”." +239283,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,19,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Displaced households struggle to absorb the cost of rent as displacement becomes prolonged and job opportunities remain low. +282352,44941.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/somalia_health_cluster_bulletin_december_2019.pdf,"As of 31 December, 2019, the HRP requirements were 93 million USD. 21 million USD had been received and another 1.6 million USD had been pledged." +149836,37865.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,148,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cxb-situation-report-20.pdf,"As of 23 August 2020, a total of 88 COVID-19 cases among Rohingya/FDMN have been reported: three in Camp 1E, six in Camp 1W, four in Camp 2E, eight in Camp 2W, 11 in Camp 3, two in Camp 4, two in Camp 5, ten in Camp 6, six in Camp 7, one in Camp 8E, two in Camp 8W, two in Camp 9, two in Camp 10, two in Camp 11, one in Camp 12, two in Camp 14, one in Camp 17, two in Camp 18, two in Camp 21, two in Camp 22, five in Camp 24, one in Camp 25, two in Camp 26, two in Camp 27, three in Kutupalong RC and four in Nayapara RC." +188898,43387.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,50,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20DE%20PROTECTION_SEPTEMBRE2020-SAHEL.pdf,"Certains cas de VBG ont été enregistrés dans la partie nord de la province du Soum notamment dans les villages de Bouro, Pétégoli et Peteltchouidé qui sont sous contrôle des GANI. En effet, les femmes de ces villages ont été violentées et ont reçus des menaces." +196737,43328.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_smart_rapid_pdi_2020_bfa_final.pdf,"En dehors des communes de Gorgadji, de Dori, les autres communes présentent des prévalences de la MAG selon le PB chez les enfants de 6-59 mois largement en deçà de celles fournies par l’indice poids-taille. [Malnutrition aigüe chez les enfants de 6-59 mois selon le PB]" +354367,57966.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,57,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/salud/colombia-recibe-un-nuevo-lote-de-vacunas-538200-anticovid-de-pfizer/?cx_testId=28&cx_testVariant=cx_1&cx_artPos=0#cxrecs_s,"Este miércoles el ministro de salud, Fernando Ruíz, anunció la llegada de un nuevo lote de vacunas de Pfizer contra el COVID-19. Se trata de una carga de 538.200 de dosis con las cuales el país completa 19′046.984 de dosis recibidas, de todas las marcas de vacunas anticovid aprobadas por el Invima." +148545,36019.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,59,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"For education, here has been a gradual re-opening of schools and learning centers in both NWS and NES. In GoS areas, basic (9th) and high school (12th) exams started in June in GoS areas for 500,000 students, including around 3,000 students who travelled cross-line and from Lebanon to sit their exams" +325815,54267.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Ce secteur, petit mais en pleine croissance, est dominé par le Réseau des caisses populaires du Burkina (RCPB), qui sert 60 pour cent des clients de la microfinance et représente 80 pour cent de l’encours du portefeuille et de l’épargne." +343092,53036.0,2334.0,['Shelter'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,23,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/1-Lolo_Dec%202020_0.pdf,"Abri et NFI 96,09% de réfugiés ayant accès à un abri décent 0% de réfugiés ayant reçu une assistance en NFI" +59576,17198.0,1224.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,16,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,There is 1 latrine for 43 people. The practice of open defecation is common. +458182,64540.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,100,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,¿Ha intentado homologar o acreditar su formación profesional en el Perú? ¿Lo pudo concretar?. Ninguno de los participantes del grupo focal comentó haber hecho o intentado hacer el trámite de homologar alguna profesión o formación obtenida en Venezuela. Las razones principales están relacionadas con: i) la condición irregular del inmigrante (sin PTP o carné de extranjería es imposible iniciar el trámite); ii) las dificultades para obtener la documentación apostillada en Venezuela (por sus altos costos); iii) el costo de la acreditación y homologación en Perú. +22275,9106.0,729.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,175,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"Many Libyans have thus far managed to withstand many of the varied impacts of the crisis in Libya as they have sufficient coping mechanisms in place. However, ongoing conflict and economic decline have steadily eroded people’s resilience to the crisis, leaving large parts of the population at risk. Many Libyans have already had to adopt one or more negative coping mechanism, leading to multiple adverse effects. Coping mechanisms include relying on savings (52 per cent), borrowing money (35 per cent), reducing expenses on household items (28 per cent), purchasing on credit (35 per cent), and selling non-productive assets such as jewelry (23 per cent).100 The impacts of the crisis on the most vulnerable have also led to the use of emergency level negative coping mechanisms101 including begging (5 per cent) and socially degrading, exploitative, high risk or illegal work (3 per cent), including prostitution." +317838,52949.0,2331.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Girls are particularly impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak, as they are tasked with additional household chores as well as potentially being exposed to domestic violence, sexual exploitation, and early marriage. These issues increase the likelihood of enrolled girls dropping out of, or not attending, school." +164385,38902.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],en,55,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"The civilian population is significantly affected by conflict, especially conflict related to territorial control between armed groups. Between January and July 2020, more than 18,600 people were displaced in mass displacements 1, similar to the same period in 2019. 71% were displaced in departments along the Pacific Coast." +292273,52058.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,55,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/16-03-21_ni_nord_kivu.pdf,"le territoire de Beni a accueilli plus de 50 0001 personnes déplacées à Eringeti, Oïcha, Mavivi et Beni-ville, en provenance de plusieurs villages du territoire d’Irumu, en Ituri. Ces déplacés ont fui les attaques armées qui ont eu lieu entre le 14 février et le 7 mars." +216656,45416.0,2225.0,['Education'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,32,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,"Les enfants IDPs (16,6%), orphelins (14,8%) et les ENA (5,2%) sont les catégories les plus nombreuses parmi les enfants vulnérables identifiés." +297859,52145.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,29,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_humanitaire_numero_12_v_04.pdf,Les incursions violentes d’éléments suspectés d’appartenir au groupe armé Boko Haram sont quasi quotidiennes dans les localités des arrondissements de Kolofata et de Mora. +289299,52049.0,2098.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,41,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Bangladesh%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%201%20%28Rohingya%20Camp%20Fire%29%20-%2023%20March%202021.pdf,"[23rd March 2021,Cox's Bazar] A total of 141 UNICEF supported LCs and 8 other facilities including multi-purpose centres, resource centres and project offices were damaged in Camps 8E, 8W, 9 and 10." +209126,43992.0,2332.0,"['Nutrition', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,47,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"|UNICEF COVID-19 strategy] Specific messages on nutrition (continuity of exclusive breastfeeding even in the case of COVID- 19 infection) and child protection have been developed and integrated in the overall COVID-19 messaging. 5,000 posters were printed and distributed in health centres nationwide." +218170,45410.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,48,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"Dans le bassin rizicole (Mayo Kebbi Est et Ouest, Tandjilé), une baisse de l’offre de main d’œuvre est observée en raison de l’intensification des travaux de récolte auxquels se consacrent tous les y compris les ménages pauvres." +261305,48911.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,56,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/inclusive_cccm_nwsyria_2021_.pdf,"[11 Feb 2021, Overall Syria] Exclusion from key CCCM activities such as participation in consultations on services, accountability to the affected population (AAP) mechanisms, including complaints and feedback mechanisms, as well as camp governance, further compounds socioeconomic deprivation and segregation increases the risk of COVID-19 transmission." +244058,46388.0,2336.0,['WASH'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,28,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Some 45 per cent of women refugees and 40 per cent of women IDPs noted an increase in the time spent on water carrying since the pandemic. +305222,53100.0,2334.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,40,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/plan_de_preparation_coronavirus_cmr._version_du_10_mars_2019.pdf,ACQUIS: SARI [Infection respiratoire aiguë sévère] et SG [surveillance des syndromes grippaux] sous surveillance (via SIMR [Surveillance intégrée de la maladie et riposte] et sentinelle) GAPS: Sites sentinelles non représentatifs +175037,41235.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,36,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[October 14, NES, Health system capacity and functionality] Staff are being redirected from regular health facilities to COVID-19 facilities, reducing the capacity and availability of services of other health facilities." +316582,52949.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Access to healthcare services, especially at secondary and tertiary levels, remains limited in Somalia.This particularly affects persons with specific needs, including those with chronic illness and physical disabilities." +156659,38715.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,91,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/roap_covid_response_sitrep_14.pdf,"IOM also trained 37 ambulance drivers from eight agencies on the functioning of the DRU, their roles and responsibilities, IPC and safe vehicle decontamination procedures. At IOM-supported primary care facilities, 25,338 consultations were carried out, 87 babies were delivered and 42 patients received emergency referral support. IOM teams continue to support infrastructure development, such has health centre renovation and construction, treating bamboo poles at the Bamboo Treatment Facility and repairing pathways, fences, bridges, stairways, sanitation facilities, and more" +270231,50227.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,71,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"La mayor cantidad de casos se concentran en las partes costeras del país atlántico y pacífico, siendo los territorios con mayor número de casos: Cali 12,4%, Cartagena 11,3%, Barranquilla 8,9%, Buenaventura 7,8%, Quibdó 7,8%, Tumaco 7,8%, Medellín 5,3%, Bogotá 4,6%. El 3,6% de los casos en los grupos afrocolombianos son asintomáticos." +134463,35170.0,1188.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,47,[],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,Los principales desafíos para acceder a la información que identificaron fueron la falta de información física sobre diferentes servicios y procedimientos en lugares clave como ONPAR y las oficinas de las organizaciones. Sienten que hay una gran falta de divulgación y promoción de la información. +329852,55152.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,113,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bcnudh_-_communique_de_presse_-_note_mensuelle_mars_2021.pdf,"[Mars 2021] Dans les provinces non affectées par le conflit, 44 violations des droits de l’homme (7% du total) ont été documentées. Près de la totalité de ces violations est attribuable à des agents de l’Etat, dont 50% à des agents de la PNC (22 violations) et 30% à des militaires des FARDC (13 violations). Les violations commises dans ces provinces ont principalement été enregistrées dans le Haut-Katanga (15 violations), à Kinshasa (neuf violations) au Nord-Ubangi (six violations) et dans la Lualaba (cinq violations)." +411860,63817.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,53,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/An%20update%20of%20Cholera%20outbreak%20in%20Nigeria_060821_32.pdf,"[9th- 15th Aug 2021, Nigeria] Surveillance: Ongoing surveillance in all states through the routine Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (IDSR) and Event Based Surveillance (EBS) . Provide off site/on site support to states and follow up for daily reporting and progress with response activities." +149789,37699.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Logistics']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,41,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/ne-syria-60-increase-covid-19-cases-past-week-irc-calls-increased-health,"The removal of the Yarubiyah border crossing in January, and the failure of the UN Security Council to reinstate access in July, has left northeast Syria struggling to cope with existing health needs - let alone a pandemic." +113770,32025.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,23,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/76913.pdf,"Since the beginning of the emergency, GTRM partners have supported vulnerable refugees and migrants with some 2000 specialized mental health sessions." +46563,16136.0,729.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,86,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/echo_-nf_bud_2019_91000_v2.pdf,"There are increasing humanitarian needs in Libya since the armed conflict started south of Tripoli on April 4th. As of May 27 th over 82 000 people have been displaced and the number is likely to increase as no ceasefire is expected in the short term. In view of the current unmet humanitarian needs, an additional allocation of EUR 2 million is considered necessary to help meet the basic needs of vulnerable conflict-affected population, notably in the health and protection sectors." +306378,51572.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,10,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,Planning for a new registration visit to cover the gaps +497780,60104.0,1187.0,['Education'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,112,['Priority Needs'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,"https://www.unicef.org/argentina/media/11626/file/Impacto%20de%20la%20pandemia%20en%20la%20educaci%C3%B3n%20de%20ni%C3%B1as,%20ni%C3%B1os%20y%20adolescentes.pdf","Fortalecer las capacidades del sistema y de las escuelas para acompañar las trayectorias escolares, los procesos de re-vinculación escolar y el acceso a los aprendizajes. Fortalecer los sistemas de información y gestión educativa para identificar y acompañar a aquellos que interrumpieron su escolaridad durante la pandemia, desarrollar políticas de intensificación de los aprendizajes. Profundizar las políticas de apoyo a los equipos de docentes para acompañar a las y los estudiantes en el desarrollo de sus aprendizajes: promover el trabajo con aulas y grupos heterogéneos, nuevas prácticas de enseñanza, aprendizaje y evaluación, la priorización de contenidos escolares fundamentales y el desarrollo de habilidades digitales." +57784,17280.0,1186.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Economy', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",es,69,[],"['Context', 'Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/439982_ed8c90c2b9644fbbabee3b33e6e9e918.pdf,"Si bien se observa que una mayor aplicación de este subsidio podría mejorar considerablemente las condiciones de residencia de las personas migrantes en Santiago, en contraposición se ve muy lejano que el subsidio de arriendo pueda resolver el problema habitacional migrante en Antofagasta, debido a que es muy bajo el subsidio para el costo de vida de esa ciudad, especialmente los valores del mercado habitacional." +46674,16136.0,729.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,66,[],['Humanitarian Access'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/echo_-nf_bud_2019_91000_v2.pdf,"Access to people in need by humanitarian actors is particularly challenging due to insecurity, administrative bottlenecks and arbitrary restrictions. Access support requires dedicated resources for real-time constraints and risk analysis as well as to facilitate humanitarian diplomacy. In a context where (partial) remote management remains an important modality of implementation of operations, humanitarian coordination must be upheld and reinforced." +345281,56837.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,74,['Impact'],"['Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/democratic-republic-congo/280000-children-face-displacement-because-drc-volcano-threat,"Thousands of those fleeing Goma are heading to the nearby town of Sake - 25 km northwest of the city - an area prone to cholera outbreaks where at least 19 suspected cases have been recorded in the last two weeks. “With an increased danger of a cholera epidemic, we are appealing for urgent international assistance to avert what threatens to be a catastrophe for children,"" added Beigbeder." +150470,37702.0,2028.0,"['Logistics', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,130,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"Humanitarian staff are also impacted, with restrictions on movement and lengthy quarantine a contributing factor to limiting the ability to deploy staff and contractors where needed, including international staff who may not be able to cross borders. Evolving and unforeseen preventive measures are also disruptive to humanitarian programming. As an example, in past months, the Alouk water station, a critical source of water for nearly 500,000 people in NES, has been disrupted multiple times, leading to water shortages, including in the reporting period. While emergency water trucking has been initiated by partners during times of disruption, the UN emphasizes that now, more than ever, essential civilian infrastructure including water and electricity must not be politicized." +324323,54626.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,31,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,"UNICEF��s ongoing humanitarian action focuses on an integrated, inclusive, and multi-sectoral response to residual drought impact, displacement, conflict, disease outbreaks and seasonal floods." +170434,40462.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,74,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Priority Interventions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Aucun incident de violence basée sur le genre n’a été enregistré au cours de ce mois d’aout 2020. Cependant, il faut noter que les nombres de cas signalés ne reflètent pas le nombre réel des cas de VBG, certains victimes et survivants ne dénoncent toujours pas les violences subies. Il est donc important d’intensifier les sensibilisations sur le terrain pour susciter cet intérêt." +112847,29955.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],es,17,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76820,42% de los venezolanos reportan haber perdido el empleo a raíz de las medidas de confinaiento.2 +163257,37781.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,45,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://tande.substack.com/p/syria-in-context-coronavirus-update-5cd,"Northeast: Cases of Coronavirus in northeast Syria continue to rise steadily, with deaths also beginning to increase. To date, 400 cases and 62 deaths have been reported, with 175 infections and 48 deaths reported in the last week alone." +149140,36019.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,29,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"Another repatriation flight for 250 Syrian nationals from India also arrived on 2 July. Up to 1,200 Syrian students are understood to still require repatriation in total." +438317,64539.0,1185.0,[],[],['Displacement->Intentions'],es,146,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Más del 90% de las personas encuestadas manifestó su real interés por permanecer en Tumbes en los próximos meses y/o años. En la mayoría de los casos, las personas indicaron su intención de permanecer indefinidamente en su actual lugar de residencia (41.7%) o, por el contrario, aún no sabían con certeza el tiempo que vivirán en esta región (34.4%). Un 11.7% precisó que permanecerán no menos de 1 año en Tumbes hasta decidir si migrar a otra región o permanecer en la misma. De esta forma, en los próximos meses y/o años Tumbes contará con un grupo importante de población residente que se integra dentro de su comunidad de acogida, interactúa dentro de su economía local y accede a servicios básicos tales como la educación, salud o emprendimientos." +241318,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,41,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Health partners continue to conduct assessments throughout the year. Under the guidance of MOPH, the Health Cluster has developed a guideline for emergency health services and corresponding assessment tools on trauma care and emergency health mobile health teams." +163135,37820.0,2098.0,[],[],[],en,75,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/iom_rohingya_crisis_response_-_external_sitrep_-_july_2020.pdf,"On 7th July, CwC teams launched a COVID-19 Family Preparedness Campaign, making daily calls to 29,329 beneficiaries subscribed to the IVR system. The family preparedness Campaign emphasizes that similar to cyclone, monsoon season, or any other disaster, it is important for families to prepare themselves in case someone in the family falls ill. The IVR system calls beneficiaries everyday to provide information to help them prepare accordingly." +289667,52074.0,2334.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,16,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,NSAGs abducted several students during the reporting period [1 – 31 October 2019]. +236079,47122.0,2334.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,67,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"An estimated total number of 1,033,000 (570,000 from NW and 463,000 from SW) school aged children are now forced to stay at home due to the dual emergency. This includes 235,000 (73,742 are from NW and 161,258 from SW) COVID-19 impacted students from public schools and about 340,000 (197,200 from NW and 142,800 from SW) learners from community centers." +48241,16492.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,19,['Impact'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.unhcr.org/news/stories/2019/7/5d3723374/pregnant-women-flee-lack-maternal-health-care-venezuela.html,"Colombia is the country hosting the largest number of Venezuelan refugees and migrants, with over 1.3 million." +213481,44840.0,2331.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,84,"['Capacities & Response', 'Priority Interventions']",[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,"To succeed, campaigns [to address SGBV concerns ] will need to leverage existing community structures and channels of influence, including religious leaders, other respected community leaders and trusted national NGOs with pre-existing knowledge and visibility. The messaging will address issues of fear, anxiety and de-escalation of violence, and provide links with service providers. Hotline capacities are being enhanced to cope with a potential surge in calls and to also advocate and create awareness around SGBV/COVID." +264568,49669.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,13,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://colombia.as.com/colombia/2021/02/20/actualidad/1613846806_672285.html,3. Aumentar los recursos para el PAE y el transporte escolar. +157960,38137.0,2098.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,50,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cxb_education_covid_response_reaching_every_learner_final.pdf,"Teachers/volunteers’ home visits to learners to support caregivers on instructing learners, Development of LCFA, national, Myanmar, LSE based home learning materials for leaners using low cost technology, Delivery of teaching and learning materials either in paper, electronic or any other model to learners" +326997,54714.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,115,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,"[HEALTH LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] The main drivers of health LSGs were found to be Households with at least one member who had been ill in the two weeks prior to data collection and it taking more than one hour to reach the nearest healthcare facility by foot (1%) ,Households with women of reproductive age (15-49 years old) who had given a life birth in the two years prior to data collection without having been attended by skilled health personnel (15%) , Households that do not have access to a functional healthcare facility within 1-hour walking distance (4%)." +327485,54714.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,"[PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 86% and 87% of households of IDP settlements and Non-IDP settlement reported no awareness of medical, legal, or psychological services to address incidents of GBV." +57768,17280.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Economy', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",es,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/439982_ed8c90c2b9644fbbabee3b33e6e9e918.pdf,"La urgencia de las personas migrantes por conseguir donde habitar, sumado a la escasez de oferta de residencia que represente una alternativa eficaz a las particulares condicionantes del proceso de migración, muchas veces los obliga a sacrificar otras dimensiones de su vida por lograr acceder a ella." +338354,56101.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],"['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Population', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Environment'],es,64,"['At Risk', 'Priority Interventions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/alerta_btb_inundaciones_en_arauca_14052021_vf_1.pdf,"-Alojamiento: Se requiere la asistencia con colchonetas, carpas, frazadas, kits de cocina, y toldillos para las familias damnificadas. Asimismo, es necesario determinar la posibilidad de reubicación de las personas asentadas en los sectores más afectados, en especial los del municipio de Arauca, debido a las constantes inundaciones y el deterioro inminente de las viviendas." +57310,17307.0,1224.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],en,113,[],['Context'],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20on%20the%20Migration%20flows%20in%20Latin%20America%20and%20the%20Caribbean%20No.%205%20-%20as%20of%20June%202019.pdf,"With the 19 June Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) ruling that the no-confidence motion brought against the David Granger-led APNU+AFC administration was validly passed in December 2018, there exists a lack of consensus with the main opposition party on the way forward. With the resignation of the head of the national elections commission GECOM on 25 June, there is a lack of clarity as to timelines for organizing and conducting national elections and as to status of parliament and the legislative authority of the administration. Against this backdrop, UNICEF though is able to continue migrant response activities through both government and NGO partners at this time" +330699,55042.0,2098.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.gage.odi.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Adolescents%E2%80%99-experiences-of-covid-19-in-Chittagong-and-Sylhet-divisions-Bangladesh.pdf,"[30 April 2021, Bangladesh]Most of the adolescents who reported regularly following government-run lessons broadcast on television (TV) had limited or no access to the internet, did not attend any private tuition classes and had no one to help them with their studies at home." +265106,49769.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,56,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/64010/covid-19-vaccination-drive-to-start-soon-in-idleb.html,"[22 Feb, NWS] The director of the vaccination program in the Assistance Coordination Unit, Muhammad al-Salem, told that it was agreed with the concerned authorities to supply the vaccine to 20 percent of the population, adding that the first batch would be 120 doses, sufficient for 60 people." +214385,45385.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,43,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Selon les résultats du cycle 21 du projet de suivi des déplacements de l’OIM (DTM round 21), plus de 322,000 PDI ont été enregistrés dans l’Extrême-Nord du fait du conflit armé et des chocs climatiques." +157842,38137.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,36,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cxb_education_covid_response_reaching_every_learner_final.pdf,Adaption/Development and delivery of guidance for head teachers and teachers in the host community for life-saving messages and mental health and psychosocial support during COVID19 response in line with efforts organized by the MoE and MoPME +313252,53183.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,19,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,Challenges: Activities were interrupted in some areas during the rainy seasons and intercommunal conflict in West Darfur. +45657,15533.0,729.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Demography'],en,91,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_report_areabasedassessment_aba_azzawya_jun2019.pdf,"Insecurity was reported as the second greatest concern for healthcare access, notably in DCU 1 and DCU 2, according to MFGD participants. This category of concerns encompasses a lack of security on the roads used to travel to medical facilities; this is particularly problematic in Azzawya, as results from the 2018 MSNA show that 34% of the city’s households reported having to drive for more than 30 minutes to seek medical attention, as compared to 13% at a national level." +176286,41093.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],es,90,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Frente a los datos de desempleo, Colombia ocupó el cuarto lugar entre los países de la OCDE con mayor desempleo femenino en 2019 (14%), solo por detrás de Grecia, Turquía y España. Si bien es cierto que en Colombia el desempleo masculino también es el sexto más alto en esta muestra de países, es casi la mitad (8%) que el desempleo en mujeres, a diferencia de lo que ocurre en la mayoría de las economías aquí presentadas." +164818,39789.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,46,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Movementwide%20Operation%20Report%20August%202020.pdf," In collaboration with IFRC, BDRCS screened and triaged 177 patients at the Isolation & Treatment Center in Camp 2E. 58 thereof where referred to the closes sentinel testing sites. 2 COVID-19 positive patients were admitted to the facility and given teratment." +318775,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,98,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Individuals identified to be the most at-risk, that usually require specialized life-saving assistance, as well as interventions to mitigate further exposure, include: persons with physical, sensory, intellectual and mental disabilities, adolescent girls and boys, pregnant and lactating women and girls, female and child-headed households, unaccompanied and separated children, persons from minority and marginalized communities, older persons without caregivers, persons facing eviction, persons missing documentation, and persons living in areas with armed conflict and violence, or in areas affected by natural disasters." +183594,42456.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,35,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.unicef.org/wca/media/5411/file/UNICEF-WCARO-Central-Sahel-Advocacy-October-2020.pdf,"This complex emergency is a crisis of children’s care and protection. Children and their families fleeing conflict are at greater risk of violence, exploitation and recruitment by non-state armed groups." +178269,41756.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,114,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Les enfants sont également particulièrement exposés à des risques accrus de séparation familiale, de violences sexuelles, de recrutement et d’utilisation par des groupes armés ou autres formes graves d’exploitation, toutes sources de traumatismes profonds. Durant le premier semestre 2019, 7 765 violations graves ont été commises contre les enfants. Il s’agit notamment de cas rapportés d’enfants associés aux groupes armés (EAFGA) et d’enfants non accompagnés (ENA). Les provinces les plus affectées par les violations des droits de l’enfant sont le Kasaï-Central, le Nord-Kivu, le Kasaï et l’Ituri.87" +341760,56493.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,144,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Au-delà de cet aspect mentionné plus haut, le mode de fonctionnement des juridictions modernes favorise la désolidarisation des populations. En effet, les mécanismes pacifiques de gestion des conflits telles que la médiation, la conciliation et la négociation, sont prônés par les sphères coutumières, contribuent aussi bien à maintenir une forme de cohésion sociale tout en réparant les torts et dommages occasionnés par les litiges. Ces modes de règlement des différends mettent en exergue des facteurs (respect mutuel, tolérance) qui maintiennent ensemble les membres d'un groupe social et leur permettent de résister d’une part aux forces de désintégration engendrées par les frustrations des parties perdantes et d’autre part d’alimenter le moule de la cohésion, du vivre ensemble et de l’entretien des liens avec les autres." +292729,51997.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,45,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elcolombiano.com/internacional/latinoamerica-el-cierre-de-escuelas-mas-largo-del-mundo-por-covid-CH14756141,"La agencia de la ONU calcula que 3 de cada 5 alumnos que han perdido todo un año escolar viven en esta región, donde los centros educativos han permanecido completamente cerrados un promedio de 158 días entre marzo de 2020 y febrero de 2021" +325628,54815.0,2099.0,[],[],[],en,84,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"The share of assisted deliveries and the share of post-natal consultations (here both included as a potential influencing factors on maternal mortality) do not have a highly statistically significant association with maternal mortality; however, they are almost significant at the 90 percent confidence level. All else equal, a higher share of assisted deliveries and a higher share of women who have a post-natal consultation by the 6th day after delivery are both associated with lower maternal mortality." +246924,48193.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,39,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/ncdc-weekly-epidemiological-report-issue-volume-11-no-52-21st-27th-december-2020,"[21st-27th Dec 2020,Nigeria] Sensitised and created awareness on active sentinel sites, with State Ministries of Health. To begin combined influenza and COVID-19 screening/ diagnostic services for all suspected cases using multiplex kits." +149782,37699.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,67,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/ne-syria-60-increase-covid-19-cases-past-week-irc-calls-increased-health,"With the closure of so many health facilities in Al Hol, we’ve seen the number of patients coming to our clinics double in the past week, and – while we’ve tripled the number of doctors on duty in order to meet the needs of all those seeking health care – this is putting a serious strain on our health teams." +178091,40661.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,55,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Début août 2020, les restrictions ont commencé à être progressivement levées. Il s’agit principalement de la réouverture des marchés, la reprise des activités économiques, la libre circulation des personnes et des biens sur le territoire national, la reprise des vols internationaux et la réouverture des frontières internationales." +327195,54714.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,[SHELTER & NON-FOOD ITEMS (SNFI) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 32% of Households of IDP settlements reported a lack of documentation proving their occupancy status while 47% of Households of non-IDP settlements reported a lack of documentation proving their occupancy status. +309791,51467.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,51,"['Priority Interventions', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Malnutrition causalities in South Sudan are persistent, adversely affect women and children and require an integrated multi-layered solution. The key drivers of malnutrition in the country relate to a number of sectors such as food security and livelihood; water, sanitation and hygiene; health and protection." +137570,35118.0,1187.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,97,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Se desprende de estos datos que la precarización de las condiciones migratorias se encuentran asociadas a la cantidad de tiempo de resi- dencia en el país y que el género parecería ser una variable que también incide en la tramitación de las distintas situaciones. Esto último debe ser considerado en relación a la distribución social del trabajo, la cual pauta que tradicionalmente son las mujeres -en particular las madres- las que ejercen las tareas de cuidado, entre las que pueden incluirse la realiza- ción de los trámites de regulación migratoria de la familia." +149687,37702.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,58,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"Al-Bukamal-Al Quaem crossing is reported to be still closed from the Syrian side, and Ras al-Ain border crossing also remains closed except in limited circumstances. Tabqa crossing point is reported as currently open to commercial and humanitarian cargo, and medical cases and students are also reported allowed to cross with a 14-day quarantine on arrival" +195742,44015.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,30,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN27D1PT,"Violence in the area has largely subsided since some elements of the group announced a ceasefire in August, following an appeal made through former warlords in the region." +316296,52949.0,2331.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Huge food and nutrition gaps remain, largely among poor non-IDP agropastoral, marginalized and urban communities, where many vulnerable persons can be classified as, or are in danger of being pushed into, the most severe phases of food and nutrition insecurity." +239300,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,The costs of kinship and community support are high. Nearly a quarter of refugee households report going into debt due to the cost of hosting displaced household members. +452433,64948.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Logistics']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,175,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/juin_2021_evaluation_drs_est_rapport_mission_conjointe_corus_est.pdf,"[District sanitaire de Pama] Principales difficultés rencontrées portent sur : • Difficulté d’approvisionnement en intrants sanitaires (PEV, Nutrition, et autres) à Madjoari suite au blocus répété dans la commune ; le fonctionnement a minima et la fermeture des formations sanitaires ; • Difficulté dans les évacuations sanitaires suite à l’insécurité ; • Insuffisance en médicaments, en matériels médicotechniques et en consommables ; • Pression suite à la présence des personnes déplacées internes dans les formations sanitaires fonctionnelles ; • Insuffisance en personnel qualifié (départ et insuffisance de formation continue) • Insuffisance de connaissances des agents de santé et des agents de santé à base communautaire dans certaines thématiques dans le contexte d’urgence : la gestion médicale des VBG, la PCIME communautaire, SIMR, Vaccination en situation d’urgence, Accouchement sécurisé, PCIMA ; • Insuffisance dans la gestion d’ afflux des PDI • Insuffisance de la logistique roulante pour la vaccination en stratégie avancée." +452365,64945.0,2099.0,['Cross'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,80,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MONITORING%20PROTECTION%20DE%20JULLET%202021%20EST.pdf,"Les personnes âgées sont en manque d’assistance. Non seulement, ils restent affaiblis par l’âge, mais on observe un manque d’attention des communautés à leur égard. Ils présentent des besoins qui sont pris en compte car n’arrivant pas à porter leur voix dans les prises de décisions communautaires à cause de l’incapacité de se déplacer pour la participation aux concertations et aux cadres d’échange." +164193,37783.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://tande.substack.com/p/syria-in-context-coronavirus-update-ffe,"Despite the real caseload estimated to be at least 85,000 cases as of early August, the Ministry of Health continues to release its own figures which are then repeated by the WHO." +156779,32173.0,1898.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Politics'],es,60,[],['Context'],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/76265.pdf,"Inicio del periodo de Presidencia Pro-tempore y desarrollo del plan de trabajo anual. Durante el 2020, El Salvador liderará el diálogo y articulación política entre sus Estados Miembros en materia de protección, ayuda humanitaria, sistemas de asilo, soluciones duraderas, así como mayor colaboración con la sociedad civil, el sector privado y otros actores" +187261,32688.0,1900.0,[],[],"['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Context->Environment']",es,71,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Context']",UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/El%20Salvador%2C%20Honduras%2C%20and%20Nicaragua%20Key%20Message%20Update%20-%20Inicio%20escalonado%20del%20desconfinamiento%2C%20pero%20la%20recuperaci%C3%B3n%20ser%C3%A1%20gradual.pdf,"Los mapas de lluvia acumulada de USGS/NOAA, indican que entre el 1 de mayo y el 6 de junio muestra valores por arriba del promedio en El Salvador, sur de Honduras y la Costa Atlántica de Nicaragua. Sin embargo, estas acumulaciones estuvieron arriba del 145 por ciento del promedio debido a las tormentas tropicales Amanda y Cristóbal, que se dieron desde el 26 de mayo." +176121,41333.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,76,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_149.pdf,"Les ZS les plus atteintes à Kinshasa, pour les 4 924 cas dont l’information était connue, sont celles de la Gombe (590/4924 ; 12,0%), Limete (573/4924 ; 11,6%), Kokolo (461/4924 ; 9,4%), Binza-Ozone (455/4924 ; 9,2%), Binza-Meteo (384/4924 ; 7,8%) et Lemba (381/4924 ; 7,7%) (Figure 3)." +151403,37915.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],"['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Casualties->Dead', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Shock/Event', 'Covid-19', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/78176.pdf,"As of 31 July, WHO reported over 3,361 cases of COVID-19 in Cox’s Bazar. Over 70 refugees have tested positive for COVID-19, and six have sadly died to date. Some 39 refugees are in quarantine" +325785,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Le développement du secteur agricole est entravé par le manque de moyens financiers, qui limite l’accès aux intrants améliorant la productivité et réduit les investissements dans les capacités de stockage et de transformation. Le Burkina Faso manque d’institutions financières spécifiquement dédiées au financement des activités agricoles." +304275,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,The plummeting global oil prices and lower non-oil tax revenues seen in 2020 are expected to result in a significant fiscal deficit in 2021 that will place pressure on future government services and efforts to promote inclusion. +96512,26818.0,1621.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,40,[],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://www.libyanexpress.com/libyas-gna-forces-seize-control-of-sabratha-and-surman-cities-from-haftars-forces/,"According to Libyan Army spokesman Mohammed Gununu, GNA forces seized Monday full control of Surman and Sabratha cities, destroying Haftar forces’ operations rooms and seizing many military vehicles, tanks, weapons, missiles and ammunition." +161934,39403.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,29,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.delawarepublic.org/post/we-are-all-scared-all-time-syrian-doctors-cant-talk-about-coronavirus,"According to officials, Syria has managed to avoid the worst of the coronavirus pandemic. The government says some 100 people have died of COVID-19 in the country" +173703,40798.0,1388.0,[],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Casualties->Dead']",es,38,[],"['Context', 'Casualties']",UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://infosegura.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Analisis-SC-2T-2020.pdf,"Los homicidios dolosos registraron un aumento de 3% (8 víctimas más) en el primer semestre del 2020, en comparación al mismo período del año anterior, según datos del Organismo de Investigación Judicial." +164819,39789.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,99,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Movementwide%20Operation%20Report%20August%202020.pdf,"Swiss Red Cross: PPE distributed to either Isolation & Treatment Center, 3 PHCs or 3 Palongkhali level health facilities: 17 face shields, 2 sponge mops, 6,000 gloves, 12 waste bins, 15 heavy duty gloves, 15 gum boots, 139 bottles of hand rub, 9 hand washing liquids, 3 jars of chlorine solution, 1,298 napkin rolls, 24 soap bars, 8,250 masks, 6 empty sprayer bottles, 45 gowns, 3 buckets.  Support IOM COVID Dispatch & Referral Unit with 1 ambulance has continued." +247686,47667.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,105,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=219275,"[January 25, Al Hasakeh] The Establishment’s Director-General, Eng. Mahmoud al-Okleh, in a statement to SANA reporter, said that the processes of securing water to the citizens through special tankers in cooperation with the Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) are ongoing after re-operating Alouk water station and starting to pump water on Sunday evening to a number of the city’s neighborhoods till completing the process of pumping water so as to reach all the locals and this needs four additional days." +341827,56644.0,2311.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],es,152,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.sismamujer.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/MUJERES-DERECHOS-LABORALES-Y-EMERGENCIA-SANITARIA.docx.pdf,"A lo anterior habría que sumarle lo reportado por la Corporación Sisma Mujer4 en su Boletines sobre los efectos de la pandemia en la vida de las mujeres colombianas5, en lo que respecta a la profundización en la destrucción del empleo femenino y como consecuencia, la pérdida de ingresos en razón de la crisis, que es posible traducir en un incremento de la dependencia económica que puede traer asociados escenarios de violencia, sobre todo del tipo intrafamiliar. Esto, teniendo en cuenta que, como se esboza en los boletines, es posible que con las medidas de aislamiento, se pierdan dos millones de puestos de trabajo de mujeres, partiendo de la base de que las medidas de contención de la pandemia impactan de manera concentrada en los sectores de comercio y servicios, llevando a reforzar las estructuras de discriminación contra las mujeres." +173681,41024.0,1388.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rapid%20needs%20assessment%20-%20Impact%20of%20COVID-19%20on%20PoC%20from%20other%20nationalities%20-%20Costa%20Rica%2C%20August%202020.pdf,"Before the COVID-19 pandemic, 65% of the surveyed households reported having a paid job as their main source of income. Under COVID-19, this has reduced to 46%" +239102,47107.0,2028.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,45,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[12th Jan 2021,Overall Syria] In addition to making actual numbers of cases difficult to ascertain, this may increase the risk of late referral of severe/complicated cases for treatment, negatively impacting the long-term health prospects and survival of patient." +292279,52058.0,2225.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,40,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/16-03-21_ni_nord_kivu.pdf,"[terr. Beni] A noter qu’au 28 février, la zone de santé de Kamango accueillait plus de 45 pour cent des personnes déplacées du territoire de Beni, soit près de 400 000 personnes." +475569,63296.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'WASH', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,62,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Au chapitre des besoins prioritaires, la majorité des IC ont rapporté que les ménages de la province du Boulkiemdé ont principalement besoin de crédits pour mener des activités génératrices de revenus (AGR), et recommandent le curage des points d’eau afin de les rendre pérennes pour favoriser les activités de contre saison et d’élevage." +236880,47076.0,2334.0,"['WASH', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,38,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,"The rainy season has started in the NWSW regions and soon some roads to remote/hard to reach areas will become impassable. Therefore, partners are being advised to pre-positions essential WASH supplies before roads conditions worsen." +150363,37702.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,77,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"Although partial lockdowns have also been introduced in Ar-Raqqa and Kobane, there are concerns that these do not go far enough with, for instance, restaurants in Raqqa still permitted to open for dine-in customers and mass gatherings, including weddings and funerals, reported over the last week. The local authorities have indicated they plan to make face coverings in public spaces mandatory across all areas of NES in the coming days." +164372,38902.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,81,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"Conflict dynamics Different armed groups are in dispute over territorial control and strategically important routes for illicit economies. This conflict has intensified as they struggle (though not exclusively) over areas formerly controlled by the FARC-EP. Alliances and conflict dynamics vary between affected departments and municipalities. Armed groups fight over lucrative areas for the extraction of natural resources such as gold and coca, drug trafficking, and control over the populations living in those areas." +320447,52949.0,2331.0,"['Protection', 'Shelter']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Over 60 per cent of IDP households are women-headed. Overall, women and girls living in sub-standard and overcrowded shelters are particularly vulnerable. They tend not to feel safe in makeshift shelters which do not offer privacy and protection from weather elements and increase the risk of genderbased violence." +220516,45655.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,48,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"[9th Dec, Overall Syria] Public and private transportation services have resumed, as have schools, universities, and institutions. While broad-based restrictions are not expected to be re-imposed due to socio-economic impacts, it remains possible the GoS may enforce localized lockdowns." +157685,38800.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,42,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GTS%20-%20HNAP%20COVID19%20Syria%20Bulletin%20R3.pdf,"Many people have stopped complying with stay-home advice. In May, 52% of focal points believed their communities would stay home unless it was necessary to leave, but only 19% said the same in June and July." +305338,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,59,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Returnees’ needs across sectors are the highest in Jonglei, Lakes and Central Equatoria linked to the escalation of localized violence during the first half of the year and severe flooding since. In the past year, needs have increased the most in returnee communities in Eastern Equatoria, Jonglei, Lakes and Western Bahr el Ghaza" +215501,44962.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.dw.com/en/coronavirus-in-afghanistan-do-confirmed-cases-depict-the-real-picture/a-54489465,The World Health Organization-backed survey revealed that around 31.5% of Afghanistan's population contracted the virus since the country imported its first cases from neighboring Iran. +235404,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,33,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,The 2020 WoA Assessment indicated that displaced women-headed households reported relying on loans for income at a higher rate than male-headed households (32 per cent compared to 16 per cent). +176149,40999.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,280,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_levaluation_rapide_sur_les_vbg_et_covid-19_dans_la_region_de_lest.pdf,"Recommandations à l’endroit de tous les acteurs VBG: -Renforcer les capacités des acteurs impliqués dans la lutte contre les VBG y compris les acteurs étatiques pour une prise en charge holistique et de qualité des survivant-e-s de VBG ; -Renforcer la gestion des cas de VBG et promouvoir l’approche centrée sur les survivant-e-s ; -Intégrer systématiquement la distribution des kits de dignité dans la réponse pour gagner la confiance des communautés, réduire le risque d’exposition aux VBG et encourager la fréquentation des services de prise en charge; -Mettre en place des mécanismes communautaires de prévention, réaction rapide, référencement et autoprotection communautaire (ex. dans le système d’alerte précoce, intégration un dispositif de détection rapide des incidents collectifs et des risques des violences sexuelles, référencement des survivants des VBG vers les structures de prise en charge appropriées, constitution des groupes pour la collecte du bois de chauffe et pour les déplacements hors des zones d’habitation ; -renforcer la disponibilité et l’accès aux services de prise en charge dans la mesure où les seuls services sociaux de l’Etat ne peuvent pas couvrir tous les besoins. -Mettre en place des espaces sûrs et des hébergements d’urgences au profit des survivants de VBG ; -Faire un plaidoyer auprès du ministère de la santé pour la prise en compte des données sur la VBG dans Endos ; -Faire un plaidoyer auprès de la Direction Générale du Fond d’Assistance Judiciaire pour la promotion des activités de communication sur l’existence du fond d’assistance judiciaire." +341963,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,101,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"En décrivant la cartographie des acteurs de conflits, il y a lieu de distinguer les forces conventionnelles, les groupes armés non étatiques et tous les autres acteurs. Les premières sont constituées par l’armée, la gendarmerie et les forces paramilitaires (la police, la douane et les agents des eaux et forêts) ; les groupes armés non étatiques sont essentiellement les groupes armés terroristes et les groupes/milices d’autodéfense. Les autres acteurs regroupent les trafiquants (ils apparaissent comme des sous-traitants des groupes armés non-étatiques) ou acteurs du grand banditisme." +188346,42925.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,94,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/huir-tres-veces-el-drama-de-los-caminantes-venezolanos/2256,"La Secretaría de Fronteras de Norte de Santander ha estimado que hay unas 80 trochas. De estas, la fuerza pública custodia hoy 17 para tratar de contener el ingreso de venezolanos. El Gobierno ha anunciado esa acción como una “medida responsable” con la salud y la seguridad de los ciudadanos de ambos países; pero quizá resulta ineficaz si se tiene en cuenta que el hambre y la necesidad de servicios básicos impulsan una movilidad humana prácticamente imposible de contener a lo largo de 2.219 kilómetros de frontera." +186679,43205.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,173,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/425162-weekly-review-nigerias-new-covid-19-cases-increase-for-second-consecutive-week.html,"[7th Nov 2020 ,Nigeria]A breakdown of the confirmed cases shows that Lagos State has so far reported 21,655 cases, followed by FCT – 6,212, Plateau — 3,676, Oyo — 3,515, Rivers — 2,866, Edo — 2,673, Kaduna — 2, 689, Ogun — 2,075, Delta — 1,816, Kano — 1,755, Ondo — 1,696, Enugu — 1,332, Kwara — 1,072, Ebonyi — 1,055, Osun — 932, Katsina — 953, Abia — 926, Gombe — 938, Borno — 745, Bauchi — 720, Imo — 622, Benue — 493, Nasarawa — 483, Bayelsa — 413, Ekiti — 338, Jigawa — 325, Akwa Ibom — 319, Anambra — 282, Niger — 281, Adamawa — 261, Sokoto — 165, Taraba — 152, Kebbi — 93, Zamfara — 79, Cross River— 87, Yobe — 82 and Kogi — 5." +353811,57860.0,2170.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,116,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.vanguardngr.com/2021/06/rise-in-prices-push-7m-additional-nigerians-into-poverty-world-bank/,"[15th Jun 2021, Nigeria] In its June Economic Bulletin, Analysts at Financial Derivative Company Limited said: “Based on our time series model and market survey, headline inflation is likely to increase to 18.2 percent in the month of May from 18.12 percent in April. “What also raised eyebrows was the statement by the FAO that global food prices are at a 10-year high of 4.8 percent . Therefore, it becomes more difficult for analysts to comprehend how food inflation in Nigeria would be running in the opposite direction of the global food basket. Food inflation is projected to rise to 24.15 percent in May." +452389,64948.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/juin_2021_evaluation_drs_est_rapport_mission_conjointe_corus_est.pdf,"Un véhicule 4X4, une ambulance, une moto, des intrants nutritionnels, des vaccins et consommables, des médicaments, des TDR et des MILDA ont été emportés par des groupes armés non identifiés dans le district sanitaire de Pama depuis le début de la crise [sécuritaire]." +58957,17671.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Politics'],es,36,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.elnuevosiglo.com.co/articulos/08-2019-pib-se-beneficiaria-con-llegada-de-venezolanos,"Asimismo el presidente Iván Duque ha manifestado en varias ocasiones que el país debe dimensionar el fenómeno migratorio de venezolanos como una oportunidad, en medio del impacto que esto genera para la economía nacional." +306268,51572.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"None of the learners and teachers were seen putting on face mask as preventive measure for COVID-19. [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]" +9144,2909.0,322.0,[],[],[],en,68,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_jan_to_apr_2018.pdf,"The humanitarian community faces a number of critical logistics challenges hampering the delivery of relief items in and across the country, including damaged road infrastructure; access disruptions to many parts of the country for both staff and cargo; congestion at main entry points; unreliable and unpredictable access to fuel; heavy bureaucracy; limited international shipping options, both by sea and air." +238169,47090.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,18,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_15_dec_2020_report.pdf,"[1st-15thDec 2020, Borno and Adamawa state]11% of camps reported cases of malaria." +314471,52949.0,2331.0,"['WASH', 'Cross', 'Shelter']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,22,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Displaced people have limited access to protective shelter, safe water and sanitation facilities, as well as other basic needs." +313633,53333.0,2334.0,['Nutrition'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,52,"['Priority Needs', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"According to 80% of FGD respondents, nutrition is mostly a concern for babies of adolescent mothers who have limited knowledge on how to breastfeed and other infant and young children feeding practices. Some FGD participants reported that malnutrition occurs to children of adolescent mothers due to this inexperience." +142213,35870.0,2028.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,62,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"In recognition of the likelihood of far-reaching socio-economic impacts, the UN Country Team (UNCT) has from an early stage worked with UN agencies and humanitarian partners to ensure ongoing provision of life-saving assistance (including through adjusted modalities to reduce risks to beneficiaries and staff) while seeking to identify and support initiatives to bolster social and economic resilience" +157689,38800.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,61,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GTS%20-%20HNAP%20COVID19%20Syria%20Bulletin%20R3.pdf,"• Communities in high-density sub-districts are less likely to self-isolate (17%) than those in low-density sub-districts (43%). Job loss is the main reason preventing communities in high-density sub-districts from implementing precautionary measures (60%). In low-density sub-districts, the main reason is because they “don’t want to”" +342009,56493.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,86,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[De juillet à début septembre 2020, les enquêteurs ont administré le sondage auprès de 2396 Burkinabè dans les régions du Centre Nord, Nord, Sahel, Est, Boucle du Mouhoun et Hauts-Bassins] A partir des données provenant de l’enquête quantitative, on observe une part significative (21, 66%) du sentiment radical du manque de confiance au système de justice officiel. La proportion des personnes qui préfère la justice officielle se trouve en deçà." +438431,64539.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,FORMALIDAD LABORAL La formalidad en Tumbes es uno de los grandes retos en materia de inclusión laboral. Los resultados de la encuesta señalan que 94.4% de las personas que más aportan en los hogares de la población migrante en Tumbes no cuenta con un contrato de trabajo. +40776,11933.0,729.0,[],[],[],en,38,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SitRep_Libya_EN_19%20April.pdf,"Since the onset of fighting, over 30,000 IDPs have been identified. As of 18 April, at least 414 families, over 2,200 people, are sheltered in 16 centers set up by local authorities." +344569,56751.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,88,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/98976/file/Water%20Under%20Fire%20%20%20Volume3.pdf,"[May 24, overall Syria] In the Syrian Arab Republic, the sector is adversely affected by the ‘brain drain’: approximately 40 per cent of staff (especially in middle management roles) have left the public service over the last eight years. This has led to the promotion of lower-level staff to higher posts even though they lack the necessary training. As a result, the capacity for O&M of water and sanitation infrastructure is significantly hindered." +149621,35869.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']",['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,24,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep18_25july2020.pdf,"79,142 mothers and caregivers received information and prevention measures related to COVID-19; 48,888 mothers and caregivers counselled on breastfeeding in context of COVID-19" +193019,43411.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']","['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Population', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,81,"['Impact', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"• Restoring livelihoods: The floods also affected livelihoods. In particular, the victims lost their animals, their businesses, money in cash, etc. It is also noted that fields, seeds and fertilizers were also destroyed. Women are the most affected and most say they have lost everything. As a result, the victims ask for assistance to resume their activities and regain their financial autonomy. [The needs of disaster victims]" +195744,44015.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,41,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN27D1PT,"Rich in natural resources, Ituri experienced some of the country’s most vicious fighting between 1999 and 2007, after a power struggle between rebel groups descended into ethnic bloodshed, mostly between the Hema and Lendu communities." +244670,47907.0,2425.0,['Health'],[],[],en,306,[],[],Lebanon Situation Analysis,2021-01-25 12:39:46.093809+00,,"Palestine Red Crescent Society – Lebanon Branch Palestine Red Crescent Society - Lebanon Branch (PRCS-L) was also heavily engaged in the COVID-19 response in the respective areas of operation within the Palestinian camps. The interventions focused on two levels: hospitals/health centers and community level; thus ensuring availability of the health services and well prepared staff coupled with awareness at community level. At the level of hospitals and health centers: Direct action taken in the 5 PRCS-L hospitals was limiting admissions to the cases classified as emergency cases. Triage rooms have been created in the entrances of hospitals and health centers. In addition to that, isolation rooms have been prepared. Throughout the reporting period, there has been an emphasis on the procurement of Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) and the use of sterilization materials for staff and volunteers who are at higher risk of exposure. PRCS-L staff (88 up till end of September) had participated in many trainings related to infection control and on how to deal with PPEs with the support of some other partners even from outside movement. Procedures were set and were being continuously updated, especially as more cases were being detected within the hospitals. Moreover, an understanding was established with the Lebanese RC to accompany them when there is a case inside the camp. Hospitals are always in communication with the Lebanese RC in case of receiving of suspected cases that need transportation. At community level: Since the end of February 2020, PRCS-L has initiated tailored awareness activities to fit with COVID-19 related Awareness for the communities residing in the Palestinian camps and gatherings. Volunteers who are providing awareness were well aware and trained about the diseases." +164461,32982.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH']",[],[],es,77,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Respuesta%20COVID-19%20-%20GIFMM%20Arauca%2C%20actualizaci%C3%B3n%20n%C2%B03%20%28Del%201%20al%2030%20de%20mayo%20de%202020%29.pdf,"Agua, Saneamiento e Higiene •Acciones de sensibilización sobre riesgos y prevención frente al COVID-19 en puntos estratégicos en el municipio de Arauca y por vía telefónica. •Jornadas de limpieza, mejoramiento y rehabilitación de puntillos de agua y campañas sobre el buen lavado de mano, en los asentamientos informales El Pescadito, La Gloria, Brisas del Puente, Puerto Alegre, El Refugio, Villa Linda y San José en Arauca capital." +46566,16136.0,729.0,[],[],[],en,71,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/echo_-nf_bud_2019_91000_v2.pdf,"Since Libya has traditionally been both a final destination for migrants and a transit country for those attempting to reach Europe, many migrants (including refugees and asylum seekers) are caught up in the conflict in a situation of high vulnerability and in need of protection. As of July 2018, 679 897 migrants were recorded in Libya by the International Organisation for Migration (IOM)." +125205,34131.0,1620.0,['Logistics'],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,52,[],"['Context', 'Casualties']",2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/clean-water-hygiene-and-sanitation-crucial-contain-covid-19-among-idps-northeast,"Moreover, despite the pandemic, attacks by non-state armed groups in the north-east are ongoing, including in areas close to humanitarian operations. On 2 July, an attack in Damasak claimed the lives of two civilians, including a five-year old child, and damaged a humanitarian helicopter." +147107,36461.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,54,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77428.pdf,"In north-west Syria, the UNHCR-led Protection Cluster is concerned about the impact of the economic downturn on affected communities. The crisis, combined with the COVID-19 pandemic and closure of some commercial crossings, is especially compounding the protection situation of displaced communities, which already faced obstacles in accessing livelihoods." +346742,57052.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,165,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/syria-country-office-market-price-watch-bulletin-issue-77-april-2021,"(Whole of Syria, April 2021) The national average price of WFP’s standard reference food basket decreased between March and April 2021 by two percent, reaching SYP 176,471 (USD 71 at the official exchange rate of SYP 2,500/USD). This is the first month-on-month (m-o-m) decrease in the food basket price since August 2020, and it is linked to the improvement in the informal exchange rate by 26 percent between March and April 2021. Eight governorates recorded a decreasing average reference food basket price in April 2021. The highest m-o-m decrease of 17 percent was re-ported in Idleb reaching SYP 183,563, followed by Al-Hasakeh (down 16 percent), reaching SYP 127,870. The remaining six governorates recorded an increasing reference food basket price. The high-est increase of 11 percent was reported in Damas-cus reaching SYP 181,118, followed by Rural Damas-cus (up nine percent) reaching SYP 180,589" +306882,51572.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,56,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Majority of the IDPs requested humanitarian partners and government to return to their areas of origin in Baliet, Atar and Khorfulus. Others returning from Sudan, Uganda, Kenya also intend to do so. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +26114,10739.0,786.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,23,['Impact'],[],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/the_americas/venezuela-has-its-electricity-back-for-now-but-its-still-on-the-verge-of-collapse/2019/03/20/1cb0060e-4986-11e9-8cfc-2c5d0999c21e_story.html?utm_term=.a236d74c7c19,"The capital’swater infrastructurewas already badly decayed, with broken pipes, an aging aqueduct and a lack of reservoir capacity." +230182,46693.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,68,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"WFP, through the Logistics Cluster, provided a 10 x 32 m tent to the Ministry of Health and WHO, which has been installed as an expansion of the John Garang Infectious Diseases Unit for COVID-19 patient treatment. WFP has also contracted additional storage space for the expected delivery of Personal Protective Equipment from WHO/UNICEF, also open to all partners for COVID19 specific items" +304145,51467.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Health', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],en,35,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Two consecutive years of unprecedented flooding have caused destruction of property, infrastructure, crops and displaced people and livestock. Human and animal deaths have also been recorded and attributed to the floods." +181909,42262.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Population To Relief', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,47,[],"['Covid-19', 'Humanitarian Access']",IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_KAP4_Covid_NWS_TK_21.10.20-2.pdf,"[October 1, NWS, Points of entry]The report also states that that while accommodations have been made in most instances to facilitate continued access by humanitarian staff, there have been incidents of movement restrictions on civilians seeking medical treatment across the border" +323690,54267.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,72,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Suite à la pandémie de covid-19, les flux migratoires à travers l’Afrique de l’Ouest ont diminué en raison des mesures initiales de confinement imposées par tous les États de la région. En outre, ces mesures ont eu pour conséquence de bloquer les travailleurs migrants et les demandeurs d’asile dans les pays d’accueil (MMC, 2020; Zandonini, 2020)" +177647,41763.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,98,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_devaluation_rapide_vbg_dans_le_contexte_de_la_covid-19_dans_la_region_du_nord_du_burkina_faso.pdf,"En termes de capacités humaines pour la prise en charge des survivant-e-s de VBG, il ressort de notre analyse, une insuffisance dans les effectifs des agents des services de prise en charge psychosociales. Nous notons une inexistence de psychologues cliniciens et d’assistants sociaux au sein de ces structures. Il faut noter aussi, l’inexistence d’espaces confidentiels pour la réalisation des entretiens avec les survivantes de VBG qui viennent au sein du service. Les bureaux des agents qui sont souvent plusieurs sont utilisés pour les différents entretiens." +242220,47809.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,62,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_7.pdf,"Bogotá –que enfrenta el segundo pico de la pandemia con una ocupación de camas UCI del 92,8 por ciento– enviará pacientes, por ahora, a tres ciudades de la costa Atlántica:Barranquilla, Cartagena y Santa Marta, que en las últimas 48 horas anunciaron que recibirán a cerca de 30 enfermos graves de covid-19 provenientes de la capital." +218388,45694.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,64,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.primature.cd/public/2020/12/15/rdc-le-cce-appelle-a-nouveau-la-population-au-respect-des-gestes-barrieres-face-a-la-deuxieme-vague-de-covid-19/,"La traditionnelle réunion de Conjoncture Économique qu’a présidé le Premier Ministre, Ilunga Ilunkamba, ce mardi 15 décembre 2020 à la Primature, a révélé que grâce aux efforts de deux parties, le franc congolais affiche une stabilité, et se change sur le marché à environ 1968,58 Fc à l’indicatif, contre 2018,83 FC aux parallèles." +199044,44308.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Push Factors', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,33,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RD%20Congo%20-%20Note%20d%E2%80%99informations%20humanitaires%20pour%20la%20province%20du%20Nord-Kivu%2017%20novembre%202020.pdf,"acteurs armés survenus à Nyabiondo les 8 et 9 novembre 2020 ont contraint environ 4 000 personnes à fuir vers plusieurs villages des localités de Burora et Kishondja, du groupement Bapfuna." +242563,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In the first half of 2020, children made up more than half of total civilian mine casualties, including those caused by improvised devices and ERW (313 out of 579 casualties)." +192924,43304.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,43,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,Mettre en œuvre les actions visant le développement des infrastructures d’appui à l’Industrialisation et à la Diversification Economique ainsi que les réformes inscrites dans le PDIDE [plan directeur d’industrialisation et de diversification économique du Tchad] +317165,53333.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,10,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,poverty was reported to have been exacerbated by the crisis +125148,32835.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,60,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77444.pdf,"El 93 % de los encuestados compra los alimentos que consume él/ella y su grupo familiar, el 1 % recibe alimentos a cambio de actividades de trabajo, el 1 % recibe alimentos donados, el 1 % recibe alimentos en un comedor comunitario y otro 1 % dice obtener los alimentos de otra forma sin espeficar cuál." +7390,1303.0,321.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],en,28,['Impact'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://www.libyaherald.com/2018/04/12/libyas-continuing-war-economy-is-making-a-functioning-state-less-likely-report/,"As Libya’s war economy persists, prospects for the restoration of functioning central governance become more distant, concluded a Chatham House report published today." +155205,37856.0,2099.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,81,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Du 20 au 26 juillet 2020, environ 612 individus dont certains en partance pour le Mali et d’autres de retour au Burkina Faso, principalement de nationalité burkinabè et malienne, ont été observés en train de contourner les voies officielles le long de la frontière entre le Burkina Faso et le Mali, suite à la fermeture des frontières ordonnée par les autorités burkinabés dans le cadre de la réponse à l’épidémie du COVID-19." +306408,51572.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,56,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Sleeping mats: During the FGD's, when asked about the three (3) most needed household items, 70% of the participants in meetings and group discussions mentioned sleeping mats, mosquito nets, and plastic sheets. [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]" +296431,52417.0,2028.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,110,['At Risk'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.dropbox.com/s/fpu0ox89go0s7li/Syria%202021%20HNO%20%28advance%20copy%29.pdf?dl=0,"While under-reporting makes it difficult to quantify, anecdotal information would seem to suggest that COVID-19 related measures – from curfews, to stay-at-home orders, quarantine requirements, and the closure of schools – have reinforced certain gender, age and disability stereotypes which have left women, girls, older people and people with disabilities more susceptible to harm at a time when the avenues to respond to them have become increasingly closed off. For example, at the height of lockdown last May 19 women and girls’ safe spaces were closed due to COVID-19 preventive measures; as of October, twelve remained so." +289676,52074.0,2334.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,70,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,"While the Education Cluster has observed a small increase of both primary and secondary school students and teachers attending school, an estimated 517,818 (91%) basic and secondary school aged children, as of the reporting month, are out of school. A total of 370,168 (71%) of them represent primary school children. The situation is worse in the North West." +22353,9106.0,729.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection', 'Cross', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"Those living in public and informal settings, experience a lack of access to basic services, poor WASH conditions, overcrowding, and a lack of privacy. Informal settlements are often spaces of physical insecurity due to crime, raids, and other forms of violence." +161683,35720.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],[],[],es,28,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Respuesta%20COVID%2019%20-%20GIFMM%20La%20Guajira%20-%20Riohacha%2C%20a%206%20de%20julio%20de%202020.pdf,"Distribución de kits alimentarios y mercados, así como el acompañamiento logístico para la entrega de mercados a población proveniente de Venezuela por parte de la alcaldía." +289306,51905.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,48,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[2nd March, 2021, SDF] Aleppo, Ar-raqqa, Al-Hasakeh and Deir-ez-Zor governorate had little to no communities implementing COVID-19 mitigation measures such as awareness campaigns, closure of public spaces, social distancing, lockdown, prohibition of gatherings, temperature check etc." +236223,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,20,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"According to MoPH analysis, the initial primary psychological impact of COVID-19 was elevated rates of stress or anxiety." +325752,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Le bétail est élevé par des pasteurs migrants, principalement dans les régions du nord, et est principalement orienté vers la production locale de viande et de lait." +186901,41080.0,1184.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000119627.pdf,"Por otro lado, también se manifiesta en Ecuador el problema opuesto, lo de la alimentación complementaria que empieza demasiado temprano. Efectivamente, el 10 por ciento de niños y niñas menores de seis meses ya reciben alimentos diferentes a la leche materna, lo que tampoco es recomendable (Ministerio de Salud Pública del Ecuador e Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos 2014)." +224096,45768.0,2332.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,47,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"Par ailleurs, il y a un besoin pressant en bien non alimentaires (couvertures, nattes, ustensiles de cuisine, etc.). Les IDPs se plaignent d’avoir reçu des vivres mais ont du mal à les cuisiner faute d’ustensiles." +112954,31706.0,1388.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->Local Response'],[],es,79,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3643670,"4. Una sociedad que sigue las instrucciones y actúa de manera responsable En términos generales la gente ha respetado el llamado a adoptar medidas de higiene básica, quedarse en casa, guardar la distancia física y evitar lugares públicos en la medida de lo posible. Diversas iniciativas llevaron actividades, conciertos, arte y cultura a las casas de las personas a través de redes sociales, a la vez que promovían las medidas sanitarias." +177228,41093.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,120,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"En el caso de los créditos hipotecarios, se registró un comportamiento estable en las tasas de interés tanto para los créditos para vivienda de interés social (VIS) como para los créditos no VIS, manteniéndose en una tasa cercana a 10,6% (Gráfico 4). Como se observa en el Gráfico 4, la tasa de interés hipotecaria presenta una menor volatilidad frente a las demás tasas de colocación para hogares por su naturaleza (de largo plazo y respaldados con hipoteca). En 2020, las tasas de este componente han disminuido 5 pbs entre febrero y agosto del presente año (transmisión de 2% de la tasa de intervención)." +70621,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],en,34,[],['Context'],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"People with disabilities The National Commission for Persons with Disabilities estimates between 35,000 and 45,000 people in the Bahamas live with a disability (9% - 12% of the population)." +35540,13057.0,788.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,117,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000105395.pdf,"In the three north eastern states, 3 out of every 4 households was reliant on purchased grain to meet their food needs. Given the prevailing security challenges and restricted access to farmlands in several parts of the north east, 26.4 percent of households relied on own-produced grain. The low proportion of households reliant on their own-produced grains could also be explained by the current restriction on the cultivation of tall crops for security reasons. This has created a situation where farmers cultivate crops that are sold to purchase their preferred staple food highlights additional reasons for the high proportion of households who are reliant on markets to meet their food needs." +173686,41024.0,1388.0,[],[],['Displacement->Intentions'],en,32,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rapid%20needs%20assessment%20-%20Impact%20of%20COVID-19%20on%20PoC%20from%20other%20nationalities%20-%20Costa%20Rica%2C%20August%202020.pdf,"75% of households do not plan to return to their country of origin in the near future, most for fear of threats or violence and lack of job opportunities." +169419,40506.0,2099.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,28,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://lefaso.net/spip.php?article99753,"Les activités des jeunes filles et femmes évoluant dans ces secteurs sont restées fermées de trois semaines à trois mois avant de reprendre, de façon progressive." +146683,35850.0,2028.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,64,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020_08_forecast.pdf,"On 30 June, the EU organised a donor meeting—the Brussels IV Conference—for Syria. Speaking at the conference, UN SecretaryGeneral António Guterres reminded donor countries that “nine out of 10 people [in Syria] are now living in poverty” and that “the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has led to a doubling of food prices”." +318295,52949.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,49,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,Maintaining acute and primary health services in a safe manner (e.g. proper triage and service planning) is key to limiting the impact of COVID-19 on other causes of mortality and morbidity. Overall safety must be the first priority for delivering health services during COVID-19. +287886,51049.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,134,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nw_syria_sitrep25_20210226.pdf,"[26 Feb, 2021, NWS] Since the last situation report in 26 January 2021, eight COVID-19 Community-based Treatment Centres (CCTC) remain deactivated, which are critical for triage and case detection as they are the first contact points in the community. Further imminent funding gaps risk disrupting vital response services, in particular the referral system for patient transportation, manning points of entry with Infection Prevention Control and screening measures, and essential health services such as hospitals and primary health centres across the northwest in the coming months. 24 active CCTCs (with 1,088 beds) remain in northwest Syria, while 12 hospitals that treat COVID-19 (with 234 intensive care unit (ICU) beds and 926 regular beds) remain." +360010,58741.0,2225.0,['Agriculture'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,75,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC_FSO_2021_06_final.pdf,"les précipitations ont été normales, ce qui a permis un démarrage de la saison à son temps, à l’exception de certaines zones qui ont connu des anomalies avec des précipitations au-dessus de la normale ; comme c’est le cas du littoral lacustre à Uvira avec des fortes inondations en période culturale. Les risques d'inondation actuels sont généralement faibles à modérés, avec l'installation progressive de pluies saisonnières." +341791,56493.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,100,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Cette situation, de l’avis des personnes consultées, crée ainsi des mouvements de révolte et de confrontation entre orpailleurs artisanaux et forces de défense et de sécurité. Le même traitement est accordé à ceux qui choisissent d’occuper illégalement des terres autour des périmètres aurifères pour les cultiver. Ceux-ci se voient pourchasser par les agents de l’État (policiers, militaires, agents des Eaux et Forêts) très souvent de manière violente : destruction des cases et des greniers à grains, amendes, etc. résultent de ces confrontations." +178527,40661.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,53,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"L’évolution de la pandémie du COVID-19 et les mesures prises pour limiter sa propagation vont probablement amplifier les besoins, entre autres dans les zones urbaines. L’assistance alimentaire planifiée pour la période de l’analyse prend en compte cette augmentation probable des besoins liés au COVID-19." +219769,45777.0,2333.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,62,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/niger/un-soutien-additionnel-d-education-cannot-wait-pour-intensifier-l-ducation-dans-les,"Ce financement de 4 millions USD - inscrit dans la première intervention d'urgence de l'ECW - est axé sur l'accès inclusif à des environnements d'apprentissage sûrs et protecteurs, un soutien psychosocial pour les enfants et les jeunes déplacés internes, réfugiés et des communautés d'accueil, des cours de formation professionnelle pour soutenir les adolescents non scolarisés et les filles." +456715,58748.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,80,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://cdn.odi.org/media/documents/ODI-PB-SRHR.pdf,"Travel restrictions have also meant that women are cut off from contraceptives and other services in places like Fiji (Hamilton, 2020), as well as safe abortion care in Northern Ireland (Kirk, 2021). These impacts fall especially hard on already-marginalised groups, including LGBTQIA+ people, refugees and migrants, racialised groups and sex workers (George et al, 2021; Limb, 2021; Ghimire and Samuels, forthcoming)." +315570,52949.0,2331.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,53,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"A significant proportion of IDPs continue to face moderate to large food consumption gaps. The 2020 post-Gu food security assessment showed that most of the major IDP settlements were in Crisis (IPC Phase 3) or Stress (IPC Phase 2), even in the presence of humanitarian assistance." +79051,21860.0,729.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,86,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/09.30.19%20-%20USAID-DCHA%20Libya%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%232.pdf,"The number of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Libya increased from approximately 268,600 people in June to more than 301,400 people in August, primarily due to ongoing conflict in and near Libya’s capital of Tripoli, as well as heavy rains and resultant flooding between late May and early June in Ghat District. The violence in Tripoli has led to the death of at least 111 civilians and displaced more than 128,000 people since fighting began in early April." +489306,67676.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,89,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=247673,"[5 September 2021, GoS] The Educational Departments in the Syrian provinces told SANA’s reporters that they have adopted all necessary measures for the start of the new academic year 2021-2022 to ensure a health and safe return for the pupils, students, and workers in the educational field. The Ministry of Education has worked through its departments to carry out precautionary measures to confront the outbreak of the Coronavirus in preparation for the new academic year according to the adopted protocol." +177981,41869.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,265,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2020/10/5/covid-19-syria-hospital,"(GoS 05/10/2020) “People prefer to die rather than coming to the hospital,” Moustafa*, a doctor working in a hospital in Damascus, told Al Jazeera on the phone. Deep distrust towards state institutions after more than nine years of conflict – has all resulted in many suspected patients not reporting symptoms associated with the respiratory disease. “No one trusts hospitals in Aleppo; everybody knows that if a coronavirus patient gets in, he or she won’t make it,” Khalil*, the man’s nephew, said. Meanwhile, under-resourced medical professionals say they have to perform their duties under the watchful eye of the powerful security services roaming state-run healthcare facilities. This, some say, acts as a further deterrent for patients already reluctant to seek treatment in a country where fear of the state apparatus runs high and any critical discussions about the handling of the pandemic could be seen as a threat to a government determined to convey a message of control. “The hospital is like a prison: you can see people from the intelligence, they check everything you do and say,” Moustafa said. “We have to hide everything, not to talk about anything [related to COVID-19].” Mustafa concurred: “This is not just about COVID-19, that is the least fear we have. Here, you can die for a million other reasons before COVID-19.”" +489116,67785.0,2170.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,54,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20Nigeria%20DTM%20COVID-19%20Point%20of%20Entry%20Dashboard%2067%20%2821%20-%2027%20August%202021%29.pdf,"During the period 21 - 27 August 2021, 204 movements were observed at three Points of Entry in Borno State. Of the total movements recorded, 101 were incoming from Cameroon’s Far North Region, while 103 were outgoing from Borno State to Cameroon‘s Far North Region." +177958,41855.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Economy'],fr,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_Factsheet_2003_HSM_COVID19_Tanganyika_juillet-2020.pdf,"Dans 21% (48) des localités évaluées, les IC [Province Tanganyika] ont rapporté que l’augmentation des prix des céréales était en autre liée à l’augmentation du cours du dollars US" +236343,46388.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,81,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Patriarchal norms, which are prevalent throughout the whole country, cause violence against and restrict the movements of women outside of the home. This is especially true outside the major centres in non-government controlled areas (NGCA).As a result, women are blocked from seeking and accessing a range of life-saving services such as critical healthcare, including sexual and reproductive health care, leading to some of the highest maternal mortality rates in the world." +186903,41080.0,1184.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,139,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000119627.pdf,"Según el análisis de CotD, las dietas de las adolescentes y las mujeres lactantes tienen el costo más alto dentro del hogar para cumplir con los requerimientos nutricionales; en el hogar modelo, una dieta adecuada para la adolescente representa el 39% del costo total, en comparación con el 28% para la madre lactante y el 19% para el hombre adulto (Figura 30). El costo de una dieta nutritiva para una adolescente embarazada o lactante sería todavía más elevado. Esto es representativo de las altas necesidades nutricionales en estas fases de la vida y las fuentes de alimentos que contienen estos nutrientes, disponibles en el sistema de alimentación local. Las mujeres y adolescentes son particularmente vulnerables a la desnutrición y sus necesidades de nutrientes son altas." +167671,39765.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,79,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20COUNTRY%20BRIEF%20NIGERIA%20JUNE%202020.pdf,"Makoko, an informal waterfront settlement in Lagos, Nigeria, is often referred to as the Venice of Africa. Thousands live in stilt houses nestled deep in murky black waters. Makoko’s population faces extreme risk of COVID-19, as hygiene and social distancing pose serious challenges in these crammed conditions. However, hunger and the threat of eviction pose even bigger risks to residents’ way of life than either disease or infection" +243165,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,A further 53 per cent said that explosive hazards hindered children’s access to recreational activities and nearly a third of households assessed as part of nationwide PDM. +304796,51467.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,59,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Access to sanitation also remains low, for example, 77 per cent of households have no access to latrines. Only 17 per cent of households have a latrine in their compound and 4 per cent have a communal or shared latrine while in 34 counties less than 10 per cent of households reported having access to latrines" +161170,35726.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,279,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_arauca_junio_2020_vf%20%281%29.pdf,"3. Niños, niñas y Adolescentes en conflicto armado Se identifica un aumento de casos de reclutamiento, uso y utilización de niños, niñas y adolescentes (NNA) por parte de los dos actores armados presentes en el territorio; en ocasiones las comunidades manifiestan la situación y alertan por medio de organizaciones que realizan las labores de campo; sin embargo, no se atreven a denunciar a nivel institucional por temor ante represalias o desconfianza en las instituciones locales. Generalmente, para el reclutamiento de menores se suelen usar elementos de persuasión, tales como motocicletas o armas, que llaman su atención y los motivan a ingresar a los grupos armados. Por otra parte, debido a que los grupos armados han estado presentes históricamente en el departamento, es común que los menores tengan algún familiar o conocido en las filas, lo cual incrementa el riesgo de ser reclutados. En el ELC se reportaron 28 casos de reclutamiento en 2019, mientras que la UARIV solo 76; esto evidencia un subregistro de orden institucional, causado en muchas ocasiones por la falta de denuncia. Se resalta que, a través de los comedores comunitarios del Programa Mundial de Alimentos se activó la ruta de protección a cuatro niños y niñas que se encontraban en riesgo de reclutamiento en Arauca capital en los meses de abril y agosto de 2019. Así mismo, la gestión articulada del Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja y la Defensoría del Pueblo logró en marzo de 2020 la entrega de un menor que había sido reclutado por el ELN7." +214308,45385.0,2334.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,38,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,NRC et Plan International ont lancé un projet pilote de réponse à l’éducation des enfants en décrochage scolaire lié au conflit armé dans le Logone-et-Chari et Mayo Sava grâce à un financement d’ECHO. +387677,60780.0,1186.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,154,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Para julio de 2020, el 7,4% de la población penal total era extranjera, mientras que ese porcentaje llegaba a un 5,8% en la población penal condenada. Siguiendo con datos de Gendarmería, la mayoría de los internos chilenos se encuentra bajo sentencia condenatoria (70%) y solo el 30% en calidad de imputado, lo cual es entendible dado que las medidas cautelares privativas de libertad tienen un carácter excepcional en el sistema procesal chileno. Pero en el caso de la población penal extranjera la realidad es distinta donde a julio de 2020 casi la mitad (46%) se encuentra privada de libertad como imputado. Esta diferencia en la situación bajo la que se encuentran privados de libertad chilenos y extranjeros es constante en el tiempo, aunque desde 2016 empieza a disminuir, llegando a su punto más parejo en 20201" +316954,53333.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,14,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,They added that campaigning against forced and early marriage must be a priority. +152366,38139.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cox-s-bazar-sitrep-17.pdf,"Five Camp Health Disease Surveillance officers (CHDSOs), out of 20 in total, have started carrying out field investigations on suspected COVID-19 cases and deaths in the camp." +220894,45410.0,2332.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,74,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"L’arrêt des exportations du bétail [dû aux mesures COVID] couplé à une faible demande intérieure continuerait d’occasionner la baisse des revenus tirés de la vente de petits ruminants. En raison de la raréfaction des opportunités d’embauche en milieux urbains (emploi domestique, migration, vente d’articles parles ambulants, etc.), les revenus seraient en deçà de la normale." +178339,41756.0,2225.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Depuis 2017, le Sous-Cluster VBG et ses membres ont par ailleurs documenté une augmentation du « sexe de survie » et du mariage des enfants dans les zones à forte insécurité alimentaire ainsi que dans les zones de déplacement prolongé ou de retours.112" +235874,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,55,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The need to ensure social distancing also affected critical non-COVID programming. For example, COVID-19 has exacerbated GBV in the country. With 32 per cent of women who are victims of GBV having significant physical injury, inability to access health care for GBV-related needs may have detrimental consequences on their survival." +288045,51049.0,2028.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nw_syria_sitrep25_20210226.pdf,"[26 Feb, 2021, NWS] Due to the spread of COVID-19, several mothers have been refusing the use of Mid-Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC) tapes to screen their children for acute malnutrition." +356079,58253.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,75,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.migracioncolombia.gov.co/noticias/en-mes-y-medio-mas-de-813-mil-ciudadanos-venezolanos-han-completado-la-primera-etapa-del-estatuto-temporal-de-proteccion,"Así mismo señaló que el 44% de los registros corresponden a personas radicadas en las ciudades de Bogotá, Medellín, Cali, Cúcuta y Barranquilla y que, del total los registros que se han logrado a la fecha, el 19% a corresponden a niños, niñas y adolescentes., mientras que cerca del 60% corresponde a hombres y mujeres entre los 18 y los 39 años de edad." +12751,5579.0,322.0,[],[],[],en,68,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20Jun%202018.pdf,"The humanitarian community faces a number of critical logistics challenges hampering the delivery of relief items in and across the country, including damaged road infrastructure; access disruptions to many parts of the country for both staff and cargo; congestion at main entry points; unreliable and unpredictable access to fuel; heavy bureaucracy; and limited international shipping options both by sea and air." +314822,52949.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,44,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The nutrition situation among IDPs has shown no signs of improvement. For displaced population groups that registered a high prevalence of acute malnutrition, contributing factors include high morbidity, low immunization and vitamin A supplementation, poor care practices and food insecurity" +333153,44672.0,2336.0,"['Education', 'Cross']",[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,27,[],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"All schools and educational centers, hotels, parks, sports complexes, and other public places will remain closed for three months since the announcement." +334937,55774.0,2098.0,[],[],['Casualties->Dead'],en,38,[],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bcf29d656a8d5984f4c8ffe40908514aad85d.pdf,"[6 April, 2021, Bangladesh] Wild Animal Attack: An incident of wild elephant attack took place in Bashkhali upazila of Chattogram district on April 16, 2021 in which a women was killed." +62909,18642.0,1386.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",es,44,[],['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://transparencia.org.ve/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/EPE-II-Sector-Agua.pdf,"El Servicio de Agua Potable y Saneamiento (AP y S) en Venezuela ha estado enmarcado en el área pública y los entes o servidores, de estos servicios en red, los han conformado Empresas Propiedad del Estado (EPE)." +144200,35186.0,1187.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,84,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3657214,"At the start of the pandemic, Argentina stood out in the region for its no-nonsense, quick response to the virus. The country announced its first case on March 3, when a man in his 40s tested positive after returning to Buenos Aires from a trip to Milan. Less than two weeks later, President Alberto Fernández decided to close the country’s borders for 15 days to non-residents, and shortly after,mandated a nationwide quarantine." +346137,56952.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20monitoreo%20enero-marzo%202021%20-%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20vers%C3%B3n%20final.pdf,"Si bien el ETPV podría soluciones a largo plazo para las pobla- ciones refugiadas y migrantes, ciertas condiciones para acceder al mismo ge- neran dudas sobre la eficacia y alcance de este." +325588,54815.0,2099.0,[],[],[],en,42,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Poor physical access to health facilities has been identified as an important contributor to reduced uptake of preventive health services, including in SSA, where it thereby negatively affects child and maternal mortality (Rutherford et al., 2010)." +272914,49656.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,146,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/202012_rdc_tanganyika_alertes_humanitaire.pdf,"Etant donné le nombre important mais aussi le degré variable des alertes, les alertes existantes sont priorisées à des fins d’évaluations. Un certain nombre d’alertes ne sont pas évaluées ou ne le sont pas pas immédiatement. Cela s’explique par le degré de priorisation des alertes (par exemple priorité à une alerte de déplacement important de populations), le nécessaire échelonnement des évaluations face au nombre d’alertes, la fin d’une alerte (par exemple si les personnes déplacées préventivement sont rentrées très vite dans leurs foyers) mais aussi de difficultés d’accès dans certains cas. Aux au 2ème et 3ème trimestres, cela a pu s’expliquer également par l’impact de l’épidémie de Covid-19 avec une réduction des mouvements des personnels humanitaires." +292366,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,La situation dans la région du Nord est principalement marquée par l’épidémie de choléra qui continue de faire des cas et des décès. +191548,43304.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,53,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Il faudrait s’attendre par ailleurs à des pertes importantes d’emplois avec la fermeture de ces entités économiques qui relèvent en général du secteur tertiaire urbain qui génère environ 21% des emplois totaux et plus de 85% des emplois en milieu urbain, en 2018 au Tchad." +401421,62279.0,2170.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"[10th November 2020, MONGUNO LGA, BORNO STATE]Reduced coping strategy Index (rCSI): The data shows that 17.1% (13.9% - 20.9%) of households were using high coping strategies whereas 19.6% (16.2% - 23.5%) and 63.3% (58.7% - 67.6%) were using the medium and low coping strategies." +59540,17198.0,1224.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"Individuals noted that they feel safer in Guyana than Venezuela, and none reported serious fear for their physical safety. However, some noted that they have faced discrimination (particularly in receiving significantly lower pay for work compared to the locals). Some also reported to team members, instances of harassment due to their status as “foreigners,” and tension among children in classrooms." +237272,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,21,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Of the 18.4m people identified as being in need nationwide in 2021, about 5.6m are now in urban areas." +305235,53100.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,39,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/plan_de_preparation_coronavirus_cmr._version_du_10_mars_2019.pdf,ACQUIS: La Direction de la Promotion de la Santé est la structure dédiée pour la communication sur les risques au ministère de la santé publique. GAPS: - Absence d'un plan stratégique de communication sur les risques +144254,35186.0,1187.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,57,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3657214,"PAHO/WHO is also working with Argentina to facilitate access to critical supplies where there is a global shortage, particularly personal protective equipment and laboratory diagnostics. This has involved working closely with the Global COVID-19 Supply Chain Consortium and the Argentine authorities so that when scarce supplies become available, they could be rapidly purchased." +261018,49454.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,68,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.emro.who.int/syr/syria-news/update-on-covid-19-vaccination-in-syria.html,"[February 16, Syria]As per Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization(GAVI), the first allocation of vaccines is anticipated by the end of the first quarter or within the second quarter 2021 at the latest, once the The National Vaccine Deployment Plan(NDVP) is endorsed after its technical review and signing of the indemnity document with the manufacturer." +177061,41752.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,86,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Les informateurs clés à Dori pensent que les membres de leur communauté prendraient des actions variées s’ils venaient à ressentir des symptômes de COVID-19 : 40% pensent qu’ils appelleraient leur prestataire de santé au téléphone (5) ; 23% qu’ils se rendraient chez un prestataire de santé (3) ; 23% qu’ils appelleraient la ligne verte (3) ; et 15% qu’ils s’isoleraient (2). +125366,32724.0,1620.0,['Agriculture'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,45,['Impact'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ca5464en.pdf,"Due to the low purchasing power of the population and to an inefficient Government unable to implement any type of social protection programmes, per capita consumption of poultry meat and eggs has declined to 1.2 kg and 2 kg per year, respectively." +496484,60067.0,1187.0,[],[],[],es,98,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sentir%20que%20se%20nos%20va%20la%20vida%20-%20Personas%20LGBTI%2B%20refugiadas%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%20en%20Colombia%2C%20Ecuador%20y%20Chile.pdf,"Bula y Cuello (2019) consideran que en el caso de personas LGBTI+ es aún más probable que se desplacen de forma irregular por la falta de oportu- nidades históricas que han tenido que sortear por los prejuicios sociales frente a sus orientaciones sexuales, expresiones e identidades de género diversas. Esto las ha llevado a expulsiones a temprana edad de sus familias, exclusión del sistema educativo, de acceso al trabajo y a un salario digno que les permita contar con el capital económico y simbólico para afrontar un desplazamiento en términos formales." +224058,45768.0,2332.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"Pour rappel, ces derniers [IDPs sans papier d'identité] affirment avoir déjà été l’objet de la part des militaires, dans leurs localités d’origine, des paiements des frais indus en cas d’absence des pièces d’identité." +271050,47809.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,108,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_7.pdf,"A semana epidemiológica 07 de 2021, en Colombia se han notificado 549 297 consultas externas y urgencias por IRA, presentando disminución frente a lo notificado a la misma semana de los tres años anteriores con el 37,8 % comparado con 2020, 27,8 % frente a 2019 y 29,6 % frente a 2018. Teniendo en cuenta el comportamiento de notificación de los últimos siete años, se presenta disminución en 26 entidades territoriales; Córdoba y Santa Marta presentan incremento; Amazonas, Arauca, Bolívar, Cundinamarca, Guainía, La Guajira, Magdalena, Risaralda, Santander y Vichada no presentan comportamientos inusuales" +311745,53183.0,2466.0,"['Food Security', 'Education']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,51,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"During 2020, 1.3 million children (45 per cent girls) were reached with Education in Emergencies interventions (1.2 million with HRP activities). Most of the support was in the form of school feeding (adapted to take-home food rations in the context of COVID-19)." +294609,51749.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,79,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[District sanitaire de Ouargaye] Selon les informations recueillies auprès des usagers des CSPS ruraux et de certains personnels, le référencement des malades est souvent retardé par panne d’ambulance et ou le manque de moyen financier pour la carburation. L’état des infrastructures routières ne permet pas à toute saison d’assurer les référencements par moto qui est pratiqué par la population en cas d’indisponibilité de l’ambulance." +11345,2953.0,322.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,117,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20feb%202018.pdf,"Despite gaps in funding and serious operational constraints to protection, as of February 2018 Protection Cluster partners have reached over 400,000 people overall with life-saving protection services such as psychosocial support, legal assistance and protection cash, as well as clinical care for survivors and safe spaces for women, men, girls and boys. Almost 23,500 persons have been reached through monitoring of protection and IHL/IHRL, while 276,269 children and community members have received information to protect against mines and UXOs. Community-based responses continue to be strengthened through 1,232 community-based protection network volunteers, community protection initiatives as well as community centers serving the needs of IDPs and conflict-affected populations." +161182,35726.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],['Context->Demography'],es,53,['Impact'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_arauca_junio_2020_vf%20%281%29.pdf,"5. Comunidades étnicas En el departamento tienen presencia seis pueblos indígenas: Hitnü, Makaguan, Sikuani, Uwa, Inga y Betoy, quienes suman aproximadamente 6.573 miembros10. Los Hitnü, Makaguan y Sikuani continúan en riesgo de extinción física y cultural, según en el Auto 382/2010. L" +361169,58845.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,89,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_price_bulletin_may_2021.pdf,"[May 2021, Overall Syria] The informal national average price of transport diesel significantly decreased by 21 percent since April 2021; nevertheless, it increased by 326 percent since May 2020, reaching SYP 1,782/litre. The informal price remains nine times higher than the official price (SYP 176/litre). As -Sweida recorded the highest informal price at SYP 2,360/litre (down 19 percent m-o-m), while Al-Hasakeh recorded the lowest price at SYP 235/ litre (up three percent m-o-m)." +161880,39572.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,33,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/410572-nigeria-announces-fine-for-airlines-carrying-passengers-without-covid-19-test-result.html,"Speaking on the new protocols that would start from August 29, the coordinator said passengers coming into the country must present a PCR COVID-19 test result that was within seven days." +292367,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,51,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"Les capacités de réponse à cette épidémie [de choléra] restent très limitées. De même, de nombreux districts de santé des régions du Nord, de l’Adamaoua et de l’Est sont en épidémie de Rougeole ou en attente de confirmation d’épidémie." +177982,41869.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,65,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2020/10/5/covid-19-syria-hospital,"(GoS 05/10/2020) A high-quality mask that should be changed daily costs about 5,000 Syrian pounds ($10). “This is too much for me,” said Moustafa, who earns 96,000 Syrian pounds ($188) per month. “Can you imagine? A doctor that can’t afford to buy a good mask?”" +164606,38699.0,2098.0,"['Agriculture', 'Health', 'Cross', 'WASH', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,91,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/monsoon-floods-push-millions-children-uncertainty-amid-covid-19,"In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, people living in these flooded areas are now losing their crops and becoming cut off from the supply of daily necessities. In a situation where people do not even have enough food or safe drinking water, it is very difficult to stay protected from COVID-19. Yet coronavirus is not the only threat to the lives of children. The greatest fear among parents during the flood is drowning of children in the swelling flood waters and surrounding water bodies." +303746,51467.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Economy', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,MARCH 2020- Rise in commodity prices: The COVID-19 threat in the region and preventive measures put in place led to a rise in food and basic commodity prices. +164725,39789.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,61,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Movementwide%20Operation%20Report%20August%202020.pdf,"5,000 people reached with awareness messages on coronavirus infection, prevention & control and face mask distribution in Barguna and Chattogram where a total of 50 RCY volunteers were involved.  RCY volunteers of Barguna Unit assisted local government to bury 09 CCOVID-19 positive dead bodies.  Chattogram city and district RCY Volunteers disinfected stretcher at different hospitals." +271062,47809.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,25,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_7.pdf,"Según el análisis del último periodo epidemiológico, el país se encuentra en situación de seguridad para malaria, como lo muestra el canal endémico" +408815,61216.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/humanitarian-situation-overview-syria-hsos-northeast-syria-june-2021,"[June 2021, NES] 81% and 94% % of communities where KIs reported daily waged labour as a common source of income for residents and IDPs." +315594,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The protection environment for IDPs remains highly challenging, particularly for women, children and persons with disabilities, exacerbated by the limited coping mechanisms available. Displacement exposes them to risks, such as family separation, GBV and forced adult and child recruitment." +342824,56398.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Shelter']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,63,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.reuters.com/world/africa/un-says-armed-attacks-burkina-faso-displace-over-17500-past-10-days-2021-05-07/,"The UNHCR report said gunmen had carried out a series of attacks in three separate regions, burning down houses and shooting civilians dead. The assailants also ransacked health centres and damaged homes and shops. ""Clearly one of the reasons is to cause mayhem and to torment civilians,"" UNHCR spokesman Boris Cheshirkov told a briefing in Geneva." +145996,35870.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,42,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Training in IPC and use of PPE also continued. WHO supported a further four workshops on IPC measures in Damascus, with 100 healthcare workers trained on triage, IPC/PPE measures and case management for SARI cases when COVID-19 is suspected" +323698,54267.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],fr,32,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"En outre, au Burkina Faso, les organisations de femmes font partie du processus de consultation politique, notamment lors du processus initial de formulation des politiques ou des plans9." +171478,40699.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,67,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20201004_acaps_thematic_review_vulnerable_households_rohingya_refugee_response.pdf,"[4th october, Cox's Bazar] Lower levels of wellbeing among Rohingya female headed household and households with no males of working age are predominately attributable to a mixture of sociocultural norms, governance structure within the camps, insecurity, genderbased violence and lack of gender-responsive facilities, and assistance and service delivery, which act as barriers to assistance and services for women" +12725,5579.0,322.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,97,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20Jun%202018.pdf,"The Health Cluster is operational in 22 governorates in Yemen. Cluster partners conducted around 7.0 million consultations out of which around 4.1 million were for children under 18 years of age. Almost 138,000 children received treatment for severe acute malnutrition. Around 17,000 trauma patients were received and managed by the hospitals. over 100,000 normal deliveries were conducted by skilled birth attendants and 24,000 mothers had caesarean sections along with 540,000 antenatal care visits and around 192,000 postnatal care visits. Clinical care was provided for 993 survivors of sexual and gender-based violence." +132548,35164.0,1188.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,9,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,Dificultades para cubrir los costos económcos de los procesos +188713,43183.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Contact Tracing'],fr,22,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_268_20201024.pdf,"Dans les détails, la proportion de suivi était de 18,8% à Kinshasa et 96,3% dans le Haut- Katanga." +240053,46388.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,85,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In 2020 there has been a 12 per cent yearly increase in households adopting high food-based coping strategies to meet their basic food needs. These include mainly relying on less preferred and inexpensive food (often with a nutritional deficit); borrowing food or relying on support from kinship groups; and limiting the portion size of meals. More than a quarter of households have used these food-based coping strategies in Uruzgan, Ghor, Badghis, Hilmand and Laghman provinces." +330112,55171.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,79,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-america-latina-56897151,"""Esta protesta es legítima en la medida que interpreta el clamor nacional de un rechazo de las políticas económicas y sociales de este Gobierno, que en medio de estas difíciles circunstancias pretende una reforma tributaria para saquear el bolsillo de los colombianos, mientras a los megaricos no se les toca un solo pelo"", dijo Francisco Maltés, presidente de la Central Unitaria de Trabajadores (CUT), citado por la agencia Reuters." +317985,52949.0,2331.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"For the HNO planning, the Food Security Cluster is therefore using an average projection of 3.5 million Somalis to be in Crisis (IPC Phase 3) and Emergency (IPC Phase 4) throughout 2021." +213258,44840.0,2331.0,"['WASH', 'Livelihoods', 'Shelter']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,"IOM and UN-HABITAT are using cash transfers to support local initiatives to provide subsidized water, shelter/NFIs, reintegration support, cash for work initiatives, etc. for identified vulnerable groups." +2573,517.0,321.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Context->Demography'],en,67,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Libya%20Situation%20Report%20-%20End%20of%20Year%202017.pdf,"In 2017, as part of capacity development programme for child protection, a total of 872 people (730 female) were trained including 853 social workers, specialists, and teachers. 19 judges and police officers, and 155 community leaders and military commanders, also participated in an awareness campaign on restorative justice and protection of child victim of crime and violence." +472934,63777.0,2099.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,80,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"L’attaque [de Solhan] a provoqué un choc émotionnel auprès des enfants. 52% des personnes interrogées trouvent d’ailleurs que les enfants auraient besoin d’un soutien psychologique. Lors des entretiens, il ressort que les enfants des PDIs n’ont pas accès à l’éducation. En effet, leurs localités d’origine ne disposaient pas d’école. 74 des 149 enquêtés ont reconnu cela." +176067,41336.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],fr,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_128_.pdf,"Au total, 4 016 cas confirmés et probables ont été notifiés depuis le début de l’épidémie dont 88 décès, soit une létalité globale de 2,2%. Près de 31,1% (625/2007) des cas étaient asymptomatiques à la notification et 11,9% (146/1225) étaient des professionnels de santé." +236064,47122.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,22,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"Since January 2020, there has been an upsurge in violence especially in the NW region affecting mostly women and children." +161183,35726.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,87,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_arauca_junio_2020_vf%20%281%29.pdf,"s comunidades presentan un alto riesgo de reclutamiento, así como también de desplazamiento, causado por amenazas de los grupos armados. El ELC tuvo conocimiento que, en julio de 2019, 16 indígenas integrantes de las Disidencias se entregaron al Ejército, de los cuales seis eran menores de edad. Un mes después, el Ejército rescató a un niño Hitnü de 2 años, quien había sido retenido por las Disidencias para obligar a sus padres a permanecer en este grupo." +286403,51689.0,2098.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,103,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/immediate-assistance-needed-fire-devastates-rohingya-camp-bangladesh,"[22nd March 2021, Cox's Bazar] “Refugees International is deeply saddened by the devastating fire that has destroyed a large part of the Rohingya refugee camps in Bangladesh. With at least 50,000 people displaced and an unknown number killed, the true extent of the damage may not be known for some time. Bangladeshi officials and humanitarian workers in the camps will need to prioritize provision of new shelters and services for Rohingya now displaced within the camps, as well as the reunification of the many children reportedly separated from their families in the chaos." +12739,5579.0,322.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']",[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,83,[],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20Jun%202018.pdf,"Large-scale conflict in Al Hudaydah has caused increased displacement. New waves of displacement continued to be generated from the frontline governorates such as Sa’ada, Al Jawf and Al Bayda resulting in increased vulnerability of the affected population as the coping mechanisms of the families continue to be eroded. Tropical Cyclones Mekunu and Sagar left behind death and destruction. Heavy rains in various parts of the country resulted in damages to shelters, livelihoods and public infrastructure." +2191,473.0,322.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,19,['At Risk'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://www.reuters.com/article/us-yemen-famine-un-factbox/factbox-could-yemen-face-the-largest-famine-in-decades-idUSKBN1D927I,"An unprecedented cholera epidemic has infected about 900,000 people in Yemen and killed more than 2,100 since April." +274523,50587.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,73,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MENSUEL%20DE%20PROTECTION%20JANVIER%202021-NORD.pdf,"Cependant ils ressortent du monitoring de la période sous revue, que les PDIs présentes sur les sites ont une facilité d’accès aux Assistances humanitaires (abris) du fait qu’ils sont regroupés à un seul endroit contrairement à ceux qui sont dans les familles d’accueils. Quant aux PDIs qui sont dans les autres communes, l’accès au logement reste une préoccupation majeure." +346145,56952.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,76,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20monitoreo%20enero-marzo%202021%20-%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20vers%C3%B3n%20final.pdf,"En el grupo focal, las cuidadoras de NNA con discapacidad afirmaron que a raíz de la imposibilidad de ausentarse de sus hogares para trabajar han optado por tener emprendimientos que les permitan generar re- cursos económicos desde sus hogares, como la venta de obleas, artesanías, accesorios, postres, tortas, entre otros. Sin embargo, manifiestan que estos recursos no son suficientes para cubrir gastos de alimentación y vivienda." +323021,54626.0,2331.0,[],[],[],en,11,[],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,"5,900,000 people in need (Humanitarian Needs Overview December 2020)" +113769,32025.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,62,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/76913.pdf,"In response to the raising concerns over discrimination and heightened protection risks, GTRM partners are organizing a national consultation to validate a protocol for regional cooperation on the protection of children’s rights in the context of human mobility. State institutions, civil society organizations, academia and members of the international community are among the involved participants." +330056,53699.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],fr,55,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_094_20210404_hebdo_s13.pdf,"On peut constater que le nombre moyen d’échantillons analysés par jour a décru d’environ 35,3% entre S12/2021 et S13/2021, passant respectivement de 428 à 277 tests/jour (Figure 10). On reste en outre très loin de la capacité maximale du pays évaluée à environ 1 300 tests/jour" +241453,46388.0,2336.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"It is projected that in 2021 there will be 894,000 children under five with SAM; 2.22 million children under five with MAM; and 723,000 acutely undernourished PLW." +340441,53036.0,2334.0,[],[],[],en,22,[],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/1-Lolo_Dec%202020_0.pdf,"Partenaires protection : CICR/CRC, IMC, PLAN, NRC ,UNICEF, UNHCR, MINAS, MINPROFF, MINJUSTICE, MINATD" +306541,51572.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,80,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"IDP communities reported on tensions with host communities who limit their access to livelihood activities (farming, fishing). Reduction in food rations and suspension of food provision during August-February resulted in increased food insecurity among local population. The situation is further aggravated by the deteriorated economic situation, hiking prices at the local markets and loss of jobs by IDPs. [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +264569,49669.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,30,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://colombia.as.com/colombia/2021/02/20/actualidad/1613846806_672285.html,"4. Respetar la jornada laboral, adecuarla y organizarla de conformidad con el número de alumnos, tiempos, periodos, grupos, cursos, áreas y días." +13858,5545.0,322.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/IOM%20Yemen%20-%20Sitrep%20-%201%20July%202018.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=3857,"21 cholera cases were confirmed using a rapid test, among 58 suspected cholera/AWD cases that were treated through one DTC and six ORPs in Ibb. Focused psychosocial support services (PSS) was provided to 218 children and their parents through individual and group sessions conducted in Child Friendly Spaces." +176288,41093.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],es,49,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Otra buena noticia para Colombia es el porcentaje de mujeres que participan en política (Gráfico 4). Mientras que en el promedio de países OCDE solo un 32% de mujeres hacen parte del parlamento o son ministras, en Colombia esta cifra corresponde al 53%" +159068,37967.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,35,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_ndeg_115.pdf,Diffusion journalière d’un communiqué de presse • Diffusion des programmes habituels (Coronavirus Mag sur RTB radio rurale ; émission spéciale/JT de 20h sur RTB ; Allo Docteur sur Omega ; COVID Actu +306517,51572.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Half of the population displaced by floods from Dintoma 2 are currently sharing shelters with residents from Dingtoma 1. On average, 9-10 individuals reside in one shelter, with 1,5 square meters available per person. [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]" +310394,53177.0,2466.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,55,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Sudan%20Multi-Sectoral%20Location%20Assessment_South%20Kordofan.pdf,"There are 1,208 teachers in Kadugli – producing an average of 24 students per class. Almost 82 per cent of the population have access to education – primary schools constituting the largest availability. Finally, 99 per cent of existing schools are reportedly functionable, with 87 per cent constructed from brick." +188907,43387.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,61,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20DE%20PROTECTION_SEPTEMBRE2020-SAHEL.pdf,Dans la commune de Djibo au cours de la nuit du 17 septembre 2020 une pluie accompagnée d’un grand vent a détruit des tentes sur le site que l’UNHCR vient d’installer au secteur 5 de Djibo. Cette pluie a endommagé au moins 51 tentes dans la ville de Djibo ainsi que des logements. +243162,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,70,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Areas in the country’s south (Kandahar, Hilmand, Zabul and Uruzgan provinces), south-east (Ghazni, Paktya and Khost provinces), east (Nangarhar and Kunar provinces), north (Faryab province) and west (Farah province) are the most affected. These 11 provinces made up 69 per cent of Mine and ERW casualties between 2011 and 2020." +192925,43304.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,69,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Exploiter la révolution numérique pour transformer l’économie du Tchad pour atteindre l’agenda 2063 et lutter contre le chômage des jeunes, et rendre possible la mise en œuvre de mesures de prévention (par exemple le télétravail) et développer des capacités de résilience des activités dans un contexte similaire à celui du COVID19 (digitalisation des services publics, Business continuity plan);" +178533,40661.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,25,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Les faibles performances économiques au niveau national, et les conjonctures macro-économiques pourraient de façon générale continuer à se manifester pendant la période projetée." +341781,56493.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,78,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Le sentiment de l’inégal accès à l’emploi et à des conditions de vie décentes a donc été pointé du doigt comme une source qui alimente l’insécurité notamment le terrorisme et le grand banditisme. Pour les personnes enquêtées, si les jeunes ont du travail, s’ils sont occupés, ils seront moins vulnérables et pourront mieux résister à la tentation de se faire enrôler dans des groupes armés." +160017,37886.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=199622,"The Ministry pointed out in a statement to SANA that the infections’ toll registered in the country reached till now 1255, of which 364 cases have recovered and 52 ones have passed away." +305209,53100.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,21,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/plan_de_preparation_coronavirus_cmr._version_du_10_mars_2019.pdf,COUS [Centre des Opérations d’Urgences de Santé Publique] en alerte maximale depuis le 22 janvier 2020. +200608,44433.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Local Integration'],en,61,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Literacy and numeracy skills of both in-school Colombians and Venezuelans in Cúcuta were below the benchmark and those of OOS Venezuelan children lagged even more than their in-school counterparts. This was evident across grade levels and evident among OOS children who had once been enrolled in school, demonstrating how crucial attendance and retention are for meaningful educational integration." +160301,39436.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],fr,17,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://lefaso.net/spip.php?article99282,Le total des décès s’élève à 56 depuis le début de l’épidémie. +325374,54815.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"(Cascades, Hauts-Bassins) A growing number of IDPs are also moving to Cascades and Haut-Bassins, traveling over 600 km from their home communities, in search of more fertile lands and economic opportunities." +341375,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,81,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[De juillet à début septembre 2020, les enquêteurs ont administré le sondage auprès de 2396 Burkinabè dans les régions du Centre Nord, Nord, Sahel, Est, Boucle du Mouhoun et Hauts-Bassins] Dans la même logique, les peulhs sont plus susceptibles d’avoir connaissance d’attaques qui ont été attribuées à un groupe spécifique sans preuves (30%) que les gourmantché, mossé ou autres ethnies (14-17%)." +270206,50227.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Covid-19->Cases']",es,72,[],"['Context', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"En relación con la distribución de los casos activos por edad y sexo se observa que el 50% de los casos son en hombres, el 4,6% de los casos activos ocurren en personas menores de 10 años, en los grupos de 20 a 39 años están el 31,1% de los casos, el 28,5% de los casos son en personas de 60 años y más." +35536,13057.0,788.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],['Context->Demography'],en,132,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000105395.pdf,"Most adults in north eastern Nigeria consumed adequate number of meals during the day prior to the assessment. Adults (Over 18 years) in 83.8% of households consumed three meals while 14.5 percent of households consumed 2 meals with less than 1 percent (0.7 percent) consuming 1 meal per day. Among households with individuals aged 6-17 years, 63.4 percent consumed three meals per day while 9.4 percent of households had individuals who consumed two meals. Among households with children aged 0-59 months, 57.5 percent of households consumed 3 to 4 meals per day during the day before the assessment. The high proportion of households with adequate meal consumption signifies reasonably good level of food access at the time of the year." +264336,48806.0,2332.0,"['WASH', 'Education']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,59,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_final_enquete_smart_27112019.pdf,"l’assainissement, l’hygiène corporelle des mères d’enfants de moins de 5 ans et du cadre de vie sont des facteurs importants à prendre en compte lors des programmes de lutte contre la malnutrition. Les résultats de ces analyses montrent une situation hygiénique et d’assainissement dans l’ensemble inadéquats." +236290,46388.0,2336.0,['Nutrition'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,39,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Nutrition treatment was compromised due to COVID-19 movement restrictions in 2020, in addition to low turnout as a result of community fears of catching the virus in nutrition treatment facilities that are often co-located in health centres." +236551,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,42,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In addition to care at health facilities, an overwhelming 80 per cent of those surveyed by the Asia Foundation as part of their national perceptions survey in 2020 said the cost of medications had increased in the past 12 months." +242893,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Patriarchal norms, which are prevalent throughout the country, cause violence against and restrict the movements of women outside the home." +273934,50464.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210203FINALFactSheetSomaliaSkisserLR11.pdf,"The impacts of years of climate threats such as poor rains, flash floods and water shortages have displaced thousands of people annually, and are likely to continue." +213364,44840.0,2331.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,"The main drivers and contributing factors of food insecurity in Somalia include insecurity, frequent and prolonged droughts and flooding, displacement, market and trade disruptions as well as poverty. The cumulative impact of recurrent shocks increases the vulnerability of people eroding their capacity to recover from these shocks." +179237,41946.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],en,38,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://publications.unescwa.org/projects/saw/sdgs/pdf/en/Syria-at-War-8-years-on-Report-Final.pdf,"[Syria 2019, Health] The health situation, already precarious, further deteriorated in 2019, with 15.5 million people lacking access to safe water sources, which inevitably creates breeding grounds for waterborne diseases." +219095,45655.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,52,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"A total of 25 confirmed COVID-19 cases have been reported in camps, an increase of just five confirmed cases throughout November. COVID-19 cases have been recorded in the following camps: Al Hol (13); Areesha (4) Mahmoudli (6); and Sereniye (2" +159053,37967.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,12,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_ndeg_115.pdf,Cumul des cas confirmés : 907 dont 329 femmes et 578 hommes +497770,60104.0,1187.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,113,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,"https://www.unicef.org/argentina/media/11626/file/Impacto%20de%20la%20pandemia%20en%20la%20educaci%C3%B3n%20de%20ni%C3%B1as,%20ni%C3%B1os%20y%20adolescentes.pdf","Uno de los datos más preocupantes que arroja este relevamiento es que la participación laboral también muestra un crecimiento entre los y las adolescentes respecto del año pasado. Según los datos de la última Encuesta Rápida, el 23% señaló haber realizado durante los últimos 6 meses alguna actividad para ganar dinero, haber ayudado a un familiar o amigo en su negocio o trabajo, realizado alguna changa o fabricado algo para vender. Este valor resulta 6 puntos porcentuales más alto que la medición efectuada en octubre de 2020, que ya era superior a la media pre pandemia, y representa en valores absolutos alrededor de 464.000 adolescentes" +354366,57966.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,17,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/salud/colombia-recibe-un-nuevo-lote-de-vacunas-538200-anticovid-de-pfizer/?cx_testId=28&cx_testVariant=cx_1&cx_artPos=0#cxrecs_s,Con esta entrega el país ha recibido en total 19′046.984 dosis de vacunas contra el COVID-19. +292402,52073.0,2334.0,"['WASH', 'Health']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,A cet effet les équipes de terrain de l’OMS ont procédé à la formation des districts de santé bénéficiaires des appareils de purification d’eau sur leur lieu d’utilisation. +200169,44439.0,2099.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)'],fr,17,[],['Information And Communication'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Ciblage difficile par manque de données collectées auprès de l’Action Sociale selon certaines vulnérabilités. +134462,35170.0,1188.0,[],[],[],es,20,[],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"Sobre la situación en Panamá, se nombraron distintos medios de comunicación, principalmente Facebook y en menor medida Twitter" +234292,46381.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,55,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"For instance, in Kabul province, more than half of the province’s population has achieved the required herd immunity, the lowest reported herd immunity of 43%, while this proportion is 21 percent in the central highland. As majority of the populations are still at risk of infection." +214381,45385.0,2334.0,"['WASH', 'Protection']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,35,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,La collecte d’eau constitue par ailleurs une activité dangereuse pour les jeunes filles exposées à des violences ou harcèlements sexuels sur le parcours entre leur foyer et le point d’eau. +192889,43304.0,2332.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,18,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,Augmenter la capacité d’accueil des structures sanitaires et le dispositif médical de lutte contre la COVID-19 +299221,52602.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,79,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://afrique.lalibre.be/59558/rdc-au-moins-13-morts-apres-des-affrontements-communautaires-dans-le-kasai/,"[Kasai] Au moins 13 personnes ont été tuées lundi dans des affrontements entre communautés dans la localité Bakuakenge, rapporte mardi le média en ligne Actualité.cd sur base des informations du ministre provincial de la Santé. Les attaquants ont décapité les 13 victimes à la machette, incendié deux moulins et plusieurs résidences, dont celle du sénateur Evariste Boshab, et pillé le centre de santé, a fait savoir le ministre Ferdinand Mposhamba." +235623,46388.0,2336.0,"['WASH', 'Health']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,43,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,However those who were forced to flee (because of floods) were exposed to a higher COVID-19 risks because inadequate WASH systems and facilities in displacement sites meant they were not able to comply with physical distancing and other preventative measures. +310048,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"The absence, presence or placement of WASH facilities is a driver of population movement and conflict over land and property in some areas, and requires careful management to ensure a conflict-sensitive approach that strengthens social cohesion." +400332,62279.0,2170.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,86,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"[10th November 2020, MONGUNO LGA, BORNO STATE]Among the mothers of surveyed children, the prevalence of severe underweight was 4.2% whereas about 8.9% mothers were overweight. About 23.2% women were moderately underweight whereas more than half were normal. Among women between 18 to 49 years of age, the prevalence of severe underweight is about 5.9% whereas overall 26.5% women were moderately underweight in this survey. About 19.1% women were overweight." +327435,54714.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,[PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] The main driver of protection LSGs was found to be Households reporting having experienced movement restrictions in the 30 days prior to data collection (5%). +160824,38029.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syriadirect.org/news/mapping-coronavirus-in-syria-unofficial-cases-and-hot-spots/,"As for AA-held northeastern Syria, fifteen people have died from COVID-19 at the time of publishing. On August 19, 34 new cases were announced, bringing the total caseload to 253." +48087,13061.0,1183.0,['Nutrition'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],es,91,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.derechos.org.ve/web/wp-content/uploads/MigracionLigia.pdf,"Finalmente, en materia de alimentación, según reportes de Cáritas correspondientes al último trimestre de 2017, el 16.2 % de los niños menores de 5 años tienen desnutrición moderada y severa (desnutrición aguda global); 20.9% de los niños tienen desnutrición leve; 30.3% de los niños están en riesgo de desnutrición (han comenzado a deteriorarse) y 32.6% no tenían déficit nutricional11. En un reporte más reciente, Cáritas registró un 48% de embarazadas con síntomas de desnutrición aguda12." +333151,44672.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,42,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,There appears that more men were tested than woman. This cannot be optimal since no country that had deployed wide-ranging testing has so far detected any significant difference in the ability of the virus to infect—and make infectious—either gender. +239469,46388.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Economy', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,The 2020 SFSA shows that the current scale of acute food insecurity in the country is now comparable to the situation faced in 2018-2019 – the worst year for food insecurity in recent memory which resulted from a devastating drought. +298589,52417.0,2028.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,95,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.dropbox.com/s/fpu0ox89go0s7li/Syria%202021%20HNO%20%28advance%20copy%29.pdf?dl=0,"[March 2021] Limited network, a lack of electronic devices and an inability to buy credit have further restricted the ability of households to use home-based electronic learning platforms. Eighty-three per cent of families with school aged children in Ar-Raqqa and Quneitra Governorates reported that they did not have sufficient credit; 86 per cent in Ar Raqqa and 69 per cent in Deir-ez-Zor did not have sufficient network, while 78 per cent in Ar-Raqqa and 55 per cent in Homs did not have the needed devices for their children." +458155,64540.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,109,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"ESTATUS MIGRATORIO DE LA POBLACIÓN VENEZOLANA EN PERÚ El 34.5% de los inmigrantes y refugiados venezolanos encuestados por PLADES y UARM reportó haber iniciado el proceso de solicitud del Permiso Temporal de Permanencia (PTP), mientras que el 38.4% indicó ya haber obtenido el PTP (juntos sumarían el 72.9%)9. El 4.4% refiere que tiene el estatus de refugiado y 5.8% ha iniciado el trámite para este certificado y se encuentra en la espera de la respuesta (10.2% en total). El 1.5% de los venezolanos encuestados indicó contar con la calidad especial de residente" +244048,46388.0,2336.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,11,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Open defecation is practiced seven times more in rural areas. +273786,50464.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,88,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210203FINALFactSheetSomaliaSkisserLR11.pdf,"To increase the government’s ability to respond to the wide range of climate-related security risks outlined in this brief, the [Federal Government of Somalia] FGS needs to ensure that climate-related security risk analyses are collected and shared across ministries and agencies as well as with FMS. Integrating climate risks into the security cluster will enhance the government’s ability to prevent climate-related inter-group tensions from becoming violent and Al Shabaab and other armed groups from taking advantage of climate impacts." +264351,48806.0,2332.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,95,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_final_enquete_smart_27112019.pdf,"Les femmes dont l’état nutritionnel est médiocre au moment de la conception sont plus exposées au risque de maladie et de décès. Leur santé dépend beaucoup de la disponibilité alimentaire, car elles risquent de ne pas pouvoir répondre au besoin accru en micronutriments que la grossesse entraîne en situation d’insécurité alimentaire. La nutrition maternelle est un déterminant fondamental de la croissance fœtale, du poids de naissance et de la morbidité infantile ; une mauvaise nutrition entraîne souvent pour le fœtus des conséquences à long terme irréversibles." +270215,50227.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,64,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Al 23 de febrero, del total de las 12.052 camas de UCI, el 55,3% (6.664) están ocupadas con una disponibilidad a nivel nacional del 41,0% (4.965), en comparación con los últimas 7 días el porcentaje de disponibilidad se ha aumentado en un 9,1% y el número de camas disponibles en un 8,6%." +304398,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Local youth groups across the country demanded employment from humanitarian organizations in an often-violent manner, disrupting assistance to vulnerable communities. For example, in Upper Nile in October, the youth threatened humanitarian workers based on ethnic identity, burned warehouses, and looted and destroyed supplies" +274511,50587.0,2099.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,63,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MENSUEL%20DE%20PROTECTION%20JANVIER%202021-NORD.pdf,"Dans la commune de Ouahigouya, les conditions de vie sur certains sites comme l’Ex IRA sont susceptibles d’accroître les risques de violences basées sur le genre. La promiscuité, l’insuffisance de latrines et la mauvaise qualité des latrines existantes (absences de portes) sont autant de facteurs qui exposent les résidents aux VBG." +161555,39295.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,24,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,"At least 17,623 children in schools and temporary learning spaces benefited from sterilisation of education facilities as mitigation against the spread of COVID-19." +156435,32374.0,1234.0,['Health'],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,51,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Trinidad and Tobago,2019-05-28 03:09:47.864552+00,https://newsday.co.tt/2020/06/22/venezuelans-in-tt-organising-return-home/,"""Many people want to return, not only those who are stranded: there are pregnant women, sick people who are alone without the support of anyone here."" He said as a first step they created a WhatsApp group that now includes more than 100 people." +304499,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,60,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Between January and October, at least 2,122 civilians were killed and 1,496 wounded, including at least 301 women and 155 children. Surging sub-national violence resulted in more than 1,500 civilians killed during the first half of 2020. More than half of victims were in Jonglei, Lakes and Warrap, which also experienced grassroots violence." +317943,53305.0,2335.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,14,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,Access to education An estimated 2.4 million children were out of school in 2020 +330034,53699.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,115,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_094_20210404_hebdo_s13.pdf,"En ce qui concerne le caractère symptomatique ou non de la maladie, l’information a été récoltée pour 8 878 cas (31,3%) ; 40,9% (n=3 628) d’entre eux étaient symptomatiques au moment du diagnostic. De surcroît, 22,3% (307/1376) des cas présentaient au moins une comorbidité. Les symptômes majeurs étaient : la toux (1248/1834 ; 68,0%), la fièvre (1268/1885 ; 67,3%), l’essoufflement (718/1598 ; 44,9%), le nez qui coule (548/1530 ; 35,8%) et le mal de gorge (515/1518 ; 33,9%)" +221861,45410.0,2332.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,40,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"La baisse de la demande des exportations, la réduction des apports des investissements directs étrangers, la fermeture des frontières, et les mesures de distanciation sociale risquent de replonger le pays dans une récession jusqu’en 2021" +341886,56644.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,82,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.sismamujer.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/MUJERES-DERECHOS-LABORALES-Y-EMERGENCIA-SANITARIA.docx.pdf,"Para este sector, es urgente que el Estado asuma un compromiso de trabajo con este sector. No solo de garantizar su participación en los espacios de concertación, sino identificando y atendiendo los riesgos que favorecen las violencias contra las mujeres que trabajan en el espacio público31. Se requiere que los entes territoriales trabajen con la fuerza pública, promoviendo la formación en derechos humanos, así como estableciendo rutas que acompañen a las mujeres que denuncian abuso policial" +173705,40798.0,1388.0,[],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Casualties->Dead']",es,35,[],"['Context', 'Casualties']",UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://infosegura.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Analisis-SC-2T-2020.pdf,"En relación con los femicidios, la Subcomisión Interinstitucional de Prevención del Femicidio registra de enero a junio del 2020 6 femicidios (1 muerte menos con relación al mismo periodo del 2019)." +187686,43292.0,2098.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/msna_2020_factsheet_refugee.pdf,"[July-August 2020, Bangladesh] Rohingya Refugees: COPING CAPACITIES • The adoption of emergency and crisis coping strategies increased compared to 2019, which suggests an erosion of coping capacities. Reducing essential expenses other than food and depending on assistance both increased, likely strongly reducing households' capacity to respond to future shocks" +201492,44481.0,2028.0,"['Logistics', 'Health']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,277,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep22_20201120.pdf,"Fuel prices returned to similar levels as at the end of September 2020, following two price increases and two price decreases since the last situation report on 20 October, in line with fluctuations in the value of the Turkish Lira (TRY) against the US Dollar. Despite decreasing since 10 November, prices remain notably higher than when they first began to be posted in TRY five months ago. Compared to 14 June and as of 14 November, per litre prices are higher by around 26 percent for “imported first type benzine”, 23 percent for “imported first type diesel”, 14 percent for locally refined diesel and 30 percent for a gas cylinder. The increase in fuel prices has negative knock-on effects on the cost and supply of other goods and services. This includes transportation and electricity as well as staple items such as bread and vital functions such as medical services and emergency response operations. It exacerbates concerns about increased health and fire risks, particularly with the arrival of winter and increased demand for heating. Inaccessibility of safe heating sources leads to reliance on negative coping mechanisms such as burning unsafe materials, which in previous years has resulted in outbreaks of fires in IDP sites and other residential areas as well as poisoned people through the emission of toxic fumes. During the reporting period, electricity prices were also raised, while the price of bread in the Idleb area rose and fell alongside fuel prices, culminating at 6 percent more expensive than a month ago." +242223,47809.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,106,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_7.pdf,"Bogotá la ciudad que más ha recibido a los enfermos críticos del coronavirus. Aseguró que desde que inició la regulación de UCI en el Centro Regulador de Urgencias y Emergencias (Crue) han llegado 1.161 solicitudes de 23 departamentos, de las que se materializó el traslado en 629 casos. De estos, 145 fueron en diciembre y 73 en lo corrido de enero.Los pacientes han llegado desde Cundinamarca (502), Boyacá (33), Meta (26), Tolima (20), Amazonas (9), Vaupés (7) y otros puntos del país." +26110,10739.0,786.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,54,[],['Shock/Event'],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/the_americas/venezuela-has-its-electricity-back-for-now-but-its-still-on-the-verge-of-collapse/2019/03/20/1cb0060e-4986-11e9-8cfc-2c5d0999c21e_story.html?utm_term=.a236d74c7c19,"Some of that equipment can be repaired. The problem, analysts say, is that the country could suffer another outage at any moment. “We are at a point of total collapse,” said Julio Molina, head of the electrical engineering faculty at the Central University of Venezuela." +69899,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,59,[],['Shock/Event'],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,Poverty and female-headed households: Levels of poverty are higher among female‐headed households (9.7%) than among male‐headed ones (7.9%) although there are more male-headed poor households overall as there are more households headed by men. Poverty rates are higher among women (9.7% vs 7.9% of population respectively). +114348,31782.0,1186.0,[],[],['Displacement->Intentions'],es,48,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77210.pdf,"De la población entrevistada en Chile, casi un tercio de las niñas y los niños señalaron que piensan volver a Venezuela. El otro tercio no tiene intención de moverse de la ciudad donde actualmente está, mientras que el tercio restante no sabe qué hará." +167771,40337.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,42,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/bangladeshi-migrants-including-mizdah-attack-survivors-return-home,"In Bangladesh, IOM supports the Government at 20 of the 28 POEs in the country. COVID-19-responsive systems and procedures at POEs enable the safe re-entry of migrants while ensuring protection for frontline POE staff and communities across the country." +214270,45385.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,28,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"A la fin du mois de juin, la Délégation Régionale de la Santé Publique (DRSP) déclarait 110 cas positifs à la COVID-19 dont six décès" +175878,40890.0,1183.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,116,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"En términos de prácticas de higiene adecuadas, las cuales cobran aún más relevancia en contexto de prevención del COVID-19, el 90% de los hogares manifiesta que, en el evento de lavarse las manos, lo realizan apropiadamente con agua y jabón, lo que demostraría buenas prácticas de higiene. No obstante, la cifra cambia cuando tenemos en cuenta que el 41% de los hogares están en riesgo de no hacerlo. Esto se debe a que no tienen acceso a agua cuando lo requieren, no tienen un lugar para hacerlo, o el lugar de lavado de manos se encuentra a más de 10 metros del sanitario." +178189,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,31,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Certains de ces conflits sont alimentés par la dynamique géopolitique de la région des Grands Lacs, la présence de groupes armés étrangers et l’instabilité dans plusieurs pays voisins.7" +69904,19974.0,1534.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,64,['Impact'],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"Of 18 health clinics in Grand Bahama and Abaco, three are fully operational. Five are unoperational, three have limited capacity and the status is unknown of seven. One hospital in Grand Bahama and one in Abaco are functional with limited capacity.27 As health professionals local to the Bahamas have also been affected, medical staff capacity is also reduced." +264588,49668.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,75,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/llegaron-las-vacunas-y-aun-no-definen-plan-de-la-migracion-irregular/2486,"En lo que respecta a los más de 966.000 migrantes en condición irregular, se sabe que el Gobierno adelanta gestiones ante la comunidad internacional para obtener los recursos a fin de integrar a esta población en el plan de vacunación. Además, se está diseñando un programa especial para inmunizar a estas personas a través del Fondo de Acceso Global para Vacunas Covid-19, Covax (por sus siglas en inglés)." +239344,46388.0,2336.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,58,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Shelter needs alone (both emergency and transitional) are reported to be the highest among refugees (50 per cent), followed by non-recent IDPs (37 per cent), recent IDPs (36 per cent), cross-border returnees (30 per cent) and acutely vulnerable people (21 per cent)." +188343,42925.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,80,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/huir-tres-veces-el-drama-de-los-caminantes-venezolanos/2256,"En los últimos días de agosto y los primeros de septiembre, el porcentaje de caminantes venezolanos con vocación de permanencia en Colombia pasó del 41 por ciento al 60 por ciento, según una evaluación rápida de necesidades del Grupo Interagencial sobre Flujos Migratorios Mixtos (Gifmm). Además, en ese momento, cuando el país finalizó el aislamiento preventivo obligatorio, retornar a Venezuela dejó de ser la razón principal de quienes recorren las carreteras." +237283,46388.0,2336.0,['Shelter'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,64,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Increases in the number of people in need of Emergency Shelter and Non-Food Items (ES-NFI), from 5.3 million in mid-2020 to 6.6 million in 2021; and WASH from 7.2 million in mid-2020 to 8.8 million in 2021, both reflect increased needs due to COVID-19 and the consequences in years of under-investment in more sustainable solutions for displaced people." +310396,53177.0,2466.0,['WASH'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,73,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Sudan%20Multi-Sectoral%20Location%20Assessment_South%20Kordofan.pdf,"WASH is the highest priority need in 22 of the locations in Kadugli. Currently, there are 170 water sources, of which 72 per cent are functional. Primarily, these water sources consist of hand pumps (67%) that are maintained by the community. On average it takes between 0-30 minutes for households to collect water – 72 per cent of which is free of charge." +235407,46388.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,47,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"HelpAge further notes that mental health for the elderly population in Afghanistan was heavily impacted by COVID-19, including due to the public messaging around heightened vulnerabilities and risks for elderly populations leading some to lose confidence in the efficacy of measures to keep them safe." +291349,51259.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2020_access_annual_overview.pdf,"The safety and security of humanitarians deteriorated in 2020 as a result of sub-national violence, compounded by the intensity of ambushes against aid workers." +208420,43992.0,2332.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,89,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"To ensure effective and community engagement around the COVID-19 outbreak in Chad, UNICEF strategy currently includes: A comic strip book for children has been produced in French, English and Arabic, and will be printed. The comic book the Evil Coronavirus” informs and sensitizes children about the current COVID-19 pandemic, especially regarding ways to protect themselves and others, including hygiene and social distancing measures. Additionally, the development of a mobile application is also in the final stages of production." +313730,53333.0,2334.0,['Education'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,39,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Attacks on education kill and injure, lead to student drop out, the loss of teachers, extended school and university closures. They diminish the quality of education and have devastating and long-term consequences for society." +41650,14575.0,729.0,[],[],[],en,55,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/2019/06/190611-Flash-Update---Floods.pdf,"Houses and public infrastructure, including farmlands, roads and schools were severely damaged. The elementary and middle school official exams are still on-hold. The floods resulted in 34 casualties, including four fatalities and 30 minor injuries. Reportedly, there are missing persons who could be trapped by the floods." +323318,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,40,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Since poverty in Burkina Faso is mostly concentrated in rural areas, it is thus the poor that have disproportionately lower coverage. The poorest households enjoy very limited access to secondary education and even less to tertiary education." +235223,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The physical environment and lack of transport and communications infrastructure remain a challenge in Afghanistan, with road access impeded by conflict, poor road conditions as well as natural hazards, including seasonal flooding and heavy snowfall." +198716,44313.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,50,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_294_20201119.pdf,"Parmi ceux dont l’information a pu être collectée, 63,7% (2569/4030) des cas étaient symptomatiques à la notification. Par ailleurs, 60,1% (1463/2435) des cas auraient été en contact étroit avec au moins un cas confirmé ou probable de COVID-19." +305231,53100.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,68,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/plan_de_preparation_coronavirus_cmr._version_du_10_mars_2019.pdf,ACQUIS: - CPC [Centre Pasteur du Cameroun]de Yaoundé dispose des capacités de détection du COVID-19 (PCR) - Existence des SOP pour la collecte et le transport des matières infectieuses GAPS: - Système non harmonisé de transport des matières infectieuses - Quantité insuffisante des triples emballages dans les régions - Equipements de biosécurité insuffisants - Personnel non formé au prélèvement COVID 19 +145953,34803.0,2028.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,84,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Protection issues are reportedly on the rise as the situation for people in northwest Syria grows more desperate, with increasing psychosocial stress, poverty and lack of employment opportunities compounded by the effects of COVID-19 related limitations. Significant increases in different types of gender-based violence (GBV) are being reported, particularly incidences of domestic violence such as marital rape, physical and emotional violence and denial of resources, with girls and women with disabilities and pregnant women especially vulnerable" +219089,45655.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,60,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"[9th Dec, Overall Syria] Furthermore, the combination of partial and full lockdown measures appear to have slowed transmission in some areas. Low levels of case detection are linked to under-reporting due to social stigma, misapplication of the case definition/ clinical screening protocols, and challenges in activating the rapid response teams (RRT)" +316652,54167.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,116,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_caqueta_dic_2020_vf.pdf,"Esta emergencia ha planteado diferentes retos en el departamento, de una parte, al contar con solo un hospital de segundo nivel para toda la población, fue necesario incrementar la cantidad de camas de UCI para atender a los contagiados, así se pasó de 22 a 90 camas. Sin embargo, el aumento no es suficiente y en 4 ocasiones se ha reportado el 100 por ciento de ocupación de la capacidad hospitalaria, situación que se complica ante la negativa de la población a realizarse la prueba y a asistir al hospital hasta que los síntomas no son controlables, haciendo que se sature el sistema sin medidas de prevención." +218521,45654.0,2028.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,39,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/hrp_weekly_funding_status_201124.pdf,"[24 Nov 2020, Whole of Syria, Funding Overview] Funding requirements for Protection sector are 377 Million USD, of which 81.2 Million USD have been funded, leaving a gap of 295.7 Million USD." +330775,55042.0,2098.0,['Nutrition'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,57,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.gage.odi.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Adolescents%E2%80%99-experiences-of-covid-19-in-Chittagong-and-Sylhet-divisions-Bangladesh.pdf,"[30 April 2021, Bangladesh]The government, NGOs and other stakeholders should act swiftly to mitigate the immediate potential nutritional risk faced by the adolescents due to the ongoing crisis. Our findings show that many adolescents and their families have become vulnerable to reduced nutritional intake as a result of economic hardship." +317948,53305.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,14,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"At least 2,100 civilians have been killed in South Sudan since from Jan-Oct 2020" +304339,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,54,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Despite general improvements in the overall feasibility of humanitarian access since the establishment of the transitional government, access continued to be constrained in 2020 by sub-national violence, bureaucratic impediments, operational interference, violence against humanitarian personnel and assets, and COVID-19 travel restrictions accompanied by lack of cross-country unified travel regulations" +330758,55042.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,44,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.gage.odi.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Adolescents%E2%80%99-experiences-of-covid-19-in-Chittagong-and-Sylhet-divisions-Bangladesh.pdf,"[30 April 2021, Bangladesh]Adolescents also felt tense and anxious because of their family’s financial struggles. Lockdown caused economic hardship for many families, with adolescents reporting that family members who worked could no longer do so." +214145,45385.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,30,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,Le démantèlement du site principal de PDIs à Kolofata au début du mois de mai 2020 a provoqué un afflux supplémentaire de population au sein même de la ville. +22244,9106.0,729.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,40,['At Risk'],['Humanitarian Access'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,11 per cent of returnee households reported the presence of explosive hazards at neighbourhood level while 6 per cent of IDPs and 6 per cent of returnees have left their area of origin because of the presence of explosive hazards +205512,44672.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,41,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,The Government of Afghanistan approved $1.1b package for COVID-19 response. President H.E. Ashraf Ghani said that very soon temporary daily wage jobs will be available for those who have lost their income due to the ongoing lockdown. +194616,43822.0,2311.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,67,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19112020_flash_update_no.3_emergencias_por_ola_invernal_-_colombia_vf.pdf,"Las crecientes súbitas en la parte alta del río Atrato y las aglomeraciones de las comunidades ponen en riesgo a los niños, niñas y adolescentes (NNA) en el acceso de la educación escolar y su exposición a sufrir violencia intrafamiliar y violencias basadas en género. Aunado a los riesgos asociados a la violencia armada que ejercen varios grupos armados en el departamento." +166676,39928.0,2170.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,49,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"Presumably heeding the Government’s resettlement/return drive, 59HH/201 refugee returnees from Minawao and Kolofata in Cameroon returned to Bama but are reported to have suffered problems such as extortion and exploitation in an attempt to access territory due to existing COVID19 movement restrictions and border closures." +309838,51467.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,27,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Conflict, economic and climatic factors have placed South Sudan one of four countries on the brink of famine, which disproportionately affects women and children." +310676,53333.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,36,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Also known as the Ambazonia War, or the Cameroonian Civil War, is a conflict in the North West and South West (NWSW) regions of Cameroon, part of the long-standing Anglophone problem" +176017,40890.0,1183.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,62,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"Los lugares donde estas manifestaciones de discriminación fueron de manera significativa más comunes en Bogotá (58%), y en menor medida en Cesar y Atlántico (51% en ambos casos). Los departamentos fronterizos de La Guajira y Arauca reportan menor porcentaje de personas que enfrentaron situaciones de discriminación (40% y 37%)." +493042,67710.0,1188.0,[],[],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",en,50,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"Panama, on its part, has Executive Decree No. 5 of 2018, which approves the Convention and Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees, which has achieved important advances on the guarantee of fundamental rights. However, it still maintains several restrictions to effective access.44" +15350,6687.0,321.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,96,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/66997.pdf,"Since 1 September 2017, 982 individuals have been submitted for resettlement to 6 resettlement States (Belgium, Canada, Finland, France, Sweden and Switzerland). A total of 197 individuals have departed on resettlement from Niger to Finland, France, Sweden and Switzerland. A total of 146 individuals have been accepted for resettlement and are pending departure from Niger to Belgium, Canada and France. A total of 425 individuals have been submitted for resettlement and are pending interview or decision by a resettlement State in Niger." +164723,39789.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,59,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Movementwide%20Operation%20Report%20August%202020.pdf,"The following activities depicts BDRCS responses in this regard: 2132 people including male, female and children reached through psychosocial support activities through BDRCSs Community Safe Spaces (CSS) at the camp setting in Cox's Bazar.  During the month of August, 12 BDRCS RCYs in Teknaf trained on Basic Psychological First Aid." +238070,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,58,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,The planned drawdown of international military forces from Afghanistan in 2021 is likely to cause instability in conflict dynamics as parties recalibrate their operations. There is a high risk that NSAGs will take advantage of such a complex and unstable environment to launch attacks and demonstrate their strength in the context of the simultaneous peace talks. +388558,60980.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,60,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/informe_de_emergencias_humanitarias_reportadas_elc_enero_junio_2021.pdf,"Así mismo, se informó sobre el confinamiento de una comunidad indígena desplazada desde Bagadó (Chocó) y de la comunidad receptora en Pueblo Rico (Risaralda) mencionado en la sección anterior, lo que evidencia retrasos en el acceso a la información y además dificultades en la gestión de respuesta para la comunidad desplazada y confinada." +142719,35870.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"WHO is the lead agency and is working to support the MoH in enhancing health preparedness and response to COVID-19, in accordance with the International Health Regulations (IHR 2005)" +235881,46388.0,2336.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,70,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Meanwhile, the average amount of healthcare spending is highest among households headed by a person with a disability; 2800 AFN (approximately $36.34) compared to 2300 AFN (approximately $29.85) for others. This is a substantial burden when factoring in that 93 per cent of the population is living on less than $2 per day. Physical access is another barrier." +239268,47351.0,2170.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Factsheet_NGA2005-Biu-LGA-Borno-state-November-2020.pdf,"[1st Nov2020,Biu LGA, Borno states]79% of internally displaced households and 90% of non-displaced households reported owning or having access to livestock in their current location at the time of data collection." +187981,43324.0,2334.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],fr,45,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irc_-_rapport_devaluation_covid-19_extreme_nord_-irc.pdf,"Pour 82,2% des ménages interrogés, le Covid-19 a affecté la capacité de leur ménage à générer des revenus et les principales causes sont la diminution des opportunités d’emploi, le retard dans les activités agricoles et la baisse des ventes." +415858,64108.0,1185.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)'],es,72,[],['Information And Communication'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"El hecho de que ni siquiera el Plan de respuesta regional para refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela (RMRP) tenga cifras desagregadas sobre NNA no acompañados y separados evidencia las carencias de información sobre este sector de la población. Por su parte, el informe Tendencias Globales 2020 de ACNUR advierte que las cifras al respecto “son subestimaciones importantes debido al limitado número de países que comunican datos”" +146684,35850.0,2028.0,"['Logistics', 'Health']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Context->Economy']",en,63,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020_08_forecast.pdf,"Syria’s alreadyprecarious economic situation continues to deteriorate, and the security situation in the country’s north-west worsened in July, while the closure of the Bab al-Salam border crossing to UN cross-border humanitarian assistance and the announcement of the first confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the north-west have made the humanitarian situation in and around Idlib more tenuous." +327070,54267.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],fr,22,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Le deuxième Programme National du Secteur Rural (PNSR II, 2016-2020) formule la stratégie de développement agricole du Burkina." +236874,47076.0,2334.0,['Shelter'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,23,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,"In Bali central and Njinka (Mezam Division) 5,343 individuals received emergency shelter provided by UNHCR through its partner Plan International." +159541,39148.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,36,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_july2020_ne_nigeria.pdf,"Action Against Hunger: In the case of COVID-19 response, 47,213 (male – 19,398, female – 27,815) clients were sensitized on COVID -19 Infection Prevention and Control measures across facility sites." +179219,41946.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,57,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://publications.unescwa.org/projects/saw/sdgs/pdf/en/Syria-at-War-8-years-on-Report-Final.pdf,"[Syria, # of schools affected by conflict] Early marriage for girls as young as 10 was also reported by 45 per cent of assessed communities. Such infringements of children’s basic rights can aggravate impairments in mental and emotional health, leading to serious and in many cases irreversible psychological disorders." +195739,44015.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,40,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN27D1PT,"United Nations peacekeepers also helped the army repel an attack by a wing of the armed militia group known as CODECO, which attempted to storm the province’s capital Bunia on Saturday, a U.N. spokesman said." +238004,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Afghanistan’s communities are acutely vulnerable and highly exposed to a variety of hazards and stresses requiring immediate humanitarian response and longer-term investments by the Government and development actors to reduce risk. +317163,53333.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,16,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,The young mothers added low self-esteem as a challenge affecting adolescent girls in the NWSW. +316595,54167.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],es,121,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_caqueta_dic_2020_vf.pdf,"Durante el 2020, no se han reportado casos de confinamiento en el departamento, sin embargo, se han presentado 4 eventos de limitaciones al acceso humanitario, que han afectado tanto a la población como a las agencias del Sistema de Naciones Unidas (SNU) y a misiones médicas. En el sur del departamento, por efecto de la emergencia sanitaria, los GGV amenazaron a la población que incumpliera sus toques de queda con el cobro de varias “multas”. Mientras en la zona limítrofe entre San Vicente del Caguán y la Macarena, circularon audios atribuidos al frente Jorge Briceño que amenazaban de muerte también a quienes incumplieran sus toques de queda." +274510,50587.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,129,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MENSUEL%20DE%20PROTECTION%20JANVIER%202021-NORD.pdf,"Le mois de janvier a été marqué par les mouvements de population de la commune de Koumbri (35 kilomètres de Ouahigouya sure l’axe Ouahigouya- Banh) vers Ouahigouya et Barga. Ce mouvement a été fait suite aux différentes attaques qu’a connues la commune en début Janvier. Constitué majoritairement de femmes et d’enfants, les PDI de Koumbri sont estimées à environ 11439 personnes réparties dans 1466 ménages. Les zones d’accueil dans la province du Yatenga sont les communes de Ouahigouya (Siguinvousse, Site Ex IRA, secteurs 3, 4, 10, Gourga et Sodin), de Barga ((Barga centre, Dinguiri, Sabouna) et de Zogoré (Zogoré centre)" +149613,35869.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep18_25july2020.pdf,"During the first 2 weeks of July, 350 suspected cases were referred to the referral hospitals and to the CCTCs, of which 120 from the points of entry (PoE) and 230 from the health facilities inside." +271651,49364.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,48,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/4-gender-violencia.pdf,"Entre otras investigaciones con información del 2019, también el informe de PNUD y RV4 establece como una de sus principales conclusiones que la violencia vivida por las mujeres venezolanas refugiadas y migrantes es extendida, ocurre en todos los momentos del proceso migratorio y toma varias formas.8" +453919,63974.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_20210630-Rapport-Protection-Trimestriel.pdf,La vente illégale est aussi constatée dans toutes les communes urbaines avec des portions appelées communément « non loti » estimées à 5000FCFA /m2. Aucune mesure pour le moment n’est prise pour la réglementation de la vente illégale des terres. +310055,51467.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,66,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Following the spread of COVID-19, the nationwide transport and border restrictions have affected both passenger and cargo movement (e.g., delays at borders due to additional cargo/driver screening, reduced commercial transport capacity due to lock downs in neighbouring countries). These restrictions impacted the availability of food, fuel, and other essential goods, and restricted movement of humanitarian personnel." +305206,53100.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,45,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/plan_de_preparation_coronavirus_cmr._version_du_10_mars_2019.pdf,"La mise en place d’un Système de Gestion des Incidents (avec construction d’un Centre des Opérations d’Urgences de Santé Publique en 2018, des formations en SGI du personnel du niveau central ainsi que dans certaines régions)" +320283,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Housing, Land and Property: There are 2.5 million people in need .Similarly, 1.9M non-IDPs, 0.6M IDPs, 14,000refugees/asylum seekers, 55,000 refugee returnees are in need. Cluster key vulnerable groups are (200,000) IDPs." +157827,38137.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cxb_education_covid_response_reaching_every_learner_final.pdf,"General awareness related to mental health and psycho social wellbeing is also low in the camps. While child protection actors can currently continue their work as an essential service, we must consider the cost of isolation, disruption in routines and the fear surrounding COVID-19 on the wellbeing of children." +226639,46454.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,42,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2022_23Dec2020_FINAL.pdf,"[23rd December, Overall Syria] Given the limited/insufficient testing across Syria, it is therefore likely that the actual number of cases far exceeds official figures, with significant numbers of asymptomatic and mild cases in particular going undetected." +493590,61216.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,19,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/humanitarian-situation-overview-syria-hsos-northeast-syria-june-2021,"[June 2021, NES]83% of communities where KIs reported that no sewage system was present" +492076,67739.0,1224.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],en,18,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"Guyana announced the re-opening of the country’s borders to international traffic, closed since March." +341825,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Economy']",fr,151,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Le processus de transfert de compétences mené jusqu’ici n’a pas permis d’aboutir à un transfert intégral des services étatiques et cela maintient les autres régions, particulièrement Bobo Dioulasso (2e ville et capitale économique du pays) dans une certaine dépendance vis-à-vis de Ouagadougou. En effet, la volonté d’obtenir une meilleure autonomie des collectivités territoriales pour mieux assurer un développement socio-économique au niveau local reste toujours un défi à relever. Pour une bonne partie des personnes consultées, la décentralisation telle qu’elle est appliquée entraine des frustrations au sein des populations ; c’est la raison pour la- quelle la région des Hauts-Bassins (Bobo Dioulasso) souffre, à des degrés divers, d’une crise structurelle causée, en grande partie, par le centralisme excessif hérité de la culture administrative coloniale." +318971,53305.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,The COVID-19 outbreak and measures to contain the virus have exacerbated the protection risks and the movement restrictions have made it much more difficult for people to access critical child protection services. +309835,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,66,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"In 2021, more than 654,800 people are estimated to be at risk of injury or death from of landmines and ERW. Counties with the highest level of recorded contamination are Juba, Lainya, Magwi, Morobo, Mundri East, Terekeka, Torit, and Yei in the Equatorias, Akobo and Canal Pigi in Jonglei as well as Maban, Upper Nile" +237188,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],en,41,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"94 per cent of refugee households and 93 per cent of vulnerable non-displaced households report having debt while 71 per cent to 87 per cent of all displaced households report having debt, depending on the duration of their displacement." +241742,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,58,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"From July 2019 to June 2020, the UN verified 1,497 such violations against children, highlighting persistent trends of violence. This included 1,164 verified incidents of killing and maiming, 155 attacks on schools in 16 provinces, and 326 verified incidents of child recruitment into armed forces and groups across 31 provinces of Afghanistan." +162980,37820.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,91,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/iom_rohingya_crisis_response_-_external_sitrep_-_july_2020.pdf,"Shelter teams completed the construction of the isolation and treatment centre in Leda, Camp 24, handling it over to IOM's health unit for operation. additionally, at the Inter-Sector Coordination Group (ISCG) Ukhiya compound, a bamboo canopy designed to accommodate health training was competed. Meanwhile, a final screening point was installed, now amounting to a total of five in Camps 9, 22, 24 and 25, as well as at Pan Bazar. All are now in use." +191898,43304.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,60,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"L’impact du Coronavirus s’est fait fortement ressentir dans les ménages. Le « phénomène d’achats-paniques » a fait grimper les prix des denrées alimentaires et produits de première nécessité, notamment les céréales, Ce qui rend plus vulnérable, les personnes handicapées, les personnes âgées et les enfants de la rue." +194961,43324.0,2334.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,127,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irc_-_rapport_devaluation_covid-19_extreme_nord_-irc.pdf,"Dans l’idée de savoir si à un moment ou à un autre les ménages avaient fait des stockages pour anticiper sur une éventuelle hausse inquiétante des prix, une fermeture des marchés par les autorités ou une interdiction de circulation des biens et des personnes pour limiter les contacts et ainsi contrer la propagation de la Covid 19. A cette question, seuls 27,9% des ménages interrogés déclarent que les membres de la communauté ont fait des stockages dans ce sens ; ce faible taux est principalement dû au faible pouvoir d’achat des ménages et au revenu des ménages qui est acquis au jour le jour à travers les petits activités (petit commerce, travail occasionnel, etc)." +219306,45655.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],en,44,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"[9th Dec, Overall Syria] Daily testing capacity has nearly doubled since October, to an average of over 1,000 tests per day. Procurement of additional testing kits continues, as do efforts to enhance human resources, including through training" +334933,55774.0,2098.0,['Agriculture'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,85,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bcf29d656a8d5984f4c8ffe40908514aad85d.pdf,"[6 April, 2021, Bangladesh] Hailstorm: A hailstorm blown over Naldanga upazila of Natore district on April 4, 2021 and causes great damage to corn, onion and Boro rice fields. Another event of hailstorm occurred in Boroigram and Lalpur upaila of Natore district on April 9, 2021 and causes great damage to Mango,Banana, Watermelon, Kakor and Boro rice fields. Local Mango farmers reported that 50 to 60% mango has fall off" +310597,53179.0,2466.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Flash%20Update%20-%20Sudan%20-%2017%20Jan%202021_1.pdf,The sector is providing water to about half of the gathering points in Ag Geneina. Sector partners constructed 41 emergency latrines and established WASH committees in four gathering points this week. +169503,40367.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,38,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"As of 14 July, 99 out of 1,064 health centres (9.3 per cent) in five emergency-affected regions were closed. An estimated 1,3 million people have no/or limited access to nutrition and health services." +292373,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,53,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"Le Cameroun connaît une épidémie de choléra depuis 2018 dont les premiers cas ont été notifiés par les districts de santé de Mayo Oulo de Golombe de la Région du Nord. Cette épidémie a affecté successivement les régions du Nord, du Centre, du Littoral et de l’Extrême-Nord." +177346,41093.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,45,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"En agosto, la inflación de regulados, no transables, alimentos y transables disminuyó 5,2, 1,8, 1,3 y 0,6 pps respecto al mismo mes del 2019. Ubicandose respectivamente en -0,45%, 1,74%, 4,18% y 0,93%." +325600,54815.0,2099.0,[],[],[],en,43,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"In contrast to the average motorized travel time to nearest school, the effect of the RAI appears to be stronger at the primary school level, perhaps because of the higher reliance on walking and biking for accessing school at this level" +244552,47907.0,2425.0,['Health'],[],[],en,142,[],[],Lebanon Situation Analysis,2021-01-25 12:39:46.093809+00,,"Lebanese Red Cross COVID-19 pandemic has been exacerbating in Lebanon, especially over the last 3 months after the port explosion on August 4. The Lebanese Red Cross (LRC) plays a critical role in this response and is one of the key members in the Governmental committee formed to manage and follow up on the national response against COVID-19. In fact, when the first COVID-19 cases were announced in Lebanon, the LRC has been mandated by the Ministry of Health (MoPH) to take the lead in transporting suspected and confirmed COVID-19 cases. Over the past months, LRC has been playing a distinctive role in effectively responding to this pandemic, and its response goes beyond the transportation of cases. The NS’s response is built around six strategic objectives:" +223974,45768.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,14,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,privilégier l’utilisation des camions pour le transfert. Ceci accélèrera la relocalisation +361105,58845.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,56,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_price_bulletin_may_2021.pdf,"[May 2021, Overall Syria] M-o-m, the national average price of minced beef increased by three percent, reaching SYP 19,829/kg. Lattakia recorded the highest price at SYP 24,720/kg (up six percent m-o-m), while ArRaqqa recorded the lowest price at SYP 15,500/kg (up seven percent m-o-m)." +314246,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,93,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"According to the African Development Bank (AfDB), the total length of the primary and main roads in Somalia is 4,124km, of which 2,860km are paved and 1,264km are unpaved or a gravel surface.Of these, about 90 per cent are in a very poor condition. Likewise, the 7,310km of secondary, feeder and coastal roads are mostly gravel or earthen, and are quite deteriorated. This has an impact on travel times and operating costs for transport, resulting in higher prices of goods and service" +240678,46388.0,2336.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,25,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Afghanistan continues to have one of highest rates of child stunting which has serious implications for children’s long-term physical and cognitive development. +183243,42114.0,1186.0,['Education'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Environment'],en,66,['At Risk'],['Context'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Chile%20COVID-19%20Situation%20report%20No.%205%20-%20October%202020.pdf,"A public school in the rural area of Bío Bío region was put on fire and burned down, affecting 126 children, on 20 October. The motive nor the responsible for this incident is not known. This was the 4th school burned down in the same area in 2020, following 3 schools in July, affecting a total of 154 children." +57460,17280.0,1186.0,['Protection'],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,45,[],"['Context', 'Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/439982_ed8c90c2b9644fbbabee3b33e6e9e918.pdf,"Antofagasta ha dado fuertes señales comunicacionales de no sentirse responsable de la situación de las personas migrantes en el territorio, a pesar de haber creado recientemente una dependencia exclusivamente dedicada a la atención de personas migrantes, llamada la Casa de la Diversidad." +148510,36019.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,22,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"Just over 12,100 tests have been conducted so far across the country , in six operational laboratories and one testing site." +299492,52586.0,2225.0,[],[],[],en,33,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,http://whotogo-whoafroccmaster.newsweaver.com/JournalEnglishNewsletter/1j87x7a57uby48iiujdam4?email=true&lang=en&a=11&p=58878343,"Women account for a slightly smaller proportion of COVID-19 infections and deaths compared with men, a preliminary analysis by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 28 African countries shows." +90033,25213.0,1621.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],"['Context->Demography', 'Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population', 'Casualties->Injured', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",en,46,['At Risk'],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access', 'Casualties']",2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A_HRC_43_75_E.pdf,"On 10 August, in Benghazi, a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device detonated, targeting an UNSMIL convoy, killing three United Nations staff members and wounding 10 civilians, including a four-year-old boy and two United Nations staff members. No one claimed responsibility." +317268,53333.0,2334.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,55,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,Support adolescent mothers and their partners require training and follow up support through village health workers to support and meet nutritional demands of their unborn and young babies. Key nutritional support training for young mothers should focus on exclusive breast feeding and improved feeding practices taking into consideration of locally available nutritious foods. +193029,43411.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,35,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Burkina Faso contributes to the United Nations peacekeeping initiative in Mali (MINUSMA) and is therefore considered a legitimate target by Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQ-M) and its associated groups. +418906,64000.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Information And Communication->Communication Means And Preferences', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,94,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Information And Communication', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"El tema de las personas refugiadas y migrantes venezolanas en Perú durante la pandemia se aborda con poca frecuencia. Dos artículos de Trome y uno de El Comercio (3%) mencionan que esta población favorece la propagación del virus y solo un artículo de El Popular (0.81%) se refiere a la incidencia del COVID-19 en las personas refugiadas y migrantes venezolanas. Asimismo, el 2% hace referencia a problemas de acceso al sistema de salud o situaciones de vulnerabilidad de esta población durante la pandemia." +245223,48020.0,2170.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_15_jan_2021_report.pdf,"[1st-15th Jan 2021,North east Nigeria] 43% of the IDPs are living in emergency shelter, 37% in makeshift, 9% in collective/ communal shelter, 6% in public facilities and 5% in transitional shelter. 2,357 HH are sharing shelter across 30 sites in 8 LGAs" +314473,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Overall, key barriers to service delivery include chronic commodity and human resource shortages, poor infrastructure, and limited access to highly vulnerable populations, all against the backdrop of ongoing insecurity. It is estimated that 150,000 IDPs live in areas that are hard to reach by humanitarian actors." +323193,54498.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/89758cd4/REACH_COL_RAN_Factsheet_Trend_analysis_March2021.pdf,"Es así como, de acuerdo con cálculos del Observatorio Proyecto Migración Vene- zuela14, con base en resultados de la Gran Encuesta Integrada de Hogares (GEIH) del Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística (DANE), a febrero de 2020, el 90% de los refugiados y migrantes venezo- lanos trabajaba de manera informal frente a un 60% de colombianos, según los datos a febrero 2020." +234216,46381.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,89,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Of the total tested, the proportion COVID-19positive (including all positive results, IgG positive, IgM positive or both IgG and IgM positive) among 5-17 years old was 25.3%, which was 30.7% in urban areas compared to 23.4% in rural areas. The proportion of COVID-19 positive among this age group was 24.1% among males and 26.7% among females. More than a quarter (29.2%) of the COVID-19 positive infection was reported among 15-17 years old." +307049,51572.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,34,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Organization of a cleaning campaign on the 3 camps and creation of dumping pits. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +214130,45385.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Au moins de juin seulement, 16 civils ont été tués, 16 autres sévèrement blessés ou mutilés et au moins treize personnes ont été enlevées dont huit mineurs." +329893,53694.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Push Factors', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,77,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/03042021_sitrep_s11_whe_oms_rdc.docx.pdf,"[Nord Kivu] Depuis le 9 mars 2021, des affrontements récurrents opposent les FARDC et les groupes armés dans plusieurs localités du groupement Bapfuna (sur les axes : Lwibo-Kalambo et Kaandia-Burora) entrainant des vagues de déplacements des populations. Dans le groupement de Bashali Mokoto, les violences armées dans les localités de Ngigwe et Bucariki ont entrainé les déplacements de 2 500 personnes vers Basumba et 2 100 autres vers Muhongozi." +183685,42299.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,83,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syria.tv/%D8%AA%D8%AD%D8%B0%D9%8A%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D9%85%D9%86-%D8%AE%D8%B1%D9%88%D8%AC-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%88%D8%B6%D8%B9-%D8%B9%D9%86-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B3%D9%8A%D8%B7%D8%B1%D8%A9-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B1%D9%82%D8%A9-%D8%A8%D8%B3%D8%A8%D8%A8-%D9%83%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%88%D9%86%D8%A7,"[October 29, Raqqa, # of cases increases] Until today, the number of cases registered with the Coronavirus in the Autonomous Administration regions in general reached 4164 cases, of which 470 were declared cases in the city of Raqqa, while observers in the Health Committee of the Autonomous Administration in northeastern Syria expect that the real numbers will be significantly higher than those declared given the reluctance of many civilians to conduct tests and take swabs." +292727,51990.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,37,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elcolombiano.com/colombia/salud/volver-a-vivir-campana-de-la-andi-para-que-retornen-los-pacientes-a-consultas-medicas-AP14821177,"Así mismo, el Sistema Integrado de Información (SISPRO) aseguró que el país disminuyó en un 25% los procedimientos de ACV en el 2020 en comparación con 2019, debido a la pandemia." +340773,56222.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,41,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.radiookapi.net/2021/05/20/actualite/securite/etat-de-siege-au-nord-kivu-les-etudiants-appellent-soutenir-larmee?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+radiookapi%2Factu+%28Radiookapi.net+-+Actualit%C3%A9%29,"Toujours dans ses recommandations, la coordination de la jeunesse estudiantine du Sud du territoire de Lubero demande au gouvernement congolais, d’accorder une attention particulière au processus de Désarmement, démobilisation et réintégration (DDR) communautaire." +156212,36465.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,76,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/en-un-mes-mas-de-82000-venezolanos-han-renovado-el-permiso-especial-de-permanencia/2087,"Más de 82.000 migrantes radicados en el país han renovado el Permiso Especial de Permanencia (PEP), la mayoría entre los 18 y 39 años de edad, en un trámite en línea que inició el pasado 6 de julio para 281.000 venezolanos que se censaron en el Registro Administrativo de Migrantes Venezolanos (RAMV). Así lo informó, este martes, el ente migratorio en una rueda de prensa virtual." +297900,52145.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,71,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_humanitaire_numero_12_v_04.pdf,"Depuis janvier 2019, le projet [Cash Based Intervention] s’étend désormais à 3 100 ménages sur 7 localités des départements du Lom et Djerem et de la Kadey (Guiwa 480, Mandjou 700, Gbiti 500, Kentzou 500, Lolo 160, Mbile 170, Timangolo 90 et Ketté 500) avec pour partenaire de mise en œuvre Lutherian World Federation (LWF)." +318090,52949.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The risk of childhood mortality is highest in the neonatal period, accounting for over 60 per cent of deaths among children under age 5 (IGME, 2020)." +189178,42865.0,1183.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,69,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-LMA-Colombia-Espanol.pdf,"De acuerdo a una encuesta realizada por el Proyecto Migración Venezuela, el porcentaje de entrevistados con una opinión desfavorable acerca de los venezolanos en el país, aumentó de 67 porciento en febrero al 81 porciento en abril.47 A medida que la pandemia continúa lastimando la economía colombiana, es probable que la xenofobia continúe creciendo, como ha sido el caso en otros países alrededor del mundo" +205129,44672.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,45,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In June, the Ministry of Public Health had reported shortage of testing kits and treatment capacity at state-owned health centers and announced that private clinics and hospitals would conduct Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) testing of COVID19 samples to increase testing capacity." +178277,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],fr,62,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,L’accès des acteurs humanitaires aux populations dans le besoin et des populations affectées aux services de base est fortement restreint dans certaines zones par l’insécurité et l’enclavement. Les conflits et l'insécurité dans certaines régions et les difficultés liées aux contraintes physiques et administratives persistent et entravent l’accès aux populations dans le besoin. +291463,51259.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2020_access_annual_overview.pdf,"In 2020, bureaucratic impediments, operational interference and access denials remained challenges for humanitarian organizations across the country. The overall number of non-violent incidents reported declined slightly, attributed to COVID-19 and the limitations it posed on field presence." +327433,54714.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,"[PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 6% of the households found with Protection living Standard Gap (LSG). 3% found to be extreme+ severe, 2% severe, 65 %stress, 29% no or minimal." +173518,41100.0,1183.0,[],[],"['Context->Economy', 'Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics']",es,109,[],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_COL_Indicadores_de_Riesgo_COVID19_JULIO2020.pdf,"El 11 de marzo de 2020, la Organización Mundial de la Salud declaró al COVID-19 como pandemia e instó a los países a tomar estrategias de contención y prevención1. En consecuencia, se decretaron medidas estrictas para mitigar el contagio y esto conllevó a una recesión económica mundial, con efectos en desempleo, disminución de ingresos y aumento de la pobreza2. Los actores humanitarios regionales trabajan para satisfacer las necesidades de las poblaciones vulnerables afectadas. Para este fin es necesario contar con información sólida y objetiva de la situación para la toma de decisiones y la planificación de acciones sobre niños y adolescentes." +235394,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,77,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"For the fifth year in a row, Afghanistan is listed as the deadliest conflict for children in the 2020 Report of the Secretary-General on Children in Armed Conflict. In 2020, more than four in every 10 civilian casualties were women or children. Child casualties represented a third (31 per cent) of all civilian casualties in the first nine months of 2020, and women casualties made up 13 per cent." +313989,54309.0,2311.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Colombia_Evaluacion_Rapida_ECNI_Arauca_ESP.pdf,"Además, el acceso a productos higiénicos es limitado debido a la falta de recursos económicos y, en algunos casos, debido a distancia de los mercados. Los informantes claves y los equipos de recolección reportan la falta de implementos de bioseguridad, como tapabocas, alcohol, gel y jabón" +386799,60459.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"Une amélioration de la situation sécuritaire favorisera les retours de PDI et un meilleur accès aux champs et aux sources de revenu. Dans ce cas, les prévisions pluviométriques favorables entre juillet et septembre contribueront à réduire les déficits de production par rapport à la moyenne avant la crise. Ce contexte favorisera aussi un retour progressif des transhumants et un renforcement de la disponibilité laitière dans la zone (scenario)" +62863,18514.0,1386.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,121,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190328_acaps_briefing_note_venezuela_update_and_2019_outlook__0.pdf,"Mass protests demanding change in the government took place after Maduro’s inauguration in January 2019, including in impoverished neighbourhoods of Caracas that had been historically pro-Maduro. From 21-25 January 2019, over 900 arbitrary arrests (including 770 on 23 January only) and 41 deaths from gunshot wounds were reported (Amnesty International 20/02/2019, R2P 15/03/2019). Protests against the blockage of US-sponsored humanitarian aid along the borders with Brazil and Colombia on 23 February turned violent when security forces and colectivos started using force against civilians. 14 people were killed, 287 wounded (including 59 by gunfire) and over 50 detained as a result (Crisis Group 04/03/2019)." +386459,60395.0,1186.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,91,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"En segundo lugar, las creencias y actitudes de los docentes y compañeros resultan una barrera, que varía de acuerdo al país de origen, la raza, el género y el nivel socio-económico de los estudiantes migrantes. Los estudiantes afrodescendientes son quienes se enfrentan a mayores prejuicios y discriminación en las aulas chilenas (Centro de Estudios Justicia & Sociedad, 2020). Igualmente, los estudiantes haitianos se encuentran en una posición más vulnerable por la brecha idiomática (Pavez Soto et al., 2018)" +28415,10158.0,729.0,[],[],[],en,35,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ET_Feb_2019_Final%2820190313%29.pdf,"Ain Zara An estimated 350 migrants arrived in Ain Zara in February, and while some were transiting onwards to other destinations, several were also reported to be looking for work opportunities locally." +323589,54626.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,21,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,One child escaped from Al Shabaab and was placed in a UNICEF funded interim care centre in Mogadishu for support. +472926,63777.0,2099.0,['WASH'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,69,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"compte tenu des problèmes d’accès à l’eau potable dus aux coupures intempestives de l’ONEA et de la panne de certaines bornes fontaines, quelques bagarres éclatent au niveau des points d’eau. Mais elles ne sont pas liées spécifiquement aux PDIs. Ces bagarres surviennent également entre autochtones, et entre PDIs et non pas seulement entre autochtones et PDIs." +293821,52074.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,"While supporting community volunteers, GBV actors distributed 6,000 stickers, 3,000 posters and 3,500 referral pathway information leaflets. UNFPA technically assisted its NW-based partner, COMINSUD, through the conduct of two GBV working sessions aimed at enhancing the institutional capacity of the partner." +345126,56681.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,117,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.politico.cd/la-rdc-a-la-une/2021/05/25/nord-kivu-larmee-ougandaise-signalee-a-beni-societe-civile.html/84756/,"Plusieurs troupes de l’armée Ougandaise(UPDF) sont signalées en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) ce mardi 25 mai 2021, précisément à la chefferie de Watalinga, dans le territoire de Beni (Nord-Kivu). (...) L’administrateur du territoire de Beni, s’est réservé de tout commentaire sur ce sujet. Nous avons été en difficulté d’entrer en contact avec le porte-parole des opérations Sukola 1 dont le téléphone est resté injoignable jusqu’à présent. (...) Il faut signaler que des accords militaires seraient signés entre la RDC et l’Ouganda pour combattre les rebelles ADF." +182325,34289.0,1900.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,80,[],['Context'],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Reporte%20de%20Situacio%CC%81n%20COVID19%20Honduras%20N.12.pdf,El Sistema Nacional de Gestión de Riesgos (SINAGER) determinó extender hasta el 19 de julio la alerta roja para los 18 departamentos de Honduras como medida de prevención para evitar el contagio de la COVID-19. Se mantienen las regulaciones de circulación de acuerdo al último dígito de tarjeta de identidad para permitir la circulación y el abastecimiento de los ciudadanos y el plan de reapertura económica fue suspendido en los municipios más afectados por la pandemia. +309773,51467.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"In Upper Nile, diagnostic capacity is poor and there are significant pockets of kala-azar disease. Snakebites pose a risk during the rainy season, and timely treatment is crucial." +178549,40661.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],fr,48,"['At Risk', 'Priority Needs']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Ainsi, il est fortement souhaitable de surveiller l’évolution de la situation nutritionnelle dans les provinces du Kasaï, de Kwango, du Kasaï Central et du Kasaï Oriental où le plus grand nombre de zones de santé sont en alerte au deuxième trimestre 2020." +270233,50227.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Hospitalization & Care', 'Covid-19->Cases']",es,107,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"El 3,3% de los casos reportados en los pueblos son graves o fatales en todos los grupos de edad, para la población de 60 años y más son el 11,8% los casos graves y fatales, el 74% de los fallecidos en los pueblos afrocolombianos son personas de ese grupo de edad. Entre los casos activos por grupos de edad se observa que las mayores proporciones de población en hospitalización general o UCI se incrementa con la edad es así como los casos activos con 60 años o más se encuentran en más del 50% en hospitalización general o UCI." +326871,54714.0,2331.0,[],[],[],en,38,[],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,"[General household information]Two most common behaviours adapted to prevent COVID-19 spreading, as reported by households Stopping handshakes or physical contact (48%), Keeping distance from people (42%)." +253689,48551.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,103,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=220482,"[2nd Feb 2021, Overall Syria] For the seventh straight day, the number of the recoveries from the coronavirus has exceeded the number of the recorded infections as 81 coronavirus patients have recovered, while 46 new cases have been detected and three of the cases registered in Syria have passed away, according to the Health Ministry. In a statement, the Ministry said that the total number of coronavirus cases which have been recorded in Syria has reached up to 14,142 till now, of which 7,725 cases have recovered and 929 others have passed away." +23060,9316.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Food Security', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,25,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.libyaherald.com/2019/02/22/civilians-caught-in-tightening-derna-siege-hrw/,"Civilians are credibly reported to have been trapped there within the past two weeks without access to food, water, or medical care." +189404,43448.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],es,44,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"El 12 de marzo de 2020 el Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social (MinSalud)1 de Colombia declaró una emergencia sanitaria en el país, adoptando medidas de aislamiento preventivo obligatorio con el propósito de limitar la propagación del virus COVID-19." +318974,53305.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,67,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"The GBV response priority interventions include providing psychosocial support, GBV case management services, establishing and strengthening GBV referral systems, and implementing Women and Girls Friendly Space (WGFS) programming. Provision of legal services, livelihood and economic support, including CVA, establishing and operationalizing safe houses, and providing capacity building training to frontline service providers are the other response priorities" +273950,50464.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,49,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210203FINALFactSheetSomaliaSkisserLR11.pdf,"The FGS and FMS should strengthen their analysis and coordination mechanisms, generate early warning and take more anticipatory action to prevent climate-related inter-group tensions from becoming violent, and to prevent Al Shabaab and other armed groups from taking advantage of climate impacts to expand their influence." +161164,35726.0,1183.0,['Cross'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,56,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_arauca_junio_2020_vf%20%281%29.pdf,"La población continúa presentando altos niveles de necesidades básicas insatisfechas (NBI) y, algunos grupos específicos como mujeres, niños, niñas y adolescentes (NNA), comunidades indígenas, y refugiados, retornados y migrantes, viven en condiciones de particular vulnerabilidad, acentuadas por el fuerte control de grupos armados." +176413,41733.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,34,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/reach_drc_bulletin-des-marche-2_juin-2020.pdf,"La tendance observée pour le Centre diffère des autres régions. Ainsi, le coût médian du PMA ne semble pas avoir particulièrement fluctué suite à la mise en place des mesures COVID-19." +265909,49323.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.pulzo.com/nacion/regular-venezolanos-colombia-que-significa-podran-votar-PP1029436,"El Estatuto Temporal de Protección para Migrantes Venezolanos (ETPV) establece las normas que regirán durante varios meses para facilitar la regularización de las familias migrantes, “constituyendo una puerta de entrada a la oferta de servicios del estado y su efectiva integración socioeconómica”." +325547,54815.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,63,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[Ouagadougou - 2,086 individuals were interviewed] In the case of travel to healthcare facilities for medical needs, only about 3 percent of all respondents rely on walking, another 6 percent bike, and less than 2 percent use public bus or communal taxi. The vast majority (71 percent) typically use a motorcycle or a scooter." +188867,43387.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,64,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20DE%20PROTECTION_SEPTEMBRE2020-SAHEL.pdf,"Il a été constaté des mouvements de populations originaires de Kolel village du Niger frontalier au Burkina Faso vers la commune de Markoye. Ces personnes ont quitté leur village à cause des attaques répétées des GANI. Il a été enregistré environ 27 ménages dont 45 hommes, 62 femmes et 90 enfants tous de potentiels demandeurs d’asiles au Burkina Faso" +150062,37980.0,1187.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,80,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3665436,"Ante esta complicada situación, laOrganización Internacional para las Migracionesen Argentina, en colaboración con a las autoridades nacionales, el Sistema de las Naciones Unidas y las organizaciones de la sociedad civil, colaboran a diversos niveles para incorporar la temática migratoria en los planes de respuesta, actuar ante las necesidades humanitarias de las personas migrantes y para fortalecer la prevención y el control del COVID-19 en los puntos de entrada al país, entre otros aspectos." +235453,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,29,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Health teams at border crossings have also been under immense pressure due to the high numbers of people returning from Iran and requiring health screening. [COVID-19] +319009,54316.0,2311.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],es,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Colombia_Reporte%20Situacional_GIFMM_Arauquita_08042021_VF.pdf,"En el Cabildo Indígena Makaguan El Vigía, la población consume agua directamente del río, o tratada mediante filtros artesanales que no son efectivos, lo cual está ocasionando afectaciones en salud (diarrea y vómito en niños, niñas y adolescentes, así como en adultos mayores)" +209154,43992.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,78,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"The protocol for the management of SAM in children has been revised and reorganized to avoid further spread of the COVID-19 virus within health facilities. To this end, front-line health staff were instructed to use only MUAC test strips and bilateral pitting edemas as admission and discharge criteria and children are asked to attend therapeutic nutrition units fortnightly, while health staff are being equipped with protective materials to ensure the safe continuity of services." +63490,18412.0,1386.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,193,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,,"100% de laboratorios presentan fallas severas para realizar pruebas diagnósticas y 69% de los bancos de sangre no pueden garantizar tratamientos de transfusión seguros. Casi 100% de los laboratorios del sector público no pueden pruebas de rutina ni de emergencia frente a un 90% de escasez de reactivos, repuestos para equipos, insumos y materiales básicos como tubos de ensayo, inyectadoras, algodón, alcohol, guantes y recolectores de muestras94. En 2018, 38% de los laboratorios estaban técnicamente cerrados95 y 69% de los bancos de sangre que hacían pruebas serológicas a donaciones no contaban con reactivos e insumos para tamizaje de enfermedades transmisibles como hepatitis B, hepatitis C, VIH, enfermedad de Chagas, sífilis y virus linfotrópico humano. Las extremas carencias de laboratorios y bancos de sangre son la principal causa de la suspensión de cirugías96 y no permite garantizar tratamientos transfusionales seguros a personas con anemia, cáncer, problemas renales y hematológicos, entre otros, así como realizar otro tipo de exámenes, y el almacenamiento y transporte de la sangre y hemoderivados97." +271644,49364.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,47,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/4-gender-violencia.pdf,"Las mujeres migrantes y refugiadas venezolanas reportaron sobre sus necesidades de mayor prioridad de la siguiente manera: ingresos/empleo (28%), apoyo jurídico (19%), asistencia en trámites documentales (16%) y ayuda médica (16%)." +204880,44672.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,40,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Afghanistan is struggling to create the required testing capacity being constrained by lack of personnel and medical equipment. Invariably, the funding and equipment needs for the medical response is way off the ability of Afghanistan to cope." +173262,41059.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/2020/10/04/covid-19-23-die-1-125-new-cases-in-24hrs,"[4th October 2020, Bangladesh] Bangladesh has registered 23 more deaths from Covid-19 in the last 24 hours until Sunday morning, taking the number of total fatalities to 5,348. The country also logged more than 368,000 coronavirus cases with 1,125 people having tested positive over the same period." +123575,30832.0,1620.0,['Cross'],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population']",en,58,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/PRESS%20RELEASE%20-%20NIGERIA%20-%20UN%20APPALLED%20BY%20ATTACK%20HITTING%20CIVILIANS%20AND%20HUMANITARIAN%20FACILITY%20IN%20MONGUNO%20-%2014062020%20-%20final.pdf,"On 18 January, another humanitarian hub in the town of Ngala, near the border to Cameroon, was the target of a complex assault by non-state armed groups. An entire section of the facility was burned down as well as one of the few vehicles UN agencies rely on for the delivery of aid." +292397,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"Trainings were also conducted by the clinical psychologist on the various facets of mental health in emergencies with emphasis on mental health screening, referral systems, psychological first aid and WHO mental health gap action programme (mhGAP) guide." +264590,49668.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,78,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/llegaron-las-vacunas-y-aun-no-definen-plan-de-la-migracion-irregular/2486,"Frente a este desafío, tras el anuncio del Estatuto Temporal de Protección para Migrantes Venezolanos, el Gerente de Fronteras, Lucas Gómez, afirmó que precisamente uno de los beneficios de la regularización será el acceso a los servicios de salud, por lo que se espera que ""una vez empiecen a regularizararse, a través del Estatuto Temporal de Protección empezarán a tener acceso a la vacuna"", sostuvo el alto funcionario." +182320,35758.0,1900.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->Local Response'],[],es,86,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020-07-27%20Resumen%20Semanal%20de%20Situaci%C3%B3n%2020-26%20de%20julio%202020.pdf,"HONDURAS El Gobierno puso en marcha un programa de ampliación de la respuesta nacional para aumentar el número de centros de triaje y equipos médicos en todas las 298 municipalidades. El programa, que comenzará a desplegar sus fondos en 12 municipios prioritarios, está asignando 18 millones de dólares para apoyar la instalación de centros de triaje, la contratación de personal médico adicional, el fortalecimiento de los hospitales regionales y apoyo a los equipos médicos para intervenciones de puerta en puerta." +2637,520.0,321.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,45,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://www.amnesty.org/en/countries/middle-east-and-north-africa/libya/report-libya/,"Conditions deteriorated in official prisons including al-Hadba, al-Baraka and others, where those held included former high-level al-Gaddafi-era officials. Inadequate health care and food led to a decline in many inmates’ health, while torture was reportedly used to punish inmates." +309815,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,27,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"In 2020, the government of South Sudan re-committed itself to addressing grave violations against children by signing a comprehensive Action Plan on all six grave violations" +344190,56725.0,2028.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Whole%20of%20Syria%20Nutrition%20Cluster%20Sector%20Brief%20%28January%20-%20December%202020%29.pdf,"[Jan - Dec 2020, GoS, NWS] In government-controlled areas SMART survey results show that 5% of PLW are acutely malnourished, in North West Syria nearly 11% of PLWs are acutely malnourished and in some areas in Idlib there are indications of up to 40%." +327909,55046.0,2225.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,34,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_04_27%20USG%20Democratic%20Republic%20of%20the%20Congo%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%233.pdf,"Relief actors cite intensifying armed conflict, widespread population displacement, and limited income earning opportunities during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic as factors contributing to increased emergency food assistance needs." +498723,60095.0,1187.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,118,['Impact'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RMRP%202021%20Plan%20de%20respuesta%20regional%20para%20refugiados%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%2C%20enero%20-%20diciembre%202021.pdf,"Los mecanismos de solicitud de protección internacional y de regularización de las condiciones migratorias están sometidos a una presión creciente, con importantes retrasos y demoras en la tramitación de los casos.381 La falta de documentación adecuada del país de origen, unos costos administrativos relativamente elevados para obtener o tramitar la documentación requerida y los horarios de las oficinas limitados debido al impacto de la pandemia, entre otros factores, constituyen obstáculos para la regularización de las personas refugiadas y migrantes de Venezuela.382 Estos factores se ven aún más agravados en los casos de grupos con necesidades específicas que pueden enfrentar obstáculos adicionales, incluso en términos de discriminación y falta de acceso a la información" +178523,40661.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,47,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Dans les provinces de l’Ituri, le Nord Kivu, le Sud Kivu, le Tanganyika et le Grand Kasaï où le nombre de personnes déplacées internes est très élevé, l’assistance alimentaire joue un rôle important pour la survie des populations." +489942,67838.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/adamawa_state_2021_cholera_situation_report_no_8.pdf,"[31st Aug 2021, Adamawa State] Logistics: NCDC has donated 350 cholera RDT,100 pieces of petri dishes, 1 tin of triple sugar and 1 tin of nutrient agar" +298876,51893.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,50,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[January 2021, Overall Syria] The most frequently selected Household livelihood activity is the private sector, as selected by one in four Households across the country. This is closely followed by the public sector (22 percent) and daily labour (19 percent)." +235878,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,32,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"An estimated 14,840 children have missed out on critical treatment for SAM due to parents’ fear of attending fixed facilities, exacerbating already elevated levels of malnutrition in the country." +234134,46381.0,2336.0,['Health'],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,22,[],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Afghanistan has undertaken the preventive and non-pharmaceutical measures as soon as the first case of COVID-19 was detected in Herat province. +169896,40360.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,25,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,34 nouvelles PDI : Les populations se déplacent soit à titre préventif soit à la suite des attaques ou des menaces des groupes armés. +191448,43304.0,2332.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,93,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Au 12 juin 2020, le nombre cumulé de cas est de 848, enregistrés dans 15 des 23 provinces que compte le pays (N’Djamena, Ouaddaï, Lac, Logone Oriental, Wadi- Fira, Moyen-Chari, Logone occidental, Batha, Kanem, Mayo Kebbi-Est, Guera, Sila, Mandoul , l’Ennedi-Est et le Chari-Baguirmi). Parmi ces cas confirmés, il y a eu 72 décès soit une létalité de 8,5% et 718 guérisons correspondant à une proportion de 84,4%." +262389,49509.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,35,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=222409,"[16/02/2021, GoS] The Health Ministry od Damascus, on Monday announced that 43 new coronavirus cases were recorded in Syria, adding that 75 coronavirus patients recovered and 3 passed away." +21809,9026.0,322.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,44,[],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,,"The city also has important economic and com- mercial functions. Sana’a is home to approxi- mately 30 percent of industrial establishments in Yemen and has a concentration of higher- order commercial and services activities, including banking and financial services." +321326,54765.0,2225.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,30,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/democratic-republic-congo/recent-surge-violence-drc-s-ituri-province-worsening-already,"More than 100,000 children under five are suffering from severe acute malnutrition, a direct consequence of the alarmingly high levels of food insecurity that affects nearly 800,000 people;" +191890,43304.0,2332.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,31,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"pour limiter le risque de propagation de la COVID-19 dans le milieu carcéral, 3200 prisonniers de droits communs ont été libérés dans tous les établissements carcéraux à titre gracieux." +157379,38830.0,1185.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,35,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3668042,"El Gobierno español, a través de la Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID) envió la semana pasada material sanitario y medicinas a Perú por valor de 119.023 euros." +325477,54815.0,2099.0,['Logistics'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,The lack of funding contributes to poor road asset preservation – a critical issue due to the non-enforcement of the axle load control on Burkina Faso’s roads. +2188,473.0,322.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,9,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://www.reuters.com/article/us-yemen-famine-un-factbox/factbox-could-yemen-face-the-largest-famine-in-decades-idUSKBN1D927I,More than 11 million children need humanitarian aid. +209163,43992.0,2332.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,35,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"The partnerships with media, local radio stations and other public services have also been temporarily reoriented towards COVID-19 messaging, including information on combating fake news, rumours, traditional beliefs and stigmatization." +243961,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,27,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,A key driver of increasing HLP needs is the increasing number of IDPs not returning home and requiring land in new locations to rebuild their lives. +188026,43324.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,79,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irc_-_rapport_devaluation_covid-19_extreme_nord_-irc.pdf,"Le Plan de Réponse Humanitaire (HRP) 2020, recense 1,1 millions de personnes estimées en situation d’insécurité alimentaire aigue sévère ; et dans les régions du Nord-Ouest et du Sud-Ouest, les trois années successives de crise et la persistance des cas de violence ont engendré le déplacement de 450 270 personnes et continuent de détériorer l’accès des ménages aux champs, laissant la population davantage dépendante de l’aide humanitaire." +294309,51259.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,20,[],['Covid-19'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2020_access_annual_overview.pdf,The necessary measures to prevent and mitigate the onward spread of the COVID-19 virus led to additional restrictions in 2020 +205489,44672.0,2336.0,"['Nutrition', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,31,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"As the pandemic hit hard on the Afghan economy, trade and transportation have been disrupted and domestic activity slowed sharply, imperiling the livelihood of thousands of Afghan families." +453746,63974.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],fr,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_20210630-Rapport-Protection-Trimestriel.pdf,"Tandis que la menace d’enrôlement forcé dans les groupes armés, pèse sur les hommes et les garçons, la problématique de sexe pour la survie devient une pratique courante des femmes et filles pour subvenir à leurs besoins. D’autres femmes, pour subvenir aux besoins des ménages s’adonnent à la collecte des produits forestiers avec tous les risques de violences sexuelles que cela comporte." +162156,38970.0,2098.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,52,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/W510-0006-002.pdf,"Loss of livelihood is forcing parents and caregivers to take desperate measures that are negatively impacting children’s well-being. In Bangladesh, over 33% of children may be at risk of engaging in begging or other high-risk jobs and almost 2% are likely to be married off early" +177691,41763.0,2099.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,89,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_devaluation_rapide_vbg_dans_le_contexte_de_la_covid-19_dans_la_region_du_nord_du_burkina_faso.pdf,"Les participantes aux focus groupes de femmes relèvent que si les mesures barrières (interdiction de rassemblements,) sont prises dans leurs localités, les femmes et les filles risquent de faire de la prostitution déclare une participante dans un focus groupe de femmes. Cela traduit la difficulté que les communautés spécifiquement les femmes et les filles rencontreront si des mesures de fermetures des commerces, des lieux de culte ainsi que l’interdiction des rassemblements sont prises dans la lutte contre la COVID 19." +218194,45410.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,53,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"Une détérioration de la situation nutritionnelle est rapportée dans 18 des 23 provinces du pays, par la Direction de la Nutrition et de la Technologie Alimentaire qui relève une hausse de 38 % des admissions dans les unités nutritionnelles par rapport à la moyenne des cinq dernières années en août 2020." +342008,56493.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Certains litiges qui relèvent de la famille, des ethnies, de la religion et du vivre ensemble peuvent être convenablement traités par la justice traditionnelle, en ce sens qu’elle sera toujours dans son rôle de (re) conciliation sociale." +185139,39920.0,1231.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,14,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/resultados_primera_encuesta_covid-19_-_formato_11x17.pdf,51% han experimentado algún tipo de violencia sin saber dónde acudir para reportarlo +70629,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],[],en,103,[],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"Media reports indicate a level of xenophobia may exist towards this population and unfounded rumours of looting by members of this population on Abaco had been spread via social media sites with discriminatory comments. Journalists and activists have reported fear among Haitians living in the Bahamas, some of whom have arrived illegally, that they will be deported. Others who have Bahamian nationality, but who have lost official documents in the storm, also fear deportation. Concerns have been raised by expatriate communities related to requests to present documentation as part of the intake process in shelters." +196855,43840.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,53,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_291_20201116.pdf,"37 leaders des peuples autochtones ont participé au dialogue communautaire sur l’importance de l’EDS, les mesures préventives contre la MVE et la Covid-19 ainsi que l’orientation des malades vers les FOSA avec l’appui de FHI360 dans la ZS BOLENGE à l’EQUATEUR ;" +405277,63249.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,43,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=245244,"[August 14, GoS] In a statement, the Ministry added that the total number of the coronavirus cases recorded in Syria has reached up to 26,292 till now, of which 22,133 have recovered, while 1,935 passed away." +323204,54498.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Pull Factors'],es,152,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/89758cd4/REACH_COL_RAN_Factsheet_Trend_analysis_March2021.pdf,"En cuanto a las razones para elegir ese des- tino, independientemente del país final, se reportó como principal razón durante estas dos primeras ron- das, el hecho que allí tenían redes de apoyo, amigos y/o familiares (en la primera ronda el 61% de 210 ICs y en la segunda ronda el 70% de 285 ICs) y como segunda razón, que había sido el lugar en donde siempre habían vivido (en ronda 1 el 54% de 210 ICs y en la segunda ronda el 43% de 285 ICs). Sin embargo, a partir de la flexibilización de las medidas de movilidad impuestas por el Gobierno de Colombia y a la reactivación de la economía que inició a mediados de septiembre de 2020, esta tendencia de movimiento cambió y Colombia se convirtió en el principal destino de llegada." +146022,35870.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,40,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"In addition, sectors have completed an isolation centre in Al-Hol. In Ar-Raqqa, an isolation ward is being set up at the National Hospital, and a quarantine center at Hawari Bu Median school in Ar-Raqqa city." +163446,32455.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,72,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/6._elc_flash_update_covid_19_quincenal_18.06.2020.pdf,"Continúan los homicidios contra líderes sociales, personas en proceso de reincorporación, población en general y temor de “limpieza social”. Se mantienen las acciones de reclutamiento de personas por parte de grupos armados. Abandono de los puestos de control por parte de autoridades y guardia indígena por la falta de elementos de bioseguridad (i.e. Puesto de Control Muelle “El Matadero” en Leguízamo)" +178483,41756.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,87,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Les personnes affectées ont des besoins vitaux et liés à leur bien-être physique et mental, d’amélioration de leurs conditions de vie et de rétablissement de leur environnement protecteur. Ces besoins sont concentrés dans les provinces des régions de l’est du pays et du Kasaï et sont liés à la protection générale, la protection de l’enfance, aux VBG, à la lutte anti-mines/restes explosifs de guerre et au logement, à la terre et à la propriété." +169919,40360.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,95,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"La Région du Sahel reste toujours une zone d’insécurité du fait des GANI surtout la province du Soum où les violations du droit à la liberté et à la sécurité sont récurrentes avec des attaques suivies d’enlèvements sur plusieurs axes routiers. La province du Soum est la plus touchée par ces incidents avec 67%, ensuite le Yagha avec 18% et enfin l’Oudalan avec 15%. Par Conséquent les mouvements de populations sont réduits pendant ce mois sous revue en comparaison au mois passé." +361189,58845.0,2028.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,77,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_price_bulletin_may_2021.pdf,"[May 2021, Overall Syria] The national average ToT between wheat flour and wage labour decreased by 15 percent compared to November 2020 (six months ago) and by 33 percent compared to May 2020. In other words, the national average daily wage of a non-skilled labourer could buy 3.3 kgs of wheat flour in May 2021 compared to 3.9 kgs in November 2020, and 5.0 kgs in May 2020." +48240,16492.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],[],en,38,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.unhcr.org/news/stories/2019/7/5d3723374/pregnant-women-flee-lack-maternal-health-care-venezuela.html,"After spending two months in the streets, Roxibel and her children found safety at UNHCR’s new reception centre, which temporarily hosts up to 350 vulnerable people from Venezuela, mostly women and children." +91969,26132.0,1620.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],['Context->Demography'],en,89,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_28_february_2020-report.pdf,"A total of 65,547HH need complete NFI kits. This include 12,601HH in Monguno, 9,762HH in Maiduguri, 9,296HH in Dikwa, 7,980HH in Ngala, 7,550HH in Jere, 4,785HH in Gwoza, 3,918HH in Bama, 2,757HH in Damboa, 2,240HH in Konduga, 4,658HH in Magumeri, Yola North, Yola South, Girei, Fufore, Kaga, Mafa LGA. 71% of the sites reported that blankets/mats are the most needed NFIs while Kitchen sets are the second most needed NFIs." +69905,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],[],en,53,[],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"A lack of safe water for drinking for domestic use combined with a general deterioration in sanitary conditions from floodwater and potential sewage contamination pose a risk of waterborne and vector-borne disease transmission. Groups such as pregnant and lactating women, children and the elderly are particularly vulnerable to these diseases." +2583,518.0,321.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,20,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/unicef-libya-humanitarian-situation-report-01-january-31-march-2017,"An estimated 1.3 million people - including 439,000 children – are in need of urgent humanitarian assistance in Libya." +303681,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,53,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"JANUARY-JUNE 2020- Sub-national violence: Large-scale inter-communal and sub-national violence in Jonglei and Greater Pibor Administrative Area displaced hundreds of thousands of people. JUNE 2020- Governor appointments: President Salva Kirr and First Vice President Riek Machar reach an agreement on the issue of state allocations, except in Upper Nile." +386814,60459.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,144,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"Compte tenu du nombre important de PDI dans la province et de la persistance des menaces d’attaque djihadistes, les activités agricoles pourraient être perturbées et les superficies emblavées réduites. Aussi, la baisse des revenus de l’orpaillage et du maraichage va réduire l’accès aux intrants de production. La main- d’œuvre pourrait également être une contrainte avec les départs d’actifs vers les zones du sud et de l’ouest du pays et du fait des revenus limité pour recruter la main-d’œuvre parmi les PDI. Malgré des perspectives d’une pluviométrie favorable, les productions attendues seront en-dessous de la moyenne avant la crise. Elles pourraient néanmoins être meilleures par rapport à la saison écoulée en raison du contexte sécuritaire relativement plus calme. (scenario)" +41698,14575.0,729.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)', 'Context->Demography']",en,42,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Information And Communication']",Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/2019/06/190611-Flash-Update---Floods.pdf,"Initial information from Ghat Municipality indicates that there are about 6,400 school age children in Ghat and the 22 primary and secondary schools are closed. The floods have damaged six schools; extent of damage is yet to be determined." +415860,64108.0,1185.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,52,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Las ofertas de trabajo engañosas no se limitan a Colombia. Organizaciones consultadas confirmaron la existencia de casos de niñas no acompañadas o separadas que se trasladan hasta Panamá, Ecuador y Perú motivadas por tales ofertas y, una vez que llegan, son víctimas de trata y explotación sexual ." +218392,45694.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,24,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.primature.cd/public/2020/12/15/rdc-le-cce-appelle-a-nouveau-la-population-au-respect-des-gestes-barrieres-face-a-la-deuxieme-vague-de-covid-19/,Cela s’explique par le repli de la confiance dans le secteur de la construction et celui de l’industrie extractive. +169561,40465.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],fr,72,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Dans le cadre de la sensibilisation des populations sur la problématique de la protection et de la prévention des risques liés à la maladie à coronavirus, 32 causeries éducatives ont été réalisées au cours de de la période sous revue par les relais communautaires. Ces causeries éducatives ont permis de toucher 1532 personnes au cours du mois soit 732 hommes, 217 femmes, 150 filles et 433 garçons." +161677,35720.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],es,56,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Respuesta%20COVID%2019%20-%20GIFMM%20La%20Guajira%20-%20Riohacha%2C%20a%206%20de%20julio%20de%202020.pdf,"Atención médica primaria en el puesto de salud de Cruz Roja, atención en Hospital Nuestra Señora de los Remedios, Meza Pana, IPS Anashiwaya y Profamilia. Líneas de atención telefónica en temas de atención en salud, rehabilitación física, atención psicosocial y primeros auxilios psicológicos, e información sobre el COVID-19." +169508,40367.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],"['Context->Demography', 'Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"As of 31 July11, the MoH confirmed 1,143 cases of COVID-19 (399 females, 744 males), 945 recovered and 53 deaths in 10 out of the 13 regions of the country, including 4 out of the 5 regions affected by insecurity." +195738,44016.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,24,[],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN27X227,"A further six people were killed by the ADF in a separate attack on Tuesday in the village of Kokola, Kahumbo said." +490604,67927.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/adamawa_state_2021_cholera_situation_report_no_9.pdf,"[5th Sept 2021, Adamawa State] (Cholera) Logistics: ICRC donated 50 cartoons of Ringers Lactate. WHO provided 50 Biohazard bags to the laboratory in SSHY." +303977,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"South Sudan remained a protection crisis in 2020. Human rights violations, conflict, natural hazards and extremely limited livelihood opportunities put already vulnerable people, including IDPs, at increased risk." +83544,23030.0,1620.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,63,['Impact'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/s_2019_1005.pdf,"On 20 August, Nigeria closed its borders with Benin and the Niger. The closure has had significant ramifications across the subregion. It was initially put in place for two weeks to curb smuggling and trafficking, but was subsequently extended, which triggered a significant slowdown of the economy of Benin, which heavily depends on exports and trans-shipment." +188710,43183.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Contact Tracing'],fr,37,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_268_20201024.pdf,"Au niveau des PoE/PoC nationaux, 11 249 voyageurs ont été recensés, parmi lesquels 99,4% (n=11 180) ont été screenés ; pareillement, aucune alerte n’a été décelée non plus." +174815,36581.0,1899.0,['Cross'],[],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],es,39,[],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3658266,"El Instituto Nacional de Sismología, Vulcanología, Meteorología e Hidrología –INSIVUMEH-, registra avalanchas moderadas y fuertes a las barrancas Seca, Taniluyá, Ceniza, Lajas y Honda, según se menciona en su boletín vulcanológico." +239834,47107.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,67,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[ Nov 2020, NES] Taking the situation as of mid-November as a baseline (i.e. partial lockdown and very localized full lockdowns covering 5-10 per cent of the population in NES), the model estimates that a full 14-day lockdown across NES followed by partial lockdown measures implemented over an extended duration could reduce COVID-19 attributable deaths by over 70 per cent." +213488,44840.0,2331.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,"The UN’s response in the field of economic recovery focuses on safeguarding critical food value chains, employment intensive programming, support to micro, small and medium enterprises, and remittances" +90032,25213.0,1621.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Security & Stability', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,111,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Displacement', 'Casualties']",2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A_HRC_43_75_E.pdf,"Since March, intercommunal violence and fighting between Tebu and Ahali communities in Murzuq increased. 2 In early June, 16 men were reported killed and 17 others, including four women, injured in such clashes. While these clashes were primarily of an intercommunal nature, the airstrikes against Murzuq on 4 August by the Libyan National Army sparked fighting between the Tebu and Ahali communities, resulting in killing, kidnapping, the burning of private houses and consequent displacement. As at August, 5,293 families had been displaced from Murzuq and surrounding areas (approximately 26,465 individuals), mainly from the Ahali community." +258159,48964.0,2098.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,82,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/AFAD%20Humanitarian%20Aid%20in%20Bangladesh.pdf,"[16th January 2021, Bangladesh] Malnutrition and starvation are two pressing concerns within the Kutupalong refugee camp. While there are shops where Rohingya refugees can buy food from within the camps, not all can a ord doing so as there is mass poverty. Most refugees are totally reliant on food that is supplied by national and international organizations and NGOs. Recognizing this need, AFAD has distributed a total of 90,000 food parcels since May 2018" +325704,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,La production totale de la pêche au Burkina Faso était de 22 540 tonnes en 2016 (Indicateurs de développement mondial). L’industrie aquacole naissante du Burkina ne contribue cependant qu’à hauteur de 500 tonnes +172841,39176.0,2170.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,105,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_31_july_2020_report.pdf,"[16 - 31 July 2020, North East Nigeria]The CCCM Shelter and NFI sectors contingency plan as incorporated in the 2020 HRP, enabled partners to manage the flood situation by creating water pathways, providing sand and sand-bags, deployment of water pumps for the purpose of expelling water from the flooded area with active participation of the IDPs in the process. Furthermore, recorded damages and needs have been shared with other sectors for immediate interventions. The sector as well is utilizing its prepositioned Emergency Shelter and NFI stocks for rapid response to the rainy season damages." +211253,44944.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,49,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Whole%20of%20Syria%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20October%202020.pdf,"[October 2020, Syria] To date, 67,969 children (34,583 boys and 33,330) and 18,419 caregivers (4,145 men and 14,274 women) received structured psychosocial support services (PSS) among which 7,356 children received PSS remotely as precautionary measures to prevent COVID-19." +149758,37702.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,104,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"In the reporting period, UNHCR supported two community-led initiatives in Jebel Saman, Aleppo reaching 150 children and youth, including 40 adolescent girls with information on COVID-19 and hygiene kits. UNHCR also provided awareness raising and protection support to 2,027 outreach volunteers across thirteen governorates reaching 46,924 persons of concern through a variety of platforms. Outreach volunteers also conducted 1,991 physical visits, with appropriate precautions, to the most vulnerable individuals who could not be reached through other modalities. Seventeen protection partners also shared 92 COVID-19 related posts on Facebook, which were subsequently reshared 2,034 times." +176071,41336.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_128_.pdf,"Au cours des 14 derniers jours, 1 875 cas confirmés ont été notifiés dans 66 ZS réparties dans 10 des 11 provinces affectées du pays (Tableau I)." +186902,41080.0,1184.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,176,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000119627.pdf,"5. Mujeres adolescentes La alta tasa de embarazo temprano no planificado combinada con el reto económico de alcanzar dietas nutritivas para adolescentes presenta un riesgo nutricional para ellas, así como para las generaciones que vienen. Las altas prevalencias de anemia y desnutrición crónica en niños y niñas pequeños no sólo indican prácticas alimentarias inadecuadas, sino también un crecimiento gestacional limitado debido a las deficiencias nutricionales en las madres y un problema general para las mujeres y las adolescentes. Como los niños y niñas menores de 6 meses deben recibir todos los nutrientes necesarios de la leche materna y las reservas corporales presentes en el nacimiento, es esencial que la madre tenga un buen estado nutricional antes y durante el embarazo. Estas deficiencias nutricionales se deben a cuatro factores: las dietas deficientes de las mujeres y niñas adolescentes en general, el mal estado nutricional antes del embarazo, el mal estado nutricional durante el embarazo y el periodo de lactancia, y el inicio temprano del embarazo." +287149,51749.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[CPSP district sanitaire de Pouytenga] Les services non disponibles sont de manière transversale la santé mentales et l’imagerie diagnostic. La réponse au VBG est présentée comme intégrée, il sera nécessaire d’évaluer l’efficace de l’identification et du référencement, ainsi que de la formation des personnels aux premiers secours psychologique." +133603,35118.0,1187.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"de las 169 personas que compartían la vivienda con 4 o más personas, el 55% (91) refiere com- partir esa vivienda con otro grupo familiar. De esta forma se consolida la tendencia de que muchas familias comparten domicilios existiendo al menos un número considerable en condiciones de hacinamiento." +185282,43022.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,35,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/61780/what-happened-over-the-weekend-99.html,"[November 9 2020 Overall syria] The ministry added that this brings the total number of coronavirus cases in the country to 6,147, of which 2,302 cases recovered and 313 passed away." +182676,42252.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,33,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2020_29Oct2020_FINAL.pdf,"[29th October 2020, Overall Syria] Given that even the most advanced health systems globally have been quickly overwhelmed, the priority remains on providing support to and reinforcing isolation facilities" +318945,53305.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,72,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Of the nine aid workers killed in 2020, eight lost their lives while delivering lifesaving assistance to people in Jonglei, and one in Lakes. Active hostilities and violence against personnel continue to impact humanitarian operations, with 245 aid workers relocated in 26 incidents from multiple locations across the country. Seventy per cent of relocations took place in Jonglei, halting essential activities for communities in need." +280107,51005.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,38,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-in-bangladesh-10-more-deaths-push-up-toll-to-8451/65697,"[6th March 2021, Bangladesh] By Wednesday, 3,460,159 people received the first dose of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine. The second dose has to be taken between 8 and 12 weeks of the first one." +173324,41060.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,86,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/2020/10/09/covid-19-17-die-1-278-new-cases-in-24hrs,"[9th October 2020, Bangladesh] The DGHS said 11,506 samples were collected from suspected Covid-19 patients in the last 24 hours. As many as 11,256 samples were tested in the 109 authorized labs — government and private — across the country and 1,278 new patients were confirmed. The latest figures show an infection rate of 11.35%. To date, 2,050,669 tests have been conducted in the country, leading to an overall infection rate of 18.33% so far." +319805,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Families undertake Female genital mutilation(FGM) for their girl children to ensure marriageability, reduce mouths to feed and provide some form of social and financial security." +386802,60459.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,61,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,L’arrêt précoce des pluies va entrainer une baisse des productions agricoles et aggraver les déficits de pâturages. Cela limitera aussi les activités maraichères dans la zone. On pourrait alors s’attendre à une augmentation des prix des céréales et une augmentation du nombre de personnes qui auront recours à l’assistance alimentaire (scenario) +234301,46381.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,56,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Mobilization of the national health system capacities for public awareness (3,386 public and private health facilities, 40,000 civil servants, 60,000 community health workers and private sector staff); utilize citizen charter network, Health Shura, school teachers and students, Mullahs; and use of media (Radio & TV)" +193919,43327.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Casualties->Dead'],fr,105,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_sectoriel_octobre.pdf,"A la date du 31 octobre 2020, on note un cumul de 165 cas d’ictère fébrile depuis le 07 septembre dans le district sanitaire de Barsalogho, 15 décès (dont le dernier décès le 9 Octobre 2020) chez les des femmes enceintes et en post partum et 11 malades en hospitalisation (09 en médecine interne et 02 en maternité). 59% des cas d’ictère fébrile était de sexe féminin avec une moyenne d’âge de 25 ans. Les populations déplacées internes sont principalement touchées (au moins 84% des cas)." +330707,55042.0,2098.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,41,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.gage.odi.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Adolescents%E2%80%99-experiences-of-covid-19-in-Chittagong-and-Sylhet-divisions-Bangladesh.pdf,"[30 April 2021, Bangladesh]Impact of economic hardship on families: Families dependent on income sources from agriculture, transportation, garment work, fishing, and immigrant workers faced most of the economic burden during lockdown." +309816,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,29,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Due to various humanitarian shocks, the community care strategy to prevent and avoid sexual violence against girls and preventing early marriage still needs to be rolled out." +187263,32688.0,1900.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/El%20Salvador%2C%20Honduras%2C%20and%20Nicaragua%20Key%20Message%20Update%20-%20Inicio%20escalonado%20del%20desconfinamiento%2C%20pero%20la%20recuperaci%C3%B3n%20ser%C3%A1%20gradual.pdf,"hay grupos de población en el corredor seco de Honduras y la zona cafetalera de El Salvador que han sufrido un deterioro significativo en sus medios de vida por afectaciones pasadas en su producción e ingresos, respectivamente, y que tendrán opciones de empleo limitadas por una lenta recuperación económica luego de la cuarentena." +125204,34131.0,1620.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/clean-water-hygiene-and-sanitation-crucial-contain-covid-19-among-idps-northeast,"In Borno, the largest state in the region, about 80 per cent of the estimated 840,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs) live in makeshift and temporary shelters in overcrowded conditions where physical distancing is difficult, if not impossible." +163166,37820.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,38,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/iom_rohingya_crisis_response_-_external_sitrep_-_july_2020.pdf,Site Development efforts in Camp 20 Extinctions continued supporting the COVID-19 response. Interventions included construction of a pathway to and fencing for the 143 bed IOM isolation and Treatment Center (ITC) in Camp 20 extinction +149019,36031.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,89,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Blast-Injury-V3_0.pdf,"Certainly, life there is terrible for so many refugees. AOAV met residents at one informal camp where the tents stood next to a large, filthy pool of stagnant water. Sometimes it flooded their camps, washing rubbish and human waste through their spartan homes. Biting insects and bedbugs were aplenty. Colds and flus spread through the camps like wildfire, too. And, in a time of COVID-19, such unhygienic and grim conditions offer a terrible breeding ground for infection." +340466,56371.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,21,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20Burkina%20Faso%20Country%20Brief%2C%20April%202021.pdf,"Overall, 9.1 percent of children aged 6-59 months suffer from acute malnutrition (2020 SMART National Nutrition Survey)." +265926,49323.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,56,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.pulzo.com/nacion/regular-venezolanos-colombia-que-significa-podran-votar-PP1029436,La Registraduría Nacional señala que los votos extranjeros quedan en listados aparte de los colombianos y que para poder votar deben cumplir algunos requisitos como la mayoría de edad. También exige un periodo largo de residencia; es decir que quienes sean regularizados con este nuevo estatuto no aplican para las elecciones de 2022. +303378,51947.0,2332.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,,"Les principaux besoins informationnels concernaient le retour et les opportunités d’emploi (19%), les risques et les dangers sur la route (13%) et les procédures d’asile ou de régularisation dans le pays de destination (6%)." +267255,49773.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,51,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_HSOS-NWS_-January-2021.pdf,"[January 2021, NWS] Effects of COVID-19 on livelihoods sectors in the community (by % of communities): 30% said None of the available livelihood sectors were affected and 70% said At least one of the available livelihood sectors was partially or totally affected." +297861,52145.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,44,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_humanitaire_numero_12_v_04.pdf,Les assaillants opèrent le plus souvent de nuit ; ils ont bénéficié en cette période de l’année d’une saison des pluies exceptionnellement longue et nourrie qui obère la mobilité des Forces Armées et donc leur capacité de réaction rapide. +346804,57052.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,174,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/syria-country-office-market-price-watch-bulletin-issue-77-april-2021,"(Whole of Syria, April 2021) The national average price of potatoes continued to increase, going up by 16 percent m-o-m and by 87 percent y-o-y, reaching SYP 1,002/kg in April 2021. The coastal region recorded the highest price at SYP 1,163/kg (up nine percent m-o-m), followed by the middle region at SYP 1,162/kg (up 18 percent m-o-m). The national average price of onions increased by 17 percent m-o-m and by 42 percent y-o-y, reaching SYP 1,190/kg. The coastal region recorded the highest price at SYP 1,856/kg (up 26 percent m-o-m), followed by the southern region at SYP 1,578/kg (up 50 percent m-o-m). The national average price of carrots increased by 14 percent m-o-m and by 230 percent y-o-y, reaching SYP 910/kg. Northeast Syria recorded the highest price at SYP 1,036/kg (up 23 percent m-o-m), followed by the mid-dle region at SYP 1,002/kg (up 14 percent m-o-m)." +316100,52949.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,External remittances provide a crucial lifeline to many non-displaced households. Those that do not receive remittances show an 18 per cent higher rate of poverty than households who do receive remittances. +48495,16403.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],['Context->Economy'],es,12,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,, Insuficiencia de recursos con altos costos para la red pública. +190169,43304.0,2332.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,21,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"A ce secteur, [l'aérien] il faut ajouter l’arrêt des activités de la compagnie nationale CHADIA." +346159,56952.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,127,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20monitoreo%20enero-marzo%202021%20-%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20vers%C3%B3n%20final.pdf,"Sin embargo, persisten las mismas barreras de ac- ceso observadas en meses anteriores. La docu- mentación de las personas (44.10%) es el princi- pal obstáculo, seguida por la distancia entre los hogares y los centros de salud (17.09%), carencia de información sobre rutas de acceso a servicios de salud (8.69%), costos de los medicamentos (6.23%), discriminación (6.23%), tiempo de espe- ra (5.65%), corrupción (5.14%), costos de trans- porte (4.27%), falta de servicios (2.17%) y en un último lugar otras razones distintas a las mencio- nadas (0.43%)." +159569,39148.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,36,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_july2020_ne_nigeria.pdf,Local production of COVID-19 Personal Protective materials and reusable sanitary pads as well as assembling of Dignity Kits is ongoing at the Dignity Kit production Centre in Maiduguri. This is being supported by UNFPA. +178426,41756.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,A cela s’ajoutent les élèves des écoles attaquées ainsi que les enfants qui sont affectés par le conflit mais qui ne sont ni déplacés ou retournés ni de la famille d’accueil et dont l’accès aux services de base est extrêmement réduit. +164737,39789.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,72,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Movementwide%20Operation%20Report%20August%202020.pdf,"Orientation on Protection, Gender and Inclusion (PGI), Prevention and Response to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) and Child Protection (CP) was organized remotely for ULOs and Volunteers of Bogura, Manikganj, Lalmonirhat, Sirajganj, Munshiganj and Gaibandha districts in response to present flood situation as well as COVID-19 situation where 33 individuals (25 male and 8 female) took part." +183539,43045.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,38,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/60670/two-franciscan-friars-die-from-covid-19-in-aleppo.html,"[Sep 2020,Overall Syria] Despite the lack of accurate data, the proportion of priests affected by the coronavirus can be projected onto the population in order to understand the magnitude of the pandemic." +191456,43304.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,43,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,les jeunes qui constituent la tranche majoritaire de la population tchadienne sont confrontés à la difficulté d’accès au marché du travail. Cette difficulté risque de s’aggraver avec la crise sanitaire les contraignant à un chômage de masse. +184454,42131.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Security & Stability'],es,84,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://m.lasillavacia.com/putumayo-no-golpea-tanto-virus-del-covid-como-los-armados-78952?amp=1&__twitter_impression=true,"Es una reactivación del conflicto, y la poca respuesta institucional. Y de fondo el incumplimiento del punto cuatro del Acuerdo de Paz que habla de la desmantelación de los grupos armados que son los que están matando a los líderes, a los campesinos, y generando estos hechos de violencia que no se limitan solamente a lo que pasó en Yurilla, son muchos más pero que han pasado inadvertidos”, explica Wilmar Madroñero, vocero de la Red." +178193,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],fr,25,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Avec un taux de fécondité dépassant les six enfants par femme, la RDC connait l’une des plus fortes croissances démographiques au monde.12" +149830,37865.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,30,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cxb-situation-report-20.pdf,"In addition, 5716 small group sessions were conducted for 32 880 persons. Messages include information about COVID-19 symptoms, risk factors and quarantine and isolation/ treatment centers." +239640,47230.0,2311.0,"['Shelter', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,59,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"El 65%, o alrededor de dos de cada tres hogares, estaban endeudados al momento de la recolección de los datos. La razón principal de los hogares para endeudarse es el pago de alquiler de un apartamento/casa/habitación: El 52% de los hogares encuestados están endeudados para pagar arriendo (ver gráfica 32)." +22356,9106.0,729.0,['Shelter'],[],[],en,39,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"Refugees and migrants require particular attention and support, especially in areas such as Almargeb, Ejdabia, Murzuq, Sebha, and Tripoli. An estimated 62,700 refugees and migrants based in urban settings need shelter support." +169510,40367.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need']",[],en,46,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"On July 11, the results of the analysis of acute food insecurity were released by the government. According to the analysis, 3,280,800 people are food insecure and in need of immediate humanitarian assistance (15 per cent of the total population)." +61761,18350.0,1184.0,['Nutrition'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],es,51,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71151.pdf,"Se realizó atención nutricional para niños desde seis meses hasta 5/6 años, evaluando 1.082 niños a los cuales se entregaron suplementos nutricionales para prevenir la desnutrición. De estos, 16 fueron encontrado con desnutrición aguda y fueron referidos a servicios especializados del MSP en Rumichaca y San Miguel." +325235,54815.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Environment'],en,127,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"According to data from CONASUR, Burkina Faso’s National Emergency Relief and Rehabilitation Council, in the last fifteen years, the annual number of persons affected by flooding across the country has ranged from about 6,000 (in 2014) to over 180,000 (in 2009) and generally reaches several tens of thousands every year. In the worst year of flooding – 2009 – the Centre region was affected the most, which can at least partly be attributable to its much higher population density than that present in the rest of the country. However, several tens of thousands of people were affected also in the Est, Boucle du Mouhoun, Centre-Nord, Sud-Ouest, and Centre-Est regions." +151571,37915.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,72,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/78176.pdf,"UNHCR’s partners continue to facilitate cloth mask production by refugee and host community women. So far, 115,000 cloth masks have been produced, of which close to 72,000 have been distributed, including 29,000 to the elderly population. UNHCR increased the production target from 100,000 to 200,000 considering the needs on the ground as the Government of Bangladesh requires masks to be worn in public locations." +386818,60459.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,77,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"La demande restera satisfaisante pour soutenir les besoins additionnels pendant la fête de Tabaski à venir (juillet) et les fêtes de fin d’année. Par ailleurs, certains acheteurs de bétail ont limité leur fréquentation des marchés du Sahel au profit des marchés de la province. Les prix, en particulier ceux des petits ruminants les plus demandés, demeureront au-dessus de la moyenne pendant toute la période. (scenario)" +165196,38902.0,1183.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",en,74,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"In an April 2020 Gallup poll in Colombia, 87% of respondents stated that they would like the Colombian- Venezuelan border to remain closed after the end of containment measures, to prevent more Venezuelans from entering. The percentage of respondents stating that they had an unfavourable opinion of Venezuelans who came to Colombia to stay increased from 67% in February to 81% in April (Gallup 04/2020)." +316284,52949.0,2331.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,77,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"High levels of acute malnutrition persist, driven by high morbidity, immunization and vitamin A supplementation below Sphere standards, poor childcare practices and acute food insecurity. Inadequate water and sanitation services exacerbate malnutrition rates and related health issues. They constitute the main cause of spread of acute diarrheal diseases, leading to malnutrition and contributing to increasing the existing stunting rate of 25.3 per cent in children below 5 years of age." +402953,63058.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Democratic%20Republic%20of%20Congo%20-%20Key%20Message%20Update_%20Fri%2C%202021-07-30.pdf,"Le mois de juillet 2021 marque la fin des récoltes de la saison agricole B dans le nord-est et le centre-est, lesquelles sont estimées en dessous de la moyenne quinquennale. Cette faible production occasionne une courte durée de stocks avec une période de soudure qui commencera un mois plus tôt en août 2021." +161551,39295.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,11,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,"4,133 children supported with home-based education based on a self-learning programme" +235406,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The Global Age Watch Index has consistently rated Afghanistan as one of the worst countries in which to live for the elderly. This analysis looks at a variety of indices such as income security, health status, capability, and enabling society and environment." +418913,64000.0,1185.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,62,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"En cuanto al aspecto socioeconómico, las personas venezolanas en el país no pudieron acceder a los distintos bonos ofrecidos por el Estado peruano debido a que no poseían el documento nacional de identidad, lo cual intensificó la vulnerabilidad laboral, legal y psicosocial de este grupo (Bird et al. 2020; Freier & Vera Espinoza 2021)." +301766,51958.0,2332.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,70,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_devaluation_de_protection_des_retournes_tchadiens_de_la_rca_installes_dans_les_sites_au_sud_du_tchad_002.pdf,"On note aussi, pour les sites de Goré la création d’un groupement regroupant 7 chefs de village et 18 retournés pour une gestion structurée des AGR (non encore fonctionnel par manque de moyens financiers). Néanmoins les différents groupes déplorent l’absence des projets fédérateurs entre les retournés et les populations des villages environnants (compétitions sportives, activités socio- culturelles etc.)" +339303,56367.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,69,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"The West and Central Africa region is severely affected by poverty, climate change, regular natural disasters, economic crises and the disastrous impacts of the Covid pandemic on livelihoods. The recurrence of humanitarian emergencies adds to already precarious contexts and prolonged crisis situations, leaving little hope and opportunities for the youth, who make up 65 per cent of the population in the region." +173692,41024.0,1388.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,42,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rapid%20needs%20assessment%20-%20Impact%20of%20COVID-19%20on%20PoC%20from%20other%20nationalities%20-%20Costa%20Rica%2C%20August%202020.pdf,Assistance under COVID-19 47% of households have received some form of assistance since the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic 44% received assistance from NGOs and/or the UN agencies 31% received assistance from the government (mainly food items) +321466,54677.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,71,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_n68_mve_nord_kivu_16_avril_20211.pdf,"[SitRep MVE - Ministère de la Santé 15/04/2021 ] Au total 16186 voyageurs ont été enregistrés dans 16 sur 22 points de contrôle et/ou d’entrée (PoC/PoE) opérationnels, parmi lesquels 15208 ont été screenés (93,96%), 15152 se sont lavés les mains (93,961%) et 15208 ont été sensibilisés (93,96%). Cinq alertes ont été remontées et invalidées" +114352,31782.0,1186.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77210.pdf,Su percepción sobre diferentes formas de discriminación por su condición de migrantes venezolanos es relativamente baja. Solo un tercio percibió formas de discriminación hacia otros colectivos o grupos de población. +149223,36019.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,49,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"The priorities under the Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) pillar include ensuring adherence to minimum IPC standards in health facilities and crowded public spaces. Complementing messaging and outreach activities, IPC-based interventions are also particularly critical in areas where sanitation conditions and hygiene practices are poor" +149574,32165.0,1388.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/74589.pdf,"Las personas ocupadas independientes han venido creciendo de forma sostenida desde hace algunos años, lo cual preocupa porque casi un 60% de estos no cuentan con seguro." +125120,32835.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,95,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77444.pdf,"Es de resaltar que la tasa de ocupación en la población migrante proveniente de Venezuela es mayor a la tasa observada en la población no migrante colombiana. Esto se relaciona, seguramente, con que los trabajadores provenientes de Venezuela tienen mayor necesidad de generar ingreso y buscan oportunidades laborales a través de actividades informales. Mientras la informalidad en Colombia es cercana al 50 %, en la población migrante llega a rondar cifras cercanas al 97 %, lo cual puede producir mayor presión sobre el sistema de seguridad social colombiano." +230135,46693.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,10,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,Chronic malnutrition: 33 percent of children between 6-59 months +149619,35869.0,2028.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,26,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep18_25july2020.pdf,"As per restrictions related to COVID-19, global procurement shortages and shipment, some key laboratory supplies were delayed as well leishmaniasis supplies and medicines." +315560,52949.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Most internally displaced persons live in poverty in informal settlements in urban areas, often in desperate conditions with limited livelihood opportunities, and rely on external humanitarian assistance." +220274,45084.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,93,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_5_november_2020_final.pdf,"The roll out of the annual influenza vaccination across Afghanistan will be more important than ever to help the health system manage the rise in COVID-19 cases. Increasing influenza vaccine coverage can reduce the strain on the health care system and free-up limited health resources to focus on treating more severe cases of COVID-19. Public health experts strongly urge the public to adhere to physical distancing, mask wearing, good hygiene, hand washing and other proven strategies that mitigate the risk of COVID-19 transmission amid this second wave." +239668,47230.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],es,73,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"El desarrollo físico, emocional y cognitivo de los niños y niñas está determinado en gran medida por las experiencias que viven en sus primeros años de vida. Cuando los niños y niñas están expuestos a situaciones de emergencia, están sometidos a un estrés que tiene efectos negativos sobre la salud y el crecimiento, la degradación del desarrollo cognitivo, además de otras afecciones asociadas a la salud mental." +69178,19842.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,62,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acnur.org/es-es/noticias/noticia/2019/8/5d5c64e64/de-vuelta-a-colombia-tras-una-vida-en-venezuela.html,"A través de sus 32 PAO y 11 oficinas en el país, ACNUR identifica casos como el de la familia de Jaime y los remite a la Registraduría para que puedan acceder a la nacionalidad colombiana. Además, ACNUR brinda apoyo técnico a las instituciones colombianas para responder a la demanda en materia de derechos de las personas refugiadas." +176411,41733.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,28,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/reach_drc_bulletin-des-marche-2_juin-2020.pdf,"En termes d'évolutions mensuelles, le mois d'avril a été marqué par une augmentation généralisée du coût du PMA pour la majorité des régions de la RDC." +199567,44216.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,50,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/health/coronavirus/2020/11/16/covid-19-bangladesh-records-21-deaths-2-139-new-cases,"[16th November 2020, Bangladesh] To date, 2,556,962 tests have been conducted in the country, leading to an overall infection rate of 16.99% so far. Bangladesh also confirmed 21 deaths during the 24 hour period taking the total death toll at 6,215 people." +236865,47076.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,30,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,"In June, 21,670 people were reached with GBV activities including: GBV awareness raising; dignity kits distribution, capacity building, psychosocial support and life skill development." +228080,46579.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'WASH']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,87,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Actualmente las comunidades desplazadas se encuentran en situación de hacinamiento en la escuela Santa Teresita del corregimiento el Valle, Bahía Solano. En el albergue no existen las condiciones mínimas de habitabilidad, saneamiento e higiene para las 899 personas, por lo que se hace necesario dotar el lugar con baterías sanitarias, lavamanos, utensilios de cocina, colchones, cobijas y kits de albergue, y poder adecuar un nuevo espacio para alivianar la situación de hacinamiento y evitar la propagación de enfermedades" +327604,54714.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,15,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,[PRE-EXISTING VULNERABILITIES] 76% households with an age dependency ratio greater than 0.8 +209498,45056.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://wcaro.unfpa.org/fr/news/limpact-de-la-covid-19-sur-les-violences-bas%C3%A9es-sur-le-genre-en-afrique-de-louest-et-du-centre,"Ces tendances [les violences basées sur le genre] s’ajoutent à une situation humanitaire déjà critique du fait notamment des conflits armés dans les Régions du Sud-Ouest, du Nord-Ouest et de l’Extrême-Nord." +177702,41774.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,135,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"Le Président Félix Tshisekedi a annoncé la procédure à suivre pour la reprise des activités suspendues le 24 mars pour empêcher la propagation de la pandémie de Coronavirus. A partir de ce 22 juillet 2020, la reprise des activités commerciales : -Magasins ; -Banques ; -Restaurants ; -Cafés ; -Bars ; -Entreprises La reprise des rassemblements, réunions et célébrations La reprise des transports en commun. A partir du 3 août 2020 : La reprise des écoles et des universités, en commençant par des classes et promotions terminales A partir du 15 août 2020 : -La réouverture des églises et lieux de culte ; -La reprise des mouvements migratoires interprovinciaux ; -L’ouverture des ports, aéroports et frontières ; -La réouverture des discothèques, stades et salles de spectacle" +183240,42114.0,1186.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,126,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Chile%20COVID-19%20Situation%20report%20No.%205%20-%20October%202020.pdf,"The majority of the country is coming out of lockdown. As of 26 October, out of 345 comunas of the country, 27 comunas are in step-1 (lockdown, compared to 43 a month ago), 75 in step-2 (transition, compared to 44), 209 in step-3 (preparation, compared to 204), and 34 in step-4 (initial opening, compared to 49). The focus of the lockdown comunas shifted from Greater Santiago to the southern and northern Chile, where the population density is lower but so is the capacity of the hospitals. In comunas in step-1&2, lockdown of weekends and holidays continues. Nightly curfews continue nationwide." +199053,44308.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Push Factors', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,39,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RD%20Congo%20-%20Note%20d%E2%80%99informations%20humanitaires%20pour%20la%20province%20du%20Nord-Kivu%2017%20novembre%202020.pdf,"Ces personnes, qui ont fui les violences armées dans les villages de Mwenda, Loselose, Halungupa et Kinyambahore entre juin et octobre 2020 vivent au sein de familles d’accueil, dans une grande promiscuité." +323675,54267.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,67,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"En ce qui concerne le secteur minier, le Burkina Faso figure parmi les dix premiers bénéficiaires des budgets de prospection d’or des sociétés minières mondiales. Cela suggère que les récents problèmes de sécurité n’ont pas découragé les investissements dans le secteur minier et que l’expansion spectaculaire du secteur minier depuis 2008 pourrait se poursuivre à l’avenir." +391219,61647.0,2170.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,96,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_15_jul_2021_report_2.pdf,"[ 01 -15 July 2021,Northeast Nigeria]SHELTER: 42% of the IDPs are living in emergency shelter, 38.2% in makeshift shelter, 8.2% in collective/communal shelter, 7.9% in transitional shelter and 5.7% in public facilities. 2,786HH are sharing shelter in Maiduguri (1,054HH), Gwoza (740HH), Jere (345HH), Magumeri (206HH), Kala Balge (70HH), Damboa (65HH), Konduga (47HH), Bama (29HH) and Yola South LGA." +493594,61216.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/humanitarian-situation-overview-syria-hsos-northeast-syria-june-2021,"[June 2021, NES]74% of communities where KIs reported that the households did not have access to health services in the assessed location." +320223,53305.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,31,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"6 INGOs (GOAL, SCI, MSF, ADRA, Samaritan’s Purse, BGRRF,) in Agok town are largely operating in southern and central Abyei." +164749,39789.0,2098.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,62,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Movementwide%20Operation%20Report%20August%202020.pdf,"98 FDMN families received 86 set WASH hygiene kits  28348 FDMN families received 56696 pcs jerry can and 117758 pcs of 3- layer reusable cloth mask  19 set elderly kits distributed to 19 FDMN families. An elderly kit contains sleeping mat, blanket, mosquito net, tarpaulin rope, white kit bag, bath soap and cotton mask" +360023,58741.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,35,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC_FSO_2021_06_final.pdf,"les entrées en Ouganda en provenance de la RDC sont autorisées pour les marchandises, mais le transporteur doit présenter un test PCR négatif ce qui rajoute une contrainte et fait diminuer le trafic." +125142,32835.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Demography'],es,39,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77444.pdf,"Del total de las mujeres encuestadas y mujeres identificadas como integrantes de los grupos familiares, se identificaron 1339 gestantes, es decir, el 6 %. De estas, el 8 % son menores de 18 años" +342047,56493.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,129,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"De ce fait, on peut conclure que les populations de l’enquête affirment que la justice populaire ne donne pas de bons résultats. Dans les régions de la Boucle du Mouhoun, du Centre Nord, du Sahel, du Nord et de l’Est, les taux de « pas de réponse » respectivement de 82,71 %, 61,77%, 45,38%, 29,55%, 20,56%, sont significatifs ; de même que les taux de « jamais » à cette interrogation des résultats s’illustrent forte- ment dans la région des Hauts Bassins avec 84,75%, dans la région de l’Est avec 50, 47% et dans la région du Sahel avec 48,62%." +270169,50226.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],es,99,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_6.pdf,"Se notificaron 9 muertes por infección respiratoria aguda en menores de 5 años, 7 del periodo correspondiente a esta semana y 2 de la semana anterior. Para la misma semana epidemiológica de 2020 se notificaron 6 casos. Para esta semana se observó un aumento en el número de casos en los departamentos de Amazonas, Atlántico, Boyacá, Cesar, Córdoba, Cundinamarca, Huila y Santa Marta en comparación con el histórico notificado a semana epidemiológica 06 entre 2014 a 2020, mientras que, en Cauca y Antioquia se observó una disminución." +323688,54267.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,Les envois de fonds de la diaspora (à l’intérieur et à l’extérieur de la région) constituent donc une source de revenus importante qui renforce la résilience des ménages. +318288,52949.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,63,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"In 2020, concerning numbers of measles cases (3,507 as of 13 September) and of vaccine-derived polio cases are indicative of conditions that necessitate restarting and expanding supplemental vaccination efforts for marginalized groups, in conjunction with sustainable improvements to routine vaccination. No child should miss their vaccination despite the challenges of insecurity, frequent population movements and difficult-to-access areas" +310542,53177.0,2466.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,27,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Sudan%20Multi-Sectoral%20Location%20Assessment_South%20Kordofan.pdf,"In Reif Ashargi, police are present in seven locations. One location has a formal justice system, whereas 22 villages have tribal justice systems." +271047,47809.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],es,82,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_7.pdf,"En la semana epidemiológica analizada la razón preliminar nacional de mortalidad perinatal y neonatal tardía es de 10,2 muertes por cada 1 000 nacidos vivos, en la tabla 1 se observa que en 19 entidades territoriales la razón es superior a la del país. Las 5 entidades territoriales con las razones más altas son Guainía (35,7), Vichada (31,7), Arauca (21,8), Chocó (21,5) y La Guajira (16,6)." +191544,43304.0,2332.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,41,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,Les mesures prises par le gouvernement du Tchad dans le but de limiter sinon empêcher la propagation de la pandémie à COVID-19 ont conduit à la fermeture des marchés et à l’arrêt de la plupart des activités commerciales. +167138,40126.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,67,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_weekly_situation_update_-_27_september_ne_nigeria_0.pdf,"In Borno State, fumigation of public schools in MMC and Jere LGAs continues. In Yobe State, The SMOH, with support from UNICEF and WHO, conducted sensitization training for 50 officials of the Ministries of Education, -Information, -Water Resources, and -Women Affairs, as well as agencies such as RUWASA, SUBEB, and NYSC on COVID-19 preventive measures." +308111,53309.0,2098.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,94,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/gender_alert_brief_final.pdf,"[29th March 2021, Cox's Bazar] Priorities for food and NFIs should be determined through consulting with women, girls, men and boys (with age and sex segregation) about their individual and family needs. Measures should be adopted to ensure the inclusion of those who are marginalized and hard to reach, including women and girls with limited mobility, female-headed households, lactating and pregnant women, unaccompanied boys and girls, older people, third gender, persons with injuries and persons with disabilities." +175172,40890.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"De los 3.102 hogares encuestados, el 69% manifestó que ningún miembro de su hogar se encuentra afiliado a ninguno de los regímenes de salud en Colombia (contributivo, subsidiado y especial). De igual manera, el 84% de las personas miembros del hogar no se encuentra afiliado." +236417,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,84,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Prior to the pandemic, humanitarians estimated that 3.6 million women and girls would need life-saving GBV services in 2020, such as psychosocial support, GBV case management, legal assistance, community mobilisation for awareness and to facilitate access to referrals, dignity kits and prevention and risk mitigation efforts. With the onset of the pandemic and its follow-on impacts that are disproportionally impacting on women and girls, that number has more than doubled to 7.4 million in 2021." +224080,45768.0,2332.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,42,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,Les enfants dépistés malnutris sévères sont orientés vers l’équipe mobile pour leur prise en charge tandis que les enfants souffrant d’autres pathologies courantes n’ont pas été pris en charge pour raison de plateau technique limité. +158037,38777.