{ "241": { "inputs": { "upscale_by": 3, "seed": 1053343939755592, "steps": 10, "cfg": 1.5, "sampler_name": "lcm", "scheduler": "sgm_uniform", "denoise": 0.55, "mode_type": "Linear", "tile_width": 640, "tile_height": 640, "mask_blur": 32, "tile_padding": 64, "seam_fix_mode": "None", "seam_fix_denoise": 0.75, "seam_fix_width": 64, "seam_fix_mask_blur": 16, "seam_fix_padding": 32, "force_uniform_tiles": true, "tiled_decode": false, "image": [ "302", 0 ], "model": [ "312", 0 ], "positive": [ "253", 0 ], "negative": [ "253", 1 ], "vae": [ "244", 4 ], "upscale_model": [ "242", 0 ] }, "class_type": "UltimateSDUpscale", "_meta": { "title": "Ultimate SD Upscale" } }, "242": { "inputs": { "model_name": "4xLexicaDAT2_otf.pth" }, "class_type": "Upscale Model Loader", "_meta": { "title": "Upscale Model Loader" } }, "244": { "inputs": { "ckpt_name": "photonLCM_v10.safetensors", "vae_name": "vae-ft-mse-840000-ema-pruned.safetensors", "clip_skip": -1, "lora_name": "lcm_lora_sd15.safetensors", "lora_model_strength": 0.3, "lora_clip_strength": 1, "positive": [ "307", 0 ], "negative": "watermark, text, signature, blurry, noisy, messy, lowres, jpeg, artifacts, ill, distorted, malformed, nsfw, fused, fused legs, extra legs, extra limbs, ugly, poorly drawn, bad anatomy, mutated, cloned legs, gross proportions, dark, underlit, human, person, rider\n", "token_normalization": "none", "weight_interpretation": "comfy", "empty_latent_width": 640, "empty_latent_height": 640, "batch_size": 64 }, "class_type": "Efficient Loader", "_meta": { "title": "Efficient Loader" } }, "245": { "inputs": { "model_name": "AnimateLCM_sd15_t2v.ckpt", "beta_schedule": "lcm >> sqrt_linear", "motion_scale": 1, "apply_v2_models_properly": false, "model": [ "244", 0 ], "context_options": [ "246", 0 ], "motion_lora": [ "336", 0 ] }, "class_type": "ADE_AnimateDiffLoaderWithContext", "_meta": { "title": "AnimateDiff Loader [Legacy] πŸŽ­πŸ…πŸ…“β‘ " } }, "246": { "inputs": { "context_length": 18, "context_stride": 1, "context_overlap": 3, "closed_loop": false, "fuse_method": "pyramid", "use_on_equal_length": false, "start_percent": 0, "guarantee_steps": 1 }, "class_type": "ADE_LoopedUniformContextOptions", "_meta": { "title": "Context Optionsβ—†Looped Uniform πŸŽ­πŸ…πŸ…“" } }, "250": { "inputs": { "ipadapter_file": "ip-adapter-plus_sd15.safetensors" }, "class_type": "IPAdapterModelLoader", "_meta": { "title": "IPAdapter Model Loader" } }, "253": { "inputs": { "strength": 0.8, "start_percent": 0, "end_percent": 0.75, "positive": [ "244", 1 ], "negative": [ "244", 2 ], "control_net": [ "254", 0 ], "image": [ "302", 0 ] }, "class_type": "ACN_AdvancedControlNetApply", "_meta": { "title": "Apply Advanced ControlNet πŸ›‚πŸ…πŸ…’πŸ…" } }, "254": { "inputs": { "control_net_name": "motion_controlnet_checkpoint.ckpt" }, "class_type": "ControlNetLoaderAdvanced", "_meta": { "title": "Load Advanced ControlNet Model πŸ›‚πŸ…πŸ…’πŸ…" } }, "302": { "inputs": { "video": "trim_test.mp4", "force_rate": 12, "force_size": "Disabled", "custom_width": 512, "custom_height": 512, "frame_load_cap": 0, "skip_first_frames": 0, "select_every_nth": 1 }, "class_type": "VHS_LoadVideo", "_meta": { "title": "Load Video (Upload) πŸŽ₯πŸ…₯πŸ…—πŸ…’" } }, "303": { "inputs": { "clip_name": "ip-adapter_image_encoder_sd15.safetensors" }, "class_type": "CLIPVisionLoader", "_meta": { "title": "Load CLIP Vision" } }, "307": { "inputs": { "action": "append", "tidy_tags": "no", "text_a": "(extreme close-up:0.35) of flowing, billowing fine silk fabric scarf with fine pattern print in the style of (hermes carre:1.0), highly detailed, 8K, realistic, (depth of field:0.25), ", "text_b": "", "result": "(extreme close-up:0.35) of flowing, billowing fine silk fabric scarf with fine pattern print in the style of (hermes carre:1.0), highly detailed, 8K, realistic, (depth of field:0.25), " }, "class_type": "StringFunction|pysssss", "_meta": { "title": "String Function 🐍" } }, "310": { "inputs": { "type": "shuffle", "strength": 0.3, "blur": 0, "image_optional": [ "302", 0 ] }, "class_type": "IPAdapterNoise", "_meta": { "title": "IPAdapter Noise" } }, "312": { "inputs": { "weight": 1, "weight_type": "ease in-out", "start_at": 0.4, "end_at": 1, "sharpening": 0, "embeds_scaling": "V only", "encode_batch_size": 0, "model": [ "319", 0 ], "ipadapter": [ "250", 0 ], "image": [ "302", 0 ], "image_negative": [ "310", 0 ], "clip_vision": [ "303", 0 ] }, "class_type": "IPAdapterTiledBatch", "_meta": { "title": "IPAdapter Tiled Batch" } }, "319": { "inputs": { "weight": 1, "weight_type": "ease in-out", "start_at": 0, "end_at": 0.4, "embeds_scaling": "V only", "encode_batch_size": 0, "model": [ "245", 0 ], "ipadapter": [ "250", 0 ], "image": [ "310", 0 ], "image_negative": [ "310", 0 ], "clip_vision": [ "303", 0 ] }, "class_type": "IPAdapterBatch", "_meta": { "title": "IPAdapter Batch (Adv.)" } }, "332": { "inputs": { "ckpt_name": "rife47.pth", "clear_cache_after_n_frames": 10, "multiplier": 2, "fast_mode": true, "ensemble": true, "scale_factor": 1, "frames": [ "241", 0 ] }, "class_type": "RIFE VFI", "_meta": { "title": "RIFE VFI (recommend rife47 and rife49)" } }, "333": { "inputs": { "frame_rate": 24, "loop_count": 0, "filename_prefix": "hr_ult_rife", "format": "video/h264-mp4", "pix_fmt": "yuv420p", "crf": 19, "save_metadata": true, "pingpong": false, "save_output": true, "images": [ "332", 0 ] }, "class_type": "VHS_VideoCombine", "_meta": { "title": "Video Combine πŸŽ₯πŸ…₯πŸ…—πŸ…’" } }, "336": { "inputs": { "lora_name": "WAS26.safetensors", "strength": 0.5 }, "class_type": "ADE_AnimateDiffLoRALoader", "_meta": { "title": "Load AnimateDiff LoRA πŸŽ­πŸ…πŸ…“" } } }