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/food-insecurity-impact-covid-19-among-critical-challenges-facing-syria,The representative of the Dominican Republic said Syria’s limited testing capacity and collapsed health-care system could be telling a very different story than what the COVID-19 case numbers reveal. +75133,21298.0,1187.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,48,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019-11-18_resumen_semanal_de_situacion_11-18_noviembre.pdf,"• Cono Sur (Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay): Proyección de población venezolana para 2020 de 236.000 habitantes, buscando US$31,3 millones de dólares y con un objetivo de asistir a 114.000 personas de un total de 148.000 personas en necesidad." +410458,63077.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,73,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20210712_v100_drc_factsheet_fr_juin2021-finalv.pdf,"Au cours de l’année 2021, plus de 1,3 millions de personnes sont en situation de déplacement interne, portant à plus de cinq millions, le total de personnes déplacées. Les femmes représentent 51% de la population déplacées. 91% des déplacements sont dus aux affrontements et attaques armés. L'Ituri et le Nord-Kivu sont les provinces ayant accueillies le plus grand nombre de personnes retournées." +391221,61647.0,2170.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,119,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_15_jul_2021_report_2.pdf,"[ 01 -15 July 2021,Northeast Nigeria]A total of 90,308HH need complete NFI kits. 4,316HH of the 90,308HH in need of NFIs are new arrivals in Maiduguri (1,568HH), Monguno (1,188HH), Kaga(367HH), Dikwa (278HH), Konduga (234HH), Bama (220HH), Jere (128HH), Magumeri (105HH), Ngala (103HH), Gwoza (71HH), Damboa (37HH) and Girei (17HH) LGA. 63% of the sites reported that blankets/mats are the most needed NFIs while Kitchen sets are the second most needed NFIs in 26% of sites." +220251,45084.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,54,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_5_november_2020_final.pdf,"MOPH Figures: MoPH data shows that 41,814 people across all 34 provinces in Afghanistan are now confirmed to have COVID19. Some 34,362 people have recovered, and 1,548 people have died - 77 of whom are healthcare workers. 123,965 people out of a population of 37.6 million have been tested." +161298,39528.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,68,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Durant le mois de juillet, 101 incidents sécuritaires ont été rapportés soit une diminution de 37% des incidents sécuritaires enregistrés le mois précédent. Depuis janvier à fin juillet 2020, un cumul de 1217 incidents sécuritaires rapportés dont 19 dirigés contre les acteurs humanitaires. Les attaques et menaces des groupes armés sur la population ont également des répercussions sur le système de santé." +182904,32165.0,1388.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],es,80,[],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/74589.pdf,"Se determinó que en el sector de informática y actividades conexas es posible generar iniciativas empresariales en el corto plazo, tales como el mantenimiento y configuración de computadoras, programación y desarrollo web a nivel básico e instalación de programas informáticos, los cuales eventualmente no exigen una gran cantidad de recursos de inversión inicial, por lo que podrían prestarse para que las personas refugiadas y solicitantes de refugio, den inicio y desarrollen sus acciones emprendedoras." +161337,39528.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,42,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Appui à la construction de 13 unités de triage dans 6 régions prioritaires (régions du Centre, Boucle du Mouhoun, Hauts-Bassins, Sud-Ouest, Cascades, Sahel) avec l’appui technique et financier de l’OMS ;" +307050,51467.0,2335.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,18,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,The scale of educational needs in South Sudan remains high due to many challenges with supply and demand +194619,43822.0,2311.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],es,17,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19112020_flash_update_no.3_emergencias_por_ola_invernal_-_colombia_vf.pdf,Arauca: • Persisten la necesidad de asistencia alimentaria para las 1000 personas afectadas en Saravena. +290401,51970.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,114,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"In line with previous findings, migrants continue to find their main sources of income in the informal sector (36%). Only 31% can rely on more stable, formal sources of income. Lifting restrictions certainly entailed a positive effect on access to income-generating opportunities. However, although lower compared to the previous round (27%), 17% remains unemployed. Remittances flows also register a significative reduction compared to the first round, passing from 11% to 6%. Finally, a migrant out of ten (10%) continue to rely on assistance from Government or other humanitarian actors." +305575,51474.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,101,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"Furthermore, to mitigate migration-related violence in Warrap and Western Bahr el-Ghazal under a project funded through the reconciliation, stabilization and resilience trust fund, the Mission continued to support state and national authorities in establishing a mobile special court. This included facilitating a workshop from 14 to 18 December for traditional leaders, prosecutors, police and prison personnel nominated to support the court. In addition to investigating crimes, the court served as a rapid response mechanism to deploy to hotspot locations in order to promote accountability at the onset of violence and deescalate tensions." +258005,48907.0,2098.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,133,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[20th January 2021, Cox's Bazar] In addition to decreased work opportunities/access to cash, it is reported that the amount of relief provided has been reduced since the COVID-19 outbreak. Some of those interviewed reported they receive smaller quantities of food such as rice, lentils, chilies, onions, ginger, garlic and oil. As a result they now must purchase some of these items as well as fish, meat and spices.All participants expressed their dissatisfaction with this, some even saying that as a result they are consuming less food. Some participants also complained about the quality of food, for example the dried fish they receive. Others noted they normally sell lentils which are not part of their diet." +390929,60780.0,1186.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,101,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Al año 2019 el grupo de delito más común del total de privados de libertad (imputados y condenados) extranjeros son los relacionados con drogas (2.091, es decir el 67,3%), seguido por robos (608, es decir el 19,5%). Dichos tipos de delitos también se repiten como los principales para la población nacional recluida, con la diferencia de que en este grupo está delitos de robo (23.098, es decir el 56,8%) primero y luego de drogas (7.400, que es el 18,2%).8" +498722,60095.0,1187.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RMRP%202021%20Plan%20de%20respuesta%20regional%20para%20refugiados%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%2C%20enero%20-%20diciembre%202021.pdf,"La situación en algunas de las principales zonas de entrada es frágil poniendose en riesgo las solicitudes de protección internacional, el acceso a la regularización, así como las peticiones de excepción para entrar al país por razones humanitarias (como por reagrupación familiar, para mujeres embarazadas, por motivos de salud, etc.)." +311827,53183.0,2466.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,63,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"Despite the challenging operational environment due to COVID-19 restrictive measures, the Food Security Sector delivered assistance to around 135 localities in 17 states in Sudan through 44 partners. This includes areas with active conflict and hazards whereby the sector developed a robust strategy to reach most vulnerable people (i.e. sector reached all 14 states affected by floods)." +26103,10739.0,786.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,56,['Impact'],[],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/the_americas/venezuela-has-its-electricity-back-for-now-but-its-still-on-the-verge-of-collapse/2019/03/20/1cb0060e-4986-11e9-8cfc-2c5d0999c21e_story.html?utm_term=.a236d74c7c19,"The five-day nationwide blackout this month was a dramatic sign of the crumbling of Venezuela’s infrastructure. But it was probably only a curtain-raiser for a broader disaster expected in the coming weeks and months as the country’s political crisis deepens, according to economists, diplomats and aid workers here." +283922,47069.0,2334.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,97,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/iom_dashboard_cameroun_extreme-nord_round_21_en.pdf,[Round 21 / DTM / Far North Region / 25 May - 10 June] Reasons for return : 46% Access to arable land in area of return / 43% Area of return is secure / 8% displacement area is insecure / 2% lack of livelihoods options in the displacement area / 1% lack of assistance in the displacement area / <1% return upon order by militar of civil authorities / <1% host communities cannot welcome displaced populations anymore / <1% consequence of COVID-19 +238146,47086.0,2170.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_31_dec_2020_report.pdf,"[16th-31st Dec 2020, Borno and Adamawa states]68% of camps has access to a form of education in the camp or nearby. Over 60% of the camps need instructional and writing materials. 49% of the camps do not have access to a functional secondary school while 42% of the camps do not have access to alternative basic education." +270141,50221.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,77,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/pandemia-exacerbo-problemas-de-seguridad-alimentaria-para-los-migrantes/2498,"Con el propósito de establecer el impacto de la pandemia por covid-19 sobre la calidad de vida de la población migrante venezolana en América Latina, el Programa Mundial de Alimentos (WFP, por sus siglas en inglés) realizó una serie de encuestas, en las que se identificó la inseguridad alimentaria y las dificultades en el acceso a comida como uno de los mayores problemas de los venezolanos en Colombia, Ecuador y Perú" +305732,51572.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,66,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"WVI (World Vision International) to liaise with WFP as soon as possible to ensure supplies for the TSFP programme are requested and delivered to these IDP camps as soon as possible since there are so many PLWs who have been admitted in the TSFP programme [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +486200,67505.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,37,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Myanmar%20Emergency%20Update%20-%2001%20Sep_0.pdf,"[June - July 2021, Cox's Bazar] 764 functional beds at isolation and treatment facilities, including SARI ITCs as of July 2021 (target 600). (OB2, IN6)." +150428,37702.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,103,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"UNICEF, including in its capacity as the WASH cluster lead, continues to engage with partners to strengthen IPC in healthcare facilities, schools and learning spaces, youth centres and communities, in addition to regular WASH services. To date, UNICEF has supported light rehabilitation of WASH systems in 15 quarantine and isolation facilities across the country, including Al-Hol, with plans to rehabilitate WASH facilities at a new isolation centre in Al Assad hospital in Damascus underway. As previously reported, additional light rehabilitation of WASH facilities was also completed in the Dweir quarantine centre." +150468,37702.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,78,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"The crisis has also disrupted national routine surveillance with currently EWARS the only timely surveillance system for communicable diseases. Technical and operational support is urgently needed to enhance further laboratory capacity across Syria to collect and ship samples as well as recruit and train surge technicians. In line with global WHO guidance, the UN in Syria emphasizes the urgent need for a rapid increase in testing to properly track and monitor a possible outbreak." +176383,41733.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,41,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/reach_drc_bulletin-des-marche-2_juin-2020.pdf,"D’autres facteurs liés à la mise en place des mesures, telles que les restrictions des mouvements transfrontaliers et au sein du pays, ont probablement aussi exacerbé l’augmentation initiale des prix observée entre mars et avril.3" +294570,51749.0,2099.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,54,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[commune de Ouargaye] Quand bien même les ménages déplacés travaillent ponctuellement dans les champs des populations autochtones en échange d’une partie des récoltes, ou qu’ils vendent du bois pour se chauffer, cela n’est pas suffisant pour couvrir leurs besoins de base en alimentation." +209868,45115.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,34,[],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,http://saharareporters.com/2020/12/08/insecurity-216-nigerians-killed-144-kidnapped-november%E2%80%94report,"[8th Dec 2020,Edo and Delta states]The report also examined the rising cases of cult clashes in Edo and Delta states which led to the death of 24 people." +268614,49756.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",es,112,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19022021_flash_update_no_2_impacto_covid-19_triple_frontera_vff.pdf,"En el departamento del Amazonas (Colombia) ocurrieron 212 casos nuevos de la COVID-19 durante el pasado diciembre, y en lo que va corrido del 2021 (46 días) se han presentado 1.189 nuevos casos (537 en enero y 652 en febrero), encendiendo las alarmas ante el incremento de casi tres veces el número de casos de diciembre. La incidencia acumulada es de 5.510 casos por 100.000 habitantes (o 5 personas afectadas de cada 100), la mortalidad de 1.852 casos por 1.000.000 de habitantes (o 1,8 personas muertas por cada 1.000) y la letalidad es de 3,4 por ciento." +52892,16812.0,1184.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Economy']",es,41,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://www.elcomercio.com/actualidad/lenin-moreno-ecuador-venezuela-migracion.html,"El presidente Lenín Moreno aseguró este martes 16 de julio del 2019 que medio millón de venezolanos viven hoy en día en Ecuador, lo que le supone para las arcas públicas un desembolso anual de unos USD 500 millonees." +162728,32457.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,99,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/proyecto-de-ley-migratoria-avance-o-retroceso/1970,"Ramírez indica quees indispensable que el documento contemple la aplicación del debido proceso en el caso de las deportaciones, expulsiones y sanciones de la población migrante.Además, llama a que con la Ley se defina mejor los términos para el reconocimiento de la condición de refugiado, pues en la actualidad no hay una fecha límite para que el Estado responda a las solicitudes.""Los solicitantes pueden pasar años sin tener una respuesta, y en ese tiempo no están autorizados para trabajar. Es un tema urgente que hay que resolver"", advierte." +323102,54815.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],en,77,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Nonetheless, at present, most of Burkina Faso’s provinces can be characterized as ultra-remote rural localities, with fewer than 50 people per square kilometer (Uchida and Nelson, 2010), with rural areas (population density of between 50 and 150 people per km2) concentrated in the central and southeastern part of the region around Ouagadougou qualifying as an ultra-dense urban locality (>300 people per km2)." +323580,54626.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,27,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,"Since February, the number of unaccompanied and separated children (UASC) increased by 92 per cent while family reunifications increased by 19 per cent." +161572,39295.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,115,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,"Nutrition Cluster members provided the following COVID-19 related services; o 122,213 mothers and caregivers received information and prevention measures related to COVID-19; o 70,850 mothers and caregivers counselled on breastfeeding in context of COVID-19; o 33,239 beneficiaries received masks, IEC materials related to COVID-19 (posters, WhatsApp videos, etc.); o 1,251 staff of partners trained on COVID-19 IPC measures; o 769 staff of partners trained on nutrition programmatic adaptations in context of COVID-19 - CMAM, IYCF-E, Surveillance, etc.; o 2,137 staff of partners received PPE tools (e.g. masks, gloves, hand sanitizers, etc.)." +188806,43322.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population', 'Casualties->Missing']",fr,71,[],"['Humanitarian Access', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://news.un.org/fr/story/2020/11/1081772,"Le 3 novembre, trois acteurs humanitaires de l’ONG Oxfam ont été enlevés au cours d’une embuscade tendue par des hommes armés non identifiés dans le territoire de Fizi. Jusqu’à présent, ils demeurent aux mains de leurs ravisseurs. Une semaine plus tôt, quatre personnes dont deux travailleurs humanitaires de l’organisation ADRA ont été enlevées sur ce même territoire." +235704,46388.0,2336.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,[START THERE : GOOD LUCK:)] The WoA Assessment showed that 48 per cent of boys and 59 per cent of girls were out of school or Community Based Education (CBE) prior to the introduction of school closures for COVID-19. +93368,26310.0,1386.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']","['Context->Politics', 'Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",en,83,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Venezuela_%20Violent%20Abuses%20in%20Illegal%20Gold%20Mines%20_%20Human%20Rights%20Watch.pdf,"Residents of Venezuela’s southern Bolívar state are suffering amputations and other horrific abuses at the hands of armed groups, including Venezuelan groups called “syndicates” in the area and Colombian armed groups operating in the region, both of which exercise control over gold mines, Human Rights Watch said today. The armed groups seem to operate largely with government acquiescence, and in some cases government involvement, to maintain tight social control over local populations." +157845,38800.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,69,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GTS%20-%20HNAP%20COVID19%20Syria%20Bulletin%20R3.pdf,"Across all AoCs, the main sources of information on COVID-19 remained the same from May through July. Focal points report that their communities often receive their information from news media (27%), social media (24%), and local governments (19%). Health providers (51%) are consistently listed as the most trusted source of information." +187147,39357.0,1898.0,[],[],[],es,64,[],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ALC%20post%20COVID-19%20-%20Retos%20y%20oportunidades%20para%20pa%C3%ADses%20de%20Centroam%C3%A9rica%2C%20Hait%C3%AD%2C%20M%C3%A9xico%2C%20Panam%C3%A1%2C%20y%20Rep%C3%BAblica%20Dominicana.pdf,"El manejo de la crisis sanitaria ha permitido mantener el contagio dentro de la capacidad del sistema de salud. Desde el 18 de marzo que se dio a conocer el primer caso confirmado, los casos se han duplicado por semana. Hasta la primera mitad de mayo, habían fallecido 23 personas, 416 se habian recuperado y 771 casos continuaban activos" +325685,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,128,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Le stock d’intervention, qui a été créé en 2005 et augmenté en 2009, est actuellement le principal instrument de soutien du marché pour remplir cette mission. Le stock contient des céréales, y compris du riz produit localement, et des légumineuses51. Pour financer le cycle de culture l’agence fournit également des crédits aux agriculteurs qui remboursent leurs prêts en transférant une partie de leur récolte à la SONAGESS. Les meuniers et les étuveuses qui ont des contrats avec la SONAGESS ont un accès plus facile aux prêts des banques commerciales pour leur fonds de roulement en plus d’un marché sécurisé, ce qui pourrait les compenser pour les marges bénéficiaires relativement faibles qu’ils obtiennent" +265967,49325.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/el-estatuto-de-proteccion-no-pone-en-riesgo-la-democracia-migracion-colombia/2461,"La cobertura del estatuto temporal de protección es para tres grupos de migrantes: los casi 800.000 venezolanos regulares que ya están en el país, aquellos de estatus irregular que estuvieron en Colombia a 31 de enero de 2021 y quienes son regulares que ingresen por un punto de control migratorio durante los próximos dos años." +149269,35869.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,82,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep18_25july2020.pdf,"As of 24 July, almost 3,000 samples had been tested for COVID-19. Precautions against a potential spread of the virus have been scaled up in response to the identified cases, including restrictions on movements, gatherings, commercial activities, and in-person education services. These measures are crucial to contain transmissions of COVID-19, though they may intensify humanitarian need by complicating humanitarian response and through their impacts on local markets, income-generating opportunities and vital services." +28420,10158.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Food Security', 'Cross']",[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,76,[],['Displacement'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ET_Feb_2019_Final%2820190313%29.pdf,"Murzuq During the last week of February, at least 200 families (1000 individuals) were displaced from Murzuq to Algatroun, while subsequently 120 displaced families (600 individuals) were then reported to have returned to Murzuq in the following week as the security situation improved. The reported needs were related to the lack of availability and access to food for the affected population, non-food items, and medical supplies." +70614,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,53,[],['Shock/Event'],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"According to the UN’s Special Rapporteur on violence against women, gender-based violence is “hidden, denied and… accepted as normal” in the Bahamas. Marital rape is noted as particularly pressing as it is not outlawed within the Bahamian legal framework other than in narrowly defined circumstances." +493603,61216.0,2028.0,['Protection'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,39,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/humanitarian-situation-overview-syria-hsos-northeast-syria-june-2021,"[June 2021, NES]Most commonly reported protection priority needs (by % of communities): Special assistance for vulnerable groups: 79% Specialised child protection services: 40% Psychosocial support: 29%" +305692,51467.0,2335.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,43,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"The CCCM Cluster 3W and camp data show a significant need for a strengthened camp management structures across South Sudan. The data also indicates a worrying limitation of services and assistance, particularly in areas outside of Protection of Civilian sites." +264330,48806.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,55,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_final_enquete_smart_27112019.pdf,"Huit (8) provinces enregistrent des prévalences comprises entre 20% et 29,9% les classant dans une situation nutritionnelle alarmante. Ce sont les provinces du Borkou, du Ennedi Est, du Guéra, du Batha, du Moyen Chari, du Barh El-Ghazel, du Mandoul et du Wadi fira." +175916,41239.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,89,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.msf.org/ten-fold-increase-coronavirus-cases-adds-new-challenges-northwest-syria,"(NW Syria, 22/09/2020) Nine dedicated COVID-19 hospitals (with a combined 645 available beds) and 14 isolation and treatment centres providing basic care to patients with mild symptoms (with 550 beds) have been set-up in response to the pandemic. “Right now, very few of the available beds in the isolation centres and hospitals are occupied, but the number of COVID-19 cases keeps on rising,” adds Dr Boubaker. “This makes the situation particularly worrying.”" +195893,43072.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,73,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://noticias.canalrcn.com/nacional/indigenas-wayuu-ninos-y-migrantes-venezolanos-se-alimentan-de-la-basura-en-maicao-364445,"""Niños de tres, cuatro años metidos en esa basura, enfermedades, eso tiene ampollas, granos en su pielecita"", lamentó Claudia Tarazona, habitante de Maicao. Esa imagen cruel entristece a muchos, se ha vuelto en el día a día para muchos maicaeros, la difícil situación afecta a decenas de familias que han encontrado en los basureros del mercado, la forma de alimentarse." +40721,14341.0,729.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,50,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/reuters/article-7156165/Air-strike-hits-warehouse-owned-Italys-ENI-Libya.html,"A storehouse belonging to Libya's Mellitah Oil & Gas, a joint-venture between the National Oil Corporation (NOC) and Italy's ENI, was damaged in an air strike on Tuesday, wounding three workers, the state oil firm said in a statement." +123565,30832.0,1620.0,['Cross'],[],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],en,62,[],['Humanitarian Access'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/PRESS%20RELEASE%20-%20NIGERIA%20-%20UN%20APPALLED%20BY%20ATTACK%20HITTING%20CIVILIANS%20AND%20HUMANITARIAN%20FACILITY%20IN%20MONGUNO%20-%2014062020%20-%20final.pdf,"The facility only sustained light damage, initial reports indicate it was directly targeted and an unexploded projectile was found at the gate. All UN and INGO vehicles in front of the humanitarian hub, which includes humanitarian offices and accommodation, were set ablaze. Protective security measures deployed at the hub prevented any harm to the staff inside." +498727,60095.0,1187.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,29,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RMRP%202021%20Plan%20de%20respuesta%20regional%20para%20refugiados%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%2C%20enero%20-%20diciembre%202021.pdf,"En Argentina, un informe concluyó que el 87% de las 6,269 personas venezolanas encuestadas tenían necesidades alimentarias que no podían cubrir con sus propios medios de vida3" +497817,35118.0,1187.0,[],[],[],es,68,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"El cierre de fronteras sumado al aislamiento social preventivo y obligatorio ha impactado de lleno en la población objetivo, imposi- bilitando las reunificaciones familiares, la movilidad de las personas migrantes para llegar a su destino final y la necesidad de cumplir el aislamiento para aquellos que, habiendo arribado al país hacía solo un par de días, no tenían vivienda donde realizar la cuarentena." +193942,43327.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,47,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_sectoriel_octobre.pdf,"Organisation de 09 séances d’orientation de 252 membres des écoles maris et 03 superviseurs des districts sanitaires de Boussouma, Kaya et Kongoussi sur la pandémie de covid-19 et leur rôle dans la prévention de covide-19 d’une valeur 1 902 000 F CFA" +329493,54412.0,2225.0,['Cross'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],"['Displacement->Push Factors', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",fr,112,['At Risk'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_cluster_sante_rdc_s14_ok.pdf,"Sur le plan humanitaire, les statistiques conjointe CNR- HCR font état de : - 173731 anciens réfugiés dont 15363 enfants de moins de 5 ans et, - 51890 nouveau réfugiés dont 12135 enfants de moins de 5 ans, répartis dans les provinces de Nord-Ubangi, Sud-Ubangi, Bas-Uélé et Kinshasa. Selon les autorités locales, 92053 nouvelles personnes déplacées fuyant les attaques armées en RCA auraient traversé la rivière Ubangi pour trouver refuge en RDC. Mais à ce jour, seulement 51890 ont été enregistrés par la CNR et HCR. L’enregistrement se poursuit pour combler le gap de 42847 déplacés non encore enregistrés." +391162,61715.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,161,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/yobe_state_covid-19_pandemic_weekly_situation_report_sitrep_for_week_30_26_jul_-_01_aug_2021_.pdf,"[26th Jul - 1st Aug 2021, Yobe State] The total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases is four hundred and ninety-nine (499). Ninety-four (94) cases from Damaturu, seventy-five (75) cases from Nguru, fifty-five (55) cases from Fika, forty-seven (47) cases from Potiskum, thirty-seven (37) cases from Bade, thirty-one (31) cases from Nangere, twenty-nine (29) cases from Gulani, twenty-two (22) cases from Yusufari, twenty-one (21) cases from Gujba, nineteen (19) cases from Jakusko, sixteen (16) cases each from Karasuwa, fourteen (14) cases from Tarmuwa, twelve (12) cases from Fune, nine (9) cases from Bursari, eight (8) cases from Yunusari, and five (5) cases each from Geidam, and Machina LGAs" +209718,45080.0,2170.0,['Nutrition'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,60,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%209%20Dec%202020.pdf,"[9thDec2020,north-east Nigeria]There is a growing number of under-nourished and separated infants as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, increased population displacement and armed conflict. Prevention and management of wasting among infants, particularly for the nonbreastfed, is a highly technical and resource-demanding initiative which the north-east is lacking at the moment." +307064,51467.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"People identified with emergency shelter and NFIs needs in 2021 include displaced people, returnees and 2.5 per cent of host communities." +487889,67500.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,104,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_15.pdf,"[April -June 2021, Cox's Bazar] By end of June, of the total 10,337 (70 percentmale, 30 percent-female) infections were recorded in the host community since the beginning of the pandemic, 13 percent (1,383) of those took place in quarter two. In the camps, 77 percent (1,368) of the total infections (1,775) were recorded in quarter two alone. In quarter one, only 74 cases were recorded in the FDMN camps. This points to widespread community transmission of SARS-Cov-2 in the host and camp populations." +341851,56644.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,278,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.sismamujer.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/MUJERES-DERECHOS-LABORALES-Y-EMERGENCIA-SANITARIA.docx.pdf,"En relación con las violencias que sufren estas mujeres, se trata de violencias basadas en género que acontecen en el espacio familiar, en el marco de una relación laboral18. Esto hace que las mujeres trabajadoras domésticas se vean inmersas, como víctimas y testigas, en violencias que suceden en el medio familiar. Con la modificación de la ley de violencia intrafamiliar, ley 1959 de 2019, las violencias contra ellas estarían cobijadas por este delito19. Por lo tanto, es importante que se piense en estrategias, que permitan la denuncia e investigación de estos casos, en los términos indicados por la Ley, sin que se invisibilice la naturaleza de trabajadora en la relación y los derechos que por ende le corresponde. Las trabajadoras domésticas, tienen, además, impactos en sus cuerpos y en su salud emocional que no son reconocidos. Las labores desempeñadas en sus trabajos dejan marcas en sus cuerpos, aun en los casos en los que no medie violencia: dolores de cuerpo, daños en la piel y dolor en las articulaciones son algunas de las consecuencias que experimentan las mujeres. Adicionalmente, existe un gran riesgo de secuelas emocionales, relacionadas con la experiencia misma de trabajar en espacios familiares, en donde se confunde la relación laboral con la familiar y se niega garantías laborales y de seguridad a las mujeres. A lo anterior, se le suma la presión emocional y la sobrecarga de labores a las que se ven expuestas estas mujeres y a las que acceden por temor a perder sus empleos20." +226839,46454.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,60,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2022_23Dec2020_FINAL.pdf,"[23rd December, GOS] The GoS continues to maintain a widespread easing of preventive measures introduced in late May, albeit with some ongoing, ad-hoc changes, including recent suspension of some schools/classrooms where COVID-19 cases had been reported, and in some locations, closures of wedding and condolence halls and restrictions on celebratory gatherings." +493046,67710.0,1188.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,71,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"1 In Panama, the Estudiar sin Hambre [Studying Without Hunger] program was launched in 2020 as a pilot program. It was suspended with the closure of schools and transferred to the Bolsa de Comida [Food Bag] program of the Plan Panamá Solidario [Panama Solidarity Plan]. Resident migrants who possess a personal identity document card can apply for the Bolsa de Comida." +193963,43819.0,2330.0,[],[],[],en,27,[],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020%20Hurricanes%20Sit%20Rep%204.pdf,"Eta’s damage put 2.3 million in need of some sort of humanitarian assistance, with Iota adding at least another 365,000 waiting for help." +239340,46388.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Shelter']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Women and girls living in sub-standard and overcrowded shelters are also more vulnerable generally. They often do not feel safe in makeshift shelters which do not offer privacy, safety and protection." +320120,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,93,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The COVID-19 pandemic has further shrunk service provision and access for survivors. The GBV/FGM COVID-19 rapid assessment reveals that accessibility of GBV services in the community was below average. Only 47 per cent of the respondents indicated they had access to GBV services. Reasons for the lack of access included limited movement of staff, limited movement of Gender-Based Violence survivors, closure of Gender-Based Violence services, increased cost of service provision, fear of COVID-19 infection, lack of protective equipment and remote methodology for service provision." +305397,51474.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,53,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"Meanwhile, the Luanyjang engaged in fighting with Ananatak communities comprising Thiik, Akok and Jalwau, in Tonj East. Conflict drivers included long-standing grievances, the seasonal migration of cattle, increased mobility, the lack of effective state-level intervention and the loss of cattle and crops owing to flooding." +303375,51947.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,,"La majorité des femmes interrogées (72%) voyageaient en groupe ; parmi celles-ci, 81 % voyageaient avec leur famille, dont 63 % en compagnie d’enfants." +339645,52949.0,2331.0,"['WASH', 'Health']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,11,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,Over 1.5 million people were provided with health and WASh assistance +148534,36019.0,2028.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,74,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"The increased risk and rise of malnutrition, especially among IDPs, requires much more focus on food insecure households with pregnant women and children under the age of 59 months, young mothers, households with low purchasing power, and support on appropriate diets to help fight the risks of COVID-19 along with a scale-up in treatment for acute malnutrition of pregnant and lactating women (PLW) and children 0-59 months" +313627,53333.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,33,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,90% of FGDs reported the issue of food insecurity as a push factor for girls to drop out of school and engage in sexual exploitation in exchange for money and/or food. +318391,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,51,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Somalia’s road network requires significant rehabilitation - about 90 percent of the primary roads require extensive rehabilitation: only 2,860 kilometers (13 percent) of the total 11,434 kilometers of roads are paved and those remaining are earthen or gravel, impeding road access to 42 districts." +236248,46388.0,2336.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,60,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"An elevated prevalence of high and medium household hunger scores and growing use of negative coping mechanisms suggests that food and nutrition needs are common across all population groups assessed by the 2020 WoA Assessment, with recent IDPs, refugees, displaced households headed by women and people with a disability exhibiting indications of elevated levels of need." +244062,46388.0,2336.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The COVID-19 crisis has emphasised and exacerbated the vulnerability of the poorest people and IDPs, including many in urban areas who require improved sanitation and hygiene options." +209125,43992.0,2332.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,50,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"|UNICEF COVID-19 strategy] A child- friendly radio programme inspired by the comic strip ‘Lafya’ has been developed in French, Arabic and Ngambaye in collaboration with a local theatre company ‘’Hadre Dounia’’. The programme will be broadcasted on radio stations nationwide." +292353,52073.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,18,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"Dégradation de la situation sécuritaire dans les Régions de l’Extrême-Nord, du Nord-Ouest et du Sud-Ouest" +155283,38385.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",[],[],es,44,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/R4V%20Flash%20Update%20Colombia%20-%20Situaci%C3%B3n%20de%20refugiados%20y%20migrantes%20provenientes%20de%20Venezuela%20ante%20COVID-19%2C%20Julio%2028%20al%20Agosto%2031%2C%202020.pdf,"Articulación con Alcaldía de los municipios de Cuaspúd y Carlosama para iniciar de proceso de formación en temas de protección internacional, política migratoria, trata y tráfico, salud y migración, y prevención de violencia basada en género a funcionarios públicos." +325539,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,49,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[Ouagadougou] The value-added of the bus system as compared to just walking is equally low for the poor as for the overall population, with only a very marginal improvement for accessing some education facilities (e.g., public PPS schools) and none for others." +149790,37699.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,18,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/ne-syria-60-increase-covid-19-cases-past-week-irc-calls-increased-health,Approximately 2.16 million treatment courses were delivered to northeast Syria via the Yarubiyah border crossing in 2019. +16342,6355.0,322.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/181002%20YEMEN%20HODEIDAH%20CHOLERA%20CASES%20SURGE.pdf,"The number of people lacking adequate access to healthcare increased from 8.8 million before the escalation of the conflict in March 2015 to 16.4 million in 2018, of whom 9.3 million are in acute need of assistance to health care." +188899,43387.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20DE%20PROTECTION_SEPTEMBRE2020-SAHEL.pdf,"Dans le village de Peteltchouidé dans la commune de Djibo des femmes ont été battues parce qu’elles ne portaient pas de voile et à Pétégoli village de la commune de Baraboulé, l’accès au marché leur a été interdit." +112310,32025.0,1185.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/76913.pdf,"GTRM partners received an increasing number of reports of vulnerable refugee and migrant families at risk of eviction and homelessness in Lima. Aside from the urgent need to scale up CBI and shelter assistance, partners joined advocacy efforts to request that refugee and migrants are considered within the government’s measures taken to protect the population. This includes guaranteeing the right to housing in the context of Covid-19." +61280,18235.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,75,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"Key informants reported another difference in the profiles of refugees and migrants they assist: a much greater number of people with both acute and chronic illnesses, pregnant women and, to a lesser extent, elderly people. One humanitarian worker in Riohacha described such people as “those people who did not plan or did not want to leave the country, but in the end saw no other option”." +238907,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,48,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The 2020 WoA Assessment also showed that the rate of child marriage for girls was highest for non-recent returnee children when compared to other population groups, with 15 per cent of these households reporting having married a child in the 30 days prior to data collection." +156665,38708.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,42,['Capacities & Response'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/cox-s-bazar-icrc-backs-emergency-wing-renovation-catering-100000-patients-year,"With the increasing threat of COVID-19, preventive measures like physical distancing, temperature checks and frequent handwashing have been adopted. Constant disinfection is carried out in the department and the staff have been provided with personal protective equipment kits." +91822,26015.0,1620.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Situation-Overview_H2R_Oct-Dec_13.03.2020.pdf,"Of assessed settlements that reported having access to educational services in Gwoza, 8% reported that any children (boys and girls) were attending formal school throughout the reporting period. In contrast, of assessed settlements reporting having access to educational service, 93% reported that any children were accessing informal educational services." +239845,47107.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,57,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[Jan 2021] In NWS, a total of 1513 cases (7.3 per cent) were reported to be among health care workers (physicians, dentists, nurses, and various medical technicians), and another 1105 (5.3 per cent) cases are other staff working in healthcare facilities/community health workers." +218390,45694.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],fr,41,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.primature.cd/public/2020/12/15/rdc-le-cce-appelle-a-nouveau-la-population-au-respect-des-gestes-barrieres-face-a-la-deuxieme-vague-de-covid-19/,"Cette situation [augmentation de l'inflation] est due à la hausse des prix de certains produits notamment les céréales, les viandes, les huiles, les légumes, les vêtements, chaussures, mais également les frais scolaires." +158016,38777.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,27,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/food-insecurity-impact-covid-19-among-critical-challenges-facing-syria,"Meanwhile, COVID-19 is spreading exponentially in Syria, and with testing capacities very low, official numbers may represent only the tip of the iceberg." +194604,43822.0,2311.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross', 'Food Security']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],es,19,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19112020_flash_update_no.3_emergencias_por_ola_invernal_-_colombia_vf.pdf,"En Arauca, cerca de 1.000 personas resultaron damnificadas, y prevalecen necesidades en alojamiento y seguridad alimentaria;" +237176,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,55,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"While 86 per cent of surveyed populations reported that 1 or more adult was able to find work 1 or more days across all population groups (including disabled- and elderly- headed displaced households), this was only true for 77 per cent of female-headed households, indicating the disproportionate impact on women." +21837,9026.0,322.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,98,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,,"Less than 40 percent of the city is served with sewage network service, while the majority of the buildings still rely on individual solutions that can negatively affect underground sources of water. The area of Sana’a Basin (one of the city’s main well fields) is among those areas facing the problem of groundwater contami- nation because of informal development and industries. Until now it has proven impossible to protect this area from urban expansion, as it is one of the main sources of water for the city." +270156,50226.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,169,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_6.pdf,"En cuanto a las encefalitis en humanos que se vigilan en el país; Encefa- litis del Nilo occidental (ENO), Encefalitis equina del oeste (EEO), Ence- falitis Equina del Este (EEE) y Encefalitis Equina Venezolana (EEV); hasta la semana epidemiológica 53 de 2020, se notificaron al Sivigila 18 casos probables de Encefalitis Equina Venezolana, notificados por los departa- mentos de Antioquia con 13 casos, Meta con 3 casos y Arauca y Santan- der con un caso cada uno. De los 18 casos notificados se descartaron 17 teniendo en cuenta los re- sultados negativos emitidos por el laboratorio de virología del Instituto Nacional de Salud (INS) y las unidades de análisis realizadas por las se- cretarias de salud que notifican los casos. El caso restante fue notificado en la semana 52 y aún se encuentra como probable, a la espera del resul- tado de laboratorio y la unidad de análisis." +341727,56493.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,132,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Depuis la mise en application de la réforme agraire et foncière, plusieurs instances de régulation s’entremêlent en fonction des points de divergence et de convergence des acteurs en présence. La loi portant réorganisation agraire et foncière a de ce fait remis en cause les pratiques coutumières locales qui régissaient le foncier au niveau des communautés, sans pour autant réguler de façon totale et définitive la question. Au nombre des bouleversements opérés, on observe un changement de paradigme concernant le titulaire de la terre. La terre n’appartient plus uniquement à la collectivité. Elle peut être l’objet de propriété individuelle alors que dans les droits coutumiers, la terre appartenait à la collectivité qui l’exploitait pour ses besoins." +240003,46388.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"While food needs are widespread across Afghanistan, the highest numbers of food insecure people are in Kabul, Hirat, Nangarhar, Balkh, Faryab, Hilmand, Kandahar, Badakhshan Ghazni, Ghor and Takhar provinces." +125352,29180.0,1620.0,['Health'],[],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,49,[],['Humanitarian Access'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Gap-Supply-Demand-Contraceptive-Services-Northeast-Nigeria-Report.pdf,"As previously mentioned, insecurity makes it difficult for health actors to reach people, and for people to reach services. MOH and UNFPA representatives spoke about the widespread destruction of health facilities and attacks on health workers by fundamentalist militants since the start of the insurgency." +293807,52074.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,91,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,"During the reporting period [1 – 31 October 2019], Protection Cluster partners conducted protection monitoring in seven divisions in the NWSW regions, recording 1,790 incidents in both regions. The destruction of houses, predominantly by the Cameroon military, represents 35.5% of cases and remains the most common protection incident since January. Extortion (23%), violation of child rights (15.1%) and torture were other incidents monitored. Mezam remains the most affected locality by human rights violation." +235392,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,23,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Each month, approximately 97 civilians are killed or injured by mines, including IEDs and explosive remnants of war (ERW)" +388986,60730.0,2098.0,[],[],[],en,111,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://app.box.com/s/asye4w9ljbvdby3gy5p0jy8a859nsmzt,"[25th July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: Community perception data indicated people kept themselves safe by maintaining physical distance and hygiene practices like washing hands for 20 seconds whenever they come home. Also, those interviewed by phone said it is important to keep themselves clean taking showers regularly and washing hands to prevent Covid-19. Women knew the importance of hand washing but not the exact steps and when hands should be washed. Men could clearly describe the steps of handwashing. Female participants mentioned washing hands before and after meals, after coming from the toilet, before and after chopping vegetables." +149264,35869.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Food Security', 'WASH', 'Shelter', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],en,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep18_25july2020.pdf,"In an area where some 2.8 million people already rely on humanitarian assistance to meet their basic needs such as food, water, shelter, healthcare and education, the impact of these recent developments is entrenching the existing humanitarian needs and creating new ones." +15516,6440.0,321.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,105,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Libya%20Flash%20Update%209%20November%202018.pdf,"An estimated 5,413 refugees and migrants are presently held in DCIMoperated detention centres in Libya, of whom 3,988 are persons of concern to UNHCR. During the week, UNHCR conducted protection monitoring visits at the following detention centres: Abu Salim, Ghaser Ben Ghashir, Tajoura, Sabaa, and Sikka. UNHCR distributed core relief items (CRIs) to 900 individuals in Tajoura, and provided medical assistance to 289 migrants and refugees through its partner International Medical Corps (IMC). So far in 2018, UNHCR and IMC have provided 21,658 medical consultations in detention centres." +174955,41235.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,79,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[October 14, NES, No enforcement of public health measures] Since the end of September there have been no public health measures enforced by the local authorities, with mass gatherings permitted and schools reopening. While some guidance around recommended personal preventative measures has been issued by the authorities, overall uptake appears limited. The lack of hard enforcement measures by the authorities is another factor contributing to low risk perception among the population" +497009,60104.0,1187.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,170,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,"https://www.unicef.org/argentina/media/11626/file/Impacto%20de%20la%20pandemia%20en%20la%20educaci%C3%B3n%20de%20ni%C3%B1as,%20ni%C3%B1os%20y%20adolescentes.pdf","Según lo que reportaron las personas adultas encuestadas, desde el comienzo de las clases en el 91% de los hogares con niñas, niños y adolescentes que asisten a la escuela al momento de la encuesta tuvieron en algún momento asistencia presencial a las escuelas. Estos se reparten entre un 84% de hogares donde todos los estudiantes del hogar tuvieron clases presenciales y un 7% de casos en donde algunos niños, niñas y adolescentes del hogar tuvieron clases presenciales y otros no. En un 9% de los hogares ninguno de las y los estudiantes había asistido presencialmente desde el comienzo del año. Esto representa cerca de 1 millón de chicos y chicas en todo el país que sostienen solo clases remotas y no han tenido oportunidad de volver a las aulas desde el inicio del año. 3 de cada 4 hogares con estudiantes sin presencialidad señalaron que no tuvieron clases presenciales porque no se habían habilitado en sus escuelas." +63196,18417.0,1386.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,59,[],['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://www.acnur.org/noticias/press/2019/6/5cfa5eb64/refugiados-y-migrantes-de-venezuela-superan-los-cuatro-millones-acnur-y.html,"El número de venezolanos que abandonaron su país ha alcanzado los cuatro millones, la Agencia de la ONU para los Refugiados (ACNUR), y la Organización Internacional para las Migraciones (OIM), anunciaron hoy. Los venezolanos desplazados fuera de su país son uno de los grupos de poblaciones desplazadas más grandes del mundo" +317178,53333.0,2334.0,['Education'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,39,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"80% of FGD respondents suggested that community learning centres offering non-formal education remain the preferred option to continue their studies because of their proximity, and because young mothers would be able to attend with their children," +315419,54309.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,66,"['At Risk', 'Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Colombia_Evaluacion_Rapida_ECNI_Arauca_ESP.pdf,"Los equipos de recolección de los datos informaron que las familias huyeron sin tener tiempo de llevarse sus documentos de identidad. Por otra parte, niños, niñas y adolescentes que estudian en Colombia aun viviendo en Venezuela, no lograron salir con sus implementos escolares, lo que les puede representar dificultades para continuar estudiando, lo que podría conllevarles riesgos de reclutamiento." +325747,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,Le coton est la principale culture de rente et a toujours reçu le plus grand soutien du gouvernement; les autres cultures d’exportation importantes sont les graines de sésame et les noix de cajou24. +386767,60459.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,96,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"(scenario) Quant à la demande, elle restera forte jusqu’à la fin de la soudure en septembre du fait de l’épuisement des stocks des ménages hôtes et aussi de la dépendance des ménages des marchés. En période de récolte (octobre-novembre) et post-récolte (décembre-janvier), bien qu’une partie des PDI, en particulier ceux vivant dans des familles d’accueil, auront accès aux nouvelles récoltes, cela ne sera pas suffisant et la demande globale des ménages restera au-dessus de la normale" +22340,9106.0,729.0,[],[],[],en,55,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"According to the MSNA, 66 per cent of IDPs and 88 per cent of returnees reported lack of security in the country as one of the main reasons for leaving their homes, while at least one family member in 16 per cent of Libyan households stated an intention to leave the country." +238148,47086.0,2170.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,34,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_31_dec_2020_report.pdf,"[16th-31st Dec 2020, Borno and Adamawa states]Figure 15: Protection concerns 20% of the overall reported households are headed by the most vulnerable population (women and children)" +318292,52949.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,50,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The COVID-19 pandemic necessitates an integrated and cross-sectoral approach to reach communities, advocating for individual action and good healthcare seeking behaviours, accompanied by community-based surveillance to provide data that drives response actions. Risk communication and testing efforts are particularly important in IDP settlements and overcrowded settings." +323048,54498.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,120,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/89758cd4/REACH_COL_RAN_Factsheet_Trend_analysis_March2021.pdf,"Por su parte, similar al perfil del viajero descrito a inicios de 2020 señalado por OXFAM y a lo reportado por los ICs que viajaban en grupo, en su mayoría los ICs entrevistados a lo largo de las cinco eta- pas, fueron hombres. En la primera ronda más de las dos terceras partes (72%) de los 67 ICs que viajaban solos fueron perso- nas del sexo masculino, tendencia que se mantuvo a lo largo de todo el levantamien- to de información, llegando a reporte máxi- mo en la quinta ronda, en donde de los 84 ICs que viajaban sin un grupo, el 83% de ellos eran hombres." +306740,51467.0,2335.0,['Education'],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,22,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Education in the country has been severely impacted by successive years of conflict, economic instability, displacement and widespread flooding." +205829,44672.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,71,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The UNDP [UN Development Programme] has engaged in supporting health sector in Afghanistan under its Social Protection umbrella program. UNDP is repurposing and mobilizing funds to support Afghanistan’s initial national response, prevention and mitigation activities, and preparation for longer-term development interventions in subsequent phases. With international partners it is working to procure personal protective equipment (PPE) and other health supplies." +213157,44840.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,"Already anticipated economic consequences include reduced export revenue, severely reduced employment and livelihood opportunities, including reduction in human mobility intra and inter-regionally, and reduced remittances." +22238,9106.0,729.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,30,[],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,According to UNSMIL monitoring of civilian casualties at least 171 people were killed and 335 people injured from 1 January 2018 to 30 September 2018. This figure excludes fighters.12 +315543,54167.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],es,134,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_caqueta_dic_2020_vf.pdf,"De la misma manera, las estadísticas delictivas de la Policía Nacional34 reportaron 137 casos de lesiones personales contra mujeres (14 menores), menos de la mitad de los reportados en 2019, y 358 casos de violencia intrafamiliar contra mujeres (46 menores). Estos resultados no solo ponen de manifiesto el riesgo que corren las mujeres y en especial las niñas en casi la totalidad de los municipios del departamento (Únicamente San Vicente del Caguán, San José del Fragua, Florencia, Solano y Albania no registran un crecimiento estadístico significativo en la incidencia de casos por cada 100.000 habitantes35), sino también evidencian que la emergencia sanitaria limitó el número de denuncias hechas e invisibilizó a una parte de las víctimas de la VBG." +355982,58248.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Salud_reporte_trimestral_enero_marzo_2021_VF%20%281%29%20%281%29.pdf,"Del 71,8% del total de niñas, niños y adolescentes entrevistados entre los 10 y 17 años (1.367) que dijeron no saber que tenían derecho a usar un método de planificación familiar, el 32,9% son mujeres y el 38,9% hombres." +177055,41752.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,53,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,69% des informateurs clés à Dori soulignent qu’il est difficile pour leurs communautés de porter un masque car il y a un manque de masque. Les personnes affectées ne sont donc pas habituées à en porter et disent avoir des difficultés à respirer lorsqu’elles le font. +388293,60868.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Testing']",fr,41,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Laboratoire • Analyse de 12167 échantillons répartis comme suit : 11564 tests de dépistage pour voyage, 159 tests de cas contacts, 438 tests de cas suspects, 03 tests d’APL, 03 Cas d’hémodialysés." +175904,40999.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_levaluation_rapide_sur_les_vbg_et_covid-19_dans_la_region_de_lest.pdf,"La faible présence opérationnelle de services spécialisés de qualité pour la prévention et la réponse aux VBG dans la plupart des régions frappées par la crise humanitaire, a un impact négatif sur l’accès au soutien approprié dans le délai requis par les survivants des VBG déclarés" +218206,45410.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,Des dates de fin de saison tardives ou moyennes sont prévues dans les localités de la zone méridionale. Durant cette période des séquences sèches longues ou moyennes seraient observées. +325811,54267.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,81,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"En général, il n’y a pas beaucoup de coopératives d’épargne au Burkina et le secteur n’est pas très fort ni bien organisé. La Faîtière des caisses populaires du Burkina (FCPB), la Coopérative d’épargne et de crédit Galor (COOPEC-Galor) et la Coopérative diocésaine d’épargne et de crédit de Ouagadougou (CODEC-Ouaga) sont des réseaux nationaux de coopératives d’épargne et de microcrédit." +178039,40661.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,27,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Context']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Les conflits, les déplacements des populations, l’activisme des groupes armés demeurent préoccupants principalement dans certaines parties de l’Est du pays." +287077,51749.0,2099.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,82,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,[Pouytenga] De plus les ménages autochtones déclarent qu’ils étaient 20% d’entre eux à ne pas pouvoir satisfaire leurs besoins de base en eau de boisson et en eau pour les tâches domestiques avant la crise. Depuis l’arrivée des ménages déplacés les ménages autochtones sont 30% d’entre eux à déclarer ne pas pouvoir satisfaire leurs besoins de base en eau de boisson [18 participants au Groupe de discussion] +61706,18346.0,1184.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,111,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71003.pdf,"Se continúa apoyando a la respuesta del Ministerio de Salud Pública (MSP) en la vigilancia epidemiológica y atención médica a través de la entrega de equipos, insumos y kits para los hospitales y centro de salud localizados en las fronteras norte y sur, así como el fortalecimiento de la vacunación con personal de salud contratado. El apoyo al MSP permitió asistir a 5.859 refugiados y migrantes venezolanos en la frontera norte, la mayoría de los cuales tiene enfermedades respiratorias y gastrointestinales, realizar tamizaje a 65.817 personas y administrar 28.175 dosis de vacunas. Se prestó atención médica a 3.266 personas en la frontera sur.9" +35505,13057.0,788.0,"['Agriculture', 'Cross', 'Protection', 'Food Security', 'Nutrition']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,68,['Impact'],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000105395.pdf,"The conflict in Nigeria’s three north eastern states of Borno, Adamawa and Yobe (BAY) has undermined social stability and economic development and disrupted the functioning of markets as the insecurity and large-scale displacements have triggered tremendous loss of livelihoods for most agriculturalist and pastoral households, and increased the incidence of poverty, food insecurity and undernutrition in the worst affected areas." +161082,39509.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,72,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sidwaya.info/blog/2020/09/15/covid-19-les-hauts-bassins-passent-en-tete-avec-315-cas/?fbclid=IwAR06krUyHij1KJuxRpsefbnW1qw3Pn7ghXu7fwJbjEVMVA922ljKlJeKtnE,"Pour le cas de Bobo-Dioulasso, il y a eu une décision d’opération de dépister l’ensemble des élèves. « Avant que ces derniers ne partent pour leurs formations, un test de dépistage a été fait dans les centres un mois avant et également deux jours avant leur départ », a-t-il clarifié. Ceux testés négatifs ont été transférés en dehors du camp de formation." +177325,41093.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],es,51,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"En agosto, el Índice de Confianza Industrial (ICI) se ubicó en 1,5%, lo que representa una disminución 9,0 puntos porcentuales (pps) frente al mismo mes de 2019. Al ajustar la serie por factores estacionales, el índice se ubicó en -0,8%." +230035,46670.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,145,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/nation/2020/12/29/news-analysis-both-public-and-authorities-must-take-covid-19-more-seriously,"[29th December 2020, Bangladesh] However, with the withdrawal of the lockdown, the enforcement of maintaining social distancing and wearing masks all but disappeared, allowing people to move around in a manner as if the pandemic does not exist. Several weeks ago, the government decided to impose a fine of Tk200 for not wearing a mask. After a few days of enforcement, that also has gone.As of today, the everyday life on the streets seems like the days before March. No social distancing at all, less and improper use of masks are the facts of the day. Although, in countries like Bangladesh, social distancing and wearing masks are the only two tools to stay safe from the deadly virus. Failure to do so will result in a catastrophe." +438312,64539.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,24,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,El 66.7% de personas consultadas manifestó contar con educación secundaria completa mientras que un 7.8% cuenta con el nivel primario finalizado. +345367,56837.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,54,"['At Risk', 'Capacities & Response', 'Impact']",['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/democratic-republic-congo/280000-children-face-displacement-because-drc-volcano-threat,"An additional 142 children have been placed in transitional foster families, while 78 are in transit accommodation centers. Tragically more than 170 families are still looking for lost children. UNICEF is now concerned that the chaos of the latest evacuations will result in more children being separated from their families." +194962,43324.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Health', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irc_-_rapport_devaluation_covid-19_extreme_nord_-irc.pdf,"Pour les ménages ayant fait du stockage, les ressources stockées sont principalement les aliments (62%), les médicaments (27%) et l’argent (23%)" +306370,51572.0,2335.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,70,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Due to ongoing tensions with the host communities, the IDPs have a restricted access to fishing (the host communities are asking 10% of their catch), no access to land and no cattle (last distribution of livestock was organized by World Vision in 2017). There is also a lack of knowledge and material to practice fishing activities. Livestock died because of floods" +337592,55860.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,68,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb4752en.pdf,"The key drivers of food insecurity in the country are protracted conflict, mainly in the eastern provinces triggering population displacements and the disruption of livelihoods, the effects of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and related containment measures, the economic decline linked to the currency depreciation and drop in GDP growth, and natural hazards (floods, animal diseases, etc.)." +169906,40360.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Casualties->Missing', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,57,[],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Enlèvements de personnes : Le 20 août 2020 à Datambi dans la commune de Boundoré des GANI ont fait irruption dans le village de Datambi. Ils ont enlevé un marabout parce qu’ils lui avaient interdit de réciter le coran à haute voix. Ces GANI lui avait demandé aussi de couper son pantalon. +270419,49943.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,113,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Además, una mayor proporción de niños/as que refieren sentimientos negativos (como, por ejemplo, sentirse más preocupados, más tristes o menos felices), si viven en hogares que han perdido más de la mitad de los ingresos debido a la COVID-19 (72,9%), en comparación a los hogares que no han perdido los ingresos (60,5%). Además, un 36% de los niños y niñas indican estar menos felices si provienen de hogares que han perdido más de la mitad de los ingresos, mientras que esta proporción es de 23,4% en hogares que no han perdido esta cantidad." +361126,58845.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,85,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_price_bulletin_may_2021.pdf,"[May 2021, GoS, NES & NWS] Price of a whole clean chicken, broken down by regions, the coastal region recorded the highest price at SYP 8,355/kg (up 33 percent m-o-m), followed by the southern region at SYP 8,304 (up 15 percent m-o-m). While the cross-border region recorded the lowest price at SYP 6,414/kg (up 14 percent m-o-m), followed by northeast Syria at SYP 6,834/kg (up 14 percent m-o-m)" +161700,35720.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",[],[],es,120,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Respuesta%20COVID%2019%20-%20GIFMM%20La%20Guajira%20-%20Riohacha%2C%20a%206%20de%20julio%20de%202020.pdf,"5.000 mascarillas, 60 monogafas y 400 batas para el personal de salud (Secretaría de salud departamental, hospital de Riohacha y Secretaría de salud de Riohacha, Salto Ángel). 971 kits de protección personal para el personal de salud (Hospital de Riohacha y Secretaría de Salud). 4 carpas entregadas y 400 unidades de material informativo sobre la prevención del COVID-19. Apoyo logístico mediante alquiler de vehículos y recarga de minutos a redes comunitarias para activación de rutas de salud, y Comisaría Única de Familia para procesos de seguimiento a casos. Apoyo al Hospital Nuestra Señora de los Remedios con la entrega de dotación y contratación de 1 profesional en psicología" +214386,45385.0,2334.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"L’accès à l’eau potable et aux services d’assainissement et la promotion des bonnes pratiques d’hygiène pour les PDIs, les réfugiés et les populations hôtes vulnérables restent des problématiques difficiles." +158019,38777.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Food Security']","['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,87,"['At Risk', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/food-insecurity-impact-covid-19-among-critical-challenges-facing-syria,"The representative of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines said the cross-border aid mechanism must be strengthened and optimized so it can provide timely, safe and unimpeded access, in line with humanitarian principles. The scaling up of the cross-line modality must also be prioritized. Millions are now food insecure, with millions more on the brink, and COVID-19 cases are on the rise. She called for the lifting of all unilateral coercive measures, echoing the call for a nationwide ceasefire." +291999,51982.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/colombia2020/justicia/jep/cada-media-hora-un-colombiano-ha-sido-desplazado-este-ano-fiscalia-de-la-jep/,Parte de esta advertencia ya la había hecho la UIA este año cuando alertaron sobre las dificultades para avanzar en las investigaciones en el departamento de Nariño por parte de la justicia transicional por amenazas y riesgos de los grupos armados. +485141,65398.0,1185.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,68,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Las personas que se encontraban fuera del área metropolitana en el 2018 no podían acceder a realizar los trámites de regularización debido a que la oficina de la INTERPOL no se encontraba descentralizada. Quienes estaban fuera de Lima debían pagar costos más elevados para obtener la ficha de canje internacional. Al ser un trámite presencial, en muchos casos, tuvieron que viajar a Lima." +160509,39421.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Education']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,57,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.unocha.org/sites/unocha/files/COVID-19%20Response%20Achievements%20-%203%20August%202020.pdf,"Child-friendly spaces have been re-adjusted to engage groups of five children and encourage peer to peer interaction during the COVID 19 crisis, while social workers are promoting the use of the “numéro vert”, a number for children and caregivers to call and receive critical information about COVID-19 and the protection of children." +2616,520.0,321.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://www.amnesty.org/en/countries/middle-east-and-north-africa/libya/report-libya/,"Armed groups on all sides of the conflict committed war crimes, including direct attacks on civilians and indiscriminate attacks using imprecise weapons such as mortars and artillery shells, killing and injuring scores of people. IS carried out indiscriminate attacks using improvised explosive devices and suicide bombings against pro-GNA forces." +164199,37783.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,88,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://tande.substack.com/p/syria-in-context-coronavirus-update-ffe,"He went on to describe how the hospitals are overwhelmed and they have no oxygen for those who need it. “There are no injections, no pills, no medicine, nothing to relieve the patient from this illness!” One Syrian tweeted that a physician friend of hers in Damascus saw “400 patients who all were infected with Corona” in 48 hours. “The situation is explosive, tragic, and horrifying, and no one can do anything.”" +310531,53177.0,2466.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Sudan%20Multi-Sectoral%20Location%20Assessment_South%20Kordofan.pdf,"Fifty-one per cent of villages do not have available health facilities – 94 per cent without any pharmacies. Although dependent on the medical service required, 50 per cent of medical care – when available – is free of charge." +458190,64540.0,1185.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,65,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,¿Qué tipo de abusos o violaciones a sus derechos laborales ha tenido en su centro de trabajo?. Los testimonios relacionados con el incumplimiento de derechos laborales son varios. El conjunto de los venezolanos que participaron del grupo focal manifestó haber sido víctima de una estafa o abuso laboral. En las situaciones mencionadas reconocían sufrir xenofobia o discriminación por su nacionalidad. +475567,63296.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Au dela des stratégies d’adaptation des habitudes de consommation alimentaire, les ménages ont également accès, selon certains IC, à d’autres mesures d’atténuation telles que la migration saisonnière, le maraichage de contre saison, ainsi que la mise en oeuvre de techniques agricoles innovantes qui permettent d’augmenter le rendement des terres agricoles." +184826,42091.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,52,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/61359/216-coronavirus-cases-recorded-in-opposition-areas-laboratory.html,"[October 21,2020 Overall Syria] However, the most important reason remains the absent humanitarian response to the crisis. The liberated areas are in great need of cleaning supplies and disinfectants, masks and gloves, both for the people and for the medical staff,” said Hallaj." +169422,40506.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],fr,45,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://lefaso.net/spip.php?article99753,"Malgré le confinement, certaines jeunes filles et femmes ont continué à exercer partiellement leurs activités, même si elles ont constaté une baisse remarquable de l’ordre de 20 à 90% avec pour corolaire la baisse du niveau de leurs revenus." +194475,43501.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,28,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"3 principales préoccupations pour les femmes de plus de 18 ans au cours du mois précédent, en % de localités évaluées21 : Violences sexuelles Violence conjugale NC" +248858,48079.0,2225.0,['Agriculture'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,26,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/DRC_FSOU_2020_12_final.pdf,Marchés et prix : Les pertes dues aux inondations dans plusieurs zones du pays auraient également un impact sur la demande et sur les prix. +186889,41080.0,1184.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,251,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000119627.pdf,"A nivel nacional el consumo promedio de bebidas azucaradas es de 272 ml/día para toda la población y de 136 ml/día para los niños y niñas de 1 a 3 años (Figura 19), tomando también en cuenta que estos datos no registran el consumo de jugos azucarados preparados en casa, lo que crea una subestimación (Ministerio de Salud Pública del Ecuador e Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos 2014). Este consumo tan alto de alimentos procesados y de bebidas azucaradas puede ser un contribuyente a la prevalencia creciente de sobrepeso y obesidad, particularmente en los adolescentes, quienes consuman 20% de su energía diaria en forma de comida procesada (Ochoa-Avilés et al 2014). Estudios demuestran que los hábitos alimenticios de los adolescentes están relacionados a los beneficios individuales percibidos de diversos alimentos, donde la comida rápida suele ser deseada, la falta de apoyo de las escuelas en promover alimentos saludables, la permisividad de los padres hacia alimentos procesados, y el acceso a diversos alimentos; o sea, la abundancia de la comida rápida y la falta de oferta de alimentos más saludables en los entornos de los adolescentes, por ejemplo en las escuelas (Ochoa-Avilés et al 2014) (Verstraeten et al 2016). Aunque no sea el enfoque del presente análisis, también es interesante considerar cómo la baja actividad física podría estar contribuyendo al sobrepeso y la obesidad." +314871,53183.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,58,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"In addition, conflict and difficulties in food transportation during the rainy season affected timely delivery of assistance in South and West Kordofan. Moreover, inconsistent fuel supply on the local market coupled with high cost of fuel impacted the smooth operation and maintenance of water supply systems in White Nile, Darfur and Kordofan States." +235465,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,64,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Further, the emphasis on COVID-19 in terms of resource allocation has also resulted in fewer resources available to treat non-urgent, non-COVID health needs. Coupled with people’s fear of attending health centres due to concerns about catching COVID- 19, it is anticipated that this necessary over-weighting towards COVID-19 will result in more severe health needs manifesting in 2021." +317638,52949.0,2331.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,49,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"On average, women, girls, and persons with disabilities are constrained in when and how basic services can be accessed. The unplanned nature of Somalia IDP sites presents immense barriers for women, girls and persons with disabilities to access essential services within the site." +205126,44672.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,49,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Afghanistan has struggled to maintain testing capacity, both due to lack of personnel and medical equipment. The total number of COVID-19 testing labs is 11, with five in Kabul and one each in Herat, Kandahar, Nangarhar, Balkh, Paktya, and Kunduz." +485133,65398.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,61,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Una mención especial merecen las dificultades específicas que tienen las mujeres que se encuentran trabajando. Uno de los aspectos que se resaltan en las entrevistas es el riesgo de acoso que viven, especialmente, aquellas que se desempeñan en la calle como vendedoras. Esto se debe a la hipersexualización que se ha promovido de las mujeres venezolanas." +325240,54815.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"(Hauts-Bassins) facilities in Haut-Bassins are the most vulnerable: for example, about a quarter of the region’s villages with primary schools and a third of the villages with CMAs are likely to flood quite regularly (at least once every five years)." +493596,61216.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/humanitarian-situation-overview-syria-hsos-northeast-syria-june-2021,"[June 2021, NES]Going to the pharmacy instead of a clinic was the most commonly reported coping strategy for a lack of healthcare (reported by KIs in 92% of communities)." +285951,51487.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,72,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no1_desplazamientos_en_buenaventura.pdf,"Desde finales de 2020, la presencia armada y disputa territorial al interior de un Grupo Delictivo Organizado (GDO) en varios sectores de Buenaventura (Valle del Cauca), han desencadenado hechos de desplazamiento intraurbano silencioso como medida de protección. Muchas familias han buscado refugiarse al interior de su círculo social que habita sectores urbanos de Buenaventura donde el impacto de la violencia no ha sido tan drástico" +341817,56493.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,84,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"26,34% des participant(e-s) à l’enquête connaissent quelqu'un (/e) qui a été victime de menace ou de violence ces douze derniers mois. Précisément à l’échelle régionale, les populations du Sahel et de l’Est à respectivement 68,25%, et 50,75% connaissent des personnes ayant subies des menaces. Ceci pourrait s’expliquer par l’ampleur de l’insécurité et des attaques terroristes que vivent ces régions." +181166,42386.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,27,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_RMU_October-2020_vfinal.pdf,"Toutefois, les pertes de production et les méventes enregistrées pendant la dernière saison n’ont pas permis aux producteurs maraichers de solder leurs dettes." +266652,49773.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,50,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_HSOS-NWS_-January-2021.pdf,"[January 2021, NWS] Access to Water 68% % of communities where KIs reported that not all households had access to sufficient water. Private water trucking was the most commonly reported source of drinking water (reported by KIs in 44% of communities)." +309801,51467.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,28,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"People With Disabilities are often stigmatized, marginalized, excluded and left unable to access the support needed to live in dignity as equal members of society." +161524,39295.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,26,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,"Since the confirmation of the first positive case on 9 July, two deaths associated with COVID-19 were reported while 81 patients have reportedly recovered." +327914,55046.0,2225.0,['Shelter'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,30,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_04_27%20USG%20Democratic%20Republic%20of%20the%20Congo%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%233.pdf,USAID/BHA provided nearly $9.4 million to three NGO partners in FY 2021 to support emergency shelter assistance for IDPs and other vulnerable populations in crisis-affected areas of the DRC +145957,34803.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,45,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Sharp decrease in people’s purchasing power. This has consequent negative impact on shops and businesses (compounding impacts of COVID-19-related restrictions). The number of people in need of assistance is rising, creating new gaps in the humanitarian response." +286502,51586.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,68,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_19_november_2020_final.pdf,"The MoPH confirmed on Thursday, 19 November, that Afghanistan is in the second wave of the COVID19 pandemic. Moreover, following two months of consistently lower confirmed COVID-19 cases, MoPH tracking data is beginning to reflect anecdotal reports of a recent uptick in cases, with 209 new COVID-19 cases recorded over the past 24 hours and 1,338 cases over the past week." +309778,51467.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,53,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"The risk of COVID-19, Ebola, cholera, hepatitis E, measles, meningitis, malaria, and yellow fever are ever present. Currently, there are outbreaks of hepatitis E, measles, malaria, cholera, and yellow fever in parts of the country or in neighboring countries." +188246,40860.0,1899.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,105,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200922_OCHA_GUATEMALA%20HRP%20COVID-19%20ESPAN%CC%83OL.pdf,"Ante la falta de ingresos económicos las familias están optando por la venta de sus activos (herramientas, animales y otros enseres), utilizar sus ahorros familiares y solicitar préstamos, lo cual les permite obtener temporalmente fondos para la compra de alimentos. Debido al COVID-19 las familias han realizado cambios en el consumo de los alimentos, han dejado de consumir o consumen menos que antes de la pandemia: frijol negro, arroz, papa, carne, leche, pastas y pan, mientras que ahora consumen más maíz, hortalizas, principalmente hierbas, frutas y huevos." +427578,63512.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,82,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://opendocs.ids.ac.uk/opendocs/bitstream/handle/20.500.12413/16796/IDS_Policy_Briefing_183.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y,"Our research, carried out before the Gratuité policy, shows that in contexts where schools are largely financed by household contributions, teachers without a regular government income suffer the most when households are no longer able to pay ‘teacher incentives’. Schools might continue to be negatively affected by income shocks even after Gratuité as long as non-paid teachers are left off the government’s payroll (a process not finalised as of June 2021)." +175148,40890.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,62,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"Los hogares con alta tasa de dependencia presentan menor prevalencia de trabajo como fuente principal de ingresos, en comparación con los que no presentan alta dependencia (67% vs. 79% respectivamente); lo anterior es especialmente relevante, ya que la carga dentro del hogar se exacerba para los hogares que menos capacidad tienen de generar ingresos." +235230,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,84,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Reflective of this, 43 per cent of Afghans surveyed as part of the Asia Foundation’s perceptions poll reported that access to electricity for their household had become worse in the past 12 months, while only 17 per cent report that it has improved. Respondents in the Central/Highlands region (52 per cent) are most likely to report that access to electricity had worsened while those in the North West (38 per cent) are least likely." +306897,51572.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,32,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Prioritize Individual Protection Assistance to PSNs (Persons with Specific Needs). [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +48483,12622.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,66,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LIBRO%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20las%20necesidades%20insatisfechas%20SSR%20y%20Migrantes%20Venezolanos%20-%20Digital.pdf,"En 2018, los registros muestran 198.900 víctimas venezolanas de las cuáles 70% son mujeres, y 25% niños de 7 a 14 años (Embajada del Reino Unido, Asociación Civil Paz Activa y Observatorio del Delito Organizado, 2018). La vulnerabilidad de los migrantes, especialmente de los irregulares, aumenta el riesgo de sufrir estas formas de explotación." +57777,17280.0,1186.0,[],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",es,27,[],"['Context', 'Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/439982_ed8c90c2b9644fbbabee3b33e6e9e918.pdf,"Como consecuencia de los altos niveles de hacinamiento, se identifican situaciones de riesgo tales como abusos, robos y aumento de denuncias por violencia intrafamiliar," +235848,46388.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,62,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"According to a report by MSF, the indirect consequence of these attacks is the creation of a climate of fear among patients, often resulting in delayed seeking of health services, especially for non-emergency problems, and diminished health outcomes. In addition to immediate suffering, this has serious implications for the country's long-term development and prosperity." +83868,23144.0,1620.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Casualties->Missing', 'Displacement->Push Factors', 'Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,32,[],"['Context', 'Displacement', 'Casualties']",2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_adamawahumanitariansituationoverview_decedition_11012020.pdf,"The herdsmen attack in Hong local government area left ten deaths, over 4,392 individuals (623 households) displaced, 19 wounded cases and over 25 women and children missing." +191875,43304.0,2332.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Au 18 mai 2020, quatre cas de COVID-19 ont été confirmés à Bol, le chef-lieu de la province du Lac, qui accueille 39 000 PDI. À ce jour, 49 contacts de ces personnes sont en quarantaine." +456631,58986.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Hospitalization & Care'],fr,73,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.lemonde.fr/afrique/article/2021/07/08/en-rdc-les-autorites-inquietes-face-a-une-troisieme-vague-dominee-par-le-variant-delta_6087597_3212.html,"Des cliniques privées un peu partout dans la ville ont été mises à contribution pour soulager les hôpitaux publics accueillant des malades du Covid-19. Pour pallier le manque de lits, le comité de la riposte a demandé à réquisitionner 250 lits supplémentaires au grand hôpital du Cinquantenaire.« En plus, il y a de l’oxygène qui est produit sur place », fait valoir le professeur Kayembe." +325230,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,About 8 percent of the population are beyond even a four-hour drive from any PPS school. “Acceptable” accessibility to PPS schools – here defined as less than an hour of motorized commute – is estimated for about 55 percent of the population the case of public PPS schools and for 40 percent of the population in the case of private PPS schools. +270212,50227.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Deaths'],es,96,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Al 24 de febrero, en el país se han presentado 59.260 defunciones por COVID-19, de las cuales corresponden 63,7% a hombres. La tasa de mortalidad nacional es de 1.176,4 muertes por cada millón de habitantes; se observa una tasa de mortalidad mayor a la nacional en: Bogotá (1.773,5), Amazonas (2.126,0), Barranquilla (1.733,6), Quindío (1.701,5), Cartagena (965,3), Antioquia (966,0), Tolima (1.554,5), Risaralda (1.181,0), Caldas (950,5)" +458094,64540.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"De acuerdo con la Superintendencia Nacional de Migraciones, de los inmigrantes y refugiados venezolanos que cuentan con PTP o han iniciado el trámite, el 39% cuenta con formación superior, mientas que 38% alcanzó el nivel bachillerato (equivalente al nivel secundario en Perú)." +294551,51749.0,2099.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,90,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[commune de Comin-Yanga] les ménages déplacés ne sont pas en mesure de pratiquer les activités génératrices de revenus qu’ils pratiquaient avant la crise à savoir (par ordre d’importance) : l’agriculture, le commerce et l'élevage. Si les femmes déplacées travaillent de manière journalière et selon les besoins dans les champs des populations autochtones, les hommes ne trouvent pas de travail et les ménages déplacés ne sont pas en mesure de couvrir leurs besoins de base en alimentation." +238163,47090.0,2170.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_15_dec_2020_report.pdf,"[1st-15thDec 2020, Borno and Adamawa state]76% of the displacement sites has an average waiting time at water points less than 30minutes while 23% is between 30minutes and an hour and 1% is above one hour (figure 8)." +235460,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,60,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Despite the delivery of millions of pieces of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) by the international community, stocks of supplies have periodically run out; the shortfall in PPE for healthcare workers has led to a disproportionate number of COVID-19 infections among this workforce, incapacitating the same critical staff relied upon to care for the ill." +313213,53183.0,2466.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"Addressing the root causes of harmful traditional practices including female genital mutilation (FGM) and child marriage. FGM remains prevalent in Sudan, affecting 87 per cent of women aged 15-49 years old, and 32 per cent of girls aged 0-14 years old." +59577,17198.0,1224.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Humanitarian Access->Population To Relief'],en,13,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Humanitarian Access'],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,Some shelters are precariously built and should be built on raised platforms. +135687,35301.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Economy'],en,55,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Needs across the country remained extensive, with more than 11 million people (4.7 million children) requiring humanitarian assistance, including 6.2 million people internally displaced (2.5 million children). The situation has been aggravated by the rapid devaluation of the Syrian Pound and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic." +248866,48079.0,2225.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/DRC_FSOU_2020_12_final.pdf,"{Situation de COVID-19} Selon une évaluation réalisée par l'organisation REACH dans les provinces du Sud-Kivu et du Tanganyika en octobre 2020, on assiste à une diminution de la disponibilité en matériels et intrants agricoles liée aux restrictions de mouvement transfrontalier lors des campagnes agricoles précédentes." +305040,51467.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,49,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"In nearly all focus group discussions (FGDs), men, women, youth and older persons identified food insecurity or lack of food as the primary challenge facing affected communities. This was true for communities who received assistance as well as those that had not." +215864,45340.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,63,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.primature.cd/public/2020/12/07/lutte-contre-la-2eme-vague-de-covid-19-en-rdc-les-propositions-du-comite-multisectoriel-de-riposte-deja-sur-la-table-du-chef-de-letat/,"A ce stade, à la lumière des dernières informations livrées par le Ministre de la Santé, Eteni Longondo et le Secrétariat technique du Comité Multisectoriel de Riposte contre la COVID-19, il est prévu aussi de renforcer des mesures plus contraignantes surtout pour les voyageurs qui viennent de l’étranger, a affirmé le Ministre d’État Makele." +193866,43070.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,26,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Borrador%20texto%20Sitrep%20Sectorial_2020_SAN%20AGO_WFP_VF.pdf,"Insuficiente respuesta en áreas urbanas con alta concentración de población refugiada y migrante, que conllevan necesidades de incrementar la capacidad de respuesta de socios." +285966,51487.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,63,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no1_desplazamientos_en_buenaventura.pdf,"Alojamiento: Se requiere de la coordinación de la institucionalidad y organismos humanitarios para atender a esta población, particularmente con albergues temporales y/o elementos de hábitat para aquellos que se encuentran auto albergados en sus redes de apoyo. Muchas de las personas desplazadas han buscado refugio en las casas de familiares o amigos que habitan en otros barrios de Buenaventura." +177723,41774.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,62,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"Article 6 : Des mesures économiques Le Gouvernement de la République met en place des modes appropriés d’approvisionnement des Villes en denrées alimentaires pour prévenir toute rupture de stock afin de mettre la nation à l’abri de toutes conséquences désastreuses sur le plan de la sécurité alimentaire, et des troubles éventuels à l’ordre public." +493895,68073.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/shelter_standard_assessment_final.pdf,"[January - March 2021, Cox's Bazar] A higher proportion of refugees who arrived recently in 2021 have written agreements compared to those who arrived in previous years. Similarly, a higher proportion of refugees, who arrived before 2017, had some sort of agreement (verbal) with landlords for rent." +308108,53309.0,2098.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross', 'Food Security', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,72,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/gender_alert_brief_final.pdf,"[29th March 2021, Cox's Bazar] Pre-existing challenges, including inadequate and crowded accommodation, insufficient water and sanitation facilities, lack of food and non-food items (NFIs) are exacerbated as a result, especially for women and girls. Due to underlying conservative socio-cultural norms, women, girls and persons with disabilities living in the camps have limited access to basic assistance and services." +330761,55042.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,162,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.gage.odi.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Adolescents%E2%80%99-experiences-of-covid-19-in-Chittagong-and-Sylhet-divisions-Bangladesh.pdf,"[30 April 2021, Bangladesh]Coping strategies to improve psychosocial well-being: Adolescents mentioned watching TV and using mobile phones as the most common coping strategies to deal with boredom at home. Using a mobile phone was found to be more common among urban male adolescents than other adolescents. However, most adolescents – male and female, from rural and urban areas – reported that they watched TV when they have free time or feel sad. Connecting with friends was another way of coping, reported mostly by boys, with urban boys reporting more communication via mobile phone compared to their rural counterparts, who mostly met friends in person. Some adolescents, both male and female, also mentioned activities such as drawing, reading story books, and playing with siblings. A few girls mentioned gossiping with relatives or family members and doing handicrafts as a way of passing time." +165096,39822.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,63,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"WFP’s national reference food basket (FB) price for August averaged SYP 83,938, decreasing by 3% compared to July. This is the first time the standard reference FB registers a month-on-month decline since August 2019 (12 month ago). Overall 12 governorates reported month-on-month reductions in their average FB price and two governorates reported increases" +195234,43324.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Education']",['Impact->Impact On People'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,25,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irc_-_rapport_devaluation_covid-19_extreme_nord_-irc.pdf,La fermeture des écoles a emmené les enfants à rester plus longtemps à la maison et ainsi a augmenté la ration alimentaire de la famille +317183,53333.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Due to lack of functional medical facilities as a result of the crisis, home deliveries and unsafe abortions were reported as other key health and SRHR challenges that pregnant adolescent girls struggle with" +386463,60395.0,1186.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,103,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,". La autoestima también impacta en el desempeño académico y viceversa. Sin embargo, hay pocos estudios sobre cómo se sienten los estudiantes migrantes en Chile, y menos aún sobre sus niveles de autoeficacia o autoestima. Por el momento, la evidencia indica que los estudiantes migrantes no se sienten a disgusto en las escuelas y aprecian que docentes y autoridades escolares intenten integrarlos (Centro de Estudios Justicia & Sociedad, 2020). Para muchos de ellos, la escuela amortigua la discriminación que reciben de parte de la sociedad en general (Poblete & Galaz, 201" +133678,35117.0,1187.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Por último, es importante destacar que se acompaña junto a las colegas psicólogas del equipo y de manera integral, situaciones de violencia de género." +165193,38902.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],en,29,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"Colombia has increased hospital and testing capacities, but pre-crisis numbers of hospital beds and intensive-care unit (ICU) beds are low in comparison to other countries." +268298,49758.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],es,104,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Por esta situación, desde el 16 de febrero se desplazaron aproximadamente 210 personas afrodescendientes (78 familias) desde las veredas Panpa Quiñonez y Panpa Chapil hacia el casco urbano del municipio de Mosquera. Entre las personas desplazadas se han identificado a 90 niños y niñas, sin embargo, el censo se mantiene abierto hasta 19 de febrero. Se informa que continúan llegando familias al casco urbano del municipio auto albergándose en casas de familiares, amigos y en algunos casos pagando alquiler, debido a que el municipio no cuenta con albergues temporales para este tipo de emergencias." +307047,51572.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,24,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Distribution of cleaning material. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +2590,518.0,321.0,[],[],[],en,67,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/unicef-libya-humanitarian-situation-report-01-january-31-march-2017,"According to UNHCR in the three first months of the year, 24,292 persons arrived to Italy by the sea, which represents a 29% increase compared to the same period in 20164. 1,480migrants, refugees and asylum seekers were rescued off the Libyan coast in March 2017 in 13 separate incidents, bringing the total number of people rescued in 2017 to 3,6825." +401803,62956.0,2098.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,55,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[29th July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Both Host and Refugees: Among all respondents, 76 of them from refugee camps and 1 from host community respondent reported that facility or shelter in their area are damaged by the flood. These includes, house, pathway, ramp and etc." +318901,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,104,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Girls and boys of all ages still face violence in all areas of their lives: at home, at school and in the community. Children from displaced communities and those from conflict-affected areas, refugees and returnees are particularly vulnerable as they are exposed to multiple protection risks enumerated above; children account for nearly 40 per cent of the total of refugees, asylum seekers and refugee returnee population. Many out-of school children can be found in these groups as a result of multiple intersecting exclusionary factors, including early marriage, disabilities and forced recruitment by armed groups." +171431,40699.0,2098.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,52,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20201004_acaps_thematic_review_vulnerable_households_rohingya_refugee_response.pdf,"[4th october, Cox's Bazar] Prior to COVID-19, all Rohingya refugees in the camps were vulnerable to some degree; no one’s basic needs were completely fulfilled and everyone experienced safety and security challenges (ACAPS 12/19; ISCG 09/2019; WFP 12/2019; IOM 12/2019" +54549,16960.0,1186.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Politics'],es,65,[],['Context'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.latercera.com/politica/noticia/subsecretario-del-interior-insiste-exigencia-antecedentes-absolutamente-limpios-venezolanos-solicitan-visa/778339/,"señaló que uno de los objetivos de la política migratoria del gobierno es lograr la reunificación familiar , “pero sabemos y ya lo vimos hace unas semanas atrás en Tacna de que no todos los que están pidiendo la visa la van a poder obtener, porque uno de los requisitos fundamentales es que tengan sus papeles antecedentes absolutamente limpios”, advirtió." +166687,39928.0,2170.0,"['Protection', 'Cross', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,68,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"FGDs undertaken with the affected communities during the reporting period reveal that some of the impact include; reduced income and loss of livelihoods due to inter-state travel ban, an increase in the prices of raw materials, increase in the cost of fuel wood, increased negative coping behaviours such as intimate partner violence, begging and hawking by the children as schools remain closed." +146743,35870.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,29,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Due to the prolonged crisis in Syria, the public health system is fragile and requires considerable support to reinforce its capacity to support a potential outbreak of COVID-19" +169358,40511.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Demography'],fr,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://lefaso.net/spip.php?article99623,"Depuis le 9 mars 2020, date à laquelle le Burkina a enregistré son premier cas confirmé, c’est au total 2032 cas confirmés dont 683 femmes et 1 340 hommes." +24808,9461.0,730.0,"['Health', 'Agriculture', 'Cross', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Food Security']",[],[],en,97,[],[],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/02.26.19-%20USG%20Yemen%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet.pdf,"The HNO identifies approximately 24.1 million people—nearly 80 percent of Yemen’s population—who will require humanitarian assistance in 2019, including an estimated 14.3 million people who are in acute need of assistance, a nearly 30 percent increase from the 11.3 million people in acute need in 2018. The number of people in need of assistance represents a nearly 10 percent increase compared to 2018. Agriculture and food security, health, protection, and water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) remain the priority areas of need in 2019." +235648,47076.0,2334.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,31,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,99% of GBV partners do not have enough resources to mitigate COVID-19 risks in their intervention; 55% of assessed health facilities do not have post rape kits. +341487,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,93,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"La religion islamique comme alibi d’intervention des mouvements djihadistes jette un discrédit sur les pratiquants. Elle est citée comme une source de di- vision des populations à cause des mauvaises interprétations des textes coraniques par certains leaders religieux. Le christianisme n’est pas épargné par ce reproche, car les leaders spirituels sont susceptibles de prôner des doctrines radicalisées. Ce qui les conduit à tenir des discours qui fragilisent la cohésion entre les fidèles des différentes religions et parfois au sein d’une même religion." +23061,9316.0,729.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,41,[],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.libyaherald.com/2019/02/22/civilians-caught-in-tightening-derna-siege-hrw/,"At least four women and three infants in the Old City have been reported killed during fighting there since February 2, 2019, according to a February 10 statement by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs." +314784,52949.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,33,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Overall, 955,000 IDPs need emergency livelihoods support, including asset creation and livelihoods training, while 37,000 rural IDPs require additional agriculture and livestock support like seed packages and animal vaccinations." +112919,29956.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,14,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76828,"Asistencia legal, representación y/o asesoramiento a refugiados y migrantes provenientes de Venezuela." +159096,37975.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],fr,33,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_ndeg112.pdf,"Treize (13) patients hospitalisés : CHU Tengandogo (01), Clinique Princesse Sarah (05), CMA de PISSY (02) et Cliniques privés Ouaga (05)" +61697,18346.0,1184.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,70,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71003.pdf,"Según datos oficiales, durante el mes de mayo se registró un ingreso de 87.828 venezolanos/as, además se registró la salida de 69.137 venezolanos/as; consecuentemente, se reporta un saldo migratorio de 18.691 ciudadanos venezolanos. El ingreso desde la frontera de Rumichaca incrementó a un promedio de 2.400 entradas diarias, comparadas con los aproximadamente 2.200 ingresos diarios que se registró durante el mes de abril." +238291,46388.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,36,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Additionally, 19,800 refugees; 23,000 returnee children when compared to other population groups, with 15 per cent of these households reporting having married a child in the 30 days prior to data collection." +456294,65414.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,44,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://mcusercontent.com/79c0b81b4702d7bad4b431a3e/files/e6b0ec0e-80a1-d218-69be-7dc2c1b52a54/Info_Booklet_July_2021.01.pdf,"[1 July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugee: evidenced by the major January and March fires in Teknaf and Ukhiya megacamps respectively, ensuring refugees’ safety and wellbeing remains a serious challenge with population density reaching 60,000 persons per km2" +337594,55860.0,2225.0,['Agriculture'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,55,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb4752en.pdf,"In line with COVID-19 mitigation measures and recovery efforts, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is supporting smallholders in Kinshasa, Kasai, Kasai-Central and Ituri thanks to generous contributions from the Governments of Belgium and Canada, and the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF)." +161080,39509.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],fr,66,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sidwaya.info/blog/2020/09/15/covid-19-les-hauts-bassins-passent-en-tete-avec-315-cas/?fbclid=IwAR06krUyHij1KJuxRpsefbnW1qw3Pn7ghXu7fwJbjEVMVA922ljKlJeKtnE,"Et d’ajouter que la semaine dernière, où il y a eu le pic à Bobo-Dioulasso avec les élèves de l’Ecole nationale d’administration et de magistrature (ENAM), en formation militaire, il y a eu 3 513 échantillons qui ont été analysés avec 254 cas testés positifs, dont un taux de positivité de 7,2%." +145966,34803.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,46,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"In Idleb and Dana sub-districts, 111,480 students and 654 teachers have been provided with awareness raising on COVID-19 and received information, education and communication (IEC) and sterilisation materials; o 21,779 students, teachers and parents sensitised on prevention of COVID-19;" +159067,37967.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,30,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_ndeg_115.pdf,"Analyse de 107 échantillons (54 voyageurs, 10 agents de santé, 18 cas suspects, 01 dépistage volontaire, 12 personnes vulnérables, 04 personnes contacts et 08" +177515,40876.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,65,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200904_evaluaciondenecesidades_antioquia_caceres_mire.pdf,"Niñez • La comunidad cuenta con niños y niñas de primera infancia, las autoridades locales no cuentan con información sobre casos de niños no acompañados. En el territorio existen programas sociales dirigidos a la niñez como los de alimentación y familias en acción, existen hogares comunitarios y se requiere acompañamiento a las acciones que desde la comisaría municipal se viene liderando." +143706,35870.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,36,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"As also detailed in prior reports, UN agencies, specific sectors and partners continue awareness-raising activities during existing programmes (such as distributions) and/or as separate initiatives, including through social media campaigns." +292395,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,15,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,The trauma surgeon deployed by WHO performed 160 surgeries including surgeries for gunshot injuries. +236104,47122.0,2334.0,"['WASH', 'Health']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,38,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,Only essential and lifesaving activities of the different humanitarian actors are encouraged to continue [Health and WASH clusters' activities] in these regions while ensuring all the necessary infection prevention and control measures are respected. +323361,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,76,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"The Sectoral Program for Education and Training 2012-2021 (Ministères en Charge de l'Education, 2013) goes further in that it specifically recognizes the role of transport accessibility in reaching education goals. Under the theme of access to formal education and training, the document notes the need to improve the study conditions for students, including transport to schools; with respect to higher education, it proposes acquiring dedicated bus transport." +305679,51474.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,80,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"In December, six United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) corrections officers were deployed to Wau and Kuacjok to provide case-based mentoring and other technical support to the National Prison Service of South Sudan, facilitate improved prison operations, promote secure and humane conditions of detention and forge stronger links with the entire national justice chain in order to expedite the review of pending cases, including through bail and other alternatives to pretrial detention." +235049,46388.0,2336.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shelter']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,55,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Documented, legal housing arrangements were a challenge for 51 per cent of displaced households surveyed as part of the WoA. This is a particularly serious challenge for those living in informal settlements where people lack land tenure, reducing their access to essential services and placing them at constant threat of eviction." +190182,43304.0,2332.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,24,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,La chute du prix du pétrole devrait faire baisser les recettes pétrolières de 40 % en 2020 et de 56 % en 2021. +318282,52949.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,67,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Emergency and essential services must be tied to secondary and specialized referral services. Care for expectant mothers throughout their pregnancy remains particularly poor, with only 32 per cent of births attended by skilled health personnel (SHDS, 2020); these gaps in reproductive health services along with appropriate referral care is essential to prevent the high incidence of maternal and infant death." +288542,51848.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,28,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/herams_fourth_quarter_2020_final.pdf,"[Dec 2020, NWS] around 25 health facilities resume services in NW-Syria due to the cease fire and decreasing in armed conflict in the area." +291518,51259.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,31,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2020_access_annual_overview.pdf,"OCHA participated in repeated rounds of negotiation attempts with the various youth groups, and participated in two visits to Renk and continues to support the negotiation and advocacy interventions." +161698,35720.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],[],[],es,9,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Respuesta%20COVID%2019%20-%20GIFMM%20La%20Guajira%20-%20Riohacha%2C%20a%206%20de%20julio%20de%202020.pdf,124 personas alojadas en la red de hoteles. +61500,18235.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,85,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"After the border reopened on June 8, Colombian authorities noted a sharp decrease in the number of people crossing the border by trocha, while more than 30,000 Venezuelan citizens crossed the border regularly via the Simón Bolivar International Bridge on that day alone.169 Although the smuggling of goods will continue to be a part of the local economy managed by criminal groups, with the reopening of the border these actors have lost a relevant source of income previously derived from smuggling people" +169909,40360.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,35,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Arrestation arbitraires : Le 04 août 2020 dans la commune de Markoye, un civil a été arrêté par les FDS dans le marché à bétail pour des raisons de complicité avec les GANI." +388290,60868.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,77,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Suivi des contacts  Cumul personnes contacts listées depuis le 09 mars 2020 : 26154  Contacts confirmés COVID-19 depuis le début : 4 888/ 13478 (36,26%)  Cumul de contacts sortis après 14 jours de suivis : 25 719  Nombre de contacts à suivre : 231  Nombre de contacts vus : 224 (96,96%)  Nombre de contacts non vus : 07  Nombre de contacts restant : 26" +175146,40890.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"El trabajo remunerado es la fuente de ingresos más común (74% de los hogares). Aun así, un gran porcentaje de encuestados dependen de asistencia del Gobierno y/o agencias humanitarias (28%), o del apoyo de sus comunidades (24%" +135763,35301.0,2028.0,"['Cross', 'Education']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,67,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"During the first half of the year, UNICEF reached over 250,000 children (51 per cent girls) with formal educational support across all fourteen governorates—only 14 per cent of the annual target, as schools were closed in March as part of the COVID-19 preventive measures and education activities were also heavily impacted by price volatility and increased cost of supplies and construction materials." +235172,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,18,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,A third (36 per cent) of all displaced households report no access to trauma care. +237169,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,17,[],['Context'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Even before COVID-19 related lockdown measures were introduced, the availability of regular work was low." +235608,46388.0,2336.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"3.1 million out of 7 million children under five are estimated to be acutely malnourished in 2021, meaning almost half of children under five need life-saving nutrition support, as do a quarter of PLW." +325813,54267.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,41,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"En outre, il existe également un certain nombre de projets de microfinance, par exemple par le Réseau de développement Aga Khan (AKDN), la Banque mondiale et la Banque européenne d’investissement (BEI)." +159044,39293.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,45,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Round-3-Analysis-Factsheet-NWS_Tk_09.09.20.pdf,"The Humanitarian Needs Assessment Programme's (HNAP) 26 August 2020 COVID-19 Rapid Assessment showed that all total curfews, partial curfews, and community lockdowns had ended in almost all areas controlled by non-state and Turkish-backed armed forces (NSAG & TBAF)" +141398,35118.0,1187.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,87,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Dentro de estas estrategias, cabe destacar la que implica el armado por parte de las personas migrantes de redes de difusión de información acerca de organizaciones de la sociedad civil que proveen kits alimentarios. A partir de la línea telefónica gratuita implementada por Cruz Roja Argentina se ha reportado, tanto en la comunidad venezolana, como en la senegalesa, el armado de redes de comunicación que implican la organización de las llamadas y la difusión entre otros/as compañeros/as de la información recibida." +341456,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,59,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Ces inégalités établies freinent les élans de cohabitation et établissent les schèmes d’une division sociale caractéristique des sociétés capitalistes : riches et pauvres. La sociabilité des personnes en situation de pauvreté est assez difficile. Dans ce contexte, les conséquences de rupture sont plus radicales. L’intégration sociale se trouve ainsi fragilisée." +267066,49959.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,49,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://s3.amazonaws.com/semanaruralvzla/documentos/1614089620_boletin___violencia_de_generopdf,"Entre enero y septiembre de 2020, de acuerdo con la información del SIVIGILA del Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social, de las 76.366 víctimas de VBG en Colombia, el 4,2 % (i.e. 3.197) fueron casos contra la población migrante proveniente de Venezuela." +149755,37702.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,93,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"During the reporting period, a new public awareness campaign was launched by the MoH and MoI supported by WHO and UNICEF aimed at promoting specific behaviours and practices including regular handwashing, social distancing, physical distancing, use of face masks and reporting of symptoms to health facilities. Messages will be conveyed through a range of mediums, including radio, TV and social media. The campaign also aims to de-stigmatize COVID-19, reinforce home care for the elderly and provide communities with mental health and psychosocial support." +62861,18514.0,1386.0,['Nutrition'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,59,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190328_acaps_briefing_note_venezuela_update_and_2019_outlook__0.pdf,"In recent years, malnutrition has reached emergency thresholds for children under 5, with 50% exhibiting some degree of malnutrition, and some 280,000 at risk of death due to undernourishment. Pregnant women and population in impoverished parts of the country are also more vulnerable to malnutrition (IACHR 09/01/2019, CHE Health 09/2018)." +166404,40090.0,2098.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,115,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://floodresilience.net/blogs/flood-prone-communities-in-bangladesh-are-struggling-to-cope-with-monsoon-and-coronavirus-impacts,"Along with the sufferings brought by COVID-19, and the lockdown, monsoon rains and ensuing floods started earlier than expected this year. In July it was reported that a third of Bangladesh was under water. Limited evacuation shelters and the ability for social distancing have become a big challenge. Local leaders and have shared that people are less likely to evacuate to shelters compared to previous years due to the risk of catching COVID-19. Savings people make to cope with, and recover from, the annual monsoon have been depleted during lockdown as people have been unable to earn an income to pay for food and other necessities." +236342,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,20,[],['Context'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Even before COVID-19, nearly 20 per cent of Afghan people perceived violence as the biggest problem facing women." +150442,37702.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,51,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"During the reporting period, WHO also provided a range of COVID-19 related medical equipment to hospitals in Aleppo and Damascus, the Ministry of Health and SARC, including 10 pediatric resuscitators, three laryngoscopes for newborns, nine ventilators, nine respiratory humidifiers and one mobile x-ray unit." +187421,43202.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Deaths'],en,38,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/425396-coronavirus-nigeria-records-94-new-cases-four-deaths.html,"[9thNov 2020,Nigeria] Four more deaths were recorded, on Monday, as a result of coronavirus complications in Nigeria, raising the death toll in Africa’s most populated country to 1,158." +21302,8634.0,788.0,[],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Security & Stability', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",en,73,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access', 'Displacement']",Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/01022019_ocha_nga_humanitarian_dashboard_december.pdf,"An upsurge in violence since November, particularly in Monguno, Kukawa and Kala/Balge local government areas, has triggered mass displacement with tens of thousands of civilians fleeing into already overcrowded camps, mainly to Maiduguri, the capital of Borno State. More than 260 aid workers were withdrawn from these three conflict-affected LGAs since November. The ongoing conflict and ensuing insecurity is impeding humanitarian operations to these areas." +158875,39292.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,34,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Round-3-Analysis-Factsheet-NES_TK_09.09.20.pdf,"REACH observed high levels of COVID-19 knowledge among survey respondents in the first round of data collection, which was conducted in late April as communication efforts and curfews were well under way." +270145,50221.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],es,65,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/pandemia-exacerbo-problemas-de-seguridad-alimentaria-para-los-migrantes/2498,"La encuesta evidenció que un 70% de los encuestados en Colombia, Ecuador y Perú han tenido que adoptar “estrategias de sobrevivencia” para tener comida. De esta manera, según dio a conocer Bottone, para satisfacer necesidades alimentarias y otras necesidades esenciales, los migrantes tuvieron que aceptar trabajos mal remunerados, pedir préstamos informales o vender sus pertenencias." +173365,40446.0,2028.0,"['Nutrition', 'Protection']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,65,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syriahr.com/en/187036/,"[5th October 2020, Syria] Finally, UN Security Council members should ensure that every attack on a healthcare facility or worker is discussed openly at the Security Council, as part of monthly Council briefings and country-specific briefings. Explicit calls for the protection of health workers should be included in UN resolutions and official discussions including those related to COVID-19." +492303,67914.0,2028.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,222,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_mvam_bulletin_58_august_2021.pdf,"[August 2021, Overall Syria] The further erosion of the purchasing power and the degradation in households’ economic capacity pushed nearly seven out of ten interviewed households (69 percent) to buy food on credit (representing an increase of five percent year-on-year), with a wider share recorded among female-headed households (76 percent). The reported adoption of this strategy was most common among IDPs (72 percent) and returnees (71 percent), while it remained very high also among residents (67 percent), signaling a general worsening in economic living conditions for all population groups in Syria. At the governorate level, this trend was more pronounced in Dar’a (78 percent), with an eight percent increase compared to a month earlier and representing the highest level recorded in Dar’a since April 2021, followed by Al-Hasakeh (77 percent). Moreover, relying on child labor as a coping strategy for lack of food has become more prominent among Syrian households over time. In August 2021, 11 percent of surveyed households nationwide reported taking children of the mandatory education age out of school and having them work instead to bring in additional income to the household." +241405,47421.0,2170.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,49,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SHL_report_pushed-to-the-brink_January-2021-1.pdf,"[1st Jan 2021, Nigeria]More limited work opportunities were mostly reported by Nigerien and Nigerian rural-urban migrants, as, due to the restrictions and partial lockdown implemented in urban areas, such as curfews in Niamey and Maradi, work opportunities were more limited." +199040,44308.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,30,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RD%20Congo%20-%20Note%20d%E2%80%99informations%20humanitaires%20pour%20la%20province%20du%20Nord-Kivu%2017%20novembre%202020.pdf,"En dépit de la détérioration de la situation humanitaire sur l’ensemble du territoire de Beni, certains acteurs humanitaires doivent se désengager faute de capacités financières flexibles." +294550,51749.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'WASH', 'Livelihoods', 'Shelter', 'Food Security']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,76,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[commune de Comin-Yanga] Ainsi, dans le cadre des groupes de discussion, quatre besoins prioritaires ont été exprimés : (1) la sécurité alimentaire et les moyens d’existence ; (2) abris et Articles Ménagers Essentiels (AME) ; (3) une amélioration de la situation en eau, hygiène et assainissement ; (4) santé et soins primaires (cf prochaine sous partie)." +239677,47230.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,97,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"El 20% de las personas encuestadas no se sienten seguras en el barrio en el que viven, y esto es más frecuente entre las mujeres (21%) que entre los hombres (16%). Asimismo, la percepción de inseguridad es mayor entre los refugiados y migrantes entre 26 y 35 años (21%) y menor entre las personas mayores a 45 años (18%). En Atlántico y Nariño, la proporción de personas que se sienten inseguras es 10 puntos porcentuales mayor que el promedio" +235228,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,55,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The United States International Development Agency (USAID) estimates that only 30 per cent of Afghans have access to electricity, while figures from Afghanistan Transparency Watch suggest it may be as high as 65 per cent. Thus, sustained and reliable access to electricity is an ongoing issue for many Afghans." +54049,16873.0,1378.0,[],[],[],es,78,[],[],Central America - Dengue Outbreak 2019,2019-08-09 22:51:53.645619+00,https://www.efe.com/efe/america/sociedad/aumentan-un-160-los-casos-de-dengue-en-costa-rica-comparacion-con-2018/20000013-4035695#,"Los cantones más afectados son Sarapiquí (norte) con 960, Pococí con 288, Guácimo con 176, ambos en el Caribe, mientras que el centro de la provincia de Alajuela cuenta con 165 casos en lo que va del año. Además, las localidades de Aguas Zarcas (norte), Turrialba (norte) y Jacó (Pacífico central) también enfrentan un leve aumento de casos en las últimas semanas." +156656,38715.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,80,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/roap_covid_response_sitrep_14.pdf,"IOM Bangladesh held workshops for 112 POE personnel (23 women, 89 men) at Sylhet Osmani International Airport and Benapole and Darshana border control points on health screening and management of ill travellers at PoE, proper use and disposal of PPE and SOPs for frontline workers. The mission donated 400 pairs of cleaning gloves, 4,000 pairs of latex gloves, 3,500 surgical masks, 350 gowns and hand sanitizer and soap to the POE." +305716,51572.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,29,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Do not rely on less preferred and less expensive food [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +185141,39920.0,1231.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,16,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/resultados_primera_encuesta_covid-19_-_formato_11x17.pdf,90%no cuenta con apoyo alimenticio y desean tener servicios que les garantice seguridad alimentaria +63470,18412.0,1386.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,196,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,,"En 2016 inició un brote de Difteria en los estados Bolívar y Monagas, luego de dos décadas sin casos notificados54. El personal de salud55 y las sociedades científicas56 denunciaron la reaparición de la enfermedad y 17 defunciones infantiles en abril de 2016, que desestimaron las autoridades nacionales y regionales. De septiembre de 2016 a agosto de 2018, la Difteria se transformó en epidemia, subiendo de 320 a 1.217 casos confirmados de 1.992 sospechosos y se extendió a 20 estados del país con 168 personas fallecidas, en su mayoría niños y niñas57. El primer caso de Sarampión se confirmó en 2017. Desde ese año hasta septiembre de 2018, los casos aumentaron de 727 a 5.332 confirmados, sobre 7.370 sospechosos en total, en todos los estados del país con 64 defunciones y una mayor incidencia en los estados Delta Amacuro, Distrito Capital y Amazonas58. Las bajas coberturas de vacunación son su principal causa. En la ENCOVI 2017, 54% de los niños no había recibido la primera dosis contra Sarampión y a 30% le faltaba las vacunas contra la Difteria59." +36133,11046.0,788.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,66,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68626.pdf,"Domestic Violence, attempted rape and Sexual/ Gender based violence, Teenage pregnancy, and Physical violence have been recognized by refugees as most serious SGBV problems in the settlements. More and more teenage pregnancy has challenged parents and community leaders seriously than ever. Alcoholism, drug abuse, risky life style, and Poverty have increased more domestic violence and teenage sex survivors" +125963,29180.0,1620.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,24,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Gap-Supply-Demand-Contraceptive-Services-Northeast-Nigeria-Report.pdf,"Men and women across groups reported that a lack of privacy at facilities was a barrier for girls, women, and men." +48111,13061.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,175,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.derechos.org.ve/web/wp-content/uploads/MigracionLigia.pdf,"A pesar del poco acompañamiento internacional a los llamados de ACNUR a lo largo de 2018, la Oficina siguió levantando información y alertas sobre la situación. Algunos hitos son: • Se publica el informe Tendencias Globales. Desplazamiento Forzado 201747, que ubica a la nacionalidad venezolana como la cuarta en mayor demanda de refugio en el mundo, solo superada por tres países en guerra: Afganistán, Irak y Siria. • Octubre 2018, Filippo Grandi, Alto Comisionado de Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados visita Colombia, Argentina, Perú y Ecuador, pudiendo constatar sobre el terreno “la complejidad” de la situación que enfrentan las personas provenientes de Venezuela. • Diciembre 2018, ACNUR, conjuntamente con la OIM, lanza el Plan Regional de Respuesta para Refugiados y Migrantes, que aspira contar con 738 millones de dólares para el año 2019, para atender a 2,7 millones de personas provenientes de Venezuela en 16 países y a las comunidades de acogida." +149738,37702.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,85,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"In May, the Health sector reported supporting 759,802 medical procedures and 262,015 treatment courses. UNRWA has reported resuming health services in recent weeks, although this remains under review should circumstances necessitate. UNFPA also continues to provide maternal and neonatal health services and GBV prevention and response services, with 240,343 people receiving reproductive health, awareness raising, and MHPSS since March. In addition, UNICEF report that regular nutrition programmes have resumed, including in Al Hol camp." +329130,53878.0,2331.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']",['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,58,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SOYDA%20Monthly%20Progressive%20Report-Feb%202021.pdf,"A total of 14,565 number of crisis affected women, children and Men in emergency was reached with improved life-saving primary health care services, However, integration of nutrition, WASH, protection and health have helped the community members have better lifesaving nutrition and health services with easy access to the facilities and mobile sites." +344194,56725.0,2028.0,['Nutrition'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,100,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Whole%20of%20Syria%20Nutrition%20Cluster%20Sector%20Brief%20%28January%20-%20December%202020%29.pdf,"[Jan - Dec 2020, Overall Syria] Without appropriate and flexible funding to the Nutrition Sector, it is expected that in 2021, 13,000 - 17,000 children under 5 could be at increased risk of death due to acute malnutrition, 3 million PLWs would suffer a decline in health and risk of adverse maternal outcomes during pregnancy and childbirth, and 0.5 million children could lose their future potential due to stunting. It is anticipated that these consequences will drastically worsen by the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak and the deterioration in local and household economy." +209157,43992.0,2332.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,All UNICEF partnerships with NGOs implementing WASH interventions under the regular and emergency programme systematically ensure the sensitization of beneficiary populations on COVID-19 prevention measures as well as the provision of WASH kits. +268656,49756.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Cases']",es,67,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19022021_flash_update_no_2_impacto_covid-19_triple_frontera_vff.pdf,"Debido a que Colombia hace parte de esta triple frontera, el Instituto Nacional de Salud (INS) ha realizado monitoreo permanente de los linajes de los virus y el 31 de enero confirmó la circulación de esta variante en dos personas de nacionalidad colombiana. Esta situación impulsó medidas de restricciones en la movilidad de pasajeros (aérea y fluvial) en toda la regió" +338779,56127.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,40,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/factsheet%20Cali%20V3.0%20externo.pdf,"A la fecha, el departamento del Valle alberga a mas de 59.000 refugiados y migrantes provenientes de Venezuela, comunidades indígenas y consejos comunitarios de población afrocolombiana; estas poblaciones, como principales víctimas de las emergencias humanitarias recurrentes" +314409,54331.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,35,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=230448,"[21 APR 2021, GoS] The Health Ministry announced on Wednesday, 21st, that 154 new coronavirus cases were recorded, adding that 130 cases recovered while 12 others passed away." +162973,37820.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,49,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/iom_rohingya_crisis_response_-_external_sitrep_-_july_2020.pdf,"MHPSS activities during the month covered a range of topics ongoing Covid-19 awareness session conducted in health facility waiting rooms, face-to-face support (such as counselling, psychoeducation and Psychological First Aid (PFA), as well as services provided through the MHPSS hotline and tele-counselling." +2649,521.0,321.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,24,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://www.unicef.org/appeals/libya.html,"Only 64 per cent of the affected population has access to adequate drinking water sources, down from 88 per cent before the conflict" +201484,44481.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,90,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep22_20201120.pdf,"With nearly 60 percent of all cases in Idleb governorate and over a third of all cases at the time in Idleb sub-district, the Idleb health authorities issued a statement on 6 November calling for additional support to hospitals, health centres and health workers in the area, and Idleb authorities have begun reintroducing temporary precautionary measures such as the closure of markets and suspension of in-person schooling. Additionally, humanitarian partners are in the process of setting up the first quarantine centre in northwest Syria." +230194,46693.0,2335.0,"['Health', 'Education']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"As all schools were closed by authorities on 21 March to prevent the spread of COVID-19, WFP’s school feeding-activities nationwide were suspended, affecting the provision of assistance to more than 460,000 children." +151909,34062.0,1898.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,60,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3653085,En esa misma línea se refirió a que con la donación del plasma convaleciente se han recuperado 60 personas en el Hospital Militar y agregó que desde antes que comenzara la pandemia en El Salvador ya habían consultado con infectólogos de ese nosocomio para manejo de casos y las acciones que se tenían que hacer para evitar más contagios. +116226,32967.0,1185.0,['Cross'],[],"['Context->Environment', 'Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics']",es,42,[],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3648194,"El jefe del COER, Alfonso Mamani Quispe, informó que la norma permitirá reforzar las acciones para rehabilitar el cauce del río, interrumpido por 1.5 millones de metros cúbicos de material, que forma parte del valle del Colca." +305394,51474.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,75,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"In Terekeka, Central Equatoria, disputes over land and resources led to a series of violent clashes and revenge attacks between Mundari sub-clans. The conflict also spread into Lainya in the southern part of the state as some Mundari groups moved south, bringing the total number of people killed to approximately 70. The movement of the Mundari into Lainya drew National Salvation Front (NAS)into the local conflict." +41648,14575.0,729.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],en,44,[],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/2019/06/190611-Flash-Update---Floods.pdf,"Over 20,000 persons have been affected and about 4,250 are currently displaced; of those, 1,200 are hosted in five collective shelters habilitated by the authorities. • Four people died, including three children, and about 30 suffered minor injuries." +172550,40367.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"The media and external communication team reached out to media to raise awareness on the humanitarian situation and response, focusing on the implementation of humanitarian activities in times of COVID-19." +184389,42131.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://m.lasillavacia.com/putumayo-no-golpea-tanto-virus-del-covid-como-los-armados-78952?amp=1&__twitter_impression=true,"En momentos en los que muchos en el país tienen la expectativa de un posible rebrote, en Putumayo no golpea tanto el virus del covid como el de los armados ilegales y el de los líos judiciales de su dirigencia. Al departamento lo está golpeando la disputa territorial entre las bandas, y la crisis de gobernabilidad por las acusaciones contra su gobernador y de uno de sus dos congresistas." +235449,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,WoA Assessment data shows that 87 per cent of non-recent IDPs intend to remain in their current location in the short term and more than half never intend to return to their place of origin. +236494,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,46,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"On top of other environmental challenges, fear of COVID-19 and its economic consequences has become a critical driver for households in deciding whether to displace, whether to seek services, or whether to exercise freedom of movement within people’s own communities." +219860,45437.0,2311.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],['Context->Environment'],es,28,['Priority Interventions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep5_ach_ola_invernal_nov2020_v5.pdf,"En Chocó debido a la destrucción del puente, han quedado incomunicados Lloró Nuevo con Lloró Viejo, junto al consorcio MIRE se realizan una respuesta multisectorial." +214332,45385.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,54,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"En réponse à cette situation d’urgence [ensemble de la région est sous stress alimentaire avec 12% de la population en situation de crise], 10,000 ménages vulnérables ont reçu 1,300 kg de semences (riz, sorgho, maïs, niébé, gombo) et d’engrais." +410312,63222.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,172,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_mvam_bulletin_57_july_2021.pdf,"[Syria, July] In July 2021, 70 percent of surveyed households reported relying on less preferred or less expen- sive food, up by eight percent from July 2020, with peaks recorded in Quneitra (80 percent) and Hama (75 percent). Approxi- mately three out of five interviewed households in Syria (57 percent) indicated a reduction in the number of meals consumed per day, an increase of 14 percent year-on-year, with a wider share recorded among female-headed households (68 percent) compared to male-headed households (56 percent). Also, to cope with food shortages, nearly half of the surveyed households (48 percent) reported reducing food consumption by adult members to prioritize their children’s food consumption needs, representing an increase of 17 percent since July 2020, with a higher proportion among IDPs (57 percent) and returnees (55 percent) compared to residents (43 percent)." +388289,60868.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,100,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Situation des cas confirmés Cinquante neuf (59) nouveaux cas confirmés du 26/05/2021 au 25/06/2021, tous à transmission communautaire répartis comme suit : 46 dépistages pour voyage ; 05 personnes contacts ; 08 cas suspects. Toutes les treize (13) régions et 68/70 districts sanitaires sont touchés par l’épidémie. Cas actifs dans quatre (04) régions (Centre, Hauts-Bassins, Cascades et Centre Est). Aussi 06 districts (Bogodogo, Boulmiougou, Baskuy, Dô, Banfora, et Garango) sur 68 touchés ont des cas actifs." +473049,63732.0,2099.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,30,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2f4004e6/REACH_BFA_Factsheet_Abri-AME-et-LTB_Pouytenga_juillet-2021.pdf,"D'autres problèmes ponctuels ont également pu être rapportés, notamment le manque d'approvisionnement des marchés en AME, et l'importante insécurité sur la route pour se rendre aux marchés." +164744,39789.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,48,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Movementwide%20Operation%20Report%20August%202020.pdf,5210 people participated at awareness session on parenting & childcare and sharing key messages on SGBV and PSEA.  1466 people trained on hygiene practices and COVID-19 awareness session through outreach activities.  90 community consultation meeting held on reusable cloth mask production for COVID-19. +287005,51749.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[à Koulpélogo] Comme acteurs armés on peut citer en plus des GOA, l’armée (avec un détachement militaire à Soudougui) , la police , la gendarmerie, la douanes , les services des eaux et forêts, ainsi que les membres de la milice Koglweogo" +306734,51467.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,58,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Due to the upsurge in sub-national violence in 2020, especially in Jonglei, Unity, Upper Nile and Warrap and Lakes, displaced people are expected to remain displaced for the foreseeable future. Unless there is adequate coordination of services, the protection concerns, risks and vulnerabilities of displaced people will continue to increase." +237200,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],en,51,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Comparison of WoA data across 2019 and 2020 indicates a considerable worsening of the debt burden on vulnerable populations in Afghanistan, indicating that large numbers of Afghans have been newly pulled into debt (that they haven’t yet been able to repay) over the last year." +215091,44840.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,48,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,"UN-HABITAT and IOM are working to ensure ongoing and planned infrastructure work continues, with extra protective measures implemented for construction teams. The aim is to ensure continued employment for those hired under these operations so as to avoid further contributing to the anticipated economic downturn." +112918,29956.0,1183.0,['Nutrition'],[],[],es,13,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76828,Atención a niños y niñas menores de 5 años con desnutrición aguda. +240470,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,16,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Just over 2,000 people had died – at least 79 of whom are healthcare workers." +388280,60868.0,2099.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],fr,68,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Depuis le début de l’épidémie, un cumul de 205 630 échantillons a été analysé dans les différents laboratoires réalisant le diagnostic de la COVID-19. La moyenne des échantillons testés par jour est de 434 avec un maximum à 2 203 échantillons (05 février 2021), on note un taux de positivité à 6,55 % à la date du 25 juin 2021." +236122,47122.0,2334.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,26,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"The measures put in place to contain the spread of COVID-19 have slowed down implementation of WASH activities reduced from 107,581 persons reached in February." +199569,44216.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Deaths'],en,48,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/health/coronavirus/2020/11/16/covid-19-bangladesh-records-21-deaths-2-139-new-cases,"[16th November 2020, Bangladesh] So far, 4,783 men (76.96%) and 1,432 women (23.04%) have died from Covid-19 across the country. The mortality rate against the total number of cases detected so far stands at 1.43%." +157878,38800.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,78,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GTS%20-%20HNAP%20COVID19%20Syria%20Bulletin%20R3.pdf,"The deterioration of community-level implementation of precautionary measures indicates a trust gap, with fewer focal points believing that measures will be successful (53%) than in May (63%). More people in NSAG/TBAF areas view things in a positive light now (41%) than in May (36%), but focal points in this AoC are still the least certain that precautionary measures will have an impact." +215920,44941.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,27,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/somalia_health_cluster_bulletin_december_2019.pdf,"During the period 9-15 December 2019, a total of 126 new cases of cholera and two deaths were reported from 11 districts of Banadir region." +493579,61216.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/humanitarian-situation-overview-syria-hsos-northeast-syria-june-2021,"[June 2021, NES]Most commonly reported coping strategies for a lack of food (by % of communities): Relying on less preferred food or lower food quality: 67% Borrowing money to buy food: 79% Buying food with money usually used for other things: 69%" +323115,54498.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,140,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/89758cd4/REACH_COL_RAN_Factsheet_Trend_analysis_March2021.pdf,"De acuerdo con AVESA - UNIANDES10, re- presenta un perfil de vulnerabilidad el “con- junto de elementos que permiten agrupar a las mujeres en función de sus capacida- des para prevenir, resistir y sobreponerse a una situación riesgosa o conflictiva”. En este sentido, si bien a lo largo de las cinco rondas, el reporte de mujeres viajeras solas o dentro de los grupos de viaje, marcó un menor porcentaje en compa- ración con el reporte de hombres via- jeros, este no dejó de ser significativo. Durante las cinco etapas de recolección de datos, el reporte de mujeres viajando solas estuvo alrededor del 30% exceptuando en la quinta ronda, donde de los 84 ICs que viajaban solos, solo el 17% reportó ser del sexo femenino." +188204,40860.0,1899.0,['Food Security'],[],[],es,81,[],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200922_OCHA_GUATEMALA%20HRP%20COVID-19%20ESPAN%CC%83OL.pdf,La población ya se encuentra sufriendo los efectos de la etapa crítica del período de Hambre Estacional (período de baja demanda de mano de obra y en el cual no se obtienen cosechas) a la que se le suman los efectos exacerbantes de la pandemia del COVID-19 el cual ha hecho incrementar la población vulnerable ya que afecto a grupos de población que regularmente no dependían de asistencia humanitaria como lo son los comerciantes informales y pequeños empresarios. +238172,47090.0,2170.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,30,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_15_dec_2020_report.pdf,"[1st-15thDec 2020, Borno and Adamawa state]PROTECTION: 19% of the overall reported households are headed by the most vulnerable population (women and children)" +148567,36019.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,81,"['Priority Needs', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"As of 14 July, US$ 106.8 million have been received to support the COVID-19 response, covering 28 per cent of total requirements. Most funding has been received by the Health Sector (US$ 32.4 million) and the WASH Sector (US$ 18.6 million). To fully deliver against all sectors targets and ensure a comprehensive response, increased funding is urgently needed to address the health and socio-economic impacts of the crisis." +310741,53200.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,13,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/en/documents/details/84544,"Most refugees live in out-of-camp settlements, host communities and urban areas." +178534,40661.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,45,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"La fermeture des frontières avec les pays voisins comme l’Angola, la Zambie, le Rwanda, le Burundi et l’Ouganda a eu un effet d’entrainement des prix, en raison de la diminution des approvisionnements des marchés." +63621,18631.0,788.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross', 'WASH']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,121,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_floodoverview_13092019.pdf,"An estimated 10,490 emergency and makeshift shelters have been partially damaged or destroyed, while some others were inundated in some IDP camps and host communities mainly in Borno State. Water facilities have been damaged while about 550 latrines and bathing facilities were blown off due to heavy winds. • The risk of further heavy rainfall and floods remains high across the BAY states until the end of September, particularly in the seven Local Government Areas (LGAs) of Maiduguri, Monguno, Jere, Gwoza and Dikwa in Borno State, and Yola South and Yola North in Adamawa State where 10,790 HHs are already affected representing 51% of the total affected so far." +325251,54815.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,69,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Numerous attacks on transport infrastructure facilities, especially bridges, occurred also in 2019. According to information collected by OCHA, at least five bridges in the Sahel region, mainly in the Soum province, were the target of attacks that partially or totally damaged them. Over the course of 2020, the proportion of security incidents related to explosive devices left on roads increased further" +61772,18350.0,1184.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,438,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71151.pdf,"Educación Continúa la abogacía e incidencia por parte de los socios del GTRM para garantizar el derecho a la educación de los NNA venezolanos. Se realizó la socialización del proceso de inscripción a escuelas y colegios públicos para NNA en situación de movilidad humana, del cual la primera fase culminó el 14 de junio; por lo tanto, se continúa con la difusión de la segunda etapa para las familias que no lograron realizar la inscripción. Con este propósito, se realizaron referencias para el ingreso a las unidades educativas en coordinación con el Ministerio de Educación y el Ministerio de Trabajo; en Tulcán entre el 04 y 21 de junio se refirieron 49 grupos familiares y en el segundo período de inscripciones, previsto del 03 al 14 de agosto se refirieron 28 familias. Asimismo, en Cuenca, luego de algunas visitas de incidencia con los Distritos de Educación se ha logrado que NNA venezolanos puedan acceder a la educación. Esto se complementa con espacios de nivelación para niños/as previo a su ingreso al sistema educativo formal (como el realizado este mes en Quito) y mediante visitas domiciliarias para dar seguimiento a los casos de NNA que fueron registrados y atendidos (ej. en la ciudad de Huaquillas). En cuanto al acceso a centros de desarrollo infantil, se continúa la incidencia con el Ministerio de Inclusión Económica y Social (MIES) para el acceso a servicios de educación para niños de 3 a 9 años. Como ejemplo, en Santo Domingo, se mantuvo una reunión con la Dirección Distrital del MIES a fin de viabilizar acciones para brindar orientación y referencia a los servicios de educación infantil. Sin embargo, todavía hay dificultades en el acceso a los CIBV (centros de educación temprana) por falta de cupos, como se lo observó en el mes de junio en Cuenca. En junio, 1.501 niñas y 1.117 niños en Ibarra recibieron talleres de habilidades para la vida y prevención de xenofobia en escuelas. Los procesos de sensibilización sobre acceso a servicios de educación permiten informar a las familias venezolanas sobre sus derechos y entregar material impreso, con el objetivo de que conozcan los requisitos y las opciones en caso de no cumplir con un requerimiento, de manera que no sean un impedimento para poder inscribir a sus hijos. Además, se ha acompañado a los distritos de educación a las familias que han señalado continuar con dificultades en el acceso al sistema educativo" +38838,13711.0,729.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,37,[],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,http://www.thenewhumanitarian.org/photo-feature/2019/05/09/Libya-war-refugees-seek-safety-tripoli-school,"Throughout the past month of violence that has gripped Libya’s capital, aid groups have repeatedly warned of the grave danger 3,400 migrants and refugees face while detained near Tripoli’s front lines." +305767,51467.0,2335.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Cross']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,36,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"While CCCM strives to enhance participation of the affected population, fosters accountability to the affected population and facilitates information management, the roles of other clusters and governments are critical to improve the protective environment" +161680,35720.0,1183.0,['WASH'],[],[],es,35,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Respuesta%20COVID%2019%20-%20GIFMM%20La%20Guajira%20-%20Riohacha%2C%20a%206%20de%20julio%20de%202020.pdf,"Entrega de filtros, tanques de almacenamiento de agua y purificadoras de agua. Continúa la distribución de kits de higiene, y promoción y prevención del lavado de manos en comunidades y alojamientos." +330737,55042.0,2098.0,['Cross'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,86,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.gage.odi.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Adolescents%E2%80%99-experiences-of-covid-19-in-Chittagong-and-Sylhet-divisions-Bangladesh.pdf,"[30 April 2021, Bangladesh]As the adolescents in our sample were from different socioeconomic backgrounds, not all reported the need for receiving aid. However, among adolescents from relatively low-income households who mentioned their need for aid and support, five claimed that they did not get any support from the government or from the community, although they would have benefited from this assistance. A few of the adolescents said that taking governmental support is shameful for their family" +176897,41091.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],es,186,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Boyacá tiene alta tasa de seguimiento de contactos y baja letalidad. El ministro de Salud y Protección Social, Fernando Ruiz Gómez, hizo un balance de lo que fue su visita a Tunja para revisar el plan de acción que se desarrolla en todo el departamento con el fin de mitigar el COVID-19. El jefe de la cartera de Salud destacó algunos hechos relevantes para el manejo de la epidemia en el departamento de Boyacá y su capital. ""La alta tasa de seguimiento de contactos que se evidencia en el departamento, baja letalidad, y, muy importante, disminución de la mortalidad en la población mayor de 70 años"", dijo. Aseguró que gran parte de esto obedece a la amplia expansión de la capacidad instalada de unidades de cuidado intensivo de manera muy acelerada en el departamento, con la dotación de al menos cuatro o cinco municipios que antes no la tenían, mencionándolo como ejemplo de la acción conjunta que se ha logrado entre el Gobierno Nacional, el departamento y las alcaldías." +210462,45122.0,2028.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://damascusv.com/archives/21676,"medical personnel from the Syrian Ministry of Health claimed that “deliberate termination operations are taking place at the al-Mujtahid government hospital in the capital, Damascus, for those who are believed to be carrying the virus, through giving them additional doses of the drug [anesthetic].”" +342020,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,86,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[De juillet à début septembre 2020, les enquêteurs ont administré le sondage auprès de 2396 Burkinabè dans les régions du Centre Nord, Nord, Sahel, Est, Boucle du Mouhoun et Hauts-Bassins] 48,58 % de la population de l’enquête quantitative approuve qu’elle ne trouve pas d’objection à l’union d’un membre de leur famille à une personne d'une religion différente. Cette propension émet des signaux propices à la cohésion sociale." +237917,47230.0,2311.0,['Nutrition'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,95,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"NUTRICIÓN Únicamente el 51% de los niños y niñas menores de 6 meses encuestados son amamantados de forma exclusiva. El 46% refirieron haber suministrado a sus bebés algún alimento también o solo con biberón. La práctica de lactancia materna exclusiva tiende a ser menos frecuente a medida que se avanza hacia los 6 meses: en el mes 0, nueve de cada diez niños recibían lactancia materna exclusiva, mientras que en el quinto mes de vida solo cuatro de cada diez niños y niñas continuaban con la práctica." +16332,6355.0,322.0,['Nutrition'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],en,42,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/181002%20YEMEN%20HODEIDAH%20CHOLERA%20CASES%20SURGE.pdf,"Hodeidah governorate is also home to nearly 100,000 severely malnourished children – more than a quarter of Yemen’s total. Severely malnourished children are much more likely to contract and die from diarrhoeal diseases like cholera than well-nourished children." +161320,39528.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,29,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Appui au CHU Bogodogo pour la mise en place du triage et d’une unité de prise en charge des cas suspects et confirmés de la COVID-19. +238812,47230.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],es,80,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"Con menor frecuencia, se encuentra la documentación y/o regularización de su situación migratoria, necesidad priorizada por el 12% de la población. Es necesario considerar que, de acuerdo con información de Migración Colombia13 , más de la mitad de la población se encontraba en situación irregular para octubre de 2020. No obstante, parece ser una necesidad considerada como menos urgente y, por lo tanto, no tan priorizada por los hogares encuestados." +236635,46388.0,2336.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,37,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"While estimates of the country’s population have almost doubled over the last twenty years, safe drinking water coverage in Afghanistan continues to be limited and is still among the lowest in the world." +291268,51259.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2020_access_annual_overview.pdf,"Safety of humanitarian workers worsened in 2020 with nine aid workers killed, bringing the total to 124 since 2013. The increase in aid worker deaths was attributed to intensified sub-national violence in Jonglei." +341458,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,166,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[De juillet à début septembre 2020, les enquêteurs ont administré le sondage auprès de 2396 Burkinabè dans les régions du Centre Nord, Nord, Sahel, Est, Boucle du Mouhoun et Hauts-Bassins] L’existence d’une mauvaise ou faible gouvernance et d’une injustice à tous les niveaux de la société est un sentiment largement partagé au sein de la population. En effet, pour les personnes enquêtées, les institutions publiques sont très affectées par la corruption et la partialité. La négation des droits, l’impunité, la violation des droits humains notamment les droits économiques, sociaux et culturels prennent le dessus. Le sentiment de l’existence d’une injustice et d’une rupture de l’égalité installe une frustration grandissante au sein de la population marginalisée et encourage les comportements violents en détruisant la solidarité et de façon générale le sentiment de vouloir vivre ensemble." +425441,64261.0,2099.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,53,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Les 3 besoins principaux exprimés par les ménages sont : 1. Nourriture (Besoin exprimé par 85% des ménages) 2. Moyens de subsistance (argent, travail) (Besoin exprimé par 61% des ménages)3. Abris (Besoin exprimé par 58% des ménages)" +220914,45410.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,75,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"[Les parties Sud des provinces administratives du BEG et du Kanem dans la Zone 5 - « agropastorale» ] : Les travaux préparatifs de la campagne de contre-saison (nettoyage des périmètre agricoles, mise en plage et entretien des pépinières) sont en cours en vue du repiquage de berberé. Cependant, les périmètres maraîchers restent occupés par les eaux d’inondation retardant ainsi le démarrage des activités maraîchères." +54047,16873.0,1378.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],es,44,[],['Shock/Event'],Central America - Dengue Outbreak 2019,2019-08-09 22:51:53.645619+00,https://www.efe.com/efe/america/sociedad/aumentan-un-160-los-casos-de-dengue-en-costa-rica-comparacion-con-2018/20000013-4035695#,"El último reporte de las autoridades sanitarias revela que se contabilizan 2.639 casos de dengue en lo que va de 2019, y que los enfermos han venido en aumento en las últimas semanas, en especial en la región norte y Caribe." +174187,38392.0,1899.0,['Health'],[],[],es,76,[],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ALC%20post%20COVID-19%20-%20Retos%20y%20oportunidades%20para%20pa%C3%ADses%20de%20Centroam%C3%A9rica%2C%20Hait%C3%AD%2C%20M%C3%A9xico%2C%20Panam%C3%A1%2C%20y%20Rep%C3%BAblica%20Dominicana.pdf,"En el ámbito público, los principales actores son el Ministerio Público de Salud y Asistencia Social (MSPAS), responsable de la gobernanza, así como de la prestación de servicios, y el Instituto Guatemalteco de Seguridad Social (IGSS), un sistema de seguridad social para la salud que cubre a los trabajadores del sector formal. Los miembros de las fuerzas armadas están cubiertos a través de Sanidad Militar." +57787,17280.0,1186.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Legal & Policy', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",es,36,[],"['Context', 'Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/439982_ed8c90c2b9644fbbabee3b33e6e9e918.pdf,"Como se ha mencionado anteriormente, una de las barreras más determinantes en el acceso a soluciones habitacionales formales corresponde a las dificultades del proceso de regularización migratoria de las personas migrantes recién llegadas al país" +341969,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,67,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"La libéralisation du secteur de la sécurité avec l’apparition des sociétés privées a favorisé d’une certaine manière les initiatives de regroupement pour la protection des personnes et des biens. Les populations ont ainsi mis en place leur propre dispositif de « surveillance » sur des bases culturelles et traditionnelles, voire d’appartenance ethnique : Les koglwéogo et les dozo." +146020,35870.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,51,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Of the 571 emergency health kits delivered to date, over 70 per cent was delivered to health facilities in cross-line areas. An additional 17.4 tons was delivered to other partners including SARC. Distribution of the remaining 33 tons covering more than 40 primary health care facilities is ongoing" +316602,52949.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,60,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"For the physical and health sector, refugee returnees, who often find themselves in IDP-like settings, face challenges that are similar to those of IDPs, such as insufficient healthcare services and high costs associated with accessing the existing limited services. The situation of refugee returnees is further compounded by security-related access constraints in southern/central regions." +338312,55951.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,86,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://preventepidemics.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/PERC-Finding-the-Balance-Part-III-12-May-2021.pdf,"[Survey conducted by phone with approximately 24,000 people across 19 Member States in five geographical regions in Africa, including DRC] Lower-income households are the most affected by food insecurity and lack of access to health care and the least reached by social protection programs (where such programs exist at all). The effects of the current economic downturn will likely be felt for years to come and could have lasting impacts on nutrition, health, education and gender equality." +317926,53305.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,96,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"The humanitarian situation in South Sudan remains dire. More than two-thirds of the South Sudanese population and some 300,000 refugees and asylum seekers in South Sudan are in need of some form of humanitarian assistance and protection in 2021, as the country continues to experience the cumulative effects of years of conflict, a surge in sub-national violence, unprecedented flooding and hyperinflation, further compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic. . The lack of durable peace and limited investment in basic services impedes many people’s ability to move towards sustainable development." +353806,57860.0,2170.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],en,94,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.vanguardngr.com/2021/06/rise-in-prices-push-7m-additional-nigerians-into-poverty-world-bank/,"[15th Jun 2021, Nigeria] In its Consumer Price Index (CPI) Report for May, the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) said that the annual inflation rate fell year-on-year (YoY) by 0.19 percent to 17.9 percent in May from 18.12 percent in April. This however differed from financial analysts’ earlier projections of a higher inflation rate in May. According to the NBS, food inflation also dropped YoY by 0.44 basis points to 22.28 percent in May from 22.72 percent in April." +360016,58741.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,46,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC_FSO_2021_06_final.pdf,"La tendance à la stabilité économique observée en RDC depuis le premier trimestre de cette année avec un taux d’inflation de 1,4 % seulement depuis le début de l’année en cours, augure de bonnes perspectives en termes de croissance économique." +176066,41336.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],fr,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_128_.pdf,"Ce 06/06/2020, 138 nouveaux cas confirmés ont été rapportés dont 123 à Kinshasa, 14 au Sud-Kivu et 1 au Kongo-Central (Annexe 1 ; Figures 1 & 2). D’autre part, 3 nouveaux décès ont été enregistrés ce jour." +313224,53183.0,2466.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,24,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,Promoting resilience on GBV prevention and response through strengthening community structures (community-based protection networks and women centres) plus behaviour/ attitude change. +146063,34803.0,2028.0,"['Logistics', 'Health', 'Cross', 'WASH', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,46,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Key challenges encountered by Nutrition Cluster members in adjusting their operations for COVID-19 according to the Cluster guidance include lack of personal protective equipment (PPE), lack of infrared forehead digital thermometers to facilitate isolation at facilities, inadequate WASH services and mobility restrictions" +198717,44313.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,40,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_294_20201119.pdf,"La zone de santé (ZS) de Rwanguba dans le Nord-Kivu a rapporté son premier cas confirmé de COVID-19. Ainsi, le nombre de ZS affectées dans le pays demeure égal à 147 (Tableau I)." +341741,56493.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,79,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"L’une des causes qui fragilisent la cohésion sociale renvoie également aux conflits entre éleveurs et agriculteurs qui au-delà des conflits familiaux prennent aujourd’hui la forme de conflits intercommunautaires touchant en particulier la communauté peulh, active dans le secteur de l‘élevage. De l’avis des personnes consultées, les conflits qui au début concernent deux individus, se généralisent parfois et deviennent des conflits entre plusieurs personnes voire des ethnies." +291300,51584.0,2336.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://docs.wfp.org/api/documents/WFP-0000121004/download/?_ga=2.267291910.926065783.1606212133-1055501472.1562658913,"WFP dispatched 164 mt of high energy biscuits for 241,369 primary school students. As schools remained closed due to COVID-19, WFP provided the high energy biscuits as monthly take-home rations." +169955,40360.0,2099.0,"['Shelter', 'Health', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,86,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"En générale les problèmes des Personnes à Besoins Spécifiques (PBS) qui ont été identifiés sont d’ordre alimentaire, sanitaire et d’abris. Au cours du mois sous revue, Il a été identifié 121 PBS dont 52 veuves sans soutien, 06 personnes malades (maladies chroniques, maux de ventre aigus, Blessures, malnutrition aiguë), 08 personnes en situation d’handicape, 20 personnes âgées sans soutien et 35 chefs de famille sans revenu." +292286,52058.0,2225.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,45,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/16-03-21_ni_nord_kivu.pdf,"[DPI dans le terr. Walikale] Leurs besoins prioritaires tournent autour des vivres, moyens financiers, abris et articles ménagers essentiels, selon le rapport d’une évaluation publiée le 8 mars conjointement par les ONG Heks Eper et RACOJ." +333138,44672.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,24,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,The Darulaman Palace (300 beds) and Kabul and PolyTechnic universities’ dormitories have been converted into isolation facilities in Kabul city. +334947,55774.0,2098.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,52,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bcf29d656a8d5984f4c8ffe40908514aad85d.pdf,"[6 April, 2021, Bangladesh] Heat wave: Mild to moderate heat wave has blown over all the 8 divisions throughout this month and highest temperature was recorded 41.2⁰C in Jashore on April 25, 2021 (Source: NDRCC Daily Disaster Report, April 25, 2021)" +209159,43992.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,50,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"Additionally [to UNICEF support to the Child Protection sub-cluster], psychosocial activities provided to children within CFS have been remodeled to mobile settings. This mobile approach brings psychosocial support services closer to children, while ensuring that facilitators conduct individualized activities with children respecting physical distancing." +306225,51474.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,59,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"The Mine Action Service responded to requests from local authorities, South Sudan People's Defence Forces (SSPDF), the Embassy of the United States of America, road construction companies and community members to remove and dispose of 290 items of explosive ordnance from residential compounds, along roadsides and in villages in several states." +164505,32982.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],es,67,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Respuesta%20COVID-19%20-%20GIFMM%20Arauca%2C%20actualizaci%C3%B3n%20n%C2%B03%20%28Del%201%20al%2030%20de%20mayo%20de%202020%29.pdf,Salud •23 personas fueron beneficiadas con entrega de medicamentos en Arauca capital. •18 remisiones a exámenes diagnósticas y exámenes médicos en Arauca capital. •1 vehículo alquilado para uso de la Unidad de Salud Departamental de Arauca. •Adecuaciones internas al Hospital San Vicente de Paul en Arauca capital como estrategia de fortalecimiento para la respuesta en salud en el marco de la emergencia COVID-19. +325771,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"La transformation de la viande est concentrée autour de deux abattoirs réfrigérés à Ouagadougou et Bobo-Dioulasso. D’autres abattoirs du pays manquent de capacité et/ou ne répondent pas aux normes requises (FEWS NET, 2017)." +161190,35726.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Food Security', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods', 'Education']",[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],es,93,[],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_arauca_junio_2020_vf%20%281%29.pdf,"Adicionalmente, las amenazas a comunidades indígenas y comunidades rurales para restringir su movilidad generan graves afectaciones en los sectores de: Educación en Emergencia, ya que los NNA no se pueden movilizar hacia las Instituciones Educativas; Salud, al no poder asistir a los centros médicos; Seguridad Alimentaria, al no poderse abastecer ni cazar, Medios de Vida al no poder desplazarse a sus lugares de trabajo y WASH, ya que no cuentan con alcantarillado y necesitan desplazarse a las fuentes hídricas naturales para obtener agua." +48113,13061.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,117,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.derechos.org.ve/web/wp-content/uploads/MigracionLigia.pdf,"En abril de 2018, a instancias del Secretario General de la ONU, se crea la Plataforma Regional de Coordinación Intragencial, en la que participan 17 agencias de la ONU, 15 ONGs, donantes, instituciones financieras internacionales y el Movimiento de la Cruz Roja. La plataforma tiene por objeto “abordar las necesidades de protección, asistencia e integración tanto de los refugiados como de los migrantes venezolanos en los Estados afectados de América Latina y el Caribe, mediante el complemento y fortalecimiento de las respuestas nacionales y regionales de los gobiernos, en consonancia con los principios descritos en la Declaración de Nueva York para los Refugiados y Migrantes”" +179240,41946.0,2028.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],en,23,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://publications.unescwa.org/projects/saw/sdgs/pdf/en/Syria-at-War-8-years-on-Report-Final.pdf,"[Syria 2019, protection] Among protection concerns, 59 per cent of assessed communities reported they had lost civil documentation." +173766,35181.0,1899.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,79,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Americas%20Update%20COVID%20%2313_3%20July.pdf,"In Guatemala, UNHCR is supporting families in dire conditions through cash transfers, and has reached 82 households since early May. As part of e orts to enhance cooperation with the national health response, UNHCR has provided institutions and the Civil Protection agency (CONRED), the Migration Institute, the Ministry of Health and First Lady´s Social Assistance Secretariat with equipment such as 96 RHUs, 200 foldable beds with mattresses, and diapers" +57261,17282.0,1186.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,119,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.dt.gob.cl/portal/1626/articles-117135_archivo_01.pdf,"La situación migratoria en el período de mediano y largo plazo contrasta en parte con la migración reciente ocurrida entre 2015 y 2016. Uno de estos contrastes dice relación con la variable sexo considerando que la inmigración se había caracterizado por su feminización, tendencia que ha disminuido. Estos nuevos antecedentes han permitido tener una mirada actual de la realidad inmigratoria, conociendo progresivamente características tanto generales como específicas, habiendo un mayor esfuerzo e interés por contar con información respecto de ámbitos y sectores particulares. Considerando el predominio de motivaciones laborales en la inmigración reciente de extranjeros al país, revisamos a continuación brevemente algunos rasgos generales de lo que ha sido esta inserción." +160332,38480.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,42,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Surveillance épidémiologique et le contrôle sanitaire aux points d’entrées • Poursuite du dépistage systématique des voyageurs entrants et sortants • Réception de 4 002 appels parmi lesquels 00 alertes sur le 3535 • Investigation de 01 alerte par les EIR +241257,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,15,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,The burden of other diseases also remains high while care seeking behaviour has reduced. +78104,21602.0,1224.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/72608.pdf,"In Trinidad and Tobago, partners continued to assist 117 Venezuelan children by providing temporary learning spaces, while partners in Guyana have assisted 473 Venezuelans through accompanied visits to government service providers." +158056,38777.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,85,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/food-insecurity-impact-covid-19-among-critical-challenges-facing-syria,"In the north-east, for more than 20 days, more than 1 million Syrian civilians in Hasakah and surrounding areas have faced water deprivation as the Turkish regime uses water as a weapon of war. With the blessing of the United States Administration, the Turkish occupation forces and its proxies have cut off the pumping of water from the Aluk station more than 16 times, leaving the people of Hasakah to suffer from thirst in the midst of the pandemic." +61487,18235.0,1183.0,"['Education', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,the lack of recognition of refugees’ and migrants’ education and professional background without formal certificates and previous experience in Colombia is another major obstacle in acquiring qualified jobs. +338325,56100.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Population'],[],es,24,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/130521_actualizacionn2-_alerta_por_confinamiento_alto_baudo_choco_vf.pdf,"• Salud: Persiste la necesidad de una brigada médica, verificación y atención a casos de desnutrición en menores de cinco años." +59569,17198.0,1224.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"Multiple families emphasized that they have no beds or furniture and sleep on the floor/ground. However, they are grateful that they feel safer here in Guyana than in Venezuela. With reference to her relief to have found safety in Guyana, one woman stated, “We sleep on the floor here, but we sleep well.”" +2184,473.0,322.0,['Food Security'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,52,['At Risk'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://www.reuters.com/article/us-yemen-famine-un-factbox/factbox-could-yemen-face-the-largest-famine-in-decades-idUSKBN1D927I,"LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Amid warnings by the United Nations that Yemen could face “the largest famine the world has seen for many decades with millions of victims”, aid agencies have called for food, fuel and medicines to be allowed into the country immediately." +318222,53305.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Aid worker security Two aid workers were killed within days while providing humanitarian assistance in Jonglei, bringing the total number of aid workers killed in 2020 to nine. [NOVEMBER 2020]" +19127,7822.0,730.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross', 'Protection', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,86,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_Jan_to_nov_2018.pdf,"estimated 17.8 million Yemenis are food insecure, with 8.4 million on the brink of starvation and will require emergency humanitarian assistance to stay alive. Needs are driven by the reduced levels of commercial imports, increased hostilities, displacement, disrupted incomes and livelihoods, and an alarming depreciation of the Yemeni Rial. The high price of fuel and diesel coupled with insecurity affects transportation and restricts movement of commodities, which in turn leads to increased prices of basic food commodities." +19788,7911.0,730.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],en,83,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Humanitarian Access'],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://www.hrw.org/news/2019/01/17/yemen-civilians-bombed-shelled-starved,"One cost of Yemen’s war has been the closing space for civil society groups. Warring parties have arrested, harassed, threatened, and forcibly disappeared Yemeni activists, journalists, lawyers, and rights defenders. Women activists, who have played a prominent role documenting abuses and advocating for their end, have been threatened, subjected to smear campaigns, beaten, and detained. Humanitarian aid workers have also been killed, wounded and detained." +303671,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,55,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"South Sudan’s economy is heavily oil-dependent, with oil accounting for 90 per cent of government revenue and nearly all exports. According to the World Bank, remittances of $1.3 billion account for a third of South Sudan’s gross domestic product, the highest share in sub-Saharan Africa." +314841,53183.0,2466.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,66,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"While some progress has been made to improve access to public education, refugees still face barriers when it comes to public services. For instance, refugees often face higher fees and rates for public services compared to the rest of the population. In addition, despite food assistance, most refugees continue to have very poor nutrition levels and need further support." +173693,41024.0,1388.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rapid%20needs%20assessment%20-%20Impact%20of%20COVID-19%20on%20PoC%20from%20other%20nationalities%20-%20Costa%20Rica%2C%20August%202020.pdf,"Education 90% of households with school-aged children have access to educational materials or activities, out of which 70% have received virtual classes 10% Out of school children" +341794,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,149,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Pour les Burkinabè, l’insécurité que le pays connaît n’est que la résultante de ce défaut d’autorité de l’Etat à l’égard de ses citoyens. La crise de l’autorité de l’Etat se nourrit à son tour de la crise de confiance des Burkinabè à son égard. L’Etat est perçu comme une entité séparée, qui a son existence en dehors d’eux et dont l’action ne les lie que dans une moindre mesure. La conséquence de cette perception est que ces citoyens qui ne s’assimilent plus à l’Etat Burkinabè se considèrent désormais comme plus que marginalisés et sont animés d’un sentiment de rejet vis- à-vis des institutions. C’est le développement d’un rapport conflictuel à l’Etat" +132466,35164.0,1188.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"Según lo reportado por las instituciones, las personas menores de cinco años acceden a un programa de salud gratuito del MINSA, que incluye la vacunación gratuita. Lo mismo ocurre con el control prenatal. La atención en urgencias y la hospitalización conlleva un coste que puede gestionarse en arreglos de pago, después de una valoración socioeconómica en trabajo social del mismo hospital." +298147,52417.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,74,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.dropbox.com/s/fpu0ox89go0s7li/Syria%202021%20HNO%20%28advance%20copy%29.pdf?dl=0,"[March 2020] With the WASH, health and education infrastructure considered poorly or non-functional in 48 per cent of all sub-districts, access to basic services is severely hampered and increasingly unaffordable. This is particularly the case for over 1.9 million IDPs sheltering in informal settlements, planned camps and collective shelters, which offer inadequate protection against the elements and increase the risk of epidemic-prone diseases among this population." +23064,9316.0,729.0,[],[],[],en,51,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.libyaherald.com/2019/02/22/civilians-caught-in-tightening-derna-siege-hrw/,"LNA forces deployed there have severely restricted movement of people and goods, preventing the delivery of food, water, fuel, and medical care to those inside, according to sources and UN reporting. The Hiftar forces are known to have allowed aid distribution elsewhere in Derna." +69913,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,84,[],['Shock/Event'],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"Evidence from a range of crises demonstrates that SRH needs increase but barriers to accessing services are further exacerbated. As noted, GBV often increases in the aftermath of a crisis, increasing the need for access to clinical management of rape for survivors. A lack of privacy to ensure patient confidentiality is a barrier for patients to access SRH information and services in general and particularly compromises survivor-centred approaches for GBV and other stigmatized SRH services such as family planning." +271063,47809.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,79,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_7.pdf,"En la semana epidemiológica 07 se notificaron 1 380 casos de malaria, teniendo un acumulado de 7 650 casos, de los cuales 7 501 son de malaria no complicada y 149 de malaria complicada. Predomina la infección por Plasmodium vivax (P. vivax) con 52,7 % (4 035), seguido de Plasmodium falciparum (P. falciparum) con 46,6 % (3 562) e infección mixta con 0,7 % (53)" +161193,35726.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'Nutrition', 'Education']",[],[],es,35,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_arauca_junio_2020_vf%20%281%29.pdf,"9. Emergencia sanitaria por COVID-19 En el Departamento de Arauca a causa de la pandemia se identifican necesidades principalmente en los sectores de Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición, Salud, Albergue y Educación." +156663,38715.0,2098.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,60,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/roap_covid_response_sitrep_14.pdf,"IOM Bangladesh led a webinar with Elevate, Awaj Foundation, H&M, DBL Group, and Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association to discuss strategies for protecting international and internal migrant workers in their operations and supply chains. IOM also provided cash grants to nearly 4,000 vulnerable host community households in Cox’s Bazar." +485138,65398.0,1185.0,"['Health', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"La falta de acceso a la educación y a la salud de manera oportuna, las dificultades para el reconocimiento de los estudios llevados a cabo en el extranjero y la imposibilidad de regularizar la estancia en un territorio son barreras que impiden a los migrantes obtener un mejor trabajo o alcanzar mejores salarios. Por ello, es necesario analizar estos factores como parte de la dimensión estructural de la integración." +164399,38902.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"Already fragile government institutional presence in conflict-affected regions is further weakened by continued containment measures, including movement restrictions, as (the currently low level) of service provided is further eroded." +329876,53694.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],fr,88,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/03042021_sitrep_s11_whe_oms_rdc.docx.pdf,"Au cours de 4 dernières semaines, 376 cas suspects de monkey-pox dont 10 décès (létalité 2,7%) ont été notifiés. Les provinces qui ont enregistré le plus grand nombre de cas (294 cas soit 78,2%) sont celles de l’Equateur (160 cas soit 42,6%), de la Mongala (66 cas soit 17,6%) et du Sankuru (36 cas soit 9,6%) et de la Tshuapa (32 cas soit 8,5%)." +178254,41756.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,37,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"En effet, durant la saison des pluies, il est fréquent que certaines zones soient touchées par des inondations violentes ou des glissements de terrain qui affectent les cultures et les voies de dessertes agricoles." +338398,55951.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://preventepidemics.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/PERC-Finding-the-Balance-Part-III-12-May-2021.pdf,"[Survey conducted by phone with approximately 24,000 people across 19 Member States in five geographical regions in Africa, including DRC] More than 80% of respondents reported challenges accessing food in the previous week, an increase of 8 percentage points since August 2020; while nearly half (48%) reported having to reduce the number or size of meals in the past week." +160478,39423.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,49,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Over the past 18 months, the number of IDPs has soared from 87,000 in January 2019 to the current figure of nearly 1 million – an increase of more than 1000%. Burkina Faso has nearly three times as many IDPs as Niger and Mali combined." +291971,51905.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,25,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[2nd March, 2021, SDF] Main course of action if HH member feels ill: go to hospital, stay at home" +61312,18235.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['Context->Economy'],en,62,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"In the Cúcuta area, interviews with refugees and migrants indicated that extortion at the border has been somehow normalized. When describing border crossings, respondents referred to “normal fees” – for bribes of 5,000 Colombian pesos per person (about $1.5) – and “excessive fees” for those who were requested to pay more." +190168,43304.0,2332.0,"['Education', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,56,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Dans le secteur de l’éducation en général, l’évaluation faite sur la base du nombre des vacataires et communautaires issu des annuaires de l’enseignement fondamental et de l’enseignement supérieur, donne un manque à gagner en termes de vacations à payer estimée à 3,3 milliards de FCFA." +389389,60730.0,2098.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,122,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://app.box.com/s/asye4w9ljbvdby3gy5p0jy8a859nsmzt,"[25th July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: As highlighted in earlier research by TWB and others, the Rohingya community want to receive important information in audio format or verbally. All the respondents except one said they want to receive information about lockdowns through loudspeakers and miking or face-to-face, with women in particular preferring to receive information in person. Low literacy rates in the Rohingya community as a whole, as well as women's restricted mobility outside of the home, limit how information can be distributed. Therefore, audio or verbal formats are the most effective means of getting information in Rohingya to the maximum number of people in the camps." +132365,33059.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,69,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://diariolalibertad.com/sitio/2020/07/06/naciones-unidas-destaco-el-trabajo-de-la-jep-en-el-marco-de-la-pandemia/,"En uno de los apartes el informe indica que la JEP inició el trámite de medidas cautelares de protección integral a comparecientes en situación de riesgo. “La seguridad de las personas involucradas en la labor de la Jurisdicción Especial para la Paz, incluidas las personas sometidas a ella y las víctimas y los abogados que intervienen en los casos, es una cuestión sumamente importante." +309777,51467.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,64,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"In 2020, 584,000 refugee and host community outpatients were seen with an average consultation per clinician of 47. Crude mortality rate (0.2/1000 people/month) and underfive mortality rate (0.4/1000 people/month) remain within standards in refugee camps. It is worth noting that incidence rates may be higher, particularly in areas like Jonglei where data collection is poor." +172080,40714.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,93,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20Nigeria%20DTM%20Emergency%20Tracking%20Tool%20%28ETT%29%20Report%20No.185%20%20%2817%20-%2023%20August%202020%29.pdf,"[17 - 23 August 2020, Borno] Mobbar: 638 arrivals were recorded in Mobbar LGA of Borno state. All arrivals were from Diffa region in Niger Republic. 76 per cent of the movements were triggered by conflict/attack and 24 per cent relocated voluntarily. Monguno: 141 arrivals were recorded in Monguno LGA of Borno state. The arrivals included 132 from Gajiram ward in Nganzai LGA and 9 from Gudumbali East ward in Guzamala LGA of Borno state. All movements recorded were triggered by conflict/attack." +142205,35870.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],en,112,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Throughout June, the informal SYP/USD exchange rate has experienced extreme volatility, at one point rising to the highest rate on record – approximately SYP 3,200 to US$ 1 on 8 June. Throughout July, the informal exchange rate has continued to fluctuate, albeit at more moderate levels, and at the time of writing was approximately SYP 2,000. On 17 June, the Central Bank of Syria devalued the official exchange rate for the second time in six months, to SYP 1,256 to US$ 1. In some areas, local authorities recently announced local adoption of the Turkish Lira as an accepted currency" +228078,46579.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']","['Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",es,63,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"899 Personas desplazadas 199 Familias desplazadas 415 Niños y niñas desplazados 245 Mujeres desplazadas 4 Comunidades indígenas desplazadas el 04 de diciembre, se desplazaron al corregimiento el Valle, municipio de Bahía Solano, como consecuencia del homicidio de un líder indígena de la comunidad Bucurú Purrú el 03 de diciembre por parte de un Grupo Armado Organizado (GAO)." +339306,56367.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,95,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"(Sahel) In the Goudebo refugee camp, in the Sahel region of Burkina Faso, hosting more than 10,000 Malian refugees, less than 1 in 4 children are enrolled in school. Over 3,000 children, most of whom have been out of school for several years or have never even had the chance to go to school, are in need of flexible and quality alternative education opportunities, through certified technical and vocational training, so that they can regain hope for a dignified, independent and self-reliant future." +325630,54815.0,2099.0,[],[],[],en,58,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Similarly, the regression models did not find most of the characteristics of the facilities themselves – such as the rate of drug stockouts, availability of cold chain facilities, presence of a blood bank at the health district level, or the share of facilities meeting basic staffing standards – to have a significant effect." +263028,49361.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,72,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2-gender-educacion.pdf,"Esto ha sido confirmado por investigaciones que evidencian que, por ejemplo, en países como Colombia: “de acuerdo con la GEIH y registros oficiales, a pesar de contar con niveles de formación superiores a los de los hombres que ingresan a Colombia desde Venezuela, y tener experiencia laboral, las mujeres no se encuentran en mejores condiciones que ellos para insertarse en el mercado laboral”." +439620,63184.0,2099.0,[],[],[],en,7,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Burkina%20Faso%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%201%20May%20-%2030%20June%202021.pdf,"2,080,000 children in need of humanitarian assistance" +405399,63222.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,83,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_mvam_bulletin_57_july_2021.pdf,"[Syria, July] COVID-19 continued to spread across Syria. As of 31 July 2021, a total of 25,963 COVID-19 cases, including 1,914 fatalities, were confirmed by the Minister of Health in government-controlled areas. The monthly increase in COVID-19 cases in July (488 cases) signals a downward trend compared to June 2021 (1,020 cases). Nonetheless, most cases have not been linked to a suspected source, demonstrating widespread community transmission." +186833,41080.0,1184.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,63,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000119627.pdf,"Los resultados confirman que las dietas en Ecuador son poco diversas y bajas en calidad nutricional, esto se debe al limitado acceso de una parte de la población, debido al costo, a una dieta adecuada en nutrientes y al bajo nivel de conocimientos en prácticas de alimentación nutritiva y saludable, que les permita cubrir con sus requerimientos diarios." +245226,48020.0,2170.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_15_jan_2021_report.pdf,"[1st-15th Jan 2021,North east Nigeria] 80% of the displacement sites has an average waiting time at water points less than 30minutes while 19% is between 30minutes and an hour and 1% is above one hour (figure 8). Figure 3: Status of shelters. Figure 5: % of sites by the second most needed NFI" +174511,41368.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,60,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20201012_acaps_thematic_series_on_migrant_vulnerability_in_south_asia_0.pdf,"[October 2020, Bangladesh] Migrant workers are especially vulnerable to both the pandemic and the measures taken by countries to contain it. n. Workers in the informal sector are the most vulnerable to the spread of COVID-19 due to a tendency to live in crowded conditions and to use crowded transport (World Bank 05/2020)." +356507,58355.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,37,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_06_22%20USG%20Venezuela%20Regional%20Crisis%20Response%20Fact%20Sheet%20%233.pdf,"The outflow of people from Venezuela also contributes to increased public health concerns throughout the region, particularly with regard to overburdened health care systems and the spread of COVID-19, as well as other infectious diseases" +45646,15533.0,729.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,34,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_report_areabasedassessment_aba_azzawya_jun2019.pdf,Unstable security conditions were also a key concern for the majority of MFGD participants. Clashes occasionally caused temporary suspensions of classes or made it too dangerous for children to reach their schools. +152404,37882.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,24,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=199376,"Damascus, SANA – The Health Ministry said on Friday that 61 new Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases have been registered in Syria." +320446,52949.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,58,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Among these population groups[particular need of shelter and NFI assistance include IDPs, poor host communities, refugees and asylum seekers and refugee returnees], some of the most vulnerable that face challenges in accessing shelter and NFI assistance include women-headed households, child-headed households, households with older persons and persons with disabilities." +209139,43992.0,2332.0,['Education'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,44,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"During the month of September 2020, UNICEF continued its support to the Ministry of Education (MoE) in order to raise awareness about COVID-19 and ensure a safe reopening of schools for the start of the 2020-2021 academic year in November." +268303,49758.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,28,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Protección: Se necesita implementar mecanismos y acciones urgentes de protección y garantías de seguridad por las situaciones de señalamiento y amenazas en contra de las comunidades," +170498,40462.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,32,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,1. Plaidoyer au niveau des Directions régionales et provinciales en charge de l’éducation pour un accès à l’éducation pour la prochaine rentrée 2.Parrainages scolaires des élèves déplacés +339467,56380.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,137,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb4645es.pdf,"Los microdatos de las encuestas de hogar para los meses de abril y mayo de 2020 señalan que los salarios e ingresos laborales por cuenta propia, es decir, de aquellos que no perdieron su trabajo, han visto una contracción del 36% en el sector urbano y del 22% en el sector rural (DANE, 2020a). Sin embargo, se han visto diferencias importantes por deciles de ingreso de la fuerza laboral: mientras el primer decil presentó una caída en los ingresos laborales por encima del 57%, el décimo decil reportó contracciones del 34%. Esto es de conformidad con lo esperado, ya que dichos efectos impactan mucho más a los hogares en condiciones de pobreza y vulnerabilidad (Nuñes Méndez, 2020)." +300523,52762.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Contact Tracing'],fr,56,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_087_28210321_hebdo_s12.pdf,"Au terme de S12/2021 (données disponibles uniquement pour les 25 et 28/03/2021), 8 765 nouveaux contacts ont été enregistrés, 5 contacts étaient devenus symptomatiques et 696 autres sont sortis de suivi. Pour rappel, ces chiffres étaient respectivement de 1 861, 207 et 1 557 au terme de S11/2021." +157834,38137.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,36,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cxb_education_covid_response_reaching_every_learner_final.pdf,"Preparedness: Adapt/Develop and deliver child-friendly key messages on COVID-19 prevention and preparedness in relevant local languages (In coordination with health, WASH and child protection actors, and with child participation where safe)" +358695,58530.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.superservicios.gov.co/sala-de-prensa/comunicados/en-el-dia-mundial-de-los-servicios-publicos-superservicios-presenta,"La cobertura del servicio de gas combustible por redes de tubería en los estratos residenciales es del 80,92% en 2020. Para el caso del servicio de energía la cobertura es del 96.53%, a diciembre de 2019." +330426,53831.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,97,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/12042021_sitrep_s12_whe_oms_rdc_f.pdf,"Coordination et surveillance épidémiologique choléra : la gestion de l’information sanitaire, le renforcement de la surveillance épidémiologique et biologique (tenue des réunions de surveillance, recherche active des cas, investigation, collecte et transport des échantillons, etc.) continuent d’être appuyés techniquement et financièrement par l’OMS et les autres partenaires du MSP à différent niveau (équipes cadres provinciales et des ZS, AS) dans plusieurs provinces (Nord-Kivu, Sud-Kivu, Haut-Katanga, Haut-Lomami, Lomami, Tanganyika, Kasaï, etc.)" +224286,45393.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,49,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Mise en œuvre des activités du projet sensibilisation et recherche communautaire des cas et contacts de Covid-19 dans les villes de Ouaga, Kombissiri, Zorgho et Bobo • Formation des acteurs des PoE de Koloko et de Nadiagou sur la surveillance et les techniques de prélèvements des échantillons" +290760,51543.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,50,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3722266,"While there is no estimate of how many Venezuelans who have fled the country have perished abroad, stories of people hit by vehicles as they trudge along the shoulders of highways, or succumbing to illnesses or exhaustion along the way, are tragically frequent throughout the region." +273811,50464.0,2331.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Environment'],en,46,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210203FINALFactSheetSomaliaSkisserLR11.pdf,"Precipitation: Rainfall is erratic, with interannual and intra-seasonal variability. Conditions are hot and arid in the north (<250 mm rainfall) and wetter in the south (ca. 400 mm) and south-west (ca. 700 mm)." +45697,15533.0,729.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,49,['Impact'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_report_areabasedassessment_aba_azzawya_jun2019.pdf,"Since the beginning of 2018, despite the periodic disruption of supply chains by armed conflict and the ensuing road closures, most of the merchant KIs (9/10) interviewed had been able to keep their businesses consistently operational, though they faced difficulties maintaining their stock." +21301,8634.0,788.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,63,[],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/01022019_ocha_nga_humanitarian_dashboard_december.pdf,"The humanitarian crisis in Borno, Adamawa and Yobe (BAY) states in Nigeria’s north-east, that has spilled over into the Lake Chad region, is one of the ten most severe humanitarian crises in the world. In 2018 7.7 million people in Nigeria were in need of humanitarian assistance and 6.1 million targeted for humanitarian assistance." +355458,58187.0,2311.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,17,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17062021_alerta_situacion_humanitaria_inundaciones_en_el_putumayo_vf.pdf,Así mismo las perdidas materiales dificultan el acceso a alimentos adecuados para una dieta nutricional balanceada. +236974,47221.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,14,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,Se requieren medidas de protección especiales para prevenir y mitigar casos de VBG. +283929,47069.0,2334.0,"['Education', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods', 'Health']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,40,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/iom_dashboard_cameroun_extreme-nord_round_21_en.pdf,[Round 21 / DTM / Far North Region / 25 May - 10 June] Available services in assessed locations : Water points 72% Schools 56% Markets 40% Health Centers 19% Police stations 10% +174667,41365.0,2170.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,69,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.legit.ng/1375205-ncdc-sends-warning-message-endsars-protesters-covid-19.html,"[15th Oct 2020, Abuja] The federal government has warned the EndSARS protesters across the country to be mindful of the risk of getting COVID-19 infection. Legit.ng reports that the director-general Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC), Chikwe Ihekweazu, gave the warning on Thursday, October 15, at the Presidential Task Force (PTF) briefing on COVID-19 in Abuja." +40020,11715.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Logistics', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,53,['Impact'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/what-s-happening-libya-five-facts-you-need-know,"Even before the latest fighting erupted people living in Libya were lacking the services they needed to survive. There are not enough doctors, medicine or equipment to keep hospitals running and 17 percent of them have been closed down. This recent outbreak has also damaged roads and communication lines." +149141,36019.0,2028.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,21,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"However, on 22 June a repatriation flight brought 250 Syrian students who had been reportedly stranded in India to Damascus" +239094,46388.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Shelter']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,69,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Across the country, a significant proportion of the population is living with one or more shelter deficits and at least 15 per cent of affected households report either severe or critical ES-NFI sectoral needs while exhibiting one or more vulnerabilities.These vulnerabilities include being a child-, elderly- or single-female-headed household, disability, high debt, changes in behaviour (mental health) and lack of documentation." +308028,53290.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,52,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://logcluster.org/sites/default/files/logistics_cluster_south_sudan_operation_overview_2102.pdf,"Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, coordination meetings are held online for both Juba and the Logistics Custer field hubs. In February, two online coordination meeting were held online, attended by 32 organisations. An additional two coordination meetings were held in Ganyiel and Nyal during the field missions" +125709,31803.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,69,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77205.pdf,"Los refugiados y migrantes buscan estrategias de adaptación para reducir los costes de vivienda, de modo que el 39.7% de la población comparte vivienda con otras familias, y de ellos, el 25% comparte con 1-5 personas no familiares, mientras que el 14.7% la comparte con 6 o más personas no familiares. El 42.4% comparte el baño con otras familias." +342017,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,60,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[système matriarchal] De même, lorsqu’il y a un conflit entre les membres d’une famille, le “neveu “ et l’”oncle maternel” par leur statut, sont des acteurs des réconciliation et de paix. Dès lors que ceux-ci interviennent au cours des différends, ils prennent fin." +491606,68069.0,2170.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,127,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20Nigeria%20DTM%20Emergency%20Tracking%20Tool%20%28ETT%29%20Report%20No.241%20%2813%20%20-%2019%20September%202021%29.pdf,"Between 13 and 19 September 2021, a total of 2,972 movements were recorded in the states of Adamawa and Borno. The recorded movements consisted of 2,379 arrivals and 593 departures. Arrivals were recorded at locations in Askira/Uba, Bama, Gwoza, Kala/Balge, and Monguno Local Government Areas (LGAs) of the most conflict-affected state of Borno and in Demsa, Fufore, Girei, Hong, Lamurde, Maiha, Michika, Mubi North, Song, Yola North, and Yola South LGAs of Adamawa. Departures were recorded in Askira/Uba, Kala/Balge, and Konduga LGA of Borno, and Demsa, Gombi, Hong, Lamurde, Maiha, Mubi North, and Song LGAs of Adamawa." +165234,39714.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],es,214,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Las preocupaciones planteadas por la aparición del COVID-19 y el autoaislamiento que conlleva fueron: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 79% contagio de algún familiar. 74% necesidad de servicios de salud de un familiar y no recibir atención. 71% situación de la pandemia con personas más pobres y vulnerables. 69% incumplimiento de las medidas del gobierno. 64% futuro económico y la recesión económica. 61% incertidumbre sobre el regreso a la vida normal. 53% disponibilidad de una nueva vacuna o medicamento. 52% desabastecimiento de comida, medicamentos e insumos médicos. 50% separación de otros familiares que viven solos. 44% no poder pagar el arriendo o los servicios públicos. 41% pérdida de trabajo, ingresos y ahorros. 27% caer en la ansiedad y depresión durante el aislamiento. 22% futuro educativo de mis hijas/os. 20% estar sola/o y no poder cuidarse. 8% no tener computador o acceso a internet. 7% afectación en el comportamiento de los hijos/as. 6% violencia en el hogar. 4% afectación de la vida social." +361265,58845.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,85,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_price_bulletin_may_2021.pdf,"[May 2021, GoS, NWS & NES] Broken down by regions, the retail price of vegetable oil, the coastal region recorded the highest price at SYP 8,139/litre (unchanged m-o-m), followed by northwest Syria at SYP 7,575/litre (down eight percent m-o-m). The cross-border region recorded the lowest price of vegetable oil at SYP 5,408/litre (down three percent m-o-m), followed by northeast Syria at SYP 6,249/litre (down seven percent m-o-m)." +343262,45764.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,66,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/0004_202008_rrm_msa_rapport_final_wolirom.pdf,"Le taux de malnutrition chez les enfants des ménages enquêtés est à prendre au sérieux car 7,1% des enfants de moins de 5 ans sont dépistés MAS et 85,7% sont dépistés MAM. Cela donne une alerte sur la situation nutritionnelle des enfants dans les sites qui risque de s’accentuer rapidement si les situations alimentaires générales des ménages ne sont améliorées." +183554,43049.0,2099.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,27,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20response%20in%20the%20Central%20Sahel%202020%20%E2%80%94%20October%202020.pdf,"a longstanding lack of development and increasing competition over natural resources have created an environment exploited by non-state armed groups (NSAG), exacerbating inter-communal conflict" +187325,43339.0,2170.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,126,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20Nigeria%20DTM%20Emergency%20Tracking%20Tool%20%28ETT%29%20Report%20No.196%20%20%2802%20-%2008%20November%202020%29.pdf,"[2nd-8th Nov 2020,Nigeria] A total of 1,473 movements were recorded, comprising 1,098 arrivals and 375 departures, between 2 and 8 November 2020. Arrivals were recorded at locations in Askira/Uba, Bama, DIkwa, Gwoza, Hawul, Mobbar, Monguno and Ngala Local Government Areas (LGAs) of the most-affected Nigerian State of Borno. Arrivals were also recorded in Fufore, Gombi, Hong, Lamurde, Madagali, Michika, Mubi North, Mubi South and Numan LGAs of the state of Adamawa. Departures were recorded in Askira/Uba, Hawul and Kala/Balge LGAs of Borno; Demsa, Fufore, Gombi, Lamurde, Mubi North, Numan and Song LGAs of Adamawa." +245227,48020.0,2170.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,48,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_15_jan_2021_report.pdf,"[1st-15th Jan 2021,North east Nigeria] 84% of latrines in Borno are functional while 16% are damaged. 4 sites in 3 LGAs (Girei in Adamawa state, Jere and Konduga in Borno state) do not have latrines on site." +358799,58362.0,2311.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.lafm.com.co/internacional/derechos-de-ninas-y-adolescentes-migrantes-venezolanas-no-se-estan-garantizando-segun,"De acuerdo con la investigación realizada por Plan Internacional, las niñas y adolescentes migrantes tienen dificultades para acceder a la educación, casi un tercio (28%) está fuera de los sistemas educativos y las que consiguen ingresar, sufren discriminación debido a su nacionalidad." +329874,53694.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/03042021_sitrep_s11_whe_oms_rdc.docx.pdf,"Un total de 83 cas de poliovirus dérivé du vaccin a été notifié en RDC au cours de l’année 2020. Il faut signaler que l’épidémie de cVDPV2 demeure active dans 3 provinces (Kasaï, Sankuru et HautLomami)." +183622,42456.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition', 'Education', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,26,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.unicef.org/wca/media/5411/file/UNICEF-WCARO-Central-Sahel-Advocacy-October-2020.pdf,"Cutbacks on investment for social services have a direct impact on access to basic services including education, health, nutrition and water and sanitation." +205517,44672.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,78,[],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"On May 28, the government began partial easing of the lockdown in Kabul and other major cities for workers but retained restrictions on movements and mass gatherings. To avoid further outbreak of coronavirus, the government announced new working hours for government and non-government organizations, in two shifts following even and odd days of the week, from 7 am till 1 pm. Workers in the financial sector are exempted from the guideline." +175892,40890.0,1183.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"Adicional a lo mencionado, un análisis de regresión encontró que los niños y/o niñas que vivían en hogares sin documentación tenían menos probabilidades de ser inscritos en el colegio antes de la crisis por el COVID-19." +360005,58741.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,66,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC_FSO_2021_06_final.pdf,"[outlook] On s’attend à une production agricole inférieure à la normale du fait des effets conjugués des conflits et catastrophes naturelles marqués par des fortes inondations le long du lac Tanganyika et ses affluents, des effets des restrictions en lien avec la pandémie de COVID- 19 et par moindre mesure, de l’éruption du volcan Nyiragongo au Nord-Kivu." +173647,39908.0,1388.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20-%20Impacto%20de%20la%20COVID-19%20en%20la%20poblaci%C3%B3n%20venezolana%20-%20Costa%20Rica%2C%20Agosto%202020.pdf,"56% ha requerido servicios médicos desde el inicio de la pandemia. De estos, 42% ha experimentado limitaciones en el acceso al servicio principalmente debido a no estar afiliado/a al sistema nacional de seguridad social y a los altos costos de los servicios" +132441,35164.0,1188.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"Desde el año 2014 se han legalizado 66,157 personas venezolanas en Panamá En los últimos 3 años, un 73% ha correspondido a regularizaciones extraordinarias (Dec. 167 y 168), y el 27% restante a permisos de residencia temporal o permanente aprobados" +224147,45768.0,2332.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,61,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"Mobiliser les ressources nécessaires pour la construction des abris en faveur de tous les ménages IDPs, si les ressources le permettent. Au cas où les ressources ne le permettraient pas, envisager la construction pour les PBS uniquement mais assurer que les kits NFIs contiennent absolument les bâches pour que les autres ménages IDPs s’en construisent eux-mêmes" +386796,60459.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"Entre octobre 2021 et janvier 2022, la zone se retrouvera en insécurité alimentaire de Crise (Phase 3 de l’IPC) du fait de la disponibilité de faible production à partir d’octobre et une faible baisse saisonnière des prix (scenario)" +311749,53183.0,2466.0,"['WASH', 'Education']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,27,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"Currently, about 30 per cent of schools do not have latrines and fewer than 50 per cent of children have access to handwashing at schools." +187679,43292.0,2098.0,"['Logistics', 'WASH', 'Livelihoods', 'Shelter', 'Food Security']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,67,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/msna_2020_factsheet_refugee.pdf,"[July-August 2020, Bangladesh] Rohingya Refugees: PRIORITY NEEDS : • The most commonly reported needs included shelter materials and access to food, followed by access to income-generating activities. In particular, shelter materials and access to income-generating activities were more frequently reported compared to 2019. • Female respondents in particular also frequently reported access to safe and functional latrines and electricity" +236134,47122.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)']",en,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'Information And Communication', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"[protection] Cluster members observed that knowledge on prevention and response to COVID-19 is limited or does not exist in the communities, thus exposing the already vulnerable communities to an elevated risk of COVID-19 infection" +46294,15533.0,729.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,111,['Impact'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_report_areabasedassessment_aba_azzawya_jun2019.pdf,"Half of merchant KIs (5/10) reported changing the provenance of some of their products from Europe to Africa since the beginning of 2018. The Libyan liquidity crisis led to consumers being less able to purchase European items. Additionally, merchants were unable to pay their European suppliers due to the rise of the US dollar and euro exchange rates on the parallel market.15 However, KIs reported that Tunisian and Egyptian items did not meet expected quality standards, which coupled with the recent appreciation of the LYD, had prompted increasing imports from Europe toward the end of 2018, notably from Italy and Spain." +397559,61842.0,1186.0,[],[],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,24,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.eldesconcierto.cl/opinion/2021/02/17/migracion-venezolana-ni-aumento-de-delincuencia-ni-aumento-del-desempleo-ni-baja-de-salarios.html,"A causa de esto, ha aumentado el rechazo a la migración en Chile y en otros países de la región como Colombia." +239679,47230.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],es,87,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"El 44% de los hogares encuestados están incurriendo en estrategias de supervivencia nivel “crisis”, es decir, están provocando la reducción de su productividad futura, porque están reduciendo sus gastos esenciales como educación y salud, o vendiendo bienes o activos productivos, mientras el 38% incurren en estrategias de “emergencia” como pedir limosnas (32%) o aceptar trabajos que tienen un riesgo en su integridad, salud, seguridad o vida (15%)." +297876,52145.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']",[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Economy']",fr,48,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_humanitaire_numero_12_v_04.pdf,"Dans ces régions où plus de 80% de la population dépend de l’agriculture comme moyen de subsistance, la recrudescence de la violence a entraîné une baisse considérable de la production agricole ainsi qu’une hausse des prix des produits alimentaires de base." +195335,43799.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,68,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://sante.cd/2020/10/29/la-rdc-face-a-la-deuxieme-vague-de-coronavirus/,"Après de nombreux jours sans la notification de plus de 15 cas dans la Ville de Kinshasa, le lundi 26 octobre Kinshasa a notifié plus de 19 cas confirmés. Le Centre Hospitalier CMK signale d’ailleurs que plusieurs patients atteints du coronavirus sont pour l’instant sous respirateur.Les cas importés de l’extérieur du pays ont repris de plus belle à Kinshasa." +386774,60459.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"De plus, avec la fin de la saison de pluies, une hausse d’opportunités de travaux journaliers dans la construction contribuera à augmenter les revenus des ménages dans la deuxième période comparativement à la période de soudure. (scenario)" +172126,40587.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,79,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SOUTHERN%20AFRICA_Food_Security_Outlook_%20June%202020_%20Final.pdf,"Although the government has introduced restrictive measures to contain the large-scale spread of COVID-19 nationwide, the disease has already reached 13 of the country’s 26 provinces in three months, progressing at an alarming and concerning pace. To date, DRC has reported 7,039 confirmed cases, with a fatality rate of 2.4 percent. The containment measures, and travel restrictions in particular, have had a significant impact on households’ livelihoods." +187159,39357.0,1898.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],es,156,[],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ALC%20post%20COVID-19%20-%20Retos%20y%20oportunidades%20para%20pa%C3%ADses%20de%20Centroam%C3%A9rica%2C%20Hait%C3%AD%2C%20M%C3%A9xico%2C%20Panam%C3%A1%2C%20y%20Rep%C3%BAblica%20Dominicana.pdf,"El sector productivo del país se ha caracterizo por una alta prevalencia de empresas de baja productividad, que generan bienes de escasa complejidad, y que están limitadas por bajos niveles de inversión tanto pública como privada. En el tejido productivo salvadoreño se puede identificar dos sectores, uno que se caracteriza por su baja productividad, el cual emplea a tres cuartas partes de los trabajadores que poseen niveles relativamente bajos de educación; y otro sector de mayor productividad que de hecho genera un producto similar al primero, empleando tres veces menos trabajadores, los cuales cuentan con mayor nivel educativo. Por otra parte, se refleja poca diversificación de la oferta exportadora y la falta de desarrollo de redes de productos complejas. Lo anterior, se encuentra limitado por los bajos niveles de inversión tanto pública como privada82 que han limitado el crecimiento y el desarrollo empresarial." +133607,35118.0,1187.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,88,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"del total de las personas encuestadas que reporta- ron estar alquilando (340), un 93% (316) manifestó dificultades para pagar servicios -entre los que se incluyen agua, luz, gas, expensas- o alquileres. La cifra es realmente alta si se la compara con estudios y encuestas enfocadas en las comunidades de acogida3. Proporcional- mente la población migrante padece mucho más la situación actual bajo pandemia, dato que se trasluce en la casi imposibilidad de pagar alquileres o servicios" +169694,40581.0,2170.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,85,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://dailypost.ng/2020/07/18/covid-19-nigerian-govt-gives-schools-new-guidelines-for-reopening/,"[18/07/2020, Nigeria] The Minister of State for Education announced actions recommended to safeguard the health, safety and security of learners accessing remote learning while ensuring that quality outcomes are obtainable. These include: “Conduct online training that not only prepares teachers to teach in a way that safeguards the health, safety, and security of the learners but also enables them to facilitate learning using 21st-century pedagogy based on Information and Communications Technology, (ICT)." +69176,19842.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,96,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acnur.org/es-es/noticias/noticia/2019/8/5d5c64e64/de-vuelta-a-colombia-tras-una-vida-en-venezuela.html,"Cerca de 10.000 personas han sido atendidas en el Punto de Atención de Villa del Rosario, que fue inaugurado hace un año justo en el punto de frontera con Venezuela que recibe mayor volumen de refugiados y migrantes. “El de ACNUR es un apoyo muy grande que te dignifica como ser humano, te hace sentir que tú tienes derechos y no estás desamparado”, relata Jaime. “Esas son cosas que te levantan el espíritu como no puedes imaginar, porque uno viene casi destrozado desde otro país”." +17173,7188.0,321.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,111,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/67421.pdf,"Resettlement processing of refugees registered in Niger (Group 4) Since 1 September 2017, 979 individuals have been submitted for resettlement to 6 resettlement States (Belgium, Canada, Finland, France, Sweden and Switzerland). A total of 266 individuals have departed on resettlement from Niger to Canada, Finland, France, Sweden and Switzerland. A total of 140 individuals have been accepted for resettlement and are pending departure from Niger to Belgium, Canada, France and Sweden. A total of 350 individuals have been submitted for resettlement and are pending interview or decision by a resettlement State in Niger." +169956,40360.0,2099.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Environment'],fr,51,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Dans la Région du Sahel pendant ce mois d’août, la problématique des logements, terres et biens continue de se compliquer davantage avec le taux de pluviométrie qui est très élevé. Cette situation reste un problème énorme pour les PDI et même pour certaines communautés hôtes." +149843,37865.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,73,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cxb-situation-report-20.pdf,"As part of the operational capacity building to enhance COVID-19 preparedness in Cox’s Bazar, WHO conducted a 4-day training for Infection, Prevention and Control (IPC) for health care workers from Severe Acute Respiratory Infection (SARI) ITC partners and Government facilities with ongoing direct and indirect support from WHO. So far, 766 government workers and 1523 humanitarian health care workers have been trained." +62668,18394.0,1386.0,"['Health', 'Logistics', 'Food Security', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],es,90,['Impact'],['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3295213,"Al día de hoy, el salario mínimo equivale a 2 dólares mensuales, en comparación con los 7 dólares en junio. Así, una familia necesita percibir el equivalente a 41 salarios mínimos mensuales para poder cubrir la canasta básica alimentaria. La dolarización de facto en varios sectores de la economía está exacerbando las desigualdades. Los servicios públicos han seguido presentando fallas graves y recurrentes, con especial intensidad en el estado Zulia. El desabastecimiento de combustible fuera de Caracas ha agravado la situación." +209152,43992.0,2332.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,91,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"UNICEF maintains its current support to the Government for the regular programme. UNICEF supports the continuity of all routine health and nutrition services for the most vulnerable children and women, including routine preventive services such as immunization, antenatal and postnatal care and PMTCT; UNICEF supports the MoH with the training of health care providers and community health workers in IPC, ensuring communication for the promotion of good practices in health facilities and communities to prevent the spread of COVID-19, and supplying basic hygiene equipment." +386720,60459.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"La situation nutritionnelle est déjà précaire au niveau national avec une prévalence de malnutrition aigüe globale de 9,1 pour cent (SMART, octobre 2020)." +238145,47086.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,51,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_31_dec_2020_report.pdf,"[16th-31st Dec 2020, Borno and Adamawa states]All the camps has established health structures, COVID-19 sensitization, response pathway and access to mobile clinics where vaccination activities and essential medicine distribution services are provided by health partners. 12% of camps reported cases of malaria." +28417,10158.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Food Security', 'Cross']",[],[],en,45,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ET_Feb_2019_Final%2820190313%29.pdf,"Derna As the security situation reportedly remained stable, previously displaced persons continued to return. In February, at least 375 IDPs were reported to have returned to Derna, and their reported needs included food, NFIs, medicines, and protection." +143640,35870.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,56,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"At the national level, the UN has established a COVID-19 Crisis Coordination Committee, led by the UN Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator (RC/HC) with the WHO Representative for Syria serving as the Incident Manager, to closely engage with the GoS and other stakeholders in the implementation of the multi-sectoral response." +9147,2909.0,322.0,"['Cross', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Food Security', 'Shelter']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_jan_to_apr_2018.pdf,"Migrants and refugees are in need of life-saving, multi-sectoral assistance such as food, WASH, health, temporary shelter and direct protection. From January to April 2018, 26,994 migrants and refugees are estimated to have arrived in Yemen, crossing the Red and Arabian Seas." +176891,41091.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Se notifica a la fecha, la realización de 452.541 pruebas de antígeno, de las cuales se reportan 94.756 pruebas positivas, con un incremento en las últimas 24 horas de 22.828 (positividad del 20,9%), realizados en 825 IPS de 32 departamentos." +7295,455.0,321.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,75,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/international-donors-visit-un-migration-agency-sites-libya-niger,"The donor group also held consultations with the Mixed Migration Working Group, which is comprised of UN agencies and NGOs and is co-led by IOM and UNHCR, the Refugee Agency. It aims to ensure effective coordination of protection and assistance to migrants and refugees in Libya, including in detention centres, in urban areas, along the mixed migration routes from southern to northern Libya, and in rescue-at sea-situations." +188715,43183.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],fr,45,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_268_20201024.pdf,"Pour cette date du 24/10/2020, 88 échantillons ont été reçus au laboratoire. Au terme de la journée, 207 échantillons ont été analysés, parmi lesquels 20 sont revenus positifs au SARS-CoV-2 y compris ceux des 18 nouveaux cas confirmés du jour." +238244,46388.0,2336.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,36,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Prolonged absence from school coupled with limited access to television and radio-based distance learning programming in many parts of the country, especially in rural areas, resulted in the loss of access to education." +314490,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"In Jowhar district, Middle Shabelle region, riverine flooding affected more than 114,000 people, with nearly 40 per cent displaced from their homes." +45649,15533.0,729.0,"['Cross', 'Education']",[],[],en,32,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_report_areabasedassessment_aba_azzawya_jun2019.pdf,"Additionally, KIs reported the need for better-equipped learning environments, including furniture, infrastructure such as latrines, constant electricity, and school supplies (mainly books and stationery)." +190282,43439.0,2225.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,22,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Southern%20Africa%20COVID-19%20Six-Month%20Report.pdf,"More than 5.5 million people have been uprooted by conflict within the DRC, the largest internally displaced population in Africa." +325246,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,71,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"In Est, at least four schools were reported to have been burned down in the Tapoa province in mid-2020 as a result of intensification in Jihadist activity (ICG, 2020b) and activity by JNIM or ISIS militants (ICG, 2020c). In Est, some schools closed following attacks in the provincial capitals have been relocated; however, the new locations suffer from insufficient infrastructure" +326869,54714.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,27,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,"[Displacement] Top three reported reasons for leaving previous location were drought (33%),lack of livelihood opportunities/job (18%)." +456716,58748.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,117,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://cdn.odi.org/media/documents/ODI-PB-SRHR.pdf,"At the same time, a number of progressive responses aimed at maintaining SRHR have shown what is possible. Health systems and civil society organisations have developed innovative means – virtual consultations or counselling, self-testing (for STIs and pregnancy) and WhatsApp groups to share information and seek help for survivors of GBV – of reaching people in need amid lockdowns and other restrictions, and some countries (overwhelmingly wealthy ones) have expanded access through telemedicine, extended gestational limits and at-home options (Hurtes and Boffey, 2021). Awareness has also been generated around SRHR, with 59 governments joining a statement reaffirming that SRHR services are essential." +341787,56493.0,2099.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"A cela s’ajoute l’interdiction des activités d’orpaillage artisanal qui accroit le sentiment d’injustice ressenti. Les déguerpissements récurrents des orpailleurs des sites miniers artisanaux, consécutifs à cette interdiction, sont perçus par les populations Burkinabè comme des facteurs de privation des opportunités économiques existantes dans le pays." +307201,51467.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,69,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"In the official IPC release, October to November 2020, Pibor and Tonj North have pockets of populations in Catastrophe (IPC Phase 5) acute food insecurity; the first projection December to March this will include Pibor county only; and by the second projection Akobo, Tonj North and Aweil South are anticipated to have pockets of population in catastrophe (IPC Phase 5)" +313658,53333.0,2334.0,[],[],[],en,37,[],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Where possible work with regional delegates of basic and secondary education and other government line ministries to empower teachers in schools and learning centres, and children, to tackle sexual harassment of students especially of girls" +341587,55986.0,2225.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,44,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_cluster_sante_rdc_s16.pdf,"Dans le Tanganyika, en raison de l’activisme des groupes armés et des conflits intercommunautaires, les populations continuent d’être exposées à des risques de déplacement, de pillages des biens et à la dégradation des moyens d’existence" +157867,38800.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,39,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GTS%20-%20HNAP%20COVID19%20Syria%20Bulletin%20R3.pdf,"Meanwhile, over half of respondents in SDF areas believe their communities simply do not understand the guidance. This is less of a barrier in GoS (24%) and NSAG/TBAF areas (10%)." +214362,45385.0,2334.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,44,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Dans l’arrondissement de Kolofata, le CICR a appuyé en vivres (sel, huile, riz et petits pois) 211 ménages avec enfants malnutris sévères de 6 à 59 mois du centre national ambulatoire pour malnutris sévères de Kolofata." +238237,46388.0,2336.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,27,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Lack of access to education affects vulnerable children’s immediate wellbeing and medium-to-long-term resilience, as well as future earning potential and contribution to society." +287107,51749.0,2099.0,['WASH'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,36,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,En effet Il apparait que les ménages déplacés n’ont pas de latrines qui leur appartiennent. Ils doivent donc s’accorder avec les membres de la communauté hôte pour utiliser leurs latrines. +218530,45654.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,45,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/hrp_weekly_funding_status_201124.pdf,"[24 Nov 2020, Whole of Syria, COVID-19 RP Funding Overview] COVID-19 Response Plan: Funding requirements for Education sector are 27.4 Million USD, of which 4.9 Million USD have been funded, leaving a gap of 91.9 Million USD." +62951,18642.0,1386.0,['WASH'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)', 'Information And Communication->Information Challenges And Barriers']",es,71,['Impact'],['Information And Communication'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://transparencia.org.ve/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/EPE-II-Sector-Agua.pdf,"el Gobierno ha hecho un dictamen, decreto o simple prohibición, que impide hablar de la calidad del agua, ocultando los datos que según Ley deben publicarse periódicamente. Este último aspecto hay que considerarlo como un delito de lesa hu- manidad, ya que el agua es el único elemento de los servicios públicos, que es parte de la alimentación directa o indirecta de la sociedad." +337612,55860.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,24,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb4752en.pdf,[January-April 2021] Transferred USD 705 600 to 40 320 beneficiaries through cash‑based interventions in the framework of caisses de résilience activities. +21842,9026.0,322.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",en,102,[],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,,"As mentioned above, there are ten districts (mudiriyat), which make up the Municipality, and each is geographically defined. Under the Local Authorities Law each district is an inde- pendent local authority, with its own elected local council and its own juridical personal- ity. The district administration is headed by an appointed general director (mudir aam) who reports to the district local council. The sectoral organs of the Municipality (for example, health, education, technical affairs, etc.) each have service branches in the 10 districts." +162981,37820.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,49,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/iom_rohingya_crisis_response_-_external_sitrep_-_july_2020.pdf,"The "" Ambulance Disinfection Centre"" at Uttaran, Cox's Bazar disinfected ambulances a total of 53 times during the month, including 45 times under IOM-operated vehicles, five times for the Bangladesh red Crescent (BDRC) and three reporting to Food for the Hungry." +311301,54065.0,2170.0,['WASH'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,122,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nenfss_round_9_final_report_11032021.pdf,"[1st Dec 2020,North-East Nigeria] The percentage of households treating their drinking water by treatment method is presented in Table 3.8.1. Of all households, 10.5% in Adamawa reported treating their drinking water with 12.8% in Borno and 5.6% in Yobe. However, of those that reported treating their water, about one in 3 used a safe and appropriate water treatment method in Yobe (62.4%) and in Adamawa (67.8%) while one in four households used safe and appropriate water treatment Borno (75.9%). The most common methods used is add bleach/chlorine which is the best and most pf appropriate method of treating water." +319681,54196.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,49,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.wradio.com.co/noticias/regionales/un-muerto-y-un-herido-dejan-enfrentamientos-del-eln-en-villa-del-rosario-zona-de-frontera/20210407/nota/4123747.aspx,"El General Oscar Moreno, Comandante de la Policía Metropolitana de Cúcuta aseguró ""se presentó un lamentable hecho, cerca de las 12 de la noche se presentó un enfrentamiento entre integrantes de grupos armados,se trataría del ELN y el ""Tren de Aragua""." +305691,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,33,['Impact'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,Flood related displacement has the potential to exacerbate existing tensions in sites such as Mangalla. It can also fuel new tensions as host and displaced communities compete for scarce resources and limited +9127,2909.0,322.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,91,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_jan_to_apr_2018.pdf,"There are dire health needs due to disrupted health systems and inadequate financial and human resources. There is also a need to ensure access by the people in need to primary and secondary health care by supporting availability of medicines , medical supplies and operations as well as health staff incentives. In addition, there is a need to support surveillance systems, and improve capacities to prevent, detect and control epidemic prone diseases and outbreaks. Health staff needs training and refreshers to build their capacities." +206412,44672.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,89,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"UNDP [UN Development Programme] will leverage funds in collaboration with other IFIs [International Financial Institutions] for example the World Bank’s HEAT (High Expertise Advisory Team). This initiative offers leading expertise that is aligned with the four priority areas of the COVID-19 2.0 Offer (Governance, Social protection, Green economy, and Digital disruption). HEAT targets immediate needs of senior government officials in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic and through future oriented strategies: beyond recovery." +35519,13057.0,788.0,['Cross'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Context->Demography'],en,112,['At Risk'],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000105395.pdf,"The nutrition of women is critical, not only for the life the women and pregnancy outcome for those that are pregnant, but also, those of their families (particularly children), community and the country at large. Unfortunately, women and children are often the most affected during humanitarian crisis. The mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) of all women in reproductive age (15 – 49 years) was taken during the survey, in order to derive their nutritional status. All women that fulfilled the age requirement were included in the sample regardless of their status with respect to pregnancy or breastfeeding." +341852,56644.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,75,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.sismamujer.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/MUJERES-DERECHOS-LABORALES-Y-EMERGENCIA-SANITARIA.docx.pdf,"Se trata de un trabajo con sobre oferta, muchas de las mujeres son empleadas en la modalidad “por días”. Las familias recargan las labores de cuidado en ellas, para esos días de trabajo, al tiempo que, en el pago por horas, se excusan del reconocimiento de los derechos laborales, a pesar de que se trata de una relación donde, claramente, media la subordinación." +270191,50226.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_6.pdf,"Durante el 2021 se han notificado 22 muertes probables por dengue, procedentes de: Cartagena y Magdalena, con 4 casos cada uno; Cali y Tolima, con 2 casos cada uno; y Atlántico, Archipiélago de San Andrés y Providencia, Barranquilla, Bolívar, Cauca, Córdoba, Meta, Nariño, Santander y Exterior, con 1 caso cada uno." +310399,53177.0,2466.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,64,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Sudan%20Multi-Sectoral%20Location%20Assessment_South%20Kordofan.pdf,"Shelters was mostly constructed with brick across 62 per cent of all locations. The number of occupied shelters is lower than Abu Jubaiha (with 15% left vacant [compared to 6% in Abu Jubaiha]). In total, 54 per cent of villages in Kadugli are in the process of building new shelters for the existing population." +388567,60980.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Food Security', 'WASH']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,56,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/informe_de_emergencias_humanitarias_reportadas_elc_enero_junio_2021.pdf,"En Vaupés, el aumento de lluvias desde finales de abril de 2021 provocó el desbordamiento del cauce del río Vaupés y sus afluentes. Desde mediados de mayo y hasta la fecha, las inundaciones en Mitú afectan a cerca de 558 personas (132 familias) tanto en la zona urbana como rural." +240005,46388.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,The burden of food insecurity still disproportionately falls on women who must often decrease their food intake to ensure there is enough for their children and male family members to eat. +244111,46388.0,2336.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,53,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In 2021, seven provinces are classified as being in ‘catastrophic’ WASH need for displaced populations - Sar-e-Pul, Baghlan, Ghor, Badghis, Samangan, Faryab and Nuristan. Many of these provinces are facing groundwater challenges, including salinity, which are best addressed through development interventions." +489309,67769.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/searo/bangladesh/bangladesh---rohingya-crisis---pdf-reports/ewars/2021/ewars-w34-2021.pdf?sfvrsn=52eebc31_9,"[23-29 August 2021, Bangladesh] Two (2) suspected diphtheria case was reported in go.data in week 34. A total of 9 299 case-patients were reported since 2017 to till date • Confirmed = 343 • Probable = 2 803 • Suspected = 6 153 Total case reported in 2021 = 113 • Confirmed = 1 • Probable = 25 • Suspected = 87" +160701,39181.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,47,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/supporting-local-responses,"Coronavirus pandemic has worsened the humanitarian crisis in Nigeria. In the second quarter of 2020, 10.6 million Nigerians in the northeast needed emergency humanitarian support. The statistics were at 7.1 million in 2019 and rose to 7.9 million at the beginning of 2020." +61285,18235.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,86,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"When asked why their country, most Venezuelans interviewed for this study referred to “the situation�� or “the crisis” at home. If asked to explain further, they mostly focussed on the lack of access to essential goods and services. They mentioned a grave lack of purchasing power, stating that their salaries were insufficient to make ends meet. Most of them affirmed having had to choose between buying food or medicines, or between food and clothes." +236867,47076.0,2334.0,"['Protection', 'Shelter']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],en,51,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,"Protection monitoring data indicated 3,991 protection incidents from January to June 2020 (including threat to life and personal security, destruction of habitat and properties, torture, SGBV, killing, injuries, forced eviction, abduction etc) of which 61% of the victims are female." +160817,38029.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,46,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syriadirect.org/news/mapping-coronavirus-in-syria-unofficial-cases-and-hot-spots/,"In addition to the positive cases, over 21,653 people have been placed in medical quarantine for symptoms resembling those of COVID-19, according to the Syrian Ministry of Health. Of those placed in quarantine, 19, 906 have been released thus far." +174472,40809.0,2170.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,91,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NGA%20%281%29.pdf,"[1st July 2020, Nigeria]In addition, the continued depreciation of the local currency, the decline in foreign reserves and the high general inflation rate, coupled with high transportation costs due to the 20 percent increase in petrol prices in July, have contributed to the atypical price spikes. As of July, prices of all cereal products were at least 50 percent higher than their year-earlier values, with peaks in the conflict-affected areas of the northeast due to the impact of persistent insecurity" +151574,37915.0,2098.0,[],[],[],en,55,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/78176.pdf,UNHCR’s global additional funding requirement to support the prevention and response efforts for COVID-19 was revised to US$745 million on May 11. Bangladesh is one of the priority countries. US$25.5 million for UNHCR’s operation in Bangladesh is still required until the end of 2020. +261574,49218.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],['Displacement->Push Factors'],es,74,['Priority Interventions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Reporte%20de%20situaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Migrantes%20y%20refugiados%20en%20tr%C3%A1nsito%20provenientes%20de%20Venezuela%2C%20diciembre%202020_0.pdf,"En cinco jornadas de atención a migrantes en tránsito realizadas , NRC ha identificado que el 98 por ciento de los migrantes en la ruta tiene un perfil migratorio irregular. La mayoría de quienes se encontraban caminando lo hacían para retornar a Venezuela, desde Colombia, Perú o Ecuador; en menor proporción, se encontraron migrantes aún con vocación de permanencia caminando para buscar empleo en otros departamentos de Colombia." +41574,14572.0,729.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,37,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.libyaobserver.ly/news/libyan-air-force-destroys-russian-air-defense-system-used-haftars-forces,"In a statement on Thursday, the room said their fighter jets had destroyed Sukhoi 22 warplane at Al-Watiya airbase on Wednesday, in addition to howitzer artillery, and a tank and seized some vehicles." +219096,45655.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Covid-19->Cases'],en,92,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"[9th Dec, AlHol ]This is particularly true at the Al Hol internal displaced persons (IDP) camp, where confirmed cases have been recorded in five separate phases, indicating that it may be impossible to contain the virus through isolation and contact tracing alone.These challenges are compounded by the reluctance of people to move to designated camplevel isolation areas if they are considered suspect, an underreporting of symptoms, and a lack of adherence to basic preventative measures (including the use of face masks)" +156499,35724.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->Local Response'],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,64,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3655762,"Entre tanto, el alcalde de Tarazá, Miguel Ángel Gómez, reconoce que “los 290 kits alimentarios llegan a nuestras comunidades más necesitadas en la zona urbana y rural para mitigar las necesidades que están pasando en estos momentos. También destacó que “priorizaron con estas ayudas a los seis municipios de esta subregión muy golpeados por la violencia”." +159623,39079.0,2170.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Economy'],en,71,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NIGERIA_Food_Security_Outlook_Update_August_Final.pdf,"The National Bureau of Statistics reported the national GDP decreased by over 6 percent in Quarter 2 of 2020 compared to the same period of 2019, ending a three-year trend of growth since the 2016/17 recession. The decline was largely attributable to significantly lower levels of both domestic and international economic activity during the quarter, due to the nationwide efforts aimed at containing the spread of COVID-19." +61623,18442.0,1184.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,130,[],['Context'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"A particularly strong reaction was caused by the murder of a woman in January 2019 in Ibarra, near Ecuador’s northern border: a young Venezuelan man stabbed and killed his Ecuadorian partner, who was 22 years old and four months pregnant, in the centre of the city, after holding her hostage for more than an hour.139 Amid the outrage generated by the murder of a pregnant young woman, a series of violent attacks against Venezuelans refugees and migrants took place in the city of Ibarra and in other parts of the country. Threats, forced evictions, and physical aggression has led Venezuelan refugees and migrants to leave the city where they had settled and, in some cases, the country.140" +307090,51467.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,25,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,Lifesaving access to emergency shelter and NFIs needs to be provided immediately to displaced people to prevent further loss of life and increased vulnerability. +338318,55951.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,103,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://preventepidemics.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/PERC-Finding-the-Balance-Part-III-12-May-2021.pdf,"[Survey conducted by phone with approximately 24,000 people across 19 Member States in five geographical regions in Africa, including DRC] The inadequacy of vaccine manufacturing infrastructure in Africa has made the continent dependent on other countries and collective mechanisms for vaccine supply. Without expedited access to vaccines, as well as the on-boarding of existing and additional manufacturers through technology transfer and the sharing of expertise, high vaccination coverage across Africa remains years away while more transmissible and deadly virus variants evolve, including those that may be able to evade the immunity conferred by existing vaccines." +487122,40789.0,1900.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,63,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://infosegura.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Seguridad-y-movilidad-humana-30sep2020.pdf,"Municipios que concentran mayor inseguridad y violencia coinciden con el destino de una alta proporción de personas retornadas de forma involuntaria. Asimismo, estos territorios son identificados como aquellos de donde salen el mayor número de personas migrantes, es decir, que las personas que emigran regresan a su lugar de origen donde las condiciones de vulnerabilidad y violencia permanecen." +185148,39920.0,1231.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,14,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/resultados_primera_encuesta_covid-19_-_formato_11x17.pdf,31.5%refiere haber experimentado retrasos en los servicios de salud debido a COVID-19 +146014,34803.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,136,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"To expand testing capacity, the Cluster lead agency is procuring two more PCR machines. These are expected to arrive by mid-July, in addition to laboratory suppliesTo expand testing capacity, the Cluster lead agency is procuring two more PCR machines. These are expected to arrive by mid-July, in addition to laboratory supplies (DNA extraction kits). o Three senior laboratory staff from the Assistance Coordination Unit (ACU) Early Warning Alert and Response Network (EWARN) will be trained in the use of PCR machines and testing COVID-19 samples in Ankara, under a training-of-training programme coordinated with the Ministry of Health of Turkey. This will be followed by a roll-out training in northwest Syria for up to 15 laboratory staf (DNA extraction kits)" +323227,54498.0,2311.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,32,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/89758cd4/REACH_COL_RAN_Factsheet_Trend_analysis_March2021.pdf,"Entre los múltiples riesgos a los que se enfrentan los refugiados y migrantes que están en tránsito, se encuentra la posibilidad de sufrir algún tipo de enfermedad durante el viaje." +439729,63184.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],en,23,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Burkina%20Faso%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%201%20May%20-%2030%20June%202021.pdf,"812,602 school-age children are in a need of assistance, of which over 50 per cent are girls, from priority regions." +93375,26310.0,1386.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Venezuela_%20Violent%20Abuses%20in%20Illegal%20Gold%20Mines%20_%20Human%20Rights%20Watch.pdf,"As detailed below, four residents said that they witnessed members of syndicates amputating or shooting the hands of people accused of stealing. Several other residents said they knew of cases in which syndicate members had cut offenders into pieces with a chainsaw, ax, or machete." +169911,40360.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Casualties->Missing', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,105,[],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Enlèvements de personnes : Le 13 août 2020 sur l’axe mentao Djibo, des GANI auraient enlevé un autre membre de la famille du grand Imam Souabou CISSÉ enlevé quelques jours plutôt. Il s'agirait d'un des fils de l’iman qui aurait quitté le Niger pour se rendre à Djibo après avoir appris l'enlèvement de son père. L'incident a eu lieu après que les GANI aient arrêté son car et demandé aux passagers de porter des pantalons sautés comme celui des salafistes et la victime les aurait contredits du point de vue islamique, ce qui a valu son enlèvement" +309834,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,48,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"In South Sudan, 19.33 million m² of land is suspected of being contaminated with landmine and explosive remnants of war (ERW). The highest level of contamination is predominantly located in the Equatorias, along the main routes and areas for returnees from Uganda." +135717,35301.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,32,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"However, under the new-born care programme, only 100 health workers were trained on neonatal care in the first half of 2020 due to COVID-19 and subsequent social distancing/lockdown measures." +341755,56493.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,80,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"La justice traditionnelle quant à elle ne parvient plus à contenir les conflits fonciers et cela pour plusieurs raisons. La première est liée au manque de crédibilité en cette institution et partant aux personnes qui l’animent. Quand elle n’est pas qualifiée de partiale à cause des affinités et des intérêts qui gravitent autour des dénouements des plaintes, elle est vue comme un mécanisme purement symbolique à la solde des chefs de terre." +330705,55042.0,2098.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,54,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.gage.odi.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Adolescents%E2%80%99-experiences-of-covid-19-in-Chittagong-and-Sylhet-divisions-Bangladesh.pdf,"[30 April 2021, Bangladesh]Teachers from urban areas reported contacting their students through mobile phones, Facebook and online classes. But while they are teaching online classes using Facebook, they are not sure whether the students are participating properly or understanding the lessons as they would in face-to-face classes" +318965,53305.0,2335.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,84,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Coordination of education response through the cluster is crucial to ensure the most efficient use of resources, integration of services and reduce duplication. The cluster is operational in all 10 states and ensures coordination among partners, supports service delivery and fast-tracks education response in prioritized locations. Working alongside the Ministry of General Education and Instruction (MoGEI), the cluster provides regular guidance and supports education partners in addressing access barriers including the timely approval of project implementation." +306222,51474.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,54,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"As at 1 February, in coordination with humanitarian partners, United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS)conducted 389 long-duration patrols and 1,170 short-duration patrols across the country to support the delivery of assistance and ensure the protection of humanitarian workers, including through the establishment of temporary operating bases." +236640,46388.0,2336.0,"['WASH', 'Health']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,29,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Refugees reported particularly high sanitation needs that could put already vulnerable groups at greater risk amid the second wave of COVID-19, further disrupting the already-strained healthcare system." +19783,7911.0,730.0,['Food Security'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,94,['At Risk'],['Context'],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://www.hrw.org/news/2019/01/17/yemen-civilians-bombed-shelled-starved,"Since the armed conflict escalated in March 2015, the warring parties have committed numerous laws-of-war violations, worsened the country’s humanitarian situation, and failed to hold those responsible for war crimes to account. TheUnited States, United Kingdom, France, and other weapons suppliers have risked complicity in abuses through arms sales to Saudi Arabia and other coalition governments. The United Nations has warned that without a dramatic change in the situation, nearly half of Yemen’s population will be at risk of starvation." +290586,52074.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,"Action Against Hunger reached 2,489 beneficiaries in the Fako and Meme divisions through mobile clinics with a variety of services. These services include medical consultations of children under five, antenatal consultations and postnatal consultations." +146748,35870.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,52,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Humanitarian staff are also impacted, with restrictions on movement and lengthy quarantine a contributing factor to limiting the ability to deploy staff and contractors where needed, including international staff who may not be able to cross borders. Evolving and unforeseen preventive measures are also disruptive to humanitarian programming." +209809,45080.0,2170.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%209%20Dec%202020.pdf,"[9thDec2020, Borno State]The ongoing response to COVID-19 prevention measures requires scale up of regular risk mitigation and awareness messaging and distribution of hygiene kits by partners. In camps, there is, on average only one latrine for over 50 people, and in some camps even only one latrine per 100 IDPs, particularly in Jere, Monguno and Konduga LGAs of Borno State." +198733,44313.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",fr,52,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_294_20201119.pdf,"Au total, 564 échantillons ont été reçus au laboratoire ce 19/11/2020. Au terme de la journée, 68,3% (n=385) échantillons ont été analysés, parmi lesquels 121 sont revenus positifs au SARS-CoV- 2, en l’occurrence ceux des 121 nouveaux cas confirmés du jour." +61669,18356.0,1184.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://www.elcomercio.com/actualidad/migracion-venezolanos-mies-crisis-humanitaria.html,"Además, el sistema nacional de educación tiene registrados a 16 851estudiantes venezolanos. No obstante, un sondeo realizado por el MIES yAcnurrefleja que en Quito, siete de cada 10 niños oriundos del país caribeño no van a la escuela." +169384,40506.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,27,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://lefaso.net/spip.php?article99753,"Ces mesures n’ont pas été sans conséquences, notamment pour les jeunes filles et les femmes qui constituent 52% de la population burkinabè." +16343,6355.0,322.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,74,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Shock/Event'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/181002%20YEMEN%20HODEIDAH%20CHOLERA%20CASES%20SURGE.pdf,"During last year’s cholera outbreak, Save the Children supported 15 Diarrheal Treatment Centres (DTCs) and Oral Rehydration Therapy points across Yemen. As cases decreased after the second wave, Save the Children closed these DTCs but continued to monitor the situation very closely. With the renewed increase of cholera cases this year, Save the Children has reopened several DTCs, including three in Hodeidah governorate." +148191,36609.0,1388.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,28,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/01.%20CRI%20Operation%20July%202020%20.pdf,"■ La Salle University: A partner agency since 2017, La Salle University provides free legal information and representation on refugee status determination and access to rights" +36131,11046.0,788.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,69,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68626.pdf,"Further, it was reported during the PA exercise that refugees without documentation are at higher risks than those with refugee identity cards. However, refugees reiterated that refugee identity cards are not always recognized by the various institutions namely Immigration officials, financial service providers, thus hampering access to services, sometimes facing discrimination especially in health facilities and restrictions on freedom of movement of refugees" +329491,54412.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,79,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_cluster_sante_rdc_s14_ok.pdf,"Territoire Mambasa : Plus 2 970 personnes déplacées enregistrées depuis le 28 mars à Biakato, Zazia et Bangole (ZS de Mandima) sont en situation des vulnérabilités multisectorielles. Selon l’ONG FAEVU, ces déplacés sont hébergés dans des conditions de promiscuité et à la portée des intempéries dans les familles d'accueil et les sites spontanés. Elles sont les victimes des atrocités commises par de présumés ADF dans les villages de de BeuManyama," +294315,51259.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2020_access_annual_overview.pdf,"Authorities suspended visa issuance which affected the deployment of new staff, which limited the necessary staffing turn over. The restrictions prevented staff turn over. Necessary surge response to critical life-saving needs was particularly challenged by the measures." +314642,53183.0,2466.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,36,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"Despite all the challenges including implementing a COVID-19 safety measurement while access water and sanitation services, sector partners were able to reach 1.4 million people with water assistance and 600K have received sanitation assistance." +342015,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",fr,191,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"La pratique du tutorat permet une meilleure gestion des conflits. Les populations affirment en effet qu’un étranger qui s’installe dans une zone a tou- jours un tuteur. Ce tuteur, natif et originaire de la localité, introduit l’étranger et facilite son insertion dans la communauté. Celui-ci devient son répondant auprès des autres membres de la communauté. L’étranger bénéficie alors de sa protection : on ne peut rien faire à l’étranger sans passer par son tuteur. En cas de conflit l’impliquant, c’est à son tuteur de rendre compte. Le tuteur devient donc un médiateur entre l’étranger et les autres membres de la communauté. Ainsi, un conflit ne peut s’exacerber entre les communautés à cause de son hôte. L’étranger, de ce fait, ne peut être agressé, ni violenté. S’en prendre à lui est considéré comme un affront à son tuteur qui est généralement une personnalité qui jouit d’une grande considération dans le village." +149757,37702.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,93,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"During the reporting period educational materials providing guidance on Safe Eid al Adha practices was disseminated in both English and Arabic to the MoH, MoE, MoI, SARC and other health partners, while the #WearAMask challenge – Wear and Share (your photos!) was promoted through media platforms to increase uptake among the public by showing photosof friends, family and colleagues wearing masks. WHO also continues to provide technical support for the MoH COVID-19 Dynamic Infographic Dashboard for Syria, in Arabic and English." +194573,43822.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",es,36,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19112020_flash_update_no.3_emergencias_por_ola_invernal_-_colombia_vf.pdf,"31 defunciones con una tasa de mortalidad acumulada de 486,7 por millón de habitantes, para la fecha se reportan 59 casos activos con un incremento de un 15,7 por ciento respecto a la última semana" +329488,54412.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,101,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_cluster_sante_rdc_s14_ok.pdf,"[Ituri] Territoire de d’Irumu :10 535 personnes sont retournées dans l’AS Mwanga (ZS Rwampara) Depuis le 07 avril, particulièrement dans les localités de Mwanga, Magalabo, Ndembo Marabo et Budana. Selon Mercy Corps, ce mouvement est motivé par l’accalmie observée dans cette AS. Pour rappel, l’intensification d’exactions de la part des hommes en armes et les opérations militaires dans l’AS de Mwanga avaient poussé au déplacement 21 070 personnes vers Lipri, Tumbabo, Soloya, Ndigadu et Ngongo" +183623,42456.0,2099.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,35,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.unicef.org/wca/media/5411/file/UNICEF-WCARO-Central-Sahel-Advocacy-October-2020.pdf,"Optimal infant and young child feeding practices including exclusive breastfeeding in the first six months of life and good dietary practices for children, adolescent girls, pregnant and lactating women must be prioritized." +267295,49773.0,2028.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,31,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_HSOS-NWS_-January-2021.pdf,"[January 2021, NWS] KIs in 41% of communities reported a lack of employment opportunities for persons with a disability as a barrier to meeting basic needs." +319005,54316.0,2311.0,['Cross'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],"['Context->Environment', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",es,83,['At Risk'],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Colombia_Reporte%20Situacional_GIFMM_Arauquita_08042021_VF.pdf,"A medida que el nivel del cauce del río Arauca sigue incrementándose, dada la evolución de la temporada invernal, se incrementa el nivel de alerta por inundaciones cuya afectación llega a seis veredas3 con presencia de al menos 700 personas venezolanas con necesidades de protección internacional y colombianas recién llegadas de Venezuela con doble afectación; situación que podría incluso impedir el acceso humanitario a ciertas zonas ribereñas que en el marco de esta situación cíclica, suelen quedar incomunicadas." +341371,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,77,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,• Les peulhs sont consid��rés comme des terroristes. Ils sont regroupés au sein des groupes armés. Ils vivent loin des agglomérations humaines car ils refusent toute modernité. Ils méconnaissent et négligent l’école moderne préférant l’école coranique qui présente plus d’avantages à leurs yeux avec une coutume qui prône la discrétion dans la manière de vivre. Ces caractéristiques font qu’ils ont les atouts des djihadistes. +304331,51590.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,43,[],['Covid-19'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/IOM%20DTM%20SSD%20FMR%20Cross%20border%20trends%20and%20impact%20of%20restrictions%202020.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10755,"The border with Uganda saw strict enforcement on both sides and a rapid and drastic decrease in incoming and outgoing mobility, bringing the monitored volume of movement down to less than a quarter of the average in February and March 2020." +26118,10739.0,786.0,['Agriculture'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,85,['Impact'],[],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/the_americas/venezuela-has-its-electricity-back-for-now-but-its-still-on-the-verge-of-collapse/2019/03/20/1cb0060e-4986-11e9-8cfc-2c5d0999c21e_story.html?utm_term=.a236d74c7c19,"“We are 30 days from the start of the agricultural cycle, and we simply don’t have the inputs, the tools, the seeds,” Albornoz said. “An agricultural collapse is absolutely inevitable.” Francisco Rodríguez, the senior economist at the New York investment bank Torino Capital, is a native of Venezuela. Unless the political crisis is resolved, he said, “Venezuela is very likely to undergo a famine this year.”" +305711,51572.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Education']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,24,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Education : Hygiene promotion activities [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +330665,55042.0,2098.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,111,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.gage.odi.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Adolescents%E2%80%99-experiences-of-covid-19-in-Chittagong-and-Sylhet-divisions-Bangladesh.pdf,"[30 April 2021, Bangladesh]According to the Household Income Expenditure Survey (HIES) of 2016, among households with school-going children, 24% (or 8.4 million) were living below the poverty line, even before the advent of covid-19 (BBS, 2019). Post-lockdown, this figure is expected to have risen to 44%, resulting in as many as 7.70 million additional households falling below the poverty line during the crisis, and taking the total number of households with school-going children who are living below the poverty line to 16 million (Raihan and Bidisha, 2021)." +326844,50668.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,15,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"(SDF, 16/02/2021) 63% of sub-districts have sufficient knowledge of COVID-19 risk" +388997,60730.0,2098.0,[],[],[],en,118,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://app.box.com/s/asye4w9ljbvdby3gy5p0jy8a859nsmzt,"[25th July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: A few said water collection points should also be clean, and that the lack of deep tube-well maintenance can spread Covid-19.Perception data reveals some think Covid-19 came from animals like dogs, ducks, fish, bees and mosquitoes. Some think the virus cannot live in hot weather, some said cold weather. Very few think it can spread through handling money. Almost all phone participants were concerned about their children getting infected as they play in dirty places. People also think ‘strong’ younger people will not be affected but older ‘weak people will be easily affected." +177965,41855.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,64,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_Factsheet_2003_HSM_COVID19_Tanganyika_juillet-2020.pdf,Les mesures de confinement et la baisse de la demande/manque d’écoulement des stocks ont été identifiées par les IC comme des raisons principales expliquant la perte d’accès de la majorité de la population à ses moyens de subsistance habituels dans respectivement 48% (68) et 27% (3) des localités évaluées [Province Tanganyika]. +188073,31209.0,1900.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,19,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20North%20of%20Central%20America%20Situation%20Fact%20Sheet%20May%202020.pdf,"They also experience limitation in accessing humanitarian aid, health care, and economic opportunities during the pandemic." +294352,51259.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2020_access_annual_overview.pdf,"Of the 256 reported significant incidents, 41 per cent involved violence, abduction, killings and detentions of staff, and ambushes including looting and theft." +181178,42386.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,37,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_RMU_October-2020_vfinal.pdf,"Les prix sont stables pour les petits ruminants à Dori, mais en hausse de 20 et 27 pourcent respectivement pour les béliers et les boucs sur le marché de Djibo par rapport à la moyenne." +288545,51848.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,49,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/herams_fourth_quarter_2020_final.pdf,"[Dec 2020, NWS] Out of the functioning facilities 84% health facilities are settlements/communities while 16% are in IDP camps. It’s worth to mention that 77% of the functioning health facilities located in settlements/communities are serving both IDPs and residents." +416264,64000.0,1185.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,122,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Venezuela enfrenta una compleja emergencia humanitaria que ha llevado al desplazamiento de aproximadamente 5.4 millones de personas, de las cuales más de 1 millón se han asentado en el Perú (R4V 2021). De acuerdo con la última encuesta regional de Equilibrium CenDE (2020a), las personas que han salido de Venezuela hacia los países de la región andina lo han hecho debido al alto costo de vida en el país (64%), la falta de alimentos (58%), la falta de medicinas y servicios de salud (51%), la escasez de oportunidades laborales (46%) y la violencia e inseguridad (44%)." +163134,37820.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,80,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/iom_rohingya_crisis_response_-_external_sitrep_-_july_2020.pdf,"Shelter Sectors, as well as engaging community leaders, and discussion the guidance on safe animal sacrifice. Key messaging was undertaken by SMand Wash to remind the community of COVID -19 infection Prevention and Control (IPC) measures. In camp 14, meanwhile, SM teams assisted Rokiya Foundation, A local NGO, in crowd control and physical distancing when they disturbed an EID special package comprised of relief materials to 1500 vulnerable families." +22242,9106.0,729.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,93,['Impact'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"Protection needs are amongst the most commonly reported needs in Libya for all people affected by the crisis, whether Libyan or foreign nationals. Overarchingly, protection needs are primarily driven by exposure to risks and threats, vulnerability, and the inability to cope with conflict and violence, human rights violations and abuses, contamination from explosive hazards, and major challenges related to impediments to access critical services and essential goods and commodities. An estimated 490,000 people, including 134,000 children, have protection needs in Libya." +70606,19974.0,1534.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,59,['At Risk'],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"GBV risk mitigation strategies should be strengthened in the Nassau shelters, including the establishment and communication to all humanitarian actors of the referral pathway and shared standard operating procedures (SOPs). Humanitarian actors should host awareness raising sessions and provide information to the affected population, particularly women and girls and other at risks groups." +310043,51467.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,100,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"The number of reported cases of acute watery diarrhoea and acute bloody diarrhoea have spiked dramatically in 2020. By the end of October, 593,000 acute watery diarrhoea cases were reported, a 60 per cent increase compared to 2019. Note that here, the 60 per cent increase should be higher as 2020 is not over yet, but the increase is already very sharp. It is likely to be the result of a combined lack of access to safe water and poor hygiene conditions due to the low funding status of the cluster in 2020" +390916,60780.0,1186.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,146,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"De igual modo, en 2020 sigue siendo mayor el porcentaje de extranjeros que están recluidos en calidad de imputados (casi la mitad) en relación a la población penal local (menos de un tercio). Cabe destacar que, como señala Rodrigo Sandoval en entrevista con La Tercera (2017), en muchos casos se puede producir un menor acceso a medidas alternativas de cumplimento de penas privativas de libertad (Ley 18.216) al no cumplir con requisitos solicitados, como acreditar lugar de residencia, oficio o profesión. De este modo, para un mismo delito y condena, una persona extranjera puede verse obligada a cumplir su pena en un régimen cerrado mientras que a una persona chilena se le da la posibilidad de un régimen abierto o semiabierto (Matus y Vedoya, 2017)." +162645,36464.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,207,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/medicos-venezolanos-esperan-pronta-autorizacion-del-gobierno-para-ejercer-en-el-pais/2067,"""El Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social podrá autorizar en forma transitoria, el ejercicio de las profesiones, especialidades y ocupaciones, teniendo en cuenta para este caso las necesidades del país y la suficiencia del talento humano que se requiere para garantizar un adecuado acceso a los servicios de salud”, refiere el borrador del decreto. Entre los requisitos para los profesionales y auxiliares extranjeros que quieran ejercer temporalmente en el país por la emergencia sanitaria, detallan: la hoja de vida, documento de identificación, copia del título de educación superior, certificados que acrediten experiencia profesional posterior a la obtención del título respectivo, copia de las notas o del plan de estudios adelantado en el programa de educación superior y autorización vigente del ejercicio médico. Cuando se publique oficialmente el decreto, el Ministerio de Salud señalará la fecha a partir de la cual el personal extranjero interesado podrá adelantar el trámite de autorización temporal del ejercicio. Para la selección se establecerá una entrevista de validación de información y conocimiento al interesado por parte de un panel de expertos. Además, el personal extranjero deberá tener todas las garantías y equipos de bioseguridad." +188716,43183.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],fr,48,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_268_20201024.pdf,"Depuis le début des opérations, le laboratoire a analysé 71 545 échantillons à la recherche du SARS-CoV-2, prélevés chez 67 515 cas suspects de COVID-19. Un cumul de 11 161 cas étaient positifs, soit une proportion de cas positifs autour de 16,5%." +60996,17926.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,73,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.laopinion.com.co/frontera/70-del-plan-de-atencion-migrantes-venezolanos-esta-desfinanciado-stein-182455#OP,"Tras sostener una reunión con el canciller Carlos Holmes Trujillo, Eduardo Stein, representante Especial Conjunto de Acnur y la OIM para los refugiados, hizoun llamado a la comunidad internacional para que materialice el incremento de la ayuda económica y que así Colombia siga atendiendo los 1.408.055 migrantes venezolanos que se encuentran en el país, debido a que hay un desfinanciamiento del 70% en el plan de acogida." +452100,64651.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,105,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"Disruption of essential services across MNCH has impacted millions of lives around the world. Maintaining quality essential care is critical; data from different qualitative surveys and quantitative analysis suggest access to routine antenatal care, skilled attendants at birth, postnatal and pediatric care, have each declined. Fear of contracting the virus, mis-messaging, myths, lockdown measures, fear of quarantine practices, shifting priorities at primary healthcare level, limited travel, and over-stretched health systems with disrupted supply chains and limited personal protective equipment are the drivers for the changes in service delivery (10)." +112916,29956.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],es,19,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76828,Se fortaleció el Hospital a través de la contratación y pago de servicios de salud para población venezolana. +135768,35301.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,66,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"In 2020, UNICEF replaced its e-voucher programme with an unconditional cash transfer to support vulnerable families during a time of increased economic hardship and cost of living. The programme is currently implemented in Aleppo, Lattakia and Rural Damascus. During the first half of 2020, UNICEF reached over 50,000 children with cash assistance (51 per cent of the target)." +57783,17280.0,1186.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",es,26,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/439982_ed8c90c2b9644fbbabee3b33e6e9e918.pdf,"Con respecto al Déficit Habitacional relativo a vivienda social, éste se menciona como un problema estructural que afecta tanto a nacionales como a migrantes." +187327,43339.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,127,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20Nigeria%20DTM%20Emergency%20Tracking%20Tool%20%28ETT%29%20Report%20No.196%20%20%2802%20-%2008%20November%202020%29.pdf,"[2nd-8th Nov 2020,Nigeria]Mobbar: 299 arrivals were recorded in Mobbar LGA of Borno state. All 299 arrivals were from Diffa region in Niger Republic. All movements recorded were triggered by conflict/attack. Askira/Uba: 96 arrivals and 74 departures were recorded in Askira/Uba LGA of Borno state. The arrivals included 96 from Askira/Uba LGA of Borno state. The departures included 59 to Mussa and Giwi/Wamdeo wards in Askira/Uba LGA, 10 to Gwoza LGA of Borno state and 5 to Michika LGA of Adamawa state. 80 per cent of the movements recorded were as a result of improved security, 11 per cent triggered by poor living conditions while the remaining 9 per cent relocated voluntarily." +304040,51174.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,39,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.afro.who.int/sites/default/files/2021-02/South%20Sudan%20IDSR%20Bulletin%20Week%201%2C%20%20%204-%2010%20January%202021%20.pdf,"3,662 confirmed COVID-19 cases in South Sudan; > 85% in Juba with 63 deaths and a case fatality rate (CFR) of 2.0%. Total 9,727 contacts identified, quarantined, & undergoing follow up" +149224,36019.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,25,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,A key priority is to finalize initial construction and preparation work for all COVID-19 referral facilities for moderate and severe cases to meet minimum standards +360939,58845.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],en,106,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_price_bulletin_may_2021.pdf,"[May 2021, Overall Syria] The national average price of a standard reference food basket decreased by five percent from April to May 2021, reaching SYP 167,842. Nevertheless, it remained 69 percent higher than in November 2020 (six months ago) and 197 percent higher compared to May 2020. This is the second consecutive month-on-month (m-o-m) decrease in the price of the reference food basket since August 2020. This decrease is linked to the continued improvement in the informal exchange rate and the decrease in the price of informal diesel between April and May 2021." +241028,47700.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,38,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,,"[EMERGENCY RESPONSE IN KOUCHANGUINE-MOURA ] In coordination with distribution parter HIAS, WFP has provided and HIAS has distributed food rations for two months (June and July) to the entire population in the camp." +165498,39488.0,2098.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,51,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/vitamin-campaign-rohingya-children-goes-door-door-due-covid-19,"Īn July 2020, a four-week Vitamin-A supplementation campaign strengthened the immune systems of more than 154,000 Rohingya children aged 6 months to 5 years, while screening these children for acute malnutrition and disseminating messages on infant and young child feeding and caring practices in the context of COVID-19." +301809,51958.0,2332.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,97,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_devaluation_de_protection_des_retournes_tchadiens_de_la_rca_installes_dans_les_sites_au_sud_du_tchad_002.pdf,"Au niveau de l’éducation, les filles et garçon vont à l’école dans les sites de Goré. Par contre, les groupes de discussion font état d’une déperdition scolaire depuis la fermeture des cantines scolaires précédemment tenues par des acteurs humanitaires. Le fonctionnement des écoles est également mis à mal du fait de la faible contribution communautaire. Les parents indiquent n’avoir pas suffisamment de moyens pour participer aux cotisations de l’APE ou même, pour certains, acheter des fournitures scolaires des enfants." +158011,38777.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,58,[],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/food-insecurity-impact-covid-19-among-critical-challenges-facing-syria,"Increased shelling has been reported in Idlib, Latakia, Hama and Aleppo Governorates, while the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) recorded at least 10 civilian deaths — including 3 children — in ground and air strikes in the so-called “de-escalation area” in June and July." +70636,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,71,[],['Shock/Event'],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"According to the Bahamian Crisis Centre, human trafficking in the Bahamas applies mainly, but not exclusively, to persons brought or coming in from Jamaica and Haiti. People who have received promises of work to support families at home are forced into prostitution or hard labour in order to survive. 44 Women and adolescent girls who are alone or with their children are at greatest risk." +497771,60104.0,1187.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,116,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,"https://www.unicef.org/argentina/media/11626/file/Impacto%20de%20la%20pandemia%20en%20la%20educaci%C3%B3n%20de%20ni%C3%B1as,%20ni%C3%B1os%20y%20adolescentes.pdf","Asimismo, la participación en actividades orientadas al mercado registrada en abril/mayo de este año tiende a aumentar levemente entre quienes residen en hogares destinatarios de la AUH (25%). Finalmente, cabe destacar que el empeoramiento de la situación económica de los hogares que viene registrándose a partir de la emergencia sanitaria parece haber profundizado la necesidad de este grupo poblacional de sumarse al mercado de trabajo: prácticamente la mitad de las y los adolescentes que tienen algún tipo de actividad laboral comenzaron a realizarla durante la pandemia y un 7% de quienes no se encuentran trabajando están buscando alguna ocupación para ganar dinero (representan 115.000 estudiantes)." +343586,55985.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,59,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_121_20210501.pdf,"[01/05/2021] Kinshasa demeure la province la plus touchée du pays. En effet, elle enregistre 69,6% (20 849/29 963) des cas. Elle est suivie des provinces du Nord-Kivu et du Haut-Katanga qui dénombrent chacune respectivement 8,7% (2 620/29 963) et 6,5% (1 949/29 963) des cas" +313214,53183.0,2466.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,25,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"Provision of specialized GBV services including psychosocial support, case management and referrals mainly through current and additional women centres & community-based protection networks." +315384,53333.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,24,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,The girls felt that the use of cells phones to alert people to run from their houses to safe areas was also a priority +297887,52145.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_humanitaire_numero_12_v_04.pdf,"Identifying GBV cases and providing them with a comprehensive response package including Health, Legal, Psyco- social support etc. in the South West and North West" +69918,19974.0,1534.0,['Protection'],[],[],en,47,[],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"Of the approximately 6,000 people over 15 living with HIV (2,600 women; 3300 men), UNAIDS estimates 3,107 were affected by Dorian as the storm has limited access to regular treatment and access to antiretroviral therapy (ART) and other complementary services." +62856,18514.0,1386.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,60,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190328_acaps_briefing_note_venezuela_update_and_2019_outlook__0.pdf,"It is particularly challenging for HIV patients to find antiretroviral drugs, and an estimated 79,000 people have stopped getting treatment since 2017. Exact numbers are currently unknown, but over 5,000 HIV patients have died in 2018 alone, a significant increase from the 1,800 deaths recorded in 2014 (Caracas Chronicles 21/02/2019, IACHR 09/01/2019)." +173661,41107.0,1899.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,124,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3678296,"Las niñas enfrentan grandes desigualdades para obtener la educación y las habilidades que necesitan para competir en un mundo laboral muy cambiante. Es necesario reforzar el proceso generacional de formación, desde el aprendizaje de las niñas hasta la incorporación de las mujeres a la fuerza laboral, abordando en especial la brecha digital.” destacó Carlos Carrera, Representante de UNICEF en Guatemala. Muchas de las niñas y de las adolescentes de la generación actual están disfrutando los éxitos que se han alcanzado en materia educativa a lo largo de las últimas décadas. Pero para llegar a eliminar barreras que persisten desde hace mucho tiempo y lograr unas tasas de oportunidad igualitarias, es preciso acelerar el ritmo del progreso" +291287,51584.0,2336.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,28,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://docs.wfp.org/api/documents/WFP-0000121004/download/?_ga=2.267291910.926065783.1606212133-1055501472.1562658913,"As part of its nutrition programme, WFP distributed 688 mt of specialized nutritious foods for 159,752 children aged 6-59 months and 62,706 pregnant and lactating women." +321651,54675.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],fr,95,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/compte-rendu_de_lactualite_des_nations_unies_en_rdc_a_la_date_du_21_avril_2021_final.pdf,"Près de 1,7 million de doses d’Oxford-AstraZeneca, fabriquées par le Serum Institute of India étaient arrivées de Mumbaï le 02 mars 2021 via le Mécanisme COVAX. Les vaccins attribués à la RDC contribueront à couvrir le personnel de santé et d’autres groupes vulnérables, sachant que d’autres livraisons sont attendues au cours des prochaines semaines dans le cadre d’un effort inédit visant à livrer au moins 2 milliards de doses de vaccins contre la COVID-19 dans le monde d’ici la fin de 2021" +159616,39079.0,2170.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,32,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NIGERIA_Food_Security_Outlook_Update_August_Final.pdf,"As restriction measures ease, engagement in daily labor is likely to increase, improving access to non-food items and Minimal (IPC Phase 1) outcomes are expected to emerge." +345253,56821.0,2311.0,[],[],[],en,59,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.thenewhumanitarian.org/news-feature/2021/5/27/hunger-and-COVID-19-drive-venezuelans-to-take-more-dangerous-routes-out,"A year into the pandemic, as South American countries continue to reel from second and third waves of infections, land borders in Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Chile, and Bolivia remain officially closed. Many are heavily militarised, leaving desperate Venezuelans forced to cross a continent along dangerous frontier routes controlled by criminals." +236069,47122.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"As of 31 March, Cameroon had reported 193 confirmed cases of COVID-19, with one of the confirmed cases in Limbe, in the SW region." +59543,17198.0,1224.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Humanitarian Access->Population To Relief']",en,112,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Humanitarian Access', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"The assessment mission concluded that (83.45% or 373) Venezuelan school-aged children were not enrolled in school. . However, some schools are already filled beyond capacity, and unfortunately, additional children cannot be registered. Schools are understaffed and the school feeding program at some schools does not meet the current and future enrolment levels. Communities noted that many children are not attending school due to the language barrier (as classes are in English only). The migrant children speak mainly Spanish while some speak the Warrau language. The teachers at the various schools in host communities speak and teach in English." +63641,18631.0,788.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,48,['Impact'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_floodoverview_13092019.pdf,"About 550 latrines and bathing facilities have been affected by strong winds or floods. • Demand for the dislodging of latrines has tripled with increased floodwater. • Anecdotal data indicates significant needs. Water sources are flooded, and latrines filled up/overflowing due to rain." +401784,62956.0,2098.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,58,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[29th July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Both Host and Refugees: Thousands of Rohingya refugees and Host Community people (including persons with disabilities and older people) were severely affected by massive floods caused due to continuous, heavy rainfall since 26th July 2021 in Cox’s Bazar specially Ukhiya and Teknaf." +106683,31308.0,1183.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],es,85,[],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"En la etapa de contención se ha identificado es el contacto con casos importados ejm : Aeropuertos, sitios turísticos. En la etapa de mitigación , depende más de la movilidad que se genere por la comunidad y allí es muy importante la contención de turista a comunidades indígenas o zonas vulnerables. En este punto es muy importante identificar los sitios con hacinamiento, comunidades vulnerables por desnutrición o con altos casos de inmunodepresión y los sitios cerrados como cárceles y albergues." +214023,45203.0,2334.0,[],[],[],en,25,[],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://fews.net/west-africa/cameroon/food-security-outlook/june-2020,"The slowdown in trade of non-essential goods is also disrupting local supply chains, forcing farmers to sell their produce locally for lower prices." +341885,56644.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Population'],[],es,53,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.sismamujer.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/MUJERES-DERECHOS-LABORALES-Y-EMERGENCIA-SANITARIA.docx.pdf,"Aunque, algunas mujeres participan en procesos organizativos mixtos, sobre todo aquellas que son artesanas, recalcaron la importancia de crear y fortalecer organizaciones que tengan en cuenta las necesidades específicas de las mujeres en estos sectores por el reconocimiento de sus necesidades específicas como cuidadoras y responsables de sus hogares." +146080,34803.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,72,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Activities that continued with COVID-19 countermeasures included specialised services such as case management for high-risk and individual cases and referrals for child protection, GBV and mine action, individual protection assistance and physical rehabilitation. Where feasible, PSS, legal awareness and counselling on housing, land and property (HLP) rights and civil documentation have also continued (in centres, via outreach, and in camps)" +164746,39789.0,2098.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,44,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Movementwide%20Operation%20Report%20August%202020.pdf,35 referral services provided on Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and Child Protection.  410 people received messages on COVID-19 through a radio listening group.  760 HHs reached through COVID-19 awareness sessions as part of Risk Communication and Community Engagement. +226966,46454.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,48,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2022_23Dec2020_FINAL.pdf,"[23rd December, Overall Syria] Shops, groceries, schools, universities and educational facilities are open during restricted hours and with mandated preventative measures. Churches and mosques are closed, except on Fridays and Sundays, and all mass social gatherings are prohibited." +172827,38004.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,23,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/04/28/syria-aid-restrictions-hinder-covid-19-response,"[28th April 2020, Syria] The health care sector has severe shortages of equipment needed to tackle a Covid-19 outbreak." +164333,38902.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,51,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"The containment measures and COVID-19 outbreaks in countries throughout the region have triggered return movements of Venezuelan refugees and migrants to their home country. Currently the Venezuelan government allows only a small number of Venezuelans to return each week, via the official border crossings in Cúcuta and Arauca." +401811,62956.0,2098.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,68,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[29th July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Emphasis should be given to the provision of Protection, MHPSS and PFA services. • Improve communication mechanism, mobilize community resources to ensure key information on services, distribution and assistants will reach the most vulnerable groups. • Children with disabilities are provided with all the needed services on an equal basis with other children." +473024,63732.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2f4004e6/REACH_BFA_Factsheet_Abri-AME-et-LTB_Pouytenga_juillet-2021.pdf,"24% : pourcentage moyen de ménages partageant un abri avec un ménage non déplacé selon les IC. 15% : pourcentage moyen de ménages partageant un abri avec un ménage PDI selon les IC. 9 = nombre moyen de personnes vivant dans un même abri, selon les IC" +167061,40223.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.sana.sy/en/?p=203584,"Damascus, SANA –Health Ministry on Friday evening announced that 40 new Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases have been registered in Syria, and that 15 patients infected with the virus have recovered, while 3 patients have passed away." +386137,60459.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Environment'],fr,102,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"[scenario] Sur la base des prévisions saisonnières issues de multi-modèles d’ensemble probabilistiques (NMME, ECMWF), il est attendu un démarrage précoce à normal de la saison, un cumul pluviométrique normal à supérieur à la moyenne entre juin et septembre, une fin précoce à normale des pluies et des séquences sèches à tendance plus longues en début de saison et moyennes vers la fin. Tout comme les saisons précédentes, les cumuls pluviométriques au-dessus de la normale ou les précipitations journalières exceptionnelles, pourraient entrainer des inondations localisées à travers le pays." +91814,26015.0,1620.0,['WASH'],[],[],en,47,[],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Situation-Overview_H2R_Oct-Dec_13.03.2020.pdf,"They further described that most people had and used latrines prior to the conflict, but that they were not using them anymore since they had been destroyed by the conflict. The destruction of latrines could explain the decrease in reported latrine use in Dikwa." +178518,41756.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,80,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Il s'agit des populations affectées et vulnérables (femmes seules déplacées, veuves, personnes âgées, en situation de handicap) qui ont perdu leurs maisons, leurs terres et leurs biens, ou qui sont dans l’impossibilité de jouir de ces droits dans les zones de déplacement et de retour, principalement dans les provinces du Nord Kivu, de l’Ituri, du Sud Kivu du Tanganyika et de la région du Kasaï." +307032,51572.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Sanitation : There are segregated latrines in the medical facility. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +439575,63595.0,2225.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,127,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20External%20Emergency%20Update_Volcano%20Nyiragongo_%20%235.pdf,"The eruption of the Mount Nyiragongo volcano in Goma, North Kivu Province, on May 22, 2021, led to the displacement of over 500,000 individuals to the surroundings areas of Goma, Sake, Minova, Kiwanja in Rutshuru, Bukavu as well as to Rwanda. The majority have since returned home. ▪ According to the Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) working group and INTERSOS, 7,891 persons are still displaced in Masisi, and Rutshuru Territories, most of them accommodated in host families who have extremely limited resources. In Nyiragongo Territory, 31,904 displaced individuals are still staying in five spontaneous sites (Bujari, Mujoga, Kanyaruchinya, Kayembe and Kanyanja) according local authorities" +219401,45655.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,24,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"[9th Dec, Overall Syria] The border crossing point between Rukban and Jordan remains closed, curtailing access to the UN-clinic." +386822,60459.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,135,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"L’insécurité continuera de limiter les mouvements de populations et donc les opportunités d’auto-emploi. Au niveau des centres urbains, il y a une concurrence accrue de l’offre de main-d’œuvre entre PDI et ménages hôtes. Bien que les départs en exode ou en migration se sont intensifiés depuis le début de la crise, la conjoncture économique globale, limite aussi les opportunités d’emplois dans les zones d’accueil. Ainsi, pendant toute la période du scénario, les revenus de l’auto-emploi et les transferts, resteront en-dessous de la normale. Néanmoins, les ménages bénéficiaires des interventions humanitaires peuvent compter sur les programmes de transfert monétaires planifiés pour la soudure entre juin et aout. (scenario)" +178073,40661.0,2225.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Dans la province du Tanganyika, 27,6% des ménages déclarent avoir accès à une source d’eau améliorée contre 72% qui s’approvisionnent à partir d’une source non améliorée." +125698,31803.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,72,['At Risk'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77205.pdf,"Durante el primer trimestre de 2020, el 59.3% de las personas monitoreadas ha entrado a Colombia de manera irregular, solamente el 18.1% tiene PEP, y el 79.3% no tiene ningún permiso migratorio vigente. Se observa que el problema del estatus migratorio afecta más a las mujeres venezolanas (17.1% tienen PEP) que a los connacionales hombres (19.1 % tienen PEP)." +338353,56101.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['Context->Environment'],es,49,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/alerta_btb_inundaciones_en_arauca_14052021_vf_1.pdf,"Mayo 11 El desbordamiento del río Arauca causó inundaciones en sectores habitados por población refugiada y migrante venezolana, retornada colombiana y población de acogida del municipio de Arauca, principalmente en los Asentamientos Humanos Informales (AHI) de: Pescadito, Brisas del Puente y Monserrate." +245856,47671.0,2425.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Lebanon Situation Analysis,2021-01-25 12:39:46.093809+00,https://www.care-international.org/files/files/Rapid_Multi-Sectoral_Needs_Assessment_Lebanon2021.pdf,"Additionally, despite the various assistance programs to families, many of them continue to have medium or high food coping strategy index, and increased debt mainly in food and rent in all areas across the country." +325673,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Entre 2008 et 2017, à la suite de la crise des prix de 2008, la production de riz a quadruplé, passant d’environ 69 000 tonnes à 384 000 tonnes, soit une augmentation de 20 pour cent et une variation annuelle moyenne de 3,8 pour cent. Les superficies ont augmenté respectivement sur la même période d’environ 40 500 ha à 170 000 ha" +355980,58248.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Salud_reporte_trimestral_enero_marzo_2021_VF%20%281%29%20%281%29.pdf,"El 26% de acompañantes entrevistados respondió que él o los NNA que acompaña, no pudieron ir al médico o tener algún servicio de salud cuando fue necesario. El 8% de las niñas y niños entre los 0 y 5 años no �enen carné de vacunación." +325803,54267.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,49,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Malgré le cadre juridique non discriminatoire, les disparités entre les sexes en matière de compte bancaire découlent de normes sociales qui réfutent l’égalité d’accès des hommes et des femmes aux services financiers, particulièrement forte dans certaines régions (OCDE, 2018)." +64137,18925.0,729.0,['Education'],[],[],en,54,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/va_report_libya_2019-libmac-unmas.pdf,"According to the 2019 HNO, 212 schools were reported to be partially damaged, 14 schools were used as shelters for IDPs and 53 schools have been fully destroyed. This shows that the conflict might have further negatively impacted access to education for children with disabilities, especially in conflict areas." +401805,62956.0,2098.0,['WASH'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,74,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[29th July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Both Host and Refugees: 16% respondents (16% of refugees and 17% of host community respondents) need Dignity Kits. Among them, 7.7% were persons with disabilities • 45% respondents (42% refugees and 78% of host community respondents) have needs in Hygiene Materials. Among them, 23.6 % were persons with disabilities" +221961,45410.0,2332.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,88,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"[La région du Lac dans la Zone 8 - « Zone ouest agropastorale et de pêche » ]: Cependant, l’afflux de nouveaux déplacés du conflit de Boko Haram a occasionné une hausse de l’offre en main d’œuvre. Malgré la hausse de superficies enregistrées, les travaux de récolte sont réduits au niveau familial. Les coûts pratiqués sont de 1500 FCFA, en baisse de 25 pourcents par rapport à une année normale (2000 FCFA)." +325836,54949.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,92,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3734050,"El Fondo Rotatorio de la OPS, encargado de la adquisición de vacunas COVID-19 para los países de las Américas ante el Mecanismo COVAX, coordinó el envió de estas 912.000 dosis de la vacuna desarrollada por el laboratorio AstraZeneca y la Universidad de Oxford adquiridas por el gobierno de Colombia, la cual consta con autorización de uso de emergencia por la OMS, y son fabricadas por SK Bioscience de Corea del Sur. Las vacunas llegaron este domingo 25 de abril al aeropuerto internacional El Dorado de Bogotá." +238078,46388.0,2336.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,14,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,The healthcare workforce will continue to be at high risk if PPE issues persist +62950,18642.0,1386.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,55,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://transparencia.org.ve/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/EPE-II-Sector-Agua.pdf,"La continuidad, según datos del INE 2011, es tremendamente baja y en algunos estados como Nueva Esparta y Vargas, no alcanza el 35%. Este valor es realmente preocupante, ya que va asociado a la calidad del líqui- do que ante este régimen hidráulico no puede alcanzar la calidad de" +239470,46388.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Through until March 2021, 42 per cent of Afghanistan’s population or 16.9 million people are estimated to be in crisis and emergency levels of acute food insecurity requiring humanitarian assistance to survive." +282351,44941.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/somalia_health_cluster_bulletin_december_2019.pdf,"According to the HRP, 2019, 3 million individuals in Somalia are in need of life-saving health assistance. Of those 3 million, 2.4 million are targeted for health assistance (HRP, 2019)." +296171,52520.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,77,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[échantillon de 100 femmes – terr. Rutshuru] des policiers et militaires congolais parmi lesquels des officiers, sont également cités dans le viol des débiles mentales en usant de leur autorité. Des acteurs humanitaires travaillant pour des ONG nationales et internationales sont aussi parmi les bourreaux, et les résultats de l’enquête révèlent que ces derniers ont toujours usé de leur influence et moyens financiers lors des descentes sur terrains." +220515,45655.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,40,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"[9th Dec, Overall Syria] Otherwise, markets, restaurants, cafes, gyms, parks, theatres, cinemas, and most leisure facilities are open, with mandated precautionary measures, as are mosques and churches" +305761,51572.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,30,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Decomissioning of old latrines which are at risk of being flooded [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +408817,61216.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/humanitarian-situation-overview-syria-hsos-northeast-syria-june-2021,"[June 2021, NES] KIs in 54% of communities cited the high cost of fuel for generators as a common challenge. KIs in 65% of communities cited the high cost of solar panels as a common challenge." +292359,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,68,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"Sur le plan sanitaire, la situation sécuritaire a rendu la disponibilité des services de santé tributaire de la présence des acteurs humanitaires (la majorité des personnels de santé agents publics desdites zones fuient le conflit armé). Ceci augmente une pression supplémentaire sur les services de santé déjà dépassés qui sont encore fonctionnels et les déplacements transfrontaliers, accroissent le risque d’épidémies." +341859,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,Coping strategies for women and girls include restriction of movement and early/forced marriages. Parents in fear of harassment and abuse of their daughters prompt them to restrict their movements as much as possible to ensure safety. +224137,45768.0,2332.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,19,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"Préparer la distribution des NFIs, y compris les kits de dignité [recommandation sur le site d'Amma]" +356077,58253.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.migracioncolombia.gov.co/noticias/en-mes-y-medio-mas-de-813-mil-ciudadanos-venezolanos-han-completado-la-primera-etapa-del-estatuto-temporal-de-proteccion,"Bogotá, Medellín, Cali, Cúcuta y Barranquilla, son las ciudades en las que se han registrado el mayor número de venezolanos, para acogerse al Estatuto Temporal de Protección. La medida, que entró en vigencia hace un poco más de un mes, se extenderá hasta el próximo 28 de mayo de 2022." +11353,2953.0,322.0,"['Education', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,74,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20feb%202018.pdf,"During January and February, 10 affected schools have been repaired in Al Bayda governorate including rehabilitation of WASH facilities helping 4,986 students to have better schooling environment. Cluster partners supported in various activities reaching around 105,300 students by providing emergency related training for their teachers, 79,748 with provision of learning supplies, provision of school food and hygiene kits to 38,509 students and other 1,024 through provision of alternative learning classrooms" +224002,45768.0,2332.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"Suspections des cas de paludisme, IRA et la recrudescence des maladies hydriques (Dermatose, diarrhée, parasitose, etc.)" +313655,53333.0,2334.0,['Education'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,38,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"There is a need to support community recreational centres and initiatives that provide wholesome educational entertainment, and also to educate the adolescent girls and boys on the dangers and benefits of technology, especially the internet." +361186,58845.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_price_bulletin_may_2021.pdf,"[May 2021, Overall Syria] The national average non-skilled labour wage, representing construction, offloading and agricultural labour, was at SYP 6,427/day (up four percent m-om) in May 2021. Moreover, the wage rate was 102 percent above its y-o-y level and 39 percent above levels recorded in November 2020." +316738,54478.0,2028.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,112,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.athrpress.com/%d8%ad%d9%85%d8%b5-%d8%a5%d8%ba%d9%84%d8%a7%d9%82-%d8%b4%d8%b9%d8%a8%d8%aa%d9%8a%d9%86-%d9%85%d8%af%d8%b1%d8%b3%d9%8a%d8%aa%d9%8a%d9%86-%d8%a8%d8%b9%d8%af-%d8%b1%d8%b5%d8%af-%d8%a5%d8%b5%d8%a7%d8%a8/%d8%a3%d8%ab%d8%b1-%d9%85%d8%ad%d9%84%d9%8a/,"[April 1, Homs] The Director of School Health in Homs, Dr. Ghayath Abbas, told “Athar Press” that he closed two class rooms for five days as a precaution to prevent the transmission of Coronavirus infection among students. Dr. Abbas indicated that there was one infection recorded in each class, indicating that the number of infections since the beginning of the second semester of 2021 has reached 34 cases in city and countryside schools, of whom 3 students and the rest are from the teaching and administrative staff, pointing out that the recorded infections are minor and don't require hospitalization." +164506,32982.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],[],[],es,30,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Respuesta%20COVID-19%20-%20GIFMM%20Arauca%2C%20actualizaci%C3%B3n%20n%C2%B03%20%28Del%201%20al%2030%20de%20mayo%20de%202020%29.pdf,Elementos no alimentarios •Kits para dormida entregados en espacio de descanso en Tame. •Entrega de elementos para obras de drenaje en asentamientos de Brisas del Puente y Jerusalén. +165484,39488.0,2098.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,81,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/vitamin-campaign-rohingya-children-goes-door-door-due-covid-19,"Mothers and primary caregivers were counselled on breastfeeding and proper age-appropriate feeding practices for their infants and young children. They were also trained on how to measure the circumference of their child’s mid-upper arm (MUAC), which is an indicator for a child’s nutrition status. Mother-led measurement of MUAC has been introduced in the camps to ensure that young children are screened at home to contain the possible impact of the pandemic." +262981,49225.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Context->Demography', 'Context->Security & Stability']",es,24,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.semana.com/nacion/articulo/migrantes-irregulares-presentaran-tutela-contra-el-plan-de-vacunacion-colombiano/202155/,"De acuerdo con Migración Colombia, hay más de 1′729.000 venezolanos en Colombia, de los cuales 56% estarían en condición irregular." +341589,55986.0,2225.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,52,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_cluster_sante_rdc_s16.pdf,"Selon les informations recueillies sur le terrain auprès des informateurs clés2, entre le 28 mars et le 09 avril 2021, environ 36.657 personnes se sont déplacées principalement des localités de Bakwakenge, Tétékalamba et Batwa Ishama au Kasaï et celles de Bena Milombe et Bakwa Mbuyi au Kasaï central ;" +177042,41752.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,55,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Les PDIs sont plus susceptibles de considérer les prestataires de santé (55%) comme leur principale source d’information sur le COVID-19, par rapport aux membres de la communauté hôte qui estiment que le gouvernement national (68%) est leur principale source d’information sur le virus." +147109,36461.0,2028.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,25,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77428.pdf,"Meanwhile, most UNHCR partners in Syria resumed 30 per cent of their regular activities in community centres and started delivering limited protection services." +289638,52074.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Politics'],en,27,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,"On 1 October, NSAGs celebrated their Independence Day in several areas. They hoisted flags, marched and carried out other festivities in several localities." +239386,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"More than 28 per cent of IDPs use waste (paper, plastic, carton board, etc.) and 50 per cent use wood and bushes as their primary source of energy for heating." +201705,43427.0,2311.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,78,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"La participación del área con coca en tie- rras de las comunidades negras respecto al total nacional se mantiene en 16 %, igual que en 2018. El área sembrada presentó una re- ducción del 8 %, pasó de 26.985 ha en 2018 a 24.856 ha en 2019. En esta entidad territo- rial, la máxima afectación se reportó en 2017 con 27.602 ha y desde entonces se presenta una tendencia a la reducción." +158639,39040.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,39,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/combatting-health-worker-infections-nigeria,"Dr Anthony has helped to train as many as 4000 health workers in Kaduna and across the northwest region on infection prevention and control, including the appropriate use of personal protective equipment, respiratory and hand hygiene." +262382,49506.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,44,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=222767,"[18/02/2021 Gos] The Ministry of Damascus, in a statement, said that the total number of the coronavirus cases recorded in Syria has climbed to 15,001 till now, of which 8,903 have recovered and 987 cases have passed away." +492687,68130.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,35,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syrianobserver.com/news/69950/ministry-reveals-one-of-the-reasons-for-surge-in-covid-19-cases-in-syria.html,"[September 24th, 2021, Syria] Dr. Tawfiq Hassa, Director of Readiness, Ambulance, and Emergency at the Ministry of Health confirmed that there were 278 recorded COVID-19 cases yesterday." +241025,47700.0,2332.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shelter']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,77,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,,"On 20 June 2020, UNHCR, in close collaboration with the government partner, carried out the 16th relocation convoy from the border to Kouchaguine-Moura camp, comprising 17 households of 66 individuals. The new arrivals were provided with core relief items upon arrival to the camp such as blankets, kitchen sets, jerrycans, buckets, mosquito nets, solar lanterns, soap and firewood in accordance with the CRI distribution protocol." +326901,54714.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,66,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,"[Accountability to Affected Populations] 8% of households reported having experienced barriers in accessing aid in the 30 days prior to data collection. Among those households, the most commonly reported barriers were lack of information (74%),exclusion by camp managers/gatekeepers(1%), physically unable to access points of aid distribution (25%)." +91794,26015.0,1620.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Situation-Overview_H2R_Oct-Dec_13.03.2020.pdf,"Skipping days without eating was reported as a coping strategy by assessed settlements in Dikwa, Gwoza and Marte. Assessed settlements reporting that people skipped days without eating increased in Dikwa and Gwoza (from 3% and 6% in October to 16% and 17% in December, respectively), while it was stable in Marte (reported by 15% of assessed settlements in December)." +327068,54267.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],fr,75,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"La Politique nationale de nutrition (PNN), révisée en 2016, se concentre sur la réduction de la dénutrition, la réduction des carences en micronutriments, le renforcement de la lutte contre la surnutrition et les maladies chroniques non transmissibles liées à la nutrition, le renforcement de la sécurité alimentaire liée à la nutrition et l’amélioration de la gouvernance en matière de nutrition (FAO, 2017)." +167727,40343.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/418384-covid-19-weekly-review-as-nigeria-announces-reopening-of-schools-new-covid-19-cases-double.html,"As of the time of reporting, Nigeria has 59,287 confirmed COVID-19 cases. Of this figure, 50,718 have been discharged and 1,113 deaths have been recorded in the 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory." +224052,45768.0,2332.0,"['Health', 'Education', 'Shelter']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,24,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"Les besoins prioritaires des garçons par ordre d’importance sont l’éducation, la santé, les Abris et les NFIS." +316102,52949.0,2331.0,"['Food Security', 'Shelter']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,Poor households with limited coping capacity and high vulnerability are expected to continue to struggle to meet their minimum food and non-food needs in 2021. +234209,46381.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,26,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Ministry of Public Health has conducted a national survey on estimation of COVID-19 cases and its’ associated deaths in 9 regions of the country. +133581,35118.0,1187.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,89,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"En Argentina, como consecuencia del brote de COVID-19 se dispuso el cierre total de fronteras, lo que afectó severamente el habitual flujo migratorio de los pasos terrestres, principalmente La Quiaca y Puerto Iguazú. El ingreso de personas migrantes por pasos terres- tres, que en los meses previos a la pandemia alcanzaba entre cinco mil y seis mil ingresos de manera mensual, se vio mermado, llegando solo a 20 y 30 personas y de forma excepcional por razones de pro- tección internacional." +38635,13665.0,729.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,71,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/response_infographic28april2019_copy.pdf,"For civilians trapped by frontline fighting, including urban refugees and migrants, access to food is becoming a greater challenge. In many areas, markets are closed due to fighting and civilians are unable to travel safely to purchase food. Even in areas where markets remain open, prices of fresh vegetables and cooking oil have increased, as well as the cost of gas for cooking." +149575,32165.0,1388.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Demography'],es,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/74589.pdf,Nueve de cada 10 empleos creados se dio en el sector informal: signo de la precariedad laboral. El 70% de los nuevos ocupados informales son mujeres. +91792,26015.0,1620.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,75,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Situation-Overview_H2R_Oct-Dec_13.03.2020.pdf,"In Gwoza, assessed settlements reporting people to consume two meals per day decreased from 52% in October to 29% in December. Consequently, assessed settlements reporting people to consume one meal per day decreased (from 42% in October to 29% in December) and assessed settlements reporting people to consume fewer than one meal per day increased from 0% in October to 25% in December." +307008,51467.0,2335.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,60,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Flooding in South Sudan since July has significantly impacted education infrastructure, particularly in Eastern Equatoria, Jonglei, Lakes, Upper Nile, Warrap and Western Equatoria states. Many flood-affected people took shelter in schools. This may affect the first phase reopening of schools as announced by the Ministry of General Education and Instruction (MoGEI)" +199042,44308.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps']",fr,33,[],"['Humanitarian Access', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RD%20Congo%20-%20Note%20d%E2%80%99informations%20humanitaires%20pour%20la%20province%20du%20Nord-Kivu%2017%20novembre%202020.pdf,"Près d’une dizaine d’acteurs œuvrant dans les territoires de Beni et Lubero se sont déjà retirés de ces territoires qui accueillent plus de 818 000 personnes déplacées internes," +187597,43135.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,126,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_weekly_situation_update_-_ne_nigeria.pdf,"[1st Nov 2020, BAY states] BORNO :No confirmed case was reported for week 44 and there was no death recorded. 1 patient was discharged. 347 samples were collected in week 44 as against 441 in the preceding week. ADAMAWA :4 confirmed cases were reported for week 44. This represents a 56% decline in cases against the preceding week. 21 samples were collected within the week. Total samples pending for testing is 183. YOBE : No new confirmed case was reported in week 44. 3 additional patients were discharged from the isolation centre. 452 samples were collected in week 44, out of which 240 samples tested negative while 212 results are pending" +208388,43992.0,2332.0,"['Education', 'Nutrition', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Health']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,56,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"The United Nations agencies continue positioning their assistance in the critical areas of communication, disease surveillance and testing, supply of essential drugs and equipment and capacity building of health personnel and frontline workers for case management and surveillance, water, sanitation and hygiene, nutrition, child protection and continuity of learning." +325784,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Faiblesse de la recherche et de l’innovation agricoles. L’infrastructure de la recherche et de la technologie agricoles au Burkina Faso est faible, avec de faibles liens entre la recherche et la vulgarisation (ASTI, 2017), et dépend largement du financement des donateurs et des banques de développement" +346172,56952.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20monitoreo%20enero-marzo%202021%20-%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20vers%C3%B3n%20final.pdf,Es decir que más del 80% de la población moni- toreada realiza el pago de habitación como única forma de obtener vivienda. Esto no significa ne- cesariamente que la población obtenga condicio- nes dignas de vivienda. +186871,41080.0,1184.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,29,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000119627.pdf,". Dos de cada tres adultos tienen sobrepeso u obesidad, y las tasas son más altas para las mujeres que para los hombres (MSP-INEC 2014)." +306887,51572.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Education']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,76,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Additionally, women to sustain their families are traveling long distances looking for food (greens, berries) in the areas outside Melut. Elder children, usually girls of age 10-16, are asked to take care of their siblings when mothers are not at home. This leads to school dropouts among children. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +132454,35164.0,1188.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,63,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"Dado el coste del arrendamiento de alojamiento en Ciudad de Panamá, muchas personas optan por vivir en la periferia, incluso mudarse a otras localidades cercanas o en el interior, donde los costos son menores. Esto lleva en ocasiones a que los lugares de alojamiento pueden estar catalogados como zonas rojas o con índices altos de violencia y riesgo social" +486180,67505.0,2098.0,['Shelter'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,72,"['At Risk', 'Priority Needs']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Myanmar%20Emergency%20Update%20-%2001%20Sep_0.pdf,"[June - July 2021, Cox's Bazar] The use of temporary shelter materials and limitations on carrying out shelter and DRR activities during the COVID-19 lockdown has increased risks during the monsoon season and contributed to more costly shelter repairs. Consistent access for shelter repairs and household-level site improvement are needed, as well as permission for use of more durable shelter materials that withstand inclement weather." +175147,40890.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,92,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"El 9% de los hogares encuestados no tienen fuente de ingresos, situación que es más prevalente en los hogares liderados por mujeres (11%) que en aquellos encabezados por hombres (5%), así como en los que tienen un jefe de hogar con discapacidad (11% vs 8% sin discapacidad). Los departamentos de Atlántico (14%), Antioquia (13%) y Cesar (12%) presentan una mayor proporción de hogares sin fuentes de ingresos." +314248,52949.0,2331.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,79,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The deterioration of road conditions not only represents a barrier to trade and employment opportunities, especially for farming communities, but also leads to an increase in the costs of transporting crops to markets, thereby undermining incentives to expand harvests. Roads connecting farming districts to markets have long been unusable due to lack of maintenance and can become impassable during the rains. Even when roads are physically passable, insecurity can hinder free passage." +309771,51467.0,2335.0,['Health'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,24,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,A cross-sectional study published in 2019 found that only a quarter of women gave birth at a health facility in areas near Juba. +500643,31283.0,1232.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,22,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Uruguay,2019-05-28 02:56:46.441375+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNDRR%20COVID-19%20BRIEF%20PERSONAS%20CON%20DISCAPACIDADES%20FRENTE%20AL%20COVID-19%20EN%20LAS%20AM%C3%89RICAS%20Y%20EL%20CARIBE%20%283%29.pdf,"Sin embargo, nunca antes como durante esta pandemia había sido tan evidente la brecha que padecen las personas con discapacidad." +61618,18442.0,1184.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,47,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"Protection concerns It has been challenging for Ecuador to respond to the arrival of large numbers of Venezuelan refugees and migrants at its northern border, especially during peak times, when the country would see more than 5,000 Venezuelans crossing into its territory every day." +394880,61265.0,1186.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Demography']",es,87,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.biobiochile.cl/noticias/nacional/region-de-tarapaca/2021/02/04/no-son-un-bulto-el-saldo-fatal-de-la-crisis-migratoria-en-la-frontera-norte.shtml,"“En losúltimos tres años han ingresado clandestinamente al país 30 mil personas. De modo que la crisis humanitaria y migratoria no es nueva. Los inmigrantes irregulares no sólo son de Venezuela, sino también de Haití, República Dominicana o Cuba, que tienen restricciones para el ingreso a territorio chileno y deben pedir un visado en sus países de origen, algo que, por ejemplo, para los venezolanos es imposible de obtener”, aseguró Thayer en entrevista con DW." +328434,54887.0,2311.0,['WASH'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,75,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7894133/pdf/main.pdf,"Water insecurity (and more broadly, inadequate water, sanitation, and hygiene [WASH]) already contributes to the global disease burden (Prüss-Ustün et al., 2019), and has stood out as a potentially significant multiplier of COVID-19 risk, compounding the paucity of other healthcare resources—especially test kits, personal protective equipment, oxygen and ventilators—that has plagued many nations (Hopman et al., 2020)." +330762,55042.0,2098.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,53,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.gage.odi.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Adolescents%E2%80%99-experiences-of-covid-19-in-Chittagong-and-Sylhet-divisions-Bangladesh.pdf,"[30 April 2021, Bangladesh]After the lockdown, a few adolescents reported that they were now more able to go out and meet their friends or go to market than during lockdown. Worries related to family finances were also reducing as income-earners were beginning to restart their activities." +439616,63184.0,2099.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,26,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Burkina%20Faso%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%201%20May%20-%2030%20June%202021.pdf,"As of 28 May 2021, 2,244 schools remained closed, affecting 304,564 students (148,046 girls) and 12,480 teachers (4,568 women)." +318942,53305.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Active hostilities in Central Equatoria between the South Sudan People's Defence Forces/Sudan People's Liberation Army in Opposition and the National Salvation Front also hindered the delivery of assistance to people in Kajo-keji, Lainya and Morobo counties." +149826,37865.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,75,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cxb-situation-report-20.pdf,"In the past week, CHWs provided messages on COVID-19 to 240 446 persons. Since the beginning of the response, CHW Group conducted more than 1.98 million household visits and had contacts with a cumulative number of more than 3.86 million adults. In addition, 5716 small group sessions were conducted for 32 880 persons. Messages include information about COVID-19 symptoms, risk factors and quarantine and isolation/ treatment centers." +386792,60459.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,100,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"Les informations des informateurs clés suggèrent que certains ménages les plus touchés dans les chefs-lieux font recours à la mendicité dans le but d'accéder à un revenu pour acheter de la nourriture et d'autres produits de première nécessité. Bien que les données pour confirmer ne soient pas disponibles, les informateurs clés suggèrent que la mendicité a augmenté par rapport aux années précédentes, suggérant que pour certains ménages, la situation de la sécurité alimentaire se détériore. Les informations disponibles ne permettent pas de savoir si ceux qui mendient ont accès à l’assistance alimentaire." +313199,53183.0,2466.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,22,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,Community protection structures remained weak with few localities with functioning community-based protection networks and women’s centres offering GBV services. +143717,35870.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,53,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Currently 1,271 sentinel sites report cases through the EWARS system across all 14 governorates. With the support of WHO, MoH is conducting active surveillance utilizing a network of surveillance officers across 13 governorates, who are in regular contact with and actively visit private and public health facilities to monitor admissions" +306177,51474.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,62,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"In addition, 6,728 people (5,288 men and 1,440 women) across the country, 205 newly deployed United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) personnel (146 men and 59 women) and 99 members of armed forces and groups (91 men and 8 women) benefited from child protection awareness-raising, mainstreaming and training sessions." +314584,52949.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,19,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"As per the SHDS 2020, 1 in 1,000 women aged 15-49 years dies due to pregnancy-related complications." +218190,45410.0,2332.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],fr,60,['Impact'],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"Compte tenu des restrictions liées la COVID-19 et leur impact sur les opportunités d’embauche (main d’œuvre agricole et non agricole.) et les transferts d’argents (fermetures des frontières, réduction des opportunités économiques dans les zones ou pays de destination) les niveaux de revenus des ménages ont significativement baissé." +292408,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"AHA, dans le consortium avec ACF a intervenu à travers des cliniques mobiles sur site dans les soins de santé de base chez les U5 et les femmes enceintes et allaitantes." +316285,52949.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,27,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Notwithstanding improvements made over the past decade, nearly 1 in 5 children show signs of chronic malnutrition, and 1 in 10 are acutely malnourished." +158021,38777.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Education', 'WASH']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,41,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/food-insecurity-impact-covid-19-among-critical-challenges-facing-syria,"he called on all parties to ensure that services are fully restored and that a solution is found. All parties must respect their international humanitarian and human rights law obligations to protect schools, health centres and water facilities." +194591,43822.0,2311.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,20,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19112020_flash_update_no.3_emergencias_por_ola_invernal_-_colombia_vf.pdf,aunado a que muchas familias han tenido perdida de medios de vida como ganado y cultivos por las inundaciones. +83874,23144.0,1620.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Pull Factors']",en,99,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_adamawahumanitariansituationoverview_decedition_11012020.pdf,"The demography of the displaced population is as follows: Children (1,909 or 43%) and women (1,489 or 34%). Two per cent (78 individuals) are elderly, with men accounting for the rest (916 or 21%). Most of the displaced have returned after the intervention by the state security quelled the skirmishes in the LGA. It should be noted that this LGA is not a typical flashpoint between farmer and herder. The recent development signifies a shift in the pattern by the herders." +196670,43626.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],en,44,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/AAH_Regional%20Appeal%20Latam%202021-2023.pdf,"In Colombia, the Attorney General's Office has indicated that during the period of quarantine 19 women have been victims of feminicide, and this entity has received 3,069 reports of domestic violence, out of which 1,407 correspond to sexual crimes." +200612,44433.0,2311.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,91,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"These disparities come into focus around issues of bullying. OOS Venezuelan children who witnessed bullying were less likely to disengage or to support the bullies by joining them and were more likely to report bullying to an authority figure than in-school Colombian and Venezuelan children. Reported levels of victimization are also illustrative; OOS Venezuelan children experienced significantly lower levels of victimization than Venezuelan students attending school in Cúcuta. This victimization disproportionately impacted children who are young, disabled or who were part of the in-school sample." +315982,52949.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,88,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Half of all non-IDP households reported limited access to primary or secondary healthcare facilities and services. This is attributed to the high cost of services and medicines, the lack of qualified health staff at health facilities, and the distance to treatment centres. About 36 per cent of non-IDP households must travel more than 30 minutes to reach a hospital, with 12 per cent travelling over 1 hour to access health services. The vast majority of non-IDPs access medical care by foot." +151908,34062.0,1898.0,['Health'],[],[],es,48,[],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3653085,El titular de Defensa también se refirió al trabajo que realizan para atender la emergencia de la pandemia del COVID-19 y explicó que han incrementado las Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI) e intermedias para atender a población civil que es referida del Ministerio de Salud. +178350,41756.0,2225.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,132,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"384 zones de santé ont des besoins critiques, sévères ou catastrophiques liés à la malnutrition aigüe dans 24 provinces, soit 74 pour cent du pays, dont 215 zones de santé du fait de la malnutrition aigüe sévère (MAS). La MAS de niveau 4 ou 5 touche particulièrement les territoires de Gbadolite, Yakoma, Businga et Bosobolo (Nord-Ubangi), qui accueillent des réfugiés centrafricains, et d’Irumu, Djugu, Mahagi (Ituri), Masisi (Nord-Kivu) qui sont touchés par des mouvements de population. Les mêmes territoires de Djugu et Mahagi (Ituri) sont également en phase d’urgence d’insécurité alimentaire aigüe et frappés par une épidémie de choléra, rougeole ou paludisme." +157315,38928.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,61,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Ce sont au total 365 tablettes d’une valeur d’environ 75 millions de franc CFA que l’USAID a remis au ministère de la Santé. Ce don vise à aider dans la surveillance de la COVD -19 au Burkina Faso. La cérémonie de réception a eu lieu le mercredi 8 juillet 2020 à Ouagadougou. +7294,455.0,321.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/international-donors-visit-un-migration-agency-sites-libya-niger,"In Libya, donors visited detention centres where IOM distributes humanitarian aid and provides support for the improvement of living conditions, while also providing protection assistance and offering voluntary humanitarian return support." +61450,18235.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"As one key informant explained, the very few shelters available along the route are all private or religious facilities and have a very limited capacity, which is by no means enough for the number of people on the move." +183617,42456.0,2099.0,['WASH'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,42,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.unicef.org/wca/media/5411/file/UNICEF-WCARO-Central-Sahel-Advocacy-October-2020.pdf,"In Burkina Faso, the need for WASH increased by more than 300 per cent from 2019 to 2020 in the current COVID-19 context where washing hands is one of the key prevention measures to reduce the spread of the virus." +319839,53305.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,20,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,Total requirement for the GBV sub-cluster is $30 million. [South Sudan: 2021 Humanitarian Response Plan] +240445,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In 2020, there was an 11 per cent increase of households adopting emergency coping strategies (as compared to 2019) further delaying people’s early and medium-term recovery." +320323,53680.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps']",fr,78,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Humanitarian Access', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cicr-guide_pour_une_action_humanitaire_plus_proche_des_communautes.pdf,"Dans cette ville [Salamabila]de la province du Maniema, à l’est de la RDC, les civils sont les principales victimes des conflits armés qui s’intensifient. Depuis 2018, le nombre de déplacés ne cesse d’augmenter. Les centres de santé sont ciblés, souvent pillés. La situation sécuritaire très volatile rend les déplacements des équipes et l’assistance humanitaire très difficiles, parfois impossibles." +235722,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,18,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Women, in particular, report inability to reach health centres due to transport and movement challenges." +292915,51778.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,57,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/nos-estan-invadiendo-los-venezolanos-este-y-otros-mitos-de-la-migracion/2545,Los resultados de la Encuesta de Percepción de la Migración en Colombia del Observatorio del Proyecto Migración Venezuela arrojan que el 58% de los colombianos cree que los refugiados y migrantes son una carga para el Estado y un 66% opina que los refugiados y migrantes aumentan los niveles de pobreza en el país. +156778,32173.0,1898.0,['Protection'],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",es,42,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/76265.pdf,"Aprobación de la Ley Especial para la Atención Integral de Personal en Condición de Desplazamiento Forzado Interno. Con la Ley, se crea un Sistema Nacional de Atención y Protección Integral y retoma los Principios Rectores de los Desplazamientos Internos." +270162,50226.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,97,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_6.pdf,"Se identifica que en la semana epidemiológica 06, los eventos de accidente ofídico, maniasis cutánea, bajo peso al nacer, agresiones por APTR y varicela se parotiditis, mortalidad perinatal y neonatal tardía, leishmaniasis cutánea, bajo peso al nacer, encuentran por debajo de lo esperado, los demás eventos están dentro agresiones por APTR y varicela se encuentran por debajo de lo esperado, los demás del comportamiento histórico de la notificación (Figura 2). eventos están dentro del comportamiento histórico de la notificación (Figura 1)." +292370,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,43,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"Plusieurs formations sanitaires présente dans les zones d’urgence ne rapportent plus les données et celles qui sont fonctionnelles sont confrontées à diverses difficultés : insuffisance de personnel médical, manque d’équipements, difficultés d’accès, etc." +220913,45410.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,84,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"[Les parties Sud des provinces administratives du BEG et du Kanem dans la Zone 5 - « agropastorale» ] : Les estimations actuelles laissent apparaître une légère hausse de la production agricole comparée à la moyenne quinquennale dans le Kanem. En revanche, au BEG sud, la tendance de la production est en légère baisse comparée à la moyenne quinquennale en raison des séquence sèches enregistrées au cours de la campagne et leurs incidences sur le cycle des cultures." +143645,35870.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,68,"['Capacities & Response', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"On 16 July, a joint Ministerial-UN COVID-19 multi-sectoral working group meeting was held, where the WHO Representative emphasized the need to increase and strengthen surveillance, testing, isolation and contact tracing in order to suppress the transmission of COVID-19; in addition to the role of Risk Communication and Community Engagement to make information and advice available to communities in “real time”." +330471,53831.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,63,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/12042021_sitrep_s12_whe_oms_rdc_f.pdf,Vaccination[Rougeole] : organisation des campagnes de riposte vaccinales dans quelques ZS du Nord et Sud-Ubangi ; vaccination de riposte de 328 564 enfants de 6 mois à 9 ans dans au moins 632 localités de 158 AS de 18 ZS ayant enregistré des épidémies circonscrites dans 8 provinces. 11 725 enfants et femmes récupérés avec les vaccins de routine +400287,62279.0,2170.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,88,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"[10th November 2020, MONGUNO LGA, BORNO STATE]When data segregated by gender demonstrates that the prevalence of GAM was almost similar among both genders i.e. girls (8.5%) as compared to boys (8.6%). The relationship was statistically insignificant (p value=0.997). SAM prevalence was slightly higher among boys (2.0%) than girls (1.4%), nonetheless based on t-test it was found to be statistically insignificant (p value=0.627)." +310046,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"There are protection concerns related to WASH. Women and girls who are traditionally responsible for water collection face an increased risk of harassment, assault and sexual violence when collecting water far from their homes." +327649,54714.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,73,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,"[HEALTH LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] The highest percentage of households per Health LSG severity score, per population group for IDP settlement was 66% for no or minimal and lowest was 5% for extreme. Similarly highest percentage of households per Health LSG severity score, per population group for Non-IDP settlement was 71% for no or minimal and lowest was 2% for stress." +50120,12653.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",en,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/290119_hno_2019_en.pdf,"With this population, Colombia is the country that has regularized the largest number of Venezuelans on the South American continent, providing them permanent legal residence and access to rights, including access to work and education. At the same time, this progressive expansion of rights to Venezuelans has also led to new sectoral regulations to ensure access to rights and sustainability of assistance" +172145,40587.0,2225.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,74,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SOUTHERN%20AFRICA_Food_Security_Outlook_%20June%202020_%20Final.pdf,"Between June and September 2020, those provinces experiencing security concerns, displacement and natural disasters (Ituri, Nord-Kivu, Sud-Kivu, Tanganyika, Kasaï and Kasaï-Central) will remain in Crisis (IPC Phase 3) as these shocks and crises affect households’ livelihoods. Other eastern provinces will be Stressed (IPC Phase 2), while northern provinces will face Minimal (IPC Phase 1) food insecurity." +163432,32455.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,111,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/6._elc_flash_update_covid_19_quincenal_18.06.2020.pdf,"En Colombia se han reportado al día 18 de junio 60.217 casos de COVID-19, en el departamento de Putumayo se reportan 15 casos positivos hasta el momento, 1 en Leguízamo, 3 en Puerto Asís, 1 en Puerto Guzmán, 1 en Mocoa, 3 en San Miguel (3 fallecido), 4 en Valle del Guamuez, 1 en Orito, 1 en Colón (fallecido). El número aproximado de pruebas realizadas en el departamento es de 625. Hay que resaltar que las pruebas realizadas en Putumayo son enviadas a laboratorios en Bogotá, demoran entre 1 y 2 semanas en ser procesadas" +320704,52949.0,2331.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,80,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"According to the Joint Multii cluster Need Assssment(JMCNA )2020, 41 per cent of Somalis do not have access to a regular and stable improved water source for drinking, while over 30 per cent walk more than 15 minutes to reach their main drinking water source. Due to these constraints, one in five Somalis do not have enough water per day to cover their basic needs for both for drinking and domestic use." +161081,39509.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,48,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sidwaya.info/blog/2020/09/15/covid-19-les-hauts-bassins-passent-en-tete-avec-315-cas/?fbclid=IwAR06krUyHij1KJuxRpsefbnW1qw3Pn7ghXu7fwJbjEVMVA922ljKlJeKtnE,"Selon le coordonnateur, le total des échantillons analysés depuis le 9 mars 2020 à la date du 15 septembre est de 41 784, dont 1 733 cas positifs, avec un taux de positivité de 4,2% contre 6,1%, lors du dernier point." +410298,63222.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,43,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_mvam_bulletin_57_july_2021.pdf,"[Syria, July] In July 2021, a third of the interviewed households (33 percent) reported facing difficulties in reaching markets, an increase of seven percentage points year-on-year and representing the highest level recorded since April 2020." +319776,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,65,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Out of a total of 189 GBV incidents involving 214 survivors, 196 were girls with 16 women and 2 boys. Low reporting of GBV cases persist due to stigmatization, victim blaming, shame and interference by clan and religious leaders, slow access to justice and weak or lack of legal frameworks for the protection of women and girls from GBV." +177223,41093.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,90,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Por otro lado, las tasas de los créditos para los hogares han presentado una tendencia decreciente desde marzo del presente año, exceptuando las tasas de crédito hipotecario. Las tasas de interés para los créditos de consumo presentaron una leve caída de 50 pbs en agosto frente a la tasa registrada en febrero de 2020. Aunque la reducción en la tasa se acentuó más en los últimos meses, el comportamiento a la baja se venía presentando desde comienzos del 2017 pero a un ritmo más moderado" +9707,3785.0,321.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,52,['At Risk'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/libya-protect-civilians-under-siege-derna,"Derna residents are bracing themselves for a bloody street battle as the LNA advances its control over the city. Residents say they fear trying to flee from the city because the LNA is known to profile, arbitrarily detain and disappear people they perceive as opponents, especially young men." +325977,54926.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,85,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.minsalud.gov.co/Paginas/Estrategias-contra-covid-19-redujeron-enfermedades-en-ninos.aspx,Según datos del DANE (2015-2019) las muertes por Infección Respiratoria Aguda (IRA) y Enfermedad Diarreica Aguda (EDA) suman en promedio 761 defunciones al año en niñas y niños menores de 5 años. Para la IRA la diferencia entre el año 2019 y 2020 supone una reducción de muertes del 41 % (2019: 519 – 2020: 305 preliminares) y de EDA del 48 % (2019: 249 – 2020: 129 preliminares). +317239,53333.0,2334.0,[],[],[],en,37,[],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Particularly given that some unwanted pregnancies are the result of rape, government and other humanitarian partners should establish or strengthen facilities that offer girls support in emergency contraception and PEP, trauma counselling and psychosocial support" +342000,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,106,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[De juillet à début septembre 2020, les enquêteurs ont administré le sondage auprès de 2396 Burkinabè dans les régions du Centre Nord, Nord, Sahel, Est, Boucle du Mouhoun et Hauts-Bassins] Dans la tradition Burkinabè, les liens de parenté à plaisanterie imposent des rapports sociaux pacifiques entre les personnes qui entre- tiennent la relation. Ainsi, dans la région des Hauts Bassins, si l’on assiste à un faible nombre de conflits par rapport aux autres régions, cela tient au fait que cette région accorde une place importante à ces liens entre ses membres." +193784,43304.0,2332.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,107,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"La régénération des moyens de subsistance, les aides au revenu et les programmes de protection sociale doivent être institutionnalisés dans les zones durement touchées. Il appartient aux autorités gouvernementales d’identifier les canaux directs et indirects à travers lesquels la COVID-19 affecte les revenus des ménages et d’instituer des programmes proactifs de sensibilisation pour éduquer et réorienter les communautés et les dépenses pour les investisseurs sur toutes ces questions. Cette démarche doit être complétée par un renforcement des capacités à traiter les personnes touchées, fournir les services essentiels et prévenir la propagation de la maladie dans de nouvelles régions." +361187,58845.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,84,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_price_bulletin_may_2021.pdf,"[May 2021, GoS & NES] Damascus recorded the highest daily wage rate at SYP 8,708/day (up two percent m-o-m), while Deir-ez-Zor recorded the lowest daily wage rate at SYP 3,905/day (up 13 percent m-o-m). Broken down by regions, the coastal region recorded the highest wage rate of SYP 8,400/day (up seven percent m-om), while northeast Syria recorded the lowest wage rate of SYP 5,026/day (up five percent m-o-m)." +294602,51749.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[District sanitaire de Ouargaye] Au CSPS de Yondé la moyenne des consultations curatives mensuelles est d’environ 2000 patients pour seulement 2 infirmiers, cela augmente non seulement la charge de travail des prestataires, à longe le temps d’attente mais aussi peut impacter sur la qualité des soins offerts à la population." +319008,54316.0,2311.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Colombia_Reporte%20Situacional_GIFMM_Arauquita_08042021_VF.pdf,"Preocupa el incremento en el consumo diario per cápita de agua en las comunidades, que se ha duplicado desde la ocurrencia de la emergencia. Esto, dado que las capacidades actuales de abastecimiento de agua en el municipio ya están bajo presión teniendo en cuenta la cantidad de personas acogidas en Arauquita." +196715,43328.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,77,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_smart_rapid_pdi_2020_bfa_final.pdf,Poursuivre la mise en œuvre des actions de prévention dans toutes les localités abritant les populations déplacées internes afin de réduire l’incidence de la malnutrition : o La mise en œuvre des approches simplifiées dans les zones à sécurité faible et de fermeture des formations sanitaires ou des formations sanitaires fonctionnant à minima o Renforcer les activités de Blanket feeding et de dépistage de la malnutrition par les mères [partenaires techniques et financiers] +492286,67914.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,42,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_mvam_bulletin_58_august_2021.pdf,"[August 2021, Overall Syria] From interviews conducted in August, 70 percent of surveyed households in Syria reported their intent to have all household members vaccinated should the COVID-19 vaccine be made available to them free of charge." +112917,29956.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,17,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76828,"6.284 Beneficiarios nuevos alcanzados con una o más asistencias. 37,3% NNA 1.308 Niñas 1.036 Niños" +304754,51467.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,23,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Violence and flooding destroyed or damaged existing health facilities in 2020, worsening people’s already poor access to essential health services" +48554,12622.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],es,28,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LIBRO%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20las%20necesidades%20insatisfechas%20SSR%20y%20Migrantes%20Venezolanos%20-%20Digital.pdf,"Es importante resaltar que tal y como sucede en Arauca, la Secretaría de Salud está atendiendo la emergencia de la población migrante desde la red pública." +188075,43162.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,101,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.agenceecofin.com/cuivre/0110-80857-rdc-malgre-le-coronavirus-la-production-de-cuivre-est-en-hausse-de-13,"La RDC a déjà produit 1,041 million de tonnes pour les huit premiers mois de l’année. Selon les données de sa Banque centrale analysées parl’Agence Ecofin, cela représente une hausse de 13,2 % par rapport aux 919 937 tonnes produites sur la même période l’année dernière. Alors que la pandémie de Covid-19 a considérablement réduit les objectifs de son rival zambien (qui n’a produit que 494 000 tonnes durant cette période), le pays d’Afrique centrale demeure plus que jamais le premier producteur du continent." +306229,51474.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"The Mine Action Service investigated the accident, delivered explosive ordnance risk education to the communities and assessed 2,500 m2 of the surrounding areas. No additional explosive items were found." +221983,45410.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,59,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,[La région du Lac dans la Zone 8 - « Zone ouest agropastorale et de pêche » ]: Les mouvements de bétail seraient plus concentrés au sud de la province en raison de l’insécurité au nord et dans les localités insulaires. Ceci conduirait à une pression pastorale dans cette partie de la province. +274512,50587.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,75,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MENSUEL%20DE%20PROTECTION%20JANVIER%202021-NORD.pdf,"(Nord) Les groupes à risques se trouvent aussi bien au sein des PDI que des communautés hôtes. Il s’agit des enfants malades dont les parents sont très démunis, des femmes cheffes de ménage sans revenus et sans aide extérieur avec des enfants à charge, des femmes veuves cheffes de ménage, des chefs de ménage malade et sans soutien, des personnes handicapées et des personnes âgées." +323581,54626.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,"Somaliland had the highest numbers [Of unaccompanied and separated children (UASC)] due to the migratory route to the Arab Peninsula, where many children find themselves stranded." +217117,45509.0,2170.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,36,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.vanguardngr.com/2020/12/2m-displaced-in-nigeria-crisis-300000-seeking-asylum-in-cameroon-chad-niger-un/,The United Nations size the crisis situation in Nigeria’s North East remains volatile as over two million have been internally displaced with three hundred thousand persons seeking refuge in neighbouring Lake Chad countries. +285958,51487.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,51,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no1_desplazamientos_en_buenaventura.pdf,"A la emergencia por desplazamiento masivo intraurbano y restricciones de movilidad en los barrios mencionados se suma el impacto por la crisis de la COVID-19, pues el acceso a agua potable en los sectores afectados es limitado a ciertos días y horarios, dificultando el adecuado lavado de manos." +198562,43999.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Economy']",es,57,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/politica/congreso/vacuna-covid-19-estratos-altos-tendrian-que-pagar-por-la-vacuna-550493,"La iniciativa permite al sector privado descontar impuestos si aportan recursos al Fondo Nacional de Gestión del Riesgo, que es la bolsa creada por el Estado para la mitigación emergencia, como es el caso de la adquisición de vacunas y demás actividades enfocadas a lograr la inmunización en el territorio nacional contra esta pandemia." +176077,41336.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_128_.pdf,"Ce jour, aucune nouvelle guérison n’a été rapportée, ce qui inchangé à 537 le nombre de guéris de COVID-19 dans le pays." +194471,43501.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,40,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"Dans 61% (60) des localités évaluées, les IC ont rapporté que les attaques armées/combats étaient le principal type d’accident dans lesquel plusieurs civils ont été tués ou gravement blessés au cours du mois précédent" +270172,50226.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],es,102,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_6.pdf,"Se notificaron 2 muertes probablemente asociadas a enfermedad diarreica aguda en menor de 5 años, ambas de la semana anterior. Para la misma semana epidemiológica de 2020 se notificó 1 caso. Para esta semana se observó un aumento en el número de casos en las entidades territoriales de Cauca, Córdoba, Meta, Norte de Santander, Quindío, Tolima y Vichada, en comparación con el histórico notificado a semana epidemiológica 06 entre 2014 a 2020, mientras que, en Chocó se observó una disminución. En las entidades territoriales restantes no se observaron variaciones." +280930,50817.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Cases'],en,56,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://tishreen.news.sy/?p=634523,"[March 3, GoS] The General Director of Al-Mouwasat Hospital, Dr. Essam Al-Amin pointed out that the epidemiological curve returned about a week ago, and therefore the number of beds to receive cases was increased to about 50 beds in each of the ambulance, isolation, and intensive care departments." +218157,45410.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,80,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"Au Sahel, les marchés céréaliers continuent d’afficher des prix en hausse par rapport à la moyenne quinquennale, à cause des fortes inondations et des coûts élevés du transport du fait des mesures liées à la COVID-19. L’accès alimentaire des ménages pauvres reste limité par les prix élevés du mil par rapport à la moyenne à Abéché (+15 %), Biltine (+9 %) et Moussoro (+14 %)." +208415,43992.0,2332.0,"['WASH', 'Education']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,38,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"UNICEF partner organisation ""Ecole saine, ménage sain"" gives a hand washing demonstration to the teachers of La Leproserie school in N’Djaména during a pedagogical day in preparation for the new school year." +493577,61216.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,41,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/humanitarian-situation-overview-syria-hsos-northeast-syria-june-2021,"[June 2021, NES]Problems with the drinking water were reported in 43% of communities. Water tasting bad was the most commonly reported problem with drinking water (reported by KIs in 24% of communities)" +70799,20127.0,1386.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],es,113,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://mundo.sputniknews.com/america-latina/201910291089147859-la-conferencia-internacional-sobre-refugiados-venezolanos-recauda-120-millones-de-ayuda/,"En la Conferencia de Solidaridad con los refugiados venezolanos tomaron parte 120 delegaciones de instituciones de la UE, sus miembros y Estados latinoamericanos y caribeños afectados por la crisis migratoria, países donantes, agencias de la ONU, sector privado, organizaciones no gubernamentales, de la sociedad civil y agentes del desarrollo, incluidas instituciones financieras internacionales. Según los datos de la Organización Internacional para las Migraciones (OIM) y la Agencia de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados (ACNUR), de momento el número total de refugiados y migrantes venezolanos en todo el mundoasciende a 4,5 millonesy en 2020 podría aumentar hasta 6,4 millones." +198721,44313.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,80,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_294_20201119.pdf,"En date du 19/11/2020, 2 967 contacts (incluant 137 nouveaux contacts) étaient en cours de suivi dont 1 806 à Kinshasa, 320 dans le Haut-Katanga, 222 au Kongo-Central, 171 au Sud-Kivu, 150 au Nord-Kivu, 127 dans la Tshopo, 69 au Haut-Uélé, 51 en Ituri et 51 au Bas-Uélé. Parmi eux, 2 866 contacts (96,6%) ont effectivement été vus au cours des dernières 24 heures." +326988,54714.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,"[HEALTH LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 27% of the household found with health living Standard Gap (LSG). 6% found to be very extremely+ severe, 3% extreme severe, 18% severe, 3% stress, 70% no or minimal." +191455,43304.0,2332.0,['Health'],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,29,[],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,De nombreuses restrictions à la circulation des biens et des services ont été imposées dans le cadre des efforts visant à contenir la pandémie dans les pays voisins. +151438,37915.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],en,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/78176.pdf,"As mentioned above, some mahjis are increasingly playing a negative role in the community, in particular through their involvement in mediating SGBV cases. They are charging fees as well as obstructing access to legal assistance, and in some cases threatening humanitarian staff and volunteers that attempt to provide legal assistance." +411215,63842.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,42,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210823_OCHA%20Syria_Dar%27a%20Flash%20Update-3_FINAL.pdf,"[23 AUG, Dar'a] Saraya crossing point has been closed since 12 August. Between 21 and 22 August, it was reported to be temporarily open to allow women, children and the elderly to exit." +173959,41035.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,55,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_september_2020_0.pdf,"[01/09/2020, North East Nigeria]High risk of COVID-19 spread due to various factors including population living in congested IDP camps, weak surveillance due to insecurity issues, porous international borders, poor compliance in the use of facemask, social distancing, and good hygiene practices by the general public." +214380,45385.0,2334.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],fr,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Grace au versement des dots, ces mariages [précoces et forcés en temps de COVID-19] représentent un moyen de subsistance pour les ménages très pauvres." +341771,56493.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"En prenant en compte le critère de l'âge, l’enquête révèle que les personnes de plus de 65 ans et les enquêtés âgés de 18 à 25 ans ont une préférence pour la justice traditionnelle. Les autres proportions retenues par le sondage réfutent la confiance au système de justice traditionnel." +292909,51778.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,51,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/nos-estan-invadiendo-los-venezolanos-este-y-otros-mitos-de-la-migracion/2545,"Bogotá es la ciudad con el mayor número de refugiados y migrantes en Colombia. Sin embargo, tiene una tasa de refugiados y migrantes venezolanos relativamente más baja, debido a su gran tamaño de población. Por ende, territorialmente, los impactos de la población son diferenciales." +491976,67963.0,2170.0,[],[],['Casualties->Dead'],en,87,[],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Nigeria%20Northeast%20Operational%20Update-July%202021.pdf,"[1st Jul 2021, North east Nigeria]During food distribution near a camp in Monguno, a stampede led to the death of 7 people, including 6 women aged between 20 and 36 years and a 2-year-old boy. Many others also sustained varying degrees of injuries during the incident, which was blamed on poor crowd management and invasion by unregistered IDPs and host community members. UNHCR and its partners have since started massive advocacy to prevent any future similar occurrences." +164813,39789.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,76,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Movementwide%20Operation%20Report%20August%202020.pdf,"German RC-Cox’s Bazar Operation: Camp Level:  229 WASH facilities, 100 public spaces and infrastructures and 4680 ft drainage network disinfected with chlorine solution at Camp 13 & 18.  8014 pcs cloth made mask distributed in collaboration with Swedish Red Cross at Camp-18.  In the month of August 2020, number of people reached through different services in camp-13 and camp-18 in Cox’s Bazar." +293808,52074.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,"About 9,000 people benefited from various assistance related to protection. Protection actors organised seven training sessions for 240 people (170 women) in the NW. In the SW, partners facilitated three workshops in which 70 persons (including 30 women) participated." +83541,23030.0,1620.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Demography']",en,110,[],['Context'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/s_2019_1005.pdf,"In Nigeria, President Muhammadu Buhari swore in the 43 members of his new cabinet on 21 August. As in the previous cabinet, women make up 16 percent. One of them is the Minister of Finance. Among the priorities the President set for the new cabinet were the internal security challenges, the promotion of inclusive economic growth and fighting corruption. Meanwhile, on 30 October, the Supreme Court of Nigeria dismissed an appeal by the main opposition People’s Democratic Party and its presidential candidate, Atiku Abubakar, to overturn the results of the presidential election held on 23 February." +191884,43304.0,2332.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"La saison des pluies qui approche dans la province du Lac pourrait aggraver cette situation, avec un risque important d’endommagement des installations sanitaires existantes." +174953,41235.0,2028.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,27,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[October 14, NES, covid 19 perception] the risk of transmission of the virus in NES and risk of death are extremely high." +214124,45385.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,22,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Accueil difficile de plus de 4,000 personnes déplacées dans le centre de Kolofata, suite au démantèlement du site de Gréa." +187203,34290.0,1900.0,['Health'],[],[],es,11,[],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Resumen_Informe_16_07_2020_No_080.pdf,"Brigadas Contra el Covid-19 Visitas 37,682 Cobertura 170,527 Tratamientos Entregados 6,529" +325382,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"(Est) In Est, students whose schools were closed due to the security situation in the areas of departure are struggling to reintegrate into the school system in the reception areas due to insufficient classrooms and lack of financial means for school fees in secondary schools" +241026,47700.0,2332.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Protection']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,60,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,,"[EMERGENCY RESPONSE IN KOUCHANGUINE-MOURA ] In close collaboration with the government partner (CNARR), UNHCR started the preregistration exercise of the new arrivals who fled to Chad after inter-community conflict which occurred on 16 May in Darfur, Sudan. 159 households of 525 individuals have been pre-registed in full respect of the COVID-19 prevention measures." +235676,47076.0,2334.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,63,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,"During this month, cluster partners provided access to education to 4,832 (2,678 girls and 2,154 boys) COVID-19 affected new learners in the NWSW. Since the closure of schools in mid-March 2020, a total of 128,626 (66,886 girls and 61,740 boys) COVID impacted formal and non-formal learners have been assisted in both regions by cluster partners." +242682,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,19,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Many children struggle with marginalisation, stigma and discrimination, while displacement impedes dignified access to basic services." +255438,48602.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,58,[],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Whole%20of%20Syria%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20-%20End-of-year%202020.pdf,"[1Jan-31Dec 2020 NWS] In northern Aleppo, particularly in Afrin, Jarablus and Al Bab, a number of civilians, including children, were killed and injured as a result of an increase in sporadic fighting between and within armed groups and the indiscriminate use of firepower between the various Non-State Armed Group-controlled Groups." +316006,52949.0,2331.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,28,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Women in particular face formidable hurdles in accessing healthcare during pregnancy and child delivery, with 73 percent reporting at least one major obstacle to accessing healthcare." +317230,53333.0,2334.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,49,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Through relevant authorities and the Education Cluster, develop, or adapt an existing, age- appropriate learning package for adolescents, especially girls that includes SRHR, MHM, nutrition education, safe food hygiene practices, psychosocial wellbeing, positive parenting skills, and peacebuilding/conflict resolution." +216643,45416.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)'],fr,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Information And Communication'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,"L’exemple du rapport Evaluation Education Minembwe qui mentionne que près de 16 écoles du nord de Minembwe auraient accueillis les enfants déplaces en provenance de Itombwe et Minembwe centre (…). Cependant, ce sont peu d’évaluations qui font allusion aux enfants porteurs de handicaps, aux orphelins, aux enfants associés aux forces et groupes armés (EAFGA), aux enfants de minorités ethniques." +236550,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,35,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"A quarter of the respondents also reported that healthcare facilities had insufficient capacity (25 per cent), and that the distance from their shelter was a barrier (24 per cent)." +313121,53183.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,55,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"The issues and cases were discussed, decisions and recommendations for follow-up and provision of response made at the state level protection working group (PWG) meetings. Issues requiring other sectors’ interventions such as FSL, education, health, registration, nutrition and sanitation were communicated in a timely manner." +265924,49334.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,118,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://boyaca.extra.com.co/noticias/nacional/inauguran-36-oficinas-de-registro-civil-de-nacimiento-en-hos-660234,"La Registraduría Nacional del Estado Civil, con el apoyo de UNICEF y el gobierno de Noruega,lanza el programa Brazos Abiertos, una iniciativa que promueve el registro civil de nacimiento tempranoy el derecho que tienen los niños y niñas nacidos en el país a tener una nacionalidad. Para facilitar el acceso a este trámite, la Registraduría Nacional del Estado Civil contará con 36 nuevas unidades de registro en hospitales públicos de 15 departamentos del país,para que los padres y madres de los recién nacidos tramiten la inscripción en el registro civil de nacimiento,al mismo tiempo que la expedición del certificado de nacido vivo en el mismo centro asistencial." +158630,39277.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,53,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NMMB_June2020_Final.pdf,"This was immediately followed by gradual easing of the lockdown, with interstate movement restrictions and reduced working hours for key businesses and government agencies and ministries starting from 4th of May 2020. Kano state, however, remained on tight lockdown with movements only on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays." +188208,40860.0,1899.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],es,39,[],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200922_OCHA_GUATEMALA%20HRP%20COVID-19%20ESPAN%CC%83OL.pdf,Durante los meses de marzo a mayo del presenta año las remesas provenientes del extranjero presentaron una reducción comparado al año anterior lo cual puede haber afectado la inversión en cultivos de los hogares receptores de estas remesas. +56378,17222.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Education']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,80,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.unicef.org/lac/historias/las-oportunidades-en-el-camino-son-oportunidades-para-aprender,"UNICEF comenzó a operar allí un modelo educativo formal y flexible llamado “círculos de aprendizaje”, que busca integrar a los niños en las escuelas, especialmente en áreas donde la migración tiene un mayor impacto en el sistema educativo. El programa tiene 300 espacios reservados para Bogotá, 200 para Barranquilla, 200 para Arauca, 300 para Norte de Santander y 200 para La Guajira, para un total de 1.200 niños y niñas." +338355,56101.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Population'],[],es,10,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/alerta_btb_inundaciones_en_arauca_14052021_vf_1.pdf,-Seguridad alimentaria: Se necesitan kits de alimentos e hidratación +181846,42297.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,64,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syria.tv/%D8%A7%D8%B1%D8%AA%D9%81%D8%A7%D8%B9-%D8%B9%D8%AF%D8%AF-%D8%A5%D8%B5%D8%A7%D8%A8%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D9%81%D9%8A%D8%B1%D9%88%D8%B3-%D9%83%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%88%D9%86%D8%A7-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D9%85%D8%AF%D8%A7%D8%B1%D8%B3-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B3%D9%88%D9%8A%D8%AF%D8%A7%D8%A1-%D8%A5%D9%84%D9%89-16,"[1 Nov 2020] [GoS (As-Suwayda)] Dr. Khair Abu Fakhr, head of the School Health Department in As-Suwayda, told the pro-government newspaper, Al-Watan, that the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19, which is proven by laboratory analysis, in the governorate's schools has reached 16, after 3 new infections were recorded." +307124,51467.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Health', 'Livelihoods', 'Shelter']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,74,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"According to the findings of an assessment on people’s priority needs conducted in 2020, shelter and NFI was identified as the priority need by 14 per cent of women assessed settlements in the country, after food assistance, livelihoods and health. For men in assessed settlements, shelter and NFI was identified as the priority need by 12 per cent and for children, by only 4 per cent" +188624,43181.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,37,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_270_20201026_.pdf,"Près de 148978 personnes ont été sensibilisées et briefées sur la COVID-19 et les mesures de prévention, incluant hommes, femmes et enfants ainsi que des chefs de quartiers et leaders communautaires dans 31 ZS." +341583,55986.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,92,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_cluster_sante_rdc_s16.pdf,"VBG, cas rapportés durant la S16- Près de 52 % des victimes sont des déplacés et retournés ; 35% sont des résidents. Selon le rapport de protection, la majorité de ces actes est perpétrée par des acteurs armés. Les axes situés au Nord de Kalemie sont les plus concernés, à cause de l’insécurité. D’après les acteurs de protection, de nombreuses femmes sont souvent violées en allant aux champs ou à la recherche de bois de chauffe ou d’eau" +317160,53333.0,2334.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,25,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Out-of-school girls, especially young mothers, reported the need for additional information, counselling and access to SRH services to prevent unintended pregnancies." +91802,26015.0,1620.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,105,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Situation-Overview_H2R_Oct-Dec_13.03.2020.pdf,"Similar to the last reporting period, the main reported barrier of accessing a functional health facility was the lack of pre-existing health facilities prior to the conflict.In Bama in October, 93% of assessed settlements reported the lack of pre-existing health facilities as the main barrier for accessing a functional health facility. In Dikwa, Kukawa and Marte, the lack of pre-existing health facilities was consistently reported as the main barrier for accessing a functional health facility throughout the reporting period (reported in December by 84%, 90% and 72% of assessed settlements, respectively)." +314710,53183.0,2466.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,43,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"The multi-sectoral response plan was further amended to include the COVID-19 response and the emergency refugee response to the Ethiopia’s Tigray region crisis, following the influx of more than 50,000 refugees seeking safety in Sudan, in November 2020." +149623,35869.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,55,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep18_25july2020.pdf,"451 staff of members trained on nutrition programmatic adaptations in context of COVID-19 – Communitybased Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM), IYCF-E, Surveillance, etc.; 1,323 staff of members received personal protective equipment (PPE) tools (e.g. masks, gloves, hand sanitizers, etc.)" +69177,19842.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,47,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acnur.org/es-es/noticias/noticia/2019/8/5d5c64e64/de-vuelta-a-colombia-tras-una-vida-en-venezuela.html,una iniciativa apoyada por ACNUR denominada Unidad de Atención a Población Vulnerable (UDAPV)*. Este grupo móvil trabaja en el registro e identificación en las regiones apartadas del país y durante 2018 atendió a Jaime y otros 17.225 colombianos que regresaron desde Venezuela. +8573,2186.0,321.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,64,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/63496.pdf,"As of 30 April 2018, the Libyan Coast Guard rescued/intercepted a total of 5,173 people in different locations along the Libyan coast. 1,463 individuals were rescued/intercepted in April, 1,054 in March and 711 in February. Since 1 January 2018, Libyan local authorities have recovered 32 bodies of people who perished while attempting to cross the Mediterranean towards Europe." +292885,51786.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/estatuto-de-proteccion-no-fomenta-la-competencia-desleal-de-los-venezolanos/2540,"Ante esto, el ente aclaró que, por el contrario, el Estatuto Temporal de Protección permitirá combatir la competencia desleal en la oferta laboral que ""proviene de la vinculación de migrantes irregulares por fuera de condiciones de mercado y sin aportes al Sistema de Seguridad Social (...) que va en detrimento del mercado laboral colombiano""." +196844,43840.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,49,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_291_20201116.pdf,"Kinshasa reste le foyer principal de l’épidémie, ayant rapporté 74,9% (8892/11866) des cas, suivie du Nord-Kivu et du Kongo-Central avec 9,8% (1162/11866) et 4,5% (539/11866) des cas, respectivement (Tableau I ; Figure 2)" +241613,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,21,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"According to IOM, some 4.8 million IDPs have been displaced since 2012 and have not returned to their homes." +346155,56952.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,85,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20monitoreo%20enero-marzo%202021%20-%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20vers%C3%B3n%20final.pdf,"Además, se observa un número elevado de niños, niñas y adolescentes refugiados o migrantes en desescolarización. Se continúa evidenciando que las instituciones educativas no suelen facilitar a los padres las solicitudes de cupos escolares. Como reportado en el trimestre anterior, en oca- siones les exigen a los padres de familia requisi- tos excesivos con los cuales no siempre pueden cumplir, como por ejemplo el PEP, afiliación a la EPS y certificados de notas con apostilla de Ve- nezuela" +315865,52949.0,2331.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,The Food Security Cluster projects an estimated 2.4 million non-IDP Somalis will be in Crisis (IPC Phase 3) and Emergency (IPC Phase 4) through 2021. +159089,37975.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,11,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_ndeg112.pdf,Contacts confirmés COVID-19 depuis le début : 493/900 (55% +313671,53333.0,2334.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,61,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"This Awareness raising amongst parents and partners of adolescent girls, especially those who are pregnant/married/young caregivers, to support their improved access to SRHR services and menstrual hygiene products which are key for them if they are to continue with school. This can include empowering communities and adolescents to prepare reusable Sanitary to wear with locally available resources." +196842,43840.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,41,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_291_20201116.pdf,"Ainsi depuis le début de l’épidémie, 11 865 cas confirmés et 1 cas probable ont été notifiés dont 323 décès, soit une létalité globale de 2,7% (Tableau I ; Figures 1 & 2)." +59525,17198.0,1224.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],en,65,[],['Context'],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"This mission established that there is a total of 1066 Venezuelan migrants in in the communities assessed. Of this amount, 50.46% or 538 are males while 47.65% or 508 are females. 41.93% 447 of the total population are children while 5.15% or 55 persons of the total population are elderly adults (55 years and older)." +236411,47175.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,51,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Nigeria%20-%20Displacement%20Tracking%20Matrix%20%28DTM%29%20Emergency%20Tracking%20Tool%20%28ETT%29%20Report%20-%20No.%20205%2C%2004%20-%2010%20January%202021.pdf,"ETT assessments identified the following movement triggers: poor living conditions (33.9%), conflict/atack (30.7%), voluntary relocation (19.5%), improved security (9.1%), fear of attack (6.6%) and military operations (0.1%)." +262978,49225.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Vaccination', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Context->Security & Stability']",es,53,[],"['Context', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.semana.com/nacion/articulo/migrantes-irregulares-presentaran-tutela-contra-el-plan-de-vacunacion-colombiano/202155/,"los migrantes irregulares que viven en la capital de Risaralda consideran interponer una tutela para ser vacunados contra el coronavirus en las jornadas que, de acuerdo con el Gobierno nacional, iniciarán el próximo 20 de febrero. El derecho a la salud y a la igualdad son sus principales argumentos." +91819,26015.0,1620.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Situation-Overview_H2R_Oct-Dec_13.03.2020.pdf,"In contrast, less than half (42%) of assessed settlements in Gwoza reported not having access to educational services in December, decreasing from 55% in October. FGD participants described how less structured, informal educational services were more available now compared to before the conflict." +475704,63295.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,64,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rpca_avis_pregec_cotonou-visio_17_18_juin2021_fr.pdf,"[Sahel et Afrique de l’Ouest] La situation nutritionnelle dans la région reste inquiétante en 2021. De nombreux facteurs de risques tels que l’insécurité alimentaire, l’accès limité aux services sociaux de base, ainsi que l’extension des zones de conflits, pèsent lourdement sur le statut nutritionnel des femmes et des enfants." +160816,38029.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,44,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syriadirect.org/news/mapping-coronavirus-in-syria-unofficial-cases-and-hot-spots/,"The problem is that there is no access to official information, the relevant ministries do not share numbers,” Mohamad Katoub, the policy and advocacy manager for the Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of Expression, told Syria Direct." +346154,56952.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,79,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20monitoreo%20enero-marzo%202021%20-%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20vers%C3%B3n%20final.pdf,"Se mantiene la tendencia sobre el alto porcenta- je de población monitoreada que no ha logrado terminar satisfactoriamente sus estudios de edu- cación básica y bachillerato (93.13%), mientras que hay bajos porcentajes de población que ha obtenido conocimientos técnicos o especializa- dos (técnico 2.99% y universitario 3.37%). Debido a la pandemia, las barreras para acceder a la educación se vieron agravadas según las en- trevistas hechas con actores claves" +91820,26015.0,1620.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Situation-Overview_H2R_Oct-Dec_13.03.2020.pdf,"In October, the main reason reported for lack of access to educational services was lack of pre-existing educational services (69%). In Dikwa and Kukawa, lack of pre-existing educational services was also reported by the majority of assessed settlements and increased throughout the reporting period (reported by 68% and 95% in October, and 53% and 88% in December, respectively)." +193962,43819.0,2330.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],en,25,[],['Context'],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020%20Hurricanes%20Sit%20Rep%204.pdf,"Honduras is particularly hard hit, where initial assessment points to most of the country’s 9.1 million people affected in some way." +310030,51467.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,69,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"The main drivers of WASH needs include limited physical infrastructure, sub-national violence and recurring flooding in many parts of the country. These shocks have led to the continued displacement of people and restricted their access to already limited and functional WASH infrastructure. Increased displacement also places an extra burden on existing WASH infrastructure in displacement sites and creates barriers for WASH partners when implementing activities." +178548,40661.0,2225.0,['Cross'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,49,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"En effet, avec la levée des mesures de restrictions sur le territoire national, le risque d’une résurgence est très probable. Une nouvelle flambée des cas de contamination pourrait encore amener le gouvernement à recourir au confinement de tout ou une partie du pays." +213215,44840.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,62,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,"Globally, even the strongest health systems are overwhelmed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. When health systems are unable to cope, deaths from preventable or treatable conditions can easily exceed deaths related to the pandemic. In Somalia, weak and fragmented health options are already under-resourced and underequipped to meet the need of the Somali people." +439807,64948.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,94,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/juin_2021_evaluation_drs_est_rapport_mission_conjointe_corus_est.pdf,"Depuis 2015, le Burkina Faso fait face à une crise sécuritaire et humanitaire sans précédent qui affecte principalement six régions (Boucle du Mouhoun, Est, Centre Est, Nord, Sahel, Centre Nord) sur les treize que compte le pays. Cette crise a pris une grande ampleur depuis janvier 2019 avec des incidents sécuritaires répétitifs ayant entraîné un accroissement substantiel des déplacements internes et aggraver l'accès déjà très limité aux services sociaux de base dont les soins de santé dans un contexte d'extrême pauvreté dans ces localités." +317205,53333.0,2334.0,['Nutrition'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,29,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Nutrition was spoken of frequently as an issue, mainly as a concern for babies of adolescent mothers who lacked both the means and knowhow to feed them." +159594,39148.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,48,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_july2020_ne_nigeria.pdf,"High risk of COVID-19 spread due to various factors including population living in congested IDP camps, weak surveillance due to insecurity issues, porous international borders, poor compliance in the use of facemask, social distancing, and good hygiene practices by the general public." +161317,39528.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,34,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,La faible mobilisation des ressources pour couvrir les gaps critiques selon la projection 2020 avec un taux de financement très faible soit moins de 15% pour un budget requis de 23.8 millions. +343593,55985.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Hospitalization & Care'],fr,45,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_121_20210501.pdf,"[01/05/2021] Ce 01/05/2021, aucune nouvelle guérison n’a été rapportée, ce qui maintient à 26 219 le nombre de guéris de COVID-19 dans le pays, soit un taux de guérison de 87,5% (26 219/29 962)." +345255,56821.0,2311.0,[],[],[],en,59,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.thenewhumanitarian.org/news-feature/2021/5/27/hunger-and-COVID-19-drive-venezuelans-to-take-more-dangerous-routes-out,"A year into the pandemic, as South American countries continue to reel from second and third waves of infections, land borders in Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Chile, and Bolivia remain officially closed. Many are heavily militarised, leaving desperate Venezuelans forced to cross a continent along dangerous frontier routes controlled by criminals." +391173,61715.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,110,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/yobe_state_covid-19_pandemic_weekly_situation_report_sitrep_for_week_30_26_jul_-_01_aug_2021_.pdf,"[26th Jul - 1st Aug 2021, Yobe State] Laboratory and Diagnostic Support: • Following up with the laboratory team to retrieve pending sample results • One hundred ninety-four (194) samples were collected in week 30 • The total number of samples collected is eighteen thousand, nine hundred and sixty-one (18,961). Four hundred and ninety-nine (499) results are positive, sixteen thousand, six hundred and forty-four (16,644) are negative, forty-two (42) for a repeat test, and one thousand, seven hundred and seventy-six (1,776) remaining sample results are pending." +491622,68064.0,2170.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,67,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20Nigeria%20DTM%20COVID-19%20Point%20of%20Entry%20Dashboard%2070%20%2811%20-%2017%20September%202021%29_0.pdf,"During the period 11 - 17 September 2021, 173 movements were observed at four Points of Entry in Borno state. Of the total movements recorded, 104 were incoming from the Far North Region in Cameroon and 1 incoming from Ndjamena in the Republic of Chad. Additionally, 65 outgoing movements were recorded from Borno State to the Far North Region in Cameroon." +313182,53183.0,2466.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,45,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"There have been logistical, security and access challenges, ranging from physical access during the rainy season, recurring episodes of intercommunal violence and factional fighting that also affected the effectiveness of protection responses, durable solutions for IDPs and reintegration of returnees." +62533,18514.0,1386.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,35,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190328_acaps_briefing_note_venezuela_update_and_2019_outlook__0.pdf,"In the beginning of March 2019, Venezuela experienced a major nation-wide power and communications outage, impacting scarce food supplies, water pumps, and endangering hospital patients, with some 21 casualties reported" +218167,45410.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,77,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"Les cumuls pluviométriques excédentaires de la saison ont permis un bon développement des cultures malgré les séquences sèches rapportés par endroits. Selon des résultats préliminaires de la direction des Statistiques, les récoltes céréalières varient de moyennes à supérieures à la moyenne. Ces récoltes soutiennent la consommation alimentaire des ménages qui faisaient face à des difficultés en raison de l’épuisement de leurs stocks et un accès limité aux marchés durant la soudure." +230030,46517.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Vaccination', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,177,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/health/coronavirus/2020/12/26/bangladeshi-researchers-find-ivermectin-effective-as-covid-19-preventive-drug,"[26th December 2020, Bangladesh] Alam’s team conducted the observational study with 118 healthcare providers enrolling purposely. The subjects were divided into experimental and control groups; and the experimental group received an oral monthly dose of Ivermectin 12mg for 4 months. Both groups were exposed to Covid-19 positive patients admitted in Bangladesh Medical College Hospital during the course of the study and the symptomatic subjects were evaluated by physical examinations. Results show that 73.3% (44 out of 60) subjects in the control group were positive for Covid-19, whereas only 6.9% (4 out of 58) of the experimental group were diagnosed with Covid-19.Tarek Alam said: “We experimented with Ivermectin previously as a treatment drug for Covid-19 but now we have found it apparently very effective as a preventive drug.” He said he and his team would approach the Bangladesh Medical Research Council (BMRC) for a randomized control trial to further validate the findings of their observational study." +438447,64539.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,REMESAS El 61.7 % de las familias venezolanas con NNA envía remesas hacia Venezuela. El 38.3% no envían remesas a Venezuela. El envío de remesas hacia Venezuela por parte de la población residenciada en Tumbes constituye una actividad constante tras recibir sus remuneraciones y es una de las maneras usuales en las que se apoya a sus familiares en Venezuela. +112293,32028.0,1185.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,51,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77082.pdf,"To date, USD 2,200,000 have been distributed on Cash-Based Interventions (CBI) in support of some 50,000 refugees and migrants in Peru. Distributions focused in Lima, Arequipa, Callao, Cusco, La Libertad, Lambayeque, Madre de Dios, Piura, Tacna and Tumbes." +287130,51749.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Nutrition']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,129,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[district sanitaire de Pouytenga] Le CMA [Centre médical avec antenne chirurgicale] fournit une grande partie du Paquet complet d’activité, incluant les Soins obstétricaux et néonataux d’urgence complet. Les autres services de soins de santé primaire fonctionnent y compris les services de vaccination. Il faut noter que le CMA ne dispose pas de : - CREN pour la prise en charge des enfants malnutris sévères avec complications médicales - services d’imagerie diagnostic - services de santé mentale et soutien psychosocial - Services de soins dentaires. L’absence de services de santé mentale est problématique dans un contexte de sécurité dégradée. Les personnels de santé ont pointé des problématiques de « Psychose », stress" +48447,12622.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",es,91,['At Risk'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LIBRO%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20las%20necesidades%20insatisfechas%20SSR%20y%20Migrantes%20Venezolanos%20-%20Digital.pdf,"240.416 están en proceso de regularizar su permanencia (se registraron en el Registro Administrativo de Migrantes Venezola- nos – RAMV y están en proceso la expedición de su PEP); 218.098 tienen estatus de migración irregular, incluyendo a aquellos que superaron el tiempo de permanencia y quedaron en condición irregular o aquellos que ingresaron por pasos no autorizados o “trochas”. Cerca del 93% de la población migrante venezolana se encuentra concentra- da en 12/33 departamentos del país (Migración Colombia, 2018)." +192891,43304.0,2332.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,68,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Créer des centres de quarantaines dans les 23 provinces du Tchad ; Accélérer la mise en œuvre du fonds national de solidarité et de soutien pour accroître la protection sociale, en particulier en ciblant les travailleurs informels qui n’ont pas de protection sociale et qui peuvent être fortement touchés par la crise ; Promouvoir un partage transparent de l’information pour informer les citoyen" +486270,67505.0,2098.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,51,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Myanmar%20Emergency%20Update%20-%2001%20Sep_0.pdf,"[June - July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Processes for local registration, visa, and licensing processes for international IQARUS staff have taken longer than expected with the Bangladesh Investment Development Authority (BIDA) due to documentation requirements, travel restrictions, and the COVID-19 lockdown." +311621,53183.0,2466.0,[],[],[],en,40,[],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"HRP partners expanded their response in central and eastern Sudan, with almost 2 million reached, over a quarter of the total response. This is a significant scale up compared to 2019 when 890,000 people were reached." +194567,43822.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,18,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19112020_flash_update_no.3_emergencias_por_ola_invernal_-_colombia_vf.pdf,"debido a las inundaciones se esperan brotes de diarrea, leptospirosis y otras enfermedades trasmisibles por vectores." +12484,5579.0,322.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,150,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'At Risk', 'Capacities & Response', 'Impact']",['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20Jun%202018.pdf,"Yemen is the world’s largest humanitarian crisis. Some 22.2 million people - 75 per cent of the population - are in need of humanitarian assistance. 17.8 million people are food insecure and 8.4 million people do not know how they will obtain their next meal. Conflict, protracted displacement, disease and deprivation continue to inflict suffering upon the country’s population. Disruption to commercial imports, inflation, lack of salary payments to civil servants and rising prices of basic commodities are further exacerbating people’s vulnerability. Despite a difficult operating environment, some 183 international and national partners in January through June were actively coordinating to deliver assistance to people in need in priority districts across Yemen’s 22 governorates. Together, they have assisted over 7.6 million people monthly with some form of humanitarian assistance." +178025,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],fr,65,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"L’analyse renforcée de la sévérité intersectorielle des besoins démontre aussi que 37 pour cent des zones de santé du pays - soit 190 zones de santé situées majoritairement dans les provinces du Tanganyika, du Nord-Kivu, du Sud-Kivu, de l’Ituri et du Kasaï - sont affectées par les conséquences de plusieurs impacts humanitaires sévères, critiques ou catastrophiques." +125323,32724.0,1620.0,['Agriculture'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],en,46,['Impact'],['Context'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ca5464en.pdf,"The livestock sector is an integral part of agriculture and vital to the socio-economic development of the country, though its productivity currently is very low. It contributes around 1.7 percent to the national GDP and around 9 percent to the agriculture value added." +176001,40890.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,98,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"Con relación a los elementos del hogar se encontró que en el 87% de los hogares falta, o es insuficiente, al menos uno de los siguientes artículos para el hogar: elementos de cama o dormida, –cobijas, colchón o colchoneta, almohadas, etc.– (80%), aseo y limpieza –escoba, trapero, cloro, productos de desinfección– (75%), de cocina –ollas, sartenes, etc. – (68%), de consumo de alimentos –platos, cubiertos, vasos– (64%," +322089,54683.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",es,44,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/noticias/salud/coronavirus-en-colombia-hoy-26-de-abril-casos-y-principales-noticias/,"El Ministerio de Salud informó que este lunes 26 de abril se confirmaron 12.839 casos nuevos de COVID-19 en el país. Según el reporte, hay 448 fallecidos nuevos y se procesaron 68.720 muestras. Hasta la fecha van 2′787.303 casos confirmados." +170500,40462.0,2099.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,37,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"1. Augmenter les sources d’approvisionnement eau (forages modernes, puits à grands diamètres) 2. Impliquer les populations dans la réalisation d’infrastructures Wash (latrines, lave-mains etc.)" +408819,61216.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,23,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/humanitarian-situation-overview-syria-hsos-northeast-syria-june-2021,"[June 2021, NES] KIs in 86% of communities cited the high cost of food as a common challenge." +130343,30998.0,1183.0,['Education'],[],[],es,32,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Reporte%20Situacional%20Local%2C%20GIFMM%20Arauca%20%28Febrero%202020%29.pdf,Educación: >120 niños y niñas en edad escolar provenientes de Venezuela inscritos en instituciones educativaslocales y >70 accedieron a servicios de educación de emergencia no formales y formales. +265063,49431.0,2098.0,[],[],[],en,31,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-in-bangladesh-daily-infection-rate-falls-to-265pc/64736,"[11th Feb 2021, Bangladesh] Bangladesh’s daily coronavirus infection rate fell to 2.65 percent on Thursday as the country ramps up vaccination drive and awareness campaigns." +320226,53305.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,16,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"2 N NGOs (GAH, Elgoni) in Diffra are operating in northern Abyei." +313993,54309.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],es,48,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Colombia_Evaluacion_Rapida_ECNI_Arauca_ESP.pdf,"16 grupos focales en cuatro puntos de recolección indicaron que las actividades para promover la seguridad son una prioridad para la comunidad de acogida. En dos lugares en la Vereda de Cájaros, los equipos de recolección de los datos reportaron que la población no tiene liberta" +305678,51474.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,25,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) also continued to support the national criminal justice chain in promoting accountability across the country. +26106,10739.0,786.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,47,[],['Context'],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/the_americas/venezuela-has-its-electricity-back-for-now-but-its-still-on-the-verge-of-collapse/2019/03/20/1cb0060e-4986-11e9-8cfc-2c5d0999c21e_story.html?utm_term=.a236d74c7c19,"In January, the Trump administration began ratcheting up pressure on President Nicolás Maduro’s government, in the belief that it would drive the powerful Venezuelan military to switch its allegiance to opposition leader Juan Guaidó. That appears to have been a miscalculation." +228087,46579.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],es,45,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Las comunidades denuncian que si bien ingresó una brigada de salud a las comunidades para verificar el estado de las personas, esta no realizó entrega de medicamentos y tampoco atendió los casos de IRA y EDA de las personas hacinadas en el albergue." +244144,47872.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,32,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[20th Jan 2021, GOS] % of SDs with majority of population in need of; Soap or Water 42%, 56% masks and 64% disinfectant." +489104,67500.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,30,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_15.pdf,"[April -June 2021, Cox's Bazar] 22 sentinel sites for Cholera surveillance were fully functional during the reporting period, testing a total of 712 samples." +69877,19974.0,1534.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,61,['At Risk'],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"Pre-existing social and cultural norms and expectations placed on women and girls, including their roles and responsibilities in the home and in the community; their decision-making power in relation to men and boys; their engagement in paid work; level of education and other issues, can lead to women and girls being disproportionately impacted by disasters." +196705,43328.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,54,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_smart_rapid_pdi_2020_bfa_final.pdf,La dégradation de la situation sanitaire marquée par la fermeture des centres de santé dans les localités à sécurité précaire et la recrudescence des épidémies de rougeole dans la plupart des districts sanitaires du pays pourraient expliquer la hausse du niveau de mortalité. [chez les enfants de moins de 5 ans] +61281,18235.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,24,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"People from the north-western Zulia State, in general, decide to remain in the neighbouring Colombian departments of La Guajira and Atlántico." +46607,16136.0,729.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,89,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/echo_-nf_bud_2019_91000_v2.pdf,An estimated two out of five registered teachers are inactive. Many of those who are working as teachers lack essential education and classroom management skills. Early childhood education is provided by the private sector and is not accessible to most of the population. Access to technical and vocational education and training and life skills education is limited and enrollments has steadily decreased since 2012. Technical and vocational education is generally considered less important than the traditional curriculum and enrollment of girls is particularly low. +165471,39300.0,2028.0,"['WASH', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,127,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNFPA%20and%20WFP%20scale%20up%20the%20e-voucher%20emergency%20cash-based%20transfer%20mechanism%20%20targeting%20pregnant%20and%20lactating%20women%20%28PLW%29%20across%20Syria.pdf,"In response to the dire needs, on 2nd September 2020, UNFPA signed an agreement with WFP in Syria to scale up the e-voucher cash based transfer mechanism delivered via SCOPE card, targeting pregnant and lactating women across Syria. UNFPA will provide additional top-ups using the WFP e-voucher system to support women to buy hygiene items that they may need from designated stores in: Aleppo, Damascus, Dara’a, Deir Ez-Zor, Hama, Hassakeh, Homs, Lattakia, Quneitra, Raqqa, Rural Damascus and Tartous governorates of Syria; with potential for expansion to other affected areas. This initiative is based on a successful pilot that UNFPA and WFP have implemented in Dara'a." +201561,43427.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,103,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"En los enclaves la coca deja de ser fun- cional al control territorial de los grupos cri- minales y se incorpora en una dinámica de optimización de rentas, donde se controla menos territorio, pero se desarrollan más incentivos para la actividad ilegal. Entre las diferentes categorías territoriales estableci- das en la Política Ruta Futuro22, dos pre- sentaron un incremento promedio del 4,8 %: 1. Las zonas de alta densidad de coca23 que aumentaron principalmente en Norte Santander, Cauca y Antioquia y 2. Las zonas de frontera24, principalmente en Putumayo y Norte de Santander." +330663,55042.0,2098.0,"['Education', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Impact On People'],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Context->Economy']",en,276,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.gage.odi.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Adolescents%E2%80%99-experiences-of-covid-19-in-Chittagong-and-Sylhet-divisions-Bangladesh.pdf,"[30 April 2021, Bangladesh]According to the Asian Development Bank (ADB), Bangladesh’s economic growth rate decreased from 7% to 5.2% during lockdown (ADB, 2020) and, as a result, poverty levels – particularly in rural areas – have increased, leading to the emergence of a category of ‘new poor’ (Rahman et al., 2020). In response to the financial crisis induced by the pandemic, According to the Asian Development Bank (ADB), Bangladesh’s economic growth rate decreased from 7% to 5.2% during lockdown (ADB, 2020) and, as a result, poverty levels – particularly in rural areas – have increased, leading to the emergence of a category of ‘new poor’ (Rahman et al., 2020). In response to the financial crisis induced by the pandemic, the government has expanded social protection programmes, distributed stimulus packages and supplied relief to vulnerable categories of the population (Bacil and Soyer, 2020). The education sector has also been seriously affected, with the closure of all educational institutions from 17 March 2020. While schools are anticipated to reopen on 30 March 2021 (Dhaka Tribune, 2021), the persistence of school closures has taken a toll on adolescents’ education and learning.While schools are anticipated to reopen on 30 March 2021 (Dhaka Tribune, 2021), the persistence of school closures has taken a toll on adolescents’ education and learning." +486177,67505.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,84,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Myanmar%20Emergency%20Update%20-%2001%20Sep_0.pdf,"[June - July 2021, Cox's Bazar] The initiative of the Government of Bangladesh to include Rohingya refugees in its national vaccination campaign was welcomed globally, and the humanitarian community supported preparations to begin providing the vaccines in August 2021. Over 43,000 persons over age 55 will be targeted in the first round, and as more vaccines become available, it is expected that additional age groups and categories of volunteers may be included in the coming months" +305062,51467.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,76,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Education was named as the type of aid needed most by children across assessed settlements in the country, particularly in the Equatorias. This may have been exacerbated by school closures due to COVID-19, as mentioned in focus group discussions conducted in October 2020. Moreover, focus group discussion participants highlighted early and forced marriages, as well as adolescent pregnancies, as particular challenges faced by children and adolescents in South Sudan" +9927,4388.0,321.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,27,[],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Libya%20SNAP%20Dashboard%20-%20%20May%202018.pdf,"Meanwhile, in May Libyan dinar on the parallel market devaluated 7 percent when compared to April 2018 reaching 6.8 for US dollar (USD/LYD)." +265105,49769.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,38,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/64010/covid-19-vaccination-drive-to-start-soon-in-idleb.html,"[22 Feb, NWS] Medical agencies and relief organizations are working in Idleb and the countryside of Aleppo to secure coronavirus vaccines, amid news of the possibility of starting the vaccination process next month." +237183,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In particular, households headed by a person with a disability were more likely to report borrowing money to buy food than other displaced households (92 per cent compared to 83 per cent)." +271045,47809.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],es,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_7.pdf,"En cuanto a las causas de muerte materna temprana el 11,7 % corresponde a causas directas y el 13,3 % a causas indirectas. El 75,0 % de los casos se encuentra en estudio" +291621,52080.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.unicef.org/drcongo/communiqu%C3%A9s-de-presse/arriv%C3%A9e-de-plus-de-17-million-de-doses-de-vaccin-contre-la-covid-19-en-rdc,"« Au même moment, la vaccination de routine qui se déroule chaque jour dans les centres de santé, va se poursuivre afin de continuer à protéger les enfants contre les maladies évitables par la vaccination », a déclaré Edouard Beigbeder, Représentant de l’UNICEF en RDC." +149833,37865.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cxb-situation-report-20.pdf,"As of 23 August 2020, a total of 3839 individuals from the host community in Cox’s Bazar district have tested positive for COVID-19: 411 in Chokoria, 308 in Teknaf, 231 in Maheshkhali, 1946 in Sadar, 408 in Ukhiya, 277 in Ramu, 163 in Pekua and 95 in Kutubdia." +194655,43820.0,2311.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Environment'],es,41,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/guur-115.1_fsa_19112020_v3.pdf,Todo el mercado local ha sido perjudicado con las inundaciones se requiere de alimentos no perecederos la comunidad no está cubriendo las necesidades básicas alimentarias. Las siembras que tenían fueron arrasadas por los vendavales y la cosecha se ha perdido +265113,49772.0,2028.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/17_feb_2021_fas_meeting_minutes.pdf,"[17th Feb 2021, Overall Syria] In terms of availability of agriculture inputs, Jalal highlighted that there is general limited availability of fertilizers (especially Urea) and fuels (particularly Diesel) across most governorates. The shortage of seed, livestock feed, veterinary services and agro-chemicals such as pesticides (pesticides, herbicides and fungicides) is quite varied across Governorates" +292127,52074.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,"The food security situation continues to be a concern due to reduced production, reduced prices in rural areas, increased prices in urban areas and decline in food consumption as a coping strategy adopted in most households." +62532,18514.0,1386.0,"['Cross', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,27,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190328_acaps_briefing_note_venezuela_update_and_2019_outlook__0.pdf,"The power outage that affected the country in mid-March 2019 further aggravated the situation, majorly disrupting water pumps and water provision (IRIN 14/03/2019)." +165239,39714.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,98,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,Entre las mujeres las necesidades en salud reproductiva y las razones por la que no han sido atendidas son: 12% de las mujeres consulta ginecológica. 9% de las mujeres acceso a métodos anticonceptivos. 4% consulta de anticoncepción. 21% no accedió porque prefiere cumplir la cuarentena. 6% no accedió porque su IPS y EPS suspendió la atención en salud. 4% no accedió por que no cuenta con el dinero para pagar el servicio. 3% no accedió porque no hay disponible un servicio de telemedicina. +320517,52949.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"In addition, most of the IDP sites are overcrowded both at shelter and settlement level. Decongestion is often required to expand the site using available adjacent land and basic site planning." +165561,38891.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,56,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Bangladesh%20news%20release.pdf,"UNFPA is delivering hygiene kits, dignity kits and health kits to 15,000 women and girls and the transgender community, providing them essential sexual and reproductive health supplies. The kits will also include flashcards with COVID19 precautionary measures, as well as helplines to report incidents of genderbased violence and to receive psychosocial support" +294627,51749.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,[District sanitaire de Ouargaye] L’évaluation a prouvé que l’ensemble des 3 CSPS ont des complétudes et promptitudes à 100% de remonter des rapports mensuels d’activités au niveau du district et assure également la transmission hebdomadaire des données de la surveillance épidémiologie. +305693,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Although community governance structures exist in Protection of Civilian sites, former PoC sites and collective sites, these remain highly political, under-capacitated and persistently lack accountability to the people they were formed to serve" +165200,38046.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.sana.sy/en/?p=200996,"Earlier, Sources following up on the meetings said that after receiving the results of the tests for the delegation members, three Coronavirus cases were detected among the participants, with one case in each of the national delegation, the Turkish regime’s delegation, and the civil society delegation." +13500,5557.0,322.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,128,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Shleter%20NFI%20CCCM%20Cluster%20Yemen%20-%20Al%20Hudaydah%20Displacement%20Update%203-9%20Aug....pdf,"In Sana’a hub, authorities agreed to allow a discreet cash for rent scheme for 278 families from Al Hudaydah who have recently been hosted in 9 schools in Amanat Al Asimah. SNC (Sub-National Cluster) organized a meettng with the Partners working in the Transit and IDP hosting sites (schools) to discuss sequences for the implementation of the agreed scheme to ensure capturing the needs of sites residents through multi-sectoral needs assessment, payment of cash for rent, restoration of schools and identifica- tion of new site for continued registration of new IDPs from Al Hudaydah. ADRA reported that there are 36 IDP families who are residing in Mahw Al Omiah school and Al Hamzah school in Dhamar governorate" +191886,43304.0,2332.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,48,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"L’accès aux services de santé est aussi très limité. Seules 25% des localités ont accès à des services de santé, la plupart desquels sont fournis par des cliniques mobiles qui ne sont pas suffisamment équipées pour prendre en charge les patients infectés." +148181,36609.0,1388.0,"['Food Security', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Context->Environment'],en,88,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/01.%20CRI%20Operation%20July%202020%20.pdf,"Emergency preparedness: Given the northern region’s vulnerabilities to natural disasters, UNCHR works with the Emergency Committee in Upala and participates in the Interinstitutional Coordination Committee in La Cruz and Los Chiles. UNHCR participated in the first line response to a flash flood emergency in July 2019 and has since committed to warehouse emergency supplies (CRI, drinkable water, and food). UNHCR also renovated three community centers to serve as emergency shelters in case of a man-made or natural disaster" +486265,67505.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,91,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Myanmar%20Emergency%20Update%20-%2001%20Sep_0.pdf,"[June - July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Some awareness-raising activities in the camps and host communities were limited by COVID-19 lockdown restrictions, yet they are part of the COVID-19 Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) strategy endorsed by the RRRC and Civil Surgeon’s office. Ensuring the widespread circulation of information is critical to curbing the spread of the virus, as well as preventing the spread of rumours, which have contributed to stigma and place vulnerable populations at greater risk." +145975,35870.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,83,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"WHO has provided testing kits to the MoH since 12 February. To date, WHO has provided enzyme kits (31,240 reactions), extraction kits (27,250 reactions), screening kits (57,792 reactions) and confirmatory testing kits (1,920 tests), 52,000swabs and viral transport medium for sample collection, and five polymerase chain reaction (PCR) machines, in addition to 5,000 waste bags and 21,000 bags for samples, and PPE for staff." +271033,47809.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_7.pdf,"Los eventos de mortalidad por IRA y EAV (reacción adversa grave posterior a la vacunación), se encuentra por encima de los valores esperados, mientras que los eventos de sarampión, leptospirosis, sífilis congénita, tuberculosis farmacorresistente, rubeola y mortalidad materna presentan una disminución significativa relacionada con el comportamiento de notificación histórico. Los demás eventos se encuentran dentro del comportamiento histórico" +219772,45777.0,2333.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,55,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/niger/un-soutien-additionnel-d-education-cannot-wait-pour-intensifier-l-ducation-dans-les,"La pandémie de COVID-19, les déplacements liés aux attaques de groupes armés aux frontières avec le Mali, le Burkina Faso et le Nigéria, et les catastrophes naturelles induites par le changement climatique, telles que les inondations et les sécheresses, mettent encore plus de filles et de garçons en danger." +486228,67505.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,78,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Myanmar%20Emergency%20Update%20-%2001%20Sep_0.pdf,"[June - July 2021, Cox's Bazar] A substantial reduction of humanitarian actors in the camps, including protection actors, during the COVID-19 lockdown has reduced refugees’ access to key protection services such as registration, legal aid, psychosocial support, community engagement, and referrals for critical services. Vulnerable individuals, especially persons with disabilities and limited mobility, have faced significant challenges following monsoon rains and other emergency situations" +176396,41733.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Context->Economy'],fr,33,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/reach_drc_bulletin-des-marche-2_juin-2020.pdf,"En effet, les entretiens menés auprès de commerçants dans des villes commerçantes de l'Est du pays en avril, ont indiqué que bon nombre d'entre eux anticipaient une augmentation des prix." +317885,52949.0,2331.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,36,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"While it is the out of school children who are most exposed to protection risks, there is also a need to ensure that schools offer a protective and safe learning environment to their learners." +28425,10158.0,729.0,[],[],[],en,24,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ET_Feb_2019_Final%2820190313%29.pdf,"Tazirbu An estimated 900 migrants from neighbouring countries were reported to have arrived at Tazirbu, a key transit point in Southern Libya." +238068,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Such a deteriorating conflict outlook threatens people’s safety and wellbeing, as well as their living standards, due to reduced access to services and the development of negative coping mechanisms amid a stressed living environment" +310036,51467.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Health']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,79,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"IDPs in PoC sites do not have sufficient access to hygiene and sanitation facilities and are at risk of disease outbreaks in the congested conditions. WASH needs are also high among IDPs and returnees in non-camp settings and among their already stretched host communities. While host communities and non-displaced people are in need of WASH items and facilities, increasing needs are expected with recently returned refugees and IDP groups, or those settling in new locations" +492305,67914.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,188,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_mvam_bulletin_58_august_2021.pdf,"[August 2021, Overall Syria] The high price of commodities and the limited livelihood opportunities in Syria have led many families to adopt further foodbased coping strategies. In August 2021, 68 percent of surveyed households reported relying on less preferred or less expensive food, up by 11 percent from August 2020, with peaks recorded in Quneitra (83 percent) and Al-Hasakeh (77 percent). Approximately three out of five interviewed households in Syria (57 percent) indicated a reduction in the number of meals consumed per day, an increase of 21 percent year-on-year, with a wider share recorded among returnees (63 percent) and IDPs (58 percent) compared to residents (54 percent). Additionally, to cope with food shortages, 44 percent of surveyed households reported reducing food consumption by adult members to prioritize their children’s food consumption needs, representing an increase of 13 percent since August 2020, with a higher proportion recorded in Quneitra (67 percent) and Deir-ez-Zor (64 percent)." +126776,29482.0,1620.0,"['Shelter', 'Livelihoods']",[],['Casualties->Injured'],en,17,[],['Casualties'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/West%20and%20Central%20Africa%20-%20Weekly%20Regional%20Humanitarian%20Snapshot%20%2819%20-%2025%20May%202020%29.pdf,"Some 75 wounded residents have been hospitalized and properties including homes, businesses and livestock were destroyed" +310056,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,92,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Furthermore, following the World Health Organization’s (WHO) declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020, humanitarian organizations scaled-down their activities across South Sudan. While this was mainly because of the need to focus on the preparedness activities and to limit the risk of spreading the virus, it resulted in a decreased ability to preposition supplies in strategic locations during the dry season in 2020. This made the humanitarian community more reliant on costly air transport to reach vulnerable populations during the rainy season" +301762,51958.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],[],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Economy']",fr,81,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_devaluation_de_protection_des_retournes_tchadiens_de_la_rca_installes_dans_les_sites_au_sud_du_tchad_002.pdf,"Afin de compléter leur ration alimentaire, beaucoup de membres de la communauté disent pratiquer l’exode pour la recherche de petits travaux (incluant travail des enfants) dans les centres urbains, la solidarité communautaire ou autres techniques néfastes d’adaptation (sexe pour survie). Il existe un réel potentiel en matière agro pastorale, mais un facteur doit être bien maitrisé en priorité : l’accès de façon durable à la terre." +62869,18514.0,1386.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Context->Security & Stability', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,162,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Shock/Event']",UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190328_acaps_briefing_note_venezuela_update_and_2019_outlook__0.pdf,"Generalised violence Other armed groups in the border region include the EPL and the post-demobilisation armed group Los Rastrojos and Autodefensas Gaitanistas de Colombia/Gaitanista Self- Defence Forces of Colombia (AGC), also known as Los Urabeños (InSight Crime 14/03/2018, 08/03/2019). Colectivos have been allowed to act with impunity in exchange for their support in repressing anti-government protests, and have been involved in criminal activities such as kidnapping, extortion, and drug trafficking (InSight Crime 18/03/2019). High levels of criminal violence have been reported across the country. In 2018, the Observatorio Venezolano de Violencia reported 10,422 homicides and 7,523 people 5 having died from police and military violence. While this is a decrease from the 2017 homicide numbers (16,026), the number of victims of police and military brutality have increased from the 5,535 casualties in 2017 (Observatorio Venezolano de Violencia 27/12/2018, 05/01/2018)." +59585,17198.0,1224.0,['WASH'],[],[],en,72,[],[],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,Smith’s Creek: A “LifeSaver” water purification system was installed by the Guyana Water Incorporated and is used by the community. They fetch water from a nearby spring and put it into the LifeSaver for filtering. The community requested that a shed/roof be built over the LifeSaver (which is in the open air) because the UV rays seem to be damaging the plastic. +223903,45764.0,2332.0,[],[],[],fr,34,[],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/0004_202008_rrm_msa_rapport_final_wolirom.pdf,Recommandations principales proposées : Lancer des activités éducatives pour la réinsertion des enfants dans cet environnement ; Lancer des activités de protection pour les couches vulnérables que sont les femmes et les enfants. +316303,52949.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,57,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Among the population of non-IDPs under the poverty line, particularly vulnerable groups in urban areas such as women-headed households, girls, persons with disability, the elderly and minority communities are likely to experience a deterioration of their physical and mental wellbeing as they possess limited economic resources and means to fend for themselves." +189342,42894.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']",[],[],en,99,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/R4V%20-%20Covid-19%20Flash%20Update%20September%202020.pdf,"In Colombia, the local Grupo Interagencial para Flujos Migratorios Mixtos (GIFMM) prioritized the reactivation of services in accordance with the new measures of selective isolation, including the intersectoral response for refugees and migrants in transit, support to the authorities’ responses in key locations along the borders with Venezuela and Ecuador, support to local authorities in profiling refugees and migrants, a complementary health response, the launch of referral mechanisms for CBI for rental support, virtual education strategies and information sessions on employability and training opportunities for refugees and migrants." +325252,54815.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Education', 'Food Security']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,40,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"(About the 724 violent events recorded between 2019 and 2020) Most violent events occurred close to major roads, thus directly affecting connectivity from populated areas to various centers of opportunity – clinics, schools, markets." +63920,18930.0,1386.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],en,90,[],['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/venezuela-bolivarian-republic/united-states-increases-its-contribution-response-venezuelan,"The United States supports interim President Juan Guaido and the Venezuelan National Assembly as they work together with the international community and the Venezuelan people to the ensure adherence to rule of law and justice, stabilize the economy and reestablish basic services including water, electricity, and education, so that the people of Venezuela can return to their rightful place in the community of democracies. By restoring democracy in Venezuela the region will regain its stability and start to rebuild Venezuela’s devastated society." +317199,53333.0,2334.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,23,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"The fighting has destroyed some shelter that was available, limiting adolescent girls’ access to shelter with their families and babies." +318957,53305.0,2335.0,['Livelihoods'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,82,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"A Multi-Sector Survival Minimum Expenditure Basket was developed by the CWG in 2018 to set the minimum cost needed by a household to meet their acute needs and sustain lives. It includes food costs and other considerations like medicines, transportation, grinding cost, mobile airtime, and kitchen sets. Since 2019, the cost of the basket has been updated monthly by the Joint Market Monitoring Initiative, initiated by the CWG with the support of REACH." +45480,15533.0,729.0,"['Cross', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_report_areabasedassessment_aba_azzawya_jun2019.pdf,"From the perspective of service providers, while the quality of education did not emerge as a major issue, the lack of infrastructure and materials, combined with overcrowded classrooms and untrained teachers, were the most commonly reported barriers to both accessing and providing high-quality education." +205163,44672.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],['Context->Economy'],en,62,['Priority Interventions'],['Context'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"It is important to emphasize that socio-economic cost of the pandemic in Afghanistan largely exceeds the health care cost: the Government needs to finance social protection measures made necessary regarding livelihoods are lost; and that families also bear additional costs of care, transport, isolation of additional family members who may have been in contact with confirmed cases." +218732,45568.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],es,92,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/para-combatir-la-trata-instalaron-puesto-migratorio-en-amazonas/2333,"""Anualmente más de 35 personas son víctimas de las redes de trata de personas en el departamento del Amazonas. Una cifra que nos preocupa como Gobierno y que nos ha llevado, junto con la Fiscalía General de la Nación, las autoridades del municipio de Puerto Nariño y del departamento del Amazonas, a decidir montar un puesto de control en esta zona de la triple frontera, pues sea un caso o mil, lo debemos combatir de la manera más enérgica posible"", afirmó Espinosa." +187324,43339.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,58,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20Nigeria%20DTM%20Emergency%20Tracking%20Tool%20%28ETT%29%20Report%20No.196%20%20%2802%20-%2008%20November%202020%29.pdf,"[2nd-8th Nov 2020,Nigeria]ETT assessments idenfietid the following movement triggers: voluntary relocation (34.1%), conflict/atack (23.4%), poor living conditions (20.3%), improved security (15.7%), fear of attack (5.8%) and military operations (0.7%)." +22351,9106.0,729.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,120,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"Since the uprising in 2011, waves of conflict have caused severe damage to homes and infrastructures across Libya, mostly along the coastal areas, impacting the living conditions of the affected populations, both Libyans and non-Libyans. Even if returnees in Libya have been steadily on the rise across 2017 and 2018, especially in Benghazi and Sirt, the number of IDPs remains high in Benghazi, Misrata and Tripoli. The majority of IDPs and returnees live in private accommodation (more than 80 per cent), while less than 20 per cent live in public, informal settings. For IDPs residing in private shelter, around 80 per cent rent accommodation." +315422,54309.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,77,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Colombia_Evaluacion_Rapida_ECNI_Arauca_ESP.pdf,"Algunos informantes claves comentan sobre traslados de personas durante la noche, posiblemente debido a una mayor facilidad para realizar el cruce fluvial vía canoas, a pesar de los riesgos físicos que dicho tránsito implica. Según señalan algunos entrevistados, el paso fronterizo en algunas ocasiones se ve restringido por la escasez de gasolina en la zona, incluso algunas familias habrían logrado conseguir combustible como medio de “pago” para el transporte." +235225,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,23,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Even in districts where phone coverage is available, interruptions are frequent, with only districts having network connection throughout the day." +412982,63086.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,60,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_07_14_MSF%20RDC_RAPPORT%20VIOLENCES%20SEXUELLES%20%28FR%29%281%29.pdf,"L’impact psychologique, social et économique des violences sexuelles est souvent de longue durée et affecte la capacité des survivantes à reprendre une vie normale. L’anxiété, la peur, l’isolement, la honte et les stratégies d’évitement sont parmi les principaux problèmes évoqués lors des séances de thérapie psychologique." +485643,65398.0,1185.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,59,['Impact'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Además, se registran casos de hostigamiento dentro de los lugares de atención del SIS por parte de personal que trabajaba en el hospital. Incluso, se encontró un caso en las entrevistas en el que el personal que atendía no quiso reconocer el derecho de las personas venezolanas a ser asistidas por su condición de extranjeras." +356080,58253.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,72,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.migracioncolombia.gov.co/noticias/en-mes-y-medio-mas-de-813-mil-ciudadanos-venezolanos-han-completado-la-primera-etapa-del-estatuto-temporal-de-proteccion,"Luego de un poco más de un mes de haber comenzado la implementación del Estatuto Temporal de Protección para Migrantes Venezolanos, el Director General de Migración Colombia, Juan Francisco Espinosa Palacios, anunció que más de 813 mil ciudadanos venezolanos han completado con éxito la primera fase y podrán, en el mes de septiembre, realizar su registro Biométrico, el cual les otorgará un ID – Identificación Digital" +325111,54815.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"However, also in large parts of other regions, such as Est, Boucle du Mouhoun, Cascades, and Sud-Ouest, the CSPSs that do exist are located along roads in poor condition." +304029,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Preliminary analysis shows that more than 230,000 people displaced to a new location during the first nine months of 2020, including new displacement and movement of existing IDPs to the new areas of displacement" +9959,4383.0,321.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],['Context->Demography'],en,29,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/unhcr-appalled-loss-life-sea-coast-libya,"Among those deceased are 70 men, 30 women and three babies. The Libyan coast guard rescued 16 people while more than 80 bodies remain at sea." +341754,56493.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,74,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"En outre, les mécanismes judiciaires modernes sont perçus par les populations comme inadaptés aux réalités sociales du pays. Cette perception qu’ont les populations est due notamment à leur méconnaissance de la législation en vigueur et des procédures judiciaires qui occasionne l’usage de la justice pour soi-même comme mode de règlement des conflits qui débouche à son tour sur une spirale conflictuelle au sein de la société Burkinabè." +315559,52949.0,2331.0,"['Education', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,31,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,Displaced children living with disabilities face even more challenges – like social stigma or the inability to access services – and adolescent girls are seldom able to complete secondary education. +313323,53795.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,53,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"(Sahel, Nord, Centre-Nord) Pour les assistances alimentaires aux nouveaux déplacés le FSC a coordonné avec le GCORR une réponse rapide pour 33K personnes dans les dernières trois semaines, 6K au Sahel et 7K au Nord, la coordination pour 20K IDPs dans le Centre-Nord est en cours." +133659,35117.0,1187.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",[],[],es,66,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Como parte de otra línea de acción también se han solicitado adelantamientos y obtenciones de turnos extraordinarios por parte de DNM, para la gestión de la residencia precaria, lo cual es importante tener en cuenta, ya que no deja de ser un documento exigido por las autoridades de los hospitales sobre todo para la continuación de prácticas, tratamientos e intervenciones quirúrgicas." +236149,47122.0,2334.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,18,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"More than 6,000 households were assessed to be in urgent need of shelter and core relief items." +317648,52949.0,2331.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,36,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,There is an imperative need for CCCM service providers to install inclusive and accessible Complaint Feedback Mechanisms (CFMs) that consider preferences that women and persons with disabilities may have in accessing such services. +491973,67963.0,2170.0,['Cross'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,66,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Nigeria%20Northeast%20Operational%20Update-July%202021.pdf,"[1st Jul 2021, North east Nigeria]Impact of incidents on civilian populations: Most of the incidents were recorded in GBV, attacks by NSAGs with attendant destruction of properties, physical assault and devastating floods/windstorms caused by heavy rains. These have exacerbated the pre-existing vulnerabilities of the people UNHCR is serving, leading to further hardship and negative coping mechanisms." +323680,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"La production alimentaire totale a augmenté au cours des deux dernières décennies, en grande partie grâce à l’expansion des zones agricoles (Posthumus et al., 2019)." +28422,10158.0,729.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",[],[],en,37,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ET_Feb_2019_Final%2820190313%29.pdf,Sidi Assayeh An estimated 30 individuals who had previously been displaced to Ain Zara were reported to have returned to Sidi Assayeh. Access to cash and livelihood opportunities were reported to be their main needs. +457430,63443.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,40,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Burkina%20Faso%20-%20Statistiques%20des%20personnes%20concern%C3%A9es%2031-Juillet-2021.pdf,"Personnes Déplacées Internes : 1,368,164, Réfugiés : 22,419, Demandeurs d'asile : 33 (* Au 31/07/2021 par CONASUR) Principaux pays d'origine : Autres (Centrafrique, Tchad,….) 2,15%, Mali 97,85%" +305478,51467.0,2335.0,[],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,79,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"The Food Security and Nutrition Monitoring System (FSNMS) co-led by WFP, FAO, IOM and UNICEF remains the most extensive household-level assessment in South Sudan, informing the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification. It was partially expanded in 2020 to include indicators from other sectors as well as by extending overage to major urban areas and IDP camps, and may be further expanded in 2021 to include further core indicators from selected sectors." +340463,56371.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Environment'],en,26,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20Burkina%20Faso%20Country%20Brief%2C%20April%202021.pdf,"Most of the population depends on one season of rain-fed agriculture for their livelihoods, leaving the country vulnerable to the impact of climate shocks." +227357,46454.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,34,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2022_23Dec2020_FINAL.pdf,"[23rd December, Areesha] To date, 13 confirmed cases have been reported among residents at Al Hol, in addition to four cases at Areesha camp, and six at Mahmoudli" +287157,51749.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,29,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[district sanitaire de Pouytenga] La structure fait face à des ruptures régulièrement et pour des produits essentiels comme : Artesunate, Microgynon, omeprazole, Albendazole." +456053,65411.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[16-29 August 2021, Cox's Bazar] During the reporting period, no new probable maternal death has been reported. In total 78 probable maternal/deaths of women of reproductive age (WRA, 12-49 years) have been reported in 2021, of which 21 deaths have been reported from facilities and directly undergone review by Maternal and Perinatal Mortality Surveillance and Response (MPMSR)." +173644,39908.0,1388.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],es,25,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20-%20Impacto%20de%20la%20COVID-19%20en%20la%20poblaci%C3%B3n%20venezolana%20-%20Costa%20Rica%2C%20Agosto%202020.pdf,"91 % de quienes tenían trabajo remunerado antes de la pandemia, experimentaron un cambio en sus condiciones laborales como consecuencia de la pandemia." +339454,56380.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,88,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb4645es.pdf,"El 41,1% de productores de Ganado afirmó haber enfrentado una disminución en el tamaño del rebaño, principalmente debido a un aumento en las ventas al contado (reportado por el 40% de los hogares productores de ganado) y la dificultad para alimentar a sus animales (reportado por el 26% de los hogares). Esta reducción de los rebaños afectó en mayor medida a los ganaderos de grande escala (aquellos que cuentan con más de 200 cabezas de ganado)." +149844,37865.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,54,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cxb-situation-report-20.pdf,"Within the reporting period, 21 healthcare workers were trained on Infection IPC at Pekua UHC as part of WHO support to all Upazilas in Cox’s Bazar. To date 123 health care workers from six Upazilas, including Ukhiya, Teknaf, Ramu, Mohashkali and Chokoria have been trained." +289293,52049.0,2098.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Impact On People'],"['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,99,['Impact'],"['Shock/Event', 'Information And Communication', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Bangladesh%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%201%20%28Rohingya%20Camp%20Fire%29%20-%2023%20March%202021.pdf,"[23rd March 2021,Cox's Bazar] Refugees: A massive fire broke out in the Rohingya refugee camps around 3.30PM on 22 March 2021. The fire started in Camp 8W and then spread through Camps 9, 10 and 8E. According to the reports by the Inter-Sector Coordination Group (ISCG) mid-day on 23 March, over 45,000 people have been displaced and more than half of them are children under 18 years of age. However, these are still estimated figures and the official numbers are yet to be confirmed." +159520,39292.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,18,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Round-3-Analysis-Factsheet-NES_TK_09.09.20.pdf,• Recommendation: Target rural communities and communities in NE Aleppo for more efficient messaging on handwashing. +183619,42456.0,2099.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Casualties->Dead'],en,48,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.unicef.org/wca/media/5411/file/UNICEF-WCARO-Central-Sahel-Advocacy-October-2020.pdf,"This overall degradation in the access to WASH services contributes directly to disease and even death: the mortality rates attributed to unsafe WASH services (per 100.000 inhabitants) are very high in Burkina Faso (49.6/100.000), four times the global average, respectively." +473045,63732.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Shelter']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,51,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2f4004e6/REACH_BFA_Factsheet_Abri-AME-et-LTB_Pouytenga_juillet-2021.pdf,"Dans le secteur 3, dans la zone de l'abattoir, des tensions entre éleveurs et agriculteurs et des disputes autour de l'exploitation des ressources naturelles ont aussi été rapportées. Enfin, à Koumbogo, la remise en cause des transactions foncières serait à l'origine de conflits selon un IC" +52911,16812.0,1184.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],es,28,[],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://www.elcomercio.com/actualidad/lenin-moreno-ecuador-venezuela-migracion.html,"Moreno reconoció que la situación de crisis que está viviendo el ""hermano país"" está por encima de ""la capacidad de acogida"" de Ecuador." +192790,43304.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,51,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"en raison de l’ampleur, de la portée et du rythme de la pandémie et des importantes dépenses pour le secteur de santé, il existe actuellement un risque important qu`une bonne proportion des ressources financières limitées soit détournée de la mise en œuvre des ODD." +317244,53333.0,2334.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,20,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,Provide Long Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLINs) to pregnant and adolescent mothers to minimize the risk of malaria. +240476,46388.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,37,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Post-traumatic stress is also widespread, affecting those in combat, while daily exposure to violence means many mothers, children and adolescents live with some form of distress, impairing them from their daily activities." +240683,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,15,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Some 26 per cent of migrant pregnant women have no access to prenatal care. +323687,54267.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Les travailleurs migrants, y compris les travailleurs agricoles saisonniers du Burkina Faso vers la Côte d’Ivoire, sont parmi les flux migratoires les plus importants du continent." +329892,53694.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Food Security', 'WASH']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],"['Displacement->Push Factors', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,94,['Priority Needs'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/03042021_sitrep_s11_whe_oms_rdc.docx.pdf,"[Ituri] Environ 3 760 PDIs récemment arrivées dans les localités de Nderembi et d’Oyo ont exprimé des besoins dont les vivres, les AME, l’eau, l’hygiène et l’assainissement (EHA) et les soins de santé. Pour rappel, cette nouvelle vague de déplacement est consécutive aux attaques successives intervenues entre le 13 février et le 14 mars 2021 et perpétrées par des hommes armés à Ndjongoro, KabaroleCentre, Ruchumba-Bambiya et Babokela (Chefferie de Bahema d'Irumu, Groupement Kabarole" +304104,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Insecurity, access to housing, land, and property, risk of gender-based violence and lack of basic services in areas of potential return continue to constrain returns in larger numbers." +142076,35870.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,85,[],"['Covid-19', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"In recent weeks, a reported 2,000 Syrian nationals residing in Lebanon have also reportedly returned through land crossings, mainly Maasna border point. On 11 July, the GoS announced new entry requirements to enable Syrian citizens abroad to enter through official border crossing points with Lebanon following presentation of a negative PCR certificate at the border. Tests must have been conducted within the past 18 hours at four Lebanese hospitals accredited by the MoH before completing five days home quarantine." +341441,56493.0,2099.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,160,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[De juillet à début septembre 2020, les enquêteurs ont administré le sondage auprès de 2396 Burkinabè dans les régions du Centre Nord, Nord, Sahel, Est, Boucle du Mouhoun et Hauts-Bassins] Des avis des populations qui ressortent des discussions de groupe, l’accès aux services sociaux de base et aux « faveurs » facilitant l’obtention de certains privilèges est fortement lié aux capacités financières et économiques du citoyen : la pauvreté est socialement stigmatisée et stigmatisante. La pauvreté ici se définit comme une insuffisance, un manque ou la privation de capacités allant du domaine matériel aux domaines sociaux avec pour corollaires les phénomènes d’exclusion, de marginalisation, de discrimination, de vulnérabilité. Elle crée et accentue les inégalités sociales qui à leur tour fragilisent la stabilité sociale et portent un coup aux libertés humaines, à la participation de la vie des collectivités." +224075,45768.0,2332.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,29,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"En outre, les femmes enceintes et allaitantes ne sont pas suivies (pas de structures pour CPN, accouchement, CPON, vaccinations, etc.)." +264303,48806.0,2332.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,51,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_final_enquete_smart_27112019.pdf,"Parmi les ménages ayant des enfants de moins de 3 ans, 76,4% d’entre eux au plan national éliminent de façon hygiénique les selles des enfants. Par ailleurs, les ordures ménagères sont ��liminées de manière adéquate par seulement 8,0% des ménages au niveau national." +173704,40798.0,1388.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,22,[],['Context'],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://infosegura.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Analisis-SC-2T-2020.pdf,En 3 de las 6 provincias se registró un aumento de los homicidios dolosos en comparación al mismo semestre del año anterior +194577,43822.0,2311.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],es,75,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19112020_flash_update_no.3_emergencias_por_ola_invernal_-_colombia_vf.pdf,"En Chocó, la presencia del Consorcio MIRE4 logró corroborar que en la actualidad más de 7.000 familias se han visto afectadas, reportándose mayores afectaciones en los municipios de Medio Atrato, Carmen de Atrato, Lloró, Bagadó, Istsmina, Atrato, Nóvita, Medio San Juan, Tadó, Condoto, Sipí, Rio Ir ó, Cantón de San Pablo, San José Palmar, Cértegui y Río Quito." +125716,31803.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,23,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77205.pdf,Alimentación Las personas encuestadas reportaron que el acceso a bienes alimenticios se ha visto agravado debido a las políticas de confinamiento preventivo. +305650,51572.0,2335.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,26,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Provision of school supplies and recreational materials [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +236311,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,17,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Stigma and discrimination related to COVID-19 may make children more vulnerable to violence and psychosocial distress. +338323,56100.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Population'],[],es,46,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/130521_actualizacionn2-_alerta_por_confinamiento_alto_baudo_choco_vf.pdf,"• Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional (SAN): Se necesita la entrega complementaria de kits alimentarios con enfoque étnico diferencial a las comunidades confinadas, dado que la Alcaldía logro dar un apoyo inicial con duración de una semana hasta el 7 de mayo." +313653,53333.0,2334.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,59,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Cluster partners need to lobby warring parties, perhaps through a position paper, to enable adolescent girls, some of whom may have babies/ or be married/pregnant, to return and continue school safely without fear of violence, kidnapping and insecurity. These are issues which lead parents to stop their children from going to school." +303973,51467.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,53,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"At the state level, perceptions of lack of safety were most commonly reported in Lakes, Northern Bahr el Ghazal, Warrap and Western Bahr el Ghazal in both periods of analysis. These are the states that have experienced intense episodes of sub-national violence that displaced more than 200,000 individuals." +160822,38029.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,26,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syriadirect.org/news/mapping-coronavirus-in-syria-unofficial-cases-and-hot-spots/,"At the same time, testing in northwest Syria is limited, and there have only been 4,680 tests conducted thus far in the area." +192074,43669.0,2330.0,[],[],[],en,36,[],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://edition.cnn.com/2020/11/18/weather/tropical-storm-iota-wednesday/index.html,"The island's infrastructure has been completely wiped out, Duque said. The priority is now to clear the island of debris and set up emergency campsites and field hospitals as quickly as possible." +165251,33143.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,25,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GIFMM%20SANTANDER%20-%20Abril%20Mayo.pdf,"En Colombia, a corte del 1 junio se han reportado 30.493 casos de COVID-19, de ellos 72 casos en el departamento de Santander" +185689,40789.0,1900.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,53,[],['Context'],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://infosegura.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Seguridad-y-movilidad-humana-30sep2020.pdf,"Según el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, en 2014 los costos económicos del crimen representaron (en relación al PIB) 6.5% en Honduras. Para tener una perspectiva más cara de lo que esto representa, el gasto en educación en ese mismo año fue de 7.1% en Honduras." +242975,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Civilian casualties due to explosive devices have consistently risen since 2012. Almost two thirds (57 per cent) of these incidents are due to improvised mines, followed by ERW." +321325,54765.0,2225.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/democratic-republic-congo/recent-surge-violence-drc-s-ituri-province-worsening-already,"More than 1.6 million people are estimated to be displaced in Ituri, out of a total population of 5.7 million people. It is estimated that 2.8 million people are in need of some form of emergency assistance." +301759,51958.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,26,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_devaluation_de_protection_des_retournes_tchadiens_de_la_rca_installes_dans_les_sites_au_sud_du_tchad_002.pdf,"Quelques ménages arrivent à disposer d’un stock de réserve grâce aux activités agricoles, mais ceci ne concerne pas la majorité des ménages." +40791,11933.0,729.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,69,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SitRep_Libya_EN_19%20April.pdf,"May IDP households have reportedly been displaced to areas in close proximity to the frontline, where they remain at risk of shelling and violence and susceptible to secondary displacement. Protection actors reported that people originally from the east are at increased risk of being targeted for killing, enforced disappearance and arbitrary arrest due to perceptions of their potential political affiliation or involvement in the conflict." +214310,45385.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Health']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,Les conclusions du Cadre Harmonisé pour la Sécurité alimentaire révèle que l’ensemble de la région est sous stress alimentaire avec 12% de la population en situation de crise. +325820,54267.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,52,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Le Fonds burkinabè de développement économique et social (FBDES) est également placé sous la tutelle du Ministère de l’économie. Des fonds spécifiques sont en place pour promouvoir l’entreprenariat féminin, comme le Fonds d’appui aux activités rémunératrices des femmes (FAARF)." +48479,12622.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",es,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LIBRO%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20las%20necesidades%20insatisfechas%20SSR%20y%20Migrantes%20Venezolanos%20-%20Digital.pdf,"En Colombia, más del 60% de la población migrante venezolana está en edad de trabajar y aspira a incorporarse a la población económicamente activa de Colombia (Banco Mundial, 2018a); de igual forma, entre quienes trabajan en la informalidad reciben menos de un salario mínimo mensual y aproximadamente el 20% ha sido víctima de explotación económica y laboral (MSPS, 2018)." +192050,42659.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],fr,34,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_175.pdf,"Au total, 649 échantillons ont été analysés au laboratoire ce 23/07/2020, d’entre lesquels 53 sont revenus positifs au SARS-CoV-2 y compris ceux des 47 nouveaux cas confirmés du jour." +224107,45768.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,28,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,Il est donc urgent que la communauté humanitaire se mobilise en toute urgence pour organiser ce transfert et éviter aux IDPs d’endurer encore plus des difficultés +144099,36128.0,1186.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,54,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/78208.pdf,"R4V partners in Chile conducted needs assessments of refugees and migrants from Venezuela, including on emergency and mid- to long-term needs and perspectives, as well as on possible return intentions. Partners continued providing assistance such as NFIs, food and hygiene items to refugees and migrants from Venezuela in Santiago." +287150,51749.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)'],fr,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Information And Communication'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[CPSP district sanitaire de Pouytenga] Une évaluation plus poussée de la disponibilité des compétences essentielles SONUB sera cependant nécessaire, d’autant plus que le nombre de césarienne au niveau du CMA de 143 en moyenne par mois laisse supposer un taux de césarienne inférieure à ce qui est attendu (entre 5 à 15% des accouchements sur le district sanitaire)." +196694,43328.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,27,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_smart_rapid_pdi_2020_bfa_final.pdf,"Aussi des sites d’accueil officiels ont été érigés dans les communes de Barsalgho, Kelbo et de Foubé pour abriter certaines de ces PDIs." +15107,5486.0,322.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,74,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,http://www.ye.undp.org/content/yemen/en/home/presscenter/pressreleases/2018/undp-conducts-community-protection-workshops-to-help-conflict-af.html,"The intervention targets Aden’s most vulnerable neighborhoods affected by the conflict and those who returned after the conflict with the focus on livelihood improvement and protection. The project’s ’s pillars are: i) analysis on local needs and opportunities to recover, ii) restoring the disrupted livelihoods of crisis-affected populations and; iii) strengthening community-based protection mechanisms with a focus on women and youth." +344420,56726.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20210526_USG%20Statement%20to%20Security%20Council%20on%20Syria.pdf,"[26 May 2021, NES] The north-east of Syria continues to lack essential health supplies, including to prevent, test and treat COVID infections. And the virus is spreading again. After a 57 per cent increase in confirmed cases last month, recorded deaths from COVID have increased by nearly 50 per cent." +164459,32982.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Respuesta%20COVID-19%20-%20GIFMM%20Arauca%2C%20actualizaci%C3%B3n%20n%C2%B03%20%28Del%201%20al%2030%20de%20mayo%20de%202020%29.pdf,El 12 de mayo se reportó el primer caso positivo para COVID-19 en el municipio de Arauca1 El departamento de Arauca es autorizado para realizar pruebas de COVID-192 +106116,30611.0,1860.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,27,[],['Shock/Event'],COVID-19 Americas Region Multi-Sectorial Assessment,2020-05-18 21:51:19.040784+00,https://1bec58c3-8dcb-46b0-bb2a-fd4addf0b29a.filesusr.com/ugd/188e74_6f98530009f54edfa41096e8142b717b.pdf,"In 2019, increasing poverty, extreme violence, gender-based violence, state failure and climate change drove around 400,000 distressed Latin Americans to flee north." +313282,53183.0,2466.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"The need for adequate shelter has resulted in additional income opportunities, including brickmaking, weaving of traditional mats, provision of fuel-efficient stoves and basic repairs." +326870,54714.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,"[Displacement]Top three reported reasons for coming to current location were: Presence of shelter (22%), availability of work/income opportunities(21%), presence of cash distribution (17%)." +12374,5597.0,322.0,[],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Economy']",en,179,[],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://docs.wfp.org/api/documents/WFP-0000074046/download/,"Since mid-June 2018, the military conflict has escalated in Hudaydah Governorate especially in the central/coastal areas of the governorate forcing tens of thousands of Yemenis to flee and worsening the dire humanitarian situation. The ongoing conflict also intensified in different frontlines in Sa’ada, Taizz, Al Jawf, Hajja, Mareb, Sana’a, and Al Baidha governorates that also led to more population displacement and disruptions of livelihoods among residents of the most affected districts and governorates. On top of all aggravating factors, the continuing depreciation of Yemen Riyals (YER) against US Dollar (USD) is exacerbating the humanitarian situation throughout the country. The national monthly average exchange rate in July 2018 stood at 497 YER/USD, which is a 3% depreciation from its rate in June 2018 (486YER/USD) and 131% lower than the pre-crisis exchange rate. The governorate level patterns indicate that exchange rates in July 2018 ranged from 492YER/USD in Soqatra and Rayma to 504YER/USD in Abyan." +489110,67500.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,117,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_15.pdf,"[April -June 2021, Cox's Bazar] COVID-19 vaccination campaign for the Rohingya community was initially planned to kick off in late March with a target of 129,698 people over the age of 40 years and front-line workers (Community Health Workers, Education and Nutrition volunteers) to receive the first dose. After several months of delay, the vaccination campaign for the refugees is scheduled in August, with a revised eligibility criterion targeting those 55 years and above only. Pre-printed vaccination cards were to be provided to those 55 years and above at household level. The vaccination campaign will be supported by over 450 staff from partner organizations." +178407,41756.0,2225.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],fr,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Près de 8 millions de personnes, dont 1,2 millions en situation de handicap, ont des besoins en eau, hygiène et assainissement liés aux mouvements de population, à la malnutrition aigüe sévère, à la protection et aux épidémies de choléra et autres maladies d’origine hydrique et vectorielle." +497824,35118.0,1187.0,[],[],[],es,54,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"de las 169 personas que compartían la vivienda con 4 o más personas, el 55% (91) refiere com- partir esa vivienda con otro grupo familiar. De esta forma se consolida la tendencia de que muchas familias comparten domicilios existiendo al menos un número considerable en condiciones de hacinamiento." +475564,63296.0,2099.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,50,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"La pandémie COVID-19 semble donc avoir joué un rôle sur l’insécurité alimentaire observée dans la région en contribuant à une hausse des prix des denrées de base, tout en limitant la capacité des ménages à pratiquer la migration saisonnière et, de fait, les revenus." +292404,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,56,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,Dans le cadre de la surveillance de routine (surveillance dans tous les districts et aires de santé) l’OMS appui le Ministère de la santé aussi bien dans les supervisions que dans la formation des personnels de santé. Ces activités permettent de renforcer les indicateurs de santé et d’améliorer. +91971,26132.0,1620.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,41,['Impact'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_28_february_2020-report.pdf,• 86% of the total latrines on sites are functional while 14% are damaged. • 15% of the total latrines need to be disludged.82% of the total showers are functional while 18% need to be +341986,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,56,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Les dozo interdisent toute installation des Koglwéogo dans les zones de l’Ouest et du Sud-Ouest qui sont de fortes zones d’émigration des populations mossé à cause de la fertilité des sols, qui par leur volonté de conquête ont voulu imposer une chefferie moaga et implanter les Koglwéogo dans lesdites zones." +361142,58845.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,70,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_price_bulletin_may_2021.pdf,"[May 2021, Overall Syria] M-o-m, the national average retail price of bulgur decreased by four percent reaching SYP 1,984/kg in May 2021, yet the price of bulgur increased by 135 percent y-o-y. As-Swieda recorded the highest bulgur retail price at SYP 2,500/ kg (unchanged m-o-m), while Idleb recorded the lowest price at SYP 1,503/kg (up one percent m-o-m)." +164747,39789.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,24,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Movementwide%20Operation%20Report%20August%202020.pdf,"340 individuals provided with information and feedbacks from information hubs.  BDRCS received 10,000 surgical masks for PMO provided by IFRC CO." +164294,34183.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,38,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://s3.amazonaws.com/semanaruralvzla/documentos/1594859069_boletin_inversionpdf,"Colombia hace parte de 15 acuerdos comer- ciales. El primero en ser firmado fue el de la CAN1, en 1969, que se empezó a implemen- tar a partir de la década de los noventa." +63929,18445.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,14,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71266.pdf,393.000 beneficiarios que reciben una o más asistencias a través de socios del PRRM +218391,45694.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,59,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.primature.cd/public/2020/12/15/rdc-le-cce-appelle-a-nouveau-la-population-au-respect-des-gestes-barrieres-face-a-la-deuxieme-vague-de-covid-19/,"S’agissant de l’évolution de la conjoncture économique à court terme, le baromètre de la Banque Centrale du Congo renseigne que les chefs d’entreprises ont été peu optimistes. Ceci est attesté par un solde global brut d’option de 4,3% après 5,4% au mois d’octobre dernier." +112936,31293.0,1388.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,56,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3641092,"Centroamérica, 03 de junio de 2020. La Secretaría General del Sistema de la Integración Centroamericana (SICA) desarrolló este día la 74° Reunión Ordinaria de la Comisión de Seguridad de Centroamérica (CSC) liderada por la Presidencia Pro Tempore de Honduras, quien asumió durante enero a junio del presente año." +235678,47076.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,41,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,"The unprecedented health pandemic continues to have a lasting impact on the global food security situation and the NWSW is no exception. In the month of June 29 Cluster partners reported implementing food assistance, livelihoods and agricultural activities." +386735,60459.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,155,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"Déjà en mars 2021, au moins 91 pour cent des ménages déclaraient une diminution de leur cheptel (SAP/ENSAN). Les informateurs clés estiment qu’environ 40 à 50 pour cent des ménages pauvres ont épuisé leur capital en cheptel après maintenant 3 - 4 ans de ventes excessives. Ainsi, ces pauvres qui n’ont plus d’animaux sont contraints de rejoindre les zones du sud ou les centres urbains des chefs-lieux de communes afin de bénéficier de l’assistance humanitaire. Dans ces zones, les paiements de cash en cours leur permet de s’orienter vers de petites activités, notamment le petit commerce de condiments et de beignets. Néanmoins, cela ne les empêche pas de s’adonner à d’autres pratiques comme la vente plus que habituelle de bois et de l’eau et aussi la mendicité." +145961,34803.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Logistics', 'Cross', 'WASH']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,70,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"o Restoration of essential services and basic infrastructure to prioritise activities that would support the preventive and curative health response to COVID-19, including rehabilitation of health centres and facilities, retrofitting of designated quarantine facilities, equipping of isolation centres, waste management, restoration of water and sanitation services and provision of energy to these facilities, in close coordination with other sectors and local governance structures." +490535,67720.0,1231.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)'],en,87,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Information And Communication'],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,,"As access to medical services constitutes a challenge in their country of origin, there is a high number of Venezuelans in need of health care. However, access to national health systems in the Caribbean is challenging. Although refugees and migrants can access primary health care in the Dominican Republic, Guyana and Trinidad and Tobago , in practice, Venezuelans face lack of resources, information, language and administrative barriers or, irregular status and consequent fear of detention or deportation." +287416,51638.0,2099.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,112,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20_FEVRIER%202021_SAHEL.pdf,"(Sahel) Dans la province du Seno, il a été enregistré de nouvelles PDI dans la ville de Dori venues de Gorom-Gorom, Arbinda et Gorgadji au nombre de 33 ménages de 237 personnes dont 43 hommes, 68 femmes, 47 garçons et 79 filles. Il a été constaté également le déplacement de 130 ménages de 830 individus du village d’Adoudié et environnants vers les communes de Bani et de Gorgadji, à la date du 05 février 2021. Ces populations déplacées ont été assistées en abris par le HCR et en vivres par la direction régionale de l’action humanitaire du Sahel." +13400,5560.0,322.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",['Context->Demography'],en,87,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RDP%20Monthly%20SitRep_July_2018.pdf,"Our FSL team had launched the first distribution cycle of food assistance vouchers, reaching a total number of 3158 HHs, 22,106 beneficiaries disaggregated (8842 men, 9196 women, 1990 boys, 2078 girls) by utilizing the voucher modality for the most affected and vulnerable households in five sub-districts (Sharqi Hamir, Bani Samie’a, Aleawadir, Bani Murir (Qubair), Hasiat Alhaij (Alsharqia)), Shara’b Ar Rawnah district of Taizz governorate." +216603,45416.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,30,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,"ce sont 62% des écoles qui sont détruites dans les zones de conflits armés, alors que 36% des écoles ont été détruites par les pluies diluviennes." +188232,40860.0,1899.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,97,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200922_OCHA_GUATEMALA%20HRP%20COVID-19%20ESPAN%CC%83OL.pdf,"Los adultos mayores: Según la primera Experta Independiente en el disfrute de todos los derechos humanos por las personas mayores6, las personas mayores ya se enfrentan a una discriminación particular por su vejez (“ageism”) y, por lo tanto, requieren protección de derechos específicos, representan para 2020 el 7.5% de la población total. Destacó la necesidad urgente de un enfoque holístico de los derechos humanos para las personas mayores que garantice la realización equitativa de todos sus derechos, incluido el acceso a la atención médica." +192053,42659.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,37,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_175.pdf,"Près de 230734 personnes ont été sensibilisées et briefées sur la COVID-19 et les mesures de prévention, incluant hommes, femmes et enfants ainsi que des chefs de quartiers et leaders communautaires dans 47 ZS." +176609,41093.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,170,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"más del 90% de los empleados domésticos reportados son mujeres. Además, es evidente cómo a partir de abril, este tipo de ocupación cayó y no ha podido alcanzar el nivel previo a la pandemia, lo que significa que estas mujeres seguramente han pasado a la informalidad, el desempleo o la inactividad y han dejado de percibir ingresos. Aunado a lo anterior, de acuerdo con Corewoman (2020), alrededor del 70% de las empleadas domésticas son jefes de hogar, lo que significa que en un contexto de confinamiento como el actual deben dedicar la mayor parte de su tiempo a trabajos de cuidado. Por otro lado, alrededor del 60% del trabajo en el hogar no remunerado lo realizan mujeres (Gráfico 9, panel B), lo que significa que son ellas en su mayoría quienes continúan haciéndose cargo de los oficios de manutención del hogar además del cuidado de niños y adultos mayores." +325778,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Le commerce des céréales vers les grandes villes et le marché des matières premières importées sont toujours aux mains d’un petit groupe de grandes entreprises qui ont les moyens financiers d’accéder au marché international, dont certaines sont bien reliées à des réseaux politiques. [(Posthumus et al., 2019 ; FEWS NET, 2017).]" +161538,39295.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,65,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,"Most of the IDP families hosted in five functioning Reception Centers (RCs) have been there for several months already, with no resettlement possibilities mainly due to lack of adequate shelter options and linkages with economic reasons. Facilitating the relocation of IDPs from overcrowded RCs to sites where physical distancing and hygiene practices are more feasible is therefore a main priority." +355064,58069.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,59,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.eluniversal.com.co/cartagena/cierre-temporal-a-casa-hostal-donde-vivian-65-venezolanos-en-aglomeracion-CH4810433,"El lugar fue identificado gracias a las denuncias que recibió el Grupo Especial Migratorio (GEM), se logró sancionar con 10 días de cierre una casa que funciona como hostal para ciudadanos venezolanos. En el operativo, participaron funcionarios de Migración Colombia, Policía Nacional, Personería y la Secretaría del Interior y Convivencia Ciudadana." +151657,33140.0,1184.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,649,"['At Risk', 'Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RMRP%202020%20-%20Plan%20de%20Respuesta%20para%20refugiados%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%20%28Mayo%202020%29%20-%20Revisi%C3%B3n.pdf,"Una vez que la OMS declaró al COVID-19 como pandemia, el Gobierno de Ecuador declaró el estado de emergencia a nivel nacional, cerró sus fronteras e impuso restricciones de movilidad y medidas de confina- miento. El primer caso confirmado de COVID-19 en Ecuador se repor- tó el 28 de febrero en la provincia de Guayas. La ciudad de Guayaquil, que alberga la segunda comunidad con mayor número de personas refu- giadas y migrantes venezolanos, pronto se convirtió en el epicentro de la enfermedad. Según la Constitución del Ecuador, las personas refugiadas y migrantes con residencia regular en el país tienen los mismos dere- chos y obligaciones que los nacionales, y los sistemas de salud pública y educación no distinguen nacionalidades o estatus migratorio; sin embar- go, la asistencia económica relacionada con el COVID-19 (en particular, el “Bono de protección familiar por emergencia”) no se extiende para los extranjeros. Las restricciones de movilidad y las medidas de confina- miento han provocado la pérdida de ingresos diarios para las personas refugiadas y migrantes de Venezuela, la mayoría de los cuales trabaja- ban en el sector informal y ya no pueden salir a trabajar. A pesar de una declaración del gobierno que ordenaba la suspensión de todos los desalojos, muchas personas refugiadas y migrantes fueron desalojadas de sus hogares porque ya no podían pagar el alquiler. Algunos alber- gues temporales (e.g. hostales y hoteles) que habitualmente los aco-gían, cerraron o decidieron no recibirlos debido a los niveles crecientes de xenofobia y temor al contagio. Algunas personas refugiadas y migrantes han quedado en situación de calle, lo que los expone aún más a riesgos de protección y de sa- lud. Un Análisis Rápido Conjunto de Necesidades se realizó a principios de abril en 13 provincias del país para evaluar principalmente 1) la situa- ción de personas refugiadas y migrantes de Venezuela, y las comunida- des de acogida durante el COVID-19 y para 2) recopilar datos clave que contribuyeran a la revisión del RMRP 2020. Basado en los resultados, se identificaron las principales prioridades, según orden de importan- cia, de la siguiente manera: seguridad alimentaria (94%del total de hogares), oportunidades de empleo (52%), alojamiento (43%), acceso a salud y medicamentos (36%). En lo que respecta a las comunidades de acogida, la principal preocupación es la seguridad alimentaria (79%), seguida del acceso a la salud y medicamentos (48%), falta de trabajo (37%) y alojamiento (6%). Adicionalmente, la evaluación mostró que los medios de vida han sido gravemente afectados por la pandemia, con el 63% de personas refugiadas y migrantes, así como comunidades de acogida que fueron encuestados y que han mencionado no tener un trabajo durante la cuarentena. Las medidas de confinamiento también han impactado sobre la capacidad de los socios de la Plataforma R4V/ GTRM para brindar asistencia: de 266 actividades reportadas para ayu- dar a personas refugiadas y migrantes y comunidades de acogida, el 47% fueron suspendidas, y otras han sido obligadas a adaptar su modali- dad de intervención (es decir, asistencia telefónica o remota). Adicional- mente, muchos socios están adaptando sus estrategias de intervención centrándose en transferencias monetarias, teniendo en cuenta que las entregas de asistencia en especie se encuentran restringidas. Se espera que la situación continúe hasta que el contacto físico sea posible nueva- mente. El GTRM monitoreará regularmente la situación de los socios y su capacidad de permanecer en territorio y entregar asistencia." +141419,35118.0,1187.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,60,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Este porcentaje tan alto puede considerarse en relación al cambio en los hábitos que plantea para todas las personas el aisla- miento social, el cual -en el caso de la población migrante- por las condi- ciones agravadas de precarización e inestabilidad laboral conlleva además el aumento en las barreras económicas en el acceso a alimen- tos y alojamiento." +149210,36019.0,2028.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,79,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"In addition, since mid-May there has been a significant increase in movements into NES, both via cross-line transit points between GoS and areas outside of Government control or border crossings with the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI), including students traveling from areas outside of Government control to GoS areas to sit their national exams, as well as Syrians returning to NES via border crossings with the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI)" +198722,44313.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,57,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_294_20201119.pdf,"Un total de 2 516 voyageurs en trafic international a été screené ce 19/11/2020 ; aucune alerte n’a été identifiée. Au niveau des PoE/PoC nationaux, 29 486 voyageurs ont été recensés ; tous (n=29 486) ont été screenés ; pareillement. aucune alerte n’a été décelée non plus." +182678,42252.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,28,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2020_29Oct2020_FINAL.pdf,"[29th October 2020, Overall Syria] The crisis has also disrupted national routine surveillance with currently EWARS the only timely surveillance system for communicable diseases." +176083,40999.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_levaluation_rapide_sur_les_vbg_et_covid-19_dans_la_region_de_lest.pdf,"L'accès à la justice est compliqué par les coûts de la procédure judiciaire (frais d'huissier, réquisitions à un expert, etc.) qui sont difficilement supportables par les survivant-e-s vu leur état de vulnérabilité. Il existe un fonds d'assistance judiciaire piloté par la Direction Générale du Fonds d'Assistance judiciaire mais l'insuffisance de communication sur son existence ne permet pas aux victimes d'en bénéficier." +199061,44171.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,71,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.lemonde.fr/afrique/article/2020/10/26/au-burkina-faso-les-deplaces-sont-les-grands-oublies-des-elections-de-novembre_6057413_3212.html,"Principal blocage [pour faire faire des papiers] : les déplacés doivent impérativement fournir leur acte de naissance et beaucoup l’ont perdu dans leur fuite. Prise pour cible, comme symbole de l’Etat, l’administration de leur localité d’origine a souvent déserté et ne peut plus leur fournir de duplicata. Certaines mairies ont même été brûlées par les djihadistes." +59559,17198.0,1224.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Humanitarian Access->Population To Relief'],en,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Humanitarian Access'],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"One woman noted that since they arrived in Guyana, they have had insufficient food, NFIs, and no latrine/bathroom. They live in a poorly constructed house made of sticks and sleep on the floor or ground." +125351,29180.0,1620.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Gap-Supply-Demand-Contraceptive-Services-Northeast-Nigeria-Report.pdf,"They cited several reasons, including a lack of skilled providers, lack of demand from the community or cultural barriers, high prevalence of STIs, high risk for infection when placing IUDs, poor and unbalanced counseling, and providers’ general attitudes toward contraception." +69912,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],[],en,84,[],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"Evidence from a range of crises demonstrates that SRH needs increase but barriers to accessing services are further exacerbated. As noted, GBV often increases in the aftermath of a crisis, increasing the need for access to clinical management of rape for survivors. A lack of privacy to ensure patient confidentiality is a barrier for patients to access SRH information and services in general and particularly compromises survivor-centred approaches for GBV and other stigmatized SRH services such as family planning." +45476,15533.0,729.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,73,[],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_report_areabasedassessment_aba_azzawya_jun2019.pdf,"In 2019, Libya entered its sixth year of continuous conflict, a period marked by frequent clashes between rival armed groups exacerbated by intertwined political and economic crises. Widespread damage to infrastructure, security threats associated with armed group activity, and severe shortages of liquidity have undermined the future prospects of the country’s Libyan and nonLibyan residents by affecting their livelihoods and their access to basic services." +327599,54714.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,"[MUTLI-SECTORAL NEEDS] 100% of the households found with Multi-sectoral needs. 19% found to be extreme+ severe, 41% extreme and 40% severe." +158777,39292.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Round-3-Analysis-Factsheet-NES_TK_09.09.20.pdf,"As of 21 August, 280 people have tested positive for COVID-19 in Northeast Syria (NES), including 36 recoveries and 16 fatalities.The highest concentration of cases is in Al-Hasakeh Governorate" +52851,16818.0,1184.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,42,[],['Context'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://www.elcomercio.com/actualidad/amnistia-migracion-multas-venezolanos-ecuador.html,Las multas por permanecer en Ecuador de manera irregular serán condonadas a los migrantes venezolanos que hayan superado el tiempo de estadía que les permite la Ley Orgánica de Movilidad Humana. Las sanciones representan valores entre USD 200 y 750. +114474,31694.0,1898.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],"['Casualties->Injured', 'Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics']",es,22,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Shock/Event', 'Casualties']",UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UN_Situation%20Report%2011_COVID19_del%2003%20al%2015%20JUN_2020.pdf,Pruebas COVID-19 realizadas son 128.204 y se reportan 2786 casos sospechosos. • El nivel de letalidad actual es de 1.9% +305336,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,67,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"While IDPs in rural areas tend to see the highest levels of need across sectors, needs in urban areas are also significant. Easier access to humanitarian services mitigates humanitarian needs in large IDP camps, resulting in improved humanitarian outcomes compared to often hard-to-reach host-community settings. Yet, the displaced population hosted in these camps continues to suffer from high levels of vulnerability." +37250,11796.0,788.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']","['Context->Politics', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,82,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/6%20Months%20Update%20Nigeria%20Report%20Flood%20Operation%20MDRNG025.pdf,"Nigeria had presidential elections in February and governors’ election in March 2019 and the floods have coincided with the peak of the campaign period. This affected the implementation of activities because of the anticipated violence in some of the Branches. The security situation in Nigeria is still not very stable especially in the North East, there is also incidents of kidnapping in Delta and Anambra which is a threat for the safety of the Red Cross staff." +178187,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,68,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Les violences se sont intensifiées dans plusieurs autres zones comme l'Ituri et les Kivus. Les enjeux autour notamment du contrôle des richesses et circuits économiques, la persistance des tensions entre différents groupes ethniques liées à des luttes de pouvoir politique et coutumier et/ ou à l’accès et au contrôle des terres et des ressources naturelles sont à l’origine de multiples conflits." +208396,43992.0,2332.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,45,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"Gavi Alliance supported procurement through UNICEF of 2,000 protective goggles, 8,505 packages of 20 FFP2/N95 masks, 2,450 boxes of 100 gloves and 1,021 thermoflash for immunization staff in order to ensure safety of both vaccinators and children and enhance continuity of services." +386119,60459.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,69,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"Le nombre de personnes déplacées internes (PDI), estimé en fin avril à environ 1,22 million pourrait encore croitre suite aux nombreux déplacement enregistrés aux mois de mai et de juin. La plupart des PDIs sont concentrés dans les régions du Sahel, Nord, et Centre-Nord (Figure 1) auprès des ménages hôtes ou des Sites d’Accueil Temporaires (SATs)." +59107,17455.0,788.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/201908-nigeria-cross-border-report.pdf,"Boko Haram is notorious for extreme acts of violence, including suicide bombings involving children and indiscriminate attacks against civilians. Its violence intensified and displacement peaked in 2014, with 975,000 new conflict displacements recorded throughout the year." +236102,47122.0,2334.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,21,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"lifesaving activities continue, respecting hygiene sensitization, handwashing and social distancing measures to curb the spread of the virus." +148539,36019.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,20,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"Further reports indicate some other recent closure of public buildings due to COVID-19 in various locations, including mosques." +237199,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,30,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The percentage of displaced households reporting debt repayment as a top 3 priority need has increased from 23 per cent in 2019, to 38 per cent in 2020." +318967,53305.0,2335.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,98,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"The Education Cluster estimates that $53.74 million will be needed to provide education services to 806,000 children, based on the cost per child calculation. The funding is required for construction and rehabilitation of learning spaces, establishing WASH facilities; provision of educational materials and supplies; organizing COVID-19 awareness campaigns; training teachers; building the capacity of PTAs, SMCs and community leaders, State education officials and MoGEI staff; providing incentives for teachers; supporting the national examination council; and establishing a mentoring programme linking partners with teacher training institutes" +22539,9106.0,729.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,78,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"There is limited access to WASH facilities in schools. As outlined in the WASH assessment report undertaken by UNICEF and the National Centre for Disease Control in 2017. 67 per cent of children have limited access to safe water, 96 per cent have limited sanitation services, while the remaining 4 per cent have no sanitation services. An estimated 10 per cent of schools have water supplies that are contaminated with harmful bacteria." +191576,43304.0,2332.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,47,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"L’évaluation faite sur la base du nombre des vacataires et communautaires issu des annuaires statistiques de l’enseignement fondamental et de l’enseignement supérieur, donne un manque à gagner en termes de vacations à payer estimée à 3,3 milliards de FCFA." +90042,25213.0,1621.0,[],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Demography', 'Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,67,[],"['Context', 'Casualties']",2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A_HRC_43_75_E.pdf,"On 18 November, an airstrike hit a biscuit factory in the Wadi Rabi’ neighbourhood of Tripoli, killing at least seven civilian men and injuring 35 others, many of whom were migrants. On 28 November, airstrikes in Um al-Araneb killed 13 civilians (10 children and three women) and seriously injured nine others (six children and three women)." +400330,62279.0,2170.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,102,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"[10th November 2020, MONGUNO LGA, BORNO STATE]Acute malnutrition was also assessed using adult MUAC tapes. To estimate malnutrition in women MUAC cut-off of < 230 mm was used. The overall global acute malnutrition among mothers was17.2%. Whereas to estimate severe malnutrition <19 cm MUAC cut-off was used and the estimated prevalence of SAM in the same group was 0.0% (0.0% - 1.5%). Among women between age group of 18-49 years (excluding mothers), SAM is 1.5% whereas moderate malnutrition is 16.2%." +292439,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,20,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,USAID GLOBAL HEALTH SUPPLY CHAIN PROGRAM PROCUREMENT AND SUPPLY MANAGEMENT REINFORCES ITS COMMITMENT AGAINST MALARIA BOTH IN 2018 AND 2019 +184820,42091.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,43,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/61359/216-coronavirus-cases-recorded-in-opposition-areas-laboratory.html,"[October 21,2020 Overall Syria] The Epidemiological Surveillance Laboratory recorded 216 new COVID-19 infections and one death out of 741 tests — the highest daily increase in cases to date, in the liberated areas, bringing the total number to 2,865" +307120,51467.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Refugees’ access to wood for shelter construction and other natural resources has become increasingly challenging, undermining the ability of refugees to be self-sufficient." +292274,52058.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,22,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/16-03-21_ni_nord_kivu.pdf,Le territoire de Beni reste confronté aux violences armées qui ne cessent d’aggraver la situation de protection des civils. +48097,13061.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,108,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.derechos.org.ve/web/wp-content/uploads/MigracionLigia.pdf,"En estos casos, para que el niño sea reconocido como colombiano, es necesario que “alguno de sus padres estuviere domiciliado en la República en el momento del nacimiento”26. Aunque parece un requisito de fácil cumplimiento, lo cierto es que la mayoría de estas madres se encuentran sin un estado migratorio regular y, por tanto, no cuentan con domicilio registrado en el país. Además, hasta el presente no queda claro si el Permiso Especial de Permanencia emitido por las autoridades de Migración Colombia, se considera un documento que satisface la condición de contar con un domicilio." +287155,51749.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[district sanitaire de Pouytenga] Le système d’approvisionnement en médicaments, consommables et équipements médicaux est assuré par la centrale CAMEG, qui en a le monopole. Chaque district sanitaire dispose un dépôt répartiteur qui fournit aux différentes structures de santé publiques les intrants médicaux." +491601,68071.0,2170.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,57,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20Nigeria%20DTM%20COVID-19%20Point%20of%20Entry%20Dashboard%2069%20%2804%20-%2010%20September%202021%29.pdf,"During the period 04 - 10 September 2021, 280 movements were observed at three Points of Entry in Borno state. Of the total movements recorded, 123 were incoming from the Far North Region in Cameroon. Additionally, 157 outgoing movements were recorded from Borno State to the Far North Region in Cameroon." +341782,56493.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,84,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"L’agriculture en particulier qui est la principale activité économique du pays ne peut plus être réalisée que dans un but de subsistance. Or, sans accompagnement des jeunes pour une agriculture rentable et moderne, c’est la pauvreté et le désespoir qui se ressentent. Dans ce sens, il est revenu de façon récurrente que c’est à l’Etat d’assumer ses responsabilités en créant les conditions d’une capacitation des jeunes." +178194,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],fr,35,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Compte-tenu de l’étendue du territoire, la densité démographique reste faible (38 habitants par km²) même si sept villes congolaises sont classées parmi les 100 villes les plus denses au monde.13" +472939,63777.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,86,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Pour 43% des personnes interrogées, le prix des loyers est compris entre 10000 FCFA et 15000 FCFA, 20% donnent un intervalle de 5000 FCFA à 9000 FCFA et 16% trouvent que le prix des loyers est supérieur à 15000 FCFA. La location des maisons posera un problème dans la durée car la plupart des PDIs ont perdu leurs biens et n’ont aucune source de revenue pour les permettre d’honorer les frais des loyers pendant longtemps." +333149,44672.0,2336.0,"['WASH', 'Food Security']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,48,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Nine of out of 100 people would face deprivations in all four predisposing factors simultaneously. Most of the at-risk population is highly likely to be multidimensional poor. On average, children aged 0-17 would bear the highest burden compared to all the other population subgroups." +191449,43304.0,2332.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,17,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"79 personnels de santé ont été testés positifs soit 9,3% du total des cas confirmés." +270195,50226.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,111,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_6.pdf,"Se notificaron 130 casos de malaria complicada, que proceden de19 entidades territoriales y un caso procedente del exterior. Nariño, Antioquia, Chocó, Risaralda y Vichada notifican el 61,5 % de los casos. De los casos de malaria complicada el 56,9 % (74) corresponde a hombres. El 20,8 % (27) se presenta en personas de 20 a 24 años y el 25,8 % (33) ocurre en indígenas. Por lugar de procedencia, el 46,9 % (61) proviene de rural disperso. Por régimen de afiliación, el 66,2 % (86) pertenece al régimen subsidiado." +146031,35870.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,45,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"The COVID-19 supply needs from all hubs have been shared with WHO EMRO for compilation and submission to the Global COVID-19 Supply Chain Task Force for consideration, a multi-stakeholder body to coordinate demand, procurement and allocation of supplies for low- and middleincome countries" +220907,45410.0,2332.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,81,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"La consommation alimentaire des déplacés du Lac et des ménages qui les abritent dépendrait grandement de l’assistance. Ils ne pourraient faire face à d’autres dépenses non alimentaires essentielles. Malgré les revenus tirés de l’orpaillage artisanal et les sommes marginales provenant des transferts, les ménages du Tibesti ne pourraient accéder aux marchés pour satisfaire leurs besoins de consommation alimentaire. Ils seraient en Crise (Phase 3 de l’IPC)." +40773,11933.0,729.0,['Health'],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,56,[],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SitRep_Libya_EN_19%20April.pdf,"On 17 April, a private clinic in Qasr Bin Ghasheer came under rocket fire that resulted in the damage of two ambulances, generators and transport vehicles. Since the eruption of conflict, nine ambulances have been directly or indirectly impacted in a series of incidents, obstructing the rescue operations of emergency responders" +234940,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,33,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"2020 was a psychological rollercoaster for many civilians, with periods of improved security and hope around the peace talks, followed by periods of intense violence and underlying fear over COVID-19." +274509,50587.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Pull Factors', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Intentions']",fr,70,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MENSUEL%20DE%20PROTECTION%20JANVIER%202021-NORD.pdf,"Selon les informations issues du monitoring, on note que certaines PDIs nouvellement arrivées sont en train de retourner dans leur zone d’origine depuis le 21 janvier 2021. Il s’agit des populations de Boulzoma, de Zoom et quelques personnes de Koumbri. Ces tentatives de retour pourraient s’expliquer par les opérations que les FDS et les VDP mènent sur le terrain." +315383,53333.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,53,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"The girls also felt that regular campaigns on child and adolescent protection against abuses like sex, child labour, torture, recruitment into armed groups were important and advocacy for creating learning centres for children in safe zones, training and empowering youths on profitable activities, and creating community protection committees" +178078,40661.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,101,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Le Score de Consommation Alimentaires (SCA) pauvre se situe à 39% dans les zones couvertes par l’EFSA, 8% dans les zones couvertes par mVAM et 12% dans les zones couvertes par CAID . Dans les zones couvertes par l’EFSA, moins de 25% des ménages consomment moins de trois groupes d’aliments. L’Indice de la Faim des ménages (IDF) est aussi sévère ou très sévère pour 24% des ménages dans les zones couvertes par EFSA et 20% pour les zones CAID." +224128,45768.0,2332.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,33,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"Réorganiser les activités (soins de santé primaire, PECIMAS, ANJE, SVA, etc.) dans la communauté en tenant compte de barrières et mesures préventives contre la pandémie Covid-19" +17742,6961.0,321.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,28,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://www.libyanexpress.com/turkey-sends-food-aids-to-idps-in-libyas-capital/,"Turkey’s state aid agency has donated 16 tons of food aid for displaced people in the Libyan capital Tripoli, the agency said on Sunday." +162011,39490.0,2098.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,53,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200707_acaps_covid-19_secondary_impacts_in_rohingya_refugee_camps.pdf,"An April 2020 study by Yale University found that of 909 households surveyed, 72% of Rohingya refugees and 60% of Bangladeshis were unable to buy essential food items in the last seven days and of those, between 43%-47% had skipped meals or reduced food portions ." +90040,25213.0,1621.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,39,[],"['Context', 'Casualties']",2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A_HRC_43_75_E.pdf,"On 23 April, an armed group attacked the Qasr bin Gashir detention centre with small arms fire as migrants were celebrating a Christian festival, injuring two men and six boys aged between 15 and 17 years." +173653,39908.0,1388.0,"['Cross', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20-%20Impacto%20de%20la%20COVID-19%20en%20la%20poblaci%C3%B3n%20venezolana%20-%20Costa%20Rica%2C%20Agosto%202020.pdf,"88% de los hogares con niños/as en edad escolar tiene acceso a materiales o actividades educativas, de los cuales, de los cuales 89% ha recibido clases virtuales. 8% de los hogares no tiene acceso a internet. De los hogares que sí tienen acceso, la mayoría accede por medio de teléfonos celulares. 12% Niños/as fuera de la escuela" +319965,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,39,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"While significant progress has been made in delivering stabilizing and generalized psychosocial support to significant numbers of children in need, the need to scale up more structured psychosocial support for those most severely affected is urgently required." +224054,45768.0,2332.0,"['WASH', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,31,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"A Amma, il y a 02 salles de classes construites en matériaux non durables, 01 bloc de latrines de 04 cabines institutionnelles, 01 forage et 03 enseignants." +176889,41091.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,80,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Hasta el 8 de octubre, el Instituto Nacional el procesamiento de 3.550.223 pruebas de RT PCR en 119 laboratorios adjuntos para diagnóstico de COVID-19, con un incremento de 23.264 en las últimas 24 horas. A la fecha 906.579 muestras han arrojado un resultado positivo; sin embargo, este dato incluye segundas pruebas o más, a casos activos que aún no se recuperan. La capacidad máxima declarada por el INS es de 54.681 muestras/día." +390816,60791.0,1186.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,48,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"De la variación 2018-2019 en las 42 comunas que tienen mayor cantidad de población extranjeras se observa que: • Santiago, Antofagasta e Independencia mantuvieron las posiciones 1°, 2° y 3°, respectivamente, en términos de concentración de población extranjera para 2018 y 2019." +243099,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,25,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In these contexts, high tenure insecurity limits investment in shelter and infrastructure, exposing residents to long periods of deprivation and accumulating vulnerabilities." +149605,35869.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,57,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep18_25july2020.pdf,"For COVID-19: There is an urgent need to increase the testing capacity by bringing more PCR kits, extraction kits and viral transport equipment. There will be more demand on testing in the next period as a result of people fearing being infected, for tracing contacts and for active screening to contain the virus" +167060,40223.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,30,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.sana.sy/en/?p=203584,"The Ministry said in a statement that the total number of Coronavirus cases registered in Syria has reached3731, of which 918patients have recovered and 168 have passed away." +400334,62279.0,2170.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,151,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"[10th November 2020, MONGUNO LGA, BORNO STATE]A total of 184 children aged 0-23 months were included in the IYCF survey to capture the status of early initiation and exclusive breastfeeding. Mothers with infants below 6 months were asked that after delivery when (duration) was the child first put to the breast. About 65.4% (50.9% - 78.0%) of the participants responded that they put the child to the breast within an hour of the birth. About 21.2% (11.1% - 34.7%) of mothers responded that they put their babies to the breast within one day and 13.5% (5.6% - 25.8%) after one day each. Also, 59.6% (45.1% - 73.0%) women given the colostrum to their newborn from the whole sample." +412830,63086.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_07_14_MSF%20RDC_RAPPORT%20VIOLENCES%20SEXUELLES%20%28FR%29%281%29.pdf,"Mais la violence sexuelle en RDC n’est pas uniquement liée aux conflits armés. Chaque jour, des femmes et des hommes, des filles et des garçons subissent des agressions sexuelles de la part d’individus qui ne participent pas aux combats, y compris dans les zones de conflit : cette réalité reste une composante importante et souvent négligée de la problématique des violences sexuelles." +343259,45764.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,51,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/0004_202008_rrm_msa_rapport_final_wolirom.pdf,"Recommandations:  Organiser des entretiens d’échanges avec les différentes couches sur la protection, la prévention et la lutte contre les SGBV et violences de tout genre ;  Sensibiliser contre l’exploitation des couches vulnérables ;  Instruire les leaders à la protection des populations." +315373,53333.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,18,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,Others suggested security measures to be improved in schools so as to ensure that students are protected. +265873,49322.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],es,47,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.portafolio.co/opinion/editorial/ruta-hacia-la-humanidad-editorial-francisco-miranda-548952,El Gobierno lanzó un Estatuto de Protección Temporal para migrantes venezolanos (EPTV) por una vigencia de 10 años. Esto implica la creación de un mecanismo para que las personas del vecino país cuenten con un estatus migratorio regularizado en ese período de tiempo. +265912,49323.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.pulzo.com/nacion/regular-venezolanos-colombia-que-significa-podran-votar-PP1029436,"Lo más importante es que les permitirá a los venezolanos en Colombia, hasta ahora indocumentados, acceder a salud, educación y trabajo. La decisión beneficiará a 1.729.537 migrantes que están en el país y de los cuales, 966.714 (56 %) están en condición irregular." +454026,64097.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,78,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.radiookapi.net/2021/08/13/actualite/societe/unikin-besoin-pressant-de-remplacer-la-soixante-de-professeurs-decedee,"Il y a un « besoin pressant » d’assurer la relève des professeurs formés à l’Université de Kinshasa, vu le nombre de ceux qui sont décédés du Coronavirus, a déclaré le Pr Pascal Kapagama de la faculté des Lettres et sciences humaines. [...] « Avec la pandémie, vous savez que l’Université de Kinshasa (UNIKIN) a perdu plus de 60 professeurs à ce jour." +27979,11702.0,730.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,87,[],[],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_hrp_snapshot_meetings_calendar.pdf,There has been an 84% increase in needs from 1.2 M people in 2015 and 24% increase from 5.4 M in 2018 to 6.7 M in 2019. For people with acute needs an increase of 67 % since 2015 or 4.5 M in 2019 an increase of 42% from 2018. The Shelter/NFI/CCCM Cluster target remained at 3 M for 2018 and 2019 with a budget increase from $195 M in 2018 to $222 M up 14% in 2019. +489945,67838.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,75,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/adamawa_state_2021_cholera_situation_report_no_8.pdf,"[31st Aug 2021, Adamawa State] (Cholera) Set up CTU in affected LGAs. Solicit for funds to train healthcare workers in the affected and at risk LGAs. Continue to engage partners for more support across thematic areas. Share reports timely with NCDC and solicit for support of response material to be supplied to the state. Send out advisory on cholera to places of worship and schools." +294572,51749.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,63,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,[commune de Ouargaye] Il ressort des discussions de groupes que les ménages déplacés souhaiteraient d’une part que les jeunes adultes puissent avoir accès à un métier afin de soutenir leur famille. Et d’autre part avoir accès à des terres à cultiver pour pouvoir subvenir à leurs besoins. [16 participants au Groupe de discussion] +149226,36019.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,64,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"In addition, the procurement and delivery of critical medical equipment to NES remains a challenge due to a combination of global supply shortages as well as restrictions on the ability of NES NGOs to procure supplies in KRI for export to NES, including, in some cases, the imposition of taxes, levied specifically on items imported by NES NGOs." +314697,53183.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,23,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,This multi-sectoral response plan brought together 34 humanitarian and development partners to cover the needs of the majority of the refugee population. +179221,41946.0,2028.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,36,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://publications.unescwa.org/projects/saw/sdgs/pdf/en/Syria-at-War-8-years-on-Report-Final.pdf,"[Syria 2019, Poverty] Extreme poverty is projected to have increased during the conflict, with an estimated 40 per cent of the population living under $1.90 per day in 2019.”" +161829,38962.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,37,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ExSitrep_cov19_PlanInternational_AP_10July.pdf,"PLAN international-Supported 1,079 adolescents to receive counselling on personal and menstrual hygiene management along with raising awareness to the harms of child, early and forced marriage. -Provided 388 couples to receive family planning services." +146069,34803.0,2028.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,22,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"• The reporting period has been characterised by persisting child protection concerns, aggravated by the COVID-19 pandemic and related mitigation measures" +152113,37764.0,2099.0,['Education'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,36,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/31-07-20-buf-5w-dashboard_education.pdf,"A ce jour, la réponse a permis de couvrir 249 669 enfants dans le besoin, ce qui représente 49,93 % par rapport à la cible HRP 2020 de 500 000 enfants d'âge scolaire." +289609,52074.0,2334.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,"In Bafut (NW), following NSAG attacks, Cameroon military retaliated between 28 to 31 October, burning several houses and leading to approximately 5,000 people displaced. Attacks on health facilities and the burning of houses also continued." +237204,46388.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,20,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Women face unique impact from this economic risk due to their more precarious financial position and insecure property rights. +331944,43992.0,2332.0,['Education'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,26,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,[UNICEF] Situation in numbers = 3;023;602 children aged 3 to 17 years of age affected by COVID-19 related school closure +149674,37702.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,50,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"Border crossings remain impacted as Syria and neighboring countries continue implementation of precautionary measures. Most land borders into Syria remain closed, with some limited exemptions (from Jordan, Turkey and Lebanon) including commercial and relief shipments, and movement of humanitarian and international organization personnel." +22812,9097.0,788.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Demography'],en,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20NIGERIA%20December%202018%20sitrep.pdf,"• 233,966 (109 per cent) children with severe acute malnutrition (SAM) received treatment at UNICEF-supported treatment centres. • 3,321,767 (142 per cent) IDPs (including 1,594,448 children under 5 years) were provided with integrated primary health care services at UNICEFsupported health facilities. • At least 1,228,266 (116 per cent) conflict-affected persons were reached with WASH services." +165215,39714.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Local Response'],[],es,29,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,43% evitó el contacto con personas que tienen fiebre o síntomas respiratorios. 35% evitó el contacto con personas que habían viajado en el último mes. +323321,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"On the demand side, many families suffer from financial constraints, exacerbated by the distance between homes and schools. The uneven level of education quality, combined with cultural bias, continues to discourage many parents from investing in their children’s education, particularly after the primary cycle" +283826,50882.0,2466.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,92,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/ipc_sudan_acute_food_insecurity_projection_update_2020octdec_report_1.pdf,"Nearly 1.3 million people will likely remain in Emergency (IPC Phase 4), nearly 6 million people in Crisis (IPC Phase 3) and over 17 million people are estimated to be in Stressed (IPC Phase 2). This marks an increase of 2 percentage points (from 6.4 million to 7.1 million) of people in Crisis (IPC Phase 3) and Emergency (IPC Phase 4), compared to the projection made in June 2020 for the October - December 2020 period." +187191,34290.0,1900.0,['Health'],[],[],es,31,[],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Resumen_Informe_16_07_2020_No_080.pdf,"Operativos de supervisión en las diferentes agencias bancarias, supermercados, farmacias entre otros comercios verificando el cumplimiento de las medidas de bioseguridad por parte de la población en general." +150371,37702.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,87,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"Following WHO support for on-site training of laboratory technicians and delivery of essential supplies, COVID-19 testing is also ongoing at the Tishreen University Hospital in Lattakia, the Zahi Azraq Hospital in Aleppo, and at the public health laboratory in Homs. As of 10 August, the MoH reported that 21,070 tests have been conducted (15,850 in Damascus; 2,109 in Homs; 1,940 in Aleppo; and 1,171 in Lattakia, with a current average of 509 tests performed per day." +157692,38800.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,49,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GTS%20-%20HNAP%20COVID19%20Syria%20Bulletin%20R3.pdf,"Agencies should prepare for the fact that community-level adherence to public health measures will continue to decline, despite renewed restrictions imposed by authorities in some areas. In GoS and SDF, approaches should recognise that many people simply do not want to adhere to the measures." +176888,41091.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],es,100,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Del total de 43.925 camas hospitalarias para adultos, el 35,3% (15.492) se encuentran ocupada por pacientes con COVID-19. Es así como los departamentos que reportan ocupación de cama hospitalaría en adultos entre el 47,0% y 100,0%, fueron Caquetá (100,0%), Guainía (100,0%), Medellín (88,1%), Putumayo (86,0%), Cauca (66,0%), Bogotá D.C (60,1%), Cesar (57,0%), Santander (54,0%) y Cundinamarca (47,0%)." +62671,18394.0,1386.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",['Humanitarian Access->Population To Relief'],es,161,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",['Humanitarian Access'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3295213,"En relación con el derecho a la salud, me preocupa particularmente el insuficiente acceso a medicamentos y tratamiento de más de 400,000 personas que padecen enfermedades crónicas. Se ha registrado la muerte de pacientes con insuficiencia renal debido a la escasez de medicamentos e insumos para ser dializados desde 2017. Debido al desabastecimiento de suministros, los únicos dos centros en el país donde se pueden practicar trasplantes de médula ósea se enfrentan a serios problemas operativos. Adicionalmente, debido a problemas financieros al menos 39 personas, incluidos niños y niñas, se encuentran en Venezuela esperando viajar al extranjero para ser trasplantados en el marco de programas estatales. En los últimos meses, al menos 4 niños y niñas habrían fallecido durante la espera. Un paso positivo es que según la Organización Panamericana de la Salud se ha ampliado la cobertura de vacunación contra la poliomielitis, el sarampión y la difteria." +341742,56493.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,138,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Tout cela est aggravé par la préoccupante problématique du changement climatique qui, avec la raréfaction des terres, affecte de plus en plus les populations rurales du fait de leur forte dépendance des ressources naturelles pour assurer leur alimentation et leur survie. La forte migration des populations vers les zones fertiles entraine une pression démographique sur le foncier à travers la création de villages (habitats), le développement d’activités agricoles et de l’élevage, etc. Plus les espaces sont occupés pour les activités agricoles, moins les éleveurs disposent d’espaces de pâturage pour leur bétail. L’insuffisance d’espaces de pâturage à laquelle s’ajoute le faible nombre de couloirs de transhumance entrainent des dégâts occasionnés par les animaux dans les champs." +22299,9106.0,729.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,161,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"The Service Availability and Readiness Assessment (SARA) survey published in 2017 found that 17.5 per cent of hospitals, 20 per cent of Primary Health Care (PHC) facilities and 18 per cent of specialized health facilities in Libya have been partially damaged or completely destroyed by the conflict. Only 41 per cent of hospitals have a comprehensive set of essential medicines available, while levels of availability at PHC facilities and medical stores are extremely low at 10 per cent and 13 per cent respectively. Antenatal care (ANC) availability and readiness is limited at a national level due to a lack of medicines, guidelines and trained staff. Only 18 facilities offer family planning services in the entire country, and only eight offer counselling and testing for HIV. The overall lack of comprehensive health services has affected access of more than one million Libyans and non-Libyans to quality healthcare services" +183621,42456.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Education']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,48,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.unicef.org/wca/media/5411/file/UNICEF-WCARO-Central-Sahel-Advocacy-October-2020.pdf,"With the spread of COVID-19, more must be done to protect the continuity of essential social services for women and children. Investing in social services also means investing in the people who deliver them – teachers, health workers, social welfare officers and volunteers." +339307,56367.0,2099.0,['Education'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,95,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Nearly 60 per cent of internally displaced persons in Burkina Faso are children. In the Central- North region of the country alone, 200,000 internally displaced children are out of school, waiting for support to continue their education. UNHCR and other education partners are supporting the Government to improve the conditions of schools in the most secure areas so that they can accommodate displaced children, but there are still many gaps to be filled, in terms of infrastructure, teaching and learning materials, school canteens and teacher training." +346177,56952.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,103,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20monitoreo%20enero-marzo%202021%20-%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20vers%C3%B3n%20final.pdf,"Dentro de las razones principales del ingreso a Colombia de NNA no acompañados identifica- das por la población monitoreada en Riohacha, figura la situación crítica en Venezuela en lo que concierne el acceso a comida. La misma situación hace que los padres soliciten a terceros que lle- ven a sus NNA a Colombia, esperando una mejora en su calidad de vida. Debido a estas circunstan- cias y a una ausencia de atención y cuidado de los NNA al ingresar al territorio colombiano, estos están expuestos a situaciones que pueden im- pactar negativamente el acceso a sus derechos." +266568,49773.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_HSOS-NWS_-January-2021.pdf,"[January 2021, NWS] 94% of communities where KIs reported the insufficient income of households and and 53% general lack of employment opportunities as barriers to meeting basic needs." +333159,44672.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,102,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"UNDP [UN Development Programme] is also proposing to play an integrator role towards a platform for innovative finance, private and public investments, support to MSMEs [Medium and Small Size Enterprises] digital technologies (starting with telemedicine) and job opportunities for Youth. UNDP’s analytical tools would guide strategic thinking and policy in collaboration with top experts from HEAT [High Expertise Advisory Team] initiative. Such a cooperative approach would help the Government in generating revenue, creating jobs (in the short and longer term) and progress towards SDG." +325242,54815.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population', 'Context->Environment']",en,44,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"(Sahel, Nord, Centre-Nord, Est) Recently, several bridges in the Sahel, Nord, Centre-Nord, and Est regions were damaged by rainwater without being repaired, also reducing the access capacity of humanitarian actors to populations in need" +209805,45080.0,2170.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,127,['Priority Needs'],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%209%20Dec%202020.pdf,"[9thDec2020,Borno State ]The volatile security situation has immensely affected the response. Shelter and NFI Sector activities (Shelter and NFI) have been hindered and Partners movements are restricted. Areas where people are most in need, such as Magumeri, are hard to reach for aid workers. Indeed, a needs assessment conducted in Magumeri in August highlighted the urgent need for shelter and NFI for the new arrivals. However, they have not yet received assistance due to the difficulty to access the area. Land Issues continue to affect humanitarian action directly across Borno State Local Government Areas (LGAs) since most available land is outside the military safety perimeter, where movement is restricted" +240587,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"While official figures suggest more men than women have contracted the virus, this is likely to be a result of unequal access to testing." +191656,43304.0,2332.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,L’analyse de la migration économique ou les déplacements forcés montre que plusieurs centaines de milliers de personnes se trouvent affectées de différentes manières par cette crise sanitaire. +227160,46454.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,31,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2022_23Dec2020_FINAL.pdf,"In November, WFP reported close to half of surveyed households (46 per cent) reported poor and borderline food consumption, almost double the level in November 2019." +315545,52949.0,2331.0,"['WASH', 'Health']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,81,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The families in this category were also found to suffer from inadequate water supply to satisfy their household needs and often resorted to the use of unsafe or contaminated water. All these factors together increased the vulnerability of households to water and hygiene related diseases, including the spread of acute diarrheal diseases, which increases the risk of malnutrition and disability, and contributes to the increased stunting rate of 25.3 per cent in children below 5 years." +221955,45410.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,92,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"[La région du Lac dans la Zone 8 - « Zone ouest agropastorale et de pêche » ]: La plupart des déplacés ne disposent pas de terres agricoles propres ; certains, moins nombreux, sont attributaires de superficies très modestes d’un quart d’hectare aménagées par les acteurs humanitaires. D’autres travaillent dans les périmètres agricoles appartenant aux ménages qui les abritent ou encore exploitent, sous forme de métayage, durant l’hivernage des terres d’à peine 1 hectare." +150368,37702.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,40,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"On-site training for 32 CPHL laboratory technicians has also been completed. In the reporting period, WHO supported refresher training for CPHL laboratory technicians and four new technicians to support expansion of laboratory capacity to include Rural Damascus." +358723,58573.0,2311.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,26,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/acleddata.com-Regional%20Overview%20South%20America12-18%20June%202021.pdf,"In Colombia, anti-government demonstrations continued last week for the seventh consecutive week, although events decreased by about half compared to the previous week." +194474,43501.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,28,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"3 principales préoccupations pour les femmes de moins de 18 ans au cours du mois précédent, en % de localités évaluées21: Mariage précoce/forcé Violences sexuelles NC" +315367,53333.0,2334.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,10,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,Nearer schools were reported as fewer and so overcrowded. +235852,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],en,77,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Heading into a second wave of the pandemic, official figures indicate that by mid-December 2020, just over 2,000 people had died due to COVID-19 since the start of the year. However, due to limited public health resources and testing capacity, lack of people coming forward for testing, as well as the absence of a national death register, these official figures are most useful as an indicator of trends only." +61139,18235.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,63,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"In Colombia, the Interagency Group for Mixed Migration Flows (GIFMM in its Spanish acronym) has 53 members in its national chapter, including international and local NGOs, UN agencies and members of the Red Cross movement. Eight local GIFMM branches have also been created in the Colombian departments with the largest presence of Venezuelan refugees and migrants." +346150,56952.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20monitoreo%20enero-marzo%202021%20-%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20vers%C3%B3n%20final.pdf,Continúa la tendencia de alto porcentaje de po- blación monitoreada que no cuenta con ningún permiso migratorio (85.6%) frente a un bajo porcentaje con PEP (14.4%) +236639,46388.0,2336.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In addition, households headed by a person with a disability may face higher hygiene needs, as only 58 per cent report having sufficient quantities of water for handwashing (compared to 67 per cent of other households)." +292288,52058.0,2225.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross', 'Food Security', 'WASH']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,88,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/16-03-21_ni_nord_kivu.pdf,"16 590 personnes retournées dans la localité de Buleusa, territoire de Walikale, ont besoin d’une assistance multisectorielle, notamment en sécurité alimentaire, articles ménagers essentiels et en eau-hygiène-assainissement. Ces besoins prioritaires ont été identifiés lors d'une mission d'évaluation réalisée par l’ONG locale Comité des interventions humanitaires (CIH) du 9 au 14 mars. [..] . Pour l'heure, seuls deux partenaires humanitaires y exécutent des projets en nutrition et en protection de l’enfance." +164607,38699.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,41,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/monsoon-floods-push-millions-children-uncertainty-amid-covid-19,"The current flood has come at a time when Bangladesh is still recovering from the ravage left by the Cyclone Amphan, and its already stretched emergency and health response systems are struggling to contain the spread of the COVID-19 virus" +12721,5579.0,322.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,75,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20Jun%202018.pdf,"Between January to June 2018, FSAC partners have assisted an average of 7.1 million individuals with regular monthly emergency food assistance (in-kind, cash transfers, & voucher transfers). By the end of June 2018, a cumulative total of 976,000 individuals have also benefited from livelihoods assistance (906,000 people assisted with rapid emergency agricultural, livestock & fisheries kits; and 70,000 individuals provided with longer-term livelihoods support)" +305754,51572.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,34,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Expand awareness raising to local communities on CP ( Child Protection) and S/GBV activities [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +59581,17198.0,1224.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->Local Response'],[],en,27,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,The Toshao has given each migrant family 30 rods (1 rod equals 12 feet) of land for domestic and farming purposes within the village. +315920,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Women from minority clan communities are particularly vulnerable to forms of GBV.As such, urban areas often present very high risks for women who may be outside the protection regime of a dominant clan." +412829,63086.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,47,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_07_14_MSF%20RDC_RAPPORT%20VIOLENCES%20SEXUELLES%20%28FR%29%281%29.pdf,"Selon OCHA, [en 2020] les cas de violences sexuelles liés aux conflits dans les provinces du Nord-Kivu et du Sud-Kivu, de l’Ituri et du Maniema se sont accrus proportionnellement aux combats et aux mouvements d’acteurs armés étatiques et non-étatiques" +325776,54267.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"À l’exception du coton et du commerce des céréales plus institutionnalisé (par le biais du Programme alimentaire mondial ou de la Société nationale de gestion du stock de sécurité, SONAGESS), les agriculteurs sont faiblement intégrés dans les chaînes d’approvisionnement formelles." +241008,47700.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Health']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,51,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,,"Among other efforts {against the COVID-19 pandemic}, the government has begun food distribution for the most impoverished, starting from 20 May, pending the arrival of food orders from outside the country, and distributes free face masks from existing stocks as well as pending orders." +306539,51572.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,28,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Nutrition :There is need to provide clean drinking water in the facility. [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]" +169385,40506.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,25,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://lefaso.net/spip.php?article99753,"Les principales activités génératrices de ces femmes relèvent en effet du secteur informel, qui a été touché de plein fouet par les restrictions." +311055,54065.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,115,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nenfss_round_9_final_report_11032021.pdf,"[1st Dec 2020,North-East Nigeria] By domain the proportion of children of children with symptoms of diarrhea receiving ORS [range: 17.9% (Northern Borno) to 51.1% (Central Borno)] was also greater than the proportion receiving zinc [range 0.0% (Northern Borno) to 23.4% (Central Borno)] in all domains. The finding that coverage of ORS is higher than that of zinc among children with symptoms of diarrhea is consistent with findings from previous NNHS surveys as well as the 1-8 of NE-NFSS and has been attributed to greater knowledge of ORS than zinc supplementation among caregivers." +341849,56644.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,78,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.sismamujer.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/MUJERES-DERECHOS-LABORALES-Y-EMERGENCIA-SANITARIA.docx.pdf,"Como se indicó, dado que en su gran mayoría las mujeres no son empleadas por empresas, sino por familias, es necesario enfatizar en las responsabilidades del Estado y en las responsabilidades de empleadores/as. Involucrar perspectiva de género en el análisis, pasa por reconocer quienes son, en realidad, los principales empleadores/as y generar estrategias, focalizadas, que resulten efectivas para garantizar la aplicación de las garantías laborales de estas mujeres17." +303372,51947.0,2332.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,154,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,,"L’analyse du niveau d’éducation des femmes par nationalité montre que la proportion de femmes n’ayant aucun niveau d’éducation était plus élevée chez les Nigériennes (80%) et les Nigérianes (72%) que chez les Tchadiennes (59%). En croisant les raisons de voyage et les niveaux d’éducation, il ressort que les femmes ayant reçu un enseignement coranique (67%) et celles n’ayant aucun niveau d’éducation (53%) sont celles qui voyageaient en majorité pour des raisons économiques. La moitié de celles ayant reçu une éducation tertiaire voyageaient pour des raisons de tourisme. Enfin, c’est parmi les femmes ayant les niveaux de collège et primaire qu’une proportion importante voyageaient pour rejoindre leur famille (respectivement 44% et 45%)." +161547,39295.0,2028.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,33,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,o Restoration of essential services and basic infrastructure to prioritize activities that would support the preventive and curative health response to COVID-19 in close coordination with other sectors and local governance structure. +15517,6440.0,321.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,94,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Libya%20Flash%20Update%209%20November%202018.pdf,"UNHCR continued its school bag campaign to support refugees and displaced children by distributing 3,554 school bags in Sabha, Talaae Alnaser, Tarhuna, Misrata, Tawerga school, Al-Fallah IDP camp in Tripoli and in Tajoura. Due to the liquidity crisis in Libya, the cost of school materials has significantly increased over the past years. Through this campaign, UNHCR aims to mitigate the financial impact that the start of the school year has on refugee and IDP families and thereby secure affected children’s school attendance." +178455,41756.0,2225.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,84,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Les zones de santé les plus affectées par la malnutrition aigüe se trouvent dans les provinces de l’Ituri, du Nord-Kivu, du Tanganyika, de la région du Kasaï, du Kwilu, du Haut-Uele, du Nord Ubangi, du Sud-Ubangi, du Kwango, du Kongo Central, de Kinshasa et de la Tshuapa. Ces provinces ont souvent également des besoins urgents en matière de santé, d’eau, hygiène et assainissement et sécurité alimentaire." +235077,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,61,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Despite efforts to improve transparency and root out corruption in both the public and private sector, corruption continues to plague the country. In a recent perception survey, 95 per cent of people view corruption as a major problem for Afghanistan as a whole, and 85 per cent perceive it as a problem in their daily life." +308029,53290.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,30,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://logcluster.org/sites/default/files/logistics_cluster_south_sudan_operation_overview_2102.pdf,"The Logistics Cluster published 11 information management products on the operational website. The most recent version of the Physical Access Constraints map, which is updated every week." +323676,54267.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,49,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Le Burkina Faso pourrait également percevoir des dividendes d’investissement de ses récentes initiatives visant à rejoindre le Compact du G20 avec l’Afrique et de sa décision d’ouvrir des relations diplomatiques avec la République Populaire de Chine (Banque mondiale, 2019)." +164718,39789.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,36,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Movementwide%20Operation%20Report%20August%202020.pdf,"BDRCS Response Highlights: 142,258 Surgical masks distributed among field staff, volunteers, and selected people including Forcibly Displaced Myanmar Nationals (FDMN). 170 People received support through Psychosocial Support Call Center." +172822,38004.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,51,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/04/28/syria-aid-restrictions-hinder-covid-19-response,"[28th April 2020, NE Syria] Until mid-March, international aid groups in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq that previously sourced almost all their medical supplies for their operations in northeast Syria through the WHO continued to transfer limited aid and staff to northeast Syria through other border crossings" +45670,15533.0,729.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,119,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_report_areabasedassessment_aba_azzawya_jun2019.pdf,"In terms of admission to health facilities, while most healthcare administrator KIs (3/4) reported that non-Libyans theoretically had free access, most medical professional KIs (6/9) highlighted that restrictions in fact existed. The three major types of constraints reportedly faced by migrants were: (1) a lack of identity documentation; (2) the cost of healthcare, which was mostly not provided for free to non-Libyans in public hospitals and sometimes required the presence of a Libyan sponsor; and (3) being refused treatment or being discriminated against due to their migrant status, often out of a false belief that migrants frequently carry contagious diseases." +382662,59706.0,1187.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,13,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/HFS_ReporteNarrativo_ARG_1S2020.pdf,un 12% indicó tener acceso a una o menos comidas por día +309784,51467.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"The prevalence of GAM among children under-five was standing at a very high level of 16.2 per cent, according to the latest, lean-season FSNMS (Food Security and Nutrition Monitoring System) survey conducted in 2019." +148564,36019.0,2028.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,54,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"The first movement back to NES on the 3rd of June allowed the NGOs to bring in 33 international staff (including 15 medical personnel), this was followed by subsequent crossings (7 and 13 staff) from KRI to NES. Now, movements are planned on a weekly basis." +146191,37551.0,1187.0,"['WASH', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,41,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/situation_report_south_america_8_july-4_august_web.pdf,"IOM in Argentina processed 30 cash transfers and delivered 55 food vouchers to assist migrants in condi- tions of extreme vulnerability. In addition, IOM delivered hygiene supplies and food for the preparation of 20,000 meals to 230 families." +317181,53333.0,2334.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Challenges for education confirmed in this qualitative assessment included non-functional schools without qualified and disciplined teachers, which lack adequate learning infrastructure especially classes which are currently overcrowded because only a few schools are functional." +318513,54556.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Covid-19->Vaccination']",en,87,[],"['Context', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/2021/04/25/dghs-chief-2-1-million-doses-of-covid-19-vaccine-to-arrive-in-early-may,"[25th April 2021, Bangladesh] Bangladesh signed an agreement with Serum Institute of India to purchase 30 million doses of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine in November. Beximco Pharma is responsible for procuring the doses, according to the deal. Prof Khurshid told Dhaka Tribune that Beximco Pharma had been asked to take necessary steps to bring two million doses of the Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine from Serum Institute of India as soon as possible to dispel any uncertainty over Bangladesh’s inoculation drive." +242981,46388.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Cross', 'Shelter']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,43,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Pervasive lack of HLP rights means that many Afghans continuously live under the threat of eviction. Other impacts are also are wide reaching: tenure insecurity limits investment in adequate shelter/housing, livelihood generating assets, WASH services and local infrastructure." +319967,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Separation from caregivers is reported in 48 per cent of IDP families and 44 per cent in host communities. Death of caregivers/parents, child marriage (mostly adolescent girls) and child recruitment (mostly adolescent boys) were the main cause of family separation." +329141,53878.0,2331.0,"['Food Security', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,17,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SOYDA%20Monthly%20Progressive%20Report-Feb%202021.pdf,"Provided Food basket and water to 1,192 school children at Merka district of lower shabelle region." +339488,56380.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],es,48,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb4645es.pdf,"La mayoría de los hogares encuestados dependen de distintas fuentes de ingreso, principalmente la comercialización de productos alimentarios y trabajos independientes o asalariados, lo que muestra que las familias, pese a tener una actividad principal, dependen de distintas actividades para garantizar su sustento." +255417,48602.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,39,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Whole%20of%20Syria%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20-%20End-of-year%202020.pdf,"[1Jan-31Dec 2020, Overall Syria] Despite UNICEF and partners’ efforts to keep basic services available, movement restrictions, limited capacity for wide-scale remote services, and the need to maintain physical distancing posed challenges." +327299,54982.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,51,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/04/changes-in-eating-habits-ramadan-does-not-taste-the-same-in-syria/,"[17 APR, Overall Syria] Ramadan banquets in such dire circumstances are a heavy burden to people and also a potential source of unease and embarrassment for those who cannot afford to present the usual feast. Preparing Iftar for 10 fasting people costs over 150,000 SYP." +296812,52565.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/2019/06/WFP-COUNTRY-BRIEF-CAMEROON-APRIL-2019.pdf,"Overall 58,368 children aged 6-59 months were included in WFP nutritional support and prevention programme, amongst which 3,230 children were treated for moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) in the Far North, North, East and Adamawa regions." +39379,13671.0,729.0,[],[],[],en,90,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_libya_en_05_may.pdf,"According to the latest IOMDTM figures, nearly 55,000 persons have now fled their homes as a result of the armed conflict. Some 4,350 new IDPs have been identified since 2 May in Garabolli, Tajoura, Suq Al Jumaa, Msallata and Surman. Most newlyidentifed IDPs are displaced from Khallat Al Frujan, Wadi Al Rabih, Ain Zara and Triq Al Matar areas. The areas of origin of IDPs have remained relatively consistent over the past weeks, as frontlines have remained largely static." +61141,18235.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,41,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"11 out of 13 participating States agreed, among other things, to: • fight against discrimination and xenophobia; • and strengthen their legal frameworks with the aim of promoting and respecting the rights of Venezuelan refugees and migrants.43" +176412,41733.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,56,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/reach_drc_bulletin-des-marche-2_juin-2020.pdf,"Les provinces de Kinshasa, sa périphérie, et celles du Sud- Est et du Nord-Est ont été particulièrement touchées par cette augmentation. Notamment, dans le cas de Kinshasa, sa périphérie, et les provinces du Sud-Est, les niveaux atteints en avril étaient les plus élevés depuis le début de l'année." +309830,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Given that Housing, land and property (HLP) rights continue to be a growing key protection issue across South Sudan, an estimated 1.5 million will be affected by HLP issues in 2021, in addition 743,000 children are indirectly affected of HLP issues." +234213,46381.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,18,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"A total of 5,168 household members of 18 or above were interviewed and tested for the survey." +301808,51958.0,2332.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,114,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_devaluation_de_protection_des_retournes_tchadiens_de_la_rca_installes_dans_les_sites_au_sud_du_tchad_002.pdf,"S’agissant des questions liées au mariage précoce et/ou forcé, il a été rapporté que les enfants étaient donnés en mariage précocement par le passé. Cependant, avec les différentes sensibilisations menées par les acteurs humanitaires, les autorités et les mécanismes communautaires, ce phénomène a considérablement diminué. Pour autant, il n’en n’est pas moins vrai aussi que la pratique du mariage coutumier où la fille est dotée étant mineure et doit regagner son époux à l’âge d’adulte se poursuit toujours. Les groupes des jeunes reconnaissent clairement que certains parents donnent leurs filles mineures de force en mariage." +307092,51467.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,32,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"The top three needs of people are access to emergency life-saving shelter, access to lifesaving NFIs and access to housing, land and property including support to recovery and resilience building" +358502,58673.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,63,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syrian%20Arab%20Republic%20-%20Euphrates%20water%20crisis%20and%20drought%20outlook%2C%20as%20of%2017%20June%202021.pdf,"(June 2021, overall Syria, especially NES) Contaminated water also poses severe public health risks, with the Early Warning, Alert and Response System (EWARS) detecting a substantial increase in the number of acute diarrhea cases recorded in the northeast in May 2021 (17,166) compared to the same month in 2020 (7,355)." +224073,45768.0,2332.0,"['Nutrition', 'WASH']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,20,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,Le manque d’eau est un facteur aggravant la situation nutritionnelle des enfants déjà déshydratés par la diarrhée. +218200,45410.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,67,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"Compte tenu des bons résultats de la campagne, des bonnes conditions pastorales (pâturage, eau) favorisant une bonne disponibilité laitière, les ménages de la plupart des zones agricoles et agropastorales sont en mesure de couvrir l’essentiel de leurs besoins de consommation malgré les bas niveaux de revenus. Ils sont en insécurité alimentaire minimale Phase 1 de l’IPC." +239846,47107.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],en,28,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[Jan 2021]In NWS, 67,693 samples have been tested since reporting the first case, with a test positivity rate of 29.2 per cent." +152367,38139.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,87,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cox-s-bazar-sitrep-17.pdf,"WHO continues its support to the Field Laboratory of the Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research (IEDCR) in the Cox’s Bazar Medical College comprising human resources, equipment, supplies/consumables and technical and operational expertise. From early April until 02 August 2020, a total of 27 212 laboratory tests for COVID-19 have been conducted in the lab, of which 22 464 from the Cox’s Bazar district. The remainder are from Bandarban and Chittagong districts." +201582,43427.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,179,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"El efecto de concentración implica que en otros territorios la coca sigue bajando. En 2019, Caldas y Cundinamarca siguen libres de coca; Arauca y La Guajira tampoco regis- traron cultivos; Boyacá, Santander; Cesar, Magdalena, Guainía y Vaupés, tienen menos de 100 ha de coca; y Vichada y Amazonas tienen menos de mil hectáreas. Esto repre- senta una buena oportunidad para consoli- dar definitivamente estos territorios. El 20 % de las grillas que tenían coca en 2018, no la tienen en 2019; y en el 33 % del territo- rio afectado la reducción fue mayor al 50 %; para mantener esas tendencias es necesario pensar en sostenibilidad. Adicionalmente, 38 % del territorio que tuvo coca en algún momento en los últimos 10 años, completó tres años o más sin ningún reporte de coca; estos territorios ofrecen escenarios de investigación para identificar buenas prácticas y lecciones aprendidas que podrían incorporarse en las nuevas es- trategias de intervención que deben ser implementadas." +164192,37783.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://tande.substack.com/p/syria-in-context-coronavirus-update-ffe,"COVID-19 cases are on the rise in all areas of Syria, especially in government-held governorates. Last week, Syria in Context reported that thegovernment’s figures vastly understate the scale of the outbreak and estimated that there are likely at least 85,000 cases in Damascus alone." +221979,45410.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,60,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,[La région du Lac dans la Zone 8 - « Zone ouest agropastorale et de pêche » ]: Les bonnes récoltes en cours ainsi que les vivres distribués par l’assistance humanitaire complétés de faibles volumes de poissons capturés par les déplacés constituent un grande part de la consommation alimentaire des ménages de déplacés et hôtes. +181156,42386.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,91,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Context']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_RMU_October-2020_vfinal.pdf,"Avec une recrudescence des incidents depuis ce mois d’octobre, l’insécurité continuera d’affecter négativement l’accès aux sources de notamment l’orpaillage, le maraichage et le commerce du bétail. Les revenus issus des transferts de la migration saisonnière pourraient aussi être réduits en raison de la fermeture des frontières terrestres qui freine les départs et du ralentissement de l’économie dans les pays d’accueil des migrants. Les prix des denrées de base demeureront au-dessus de la moyenne" +343581,55985.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,92,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_121_20210501.pdf,"[01/05/2021] Ce 01/05/2021, 61 nouveaux cas confirmés de COVID-19 ont été notifiés dont 26 à Kinshasa, 20 au Nord-Kivu et 15 dans le Haut-Katanga. Tout de même, aucun nouveau décès n’a été enregistré parmi les cas confirmés actifs. Les 61 cas du jour ont été détectés dans 24 zones de santé (ZS), en premières celles de Kinshasa (8,2%), Katwa (8,2%), Lubumbashi (8,2%) et Kasa Vubu (8,2%)" +453965,63974.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_20210630-Rapport-Protection-Trimestriel.pdf,"Au regard des risques de protection auxquelles sont confrontées les populations sans documents d’état civil ou d’identité, telles que les arrestations et détentions arbitraires, les difficultés d’accès aux droits fondamentaux ; des actions continues d’accompagnement du Gouvernement du Burkina Faso dans la délivrance de ces documents s’avèrent nécessaires dans ce contexte de déplacements internes et vulnérabilité élevée des populations civiles." +148551,36019.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,50,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"While a limited number of humanitarian workers have been able to enter Lebanon from Syria. The crossing points with Lebanon have remained open for humanitarian and commercial cargos. International flights remain limited, while Damascus, Aleppo and Qamishli airports are still operating domestic and cargo flights." +21816,9026.0,322.0,[],[],[],en,34,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,,"Virtually all structures within the old city exhibit a very distinctive vernacular style that dates back hundreds of years. Also, the medieval urban fabric of lanes and small squares remains intact." +193957,43327.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,9,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_sectoriel_octobre.pdf,FORMATIONS SANITAIRES 91 Non fonctionnelles 232 Fonctionnant à minima +239840,47107.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,64,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[Dec 2020] In NES, local authorities announced on 5 December that civilian movements by public transports will be allowed again starting 6 December. However, access through internal crossing points continued to be restricted in large part due to the impact of widespread lockdown measures which had been implemented, including 10-day full lockdowns in Tabqa and Raqqa cities." +237844,47230.0,2311.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"Recién llegados: Es más probable que los hogares que llegaron más recientemente (desde 2019) no tengan un estatus regular, e incurran en estrategias de sobrevivencia de emergencia con mayor frecuencia." +287066,51749.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[Pouytenga] Plusieurs stratégies de survie sont donc développées parmi lesquelles la diminution des quantités consommée pendant les repas, la réduction de la consommation des adultes au profit des enfants ou la diminution du nombre de repas par jour." +220904,45410.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,65,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,Les déplacés du Lac et les ménages hôtes continueraient de dépendre de l’assistance complétée par des quantités marginales de récoltes issues de superficies généralement réduites. Ils auraient une consommation alimentaire réduite d’adéquation minimale et ne pourraient s’engager dans des dépenses non alimentaires essentielles. Ils seraient en Stress (Phase 2! De l’IPC). +320227,53305.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,11,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,WHO and UNHCR are supporting Abyei remotely from South Sudan. +314721,52949.0,2331.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Once displaced, often to informal settlements in urban areas, their ability to meet basic needs is undermined by widespread poverty and limited livelihoods, and exacerbated by shocks, including conflict, floods, drought, the Desert Locust upsurge and the COVID-19 pandemic" +178520,41756.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,107,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Comparé au 16ème cycle de l’IPC (juin 2018) qui estimait à près de 13,1 millions le nombre de personnes en phases 3 et 4, soit 23 pour cent de la population rurale analysée dans 101 territoires,145 il se dégage une détérioration notable de la situation de la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle, qui doit, toutefois, être relativisée par le fait que de nouvelles zones de santé ont été intégrées dans l’analyse IPC et qu’en 2018 les données de population ont été mises à jour pour mieux refléter la réalité de la situation alimentaire du pays." +70632,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Population To Relief'],en,117,[],['Humanitarian Access'],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"There are reports of historical discrimination against Haitians, many of whom suffer from poverty, limited education and who may be subject to abuse including related to religious practices. Haitian people living on Family Islands are more likely to be living in poverty than those with Bahamian nationality. The incidence of poverty is three times higher than the national rate for households headed by a Haitian migrant (27.9%)41 . Among Haitians, 38.6% were classified as ‘poor’ in contrast to 10.7% of Bahamians.42 The majority of immigrants are women (59.9% on the family islands) which should be considered to ensure appropriate assistance." +270220,50227.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",es,86,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"La proporción de positividad por PCR es de 10,5%, donde la entidad territorial que presenta la mayor positividad es el departamento de Caquetá (46%), Tolima (33%), Quindío (31%), Cauca (29%), Putumayo (28%), Huila (27%), Valle del Cauca (26%), Risaralda (26%), Cesar (25%) y Cundinamarca (25%)." +329152,53878.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,26,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SOYDA%20Monthly%20Progressive%20Report-Feb%202021.pdf,Somali Young Doctors Association (SOYDA) Distributed 129 of Emergency support for safe spaces Materials for the vulnerable IDPs in Merka and Afgooye districts. +241253,46388.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,31,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,The cost of medicines is also an issue suggesting that there is a need to support people to purchase the drugs they are prescribed when they do see a doctor. +341743,56493.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Protection']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,37,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Très souvent dans ces cas de figure, on assiste à des règlements de compte entre agriculteurs et éleveurs qui ne font pas recours aux mécanismes de résolution des conflits, car jugés inaccessibles et inefficaces." +178325,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)'],fr,46,[],['Information And Communication'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Malgré les efforts des acteurs humanitaires pour améliorer la consultation des personnes affectées dans le cadre de leur programmation individuelle, il existe peu de données récentes disponibles à l’échelle de la RDC sur la perception des populations concernant leurs besoins humanitaires prioritaires." +327354,54982.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,39,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/04/changes-in-eating-habits-ramadan-does-not-taste-the-same-in-syria/,"[31 March, Overall Syria] On 31 March, the government Syrian Trade Establishment (STE) said that the Syrian citizens’ meat consumption fell to less than 25 percent, below regular annual consumption." +323118,54498.0,2311.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,104,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/89758cd4/REACH_COL_RAN_Factsheet_Trend_analysis_March2021.pdf,"Por último, el panorama para los grupos de viaje fue un poco diferente, reportán- dose casos en todas las etapas de reco- lección. En la primera ronda, de los 143 ICs, el 32% de ello/as reportó que mujeres dentro de su grupo viajaban en estado de gestación y/o lactancia, proporción que se mantuvo a lo largo de las cuatro ron- das siguientes, exceptuando en la cuarta ronda donde de los 139 ICs que viajaban en grupo, solo el 18% reportó que dentro de su grupo había mujeres en estado de gestación y/o lactancia." +123574,30832.0,1620.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/PRESS%20RELEASE%20-%20NIGERIA%20-%20UN%20APPALLED%20BY%20ATTACK%20HITTING%20CIVILIANS%20AND%20HUMANITARIAN%20FACILITY%20IN%20MONGUNO%20-%2014062020%20-%20final.pdf,"Twenty-five aid organisations are providing assistance to more than 150,000 internally displaced persons in the town of Monguno, in the north-eastern part of Borno State. The United Nations and NGO partners in Nigeria are working to bring urgent aid and curtail the spread of COVID-19 in the north-eastern states of Borno, Adamawa and Yobe where 10.6 million people are in need of assistance." +164755,39789.0,2098.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,80,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Movementwide%20Operation%20Report%20August%202020.pdf,"Danish Red Cross:  1478 HHs (camp-14, camp-19 and host community) reached through awareness session and handwashing demonstration where 6941 soap bars distributed.  56 deep & shallow tube wells and 02 handwashing station repaired in Camp-19 in Cox’s Bazar. In addition, 508 latrine, 343 tube well areas, 1308 HHs and communal, 83 handwashing station and 12 mosques disinfectant at camp settlements in Cox’s Bazar." +318585,52949.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,65,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The Somalia 2020 Micronutrient Survey launched in August 2020 reported that pregnant women and children are particularly susceptible to malnutrition. It indicates that around 47 per cent of pregnant women are anaemic, compared to 40.2 per cent of non-pregnant women, and similarly around 43 per cent children below 5 years are anaemic, both of which are serious public health challenges." +313682,53333.0,2334.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,22,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Ensure essential SRH services meet the “Availability, Accessibility, Acceptability, and Quality” framework of the right to health" +150072,32165.0,1388.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",[],[],es,83,[],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/74589.pdf,"Por su parte, los que indican tener una oferta dirigida a la persona refugiada señalan que ésta primordialmente está enfocada en solucionar aspectos relacionados con la normalización del estatus legal como refugiado de esas personas. Fundación Mujer agrega que como parte de su quehacer busca la incorporación de estas personas al mercado laboral, ya sea por medio de capacitaciones y/o acompañamiento para desarrollar habilidades blandas para la empleabilidad, u otras habilidades que les permitan desarrollar alguna iniciativa emprendedora." +199564,44216.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,59,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/health/coronavirus/2020/11/16/covid-19-bangladesh-records-21-deaths-2-139-new-cases,"[16th November 2020, Bangladesh] According to the DGHS, as of November 16, 2020, Dhaka division accounts for 55.47% of the total number of Covid-19 infections, and Chittagong for 16.66%Mehedi Hasan/Dhaka TribuneIn the last 24 hours, 21 people died of Covid-19 and 2,139 tested positive for the virus." +317869,52949.0,2331.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,41,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"COVID-19 school closure further exacerbated these issues – the closures are estimated to have affected 1.1 million children enrolled in the schools across the country from March to August 2020, impacting not only their learning but also their wellbeing." +292000,51982.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],es,72,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/colombia2020/justicia/jep/cada-media-hora-un-colombiano-ha-sido-desplazado-este-ano-fiscalia-de-la-jep/,"desde que se firmó el Acuerdo de Paz en noviembre de 2016, solo en ese departamento se han cometido 22 masacres. La última, la de 11 personas que fueron asesinadas el pasado 21 de febrero en Tumaco, en hechos que las autoridades describieron como cuatro hechos diferentes de homicidios relacionados con la confrontación entre el grupo de ‘Los Contadores’ y la ‘Oliver Sinisterra’." +333160,44672.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,60,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The UNDP [UN Development Programme] is focusing on increased risk communication, contact tracing, case detection and home based care follow up: fixed and mobile teams in Kandahar, Jalalabad and Herat through the Rapid Response Fund; two mobile teams and one fixed health center for COVID-19 in each of the above three provinces." +22078,8649.0,788.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],en,99,['Impact'],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://www.vanguardngr.com/2019/02/47-million-bank-accounts-go-dormant/,"Financial Vanguardanalysis also showed a steady growth in the number of inactive bank accounts between 2014 and 2018. According to NIBSS, inactive bank accounts grew faster than active bank accounts in the past five years, 2014 to 2018. During this period, inactive bank accounts grew by 73 percent while active bank accounts grew by 35 percent. While inactive bank accounts increased by 19.61 million to 46.7 million in 2018 from 27.09 million in 2014, active bank accounts rose by 24.75 million to 71.2 million in 2018 from 46.45 million in 2014." +245225,48020.0,2170.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_15_jan_2021_report.pdf,"[1st-15th Jan 2021,North east Nigeria] The main source of drinking and non-drinking water at displacement sites is the borehole (84%). Other sources of water supply include hand pumps, wells, water vendors and water trucking." +215918,44941.0,2331.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,56,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/somalia_health_cluster_bulletin_december_2019.pdf,"The mission recommended the need to improve GBV integration into the Health Cluster plans and strategy in 2020, with the Health Cluster strategy for 2020 providing an opportunity to agree on priorities, resources and what the different health programming approaches that can be adopted by health partners to increase their GBV health services." +325693,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,L’élévation du niveau technique de la transformation est un défi car le riz local est encore principalement transformé par des étuveuses qui ne sont pas équipées pour répondre aux exigences de qualité des consommateurs urbains. +475559,63296.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,66,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"En raison de la pauvreté des sols et des pressions démographiques exercées par l’acroissement de la population, de nombreux ménages n’arrivent pas à accumuler suffisamment de réserves en nourriture pour plus de quelques mois, ce qui les rend dépendants à la disponiblité d’autres sources de revenu le reste de l’année pour pouvoir acheter des céréales." +355979,58248.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Salud_reporte_trimestral_enero_marzo_2021_VF%20%281%29%20%281%29.pdf,"De acuerdo con datos reportados, por Migración Colombia, 1.742.927 ciudadanos venezolanos podrían beneficiarse del Estatuto. Este dato corresponde a los venezolanos que se encontrarían en Colombia para el 31 de enero de 2021 y de ellos, el 54% estaría en condición irregular." +235876,46388.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,54,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Similarly, the emergency response to COVID-19 also means that resources for sexual and reproductive health services may have been diverted to deal with the outbreak, contributing to a rise in maternal and newborn mortality, increased unmet need for contraception, and increased numbers of unsafe abortions and sexually transmitted infections." +125719,31803.0,1183.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77205.pdf,"En cuanto al saneamiento, el 54.0% de los encuestados considera que las condiciones de salubridad en los lugares donde habita son buenas o muy buenas." +306157,51474.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"At least two journalists and human rights defenders were threatened, arbitrarily arrested and detained in connection with their professional activities during the reporting period." +314170,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The 2017 drought brought on by El Niño, for example, displaced an estimated 892,000 people, representing the biggest cause of displacement that year" +148211,35158.0,2028.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,43,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"RECOMMENDATIONS: Prepare teachers to address the diversified learning and socio-emotional needs of Syrian children, particularly in light of COVID19. Use also the Global Guidance for the global framework for reopening schools, including concerns regarding safety of physical space." +157951,38137.0,2098.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,32,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cxb_education_covid_response_reaching_every_learner_final.pdf,"Development/identification of child, adolescent, and youth-friendly referral, reporting and feedback mechanisms that can be accessed from a distance after the closure of learning facilities and home-based learning opportunities." +341761,56493.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,69,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"En effet, en fonction des variables démographiques et des régions, les populations enquêtées lors du sondage participatif ont globalement indiqué que la rai- son pour laquelle elles apprécient le mécanisme de justice traditionnelle est sa capacité de conciliation estimée à 81, 5% dans la région de la Boucle du Mouhoun, 52,5% dans les hauts Bassins et 43% à l’Est." +400309,62279.0,2170.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,92,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"[10th November 2020, MONGUNO LGA, BORNO STATE] Prevalence of Chronic Malnutrition: The presented in table 13 shows that prevalence of stunting 42.5 %( 35.5 – 49.7, 95% C.I.) and 20.7% (15.4% - 27.3%; 95% CI) children were severely stunted. Also, the prevalence was observed higher among the boys (50.8%) as compared to the girls (34.6%) however this difference was statistically significant (p value= 0.009)." +175161,40890.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,104,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"El 77% de los hogares encabezados por una persona con discapacidad consumen 2 o menos comidas al día, lo que refleja una restricción de al menos una comida al día del mínimo recomendado, mientras que este porcentaje es del 68% para los hogares encabezados por una persona sin discapacidad. De manera relevante, dentro de ese 77%, el 15% corresponde a hogares que consumen 1 comida al día, lo que significa que en el 15% de hogares encabezados por una persona con discapacidad se restringen 2 de las 3 comidas recomendadas al día." +333354,51259.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,48,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2020_access_annual_overview.pdf,"Severity of access constraints: Moderate incidents consists 7% of suspension of humanitarian operation, 7% other operational interference at field level, 6% robbery, theft, ambush, 5% heavy and changing requirements and 4% other bureaucratic, administrative impediment." +299090,52086.0,2028.0,"['Shelter', 'Logistics']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,48,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[25th March, 2021, Overall Syria] Female-headed households display a somewhat higher need for fuel and income-generating opportunities compared to male HoHs. Meanwhile, very vulnerable households have a much higher need for rental subsidies, compared to vulnerable and less vulnerable households." +237045,46388.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,71,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Despite years of conflict, intermittent closures due to COVID-19 and a temporary closure of borders stopping the cross-border movement of commercial goods, markets in Afghanistan remain remarkably functional and able to meet consumer demands. However, the impact of COVID-19 has pushed the price of staple goods higher and purchasing power down, diminishing people’s ability to buy enough food to meet basic nutritional needs." +242970,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Children are disproportionately affected by explosive hazards, with child casualties making up nearly a third of all civilian casualties in the first nine months of 2020." +313731,53333.0,2334.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,19,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,A working group has been established by the NWSW cluster to monitor and respond to attacks on education. +57314,17307.0,1224.0,['WASH'],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,114,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20on%20the%20Migration%20flows%20in%20Latin%20America%20and%20the%20Caribbean%20No.%205%20-%20as%20of%20June%202019.pdf,"Through the ongoing project implemented by GWI (Guyana Water Incorporated), WASH infrastructure currently is being installed in a further four communities during June, additional to the two communities reported on in May. Nine family VIP latrines catering for 157 migrants and 65 host community persons (50:50 male to female, 30% children) with 6 Rain Water Harvesting (RWH) units were completed in the June reporting period, with works continuing during July for a further 43 VIP latrines with the project providing chainsaw fuel and lumber for a host community led initiative that will enable greater levels of infrastructure provision beyond original plans." +325237,54815.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Environment'],en,39,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"(Ouagadougou, Centre-Sud, Centre-Est) Similarly, also the greatest maximum expected water depths from pluvial flooding – or flooding caused by extreme local rainfall – are in the Centre-Sud and Centre-Est regions and around Ouagadougou." +63488,18412.0,1386.0,"['Health', 'Logistics']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,188,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,,"En comparación con el estándar mínimo mundial de 2,3 camas por 1.000 habitantes, Venezuela presenta un déficit de 64% en la cantidad de camas con un total de 26 mil disponibles (unas 20 mil en hospitales públicos y 6 mil en privados). De 18,300 camas evaluadas en 104 hospitales públicos y 33 privados, la ENH 2018 encontró que 40% estaba fuera de servicio88. El déficit es más alto en el número de camas de terapia Intensiva, el cual es superior a 60%. Las pocas camas existentes en las Unidades de Cuidado Intensivo (UCI) colapsan sólo atendiendo al gran número de casos de urgencia que llegan por accidentes de tránsito y lesiones de arma de fuego. La EHC 2018 mostró que 25% de las UCI para adultos y niños habían cerrado y que entre un 79% y 83% presentaba fallas intermitentes, lo cual obedece a que no se cuenta con monitores, ventiladores, bombas de infusión, aires acondicionados, termocunas, incubadoras, personal médico y de enfermería." +216662,45416.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,"En ce qui concerne les enseignants, le creusé entre femmes et hommes est assez important sur les 4 provinces couvertes par cette étude. Alors que les effectifs des élèves entre filles et garçons tendent à s’équilibrer, celui des enseignants demeure très inéquitable en la défaveur des femmes." +106682,31308.0,1183.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],es,61,[],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Se cuenta con información sobre la pandemia, sin embargo hay mucha información falsa y que genera miedo en la comunidad. La realidad es que se está ante una pandemia controlable de nivel de mortalidad es bajo. En la actualidad en el país los casos van en aumento, pero el 81% de estos no son graves." +178084,40661.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,107,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Par ailleurs, un grand nombre de ménages alloue 75% ou plus de ses revenus à l’achat de nourriture, ce qui marque une forte dépendance aux marchés face à des revenus très faibles, d’où une grande vulnérabilité économique. Par exemple, dans les territoires de Kabare et Walungu de la province du Sud-Kivu, 70% et 77% des ménages consacrent plus des trois quarts de leurs dépenses mensuelles à l’alimentation. Cette situation est également notable dans les territoires de Moba et Kalemie au Tanganyika avec 73% et 74% des ménages concernés." +162396,32461.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",[],[],es,72,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/colombia-ha-deportado-a-334-venezolanos-por-incumplir-normas-durante-la-pandemia/1995,"En una rueda de prensa realizada este martes, Espinosa precisó quehan hecho 17 mil verificaciones, evaluando las condiciones de salud de los ciudadanos venezolanos que se regresan a su país. De igual forma, indicó que29 empresas de transporte han sido sancionadaspor violar normas y transportar venezolanos sin los permisos debidos.“Han sido multadas estas empresas por no respetar los movimientos internos en Colombia”, expresó." +142212,35870.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,111,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"As previously reported, according to the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor (MoSAL), more than 320,000 people registered for the National Campaign for Emergency Social Response for assistance due to work lost as a result of COVID-19 preventive measures. Of these, 91 per cent are daily labourers, 10.9 per cent are older persons, and 8 per cent are people with disabilities. In early June, MoSAL reported one-time payments of SYP 100,000 had been disbursed to 5,000 people; and later, on 24 June, announced a second tranche of payments to 18,731 people would occur on an unspecified date." +236251,46388.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Although, it should be noted that the result for Parwan was most likely skewed by the timing of data gathering which coincided with severe flooding in this location, elevating needs at that particular time." +317265,53333.0,2334.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,33,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Support NFI needs for adolescent girls that can help them to return or continue with education, including uniforms, shoes, school bags, soap, towels and clothes including under garments" +496946,60104.0,1187.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,67,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,"https://www.unicef.org/argentina/media/11626/file/Impacto%20de%20la%20pandemia%20en%20la%20educaci%C3%B3n%20de%20ni%C3%B1as,%20ni%C3%B1os%20y%20adolescentes.pdf","En línea con estos resultados, un reciente estudio sobre la salud mental de los niños, niñas y adolescentes destacó que la prolongación temporal de la emergencia sanitaria genera un creciente agota miento de la capacidad de adaptación de las niñas y niños pequeños, dando lugar estados de mayor irritabilidad, mal humor, enojo, fastidio e intolerancia (UNICEF, 2021a)." +341796,56493.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,63,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Les résultats de l’enquête quantitative confirment cette idée que le sentiment de la disparité des opportunités économiques entre les régions est l’un des facteurs de conflictualité en lien avec l’importance des inégalités dans le processus de développement des territorialités, au risque même de freiner la croissance, compromettant ainsi directement la lutte contre la pauvreté." +227233,46290.0,2099.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Hospitalization & Care'],fr,75,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sidwaya.info/blog/2020/12/15/gestion-de-la-covid-19-les-deputes-deplorent-des-tatonnements/,"Le rapporteur de la mission, le député Sayouba Ouédraogo, a indiqué que le gouvernement a mis en place un dispositif règlementaire et institutionnel de réponse à la COVID-19. Un dispositif qui a été, selon les enquêteurs, très vite dépassé par la pandémie, obligeant l’exécutif à revoir l’organisation et le fonctionnement du Comité national de gestion de la crise, présidé par le Premier ministre." +439733,63184.0,2099.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],en,20,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Burkina%20Faso%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%201%20May%20-%2030%20June%202021.pdf,Humanitarian needs are increasing rapidly as conflict and insecurity drive thousands of children and their families from their homes. +313688,53333.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,22,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,Work with the Food Security Cluster and WFP to target child-headed households and adolescent single parents for vulnerable group feeding interventions. +272913,49818.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.adiac-congo.com/content/famine-la-rdc-exposee-une-insecurite-alimentaire-aigue-124563,"On en arrive alors à identifier les zones les plus exposées à une insécurité alimentaire aigüe. Au cours des 12 prochains mois, il y a exactement 12 pays qui sont concernés : Afghanistan, Burkina Faso, RDC, Éthiopie, Haïti, Niger, Nigéria, Somalie, Soudan, Soudan du Sud, Yémen et Zimbabwe." +158631,39277.0,2170.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,55,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NMMB_June2020_Final.pdf,"These restrictions have caused trade disruptions for both imported and local goods due to interstate travel restrictions, checkpoints, which increase delivery time and costs. At the same time, general prices of goods and services have increased, and households are experiencing decreased income following restricted business hours and social activities." +486038,67387.0,2098.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,26,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/20210907_fss_coordination_meeting_0.pdf,New vehicle passes: only new QR passes will be valid. Partners are suggested to print the new QR code before going to the camps +48116,13061.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection', 'Education', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,89,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.derechos.org.ve/web/wp-content/uploads/MigracionLigia.pdf,"Otra modalidad de documento generado por Colombia es la Tarjeta de Movilidad Fronteriza (TMF), que permite a los venezolanos que viven en Venezuela ingresar a las zonas de fronteras delimitadas entre ambos países sin pasaporte, comparar alimentos y medicamentos, visitar familiares y a los menores de edad le permite estudiar en Colombia. Sin embargo, con este permiso los venezolanos no pueden ingresar al interior de Colombia, vivir, estudiar, trabajar o afiliarse al sistema de seguridad social en Colombia73." +146025,34803.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,53,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,o Not all the Points of Entries (PoE) are functional in line with the northwest Syria COVID-19 preparedness and response plan (PRP). Only seven of the 13 cross-border/crossline PoEs are operational. It is vital that all PoEs are on-boarded to avoid importation COVID-19 into northwest Syria. +193720,43353.0,2099.0,"['Education', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,37,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Burkina%20Faso%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%207%20-%20August%202020%20%281%29.pdf,"As of 10 March, 2,512 schools were closed due to insecurity depriving 349,909 children of their rights to education and affecting 11,219 teachers. All the schools closed down on 16 March due to COVID-19." +239660,47230.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"El 41% de las personas entrevistadas mencionó que algún miembro de su hogar ha presentado síntomas de ansiedad, reducción en las horas de sueño o episodios de llanto durante los siete días antes de la recolección de los datos" +193015,43411.0,2099.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,60,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,The most affected populations are vulnerable communities living in peripheral areas. Many have seen their livelihoods washed away. Women and children are the most affected as they constitute the largest number of disaster victims. The needs expressed by the victims are of an urgent nature for their survival but also in the medium term for recovery. +189180,42865.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,58,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-LMA-Colombia-Espanol.pdf,"Durante la pandemia, el gobierno colombiano y sus aliados se han enfocado correctamente en mayor medida en el apoyo humanitario que en la inclusión económica.53 Con oportunidades económicas limitadas para todos y vulnerabilidades extremas entre los venezolanos, las medidas más importantes han sido aquellas diseñadas para ayudar a los individuos a cubrir sus necesidades básicas." +238284,46388.0,2336.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,18,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In addition, there were 50 attacks on schools in the first 10 months of 2020 alone." +218524,45654.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,39,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/hrp_weekly_funding_status_201124.pdf,"[24 Nov 2020, Whole of Syria, Funding Overview] Funding requirements for WASH sector are 314.4 Million USD, of which 59.6 Million USD have been funded, leaving a gap of 254.8 Million USD." +327053,55027.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Under-Secretary-General%20for%20Humanitarian%20Affairs%20and%20Emergency%20Relief%20Coordinator%2C%20Mark%20Lowcock%20-%20Briefing%20to%20the%20Security%20Council%20on%20the%20humanitarian%20situation%20in%20Syria%2C%2028%20April%202021.pdf,"[28 April 2021, Northern Syria] In northern Syria, new cases have been confirmed in displacement camps, including at al Hol and al Roj. Both those camps lack the resources to treat COVID patients." +301761,51958.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,34,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_devaluation_de_protection_des_retournes_tchadiens_de_la_rca_installes_dans_les_sites_au_sud_du_tchad_002.pdf,"La communauté a également relevé l’insuffisance d’autres opportunités que l’agriculture pour subvenir aux besoins alimentaires (accès à l’emploi, formation professionnelle et qualifiante)." +286697,51586.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,15,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_19_november_2020_final.pdf,Health Cluster partners have reached 4.7m people with risk communication and community engagement messages. +150078,32165.0,1388.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",[],[],es,60,[],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/74589.pdf,"Se observa una clara desinformación sobre la temática, la normativa y la política migratoria en general alrededor del refugiado. Por parte de la persona refugiada también existe un desconocimiento y desinformación sobre las reglas y reglamentos, el mercado laboral o empresarial, la institucionalidad del país, los servicios que brinda y como tener acceso a ellos" +2634,520.0,321.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,64,[],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://www.amnesty.org/en/countries/middle-east-and-north-africa/libya/report-libya/,"In March, unidentified assailants killed human rights activist Abdul Basit Abu-Dahab in a car bombing in Derna. The same month, members of an armed group ransacked the offices of Tripoli’s al-Nabaa TV station and assaulted journalists, and in al-Marj, eastern Libya, armed men abducted blogger and journalist Ali al-Asbali, releasing him four months later." +327076,54267.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],fr,81,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Au Burkina Faso, la gouvernance du secteur agro-sylvo-pastoral est régie par un cadre juridique visant à promouvoir les investissements dans les chaînes de valeur nationales. Parmi les principales lois figurent la loi de 2009 sur le régime foncier en milieu rural; la loi d’orientation agro-sylvo-pastorale, halieutique et faunique de 2015; le Code des investissements agro-sylvo-pastoral, halieutique et faunique (CIASPH) de 2018. [(Nikièma et Coulibaly, 2018)]" +492288,67914.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,139,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_mvam_bulletin_58_august_2021.pdf,"[August 2021, Overall Syria] Broken down by governorate, in August 2021, the highest proportion of households with poor or borderline food consumption was recorded in Homs, with nearly three out of five interviewed households (57 percent) reporting inadequate food consumption representing a 19 percent increase year-on-year, followed by Aleppo (56 percent). On the other hand, AsSweida (23 percent) and Damascus (33 percent) recorded the lowest level of inadequate food consumption this month. Moreover, the greatest monthly increase of surveyed households with poor or borderline food consumption was detected in Homs (up by 11 percentage points) and Ar-Raqqa (up by 10 percentage points), reaching 57 percent and 52 percent, respectively, in August 2021." +188391,42860.0,1183.0,[],[],[],es,26,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_covid-19_6_departamento_del_cauca.pdf,"• Decreto 417 del 17 de marzo de 2020: Se declara Estado de Emergencia económica, social y ecológica en todo el territorio Nacional." +156436,32374.0,1234.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,91,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Trinidad and Tobago,2019-05-28 03:09:47.864552+00,https://newsday.co.tt/2020/06/22/venezuelans-in-tt-organising-return-home/,"""We are preparing a list with all those who want and have the ability to leave. It is not a humanitarian trip, it is a paid flight and that is why the list must be confirmed first,"" he said. The group is trying to fill the 117-passenger quota of the private jet they would rent. ""We made contacts with representatives of an airline and they are willing to help us, but we must meet the requirements to continue the process.""" +391171,61715.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,49,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/yobe_state_covid-19_pandemic_weekly_situation_report_sitrep_for_week_30_26_jul_-_01_aug_2021_.pdf,"[26th Jul - 1st Aug 2021, Yobe State] Point of Entry (POE): • Conducted screening of passengers at the international border Points of Entries (POEs) • Conducted supportive supervision at the POE in Machina, Yunusari, and Yusufari LGAs." +339474,56380.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,66,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb4645es.pdf,"Para las tiendas de insumos, se identificó una considerable disminución en la demanda de insumos agrícolas por parte de compradores (Figura 9), representado en disminución en ventas y en cantidades comercializadas en distintas regiones (Figura 10).12 Los comerciantes de insumos agrícolas entrevistados reportaron afectaciones adicionales, representadas en el cierre de sus establecimientos debido a las medidas de cuarentena" +178170,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],fr,95,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Malgré un processus électoral et une transition politique menés à bien pacifiquement, l’amélioration de la situation politico-sécuritaire dans certaines régions, et un potentiel économique incontesté grâce notamment à ses immenses ressources naturelles, la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) reste marquée par une pauvreté chronique, des conflits armés et intercommunautaires localisés, une faiblesse des infrastructures et services de base et des défis liés à la gouvernance politique et économique du pays. L’ensemble de ces éléments constituent les causes sous-jacentes de la crise humanitaire." +219400,45655.0,2028.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,33,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"Abu Zendin in Aleppo remains closed, although reports indicate in practice, crossings do occur. Ghazawiyet Afrin and Deir Ballut in Aleppo are open for commercial and humanitarian cargo movement." +341443,56493.0,2099.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,128,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"En milieu urbain, le niveau de vie de plus en plus croissant ne s’accompagne pas d’une réévaluation des rémunérations plongeant les fonctionnaires dans une instabilité économique. Cette précarité est la source des mécontentements sociaux et manifestations syndicales observés au Burkina Faso. Frustrés par la mauvaise répartition des ressources nationales, par la corruption endémique, par l’impunité, par l’absence d’alternance, ceux-ci revendiquent de meilleures conditions de vie. La gestion politique et administrative qui est monopolisée par une certaine catégorie de personnes ne répond pas aux attentes des populations. Les manifestations revendicatives apparaissent régulièrement. Celles-ci connaissent des fois des dérapages provoquant des heurts avec les Forces de l’ordre." +181168,42386.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Environment'],fr,58,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_RMU_October-2020_vfinal.pdf,"La répartition spatio-temporelle des pluies est bonne dans la zone avec des cumuls globalement excédentaire par rapport à la moyenne, excepté dans la commune de Markoye (ZOME 8) et dans plusieurs communes de la région du nord où un arrêt précoce des pluies a été observé à partir de la deuxième décade de septembre." +342487,56638.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",['Casualties->Dead'],es,124,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://observatoriofeminicidioscolombia.org/attachments/article/458/Bolet%C3%ADn%20Ni%20Una%20Menos_Valle%20de%20Aburr%C3%A1%20Abril%202021_.pdf,"Feminicidios Valle de Aburrá En el mes de abril de 2021 en el Valle de Aburrá se cometieron (3) feminicidios: Iris Carolina Oyola Hernández, Deisy Yuliana Atehortúa y Diana Patricia Macías Vásquez. En tres feminicidios los sujetos feminicidas fueron hombres conocidos, en (2) feminicidios fueron los excompañeros permanentes y en (1) un sujeto con el cual la mujer estaba discutiendo. Las armas utilizadas para asesinar a las mujeres fueron arma de fuego, objeto contundente (hacha) y manos del agresor (asfixia mecánica). Los lugares en los cuales sucedieron los feminicidios fueron: (2) en vivienda de la víctima y (1) en vía urbana." +142088,35870.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,25,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Tartous and Lattakia ports remain operational, with precautionary measures which have slowed down operations, including mandatory sterilization procedures, and minimum staff." +48445,12622.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Displacement->Intentions'],es,15,['At Risk'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LIBRO%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20las%20necesidades%20insatisfechas%20SSR%20y%20Migrantes%20Venezolanos%20-%20Digital.pdf,"Aproximadamente, 1.032.012 personas han ingresado a Colombia desde Venezuela con intención de permanencia." +237185,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Household debt has become a pervasive negative coping mechanism utilised by vulnerable families to survive the impact of the pandemic, ongoing conflict and recurrent natural disasters." +48492,12622.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Demography'],es,86,['At Risk'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LIBRO%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20las%20necesidades%20insatisfechas%20SSR%20y%20Migrantes%20Venezolanos%20-%20Digital.pdf,"Basados en el Sistema Integral de Información (SISPRO) del MSPS, durante el período del 2017-2018 se registró la atención de 1.778 nacimientos de madres venezolanas; los departamentos de Norte de Santander (31,3%), Magdalena (11%), Bogotá (9,8%), Barranquilla (9,2%), La Guajira (6,9%), Santander (6,9%) y Cesar (6,4%), presentan los mayores porcentajes de nacimientos de mujeres venezolana" +287060,51749.0,2099.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,86,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[Pouytenga] Cet accroissement démographique conséquent induit un accroissement de problèmes qui étaient déjà structurels (l’eau hygiène assainissement et les abris) ainsi que l’apparition de nouveaux besoins (en sécurité alimentaire et moyens d’existence tout particulièrement). Et si la situation s’est stabilisée au cours des trois derniers mois avec peu d’arrivée de nouveaux ménages déplacés (50) et un contexte sécuritaire moins volatile, de multiples besoins sont prégnants." +355455,58187.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'WASH', 'Nutrition', 'Shelter', 'Food Security']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],es,90,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17062021_alerta_situacion_humanitaria_inundaciones_en_el_putumayo_vf.pdf,"Debido a las fuertes lluvias que se presentaron entre el 13 y 14 de junio, se generaron inundaciones en zonas rurales y urbanas de los municipios de Puerto Asís, San Miguel, Puerto Caicedo, Orito, Valle del Guamuez, Puerto Guzmán y Villagarzón, afectando a cerca de 4.924 familias, 20.472 personas) debido al desbordamiento de los ríos y caños (Guineo, Luzón, San Miguel, Putumayo, Acae, Sábalo, Mocoa, Caquetá, Mandur y San Juan)." +236630,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"There are regional variations with 11 per cent of displaced households in Sar-e-Pul, 6 per cent in Hirat, and 6 per cent in Uruzgan reporting that they have no energy source for winter." +314504,52949.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The agropastoral livelihood zones experienced dry spells, erratic rainfall and Desert Locusts, which significantly affected the coping capacity of vulnerable households due to a substantial reduction in household stocks and income." +317253,53333.0,2334.0,[],[],[],en,35,[],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"As far as possible include clinical care, psychosocial and legal-medical counselling and relevant protection services for survivors of sexual violence in services to support the prevention and management of the consequences of sexual violence" +193719,43353.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,28,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Burkina%20Faso%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%207%20-%20August%202020%20%281%29.pdf,"Centre-Nord and Sahel remain the regions hosting the highest percentage of displaced populations (41 and 33 per cent respectively). [out of 1,013,234 IDPs]" +183604,42456.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,53,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.unicef.org/wca/media/5411/file/UNICEF-WCARO-Central-Sahel-Advocacy-October-2020.pdf,"During a humanitarian crisis, the vulnerability of children, especially girls, to sexual abuse increases dramatically, due to weakened public and community protection services as well as children’s increased dependence on adults for survival. With COVID-19 restrictions, children’s opportunity for support has diminished." +224094,45768.0,2332.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,41,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"Néanmoins, étant donné que l’urgence concerne la relocalisation de ces personnes, la construction d’abris d’urgence devra plutôt se faire à Amma pour ne plus investir sur un site qui sera vidé prochainement." +116339,32643.0,1185.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/77408,"On 23 June, the Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations (MIMP) informed that during the State of emergency some 700 children and adolescents were assisted countrywide, through the Special Protection Units (UPE). Further information available here." +265941,49323.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.pulzo.com/nacion/regular-venezolanos-colombia-que-significa-podran-votar-PP1029436,Objetivos del ETPV Registro de información de la población migrante venezolana. Otorgar un beneficio temporal de regularización a quienes cumplan los requisitos establecidos. Facilitar el tránsito del Régimen de Protección Temporal al Régimen Migratorio Ordinario. +244046,46388.0,2336.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,16,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,People living in rural areas of Afghanistan have lower access to water and sanitation facilities. +21327,8635.0,788.0,[],[],[],en,37,[],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2019/02/nigeria-deadliest-boko-haram-attack-on-rann-leaves-at-least-60-people-murdered/,"Aid agencies have reported that some 30,000 civilians have fled for the border with Cameroon in recent days, joining a further 9,000 who fled Boko Haram’s previous attack on Rann on 14 January." +394875,61265.0,1186.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],es,67,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.biobiochile.cl/noticias/nacional/region-de-tarapaca/2021/02/04/no-son-un-bulto-el-saldo-fatal-de-la-crisis-migratoria-en-la-frontera-norte.shtml,"“Estas muertes deben poner en máxima alerta a las autoridades chilenas. Esta crisis había sido ignorada y ha ido creciendo desde hace cuatro años. Los ingresos por pasos no habilitados se han triplicado y ahora tenemos una crisis humanitaria en el norte del país”, comentó a DW la representante de la organización de inmigrantes, Colectivo Sin Fronteras, Patricia Loredo." +341804,56493.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,76,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Il reste donc une grande partie du territoire de l’Etat dont les populations ne profitent pas de la présence de l’Etat encore moins de la mise en œuvre de ses politiques en matière de développement. Tout laisserait donc croire que ces localités ne font pas partie du pays tant le sentiment de marginalisation, particulièrement dans la région du Sahel, est profond et aussi accentué par une forte précarité." +199035,44308.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,12,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RD%20Congo%20-%20Note%20d%E2%80%99informations%20humanitaires%20pour%20la%20province%20du%20Nord-Kivu%2017%20novembre%202020.pdf,Trois attaques contre des structures sanitaires ont été rapportées depuis septembre 2020 +388989,60730.0,2098.0,[],[],[],en,60,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://app.box.com/s/asye4w9ljbvdby3gy5p0jy8a859nsmzt,"[25th July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: However phone interview participants said disbelief in the existence of Covid-19 is limited to less educated people. Perception data reveals that some people think NGO workers are responsible for the virus, that the virus originated in the host community or other countries like India or Pakistan." +117504,31782.0,1186.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77210.pdf,"Sin embargo, la importante diferencia con estos dos países para la niñez migrante en Chile, es que dos tercios viven en su propia casa, no en albergues," +11360,2953.0,322.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20feb%202018.pdf,"Humanitarians actors require access to reliable Internet and security telecommunications services. Challenges include restrictions on importing ICT equipment, a volatile security situation and difficulties in obtaining visas for staff deployments." +309804,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Due to lack of solutions, caused by variety of factors, including physical safety and security concerns, availability of basic services and a conducive environment for return, the IDPs largely remain staying in IDP camps." +270224,50227.0,2311.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Covid-19->Cases'],es,225,['At Risk'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"De acuerdo con la fase de contagio el 41,8% (18.057 casos) están asociados a la prestación del servicio como Infecciones asociados a la atención en salud y el 41,4% (17.849 casos) son indeterminados. Las profesiones con mayor proporción de casos son auxiliares de enfermería 25,9% (11.171 casos), medicina 17,7% (7.651 casos), administrativos 12,2% (5.245 casos), enfermería 10,7% (4.611 casos), estudiantes 7,1% (3.058 casos), otros auxiliares 3,1% (1.350 casos) y personal aseo – administrativos 2,8% (1.224 casos). Antioquía presenta el 32,9% (14.192 casos) de los casos, seguido de Bogotá D.C con el 29,2% (12.620 casos), Valle del Cauca con el 14,8% (6.382 casos), Norte de Santander 3,0% (1.275 casos) y el Meta con el 2,4% (1.016 casos) y los departamentos con más IPS con reporte de casos son: Valle del Cauca de 217 IPS, Bogotá de 201 IPS, Antioquía de 189 IPS, Boyacá de 110 IPS y Barranquilla de 93 IPS. Los casos en esta población corresponden al 1,77% del total de casos reportados a la fecha." +46605,16136.0,729.0,['Shelter'],[],[],en,36,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/echo_-nf_bud_2019_91000_v2.pdf,"94% of returnees managed to retrieve their former house. Severe damages to house occurred in Benghazi, Sirt and Tawergha city. However, government has committed to fund reconstruction of private houses." +2588,518.0,321.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,40,['At Risk'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/unicef-libya-humanitarian-situation-report-01-january-31-march-2017,"Despite the urgent need to ensure that all children in Libya are protected from the two life-threatening diseases that are polio and measles, no nationwide immunization campaign has been conducted yet, thus increasing the risk of outbreaks." +325835,54949.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,101,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3734050,"Bogotá, 25 de Abril de 2021. Como parte del acuerdo entre Colombia y el mecanismo COVAX, el país recibió hoy 912.000 dosis de vacunas anti COVID-19. El mecanismo COVAX es un esfuerzo global entre la Coalición para la Promoción de Innovaciones en pro de la Preparación ante las Epidemias (CEPI), la Alianza Mundial para las Vacunas e Inmunización (Gavi), el Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para la Infancia (UNICEF), la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS) y la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS)" +339465,56380.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,51,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb4645es.pdf,"En el sector agropecuario se perdieron menos empleos que en los otros sectores; sin embargo, es importante entender que estos empleos son condicionados por las estaciones y la alta tasa de informalidad laboral en el sector rural8 (85% en 2017) (Quemba, 2018)." +125695,31803.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,96,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77205.pdf,"Se observa también que existe un vacío de información sobre protección internacional, y que muy pocos venezolanos saben que existe la posibilidad de solicitar refugio, y pocas organizaciones brindan orientación en temas de protección internacional. Las barreras de acceso a la información no permiten a la población de interés tener un conocimiento preciso sobre protección internacional, como tampoco acerca de la forma de radicar una solicitud, y así un 41.7% no comprende el concepto del estatus de refugiado, mientras un 89.7% no sabe cómo realizar el trámite." +226565,46454.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,77,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2022_23Dec2020_FINAL.pdf,"[23rd December, Overall Syria] In Syria, 10,442 laboratory-confirmed cases have been reported by the MoH to date: 7 in Ar-Raqqa; 32 in Deir-Ez-Zor; 35 in Al-Hasakeh; 153 in Quneitra; 478 in Hama; 644 in Tartous; 707 in As-Sweida; 781 in Dar’a; 1,074 in Lattakia; 1,197 in Rural Damascus; 1,594 in Homs; 1,690 in Aleppo; and 2,050 in Damascus" +327090,54714.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,"[NUTRITION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 50% of the households found with nutrition living Standard Gap (LSG). 12% found to be extreme severe, 38% severe, 45% stress." +337593,55860.0,2225.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,30,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb4752en.pdf,The influx of about 92 000 refugees from the Central African Republic in early 2021 are increasing pressure on an already difficult humanitarian situation in North and South Ubangui. +313668,53333.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Education']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,60,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Update and adapt the school strategy for adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights, in line with the crisis, so that all functional schools implement comprehensive sexuality education as part of their curriculum. This could take the form of mobile services by health personnel, linking with community health workers to provide safe referral and access." +264136,49705.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Impact On People'],"['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,48,['Impact'],"['Shock/Event', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210211%20Flash%20Update%20on%20Floods%20in%20North%20West%20Syria%20%232.pdf,"[Jan-Feb 2021, NWS] Close to 142,000 IDPs across 407 IDP sites in north-west Syria were reportedly affected by flooding between 14 January and 4 February. Over 25,000 tents were either destroyed or damaged. The flooding has resulted in one death and three injuries" +179157,41842.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],en,108,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nw_syria_sitrep21_20201020.pdf,"(NW 20/10/2020) The use of the Turkish Lira (TRY) continues to spread in northwest Syria, as the Syrian Pound (SYP) remains out of favour following its rapid devaluation and instability between June and mid-August 2020. The value of the SYP continues to slide; at 2,360 SYP per USD, its value as of 19 October is some 7.3 percent weaker than a month ago. Vendors have, in some cases, reportedly been mandated to price goods in TRY, and a rapid market assessment by humanitarian partners has found that most vendors no longer accept SYP." +112850,29955.0,1183.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],es,8,[],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76820,68.135 venezolanos/as han retornado voluntariamente a su país +236048,47076.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,The June [food security] figure is an estimated 14% increase in total achievement as compared to the previous month (May) mainly due to slightly improved humanitarian access to some hard to reach areas. +200617,44433.0,2311.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"While insufficient on its own, access is a necessary first step to ensure children are learning, Access should be measured not simply by enrollment, but by attendance." +16340,6355.0,322.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/181002%20YEMEN%20HODEIDAH%20CHOLERA%20CASES%20SURGE.pdf,"According to the WHO’s epidemiological bulletin on cholera in Yemen for week 36 (Sept 3-9), the cumulative suspected cholera cases from 1 January to 9 September this year, is 154,527 with 197 associated deaths. The cumulative suspected cholera cases from 27 April 2017 to 9 September 2018 is, 1,176,963 with 2,435 associated deaths." +196679,43626.0,2311.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,86,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/AAH_Regional%20Appeal%20Latam%202021-2023.pdf,"a large part of the population does not have access to such key basic services as water and sanitation, which are very deficient in rural areas, as is the case in Guajira in Colombia, where only 16.3% of the dispersed rural population has access to drinking water, 4% to basic sanitation systems, and an estimated 83.7% of the total population has access to contaminated water sources, which generate multiple diseases of water origin and due to hygiene" +341788,56493.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,101,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"« Rien que le 12 Décembre 2019, des policiers ont déguerpi trois mille (3000) orpailleurs venus des quatre coins du Burkina sur un site d’or à Houndé au nom de la lutte contre le terrorisme et sous le prétexte fallacieux que ledit site appartient à Houndé Gold. Que vont devenir ces orpailleurs ? L’Etat ne les emploie pas, ne leur trouve pas de l’emploi ou de formation et les traite de terroristes ou leurs bailleurs. A ce rythme, on trouvera difficilement une solution à la crise actuelle »" +185057,40800.0,1900.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],es,25,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://infosegura.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Analisis-SC-2T-2020.pdf,Un mayor porcentaje de los homicidios de mujeres ocurrieron en espacios privados (64%) en comparación con los hombres (41%) +297883,52145.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,45,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_humanitaire_numero_12_v_04.pdf,"The Anglophone crisis has been affecting the North West and South West regions of the country for three years. In early 2018, it also became a humanitarian crisis that displaced hundreds of thousands of people, most of them women and children." +132556,35164.0,1188.0,['Livelihoods'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,12,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,89% tienen ingresos per cápita por debajo de 500 dólares mensuales +150125,36723.0,1184.0,['Cross'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],es,70,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77597.pdf,"Estas necesidades también fueron las más nombradas por los participantes al momento de responder; ¿cuáles son los grupos de artículos que considera importantes para su hogar en un mes? Sin embargo, cabe destacar que los artículos destinados a responder a las necesidades de los niños, niñas y adolescentes, por ejemplo, pañales o útiles escolares, también fueron catalogados como importantes por la población." +305622,51474.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,51,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"The United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) continued to monitor the situation, maintained quick-reaction capacity to respond to emergencies and provided critical support to authorities, in particular the South Sudan National Police Service, regarding their responsibility to ensure safety and security in the camps." +112279,32028.0,1185.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Intentions'],en,65,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77082.pdf,GTRM partners report that Venezuelan refugees and migrants aiming to return home are trying to cross through remote locations in the Amazon region bordering with Brazil. Eight persons are currently stranded in Iñapari (Madre de Dios) after being unable to cross. The GTRM does not endorse nor support these returns as they highly increase protection risks of already vulnerable communities. +172540,40367.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,47,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"In the Centre-Nord region, 1,000 (552 girls) displaced children and from host communities births were registered with the support of Coordination Nationale des Associations des Enfants et Jeunes Travailleurs du Burkina (CN-AEJTB) and their birth certificates issued by the local communes." +327047,54714.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,62,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,"[HEALTH LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Three most commonly reported problems encountered when accessing health services or treatment: Cost of services and/or medicine was too high (27%), Have not tried to access medical services (22%), did not get qualified health staff at the health facility(12%)." +341816,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,155,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"A l'échelle des régions concernées par l’enquête, l’attitude des répondants diffère en fonction de leur expérience en matière d’insécurité. Si pour les régions de la Boucle du Mouhoun, du Centre Nord, de l’Est, du Sahel, les populations estiment, respectivement à 56,25%, 23,4%, 16,55%, 24,18%, que leurs activités quotidiennes aient été sérieusement affectées par l’insécurité, c’est parce qu’elles ont connu des attaques terroristes, et sont marquées comme des zones à haut risque d’insécurité. D’ailleurs, la région entière de l’Est est sous couvre-feu depuis plus d’une année et certaines localités comme la ville de Nouna dans la province du Kénédougou (Région de la Boucle du Mouhoun) sont également soumises à cet impératif sécuritaire." +485680,65398.0,1185.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"A pesar de los esfuerzos realizados por la SUNEDU para facilitar el trámite, la proporción de personas que inician el proceso de reconocimiento y revalidación de títulos es pequeña en comparación con el número de personas venezolanas que se encuentran en el país que cuenta con estudios universitarios concluidos." +291282,51584.0,2336.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://docs.wfp.org/api/documents/WFP-0000121004/download/?_ga=2.267291910.926065783.1606212133-1055501472.1562658913,"As part of general food distributions, WFP distributed 87 mt of specialized nutritious foods to prevent the malnutrition of 18,847 children aged 6-59 months and 4,178 pregnant and lactating women." +341448,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Economy']",fr,92,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"La pluralité des facteurs structurels démontre que la situation économique du pays (la faiblesse du capital humain liée à la faiblesse du système éducatif ; l’insuffisance des infrastructures de développe- ment économique) a des répercussions sur les populations, précisément au niveau des comportements individuels et collectifs. Ces réalités socio- économiques engendrent des frustrations qui rendent les individus plus enclins à recourir à la violence dans le cadre d’autres types de conflits (fonciers, éleveurs-agriculteurs, politiques, familiaux, etc.)." +149144,36019.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,18,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"Shortages of other essential commodities, such as medicine, have also been reported in recent weeks." +174474,40809.0,2170.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Displacement->Push Factors', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,46,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NGA%20%281%29.pdf,"[8th Oct 2020, Nigeria] Recent attacks by Boko Haram insurgents and military operations across the northeast continue to hinder the agro-pastoral and seasonal livelihood activities, including access to fields. This is resulting in increased displacement, humanitarian needs and food insecurity" +241403,47421.0,2170.0,['Food Security'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,122,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SHL_report_pushed-to-the-brink_January-2021-1.pdf,"[1st Jan 2021, Nigeria] All the Sahelian countries, except Senegal, present serious levels of hunger, according to the 2020 Global Hunger Index.27 The results from the food security analysis of the Cadre Harmonisé28 for 2020 show that more than 12 million people will experience crisis or emergency levels of food insecurity during the next lean season, the highest figures in a decade.29 Furthermore, the high poverty rates in the region are also worrisome: the proportion of people living below the poverty line ($3.10/day) is estimated at more than 80% in Niger and Burkina Faso, 77% in Mali, 64% in Chad and 60% in Nigeria.3" +219094,45655.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,79,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"[9th Dec, Overall Syria] A further 13 health facilities were closed or partially closed at some point during November due to infection among staff. This is a reduction from 23 facilities which were closed or partially closed during October. As of 30 November, there were 77 staff in self-isolation/quarantine from nine NGOs, while a further 56 health staff from eight NGOs have been in self-isolation or selfquarantine at some point during November" +240446,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,38,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Weak health systems and disrupted access to health care, partly owing to decades of war, disaster and under-investment, have left millions of Afghans with mounting health needs in the face of a global pandemic." +149681,37702.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,25,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"Tartous and Lattakia ports remain operational, with precautionary measures which have slowed down operations, including mandatory sterilization procedures, and minimum staff." +410302,63222.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,39,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_mvam_bulletin_57_july_2021.pdf,"[Syria, July] The continued deterioration of food security in Syria is largely induced by a decade of conflict and the ongoing economic meltdown compounded by the knock-on effects of the growing financial crisis in Lebanon." +318390,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Conflict, insecurity and deteriorating infrastructure, exacerbated by seasonal flooding, continue to hamper the logistics capability of the humanitarian community to deliver assistance to vulnerable people." +158020,38777.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,63,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/food-insecurity-impact-covid-19-among-critical-challenges-facing-syria,"South Africa’s representative, noting that Syria ranks as the most insecure country for aid workers for the third consecutive year, said more must be done to ensure their safety. The effect of nearly a decade of conflict on critical health, education, water and sanitation infrastructure has eroded Syria’s ability to respond to COVID-19." +178243,41756.0,2225.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",fr,69,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Les communautés hôtes sont également affectées par l’impact des mouvements de population. En 2019, parmi les 1,1 million de personnes déplacées depuis moins d’un an, 1 million se trouvent en famille d’accueil. Celles-ci exercent une pression supplémentaire sur les infrastructures de base, l’accès à la terre et les ressources disponibles, fragilisant la cohabitation pacifique." +91824,26015.0,1620.0,[],[],"['Information And Communication->Communication Means And Preferences', 'Information And Communication->Information Challenges And Barriers']",en,109,[],['Information And Communication'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Situation-Overview_H2R_Oct-Dec_13.03.2020.pdf,"Also similar to the last reporting period, most assessed settlements across all LGAs continued to report limited access to information regarding humanitarian assistance (63% in October and 86% in December). Assessed settlements reporting that people had difficulties accessing information about humanitarian assistance increased in Dikwa (from 10% in October to 58% in December) and Marte (from 83% in October to 100% in December), but decreased in Gwoza (from 98% in October to 79% in December), while it remained the same in Kukawa (100% in December)." +211290,44944.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,42,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Whole%20of%20Syria%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20October%202020.pdf,"[October 2020, Syria] There has been a spike in hostilities in October, affecting local civilian populations, which in combination with economic decline, and the escalating COVID-19 situation is causing increased hardship for NW Syria populations." +405398,63222.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,62,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_mvam_bulletin_57_july_2021.pdf,"[Syria, July] Furthermore, as of 30 July 2021, Alouk water station (in Al-Hasakeh governorate), which directly provides clean drinking water to nearly 460,000 people, was made partially operational after being suspended for more than one month. Nevertheless, further maintenance work is still needed for the station to be fully operational." +172539,40367.0,2099.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,38,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"To scale-up birth registration and birth certification in conflict-affected areas, 560 parents and care givers, including 380 girls, participated in birth registration awareness sessions on the importance of birth registration and the related procedures." +205400,44672.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,55,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"UN-Women reports that COVID-19 impact on women is higher in developing countries; especially for vast majority of women who work for the informal economy. In the health and social services sectors where women make up to 70% of workers, heightened care needs of older persons put extra pressure on workers." +472941,63777.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],fr,57,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Telle que la situation est décrite il est fort probable que si rien n’est fait pour anticiper les choses, de nombreuses personnes se retrouveront dans la rue ou useront des stratégies de survie à risque. 10% des personnes enquêtées affirment déjà avoir connaissance des PDIs ou de familles expulsées ou déguerpies." +157690,38800.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,67,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GTS%20-%20HNAP%20COVID19%20Syria%20Bulletin%20R3.pdf,"Collaborating with local news outlets is recommended for dissemination of COVID-19 information in GoS areas. For NSAG/TBAF areas, posting materials on relevant social media platforms and groups might help increase uptake, while collaborating with local government and news media could be more effective in SDF areas. The impact of social media information campaigns will be heavily dependent on trusted sources in AoCs." +329970,53694.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->National Response'],['Covid-19->Hospitalization & Care'],fr,47,['Capacities & Response'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/03042021_sitrep_s11_whe_oms_rdc.docx.pdf,"[Nord Kivu] Hope in action : formation des prestataires Médicaux de Birambinzo et Karisimi sur l'éducation et la collecte des données VBG et al COVID-19 ; formation sur la gestion des cas COVID-19, santé de la reproduction et la prise en charge VSBG." +164989,38902.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],en,44,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,The World Food Programme (WFP) estimates that the total number of people in Colombia experiencing moderate or severe food insecurity in 2020 is likely to increase from 3.4 million to 7 million because of the COVID-19 crisis (OCHA 07/2020). +500648,31283.0,1232.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,66,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Uruguay,2019-05-28 02:56:46.441375+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNDRR%20COVID-19%20BRIEF%20PERSONAS%20CON%20DISCAPACIDADES%20FRENTE%20AL%20COVID-19%20EN%20LAS%20AM%C3%89RICAS%20Y%20EL%20CARIBE%20%283%29.pdf,"En síntesis, los datos obtenidos por la encuesta de ONG Inclusiva sobre discapacidad y COVID-19, junto con lo expuesto por los panelistas, resaltan que las brechas que alejan a las personas con discapacidad de la posibilidad de llevar una vida digna han aumentado a raíz de esta pandemia, tanto en sus dimensiones médicas y psicológicas como en las económicas y sociales." +183490,42815.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,66,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://guardian.ng/news/ncdc-records-155-new-covid-19-cases-4-more-casualties/,"[4th Nov 2020,Nigeria]The Director-General of the NCDC, Dr Chikwe Ihekweazu, who spoke on Wednesday in Abuja while giving an update on COVID-19 infections in Nigeria, said four deaths had been recorded in the past 24 hours. He disclosed that the 155 new cases were recorded in eight states and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT)." +305712,51572.0,2335.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,25,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Education : Textbooks for even grade [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +360941,58845.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,100,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_price_bulletin_may_2021.pdf,"[May 2021, Overall Syria] Between April and May 2021, the price of chicken and beef increased as a result of a number of factors. The high price of chicken in particular is linked to the high cost of inputs, especially feed, as explained by Osama Daboul, the Vice-Chairman of the Poultry Breeders Committee in Tartous. Daboul explained that “the poultry sector, including meat and eggs, is going through a tragic and catastrophic situation, and if this situation continues without solutions, the sector may collapse.”" +290375,51970.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Despite a slight decrease of severe food insecurity levels compared to September 2020 (-6%), the food security situation continues to be critical, with 2.1 million Venezuelan migrants being moderately/severely food insecure (66%)." +307198,51467.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,25,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"The number of people in need increased 15 per cent, compared to the 6.7 million people who were acutely food insecure in 2020." +64126,18925.0,729.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],en,124,[],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/va_report_libya_2019-libmac-unmas.pdf,"Among direct victims of explosive ordnance, 188 were adults (175 men, 13 woman), 143 were children (125 boys, 18 girls) and 40 were of unknown age (34 males, 6 unknown gender). As shown in the graphic below, more than a third of explosive ordnance casualties are children; 29 children were killed by explosive ordnance, 114 were injured. The most affected areas where casualties were recorded are Misrata (83), Jabal Nafusa (52), Sirt (38), Sabha (38), Benghazi (28), Al What (19), Tripoli (12), Nalut (9)." +169584,40332.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,54,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/early-action-key-south-asia-copes-four-crises-one-year,"[1st October, Bangladesh] These floods and water-borne diseases that follow in their wake are putting increased pressure on health-care systems stretched to the limit and struggling to cope with COVID-19. Red Cross and Red Crescent health teams are supporting the most at risk communities to have access to basic healthcare" +212072,45203.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,69,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://fews.net/west-africa/cameroon/food-security-outlook/june-2020,"For 2020, local food availability by weight is currently sufficient to meet the population’s food needs, with gross availability per person per year standing at an estimated 560 kg (MINADER, 2020). Cereal stocks for 2020 are as follows: over 1,887,000 metric tons of maize and 295,000 metric tons of rice. Market supplies should improve following the July harvest." +179159,41842.0,2028.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,97,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nw_syria_sitrep21_20201020.pdf,"(NW 20/10/2020) With basic commodities now reportedly priced in TRY, people without adequate access to TRY risk being excluded from markets or facing higher prices for the same goods and services because of exchange rate disparities –further marginalising more vulnerable members of society. This reportedly includes rent for accommodation, resulting in reported isolated incidents (with an increasing trend) of evictions of households without access to TRY. The devaluation of the SYP intensifies the precarious economic situation and is worsened by the impacts of COVID-19 on communities and markets." +40358,14236.0,788.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,74,['Impact'],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://theconversation.com/aid-agencies-should-take-note-of-how-displaced-people-in-nigeria-survive-118077,"The Boko Haram terrorist insurgency in Nigeria has precipitated humanitarian tragedy on a scale comparable only to theNigerian civil war(1967- 1970) and arguably the worst in Nigeria’s history. At one point, the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre estimated that up to 3.3 million people were internally displaced due to the insurgency. This is one of the largest displacements of people within one country in the world." +313317,53795.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,159,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"La planification du mois de mars 2021 est impactée par le processus de ciblage et le basculement de la réponse sur la vulnérabilité, en comparaison avec le mois antérieur, la couverture de la réponse globale sur les personnes en insécurité alimentaire (ph+3) est en baisse de 39 % contre 42% et de 77% contre 56% s’agissant de la réponse en assistance alimentaire aux PDIs enregistrées. L’impact est plus ressenti dans le Centre Nord où les trois provinces chutent d’un taux de couverture stable de 100% durant les six (6) derniers mois (avec des ajustements mineurs périodiques) à 81% dans le Sanmatenga, 69% dans le Bam et 63% dans le Namentenga. Cette différence s’explique par le retrait de certains PDIs de l’assistance alimentaire inconditionnelles après le ciblage basé sur la vulnérabilité." +218183,45410.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,La disponibilité des ressources pastorales favorise une bonne production laitière provoquant de bas prix pour les produits laitiers dans la plupart des localités des zones agropastorales et de transhumance. +307036,51572.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"There is no cleaning material available. During the HHs visits, people reported cleaning with ashes as a coping mechanism. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +12747,5579.0,322.0,"['Protection', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']","['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Economy']",en,103,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20Jun%202018.pdf,"Eight million people need access to emergency income to meet critical food needs and access to services. The sudden escalation of conflict in Al Hudaydah reduces further prospects of socio-economic recovery for millions of people around the western coast line. Many livelihoods projects being implemented in Al Hudaydah and Hajjah have been suspended on security grounds, leaving affected communities without social safety net. Landmines and explosive remnants of war continue to pose a threat to lives and prevent the resumption of economic activities, movements of populations and goods as well as access to basic services and infrastructure." +306375,51572.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,21,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,Providing assistance for a reconciliation meeting with the host community to ease the access to the river and to the bush +170441,40462.0,2099.0,"['Logistics', 'Shelter']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",fr,50,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Humanitarian Access', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"En fin, l’état dégradé de la voirie rend plus vulnérable les personnes déplacées de Gayeri où PLAN BURKINA qui intervenait n’arrive plus à accéder à cause de l’insécurité, afin de mettre en œuvre leur assistance en abris au profit des PDIs." +176618,41093.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Economy'],es,113,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"durante el primer trimestre de 2020 el 8,7% de los hombres se encontraban buscando empleo, mientras que el 14,3% de las mujeres estaban en esta situación. Con la pandemia, estas cifras empeoraron. De hecho, durante el segundo trimestre del año el desempleo femenino registró un aumento de 11,0 pps frente al primer trimestre de 2020 y de 12,0 pps respecto al mismo periodo de 2019, mientras que el desempleo masculino aumentó 8,5 pps y 9,3 pps respectivamente. La brecha en la tasa de desempleo entre hombres y mujeres pasó de 5,5 pps en 2019 a 8,1 pps durante el primer semestre de 2020." +78100,21602.0,1224.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,60,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/72608.pdf,"In the area of food and nutrition, partners in the Caribbean (Guyana, Aruba, Curacao and Trinidad and Tobago) reached approximately 1,300 refugees and migrants from Venezuela with basic food and/or water. Temporary accommodation was also provided to 96 vulnerable refugees and migrants in Curacao, Dominican Republic, Guyana and Trinidad and Tobago." +317935,53305.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,15,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,An estimated 57 per cent of South Sudanese in-country are under 18 years old. +224142,45768.0,2332.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,24,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,Sensibiliser les parents d’élèves des écoles d’Amma et de Diamérom pour l’accueil des nouveaux élèves IDPs de Boma +489307,67769.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/searo/bangladesh/bangladesh---rohingya-crisis---pdf-reports/ewars/2021/ewars-w34-2021.pdf?sfvrsn=52eebc31_9,"[23-29 August 2021, Bangladesh] Acute Respiratory Infection (15.1%), Diarrheal Diseases (4.8%) & Unexplained Fever (0.9%) are the diseases with highest proportional morbidity in week 34." +192942,43304.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,27,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,Soutenir les emplois dans la reprise socioéconomique à travers la mise en place d’un programme de promotion de l’emploi adapté au contexte post-COVID19 +195231,43324.0,2334.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,49,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irc_-_rapport_devaluation_covid-19_extreme_nord_-irc.pdf,L’interdiction de rassemblements a interrompu l’activité de certaines personnes : certains commerçants ne peuvent plus vendre dans des parties très fréquentées du marché. Certains meuniers ont vu le nombre de leurs clients baisser et cela crée un climat de suspicion permanent entre les personnes +330379,53831.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'Food Security', 'WASH']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,118,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/12042021_sitrep_s12_whe_oms_rdc_f.pdf,"Province de l’Ituri : Dans le territoire de Mahagi, plus de 12 340 retournés ont été enregistrés entre juillet 2020 et janvier 2021 dans les localités des AS de Kepira et Yilo (ZS d’Angumu). Ces retournés n’ont pas encore bénéficié d’assistance humanitaire, dans une zone où la plupart des services sociaux de base ne sont pas toujours opérationnels. Il y a des besoins dans plusieurs secteurs dont les vivres, les abris/articles ménagers essentiels (AME), accès aux soins de santé, à l’eau, à l’hygiène et à l’assainissement (EHA), etc." +196750,43328.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)'],fr,84,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Information And Communication'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_smart_rapid_pdi_2020_bfa_final.pdf,"Parmi les trois communes qui présentent une situation de prévalence MAG très élévée chez les FEFA, elle semble plus touchée la population hôte dans les communes de Gorom-Gorom (15,9%) et de Matiacoali (18,7%) que la population déplacée. Mais pour des raisons de faibles d’effectifs, les prévalences nutritionnelles dans la population déplacée n’ont pas pu être calculés. [Malnutrition aigüe et statut de résidence chez les FEFA selon le PB]" +239249,47351.0,2170.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",en,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Factsheet_NGA2005-Biu-LGA-Borno-state-November-2020.pdf,"[1st Nov2020,Biu LGA, Borno states]Among internally displaced households reporting having child(ren) 5 years old or younger (n=77), 37% reported that they had noticed at least one child in their household losing weight in the 30 days prior to data collection, compared to 46% of non-displaced households (n=70)" +178276,41756.0,2225.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Environment'],fr,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Les effets des conflits ont aussi des conséquences directes sur l’environnement. Les conflits entretiennent un climat propice à l’exploitation illégale et incontrôlée des ressources naturelles (forêts, minerais etc.) et contribuent à la déforestation." +244079,46388.0,2336.0,['WASH'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,54,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The 2020 Hard-to-Reach Assessments Round 3 (July-August 2020) shows that a staggering 95 per cent of assessed settlements people reported being negatively affected by COVID-19 in the three months prior to data collection, with 70 per cent of displaced households not having any soap as it was no longer affordable." +191661,43304.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,87,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Avant l’apparition du premier cas confirmé de COVID-19 dans le pays, le 19 mars 2020, les autorités tchadiennes avaient pris des mesures préventives successives pour restreindre la mobilité des personnes. Ainsi, la République du Tchad a progressivement fermé toutes ses frontières aériennes et terrestres, mettant un terme à tous les vols commerciaux, à l’exception des cargos. Les restrictions de mobilité ont également pris la forme de limitations strictes de mouvement à l’intérieur du pays" +221322,45584.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,46,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/10/private-bakeries-in-homs-are-banned-from-operating-despite-bread-crisis/,"[ October 1, Homs] It has been more than two years since the so-called settlement agreement was signed between the armed opposition factions and the Syrian regime forces. Yet, the northern countryside of Homs is still suffering from low government services." +341972,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,223,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"• Les dozo: Le « dozoya » est considéré comme traditionnelle africaine. Avec une multitude de référents identitaires, territoriaux, religieux, culturels, sécuritaires, ethniques, sectaires (sorcellerie), médicinaux (guérison) et cynégétiques (chasse), cette confrérie constitue une catégorie de per- sonnes ayant des fonctions, des statuts et des rôles bien précis au sein des communautés de souche mandingue. Par le canal des initiations le « dozoya » a su résister au temps. La présence des dozo dans les zones du Sud-Ouest et de l’Ouest est liée à l’organisation socioculturelle et religieuse des populations mandingues qui occupent cette partie du territoire Burkinabè. Étant des gardiens de la faune et de la flore, ils se rapprochent des missions dévouées aux Koglwéogo. Toutefois, ils sont aussi considérés comme des sorciers, des guérisseurs car maitrisant les formules et incantations mystiques des chasseurs et détenteurs du savoir traditionnel. À partir de leurs fonctions premières, les dozo se rapprochent des Koglwéogo . C’est par le truchement de la montée de l’insécurité que les dozo se sont mués en milice d’autodéfense avec l’acquisition de récépissé de reconnaissance officielle tout en exerçant leurs autres attributs." +152373,38139.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,55,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cox-s-bazar-sitrep-17.pdf,"For the safety of humanitarian workers in Cox’s Bazar, WHO developed and shared guidance on Infection Prevention and Control to reduce risks of COVID-19 during travel -over the Eid holiday. • In collaboration with ISCG, guidance on slaughtering animals and hygiene practices was also developed and shared with partners." +165500,39488.0,2098.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,48,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/vitamin-campaign-rohingya-children-goes-door-door-due-covid-19,"In addition to administering the Vitamin-A supplements and malnutrition screenings, the community volunteers who went door-to-door also provided the households with vital nutrition-related messages. These include awareness on the dangers of malnutrition and counselling on actionable steps to prevent their children from succumbing to it." +192808,43304.0,2332.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,56,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Pour éviter la propagation du virus, les visites de soins prénataux dans les établissements de santé sont en baisse. Les taux d'allaitement exclusif, déjà extrêmement faibles, vont encore se détériorer par crainte de la transmission de la mère à l'enfant. L'alimentation inadéquate du nourrisson et du jeune enfant reste préoccupante." +390066,61349.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://news.un.org/es/story/2021/07/1493952,"Durante varios meses en esta parte de la Amazonía no ocurrieron más duelos por COVID-19, pero eso no impidió que el miedo siguiera recorriendo el territorio.Desde el principio, entendieron que el virus iba a quedarse para siempre, debían aprender a vivir con él y no bajar la guardia." +270401,49943.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"La pérdida de ingresos desde la mirada de los niños y niñas En las preguntas cualitativas realizadas a los niños y niñas, la pérdida de empleo y de ingresos en la familia es un tema recurrente y genera estrés e incertidumbre en ellos y sus familias, ya que no saben si van a poder dinero para alimentarse y pagar las cuentas." +285961,51487.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,40,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no1_desplazamientos_en_buenaventura.pdf,"Protección: Se requiere garantizar la seguridad de las comunidades desplazadas y con restricciones en la movilidad para transitar de un barrio a otro, aún persisten casos de desapariciones forzadas (son frecuentes los enfrentamientos y hostigamientos)." +386737,60459.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,128,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"Cependant, la conjoncture économique dans les zones d’accueil du fait de la pandémie de COVID-19, réduit les flux et les montants des transferts en direction des localités d’origine. Selon les résultats des missions conjointes du SAP (avril et mai 2021) et les entretiens avec des informateurs clés, les revenus issus de la vente de bois de chauffe, de foins pour les animaux et de seccos pour les abris ont baissé de moitié en raison de l’offre plus importante que la demande. Suite à la multiplication des attaques et menaces des groupes djihadistes, les activités d’orpaillage qui sont menées habituellement dans la plupart des communes de la zones sont sensiblement réduites." +289270,51905.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,36,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[2nd March, 2021, SDF] % of SDs with majority of population in need of; - 52 % Soap or Water, - 70% masks and - 74% disinfectant." +157817,38137.0,2098.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,63,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cxb_education_covid_response_reaching_every_learner_final.pdf,"The learning facility closures, also mean that the over 3,300 (81 per cent female) hostcommunity teachers do not have access to the camps, and, like their refugee teacher colleagues, they may be required to gain additional knowledge and skills to support distance learning. The crisis also disproportionately affects all opportunities for professional development and learning." +22046,8988.0,729.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,24,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/67894.pdf,"According to the HRP, a total of 823,000 persons, including 248,000 children, are in need of humanitarian assistance in Libya." +13385,5560.0,322.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,80,"['At Risk', 'Capacities & Response']",['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RDP%20Monthly%20SitRep_July_2018.pdf,"On 29 July, the Humanitarian Coordinator for Yemen, Lise Grande issued a statement warning that civilians are at extreme risk from airstrikes in Al Hudaydah Governorate where an unstoppable epidemic of cholera could be triggered should water and sanitation system breakdown. As of 29 July, some 30,647 displaced households (HH) from Al Hudaydah Governorate have been assisted through the rapid response mechanism (RRM) out of a total of 39,995 HHs registered." +313648,53333.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,51,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Due to high risks of sexual violence as a result of the crisis, as reported by respondents, there is need to strengthen the current mechanisms for responding to incidents of SGBV to include regular mobile units so that adolescent survivors can access comprehensive services in a timely way." +174476,40809.0,2170.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Displacement->Push Factors', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,66,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NGA%20%281%29.pdf,"As of August 2020, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) identified over 2.7 million people that have been displaced due to the insurgency in the northeastern states of Adamawa, Borno and Yobe, due to communal clashes in North-West/North-Central and to natural disasters. Most displaced households have limited income and mostly rely on humanitarian assistance to cover their basic needs." +341744,56493.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,114,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"« Quand il y’a un conflit agriculteur-éleveur devant la justice, la plupart du temps c’est l’agriculteur qui gagne. Les abus de l’autorité, les rackets sur la route, par les forestiers surtout dans l’Est n’ont pas aidé à éviter ces problèmes que nous vivons. Tandis que quand les groupes armés arrivent, ils se présentent comme les sauveurs des paysans. Ils disent que nous sommes là pour vous. Vous pouvez laisser vos animaux divaguer comme vous voulez. Vous voyez entre les deux (groupes armés et les fonctionnaires) le choix est vite fait »" +297589,52552.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/West%20and%20Central%20Africa%20Transhumance%20Crisis%20Response%20Plan%202021.pdf,"The past years have seen an escalation of clashes between mobile transhumant and sedentary herder and farming communities over access to natural resources, necessitating collective action to pre- empt and mitigate the risk of persistent loss of life and livelihoods" +305202,53100.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,44,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/plan_de_preparation_coronavirus_cmr._version_du_10_mars_2019.pdf,"Au 10 mars 2020, deux cas ont été notifiés au Cameroun dans la ville de Yaoundé. Le 1er cas est en lien épidémiologique avec la France. Le 2e cas a été en contact étroit avec le premier, à Yaoundé." +70646,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],[],en,59,[],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"Economic differences between islands exist with those in the Family Island region more likely to be poor (17.2%) than people living in New Providence (12.4%) or Grand Bahama (9.4%). The Family Islands have higher percentages of non- nationals, fewer young people, and fewer with college educations." +323593,54626.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,"Besides reaching a population of 425,826 people through house to house visits in 90,451 households, whilst another 45,000 people were reached through health education sessions, mosque announcements and community meetings." +112941,31293.0,1388.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,63,[],['Context'],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3641092,"Al respecto, la Secretaría General indicó los principales retos identificados entre ellos, la prevención y contención de COVID-19 en los funcionarios policiales, militares, funcionarios del Sistema Penitenciario y personas privadas de libertad; el retorno seguro de conciudadanos varados en otros países; el restablecimiento de las funciones fiscales y judiciales bajo criterios de bioseguridad, entre otros desafíos" +258001,48907.0,2098.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,64,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[20th January 2021, Cox's Bazar] Those who are volunteers, and imams (Islamic leaders) working in mosques say they have retained their jobs. However, many men who had informal, temporary employment as day labourers, construction workers, porters or tailors have lost their jobs, according to the men themselves or their wives." +386803,60459.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,158,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"Bien que la province ait enregistré une baisse des incidents et fatalités depuis le second semestre de 2020 comparativement au premier semestre 2020 et à l’année 2019, les groupes djihadistes continuent d'exercer des menaces sur les populations, surtout dans le nord de la province. Des incursions et menaces de représailles sur les populations ont entrainé au courant du mois de mai des déplacements de 2024 personnes dans la commune de Bouroum. Des enlèvements de VDP et des tueries sur les civiles ont aussi été enregistrés le même mois dans la commune de Pissila. Ces menaces empêchent le retour à grande échelle des PDI dont l’effectif total depuis la crise représente 36 pour cent de la population et qui vivent en majorité sur des sites d’accueil temporaires ou dans les familles d’accueil. Le reste habite dans les sites aménagés de Barsalogho et de Foubé." +177720,41774.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,216,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"Mesures concernant les rassemblements du 19 mars 2020 Le Chef de l’État a décidé: 1. D’interdire tous rassemblements, réunions, célébrations, de plus de 20 personnes sur les lieux publics en dehors du domicile familial ; 2. De la fermeture des écoles, des universités, des instituts supérieurs officiels et privés sur l’ensemble du territoire national à dater de ce jeudi 19 mars 2020 pour une durée de 4 semaines ; 3. De suspendre tous les cultes pour une période de 4 semaines à compter de ce jeudi 19 mars 2020 ; 4. De suspendre les activités sportives dans les stades et autres lieux de regroupement sportif jusqu’à nouvel ordre ; 5. D’interdire, toujours jusqu’à nouvel ordre, l’ouverture des discothèques, bars, cafés, terrasses et restaurants ; 6. D’interdire, l’organisation des deuils dans les salles et les domiciles. Les dépouilles mortelles seront conduites directement de la morgue jusqu’au lieu d’inhumation et en nombre restreint d'accompagnateurs; 7. De prendre en charge aux frais du Gouvernement tous les cas testés positifs sur l’ensemble du territoire." +300520,52762.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,94,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_087_28210321_hebdo_s12.pdf,"[S12/2021] Les provinces ayant engrangé la majorité de ces cas sont Kinshasa (31,2%), le Nord-Kivu (24,4%), le Lualaba (14,2%), le Haut-Katanga (11,3%) et le Kongo-Central (9,4%). Quant aux ZS hot spots, il s’agit de : Goma (n=116), Lubumbashi (n=57), Dilala (n=56), Kanzenze (n=53), Gombe (n=43), Karisimbi (n=39) et Bunia (n=37)." +318584,52949.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"An estimated 771,802 under-five children and 389,205 pregnant and lactating women are estimated to be in need of either preventive nutrition assistance." +239062,46388.0,2336.0,"['WASH', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,48,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"DTM data shows that 5 million people have been displaced since 2012 and have not returned home. Many remain in urban and rural informal settlements, with sub-standard shelters, without access to safe water and sanitation facilities, and unable to support their own recovery." +161569,39295.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,97,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,"Before COVID-19, the lack of health care workers in northwest Syria was a serious challenge and some health care workers are working in more than one health facility. Therefore, the Health Directorates requested in a written statement that the health workers who are working in COVID-19 health facilities do not work in another facility. While this would potentially limit the infections within the community from health workers who may inadvertently spread the virus, it may have a negative impact on the available human resources to maintain the non-COVID-19 health service provision." +313720,53333.0,2334.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Being out of school, in addition to reducing access to protection, GBV and SRHR services and a protective environment, is considered as a major factor in increasing the risk of teenage pregnancy, sexual exploitation, child marriage, violence and other threats" +314322,52949.0,2331.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,57,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Conflict remains at the centre of the crisis in Somalia with chronic levels of insecurity and violence taking a heavy toll on civilians for decades, affecting livelihoods and hampering economic progress and development. Civilians are exposed to indiscriminate attacks, including through improvised explosive devices (IEDs), other explosive hazards and aerial bombardments" +240026,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,34,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"World Bank estimates show that income from remittances has decreased by up to 40 per cent in 2020 (as compared to 2019), as a result of COVID-19 and population movements." +149220,36019.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,46,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"Since March, NES NGOs have conducted COVID-19 risk awareness/ communication activities in at least 30 sub districts out of 35 under the control of SA (i.e. 86 per cent of sub-districts in NES) reaching 51 communities and 20 IDP last resort sites" +305203,53100.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/plan_de_preparation_coronavirus_cmr._version_du_10_mars_2019.pdf,"Le premier cas sur le continent africain a été notifié en Egypte en date du 14 février, et 2 cas ont été confirmés à Yaoundé, le 06 mars 2020." +186676,43205.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,34,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/425162-weekly-review-nigerias-new-covid-19-cases-increase-for-second-consecutive-week.html,"[7th Nov 2020 ,Nigeria]Similar situations occurred in Ondo and Edo states where governorship elections were held and large political gatherings held without social distancing and use of face masks." +271043,47809.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],es,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_7.pdf,"La razón nacional preliminar de mortalidad materna a semana epidemiológica 07 es de 61,4 muertes por cada 100000 nacidos vivos. La razón de mortalidad materna superior a 100 muertes por cada 100 000 nacidos vivos se observó en las entidades territoriales de Guaviare, Magdalena, Meta, Valle del Cauca, Putumayo, Bolívar, Cali, Chocó y Tolima" +178361,41756.0,2225.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],fr,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Le nombre de personnes dans le besoin fin 2019 a augmenté de 22 pour cent comparé à l’analyse des besoins réalisée fin 2018 (12,8 millions de personnes). Cette augmentation est principalement due à une couverture géographique étendue de l’analyse du cadre intégré de la sécurité alimentaire (IPC) permettant l’identification des besoins jusque-là non-évalués." +157871,38800.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,70,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GTS%20-%20HNAP%20COVID19%20Syria%20Bulletin%20R3.pdf,Focal points note that if their communities experience COVID-19 symptoms they would most likely to go to a health provider (55%) or self-isolate (34%). Communities in high-density sub-districts are less likely to self-isolate (17%) than those in low- density sub-districts (43%).14 Only 3% of those living in low-density sub-districts would call a health provider. +149682,37702.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,65,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"In NES local authorities continue to provide exemptions for humanitarian goods and personnel at the Fishkabour/Semalka informal border crossing. As indicated in previous reports on 13 July local authorities closed all border crossing points to NES as a precautionary measure against COVID-19. Humanitarian personnel, students and medical cases are reported to be exempt but subject to a 14-day quarantine on arrival." +304418,51590.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/IOM%20DTM%20SSD%20FMR%20Cross%20border%20trends%20and%20impact%20of%20restrictions%202020.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10755,"In November and December 2020, active fighting in Kajo Keji displaced over 9,000 individuals, many of whom to Uganda (OCHA November Humanitarian Snapshot, December Humanitarian Snapshot)" +239657,47230.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,30,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"De los 3.111 hogares encuestados, el 64% manifiesta que ningún miembro de su hogar se encuentra actualmente afiliado a ninguno de los regímenes de salud en Colombia (" +155208,37856.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,38,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Les voyageurs qui traversent la frontière en contournant ces points de contrôle n’ont dès lors pas accès aux examens, contrôles et services médicaux et hygiéniques mis en place au niveau des postes frontières officiels." +241740,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"A third of elderly-headed displaced households reported having a disabled household member and reported carrying more debt on average (57,384 AFN/ $747) than other displaced households (44,287AFN/$576)." +187285,42134.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Colombia%20COVID-19%20Update%20-%201-15OCT20.pdf,"The Colombian Ministry of Health confirmed 990,270 cases of COVID-19 as of Thursday, 22 October, with Bogotá concentrating the highest number (304,567 confirmed cases). A total of 29,636 individuals have died from COVID-19 and 893,712 cases have recovered." +78102,21602.0,1224.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,30,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/72608.pdf,"In Guyana, 787 Venezuelans were immunized and vaccinated against measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR), Yellow Fever and diphtheria before being granted stay permits." +187180,34290.0,1900.0,['Health'],[],[],es,24,[],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Resumen_Informe_16_07_2020_No_080.pdf,Coordinación brigadas médicas para detección temprana de posibles casos por Covid-19 en el Distrito Central conformadas por instituciones SINAGER y otros entes Gubernamentales. +178095,40661.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],fr,42,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Le secteur secondaire (95%) a été le plus touché, suivi du secteur tertiaire (89%). Les très petites entreprises opérant principalement dans l’informel ont été très affectées par la baisse des activités." +234885,47045.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,48,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/coronavirus-idlib-spiralling-out-control-warns-charity,"[9th January 2021, NW& Overall Syria] Since the pandemic began, Syria has recorded at least 40,000 coronavirus cases, with more than half of reported cases in the country's northwest, the last major stronghold for armed opposition to the government." +224009,45768.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,16,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"Les personnes déplacées internes proviennent des localités de Bohoma, Kadulu, Kangali et Litri." +54290,17000.0,1184.0,[],[],[],es,49,[],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3256039,"La UE (Unión Europea) ha decidido contribuir con 1,7 millones de euros para aliviar la situación de los niños migrantes más vulnerables, así como de las comunidades de acogida en cuatro países de la región: Colombia, Ecuador, Perú y Trinidad y Tobago." +458095,64540.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,128,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,". El número de inmigrantes y refugiados venezolanos con niveles educativos altos que ingresan al Perú está decreciendo. Es lo que se desprende de la ronda número 5 de la DTM (abril 2019)6, que informa que el número de personas de nacionalidad venezolana con educación superior ha disminuido. Al mismo tiempo que las personas que reportan solo el bachillerato se incrementaron, superando en número a los que tienen nivel universitario completo. Una hipótesis analizada en los informes citados indicaría que los inmigrantes y refugiados venezolanos con estudios universitarios completos, o mayor calificación ocupacional, tienden a migrar hacia países percibidos como “mejores” o con mayores oportunidades laborales, como es el caso de Chile o Argentina." +160725,39251.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,38,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/unicef-urges-nigeria-seize-moment-routine-vaccination,"In Nigeria, numbers show that routine immunizations in the first 6 months of 2020 have dropped compared to the same period in 2019 -- indicating a deterioration in important routine vaccination coverage, due to COVID-19." +192828,43304.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,46,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Les déficits observés sont dûs principalement aux baisses importantes de revenus tirés de l’exode, de la vente du bétail, de la main d’oeuvre locale, des cultures maraichères et à la baisse de production comparés aux années de référence." +325114,54815.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"(Ouagadougou) While the hospitals and most health centers are located in the central part of Ouagadougou and appear relatively well-connected to the SOTRACO bus network, facilities are comparatively absent in the more peripheral parts of the city, especially in the north and south-east corners. The distribution of CSPSs is more balanced, but many of these facilities are far removed from the bus network." +57457,17280.0,1186.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",es,75,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/439982_ed8c90c2b9644fbbabee3b33e6e9e918.pdf,"El volumen del presente fenómeno de migración ha desafiado toda la estructura institucional chilena, poniendo a prueba la capacidad del aparato estatal en sus diferentes escalas de proveer un soporte social eficaz ante las diferentes aristas de este fenómeno, evidenciando la necesidad de actualizar nuestra política migratoria hacia estándares modernos y con enfoque de derechos, así como de proveer condiciones para la inclusión de las poblaciones en situación de mayor vulnerabilidad." +22357,9106.0,729.0,['Shelter'],[],[],en,33,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"Out of the total population in need of shelter and NFI assistance, 22,000 are non-displaced, 48,000 are IDPs, 97,000 are returnees, 22,000 are refugees and 102,000 are migrants." +162979,37820.0,2098.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,70,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/iom_rohingya_crisis_response_-_external_sitrep_-_july_2020.pdf,"A total 3,370 Covid-19 Non-food items (1,288 through Shelter-NFI common pipeline partners and 2,082 through IOM) were distributed in all 16 camps under IOMs; AoR. A total of 9,438b radios from the shelter-NFI common pipelines were provided to the Transition and Recovery Division (TRD) to distribute among members of the host community, ensuring beneficiaries can access the latest Covid-19 updates and information." +485136,65398.0,1185.0,[],[],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,84,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,Un estudio elaborado por el Instituto de Opinión Pública de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (2019) también hace referencia a este aspecto. El 76 % de las personas encuestadas estaban de acuerdo con la afirmación “los venezolanos les están quitando sus empleos a muchos peruanos”. Un porcentaje muy similar (74 %) se manifestaba conforme con la frase “la llegada de tantos venezolanos va a perjudicar la economía de los peruanos y peruanas”. +178451,41756.0,2225.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"En ce qui concerne les pratiques d’alimentation du nourrisson et du jeune enfant, il a été constaté que le taux d’allaitement maternel exclusif n’est que de 53,5 pour cent parmi les enfants de moins de 6 mois et que seulement 9,4 pour cent des enfants de 6 à 23 mois bénéficient d’un régime alimentaire minimum acceptable.137" +346179,56952.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,32,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20monitoreo%20enero-marzo%202021%20-%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20vers%C3%B3n%20final.pdf,"Si bien, la población afirma tener buena relación con sus comunidades de acogida, se encuentran también casos de xenofobia y discriminación, en particular para NNA en edad escolar." +327082,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,142,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Les autres obstacles qui limitent le plein potentiel du secteur privé sont: les contraintes juridiques et réglementaires; la capacité limitée des institutions du secteur public à soutenir le développement du système agro-industriel (les agences gouvernementales sont confrontées à des insuffisances en matière d’infrastructures, de gestion, d’organisation et de capacités humaines); la dépendance des budgets gouvernementaux vis- à-vis du soutien des donateurs; l’insuffisance des fonds pour les investissements et les opérations, en particulier la vulgarisation sur le terrain; la faible capacité institutionnelle; un secteur bancaire peu enclin à prendre des risques et qui n’investit pas volontiers dans l’agriculture; et les problèmes liés à l’accès aux terres agricoles4 [ (AGRA, 2014; Banque mondiale, 2019)]" +224071,45768.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,80,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"Sur le plan nutritionnel, plusieurs enfants de moins de cinq ans sont atteints de la malnutrition aigüe dans la communauté. Pour corroborer cela, un screening nutritionnel rapide, à base de Périmètre brachial (PB) testé sur 50 enfants a révélé un taux de malnutrition aigüe globale (MAG) de 46% et la malnutrition aigüe sévère (MAS) 16% largement au-dessus du seuil d’urgence défini par l’OMS." +341822,56493.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],fr,57,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Lorsqu’on tient compte du lien entre personne déplacée et la connaissance d’une victime de menace ou violence, il apparait que les personnes déplacées connaissent plus de personnes ayant subi des menaces et des violations. Cela peut être lié aux raisons de leur déplacement et à leur situation de migration contrainte." +114475,31694.0,1898.0,['Cross'],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",es,51,[],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UN_Situation%20Report%2011_COVID19_del%2003%20al%2015%20JUN_2020.pdf,"• Número de personas en Centros de Cuarentena (CC) han disminuido: 1.919 personas distribuidas en 44 CC, de estos 63 son niños y niñas (4%), 176 adultos mayores (9%), 1.669 adultos (87%) incluyendo 11 mujeres embarazadas" +318951,53305.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,17,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,Looting and theft of humanitarian supplies from warehouses and convoys in transit significantly increased in 2020. +337609,55860.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,64,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb4752en.pdf,"It is thus crucial to deliver livelihood assistance throughout the country, particularly so a as not to miss the upcoming agricultural seasons (season C in May–June; and season A in August–September) to quickly increase access to food, improve and diversify households’ daily diet, create alternative sources of income and supply markets with local, fresh products." +224089,45768.0,2332.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,28,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,Certains connaissent déjà la pandémie mais au niveau du terrain il a été noté que les mesures de prévention ne sont pas appliquées/suivies par la communauté déplacée. +206420,44672.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,98,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"UNDP [UN Development Programme] will take immediate action to benefit from newly created initiatives and funds to fight the outbreak of COVID-19 like: 1. Tencent announced the launch of the Global Anti-Pandemic Fund, a $100 million effort designed to help curb the devastating spread of COVID-19. The news follows the launch of $100 million funds from fellow tech giants Netflix and Facebook. The initial funding will go to practical and vitally important health supply donations, including protective gear and other products for hospitals and healthcare first responders." +453922,63974.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_20210630-Rapport-Protection-Trimestriel.pdf,"Sur le plan de la santé mentale, la crise [sécuritaire = violences avec parfois des pertes en vie humaine, destruction des biens et pertes de revenus, séparation familiale, déplacements, etc.] a un fort impact sur le bien-être psychosocial et psychologique de populations déplacées et des populations hôtes." +310040,51467.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,50,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,The provision of life-saving water supply services to the host community is crucial in order to build and maintain peaceful co-existence. Community hygiene awareness and practices require continuous improvement to help in gradual behaviour change on hygiene practices. This is even more important in the context of COVID-19 +275903,50662.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],en,51,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[July- December 2020, Cox's Bazar] Within the reporting period, the testing capacity had improved to 1,500 samples per day and is currently being sustained at that level. Increasing the capacity of the field lab to conduct additional molecular and microbial culture examinations remains a priority" +319842,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,25,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Moreover, persons with disabilities face additional risks of exploitation, abuse and discrimination by other IDPs, such as having their assistance stolen." +318215,53305.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,26,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,The humanitarian footprint reduced considerably across the country in the months after COVID-19 was confirmed in South Sudan in early April. [APRIL 2020] +177155,41093.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,59,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"En el Cuadro 1 se observa que la transmisión de la tasa de política monetaria a estas tasas llegó a ser equivalente al 102% y 106%. Es decir, por cada punto porcentual que disminuyó la tasa de intervención, la TIB y el IBR se redujeron en 1,02 y 1,06 puntos porcentuales, respectivamente." +323037,54626.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,"The SAM admissions reported in March bring the total of admissions since the beginning of 2021 to 43,655 (24,050 girls, 19,605 boys), representing 36 per cent of the targeted UNICEF caseload for 2021." +279464,50942.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,55,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/health/coronavirus/2021/03/11/global-covid-cases-near-118-million,"[11th March 2021, Bangladesh] Bangladesh recorded 1,018 new Covid-19 cases in the past 24 hours till Wednesday morning, showing a sharp rise in the number of daily infections. Seven coronavirus related deaths were reported during the period, according to the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS)." +24813,9461.0,730.0,['Food Security'],[],[],en,58,[],[],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/02.26.19-%20USG%20Yemen%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet.pdf,"More than 20 million people require emergency food assistance in Yemen, representing a more than 10 percent increase from the 17.8 million people in need of food assistance in 2018. Food insecurity is most severe in Amran, Hajjah, Al Hudaydah, Ta’izz, and Sa’dah, the UN reports." +204831,44672.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,50,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Since the beginning of March, COVID-19 has spread rapidly all over Afghanistan. The officially reported cases as of July 18, 2020; 35,000+ infections and 100+ deaths. These are likely to be underestimates as the daily new cases are in the order of seven hundred." +2576,517.0,321.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Context->Demography'],en,72,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Libya%20Situation%20Report%20-%20End%20of%20Year%202017.pdf,"Through UNICEF LCO national partners, a total of 26,639 students (13,390 female), 300 of whom are children with disabilities, enrolled in catch up and remedial education classes in conflict-affected and underserved areas in places such as Benghazi, Sirte and in eight areas in the South of Libya. In Benghazi and Sirte, 78,868 children (39,667 female) received essential learning materials and supplies." +66701,19425.0,1184.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,58,[],['Context'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71649.pdf,"Las personas sobrevivientes de violencia basada en género necesitan diversos tipos de atención y apoyo durante su proceso de recuperación, sanación y resiliencia. Algunos de los servicios más comunes que las personas sobrevivientes de VBG tienen derecho a recibir son4: Tratamiento médico y apoyo psicosocial Seguridad y protección Servicios legales Educación y medios de vida" +90134,25213.0,1621.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,49,['At Risk'],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A_HRC_43_75_E.pdf,"Migrants and refugees in Libya continued to be routinely subjected to a range of serious human rights abuses and violations, including arbitrary detention, torture, sexual violence, abduction for ransom, extortion, forced labour and unlawful killings. Perpetrators continued to operate with impunity." +358769,58669.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,115,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/informe_de_emergencias_humanitarias_reportadas_elc_enero_mayo_2021.pdf,"IMPACTO REGIONAL: CHOCÓ 2.739 Siete comunidades afrocolombianas del Medio San Juan fueron forzadas a confinarse durante mayo tras intensos combates entre la FFPP y un GAO, adicionalmente el GAO informó a la comunidad sobre la instalación de MAP en los cultivos de las comunidades. Este confinamiento sólo fue informado a finales del mes de mayo a las autoridades locales, debido a las restricciones de movilidad y comunicación que ejercen los GAO sobre las comunidades. Así mismo en Acandí al menos 109 personas se confinaron debido a contaminación por MAP. En el litoral de san juan también se informó de manera tardía el confinamiento de 426 personas desde abril." +177599,41681.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/iom_rohingya_crisis_response_-_external_sitrep_-_august_2020.pdf,"[August 2020, Bangladesh] 47 victims of trafficking (14 women and 31 men, 1 girl, 1 boy) from Rohingya and host community were identified and assisted. During the reporting period, one suspected case was found and followed up by RTML and contact tracers in camp 19." +176072,41336.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,40,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_128_.pdf,"Le 06/06/2020, 577 échantillons ont été reçus au laboratoire ; 85,3% (n= 492) ont été analysés d’entre lesquels 153 sont revenus positifs au SARS-CoV-2, incluant les 138 nouveaux cas confirmés du jour." +158656,39277.0,2170.0,"['Logistics', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,48,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NMMB_June2020_Final.pdf,"The prolonged land border closure has continued to limit traders’ ability to supply the markets, export and increase volumes of commodities typically traded (including rice, fresh produce, and cash crops) with neighboring countries like Cameroon, Chad, Benin, and Niger" +237309,46388.0,2336.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,161,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"For 2021, the group has used those living in IPC2+ as a proxy for wider chronic needs and vulnerabilities in the community, helping to capture the transient and multi-dimensional nature of poverty and vulnerability. Based on this analysis, it has been determined that the number of people in need of social assistance would include the 34 per cent of the population in stress (IPC 2), the 28 per cent in crisis (IPC 3) and the 14 per cent in emergency (IPC 4). In other words, 76 per cent of the population, or an estimated 30.5 million people (14.9 million female and 15.6 million male), are currently in need of social assistance. This is in spite of the relatively decent harvest, as increasing food prices and the loss of livelihoods make affordability a concern for poor households, particularly in urban areas." +386726,60459.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,115,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"(scenario) Le niveau actuel de l’assistance va être maintenu selon les données de planification sur la période de juin à aout (cluster/sécurité alimentaire, planning soudure). Elle contribuera à maintenir une situation de Stress ! (Phase 2 ! de l’IPC) dans les provinces du Sanmatenga, du Loroum, du Soum, du Séno et du Yagha jusqu’en septembre. Excepté le Yagha où les nouveaux déplacements vont perturber les activités agricoles, dans les autres provinces, le calme relatif favorise les retours de PDI et l’accès aux champs serait meilleur par rapport à l’année passée." +62850,18514.0,1386.0,[],[],[],en,324,[],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190328_acaps_briefing_note_venezuela_update_and_2019_outlook__0.pdf,"Crisis impact The deepening political and socio-economic crisis in Venezuela has led to the collapse of services, deterioration of humanitarian conditions within the country, and one of the biggest mass displacements in the history of South America. Due to a significant drop in national oil production (54% since 1998), and international prices since 2016, Venezuela is estimated to have lost 18% of its GDP in 2018, and accumulated 159% of its GDP in public debt. Between 2014 and 2017, Venezuela had lost almost 39% of its economic activity per capita, and hyperinflation stood at 2,500,000% at the end of 2018. In addition, price increases reduce access to food, medicine, and other basic goods, while the general availability of food is hampered by import restrictions (El Nacional 04/10/2018, IMF 10/2018, FAO 16/01/2019, Harvard University 10/2018). Presidential elections took place on 20 May 2018, four months before the scheduled date, with parts of the opposition boycotting the vote (NYT 01/03/2018). With a 46% turnout according to the election board, Maduro was declared president with 67.7% of the vote. The opposition declared the turnout was in fact much lower, alleged further irregularities and did not recognise the results. Several countries indicated that they had not recognised the results, including the US and Latin American governments of the Lima group (BBC 21/05/2018, The Guardian 21/05/2018). Protests in reaction to the socioeconomic situation persisted throughout the rest of 2018, while the opposition, despite experiencing strong internal divisions, intensified its calls for a transitional government. Neighbouring countries and international powers also called for a negotiated transition of power to find a way out of the crisis (Crisis Group 23/11/2018)1." +156654,38715.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,46,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/roap_covid_response_sitrep_14.pdf,"IOM also installed an isolation tent and two screening booths at Dhaka Cantonment Railway Station and convened the second Health, Border and Mobility Management POE taskforce meeting, which included the Director of Communicable Disease Control Unit of the Directorate General of Health Services." +296173,52520.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,400,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[échantillon de 100 femmes – terr. Rutshuru] les facteurs de risque suivants [femmes et des jeunes filles souffrant des maladies mentales sont également victimes de violence sexuelle ]: -Les guerres à répétition: [..]. Depuis 1994, beaucoup de familles ont été détruites et des enfants ont perdu leurs parents lors des conflits et violences dans l'Est de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC). [..]. Des enfants soldats combattent toujours sous l’influence des drogues et prennent part aux tortures et aux meurtres, obéissant aux ordres donnés par leurs chefs. [..]la plupart des jeunes gens dans la région semblent avoir perdu plusieurs valeurs notamment morales et sociales. -La pauvreté des familles: [..] beaucoup de familles pauvres ont du mal à subvenir aux besoins primaires de leurs enfants souffrants. Ceux souffrant des troubles mentaux et nécessitants un encadrement spécifique, sont de la sorte abandonnés à eux-mêmes.[..] D’où la plupart d’entre elles vivent à la rue et elles doivent mendier pour survive…c’est là que nombreuses ont été violées. -Les normes sociales et culturelles: [..]la présence d’un malade mental dans une famille, est considérée par plusieurs comme une malédiction ou une injure. Cette attitude contribue donc à la négligence, la déconsidération et le rejet des personnes souffrant des troubles mentaux dans plusieurs communautés de la province du Nord-Kivu mais ces sont généralement les femmes et les jeunes filles débiles qui en souffrent le plus. Elles sont donc « isolées le jour, mais violées la nuit ». Pourtant, les personnes dépourvues de la raison ne peuvent pas donner leur consentement. [..] l’impunité des bourreaux. [..]le silence coupable de certaines familles des victimes mais aussi la complicité des agents de l’Etat dans le système judiciaire. Mais quelques familles des victimes interrogées, affirment qu’elles ont parfois eu le courage d’aller dénoncer les présumés auteurs de viol et que plusieurs sont parfois arrêtés mais relâchés seulement quelques jours après. Ainsi, l’impunité est devenue comme une « norme » et cela fait que les bourreaux se radicalisent." +186869,41080.0,1184.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,190,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000119627.pdf,"En el Ecuador, el sobrepeso y la obesidad están aumentando para todos los grupos de edad. Esta forma de malnutrición se hace presente desde la infancia; casi 1 en cada 10 niños y niñas menor de 5 años vive con sobrepeso u obesidad; en varias provincias esta tasa asciende al 15% (MSP e INEC - 2014. En los escolares de 5 a 11 años, la tasa de sobrepeso y obesidad a nivel nacional supera el 36% (INEC 2018). También la creciente prevalencia documentada en las adolescentes 31% de las niñas adolescentes de 12 a 19 años tienen sobrepeso u obesidad, contra 29% de los niños de la misma edad - pone en evidencia la necesidad de intervenciones dirigidas a ese grupo poblacional (INEC 2018). Las tasas de sobrepeso y la obesidad para adultos están aumentando a un ritmo alarmante y se encuentra en niveles muy altos en todas las 24 provincias, superando el 60% de los adultos de 19-60 años en 18 provincias del país (MSP-INEC 2014)." +219768,45777.0,2333.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,48,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/niger/un-soutien-additionnel-d-education-cannot-wait-pour-intensifier-l-ducation-dans-les,"NIAMEY (Niger), 11 août 2020- L'UNICEF a reçu un soutien financier supplémentaire de 1,15 million USD d'Education Cannot Wait (ECW), qui fait partie d'une enveloppe totale de 4 millions USD destinée au pays et mise en œuvre par plusieurs partenaires." +194130,42940.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,44,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/flash_update_no_12_covid-19_choco_vf.pdf,"Aun se observa baja capacidad de atención y protección de las instituciones departamentales y municipales a víctimas de VBG y violencia intrafamiliar, limitaciones en el acceso a derechos reproductivos y medicamentos de personas que viven con VIH y discriminación de población LGTBI." +219779,45777.0,2333.0,"['WASH', 'Education']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,58,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/niger/un-soutien-additionnel-d-education-cannot-wait-pour-intensifier-l-ducation-dans-les,Ce financement a également contribué à l'amélioration des conditions sanitaires dans les écoles : des dispositifs de lavage des mains ont été installés pour permettre une prévention efficace de la transmission du virus et des latrines ont été construites. L'UNICEF a également soutenu la distribution de matériel d'apprentissage pendant la fermeture des écoles et leur réouverture. +132535,35164.0,1188.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"La mayoria expresaron haber tenido dificultades en el proceso de convalidación de nivel de estudios, y de matriculación: principalmente debido a la apostilla de los créditos escolares en Venezuela" +169505,40367.0,2099.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,33,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,All the schools closed down on 16 March due to COVID-197. The schools reopened partially from June to August to prepare children to take their final exams in July and August. +35758,13057.0,788.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Demography'],en,105,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000105395.pdf,"The age of the head of household also had an impact on food security as households headed by older members (> 75 years) were found to more food insecure (43.5 percent) compared with counterparts headed by younger members (34.8 percent). The level of food insecurity in households with pregnant women was slightly lower compared to households without pregnant women, which is likely due to the targeted efforts by the government and humanitarian community to prioritize them for nutrition and food assistance due to their vulnerability particularly in the context of the ongoing conflict in the northeast." +315380,53333.0,2334.0,"['WASH', 'Health', 'Shelter']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,60,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"As solutions to tackle the challenges, girls suggested providing free health care to the community, ensure pregnant women and girls are followed-up, provide water to the community, ensure vaccination of children, providing shelter to the community, hospitals should be reopened, more skilled workers employed, and that health care should be affordable." +239391,46388.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Shelter']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,27,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Almost three quarters (72 per cent) of IDP households are living in a shelter without any written documentation establishing their right to be there. +182326,34289.0,1900.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,152,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Reporte%20de%20Situacio%CC%81n%20COVID19%20Honduras%20N.12.pdf,"El Gobierno anunció este martes que implementará la acción Fuerza Honduras, a través de la cual se colocarán aproximadamente $18 millones en las alcaldías municipales a nivel nacional para atención a la pandemia, siguiendo las buenas prácticas implementadas en las zonas de mayor afectación, como ser brigadas y centros de triaje. En las últimas semanas, se ha dificultado asegurar la resiliencia de los servicios de salud para continuar brindando atención a la demanda de la población y atender todas las otras patologías que afectan a la población. En cuanto a los conglomerados de grupos vulnerables como los privados de libertad, en la Semana Epidemiológica (SE) número 28, la SESAL notificó un aumento considerable de casos positivos, registrando alrededor de 1.500 personas contagiadas a nivel nacional, incluyendo personas privadas de libertad, personal administrativo y operativo de los centros penales" +329855,53694.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],fr,169,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/03042021_sitrep_s11_whe_oms_rdc.docx.pdf,"De S1 à S11/2021, 1 849 cas suspects de choléra dont 63 décès (létalité de 3,4%) ont été recensés dans 51 ZS appartenant à 11 provinces. On observe une baisse de 68,9% du nombre de cas hebdomadaire entre 2020 et 2021. Au terme de S11/2021, 217 cas suspects de choléra et 4 décès (létalité de 1,8%) a été enregistrés dans 19 ZS de 7 provinces. De plus, 75,6% (164/217) des cas suspects ont été notifiés dans les provinces endémiques du pays. Le lancement du 1 ème passage de la campagne de vaccination préventive anticholérique orale (VCO) dans 76 aires de santé de 14 ZS du Haut-Katanga a eu lieu le 29 mars 2021. Après 3 jours de campagne, 422 221 personnes âgées d’une année et plus ont été vaccinées sur une cible de 1 359 080, soit une couverture vaccinale partielle de 31,1%." +221224,45848.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,53,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.rfi.fr/fr/afrique/20201217-covid-19-en-rdc-l-inqui%C3%A9tude-monte-avant-l-instauration-du-couvre-feu-national,"Il débutera à 21 heures et durera jusqu’à 5 heures. La circulation pendant le couvre-feu sera soumise à une autorisation spéciale de l'autorité provinciale, à l'exception des personnes se trouvant dans des situations d'urgence sanitaire. Cette décision va toucher de nombreux Congolais et beaucoup s’inquiètent." +263009,49608.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],es,37,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/noticias/economia/en-enero-de-2021-retrocedio-la-confianza-de-los-empresarios/,"Por sectores, la industria manufacturera registró el retroceso más alto en las expectativas en enero de 2021 (50,4), seguido de construcción con 49,7, comercio con 49,5, y servicios con 46." +337241,55827.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,118,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/bogota/mendicidad-en-bogota-el-incremento-del-fenomeno-en-la-ciudad-585210,"Él y su equipo consideran que hay serios indicios para pensar que estas familias se distribuyen los niños. “Creemos que sí puede haber alquiler. Hemos detectado inclusive recorridos macabros, donde en un camión van los niños y los van bajando en semáforos. Los entregan en diferentes puntos y luego los recogen”. Quinche explicó que es muy usual que estas bandas les cobren a estas familias una cuota por el espacio que ocupan y con supuestos servicios de seguridad. “Esto lo hemos evidenciado en el centro de la ciudad, en toda la localidad de Santa Fe, en Los Mártires y en Patio Bonito, en Kennedy”." +217451,45653.0,2333.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://docs.wfp.org/api/documents/WFP-0000114546/download/?_ga=2.153594736.918642439.1605111758-1773529422.1605111758,"Anaemia was another major concern for malnutrition, affecting 61.2 percent of children aged 6–59 months and 45.1 percent of reproductive-age women (SMART, 2019)." +220496,45655.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,23,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"[9th Dec, Northeast Syria]The 12 October announcement by local authorities in NES indicated internal crossings would be open." +330397,53831.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],fr,124,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/12042021_sitrep_s12_whe_oms_rdc_f.pdf,"Depuis le début de l’année 2021, 981 cas suspects de monkey pox dont 28 décès (létalité 2,9%) (Figure 5) ont été enregistrés dans 79 ZS appartenant à 14 provinces contre 967 cas suspects et 21 décès (létalité 2,2%) enregistrés dans 90 ZS appartenant à 16 provinces durant la même période en 2020. Les provinces de l’Equateur (361 cas, soit 36,8%), Mongala (163 cas, soit 16,6%), Sankuru (106 cas, soit 10,8%) et Sud-Ubangi (88 cas, soit 9,0%), ont notifié environ 3 quarts de cas suspects (718 cas soit 73,2%)" +183426,42820.0,2170.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,68,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://guardian.ng/news/body-rolls-out-plans-to-mitigate-impact-of-covid-19-on-women/,"[5thNov 2020,Nigeria] Women are usually the hardest hit when we go through an economic crisis. With their cash flows affected, businesses forced to close due to lockdowns, and the uncertainty around digitalisation, FFI decided to launch a one-stop-shop where women can benefit from world-class virtual training, mentor matching for business success, market opportunities, and talent marketplace." +339487,56380.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,191,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb4645es.pdf,"Es importante reconocer a los comerciantes como un grupo poblacional que se ha visto afectado desde el inicio de la pandemia. Desde el inicio de las medidas de cuarentena y restricción de movilidad, la mayoría de los establecimientos continuaron con sus actividades comerciales, pero con restricciones importantes que les afectaron. Algunos tuvieron que cesar sus actividades, principalmente en las regiones Orinoquía y Pacífico (25 y 23% de los comerciantes entrevistados, respectivamente). A nivel nacional, el 69% de los comerciantes entrevistados reportó inconvenientes para operar con normalidad, el 40,5% reportó inconvenientes para llegar a su mercado objetivo y el 26,2% reportó carecer de los clientes que tenía antes de la pandemia. El tener que enfrentar costos operativos y de transporte mucho más elevados, entre otras razones, ha afectado las ventas e ingresos de los comerciantes entrevistados. Cabe mencionar que el 55,8% de los comerciantes entrevistados cuenta con empleados; sin embargo, algunos de ellos han tenido que prescindir de ellos, dadas las dificultades por las que pasaban sus negocios." +291371,51259.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,56,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2020_access_annual_overview.pdf,"Insecurity along the major supply routes remained fluid and negatively impacted on reaching people in need. The number of ambushes reported increased from 70 in 2019 to 88 in 2020, leading to the death and injury of aid workers and loss of supplies. The majority occurred in Eastern Equatoria and Lakes states." +125328,32724.0,1620.0,[],[],"['Context->Environment', 'Context->Economy']",en,36,[],['Context'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ca5464en.pdf,The country’s economy is stagnant; unemployment is widespread; the poverty rate is high and per capita income low; life expectancy is low and diseases widespread; the environment is polluted. +310681,53333.0,2334.0,"['Education', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"As the conflict continues, education continues to be at the centre of the conflict with most schools closed for the last two and a half years." +169949,40360.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Il a été constaté dans la province de l’Oudalan un cas de mariage forcé d'une fille. Des échanges sont en cours avec les familles concernées pour les sensibiliser sur la problématique et les conséquences qui pourraient en découler. +2636,520.0,321.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,70,['Impact'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://www.amnesty.org/en/countries/middle-east-and-north-africa/libya/report-libya/,"The justice system remained in a state of collapse, with courts unable to process thousands of untried detainees’ cases, some dating from 2011. Thousands of detainees continued to be held without trial in official prisons and detention facilities and in unofficial prisons run by armed groups. Some detainees were freed in amnesties, including 17 men held in Misrata who were released in March." +192786,43304.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,un ralentissement économique prolongé aura pour impact l`assèchement des caisses de l`Etat et par conséquent une réduction drastique des investissements dans le secteur social. +63619,18631.0,788.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH', 'Food Security', 'Shelter']",[],['Context->Demography'],en,79,[],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_floodoverview_13092019.pdf,"An estimated 21,056 households (HHs) have been affected by torrential rains and flash floods across Borno, Adamawa, and Yobe (BAY) states. Information on people and locations affected is being collected on an ongoing basis. • The majority of people affected require emergency shelter and household supplies; water purification, emergency latrine repairs, hygiene kits, food items, health services, vector control and draining of stagnant water." +339482,56380.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,142,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb4645es.pdf,"Uno de los principales impactos que han sufrido los productores en las distintas regiones del país es la dificultad al comercializar su producción de manera eficiente. El 49% de los beneficiarios de FAO encuestados y el 45% de los hogares seleccionados aleatoriamente afirmaron tener dificultades importantes en este sentido, con respecto al mismo periodo del año anterior. Entendiendo que la muestra no es estadísticamente representativa, ésta permite de todas maneras presentar la realidad de los hogares encuestados y de las regiones donde una mayor proporción de hogares han reportado una afectación drástica en materia de comercialización (regiones Caribe, Gran Santander y Amazonía) (Figura 17). Por otro lado, los hogares encuestados de la Región Orinoquía reportaron un incremento de sus ingresos para este periodo en comparación al año pasado." +195891,43072.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,46,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://noticias.canalrcn.com/nacional/indigenas-wayuu-ninos-y-migrantes-venezolanos-se-alimentan-de-la-basura-en-maicao-364445,"Noticias RCN continúa el recorrido por las necesidades del departamento de La Guajira y tristemente registró una imagen que se repite en el mercado público de Maicao, y es la de indígenas Wayuu, niños y migrantes venezolanos alimentándose de los contenedores de basura." +337224,55827.0,2311.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,25,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/bogota/mendicidad-en-bogota-el-incremento-del-fenomeno-en-la-ciudad-585210,Los grupos familiares de habitantes de la calle se ven sometidos a bañarse y a hacer sus necesidades en los caños de la ciudad. +385185,60287.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3756090,JEFFREY DELAURENTIS (United States) said his country’s donation of 2.5 million COVID-19 vaccine doses to Colombia will allow the Government to immunize people in some of the most vulnerable and remote communities +391315,61129.0,1186.0,"['Shelter', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,57,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.biobiochile.cl/noticias/nacional/chile/2021/01/29/desproteccion-y-problemas-de-integracion-las-consecuencias-de-la-inmigracion-ilegal.shtml,"Este el caso de personas extranjeras que, incentivadas por un supuesto escenario de oferta de oportunidades laborales, llegaron con un sueño a Chile, como ellos cuentan, sin embargo, encontraron un desempleo que hoy alcanza los dos dígitos. Así, la imposibilidad de pagar arriendos les significó empezar una difícil etapa." +475565,63296.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,39,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,une majorité des localités évaluées dans la province du Boulkiemdé (62%) ont rapporté que la majorité de la population avait subi une diminution de revenu au cours des 3 mois précédant la collecte de données. +9129,2909.0,322.0,"['Logistics', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Health', 'WASH']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],en,59,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_jan_to_apr_2018.pdf,"Due to the increase of the fuel and water prices (through private trucking), public water and sanitation systems are struggling to maintain functional and requiring additional support from partners. Overall, cholera continued to decrease, but 100 districts still reported as priority for cholera in March, which requires continuous large-scale cholera response." +319833,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,52,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The PRMN findings from January-September 2020 recorded 7,596 protection incidents across the country. Most incidents include targeted and indiscriminate physical attacks on civilians and on property, widespread SGBV, child recruitment, arbitrary arrest, forced displacement, land-grabbing, and extortion of assets and supplies from vulnerable groups." +303985,51174.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,56,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.afro.who.int/sites/default/files/2021-02/South%20Sudan%20IDSR%20Bulletin%20Week%201%2C%20%20%204-%2010%20January%202021%20.pdf,"Kapoeta East county is classified as a high risk of cholera from the cholera hotspot mapping. Kapoeta East reported 2,106 cases including 26 deaths during the 2016/2017 cholera outbreak. Two rounds of oral cholera vaccination campaigns were conducted by WHO in Kapoeta East in 2017 with coverage of 88% and 78% respectively" +214269,45385.0,2334.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,30,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Dans le Logone et Chari, les arrondissements de Fotokol, Makary, Hile Alifa et Darack sont toujours l’objet d’infiltrations sporadiques des groupes armés." +236050,47076.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,79,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,"CRS has resumed its food assistance programme through the e-voucher modality in the NW, where about 28,000 people were assisted while NRC is giving cash for food assistance to about 2,000 people in Bamenda 2 sub-division of Mezam. FAO assisted 300 households (HH) in the SW during the month. Seeds, watering cans/knapsacks, hoes and 7.5 tons of fertilizer were distributed to 300 HH in strict respect of COVID-19 prevention barrier measures." +183600,42456.0,2099.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,49,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.unicef.org/wca/media/5411/file/UNICEF-WCARO-Central-Sahel-Advocacy-October-2020.pdf,"With measures to limit and control displacements as part of the COVID-19 responses, children living and working on the street have lost their meager source of living and been put at risk of detention, violence and abuse, including at the hands of the security forces." +146686,35850.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,47,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020_08_forecast.pdf,"An additional 28 cases have subsequently been identified. According to OCHA, all four patients are health professionals, and steps to mitigate the spread of the virus have resulted in restrictions of movements as well as suspension of routine clinical work in area hospitals." +325591,54815.0,2099.0,[],[],[],en,57,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"A World Bank team led by Barrett et al. (2019) reviewed the research on how school infrastructure affects children’s learning outcomes. Among others, the key conditions identified by the authors as most effective in improving educational outcomes include ensuring that schools are locally distributed to maintain reasonable travel-to-school distances." +149314,35869.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep18_25july2020.pdf,"Over-populated sites and lack of camp management continue to be prevalent concerns, especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic where the application of preventive, response and mitigation guidance is essential." +167134,40126.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,106,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_weekly_situation_update_-_27_september_ne_nigeria_0.pdf,"In Adamawa State, 240 out of 2,066 samples tested are positive, giving a positivity rate of 11.6%. Also, 47.5% of confirmed cases are known contacts of previously confirmed cases. 13.8% of confirmed cases in Adamawa State are health workers. Contact to case ration in Adamawa State is 5:2. 14 out of 21 LGAs (67%) have reported at least one confirmed case in Adamawa State. Community case search is ongoing in all locations reporting cases in Borno State, in all high-burden LGAs in Yobe State as well as in Adamawa State." +314053,52949.0,2331.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"For HNO planning, the Food Security Cluster is using an average projection of 3.5 million Somalis facing Crisis (IPC Phase 3) and Emergency (IPC Phase 4) food security conditions through 2021." +209501,45056.0,2334.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,36,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://wcaro.unfpa.org/fr/news/limpact-de-la-covid-19-sur-les-violences-bas%C3%A9es-sur-le-genre-en-afrique-de-louest-et-du-centre,"Au Cameroun l’intégration des VBG, de la planification familiale, des adolescents et jeunes et de la santé mentale a été systématisée dans le paquet global de la santé sexuelle et reproductive." +172133,40718.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,166,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20Nigeria%20DTM%20Emergency%20Tracking%20Tool%20%28ETT%29%20Report%20No.182%20%20%2827%20July%20-%202%20August%202020%29.pdf,"[ 27 July - 2 August 2020, Borno, Adamawa, FCT ] Askira/Uba: 188 arrivals and 43 departures were recorded in Askira/Uba LGA of Borno state. The arrivals included 106 from Askira/Uba and Biu LGAs of Borno state and 82 from Hong and Yola South LGAs of Adamawa state. The departures recorded were 39 from Askira/Uba LGA and 4 from Gwoza LGA of Borno state. 52 per cent of the movements were as a result of improved security, 41 per cent were triggered by conflict/attack and 6 per cent relocated voluntarily. Gwoza: 92 arrivals were recorded in Gwoza LGA of Borno state. The arrivals included 31 from Monguno, 15 from Gwoza and 2 from Jere LGAs of Borno state, 21 from Abuja Municipal Area Council LGA of the Federal Capital Territory, 23 from Mubi North and Girei LGAs of Adamawa state. All movements were as a result of poor living conditions." +314244,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,81,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The first six months of 2020 saw Al-Shabaab conduct six mortar attacks against the UN within Aden Adde International Airport. A brief lull followed until the militant group carried out its first complex attack of 2020 in Mogadishu on 16 August, targeting the Elite Hotel in the Lido beach area. The threat of improvised explosive devices on key roads and areas newly under government control continues to affect access in many parts of southern and central Somalia." +235723,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,37,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Afghanistan remains one of the most dangerous countries to be an aid worker. As of 15 December 2020, the HAG reported that 21 aid workers had been killed, 51 injured and 108 abducted." +91809,26015.0,1620.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,114,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Situation-Overview_H2R_Oct-Dec_13.03.2020.pdf,"By contrast, assessed settlements reporting that security limited people’s access to their preferred water source decreased in Gwoza from 75% in October to 35% in December, and in Kukawa from 24% in November to 9% in December. Despite the decrease reported in Gwoza, the proportion still remained relatively high in December. These findings are in line with the reported protection concerns. In addition, these findings were also confirmed by FGD participants who described how especially women were not allowed to fetch water due to movement restrictions. Moreover, the findings suggest that there were fewer movement restrictions in Kukawa." +106351,31127.0,1860.0,['Livelihoods'],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population', 'Context->Economy']",es,39,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",COVID-19 Americas Region Multi-Sectorial Assessment,2020-05-18 21:51:19.040784+00,,CR Panameña informa sobre su programa de apoyo a refugiados: distribución de alimentos y kits de aseo. Acceso a servicios de salud. Monitoreo de los emprendimientos apoyados anteriormente con capital semilla. Adaptando capacitaciones online. +176391,41733.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,32,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/reach_drc_bulletin-des-marche-2_juin-2020.pdf,"A noter que globalement, le coût du PMA reste le plus élevé depuis janvier dans les territoires du Sud-Est du pays, ainsi qu'à Kinshasa et ses alentours." +458229,64540.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],es,40,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,¿Su empresa ha recibido solicitudes de trabajo de personas extranjeras?¿ha tenido dificultades para contratar formalmente a venezolanos? Todas las empresas presentes en el grupo focal indicaron haber recibido solicitudes de empleo por parte de ciudadanos venezolanos. +188004,42197.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,104,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.rfi.fr/fr/afrique/20200403-rdc-kinshasa-commune-gombe-confin%C3%A9e-6-20-avril,"L’annonce de jeudi soir a été précédée d’une réunion entre le Premier ministre, une équipe restreinte de son gouvernement et des représentants du patronat. À la sortie de la réunion, Kimona Bononge, administrateur délégué de la fédération des entreprises du Congo, s’était montré rassurant : «Il n'y aura pas de pénurie de denrées sur les marchés» : «Les stocks pour nourrir la population de Kinshasa sont disponibles et nous avons des stocks pour trois-quatre mois encore, il y a des bateaux qui continuent de venir.»" +358726,58573.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Casualties->Injured']",en,29,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/acleddata.com-Regional%20Overview%20South%20America12-18%20June%202021.pdf,"In Cúcuta city, a militant from the National Liberation Army (ELN) infiltrated a military installation and activated a car bomb that wounded 36 Colombian soldiers." +325780,54267.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"D’autre part, les mouvements des prix à l’importation sont déterminés par les prix mondiaux, les politiques de prix et les taux de change (Posthumus et al., 2019 ; FEWS NET, 2017)." +382649,59706.0,1187.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['Context->Demography'],es,54,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/HFS_ReporteNarrativo_ARG_1S2020.pdf,"El 42% de las personas indicaron tener alguna necesidad específica (condición médica crítica, personas mayores de 60 años, etc.), lo cual se duplica cuando se compara con los ejercicios de Monitoreo de Protección conducidos en Argentina en el segundo semestre de 2019 (23%)." +323039,54626.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,23,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,"In collaboration with Government and implementing partners, UNICEF continued to provide essential health services to marginalised populations in South-Central of Somalia." +62918,18642.0,1386.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],es,55,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://transparencia.org.ve/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/EPE-II-Sector-Agua.pdf,"Extensas redes de tuberías, más de 30.000.000 metros en aguas blan- cas y lo mismo en aguas servidas3, grandes estaciones de bombeo, pozos, plantas de tratamiento y sistemas de control no han sido reha- bilitados por años y han dejado las unidades en pésimas condiciones. La tecnología ha sido execrada" +149313,35869.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,45,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep18_25july2020.pdf,Further funding is needed to respond to the unabated needs of the population which continue to increase and are worsened with the expansion of the COVID-19 pandemic into northwest Syria. The funding allocated to date remains significantly insufficient to respond to the needs. +57311,17307.0,1224.0,"['Health', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",en,97,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20on%20the%20Migration%20flows%20in%20Latin%20America%20and%20the%20Caribbean%20No.%205%20-%20as%20of%20June%202019.pdf,"According to official sources, there have been 8,319 official migrant entries from April 2018 to June 2019 (30 per cent children). Based on DTM-rounds and UN estimates, the forecast is to see approx. 60,000 new migrants entering Guyana by the end of 2019. With an open-door policy, migrants receive a 90-day entry visa when presenting themselves to immigration authorities or reached by the immigration department mobile registration teams. Once registered, the official position is that migrants have access to services such as health care and education." +221976,45410.0,2332.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,71,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,[La région du Lac dans la Zone 8 - « Zone ouest agropastorale et de pêche » ]: Une assistance saisonnière a été fournie à 117 895 personnes issues des ménages hôtes dont des DGC (106 536) ainsi que des kits nutritionnels en prévention de la malnutrition aiguë modérée (MAM) à 6 571 enfants et 4 788 femmes enceintes et allaitantes durant la soudure. +236140,47122.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"before the temporal suspension of activities, Child Protection actors were able to reach about 7,400 children and caregivers in March with psychosocial support activities and parenting skills sessions for caregivers." +274535,50587.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MENSUEL%20DE%20PROTECTION%20JANVIER%202021-NORD.pdf,Les récentes attaques de Koumbri n’ont pas joué sur la tenue régulière du marché de BANH. Rappelons que l’axe des transports pour ce marché est de Ouahigouya-Koumbri-Banh. +325797,54267.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,29,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"En outre, les citadins bénéficient d’une offre bancaire plus accessible (60 pour cent contre 33 pour cent des ruraux; OCDE, 2018)." +216633,45416.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,"Dans la province de l’Ituri, le rapport ERM_BWANASURA-KOMANDA 496 présentait que 4 écoles Primaires (EP) comptant 2939 enfants scolarisés dont 1142 enfants déplacés scolarisés qui représentent 70% des enfants IDPs inscrits contre 30% non Scolarisés." +62679,18394.0,1386.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,58,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3295213,"Me preocupan las recientes acciones para aprobar una ley que tipifica como delito las actividades de las organizaciones de derechos humanos nacionales que reciben fondos del extranjero. Esa ley, si se aprueba y aplica, reducirá aún más el espacio democrático. Lamento también los recientes ataques del Gobierno en contra de la autonomía universitaria." +224140,45768.0,2332.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,29,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,Encourager la participation des autorités scolaires dans la relocalisation des IDPs à Amma (collecte d’informations sur le nombre d’enfants en âge scolaire...) +306446,51474.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,57,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) provided technical assistance to the Ministry of Gender, Child and Social Welfare on a proposed affirmative action bill that, once adopted, would reaffirm the legal requirements for the signatories to the Agreement to include women at all levels and in all structures of government." +289675,52074.0,2334.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,59,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,"In the NWSW regions, over 4,100 public primary schools and 744 secondary schools remain closed or non-operational. This represents 90 % of public primary schools and 77 % of public secondary schools. This is largely because parents are either afraid to send their children to school due to insecurity and/or because teachers are not available." +163030,37820.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Food Security']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,142,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/iom_rohingya_crisis_response_-_external_sitrep_-_july_2020.pdf,"Project implementation partners continued dissemination of messages on prevention of COVID-19 transmission, food safety, waste management, and hygienic practices in advance of EID al – Adha, following IOM WASH unit guidance. The partner organization conducted a total of 153, 674 household sessions reaching 200, 328 beneficiaries an average of three times in the reporting period>> IOM’s implementing partners also conducted 4,410 megaphone messaging session, reaching an estimated 151,475 beneficiaries and average of two times each. Ips additionally coordinated with Camps-in -charge (CiC), site management teams and local leaders to systematize the animal sacrifice and waste management process to ensure to reduce the risk of COVID -19 transmission, ensure soap and water at handwashing facilities, supply sufficient cleaning materials, and organize waste management." +227162,46454.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,24,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2022_23Dec2020_FINAL.pdf,"[23rd December, Overall Syria] An inter-agency socio-economic impact assessment of COVID-19 completed in August estimated 200,000-300,000 jobs had been permanently lost" +209162,43992.0,2332.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,30,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"The planned C4D and youth engagement training workshops on community engagement and participation have been postponed and replaced by specific trainings, workshops and advocacy activities on COVID-19 prevention." +213201,44840.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,66,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,"Somalia’s large diaspora community sends home approximately US$ 1.4 billion per year. The World Bank estimates remittances will fall 17% in 2020 due to a reduced financial capacity of the Somali diaspora and increased difficulties of moving funds into Somalia, potentially accelerating a more longer-term decline as second or third generation diaspora are less connected to relatives in Somalia." +291422,51259.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,19,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2020_access_annual_overview.pdf,The number of staff arbitrarily detained for extended periods reduced from 47 in 2019 to 16 in 2020. +35191,13011.0,788.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,99,[],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/69213.pdf,"16 April NSAGs attacked positions of the military in Cross Kauwa, Kukawa LGA in Borno State. The MNJTF said two of its soldiers along with 52 members of NSAGs were killed and several others injured in the attack which took place approximately 135 kilometres (84 miles) northeast of Borno State capital Maiduguri. Meanwhile, UN helicopters remain the only means of transport for humanitarian workers to reach affected population outside Maiduguri. This continues to make access to affected communities in various LGAs increasingly unpredictable due to the high demand by humanitarian agencies." +242548,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,21,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,2020 saw a three-fold increase in cases of recruitment and use of children by armed forces as compared to 2019. +330774,55042.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,107,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.gage.odi.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Adolescents%E2%80%99-experiences-of-covid-19-in-Chittagong-and-Sylhet-divisions-Bangladesh.pdf,"[30 April 2021, Bangladesh]There needs to be greater awareness among policy-makers and service providers of the impacts of the pandemic on adolescent psychosocial well-being and needs, recognising that they may be experiencing depression and anxiety. This involves reinforcing the importance of recreation opportunities and scope for adolescents to engage with their respective communities and their studies. Community leaders and authorities should plan initiatives to create opportunities and infrastructures for adolescents to get involved as volunteers and active participants in their community. Counseling programmes at school and community levels should be prioritized, for adolescents, families and teachers." +325756,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,66,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Les revendications territoriales étant de plus en plus concurrentes, les conflits liés à l’utilisation des terres – notamment les tensions au sein et entre les petits exploitants et les pasteurs, ainsi que les élites locales et certaines grandes entreprises agroalimentaires qui acquièrent des terres rurales à des fins de spéculation ou se concentrent sur les cultures de rente – se multiplient." +325534,54815.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[Ouagadougou] For example, only 7 percent of the city’s population lives within a kilometer of an advanced healthcare facility (hospital or CMA), and any additional facilities or bus routes to be located in parts of the city where they are currently lacking would, similarly, serve only a limited population in their direct vicinity." +146688,35850.0,2028.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,44,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020_08_forecast.pdf,"They said that Syrian women are more likely than men to be affected by poverty, be victims of gender-based violence and be responsible for the care of children and their other family members. This likelihood increases with the spread of COVID-19." +323030,54626.0,2331.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,25,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,Through at least mid-2021 it is expected that the desert locust plague will continue to put at risk pasture and crops across the country. +458221,64540.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"¿Ha intentado homologar o acreditar su formación profesional en el Perú? ¿Lo pudo concretar?. El primer razonamiento que aflora cuando se consulta por la homologación de la formación académica o técnica, es el de los requisitos o condiciones que se requieren para ello. Siendo la regularización de la condición migratoria el más importante de todos. C" +236604,46388.0,2336.0,['Shelter'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,42,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Emergency and transitional shelter needs remain high, particularly among new and longer-term IDPs, refugees and returnees who require core emergency shelter assistance, as well as longer-term shelter to recover and establish a stable and safe place to live." +40792,11933.0,729.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SitRep_Libya_EN_19%20April.pdf,Displaced people in collective centres (most of which are schools) as well as in urban areas lack essential household non-food items. Shelter needs also remain particularly high for refugees and migrants that have been displaced by the fighting. +294623,51749.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,87,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[District sanitaire de Ouargaye] A l’image des CSPS visités dans le district de Pouyetenga et Tenkodogo, les CSPS visités dans le district de Ourgaye disposent la liste standard des médicaments essentiels du ministère de la santé, d’ailleurs elle est affichée et visible au CSPS urbain de Ouragaye. Les CSPS s’approvisionne au niveau du dépôt répartiteur du district qui est fourni par la seule centrale d’achat CAMEG recommandée par le ministère de la santé." +323371,54815.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,61,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"In the rural roads sector, the Government’s Strategie de Developpement du Secteur des Transports au Burkina Faso 2011-2025 has set a goal of building 400 km of roads per year in order to reach a total length of 21,300 km fully engineered roads by 2025 and 40 percent of the population having access to an all-season road." +330054,53699.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],fr,86,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_094_20210404_hebdo_s13.pdf,"Au terme de S13/2021 (données non disponibles pour le 04/04/2021), 1 567 nouveaux échantillons ont été reçus au laboratoire. Au final, 1 664 échantillons ont été analysés, soit une positivité de 18,8% (313/1664). Pour rappel, 3 114 nouveaux échantillons avaient été reçus à S12/2021 et 2 995 échantillons avaient été analysés ; le taux de positivité était alors de 14,7% (440/2995), inférieur par rapport à S13/2021 (Figure 10)." +215527,44962.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,13,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.dw.com/en/coronavirus-in-afghanistan-do-confirmed-cases-depict-the-real-picture/a-54489465,Common people have also largely ignored physical distancing recommendations by health officials. +113820,32048.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Nin%CC%83ez%20venezolana%20Covid19%20Ingle%CC%81s%20Web_FINAL.pdf,"Of the children questioned, those living in Peru represent the highest percentage (16%) of situations where, because of the pandemic, parents had to leave them with someone else." +288551,51848.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,109,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/herams_fourth_quarter_2020_final.pdf,"[Dec 2020, NWS] In total, 12 health facilities are available in NWS (9 supported by health partners and 3 supported by Turkish government) Doctors: 183 doctors are available in NWS (140 supported by health partners and 143 supported by Turkish government) ICU beds: 243 ICU beds are available in NWS (142 supported by health partners and 92 supported by Turkish government) Oxygen cylinders: 601 Oxygen cylinders are available in NWS all supported by health partners Ventilators: 161 Ventilators are available in NWS (131 supported by health partners and 31 supported by Turkish government)" +339816,56060.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],en,72,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/05/the-financial-prospects-of-reopening-nassib-border-crossing-has-syrian-regime-achieved-any/,"[May 13, overall Syria] As monitored by Enab Baladi, the revenues of the Jaber-Nassib border crossing amounted to 9.8 billion pounds by the end of 2019, considered very low even though the SYP was traded at only 500 per USD. This crossing was a transit road for nearly 54 thousand trucks transporting goods between the two countries, 38 thousand tourist vans and passenger vehicles." +311059,54065.0,2170.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,191,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nenfss_round_9_final_report_11032021.pdf,"[1st Dec 2020,North-East Nigeria] The results indicate that more than 80 percent of households in Adamawa (81.3%), more than 70 percent of households in Borno (74.9%) and Yobe (77.6%) possess at least one mosquito net. However, less than half of the households have the recommended number of bed-nets, one net per two persons with only 33.4% in Borno, 38.5.0% in Yobe, and 2 in 3 households in Adamawa with 67.2%. Among children residing in households with bed-nets, about four in five slept under a bed-net during the night preceding the survey with 87.4% in Borno, 85.3% in Yobe, and 83.5% in Adamawa. Utilization did not vary notably by age cohort (range: 82.5-87.1%). No significant difference in utilization of bed-nets was observed by gender. However, there remains a need for both improved coverage of bed-nets as well as education on utilization given evidence of households where bed-nets are not currently in use by children." +172830,38004.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/04/28/syria-aid-restrictions-hinder-covid-19-response,"[28th April 2020, NE Syria] According to the UN and interviews with aid agencies half of the displaced do not have sufficient access to services including health care, water, sanitation, and shelter." +341381,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,53,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Les perceptions stigmatisantes à l’endroit des peulhs ont contribué à leur repli sur eux-mêmes. La différenciation ethnique est de plus en plus significative et elle résulte de frustrations, dues à une certaine impunité, à la ventilation d’idées péjoratives qui mettent à mal la cohabitation pacifique." +102886,29340.0,1620.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH']",[],"['Context->Demography', 'Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,75,[],"['Context', 'Information And Communication', 'Casualties']",2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/OCHA_NGA_FlashUpdate_MunaGarageFireOutbreak_26052020.pdf,"According to data collected by the Borno State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA), with the support of a team of IOM community volunteers, the fire razed down makeshift shelters of 1,613 households affecting 1,613 households. Two people died in the fire, an adult and a child. One block of IOM latrines and a borehole structure were also partially damaged. An unknown number of animals also got burned." +147699,35158.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,105,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"The immediate impact on their wellbeing is already evident, with most education and protection facilities, as well as youth/community centres, including child friendly spaces, closed. Lockdowns, closures and curfews are likely to have far reaching psychosocial and socio-economic impact on Syrian families and host communities now and in the future, including a higher burden for adolescent girls and young women on domestic and caretaking responsibilities, increase of negative coping mechanisms such as child marriage and a highteened risk of gender based violence, exclusion from sexual and reproductive services and disparities in access to technology and connectivity" +240794,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,35,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Improving infection prevention and control is critical to overcoming people’s fear of attending health facilities and restoring confidence among patients so that non-COVID conditions do not go untreated and become more severe. +305041,51467.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Health', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,61,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Food assistance was clearly named as the main priority need for women (in 23 per cent of assessed settlements countrywide), followed by health, while food assistance and livelihood support were identified equally as priority needs for men. However, in Upper Nile, livelihood support was the most commonly reported main priority need for women." +236705,46388.0,2336.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Only 38 per cent of recent returnees and 34 per cent of non-recent returnees, reported that they had a child in a school with handwashing facilities." +201562,43427.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,127,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Tal como sucede desde 2015, la coca si- gue concentrándose en zonas históricamente afectadas conformando enclaves producti- vos en donde se crean condiciones propicias para la producción de hoja de coca, su trans- formación a base o clorhidrato de cocaína y su posterior tráfico a centros de consumo en Colombia y el exterior. Los principales enclaves productivos se encuentran actual- mente en Catatumbo (Norte de Santander), Frontera Tumaco (Nariño), El Charco-Olaya Herrera (Cauca-Valle (Nariño), El Naya del Cauca), Valdivia-Tarazá-Cáceres (Antio- quia), Argelia-El Tambo (Cauca), y Frontera Putumayo (Putumayo); el 36 % del área con coca en 2019 se encuentra en estos enclaves." +48529,12622.0,1183.0,[],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,52,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LIBRO%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20las%20necesidades%20insatisfechas%20SSR%20y%20Migrantes%20Venezolanos%20-%20Digital.pdf,"Los vacíos de información, las diferencias en las tasas de mortalidad materna entre regiones en Venezuela y el impacto de la crisis en los profesionales de la salud, revelan dificultades para la atención de las necesidades en SSSR, así como barreras en el acceso a anticonceptivos y asesoría." +323315,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Quality issues are increasingly of concern, as the quantitative expansion has not been matched by comparable achievements in the quality of service delivery and student learning (World Bank, 2017)." +193915,43327.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_sectoriel_octobre.pdf,"A la date du 31 octobre 2020, toutes les 13 régions avaient rapporté des cas avec 10 régions avaient encore des cas actifs (un total de 168 cas actifs)." +310034,51467.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,58,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Access to sanitation remained low, with only 17 per cent of households reporting owning a latrine in their compound, 4 per cent have access to a shared latrine, and 2 per cent have access to a communal/institutional latrine. This means that 77 per cent of people do not have access to a latrine." +244077,46388.0,2336.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Some 79 per cent of all displaced households have no access to soap, while 95 per cent reported being aware of hand washing as a key preventative measure for COVID-19. This was particularly an issue for Kuchi nomads." +283824,50882.0,2466.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,50,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/ipc_sudan_acute_food_insecurity_projection_update_2020octdec_report_1.pdf,"[Overview] Flooding, rampant inflation, political instability and tribal clashes have triggered higher levels of acute food insecurity during the period of October - December 2020, compared to what had been forecasted for the same period in the last projection analysis conducted in June 2020." +330250,55051.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['Covid-19->Vaccination'],fr,72,['Capacities & Response'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Note%20dinformation%20%2317%20R%C3%A9ponse%20Epid%C3%A9mie%20Ebola%20au%20Nord-Kivu_29-04-21.pdf,"Au cours de la réunion de la coordination de la riposte MVE et Covid-19 organisée le 19 avril, le chef de division provinciale de la santé du Nord-Kivu a annoncé le début de la formation des vaccinateurs contre la COVID-19 à Goma et à Butembo par l’OMS. Dans la province, la vaccination contre la pandémie est programmée pour débuter le 1er mai à Goma et Butembo." +224060,45768.0,2332.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,48,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"Selon les standards, les ouvrages hydrauliques disponibles actuels ne couvrent que le besoin de 3,240 personnes (une PMH pour 500 personnes soit 6x500= 3,000 personnes et un robinet pour 120 personnes soit 2x120 p=240 personnes. Ce qui fait un total de 3,240 personnes)." +57770,17280.0,1186.0,[],[],[],es,41,[],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/439982_ed8c90c2b9644fbbabee3b33e6e9e918.pdf,"Como contrapunto, las condiciones de la vivienda en cuanto a provisión de servicios básicos son relativamente buenas, en el sentido de disponer prácticamente en un 100% de agua potable, energía eléctrica y algún sistema de alcantarillado." +178257,41756.0,2225.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Classé 8ème pays le plus affecté par la malnutrition aigüe au niveau mondial,75 la RDC présente des taux de malnutrition inquiétants avec une prévalence de malnutrition aigüe globale de 6,5 pour cent et de malnutrition chronique de 42 pour cent.76" +237203,46388.0,2336.0,"['Livelihoods', 'Shelter']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,28,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Debt puts an especially heavy burden on those with insecure land tenure who would face increased challenges to pay rent and keep a roof over their head. +331200,55216.0,2098.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,30,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://api.godocs.wfp.org/api/documents/WFP-0000126934/download/,"Business operations were also affected by panic created by the fire incident, with some traders indicating they now have to close businesses earlier than usual due security concerns." +192038,42659.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Contact Tracing'],fr,87,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_175.pdf,"En date du 23/07/2020, 8 567 contacts (incluant 422 nouveaux contacts) étaient en cours de suivi dont 3 687 à Kinshasa, 1 419 dans le Haut-Katanga, 1 348 au Sud-Kivu, 815 au Nord-Kivu, 471 en Ituri, 388 au Lualaba, 208 au Kongo-Central, 156 dans la Tshopo, 70 dans le Haut-Uélé et 5 au Kasaï. Parmi eux, 7 700 contacts (89,9%) ont effectivement été vus au cours des dernières 24 heures." +325713,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,76,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"(Centre-Sud, Centre-Nord, Centre-Ouest, Centre-Est) Le Burkina Faso compte également une dizaine d’unités d’aquaculture impliquant à la fois le secteur public et le secteur privé, dont la station d’aquaculture du Bazèga, celle de Ziga, l’unité d’aquaculture du centre de formation professionnelle d’Ipelcé, la ferme de spiruline de Koudougou et le projet de pisciculture de Bagré." +411859,63817.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,95,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/An%20update%20of%20Cholera%20outbreak%20in%20Nigeria_060821_32.pdf,"[9th- 15th Aug 2021, Nigeria] Coordination: Response is being coordinated by the national multi-sectoral EOC hosted at NCDC, in collaboration with Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH), Federal Ministry of Water Resources (FMWR), Federal Ministry of Environment (FMEnvrt), and partners. National Rapid Response Teams (RRTs) with response commodities deployed by NCDC to support the response in ten states- Benue, Kano, Kaduna, Zamfara, Bauchi, Plateau, Jigawa, Katsina, Niger and the FCT." +215096,44840.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,84,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,"UNIDO’s recalibrated agro-technology assistance supports start-up and growing MSMEs agro-industrial businesses in Kismayo, Baidoa, Mogadishu and Beledweyne to access new technologies, markets and financing facilities, and to manage the disruption from the COVID-19 lockdown and the economic downturn. An enterprise survey to review the impact of COVID19 on MSMEs operation launched in June in collaboration with the World Bank and the International Finance Cooperation. UNIDO is also promoting the procurement of locally produced protective equipment." +200170,44439.0,2099.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],fr,16,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Accès à Pousso-bouli s’améloire de mieux en mieux avec CICR qui intervient à Pousso +70643,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],[],en,18,[],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,Bahamians have experience with cash and voucher assistance through social safety net schemes and in disaster relief. +454084,64103.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.radiookapi.net/2021/08/05/actualite/sante/covid-19-au-nord-kivu-rupture-de-stock-de-medicaments-et-dintrants,La Division provinciale de la santé (DPS) à Butembo au Nord Kivu est en rupture de stock de médicaments et d'intrants de prélèvement des échantillons pour lutter contre la Covid-19 depuis plus de trois semaines. +188892,43387.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Environment', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,52,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20DE%20PROTECTION_SEPTEMBRE2020-SAHEL.pdf,"Le mois de septembre a connu plus d’incidents sécuritaires que le mois d’août. En effet, 46 incidents sécuritaires ont été enregistrés contre 33 le mois passé. Des catastrophes naturelles ont également été constatées dans toutes les quatre (04) provinces de la Région." +235040,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,78,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"While the lack of civil documentation has ramifications of all population groups, it is particularly challenging for IDPs and returnees who are unable to access the limited government services that do exist without being able to prove their identities. For example, women require both a Tazkera and a marriage certificate to secure Housing Land and Property (HLP) rights; women are at particular risk of inheritance problems when they lack proper documentation." +323694,54267.0,2099.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,27,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"En raison des répercussions économiques négatives de la pandémie, la pression migratoire vers l’extérieur pourrait s’accroître (FAO, 2020)." +161583,39295.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,30,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,"The transhipment hub at Bab al Hawa requires an increase in staffing, which in turn requires physical hub expansion to maintain COVID-19 preventive measures and observe physical distancing." +305715,51572.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,28,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Do not reduce number of meals eaten per day [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +125150,32835.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,45,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77444.pdf,"Se identificaron entre los encuestados y miembros de los grupos familiares un total de 2763 personas sin documento de identificación. De los encuestados, 747 personas se encuentran sin documentos de identificación y 2016 personas de los grupos familiares sin documentos de identificación." +411335,63303.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,96,['At Risk'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/burkina-faso/hunger-season-arrives-sahel,"With the onset of the hunger season, the Sahel faces an emergency that endangers the lives of the most vulnerable people, especially women, children under five years old, and the elderly. Without urgent action and assistance, the more than 13 million people already suffering from severe food insecurity will be driven further into crisis. More people will go to bed hungry, and more than 1.6 million severely malnourished children will go untreated. Many of them could die or suffer irreversible, lifelong mental and physical consequences." +22306,9106.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,84,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Shock/Event'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"The spread of upper and lower respiratory infections has significantly increased among the children due to the low coverage of routine immunization services, limited capacity of PHC centres and polyclinics, and the inadequate medical supplies and service providers at secondary health care level. A measles outbreak affected an estimated 1,200114 people and led to two deaths. In 2018, 75 percent of the Health Sector priorities remain unfunded, which has limited the response capacity of Health Sector partners." +325817,54267.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Au Burkina Faso, il existe également un certain nombre de fonds nationaux mis en place par le gouvernement central et logés pour la plupart au niveau de différents ministères." +303969,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,48,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,The National Salvation Front has not signed the revitalized peace agreement and was involved in the majority of the fighting between organized non-state actors. This was the case especially in Central and Western Equatoria where recorded conflict incidents increased by 18 per cent between 2019 and 2020 +401792,62956.0,2098.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,54,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[29th July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Both Host and Refugees: 21.9% respondent were feeling less supported from the community, where 15.2% of them were persons with disabilities and 6.7% persons without disabilities. 20.0% of them were refugees and 1.9% from Host community." +475696,63295.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,109,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rpca_avis_pregec_cotonou-visio_17_18_juin2021_fr.pdf,"[Sahel et Afrique de l’Ouest] La situation des marchés agricoles est marquée par la persistance de la hausse généralisée des prix des produits vivriers locaux (maïs, mil, sorgho, riz, niébé, arachide, soja, sésame et huile de palme) malgré les bons niveaux de production agricole enregistrés à l’issue de la campagne 2020-2021. En effet, les hausses varient de 17 à 22% pour les céréales locales, 14 à 49% pour les racines et tubercules et 19 à 78% pour les légumineuses et autres (sésame, huile de palme)" +147698,35158.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Education']",['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,57,['At Risk'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"More recently, the economic shock, the COVID19 pandemic and country measures adopted to contain the spread of the virus, while necessary from a public health perspective, have greatly exacerbated the vulnerabilities these children and young people face in terms of their access to education, health and protection, including civil documentation." +382651,59706.0,1187.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,19,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/HFS_ReporteNarrativo_ARG_1S2020.pdf,Un 36% de las personas entrevistadas pasaron un año o menos fuera de su país de origen. +240643,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,54,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The emergency response to the COVID-19 pandemic also means that resources for sexual and reproductive health services may be diverted to deal with the outbreak, contributing to a rise in maternal and new-born mortality, increased unmet need for contraception, and an increased number of unsafe abortions and sexually transmitted infections." +48533,12622.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,75,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LIBRO%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20las%20necesidades%20insatisfechas%20SSR%20y%20Migrantes%20Venezolanos%20-%20Digital.pdf,"El Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social reportó alrededor de 65 mil atenciones en salud durante el año 2018. Esto sin duda alguna ha afectado la capacidad de la prestación de los servicios de salud. Como resultado del incremento a la demanda de servicios de SSSR, la disponibilidad, calidad y acceso son todo un reto, debido a las limitaciones de recursos financieros, suministros y profesionales de la salud." +309774,51467.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,Specialized mental health services are scarce and limited to a few urban areas like Juba and the disruption in accessing medication and treatment aggravated the already poor health condition of people with mental disorders. +164501,32982.0,1183.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']",[],[],es,54,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Respuesta%20COVID-19%20-%20GIFMM%20Arauca%2C%20actualizaci%C3%B3n%20n%C2%B03%20%28Del%201%20al%2030%20de%20mayo%20de%202020%29.pdf,"Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición •465 comidas servidas entregadas en Tame y 1.558 en el municipio de Arauca capital. •Entrega de bonos de alimentación en Saravena, Tame, Fortul y Arauca capital. •Entrega de kits de almacenamiento de alimento a 801 familias de los siete asentamientos humanos informales de Arauca capital." +15512,6440.0,321.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,109,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Libya%20Flash%20Update%209%20November%202018.pdf,"On 7 November, UNHCR resettled 44 refugees from Libya to Italy. With the assistance of IOM, the UN Migration Agency, the resettled individuals departed from Tripoli to Rome, despite intermittent skirmishes near Mitiga airport the night before. Upon arriving in the Italian capital, the refugees were received by UNHCR and IOM staff, as well as cultural mediators. The resettlement of vulnerable refugees is supported by the European Union’s Regional Development & Protection Programme for North Africa (RDPPNA). Since September 2017, almost 1,000 cases have been submitted to resettlement countries by UNHCR in Libya." +161316,39528.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],fr,63,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Les besoins ne cessent d’augmenter dans ces régions et se font sentir sur le système de santé qui est incapable de répondre en offrant les soins de santé de qualité. Le nombre des épidémies ayant touché le Burkina dont la rougeole, la poliomyélite et la COVID-19 dans une brève période ont entrainé d’autres conséquences socio- économiques." +418602,63163.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,114,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/transcription_de_la_conference_de_presse_des_nations_unies_en_rdc_du_7_juillet_2021_final.pdf,"Lundi 5 juillet à la Primature, la Représentante spéciale et le Premier Ministre Sama Lukonde ont lancé le Groupe de travail conjoint qui a pour ambition de renforcer le partenariat entre le Gouvernement et la MONUSCO, et d’augmenter l’efficacité de la Mission en soutien à la mise en œuvre des axes du programme d’action du gouvernement. Ce Groupe de travail est un outil essentiel pour préparer le retrait progressif, responsable et durable de la MONUSCO – en tenant compte en premier lieu des priorités nationales, ainsi que des réalités sur le terrain et des contingences budgétaires, ce qui requiert flexibilité et pragmatisme" +224088,45768.0,2332.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,22,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,Assurer la vaccination et la supplémentation en vitamine A et déparasitage de tous les enfants ciblés et la distribution systématique des moustiquaires +270159,50226.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_6.pdf,"El 52% de los casos notificados pertenecen al sexo masculino, el 46,9% de los casos notificados corresponden a menores de un año y el 79,5% corresponden a menores de 5 años, el 3% de los casos se encontraban en gestación en el momento de presentar la sintomatología, el 0,8% son indígenas y el 2,6% corresponden a población migrante." +163436,32455.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,128,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/6._elc_flash_update_covid_19_quincenal_18.06.2020.pdf,"Decreto 00245 del 4 de mayo de 2020: Se crea el consejo territorial de salud mental del departamento de Putumayo, el cual está integrado por el gobernador, el secretario de salud departamental, el secretario de desarrollo social, el secretario de educación, el gerente del instituto de cultura, deporte, recreación y educación física, el defensor del pueblo, el director del ICBF regional Putumayo, un representante de cada EAPB (Entidades Administradoras de Planes de Beneficios), un representante de cada hospital del departamento, un representante de la OZIP (Organización Zonal Indígena del Putumayo), y un representante de FEDECAP (Federación de Asociaciones por los Derechos de las. Comunidades Afro del Putumayo)" +242562,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Protection partners have seen rising trends of families being either requested, threatened or coerced to join armed fighting. These patterns have been witnessed in both government and non-government- controlled areas and among criminal networks." +161301,39528.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Environment', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",fr,75,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"En plus des épidémies et incidents sécuritaires, la forte pluviométrie continue à semer la désolation et chaos dans les populations déplacées avec des dégâts sur plusieurs régions, marquée par de perte en vies humaines et du matériel. Les régions affectées étant plus situées dans la bande sahélienne où on a un nombre élevé des PDIs qui sont aussi privés d’accès aux soins de santé à cause des incidents sécuritaires." +185046,40800.0,1900.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],es,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://infosegura.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Analisis-SC-2T-2020.pdf,"Los homicidios disminuyeron un 20% en el primer semestre de 2020 (384 víctimas menos), en comparación al mismo período del año anterior. Esta reducción coincide con la adopción de medidas de confinamiento por Covid-19¹." +183598,42456.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,12,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.unicef.org/wca/media/5411/file/UNICEF-WCARO-Central-Sahel-Advocacy-October-2020.pdf,"With COVID-19, children outside of family care are particularly vulnerable." +35507,13057.0,788.0,[],[],[],en,74,[],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000105395.pdf,"In Borno State, the highest rate of new arrival influx was recorded in Bama local government area (LGA) where the number went up by 16 per cent, from 52,911 to 61,473 persons. The reason for the increase has been due to arrivals from inaccessible locations in the LGA including Soye, Gulumba and Goniri wards, as well as people returning from Cameroon into situations of secondary displacement." +491962,67963.0,2170.0,['Logistics'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,89,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Nigeria%20Northeast%20Operational%20Update-July%202021.pdf,"On 14 July, unidentified persons broke into the UNHCR protection desk at Agric camp of Dikwa local government area and stole solar batteries. Partners quickly reported the incident to the community elders, the civilian joint task force and the police. The police arrested two suspects and instituted investigations. The stolen items were recovered two days later. Solar panels and batteries are some of the most valuable and expensive items, particularly in Maiduguri and its vicinities where there is lack of electricity." +208400,43992.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,61,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"UNICEF has continued to work closely with provincial health delegates to ensure treatment of children suffering from severe acute malnutrition (SAM), while minimizing the risk of transmission of COVID-19 by reducing overcrowding through ensuring more frequent provision of services (twice a week instead of weekly) as well as hand-washing and physical distancing at nutrition units." +308025,53290.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,38,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://logcluster.org/sites/default/files/logistics_cluster_south_sudan_operation_overview_2102.pdf,"In February (2021), the Logistics Cluster facilitated the transport of 686 mt of humanitarian cargo to 51 destinations on behalf of 48 organisations, of which 50% was transported by river and road." +397538,61936.0,1186.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.elmostrador.cl/braga/2021/06/01/iraci-hassler-primera-alcaldesa-comunista-de-santiago-de-chile-no-debemos-tener-miedo-a-transformar-un-modelo-que-ha-sido-tremendamente-excluyente/,"Creo que hay una precariedad muy grande en la comuna de Santiago, un abandono histórico: subarriendo abusivo, hacinamiento, hambre, que hoy día ha sido resuelta especialmente a través de las ollas comunes, de la solidaridad de las personas. Y lo digo porque es una realidad que enfrenta toda la comunidad en Chile: comunidad migrante y también comunidad chilena." +59588,17198.0,1224.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"Although there is an immigration officer working directly across the river in Morawhanna, the majority migrants are not registered because they are hesitant to reveal their illegal immigration status and they have concerns about language. ▪" +304038,51174.0,2335.0,[],[],[],en,12,[],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.afro.who.int/sites/default/files/2021-02/South%20Sudan%20IDSR%20Bulletin%20Week%201%2C%20%20%204-%2010%20January%202021%20.pdf,"Enhance border surveillance for suspect cholera case detection, reporting and investigation" +239097,46388.0,2336.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Drawing from past years’ trends and the most likely scenario analysis, some 500,000 people are expected to be displaced in 2021, 365,000 of whom are likely to require emergency shelter and NFI support." +323317,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,19,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"The ratio of qualified teachers to the population, meanwhile, is among the lowest in the world." +204321,42252.0,2028.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,61,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2020_29Oct2020_FINAL.pdf,"in mid-October, the GoS announced some new economic measures, including a restructuring of income tax brackets and increase in the tax-free threshold, and one-time payments of SYP 40-50,000to civil servants and military, including retired personnel. However,this is unlikely to provide much alleviation for the most vulnerable, particularly those without a formal income." +258006,48907.0,2098.0,[],[],[],en,79,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[20th January 2021, Cox's Bazar] Organisations, agencies and the authorities in Cox’s Bazar have made substantial efforts to provide the Rohingya community with the information they need. However, many community members still lack key COVID-19 knowledge. Many Rohingya people still do not know where to go to get tested, are not aware of the testing process and do not know what will happen if they test positive." +22554,9106.0,729.0,['Logistics'],[],[],en,49,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"Common storage facilities in strategic locations such as Tripoli, Benghazi and Sebha need to be installed. These would serve as prepositioning hubs and fuel contingency stocks, and facilitate the distribution of cargo in areas affected by the conflict in a more timely and efficient manner." +165238,39714.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,92,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,Entre los hombres las necesidades en salud reproductiva y las razones por la que no han sido atendidas son: 3% consulta urológica 3% de los hombres exámenes diagnósticos para Infecciones de Transmisión Sexual 2% de los hombres acceso a métodos anticonceptivos 17% no accedió porque prefiere cumplir la cuarentena 3% no accedió porque no cuenta con el dinero para pagar el servicio 2% porque su IPS y EPS ha suspendido la atención en salud 2% porque no hay disponible un servicio de telemedicina. +475542,63296.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,46,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"la province du Boulkiemdé fait régulièrement partie des provinces déficitaires en matière de production agricole. Cette dernière situation est attribuée à la pauvreté croissante des sols et aux effets des changements climatiques, notamment des pluies de plus en plus irrégulières au fil des années" +339456,56380.0,2311.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,88,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb4645es.pdf,"El 40% de los hogares encuestados reportó haber adoptado mecanismos de afrontamiento de crisis y emergencias, particularmente en las regiones Amazonía y Caribe. Esto está asociado a pérdidas de ingresos, en comparación con el mismo período del año anterior. El 61% de los encuestados que producen cultivos agrícolas como su principal fuente de ingresos reportaron una reducción drástica o significativa de sus ingresos, mientras que, entre los dedicados a la producción ganadera, este porcentaje alcanzó el 73%." +490070,67763.0,2098.0,['Cross'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,31,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[January - June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Over 300 additional lightning arresters across all camps are needed to protect refugees from the ongoing threat of lightning strikes." +410319,63222.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,86,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_mvam_bulletin_57_july_2021.pdf,"[Syria, July] At the governorate level, in July 2021, Rural Damascus (34 percent), Quneitra (33 percent) and Dar’a (32 percent) recorded the highest proportion of surveyed households having lost one or more sources of income over the past month. Nearly a one- quarter of interviewed households in Quneitra (23 percent) and 19 percent of respondents in Dar’a, lost more than half of their July income." +317814,52949.0,2331.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,58,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Enrolment rates are lowest for the most vulnerable children such as children with disabilities, girls, rural, refugees and internally displaced children. Of the people displaced this year, an estimated 357,200 (40 per cent) are school-aged children who either were in school or never attended any form of education before displacement." +191733,43622.0,2330.0,[],[],[],en,11,[],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20201111_acaps_briefing_note_nicaragua_honduras_hurricane_eta.pdf,"Honduras: Flooding and landslides have affected over 2,700 houses." +149616,35869.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,55,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep18_25july2020.pdf,"At the Sexual Reproductive Health Technical Working Group, Health Cluster members are receiving increasing reports of families giving pre-pubescent girls hormonal medication to speed up puberty, so that they can marry and bear children. It is believed that this is a result of the desperate economic situation and the stresses/impact of COVID-19" +57774,17280.0,1186.0,[],[],[],es,44,[],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/439982_ed8c90c2b9644fbbabee3b33e6e9e918.pdf,"La precariedad habitacional en Santiago se manifiesta como diferentes tipos de situaciones bajo estándares mínimos (subdivisión indiscriminada de lugares en recintos menores convertidos en piezas), hacinamiento y exposición a riesgos de accidentes (incendios, derrumbe, etc.)." +177705,41774.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,35,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"Arrêtés du 02 avril 2020 La commune de la Gombe, considérée comme l'épicentre de la pandémie du coronavirus dans la ville de Kinshasa, sera en confinement du 06 avril au 20 avril." +191542,43304.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,49,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Dès l’enregistrement du premier cas de COVID 19 le 19 mars, le niveau de mobilisation [ des taxes touristiques] [se rapportant au tourisme et activités culturelles] a baissé drastiquement passant de 60 millions en mars à moins de 5 millions en avril." +237915,47230.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,112,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"DOCUMENTACIÓN El Gobierno de Colombia ha adelantado acciones para brindarles estatus regular a los refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela; no obstante, el 70,8% de las personas en hogares de refugiados y migrantes venezolanos encuestados no tienen PEP, Tarjeta de Movilidad Fronteriza (TMF) vigente, cédula de extranjería, salvoconducto de solicitante de asilo o condición de refugiado. En el 15% de los hogares nadie tiene ninguno de estos documentos. Las personas que han estado en Colombia por más tiempo tienen más probabilidad de tener uno o más documentos que acreditan estatus regular, como PEP, cédula extranjería, TMF y/o salvoconducto." +178543,40661.0,2225.0,['WASH'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,79,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Priorités de réponse : Améliorer l’utilisation alimentaire et son impact sur la nutrition, en facilitant l’accès des populations à des sources d’eau potable, à travers la réhabilitation de forages dans les zones où le taux d’accès à l’eau potable est faible, et en intensifiant la sensibilisation à l’hygiène et l’assainissement auprès des ménages vivant dans des zones difficiles d’accès ;" +148544,36019.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"These measures were to exclude students sitting exams in GoS-controlled areas. It is worth noting in this context that on 9 July, the Water Department of Al-Hasakeh city administration declared a state of emergency due to insufficient water provision from Alouk water station" +334908,55774.0,2098.0,"['Shelter', 'Agriculture', 'Logistics', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Casualties->Dead'],en,189,['Impact'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bcf29d656a8d5984f4c8ffe40908514aad85d.pdf,"[6 April, 2021, Bangladesh] Nor’wester: According to NDRCC report and national dailies, In April, in total six nor’wester took place in different parts of the country. In April 3, Nor’wester blew over Kurigram district in which 1 person died. In April 4, Nor’wester blew over 4 upazilas of Gaibandha district in which 10 person died and caused a great damage to kacha houses, electric poles and tress, in Kishoreganj district, Nor’wester affected 13 upazilas which caused huge damage to 25,325 Hactor Boro rice field, in Faridpur district 2 people died and in Jamalpur district 10 villages were affected. 6 upazilas of Jhenaidaha district were affected due to Nor’wester on April 4 which causes damage to 117 Hactor Rice field. Nor’wester also affected Sunamganj, Lalmonirhat, Kurigram, Bhola, Dhaka and Sirajganj districts in different dates of the month in which 1 person died and caused damage to houses, crops, tress and electric poles." +270189,50226.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_6.pdf,"La incidencia nacional de dengue es de 13,3 casos por cada 100000 habitantes en riesgo. Para las entidades de Putumayo, Amazonas, Cartagena, Cali, Cundinamarca, Vichada, Archipiélago de San Andrés y Providencia se estiman tasas de incidencia superiores a 20,0 casos por 100 000 habitantes" +164370,38902.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"since July 2020, conflict-affected areas have seen a spate of massacres in the context of armed groups exercising control over the civilian population and expanding or solidifying control over territories, though dynamics vary between regions (Verdad Abierta 17/08/2020)" +317527,54586.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,21,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_humanitarian_snapshot_february.pdf,Humanitarians’ ability to reach people with the response scale-up activities in food insecure areas of Warrap was severely impacted. +325589,54815.0,2099.0,[],[],[],en,75,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"In low-to-middle-income country (LMIC) context, a study covering 21 countries, including Burkina Faso, estimated the relationship between distance to health facilities, service utilization, and child mortality (see Karra et al., 2017). Its findings were striking: compared with children who live within 1 km of a facility, children living within 5 km of a facility had 25-percent higher odds of neonatal mortality." +358694,58530.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,83,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.superservicios.gov.co/sala-de-prensa/comunicados/en-el-dia-mundial-de-los-servicios-publicos-superservicios-presenta,"La superintendente, Natasha Avendaño García, manifestó que“En cuanto al servicio de gas combustible, en el 2020 se evidenció un incremento de suscriptores del 4,1% con relación al 2019, cuando estaban reportados 9.402.460. El aumento más representativo se dio en los estratos 1, 2 y 3, correspondiente a 344.674 nuevos suscriptores, lo que muestra la aceptación y masificación de este servicio como solución energética para miles de hogares en condiciones vulnerables”." +164168,39714.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->Local Response'],[],es,23,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,85% de los adultos mayores (60 años y más) se aisló voluntariamente o acató el aislamiento obligatorio del gobierno. +299149,52086.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],en,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[25th March, 2021, Overall Syria] Sub-districts with highest number of HHs in need of food: Number of HHs in need of food - Damascus Governorate, Damascus Sub-District: 315,259 - Idleb Governorate, Dana Sub-District: 195,819 - Hama Governorate, Hama Sub-District: 143,305" +195737,44016.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,33,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN27X227,"The victims were found in the Beni territory of North Kivu province, local army spokesman Anthony Mualushay said, without giving further details or saying who was believed to be responsible." +177119,41093.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,44,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"En Colombia se han dado pasos importantes en el fortalecimiento de la economía del cuidado. Resultado de la Ley 1413 de 2010, el Departamento Nacional de Estadística (DANE), ha venido desarrollando la Cuenta Satélite de Economía del Cuidado," +206588,44549.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,47,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=211656,"[26th November, 2020, Overall Syria]In a statement to SANA, the ministry indicated that the infections toll registered in the country till now has reached at 7542, out of which 3330 ones have recovered while 399 others have passed away." +307056,51467.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,25,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"In 2021, the need of emergency shelter and non-food items will affect the living standard and wellbeing of an estimated 2.1 million people." +474596,65021.0,1185.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,53,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"FOOD CONSUMPTION The analysis found that 7 out of 10 Venezuelan migrants (72%) felt worried about not having enough food to eat during the previous 30 days, which represents a substantial increase compared to the previous rounds (2019: 61%, 2020: 62%)." +313995,54309.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,21,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Colombia_Evaluacion_Rapida_ECNI_Arauca_ESP.pdf,"Equipos de evaluación identificaron riesgos y afectaciones asociadas a reclutamiento forzado, sobre todo para niños, niñas y adolescente." +325703,54267.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,21,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"La consommation annuelle de poisson au Burkina Faso n’est que de 3,5 kg par personne et par an." +194481,43501.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,28,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"Dans 96% (291) des localités évaluées, il s’agissait de la source d’informations préférée de la majorité de la population." +125260,29180.0,1620.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,51,[],['Displacement'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Gap-Supply-Demand-Contraceptive-Services-Northeast-Nigeria-Report.pdf,"Borno State has been most impacted by the conflict and hosts the highest number of IDPs in Nigeria— more than 1.4 million.The key drivers of this influx include displacement due to ongoing terrorist attacks, conflict between the insurgency and the military, fear of attack, and poor living conditions" +241337,46388.0,2336.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Overall, in 2021, the Nutrition Cluster projects that 5.36 million children and women will need emergency nutrition assistance to avoid preventable morbidity and mortality. This is a 16 per cent increase in needs since June 2020." +211074,45166.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,90,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.legit.ng/1391511-covid-19-fg-tells-nigerians-prepare-a-second-wave.html,"[10th Dec 2020,Nigeria] Osagie Ehanire, minister of health, said ""In the past 24 hours, 474 new confirmed cases and 2 deaths were recorded, with an indication that this week’s figure will beat last week’s. As at today, we have crossed 70,000 mark with a total of 70,669 confirmed cases of which 65,242 have been treated and discharged. Sadly the number of deaths has now reached 1184 as against 1,167 two weeks before.""" +9124,2909.0,322.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,73,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_jan_to_apr_2018.pdf,"An estimated 17.8 million people (six out of every ten Yemenis) are food insecure, with 8.4 million severely food insecure, requiring urgent humanitarian assistance to stay alive. Needs are driven by the disruptions of commercial imports, mass displacement, loss of income and livelihoods opportunities, fuel scarcity, high commodity prices and the collapse of public services including the payment of salaries for civil servants." +59554,17198.0,1224.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,60,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"The housing arrangements for Venezuelan migrants in all host communities in this region is deplorable. Migrants are living in makeshift houses that offer little to no protection from view and the elements of weather. These structures generally lack proper and adequate roofing, walls and flooring; presenting an unsafe and healthy living environment for the occupants." +183352,42586.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Deaths'],en,46,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-bangladesh-sees-1586-new-cases-14-deaths/59384,"[23rd Oct 2020, Bangladesh] So far, 2,963 people have died in Dhaka division, 1,150 in Chattogram, 369 in Rajshahi, 462 in Khulna, 197 in Barishal, 241 in Sylhet, 260 in Rangpur and 119 in Mymensingh." +19784,7911.0,730.0,"['Health', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']","['Context->Security & Stability', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",en,79,"['Impact', 'At Risk']","['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://www.hrw.org/news/2019/01/17/yemen-civilians-bombed-shelled-starved,"“The Saudi-led coalition and Houthi forces have indiscriminately attacked, forcibly disappeared, and blocked food and medicine to Yemeni civilians,” saidSarah Leah Whitson, Middle East and North Africa director at Human Rights Watch. “Governments around the globe can either do nothing while millions sink closer toward famine or use the leverage at their disposal to press the warring parties to end their abuses and impose sanctions on those obstructing aid.”" +387540,60891.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/burkina-faso/burkina-faso-anticipating-immediate-consequences-conflict-agricultural,"In the Liptako Gourma cross-border areas of Burkina Faso,** Mali** and the Niger, the number of people facing high levels of acute food insecurity (CH Phase 3+) increased from about 1 million to 4.4 million between 2015 and 2020." +145968,34803.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,16,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,Suspension of schools due to COVID-19 impacted on the quality of children’s education. +286686,51586.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],en,113,"['Priority Interventions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_19_november_2020_final.pdf,"Given this situation[Average household debt is now 46,299 AFS/US$602, up from 9,813 AFS/US$128 in 2019. Of displaced households in debt, the primary reason for taking on this debt was to pay for food (53 per cent)], there is an urgent need for additional funding for winterisation support to help struggling households survive the harsh weather ahead. 4.8 million people are in urgent need of support to survive the winter season. The ICCT’s $138m Winterisation Plan remains woefully underfunded with only $64m received. Support from the Government towards this plan is urgently needed." +245854,47671.0,2425.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,26,[],['Shock/Event'],Lebanon Situation Analysis,2021-01-25 12:39:46.093809+00,https://www.care-international.org/files/files/Rapid_Multi-Sectoral_Needs_Assessment_Lebanon2021.pdf,"this report demonstrates some deterioration in specific indicators, and the high levels of vulnerabilities that both Lebanese and Syrian refugees in Lebanon are presenting." +306822,51467.0,2335.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,37,['Impact'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,Only 6 out of every 10 school-aged child attend school. Less than 45 per cent of those attending are girls. The current trend in girls’ enrolment in schools in South Sudan is alarming. +304756,51467.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,69,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"In addition, an estimated 32 per cent of IDPs and 37 per cent of returnees live in settlements located more than 5 km from a functional health facility. States with the largest absolute gaps are Upper Nile, Jonglei and Unity. A key informant assessment found that two thirds of households could not access healthcare when needed in the six months prior to data collection." +245857,47671.0,2425.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,139,[],['Shock/Event'],Lebanon Situation Analysis,2021-01-25 12:39:46.093809+00,https://www.care-international.org/files/files/Rapid_Multi-Sectoral_Needs_Assessment_Lebanon2021.pdf,"Lebanon is currently amid its most severe economic and financial crisis on record. Since 2019, the country has been facing growing hyperinflation, shrinking foreign currency reserves, and an insolvent banking sector imposing unofficial capital controls on its depositors’ accounts. Decades of failed governance after its long civil war have culminated in the current debt crisis, which has been compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic and finally the Beirut port blast on the 4th of August. These combined crises have made of Lebanon a fertile ground for an impending humanitarian crisis. Background to the Economic and Financial Crisis The current debt crisis, together with the COVID-19 pandemic and finally the Beirut port blast on the 4th of August, have rendered Lebanon a fertile ground for an impending humanitarian crisis." +489106,67500.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,65,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_15.pdf,"[April -June 2021, Cox's Bazar] The COVID-19 related movement restrictions temporarily interrupted Routine Immunization services in the FDMN/Rohingya refugee camps, especially community outreach. However, some fixed sites continued to provide services on a limited scale. Vaccination services were available at fixed sites (59 health facilities) and through community out-reach sessions provided by 75 vaccination teams" +146023,35870.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,45,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"WHO continues to deliver case management trainings (resuscitation and ventilation management). In the reporting period, WHO supported specialist training for 175 healthcare workers from five governorates, targeting doctors, nurses and anesthesia technicians working in ICU and emergency departments." +218164,45410.0,2332.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,84,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"La fermeture des frontières, le trafic routier (limitation du nombre de passagers et des horaires de circulation), le maintien du couvre-feu (entre 21h et 6h) et la prorogation de l’état d’urgence sanitaire jusqu’en mars 2021 pour contrôler la COVID-19, induisent une hausse des coûts des transports et la limitation des volumes de flux internes et transfrontaliers parmi d’autres effets, occasionnant une baisse des revenus des ménages pauvres." +323228,54498.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,123,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/89758cd4/REACH_COL_RAN_Factsheet_Trend_analysis_March2021.pdf,"de acuerdo con los resultados de la evaluación, durante las cinco rondas, el registro de ICs que reportaron que ellos o personas dentro de su grupo se habían sentido enfermos fue igual o menor al 18%, reportándose como sínto- mas principales dolencias musculares y dolor de cabeza. Este reporte fue variable a lo largo de las etapas de recolección, sin embargo, en la segunda ronda, hubo un reporte significativo, en el cual de los 40 ICs que reportaron que ellos o personas dentro de su grupo se habían sentido enfermos, el 33% y el 28% reportó que ellos y/o personas dentro de su grupo habían sufrido estos síntomas, respectivamente." +220254,45084.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],en,23,"['Impact', 'Priority Interventions']",[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_5_november_2020_final.pdf,Stigma is considered a major factor in people choosing not to get tests and risk communications work is critical to turning this around +212078,45203.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,66,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://fews.net/west-africa/cameroon/food-security-outlook/june-2020,"However, reduced trade flows between urban and rural areas—caused by the conflict in English-speaking regions and by the COVID-19 restrictions—are affecting staple food prices. COVID-19 has been identified as a major cause of higher prices nationally in the second quarter. As a result, inflation is expected to be higher than the 2.6 percent figure recorded in the first quarter of 2020." +220491,45837.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Hospitalization & Care', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,84,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/2020/12/17/covid-19-bangladesh-records-1-134-new-cases-another-36-die,"[17th December 2020, Bangladesh] Bangladesh has registered 1,134 new Covid-19 cases in a daily count, taking the tally so far to 496,975. The death toll climbed to 7,192 after 36 fatalities were recorded in a 24-hour time frame until Thursday morning, the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) said in a statement. Another 2,239 patients recovered from Covid-19 through treatment at home and in hospital care; it brought the total recovery to 431,590." +159095,37975.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,6,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_ndeg112.pdf,Nombre de contacts restant : 65 +299137,52086.0,2028.0,"['Logistics', 'Food Security', 'WASH']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,78,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[25th March, 2021, NWS] In north-west Syria, the need for both food (75 percent) and fuel (70 percent) is higher, compared to national levels. Indeed, the need for fuel is highest regionally, as is the need for safe water (26 percent). Safe water is particularly important among very vulnerable households (36 percent) and female-headed households (33 percent)." +59574,17198.0,1224.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,32,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"Kamwatta ▪ There are 8 Venezuelan families (43 people, 27 of whom are children) living in Kamwatta. There are approximately 400 other inhabitants (host community)." +149626,35869.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep18_25july2020.pdf,"Members shared with the Nutrition Cluster some of the challenges being encountered in adjusting their operations in the context of COVID-19 according to the Nutrition Cluster guidance. The main challenges include lack of PPE, lack of infrared forehead digital thermometer to facilitate isolation at facilities, inadequate WASH services, and mobility restrictions." +57459,17280.0,1186.0,[],[],[],es,69,[],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/439982_ed8c90c2b9644fbbabee3b33e6e9e918.pdf,"Ante el vacío de canales de información oficiales, las organizaciones no gubernamentales han adquirido un importante rol de orientadores, dado que son una de las primeras instancias a las cuales se dirigen las personas migrantes en proceso de instalación en el país, entregando orientación y guía en un amplio rango de requerimientos, tales como procesos de tramitaciones o cubrir necesidades básicas como la vivienda." +40359,14236.0,788.0,[],[],[],en,35,[],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://theconversation.com/aid-agencies-should-take-note-of-how-displaced-people-in-nigeria-survive-118077,"Forced displacement is a pressing, and worsening, global problem. The United Nations High Commission for Refugee (UNHCR)reportsthat there are 25.4 million refugees and 68.5 million forcibly displaced people." +236345,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,35,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Almost a quarter (22 per cent) of key informants interviewed in hard-to-reach areas report that women and children avoid health facilities for security reasons, further reducing the easy availability of care." +59542,17198.0,1224.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"Communities raised health concerns including vomiting, diarrhoea, malaria, coughing and cold/flu symptoms. Multiple children showed signs of malnutrition or parasites. STDs may also be a serious risk." +314415,52949.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,74,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"In this context the COVID-19 pandemic poses serious concern considering the high level of vulnerability across the country. Somalia reported its first case of COVID-19 in March 2020. Since then, 4,445 cases with 113 deaths had been confirmed as of 21 November 2020.Four per cent (198 cases) of the cases were reported among health workers, negatively impacting response efforts amid already limited healthcare services in the country." +294895,51749.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,121,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"La demande diffère d’un marché à l’autre. En premier lieu, la provenance de la clientèle n’est pas la même et varie selon la taille des marché (cf Tableau 01 sur le nombre de détaillants par marché). Ainsi les marchés de Pouytenga et de Ouargaye ont une clientèle qui couvre une zone plus large : Oueguena pour le marché de Pouytenga ; et Tenkodogo, Dourtenga pour le marché de Ouargaye. Alors que les marchés de Comin-Yanga ont une clientèle plus locale : Boussougou, Zonguin, Yarce et Lamiougou pour le marché de Comin-Yanga ; et Dakonsin, Pissy, Kodogo et Diabo pour le marché de Gounghin." +338321,55951.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,84,[],"['Context', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://preventepidemics.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/PERC-Finding-the-Balance-Part-III-12-May-2021.pdf,"[Survey conducted by phone with approximately 24,000 people across 19 Member States in five geographical regions in Africa, including DRC] The COVID-19 pandemic has compounded the impact of existing conflicts in many Member States, which may be influencing the decline in support for and adherence to PHSMs. Excessive enforcement of PHSMs and the use of restrictive measures as a tool to limit political freedom and restrict liberties became more pronounced as the pandemic progressed and many countries held elections" +15106,5486.0,322.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,97,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,http://www.ye.undp.org/content/yemen/en/home/presscenter/pressreleases/2018/undp-conducts-community-protection-workshops-to-help-conflict-af.html,"The coaching partners, Creative People’s Solution Foundation, Ability for Human Investment, Alaidaroos Association and Wogod for Human Security will train the beneficiaries on three main topics, i) how to overcome trauma; ii) conflict management and; iii) the role of youth in the community. The training will be concluded by developing community initiatives proposed by the participants themselves to provide capacity building in psychosocial support, facilitate legal aid and conflict resolutions, mobilize neighborhoods organizations and social leaders with a view of sustaining initiatives." +306543,51572.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,63,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Due to lack of food and parenting capacity to provided child’s basic needs, many children have been reported to leave camp and went to Paloich to find job where CP ( Children Protection ) risk are high and/or work in a market in camps. [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +220022,45809.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],['Context->Politics'],es,110,['Priority Interventions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.rcnradio.com/colombia/antioquia/por-falta-de-permiso-mas-de-200-venezolanos-en-medellin-no-se-han-graduado-de,"Por su parte,Lidy Mary Palacio, coordinadora del Grupo Especial de Asuntos Étnicos y Migrantes de la Personería de Medellín, aseguró que: ""actualmente se están tramitando algunas iniciativas como el PEP-E – Permiso Especial de Permanencia para el sector Educación – una herramienta que le facilitará a los ciudadanos venezolanos acceder al sistema educativo y obtener su respectivo título; sin embargo es necesario que el gobierno nacional agilice el trámite de un decreto a través del cual se autorice su expedición, pues estas personas no se pueden quedar viviendo de las buenas intenciones, sin que se les resuelvan sus problemas""." +452276,64945.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MONITORING%20PROTECTION%20DE%20JULLET%202021%20EST.pdf,"beaucoup d’enfants souffriraient de la Malaria et des maladies bronchioles dû à l’exposition aux intempéries comme le vent et la pluie, selon les propos ressortis par les PDI lors des focus groups dans la ville de Fada." +192881,43304.0,2332.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,28,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,Les efforts entrepris par les partenaires au développement pour réorienter leurs interventions programmatiques au profit de la lutte contre la COVID-19 sont louables et doivent être poursuivis. +323715,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Environment'],fr,122,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"[projections] En conséquence, la productivité agricole, déjà faible, devrait encore diminuer et la désertification, les sécheresses et les inondations devraient s’accentuer, ce qui risque d’entraîner des pertes de récoltes (WUR, 2018, dans Posthumus et al., 2019)19. Sur la base des scénarios climatiques futurs20, on s’attend à une baisse générale des rendements de la plupart des cultures céréalières du pays. À l’inverse, les rendements du coton pourraient augmenter en raison de la hausse des températures, mais – avec des précipitations de plus en plus irrégulières – la culture resterait vulnérable (Banque mondiale, 2020a)." +292350,52073.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,17,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,Plus de 40 000 Nigérians demandeurs d’asile enregistrés dans le District de santé de Makary +290573,52074.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,"In October, Health Cluster partners provided essential healthcare, sexual reproductive healthcare and health promotion activities to beneficiaries in Fako, Meme, Ndian, Kupe-Manengouba, Manyu, Mezam, Momo, Ngo-Ketunjia and DungaMantung divisions." +162395,32461.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,37,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/colombia-ha-deportado-a-334-venezolanos-por-incumplir-normas-durante-la-pandemia/1995,"El director de Migración Colombia, Juan Francisco Espinosa, informó que334 venezolanos han sido deportados durante los días de la cuarentena obligatoria nacional, por incumplir normas y no acatar las medidas mínimas de bioseguridad." +456051,65411.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,126,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[16-29 August 2021, Cox's Bazar] Host/Refugee: Since the onset of the outbreak in 2017, Diphtheria surveillance is ongoing in the camps. The total number of diphtheria cases reported is 9299 to date (3016 in 2017; 5330 in 2018; 614 in 2019; 226 in 2020 and 113 as of week 34, 2021). In total, 9053 cases were reported in the camps and 246 from the host community, with 47 deaths registered in the refugee camps and none in the host community. While the first Diphtheria case was detected on 10 November 2017, the first death occurred on 29 December 2017 and the last death on 25 October 2019." +303948,53077.0,2333.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,118,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/reach_ner_factsheet_vulnerabilites_refugies_decembre_2018.pdf,"[Enregistrement des nouveaux-nés] Proportion estimée de la population ayant rapporté aux IC rencontrer des difficultés pour enregistrer les nouveau-nés, par nombre de sites : L'ensemble (19), Une partie (30), Personne (92), Ne sait pas (6) / Parmi les sites dans lesquels au moins une partie de la population a rapporté aux IC rencontrer de telles difficultés (49), les principales raisons évoquées sont, par nombre de sites: 1. Ne savent pas où ils peuvent s’enregistrer (28) 2. Manque de moyens financiers (22) 3. Ne savent pas comment faire (19)" +194597,43822.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,21,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19112020_flash_update_no.3_emergencias_por_ola_invernal_-_colombia_vf.pdf,Específicamente en la comunidad de Bahía Rada y Santander de la Cruz se han registrado viviendas averiadas y árboles derribados. +177964,41855.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,58,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_Factsheet_2003_HSM_COVID19_Tanganyika_juillet-2020.pdf,L’augmentation du cours du dollars US (une des conséquences indirectes de la mise en oeuvre des mesures contre la propagation du COVID-19) a été identifiée dans un cinquième des localités évaluées[Province Tanganyika] comme une des raisons principales à l’augmentation des prix des céréales au cours du mois précédent. +320788,52949.0,2331.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,117,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"According to the Joint Market Monitoring Initiative (JMMI) , the impact of the triple threat is affecting the supply and quantity of WASH commodities sold in markets. In rural areas, replenishment of stocks is slow, compounded by the quality of the poor roads. In comparison, locations with immediate access to ports, such as Bossaso, Mogadishu and Kismaayo markets were found to experience only minimum supply issues of WASH items as they do not require goods to be moved across long distances. Critical WASH goods at risk of stock depletion in the areas surveyed were chlorine tablets, soap bars, drinking water and menstrual hygiene management." +114345,31782.0,1186.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77210.pdf,"Las respuestas de la niñez migrante en Chile también se destacan por el porcentaje más alto de niñas, niños y adolescentes que reportaron sentirse preocupados por la pandemia (54% en Chile comparado con el 34.2% del promedio sub-regional) y sentirse con miedo (32% en Chile comparado con el 19% en promedio)." +93377,26310.0,1386.0,['Protection'],[],[],en,31,[],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Venezuela_%20Violent%20Abuses%20in%20Illegal%20Gold%20Mines%20_%20Human%20Rights%20Watch.pdf,"In addition, residents described consistently harsh working conditions in the mines, including working 12-hour shifts without any protective gear and children as young as 10 working alongside adults." +320326,52949.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,45,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Massive, forced evictions are mainly reported in urban areas of Somalia, with the most affected cities being Mogadishu, Kismayo, Baidoa and Galkayo, affecting approximately 200,000 women and men annually. In Somalia, forced evictions are not gender neutral." +69902,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)'],en,55,[],['Information And Communication'],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"Humanitarian and recovery responders should map other community organisations and coordinate with them to be informed about the needs and capacities of different groups, particularly those who can be marginalised including women and girls, members of the LGBTQIA communities, people with disabilities, older people, religious minorities and migrant communities." +161078,39509.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sidwaya.info/blog/2020/09/15/covid-19-les-hauts-bassins-passent-en-tete-avec-315-cas/?fbclid=IwAR06krUyHij1KJuxRpsefbnW1qw3Pn7ghXu7fwJbjEVMVA922ljKlJeKtnE,"Les Hauts-Bassins sont les plus touchées, avec 315 cas et 200 cas dans la région du Centre. Les autres régions sont la Boucle du Mouhoun, le Sahel, les Cascades, le Centre-Sud, le Sud-Ouest, l’Est et le Centre-Est." +177955,41855.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,111,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_Factsheet_2003_HSM_COVID19_Tanganyika_juillet-2020.pdf,"La baisse de disponibilité des produits et l’augmentation des prix, deux potentiels impacts des restrictions des mouvement transfrontaliers et au sein du pays, n’ont jamais été identifiés par les IC [Province Tanganyika] comme les raisons principales expliquant que la majorité de la population n’ait pas eu accès à suffisamment de nourriture au cours du mois précédent. La raison à cela la plus mentionnée dans la province du Tanganyika était le manque d’argent (pour acheter de la nourriture au prix habituels), reportée dans près d’un tiers (31%) des localités évaluées." +456047,65411.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,116,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[16-29 August 2021, Cox's Bazar] Active case finding with a uniform line list has been rolled out by CHWG partners since early July, in support of community-based surveillance. CHWG with Health Sector support developed AWD surveillance which was rolled out as of week 27 (4th July). At the end of the reporting period, over 270 000 household visits have been conducted, out of which over 2 900 AWD cases were referred to the health facility for further case management. Furthermore, over 10 000 Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) sachets and over 9 700 zinc tablets have been distributed at community level." +309763,51467.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,54,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"The weakened health system compounded by multiple shocks will impact the health and wellbeing of an estimated 4.9 million South Sudanese in 2021. This is a 36 per cent increase from the 3.6 million people in 2020. In addition, 310,000 refugees and asylum seekers continue to need support with health care" +164368,38902.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],en,22,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,Venezuelan refugees and migrants were impacted as up to 71% of them had been working informally (WFP 19/02/2020). +192945,43304.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,9,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,Encourager la poursuite des actions de décongestionnement de prisons +341947,56493.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",fr,89,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Par ailleurs, la dilution de la légitimité de l’autorité traditionnelle prend sa source dans la dévalorisation ou la mise en concurrence de l’autorité de la chefferie traditionnelle. En mettant en place dans chaque village, des Conseils Villageois de Développement (CVD) dont les rôles et pouvoirs semblent se confondre à ceux des chefs, l’Etat a affaibli les chefs traditionnels qui ne sont plus les repères en matière de gestion des affaires de la société au niveau local." +341592,55986.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,42,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_cluster_sante_rdc_s16.pdf,"Sur le plan sanitaire, on observe une forte augmentation de la fréquence des patients aux Centre de santé de Modale, qui est passée de 08 consultations par jour à 60 consultation par jour depuis l’arrivée des réfugiés." +167543,40328.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,87,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/iom-amazon-step-covid-19-rohingya-refugee-response-cox-s-bazar,"Sustaining the well-being of frontline workers is crucial to response efficiency, but the surge in PPE demand around the world has made its acquisition difficult. Despite challenges, approximately 322,000 gloves, 16,000 gowns and coveralls, 18,300 N95 respirators and 119,000 face shields have been distributed to community health workers and health care providers at both IOM and Government health facilities here since the beginning of the crisis. While progress is being made, demand still outweighs PPE supply across the district." +193139,43423.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Douze(12) nouveaux cas confirmés ce jour 08/11/2020, tous à transmission communautaire soit :  06 cas de dépistage pour voyage (04 à Ouaga et 02 à Bobo Dioulasso)  03 contacts (02 à Ouagadougou et 01 à Fada)  03 cas suspects (02 à Bobo Dioulasso et 01 à Ouaga)." +272324,50464.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210203FINALFactSheetSomaliaSkisserLR11.pdf,"Climate-related displacement and migration are likely to increase, particularly for those whose livelihoods are influenced by droughts and floods; that can fuel tensions at the community and national levels and disrupt ongoing conflict resolution initiatives." +317827,52949.0,2331.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,50,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,Children from poorer households and disadvantaged communities such as nomads and rural children are significantly affected. Only 15 per cent of nomads and 34 per cent of rural children are enrolled in school. The migration of the nomadic population also hampers the attendance rates of nomad children. +161296,39528.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Push Factors', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,77,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"La situation humanitaire a été marquée par les attaques croissantes et des déplacements de la population rapportés dans plusieurs localités. La dernière publication des chiffres par le Conseil National de Secours d’Urgence et de Réhabilitation (CONASUR) au 9 juillet fait état de 978 744 personnes déplacées internes (PDIs), soit une augmentation d’environ 6,22% par rapport à la situation du 07/06/2020 (921 471 PDIs)." +292275,52058.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,56,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/16-03-21_ni_nord_kivu.pdf,"[terr. Beni] Selon la société civile locale, le 14 mars, un poste de santé a également été pillé au cours de l’attaque du village de Kalalangwe dans cette dernière zone, ramenant à six le cumul des structures sanitaires attaquées par des hommes armés, depuis septembre 2020." +13505,5557.0,322.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,85,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Shleter%20NFI%20CCCM%20Cluster%20Yemen%20-%20Al%20Hudaydah%20Displacement%20Update%203-9%20Aug....pdf,"In Aden hub, UNHCR through SHS completed the distribution of blankets, water buckets, sleeping mats, kitchen sets and mosquito nets to 1,339 IDP families in Shabwah governorate and 1,213 families in Hadramaut governorate also through HYAC (Al Heikmah Al Yemaniah Association Charity) the distributions continued in Hays district (AlHudaydah) to cover 369 families. The families targeted were in urgent need for the essential household items to survive as they have displaced without any personal belongings." +241043,47700.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],en,51,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,,"[EMERGENCY RESPONSE IN KOUCHANGUINE-MOURA ]From 16-23 June 2020, some 1,959 screenings for malnutrition were conducted among children under the age of five : 18 new cases of moderate acute malnutrition and three new cases of severe acute malnutrition were admitted into the nutritional programs in this period." +196713,43328.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,36,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_smart_rapid_pdi_2020_bfa_final.pdf,"Intensifier les actions de dépistage actif et de prise en charge par les approches simplifiées dans les zones de forte insécurité (villages aux alentours de Djibo, Matiacoali) [partenaires techniques et financiers]" +236103,47122.0,2334.0,"['WASH', 'Health']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,29,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,The Health and WASH clusters took the lead in drafting guidance documents to scale-up the COVID-19 response in the humanitarian context of the NWSW in line with WHO guidelines +303867,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,43,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Organized sub-national and localized violence accompanied by cattle raiding and revenge attacks between ethnic groups, as well as between sections or clans of the same ethnic group, intensified, resulting in deaths, destruction and looting, especially in Jonglei." +314681,53183.0,2466.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,25,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"Gaps are noted both in funding and in the application of a measured cohesive durable response that simultaneously tackles water, hygiene and sanitation." +325627,54815.0,2099.0,[],[],[],en,37,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,". In other words, the higher the average RMAT at the health district level, the distinctly higher the maternal mortality, even when controlling for the various other factors that might affect maternal mortality." +305651,51572.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Education']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,26,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Education : Installation of hand washing facilities [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +167725,40343.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,24,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/418384-covid-19-weekly-review-as-nigeria-announces-reopening-of-schools-new-covid-19-cases-double.html,A total of 11 persons died from the virus in the previous week while 17 deaths were recorded in the week before that. +319848,52949.0,2331.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,73,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Mental distress is exacerbated in the COVID-19 pandemic as vulnerable individuals, including older persons and persons with disabilities, may be separated from their caregivers due to quarantine and isolation requirements. Additionally, stigmatization of communities or individuals perceived as contributing to the spread of the virus has been reported, leading to violence and discriminatory limitations of rights, including the freedom of movement of particular groups or individuals." +318950,53305.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,77,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Partners who did not comply were threatened with expulsion and some had assets confiscated. Such local interventions are costly with time spent negotiating with the authorities and costs needed for continuation of operations. Illegal taxation and extortion, particularly at checkpoints, hampered the delivery of aid in both government and opposition-controlled areas, with demands for up to 100,000 South Sudanese Pound per vehicle, making humanitarian cargo transport costly and time consuming." +173622,38392.0,1899.0,['Health'],[],[],es,20,[],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ALC%20post%20COVID-19%20-%20Retos%20y%20oportunidades%20para%20pa%C3%ADses%20de%20Centroam%C3%A9rica%2C%20Hait%C3%AD%2C%20M%C3%A9xico%2C%20Panam%C3%A1%2C%20y%20Rep%C3%BAblica%20Dominicana.pdf,"Por ejemplo, Honduras, Nicaragua y Guatemala tienen menos de una cama de hospital por cada mil habitantes;" +159088,37975.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,12,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_ndeg112.pdf,Cumul personnes contacts listées depuis le 09 mars 2020 : 7 061 +238811,47230.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,29,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"Como cuarta prioridad, el 29% señala la asistencia médica. Del mismo modo, el 7% de los hogares priorizan el acceso a los medicamentos." +329875,53694.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],fr,131,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/03042021_sitrep_s11_whe_oms_rdc.docx.pdf,"De S1 à S11/2021, 912 cas suspects de monkey pox dont 27 décès (létalité 3,0%) (Figure 6) ont été rapportés dans 76 ZS appartenant à 13 provinces contre 893 cas suspects et 18 décès (létalité 2,0%) enregistrés dans 83 ZS appartenant à 16 provinces durant la même période en 2020. Un peu moins de 3 quarts de cas suspects (671 cas soit 73,6%) a été rapporté dans les ZS des provinces de l’Equateur (327 cas, soit 35,9%), Mongala (161 cas, soit 17,7%), Sankuru (98 cas, soit 10,7%) et Sud-Ubangi (85 cas, soit 9,3%).  Au cours d" +164742,39789.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,49,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Movementwide%20Operation%20Report%20August%202020.pdf,"80 beds are being ready to use at Integrated Isolation and Treatment Centers (IITCs) for COVID-19 patients in Camp-2E and Camp-7.  21,681 people reached through outreach on handwashing, mask using, PGI, IITCs available services, properly hand sanitizing and physical distancing." +193037,43411.0,2099.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,26,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,The difficult living conditions of disaster victims raise fears of the development in the weeks or months to come the appearance of a health problem. +59562,17198.0,1224.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Humanitarian Access->Population To Relief'],en,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Humanitarian Access'],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"31 of the 32 documented migrant children are not attending school in Guyana. There is a need for active activities for children, such as sports, and early childhood development activities." +294635,51749.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,20,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,[District sanitaire de Ouargaye] Des ruptures récurrentes en intrants ne permettent pas de prise en charge de qualité +311609,53183.0,2466.0,['Health'],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,47,[],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"As the COVID-19 pandemic hit Sudan in March 2020, the Government introduced measures to contain the spread of the virus. In line with most other countries, Sudan closed international borders, banned public gatherings and interstate movement, while the states introduced curfews." +182491,42270.0,2028.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,35,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep21_20201020.pdf,"[20th October NWS] The value of the SYP continues to slide; at 2,360 SYP per USD, its value as of 19 October is some 7.3 percent weaker than a month ago" +264289,48806.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,87,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_final_enquete_smart_27112019.pdf,"La continuation de l’allaitement jusqu’à un an est une pratique effective chez 86,4% des enfants enquêtés au niveau national. Cependant, un enfant sur deux (53,8%) est allaité jusqu’à l’âge de 2 ans. Les provinces du Chari Baguirmi et de la Tandjilé présentent les meilleurs résultats avec 100 % des enfants allaités jusqu’à un an ; la plus faible prévalence est observée dans la Capitale Ndjamena (28,6%)." +145965,34803.0,2028.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,25,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"At least 69,388 children benefited from distance learning in Idleb and Aleppo governorates as an alternative way to continue education during the COVID-19 pandemic;" +7297,455.0,321.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,60,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/international-donors-visit-un-migration-agency-sites-libya-niger,"In the first quarter of 2018, IOM has helped around 4,000 migrants – the same ones languishing in detention centres, typically survivors of harrowing voyages at sea – return home to more than two dozen countries. That is in addition to the 19,370 men, women and children IOM flew safely home from Libya last year." +359398,58669.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",es,126,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/informe_de_emergencias_humanitarias_reportadas_elc_enero_mayo_2021.pdf,"IMPACTO POR EVENTOS DE ORIGEN NATURAL: En Chocó, se recibieron alertas sobre inundaciones en Bojayá (>5,460 personas afectadas) que afectaron a 16 comunidades afrodescendientes. La administracion locales siguen advirtiendo sobre la falta de recursos para dar respuesta a la totalidad de la población damnificada y afectada; también preocupa que los socios de los ELC Chocó no cuentan con la capacidad financiera y logística para apoyar a todos los afectados ante la atención recurrente de emergencias, sugiriendo la necesidad de tener un apoyo del nivel nacional. Llama la atención los vacíos de información por las dificultades de acceso, lo que limita además conocer las necesidades a las que se enfrentan las comunidades especialmente en zona rural." +149532,32172.0,1388.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Humanitarian Access->Population To Relief'],es,98,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Humanitarian Access'],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/75318.pdf,"Gran parte de esta población carece de cobertura de protección social y documentos de regularización migratoria, por lo que afrontan limitaciones para acceder a servicios públicos -como a servicios médicos- y en general, al ejercicio de sus derechos económicos y sociales debido a las regulaciones nacionales. Esto es especialmente grave en las personas trans refugiadas y migrantes, que muchas veces tienen documentos de identidad que no se corresponden con su identidad de género, lo cual constituye una barrera adicional para el acceso a servicios y un trabajo en condiciones decentes y equitativas." +188214,40860.0,1899.0,['Food Security'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],es,34,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200922_OCHA_GUATEMALA%20HRP%20COVID-19%20ESPAN%CC%83OL.pdf,La necesidad principal continúa siendo el acceso a alimentos en cantidad y calidad que supla la falta de cosechas de la temporada y la falta de capacidad de compra de las familias afectadas. +299247,52086.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],en,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[25th March, 2021, Overall Syria] Sub-districts with highest number of HHs in need of fuel: Estimated number of total HHs - Aleppo Governorate, Jebel Saman Sub-District: 327,621 - Idleb Governorate, Dana Sub-District: 206,435 - Lattakia Governorate, Lattakia Sub-District: 182,164" +473184,67207.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,26,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.europapress.es/internacional/noticia-cerca-200-municipios-colombia-estan-riesgo-reclutamiento-menores-defensoria-20210420154812.html,"Los departamentos colombianos en los que se concentró la advertencia de reclutamiento forzoso fueron Antioquia, Cauca, Chocó, Nariño y Norte de Santander." +239371,46388.0,2336.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Some 46 per cent of IDPs reside in informal settlements where 7 per cent are in tents, open space or makeshift shelter, and 6 per cent in unfinished houses." +323310,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,84,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Human capital accumulation – education and health – play a central role in Burkina Faso’s strive to eliminate poverty. According to a multi-dimensional poverty analysis conducted by the World Bank a few years ago, overall, individuals in Burkina Faso are the most deprived in education, with a deprivation rate of about 72%; women are significantly more deprived than men, and rural residents – significantly more than urban (Agbodji et al. 2013)." +323693,54267.0,2099.0,"['Logistics', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,68,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Plus de 50 pour cent des personnes qui reçoivent des transferts de fonds ont un accès limité à internet et n’ont pas de compte bancaire, ce qui les exclut des mécanismes de transfert de fonds autres que l’argent liquide. Ceci les rend plus vulnérables pendant les perturbations des flux d’envois de fonds au cours de la période de confinement." +235026,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,20,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,The economic impact of COVID-19 is also translating into increased criminal activity particularly in Afghanistan’s major centres. +240472,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,79,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"A national COVID-19 morbidity and mortality survey by MOPH, Johns Hopkins and WHO in May and June 2020 looking at people with positive COVID antibodies, estimated that 31.5 per cent of the population had been already infected.The estimation was even higher for Kabul, with more than 50 per cent of people thought to have been exposed. Published in July 2020, these figures suggested that even this is an under-estimation of full-year 2020 infections." +323023,54626.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,25,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,"Continued predictable, flexible and timely donor support is critical to sustaining vital response activities and preventing further deterioration of the situation in Somalia." +282374,51025.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,68,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/bangladeshs-daily-covid-19-cases-keep-crossing-1000-mark/66030,"[13th March 2021, Bangladesh] Bangladesh's daily Covid-19 cases continued to pass the 1,000-mark for the last four days with the country reporting 1,014 new cases in the last 24 hours till Saturday morning. Twelve more Covid-19-related deaths were reported during the period, putting the mortality rate at 1.53%, according to the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS)." +199356,43112.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/el-desafio-mas-grande-es-vencer-la-irregularidad-migrante/2261,"Desde el terreno laboral, Carlos Llanos, líder de inclusión de la empresa Teleperformance, destacó que han contratado a más de 1.700 migrantes y refugiados venezolanos, por su elevado nivel de bilingüismo. La preparación académica de los extranjeros supone una ventaja dentro de la compañía, evitando así los niveles de rotación de personal." +157948,38137.0,2098.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,37,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cxb_education_covid_response_reaching_every_learner_final.pdf,"Together with child protection, health, and other relevant sectors - map educational facilities and spaces (e.g. food programs, MHM) and identify modalities to continue providing critical services using those identified spaces" +164165,39714.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],es,14,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,90% está preocupado porque alguien de la familia se contagie de COVID-19. +187193,34290.0,1900.0,['Health'],[],[],es,59,[],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Resumen_Informe_16_07_2020_No_080.pdf,"Vigilancia de cercos epidemiológicos.  Entrega de insumos de protección a personal de primera línea de trabajo. Comunicado Comisión Nacional de Telecomunicaciones CONATEL «colaboradores médicos, enfermeras, personal auxiliar, etc. exentos de las restricciones de libre circulación, deberán ser atendidos en establecimientos sin importar terminación de su número de identidad.»" +163443,32455.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],es,17,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/6._elc_flash_update_covid_19_quincenal_18.06.2020.pdf,Desinformación por parte de la población sobre las rutas de atención en caso de presentar síntomas relacionados +256952,48806.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,61,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_final_enquete_smart_27112019.pdf,"Concernant la malnutrition aiguë sévère, la prévalence la plus élevée est notée dans la province du Logone Occidental (5,0%) tandis que la plus faible est observée dans la province du Ennedi Est avec 0,4%. Quant aux cas œdèmes, 0,1% des enfants ont présenté cette forme de malnutrition aigüe sévère au niveau national." +258154,48884.0,2028.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,63,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/63781/a-historic-collapse-of-the-syrian-pound-against-the-dollar.html,"[12th Feb 2021, Syria] The exchange rate of the Syrian pound against the US dollar has fallen again due to the deterioration of the Syrian economy. On Thursday it recorded the lowest exchange rate in history. The pound against the dollar recorded a low exchange rate Thursday evening, touching 3,410 for sale and 3,360 for purchase." +306139,51474.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,169,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"As at 1 February,United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) documented a total of 155 incidents that resulted in at least 376 civilian casualties (251 killed and 125 injured), including at least 21 women and 17 children. The incidents were attributed to self-defence groups (116); South Sudan People's Defence Forces (SSPDF)(11); ""Sudan People's Liberation Army-in-Opposition"" (abbreviated ""SPLA-IO"") (7); National Salvation Front (South Sudan) (4); the South Sudan National Police Service (3); SPLM/A-IO Riek Machar defectors affiliated with government forces in Wau (3); the National Security Service (2); joint SSPDF and SPLM/A-IO Riek Machar forces (1); joint SSPDF and South Sudan National Police Service forces (1); and clashes between SPLM/A-IO Riek Machar elements and armed young people from the Mabanese community." +151423,37915.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],en,80,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/78176.pdf,"Sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) continues to persist in the camps, especially intimate partner violence. The overall situation is having a severe impact on the health and well-being of women and girls particularly, including a worrying rise in girls talking about suicide. Child marriage continues to be of concern, affecting adolescent boys and girls between the ages of 14 and 17 years old. There is also an increased number of teenage pregnancies" +173642,39908.0,1388.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,11,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20-%20Impacto%20de%20la%20COVID-19%20en%20la%20poblaci%C3%B3n%20venezolana%20-%20Costa%20Rica%2C%20Agosto%202020.pdf,46.5% Fue despedido o experimentó una suspensión en su contrato +2629,520.0,321.0,[],[],[],en,50,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://www.amnesty.org/en/countries/middle-east-and-north-africa/libya/report-libya/,"In June, 12 men detained in connection with alleged offences during Mu’ammar al-Gaddafi’s rule were reportedly shot dead shortly after their release from Tripoli’s al-Baraka Prison, run by the Ministry of Justice. They appeared to be victims of extrajudicial execution." +285120,50882.0,2466.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,23,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/ipc_sudan_acute_food_insecurity_projection_update_2020octdec_report_1.pdf,[Recommendation For Action]Support during the harvest of the ongoing agricultural season will improve food availability during the projection period. +308115,53309.0,2098.0,[],[],[],en,80,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/gender_alert_brief_final.pdf,"[29th March 2021, Cox's Bazar] Sanitation facilities must be provided according to the distinct needs of the affected population, including separate toilets and bathing spaces with strong locks and lighting in close vicinity of the living areas. Inclusive measures such as handrails and ramps should be installed. The 72-hour emergency kit must include menstrual hygiene management (MHM) kits. Availing MHM disposal bins for women and girls should be prioritized." +26108,10739.0,786.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,125,['Impact'],[],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/the_americas/venezuela-has-its-electricity-back-for-now-but-its-still-on-the-verge-of-collapse/2019/03/20/1cb0060e-4986-11e9-8cfc-2c5d0999c21e_story.html?utm_term=.a236d74c7c19,"Some economists are predicting famine in this country of 30 million. Others say the outlook may not be that extreme. But most foresee growing malnutrition in a nation where babies are dying because of a lack of food. And migration — already “on the scale of Syria,” according to the U.N. refugee agency — is likely to escalate. At Quinta Crespo, a vast warren of fluorescent-lit shops smelling of poultry and overripe fruit, shopkeepers are nervous. Luis Eduardo Alvarez, 29, who sells deli meat, cereal, pasta and other groceries, says he’s ordering half as much stock as usual, for fear that hungry people will start looting." +264560,49669.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,110,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://colombia.as.com/colombia/2021/02/20/actualidad/1613846806_672285.html,"Fecode ratifica que los maestros estamos listos para volvernos a encontrar en la escuela del retorno cuando estén listas las condiciones, siguiendo las recomendaciones de la OMS, expertos en medicina, epidemiólogos y de acuerdo con los reportes de contagio y letalidad del virus"", fue parte del comunicado publicado por dicha agremiación y sus 33 filiales quienes, a través de diez exigencias claras, buscan que el Gobierno Nacional garantice la seguridad de los docentes que volverían a los colegios y universidades públicas. Míralos a continuación: 1. Adecuar y adaptar las plantas físicas, con inversiones nuevas en infraestructura y dotación." +80485,22034.0,1183.0,[],[],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Context->Politics']",es,90,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/cuatro-reflexiones-del-primer-mes-del-campamento-humanitario-para-venezolanos-en-bogota/780,"el 14 de noviembre de este año, la Alcaldía de Bogotá anunció que tomaría medidas para responder a la migración venezolana en la ciudad. La primera decisión fue crear una gerencia para atender a la población migrante y diseñar un modelo de atención se basa en las rutas de atención para los bogotanos. Pero lo que más ha llamado la atención es la creación de un campamento humanitario para trasladar a los habitantes de un improvisado albergue en los alrededores del Terminal de Transportes del Salitre." +323054,54626.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,29,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,"Hygiene interventions reached 36,065 people (10,711 girls, 11,140 boys) through hygiene promotion messaging, construction of handwashing facilities in schools and distribution of WASH supplies." +315610,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,58,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Separated and orphaned girls are more vulnerable as they resort to this negative coping mechanism to secure some form of social protection. This increases their economic dependency and vulnerability to sexual exploitation and abuse. In addition, parents fearing harassment and abuse of their daughters restrict their movements as much as possible to ensure safety." +321320,54765.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,24,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/democratic-republic-congo/recent-surge-violence-drc-s-ituri-province-worsening-already,"The increase comes despite repeated warnings by UNICEF and other humanitarian organizations about the violence, which includes machete attacks and sexual assaults." +270143,50221.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,77,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/pandemia-exacerbo-problemas-de-seguridad-alimentaria-para-los-migrantes/2498,"Además, de acuerdo con el estudio, para los migrantes encuestados en estos tres países, la falta de ingresos y de comida se consolidó como una de sus principales preocupaciones: 6 de cada 10 venezolanos estaban preocupados de no tener qué comer. Igualmente, la encuesta estableció que el 28% de los entrevistados redujo la calidad de sus alimentos, mientras que el 39% redujo la cantidad de productos consumidos." +485687,65398.0,1185.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,89,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"En la búsqueda de una vivienda, la discriminación y los escasos recursos económicos son las principales dificultades que enfrentan los migrantes venezolanos. En el primer caso, varias personas señalan que es común encontrar carteles o, incluso, personas que contestan sus llamadas para solicitar información que indican que “no alquilan habitaciones a personas venezolanas”. Esto, según la percepción de los entrevistados, es producto de impagos de sus compatriotas o de la mala imagen que se ha construido de ellos." +452345,64945.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,52,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MONITORING%20PROTECTION%20DE%20JULLET%202021%20EST.pdf,"Dans la province du Gourma, suite à l’assassinat de 03 personnes dans la commune de Matiacoali à Kpencangou, un déplacement forcé de plus de 102 hommes, 225 femmes, 192 filles et 88 garçons a eu lieu de Kpencangou avec Fada pour zone d’accueil." +406467,63069.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],fr,70,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Bulletin%20d%E2%80%99information%20sous%20cluster%20protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99enfance%20%28GTPE%29%20Mars%20%E2%80%93%20Mai%202021.pdf,"En mai : • 202 ENA identifiés dont 34 pris en charge et 42 réunifiés • 9 EAFGA identifiés et 13 réinsérés • 335 Enfants victimes de violence pris en charge • 46 allégations de violations graves (MRM), dont 18 enlèvements, 15 recrutements et utilisations, 8 attaques contre les écoles (6) et hôpitaux (2), 3 meurtres/mutilations, 2 viols/violences sexuelles" +181144,42386.0,2099.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,66,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_RMU_October-2020_vfinal.pdf,"Dans les centres urbains, le ralentissement global des activités économiques en raison de la persistance de la pandémie de COVID-19 continuera d’affecter négativement la demande d’emplois et les revenus, en particulier dans le secteur informel, le tourisme et l’hôtellerie. La baisse du pouvoir d’achat des pauvres limitera leur accès à l’alimentation." +176016,40890.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"Los principales riesgos de protección considerados para este análisis incluyen la discriminación por motivos de nacionalidad, la exposición del hogar encuestado o de sus miembros frente a grupos armados ilegales, y la violencia intrafamiliar contra las mujeres. Casi la mitad (44%) de las personas encuestadas reportó haber sufrido algún episodio o situación de discriminación o señalamiento debido a su nacionalidad en 2020" +199030,44308.0,2225.0,[],[],['Casualties->Dead'],fr,21,[],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RD%20Congo%20-%20Note%20d%E2%80%99informations%20humanitaires%20pour%20la%20province%20du%20Nord-Kivu%2017%20novembre%202020.pdf,Plus de 62 civils ont déjà été tués en moins de trois semaines entre fin octobre et le 16 novembre. +410318,63222.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,174,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_mvam_bulletin_57_july_2021.pdf,"[Syria, July] The lack of access to households’ sources of income were reportedly due to a number of issues. Close to half of the surveyed households in Syria in July 2021 (48 percent) reported reduction of revenues from business activities or agricultural sales, with peaks recorded in Deir-ez-Zor (73 percent) and Damascus (62 percent). During the reporting period, 32 percent of interviewed households nationwide reported having been impacted by a reduction in working hours and thus receiving a partial salary. In addition, 17 percent of surveyed households indicated job lay-offs, with a higher proportion recorded among female-headed households (26 percent) compared to male-headed households (16 percent). To cope with the burden of their current situation amid the soaring inflation in Syria and the eroding of households’ coping capacity, 21 percent of respondents reported to have been pushed to work more than one full time jobs over the past month." +159098,37975.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,11,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_ndeg112.pdf,Au total huit-cent-quatorze (814) patients ont été déclarés guéris +152405,37882.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,22,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=199376,"This brings the total of cases registered in Syria to 1060, 311 of which having recovered while 48 passed away." +188625,43181.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,52,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_270_20201026_.pdf,"2382 fidèles (H766, F998, g292 et f326) ont été sensibilisées par l’Association Locale ADFAM (Association des femmes dynamiques de MOHELI) sur les Signes de la MVE (CBL, FEPACO, DISCIPLE et CATHOLIQUE) dans la ZS BIKORO à l’EQUATEUR." +323044,54626.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,UNICEF also delivered two sets of Interagency Emergency Health Kit (IEHK) supplementary medicines to Banadir Hospital to ensure the availability and continuity of emergency health services during the COVID-19 response. +267921,49773.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,22,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_HSOS-NWS_-January-2021.pdf,"[January 2021, NWS] soap was unaffordable for 38% of the communities, adult hygiene items by 52%" +91970,26132.0,1620.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Demography']",en,75,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_28_february_2020-report.pdf,"• 49% of the IDPs are living in emergency and transitional shelters, 39% in makeshifts, 8% in collective/communal shelter and 4% in public facilities. • 535HH are living in the open in Maiduguri [466] and Konduga [69] LGA. • 2,857HH are sharing shelter in across 43 sites in 12 LGAs. • 14,529 shelters are damaged across 96 sites in 16 LGAs." +313684,53333.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,66,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Strengthening access to age- and gender-responsive services to support the prevention of adolescent pregnancies. This includes counselling and provision of modern contraceptives alongside Maternal, New-born and Child Health (MNCH) for adolescent and young mothers: check-ups during pregnancy, safe deliveries and referrals in support of maternal and newborn health, child health, immunization, and nutrition and health promotion." +238292,46388.0,2336.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,19,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Girls’ education has been disproportionately affected by the protracted crisis, cultural limitations, and now COVID-19." +341731,56493.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,145,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Le deuxième défi à noter porte sur le droit traditionnel qui se base sur la confiance et le témoignage comme modes de preuve. Or le droit foncier moderne se base sur des titres, l’écrit. Dans ces conditions, des transactions qui ont pu avoir lieu entre des personnes dans une période reculée, et qui n’ont pas donné lieu à des documents écrits ne peuvent être prouvées devant les juridictions modernes. Pour- tant, en l’absence d’un règlement à l’amiable, ce sont ces juridictions qui sont saisies. En l’absence de preuves tangibles, la justice moderne montre ses limites dans le règlement des conflits si bien que des tensions perdurent au sein des communautés entre les membres d’une même famille ou entre différentes familles." +311041,54065.0,2170.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,89,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nenfss_round_9_final_report_11032021.pdf,"[1st Dec 2020,North-East Nigeria] Prevalence of global acute malnutrition (GAM) using WHZ and/or oedema for children 0-5 months was highest in Yobe 10.2%, followed by Adamawa 8.2% and Borno 7.7%. By domain, GAM rate is highest in Northern Borno (19.7%) and lowest in Southern Borno (3.0%). GAM prevalence is higher in girls than in boys in majority of the domains (all except Southern Borno and Northern Yobe)." +149614,35869.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,41,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep18_25july2020.pdf,"Human resources, vehicles for referrals, equipment and supplies, including Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) were increased at 7 PoEs. In the first two weeks of July, about 152,000 travellers were screened by medical staff." +327150,55027.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],en,60,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Under-Secretary-General%20for%20Humanitarian%20Affairs%20and%20Emergency%20Relief%20Coordinator%2C%20Mark%20Lowcock%20-%20Briefing%20to%20the%20Security%20Council%20on%20the%20humanitarian%20situation%20in%20Syria%2C%2028%20April%202021.pdf,"[28 April 2021, NES] The water supply at the Alouk water station has again been interrupted almost consistently for the past two weeks. That affects close to half a million people in Al-Hasakeh, including in Al Hol camp. The UN has now recorded more than 20 of these interruptions over the last year." +141395,35118.0,1187.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,25,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,A partir de los datos recabados se constata que de cada 10 encuestados cerca de 7 han reportado tener dificultades para acceder a alimentos. +177686,41763.0,2099.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,75,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_devaluation_rapide_vbg_dans_le_contexte_de_la_covid-19_dans_la_region_du_nord_du_burkina_faso.pdf,"En matière de capacités humaines dont disposent ces services pour la prise en charge, il n’existe pas de point focaux VBG spécifiquement, et les prises en charge des cas de VBG sont effectuées par les officiers de police judiciaire (OPJ) qui n'ont pas reçu de formation spécifique en VBG. Les différents services de références sont les services de l’action sociale et le parquet de justice." +62407,18389.0,1386.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],['Context->Economy'],es,89,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://elpitazo.net/gran-caracas/90-de-los-hogares-venezolanos-no-puede-cubrir-las-condiciones-de-saneamiento-del-agua/,"El Banco Mundial establece que, para garantizar los servicios básicos, la inversión anual debe ser de 7% en países de bajos recursos; en Venezuela, entre 2002 y 2014 la inversión para el servicio del agua no superó 0,1%. “Eso ni siquiera representa el mantenimiento de lo que ya existe”, aseguró Córdoba Arneud y afirmó que lacrisis económica que atraviesa el país no es la excusa, porque el proceso hiperinflacionario, por ejemplo, comenzó apenas en 2017." +317228,53333.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,37,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"There is a need to support community recreational centres and initiatives that provide wholesome educational entertainment, and also to educate the adolescent girls and boys on the dangers and benefits of technology especially the internet." +156661,38715.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,85,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/roap_covid_response_sitrep_14.pdf,"IOM staff in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh provided remote psychosocial counselling to 68 beneficiaries who cannot reach health centres or are afraid of COVID-19 exposure outside of their homes. A total of 33 beneficiaries received one-on-one support for COVID19-related anxiety, while 68 received basic emotional support and referrals through the hotline. IOM also extended its mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) services to host communities through the Kutupalong Community Clinic, an IOM-supported government health facility." +156611,38698.0,2098.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods', 'Cross', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,58,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flood_dashboard_monitoring_5_september_2020.pdf,"At the same time people are facing double disaster, during the COVID-19 Pandemic Monsoon Flood affected, socio-economic impact is very. People loss their job also agricultural product and domestic animal.Distribution of hygiene kits timely due to flooding and COVID situation as the product was shortage in market and disrupted communication to reach at remote areas" +69921,19974.0,1534.0,['Shelter'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,53,['At Risk'],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"Emergency shelters have been set up in gyms, churches and community shelters and were at full capacity as of 8 September.31 Media outlets have reported that there are insufficient shelters to accommodate all affected people. Families, including those with young children are being turned away, raising protection concerns." +309819,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,22,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Decades of insecurity and upheaval have damaged traditional social structures and weakened justice mechanisms, leaving children more vulnerable to protection risks" +213148,44840.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,136,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,"The HC and the HCT oversees overall coordination with the National Coordination Committee set up in the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) and implementation of the COVID-19 plan through the cluster lead agencies. OCHA supports inter-cluster coordination. A Technical Task Force under the MoH Incident Command Manager coordinates technical issues and provides guidance. Each Strategic area pillar has a technical lead and contributing agency leads that work in support of the government coordination structure to bring all actors together around the national plan. Activity coordination is through the designated clusters that include NGOs and UN Agencies. WHO supports coordination with the Federal Ministry of Health and state level ministries of health, and facilitates federal member state communication and reporting through designated emergency operation centers (EOC)" +186032,43174.0,2225.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],fr,34,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/communique_de_presse_attaques_contre_humanitaires_06112020.pdf,"Lors de la dernière, le 3 novembre, trois acteurs humanitaires ont été enlevés au cours d’une embuscade tendue par des hommes armés non identifiés dans le territoire de Fizi." +318458,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,50,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic has further impeded the ability of humanitarian partners to access affected populations in Somalia. Commercial and humanitarian supply chains are under strain due to limited accessibility, a significant decrease in supply options and restrictions on the transportation of passengers and vital cargo." +227837,45936.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,39,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"La mayoría de personas que han utilizado el servicio son mujeres sobrevivientes de VBG, adultas, refugiadas y migrantes venezolanas y con vocación de permanecía. En menor proporción, se atienden personas víctimas del conflicto armado." +19122,7822.0,730.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,77,['Impact'],[],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_Jan_to_nov_2018.pdf,"Disruption to commercial imports, inflation, lack of salary payment to civil servants and rising prices of basic commodities exacerbate people’s vulnerability. Despite a difficult operating environment 242 international and national partners in January through October were actively coordinating to assist people with the most acute needs in priority districts across Yemen’s 22 governorates. Together they have assisted over 7.8 million people monthly with some form of humanitarian assistance." +192804,43304.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,70,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Les besoins accrus en nutriments des femmes enceintes et allaitantes ne sont pas satisfaits, ce qui a des conséquences sur leur santé et leur nutrition, mais aussi sur le développement de l'enfant (les 1000 premiers jours). Cela affecte la réponse immunitaire de la mère et de l'enfant. Les campagnes d'éducation nutritionnelle sont suspendues et toute sensibilisation pour le changement de comportement social est bloquée" +169482,40368.0,2099.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,46,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"In August, WFP assisted 625,989 IDPs and host family members in the Boucle du Mouhoun, Centre-Est, Centre-Nord, Est, Nord, and Sahel regions. Each received either an average of 20 kg of food items or USD 16 cash-based entitlement." +309810,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,69,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"An estimated 2.7 million people, including 2.3 million children, are at risk of violence, exploitation, abuse, and neglect and in acute need of immediate child protection in 2021. Children continue to be disproportionately affected by crisis and exposed to multiple protection risks including recruitment by armed groups, psychosocial distress, family separation, violence and exploitation in 61 most affected counties." +341959,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,74,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Si les premières et les quelques autres agressions terroristes ont été revendiquées par les groupes terroristes et djihadistes tels que l'État islamique dans le Grand Sahara (EIGS), Al-Qaïda au Maghreb islamique (AQMI), Ansaroul Islam et le groupe de soutien à l'islam et aux musulmans (GSIM), la plupart des attaques que connaît le pays sont restées sans auteur (s) connu (s)." +330673,55042.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,88,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.gage.odi.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Adolescents%E2%80%99-experiences-of-covid-19-in-Chittagong-and-Sylhet-divisions-Bangladesh.pdf,"[30 April 2021, Bangladesh]Using a mask: Using a mask was the most commonly reported protective measure among adolescents when they leave their homes (very few wear them inside their houses). Most adolescents stated that masks are available and affordable in their community, with prices ranging from $0.12 to $0.72, which was mostly affordable, although geographic distinctions emerged. Of those concerned about the price of masks, nearly all were living in urban areas." +317210,53333.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,22,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Hence, cholera outbreaks are amongst the major WASH related challenges, that Health and WASH Cluster partners are currently contending with" +62676,18394.0,1386.0,[],[],['Context->Environment'],es,84,[],['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3295213,"Me preocupa también el impacto que la extracción de oro, diamantes, coltán y otros metales en el Arco Minero del Orinoco está teniendo en la forma de vida de los pueblos indígenas, así como el impacto ambiental en sus territorios. A pesar de que el Gobierno considera que se realizaron consultas con los pueblos indígenas antes del establecimiento del Arco Minero, autoridades indígenas y ONGs sostienen que no hubo consultas, ni los estudios de impacto ambiental adecuados." +27980,11702.0,730.0,"['Cross', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods', 'Shelter']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_hrp_snapshot_meetings_calendar.pdf,"Returnees are no better off with at least 10 % with no shelter or settled in makeshift shelters while 6% reside in IDP hosting sites due to multiple factors including damage to their homes, security and safety and limited access to basic services and livelihood opportunities." +235855,47091.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,59,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/borno_state_covid-19_weekly_sitrep_wk_52.pdf,"Distribution of confirmed cases by LGA - 130 from Jere, 555 from MMC, 12 from Gwoza, 3 from Damboa, 3 from Bayo, 9 from Biu, 1 from Gubio, 1 from Munguno, 1 from Kaga, 1 from Mobbar, 20 from Konduga, 2 from Nganzai and 2 from Hawul LGAs" +318089,52949.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,81,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Somalia has one of the world’s highest rates of under five mortality at 177/1000 live births (IGME, 2020). Over a Somali woman’s lifetime, she will face a one in 14 chance of dying from complications related to pregnancy or childbirth – the sixth highest lifetime maternal death risk (692 deaths per 100,000 live births) in the world (SHDS, 2020), despite most maternal deaths being preventable." +342823,56398.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Casualties->Dead', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,46,[],"['Displacement', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.reuters.com/world/africa/un-says-armed-attacks-burkina-faso-displace-over-17500-past-10-days-2021-05-07/,"More than 17,500 people in Burkina Faso have been forcefully displaced from their homes in the past 10 days due to a series of attacks by unidentified armed groups that have killed 45 people, the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) said on Friday." +333158,44672.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,73,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In a time of pandemic and more specifically a novel infectious pathogen, health care workers need domestic as well as international scale consultation and support. Even creating a small consultation network using mobile applications might offer improved health outcomes. The Internet of Things and digital health may be considered in concert with telemedicine as part of an effective pandemic response, and incorporated to the Ministry’s Emergency Plan" +322090,54683.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,30,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/noticias/salud/coronavirus-en-colombia-hoy-26-de-abril-casos-y-principales-noticias/,"En cuanto al plan de vacunación, el gobierno nacional ha anunciado que para las 11:59 del 25 de abril, en Colombia ya se habían aplicado 4′451.266 dosis." +242962,46388.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,43,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"COVID-19 movement restrictions introduced during 2020 trapped survivors in a confined space with perpetrators, as well as reducing access to life-saving services. Similar risks are expected to re-emerge if restrictions are reintroduced due to the second wave of the virus." +175401,41304.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,73,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://allafrica.com/stories/202010020073.html,"In the context of the double burden of COVID-19 and Humanitarian Emergencies in the Sahel region, analysis of data from the official weekly telegram-letter (TLOH) of the Ministry of Health's showed an unusually high number of institutional maternal deaths reported in this region during the four weeks (Week 16 to Week 19) of the year 2020, compared to data from the same period in 2019." +176886,41091.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],es,91,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Entre el 6 y 7 de octubre, la ocupación de camas hospitalarias para adulto se incremento entre el 1,0 y 2,0 pp en Quindío (2,0), Antioquía (1,0), Boyacá (1,0), Casanare (1,0), Magdalena (1,0), Meta (1,0), Norte de Santander (1,0), Putumayo (1,0), Risaralda (1,0), Santander (1,0), Sucre (1,0), Tolima (1,0) y Medellín (0,2)." +146644,34803.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,25,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,Response: Workshops on safe use and disposal of PPE and how to keep safe and protected against COVID-19 at the transshipment hubs were provided +203223,44585.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://applications.emro.who.int/docs/syr/EMRLIBSYR233E-eng.pdf?ua=1,"[December 30, Syria, Lack of functioning facilities] By end of the 4th Quarter 2019, 28% (520) health centres were reported damaged [6% fully damaged and 22% partially damaged], 67% (1,208) were reported intact, while the building’s condition of 5% (85) health centres were unknown." +390932,60780.0,1186.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,120,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Vale considerar, que el 47% de los casos de personas extranjeras recluidas por delito de droga, corresponde a ciudadanos bolivianos (el 91% de personas bolivianas recluidas, lo están por una causa de drogas). A partir de esto se puede plantear, y guiándonos por características de redes de narcotráfico (Fiscalía de Chile, 2015), más que personas que buscan residir en Chile, se trataría de individuos que están de paso, o que forman parte de organizaciones ilícitas asociadas a la venta de drogas (Fiscalía de Chile, 2015), muchas veces como parte de “correos humanos” o también llamados “burreros”." +287111,51749.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,77,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,[district sanitaire de Pouytenga] Les indicateurs d’utilisation des services montrent un niveau d’utilisation élevé des services de consultations curatives et de santé maternelle dans les CSPS. Les données disponibles concernant le CMA sont insuffisantes pour les analyser. Les explications à avancer peuvent être de deux ordres : - Des taux de morbidité qui augmentent - Le nombre de population couverte qui augmente à proximité des centres de soins. +304799,51467.0,2335.0,"['Livelihoods', 'Shelter']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,54,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Displaced people and returnees living in smaller and urban settlements tend to face higher damage ratios. The most affected states are Western Bahr el Ghazal and Jonglei. In addition, around 45 per cent of IDPs and returnees live in settlements without access to a local market selling essential household items." +218534,45654.0,2028.0,['Nutrition'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,43,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/hrp_weekly_funding_status_201124.pdf,"[24 Nov 2020, Whole of Syria, COVID-19 RP Funding Overview] COVID-19 Response Plan: Funding requirements for Nutrition sector are 10.9 Million USD, of which none have been funded, leaving the gap of 10.9 Million USD." +299161,52086.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],en,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[25th March, 2021, Overall Syria] Sub-districts with highest number of HHs in need of fuel: % of HHs in need of Fuel - Aleppo Governorate, Jebel Saman Sub-District: 67% - Idleb Governorate, Dana Sub-District: 66% - Lattakia Governorate, Lattakia Sub-District:71%" +191530,43304.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,55,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"il faut mentionner qu’autour de l’activité de transport aérien, plusieurs activités connexes viennent se greffer notamment la billetterie, le service de nettoyage, la restauration, la sécurité, etc. La survie de toutes ces entités économiques est menacée si la pandémie de COVID-19 persiste et perdure." +299362,51893.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,135,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[January 2021, Overall Syria] 36% of individuals aged between 15 and 24 are not in education, employment or training. 19% males aged between 15 and 24 are not in education, employment, or training. 50% females aged between 15 and 24 are not in education, employment, or training. At the regional level, male Not in Education, Employment or Training rates are most critical in Northwest Syria (26 percent) and lowest in Central & south Syria (16 percent). Female not in education, employment or training rates are much more variant: rates are critically high in North Syria(83 percent) and much lower in Central & South Syria (42 percent)." +178027,41756.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'WASH', 'Livelihoods', 'Education', 'Shelter', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"De nombreuses personnes, en particulier les plus vulnérables, ne sont pas en mesure de répondre de manière autonome à leurs besoins fondamentaux, comme l’accès à la nourriture et à un abri. Ils n'ont pas non plus accès à des services tels que les soins de santé, l'eau potable, l'assainissement et l'éducation, et les possibilités de subsistance restent limitées." +188913,43387.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Push Factors', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,29,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20DE%20PROTECTION_SEPTEMBRE2020-SAHEL.pdf,"Menaces/ ultimatum : Le jeudi 09 septembre 2020, des GANI ont donné un ultimatum d’une semaine à la population de Tongomayel de quitter leurs localités." +156431,32374.0,1234.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,28,[],[],UNHCR Trinidad and Tobago,2019-05-28 03:09:47.864552+00,https://newsday.co.tt/2020/06/22/venezuelans-in-tt-organising-return-home/,"Adrian Tineo, one of the promoters of the Venezuelan initiative, told Newsday that for now the only option for going home is a charter flight." +329129,53878.0,2331.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,82,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SOYDA%20Monthly%20Progressive%20Report-Feb%202021.pdf,"WHO strongly affirms that women’s choices and rights to sexual and reproductive health care should be respected, regardless of COVID-19 or their COVID-19 status. To promote the abandonment of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), coordinated and systematic efforts are needed, and they must engage whole communities and focus on human rights and gender equality. They must also address the sexual and reproductive health needs of women and girls who suffer from its consequence." +324578,54934.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,67,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/IOM_ETT_E-N_21%20PoucheMora%20massif%20et%20Massare%202.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10098,"Entre le 30 octobre et le 2 novembre 2020, 137 ménages de 959 PDI ont été contraints de quitter la localité d’Adakele (arrondissement de Mora, département de Mayo-Sava) vers les localités de Pouche, Mora Massif et Massare 2 (arrondissement de Mora, département de Mayo-Sava), en raison d’incursions répétées de groupes armés non étatiques." +178088,40661.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,56,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"La province du Kasaï suivie du Kwango, du Kasaï Central et du Kasaï Oriental apparaissent comme les provinces avec le plus de zones de santé en alerte au deuxième trimestre 2020. Il convient aussi de noter que 40% des zones sont localisées dans les DPS du Grand Kasaï, (33/77)." +224097,45768.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,95,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"La majorité des déplacés pratiquait soit la pêche, soit l’élevage, soit le petit commerce. Certes, il y a un marché à Amma mais il faudra rapidement envisager des projets d’appui pour le renforcement des moyens de subsistances en vue de booster la résilience socio-économique des relocalisés [appui en AGRs comme la reconstitution du petit bétail, appui pour la relance du petit commerce et appui dans le domaine de l’agriculture, en particulier à l’approche de la période de grandes cultures]" +192732,43304.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,49,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"le secteur du Transport urbain est affecté avec un effectif de 15 210 personnes en chômage technique. De même, le secteur de la restauration et celui des grillades sont touchés avec respectivement un effectif de 9 220 et 7 460 personnes en arrêt d’activité." +205135,44672.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",en,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Like returnees, IDPs are also of rising concern. According to OCHA (UN – Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs), almost 86,000 people have been displaced by conflicts or natural disasters in Afghanistan in the first 5 months of 2020 alone." +187936,42521.0,1899.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020-10-29%20Panorama%20de%20Situacio%CC%81n%20Mensual%20%28al%2030%20de%20octubre%29.pdf,"Migrantes hondureños partieron hacia Guatemala en grandes grupos conocidos como caravanas el 30 de septiembre. Las autoridades migratorias de Guatemala estimaron que esos grupos sumaban unas 4.000 personas, muchas de las cuales cruzaron los puestos de control fronterizos a la fuerza o entraron de manera irregular en medio de un calor intenso y con una falta general de acceso a la higiene, el agua y los alimentos." +157822,38137.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Education']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,77,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cxb_education_covid_response_reaching_every_learner_final.pdf,"Teachers, parents and caregivers lack the tools and strategies to home-school their children without structured guidance, while also ensuring children’s safety, security, and physicalmental wellbeing. Rohingya caregivers/parents, mostly with low educational attainment, do not have experience in distance schooling, and will struggle to support their children’s learning. Additionally, the mental and psychological wellbeing of children during this stressful time will be compromised." +235725,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,16,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"As of 19 November 2020, 79 frontline health workers had died due to COVID-19." +304599,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Armed conflict, sub-national organized violence, COVID-19 restrictions and flooding have exacerbated the already extreme levels of GBV. Over 6,000 GBV incidents were recorded between January and September 2020. Nearly all, or 97 per cent of the reported GBV incident survivors, were female. A fifth of survivors were less than 18 years old. Intimate partners accounted for more than half of the alleged perpetrators" +13394,5560.0,322.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,38,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RDP%20Monthly%20SitRep_July_2018.pdf,"Emergency Water Supply: Our field team continues the daily water provision to benefit 1,954 individuals through 5 installed water tanks which are filled twice a day in Al-Ahmol area, Fara Al-Udayn district of Ibb governorate." +176012,40890.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,101,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"Durante la recolección de los datos en julio, el 30% de los hogares declaró que no tienen asegurado un lugar para vivir el próximo mes, y el 20% respondió que no sabe si la tiene o no asegurada. Es decir, la mitad de los hogares encuestados se enfrentan a una situación de incertidumbre respecto a su situación de vivienda en un corto plazo. El 92% de estos hogares (o 46% de los hogares encuestados) reportó que la principal razón para esta incertidumbre es por no tener capacidad de pago." +205121,44672.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,86,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"UNDP [UN Development Programme] intends to leverage funds in collaboration with other donors such as for example the World Bank’s HEAT (High Expertise Advisory Team). This initiative offers leading expertise that is aligned with the four priority areas of the COVID-19 2.0 Offer (Governance, Social Protection, Green Economy, and Digital Disruption). HEAT aims to assist senior government officials in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic and through future oriented strategies: beyond recovery." +297899,52145.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,44,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_humanitaire_numero_12_v_04.pdf,"Dans la région de l’Est, le projet CBI [Cash Based Intervention] a effectivement démarré en 2018 dans la commune de Ketté. Il prenait en compte 500 bénéficiaires soit 450 réfugiés et 50 issus de la population hôte." +235660,47076.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,34,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,"Lives continue to be impacted by the effects of continuous displacement, confrontations between the military and non-state armed groups (NSAGs) as well as the threats posed by the COVID-19 outbreak." +191876,43304.0,2332.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,16,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,les PDI sont exposés à un risque sanitaire majeur qui pourrait être lourd de conséquences. +320332,52949.0,2331.0,"['Protection', 'Shelter']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,Persons with disabilities have no access to suitable accommodation in Somalia; this makes them extremely vulnerable when faced with the risk of a forced eviction. Persons with disabilities in Somalia lack options and yet private sector housing is often limited by cost and discriminatory practices of landlords and agents. +388988,60730.0,2098.0,[],[],[],en,89,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://app.box.com/s/asye4w9ljbvdby3gy5p0jy8a859nsmzt,"[25th July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: One misperception among Rohingya people is that there is no Covid-19 in the camps as they do not see people getting sick or infected. During phone interviews, participants said they were aware of people who didn’t believe the virus exists. Some said NGO workers are lying to them about Covid-19 “being real”. Furthermore, some believe that Bangladeshi doctors and the Bangladesh government are lying to them about Covid-19." +289294,52049.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,69,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Bangladesh%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%201%20%28Rohingya%20Camp%20Fire%29%20-%2023%20March%202021.pdf,"[23rd March 2021,Cox's Bazar] According to UNHCR and ISCG, among the essential facilities impacted by the fire in addition to those which are supported by UNICEF include the IOM and BRAC primary health centres, the MSF clinic and the Turkish Hospital. A number of distribution points, markets, police posts, LCs and other critical infrastructure were also destroyed." +239070,46388.0,2336.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,35,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Some 75 per cent of recent IDP households, 61 per cent of returnee households and 68 per cent of non-recent IDP households report shelter as their second highest priority need, after food." +397558,61842.0,1186.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,31,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.eldesconcierto.cl/opinion/2021/02/17/migracion-venezolana-ni-aumento-de-delincuencia-ni-aumento-del-desempleo-ni-baja-de-salarios.html,"Por ejemplo, su red sanitaria se encuentra colapsada. A pesar de que están preparados para atender a 30 personas por día, están atendiendo a 260 personas diariamente." +235705,46388.0,2336.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Enrolment rates among IDP, cross-border returnee and refugee children were even worse with 55 per cent of school-aged boys and 67 per cent of school-aged girls out of school." +188709,43183.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,33,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_268_20201024.pdf,"Au cours des 14 derniers jours, 307 cas confirmés ont été enregistrés dans 57 ZS réparties dans 10 des 21 provinces affectées du pays (Tableau I ; Figure 2)." +165260,39804.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,101,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020-09-21%20Resumen%20Semanal%20de%20Situaci%C3%B3n%2014-20%20de%20sep%202020.pdf,"PERÚ Según el Gobierno, las tasas de contagio y hospitalización y las muertes en Perú han disminuido gradualmente semana a semana durante el último mes, señalando que el Ministerio de Salud informa de que las regiones del norte y el oeste están dando señales de estabilización mientras que las regiones del centro y el sur están mostrando disminuciones. Las autoridades señalan que las zonas andinas del sur, como Cusco, Huancavelica, Puno, Ayacucho y Apurímac, que actualmente no muestran ningún aumento, necesitan más apoyo del Gobierno para empezar a mostrar disminuciones alentadoras." +341881,56644.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,129,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.sismamujer.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/MUJERES-DERECHOS-LABORALES-Y-EMERGENCIA-SANITARIA.docx.pdf,"Pudimos evidenciar, que se trata de un sector de difícil articulación, pues es muy extenso y variado en las actividades que desarrollan. La mayoría de las mujeres de este sector se desempeñan en la informalidad y muchas de ellas en el espacio público24, de modo que se ven expuestas a las violencias como lo es el acoso sexual, el riesgo de atracos y violencia psicológica ejercida por compradores. Sumado a las anteriores, las mujeres manifiestan el riesgo de verse expuestas a situaciones que impliquen uso abusivo de la fuerza y arbitrariedad, por parte de la fuerza pública25. Para estas mujeres la pandemia representó un escenario de incertidumbre lo que favoreció el padecimiento de dolencias emocionales marcadas por el estrés26." +64125,18925.0,729.0,[],[],[],en,30,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/va_report_libya_2019-libmac-unmas.pdf,"Since 2011, the LibMAC, after centralizing field data from mine stakeholders, has recorded 371 casualties:96 killed; • 272 injured; • 3 unknown survival outcome." +219166,45719.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Hospitalization & Care'],en,53,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/431459-coronavirus-nigerias-new-cases-rise-again-as-country-records-second-highest-figure.html,"[16thDec2020,Nigeria]Hospitalisation has also been on the rise as active cases in the country rose sharply from about 3,000 to over 5,000 due to rise in new infections. This is according to an update Tuesday night by Nigeria’s Centre for Disease Control (NCDC)." +327197,54714.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,55,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,"[SHELTER & NON-FOOD ITEMS (SNFI) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Three most commonly reported types shelter damage or defects reported by households were Opening or cracks in roof (21%) , roof partially collapsed(14%), Broken or cracked windows (13%)." +339460,56380.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,50,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb4645es.pdf,"> Entre los grupos poblacionales más afectados de la muestra encuestada se encuentran las comunidades indígenas y afrocolombianas, hogares encabezados por mujeres y hogares que no se dedican a actividades agropecuarias, los cuales fueron los que presentaron una mayor pérdida de ingresos como consecuencia de la pandemia." +169421,40506.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://lefaso.net/spip.php?article99753,"Pourtant, dans ce contexte, certaines jeunes filles et femmes ont su être résilientes. Elles ont en effet développé des stratégies d’adaptation pour satisfaire aux besoins de leurs familles en commercialisant leurs produits aux abords de certaines grandes avenues, même si les revenus sont assez faibles, comparativement à ce qu’elles pouvaient avoir dans leur lieu habituel de commerce." +245234,48020.0,2170.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,28,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_15_jan_2021_report.pdf,"[1st-15th Jan 2021,North east Nigeria] 20% of the overall reported households are headed by the most vulnerable population (women and children)" +221317,45584.0,2028.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,119,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/10/private-bakeries-in-homs-are-banned-from-operating-despite-bread-crisis/,"[ October 1, Homs] Even though all Syrian governorates, including the northern countryside of Homs, are experiencing a shortage of bread, and citizens have to wait in longs lines to get a batch of bread, security clearances are not given to private bakeries in order to operate. Moreover, the owners of these bakeries offered serious money to the security services, but all in vain. He explained that more than 15 bakeries in the northern countryside of Homs suffer from this problem due to the previous cooperation with the opposition. Even the one of the “Red Crescent” division was prevented from operating for the same reason." +186834,41080.0,1184.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,86,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000119627.pdf,"Según el presente estudio, únicamente 5 de cada 10 hogares en el país tendrían acceso económico a una dieta nutritiva. La estimación de una dieta nutritiva modelada para una familia compuesta por 5 miembros costaría en promedio US $8.60 al día versus US $ 2.50 de una dieta que cumple con los requerimientos energéticos. Cada una de ellas equivale a $250 y $75 mensuales respectivamente, considerando que el salario básico unificado para 2019 equivale a US $394." +304283,51467.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,35,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Temporary closures of schools, due to COVID-19 restrictions, disrupted education, limited children’s access to essential services like school feeding programmes and increased their exposure to various forms of GBV." +57785,17280.0,1186.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Legal & Policy', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",es,65,[],"['Context', 'Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/439982_ed8c90c2b9644fbbabee3b33e6e9e918.pdf,"Actualmente, el ministerio que aparece como el primer responsable de abordar la temática habitacional es el MINVU, el MDS no se ha visto mayormente involucrado en la materia y el Ministerio del Interior sólo tiene su foco puesto en la mirada de la migración como un problema de seguridad y ha enfocado su recurso en modificaciones normativas para la obtención de visas." +305401,51474.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,89,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"According to the latest Integrated Food Security Phase Classification analysis, conducted in December, 5.82 million people, or 48 per cent of the population, were projected to face severe acute food insecurity between December 2020 and March 2021. In the same period, it is estimated that 11,000 people would endure “catastrophic” (phase 5) acute food insecurity in Pibor, and an estimated 1.79 million people were likely to face “emergency” (phase 4) acute food insecurity." +226638,46454.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,41,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2022_23Dec2020_FINAL.pdf,"[23rd December, Overall Syria] Cases in December also already represent the peak of official numbers reported in a single month (2,555 as of 23 December), following the previous record in November (2,159)." +9135,2909.0,322.0,"['Health', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Protection', 'Shelter']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,90,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_jan_to_apr_2018.pdf,"A large number of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) live in severely deprived conditions, including unfinished buildings, substandard shelters, schools, public facilities or in the open. The upsurge of conflict in Yemen western coast since the beginning of the year has generated a new wave of displacement. Enhanced Emergency Shelter Kits (EESK) and Non-Food Items for those newly displaced especially from Al Hudaydah and Taizz is required. Lack of access due to security constraints continue to hamper the response." +329151,53878.0,2331.0,"['WASH', 'Health', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,40,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SOYDA%20Monthly%20Progressive%20Report-Feb%202021.pdf,"On GBV responses, 121 cases were provided sexually transmitted infection (STI) treatment, basic emotional support and psychosocial support.140 dignity kits were provided to GBV risk and survivors in Mogadishu IDP and Lower Shabelle Region IDPs." +183689,42299.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,121,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syria.tv/%D8%AA%D8%AD%D8%B0%D9%8A%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D9%85%D9%86-%D8%AE%D8%B1%D9%88%D8%AC-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%88%D8%B6%D8%B9-%D8%B9%D9%86-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B3%D9%8A%D8%B7%D8%B1%D8%A9-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B1%D9%82%D8%A9-%D8%A8%D8%B3%D8%A8%D8%A8-%D9%83%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%88%D9%86%D8%A7,"[October 29, Raqqa, adherence to preventive measures] As for Nasreen Muhanna, a nurse at the Maternity Hospital in the middle of the city of Raqqa, she told the Syria TV website, ""The decisions and actions of the Autonomous Administration are the main reason for citizens' complacency with Corona's measures. Awareness campaigns and imposing the same measures on its employees and institutions, especially health, is an awareness message for citizens,"" But this is absent from reality, as even the employees of the Health Committee and others do not take measures to prevent Corona virus, despite the increasing numbers of official infections with the virus." +263952,48992.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[15th Feb, NSAG areas] almost all the sub-districts in the NSAG region mentioned SUFFICIENCY OF COVID-19 HEALTH SERVICES to be less sufficient and insufficient." +240570,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The lack of resources and capacity within the public health system, coupled with hidden costs for private care and medicines, additionally undermine access to healthcare in Afghanistan." +178224,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],['Displacement->Push Factors'],fr,58,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Les attaques ou affrontements armés (73 pour cent), les conflits fonciers et intercommunautaires (26 pour cent), et, dans une moindre mesure, la recherche d’une amélioration des conditions de vie, les catastrophes naturelles et la malnutrition (1 pour cent) constituent les principales causes de ces déplacements.47" +172078,40714.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,55,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20Nigeria%20DTM%20Emergency%20Tracking%20Tool%20%28ETT%29%20Report%20No.185%20%20%2817%20-%2023%20August%202020%29.pdf,"[17 - 23 August 2020, Borno, Adamawa] ETT assessments identified the following movement triggers: conflict/atack (41.2%), voluntary relocation (34.0%), poor living conditions (12.0%), improved security (11.2%) and fear of attack (1.6%)." +193039,43411.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Environment'],en,72,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"The months of August and September are particularly rainy, as evidenced by the rainfall of more than 70 mm of water / day recorded on average this year in several regions including the Centre, the Sahel, the Boucle du Mouhoun, the Hauts Bassins, the Centre-North and East. These heavy rains of the last two months have considerably increased the number of affected households so far." +280302,51104.0,2225.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,206,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://mcusercontent.com/d1eb61c90f6b5c079cc44f263/files/235526b9-7045-46d5-8b82-560f85345311/ETT_Nord_Kivu_Beni_rapport_042__.pdf,"Dans les six (6) zones de santé évaluées, des sources d’eau fonctionnelles ont été identifiées (141 robinets privés, 43 robinets publics, 58 puits à pompe ou forage, 22 sources naturelles aménagées et 23 non aménagées). Les ménages déplacés ont accès à l’eau potable pour répondre à leur besoin, bien que le temps d’attente est parfois plus de deux (2) heures et que les forages ne sont pas équipés de pompes. Seule une minorité des ménages déplacés ont accès à un système de lavage pour les mains, tandis que plus de la moitié disposent de savons. Une grande majorité de la population dispose d’installations sanitaires non-aménagées, pour un ratio d’une installation sanitaire pour 3 ménages. Ceux qui n’ont pas accès aux installations sanitaires sont amenés à pratiquer la défécation à l’air libre. Les installations sanitaires ne sont pas séparées entre hommes et femmes. En outre, il est signalé des eaux usées stagnantes et la présence de matières fécales dans certaines parcelles, des déchets solides domestiques et des déchets organiques en décomposition." +265891,49322.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],es,63,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.portafolio.co/opinion/editorial/ruta-hacia-la-humanidad-editorial-francisco-miranda-548952,"Ese aporte económico de los migrantes aumenta si éstos se encuentran integrados en la vida productiva y en el tejido económico de la sociedad. El Estatuto de Protección Temporal de Duque es un mecanismo de integración de los migrantes al mercado laboral, a la salud, a la educación y a la identificación para efectos judiciales y de seguridad urbana." +149847,37865.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,96,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cxb-situation-report-20.pdf,"As a part of WHO’s support to all upazilas in Cox’s Bazar, 21 health care workers completed trainings on COVID-19 Clinical Case Management at Pekua UHC. A total of 125 health care workers have been trained covering six Upazila Health complexes, including Ukhiya, Teknaf, Ramu, Mohashkhali and Chokoria. A total of 22 health care workers including doctors, nurses and counsellors completed a 4-days Mental Health Gap Action Programme (mhGAP) training in support to MHPSS for patients and humanitarian workers during COVID-19." +386724,60459.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,(scenario) L’accès généralisé aux nouvelles récoltes à partir d’octobre contribuera à maintenir une insécurité alimentaire Minimale (Phase 1 de l’IPC) pour ces ménages jusqu’en janvier 2022. +162098,39490.0,2098.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,46,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200707_acaps_covid-19_secondary_impacts_in_rohingya_refugee_camps.pdf,"With the closure of Temporary Learning Centres (TLCs) and Madrasas due to COVID19 containment measures (RRRC 08/04/2020), many Rohingya children continue their learning from home with small-scale support from Rohingya volunteers and teachers and the provision of stationery and learning materials" +320218,53305.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,81,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"In 2021, some 210,000 people will require humanitarian assistance in the disputed Abyei Area, an increase of four per cent compared to 2020. Humanitarian partners identified 111,000 vulnerable people from the Ngok Dinka communities, 9,000 people displaced from neighbouring states in South Sudan, 39,000 people from the Misseriya community, 6,500 mainly Nuer and Dinka Twic, 39,000 seasonal Misseriya migrants, and 5,500 Falata nomads who are expected to leave Abyei by June 2021." +497777,60104.0,1187.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,140,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,"https://www.unicef.org/argentina/media/11626/file/Impacto%20de%20la%20pandemia%20en%20la%20educaci%C3%B3n%20de%20ni%C3%B1as,%20ni%C3%B1os%20y%20adolescentes.pdf","El contexto particular generado por la emergencia sanitaria sin duda ha tenido impacto sobre esta dimensión de su bienestar. Tal como fue señalado en el citado estudio sobre los efectos en la salud mental de niñas, niños y adolescentes por COVID-19 realizado por UNICEF, “la reducción significativa de los intercambios con pares y otros referentes adultos no convivientes se expresa en altibajos emocionales, desgano, enojo, irritabilidad, angustia y resignación. También algunas y algunos mencionaron atravesar emociones de soledad, tristeza, ansiedad, miedo y presentar 32 una mayor sensibilidad. Estas emociones, en especial en quienes están cercanos a la finalización del ciclo secundario, aparecen ligadas a la incertidumbre respecto a las posibilidades de concreción de sus proyectos futuros.” (UNICEF, 2021a: 16)." +485132,65398.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,76,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Sin embargo, hay que considerar que las personas con estudios superiores en Venezuela, al llegar a Perú, se encuentran con diversas dificultades para hacer el reconocimiento de dichos títulos, lo que les dificulta acceder a empleos que requieran una mayor formación. Dentro de estas trabas, que serán desarrolladas en el capítulo siguiente, hay algunas que provienen de los requisitos exigidos por Perú, como el costo del procedimiento." +270178,50226.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],es,80,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_6.pdf,"En la semana epidemiológica analizada la razón preliminar nacional de mortalidad perinatal y neonatal tardía es de 8,7 muertes por cada 1 000 nacidos vivos, en la tabla 1 se observa que en 20 entidades territoriales la razón es superior a la del país. Las 5 entidades territoriales con las razones más altas son Guainía (35,7), Vichada (31,7), Chocó (20,3), Arauca (18,7) y Putumayo (15,3)" +15669,6572.0,322.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,63,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Yemen%20Update%2021%20Sept-%2012%20October%202018%20FINAL.pdf,"As of 4 October, the overall Shelter/CRI cluster response in Al-Hudaydah Governorate has reached a total of 25,743 households with NFIs and ESKs. In detail, the Al-Hudaydah Hub assisted 16,807 households; the Aden Hub assisted 2,978 households; the Ibb/Taizz Hub assisted 2,584 households; and the Sana’a Hub assisted 3,374 households (Shelter/NFI/CCCM Cluster)." +187598,43135.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],en,77,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_weekly_situation_update_-_ne_nigeria.pdf,"[1st Nov 2020, BAY states] Cumulative Positivity rate is 6.3% in Borno State. A total of 10,801 COVID-19 tests have been conducted in Borno State, initial test stands at 11,938 while follow up test Stands at 328. In Adamawa State, 2,419 samples have been tested, 261 are positive and 183 results are pending. In week 44 in Yobe State, 452 samples were collected for testing." +132439,35164.0,1188.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,113,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"Solicitantes de la condición de Refugiado: Desde 2014 y hasta el mes de junio de 2019 había 10,755 solicitantes, no obstante, en 2018 y 2019 se ha dado la mayor cantidad de regularizaciones a través del proceso de regularización migratoria general (lo que se conoce popularmente como Crisol de Razas), lo que en parte explica que el número de solicitantes este disminuyendo. Otros: Aumento considerable del clima de xenofobia, particularmente hacia la población venezolana (Ej. Proyecto de Ley para el endurecimiento de los controles migratorios) Desafíos para lograr la integración social y económica (Ej. profesiones reservadas para panameños)" +311676,53183.0,2466.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,43,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"For instance, while health partners have provided 3.7 million consultations, in most of the other indicators (prenatal, postnatal, caesarian sections) the response was lagging behind, and hardly scratching the surface in mental health and disability aspects" +343252,45764.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,139,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/0004_202008_rrm_msa_rapport_final_wolirom.pdf,"Les indicateurs d’accès alimentaire des ménages enquêtés sont globalement inquiétants. En effet : - 72% de ces ménages ont une consommation alimentaire pauvre. Seulement 8% ont une consommation alimentaire acceptable. - Avec une valeur SDAM = 3,9, ces ménages diversifient très peu leur alimentation (en moyenne 3 groupes d’aliments sont consommés). La proportion des groupesd’aliments consommés par les ménages enquêtés durant les 24h précédents l’évaluation : • Céréales : 85% • Racines & Tubercules : 4% • Légumineuses & oléagineux : 19% • Légumes & feuilles : 23% • Fruits : 4% • Protéines : 26% • Lait : 27% • Sucre : 69% • Huile : 80% • Condiments : 52%" +70634,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],[],en,117,[],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"There are reports of historical discrimination against Haitians, many of whom suffer from poverty, limited education and who may be subject to abuse including related to religious practices. Haitian people living on Family Islands are more likely to be living in poverty than those with Bahamian nationality. The incidence of poverty is three times higher than the national rate for households headed by a Haitian migrant (27.9%)41 . Among Haitians, 38.6% were classified as ‘poor’ in contrast to 10.7% of Bahamians.42 The majority of immigrants are women (59.9% on the family islands) which should be considered to ensure appropriate assistance." +235872,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,37,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The pandemic has seen a heavier prioritisation both in terms of policy and funding on pandemic-related activities, at the expense of more durable system-strengthening interventions that are required across the health system to improve outcomes." +141374,35118.0,1187.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,En este punto los datos arrojados por la muestra superan a las cifras del INDEC a partir de las cuales se plantea que el empleo informal en Argentina alcanza al 50% +187680,43292.0,2098.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/msna_2020_factsheet_refugee.pdf,"[July-August 2020, Bangladesh] Rohingya Refugees: 12% of households reported not having enough water to meet domestic needs. • One quarter of households reported sometimes or often finding visible waste in the vicinity of their accommodation, possibly suggesting persisting gaps in sanitation infrastructure." +287158,51749.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,68,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,[district sanitaire de Pouytenga] La fourniture des intrants nutritionnels est assurée par l’UNICEF et transmis au niveau de la région et le district s’approvisionne à ce niveau. Cet approvisionnement connait souvent des ruptures en raison du manque d’anticipation de la commande ou des ruptures au niveau central due aux partenaires en charge de cet appui dans le pays. +170499,40462.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition', 'WASH']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,78,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,1. Sensibilisation des communautés sur les maladies liées au manque d’hygiène ; 2. Dotation des familles en kits d'hygiène et sanitaires ; 3. Renforcement des capacités des Agents de Santé à Base Communautaires (ASBC) et des Organisations Base Communautaire intervenant dans le domaine de la santé ; 4. Dépistages des enfants de 0 à 3 ans sur la malnutrition et distribution de ration alimentaire dans les zones d’accueil +48108,13061.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,72,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.derechos.org.ve/web/wp-content/uploads/MigracionLigia.pdf,"Otro reto que enfrentan las personas LGBTI en las comunidades de acogida, es la ausencia de programas que tomen en cuenta la diversidad sexual como un componente de la integración. Con frecuencia, los programas están diseñados para brindar apoyo a familias heteroparentales, por lo que los albergues, subsidios y otras formas de asistencia no consideran la especificidad de las parejas del mismo sexo y familias homoparentales." +330378,53831.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",['Casualties->Dead'],fr,82,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/12042021_sitrep_s12_whe_oms_rdc_f.pdf,"Depuis le début de l’année, 2 012 cas suspects de choléra dont 73 décès (létalité de 3,6%) ont été recensés dans 51 ZS appartenant à 11 provinces. Un total de 163 cas suspects de choléra et 9 décès (létalité de 5,5%) a été enregistré à S12/2021 dans 19 ZS de 7 provinces. De surcroit, 79,1% (129/163 des cas suspects ont été notifiés dans les provinces endémiques du pays" +303945,53077.0,2333.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Economy', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,126,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/reach_ner_factsheet_vulnerabilites_refugies_decembre_2018.pdf,"[Documentation légale] Dans 125/147 sites, au moins une partie de la population n’aurait pas de documents légaux (documents d’état civil/acte ou extrait de naissance) / Parmi ces 125 sites : Catégories de la population manquant le plus souvent de documents légaux selon les IC : 1. Hommes (18-49 ans) 2. Femmes (18-49 ans) 3. Femmes âgées (50 ans et plus) / Conséquences les plus fréquentes liées au manque de documentation légale selon les IC: 1. Difficultés en termes de circulation/mouvement (117) 2. Difficultés pour accéder aux services de base (40) 3. Difficultés pour accéder à un travail (36)" +236629,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Seven per cent of refugees reported having no heating source at all for winter – this compares to just under two per cent for every other population group assessed. +490428,67723.0,1234.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Politics']",en,54,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Trinidad and Tobago,2019-05-28 03:09:47.864552+00,,"Meanwhile, detenƟons and deportaƟons to Venezuela conƟnued in December, with persons being returned. The authoriƟes arƟculated there will be no second registraƟon exercise, however suggested that Venezuelans registered with the government would likely have their documentaƟon renewed into 2021; official noƟce of this is yet to be released." +491609,68069.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Pull Factors', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,112,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20Nigeria%20DTM%20Emergency%20Tracking%20Tool%20%28ETT%29%20Report%20No.241%20%2813%20%20-%2019%20September%202021%29.pdf,"[13th-19th Sep 2021, Adamawa] Hong: 114 arrivals and 65 departures were recorded in Hong LGA of Adamawa State. The arrivals included 80 individuals from within Hong LGA, and 34 individuals from Mubi North LGA in Adamawa State. The departures included 39 individuals to Askira/Uba LGA in Borno State, and 26 individuals to Song LGA in Adamawa State. Fifty-five per cent of the movements recorded were due to poor living conditions, 33 per cent of the movements were a result of the improved security situation in areas of origin, and 12 per cent of the movements were due to voluntary relocation." +162937,37781.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://tande.substack.com/p/syria-in-context-coronavirus-update-5cd,"According to them, there were no available tests: ""Forget about them, there aren't any, we are relying on symptoms [to diagnose]."" They went on to say PPE was lacking. Another doctor similarly reported a shortage of PPE and oxygen, particularly for those being treated at home." +156662,38715.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,100,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/roap_covid_response_sitrep_14.pdf,"IOM also trained 16 community leaders and members of teachers’ groups on mental health, wellbeing and COVID-19 prevention. IOM’s protection team reached 27,228 people with COVID-19 and protection messages and trained 36 clinical staff from ITCs on protection principles, gender-based violence, counter-trafficking (CT), psychological first aid (PFA), safe referrals, and protection from sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA). IOM also developed and trained staff on a booklet, “Self-Care and Coping Skills in Stressful Situations” on positive coping skills during COVID-19." +169583,40332.0,2098.0,"['Agriculture', 'Shelter', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,75,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/early-action-key-south-asia-copes-four-crises-one-year,"[1st October, Bangladesh] Millions have been living in tarpaulin shelters on road sides and any high ground available, as their homes have been under water for months. At one point more than half of Bangladesh was submerged. The floods have also affected millions of farmers, destroying crops and threatening to push millions of people, already badly impacted by COVID-19, further into poverty and food insecurity." +20766,8434.0,729.0,"['Cross', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Food Security', 'Shelter']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,64,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/refugees-returned-overcrowded-libyan-detention-centres,"Over recent weeks, a number of refugees have been rescued in the Central Mediterranean; over 200 have drowned in 2019 People rescued have been brought back to Libya, in violation of international law, and locked in crowded detention centres Conditions in the centres are dire, with a lack of food and water, and no protection against the cold" +177966,41855.0,2225.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_Factsheet_2003_HSM_COVID19_Tanganyika_juillet-2020.pdf,"Dans seulement 3% (8) des localités évaluées [Province Tanganyika], les IC ont rapporté que la méthode principale utilisée par la population pour le lavage des mains au cours du mois précédent était l’eau et le savon." +200616,44433.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Politics'],en,44,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,Strengthen educational access and monitor progress towards this goal. The Colombian government laudably maintains an open-door policy for Venezuelans. But this policy cannot achieve its full potential and intent so long as a large contingent of Venezuelan children remain OOS. +240851,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Trauma care needs are highest in the south (Kandahar, Hilmand, Uruzgan and Zabul provinces) where active conflict is ongoing, and in the north (Kunduz and Logar provinces)." +35518,13057.0,788.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Demography'],en,171,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000105395.pdf,"The prevalence of acute malnutrition based on MUAC among children 6 to 59 months is shown in Table 10. At the State level, the prevalence of acute malnutrition by MUAC (<12.5 cm) rates were highest in Yobe (5.6 percent) followed by Borno (5.1 percent) and Adamawa (1.7 percent) while the SAM proxy prevalence (MUAC < 11.5 cm) was highest in Borno (2.2 percent). At the domain level, the prevalence of acute malnutrition by MUAC (<12.5 cm) was highest in Northern Borno (10.2 percent). When disaggregated by sex, the prevalence of acute malnutrition was higher among girls than boys in all domains except Central Borno A and Northern Yobe A. While MUAC and WHZ are different indicators for identifying different children as acutely malnourished, they both suggest a similar finding – the rates of acute malnutrition are higher in Borno and Yobe relative to Adamawa." +386457,60395.0,1186.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,85,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Las barreras de aprendizaje son producto de las interacciones entre el contexto escolar y los estudiantes, y no de déficits que los estudiantes traen consigo (Ainscow et al., 2006; Booth & Ainscow, 2000). Para incluir a los estudiantes migrantes, es necesario no solo garantizar su acceso, sino ofrecerles contenidos y programas curriculares adecuados a la diversidad, con estrategias pedagógicas acorde a sus necesidades (Agencia de Calidad de la Educación, 2019). E" +235862,47091.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,34,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/borno_state_covid-19_weekly_sitrep_wk_52.pdf,"Surveillance • 19 new confirmed cases reported for week 52, total confirmed cases stand at 797 • Total contacts being monitored closely – 37 • Intra/inter country border screening continues across the state" +272909,49818.0,2225.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,96,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.adiac-congo.com/content/famine-la-rdc-exposee-une-insecurite-alimentaire-aigue-124563,"Pour 2021, les projections de la BM restent alarmistes, avec son chiffre de 330 millions de personnes en situation d’insécurité alimentaire aigüe. Il s’agit, explique-t-elle, des résultats d’une modélisation stochastique. Toutefois, l’institution de Bretton Wood décrit une situation chaotique qui annihilera à coup sûr une grande partie des progrès accomplis ces dernières décennies dans la nutrition des femmes et des enfants. Selon elle, il faut s’attendre à la recrudescence des retards de croissance chez les enfants." +313665,53333.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,14,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,Integrate ECD services and parenting sessions into formal and non -formal learning programmes. +195333,43799.0,2225.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,42,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://sante.cd/2020/10/29/la-rdc-face-a-la-deuxieme-vague-de-coronavirus/,"Réputée bon élève dans la gestion efficace des épidémies, notamment celle d’Ebola et l’actuelle pandémie de coronavirus, la République Démocratique du Congo est sans nul à la porte d’une seconde vague de Coronavirus." +213205,44840.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,99,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,"The COVID-19 crisis needs a dedicated response to address the impacts of new challenges, as e.g. related to social distancing, closure of service and productive facilities and disturbances in the global market. However, the crisis also amplifies pre-existing vulnerabilities in Somalia including weak institutional capacities; limited diversification of the economy; low levels of integration in the global economy combined with high levels of dependency on imports in some sectors; high exposure to climatic shocks (floods and droughts); locust infestation; and high levels of inequality in society." +439577,64992.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Environment'],en,32,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.aa.com.tr/en/africa/green-initiatives-can-help-burkina-faso-recover-from-pandemic-minister/2277934,"One third of the territory of Burkina Faso, or more than 9 million hectares of productive land, is degraded with an estimated progression of about 360,000 hectares per year." +44610,15419.0,729.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,70,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/luxembourg-supports-wfps-emergency-telecommunications-libya,"In March, WFP Libya launched a two-year interim plan to assist 147,000 people in need. Along with emergency and regular food assistance throughout Libya, WFP is working on new initiatives to support families in need. These include the strengthening of social safety nets; livelihood activities targeting women and youth; and launching a school feeding programme in partnership with the Libyan Ministry of Education." +235479,46388.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],en,50,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Unfortunately, 4 healthcare workers have been killed, 5 injured, and 13 detained; 51 health facilities are no longer functional due to destruction (2), damage (9), looting (2), or closing due to persistent conflict (38)." +386114,60459.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"Malgré les récoltes et la hausse d’opportunités de revenus à partir d’octobre, des déficits importants de protections des moyens d’existence et des restrictions alimentaires seront observées. La situation de Crise (Phase 3 de l’IPC) pourrait persister jusqu’en janvier 2022. [Scenario]" +156496,35724.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security']",['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,44,['Impact'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3655762,"Mujeres cabeza de hogar, mototaxistas, venteros ambulantes y personas mayores hacen parte de las 1.700 familias víctimas del conflicto en los seis municipios del Bajo Cauca antioqueño que recibieron ayuda alimentaria por su condición de vulnerabilidad durante la pandemia de COVID-19." +174943,41235.0,2028.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],"['Context->Environment', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",en,57,['At Risk'],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[ October 14, NES, factors of exponential increase]This rapid increase in the number of case will likely continue during the coming months and will be exacerbated by systemic and situational factors including the change in seasons (life will move ‘inside’ as temperatures drop, increasing the risk of infection)" +204920,44672.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,39,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In a recent interview with the Atlantic Council, H.E. President Ghani stated that his government envisions five phases in managing the Coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak and that the country is now in the Phase 3: Adversity." +243164,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,45,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Of the 41 per cent of key informants who were aware of explosive hazards in or within 5km of their settlement, 47 per cent reported that explosive hazards have constrained their access to basic services in their settlements in the preceding three months." +181163,42386.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Environment'],fr,54,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_RMU_October-2020_vfinal.pdf,"Les inondations et les séquences sèches en phase critique des cultures (entre le 20 septembre et le 10 octobre) ont aussi entrainé localement des baisses de rendements sur les cultures, notamment dans les régions de l’Est, du Nord, de la Boucle du Mouhoun et du Centre-Ouest." +181161,42386.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Logistics']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,41,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_RMU_October-2020_vfinal.pdf,"Par ailleurs, dans les zones frontalières du sud, la fermeture des frontières comme mesures contre la propagation du COVID-19 n’a pas permis aux producteurs d’importer suffisamment d’intrants moins chers des pays voisins." +304801,51467.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Shelter']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,87,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"According to key informants consulted between April and September 2020, incidents of land disputes were reported in 14 per cent of assessed settlements. They were most common in Warrap and Western Equatoria states, as seen in the map below. Tension between host communities and displaced people over rights to land, housing and property has the potential to result in violence, including GBV. Long-standing conflicts over land usage, for example pastoralist versus agriculturalist land use patterns, lead to violence" +275905,50662.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,59,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[July- December 2020, Cox's Bazar] While predominantly focused on the treatment of COVID-19 cases, the treatment of underlying health conditions highlights the importance of continued essential health care services to be maintained and strengthened. Case management trainings were provided to 697 health workers, including 188 government and 509 humanitarian health workers respectively" +359314,58669.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,110,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/informe_de_emergencias_humanitarias_reportadas_elc_enero_mayo_2021.pdf,"IMPACTO REGIONAL: PUTUMAYO 199 La población de los cabildos indígenas Guaquira y Bechocha en Leguízamo, se vio forzada a confinarse desde mediados de mayo debido a la instalación de aproximada- mente 200 minas antipersonal por parte de grupos armados no estatales, aunado a enfrentamientos entre estos grupos y homicidios selectivos en contra de la comunidad, en caso de no cumplir con los códigos de conducta establecidos por estos GANE. Se alerta sobre la extensión de la violencia a este territorio con impacto humanitario, debido a que en esta zona del país no se registraban este tipo de hechos victimizantes desde hace mucho tiempo." +21841,9026.0,322.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",en,195,[],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,,"The present structure of the Municipality is based on the general organizational structure of governorates,10 but with a number of modi- fications and additions. There are two kinds of organizational units: (1) those tied directly to the Governor, that is, the governor’s office, the executive office, and the executive agencies (described in the next section), and (2) those tied to the Governor through an administrative pyramid. The latter include 13 general admin- istrations (idarat aama) over which the deputy governor (who as also the general secretary or amin aam al majlis al mahali) presides. There are also one or more governorate under- secretaries (wakil al muhafadha) whose tasks are determined by governor’s decree. Cur- rently there are four such undersecretaries in the Municipality, one for each of (1) cleanliness and environment, (2) office affairs, (3) finan- cial and administrative affairs, and (4) technical affairs. These report directly to the First Under- secretary of the Governorate." +228086,46579.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,62,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Tanto la Alcaldía municipal como la gobernación han expresado no tener capacidad presupuestal para atender esta emergencia debido a los múltiples eventos que se han presentado en el departamento a lo largo del año. Preocupa que, desde el nivel institucional (local/departamental y nacional) no se han establecido acciones encaminadas al fortalecimiento y protección de los gobiernos ancestrales." +361173,58845.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,78,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_price_bulletin_may_2021.pdf,"[May 2021, Overall Syria] The informal national average price of one butane gas cylinder (25,000 L) decreased by five percent m-o-m reaching SYP 27,234/refill in May 2021. Nevertheless, compared to May 2020, the price increased by 99 percent. Aleppo recorded the highest price at SYP 35,448/refill (up three percent m-o-m), while Al-Hasakeh recorded the lowest price at SYP 10,802 (down five percent m-o-m)." +220905,45410.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,79,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"Au Tibesti, l’accès aux marchés serait limité par les faibles volumes de flux occasionnant des prix relativement élevés face à des niveaux de revenus en baisse par rapport à une année normale en raison de la pandémie de la COVID-19 et de l’insécurité ayant conduit à la fermeture des frontières. Les ménages pourraient faire face à des déficits de consommation et resteraient en Crise (Phase 3 de l’IPC)." +35763,13057.0,788.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,94,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000105395.pdf,"IDPs living in camps were two times more likely to be affected by food insecurity (moderate + severe) compared to permanent residents who have never been displaced. Displacement primarily limits access to basic livelihood opportunities such as skilled employment which is often compounded by lack of skills and low level of literacy, which limits the capacity of IDPs to connect with local opportunities within areas of new habitation. This consequently forces them to engage in jobs that require less level of skills such as land clearing and manual labour" +296365,52417.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,62,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.dropbox.com/s/fpu0ox89go0s7li/Syria%202021%20HNO%20%28advance%20copy%29.pdf?dl=0,"[23rd March 2021, Overall Syria] There is significant linkage across needs. Safe water supply, sanitary conditions and waste management, for example, are frequently insufficient in education and health facilities, not just posing concerns related to disease control, including COVID-19, but also might be a reason for children dropping out of schools." +172346,40829.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,34,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_233_20200919.pdf,"La grève des agents de la riposte se poursuit dans la ville de Kinshasa pour la 41ème journée consécutive, ce qui y explique la faible performance de suivi des voyageurs à Kinshasa." +155270,38385.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,4,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/R4V%20Flash%20Update%20Colombia%20-%20Situaci%C3%B3n%20de%20refugiados%20y%20migrantes%20provenientes%20de%20Venezuela%20ante%20COVID-19%2C%20Julio%2028%20al%20Agosto%2031%2C%202020.pdf,19.364 Muertes en Colombia +304362,51590.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,95,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/IOM%20DTM%20SSD%20FMR%20Cross%20border%20trends%20and%20impact%20of%20restrictions%202020.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10755,"The broader economic consequences of the pandemic are another factor that is likely to have affected mobility in the medium term (IOM and WFP, 2020), together with the humanitarian impacts of widespread severe flooding (OCHA / ICCG, December 2020) and growing food insecurity (IPC December 2020; Global IPC Review Findings). These factors are likely to have driven the delayed drop in returns from Sudan via FMPs in Abyei, Northern and Western Bahr El Ghazal, starting in mid-June and lasting until December." +329119,53878.0,2331.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,67,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SOYDA%20Monthly%20Progressive%20Report-Feb%202021.pdf,"Food insecurity is expected to worsen in 2021 across Somalia, driven by the effects of localized floods, below-average rainfall and a worsening Desert Locust infestation. In the absence of humanitarian assistance, over 2.7 million people are expected to face crisis or emergency levels of food insecurity by mid-2021, according to the findings of the 2020 post-Deyr seasonal food security and nutrition assessment" +289369,51901.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[2nd ​March, 2021, NSAG] Aleppo and Al-Hasakeh governorate and it's subdistricts had moderate to insufficient provision of space in health facilities to monitor suspected COVID-19 cases." +205586,44672.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,47,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Investing in social cohesion and community resilience is therefore key to “flattening the curve”, responding proactively to the pandemic, and ensuring sustainable, longer-term recovery. Creating cash for work opportunities to working age adults would help to build the social fabric." +70244,20090.0,1386.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],"['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population', 'Humanitarian Access->Population To Relief']",es,141,['Capacities & Response'],['Humanitarian Access'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71686_0.pdf,"TRATA DE PERSONAS Y TRÁFICO ILÍCITO DE MIGRANTES Y REFUGIADOS Situación actual - La alta movilidad humana y la precariedad en los recorridos son factores de riesgo, en tanto posibilitan el aumento de casos de trata de personas y tráfico ilícito de refugiados y migrantes, incrementando su vulnerabilidad. Los refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela enfrentan varios retos en los países de tránsito y destino, incluyendo: presión de los sistemas nacionales de protección, que no cuentan con las capacidades de respuesta necesarias; pocas opciones de alojamiento seguro; opciones limitadas de integración en los países de acogida. Además, se ven expuestos a situaciones que vulneran su integridad y dignidad, tales como: la precariedad de las condiciones de vivienda, la mendicidad como mecanismo de supervivencia, el narcotráfico y lavado." +238827,47230.0,2311.0,"['Shelter', 'Education', 'Food Security', 'WASH']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],es,31,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"las mujeres priorizan con una frecuencia levemente mayor la necesidad de vivienda, alimentos, educación para niños, niñas y adolescentes y artículos de hogar/productos de aseo que los hombres" +173707,40798.0,1388.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],es,40,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://infosegura.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Analisis-SC-2T-2020.pdf,"En cuanto a violencia intrafamiliar, durante el primer semestre del 2020 se registraron 9,200 personas imputadas en casos de violencia intrafamiliar. En promedio, se registraron 1.533 casos al mes según datos del Ministerio de Seguridad Pública." +216598,45416.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,36,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,La province de l’Ituri est bien celle qui est la plus touchée par les crises en particulier les attaques des groupes armés et les conflits communautaires qui causent de nombreux déplacements de populations. +498738,60095.0,1187.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,37,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RMRP%202021%20Plan%20de%20respuesta%20regional%20para%20refugiados%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%2C%20enero%20-%20diciembre%202021.pdf,"Este grupo se enfrenta a obstáculos para acceder a los servicios de protección esenciales, a la vez que queda excluido en gran medida de los programas sociales nacionales y de los servicios financieros, entre otros" +291962,52136.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],['Context->Politics'],fr,158,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sig.gov.bf/details?tx_news_pi1%5Baction%5D=detail&tx_news_pi1%5Bcontroller%5D=News&tx_news_pi1%5Bnews%5D=1013&cHash=c1855e1e8af372cf829e117426cdc940,"La Ministre de la Femme, de la solidarité nationale, de la famille et de l’action humanitaire, madame Marie Laurence Ilboudo/Marchal a procédé au lancement du numéro vert de dénonciation de violences basées sur le Genre, le mardi 02 mars 2021 à Ouagadougou. La cérémonie était placée sous le patronage de Son Excellence Monsieur le Premier ministre Christophe Joseph Marie DABIRE. Le lancement du numéro vert le80001287, entre dans le cadre des activités de la commémoration de la Journée internationale des droits de la femme, le 08 Mars 2021. La mise en place de ce numéro vert va contribuer au renforcement des nombreux efforts déjà consentis par le Gouvernement et les autres acteurs afin de réduire le phénomène de violences basées sur le genre. Il facilitera surtout la dénonciation des cas de violences et permettra une prise en charge psychologique, sanitaire et judiciaire des victimes." +238080,46388.0,2336.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,35,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"There are increasing risks for women and girls with the added impact of the pandemic – GBV, high burden of care and early marriage – while disability and mental health remain critical vulnerabilities." +169416,40506.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,47,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://lefaso.net/spip.php?article99753,"La pandémie ayant fait baisser le pouvoir d’achat de nombreuse jeunes filles et femmes à cause de la baisse ou de l’arrêt de leurs activités économiques, leur accès aux produits et service en santé sexuelle et reproductive a aussi été limité." +224292,45394.0,2099.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,40,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Cinq cent dix-sept (517) nouveaux cas confirmés de COVID-19 du 03/12/2020 au 08/12/2020 dont 04 cas importés et 513 à transmission communautaire, portant le cumul à 3 579 cas dont 1 256 femmes et 2323 hommes." +416000,63153.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,69,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ETT-ITURI_Gina_Djugu_Rapport%20067.pdf,"Dans la zone de Gina la population bénéficie des soins de santé primaire gratuitement à l’hôpital général de Gina. Les principaux motifs de consultation sont le choléra, paludisme, la diarrhée, la typhoïde et les infections respiratoires aigües. Le manque de personnels qualifiés ainsi que les ruptures fréquentes de médicaments constituent un frein à l’accès aux services de santé de qualité" +220563,45655.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,39,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"[9th Dec, Northeast Syria]However, 93 per cent of households in NES have reported facing at least one barrier to implementing preventative measures, with the most reported barrier being a lack of money." +327069,54267.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],fr,47,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Enfin, le plan des Priorités résilience pays (PRP-AGIR) vise à réduire la pauvreté et la vulnérabilité des personnes engagées dans des activités de subsistance telles que l’agriculture et à renforcer la sécurité alimentaire d’ici 2035 en renforçant la résilience." +9923,4389.0,321.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,83,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Libya%20Flash%20Update%2029%20June%202018.pdf,"On 21 June, UNHCR met with the Head of the local Tawergha Council to discuss the safe return of the Tawergha people after seven years of displacement across Libya. Pending return, UNHCR continues to provide humanitarian assistance to IDPs including basic assistance as core-relief items and cash-based interventions. So far in 2018, UNHCR provided cash assistance to 2,261 IDP households (12,686 individuals) and distributed non-food items to more than 31,000 IDPs and returnees in the country" +114350,31782.0,1186.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77210.pdf,"Ocho de cada diez niñas y niños afirman tener servicio de internet y televisión, y han recibido información acerca del COVID-19, sobre la protección, de síntomas y acciones en caso de llegar a contagiarse, a través de estos medios." +149781,37699.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,45,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/ne-syria-60-increase-covid-19-cases-past-week-irc-calls-increased-health,"Of particular concern is the number of health workers who have either tested positive – or been exposed – to the disease, as they are now in isolation, which is putting even greater strain on an already overwhelmed and understaffed health system." +318966,53305.0,2335.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,26,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,The Education Cluster is working closely with the Education Cannot Wait Multi-Year Resilience Programme Consortium in South Sudan to bridge the humanitarian and development nexus +2564,517.0,321.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,35,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Libya%20Situation%20Report%20-%20End%20of%20Year%202017.pdf,"The polio vaccination campaigns reached universal coverage with around 1,53 million children aged 0-6 years vaccinated while, 721,488 children aged 3-6 years received Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccines in 201" +361170,58845.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,54,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_price_bulletin_may_2021.pdf,"[May 2021, NWS $ NES] Broken down by regions, the price of transport diesel, cross-border region recorded the highest informal diesel price at SYP 2,199/litre (down five percent m-o-m), while northeast Syria recorded the lowest price at SYP 787/litre (up two percent m-o-m)." +389000,60730.0,2098.0,[],[],[],en,118,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://app.box.com/s/asye4w9ljbvdby3gy5p0jy8a859nsmzt,"[25th July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: Almost all male and female participants in the phone interviews said women do not need to wear masks as they wear a niqab (veil). They think the niqab works exactly like a mask, which covers both mouth and nose. However, others mentioned that a niqab is a thin cloth which risks being blown by the wind. Female participants said that wearing both a niqab and mask is very hard in the hot weather. According to one male participant, since women rarely go out of their homes, thus they don’t need to wear a mask." +400284,62279.0,2170.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"[10th November 2020, MONGUNO LGA, BORNO STATE]The prevalence of GAM based on WHZ criteria is more than two folds higher among boys (12.6%) as compared to girls (4.7%), though this difference is statistically significant (p-value= 0.017)." +149228,36019.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,22,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,The COVID-19 taskforce continues to coordinate the application of relevant IPC measures across NWS including Points of Entry (PoEs). +21831,9026.0,322.0,"['Cross', 'WASH']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,83,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,,"The water supply of Sana’a is approaching a critical point because more than 80 percent comes from extracting water from reserves in the geologi- cal Sana’a Basin, which cov- ers an approximate area of 70x40 km on the northwest side of the city. It is estimated that the basin will be com- pletely depleted within 10–15 years, because of the rapid population growth and ad-hoc withdrawal of water whether for agricultural or domes- tic purposes." +291615,52080.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],fr,106,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.unicef.org/drcongo/communiqu%C3%A9s-de-presse/arriv%C3%A9e-de-plus-de-17-million-de-doses-de-vaccin-contre-la-covid-19-en-rdc,"Un plan de déploiement du vaccin contre la COVID-19 en RDC a été validé par le pays et approuvé par l’initiative COVAX. Ce dernier prévoit, sur la base de l’analyse des données épidémiologiques et des orientations de l’OMS, la vaccination de 20% de la population. Il s’agit notamment du personnel de santé qui représente 1% de la population, des personnes âgées de plus de 55 ans (6%) et des personnes souffrant de comorbidités (maladie rénale chronique, hypertension artérielle ou diabète), soit 13%." +187151,39357.0,1898.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,101,[],['Context'],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ALC%20post%20COVID-19%20-%20Retos%20y%20oportunidades%20para%20pa%C3%ADses%20de%20Centroam%C3%A9rica%2C%20Hait%C3%AD%2C%20M%C3%A9xico%2C%20Panam%C3%A1%2C%20y%20Rep%C3%BAblica%20Dominicana.pdf,"En lo económico, se debe considerar una estrategia comunicacional efectiva que fortalezca la confianza de todos los actores políticos sobre el uso de los fondos, y que permita la gestión eficaz del financiamiento requerido para combatir la pandemia. Esto implica el establecimiento y divulgación de los criterios de elegibilidad y focalización para beneficiarios en situación vulnerable, así como el monitoreo constante de la ejecución de los estímulos al sector privado, salud y trabajadores informales. Finalmente, es importante considerar metas fiscales realistas que logren balancear la sostenibilidad con el crecimiento futuro de El Salvador." +236217,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,25,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"At the same time, access to mental health care or psychosocial support remains out of reach to many, particularly in rural areas." +145995,35870.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,66,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"In addition, WHO further supported one-day workshops on triage, IPC/PPE, case definition and referral pathways at 226 primary health care centres in 13 governorates, and a further 50 healthcare providers at isolation hospitals on IPC and waste management. UNICEF supported training for 86 NGO health workers and IYCF program volunteers on IPC measures and rational use of PPE in Homs." +165504,39368.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20WCARO%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20No.%206%20-%2030%20July-31%20August%202020.pdf,"The five countries in WCAR reporting the highest number of confirmed cases are Nigeria (53,865), Ghana (44,205), Cameroon (19,142), Côte d'Ivoire (17.948) and Senegal (13,611) representing 68 per cent of all confirmed cases. In WCAR, West Africa accounts for 76 per cent of all confirmed cases." +239068,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,48,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Some 50 per cent of non-recent IDPs, 46 per cent recent IDPs, 45 per cent of non-recent returnees, 38 per cent of recent returnees, and 13 per cent acutely vulnerable people report living in a settlement without official permission to live or build." +158652,39277.0,2170.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,46,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NMMB_June2020_Final.pdf,"The government began easing lockdown restrictions around early May. Some markets, however, remain completely or partially closed. Delayed food flow from surplus production areas to the deficit production areas due to the lockdown leading to market disruptions and reduced market supplies." +343932,56774.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,53,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.larepublica.co/economia/tercer-pico-de-contagios-llevo-a-caida-de-la-confianza-de-los-consumidores-en-abril-3175755,"Así mismo, en el choque de la pandemia sobre los ingresos de los colombianos, 15,5% de los jefes de hogares urbanos reportaron no tener ingresos en abril, siendo las mujeres las más afectadas, con una tasa de 18,1% frente a 11,3% de los hombres en ese" +149214,36019.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,65,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"Over the past weeks there have been widespread reports of shortages in basic medicines at pharmacies in NES, with over 80 per cent of all pharmaceuticals in NES manufactured within Syria.This has contributed to an increase in prices at both public and private facilities, already contributing to an increase of admissions at ‘free’ healthcare points, including NGO supported facilities." +174960,41235.0,2028.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,44,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[October 14, NES, Social stigma] In turn, this means particularly vulnerable cases are often not identified until many days after symptom onset, increasing the likelihood of developing more severe symptoms which could increase the risk of death." +240456,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,27,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Additionally, while 14 laboratories are now operating in Afghanistan, the capacity of these facilities remains limited and stocks of supplies have periodically run out." +235457,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,18,['Capacities & Response'],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In 2020, more than 500,000 returnees were screened for infectious diseases, including COVID-19 and tuberculosis." +2611,520.0,321.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,95,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://www.amnesty.org/en/countries/middle-east-and-north-africa/libya/report-libya/,"Thousands of people continued to be detained without trial in the absence of a functioning justice system, and torture and other ill-treatment were rife. Armed groups including Islamic State (IS) abducted, detained and killed civilians and severely curtailed the rights to freedom of expression and assembly. Women faced discrimination and were subjected to sexual and other violence, particularly by IS. Refugees, asylum-seekers and migrants faced serious abuses, including indefinite detention and torture and other ill-treatment by the authorities, armed groups and people smugglers." +293823,52074.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,"UNFPA partners organized four training sessions in Buea, Kumba, Bamenda and Douala for peer educators. The trainings were on youth sensitization, free HIV testing, the free distribution and use of condoms among sexually active youths, youth counselling and medical support for the management of STIs/HIV." +116996,32497.0,1386.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],es,42,['Capacities & Response'],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://eltiempo.com.ve/2020/06/24/medicos-sin-fronteras-combaten-el-covid-19-en-uno-de-los-barrios-mas-grandes-de-venezuela/,"El campamento de MSF se instaló a mediados de abril en el hospital, uno de los 46 “centros centinelas” habilitados por el gobierno de Nicolás Maduro para atender la pandemia, en coordinación con el ministerio de Salud." +235919,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,62,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"According to the 2020 WoA analysis, self-reported disability prevalence among displaced households is higher than national averages; between 8 and 17 per cent of assessed households reported having a member with a disability. This was based on use of the Washington Group short set of questions that are aimed at understanding disability dimensions and impacts within the household." +164475,39777.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH', 'Livelihoods', 'Shelter']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/grandi-concludes-syria-visit-pledge-maintain-assistance-most-vulnerable,"Grandi also visited Eastern Ghouta in Rural Damascus. Urgent humanitarian needs persist there with limited access to potable water, scarce or unreliable electricity supplies, limited access to health care and soaring prices of basic necessities such as food, fuel and medicine." +149200,36019.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,18,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"Active surveillance activity has been taking place across 125 hospitals, 25 active surveillance teams and 115 personnel" +489169,67500.0,2098.0,['WASH'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,173,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_15.pdf,"[April -June 2021, Cox's Bazar] UNICEF and Department of Public Health Engineering (DPHE) conducted the second round of community point source water quality surveillance (Jan-April 2021). The surveillance targeted 167 health facilities (eight field hospitals, 112 HPs and 47 PHCs. Storage water and drinking water samples from the health facilities were analysed for E. coli and ph. Sanitary inspections were also conducted using observation methods. Most (93%) of the health facilities met the Bangladesh Standard for safe drinking water (E. coli contamination 0 CFU3 /100ml), four percent were at intermediate risk (1-10 CFU/100ml), two percent were at high risk (11- 99 CFU/100ml) and 0.6 percent were at very high risk (>100 CFU/100ml). An analysis of 327 sterile and 327 unsterile water source samples showed that 96 percent of each sample are free from E. Coli contamination. This matches WHO and Bangladesh standards." +193908,43327.0,2099.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,75,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_sectoriel_octobre.pdf,"Le Burkina Faso fait face à une augmentation de besoins humanitaires sans précédent avec la présence des groupes armés, des incidents sécuritaires répétitifs ont été rapportés. Toutes les régions sont désormais affectées par les déplacements et le dernier rapport fait état de 1,034,609 population déplacées internes (PDIs). 6 régions sont particulièrement plus affectées (Sahel, Centre Nord, Boucle du Mouhoun, Nord, Est et Centre Est)" +401407,62279.0,2170.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,87,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"[10th November 2020, MONGUNO LGA, BORNO STATE]To capture the initiation of complementary feeding, we asked mothers with infants 6-8 months old if they fed the infants with soft/ semi-solid food during the previous day. From selected households, information from caretakers of 27 infants captured from this sub-age-group. 63.0% (42.4% - 80.6%) caregivers confirmed that their child received soft/ semi-solid food during the previous day, implying that they have initiated complementary feeding." +194977,43324.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,78,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irc_-_rapport_devaluation_covid-19_extreme_nord_-irc.pdf,"à l’heure actuelle, les enquêtes menées auprès des commerçants indiquent qu’aucun marché n’a été fermé, mais les prix de certaines denrées de première nécessité (mil, maïs, sorgho, arachide et niébé notamment) sont légèrement à la hausse, due notamment à la fermeture des frontières (avec le Nigéria et le Tchad) et la limitation du nombre de passagers dans les transports en commun." +270167,50226.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_6.pdf,"Los eventos de sífilis congénita, mortalidad por IRA y ESAVI (evento supues- tamente atribuido a la vacunación o inmunización), se encuentra por encima de los valores esperados, mientras que los eventos de sarampión, leptospiro- sis, tuberculosis farmacorresistente y lepra presentan una disminución sig- nificativa relacionada con el comportamiento de notificación histórico. Los demás eventos se encuentran dentro del comportamiento histórico" +305611,51467.0,2335.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"In 2021, the lack of Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) structure in camps and camp-like setting will impact on the dignity and living standards for an estimated 1.2 million people. This is a slight decrease from the 1.3 million people who needed CCCM support in 2020." +297894,52145.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_humanitaire_numero_12_v_04.pdf,A mobile clinic has also been set up which gets into the bushes to deliver services to the population especially women and children in the South West and the North West. +320710,52949.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"When water is scarce, people tend to rely on less preferred sources (27 per cent), on surface water for drinking (21 per cent) or improvised sources for domestic use (17 per cent); as well as reduce domestic water consumption (12 per cent) and drinking water consumption (9 per cent) as key negative coping mechanisms." +311756,53183.0,2466.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,25,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,The eastern states of Sudan have a very high rate of out-of-school children and should receive increased and targeted support. (HRP Recommendations) +172335,40829.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_233_20200919.pdf,"Kinshasa reste l’épicentre de l’épidémie avec 77,1% (8108/10515) de l’ensemble des cas, puis arrive la province du Nord-Kivu avec 8,5% (899/10515) des cas et celle du Kongo-Central avec 4,4% (467/10515) des cas (Tableau I ; Figure 2)." +125257,29180.0,1620.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Displacement', 'Casualties']",2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Gap-Supply-Demand-Contraceptive-Services-Northeast-Nigeria-Report.pdf,"Thousands of civilians have been killed and millions forced to flee their homes. While some have found shelter with relatives or at government-run camps, most internally displaced persons (IDPs) live in makeshift settlements and largely rely on support from local communities and aid organizations" +327151,55027.0,2028.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,40,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Under-Secretary-General%20for%20Humanitarian%20Affairs%20and%20Emergency%20Relief%20Coordinator%2C%20Mark%20Lowcock%20-%20Briefing%20to%20the%20Security%20Council%20on%20the%20humanitarian%20situation%20in%20Syria%2C%2028%20April%202021.pdf,"[23 April 2021, NES] In the north-east, hostilities in and around Qamishli and Al-Hasakeh, are affecting operations. Twenty-five trucks containing food rations have been stuck at a checkpoint outside Qamishli since 23 April." +224016,45768.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"Même si l’équipe de la mission ne peut pas, avec certitude, confirmer le chiffre entre 25.000 et 30.000 personnes signalés par les autorités, elle peut tout de même confirmer une importante présence des IDPs à Diamerom." +195807,43853.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Covid-19->Testing'],fr,70,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.rtbf.be/info/monde/detail_coronavirus-en-rdc-les-voyageurs-testes-a-leur-descente-d-avion?id=10622664,"Des passagers ont protesté contre le fait d’avoir été prévenus au dernier moment, de devoir patienter dans une salle close, d’avoir déjà dû faire un test au moins une semaine avant le départ, et surtout de devoir payer 45 dollars pour ce test à l’arrivée. ""C’est gratuit en France !"", a hurlé une femme." +188866,43387.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Push Factors'],fr,44,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20DE%20PROTECTION_SEPTEMBRE2020-SAHEL.pdf,"Au cours de ce mois de septembre, des mouvements de populations ont été enregistrés dans les provinces de l’Oudalan. Les populations se déplacent soit à titre préventif soit à la suite des attaques ou des menaces des groupes armés." +169488,40368.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,46,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"The results of a Rapid SMART (Standardised Monitoring and Assessment of Relief and Transitions) nutrition survey in areas of high concentration of IDPs (Est, Centre-Nord, Nord, and Sahel regions) outlined worrying nutritional situations in all the covered areas." +313624,53333.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"While schools, clinics, and some NGOs were identified as sources of adolescent sexual health information and care, such resources were reported as not widely available and consistent given the crisis." +125417,29180.0,1620.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,65,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Gap-Supply-Demand-Contraceptive-Services-Northeast-Nigeria-Report.pdf,"Of the seven assessed facilities, one hospital and one primary health facility qualified as functioning contraceptive service delivery points, defined as having provided contraceptive services in the last three months, skilled staff present, and the equipment and supplies to provide a minimum method mix (IUDs, implants, OCPs, injectables (including DMPA-SC), condoms, and EC" +165093,38902.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,78,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"A May 2020 survey of Venezuelan refugee and migrant households found that 26% of households were consuming three meals or more per day, though 69% indicated they had been able to consume three meals per day prior to the crisis. At the same time, 15% of households reported consuming only one meal per day, with only 2% reporting pre-crisis consumption of one meal per day (GIFMM 17/07/2020)." +317500,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The number of people displaced by flooding has increased significantly in recent years, with 919,000 displaced by floods in 2020 compared to 416,000 displaced in 2019, and 281,000 individuals in 2018." +498729,60095.0,1187.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RMRP%202021%20Plan%20de%20respuesta%20regional%20para%20refugiados%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%2C%20enero%20-%20diciembre%202021.pdf,"En los cuatro países, las mujeres, la infancia y las personas adultas mayores refugiadas y migrantes han sufrido retrasos en el acceso a vacunas, para prevenir diversas patologías, controles, tratamientos y exámenes médicos habituales debido a las medidas de confinamiento temporal a raíz de la COVID-19. Existe la necesidad de reanudar estos procedimientos para proporcionar una atención médica adecuada.3" +189145,42865.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-LMA-Colombia-Espanol.pdf,"También era más probable que se encontraran trabajando en el sector informal. Las mujeres venezolanas enfrentaban unas brechas salariales especialmente grandes. Como resultado, muchos venezolanos, y mujeres venezolanas en particular, estaban batallando en cubrir sus necesidades básicas.22" +46266,15533.0,729.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,129,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_report_areabasedassessment_aba_azzawya_jun2019.pdf,"In Azzawya, between May and September 2018, the median cost of the MEB increased by 27.8% due to the devaluation of the Libyan dinar on the parallel market. This devaluation directly affected the price of goods, especially those imported by market actors without access to the official exchange rate. Similar increases in the median cost of the MEB were found on the national level (+10.5%) and across the west Libya region (+11.6%) over the same time period, but the rise in Azzawya was particularly acute due to a +337.5% spike in cooking fuel prices in the city, the result of clashes in Tripoli in August and September 2018 which blocked fuel supply chains." +325794,54267.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,42,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Le pays se classe treizième sur 21 pays dans le rapport Finscope 2016, qui mesure le niveau d’inclusion financière des pays d’Afrique subsaharienne. [(MAP, FinScope et FinMark Trust, 2017).]" +45477,15533.0,729.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_report_areabasedassessment_aba_azzawya_jun2019.pdf,"Most of the primary and secondary schools in Azzawya were considered functional. Nevertheless, they were strongly affected by a lack of operational equipment and supplies (e.g. latrines, electricity, classrooms, stationery, desks, boards, seats), as well as learning materials (books, computers, laboratories/libraries)." +167722,40343.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/418384-covid-19-weekly-review-as-nigeria-announces-reopening-of-schools-new-covid-19-cases-double.html,"Between Sunday and Saturday (September 27 to October 3), 2,142 new cases were reported in the country, which is a 103 per cent increase from the 1,053 cases recorded in the previous week, the 40th week of the pandemic in Nigeria." +161184,35726.0,1183.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_arauca_junio_2020_vf%20%281%29.pdf,"Agua y Saneamiento básico, ya que no cuentan con agua potable, se abastecen de fuentes hídricas cercanas y cuando se presentan restricciones a la movilidad, el acceso a estas fuentes se limita;" +178521,41756.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,95,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Au total, 15 577 676 de personnes (dont 50,8 pour cent de femmes) sont affectées par l’insécurité alimentaire aigüe, dont près de 11,7 millions en phase de crise (phase 3) et 3,9 millions en phase d’urgence (phase 4). Parmi ces personnes, 58,5 pour cent ont moins de 18 ans, 35 pour cent ont entre 18 – 59 ans, 4,5 pour cent ont plus de 59 ans, et 15 pour cent souffrent d’une situation de handicap." +311056,54065.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,92,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nenfss_round_9_final_report_11032021.pdf,"[1st Dec 2020,North-East Nigeria] Among children under five years of age, the percent with symptoms of acute respiratory infection during the two weeks preceding the survey was highest in Yobe (1.6%), followed by Borno (1.0%) and Adamawa (0.7%). More than half of the children in Adamawa (66.7%) and less than half Borno and Yobe (31.3% and 18.4%, respectively) were given antibiotics (see table 3.4.3 below)." +314868,53183.0,2466.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,22,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,There is also a need to increase the monthly incentives currently paid to refugee volunteer teachers to help them remaining engaged. +219773,45777.0,2333.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,24,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/niger/un-soutien-additionnel-d-education-cannot-wait-pour-intensifier-l-ducation-dans-les,"Déjà au Niger, plus de 2,6 millions d'enfants et de jeunes ne sont pas scolarisés, selon des récentes analyses de 2018." +323320,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,45,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"In addition to the spatial disparities in coverage, disparities between girls and boys persist in accessing and completing secondary schooling in particular. Moreover, even when children attend primary school, only half of graduates have acquired basic reading and mathematics skills." +323686,54267.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Economy'],fr,83,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Il se caractérise par le sous-emploi et le manque d’opportunités de travail décent, tant en nombre qu’en qualité des emplois (Posthumus et al., 2019). Le manque d’opportunités d’emploi dans les zones rurales encourage les jeunes (en particulier les jeunes hommes) à migrer vers les centres urbains ou vers d’autres pays. La migration est une stratégie de subsistance importante pour de nombreuses personnes et familles." +311303,54065.0,2170.0,['WASH'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,68,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nenfss_round_9_final_report_11032021.pdf,"[1st Dec 2020,North-East Nigeria] By domain, the proportion of households using an appropriate treatment method was highest in East Borno (88.8%). However, none of the households in Northern Borno used any treatment method while in general less than 30% of households reported using safe and appropriate water treatment method in treating their water in any domain." +205556,44672.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,70,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"If the spread of the virus cannot be contained, given the low economic growth that prevailed in the period leading to the pandemic the social impact may be higher in countries like Afghanistan due to the fragile security situation. The prospects for the Afghanistan’s recovery may further be weakened given the limited available fiscal space, uncertain donor support and a weak health sector." +305226,53100.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,31,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/plan_de_preparation_coronavirus_cmr._version_du_10_mars_2019.pdf,ACQUIS: Renforcement de la surveillance dans le secteur animal - Veille sanitaire nationale de toutes les composantes des services vétérinaires et d’encadrement des productions animales et halieutiques; +62864,18514.0,1386.0,[],[],[],en,184,[],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190328_acaps_briefing_note_venezuela_update_and_2019_outlook__0.pdf,"Education: Access to education has deteriorated as a result of the crisis. As many as 70% of school-aged children do not attend school on a regular basis, and at least 15% exhibit significant delays in their education. The reasons for this are multiple, one major barrier to education has been the fact that the Venezuelan government does not comply with its obligation to offer free education. Education establishments mostly stopped receiving state funding, and a lot of teachers stopped receiving their salaries (an estimated 40% of the teaching staff has left the country). Due to hyperinflation, the costs of schooling have skyrocketed, and the majority of parents have to pay the equivalent of 30 times the minimum monthly salary for their children to attend school. Some school-aged students had to leave school and find work in order to support their families, while others are having to take care of their siblings and/or other family members due to migration within the family (CHE Education 11/2018)." +306260,51572.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,65,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"The outlook as DTM observed isn’t good as the water keeps on invading dry spots which basically means that both Dimtoma 1&2 are at risk of being overrun by the flood water in weeks and months to come, unless otherwise the water level subsides soon. [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]" +408811,61216.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/humanitarian-situation-overview-syria-hsos-northeast-syria-june-2021,"[June 2021, NES] % of communities where KIs reported the presence of residents relying on non-productive sources of livelihoods to meet their basic needs: 2%: humanitarian assistance 22%: loans and remittances" +165795,39942.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,96,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.acu-sy.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/COVID-19-Surveillance_NWS_EWARN_Daily-Sitrep_-87.pdf,"1 New death, the case is female from Idleb, 65 years old, and she has a cancer and neurological complications. 12 New cases from the HCWs (1 doctor, 6 nurses, 1 CHW, 1 lab technician, 2 data entries, 1 reception worker). 3 New cases from IDP in camps (2 Aleppo, 1 Idleb). 16 Cases are symptomatic contacts of previous cases. 6 Case in isolation centers, 6 hospitalized cases (5 moderate disease and 1 severe disease)." +142199,35870.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"On 15 July, the Ministry of Finance announced that employment would be suspended for female employees with children in the Ministry and directorates. On 20 July, the MoH announced that halls utilized for events including weddings and condolence gatherings would be closed, unless open-air, in which case a 40 per cent capacity must be adhered to." +386733,60459.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"Outre les pertes de récoltes, les ménages sont victimes des pillages de bétail par les groupes djihadistes. Ainsi, pour éviter ces pillages, les ménages, notamment les moyens et les nantis, qui ont toujours du bétail, déstockent." +473023,63732.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2f4004e6/REACH_BFA_Factsheet_Abri-AME-et-LTB_Pouytenga_juillet-2021.pdf,"La localité de Pouytenga est située en milieu urbain et fait partie de la commune de Pouytenga, qui compte une population de 118 511 personnes , et accueillerait 7 764 PDI." +493582,61216.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,54,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/humanitarian-situation-overview-syria-hsos-northeast-syria-june-2021,"[June 2021, NES]Reported presence of occupied shelters with damage across communities where damages were reported (by % of communities): Minor damage (94%), Major damage (28%), Severe damage (11%), Completely destroyed( 15%)." +64171,18925.0,729.0,[],[],[],en,68,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/va_report_libya_2019-libmac-unmas.pdf,"The Landmine Monitor was able to report, through triangulation of various sources of information, that between 1999 and 2017, there were 3,252 mine/ ERW casualties (382 killed; 2,864 injured; 6 unknown survival outcome161). • The LibMAC has reported 371 casualties in its IMSMA162 database since 2011 (96 killed; 270 injured; 2 unknown survival outcome) 163 ." +486448,67391.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,70,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/searo/bangladesh/covid-19-who-bangladesh-situation-reports/who_ban_sitrep_79_20210830.pdf?sfvrsn=9416b396_7,"[30 August 2021, Bangladesh] Between 8 March 2020 and 29 August 2021, according to the DGHS Press Release there were 1 493 537 COVID-19 cases confirmed by RT-PCR, GeneXpert, and Rapid Antigen tests, including 26 015 related deaths (CFR 1.74%). Bangladesh is among the top 26 countries contributing to 0.69% of the COVID-19 cases of the world." +205566,44672.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,45,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"To safeguard the overall welfare of the affected population and protect further people from falling into multidimensional poverty, several social protection measures (including cash grants) can be examined. Subsequent sections explore potential interventions to bridge the poverty gap among vulnerable populations" +57773,17280.0,1186.0,[],[],[],es,36,[],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/439982_ed8c90c2b9644fbbabee3b33e6e9e918.pdf,En Antofagasta se observa que las condiciones de arriendo abusivo o excesivamente caro que encuentran las personas migrantes en el mercado habitacional formal los moviliza a optar por vivir en campamentos como estrategia de progreso. +346140,56952.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Push Factors'],es,84,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20monitoreo%20enero-marzo%202021%20-%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20vers%C3%B3n%20final.pdf,"En el período monitoreado, la población refiere los mismos motivos de salida que fueron identi- ficados durante el período anterior (octubre – di- ciembre de 2020), los cuales son: escasez de re- cursos (38.70%), falta de alimentación (30.50%) y falta de acceso a servicios de salud (12.50%). Esto se debe a la emergencia humanitaria en Ve- nezuela y ausencia de garantías de derechos civi- les y políticos." +386772,60459.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,109,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"Bien que les départs en exode vers les centres urbains ou en migration dans les pays voisins aient été plus importants du fait de l’insécurité, les revenus de ces exodants et migrants pourraient être en-dessous de la normale en raison du manque d’opportunités dans les villes et de la conjoncture économiques dans les pays d’accueil. La poursuite des restrictions dans le cadre de la lutte contre la pandémie de COVID-19 affecte aussi négativement les transferts de la diaspora. Dans l’ensemble, les transferts vers les localités d’origines resteront inferieurs à la normale. (scenario)" +325708,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,35,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,L’aquaculture est fortement soutenue par les politiques gouvernementales. Le Burkina Faso a récemment formulé une stratégie nationale de développement pour une pêche et une aquaculture durables à l’horizon 2025. +406466,63069.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,79,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Bulletin%20d%E2%80%99information%20sous%20cluster%20protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99enfance%20%28GTPE%29%20Mars%20%E2%80%93%20Mai%202021.pdf,"La situation sécuritaire et humanitaire dans la plupart de territoires de la province de l’Ituri s’est exacerbée au cours des derniers mois avec une augmentation de cas de violations sur la population et en particulier sur les enfants. Le mois d’avril a enregistré une augmentation de cas de violations graves sur les enfants (98 allégations MRM). Les territoires les plus touchés sont Djugu, Irumu, Mahagi et Mambasa" +491742,67965.0,2170.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,64,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20Nigeria%20DTM%20COVID-19%20Point%20of%20Entry%20Dashboard%2068%20%2828%20August%20-%2003%20September%202021%29.pdf,"During the period 28 August - 03 September 2021, 147 movements were observed at three Points of Entry in Borno state. Of the total movements recorded, 101 were incoming from the Far North Region in Cameroon and 2 from Ndjamena in Chad. Additionally, 44 outgoing movements were recorded from Borno State to the Far North Region in Cameroon." +291336,51584.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,46,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://docs.wfp.org/api/documents/WFP-0000121004/download/?_ga=2.267291910.926065783.1606212133-1055501472.1562658913,"157 out of 211 containers with vegetable oil and wheat soya blend (WSB) from WFP arrived in country in October, following almost six months of delays at Karachi port, Pakistan, due to reduced capacities and administrative bottlenecks caused by COVID-19." +256968,48806.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],[],['Context->Demography'],fr,129,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_final_enquete_smart_27112019.pdf,"Chez les moins de 5 ans, le taux de mortalité spécifique est de 1,74 décès pour 10 000 enfants par jour, ce qui est en dessous du seuil d’alerte de 2 décès pour 10 000 enfants de moins de 5 ans. Les provinces du Ouaddai, du Salamat, de Sila, de Chari Baguirmi et les deux Logones (Occidental et Oriental) ont dépassé ce seuil avec respectivement à 2,46 et 2,21, 3,29, 2,65, 2,99, 5,08 pour 10 000 enfants de moins de 5 ans par jour. La province du Logone oriental est en situation d’urgence avec plus de 4 décès pour 10 000 enfants de moins de 5 ans (5,08 décès)." +338324,56100.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Population'],[],es,77,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/130521_actualizacionn2-_alerta_por_confinamiento_alto_baudo_choco_vf.pdf,"• Protección: Persiste la necesidad de ingreso de un equipo de desminado que garantice a la población la llegada a sus cultivos, el acompañamiento a la Personería municipal para la toma de censos y declaraciones. Se requiere el acompañamiento y fortalecimiento de la Guardia Indígena a través de un enfoque de autoprotección y socialización de la ley indígena, para garantizar la continuidad de la labor de protección al territorio que realizan estas comunidades" +22547,9106.0,729.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,79,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"Children and young people in formal or informal detention centres have no access to psychosocial support or education. Those who are not in detention, and not registered as refugees or as accessing services are difficult to identify and assess by humanitarian actors. Therefore, community-based outreach is sorely needed to determine the needs of these ‘invisible’ children and young people who are without access to any education, training or positive coping strategies." +188370,42876.0,1183.0,['Education'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,25,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Reporte_Situacional_Arauca_Agosto_VF.pdf,El Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (Sena) abre oferta de cursos virtuales a refugiados y migrantes con Permiso Especial de Permamencia (PEP) +178246,41756.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],fr,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Fin 2019, la situation reste extrêmement critique avec 15,6 millions de personnes en situation d'insécurité alimentaire aigüe pour la période de juillet à décembre 2019, dont 11,7 millions en phase de crise (phase 3) et plus de 3,9 millions en phase d’urgence (phase 4). Ce total représente 26 pour cent de la population rurale des zones analysées,71 comparé à 23 pour cent en 2018.72" +235093,46388.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,57,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Lack of progress in passing proposed legislation on asylum has left refugees in Afghanistan without the necessary legal documentation to enable them to move freely throughout the country, work in the formal sector, pursue higher education, or enter into contracts, leaving them dependent on humanitarian assistance and remittances to meet basic needs." +224101,45768.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,30,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,C’est ce qui a été à la base de cette réserve de la part des IDPs [ne pas être prévenu de la relocalisation par les autorités] +301760,51958.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,105,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_devaluation_de_protection_des_retournes_tchadiens_de_la_rca_installes_dans_les_sites_au_sud_du_tchad_002.pdf,"En RCA, la plupart des retournés pratiquaient le commerce. Cependant, au Tchad ils ont été amenés à se reconvertir en agriculteurs, mais avec beaucoup de défis. Le principal défi relevé par la communauté est la non implication des services techniques de l’Etat dans la gestion de l’accès à la terre agricole. Les pratiques actuelles (location de terre a 5,000XAF l’hectare et autres arrangements anarchiques) ont un impact négatif sur la population des villages environnants qui se plaint d’avoir de moins en moins accès aux terres agricoles suffisamment fertiles." +311692,53183.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,20,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,There is also a need for development emergency funding to complement humanitarian response early to address under development and marginalization +59528,17198.0,1224.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Humanitarian Access->Population To Relief']",en,86,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Humanitarian Access', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"Of note, is the large number of persons who are unemployed, not medically screened, and children not attending school. To this end, five hundred and fifty-three (553) persons are not screened for medical purposes; five hundred and twenty-three (523) adults are unemployed; six hundred and nine (609) persons are not documented by the Immigration Office in Region 1, and three hundred and seventy-three (373) children are not attending school." +186884,41080.0,1184.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,226,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000119627.pdf,"La proliferación de dietas inadecuadas se puede explicar, en parte, por la creciente disponibilidad, acceso y preferencia por los alimentos procesados y el consumo excesivo de alimentos básicos. A nivel nacional se evidencia una dieta desequilibrada y poco saludable: el 29% de la población consume cantidades excesivas de carbohidratos refinados, el 6% consume grasas en exceso (especialmente aceite de palma), y solamente 0.1% consume suficiente fibra (que proviene de alimentos como las frutas, las verduras y las leguminosas) (MSP-INEC 2014). Aunque no se consideran excesivamente caros en sí, la compra de estos alimentos puede sustituir la compra de alimentos ricos en nutrientes. Las principales barreras que dificultan el consumo adecuado de frutas y verduras en la población ecuatoriana, incluyen los hábitos de uso de verduras, únicamente, como condimentos, la asociación de algunas verduras como vehículos transmisores de enfermedades, el desconocimiento de recetas y formas de preparación, la percepción de precios altos para estos alimentos (en comparación con la comida chatarra), la competencia de la comida rápida que brinda conveniencia, preparación fácil y saciedad inmediata y la falta de conocimientos sobre los beneficios (Bonvecchio A., Théodore F., Rodas S., Arteaga 2008)." +255439,48602.0,2028.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],['Context->Demography'],en,91,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Whole%20of%20Syria%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20-%20End-of-year%202020.pdf,"[1Jan-31Dec 2020 NES] In northeast Syria, a total of 64,619 people remain in Al-Hol camp11, 94 per cent of whom are women and children and 53 per cent are children under the age of 12. In addition, about 2,370 people, including children in Al-Roj camp, continue to require urgent humanitarian assistance. The majority of those living at Al-Hol camp, including children, are comprised of 48 per cent Iraqis, 37 per cent Syrians and 15 per cent third-country nationals." +310540,53177.0,2466.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Sudan%20Multi-Sectoral%20Location%20Assessment_South%20Kordofan.pdf,"Shelters in Reif Ashargi are mostly constructed from rakooba grass (46%), however almost 45 per cent of the remaining locations have shelters constructed with either brick or clay." +297877,52145.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_humanitaire_numero_12_v_04.pdf,"De même, l’insécurité récurrente a pour effet d’entraver les mouvements de population et de limiter l’accès aux marchés. De ce fait, la vulnérabilité de la population face à l’insécurité alimentaire s’est considérablement accrue." +238295,46388.0,2336.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,19,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Children with disabilities – especially girls – are also disadvantaged with parents less likely to pursue their education. +125206,34131.0,1620.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Displacement', 'Casualties']",2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/clean-water-hygiene-and-sanitation-crucial-contain-covid-19-among-idps-northeast,"Earlier this week (14/07), the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control had recorded 591 confirmed cases and 35 associated deaths in Borno, where a decade-long humanitarian crisis has left 1.8 million people displaced and 10.6 million in need of assistance" +317229,53333.0,2334.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,23,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,Community learning centres offering non-formal education are the preferred medium for education continuation by adolescent girls who are out of school/pregnant/married/ young mothers +19787,7911.0,730.0,"['Protection', 'Cross', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Context->Security & Stability', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",en,117,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://www.hrw.org/news/2019/01/17/yemen-civilians-bombed-shelled-starved,"The coalition has conducted scores of indiscriminate and disproportionate airstrikes killing thousands of civilians and hitting critical infrastructure and other civilian structures in violation of the laws of war. Houthi forces have recruited children, used landmines and fired artillery and rockets indiscriminately into cities such as Taizz and Aden, and into Saudi Arabia. Houthi forces, government-affiliated forces, and theUnited Arab Emirates(UAE) and UAE-backed Yemeni forces have arbitrarily detained or forcibly disappeared scores of people. Houthi forces have held people as hostages. Yemeni officials in Aden havebeaten, raped, and tortureddetained migrants and asylum seekers from the Horn of Africa, including women and children." +161295,39528.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,52,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"La situation sécuritaire et épidémique au Burkina Faso restée préoccupante durant le mois de juillet. La bande sahélienne restant la région durement touchée par les incidents sécuritaires avec les régions du Sahel, Centre Nord, Nord, Est, Boucle du Mouhoun et Centre Est étant les plus touchées." +91769,26015.0,1620.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,136,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Situation-Overview_H2R_Oct-Dec_13.03.2020.pdf,"An increase was nonetheless observed for the proportion of assessed settlements reporting at least one incident of looting in which most of a household’s property was stolen (23% in October to 37% in December). In Gwoza, assessed settlements reporting an incident that killed at least one civilian increased from 3% in October to 33% in December. The same trend was observed for the proportion of assessed settlements reporting at least one incident of looting in which most of a household’s property was stolen (29% in October to 65% in December). In Marte, the proportion of assessed settlements reporting an incident that killed at least one civilian decreased from 39% in October to 8% in December" +132611,35164.0,1188.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",[],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,71,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"INTEGRACIÓN 1. Necesidades prioritarias identificadas: • • • • • Regularización de documentación para la inserción laboral y generación de ingresos Falta de acceso a información Dificultad de acceso a programas de formación y desarrollo de habilidades Falta de alianzas de inclusión con otros actores (sector privado y otros…) Dificultad de acceso a servicios bancarios/ financieros (microcréditos, cuentas de ahorro…) Análisis conjunto de necesidades" +287420,51638.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,77,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20_FEVRIER%202021_SAHEL.pdf,"(Sahel) Il a été constaté également au cours de ce mois de février, des violations des droits humains du fait de l’activisme des GANI notamment des cas d’assassinats, de restriction de liberté, d’enlèvements, de vols et pillages. Le monitoring a donc permis au MBDHP d’identifier 38 cas d’incidents sécuritaires. (contrairement à 44 cas d'incidents sécuritaires en janvier)" +457433,63443.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",fr,71,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Burkina%20Faso%20-%20Statistiques%20des%20personnes%20concern%C3%A9es%2031-Juillet-2021.pdf,"Camp de Goudoubo: 11,749 individus, 2,326 ménages. Goudoubo continu de recevoir de nouveaux arrivants et des relocalisations des hors camp du sahel. Hors camp: 8,257 individus, 1,993 ménages. Population vivant dans les villages de la province de l'Oudalan, Seno et Soum. Urbains: 2,446 individus, 825 ménages. Population vivant dans les zones urbaines (Ouagadougou, Bobo-Dioulasso et autres)" +306738,51467.0,2335.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,51,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"In the wake of persistent fragility and economic crisis, an estimated 3.4 million (51 per cent girls) school-aged children have lack of or inadequate access to education services in 2021. This is a slight increase from the 3.1 million girls and boys in need in 2020." +282874,51156.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,4,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/dsp-mpi_bridge-fimer-ground_fullreport-final.pdf,"[March 2021," +296044,52417.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,60,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.dropbox.com/s/fpu0ox89go0s7li/Syria%202021%20HNO%20%28advance%20copy%29.pdf?dl=0,"[23rd March 2021, GoS] High-contact essential health services were also impacted, with health actors operating mainly in Government of Syria controlled areas observing a 15 per cent decrease in immunization during the lockdown period of April and May and an annual reduction of 53 per cent in disability and rehabilitation services as compared to 2019." +234291,46381.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,70,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Given the results of all the above studies and the existing survey which shows the current and past COVID-19 infection rate is about 10 million people (31.5%), it can be summarized that 32% of population were infected with the COVID-19 which does not indicate a herd immunity for the entire country, and most of the population are still at the risk of infection." +167546,40328.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,110,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/iom-amazon-step-covid-19-rohingya-refugee-response-cox-s-bazar,"“Despite the supplies of PPEs to health care providers as much as available, around 50 staff from IOM health team have been infected with COVID 19 so far. The infection among health staff not only lead to sufferings and life risk, but also results in vacuum in the work force leaving the affected staff and the contacts (co-workers) out of work for at least two weeks. Thus, to ensure uninterrupted services in the health facilities, protection of staff is of utmost priority,” said Dr. Samir K. Howlader, National Health Officer at IOM in Cox’s Bazar." +149344,35869.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,27,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep18_25july2020.pdf,"At least 147,108 children and teachers benefited from distance learning in Idleb and Aleppo governorates as an alternative way to continue education during the COVID-19 pandemic." +48536,12622.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,49,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LIBRO%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20las%20necesidades%20insatisfechas%20SSR%20y%20Migrantes%20Venezolanos%20-%20Digital.pdf,"Financiación de la salud y movilización de recursos. Durante la crisis humanitaria, seis de las diez organizaciones han destinado recursos propios o han recibido apoyo financiero de UNFPA, IPPF, UNICEF, OIM o el Gobierno Canadiense, las demás personas entrevistadas no sabían esta información" +182971,32165.0,1388.0,"['Cross', 'Protection', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']",[],[],es,185,[],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/74589.pdf,"Entre otros, se distinguen el Ministerio de Trabajo y Seguridad Social (MTSS), institución que brinda apoyo y asistencia laboral en el país. En el campo de la capacitación y desarrollo de competencias se encuentra el Instituto Nacional de Aprendizaje (INA), con programas de capacitación y formación técnica y vocacional, las Universidades Públicas, con programas de formación, extensión y apoyo en investigación y desarrollo en general. En lo que respecta a los derechos y mejora de la calidad del trabajo para mujeres encontramos al Instituto Nacional de las Mujeres (INAMU). En lo relacionado con los servicios de apoyo como por ejemplo el cuido de menores, los CEN-CINAE cumplen una función fundamental. En lo que respecta a las ferias de empleo, esta tarea recae en las cámaras empresariales, el MTSS, principalmente. En cuanto a la educación y formación también encontramos al Ministerio de Educación Pública (MEP), las Universidades (públicas y privadas) y el CONARE como ente rector de universidades públicas." +36128,11046.0,788.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,111,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68626.pdf,"The FGD with the sub-groups discussion above revealed that the majority of the refugees in the settlement of Adagom & Anyake possess Cameroonian national identity cards, refugee identity cards and/or proGres print out or ration cards issued by the National Commission for Refugees, Migrants and Internally Displaced Persons (NCFRMI) and UNHCR. A good number of walk-ins both in the collective centre and settlement (in Adagom) were undocumented due to lack of a stabled registration team in the settlement. An estimated 98% of refugees do not possess civil status documentation namely birth certificate, marriage certificates, or death certificate, etc." +456630,58986.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Hospitalization & Care'],fr,83,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.lemonde.fr/afrique/article/2021/07/08/en-rdc-les-autorites-inquietes-face-a-une-troisieme-vague-dominee-par-le-variant-delta_6087597_3212.html,"Plus virulent, le variant Delta entraîne davantage de formes graves de la maladie et donc davantage d’hospitalisations. Les besoins en oxygène sont bien supérieurs aux vagues précédentes. Et les patients arrivent souvent à un stade très avancé,« parce qu’ils n’ont pas été bien orientés dans les petits centres de santé », constate le docteur Mukendi,« ou parce qu’ils n’ont pas cru au virus »." +236293,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,15,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Children throughout Afghanistan continue to face pervasive violence and a range of protection risks. +241188,47089.0,2170.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,63,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000122811.pdf,"[1st Dec 2020,Nigeria] Despite a good agricultural season and harvest, food supplies in the markets are low and food prices are higher than normal across most of the region. The highest increases are seen in Nigeria, Sierra Leone and Liberia (of more than 40 percent compared to the five-year average). [20]" +323319,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[education] Private services have emerged, but the quality is sometimes poorer than that of public services, and these are generally beyond the means of the poorest households." +187293,42134.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,64,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Colombia%20COVID-19%20Update%20-%201-15OCT20.pdf,"According to UNHCR monitoring, there has been a mass displacement in the El Tigre II sector (Caucasia, Antioquia), which affected 53 families and 198 persons, all of them from the Zenu ethnic group. Additionally, the murder of the governor of the Tierralta indigenous reservation in the municipality of Alto Baudó (Chocó) was reported." +338308,55951.0,2225.0,[],[],[],en,52,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://preventepidemics.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/PERC-Finding-the-Balance-Part-III-12-May-2021.pdf,"[Survey conducted by phone with approximately 24,000 people across 19 Member States in five geographical regions in Africa, including DRC] Adherence also differed by key sociodemographics—for example, men and younger adults (age 18- 35) were less likely to follow PHSMs than their female and older counterparts" +169582,40332.0,2098.0,"['Shelter', 'Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,58,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/early-action-key-south-asia-copes-four-crises-one-year,"[1st October, Bangladesh] Floods came as COVID-19 and climate change worsened poverty and loss of livelihoods. Thousands of villages have been submerged for months. In north Bangladesh, homes and crops have been destroyed four times. Some of the worst floods in decades followed a cyclone that already caused widespread devastation." +41580,14577.0,729.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,44,[],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.libyaobserver.ly/news/80-days-haftars-forces-struggle-keep-grip-last-positions-southern-tripoli,"80 days have passed since Khalifa Haftar has launched his offensive against Tripoli with remarkable struggling on his forces' part to advance on or maintain positions in southern Tripoli, especially after their supply lines from Al-Jufra to Ghiryan has been destroyed." +61173,18235.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Context->Legal & Policy', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",en,126,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"In November 2018, the government of Colombia adopted a Strategy for the Response to Migration from Venezuela.74 The document, however, focuses much more on the current shortcomings in the management of the mixed migration flow out of Venezuela than it does on concrete actions to overcome such shortcomings. The Strategy seems to have had very little impact in the first half of 2019. One relevant step taken by the Colombian Government for the protection of migrant children has been the decision taken in August 2019 to recognize the Colombian nationality to children born in the country from Venezuelan parents from August 2015 onwards. The policy protects migrant children from statelessness and grants them access to rights and services in Colombia.75" +305332,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Thirty-nine per cent of IDPs live in settlements reporting conflict-related incidents, including both instances of armed conflict and – more commonly – localized conflict over land and resources." +148187,36609.0,1388.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/01.%20CRI%20Operation%20July%202020%20.pdf,■ RET: Responds to specific protection needs of refugees and asylum-seekers including case management and psychosocial support. RET also implements UNHCR´s agreement with the National Welfare Institute (IMAS). +310554,53179.0,2466.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,31,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Flash%20Update%20-%20Sudan%20-%2017%20Jan%202021_1.pdf,Displaced families continue to express feelings of insecurity in their current locations. They also remain fearful of returning to their IDP camps to collect the rest of their belongings. +187187,34290.0,1900.0,['Health'],[],[],es,24,[],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Resumen_Informe_16_07_2020_No_080.pdf,"Realización operativos de seguridad, vigilancia desde puntos y puestos de control, verificando el cumplimiento de las medidas de bioseguridad y seguridad." +174812,36581.0,1899.0,['Cross'],[],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],es,114,[],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3658266,"Según el monitoreo por parte de la UPV de la SE-CONRED, con el apoyo de Coordinadoras Locales para la Reducción de Desastres –COLRED-, se reportan de 8 a 12 explosiones débiles y moderadas por hora, las cuales son acompañadas de columnas de ceniza gris que se elevan a 4 mil 800 metros sobre el nivel del mar. Líderes comunitarios informan de retumbos débiles, moderados y fuertes, provocando vibraciones en techos y ventanas en las comunidades cercanas al volcán. Además, se registra caída de ceniza en las aldeas: Panimaché I, Morelia, Santa Sofía, Sangre de Cristo, Yepocapa y Finca Palo Verde." +161920,39490.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200707_acaps_covid-19_secondary_impacts_in_rohingya_refugee_camps.pdf,"Many believe that the facilities are inadequate and essential items provided, such as food, are insufficient. Some are reportedly unaware that treatment is also available, and others believe they may be killed or left to die in these facilities" +239655,47230.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],['Context->Demography'],es,130,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"El número de niños, niñas y adolescentes (NNA) reportados en los hogares encuestados es de 6.558, que corresponden al 44% del total de encuestados De ellos, un 13% (831) correspondió a niños y niñas menores de 2 años, en su mayoría nacidos en Colombia (91% hasta el primer año de vida y 69% hasta el segundo año de vida, ver gráfica 41). De este grupo de menores de 2 años, el 22% son niños y niñas menores de 6 meses de edad. En todos los grupos de edad de este segmento de la población se evidencia paridad entre el número de niños y de niñas (ver gráfica 42)." +240850,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"With no signs of the conflict abating, it is estimated that some 310,500 people will require emergency trauma care in 2021." +322749,54498.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,87,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/89758cd4/REACH_COL_RAN_Factsheet_Trend_analysis_March2021.pdf,"Según Migración Colombia, al 17 de diciembre, al menos 134.000 refugiados y migrantes habrían retornado a Venezuela de manera voluntaria desde el 14 de marzo. Asimismo, según la entidad debido a la flexibilización de las medidas de aislamiento preventivo en Colombia, al 17 de diciembre, al menos 12.000 personas provenientes de Venezuela habrían estado ingresado a territorio colombiano desde el 22 de octubre, esperando recibir cerca de 300 mil refugiados y migrantes más, en los tres meses posteriores2." +177979,41869.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,56,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2020/10/5/covid-19-syria-hospital,"(GoS 05/10/2020) Chronic shortages of medical equipment and supplies – along with poor conditions at quarantine facilities, the need to earn a living and deep distrust towards state institutions after more than nine years of conflict – have all resulted in many suspected patients not reporting symptoms associated with the respiratory disease." +172963,38004.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,44,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/04/28/syria-aid-restrictions-hinder-covid-19-response,"[28th April 2020, NE Syria] On April 15, the WHO said that among the 1,500 Covid-19 tests carried out by the authorities in Damascus, 48 were of samples collected from the northeast, one of which tested positive." +201499,44481.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,54,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep22_20201120.pdf,"Referral of positive cases to CCTCs and hospitals remains low when compared to the number of total positive cases detected (around 10 percent), thus risking widespread in communities. Inadequate triage and IPC measures are a challenge;35 percent of assessed health facilities reportedly have inadequate measures in place." +163445,32455.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,109,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/6._elc_flash_update_covid_19_quincenal_18.06.2020.pdf,"ACNUR busca informar a los ciudadanos venezolanos de las implicaciones que tienen los retornos en un contexto de pandemia y frente a la crisis sanitaria de su país de origen. En un contexto de presencia de grupos armados, sobre todo en el Bajo Putumayo, amenazas presentes contra las personas que contraigan COVID-19 en el departamento. Temor por parte de las comunidades de zonas rurales a denunciar posibles sintomatologías relacionadas con el COVID-19 por las amenazas presentes de los grupos armados. Persisten los procesos de erradicación forzosa de cultivos de coca, en los cuales no se están tomando las medidas de protección necesarias." +214339,45385.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,65,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,L’UNICEF a soutenu l’élaboration de la stratégie régionale de communication sur le risque et l’engagement communautaire (CREC / RCCE) et apporte un appui au centre d’appel. Cet appui s’étend aux réunions du comité de communication sur la COVID-19 ainsi qu’au renforcement des capacités du personnel soignant de la région. +235373,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,62,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"A contingency plan developed by the Inter-Cluster Coordination Team (ICCT) in late 2020 estimates that if an earthquake of 7.6 magnitude were to strike the seismically risky area between Kabul and Jalalabad, up to 7 million people would be impacted in the areas of worst shaking, throwing three million of the most vulnerable people into humanitarian need." +236119,47122.0,2334.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,42,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"A total of 22,920 individuals were reached through WASH activities (hygiene promotion - 18,920; water supply - 1,000; WASH NFI kits - 11,395 and sanitation - 3,000) implemented by eleven WASH Cluster members in the NWSW regions." +239303,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,18,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Approximately 68 per cent of affected households report borrowing money or going into debt during the winter. +245231,48020.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_15_jan_2021_report.pdf,"[1st-15th Jan 2021,North east Nigeria] All the camps has established health structures, COVID-19 sensitization, response pathway and access to mobile clinics where vaccination activities and essential medicine distribution services are provided by health partners. 7% of camps reported cases of malaria." +314492,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"In addition, more than 293,900 people have been affected by flash and riverine floods in Gedo, Lower Juba and Middle Juba regions, including 187,000 people in Gedo region and 165,300 people in Middle and Lower Juba regions." +309812,51467.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"A recent Food Security and Nutrition Monitoring System (FSNMS) conducted in 2019 assessment found that 30 per cent of children had behavioral change, showing signs of distress due to repeated exposure to conflict and shocks." +178259,41756.0,2225.0,['Nutrition'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,36,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Les enfants de moins de 5 ans, les femmes enceintes et allaitantes et les personnes malades sont les plus vulnérables aux différentes formes de la malnutrition du fait de leur situation physiologique et immunitaire." +490606,67927.0,2170.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,92,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/adamawa_state_2021_cholera_situation_report_no_9.pdf,"[5th Sept 2021, Adamawa State] (Cholera) Most referred cases from PHCs are coming in critical state. Poor sanitation in affected areas. Shortage of Aquatabs for household distribution to treat household drinking water. Shortage of IEC materials. Open defecation still ongoing in some of the affected areas. Inadequate supply of Iv fluids and other WASH commodities. Shortage of soap for distribution at HH during Hygiene Promotion for personal hygiene. Shortage of Aquatabs for household distribution to treat household drinking water." +142219,35870.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"In May, the Health sector reported supporting 759,802 medical procedures and 262,015 treatment courses. UNRWA has reported resuming health services in recent weeks, although this remains under review should circumstances necessitate" +305219,53100.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],fr,14,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/plan_de_preparation_coronavirus_cmr._version_du_10_mars_2019.pdf,Plan d’urgence de l’aéroport de Douala en attente de validation +340796,56215.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,105,[],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://linterview.cd/mambasa-un-mort-et-7-blesses-dans-une-incursion-des-bandits-armes-a-malindi/,"Des hommes armés non encore identifiés ont fait incursion la nuit de mercredi 19 à ce jeudi 20 mai à Malindi, agglomération située en territoire de Mambasa en Ituri. Le bilan livré par une source citée par la convention pour le respect de droit de l’homme (CRDH) fait état d’un mort, 7 blessés graves, 5 machines dit testeurs et quelques grammes d’or emportés par les assaillants. Ces hommes armés vêtus en tenue militaire ont tiré plusieurs balles qui ont occasionné une débandade des orpailleurs vers 21h et 23h dans la zone." +218181,45410.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,71,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"Par ailleurs, la présence prolongée des transhumants dans les zones d’attache du Sahel soutient cette tendance haussière de la demande. Par conséquent, les prix du mil sont en au-dessus de la moyenne quinquennale comme à Abéché (15 %), Biltine (9 %), Mao (9 %), Mousoro (14 %) et Goz Beida (22 %)." +193935,43327.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,50,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_sectoriel_octobre.pdf,Formation de 222 agents de santé de la région sanitaire du Nord (113 femmes et 109 hommes) sur la COVID-19 dans le cadre du projet GFFO «Global COVID-19 preparedness and response project»: DS Gourcy 7 ; DS Yako 190 ; CHUR Ouahigouya : 25. +287175,51749.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Le coût des prestations dans le CMA [Centre médical avec antenne chirurgicale] de Pouytenga ne tient pas compte forcement des directives du ministère de santé avec le système de gratuité ciblé. Les enquêteurs non pas vus des affiches des tarifications ci-dessous mais cela est appliqué par les agents de santé. +341989,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,51,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Les dozo quant à eux affirment avoir de bonnes relations avec les Koglwéogo (reconnaissance et échange des civilités). Avec les rouga, ils ont plusieurs fois mené des opérations communes qui ont conduit à l‘arrestation des pilleurs de bétail à travers les axes de transhumance." +318947,53305.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,10,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Bureaucratic impediments, access denials and operational interference continue." +113768,32025.0,1185.0,"['WASH', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,18,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/76913.pdf,"Needs on access to food, water and sanitation continue growing as access to livelihoods remains limited." +218201,45410.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,29,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,Les déplacés du Lac vivant auprès des ménages hôtes sont en en Stress (Phase 2 ! de l’IPC) grâce à l’assistance humanitaire. +280874,50818.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,98,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://tishreen.news.sy/?p=633831,"[March 2, Deir Ez-Zor] Rabih Al-Ali, Director of Deir Ezzor Water Corporation confirmed that the rehabilitation of the Western Hatla water station in the northeastern countryside of Deir Ezzor has begun with a capacity of 160 cubic meters, and the work is expected to be completed within 45 days, bringing the number of water stations that have been rehabilitated so far to 66. In addition, a main line was replaced, starting with the Municipal School and ending with Hassan Al-Atrah School, with a distance of 700 meters." +167669,39765.0,2170.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,69,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20COUNTRY%20BRIEF%20NIGERIA%20JUNE%202020.pdf,Market volatility due to COVID-19 led to shortage of cereals and pulses and supplier default on contracts. Local purchase of vegetable oil is underway to ease shortages associated with restrictions on imported vegetable oil. Poor road conditions during the rainy season impacted delivery of food to some areas. Restriction of field missions to the highest level of programme criticality constrained the advancement of planned livelihoods activities +205133,44672.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,41,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,A national survey is now being conducted to find out about the real prevalence of COVID-19 in the country. The findings of the survey would be the base for making decision on restart of schools and major economic activities. +313318,53795.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,91,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Dans le reste des régions, la situation reste complexe suite aux résultats du ciblage couplé aux difficultés d’accès et de la logistique. Dans le Sahel la province de Soum connait une baisse de taux de couverture de planification, 51% contre 62% le mois antérieur, l’Oudalan 66% contre 82%, le Seno reste stable avec 43% de couverture et le Yagha sans planification au mois antérieur se retrouve avec un taux de couverture de 23% des besoins." +61308,18235.0,1183.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,51,[],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"Those interviewed for this assessment consistently reported having had to stop at checkpoints manned by the Bolivarian National Guard along the route from their place of origin to the Venezuelan side of the border, and having been either extorted or robbed by Guard officers as a condition of passage." +331943,43992.0,2332.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,25,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"[UNICEF] Situation in numbers = 1.171 COVID-19 confirmed cases, 7 children among the confirmed cases, 82 deaths, 1,003 recovered." +213438,44840.0,2331.0,"['Education', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,152,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,"School closures - even when temporary - carry high social and economic costs. The disruptions they cause touch people across communities, but their impact is particularly severe for disadvantaged girls and boys, and their families. In addition to limiting opportunities for growth and development, school closures deprive children of the protection, nutrition, water and sanitation and health services they normally receive while in school. Children no longer receive key life-skills education and support including protection awareness on gender-based violence, menstrual hygiene management, psychosocial support, and conflict resolution and management. The disadvantages are disproportionate for under-privileged learners who tend to have fewer educational opportunities beyond school. In the absence of alternative options, working parents often leave children alone when schools close and this can lead to risky behaviors, including increased influence of peer pressure and substance abuse." +145988,35870.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,40,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"UNICEF, including in its capacity as the WASH cluster lead, continues to engage with partners to strengthen IPC in healthcare facilities, schools and learning spaces, youth centres and communities, in addition to regular WASH services" +292931,51778.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,76,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/nos-estan-invadiendo-los-venezolanos-este-y-otros-mitos-de-la-migracion/2545,"El estudio del Banco de la República del año pasado encuentran que el peso del consumo agregado de los hogares refugiados y migrantes venezolanos representa 1,4% del consumo agregado de los hogares en Colombia. Además asegura que esta población no solo ahorra para enviar remesas a su país de origen, sino que también pueden depoositar sus ahorros en el sistema financiero del país receptor, lo que contribuye a incrementar la inversión." +165199,39785.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Shelter', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,75,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%E2%80%99s%20Syria%20Factsheet%20July%202020.pdf,"With the closure of land borders into Syria since 23 March due to the spread of COVID-19, a steady build-up of returnees in No Man’s Land was being witnessed. UNHCR in collaboration with UN agencies and the Ministry of Health continues to provide support in the fight against COVID-19 through the implementation of Shelter, WASH, Health and Protection activities in quarantine facilities such as Dweir and across Syria." +187294,42134.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Colombia%20COVID-19%20Update%20-%201-15OCT20.pdf,"In Apartadó and Turbo, UNHCR held a training session with local authorities and health companies on the new regulations for the provision of health care services to Venezuelan population in Colombia." +161187,35726.0,1183.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_arauca_junio_2020_vf%20%281%29.pdf,"Educación en Emergencias, debido que en ocasiones los docentes son amenazados, lo cual los obliga a desplazarse, dejando así muchos NNA sin el servicio y, finalmente" +412983,63086.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,68,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_07_14_MSF%20RDC_RAPPORT%20VIOLENCES%20SEXUELLES%20%28FR%29%281%29.pdf,"Les fonds destinés à une prise en charge holistique des victimes de violences sexuelles en RDC restent bien en-deçà des besoins réels. En 2020, le Plan de réponse humanitaire (PRH) visait à couvrir 36% des besoins en santé et 32% des besoins en protection à certains endroits - dont à peine 8% des besoins des 10.9 millions de victimes de VBG" +265107,49769.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,98,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/64010/covid-19-vaccination-drive-to-start-soon-in-idleb.html,"[22 Feb, NWS] Dr. Rami Kilzi, Head of Community Programs at the Ministry of Health in the Interim Government added that “the approved vaccine is the one by British AstraZeneca ASZ,” indicating that “the vaccination drive will take place in three stages.” He stressed that “the first phase will cover 20 percent of the population this year, in three or four batches, and priority will be given to health workers, those suffering from chronic diseases, and adults over 55 years of age.”" +2643,520.0,321.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,95,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://www.amnesty.org/en/countries/middle-east-and-north-africa/libya/report-libya/,"Refugees, asylum-seekers and migrants were subjected to serious human rights abuses by criminal gangs, including abduction, extortion, sexual violence and killing. IS also abducted refugees and migrants, forcing some to convert to Islam, and sexually abused migrant and refugee women reportedly subjecting some to forced marriage. In October the IOM reported that 71% of migrants who took the central Mediterranean route from Africa to Europe said they had experienced practices amounting to human trafficking, with 49% having faced abduction and extortion in Libya." +415861,64108.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,85,['At Risk'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"En el caso de Perú, una encuesta realizada por la Organización Internacional para las Migraciones (OIM) y UNICEF en 2019, indicó que el 27% de los NNA viajan separados de sus padres o representantes, encontrándose a cargo de otros parientes, principalmente hermanos, sobrinos o primos28, mientras que el RMRP 2019 afirmaba que “se ha observado un creciente número de niñas y niños no acompañados o separados (UASC) que viaja a Perú” ." +317833,52949.0,2331.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,32,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,The consequences of COVID-19 exacerbated the negative impacts on school age children who missed learning opportunities. School closures - even when temporary – carry a high social and economic cost. +182324,34289.0,1900.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,161,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Reporte%20de%20Situacio%CC%81n%20COVID19%20Honduras%20N.12.pdf,"La ocupación hospitalaria operando más allá de su capacidad, con ocupaciones entre el 94% al 145%. Además, se reporta que alrededor de un 40% del personal médico ha sido contagiado por la COVID-19. Durante las últimas semanas se han reportado al menos 13 recién nacidos contagiados por COVID-19 que permanecen hospitalizados en la capital. Por otro lado, a través de la implementación de brigadas médicas de rastreo por parte de la Secretaría de Salud (SESAL) se han alcanzado 158.211 personas a través de 34.850 visitas realizadas, de la cuales, a al menos un 4% se les ha entregado tratamientos predefinido por el Gobierno. Asimismo, el Gobierno ha habilitado al menos 4 centros de triaje masivos y unidades de estabilización de pacientes donde se han atendido más de 4.000 sospechosos de COVID-19 en zonas priorizadas con base a la mayor incidencia de casos en Tegucigalpa." +219091,45655.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,48,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"As of 6 December, 667 of the 7,256 confirmed cases of COVID-19 (9 per cent of all cases) were recorded amongst HCWs. Of these, 205 (28 per cent of all cases among health workers) have been recorded in Al-Hasakeh city." +236228,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,83,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"When taking into account interviews with other household members, 64 per cent of households indicated changes of behaviour by individuals in the household over the past year, including angry or aggressive or violent behaviour (47 per cent), social withdrawal or inability to be alone (24 per cent), loss of appetite (23 per cent), avoiding going to work (17 per cent), and bed wetting (6 per cent)." +325381,54815.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Education']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,37,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"(Nord) In Nord, access to education for IDP children is reportedly hindered also by inadequate public infrastructure and health problems due to the difficulties of access to health facilities because of distance and cost" +310691,53333.0,2334.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,18,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,Lack of functional schools due to the crisis/insecurity and COVID-19 pandemic was also mentioned as a challenge. +209808,45080.0,2170.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,67,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%209%20Dec%202020.pdf,"[9thDec2020,BAY states]WASH needs increased significantly across Borno, Adamawa and Yobe (BAY) states as a result of flooding incidents across camps and host communities as the rainy season approached its peak. The situation is further complicated by poor hygiene and sanitation practices including improper waste disposal, blocking water channels and increasing risks of flooding during heavy downpours." +237913,47230.0,2311.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,133,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"AGUA, SANEAMIENTO E HIGIENE Solo el 68% de la población tiene acceso a agua potable, es decir, el 32% de la población encuestada no posee una fuente de agua potable para el consumo, y el 10% de la población no cuenta con un servicio sanitario que permita el manejo de las excretas de manera eficiente. El 5% de los hogares con niñas y mujeres no tienen acceso a productos de higiene menstrual. En los hogares de panel, se encontró una ligera disminución en los hogares que manifiestan que tienen acceso a agua potable cuando la requieren (de 67% a 62%). Frente al acceso a productos de higiene menstrual, no se encontraron cambios significativos entre rondas." +317241,53333.0,2334.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,64,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Given the problem of unsafe abortions related to unwanted pregnancies, government and humanitarian partners should support establishment and improved facilities providing post-abortion care to avoid maternal and new-born mortality and morbidity. There is also need to support girls and young women to have the power to decide over their own bodies, including to access to safe abortion services when needed." +191872,43304.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,49,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Il est à noter que ces rapatriements [vols spéciaux organisés par les autorités tchadiennes] s’accompagnent d’une certaine stigmatisation des personnes de retour, perçues comme des vecteurs de transmission de COVID-19, tout comme les personnes de nationalités étrangères de manière générale." +270406,49943.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,78,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Pérdida de empleo en los niños y niñas Del total de adultos, sólo el 0,6% respondió que algún niño o niña del hogar perdió el empleo desde el inicio de la pandemia de la COVID-19. Se puede observar en el gráfico 11 que según las características del niño/a, la pérdida de empleo fue mayor en niños/as con discapacidad (7,8%) en comparación con los niños/as sin discapacidad (0,3%)." +46565,16136.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,73,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Humanitarian Access'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/echo_-nf_bud_2019_91000_v2.pdf,"Essential public services are severely affected. In particular the health sector is confronted with a lack of qualified staff and shortage of essential drugs (including for high prevalence non-communicable diseases, e.g. diabetes, hypertension). In conflictaffected areas, some territories in Sirt, Derna and Benghazi are considered dangerous due to the presence of unexploded remnants of war, such as mines and improvised explosive devices." +157832,38137.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,35,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cxb_education_covid_response_reaching_every_learner_final.pdf,"Girls, boys and youth (age 3 to 24) affected by the COVID-19 crisis receive lifesaving messaging, mental health and psycho-social support, and support the development of healthy coping strategies." +325405,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,25,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,Transport cost and physical security while traveling are approximately equally important and are identified as among the main challenges by about a third of respondents +331972,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Spontaneous refugee return trend: 124k refugees returned during December 2017 to December2018, 100k refugees returned during December 2018 to Deceber 2019 and 110k refugees returned during December 2019 to September 2020." +59555,17198.0,1224.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"In these communities the need to enhance these shelters, particularly roof constructions, raised platforms from the ground to withstand rain, and the construction of proper latrines is urgent. Additional shelters are needed to accommodate newer arrivals who are living with other families or in no structure at all." +241528,46388.0,2336.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health', 'Food Security']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,56,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Provinces where high prevalence of GAM, combined with prevalence of crisis and emergency phases of food insecurity (IPC 3 and 4), high levels of stunting, low exclusive breastfeeding, poor maternal nutrition, low immunisation coverage and high level of childhood morbidity are considered priority areas with high nutrition needs." +178294,41756.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,127,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"GROUPES PRIORITAIRES: Les personnes déplacées internes ont le plus souvent utilisé le déplacement comme un mécanisme de survie afin d’échapper à un danger imminent. Elles ne peuvent plus alors que difficilement subvenir à leurs besoins fondamentaux et accéder aux services essentiels et sont particulièrement exposées à des risques de protection. Les besoins des personnes déplacées évoluent en fonction de la durée du déplacement. Les personnes retournées nécessitent souvent un soutien spécifique pour que le retour s’effectue de manière digne, sécurisée et durable. Les familles d’accueil et les communautés hôtes ne doivent pas être oubliées, vivant déjà dans des conditions précaires et les déplacements exerçant une pression supplémentaire sur leurs moyens d’existence." +234304,46381.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,93,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Strengthening contact tracing and to utilized the support of all related sectors including private health sector on case detection, sample collection and referral of the cases; use of school for contact tracing (performance based payment); electronic data collection on COVID-19 case findings into Flexi Feedback; enhance the lab capacity (establish COVID-19 diagnostic labs at the regions and provinces, capacity building of diagnostic labs for public and private labs at the provincial levels, and providing the required equipment and supply for the diagnostic labs)" +271779,50331.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,30,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDRCO017du1.pdf,"ourism: The main touristic zone is located in the Agua Dulce area, where the main hotels, native inns, diving centres, and beaches are concentrated." +239023,47107.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Cases'],en,71,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[12th Jan 2021, GOS] Highlighting the particular risks faced by healthcare workers, the MoH has reported 282 healthcare workers have tested positive for COVID-19, including 15 who are reported to have sadly died. The toll of affected healthcare workers underscores – given Syria’s fragile healthcare system with already insufficient qualified personnel – the potential for its overstretched healthcare capacity to be further compromised" +216626,45416.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Demography'],fr,24,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,"Sur un total de 7232 enseignants recensés, nous avons 2098 femmes (29%) et 5134 hommes (71%)." +285121,50882.0,2466.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,48,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/ipc_sudan_acute_food_insecurity_projection_update_2020octdec_report_1.pdf,"[Recommendation For Action]Scale up diversified livelihood programs for improved self-reliance, resilience building and social protection for all vulnerable communities classified in IPC Phases 2, 3 and 4, with special support for reconstructing and restoring livelihood assets in areas affected by flooding." +11348,2953.0,322.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,97,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20feb%202018.pdf,"An estimated 7.5 million people need nutrition assistance, with 2.9 million people who will require treatment for acute malnutrition in 2018, including 1.8 million children under the age of five and 1.1 million pregnant and lactating women (PLW). 2.3 million of PLW and caretakers of children 0-23 months will require infant and young child feeding counselling. Main challenges faced by nutrition partners include bureaucratic and administrative impediments to deliver assistance, non-payment of salaries for the health workers, access constraints and limited number of community health workers in the country" +326972,54714.0,2331.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,63,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,"[WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE (WASH) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Most commonly reported barriers to accessing water were water points are too far (16%),water points are difficult to reach(especially for people with disabilities), insufficient number of water points/ waiting time at water points (9%)." +162972,37820.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,73,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/iom_rohingya_crisis_response_-_external_sitrep_-_july_2020.pdf,"Non-formal activities and support group sessions also continued providing support to child and adolescents group to cope with increased stress and boredom due to the shutdown of learning centres in the camps resulting from Covid-19 restrictions. Additionally, PHPSS service coverage expanded during the reporting period. Community MHPSS interventions now extend to vulnerable areas of Balukhali, including Hindupara to Jumerchara that have been affected by landslide or heavy flood." +161173,35726.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,135,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_arauca_junio_2020_vf%20%281%29.pdf,"4. Mujeres y Niñas ante la discriminación y violencia basada en género (VBG) En el departamento las mujeres son violentadas sexualmente y agredidas más en su entorno familiar que en el marco del conflicto armado. De acuerdo con Medicina Legal, a junio de 2020 al menos 101 mujeres han sido víctimas de violencia interpersonal y 98 han sido víctimas de presunto delito sexual, de las cuales 86 son menores de edad. En 2019, 295 mujeres fueron víctimas de presunto delito sexual, de las cuales 259 eran menores de edad, siendo esta una de las tasas más altas del país. Al revisar los perfiles de los agresores sexuales del año 2019 se encuentra que 4 pertenecen al ELN y 3 a las Fuerzas Militares;" +106115,30611.0,1860.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,28,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],COVID-19 Americas Region Multi-Sectorial Assessment,2020-05-18 21:51:19.040784+00,https://1bec58c3-8dcb-46b0-bb2a-fd4addf0b29a.filesusr.com/ugd/188e74_6f98530009f54edfa41096e8142b717b.pdf,"As of mid-April, at least 13,100 people including families, single adults and unaccompanied minors have been returned from Mexico and the U.S. to their home countries2" +317914,52949.0,2331.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,31,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"While Somalia has signed the Safe Schools Declaration, there is still a need to ensure proper implementation of preventive and mitigating measures to keep schools safe across the country." +305644,51572.0,2335.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'WASH', 'Food Security', 'Health', 'Shelter']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,43,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Advocate for increased presence of service provision in Melut to address the core sectoral gaps (shelter, food, health and water) [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +185730,40789.0,1900.0,[],[],[],es,31,[],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://infosegura.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Seguridad-y-movilidad-humana-30sep2020.pdf,"Las personas que emigran tienen una multiplicidad de factores que las motivan, asociados con temas económicos, de reunificación familiar, violencia, educación, salud y vulnerabilidad ambiental." +214346,45385.0,2334.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,52,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Le CICR a doté les Centre de Santé Intégrés de Ouzal, Tourou, Mémé, le District Sanitaire de Mora et l’hôpital adventiste de Koza en médicaments pour 3, 630 personnes. Il a également réhabilité un bâtiment de confinement pour l’hôpital annexe de Kousseri." +332426,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,People in need from 2015 to 2021: 2015 : 6.4 million 2016 : 6.1 million 2017: 7.5 million 2018 : 7 milllion 2019 : 7.1 million 2020 : 7.5 million 2021 : 8.3 million +236877,47076.0,2334.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,"WASH partners (CUAPWD, IRC, NRC, STREETCHILD) provided complete WASH kits to 667 people while over 22,550 people were provided with minimum WASH kits comprising of assorted WASH items." +58888,17547.0,788.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Nigeria%20SITREP%20on%20NE%20Floods%2026%20August%202019.pdf,"• In total, 405 WASH facilities have been damaged or destroyed in Borno State. • Most of the affected households in Yobe state are hosted by relatives and friends in the affected areas, but 305 are sheltered in schools or government buildings and need to be relocated as quickly as possible." +292396,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"The clinical psychologists in Buea and Bamenda provided mental health care to a total of 164 patients affected by the conflict. The patients were treated for post trauma stress disorder, anxiety, and depression." +341582,55986.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],fr,61,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_cluster_sante_rdc_s16.pdf,"Violences sexuelles basées sur le genre Entre janvier et mars 2021, 285 cas de violences basées sur le genre (VBG) ont été signalées, dans le Tanganyika, dont 80 cas de viols. Les mutilations sexuelles, la prostitution juvénile, l’incitation des mineurs à la débauche sont les autres types de violence régulièrement rapportés" +194123,42940.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,58,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/flash_update_no_12_covid-19_choco_vf.pdf,"Persistencia en falta de atención a casos de enfermedad diarreica aguda (EDA), infección respiratoria aguda (IRA), y malaria (Chocó tiene el 27,60% de los casos a nivel nacional) que han visto poco abordaje por cuenta de la saturación del sistema de salud en el marco de la pandemia." +17170,7188.0,321.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,109,"['At Risk', 'Capacities & Response']",['Displacement'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/67421.pdf,"Persons of Concern to UNHCR in Libya As of 17 December 2018, a total of 57,348 asylum seekers and refugees are registered with UNHCR in Libya. A total of 3,656 individuals have been identified by UNHCR and its partners to be currently in one of the accessible Libyan detention centres. Evacuation from Libya Since the start of the evacuation operation from Libya in late 2017, a total of 2,776 persons (including unaccompanied children) have been evacuated to Niger (2,202), Italy (312) and the ETC Romania (262). There are 233 evacuated unaccompanied children remaining in Niger" +498721,60095.0,1187.0,[],[],[],es,48,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RMRP%202021%20Plan%20de%20respuesta%20regional%20para%20refugiados%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%2C%20enero%20-%20diciembre%202021.pdf,"En cuanto al contexto de protección, el cierre de las fronteras ha limitado el acceso de las personas refugiadas y migrantes de Venezuela al territorio, y es probable que en un escenario que es probable se prolongue al menos durante la primera parte de 2021." +321646,54675.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],fr,80,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/compte-rendu_de_lactualite_des_nations_unies_en_rdc_a_la_date_du_21_avril_2021_final.pdf,"La MONUSCO, à tous les niveaux, a poursuivi ces dernières semaines ses engagements politiques, ainsi qu’avec les groupes de pression et la société civile, pour maintenir le dialogue dans le contexte de tensions persistantes sur le terrain. C’est ainsi qu’hier, des rencontres ont eu lieu à Mamove et à Komanda avec des représentants des communautés sur les moyens d’améliorer les mécanismes de protection des civils." +224108,45768.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,19,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,De renforcer les comités de protection communautaire en attendant la prise en charge adéquate des cas individuels de protection +2652,521.0,321.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Education']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,130,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://www.unicef.org/appeals/libya.html,"Some 1.35 million children were vaccinated against polio and measles, achieving universal coverage for all children under 6 years. More than 83,000 people, including 37,350 children, benefitted from improved access to safe drinking water and gender-appropriate sanitation facilities. Some 23,000 crisis-affected school-aged children gained access to non-formal education and recreational activities and received essential learning materials and supplies. School rehabilitation work helped 6,000 children in conflict-affected areas of Benghazi, Sabha and Ubari return to learning. Some 27,000 children participated in structured and sustained child protection and psychosocial support services in UNICEF-supported child-friendly spaces. UNICEF advocacy efforts and engagement with Zintan municipality led to the release of 125 children from local armed groups. These children also benefitted from specialized services." +66704,19425.0,1184.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,148,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71649.pdf,"FALTA DE CONOCIMIENTO SOBRE DERECHOS Y UNA NORMALIZACIÓN DE LA VIOLENCIA De la información recogida a través de las encuestas realizadas en los cuatro países, se observó una falta de conocimiento de las personas sobrevivientes de VBG sobre sus derechos como también sobre la disponibilidad y accesibilidad a servicios de respuesta. Asimismo, se identificó que una gran mayoría de personas, en particular las mujeres y personas de la comunidad LGTBI, normalizaban algunos tipos de VBG como la explotación sexual y el abuso, las uniones tempranas, el sexo por sobrevivencia, el acoso sexual, entre otros como inherente a su situación de persona migrante o refugiada. A lo anterior se le suma la importancia del acceso a la justicia por parte de las personas refugiadas y migrantes que han sido sujetas a algún tipo de violencia basada en género." +325089,54766.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Push Factors', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,56,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note-info_1_31_mars_2021_ocha_bukavu_0.pdf,"Dans la province du Maniema, Kabambare continue de subir les activités et les barrages illégaux de groupes armés Des groupes armés ont mené de nombreuses incursions dans la région autour de Kabambare, tels que des pillages ou des impositions d’une taxe illégale sur les populations locales, provoquant des déplacements forcés." +134466,35170.0,1188.0,['Cross'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],es,43,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"De entre los temas concernientes a necesidades de información y medios de comunicación, definieron como más prioritarios información sobre acceso a salud, cómo funciona el sistema de salud en panama y los servicios de salud disponibles a un bajo costo." +305676,51474.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,53,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) continued its support for national accountability measures for security incidents affecting protection of civilians sites. During the reporting period, 21 persons suspected of being responsible for serious security incidents within the protection of civilians sites in Bentiu and Malakal were detained." +214391,45385.0,2334.0,"['WASH', 'Health']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,67,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Délivrées par la CRC, NRC, IRC, AAEDC, DEMTOU, CODAS Yagoua, PLAN, LWF et l’UNHCR ces séances [de sensibilisation aux bonnes pratiques d’hygiènes et de prévention de la propagation du virus COVID-19] ont permis aux communautés de mieux connaitre les symptômes de la maladie et les protocoles d’accès aux services de soins." +178431,41756.0,2225.0,"['Education', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,133,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"En éducation, de nombreuses causes sous-jacentes de la crise sont d’ordre structurel. Malgré la mesure de gratuité de l’éducation prise par le Gouvernement congolais en 2019, la pauvreté empêche les parents de s’acquitter des autres dépenses liées à l’éducation (matériel scolaire, uniformes ou habits décents, etc.). De plus, les écoles déjà fragiles et saturées dans les communautés d’accueil n’ont souvent pas la capacité d’absorber des élèves déplacés supplémentaires. Le résultat est une dégradation de l'environnement d’apprentissage et de la qualité de l'enseignement en raison d'une surpopulation dans les salles de classe, du manque de formation des enseignants et de matériel d'enseignement et d'apprentissage de base." +327601,54714.0,2331.0,"['Education', 'Nutrition', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Health', 'Shelter']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,51,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,"[MUTLI-SECTORAL NEEDS] Among households with multi-sectoral needs, highest need was of WASH(94%), followed by education(80%), Shelter(76%), Nutrition(50%), Health(27%) and Protection(6%)" +388998,60730.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,79,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://app.box.com/s/asye4w9ljbvdby3gy5p0jy8a859nsmzt,"[25th July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: In one case, people said Covid-19 cannot spread through courtyard sessions. Perception data reveals that most believe wearing a mask can prevent the spread of Covid-19 and protect them from getting infected, but they cannot always afford masks which cost BDT 10 each. Some said they have not received enough masks for their families and have made their own from cloth." +146738,35870.0,2028.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,48,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Following the joint UN-agency awareness campaign across all phases, daily awareness sessions continue. Food, NFI and Hygiene kit distributions are taking place on a two-month rotation. In the reporting period, partners reported improvement in water supply in all phases of the camp." +177963,41855.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,52,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_Factsheet_2003_HSM_COVID19_Tanganyika_juillet-2020.pdf,"Dans 58% (82) d’entre elles [Province Tanganyika], les IC ont rapporté que la réduction des échanges liés aux restrictions de mouvement était une des raisons principales de la perte d’accès de la majorité de la population à ses moyens de subsistance habituels" +294631,51749.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,91,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[District sanitaire de Ouargaye] Les problèmes en matière d’accès au des soins de santé primaire et secondaire de qualité se retrouve de manière régulière sur l’ensemble des districts. Si les CSPS, CMU, CMA et CHR fonctionnent dans leur ensemble, disposent de personnels soignants pouvant assurer les soins aux populations en suivant les directives du ministère de la santé, mais loin des normes standard recommandées par l’OMS. Ces structures de santé sont gérées par des COGES fonctionnels," +315378,53333.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"They also mourned the insecurity of hospitals that cannot be accessed all the time due to the security situation, and the absence of good doctors in hospitals because of the crisis." +169891,40360.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,57,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Dans la Région du Sahel, il y a de nombreuses zones qui restent à risque à cause des problèmes d’accessibilité. Ces zones à risque sont les villages où les mouvements d’aller et venir sont difficiles voire impossible et des villages susceptibles d’être affectés par les activités des GANI." +156433,32374.0,1234.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Politics', 'Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics']",en,62,[],"['Context', 'Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Trinidad and Tobago,2019-05-28 03:09:47.864552+00,https://newsday.co.tt/2020/06/22/venezuelans-in-tt-organising-return-home/,"Tineo, who had been visiting TT, was stranded when the government of Venezuela closed the borders on March 17 as a preventive measure against covid19. He and his compatriots in the same situation began to hope they could return soon last week when the two governments approved an exemption so that 30 Trinidadians in Venezuela could come home." +307200,51467.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,70,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"The counties of greatest food insecurity severity are found in locations where the compounded shocks are exceptionally amplified due to intensified sub-national violence, two consecutive years of widespread flooding, indirect effects of COVID-19, and a protracted macro-economic crisis resulting in record high food price spikes. These multiple shocks have severely impacted people’s livelihoods and access to food from markets, livestock and farming." +329922,55140.0,2098.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,56,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[8th April 2021, Cox's Bazar] Under the directive from April 5th 2021: Facilities, services and activities to be temporarily closed: o Tie down kit distribution and temporary shelter assistance (Apart from emergency services, to be determined by concerned CiCs); (only till April 11th)" +342002,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,54,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"La parenté à plaisanterie se situe à plusieurs ni- veaux : • Au sein de la même communauté, elle concerne des familles • Entre les clans, il y a un autre niveau de parenté à plaisanterie • Entre les ethnies également, il y a un autre niveau de parenté à plaisanterie" +453890,63974.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,99,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_20210630-Rapport-Protection-Trimestriel.pdf,"D’une manière générale, on observe une tendance croissante de la menace des EEI avec une expansion à des régions non encore touchées comme le Centre-Sud et la région des Cascades. Les civils restent également très vulnérables à la menace même si à ce jour aucune information ne permet d’avoir la certitude que les civils sont particulièrement visés. A cause du caractère non discriminatoire de ces engins et de leur fréquence sur les routes, ils constituent un danger potentiel pour les civils vivant et se déplaçant dans les zones à risque." +221832,45410.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,71,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"[Les parties Sud des provinces administratives du BEG et du Kanem dans la Zone 5 - « agropastorale» ]: Malgré ceci, l’offre de main d’œuvre resterait supérieure à son niveau normal en raison des faibles opportunités d’embauche dans les autres secteurs d’activité (manutention, migration, etc.) par suite des impacts négatifs de la COVID-19." +61770,18350.0,1184.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,37,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71151.pdf,"Protección a personas LGBTI Durante el mes de junio, se proporcionó atención en acceso al asilo y servicios migratorios a 87 personas LGBTI entre hombres, mujeres y NNA para atención de los servicios especializados." +327074,54267.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],fr,71,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Le Burkina Faso a récemment mis en œuvre plusieurs réformes clés qui facilitent les affaires. Par exemple, il a adopté en 2018 une loi qui réglemente tous les aspects de la médiation en tant que mécanisme alternatif de résolution des conflits, la loi sur les partenariats public-privé (PPP), ainsi qu’un nouveau code des investissements et une loi pour la promotion des PME." +63638,18631.0,788.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'WASH']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,52,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_floodoverview_13092019.pdf,"Stagnant waters pose enhanced risks for children, including drowning, as well as health risks especially in Bakasi and Teachers Village cams in Maiduguri. • Increased negative coping mechanisms by women and children in all affected camps due to limitations such as restricted movement caused by flooding in camps." +175163,40890.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],es,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"La Guajira (17%), Atlántico (17%) y Antioquia (15%) son los departamentos donde hay más proporción de hogares que consumen solo una comida al día o menos, casi el doble que la media nacional." +194611,43822.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,29,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19112020_flash_update_no.3_emergencias_por_ola_invernal_-_colombia_vf.pdf,"Se requiere acompañamiento en salud mental y psicosocial, dado que, en las zonas de afectación por ola invernal, se han presentado eventos de violencia armada." +343245,45764.0,2332.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shelter']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,80,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/0004_202008_rrm_msa_rapport_final_wolirom.pdf,"Ici, à Wolirom, on ne peut parler de ménages résidents puisqu’il s’agit d’un tout nouveau site. Néanmoins, certains se sont arrangés à héberger d’autres, malgré leur situation. Certains se disent en location et l’on se demande si ces derniers habitent vraiment sur le site. L’hypothèse est que les concernés, en parlant de location, voulaient plutôt parler d’hébergement" +178524,40661.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],fr,65,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Au cours du premier semestre 2020, l’assistance alimentaire (distribution directe des vivres et/ou de cash) a atteint dans les zones analysées environ 3 995 000 bénéficiaires à travers le pays, dont 2 710 000 personnes pour l’assistance en vivres et 1 285 000 personnes pour l’assistance en cash pour l’achat des vivres." +473028,63732.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,97,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2f4004e6/REACH_BFA_Factsheet_Abri-AME-et-LTB_Pouytenga_juillet-2021.pdf,"Principaux modes d'accès à la terre et au logement des ménages selon les IC: A la terre- Propriétaire 21/30, Prêt ou don de terre 6/30. Au logement- Propriétaire 21/30, Prêt ou don de terre 6/30. Pour les ménages bénéficiant de prêt ou de dons, la majorité des IC a rapporté que la modalité d'accès à la terre était payante. Un IC du secteur 3, au sud de l'axe d'Andemtenga, a rapporté que des ménages étaient installés sans aucun type d'accord dans des logements (occupation illégale)." +209261,44896.0,2028.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://alwatan.sy/archives/237884,"[December 3, Homs] The director of school health in Homs, Dr. Ghayath Abbas, denied to “Al-Watan” what is being circulated on some social media pages in Homs about the presence of dozens of cases of Coronavirus among students and teachers at Raed Al-Darbouli School in Al-Muhajireen neighborhood, stressing that there are only rumors and false news about this." +487121,40789.0,1900.0,[],[],[],es,31,[],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://infosegura.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Seguridad-y-movilidad-humana-30sep2020.pdf,"Las personas que emigran tienen una multiplicidad de factores que las motivan, asociados con temas económicos, de reunificación familiar, violencia, educación, salud y vulnerabilidad ambiental." +224136,45768.0,2332.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,21,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,[ sur le site d'Amma] Commencer la construction des latrines d’urgence sur le site devant accueillir les IDPs +236249,46388.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,43,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Almost half households headed by a person with a disability (49 per cent) and by women (46 per cent) were classified as having have moderate or severe hunger, compared to 39 per cent of all displaced households." +178063,40661.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,93,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Toujours selon la BCC, la contraction de l’économie congolaise devrait être moins forte que celle estimée sur la base des réalisations de fin mars, en raison notamment du bon comportement des activités dans le secteur minier à la faveur du confinement des ouvriers dans les mines ainsi que de bonne tenue tendancielle des cours mondiaux. En effet, sur base des réalisations de la production à fin juin 2020, le taux de croissance en 2020 reculait à -1,7% contre une chute estimée à -2,4%." +358777,58535.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,35,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.invima.gov.co/web/guest/invima-otorgo-autorizacion-sanitaria-de-uso-de-emergencia-a-la-vacuna-desarrollada-por-la-farmaceutica-moderna-switzerland-gmbh?redirect=%2Farticulos-de-interes-coronavirus-covid-19,"El Instituto Nacional de Vigilancia de Medicamentos y Alimentos- Invima, informa que otorgó Autorización Sanitaria de Uso de Emergencia - ASUE para la vacuna contra covid-19 desarrollada por la farmacéutica Moderna Switzerland GmbH." +161554,39295.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,12,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,"25,529 students, teachers and parents sensitized on prevention of COVID-19." +341961,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,127,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Toutefois, les personnes interviewées sont unanimes sur les origines géographiques ainsi que les motivations des activités terroristes au Burkina Faso. C'est à partir du territoire malien, envahi par de nombreux groupes armés, que les terroristes ont étendu leurs attaques au Burkina Faso avec la complicité de certains acteurs locaux. En effet, la proximité culturelle et religieuse des différentes communautés et la porosité des frontières auraient favorisé les déplacements et les infiltrations des groupes armés (base arrière) qui ont pu tisser des alliances stratégiques et agrandir leur champ d’action. Cette progression a été possible en grande partie à travers une instrumentalisation des luttes locales de pouvoir et de l’accès aux ressources économiques et naturelles." +208419,43992.0,2332.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,39,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"To date, a total of 6,653,725 people have been reached with COVID-19 messaging on prevention and access to services, including 200,685 people who have shared their concerns and asked questions/clarifications through social media platforms and U-report." +309767,51467.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,47,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"The ongoing flood situation will further aggravate the health situation, the spread of existing outbreaks and the likelihood of new outbreaks in 2021. This highlights the critical need to strengthen disease surveillance and response system to prevent, detect and respond to future outbreaks." +236255,46388.0,2336.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,102,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Additionally, a staggering 15.3 per cent of infants under six months are affected by wasting, 6.2 per cent of whom are severely wasted.This sharp decline in nutritional status partly stems from the surge in acute food insecurity over recent years, forced displacement, low access to health services (physical accessibility and distance to nutrition services), poor access to water and sanitation, combined with poor maternal nutrition, high levels of stunting, low immunisation coverage and a high overall disease burden. Poor feeding practices of infants and young children are also contributing factors." +327500,54982.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/04/changes-in-eating-habits-ramadan-does-not-taste-the-same-in-syria/,"[17 APR, Overall Syria] About 90 percent of Syrian people have been living under the poverty line since 2020, according to Akjemal Magtymova, the World Health Organization (WHO) representative in Syria. Syria also tops the list of the poorest countries in the world at a rate of 82.5 percent, according to global “World By Map” data." +213474,44840.0,2331.0,['Education'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,99,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,"UNICEF and UNHCR also assist MoEs to develop distance learning packages to enable children’s continuous learning through different modalities, inclusive of radio, online and social media. Refugee university students enrolled in the Albert Einstein German Academic Refugee Initiative Fund (DAFI) program continue with studies through online learning methods. UNHCR works with Save the Children on pro-active alternative learning methods to ensure completion of the study term at the secondary and upper primary levels and continues to fund tuition for persons of concern enrolled in private schools who receive alternate learning." +343094,53036.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,55,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/1-Lolo_Dec%202020_0.pdf,PROTECTION 95% de réfugiés couverts par le monitoring de protection 10% des personnes avec des besoins spécifiques identifiées et recevant une assistance 75% % d'enfants de moins de 12 mois à qui les autorités ont délivré un acte de naissance 100% d'enfants non accompagnés identifiés et référés dans les familles d'accueil +113788,32028.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77082.pdf,"According to the World Bank (WB), most Venezuelan employees work for small enterprises, which are impacted the most by the current emergency. The WB estimates that less than 10 per cent of these refugees and migrants have a formal contract." +188908,43387.0,2099.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']","['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Context->Environment']",fr,108,['Impact'],"['Shock/Event', 'Context']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20DE%20PROTECTION_SEPTEMBRE2020-SAHEL.pdf,"Selon le CONASUR à la date du 18 septembre 2020, le Burkina Faso compte 106 228 personnes sinistrées soit 17 705 ménages avec 12 378 maisons d’habitations détruites, 540 maisons d’habitations endommagées ainsi que 1790 abris d’urgences des PDI détruits ou endommagés. En ce qui concerne la Région du Sahel, il y a 17 580 personnes sinistrées dont 3 457 hommes, 3 746 femmes et 10 377 enfants. La Région du Sahel est la deuxième Région touchée par ces catastrophes naturelles avec 16,55% de sinistrés après la Région du Centre nord avec 35,06%." +61665,18356.0,1184.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://www.elcomercio.com/actualidad/migracion-venezolanos-mies-crisis-humanitaria.html,"En 2018, ya sea enconsultas ambulatorias, egresos hospitalarios o emergencias, un total de 194 543 personas de esa nacionalidad recibieron atención, cuando en el 2015 no llegaron ni a 200, según el Ministerio de Inclusión Económica y Social (MIES)." +391313,61129.0,1186.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],es,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.biobiochile.cl/noticias/nacional/chile/2021/01/29/desproteccion-y-problemas-de-integracion-las-consecuencias-de-la-inmigracion-ilegal.shtml,"Después del 18 de octubre del 2019 y tras la llegada de la pandemia del covid-19 en Chile, caminar por zonas de la región Metropolitana como los parques Balmaceda y Forestal, implica ser testigo dedecenas de carpas y viviendas improvisadascon pallets, frazadas o géneros." +22347,9106.0,729.0,"['Protection', 'WASH']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,39,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"In detention centres, latrines and sanitary kits may not always be available.148 As women and men are detained together in some detention centres, with no separated latrines or bathrooms, the risk of GBV is high." +177328,41093.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],es,47,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"El indicador de suficiencia de capacidad instalada presentó en agosto un incremento de 1,1 pps frente al mismo mes de 2019, indicando una menor utilización de dicha capacidad. Frente al mes de julio de 2020, el indicador mostró una reducción de 6,3 pps." +310548,53179.0,2466.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,24,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Flash%20Update%20-%20Sudan%20-%2017%20Jan%202021_1.pdf,"About 20,300 people were reached with integrated health, nutrition and WASH messages focusing on hygiene, diarrhea, malaria, and pneumonia." +209804,45080.0,2170.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,112,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%209%20Dec%202020.pdf,"[9thDec2020,Nigeria]Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in camps, IDPs in host community and returnees who are living in makeshift shelters or shelters that are either partially or completely damaged and affected by floods. Up to 1,522 HH of IDPs , including 800 HH inMagumeri and 627 HH in Gongulong, were sleeping out in the open and constrained to use inadequate materials to construct provisional shelters. They have limited access to NFIs and fully rely on humanitarian assistance to survive. A better, durable solution is needed to address the risks and vulnerabilities of the affected population and reduce dependency on humanitarian assistance" +5406,618.0,322.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,19,[],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,http://gulfnews.com/news/gulf/yemen/100-al-houthis-killed-in-hodeida-air-strike-1.2184537,"An ensuing war between a Saudi-led coalition backing Hadi and Al Houthis have killed more than 10,000 people." +179094,41946.0,2028.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,81,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://publications.unescwa.org/projects/saw/sdgs/pdf/en/Syria-at-War-8-years-on-Report-Final.pdf,"[ Syria 2019] The Syrian Arab Republic is estimated to have had a reduction in per capita expenditure from $250.2 per month (2011 PPP $) in 2010 to $86.59 in 2019. The poverty situation today, particularly after the COVID-19 pandemic, may have further deteriorated due the further declines in income per capita and is expected, according to a recent ESCWA study to further deteriorate by 2021 (ESCWA, 2020)." +46018,15533.0,729.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,102,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_report_areabasedassessment_aba_azzawya_jun2019.pdf,"Similarly, nearly all migrant KIs reported that, on the whole, migrants did not face significant challenges in accessing NFIs or basic food items. Among migrants who did face challenges, those from the MENA region reportedly faced economic barriers comparable to those faced by Libyan nationals. Among migrants from West Africa and East Africa, though general security considerations and risks linked to their migratory status (i.e. the presence of checkpoints, smuggling actors and the risk of kidnapping among non-Libyans), as well as linguistic barriers, were reported as additional concerns." +438337,64539.0,1185.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,23,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,. El acceso a los centros educativos también ha sido limitado por desconocimiento o rechazo al acceso de matrícula de menores extranjeros. +305552,51474.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"In January, to address intercommunal violence in the greater Tonj area, Warrap, the Mission (UNMISS) sought to establish a temporary operating base in Romic but was prevented from obtaining access to the area by the authorities." +314867,52949.0,2331.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,67,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"A lack of access to primary healthcare and preventive nutrition services reduces the ability of IDPs to meet their basic needs.This situation is further exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has stretched the healthcare system, interrupted food systems and led to loss of income, hindering access to nutritious diets and essential services for many vulnerable children and women, including those with disabilities." +178547,40661.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,27,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,Il sera important de continuer d’apporter une attention particulière à l’évolution de la pandémie du COVID-19 en RDC et dans le monde. +125357,29180.0,1620.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,83,['Impact'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Gap-Supply-Demand-Contraceptive-Services-Northeast-Nigeria-Report.pdf,"The government health agencies and another organization noted that before the insurgency, they established units for adolescents in many facilities, or even adolescent-specific centers. These places were safe spaces where adolescents could go, spend time, and learn about life skills, SRH, their bodies, their rights, and other topics without fear of stigma. Health workers were often present to answer questions and provide services. Due to the insurgency, these centers closed." +329967,55171.0,2311.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],es,25,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-america-latina-56897151,Paro nacional en Colombia: miles de personas marchan en protesta por la reforma tributaria en medio de un grave repunte de casos de coronavirus +305414,51474.0,2335.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,97,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"Humanitarian organizations reached more than 7.3 million people with humanitarian assistance and protection services in 2020. This represente d 97 per cent of the revised target of 7.6 million people through the humanitarian response plan for 2020, including those reached through coronavirus disease (COVID -19) response activities. As at 31 December 2020, $1.1 billion was secured against the $1.9 billion requested in the plan. The steep funding gap affected response activities, in particular water, sanitation and hygiene services, increasing the risk of disease outbreaks." +211550,45203.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,15,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://fews.net/west-africa/cameroon/food-security-outlook/june-2020,"As of June 29, there were 12,592 confirmed cases [COVID-19] nationwide." +178241,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,21,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,Les réfugiés sont présents dans sept provinces périphériques du pays : Sud-Ubangi ; Nord-Ubangi ; Bas-Uélé ; Haut-Uélé ; Sud-Kivu. +22268,9106.0,729.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,78,[],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"Libya is a patriarchal society in which women and girls face discrimination in law and practice, and have unequal access to basic freedoms and rights. Women generally have limited participation in leadership, family decision making, and access to finances. They also face restrictions on movement, imposed controls over their behaviour, and risks of exposure to GBV. The crisis in Libya has exacerbated the challenges for women across the country." +178220,41756.0,2225.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"L’agriculture pluviale de subsistance, dont dépend la majorité de la population {dans la région du Katanga}, risque d’être impactée négativement par cette réduction des précipitations aggravée par des inondations ou des vents violents." +236204,46388.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,48,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The Afghan Landmine Survivor Organisation also notes that people with disabilities are particularly at-risk to the adverse impacts of COVID-19 because they have restricted access to vital health care, information and opportunities for meaningful participation in decision- making, and face increased risks of experiencing violence." +164293,34183.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross', 'Food Security']",[],[],es,83,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://s3.amazonaws.com/semanaruralvzla/documentos/1594859069_boletin_inversionpdf,"Aunque con los años las estrategias de apertura se han ido modificando, el país ha buscado proteger, especialmente, los bienes de consumo como alimentos, tex- tiles y confecciones, e incluso automóvi- les; bienes que eran vendidos a países como Venezuela a precios elevados y bajo condiciones preferenciales, dado que Venezuela compartía una estructura de protección muy semejante a la colombiana (Esguerra Umaña, Montes Uribe, Garavito, & Pulido González, 2010)." +412334,59637.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,55,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/22-inc-12-patients-catch-covid-19-at-pabna-mental-hospital/75794,"[18 July 2021, Bangladesh] Twelve mental health patients, three doctors and seven nurses have been infected with Covid-19 at Pabna Mental Hospital. The hospital authority sent them home to self-isolate to protect other people, Pabna Mental Hospital Clinical Assistant Dr Masud Rana Sarker confirmed this to UNB Sunday." +80488,22034.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,86,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/cuatro-reflexiones-del-primer-mes-del-campamento-humanitario-para-venezolanos-en-bogota/780,"Desde junio, un parque a pocos metros de la Terminal de Transportes del Salitre se convirtió en “El Bosque”, un albergue improvisado construido por venezolanos que llegaban a Bogotá sin rumbo y sin un lugar donde quedarse. Con el paso de los meses, el lote administrado por el Instituto Distrital de Recreación y Deporte (IDRD) se fue llenando de carpas y cambuches, un hogar de paso -y en algunos casos permanente- para más de 300 venezolanos." +159375,38283.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'Food Security']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,17,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.un.org/africarenewal/news/humanitarian-needs-grow-burkina-faso-faces-unprecedented-level-internal-displacement,"According to the Ministry, the priority needs are shelter, food, and health services." +143343,36053.0,2028.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,57,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/separate-votes-security-council-fails-adopt-two-draft-resolutions-0,"Then, during an 8 July videoconference meeting, it announced that a second draft (document S/2020/658), submitted by the Russian Federation, was not adopted due to its failure to obtain the required number of votes. That text would have enabled aid to pass through Bab al-Hawa until 10 January 2021." +236152,47122.0,2334.0,['Shelter'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,52,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the distribution of assistance to IDPs in the NWSW regions as Cluster partners have been forced to put on hold their activities as they seek for new ways of implementation that does not put both the aid worker and beneficiaries at risk of contracting the virus. +63169,18642.0,1386.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,55,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://transparencia.org.ve/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/EPE-II-Sector-Agua.pdf,"En los casos de Delta Amacuro, Lara, Nueva Esparta, Trujillo, Zulia y varias ciudades intermedias como Valle la Pascua, El Sombrero, Carúpano y muchas otras hay una altísima dependencia del sumi- nistro mediante camiones cisterna. Todo ello evidencia condiciones precarias de suministro del servicio en estas regiones." +188098,42790.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Environment'],en,20,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000120225.pdf,"Climate shocks, and especially droughts in the context of Burkina Faso, affect food insecure people the most." +287110,51749.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,33,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[district sanitaire de Pouytenga] Les problèmes principaux remontés par les personnes interviewés sont l’accès difficile aux structures de santé, et le « non accès aux soins »." +323106,54815.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Environment'],en,30,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Flood risk across the country, including in the most populated urban areas, has increased significantly over time not only due to climate change but also human factors." +59564,17198.0,1224.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,48,[],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,One male (one of the few who spoke Spanish) shared that he was studying education in Venezuela but dropped out when he could no longer afford it. He finally left Venezuela alone when his wife and baby died after not having appropriate medical care. +304292,51590.0,2335.0,['Health'],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,43,[],['Covid-19'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/IOM%20DTM%20SSD%20FMR%20Cross%20border%20trends%20and%20impact%20of%20restrictions%202020.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10755,"The Government of South Sudan began lifting restrictions on air and land travel in May (DTM COVID-19 Mobility Update Week 8), although restrictions in place in neighbouring countries continued affecting cross-border mobility, particularly along the border with Uganda." +172552,40367.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,51,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"UNICEF continued providing support to risk communication and community engagement and has extended and reinforced its interventions through partnerships with Plan International and the Centre pour l’Éducation, la Réinsertion et l’Éducation des Enfants (CERESSE) to prevent and control community outbreaks and among IDPs." +309813,51467.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,32,['Impact'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"High level of stress, loss of friends and family members are also taking a toll on mental health and emotional development of children, further exacerbated by the COVID-19 outbreak." +235883,46388.0,2336.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,35,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"While planning is well advanced in-country, it seems unlikely that universal vaccination will be possible in 2021, meaning that virus risks will remain part of the operating context for the foreseeable future." +174191,38392.0,1899.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],es,41,[],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ALC%20post%20COVID-19%20-%20Retos%20y%20oportunidades%20para%20pa%C3%ADses%20de%20Centroam%C3%A9rica%2C%20Hait%C3%AD%2C%20M%C3%A9xico%2C%20Panam%C3%A1%2C%20y%20Rep%C3%BAblica%20Dominicana.pdf,"La industria farmacéutica en Guatemala, por ejemplo, genera aproximadamente 68 mil empleos, directos e indirectos, y es una de las pocas que ha podido mantenerse de pie ante la emergencia, operando en un 70%." +304609,51467.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,47,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Risks of outbreak of vaccine-preventable diseases have further increased after routine immunization services were disrupted due to COVID-19. In a recent rapid needs assessment, 80 per cent of all older persons interviewed had a health condition, while 87 per cent had a disability." +285953,51487.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,99,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no1_desplazamientos_en_buenaventura.pdf,"Se destacan dificultades en el proceso de toma de declaraciones y consolidación de un censo, razón por la cual existen grandes vacíos respecto al número exacto de personas desplazadas. No obstante, teniendo en cuenta declaraciones de algunas personas ante la Defensoría del Pueblo, la Personería Distrital de Buenaventura, la Unidad para la Atención y Reparación de Víctimas (UARIV) y la Procuraduría, se estima que el número de víctimas de desplazamiento desde finales de 2020 y hasta la fecha de publicación de este informe podría estar entre 400 y 3.000 personas." +148184,31923.0,1185.0,['Shelter'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,105,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/R4V%20-%20Covid-19%20Flash%20Update%20-%208%20May%202020.pdf,"In Peru, some industries are preparing to resume activities, however it is unclear whether the hiring or re-hiring of refugees and migrants will be permitted in the current context. Partners continue supporting hospitals with refugee housing units and blankets to increase patient reception capacity. On 7 May, the Superintendence of Migration (SNM) authorized the issuance of certificates to foreign citizens that had begun procedures to obtain the carné de extranjería and the temporary stay permit (PTP) before the COVID-19 emergency. These documents will ease the current mobility restrictions faced by undocumented refugees and migrants." +177342,41093.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",[],['Context->Economy'],es,65,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"En la medición de agosto, el indicador de demanda actual del sector comercio registró un balance de 30,0%, que representa una disminución de 17,9 pps frente al mismo mes un año atrás. Por su parte, el indicador de pedidos a proveedores se ubicó en -42,4%, con una reducción de 31,9 pps frente a agosto del año pasado." +161918,39490.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,83,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200707_acaps_covid-19_secondary_impacts_in_rohingya_refugee_camps.pdf,"In June, an estimated average of 8 test samples were collected per day in the camps, reduced from 11 test samples per day in May. A total of 700 tests were conducted in the camps since testing began in April 2020, compared to 16,220 tests in the host community within the same timeframe . Despite this, positive COVID-19 cases have been detected in 20 of the 34 camps, with a maximum of nine cases in one camp" +187156,39357.0,1898.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,29,[],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ALC%20post%20COVID-19%20-%20Retos%20y%20oportunidades%20para%20pa%C3%ADses%20de%20Centroam%C3%A9rica%2C%20Hait%C3%AD%2C%20M%C3%A9xico%2C%20Panam%C3%A1%2C%20y%20Rep%C3%BAblica%20Dominicana.pdf,El Salvador carece de un sistema de empadronamiento de la población conducente a un sistema de protección social que enfrente el choque a nivel de hogares con eficiencia. +244757,48003.0,2425.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Lebanon Situation Analysis,2021-01-25 12:39:46.093809+00,,"With regard to the vaccine for the Coronavirus, UNRWA indicated that the United Nations is working with the Lebanese authorities to ensure the provision of vaccines to all those in need in Lebanon in accordance with the recommendations of the World Health Organization. First priority will be given to health personnel, people with chronic diseases and the elderly" +324330,54626.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,92,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,"In mid-March, UNICEF, as part of the UN family, assisted the Government in delivering the first batch of COVID-19 vaccines, through the COVAX facility, to the country. The arrival of the vaccines was marked with a high level ceremony, organized in partnership with the Federal Ministry of Health, WHO and other UN sister agencies, as well as highlighted through a press release, photo essay and social media coverage. The first vaccinations were covered to enhance the uptake of the vaccines." +173708,40798.0,1388.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",['Context->Security & Stability'],es,42,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://infosegura.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Analisis-SC-2T-2020.pdf,"Al comparar las cifras de violencia intrafamiliar con las del mismo periodo del 2019 se observa un aumento de casos durante el presente año. La variación porcentual entre periodos fue 28% (2,039 casos más en el 2020)." +236292,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,76,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Analysis from MOPH's nutrition database showed a 33 per cent decrease in admissions for treatment of SAM within health centres – ‘inpatient’ treatment – and a three per cent decrease in ‘outpatient’ treatment in November 2020. Efforts were made to cover this gap through the use of mobile teams but these are expensive and unable to cover the same volume of patients, with flow-on effects for 2021 needs." +59598,17198.0,1224.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,23,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"Most earn a living from fishing and working in cabbage production. Generally, the Venezuelan families live apart from the Guyanese families" +291975,51901.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,24,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[2nd March, 2021, NSAG] Main course of action if HH member feels ill: go to hospital, stay home" +211249,44944.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,72,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Whole%20of%20Syria%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20October%202020.pdf,"[October 2020, NW Syria] The COVID-19 pandemic continues to rise across the country, affecting population in NW Syria the most. As of 31 October, total 5,683 cases and 288 deaths have been reported (case-fatality rate 5,1 per cent). However, data needs to be interpreted with caution, as under-reporting is probable due to challenges around testing, tracing, and treatment." +167726,40343.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,29,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/418384-covid-19-weekly-review-as-nigeria-announces-reopening-of-schools-new-covid-19-cases-double.html,"Meanwhile, 2,287 recovered and were discharged last week. This is a 74 per cent increase when compared to the previous week’s record of 1,291." +9731,3786.0,321.0,"['Health', 'WASH', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Protection', 'Food Security']",[],[],en,110,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/derna_flash_update_no7_11june2018.pdf,"• The humanitarian needs in the city are rapidly increasing, with severe shortages reported for medicine and medical supplies, but also food, water, fuel, and cooking gas. Eighty per cent of the city’s electricity has returned after a power cut, however water remains cut off. • The humanitarian community remains concerned for the protection of civilians in the city and reminds all parties to the conflict of their responsibilities to protect civilians, allow safe and unhindered passage for those wishing to leave the city, and to immediately provide safe, sustained and unfettered access for humanitarian supplies." +305717,51572.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,59,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Direct food distribution is needed to address the urgent food shortage as well as monthly distributions as community does not have any coping mechanism in place (no access to land, no access to fishing, no cattle) [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +208409,43992.0,2332.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,61,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"For continuity of HIV/AIDS services, UNICEF has trained and engaged several actors at community and facility levels in COVID-19 sensitization. To date, a total of 1,978 community relays have been trained, with risk communication activities for COVID-19 in the context of provision of HIV/AIDS services conducted, reaching a total of 242,760 people in 23 provinces." +315656,52949.0,2331.0,"['Nutrition', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods', 'Food Security', 'Health']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,42,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Many IDP households have faced a steady depletion of assets and increase in negative coping mechanisms, culminating in severe conditions with regards to their food insecurity, malnutrition, disease outbreaks, water and hygiene conditions, and critical protection concerns" +319013,54316.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Colombia_Reporte%20Situacional_GIFMM_Arauquita_08042021_VF.pdf,"En el Cabildo Indígena Makaguan El Vigía, 273 personas pernoctan en siete salones de la escuela; sin embargo, solamente cuentan con 36 colchonetas." +325629,54815.0,2099.0,[],[],[],en,43,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"In contrast to the schooling rates, household welfare as measured by the score derived from the 2014 EMC does not appear to have a statistically significant association with maternal mortality when controlling for the other factors that may affect maternal mortality." +162399,32461.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,56,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/colombia-ha-deportado-a-334-venezolanos-por-incumplir-normas-durante-la-pandemia/1995,"Así mismo, y con el fin de que se evalúe la posibilidad de establecer este tránsito a través del Puente Internacional de Rumichaca, que permita el retorno al país de estos ciudadanos, los solicitantes deberán diligenciar el Registro en Emergencias y Desastres en el Sistema Integral de Trámites del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores" +188077,43162.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,109,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.agenceecofin.com/cuivre/0110-80857-rdc-malgre-le-coronavirus-la-production-de-cuivre-est-en-hausse-de-13,"Cette excellente performance s’explique par les décisions prises par le gouvernement et les compagnies pour poursuivre les activités malgré la crise sanitaire mondiale. A la différence de la Zambie et d’autres pays de la région australe, les autorités congolaises n’ont pas décrété un confinement général qui aurait pu ralentir les opérations minières. Par ailleurs, afin d’éviter la propagation du virus sur les sites miniers, les employés sont restés sur place durant plusieurs semaines, et, malgré des cas positifs rapportés notamment dans une mine de Glencore, les activités se sont poursuivies presque normalement." +386743,60459.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,124,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"Sur les marchés locaux faiblement approvisionnées, des hausses atypiques de prix sont observées. Par exemple, à Oursi, les prix du mil et du sorgho (produit de substitution) ont augmenté respectivement de 30 et 44 pour cent par rapport à la moyenne. Malgré une offre de petits ruminants 14 pour cent au-dessus de la moyenne du fait des déstockages réalisés par les PDI et les ménages hôtes, les prix enregistrent des hausses de 19 pour cent pour le bouc et sont stables pour le bélier par rapport à la moyenne. Les termes de l’échange bouc/mil restent en faveur des éleveurs qui disposent encore de bétail et qui ont accès au marché de Gorom-Gorom." +318477,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,60,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The Logistics Cluster was activated in Somalia on 26 April 2020 due to the demand for coordination, information management and common logistics services for the escalating needs resulting fromCOVID-19, Desert Locust and floods. To cater to the increasing needs of the humanitarian community, a coordination cell was rapidly established, led by a Cluster Coordinator." +193042,43411.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",en,90,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']","['Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"These floods occur in a context of security and humanitarian crises marked by many internally displaced people and epidemics. Internally displaced persons (IDPs) who are estimated at more than one million in mid-August 2020 are at high risk. These IDPs live in precarious conditions with host families for the most part and on sites often located in flood zones. The habitats occupied by the latter (makeshift shelters, huts, tents, mud houses, etc.) are very vulnerable to flooding." +146737,35870.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,51,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"To date, WHO has delivered two shipment of PPEs (28,641 items) and six thermal screening devices to Al-Hol Camp (four for the main gate, two for the Annex); with two devices delivered in the reporting period; and has trained personnel in thermal screening" +40772,11933.0,729.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,49,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SitRep_Libya_EN_19%20April.pdf,"Credible reports have been received that houses of displaced families have been looted and on occasion targeted for destruction based on the presumed political affiliations of their owners. Fear of looting and similar incidents is a deterring factor, which prevents some families from fleeing conflict-affected areas." +193033,43411.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,39,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,The threat of kidnapping remains high in Burkina Faso and in the wider Sahel region. This threat is expected to continue as groups continue to want to demonstrate their capabilities and increase their influence across the region. +161507,39535.0,2099.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,29,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Within the COVID-19 situation displaced and host population that were in overcrowding conditions needs urgently shelter and NFIs support in order to prevent the spread of the virus. +150441,37702.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,55,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"Of the 571 emergencyhealth kits delivered to date, over 70 per cent was delivered to health facilities in cross-line areas. An additional 17.4 tons was delivered to other partners including SARC. Distribution of the remaining 33 tons covering more than 40 primary health care facilities is awaiting facilitation from relevant authorities." +306437,51474.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,49,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) supported the reconstituted Commission and the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN-Women) in convening a workshop in Juba for women leaders on the constitution-making process, on 2 and 3 December." +135711,35301.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Economy'],en,27,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,The humanitarian situation remains critical as COVID-19 mitigation measures further contributed to a negative economic impact on the most vulnerable population as a driver for unemployment. +473189,67207.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.europapress.es/internacional/noticia-cerca-200-municipios-colombia-estan-riesgo-reclutamiento-menores-defensoria-20210420154812.html,"Además del reclutamiento forzado, la Defensoría ha constatado otros delitos con víctimas menores de edad, como desplazamiento forzado, con 18 casos; amenazas, 16; desapariciones forzadas, tres; violencia sexual, dos; lesiones personales, dos; y otros delitos" +305405,51474.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,16,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"Flooding affected over 1 million people and displaced 480,000 persons between July and December 2020." +292388,52073.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,36,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"Reported security incidents included roadblocks, confrontation between opposing forces and arson attacks on a wide range of targets including hospitals, markets, business premises and cars (SRM Security level 4- Substantial)." +317270,53333.0,2334.0,[],[],[],en,37,[],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Establish/rehabilitate water, sanitation and hygiene promotion facilities at formal and non-formal institutions Hygiene education is a particularly key element for the health of adolescent mothers and their babies and can be supported by village health workers" +193914,43327.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_sectoriel_octobre.pdf,"La capitale, Ouagadougou qui à elle seule regroupe 57 % des cas confirmés du pays avec 69% des décès rapportés. [COVID-19][cumul de 2508 cas confirmés au 31 octobre]" +212089,45203.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,72,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://fews.net/west-africa/cameroon/food-security-outlook/june-2020,"As a result of the closure of the land borders with Nigeria due to the conflict in the Lake Chad basin and in the English-speaking areas near the Nigerian border, most livestock trade is southward to Douala, Yaoundé and neighboring countries such as Equatorial Guinea and Gabon. However, travel restrictions linked to COVID-19 and the slowdown in the transport system are continuing to disrupt these trade opportunities." +201920,44488.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],es,36,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/salud/primeros-resultados-del-estudio-de-seroprevalencia-de-covid-19-en-colombia-551393?cid=SOC_PRP_POS-MAR_ET_WHATSAPP,"De esa forma,en Leticia seis de cada 10 (59 por ciento) de sus habitantes mostraron tener anticuerpos contra el nuevo coronavirus, lo que puede indicar que ya tuvieron la infección." +237205,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,24,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"While the prevalence of debts for some vulnerable groups is not greater in 2021, the intensity of their debt burden often is." +343395,55976.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,37,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.lemonde.fr/afrique/article/2021/05/10/beaucoup-ne-croient-pas-au-danger-du-covid-19-en-afrique-la-defiance-face-aux-vaccins_6079678_3212.html,"Les récentes épidémies d’Ebola en RDC ont montré que lorsque les populations se méfient des autorités ou du personnel chargé de conduire la riposte sanitaire, les campagnes classiques de sensibilisation ne fonctionnent pas." +2646,521.0,321.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,17,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://www.unicef.org/appeals/libya.html,"Total people in need: 1.1 million Total children (<18) in need: 378,000" +241335,46388.0,2336.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,77,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In 2021, around 3.1 million out of 7 million, or almost 1 in 2 children under five will suffer from acute malnutrition and will be in need of specialised treatment services to save their lives. Of these, 2.2m will be moderately malnourished while the other 895,000 will be severely malnourished. Similarly, an estimated 720,000 or 1 in 4 PLW will be undernourished and require life-saving nutrition services throughout the year." +219059,45655.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,43,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"[9th Dec, Overall Syria] In recent weeks, the number of reported cases in schools has sharply increased, with 828 cases to date, more than double of the figures at the start of November (399 cases)" +294809,51749.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,37,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[Gounghin] De plus les ménages déplacés ont bénéficié d’une assistance alimentaire du PAM, du CONASUR et de PLAN Burkina de juin à décembre mais cela semble insuffisant pour couvrir leurs besoins." +323019,54626.0,2331.0,[],[],[],en,14,[],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,"3,400,000 children in need of humanitarian assistance (Humanitarian Needs Overview December 2020)" +187711,43292.0,2098.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,93,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/msna_2020_factsheet_refugee.pdf,"[July-August 2020, Bangladesh] Rohingya Refugees: ACCESS TO NUTRITION SERVICES: 75% of households reported having received Shuji packages from food distribution 7525Icentres since Eid-Ul-Fitr (24 May). 70% of households with pregnant/lactating women (PLW) reporting PLW to be enrolled in a nutrition-feeding programme. 59% of children 6-59 months were reported to be enrolled in a nutritionfeeding programme.57% of children 6-59 months were reported to have been screened for malnutrition by mother/volunteer in the 30 days prior to data collection." +329133,53878.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,73,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SOYDA%20Monthly%20Progressive%20Report-Feb%202021.pdf,"Through the facility and outreach program sites Somali Young Doctors Association (SOYDA) was able to reach a total of 3,174 children under five boys and girls for vitamin A supplementation to enable enhance the vulnerable children nutrition status. This has since be able the program to reach more than 81% of the monthly coverage under five children thus indicating greater progress to the set indicators within the program." +47368,16259.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,100,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.unwomen.org/en/news/stories/2019/7/feature-ensuring-public-services-for-venezuelan-migrant-women,"“The demand exceeds our capacity to respond,” says Ernestida Peñaranda Pérez, an official with theNuestra Señora de los RemediosHospital in Riohacha. For example, they ask “that we include [checking weight and height] for registered Venezuelan children, [which number] around 1,000 children. We would have to hire new personnel and obtain new resources – and we have no budget for that. The same goes for care and monitoring of pregnant women... We need another solution so that health institutions aren’t so affected.”" +228084,46579.0,2311.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,51,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Considerando las necesidades en materia de alojamientos, se prevé la necesidad de proveer kits de higiene y aseo diferenciales, EPP y jornadas de sensibilización para evitar escenarios de propagación de la COVID-19, escenarios de VBG, así como la instalación de duchas y sanitarios en el albergue." +11331,2953.0,322.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,70,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20feb%202018.pdf,"FSAC partners reached an average of 7.3 million people with monthly emergency food assistance (relief food, cash transfers, & voucher transfers) in January and February. Additionally, by the end of February, a cumulative total of 245,900 individuals had received livelihoods assistance (emergency agricultural, livestock & fisheries inputs provided to 203,000 people; and longer-term livelihoods support to 42,900 individuals)." +405403,63222.0,2028.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,66,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_mvam_bulletin_57_july_2021.pdf,"[Syria, July] The UN sends 1,000 trucks to Syria cross-border each month with food, critical medical supplies, COVID-19 vaccinations, and other life-saving assistance for 3.4 million people in northwest Syria. Further- more, in July 2021, WFP delivered general food assistance to approximately 4.7 million people across Syria in order to meet the growing humanitarian needs nationwide." +190158,43304.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,43,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Ces arrêts d’activités [transport aérien et terrestre, hôtellerie et restauration, commerce et éducation] ont infligé une perte de revenus considérable aux entités économiques concernées, ce qui est une atteinte à leurs droits économiques et sociaux." +150073,32165.0,1388.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,89,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/74589.pdf,"Según el criterio de la mayoría de las personas entrevistadas, el apoyo de las instituciones debe ser integral, garantizando una efectiva articulación que permita contar con información suficiente y oportuna, tanto de los servicios brindados por cada institución, como su grado de participación, que incorpore un protocolo del paso a paso para garantizar la verdadera inserción de la persona refugiada o solicitante de refugio. Esto además implica desarrollar un directorio institucional de programas y de servicios, con información actualizada y diseminada." +308101,53309.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,90,"['Priority Needs', 'Priority Interventions']",['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/gender_alert_brief_final.pdf,"[29th March 2021, Cox's Bazar] It is crucial to ensure that essential services and assistance are available for pregnant and lactating women who are currently displaced due to the fire or indirectly affected by it. Women and girls must have access to essential reproductive health services. Priority activities include ensuring safe deliveries at health facilities with skilled birth attendants; referral to emergency obstetric and newborn care for complications of pregnancy and childbirth; and access to clean delivery kits to pregnant women." +325757,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Legal & Policy'],fr,26,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Au Burkina Faso, la propriété foncière et les droits des utilisateurs sont déterminés par un mélange complexe de réglementations formelles et de pratiques coutumières." +61408,18235.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"No clear information exists regarding the extent to which migrant and refugee women resort to uncoerced survival sex due to the lack of access to financial resources or other livelihood options, nor about how many of them are either victims of sexual exploitation and/or have fallen prey to human trafficking networks." +149651,35869.0,2028.0,"['Food Security', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,46,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep18_25july2020.pdf,"Collaboration between the WASH and FSL Cluster lead agencies continues with actual/planned distribution of 720,000 food parcels in northwest Syria from April to June. This includes adding bar soap to 720,000 food parcels and pasting stickers with COVID-19 prevention measures on 420,000 of these." +235487,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,32,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,This comes alongside data from the WoA Assessment showing that household debt is rapidly escalating in terms of both the number of people in debt and the scale of that debt. +208414,43992.0,2332.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,71,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"WASH UNICEF continues to strengthen the capacities of health workers in IPC/WASH in collaboration with WHO and in support of the MoH. During this reporting period, an additional 208 health workers and community health workers (hygienists, nurses, doctors, midwives) have been trained in IPC/WASH. To date, a total of 1,485 health workers and community health workers have been trained in IPC/WASH." +48555,12622.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,82,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LIBRO%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20las%20necesidades%20insatisfechas%20SSR%20y%20Migrantes%20Venezolanos%20-%20Digital.pdf,"Valledupar, a diferencia de las otras ciudades, no cuenta con suficientes prestadores de servicios para resolver las necesidades en salud sexual, salud reproductiva, y salud materna e infantil de los migrantes. Entre las barreras de acceso más comunes se identificaron la negación de servicios materno-infantiles en hospitales públicos, los costos de atención, la desinformación, la falta de documentos y la discriminación a través de la violencia psicológica por parte del personal de salud." +317918,52949.0,2331.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,66,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"There is also a need to explore approaches and cross-border mechanisms to expand re-integration of refugee returnees into schools, while advocacy for equitable and sustainable inclusion of refugees, asylum seekers and refugee returnees in national education systems should continue. These approaches are in line with Global Compact on Refugees, Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework, as well as Sustainable Development Goal 4." +172331,40829.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],fr,98,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_233_20200919.pdf,"Au total, 10 514 cas confirmés et 1 cas probable ont été répertoriés depuis le début de l’épidémie dont 271 décès, soit une létalité globale de 2,6%. Des informations disponibles, 31,3% (926/2962) des cas étaient asymptomatiques à la notification. En outre, 27,8% (257/924) des cas auraient visité une structure sanitaire dans les 14 jours précédant la maladie et 35,3% (302/855) des cas auraient été en contact étroit avec un sujet présentant les symptômes d’une infection respiratoire aigüe." +401424,62279.0,2170.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,115,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"[10th November 2020, MONGUNO LGA, BORNO STATE]Recommendations: Another SMART survey should be conducted in the pre-monsoon period i.e. May to June to understand the actual burden and trends of malnutrition in the survey area. The SMART survey can be undertaken including other indicators like IYCF, WASH, and morbidities, etc. Annual consortium (apart from the workshop) should be held to disseminate the outcomes of the program as well as researches. Also, this consortium should involve donors as well as political alliances to increase funding and visibility of the program for better reception at LGA as well as state level." +159056,37967.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,12,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_ndeg_115.pdf,Cumul de contacts sortis après 14 jours de suivis : 7 003 +282356,51023.0,2098.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,47,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-educational-institutions-reopening-may-be-delayed/65989,"[12th March 2021, Bangladesh] Classes in all primary, secondary and higher secondary level educational institutions were scheduled to resume on March 30. At a recent virtual media briefing, the education minister said that university classes would resume on May 24." +165475,38052.0,2028.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.sana.sy/en/?p=200701,"The Ministry of Education said in a statement to SANA that the number of registered students in the second additional term reached 119204 distributed among 801 exam centers in all governorates, which are equipped with all requirements, taking into consideration the precautionary measures to confront coronavirus, mainly disinfection spatial distancing." +317589,52949.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,69,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Within Somalia, 85 per cent of IDP sites are informally settled on privately owned land where there is a reliance on verbal agreements or short-term accords. As a result, evictions are frequent, with 105,755 individuals evicted between January and October of 2020 (HLP Dashboard, 2020). Of this figure, 63 per cent of evictions have occurred in settlements in Banadir." +205831,44672.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,85,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"With financial support from the Global Fund, UNDP [UN Development Programme] has helped strengthen Afghanistan’s laboratory and diagnosis capacity nationally and provided technical assistance to train 25 regional and provincial laboratory staff in the use of high-tech equipment. The country’s central public laboratory can now process 1500 samples daily, while laboratories can process 150 daily in Herat, 100 in Balkh, 100 to 150 in Nangarhar, and 120 to 150 in Kandahar province." +181165,42386.0,2099.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,71,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_RMU_October-2020_vfinal.pdf,"Après quelques mois de perturbation dans les flux entrant de riz importé, les volumes mensuels enregistrés depuis le mois de juillet sont similaires à la moyenne, ce qui favorise une stabilité de son prix sur les marchés. Ces hausses de prix affectent notamment les PDIs et les ménages pauvres dans les centres urbains, qui dépendent du marché pour s’alimenter pendant toute l’année." +164301,34183.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,95,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://s3.amazonaws.com/semanaruralvzla/documentos/1594859069_boletin_inversionpdf,"Pese a las circunstancias, el comercio continuó, aunque no en las proporciones de años atrás. Por ejemplo, las exportacio- nes de Colombia a Venezuela pasaron de 319 millones de dólares en 2017 a 354 millones de dólares en 2018, represen- tando una variación del 11 % y la primera variación positiva después de 6 años. Sin embargo, para el año 2019 Colombia ex- portó a Venezuela 196 millones de dólares, una cifra que significó la reducción de casi la mitad de lo exportado el año anterior." +318279,52949.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,33,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Humanitarian partners need to ramp-up and target critical gaps in healthcare services to serve the most vulnerable in Somalia in a setting of insecurity, system fragmentation and poor information and surveillance." +226567,46454.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,65,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2022_23Dec2020_FINAL.pdf,"[23rd December, Overall Syria] In total, 2,645 new cases have been announced since the last report on 30 November. The MoH has also announced 630 fatalities, an increase of 217, in addition to 4,885 recoveries. All indicators (positivity rate; bed occupancy rate; CFR) indicates the emergence of the second COVID-19 wave in Syria" +325101,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Vast – albeit sparsely populated – rural areas in the country do not have any schools in their proximity. Only 7,065 villages and towns (hereafter “localities”) have any type of primary school, out of a total of over 11,500." +325603,54815.0,2099.0,[],[],[],en,60,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Controlling for the differences in transport connectivity and household welfare (and Region fixed effects), provinces in which any schools have been closed due to security issues see about 27-pp lower gross primary enrollment rates, 20-pp lower net primary enrollment rates, and between 16-pp and 18-pp higher primary school dropout rates (Figure 66)." +323024,54626.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,37,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,UNICEF humanitarian programmes also benefit from resilience funding generously contributed by multiple different donors. Such resources help UNICEF contribute towards both humanitarian efforts and interventions at the nexus between humanitarian and development action for children. +196846,43840.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,33,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_291_20201116.pdf,"Au cours des 14 derniers jours, 438 cas confirmés ont été enregistrés dans 47 ZS réparties dans 11 des 22 provinces affectées du pays (Tableau I ; Figure 2)." +341798,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,85,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Selon les personnes consultées, l’Etat a démontré à plusieurs reprises des difficultés manifestes à remplir ses obligations vis-à-vis de ces mandats. Les populations en tirent comme conséquence une certaine marginalisation de la part de l’Etat. Par les nombreuses promesses souvent formulées et pas respectées, l’Etat de plus en plus perd la confiance auprès des populations rurales en particulier qui se sentent dès lors désabusées et surtout utilisées uniquement à des desseins politiciens ou électoralistes." +220898,45410.0,2332.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,43,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"L’épuisement des stocks des ménages du Sahel Ouest (BEG et Kanem) à partir de mars 2021 pousserait à dépendre des marchés pour leur consommation durant tout le reste de la période du scénario, comme en année normale." +341993,56493.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,97,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Cette adhésion d’ex-membres de groupes d’autodéfense laisse apparaitre des risques d’infiltration, d’immixtion et de manipulation de ces derniers sur l’organisation des VDP. Aussi, l’une des craintes serait la réplique de certaines pratiques de tortures et de maltraitance des VDP sur les populations, qui sont souvent accusés de commettre des exactions et des vols. Ces actes de tueries, de saccages de biens et de vols restent souvent impunis provoquant davantage de méfiance envers les VDP auprès de la population." +185790,41126.0,1898.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Casualties->Missing', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20North%20of%20Central%20America%20Situation%20Fact%20Sheet%20August%202020.pdf,"In El Salvador, although the number of homicides and missing persons reportedly fell in the first half of 2020 as compared to 2019, civil society organizations report the human rights situation has worsened during 2020, particularly violence against women and internet crimes. In addition, members of the LGBTI community continue to report discrimination and violence, heightening their vulnerability to internal forced displacement and extortion" +224130,45768.0,2332.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,21,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,Réorienter les activités Wash-in-Nut au sein de la clinique mobile et dans les centres de santé du District Sanitaire de Liwa +191566,43304.0,2332.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"L’arrêt des activités éducatives sur toute l’étendue du territoire augmenterait davantage les taux d’abandon qui sont déjà élevés et estimés à 17,9% pour le cycle primaire et 65,6% pour le premier cycle secondaire." +176076,41336.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,52,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_128_.pdf,"Depuis le début des opérations, le laboratoire a conduit 16 906 analyses à la recherche du SARS- CoV-2, provenant de 15 238 cas suspects de COVID-19. Un cumul de 4 015 cas étaient positifs, soit une proportion de cas positifs de l’ordre de 26,3%." +265120,49431.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],en,33,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-in-bangladesh-daily-infection-rate-falls-to-265pc/64736,"[11th Feb 2021, Bangladesh] So far, 3,808,017 samples, including 15,776 in the past 24 hours, have been tested. The overall infection rate is 14.17 percent." +487885,67500.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],en,66,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_15.pdf,"[April -June 2021, Cox's Bazar] With improved access to testing services due to increased sentinel sites, from 33 to 35, and use of Ag RDTs, more cases and contacts were identified. In quarter two, 14,427 (47 percentfemale, 53 percent-male) tests were conducted amongst the Rohingya, up from 11,143 in the first quarter." +301806,51958.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,108,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_devaluation_de_protection_des_retournes_tchadiens_de_la_rca_installes_dans_les_sites_au_sud_du_tchad_002.pdf,"Il faut cependant noter que ce problème de documents n’est pas propre qu’aux retournés. Les chefs et membres des villages environnants qui ont également participé aux groupes de discussion indiquent clairement que la très grande majorité des habitants des villages ne possèdent pas de pièces d’identité. Tout autant que les retournés (qui utilisent les récépissés de carte d’identité), ils se plaignent des tracasseries policières liées aux documents, qui limitent la liberté de mouvements. Ce manque de documents ne permet pas également aux retournés de se constituer en groupements pour demander des micro-crédits." +293375,52057.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,225,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/fhrdc_ra_hauts_plateux_sud-kivu_fv.pdf,"[Sud-Kivu, Dec 2020] La question d’accès à l’éducation pour les enfants reste préoccupante à Bijombo reste préoccupante à cause du contexte sécuritaire qui prévaut dans les Hauts Plateaux d’Uvira. Certaines écoles restent toujours opérationnelles mais fonctionnent dans des conditions déplorables. Plus de 85 pour cent des écoles de Bijombo ont été détruites par les groupes armés en conflits. Les localités de Minembwe, Mikenge, Bijombo et leurs environs n’étaient déjà pas suffisamment couvertes en éducation en raison de l’insécurité et de la destruction de l’infrastructure scolaire. L’accès à l’éducation n’est pas assuré pour plus de 80 pour cent des enfants déplacés en âge scolaire (soit 12 387 enfants) à Bijombo centre et à Mikenge. Ces enfants font face à des difficultés non seulement en matière d’accès à l’éducation mais aussi d’espaces d’apprentissage sûrs et protecteurs. Par ailleurs, les familles n’ont pas les moyens financiers pour accéder aux fournitures scolaires et les enseignants ont besoin d’un renforcement des capacités en lien avec le contexte des urgences. Il existe encore des grands besoins en éducation avec peu d’acteurs dans la zone" +64134,18925.0,729.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/va_report_libya_2019-libmac-unmas.pdf,"According to the 2018 MSNA, only 5% of Libyan households with a member reported to have physical disability could access the needed mental healthcare services, 47% reported no access to services and 44% limited access. The most affected Mantikas are Al Kufra, Sebha, Tripoli, Tobruk, Sirt, Benghazi and Al Marj." +59541,17198.0,1224.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,93,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Humanitarian Access'],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"Medical health facilities are open for public use including the Venezuelan migrants, free of charge. However, a significant proportion (52% or 553) of Venezuelans and returning Guyanese had not yet received a health screening and vaccinations despite living in Guyana for several months. Language barriers, fear of presenting one’s self to authorities because of their irregular status, and distance away from the settlement areas where migrants are located, were reasons mentioned for Venezuelan migrants not accessing and receiving medical care/services." +310689,53333.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,19,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"They were also afraid of being accused as blacklegs, and a repeat of recent attacks on schools." +188905,43387.0,2099.0,"['Shelter', 'Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20DE%20PROTECTION_SEPTEMBRE2020-SAHEL.pdf,"Des difficultés en matière de logement ont été constatées lors du monitoring notamment la promiscuité, la surpopulation, la fragilité des abris, les occupations illégales des maisons abandonnées ou inachevées et l’insuffisance de terres cultivables." +327077,54267.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],fr,120,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Les principales réformes (passées et en cours) dans le secteur agro-sylvo-pastoral comprennent: la création d’une banque agricole (BADF) et d’un Fonds national de développement de l’élevage (FODEL); la création du Fonds d’intervention environnementale (FIE); la création d’un Fonds de développement agricole (FDA); la mise en place d’un mécanisme d’assurance agricole; la création et l’opérationnalisation de trois agropoles (zone de compétitivité agricole), à savoir Bagré, au sud, et Sourou et Samandeni à l’ouest. [(Nikièma et Coulibaly, 2018)]" +61491,18235.0,1183.0,['Cross'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"They do not always find what they were looking for: the situation in Ecuador or Peru may turn out to be less favourable than they had hoped, or they may not receive the expected support upon arrival. In some cases, this leads them to travel back to Colombia; if they have to put up with difficulties, they prefer to do it closer to home." +293844,52074.0,2334.0,['Shelter'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,59,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,"Plan International held working sessions and meetings with the management of the Cameroon Development Corporation (CDC) on the possibility of constructing temporary shelters for IDPs within CDC accommodation areas. It was agreed that a holistic approach would be adopted to include shelter, WASH and NFI components to assist the IDPs in the temporary shelters." +386122,60459.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,118,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"moyens et petits éleveurs se sont déplacés vers les zones plus sûres autour des centres urbains de Gorom-Gorom, Dori, et Djibo. Dans ces zones, la forte pression du bétail entraine une dégradation rapide des pâturages accessibles. On y note aussi un développement de l’activité de vente de fourrage, mais la concurrence entre PDI et populations hôtes pour cette vente fait que l’offre est supérieure à la demande et les prix ont chuté de moitié par rapport à la normale. Par contre les prix des sous-produits agro-industriels (SPAI) ont flambé, avec des niveaux au mois de juin 35 pour cent supérieurs à la moyenne." +341739,56493.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,112,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Cette faible productivité des terres, en plus des aléas climatiques, plonge à son tour les familles dans une certaine insécurité alimentaire. De l’avis des personnes consultées, les frustrations résultant de cette situation dépassent la sphère purement individuelle. Car, bien plus que d’occasionner des tensions au sein des familles, cette situation révèle une certaine vulnérabilité des populations rurales qui du fait de la pauvreté sont exposées à la loi du marché foncier. Très souvent, ils n’ont d’autre choix que de céder presque gratuitement leurs terres aux personnes privées physiques et morales notamment les sociétés immobilières." +125711,31803.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,81,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77205.pdf,", el COVID-19 ha perjudicado la capacidad de los albergues para atender a población vulnerable. Algunos albergues han tenido que ajustar sus políticas de alojamiento a las normas en contra de la aglomeración de personas en un mismo lugar, disminuyendo la cantidad de cupos disponibles. Otros están cerrados para nuevos ingresos de familias que requieren de dicho apoyo, o han sido clausurados totalmente para asegurar el cumplimiento de las medidas de prevención establecidas por el Gobierno." +161327,39528.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,43,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Appui technique et financier aux sorties de 3 équipes d’interventions rapide (EIR) du districts sanitaire de Bogodogo dans la collecte des données liées au dépistage volontaire, et à la recherche et le suivi des cas de COVID-19." +490469,67720.0,1231.0,[],[],[],en,45,[],[],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,,"By June 2020 Aruba, Curaçao, Trinidad and Tobago and Guyana had only 3, 4, 130 and 248 confirmed cases of Covid-19 respectively but the Dominican Republic already noted a spike, reaching a total of 31,816 cases by 30 June." +323705,54267.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,113,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"La sécurité alimentaire s’est améliorée au Burkina Faso au cours des deux dernières décennies, avec la réduction du gaspillage, du retard de croissance, de l’anémie et de l’indice de la faim dans le monde13 (voir le figure 4 à l’annexe 1). Néanmoins, la prévalence de l’insécurité alimentaire a augmenté ces dernières années14, en particulier dans les régions du nord, à la frontière du Mali, en raison des conditions d’insécurité qui y règnent (FAO, 2019; Posthumus, Dengerink, van Berkum, Neelen et de Steenhuijsen-Piters, 2019)" +141402,35118.0,1187.0,['Food Security'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],es,72,['Priority Needs'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Más de la mitad de las perso- nas encuestadas (210) refieron que les resultaban “altos” los precios de los alimentos, el 30% (122) indicó que los precios de los alimentos eran “muy altos”, 62 personas refirieron que encontraban “normales” los pre- cios de los alimentos y solo 16 personas indicaron que se trataba de “precios accesibles”." +238155,46388.0,2336.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,80,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The worsening nutrition situation developing at the end of 2020 is expected to continue into 2021, with 27 of the country’s 34 provinces already considered to be in an ‘emergency’ nutrition situation that will take some time to turn around, depending on whether funding and treatment are available and accessible. Any further worsening of the food security and nutrition situation will also depend on La Niña impacts and the timing of rainfall." +5048,618.0,322.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,28,[],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,http://gulfnews.com/news/gulf/yemen/100-al-houthis-killed-in-hodeida-air-strike-1.2184537,The ministry described the air strikes as “accurate” that took out entire group of militants who were at the site and destroyed their military equipment. +500644,31283.0,1232.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)'],es,31,[],['Information And Communication'],UNHCR Uruguay,2019-05-28 02:56:46.441375+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNDRR%20COVID-19%20BRIEF%20PERSONAS%20CON%20DISCAPACIDADES%20FRENTE%20AL%20COVID-19%20EN%20LAS%20AM%C3%89RICAS%20Y%20EL%20CARIBE%20%283%29.pdf,"En cuanto al despliegue de acciones específicas, el 80% de las personas encuestadas declara no conocer medidas o iniciativas públicas para apoyarles a hacer frente a la pandemia." +341979,56493.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"les Koglwéogo exercent une certaine forme de justice en usant parfois de sanctions physiques, de pratiques d’enlèvement ou encore de la torture. Ils sont aussi décriés du fait de leurs actions de torture et de maltraitance sur des suspects au nom de la sécurité." +132532,35164.0,1188.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"A nivel universitario, se identifican mayores barreras en el acceso a la universidad pública que a la privada. Los requisitos para el acceso incluyen documentación oficial apostillada en el país de origen, lo que dificulta el acceso para las personas venezolanas" +239475,46388.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Although prices for staple food items have largely stabilised towards the end of 2020, they remain well above the price points prior to the COVID-19 crisis." +188412,42886.0,1183.0,[],[],[],es,89,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Equipo%20Local%20de%20Coordinaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Choc%C3%B3%20Flash%20Update%20COVID-19%20%2312%20%28octubre%2031%20de%202020%29.pdf,"Decreto 417 (17.03.2020): Se declara estado de emergencia económica, social y ecológica en todo el territorio Nacional. Circular 001 (17.03.2020): El Consejo Comunitario del Rio Baudó y sus afluentes (ACABA) dicta medidas de prevención por COVID-19 a Consejos Comunitarios locales, territorios colectivos y organizaciones humanitarias. Decreto 0081 (20.03.2020): Se declara calamidad pública para el departamento. Circular 008 (10.04.2020): Se conforma la mesa para la coordinación y entrega de ayudas humanitarias" +271059,47809.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,29,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_7.pdf,"Se hospitalizó el 73,3 % (1 750) de los casos de dengue con signos de alarma y el 84,4 % (81) de dengue grave;" +19134,7822.0,730.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross', 'Protection', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,98,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_Jan_to_nov_2018.pdf,"Eight million people need access to emergency income to meet critical food needs and access to services. The escalation of conflict in Al Hudaydah reduced prospects of socio-economic recovery for millions of people around the western coast line. Many livelihoods projects being implemented in Al Hudaydah and Hajjah were suspended on security grounds, leaving affected communities without social safety nets. Mines and explosive remnants of war continue to pose a threat to lives and prevents the resumption of economic activities, movement of populations and goods and access to basic services and infrastructure." +344395,56726.0,2028.0,"['Logistics', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,106,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20210526_USG%20Statement%20to%20Security%20Council%20on%20Syria.pdf,"[26 May 2021, NES] Reduced water levels in the Euphrates since January reached a critical point in May. The Tishreen dam in north-eastern Aleppo governorate was receiving around 180 m3 of water per second. That is less than half of the minimum amount it takes to keep the dam operational. And the low water flow prompted a partial closure, which caused electricity blackouts across north-east Syria. Now, Tabqa dam, which lies downstream in ar-Raqqa governorate, has been drawn on as an emergency backup, but water levels there are now 80 per cent depleted." +199031,44308.0,2225.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,19,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RD%20Congo%20-%20Note%20d%E2%80%99informations%20humanitaires%20pour%20la%20province%20du%20Nord-Kivu%2017%20novembre%202020.pdf,Environ 3 000 personnes sont nouvellement déplacées dans l’aire de santé de Nyabiondo suite aux violences armées +306885,51572.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,81,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Decreasing levels of humanitarian services in Melut, tensions with host communities, and restrictions in undertaking livelihood activities are important contributing push factors for IDPs’ decision to return. The concerns arising from communities who wish to return to Khorfulus and Atar should take high priority, considering no support was provided to them during the last return exercise. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +214369,45385.0,2334.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,28,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Au mois de juin l’on a enregistré jusqu’à 23 agressions sur les populations civiles, qui ont déclenché 22 mouvements massifs de populations." +69901,19974.0,1534.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,26,['Capacities & Response'],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,Civil society: There are a number of organisations working on equality issues or GBV response such as Equality Bahamas and the Bahamas Crisis Centre. +164393,38902.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population']",en,25,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,Armed groups have also targeted humanitarian actors: at least 17 attacks against medical missions have been registered since mid-March (OCHA 05/08/2020). +188612,43181.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,85,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_270_20201026_.pdf,"Au Nord-Kivu, les ZS hot spots, pour les 1 057 cas dont l’information a été renseignée, sont celles de Goma (357/1057 ; 33,8%), Karisimbi (260/1057 ; 24,6%), Butembo (101/1057 ; 9,6%), Katwa (69/1057 ; 6,5%), Beni (49/1057 ; 4,6%), Binza (41/1057 ; 3,9%), et Nyiragongo (39/1057 ; 3,7%) (Figure 3)." +163115,37820.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,105,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/iom_rohingya_crisis_response_-_external_sitrep_-_july_2020.pdf,"The RIRT coordination system has been formalized and each camp now has RIRT team composed of an isolation unit focal point, contact tracing supervisor and a SM focal. To operationalize engagement of these teams, the World Health organization established WhatsApp groups for a better coordinated COVID-19 response. On 18 July, the camp 22 RIRT team responded to its first confirmed COVID -19 patient. The team assisted the affected family by supporting the patient’s transfer to a SARI ITC. The team also supported as the four family members were transferred to Kerantoli Quarantine Centre in Teknaf." +187594,43135.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,97,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_weekly_situation_update_-_ne_nigeria.pdf,"[1st Nov 2020, BAY states] In Borno State, no confirmed case was reported for week 44, total confirmed cases stand at 747. No contacts presently being monitored in Borno State. In Yobe State, the positivity rate for week 44 is 0%. 9 additional contacts were line-listed by the contact tracing team. In Adamawa State, 261 out of 2,419 samples tested are positive, giving a positivity rate of 10.8%. Also, 44% of confirmed cases are known contacts of previously confirmed cases" +57780,17280.0,1186.0,[],[],[],es,62,[],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/439982_ed8c90c2b9644fbbabee3b33e6e9e918.pdf,"Para las personas migrantes se complejiza lo anterior, dado que para llegar a ser sujeto de arriendo formal primero debe estar en situación regular, principalmente a través de la obtención de RUT, proceso que suele tardar actualmente entre 6 y 8 meses si es que la persona no tiene ningún inconveniente, lo cual no suele ser frecuente." +458220,64540.0,1185.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,72,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"¿Qué requisitos o condiciones necesito para conseguir su empleo? ¿tuvo dificultades para obtenerlos?. De acuerdo con el testimonio de las participantes, el requisito mínimo que solicitan los empleadores peruanos es la presentación del PTP o del carné de extranjería, para lo cual requiere tener el pasaporte vigente (cuando se vece el pasaporte se paga una multa de 4 soles diarios por cada día vencido)." +307091,51467.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Access to naturally grown shelter materials has continued to be a challenge due to recurrent sub-national and localized violence, compounded by seasonal flooding, particularly in Jonglei, Unity and Upper Niles states." +456717,58748.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,91,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://cdn.odi.org/media/documents/ODI-PB-SRHR.pdf,"While gendered norms usually discriminate against girls and women, are slow to change and can be sticky or persistent (Harper et al., 2018), crises and shocks can sometimes create opportunities for positive change (Holloway et al., 2019; Samuels and Jones, 2015).2 While Covid-19 may prove to be one of these moments – for SRHR if not for other areas3 – this is not yet clear, nor is the durability of any such changes over the longer term guaranteed." +218182,45410.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"Une suroffre est observée sur les marchés à bétail dans les zones de transhumance et agropastorales en raison de la présence continue des transhumants dans les zones d’attache, couplée à l’arrêt des exportations et une faible demande intérieure de la part des ménages." +151026,38088.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,50,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"le nouveau centre va permettre de renforcer la capacité de prise en charge au niveau de la région du Centre et partant du pays. « Le personnel est constitué de 37 agents de santé et 37 agents non santé, tous pris en charge par l’ONG »" +190281,43439.0,2225.0,[],[],[],en,46,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Southern%20Africa%20COVID-19%20Six-Month%20Report.pdf,"Although a peaceful transition of power followed the presidential elections in the DRC in December 2018, the security and humanitarian situation continued to deteriorate, mainly in the east, in what is one of the most complex and long-standing humanitarian crises in Africa." +167730,40343.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/418384-covid-19-weekly-review-as-nigeria-announces-reopening-of-schools-new-covid-19-cases-double.html,"(27 /09/2020)On Sunday, 126 new cases of COVID-19 were reported in the country. As of 11:55 p.m. on September 20, a total of 58,324 cases had been reported, out of which 49,794 had recovered and 1,108 deaths recorded." +285118,50882.0,2466.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,16,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/ipc_sudan_acute_food_insecurity_projection_update_2020octdec_report_1.pdf,A rapid deterioration of the local currency in the parallel market has also been recorded. +297886,52145.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_humanitaire_numero_12_v_04.pdf,"To meet the needs of these women and girls survivors of GBV, a number of activities have been carried out with support from international organisation such UNFPA, UNWOMEN, UNICEF, CARE International and a host of others." +193025,43411.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,37,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"As of 15 September 2020, a total 1,767 cases of Covid-19 have been registered in country, with 56 deaths and 1,166 recoveries, according to Ministry of Health. Some 545 patients are hospitalized." +342060,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Push Factors', 'Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,60,[],"['Context', 'Displacement', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,Le nombre de perte en vies humaines (1650 civils et militaires tués en cinq ans) et les déplacements des personnes vers d’autres régions plus sûres. Les attaques terroristes ont occasionné des migrations spontanées qui ont causé des incidences de cohabitation dans les zones d’installation malgré les dispositions et dispositifs mis en place. +219763,45438.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,141,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SR-OEA_Nov20-crisis-de-migrantes-y-refugiados-venezolanos-informe-de-situacion.pdf,"Para el 12 de noviembre de 2020, un aproximado de 123 mil venezolanos habrían retornado desde Colombia a su país debido a las dificultades impuestas por la pandemia. De acuerdo con datos de Migración Colombia, en marzo de este año se observó por primera vez en cinco años una disminución en el número de venezolanos en Colombia debido al fenómeno de los retornados. En los siete meses de emergencia por el Covid-19 ha disminuido en 6,2% el número de venezolanos en territorio colombiano, pasando de 1.809.872 en marzo a 1.715.831 en septiembre. No obstante, con la reapertura económica en Colombia y en otros países de la región como Ecuador y Perú, las solicitudes de retorno han disminuido considerablemente y ya no se trata, en su mayoría, de población extremadamente vulnerable" +16126,6549.0,322.0,['Logistics'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,61,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/logistics_cluster_yemen_situation_update_180930.pdf,"In September, the Logistics Cluster facilitated the transport of 109 mt/537 m3 of relief items on behalf of IOM, UNICEF and WHO. Of these, 65 mt/358 m3 were transported to throughout for rotations from 10 to 13 September; the remaining 48 mt/179 m3 were transported through three rotations on 24, 26 and 27 September." +164507,32982.0,1183.0,['Education'],[],[],es,9,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Respuesta%20COVID-19%20-%20GIFMM%20Arauca%2C%20actualizaci%C3%B3n%20n%C2%B03%20%28Del%201%20al%2030%20de%20mayo%20de%202020%29.pdf,Educación •300 kits escolares entregados en Arauca capital. +191674,43304.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,68,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"les mesures restrictives prises par les autorités tchadiennes ont eu pour effet direct une réduction significative des flux de migration au Nord du Tchad. Le nombre moyen de voyageurs observés quotidiennement à Faya et à Zouarké, qui avait tendance à augmenter depuis décembre 2019, a diminué de 22% entre février et mars 2020, passant de 812 à 630 (OIM Tchad)." +213230,44840.0,2331.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,167,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,"WHO, UNICEF, IOM, UNFPA, and UNDP, along with international and national NGOs, are working to ensure continuity of essential health and nutrition services through investments in health preparedness and response. For example, UNICEF and WHO have reprogrammed GAVI funds as part of their response. Additional investments for protection for primary health care workers to remain in their posts are being made, in support of triage and assessment (to ensure patients with COVID-19 symptoms are safely separated from others); infection prevention and control; personal protective equipment (PPE) and modifications to protocols for staff and patient safety in the context of COVID-19.In addition, support for supply chain systems is being provided to ensure essential medical supplies and related commodities are available. These agencies have the potential to bring to scale previously planned health sector support, that has yet to be fully funded, which would not require new programming." +173694,41024.0,1388.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rapid%20needs%20assessment%20-%20Impact%20of%20COVID-19%20on%20PoC%20from%20other%20nationalities%20-%20Costa%20Rica%2C%20August%202020.pdf,"18% of households do not have access to the internet. Of the households that have access, most use mobile phones to access the internet" +294608,51749.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[District sanitaire de Ouargaye] Il a été constaté par nos équipes d’enquêteurs que les CSPS ont une insuffisance de les matériels de matériels et d’équipements comme stérilisation qui sont vétuste dans les centres, des incinérateurs pour la gestion correcte des déchets. Une illustration de stérilisation avec une cocote minute au CSPS urbain avec les matériels vétustes et une mauvaise disposition des instructions." +325819,54267.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,83,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"L’Agence de financement et de promotion des petites et moyennes entreprises (AFP-PME), dont la mission est de proposer aux petites et moyennes entreprises des produits financiers sous forme de crédits et de bonifications de taux d’intérêt, assortis d’un accompagnement, est placée sous la tutelle du Ministère du commerce, de l’industrie et de l’artisanat et du Ministère de l’économie, des finances et du développement." +182608,42252.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,103,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2020_29Oct2020_FINAL.pdf,"[29th October 2020, Overall Syria] As detailed in previous reports, development, printing and distribution of information, education and communication (IEC) materials in addition to awareness raising on social media, WhatsApp, radio and television channels, and direct community engagement/person-to-person, including during distributions is ongoing. Other channels, including through the Smart Card/Takamol application and online quizzes, are also being utilized. Direct awareness raising at distributions and door-to- door continues, as does engagement at universities, schools, of religious leaders in mosques, and with church networks." +172554,40367.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,18,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,UNICEF Burkina Faso has established and operationalized a cash transfer task force to strengthen the coordination and integration +294814,51749.0,2099.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,82,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[Gounghin] La difficulté supplémentaire auxquelles font face les populations est que les forages dans lesquels ils vont s’approvisionner sont payants ce qui les conduit à recourir à de multiples stratégies néfastes. Parmi celles-ci on peut citer la consommation d’eau non potable, la réduction de la quantité d’eau utilisée à des fins domestiques ou le fait de laisser les enfants sans surveillance afin d’aller chercher de l’eau au PE" +144203,35186.0,1187.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->Local Response'],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Context->Politics']",en,119,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3657214,"At the same time, there was considerable community engagement to implement the measures, particularly given the COVID-19 situation at that time in Italy and Spain where many Argentines have strong family and cultural ties. In addition, the President valued having a broad-reaching consultative process in place. Before each major decision, he first consulted with public health experts and established dialogue at the national level and with provincial governors, across political parties, with trade unions and with actors in the private and public sectors. This helped ensure consistent, coherent communication from both national and local leaders, which contributed to the public´s understanding and acceptance of the lockdown measures." +164823,39789.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,90,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Movementwide%20Operation%20Report%20August%202020.pdf,"5552 reusable masks produced for the displaced people from Mynmar resided at camp settlements in Cox’s s Bazar. 5162 pieces reusable cloth masks distributed to 2581 individuals which were made by resilient community volunteers.  656 HHs, 194 WASH facilities and 300 feet drainage disinfeted at camp-17.  1714 people reached through 374 had washing sessions at HH level.  144 people reached through 10 oriention on Menstrual Hygine Management (MHM) and 15 special sessions on MHM caring during COVID-19." +239060,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,29,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"For many in Afghanistan, people’s living standards are not dignified, and the situation impacts on their ability to recover and cope with future shocks." +174942,41235.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,56,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[ October 14, NES, Gap of funding] In total humanitarian actors require a total of US$20.2 million to implement the NES Readiness and Response Plan, with the current gap in funding approximately US$12.1 million This plan and the attached funding requirements cover a period of three months." +305432,51474.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,60,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"On 25 and 26 January, United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) further supported the work of the high -level committee, led by the Vice- President, James Wani Igga, by airlifting approximately 100 traditional, youth and political leaders from greater Jonglei to attend a consultative forum led by the committee in January." +306441,51474.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,30,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) hosted two radio programmes to bring together working professionals and leaders to exchange views on improving livelihood opportunities and peacebuilding. +198738,44313.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,37,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_294_20201119.pdf,"Près de 65363 personnes ont été sensibilisées et briefées sur la COVID-19 et les mesures de prévention, incluant hommes, femmes et enfants ainsi que des chefs de quartiers et leaders communautaires dans 20 ZS." +171460,40699.0,2098.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,96,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20201004_acaps_thematic_review_vulnerable_households_rohingya_refugee_response.pdf,"[4th october, Cox's Bazar] Among Rohingya refugees, the JMSNA found that 57% of households reported incurring debt to meet basic food needs, while 55% took on debt to cover health expenses. These findings were supported by the MPES, which found that 70.1% and 80.7% of Rohingya households borrowed money to cover food and medical costs respectively, with food being the largest expense, ranging from BDT 1,959 to BDT 3,170 per month (USD 23.1 to 37.4) (IOM 12/2019)." +161685,35720.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security']",[],[],es,20,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Respuesta%20COVID%2019%20-%20GIFMM%20La%20Guajira%20-%20Riohacha%2C%20a%206%20de%20julio%20de%202020.pdf,"Apoyo en alojamiento temporal en red de hoteles y entrega de artículos, como kits de dormida y colchonetas." +216658,45416.0,2225.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,54,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,"Au sujet des filles, nous avions révélé plus haut à la sous-section « accès équitable » que le manque d’infrastructures d’eau, d’hygiène et d’assainissement pourrait être à l’origine de la faible fréquentation des filles, surtout pendant les périodes de menstruation." +327617,54714.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,109,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,"[CAPACITY GAP (CG)] 97% of households were found to have at least one WASH Living Standard Gap (LSG) and/or a Capacity Gap (CG). 94% of households were found to have a WASH Living Standard Gaps(LSG) but no Capacity Gap (CG) in WASH, % of households were found to have both a WASH Living Standard Gaps(LSG) and a Capacity Gap (CG) in WASH. % of households were found to have no WASH Living Standard Gaps(LSG) but a Capacity Gap (CG)in WASH." +176116,41333.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_149.pdf,"Par ailleurs, la ZS de Sakania dans le Haut-Katanga a rapporté son premier cas confirmé de COVID-19. Ainsi, le nombre des ZS affectées dans le pays reste égal à 88 (Tableau I)." +244114,46388.0,2336.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,33,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In addition to water points being too far, 19 per cent of key informants in hard-to-reach areas indicated that there are insufficient water points or that waiting times are too long." +157839,38137.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,36,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cxb_education_covid_response_reaching_every_learner_final.pdf,Adaption/Development and delivery of guidance for SMC members and caregivers in the host community for life-saving messages and mental health and psychosocial support during COVID19 response in line with efforts organized by the MoE and MoPME +199011,43643.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",es,44,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://cerosetenta.uniandes.edu.co/migracion-colombia-margino-a-los-extranjeros-durante-la-cuarentena/,"Los trámites migratorios para extranjeros (cédulas, registro, cambio del Permiso Especial de Permanencia, certificado de movimientos migratorios y salvoconductos) se volvieron más difíciles tras el cierre de Migración Colombia y la Cancillería durante la cuarentena por el covid-19." +329891,53694.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,85,[],"['Humanitarian Access', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/03042021_sitrep_s11_whe_oms_rdc.docx.pdf,"[Ituri] Environ 163 ménages des déplacés et retournés de la localité d’Iga ont trouvé refuge vers la ville de Bunia et 87 autres vers Katoto dans la ZS de Lita (territoire de Djugu), à la suite des incidents sécuritaires survenus le 21 mars dernier dans la ZS d’Iga. Les organisations humanitaires qui étaient présentes se sont retirées de la zone et sont actuellement à Bunia en attendant l’amélioration de la situation sécuritaire." +313719,53333.0,2334.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,The continued absence of instructional time in classrooms and learning centres results in a severe impact on children’s ability to learn +161331,39528.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,65,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Appui de l’OMS à la continuité des services essentiels de santé dans le contexte de COVID-19 : appui à l’élaboration et l’impression du guide sur la continuité des soins tenue de l’atelier sur le paquet de soins et services essentiels en situation de sécurité précaire avec l’appui technique et financier de l’OMS ; +214311,45385.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,Cette proportion [12% de la population en situation de crise] augmentera si aucune disposition n’est prise pendant la période de soudure et en fonction de l’impact de la COVID- 19 sur la phase projetée (juin -déc.). +148540,36019.0,2028.0,['Agriculture'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,73,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"In north-east Syria (NES), the lockdown/ curfew completely ended as of 15 June. This follows significant relaxations of the curfew in previous weeks and limited adherence since the end of April. However, the Executive Council of NES Self-Administration has announced a new decree imposing movement restrictions, which was to enter into force on 13 July, foreseeing the closure of all crossings into NES without exceptions" +177731,41763.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Population'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,71,['Priority Interventions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_devaluation_rapide_vbg_dans_le_contexte_de_la_covid-19_dans_la_region_du_nord_du_burkina_faso.pdf,"En présentant leurs préoccupations auprès des décideurs, les femmes et les filles peuvent être écoutées mais il y’aura des représailles déclarent les femmes interviewées à travers les focus groupe. En effet dans leurs communautés, les femmes doivent subir et se taire. Elles pensent qu’une accentuation des sensibilisations sur les VBG pourrait contribuer au changement de mentalité et de comportement dans leurs communautés." +306176,51474.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,111,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"In line with the Government’s action plan on children associated with armed conflict, between 27 October and 3 December, the country task force on monitoring and reporting supported the establishment of three state-level technical committees in Kuacjok, Wau and Torit, bringing the total number of such committees to nine. The committees constitute the key state-level structures that oversee implementation of the action plan. Furthermore, between 8 and 10 December, the task force delivered a capacity-building workshop in Juba for the specialized military justice sector, drawn from all parties, benefiting 20 participants (17 men and 3 women)." +183687,42299.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,87,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syria.tv/%D8%AA%D8%AD%D8%B0%D9%8A%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D9%85%D9%86-%D8%AE%D8%B1%D9%88%D8%AC-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%88%D8%B6%D8%B9-%D8%B9%D9%86-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B3%D9%8A%D8%B7%D8%B1%D8%A9-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B1%D9%82%D8%A9-%D8%A8%D8%B3%D8%A8%D8%A8-%D9%83%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%88%D9%86%D8%A7,"[October 29, Raqqa, # of cases increases] And he added, we expect that the number of infections in Raqqa will be higher than the declared numbers with a clear difference, because the declared cases are not discovered except through medical swabs, while dozens are reluctant to respond to the subject of medical swabs for fear of confirming his infection with the Coronavirus, not to mention the constant social mixing in restaurants and cafes and Public transportation and others." +164291,34183.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,102,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://s3.amazonaws.com/semanaruralvzla/documentos/1594859069_boletin_inversionpdf,"En cuanto a la inversión, investigacio- nes económicas para Colombia han demos- trado que los flujos financieros pueden lle- gar a afectar positivamente la balanza de pagos, el comercio internacional, el des- empeño de las empresas, la productividad y el desarrollo tecnológico de una econo- mía (Reina, Ospina, Macías, & Cortés, 2016). A partir de allí nacen los acuerdos co- merciales entre dos o más países que tienen como fin intercambiar bienes y servicios con impuestos más bajos, incentivar las inversiones y generar nuevo conocimiento, entre otros beneficios." +149266,35869.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep18_25july2020.pdf,23 people with COVID-19 have been identified in northwest Syria. Contact tracing has been activated and efforts continue to mitigate the spread of the virus and raise awareness about COVID-19 risks and precautions. +241331,46388.0,2336.0,['Nutrition'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,101,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Analysis from MOPH's nutrition database showed a 33 per cent decrease in admissions for treatment of SAM within health centres – ‘inpatient’ treatment – and a three per cent decrease in ‘outpatient’ treatment in November 2020. At the height of the first wave of the pandemic in May 2020, the numbers went as high as a 46 per cent and a 12 per cent decrease in ‘inpatient’ and ‘outpatient’ treatments, respectively. As a result, an estimated 14,840 SAM children under five missed treatment during the pandemic." +493600,61216.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,24,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/humanitarian-situation-overview-syria-hsos-northeast-syria-june-2021,"[June 2021, NES]Washing hands less frequently reported as a coping strategy for a lack of water: 9%." +177034,41752.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,52,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Le rapport d’UNICEF sur les perceptions des jeunes sur le COVID-19 cite également la télévision (51%) et la radio (26%) comme les canaux d’information sur le COVID-19 les plus consultés par les personnes interrogées dans le cadre de l’étude UNICEF +237217,46388.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"However, child labour does seem more concentrated in a few provinces. Displaced households in Farah and Hilmand reported particularly high levels of child labour for boys, instead of going to school." +172825,38004.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,45,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/04/28/syria-aid-restrictions-hinder-covid-19-response,"[28th April 2020, NE Syria] In mid-April, the UN said that “the absence of a laboratory capacity in NES [northeast Syria] coupled with transport delays and access challenges, hinders the timely testing of suspected cases.”" +176887,41091.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],es,91,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Entre el 6 y 7 de octubre la ocupación en UCI incremento en puntos porcentuales (pp): Vichada (16,0), Quindío (14,0), Guaviare (12,0), Magdalena (7,0), Bolívar (5,0), Santander (4,0), Casanare (2,0), Norte de Santander (2,0), Cundinamarca (2,0), Cauca (2,0), Medellín (1,2), Antioquía (1,0), Putumayo (1,0) y Atlántico (1,0)." +41651,14575.0,729.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,54,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/2019/06/190611-Flash-Update---Floods.pdf,"Due to water infrastructure damages and contamination there is a high risk of disease outbreak. An increased number of acute watery diarrhea cases were reported, mainly children. To date, 22 confirmed cases have been confirmed. Health and WASH sectors are working together to minimize the risk and respond." +214140,45385.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Ces déplacements [provoqués par les attaques de Boko Haram] sont caractérisés par leurs distances courtes, plus de 80% des PDIs trouvant refuge dans une localité sise dans leur arrondissement d’origine." +218202,45410.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,53,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"Les ménages du Tibesti, affectés par la fermeture des frontières libyennes, sont confrontés à des déficits de consommation en raison des bas niveaux de revenus limitant leur accès aux marchés dont ils dépendent et où, les prix des produits alimentaires sont en hausse significative comparée à une la moyenne." +386118,60459.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,109,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"Les forces de sécurité burkinabè restent débordées, notamment en raison du redéploiement des troupes pour participer à l'opération Houné contre les groupes militants qui a débuté début mai 2021 dans les régions du Nord et du Sahel. Les forces de sécurité continuent de s'appuyer fortement sur les Volontaires pour la Défense de la Patrie (VDP) en matière de reconnaissance, de surveillance, d'escorte et de protection des communautés locales. Outre l’imposition de couvre-feux dans ces régions, le gouvernement a récemment annoncé la fermeture des sites d’or et la circulation d’engins motorisés dans les communes frontalières." +299350,51893.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,37,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[January 2021, Overall Syria] Out of the 59% of income insufficient households 12% reported that their income was significantly constrained while 47% reported that it was moderately constrained by COVID-19." +316008,52949.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Exacerbating the limited access to healthcare, 3.4 million non-IDPs face insufficient access to potable water and sanitation services. An estimated 17.5 per cent of non-IDP households face critical or catastrophic gaps in accessing enough water to cover their basic needs for both drinking and domestic us." +319840,53305.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,77,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"A total of $10 million will be required for Mine Action Sub-Cluster activities. The cost consists of manual and mechanical clearance operations including survey and clearance of mine fields, cluster strikes and BAC sites. The costs incurred are due to technical equipment and the number of personnel, both of which are required to meet compliance with the National Technical Standards and Guidelines, as well as the International Mine Action Standards." +187181,34290.0,1900.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,31,[],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Resumen_Informe_16_07_2020_No_080.pdf,"Retenes de seguridad, puestos de control y operativos de seguridad a nivel del territorio nacional, en los principales ejes carreteros, puntos fronterizos, entradas y salidas departamentales." +386734,60459.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,75,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"Une minorité des PDIs et quelques ménages nantis se sont rapproché des centres urbains avec leurs cheptels, ce qui a entrainé une dégradation rapide des ressources du fait de la pression du bétail. Pour ce faire, les PDI et ménages hôtes augmentent les ventes pour acheter de la nourriture, de l’aliment bétail pour l’entretien du reste du troupeau et aussi pour faire face aux autres dépenses." +323362,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,115,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Most recently, in response to the COVID-19 crisis, the Government has developed a strategy for education service delivery in high security risk areas. This strategy commits to the continued education of affected children and offers options where education can be delivered in host communities and in areas of residence according to various alternative education delivery models such as school shifts reorganized by taking into account non-classroom activities; modular catch-up programs and accelerated courses to make up for the time lost by internally displaced persons and refugees; alternative education programs (Koranic, education for nomadic groups); and expansion of the Franco-Arab Education Program according to community demand." +41697,14575.0,729.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,54,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/2019/06/190611-Flash-Update---Floods.pdf,"About 650 women displaced in the collective shelters are in need of dignity kits. UNFPA and their partners provided 180 kits and an additional 470 are needed. Child protection partners, with the support of UNICEF, will carry on recreational/psychosocial activities for the affected children in the five collective shelters." +307046,51572.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,27,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Creation of communal latrines with hygiene committees. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +317812,52949.0,2331.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"According to the Joint Multi-Cluster Needs Assessment (JMCNA 2020), low enrolment rates are disproportionate across the districts in the country. Districts with the lowest attendance rates are scattered in south and central Somalia, in regions such as Bakool, Mudug, Middle Shabelle and Middle Juba." +492523,67677.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,148,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=247708,"[September 5th , 2021, Damascus] The campaign will last until September 16th, according to the Director of the Health Care Department Dr. Razan Tarabishi. Dr. Tarabishi hailed the importance of the campaign in receiving vaccine, spreading awareness on the necessity of the vaccine to reduce the percentage of infection. She pointed out that 200 health centers and hospitals were allocated for campaign, in addition to 177 mobile teams, who are existed in fixed points, adding that 2000 health workers participate in the campaign. Dr. Tarabishi said that the number of the health centers and hospitals allocated for the campaign are 19 health center and hospital with 197 heath workers in Damascus, but there are no mobile teams, and 44 in Damascus countryside, in addition to 65 mobile teams with participation of 333 health workers" +240471,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,28,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"However, only 170,000 people out of a population of 40.4 million have been tested meaning this is likely to be a gross under-estimation of real infections." +164760,39827.0,2170.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,43,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20Nigeria%20DTM%20COVID-19%20Point%20of%20Entry%20Dashboard%2018%20%2812%20-%2018%20September%202020%29.pdf,"During the period 12 - 18 September 2020, 199 movements were observed at Fifteen Points of Entries in Adamawa and Borno states. Of the total movements recorded, 34 were incoming from Extreme Nord and 3 from Nord in Cameroon." +323015,54498.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Intentions'],es,51,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/89758cd4/REACH_COL_RAN_Factsheet_Trend_analysis_March2021.pdf,"Según OXFAM7 el flujo migratorio a inicios del año 2020 se caracterizó por hombres que comenzaban su proyecto migratorio dejando a sus familias en Venezuela, con el propósito de ser alcanzado en los meses posteriores una vez ya se hubiese establecido en Colombia o en el país de destino." +301122,51958.0,2332.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,116,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_devaluation_de_protection_des_retournes_tchadiens_de_la_rca_installes_dans_les_sites_au_sud_du_tchad_002.pdf,"A Danamadja, le centre de santé (opérationnel depuis 2017) qui dessert les deux sites (Danamadja et Kobiteye) ainsi que les villages environnants, est insuffisamment équipé. Il fait face également à de fréquentes ruptures de médicaments essentiels. Au niveau ressources humaines, un seul infirmier assure la gestion du centre de santé, pour une population dépassant les 15.000 individus. Seuls les tests rapides de paludisme sont accessibles dans ce centre de santé. Les cas d’accouchement sont gérés au centre de santé mais sans plateau technique adéquat. Beaucoup de femmes accouchent à domicile avec l’aide d’une matrone non qualifiée." +330756,55042.0,2098.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,72,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.gage.odi.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Adolescents%E2%80%99-experiences-of-covid-19-in-Chittagong-and-Sylhet-divisions-Bangladesh.pdf,"[30 April 2021, Bangladesh]Adolescents also shared their tensions and anxiety as a result of the pandemic. ‘Education-related uncertainty’ was reported as the most common source of their anxiety. Educational institutes remained closed for quite a long time, during which there was no government announcement about promotions from one class to another. This created uncertainty among the adolescents about their educational future." +63493,18412.0,1386.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Politics'],es,179,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,,"Entre enero y agosto de 2018, el OVCS registró 296 protestas pacíficas del personal de salud y personas afectadas por la escasez de medicinas y las graves fallas de la atención médica102. Quienes denuncian y ejercen la protesta pacífica están sometidos a prácticas de intimidación y represalia por autoridades públicas, cuerpos de seguridad y grupos de civiles violentos. Entre 2015 y 2018, varios médicos fueron interrogados y amenazados de acusaciones penales por denunciar103 e incluso publicar trabajos de investigación que documentan muertes por la grave situación dentro de los hospitales104; directores de hospitales han sido suspendidos de sus cargos por pronunciarse ante el precario estado de sus centros de salud105; trabajadores del personal de salud han sido agredidos y privados de libertad por protestar y exigir respuesta a reclamos laborales106; periodistas y medios de comunicación han sido censurados y bloqueados en sus páginas web por investigaciones periodísticas, entre las cuales destacan las de salud107; y defensores han sido objeto de campañas de descrédito a causa de su trabajo108." +166693,39928.0,2170.0,"['Protection', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,64,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"The situation has been exacerbated by COVID-19, increasing the risks for women, female adolescents and vulnerable households who end up adopting negative coping behaviours such as survival sex, begging and truancy. Insufficient livelihood and Income Generating Activities experienced by the affected population, which are worrisome, result in SGBV incidents, denial of resources and intimate partner violence." +327336,54714.0,2331.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,37,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,[EDUCATION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 47% and 41% of Households IDP and non-IDP settlements respectively reported education of their children had been disrupted as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak. +289372,51901.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,49,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[2nd ​March, 2021, NSAG] Aleppo, Ar-raqqa, Al-Hasakeh, Hama, Rural Damascus and Idleb governorate had little to no communities implementing COVID-19 mitigation measures such as, closure of public spaces, social distancing, lockdown, prohibition of gatherings, etc." +224100,45768.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,29,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,Il a été noté que les autorités n’avaient pas encore informé ou prévenu les IDPs sur cette opération [relocalisation sur le site de Amma]. +312936,53183.0,2466.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,68,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"Despite efforts by nutrition sector partners, a huge gap remains between the coverage of nutrition services and the needs of the targeted population. The Sudan 2020 HRP, targeted 57.7 per cent of the national SAM burden and 43.8 per cent of the national MAM burden because of financial and capacity constraints, leaving almost 1.5 million children and PLW vulnerable to morbidity and death." +48420,16403.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],"['Context->Economy', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",es,80,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"A pesar de la moderada reducción de la desigualdad en Colombia, el país continúa estando en el listado de países con mayor concentración en la distribución. Los niveles de desigualdad personal del ingreso en un país se pueden explicar por dos factores: por un lado, por las brechas en el ingreso medio entre regiones o departamentos, y por otro, por la desigualdad que se presenta en la población dentro de esas divisiones geográficas." +175841,40890.0,1183.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,76,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"La fuente de agua para consumo humano más frecuente en los hogares encuestados es el acueducto. El 77% de los hogares manifestaron recibir el agua por este medio, con una notable brecha entre capitales departamentales (85%) y ciudades intermedias (59%), lo que se contrapone al abastecimiento vía carrotanques, que es mucho mayor en ciudades intermedias (20%) que en capitales 2%," +189163,42865.0,1183.0,[],[],[],es,64,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-LMA-Colombia-Espanol.pdf,"Entre todos los trabajadores informales en Colombia a finales del 2019, más de la mitad se encontraban trabajando en los sectores altamente impactados. Por ello, los esfuerzos para disminuir las barreras del mercado laboral a los venezolanos, podría ayudar no sólo con su inclusión económica a largo plazo, sino también con la recuperación económica después de la pandemia." +273898,50464.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,40,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210203FINALFactSheetSomaliaSkisserLR11.pdf,"The FGS, FMS and international partners should improve their capacity to track and analyse climate-related livelihood and food security impacts so as to be better prepared to take early coordinated anticipatory preventive responses to manage emerging climate-related security risks" +296798,52565.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,40,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/2019/06/WFP-COUNTRY-BRIEF-CAMEROON-APRIL-2019.pdf,"Forty percent of Cameroon’s 24.1 million people live below the poverty line and human development indicators remain low. Poverty has a strong regional dimension concentrated in the Far North, North, Adamawa and East regions." +323572,54626.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,20,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,The distribution of dignity kits to 300 adolescent girls and awareness raising sessions on menstrual hygiene management was completed. +156780,32173.0,1898.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,12,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/76265.pdf,"318,590 Personas desplazadas internamente por la violencia en Honduras y El Salvador" +21833,9026.0,322.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,34,['Impact'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,,"The massive population growth and the absence of effective urban planning and control instruments have led to a very rapid proliferation of informal land devel- opment and housing construction, particularly since 1990." +264327,48806.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,61,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_final_enquete_smart_27112019.pdf,"Provinces en situation préoccupante au regard de la MAG [Malnutrition Aiguë Globale] (Mayo Kebi Est, Logone Occidental, Guéra, Ouaddaï, Chari Baguirmi, Lac, Wadi Fira, Ndjamena, Hadjer Lamis, Sila, Batha, Tibesti, Kanem, Salamat, Ennedi Ouest, Barh El-Ghazel, Borkou, Ennedi Est)." +190279,43439.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,20,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Southern%20Africa%20COVID-19%20Six-Month%20Report.pdf,"The country also hosts more than half a million refugees, fleeing unrest and persecution in the neighbouring countries." +317502,52949.0,2331.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Given the fragile levels of food security in the country, climatic shocks including drought and floods are very likely to have a devastating impact well beyond the beginning of 2021." +178424,41756.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Parmi les enfants affectés, 50,8 pour cent sont des filles, qui souvent, ne sont pas scolarisées en particulier dans les zones de conflit, ce qui aggrave le risque de mariages et grossesses précoces, et 15 pour cent sont des enfants en situation de handicap qui ont à faire face à la stigmatisation, à la discrimination et au manque d’écoles accessibles et inclusives." +235025,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,63,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"While humanitarians remain committed to the delivery of assistance to all people with demonstrated humanitarian needs and have stayed and delivered during the COVID-19 pandemic, frequent threats and attacks on protected personnel, attempts to interfere in operations, including by illegal taxation and levies, and other access constraints, regularly delay assistance, prolonging the suffering of vulnerable people." +390865,60791.0,1186.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,71,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Para 2019 se estimó un total de 26.360 personas extranjeras residentes en la Región de Los Lagos. Esta cifra representa un aumento absoluto de 5.535 personas y un alza relativa de 26,6% respecto a lo estimado para 2018. En 2019, la población extranjera la región se compuso de 14.472 hombres y 11.888 mujeres, con una relación de masculinidad de 121,7 hombres por cada 100 mujeres." +304364,51590.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,66,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/IOM%20DTM%20SSD%20FMR%20Cross%20border%20trends%20and%20impact%20of%20restrictions%202020.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10755,"Based on FMR( Flow Monitoring Registry) data, the first quarter of 2020 saw over 5,000 South Sudanese flee to Uganda via Nimule Border, primarily as a result of conflict – with uncertainty over the peace process prior to the formation of the Transitional Government of National Unity in February 2020 likely to have prompted many to move abroad – and food insecurity" +305230,53100.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,56,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/plan_de_preparation_coronavirus_cmr._version_du_10_mars_2019.pdf,"ACQUIS: - Briefing du personnel de l’accueil et des urgences dans les hôpitaux de référence (HCY, Laquintinie) GAPS: Nécessité de former sur les procédures de PEC et de contrôle Covid-19 (détection, prise en charge, mesure de contrôle….) dans les formations sanitaires de référence." +292375,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,61,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"La majorité des cas (774 cas avec 48 décès) sont enregistrés dans la région du Nord suivi de la région de l’Extrême-Nord (279 cas avec 17 décès), de la région du Centre (72 cas avec 1 décès) et de la région du Littoral (7 cas) [épidémie de choléra]" +393645,62284.0,2170.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,87,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"[7th Apr 2021, Borno State] Direct observations reveal that there are few latrines yet to be completed. Also based on the findings from KII, FGD sessions and direct observations, there are no water points in the location. Community members usually buy water from water vendors for N20 -30 per water can, while household who cannot afford this trek for 1-2 kilometers to fetch water as they are not allowed to go inside Gubio camp to fetch water." +236082,47122.0,2334.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,51,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"Education Cluster partners supported 2,844 (1,491 girls and 1,314 boys) children to continue their non-formal learning through distance learning modalities including radio education and tablet-based learning in the Fako, Meme and Lebialem divisions in the SW as well in the Boyo and Mezam divisions in the NW." +330767,55042.0,2098.0,[],[],[],en,79,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.gage.odi.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Adolescents%E2%80%99-experiences-of-covid-19-in-Chittagong-and-Sylhet-divisions-Bangladesh.pdf,"[30 April 2021, Bangladesh]The adolescents in our sample had adequate knowledge about the basics of covid-19, its symptoms and how it spreads. However, there was some reporting of misconceptions about how to treat covid, with adolescents getting misinformation from the community as well. The study findings also show rural-urban differences in knowledge about covid-19, with urban adolescents having more specific knowledge about the virus than their rural counterparts." +261583,49218.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,74,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Reporte%20de%20situaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Migrantes%20y%20refugiados%20en%20tr%C3%A1nsito%20provenientes%20de%20Venezuela%2C%20diciembre%202020_0.pdf,"En el tránsito, la población migrante y refugiada está expuesta a distintos riesgos. En las ciudades y en las vías, muchos han sido víctimas de la delincuencia común a través de hurtos (a mano armada o mientras duermen en calle) y de lesiones personales. Además de perder sus pertenencias, también pierden sus documentos de identidad y sus únicos medios de comunicación, incrementando sus riesgos de protección" +339494,56380.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,108,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb4645es.pdf,"Los resultados muestran que el 42,4% (± 3,2) de los hogares encuestados en Colombia se vieron afectados al padecer de inseguridad alimentaria moderada o grave reciente entre julio y agosto de 2020 (Figura 28). En cuanto al nivel más grave de inseguridad alimentaria, se estima que el 4,7% (± 0,9) de los hogares encuestados se vieron afectados durante este mismo periodo. Existe coherencia entre los niveles de prevalencia de inseguridad alimentaria (Figura 30) con el nivel de agotamiento de los activos de medios de vida, destacado en la sección anterior de este informe." +313679,53333.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,33,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Work with boys to deal with delinquent behaviours like stealing, which in turn support other habits such as substance abuse, which can lead to unprotected sex and other related behaviours." +112915,29956.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76828,"Consultas de atención primaria de salud para refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela, incluyendo TBC, VIH / SIDA, enfermedades no transmisibles, salud mental, apoyo psicosocial y otros problemas de salud, como odontología y medicina general." +325606,54815.0,2099.0,[],[],[],en,87,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Household welfare, as measured by the index available from the 2014 EMC, does not have a statistically significant association with any of the schooling rates at the primary level. On the other hand, it appears to matter across all of the schooling indicators at the PPS level: controlling for all the other factors, Provinces with higher household wealth have higher gross and net enrollment and, especially, completion rates as well as lower dropout rates at the sixieme level." +236215,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Four decades of uninterrupted conflict, recurrent natural disasters, endemic poverty and now the COVID-19 pandemic’s fallout have taken a brutal toll on the mental health and personal resilience of the people of Afghanistan." +496487,60067.0,1187.0,[],[],[],es,85,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sentir%20que%20se%20nos%20va%20la%20vida%20-%20Personas%20LGBTI%2B%20refugiadas%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%20en%20Colombia%2C%20Ecuador%20y%20Chile.pdf,"De esta mayoría de personas LGBTI+ entrevistadas que realizan un tránsito de manera irregular, es importante reconocer que son las mujeres trans el mayor porcentaje con un 95%. Ellas plantean que es la única posibilidad para salir de su país, ante la ausencia de documentación y de pasaporte, y el temor de ser revictimizadas o criminalizadas porque su apariencia física (expresión de género) no corresponde con la expectativa social del sexo asignado en su documento de identidad." +325699,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,190,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"En raison de ce contexte défavorable (peu de réserves d'eau dans le pays), la pêche est restée longtemps une activité sous-développée. Depuis la seconde moitié des années 70, le développement du secteur a été facilité par la mise en place d’une politique sectorielle favorisée par la nécessité d’intensifier et de diversifier la production agricole dans le but d’atteindre l’autosuffisance alimentaire (qui est devenue l’objectif stratégique prioritaire au lendemain de la grande sécheresse de 1973-74). L’application de cette politique, axée depuis plusieurs années sur la maximisation de la production grâce à une stratégie de développement technologique, a fait de la pêche l’un des sous-secteurs qui constitue aujourd’hui la base des moyens de subsistance de nombreuses personnes vivant à proximité des rivières et des cours d’eau. Malheureusement, cela a également produit des effets pervers en induisant la surexploitation de certaines espèces dans presque toutes les pêcheries du pays. Au cours de cette période également, l’aquaculture a été marginalisée" +325605,54815.0,2099.0,[],[],[],en,39,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Also at the PPS level, the security situation has a strong association with net enrollment and dropout rates in particular. Again, the security threats appear to have a stronger association with girls’ schooling rates." +178035,40661.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],fr,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Les provinces du Nord et du Sud Kivu, suivies par l’Ituri et le Kasaï Central affichent le nombre le plus important de populations qui font face a un niveau élevée d’insécurité alimentaire aiguë." +157849,38800.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,33,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GTS%20-%20HNAP%20COVID19%20Syria%20Bulletin%20R3.pdf,"The difference in social media usage is driven by AoC.7 Due to state ownership, it is difficult for actors to use telecommunication networks to share clear, independent and verified information." +132470,35164.0,1188.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,14,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"Servicios costosos para casos de medicina específica , acceso a medicamentos, tratamientos especializados" +187204,34290.0,1900.0,['Health'],[],[],es,11,[],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Resumen_Informe_16_07_2020_No_080.pdf,Operativos para combatir el Dengue.  Campañas de vacunación. +161325,39528.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,48,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Evaluation des besoins en matériel de prévention et prise en charge des cas de COVID-19 au niveau de 20 formations sanitaires du district de Bogodogo (région du Centre), et de 47 formations sanitaires des districts sanitaires de Dô et de Dafra (Hauts-Bassins)." +309772,51467.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,24,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,HIV and tuberculosis are common chronic infectious diseases but only a small fraction of affected people have access to treatment.(2020) +291211,51259.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2020_access_annual_overview.pdf,"While humanitarian access has improved since the revitalized peace agreement was signed in September 2018, the number of incidents recorded in 2020 rose from 2019. Aid organizations faced continued and widespread access challenges in 2020." +303373,51947.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,73,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,,"L’analyse des raisons de départ du pays de provenance en fonction de la situation professionnelle montre que la majorité des travailleuses indépendantes (78%) et une proportion significative des femmes en recherche d’emploi (47%) étaient parties pour des raisons économiques, alors que la plupart des étudiantes (75%) et des femmes au foyer (63%) rejoignaient leur famille." +192893,43304.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,23,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Emprunter des fonds d’urgence sur le marché international pour soutenir les dépenses, car le taux d'intérêt commercial est actuellement bas" +390380,60780.0,1186.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,96,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"A diciembre de 2019 la estimación del Departamento de Extranjería era que 1.492.522 personas radicadas en Chile eran migrantes. A julio 2020, 2.978 estaban privadas de libertad. Aún tomando en cuenta que muchas de éstas no son propiamente migrantes (porque no tenían la intención de radicarse en el país al ser detenidas), nos parece interesante formular que el 99,8% de la población migrante que está en Chile no está en la cárcel. Resulta importante resaltar esto debido a los estereotipos y asociaciones que vinculan migración con delincuencia." +83867,23144.0,1620.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,32,['Impact'],"['Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_adamawahumanitariansituationoverview_decedition_11012020.pdf,"Flooding affected over 173,049 people with an estimated 19 000 displaced from over 149 communities along the banks of River Benue. This is considered the worst flooding incident since 2014." +439621,63184.0,2099.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],en,12,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Burkina%20Faso%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%201%20May%20-%2030%20June%202021.pdf,"3,533,000 people in need of humanitarian assistance (OCHA Dec 2020)" +318960,53305.0,2335.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Camp Coordination and Camp Management : 1.6m People in need, 900k People targeted, Female 56% and Male 48%, 18m (US$) Requirements" +145970,35870.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,46,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"At all points of entry (PoE), the MoH has stationed at least one ambulance with medical personnel. To date, WHO has supported screening efforts by providing PPEs, infrared thermometers, guidance notes, registration forms and one thermal scanner camera" +46604,16136.0,729.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,78,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/echo_-nf_bud_2019_91000_v2.pdf,84% of all IDPs in Libya are reportedly hosted in private accommodation and 16% in public or informal shelter settings. The majority of IDPs in private houses live in self-paid rented accommodation. 12% are hosted with relatives. Shelter is reportedly among the three main needs expressed by IDPs as a consequence of the cash crisis that prevents people from accessing their savings account to pay for their bills and rental charges. +198495,44196.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],fr,76,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.laborpresse.net/liberte-de-la-presse-le-burkina-faso-au-5e-rang-en-afrique-en-2020/,"Le Burkina Faso, selon l’édition 2020 du classement mondial de Reporter ans frontière(RSF), occupe lecinquième(5e) rang sur le continent africain. Ce classement, en effet, publié le lundi 20 avril 2020, place le pays « parmi les réussites du continent africain en matière de liberté de la presse, avec un paysage médiatique dynamique, professionnel et pluraliste », selon RSF." +361228,58845.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,46,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_price_bulletin_may_2021.pdf,"[May 2021, GoS & NES] Homs recorded the highest price of a two-year old alive male sheep at SYP 594,405/head (down one percent m-o-m), while Al-Hasakeh recorded the lowest price at SYP 435,417/head (down ten percent m-o-m)." +152102,37764.0,2099.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,53,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/31-07-20-buf-5w-dashboard_education.pdf,"A cette crise, s’ajoute la crise sanitaire liée au COVID-19 qui a eu comme conséquence la suspension des cours sur l’ensemble du territoire. Ainsi, des mécanismes d’adaptation au niveau du cluster sont mis en œuvre en vue de sauver l’année scolaire." +178089,40661.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,50,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Le 25 mars 2020, en réponse à la pandémie du COVID-19, le gouvernement a déclaré l’état d’urgence, fermant toutes les frontières terrestres et aériennes, à l’exception des cargaisons alimentaires importées, et encourageant la population à rester chez elle." +306844,51467.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,31,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,Girls are more likely to be excluded from receiving education as parents prefer to send boys to school. This increases the risk of girls ending up in an early marriage +492082,67712.0,1224.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,94,['Impact'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"The current crisis may exacerbate vulnerabilities that already exist in the region, such as the case of Venezuelan migrants,1 who are the focus of study of this document. This population consists of 5.4 million people, including 4.2 million currently living in 9 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Panama, and Trinidad and Tobago),2 who have been severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and whose economies have been impacted by containment measures." +240846,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,28,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Increasing influenza vaccine coverage can reduce the strain on the health care system and free-up limited health resources to focus on treating more severe cases of COVID-19. +57786,17280.0,1186.0,['Protection'],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",es,41,[],"['Context', 'Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/439982_ed8c90c2b9644fbbabee3b33e6e9e918.pdf,"Con respecto a albergues o residencias temporales, hay algunas fundaciones y organizaciones pertenecientes a la Iglesia Católica que se hacen cargo del tema, pero de forma limitada, pues suelen estar al tope de su capacidad de ocupación." +310057,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,33,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Vast infrastructure projects are needed not only to ensure the sustainability of people’s access to essential services, but also to create more opportunities for the country and its people." +214209,45203.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,102,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://fews.net/west-africa/cameroon/food-security-outlook/june-2020,"COVID-19 continues to take the heaviest toll on poor households in the two largest cities (Yaoundé and Douala), where some food prices have risen above seasonal levels as a result of disruptions to local supply chains and speculative trading practices. Poor households in these cities are Stressed (IPC Phase 2), while a percentage of internally displaced persons (IDPs) and urban refugees are in Crisis (IPC Phase 3) on account of their reduced purchasing power. However, the Government has taken measures to contain price increases to below 10 percent." +81775,22495.0,1231.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",es,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,https://acento.com.do/2019/actualidad/8762434-sinfonica-binacional-dominico-venezolana-por-inclusion-e-integracion/,"La Orquesta Sinfónica Binacional Domínico-venezolana cuenta con 50 músicos, 33 nacionales venezolanos y 17 dominicanos, en su mayoría con amplia experiencia, pero también con la participación de jóvenes principiantes provenientes de las diferentes escuelas de música en Santo Domingo." +194128,43831.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Intentions']",es,44,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elheraldo.co/colombia/unos-500-venezolanos-en-colombia-intentaron-pasar-la-fuerza-la-frontera-774440,"Al menos 500 venezolanos, que estaban en Colombia a la espera de ser autorizados por Venezuela para regresar,intentaron tomarse este miércoles a la fuerza el Puente Internacional Simón Bolívar para volver al lado de los suyos,informaron fuentes oficiales." +164961,39808.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Access to livelihoods and sources of income remains the most commonly reported priority need in Deir-ez-Zor, specifically in west and north line areas where it was the top reported need. Barriers to accessing livelihoods remain widespread, with a lack of job opportunities reported in almost 100% of assessed communities" +285968,51487.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,66,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no1_desplazamientos_en_buenaventura.pdf,"Se supone que existe restricción de acceso a los servicios de salud para la población en general y especialmente para las madres gestantes y personas con enfermedades preexistentes, por las limitaciones en la movilidad que dificulta desplazarse hacia el puesto de salud más cercano en otros barrios, teniendo en cuenta que muy probablemente se debe cruzar fronteras invisibles ubicadas al interior de estos." +125146,32835.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,19,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77444.pdf,"Los encuestados reportaron que en promedio viven con 3,5 personas y que en la misma unidad habitan 6 personas" +315423,54309.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,112,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Colombia_Evaluacion_Rapida_ECNI_Arauca_ESP.pdf,"Los informantes claves relataron que, como no habían tenido un desplazamiento de esas proporciones en el municipio, la comunidad no estaba preparada para una crisis de esta dimensión. Sin embargo, los participantes de los grupos focales e informantes claves hablaron de la solidaridad de las comunidades colombianas en el municipio. 43 de los 50 grupos, es decir el 86%, describieron la relación entre la comunidad de acogida y las personas provenientes de Venezuela como ´buena´ o ´muy buena´. Solo en el punto de concentración de “Casa Campesina” los participantes mencionaron que los niños y las niñas se han sentido discriminados." +285954,51487.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Security & Stability'],es,62,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no1_desplazamientos_en_buenaventura.pdf,"El recrudecimiento de la violencia en Buenaventura no sólo ha afectado a la población que ha sido desplazada, sino que también vulnera los derechos de personas que por diversas circunstancias decidieron permanecer en sus hogares; pues éstas pasan sus días en medio de la angustia y temor de quedar en medio del fuego cruzado o ser víctima de amenazas." +181154,42386.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,65,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_RMU_October-2020_vfinal.pdf,"Les centres de santés restent fermés ou fonctionnent au ralenti à cause de l’insécurité persistante, de même que les marchés dans les zones frontalières à l’extrême-nord du pays. Des hausses légères à modéré de prix des denrées de base sont observées en septembre sur les marchés de Djibo, Baraboulé, Nassoumbou et Markoye comparativement à la moyenne quinquennale" +292443,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,62,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"After the first phase of distribution, GHSC-PSM [Global Health Supply Chain Program] developed a consumption monitoring tool. The tool was used to collect data and conduct analysis on consumption patterns to determine health areas in shortage or overstocked. After identifying health areas in need, the team packaged stock and issued to the 3PL for distribution." +234305,46381.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,104,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Improvement of health care service coverage for COVID-19 patients from village to national level: Home base care (for mild and moderate cases) by the mobile health teams and public and private clinics; Hospital based care (for severe and critical cases); to prepare of national, regional, provincial hospitals and CHCs and private hospitals for severe and critical cases; to strengthen the Intensive Care Units (ICUs) for critical cases; capacity building of health care workers (advanced skills); and continuation of other health care packages particularly maternal and child care." +177960,41855.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,28,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_Factsheet_2003_HSM_COVID19_Tanganyika_juillet-2020.pdf,"Par ailleurs, l’accès aux populations affectées est souvent limité par la situation sécuritaire, le mauvais état des infrastructures et des conditions géographiques difficiles." +21828,9026.0,322.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Demography', 'Context->Economy']",en,39,['Impact'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,,"There are certain neighborhoods with a high concentration of the poor, but it is widely agreed that the poor are “found everywhere,” except in certain new high class residential neighborhoods, such as Hadda." +21825,9026.0,322.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],en,76,[],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,,"Yemen has the highest rate of population increase in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, and the growth of the country’s urban population far outstrips that of any other MENA country. Sana’a’s population increase is by far the highest of any major Yemeni city. In 1977, Sana’a Municipality’s population was a mere 162,000 persons representing just 3 per-" +330482,53831.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,58,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/12042021_sitrep_s12_whe_oms_rdc_f.pdf,"[Kasaï, Kasaï-Central, KasaïOriental, Lomami et Sankuru] OMS : les 5 provinces du Grand Kasaï (Kasaï, Kasaï-Central, Kasaï-Oriental, Sankuru et Lomami) continuent de bénéficier de l’appui technique et financier en matière de surveillance épidémiologique et de la coordination de toutes les interventions de santé à différents niveaux" +287059,51749.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'WASH', 'Livelihoods', 'Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,76,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[Pouytenga] Ainsi, dans le cadre des groupes de discussion, quatre besoins prioritaires ont été exprimés : (1) la sécurité alimentaire et les moyens d’existence ; (2) abris et Articles Ménagers Essentiels (AME) ; (3) une amélioration de la situation en eau, hygiène et assainissement ; (4) la santé et la nutrition [18 participants au Groupe de discussion]" +341769,56493.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,131,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"A l’exception de la région de l’Est (3,61%) qui affiche un faible taux de satisfaction totale des verdicts rendus par la justice traditionnelle, les autres régions présentent des proportions d’acceptation significatives comme la région de la Boucle du Mouhoun (91,03%), le Sahel (71, 67%), le Nord (58,21%), le Centre Nord (53,23%). Cette insatisfaction observée dans la région de l’Est serait due à la grande proportion (44,59%) des populations à n'avoir pas eu recours à la justice traditionnelle, ni connaître une personne ayant usé de celle-ci ; mais aussi au sentiment que les verdicts ne sont pas impartiaux." +178203,41756.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Economy'],fr,85,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Enfin, les inégalités demeurent également très marquées. En effet, la RDC se classe au 152ème sur 189 pays selon l’indice du PNUD d’égalité entre les sexes.27 Les inégalités s’expriment dans de nombreux secteurs : éducation, santé, participation à la vie politique, accès aux ressources, aux revenus et à la justice, droits à la propriété, etc. Elles sont généralement plus fortes en milieu rural qu’en milieu urbain." +175159,40890.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,83,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"El 69% de los hogares consumen dos comidas al día o menos, lo que indica que están restringiendo el consumo mínimo recomendado de tres comidas al día (ver gráfica 17). Esto es particularmente evidente para hogares con alta tasa de dependencia (>=1,5). El 12% de los hogares con alta tasa de dependencia sólo tiene acceso a una comida por día o menos vs. el 8% de hogares con baja tasa de dependencia" +309762,51467.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,73,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"The direct and indirect impact of COVID-19 and related pressure put on markets and the movement of goods; an upsurge in sub-national violence, especially in Jonglei; desert locust invasions in the east of the country; recurring flooding in areas still recovering from the 2019 floods; a protracted macro-economic crisis; higher food prices; and a devaluating local currency are all threatening the food security of people." +330404,53831.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],fr,86,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/12042021_sitrep_s12_whe_oms_rdc_f.pdf,"A l’est de la RDC, dans la province du Nord-Kivu : au 10 avril 2021 et pour le 40ème jour consécutif, aucun nouveau cas confirmé de MVE n’a été notifié. Pour ce faire en date du 10/04/2021, le nombre de cas confirmés est de 12 (11 confirmés et 1 probable) dont 6 décès (létalité 50,0%) et 6 guéri (taux de guérison 50%) depuis le début de l’épidémie." +162971,37820.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,78,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/iom_rohingya_crisis_response_-_external_sitrep_-_july_2020.pdf,"IOM MHPSS teams supported in coordinating and providing trainings on Protection from Sexual Exploitations and Abuse (PSEA), basic psychological skills from ITC Interpreters, mental health and psycho-social support during COVID-19 pandemic. Stress management, and the Mental Health Gap Action Programme (mhGAP) during the month seeking to build the capacity of MHPSS volunteers, teachers, doctors and community leaders. A total of 214 participants benefitted from the trainings." +303080,50882.0,2466.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,56,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/ipc_sudan_acute_food_insecurity_projection_update_2020octdec_report_1.pdf,"In addition to this, the ongoing agriculture season witnessed high costs of agricultural inputs and labor, resulting in high production costs, and lower production. The situation has been further exacerbated by the flooding situation, that resulted in widespread destruction across most parts of the country from August to September 2020." +59594,17198.0,1224.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Humanitarian Access->Population To Relief'],en,134,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Humanitarian Access'],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"We spoke with a Guyanese woman who manages the school’s feeding program and is a leader in the community. Most families are from Delta Amacuro and arrived in August of last year, one family arrived in Jan 2019. She noted that the Community Chairman has been very unresponsive to the community’s needs and suggested that forms of support be channelled through the school’s Head Mistress in order to ensure that supplies actually reach the community members. She suggested that the community would benefit from its own health centre, and that it needs a community boat to access markets and the health centre outside of Imbotero. (They used to have a community boat, but it is out of repair)." +178438,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,89,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"De plus, 33 936 enseignants (soit 100 pour cent des enseignants nécessaires pour encadrer les enfants dans le besoin) ont besoin d’être appuyés pour fournir un enseignement de qualité dans un environnement sûr et protecteur dans les communautés d’accueil. On estime que le nombre d’enseignants est de 1 enseignant pour 55 enfants pour la tranche d’âge de 6-17 ans et 1 enseignant pour 30 enfants pour la tranche d’âge de 3 à 5 ans." +458180,64540.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,86,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,¿Qué requisitos o condiciones necesito para conseguir su empleo? ¿tuvo dificultades para obtenerlos?. La mayoría de inmigrantes y refugiados venezolanos optan por trabajar en el sector informal por las facilidades y flexibilidad para obtener un empleo. Además de los requisitos burocráticos (documentación y pago económico19) El costo económico y el tiempo que toma el trámite de regularización de la condición migratoria son los dos principales obstáculos que deben enfrentar para mejorar sus posibilidades de acceder a un empleo decente. +313983,54309.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Colombia_Evaluacion_Rapida_ECNI_Arauca_ESP.pdf,"En el punto de concentración de Cájaros, los informantes clave reportaron que no hay un hospital cerca. Además, la falta de insumos, personal y documentación son las barreras principales para el acceso a la salud." +187595,43135.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,65,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_weekly_situation_update_-_ne_nigeria.pdf,"[1st Nov 2020, BAY states] 12.6% of confirmed cases in Adamawa State are health workers. Planning has commenced in Adamawa State for training of NYSC staff to help in sample collection. Community case search is ongoing in all locations reporting cases in Borno State, in all high-burden LGAs in Yobe State as well as in Adamawa State." +61704,18346.0,1184.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,54,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71003.pdf,"Respecto a la respuesta de agua y saneamiento, 569 personas recibieron kits de higiene durante el mes de mayo. Además, 2.837 personas atendieron los talleres de promoción de higiene7; y 1.536 personas beneficiaron de contenedores de agua con pastillas purificadoras para permitir acceso a agua segura durante su viaje." +258056,48881.0,2028.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=221592,"[9th Feb 2021, Syria] Director of Health department at the Ministry, Dr. Hatoun al- Tawashi told SANA that 2,177 confirmed cases of Coronavirus have been detected in schools among students and teaching staff until today." +209135,43992.0,2332.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,64,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"Apart from the consultations, four surveys in relation to COVID-19 were posted. The four topics were ""Day of the African Child 2020: COVID-19 and Rights of the Child”, ""Social Stigma Associated with COVID-19"", ""Evaluation of distance learning courses during the COVID-19 period"" and ""World Breastfeeding Week in times of COVID-19""." +287076,51749.0,2099.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[Pouytenga] Et les ménages déplacés, particulièrement vulnérables déclarent recourir à des stratégies néfastes telles que la réduction de la quantité d’eau utilisée à des fins domestiques (et notamment l’hygiène quotidienne) ainsi que l’endettement (les sources d’eau étant payantes)." +12376,5597.0,322.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,101,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://docs.wfp.org/api/documents/WFP-0000074046/download/,"Regarding the supply of fuel, most recent information indicate that a total of about 285,000 MT of fuel commodities is currently available in the country (as of first week of August 2018). Given the fact that some unverified information estimated the monthly national fuel requirement at about 533,000 MT, the in-country available quantity of fuel commodities covers approximately 53% of the national monthly needs and will last before the end of August. Because of the severe shortage of fuel commodities, availability in local markets is overwhelmingly scarce across most of the governorates." +297586,52552.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,35,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/West%20and%20Central%20Africa%20Transhumance%20Crisis%20Response%20Plan%202021.pdf,Climate change has been impacting the route and calendars of nomadic herders throughout Western Africa threatening the peaceful cohabitation between all involved stakeholders as competition to access natural sources fuels violence and forced displacements. +317606,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,43,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"IDPs remain one of the most vulnerable population groups in Somali society. Among this caseload, children, elderly people, women and persons with disabilities have additional barriers in accessing essential services in a safe, equitable and dignified manner." +241027,47700.0,2332.0,['Shelter'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,68,"['Priority Interventions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,,"[EMERGENCY RESPONSE IN KOUCHANGUINE-MOURA ] In addition to the six transit shelters (capacity of 40 families) that have already been constructed, UNHCR in partnership with the CNARR finalised the construction of 1,500 family shelters of 17.5m² each, fulfilling all shelter needs for the existing population. However, additional shelters are needed for the new arrivals, while resources are too limited." +196704,43328.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,88,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_smart_rapid_pdi_2020_bfa_final.pdf,"Quant à la situation de la mortalité chez les enfants de moins de 5 ans, elle a connu une évolution inquiétante par rapport à la précédente enquête d’octobre 2019. La situation de la mortalité à Djibo et Gorgadji est au bord de l’urgence. Les taux de mortalité calculés dépassent le seuil d’alerte (>1décès/jour/10000 enfants) à Djibo (1,7‰0), Gorgadji (1,7‰0) et le site d’accueil de Barsalogho (1,3‰0)." +178539,40661.0,2225.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,Les mêmes tendances de meilleurs résultats dans les zones urbaines se retrouvent également dans les données mVAM : la diversité alimentaire est en général bonne et la mise en œuvre des stratégies d’adaptation relativement faible par rapport aux zones rurales. +157686,38800.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,38,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GTS%20-%20HNAP%20COVID19%20Syria%20Bulletin%20R3.pdf,"• People in lower-density sub-districts have more trouble understanding precautionary measures. Forty-four percent of focal points from such areas believe their communities do not understand the measures, compared with 9% living in high-density sub-districts." +165098,39822.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,109,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Even though decreasing by 5% compared to July, Idleb’s average reference FB price is still SYP 118,465 well above levels recorded just a few months ago. Lattakia recorded the next highest average reference food basket in August at SYP 88,477 followed by Rural Damascus at SYP 87,315. Deir-ez-Zor recorded the lowest average reference FB in August at SYP 72,678. August’s national average reference FB price is 110% higher than in February 2020 (6 months ago), 230% higher than in October 2019 (start of Lebanese financial crisis), and 244% higher year-on-year." +182899,32165.0,1388.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],es,143,[],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/74589.pdf,"El sector de comercio al por mayor o al por menor puede generar trabajos en el corto plazo, tales como los servicios de entrega y de mensajería, los puestos de ayudante en ventas, labores de bodega (almacenamiento y empaque) y servicio de limpieza, en general. Otras actividades relacionadas al sector, como por ejemplo los servicios de back-office, servicios de post-ventas, servicios de transporte y de mensajería, requieren más requisitos de preparación y conocimiento y solicitan títulos de nivel técnico o académico; por lo tanto, pueden ser alcanzados por ellos a mediano o largo plazo. Dependiendo del tamaño y complejidad de las empresas, la contratación puede ser más rápida y menos estructurada o más lenta, pasando por un proceso de reclutamiento y contratación estructurado y respaldado legalmente." +303674,51467.0,2335.0,"['Education', 'Shelter']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,53,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"An estimated 2.4 million children were out of school in 2020. A third of all the schools are either damaged or destroyed. People’s properties have also been destroyed, preventing people from returning home. Lack of alternative shelter options have forced thousands of IDPs to occupy school buildings" +292369,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"Dans les régions du Nord-Ouest et du Sud-Ouest, une épidémie de Rougeole a été enregistrée dans le district de Bakassi. De même, de nombreux blessés et traumatisés sont enregistrés (mais les données chiffrées sur la sévérité ne sont pas disponibles)." +64112,18925.0,729.0,"['Cross', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,77,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/va_report_libya_2019-libmac-unmas.pdf,"Survivors and PwDs are facing barriers to their full social and economic inclusion. Despite the lack of proper and comprehensive study on the subject, representatives of organizations of PwDs 12 pointed out the lack of access to inclusive education leading to important school and study drop-out; the lack of inclusive employment policies and opportunities; and the lack of adapted professional training as major gaps in the socioeconomic inclusion of survivors and PwDs." +304400,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,82,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Humanitarian Access', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Between February and July 2020, humanitarian presence was severely limited in Pibor due to the relocation of 144 staff as a result of high insecurity following sub-national violence. Humanitarians were only able to return to the area in August 2020. This lack of sustained presence affected organizations’ ability to reach people in need, as well as the affected people’s access to assistance and services, and contributed to deteriorating humanitarian conditions in the area." +341749,56493.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"De l’avis des participants, les populations locales évitent de recourir aux services de la justice. L’institution judiciaire souffre de son manque de crédibilité qui à leurs yeux serait de plus en plus au service des plus nantis." +22518,9106.0,729.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,155,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"While food is generally reported as available, 35 per cent of households reported food items as being too expensive to afford. Some food prices significantly increasing in 2018 making access to food even tougher for vulnerable people. In particular, a flour crisis raised the price of bread by 67 per cent in one year.157 The median cost of the minimum expenditure basket (MEB) in September 2018 is 864 LYD.158 Notably, in the South, in areas such as Al Gatroun, the MEB can be 45 per cent more expensive. Food prices are highly volatile due to the fluctuation in the parallel exchange rate and the heavy dependence on importation. This high volatility impacts the food security of households, especially the most vulnerable. In addition, the recent reduction of food and fuel subsidies will likely raise the prices of basic goods further." +236637,46388.0,2336.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,49,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The 73 per cent of the population who live in rural areas are the most affected by the lack of access to safe drinking water, sanitation and hygiene services, where open defecation is still widespread and hand washing with soap at critical times is infrequently practiced." +303833,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,24,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"The already serious humanitarian situation has been compounded by severe flooding, affecting approximately 1 million people each year in 2019 and 2020." +261614,49488.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],['Context->Economy'],es,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.portafolio.co/negocios/empresas/en-la-pandemia-63-de-las-empresas-han-mantenido-sus-empleos-549267,"el 50,6% de los empresarios destinó hasta el 20% de sus ingresos para adaptar los protocolos de bioseguridad y el 20,5% hasta el 40% de sus ingresos con el fin de retomar y mantener su actividad comercial." +169893,40360.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,30,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']","['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Dans la province du Yagha toutes les communes sont des zones à risque sauf celle de Sebba qui retrouve lentement sa stabilité grâce aux opérations de sécurisations des FDS. +313695,53333.0,2334.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,12,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,Target adolescent girls and young mothers for shelter and NFI provision. +492300,67914.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,111,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_mvam_bulletin_58_august_2021.pdf,"[August 2021, Overall Syria] During the reporting period, 15 percent of interviewed households in Syria reported poor food consumption, marking a two percentage points increase from the level recorded in August 2020. This trend was much higher in Ar-Raqqa (23 percent), an increase of eight percentage points year-on-year, followed by Al-Hasakeh (22 percent). The highest monthly increase of surveyed households reporting poor food consumption was recorded in Homs (up by eight percentage points) and Lattakia (up by three percentage points), reaching 20 percent and 16 percent, respectively, in August 2021." +112951,31706.0,1388.0,['Health'],[],['Context->Demography'],es,126,[],['Context'],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3643670,"1. Poner la salud en primer lugar El país ha contado históricamente con un sistema de salud universal, robusto y con una cobertura de aproximadamente el 95% de la población. Esto ha contribuido a que la esperanza de vida en el país llegue a 79,6 años y se ubique en las más altas del mundo, tal y como lo ha indicado la Organización Mundial de la Salud. El país cuenta con cerca de una treintena de hospitales y clínicas a nivel regional y más de mil equipos básicos de atención integral a nivel de las comunidades. También puso en marcha un centro especializado para personas con COVID-19 en cuestión de pocas semanas con todos los equipos e insumos necesarios" +161688,35720.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],[],[],es,63,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Respuesta%20COVID%2019%20-%20GIFMM%20La%20Guajira%20-%20Riohacha%2C%20a%206%20de%20julio%20de%202020.pdf,"3.747 kits alimentarios y 1.038 mercados entregados a población vulnerable (comunidad Wayuú de Puerto Chentico, Loma Fresca y Tocoromana, Luis Eduardo Cuellar, Los Cerezos, La Esperanza y Fundación Significarte). Apoyo logístico en la entrega de 7.200 mercados destinados por parte de Gerencia de Frontera de Presidencia a la población vulnerable en el municipio de Riohacha." +196848,43840.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,38,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_291_20201116.pdf,"Les cumuls sont de 377 372 voyageurs internationaux et de 3 792 661 voyageurs nationaux screenés ; ceci a permis de détecter 63 et 351 alertes et de confirmer 22 et 22 d’entre elles, respectivement" +287002,51749.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[Kouritenga : Koupèla] Comme acteurs armés, on note la présence de la gendarmerie, de la police, de la douane, des services des eaux et forêts et également les membres de la milice Koglweogo." +279466,50942.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Testing', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,49,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/health/coronavirus/2021/03/11/global-covid-cases-near-118-million,"[11th March 2021, Bangladesh] Besides, it said, 1,264 people recovered from the virus infections during the period. So far, 506,613 patients (91.59%) have recovered.Authorities have so far tested 4,197,970 samples, including 17,032 in the past 24 hours." +169409,40506.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,27,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://lefaso.net/spip.php?article99753,"Or, les réponses du gouvernement à la pandé¬mie n’ont pas réellement pris en compte les problématiques liées aux violences basées sur le genre." +209153,43992.0,2332.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,47,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"Some management protocols have been and continue to be adjusted to include COVID-19 issues (immunization, infant and young child feeding (IYCF), PMTCT, maternal, newborn and child health (MNCH), community-based disease surveillance, malaria seasonal Chemoprophylaxis)." +388561,60980.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/informe_de_emergencias_humanitarias_reportadas_elc_enero_junio_2021.pdf,"homicidios tienen mayor recurrencia en zonas con presencia activa de uno o más GANE. En el caso de Magüí Payán (Nariño), se reportaron asesinatos de líderes comunitarios y sus familias por visibilizar la situación humanitaria de la región, mientras que en Antioquia, un personero municipal renunció ante las amenazas recibidas por parte de un GANE." +192800,43304.0,2332.0,"['Nutrition', 'Education']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,64,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"En raison de la crise [covid19], 15 535 enfants de moins de 5 ans additionnels seront affectés par la malnutrition aigüe sévère parmi les enfants devenus pauvres en 2020 ; 3 023 602 enfants âgés de 3 à 17 ans seront en besoin d’éducation et 139 676 élèves n’auront plus l’accès aux cantines scolaires." +164820,39789.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,119,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Movementwide%20Operation%20Report%20August%202020.pdf,"Turkish Red Crescent:  21 meeting on Age, Gender and Diversity Mainstream (AGDM) organized for girls, women, PwDs, UACs, elderly people and pregnant women to bring them into the mainstreaming program to include their voice at FDMNs setting.  16 small scale sessions conducted at HHs level on how to stay safe from COVID-19 contamination.  5 meetings with the inter sectors staff and 10 meetings with volunteers of CiC/SMS/agencies were held to integrate the PGI approach in order to ensure maximum preventive and protective support to FDMNs.  2 orientation organized for 24 community volunteers on protective measures focusing the risks factors to avoid COVID-19 contamination." +244112,46388.0,2336.0,"['WASH', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,35,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The unavailability of water sources as well as the distance to water sources are known to heighten the risk of GBV for women, girls, and boys who are responsible for fetching water." +330046,53699.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Contact Tracing'],fr,29,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_094_20210404_hebdo_s13.pdf,"De surcroît, la moyenne de la proportion de suivi des contacts à S13/2021 (55,9%) est en décroissance par rapport à S12/2021 (86,4%)" +205007,44672.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"UNICEF assessed that around 12 million Afghans could be pushed to food security deprivation. If these people are unable to go back to being food secure, the incidence of multidimensional poverty could rise from 51.7% to 61.4%" +318764,52949.0,2331.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"People who are lacking or unable to access services are vulnerable to various forms of violence, including SGBV, human rights violations, displacement and erosion of coping mechanisms and social cohesion." +230065,46693.0,2335.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,13,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,US$ 2.4 m in cash-based transfers made*[by WFP] +293845,52074.0,2334.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,"Partners implemented 52 WASH activities in the NWSW reaching 112,794 individuals. Partners reached 81,471 people with hygiene promotion and 6,100 people with sanitation. They distributed WASH NFI kits to 17,173 people and supplied water to 8,050 people." +339010,56192.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,56,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.internal-displacement.org/sites/default/files/publications/documents/grid2021_idmc.pdf,"Of the 2.2 million new displacements recorded across the country during the year, 640,000 were in Ituri. The provinces of North Kivu, South Kivu, Maniema and Tanganyika also remain conflict hotspots, and ethnic and communal tensions continue to be among the main triggers of conflict and displacement in eastern DRC." +175501,41235.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,68,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[October 14, NES, laboratories] The main barrier to scaling-up testing is the lack of diagnostic supplies, including PCR kits and RNA extraction kits. The SA, advised by the NES COVID-19 Technical Committee and WHO have decided to adopt a centralized approach to testing, reinforcing and strengthening capacity at the Qamishli laboratory rather than establishing laboratories at the local level." +325224,54815.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,About 95 percent of the country’s estimated total population of 20.84 million (World Pop estimate for 2020) live within a four-hour drive of a functioning CSPS; about 54 percent live within an hour’s drive. +439734,63184.0,2099.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],en,11,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Burkina%20Faso%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%201%20May%20-%2030%20June%202021.pdf,Reduction of humanitarian space due to the conflict and violence. +170497,40462.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,28,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"1. Faire un plaidoyer pour un déminage des localités concernées 2. Intensifier les patrouilles dans les localités de Matiacoali, Nassougou, Tanwalboubou, Kompienbiga." +341807,56493.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,126,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"« Voilà deux régions (Sahel et l’Est) qui sur le plan superficie sont les plus grandes du Burkina. En ce qui concerne la région de l’Est en matière de potentialités, si elle n’est pas la première elle est la deuxième, mais malheureusement la population de l’Est est je crois la 4è population la plus pauvre du Burkina. C’est paradoxal que ce soit l’une des régions les plus riches alors que la population est pauvre. Tout ceci sert à quoi ? C’est la question que je me pose. Et c’est le cumul de ces frustrations qui oriente les jeunes vers ces groupes »" +169486,40368.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,49,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"WFP continued to assist people vulnerable to food insecurity during the ongoing lean season. In August, WFP reached 498,376 beneficiaries in the Centre-Nord, Est, Nord, and Sahel regions, with a total of 6,159 mt of food and over USD 1 million distributed." +412338,59637.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,22,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/22-inc-12-patients-catch-covid-19-at-pabna-mental-hospital/75794,"[18 July 2021, Bangladesh] Around 500 patients with mental health disorders are undergoing treatment at Pabna Mental Hospital." +226972,46454.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,80,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2022_23Dec2020_FINAL.pdf,"[23rd December, Overall Syria] According to WFP VAM data, the price of an average food basket (a group of basic goods providing 1,930kcal per day for a family of five for a month) in November 2020 was SYP 99,243; the highest on record and an increase of 250 per cent over the past 12 months. Overall, the current price is 25 times higher than the average price recorded in 2010." +294575,51749.0,2099.0,['WASH'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,83,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[commune de Ouargaye] L’accès à l’eau est le premier besoin cité par l’informateur clé concernant les besoins préexistants à l’arrivée des déplacés. Tout comme dans la commune de Comin-Yanga, seul 30% des ménages autochtones sont actuellement à même de satisfaire leurs besoins de base en eau de boisson et en eau pour les tâches domestiques contre 50% avant la crise. [16 participants au Groupe de discussion]" +12720,5579.0,322.0,"['Logistics', 'Health', 'Cross', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Protection', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,92,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20Jun%202018.pdf,"17.8 million Yemenis are food insecure, with 8.4 million on the brink of starvation and needing emergency humanitarian assistance to stay alive. Needs are driven by the reduced level of commercial imports, increased hostilities, huge influx of newly displaced people, disrupted incomes and livelihoods, and alarming depreciation of the Yemeni Rial. Moreover, shortages, high prices of fuel, and insecurity caused by the escalation in the conflict is affecting transportation and restricting movement of commodities leading to rising prices of basic food commodities" +274521,50587.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,55,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MENSUEL%20DE%20PROTECTION%20JANVIER%202021-NORD.pdf,(Nord) L’avènement des VDP dans la plupart des communes qui devrait être source de protection pour les populations s’avère être le contraire. Leur présence expose les communautés aux attaques des HANI qui les considèrent comme cibles privilégiés. En témoigne les attaques dans la commune de Koumbri. +223904,45764.0,2332.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,57,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/0004_202008_rrm_msa_rapport_final_wolirom.pdf,Recommandations principales proposées : Faire un dépistage systématique de tous les enfants de 6 à 59 mois et des FEFA ; Renforcer les capacités générales du centre de santé de Magui (localité située à 11 km) à pouvoir prendre en charge les malades provenant de Wolirom ; Mettre en place des équipes médicales mobiles. +189917,31852.0,1188.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,77,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020-04-20%20Resumen%20Semanal%20de%20Situaci%C3%B3n%2013-19%20de%20abril%202020%20%281%29-2.pdf,"PANAMÁ El Ministerio de Salud y el Servicio Nacional de Fronteras (SENAFRONT) colocaron a la comunidad de La Peñita, en la provincia de Darién, en la frontera entre Panamá y Colombia, bajo un cerco sanitario. La medida se da en un momento en que La Peñita, que acoge a más de 2.000 migrantes de todo el mundo, informa de 20 casos confirmados y otras 50 personas en aislamiento." +157597,38893.0,2098.0,['Nutrition'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,95,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/humanitarian_collaboration_and_coordination_in_bangladesh_2nd_draft_12_july_2020_kazi_hg.pdf,"▪ Rapid Nutrition Assessment e.g. Rapid SMART; IYCF assessment ▪ Community outreach for screening, identification, and referral of malnourished children in addition to deliver nutrition services using community support groups at the community level to build awareness with a focus on IYCF, maternal and adolescent nutrition and good nutrition practices. ▪ Management of Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM). In Patient, Outpatient as appropriate and applicable. ▪ Supplementary feeding (Child Food Package distribution, context specific: Targeted supplementary feeding, blanket supplementary feeding)" +389386,60730.0,2098.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,67,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://app.box.com/s/asye4w9ljbvdby3gy5p0jy8a859nsmzt,"[25th July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: The lockdowns in the camps are having a significant impact on the lives and livelihoods of Rohingya people living there. Eighteen of the 22 interviewees said they are concerned about Covid-19. The four respondents who said they are not believe that prayer and their faith in Allah will protect them from the virus." +292357,52073.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,43,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"Ces activités de Boko Haram [attaques, violences, abus] ont conduit au déplacement de près de 40 380 Nigérians de la ville de Rann pour les localités de Goura, Medina, dans certaines localités à la frontière du Cameroun" +341941,56493.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",fr,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[De juillet à début septembre 2020, les enquêteurs ont administré le sondage auprès de 2396 Burkinabè dans les régions du Centre Nord, Nord, Sahel, Est, Boucle du Mouhoun et Hauts-Bassins] Ce sentiment de politisation de la sphère traditionnelle est partagé dans toutes les régions du Burkina Faso." +187426,43202.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,47,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/425396-coronavirus-nigeria-records-94-new-cases-four-deaths.html,"[5thNov 2020,Nigeria]Abuja, Nigeria’s capital, and the second most impacted with a total of over 6,000 cases also came second on Thursday with 20 infections. Currently, Nigeria has tested about 687,952 of its 200 million population." +93378,26310.0,1386.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,53,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Venezuela_%20Violent%20Abuses%20in%20Illegal%20Gold%20Mines%20_%20Human%20Rights%20Watch.pdf,"The malaria epidemic affecting Venezuela is closely correlated with the upsurge of illegal mining in the south of Venezuela. Often, miners live outdoors in tents, which increases their exposure to mosquitoes. Deforested mining pits, which fill with rainwater, provide an excellent breeding environment for malaria-carrying mosquitoes." +144255,35186.0,1187.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->Local Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,73,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3657214,"Making sure that people are getting the right information in the pandemic has been another important front in Argentina’s fight against COVID-19. To combat the “infodemic” of public misinformation and ensure accurate reporting, PAHO/WHO leveraged its close relationships with the media community, publishing several articles and, together with national and provincial authorities, ran training sessions for journalists to increase their understanding of COVID-19." +22240,9106.0,729.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Economy']",en,137,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"In 2014, escalations in conflict caused disruptions to Libya’s oil production, plunging the country into a severe economic crisis, as oil production forms the backbone of the economy in Libya. The economic crisis combined with a general public lack of confidence in the banking system and ensuing shortage of foreign currency has resulted in a major liquidity crisis in Libya.15 Due to the shortage of physical Libyan dinars and other hard currencies, the Libyan Central Bank has restricted the distribution of cash in the country, meaning Libyan bank account holders can only access a fraction of their salary and savings. The liquidity crisis is having a severe impact on vulnerable people in Libya who have limited access to cash, in what is a predominantly cash-based economy." +318969,53305.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,53,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"The South Sudan humanitarian emergency is a protection crisis, where lack or absence of a response could lead to life-threatening consequences. The psychosocial impact of conflict and other shocks such as flooding and COVID-19 restrictions, is particularly severe on children, women, female-headed households and persons with disabilities." +295412,52417.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,164,[],"['Covid-19', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.dropbox.com/s/fpu0ox89go0s7li/Syria%202021%20HNO%20%28advance%20copy%29.pdf?dl=0,"[23rd March 2021] Between March and December 2020 there was a three-fold decrease in the number of monthly average IDP movements across Syria compared with the same period in 2019 – from 162,123 to 60,501 – with a 19-fold decrease occurring in Al-Hasakeh and Ar-Raqqa Governorates,demonstrating the extent to which hostility-induced displacement has lessened both in scale and scope. IDP movements still continued across all geographic areas, with Al-Hasakeh and Ar-Raqqa making up the top seven most-affected governorates in 2020 alongside Deir-ez-Zor, Hama and Tartous after Idleb and Aleppo, but represent a significant decline on the breadth and intensity of displacement seen in previous years. Limited spontaneous IDP return movements in 2020 were likely also influenced by tighter movement restrictions due to COVID-19, and concerns about the quality and quantity of basic services available in chosen return areas, including potential economic and social deprivation, as well as personal safety and security." +115509,31694.0,1898.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,12,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UN_Situation%20Report%2011_COVID19_del%2003%20al%2015%20JUN_2020.pdf,87 Personas retornadas en 2 CC reportados al 15 de junio 2020 +90045,25213.0,1621.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,74,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A_HRC_43_75_E.pdf,"Among other cases, UNSMIL/OHCHR documented an incident involving the abduction and killing of civilians. On 17 July, in the Al Hawari neighbourhood of Benghazi, the bodies of five civilian men were found, their hands tied with rope and with signs of beating on their backs. They had been kidnapped from the town separately two days earlier by an unidentified armed group from the Al-Laithy neighbourhood of Benghazi." +178076,40661.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"En cette période dominée par la pandémie de COVID-19, il ressort que des ménages recourent aux stratégies de Crise et d’Urgence afin de pouvoir couvrir leurs besoins de consommation alimentaire." +305615,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,69,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Displaced persons in camps and camp-like settings including out of camp are constrained with challenges over options for durable solutions. The integration or relocation of displaced people is challenging due to sub-national violence, housing land and property issues, occupied or destroyed houses, prevailing economic challenges in the country and limited livelihood options that further erode coping capacities with propensity to increase tensions between groups." +21756,9026.0,322.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",en,31,[],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,,"To date, city development strategies (CDS) have been initiated in four of Yemen’s largest urban areas—Sana’a, Aden, Hodeidah, and Mukalla." +320486,52949.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,42,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The main reported shelter issues were leakage during rains (43 per cent), lack of access to cooking facilities (31 per cent) and lighting inside shelters (31 per cent) by both IDPs and host communities." +216653,45416.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,37,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,"Dans le Sud-Kivu, le rapport Enquête Ecoles Rapide signale qu’en moyenne 26% des enseignants ne sont pas mécanisés et ne reçoivent aucune rémunération – ni le salaire ni la prime de parents." +163433,32455.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/6._elc_flash_update_covid_19_quincenal_18.06.2020.pdf,"El departamento de Putumayo tiene fronteras con los departamentos de Nariño, el cual registra 2.376 casos, Cauca registra 215 casos, Caquetá registra 29 casos, Amazonas registra 2.184 casos, la provincia de Sucumbíos (Ecuador), la cual registra 350 casos y Loreto (Perú) que registra 8.743 casos." +307026,51572.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"There is no clean water in school, nutrition center or health facility. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +317657,52949.0,2331.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"As returns to areas of origin remain precarious due to ongoing conflict and loss of livelihood due to environmental shocks, IDPs continue to be reliant on humanitarian aid and unable to re-establish their lives outside of displacement sites." +148178,36609.0,1388.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,38,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/01.%20CRI%20Operation%20July%202020%20.pdf,"Legal advice and assistance: UNHCR provides legal information and assistance to prospective asylum-seekers on issues related to the asylum process, as well as access to other rights, including health, education, and work." +149342,35869.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Education']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,44,['Capacities & Response'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep18_25july2020.pdf,"In Idleb and Dana sub-districts, 171,494 students and teachers have been provided with awareness raising on COVID-19 and received information, education and communication (IEC) and sterilisation materials. 25,529 students, teachers and parents sensitized on prevention of COVID-19." +214304,45385.0,2334.0,"['WASH', 'Health']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,30,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Plan International a distribué 200 postes récepteurs dans 8 écoles. Plusieurs acteurs du secteur ont distribué des cache-nez, des lave-mains et du savon aux enseignants et élèves." +70625,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],[],en,56,[],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"Undocumented migrant populations may be among the most vulnerable affected people. Satellite data suggests that in Central Abaco, destruction is centred in the area surrounding Marsh Harbour, particularly The Pea and The Mudd, which are mostly inhabited by undocumented migrant populations living in poor accommodation (“shanty towns”)." +341964,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,120,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"L’extrémisme violent au Burkina Faso met égale- ment en jeu des acteurs extérieurs opérant dans la bande sahélo-saharienne. Le Mali constitue pour les groupes opérant au Burkina Faso une zone de repli mais aussi une source d’appuis logistiques divers et de formation pour les acteurs agissant sur le territoire Burkinabè. Cet extrémisme violent, à forte capacité d’adaptation (diversification des moyens et des cibles, stratégie d’’anticipation et instauration de psychose générale de nature à révolter et opposer les populations à l’inefficacité apparente de l’Etat) aux dynamiques locales, a réussi à s’étendre géographiquement mais aussi à gagner en intensité." +150471,37702.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,130,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"The Syria Humanitarian Fund has commenced disbursement of $23 million for 32 approved projects across the Health ($12.5 million), WASH ($4.3 million), Protection ($2.3 million), Food ($0.04 million) and Logistics sectors ($0.2 million), including four multi-sectoral projects ($2.85 million). SARC has also prepared a four-month plan to respond to COVID-19, covering a range of preparedness, containment and mitigation measures, totaling $10.4 million. On 8 May, UNRWA launched an updated $93.4 million Flash Appeal to expand their response to the pandemic over the next three months. As of end May, the appeal was 57 per cent funded." +264332,48806.0,2332.0,"['Nutrition', 'Education']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,61,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_final_enquete_smart_27112019.pdf,plus le niveau d’instruction du chef de ménage est élevé moins il y’a des enfants malnutris dans les ménages. Il est également observé que les enfants de 6 à 23 mois sont plus touchés par la MAG [Malnutrition Aiguë Globale] et qu’à partir de 24 mois la MC commence à baisser. +235888,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The incidence of severe disabilities among adults and children, which stood at 2.7 per cent in 2005, rose steeply to 13.9 per cent in 2019, potentially as a result of better counting but also because of persistent conflict." +294579,51749.0,2099.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,[commune de Ouargaye] Les observations des enquêteurs ACTED sur le terrain vont également dans ce sens avec un nombre de latrines insuffisant ce qui conduit à une utilisation excessive du nombre de latrines disponibles et à un manque d’entretien adéquat de ces latrines. +270239,50227.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],es,61,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"En relación con los casos de COVID-19 por regiones, la región Central concentra el 47,3% de los casos (1.060.185) y el 56,7% de las defunciones (27.430), la mayor proporción de casos graves y fatales se presentan en la región Amazonía con el 4,7% la región del Pacifico con el 4,5%." +493592,61216.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,22,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/humanitarian-situation-overview-syria-hsos-northeast-syria-june-2021,"[June 2021, NES]30% of communities where KIs reported waste removal services as a WASH priority need." +241044,47700.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],en,75,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,,"[EMERGENCY RESPONSE IN KOUCHANGUINE-MOURA ] Since the onset of the emergency, an estimated total of 2,444 individual children under the age of five have benefited from one or more screenings for malnutrition: 151 have been admitted to nutritional programs, including 57 cases of Severe Acute Malnutrition and 94 in cases of Moderate Acute Malnutrition, while 561 children aged 6-23 months receive Nutributter to prevent malnutrition on a monthly basis." +400335,62279.0,2170.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,83,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"[10th November 2020, MONGUNO LGA, BORNO STATE]Then the second part of the question followed to check if the baby was breastfed exclusively or was given anything else to drink or to eat any semi-solid food during the previous day and night. The data shows that 44.0% (30.0% - 58.7%) children (n=22) under six months old were being breastfed and did not receive any food in the past 24 hours." +386454,60395.0,1186.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,106,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,". Para evitar que la falta de documentación legal afecte su acceso al sistema escolar y a prestaciones, el Ministerio de Educación generó el Identificador Provisorio Escolar (IPE) (Ordinario 894/2016). En cuanto a la convalidación de estudios, la normativa vigente permite reconocer los estudios escolares previos por dos vías: con certificación legalizada en Chile del último curso aprobado, o bien, para quienes provienen de países sin convenio, se define el grado escolar a partir de la edad y una prueba de diagnóstico elaborada en el establecimiento educativo (Cisternas et al., 2019)." +209812,45080.0,2170.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,78,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%209%20Dec%202020.pdf,"[9thDec2020, Borno State]In August, the Housing Land and Property (HLP) sub-sector received requests to respond to eviction cases involving IDPs living in rented accommodations within host communities, particularly in Borno State. This was attributed to the inability to pay rental charges and the influx of IDPs to host communities and settlements, incurring charges from landowners, as many official camps are already congested and stretched beyond capacity." +274528,50587.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Casualties->Missing', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,34,"['At Risk', 'Impact']","['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MENSUEL%20DE%20PROTECTION%20JANVIER%202021-NORD.pdf,(Nord) Des enlèvements ont constaté aussi le mois de janvier. Deux enlèvements ont été signalés notamment celui d’un enseignant présumé complice des HANI à Tamsin le 07 janvier 2021 +125707,31803.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,48,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77205.pdf,"El 87.4% de la población refugiada y migrante monitoreada tiene barreras para acceder a la salud, debido a la falta de documentos (41%), la distancia a los centros de salud (22.5%) y los costos (9.9%)." +151725,38087.0,2099.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,62,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"« L’OMS est déjà au côté du gouvernement pour apporter l’appui nécessaire à savoir l’appui technique, comme financier. Avec un staff de plus 70 personnes qualifiées, nous appuyons le gouvernement pour tout ce qui est comme formation et avions affectés du personnel au niveau région et district au côté des autorités locales »" +287419,51638.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,60,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20_FEVRIER%202021_SAHEL.pdf,"(Sahel) Il a été constaté également des mouvements pour des activités de commerce dans des zones à risque telles que les marchés de Lassa (commune de Diguel), de Pétégoli (commune de Baraboulé) et les sites d’orpaillages de Souma (commune de Koutougou) et Tchimbolo (commune de Tongomayel)." +456713,58748.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,22,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://cdn.odi.org/media/documents/ODI-PB-SRHR.pdf,"Gender-based violence (GBV) has increased, especially domestic violence, as has early marriage (Jones, 2021)." +323117,54498.0,2311.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,134,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/89758cd4/REACH_COL_RAN_Factsheet_Trend_analysis_March2021.pdf,"En cuanto a la situación de las mujeres en estado de gestación y/o lactancia, reportado por los ICs , para el caso de las mujeres que viajaban solas, el ma- yor porcentaje de reporte se evidenció en la primera ronda, descendiendo sig- nificativamente en las cuatro siguientes, hasta llegar a no reportarse casos en la cuarta y quinta ronda. Es así, como en la primera etapa de recolección de las 19 ICs mujeres que viajaban solas el 21% reportó estar en estado de gestación o lactancia, reporte que disminuyó considerablemente en la segunda ronda (16 al 23 de agosto de 2020), donde de las 32 ICs mujeres solas, sólo el 9% señaló estar viajando en estado de gestación o lactancia." +165479,39488.0,2098.0,['Cross'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,34,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/vitamin-campaign-rohingya-children-goes-door-door-due-covid-19,"As COVID-19 continues to affect millions around the globe, the Rohingya refugees living in the world’s largest and most densely populated refugee camps remain one of the most vulnerable groups." +473034,63732.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2f4004e6/REACH_BFA_Factsheet_Abri-AME-et-LTB_Pouytenga_juillet-2021.pdf,"L'accès des ménages à l'intimité pour l'ensemble de leurs membres semble particulièrement critique à Yargo où l'ensemble des IC a indiqué que moins de 50% y avait accès. Dans le secteur 3, zone de l'abattoir, la situation était également critique selon les IC." +174475,40809.0,2170.0,"['Agriculture', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",en,44,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NGA%20%281%29.pdf,"Heavy rainfall in July and August resulted in localized flooding in Kaduna, Katsina, Zamfara, Sokoto, Kebbi and Niger states, affecting thousands of people and causing human casualties, loss of livelihoods and damage to crops, livestock and infrastructures" +452374,64945.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MONITORING%20PROTECTION%20DE%20JULLET%202021%20EST.pdf,"Quant aux logements, les PDI ont bénéficié de l’assistance en abris octroyée par les organisations non gouvernementales. Mais for est de constater une insuffisance dans toutes les provinces avec la croissance quotidienne du nombre des déplacés internes." +386795,60459.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,87,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"De plus, dans les localités moins couvertes par l’assistance, les ménages pauvres vont devoir épuiser la vente d’animaux lorsque cela est possible pour faire face aux niveaux élevés des prix des denrées de base. Il est probable que les pratiques de mendicité ou de restriction alimentaire soient plus importante dans ces zones. Quelques ménages les plus touchés feront face à l’insécurité alimentaire d’Urgence (Phase 4 de l’IPC). (scenario)" +305435,53013.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,51,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/3c8084ae/REACH_SOM_Factsheet_Assessment-of-Hard-to-Reach-Areas_December-2020.pdf,"WASH: 26% of the assessed settlements reported that it takes less than 30 minutes to fetch water including walking, waiting and return while 40% and 24% of the assessed settlements reported it takes 30-60 minutes and 60minutes to half a day to fetch water respectively." +270192,50226.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,25,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_6.pdf,"Según el análisis del último periodo epidemiológico, el país se encuentra en situación de seguridad para malaria, como lo muestra el canal endémico" +130342,30998.0,1183.0,['WASH'],[],[],es,16,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Reporte%20Situacional%20Local%2C%20GIFMM%20Arauca%20%28Febrero%202020%29.pdf, WASH: >3.800 personas recibieron kits e ítems claves de saneamiento o higiene. +115050,30166.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,35,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://col.jrs.net/es/noticias/jrs-colombia-continua-acompanando-dos-comunidades-indigenas-yukpa-durante-la-crisis-de-covid-19/,"Este 27 de Marzo el equipo del Servicio Jesuita a Refugiados Colombia (JRS COL) Norte de Santander, entregó ayuda humanitaria a dos comunidades indígenas Yukpa ubicadas en el sector de Escobal." +243103,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Consequently, gendered land rights constitute a major cause of gender-based asset inequality, particularly given that land is often a household’s most valuable asset." +178179,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],fr,62,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Sur le plan politique, l’année 2019 a été marquée par deux événements majeurs : l’investiture officielle du nouveau Président de la République en janvier à la suite des élections générales de décembre 2018, puis la nomination en septembre 2019 d’un nouveau gouvernement national. Les élections ont également eu lieu au niveau provincial." +198719,44313.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,88,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_294_20201119.pdf,"A Kinshasa, les ZS hot spots, pour les 7 416 cas dont l’information a été communiquée, sont celles de Gombe (949/7416 ; 12,8%), Binza Ozone (846/7416 ; 11,4%), Limete (762/7416 ; 10,3%), Kokolo (671/7416 ; 9,0%), Lemba (535/7416 ; 7,2%), Binza Météo (485/7416 ; 6,5%) et Mont Ngafula I (292/7416 ; 3,9%) (Figure 3)." +161162,35726.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,25,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_arauca_junio_2020_vf%20%281%29.pdf,"Las afectaciones humanitarias en el Departamento se presentan como resultado de tres principales dinámicas: conflicto armado, flujos migratorios mixtos y desastres naturales." +397335,61407.0,1186.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],['Context->Politics'],es,111,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.elmostrador.cl/destacado/2021/02/08/crisis-migratoria-en-tarapaca-centralismo-e-indolencia-gubernamental/,"En abril del año pasado, cuando comenzaba la pandemia a dar sus primeras luces de colapso en Chile, entre cuatro paredes el entonces canciller, Teodoro Ribera, y la actual alcaldesa de Providencia, Evelyn Matthei, decidieron de manera inconsulta, con las autoridades locales, enviar a Iquique a más de 400 bolivianos apostados en carpas afuera del consulado de ese país. Sin un lugar fijo donde quedarse para realizar su cuarentena y con la frontera boliviana cerrada por la expresidenta de facto, Jeanine Áñez, el municipio tuvo que utilizar parte de sus escuelas para que los hermanos vecinos pudieran residir provisoriamente." +342053,56493.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],fr,155,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Si pendant les premiers moments de l’arrivée des PDI, le sentiment de compassion et d’élan de solidarité a été partagé, aujourd’hui le climat de méfiance s’est installé entre les populations locales et les PDI. Cette situation, née de la conjonction de plusieurs facteurs structurels autour de la question de la vulnérabilité des populations locales et de supposés privilèges accordés aux déplacés, a porté un coup à l’élan de solidarité qui lui-même compromet à son tour la cohabitation pacifique entre les PDI et les populations des zones d’accueil. En effet, l’insertion des PDI dans le tissu socio-économique, surtout dans le secteur agricole, est perçue comme une menace par les populations autochtones qui rencontrent déjà des difficultés liées à la rareté des ressources foncières et à la faiblesse des flux économiques et financiers." +144198,35186.0,1187.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,47,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3657214,"When the pandemic first hit, Argentine officials took rapid and decisive measures aligned with recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) and its regional office, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), which initially flattened the curve and saved lives." +414783,63620.0,2225.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,78,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://zoom-eco.net/developpement/rdc-plus-de-100-mille-enfants-affectes-par-la-malnutrition-aigue-en-ituri-ocha/,"En effet, ce rapport note que « 2,8 millions de personnes sont en insécurité alimentaire, 1,7 millions des personnes déplacées en interne, 100 000 enfants de moins de 5 ans affectés par la malnutrition sévère, 48 000 femmes enceintes qui risquent d’accoucher en situation de déplacement exposées aux complications qui aggraveraient la morbidité et la mortalité maternelle et néonatale déjà élevée dans la province », peut-on lire dans ce document." +390805,60791.0,1186.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,32,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"En 2019 había 42 las comunas con 10.000 o más personas extranjeras, las que concentraban en total 1.111.952 personas, representando el 74,5% del total estimado para ese año." +19123,7822.0,730.0,"['Health', 'Food Security', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,72,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_Jan_to_nov_2018.pdf,"Yemen is the world’s largest humanitarian crisis. Approximately 22.2 million people - 75 per cent of the population - are in need of humanitarian assistance. A total of 17.8 million people are food insecure and 8.4 million people do not know how they will obtain their next meal. Conflict, protracted displacement, disease and deprivation continue to inflict suffering on the country’s population." +306259,51572.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,33,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Education facilities have been affected by floods, and local population is drinking water directly from the river. [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]" +161686,35720.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,30,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Respuesta%20COVID%2019%20-%20GIFMM%20La%20Guajira%20-%20Riohacha%2C%20a%206%20de%20julio%20de%202020.pdf,"Monitoreos de protección, líneas de atención telefónica, entrega de material informativo. Estrategia para la atención intersectorial de casos de violencia basada en género (VBG)." +214141,45385.0,2334.0,"['Protection', 'Cross', 'Shelter']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,55,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Les PDIs s’installent soit sur des sites spontanés sous des abris de paille précaires, soit dans une parcelle familiale au sein de la communauté hôte, mais toujours à proximité d’une base militaire des Forces Camerounaises (exemples à Kourgui- Mora, Gance – Kolofata ou Mozogo-Mayo Tsanaga)." +355479,58185.0,2311.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,71,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/10062021_alerta_de_situacion_por_inundaciones_en_arauca_vf.pdf,"Se requiere la asistencia urgente con tanques de almacenamiento, filtros, kits de higiene y aseo personal y suministro de agua potable para 5 sectores rurales de Saravena (Puerto Nariño , Puerto Lleras, La capilla, Puerto Contreras, Caño Rojo) ya que no cuentan con agua potable; al menos 470 familias (1.880 personas) están afectadas por la destrucción del sistema de acueducto." +317254,53333.0,2334.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,51,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Support vocational training, as one of the most talked about options for adolescents who pregnant/married/have children, at institutional level by equipping and training instructors, and at individual level by providing necessary tools and equipment for the chosen trade, start-up materials and follow up support to track progress" +173038,40858.0,1899.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,71,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020-09-21%20Resumen%20Semanal%20de%20Situaci%C3%B3n%2014-20%20de%20sep%202020.pdf,"El estudio también reveló que el 15% de los encuestados conocen a alguien que ha salido de Guatemala debido al deterioro de las condiciones económicas, encontrándose la mayoría con planes de irse en el departamento norteño de Petén. A pesar de que Guatemala cerró sus fronteras en marzo, los Estados Unidos han detenido a 2.300 niños guatemaltecos no acompañados en la frontera entre EE.UU. y México" +172823,38004.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,47,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/04/28/syria-aid-restrictions-hinder-covid-19-response,"[28th April 2020, NE Syria] These include banning agencies from buying medical supplies in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq that are destined for export to northeast Syria to prevent and treat Covid-19 there and a lack of clarity relating to organizing cross-border transfers." +190518,31296.0,1899.0,[],[],[],es,72,[],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3641092,"En el componente dos sobre Migración, se ha trabajado en las coordinaciones de un corredor humanitario para el retorno seguro de los ciudadanos de los países miembros del SICA varados en otros países y en la asistencia a estos. Asimismo, se poseen planes de seguridad fronteriza en los gobiernos, campañas de difusión de información sobre disposiciones migratorias y de seguridad fronteriza, entre otras acciones de coordinación." +311733,53183.0,2466.0,"['Food Security', 'Education']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,86,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"The Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) allocated US$100 million to support Sudan in its transition. This allocation was divided between an underserved emergencies programme ($60 million), focusing on school feeding programmes in the eastern states and a durable solutions programme implemented in Darfur, Blue Nile and South Kordofan ($40 million). Further allocations were given for COVID19 response ($6 million) and the Tigray response ($5 million)." +173691,41024.0,1388.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rapid%20needs%20assessment%20-%20Impact%20of%20COVID-19%20on%20PoC%20from%20other%20nationalities%20-%20Costa%20Rica%2C%20August%202020.pdf,WASH 91% of the households have access to potable water whenever they need it. 93% of the surveyed households responded that household members wash their hands regularly with both soap and water. Over 19% regularly use hand sanitizer. +191556,43304.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,108,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"De toutes ces industries, la SMA [Société Moderne des Abattoirs] et la BDT [Brasseries du Tchad] sont celles les plus touchée par les mesures du point de vue de l’importance de la baisse de la vente de leurs produits. Les activités de la SMA sont fortement affectées par la décision du gouvernement de limiter les abattages afin d’éviter les attroupements humains. Quant à la BDT, l’arrêt des activités de ces principaux clients notamment les bars, les cabarets et les restaurants aurait occasionné d’importantes pertes en termes de chiffre d’affaires" +61138,18235.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,100,[],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"As several media sources have reported, the healthcare system is so dilapidated that patients (or their families) have to provide everything they need for treatment themselves, including surgical instruments, medicines, sterilizing solution, etc.13 This has had a severe impact on the health of Venezuelans, including an increase in maternal and child mortality.14 Human Rights Watch reported in November 2018 that “Venezuela is now routinely experiencing outbreaks of diseases that are preventable through vaccination and had been previously been eliminated in the country”, including measles.15 People living with HIV registered" +26121,10739.0,786.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,48,['Impact'],[],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/the_americas/venezuela-has-its-electricity-back-for-now-but-its-still-on-the-verge-of-collapse/2019/03/20/1cb0060e-4986-11e9-8cfc-2c5d0999c21e_story.html?utm_term=.a236d74c7c19,"Peña, the fruit vendor, said a truck hauling bananas and limes to his stand was attacked recently by bandits who took all 260 cartons of fruit. “People steal because they can’t find any other way to eat,” he said." +325816,54267.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],fr,39,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Le secteur [microfinance] est encadré par une réglementation gouvernementale et supervisé au niveau régional par la Banque centrale des États de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (BCEAO) (Zongo, 2018)." +13498,5946.0,321.0,"['Shelter', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,26,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/half-million-children-immediate-danger-tripoli-enar,"More schools are being used to shelter displaced families, which is likely to delay the start of the school year planned for 3 October." +52810,16815.0,1184.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,35,[],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://www.elcomercio.com/actualidad/moreno-exigencia-visa-venezolanos-bienestar.html,"También se organizará un censo de ciudadanos venezolanos y se establecerá un sistema que permita recolectar huellas dactilares, para reconstruir todas las bases de identidad que no se han podido obtener de Venezuela." +152101,37764.0,2099.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,23,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/31-07-20-buf-5w-dashboard_education.pdf,"A la date du 10 Mars 2020, on dénombre 2 512 établissements fermés affectant 349 909 élèves et 11 219 enseignants." +226641,46454.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,30,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2022_23Dec2020_FINAL.pdf,"[23rd December,Northeast Syria]As of 23 December, authorities in Northeast Syria (NES) have reported 7,824 cases, including 263 fatalities and 1,112 recoveries" +159618,39079.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['Casualties->Dead'],en,58,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NIGERIA_Food_Security_Outlook_Update_August_Final.pdf,"The confirmed number of COVID-19 cases continues increasing with over 53,000 confirmed COVID-19 cases as of August 30, with a case fatality rate of 1.9 percent. Since May, authorities started community testing, primarily in urban areas; however, the coverage remains low with less than 1 percent of the population being tested." +325561,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[Ouagadougou - 2,086 individuals were interviewed] Female parents are more likely to report transport cost [to school] as an important constraint compared to male parents (30 percent vs. 22 percent) and also more likely to report it as a constraint compared to travel distance." +304731,51467.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,111,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"In the official IPC report issued by the government in December 2020, Akobo, Aweil South, Pibor and Tonj North counties have pockets of populations in Catastrophe (IPC Phase 5) acute food insecurity at one or more periods between the end of 2020 and mid-2021. Differing to the IPC official release, the IPC Global Support Unit released two reports from the Famine Review Committee, classifying parts of Pibor County as ‘Famine Likely’ and indicating a likelihood of populations in Catastrophe (IPC Phase 5) acute food insecurity in Akobo, Aweil South, Tonj East, Tonj North and Tonj South" +48114,13061.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,167,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.derechos.org.ve/web/wp-content/uploads/MigracionLigia.pdf,"En el caso de Colombia, el 27.0717 entró en vigencia el Permiso Especial de Permanencia (PEP), el cual se otorgaría únicamente a los nacionales venezolanos que habían ingresado antes del 28 07.17 a ese país, por Puesto de Control Migratorio habilitado con pasaporte, no poseer antecedes penales y no tener una medida de expulsión o deportación vigente67. Este permiso buscaba regularizar la situación migratoria de los venezolanos que se encuentran en Colombia. Los venezolanos que obtengan este permiso pueden trabajar formalmente en el territorio colombiano y ejercer cualquier actividad u ocupación legal en el país68. El PEP es otorgado por un período de noventa días calendario, prorrogables por períodos iguales, pero no puede exceder de un plazo de dos años contados desde el día en que se otorgó el permiso. Si vencido los dos años de vigencia del PEP el nacional venezolano continúa en el país sin haber obtenido visa, incurrirá en permanencia irregular69" +174471,40809.0,2170.0,"['Logistics', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,65,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NGA%20%281%29.pdf,"[1st Oct 2020, Nigeria] Despite the trade restrictions introduced since 2015 by the Government, the country relies on imports of crops, including rice and wheat, to cover its domestic requirements. Following the above-average 2019 production, cereal import requirements for the 2019/20 (November/October) marketing year are forecast at a below-average level of 7.1 million tonnes." +313987,54309.0,2311.0,['WASH'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,92,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Colombia_Evaluacion_Rapida_ECNI_Arauca_ESP.pdf,"En 42 de los 50 grupos de discusión, 85%, los participantes destacaron el acceso a saneamiento y productos de higiene como prioridades principales para niñas y mujeres. Ilustrativamente, más grupos priorizan kits de aseo (29 grupos), que alimentos (24) para niñas. Por su parte, los informantes clave en siete puntos de concentración resaltaron que el acceso a agua potable es un problema importante porque no hay un acueducto, el agua es de baja calidad o no hay suficiente agua" +219164,45719.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,30,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/431459-coronavirus-nigerias-new-cases-rise-again-as-country-records-second-highest-figure.html,"[15thDec2020,Nigeria] Nigeria reported 758 new coronavirus cases on Tuesday, its second-highest daily number since it recorded its first case of the virus in February." +59602,17198.0,1224.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"Hammocks provided by CDC/IOM were visible, but more are needed. ▪ Latrines and clean water are provided in the central area of the village by the school." +238808,47230.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,46,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"Por último, en cuanto al perfil de los hogares encuestados se encuentra que un 72% se componen por refugiados y migrantes venezolanos y el 28% como hogares mixtos, es decir conformados por integrantes venezolanos y colombianos (ver gráfica 4)." +287439,51638.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,33,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20_FEVRIER%202021_SAHEL.pdf,"(Sahel) Créer des d’éducation en situation d’urgence ou des à passerelles pour les enfants PDI au regard la surpopulation de des classes (Djibo, Dori)" +323022,54626.0,2331.0,"['Education', 'Nutrition', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Health']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,"In 2021, UNICEF is appealing for US$ 124.3 million to sustain provision of life-saving services including critical nutrition, health, WASH, child protection and education in emergency interventions." +325743,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,39,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"La production agricole est principalement pluviale, ce qui la rend vulnérable aux aléas climatiques, et dépend fortement de l’apparition de maladies des plantes. En conséquence, les résultats des récoltes peuvent fluctuer fortement." +241484,46388.0,2336.0,['Nutrition'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Further analysis of SMART survey data (2015–2020) indicates a significant proportion of children under five are also ‘borderline’ in terms of acute malnutrition status. +215843,44941.0,2331.0,['Food Security'],[],['Context->Environment'],en,32,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/somalia_health_cluster_bulletin_december_2019.pdf,"Locusts have already destroyed 70,000 hectares (175,000 acres) of farmland in Somalia and Ethiopia, threatening food supplies in both countries in the worst locust invasion in 70 years." +132463,35164.0,1188.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"La gran mayoría afirmaron tener problemas en cubrir la alimentación en sus hogares, reduciendo la cantidad y la calidad (alimentación basada primordialmente en granos y legumbres" +205125,44672.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->National Response'],['Context->Economy'],en,33,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Public expenditure on health is by far the lowest in the region at less than 1% of GDP implying that most health costs (around 75%) are financed privately. +241452,46388.0,2336.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,12,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,COVID-19 can exacerbate the effects of malnutrition in mothers and children. +271785,50331.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,36,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDRCO017du1.pdf,The destruction of the Providencia hospital and the San Andrés hospital's low capacity increase the needs for health care and the continuity of the specific promotion and protection programs for the most vulnerable groups. +261656,49368.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,69,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://humvenezuela.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Caminates-de-ida-y-vuelta-2021.pdf,"Como se menciona en la sección V de este informe, el cierre de albergues en la ruta y de otros puntos de apoyo para hidratación e higiene en Colombia, ha reducido las opciones de asistencia para los caminantes, a lo que se suma el temor de transportistas para embarcar pasajeros a lo largo de las carreteras. Todo este contexto hace más difícil el trayecto." +224007,45768.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,10,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,Il faut noter une forte présence militaire à Diamerom. +188099,42790.0,2099.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Context->Environment']",en,44,['Impact'],"['Shock/Event', 'Context']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000120225.pdf,"The Government declared a state of natural disaster on 9 September following heavy rains. Over 100,000 people are estimated to be affected and most of the flooded areas are already identified as food insecure (Centre-Nord, Est and Sahel regions)." +341490,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,66,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"La fragilisation de la cohabitation intercommunautaire trouve des explications dans les dimensions religieuses et spirituelles. Le radicalisme religieux diffusé par les groupes armés défendant des positions, nie l��authenticité divine des autres religions. L’intolérance entre les groupes religieux divise les communautés176. Les mosquées et églises sont at- taquées, les fidèles et guides religieux sont tués ou enlevés177." +61499,18235.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']","['Capacities & Response->Local Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,75,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"In La Guajira, migrants, refugees and indigenous communities have traditionally crossed the border irregularly: not least because both the Colombian and the Venezuelan sides of the peninsula constitute indigenous territory inhabited by the binational Wayuu people, who do not recognize the concept of national borders.167 For this reason, the closure and reopening of the official border crossing in Paraguachón has had a limited impact on local border crossing dynamics." +132461,35164.0,1188.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,80,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"15% de personas que expresan haber tenido dificultades para alimentarse en el último mes Es común que prioricen el pago del alquiler de alojamiento por encima de una alimentación equilibrada. Por lo general, expresan que tienen un mayor acceso a la alimentación en Panamá que en Venezuela, pero que han llegado a pasar períodos puntuales en Panamá en los que se alimentaban una o dos veces al día, o desequilibradamente con alimentos más económicos." +181910,42262.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,55,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_KAP4_Covid_NWS_TK_21.10.20-2.pdf,"[October 1, NWS, points of crossing] In addition, the report indicates that short term closures and limitations on the number of people allowed to cross at international and internal crossing points have hindered access by humanitarian workers to support the response to existing needs and COVID-19 in vulnerable areas." +227165,46454.0,2028.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,34,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2022_23Dec2020_FINAL.pdf,"In mid-October, the GoS announced new economic measures, including a restructuring of income tax brackets and increase in the tax-free threshold, and one-time payments to civil servants and military personnel." +358724,58573.0,2311.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,68,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/acleddata.com-Regional%20Overview%20South%20America12-18%20June%202021.pdf,"Despite these changes, however, many students and indigenous groups indicate they do not agree with the decision of the committee and will continue to hold demonstrations until all of their demands are met (RCN Radio, 15 June 2021). Among several demands, the protests revolve around calls for changes in the education, health, and security policies of the country." +238239,46388.0,2336.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,33,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In hard-to-reach districts, additional factors such as functionality of education facilities and cultural practices which do not promote education, especially for girls, make access to learning even more challenging." +164812,39789.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Movementwide%20Operation%20Report%20August%202020.pdf,German Red Cross:  Provided preparatory support to BDRCS for COVID-19 response project in Dhaka South City Corporation (DSCC) for cash grant covering 12000 households and IPC in DSCC areas. +206526,44554.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,47,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.sana.sy/en/?p=211062,"[23rd November, 2020, Overall Syria] In a statement to SANA, the ministry indicated that the infections toll registered in the country till now has reached at 7295, out of which 3155 ones have recovered while 380 others have passed away." +236546,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Despite the serious barriers to healthcare facing many Afghans, a cost recovery approach, implemented through the collection of user fees in some public secondary and tertiary medical facilities in the country, started to be enforced in December 2018." +226787,46454.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,33,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2022_23Dec2020_FINAL.pdf,"[23rd December, Overall Syria] Most land borders into Syria remain closed, with some limited exemptions (from Jordan, Turkey and Lebanon) including commercial and relief shipments." +386725,60459.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"(scenario) Dans les zones plus touchées par l’insécurité et de forte présence de PDI, l’assistance alimentaire représentera la principale source de nourriture des PDI et ménages pauvres hôtes pendant la soudure, surtout au niveau des centres urbains plus couvertes car plus accessibles." +316240,54179.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,111,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://congovirtuel.com/information/medecins-sans-frontieres-sinquiete-de-la-resurgence-de-la-rougeole-en-rdc/,"[Rougeole] MSF avait envoyé des équipes d’urgence dans 22 des 26 provinces de RDC, vaccinant plus de 2,3 millions d’enfants et prenant en charge 90.000 malades. En 2019, le Ministère de la Santé et ses partenaires avaient lancé des plans de riposte, suivis d’activités vaccinales supplémentaires (AVS) ciblant des millions d’enfants. Ces activités avaient permis de faire baisser le nombre de cas, sans toutefois couper la chaine de transmission. Mais la fin de l’épidémie a tout de même été déclarée par le ministre de la Santé en août 2020." +201498,44481.0,2028.0,['Agriculture'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,33,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep22_20201120.pdf,"Farmers suffer from the lack of agricultural inputs and/or high costs of these inputs,especially the lack of high-quality seeds, including Syrian wheat varieties that used to provide high yields." +313112,53183.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,102,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"While prevention of conflict, provision of physical protection and advocacy remain the main needs in affected areas of Darfur and South Kordofan, specific protection needs include: expansion and strengthening of the early warning system; identification and provision of assistance to the most vulnerable families, individuals, including those with disabilities to meet their basic needs; provision of ES/NFIs, food, health, education, nutrition and sanitation support; advocacy for increased service delivery by the government and international community, including those related to housing, land and property, and personal documentation." +313980,54309.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],es,29,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Colombia_Evaluacion_Rapida_ECNI_Arauca_ESP.pdf,"aproximadamente 4,501 personas con necesidades de protección internacional (1.127 familias)1 , el 83% de las personas identificadas son venezolanas y el 17% colombianas," +318281,52949.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,29,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Integrated services and outreach (mobile) delivery have the advantage of being more convenient and accessible to affected people, while also being more efficient and cost-effective." +323359,54815.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,68,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[The Government’s National Plan for Economic and Social de Développement Economique et Social, PNDES)] Specific strategic objectives include the promotion of population health and acceleration of the demographic transition, which is expected to guarantee access to quality health services for all. Another objective is to increase the supply and quality of education, including access to quality higher education." +453912,63974.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_20210630-Rapport-Protection-Trimestriel.pdf,"Dans la ville de Yalgo, la situation en matière d’occupation semble critique, en particulier au niveau des sites de Mamaguel et Yassou, avec comme principal mode d’occupation rapporté une occupation illégale/ sans aucun type d’accord." +235229,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,12,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Electricity supplies have been especially unreliable in 2020 including in Kabul. +125339,32724.0,1620.0,"['Agriculture', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ca5464en.pdf,"farmers have sufficient capital to purchase inputs as well as access private veterinary and other services. There is no any significant productivity improvement in pastoral systems, because of lack of finance and limited public services." +159578,39148.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,94,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_july2020_ne_nigeria.pdf,"It has procured and prepositioned infections prevention and control materials in 16 integrated facilities in addition to the earlier COVID-19 prevention ongoing compliance mechanism. 16 motorized hand washing aqua kits were placed in integrated facilities including Fistula Centre of Excellence. 90 alcohol-based sanitizers and liquid hand washing soap were distributed, 3 infrared thermometers for taking beneficiaries temperature at integrated facilities, 500 disposable pieces of facemask were distributed to beneficiaries and 15 Hazmat suit, hand gloves and other protective disposable wears were provided to services providers across integrated facilities." +297854,52145.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,68,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_humanitaire_numero_12_v_04.pdf,"Pour répondre aux besoins immédiats de ces familles sinistrées, une réponse d’urgence a été mise en place par SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL en partenariat avec Action pour la Paix et le Développement (APA), une ONG locale, grâce au soutien financier du Startfund, activé en moins de 72h suite à la première alerte lancée par la communauté humanitaire le 09 octobre 2019." +237190,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,WoA analysis further indicates a troubling gender dimension to the reliance on debt with displaced households headed by women reporting they are relying on loans for income at a higher rate than households headed by men (32 per cent compared to 16 per cent). +195746,44015.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,30,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN27D1PT,"Since June 2018, hundreds of thousands have been forced to flee their homes in Ituri province, bringing the number of displaced people to more than a million." +327991,55045.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,115,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Transcription%20de%20la%20conf%C3%A9rence%20de%20presse%20ONE%20UN%20en%20RDC%2C%20le%207%20avril%202021%20%C3%A0%20Kinshasa.pdf,"""Nous appuyons, au niveau de l’OMS, les efforts du gouvernement dans les différentes ripostes vaccinales et la riposte pour la gestion de ces cas. Et je peux vous dire que dans les prochaines semaines, le pays s’apprête à vacciner de façon préventive contre la fièvre jaune et nous nous attelons, de concert avec l’ensemble des autres partenaires, à soutenir les efforts du gouvernement pour éviter que nous ayons une résurgence de cette fièvre jaune qui a été meurtrière en 2016."" - Chargé de Bureau de l’Organisation mondiale de la santé en RDC [Dr. Amédée Prosper Djiguimde]" +188901,43387.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,38,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20DE%20PROTECTION_SEPTEMBRE2020-SAHEL.pdf,"Dans la province du Soum, 03 enfants d’une certaine vulnérabilité ont été enregistrés dont un infirme vivant avec sa mère sans revenu et 02 autres malades ayant des difficultés financières pour des soins adéquats." +330036,53699.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,168,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_094_20210404_hebdo_s13.pdf,"La semaine 13/2021 aura donc été marquée par une diminution du nombre de nouveaux cas confirmés de COVID-19 pour la 5ème semaine consécutive entre S08/2021 (n=715) et S13/2021 (n=342), ceci après une légère augmentation entre S10/2021 (n=450) et S11/2021 (n=495). Il s’observe aussi une diminution du nombre de ZS active de près de 8,9% entre S12/2021 et S13/2021 (56 vs 51) ; cependant, le nombre de province active n’a pas évolué (n=9) au cours de la même période. D’autre part et bien que la tendance générale du nombre de nouveaux cas confirmés de COVID-19 soit en baisse, la province de Lualaba reste en pleine flambée où le nombre de cas confirmés a cru jusqu’à environs 57,1% entre S11/2021 (n=56) et S13/2021 (n=88), suggérant ainsi un besoin réel de renforcer les interventions de riposte dans ladite province" +439622,63184.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,81,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Burkina%20Faso%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%201%20May%20-%2030%20June%202021.pdf,"According to the revised Humanitarian Response Plan 2021 4 (HRP), an estimated 1.5 million people require protection and 3.5 million people are dependent on humanitarian assistance in Burkina Faso in 2021. The country is severely affected by a humanitarian crisis due to insecurity. Attacks by non-state armed groups (NSAG) persist in 2021, with many civilians being targeted or threatened. Consequently, new waves of displacements are taking place in several regions." +236123,47122.0,2334.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,28,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"28 emergency latrines (56 cabins) were constructed in the Bakassi Health District (Meme division, SW) by AMEF and REACHOUT reaching 2,800 individuals." +296045,52417.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,58,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.dropbox.com/s/fpu0ox89go0s7li/Syria%202021%20HNO%20%28advance%20copy%29.pdf?dl=0,"[23rd March 2021, Overall Syria] Women – already facing huge challenges in accessing education, services and jobs – have been further disenfranchised with access to specialized and social services such as malnutrition monitoring and screening, reproductive health and responsive counselling falling by as much as 50 per cent before and during lockdown." +198711,44313.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,34,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_294_20201119.pdf,"Ce 19/11/2020, 121 nouveaux cas confirmés de COVID-19 ont été rapportés dont 104 à Kinshasa, 9 dans le Nord-Kivu et 8 dans le Sud-Kivu (annexe 1 ; Figure 1)." +145948,34803.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,33,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,• Four COVID-19 cases have been identified in northwest Syria. Contact tracing has been activated and efforts continue to mitigate the spread of cases and raise awareness about COVID-19 risks and precaution +390813,60791.0,1186.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,68,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Tres regiones del sur tienen una proporción de personas extranjeras de Argentina superior al 20%: La Araucanía, con 26,5%; Aysén, con 31,5%, Magallanes, con 23,1%. Si consideramos las regiones que tienen un 15% o más de población extranjera de Argentina, es notoria la concentración de esta población desde La Araucanía al sur del país." +178285,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,58,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,Trois conséquences humanitaires majeures pour les populations vulnérables ressortent de l’analyse des cinq impacts critiques en RDC : 1) les problèmes critiques liés à leurs besoins vitaux et leur bien-être physique et mental 2) les problèmes critiques liés à leurs conditions de vie 3) les problèmes critiques liés à leur environnement protecteur. +306159,51474.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,21,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,The number of children affected by grave violations decreased from 23 to 11 (four boys and seven girls). +184973,41719.0,1900.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/PUEBLOS%20INDIGENAS%20Y%20COVID-19.pdf,"El menor acceso se registra entre los y las jóvenes indígenas de Honduras y Panamá y es este último país el que evidencia desigualdades más profundas, donde la proporción de jóvenes no indígenas que acceden a la educación superior es 8 veces más alta que la de los indígenas9" +292356,52073.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,66,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"S’agissant de la crise dans le Bassin du Lac Tchad, on a noté pendant le premier trimestre 2019 une légère intensification des exactions des membres du groupe Boko Haram au Nigéria et au Cameroun, marquées par des attaques à mains armées, des violences et des abus contre les populations civiles ainsi que le pillage des moyens d’existence des populations" +317940,53305.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,15,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,The cost of a standard food basket has increased by 42% in 2020. +224048,45768.0,2332.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,25,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"Comme signalé ci-haut, sur les 12 filles, une seule fréquentait l’école à Boma, soit 8% de filles scolarisées." +236509,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,44,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Long distances are particularly noted by non-recent returnee households and recent IDPs and present an exceptional barrier to elderly headed households and women given the cost of transport, the dangers of moving around in conflict zones and social barriers to female travel." +166346,33628.0,1234.0,[],[],['Context->Environment'],en,62,[],['Context'],UNHCR Trinidad and Tobago,2019-05-28 03:09:47.864552+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3556173,"The non-repayable grant will facilitate the development of final design studies for flood control works and a drainage action plan aimed at enhancing T&T’s flood resilience over the short, medium and long-term, thereby moving the nation one step closer to a future in which its citizens are better protected from the impacts of extreme weather events" +177059,41752.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,63,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Si / quand vous ressentez des symptômes de coronavirus, que pensez-vous que vous ferez ?* (n=400) 72% Se rendre chez un prestataire de santé (287) 6% Je ne sais pas (23) 13% Appeler la ligne verte 3535 (53) 5% Contacter le prestataire de santé à distance (18)" +157582,38893.0,2098.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,43,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/humanitarian_collaboration_and_coordination_in_bangladesh_2nd_draft_12_july_2020_kazi_hg.pdf,Support shelter closure initiatives and ensure disinfection of shelter; ▪ Support various levels of administration to plan for mass evacuation considering mitigation measures for COVID-19 risk; ▪ Support in operationalization of the evacuation and shelter guideline developed by CPP & IFRC +182903,32165.0,1388.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],es,94,[],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/74589.pdf,"A corto plazo se pueden generar actividades productivas (emprendimientos) en la preparación de alimentos para ventas locales o ambulantes, servicios de entrega en moto o bicicleta, servicios de outsourcing en administración-contabilidad-mercadeo, servicios de limpieza. Otros servicios relacionados como el transporte y logística en vehículo (requiere normalización de licencia de conducir), suministro de insumos y materiales como proveedor, el apoyo administrativo-contable, servicios de comunicación y promoción pueden derivar en servicios más sofisticados que en el mediano y largo plazo pueden servir para emprendimientos." +475552,63296.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,54,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"la pluviométrie a été largement au dessus de la moyenne en juillet, menant à des innondations localisées. Selon les IC, la pluie a continué à être excessive pendant et après les récoltes, provoquant des pertes additionnelles d’aliments n’ayant pas été stockés au moment des pluies." +175127,40890.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,64,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"El 12% de los hogares tiene un miembro o más sin un documento que lo identifique como venezolano, lo que puede significar un riesgo de apatridia. Esta situación es más común en el caso de los hogares con pueblos indígenas, donde el 17% tiene un miembro o más sin este documento (50 de los 293 hogares encuestados)" +218186,45410.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,43,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"A N’Djaména, plus de 32 000 personnes sinistrées ont été recensées dans les différents arrondissements de la capitale selon les derniers chiffres officiels disponibles en septembre. Ces ménages ont perdu l’essentiel de leurs moyens de subsistance." +187683,43292.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/msna_2020_factsheet_refugee.pdf,"[July-August 2020, Bangladesh] Rohingya Refugees: While reports of security concerns were relatively low, respondents reported an increase in child protection issues at the community level in the past 6 months, most notably in child labour and children going missing. Child marriage, violence against children and children experiencing psychosocial distress also reportedly increased." +316583,52949.0,2331.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,59,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"According to UNHCR data, 3.6 per cent of the total refugee and asylum seeker population have a serious medical condition and 1.8 per cent live with disabilities that require specialized medical care. Additionally, there are victims of torture, women at risk, older persons at-risk as well as SGBV survivors who need specialized MHPSS services" +48109,13061.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,54,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.derechos.org.ve/web/wp-content/uploads/MigracionLigia.pdf,"En marzo de 2018, ACNUR sentó un importante hito al publicar la Nota de Orientación sobre el Flujo de Venezolanos, alentando a los Estados a aplicar la definición regional de refugiado contenida en la Declaración de Cartagena, “incluso como base para tramitar los casos de forma acelerada y simplificada”" +182585,42252.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,26,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2020_29Oct2020_FINAL.pdf,"[29th October 2020, Overall Syria] Humanitarian actors continue to receive reports that healthcare workers in some areas do not have sufficient PPE." +264308,48806.0,2332.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,86,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_final_enquete_smart_27112019.pdf,"Au niveau national, 54,9% des personnes ont dormi sous une moustiquaire tout type la nuit précédant l’enquête. Parmi ces personnes ayant dormi sous moustiquaire, 37,1% étaient sous une MILDA. Chez les enfants de moins de 5 ans, 58,6% ont dormi sous moustiquaires tout type contre 43,2% sous MILDA. Le taux d’utilisation de moustiquaire chez les femmes enceintes est à 53,4 pour les moustiquaires tout type et 37,7% pour les MILDA." +235839,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In a worrying trend, the number of civilian casualties from PPIEDs saw a 44 per cent increase in the first nine months of 2020, in comparison to the same period in 2019; the number of civilians killed by them has more than doubled." +291977,51982.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,43,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/colombia2020/justicia/jep/cada-media-hora-un-colombiano-ha-sido-desplazado-este-ano-fiscalia-de-la-jep/,La Unidad de Investigación y Acusación de la Jurisdicción Especial para la Paz reveló que 3.110 personas han sido desplazadas forzosamente apenas en lo que va de este 2021. Norte de Santander y Antioquia son los departamentos con más casos registrados. +194614,43822.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,37,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19112020_flash_update_no.3_emergencias_por_ola_invernal_-_colombia_vf.pdf,"Si bien es de conocimiento nacional la difícil situación que atraviesa el departamento del Chocó, todavía no se cuenta con el apoyo a las víctimas en materia de asesoría para el establecimiento de sus derechos." +323052,54626.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,28,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,"In Belet Weyne in Hiraan region, 10 strategic wells were disinfected through chlorination providing safe water to 4,560 people (1,354 girls, 1,409 boys)." +157583,38893.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,52,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/humanitarian_collaboration_and_coordination_in_bangladesh_2nd_draft_12_july_2020_kazi_hg.pdf,Develop SOP on handling existing and suspected COVID-19 cases in cyclone shelters. ▪ Develop SOP for door to door relief distribution instead of centralized distribution. ▪ Engage with cyclone shelter management committee for reducing risk of COVID-19 transmission. ▪ Adapt mass displacement and evacuation best practices to country context +416267,64000.0,1185.0,[],[],"['Information And Communication->Communication Means And Preferences', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,101,[],"['Information And Communication', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Según un análisis de la representación de las personas venezolanas en medios digitales peruanos realizado por Equilibrium CenDE (2020b), las actitudes negativas que se han formado hacia esta población están alimentadas -entre otras variables- por el sensacionalismo de los medios. Así, entre abril y mayo de 2019, los principales medios digitales en el Perú se enfocaron en publicar noticias sobre la magnitud del desplazamiento venezolano en relación con hechos que atentan contra la seguridad pública (crímenes perpetrados por ‘extranjeros’) o que la refuerzan (‘expulsión de venezolanos’)." +264331,48806.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,73,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_final_enquete_smart_27112019.pdf,"Ces prévalences élevées de la malnutrition aigüe et chronique dans les provinces en général correspondent à une situation structurelle engendrée et entretenue par l’effet combiné de plusieurs facteurs dont: le niveau d’instruction du chef des ménage, l’état de santé des enfants, les pratiques d’allaitement et d’alimentation des enfants et enfin l’assainissement et l’hygiène des ménages." +61305,18235.0,1183.0,['Cross'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,107,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"Venezuelan refugees and migrants usually travel by bus or by shared private transport from their place of origin to the Colombian border. They enter Colombian territory through both regular crossings and trochas. Modes of travel vary by region: those who enter Colombia through Maicao cross the border either by car or truck, as La Guajira is a desert region; those who enter through Cúcuta mostly walk, either regularly across the Simón Bolivar International Bridge or irregularly along trochas; lastly, most of those who enter the country through Arauca cross the border by boat, over the Arauca river." +222826,46100.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,37,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=214258,"[18th December, 2020, Overall Syria] Health Ministry announced on Friday that 169 new Coronavirus cases were registered in Syria, adding that 70 patients have recovered while 20 others have passed away." +493589,61216.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/humanitarian-situation-overview-syria-hsos-northeast-syria-june-2021,"[June 2021, NES]Private water trucking was the most commonly reported source of drinking water (reported by KIs in 37% of communities)" +224091,45768.0,2332.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,14,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,Les déplaces vivent dans une grande précarité en ce qui concerne les abris. +48496,16403.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,31,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,," Lento proceso de aseguramiento: 60% del total de venezolanos están regularizados, de este grupo se estima que tan solo el 20% están afiliados al SGSSS." +458234,64540.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],es,62,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"¿Conoce las instancias gubernamentales encargadas de regular y supervisar la contratación de trabajadores extranjeros?. Consultados por las instancias reguladoras de las condiciones de trabajo, todos los participantes del grupo focal mencionaron al MTPE, aunque por las labores que realizan no están familiarizados con el manejo de las demandas y procedimientos legales que involucra a la autoridad de trabajo" +306265,51572.0,2335.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,69,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"The major challenges encountered by schools is flood particularly in Dingtoma 2 primary school. The flood has claimed 7 classrooms and 2 blocks of latrines in the school forcing the school to congest the candidate learners(69 leaners) in one classroom which violates the protocol for physical distancing in the class. [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]" +61158,18235.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']",[],[],en,84,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"The PEP allows Venezuelans to remain in Colombia for up to two years with access to basic rights, including employment, health, and education. Those who did not register through the RAMV or entered the country irregularly after the RAMV closed in June 2018 did not qualify for the PEP. According to the Colombian authorities, 535,650 Venezuelan refugees and migrants had obtained the PEP by the end of 2018 – roughly half of the Venezuelans nationals in the country" +22295,9106.0,729.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,80,['At Risk'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"During disasters and conflict, children with disabilities are more likely to be left behind, abandoned or neglected, they may lose essential medications and assistive devices, reducing their level of functioning and resulting in increased dependence on caregivers. Children with disabilities in Libya are highly vulnerable and much more likely than be exposed to exploitation and abuse than other children.85 Girls with disabilities are particularly vulnerable and are at risk of sexual and gender-based violence." +407420,63069.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,105,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Bulletin%20d%E2%80%99information%20sous%20cluster%20protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99enfance%20%28GTPE%29%20Mars%20%E2%80%93%20Mai%202021.pdf,"En particulier les filles sont exposées aux agressions sexuelles, physique et viols et entrainent des stratégies de survies négatives, comme le mariage précoce, le sexe de survie (en échange de l’argent, des biens ou des services) : • 37 cas de viol sur mineures (sur 94 signalés) ont été rapportés au cours des mois de mars et avril 2021 avec une augmentation de 15% par rapport au mois de janvier et février 2021 • 385 enfants associés à des groupes armés et milices, entre janvier et avril 2021. • 159 ENA identifiés" +361237,58845.0,2028.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,94,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_price_bulletin_may_2021.pdf,"[May 2021, GoS, & NWS]Broken down by regions, the ToT between an alive two-year old male sheep and wheat flour, the cross-border region recorded the highest ToT at 360 kg/sheep (up four percent m-o-m), followed by the middle region at 269 kg/sheep (down seven percent m-o-m). While northwest Syria region recorded the lowest ToT per region at 229 kg/sheep (up nine percent m-o-m), followed by the coastal region at 235 kg/sheep (up four percent m-o-m)." +275279,50662.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,114,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[July- December 2020, Cox's Bazar] So far, 7.7% of cases showed severe symptoms at the time of admission; and 7.7% also reported at least one co-morbidity. Although the median age of individuals tested is 10 years of age, a significant proportion has been tested positive among individuals 40+ years of age (258 per 10 000 people). The highest number of positive tests was reported for individuals less than 9 years old (394 tests per 10 000 people). The age-specific mortality was highest for individuals at 50+ years of age, with 0.9% per 10 000 people." +315794,52949.0,2331.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross', 'WASH']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,66,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Many non-displaced Somali households face co-occurring, overlapping needs that are mutually compounding and need to be addressed in tandem. The JMCNA 2020 found that roughly half of all non-IDPs reported at least two overlapping severe, critical or catastrophic sectoral needs, with particular prevalence of co-occurring WASH, shelter and food security needs, underscoring the need for inter-sectoral, integrated responses." +241191,47089.0,2170.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,113,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000122811.pdf,"[1st Dec 2020,Borno] A similar product was prepared for northeast Nigeria (5 LGAs of Borno state) by the Joint Research Center (JRC), based on the method developed by WFP for cropland change detection. The areas most affected by medium and significant cropland decrease are Kala, Balge and Marte with above 90 percent cropland decrease since the crisis started. The subdivisions of Abadam, Kukawa and Guzamala show less cropland loss compared to the southern ones. Between 2010 and 2020, the largest cropland increases are in western Kukawa, along the Lake Chad in eastern Abadam and northern Guzamala." +482720,67369.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.francetvinfo.fr/monde/afrique/societe-africaine/epidemie-de-meningite-en-rdc-129-deces-dans-le-nord-est-du-pays_4764131.html,"Selon le bureau Afrique de l'OMS, plus de 1,6 million de personnes (âgées de 1 à 29 ans) ont été vaccinées lors d'une campagne de vaccination de masse en 2016 dans la province de la Tshopo, qui se situe dans la ceinture africaine de méningite s'étirant sur t" +320286,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"In addition, evictees are exposed to other risks related to Sexual and Gender-Based Violence and child protection, with vulnerable persons, especially women, older persons, persons with disabilities and persons with medical conditions, often adversely affected." +200969,44409.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,61,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.minsalud.gov.co/Paginas/Esperamos-aplicar-la-primera-vacuna-en-primer-semestre-de-2021.aspx,"Bogotá D.C., 25 de noviembre de 2020. Ante los últimos anuncios de por lo menos tres proyectos de vacuna que han arrojado resultados prometedores de eficacia contra el covid-19, el ministro de Salud y Protección Social, Fernando Ruiz Gómez, indicó que frente el actual panorama Colombia estaría aplicando la primera vacuna en el próximo año." +307021,51467.0,2335.0,"['Education', 'Shelter']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],en,55,"['Impact', 'Priority Interventions', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Between February and December, some 430 schools have been affected and damaged by floods and by violence and 185 of these schools have been and are still occupied by IDPs. These school infrastructures including WASH, latrine, furniture, and educational supplies have been destroyed and require urgent rehabilitations and reconstructions." +239674,47230.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,84,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"Esta percepción de discriminación es mayor entre las mujeres, de las cuales el 45% reporta haber sufrido una situación similar, en comparación con la percepción de los hombres, entre quienes el 40% ha estado en esta situación este año. Igualmente, la población afrodescendiente con mayor frecuencia este año se ha sentido discriminada por ser venezolana, (46%) en comparación con la población indígena (24%) y el resto de la población." +238171,47090.0,2170.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_15_dec_2020_report.pdf,"[1st-15thDec 2020, Borno and Adamawa state]45% of the camps in the displaced LGAs currently have access to vocational trainings. 55% do not have access to any form of vocational training within the site or nearby." +224298,45393.0,2099.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,39,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Deux-cent-quarante-cinq (245) nouveaux cas confirmés de COVID-19 du 27/11/2020 au 02/12/2020 dont 04 cas importés et 241 à transmission communautaire, portant le cumul à 3 062 cas dont 1 057 femmes et 2 005 hommes." +175999,40890.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,142,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"Por otra parte, 67% de los hogares venezolanos se encuentran en situación de hacinamiento, considerando que esta se configura cuando hay más de tres personas por cuarto o habitación39. De acuerdo con datos de la Gran Encuesta Integrada de Hogares (GEIH) del DANE, antes de las medidas de aislamiento por COVID-19 esta proporción era del 49%; ahora, en 11% de los hogares encuestados han dormido en promedio seis personas por cuarto en los últimos siete días, y en 18% de los hogares han dormido siete o más personas por cuarto ( Este indicador es de especial preocupación en vista del aislamiento obligatorio, en el contexto de la emergencia sanitaria, en tanto evidencia precarias condiciones de habitabilidad aún en aquellos hogares que actualmente cuentan con una vivienda." +213477,44840.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,"Sexual and gender based violence (SGBV) is expected to rise as a result of the pandemic, as has been seen globally. Women and girls living in IDP camps and/or from minority clans and marginalized communities face heightened risks of SGBV, including abduction, forced marriage and rape" +192850,43304.0,2332.0,"['Protection', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,30,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,La forte chute des revenus des ménages est une source de tensions sociales susceptibles d’inverser encore plus les progrès accomplis en matière de consolidation de la paix. +473029,63732.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,121,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2f4004e6/REACH_BFA_Factsheet_Abri-AME-et-LTB_Pouytenga_juillet-2021.pdf,"La majorité des IC (24/30) a rapporté la présence de ménages PDI vivant dans des abris en location dans la ville de Pouytenga, dans l'ensemble des zones couvertes par l'évaluation. Ces PDI doivent payer des loyers, dont les prix n'auraient pas fluctué au cours des six mois précédant la collecte de données selon la majorité des IC. Cependant, trois IC de Yargo et trois IC du secteur 3 au sud de l'axe d'Andemtenga ont rapporté une augmentation. Le prix du loyer moyen par mois se situe entre 1 000 et 9 000 francs CFA selon les IC. De plus, les loyers n'inclueraient pas les dépenses de type eau et électricité." +177701,41774.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,121,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"Le gouvernement a annoncé le déconfinement progressif de la commune de la Gombe, autrefois épicentre de la pandémie à Coronavirus à Kinshasa, qui sera effectif à partir de ce lundi 29 juin 2020. Les lieux publics suivants seront ouverts : -Magasins ; -Banques ; -Entreprises de télécommunication ; -Sièges sociaux ; -Établissements publics, services publics, administration publique ; -Sociétés commerciales et Industries ; -Rehaussement des effectifs dans les cabinets ministériels ; -Restaurants ; -Cafés. Les lieux publics suivants resteront fermés : -Marché Central et des commerces avoisinants -Discothèques, bars, terrasses -Écoles, universités, instituts supérieurs -Églises, stades -Tout commerce et restauration à la sauvette (Malewa y compris.)." +171435,40699.0,2098.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,91,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20201004_acaps_thematic_review_vulnerable_households_rohingya_refugee_response.pdf,"[4th october, Cox's Bazar] While containment measures are essential to reducing the spread of COVID-19, they create barriers to the availability, accessibility, awareness, quality, and utilization of critical services and livelihood opportunities, leading to an immediate and likely longterm decline in wellbeing. Households already struggling to access assistance and services to meet their specific needs are the most gravely impacted and face the highest risk of extreme poverty and severe long-term impacts, such as increased mortality and morbidity." +304401,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,79,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Up to 60 per cent of the country is cut off during the rainy season between April and December, forcing humanitarians to rely on costly air transportation. In 2020, many roads remained inaccessible exceptionally until March, constraining physical access more than usual and limiting the time available to pre-position supplies to key locations before the next rains began. COVID-19 containment measures impacted humanitarian staff movement and shipping of essential cargo until August 2020." +236244,46388.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The domestic wheat harvest left a deficit of 1.3 million MT forcing farming families to cover the rest of their food needs through other external sources – savings, sale of productive assets and livestock, borrowing food, working for food, and sending household members out of the country to work and send money back." +164401,38902.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,43,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,The first months of 2020 already saw an increase in reported cases of child recruitment (InSight Crime 22/06/2020). Forced recruitment of children is likely to increase if schools remain closed (InSight Crime 28/08/2020; El Espectador 17/05/2020). +307197,51467.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"An estimated 7.7 million people are expected to experience acute food insecurity and worse (IPC 3, 4 and 5) in 2021 according to the latest IPC analysis published in December 2020. This includes 310,000 refugees and asylum seekers who need FSL support in 2021." +146037,35870.0,2028.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,39,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Through funds received by the OCHA COVID-19 reserve SHF allocation, WFP, as lead agency of the Logistics Cluster, is now providing access to an UNHAS service, including air cargo transport, from Damascus to Qamishli" +292285,52058.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,66,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/16-03-21_ni_nord_kivu.pdf,"[terr.Walikale] Entre le 3 et le 8 mars, les affrontements entre groupes armés dans la localité de Nsuka, ont poussé environ 3 800 personnes au déplacement vers Kalembe-Kalonge. Ces personnes déplacées ont été reçues en familles d’accueil. Elles s’ajoutent à environ 11 000 autres personnes déplacées arrivées dans cette localité entre décembre 2020 et février 2021" +62854,18514.0,1386.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190328_acaps_briefing_note_venezuela_update_and_2019_outlook__0.pdf,"Shortages of medicine have led to the emergence of a black market, raising safety concerns over the quality and appropriateness of medicines sold to people who cannot afford them in the legal way (Financial Times 08/02/2019)." +46295,15533.0,729.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,84,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_report_areabasedassessment_aba_azzawya_jun2019.pdf,"Baker KIs reported that in mid-2018, severe shortages of flour and fuel caused some bakers to temporarily close their businesses and, in some cases, go on strike. However, the situation has improved greatly, and KIs were optimistic about future prospects, as the September 2018 economic reforms that followed these events were correlated both with improvements in the supply of subsidised flour by the government and with the appreciation of the Libyan currency on the parallel market." +300528,52762.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],fr,77,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_087_28210321_hebdo_s12.pdf,"Avec l’appui de l’OMS, s’est tenue une réunion d’échange entre le PEV et le programme national de lutte contre les maladies cardio-vasculaires le le vendredi 26/03/2021, l’organisation d’une matinée scientifique à la faculté de Médecine de l’Université de Kinshasa, dans le cadre de sensibiliser les professionnels de santé à l’introduction de vaccin contre la COVID-19 en RDC." +271757,50331.0,2311.0,"['Shelter', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Environment'],en,107,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDRCO017du1.pdf,"In November 2020, two hurricanes (Eta and Iota) evolved into category 4 and 5 storms. They significantly affected the Colombian regions of San Andres, Providencia and Santa Catalina, Bolívar, Guajira, Atlántico, Magdalena and Sucre. The number and strength of hurricanes this year is due to various causes: the absence of an El Niño event, increasing ocean temperatures, changing atmospheric patterns, and another climate change-associated phenomenon. By the end of 2020, 228,000 people claimed to be affected by floods, hurricane-force winds, and landslides in 11 departments of the country." +306262,51572.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,21,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Provide immediate assistance to floods-affected population. [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]" +191735,43622.0,2330.0,['Health'],[],[],en,31,[],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20201111_acaps_briefing_note_nicaragua_honduras_hurricane_eta.pdf,"Stagnant water increases risks of water and vector-borne disease outbreaks of dengue, zika, malaria, cholera, and chikungunya. Exposure to humidity and cold may cause respiratory diseases" +301783,51958.0,2332.0,['Shelter'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,75,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_devaluation_de_protection_des_retournes_tchadiens_de_la_rca_installes_dans_les_sites_au_sud_du_tchad_002.pdf,"Sur le site de Sido en particulier, on dénombre beaucoup de femmes seules et/ou cheffes de ménage. Ces femmes qui constituent une majeure partie de la population, ne sont pas pour la plupart des cas, en mesure de se doter d’abris semi-durables et donc habitent encore des abris d’urgence (en état de délabrement très avancé), avec les risques de protection qui en découlent." +165434,39395.0,1388.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,24,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LACRO_COVID-19%20Regional%20Sitrep%20%237_JUL2020.pdf,"Confirmed Cases and Deaths (UNFPA programme countries) WHO, 10 September 2020 Country Costa Rica Confirmed Cases: 49,897 Deaths: 531" +190165,43304.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,105,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"pour la première fois, la raffinerie (SRN) exporte des produits pétroliers raffinés vers le Cameroun (SRN était confrontée à une surproduction quelques semaines auparavant), la société sucrière (CST) a augmenté ses ventes intérieures, qui avaient été entravées par les importations frauduleuses, la Cotontchad vend son huile végétale sur le marché local, tandis que les entreprises de télécommunications ont augmenté leurs ventes à l’ère du confinement/télétravail. [suite aux mesures prises par le gouvernement pour endiguer la propagation du COVID ces entreprises ont dû réorganiser leur façon de vendre et distribué]" +176386,41733.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,96,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/reach_drc_bulletin-des-marche-2_juin-2020.pdf,"Suivant la tendance globale pour l'évolution entre avril et mai 2020, le coût médian du PMA a baissé dans un peu plus de la moitié des territoires dans lesquels des données étaient disponibles pour les deux mois. Cependant, les augmentations du coût du PMA, là où elles ont eu lieu, étaient marquées (allant jusqu'à presque 70% du prix entre avril et mai), traduisant ainsi les effets des facteurs liés à la mises en place des mesures COVID-19 cités ci-dessus pour des territoires davantage impactés." +310393,53177.0,2466.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Sudan%20Multi-Sectoral%20Location%20Assessment_South%20Kordofan.pdf,"Education is a high priority need across five of the visited locations. There are currently an estimated 29,051 students enrolled in school, with a larger percentage being female (17,736 females and 14,861 males)." +386129,60459.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"L’offre de main-d’œuvre agricole dépasse la demande en raison de la concurrence entre PDI et actifs des communautés hôtes. Cependant, les producteurs moyens et nantis sont contraints de verser des rétributions journalières similaires à la moyenne pour maintenir cette main-d’œuvre plus attirée par l’orpaillage." +191582,43304.0,2332.0,"['Education', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,48,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,Il y aura donc des impacts au niveau micro et social pour ces intervenants du système éducatif ; ces impacts négatifs peuvent s’amplifier en créant des conflits de travail liés aux revendications sur la protection de leurs droits par ces intervenants de l’école. +150463,37702.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,35,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"During the reporting period, UNICEF continued support of construction of WASH facilities at the designated isolation centres in Areesha and Mahmoudli camps, in addition to their regular support to camps and collective shelters" +323027,54626.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,"According to the FAO latest update, the worst affected regions include Lower Juba, Middle Juba, Gedo, Mudug, Nuugal, Bari, Toghdheer and Sool which are currently experiencing severe water shortages." +314869,53183.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,64,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"Despite the efforts to deliver humanitarian assistance by following strict COVID-19 protocols, some activities – such as biometric registration – were put on hold pending identification of a suitable solution. Depending on the level of preparedness, at the onset of COVID-19, in most States registration continued at the household level and then moved to individual registration, without biometrics." +177085,41752.0,2099.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,41,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Selon les personnes interrogées, le manque de ressources de base (nourriture, articles ménagers, etc.) (55%) et la distanciation sociale (40%) sont les raisons principales nuisant aux relations familiales." +489941,67838.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,63,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/adamawa_state_2021_cholera_situation_report_no_8.pdf,"[31st Aug 2021, Adamawa State] Radio jingles on prevention of cholera by IRC and ICRC ongoing. Also, mobile campaign and distribution of IEC materials in Motor parks, garages, and markets by Goal-Prime ongoing. PLANNED WASH ACTIVITIES: WASH sector joint assessment visit to assess WASH gaps and needs in Koh community in Girei LGA." +222869,45707.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,50,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=214128,"[16th December, 2020, Overall Syria] In a statement to SANA, the ministry indicated that the total number of Coronavirus infections registered in the country till now has reached at 9603, out of which 4548 ones have recovered while 554 others have passed away." +161687,35720.0,1183.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",[],[],es,11,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Respuesta%20COVID%2019%20-%20GIFMM%20La%20Guajira%20-%20Riohacha%2C%20a%206%20de%20julio%20de%202020.pdf,Transferencias monetarias a través de bonos de alimentación y efectivo. +48508,16403.0,1183.0,[],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Population To Relief', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",es,205,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Se garantiza la atención de urgencias en todo el territorio nacional a inmigrantes, independiente de su situación migratoria (regular e irregular). Los colombianos retornados pueden acceder a la afiliación a régimen subsidiado (como una de las poblaciones especiales definidas – según Decreto 2228 de 2017); inscribiéndose directamente en listado censal de la alcaldía del municipio de residencia (sin requerir encuesta y puntaje de SISBEN). La afiliación se puede hacer familiar, previo cumplimiento de los requisitos de nacionalización y/o migración por parte de los familiares y con documento que respalde el parentesco con el cabeza de familia. La población inmigrante regular podrá realizar la afiliación al SGSSS con el documento válido para tal fin (Cédula de extranjería, pasaporte, carné diplomático o salvoconducto de permanencia / Pasaporte de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para quienes tengan la calidad de refugiados o asilados / Pasaporte para menores de siete (7) años, Permiso Especial de Permanencia). Para realizar la afiliación de su núcleo familiar, debe presentar los respectivos documentos de identificación, así como aquellos que acrediten el parentesco con el cotizante o cabeza de familia." +175905,40999.0,2099.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Economy']",fr,162,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_levaluation_rapide_sur_les_vbg_et_covid-19_dans_la_region_de_lest.pdf,"La région de l’Est fait partie des régions les plus pauvres du Burkina Faso avec un fort taux d’actes de grands banditismes avant même l’avènement de la crise humanitaire. Malheureusement, la crise humanitaire a fortement affecté cette région la plaçant parmi les cinq régions les plus instables du pays. La région est en proie à de nombreux incidents de sécurité notamment des attaques localisées, des incendies d’infrastructures et de lieux de culte, des affrontements entre les forces de défense et de sécurité contre les groupes armés non identifiés, des poses d’engin explosifs improvisés, des embuscades sur les axes routiers, des actes de viol et d’enlèvement. La présence des groupes armés non identifiés dans la région n’est plus à démontrer. Le niveau de sécurité est à 5, cela dénote du niveau de dégradation de la situation sécuritaire." +323109,54815.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,71,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Burkina Faso has made significant progress in poverty reduction in the last 15 years. The poverty rate fell from 53 percent in 2003 to 40.3 percent in 2014, and growth has been pro-poor. The bottom 40 percent of the population reported an increase in consumption twice as large as that of the top 60 percent, as annual GDP growth averaged over 6 percent during this period." +391176,61715.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",en,99,['Impact'],"['Covid-19', 'Humanitarian Access']",IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/yobe_state_covid-19_pandemic_weekly_situation_report_sitrep_for_week_30_26_jul_-_01_aug_2021_.pdf,"[26th Jul - 1st Aug 2021, Yobe State] CHALLENGES: • Stock-out of reagent in the molecular laboratory interrupting COVID-19 testing within the state • Massive population displacement and attacks on hospitals and PHC centers by the Non-state Armed Groups (NSAGs) are disrupting COVID-19 response and health services in affected LGAs (Geidam, Yunusari, and Gujba LGAs) • Insecurity and military operations are limiting contact tracing, active case search, and community sensitization in security-compromised LGAs • Bad geographical is limiting access to remote communities to sustain COVID-19 prevention activities" +16336,6355.0,322.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/181002%20YEMEN%20HODEIDAH%20CHOLERA%20CASES%20SURGE.pdf,"Hodeidah is the epicentre of Yemen’s cholera outbreak with a cumulative total of more than 23,000 suspected cases so far this year, 7,000 of them children under five years old, according to the World Health Organization (WHO)." +316014,52949.0,2331.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,19,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Children with disabilities particularly struggle to access education due to inadequate resources, transport services and learning materials." +173679,41024.0,1388.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,55,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rapid%20needs%20assessment%20-%20Impact%20of%20COVID-19%20on%20PoC%20from%20other%20nationalities%20-%20Costa%20Rica%2C%20August%202020.pdf,"Shelter 15% do not have a place to stay next month, and 31.5% are unsure whether they will have one. 44% Have changed their place of residence since the start of the pandemic 84% Of these, 84% stated their inability to pay rent as the main reason" +323203,54498.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Push Factors'],es,35,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/89758cd4/REACH_COL_RAN_Factsheet_Trend_analysis_March2021.pdf,"De acuerdo con GIFMM Colombia, una de las razones principales del porqué migrantes y refugiados está saliendo de Venezue- la, se debe a la falta de medios de vida y bajos ingresos18." +165237,39714.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],es,82,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Con relación a la necesidad insatisfecha de Salud Sexual y Reproductiva (SSR) en el contexto del COVID-19: • • 20% de las personas ha tenido alguna necesidad de atención en Salud Sexual y Reproductiva (SSR). Entre las personas jóvenes (18 a 29), las personas con ingresos familiares de menos de 500 mil pesos y migrantes se encuentran porcentajes con mayor necesidad insatisfecha en salud sexual y reproductiva superiores al 25%." +325593,54815.0,2099.0,[],[],[],en,55,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"In most cases, this is also the case for the Rural Access Index: Provinces with a higher share of the rural population living within 2 km of an all-season road have higher enrollment and completion rates both at the primary and the post-primary level as well as lower primary school drop-out rates." +305211,53100.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,14,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/plan_de_preparation_coronavirus_cmr._version_du_10_mars_2019.pdf,Existence d’un plan d’urgence de l’aéroport de Douala +346181,56952.0,2311.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,65,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20monitoreo%20enero-marzo%202021%20-%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20vers%C3%B3n%20final.pdf,"Por otra parte, el anuncio del Gobierno Colom- biano sobre el ETPV generó una reacción xenófo- ba por parte de algunos sectores de la población colombiana. De acuerdo con lo documentado por el Barómetro de Xenofobia y por medios de comunicación como Deutsche Welle, el rechazo se ha generado principalmente por la informa- 4 ción falsa sobre las implicaciones del Estatuto." +239991,46388.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Without sufficient recovery support, the food insecurity situation is becoming a protracted crisis, that is pushing people to adopt harmful coping mechanisms that compromise their health, dignity and essential livelihood assets." +327300,54714.0,2331.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,[EDUCATION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 92% of IDP settlement and 79% of non-IDP settlement households found with a Education Living Standard Gaps (LSG). +174642,41384.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.sana.sy/en/?p=204575,"[29th September 2020, Overall Syria] In a statement to SANA, the ministry indicated that the infection toll of coronavirus cases that were registered in the country reached at 4148 cases, of which 1088 ones have recovered while 197 others have passed away." +323369,54815.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,71,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"In 2014, the Ministry of Housing embarked on the “Preparation of the National Habitat III Report” of Burkina Faso (2015). Among the issues addressed by the report were the need to respond to the needs of the youth in the urban environment and the need to integrate gender equality in urban development, including by removing barriers for girls to enroll in- and complete- school" +492280,67914.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,76,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_mvam_bulletin_58_august_2021.pdf,"[August 2021] As of 23 August 2021, around 218,900 people were vaccinated in government-controlled areas including in northeast Syria, in addition to 58,000 people in northwest Syria. This coverage reflects less than one percent of Syria’s population. On 15 August, a second batch of COVAX vaccines arrived in Syria, about 138,000 jabs for government-controlled areas including in northeast Syria, and 36,000 for northwest Syria." +183686,42299.0,2028.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,97,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syria.tv/%D8%AA%D8%AD%D8%B0%D9%8A%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D9%85%D9%86-%D8%AE%D8%B1%D9%88%D8%AC-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%88%D8%B6%D8%B9-%D8%B9%D9%86-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B3%D9%8A%D8%B7%D8%B1%D8%A9-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B1%D9%82%D8%A9-%D8%A8%D8%B3%D8%A8%D8%A8-%D9%83%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%88%D9%86%D8%A7,"[October 29, Raqqa, # of cases increases] Doctor Suleiman Shana'a, a specialist in respiratory diseases in the city of Raqqa, tells Syria TV that the Corona virus spreads more in cold climates than in hot weather, because the lower temperatures help it stay for longer days on the surfaces of bodies, and he must expect a steady increase in The numbers of infections during the coming winter season, unless serious preventive measures are taken by the citizens themselves and from the responsible authorities in general." +196732,43328.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_smart_rapid_pdi_2020_bfa_final.pdf,"Mais la différence des prévalences constatées entre les 6-11 mois et les 12-23 mois n’est ni significative pour la MAG ni pour la MAS. Par contre la différence de niveau de malnutrition entre les 6-23 ans et les 24-59 ans est largement significative (p=0,0) selon les tests statistiques de différence au seuil de 5% de marge d’erreur." +40777,11933.0,729.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,76,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SitRep_Libya_EN_19%20April.pdf,"According to UNHCR and IOM, refugees and migrants in detention suffer from lack of food, water and sanitation, particularly in eight detention centres exposed to or at risk of conflict: Qasr Bin Ghasheer, Abusliem, Ain Zara (currently empty), Triq al Sika, Al Sabaa, Tajoura, Janzour and Gharyan. Food remains the primary concern, as DCIM is rationing meals in several of the centres" +236505,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,54,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"According to WHO, there are approximately 9.4 health professionals for every 10,000 people in Afghanistan, of which only 1.9 are doctors. This falls dramatically below the minimum density threshold of 34.5 skilled health professionals per 10,000 people identified by WHO as being needed to provide the most basic health coverage." +188413,42886.0,1183.0,[],[],[],es,111,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Equipo%20Local%20de%20Coordinaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Choc%C3%B3%20Flash%20Update%20COVID-19%20%2312%20%28octubre%2031%20de%202020%29.pdf,"Decreto 0136 (06.06.20): Modificación del decreto 0134. Se establecen medidas más estrictas relacionadas con toques de queda de 6:00p.m. a 05:00a.m., horario de atención de establecimientos comerciales de 07:00a.m. a 05:00p.m. y ley seca de jueves 06:00p.m. a martes 06:00a.m. Decreto 0088 (29.08.20): Se declara aislamiento selectivo y distanciamiento individual en la ciudad de Quibdó hasta el primero de octubre. Decreto 0222 (30.09.20): Se levantan restricciones como el pico y cédula en la ciudad de Quibdó y se reestablece el funcionamiento del comercio los fines de semana como estrategia para la reactivación económica." +188389,42860.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],es,79,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_covid-19_6_departamento_del_cauca.pdf,"Con el fin de favorecer una adecuada prestación de los servicios de salud como consecuencia de las movilizaciones de las diferentes organizaciones del Cauca, la Gobernación del Cauca - Secretaría de Salud Departamental a través de Centro Regulador de Urgencias, Emergencias y Desastres - CRUE declara en Alerta Amarilla a la red pública y privada del Cauca desde el 05 de octubre hasta nuevas indicaciones, según Circular No 155 del 02 de octubre de 2020." +48540,12622.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,68,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LIBRO%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20las%20necesidades%20insatisfechas%20SSR%20y%20Migrantes%20Venezolanos%20-%20Digital.pdf,"Tres de las siete personas entrevistadas señalaron que sus organizaciones han recibido recursos para la respuesta de VBG durante la crisis, a través de recursos financieros por parte de los donantes, ACNUR, IPPF, IRISH AID y algunos casos de los propios presupuestos. Únicamente una de las siete señaló que la financiación era suficiente para cumplir con las metas del programa de VBG." +15346,6687.0,321.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,46,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/66997.pdf,"As of 26 November 2018, a total of 57,354 asylum seekers and refugees are registered with UNHCR in Libya. A total of 3,572 individuals have been identified by UNHCR and its partners to be currently in one of the accessible Libyan detention centres." +177227,41093.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,151,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Para las tarjetas de crédito, que presentan tasas considerablemente más altas que las demás tasas de créditos de consumo, debido al mayor riesgo asociado por la ausencia de colateral y de control en el destino del crédito (Chavarro et al., 2015), se evidenció una disminución en las tasas durante el mes de abril hasta niveles no observados desde 2011 (24,5%) y, posteriormente, la tendencia ha sido al alza, pero a un nivel moderado. Aún con el aumento paulatino en los últimos meses, la tasa para las tarjetas de crédito fue menor en el mes de agosto frente al mes de febrero de 2020 en 48 pbs, pese a las mayores percepciones de riesgo. Esta disminución representa una transmisión del 24% de la variación de la tasa de política monetaria (Cuadro 1)." +171028,40695.0,2170.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,63,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://foodtank.com/news/2020/10/women-excluded-from-covid-19-hunger-crisis-relief-report-shows/,"[01/10/2020, Nigeria]Business closures and social distancing measures have barred women and girls from work across the globe. In Northeast Nigeria, women no longer have access to cash for work programs they rely on to buy seeds and crops. Half of women in Palestine have lost all of their income, versus just one-third of men." +317184,53333.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,27,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,Health services to support adolescent are available in some areas although they may not be able to service the entire group and urban settings had better access +241046,47700.0,2332.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,34,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,,"[EMERGENCY RESPONSE IN KOUCHANGUINE-MOURA ] An emergency water system has been set up, consisting of four boreholes, a network of pipeline, two steel storage tanks and various water points." +195230,43324.0,2334.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,78,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irc_-_rapport_devaluation_covid-19_extreme_nord_-irc.pdf,"L’incitation des populations à rester chez elles a fait baisser la clientèle chez de nombreux commerçants : certains commerçants ont vu leur chiffre d’affaire chuter drastiquement, et donc la baisse de leur revenu ainsi que ceux de leurs employés ; les commerçants embauchant de nombreuses personnes tels que les revendeurs, les démarcheurs, les manutentionnaires, et d’autres ont dû vider leurs économies pour satisfaire aux besoins de leurs ménages" +453752,63974.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_20210630-Rapport-Protection-Trimestriel.pdf,"Au second trimestre, les interventions des acteurs du domaine de responsabilité des VBG ont permis d’identifier 557 survivant-e-s principalement dans les régions du Centre-Nord (277), de l’Est (192), du Sahel (68) et du Nord (28)." +194615,43822.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,39,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19112020_flash_update_no.3_emergencias_por_ola_invernal_-_colombia_vf.pdf,"Se evidencia la necesidad de contar con apoyo legal para generar la declaratoria de desastre y calamidad pública, según la ley 1523 y que se logre brindar la atención necesaria a las personas que más lo necesitan." +305388,53013.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,36,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/3c8084ae/REACH_SOM_Factsheet_Assessment-of-Hard-to-Reach-Areas_December-2020.pdf,"Health: Most commonly reported types of health services available from the assessed settlements reporting access were drugstore (63%), clinic (19%), individual practice (11%)." +125145,32835.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,76,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77444.pdf,"El 86 % de los encuestados paga arriendo, el 41 % vive en un apartamento y paga en promedio un valor de alquiler de COP $ 626 879, el 39 % vive en una casa y paga en promedio un alquiler de COP $ 519 626 y el 8 % de los encuestados vive en inquilinato (cuarto o habitación) y paga en promedio un valor de alquiler de COP $ 352 377" +341398,52949.0,2331.0,"['Health', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,43,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The priority needs include access to education, vocational training, healthcare, and livelihoods. The needs are due to lack of income to make ends meet, coupled with a high cost of living, and overstretched public service systems." +291370,51259.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,75,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Humanitarian Access', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2020_access_annual_overview.pdf,"Looting and theft of humanitarian supplies from warehouses and convoys in transit significantly increased in 2020, with 50 incidents reported across the country compared to 14 incidents in 2019. Over half of the looting incidents were recorded in Jonglei where key humanitarian facilities and infrastructure were damaged or destroyed in Pibor and Bor South during sub-national violence, leading to a loss of over 635 metric tons of food and nutrition items." +273935,50464.0,2331.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,44,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210203FINALFactSheetSomaliaSkisserLR11.pdf,"IDPs may suffer from the lack of clan protection, weakened social cohesion and organised security, with some evidence that IDP sites have been the locus of conflict between groups as well as targets for recruitment to armed groups like Al Shabaab." +74105,21140.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Casualties->Dead'],es,79,['Capacities & Response'],['Casualties'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3392898,"La Misión de Verificación de la ONU en Colombia, a través de su acompañamiento y verificación a la implementación del Acuerdo de Paz y consciente que la reparación a las víctimas está en el centro del Acuerdo y es parte fundamental de la construcción de paz en el país, facilitará el traslado desde Medellín hacia Vigía del Fuerte de los restos óseos de las víctimas mortales de la masacre de Bojayá que ocurrió hace 17 años." +289653,52074.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Politics'],en,39,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,The Government has chosen 9 February 2020 as the day for municipal elections in Cameroon. There is high risk of a rise in violence during this period as pro-separatists have publicly prohibited any elections in the NWSW. +401786,62956.0,2098.0,['Cross'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,56,['At Risk'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[29th July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Both Host and Refugees: In the coming days, heavy rainfall has been forecasted to continue; which can worsen the situation and will increase the vulnerability of individuals with specific needs in particular to the people with disabilities and of the elderly age group." +239831,47107.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,57,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"As of 7 January, most land borders into Syria remain closed, with some limited exemptions (from Jordan, Turkey, and Lebanon), including commercial and relief shipments, and movement of humanitarian and international organization personnel. Damascus International Airport, as well as Tartous and Lattakia ports, are operational." +473039,63732.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,77,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2f4004e6/REACH_BFA_Factsheet_Abri-AME-et-LTB_Pouytenga_juillet-2021.pdf,"Une majorité d'IC (20/30) a rapporté que la majorité des PDI rencontrait des difficultés pour accéder à la terre dans la ville de Pouytenga, au cours des trois mois précédant la collecte de données. Principales raisons rapportées par les IC pour expliquer les difficultés des PDI à accéder à la terre: Manque de moyens financiers 20/20, Manque de confiance des propriétaires terriens 8/20, Manque de volonté des autorités locales 5/20" +163259,37781.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,52,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://tande.substack.com/p/syria-in-context-coronavirus-update-5cd,"A curfew in NES has been extended until August 27 in an effort to prevent the virus from spreading. Since August 18, wearing a mask in public spaces has been compulsory, with the AANES imposing a modest penalty of 1,000 SYP on those who are seen without one." +343591,55985.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],fr,52,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_121_20210501.pdf,"[01/05/2021] Ce 01/05/2021, 1 275 alertes nouvelles ont été enregistrées et investiguées (100%). Parmi eux 93 (7,3%) ont été validées comme nouveaux cas suspects de COVID-19 parmi lesquels 90 (96,8%) de ces nouveaux cas suspects ont été prélevés." +178390,41756.0,2225.0,['Shelter'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,56,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Pour les personnes en situation de handicap, l’accessibilité aux logements limite considérablement leur participation à la vie communautaire. Les familles d’accueil, elles, partagent leurs maigres biens avec les déplacés et retournés. En retour, ces derniers travaillent ou rendent des services aux familles d’accueil." +236158,47076.0,2334.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,105,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,"In the NWSW, the Blanket Supplementary Feeding Program (BSFP) assistance reached 16,229 beneficiaries (7,686 in SW, and 8,543 in NW) among whom were 9,569 children age between 6 to 23 months and 6,660 PLW. The assistance was carried out through cooperating partners Caritas Kumba and INTERSOS in 22 communities in Meme, Fako and Manyu in the SW and CARITAS Bamenda, SHUMAS, and COMINSUD in 4 divisions (Momo, Bui, Donga Mantung and Menchum) in the NW. 39 localities in these divisions were served with rations (100g/pers/day*30days)." +303865,51467.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"The South Sudanese people also continue to be highly vulnerable to epidemic diseases, due to low immunization coverage, a weak health system and poor hygiene and sanitation." +201487,44481.0,2028.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,85,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep22_20201120.pdf,"The value of the Syrian Pound (SYP) against the US Dollar continued to weaken steadily, reaching around 2,680 SYP/USD in northwest Syria on 17November.This is the first time the SYP has reached this level since June2020, as its value was recovering from record lows of some 3,200 SYP/USD reached earlier that month. The SYP today is over 190 percent weaker than at the start of the year, and has devalued some 15percentagainst the USD in the last month." +329127,53878.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,133,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SOYDA%20Monthly%20Progressive%20Report-Feb%202021.pdf,"Somali Young Doctors Association (SOYDA) Launched commemoration of International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), 6 February 2021 through community awareness engagements in Our Project Areas. Our awareness campaign started all our health facilities in Benadir and Lower Shabelle Region which aims to raise community awareness and mobilize people everywhere to bring about change through targeting Community leaders, Youth Symposium and Women entities to discuss the effects of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) by Providing families and communities with information about the harm Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) causes – and the benefits to be gained by ending it. We encouraged families and communities taking action themselves and refusing to permit their girls to endure the violation of FGM." +318293,52949.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Somalia has 16 isolation facilities with 300 functional beds, and while utilization rate has been low, individual centres may experience spikes in cases that overwhelm their capacity." +224084,45768.0,2332.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,27,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,Déployer les sages-femmes afin qu’elles offrent les soins de santé maternels aux femmes enceintes parmi les PDI et organisent leur référence vers les formations sanitaires +196698,43328.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,87,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_smart_rapid_pdi_2020_bfa_final.pdf,"L’analyse des prévalences de la MAG chez les enfants de 6 à 59 mois selon l’indice P/T indique que la situation est préoccupante. Sur les onze (11) communes concernées par l’enquête, cinq (5) présentent une situation nutritionnelle modérée. Il s’agit de Kongoussi (8,6%), de Ouahigouya (9,2%), Kaya (9,4%) , Barsalogho (9,6%) et Matiacoali (9,4%)." +301781,51958.0,2332.0,['Shelter'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,107,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_devaluation_de_protection_des_retournes_tchadiens_de_la_rca_installes_dans_les_sites_au_sud_du_tchad_002.pdf,"Pour s’adapter au manque d’abris [sur sites], beaucoup de ménages affirment vivre dans la promiscuité avec jusqu’à 7 à 8 personnes en moyenne dans un seul abri de 4x3m. Certains construisent des abris de fortune (en brindilles, branches d’arbre, morceaux de tissus, bâches usées etc.) pour décongestionner les abris familiaux. La sécurité est très précaire dans ce genre d’abris, avec notamment les toitures qui suintent en saison de pluies, les insectes et reptiles qui perturbent ainsi que des cas d’incendie rapportés." +161678,35720.0,1183.0,[],[],[],es,62,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Respuesta%20COVID%2019%20-%20GIFMM%20La%20Guajira%20-%20Riohacha%2C%20a%206%20de%20julio%20de%202020.pdf,Como respuesta a la situación de emergencia se han emitido los siguientes decretos a nivel nacional y departamental: • Decreto 878 del 2020: medidas de Aislamiento Preventivo Obligatorio hasta el 15 de julio en el territorio nacional. • Decreto 131 del 2020: medidas de aislamiento preventivo obligatorio en La Guajira en el marco de la pandemia COVID-19. +218536,45654.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,45,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/hrp_weekly_funding_status_201124.pdf,"[24 Nov 2020, Whole of Syria, COVID-19 RP Funding Overview] COVID-19 Response Plan: Funding requirements for Logistics sector are 0.37 Million USD, of which 0.2 Million USD have been funded, leaving a gap of 0.17 Million USD." +236107,47122.0,2334.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,17,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"UNICEF has developed educative messages, radio spots and videos to sensitize the public on COVID-19." +35526,13057.0,788.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],en,61,[],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000105395.pdf,"At the domain level, crude mortality rates ranged from 0.31 to 1.11 deaths per 10,000 people per day with highest rates recorded in Southern Adamawa (1.11 deaths per 10,000 people per day), Central Borno (0.91 deaths per 10,000 people per day) and Northern Yobe B (0.84 deaths per 10,000 people per day)." +454464,64537.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,81,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"En concordancia con la percepción de racismo y xenofobia, el 47% de los encuestados declararon, en una pregunta separada, que una de las principales barreras que enfrentarían para acceder a servicios de salud es la discriminación contra los extranjeros. Según información adicional que compartieron los encuestadores de 4Mi en Perú, los encuestados mencionan a menudo que personal administrativo o de seguridad les ha impedido acceder a servicios de salud con base en su nacionalidad." +292412,52073.0,2334.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,Nutrition: Screening passif et prise en charge des cas de malnutrition sur le site et référencement des cas compliqués : 150 cas de MAS ont été enregistrés. +325762,54267.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],fr,23,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"En outre, il existe le projet RISE de l’USAID qui vise à renforcer les coopératives d’agriculteurs au Burkina2" +158627,39277.0,2170.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,84,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NMMB_June2020_Final.pdf,"Further price increases for essential food and non-food items were recorded in the latter half of March given panic buying and reduced supply as households were stocking in preparation for lockdowns. The lock down in Abuja, Lagos, Kano, and Ogun States and other major disruptions to normal economic activity then began in April 2020. Inflation is expected to increase further in May and June due to these compounding effects, as well as the deprecation of the NGN." +303669,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",en,50,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Female-headed households are more prevalent in rural areas than urban areas. Women and girls hold primary responsibilities for farming, collecting water and firewood, cooking, cleaning, and childcare. Men and boys are decision makers for the communities and their families, particularly in the countryside" +125329,32724.0,1620.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Environment'],en,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ca5464en.pdf,Livestock contribute to grassland degradation and biodiversity loss; make inefficient use of water; negatively affect public health because of zoonoses and livestock-driven anti-microbial resistance; and marginally support people’s livelihoods. +270229,50227.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,55,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"En relación con las defunciones en pueblos indígenas por COVID-19, éstas ocurren principalmente en Bogotá, Leticia, Barranquilla, Cali, Sincelejo, Ipiales, Riosucio, Galapa y Maicao. Los municipios con las mayores tasas de mortalidad son Mallama, Aldana, Leticia, Coyaima, La Chorrera y Natagaima." +214129,45392.0,2333.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,103,['Capacities & Response'],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.afro.who.int/sites/default/files/countries/Niger/Bulletin_3_nCoV_Niger%2013032020.pdf,{Principaux défis et gaps identifiés} • Plan d’urgence de préparation et réponse au COVID-19 financé à ce jour 13 mars 2020 à environ 19% (dont Etat 96% et OMS 4% du montant mobilisé) ; • Poursuite de la mobilisation des ressources pour la mise en œuvre du plan ; • Besoin de 5 caméras thermiques supplémentaires ; • Besoin de stocks plus importants en matériels et équipements de prévention et contrôle de l’infection ; • Besoin d’approvisionnement en médicaments et consommables pour la prise en charge symptomatique des cas. +113742,30002.0,1386.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Information And Communication->Communication Means And Preferences'],en,200,['Capacities & Response'],['Information And Communication'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://medium.com/humanitarian-dispatches/getting-out-the-right-covid-19-information-to-saves-lives-70719f27266e,"Combating this barrage of disinformation is part of the work of the Communications Task Force COVID-19. I am one proud member of this ad hoc outfit that brings together all UN agencies present in Venezuela. We reacted swiftly, massively sharing correct and factual information to help the population to combat the pandemic and dispel rumours and misinformation that came with the surge of fake news. The team collaborated with key local players, such as journalists, influencers and community radio stations, to disseminate relevant and up-to-date pandemic information and messages of hope and solidarity. Through community radio, social media, television, SMS, posters and messages translated into indigenous languages, prevention messages reached millions of people in the most remote areas of the country. As a result, people started trusting the UN as a key reliable source of information. We went on to share aTrello platform of communication productsfor social media adapted to the country, aOCHA’s interactive dashboardand regular situation reports with the public, and they have become some of the main reliable data sources available for the media and the public." +179238,41946.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://publications.unescwa.org/projects/saw/sdgs/pdf/en/Syria-at-War-8-years-on-Report-Final.pdf,"[Syria, 2019] WHO estimates that 1 in 30 people living in the Syrian Arab Republic is affected by a severe mental health disorder, such as extreme depression and psychosis, with one in five experiencing more moderate forms of mental distress, such as depression and anxiety" +303930,51174.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,49,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.afro.who.int/sites/default/files/2021-02/South%20Sudan%20IDSR%20Bulletin%20Week%201%2C%20%20%204-%2010%20January%202021%20.pdf,"In the PoC sites; malaria is the top cause of morbidity in Bentiu (10%); Juba (64%), and Wau (13%) PoCs, in Malakal PoC malaria accounts for (12%) of OPD consultations, respectively." +216600,45416.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,47,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,". En faisant la corrélation avec le graphique 2 précédent, nous remarquons que ce sont les provinces du Tanganyika et du Nord Kivu qui subissent les plus grosses pressions qu’occasionnent la présence des populations en déplacement sur les structures scolaires qui les accueillent." +239473,46388.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],en,53,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,COVID-19 has magnified people’s vulnerabilities that were already extreme due to recurrent conflict and disaster shocks. A surge in food prices at the onset of the pandemic also compounded the severity of the situation as an increasing number of households allocated greater proportions of their household expenditure towards food. +325389,54815.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"differences emerge depending on the respondents’ gender and income: women are much more likely to walk or to bike, while men predominantly use motorcycles; and, while over half of the respondents belonging to the lowest income group rely on walking or biking, respondents from households earning over CFA 200,000 per month rely exclusively on motorized modes (motorcycles and cars)." +487892,67500.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_15.pdf,"[April -June 2021, Cox's Bazar] A 61 percent decline in incidence of ARI in facility based EWARS reports was observed in quarter two where 82,601 (52 percent-male, 48 percent-female) cases were reported compared to 211,122 in quarter one. This is likely due to seasonal variations, as has been observed in previous years." +223902,45764.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,42,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/0004_202008_rrm_msa_rapport_final_wolirom.pdf,"Recommandations principales proposées : Couvrir les besoins alimentaires urgent via la distribution de vivres couplée au blanket feeding/cash à 1417 ménages ; Appui à la reprise immédiate des activités de subsistance des ménages les plus vulnérables (maraîchage, AGR)." +410321,63222.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,79,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_mvam_bulletin_57_july_2021.pdf,"[Syria, July] Moreover, 96 percent of these respondents indicated having relied on at least one food-based coping strategy in July. Furthermore, around 24 percent of interviewed households who had mentioned receiving the same or more income sources in previous rounds of the survey since February 2021, reported having lost one or more sources of income in July 2021. This figure was highest in Dar’a (33 percent)." +192737,43304.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,83,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Cependant, cette baisse sera compensée par la structure de l'accord de partage de la production et de l'accord fiscal pétrolier avec la CNPC qui permet à la compagnie de payer les impôts avec un an de retard. Par exemple, en 2020, la CNPC paiera des impôts basés sur les bénéfices réalisés en 2019. En d'autres termes, les recettes pétrolières seront moins élevées en 2021 en raison du choc des prix et de la production de 2020." +215503,44962.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,45,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.dw.com/en/coronavirus-in-afghanistan-do-confirmed-cases-depict-the-real-picture/a-54489465,"Ahmad Jawad Osmani, the acting health minister, told local media the survey involved around 9,500 people from across the country. Officially, Kabul has so far reported around 37,000 COVID-19 cases nationwide and nearly 1,300 related deaths as of August 7." +163133,37820.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,155,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/iom_rohingya_crisis_response_-_external_sitrep_-_july_2020.pdf,"At entry points around the camps, all individuals seeking to enter the site are asked to wash their hands while their temperature is taken to screen for potential COVID 19 symptoms. When someone indicates a temperature, they are referred to the appropriate health clinic for further check- up. A daily report is shared with the WHO on number of entries, number of people with high fever, and relevant photos. Under this effort, Entry Point Screening in Camps 9, 14, 19 ,22 and 24 are now fully operational and are being managed directly IOM SMS teams. Meanwhile the camp 24 entry point is manned by BDRC and Camp 14 is being manned by IOM’s SMSD partner, CARE. A second location leading to camps 9 and 8E was identified and is being manned by IOM’s SMSD partner, DRC." +389387,60730.0,2098.0,[],[],[],en,110,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://app.box.com/s/asye4w9ljbvdby3gy5p0jy8a859nsmzt,"[25th July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: Interviewees receive information about lockdowns from three main sources: NGOs (and NGO volunteers), friends or family, and CiCs (Camp in Charge). More than half of the respondents felt they receive enough information about lockdowns, but eight (including five women out of nine) felt that they were not receiving sufficient information. People are receiving information about the timing and rules of lockdowns, but some said they need to know more about why they are happening, how long they will last and when they will stop." +305633,51474.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,35,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"Joint efforts between the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) and humanitarian partners on the ground to redesignate the Bentiu protection of civilians site – home to 97,321 people – progressed." +192073,43669.0,2330.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,36,[],['Shock/Event'],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://edition.cnn.com/2020/11/18/weather/tropical-storm-iota-wednesday/index.html,"The island's infrastructure has been completely wiped out, Duque said. The priority is now to clear the island of debris and set up emergency campsites and field hospitals as quickly as possible." +169693,40581.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Education']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,94,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://dailypost.ng/2020/07/18/covid-19-nigerian-govt-gives-schools-new-guidelines-for-reopening/,"[18/07/2020, Nigeria]The Minister of State for Education announced actions recommended to safeguard the health, safety and security of learners accessing remote learning while ensuring that quality outcomes are obtainable: Provide learners access to online resources materials online learning platforms, radio or television programs.“Children and young people should at home and wash their hands regularly, maintain personal hygiene and adhere to the Nigerian Centre for Disease Control, (NCDC), and World Health Organisation, (WHO), Covid-19 guidelines.”" +304278,51467.0,2335.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Economy', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Given South Sudan’s import-dependency, a depreciation of the South Sudanese pound (SSP) has led to an overall reduction in the amount of cash and a reduction in imports. Prices are rising and people’s purchasing power is reducing." +35754,13057.0,788.0,['Food Security'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,86,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000105395.pdf,"The proportion of households that spent more than 75 percent of their total expenditure on food was 43 percent in Borno, 40.2 percent in Yobe and 30 percent in Adamawa. The domains with high proportion of economically vulnerable households spending at least 75 percent of their share of expenditure on food were East Borno (64 percent) Northern Yobe B (54.4 percent) Central Borno A (49.7 percent), Central Borno B and Northern Borno (45 percent)." +290465,52074.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,About 8 out of 13 divisions (as compared to 6 out of 13 from the previous assessment[The Food Security assessment (Cadre Harmonise)] ) fall under the crisis phase of food insecurity. +191727,43622.0,2330.0,[],[],[],en,16,[],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20201111_acaps_briefing_note_nicaragua_honduras_hurricane_eta.pdf,"In Guatemala, flooding has affected over 311,000 people and almost 10,000 are currently in shelters" +199052,44308.0,2225.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,33,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RD%20Congo%20-%20Note%20d%E2%80%99informations%20humanitaires%20pour%20la%20province%20du%20Nord-Kivu%2017%20novembre%202020.pdf,"Plus de 10 000 personnes déplacées ont bénéficient d’une distribution de vivres à Mangina dans la zone de santé de Mabalako, à l’ouest du territoire de Beni." +305731,51572.0,2335.0,"['Nutrition', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,37,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"(World Vision International) WVI to involve the camp managers in the recruitment process of the CNVs [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +188236,40860.0,1899.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,30,[],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200922_OCHA_GUATEMALA%20HRP%20COVID-19%20ESPAN%CC%83OL.pdf,"Niños, niñas, adolescentes en instituciones, con reducido acceso a servicios especializados de protección ante la reducción de estos por parte de las instituciones públicas con mandato." +297079,47076.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,41,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,In addition; 99% of GBV partners stated they don’t have enough resources to mitigate COVID-19 risks in their intervention while 55% of assessed health facilities (55) don’t have post rape kits. +41653,14575.0,729.0,[],[],[],en,70,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/2019/06/190611-Flash-Update---Floods.pdf,"At least 4,250 people (850 families) are confirmed to have been displaced by IOM/DTM teams. According to the Ghat Emergency Cell and humanitarian partners on the ground, five collective shelters are hosting about 1,200 internally displaced persons; three schools in Ghat city and two schools in Alberket town, 7 km south of Ghat city; while others joined friends and relatives in safer areas" +179224,41946.0,2028.0,['Education'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Economy'],en,40,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://publications.unescwa.org/projects/saw/sdgs/pdf/en/Syria-at-War-8-years-on-Report-Final.pdf,"[Syria 2019, education contribution to poverty] Education indicators are the most significant contributors to both poverty levels. The association with lifetime outcomes intensifies over time as education shapes future employment opportunities and overall well- being." +62682,18394.0,1386.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Security & Stability'],es,104,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3295213,"La autopsia del Capitán Acosta Arévalo, quien falleció bajo custodia el 29 de junio, reveló que había sufrido múltiples golpes, contusiones, excoriaciones y quemaduras en varias partes del cuerpo. Sufrió fracturas en 16 costillas, el tabique nasal y el pie derecho. Las autoridades reportaron que dos oficiales de la DGCIM habían sido detenidos y acusados de homicidio preterintencional, pero no de haber cometido actos de tortura. Aliento a las autoridades a que investiguen las denuncias de tortura, castiguen a los responsables, reparen a las víctimas y adopten medidas para evitar su repetición." +306223,51474.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,29,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"In coordination with humanitarian partners, United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) provided force protection to 264 integrated missions, enabling access to high-risk areas." +172557,40367.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,41,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Risk communication and community engagement commission, where UNICEF is the co-lead with the MoH, to develop key messages to raise public awareness on the prevention of COVID-19. UNICEF also publishes press releases about the epidemic in Burkina Faso" +151424,37915.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,92,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/78176.pdf,"UNHCR is working with the community, especially with men and boys, to develop a wider awareness of the harm caused by child marriage and gender inequality. UNHCR has also emphasized in discussion with the RRRC the need for official marriage and divorce certification to continue, despite 19, in order for Camp-in-Charge officials to continue their important role in intervening and preventing child marriages. All facilities run by UNHCR’s SGBV partners in 20 camps, including case management services, continue to be prioritized." +23062,9316.0,729.0,[],[],[],en,41,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.libyaherald.com/2019/02/22/civilians-caught-in-tightening-derna-siege-hrw/,"The Libyan Red Crescent’s Derna branch has said via its Facebook page that it has removed 59 bodies from the Old City since February 2, without detailing their identities or the time and manner of their deaths." +54292,17000.0,1184.0,"['Protection', 'Education', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,170,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3256039,"La Comisión Europea (Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations) anunció la financiación humanitaria para apoyar inmediatamente a UNICEF en temas de protección, agua, saneamiento e higiene (WASH), así como en educación para niñas, niños y sus familias afectadas por la crisis migratoria en Colombia, Ecuador, Perú y Trinidad y Tobago; adicionalmente, financia una mejor coordinación entre los socios que brindan respuesta en la región. La contribución de la ayuda humanitaria de la UE le permitirá a UNICEF aumentar acciones críticas, que incluyen la mejora del acceso al agua y saneamiento en comunidades receptoras y en lugares de frontera; el establecimiento y la operación de espacios amigables con los niños, la prevención de la violencia, el abuso y la explotación, incluida la Violencia Basada en Género, y la puesta en marcha de servicios en Desarrollo Infantil Temprano, así como actividades de aprendizaje no formales, entre otras." +320726,52949.0,2331.0,"['WASH', 'Protection']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,60,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"It also highlights that only 38 per cent of households reported access to latrines with walls and locks on doors, while only 17 per cent reported having access to latrines with internal sources of light. Lack of locks and less solid structures do not allow privacy and increase risks of GBV, especially for women and girls." +158287,38905.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,59,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Migración Colombia indica que para el mes de mayo el municipio de Palmira registra 5.741 refugiados y migrantes provenientes de Venezuela. Sin embargo, de acuerdo con información suministrada tanto por la institucionalidad como por organizaciones presentes en el municipio, se calcula que en Palmira habitan más de siete mil refugiados y migrantes con vocación de permanencia" +242222,47809.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,67,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_7.pdf,"Cundinamarca seguirá recibiendo pacientes de Bogotá, y viceversa, por cuenta de un convenio de apoyo entre el Distrito y el departamento. De hecho, este fin de semana en el sistema UCI de Cundinamarca había 23 pacientes de la capital. Otras ciudades, como Bucaramanga, recibieron solicitudes de Bogotá para remitir enfermos. Sin embargo, este pedido no se materializó." +9960,4383.0,321.0,[],[],[],en,46,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/unhcr-appalled-loss-life-sea-coast-libya,"UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is deeply saddened at the latest tragedy in the Mediterranean Sea. On 29 June, at least 100 people died after a boat carrying around 123 refugees and migrants sank off the coast of Tajoura in Libya." +151028,38088.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,76,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"c’est suite à la confirmation des premiers cas de COVID-19 au Burkina Faso que l’ONG s’est proposée de fournir un soutien en matière de prévention, de gestion des cas suspects et confirmés et de la surveillance épidémiologique. « Près de 70 spécialistes, y compris des médecins, infirmiers et logisticiens ont été mobilisés depuis avril, pour assurer une prise en charge gratuite et de qualité »" +188906,43387.0,2099.0,"['Shelter', 'Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Environment'],fr,47,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20DE%20PROTECTION_SEPTEMBRE2020-SAHEL.pdf,"La problématique des logements, terres et biens continue de se compliquer dans la Région du Sahel avec les inondations et les vents forts en cette période de saison des pluies. Cette question reste un défi énorme pour les PDI et même pour certaines communautés hôtes" +219781,45777.0,2333.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,56,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/niger/un-soutien-additionnel-d-education-cannot-wait-pour-intensifier-l-ducation-dans-les,"Le Niger continue de faire face à une insécurité et une instabilité croissantes. La menace d'attaques crée un sentiment de peur dans les communautés locales, obligeant les écoles à fermer, les enseignants à fuir et les écoliers à rester chez eux, incapables d'apprendre dans les salles de classe avec leurs pairs." +287068,51749.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,51,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[Pouytenga] Environ 70% des ménages déplacés internes louent leur logement et 30% logent dans une famille d’accueil autochtone. Les ressources des ménages déplacés étant très limitées, ils ne pourront pas indéfiniment louer leur logement et sont à termes menacés d’expulsion." +168574,40367.0,2099.0,['Education'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,15,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Schools are set to open for the 2020-2021 school year unless security conditions deteriorate. +179234,41946.0,2028.0,"['Nutrition', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Economy'],en,58,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://publications.unescwa.org/projects/saw/sdgs/pdf/en/Syria-at-War-8-years-on-Report-Final.pdf,"[Syria 2019, Food insecurity and nutrition] Chronic malnutrition has increased during the conflict, incurring relatively high stunting and mortality rates among children.Trends in displacement, food prices, unemployment and access to health services and humanitarian aid are all factors that affect malnutrition. Unfortunately, systematic statistics on malnutrition remain largely unavailable." +303368,51947.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,77,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,,"La quasi-totalité (97%) des femmes interrogées ont déclaré ne pas avoir été déplacées de force à l’intérieur de leur pays, mais 2 % d'entre elles (toutes de nationalité tchadienne) ont répondu l’avoir déjà été. La proportion de déplacements forcés s’élevait à 11 % chez les hommes (dont 87% étaient tchadiens, 9% étaient soudanais et 2% étaient libyens)." +439015,64533.0,2028.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,59,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, Overall Syria] In June 2021, the humanitarian community recorded some 13,000 spontaneous IDP return movements across Syria, which was 5 per cent less than the return movements that were tracked in May. Over 5,000 of these movements (37 per cent) occurred within and between Aleppo and Idleb governorates." +355459,58187.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,28,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17062021_alerta_situacion_humanitaria_inundaciones_en_el_putumayo_vf.pdf,"Se evidencian necesidades en kits de noche y de cocina, ya que las familias damnificadas perdieron enseres como colchonetas, frazadas, camas, entre otros." +59533,17198.0,1224.0,[],[],[],en,33,[],[],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"The population fled Venezuela for a variety of political, economic, and protection concerns, and none stated that they would be able to return to Venezuela in the near future." +185693,40789.0,1900.0,[],[],[],es,29,[],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://infosegura.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Seguridad-y-movilidad-humana-30sep2020.pdf,"En 2019 el número total de personas, originarias de El Salvador, Guatemala y Honduras, viviendo fuera de su país alcanzó los 3.6 millones de personas." +271790,50331.0,2311.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,77,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDRCO017du1.pdf,"The recent emergency generated by Hurricane Iota left a 98 per cent impact on the Archipelago's infrastructure, which represents a major impact on the municipal equipment systems that the population conventionally used to access essential services. In addition to the damage to home connections and internal piping, structures such as bathrooms, showers, dishwashers, laundries, sinks, and toilets in the homes pose a risk to the island population." +149522,30767.0,1184.0,"['Education', 'WASH']",[],[],es,76,[],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/2020-06-05_am_reunion_5_cluster_wash_covid_19.pdf,"Las necesidades identificadas desde el MINEDUC se resumen en los siguientes puntos: - Asistencia técnica para garantizar operaciones seguras, bienestar, protección y aprendizaje. - Diagnóstico rápido para guiar el plan de retorno a clases presenciales (línea WASH) - Categorizar y priorizar instituciones educativas con mayores necesidades insatisfechas - Diseño de mejoras WASH sostenibles - Financiación para la implementación - Diseño de protocolos y lineamientos para el seguimiento y evaluación." +310044,51467.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Low response rates to the flooding in 2020 and upcoming dry season are anticipated to further exacerbate WASH-related morbidity and incidences of diarrhoeal diseases, particularly in young children." +169375,40509.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,18,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://lefaso.net/spip.php?article99707,"Par ailleurs, il y a 22 nouvelles guérisons, qui font un total de 1385 cas." +209212,44898.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,63,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://alwatan.sy/archives/237507,"[December 1, Aleppo] He described the medical precautionary measures and the preparation for facing the pandemic as ""weak."" He said: ""There is no complete obligation to put masks in hospitals by doctors and nurses, and hospital administrations must impose more preventive measures before it is too late, even for hospitalized patients.""" +286595,51586.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,90,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_19_november_2020_final.pdf,"Attacks on Health Care: Despite the heightened pressure on the healthcare system and increased need for its services due to the COVID-19 pandemic, health facilities and workers continue to suffer harm from attacks, as well as acts of intimidation by parties to the conflict. Since the start of the pandemic, there have been direct attacks on hospitals, abductions of healthcare workers, acts of intimidation, harassment and interference, looting of medical supplies, and indirect harm from the ongoing armed conflict." +61755,18350.0,1184.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,24,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71151.pdf,3.844 familias se beneficiaron de insumos para mejorar la calidad del agua y se registraron 17 instalaciones de WASH establecidas o mejoradas en fronteras +208394,43992.0,2332.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,48,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"The process of provision of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and other health commodities and supplies is ongoing in order to ensure safe testing and treatment. To date, a total of 4,317 healthcare facility staff and community health workers have been provided with PPE." +70245,20090.0,1386.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],es,104,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71686_0.pdf,"INTEGRACIÓN Se ha adelantado un plan de trabajo, el desarrollo de una propuesta de Términos de Referencia y formulación de indicadores. En la última reunión del grupo de trabajo, se acordó avanzar con mayor celeridad a fin de crear las siguientes áreas de trabajo: a. Empleabilidad y emprendimientos b. Protección social c. Reconocimiento de aprendizajes previos d. Desarrollo rural e. Movilización de recursos (Nota conceptual / proyectos y políticas públicas) Se requiere un trabajo colaborativo para finalización de productos, por lo que se hace un llamado para que todas las organizaciones interesadas se sumen a este grupo" +329138,53878.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SOYDA%20Monthly%20Progressive%20Report-Feb%202021.pdf,"On the same reporting period a total of 1,657 women of reproductive age have received T1-T5. The community health workers are continuously conducting community sensitization and education in the project areas." +388292,60868.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Testing']",fr,36,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Surveillance épidémiologique • 3 124 voyageurs entrants enregistrés dans les aéroports de Ouaga et Bobo pour la dernière semaine du 25 au 30 mai • 0 alerte enregistrée à l’aéroport de Ouagadougou et Bobo +491610,68069.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,80,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20Nigeria%20DTM%20Emergency%20Tracking%20Tool%20%28ETT%29%20Report%20No.241%20%2813%20%20-%2019%20September%202021%29.pdf,"[13th-19th Sep 2021, Adamawa] Lamurde: 59 arrivals and 103 departures were recorded in Lamurde LGA of Adamawa State. All arrivals were from Kaltungo LGA in Gombe State. The departures included 58 individuals to Lamurde LGA in Adamawa State, and 45 individuals to Gombe LGA in Gombe State. Sixty-four per cent of the movements were due to voluntary relocation, and 36 per cent of the movements were due to seasonal farming." +266578,49773.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,34,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_HSOS-NWS_-January-2021.pdf,"[January 2021, NWS] High price of suitable food or formula was the most commonly reported challenge to feeding young children (reported by KIs in 94% of communities)." +157986,38777.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,38,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/food-insecurity-impact-covid-19-among-critical-challenges-facing-syria,"One impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in Syria has been a disruption in commercial supply chains, which are also liable to be affected to varying degrees by the 4 August explosion in the Port of Beirut," +214298,45385.0,2334.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,62,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Dans le cadre de la lutte contre l’épidémie de COVID-19, le MINESEC [Ministère des Enseignements Secondaires] et le MINEDUB [Ministère de l'Education de Base Cameroun], en collaboration avec les acteurs du secteur éducation, ont assuré la désinfection de 707 écoles du Nord et de l’Extrême-Nord avant la reprise des classes." +157876,38800.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,48,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GTS%20-%20HNAP%20COVID19%20Syria%20Bulletin%20R3.pdf,"Fear of going to shops (27%) is affecting communities in high-density sub-districts, unsurprising due to the inability to practise social distancing.16 This does not mean they will simply stay home since they are also concerned about losing their income (31%)." +317933,53305.0,2335.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,13,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,4 out of 5 people living under the international poverty line in 2016 +125731,31803.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77205.pdf,"La VBG afecta tanto a mujeres como a hombres sean estos refugiados, migrantes o parte de la comunidad de acogida. Sin embargo, el monitoreo revela que las mujeres venezolanas muchas veces son percibidas como objeto sexual, por lo cual están más expuestas a VBG. Se observa que las mujeres se sienten más protegidas si tienen familiares dentro de la misma comunidad." +320216,53305.0,2335.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security', 'Health', 'WASH']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,33,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"The cluster prioritization is based on areas with the greatest WASH vulnerabilities, high GAM rates, high food insecurity, and areas that are vulnerable to water and vector-borne disease outbreaks." +343606,56185.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,46,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.afro.who.int/news/expiry-date-and-shelf-life-astrazeneca-covishield-vaccine-produced-serum-institute-india,"[Shelf-live of Vaccines] Any extension in the shelf-life will only apply to vaccines not yet labelled and distributed. Therefore, the expired or near to expire doses in distribution for use will not be affected by the future decision of shelf-life extension." +38720,13756.0,729.0,"['Logistics', 'Protection', 'Cross', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,93,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Shock/Event'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LibyaCOFlashUpdate%200703June2019.pdf,Basic services continue to suffer during the conflict. Sporadic electricity cuts continue to be reported and by 31 May there was a 27 percent reduction in water supply in Tripoli.6 Low operational levels of the Ajdabia Reservoir have reduced the water supply line to Sirte and other surrounding areas. Excess waste during the summer season could create a favourable environment for vector breeding and could lead to an outbreak of waterborne diseases. Severe fuel shortages put additional stress on citizens in Tripoli and many other parts of the country. +330057,53699.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,83,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_094_20210404_hebdo_s13.pdf,"Près de 74314 personnes ont été sensibilisées et briefées sur la COVID-19 et les mesures de prévention, incluant hommes, femmes et enfants ainsi que des chefs de quartiers et leaders communautaires dans 14 ZS Au cours de ces activités 630 alertes ont été remontées. 124 prestataires des soins du Centre de Santé de Référence VIJANA (ZS LINGWALA) ont été briefés sur la Vaccination contre la COVID-19 organisé par PEV avec l’accompagnement de la CREC à Kinshasa" +186678,43205.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,46,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/425162-weekly-review-nigerias-new-covid-19-cases-increase-for-second-consecutive-week.html,"[7th Nov 2020 ,Nigeria]As of the time of reporting, Nigeria has recorded 63,790 confirmed COVID-19 cases. Of this figure, 59,884 have been discharged and 1,154 deaths have been recorded in the 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory." +216652,45416.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,75,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,"Dans le Rapport évaluation des besoins en éducation à Nobili-SD de Kamango territoire de Beni réalisé dans le Nord-Kivu, on compte 466 enseignants non mécanisés sur un total de 628 enseignants. Ces enseignants continuent à donner cours dans l’espoir que les parents vont payer la prime comme convenu. Mais de fois ils sont obligés d’arrêter les cours pour aller chercher une autre manière de nourrir leur famille." +236131,47122.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,18,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"In terms of responses, 80,092 persons were reached in March with protection activities conducted by cluster members" +323194,54498.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,208,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/89758cd4/REACH_COL_RAN_Factsheet_Trend_analysis_March2021.pdf,"De acuerdo con lo que indican los resultados recolectados a lo largo de las cinco rondas, la mayoría de ICs que seña- laron que ellos o personas dentro de su grupo tenían nacionalidad diferente a la colombiana, no contaban con documen- tos migratorios válidos dentro de territo- rio colombiano, tendencia que fue crecien- do a lo largo de las etapas de recolección. Por ejemplo, durante la primera y segunda ronda el reporte de personas que no con- taban con documentos se dio entre el 32% (210 ICs) y el 37% (de 285 ICs), respectiva- mente. Sin embargo, desde la tercera ronda este reporte incrementó significativamente llegando a reportarse que de los 308 ICs que se encuestaron en la quinta ronda, el 86% no contaba con algún documento mi- gratorio vigente válido dentro de Colombia. Según OXFAM13, la condición de irregulari- dad representa un factor de vulnerabilidad a las personas caminantes que ingresan y desean permanecer en el país, debido a que les impide el acceso a derechos y a servicios esenciales, además de no poder acceder al sistema de seguridad social, trabajo formal y otros servicios." +201500,44481.0,2028.0,['Nutrition'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,78,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep22_20201120.pdf,"Proportions of people in need reached with services remain low, with 50 percent reached for treatment of moderate acute malnutrition, 66 percent with micronutrient supplementation, and67 percent for prevention of acute and chronic malnutrition. On-the-job trainings and supportive supervision for frontline staff remains a challenge due to COVID-19 related restrictions. The increasing number of hotspot locations with high prevalence of acute malnutrition would necessitate a rapid scale up of the nutrition response." +236081,47122.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Education']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,24,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,The spread of the pandemic has compelled education partners to put on hold planned education activities and focus on response to the pandemic. +314787,52949.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,58,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Although both displaced and non-displaced households live in similarly crowded and dense conditions, displaced households are more in need of shelter and basic non-food items. There is a marked difference between the quality, as well as the security and safety conditions, of shelters used by displaced groups and groups that are not displaced." +80579,22061.0,788.0,['Shelter'],[],[],en,32,[],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/cebecee5/reach_nga_factsheet_monguno_new_arrivals_ra_february_2019.pdf,"Out of the 63 KIs reporting on Shelter/NFI/CCCM needs, 67% reported that they were expecting more new arrivals in the camp/community in the days or weeks following data collection." +169485,40368.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",en,21,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Distribution to the Mentao refugee camp remains suspended since July due to insecurity that hampers the delivery of food items. +270186,50226.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_6.pdf,". La mayor proporción de hospitalizaciones por IRAG en UCI sobre el total de hospitalizaciones en UCI e intermedios por todas las causas se presenta en el grupo de mayores de 60 años con el 34,2 %, seguido por el de 40 a 59 años con el 31,9 %." +170409,40462.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Push Factors', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,84,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Au cours de ce mois, la région a connu un déplacement des ménages des localités de Namoungou, Boudangou, Natiaboani et Nagré pour la ville de Fada. Ainsi, un déplacement de 10 ménages des villages de Boudangou- Namoungou s’est observé à la date du 07 au 08/08/2020 suite l’attaque du marché à bétail de Namoungou. Les membres de ces ménages sont estimés à 223 personnes avec 40 enfants, 95 femmes et 88 hommes." +473242,67203.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,34,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2020/04/09/devastador-impacto-del-covid-19-para-ninos-y-ninas,"Es probable que la pérdida generalizada de puestos de trabajo e ingresos y la inseguridad económica en las familias incremente los niveles detrabajo infantil, explotación sexual, embarazo adolescente y matrimonio infantil." +211549,45203.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://fews.net/west-africa/cameroon/food-security-outlook/june-2020,"The first cases of COVID-19 were confirmed in Cameroon in early March 2020, in Yaoundé and Douala, from where the disease has spread to all 10 regions of the country." +237216,46388.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,45,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Eight per cent of displaced households (compared to four per cent of refugee and 1 per cent of vulnerable non-displaced households) reported marrying a daughter earlier than intended in the preceding 30 days due to a lack of money to buy food. +191745,43622.0,2330.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,30,[],['Shock/Event'],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20201111_acaps_briefing_note_nicaragua_honduras_hurricane_eta.pdf,Poor infrastructure in affected regions: The most affected region in Nicaragua – the North Caribbean Coast Autonomous Region – is one of the country’s poorest areas. +184474,42131.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],es,196,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://m.lasillavacia.com/putumayo-no-golpea-tanto-virus-del-covid-como-los-armados-78952?amp=1&__twitter_impression=true,"Eso generó, por ejemplo, que hace dos meses, en medio de la pandemia, unos mil campesinos salieran de sus parcelas y marchar por las calles de Puerto Asís exigiendo que lo cumplieran. La línea de la erradicación forzada también está en veremos y está causando tensiones. Esta semana, más de 500 campesinos del municipio de San Miguel (frontera con Ecuador) montaron un cordón de resistencia para evitar que soldados y erradicadores del Gobierno entraran a sus territorios a arrancarles los cultivos de coca que siguen siendo su principal fuente de ingresos. Ayer, una comunidad indígenas de Orito hizo lo mismo aunque en ese caso sí se presentaron disturbios. Eso, a pesar de que el martes el consejero presidencial para la seguridad, Rafael Guarín, visitó el departamento para comentar que ese proceso de erradicación marchaba bien. En ambos casos, las comunidades exigen que antes de permitir la erradicación les garanticen qué otras actividades pueden hacer para generar recursos. Plantean la posibilidad de que abran un nuevo censo en el Pnis, otros que se habilite un programa mejor." +311171,53183.0,2466.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,111,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"This is most notable in terms of worsening food insecurity: despite a ‘good harvest’, it could not counteract the impacts of rising prices. As a result, about 25.5 million people, representing more than half of the population, were suffering from some level of food insecurity between June and September 2020 – the peak of the lean season. This included 7.4 million people in need of food and livelihoods-related humanitarian assistance, 1 million more than the same period of 2019. From October 2020, this number reduced slightly to 7.1 million people, but still remained high compared to previous years" +314811,52949.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,59,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Overall, 19 per cent of IDPs reported living in sub-standard shelter, affecting their ability to live dignified lives, while in over 80 per cent of IDP sites, buuls (traditional or makeshift shelters) are a commonly used shelter type that do not provide adequate protection against weather elements, privacy or living space." +188217,40860.0,1899.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200922_OCHA_GUATEMALA%20HRP%20COVID-19%20ESPAN%CC%83OL.pdf,"En un estudio reciente realizado por Oxfam2, en los municipios Chiquimula y Baja Verapaz, se evidencia que los hogares que requieren asistencia alimentaria se han incrementado; la inseguridad alimentaria severa pasó de 7.4% en 2019 a 28.8% en 2020 y la inseguridad alimentaria moderada pasó de 17.8% a 28.8%." +271648,49364.0,2311.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,182,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/4-gender-violencia.pdf,"En primer lugar es interesante constatar que tanto las necesidades como las dificultades están relacionadas con no tener recursos y con no tener apoyo para el acceso a información. En segundo lugar, si bien, este tipo de dificultades (y de necesidades) son comunes en movimientos humanos, lo cierto es que para las mujeres tienen unos impactos exacerbados y agravados porque en muchos casos, enfrentar esas dificultades las expone a situaciones de VG o riesgos como: ir por trochas o lugares peligrosos donde puedan ser víctimas de robo, violencia sexual y desaparición; verse obligadas a aceptar demandas de sexo por supervivencia al no tener otros recursos con qué mantenerse a ellas y sus familias, exponiéndose además a contraer enfermedades sexuales; tener que tomar transporte en vehículos privados dónde no pueden garantizar su seguridad o la de su familia; exponerse a caer en redes de trata de personas o tráfico ilícito de migrantes; verse sometidas a la violencia ejercida por grupos armados ilegales y de narcotráfico, entre otros." +178481,41756.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],fr,86,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Plus de 8,6 millions de personnes ont des besoins en protection. Les groupes les plus vulnérables sont les personnes affectées par des mouvements de population et les victimes de violations du droit international humanitaire et des droits de l’homme, notamment les enfants non accompagnés, les enfants associés aux forces et groupes armés, les survivant(e)s de violences basées sur le genre et les personnes vivant dans les zones affectées par des restes d’engins explosifs." +162901,37781.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://tande.substack.com/p/syria-in-context-coronavirus-update-5cd,"Official figures continue to lag far behind reality–– with 2,754 confirmed COVID-19 cases in Syria as of August 25. Of these, 2,365 were recorded in government-controlled areas, including 95 deaths and 533 recoveries, while 1,737 cases remain active" +164489,32982.0,1183.0,"['Education', 'WASH']",[],[],es,45,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Respuesta%20COVID-19%20-%20GIFMM%20Arauca%2C%20actualizaci%C3%B3n%20n%C2%B03%20%28Del%201%20al%2030%20de%20mayo%20de%202020%29.pdf,"Educación •Acompañamiento psicológico y pedagógico a niños, niñas y adolescentes (NNA) participantes del programa círculos de aprendizajes y a los NNA en tránsito a las instituciones educativas del municipio de Arauca, y entrega de kits de higiene para sus familias." +305223,53100.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,37,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/plan_de_preparation_coronavirus_cmr._version_du_10_mars_2019.pdf,"ACQUIS : - Outils de surveillance élaborés, disponibles GAPS : - Quantité d’outils de surveillance produite insuffisante - Acteurs prioritaires de la surveillance COVID-19 non formés - Supervision des sites de surveillance non effective" +287417,51638.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,88,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20_FEVRIER%202021_SAHEL.pdf,"(Sahel) La province du Yagha continue elle aussi de connaitre des mouvements de population. Dans la ville de Sebba, il a été enregistré 57 nouvelles PDI. Ces PDI sont venues de plusieurs localités notamment de Bouli dans la commune de Solhan et de Baboume dans la province de la Gnagna. Il faut noter que depuis les incidents enregistrés au début de l’année 2021, le nombre de PDI accueilli à Mansila centre est de 5965 personnes de 676 ménages." +15672,6572.0,322.0,[],[],[],en,80,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Yemen%20Update%2021%20Sept-%2012%20October%202018%20FINAL.pdf,"Given the current life-threatening conditions in Yemen for many civilians, including refugees, UNHCR is supporting the voluntary returns of Somali refugees in Yemen. UNHCR is working with IOM and the Yemeni and Somali authorities to facilitate voluntary returns to Somalia. On 2 October, 106 Somali refugees departed Aden under UNHCR’s Assisted Spontaneous Return (ASR) programme. So far, 2,506 refugees departed Yemen since the ASR programme started in 2017." +142200,35870.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,44,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Most recently on 22 July, the Ministry of Endowments announced the suspension of Eid Al-Adha prayers in Damascus and Rural Damascus governorates and all religious teaching seminars. However, Friday prayers and mass prayers with preventive measures are allowed to continue." +2635,520.0,321.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,30,['At Risk'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://www.amnesty.org/en/countries/middle-east-and-north-africa/libya/report-libya/,"People who attended public gatherings and demonstrations faced attack. In May, unidentified assailants fired mortars at protesters demonstrating in al-Kish Square, Benghazi, killing six civilians." +299363,51893.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[January 2021, Overall Syria] 4% of households share their shelter with at least one other household. Rates of sharing shelter with at least one other household are highest in North Syria (7 percent), followed by Northwest Syria and Northeast (both 6 percent), and lowest in Central & South Syria (3 percent)." +290504,52074.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,83,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,"In collaboration with Caritas Bamenda, Caritas Buea and ASWARUDEP, FAO organised a capacity-building workshops in Bamenda and Buea from 23 to 25 October and from 30 October to 1 November, respectively. The workshops were focused on the technical itinerary for livestock and home garden production as well as on working with persons with disabilities. It brought together 49 field agents. FAO and ASWARUDEP continue monitoring 1,000 mini poultry units for egg and meat production in the NWSW" +323327,54815.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,121,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Gaps in access to healthcare services, both in terms of distance and affordability, are generally considered to be a key contributor to poor health outcomes. Some progress has been made in reaching the policy goals defined in the earlier National Health Development Plan 2001-2010: in urban areas, the ratio of population per Health and Social Promotion Center (CSPS) – offering basic healthcare services – decreased from 14,177 to 9,835 in 2001-2009 (compared to the defined goal of 10,000) (Ministère de la Sante, 2011). However, the ratio is many times higher with respect to any of the more advanced medical facilities (medical centers and hospitals)." +258000,48907.0,2098.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,54,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[20th January 2021, Cox's Bazar] We explored this further with Camp 14 residents. Rohingya men and women interviewed for this report said pandemic movement restrictions and safety measures make it difficult for them to pursue work opportunities. In some cases, their cash income has stopped altogether." +205494,44672.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,30,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In May, the government started a national program to fight hunger that led to distribution of over 100 million units of bread through local bakeries across the country." +167702,40348.0,2170.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,22,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://thenationonlineng.net/fg-orders-reopening-of-unity-schools-oct-12/,The Federal Government has announced October 12 as the date for full reopening of the 104 unity schools across the country. +325257,54815.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,87,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"The country’s asylum law also provides for refugees to access the national primary healthcare system, and refugees in urban areas adhere to the country’s national health insurance scheme, although UNHCR covers the costs of secondary and tertiary healthcare. Dedicated health centers have been established in the two camps in Burkina Faso’s Sahel region for Malian refugees, thus limiting any additional demands on the region’s existing health centers that the presence of refugees could cause." +178337,41756.0,2225.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,69,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Au Sud Kivu, plus de la moitié des ménages utilisent des stratégies de survie de crise ou d’urgence. L’usage des stratégies telles que la consommation des semences prévues pour la saison prochaine, la vente des biens productifs, la vente des derniers animaux femelles ont des répercussions irréversibles sur la production agricole et animale et par conséquent sur la disponibilité alimentaire." +193023,43411.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,184,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Health: Even if during the needs assessment the populations did not expressly highlight the health needs, the analysis of the situation and the context makes us fear health problems in the weeks and months to come. Indeed, we must fear: - An increase in the number of COVID-19 cases: With the floods, many people were left homeless and are staying in schools and with foster families. This situation increases the risk of promiscuity, making it difficult to apply barrier measures. - Diarrheal diseases and cholera: Before the floods, access to drinking water and sanitation was already difficult in the affected areas. The arrival of IDPs has exacerbated this pre-existing situation. With the floods, access to the rare drinking water points becomes difficult, forcing many people to get supplies from unprotected water points. - Increase in vector-borne diseases (malaria, dengue fever, etc.); with the rainy season, there is already a proliferation of mosquitoes which could worsen with this flood situation." +64127,18925.0,729.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],en,127,[],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/va_report_libya_2019-libmac-unmas.pdf,"Based on available casualty data mentioned above and most recent demographic data available from the Family Health Survey of 201436, the number of households potentially affected by the loss and/or the injury of a family members caused by EO amounts to at least to 14,528 individuals. Furthermore, according to the 2018 MSNA, an estimated 4 per cent of displaced households reported at least one member injured by a UXO37. According to the 2019 HNO, based on assessment and information provided by the Libyan Mine Action Centre (LibMAC), the communities currently most affected by explosive ordnance are Tripoli, Benghazi, Sirt, Sebha, Barak Al Shati, Jabal Al Gharbi/Gharyan, Derna, Tawergha, and Alkufra" +333156,44672.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,8,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,The National Procurement Committee purchased 500 ventilators. +151540,37915.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,70,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/78176.pdf,"Imams and female preachers have played a vital role in conducting awareness sessions related to COVID-19. The level of their engagement in the information and awareness campaigns continues to increase. From 16 to 31 July, they helped reach out to nearly 19,000 refugees across 13 camps. Imams also continue to share key messages during daily prayers and weekly Friday sermons, with social distancing in place" +179235,41946.0,2028.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],en,49,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://publications.unescwa.org/projects/saw/sdgs/pdf/en/Syria-at-War-8-years-on-Report-Final.pdf,"[Syria 2019, Food insecurity and nutrition] About 6.5 million people were food insecure and a further 2.5 million were liable to becoming acutely insecure in 2019. Many families have adopted harmful mechanisms to cope with the emerging status quo, including poor consumption patterns." +80500,22034.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],[],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,38,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/cuatro-reflexiones-del-primer-mes-del-campamento-humanitario-para-venezolanos-en-bogota/780,"Los campamentos no son la solución para el fenómeno migratorio, que es un proceso de inserción e integración social que durará años, y no pueden convertirse en la única medida para atender a la población migrante" +346136,56952.0,2311.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],es,32,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20monitoreo%20enero-marzo%202021%20-%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20vers%C3%B3n%20final.pdf,"Las prioridades identificadas por la población monitoreada durante el primer trimestre de 2021 fueron las mismas del último trimestre de 2020: alimentación, vivienda e ingresos eco- nómicos, y salud" +287176,51749.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[district sanitaire de Pouytenga] CSPS Les tarifs des soins dans les CSPS suivent les recommandations concernant les exemptions de paiement dans le cadre de la gratuité ciblée, cependant la délivrance des médicaments n’est pas gratuite. Les COGES sont tous fonctionnels et assurent la gestion financière des CSPS notamment le paiement des salaires, le financement des stratégies avancées." +61293,18235.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"According to interviews with key informants and people on the move, the two main factors behind choice of destination are a) family reunification or the existence of a support network (friends) and b) the perception of the economic opportunities and living conditions they would find on arrival." +157628,38893.0,2098.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,76,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/humanitarian_collaboration_and_coordination_in_bangladesh_2nd_draft_12_july_2020_kazi_hg.pdf,"▪ Distribution of hygiene kits and water purification tablets (All affected families should have at least: water containers, soap, and other basic NFIs, ≥ 80% of affected people demonstrate practice of key hygiene behaviours); ▪ Ensure environmental hygiene to control water borne vector-borne disease ▪ Conduct hygiene promotion sessions and ensure community engagement with involvement of local leaders and other government institutions to adhering to social distancing recommendations" +500645,31283.0,1232.0,[],[],[],es,77,[],[],UNHCR Uruguay,2019-05-28 02:56:46.441375+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNDRR%20COVID-19%20BRIEF%20PERSONAS%20CON%20DISCAPACIDADES%20FRENTE%20AL%20COVID-19%20EN%20LAS%20AM%C3%89RICAS%20Y%20EL%20CARIBE%20%283%29.pdf,"La emergencia generada por la pandemia de COVID-19 es de tal magnitud que ha superado en gran medida la capacidad de respuesta de los gobiernos y otros prestadores de servicios. Esto afecta de manera especial a las personas con discapacidad, que se enfrentan a barreras adicionales por su forma de interactuar con el entorno y por la carencia o interrupciones de los servicios de salud, las redes de apoyo y otros servicios críticos." +135731,35301.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,30,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,The temporary closure of trans-shipment points between Turkey and Syria in March and inaccessibility to affected lifesaving supplies and services were among the key WASH challenges in the Northwest. +188387,42860.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],['Casualties->Dead'],es,33,['Impact'],['Casualties'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_covid-19_6_departamento_del_cauca.pdf,"El Instituto Nacional de Salud ha reportado 1´053.122 casos confirmados, 30.926 fallecidos y 950.348 recuperados, para un total de 69.423 casos activos en Colombia con corte de 29 de octubre." +320683,52949.0,2331.0,['WASH'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,56,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Overall, issues related to access to WASH facilities for vulnerable groups including persons with disabilities, elderly persons, women, boys and girls are an ongoing challenge. It requires availability of reliable data, extensive consultations and community engagement on planning and design, while considering the unique needs of each group." +125262,29180.0,1620.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Humanitarian Access'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Gap-Supply-Demand-Contraceptive-Services-Northeast-Nigeria-Report.pdf,"The majority of IDP camps are clustered in Maiduguri, the capital and largest city of Borno State. Due in part to a lack of available land in the city, challenges delivering services and humanitarian assistance, including sexual and reproductive health services, persist." +146030,35870.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,40,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"WHO has also established three buyers consortia – a PPE Consortium, a Diagnostics Consortium, and a Clinical Care Consortium – to ensure that some critical supplies are reserved to meet the requests of countries most in need." +178016,41756.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],fr,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Depuis août 2018, la RDC est également affectée par une seconde épidémie de maladie à virus Ebola (MVE), la plus grave jamais enregistrée en RDC et la deuxième plus importante au monde." +229507,45706.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,61,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://sn4hr.org/blog/2020/12/04/55697/,"[November 2020, NW Syria] A spike in new infections and deaths due to coronavirus in northwestern Syria meant that the casualty figures recorded in November were three times those documented the previous month, with the Early Warning Alert and Response Network (EWARN) announcing that 11,264 infections and 192 deaths had been documented for November." +234212,46381.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,76,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"According to the findings of the survey, the proportion of COVID-19 positive infection among respondent of 18 years or above was 35.2% and the proportion of COVID-19 negative infection was 64.8% (Table 1). The proportion of COVID-19 positive was 33.9% among males and 37.1% among females. Likewise, the proportion of COVID-19 positive was 42.3% in urban areas compared to 31.6% in rural areas." +305335,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,44,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Women and girls are exposed to the risk of sexual violence both inside and outside camps. Meanwhile, displaced children suffer from lost years of education and exposure to various maltreatments, including abductions, forced recruitment, sexual harassment and child labour" +278784,50824.0,2028.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,95,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syria.tv/%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B5%D8%AD%D8%A9-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D8%AF%D8%B1%D8%B3%D9%8A%D8%A9-%D8%AA%D8%B6%D8%A7%D8%B9%D9%81-%D8%B9%D8%AF%D8%AF-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D8%B5%D8%A7%D8%A8%D9%8A%D9%86-%D8%A8%D9%83%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%88%D9%86%D8%A7-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D9%85%D8%AF%D8%A7%D8%B1%D8%B3-%D8%AF%D9%85%D8%B4%D9%82,"[MArch 9, GoS] The number of Coronavirus infections in schools in Damascus and its countryside and Latakia has doubled over the past two weeks, with the number of infections reaching 40. According to the School Health Directorate in the Ministry of Education of the Syrian regime, Dr. Hatoon Al-Tawashi, the Corona cases recorded in all schools since the beginning of the second semester were between 20 and 24 injuries per week, while they began to rise recording 44 cases per week after the 25th of February," +2581,517.0,321.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,56,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Libya%20Situation%20Report%20-%20End%20of%20Year%202017.pdf,"In 2017 and in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization (WHO), over 1,53 million children aged 0-6 years were vaccinated against polio including migrants and Internally Displaced children reaching universal coverage while 721,488 children aged 3-6 years received Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccines." +175149,40890.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,125,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"De los miembros del hogar en edad de trabajar tan solo el 31% lo hace y de estos solo el 3% está afiliado al sistema de seguridad social. Los trabajos a los que logran acceder son principalmente: por cuenta propia (informal o formal el 51%), trabajos en empresas (14%), servicios domésticos remunerados (4%), jornales (6%) y el restante 3% se distribuye en otras actividades de menor participación; el 21% de la población que trabaja no indicó un tipo de actividad. Es importante destacar que el 19% de los hogares informa que ninguno de sus miembros realiza alguna actividad económica remunerada." +220289,45084.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],en,42,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_5_november_2020_final.pdf,"More than 9 per cent of the total confirmed COVID-19 cases are among healthcare staff. Health facilities across the country continue to report shortfalls in PPE, medical supplies and equipment, further challenging their capacity to treat COVID-19 patients." +235671,47076.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,"The Littoral and West regions are host to over 200,000 IDPs from the NWSW according to findings of the multi inter-sector rapid assessment (MIRA) carried out in these regions in October 2019." +283930,47069.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,135,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/iom_dashboard_cameroun_extreme-nord_round_21_en.pdf,"[Round 21 / DTM / Far North Region / 25 May - 10 June] Have measures been takin to prevent or limit the spread of COVID-19 ? Yes 78% / No 22% Migrations and sensitization measures taken in assessed localities : 74% Sensitization of displaced populations 67% Communication on COVID-19 risks, infection risks and prevention measures 45% additionnal hand-washing stations equipped with soap or hydroalcoholic gel 35% Distribution of soap , of hydroalcoholic gel 9% Isolation at home of the entire community 7% isolation of suspect cases 7% isolation of site/locality 7% Provision of healthcare by the closest health center 4% Regular temperature checks for everyone 3% COVID-19 testing 3% individual testing with temperature checks for newly arrived IDPs" +161947,39490.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,73,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200707_acaps_covid-19_secondary_impacts_in_rohingya_refugee_camps.pdf,Operational agencies have reported that many older people in the camps suffer from chronic illnesses and rely on home-based outreach services to deliver medical and psychosocial support. Their mental health is at risk and it is virtually impossible to provide support services during lockdown. This is compounded by the fact that many older people are unable to access alternative online support or have a hearing disability that makes phone communication difficult +304606,51467.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,32,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,The COVID-19 pandemic has worsened the mental health situation for the population and constrained the availability of already limited mental health services in particular for persons with pre-existing mental health problems. +314178,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,41,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The security situation has not changed significantly over the last year. Monitoring data from the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED) indicates a total of 2,423 incidents leading to 3,122 fatalities across Somalia in 2020." +318963,53305.0,2335.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,18,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Out of 3.4 million people in need, 806,000 people are targeted for education in emergencies services." +439618,63184.0,2099.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,30,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Burkina%20Faso%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%201%20May%20-%2030%20June%202021.pdf,"115,200 doses of AstraZeneca vaccines arrived in Burkina Faso on 30 May 2021 via the COVAX mechanism, followed by the launch of vaccination campaign on 2 June 2021." +341808,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,68,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Sur la question de l’absence de l’Etat, il est ressorti de manière constante des espaces de dialogue que l’Etat est absent dans ses périphéries. Plus l’on s’éloigne de la capitale, plus l’Etat démontre une incapacité à exercer de manière effective ses prérogatives régaliennes sur son territoire, notamment le contrôle de ses frontières" +151526,37915.0,2098.0,[],[],[],en,30,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/78176.pdf,"UNHCR, its community-based protection partners, and the refugee community continue to conduct awareness-raising sessions, hygiene promotion and safe group radio listening activities in the refugee settlements." +185059,40800.0,1900.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],es,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://infosegura.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Analisis-SC-2T-2020.pdf,"De acuerdo con información de la Policía Nacional, las lesiones de mujeres han aumentado (+22%), mientras que las lesiones de hombres se han reducido (-16.7%)" +343590,55985.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,99,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_121_20210501.pdf,"[01/05/2021] A Kinshasa, les principaux foyers épidémiques, pour les 16 984 cas dont l’information a été récoltée, sont les ZS de Gombe (2 936/16 984 ; 17,3%), Binza Ozone (1 845/16 984 ; 10,9%), Limete (1 571/16 984 ; 9,2%), Lemba (1 432/16 984 ; 8,4%), Kokolo (1 238/16 984 ; 7,3%), Binza Météo (911/16 984 ; 5,4%) et Mont Ngafula I (815/16 984 ; 4,8%)" +2579,517.0,321.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,96,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Libya%20Situation%20Report%20-%20End%20of%20Year%202017.pdf,"In 2017, UNICEF LCO completed in cooperation with the National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) and Ministry of Education an assessment for the water quality in schools. The assessment indicated that 67 percent of the surveyed schools (140 schools) have limited access to drinking water supply service and 95,8 percent have limited access to sanitation services while 4,2 percent have no sanitation services. The average number of students to a functional toilet is 71, while the Ministry of Education standards are one toilet for every 25 students." +323679,54267.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Economy'],fr,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Le secteur agricole contribue à un tiers du PIB du pays et emploie environ 80 pour cent de la population, mais il peine à produire un approvisionnement alimentaire suffisant pour une population en croissance rapide" +159614,39079.0,2170.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,38,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NIGERIA_Food_Security_Outlook_Update_August_Final.pdf,"In much of the Northeast, household purchasing power is below average as staple food prices remain significantly above normal. This is constraining food access as households’ income-earning opportunities through labor or self-employment remain constrained." +59537,17198.0,1224.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",en,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"Individuals also raised concerns about distance and accessibility of immigration services and lacked clarity on the process for renewing the 3-month stay permit (including requisite documentation, locations to carry out the process, and cost). To these concerns, clarity was provided by the immigration officer and other members of the assessment team." +125710,31803.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection', 'Cross']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,43,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77205.pdf,"Esta condición de hacinamiento implica compartir camas, colchones y camarotes, y al compartir estos espacios con un gran número de personas se incrementan los riesgos, especialmente para las mujeres y niñas, de ser expuestos a incidentes de VBG." +61760,18350.0,1184.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,222,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71151.pdf,"Salud y Nutrición En junio se realizó la entrega al Ministerio de Salud Pública de equipos, insumos y materiales para los servicios de salud de la frontera norte y sur. En el marco de la contingencia, el Ministerio de Salud Pública (MSP), en cooperación con varios socios del GTRM, fortaleció el puesto de vacunas para niños y niñas en Rumichaca. Así también, en coordinación con el Distrito de Salud se entregó kits de dignidad a mujeres y adolescentes en situación de vulnerabilidad, y material informativo sobre Salud Sexual y Reproductiva (SSR) y prevención de violencia basada en género. En Huaquillas, el MSP en coordinación con los socios del GTRM estableció un plan de contingencia que incluyó: médico del barrio para atención a grupos prioritarios; fumigaciones en el CEBAF para control de vectores; ocho médicos y una obstetra; y una unidad móvil detrás del centro de salud del CEBAF. Así también, se reportó un aumento en vacunación (cuatro puestos de vacunación), y primeros servicios/medicina general (dos enfermeras, un equipo médico básico, medicamentos e insumos médicos y kits de higiene). Además, se desplegó personal de apoyo adicional en el ámbito de atención de salud mental" +230037,46670.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,113,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/nation/2020/12/29/news-analysis-both-public-and-authorities-must-take-covid-19-more-seriously,"[29th December 2020, Bangladesh] Based on the ground reality, lockdown does not seem to be an option now. So, social distancing is most unlikely to be ensured fully. However, enforcement of wearing masks properly (not only hanging around the face) can be done with the help of a proactive role of the administration and awareness of the people; members of the public must realize that masks save lives and it is not a difficult thing to do. While ensuring the wearing of masks and social distancing, the government must take all-out efforts to get vaccines as early as possible." +156031,30184.0,1898.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,68,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3638791,"Las proyecciones de inseguridad alimentaria severa de WFP se enfocan en países y subregiones donde la organización presta asistencia técnica a los gobiernos y tiene operaciones en curso. Este es el caso de Bolivia, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haití, Honduras, Nicaragua, Perú, República Dominicana, y pequeños Estados insulares en desarrollo en el Caribe." +184825,42091.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,47,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/61359/216-coronavirus-cases-recorded-in-opposition-areas-laboratory.html,"[October 21,2020 Overall Syria] With 1,010 new cases recorded today, Idleb has become the epicenter of the pandemic for several reasons, mainly the failure to adhere to the preventive measures and the absence of imposing quarantine and penalties for those who break it" +360018,58741.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,29,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC_FSO_2021_06_final.pdf,"Les cours mondiaux des matières premières, et des principaux produits d’exportation de la RDC, notamment le cuivre et le cobalt, connaissent une amélioration." +215166,44840.0,2331.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,28,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,Some agencies are also exploring ways to involve local administrations in the distribution of items (e.g. soap) as part of the CPRP humanitarian component. +237999,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,34,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Poor households relying on vulnerable employment in urban areas have been disproportionally affected, as well as displaced and returned households, seeing a loss of consumption of up to 35 per cent." +473035,63732.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,41,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2f4004e6/REACH_BFA_Factsheet_Abri-AME-et-LTB_Pouytenga_juillet-2021.pdf,"La présence de membres à mobilité réduite au sein des ménages rencontrant des difficultés d'accès à l'abri, à l'eau et à l'assainissement était particulièrement forte dans le secteur 3, dans la zone de l'abattoir, selon les IC." +236852,47076.0,2334.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,77,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,The GBV trend is increasing compared to February (pre COVID-19 measures in Cameroon). An analysis of GBV incident data reported by the GBV AoR members showed an increase in GBV incidents reported. In April there was a noted 18% increase in GBV cases reported (from February). Despite the easing of COVID-19 measures 320 GBV cases were reported in June representing an increase of 16% compared to February. +240682,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,22,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In 2020, more than 500,000 returnees have been screened for infectious diseases with 2 per cent identified to have tuberculosis." +314245,52949.0,2331.0,[],[],[],en,34,[],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Reports of harassment and extortion at checkpoints continue to delay or block aid delivery. The seizure of assets and supplies is common, as is interference in the implementation of humanitarian activities." +173631,38392.0,1899.0,['Health'],[],[],es,68,[],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ALC%20post%20COVID-19%20-%20Retos%20y%20oportunidades%20para%20pa%C3%ADses%20de%20Centroam%C3%A9rica%2C%20Hait%C3%AD%2C%20M%C3%A9xico%2C%20Panam%C3%A1%2C%20y%20Rep%C3%BAblica%20Dominicana.pdf,"Para hacer frente a esta pandemia y reducir la propagación del contagio en territorio nacional, el Gobierno respondió de manera rápida y robusta a la crisis sanitaria, determinando reglas de distanciamiento social, adoptando medidas sanitarias, fortaleciendo el sistema de salud y protección social, especialmente a la población más vulnerable y apoyando a las empresas para mantener la liquidez necesaria para seguir funcionando." +305668,51474.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,51,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS)continued to support broader protection activities through quickimpact projects. A total of 41 projects with an overall budget of $2 million were approved by the Mission, with 80 per cent of funding released as at 20 January 2021." +169948,40360.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Dans la province du Soum, le 10 août 2020 une jeune fille de 16 ans a été mariée de force à un polygame qui la battait quand elle refusait de remplir son devoir conjugal. Ce cas a été référé à l'action sociale et le suivi est en cours." +69882,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],[],en,90,[],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"disaggregated figures based on the projections from the World Population Prospects 7can be used for the directly affected population: • 40,238 women and girls (51.4%) and 38,047 men and boys (48.6%) • WASH-21,407 women and girls require support with menstruation (number of women and girls of Reproductive Age) • SRHR-3,131 women and adolescent girls will be pregnant (4%) while 470 will face life- threatening complications in pregnancy • GBV-40,238 women and girls are at risk of gender-based violence" +215168,44840.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,21,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,IOM will also continue to support the capacity building of local administrations in promoting stability through integrating community-based socio-economic processes. +40018,11715.0,729.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,72,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/what-s-happening-libya-five-facts-you-need-know,"The violence has continued to intensify over the last few days despite international condemnation. On Monday, an air strike at Migita International Airport temporarily closed the only functioning airport in Tripoli. The seriousness of the violence cannot be underestimated – if it continues to escalate, more families will be put at risk and forced to flee their homes in a country that’s in turmoil." +256954,48806.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_final_enquete_smart_27112019.pdf,"La prévalence de la malnutrition chronique est de 32,0% au niveau national. Il ressort qu’environ un tiers des enfants de moins de 5 ans souffrent de retard de croissance dont 12,4% souffrent de la forme sévère." +275910,50662.0,2098.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,107,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[July- December 2020, Cox's Bazar] Following a delay due to COVID-19, WASH-FIT activities were implemented in the second half of the year. 103 health care workers were trained and subsequently developed improved plans as part of the PAGE 13 training for respective organizations. A WASH-FIT assessment was completed for 186 facilities in all 34 camps. 40% of health facilities met water-related standards, such as safe and sufficient water supply, according to national and global standards and indicators. In addition, 11% met some requirements, while 49% of the facilities need improvement." +235451,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)']",en,48,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Information And Communication', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Due to limited public health resources and testing capacity, lack of people coming forward for testing, as well as the absence of a national death register, confirmed cases of and deaths from COVID-19 are likely to be significantly under-reported in official figures in Afghanistan." +343582,55985.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Deaths'],fr,36,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_121_20210501.pdf,"[01/05/2021] Au total, 29 962 cas confirmés et 1 cas probable ont été enregistrés depuis le début de l’épidémie y compris 766 décès, soit une létalité globale de 2,6%" +293847,52074.0,2334.0,['WASH'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,49,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,"According to results of the MSNA conducted in September 2019, open defecation is prevalent in the NWSW. More resources are therefore needed for sensitization and hygiene promotion. There is no water point database in the NWSW. This affects planning and implementation of WASH strategy." +486179,67505.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,66,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Myanmar%20Emergency%20Update%20-%2001%20Sep_0.pdf,"[June - July 2021, Cox's Bazar] A slight decline in utilization of essential health services was observed, likely linked to the worsening COVID-19 situation and effects of the heavy monsoon rains. Delays in seeking healthcare for nonCOVID-19 related conditions are likely to result in poorer health outcomes, and partners continue to promote uninterrupted access to essential health care." +325556,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[Ouagadougou - 2,086 individuals were interviewed] As with medical needs, also with regard to children’s travel to school the poorer households rely on walking and biking much more than the upper- income ones. In the CFA 300,000 sub- group." +489284,67769.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,69,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/searo/bangladesh/bangladesh---rohingya-crisis---pdf-reports/ewars/2021/ewars-w34-2021.pdf?sfvrsn=52eebc31_9,"[23-29 August 2021, Bangladesh] As of week 34, (23-29 Aug 2021) 58,861 cumulative samples have been tested and 2883 total confirmed cases of COVID-19 reported. The average test positivity rate now stand at 4.9%. This week (week 34), 105 new confirmed cases detected out of 1,490 samples tested and weekly test positivity rate was 7.0%." +59560,17198.0,1224.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"153 Venezuelans were counted. Most have been in Khan’s Hill for around 1 year, but some families had arrived just a few months. (Approx. 24 people arrived 3 months ago). Most did not have any forms of identification. Many are from the Delta Amakuro region in Venezuela." +327907,55046.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population']",en,65,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_04_27%20USG%20Democratic%20Republic%20of%20the%20Congo%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%233.pdf,"Since early April, local demonstrators have staged protests in Beni, Butembo, Goma, and other major cities in North Kivu demanding the UN Organization Stabilization Mission in the DRC (MONUSCO) depart the country. In response to the ongoing insecurity, several humanitarian organizations have suspended relief operations and limited staff movement in North Kivu to protect field-based personnel." +330427,53831.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,72,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/12042021_sitrep_s12_whe_oms_rdc_f.pdf,"Prise en charge (PeC) [Choléra] : mise en place dans les ZS affectées des activités de PeC médicales gratuite des cas de choléra dans les UTC/CTC/PSRO avec l’appui de MSF-Espagne, MDA, UNICEF, AEDES, Vision mondiale, OMS ; pré positionnement des intrants de PeC dans les ZS de Kalemie et Nyemba au Tanganyika avec l’appui de l’OMS ;" +329136,53878.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,97,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SOYDA%20Monthly%20Progressive%20Report-Feb%202021.pdf,Skilled delivery is the core of primary health care services thus the project was able to record success in both facilities and at home visit for the traditional birth attendance hence encourage facility delivery and passed knowledge and information to the mothers in the target areas for safe motherhoods hence this reporting monthly a total 256 safe deliveries were conducted in Somali Young Doctors Association (SOYDA) health and Nutrition facilities. This improvement was also attributed closer coordination between the program outreach team as well as community traditional birth attendants in the project areas. +299358,51893.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,48,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[January 2021, Overall Syria] 20 percent of individuals are at risk of falling below 20 percent the Survival Minimum Expenditure Basket, 23 percent of individuals fall below the Survival Minimum Expenditure Basket and 22 percent are critically below the Survival Minimum Expenditure Basket." +287422,51638.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],"['Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20_FEVRIER%202021_SAHEL.pdf,"(Sahel) Cependant, le nombre de perte en vies humaines enregistré est en hausse comparativement au mois passé car 74 pertes en vies humaines ont été enregistrées contre 31 le mois passé." +475562,63296.0,2099.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],fr,82,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"lors de la période de soudure de l’année 2020, selon les IC, certains ménages ont eu des membres de leur famille bloqués en Côte d’Ivoire ou encore dans l’impossibilité de s’y rendre en raison de la fermeture des frontières. Or, les membres de la famille qui se trouvent à l’étranger sont généralement une source essentielle de vivres et d’envois de fonds en période de soudure." +305652,51572.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Protection', 'Education']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,28,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Education : Distribution of dignity kits for adolescent girls [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +240474,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,24,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"While COVID-19 has been in the spotlight throughout 2020, conflict remains the leading threat to both physical and mental wellbeing across Afghanistan." +196857,43840.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,40,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_291_20201116.pdf,18 personnes du Dispensaire DIEU EST MON BERGER ont été sensibilisées sur le respect des mesures barrières contre la Covid-19 et une distribution des dépliants et affichage des calicots a été fait dans la ZS BAGIRA au SUD-KIVU. : +314030,52949.0,2331.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,54,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"According to the Food Security and Nutrition Analysis Unit (FSNAU), over 2.7 million people across Somalia are expected to face crisis or emergency levels of food insecurity by mid-20212. However, humanitarian partners estimate that this number will likely continue to grow in the latter half of the year." +148570,36019.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,32,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,It is to be noted that several response indicators reported against by sectors relate to pre-existing HRP programming which had to be readjusted to address secondary and tertiary effects of COVID-19. +7296,455.0,321.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Shelter']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,57,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/international-donors-visit-un-migration-agency-sites-libya-niger,"IOM advocates for alternatives to detention and for the reopening of IOM's shelter for vulnerable migrants, which closed in 2011. Donors also visited Tripoli’s main port where they met with the Libyan Coast Guard and saw efforts related to a rescue operation, including IOM-supported primary health check-ups and protection screenings." +317942,53305.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,12,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,Only 35 per cent of people have access to safe water. +193022,43411.0,2099.0,['WASH'],"['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,117,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Priority Interventions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"• Water, hygiene and sanitation: The rains also damaged sanitation infrastructure, particularly the latrines, which were already in short supply and poorly maintained both in the sites and in most villages. Household waste disposal infrastructure is almost non-existent at the sites for the relocation of disaster victims. To supply drinking water, the affected people use boreholes, most of which have broken down and traditional wells that have become unusable. The desired actions are: - The rehabilitation and construction of latrines - The installation of bins in the sites - Repair and re-habitation of boreholes - Promotion of hygiene and sanitation [The needs of disaster victims]" +382654,59706.0,1187.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,50,['Impact'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/HFS_ReporteNarrativo_ARG_1S2020.pdf,"Un 4% de las personas manifestaron haber ingresado al país de manera irregular (en 2019 menos de 1%), y 8% de las personas manifestaron que su entrada fue negada a algún país o que fueron deportadas, la mayoría en Bolivia y Chile." +159093,37975.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,10,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_ndeg112.pdf,Nombre de contacts vus : 78 (96%) +304279,51467.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Context->Economy', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,69,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"COVID-19 restrictions and the economic contraction have placed pressure on markets and the movement of goods. South Sudan relies predominantly on commercial imports of basic commodities, including cereals. COVID-19 outbreak strained commercial activities in neighbouring countries and the free movement of commodities, which, compounded with a devaluating local currency, contributed to the significant spike in prices for both cereals and other commodities." +215865,45340.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,46,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.primature.cd/public/2020/12/07/lutte-contre-la-2eme-vague-de-covid-19-en-rdc-les-propositions-du-comite-multisectoriel-de-riposte-deja-sur-la-table-du-chef-de-letat/,"En attendant la publication d’autres mesures préventives, les congolais doivent poursuivre avec l’application des gestes barrières, à savoir : le lavage des mains, la distanciation sociale et le port de masque pour limiter la propagation de la COVID-19." +61691,18346.0,1184.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,26,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71003.pdf,• Durante el mes de mayo se registró un ingreso promedio diario de 2.500 a 3.000 refugiados y migrantes venezolanos por los puntos fronterizos regulares. +310688,53333.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,37,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Adolescent boys and girls reported fearing going to school and health centres because of the military presence, meaning they may be subject to random arrest, harassment, rape, stray bullets, crossfire and violence" +59115,17455.0,788.0,[],[],[],en,65,[],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/201908-nigeria-cross-border-report.pdf,"1.5 million returnees are recorded in the north-east of the country. Alongside returning IDPs, this includes a small percentage of returning refugees: in Borno State, two per cent of recorded returnees have returned from abroad. Actual numbers are likely to be much higher, because many returning refugees end up in camps where they are counted instead as IDPs." +393644,62284.0,2170.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,99,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"[7th Apr 2021, Borno State] FGD session and direct observation show that the affected population are living in thatch makeshift tents. IDPs use shelter materials (tarpaulin and sack) to reinforce and improve the condition of their makeshift shelters. Lack of basic household NFIs is another challenge identified. Households do not have the capacity to provide the basic NFIs like clothing, sleeping material and cooking utensils, as most households were not able to take their belongings before fleeing. Children were observed walking bare foot and wearing torn cloths." +93372,26310.0,1386.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,88,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Venezuela_%20Violent%20Abuses%20in%20Illegal%20Gold%20Mines%20_%20Human%20Rights%20Watch.pdf,"Numerous people interviewed said that many mines in Bolívar are under the tight control of Venezuelan syndicates or Colombian armed groups. The International Crisis Group has reported that both the Colombian rebel group National Liberation Army (Ejército de Liberación Nacional, ELN) and at least one dissident group that emerged from the demobilized Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia, FARC) operate in the area. Several people interviewed also said that these groups were active in Bolívar." +181847,42297.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,58,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syria.tv/%D8%A7%D8%B1%D8%AA%D9%81%D8%A7%D8%B9-%D8%B9%D8%AF%D8%AF-%D8%A5%D8%B5%D8%A7%D8%A8%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D9%81%D9%8A%D8%B1%D9%88%D8%B3-%D9%83%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%88%D9%86%D8%A7-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D9%85%D8%AF%D8%A7%D8%B1%D8%B3-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B3%D9%88%D9%8A%D8%AF%D8%A7%D8%A1-%D8%A5%D9%84%D9%89-16,"[1 Nov 2020] [GoS (As-Suwayda)] Abu Fakhr affirmed that the necessary measures had been taken and that every classroom division in which an infection was recorded was closed for five days, in addition to taking many scans from those in contact, indicating that the results had not yet emerged." +304284,51467.0,2335.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,37,['Impact'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,Some 400 schools in nine states were affected and damaged by the floods and violence in 2020 and half of them are now occupied by IDPs. This has delayed the re-opening of schools in many areas +291980,51894.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,14,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,(NSAG and TBAF Feb 2021) 2.8 million people at high COVID risk +341814,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,130,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Ce constat est fait dans toutes les régions, en particulier dans la région de l’Est. « Les terroristes ont profité d’une faiblesse de l’Etat et se posent comme les défenseurs des populations lésées, ils se confondent à elles, pour avoir leur confiance et faire leur travail…On a déguerpi les gens …. On a fermé les sites d’or. Nous on vient vous aider. On va combattre avec vous, disent-ils aux populations. Donc comme ça, ils ont acquis la confiance des populations. N’importe qui dans cette situation tombe dans leur piège. C’est une question de vie ou de mort. Des questions [même] de survie »" +239058,46388.0,2336.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,23,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"According to the 2020 WoA Assessment, shock- affected people have reported shelter to be their second highest priority need after food." +355983,58248.0,2311.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)'],es,77,[],['Information And Communication'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Salud_reporte_trimestral_enero_marzo_2021_VF%20%281%29%20%281%29.pdf,"Para el primer trimestre del 2021 se iden�ficó que la información reportada para población refugiada y migrante en tránsito, pendulares y colombianos retornados es baja, lo cual puede estar asociado a que la mayoría de las ac�vidades han estado focalizadas en población con vocación de permanencia o comunidad de acogida, sin embargo, se hace necesario desarrollar estrategias que den razón sobre los refugiados y migrantes en tránsito, pendulares y colombianos retornados." +69180,19842.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,23,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acnur.org/es-es/noticias/noticia/2019/8/5d5c64e64/de-vuelta-a-colombia-tras-una-vida-en-venezuela.html,"Jaime y Deisy comenzaron a trabajar como vendedores ambulantes, sustentando la familia con la venta de frutas, café y caramelos." +224132,45768.0,2332.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,23,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,Les activités WASH in Nut sont en train d’être mises en place par ALIMA dans le district sanitaire de Liwa. +190167,43304.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,31,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Pour le transport aérien, 108 vols mensuels des six (06) compagnies qui desservent le Tchad sont simplement annulés avec une perte énorme pour l’économie nationale." +286503,51586.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,67,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_19_november_2020_final.pdf,"Increasing influenza vaccine coverage can reduce the strain on the health care system and free-up limited health resources to focus on treating more severe cases of COVID19. Public health experts strongly urge the public to follow health advice on physical distancing, mask wearing, good hygiene, hand washing and other proven strategies that mitigate the risk of COVID-19 transmission amid this second wave." +235864,47091.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,19,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/borno_state_covid-19_weekly_sitrep_wk_52.pdf,Infection Prevention and Control: • Public enlightenment campaign on the use of facemask and hand washing continues. +386820,60459.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,104,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"La pratique de l’orpaillage est généralement ralentie pendant la saison des pluies entre juin et octobre. Avec la persistance des menaces d’attaque djihadistes, certains sites sont inaccessibles, ce qui contribue à réduire les opportunités de revenu de cette activité malgré la hausse du prix du gramme d’or de 20 pour cent par rapport à la moyenne. Au moment de la reprise habituelle de l’activité à partir de novembre, l’insécurité pourrait toujours constituer une limite et maintenir les revenus de cette source en-dessous de la moyenne. (scenario)" +224290,45394.0,2099.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],fr,40,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"La moyenne des échantillons testés par jour est de 285 avec un maximum à 1 305 échantillons (02 septembre 2020), on note un taux de positivité à 4,55 % à la date du 08 décembre 2020." +346167,56952.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,66,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20monitoreo%20enero-marzo%202021%20-%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20vers%C3%B3n%20final.pdf,"Se ha advertido que, aun teniendo PEP, no es fá- cil acceder a un empleo formal porque existen otros factores como la condición migratoria irre- gular, la mano de obra poco calificada, la xeno- fobia y la discriminación, que también explican el bajo nivel de inserción laboral formal que ha tenido la población refugiada y migrante con PEP en Colombia." +310679,53333.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,41,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"To remain in or hang around an area for no obvious purpose specifically and in this case, adolescent girls are reported to engage in this practice, related to sexual exploitation in the context of selling or exchanging sex." +337225,55827.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)']",es,78,['At Risk'],"['Information And Communication', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/bogota/mendicidad-en-bogota-el-incremento-del-fenomeno-en-la-ciudad-585210,"Tampoco hay información disponible por parte de la entidad sobre el número de habitantes de calle venezolanos o cuya principal actividad sea la mendicidad debido a que, explican, no hace parte de su misionalidad. Y, en ese sentido, solo están las cifras de Migración Colombia, que hablan de los 340.711 ciudadanos de ese país viviendo en Bogotá entre regulares e irregulares sin que haya claridad de cuántos sobreviven de la mendicidad." +63188,18642.0,1386.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://transparencia.org.ve/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/EPE-II-Sector-Agua.pdf,"La situación deficitaria generalizada de suministro, se traduce en un pago sustancialmente mayor por el litro de agua entregada a través de camiones cisterna. Los camiones cisterna, en las zonas de bajos ingresos, cobran Bs. 500 por cada 1.000 litros, lo que representa más de 100 veces la tarifa residencial por tuberías." +178082,40661.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,88,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Les résultats mVAM montrent également que 60% de ménages dans le territoire d’Irumu ont une consommation alimentaire pauvre, et plus de 50% dans Mahagi (54%) et Djugu (51%). Au Nord Kivu, les résultats de l’EFSA montrent que les ménages ruraux mettent en œuvre des stratégies d’adaptation alimentaires : plus des trois quarts d’entre eux sont classés en Phase 3 (Crise) avec un rCSI supérieur à 19." +242224,47809.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,64,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_7.pdf,"En el Valle del Cauca, aunque las fronteras del departamento siguen cerradas para el ingreso y salida de enfermos de coronavirus (decisión que se tomó la semana pasada, hay traslado interno de pacientes. La mayor preocupación es apoyar la capacidad operativa de Cali, donde la Secretaría de Salud reporta una ocupación total de UCI del 96,6 por ciento." +237180,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,29,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The crisis or emergency use of livelihood coping strategies was particularly high for recent IDPs, indicating fewer safety nets to fall back on in places of displacement." +161165,35726.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,77,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_arauca_junio_2020_vf%20%281%29.pdf,"En el departamento están presentes dos grupos armados, el Ejército de Liberación Nacional y las Disidencias de las FARC; ambos tienen presencia también en el lado venezolano de la frontera. No se identifican enfrentamientos entre ellos, pese a que coinciden en varios territorios. Ambos generan infracciones al Derecho Internacional Humanitario, afectando a la población civil y al medio ambiente, especialmente en razón a los atentados contra la infraestructura petrolera." +199355,43112.0,2311.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,57,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/el-desafio-mas-grande-es-vencer-la-irregularidad-migrante/2261,"El representante de Acnur en Colombia, Jozef Merkx pidió no olvidar a la población retornada colombiana, que también está luchando por insertarse de nuevo en su tierra. “La crisis de la covid-19 no tiene nacionalidad, tenemos que trabajar todos de manera conjunta para aportar al sector salud”, aseguró Merkx." +159617,39079.0,2170.0,['Agriculture'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],en,57,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NIGERIA_Food_Security_Outlook_Update_August_Final.pdf,"The indirect impacts of COVID-19 is negatively impacting the main season across the country. Furthermore, this is leading to an increase in humanitarian assistance needs in the ongoing lean season, as the harvest of early maturing maize, groundnuts, potatoes, and millet is not leading to largescale improvements in food insecurity." +132437,35164.0,1188.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,3,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,Refugiados: 46 +317946,53305.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,13,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,300 per cent increase in subnational violence incidents Jan-Jun 2020 compared to 2019 +264577,49669.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,44,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://colombia.as.com/colombia/2021/02/20/actualidad/1613846806_672285.html,"9. Ampliar la planta de funcionarios de servicios generales encargados de fumigación, asepsia y desinfección varias veces al día de los elementos, sitios e instrumentos utilizados durante la actividad escolar y la aplicación de medidas de prevención en la desinfección." +319989,52949.0,2331.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,67,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Somali children and adolescents are under pressure to become economically productive at an early age. It is estimated that half of all children between ages 5 and 14 from central and southern Somalia are employed. Even in the more stable regions of Puntland and Somaliland, a quarter of the child population is employed, which negatively affects their right to health and education." +188860,43387.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,72,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20DE%20PROTECTION_SEPTEMBRE2020-SAHEL.pdf,"Le constat général fait est que dans la Région du Sahel, il y a de nombreuses zones qui restent à risque à cause des problèmes d’accessibilité. Ces zones sont des villages susceptibles d’être affectés par les activités des GANI ; les villages sous menace avec ultimatum par les groupes armés et les villages où les mouvements d’aller et venir sont difficiles, voire impossible" +305225,53100.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,46,['Capacities & Response'],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/plan_de_preparation_coronavirus_cmr._version_du_10_mars_2019.pdf,"ACQUIS: - Disponibilité des outils de surveillance dans les 10 régions GAPS: - Toutes les FOSA [Formation sanitaire] ne sont pas couvertes - Renforcement des capacités nécessaire dans les formations sanitaires hospitalières cibles, surtout à la surveillance fondée sur les évènements" +178335,41756.0,2225.0,"['Cross', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,95,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Dès lors, les ménages vulnérables sont souvent contraints d’adopter des stratégies de survie négatives. Ainsi, les résultats préliminaires des enquêtes EFSA démontrent qu’entre 35 pour cent et 74 pour cent des personnes interrogées selon les zones ont recours à au moins une stratégie de survie de crise ou d’urgence telle que la vente de biens productifs, de terres ou de bétail, le retrait de l’école des enfants, la récolte précoce ou la consommation des stocks de semences ou encore la prostitution.110" +61692,18346.0,1184.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,5,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71003.pdf,50.576 personas recibieron asistencia humanitaria +313711,53333.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,62,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"According to the Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack, more than 1,000 students and teachers have been threatened, abducted, injured or killed by armed groups or state security forces in Cameroon between 2017 and 2019. Most of these attacks took place in the Anglophone regions following a declaration of independence by armed separatists in October 2017." +485140,65398.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Durante la investigación, se detectó que los migrantes encuentran diversas dificultades en el proceso de solicitud de refugio, como la demora del trámite y el desconocimiento de algunos empleadores con respecto a la contratación de solicitantes o refugiados." +439004,64519.0,2028.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,14,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/idpmovements_202106_jun_final_en.pdf,"[June 2021, Overall Syria] 49,699 IDP movements in 631 communities." +288550,51848.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,40,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/herams_fourth_quarter_2020_final.pdf,"[Dec 2020, NWS] Percentage of fixed health facilities per source of electricity. * facilities may have more than one source 77 (19%) Of the functioning fixed facilities works without/with an interrupted electricity supply" +236106,47122.0,2334.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"WHO supported the SW regional delegation of public health with medical supplies and guidance documents on case management, infection prevention and control and laboratory investigation of COVID-19 (500 items)." +135729,35301.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,37,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"In addition, UNICEF was able to support almost 180,000 school children (36 per cent of the annual target) through rehabilitating WASH facilities inside schools, emergency water trucking and conducting hygiene promotion campaigns." +279468,50942.0,2098.0,[],[],[],en,48,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/health/coronavirus/2021/03/11/global-covid-cases-near-118-million,"[11th March 2021, Bangladesh] The government is providing the vaccine for free. It signed an agreement with India's Serum Institute for acquiring 30 million doses of the vaccine. The institute will provide five million doses every month between January and June." +341830,56644.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,114,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.sismamujer.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/MUJERES-DERECHOS-LABORALES-Y-EMERGENCIA-SANITARIA.docx.pdf,"Las mujeres trabajadoras domésticas remuneradas son un gremio amplio, conformado principalmente por mujeres. Se trata de trabajadoras que en la mayoría de los casos son contratadas por familias9. Esto, de entrada, supone que nos encontramos frente a un gremio que enfrenta los retos de visibilizar sus necesidades y exigir sus derechos en el espacio privado. Situación, que impide, por ejemplo, la aplicación adecuada y efectiva, de reglas sobre debida diligencia empresarial como las emanadas de los Principios Rectores de la ONU sobre las Empresas y los Derechos Humanos o incluso, las directrices de género también creadas por la ONU para dichos Principios10." +325823,54267.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,55,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Dans les zones transfrontalières, l’intensification des conflits armés et des mesures de sécurité a eu des répercussions négatives sur les moyens de subsistance, le commerce et les mouvements transfrontaliers des personnes et du bétail (FAO, UNICEF et PAM, 2018, dans Posthumus et al., 2019)." +292169,52074.0,2334.0,['Nutrition'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,67,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,"Preliminary data from the October 2019 screening data conducted by partners in their programme areas both in SW and NW regions, indicate that out of 5,469 children aged 6-59 months screened for acute malnutrition, 52 (1.1%) were diagnosed with SAM and 490 (9.0%) diagnosed with Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM). The identified SAM cases were referred." +489105,67500.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,82,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_15.pdf,"[April -June 2021, Cox's Bazar] In June, facilities were assessed for stock-outs 2 of essential medicines as a measure of access to lifesaving essential medicines. Stock out of essential medicines was reported frequently with 45 percent of facilities reporting lack of at least one of the tracer medicines. Most (70 percent) of the facilities reporting a stock out were Health Posts, 13 percent were Community Clinics and 16 percent Primary Health Centres" +188006,42197.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,45,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.rfi.fr/fr/afrique/20200403-rdc-kinshasa-commune-gombe-confin%C3%A9e-6-20-avril,"La FEC a demandé aux entreprises oeuvrant à la Gombe et qui souhaitent maintenir un service minimum en cette période de se manifester pour une dérogation. Elles ont, selon une communication interne, jusqu’à ce vendredi 10h pour la demander." +393650,62284.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,79,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"[7th Apr 2021, Borno State] There is the need for more awareness on the dangers of engaging in negative coping mechanisms, use of existing community structures to form community watch teams and engaging with the camp via linkages and referrals to access services.  There is need for family tracing of family members separated during escape from AOG attacks.  Families who experienced violence or lost their loved ones will require psychosocial support" +142217,35870.0,2028.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,42,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Protection partners have also reported reductions in face-to-face sessions, including for child protection, and challenges in implementing alternative modalities, such as remote case management, due to limited internet connectivity and poor mobile phone coverage in some areas." +323110,54815.0,2099.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Economy'],en,84,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"However, poverty remains high in certain regions, exceeding 60 percent in Nord and Centre-Nord regions, according to a poverty assessment completed in 2021 with World Bank assistance, compared to less than 10 in the Centre region where Ouagadougou is located. Moreover, the poverty mass—the number of poor people—is highest in low-density areas, which suggests that the cost of service delivery programs to physically reach the poor is relatively high (Nguyen and Dizon, 2017)." +159229,39354.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],en,104,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/burkina-faso/more-half-million-children-under-five-burkina-faso-are-acutely-malnourished,"TheNutrition survey in communities and sites with internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Burkina Faso, conducted by the non-governmental organization (NGO) Davycas in July and August 2020 with support from the Ministry of Health and in collaboration with the World Food Programme (WFP) and UNICEF, was carried out in 11 communes with a high concentration of internally displaced people. These communes are home to a total of 576,972 displaced people, or 57 per cent of the 1,013,234 registered nationally. Children account for 60 per cent of all internally displaced people in Burkina Faso." +313698,53333.0,2334.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,32,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Support NFI needs for adolescent girls that can help them to return or continue with education, including uniforms, shoes, school bags, soap, towels and clothes including undergarments" +112922,29956.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],[],[],es,6,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76828,"1,686 beneficiarios de asistencia alimentaria." +237184,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,176,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"While the WoA Assessment found high use of negative coping strategies by both vulnerable households headed by men and women, the options available to each often differ, with women often having fewer resources and opportunities to draw on in a time of crisis. For example, 66 per cent of households headed by women reported that selling income-generating equipment was not applicable or not available to them (compared to 45 per cent of male-headed households), 69 per cent of households headed by women reported that spending savings was not applicable or not available to them (compared to 45 per cent of male-headed households), 64 per cent of households headed by women reported that selling their last female animals was not an option available to them (compared to 42 per cent of male-headed households), 70 per cent of households headed by women reported that selling land was not applicable or not available to them (compared to 47 per cent of male-headed households)." +306227,51474.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"Over 18 million m2 of land remains contaminated across 18 per cent of payams, primarily located in the Equatorias and on the main return routes of returnees." +310210,53177.0,2466.0,[],[],[],en,62,[],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Sudan%20Multi-Sectoral%20Location%20Assessment_South%20Kordofan.pdf,"Health in Abu Jubaiha represents a high priority need in 16 (out of the 97 visited) locations. There are currently 165 doctors and 174 nurses, in addition to 240 midwives available. Of significance, 68 per cent of the locations do not have any health facilities available and 88 per cent do not have any pharmacies." +162942,37781.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,69,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://tande.substack.com/p/syria-in-context-coronavirus-update-5cd,"The Interim Government’s Directorate of Health in Idlib published an online questionnaire to help people figure out whether they possibly have COVID-19 or not.Respondents can select the symptoms they may be experiencing, whether they have travelled outside the northwest recently, whether they have been in contact with someone who entered the area in the past 14 days, as well as other risk factors." +162710,33948.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,15,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,Y 21 talleres virtuales desde que empezó la emergencia por el Covid – 19. +157945,38777.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],"['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,82,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Information And Communication', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/food-insecurity-impact-covid-19-among-critical-challenges-facing-syria,"Acting Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator, said that reports of health-care facilities filling up, as well as rising numbers of death notices and burials, “all seem to indicate that actual cases [of the coronavirus] far exceed official figures”. Out of the 2,440 cases so far confirmed by the Ministry of Health, most cannot be traced to a known source, indicating that community transmission is widespread." +305440,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,63,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Since September 2020, a significant increase in returns from Uganda has been driven by worsening economic conditions for refugees and, on occasion, frictions with host communities. There have also been occasional instances of conflict in border regions of the Central African Republic and Democratic Republic of Congo, forcing South Sudanese refugees to flee back to South Sudan." +341764,56493.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,113,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Sur l’ensemble des régions concernées par l’en- quête, on note une tendance significative d’adhésion à plusieurs principes qui caractérisent la justice traditionnelle dont la première est sa capacité de conciliation, sa connaissance de la réalité, son coût accessible et son caractère impartial et sa rapidité. La proportion des personnes qui ne préfèrent jamais les mécanismes de la justice traditionnelle est (respectivement de 20,5% à l’Est, de 12,88% au Nord, de 9,25% au Sahel) assez faible en comparaison au taux de préférence et d’adhésion à la justice traditionnelle dans les autres régions." +313061,53183.0,2466.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,17,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"In 2020, 2.55 million protracted IDPs remained in need of protection services and humanitarian assistance." +205031,44672.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Context->Economy', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,40,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Covid-19', 'Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Trade and transportation have also been disrupted and domestic activity has slowed down sharply. This is threatening the livelihood of thousands of Afghan families as border closures and panic-buying has led to a spike in prices of some foodstuffs +90072,25213.0,1621.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,60,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A_HRC_43_75_E.pdf,"Between January and November, more than 8,600 migrants were intercepted at sea by the Libyan Coast Guard, many returned to official and unofficial detention centres, where they are routinely subjected to serious human rights violations and abuses, including prolonged arbitrary detention in inhuman conditions, enforced disappearance, trafficking, sexual violence, torture and ill-treatment" +300518,52762.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,60,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_087_28210321_hebdo_s12.pdf,"[S12/2021] Pour les 389 personnels dont le corps de métier a été renseigné, les infirmiers étaient les plus touchés (174/389 ; 44,7%), suivis des médecins (171/389 ; 44,0%), les techniciens de laboratoire (14/389 ; 4,0%) et les agents communautaires (9/389 ; 2,3%)." +215921,44941.0,2331.0,['Health'],[],['Context->Demography'],en,44,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/somalia_health_cluster_bulletin_december_2019.pdf,"Since December 2017, a total of 9,613 cumulative cases [of cholera], including 50 deaths (CFR 0.5%), were reported from 3 states of Somalia (Hirshabelle, Jubbaland and South West state) and Banadir region." +313675,53333.0,2334.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,39,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Support awareness raising among parents and partners of adolescent girls especially those who are pregnant/married/young caregivers to support their improved access to menstrual hygiene products, which is key for them if they are to continue with school." +194467,43501.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"Dans 12% (37) des localités évaluées, les IC ont rapporté que la majorité des enfants en âge d’aller à l’école primaire (de 6 à 11 ans) ne bénéficiait d’aucune forme d’éducation" +59600,17198.0,1224.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,27,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,Yarakita ▪ 76 Venezuelans are living in Yarakita. The host community is 844 people. Many are from Curiapo or lived by the Arature River. +294612,51749.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,101,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[District sanitaire de Ouargaye] les données recueillies sur le paquet des activités du CMA n’ont pas été suffisantes pour faire une analyse plus approfondies mais il faut noter que depuis 2015 le CREN ne fonctionne pas ce qui est un poids pour la communauté dans le cadre de la prise en charge en charge des enfants malnutris avec complication médicale. Le CMA n’a pas de service de spécialité, un bâtiment est construit pour abriter le service de l’imagerie mais jusqu’à ce jour non équipé et pas de personnel." +313281,53183.0,2466.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Impact On People'],['Context->Economy'],en,26,['Impact'],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"Inflation and currency depreciation have led to shortages of fuel and cash, price increases of imported key commodities, a reduced household purchasing power." +236239,46388.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,108,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"An estimated 16.9 million people, or 42 per cent of the population are assessed to be in crisis or emergency levels of food insecurity (IPC 3+) for November 2020 - March 2021.This represents a sharp increase from the preceding June to November 2020 cycle where 33 per cent of the population were in IPC 3 and 4 food insecurity - numbers that were already elevated by the early stages of COVID-19 compared to previous years. This means there has been a staggering nine per cent jump in the proportion of the population facing acute food insecurity since the onset of the COVID-19 crisis." +292758,52022.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Vaccination', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",en,47,[],"['Covid-19', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/R4V%20-%20Regional%20SitRep%20October%20-%20December%202020%20FINAL%20FORMATTED.pdf,"In December, the President announced that the National Vaccination Plan against COVID-19 will start in February 2021 and will include foreigners with regular status. According to Migracion Colombia, more than 12,000 Venezuelan refugees and migrants entered through irregular crossings between 22 October-17 December." +271788,50331.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,9,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDRCO017du1.pdf,The affected population presents symptoms of post-traumatic stress. +170919,40447.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,55,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syriahr.com/en/185493/,"[24th September 2020, Idleb] Idlib’s camps for internally displaced people account for about 20% of those who had travelled from elsewhere in Syria to the country’s last anti-government stronghold, where hospitals have largely been destroyed over the past five years by Syrian and Russian jets." +321652,54675.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],fr,88,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/compte-rendu_de_lactualite_des_nations_unies_en_rdc_a_la_date_du_21_avril_2021_final.pdf,"Dans le cadre de l’affaire Thomas Lubanga, la Chambre II de la Cour pénale internationale fixe une nouvelle dernière date limite au 1er octobre 2021 pour les demandes de réparation des victimes. La Chambre de première instance II de la Cour pénale internationale a décidé de prolonger jusqu'au 1er octobre 2021 le délai pour que les personnes souhaitant demander réparation se manifestent au titre des réparations ordonnées par la Chambre pour les victimes des crimes pour lesquels M. Thomas Lubanga Dyilo a été condamné" +237278,46388.0,2336.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,67,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Similarly, the Nutrition Cluster’s analysis of recently carried out SMART surveys has led to an increase in people in need from 4.6 million people in mid-2020 to 5.4 million in 2021. This has been driven by a surge in number of children under five and PLW who require urgent nutrition support, partly due to food insecurity and delayed treatment in 2020." +133600,35118.0,1187.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Demography'],es,135,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"entre las 20 personas que se encontraban en albergues tempora- les, 54% (11) fueron varones -frente al 43% (9) de mujeres. Respec- to del rango etáreo 10 tenían entre 30 y 59 años, 6 eran personas de entre 18 y 29 años y 4 eran mayores de 60 años. En lo relativo a la nacionalidad de este grupo 15 personas provenían de Venezuela y entre los 5 restantes: 2 eran colombianos, 2 eran de ecuatorianos y 1 era chilena. Por último, acerca del tiempo de residencia en el país 11 de ellas tenían menos de 6 meses de permanencia, 7 tenían entre 6 meses y 1 año y 2 tenían más de un año de residencia en el país." +343153,55976.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],fr,72,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.lemonde.fr/afrique/article/2021/05/10/beaucoup-ne-croient-pas-au-danger-du-covid-19-en-afrique-la-defiance-face-aux-vaccins_6079678_3212.html,"Alors que seulement 1 % des vaccins contre le Covid-19 administrés dans le monde ont bénéficié au continent, il apparaît clairement que les gouvernements africains n’ont pas pour seul défi de se procurer des doses en quantité suffisante : il leur faut aussi trouver les mots pour convaincre les populations, le moment venu, de pousser la porte des centres de santé afin de recevoir leurs injections." +61397,18235.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,117,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"Finally, the departments of Nariño and Putumayo – where the two main crossing points from Colombia to Ecuador are located – have a strong presence of several armed groups.121 They constitute strategic areas for drug trafficking: Nariño, for instance, was identified as the department with the highest amount of coca crops in the country in 2017.122 Reported protection risks for the local population in the two departments include extortion, forced recruitment, targetted killings, sexual violence, trafficking and sexual exploitation.123 Little information is available on how this situation impacts on refugees and migrants transiting through these departments with the aim of crossing into Ecuador though Ipiales or San Miguel." +317528,54586.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_humanitarian_snapshot_february.pdf,"In Koch County, Unity, clashes between armed youth groups and alleged South Sudan People’s Defence Forces displaced some 1,300 people with reports of gender-based violence" +61495,18235.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,82,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"Many Venezuelans sell their possessions to pay for their migration.163 The vast majority of the people on the move interviewed for this assessment declared having had to sell some of their belongings – houseware, work tools, children’s toys – as it is practically impossible to save money in Venezuela. A minority also borrowed small amounts of money from relatives, either before leaving Venezuela or along the journey after being robbed or running out of money." +59545,17198.0,1224.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"Multiple families have attempted school enrolment but been turned away because they did not have the requisite documents, suggesting that clarity and consistency on school enrolment procedures is needed by the Ministry of Education." +56061,17111.0,1187.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Economy'],es,25,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"El 75,39% respondió cobrar sus haberes con recibo de sueldo y una minoría 24,61% refirió recibir el dinero en mano sin recibo." +70600,19974.0,1534.0,['Shelter'],[],[],en,55,[],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"Officials are reportedly considering the establishment of “tent or container cities”. 32 The location and construction of these should be carried out in consultation with communities and constructed according to minimum Shelter and WASH standards to ensure they are appropriate and safe for different sexes, ages and levels of mobility." +91974,26132.0,1620.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Context->Demography'],en,40,['At Risk'],['Context'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_28_february_2020-report.pdf,"19,880HH are headed by women. There exist issues in Biafra, Shuwari 5 and Muna Da’alti camps where landowners are threatening evictions with ultimatum on the use of the land by IDPs, thus exacerbating their vulnerability" +327120,54714.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,55,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,"[NUTRITION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Three most commonly reported types of nutrition barriers reported by households with children were: Unaware that supplements are available (23%), Unaware that services are available (42%), Facilities too far to travel to(21%)." +330768,55042.0,2098.0,[],[],[],en,61,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.gage.odi.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Adolescents%E2%80%99-experiences-of-covid-19-in-Chittagong-and-Sylhet-divisions-Bangladesh.pdf,"[30 April 2021, Bangladesh]Most adolescents were found to practice various protective measures such as wearing masks, washing hands and maintaining social distance even after the lifting of lockdown. However, there was a strong gender difference in terms of mobility restrictions, with parents allowing adolescent boys to go out more frequently than girls." +61752,18350.0,1184.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,21,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71151.pdf,"• 1.314 funcionarios públicos fueron capacitados en temas de derechos humanos, movilidad humana y acceso al asilo y protección infantil" +149787,37699.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,67,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/ne-syria-60-increase-covid-19-cases-past-week-irc-calls-increased-health,"Of the 24 health clinics in Al Hol, only 15 are currently able to provide health care. In addition, two field hospitals were forced to suspend operations in early August due to confirmed COVID-19 cases among health staff in one – and lack of PPE in another – while a third field hospital has been out of action for the past six months." +474588,65021.0,1185.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,65,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"The higher levels of prices are felt homogenously across the three countries, with the only exception of rural areas in Peru where prince increases are only felt by 58% of migrants compared to 77% in urban areas. Female respondents in Ecuador also felt a higher price increase (85%) compared to their male counterparts (69%)." +221826,45410.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,86,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"[Les parties Sud des provinces administratives du BEG et du Kanem dans la Zone 5 - « agropastorale» ]: Une assistance alimentaire est fournie sous forme de vivres (céréales, légumineuses, huiles et sel) à une population de 104 777 personnes dans le BEG et 54 093 dans le Kanem. Un effectif de 7,5% de cette population sont des enfants bénéficiant des intrants nutritionnels de 6 à 23 mois et 5 % de femmes enceintes et/ou allaitantes." +152379,38139.0,2098.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)'],en,42,[],['Information And Communication'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cox-s-bazar-sitrep-17.pdf,"Due to the limited data available to understand changes in reporting trends and patterns of survivors of violence seeking health services, it is still unknown how the COVID-19 a pandemic has impacted GBV health services in Cox’s Bazar." +338447,55952.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],fr,50,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://afia-amanigrandslacs.info/2021/05/08/bulletin-35-afia-amani-grands-lacs/,"Goma/RDC : Le Gouvernement provincial vient de lancer la campagne de vaccination contre la Covid19 dans la ville de Goma. Lancée par le Gouverneur du Nord-Kivu, Carly NZANZU KASIVITA, cette campagne intervient deux semaines après le lancement officiellement de la même campagne dans la ville de Kinshasa" +261016,49454.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,80,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.emro.who.int/syr/syria-news/update-on-covid-19-vaccination-in-syria.html,"[February 16, Syria] Vaccine Request Form (VRF)-Part A of the COVID-19 Vaccine Application document was signed by the Minister of Health and sent to Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) on 15 December 2020. On 27 January 2021, the Syrian Prime Minister declared the Government’s approval of the vaccine initiative through the COVAX facility. Part B was signed on 3 February and sent to GAVI." +241042,47700.0,2332.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],en,49,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,,"[EMERGENCY RESPONSE IN KOUCHANGUINE-MOURA ] 405 new patients were received and treated (at the health center) free of charge, which makes a total of 6,793 consultations to date. Severe respiratory infections are the main cause of consultation, followed by malaria and diarrhea." +157820,38137.0,2098.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,69,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cxb_education_covid_response_reaching_every_learner_final.pdf,"Online platforms for customized professional development opportunities are nearly absent and the current teaching force lacks the necessary IT literacy, skills and attitudes (confidence, competence, agility) to continue self-learning to equip themselves with the new skills needed for remote teaching. Teachers may also require support to access technology such as hardware, internet connections and digital learning portals to support online learning." +213163,44840.0,2331.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,16,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,Food insecurity is expected to rise due to loss of income and disrupted food supply chains +304030,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],en,90,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs']",[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"As of March 2020, four in five displaced people are living with host communities, of whom more than 90 per cent in rural areas. The rest are in camp-like settings. Protracted displacement and scarcity of resources lead to strained relationship between IDPs and host community. During recent consultations, both communities reported that they need support from humanitarian and development partners to build and strengthen peaceful co-existence and maintain positive relationship, advocating for balanced distribution of aid inclusive of vulnerable groups in both communities" +493894,68073.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,144,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/shelter_standard_assessment_final.pdf,"[January - March 2021, Cox's Bazar] 98%of households reported that they were not involved in any shelter, land or water disputes (disagreements) with the host community and 1% each reported issues over water and issues over use of land for shelter. Ukhiya upazila (40 HHs) had a higher number of HH that reported being involved in disputes compared to Teknaf upazila (17 HHs). Nayapara RC (4%) had the highest proportion of households that got into disagreements due to water issues, and Camp 1W (6%) had the highest proportion that got into disagreements due to use of land for shelter. Households that reported being involved in disputes (disagreements) were further asked to report on how it was resolved." +161914,39490.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,32,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200707_acaps_covid-19_secondary_impacts_in_rohingya_refugee_camps.pdf,"Drastic drop in usage health facilities due social behaviour change (mistrust & fear in authorities, stigma), mobility restrictions, and confusion what non COVID-19 services are still offered" +173360,40446.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,53,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syriahr.com/en/187036/,"[5th October 2020, Syria]There is not enough testing to diagnose the scale of the virus’ spread. In northwest Syria only one laboratory is operating and there are only 86 ventilators and just over 100 ICU beds for the over 4 million people living in northwest Syria." +48497,16403.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,18,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Demanda creciente de atención en salud, frente a capacidad instalada insuficiente en cantidad y/o en resolutividad." +212035,45203.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://fews.net/west-africa/cameroon/food-security-outlook/june-2020,"In the Far North region, poor households and IDPs are steadily depleting their food stocks during the lean season, which begins in June and ends with the new harvests in September. The current growing season is progressing as normal, with planting commencing on time on June 17." +236875,47076.0,2334.0,['Shelter'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,99,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,"In the SW, UNHCR partner Plan International provided emergency shelter to 4,936 persons in Buea and Tiko subdivisions. NRC reached 71 individuals with the distribution of household NFIs (tarpaulins, sleeping mats, blankets, mosquito nets, jerrycans for collecting and storing water) specifically in Buea subdivision. IOM in its response in the SW assisted 821 persons in Kupe-Muanenguba (542 with core relief items and 279 with shelter). Also, 495 persons were assisted in Meme Division (353 with core relief items and 142 with shelter items)." +22548,9106.0,729.0,['Education'],[],[],en,68,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"There are an estimated 343,000 Libyan and non-Libyan school-age children affected by the crisis, out of which approximately 93,000 in conflict affected areas are in urgent need of education support. Of those, 43 per cent of children are Libyan and 57 per cent of children are refugees and migrants. An estimated 39 per cent of children in need of education assistance are girls." +48288,12622.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,61,['At Risk'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LIBRO%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20las%20necesidades%20insatisfechas%20SSR%20y%20Migrantes%20Venezolanos%20-%20Digital.pdf,"La regulación colombiana ha permitido que los migrantes legales o regulares accedan a servicios de salud de emergencia, pero en la práctica muchos migrantes han sido rechazados por los prestadores de servicios de salud por razones económicas, desconocimiento del flujo de las fuentes de financiación en salud en el nivel local, falta de comunicación o de xenofobia." +323703,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"La prévalence du droit coutumier et la gestion communautaire des terres contribuent au fait que seulement 14 pour cent des femmes propriétaires peuvent vendre leur propriété, contre 32 pour cent des hommes. Cela affecte leur capacité à obtenir des crédits, par exemple, en limitant leurs possibilités d’émancipation économique." +241029,47700.0,2332.0,"['WASH', 'Health']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,38,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,,"[EMERGENCY RESPONSE IN KOUCHANGUINE-MOURA ] So far, 4,680 people have been sensitized on good hygiene practices and physical (social) distancing to adopt in the COVID-19 context, including 758 during the past week." +178175,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,41,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"ITURI Les territoires de Mahagi, Irumu et de Djugu ont connu entre juin et septembre 2019 une nouvelle flambée de violence, en dépit des engagements politiques en faveur du processus de démobilisation du principal groupe armé de la zone1" +236077,47122.0,2334.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,46,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"In the NWSW, all 6,379 schools (3,692 in NW and 2,687 in SW) and about 4,200 community learning centers (2,436 in NW and 1,764 in SW) have been temporarily closed since 18 March to contain the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic" +193861,43070.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Borrador%20texto%20Sitrep%20Sectorial_2020_SAN%20AGO_WFP_VF.pdf,"Es persistente la privación de alimentos, manifestada en la reducción de comidas al día, pues un 60% de los hogares venezolanos reportaron un consumo de dos comidas al día y un 9% solo una o menos." +174320,32845.0,1899.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,84,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/FACTSHEET%20GUATEMALA%20MAY%202020_FINAL%20SPA.pdf,"Desde mediados de marzo 2020, el Gobierno de Guatemala ha impuesto restricciones de movilidad y cerrado parcialmente sus fronteras para mitigar la propagación del COVID-19. Sin embargo, la violencia y persecución continúan en Centro América. Al mismo tiempo, la discriminación y la xenofobia aumentan entre las poblaciones locales contra las personas en tránsito y retornadas (más de 22,000 personas han sido retornadas a Guatemala desde México y Estados Unidos entre enero y mediados de mayo 2020)." +165791,39779.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,35,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/erl_dashboard_nws_jan-july_2020.pdf,"Restoration of essential services and basic infrastructure to prioritize activities that would support the preventive and curative health response to COVID 19, including rehabilitation of health centers/facilities, retrofitting of designated Quarantine facilities;" +198734,44313.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",fr,48,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_294_20201119.pdf,"Depuis le début des opérations, le laboratoire a analysé 77 592 échantillons à la recherche du SARS-CoV-2, prélevés chez 73 317 cas suspects de COVID-19. Un cumul de 12 128 cas étaient positifs, soit une proportion de cas positifs autour de 16,5%." +325814,54267.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,46,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Le programme STARS (Renforcement de petits producteurs ruraux africains), une initiative pluriannuelle (2017-2021) de ICCO Cooperation en partenariat avec la Fondation Mastercard, est une initiative pertinente visant à améliorer l’accès des petits exploitants au financement et aux marchés" +287007,51749.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,87,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[dans le Centre-Est] Au niveau de la région, un Cadre technique Régional de Santé (CTRS) réunissant tous les partenaires intervenant dans la région se tient chaque semestre. Aussi, le comité régional de gestion des épidémies sous l’égide du Gouverneur tient ses sessions ordinaires tous les six mois. Dans chaque district il existe un Conseil de Santé du District (CSD) dont les sessions se tiennent chaque semestre sous la présidence du Haut-Commissaire de la province." +309827,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,45,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Access to housing, land, and property (HLP), an important issue during the years of conflict, is now critical as people are further displaced, the population grows, PoC sites start to transition and South Sudanese refugees return." +299347,51893.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,48,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[January 2021, Overall Syria] Covid 19 as a barrier to employment is mostly sited in Northeast Syria(24%) followed by Central & South Syria (19%), Northwest Syria(11%) and North Syria(2%)" +341906,56493.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,98,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Quand on parle de la société, on vise aussi bien la famille, l’école, que la communauté traditionnelle, coutumière et/ou religieuse. Tous les acteurs manquent à leur responsabilité. L’absence d’éducation des plus jeunes leur fait perdre les valeurs de la société, ce qui les expose à une vie en dehors des normes sociales et accentue par conséquent leur manque de tolérance ainsi que leur degré de violence. Cela constitue un autre terreau fertile pour le banditisme, l’extrémisme violent et le terrorisme." +317162,53333.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,18,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,The DLYP groups comparing boys and girls also confirmed that girls risked sexual abuse due to the crisis +439686,63184.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,42,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Burkina%20Faso%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%201%20May%20-%2030%20June%202021.pdf,"As of 25 June 2021, the Ministry of Health (MoH) confirmed 13,478 cases (5,033 females), 13,297 recoveries and 168 deaths, with 13 active cases spread across the four regions (five health districts)." +186873,41080.0,1184.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,272,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000119627.pdf,"El sobrepeso y la obesidad afectan a todos los quintiles económicos, a todas las áreas geográficas, a las zonas rurales casi al mismo nivel de las urbanas y a todos los grupos étnicos. En este tema, se encuentra que, en lugar del consumo excesivo de energía, el problema es la dieta inadecuada con baja calidad nutritiva (MSP- INEC 2014). Estas dietas afectan a todos en el hogar: las mujeres con sobrepeso u obesidad tienen prevalencias más altas de deficiencias en micronutrientes como hierro o zinc; además, se ha encontrado que la mitad de los niños y niñas con desnutrición crónica tienen madres con sobrepeso u obesidad, lo que indica la doble carga de la malnutrición (MSP-INEC 2014). En torno al crecimiento intrauterino y la primera infancia, se cuenta con evidencia que muestra que el retraso puede predisponer a los individuos a tener sobrepeso en la edad adulta, con el riesgo de elevada presión arterial, glucosa y lípidos en sangre (Walrod et al. 2018; Yang & Huffman 2013; Sawaya et al. 2005; Martorell & Zongrone 2012)overweight and food insecurity among their people; Design: We used mixed methods including household questionnaires, discussion groups with respondents of the questionnaires and anthropometric measurement of children (6 months to 12 years. La adopción de una visión integral de la desnutrición que tome en cuenta las interrelaciones entre la desnutrición y la sobrealimentación es crucial para evitar efectos negativos de salud para las generaciones futuras." +314696,53183.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,36,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,The Refugee Consultation Forum (RCF) launched the first Sudan Country Refugee Response Plan (CRP) in 2020 to respond to the critical needs of all refugees living across different states in Sudan. +176894,41091.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"En relación con los casos de COVID-19 por regiones, la región Andina concentra el 62,7% de los casos (555.906) y el 53,3% de las defunciones (14.587), la mayor proporción de casos graves y fatales se presentan en la región del Pacifico con el 6,3% y la región Caribe con el 5,8%." +360940,58845.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,58,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_price_bulletin_may_2021.pdf,"[May 2021, Overall Syria] The gap between the highest and lowest average food basket prices widened by 14 percent from SYP 66,103 in April 2021 to SYP 75,216 in May 2021 and by 240 percent since May 2020. This gap highlights continued supply chain and fuel disruptions across the country since last year." +303964,51174.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,45,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.afro.who.int/sites/default/files/2021-02/South%20Sudan%20IDSR%20Bulletin%20Week%201%2C%20%20%204-%2010%20January%202021%20.pdf,Other Wash intervention like increasing the access for clean water and improving the water storage in the affected individuals should be made urgently by distributing the water storage containers that will be the only way to mitigate this problem and stop the HEV outbreak. +161346,39528.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],fr,53,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Organisation d’une campagne digitale (Facebook et Twitter) sur les gestes barrières et les mesures de prévention au coronavirus sur les réseaux sociaux par une organisation de femmes (IPBF), soutenue par Plan Internationale Burkina Faso, au total 18 commentaires et 451 j’aimes reçus;" +235090,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,61,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"At the time of publication, the Government of Afghanistan is in the process of revising the country’s existing NGO law with grave implications for operational independence. The current draft law outlines new powers for the Government to determine NGOs’ organisational structure, hiring practices, policies, financial decisions and assets, threatening humanitarian principles." +302521,53036.0,2334.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/1-Lolo_Dec%202020_0.pdf,[PRINCIPAUX DEFIS] Abris : Insuffisance des abris transitionnels pour tous les ménages. Entretien et maintenance des abris. Rareté des matériaux de construction et dégradation de l’environnement aux alentours du site. +313981,54309.0,2311.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,113,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Colombia_Evaluacion_Rapida_ECNI_Arauca_ESP.pdf,"En 49 de los 50 grupos focales, que corresponde al 98%, el acceso a ALIMENTOS es mencionado como una necesidad principal. Según los informantes claves, la causa principal de su dificultad en acceder a alimentos es la falta de recursos. Cabe considerar que estas comunidades tienen vocación rural y campesina, y acceden a alimentación y medios de vida mediante pan coger y cría de animales de granja para subsistir. Según los entrevistados, hay suficientes alimentos disponibles en los mercados. Sin embargo, en seis puntos de concentración, mencionaron dificultades para acceder a mercados, por ejemplo, porque están demasiado lejos." +391172,61715.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,63,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/yobe_state_covid-19_pandemic_weekly_situation_report_sitrep_for_week_30_26_jul_-_01_aug_2021_.pdf,"[26th Jul - 1st Aug 2021, Yobe State] Infection Prevention and Control (IPC): • Conducted decontamination and disinfection of State Specialist Hospital (SSH) COVID-19 molecular diagnostic laboratory • Yobe SPHCMB, through WHO support for Active Case Search strategy, conducted sensitization for 745 households on COVID-19 prevention at international border settlements and POEs." +19785,7911.0,730.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,92,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://www.hrw.org/news/2019/01/17/yemen-civilians-bombed-shelled-starved,"In the 674-pageWorld Report 2019, its 29thedition, Human Rights Watch reviewed human rights practices in more than 100 countries. In hisintroductory essay, Executive DirectorKenneth Rothsays that the populists spreading hatred and intolerance in many countries are spawning a resistance. New alliances of rights-respecting governments, often prompted and joined by civic groups and the public, are raising the cost of autocratic excess. Their successes illustrate the possibility of defending human rights – indeed, the responsibility to do so – even in darker times." +315864,52949.0,2331.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,53,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The magnitude and severity of acute food insecurity in rural areas is expected to increase significantly in 2021, due to the likely impacts of a below average 2020 Deyr season and a possibly delayed or poor performing 2021 Gu season, as well as the ongoing challenges posed by Desert Locusts." +305549,51474.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,45,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"In response to the surge of violence in Maban, Upper Nile, the Mission (UNMISS) engaged with political and community leaders at the national and local levels. It also increased the number of peacekeepers in Bunj and reinforced their capacities." +155279,38385.0,1183.0,['WASH'],[],[],es,60,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/R4V%20Flash%20Update%20Colombia%20-%20Situaci%C3%B3n%20de%20refugiados%20y%20migrantes%20provenientes%20de%20Venezuela%20ante%20COVID-19%2C%20Julio%2028%20al%20Agosto%2031%2C%202020.pdf,"En respuesta a la situación en el departamento de Casanare, se llevó a cabo una reunión de articulación con Gobierno departamental, para acciones del GIFMM en el municipio de Yopal, y el GIFMM local brindó apoyo en la entrega de kits de higiene y pañales a autoridades locales de los municipios de Hato Corozal y Yopal." +492259,67734.0,1224.0,"['Health', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",['Displacement->Local Integration'],en,33,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"The need for proper hygiene, and funding remained priority, and health facilities were overwhelmed with medical professionals stretched to capacity. Discrimination and xenophobia against Venezuelans continued to be reported." +235886,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,20,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Severe disability is more prevalent in women (14.9 per cent) than men (12.6 per cent). +145964,34803.0,2028.0,"['Education', 'WASH']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,106,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"COVID-19 prevention needs: o Cleaning of education facilities that are accessible to children and/or adults again; o Clean WASH facilities in schools (in coordination with the WASH cluster); o Hygiene and basic health sensitisation at home, printed and/or through social media in coordination with Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) efforts; Continued physical re-planning of school infrastructure, especially in camps, taking into consideration adequate physical distancing and to prevent large gatherings of children; o Maintain adjusted modalities for education services (classes etc.) to incorporate physical distancing and prevent large gatherings." +316239,54179.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Casualties->Dead'],fr,76,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://congovirtuel.com/information/medecins-sans-frontieres-sinquiete-de-la-resurgence-de-la-rougeole-en-rdc/,"La recrudescence de cas de rougeole en République démocratique du Congo (RDC), plus de 13.000 depuis le 1er janvier, inquiète les équipes de l’organisation Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), qui rappelle que le pays a connu sa plus grande flambée entre 2018 et 2020.En deux ans, la maladie avait emporté près de 8.000 enfants, sur 460.000 malades dont 75% avaient moins de cinq ans." +319971,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,29,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Additional caseworkers are required to ensure the provision of quality case management services for 38,923 children across Somalia identified as at risk of abuse, neglect and violence." +35761,13057.0,788.0,"['Health', 'Agriculture', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,120,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000105395.pdf,"Across the three northeast states, high food prices (21.9 percent), sickness of one or more household member (17.7 percent), insecurity and conflict (9.1 percent) and loss of employment (9.1 percent) were the most significant shocks experienced by households. Households in Borno continue to experience the brunt of the ongoing conflict the most (13.6 percent) compared to neighbouring counterparts. Floods was found to be a major challenge in Adamawa (11.1 percent) which consequently resulted in crop failure (6.9 percent) in the state. The incidence of the shocks recorded across the northeast has implication for food availability within the affected households." +316101,52949.0,2331.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"According to the Food Security Cluster, a broad range of non-displaced Somalis engage in moderately severe food and livelihoods coping strategies when they do not have enough food or enough money to buy food. This includes borrowing or buying food on credit, restricting adult meals and reducing overall meals." +12751,5579.0,322.0,[],[],[],en,68,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20Jun%202018.pdf,"The humanitarian community faces a number of critical logistics challenges hampering the delivery of relief items in and across the country, including damaged road infrastructure; access disruptions to many parts of the country for both staff and cargo; congestion at main entry points; unreliable and unpredictable access to fuel; heavy bureaucracy; and limited international shipping options both by sea and air." +215138,44840.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,24,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,"The severe socio-economic impact of COVID-19 is expected to result in increased tensions and conflict across clans, political affiliations and population groups." +69896,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,14,[],['Shock/Event'],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"Furthermore, gender-based violence is recognised by Bahamian authorities as a serious problem." +292444,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"These efforts ensured 1,629,083 children received their treatments prior to the onset of the rainy season. In total, 7,537,547 therapeutic courses were successfully dispatched within both regions" +186674,43205.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,50,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/425162-weekly-review-nigerias-new-covid-19-cases-increase-for-second-consecutive-week.html,"[November 1-7, Nigeria] Last week’s two per cent increase in new cases occurred amid over 100 per cent increase in the number of tests carried out.A total of 56,089 samples were collected for testing last week as against the 21,899 tested the previous week." +438336,64539.0,1185.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"De acuerdo con la información recogida, el 12.2% de familias tuvo dificultades durante la inscripción en la institución educativa. Entre estas, la mitad reportó que las vacantes eran limitadas (50%). Carecer de la documentación necesaria para la matrícula también fue un inconveniente (18.2%), además de desconocer cómo funcionaba el sistema educativo (13.5%)." +235001,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,58,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,This [Livelihood Coping Strategy Inde rising from 16% in 2019 to 42% in 2020] resulted in 100 per cent of those returning being in need of humanitarian assistance in the second half of 2020 – up from just 20 per cent in 2019. All returnees are again considered in need for 2021. +146642,34803.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,68,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"o According to updates from 24 WASH partners in 110 locations to the WASH COVID-19 reporting matrix, 89 percent have changed their response due to COVID-19, 80 percent have increased the amount of water supplied, 83 percent have adapted hygiene promoted activities, 59 percent have increased the amount of soap distributed, and 15 percent have increased the amount of laundry detergent distributed." +236638,46388.0,2336.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,25,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Acute Watery Diarrhoea (AWD) appears at high rates among infants, especially among households headed by women and people with a disability." +292380,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,58,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,Par ailleurs les activités de vaccination au vaccin Rougeole/Rubéole (RR) ont été menées au seins des populations réfugiées Nigérianes de Goura dans l’aire de santé de Bodo dans le district de santé de Makary. (Le district a connu en janvier 2019 un afflux massif de réfugiés en provenance du Nigéria). +176570,41712.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,52,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/abrir-fronteras-implica-mayor-carga-al-sistema-de-salud/2226,"Ante la expectativa que se ha creado en la colectividad y en el comercio binacional, Espinosa comentó que""es clave entender que una apertura de fronteras significa una mayor presión para el sistema de salud, implica una exposición de personas y más riesgos de contagio de covid-19""." +165091,38902.0,1183.0,"['Education', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,38,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,". School closures due to COVID-19 have affected access to food. According to WFP, school closures have resulted in the loss of school meals for over 4 million children in Colombia (WFP 07/2020)." +220275,45084.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_5_november_2020_final.pdf,"Ongoing Needs: The operating context continues to be impacted by worsening insecurity, on top of the risks associated with COVID-19." +190119,43304.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,20,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,Le Gouvernement de la République du Tchad a enregistré son premier cas de la pandémie COVID-19 le 19 mars 2020 +178530,40661.0,2225.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,50,['At Risk'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Depuis quelques mois, on assiste à l’activisme ou la naissance de groupes armés dans les provinces de l’Ituri, Nord- Kivu, Sud-Kivu, Maniema et Tanganyika avec comme conséquence, le déplacement des populations et la dilapidation de leurs moyens d’existence." +2568,517.0,321.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,79,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Libya%20Situation%20Report%20-%20End%20of%20Year%202017.pdf,"Libya remains the “gatekeeper” for the migration crisis in the region, IOM1 estimates that there are 621,706 migrants in Libya, 9 percent of whom are minors (out of these minors, 59 percent were reported as accompanied and 41 percent as unaccompanied). UNHCR had registered 45,129 refugees and asylum seekers as per December 20172, many of these people are reported to be victims of discrimination, arbitrary arrest and detention." +318217,53305.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,35,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"COVID-19 Addendum to the HRP The COVID-19 Addendum to the HRP, including the National COVID-19 Response Plan, brought the overall humanitarian appeal for 2020 to $1.9 billion. [JUNE 2020]" +287069,51749.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],fr,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,[Pouytenga] Malgré la bonne entente entre les communautés PDI et non déplacées actuellement on peut envisager la possibilité que cela mène à des tensions ou des risques de protection du fait de la promiscuité au sein des habitations. +161542,39295.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,31,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,"1,711 persons were employed through the creation of short-term work opportunities, in light rehabilitation works of agricultural roads, or in mask manufacturing for personal protective equipment due to COVID-19" +317170,53333.0,2334.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,38,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,Kidnappings are a major protection risk posed by the crisis and affect both adolescent girls and boys where for girls the implications can include sexual violence especially rape while boys can be forced to join separatist fighters. +304776,51467.0,2335.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,126,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Forty-one per cent of South Sudanese households access their water from an unimproved water source. The highest proportion of households relying on surface water are in Upper Nile, followed by Jonglei and Central Equatoria. Every fifth person is unable to collect enough water for drinking, and every third reports insufficient access to water for hand washing. The availability and quality of water have shaped how households prepare food, which influences the nutrition status of families. Only 35 per cent of households have access to an improved water source in under 30 minutes without facing any protection concerns and 35 per cent of households take more than 30 minutes round trip to collect water as reported by key informants." +327006,54714.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,[HEALTH LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 29% of IDP settlement and 27% of non-IDP settlement households found with a health Living Standard Gaps (LSG). +178270,41756.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,114,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Dans certaines zones, les populations sont exposées aux restes d’explosifs de guerre (REG) répandus suite à des affrontements entre groupes armés ou entre groupes armés et FARDC, et en conséquence exposées à des risques de mort ou de graves handicaps. La pollution du pays par la présence de restes d’explosifs de guerre est sérieuse du fait d’années de conflits. Les provinces du Nord-Kivu, du Sud-Kivu, du Tanganyika et de l’Ituri sont les plus touchées. Plus de 10,7 millions de m² de terres ont été dépolluées en 2018 et 1,8 milliards de m² restent encore à décontaminer." +497782,60104.0,1187.0,['Education'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,60,['Priority Needs'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,"https://www.unicef.org/argentina/media/11626/file/Impacto%20de%20la%20pandemia%20en%20la%20educaci%C3%B3n%20de%20ni%C3%B1as,%20ni%C3%B1os%20y%20adolescentes.pdf","Impulsar políticas de protección y acompañamiento a las trayectorias escolares y acceso a los aprendizajes claves priorizando aquellas situaciones de mayor vulnerabilidad. Promover estrategias de re-vinculación escolar y ampliación de becas. Propiciar el trabajo entre pares, la participación en la definición de los proyectos de aprendizaje e incluir en ellos las temáticas que más les interesan." +301768,51958.0,2332.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,65,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_devaluation_de_protection_des_retournes_tchadiens_de_la_rca_installes_dans_les_sites_au_sud_du_tchad_002.pdf,Les retournés souhaitent seulement s’autonomiser à travers les AGR et autres activités productives afin de s’intégrer plus confortablement. Ils soutiennent cela par le fait qu’ils n’ont pratiquement pas d’attache avec leurs villages d’origine au Tchad et le fait qu’ils ne peuvent plus retourner en RCA par crainte de persécution. +239656,47230.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,93,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"Se observa una tendencia a la reducción de la práctica de lactancia materna exclusiva a medida que se avanza hacia los seis meses: en el mes 0, nueve de cada diez niños recibían lactancia materna exclusiva, mientras que en el quinto mes de vida solo cuatro de cada diez niños y niñas continuaban con la práctica. Esta situación es considerablemente preocupante dados los riesgos aumentados de morbilidad y mortalidad, así como de afectaciones en el crecimiento y desarrollo infantil en casos donde no se practica la lactancia26 ." +310054,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic and widespread sub-national violence have created additional logistical challenges, further deteriorating people’s access to services and hampering the ability of humanitarians to reach people in need." +346149,56952.0,2311.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,90,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20monitoreo%20enero-marzo%202021%20-%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20vers%C3%B3n%20final.pdf,"El equipo legal de DRC observa que continúan los atrasos en la emisión de salvoconductos para so- licitantes de refugio y en las respuestas de soli- citudes de refugio. Asimismo, persisten dificulta- des y barreras administrativas para la obtención del salvoconducto de permanencia. Existe difi- cultades para acceder a citas en la página de Mi- gración Colombia, situación que dilata y extiende el acceso a documentos válidos en Colombia. Sin documentos, el acceso a derechos y servicios de los solicitantes se ve limitado." +192046,42659.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,51,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_175.pdf,"Ce même jour, il s’est tenu successivement trois réunions avec le chargé des opérations de la riposte, le PDSS et la coordination de la prise en charge médicale de la COVID-19 sur la récolte des données et la planification des activités pour le trimestre à venir." +341813,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,155,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Mieux, utilisant l’argument du délaissement et d’abandon de l’Etat, les groupes armés tentent de convaincre nombre de personnes de rejoindre leurs rangs, et ce avec beaucoup de succès. Selon les per- sonnes consultées, puisque l’Etat éprouve des difficultés pour garantir le minimum de développement dans certaines régions, puisque les populations de ces régions sont démunies, n’ont pas les mêmes accès aux opportunités de développement, puisque l’Etat perd de son autorité de ce fait et n’est plus la référence des populations qui cherchent d’autres alter- natives pour assurer leur survie, face au désespoir, l’option de rejoindre des groupes terroristes permet d’avoir une issue et une réponse concrète, rapide et intéressante aux questions les plus pressantes. Cela alimente le terrorisme, le grand banditisme." +311746,53183.0,2466.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,30,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"Additionally, teaching and learning supplies were distributed, temporary learning spaces established, latrines and classrooms rehabilitated, teachers trained, and school environments improved to enhance COVID-19 safety" +165480,39488.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,38,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/vitamin-campaign-rohingya-children-goes-door-door-due-covid-19,UNICEF is working with partners on the ground to ensure that the Rohingya children in these camps remain healthy and that their guardians and caregivers have adequate information on COVID-19 and how to keep their families safe. +90043,25213.0,1621.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']","['Context->Demography', 'Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,56,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Casualties']",2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A_HRC_43_75_E.pdf,"In 2019, UNSMIL/OHCHR received multiple reports alleging that armed groups were responsible for summary executions and other unlawful killings of civilians and captured fighters. Between 1 January and 30 November, UNSMIL/OHCHR documented 65 civilian victims (48 deaths and 17 injured), including 56 men, three women and six boys." +161922,39490.0,2098.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,58,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200707_acaps_covid-19_secondary_impacts_in_rohingya_refugee_camps.pdf,"All shops and markets, excluding specific kitchen markets in the camps, are closed and all non-essential programs have been suspended until further notice, including the drawdown of protection programs, site management work, most shelter/NFI activities, livelihood activities, education and learning centres, friendly spaces and community centres, and training facilities" +267909,49773.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,23,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_HSOS-NWS_-January-2021.pdf,"[January 2021, NWS] Heating fuel is unaffordable for 94% of communities and 92% of communities for winterisation items" +22358,9106.0,729.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,171,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"Food security remains a priority for the vulnerable populations of Libya as conflict continues to generate displacement, and the ongoing economic crisis contributes increasing food prices. According to the 2018 MSNA, though on average the food consumption of households is relatively good, the low level of coping capacity indicates that this status is likely to deteriorate in the future. The use of livelihood coping strategies is widespread. 58 per cent of households employ crisis or emergency coping strategies and economic vulnerability is high. On average 53 per cent of Libyan household expenses are on food. 31 per cent of households spend more than 65 per cent of their total expenses on food. The situation also varies significantly between mantikas. In Alkufra, Zwara and Murzuq, more than 30 percent of the households have a poor or borderline food consumption. The situation is particularly worrying in Alkufra, with 24 per cent poor and 46 per cent borderline food consumption" +164610,38699.0,2098.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],en,58,"['Priority Needs', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/monsoon-floods-push-millions-children-uncertainty-amid-covid-19,"The Joint Needs Assessmen undertaken on 20-22 July 2020, has identified water, food and protection as the immediate needs of people. UNICEF supported the Department of Public Health Engineering to distribute safe water via water purification tablets and sachets, and disinfectants, while tube wells and latrines are being repaired or newly installed." +151885,38244.0,1898.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,115,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020-08-31%20Resumen%20Semanal%20de%20Situacio%CC%81n%2024-30%20de%20agosto%202020.pdf,"La tendencia descendente se produce cuando el país reanuda las actividades en una economía que ha perdido más de 80.000 empleos en el sector privado durante el confinamiento. Las proyecciones de fin de año de una asociación de empresas privadas dicen que este número podría llegar a 140.000. El aumento de las remesas puede ayudar a atenuar este posible impacto; según el Banco Central de Reserva, las remesas de julio ascendieron a 533 millones de dólares, lo que supone un aumento con respecto a los US$287 millones recibidos en abril, lo que indica que los salvadoreños en el extranjero también están reanudando sus actividades laborales normales." +219259,45655.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,32,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"[9th Dec, Northeast Syria]Throughout November, lockdown measures have been further tightened in NES, building on the partial lockdown measures announced on 30 October and since extended" +353810,57860.0,2170.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,127,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.vanguardngr.com/2021/06/rise-in-prices-push-7m-additional-nigerians-into-poverty-world-bank/,"[15th Jun 2021, Nigeria] States with highest food inflation rate, States with highest YoY food inflation were Kogi (32.8 percent), Kwara (26. percent) and Enugu (25 percent), while Akwa Ibom (20 percent), Bauchi (18.7 percent) and Abuja (16.9 percent) recorded the slowest rise inYoY inflation. On month on month basis however, May 2021 food inflation was highest in Kogi (3.1 percent), Ogun (2.9 percent) and Anambra (2.4 percent), while Edo, Sokoto and Ekiti recorded price deflation or negative inflation (general decrease in the general price level of food or a negative food inflation rate)." +159802,39079.0,2170.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,41,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NIGERIA_Food_Security_Outlook_Update_August_Final.pdf,"Most beneficiaries of food assistance are in displacement camps in Borno State, with over 1.6 million people receiving food assistance in displacement camps. Humanitarian actors are providing 70 percent of the monthly household ration in cash or in-kind." +172547,40367.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,50,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"To promote the round 2 polio campaign in the Ouargaye and Bittou health districts, Centre-Est region, conducted in July by the MoH, with support from UNICEF and partners, communication for social and behaviour change activities were reinforced through radios programmes, door-to-doors visits/talks and advocacy." +310535,53177.0,2466.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,43,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Sudan%20Multi-Sectoral%20Location%20Assessment_South%20Kordofan.pdf,"In this locality, 71 per cent of the population have access to education. As evident across all localities, there is a greater presence of primary education – only 11 per cent of schools are at a secondary educational level." +388985,60730.0,2098.0,[],[],[],en,107,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://app.box.com/s/asye4w9ljbvdby3gy5p0jy8a859nsmzt,"[25th July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: Both perception data and phone interviews reveal that the Rohingya community know about Covid-19 preventative measures such as wearing masks, maintaining distance, avoiding gatherings of people and washing hands. Some knew about the vaccine and that it prevented infections, the need to keep a distance from Covid-19 patients, that infected people spread the disease, and could identify Covid-19 symptoms. Despite knowing these facts people thought eating dirty or unhygienic food not covered by a lid, half boiled meat, and expired or rotten food might spread Covid-19." +66702,19425.0,1184.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,133,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71649.pdf,"TEMOR A SER DEPORTADAS/OS POR FALTA DE DOCUMENTACIÓN LEGAL El principal motivo por el que las personas sobrevivientes no acceden a los servicios de VBG es el miedo a ser deportadas por falta de identificación o permiso vigente de estadía en el país. En general, los requisitos que se les solicita para la atención son documentos de identificación, documentos migratorios vigentes o solicitud de refugio, un carné de salud o en el caso de personas menores de edad, se requiere la presencia de alguno de los progenitores o un tutor(a). A esto se suma, que según el 80% de los/las profesionales humanitarios encuestados es obligatorio para el centro médico o el personal de salud reportar el caso a las autoridades judiciales." +382652,59706.0,1187.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,52,[],['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/HFS_ReporteNarrativo_ARG_1S2020.pdf,"En 71% de los casos, en el grupo familiar había entre 1 y 2 adultos, y en el 85% de los casos, había entre 1 y 2 mujeres adultas en el grupo familiar y 53% de los hogares contaban con niños/as en los grupos familiares." +292433,52073.0,2334.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,27,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,Cette prise en charge médicale a été accompagnée d’une prise en charge nutritionnelle aussi bien pour la femme enceinte que pour l’accompagnante. +235072,46388.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Shelter']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,87,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Unequal access to land is also a major contributor to gender inequality in Afghanistan. Current estimates indicate that less than five per cent of land tenure/ownership documents include the name of a female family member. Women’s relationship to land in Afghanistan is typically secondary – through her relationship with a male owner. Consequently, this lack of land right constitutes a major cause of gender-based asset inequality, particularly given that land is often a household’s most valuable asset." +325754,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,126,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Les communautés pastorales sont capables de s’adapter efficacement à l’évolution de la répartition temporelle et spatiale des pâturages et des ressources en eau grâce à leur mobilité et à l’ajustement de la taille et de la composition de leur troupeau. Toutefois, cette mobilité est de plus en plus menacée: les zones pastorales sont compromises et fragmentées par l’expansion des terres agricoles, l’accélération de la croissance démographique et la commercialisation des ressources. Ces facteurs limitent également la disponibilité des zones de pâturage qui devaient auparavant servir de «réserve» pendant les sécheresses. Il existe également des problèmes de surpâturage dans certaines zones (Posthumus et al., 2019)." +271037,47809.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_7.pdf,"Esta semana se notificaron 14 muertes en menores de 5 años: 9 probablemente asociadas a infección respiratoria aguda, 2 a desnutrición y 3 a enfermedad diarreica aguda." +177321,41093.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",[],['Context->Economy'],es,155,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"La heterogeneidad de la transmisión de la tasa de intervención sobre las tasas de los establecimientos de crédito en la crisis del COVID-19 se explica por las distintas características e impactos del choque sobre las empresas y hogares. Según el Informe sobre el sistema financiero durante la Cuarentena Obligatoria realizado por la Superintendencia Financiera, se encontró que la principal razón para la negación de las solicitudes de crédito fue el riesgo de impago y, al desagregarlo por modalidad, los créditos de consumo son los principales perjudicados en la negación de solicitudes por este motivo (Cuadro 2). Para los créditos de vivienda, el flujo de caja del deudor es un factor relevante para la aprobación de la solicitud, y ante la baja dinámica económica actual que limita los ingresos de los hogares, se percibe un mayor riesgo por menores entradas de liquidez para los deudores." +64434,18823.0,1183.0,['Education'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,84,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3313918,"Actualmente se cuenta, a través de los “Círculos de Aprendizaje” con 1.200 cupos para niñas y niños por fuera del sistema que incluye población migrante y receptora en cinco Departamentos (300 en Bogotá, 200 en Barranquilla, 200 en Guajira, 300 en Cúcuta y 200 en Arauca). UNICEF trabaja con la Fundación Escuela Nueva para garantizar la calidad pedagógica del servicio y con socios como Opción Legal, Corporación Infancia y Desarrollo y World Vision." +148189,36609.0,1388.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,23,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/01.%20CRI%20Operation%20July%202020%20.pdf,"Fundación Mujer: Executes livelihood and self-sufficiency activities which include support for job placement, skills training, and business development activities." +159500,35728.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no_6_covid-19_choco_vf.pdf,"De acuerdo con el INS, actualmente Chocó se encuentra dentro de departamentos con mayor tasa de incidencia (498) y dentro de los 10 departamentos con mayor tasa de mortalidad (152,4) a nivel nacional. Adicionalmente, el INS reporta que la ocupación de UCI en el departamento es del 100%." +309833,51467.0,2335.0,"['Shelter', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,40,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Country-wide restrictions to movement and trading has negatively impacted livelihood activities and resulting in reduced income for many households, leading to a failure to pay rent, which could lead to a rise in the number of evictions." +62685,18394.0,1386.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,118,"['At Risk', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3295213,"Me preocupa la información recibida por mi Oficina según la cual algunas organizaciones de la sociedad civil y sus representantes que colaboraron en la preparación de mi último informe a este Consejo, fueron víctimas de descalificaciones públicas y amenazas por altos funcionarios siguiendo su publicación. Las represalias por haber cooperado con las Naciones Unidas son inaceptables e insto a las autoridades a que tomen medidas de prevención.Mantengo la certeza de que las recomendaciones de mi informe puedan servir como una guía para superar la actual situación. Mi Oficina seguirá brindando la asistencia técnica y apoyo a las instituciones y a las víctimas que sea requerida, a la vez que seguirá monitoreando y reportando." +311758,53183.0,2466.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,24,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"There is an inadequate supply of textbooks for children, limited school furniture in many schools, and extremely overcrowded classrooms across Sudan." +181911,42262.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,63,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_KAP4_Covid_NWS_TK_21.10.20-2.pdf,"[October 1, NWS, source of information] Nine-six percent (96%) of respondents reported that the main public medium through which they receive information about COVID-19 is social media messaging. Sixty-one percent (61%) reported that health workers at health facilities are the source they trust the most to provide reliable information on COVID-19." +258002,48907.0,2098.0,"['Education', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,84,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[20th January 2021, Cox's Bazar] Work opportunities in general have decreased, including work within host communities, such as on plantations and as seasonal harvesters, day labourers, porters, or as betel nuts collectors. One participant said he reduced the fee he pays for his children’s private tuition. He said the tutor agreed because the tutor also needs money and has lost income as a result of having fewer students to teach." +219771,45777.0,2333.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,55,['Capacities & Response'],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/niger/un-soutien-additionnel-d-education-cannot-wait-pour-intensifier-l-ducation-dans-les,Ce soutien nous permettra de soutenir des milliers d'enfants qui ne sont pas à l'école - où nous devons fournir une éducation rapidement afin qu'ils ne fassent pas partie de la génération perdue - tout en trouvant également des solutions à plus long terme pour que tous les enfants puissent atteindre leur plein potentiel. +164491,32982.0,1183.0,['Education'],[],[],es,41,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Respuesta%20COVID-19%20-%20GIFMM%20Arauca%2C%20actualizaci%C3%B3n%20n%C2%B03%20%28Del%201%20al%2030%20de%20mayo%20de%202020%29.pdf,"•Participación de los socios GIFMM en el programa radial presente profesor, estrategia local para asegurar la continuidad escolar en el marco del COVID-19. •Procesos de webinar con docentes para capacitarlos en apoyo psicosocial en el marco del COVID-19." +170920,40447.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Shelter']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,34,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syriahr.com/en/185493/,"[24th September 2020, Idleb] The rest of the region’s displaced communities are living in informal homes or settlements, where health and wellbeing are much harder to track." +236265,46388.0,2336.0,['Nutrition'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,15,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Roughly 14 per cent of all acute malnourishment in Afghanistan is due to COVID-19. +236078,47122.0,2334.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"In both regions, the hard-gained progress in improving access to learning over the last year has been reversed by the outbreak." +133598,35118.0,1187.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Demography'],es,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"entre las 50 personas que convivían en la residencia de un fami- liar o conocido, 36 se identificaron como mujeres, 12 como varo- nes y 2 se identificaron con la categoría “Otro”. Respecto al rango etáreo, 25 tenían entre 30 y 59 años, 20 señalaron tener entre 18 y 29 años y sólo 5 tenían más de 59 años." +59553,17198.0,1224.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"The assessed population often relied on agricultural activity, but have not yet established the means to do so in Guyana (to purchase the seeds and supplies). Some communities suggested that they would appreciate support to develop agricultural activities and livestock, such as chickens." +342750,56028.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,85,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://zoom-eco.net/developpement/rdc-quatre-mesures-observees-dans-la-prise-en-charge-des-cas-de-covid-19-detectes-a-linterieur-dun-immeuble-a-kinshasa-conseil-des-ministres/,"Le Ministre de la Santé Publique, Hygiène et Prévention, Dr Jean Jacques Mbungani Mbanda a informé le Conseil des ministres que 25 cas positifs de covid-19 ont été détectés parmi les occupants d’un immeuble situé sur l’avenue Katanga dans la commune de la Gombe à Kinshasa. (...) cet immeuble a été mis en quarantaine depuis le lundi 3 mai 2021. La plupart des malades seraient des sujets indiens qui se faisaient soigner en cachette." +309792,51467.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Health']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,79,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"According to the FSNMS (Food Security and Nutrition Monitoring System) conducted in 2019 Round 25/ 26, 52.6 per cent of household are acutely food insecure while only 36 per cent of households reported having access to an improved water source in under 30 minutes without facing any protection concerns. The morbidity rate is high among under-five children, reaching 10 per cent and 36 per cent of children with diarrhoea and fever, respectively." +216624,45416.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Demography'],fr,91,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,"En termes de proportion du genre / sexe, nous observons un déséquilibre généralisé dans les 4 provinces entre les enseignantes et les enseignants. Alors que cet écart est de 62% en faveur des enseignants contre 38% pour les enseignantes dans le Tanganyika, il est un peu plus prononcé dans le Nord-Kivu et l’Ituri avec 75% des enseignants et 25% des enseignantes, puis très rév��lateur de la disparité dans le Sud-Kivu avec 82% des enseignants contre 18% des enseignantes." +226568,46454.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,24,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2022_23Dec2020_FINAL.pdf,"[23rd December, Overall Syria] Humanitarian actors continue to receive reports healthcare workers in some areas do not have sufficient PPE." +307196,51467.0,2335.0,"['Cross', 'Shelter']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,51,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"With an increased population mobility from PoCs (Protection of Civilians) to rural areas due to perceived insecurity in PoCs arising from the withdrawal of the UN Police, the needs for shelter solutions in rural or urban areas receiving PoC residents are increasing according to the DTM round 8" +56060,17111.0,1187.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Economy'],es,129,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Por otra parte, al ser consultados acerca de sus ingresos mensuales, hicimos especial hincapié en referirnos al dinero con el que cuenta mensualmente para sus gastos generales, expresado en pesos ¿Cuánto buscó o hace que está buscando? Indique sus ingresos mensuales: (el dinero con el que cuenta mensualmente para sus gastos generales, expresado en pesos argentinos. Ej: lo que le queda en mano del recibo de sueldo; lo que gana de su facturación tras pagar impuestos) argentinos. Y como ejemplo propusimos “lo que le queda en mano del recibo de sueldo; lo que gana de su facturación tras pagar sus obligaciones”. El 41,59% respondió que vive con $15.000 o menos." +346158,56952.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20monitoreo%20enero-marzo%202021%20-%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20vers%C3%B3n%20final.pdf,"En el período monitoreado hubo una pequeña disminución de personas que refieren no tener acceso a servicios de salud (actual: 39.87%, tri- mestre octubre – diciembre de 2020:44.8%)." +317947,53305.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,10,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"There were 1,080 human rights incidents documented from Jan-Oct 2020" +59524,17198.0,1224.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,49,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"The last reported number of Venezuelan migrants documented by the Immigration Department of the Guyana Police force, showed five thousand one hundred and twenty-three (5,123) Venezuelan migrants registered by the Immigration Department at the various ports of entry in Guyana through which Venezuelan migrants pass." +236173,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"People with disabilities face higher risks and challenges in society, which are further exacerbated in conflict and emergency settings where resources are limited and subject to fierce competition." +176019,40890.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,86,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"Los departamentos donde proporcionalmente hubo mayor cantidad de hogares que reportaron la presencia de grupos armados ilegales son Cesar con el 14%, Atlántico con el 12% y La Guajira con el 11%. En contraste, en Nariño apenas el 1% de los hogares reporta dicha presencia, y este bajo porcentaje puede ser explicado por el carácter urbano de los hogares encuestados: 97% de los hogares encuestados en Nariño están en los municipios de Ipiales y Pasto." +169892,40360.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Humanitarian Access->Population To Relief', 'Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",fr,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"La province du Soum quant à elle, est une zone de violation sans cesse du droit à la liberté et à la sécurité sur les axes routiers tels que l’axe Namsiguiya- Mentao- Djibo." +170411,40462.0,2099.0,"['Shelter', 'Agriculture', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Displacement->Push Factors'],fr,114,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Les motifs des mouvements changent d’un point à un autre mais dans la majeure partie des cas, ils sont effectués soit à titre préventif ou soit suite à une attaque. Les raisons les plus citées par les PDIs sont entre autres : les affrontements, l’insécurité généralisée, les violations des droits de l’homme, le manque de liberté de mouvement, les habitats détruits, les greniers incendiés, les raisons économiques (dont les difficultés économiques pour accéder aux services sociaux de base, la perte des activités économiques) ainsi que la présence de groupes armés, le manque de terre cultivable." +2625,520.0,321.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,57,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://www.amnesty.org/en/countries/middle-east-and-north-africa/libya/report-libya/,"Armed groups, including some operating under Libya’s rival governments, abducted and detained civilians on account of their origin, opinions and perceived political or tribal affiliations. Rising criminality in the absence of a functioning justice system also saw armed groups and gangs abducting civilians for ransom in Tripoli and other cities." +327710,54980.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,90,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/04/not-finding-jobs-aleppos-young-men-are-joining-local-and-iranian-militias/,"[21 APR, Overall Syria] Fayez,from the al-Sukari neighborhood, joined Baqir Brigade a year ago. He is still fighting with them with a monthly salary of about 125 USD, after he was paid a starting salary of 60 USD. Fayez’s cousins joined the Iranian-backed militia before he did. And now, each one of them has a jeep vehicle with a personal weapon. Furthermore, they can move freely between regime-held checkpoints without being searched or stopped." +235720,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The ability of affected people to access humanitarian assistance continues to be impeded by a combination of often overlapping challenges, including conflict, COVID-19, cultural barriers, and physical constraints." +175871,40890.0,1183.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"En cuanto a la calidad del suministro, el 36% de los hogares no cuenta con acceso a agua potable cuando lo requiere, bien sea porque este es intermitente o porque el agua no es potable, y 5% de los hogares no tienen acceso a agua" +305756,51572.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,49,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"There is high need for CP ( Child Protection ) advocacy and mass awareness raising to parents, caregivers and children on the rights and responsibilities of children and caregivers [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +224011,45768.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,57,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"C’est dans ce cadre qu’il faut signaler également la présence à Diamerom d’un groupe des peuhls venu préventivement de la localité de Kirnakir. Ils sont estimés à 150 ménages et sont arrivés à Diamerom il y a six jours car, disent-ils, ils voyageaient au rythme de leurs bétails" +116344,32643.0,1185.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,52,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/77408,"1. To date, USD 2,400,000 have been distributed on Cash-Based Interventions (CBI) in support of 53,000 refugees and migrants in Peru. Distributions focused in Lima, Arequipa, Callao, Cusco, La Libertad, Lambayeque, Madre de Dios, Piura, Tacna and Tumbes." +239026,47107.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,34,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[Sep 2020] These cases also highlight the challenges of preventing transmission in schools, particularly given the overall country context of overcrowded classrooms, insufficiently qualified teaching personnel, and poor/damaged infrastructure" +224287,45393.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,44,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Animation du site du CHU Tengandogo par l’EIR CORUS • 5520 sensibilisations réalisées par les volontaires CDC Africa (Établissements scolaires, marchés, moulins, cabarets, maquis, lieu de réjouissance, églises, mosquées, baptêmes, etc)" +207832,44822.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/62229/medical-sources-in-damascus-coronavirus-situation-from-bad-to-worse.html,"Russia Today quoted the General Director of Mouwasat University Hospital in Damascus, Issam al-Amin, as saying that the number of cases who tested positive for the coronavirus in the hospital increased threefold this month, confirming that the cases that are being admitted are of the severe and critical type." +319970,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,36,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Child protection cases are under-reported due to the absence of a unified reporting mechanism, societal norms and lack of training personnel, especially the police, on how to gather evidence for such cases." +309766,51467.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Six out of ten states have been affected by vaccine-derived polioviruses outbreaks in 2020. Measles outbreaks have been recorded in eight counties—Tonj East, Magwi, Bor, Kapoeta East, Tonj South, Wau and Pibor—in 2020." +297866,52145.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,48,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_humanitaire_numero_12_v_04.pdf,"Pour l’arrondissement de Kolofata, les habitants des hameaux le long des axes Amchidé - Ganse et Limani - Kourgui ont fui près des bases BIR d’Amchidé d’une part, et des forces du BIM à Kourgui d’autre part." +195740,44015.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,40,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN27D1PT,"Drawn largely from the Lendu ethnic group, CODECO is accused by the U.N. of widespread and systematic killings, beheadings, rape and other barbaric acts that have contributed to prolonged instability in the east of the country." +292379,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"Des ripostes locales aux épidémies de Rougeole ont été menées dans les districts de santé de Mada, Makary, Goulfey, Kousseri, Pitoa, Figuil et Guider." +149143,36019.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,40,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"A number of traders are reported to be experiencing a notable drop in stock levels, with some commodities not available, including vegetable oil and sugar, due to wholesalers waiting for the stability of the informal exchange rate" +12756,5579.0,322.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection', 'Food Security', 'WASH']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],en,141,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20Jun%202018.pdf,"The RMMS population of concern remains in need of multi-sectoral assistance, including food, WASH, health, shelter, legal assistance, psychosocial support, support for persons with specific needs (PWSNs) and durable solutions, given the shrinking asylum space in Yemen for refugees and asylum-seekers due to lack of rule of law and deteriorating security conditions such as Al Hudaydah and Shabwah where migrants transit. Some of the on-going logistical constraints for boat departures under the Assisted Spontaneous Return (ASR) have been resolved, however, the pace of departure remains slow as weather conditions do not permit boat travel during the months of June to August. The current situation in Al Hudaydah has also resulted in long delays of Voluntary Humanitarian Return (VHR) movement from the port." +196719,43328.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,113,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_smart_rapid_pdi_2020_bfa_final.pdf,"Parmi les populations enquêtées ayant le statut de déplacé, celles abritant le site d’accueil de Barsalogho connaissent la plus longue durée de séjour estimée à 16 mois, soit environ 1 an et demi. Les autres communes ayant des déplacés internes avec au moins 10 mois de séjour sont par ordre d’importance : Barsalogho (12 mois), Bourzanga (11 mois), Djibo (11 mois) et Gorgadji (10 mois) et Kongoussi (10 mois). La commune de Ouahigouya est celle qui abrite des déplacés nouvellement installés avec seulement 2 mois et demi comme durée moyenne de séjour." +498736,60095.0,1187.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,66,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RMRP%202021%20Plan%20de%20respuesta%20regional%20para%20refugiados%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%2C%20enero%20-%20diciembre%202021.pdf,"Asimismo, aunque las medidas de salud pública aplicadas a principios de 2020 en el Cono Sur han permitido reducir considerablemente el número de nuevas llegadas a través de los puntos de entrada formales, la situación ha provocado un aumento de entradas irregulares y la proliferación de redes delictivas que operan a nivel transnacional, incrementando las situaciones de en trata y tráfico de personas" +35764,13057.0,788.0,"['Health', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",[],[],en,75,[],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000105395.pdf,"Overall, the top three priority needs across the assessed households in BAY states were food assistance (26.2 percent), livelihood support (25.8 percent) and health and medical care (13.8 percent), a trend which was consistent at the state level. Similar to the state level, food assistance, livelihood support and health and medical care were all found to be priority across all the domains." +93371,26310.0,1386.0,"['Health', 'WASH', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']","['Context->Environment', 'Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Economy']",en,77,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Venezuela_%20Violent%20Abuses%20in%20Illegal%20Gold%20Mines%20_%20Human%20Rights%20Watch.pdf,"The operations of these illegal mines are also having a devastating impact on the environment and the health of workers, local sources said. Internal economic migration due to the economic and humanitarian crisis in Venezuela has increased the number of people seeking to work in mining areas. Many residents live in fear and are exposed to harsh working conditions, poor sanitation, and an extremely high risk of diseases such as malaria." +146019,35870.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,80,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"As outlined in the previous report, WHO delivered 85 tons of medical supplies by road from Damascus to Qamishli, to be distributed to various health facilities and health authorities for health partners in NES. To date, 52 tons has been distributed to 17 hospitals, including seven in cross-line areas, two private hospitals serving as referrals for Al-Hol, six supported by NGOs operating in NES, and two hospitals in areas of government control" +125685,31803.0,1183.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,65,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77205.pdf,"El 81.5% de las personas entrevistadas tiene nacionalidad venezolana, el 10.4% colombiana, el 7.4% doble nacionalidad (colombiana y venezolana), y el 0.7% tiene otras nacionalidades. La principal razón de salida del país de origen es la falta de recursos económicos (40.2%), seguido por la necesidad de alimentación (27.6%)" +235022,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,17,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,For the fifth year in a row Afghanistan is listed as the deadliest conflict for children. +15348,6687.0,321.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,130,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/66997.pdf,"Since 1 September 2017, 994 individuals have been submitted for resettlement to 7 States (Canada, France, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland). A total of 114 individuals have departed on resettlement directly from Libya to Canada, France, Italy, the Netherlands and Sweden. This includes 10 individuals who departed via the ETC Romania to France. A total of 245 individuals have been accepted for resettlement and are pending departure either directly from Libya to Sweden (6), to Canada (154) or via ETC Romania to Norway (85). A total of 660 individuals have been submitted for resettlement and are pending interview or decision by a resettlement State in Libya." +490071,67763.0,2098.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,41,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[January - June 2021, Cox's Bazar] The ongoing countrywide lockdown and global supply chain disruption due to COVID-19 continues to delay the delivery and installation of equipment for many of UNHCR’s power supply projects." +341981,56493.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,136,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Les groupes d’autodéfense sont arrivés à créer une psychose au sein des populations, ce qui joue en leur défaveur. Ils sont accusés de partialité et de vouloir souvent régler des comptes personnels et/ou collectifs. Leurs agissements montrent bien leur volonté de se substituer aux FDS. La présence de ces milices d'autodéfense, les Koglwéogo qui se substituent à l'autorité de l'État inquiète les populations qui dénoncent le risque de terribles dérives. Dérives constatées lors des interventions sous formes de représailles dans la région du Centre-Nord. Le conflit koglwéogo / peulhs à Yirgou (1er-2 janvier 2019)116, le conflit koglwéogo / population de Tialgo (le 18-19 mai 2017), le conflit Koglwéogo / dozo à Karangasso Vi- gué (12 septembre 2018)." +239388,46388.0,2336.0,"['Cross', 'Shelter']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,56,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In addition, 56 per cent of people reported having less than three out of six essential household items. These household items are a necessity, not only as part of an emergency response, but also in mitigating the spread of COVID-19 and in reducing the number of households sharing core relief items." +485142,65398.0,1185.0,[],[],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,52,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Según una encuesta de la OIM realizada en marzo de 2018 (2018a), el 24,4 % de las personas migrantes en Lima precisaron que habían sido discriminadas. De este porcentaje, el 88,6 % indicó que había sido por su nacionalidad y el 5,5 % por ser mujer." +341746,56493.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,70,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Contrairement aux autres régions, les régions du Sahel (32,25%) et du Nord (40,91%) connaissent ces oppositions entre éleveurs et agriculteurs car elles regorgent d’un plus grand nombre d’éleveurs. En plus, elles sont des zones quasi désertiques et la raréfaction des ressources naturelles qui sont un élément important pour la survie des populations fait naitre des tensions." +184964,41719.0,1900.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,17,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/PUEBLOS%20INDIGENAS%20Y%20COVID-19.pdf,"En Honduras, solo el 12,3% de los jóvenes indígenas concluyeron el nivel educativo secundario." +203134,44574.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://1bec58c3-8dcb-46b0-bb2a-fd4addf0b29a.filesusr.com/ugd/188e74_542fc8805add4051bce2bcd5fc5fe9ed.pdf,"[July 3, NWS, NES, Coordination challenges] Syria’s health system has been increasingly fragmented and politicised with different governance structures, processes, resources and preparedness across regions." +315678,52949.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,80,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic, it has become more difficult to maintain vaccine immunity levels due to challenges in effectively implementing vaccination campaigns – especially for the most vulnerable populations and particularly among IDPs. In fact, the majority of IDP households (59 per cent) cannot afford to pay for vaccination services or medicine, while the distance to health centres is another barrier to vaccination for 36 per cent of IDPs." +13381,5560.0,322.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,44,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RDP%20Monthly%20SitRep_July_2018.pdf,"Casualties among civilians including children reported, figures are not confirmed. As of 29 July, 1,961 displaced HHs from Al Hudaydah Governorate have been assisted through the rapid response mechanism (RRM) out of a total of 4,686 HHs registered." +22271,9106.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross', 'Education']",[],[],en,48,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"Based on the inter-sector needs analysis, an estimated 278,000 women are identified as in need of humanitarian assistance, including 150,000 women facing protection issues and an estimated 170,000 women facing challenges to access to healthcare. Approximately 36,000 girls need support to access quality education." +456718,58748.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,144,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://cdn.odi.org/media/documents/ODI-PB-SRHR.pdf,"Covid-19 has revealed and exacerbated problems related to SRHR, rather than creating them. The pandemic has had (and continues to have) wide-ranging negative effects on SRHR, and has highlighted the fragility of access to SRHR-related services and products. Equally, there are windows of opportunity and glimmers of positive or progressive effects from the crisis, but these are elusive and there could easily be further push-back and backlash. This is especially the case since SRHR has often been viewed as the Cinderella of public health – because it deals with difficult topics like sexuality, and because it often entails confronting patriarchal norms and power structures around control of women and their bodies. These are hard to shift, but shocks such as Covid-19 can provide opportunities to build back differently and more inclusively." +498725,60095.0,1187.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,60,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RMRP%202021%20Plan%20de%20respuesta%20regional%20para%20refugiados%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%2C%20enero%20-%20diciembre%202021.pdf,"Con las fronteras cerradas total o parcialmente, las personas refugiadas y migrantes de Venezuela, en su desesperación por llegar a su destino, son más propensos a utilizar servicios de traficantes de personas para entrar a un país de forma irregular o permanecer en el mismo, exponiéndose a mayores riesgos de trata, explotación y abuso." +213396,44840.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,131,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,"The COVID-19 crisis has created a need for improved management of medical waste and safe and dignified burials to avoid serious long-term impacts on human health and ecosystems. To align and promote environmentally sustainable practices, UNDP plans to engage Federal and State level authorities, to assess the needs and to build capacities for safe, culturally appropriate and physically distanced burials, avoiding the risk of amplifying al-Shabaab narratives. UNDP has supported the Ministry of Endowment and Religious Affairs (MoERA) and the Ministry of Health to develop religious and safe burial (online) guidelines for health workers. Teams are in place for Benadir region and for each FMS have been identified and will be trained and supplied with PPE provided by ICRC." +164376,38902.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,60,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"Norte de Santander: In the Catatumbo region, territorial disputes are dominated by ELN, EPL, and FARC-EP dissident groups. Along the border with Venezuela, Los Rastrojos and ELN fight over control over illicit economies and smuggling routes (InSight Crime 30/03/2020; FIP 24/05/2020; Verdad Abierta 27/07/2020, 01/08/2020; HIIK 03/2020)." +244755,48003.0,2425.0,[],[],[],en,74,[],[],Lebanon Situation Analysis,2021-01-25 12:39:46.093809+00,,"UNRWA indicated that it is making every effort to ensure that its services, especially health, are not affected by the agency’s financial crisis. She confirmed that it is currently signing contracts with hospitals for the year 2021, including government hospitals and private hospitals, including hospitals that provide treatment for Covid-19 patients UNRWA indicated that it is providing the necessary beds for patients in these hospitals if necessary" +113818,32048.0,1185.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Nin%CC%83ez%20venezolana%20Covid19%20Ingle%CC%81s%20Web_FINAL.pdf,"All children questioned said they are spending the quarantine in a house. Some 39% live in rented houses, 20% have their own house and 10% live in places that are spontaneously occupied. Three out of four indicate they live with both parents or with one of them." +235482,46388.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,53,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The recently updated IPC analysis shows the food security situation has become worse during COVID-19. An estimated 16.9 million people, or 42 per cent of the population are now assessed as being in crisis or emergency levels of food insecurity (IPC 3+) for November 2020 – March 2021." +392293,61167.0,1186.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,42,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.revistasur.cl/revistasur.cl/2020/12/nueva-ley-de-migraciones-causa-rechazo-entre-las-organizaciones-migrantes-y-promigrantes/,"Otra de las preocupaciones por parte de la organización son las restricciones para el ejercicio de derechos sociales en los primeros años de vida migrante en el país, siendo éste el periodo de mayor vulnerabilidad del proceso de movilidad humana." +46568,16136.0,729.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,102,[],['Humanitarian Access'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/echo_-nf_bud_2019_91000_v2.pdf,"Humanitarian organizations face access challenge in remote and conflict-affected areas, thus making it difficult to assess the needs in these zones. Support to the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), returnees and migrants remains largely dependent on the capability of local partners to deliver assistance. As per the IOM Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM), in mid-2018, 192 513 persons are still forcibly internally displaced out of which more than 40 000 mainly around Derna following the Libyan National Army (LNA) offensive and in the South as a consequence of ethnic based conflicts." +236144,47122.0,2334.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],en,44,"['Priority Interventions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"With the outbreak of COVID-19, additional support (financial and technical) is required to mitigate COVID-19 risks in GBV interventions and adapt GBV services and prevention activities to ensure women and girls will continue to access lifesaving services during the pandemic." +178514,41756.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],fr,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Près de 1,4 million de personnes ont besoin de bénéficier d’une décontamination des terres polluées par les mines et REG dans les zones de conflits." +79057,21860.0,729.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,69,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/09.30.19%20-%20USAID-DCHA%20Libya%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%232.pdf,"Humanitarian agencies continue to respond to emergency food, health, shelter, and WASH needs of populations affected by heavy rain and flooding in Ghat town from late May to early June that displaced nearly 5,100 people. As of August 4, more than 1,850 IDPs were sheltering in collective shelters in Ghat and Ubari districts; other IDPs were sheltering with host families near Ghat." +241258,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,23,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"As a result of COVID-19, the number of women seeking antenatal care has reduced by 21 per cent compared to 2019." +21763,9026.0,322.0,[],[],[],en,59,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,,"With support from the Cities Alliance and The World Bank, the CDS process in each of these cities has brought together public and private sector lead- ership to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the city, think strategically about opportunities for equitable economic growth, develop a long-term vision, and draft a prioritized action plan." +199352,43112.0,2311.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,78,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/el-desafio-mas-grande-es-vencer-la-irregularidad-migrante/2261,"Inicialmente, Sabogal hizo una introducción de la dura realidad que viven los migrantes y refugiados venezolanos en Colombia, agudizada por la pandemia. En tal sentido destacó una estadística de una evaluación rápida de necesidades realizada por la ONU en mayo pasado, donde se señala que el 84% de los hogares venezolanos radicados en el país reportó comer menos de tres veces al día debido a los bajos ingresos y medios de vida." +45651,15533.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,75,['Impact'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_report_areabasedassessment_aba_azzawya_jun2019.pdf,"Households in Azzawya were found to be more likely to report unmet needs in healthcare (30%) than households across Libya as a whole (23%).1 Reporting a generally poor perception of the quality of the city’s healthcare, residents highlighted specific issues such as shortages of medicines and equipment, insecurity and unqualified medical staff, which contributed to the reduction or interruption of health services." +310546,53179.0,2466.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,21,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Flash%20Update%20-%20Sudan%20-%2017%20Jan%202021_1.pdf,"About 100 community leaders from 47 gathering points were sensitized on child survival, early development and maternal health communications." +303935,51174.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,31,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.afro.who.int/sites/default/files/2021-02/South%20Sudan%20IDSR%20Bulletin%20Week%201%2C%20%20%204-%2010%20January%202021%20.pdf,"Response gap in provision of emergency shelter and non-food items (ES/NFI) has been reported in Mundri East and Mundri West where 20,000 IDPs are awaiting emergency shelter materials." +274516,50587.0,2099.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,55,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MENSUEL%20DE%20PROTECTION%20JANVIER%202021-NORD.pdf,"(Nord) La dégradation du contexte sécuritaire a engendré la fermeture de certains services très sollicités par les populations notamment les mairies, les CSPS, les commissariats et les préfectures dans les localités de Banh, de Sollé et de Koumbri qui jusqu’au mois de Janvier ne sont pas ouverts." +39375,13671.0,729.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security', 'Cross']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,91,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_libya_en_05_may.pdf,"The humanitarian situation continues to deteriorate as a direct result of the armed conflict. A DTM-IOM rapid assessment of eight conflict-affected municipalities (Abu Sliem, Hay Andalus, Janzour, Khallat Al Frujan, Salah Eddin, Qasr Bin Ghasheer, Swani Bin Adam and Tajoura) found that food security and market access have been negatively impacted in most of the assessed areas. Even in areas where markets are sometimes open, most respondents reported that they are unable to purchase most of their needed items." +493411,68136.0,2170.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,59,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/borno_state_cholera_outbreak_response_sitrep_no_5_27_09_21_0.pdf,"[26th Sept 2021, Borno State] Magumeri: (CRS and IRC): CRS conducted hygiene promotion on cholera prevention reaching 564 households in Magumeri town. Vector control activities including Clean-up campaign and Solid waste management activities was done in Ajari, Kajiri and Modu Kimeri community with 251 households reached and 81 individuals." +46580,16136.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,58,['Impact'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/echo_-nf_bud_2019_91000_v2.pdf,"At present, the budget dedicated to the health sector has sharply declined and is mostly allocated to salaries, although many staff reported that they had not been paid for months. Some basic cares, including routine immunization, are covered as part of the budget, but the release of funds is often delayed." +331945,43992.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,26,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,UNICEF funding statuts (in US$) : Total required = 13.1m$ / funds received = 6.07m$ / funding gap = 7.07m$ +149268,35869.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,84,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep18_25july2020.pdf,"As of 25 July, 23 people with COVID-19 have been identified in northwest Syria, with the first positive result recorded in Bab Al-Hawa on 9 July. Of these cases, some are in the Idleb area while the remaining are in northern Aleppo governorate. Since 9 July, five patients have recovered while other cases remain active. Contact tracing is ongoing for all positive cases and health partners are focusing on interrupting virus transmissions and reducing secondary infections." +26107,10739.0,786.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,43,['Impact'],[],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/the_americas/venezuela-has-its-electricity-back-for-now-but-its-still-on-the-verge-of-collapse/2019/03/20/1cb0060e-4986-11e9-8cfc-2c5d0999c21e_story.html?utm_term=.a236d74c7c19,"Most economists blame the country’s skyrocketing inflation and acute shortages on falling oil prices, gross mismanagement, and the far-left policies of Maduro and his predecessor, Hugo Chávez. But the U.S. sanctions are intensifying the humanitarian crisis." +238289,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,21,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In 2021, some 2.6 million children (1,593,064 boys and 1,020,946 girls) are in need of EiE assistance." +235664,47076.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,12,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,Protection continues to be a major humanitarian concern in the NWSW. +266571,49773.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,32,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_HSOS-NWS_-January-2021.pdf,"[January 2021, NWS] KIs in 81% of communities where barriers to accessing sufficient water were reported, cited the high cost of water trucking as a common challenge" +224139,45768.0,2332.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,19,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,[sur le site d'Amma] Sensibiliser les IDP sur la pandémie de COVID-19 et les mesures préventives. +353804,57860.0,2170.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,100,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.vanguardngr.com/2021/06/rise-in-prices-push-7m-additional-nigerians-into-poverty-world-bank/,"[15th Jun 2021, Nigeria] The report however, notes that despite the more favorable external environment, with recovering oil prices and growth in advanced economies, a failure to sustain and deepen reforms would threaten both macroeconomic sustainability and policy credibility, thereby limiting the government’s ability to address gaps in human and physical capital which is needed to attract private investment. Commenting, Shubham Chaudhuri, the World Bank Country Director for Nigeria, said: “Nigeria faces interlinked challenges in relation to inflation, limited job opportunities, and insecurity" +172555,40367.0,2099.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,36,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"UNICEF increased its presence by setting up field offices in Dori (Sahel region) and Kaya (Centre-Nord region), and since mid-February, in Fada N’Gourma (Est region)." +192822,43304.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,31,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Les contraintes d’accès à une nourriture suffisante, riche et variée ont conduit de nombreux ménages à recourir à des stratégies de stress ou des stratégies plus sévères." +177329,41093.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],es,35,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"El Índice de Producción Industrial (IPI) total registró en julio una variación anual de -10,8%, resultado que implica una reducción de 14,1 pps frente al mismo mes del año anterior." +325599,54815.0,2099.0,[],[],[],en,35,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"In other words, living near a road that is passable throughout the year appears to matter more for the girls’ than boys’ ability to enroll in PPS school and complete it." +390841,60791.0,1186.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,71,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Para 2019 se estimó un total de 102.036 personas extranjeras residentes en la Región de Valparaíso. Esta cifra representa un aumento absoluto de 18.475 personas y un alza relativa de 22,1% respecto a lo estimado para 2018. En 2019, la población extranjera en esa región se compuso de 55.452 hombres y 46.584 mujeres, con una relación de masculinidad de 119 hombres por cada 100 mujeres." +48112,13061.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Context->Economy'],es,57,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.derechos.org.ve/web/wp-content/uploads/MigracionLigia.pdf,"De los 738 millones de dólares esperados para 2019, 146 millones serían para las operaciones de ACNUR. Sin embargo, hasta el 25 de febrero de 2019, solo se había recaudado el 7% de lo requerido48, repitiéndose la lenta y deficiente respuesta de los Estados para hacer frente a esta crisis." +46017,15533.0,729.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,64,[],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_report_areabasedassessment_aba_azzawya_jun2019.pdf,"In 2018, changes in the median cost of the Minimum Expenditure Basket (MEB)3 over time were divided into two distinct phases by the imposition of economic reforms in mid-September 2018, which included a 183% tax on foreign currency transactions designed to narrow the gap between the official and parallel-market exchange rates for the Libyan dinar (LYD)" +188704,43183.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,28,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_268_20201024.pdf,"Ce 24/10/2020, 18 nouveaux cas confirmés de COVID-19 ont été rapportés dont 15 à Kinshasa et 3 au Sud-Kivu (Annexe 1 ; Figure 1)." +256964,48806.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,63,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_final_enquete_smart_27112019.pdf,"le déficit pondéral chez la femme est aussi présent dans sa forme sévère dans la plupart des provinces sauf dans les provinces du Ennedi Est et du Barh El Gazel. Au niveau national, les prévalences du déficit pondéral sont de 2,6%, 2,0% et 0,6% respectivement pour la globale, la forme modérée et la forme sévère." +7391,1303.0,321.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Context->Politics', 'Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Economy']",en,55,['Impact'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://www.libyaherald.com/2018/04/12/libyas-continuing-war-economy-is-making-a-functioning-state-less-likely-report/,"The 38-page report ‘‘Libya’s War Economy: Predation, Profiteering and State Weakness’’ authored by Tim Eaton, says that Libya suffers from interlinked political, security and economic crises that are weakening state institutions, damaging its economy and facilitating the continued existence of non-state armed groups." +439624,63184.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Local Integration'],en,42,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Burkina%20Faso%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%201%20May%20-%2030%20June%202021.pdf,The municipalities of Djibo and Gorgadji both in the Sahel region have the number of IDPs greater than the host populations. The municipalities of Djibo in Sahel region and Kaya in CentreNord are hosting 24 per cent of the IDPs. +270414,49943.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,208,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"La encuesta ha arrojado resultados en relación a las rutinas y dinámicas familiares, otorgando diferente peso a los niños y niñas en las tareas del hogar y cuidado. En el gráfico 17, se puede observar que ha sido mayor la proporción de niños que han aumentado las tareas del hogar (52,6%) en comparación con las niñas (47,5%). Sin embargo, es mayor la proporción de niñas que realizan igual cantidad de tareas del hogar que antes (38,7% vs 29,1%) y es menor la proporción de niñas que realizan menos tareas que antes (13,7%) en comparación con los niños (18,3%). Respecto a las tareas de cuidado, es igual la proporción de niños y niñas que indican realizar más tareas que antes (32%). Sin embargo, nuevamente es mayor la proporción de niñas que indican realizar la misma cantidad de tareas de cuidado (39,9%) en comparación con los niños (32,1%), y menor la proporción de niñas que reporta realizar menos tareas de cuidado (27,8%) en comparación con los niños (35,1%)." +173635,39908.0,1388.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20-%20Impacto%20de%20la%20COVID-19%20en%20la%20poblaci%C3%B3n%20venezolana%20-%20Costa%20Rica%2C%20Agosto%202020.pdf,"Antes de la pandemia del COVID-19, sólo 7% de los hogares consumían en promedio dos comidas al día, mientras que 93% consumían 3 comidas diarias. Ahora, 55% de los hogares consumen en promedio dos comidas al día, mientras que sólo 35% consumen tres comidas diarias." +59586,17198.0,1224.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,23,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"Smith’s Creek Health concerns include diarrhoea and malaria. There are 3 latrines, but they are not generally used." +355460,58187.0,2311.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,52,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17062021_alerta_situacion_humanitaria_inundaciones_en_el_putumayo_vf.pdf,"Es importante entregar kits de higiene, además de agua potable para que la población afectada pueda contar con ésta para su aseo personal y para la preparación de alimentos de manera higiénica, pues en Puerto Asís el desbordamiento de los afluentes afectaron el acueducto y suministro de agua potable." +159619,39079.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NIGERIA_Food_Security_Outlook_Update_August_Final.pdf,"Borno State, the epicenter of the Boko Haram insurgency, has 740 confirmed COVID-19 cases, while Adamawa and Yobe states recorded 221, and 67 cases, respectively." +325494,54815.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[Ouagadougou] In comparison with bus-based travel, motorcycles provide a clear advantage, with average travel times to nearest advanced healthcare facility (CMA or CHU) estimated at only 10 minutes, and about than 5 minutes to reach the closest CSPS." +234952,46388.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,25,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Higher prices combined with lower incomes have driven unsustainable levels of household debt and are pushing people to adopt irreversible negative livelihoods coping strategies. +489291,67674.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=247645,"[4 September 2021, Aleppo, GoS] The first regular Syrian external flight from the Armenian capital, Yerevan, arrived in Aleppo International Airport carrying 76 passengers onboard marking the return of air traffic between the two friendly countries, which has been suspended since 2011." +162985,39115.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,102,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/267_1595433556_0.pdf,"Developed dashboard for national, state and (LGA) level analysis of COVID-19 data in collaboration with partners  Daily tracking of sample collection by states to monitor case finding efforts  Activated three new laboratories - Edo Specialist Hospital, Benin, Edo; Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Teaching Hospital, Bauchi; and Indorama Company Molecular Laboratory, Rivers  Ongoing optimisation of University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital (UNTH) laboratory, Enugu State  Supported the Universal Basic Education Commission (UBEC) in the development of a draft handbook for teachers on COVID-19 prevention in schools" +244107,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],en,25,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Since the pandemic, some 66 per cent of households in these settlements had lost income and 74 per cent took on more debt." +452344,64945.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,77,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MONITORING%20PROTECTION%20DE%20JULLET%202021%20EST.pdf,"Au cours de ce mois, deux mouvements ont été enregistrés ; il s’agit d’un premier déplacement forcé de population dans la province de la Kompienga. 47 hommes, 60 femmes, et 137 enfants se sont déplacés de la commune de Madjoari pour Nadiagou dans la commune de Pama. Ce mouvement s’est produit suite à la menace des GANE qui ont exigé leur déguerpissement de la localité." +316679,52949.0,2331.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Potential socio-economic risks in 2021 continue to include an anticipated decline in livestock exports, lower labour demand a decline in external remittance flows into Somalia, and above-average imported staple food prices." +314486,52949.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Extreme climatic conditions, including repeated cycles of floods and drought increase vulnerabilities, result in loss of livelihoods and livestock, failed crops and weakened purchasing power." +314640,53183.0,2466.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"While the recent floods in the country have significantly impact access to safe drinking water, in which highly expected to raise water borne diseases, vector related illnesses." +194648,43820.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Environment'],es,43,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/guur-115.1_fsa_19112020_v3.pdf,"Las playas del Cabo de la Vela y las viviendas aledañas se anegaron como consecuencia del paso del ciclón tropical Iota. Los moradores de la zona también denuncian daños en sus casas, ante lo cual están requiriendo las debidas ayudas." +199229,43099.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,72,['At Risk'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/migrantes-se-arriesgan-a-cruzar-rio-crecido-en-la-frontera/2248,"El peligro de ser arrastrados por una fuerte corriente no fue obstáculo para un grupo de migrantes venezolanos, que este miércoles se arriesgaron a atravesar una creciente del río Táchira, para ingresar al departamento Norte de Santander, en Colombia. Esta situación se presentó exactamente en la trocha La Platanera, que une a San Antonio del T��chira con el sector La Parada, municipio Villa del Rosario." +205128,44672.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,27,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"A new 100-bed COVID-19 hospital has opened in Heart [Herat], funded by the government under direct orders of President H. E. Ashraf Ghani." +270210,50227.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],es,28,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Los casos asintomáticos reportados han mostrado decrecimiento en las últimas semanas, para la fecha el reporte de casos asintomáticos corresponde al 13% de los casos notificados" +305420,53013.0,2331.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,41,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/3c8084ae/REACH_SOM_Factsheet_Assessment-of-Hard-to-Reach-Areas_December-2020.pdf,"Protection/GBV: In 57% of assessed settlements where KIs reported unaccompanied children, community or neighbours were the main caregivers. In 59% of assessed settlements KIs reported that no kinds of special services for children were available." +146746,35870.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,57,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Technical and operational support is urgently needed to enhance further laboratory capacity across Syria to collect and ship samples as well as recruit and train surge technicians. In line with global WHO guidance, the UN in Syria emphasizes the urgent need for a rapid increase in testing to properly track and monitor a possible outbreak" +456637,58986.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],fr,113,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.lemonde.fr/afrique/article/2021/07/08/en-rdc-les-autorites-inquietes-face-a-une-troisieme-vague-dominee-par-le-variant-delta_6087597_3212.html,"Pour tenter de convaincre la population, le gouvernement a promis de diversifier son offre vaccinale. Le ministre de la santé a annoncé avoir demandé 5,9 millions de nouvelles doses, probablement Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson et Sinovac dans le cadre de Covax. Le président a promis de se faire vacciner lorsque ces nouveaux vaccins arriveront,« dans le courant de ce mois ». Des discussions bilatérales avec la Chine sont en cours pour obtenir 200 000 à 400 000 doses de Sinovac selon le ministre de la santé. Mais une campagne de communication d’envergure, annoncée depuis avril, se fait toujours attendre." +168575,40367.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,39,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"In July, the MoH, with support from UNICEF, conducted the 2nd round of polio campaign in two health districts of the Centre-Est region, vaccinating over 157,398 children (90.30 per cent of the target)" +183602,42456.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross', 'Education']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,31,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.unicef.org/wca/media/5411/file/UNICEF-WCARO-Central-Sahel-Advocacy-October-2020.pdf,"Without a legal identity, children are at greater risk for recruitment into armed groups and may not have access to education, health, and other basic social services." +248860,48079.0,2225.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,78,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/DRC_FSOU_2020_12_final.pdf,"Sources de revenus : Les ménages ayant perdu leur emploi à la suite des mesures de confinement, continueraient à faire face à un pouvoir d’achat faible et les milliers des personnes vivant du commerce informel au niveau des frontières et ne pouvant plus exercer leurs activités de façon normale se retrouveraient affectées durant la période projetée. Le confinement attendu dans les villes affecterait l’ensemble des activités, notamment le secteur informel." +300519,52762.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,68,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_087_28210321_hebdo_s12.pdf,"La semaine qui prend fin aura donc été marquée par une diminution du nombre de nouveaux cas confirmés de COVID-19 entre S10/2021 (n=450) et S11/2021 (n=495), une augmentation du nombre de décès par rapport à S11/2021 (n=4 vs n=17) et une augmentation du nombre des ZS actives entre S10, S11 et S12/2021, respectivement n=50, n=53 et n=56." +164397,38902.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,21,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"Expansion of support to ELN by actors in Venezuela, thus strengthening ELN along the border between Colombia and Venezuela." +178250,41756.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,33,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Dès lors, les conflits continuent de limiter l’accès des populations à leurs moyens d’existence, perturbant la disponibilité des biens alimentaires et la conduite des activités agro-pastorales." +327706,54980.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,144,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/04/not-finding-jobs-aleppos-young-men-are-joining-local-and-iranian-militias/,"[21 APR, Overall Syria] To escape unemployment and security pressures, young Allepian males are left no other choice but to join informal military groups, either the al-Qatirji units or Iranian-backed militias. Informal armed groups in Aleppo offer lucrative military pay and other privileges to promote their activities within the local community and attract the larger number possible of recruits. Besides a salary of 70 USD, recruits of the Qatirji forces are granted security cards that guarantee them free mobility, navigating streets overseen by regime forces’ checkpoints, and protect them from potential arrest. These cards do not only protect recruits but also make their daily life a bit easier; for instance, they do not have to stand in lines for bread or fuel, now a familiar sight across Syria." +236408,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,58,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"UN Women Gender Alerts and the UN Women/ IRC KAP survey further highlight that the needs of IDP and cross-border returnee women are particularly high, with reports of denial of access to life-saving services and discrimination affecting those already living in vulnerable situations, such as older women, and women and girls living with disabilities." +355475,58185.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'WASH', 'Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],es,74,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/10062021_alerta_de_situacion_por_inundaciones_en_arauca_vf.pdf,"Cerca de 877 personas pertenecientes a 3 comunidades indígenas tuvieron que salir de sus territorios a causa de la inundación. En Tame se afectaron 480 personas (57 familias) del resguardo indígena Caño Claro (etnia Makaguan), 300 personas (65 familias) del resguardo Cabañas Puyeros (etnia Makaguan), y en Arauquita, 97 personas (24 familias) del resguardo Cajaros (etnia Sikuani)." +163099,37820.0,2098.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,63,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/iom_rohingya_crisis_response_-_external_sitrep_-_july_2020.pdf,"IOM donated sports equipment to 35 schools in Teknaf. The donated items will support youth development through sports involvement and extracurricular activities. Considering the restrictions on the movement and need to practice social distancing, after opening the schools, the school committee will determine the appropriate time to integrate use of the sports items once having received Government approval." +177369,41093.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,66,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Para el mes de agosto, el índice de Precios del Productor (IPP) registró un incremento anual de 0,3%, mientras que un año atrás esta variación fue de 5,0%. Dentro de los componentes del IPP, el único componente que disminuyó fue el grupo de producidos, con una variación anual de -0,2 pps frente a agosto de 2019." +359317,58669.0,2311.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection', 'Health']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,71,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/informe_de_emergencias_humanitarias_reportadas_elc_enero_mayo_2021.pdf,"IMPACTO REGIONAL: CÓRDOBA 294 Una misión interinstitucional confirmó el desplazamiento y posterior confinamiento de la comunidad indígena de Zabaleta (Tierralta), causado por las constantes operaciones militares que tuvieron lugar dentro del resguardo indígena. Adicionalmente, la población desplazada desde finales de abril (aprox 1,493 personas) continúa desplazada en el parque central de Montería con necesidades intersectoriales severas en alojamiento, salud, protección." +305752,51572.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,34,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"There is need for a security guard and a cleaner at all the nutrition sites [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +81781,22495.0,1231.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,172,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,https://acento.com.do/2019/actualidad/8762434-sinfonica-binacional-dominico-venezolana-por-inclusion-e-integracion/,"EXCERPT Estas iniciativas son posibles gracias al apoyo financiero de la Oficina de Población Refugiados y Migraciones, del Departamento de Estado de los Estados Unidos (PRM por sus siglas en inglés). OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENT Context Environment Security Socio-cultural Economic Political Legal or normative framework Demographics Event/Shock Type and characteristics Aggravating factors Pre-existing vulnerabilities Displacement Displacement Push/pull factors Intentions Humanitarian Access Physical Constraints PIN to relief Relief to PIN Durable Solutions Resettlement Local integration Voluntary repatriation Casualties Dead Missing Injured SECTORAL INFORMATION Protection Food security Education Health Livelihoods Nutrition Shelter WASH Cross-sector IMPACT Drivers Damages & Losses Status of essential infrastructure, systems, markets and networks Number of people affected HUMANITARIAN CONDITIONS Living Standards Coping Mechanisms Physical and mental well-being Persons/groups with Specific Needs Risks & new or aggravated vulnerabilities Number of people in need and priorities Number of people at risk RESPONSE AND CAPACITIES International National and local Community Community perceived priorities CONTEXT ADDITIONAL TAGS High-level tags Overview Information gap Response gap Stakeholder Risks SAVE ENTRY Entries success" +59102,17455.0,788.0,['Cross'],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,128,[],['Displacement'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/201908-nigeria-cross-border-report.pdf,"The north-east has also borne the brunt of Boko Haram’s insurgency since 2009, and a state of emergency was declared in all three states in 2013. Part of the group pledged allegiance to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in 2015, and has since called itself Islamic State in West Africa (ISWA). At least 34,000 people have been killed in attacks and counterinsurgency operations. More than 1.9 million people were internally displaced as of January 2019, and over 230,000 have fled across the border to Cameroon, Chad and Niger.The crisis is now in its tenth year, and around 7.1 million people in the north-east are in need of humanitarian assistance." +439687,63184.0,2099.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,28,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Burkina%20Faso%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%201%20May%20-%2030%20June%202021.pdf,"As of 29 June, people have been vaccinated including 11,188 health workers, with a 28 per cent coverage rate out of the 114,200 vaccines received." +177084,41752.0,2099.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,36,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Les PDIs sont plus nombreux à affirmer que la crise de COVID-19 a aggravé les relations sociales dans leurs familles (47%) comparé aux membres de la communauté hôte (21%). +176127,41333.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,48,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_149.pdf,"Depuis le début des opérations, le laboratoire a analysé 30 285 échantillons à la recherche du SARS-CoV-2, prélevés chez 27 638 cas suspects de COVID-19. Un cumul de 6 826 cas étaient positifs, soit une proportion de cas positifs autour de 24,7%." +162660,31010.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,49,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/elclaguajira_flasupdate1_covid19.05.2020vf_0.pdf,"Comunidades indígenas de la etnia Wiwa han declarado estado de emergencia y solicitan acompañamiento y acción urgente ante la amenaza que representa la presencia de organizaciones dedicadas a la minería ilegal de oro en la zona de resguardo Wiwa, Kogui, Malayo y Arhuaco, en Dibulla." +125965,29180.0,1620.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Gap-Supply-Demand-Contraceptive-Services-Northeast-Nigeria-Report.pdf,"Case study findings indicated that short-acting contraceptive methods were widely available in Maiduguri and Jere LGAs, whereas LARC and PAC services were much less available." +236071,47122.0,2334.0,"['Education', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"In March, an estimated 5,141 persons (734 households) returned from the West, Littoral and Center regions to the NW following a State decision to close all schools in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19." +311866,53183.0,2466.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,19,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"Challenges: Influx of refugees negatively impacted food availability, affordability and have an impact in livelihood system." +322057,54521.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,81,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/post_clearance_report_narino_la_union_colombia_halo.pdf,. In the case of both direct and indirect beneficiary households there is a clear pattern of increased land use for both cultivation and grazing land once the municipality was declared as landmine free. This increase in the use of land for agriculture demonstrates the confidence that both beneficiary groups display in the cultivation of their land. This in turn will see an eventual increase in income through the sale of crops and safe space for grazing animals. +313630,53333.0,2334.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,48,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Due to the crisis, limited income generation opportunities coupled with idleness and the desire for fast cash were reported by 80% of FGDs conducted as push factors for adolescent girls to sleep with older men and/or their peers resulting in unwanted pregnancy and forced marriage." +386717,60459.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,67,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,( scenario) La dégradation de la situation sécuritaire et la réduction des opportunités en lien avec les activités génératrices de revenu dans la moitié nord et est du pays intensifieront des départs en exode vers les centres urbains et les sites d’orpaillage au sud et aussi une augmentation des migrations vers les pays voisins (Côte d’Ivoire et Ghana principalement). +325788,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,60,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"L’accès au crédit formel pour les acteurs de la chaîne de valeur agroalimentaire est limité par l’inadéquation des garanties physiques et financières et le manque de synchronisation entre les calendriers de paiement des prêts et les cycles de revenus des agriculteurs. Néanmoins, les institutions financières communautaires qui proposent des microcrédits sont relativement actives." +165501,39488.0,2098.0,"['Nutrition', 'Cross', 'Health']","['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,81,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/vitamin-campaign-rohingya-children-goes-door-door-due-covid-19,Malnutrition in children can have lasting effects if left untreated and increases the risk of dying by manifold. The damage from malnourishment to a child’s physical and cognitive development during the first two years of their life is mostly permanent. It is imperitive that the parents and caregivers in a refugee crisis are aware of these lifelong consequences to their children’s health and wellbeing while they remain in an environment where resources are limited. +340472,56371.0,2099.0,"['Nutrition', 'Education']",['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,61,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20Burkina%20Faso%20Country%20Brief%2C%20April%202021.pdf,"Education: WFP improved the food intake of schoolchildren by providing hot meals and snacks to 131,930 boys and girls and dry take-home rations to 15,501 girls (to provide a nutritional incentive for girls to attend school). Emergency and regular school feeding activities took place in in the Centre-Nord, Est, Nord, and Sahel regions." +306381,51572.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Additionally, increased presence of snakes is observed in the areas of displacement with local communities raised concerns about their health. Local hospitals do not have prepositioned anti-venom supplies available. [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]" +240459,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"People returned without a good understanding of COVID-19 mitigation measures and without the financial nest-egg they would usually have earnt overseas, leaving themselves and host communities extremely vulnerable." +307086,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,36,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,It is estimated that more than 70 per cent of newly displaced people outside Protection of Civilian sites and collective centres are unable to meet their basic household needs and will require a humanitarian intervention. +346147,56952.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,78,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20monitoreo%20enero-marzo%202021%20-%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20vers%C3%B3n%20final.pdf,"Como práctica frecuente se identificó que la Can- cillería inadmite solicitudes de refugio bajo el ar- gumento de corregir los errores que presentan, pero se ha podido constatar que las solicitudes no presentan errores y que estos requerimientos más que instar al cumplimiento de los requisitos legales para realizar la solicitud constituyen en su lugar acciones que dilatan aún más el proce- dimiento y el acceso a derechos fundamentales a los portadores del salvoconducto SC – 2" +305216,53100.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],fr,7,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/plan_de_preparation_coronavirus_cmr._version_du_10_mars_2019.pdf,Le Plan National Grippe doit être révisé +157855,38800.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,111,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GTS%20-%20HNAP%20COVID19%20Syria%20Bulletin%20R3.pdf,"Over the past three months, communities consistently report wanting more information on treatment (58%), testing (48%), and what to do if sick (46%). Though trends in information gaps are the same by AoC, communities in GoS are more likely to request information on symptoms (48%) than those in NSAG/TBAF and SDF areas. Findings by population density mirror these trends, yet those living in high-density sub-districts want information on cases (49%), while those in low-density sub-districts report needing clarity on how to identify coronavirus symptoms (46%)" +113565,32007.0,1185.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,52,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3639268,"A más de un mes de intenso trabajo, la Campaña “Ayúdanos a Ayudar”, emprendida por el Ministerio de Defensa, América Televisión, Canal N y Cáritas del Perú, logró atender a 198,930 familias vulnerables, a quienes se les entregaron canastas con alimentos y pollos." +160370,35728.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,77,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no_6_covid-19_choco_vf.pdf,"Baja capacidad de atención y protección de las instituciones departamentales y municipales a víctimas de VBG y violencia intrafamiliar, limitaciones en el acceso a derechos reproductivos, medicamentos de personas que viven con VIH y un incremento en la discriminación de población LGTBI. Se conoce sobre un caso relacionado con la expulsión del territorio de personas con diversidad de orientación sexual e identidad de género en el Bajo Baudó por parte de autoridades étnicas." +313159,53183.0,2466.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,46,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"Deployment of joint security forces to hotspot areas of Darfur, regular protection monitoring and protection by presence by protection sector actors. The Protection Sector has identified a total of 40 localities with over 200 hotspot locations, where security and police presence lack." +192803,43304.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"744 000 enfants, dont 4808 à N’Djamena vont passer sous le seuil de pauvreté monétaire, avec 7 494 qui vont basculer sous le seuil de pauvreté extrême." +221867,45410.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,98,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"[Les parties Sud des provinces administratives du BEG et du Kanem dans la Zone 5 - « agropastorale» ]: [Octobre - Janvier 2021] Un développement du petit commerce, nouvelle stratégie adoptée par de nombreux ménages très pauvres et pauvres, sera observé en vue de compenser les pertes de revenus occasionnées par la COVID-19. Ces ménages auraient une consommation alimentaire réduite d’adéquation minimale et ne pourraient s’engager dans des dépenses non alimentaires essentielles. Ils seraient en Stress (Phase 2 de l’IPC)." +150362,37702.0,2028.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,83,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"Since 23 July local authorities have issued further directives aimed at curbing the spread of COVID-19. This includes a full curfew in Jazeera Canton, Al-Hasakeh from 6 August for a period of at least two weeks, as well as bans on mass gatherings and movement restrictions between towns, cities and districts; the closure of all non-essential shops/services, all local authority departments and limits on the operating hours of nonessential medical services to four hours per day." +289342,51901.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,79,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[2nd ​March, 2021, NSAG] % of SDs with insufficient COVID-19 medical services: - Testing provision for COVID-19: 67% Lack this service, - Quarantine space for diagnosed COVID-19 cases: 73% Lack this service, - Isolation space in health centres for suspected COVID-19 cases: 69% Lack this service and - Provision of space in health facilities to monitor suspected COVID-19 cases: 67% Lack this service." +458157,64540.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"ESTATUS MIGRATORIO DE LA POBLACIÓN VENEZOLANA EN PERÚ Sin embargo, el 15.3% de los encuestados no ha optado por regularizar su estancia en Perú. De este grupo, el 10,9% tiene la calidad migratoria de turista. Asimismo, 4,3% señalan que se encuentran de forma irregular" +236347,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,25,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In the WoA Assessment, 39 per cent of displaced households reported areas in or around their home where women and girls feel unsafe." +325748,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,18,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Les fruits et légumes sont principalement des produits de jardin (Posthumus et al., 2019)." +453915,63974.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,167,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_20210630-Rapport-Protection-Trimestriel.pdf,"Le monitoring de protection mené par INTERSOS au cours du mois de mai 2021 dans la région de l’Est précisément dans les provinces du Gourma, de la Tapoa, et de la Komondjari renseigne que le problème de logement se situe à 3 niveaux. Premièrement, le logement requiert des frais de loyer à la fin du mois. Les PDI venues avec des maigres ressources ont loué des maisons dont certains rencontrent des difficultés à honorer les frais de loyer, et d’autres ne peuvent s’en procure, faute de moyens. Deuxièmement, des abris sont construits dans les zones d’accueil par les communautés et mis en vente pour quiconque disposerait de l’argent, cette alternative n’est pas aussi une issue favorable. Troisièmement, le nombre d’abris mis à la disposition des PDI par les organisations humanitaires n’est pas proportionnel au besoin sur le terrain." +178389,41756.0,2225.0,['Shelter'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,45,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Près de 3,4 millions de personnes affectées par des mouvements de population ont des besoins en abris et logements. Le fait que les déplacés vivent auprès des familles d’accueil dans une situation de promiscuité pose des risques sanitaires et de protection." +235706,46388.0,2336.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,31,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Following the closure of schools and the shift to alternative education approaches due to the pandemic, levels of engagement with remote learning approaches varied across populations and geographical areas." +161335,39528.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,23,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Formation de 33 personnes en Logistique de santé en situation COVID-19 avec l’appui technique et financier de l’OMS ; +181912,42262.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,42,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_KAP4_Covid_NWS_TK_21.10.20-2.pdf,"[October 1, NWS, adherence to preventive measures]Fifty-two percent (52%) of all respondents have face masks, although, the reported rate of wearing a face mask in different scenarios is below 30%." +2572,517.0,321.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Context->Demography'],en,136,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Libya%20Situation%20Report%20-%20End%20of%20Year%202017.pdf,"In 2017, UNICEF LCO and partners provided 30,394 children (16,607 girls) with community and school based psychosocial support and 1,393 children survivors of Gender-based Violence (726 girls) received specialized services in Janzour, Zintan, Sebha, Benghazi, Sebratha, AlZawiya, Ghat, and Ubari. In Alzintan, UNICEF LCO partner Elssafa Centre for Mental Health supported 5,456 children with gender-sensitive psychosocial support services in schools and community, treated 714 children (274 female) who suffered from behavioral problems and psychological disorders and referred 539 children with specific needs to public hospitals, institutions, and specialized centers. With the support of the Zintan Municipal Council, UNICEF LCO supported the release and reintegration of a total of 125 boys associated with armed groups." +157592,38893.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,79,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/humanitarian_collaboration_and_coordination_in_bangladesh_2nd_draft_12_july_2020_kazi_hg.pdf,"▪ Distribution of reproductive health (RH) kits and menstrual health management (MHM) kits to implementing partners, female health workers, and to those who are quarantined for prevention, screening, and treatment in affected areas, with particular attention on areas with high rates of child marriage and adolescent pregnancies. ▪ Provide PPE to midwives and HCW to mitigate the risk of spreading COVID-19 and to protect health care staff and patients" +141417,35118.0,1187.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"En relación a las afecciones crónicas propias o de familiares frente a las cuales las personas migrantes no habían podido acceder a salud, solo el 15% (62) manifestó encontrarse en tal condición." +245230,48020.0,2170.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,46,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_15_jan_2021_report.pdf,"[1st-15th Jan 2021,North east Nigeria] Supplementary feeding for children, pregnant and lactating mothers was carried out in 49% of the camps while screening and supplementary feeding for malnourished children was carried out in 45% of the IDP camps." +493583,61216.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,24,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/humanitarian-situation-overview-syria-hsos-northeast-syria-june-2021,"[June 2021, NES]In 93% of communities reportedly at least 80% of the resident population owned their shelter." +190128,43324.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,59,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irc_-_rapport_devaluation_covid-19_extreme_nord_-irc.pdf,Cette baisse des revenus s'est accompagnée d'une augmentation des prix des aliments de base en raison des perturbations commerciales dues aux contrôles aux frontières et aux restrictions de mouvement imposées pour contenir la propagation de COVID-19. Tout ceci n’a pas été sans impact sur la sécurité alimentaires et les moyens d’existence des populations concernées +169412,40506.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,41,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://lefaso.net/spip.php?article99753,"La fermeture des écoles a aussi interrompu l’accès aux services éducatifs en santé sexuelle et reproductive et a ainsi limité la communication sur la prévention des maladies, y compris les grossesses non-désirées et la contraception en général." +296810,52565.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Nutrition']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,59,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/2019/06/WFP-COUNTRY-BRIEF-CAMEROON-APRIL-2019.pdf,"In April, WFP provided food and nutrition assistance to a total of 311,701 beneficiaries (153,166 men and 158,535 women) in the Far North, North, Adamawa, East and South West regions. They received a ration of food basket consisting of rice, SuperCereal, pulses, vegetable oil, salt and sorghum." +63589,18582.0,788.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,90,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://mediacentre.christianaid.org.uk/p-stylemargin-0pxbfont-color000000-facecalibri-size3new-initiative-puts-women-at-the-heart-of-humanitarian-response-in-ni/,"Women and children are those most affected by humanitarian crises either from natural disasters or man-made conflict in Nigeria. The ten-year conflict in the north-eastern region of Africa’s most populous country has affected an estimated 7.7 million people in the three worst hit states of Borno, Adamawa and Yobe. Millions of women and girls have been left vulnerable in a crisis characterized by widespread abuses, including attacks on civilians, rape and other sexual violence, child recruitment, pillaging and forced displacement." +261609,49218.0,2311.0,['WASH'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,73,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Reporte%20de%20situaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Migrantes%20y%20refugiados%20en%20tr%C3%A1nsito%20provenientes%20de%20Venezuela%2C%20diciembre%202020_0.pdf,"Los migrantes en tránsito y en asentamientos informales en calle no tienen acceso a agua segura para consumo o aseo personal. Las fuentes de agua que encuentran en el camino provienen de arroyos naturales, no siempre de buena calidad y donaciones. Sin embargo, fuera de las grandes ciudades, el agua en Colombia no es potable. La falta de agua para consumo genera graves riesgos de deshidratación." +275902,50662.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,87,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[July- December 2020, Cox's Bazar] A camp-wise dedicated Contact Tracing (CT) network (34 supervisors and 311 volunteers) was embedded in the RIRT for the COVID-19 response. So far, 330 of 366 confirmed COVID-19 cases have been entered in the Go.Data system, including 1,294 (95%) contacts to be followed up by the CT network. Follow-up visits for 992 (77%) contacts was completed, with thirteen contacts being confirmed positive." +323020,54626.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,14,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,"1,958,550 Internally displaced children (IDPs) or refugees (OCHA March 2021)" +485135,65398.0,1185.0,[],[],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,91,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Otro factor que, indudablemente, afecta la integración de las personas migrantes en el mercado laboral es la opinión que la población autóctona tiene respecto a los impactos de la migración en las sociedades de acogida, ya que el tema laboral siempre es uno de los primeros que se menciona. Así, en una encuesta realizada por Ipsos Perú en Lima Metropolitana en abril del 2019 (Alayo Orbegozo, 2019), el 67 % de las personas considera como negativa la inmigración de ciudadanos venezolanos." +267258,49773.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_HSOS-NWS_-January-2021.pdf,"[January 2021, NWS] % of communities where COVID-19 risk indicators were reported : 7% Washing hands less frequently reported as a coping strategy for a lack of water." +305753,51572.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,55,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Provision of emergency food supplies for the population will temporarily reduce the risk for women and girls of sexual and physical abuse while in search for food and basic needs in (North) Sudan; [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +244049,46388.0,2336.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,21,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Nearly half of displaced people in hard-to-reach districts use unprotected water sources – springs, wells, rivers and streams." +341752,56493.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,97,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Ce constat est également établi par les résultats de l’enquête quantitative qui révèlent un sentiment d'impunité observé par les populations enquêtées et le manque de confiance au système judiciaire officiel. Ainsi, 32% des répondants de cette enquête ont déclaré que les populations ne sont jamais punies de la même façon pour des crimes semblables et 21% déclarent n’avoir jamais confiance dans le système judiciaire officiel. Les autorités politiques, les personnes nanties financièrement et les personnes faisant de la politique tirent profit du dysfonctionnement du système judiciaire." +235620,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Between 1 January and 13 November 2020, more than 110,500 people were impacted by natural disasters, including flooding, heavy snowfall, landslides and avalanches." +236226,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,47,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"While the impact of these changes is varied, 62 per cent of displaced households report that the head of household felt so upset or distressed that it affected their ability to work or carry out household chores over the two weeks prior to data collection." +341823,56493.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,72,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Dans les régions du sahel (68,25%), de l’Est (50,75%), du Nord (21,21%), les populations enquêtées affirment avoir connu et connaitre des victimes de menaces ou de violences. Cette tendance s’explique par le fait que ces trois (3) régions ont connu des attaques terroristes et en subissent les conséquences de l’insécurité." +323721,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Environment'],fr,86,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Malgré la forte pression exercée sur les terres cultivées et une tendance générale à la dégradation des sols (abattage des arbres, diminution de la fertilité des sols, dégradation des pâturages et érosion, réduction des jachères), dans certaines régions, on constate de réels efforts de conservation des terres et de l’eau, combinés ou non à des intrants adaptés (nouvelles semences, engrais; Rey et Winterbottom, 2015 dans Posthumus et al., 2019)." +170402,40462.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Les groupes d’auto-défense tels que les Kolweogos et les volontaires de la défense pour la patrie, font des patrouilles dans les communes rurales notamment celles de Diapangou, Tibga, Diabo, Yamba dans la province du Gourma et Botou, Kantchari, Logobou, Tansarga, Partiaga, Kantchari dans la province de la Tapoa où on constate une faible présence des forces de défense et de sécurité." +240429,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,42,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,The decline in people’s herds and persistent challenges impeding expansion of livestock held by each household combine to erode people’s capacity to re-establish their livelihoods and their ability to cope with the impact of even small-scale shocks. +178261,41756.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,60,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"La RDC connait également la pire épidémie de rougeole de son histoire, qui s’étend actuellement à l’ensemble des 26 provinces du pays, avec plus de 269 079 cas enregistrés entre janvier et mi-novembre 2019, dont 5 430 décès (soit un taux de létalité de 2 pour cent) – majoritairement des enfants.79" +22528,9106.0,729.0,['Food Security'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,26,['At Risk'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,Female-headed households are more likely to be food insecure.162 Around 17 percent of women-headed households are food insecure compared to 11 percent for male-headed household. +339502,56387.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,43,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.minsalud.gov.co/Paginas/Colombia-recibio-un-millon-de-dosis-de-vacunas-del-laboratorio-Sinovac-.aspx,"En la noche de este domingo el país recibió un nuevo lote de vacunas contra el covid-19. Se trata de un millón de dosis del laboratorio Sinovac, alcanzadas a través del acuerdo bilateral que el país logró con este laboratorio." +57270,17282.0,1186.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,74,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.dt.gob.cl/portal/1626/articles-117135_archivo_01.pdf,"Para el resguardo de los derechos laborales de los trabajadores, sin excepción, es necesaria la existencia y funcionamiento de una institucionalidad laboral, estructurado por una legislación y normas que regulan las relaciones individuales y colectivas entre empleadores y trabajadores, así como por instituciones, estructuras y órganos formales del Estado para la vigilancia del cumplimiento de las normas, que administren justicia en general y específicamente sobre materias laborales." +63878,18858.0,788.0,"['Protection', 'Cross', 'WASH']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,137,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://www.ohchr.org/EN/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=25050&LangID=E,"Most residents in Nigeria’s ballooning informal settlements, which house almost 70 per cent of the urban population, live without access to even the most basic services like running water and toilets. They lack any security of tenure, in constant fear of being evicted,” said Farha presenting a preliminary statement of her findings at the end of a 10-day visit. “Successive governments have allowed economic inequality in Nigeria to reach extreme levels, a fact that is clearly evident in the housing sector. There is an estimated housing deficit of 22 million units, and 130 million people lack access to adequate sanitation. Meanwhile, newly built luxury dwellings are springing up throughout cities – made possible often through the forced eviction of poor communities." +58885,17547.0,788.0,['Shelter'],[],['Context->Demography'],en,73,[],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Nigeria%20SITREP%20on%20NE%20Floods%2026%20August%202019.pdf,"An estimated 8,875 households (HH) have been affected by torrential rains and flash floods across Borno and Yobe states1. Heavy rains have also hit Adamawa State and the number of affected households is being assessed. • An estimated 7,347 emergency shelters and makeshift shelters have been partially damaged or destroyed, while some others were inundated in some IDP camps and host communities in Borno and Yobe States." +61456,18235.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods', 'Shelter', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"both the key informants and the very few Venezuelans with PEP interviewed for this assessment highlighted relevant shortcomings regarding its effectiveness. Venezuelan nationals holding a PEP face a range of obstacles in accessing healthcare, education and housing, as well as employment." +221185,45800.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,58,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elpais.com.co/cali/asentamiento-de-migrantes-venezolanos-a-las-afueras-del-terminal-de-fue-desalojado.html,"Al menos 89 familias, conformadas por 238 personas, en su gran mayoría migrantes venezolanos, fueron desalojados de las zonas verdes cercanas a la Terminal de Transportes, en la Avenida 2 Norte y la Calle 24. Residentes del sector manifestaron que el asentamiento se había convertido en un foco de basuras e inseguridad." +473188,67207.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,50,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.europapress.es/internacional/noticia-cerca-200-municipios-colombia-estan-riesgo-reclutamiento-menores-defensoria-20210420154812.html,"Según la Defensoría, suelen hacerlo ante la deserción, captura o pérdida de combatientes, con el fin de fortalecer su poder militar. En otros casos se ha evidenciado el ofrecimiento de dinero a las familias, amenazas contra el grupo familiar u ofertas de trabajos falsas." +169899,40360.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,69,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Le 25 août 2020, il a été constaté le déplacement du village d’Ouberé Salou vers Djibo centre. En effet situé à 4 KM du Camp du Groupement des Forces Anti-Terroristes (GFAT) le village a été sommé de se déplacer à la demande du GFAT pour des questions de sécurité. 04 personnes du village ne disposant pas de logement ont été identifiées." +314765,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,48,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"According to the JMCNA, households that live in informal settlements therefore tend to have particularly high severity scores, with 51 per cent of households identified as having a severity score that is severe or higher compared to 34 per cent of households outside of settlements." +339459,56380.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,38,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb4645es.pdf,"> Los hogares más afectados fueron aquellos que dependían principalmente de los comerciantes de transporte para la movilización de sus productos, al igual los hogares encuestados en las regiones Amazonía, Caribe, Cafetera y Pacífico." +236055,47076.0,2334.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,74,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,"WHO through its implementing partners Reach Out, CARITAS and DEMTOU humanitarian through mobile clinics consulted 8,505 persons in the NWSW. 4% of the patients reached were persons living with disabilities. The mobile clinics placed 29 IDPs on ARVs and assisted in conducting 30 deliveries. These mobile clinics are only funded by a CERF 2020 Rapid Response grant until September 2020 and require more funding to continue life-saving services." +452375,64945.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],fr,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MONITORING%20PROTECTION%20DE%20JULLET%202021%20EST.pdf,"le système de la maison d’accueil optée dans la région a absorbée la première vague de PDI dans les premiers instants de la crise. Mais par la suite, certains PDI avec un peu de moyen ont eu recours à la location de maison. Cependant, ils rencontrent des difficultés à honorer les frais de loyer d’où les fréquentes expulsions par les propriétaires." +61488,18235.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,75,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"xenephobia is on the rise in Colombia, and many of the people on the move interviewed for this assessment described how potential employers openly discriminated against them based on their nationality, saying that they would not hire Venezuelans because they steal or, in the case of women, because they are “husband-thieves”. Consequently, many Venezuelans eke out a living as as informal street vendors or garbage recyclers." +329122,53878.0,2331.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,72,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SOYDA%20Monthly%20Progressive%20Report-Feb%202021.pdf,"Already, pre-drought conditions have been recorded in Somaliland, Jubaland, Galmudug and Puntland, characterized by widely depleted berkeds and shallow wells, loss of livestock, as well as extensive critical loss of pasture.In addition, the Desert Locust infestation is expected to remain serious until at least March 2021, particularly as control measures are a challenge in the south due to limited ground and aerial access." +62529,18514.0,1386.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,111,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190328_acaps_briefing_note_venezuela_update_and_2019_outlook__0.pdf,"Distribution and access to safe water across the country is unequal and challenging, with the majority of water sources being located in the Southeastern part of the country, yet only 10% of the population is living here. The majority of the Venezuelan population lives in the rapidly urbanising North, but has only access to about 15% of water sources. As a result, households reportedly resort to stockpiling water, leading to potential unsafe consumption, and increasing the risk of waterborne diseases (IFRC 05/03/2019). The implications are particularly serious for the health sector.(CHE Health 09/2018)." +323026,54626.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,17,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,"There were over 116,000 Somalis were displaced by water shortages between October 2020 and March 2021." +389910,60915.0,2170.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,88,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.brookings.edu/blog/education-plus-development/2021/07/27/education-in-emergency-in-nigeria-creating-gender-equitable-policies-so-all-girls-have-an-uninterrupted-right-to-learn/,"[27th July 2021,Nigeria] At the start of 2020, 935 schools in Northeast Nigeria were closed as a result of attacks and conflict. Indeed, schools are among the worst institutional casualties of complex disasters, as is evident from the COVID-19 pandemic, the Boko Haram insurgency, and several attacks on communities in Nigeria, which have all compounded the problems many girls face in consistently accessing schooling. This calls for improved responses for education during emergencies in Nigeria." +217434,45653.0,2333.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Environment']",en,95,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://docs.wfp.org/api/documents/WFP-0000114546/download/?_ga=2.153594736.918642439.1605111758-1773529422.1605111758,"Floods caused by heavy seasonal rains, which began in June, affected over 211 000 people, destroying crops and livestock. In the last week of August, water levels of the Niger basin reached their highest levels since 2012 and overflow from dams in Burkina Faso and Mali contributed to the surging waters. The hardest hit regions were Zinder, Maradi and Agadez (OCHA, September 2019). In the Diffa region, heavy floods in October on irrigated pepper and rice crops damaged livelihoods and food availability." +41573,14572.0,729.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,35,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.libyaobserver.ly/news/libyan-air-force-destroys-russian-air-defense-system-used-haftars-forces,Joint operations room of western Libya said its forces had destroyed four air defense systems (Pantsir S-1) used by Khalifa Haftar's forces and three ammunition vehicles in airstrikes on last Tuesday. +236125,47122.0,2334.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,30,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"YDC constructed one block of institutional latrines (4 stances) for 200 schoolchildren at a school located at Unity Quarter in Limbe (Fako division, SW)." +310039,51467.0,2335.0,['WASH'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,40,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Household latrine coverage in refugee camps and settlements stand at 30.36 per cent at an average of 16 refugees per drop hole. However, support for critical WASH needs continued to be needed in refugee and host communities." +125327,32724.0,1620.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,30,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ca5464en.pdf,"The livestock sector, poorly productive because of lack of finance, is unable to satisfy the demand for animal source foods of the population of 400 million people." +286645,51586.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,60,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_19_november_2020_final.pdf,"The socio-economic impacts of COVID-19 are translating into a dramatic impact on food insecurity with levels now similar to those seen during the 2018 drought. An estimated 16.9 million people are in crisis or emergency food insecurity through until March 2021, 5.5 million of whom are in ‘emergency’ level food insecurity (IPC 4)." +144202,35186.0,1187.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",[],[],en,68,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3657214,"Despite the challenging context, he showed that he did not believe in the false dilemma of choosing between health or the economy. He was convinced that saving lives was the more immediate imperative, so he led a decisive strategy to contain the pandemic while preparing the health system, scaling up testing and tracing, and extending social protection measures to reduce socioeconomic hardship." +115498,31694.0,1898.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UN_Situation%20Report%2011_COVID19_del%2003%20al%2015%20JUN_2020.pdf,Salud Necesidades: • Equipamiento para la atención de pacientes en condición grave y críticos en el país. • Insumos para la atención en salud de 9.278 en albergues temporales. • Equipamiento e insumos (insecticidas y rodenticidas) para campaña nacional de prevención de enfermedades trasmitidas por vectores +130339,30998.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,13,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Reporte%20Situacional%20Local%2C%20GIFMM%20Arauca%20%28Febrero%202020%29.pdf,18.058 VENEZOLANOS SALIERON DEL PAÍS POR EL PUENTE INTERNACIONAL JOSÉ ANTONIO PÁEZ. +299251,52086.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Logistics', 'Food Security', 'WASH']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,102,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[25th March, 2021, Overall Syria] The demand for electricity networks is highest in north-west Syria (82 percent), while the need for health facilities is most reported in north-east Syria (69 percent), where health facilities are the top regional infrastructure need. Similarly, in central and south Syria, the demand for bakeries is the second infrastructure need and is highest regionally (55 percent). Water supply networks are the second most pressing infrastructure need in north Syria (52 percent), where this need is highest regionally." +458127,64540.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Consultados por sus condiciones de trabajo, el 83% de los inmigrantes y refugiados venezolanos encuestados manifestó recibir al menos un “derecho laboral”. La mayoría (53%) señaló que recibe su remuneración puntualmente. El 27% manifestó tener derecho a un descanso semanal remunerado. Pero apenas el 2% afirmó contar con un seguro de salud." +196708,43328.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,49,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_smart_rapid_pdi_2020_bfa_final.pdf,Renforcer les capacités des acteurs du « Cluster Nutrition » en mettant l’accent sur les stratégies innovantes en matière d’interventions communautaires afin de réduire l’incidence de la malnutrition dans les localités abritant les populations déplacées. [Au Ministère de la santé] +226836,46454.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,47,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2022_23Dec2020_FINAL.pdf,"[23rd December, Abu Zendin] ]Abu Zendin in Aleppo remains closed, although reports indicate in practice, crossings do occur, including critical medevacs. Ghazawiyet Afrin and Deir Ballut in Aleppo are open for commercial, military, and humanitarian cargo movement" +315420,54309.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,34,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Colombia_Evaluacion_Rapida_ECNI_Arauca_ESP.pdf,"• Además de la situación de seguridad, los equipos de recolección de los datos mencionaron que niños, niñas y adolescentes están en riesgo debido a la proximidad de vías de carros." +240454,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,27,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,The under-developed health system and high rates of underlying health conditions have left the people of Afghanistan worryingly vulnerable to getting sick or dying from COVID-19. +164395,38902.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",[],[],en,54,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"The capacity of state security forces to respond to increased conflict is likely reduced by the COVID-19 crisis. As security forces are deployed to enforce the national quarantine and increase controls at the borders, their resources to respond to an escalation of armed conflict are likely reduced. (FIP 2020)" +133677,35117.0,1187.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,74,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Estas ansiedades, angustias y duelos por lo perdido son tramitados a través del cuerpo si no hay “capacidad “de elaboración, que los expone a síntomas físicos y psíquicos, como así también y/o agravamiento de enfermedades pre- existentes. Por lo cual, síntomas como presión alta, afecciones dérmicas producto del estrés, depresión o ansiedad y otras, son manifestaciones de la alteración de la salud mental." +159107,37975.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,16,['Capacities & Response'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_ndeg112.pdf,Poursuite de la prise en charge des cas hospitalisés et suivi des cas confirmés à domicile +325109,54815.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Functioning CSPSs (Centres de Santé et de Promotion Sociale) are found in 17 percent of all localities across the country, and in 4 percent of localities, CSPSs are under construction or are planned." +81776,22495.0,1231.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",es,95,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,https://acento.com.do/2019/actualidad/8762434-sinfonica-binacional-dominico-venezolana-por-inclusion-e-integracion/,"La filosofía y la metodología del Sistema Nacional de Orquestas y Coros Juveniles e infantiles de Venezuela, de donde provenimos la mayor parte de los músicos que hoy conformamos esta orquesta, es y ha sido siempre la inclusión, la integración y esta orquesta es una muestra de que si se puede… tenemos músicos de los más variadas edades, orígenes y experiencias”, explica Javier Abi Harb, quien se encargó además de mostrar la versatilidad de su orquesta con un programa que hizo emocionar al público hasta las lágrimas." +200606,44433.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,42,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Earlier this year there were an estimated 22,350 Venezuelan children in Cúcuta and 361,433 across Colombia OOS.5 They are now joined by the more than 9 million school-aged children who are OOS indefinitely because of school closures prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic" +327291,54982.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,116,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/04/changes-in-eating-habits-ramadan-does-not-taste-the-same-in-syria/,"[17 APR, Overall Syria] Based in Homs, Khaled Wahoud, the head of an 8-member-family, has two jobs. He is a government employee by day and a taxi driver by night, with a monthly salary of 56,000 Syrian pounds (17.5 USD). His sons also work; they have picked all sorts of odd jobs to help him. At the end of the day, all they can get is bare necessities. “These are difficult times! Even though we are working day and night, we can barely afford basic family needs; sometimes not all the needs,” Wahoud said." +147697,35158.0,2028.0,['Education'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,91,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"The emergence of COVID-19 and the need for remote learning has added an additional layer of complexity to the education system, with a risk that some children, particularly the most vulnerable, will not come back once schools reopen. Refugee and stateless children, adolescents and youth, as well as those from internally displaced and returnee communities, are at great risk of exclusion and miss out on distance/homebased education, in particular children with disabilities and children from families challenged by extreme vulnerabilities, including poverty" +271066,47809.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_7.pdf,"A semana epidemiológica 07, 17 municipios se encuentran en situación de brote; los que más reportan casos son: Bajo Baudó (Chocó), El Charco (Nariño), Cumaribo (Vichada) (" +190519,31255.0,1899.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,67,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LACRO_COVID-19_Regional_Sitrep_4_June_5.pdf,Guatemala: The GBV Protection Group is promoting comprehensive approach to identify the needs and actions to support women and adolescent girls throughout different clusters with the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) promoting youth meeting spaces addressing the challenges they face to continue their studies; with UN Women monitoring the provision of essential services for survivors of VAW. +236872,47076.0,2334.0,['Shelter'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,24,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,IOM in its response to vulnerable IDP households in self settled situations assisted 743 individuals with both shelter and NFIs in Momo Division. +188235,40860.0,1899.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Shelter']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,157,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200922_OCHA_GUATEMALA%20HRP%20COVID-19%20ESPAN%CC%83OL.pdf,"Las personas privadas de libertad, detenidas o recluidas en otras instalaciones cerradas, con especial preocupación para las mujeres privadas de libertad que viven con sus hijos e hijas. La Alta Comisionada de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos ha manifestado que, “el COVID-19 ha empezado a propagarse en las prisiones, las cárceles y los centros de detención de migrantes, así como en hospicios y hospitales psiquiátricos, y existe el riesgo de que arrase con las personas recluidas en esas instituciones, que se encuentran en situación de extrema vulnerabilidad”9. En este sentido, en junio la tasa de hacinamiento en el sistema penitenciario era del 300% según la Dirección General del Sistema Penitenciario (DGSP)10. Hasta principios de julio, se reportaron 11 personas fallecidas y 113 contagios entre personas privadas de libertad11, y al menos 57 agentes penitenciarios." +187944,43372.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,53,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.acu-sy.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/COVID-19-Surveillance_NWS_EWARN_Daily-Sitrep_-135.pdf,[7 Nov 2020] [NWS] New cases: 249 | Total cases: 8388 | New tests: 665 | Total tests: 33378 | New recoveries: 59 | Total recoveries: 3099 | Total active cases: 5206 | New deaths: 5 | Total deaths: 69 +66705,19425.0,1184.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Humanitarian Access->Population To Relief'],es,348,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Humanitarian Access'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71649.pdf,"LIMITADOS SERVICIOS DE CALIDAD ESPECIALIZADOS EN VBG Las principales barreras estructurales para la búsqueda de atención incluyen la falta/insuficiencia de servicios especializados de salud para sobrevivientes de VBG y la limitada capacitación de las(os) proveedores de servicios. También resalta la falta de atención y apoyo de calidad debido a los retrasos en la prestación del servicio y la falta de protocolos adecuados. El 33% de las personas encuestadas, opina que el personal médico no tiene una adecuada formación para el manejo clínico de la violencia sexual. La prescripción del KIT de Profilaxis post-exposición (PEP kits1) a personas sobrevivientes de violencia sexual debe realizarse dentro de las 72 horas siguientes a la agresión, y de esta manera reducir la probabilidad de infección por el VIH. El tiempo que transcurre entre la agresión y la valoración médica determina el tratamiento a seguir con la persona sobreviviente (PEP kit, anticoncepción de emergencia, entre otros). En lo referente al PEP kit para sobrevivientes de VBG, solo un 13% de las(os) profesionales humanitarios encuestados reconoce la disponibilidad del PEP kit en su totalidad y un 47% afirma que cuando se dispone de PEP kit, no se encuentran todos los elementos que debe contener este kit. Finalmente, se identificó una brecha notable en la disponibilidad de servicios de apoyo psicosocial para sobrevivientes de VBG en todos los tipos de proveedores y fuentes de apoyo ya que solo un 47% del personal profesional humanitario encuestado conoce de la existencia de servicios psicológicos para atender casos de VBG, con énfasis en la violencia sexual. Muchos/as sobrevivientes experimentan efectos psicológicos y sociales duraderos, aunque el impacto de la VBG puede variar de persona a persona. Los servicios psicosociales de calidad, centrados en los/as sobrevivientes, son imprescindibles en la respuesta porque fortalecen la resiliencia individual y comunitaria y apoyan mecanismos de superación positivos con aportes de familiares, amigos y miembros de la comunidad." +341439,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,115,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Aussi, pouvons-nous dire que l’établissement d’un chef au sein des communautés mossé résidentes dans les zones du Sud-Ouest et de l’Ouest est considéré comme un affront envers les populations accueillantes, une tentative de mépris et de désaveu de l’organisation sociale et sociétale des communautés d’accueil. Les normes et prescriptions sociales sont le plus souvent bafouées par les étrangers. Ces faits cités sont des facteurs déclencheurs des violences intercommunautaires. Les visions communautaristes du milieu rural sont des ferments de la manifestation cyclique de la violence intercommunautaire. Par le caractère conflictuel du tissu social rural, elles créent des frustrations." +147106,36461.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,28,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77428.pdf,"In Syria, Sayeda Zainab, rural Damascus, an area which was locked down for about a month due to COVID-19, refugee needs remain high." +235624,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,42,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Ongoing conflict, recurrent natural disasters, chronic under-investment in durable solutions, particularly in remote or contested areas, and more recently the need to shift humanitarian funding to the pandemic response, have further reduced access to critical services." +61315,18235.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Context->Security & Stability', 'Casualties->Injured', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",en,69,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Shock/Event', 'Casualties']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"Key informants in Cúcuta explained that the different armed actors present in the border area are now fighting for territorial control – which would allow them to profit from irregular migration. On several occasions over the first six months of 2019 violent confrontations between these groups have occurred, including several shootings and the launch of a hand grenade on May 30 which left several Venezuelans wounded." +325667,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Context->Environment', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",fr,100,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"(Hauts-Bassins, Boucle du Mouhoun) Le développement économique de la vallée et les investissements publics considérables réalisés depuis les années 1970 n’ont pas été à la hauteur de la situation, mais ils ont largement épuisé les ressources naturelles, malgré certains efforts pour atténuer les retombées négatives tant environnementales que sociales. L’expérience du Sourou met en évidence les liens entre la transformation agricole et la conservation, ou la dégradation, des biens et services environnementaux, y compris l’adaptation et la résilience face au changement climatique et aux chocs" +161307,39528.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,95,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"A la date du 14 juillet 2020, selon le rapport reçu du Ministère de la santé, 99 formations sanitaires, soit 9% des formations sanitaires de cinq des six régions affectées par l’insécurité sont fermées, privant plus de 1,3 million des personnes d’accès aux soins suite à ce dysfonctionnement et 201 autres formations sanitaires, soit 19% fonctionnent a minima. A cela s’ajoute les 174 formations sanitaires qui ont accueilli les PDIs dans leurs aires de santé respectives (Tableau 3)." +309775,51467.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Health', 'Education']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,53,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"According to the findings of an assessment on people’s priority needs conducted in 2020, health was among the second-most identified need for women after food assistance. For children, health was the second-most identified need, after education. For men, health was the third-most identified need." +241338,46388.0,2336.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health', 'Food Security']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,35,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Women are likely to eat last, leaving less nutritious scraps for them and further reducing their food intake. This increases the risk of malnutrition for them and their babies, if pregnant." +240332,47410.0,2311.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,55,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://repositorio.gestiondelriesgo.gov.co/bitstream/handle/20.500.11762/32312/2021_01_18_BP011.pdf?sequence=4&isAllowed=y,"Este proceso de limpieza y adecuación de playas hace parte de uno de los primeros pasos del ‘Plan 100’ para la reactivación del turismo en Providencia, y con él la economía de la isla, debido a que este sector es una de sus principales fuentes de ingresos para sus habitantes." +264288,48806.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,53,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_final_enquete_smart_27112019.pdf,"Au niveau national 8,8% des enfants ont été allaités exclusivement. Ces résultats présentent des disparités entre province. La prévalence la plus élevée a été observée dans le Barh El Ghazel (27,3%) et la plus faible dans la province du Mayo Kebi Est (0,0%)." +135782,35301.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Education', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,57,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"With the global spread of COVID-19, a new the focus area developed around UNICEF’s response to the pandemic, including provision of hygiene supplies, awareness-raising on precautionary measures against the virus, the promotion of safe physical distancing and psychosocial and education support for children forced to stay home due to restrictions." +61756,18350.0,1184.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,9,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71151.pdf,• 5.026 personas asistidas con transferencias de efectivo multipropósito +212088,45203.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,77,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://fews.net/west-africa/cameroon/food-security-outlook/june-2020,"Current demand for staple food among poor households is also at its highest due to seasonal depletion of household food stocks. After three consecutive years of poor harvests, households in English-speaking regions began depleting their stocks earlier than usual. Poor households began buying food in November, just four months after the start of the harvest. By contrast, in conflict-free years, this gap is typically between 8 and 11 months." +63177,18642.0,1386.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],es,97,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://transparencia.org.ve/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/EPE-II-Sector-Agua.pdf,"los racionamientos constantes en muchas zonas de las ciudades principales del país, y quizás más grave aún, en pequeñas poblaciones cuyos sistemas no reciben atención. Esta discontinuidad del servicio impide que el agua llegue en condición potable al usuario, ya que no se conserva el residual del desinfectante (cloro), debido a la condición interna de los tubos (sedimento, incrustaciones) y la necesidad de alma- cenamiento, caso atípico en América Latina. En Venezuela, en las grandes urbes la discontinuidad del servicio es una regla." +63628,18631.0,788.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH']",[],[],en,36,[],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_floodoverview_13092019.pdf,A total of 244 Temporary Learning Spaces (TLS ) have been destroyed/damaged in floods/winds including school equipment. • Over 220 latrines in different schools in IDP camps have been destroyed/damaged by the floods. +386747,60459.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,71,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"En fin avril, 32 pour cent des formations sanitaires de la région demeuraient fermés et 66 pour cent autres fonctionnaient à minima du fait de l’insécurité. Cela limite l’accès des populations à des soins de santé adéquats. Déjà en octobre 2020, les résultats de l’enquête SMART indiquaient une MAG de 15,1 pour cent à l’échelle de la région." +306379,51572.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,18,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,Most of the drugs are available in the hospital and provided free of charge to the IDPs. +159567,39148.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,70,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_july2020_ne_nigeria.pdf,"RHHF/UNFPA donated COVID-19 PPE and commodities to the OSC and SRH units of General Hospital Potiskum and General Hospital Mubi, in Yobe and Adamawa States respectively. The items donated include mechanized hand washing spots, Hazmat suits, N95 face masks, sterile gloves, sterile face masks, re-washable face masks, alcohol-based hand sanitizers, family planning commodities, RH Kits and malaria test kits." +163164,37820.0,2098.0,"['Cross', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,65,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/iom_rohingya_crisis_response_-_external_sitrep_-_july_2020.pdf,"COVID-19 Isolation Hospital: At the COVID -19 ITC in camp 20 Ext, SMEP teams completed slope stabilization for a 4,750 sqm hillside near the hospital, as well as 235 sqm of drainage installation. Additionally, SMEP installed 37 sqm of RCC masonry guide wall and carried out 450 sqm of entry road and pathway installation for vehicle and human access." +224144,45768.0,2332.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,15,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,Prévoir la construction de 120 latrines d’urgences [a Diamerom et Amma] +61715,18346.0,1184.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,142,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71003.pdf,"Se realizaron actividades de incidencia con el sector público y privado para la formación y capacitación profesional, en los cuales han participado refugiados y migrantes venezolanos. En este sentido, se entregó becas de capacitación en diferentes ámbitos profesionales, se realizó talleres con el Servicio Ecuatoriano de Capacitación Profesional (SECAP) para acceder a procesos de Certificación por Competencias Laborales para población venezolana, las cuales son registradas en la Secretaría Nacional de Educación Superior, Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (SENESCYT). El trabajo con esta institución ha permitido acercamientos para firma de un Convenio con SECAP que permitirá generar mayores oportunidades de empleo y estabilidad laboral. El acercamiento con el sector privado ha permitido determinar los perfiles profesionales requeridos por los empleadores, a fin de ajustarlos a refugiados y migrantes venezolanos." +325396,54815.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,The responses indicate that availability of transportation is the main constraint or among the main constraints for nearly two-thirds of the respondents (on a basis of 817 respondents) . +20773,8434.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,62,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/refugees-returned-overcrowded-libyan-detention-centres,"Detention centres in Tripoli are also seeing an increase in population. Nearly all detention centres are poorly insulated against the winter weather, resulting in increased illnesses associated with prolonged cold weather exposure. In one detention centre in the capital, MSF medical teams have observed signs of unhealthy weight loss among detainees due to an insufficient food supply." +498737,60095.0,1187.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,71,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RMRP%202021%20Plan%20de%20respuesta%20regional%20para%20refugiados%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%2C%20enero%20-%20diciembre%202021.pdf,"Las dificultades de acceso a mecanismos de solicitud de protección internacional, regularización del estatus y/o documentación agravan los obstáculos legales y/u operativos a los que se enfrentan los grupos con necesidades específicas de protección. Entre ellos se encuentran las mujeres embarazadas o en riesgo de abuso y/o trata, la infancia, las personas con enfermedades crónicas o discapacidades físicas, las personas adultas mayores o la población LGBTQI+" +472949,63777.0,2099.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,L’accroissement de la population à Sampelga et à Sebba a occasionné un manque de latrines. MSF et la Croix-Rouge Burkina ont réalisé des latrines au site PDI de Sebba. Mais l’utilisation de ces infrastructures ne sont pas dans les habitudes de certaines communautés. +391311,61129.0,1186.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],es,24,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.biobiochile.cl/noticias/nacional/chile/2021/01/29/desproteccion-y-problemas-de-integracion-las-consecuencias-de-la-inmigracion-ilegal.shtml,"Surgimiento de carpas y viviendas improvisadas ocupadas por personas inmigrantes genera preocupación en municipios, gobierno central y asociaciones de inmigrantes en Chile." +418809,64000.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Si bien la implementación de la visa humanitaria ha disminuido sustancialmente las entradas a través de los puntos de control fronterizos oficiales, muchas personas venezolanas aún ingresan al país de manera irregular, lo cual aumenta la vulnerabilidad de este grupo, ya que podrían ser víctimas de la trata de personas (Freier y Luzes en prensa; Seele y Bolter 2020)" +438345,64539.0,1185.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,20,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,Alrededor de uno de cada tres estudiantes venezolanas/ os manifestó haber sufrido acoso escolar o bullying (31.1%) +324583,54934.0,2334.0,[],[],[],en,10,[],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/IOM_ETT_E-N_21%20PoucheMora%20massif%20et%20Massare%202.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10098,"BESOINS PRIORITAIRES: VIVRES, ARTICLES NON ALIMENTAIRES, ABRIS" +62534,18514.0,1386.0,"['Livelihoods', 'Cross', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",['Context->Economy'],en,119,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190328_acaps_briefing_note_venezuela_update_and_2019_outlook__0.pdf,"Drought In 2016, Venezuela was affected by a drought induced by an El Nino episode, the worst in almost 50 years. Levels at the Guri hydroelectric dam, which generates over 80% of the country’s electricity, dramatically dropped, prompting the government to ration water and reduce electricity consumption. This has led to blackouts in six western states, and has increased the number of people living in situations of poverty and extreme poverty (IFRC 05/03/2019). In addition, according to the FEDENAGA (Federacion Nacional de Ganaderos), over 51,000 heads of cattle died as a result of the drought (CHE Agua 10/2018)." +178237,41756.0,2225.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,75,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Aux retournés à l’intérieur du pays, s’ajoutent entre 350 000 et 450 000 migrants congolais qui travaillaient principalement dans les mines en Angola et ont été expulsés par le Gouvernement d’Angola entre octobre 2018 et mars 2019.Ils ont majoritairement retrouvé leurs familles et leurs zones d’origine mais leur retour a ajouté au stress que subissaient les communautés hôtes, se reconstruisant après le conflit. 56" +314817,52949.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,47,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,Women aged 15-49 reported numerous challenges in accessing healthcare during pregnancy and child delivery: 65 per cent reported lack of money; 62 per cent reported the distance to health facilities; and 42 per cent reported the need to obtain permission to access services. +175378,41212.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://lefaso.net/spip.php?article99956,"Au total 661 patients sont encore sous traitement. Depuis le 9 mars 2020, date de la découverte des premiers cas, le Burkina compte 2305 cas confirmés dont 776 femmes et 1529 hommes." +411862,63817.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,23,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/An%20update%20of%20Cholera%20outbreak%20in%20Nigeria_060821_32.pdf,"[9th- 15th Aug 2021, Nigeria] Case Management & IPC: Provided technical support and response commodities to affected states." +234214,46381.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,100,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Moreover, the survey findings reveal that 2.6% of participants 18 years old or above were IgM positive (current infection). Southeast region had the highest proportion of IgM positive (7%), followed by Central region (4.3%), Northeast region (4%), Western region (3.4%), Kabul region (2.7%), Eastern region (2.5%), Southern region 1.6% and Northern region (1.4%) and it was lowest in the Central highland region (0.9%)." +205536,44672.0,2336.0,['Cross'],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,21,[],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"By end-June, the authorities announced the resumption of domestic and international flights and exports to Europe via the air corridors" +183679,42215.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,124,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/health-experts-conduct-9th-review-who-emergency-response-north-east-nigeria,"[30th Oct 2020, North East Nigeria]Borno state Honourable Health Commissioner, Dr. Salihu Kwayabura revealed that the health sector has been the worst hit by the eleven-year-old insurgency in northeast Nigeria. ""From the inception of the insurgency, over 300 PHC facilities have been destroyed completely at the time when the government has refocused on revitalizing primary healthcare delivery across the states and over 50% of the secondary health facilities destroyed with healthcare workers attacked, all which have worsened the health indices in an environment that was hitherto grappling with very high infant and maternal mortality rate, low under-five survivor, malnutrition, communicable diseases, chronic ailments and a host of others.""" +489851,67830.0,2170.0,['Cross'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,64,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rc_report_august_2021.pdf,"[1st Aug 2021, BAY states] CAMP COORD. AND CAMP MANAGEMENT: CCCM services includes registration, sensitization, sanitation, shelter allocation, service/intervention advocacy, coordination meetings, referrals and complaints and feedback mechanism. There is a need to expand the reception centres in Pulka, Bama and Banki to accomodate the increasing number of new arrivals." +439834,64945.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MONITORING%20PROTECTION%20DE%20JULLET%202021%20EST.pdf,"Au cours du mois de juillet 2021, la région de l’Est a connu une accalmie temporaire, mais qui a vite fait place à des incidents sécuritaires, donnant lieu à des violations de droits humains dans la majorité des provinces." +114472,31694.0,1898.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],"['Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead', 'Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics']",es,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Shock/Event', 'Casualties']",UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UN_Situation%20Report%2011_COVID19_del%2003%20al%2015%20JUN_2020.pdf,"• Casos totales: Se reportan 3.941 casos confirmados de los cuales 2.041 son recuperados (52%), 1.824 activos (46%) y 76 son los fallecidos (2%). • El 96% de los casos son locales y el 4% son importados" +314766,52949.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,108,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"In addition to IDPs residing in informal settlements, of particular concern are the severe conditions and risks faced by some of the most vulnerable groups among the IDP population; these groups include women, children, minorities, persons with disabilities, persons without any clan affiliation, child and femaleheaded households, survivors of violence, abuse and exploitation (particularly children), or elderly persons without support structures. They are often at higher risk of forced evictions, discrimination based on status, child rights violations and child labour, family separations and GBV, such as rape and sexual assault." +256958,48806.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_final_enquete_smart_27112019.pdf,"Les résultats de l’enquête ont révélé une prévalence de l’insuffisance pondérale (IP) au plan national de 24,0% dont 7,9% de forme sévère." +183610,42456.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,18,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.unicef.org/wca/media/5411/file/UNICEF-WCARO-Central-Sahel-Advocacy-October-2020.pdf,"In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic is severely impacting health services for mothers, newborns and children." +169506,40367.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,60,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"The 2020 examination sessions, namely the CEP (Certificat d'Études Primaires), the BEPC (Brevet d'Études du Premier Cycle du second degré), the CAP (Certificat d'Aptitude Professionnelle) and the BEP (Brevet d'Études Professionnelles, i.e. the secondary school and vocational education diploma) took place from 14 to 28 July." +285963,51487.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,104,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no1_desplazamientos_en_buenaventura.pdf,"Por otra parte, se requiere garantizar la protección a los niños, niñas y adolescentes porque se encuentran en mayor riesgo de reclutamiento, acoso sexual, desaparición forzada y uso y utilización en economías ilegales por parte de estos GDO, para servir como informantes o “campaneros” y de esta manera conocer los movimientos de la fuerza pública, la comunidad o bandos enemigos. También es necesario brindar asesoría jurídica a las mujeres víctimas de violencia doméstica y comunitaria debido a que se han incrementado los casos de este tipo de violencia generando los altos niveles de estrés." +317227,53333.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,64,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"There is need for intergenerational dialogues involving especially boys, men and local traditional and religious leadership to tackle negative attitudes towards girls` challenges, and perceived social norms that cause girls to drop out of school, and to provide an impetus for adolescent girls to return to school, formal and non-formal even if they are pregnant/married/ or have babies." +274531,50587.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,94,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MENSUEL%20DE%20PROTECTION%20JANVIER%202021-NORD.pdf,"L’accès aux vivres bien que difficile et vécu par l’ensemble des PDI dans toutes les communes qui les accueillent, demeure particulièrement aggravé dans la commune de Séguénéga notamment dans les villages de Raminse, Gorin Sima, Gambos . Cette situation est liée au fait que depuis fin Novembre, les PDI n’ont pas bénéficié d’une assistance en vivres de la part du PAM dans lesdits villages. La distribution faite par le CONASUR en décembre aux personnes vulnérables s’est révélée insuffisante." +315533,54153.0,2311.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],es,107,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NARI%C3%91O_SITREP_noviembre_RevDV_revLG%20%281%29.pdf,"La población refugiada y migrante proveniente de Venezuela con vocación de permanencia en la Costa Pacífica se han visto afectada por desplazamientos y muertes, resultado de enfrentamientos entre grupos ilegales. En el Corregimiento El Plateado, municipio de Argelia, Cauca, se presentó desplazamiento por amenazas a población venezolana, más de 485 personas salieron a municipios receptores como Popayán, Pasto e Ipiales. En la ciudad de Pasto se atendieron a 9 personas y en Ipiales a 35 personas refugiadas y migrantes a través de los alojamientos temporales, la mayoría tenían como destino países como Ecuador, Perú y Chile3 ." +261658,49368.0,2311.0,['Cross'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,66,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://humvenezuela.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Caminates-de-ida-y-vuelta-2021.pdf,"El uso de pasos no oficiales, única opción disponible para los caminantes mientras se mantengan las restricciones por la pandemia, significa un aumento de los riesgos, en la medida en que dichos pasos están controlados por grupos irregulares y redes de delincuencia organizada que están aprovechando la coyuntura especial de la pandemia para imponer condiciones y tarifas más gravosas para los caminantes." +355482,58185.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,55,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/10062021_alerta_de_situacion_por_inundaciones_en_arauca_vf.pdf,"Se requiere asistencia con kits de desinfección , kits de bioseguridad y la verificación del estado de salud de las personas mas afectadas en todos municipios, debido al riesgo por el limitado acceso seguro a agua, la propagación de vectores transmisores de enfermedades por la ola invernal aunado a la pandemia de Covid-19" +214373,45385.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,12,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Dans le Mayo-Tsanaga, neuf nouvelles localités ont accueilli 1,871 PDIs." +239373,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,20,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Some 39 per cent of people living in informal settlements report being unable to afford construction materials or labour. +294815,51749.0,2099.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,[Gounghin] Les ménages autochtones ne sont plus que 40% à être à même de satisfaire leurs besoins de base en eau de boisson et en eau pour les tâches domestiques contre 50% avant la crise. [12 participants au Groupe de discussion)] +142074,35870.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Population', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,71,"['Capacities & Response', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"As of 24 July, the MoH report around 12,416 tests have been conducted by the Central Public Health Laboratory (CPHL) in Damascus and the public health laboratories in Aleppo, Lattakia and Homs. The enhancement of laboratory and case investigation capacity across Syria, including in NES, remains a priority, as does the timely communication of all information relevant to the safeguarding of public health" +317913,52949.0,2331.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,22,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"From January to June 2020, the Country Task Force on Monitoring and Reporting verified and documented 29 attacks on schools." +159069,37967.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,43,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_ndeg_115.pdf,DMI (Un réseau de 39 radios) o L’ONG ASMAD (réseau de 50 radios) o Radio rurale internationale (Un réseau de plus de 60 radios) o UNALFA (Un réseau d’environ 20 radios) +237909,47230.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,156,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"MEDIOS DE VIDA El trabajo remunerado es la fuente de ingresos más común, mencionada por el 83% de los hogares. El 18% de los hogares señalan que dependen de la asistencia del Gobierno o de las organizaciones no gubernamentales (ONG), mientras que el 5% dice no tener ninguna fuente de ingresos. Los resultados confirman las difíciles condiciones laborales para refugiados y migrantes, como los salarios bajos, dado que el 86% de la población trabajando recibe ingresos por menos de un salario mínimo, así como las barreras en el acceso al empleo formal, ya que el 96% de ellos no cotiza a pensión. Los resultados muestran que el trabajo como fuente principal de ingreso ha aumentado (de 68% de los hogares a 80%), en línea con la reactivación de la economía entre julio y noviembre." +333155,44672.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,27,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Implementation of these measures continues to differ across provinces, with provincial governments having been given the authority to decide on and implement their own lockdowns." +214378,45385.0,2334.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,23,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,Le ralentissement des activités économiques observé à cause de la COVID-19 a favorisé la recrudescence des viols et mariages précoces et forcés. +305239,53100.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,49,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/plan_de_preparation_coronavirus_cmr._version_du_10_mars_2019.pdf,ACQUIS: -Point focal logistique disponible -Plan de contre -mesures médicales disponible et validé - Play book disponible et validé GAPS: - Point focal logistique pas désigné officiellement - Absence de mécanisme d’approvisionnement en réponse aux urgences de santé publique - Pas de capacité de stockage +307018,51467.0,2335.0,"['Education', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],en,64,"['Impact', 'Priority Interventions', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"One of the main reasons that children drop-out from schools in South Sudan is the long distance they must travel. Some 16 per cent of households reported by key informants have a child or children engaged in child labour activities. Therefore, an inter-sector effort is required to bring those children back to schools or provide them with alternative education options." +309768,51467.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"The absence of basic health care including vaccination services has resulted in low immunization coverage throughout the country, increasing the risk of vaccine preventable disease outbreaks." +401790,62956.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],en,65,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[29th July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Both Host and Refugees: Persons from Refugee camps have more urgent needs in MHPSS services compare to people from host communities • Persons with Disabilities are also experiencing enormous psychological stress and feeling lack of support from community (15.2%) in emergency condition compare to persons without disabilities (6.7%)." +188345,42925.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,88,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/huir-tres-veces-el-drama-de-los-caminantes-venezolanos/2256,"Antes de la pandemia, más de la mitad del hambre en América Latina estaba en Venezuela”, recordó la organización internacional Oxfam en un informe reciente en el que aseguró, además, que millones de venezolanos han disminuido la calidad y la cantidad de su dieta. Hay tal escasez que la Encuesta de Condiciones de Vida, realizada desde 2014 por la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, estima que solo 3 por ciento de la población atravesará la pandemia libre de inseguridad alimentaria." +312326,53183.0,2466.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,28,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"Nutrition sector developed guidelines to adapt service delivery in the context of COVID-19 that sustained the life-saving activities, including the emergency response to floods in 2020." +216650,45416.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,"Le Rapport évaluation des besoins en éducation à Nobili-SD de Kamango territoire de Beni, rappelle que les enfants à mobilité réduite et les orphelins ont moins de chance de participer à des activités éducatives. Ils abandonnent l’école par manque d’encadrement et prise en charge." +239059,46388.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Shelter']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Shelter needs are central to people’s immediate survival and wellbeing, risking their safety, security and health through exposure to the harsh weather conditions or overcrowding." +226964,46454.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,54,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2022_23Dec2020_FINAL.pdf,"[23rd December, GOS] In the reporting period, likely due to the acceleration of reported cases and low community compliance, the GoS has issued statements reinforcing mandates for preventive measures, such as face masks, to be observed in public institutions, including banks, and on public transport" +22352,9106.0,729.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,82,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"Each type of accommodation poses a specific set of challenges for IDPs and returnees. For those residing in self-financed private accommodation, inflation and limitations on cash withdrawals result in a higher risk of difficulty making rent payments and, consequently, of eviction. Shelter represents 50 per cent of domestic expenditures for most households. The Libyan population faces a combination of liquidity constraints and a shortage of housing, which has led to very high rental costs." +192947,43304.0,2332.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,28,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Prendre des mesures spécifiques d’allégement des souffrances en faveur des groupes vulnérables dont essentiellement handicapées, les personnes âgées, réfugiés, migrants et populations déplcacées" +40016,11715.0,729.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,65,[],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/what-s-happening-libya-five-facts-you-need-know,"Fighting in Tripoli, the capital city of Libya, has been escalating over the past week. So far, 47 people have been killed according to the World Health Organization and the violence shows no sign of stopping. People living in Tripoli are caught in the midst of clashes between heavily armed groups, putting them at risk of serious harm." +242568,46388.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],en,45,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The highest percentage of child marriage was reported in Faryab (35 per cent), Paktya (25 per cent), and Kunduz (22 per cent) although these figures are not likely to represent the full scale of this situation." +272106,49364.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,117,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/4-gender-violencia.pdf,"Este análisis debe tener en cuenta que el limitado o nulo acceso a servicios como salud, protección o justicia para las mujeres migrantes y refugiadas durante el trayecto, aumenta la posibilidad de sufrir un continuum de violencias,11 es decir, los tipos de violencia que mencionan las mujeres, unidos a la alta presencia de discriminación xenófoba y a la hiper-sexualización de sus cuerpos,12 son una continuación de factores que normalizan esas formas de violencia, impidiendo no solo la denuncia, pero sobre todo exacerbando el riesgo de vivir diversas formas de violencia sexual (acoso sexual extendido, sexo por supervivencia, violación y explotación sexual), e incluso violencia feminicida." +48089,13061.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],['Displacement->Intentions'],es,125,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.derechos.org.ve/web/wp-content/uploads/MigracionLigia.pdf,"• Desde 2016: emerge un nuevo tipo de migrante, con un perfil socioeconómico más modesto, sin nivel profesional, que se traslada a países cercanos mediante rutas terrestres seguras o no y expuesto a mayores niveles de vulnerabilidad, con frecuencia sin documentos de viaje. Se trata de los receptores directos de las consecuencias más severas de la crisis en áreas como salud y alimentación; generalmente son personas que no tienen posibilidades de insertarse en los países de acogida, a menos que reciban algún tipo de apoyo. Viajan con pocas pertenencias, escasos recursos y, con frecuencia, parando en diferentes ciudades para hacer trabajos temporales que les permitan seguir su rumbo hasta el destino final." +316282,52949.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"More than 80 per cent of newborn deaths are due to prematurity, asphyxia, complications during birth or infections such as pneumonia, diarrhoea, measles and neonatal disorders." +343254,45764.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,142,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/0004_202008_rrm_msa_rapport_final_wolirom.pdf,"Face aux difficultés d’accès alimentaires, ces ménages adoptent des stratégies de survies inquiétantes dont la réduction du nombre de repas : 45% des enfants ne consomment pas les 3 repas par jour et seulement 44,3% des adultes en consomment. La proportion de l’adoption des stratégies d’adaptation et de survie par les ménages enquêtés se présente comme suit : • Recourir à des aliments moins chers ou que vous aimez moins : 90% • Emprunter de la nourriture, ou recourir à l’aide d’un ami ou parenté : 90% • Limiter les rations lors des repas : 83% • Restreindre la consommation des adultes pour permettre aux enfants de manger davantage : 80% • Réduire le nombre de repas pris par jour : 95%" +324580,54934.0,2334.0,"['Cross', 'Shelter']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,22,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/IOM_ETT_E-N_21%20PoucheMora%20massif%20et%20Massare%202.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10098,- 62 ménages de 434 PDI se sont déplacés depuis Adakele vers Pouche et résident au sein de familles d’accueil +241739,46388.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Education', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The denial of access to rights and essential resources for women and girls, including equal access to education in all parts of the country, continues to disempower and disenfranchise women, leaving many behind. Elderly people are also marginalised and are extremely vulnerable." +184409,42131.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Security & Stability'],es,148,['At Risk'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://m.lasillavacia.com/putumayo-no-golpea-tanto-virus-del-covid-como-los-armados-78952?amp=1&__twitter_impression=true,"Yurilla, al que solo se puede llegar por bote, es un corregimiento clave porque es la puerta de conexión entre Putumayo y Caquetá. Es un corredor importante para la retaguardia militar (Leguízamo y Solano, en Caquetá, son los municipios más grandes e inhóspitos de los dos departamentos) pero también para el transporte y comercialización de coca y marihuana. La Mafia entró a marcar territorio en Yurilla porque allá, históricamente, tuvieron control las Farc a través de los Frentes 32 y 48 . Ese control lo ha buscado recuperar un grupo que se hace llamar ‘Carolina Ramírez’ que fue el que se formó entre los exFarc que no quisieron meterse en el Acuerdo de La Habana desde un principio, y que tienen conexiones con ‘Gentil Duarte’, el jefe máximo de las disidencias." +266573,49773.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,31,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_HSOS-NWS_-January-2021.pdf,"[January 2021, NWS] KIs in 46% of communities where barriers to accessing healthcare were reported, cited the high cost of health services as a common challenge" +213223,44840.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,67,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,Investment in community-level preventive healthcare and nutrition is also necessary to reduce the population susceptibility to diseases/risks of disease outbreak thus minimizing the burden on the health system. Mental health and psychosocial services (MHPSS) should be widely integrated to the primary health care services in order to address the social and mental health consequences of COVID-19 and reduce the negative impact on livelihoods. +48101,13061.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,230,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.derechos.org.ve/web/wp-content/uploads/MigracionLigia.pdf,"En mayo de 2018, dos caciques Yukpa, con apoyo del Servicio Jesuita para los Refugiados (SJR), presentaron una acción de tutela a favor de la población Yukpa, en la que se solicitaba su reconocimiento como pueblo indígena binacional, el acceso a derechos como salud, saneamiento y asistencia humanitaria. La solicitud fue negada en primera instancia por el Juzgado Primero de Familia de Cúcuta, y posteriormente en segunda instancia, lo que llevó a la Organización Nacional Indígena de Colombia (ONIC), el SJR y el Centro de Estudios de Derecho, Justicia y Sociedad (DeJusticia)a acudir a la Corte Constitucional, ante la cual se presentó una solicitud de selección, para que la Corte se avocara al conocimiento de la causa, pero no fue seleccionada. La Procuraduría y la Defensoría del Pueblo intervinieron en este momento de la causa, para solicitar nuevamente la selección del caso por parte de la Corte Constitucional mediante un recurso de insistencia, pero nuevamente no fue seleccionada la tutela. En vista de la ausencia de respuesta nacional, las organizaciones acudieron ante la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, ante la cual solicitaron unas medidas cautelares. A la fecha de cierre de este informe, la CIDH no había decidido la solicitud32." +220917,45410.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,81,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"[Les parties Sud des provinces administratives du BEG et du Kanem dans la Zone 5 - « agropastorale» ] : Conséquemment aux inondations enregistrées au cours de la saison dans les zones de transition, (Chari Baguirmi, Hadjer Lamis), on observe une stagnation du bétail dans les zones d’attache. Toutefois, un début de descente vers ces zones est observé par les petits ruminants en anticipation d’éventuelles séquences sèches." +169376,40509.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],fr,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://lefaso.net/spip.php?article99707,"A cette même date, l’on enregistre un nouveau décès survenu à Bittou. Le nombre total de décès lié à cette maladie est désormais de 59." +486775,67525.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://actualite.cd/2021/08/28/covid-19-en-rdc-plus-de-150-jeunes-formes-par-lunicef-sur-la-lutte-contre-les-rumeurs,"Vendredi 27 août 2022, au moins 150 jeunes répartis dans 11 provinces ont clôturé leur formation sur la lutte contre les Fake News, la cyber-intimidation et la violence en ligne" +325745,54267.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Le sorgho, le millet, le niébé et le maïs sont les principales cultures de céréales secondaires produites et consommées (FEWS NET, 2017)" +199063,44171.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],fr,87,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.lemonde.fr/afrique/article/2020/10/26/au-burkina-faso-les-deplaces-sont-les-grands-oublies-des-elections-de-novembre_6057413_3212.html,"En maintenant ces élections, même imparfaites, les autorités veulent s’épargner une situation d’instabilité qui pourrait déboucher sur une crise politique.« Des élections se préparent longtemps à l’avance et coûtent très cher à organiser. Confronté à d’autres urgences, sécuritaire, humanitaire et sanitaire, le gouvernement a dû choisir », analyse Raogo Antoine Sawadogo, directeur du groupe de réflexion Laboratoire citoyennetés et ancien ministre de l’administration et de la sécurité." +458167,64540.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Con relación con los empleos desempeñados en Perú, el 39.3% de los inmigrantes venezolanos encuestados se dedica a la venta ambulatoria como principal fuente de ingresos; mientras que un 46.8% toma esta actividad como una fuente complementaria de ingresos" +219744,45438.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SR-OEA_Nov20-crisis-de-migrantes-y-refugiados-venezolanos-informe-de-situacion.pdf,"El cierre de fronteras durante la emergencia por el Covid-19 y la profundización de la crisis en Venezuela, han llevado a los venezolanos a cruzar caminos irregulares (trochas) o atravesar rutas marítimas peligrosas para huir del país, aumentando así su condición de vulnerabilidad." +205497,44672.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"While several provinces have already begun easing their lockdowns formally or informally, other provinces instead reinstated a full lockdown from the end of May as the number of infections began increasing." +497820,35118.0,1187.0,[],[],[],es,67,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"entre las 50 personas que convivían en la residencia de un fami- liar o conocido, 36 se identificaron como mujeres, 12 como varo- nes y 2 se identificaron con la categoría “Otro”. Respecto al rango etáreo, 25 tenían entre 30 y 59 años, 20 señalaron tener entre 18 y 29 años y sólo 5 tenían más de 59 años." +275278,50662.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,69,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[July- December 2020, Cox's Bazar] As of 27 December 2020, a total of 5358 individuals from the host community in the Cox’s Bazar district have tested positive for COVID-19, and a total of 366 COVID-19 cases have been reported among FDMN/Rohingya refugees. Overall, 1.6% of all tests showed positive results, including samples from all 34 camps." +193863,43070.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Borrador%20texto%20Sitrep%20Sectorial_2020_SAN%20AGO_WFP_VF.pdf,La proporción de hogares con al menos un miembro con empleo ha disminuido 26 puntos porcentuales frente a aquella reportada antes de la emergencia sanitaria por COVID-19 (de 86% a 60%) +294621,51749.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,69,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,[District sanitaire de Ouargaye] Seul le CSPS n’a pas de copie du protocole national de prise en charge de la malnutrition parmi les centres visités. Les intrants sont fournis par l’Unicef pour la prise en charge des cas MAS et il y a pas d’intrant disponible dans les centres pour la prise en charge des cas de malnutritions modérés. +81778,22495.0,1231.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Economy', 'Displacement->Local Integration', 'Context->Socio Cultural', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,88,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,https://acento.com.do/2019/actualidad/8762434-sinfonica-binacional-dominico-venezolana-por-inclusion-e-integracion/,"En República Dominicana, actualmente residen más de 30 mil nacionales venezolanos de acuerdo la Encuesta Nacional de Inmigrantes realizada en 2017 por la Oficina Nacional de Estadística. Entre los resultados del estudio (Matriz de Seguimiento de Desplazamiento- DTM) realizado por la OIM durante el pasado 2018, destaca que la gran mayoría de los nacionales venezolanos en República Dominicana (89,75%) se encuentra con status migratorio irregular, situación que limita su acceso a las oportunidades de integración económica y laboral." +227158,46454.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,32,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2022_23Dec2020_FINAL.pdf,"[23rd December, Overall Syria] Food prices, in addition to other factors such as periodic shortages of staples, has led to a significant deterioration in food insecurity indicators" +386770,60459.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,128,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"Depuis le lancement au mois de mars de l’opération de vente de céréales à prix subventionné par le gouvernement, la province n’a pas encore été approvisionné. Habituellement cette opération se déroule uniquement au niveau du chef-lieu de la province et l’approvisionnement des points de vente est souvent irrégulier. D’où son impact faible sur les prix du marché. Même si des baisses saisonnières sont attendues entre octobre 2021 et janvier 2022, les prix des denrées de base resteront légèrement au-dessus de la moyenne sur toute la période entre juin 2021 et janvier 2022. Des variations atypiques à la hausse pourraient continuer d’être observées sur les marchés locaux moins approvisionnés. (scenario)" +171518,40699.0,2098.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,68,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20201004_acaps_thematic_review_vulnerable_households_rohingya_refugee_response.pdf,"[4th october, Cox's Bazar] Host community households without access to the government safety nets or humanitarian assistance are at extreme risk of slipping into extreme levels of poverty, especially female headed households and those with no male members. As female led households are more economically vulnerable, they are more susceptible to the negative impacts of COVID-19 containment measures or other shocks" +113741,30002.0,1386.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",en,144,['Impact'],"['Shock/Event', 'Information And Communication']",UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://medium.com/humanitarian-dispatches/getting-out-the-right-covid-19-information-to-saves-lives-70719f27266e,"In Venezuela, the Internet is a lifeline for citizens, with the use of social media and social networking key to obtaining objective and trustworthy information. But it can also be a source of the exact opposite. In cities across the country, many Venezuelans received false promises through WhatsApp messages: “Stay home, the United Nations (UN) will bring you food.” In response, some people even contacted UN offices hoping to receive something to eat. A press release was issued rapidly, denying the information, and posters indicating false informationwere widely disseminated. Other false messages incorrectly attributed to the UN recommended that people drink hot water or use disinfectants to combat the coronavirus. As the population was afraid, some took advantage to manipulate emotions for their own ends." +472950,63777.0,2099.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"En ce qui concerne la qualité des vivres et non vivres, 51% des enquêtés la trouvent moyenne et 24 la déclarent bonne. 14% des personnes interrogées disent avoir connu des menaces physiques ou psychologiques de la part de certains acteurs intervenant sur le terrain." +323707,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"La région du nord du Sahel est déficitaire en céréales alors qu’elle a un excédent de bétail (quand elle n’est pas touchée par une grande sécheresse). À l’inverse, les régions de l’ouest et du sud ont des excédents structurels de céréales." +345366,56837.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Casualties->Missing', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,27,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/democratic-republic-congo/280000-children-face-displacement-because-drc-volcano-threat,"At least 32 people have died as a direct result of the eruption, including three children, while 40 people have been reported as missing." +361235,58845.0,2028.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,72,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_price_bulletin_may_2021.pdf,"[May 2021, Overall Syria] In May 2021, the ToT between an alive two-year old male sheep and wheat flour was 262 kg/sheep (down five percent m-o-m). This highlights a deterioration in the exchange for livestock owners who could buy on average five percent less wheat flour compared to a month earlier. Moreover, the ToT has worsened by 39 percent since May 2020." +236155,47076.0,2334.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,66,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,"In June, Nutrition partners screened 22,857 children under 5 years for acute malnutrition. 150 (0.01 %) children were identified with severe acute malnutrition (SAM) and referred for treatment, and 838 (0.04%) children with moderate acute malnutrition (MAM). Note that more than 80% of these SAM cases are from the NW region." +265951,49323.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,134,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.pulzo.com/nacion/regular-venezolanos-colombia-que-significa-podran-votar-PP1029436,"¿Qué beneficios otorga? La creación del Registro Único de Migrantes Venezolanos a través del cual se obtendrá información para su identificación y caracterización. Protección de la población migrante que se encuentra actualmente en condiciones de irregularidad. El otorgamiento de la condición migratoria regular y, a su vez, la autorización para desempeñar cualquier actividad u ocupación legal en el país, incluidas aquellas que se desarrollen en virtud de una vinculación o de contrato laboral. El acceso del migrante a la oferta institucional pública y privada, y su incorporación como miembro activo de la sociedad en condiciones de igualdad. La posibilidad para el migrante de generar por sí mismo las condiciones requeridas para una vida digna. La posibilidad de hacer la transición al régimen visas." +222585,46032.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,24,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/External%20Weekly%20_10-16dec_ENG.pdf,"Of the new cases, 4 were “imported” cases among new arrivals, while 513 were the result of community transmission." +321464,54677.0,2225.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],fr,76,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_n68_mve_nord_kivu_16_avril_20211.pdf,[SitRep MVE - Ministère de la Santé 15/04/2021 ] Défis identifiés: Défi sécuritaire avec restriction de mouvement pour certains partenaires ; Faible remontée des alertes venant des zones ; Insuffisance de ressources financières pour appuyer tous les piliers de la riposte ; Faible capacité d’accueil dans les formations sanitaires pour l’isolement des suspects ; Identification des activités essentielles à mener après la déclaration de la fin de l’épidémie +175128,40890.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,83,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"El 16% de las personas encuestadas reportaron que tiene un estatus regular25 (ver detalle en Tabla 1). Esta información es consecuente con los hallazgos del monitoreo de protección de DRC de abril - junio 2020, donde la proporción de población venezolana en situación irregular es de 80,9%, así como con la ESAE de WFP - febrero 2020, que reporta que solo un 16% de los refugiados y migrantes encuestados tiene acceso al PEP." +268300,49758.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,37,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,Seguridad alimentaria y nutricional (SAN): Se requiere kit de alimentos con enfoque diferencial y étnico para la atención del total de personas desplazadas y las familias que continúan llegando al municipio de Mosquera. +317362,54437.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,70,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/la-casa-que-abraza-el-centro-de-ayuda-para-la-comunidad-lgbtiq-migrante-y-refugiada-en-cucuta-/2597,"De acuerdo con Arenas,otro de los grupos vulnerables identificados con la llegada masiva de población venezolana a la zona de frontera es el de las mujeres cabeza de hogar y aquellas dedicadas al sexo por supervivencia.Según la funcionaria, llegan a Colombia sin una red de apoyo y se enfrentan a dinámicas de violencia física, explotación sexual, entre otras formas de violencia basada en género." +179365,42035.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Push Factors', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,49,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Nigeria_POC%20Snapshot_September%202020.pdf,"The general situation in North-East Nigeria remains largely volatile with incidents of attacks in several Local Government Areas (LGAs) in Borno, Yobe and Adamawa (BAY) States in North-East Nigeria continue to cause displacement and casualties among civilians and persons of concern to UNHCR." +393647,62284.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,72,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"[7th Apr 2021, Borno State] FGD sessions, KII and direct observations reveal that there are no health services in the concerned location. However, InterSOS provided health outreach services in a neighboring community of Lawanti which is 20 – 30 minutes’ walk. Some IDPs do not access these health services because they are not aware, and some prefer traditional herbs to treat illness." +133676,35117.0,1187.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Es así que el impacto en el aparato psíquico en cada una de las personas se manifestó de diferentes maneras, con enojo, irritabilidad, cansancio, furia, impotencia, intranquilidad incertidumbre. Estas ansiedades también se ven aumentadas por la interrupción en los trámites migratorios, generando incertidumbre en la regularidad migratoria y dificultando el acceso a sus derechos, tal como se reseñó líneas arriba." +220686,45655.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"[9th Dec, Northwest Syria] NWS currently has nine hospitals for case management, with a capacity of 183 intensive care unit (ICU) beds and 640 ‘step-down’ ward beds (exclusively separated for isolation treatment)" +22884,9153.0,788.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],en,97,['Impact'],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://www.vanguardngr.com/2019/02/nigerias-crude-oil-production-falls-to-1-999m-bpd/,"Nigeria’s crude oil production including condensate has taken a dip, falling to 1.999 million barrels per day in January from 2.081 million bpd in December, figures from the Ministry of Petroleum Resources has revealed. This is contrary to a production benchmark of 2.3m bpd used for the 2019 budget estimates by the Federal Government.However, the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries, OPEC, in its latest monthly oil report released on Tuesday, said Nigeria’s oil production dropped to 1.687 million bpd in January from 1.797 million bpd." +55278,17067.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,34,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.santander.gov.co/index.php/actualidad/item/4222-se-ampliara-atencion-a-los-ninos-y-madres-gestantes-migrantes,"Con el objetivo de aunar esfuerzos para atender los diferentes asuntos relacionados con los menores de edad y el fenómeno migratorio, se desarrolló el Comité de Situación Migratoria de la Niñez en Santander" +21808,9026.0,322.0,[],[],[],en,60,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,,"Sana’a is located in an upland basin at an alti- tude of 2300 meters within a mountainous and semi-arid region of Yemen. Because of its high altitude, the city enjoys a moderate climate year around. The main rainy season is in summer. The nearest port is Hodeidah, roughly 250 kilo- meters away." +16127,6549.0,322.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,84,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/logistics_cluster_yemen_situation_update_180930.pdf,"The Logistics Cluster facilitates access to fuel (petrol and diesel) at WFP-managed distribution points around Sana’a, Aden and Hodeidah. Fuel is available to humanitarian organisations on a cost-recovery basis. • In September, fuel shortages occurred in Sana’a, with significant price spikes. Therefore, the price of the fuel made available through the Cluster, which is procured locally, is likely to increase. The new price will be communicated shortly." +56057,17111.0,1187.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Del universo encuestado, 63,17% dice no haber conseguido trabajo estable y estar en búsqueda activa. El 32,34% refiere estar trabajando de manera estable, aunque sigue buscando “conseguí un empleo pero no es lo que esperaba” y finalmente un 4,49% refiere estar trabajando de su profesión." +325677,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Environment'],fr,169,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"(Sud-Ouest, Hauts-Bassins, Cascades, Boucle du Mouhoun) Production. La production de riz est dominée par les petits exploitants qui cultivent le riz dans des conditions de culture pluviale. La région de l’Ouest et du Sud-Ouest du Burkina est l’une des trois principales régions productrices de riz du pays. Dans cette région, la production est concentrée autour de quatre périmètres d’irrigation: la vallée du Kou et la zone de Banzon dans les Hauts-Bassins, et les zones de Douna et Karfiguela dans la région des Cascades. Ces quatre zones représentaient 26 pour cent de la production nationale de riz en 2011. La même année, dans la région de la Boucle du Mouhoun, également située à l’ouest du Burkina, à la frontière du Mali plus au nord, la vallée du Sourou a produit 17 pour cent de la production nationale de riz (BMGF, 2012)." +310401,53177.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,60,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Sudan%20Multi-Sectoral%20Location%20Assessment_South%20Kordofan.pdf,"The current population in Reif Ashargi is 113,555 individuals, comprising: 88,331 Host community 21,747 IDPs 3,477 Returnees Almost 86 per cent of the locations visited have a higher population of females than males, with 3,180 single female-headed households. Additional vulnerabilities recorded in Reif Ashargi are: 4,032 Breastfeeding mothers 3,171 Pregnant women 2,907 Orphaned children." +294349,51259.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2020_access_annual_overview.pdf,"44% of incidents reported were significant in severity and seriously impacted humanitarian personnel, assets or response. Another 37 per cent were moderate in severity while 19 per cent were minor." +452353,64945.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,51,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MONITORING%20PROTECTION%20DE%20JULLET%202021%20EST.pdf,"Les conséquences de ces violences [VBG: Viol, Violence psychologique, Violences physique, Mariage précoce, Dénis de ressource] sont entre autres la séparation des couples, la détérioration de l’environnement familial qui pourtant reste le cadre idéal pour l’éducation d’enfants" +164750,39789.0,2098.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross', 'Food Security', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,74,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Movementwide%20Operation%20Report%20August%202020.pdf,"81 bags Core Relief Items (CRI) full kits distributed to 81 FDMN new families. The package includes tarpaulins, kitchen set, blanket, jerry can, bucket, sleeping mat and solar lamp.  15446 set female hygiene kits (FHK) distributed to 10473 FDMN families as per the manifest provided by UNCHR. Besides, 15353 solar lamps were distributed to each family with the hygiene kits" +236174,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,45,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Afghanistan’s repeated natural disasters create higher needs among people with disability who are often more seriously affected because they are not able to flee danger as easily and because formal support systems are not in place to help move them to safety. +179217,41946.0,2028.0,"['Education', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,45,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://publications.unescwa.org/projects/saw/sdgs/pdf/en/Syria-at-War-8-years-on-Report-Final.pdf,"[Syria, Risk of drop out] Children face obstacles that put them at risk of dropping out of school. As family incomes become strained and standards of living deteriorate, the likelihood of participating in income-generating activities to support families increases." +169499,40368.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,37,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"A post-distribution monitoring on cash-based transfers (CBT) was conducted in the Centre-Nord region to assess the cash distribution process and satisfaction level among IDP cash recipients, in areas where markets are functioning well." +132536,35164.0,1188.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,75,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"Se identificaron diferencias en los sistemas educativos, la metodología o los ciclos lectivos; obligando a los estudiantes a adaptarse a una nueva forma educativa, y en ocasiones, repitiendo material didáctico ya estudiado en un grado inferior Cabe destacar que se mencionaron casos de xenofobia y “bullying” por parte de los compañeros de escuela, sin embargo, en varios casos también por parte del personal docente de los centros" +169695,40581.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,81,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://dailypost.ng/2020/07/18/covid-19-nigerian-govt-gives-schools-new-guidelines-for-reopening/,"[18/07/2020, Nigeria] NEWSCOVID-19: Nigerian govt gives schools new guidelines for reopening. The Federal Government has provided some specific guidelines for reopening of schools in the country. The guidelines announced by the Minister of State for Education, Emeka Nwajiuba, on Friday cover four thematic areas. They include: staying home and learning safely before schools and learning facilities reopen; Reopening process; and Conditions for safety when learning facilities are reopened." +270225,50227.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],es,74,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"De acuerdo con la información publicada por el INS en la base de datos de los casos a la fecha se reportan, 36.438 casos (1,6% de los casos reportados en el país a la fecha) y 1.156 defunciones. El 95,3% de los casos se reportan recuperados y el 3,2% como fallecidos. Los casos confirmados de COVID-19 casos de pueblos indígenas pertenecen a 77 pueblos étnicos." +406470,63069.0,2225.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,37,"['At Risk', 'Impact']","['Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Bulletin%20d%E2%80%99information%20sous%20cluster%20protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99enfance%20%28GTPE%29%20Mars%20%E2%80%93%20Mai%202021.pdf,"A Oicha et Mbau, 09 écoles ont accueillis les PDIs avec plus de 1300 enfants déplaces. Du fait de la présence des IDPS, les classes sont perturbées et les risques de protection accrus." +218168,45410.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"Les bonnes récoltes, en cours, permettent le renouvellement des stocks des ménages même dans les zones défictaires du BEG et du Kanem à l’exception du BEG Sud." +235661,47076.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,Increased tension and confrontations were observed in June as NSAGs enforced lockdowns in response to a government mission to the NWSW to sensitize communities on the Presidential Plan for Reconstruction and Development (PPRD). +323591,54626.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,31,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,"Due to a surge in COVID-19 infections and fatalities caused by the pandemic, March has emerged as one of the most crucial months since the onset of the pandemic." +198292,44277.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,40,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.cnews.fr/monde/2020-11-18/la-republique-democratique-du-congo-annonce-la-fin-de-lepidemie-ebola-1019280,"La République démocratique du Congo (RDC) a annoncé ce mercredi 18 novembre la fin de sa onzième épidémie d’Ebola, qui sévissait depuis le mois de juin, en plein pendant la pandémie du coronavirus." +292163,52074.0,2334.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,84,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,"Nutrition partners, mainly Action Against Hunger (AAH), Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Services (CBCHS), Doctors Without Borders (Spain and Belgium), Reach Out, WFP and UNICEF have continued to provide nutrition services in the NWSW regions. Focus has been on providing a basic nutrition package that incorporates screening, referral, treatment of SAM, Vitamin A supplementation, capacity development and promotion of appropriate IYCF-E practices including monitoring of breast milk substitutes." +178038,40661.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Context->Economy'],fr,70,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"COVID-19 La pandémie de COVID-19 ainsi que les mesures de restriction au niveau national et international ont ralenti l’activité économique et créé une perte d’emploi pour une bonne partie de la population. Le pouvoir d’achat des ménages a aussi été perturbé par la fluctuation du taux d’échange , en raison de la dépréciation du Franc Congolais face au Dollar Américain." +145990,35870.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,103,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"As part of ensuring appropriate IPC measures during national examinations, WASH sector partners (UNDP, UNICEF, Syrian Arab Red Crescent, Rebuild and Relief International and UNHCR) supported light rehabilitation of WASH facilities at accommodation and examination centres and provision of WASH items to all accommodation and exam centers; in addition to PPE, hand sanitizers, dignity kits and relevant awareness raising. With 9th grade exams expected to take place next month, WASH partners are coordinating to prepare for similar assistance, with planning to include to support approximately 15,000 students who will travel cross-lin" +176569,41712.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,53,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/abrir-fronteras-implica-mayor-carga-al-sistema-de-salud/2226,"Desde la frontera de Paraguachón, en La Guajira, el director de Migración Colombia, Juan Francisco Espinosa, confirmó que no abriránlos pasos fronterizos con Venezuela en el mes de noviembre,tal como lo había anunciado este jueves el secretario de Fronteras de Norte de Santander, Víctor Bautista." +162726,32457.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,89,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/proyecto-de-ley-migratoria-avance-o-retroceso/1970,"La primera prueba de fuego del proyecto de ley la pasó el 12 de junio, cuando la Comisión Segunda del Senado de la República aprobó la ponencia presentada por los senadores Ana Paola Agudelo, Emma Claudia Castellanos, José Luis Pérez Oyuela, Lidio García y Juan Diego Gómez. Académicos y asociaciones de derechos humanos de migrantes quedaron sorprendidos con esta aprobación ""exprés"", que solo le falta dos discusiones en el Congreso para que finalmente sea sancionada por el presidente Iván Duque." +241050,47662.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,22,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.1lockers.net/actualidad-2/judicial/hombres-utilizaban-la-fachada-de-caminantes-para-transportar-droga/,"la captura de dos hombres de 18 y 23 años, que usaban la fachada de migrantes venezolanos para transportar marihuana." +493410,68136.0,2170.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,154,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/borno_state_cholera_outbreak_response_sitrep_no_5_27_09_21_0.pdf,"[26th Sept 2021, Borno State] Konduga: (IRC, CRS, IOM, Malteser International): UNICEF plans to commence the drilling of an upper aquifer solar powered borehole in community hosting IDPs behind Dalori Quarters. IOM HPCVS/WASHCOMS carried out Hygiene Promotion Sessions and Cleaning campaign reaching 13104 persons. IRC Supplied 1,450,000 liters of safe water with routine chlorination of 11 boreholes and 6 hand pumps at boarding primary school IDP camp and 245,000 liters of water at Yandarari Kura/Gana host communities. Rehabilitation of 6 blocks of latrine and 6 blocks of bathroom and Disinfected 40 blocks of latrine at boarding primary IDP camp Konduga was completed. IRC reached 1,115 individuals with hygiene promotion messaging through home visits. Area cleaning campaign conducted by IRC trained Community volunteers reaching 1,778 individuals at boarding primary IDP camp, Yandarari Gana, Moshamari and Yandarari Kura." +310579,53179.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,20,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Flash%20Update%20-%20Sudan%20-%2017%20Jan%202021_1.pdf,"Roadblocks, sit-ins, and protests are preventing displaced people from continuing their everyday activities such as fetching firewood." +276650,50715.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,41,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=224491,"[2nd March, Gos] The Ministry of Damascus added that the total number of infections recorded in the country has reached up to 15,642 till now, of which 9,880 have recovered, while 1,032 have passed away." +319014,54316.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,17,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Colombia_Reporte%20Situacional_GIFMM_Arauquita_08042021_VF.pdf,"Además, las personas cocinan con leña y no cuentan con utensilios de cocina ni menaje." +317191,53333.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,59,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"As highlighted by the findings, harmful social norms, gender stereotypes, power imbalances, including resource allocation and decision-making, between females and males, perceptions of girls’ and young women’s sexuality, as well as perceptions of masculinity and femininity, and other inequalities are significant barriers in restricting full access to SRHR" +402959,63058.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,65,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Democratic%20Republic%20of%20Congo%20-%20Key%20Message%20Update_%20Fri%2C%202021-07-30.pdf,Cette situation [violences accrues à cause de l'état de siège] limite les mouvements des populations et conduit des milliers des personnes à abandonner leurs champs en cette période de fin de récolte. Le nombre des nouveaux déplacés dans les 3 derniers mois selon OCHA est estimé à environ 386.000 dans les provinces de l’Ituri et du Nord - Kivu. +318457,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,108,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Access by sea is the most viable option for prepositioning high volumes of humanitarian supplies, however, only four ports - Mogadishu, Bossaso, Berbera and Kismayo - remain operational. Due to insecurity and piracy threats, there are limited reliable commercial shipping options across the Horn. However, the lengthy transit time can make this option unpredictable, and thus the uncertainty of demand and forward planning poses challenges to maximising this potential transport option. In addition, the areas with highest needs in terms of logistics support do not have direct access to ports due to the inter-district transport challenge." +213395,44840.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,134,"['Priority Interventions', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,"Households classified in stressed food security phase (IPC 2) have only minimal adequate food consumption but are unable to afford some essential non-food expenditures without engaging in stress-coping strategies. When people in IPC 2 are neglected and/or insufficient level and type of support is provided, a large proportion of them slide into worse food security phases: this happened in 2011 and 2017. The high vulnerability of Somali people in IPC 2, combined with myriad shocks, means households facing stressed food security need development opportunities, improved access to services, protection and creation of livelihood assets, seasonal livelihood inputs, and social safety nets. This demands a two-pronged approach: addressing underlying causes while meeting short-term and immediate needs, including through safety nets" +306369,51572.0,2335.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,46,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Lack of food and livelihoods opportunities results in negative coping mechanisms undertaken by community members with cases of child labour, increase in suicide cases, school dropouts and S/GBV recorded. [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]" +162814,37820.0,2098.0,['Logistics'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,38,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/iom_rohingya_crisis_response_-_external_sitrep_-_july_2020.pdf,"Dispatch and Referral Unit (DRU): IOM continues to coordinate an expanded fleet of 22 vehicles, 11 of which are supplied by IOM and staffed with drivers fully trained on Infection Prevention and Control." +191747,43622.0,2330.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],en,102,[],['Context'],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20201111_acaps_briefing_note_nicaragua_honduras_hurricane_eta.pdf,"Marginalised communities: Affected Miskita and Mayagna communities in the the North Caribbean Coast Autonomous Region have repeatedly denounced human rights violations by the government related to the exploitation of forests and other natural resources on in- digenous land (El País 24/02/2020). These communities continue to be threatened, attacked, and displaced by settlers and armed non-indigenous groups. The government did not act to prevent and punish such attacks, ignoring the needs of the indigenous communities. It is likely that such inaction will be reflected in national responses to the affected people of Hurricane Eta" +316664,52949.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,69,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"More than 144,000 hectares of farmland were inundated during the Gu season, and as a result the July harvest decreased significantly. In addition, unusual Hagaa rains (July and August) led to river flooding which inundated more than 100,000 hectares of farmland along the Shabelle River for more than six months in the lower parts of the river, before receding slowly in November 2020" +303815,51467.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Economy', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,43,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"COVID-19 has had a devastating and multi-faceted socioeconomic impact on people, including severe economic contractions, spikes in prices of basic commodities, loss of livelihoods particularly in urban areas, increased protection risks, and disrupted access to basic services." +164482,32982.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],es,76,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Respuesta%20COVID-19%20-%20GIFMM%20Arauca%2C%20actualizaci%C3%B3n%20n%C2%B03%20%28Del%201%20al%2030%20de%20mayo%20de%202020%29.pdf,"•Exámenes de laboratorio y ecografía a gestantes (remitidos por el médico general) en Bioanálisis IPS en Arauca capital. •Remisión vía telefónica para exámenes médicos, entrega de medicamentos y bonos para exámenes médicos en Arauca capital. •Atención en medicina general, toma de citología planificación familiar, consulta de prueba rápida de VIH, Sífilis y hepatitis b y consulta de psicología en Arauca capital. •Vacunación domiciliaria en Arauca capital." +187423,43202.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,45,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/425396-coronavirus-nigeria-records-94-new-cases-four-deaths.html,"[9thNov 2020,Nigeria]With the latest update, Nigeria’s COVID-19 total case count has reached 64,184, keeping it fifth on the list of African countries hit hardest, behind Ethiopia, Egypt, Morocco, and South Africa." +157691,38800.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,41,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GTS%20-%20HNAP%20COVID19%20Syria%20Bulletin%20R3.pdf,Information efforts should be inclusive and actively seek to involve host communities; as communities hosting large numbers of internally displaced people (IDPs) are significantly less likely to feel they have enough information to protect themselves from coronavirus. +325104,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,119,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Approximately 15 percent of all localities have any type of PPS school present, whether public or private (secular or with a religious affiliation). Of the public PPS schools, nearly all are located in direct proximity to the classified road network; however, only 46 percent are within 2 km of all-season roads. Similarly to the primary schools, a significantly larger share of private PPS schools compared to public PPS schools are directly accessible to the all-season road network. The regions where accessibility of the existing private PPS schools to the all-season network is the most problematic are Centre-Est, Est, Hauts-Bassins, Centre-Sud, and Boucle du Mouhoun." +157845,38800.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,69,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GTS%20-%20HNAP%20COVID19%20Syria%20Bulletin%20R3.pdf,"Across all AoCs, the main sources of information on COVID-19 remained the same from May through July. Focal points report that their communities often receive their information from news media (27%), social media (24%), and local governments (19%). Health providers (51%) are consistently listed as the most trusted source of information." +48090,13061.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,104,['Impact'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.derechos.org.ve/web/wp-content/uploads/MigracionLigia.pdf,"Los destinos destacados son los 19 países que concentran la mayor cantidad del flujo de personas provenientes de Venezuela: Argentina, Brasil, Bolivia, Canadá, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, España, Estados Unidos de América, Italia, México, Panamá, Paraguay, Perú, Portugal, República Dominicana, Trinidad y Tobago y Uruguay. En enero de 2019, ACNUR informó que la cifra de migrantes y refugiados había alcanzado los 3,4 millones15, al tiempo que proyecciones de la ONU para 2019, estiman que la cifra podría llegar a los 5,3" +238002,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"It is calculated that on average only two months of basic consumption could be covered by selling assets, but that households simultaneously forego future earning capacity, and human capital accumulation." +157630,38893.0,2098.0,['WASH'],"['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,76,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/humanitarian_collaboration_and_coordination_in_bangladesh_2nd_draft_12_july_2020_kazi_hg.pdf,"Rehabilitation/installation of water facilities (tube wells or water treatment plants) to provide safe drinking water based on national /SPHERE standards (All beneficiaries have access to 2.5 L safe drinking water/day, ≥ 80% of affected people have access to safe drinking water within 500m or 15 minutes walking distance from their dwelling; ▪ Ensure water quality tests and disinfection of water points with water quality complying to norms and standards;" +315841,52949.0,2331.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,21,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,A secondary impact of COVID-19 is increased exposure of children to risks of abuse and psychosocial distress because of confinement. +390368,60780.0,1186.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,112,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"No se encuentra evidencia que el aumento de migrantes residentes en Chile se asocie con un aumento en la tasa de delitos a nivel nacional. Utilizando datos de la SPD se observa que la tasa de delitos se mantiene estable entre 2010 y 2019, teniendo su punto más alto en 2011, y luego manteniéndose entre los 10.700 y 9.700 delitos por cada 100.000 habitantes, existiendo incluso una correlación negativa en la mayoría de las regiones (excepto en cuatro2), entre permanencias definitivas otorgadas por año (lo cual se ocupa como proxy para medir la cantidad de migrantes establecidos por región) y tasas de delitos" +241490,46388.0,2336.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,27,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,About a fifth of people falling into IPC 3 and 4 categories of food insecurity are children under five who are then at risk of malnutrition. +192811,43304.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,123,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Dans le contexte actuel, la détérioration de la production agricole, couplée avec l’impact de la Covid-19, la malnutrition aigüe globale va affecter un total de 1 997 507 enfants de 6 à 59 mois additionnels, soit 58,6% de l’ensemble des enfants de 6 à 59 mois, et parmi eux 561 039 enfants de 6 à 59 mois seront affectés par la malnutrition aigüe sévère, soit 16,4 % de l’ensemble des enfants de 6 à 59 mois. Les révisions incluent les enfants des populations en déplacement et retournées et les réfugiés (représentant 61 223 enfants de 6 à 59 mois affectés par la malnutrition aigüe globale et 22,655 enfants" +35508,13057.0,788.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],en,88,[],['Humanitarian Access'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000105395.pdf,"Similarly, Gwoza and Ngala recorded increases of 3,468 and 3,462 persons respectively from inaccessible LGAs, areas of ongoing military operations and returning refugees. On the other hand, a decrease of 7,564 persons was recorded in Jere LGA as IDPs left to their place of origin in Bama and Konduga. The second largest decrease in IDP numbers was observed in Maiduguri Metropolitan Council where 6,340 displaced persons departed. Improvement in security situation and agriculture-related movements were the key reasons for population mobility." +125340,32724.0,1620.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,17,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ca5464en.pdf,"Due to lack of investments and policy support, there are no significant improvements in cattle productivity" +258158,48964.0,2098.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/AFAD%20Humanitarian%20Aid%20in%20Bangladesh.pdf,"[16th January 2021, Bangladesh] Lack of clean water and washing facilities is a pressing concern among the camps. AFAD has constructed 11 water wells with clean running water and all maintenance controls of these water wells are conducted on a regular basis." +216637,45416.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,31,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,"Le Gouvernement, à travers les directeurs d’écoles soutenus par les S/PROVED et PROVED, démontre cette volonté naturelle d’accompagner les enfants vulnérables dans leur éducation." +58955,17671.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Context->Economy'],es,54,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.elnuevosiglo.com.co/articulos/08-2019-pib-se-beneficiaria-con-llegada-de-venezolanos,"Esto ha hecho que decenas de multinacionales vean en el país una oportunidad para hacer crecer sus negocios, no solo porque ven mayores oportunidades en el consumo sino también un incremento en la oferta de servicios y bienes, lo que a la postre va a beneficiar al crecimiento de la economía." +151907,34062.0,1898.0,[],[],['Context->Environment'],es,50,[],['Context'],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3653085,"Las coordinaciones para el combate de la langosta centroamericana ya se están realizando con la comisionada presidencial para Operaciones y Gabinete de Gobierno, Carolina Recinos de Bernal, por lo que mañana (miércoles) se van a incrementar más acciones encaminadas en el combate de ese insecto." +159058,37967.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,10,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_ndeg_115.pdf,Nombre de contacts vus : 78 (96%) +234884,47045.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/coronavirus-idlib-spiralling-out-control-warns-charity,"[9th January 2021, Overall Syria] Covid-19 is ""spiralling out of control"" in Syria as hospitals in the country's northwest run out of oxygen and beds for critically ill patients, a charity has warned." +205123,44672.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,30,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The number of beds per 1,000 people is around 1. This is the lowest in the Middle East and Central Asia region (4 beds on average)." +61453,18235.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,75,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"Media and news outlets have contributed to this shift, providing disproportionate coverage to negative incidents involving Venezuelan refugees and migrants, such as violent crimes (robberies, murders).128 In Cúcuta, several respondents interviewed in June 2019 reported having recently suffered or witnessed racism based on the murder committed by Venezuelan citizens in July 2018 – almost one year earlier – of the man who was giving them temporary shelter." +305326,51474.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,12,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,Intraethnic tensions were the key driver of subnational violence throughout Jonglei. +176285,41093.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],es,63,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"a pesar de que en promedio las mujeres son más educadas que los hombres (8,7 frente a 8,2 años, de acuerdo con el DANE), en Colombia no se ha logrado romper el ‘techo de cristal’: solamente el 12% de los miembros de juntas directivas son mujeres (Spencer Stuart Board Index, 2018)." +69895,19974.0,1534.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,48,['At Risk'],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"Despite socio-economic indicators such as high employment and school attendance figures for women and girls, other indicators suggest it remains a patriarchal society with some detrimental impact on gender and women’s rights including access to life-saving sexual and reproductive (SRH) health services." +149319,35869.0,2028.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],['Context->Economy'],en,81,['Priority Interventions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep18_25july2020.pdf,"In order to reduce the negative impact on affected population (IDPs, returnees, host communities) and on markets caused by the combination of pre-existing challenges, COVID-19 crisis and the ongoing economic crisis, increased funding is required on the following: o Support to businesses both in urban and rural environments ▪ Start -up support through grants or micro-credit assistance ▪ Support micro-businesses/businesses to contain the impact of COVID-19 and the ongoing economic crisis on their activities" +317202,53333.0,2334.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,30,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,Sanitary pads were reported as the single most important NFI item adolescents require to continue with schooling as it enables them to manage their menstruation without interrupting school attendance. +216635,45416.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,50,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,"Les situations de crises que sont les conflits entre groupes armés et les conflits intercommunautaires, les inondations ont perturbé la scolarité de plus de 305 611 enfants dont 233 468 enfants des communautés hôtes et 72 143 enfants des populations déplacées dans les 4 provinces de notre analyse." +265064,49431.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,21,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-in-bangladesh-daily-infection-rate-falls-to-265pc/64736,"[11th Feb 2021, Bangladesh] So far, Bangladesh has confirmed 539,571 coronavirus cases, including 8,248 fatalities." +178308,41756.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,19,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Le Cluster Protection estime que près de 4,3 millions de personnes sont affectées par des problémes de protection." +241532,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,16,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Some 5,939 civilians were either killed or injured in the first nine months of 2020." +161679,38950.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,91,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syriahr.com/%d9%81%d9%8a-%d8%a3%d8%b9%d9%84%d9%89-%d8%ad%d8%b5%d9%8a%d9%84%d8%a9-%d8%ad%d8%aa%d9%89-%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%a2%d9%86-%d8%aa%d8%b3%d8%ac%d9%8a%d9%84-52-%d9%85%d8%b5%d8%a7%d8%a8%d8%a7-%d8%a8%d9%88%d8%a8/396176/,"The health authorities have registered, today, 52 new positive cases of COVID-19 in North-West Syria, distributed as follows: 8 cases in Al-Bab city, 7 in Turkmen Bareh, 6 in Afrin, 6 in Jabal Samaan, and 25 cases in the city of Idlib. This number of cases - 52 - is considered the highest daily count of positive cases in NWS since July 9, and also adds to the number of previous cases, resulting in a total of 265 cases." +317647,52949.0,2331.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,66,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Access to accountability measures such as Complaint Feedback Mechanisms (CFMs) in IDP sites continues to be a challenge, with 61 per cent of all IDP sites in Somalia citing that CFMs are not available at the site level (DSA, 2020). This trend leads to community information regarding service provision largely occurring through community meetings or word of mouth." +303814,51467.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,21,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Spikes in sub-national violence during 2020 resulted in more than 2,000 civilians killed between January and October and people displaced." +489305,67676.0,2028.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=247673,"[5 September 2021, GoS] More than 3,6 million pupils and students from various educational levels, and 300 thousand teachers headed to 13115 schools with the start of the academic year 2021-2022 in Syrian provinces." +157859,38800.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,36,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GTS%20-%20HNAP%20COVID19%20Syria%20Bulletin%20R3.pdf,"In REACH’s NWS Rapid Market Assessment, 14% of vendors in Idleb reported that facemasks were less available due to higher prices as a result of the depreciation of the Syrian pound." +305639,51572.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,178,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"On 14 January 2021, a village called Bai Ajak in Melut county which is mainly inhabited Dinka community was attacked by a group of unknown gunmen (allegedly of Nuer ethnicity from Ulang county), during which 4 people were killed and 2 injured The main purpose of attack was cattle raiding. In revenge, two days after on 16 January, the alleged Dinka militia attacked traders of Nuer ethnicity from Mathiang (Ulang county also in Melut county in Paloch. The attack resulted in killing of 8 people (6 men, 1 woman and a child) and injuring 4 (2 men and 2 women). Investigation is ongoing by the local police. These two incidents raised serious security concerns among the local communities particularly of Nuer ethnic groups to move or travel from mentioned locations or Dinka populated areas and fears among Dinka community about possible revenge. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +338329,55951.0,2225.0,[],[],[],en,57,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://preventepidemics.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/PERC-Finding-the-Balance-Part-III-12-May-2021.pdf,"[Survey conducted by phone with approximately 24,000 people across 19 Member States in five geographical regions in Africa, including DRC] Respondents who reported being very satisfied or somewhat satisfied with their government’s COVID-19 response (74% overall) were more likely to report adherence to PHSMs than those who expressed dissatisfaction" +157588,38893.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross', 'WASH']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,69,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/humanitarian_collaboration_and_coordination_in_bangladesh_2nd_draft_12_july_2020_kazi_hg.pdf,"▪ Multipurpose dignity kits complemented with selected COVID19 IPC items for women of reproductive age, adolescent girls, sex workers, transgender. ▪ Remote case management of GBV survivors, including psychosocial support (PSS)/psychosocial first aid (PFA), telemedicine services and ensuring effective referral. ▪ Mental health and psychosocialsupport virtual services (MHPSS) by counsellors for survivors of gender-based violence" +59557,17198.0,1224.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,83,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"▪ Previous information received suggested that the migrants at Kumaka were actually migrants based at Khan’s Hill frequenting the Kumaka area in search of employment. This was debunked after 124 Venezuelans were unexpectedly counted and documented; these persons are living at the Kumaka Landing and in the Amerindian Hostel at Kumaka. This suggests that substantial numbers of Venezuelans or returning Guyanese could be present in multiple other communities in the Region, although they may not be visible" +305618,51467.0,2335.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,28,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,Existing community self-management structures in refugee sites require continuous support. Joint planning coordinated assessments and interventions through mutually agreed referral mechanisms also need to be strengthened. +236225,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,40,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Assessment findings indicate that across population groups, between 58 per cent and 71 per cent of assessed households reported that one or more members of the household had experienced at least one behaviour change in the past year." +456292,65414.0,2098.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,36,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://mcusercontent.com/79c0b81b4702d7bad4b431a3e/files/e6b0ec0e-80a1-d218-69be-7dc2c1b52a54/Info_Booklet_July_2021.01.pdf,"[1 July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugee: The COVID-19 pandemic created a double-layered crisis and heightened vulnerabilities among refugees with 96 percent being reported as moderately and highly vulnerable by end-2020." +224484,46191.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,52,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=214507,"[21st Dec 2020, Syria] The General Establishment for Drinking Water in Hasaka Province has started to pump water to Hasaka City after a stoppage that lasted for more than 25 days due to halting the work of Alouk water plant by the Turkish occupation in Ras al-Ayn City." +91795,26015.0,1620.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,82,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Situation-Overview_H2R_Oct-Dec_13.03.2020.pdf,"Adults not eating for children to eat was reported as a coping strategy by assessed settlements across all LGAs except Kukawa. In Bama in October, 20% of assessed settlements reported this coping strategy. The proportion of assessed settlements reporting the use of this coping strategy increased in Dikwa and Gwoza throughout the reporting period (from 10% and 23% of assessed settlements in October to 32% and 52% in December, respectively)." +159539,39148.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,48,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_july2020_ne_nigeria.pdf,"Action Against Hunger : In addition, importance of ANC cervices, institutional delivery, immunization, malaria prevention through environmental sanitation and appropriate use of insecticide treated mosquito nets, cholera preventive and control measures, availability of STIs care at health clinics and COVID-19 preventive measures" +164391,38902.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']","['Context->Security & Stability', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,37,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Casualties']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"Colombian think tank CODHES counts 42 massacres, with a total of 182 victims between 1 January and 24 August, with Antioquia and the departments of the Pacific Coast most affected (CODHES 24/08/2020)." +221830,45410.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,68,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"[Les parties Sud des provinces administratives du BEG et du Kanem dans la Zone 5 - « agropastorale» ]: Malgré l’apport des produits des récoltes en cours complétée du lait et des achats sur les marchés, l’intensification des ventes de petits ruminants pour contrer les prix relativement élevés des céréales, l’accès alimentaire des ménages reste limité." +311644,53198.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,38,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/DTM%20Sudan%20Mobility%20Restriction%20Dashboard%204.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=8634,"Key informants reported a total of 247 IDP students studying in Khartoum, 10 students in Nyala and 8 students in Northern State who are currently stranded and unable to return home to IDP camps across North Darfur" +227284,46454.0,2028.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,62,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2022_23Dec2020_FINAL.pdf,"At present, from those displaced in October 2019, approximately 71,042 remain displaced in NES. As of 30 November, 9,142 of these were living in 55 collective shelters; in recent weeks, reports indicate an estimated 7,516 individuals formerly living in collective shelters have moved to a new informal site (Al Talae/Serikanye) established by local authorities" +287440,51638.0,2099.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,29,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20_FEVRIER%202021_SAHEL.pdf,"(Sahel) Augmenter sources d’approvisionnement en eau dans les sites et les communes qui accueillent les PDI (Gorom-Gorom, Dori, Djibo et Sebba)" +313691,53333.0,2334.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,28,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Support safety nets and livelihood programme for adolescent parents, including single parents and for vulnerable households with school-age girls who are at risk of dropping out." +150729,36611.0,1231.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,84,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/06%20June%20-%20R4V%20Situation%20Report%20-%20Caribbean.pdf,"In the Dominican Republic, given the increase in COVID-19 cases and the nega(cid:415)ve economic impact of restric(cid:415)on measures, the authori(cid:415)es announced that the state of emergency would con(cid:415)nue only un(cid:415)l 01 July. Curfew orders were amended keeping non-essen(cid:415)al ac(cid:415)vi(cid:415)es suspended while malls and businesses re-opened in different stages." +160611,35777.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']",[],[],es,68,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3658037,"El funcionario explicó también que estos paquetes nutricionales buscan mitigar el impacto del aislamiento preventivo obligatorio que estamos viviendo. ""Las familias que están recibiendo este impulso económico fueron seleccionadas en articulación con las administraciones municipales y con las mesas de participación de cada municipio, con el fin de que llegara a quienes no habían recibido ninguna ayuda por parte del Estado"", añadió." +176385,41733.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,22,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/reach_drc_bulletin-des-marche-2_juin-2020.pdf,"Enfin, la fluctuation des prix peut être rattachée à la dépréciation du FC observée sur les marchés depuis mars 2020." +176018,40890.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"Con respecto a la exposición a grupos armados ilegales, la gran mayoría de personas encuestadas (88%) reportó no tener conocimientos sobre una posible presencia de actores armados en la zona donde vive. El 9% de ellos afirmaron conocer sobre dicha presencia, y en el 4% de los casos no quisieron responder (ver gráfica 36)." +330480,53831.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,138,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/12042021_sitrep_s12_whe_oms_rdc_f.pdf,"[Ituri] MEDAIR : poursuite de l’appui aux soins de santé primaires (SSP) gratuits, les soins essentiels aux enfants de moins de cinq ans et les activités liées à l’EHA dans les CS des ZS de Lita, Linga et Fataki ; réalisation de la clinique mobile au camp des déplacés de Ngle (AS de Salama, ZS de Fataki) + : formation de 14 prestataires sur la prise en charge intégrée de Health Emergency Information and Risk Assessment Page 19 WHO Health Emergency Program la malnutrition aiguë (PCIMA) dans la ZS de Fataki et Gethy ; formation de six prestataires sur la gestion de médicament dans la ZS Fataki ; mise en place de cinq care groups dans l’AS Bule et Bukiringi." +69915,19974.0,1534.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,80,[],['Shock/Event'],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,"Unwanted pregnancies are also known to rise in the aftermath of emergencies, as gender and social norms that limit women and girls’ access to services are further restricted, while operational barriers are exacerbated. As hospitals and health facilities in hurricane affected areas are operating at limited capacity, with increased patient-load, it is critical to ensure a gender-appropriate health workforce trained on the clinical components of the MISP and equipped with adequate medical supplies." +236161,47076.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,72,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,"Due to the lockdowns announced in June, there was a significant drop in the number of incidents recorded by protection teams. 386 incidents were recorded through the UNHCR / INTERSOS protection monitoring project, far less than the 1,093 incidents reported in the month of May. This is because field activities were reduced considerably and by restrictions on freedom of movement including for humanitarian activities imposed by NSAGs." +17171,7188.0,321.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,137,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/67421.pdf,"Resettlement processing in Libya (Group 1) Since 1 September 2017, 1,048 individuals have been submitted for resettlement to 7 States (Canada, France, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland). A total of 253 individuals have departed on resettlement from Libya directly or through the ETC in Romania to Canada, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden. A total of 118 individuals have been accepted for resettlement and are pending departure from Libya directly or through the ETC Romania to Canada (107), France (4), the Netherlands (1) and Sweden (6). A total of 699 individuals have been submitted for resettlement and are pending interview or decision by a resettlement State in Libya" +319652,54519.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,70,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/colombia/en-visita-colombia-vicepresidente-del-cicr-reitera-compromiso-con-las-v-ctimas,"""En Colombia, las graves consecuencias de los conflictos armados y la violencia siguen afectando directamente a la población civil causándole sufrimiento e incertidumbre. Hace unos días estuve en Norte de Santander, uno de los departamentos más afectados por esta realidad, y pude comprobar las prioridades humanitarias que hay en esta y otras zonas de Colombia"", mencionó Gilles Carbonnier, vicepresidente del CICR." +317497,52949.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,32,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,Heavy rainfall and flooding triggered by Cyclone Gati from 22 to 24 November 2020 caused significant damage to fishing communities and caused livestock deaths in coastal parts of Puntland and Somaliland. +205568,44672.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Context->Economy'],en,54,['Impact'],['Context'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In Afghanistan, 90% of the economy is informal and operated by MSMEs (Medium and Small Size Enterprises). Besides limiting revenue mobilization, the informality of MSMEs expose them fluctuation of markets. COVID19 is the sheer example where the economic shocks have made many MSMEs lose their business." +327492,54714.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,51,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,"[PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Most commonly reported areas in the community where girls and/or women do not feel safe were: On the way to markets (10%), In shelters (78%), at water points(12%)." +181179,42386.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,56,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_RMU_October-2020_vfinal.pdf,"Les termes de l’échange bouc/mil sont stables à Dori et en hausse de 27 pour cent à Djibo par rapport à la normale. Par contre, ils sont en baisse de 30 pour cent sur le marché de Gorom-Gorom (ZOME 8) en raison du bradage des animaux par les PDIs." +425373,64518.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Vaccination', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,37,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20MENA%20COVID-19%20Update%20July%202021.pdf,"[1 – 31 July, Overall Syria] The Government announced that it would exempt anyone entering Syria from presenting a negative COVID-19 PCR test if a vaccination certificate approved by health authorities is presented." +386819,60459.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Health', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,89,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"La vente de la production agricole, notamment le niébé, l’arachide, le sésame et le sorgho, constitue la principale source de revenu des ménages pauvres entre octobre et janvier habituellement. Même si les prix de vente pourraient être légèrement supérieurs la moyenne, cela ne suffira pas pour compenser les baisses de production. Par conséquent, le revenu agricole, qui soutient généralement les dépenses de santé et de scolarité pendant la période restera en-dessous de la moyenne. (scenario)" +194592,43822.0,2311.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,12,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19112020_flash_update_no.3_emergencias_por_ola_invernal_-_colombia_vf.pdf,"se requieren apoyo en suministros como alimentos, frazadas y colchonetas." +9150,2909.0,322.0,[],[],[],en,59,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_jan_to_apr_2018.pdf,"The response for migrants has included identifying vulnerabilities and providing immediate assistance to unaccompanied minors, Gender Based Violence (GBV) cases, victims of human rights violations and Humanitarian Voluntary Return. The response for refugees also includes distribution of food, water, NFIs, shelter, health, protection and support for spontaneous returns." +235865,47091.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,58,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/borno_state_covid-19_weekly_sitrep_wk_52.pdf,"Risk communication/Social mobilization: • COVID-19 prevention messages continued across the state. • Jingles on benefit of facemask, handwashing, social distance and de-stigmatization is ongoing in kanuri, Hausa, Shuwa Arab and baburbura on BRTV, DANDAL KURA and PEACE FM radio station sponsored by UNICEF and CHRISTIAN AID, and UK AID." +294323,51259.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,26,[],['Covid-19'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2020_access_annual_overview.pdf,"In May, restrictions were eased and some commercial and UNHAS flights were granted permission to move passengers, which significantly improved the operating environment." +185136,39920.0,1231.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,26,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/resultados_primera_encuesta_covid-19_-_formato_11x17.pdf,"Más del55% de la población entiende la importancia de usar mascarilla, guantes y alcohol en gel, pero expresan que no lo tienen disponibles" +236545,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,49,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"While the policy of the Government of Afghanistan is to make healthcare universally accessible, a report by Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) finds that the reduction in international funding for public health has left a funding gap that is increasingly filled through “user fees.”" +493943,67712.0,1224.0,[],[],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",en,81,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"Upon reviewing migratory regulations, those that are identified as older maintain a perspective centered around national security and border control, as in Guyana (1947)40 and Chile (1975),41 while more recent ones, such as the migration policies of Brazil, Ecuador,42 and Peru, who reformulated their laws in 2017, have a broader and more inclusive focus regarding guarantees of rights for these populations (Alonso et al., 2018)." +187717,43292.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/msna_2020_factsheet_refugee.pdf,"[July-August 2020, Bangladesh] Rohingya Refugees: During the survey, respondents raised a range of protection-related concerns, including: • Robbery • Kidnapping • Child marriage • Sexual harassment • Rent payments • Threats by local people/armed groups • Mahjees demanding money/using violence against those reporting problems • Challenges registering under a new address when moving camps, resulting in difficulties accessing assistance" +313649,53333.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,50,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Priorities are emergency medical, psychosocial and legal support. There is a need to provide supportive awareness- raising messages and training for security forces in order to combat GBV wherever it occurs, and for law enforcement agencies so that cases can be reported without fear or favour." +69907,19974.0,1534.0,['Health'],[],[],en,37,[],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,,Disasters and traumatic events often have an impact on the emotional well-being of the affected population. Psychosocial support is therefore urgently needed to support people suffering from trauma and depression in the aftermath of Dorian. +234942,46388.0,2336.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,75,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Social, health and economic impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic continue to be felt across all demographic groups and are undermining the coping capacity of an already vulnerable population. The dramatic contraction in the country’s burgeoning economy, loss of informal livelihoods and the high prevalence and depth of household debt are pushing all population groups to adopt dangerous coping strategies which are particularly putting women and children at increased risk." +191895,43304.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,83,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"le ralentissement des activités économiques consécutives aux mesures barrières ont un impact négatif sur le cadre macroéconomique. Il s’agit notamment de la croissance économique (baisse de la productivité et de la production et des valeurs ajoutées sectorielles), du niveau des prix, l’emploi (via l’utilisation de la main-d’œuvre), les finances publiques (solde et allocation budgétaire) et l’équilibre extérieur (volume des échanges)." +171458,40699.0,2098.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,50,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20201004_acaps_thematic_review_vulnerable_households_rohingya_refugee_response.pdf,"[4th october, Cox's Bazar] The REVA 3 also found that 91% of Rohingya households resorted to negative coping mechanisms to address their needs and 46% of households remain economically vulnerable, with consumption below the Minimum Expenditure Basket (MEB) (WFP 12/2019" +185145,39920.0,1231.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,20,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/resultados_primera_encuesta_covid-19_-_formato_11x17.pdf,Sólo el 31.7% expresó tener el conteo de CD4 (las defensas del cuerpo) mayor de 500 células +323577,54626.0,2331.0,['Education'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,33,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,"In addition, due to lack of teachers’ incentives, 37 (3 females) teachers have dropped out of teaching with the MoE soliciting for support from agencies to respond." +58960,17671.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Economy']",es,43,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.elnuevosiglo.com.co/articulos/08-2019-pib-se-beneficiaria-con-llegada-de-venezolanos,"Indica el BM que la evidencia sugiere que, tomando las decisiones adecuadas de política, la migración tiene el potencial de generar crecimiento en Colombia. Dicho crecimiento estaría explicado por aumentos en inversión y consumo derivados de la migración”." +490530,67720.0,1231.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,91,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,,"In addition to participatory assessments, the Americas Protection Monitoring Tool2 was piloted in the Dominican Republic between August 2019 to March 2020. Main findings indicated that 34% out of the 759 people interviewed had specific needs, 49% had no residence permit or legal status and 46% had a tourist visa. Additionally, 74 refugees and migrants highlighted in 250 interviews, that 60% had suffered incidents such as robbery or theft, intimidation, kidnapping, physical violence or sexual harassment among others" +294629,51749.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,87,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[District sanitaire de Ouargaye] En réalité les tarifs dans les CSPS ne suivent pas les recommandations du ministère de la santé et varient d’un centre à l’autre, du moment de la fréquentation pendant les gardes, les jours fériés et week end. L’application de la dispensation des médicaments aussi dépend de la disponibilité et les même de l’agent soignant car il a été remonté aux équipes d’enquête des raquettes par certains prestataires." +492299,67914.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,62,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_mvam_bulletin_58_august_2021.pdf,"[August 2021, Overall Syria] [August 2021, Overall Syria] According to residency status, in August 2021, 53 percent of IDPs reported inadequate food consumption, an increase of 15 percent year-on-year. Moreover, the total share of returnee and resident households with poor or borderline food consumption reached 47 and 39 percent, respectively" +323312,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,24,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Nevertheless, Burkina Faso remains among the countries with the lowest rates of access to primary education (World Bank, 2017)." +341829,56644.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,50,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.sismamujer.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/MUJERES-DERECHOS-LABORALES-Y-EMERGENCIA-SANITARIA.docx.pdf,"La mayoría de las situaciones revela problemas estructurales y anteriores a la pandemia, pero un análisis en este contexto permitió evidenciar los riesgos graves y las consecuencias nefastas para las mujeres, especialmente en estos sectores, ante la precarización y falta de garantías en sus entornos laborales." +157952,38137.0,2098.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,82,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cxb_education_covid_response_reaching_every_learner_final.pdf,"# of child, adolescent, and youthfriendly referral, reporting, and feedback mechanisms developed and identified # of children, adolescent, and youth benefiting from developed and identified referral, reporting, and feedback mechanisms that include issues such as child protection, GBV, ASRHR % of children, adolescent, and youth who comprehend how and when to use referral, reporting, and feedback mechanisms that include issues such as child protection, GBV, ASRHR" +236321,46388.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,52,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The outbreak of COVID-19 has amplified pre-existing gender inequalities driven by harmful gender norms and stereotypes. It has particularly impacted women who have suffered a decrease in income-generating opportunities, which has put at risk their access to essential services such as healthcare, food, water, and protection." +235700,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,84,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Recent market monitoring by the Joint Market Monitoring Initiative (JMMI) also reveals households continue to face challenges in accessing functional markets. Among the 61 per cent of key informants who reported that they face at least one barrier to accessing markets as a consumer, the most frequently cited reasons included insecurity (24 per cent), financial barriers (23 per cent) and fear of exposure to COVID-19 and public health restrictions (18 per cent)." +299361,51893.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,56,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[January 2021, Overall Syria] % of reasons for not working of individuals between 18 & 64 years by sex: 14% male and 12% female said that work was not available and 1% of both, male and female said that they couldn't find wok because of Covid-19." +321324,54765.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Education', 'Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,48,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/democratic-republic-congo/recent-surge-violence-drc-s-ituri-province-worsening-already,"“Every day, children and their rights are undermined through relentless violence and grave rights violations, displacement, rising food insecurity, and lack of access to pretty much every basic service, including schooling [UNICEF’s Senior Coordinator for Eastern DRC]." +330035,53699.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,120,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_094_20210404_hebdo_s13.pdf,"Relativement à l’exposition, 21,2% (659/3105) des cas auraient séjourné - endéans les 14 jours avant la maladie - dans une ou plusieurs autres villes affectées par la COVID-19, à l’intérieur ou en dehors de la RDC. En outre, 22,1% (466/2110) des cas auraient visité une structure sanitaire ; 44,0% (890/2025) des cas auraient été en contact étroit avec un sujet présentant les symptômes d’une infection respiratoire aigüe et 59,4% (2198/3703) des cas auraient été en contact étroit avec au moins un cas confirmé ou probable de COVID-19, dans les 14 jours précédant le début de la maladie" +346744,57052.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],en,120,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/syria-country-office-market-price-watch-bulletin-issue-77-april-2021,"(GoS, April 2021) On 15 April 2021, the Central Bank devalued the Syrian pound from SYP 1,250/USD to SYP 2,500/USD. As a result of the devaluation, the informal Syrian pound rate strengthened by 26 percent, reaching SYP 3,146/USD leading the price of many food items to decrease. The highest informal exchange rate was reported in Damascus, Deir-ez-Zor, Hama and Homs at 3,175/USD (all appreciated by 27 percent m-o-m except in Deir-ez-Zor by 29 percent). Conversely, the lowest rates were reported in Al-Hasakeh at SYP 3,105/USD (appreciated by 24 percent m-o-m), and Ar-Raqqa at SYP 3,108/USD (appreciated by 25 percent m-o-m)." +2582,517.0,321.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,39,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Libya%20Situation%20Report%20-%20End%20of%20Year%202017.pdf,"UNICEF LCO continue to strengthen the immunization system in Libya, in 2017, UNICEF LCO procured 400 cold boxes and vaccine carriers, 550 ice-lined refrigerators with voltage regulators for utilization in health facilities all over the country" +297918,52688.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,47,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[23 March 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: If a stranger offers you a job, money, shelter, food in exchange for something from you – you or your children may be at risk of being hurt, exploited, or trafficked" +475550,63296.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Les mauvaises conditions climatiques ont engendré une réduction des quantités de céréales récoltées, et ainsi il est possible d’anticiper une période de disponibilité de réserves alimentaires limitée pendant la période de soudure agricole (entre les mois de mai et août)." +472876,63777.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,72,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"la ville de Sebba a accueilli 15 956 PDIs dont 10 857 enfants et 3 047 femmes à la date du 14 juin 2021 selon les données de la Direction Régionale en charge de l’Action Humanitaire du Sahel. A la même date, Sampelga, une localité située à une cinquantaine de kilomètres de Sebba accueillait 886 PDIs (241 hommes, 287 femmes et 358 enfants)." +235843,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,42,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"While health partners have invested heavily in extending trauma care to rural areas and closer to conflict lines, under-investment in follow-on rehabilitative facilities and services has left many of those who do survive to suffer from severe, life-altering disabilities." +192953,43304.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,27,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,Travailler avec les communautés locales et les entrepreneurs pour concevoir une approche gouvernementale au-delà de la crise sanitaire et des solutions pour le traitement du contexte local +181150,42386.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Push Factors', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,56,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_RMU_October-2020_vfinal.pdf,"Nonobstant une réduction des incidents sécuritaires et des fatalités depuis le mois de juillet comparativement aux autres mois de l’année, la situation sécuritaire demeure préoccupante et marquée par des groupes terroristes. Cela empêche le retour en nombre significatif des déplacés internes, estimés à 1034609 (CONASUR, septembre 2020)." +388449,61054.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,20,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://lefaso.net/spip.php?article106528,"Il s’agit en effet de deux cas à Ouagadougou, trois à Bobo-Dioulasso et un à Dano." +287128,51749.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,77,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,[district sanitaire de Pouytenga] Gestion des épidémies : Le CMA [Centre médical avec antenne chirurgicale] dispose d’un secteur d’isolement avec 3 lits installés mais les agents de santé n’ont suivi aucune formation pour la gestion d’une épidémie surtout en cette période de pandémie de Covid-19. Le centre ne dispose non plus de protocole et ou guide pour la prise en charge des épidémies. +2190,473.0,322.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,16,['At Risk'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://www.reuters.com/article/us-yemen-famine-un-factbox/factbox-could-yemen-face-the-largest-famine-in-decades-idUSKBN1D927I,Attacks on hospitals and health facilities have increased by a third in the last year. +176033,40890.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,121,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"solamente el 5% de los hogares entrevistados no está incurriendo en una estrategia de supervivencia, y 6% asumen estrategias de ‘estrés’. El 47% de los encuestados están incurriendo en estrategias de supervivencia nivel “crisis”, tales cómo reducir gastos esenciales como educación y salud o vendiendo bienes o activos productivos para cubrir sus necesidades; mientras el 42% incurren en estrategias de “emergencia” como pedir dinero en la calle (37%) o aceptar trabajos que representan un riesgo en su integridad, salud, seguridad o vida (14%). El 85% de hogares reportó haber gastado las necesidades de alimentos u otras necesidades" +158783,39292.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,59,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Round-3-Analysis-Factsheet-NES_TK_09.09.20.pdf,"Most basic services are fully available in most sub-districts, although 59% of sub-districts report that they are in need of soap or water, 80% of sub-districts report that a majority of the population are in need of masks, and 89% report that a majority of the population are in need of disinfectants." +314177,52949.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Ongoing armed conflict and insecurity continue to drive displacement, with an estimated 242,000 Somalis displaced by conflict/insecurity in 2020, compounding the humanitarian situation and causing high levels of need and protection concerns" +293848,52074.0,2334.0,['Protection'],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],en,39,[],['Humanitarian Access'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,Access challenges were particularly severe during the month of October. Child Friendly Spaces were closed by the Government in the Kumbo subdivision due to perceptions that they had been corrupted and were supporting parties to the conflict. +61395,18235.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,69,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"According to humanitarian workers in Cúcuta and Bogotá, refugees and migrants crossing the area – especially children and adolescents – are exposed to a number of protection risks, including enforced disappearances, sexual exploitation and sexual violence against women and girls, and recruitment for illegal activities related to coca harvesting, which provide a relatively high income and allows them to send money back home." +439718,63184.0,2099.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,42,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Burkina%20Faso%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%201%20May%20-%2030%20June%202021.pdf,"The Centre, Hauts Bassins and Plateau Central regions have the fewest health workers vaccinated, with 14.58 per cent, 11.27 per cent and 8.80 per cent respectively, compared with 57.67 per cent for the Boucle du Mouhoun region." +294577,51749.0,2099.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,96,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[commune de Ouargaye] De manière générale, lors de la saison sèche il y a des phases d’assèchement occasionnel qui ne permettent pas d’utiliser les sources d’eau protégées. Ainsi comme dans le cas de la commune de Pouytenga, le matrice 5W du cluster WASH ne fait pas état d’activités de partenaires humanitaires à Ouargaye depuis 2018, on peut donc envisager la possibilité qu’une partie des infrastructures en eau qui étaient fonctionnelles en 2018 ne le soient plus aujourd’hui." +311057,54065.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,98,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nenfss_round_9_final_report_11032021.pdf,"[1st Dec 2020,North-East Nigeria] The proportion of children under five with reported symptoms of fever is provided in Table 3.4.4 along with measures of clinical management including proportions tested for malaria and receiving anti-malarial drugs. Prevalence was highest in Yobe (17.0%) followed by Borno (16.7%) and Adamawa (15.0%). By domain, prevalence ranged from 12.2% (Northern Borno) to 19.9% (Central Yobe). No significant differences were observed by sex (16.1% vs. 16.9%)." +247740,48086.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],fr,46,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"Un total de 104 450 tests antigènes fournis par la Société africaine de médecine de laboratoire (ASLM) grâce au soutien de Global Affairs Canada seront distribués à cinq États membres (RDC, Niger, Burkina Faso, Congo et Sierra Leone)." +402963,63058.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,105,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Democratic%20Republic%20of%20Congo%20-%20Key%20Message%20Update_%20Fri%2C%202021-07-30.pdf,"En cette première phase de scenario, en dépit de la période post-récolte, les zones de conflits du nord-est et du centre-est resteront en phase de Crise (Phase 3 de l’IPC) notamment l’Ituri, le Sud-Kivu, le Nord-Kivu, le Tanganyika et le sud Kasaï. Les provinces de Lomami, Sankuru, Kasaï oriental, ex-Katanga qui sont des zones relativement calmes vont demeurer en Stress (Phase 2 de l’IPC) alors que le Haut-Uele, Bas-Uélé, Tshopo, seront en situation Minimale (Phase 1 de l’IPC)." +309759,51467.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,63,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"The most prominent reasons for the dependence of refugees on food assistance include the lack of safe access to land for own cultivation, limited size and poor fertility of land in and around refugee camps, limited access to seeds, tools and assets, limited income generating opportunities in and around the camps, high inflation rate and rising food cost" +181187,42437.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,20,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sig.gov.bf/actualites/details?tx_news_pi1%5Baction%5D=detail&tx_news_pi1%5Bcontroller%5D=News&tx_news_pi1%5Bnews%5D=776&cHash=9139883b1c4d82d8e2c06a0e5c598710,-Nombre de cas confirmés depuis le 09 mars 2020 : 2 500 dont 853 femmes et 1 647 hommes. +165095,38902.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,22,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,.Over 4 million children continue to go without school meals. 46% of them are girls (WFP 07/2020). +216646,45416.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,78,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,"Pour les vulnérabilités par rapport à la parentalité, ce sont 8% d’orphelins et 4% d’enfants non accompagnés qui fréquentent dans les écoles ciblées par l’évaluation. Les enfants porteurs d’handicaps sont 3% et les enfants associés aux groupes armés représentent une très faible frange de 0.0023% (soit 34 enfants dans les 21 écoles enquêtées) non négligeable à la vue de leur vuln��rabilité." +220145,44615.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",es,37,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://caracol.com.co/emisora/2020/11/30/cucuta/1606693844_269041.amp.html,"Por último, se mantienen las medidas sanitarias, el mantenimiento del orden público y el aislamiento selectivo con individual responsable hasta las cero horas (00:00 AM) del día 16 de enero del 2021." +213253,44840.0,2331.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,84,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,"WFP and UNICEF are supporting government to reach the most vulnerable through a variety of rural and urban safety-nets to address food insecurity and loss of income. WFP is already accelerating registration of people and planning to expand transfers in the coming weeks for an urban safety net. Under the government-led, World Bank-funded Shock Responsive Safety Net for Human Capital Project (SNHCP), WFP expects to reach an additional 200,000 rural households by the third quarter of 2020." +189166,42865.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross', 'Food Security', 'WASH']",[],[],es,81,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-LMA-Colombia-Espanol.pdf,"Afortunadamente, el gobierno colombiano y sus colaboradores han adaptado sus políticas y programas para atender las necesidades de los venezolanos durante el brote. En abril, el gobierno lanzó un plan de seis puntos para incluir a los venezolanos en la respuesta ante la pandemia. Como parte del plan, el gobierno se encuentra trabajando con colaboradores del GIFMM para proveer transferencias de efectivo de emergencia y el acceso a comida, albergue, y agua potable." +91774,26015.0,1620.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,76,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Situation-Overview_H2R_Oct-Dec_13.03.2020.pdf,"Throughout the reporting period, all assessed settlements in Kukawa (100%) and almost all in Marte (97%) consistently reported most people to be engaged in subsistence farming practices. Likewise, the majority of assessed settlements in Kukawa and Marte reported having access to land for farming (see Map 4) throughout the reporting period (98% of assessed settlements in Kukawa and 75% in Marte)" +35541,13057.0,788.0,['Food Security'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Context->Demography'],en,123,['At Risk'],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000105395.pdf,"Despite the large quantity of food assistance provided to conflict affected households, only 7.5 percent of households in the BAY states relied on food assistance to meet their food needs. However, food assistance remains a key food source for displaced households. Among IDPs in camps, 34.5 percent of households relied on food assistance, while 56 percent accessed their food through market purchase. On the other hand, 30.3 percent of host community households accessed their food through own-produced grains whereas 55.3 percent predominantly comes from purchased grain. Therefore, it can be deduced that the population in the north east generally rely on food produced in other parts of the country for their survival." +222868,45707.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,37,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=214128,"[16th December, 2020, Overall Syria] Health Ministry announced on Wednesday that 151 new Coronavirus cases were registered in Syria, adding that 54 patients have recovered while 11 others have passed away." +61619,18442.0,1184.0,['Protection'],[],[],en,18,[],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"Gaps remain, for instance, as regards the security and physical safety of refugees and migrants." +485645,65398.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,75,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Debido al desconocimiento del funcionamiento del sistema de salud de Perú, un aspecto que llama la atención a los migrantes es que la atención médica debe ser pagada, así como los medicamentos e implementos que se utilicen para los tratamientos. Esta situación genera desconcierto por las diferencias que encuentran con el sistema de salud en Venezuela, que era integral. Asimismo, mencionan la precariedad de la atención en salud." +305616,51467.0,2335.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Cross']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,34,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,Refugees in nine camps and settlements across the country need camp management services. Strong community engagement and well-timed information sharing is critical for refugee community structures and host communities to ensure ownership. +181186,42437.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],fr,83,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sig.gov.bf/actualites/details?tx_news_pi1%5Baction%5D=detail&tx_news_pi1%5Bcontroller%5D=News&tx_news_pi1%5Bnews%5D=776&cHash=9139883b1c4d82d8e2c06a0e5c598710,"A la date du 29 octobre 2020, la situation de la maladie à Coronavirus au Burkina Faso se présente comme suit : -Nombre de nouveaux cas confirmés : 09, tous à transmissions communautaires (06 à Ouagadougou, 01 Réo à 01 à Kombissiri et 01 à Bobo-Dioulasso) ; -Nombre de guérisons : 16, total des guérisons, 2250 ; -Nombre de décès : 00, total des décès, 67 ; -Nombre de cas actifs : 181 ;" +320272,52949.0,2331.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)'],en,36,[],['Information And Communication'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The Gender Based Violence Information Management System (GBVIMS) currently in operation is limited in scope and is inadequate to provide the breath of data needed to inform GBV prevention, response and mitigation." +388551,60980.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,113,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/informe_de_emergencias_humanitarias_reportadas_elc_enero_junio_2021.pdf,"Población objeto de atención y seguimiento: comunidad Nittake Yangriri del pueblo indígena Ette Ennaka, la comunidad de Santa Cecilia en Astrea, la asociación de pescadores de Chimichagua, la comunidad afrodescendiente de Mandinguilla en Chimichagua, la comunidad afrodescendiente de Saloa en Chimichagua, los dignatarios de las juntas de acción comunal (JAC) de corregimientos y veredas, los pescadores artesanales que desempeñan su actividad en el complejo cenagoso de Zapatosa y en los ríos Magdalena y Cesar, los pobladores campesinos y afrodescendientes de los corregimientos y veredas relacionadas en la alerta y los dignatarios de los Consejos Comunitarios de comunidades negras y de organizaciones sociales afrodescendientes" +216659,45416.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,Les garçons sont des forces de travail que les parents jugent nécessaires pour augmenter les revenus des ménages dans les situations d’extrême pauvreté comme celles que les crises humanitaires engendrent. +236074,47122.0,2334.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,20,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"Together with the clusters, OCHA is finalizing a COVID-19 humanitarian response strategy and implementation plan for the NWSW." +212025,45203.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,53,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://fews.net/west-africa/cameroon/food-security-outlook/june-2020,"The rains arrived on time at the start of the season. Total cumulative precipitation was near-average and in line with seasonal forecasts for February to June 2020 (North American Multi-Model Ensemble (NMME)), ensuring normal crop growth and development and average agricultural production at the national level." +288024,51049.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,46,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nw_syria_sitrep25_20210226.pdf,"[26 Feb, 2021, NWS] After a year of active COVID-19 response and efforts made by Health Cluster partners, the greatest challenge for 2021 will be to sustain an appropriate response and manage the spread of the virus in northwest Syria." +235454,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,48,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"A joint study by Ministry of Public Health (MOPH), Johns Hopkins and WHO suggested that by June 2020, COVID-19 had infected more than 30 per cent of the population nationally (50 per cent of Kabul residents) and was likely to grow." +313650,53333.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,47,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"There is need for protection partners to work with education practitioners to continue scaling up sensitization and training on gender-based violence (GBV), child protection and human right violations to help reduce challenges for adolescent girls and better support their return to school safely." +292281,52058.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,44,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/16-03-21_ni_nord_kivu.pdf,"[terr. Masisi] Dans le groupement de Bashali Mokoto, ces violences armées étaient concentrées dans les localités de Ngingwe et Bucariki le 11 mars, occasionnant le déplacement d’environ 2 500 personnes vers les villages de Busumba et Muhongozi" +176098,40999.0,2099.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,131,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_levaluation_rapide_sur_les_vbg_et_covid-19_dans_la_region_de_lest.pdf,"Plusieurs risques de VBG ont été identifiés au cours des audits de sécurité réalisés et des informations recueillies des focus group : -Les marchés sont très éloignés, il faut marcher des kilomètres pour y accéder alors que les routes ne sont pas sûres ; -Les femmes et les filles adoptent des stratégies de survie pour répondre à leurs besoins vitaux en allant chercher du bois de chauffe dans les brousses et des vivres dans les localités de départ malgré les risques de violences sexuelles et d’enlèvement ; -Les logements de fortune sont surpeuplés et ne sont pas éclairés ; -Les latrines et les coins d’eau ne sont pas éclairés ; -Les latrines et les douches ne disposent pas de portes pouvant être fermées à clé." +244758,48003.0,2425.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Lebanon Situation Analysis,2021-01-25 12:39:46.093809+00,,"The Committee renewed its call for everyone in the Palestinian camps and gatherings to fully adhere to preventive measures, especially physical spacing, putting on masks and avoiding gatherings because the danger has become imminent and it affects everyone" +285955,51487.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['Context->Security & Stability'],es,67,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no1_desplazamientos_en_buenaventura.pdf,"De igual manera, se presentan casos de extorsiones, homicidios, desapariciones y uso y utilización de niños, niñas y adolescentes por parte del GDO para servirles como informantes. Esta situación ha conllevado a que las comunidades de los barrios más afectados1 decidan permanecer en sus hogares, limitando el tiempo que permanecen fuera del mismo y sin salir de éste desde las 4:00p.m" +307034,51572.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"There is no soap available in the 3 camps. The last distribution took place in March 2020. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +143705,35870.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,31,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"In addition to support detailed in previous reports, WHO also continues to provide technical support for the MoH COVID-19 Dynamic Infographic Dashboard for Syria, in Arabic and English." +167137,40126.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,46,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_weekly_situation_update_-_27_september_ne_nigeria_0.pdf,"In Borno State, a total of 14,557 individuals were screened at 23 Points of Entries locations and 9,092 POEs and Car parks Surveillance Cards were distributed. In Yobe State, screening at PoEs in Postikum, Bade, Geidam and Nguru LGAs was conducted" +226569,46454.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,62,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2022_23Dec2020_FINAL.pdf,"[23rd December, Overall Syria] Since reopening in September, sharp rises of cases in schools have also been recorded, with 1,540 cases reported up to 10 December; including at least 12 reported deaths. Of those affected, 858 were reported to be teachers/administrative staff, with the highest numbers in Rural Damascus, Homs and Hama" +165244,39714.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,Las personas que no adoptaron el aislamiento (voluntario u obligatorio) presentan los menores porcentajes de acceso a información sobre COVID-19 a través cualquier medio. +156586,38698.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,30,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flood_dashboard_monitoring_5_september_2020.pdf,There is need to upscale child protection interventions and this requires resources to meet the needs of the vulnerable populations that have been affected by both floods and COVID-19. +149024,37702.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,49,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"Of the cases announced to date by the MoH, 69 are reported to be healthcare workers, the majority in Damascus. As of 10 August, the MoH has reported approximately 21,070 tests have been performed in laboratories in Damascus, Aleppo, Homs and Lattakia governorates" +309785,51467.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"The COVID-19 situation, sub-national violence and floods that led to population displacement, coupled with a decrease in coverage/uptake of nutrition services exacerbated the nutrition situation." +306884,51572.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,42,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"In December 2020, mobile connection has been restored in Baliet county which significantly improved access to information by IDPs in Melut. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +329847,55152.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,54,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bcnudh_-_communique_de_presse_-_note_mensuelle_mars_2021.pdf,"[Mars 2021] Près de 93% des violations [des droits de l’homme ] documentées en mars 2021 ont été commises dans les provinces affectées par les conflits (611 violations) et ont entrainé la mort d’au moins 234 civils, dont 49 femmes et13 enfants." +326857,51351.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,42,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.alwatanonline.com/%d9%85%d8%ad%d8%b7%d8%a9-%d8%ac%d8%af%d9%8a%d8%af%d8%a9-%d9%84%d9%85%d9%8a%d8%a7%d9%87-%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%b4%d8%b1%d8%a8-%d9%81%d9%8a-%d8%a7%d8%af%d9%84%d8%a8/,"(Idlib, 03/2021) The Director General of the General Organization for Drinking Water and Sanitation in Idlib, Muhammad Ajami, revealed that the drinking water plant had started functionning in the Al-Hawiyyah area in the liberated countryside of Idlib" +216620,45416.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,"La province de l’Ituri vient ensuite avec 2057 enseignants notés dans ses 26 rapports d’évaluations, puis la province du Nord-Kivu avec 1550 enseignants enregistré dans ses 7 rapports d’évaluation, et enfin la province du Sud-Kivu dont 894 enseignants ont été enregistré dans ses 10 rapports d’évaluation." +292170,52074.0,2334.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,22,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,"Partners sensitised 3,211 caregivers on appropriate IYCF-E practices. WFP finalized partnership agreements on the prevention of MAM through the BSFP." +106118,30611.0,1860.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,31,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],COVID-19 Americas Region Multi-Sectorial Assessment,2020-05-18 21:51:19.040784+00,https://1bec58c3-8dcb-46b0-bb2a-fd4addf0b29a.filesusr.com/ugd/188e74_6f98530009f54edfa41096e8142b717b.pdf,"An additional 5.4% of caravan members reported diabetes, 19.3% hypertension, 3% physical trauma and 25.2% mentioned other concerns, including reproductive health and mental disorders6" +182591,42252.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,86,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2020_29Oct2020_FINAL.pdf,"[29th October 2020, Overall Syria] In addition, for reasons including community stigma and individual reluctance to go to hospitals, it is further likely significant numbers of people with symptoms are not seeking tests or treatment or are obtaining private services offering home care. In addition to making actual numbers of cases difficult to ascertain, this may increase the risk of late referral of severe/complicated cases for treatment, negatively impacting the long-term health prospects and survival of patients." +61718,18346.0,1184.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,565,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71003.pdf,"En la frontera norte se continúa el fortalecimiento de capacidades de los gobiernos locales de Tulcán e Ibarra en temas de movilidad humana, realizando recomendaciones para la inclusión de contenidos comunicacionales sobre movilidad humana, y colaborando en la elaboración de una Ordenanza de Movilidad Humana para el cantón Tulcán. 13 Campaña realizada por el Sistema de Naciones Unidas Ecuador. 14 Campaña realizada por CARE Ecuador 15 Campaña realizada por Servicio Jesuita para Refugiados Ecuador 16 Campaña realizada por HIAS Ecuador Hay participación de miembros del GTRM en los espacios de coordinación interinstitucional del Estado, tanto en fronteras, como en las principales ciudades del país, lo que permite posicionar el tema de la movilidad humana y los riesgos de vulneraciones de derechos de las personas venezolanas, a fin de encontrar alternativas conjuntas que permitan la inclusión de refugiados y migrantes en los programas o proyectos destinados al mejoramiento de la calidad de vida, así como identificar los vacíos de protección dentro de las rutas de atención. Cabe mencionar que, durante el mes de mayo se llevó a cabo varias mesas técnicas en las que se trató temáticas relevantes para la protección e inclusión de la población venezolana. Las diferentes mesas han permitido identificar los principales problemas y vacíos dentro de los servicios gubernamentales ofrecidos a los y las venezolanos/as, en diferentes ámbitos como salud, inclusión económica, gestión de casos, acceso a la educación, rutas de acceso a servicios, procedimientos administrativos, acceso a servicios financieros, análisis de casos de NNA no acompañados, gestión de la emergencia en frontera, atención a grupos prioritarios, seguridad, alojamiento temporal, entre otras. Además, la activa participación de los socios del GTRM ha permitido la apertura de espacios para el desarrollo de talleres dirigidos a funcionarios públicos. Por ejemplo, se realizó un taller sobre los efectos psicosociales del desplazamiento, consideraciones sobre la tortura y la victimización secundaria, dirigido a funcionarios del Ministerio de Salud Pública en Sangolquí. Asimismo, aspirantes para policías del Comando de Tulcán recibieron capacitaciones sobre Primeros Auxilios Psicológicos y sobre los efectos psicosociales del desplazamiento forzoso y migración. Funcionarios del MIES recibieron talleres sobre mejores prácticas para la erradicación de la pobreza en grupos vulnerables. También, se realizó un taller de programas de Post Incubación en emprendimiento a los funcionarios del Instituto Tecnológico Bolivariano y la Secretaría Técnica de la Juventud, dirigido a diseñar un plan piloto para el seguimiento post crédito de emprendedores focalizados en la ciudad de Guayaquil. Por otro lado, se mantiene la incidencia con instituciones de gobierno para garantizar y proteger los derechos de refugiados y migrantes venezolanos. Por ejemplo, con el Instituto Ecuatoriano de Seguridad Social (IESS) se solicitó información oficial sobre los documentos requeridos para acceder al código de afiliación, esto debido a que a las personas que tienen visa humanitaria se les está exigiendo la presentación del pasaporte. También, se realizó un acercamiento al Servicio de Rentas Internas para la creación del RUC/RISE (registros de contribuyentes para declaración de impuestos) para personas que cuentan con visa electrónica y requieren facturas tanto para la formalización de sus emprendimientos como para prestación de servicios a empresas." +199570,44216.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,82,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/health/coronavirus/2020/11/16/covid-19-bangladesh-records-21-deaths-2-139-new-cases,"[16th November 2020, Bangladesh] As many as 847 people have been sent to quarantine in the last 24 hours taking the number of people currently in quarantine to 39,244. Also, 858 people were released from quarantine during the same period. Moreover, 156 Covid-19 suspected patients were taken into isolation and 124 were allowed to leave in the last 24 hours. Now, 12,170 people are staying in different isolation units across the country." +318954,53305.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,92,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"COVID-19 related access constraints amplified pre-existing difficulties in reaching people, especially during the first half of the year. Approximately half of the COVID-19 related incidents were administrative in nature. In March, all international flights were suspended, with exceptions to limited number of cargo and internal flights. Sixty staff members from the UN, international and national NGOs from listed countries were denied access and visa issuance for new staff was suspended. In May, UNHAS flights resumed, which significantly improved the operating environment." +317967,52949.0,2331.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,64,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Food Security: There are 3.5 million people in need of food .Similarly, 2.4M non-IDPs, 1M IDPs, 53,000refugees/asylum seekers, 39,000 refugee returnees are in need. Education Cluster key vulnerable groups are (530,000) person living with disability, 1M rural population. . Severity of needs: 11% (Severe), 89% (Extreme)." +219764,45438.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,142,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SR-OEA_Nov20-crisis-de-migrantes-y-refugiados-venezolanos-informe-de-situacion.pdf,"La profundización de la crisis en Venezuela ha empujado a muchos de los venezolanos retornados a reingresar a Colombia en las últimas semanas. Algunos de ellos lo hacen acompañados de uno a tres familiares, tal como proyectaba Migración Colombia. A pesar de que los pasos fronterizos con Venezuela permanecen cerrados, se ha reiniciado el ingreso de venezolanos a través de caminos irregulares. Para el 12 de noviembre alrededor de 5.345 venezolanos habrían ingresado al país vecino por pasos no autorizados. Si bien no se puede hacer un cálculo exacto de personas ingresando por vías irregulares, se estima que cerca de 500 venezolanos podrían estar ingresando a Colombia diariamente. Mediante el Decreto 1550 del 28 de noviembre de 2020, Colombia mantiene el cierre de fronteras con Venezuela hasta el 16 de enero de 2020" +69824,19568.0,788.0,"['Shelter', 'Health', 'WASH']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,113,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Nigeria%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20-%20August%202019.pdf,"Seasonal rains and windstorms have caused significant damage, with an estimated 21,056 households affected in the three states - especially Borno (MMC/Jere, Monguno, Gwoza and Dikwa LGAs) and Adamawa (Yola South and Yola North LGAs). Among the damage are approximately 500 latrines and bathing facilities. The destruction of WASH infrastructure and standing water, along with a pre-existing high degree of overcrowding and poor hygiene practices, are leading to an increased risk of contracting diseases. Humanitarian actors continue to respond to cholera in Adamawa, where a cumulative total of 665 cases and 4 deaths have been reported in 3 LGAs." +361213,58852.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syria.tv/%D8%A3%D9%87%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%8A-%D8%B5%D9%84%D8%AE%D8%AF-%D9%8A%D8%B4%D8%AA%D9%83%D9%88%D9%86-%D9%85%D9%86-%D8%A3%D8%B2%D9%85%D8%A9-%D8%AE%D8%A7%D9%86%D9%82%D8%A9-%D8%A8%D8%B3%D8%A8%D8%A8-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B4%D8%AD-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D9%85%D9%8A%D8%A7%D9%87-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B4%D8%B1%D8%A8,"[ June 27, Sewidaa] He pointed out that people did not not receive water since a long period of time, it is a few liters every 20 days, which let the people to buy water at their own expense, as the water transfer costs between 15 and 20 thousand Syrian pounds, which is equivalent to half of the citizen’s monthly income." +271786,50331.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,16,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDRCO017du1.pdf,he expansion of COVID-19 continues and the potential risk of the population with chronic diseases. +215165,44840.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,83,"['Capacities & Response', 'Priority Interventions']",[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,"The Joint Programme for Local Governance (JPLG) proposes to establish an emergency and recovery fund for local governments to respond to locally identified needs, following the established Local Development Fund (LDF) and Service Delivery Models (SDM). A simple call for proposals with guiding criteria (grant amounts, potential areas of support, preference for targeting needs of vulnerable groups) will be shared with all JPLG districts, with preference in grant provision." +325671,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Economy'],fr,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Outre le commerce agroalimentaire entre le Burkina et le Mali, y compris le commerce informel du riz (voir section 3.2), le fait que le fleuve Sourou soit transfrontalier crée des interdépendances dans la gestion des ressources en eau entre les communautés burkinabé et malienne." +171437,40699.0,2098.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,97,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20201004_acaps_thematic_review_vulnerable_households_rohingya_refugee_response.pdf,"[4th october, Cox's Bazar] All refugees have unmet essential needs, despite the provision of humanitarian assistance. The vast majority rely on negative coping mechanisms to meet these needs. However, due to the COVID-19 containment measures, there will likely be a shift from coping mechanisms, such as borrowing money and selling assistance, to the use of more extreme measures, such as selling labour in advance and relying more heavily on community and family support to meet basic needs, as the former become less viable." +262980,49225.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Hospitalization & Care'],es,30,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.semana.com/nacion/articulo/migrantes-irregulares-presentaran-tutela-contra-el-plan-de-vacunacion-colombiano/202155/,"En cuanto a las Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos, la Secretaría de Salud departamental dijo que en enero de 2021, la ocupación de camas disminuyó al 89%." +337604,55860.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,36,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb4752en.pdf,[Outlook] [Nord kivu et Ituri] This [impact of the declaration of state of emergency and conflict on agriculture] will worsen the already dire food security levels in the provinces. +329153,53878.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,45,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SOYDA%20Monthly%20Progressive%20Report-Feb%202021.pdf,Somali Young Doctors Association (SOYDA) conducted Capacity building for front-line community-based CP committees and volunteers to prevent and mitigate CP risks. Somali Young Doctors Association (SOYDA) engaged positive better parenting training for 20 caregivers of Merka and Afgooye district . +341440,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",fr,100,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Le discours politique tenu par certains candidats lors des rencontres électorales, contiendrait des germes de dépréciations et de critiques vis-à-vis des forces en opposition. Les programmes électoraux sont diffusés non sans critiques sous toutes les formes des adversaires. Le jeu de positionnement politique attise des oppositions brutales entre partis, clans. Les propos, souvent très acerbes, réveillent des sentiments de disqualification, de frustration. Les arguments religieux, ethniques, moraux sont instrumentalisés dans la poursuite des objectifs politiques et cela a abouti à des fractures qui auparavant n’existaient pas." +330422,53831.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Pull Factors']",fr,80,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/12042021_sitrep_s12_whe_oms_rdc_f.pdf,"Dans le territoire de Mahagi, plus de 12 340 retournés ont été enregistrés entre juillet 2020 et janvier 2021 dans les localités des aires de santé (AS) de Kepira et Yilo (ZS d’Angumu) (source : rapport d’évaluation ONGI INTERSOS). Ce mouvement de retour est motivé par l’accalmie observée dans la zone de provenance ainsi que l’extrême précarité dans les milieux d’accueil." +218523,45654.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,39,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/hrp_weekly_funding_status_201124.pdf,"[24 Nov 2020, Whole of Syria, Funding Overview] Funding requirements for Shelter/NFI sector are 569.9 Million USD, of which 60 Million USD have been funded, leaving a gap of 509.9 Million USD." +294624,51749.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,81,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[District sanitaire de Ouargaye] Le rythme d’approvisionnement est mensuel par les CSPS sauf en cas de rupture il est autorisé de faire des commandes d’urgences. Le circuit mis en place restreint les CSPS dans le choix des fournisseurs et cause des ruptures fréquentes. L’arthemether et l’amoxicilline, albendazole et omeprazole sont les produits qui connaissent beaucoup plus de rupture, selon le dire des agents de santé interviewés." +191865,43304.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,17,[],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,"Placés en quarantaine pour 14 jours à leur arrivée, conformément aux mesures préventives en vigueur," +63627,18631.0,788.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,27,[],['Shock/Event'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_floodoverview_13092019.pdf,New downpour may exacerbate the situation in many IDP camps already severely hit by the bad weather conditions and result in higher risks of disease outbreaks. +295273,52417.0,2028.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],['Context->Economy'],en,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.dropbox.com/s/fpu0ox89go0s7li/Syria%202021%20HNO%20%28advance%20copy%29.pdf?dl=0,"[23rd March 2021, Overall Syria] Today, 13.4 million people in Syria are in need of humanitarian assistance - a 21 per cent increase compared to 2020 - with needs increasingly being exacerbated by economic decline." +162648,36464.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,93,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/medicos-venezolanos-esperan-pronta-autorizacion-del-gobierno-para-ejercer-en-el-pais/2067,"Mientras en el Ministerio de Salud agilizan la aprobación del decreto en la emergencia sanitaria, cientos de médicos venezolanos mantienen la esperanza de su integración, tal como lo afirma el médico Johann Schloeter, desde Cúcuta: ""Queremos ayudar al sistema de salud colombiano y a todos los pacientes que lo necesitan. Los médicos venezolanos tenemos muy buena una formación, no tengan miedo de nosotros. Si tuviéramos la oportunidad de estar en Venezuela, estaríamos allá. Pero hay situaciones difíciles que nos hicieron migrar""." +162811,37820.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,63,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/iom_rohingya_crisis_response_-_external_sitrep_-_july_2020.pdf,"Case management: IOM is continuing to operate two SARI Isolation and Treatment Centers (ITCs) in camps 2W and 24 with ten and 56 beds, respectively. The ITCs have the capacity to accommodate both men and women with confirmed Covid-19. During the month of July, the ITCs managed 36 new suspected cases and eight confirmed cases." +149754,37702.0,2028.0,"['Cross', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,102,['Capacities & Response'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"As preventive measures have been lifted across Syria, the RCCE is working with partners to continue to engage the public on the ongoing risks of COVID-19 and to continue to promote behavioral initiatives such as hand and respiratory hygiene, physical distancing and voluntary quarantine/isolation where feasible and appropriate. While cumulative RCCE efforts to date have reached an estimated more than 12.5 million people, survey information, in addition to anecdotal evidence suggests that the risk perception across Syria is very low and there has been considerable lack of adherence to individual preventive measures observed in some communities." +164817,39789.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,89,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Movementwide%20Operation%20Report%20August%202020.pdf,"SRC – Cox’s Bazar Operations / PMO  4,979 persons received COVID-19 messages in the camps, among those 512 were pregnant and lactating women, 450 elderly and 51 persons with disabilities.  3,151 persons received COVID-19 messages in Palongkhali Union (Host Community).  28 community volunteers were trained on waste collection and COVID-19 awareness raising in Palongkhali Union (Host Community). 18 staff and members of the Palongkhali Union parishad were trained on COVID-10 mitigation and containment measures." +313990,54309.0,2311.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,135,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Colombia_Evaluacion_Rapida_ECNI_Arauca_ESP.pdf,"El apoyo para ALOJAMIENTO y el acceso a artículos para el hogar son necesidades prioritarias, según señalaron 35 de 50 grupos de discusión. Los participantes sobre todo mencionaron elementos de cama o dormida, como sábanas, cobijas, colchón, colchonetas, almohadas y toldillos. En varios puntos de concentración, los equipos de recolección de los datos reportaron que hay personas en situación de calle, lo que es preocupante en vista de la temporada de lluvia. Las fuertes lluvias han complicado la situación de albergue y dormida, averiando algunos muebles y enseres además de causar la aparición de vectores/mosquitos. Debido a que muchos huyeron sin tener tiempo de llevarse ninguna pertenencia, los participantes de los grupos focales también resaltaron la necesidad de ropa y calzado" +162707,33948.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,49,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Servicios remoto en Cúcuta Desde abril y como respuesta a la situación de contingencia actual se habilitaron servicios de línea de atención telefónica, acompañamiento psicosocial telefónico y talleres virtuales donde se han atendido a 97 personas entre niños, niñas, adolescentes y familias por primera vez." +235171,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,62,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Despite considerable additional health investment and heightened need due to the pandemic, households continue to struggle to access health facilities. This is not just because there are an insufficient number of centres across the country but also because of the cost and dangers involved in reaching these centres and because they are sometimes forced to close because of violence." +149025,37702.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,42,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"Populations of concern: All groups are susceptible. However, the elderly and people with underlying health conditions are particularly at risk; as are vulnerable IDP and refugee populations and healthcare workers with inadequate personal protective equipment (PPE)" +2187,473.0,322.0,['Nutrition'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,25,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://www.reuters.com/article/us-yemen-famine-un-factbox/factbox-could-yemen-face-the-largest-famine-in-decades-idUSKBN1D927I,"More than 2 million children are malnourished, and almost 400,000 of those suffer from severe malnutrition and require therapeutic treatment to stay alive." +278612,50851.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,38,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=225817,"[11th March, 2021, GoS] The Ministry said, in a statement, that the total number of Coronavirus cases in the country reached 16257 of which 10711 cases recovered and 1085 passed away." +178264,41756.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Le nombre de cas de paludisme reste quant à lui constant mais toujours extrêmement élevé, avec près de 16 500 000 de cas rapportés et près de 17 000 décès." +264307,48806.0,2332.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,90,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_final_enquete_smart_27112019.pdf,"Les résultats sur la possession de moustiquaire montrent que 67,1% des ménages au niveau national possèdent au moins une moustiquaire tout type confondu dont 65,8% sont des moustiquaires de type MILDA. Il existe cependant une disparité en termes de possession de moustiquaire par les ménages au niveau provincial. La plus grande couverture des ménages par les moustiquaires MILDA est observée dans la province de la Tandjilé avec (96,7%) et la plus faible couverture dans la province du Tibesti (0,0%)." +288053,51049.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,127,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nw_syria_sitrep25_20210226.pdf,"[26 Feb, 2021, NWS] recent WASH Cluster household level surveys have shown that 78 percent of people stated that they did not have access to sufficient water during the previous month, while only 49 percent of people living in camps have access to both soap and water and handwashing facilities, 22 percent have no soap at all and 18 percent have no handwashing facilities. The current lack of WASH services are already exacerbating the capability of humanitarian actors and affected populations as cases of water-borne diseases such as diarrhoea are currently higher than in previous years (17,386 cases compared to 13,118 in 2017) and are expected to increase significantly with the reductions in WASH services being experienced." +275901,50662.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[July- December 2020, Cox's Bazar] Within the reporting period, CHWs identified 78 509 individuals with mild COVID-19 like symptoms and 228 individuals with moderate/severe symptoms. The cumulative number of patients identified with mild symptoms since the introduction of the activity in epidemiological week 25 is 88 887. A total of 34 585 persons with COVID-19 like symptoms were referred for testing and care." +300532,52762.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,35,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_087_28210321_hebdo_s12.pdf,[S12/2021] Les personnels du Centre de Santé KIGULUBE et le CODESA dans la ZS MULUNGU ont été sensibilisés sur la COVID-19 et les mesures de prévention contre celle-ci dans le Sud Kivu. +388546,60980.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,116,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/informe_de_emergencias_humanitarias_reportadas_elc_enero_junio_2021.pdf,"La Defensoría del Pueblo publicó la Alerta Temprana (AT) N° 003-21 en referencia al control social ejercido por GANE en cuatro comunas de Buenaventura (Valle). La población de las comunas 7, 10, 11 y 12 se ven afectadas por violaciones de derechos humanos e infracciones al Derecho Internacional Humanitario (DIH), por dos situaciones de riesgo que generen acciones de violencia. La primera, por la ruptura interna de una banda delincuencial que da pie al enfrentamiento entre nuevos actores, y la segunda es la presenciaprevia de un GAO y un GDO que se encuentran en constantes enfrentamientos con afectación a la población civil." +132473,35164.0,1188.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Demography'],es,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,Entre los 4 y 5 años (edad de educación preescolar) sólo un 43% asiste a centros educativos; entre los 6 y 11 años hay un acceso del 79%; entre los 12 y 15 años hay un acceso del 100%; y entre los 16 y 17 años hay un acceso del 68%. +323342,54815.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,98,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"The National Health Policy (Ministère de la Santé, 2011) presents a vision that is aligned with the National Study for “Burkina 2025”. The earlier National Health Development Plan 2001-2010 (Ministère de la Santé, 2001) limited financial and geographic access to health services and defined specific targets with respect to the most basic healthcare facilities: in rural areas, there should be a Health and Social Promotion Center (CSPS) within a 10-km radius; in urban/dense areas, one CSPS should be available for 10,000 people." +261636,49368.0,2311.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,93,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://humvenezuela.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Caminates-de-ida-y-vuelta-2021.pdf,"Pese al predominio de grupos familiares, un dato preocupante es el aumento de niños, niñas y adolescentes (en adelante, NNA) no acompañados. Según datos aportados por la organización Apoyar9 , en la región de Arauca se registró un incremento de los NNA no acompañados o separados durante 2020, a pesar de la pandemia. La mayoría de estos NNA son caminantes y viajan en grupos con otros NNA que se conocen previamente o en el camino, a veces acompañados por un joven mayor de edad" +229505,45706.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,54,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://sn4hr.org/blog/2020/12/04/55697/,"[November 2020, Syria] As for the COVID-19 pandemic, the report reveals that November was no better than previous months in terms of COVID-19, as it saw an unprecedented increase in the number of cases recorded throughout Syria in light of the almost complete absence of any precautionary measures." +475570,63296.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,23,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,les IC ont souligné la pertinence de la mise en place de subventions additionnelles permettant de réduire le prix des intrants agricoles. +236449,46388.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,54,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The uncertainty that comes from sporadic conflict and indiscriminate terror attacks, recurrent displacement, unseen explosives, and now a new virus, has fostered a pervasive sense of fear amongst vulnerable groups in Afghanistan and impacted their willingness and ability to participate in society, access services and seek income-generating opportunities." +173569,41099.0,1183.0,['Cross'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,96,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_COL_Indicadores_de_Riesgo_COVID19_MIGRANTES_JULIO2020-2.pdf,"Introducción El 11 de marzo de 2020, la Organización Mundial de la Salud declaró al COVID-19 como pandemia e instó a los países a tomar estrategias de contención y prevención1. En consecuencia, se decretaron medidas estrictas para mitigar el contagio y esto conllevó a una recesión económica mundial, con efectos en desempleo, disminución de ingresos y aumento de la pobreza2. En la región de América Latina y el Caribe, una de las poblaciones más afectadas por los efectos secundarios de la pandemia incluye a migrantes y refugiados venezolanos." +113789,32028.0,1185.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,24,[],"['Displacement', 'Casualties']",UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77082.pdf,"Peru has some 208,000 positive cases of COVID-19 and 5,900 deceased. • Over 160 confirmed cases of COVID-19 among refugees and migrants." +340440,53036.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,17,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/1-Lolo_Dec%202020_0.pdf,"Partenaire sécurité alimentaire : PAM, UNHCR, MINEPIA, MINADER, PLAN, LWF, ADRA" +2570,517.0,321.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Libya%20Situation%20Report%20-%20End%20of%20Year%202017.pdf,"Many cases of sexual and Gender-Based Violence (GBV), physical abuse, arbitrary detention, enforced disappearances and ill treatments were reported especially against vulnerable children" +177064,41752.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Les hommes sont plus positifs (96%) que les femmes (85%) sur le fait que les mesures introduites dans le pays réduiront la propagation du virus. +304755,51467.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,55,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Already only 44 per cent of the population live within 5 km radius of a health facility. Approximately 12 per cent of IDPs and 13 per cent of returnees live in settlements with no access to health services. The worst affected states are Lakes, Western Bahr El Ghazal, and Central Equatoria" +2648,521.0,321.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Economy'],en,25,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://www.unicef.org/appeals/libya.html,"Violence and armed conflict have left nearly 170,000 people displaced and economic crisis and loss of livelihood have led to inadequate access to basic services" +236051,47076.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,54,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_june_2020_20jul_final_version_v2.pdf,COVID-19 continues to spread in the NWSW and the number of affected health personnel in both regions is alarming. The case fatality rate of COVID-19 in the NW (10%) and that of the SW (6%) exceeds by far the national figure elsewhere (2%). +178488,41756.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Les incidents de protection ont connu une augmentation croissante entre janvier et septembre 2019. Au total, près de 35 000 incidents ont été rapportés à la fin septembre 2019, avec comme provinces les plus affectées celles du, Nord-Kivu, du Sud-Kivu, de l’Ituriet de la région du Kasaï ." +289634,52074.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],en,83,[],['Humanitarian Access'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,"Humanitarian access to persons in need throughout the NWSW continues to be a challenge as humanitarian cargo has been destroyed or blocked by both parties to the conflict [Non-State Armed Groups, criminal groups]. Humanitarian personnel are at increasing levels of risk when providing assistance. Armed groups abducted ten workers of two UN implementing partners in Tubah subdivision (Bambui/Bambili axis). The same groups delayed many others in this same area, temporarily seizing humanitarian vehicles." +346161,56952.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,121,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20monitoreo%20enero-marzo%202021%20-%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20vers%C3%B3n%20final.pdf,"Otra de las barreras identificadas han sido el desconocimiento por parte de la población monitoreada sobre el derecho que tienen niños y niñas de ser afiliados al SGSSS por las IPS al mo- mento de su nacimiento. Esta situación lleva a la negación de la atención cuando posteriormente acuden a un centro de salud y los datos son ve- rificados en el sistema de afiliación teniendo en cuenta el número del registro civil y no el número del certificado de nacido vivo. A esto se suma en algunos casos la exigencia del registro civil para poder ser atendidos, incluso para acceder a la vacunación, la cual debe brindarse incluso para quienes no estén afiliados al SGSS." +220253,45084.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],en,44,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_5_november_2020_final.pdf,"Due to limited public health resources and testing capacity, lack of people coming forward for testing, as well as the absence of a national death register, confirmed cases of and deaths from COVID-19 are likely to be under-reported overall in Afghanistan" +125701,31803.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,97,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77205.pdf,"El 15.4% de las familias venezolanas encuestadas (317) ha tenido hijos nacidos en Colombia desde 2015, lo que permite a los menores obtener la nacionalidad colombiana por dichas medidas adoptadas por el Estado colombiano. Aun así, el 11% de dichas familias (35) no han registrado a sus hijos principalmente por falta de dinero y tiempo para realizar el trámite, pero también porque los padres han perdido sus documentos, desconocían el trámite o sufrieron discriminación por parte de las autoridades al momento de realizar el proceso." +175117,40890.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,25,"['At Risk', 'Priority Needs']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"se encontró que, a mayor riesgo de desalojo, mayor preferencia de efectivo para alimentos (aumenta en un 5% la probabilidad)" +496949,60104.0,1187.0,"['Cross', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Information And Communication->Information Challenges And Barriers'],es,117,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Information And Communication'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,"https://www.unicef.org/argentina/media/11626/file/Impacto%20de%20la%20pandemia%20en%20la%20educaci%C3%B3n%20de%20ni%C3%B1as,%20ni%C3%B1os%20y%20adolescentes.pdf","Asimismo, un 11% de los hogares no cuenta con ningún dispositivo que las y los estudiantes puedan utilizar con fines educativos (ni computadora, ni tableta ni teléfono celular). En cuanto a la conectividad domiciliaria a internet, 2 de cada 10 hogares no tienen acceso a este recurso, lo cual implica que dependen exclusivamente de la conexión que puedan aportarles los paquetes de datos de telefonía celular. Cabe señalar, no obstante, que la situación mejoró con respecto al año pasado, cuando los relevamientos mostraban que el 30% de los hogares no accedía a internet domiciliaria (UNICEF, 2020; MEN, 2020)." +215061,45449.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,23,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.laopinion.com.co/frontera/ninos-venezolanos-bajo-proteccion-del-estado-colombiano-206457,La emergencia sanitaria generada por la pandemia ha agudizado los casos donde se le vulneran los derechos a los niños en Colombia. +126419,33843.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,69,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"En la medida que los efectos negativos de la pandemia del COVID-19 se han hecho sentir más fuertemente sobre los migrantes venezolanos en condiciones más vulnerables, el retorno es para algunos la opción aparentemente más conveniente, debido a que no se cuenta con ahorros suficientes para afrontar gastos de manutención por un tiempo prolongado, ni con redes de protección social que brinden el apoyo necesario." +199015,43643.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,95,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://cerosetenta.uniandes.edu.co/migracion-colombia-margino-a-los-extranjeros-durante-la-cuarentena/,"Pero existe una brecha entre los regulares y los irregulares, que superan el 56 %, según Migración. La población venezolana irregular no puede acceder a documentos en su país, pues aquel gobierno no tiene la capacidad para brindarlos. Hasta agosto de este año,según Migración, había 1.722.919 venezolanos en Colombia; de los cuales 957 mil carecían de documentos. En los últimos cinco años este país se ha convertido en el primer receptor de esa diáspora, la mayor en toda la historia de la región." +182610,42252.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Logistics']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2020_29Oct2020_FINAL.pdf,"[29th October 2020, Overall Syria] WHO has reported that at present, both WHO and MoH are facing challenges to obtain some specific supplies, largely due to limited market availability and transportation, which is impacting the capacity to expand testing." +178526,40661.0,2225.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],fr,35,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Malgré les efforts, les défis divers (sécuritaires, logistiques) et les difficultés de financement des activités constituent un réel goulot d’étranglement pour la fourniture de l’assistance alimentaire." +425463,64210.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,43,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=246773,"[27 AUG, GoS] The Ministry stated in a statement that the total number of the coronavirus cases recorded in Syria has reached up to 27,325 till now, of which 22,368 have recovered, while 1,989 have passed away." +341790,56493.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,129,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"En raison du niveau de chômage élevé dans les différentes localités, les jeunes et même parfois des étrangers venant des pays voisins n’ont d’autres choix que de s’investir dans le secteur informel et artisanal de l’orpaillage, dans le braconnage ou dans d’autres trafics. La seule réponse jusque-là apportée par les autorités a été d’interdire ces activités. Les sites d’orpaillage comme ceux de la localité de Houndé, bien qu’illégaux, constituent pourtant des zones d’attraction pour une jeunesse désœuvrée, qui subit la menace des agents de l’Etat, qui de façon périodique, effectuent des descentes inopinées pour la fermeture de ces sites." +224082,45768.0,2332.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,25,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,Toutes ces structures (cliniques mobiles ou centres de santé) ont besoins d’un renforcement de capacités pour mieux orienter leurs interventions. +346146,56952.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20monitoreo%20enero-marzo%202021%20-%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20vers%C3%B3n%20final.pdf,Llama la atención que el 68.75% de la población manifestó que no tiene la intención de solicitar refugio y que el 94.9% de la población afirmó que no ha solicitado refugio porque no sabe cómo hacerlo. Esto permite inferir una relación de causalidad entre el desconocimiento del pro- cedimiento y la intención y voluntad de recurrir al mismo. +149343,35869.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,24,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep18_25july2020.pdf,"At least 17,623 children in schools and temporary learning spaces benefited from sterilisation of education facilities as mitigation against the spread of COVID-19." +57272,17282.0,1186.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,62,[],['Context'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.dt.gob.cl/portal/1626/articles-117135_archivo_01.pdf,"En consecuencia y de modo general, el trabajo para un extranjero en Chile está regulado por dos marcos institucionales: uno encargado de la entrada, permanencia y salida de personas (Normas de Extranjería y Migración), y otra institucionalidad que regula las relaciones de trabajo y la fiscalización de la normativa laboral (Código del Trabajo)." +48480,12622.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,40,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LIBRO%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20las%20necesidades%20insatisfechas%20SSR%20y%20Migrantes%20Venezolanos%20-%20Digital.pdf,"Los ingresos de esta población son insuficientes para cubrir los requerimientos nutricionales, y muchos están experimentando tal grado de inseguridad alimentaria, que se ven obligados a reducir el número de comidas y el tamaño de las porciones." +177969,41855.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,60,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_Factsheet_2003_HSM_COVID19_Tanganyika_juillet-2020.pdf,"Dans 44% (105) des localités évaluées [Province Tanganyika], les IC ont rapporté que les problèmes de protection des enfants (tels que le travail des enfants ou risques de violence liés au confinement) s’étaient aggravés depuis la fermeture des écoles (liée au COVID-19) au cours du mois précédent." +236171,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],en,31,[],['Humanitarian Access'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"While not all people with a severe disability need humanitarian assistance, those in this category face additional barriers to accessing support when they do, particularly women and girls." +342001,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,98,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[De juillet à début septembre 2020, les enquêteurs ont administré le sondage auprès de 2396 Burkinabè dans les régions du Centre Nord, Nord, Sahel, Est, Boucle du Mouhoun et Hauts-Bassins] Du point de vue des populations, la parenté à plaisanterie est le socle sur lequel est bâtie la cohésion entre les différentes communautés au Burkina Faso. La faible ou la non prise en compte réelle dans certaines localités de ces liens de parenté dans les rap- ports sociaux entraine une fragilité des liens entre les communautés qui cohabitent." +192054,42659.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,32,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_175.pdf,Les membres de la CREC ont participé au Séminaire organisé par Le Secrétariat Technique et la PEC Médicale à l’INRB sur les quatre mois de prise en charge médicale. +209715,45080.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,37,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%209%20Dec%202020.pdf,"[9thDec2020,Nigeria] The number of caregivers and pregnant women reached increased compared to the past few months as community members have resumed utilising health and nutrition services that were disrupted by COVID-19 pandemic." +239670,47230.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,49,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"Antes del cierre de colegios y las restricciones establecidas por COVID-19, el 83% de los niños y niñas encuestados tenían acceso a la educación. Se puede evidenciar que Cesar fue el departamento con el porcentaje más bajo de niños y niñas que tenían dicho acceso." +305430,51474.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,60,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"The Mission continued to respond to these threats (protection) through a comprehensive approach that combined the proactive, robust posture of peacekeepers, key leadership engagements with military and political counterparts, community - level conflict-resolution initiatives, support for rule of law and justice institutions and other programmatic activities tailored to address root causes of conflict." +306275,51572.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,29,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Liaise with WASH cluster to address issue of latrines and lack of hand washing facilities [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]" +305313,53013.0,2331.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,39,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/3c8084ae/REACH_SOM_Factsheet_Assessment-of-Hard-to-Reach-Areas_December-2020.pdf,"Education: Most commonly reported barriers to access education for girls from the assessed settlements were cost of studies (31%), Security (11%), Need to support family (8%)." +188239,40860.0,1899.0,"['Education', 'Food Security']",[],[],es,152,[],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200922_OCHA_GUATEMALA%20HRP%20COVID-19%20ESPAN%CC%83OL.pdf,"Es importante destacar que el Ministerio de Educación únicamente cuenta recursos para cumplir con 180 días de clase según la Ley de Alimentación Escolar. Sin embargo, como resultado de la pandemia se extendió el ciclo escolar para que los estudiantes alcanzaran las competencias básicas; para estos días adicionales de aprendizaje, no existen recursos para la dotación de raciones de alimentación escolar. Se requerirá recursos para la dotación de raciones de alimentación escolar con productos no perecederos durante los próximos meses, entre el 15 de octubre y el 15 de diciembre y luego, de enero al 15 de febrero, particularmente a estudiantes de preprimaria y primaria que ascienden a 2.4 millones de niños y niñas. Esta es una estrategia de apoyo importante para las familias porque estos alimentos son en muchos casos, un plato de alimento para los estudiantes en mayor vulnerabilidad." +327618,54714.0,2331.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,105,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,[CAPACITY GAP (CG)] 90% of households were found to have at least one Education Living Standard Gaps(LSG) and/or a Capacity Gap (CG). 80% of households were found to have an Living Standard Gaps(LSG) in education but no capacity gap in education. 10% of households were found to have both an Living Standard Gaps(LSG) in education and a capacity gap in education. 10% of households were found to have no education Living Standard Gaps(LSG) but a capacity gap in education. +412826,63086.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,103,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_07_14_MSF%20RDC_RAPPORT%20VIOLENCES%20SEXUELLES%20%28FR%29%281%29.pdf,"Alors que le phénomène des violences sexuelles sur les hommes et les garçons reste largement inexploré, ceux-ci (194 patients en 2020) témoignent avoir été soit forcés par des auteurs armés à violer des femmes, soit avoir subi des violences sexuelles commises par des femmes. Comme dans de nombreux autres pays, la stigmatisation de la violence sexuelle semble particulièrement prononcée lorsqu’elle affecte les hommes, à tel point qu’il est souvent tabou de parler de « viol » dans ces cas, ce qui affecte la recherche de soins par les victimes masculines." +306255,51572.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,131,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"According to the assessment conducted by WVI, HDC, Internews, GOAL and RRC on January 06 2021, 2,097 HHs (12,681 individuals) have been affected by floods in D-1,2. During IOM DTM verification, it was possible to confirm around 2,000 individuals (270 HHs) who have been affected by floods in D-1,2, with the number of affected population increasing. Due to restrictions and tensions with host communities, IDPs displaced by floods settle in the neareast shelters in close proximity to water. After 1 week assessment conducted, more HHs have been displaced by floods since the water level is increasing. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +46603,16136.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,79,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/echo_-nf_bud_2019_91000_v2.pdf,"The number of IDPs with mental health and psychosocial issues is increasing due to the on-going conflict, forced displacement, and other negative experiences. Psychosocial assistance to children exposed to violence is essential to help them overcome trauma (43% of behavioural changes are reported amongst the displaced children). Religious minorities, people associated with the former regime and ethnic minorities are also facing a high risk of discrimination, exclusion and aggression." +306406,51572.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,74,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"In Khor Adar, Malek, and Dingtoma 1-2 Melut county, the market that was observed to be selling basic commodities at small scales and the construction items NFIs were not among the market items. The only place for buying shelter material is at Paloich Town, and most communities have no accessibility to purchase these items. [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]" +294598,51749.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,23,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,[District sanitaire de Ouargaye] Le district compte au total 35 formations sanitaires dont 3 fermées et 8 en fonctionnement minimal. +164473,39777.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,30,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/grandi-concludes-syria-visit-pledge-maintain-assistance-most-vulnerable,"As part of its COVID-19 response, UNHCR has provided protective equipment to hospitals and health clinics, distributed medication to refugees and built quarantine areas in Rural Damascus." +194601,43822.0,2311.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],es,33,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19112020_flash_update_no.3_emergencias_por_ola_invernal_-_colombia_vf.pdf,"En Sucre, se suman más de 2.400 damnificados en ocho municipios afectados (Corozal, Tolú, Coveñas, San Onofre, Ovejas, Majagual, Caimito y Sucre)15." +125321,32724.0,1620.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,59,[],['Context'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ca5464en.pdf,"Agriculture is an important sector of the economy, contributing about 21.2 percent to GDP and 36.5 percent to employment. Industry and services contribute around 18 and 60 percent to GDP, respectively, the two sectors employing about 12 and 52 percent of the labor force, in that order (World Bank, 2018)." +410308,63222.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,62,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_mvam_bulletin_57_july_2021.pdf,"[Syria, July] In July 2021, overall 56 percent of surveyed households in Syria indicated consuming animal-source protein less than twice a week. This trend was more evident among households with inadequate food consumption, as they reported consuming animal-source protein less than once a week. These findings signal worrisome and deteriorating nutrition status throughout Syria." +48544,12622.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Context->Economy']",es,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LIBRO%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20las%20necesidades%20insatisfechas%20SSR%20y%20Migrantes%20Venezolanos%20-%20Digital.pdf,población pobre no asegurada que cubre las necesidades de la población en extrema pobreza. Dentro de las fuentes de financiación del sector salud destinadas para ésta población se han movilizado recursos para cubrir necesidades básicas en salud de la población migrante venezolana. +151404,37915.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,43,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/78176.pdf,"Testing in the camps has increased significantly as a result of the efforts of 1,400 refugee community health volunteers who are involved in an enhanced community-based surveillance initiative and offering targeted counselling for refugees identified with COVID-like symptoms, including on testing." +341992,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,103,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"cette nouvelle création bien que largement acceptée par l’opinion publique au Burkina Faso va continuer d’encourager la multiplication de groupes de sécurité paraétatiques avec de réels risques d’exacerber les conflits locaux. La création des VDP est perçue comme une tentative d’étouffer et de concurrencer les groupes d’autodéfense traditionnels tels que les Koglwéogo et les dozo, ces groupes qui échappent au commandement des FDS. Les VDP devraient être une force modèle et moderne capable d’agir dans le respect des droits humains tout en rapprochant la population des FDS." +314498,52949.0,2331.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"In addition, Desert Locust swarms continued to pose a major threat to crop production and pasture, a threat which is likely to continue through 2021." +387127,60395.0,1186.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,169,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"En primer lugar, se derriba el mito de que los estudiantes migrantes tienen desempeños más bajos que los chilenos en escritura: un grupo importante de migrantes no exhibe diferencias significativas, además de obtener desempeños levemente superiores. En segundo lugar, se relevan problemas en el desarrollo escrito de un segundo grupo de migrantes cuyos desempeños sí se alejan del promedio y que conviene focalizar y visibilizar para apoyarlos en alcanzar habilidades de alto nivel. El desempeño de estos estudiantes no es uniforme: muchos de ellos son capaces de lograr textos que cumplen sus propósitos, por lo que se hace necesario afinar las estrategias docentes para atender a estos grupos en particular. Los resultados que se discuten a continuación, analizan en profundidad cómo el desempeño en escritura interactúa con otra serie de variables que incluyen concepciones y expectativas docentes, autoeficacia y autoestima de los estudiantes, y señalan caminos posibles para entender la experiencia educativa de los migrantes en Chile" +361141,58845.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,82,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_price_bulletin_may_2021.pdf,"[May 2021, GoS, NWS & NES]M-o-m, the coastal region recorded the highest price of Egyptian white rice is at SYP 2,791/kg (unchanged m-o-m), followed by the southern region at SYP 2,735/kg (down seven percent m-o-m). On the other hand, northeast Syria recorded the lowest price at SYP 2,222/kg (down 13 percent m-o-m), followed by northwest Syria at SYP 2,370/kg (down 12 percent m-o-m)." +339817,56060.0,2028.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,93,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/05/the-financial-prospects-of-reopening-nassib-border-crossing-has-syrian-regime-achieved-any/,"[May 13, overall Syria] The volume of exports, during 2014 and until the closure of the crossing at the end of March 2015, reached 27 billion SYP. The value of imports amounted to 78 billion SYP (One SYP was equivalent to 150 per USD). In 2010, the value of Syrian exports through the Nassib border crossing was estimated at more than 35 billion SYP, while the value of imports was about 47 billion SYP (1 USD equaled 50 SYP)." +438303,64539.0,1185.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Demography'],es,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Hasta finales del año 2019, la población de NNA masculina matriculados en los centros educativos de Tumbes ascendía al 54% del total mientras que la población femenina representaba al 46%, lo cual es un indicador probable de que los roles de género influyen en el acceso de las niñas al sistema educativo." +193721,43353.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,73,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Burkina%20Faso%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%207%20-%20August%202020%20%281%29.pdf,"As of 25 August, 95 out of 1,064 health centres (9 per cent) in five emergency-affected regions were closed and 199 health centre (19 per cent) operating partially. An estimated 1,7 million people have no/or limited access to nutrition and health services. The Sahel region continues to register the highest number of health centres closed, 55 out of 133 (42 per cent)." +193031,43411.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,73,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"The state of emergency remains in force in the eastern and Sahel regions, the western provinces of Kossi and Sourou, the province of Koulpélogo in the center-east, the province of Kénédougou in the west and the province of Lorum to the north. This measure gives the security forces additional powers to search homes and restrict freedom of movement. Security measures are limited outside the capital, Ouagadougou." +214348,45385.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,25,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"L’épidémie de la COVID-19 ayant mobilisé l’ensemble du personnel, la campagne de vaccination contre la rougeole a été reportée." +262982,49225.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Vaccination', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",es,35,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.semana.com/nacion/articulo/migrantes-irregulares-presentaran-tutela-contra-el-plan-de-vacunacion-colombiano/202155/,"el presidente Iván Duque anunció, en diciembre del 2020 y en entrevista con medios internacionales, que la vacunación incluiría solo a los migrantes que han “legalizado su situación migratoria en Colombia." +318943,53305.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,24,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Humanitarian Access', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,The number of aid workers killed increased threefold from 2019 to nine and brought the number of humanitarians killed since 2013 to 124. +306213,51474.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,74,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"In January, pursuant to the National Salvation Front (NAS) unilateral communiqué issued by Thomas Cirillo in September 2020, United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) delivered three remote training programmes on conflict-related sexual violence to four senior NAS officials, including the group’s designated high-level focal point on conflict-related sexual violence, to enable them to disseminate knowledge among the NAS leadership and field commanders." +303994,51174.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,13,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.afro.who.int/sites/default/files/2021-02/South%20Sudan%20IDSR%20Bulletin%20Week%201%2C%20%20%204-%2010%20January%202021%20.pdf,Engage high risk communities and their leaders on risk communication for cholera prevention +323339,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"The Act [Burkina Faso’s Education Policy Act] also requires that schools themselves be “adequately equipped to accommodate pupils with disabilities,” and also provides that transport companies must make transport accessible to persons with disabilities." +169950,40360.0,2099.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,58,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Les mariages précoces continus de voir le jour à cause de certaines considérations socioculturelles, le fait que les enfants ne partent plus à l’école a eu pour conséquence des mariages précoces chez les filles déscolarisées et même certains garçons notamment dans la province du Yagha. Le nombre n’est pas encore connu." +415863,64108.0,1185.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,63,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"[L]a llegada de niñas y niños refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela a Perú con problemas específicos de protección, incluyendo la documentación, así como las niñas y niños no acompañados o separados, ha planteado desafíos específicos al sistema nacional de protección de la infancia que ya tenía problemas con la falta de recursos, infraestructura y capacidades." +413052,63958.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,13,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/colombia/natural-hazards-monitoring-23-august-2021,In total 4 shelteres have been open where 64 people are sheltered. +456056,65411.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Hospitalization & Care'],en,165,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[16-29 August 2021, Cox's Bazar] During the reporting period, two health sector case management working group meeting along with two case conference call for SARI ITCs and two case conference call for ICU/HDU of Cox’s Bazar District Hospital were conducted. The SARI ITC bed ocupancy rate is currently 54% (Ukhiya 61% and Teknaf 43%). For the admitted patients, 73% of them are categorized as mild patients, 16% moderate, 10% severe and 1% as critical cases. At the 250 Bed District Sadar Hospital, the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) has 10 beds while the High Dependency Unit (HDU) has 15 beds and the Severe Care Unit (SCU) has 13 beds (all of the beds are functional). At the end of the reporting period, 21 beds are occupied with suspected and confirmed COVID-19 patients." +169918,40360.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,32,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Ce mois sous revue a connu plus d’incidents sécuritaires que le mois de juillet. En effet, 33 incidents sécuritaires contre 21 le mois passé ont été répertoriés." +185053,40800.0,1900.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],es,20,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://infosegura.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Analisis-SC-2T-2020.pdf,Las muertes violentas de mujeres y hombres han tenido una reducción similar (19.6% y 20% respectivamente) +213371,44840.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,45,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CPRP%20Final%20Subow%2C%2026%20April%20%281%29.pdf,"Malnutrition rates serious enough to require intervention remain above emergency levels affecting nearly a million children. COVID-19 intensifies both mortality and morbidity related to malnutrition, resulting in both more cases of acute malnutrition and in more deaths from a variety of causes." +212084,45203.0,2334.0,[],[],[],en,35,[],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://fews.net/west-africa/cameroon/food-security-outlook/june-2020,"In the Far North region, the prices of local products (maize and sorghum) are below average because average levels of agricultural production over recent seasons mean that market supply is sufficient." +343152,55976.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],fr,114,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.lemonde.fr/afrique/article/2021/05/10/beaucoup-ne-croient-pas-au-danger-du-covid-19-en-afrique-la-defiance-face-aux-vaccins_6079678_3212.html,"Lorsque la République démocratique du Congo(RDC) a annoncé, fin avril, qu’elle devrait rendre à l’initiative Covax 1,3 million de doses de vaccins AstraZeneca (soit 80 % de la quantité reçue) faute d’être capable de les administrer avant leur date de péremption, le discours jusqu’alors distillé à bas bruit sur« l’hésitation devant la vaccination »en Afrique a pris une nouvelle dimension. Quelques jours plus tôt, le Soudan du Sud et le Malawi avaient déjà provoqué la stupéfaction en détruisant respectivement 60 000 et 16 000 doses en raison du manque de candidats." +157632,38893.0,2098.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,46,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/humanitarian_collaboration_and_coordination_in_bangladesh_2nd_draft_12_july_2020_kazi_hg.pdf,"▪ Initiate a gap analysis of local and national capacities in water and sanitation, and ensure integration of capacity strengthening with focus on disaster risk reduction ▪ Planning for sustainable and resilient water and sanitation facilities ▪ Preparation of development activities linked to humanitarian intervention" +307088,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,22,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,Insecurity in areas affected by sub-national and localized violence have led to people being newly displaced and have created new vulnerabilities. +325596,54815.0,2099.0,[],[],[],en,37,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,The only outcome variable of interest that does not appear to have a statistically significant association with average travel time to nearest school is the drop-out rate at the PPS school stage (“sixieme”) +327369,54982.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,51,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/04/changes-in-eating-habits-ramadan-does-not-taste-the-same-in-syria/,"[17 APR, Overall Syria] Majdi al-Bashir, the STE-linked slaughterhouses director, told al-Watan, a pro-government newspaper, that meat consumption has decreased since 2010 from nine kilograms per person to two kilograms annually, indicating that prices have increased 20 times over the past years." +403439,63064.0,2225.0,['Shelter'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,76,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_hebdomadaire_eruptionvolcanique_26juillet2021_public.pdf,"Plus de 820 abris ont été déjà construits sur les 1 000 que le service de génie militaire a prévu de construire. La Croix-Rouge congolaise a aussi construit 150 des 244 abris supplémentaires prévus. Le groupe de travail pour la coordination et gestion des camps (GT CCCM) prévoit de démarrer, le 30 juillet, l’enregistrement des personnes sinistrées en prévision du lancement de l’assistance humanitaire individuelle." +317988,52949.0,2331.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"In addition, all refugees and asylum seekers in Somalia (28,002) are vulnerable and rely on food assistance, while 52,984 refugee returnees are estimated to be in need of food assistance in 2021." +169912,40360.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Casualties->Injured', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,36,[],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Arrestation arbitraires : Le 25 août 2020 à Djibo des FDS ont arrêté quatre personnes civiles qui auraient accompagné un blessé par balle au CMA pour des raisons de suspicion de complicité avec les GANI. +161186,35726.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,27,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_arauca_junio_2020_vf%20%281%29.pdf,"edios de vida, puesto que aquellos que laboran, lo hacen en su mayoría en la informalidad, lo cual genera ingresos variables y precarios;" +209260,44896.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,49,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://alwatan.sy/archives/237884,"[December 3, Homs] Abbas explained that no school has been closed in Homs to date, but rather many classrooms in which infection with Corona virus appeared, were closed, and that many of the infected people recovered and returned to their school hours." +394883,61265.0,1186.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,46,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.biobiochile.cl/noticias/nacional/region-de-tarapaca/2021/02/04/no-son-un-bulto-el-saldo-fatal-de-la-crisis-migratoria-en-la-frontera-norte.shtml,"En la actualidad, en territorio nacional viven 1,4 millones de extranjeros, lo queequivale a más del 7% de la población. De ellos, 500 mil son venezolanos, que se han convertido en la colonia extranjera más numerosa en el país." +307010,51467.0,2335.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,54,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"There are significant issues related to the quality of education. Schools in rural and remote areas do not have enough teachers to meet the needs of students. Teacher turnover is high due to salary issues, and a limited monitoring and evaluation system in place to assess the quality of teachers." +320214,53305.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Shelter']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,The cluster anticipates an increase in need for shelter and NFIs support for returnees from current and previous PoC sites and outside the country as people settle in their areas of habitual residence or of origin. +185147,39920.0,1231.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,9,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/resultados_primera_encuesta_covid-19_-_formato_11x17.pdf,El 56.6% manifestó tener la Carga Viral suprimida +209496,45056.0,2334.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,40,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://wcaro.unfpa.org/fr/news/limpact-de-la-covid-19-sur-les-violences-bas%C3%A9es-sur-le-genre-en-afrique-de-louest-et-du-centre,96% estiment que leurs communautés auraient peur de fréquenter les centres de santé en cas d’augmentation accrue des taux d’infection à cette maladie; [selon une enquête menée par UNFPA auprès des femmes] +306736,51467.0,2335.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,58,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Involuntary or unsafe returns resulting from the PoC transition have particular potential contribute to tensions between IDPs/returnees and host communities over land, resources and aid that results in further violence and displacement. These stressors present a new burden for displaced people and families and may negatively affect their mental health, psychosocial wellbeing and daily functioning" +234994,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,36,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The proportion of households using ""Emergency"" livelihoods coping strategies has more than doubled meaning that many households are now selling critical assets which they will struggle to re-purchase even if the situation improves." +54291,17000.0,1184.0,[],[],[],es,37,[],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3256039,"Al menos 1,1 millones de niños en América Latina y el Caribe necesitarán asistencia humanitaria en 2019, mientras que el número de refugiados y migrantes venezolanos supera ya el registro de cuatro millones de personas." +199013,43643.0,2311.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,102,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://cerosetenta.uniandes.edu.co/migracion-colombia-margino-a-los-extranjeros-durante-la-cuarentena/,"Desde el 14 de marzo también las fronteras de Colombia se mantienen parcialmente cerradas debido a las restricciones de la pandemia. La decisión la anunció el presidente Iván Duque poco antes de decretar el aislamiento obligatorio. El 21 de septiembre Migración reactivó sus servicios, pero solo a un tercio de la capacidad debido a los protocolos sanitarios. Cada sede, sometida a una inmensa demanda, atiende vía internet y por teléfono, pero la capacidad no es suficiente; aunque fue anunciado un plan piloto de atención los días sábados en Bogotá, Medellín y Cali." +492302,67914.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,104,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_mvam_bulletin_58_august_2021.pdf,"[August 2021, Overall Syria] Between July and August 2021, the national average reduced Coping Strategy Index (rCSI) decreased from 19.8 to 18.2, representing the lowest national average level recorded since February 2021. Nonetheless, in August 2021, close to nine out of ten interviewed households in Syria (87 percent) reported applying at least one food-based coping mechanism to meet their food consumption needs, representing a five percent increase since August 2020. This trend was higher among female-headed households (92 percent) compared to male-headed households (86 percent)." +13125,5620.0,321.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,83,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_jmmi_august2018_0.pdf,"Across Libya, the overall median price of cooking fuel (LPG) rose by 7.7%, driven largely by a 51.8% increase in the cost of unsubsidised LPG between July and August. The median price of subsidised and unsubsidised LPG varied widely across locations. Due to distance from coasts, subsidised LPG was three times more expensive in the south than the west, and private LPG was five times more expensive in the south than west." +390937,60780.0,1186.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,174,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"El mayor porcentaje de extranjeros privados de libertad lo está por delito asociado a drogas, y la mayor cantidad de extranjeros recluidos se concentra en la zona norte: donde el 56% de ellos están en prisiones de las tres regiones del extremo norte, en las cuales se concentran solo el 13% de los chilenos recluidos. Considerando ambos factores, y teniendo en cuenta que la zona norte es un espacio geográfico particular: pocos accidentes naturales que posibilitan existencia de más de 100 pasos no habilitados, se podría reflejar, que en muchos de estos casos se ven involucradas personas que no han buscado establecerse dentro del país, sino que están de paso y son detenidas. Entonces, en muchas situaciones no estaríamos hablando de una población migrante como se entiende habitualmente (que busca establecerse en el país de llegada), sino que de trabajadores de redes ilícitas internacionales en la frontera (Greene et al., 2018; Troncoso, 2017)" +346164,56952.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20monitoreo%20enero-marzo%202021%20-%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20vers%C3%B3n%20final.pdf,"Continua la tendencia al alta del porcentaje de la población que genera ingresos para sí mismo y sus núcleos familiares (85.30%), con respecto al trimestre pasado (octubre – diciembre: 78.6%)." +325478,54815.0,2099.0,['Logistics'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,24,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"The state of transport infrastructure in Burkina Faso is weak, and the provision of transport services remains altogether absent in rural areas." +325118,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,84,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"(Ouagadougou) In contrast, the bus network does not appear to be aligned with the school access needs. While walking and biking appear to be a feasible alternative for many students, this is not the case for a sizable share of them (15-20 percent) who do not have a school nearby, and it is less feasible for those who do not necessarily want to attend the school nearest to them, for quality or other reasons." +113744,30002.0,1386.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",['Information And Communication->Communication Means And Preferences'],en,16,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Information And Communication'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://medium.com/humanitarian-dispatches/getting-out-the-right-covid-19-information-to-saves-lives-70719f27266e,"Communication groups, coordination meetings and daily activities have entered the realm of the virtual." +341914,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,131,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[De juillet à début septembre 2020, les enquêteurs ont administré le sondage auprès de 2396 Burkinabè dans les régions du Centre Nord, Nord, Sahel, Est, Boucle du Mouhoun et Hauts-Bassins] Ce faisant, les principes de respect de la vie humaine, de respect de la dignité humaine, la valeur du travail, le sens de la responsabilité et de l’honneur sont désormais foulés au pied. La seule valeur qui vaille est désormais la recherche par tout moyen de l’argent. Dans ces conditions, l’enrôlement dans les groupes armés apparait comme une aubaine pour se procurer de l’argent dans un contexte de manque d’emploi et de manque d’opportunités." +241535,46388.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],en,60,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The major causes for distress and mental problems included poverty or financial stress (68 per cent), family issues (15 per cent) and conflict and violence (12 per cent).Angry, aggressive or violent behaviour, as well as social withdrawal and inability to be alone were two markers of such behavioural changes." +313283,53183.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"Selter and NFIs helped restore a minimal sense of dignity and protection against exposure to the elements, mitigate health risks and provide some privacy and security to those in need." +325759,54267.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],fr,77,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Le gouvernement central étant incapable de gérer et de protéger les ressources, la décentralisation est considérée comme une stratégie visant à améliorer la gestion des ressources naturelles au niveau local. Cependant, un véritable transfert de compétences et de finances du gouvernement central vers les institutions locales n’a pas encore eu lieu (Hesse et al., 2013; Grain de Sel, 2012, dans Posthumus et al., 2019)." +414628,63650.0,2225.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,86,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://zoom-eco.net/developpement/rdc-semaine-mondiale-de-lallaitement-maternel-denise-nyakeru-tshisekedi-lance-les-activites-a-kinshasa/,"Notons que le Ministère de la Santé publique, Hygiène et Prévention est déterminé pour le changement et l’adoption d’un comportement favorable des mères afin d’atteindre le taux de l’allaitement maternel exclusif de 80% d’ici 2025. Selon les dernières statistiques, 47 % de nouveau-nés en RDC sont mis au sein dans l’heure qui suit l’accouchement et 54 % des enfants de moins de six mois sont exclusivement allaités." +178262,41756.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],fr,61,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Depuis août 2018, la RDC est affectée par une seconde épidémie de maladie à virus Ebola (MVE), la plus grave jamais enregistrée en RDC et la deuxième plus importante au monde.81 Au total 3 173 cas ont été confirmés, dont 2 193 décès, entre la déclaration de l’épidémie et le 12 novembre 2019.82" +164822,39789.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,68,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Movementwide%20Operation%20Report%20August%202020.pdf,"30 meetings organized for GoB, UN agencies and community leads focused on safety of the community during pandemic and how to ensure the protection from COVID-19.  1384 people were reached through 249 small scale sessions and campagine on COVID-19 messages. In addition, 122 people reached through 18 small scale sessions on managing panic and fear to stay safe from misconception during COVID19 pademic" +330662,55042.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,105,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.gage.odi.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Adolescents%E2%80%99-experiences-of-covid-19-in-Chittagong-and-Sylhet-divisions-Bangladesh.pdf,"[30 April 2021, Bangladesh] Bangladesh’s covid-19 crisis began on 8 March 2020 when the first cases were reported (WHO, 2020). As at 28 February 2021, the country had recorded 545,831 cases and 8,400 deaths (Johns Hopkins University, 2021). In response to the pandemic and increasing infection rates, a two-month nationwide lockdown was imposed on 25 March 2020, leading to mobility and transport restrictions, a standstill of income-generating activities (across the formal and informal sectors), and limitations on public gatherings (Mamun, 2020)." +175917,40999.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,139,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_levaluation_rapide_sur_les_vbg_et_covid-19_dans_la_region_de_lest.pdf,"L'insécurité grandissante entraine un déplacement massif et continu des populations vers des localités plus ou moins sûrs. La région de l’Est compte 20 283 personnes déplacées internes dont 10 581 femmes selon les statistiques du CONASUR en date du 22 Avril 2020. Les Personnes Déplacées Internes (PDI) sont reparties dans les cinq provinces que compte la région avec un nombre assez élevé dans le Gourma, 12 627 PDI selon toujours la même la source. Ces PDI vivent pour l’essentiel dans les familles d’accueil et des maisons de fortune situées dans les zones non loties des localités d’accueil. C’est une population totalement démunie qui ne doit son salut qu’à une assistance humanitaire qui peine à couvrir leurs besoins sans cesse croissants" +61454,18235.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"As of mid-August 2019, most Venezuelans lacked access to regular immigration status in Colombia. According to official GIFMM data, as of March 2019, 515,286 out of 1,298,300 Venezuelan refugees and migrants in Colombia were in the country irregularly." +271652,49364.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,129,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/4-gender-violencia.pdf,"Por otro lado, organismos oficiales de género de la Organización de Estados Americanos, han encontrado que existe un alto subregistro de la violencia de género que sufren mujeres tanto en estadísticas administrativas como en relación con denuncias en el sistema de justicia específicamente, incluyendo en crisis migratorias y desplazamientos humanos9. Esto se debe, entre otros, a la falta de garantías y acceso a servicios básicos de denuncia y protección. Teniendo en cuenta la existencia de este alto subregistro, que casi una cuarta parte de las mujeres haya mencionado haber experimentado violencia durante el trayecto, indica que el alcance de la violencia de género en contra de mujeres migrantes y refugiadas de Venezuela, podría llegar a ser mucho mayor." +236254,46388.0,2336.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,18,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Recent analysis by the Nutrition cluster revealed an increase of 13 per cent in cases of SAM. +187599,43135.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Deaths'],en,63,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_weekly_situation_update_-_ne_nigeria.pdf,"[1st Nov 2020, BAY states] In Yobe State, the 3 active COVID-19 cases are in stable condition. In Adamawa State, a total of 19 fatalities associated with COVID-19 have been reported since the outbreak. CFR=7.3% and 2/19 (12%) deaths occurred in the community with 1 death of a health worker reported." +183678,42215.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,102,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/health-experts-conduct-9th-review-who-emergency-response-north-east-nigeria,"[30th Oct 2020, North East Nigeria] In his remarks, WHO Nigeria Representative, Dr. Walter Kazadi Mulombo stated that the objective of the review was to share lessons learnt in the last one year, adopt best practices and re-strategize to improve service delivery to populations affected by the ongoing humanitarian crisis.Hence, ""there is an urgent need to shift towards a resilient response in a protracted crisis as is in north-east Nigeria, focusing on the key health system strengthening priorities in order to maximize WHO's contribution to the national and state efforts.""" +235224,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,36,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Recent Hard-to-Reach areas analysis has indicated that just over 200 of Afghanistan’s 402 districts have phone coverage throughout the district, with partners reporting of 34 districts with no phone coverage at all." +238297,46388.0,2336.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Recent IDPs have the greatest EiE needs with only 21 per cent of IDP children attending school four or more days per week on average prior to the pandemic – 82 per cent of the girls and 68 per cent of the boys were not enrolled in school. +288543,51848.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,88,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/herams_fourth_quarter_2020_final.pdf,"[Dec 2020, NWS] The condition of the health facilities infrastructure has been assessed at three levels: fully damaged: major damage requiring complete reconstruction, partially damaged: requiring substantial to large scale repair, and not damaged, out of the total facilities assessed 10% (58) health facilities were reported damaged [24 fully damaged and 34 partially damaged], 60% (345) were reported intact. See figure 3. Figure 3: Level of Damage" +497018,60104.0,1187.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,"https://www.unicef.org/argentina/media/11626/file/Impacto%20de%20la%20pandemia%20en%20la%20educaci%C3%B3n%20de%20ni%C3%B1as,%20ni%C3%B1os%20y%20adolescentes.pdf",Tampoco se advierten variaciones significativas en función del nivel socioeconómico del hogar: en todos los quintiles se observan porcentajes de retorno a las clases presenciales en torno al 90%. +456057,65411.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,98,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[16-29 August 2021, Cox's Bazar] Host/Refugee: Contaminated water and poor sanitation are linked to transmission of diseases such as cholera, diarrhoea, dysentery, hepatitis A, typhoid, and polio. Absent, inadequate, or inappropriately managed water and sanitation services expose individuals to preventable health risks. This is particularly the case in humanitarian settings such as Cox’s Bazar where refugee and host community families struggle to access clean water and health facilities face many challenges to provide quality care due to lack of safe water." +236068,47122.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Protection', 'Shelter']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,19,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,"Shelter, NFI, protection and food continue to be the most urgent needs of the displaced populations." +24814,9461.0,730.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,65,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/02.26.19-%20USG%20Yemen%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet.pdf,"As of January, the average price of the minimum survival food basket—comprising the minimum items required by a household for survival for one month—remained 96 percent higher than the pre-crisis cost, according to WFP. Amid limited livelihood opportunities and decreasing purchasing power, the high cost of food continues to limit access to staple food items for millions of vulnerable households." +91815,26015.0,1620.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,105,['Impact'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Situation-Overview_H2R_Oct-Dec_13.03.2020.pdf,"The proportion of assessed settlements reporting shelters being partly or completely destroyed, due to the conflict, was highest in Kukawa in November (61%) and lowest in Dikwa in December (11%). A decrease in assessed settlements reporting shelters being partly or completely destroyed, due to the conflict, was identified for assessed settlements in Dikwa (from 40% in October to 11% in December), Marte (from 61% in October to 27% in December), and Kukawa (from 61% in November to 26% in December)" +341724,56493.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Economy'],fr,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,Cette situation est d’autant plus préoccupante du fait de la place de l’agriculture qui occupe plus de 80% de la population active et qui constitue une part importante du Produit Intérieur Brut (PIB). +169184,40391.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,95,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_200_20200817.pdf,"Laboratoire : Au total, 148 échantillons ont été reçus au laboratoire ce 17/08/2020. Au terme de la journée, 333 échantillons ont été analysés, parmi lesquels 17 sont revenus positifs au SARS-CoV-2, y compris ceux des 15 nouveaux cas confirmés du jour. Depuis le début des opérations, le laboratoire a analysé 56 802 échantillons à la recherche du SARS-CoV-2, prélevés chez 53 251 cas suspects de COVID-19. Un cumul de 9 720 cas étaient positifs, soit une proportion de cas positifs autour de 18,3%." +317213,53333.0,2334.0,[],[],[],en,51,[],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Due to high risks of sexual violence as a result of the crisis, as reported by respondents, there is need to strengthen the current mechanisms for responding to incidents of SGBV to include regular mobile units so that adolescent survivors can access comprehensive services in a timely way." +261642,49368.0,2311.0,"['Nutrition', 'Education']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,112,"['At Risk', 'Priority Needs']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://humvenezuela.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Caminates-de-ida-y-vuelta-2021.pdf,"la trabajadora humanitaria Vanessa Apitz las describe de la siguiente forma: La población sigue llegando, al igual que desde hace tres años, pero las condiciones en las cuales están llegando son cada vez más vulnerables y en mayor estado de necesidad. (…) Nos hemos conseguido con niños y mujeres en estado de desnutrición (…) población que no tienen ningún tipo de escolarización. Incluso personas que han manifestado ser militantes del régimen y que han desertado de las instituciones porque ya no aguantan la situación del país. Esta es la etapa de la migración de la población con más vulnerabilidades y más golpeada" +163582,30901.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,40,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Colombia%20-%20Resultados%20de%206%20meses%20de%20operaci%C3%B3n%20-%20ADN%20Dignidad.pdf,"Informar sobre las rutas de acceso a servicios de protección social y a servicios legales disponibles localmente para reducir y prevenir riesgos, así como fortalecer la capacidad de autoprotección de las personas en todas las fases del programa." +299250,52086.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,48,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[25th March, 2021, Overall Syria] Both female-headed and very vulnerable households reported a notably greater need for hospitals (62 and 57 percent, respectively), compared to male headed (47 percent) and less vulnerable (41 percent) households." +325254,54815.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,(Sahel) This means that over 1.3 million living in the Sahel region alone were no longer able to feel safe accessing such a facility even if they were able to do so in terms of transportation and/or physical proximity. +177154,41093.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,87,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Desde marzo, y como se ha observado a lo largo de los años, las tasas que se han ajustado más rápidamente y a una magnitud similar a la disminución de la tasa de interés del Banco de la República son la tasa de interés interbancaria a un día (TIB) y la tasa del indicador bancario de referencia (IBR) (Gráfico 1). Estas tasas registraron caídas en 203 pbs y 205 pbs, respectivamente, desde febrero de 2020." +220916,45410.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,63,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"[Les parties Sud des provinces administratives du BEG et du Kanem dans la Zone 5 - « agropastorale» ] : En dehors du BEG Sud, la recharge des points d’eau est globalement supérieure à la normale. Compte tenu de la bonne pluviométrie, un bon état d’embonpoint est observé sur la plupart du bétail." +320482,52949.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Indeed, among aid recipients that report being unable to cover their most important needs, 45 per cent cite shelter needs as remaining unmet." +329858,53694.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],fr,169,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/03042021_sitrep_s11_whe_oms_rdc.docx.pdf,"Dans la province du Nord-Kivu à l’Est de la RDC, à la date du 1 er avril 2021, pour le 31ème jour consécutif, aucun nouveau cas confirmé de MVE n’a été notifié. Le cumul est toujours de 12 cas dont 11 cas confirmés et un cas probable, 6 décès (létalité de 50,0%) et 6 guéris, recensés dans 4 ZS (Biena : 6 cas, Butembo : 3 cas, Katwa : 2 cas et Musienene : 1 cas). Par ailleurs, en date du 22 mars 2021, le compte à rebours des 42 jours pour la déclaration de la fin de l’épidémie a débuté et au 1/04/2021, il reste 32 jours pour déclarer la fin de l’épidémie. Un cumul de 1 898 personnes a déjà été vacciné depuis le début de cette épidémie et aucun cas confirmé n’est pris en charge dans les CTE" +59593,17198.0,1224.0,"['Cross', 'Protection', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Humanitarian Access->Population To Relief', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",en,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"Only 3 out of 72 children are enrolled in school. The host community is comprised of 59 families (175 people). The church benefits from the Pentecostal Live Spring Church, and the church may provide other services." +493937,67712.0,1224.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"In other countries, limitations already begin with their legal status. This means that the migrant population cannot access public services if they only possess regular migratory status, such as in Peru, Guyana, and Trinidad and Tobago." +61611,18442.0,1184.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,114,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"6.2 The journey According to information shared by IOM in Tumbes, the means of transportation used – and thus the duration and hardship of the journey – varies according to the profile of the people on the move: adults traveling alone or in groups walk throughout Ecuadorian territory; families with the father travel either walking, hitchhiking, or with IOM’s humanitarian transportation programme, which is also used by people with vulnerable profiles or clear international protection needs; single-parent families with a female head of household and young children often travel by bus, either with their own resources or because they receive support from somebody." +305234,53100.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,28,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/plan_de_preparation_coronavirus_cmr._version_du_10_mars_2019.pdf,ACQUIS: Procédures de contrôle de l’infection en milieu hospitalier disponible GAPS: - Formation insuffisante du personnel hospitalier - Absence de commodités pour la quarantaine +346740,57045.0,2225.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,28,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/wca_funding_2021_hrp_-_2021_05_31.pdf,[ OCHA / West & Central Africa / 2021 Regional Funding Status] DRC = Requirement 1984M / Funding 233M / Unmet 1751M / % Funded 12% +64121,18925.0,729.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,57,[],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/va_report_libya_2019-libmac-unmas.pdf,"Since 2011, the outbreak of several waves of violence has caused a sizeable number of civilian injuries and fatalities and consequent population displacement. According to the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project (ACLED), cited in the 2019 HNO, there were 344 outbreaks of conflict and armed clashes in 2018." +157866,38800.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,87,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GTS%20-%20HNAP%20COVID19%20Syria%20Bulletin%20R3.pdf,"Most focal points in GoS (64%) and SDF (59%) areas still say that the reason measures are difficult is because people do not want to adhere to them. In NSAG/TBAF areas, the main issue is that they limit people’s ability to work. Fear of missing out on aid services is higher in NSAG/TBAF areas (46% of focal points) than in GoS (31%) and SDF areas (13%)." +61490,18235.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,Evaluations and protection monitoring activities carried out by UN agencies and NGOs highlight precarious living conditions as well as extensive exposure to protection concerns in both La Guajira and Santander North.135 +90068,25213.0,1621.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,38,['At Risk'],['Context'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A_HRC_43_75_E.pdf,"An estimated 2,790 are exposed or in close proximity to the fighting in and around Tripoli. An additional unknown number of persons are reportedly held in other informal detention facilities in insecure situations across the country." +191734,43622.0,2330.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,56,[],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20201111_acaps_briefing_note_nicaragua_honduras_hurricane_eta.pdf,"People in temporary collective shelters are at increased risk of COVID-19 transmission. Over- crowded shelters, lack of PPE, limited access to water and hygiene supplies, and inadequate safety protocols are likely to lead to outbreaks of the virus in affected areas, as has already been reported in some shelters in Honduras" +79056,21860.0,729.0,[],[],[],en,77,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/09.30.19%20-%20USAID-DCHA%20Libya%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%232.pdf,"IOM reports that a majority of the IDPs have fled to other areas in southern Libya, including more than 9,300 individuals to Wadi Etba and nearly 4,500 individuals to Sabha city. Authorities in Wadi Etba declared a state of emergency due to humanitarian needs of IDPs fleeing the violence; relief organizations are providing emergency food commodities, health care, shelter supplies, and access to clean drinking water, according to IOM." +216638,45416.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,30,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,"Les 183 écoles pillées, saccagées lors de conflits et les 110 écoles détruites par les inondations ont entrainé l’arrêt des services éducatifs pour de nombreux enfants." +323041,54626.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,20,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%2C%201%20-%2031%20%20March%202021.pdf,There were 578 children and 754 children under one year of age who received Penta 1 and measles vaccinations. +290422,52074.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_oct_sitrep_draft_21nov19_v4.pdf,"As of October 2019, 22 partners collectively assisted 172,372 people with food and livelihood assistance in the NWSW regions. WFP, INGOs and national NGOs provided food items to 161,977 people (78,525 NW; 83,452 SW)." +316074,52949.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,54,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Shelter repairs and NFIs remain unaffordable to most people, with a sub-set of 94 per cent of non-IDP households with damages to their shelters reporting that they did not have the funds to conduct household repairs, and 53 per cent of those with damaged shelter reporting that they lacked construction tools." +311734,53183.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,59,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"The Sudan Humanitarian Fund (SHF) has allocated $75 million of funding in 2020. It had one standard allocation of $42 million in April (56% of allocations) and further emergency allocations of US$33 million for COVID-19, desert locust, polio, Tigray influx and newly opened area responses." +296168,52520.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,72,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[échantillon de 100 femmes – terr. Rutshuru] la plupart (89 sur 100 enquêtées soit 90%) des femmes et filles souffrant des troubles mentaux ont déjà subi un acte de violence sexuelle ou de harcèlement. Selon les informations à notre possession, la plupart d’entre elles ont été violées plus d’une fois et beaucoup ont déjà eues des enfants par cette voie" +309814,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Since the outbreak of violence in December 2013, 26,18 (12,214girls and 13,970 boys) cases of unaccompanied and separated children (UASCs), missing and other vulnerable children have been documented in South Sudan and only 6,348 reunified, with up to 4,000 children yet to be reunified." +267256,49773.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,53,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_HSOS-NWS_-January-2021.pdf,"[January 2021, NWS] % of communities where COVID-19 risk indicators were reported: 43% Overcrowding reported as a shelter inadequacy , 48% Schools are overcrowded reported as a challenge for students who access education, 44% Health facilities are overcrowded reported as a barrier to healthcare access" +236504,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,38,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Despite substantial investment and scale-up of critical services through BPHS providers, mobile health teams and the establishment of trauma posts, easy access to critical care remains out of reach for many of the most vulnerable." +393640,62284.0,2170.0,['Cross'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,62,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"[7th Apr 2021, Borno State] Due to absence of school, most families during the day send their children (Both girls and boys) for hawking and street begging while others send their children to fetch firewood. Furthermore, drug and alcohol are sold around the location which contributes to risks for children in the community." +327079,54267.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],fr,82,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Enfin, en 2019, le gouvernement a élaboré une Stratégie nationale d’industrialisation du Burkina Faso (2019- 2023) pour doter le pays d’un secteur industriel dynamique, compétitif et durable qui augmente sa contribution à la transformation structurelle de l’économie nationale (MCIA, 2019). Une stratégie nationale d’inclusion financière a également été élaborée avec l’aide du Fonds d’équipement des Nations Unies (FENU)." +48551,12622.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",es,74,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LIBRO%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20las%20necesidades%20insatisfechas%20SSR%20y%20Migrantes%20Venezolanos%20-%20Digital.pdf,"Aunque la Secretaría de Salud del territorio ha realizado importantes esfuerzos para atender a la población migrante venezolana, en los grupos focales se identificaron como principales barreras de acceso los costos de los servicios de salud básicos, tiempos de espera, discriminación o negación en el momento de buscar atención, desinformación y rumores sobre VIH y trabajo sexual por parte de mujeres migrantes que generan formas de xenofobia y discriminación." +183589,42456.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,36,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.unicef.org/wca/media/5411/file/UNICEF-WCARO-Central-Sahel-Advocacy-October-2020.pdf,"From July 2019 to July 2020, in Burkina Faso alone, the number of people internally displaced by insecurity and violence has jumped from 237,000 to over one million people, representing a 4-fold increase" +292428,52073.0,2334.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"Du 28 janvier au 31 Mars ,16 enfants avec MAS ont été référés et soignés et 60 enfants avec urgences pédiatriques ont été référés, soignés et guéris bien que 01 décès a été enregistré." +162933,37781.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,98,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://tande.substack.com/p/syria-in-context-coronavirus-update-5cd,"Cases also continue to spread across different government-held governorates of Syria: Of the 222 cases registered between Sunday morning and Tuesday night, 64 were in Damascus; 48 in Aleppo; 37 in Latakia; 18 in Sweida; 17 in Hama; 14 in Homs, nine in Rural Damascus, eight in Daraa, three in Quneitra, and two in Deir Ezzor. Of the deaths from the three days, four were in Damascus, three in Homs, one in Rural Damascus, one in Latakia and one in Aleppo." +292424,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,22,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"Pour renforcer cette prise en charge, ALIMA a déployé des personnels soignants à l’Hôpital de district de Makary." +161521,39295.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,22,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,"Response efforts focus on contact tracing, containing the spread of the virus and raising awareness about COVID-19 risks and precautions." +175891,40890.0,1183.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,128,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"Antes de la crisis del COVID-19, muchos hogares de refugiados y migrantes venezolanos con hijos/as tenían dificultades para acceder a educación: previo a la emergencia sanitaria, 25% de los niños y niñas de 6 a 11 y el 39% de los niños y niñas de 12 a 17 años no asistían a la escuela o colegio (ver gráfica 32). En general, la falta de cupos y la falta de ingresos fueron los obstáculos más reportados. De igual manera, para los hogares con niños y/o niñas y adolescentes de 12 a 17 años, un obstáculo adicional para acceder a la educación ha sido la necesidad de trabajar, reportado por un 4% de los hogares." +386141,60459.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,150,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"[Scenario] La baisse saisonnière des stocks paysans dans les zones de production, la poursuite des flux sortant pour répondre aux achats institutionnels en cours dans les pays voisins (Mali et Niger), la dégradation des routes avec l’installation de la saison et la persistance des menaces sécuritaires continueront à affecter négativement l’approvisionnement des marchés pendant toute la période de soudure. En période de récoltes et poste récolte entre octobre et janvier, il se pourrait que les commerçants grossistes se retrouvent avec des niveaux de stocks bas après avoir satisfait aux demandes institutionnelles. Il est donc probable que la concurrence pour la reconstitution de leurs stocks soit plus accrue que d’habitude. Associé aux baisses localisées de récoltes du fait de l’insécurité, l’approvisionnement des marchés pourrait demeurer en-dessous de la normale." +106684,31308.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],es,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"En cuanto a las personas en situación de calle, lo más crítico son aquellos lugares donde duermen por sus condiciones de salubridad y el hacinamiento, pero no existen protocolos para estos casos." +388540,60980.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/informe_de_emergencias_humanitarias_reportadas_elc_enero_junio_2021.pdf,"La región del Telembí que comprende los municipios Roberto Payán, Magüí Payán, Barbacoas y Tumaco afronta una crisis con grave impacto humanitario y de protección en los civiles. Al menos 2.770 personas se desplazaron en Junio, debido a enfrentamientos entre GANE con presencia activa en el departamento." +236975,47221.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,51,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Si bien se conoce que en los meses de octubre, noviembre y diciembre WFP hizo entregas a ambas comunidades, las comunidades alertan que se necesitan más alimentos con enfoque diferencial étnico y etario para atender a la población indígena y para los 390 niños, niñas y adolescentes." +201513,43427.0,2311.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,121,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"A 31 de diciembre de 2019 se detectaron 154.000 ha de coca en Colombia, lo que sig- nifica una reducción del 9 % respecto a las 169.000 ha detectadas en 2018; esto confir- ma el quiebre de la tendencia al incremento iniciada en 2014. Esta tendencia es el resultado de las re- ducciones que se evidenciaron en los de- partamentos de Caquetá (-62 %), Antioquia (-29 %), Nariño (-12 %), Bolívar (-7,5 %) y Putumayo (-5 %); Que no fueron contrarres- tadas por los incrementos, principalmente en Norte de Santander (24 %) y Valle del Cauca (82 %)." +394879,61265.0,1186.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,42,['Impact'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.biobiochile.cl/noticias/nacional/region-de-tarapaca/2021/02/04/no-son-un-bulto-el-saldo-fatal-de-la-crisis-migratoria-en-la-frontera-norte.shtml,"Aproximadamente 500 ingresos diarios se han registrado en la última semana, llegando el último martes a un peak de mil 500 personas. Debido a la falta de infraestructura, un tercio de ellos fue trasladado en buses hasta Iquique." +214364,45385.0,2334.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,59,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Les besoins [en nutrition] non couverts restent très importants. Seuls 10 districts sur 30 sont couverts pour la prise en charge de la malnutrition aigue modérée (MAM), 13 sur 30 pour la lutte contre la malnutrition chronique et 5 sur 30 partiellement couverts par le Programme BSFP [Blanket Supplementary Feeding Program]" +309793,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,16,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,Strengthening of the inter-sectoral approach and collaboration appear as a critical need.(2020) +473026,63732.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2f4004e6/REACH_BFA_Factsheet_Abri-AME-et-LTB_Pouytenga_juillet-2021.pdf,"Principaux types d'abris rapportés par les IC au niveau du centre urbain: Maisons construites 25/30, Bâtiments inachevés 16/30, Constructions non destinées au logement 9/30. Parmi les IC ayant rapporté des ménages vivant dans des maisons construites, la quasi-totalité (22/25) ont indiqué qu'il s'agissait de maisons en dur." +452386,64948.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,33,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/juin_2021_evaluation_drs_est_rapport_mission_conjointe_corus_est.pdf,"Dans la région de l’Est, la situation sécuritaire se détériore de plus en plus avec des menaces qui planent sur plusieurs localités suite au mouvement intense des groupes armés." +169908,40360.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Casualties->Missing', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,71,[],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Enlèvements de personnes : Le 30 août 2020 dans la commune de Markoye, quatre bergers ont été enlevés par des GANI pour des raisons inconnues. Heureusement, dans la soirée ces bergers ont été libérés. Ces bergers ont été rencontrés par les moniteurs et dans les échanges ils ont affirmés que les GANI se sont seulement servis d’eux pour conduire le bétail à une destination." +48545,12622.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],es,211,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LIBRO%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20las%20necesidades%20insatisfechas%20SSR%20y%20Migrantes%20Venezolanos%20-%20Digital.pdf,"Valledupar Equipamiento Sistema de referencias Transporte para remisión Sistemas de Comunicación Saneamiento básico (Agua potable, Alcantarillado y Baños) Disponibilidad de camas Talento Humano Considera que el personal es adecuado Cuenta con Médico General o Enfermera General Cuenta con Servicios de Obstetricia, ginecología o pediatría Personal disponible 24/7 Relación con la comunidad y poblaciones vulnerables Difusión de información sobre servicios de salud a la comunidad Servicios de Atención en Salud para adolescentes y jóvenes Servicios de Atención en Salud para personas con discapacidad Métodos de anticoncepción disponible Condones masculinos Condones Femeninos Anticonceptivos orales Anticonceptivos inyectables Anticonceptivos de emergencia Dispositivos Intra-Uterinos DIU Implantes sub-dérmicos Salud Materna-Infantil Atención de partos naturales con personal calificado Atiende partos por cesárea con personal calificado Servicios de atención básica de emergencias obstétricas Personal en salud entrenado para cuidado de recién nacidos Servicios de Aborto y postaborto Atención del aborto Cuidado postaborto Atención y prevención del VIH Atención y manejo de Infecciones de Transmisión Sexual ITS Transfusión de sangre con buenas prácticas Distribución de condones gratis Acceso a Tratamiento Antirretroviral (TAR) Tratamiento antirretroviral para prevenir transmisión VIH (Madre-Hijo) Atención de la VBG Servicios de atención clínica de la violencia sexual Difusión de información a la comunidad sobre la disponibilidad de servicios" +299352,51893.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[January 2021, Overall Syria] Selling household goods or assets was most frequently reported in the coping strategy strategy category (23 percent)." +411327,63303.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,68,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/burkina-faso/hunger-season-arrives-sahel,"""Compared to previous food shortages, this year is different and much more serious,” warns Mamadou Diop, Action Against Hunger’s regional representative in West Africa. “Today, the people who have reached this lean season are already very weakened physically and mentally, because they did not get necessary [routine healthcare services] due to the pandemic.”" +386731,60459.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,Les résultats de la mission conjointe du SAP conduite en mai indiquent qu’environ 80 pour cent des ménages ne disposent plus de stocks de leur propre production et ont recours précocement aux marchés ou à l’assistance alimentaire depuis le mois de mars. +305646,51572.0,2335.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Cross']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,42,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Facilitate in-depth collection of sex- and age-disaggregated data about the population to ensure appropriate planning and provision of services within the community. [IRNA Report: [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]|" +390408,61252.0,1186.0,[],[],[],es,42,[],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.biobiochile.cl/noticias/nacional/region-de-tarapaca/2021/01/19/gobierno-por-empresa-colombiana-que-ingresa-migrantes-a-chile-podria-constituir-trafico-de-personas.shtml,"El subsecretario del Interior, Juan Francisco Galli, estimó que podría estar configurándose el ilícito de tráfico de personas, luego que La Radio revelara el caso de una empresa que ofrece trasladar ilegalmente a ciudadanos venezolanos a nuestro país." +270183,50226.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,83,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_6.pdf,"Por grupos de edad, los adultos de 20 a 39 años representan el 32,6 % (156 567), seguido por el de 40 a 59 años con el 22,3 % (107 119). La mayor proporción de consultas externas y de urgencias por IRA sobre el total de consultas por todas las causas se presenta en los niños menores de 1 año con el 7,9 %, seguido por los de 1 año con el 7,6 %." +235845,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Conflict, COVID-19 and under-investment in infrastructure are all driving health needs and are preventing affected people from receiving timely access to safe, sufficiently-equipped health facilities and services." +164191,37783.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Casualties->Dead'],en,89,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://tande.substack.com/p/syria-in-context-coronavirus-update-ffe,"Official figures continue to lag far behind reality–– with 1,445 confirmed COVID-19 cases in Syria as of August 10. Of these, 1,255 were recorded in government-controlled areas, including 52 deaths and 364 recoveries, while 839 cases remain active. The northwest has conducted 4,087 Coronavirus tests, 46 of which have returned positive. In northeast Syria there are 144 cases so far, representing rapid spread in the region (here too it is believed that the true caseload outpaces official figures)." +133657,35117.0,1187.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,Los principales ejes trabajados refieren a: dificultades en el acceso a la atención de salud; dificultades en el acceso a tratamientos médicos; y obstáculos en el acceso a la medicación. Sumaremos además las dificultades que experimentan las personas migrantes y refugiadas en torno a las consultas que estamos acompañando +240642,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,36,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Disease outbreaks affect women and men differently, and pandemics make existing inequalities for women and girls and discrimination against other marginalised groups such as people with disabilities and those in extreme poverty, worse." +93373,26310.0,1386.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,15,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Venezuela_%20Violent%20Abuses%20in%20Illegal%20Gold%20Mines%20_%20Human%20Rights%20Watch.pdf,People interviewed also said that Venezuelan authorities are aware of the illegal mining activities. +149202,36019.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,29,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"National laboratory testing capacity for COVID-19 diagnosis has been expanded from one location – Damascus – to four (Damascus, Aleppo, Homs, and Lattakia);" +314499,52949.0,2331.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,24,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Locusts have affected 685,000 people and close to 300,000 hectares of land, with potentially severe consequences for agriculture and pastoral based livelihoods." +192884,43304.0,2332.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,41,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/etude_impact_socioeconomique_covid19_16062020_final.pdf,Les mesures visant à renforcer la capacité d’absorption du gouvernement sont tout aussi vitales. Il est impératif de continuer à fournir les services essentiels dans les zones de quarantaine et les centres de traitement fermés au public. +498726,60095.0,1187.0,[],[],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,78,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RMRP%202021%20Plan%20de%20respuesta%20regional%20para%20refugiados%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%2C%20enero%20-%20diciembre%202021.pdf,"Por último, en una subregión caracterizada en general por su tradicional de hospitalidad, la pandemia de la COVID-19 ha provocado algunos cambios preocupantes en la forma en que las personas refugiadas y migrantes venezolanas son recibidas por las comunidades de acogida,observándose el aumento de incidentes xenófobos384, principalmente en las zonas fronterizas, asociados al temor al contagio o a la lucha por el acceso a servicios públicos o a oportunidades de empleo." +166349,33628.0,1234.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Context->Environment'],en,65,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],UNHCR Trinidad and Tobago,2019-05-28 03:09:47.864552+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3556173,"This follows a US$200,000 donation provided by CAF to assist with recovery efforts in the wake of devastating floods and landslides resulting from days of continuous rainfall in October of 2018. It also forms just one part of the Government’s ongoing efforts to prepare T&T’s infrastructure to handle the increasingly severe impacts of global climate change" +325112,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,82,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"(Ouagadougou) Private schools represent the majority of all schools, especially so in the case of PPS schools, of which only about 12 percent are public, compared to 24 percent of primary schools. There is also a small number of so-called “mixed schools” that are semi-private (under State agreements). Approximately 85 percent of all schools are secular; 7 percent Muslim, 6 percent Protestant, and the rest – Catholic." +358722,58573.0,2311.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,37,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/acleddata.com-Regional%20Overview%20South%20America12-18%20June%202021.pdf,"On 15 June, the National Strike Committee (Comité Nacional de Paro, in Spanish) announced it would be formally suspending protest activity until 20 July (El Pais, 15 June 2021)." +343156,55976.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Vaccination', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,114,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.lemonde.fr/afrique/article/2021/05/10/beaucoup-ne-croient-pas-au-danger-du-covid-19-en-afrique-la-defiance-face-aux-vaccins_6079678_3212.html,"A l’échelle d’un continent peuplé de 1,3 milliard d’habitants, les chiffres ne sont pas le meilleur atout des autorités sanitaires pour convaincre de la nécessité d’acquérir une immunité collective. Selon les données officielles rapportées par les Etats à l’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS), à peine 5 millions de personnes ont été contaminées par le Covid-19 depuis le début de la pandémie. Soit moins qu’en France. A la date du 9 mai, 124 229 personnes y avaient succombé, dont près de 45 % en Afrique du Sud, pays le plus touché." +239608,47230.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Intentions'],es,131,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"El 88% de los hogares señalan que no hay nadie en su hogar con intención de retornar a Venezuela durante el próximo mes. Sin embargo, el 7% de los hogares encuestados tiene al menos un miembro con intención de retornar a Venezuela (ver gráfica 22). Esta intención de retorno asciende al 13% para hogares con población indígena (vs. 7% en hogares sin población indígena), y al 11% para hogares que manifiestan no tener ninguna fuente de ingresos (vs. 7% para los que tienen alguna fuente de ingresos). A nivel departamental se identifica una intención de retorno más alta para quienes viven en la región Caribe y en Bogotá (ver gráfica 23)." +260331,48912.0,2028.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']","['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,81,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/internet-connections-syria-maintain-access-medical-care-during-covid,"[2020, Overall Syria] During this same period, the North-West of Syria experienced several episodes of bombardment and intense fighting; since then, although military operations have been less marked, the 4.2 million people living in this area have suffered from continuous difficult living conditions, made worse by the pandemic. Of these, 2.7M are internally displaced, and 1.5M of them live in one of the 1160 refugee camps in the region." +239838,47107.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,78,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[Jan 2021] The Bab Al–Hawa border into NWS from Turkey is open for commercial and humanitarian traffic, including UN transshipments, and movement of humanitarian staff. Restrictions remained at Bab Al Salama border crossing (TurkeyAleppo), including limiting NGO staff movement to Tuesdays and Thursdays only, limiting two staff to one vehicle per NGO being granted movement per day, and requirements to register with the crossing’s authorities." +191728,43622.0,2330.0,[],[],[],en,27,[],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20201111_acaps_briefing_note_nicaragua_honduras_hurricane_eta.pdf,"The situation is even more critical in Honduras, where almost 1.8 million people have been directly affected and 38 have been killed by flooding and landslides" +326973,54714.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5f26c94f/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Waqooyi_Galbeed_February-2021.pdf,"[WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE (WASH) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Most commonly reported coping mechanisms used to deal with limited availability of water by household of IDP settlement were Rely on less preferred (unimproved/untreated) water sources for drinking water (26%), Rely on surface water for drinking water (27%)." +178015,41756.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],fr,48,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Ces maladies [rougeole et choléra] entraînent une morbidité et une mortalité accrue chez les populations vulnérables notamment les enfants, les femmes, les populations vivant dans des zones enclavées avec un faible accès aux soins et les populations affectées par des mouvements de population." +294622,51749.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[District sanitaire de Ouargaye] Le taux d’utilisation des méthodes contraceptives reste faible dans ces 3 CPS, la moyenne trimestrielle (Aout septembre et octobre 2020) en de 28 nouvelles utilisatrices et au mois octobre 2020 au CSPS urbain seulement 49 nouvelles utilisatrices." +239285,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,14,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Similarly, the pandemic has also escalated household debt and negative coping mechanisms." +161574,39295.0,2028.0,"['Nutrition', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,50,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,"COVID-19 outbreak and economic downturn could potentially cause a further deterioration of the nutrition situation during the second half of 2020 attributed to dysfunctional markets, limited livelihoods opportunities, inflation, low purchasing power, increasing food insecurity, and disruption of access to health and WASH services." +167731,40343.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/418384-covid-19-weekly-review-as-nigeria-announces-reopening-of-schools-new-covid-19-cases-double.html,"(28 /09/2020)On Monday, 136 new cases of the pandemic were reported in the country. (29 /09/2020)On Tuesday, 187 new cases of COVID-19 were recorded. (30 /09/2020)On Wednesday, 201 new cases of COVID-19 were reported in the country." +237238,46388.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],en,39,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Added to this (conflict and it's after effects) are now the overwhelming needs caused by COVID-19 that are wreaking havoc not only on people’s physical health but also their mental and financial wellbeing. +329116,53878.0,2331.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,67,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SOYDA%20Monthly%20Progressive%20Report-Feb%202021.pdf,"Somalia continued to face multiple threats, including the COVID-19 pand emic, Desert Locusts and poor rains from the Deyr season. In the north of the country, the situation was further aggravated by unprecedented rainfall and strong-winds from Cyclone Gati in November, which caused flash floods resulting in crop, livestock and property losses, particularly in Iskushuban district of Bari region." +496486,60067.0,1187.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sentir%20que%20se%20nos%20va%20la%20vida%20-%20Personas%20LGBTI%2B%20refugiadas%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%20en%20Colombia%2C%20Ecuador%20y%20Chile.pdf,"las personas entrevistadas consideran que los funcionarios/as públicos de los tres países también han ejercido un papel fundamental en la facilitación de información sobre migración, aunque desconocen mecanismos de protección y derechos para personas refugiadas y migrantes LGBTI+. Sin embargo, también han descrito eventos de extorsiones por parte de funcionarios públicos para facilitar la movilidad humana de personas venezolanas al territorio colombiano y el tránsito por Ecuador y Perú." +91797,26015.0,1620.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Situation-Overview_H2R_Oct-Dec_13.03.2020.pdf,"In Marte, assessed settlements reporting the use of this coping strategy decreased from 39% of assessed settlements in October to 19% in December. Despite better access to food reported in Kukawa, assessed settlements reporting people to reduce the number of meals per day increased from 11% in October to 28% in December" +318224,53305.0,2335.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,59,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"People’s physical and mental wellbeing, living standards and coping mechanisms are expected to further deteriorate in 2021 due to continued conflict and violence, macroeconomic pressures, climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic. New displacements and possible sudden returns will put additional pressure on the already limited basic services and on communities’ coping mechanisms" +214019,45203.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,39,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://fews.net/west-africa/cameroon/food-security-outlook/june-2020,"The social-distancing measures linked to COVID-19 are limiting access to markets, hindering commercial transactions and slowing down business. Trucks that typically carry non-essential goods are also helping to transport locally produced food to major urban markets." +390812,60791.0,1186.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,77,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Por su parte, en las 4 regiones del norte del país la población extranjera proveniente de Bolivia superó el 30% del total regional. Ordenadas de norte a sur, este colectivo constituyó el 38,5% en Arica y Parinacota, el 45,3% en Tarapacá, el 37,6% en Antofagasta y el 33,3% en Atacama, mientras que en el resto de las regiones del país fueron menos del 8%." +186673,43205.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,81,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/425162-weekly-review-nigerias-new-covid-19-cases-increase-for-second-consecutive-week.html,"Last week (November 1-7), the 45th week of the pandemic in Nigeria, the country recorded 937 new cases, a two per cent increase from the previous week’s record of 923 cases which was a 32 per cent increase from the preceding week. While the preceding week’s increase occurred despite a reduction in testing figures, last week’s occurred amidst a significant increase in the number of tests conducted." +323368,54815.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,50,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"The National Housing and Urban Development Policy (Ministère de l’Habitat et de l’Urbanisme, 2008) envisions that urban planning should provide people with access to transport infrastructure, education and health facilities, while recognizing the so-far poor implementation of urban planning guidelines." +418536,64304.0,2099.0,"['Shelter', 'Agriculture']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Casualties->Dead'],fr,87,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.laborpresse.net/burkina-faso-bilan-de-lattaque-terroriste-du-4-aout-2021-au-nord-avec-30-morts-civils-et-militaires/,"Le 4 Août 2021, trois villages du nord du Burkina Faso (Dambam, Gubda, Tokabangou) situés à 11 km de Markoye dans la province de l’Oudalan, proche de la frontière nigérienne, ont subi des attaques terroristes meurtrières.Le bilan fait état de 30 personnes tuées dont 11 civils , 15 militaires et 4 VDP. Les terroristes lors de cette attaque le 4 Août 2021 aux environs de 12 h, ont incendié des concessions et emporté du bétail." +91799,26015.0,1620.0,['Food Security'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,62,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Situation-Overview_H2R_Oct-Dec_13.03.2020.pdf,"Although the situation may be relatively less concerning in Kukawa and Marte, the use of copings strategies in these areas may also suggest that people were unable to meet their food needs through cultivation alone. These findings were similar to the findings from the last reporting period and suggest that access to food continued to be of high concern." +307192,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,23,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"In a survey conducted in 2019, 22 per cent of the male respondents thought that women should be prohibited from owning land" +271248,48601.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,14,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/01/hemophilia-patients-in-idlib-live-in-pain-while-their-treatment-remains-behind-borders/,(Idlib) The needles price ranges between 30 and 40 US dollars. +177038,41752.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,46,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,80% des informateurs clés à Kaya notent que leurs communautés ont besoin d’informations sur comment identifier les symptômes du COVID-19 et 67% d’entre eux indiquent que leurs communautés ont besoin d’informations sur comment se protéger du virus. +187709,43292.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,129,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/msna_2020_factsheet_refugee.pdf,"[July-August 2020, Bangladesh] Rohingya Refugees: These findings represent a continuation of the 2019 findings in the sense that while almost all individuals reported as having required treatment did seek treatment, when needed, households did frequently adopt coping mechanisms in order to deal with health concerns, including paying for health care, going into debt and seeking lower quality treatment. However, compared to 2019, the proportion of households that paid for health care decreased from 57% to 41%, and the proportion of households that went into debt to cover health expenses decreased from 66% to 35%, while the proportion of households that sought lower quality/cheaper treatment increased from 12% to 27%." +214377,45385.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,74,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Les types de violations recensés sont les violations du droit à la propriété (1,565 cas), les violations du droit à la vie et à l’intégrité physique (507 cas) ainsi que les VBG (110 cas). [48% de ces incidents ont été commis par des Groupes Armés Non Etatiques (GANE) et 9% par des membres des comités de vigilance.]" +157819,38137.0,2098.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cxb_education_covid_response_reaching_every_learner_final.pdf,"Moreover, without access to learning facilities – and in isolation – there is little scope to provide clear communication messaging, psychosocial support to both students and educators, as well as meet their social-emotional learning needs or provide life skills education." +218533,45654.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,45,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/hrp_weekly_funding_status_201124.pdf,"[24 Nov 2020, Whole of Syria, COVID-19 RP Funding Overview] COVID-19 Response Plan: Funding requirements for WASH sector are 69.9 Million USD, of which 22.5 Million USD have been funded, leaving a gap of 47.4 Million USD." +165024,38902.0,1183.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,30,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"Government data from 2019 showed the incidence of multidimensional poverty 4 at the national level was 17.5%, and 34.5% among rural populations (DANE 2019)." +313725,53333.0,2334.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"According to the 2019 RENA report, teachers have received additional training adapted for the current crises, but numbers were insufficient." +325388,54815.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Across all respondents (817 respondents) , the single most common mode used to get to a medical facility is a motorcycle (39 percent), followed by bicycle (36 percent), walking (13 percent), and a borrowed vehicle (11 percent)." +235856,47091.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,39,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/borno_state_covid-19_weekly_sitrep_wk_52.pdf,"Total number of contacts line listed for follow up – 5,163 • Total initial Samples tested so far in UMTH laboratory stands at 14,457 • Cumulative positivity rate 5.3% • Cumulative samples collected for week 52 were 379" +194538,43830.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,44,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ntn24.com/america-latina/venezuela/ministro-de-colombia-aseguro-que-los-venezolanos-han-generado-problemas-de,"En una entrevista concedida al portal Voz de América, el ministro aseguró que los venezolanos han impactado “negativamente” en la seguridad de su país pese a todos los beneficios que, recordó, Colombia ha otorgado a los migrantes de Venezuela" +386462,60395.0,1186.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"La autoeficacia se define como el grado en que los estudiantes creen en sus propias capacidades para desarrollar ciertas actividades y tareas (Bandura, 1977). Mientras quienes presentan un nivel de autoeficacia bajo, tienden a creer que la inteligencia es una competencia fija e innata, quienes presentan un nivel alto de autoeficacia creen que pueden superar dificultades sociales, emocionales y académicas (OECD, 2019b)." +339486,56380.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,139,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb4645es.pdf,"Los comerciantes afirman que la fluctuación en los costos de los productos no se ha traducido a costos aumentados para los consumidores finales de manera significativa, ya que no hay un incremento en el precio de venta. Esta conclusión es corroborada por los datos oficiales del DANE, que muestra un índice de precio al consumidor (IPC) a la baja desde mayo hasta noviembre de 2020. Sin embargo, algunos comerciantes señalaron que hubo un aumento de precios en los territorios (principalmente en las regiones Pacífico, Caribe, Gran Santander, Cafetera y Amazonía), lo que pudo suponer que los comerciantes no incrementaron su margen de ganancia, pero inflaron el precio acorde a los incrementos de los demás actores de la cadena de abastecimiento previo a su compra." +219055,45655.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,81,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"[9th Dec, Overall Syria] While current official numbers remain relatively low in GoS-controlled areas, in recent months, the epidemiological situation has rapidly evolved and all factors – including that the vast majority of announced cases have not been linked to exposure/contact with a known case – point to widespread community transmission. November represents the peak of official numbers reported in a single month (2,069), followed by 2,008 cases reported in August." +182590,42252.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,63,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2020_29Oct2020_FINAL.pdf,"[29th October 2020, Overall Syria] Even while the current official numbers remain relatively low, it is clear in past months the epidemiological situation in Syria has rapidly evolved and all factors – including that the vast majority of announced cases to date have not been linked to exposure/contact with a known case – point to widespread community transmission." +239663,47230.0,2311.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,72,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"En cuanto a las prácticas de higiene, se identificó que el 19% de la población no cuenta con instalaciones para el lavado de manos, situación que se relaciona con la falta de acceso a agua: 31% de los hogares carece de dicho acceso, lo que conlleva una barrera adicional para mantener prácticas de lavado de manos en casa (ver gráficas 59 y 60)." +62684,18394.0,1386.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,111,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3295213,"Mi Oficina ha seguido documentando casos de personas migrantes víctimas de trata, particularmente mujeres, niñas y niños, con fines de explotación sexual, laboral y de reclutamiento para actividades ilícitas por parte del crimen organizado y de otros grupos armados. Las víctimas rara vez denuncian por temor a represalias o a ser deportadas, así como debido a la corrupción, impunidad y falta de servicios de atención adecuados. Asimismo, se documentó la desaparición de decenas de personas migrantes cuyas lanchas naufragaron o desaparecieron en las costas caribeñas, aparentemente relacionada con redes de trata y tráfico de personas hacia las islas del Caribe." +90028,25213.0,1621.0,['Shelter'],[],['Casualties->Dead'],en,21,[],['Casualties'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A_HRC_43_75_E.pdf,"During clashes on 22 February, approximately 50 people were reportedly killed and 200 houses damaged in the southern region." +178535,40661.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,37,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"L’INS indique que, dans la ville de Kinshasa, la moitié des chefs de ménages n’ont pas pu exercer leur activité pour des causes directement liées à la pandémie du Covid-19." +237214,46388.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,29,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In addition to child labour, child marriage is frequently used as a culturally acceptable coping strategy. This practice also appears more concentrated in a few provinces." +188614,43181.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Contact Tracing'],fr,75,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_270_20201026_.pdf,"En date du 26/10/2020, 2 325 contacts (incluant 42 nouveaux contacts) étaient en cours de suivi dont 1 457 au Nord-Kivu, 241 au Kongo-Central, 209 dans le Haut-Uélé, 141 au Sud-Kivu, 141 en Ituri, 57 à Kinshasa, 50 au Kasaï-Oriental et 29 au Nord-Ubangi. Parmi eux, 2 242 (96,4%) contacts ont effectivement été vus au cours des dernières 24 heures." +224021,45768.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,31,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,Cette question [des SGBV au sein du camp] mérite tout de même d’être scruté au moment et/ou après le transfert dès que les conditions le permettent. +26120,10739.0,786.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,22,['Impact'],[],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/the_americas/venezuela-has-its-electricity-back-for-now-but-its-still-on-the-verge-of-collapse/2019/03/20/1cb0060e-4986-11e9-8cfc-2c5d0999c21e_story.html?utm_term=.a236d74c7c19,"Hunger could spur more looting. In the oil capital of Maracaibo, about 500 businesses were ransacked during the blackout." +265119,49431.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,19,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-in-bangladesh-daily-infection-rate-falls-to-265pc/64736,"[11th Feb 2021, Bangladesh] The government launched a countrywide Covid-19 vaccination drive on February 7." +178486,41756.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,85,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Cette situation est aggravée par la faible présence et autorité de l’Etat dans certaines parties du pays, l’instabilité politique, la fragilité économique, les conditions d’accès difficiles, le manque d’infrastructures et services de base, la circulation incontrôlée des armes légères et de petit calibre (ALPC) et la contamination des terres par des mines et des restes explosifs de guerre (REG), les épidémies et l’insécurité alimentaire." +283827,50882.0,2466.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,126,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/ipc_sudan_acute_food_insecurity_projection_update_2020octdec_report_1.pdf,"Several localities in seven states affected by flooding have been classified one phase higher compared to the June 2020 projection. Five localities (Nyala Janoub, Nyala Shimal, Tulus, Kassala and Shendi) shifted from Minimal Acute Food Insecurity (IPC Phase 1) to Stressed (IPC Phase 2). 11 localities (Galabat Ash Shargiah, Reifi Aroma, Kebkabiya, Soudari, Gebrat Al Sheikh, Al Meiram, Abu Hujar, Ad Dali El mazmom, Sinja, Mershing and ShargAj Jabal) shifted from Stressed (IPC Phase 2) to Crisis (IPC Phase 3). A few localities reported a population shift of between 5-10% to Emergency (IPC Phase 4)." +221790,45410.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,78,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"[Les parties Sud des provinces administratives du BEG et du Kanem dans la Zone 5 - « agropastorale» ]:Par suite de la perturbation suscitée par les achats tardifs de l’ONASA, l’offre dans les marchés du Sahel Ouest est inférieure à la normale en raison d’une baisse des approvisionnements dans les localités sources habituelles. Elle est uniquement pourvue par les stocks des commerçants également en baisse." +187681,43292.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,45,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/msna_2020_factsheet_refugee.pdf,"[July-August 2020, Bangladesh] Rohingya Refugees: While only 3% of households reported sickness as an impact of the COVID-19 outbreak, findings show a reduction in health-seeking behaviour. Households also increasingly reported seeking lower quality/cheaper treatment compared to 2019." +181175,42386.0,2099.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,64,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_RMU_October-2020_vfinal.pdf,"La disponibilité des denrées de base reste toutefois inférieure à la moyenne et les prix, en particulier le mil, enregistrent des hausses entre 11 et 25 pour cent sur les marchés de Djibo, Baraboulé, Nassoumbou (dans la province du Soum) et Markoye (dans la province de l’Oudalan) par rapport à la moyenne quinquennale." +343154,55976.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],fr,109,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.lemonde.fr/afrique/article/2021/05/10/beaucoup-ne-croient-pas-au-danger-du-covid-19-en-afrique-la-defiance-face-aux-vaccins_6079678_3212.html,"« Dans ce pays[la RDC]grand comme l’Europe, nous devons faire face à des obstacles logistiques que nous n’aurions pu imaginer. Mais le défi premier est celui de la communication », admet Jean-Jacques Simon, porte-parole de l’Unicef à Kinshasa.« Comment convaincre que le Covid-19 est une maladie dangereuse ? Officiellement, 772 personnes en sont mortes, tandis que le paludisme fait plus de 10 000 victimes par an et que la rougeole a tué près de 6 000 personnes en 2019, en grande majorité des enfants de moins de 5 ans. »" +15666,6572.0,322.0,[],[],[],en,94,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Yemen%20Update%2021%20Sept-%2012%20October%202018%20FINAL.pdf,"On 6 October, one woman was killed and 12 civilians were injured, including eight children, in a shelling incident that occurred at the Bani Jaber internally displaced person (IDP) camp in the Al-Khawkhah district in Al-Hudaydah Governorate. As many as 17 civilians have reportedly been killed or seriously injured in October. Since 2016, over 65,000 Yemenis are estimated to have either been killed or injured as a result of the conflict; this includes 16,000 civilian deaths that have been documented by the United Nations." +35190,13011.0,788.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,55,[],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/69213.pdf,"On 14 and 16 April, the military arrested nineteen suspected NSAG members and seized arms and ammunition in Mubi North LGA and in Shuwa, Madagali LGA in Adamawa State. It can be recalled that NSAGs attacked several communities in March, killing dozens of people, injuring others and destroying property." +306377,51572.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,14,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,Planning for a new assessment to reclassify the area to IPC 4 or 5 +407417,63069.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],fr,69,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Bulletin%20d%E2%80%99information%20sous%20cluster%20protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99enfance%20%28GTPE%29%20Mars%20%E2%80%93%20Mai%202021.pdf,"Détérioration de la situation de protection dans le Territoire de Kalehe depuis le début d’avril 2021, à la suite des violences communautaires dans les Moyens et Hauts Plateaux de Kalehe et le conséquent mouvement de population : • 55 ENA identifiés • 22 enfants victimes des viols et VBG • 34 enfants tués, au cours des affrontements ou des actes de vengeance par les miliciens" +216642,45416.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_rapport_ads.pdf,"Dans un système éducatif où la proportion des écoles privées est de 21%6 et les capacités des écoles publiques à accueillir tous les enfants est faible, les écoles privées se présentent comme la seule alternative pour assurer une éducation aux enfants." +317236,53333.0,2334.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,38,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Improve access to SRHR information and trainings for teachers in schools and informal learning centres, so that adolescents are equipped with confidence and self-assertive skills and can make informed and positive choices regarding their SRHR while young" +303983,51174.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,74,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.afro.who.int/sites/default/files/2021-02/South%20Sudan%20IDSR%20Bulletin%20Week%201%2C%20%20%204-%2010%20January%202021%20.pdf,"As of week 49, 2020, a total of 3,422 cases including 100 deaths (CFR 2.92%) have been reported from three regions – SNNP, Oromia, and Gambella. Two of the affected regions, SNNP and Gambella, share borders with South Sudan (Akobo county in Jonglei state; Pochalla and Boma in Greater Pibor Administrative area; and Kapoeta East in Eastern Equatoria state)." +90247,25674.0,1621.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,60,['At Risk'],['Displacement'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/libya-man-s-death-detention-center-fire-underscores-urgency-evacuating-refugees,"Over 500 refugees and migrants are being arbitrarily detained in overcrowded cells in Dhar el Jebel detention center, which is located about 100 miles southwest of Tripoli in the Nafusa Mountains. Most detainees are Eritrean or Somali asylum seekers registered with the United Nations Refugee Agency and unable to return home for fear of violence or persecution." +318221,53305.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,42,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"CERF (Central Emergency Response Fund) and SSHF ( South Sudan Humanitarian Fund) released a total of $20 million to provide life-saving assistance to 360,000 most vulnerable people affected by widespread flooding since July. [OCTOBER 2020]" +305322,53013.0,2331.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,29,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/3c8084ae/REACH_SOM_Factsheet_Assessment-of-Hard-to-Reach-Areas_December-2020.pdf,Food Security and livelihoods: KIs from 29% of assessed settlements reported people skipping two or more meals per day to cope with a lack of food. +63480,18412.0,1386.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,187,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,,"De 2012 a 2017, las importaciones cayeron 70% sin previsión ni plan de contingencia. Los cuantiosos recursos extraordinarios que recibió Venezuela en divisas, bajo control del Estado desde 2003, se utilizaron para privilegiar las importaciones antes que la producción interna. En el sector salud, las importaciones alcanzaron 95% del abastecimiento en medicinas, insumos, materias primas70, equipos y repuestos. Estos niveles de importación se mantuvieron a través de endeudamiento y, a partir de 2010 el gobierno fue reduciendo la asignación de divisas a las empresas importadoras, hasta detenerlas en el año 2017, dejando una elevada deuda sin cancelar71. En 2018, 74,5% de estas empresas había cerrado72, así como la mayoría de los laboratorios internacionales73. Entre 2012 y 2016, el recorte de divisas para importaciones del sector salud fue de 70%74, precipitando una extensa y grave escasez sin ninguna previsión ni plan de contingencia. Entre 2016 y 2017 las importaciones para bienes esenciales cayeron 37%, siendo salud el sector más afectado75." +235234,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,56,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"[Afghanistan has an Inform Risk Index of 8.1, the second highest country out of the 191 profiled]. At the same time, the Notre Dame Global Adaptation Index ranks it as the 11th least prepared country against climatic shocks and the 10th most vulnerable country in the world to climate change." +160333,38480.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Logistics', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,68,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Logistique • Dotation des régions en matériels de protection, en médicaments et consommables pour la riposte à la COVID-19 • Location de 8 véhicules avec du carburant pour assurer les activités logistiques des EIR, le laboratoire et le suivi des cas contacts. • Mise à jour et partage de la situation de la gestion des intrants Covid-19 au Burkina Faso via Google drive aux partenaires" +313195,53183.0,2466.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,68,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,Access to justice for GBV survivors was very low due to lack of community awareness on legal and justice issues related to GBV; lack of legal aid; shortages of female police officers; community distrust of formal legal mechanisms; centralized handling of cases at state capitals which disadvantage survivors from poor backgrounds due to transport costs and legal fees; and weak referral mechanisms. +327083,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,63,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Cette situation est encore exacerbée par le faible degré de sophistication et de formalisation de l’économie burkinabè, étant donné que l’agriculture de subsistance et les services informels non marchands dans les zones urbaines représentent ensemble environ 85 pour cent de l’emploi et de la production (AGRA, 2014; Banque mondiale, 2019)." +10944,5086.0,321.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,64,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/65050.pdf,"As of 31 July 2018, the Libyan Coast Guard rescued/intercepted a total of 12,633 people in different locations along the Libyan coast. 2,167 individuals were rescued/intercepted in July, 3,453 in June and 1,756 in May. Since 1 January 2018, Libyan local authorities have recovered 97 bodies of people who perished while attempting to cross the Mediterranean towards Europe." +292913,51778.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,54,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/nos-estan-invadiendo-los-venezolanos-este-y-otros-mitos-de-la-migracion/2545,"En su tercera edición, esta encuesta encontró que solo el 51% de los colombianos está de acuerdo con que la migración es un fenómeno que ha llegado para quedarse, es decir, que solo la mitad de los colombianos ha interiorizado que la migración es estructural y de largo plazo." +236175,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,22,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Disaster can also be a cause of injury that, in turn, contributes to increased numbers of people with disabilities." +149851,37865.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,35,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cxb-situation-report-20.pdf,"Additionally, as a result of the lockdown, TB activities were disrupted. As a result, activities such as health education and community mobilization for TB awareness were scaled down or suspended." +341985,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,72,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,L’extension des Koglwéogo dans les autres localités a été perçue comme une conquête impérialiste des mossé sur les autres composantes culturo-ethniques du pays. Elle fut considérée comme un affront et un déni pour ces communautés culturo-ethniques « envahies » par les Koglwéogo. Les résistances ont été menées dans le but de freiner et d’interdire l’installation des Koglwéogo dans les régions du grand mandingue. +270216,50227.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,37,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Del total de las 7.146 camas de UCI ocupadas, se encuentran: 2.248 (33,7%) casos confirmados, 557 (8,4%) pacientes sospechosos y 3.859 (57,9%) casos no COVID-19" +132432,35164.0,1188.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,174,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"Población venezolana: 94,596 (Dato facilitado por Migración a octubre de 2018). Desde entonces, Migración no ha emitido un pronunciamiento o comunicación sobre la nueva cifra oficial. Regularizados: 90,315 (Tomados del Censo 2010 y de los datos de la página web de Migración de las personas regularizadas a través de procesos ordinarios y extraordinarios hasta 2019). En 2019 se han regularizado 16,392 venezolanos (hasta agosto). Vale destacar aquí que con la Visa de Turista y la de reagrupación familiar, han continuado ingresando más personas desde finales de 2018 y lo que va del 2019, pero no se cuenta con el dato oficial de la cantidad de visas aprobadas. Entre las entradas y salidas del año 2019, las estadísticas del Servicio Nacional de Migración reflejan un saldo migratorio de 14,175 personas venezolanas por lo que es posible que muchas personas ingresen como turistas y permanezcan en el país más allá de la vigencia de su permiso de estadía." +134460,35170.0,1188.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"Los asistentes afirmaron recibir información de su comunidad a través de la red social Facebook, principalmente por medio del canal de “venezolanos en Panamá”." +456626,58986.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,103,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.lemonde.fr/afrique/article/2021/07/08/en-rdc-les-autorites-inquietes-face-a-une-troisieme-vague-dominee-par-le-variant-delta_6087597_3212.html,"Dans les hôpitaux de Kinshasa, on pousse les murs depuis la fin du mois de mai.« Nous avons une capacité de 27 lits pour les patients Covid-19 et, là, on est à 29 malades. On a dû en mettre quelques-uns dans d’autres services, comme en gynécologie », explique le docteur Rémy Kashala, médecin chef de staff à l’hôpital Monkole. A Saint-Joseph, dans le quartier populaire de Limete,« on a atteint le maximum », soupire le docteur Thierry Mukendi, responsable du centre de traitement Covid-19." +188072,31209.0,1900.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20North%20of%20Central%20America%20Situation%20Fact%20Sheet%20May%202020.pdf,LGTBI community leaders in the NCA continue to report violence and persecution by gangs that aim to force them into criminal activities or threaten their lives because of who they are. +150702,32361.0,1184.0,['Education'],[],[],es,155,[],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/El%20derecho%20a%20la%20educaci%C3%B3n%20en%20tiempos%20de%20crisis%20-%20alternativas%20para%20la%20continuidad%20educativa.pdf,"Muchos países han lanzado ya sus plataformas totalidad de los recursos en un esquema unificado propias con contenidos de los planes y programas facilitando el acceso y uso al usuario/a. de estudio, recursos abiertos y aplicaciones, tal es el caso de Bahamas (Portal virtual de aprendizaje), Barbados (E-Learning Resource Centre), Costa Rica (Aprendo en casa), Colombia (Aprender digital), Cuba (Aprendiendo) Chile (Aprendo en línea), Guatemala (Aprendo en casa), Honduras Es importante anotar que muchas de estas plataformas se complementan con el uso de redes sociales. Países como Argentina, Belice, El Salvador y Venezuela han impulsado de manera organizada grupos de WhatsApp como medio para coordinar grupos de aprendizaje entre miembros de un curso (Educarachos), El Salvador (Mi portal), Ecuador de la escuela." +236567,46388.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,58,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Attempts to overcome changes in health-seeking behaviour and social distancing requirements by delivering mobile services have been made across the response, however these are more expensive than fixed facilities and are not able to reach the same number of people with the same depth of assistance. This also has flow-on implications for needs in 2021." +220023,45809.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.rcnradio.com/colombia/antioquia/por-falta-de-permiso-mas-de-200-venezolanos-en-medellin-no-se-han-graduado-de,"Para este año,17.112 ciudadanos venezolanos se matricularon en las instituciones educativas de la capital antioqueña, 16.463 pertenecen a colegios oficiales, 511 a cobertura contratada y 138 a privados." +142203,35870.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,54,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2015_24July2020_FINAL.pdf,"During the reporting period the lockdowns on Jdeidet al-Fadl in Quneitra and Ras al-Ma’ara in Rural Damascus, were lifted after reports that sufficient numbers of samples tested negative. Further reports indicate some other recent lockdowns of private and public buildings due to COVID-19 in various locations, including in NES" +456628,58986.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,101,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.lemonde.fr/afrique/article/2021/07/08/en-rdc-les-autorites-inquietes-face-a-une-troisieme-vague-dominee-par-le-variant-delta_6087597_3212.html,"Comme Thierry, une majorité de Congolais reste persuadée que le Covid-19 n’existe pas ou du moins pas au Congo. Jusque-là, avec à peine 43 000 cas officiellement recensés depuis mars 2020, le pays semblait largement épargné par la pandémie. Mais depuis le 1erjuin, une troisième vague de contaminations fait des ravages : plus de 10 000 nouveaux cas ont été enregistrés, dont la majorité à Kinshasa. Un chiffre probablement largement sous-estimé en raison du faible nombre de tests qui s’élèvent à quelque 2 000 par jour en moyenne." +46567,16136.0,729.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],en,41,[],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/echo_-nf_bud_2019_91000_v2.pdf,"91% are displaced for economic reasonsand 3% as a consequence of conflict, insecurity or political reasons. 90% are men, 10% women, 8% are minor out of which 33% are unaccompanied." +323324,54815.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Economy']",en,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Despite a threefold increase in health financing over the past years, Burkina Faso remains off track in terms of meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), and recent assessments of the sector performance have concluded that the spending level of US$11.9 per capita should bring much better results in health outcomes than have been observed." +275906,50662.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,72,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[July- December 2020, Cox's Bazar] In order to minimize the transmission of COVID-19 in the FDMN/Rohingya refugee camps, Health Sector partners, in collaboration with WASH, Site Management, and Protection Sector partners, established temperature screenings and hand-washing stations at 19 Camp Entry Points. Of these, fifteen are currently operational. People with febrile are identified and referred to nearby health facilities." +314506,52949.0,2331.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,53,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"In riverine areas of southern Somalia, devastating floods since April 2020 destroyed farmland and caused population displacement, leading to significant crop losses and the loss of income from agricultural employment. Consequently, a significant proportion of poor households in these areas are anticipated to face substantial food consumption gaps." +323322,54815.0,2099.0,['Education'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,34,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Affordability and financial considerations are clearly influential factors: very few household heads in the lowest income quintile have ever attended school, compared to at least half of the highest quintile ones." +330667,55042.0,2098.0,[],[],[],en,92,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.gage.odi.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Adolescents%E2%80%99-experiences-of-covid-19-in-Chittagong-and-Sylhet-divisions-Bangladesh.pdf,"[30 April 2021, Bangladesh]Knowledge of covid-19 symptoms: Most of the adolescents had good knowledge about the signs and symptoms of covid-19 infection and how it spreads. Adolescents frequently mentioned fever, cold and cough as the main symptoms, while some also pointed out other symptoms such as diarrhoea, breathing difficulties, body pain, headache, sore throat and loss of taste. Most knew the basics of how the virus spreads, especially as this information is most commonly circulated by the media" +324579,54934.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,68,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/IOM_ETT_E-N_21%20PoucheMora%20massif%20et%20Massare%202.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10098,"Les populations affectées se sont majoritairement déplacées à pied. Elles prévoient de rester temporairement dans les localités d’arrivées, le temps que la situation revienne à la normale. Aucune assistance n’a été fournie pour l’instant. Une première alerte Rapid Response Monitoring datant du 21 octobre 2020 avait déjà communiqué le déplacement de 68 ménages depuis Adakele vers Mora." +149134,36019.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"While the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Syria remains relatively low, cases have increased more than five-fold in the past month – from 50 as of 16 May to 417 as of 14 July – with new clusters emerging following a series of repatriation flights and cross-border commercial movement" +173198,39903.0,1388.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,99,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3644542,"La crisis actual de COVID-19 ha traído nuevos desafíos para innovar estrategias de trabajo que mantengan a los niños, niñas y adolescentes protegidos de la violencia, en comunicación con sus padres, madres y familiares y en condiciones de balance emocional y psicológico. UNICEF colabora con el PANI para que las personas funcionarias estén capacitadas y usen dispositivos sanitarios para que no expongan a las niñas, niños y adolescentes al coronavirus, mientras se encuentran en sus albergues durante la pandemia”, enfatizó Gordon Jonathan Lewis, Representante de UNICEF en Costa Rica." +244057,46388.0,2336.0,['WASH'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,13,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,The pandemic has further exacerbated the time it takes to collect water. +386451,60395.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,75,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Mientras las familias venezolanas llegan a Chile con más recursos económicos que otros grupos de inmigrantes, los migrantes de Haití llegan con menores recursos, enfrentan los prejuicios raciales y la brecha idiomática; las familias de Bolivia, por su parte, suelen ser de jefatura femenina, monoparental, de escasos recursos, pero con mayor conocimiento de las prestaciones estatales (Centro de Estudios Justicia & Sociedad, 2020)." +178537,40661.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Par ailleurs, pour les zones urbaines, les résultats de l’EFSA montrent que les villes ou zones urbaines sont plus en sécurité alimentaire." +306261,51572.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Health', 'WASH', 'Shelter']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,38,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"Advocate for increased presence of service provision in Melut to address the core sectoral gaps (shelter, food, health and water) [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]" +346784,57052.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,57,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/syria-country-office-market-price-watch-bulletin-issue-77-april-2021,"(Whole of Syria, April 2021) In April 2021, the informal national average price of transport diesel skyrocketed by 48 percent compared to March 2021 and by 452 per-cent since April 2020 reaching SYP 2,267/litre. Moreover, the informal price remains 12 times higher than the formal price (SYP 174/litre)." +342050,56493.0,2099.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Pull Factors', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,141,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Le contexte de crise a provoqué de nouvelles formes de mobilité des populations au Burkina Faso. Si autrefois les mouvements internes de populations se justifiaient par la recherche des terres cultivables ou la recherche d’espaces pour le pâturage des animaux, ils ont pris une connotation de contrainte sécuritaire et de survie face à la menace terroriste. Craignant pour leur vie, bon nombre de Burkinabè ont déserté leurs localités afin de trouver des zones paisibles. Cependant, ils restent confrontés à de nombreuses difficultés qui, entre autres, sont liées à leur statut : • Faible accès à l’emploi. • Besoin immédiat d’un abri temporaire e/ou permanent ; • Perte ou destruction des papiers d’identité qui limiterait l’accès aux différents services sociaux de base ;" +69828,19568.0,788.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,90,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Nigeria%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20-%20August%202019.pdf,"Cholera cases continue to be observed in Adamawa state, with a cumulative total of 665 cholera cases and 4 deaths (CFR 0.66%) in 17 wards within 3 LGAs (Yola North, Yola South, and Girei). A number of LGAs in Borno, especially Maiduguri Metropolitan Area and Jere, have seen an increase in the number of cases of acute watery diarrhoea, though overall the number of cases and associated mortality remains significantly lower than during the outbreak last year." +164810,39789.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,91,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Movementwide%20Operation%20Report%20August%202020.pdf,"Danish Red Cross:: 528 pcs reusable pads for Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) and 100 pcs 3-layer reusable face mask produced by the community volunteers of the camps.  50 handwashing stations installed at different CSS , DAPS centers and BDRCS distribution centers, market food stalls mosque etc. in Camp 14, Camp 13 and Camp 19.  2,451 people reached across the country through BDRCS PSS call Center. Psychosocial First Aid (PFA) was conducted for 12 staff and volunteers." +306368,51572.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,54,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"There is a specific concern for elderly and PSN (Persons with Specific Needs) people who cannot sustain theirself in terms of food. They are supported by other community members but do not receive enough food. [Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]" +57396,16417.0,788.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross', 'Health', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,87,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Briefing.-Addresing-Dignity-%26-Menstrual-Hygiene-Needs.pdf,"Women and children constitute 87% of the new displacements experienced by the communities affected by conflict in north east Nigeria. Critical needs for dignity, including in menstrual hygiene remain largely unmet for women and girls of reproductive age. In addition to living in crowded areas, without privacy, the needs reproductive health needs of women and girls continue throughout the disaster. Yet, in displacement settings, many women and girls cannot afford sanitary/dignity materials and other basic needs." +239231,47351.0,2170.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,74,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Factsheet_NGA2005-Biu-LGA-Borno-state-November-2020.pdf,"[1st Nov2020,Biu LGA, Borno states]The majority of displaced households (72%) reported renting their current accomodation, including the 44% of displaced households that reported being hosted by another household, of which 65% reported paying rent to their host. The overwhelming majority (97%) of displaced households reported residing in either a masonry structure or a mud brick structure." +173706,40798.0,1388.0,[],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Legal & Policy', 'Casualties->Dead']",es,46,[],"['Context', 'Casualties']",UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://infosegura.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Analisis-SC-2T-2020.pdf,De estos 6 femicidios: 5 son acordes a la conducta descrita en el artículo 21 de la Ley de Penalización de Violencia contra las Mujeres (LPVcM) y 1 es de tipo ampliado (escenarios descritos por la Convención de Belem do Para. +149237,36019.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,37,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"The taskforce is monitoring the referral system at health facility level, including the level of treatment required and availability of services and beds, and inter-facility transfer in order to improve coordination across the care continuum" +489849,67830.0,2170.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],en,173,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rc_report_august_2021.pdf,"[1st Aug 2021, BAY states] Congestion in Reception Centres (RCs) continue to pose great challenges in every aspect of standardizing camp management in camps in the northeast, decongestion of highly congest RCs in the BAY states remains a key priority and will continue to be emphasized. However, with access, land availability and HLP issues continue to hinder the RC exist plan as per standard of 72 hours. Thereby, becoming a great constraint to the humanitarian response at the RCs. With some success achieved in Pulka and pilot of transitional shelter solution already on going, negotiation for land and camp expansion is ongoing with difficulty in some locations due to insecurity. Dikwa, Custom House (Jere LGA) and Konduga RC are empty as at the reporting period. Further concerns were raised regarding the Food Sector, Secondary Health Services, Nutrition screen upscaling, and livelihood as indicated the response and gaps sections of this report." +170465,40462.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,74,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Les contrôles de sécurité par les forces de l’ordre se font à l’entrée de certaines communes et certains des chefs-lieux de provinces dans la région de l’Est. Cependant, les services de l’administration territoriale comme la mairie de Botou, Logobou dans la province de la Tapoa se sont repliées à Diapaga pour pouvoir offrir un service minimum à la population de ces localités." +311234,53183.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"The unprecedented floods that caused havoc during the rainy season aggravated access challenges. Flooding combined with a difficult physical terrain made roads in several states impassable, causing delays to aid activities particularly during August-September" +316755,54475.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syria.tv/%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B9%D9%88%D8%A7-%D9%86%D8%AF%D8%B1%D8%A9-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D9%86%D8%A7%D9%81%D8%B3-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D8%B3%D8%AA%D8%B4%D9%81%D9%8A%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D9%88%D8%A3%D8%B9%D8%AF%D8%A7%D8%AF-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A5%D8%B5%D8%A7%D8%A8%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%AA%D8%B2%D8%A7%D9%8A%D8%AF,"[April 4, GoS] A member of the advisory team to confront the Corona virus, "" Al-Awa"", said that the number of infections has increased sharply for a month, stressing that all hospitals are full, which made it difficult to find an empty ventilator." +314759,52949.0,2331.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The overcrowding of IDP sites exacerbates risks of fire, flooding, GBV and child rights violations, and disease outbreaks/COVID-19 transmission." +290761,51932.0,2225.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,61,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/3w_nationale_janvier_2021.pdf,"En janvier 2021, 180 partenaires exécutent des projets humanitaires en République Démocratique du Congo, ces projets ciblent plus de 3,51 millions de bénéficiaires. 63% desdits projets sont mis en oeuvre par des ONG nationales. D’ici la fin de ce mois de février, 107 projets ciblants près de 3,51 millions personnes prendront fin." +270227,50227.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Hospitalization & Care', 'Covid-19->Cases']",es,102,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"El 1,2% de los casos están activos (448), de estos casos activos, el 25,9% (116) se reportan en casa, el 65,4% (293) se encuentran hospitalizados y un 8,7% (39) en UCI, ubicados en 115 municipios. El 53,9% de los casos fueron confirmados en hombres y el grupo de edad con mayor número de casos esta entre los 20 a 39 años con 28%, en menores de 10 años el 2,5% y personas de 60 años y más el 30,1%." +22553,9106.0,729.0,['Logistics'],[],[],en,48,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"A centralized logistics support platform that can collect, analyse and share logistics information in order to support coordination of agencies’ responses to the crisis. The rapid increase of humanitarian presence requires a centralized coordination platform to support the establishment of new or upscaling operations." +209705,45080.0,2170.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,90,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%209%20Dec%202020.pdf,"[9thDec2020,Borno and Yobe states]Coordinating Education at the LGA level remains a challenge. The sector needs a fully dedicated staff for Borno and Yobe states. Due to logistics issue the sector staff, other than making frequent trips, are not able to increase their presence in those two states and many local organizations and states structures are not very familiar with remote work and are less technology savvy. Only a few international organizations can actively be part of the coordination activities." +209143,43992.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,108,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"During the reporting period, 1,726 children benefited from psychosocial support in Child Friendly Spaces (CFS) or in other safe spaces, bringing the total to 4,387 children reached since January 2020. The children supported during this reporting period include 1,336 (584 boys and 752 girls) in Lac province, 265 (120 boys and 145 girls) in Mongo province and 103 (92 boys and 11 girls) in N’Djaména province who benefited from psychosocial support in CFS. In Mongo province, 22 primary caregivers (women) were additionally provided with psychosocial support in health centres." +239643,47230.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,18,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"El 17% de los hogares tiene un consumo limítrofe, y 8% consumo pobre de alimentos" +159538,39148.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_july2020_ne_nigeria.pdf,Borno Sate: Suspected COVID-19: Two (2) confirmed COVID-19 cases were reported through EWARS from University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital in Jere. No associated death was reported. +317823,52949.0,2331.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],en,66,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"Barriers to access for children with disabilities are considerable and include negative attitudes towards them, unfavourable learning environments without necessary assistive devices, and teachers lacking training on inclusive education. Girls with disabilities face additional barriers in accessing education due to gender stereotypes based on discriminatory and cultural norms such as marginalisation, stigma, and the preference for boys to access education." +91784,26015.0,1620.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,86,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Situation-Overview_H2R_Oct-Dec_13.03.2020.pdf,"Regardless of high engagement in subsistence farming practices, a lower proportion of assessed settlements in Bama, Dikwa and Gwoza reported having access to land for farming compared to assessed settlements in Kukawa and Marte (see Map 4). In October, 10% of assessed settlements in Dikwa reported that people had access to land for farming, while 52% and 37% of assessed settlements in Bama and Gwoza, respectively, reported having access to land for farming." +197393,43630.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/mafias-de-registradores-falsificaba-documentos-a-venezolanos/2269,La Registraduría Nacional del Estado Civil junto a la Fiscalía General de la Nación y la Policía Nacional en una investigación realizada en varias regiones del país identificaron una mafia que estaría dedicada a nacionalizar irregularmente migrantes venezolanos. Por esa razón fueron suspendidos de sus cargos a dos funcionarios activos de la registraduría por estar presuntamente vinculados a la falsificación de documentos a extranjeros. +145960,34803.0,2028.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Population'],[],en,78,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"To reduce the negative impact on the affected population (displaced and host communities, returnees) and on markets caused by the various challenges in northwest Syria, increased funding is required for the following: o Support to businesses in both urban and rural environments ▪ Start-up support through grants or micro-credit assistance; ▪ Support for micro-businesses and businesses to contain the impact of the COVID-19 and the ongoing economic crisis on their activities." +141396,35118.0,1187.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"La falta de empleos formales, implica durante la pandemia el cese de ingresos para las personas que trabajan en esas condiciones. En este punto más del 75% (310) de las personas encuestadas no reportó ningún ingreso durante el aislamiento social preventivo y obligatorio, dato que demarca la emergencia en materia de subsistencia y se refleja directamente en necesidades de insumos básicos y alimentación." +209711,45080.0,2170.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%209%20Dec%202020.pdf,"[9thDec2020,Nigeria]The number of severely acutely malnourished children admitted into the nutrition treatment programme continues to be high compared to September 2019. The number of children with severe acute malnutrition admitted into the treatment programs increased by 30% in September compared to August, clearly indicating a seasonal period of high prevalence of malnutrition lasting longer than in previous years." +161558,39295.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,17,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep20_20200909.pdf,30% of population do not have access to internet/smartphones impacting children access to distance learning. +325761,54267.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],fr,88,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Par exemple, le Programme d’options stratégiques pays du FIDA au Burkina Faso (COSOP 2019-2024) vise à améliorer les performances des principales chaînes de valeur agricoles pour créer davantage d’emplois. L’un des sous-objectifs est d’augmenter de 50 pour cent le nombre de petits exploitants organisés en associations et/ou coopératives28. À cet effet, le FIDA travaille en étroite collaboration avec Procasur, une ONG pour le renforcement des capacités régionales en matière de développement rural." +484729,65398.0,1185.0,[],[],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,55,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"La Política Nacional Migratoria 2017-2025, por su parte, menciona que la integración debe desarrollarse en “el marco de la igualdad, la equidad, la inclusión, la integración y la seguridad nacional”. Visto así, este tema debería darse de forma integral y transversalmente en cada área de gestión" +317273,53333.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,77,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Hold validation meetings with communities and service providers/humanitarian partners, to validate these proposed priorities and where possible, jointly design detailed prevention and response actions. To ensure community ownership of the intended EiE response, and prepare for the eventual exit of humanitarian actors, it is recommended that Community Education Committees (CECs) be created and/or reconstituted to serve as delivery channels for the EiE response effort in the NWR and SWR." +230036,46670.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,87,['Priority Interventions'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/nation/2020/12/29/news-analysis-both-public-and-authorities-must-take-covid-19-more-seriously,"[29th December 2020, Bangladesh] It is feared that the country will likely go through the peak of the second wave of coronavirus between late January and early February next year. And, the limited hospital spaces are shrinking in an alarming manner.So, adequate preparations must be taken to face the second wave peak, which will surely be much more dangerous. Moreover, our health system is not ready to cope with a big surge in the number of cases." +391161,61715.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,92,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/yobe_state_covid-19_pandemic_weekly_situation_report_sitrep_for_week_30_26_jul_-_01_aug_2021_.pdf,"[26th Jul - 1st Aug 2021, Yobe State] The total confirmed cases of COVID-19 amongst Health Care Workers (HCWs) is nineteen (19). These include nine (9) doctors, seven (7) nurses, one (1) physiotherapist, and two (2) laboratory, scientists • The total number of deaths from COVID-19 in the state is nine (9) • The total number of patients who recovered from COVID-19 is four hundred and ninety (490)" +220873,45410.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"Au BEG et au Kanem, les récoltes seraient équivalentes à la moyenne et couvriraient les besoins de consommation jusqu’en février 2021. Les ménages dépendraient alors des marchés." +303996,51174.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,18,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.afro.who.int/sites/default/files/2021-02/South%20Sudan%20IDSR%20Bulletin%20Week%201%2C%20%20%204-%2010%20January%202021%20.pdf,Prepare request for oral cholera vaccines – pre-emptive vaccination for payams sharing borders with affected locations in Ethiopia +413049,63958.0,2311.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],['Context->Environment'],en,26,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/colombia/natural-hazards-monitoring-23-august-2021,"On 18 August, the Colombia Government of Cundinamarca reported severe weather in Guayabetal, Cundinamarca that affected at least 176 people from 68 families." +90131,25213.0,1621.0,[],[],['Casualties->Dead'],en,33,[],['Casualties'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A_HRC_43_75_E.pdf,"On 15 December, the Tripoli Appeals Court acquitted all defendants in the Abu Salim trial case relating to the massacre of 1,200 people in 1996, including former intelligence Abdullah Senussi." +226806,46454.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,59,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2022_23Dec2020_FINAL.pdf,"[ 5th December, Overall Syria] On 5 December, local authorities in NES announced that civilian movement by public transport would again be allowed, following a temporary suspension from 26 November, meaning that civilian crossings, in addition to commercial and humanitarian movements are now allowed at Tabqa, Akeirshi and Abu Assi in Ar-Raqqa" +185681,42468.0,1231.0,['Food Security'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,143,[],['Context'],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DOM_11.pdf,"Prices of red and balck beans higher year on year Retail prices of black beans weakened for the third consecutive month in September, reflecting improved market availabilities supported by increased imports. By contrast, prices of red beans, on the rise since April, continued to increase in September. Prices of both types of beans were more than 15 percent higher year on year due to reduced outputs gathered in the April-August period following dry weather conditions. The upsurge in domestic demand with the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic also exerted additional pressure on prices. GIEWS global information and early warning system on food and agriculture After moderate increases in the previous months, prices of rice declined in September, as production prospects for the remaining cropping season improved compared to the dryness-affected previous months." +149606,35869.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,112,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nw_syria_sitrep18_25july2020.pdf,"Following the hibernation of Emergency Programme Immunization (EPI) activities at some centres, WHO guidelines were shared with implementing partners and health directorates in order to monitor rigorously the routine vaccination and to apply infection prevention and control (IPC) measures. Health Cluster members working in vaccination will continue providing services. While six to 22 teams out of 132 suspended their vaccination activities for three days as following the confirmation of the first positive COVID-19 case, all teams are now operational and apply full IPC measures. All EPI teams are trained on using preventive measures and social distancing and they are monitored by supervisors." +325586,54815.0,2099.0,[],[],[],en,84,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Transport accessibility affects health and education outcomes via its impact on individuals’ decisions and behaviors regarding healthcare and schooling. On the demand side, transport accessibility matters for such behaviors as student enrollment and attendance and for patient usage of medical centers and regular anti-natal visits. On the supply side, examples of intermediary factors that are influenced by physical accessibility include the adequate provision of medical and school supplies and the rate of turnover of medical and teaching staff." +292390,52073.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,18,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_bulletin_sante_semestre1_2019.pdf,"Meetings with directors of the Regional Hospitals to discuss needs, difficulties and possible areas of collaboration." +149026,37702.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,77,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2016_16Aug2020_FINAL.pdf,"Number of people confirmed by the Ministry of Health (MoH) to have COVID-19: 1,677 (64 fatalities, 417 recovered). Areas of concern: Densely populated areas, notably Damascus/Rural Damascus, Aleppo and Homs, and those living in camps and informal settlements in NES, collective shelters throughout the country, as well as other areas including Deir-Ez-Zor, and where hostilities may be ongoing making sample collection more challenging" +310304,53177.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,60,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Sudan%20Multi-Sectoral%20Location%20Assessment_South%20Kordofan.pdf,"The current population in Kadugli is 218,317 individuals, comprising: 193,240 Host community 26,208 IDPs 6192 Returnees Almost 90 per cent of the locations visited have a higher presence of females than males, with 5,000 single female-headed households. The significant additional vulnerabilities present in Kadugli are: 10,531 Breastfeeding mothers 5,756 Pregnant women 6,528 Orphaned children." +61765,18350.0,1184.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods', 'Cross', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,136,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71151.pdf,"Se identificaron las siguientes necesidades y problemas de la población a través de su ruta migratoria: 69,3% de la población expresó tener dificultad para prever el abastecimiento de alimentos suficientes para más de 2 días, y 47% de la población indicó haber sufrido de algún tipo de discriminación por su nacionalidad en Ecuador. Sin embargo, se evidenció una mayor precariedad en las fronteras norte y sur, en donde 56,3% y 63,1% respectivamente, manifestó tener dificultad para adquirir alimentos para el día en curso. Otras necesidades reportadas han sido el no contar con soporte para la generación de ingresos, además de mayor asistencia legal y de documentación. Sin embargo, en la frontera norte, las personas indicaron requerir, además, ayuda médica" +360019,58741.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,58,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC_FSO_2021_06_final.pdf,"Les mesures COVID-19 à la frontière avec l’Ouganda (Kasindi), ont été renforcées rendant difficile la traversée aux petits commerçants informels et transporteurs informels. Ces derniers se dirigent vers d’autres opportunités locales comme la vente des produits de cueillette, de bois de chauffe et de charbon de bois)." +132468,35164.0,1188.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"En los grupos focales se detectó que las personas venezolanas desconocen la diferencia entre las entidades de salud del Ministerio de Salud (MINSA) y de la Caja de Seguro Social (CSS), y sobre los procesos de referencia entre los centros de salud y los hospitales" +58961,17671.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Economy'],es,68,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.elnuevosiglo.com.co/articulos/08-2019-pib-se-beneficiaria-con-llegada-de-venezolanos,"el mayor impacto de la migración desde Venezuela ha sido la pérdida de empleos formales en áreas receptoras debido a que la población migrante cuenta con un nivel mayor de educación y competencias en comparación con la población de áreas receptoras. Adicionalmente, el incremento de actividades informales por parte de los migrantes ha afectado algunas empresas comerciales que han cerrado o desistido de sus empleados”" +391227,61647.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,70,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_15_jul_2021_report_2.pdf,"[ 01 -15 July 2021,Northeast Nigeria]HEALTH: All the camps have established health structures, COVID-19 sensitization, response pathway and access to mobile clinics where vaccination activities and essential medicine distribution services are provided by health partners. 49% of camps reported cases of malaria. 60% of camps have access to a functional primary health care provider on site or nearby." +151573,37915.0,2098.0,"['Agriculture', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,92,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/78176.pdf,"Refugees have also been affected by the lockdowns, for example with reduced access to vegetable markets. UNHCR partners, CNRS and Mukti Cox’s Bazar, are assisting the agency to roll out support to refugees to grow food, including by means of hanging gardens. CNRS completed a distribution of vegetable seeds to 3,400 refugee households, and Mukti Cox’s Bazar started training over 1,330 refugee households on vegetable production and support with seeds. The initiative is especially targeted to support vulnerable households." +91778,26015.0,1620.0,['Food Security'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,54,['At Risk'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Situation-Overview_H2R_Oct-Dec_13.03.2020.pdf,"Consistent with these findings, the majority of FGD participants from Kukawe and Marte did not describe any major changes in their diet since before the conflict. However, FGD participants described how flooding affected their farming practices during the current dry season, which may cause future changes in their diet." +311039,54065.0,2170.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,135,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nenfss_round_9_final_report_11032021.pdf,"[1st Dec 2020,North-East Nigeria] Prevalence of global acute malnutrition (GAM) was above 10%, (emergency threshold) in Yobe (12.3%) and the prevalence of severe acute malnutrition was 1.6% and only one case of oedema was found in Northern Borno (0.1%). By sampling domain, prevalence of global acute malnutrition was highest in Northern Yobe (15.8%), followed by Central Yobe (14.7%) and Northern Borno (14.0%). Prevalence was higher among boys than girls in all domains except for Southern Borno and Southern Yobe. Disaggregation by child’s age shows that prevalence of global acute malnutrition is highest among children in the younger age cohorts 6-17 months." +158026,38777.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Casualties->Missing', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",en,45,[],"['Context', 'Shock/Event', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/food-insecurity-impact-covid-19-among-critical-challenges-facing-syria,"Estonia’s delegate demanded the release of all arbitrarily detained people, especially women and children, noting that COVID-19 has directly affected the political process, as Constitutional Committee talks were postponed after three cases were diagnosed in Geneva earlier this week." +361130,58845.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,84,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_price_bulletin_may_2021.pdf,"[May 2021, GoS & NWS] Price of chicken legs, broken down by regions, the coastal region recorded the highest price at SYP 8,422/kg (up 15 percent m-o-m), followed by the southern region at SYP 8,304/ kg (up 13 percent m-o-m). While the cross-border region recorded the lowest price at SYP 6,362/kg (up 14 percent m-o-m), followed by northwest Syria at SYP 6,968/ kg (up ten percent m-o-m)." +325496,54815.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,84,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/622561619416816205/pdf/Roads-to-Schools-and-Healthcare-Facilities-Identifying-Accessibility-Gaps-in-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"[Ouagadougou] Spatial inequality in bus-based accessibility to health facilities is generally much more significant than to schools although this again varies by type of facility (Figure 54). The travel time thresholds at which at least half of the city’s population are able to reach at least one facility range from 20-25 minutes in the case of CSPS, to 35-40 minutes for CM, 50-55 minutes for CMA, and significantly over an hour for hospitals." +182202,42711.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,20,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/enfants_pdis_presence_operationnelle_151020.pdf,"624M ENFANTS DÉPLACÉS : - 22,44% ENFANTS MOINS DE 5 ANS - 37,98% ENFANTS PLUS DE 5 ANS" +359349,58669.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,82,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/informe_de_emergencias_humanitarias_reportadas_elc_enero_mayo_2021.pdf,"IMPACTO POR DESPLAZAMIENTO: EL 82% de los eventos de desplazamiento reportados en mayo, fueron causados por amenazas directas de GANE hacia las comunidades. Particularmente se destacan amenazas con panfletos y otras directas hacia miembros de la comunidad al estigmatizarlos y relacionarlos como informantes de la fuerza pública, o por incumplir los c��digos de conducta impuestos por dichos grupos. Un 18% de los desplazamientos (dos eventos) se causaron por enfrentamientos entre dichos GANE." +482718,67369.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.francetvinfo.fr/monde/afrique/societe-africaine/epidemie-de-meningite-en-rdc-129-deces-dans-le-nord-est-du-pays_4764131.html,La méningite se transmet par les gouttelettes de sécrétions respiratoires ou pharyngées des personnes infectées. Un contact étroit et prolongé ou la cohabitation étroite avec une personne infectée facilite la propagation de la maladie. +236634,46388.0,2336.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,29,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Across the country, WASH systems have faced under- investment and disruption, which in turn generates complex needs that only worsen the burden on the health system." +304105,51467.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,49,['Impact'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,Series of consultations with IDPs showed that IDPs are very much concerned about the overall security situation in the country. Many expressed dissatisfactions with the overall transparency and progress on the implementation of the peace agreement leading to the perception of general unpredictability of situation across the country +304277,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,29,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"As many businesses had to close in the early months of the COVID-19 outbreak, the non-oil revenue growth declined by 14 per cent from 2019 to 2020." +125350,29180.0,1620.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Gap-Supply-Demand-Contraceptive-Services-Northeast-Nigeria-Report.pdf,"Monitoring measures have since been implemented to confirm the identities of beneficiaries, but host communities continue to struggle to meet basic needs, and tensions persist." +493584,61216.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,20,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/humanitarian-situation-overview-syria-hsos-northeast-syria-june-2021,"[June 2021, NES]In 81% of communities reportedly none of the IDP households owned their shelter" +261618,49218.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,70,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Reporte%20de%20situaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Migrantes%20y%20refugiados%20en%20tr%C3%A1nsito%20provenientes%20de%20Venezuela%2C%20diciembre%202020_0.pdf,"Las familias en tránsito identificadas por NRC, no tienen acceso a alimentos de calidad y con la periodicidad necesarias; la mayoría se alimenta a partir de donaciones que generalmente son de comidas altas en azúcares (pan y gaseosa). En las reservas o donaciones de víveres los grupos de viaje priorizan la alimentación de niños y niñas, personas mayores y mujeres gestantes y lactantes." +21324,8635.0,788.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,58,['Impact'],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2019/02/nigeria-deadliest-boko-haram-attack-on-rann-leaves-at-least-60-people-murdered/,"“This attack on civilians who have already been displaced by the bloody conflict may amount to possible war crime, and those responsible must be brought to justice. Disturbingly, witnesses told us that Nigerian soldiers abandoned their posts the day before the attack, demonstrating the authorities’ utter failure to protect civilians.”" +318266,52949.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,27,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The affected population should receive needed health services, treatment and medications without facing additional financial hardship, or social or physical barriers to accessing services." +196291,43846.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,142,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://zoom-eco.net/a-la-une/rdc-le-comite-multisectoriel-de-riposte-a-la-covid-19-alerte-sur-une-deuxieme-vague-de-cette-pandemie-en-afrique/,"Par ailleurs, il a insisté sur le respect de gestes barrières, le port de masques, la distanciation sociale. A lui d’ajouter, « nos concitoyens doivent prendre conscience qu’ils sont les premiers responsables de leur propre santé. Ils doivent se protéger dans le rassemblement, que ce soit le lieu de deuil. Ici, par exemple, on a remarqué que sans qu’on emmène le corps dans les lieux de deuil, nous avons repris avec nos habitudes de deuil où l’on place de photos de défunt et la famille se rassemble comme d’habitude. Que ce soit dans nos lieux de culte, lieux de rassemblement politique, l’opinion doit retenir que la maladie, la pandémie est encore là ! »." +63198,18417.0,1386.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Socio Cultural'],es,110,['Impact'],['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://www.acnur.org/noticias/press/2019/6/5cfa5eb64/refugiados-y-migrantes-de-venezuela-superan-los-cuatro-millones-acnur-y.html,"Los gobiernos de la región han establecido mecanismos para coordinar su respuesta y facilitar la inclusión legal, social y económica de los ciudadanos venezolanos. El principal de ellos es el Proceso de Quito, que ha reunido a los países latinoamericanos afectados por el flujo de refugiados y migrantes venezolanos. Para complementar estos esfuerzos, el pasado mes de diciembre se lanzó un Plan de Respuesta Regional Humanitario para Refugiados y Migrantes (RMRP), dirigido a 2,2 millones de venezolanos y 580.000 personas en comunidades de acogida en 16 países. Hasta ahora, el RMRP está financiado solo en un 21 por ciento." +160015,37886.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,23,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=199622,"Damascus, SANA-Health Ministry announced on Monday that 67 new coronavirus cases were registered in the country while 18 ones have recovered." +330375,53831.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,98,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/12042021_sitrep_s12_whe_oms_rdc_f.pdf,"Au total, 28 351 cas confirmés et 1 cas probable ont été rapportés en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) depuis le début de l’épidémie dont 745 décès (létalité de 2,6%) dans 174 zones de santé (ZS) appartenant à 23 des 26 provinces. Au terme de S13/2021, 342 nouveaux cas confirmés et 2 nouveaux décès ont été notifiés. Tout compte fait, la ville province de Kinshasa demeure l’épicentre de l’épidémie avec 71,7% (20 329/28 352) des cas notifiés" +243964,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,20,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the rate of cross-border return, particularly from Iran, adding to this burden." +178080,40661.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,117,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Certaines zones présentent des résultats encore plus préoccupants : par exemple, dans trois territoires du Kasaï Central (Dibaya, Demba et Dimbelenge), plus de 70% de la population a une consommation alimentaire faible. Ce point est également mis en évidence par les données mVAM du Kasaï et du Kasaï Central : en effet, on y note une consommation alimentaire pauvre pour plus des trois quarts des ménages. Selon mVAM, dans ces zones, plus des deux tiers de ces ménages ont un score réduit des stratégies d’adaptation (rCSI) supérieur à 19 et ont un rCSI classés en Phase 3 de l’IPC." +172079,40714.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,158,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20Nigeria%20DTM%20Emergency%20Tracking%20Tool%20%28ETT%29%20Report%20No.185%20%20%2817%20-%2023%20August%202020%29.pdf,"[17 - 23 August 2020, Borno, Adamawa] Gwoza: 97 arrivals were recorded in Gwoza LGA of Borno state. The arrivals included 22 from Gwoza and 6 from Jere LGAs of Borno state, 3 from Madagali and 3 from Girei LGAs of Adamawa state, 7 from Abuja Municipal Area Council LGA of the Federal Capital Territory and 56 from Marwa region in Cameroon. 93 per cent relocated as a result of poor living conditions and the remaining 7 per cent relocated voluntarily. Lamurde: 60 arrivals and 17 departures were recorded in Lamurde of Adamawa state. The arrivals included 33 from Lafiya ward in Lamurde LGA, 15 from Imburu ward and 12 from Numan II ward in Numan LGA of Adamawa state. All departures were from Lamurde ward in Lamurde LGA of Adamawa state. All movements recorded were as a result of improved security." +305619,51467.0,2335.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,46,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Due to the new reality of COVID19, risk communication and community engagement requires continuous efforts to ensure a two-way dialogue with refugee and host communities and inclusion of COVID-19 messaging through various platforms and feedback mechanisms, including rumour tracking mechanisms and addressing misinformation." +188711,43183.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Contact Tracing'],fr,33,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_268_20201024.pdf,"Les cumuls sont 323 012 voyageurs internationaux voyageurs nationaux screenés ; ceci a permis de détecter 53 et 340 alertes et de confirmer 14 et 18 d’entre elles, respectivement." +162012,39490.0,2098.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,57,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200707_acaps_covid-19_secondary_impacts_in_rohingya_refugee_camps.pdf,"Pre-COVID-19, almost 80% of Rohingya households relied on negative coping mechanisms to meet their basic needs, such as relying on less preferred and less expensive foods, borrowing money, relying on friends and family for help, selling assistance and relying solely on assistance which is insufficient to meet all their basic needs" +164962,39808.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,89,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"After March 2020, significant increase in food security reported in NES and particularly in DEZ due to COVID19 and SYP devaluation impact, there remain extensive food gaps, particularly in north and east line areas. In DEZ overall, Irrigation canals remain a key gap, particularly in north line areas where the lack of functionality of irrigation systems is a fundamental barrier to agriculture. Despite access to livelihoods and sources of income being reported as a priority need, livelihood programming remains extremely limited" +313262,53183.0,2466.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"Shelter and NFI needs have increased in 2020, despite the decline in armed conflict since 2015, and corresponding reduction in new civilian displacement." +387293,60969.0,2099.0,['Logistics'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,49,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fasozine.com/actualite/politique/9333-lutte-contre-l-insecurite-de-nouveaux-equipements-logistiques-pour-la-gendarmerie-nationale.html,"Dans la dynamique du renforcement de l’appui aux forces de sécurité intérieure, pour une meilleure sécurisation du territoire national, la Gendarmerie Nationale a reçu ,ce jeudi 22 juillet 2021en milieu de matinée à son État-major sis Camp Paspanga ,de nouveaux équipements logistiques." +241322,46388.0,2336.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,44,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Nutrition treatment was compromised due to COVID-19 movement restrictions for a period of months in 2020, in addition to low turnout as a result of community fears of catching the virus in nutrition treatment facilities that are often co-located in health centres." +189150,42865.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-LMA-Colombia-Espanol.pdf,"De acuerdo a la encuesta, el 46 porciento de los empleados venezolanos estaban trabajando de manera informal, comparado con el 35 porciento de empleados colombianos.27" +48450,12622.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Context->Legal & Policy', 'Displacement->Intentions']",es,37,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LIBRO%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20las%20necesidades%20insatisfechas%20SSR%20y%20Migrantes%20Venezolanos%20-%20Digital.pdf,"Vale la pena mencionar que se ha emitido un total de 1.624.915 Tarjetas de Movilidad Fronteriza – TMF y que aproximadamente 919.142 venezolanos han hecho tránsito por Colombia hacia otro país, principalmente Ecuador y Perú." +305232,53100.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,51,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/plan_de_preparation_coronavirus_cmr._version_du_10_mars_2019.pdf,ACQUIS: Salle d’isolement et de traitement identifiées à Yaoundé et à Douala GAPS: - Très faible capacité d’accueil dans les salles d’isolement identifiées - Besoin important en équipement des salles d’isolement et de traitement - Salle d’isolement hors normes +320485,52949.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The JMCNA reports that over 26 per cent of all households lack basic non-food items. The priority NFI needs reported by the population are sleeping mats (55 per cent), blankets (38 per cent) and kitchen utensils (31 per cent)192." +224079,45768.0,2332.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,35,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"Idéalement, il serait souhaitable qu’il y ait au moins 4 cliniques mobiles pour les 30 000 IDP (une clinique mobile pour 5000 personnes en situation d’urgence critique)." +341995,56493.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,78,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,La prolifération des attaques terroristes a mis au premier plan les FDS qui ont été déployées sur l’ensemble du territoire particulièrement dans les zones sensibles où l’absence de l’autorité étatique a généré un vide (tels que le Sahel et l’Est). Ces zones ont été ainsi récupérées par les réseaux criminels transnationaux et le banditisme qui ont pu étendre leur influence et leur contrôle sur ces territoires. +183591,42456.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'WASH', 'Livelihoods', 'Nutrition', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,39,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.unicef.org/wca/media/5411/file/UNICEF-WCARO-Central-Sahel-Advocacy-October-2020.pdf,"Violence is disrupting livelihoods and access to social services including education and health care. Insecurity is worsening chronic vulnerabilities including high levels of malnutrition, childhood illnesses, and poor access to clean water and sanitation facilities." +473021,63732.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",fr,102,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2f4004e6/REACH_BFA_Factsheet_Abri-AME-et-LTB_Pouytenga_juillet-2021.pdf,"Ce phénomène [augmentation rapide du nombre de personnes déplacées internes (PDI) dans le pays] a eu pour conséquence une hausse démographique importante dans plusieurs villes des régions considérées comme en crise humanitaire du Burkina Faso, y compris dans des zones où les conditions sécuritaires sont extrêmement volatiles. En résulte des installations de PDI massives dans les centres urbains. Ces dernières sont très variées : sites spontanés et sites aménagés (regroupés sous l'appellation de sites d'accueil temporaires (SAT)), ou encore intégration au tissu urbain au sein des communautés non déplacées." +218169,45410.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,26,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Tchad%20Perspectives%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20octobre%202020%20%C3%A0%20mai%202021.pdf,"La main d’œuvre agricole : En zone soudanienne, une suroffre de main est rapportée dans les provinces du Mandoul et du Moyen-Char." +96507,26816.0,1621.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/course-coronavirus-pandemic-across-libya-depends-silencing-guns,"Libya has reported 18 confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus so far, and one death, according to a global situation report issued by the World Health Organization (WHO) on Monday." +341435,56493.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"Une des manifestations de ce repli des peulhs sur eux-mêmes, est leur refus de l'école et de l'alphabétisation. La pratique de l'élevage est reliée au groupe ethnique qui considère cette activité comme une caractéristique de son identité sociale. La fréquentation des écoles est un frein à la pérennisation de cette valeur propre à la communauté." +239651,47230.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,61,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/0120_ESPA%C3%91OL_4RONDA_IFN_REV.pdf,"El 68% de los hogares encabezados por una persona con discapacidad consumen dos o menos comidas al día, mientras que este porcentaje es del 64% para los hogares encabezados por una persona sin discapacidad. De manera relevante, dentro de ese 68%, el 8% corresponde a hogares que consumen una comida al día." +286784,51586.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,171,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_19_november_2020_final.pdf,"Border Crossings: The Milak (Nimroz) and Islam Qala-Dogharoon (Hirat) crossings with Iran are officially open to commercial traffic and movement of documented Afghanistan nationals. 2020 is now on track to become the largest return year on record for undocumented Afghan migrants. According to the Border Monitoring Team of the Directorate of Refugees and Repatriation (DoRR), a total of 22,747 Afghanistan nationals returned from Iran through the Milak and Islam Qala border crossing sites between 8 and 14 November, a 4 per cent decrease from the previous week (23,640). More than 14,000 people returned voluntarily and more than 8,700 were deported. IOM provided post-arrival humanitarian assistance to 1,313 people or 6 per cent of all undocumented Afghanistan nationals returning from Iran at its transit centres in Hirat and Nimroz during the past week. Afghanistan’s border with Pakistan at Spin Boldak officially opened on 21 August and the border at Torkham on 28 September." +304097,51467.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,Internal returnees since 2016= 1.1M (IOM DTM as of September 2020) Spontaneous refugee returnees since 2017= 335K (UNHCR as of October 2020) Refugees and asylum seekers in South Sudan= 310K (UNHCR as of October 2020) +318941,53305.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,68,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Aid organizations continue to face widespread access challenges. While humanitarian access has improved since the signing of the revitalized peace agreement in September 2018, the number of incidents recorded in 2020 rose from 2019. An increase in sub-national and localized violence, including the resumption of politicised conflict in parts of the country, impacted humanitarian operations and impeded humanitarian assistance to vulnerable people." +149243,36019.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,30,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_response_first_monitoring_report_14_july_2020.pdf,"Major gaps in personal protective equipment (PPE) persist, especially for non-health cluster members, essential to execute regular activities of the clusters in case of an outbreak" +238161,47090.0,2170.0,['Cross'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,81,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_15_dec_2020_report.pdf,"[1st-15thDec 2020, Borno and Adamawa state]A total of 86,658HH need complete NFI kits. This include 16,401HH in Maiduguri, 14,434HH in Monguno, 11,366HH in Jere, 10,139HH in Konduga, 8,635HH in Dikwa, 5,986HH in Ngala, 5,122HH in Gwoza, 3,886HH in Mafa, 3,158HH in Damboa, 2,791HH in Bama, 1,327HH in Magumeri, 3,413HH in Yola North, Yola South, Girei, Fufore, Biu and Kaga LGA." +325783,54267.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,86,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"En général, la participation des femmes au commerce (transfrontalier) en Afrique de l’Ouest est importante, mais elle n’est pas officiellement enregistrée dans les statistiques commerciales, car dans de nombreux cas, les femmes opèrent de manière informelle. Les hommes, en revanche, sont plus impliqués dans des activités commerciales transfrontalières «visibles ou formelles», telles que le transit de fret, le change, d’autres types de transport, etc." +382659,59706.0,1187.0,[],[],[],es,56,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/HFS_ReporteNarrativo_ARG_1S2020.pdf,"Un 86 % de las personas encuestadas consideró que enfrentaría riesgos en caso de retornar a Venezuela, ya sea por falta de comida (64%), acceso a servicios médicos (64%), falta de un trabajo para subsistir (49%) o por inseguridad (48%)." +176414,41733.0,2225.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Economy'],fr,70,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/reach_drc_bulletin-des-marche-2_juin-2020.pdf,"Enfin, les régions du Nord-Ouest (Nord et Sud- Ubangi notamment) ont également connu une hausse du coût médian du PMA en avril-mai depuis mars, lorsque les coûts étaient les plus faibles du pays. Là aussi, l'augmentation peut être attribuée aux difficultés de mouvements internes et transfrontaliers avec la République Centrafricaine liées aux mesures COVID-19, ainsi qu'à la dépréciation du FC." +305321,51474.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2021_172_E.pdf,"The security context continued to be dominated by localized and subnational violence, with an overall increase in incidents compared with the previous reporting period coinciding with the onset of the dry season." +285967,51487.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,47,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no1_desplazamientos_en_buenaventura.pdf,"Salud: Es necesario realizar atención psicosocial a las personas desplazadas y con restricciones a la movilidad, en especial a niños, niñas y adultos mayores quienes han tenido alteraciones en su salud mental por el temor a los enfrentamientos y el riesgo de protección permanente" +175879,40890.0,1183.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,69,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ESPAN%CC%83OL_3RONDA_Informe%20Evaluacio%CC%81n%20de%20Necesidades.pdf,"En los hogares con mujeres, se consultó sobre acceso a implementos de higiene menstrual, encontrando que en un 87% de los hogares cuentan con acceso a esta clase de implementos. Sin embargo, a pesar de que la mayoría de las encuestas corresponden a hogares en centros urbanos, las mujeres de uno de cada diez de ellos no tienen acceso a dichos implementos." +64436,19126.0,788.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/acleddata.com-Regional%20Overview%20%20Africa%202%20October%202019.pdf,"However, these battles did not affect Boko Haram’s activities, as in the following days, the group attacked civilians with explosives in Biu, Borno, killing seven people and abducting ten. Another attack followed in Mafa, Borno, where two residents were killed and a local market was burnt down." +159380,38283.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,35,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.un.org/africarenewal/news/humanitarian-needs-grow-burkina-faso-faces-unprecedented-level-internal-displacement,"With the support of health workers, the Organization has raised awareness among more than 3,282 IDPs and members of host communities in the Sahel Region on measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19." +316072,54113.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],fr,94,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://actualite.cd/2021/04/19/rdc-coronavirus-eteni-longondo-lance-la-vaccination,"11 sites ont été répertoriés dans la capitale congolaise pour cette première phase qui devrait s'effectuer dans les 4 provinces touchées : Kinshasa, Haut-Katanga, Nord-Kivu et Kongo Central. Ceci concerne, les catégories dites prioritaires qui sont les professionnels de santé et les travailleurs sociaux qui représentent environ 1% de la population ; les personnes avec comorbidité (Maladie rénale chronique, hypertension, diabète), représentant 13% de la population et les Personnes âgées de plus de 55 ans qui représentent 6% de la population." +498733,60095.0,1187.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,80,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RMRP%202021%20Plan%20de%20respuesta%20regional%20para%20refugiados%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%2C%20enero%20-%20diciembre%202021.pdf,"Los obstáculos dentro de los marcos legales nacionales y la reducida capacidad operativa para fomentar la regularización y la documentación han sido identificados por los distintos sectores401 y seguirán teniendo una repercusión directa en las oportunidades de medios de vida para las personas refugiadas y migrantes de Venezuela que, en muchos casos, no han sido incluidas de manera sistemática en las políticas públicas establecidas para mitigar el impacto económico de la pandemia de la COVID-19 en la población.40" +318972,53305.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,72,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"The GBV Sub-Cluster aims to target more than 916,000 people with GBV services in 2021. Key priorities include provision of GBV prevention and risk mitigation measures among vulnerable women, men, girls and boys in priority and hard-to-reach areas; and reducing the suffering of women, men, girls and boys who have experienced GBV and reported to service delivery points in in priority and hard to-reach areas." +452352,64945.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MONITORING%20PROTECTION%20DE%20JULLET%202021%20EST.pdf,"On dénombre 27 cas de VBG dans les communes de Fada, Yamba et Diabo dont le viol, le déni de ressource, les violences physiques, le mariage forcé et la violence psychologique." +152371,38139.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,16,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cox-s-bazar-sitrep-17.pdf,WHO continues to support partners as co-facilitators on a cascade of trainings conducted remotely and onsite +262979,49225.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],es,27,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.semana.com/nacion/articulo/migrantes-irregulares-presentaran-tutela-contra-el-plan-de-vacunacion-colombiano/202155/,"Según cifras del Instituto Nacional de Salud, y con corte al 6 de febrero, hay 1.436 casos activos en esta ciudad del Eje Cafetero." +171461,40699.0,2098.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,44,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20201004_acaps_thematic_review_vulnerable_households_rohingya_refugee_response.pdf,"[4th october, Cox's Bazar] For Bangladeshi households, prior to the pandemic, 61% relied on negative coping mechanisms, but the impact of COVID-19 containment measures drastically affected their ability to maintain their livelihoods (WFP 12/2019)" +38842,13711.0,729.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,32,[],['Displacement'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,http://www.thenewhumanitarian.org/photo-feature/2019/05/09/Libya-war-refugees-seek-safety-tripoli-school,"Since the outbreak of the fighting in and around Tripoli, the UN hasevacuated309 refugees,flying themto Italy or Niger, but the last plane out was on 29 April." +452431,64948.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,114,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/juin_2021_evaluation_drs_est_rapport_mission_conjointe_corus_est.pdf,"[District sanitaire de Gayéri] Problèmes identifiés : • Problème d’insécurité : fonctionnement à minima et fermeture des formations sanitaires ; • Surcharge de travail dans les formations sanitaires fonctionnelles surtout à Foutouri ; • Insuffisance en personnel qualifié suite aux nombreux départs ; • Capacité d’accueil insuffisante dans les formations sanitaires d’accueil surtout celles accueillant les personnes déplacées internes ; • Insuffisance en matériels médicotechniques, en médicaments et consommables • Insuffisance de la logistique : notamment roulante pour la vaccination en stratégie avancée et les évacuations • Problème de fourniture en électricité au niveau du Centre médical avec antenne chirurgicale • Insuffisance en réfrigérateurs PEV" +162647,36464.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],es,97,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/medicos-venezolanos-esperan-pronta-autorizacion-del-gobierno-para-ejercer-en-el-pais/2067,"Contabilizaron a 476 enfermeras, que representa el 50, 21 por ciento, y a 349 médicos venezolanos, que corresponde al 36,81 por ciento de la data. Las ciudades donde más se ubican estos profesionales de la salud con nacionalidad venezolana son: Bogotá (387), Medellín (94), Barranquilla (78), Cali (64) y Cúcuta (45), Riohacha (37) y Pasto (31). La mayoría de los registrados asegura que tuvieron problemas para apostillar los títulos en Venezuela." +315535,54167.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']","['Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",es,178,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_caqueta_dic_2020_vf.pdf,"Conflicto y Ataques contra civiles: En el departamento se reportaron 54 hechos de violencia durante 2020, en estos pueden distinguirse dos dinámicas marcadas: Por una parte, en los municipios del norte y centro como San Vicente del Caguán, Puerto Rico, el Doncello, Cartagena del Chairá y la Montañita, que históricamente han registrado hechos relacionados al conflicto y violencia armada, agrupan la mayoría de los ataques (19 acciones). Las mayores problemáticas en estos municipios son el asesinato de líderes sociales (9 en Cartagena del Chairá, 7 en San Vicente del Caguán, 5 en Puerto Rico y 4 en la Montañita, esto desde la firma de los Acuerdos de Paz), el asesinato de excombatientes, tanto de ruta individual como de ruta colectiva (5 de los 7 casos se han producido en estos municipios) y casos de reclutamiento forzado, que se ha incrementado como efecto de la emergencia sanitaria, y que es invisibilizado al no ser denunciado." +58567,17343.0,788.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,82,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://nextierspd.com/the-war-among-us/,"One of the harsh outcomes of the Boko Haram insurgency in the Nigeria’s northeast is the overburdening of internally displaced persons’ camps in the region and beyond. As a result of the continued onslaught on communities, survivors of Boko Haram rampage often seek refuge in camps, abandoning their ancestral homes, means of livelihoods and properties in the quest for survival. According to UNHCR, about2 millionpeople have been displaced since the decade-long carnage." +309822,51467.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"Measures adopted to curb the spread of COVID-19 have also contributed to a rise in GBV incidents. In 2021, some 2 million people are estimated to be affected by GBV" +341974,56493.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],fr,81,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"(À propos de la crainte d'être enlevés, tués, agressés) Toutefois, les répondants du « jamais », dans les régions du Centre Nord (47,50%), du Sahel (40,50%), du Nord (28,03%) et de l’Est (25%) attestent l’existence d’un certain climat de sécurisation des populations pour des régions qui connaissent des attaques terroristes et des conflits communautaires." +341949,56493.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"La confiance en l’autorité est la clé de voûte pour une soumission volontaire des gouvernés à sa juridiction, toute chose qui réduit leur tendance à se rendre eux-mêmes justice." +493605,61216.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/humanitarian-situation-overview-syria-hsos-northeast-syria-june-2021,"[June 2021, NES]KIs in 14% of communities reported a lack of privacy for women and girls at health facilities as a barrier to healthcare access." +386143,60459.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,134,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,"[scenario] Les prix des animaux, en particulier les petits ruminants, pourraient demeurer supérieurs à la moyenne saisonnière dans l’ensemble en raison de la demande additionnelle pour la prochaine fête de Tabaski, courant le mois de juillet. Néanmoins, dans les marchés locaux inaccessibles dans l’extrême-nord et est, moins fréquentés par les acheteurs, les éleveurs qui possèdent encore des animaux seront contraints de les vendre à des prix inférieurs à la moyenne pour accéder aux denrées alimentaires de base pendant toute la période de la soudure. Entre octobre et janvier, l’amélioration des embonpoints et la demande pour les fêtes de fin d’année favoriseront les prix des petits ruminants au-dessus de la moyenne dans l’ensemble." +54548,16960.0,1186.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Politics'],es,49,[],['Context'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.latercera.com/politica/noticia/subsecretario-del-interior-insiste-exigencia-antecedentes-absolutamente-limpios-venezolanos-solicitan-visa/778339/,"El subsecretario del Interior, Rodrigo Ubilla -quien, además ha liderado la política migratoria del gobierno-, se refirió a la situación migratoria al norte del país e insistió en que se exigirá a los venezolanos que soliciten visas que tengan “sus antecedentes absolutamente limpios”." +311305,54065.0,2170.0,[],[],['Casualties->Dead'],en,45,[],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nenfss_round_9_final_report_11032021.pdf,"[1st Dec 2020,North-East Nigeria] The mortality rates (both crude and under five mortality) are below the emergency threshold of 1 deaths/10,000 persons/day and 2 deaths in children under five /10,000 children under five/day in all states and domains." +235226,46388.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,43,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Even where cellular networks exist, only 41 per cent of displaced households report owning a sim card. Access to mobile phone services remains uneven with 62 per cent of women-headed households reporting that they do not own a sim card." +315540,54167.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",['Context->Security & Stability'],es,125,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_caqueta_dic_2020_vf.pdf,"Los derechos de los niños, niñas, adolescentes y jóvenes se han deteriorado de manera importante en el departamento. Según la Defensoría del Pueblo, durante 2019 se reportó el reclutamiento de 4 menores en el municipio de Puerto Rico y uno más en el Doncello. Durante 2020, este mismo ente denunció el aumento de los casos de reclutamiento a 2130, la mayoría en San Vicente de Caguán y Puerto Rico, aunque desde las comunidades se ha levantado una alarma por casos ocurridos en Solita, Milán y Valparaíso, en donde no era común registrar este tipo de hechos, y donde se ha denunciado que diferentes GGV están reclutando y trasladando menores al departamento de Putumayo." +305472,51467.0,2335.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']",[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,64,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_2021_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf,"The situation for livestock with many endemic diseases has significantly worsened in the past two years due to the effects of unprecedented and extensive flooding creating conditions for the spread of diseases, reduced access to pasture and with instances of starvation and associated morbidities (lack of access to milk, blood, meat and cash to purchase cereals) and mortalities." +22543,9106.0,729.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,59,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_lby_hno_draftv1.1.pdf,"Libya continues to experience clashes that displace children and disrupt access to education. As per the latest DTM data, the impact of conflict and displacements negatively affected education facilities in Libya. 212 schools were reported to be partially damaged, 14 schools were used as shelters for IDPs and 53 schools have been fully destroyed." +297587,52552.0,2099.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,46,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/West%20and%20Central%20Africa%20Transhumance%20Crisis%20Response%20Plan%202021.pdf,"($20,600,000 Funding Required); (3,000,000 People Targeted); (91 Entities Targeted) Address the drivers and longer term impacts of crises and displacement through investments in recovery and crisis prevention Contribute to an Evidence Based and Efficient Crisis Response System" +178542,40661.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,44,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Priorité réponse : Mettre en place de programmes qui puissent assurer un appui à la production agricole d’urgence et restaurer les moyens d’existence, renforcer les systèmes de production, particulièrement dans les zones affectées par les ravageurs des cultures" +217430,45653.0,2333.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,116,[],['Context'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://docs.wfp.org/api/documents/WFP-0000114546/download/?_ga=2.153594736.918642439.1605111758-1773529422.1605111758,"The Niger’s Diffa region of the Lake Chad Basin has experienced violent activity by armed groups since 2014 with security incidents steadily increasing since December 2017 (OCHA, September 2019). Violence has also increased in Tahoua and Tillabéri regions over the last two years. During April and May 2019, the security environment deteriorated in border areas with Burkina Faso (OCHA, May 2019). In conflict-affected areas of Diffa, Liptako Gourma, north Tahoua and to a certain extent south Maradi, crop production, trade, markets and livestock mobility were severely disrupted, decreasing food availability (FEWS NET, December 2019)." +220649,45655.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],en,42,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid_response_update_no._13%20%281%29.pdf,"[9th Dec, Overall Syria] There have been 762 tests conducted in NES as of 30 November, in response to alerts received through the EWARN system (an increase from 679 as of the beginning of November)." +93374,26310.0,1386.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,82,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Venezuela_%20Violent%20Abuses%20in%20Illegal%20Gold%20Mines%20_%20Human%20Rights%20Watch.pdf,"The armed groups, who are effectively in charge of the mines and the settlements that have grown up around them, brutally enforce their rule. “Everyone knows the rules,” one resident said. “If you steal or mix gold with another product, the pran [the syndicate leader] will beat or kill you.” Another said “They are the government there…. If you steal, they ‘disappear’ you.”" +147110,36461.0,2028.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,24,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77428.pdf,"Due to difficulties in addressing basic needs, households are at risk of adopting negative coping mechanisms, which often disproportionally affect children." +240730,46388.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,81,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"People with a disability struggle even more in terms of access to health services, despite their often elevated health needs. Firstly, they are less likely to be able to walk to a nearby health facility or escape from danger in the event of a natural disaster. Secondly, their situation often leaves them in a precarious economic situation unable to generate the income they need, therefore, limiting their ability to seek healthcare even more." +187255,32688.0,1900.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",[],[],es,37,[],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/El%20Salvador%2C%20Honduras%2C%20and%20Nicaragua%20Key%20Message%20Update%20-%20Inicio%20escalonado%20del%20desconfinamiento%2C%20pero%20la%20recuperaci%C3%B3n%20ser%C3%A1%20gradual.pdf,"En ambos países se ha entregado asistencia para cubrir por lo menos parcialmente las necesidades básicas de los hogares más pobres durante los meses de mayo y junio, incluyendo dinero en efectivo y canastas alimentarias." +314251,52949.0,2331.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,65,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"For 2021, drought conditions are predicted due to the risks associated with La Niña developing through March. Below average Deyr rains (October-December 2020), an expected harsh Jilaal dry season (January-March 2021) and a possibly delayed or poor Gu rainy season (AprilJune 2021) are forecast, which are expected to result in a decline in food security" +236686,46388.0,2336.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,60,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Many others were also unaware of the existence of alternative education options. Some 66 per cent of settlements in the 120 most inaccessible districts of Afghanistan reported not knowing about alternative educational options, while 44 per cent of key informants in informal settlements across Afghanistan reported no alternative forms of education being available once schools were closed." +275888,50662.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,82,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[July- December 2020, Cox's Bazar] Among the Rohingya refugees, 22 692 tests had been conducted and 366 had tested positive for COVID19 (48% male and 52% female). The numbers of fatalities was 73 (host community) and ten (FDMN/Rohingya refugees) respectively. The case fatality ratio was 1.4% among the host community in the Cox’s Bazar district, and 2.7% among the FDMN/Rohingya refugee." +406774,63608.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,51,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17082021_alerta_por_desplazamiento_en_narino_magui_payan._vf.pdf,"A este desplazamiento se suma el ocurrido el 4 de agosto donde 322 personas (121 familias) desde las veredas Las Lajas y La Isla del municipio de Magüï Payán hacia la cabecera municipal del municipio de Olaya Herrera, quienes se encuentran a la espera de atención humanitaria." +13392,5560.0,322.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,85,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RDP%20Monthly%20SitRep_July_2018.pdf,"A total number of 4,709 individuals continue to receive free medical services including Primary Health Care (PHC), Vaccination, Integrated Management Childhood Illnesses (IMCI), Reproductive Health services (RH) through four targeted health centers (Bani Ali – Halyan – Al-Sharqi – Al-Afuash) which we support to provide assistance for patients of many diseases, children, and Pregnant & Lactating Women (PLW) in reproductive age, living in Mudhiakhera district of Ibb governorate." +164400,38902.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,38,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"An increase in forced recruitment is likely as armed groups are strengthened, access to protection support is limited due to movement restrictions, and economic hardship due to the COVID-19 crisis may increase households’ vulnerability." +292939,51778.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,74,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/nos-estan-invadiendo-los-venezolanos-este-y-otros-mitos-de-la-migracion/2545,"Así mismo, la migración venezolana trae inversión y capitales para formar empresa, como es el caso de compañías de capital venezolano que se han instalado en Colombia, como por ejemplo Farmatodo, Locatel, Monómeros, Catemar Barranquilla, entre otras. Esta población hace parte de la oferta de trabajo y al conseguir empleo aportan impuestos y al sistema de protección social, contribuyendo al aumento de la producción." +209138,43992.0,2332.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,107,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/84336/file/Chad-COVID-19-SitRep-23-September-2020.pdf,"Some 13,000 community relays, traditional and religious leaders and health workers will be trained in COVID- 19 preventive measures and warning systems in N’Djaména and in all provinces nationwide. This warning system is based on community relays who notify local health authorities of people showing symptoms of COVID-19. To date, 8,933 leaders, community relays, community health workers, and youth association leaders have been trained on sensitization on COVID-19 prevention measures. As a result, 811,340 people (380,646 men and 430,694 women) were sensitized, including 37,525 men and 49,346 women in the refugee camps." +303374,51947.0,2332.0,"['Education', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,115,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,,"l'analyse des destinations finales envisagées en fonction de la situation professionnelle met en lumière que la situation professionnelle a une influence importante sur la destination envisagée par les femmes interrogées. En effet, la totalité des femmes étudiantes et employées se dirigeaient vers le Tchad. Cependant, une proportion relativement importante des femmes au foyer (17%), des travailleuses indépendantes (10%) et de celles qui recherchaient un emploi (8%) se dirigeaient vers la Libye. Il est aussi à noter que 9 et 5 % des femmes à la recherche d’un emploi se dirigeaient respectivement vers le Nigeria et le Niger." +313190,53183.0,2466.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"Across Darfur states, 14 per cent to 21 per cent of health facilities provided CMR services. This is further exacerbated by the shortage of trained personnel and weak referral systems." +270400,49943.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,148,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Efectos de la pérdida de ingresos en el bienestar de niños, niñas y cuidadores La percepción de sentimientos negativos en los niños/as por parte de los cuidadores es mayor en los hogares que han perdido más de la mitad de los ingresos (85,7%), en comparación con los hogares que no (79,9%). Una mayor proporción de niños/as que refieren sentimientos negativos viven en hogares que han perdido más de la mitad de los ingresos debido a la COVID-19 (85,7%), en comparación a los hogares que no han perdido los ingresos (79,9%). La proporción de adultos con índice de bienestar reducido es mayor en quienes perdieron más de la mitad de los ingresos (92,5%) respecto a quienes no perdieron más de la mitad de los ingresos (88,2%)" +10445,4760.0,321.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,100,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Libya%20Flash%20Update%2013%20July%202018.pdf,"As of 10 July, the Libyan Coast Guard rescued/intercepted 11,276 refugees and migrants at sea. Since June, the number of rescue/interception operations increased when compared to the previous months (3,453 in June, 1,756 in May and 1,463 in April). UNHCR recorded a high number of deaths or disappearances at sea in the month of June (255 persons). The majority of individuals (70 per cent) were disembarked at the Tripoli Naval Base. Most boats departed from areas between Al-Khums and Garabulli, or from Azzawya and Zwara." +405401,63222.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,51,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_mvam_bulletin_57_july_2021.pdf,"[Syria, July] In opposition-held areas in northwest Syria, approximately 26,432 COVID-19 cases were reported by the end of July, an increase of 771 new cases compared to the previous month. Around 16 percent of these COVID-19 cases in northwest Syria were in IDP camps." +239105,47107.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],en,54,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[NES] The number of tests conducted in December was 3,441, which is an 1,894 reduction (-36 per cent) from November. As of 9 January, the 7-day average of tests conducted was 61, the lowest total since regular mass testing began at the end of August." +314726,52949.0,2331.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,45,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"[Displaced people]Their precarious situation is reflected by the main needs reported by IDPs on arrival, which were food (53 per cent) followed by livelihood opportunities (21 per cent) and adequate shelter (8 per cent)." +313641,53333.0,2334.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,21,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"Lack of potable water was reported as a significant problem across the regions, affecting the well-being of adolescent girls." +408812,61216.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/humanitarian-situation-overview-syria-hsos-northeast-syria-june-2021,"[June 2021, NES] % of communities where KIs reported the presence of IDP households relying on non-productive sources of livelihoods to meet their basic needs: 7%: humanitarian assistance 28%: loans and remittances" +163441,32455.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,43,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/6._elc_flash_update_covid_19_quincenal_18.06.2020.pdf,"Preocupación por el respeto a los principios de los derechos humanos, protección internacional y no discriminación en el acceso a la salud con el fin de brindar una misma atención a la población, independientemente de su nacionalidad o condición migratoria." +296412,52417.0,2028.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,166,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.dropbox.com/s/fpu0ox89go0s7li/Syria%202021%20HNO%20%28advance%20copy%29.pdf?dl=0,"Other COVID-related stressors included limitation of movement (40 per cent), separation/isolation from family and household members (36 per cent), increased negative coping mechanisms (30 per cent) and forced labour or economic exploitation (23 per cent).Remote learning, while critical in preventing children from falling behind educationally, may have also exposed them to social risks which cannot be easily monitored including online bullying and maltreatment. More than a third (39 per cent) of all respondents referred to stigmatization, marginalization and discrimination as being a principal protection concern of children, for instance, with this rising to half in the case of child marriage. Furthermore, respondents reported that medical personnel (30 per cent), female headed household (29 per cent), people with disabilities (23 per cent) and IDPs (21 per cent) the social groups most impacted by COVID-19." +314840,53183.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,63,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"While the Government of Sudan maintains a generous open border policy for those fleeing conflict and persecution, key protection gaps undermining the liberty, safety and dignity of refugees persist. These include documentation gaps, restriction on freedom of movement, and access to basic services – such as formal labour markets and financial services and lack of land ownership." +456635,58986.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],fr,65,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.lemonde.fr/afrique/article/2021/07/08/en-rdc-les-autorites-inquietes-face-a-une-troisieme-vague-dominee-par-le-variant-delta_6087597_3212.html,"Cette troisième vague inquiète d’autant plus que la campagne de vaccination n’a toujours pas décollé dans le pays. Malgré l’appui du dispositif Covax de l’OMS, la RDC a administré une première dose de vaccin à moins de 70 000 personnes, sur plus de 80 millions d’habitants, depuis le 19 avril." +80491,22034.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],[],[],es,82,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/cuatro-reflexiones-del-primer-mes-del-campamento-humanitario-para-venezolanos-en-bogota/780,"El campamento no es permanente, se cerrará el 14 de enero. Los venezolanos siguen llegando a la ciudad, y el Distrito no puede responder con más medidas improvisadas o reaccionarias. Ya entró en funcionamiento el primer Centro Integral de Atención al Migrante y avanza la adjudicación para la apertura de un albergue temporal con capacidad para 50 personas, que acogerá durante 5 días a los migrantes que lo necesiten y funcionará como un espacio de estabilización." +157384,38830.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3668042,"Así, el material enviado servirá para atender las necesidades de los hospitales en las regiones peruanas con más demanda, en especial, las de la Amazonía como las de la sierra andina" +306526,51572.0,2335.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_reporting_on_melut_mission_12-13_january_2021_final.pdf,"MIYCN (Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition) counseling including health and nutrition education are not available at the community level as there are no CNVs to conduct these activities.[Melut IDP settlements, Upper Nile], [12-13 January 2021]" +236086,47122.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Health', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,23,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cameroon_nwsw_sitrep_march_2020_print.pdf,The [food security] Cluster developed a specific COVID-19 guidance note using the recommendations given by the Health and WASH clusters. +163049,37820.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,113,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/iom_rohingya_crisis_response_-_external_sitrep_-_july_2020.pdf,"Handwashing facilities at LPG depots have been restocked with soap and beneficiaries to encourage to wash their hands to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19. IN terms of social distancing, beneficiaries are mobilized to come to the spots form one block at a time, thereby minimizing crowding at the depots. When they arrive at the distribution points, they are queued more than one meter apart. The queuing system operates via ink marking on the ground as well as a bamboo delineation system. Finally receiving their distributions, beneficiaries wash their hands at the depot site. Staff also wash their hands outfitted with appropriate PPE." +172965,38004.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,33,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/04/28/syria-aid-restrictions-hinder-covid-19-response,"Aid workers operating in northeast Syria told Human Rights Watch that the region lacks a wide range of advanced and basic medical supplies, including those needed to prevent a Covid-19 outbreak." +50124,12653.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",[],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Context->Politics']",en,53,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/290119_hno_2019_en.pdf,"Venezuelans in pendular migration The Government of Colombia created the Border Mobility Card (TMF in Spanish), in order to allow border transit and regular stays of seven days. Registration was allowed through February 2018, with a total of 1,539,30148 Venezuelans possessing a TMF at the close of 2018" +292748,51997.0,2311.0,"['Education', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,86,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elcolombiano.com/internacional/latinoamerica-el-cierre-de-escuelas-mas-largo-del-mundo-por-covid-CH14756141,"Según Custode, la situación en Latinoamérica tiene ""causas múltiples"", entre ellas el hecho de que los sistemas educativos en la región eran especialmente vulnerables, con bajos presupuestos y muchos centros sin condiciones básicas de higiene como agua corriente. Esas dificultades se han agravado con la pandemia, lo que ha hecho que ""para los Gobiernos sea muy difícil tomar el paso de reabrir las escuelas pensando en cómo garantizar esa seguridad"" de alumnos y profesores, explica." +133655,35117.0,1187.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",[],[],es,59,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Durante el período de aislamiento social preventivo y obligatorio (ASPO), desde el Servicio Social de CAREF hemos atendido numerosas consultas relacionadas con el acceso a la salud. Teniendo en cuenta el registro realizado, desde día 16/03/20, hasta el día de la fecha se han acompañado 590 situaciones en torno a esta temática." +315611,52949.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_HNO_Somalia.pdf,"The protracted nature of displacement caused by floods, conflict and drought continues to affect the physical and mental wellbeing of 1.6 million IDPs – in particular those residing in informal IDP sites." +317267,53333.0,2334.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,43,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"To promote gender equality and encourage boys to support girls’ aspirations in education, include adolescent boys in NFI distributions with dignity kits that can assist them to access basic necessities like towels, soap, shaving blades, and undergarments." +287885,51049.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,167,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nw_syria_sitrep25_20210226.pdf,"[26 Feb, 2021, NWS] The number of new confirmed COVID-19 cases in northwest Syria have declined significantly during the reporting period, with a more than 80 per cent decrease noted in new cases compared to its peak in the month of November. 93,713 tests have been conducted to date, with 21,164 cases confirmed as of 26 February – 11,552 cases in the Idleb area and 9,612 in northern Aleppo governorate. The test positivity rate during the reporting period also decreased to 6.9 percent compared with 23 percent in December. A total of 408 COVID-19 associated deaths have been reported to date with an overall fatality rate of 1.93 percent in northwest Syria. The percentage of current cases among medical healthcare workers are 7.4 percent, encompassing nurses, doctors and midwives, while a further 5.4 percent are auxiliary workers in the health sector. Some 10.5 percent of all COVID-19 cases are in IDP camps." +158655,39277.0,2170.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,25,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NMMB_June2020_Final.pdf,"The impact of this is underscored by seasonally depleted household stocks and market supply constraints, due to the COVID-19 outbreak in the country." +341722,56493.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,89,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'Context']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.interpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Jeter-les-bases-dune-paix-durable-au-Burkina-Faso.pdf,"L’inégal accès aux ressources foncières est perçu comme l’une des principales sources d’aggravation des conflits. Ces conflits, qui ont toujours existé autrefois mais de manière latente, ont pris une tournure plus violente et sont devenus plus fréquents du fait de la compétition dans l’acquisition des terres fertiles qui se font de plus en plus rares en raison du changement climatique (réchauffement des températures, diminution de la pluviométrie, appauvrissement des sols, etc.)." +317192,53333.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/nw_sw_-cameroon-multisector_needs_assessment_report_adolescent_girls-dec2020_-_final11014.pdf,"While farming is still taking place, disruptions have been reported due to the fighting between armed groups and related displacement, that has made access to food difficult for many, and led to increasing food prices" +214275,45385.0,2334.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,51,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"Grâce à l’appui des organisations internationales, des protocoles d’hygiène adaptés ont été mis en place [dans les écoles] pour limiter le risque de propagation du virus. Ces appuis restent néanmoins insuffisants et répartis de manière inégale dans l’ensemble des départements." +491966,67963.0,2170.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Displacement->Push Factors'],en,169,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Nigeria%20Northeast%20Operational%20Update-July%202021.pdf,"[1st Jul 2021, North east Nigeria]Cross Border Movements: In July, UNHCR and partners continued to record movements across the borders between Nigeria and its neighbors. For instance, between the NigerNigeria border in the Damasak local government area, the movements were not as frequent when compared to previous months before the onset of the rains. There was a rise in the water level in the Ali Shuwa river, situated between Damasak and Niger, which made crossing difficult for many. However, GISCOR recorded the movement of more than 60 refugee returnees into Damasak from various locations in Niger Republic, including Awaridi, Toumour, Garin Wanzam, and Diffa. Reasons for their return to Nigeria included insecurity and poor living conditions in Niger. Although they were allocated shelters at Government Secondary School camp, where they are currently residing, most of the returnees urgently need food and none-food items (NFIs)." +61449,18235.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/072_venezuela.pdf,"Humanitarian actors reported widespread negative stereotypes about Venezuelans, including the idea that many of them are criminals, that they are stealing jobs from Colombians and that all Venezuelan women are prostitutes. Interviews with refugees and migrants confirmed this trend: most of them affirmed having either directly suffered, or having witnessed or heard from friends, episodes of xenophobia along those lines." +169895,40360.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",fr,102,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Dans l’Oudalan, les zones à risques identifiées pendant cette période d'activité sont les villages de Doumam, Setsere Tasmakat, Korizena,Gagara , Petabouli, Petelkochia Gosey -site dans la commune de Gorom-Gorom, on a aussi Tin-Agadel, Iklan Oudalan, Mamassi, Inssalatin, Toleykaya, Tokabangou, Danbam et Inawas dans la commune de Markoye. Aussi, les zones de Deou, Oursi et Tinakof sont toutes des communes difficilement accessibles et à risques. Par conséquent, l’accès et la réponse humanitaire dans ces zones demeure très complexe et difficile." +273822,50464.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210203FINALFactSheetSomaliaSkisserLR11.pdf,"For farmers and herders, rainfall patterns influence a complex series of movements in search of grazing land between the seasons. Seasonal variability and unpredicted shifts can have cascading effects on herders, farmers, markets, families and entire communities" +219780,45777.0,2333.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,48,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/niger/un-soutien-additionnel-d-education-cannot-wait-pour-intensifier-l-ducation-dans-les,Les contributions précédentes d'Education Cannot Wait ont également aidé l'UNICEF à construire 179 nouveaux espaces d'apprentissage temporaires à Tillabery et Tahoua et à réhabiliter au moins 26 espaces existants. Ces espaces ainsi que des salles de classe plus permanentes ont été équipés de matériel d'apprentissage. +267296,49773.0,2028.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,29,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_HSOS-NWS_-January-2021.pdf,"[January 2021, NWS] Child labour and early marriage were reported to prevent children from going to school in 78% and 39% of communities respectively" +390862,60791.0,1186.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,71,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Para 2019 se estimó un total de 8.640 personas extranjeras residentes en la Región de Los Ríos. Esta cifra representa un aumento absoluto de 1.470 personas y un alza relativa de 20,5% respecto a lo estimado para 2018. En 2019, la población extranjera la región se compuso de 4.778 hombres y 3.862 mujeres, con una relación de masculinidad de 123,7 hombres por cada 100 mujeres." +234958,46388.0,2336.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Context->Economy', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,59,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,The recent Whole of Afghanistan (WoA) Assessment has found that the percentage of people with an unpaid debt burden in Afghanistan has spiked to 84 per cent for displaced households (up by 13 per cent from 2019) and to 93 per cent for non-displaced households (up by 24 per cent from 2019). +224045,45768.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_mission_rapide_a_diamerom_10_avril_2020.pdf,"Par ailleurs, plusieurs enfants se seraient noyés dans le bras du lac au moment de leur fuite. D’autres, estimés à 113 jeunes, ont été enlevés par les éléments djihadistes, dont une grande partie des filles." +390836,60791.0,1186.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,71,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Para 2019 se estimó un total de 19.241 personas extranjeras residentes en la Región de Atacama. Esta cifra representa un aumento absoluto de 3.171 personas y un alza relativa de 19,7% respecto a lo estimado para 2018. En 2019, la población extranjera en esa región se compuso de 9.919 hombres y 9.322 mujeres, con una relación de masculinidad de 106,4 hombres por cada 100 mujeres." +178071,40661.0,2225.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"Les résultats de l’EFSA indiquent que 60% des ménages du Sud-Kivu s’approvisionnent en eau à partir du robinet, 8,6% à partir des rivières, lac ou cours d’eau, alors que le reste de la population s’approvisionne soit à des puits aménagés, forage, pompe ou sources aménagées." +267294,49773.0,2028.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,27,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_HSOS-NWS_-January-2021.pdf,"[January 2021, NWS] KIs in 55% of communities reported a lack of employment opportunities for women as a barrier to meeting basic needs" +390374,60780.0,1186.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,85,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Se puede observar que hasta 2017 se da un mayor porcentaje de población extranjera privada de libertad que lo que ocurre en la población total, lo que comienza a igualarse en el año 2018, cuando la población migrante residente supera el millón según la estimación del DEM e INE. Para 2019, con casi 1,5 millón de personas migrantes que habitan en Chile, el porcentaje de personas recluidas pasa a ser menor en la población extranjera que respecto al total." +187948,43374.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,53,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.acu-sy.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/COVID-19-Surveillance_NWS_EWARN_Daily-Sitrep_-137.pdf,[9 Nov 2020] [NWS] New cases: 463 | Total cases: 9340 | New tests: 1235 | Total tests: 35829 | New recoveries: 126 | Total recoveries: 3350 | Total active cases: 5895 | New deaths: 3 | Total deaths: 77 +218525,45654.0,2028.0,['Nutrition'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,39,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/hrp_weekly_funding_status_201124.pdf,"[24 Nov 2020, Whole of Syria, Funding Overview] Funding requirements for Nutrition sector are 79.3 Million USD, of which 20.9 Million USD have been funded, leaving a gap of 58.4 Million USD." +314727,53183.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,37,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HRP_PMR.pdf,"The CRP 2020 provided a multi-sectoral inter-agency response on protection, health, nutrition, WaSH, education, shelter, NFIs, food security, and livelihoods for refugees living across 104 different sites in Sudan" +452388,64948.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/juin_2021_evaluation_drs_est_rapport_mission_conjointe_corus_est.pdf,"À Madjoari et à Foutouri par exemple, l’approvisionnement ainsi que les évacuations sanitaires deviennent de plus en plus difficiles. A Tankouarou, les agents de santé ont été exfiltrés par hélicoptère le 09 juin suite aux menaces sécuritaires." +164392,38902.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']","['Context->Security & Stability', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,52,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Casualties']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200909_acaps_risk_analysis_colombia.pdf,"Some retaliations and attacks on civilians in relation to the quarantine have been registered. Nine such assassinations were documented by Human Rights Watch as of mid-July, while University de los Andes registered 30 homicides related to the quarantine as of mid-August (HRW 15/07/2020; Uni Andes 20/08/2020)." +239067,46388.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,60,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Lack of appropriate documentation (with people either having never had formal documents or having lost them during displacement), coupled with limited processes and infrastructure to formalise or re-issue documents, poses high risks of eviction, exploitation, rights violations (by landlords) and potential disputes due to the difficulties in demonstrating ownership of land/shelter." +386131,60459.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,69,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BF_Food_Security_Outlook_Juin_2021_Vfinal.pdf,Les ménages pauvres dans les zones plus calmes ont un accès typique au moins à deux repas par jour à partir de l’autoproduction ou des achats sur les marchés. La disponibilité de PFNL similaire à la normale renforce aussi l’accès à la nourriture. La plupart des ménages pauvres sont en insécurité alimentaire aigue Minimale (Phase 1 de l’IPC). +311304,54065.0,2170.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,174,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nenfss_round_9_final_report_11032021.pdf,"[1st Dec 2020,North-East Nigeria] The percent of households where a place for handwashing was observed is reported in Table 3.8.2. Approximately one in four households in all states had a location for handwashing observed that had both water and soap at the time of the visit. The proportion of households with a location for handwashing as well as the proportion of households with both soap and water observed was highest in Adamawa (33.6 and (38.6%). While in Borno and Yobe states, the proportion of households with a location for handwashing was (25.0%) and (31.9%) respectively and the proportion of households who had observed soap and water was (24.3%) and (22.0%). By domain, both the proportion of household with a location for handwashing (range: 12.7-36.7%) and the proportion with soap and water observed among them (range: 2.1-43.6%) was highly variable." +173651,39908.0,1388.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,48,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20-%20Impacto%20de%20la%20COVID-19%20en%20la%20poblaci%C3%B3n%20venezolana%20-%20Costa%20Rica%2C%20Agosto%202020.pdf,64% de los hogares ha recibido alguna forma de asistencia desde que inició la pandemia 53% D e estos ha recibido asistencia por parte de las ONG y/o agencias de la ONU 34% ha recibido asistencia por parte del Gobierno (principalmente en alimentación) +188858,43387.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,89,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20DE%20PROTECTION_SEPTEMBRE2020-SAHEL.pdf,"Le problème de restriction des libertés de mouvement des populations dû aux attaques des groupes terroristes sur les axes routiers tels que l’axe Namsiguiya – Mentao- Djibo reste toujours un défi majeur même si des dispositions sont en train d’être prises par les autorités pour le renforcement de la sécurité. L’accès humanitaire reste donc difficile dans plusieurs communes telles que Koutoukou, Arbinda, Nassoumbou, Diguel, Kelbo, Tin-akoff, Déou, Gorgadji, Mansila, Tankougounadié et Boundoré." +196851,43840.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,49,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_291_20201116.pdf,"Au total, 271 échantillons ont été reçus au laboratoire ce 16/11/2020. Au terme de la journée, 75,6% (n=205) échantillons ont été analysés, parmi lesquels 28 sont revenus positifs au SARS-CoV-2, y compris ceux des 27 nouveaux cas confirmés du jour." +214359,45385.0,2334.0,[],[],[],fr,17,[],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroun%20-%20Rapport%20de%20situation%2C%208%20oct.%202020.pdf,"69,017 enfants de 6 à 23 mois reçoivent les poudres Micronutriment dans 5 districts de santé." +178099,40661.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,72,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_DRC_Acute_Food_Insecurity_2020July2021June_Report_French.pdf,"A l’inverse, la stabilisation observée en mai suggère que l’augmentation a pu être également influencée par des comportements spéculatifs de la part des commerçants sur les prix. La hausse des prix a, dans un premier temps, affecté aussi bien les produits importés (huile végétale, riz, sucre et lait) que les produits locaux (manioc, maïs, haricot)." +178512,41756.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_hno_2020_final_web.pdf,"Les cliniques juridiques traitant les questions de VBG sont présentes seulement dans huit des provinces humanitaires et ne couvreront pas toutes les zones de santé prioritaire. La collecte des preuves médico-légales et la constitution des dossiers de plaintes sont nécessaires pour pouvoir accéder à la justice, y compris dans le futur, lorsque les survivantes font face à des disfonctionnements du système judiciaire." +296802,52565.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,27,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/2019/06/WFP-COUNTRY-BRIEF-CAMEROON-APRIL-2019.pdf,"The number of people facing food insecurity in Cameroon is estimated at 3 million, including 198,000 severely food insecure (HNO, January 2019)." +196849,43840.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,45,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_291_20201116.pdf,"Au total, 1 201 alertes ont été comptabilisées ce 16/11/2020 dont 1 190 nouvelles ; 1 193 (99,3%) d’entre elles ont été investiguées et 102 (8,5%) ont été validées comme nouveaux cas suspects de COVID-19." +323700,54267.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],fr,111,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.fao.org/3/cb3739fr/cb3739fr.pdf,"Par rapport à d’autres pays d’Afrique de l’Ouest, le Burkina Faso obtient également de meilleurs résultats en termes de protection juridique des femmes et d’accès à la justice. Par exemple, le Burkina Faso (ainsi que le Bénin, la Côte d’Ivoire, la Gambie et la Sierra Leone) reconnaît l’égalité des sexes pendant le mariage et après le divorce (alors que, par exemple, le Mali reconnaît l’homme comme seul chef de famille et que la Mauritanie n’accorde l’autorité parentale qu’au père)."