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@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
1 |
2 |
oid sha256:4d99355cf596f48d30c50b7242f5bbad44deb6460997e7965d74f028a6a1ec1d
3 |
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@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
1 |
2 |
oid sha256:4d8623e8a1b0e262057fa5db63689f0b7df3ef1afe3bf62021606893ce2f49d8
3 |
size 20071556
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
1 |
2 |
oid sha256:0a1da809a9cad631b2e86082a0f898ef0fdd8efac0c631b4c48e6de5ae363388
3 |
size 23540060
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
1 |
2 |
oid sha256:542ee4b0f875da6aa802a6c946507164bbf92d49b127e2e553e2dfa339fe0780
3 |
size 15742124
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
1 |
2 |
oid sha256:b8ac5595325dc59cd4860f58dc65b46bd46c1b6228281de069f33de4f5b00773
3 |
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@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
1 |
Que posso sentir Tua chuva em mim
2 |
Desejo cantar e entregar
3 |
O melhor de mim
4 |
5 |
Meus lábios se alegrarão
6 |
Meu coração sorrirá
7 |
Em todo momento
8 |
Quando canto pra Ti
9 |
Minhas mãos eu levantarei
10 |
Rendendo todo meu ser
11 |
Como uma oferta
12 |
Meu louvor Te darei
13 |
14 |
Desejo fluir
15 |
Em louvor a Ti
16 |
Desejo cantar e entregar
17 |
O melhor de mim
18 |
19 |
Meus lábios se alegrarão
20 |
Meu coração sorrirá
21 |
Em todo momento
22 |
Quando canto pra Ti
23 |
Minhas mãos eu levantarei
24 |
Rendendo todo meu ser
25 |
Como uma oferta
26 |
Meu louvor te darei
27 |
28 |
Com todo o meu coração cantarei
29 |
Darei meu louvor a Ti
30 |
Com todas minhas forças gritarei
31 |
Que tu és meu senhor
32 |
33 |
Com todo o meu coração cantarei
34 |
Darei meu louvor a Ti
35 |
Com todas minhas forças gritarei
36 |
Que tu és meu senhor
37 |
38 |
Meus lábios se alegrarão
39 |
Meu coração sorrirá
40 |
Em todo momento
41 |
Quando canto pra Ti
42 |
Minhas mãos eu levantarei
43 |
Rendendo todo meu ser
44 |
Como uma oferta
45 |
Meu louvor te darei
46 |
47 |
Te darei meu louvor
48 |
Pra sempre
49 |
Por toda a minha vida
50 |
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
1 |
I'll shoot you dead for the father
2 |
Of the coal miner's daughter
3 |
Beneath the icicle tusk
4 |
You and me among the flattering dusk
5 |
6 |
In my haste I draw my weapon
7 |
Designing your final lesson
8 |
As you recede to the floor
9 |
All is silent but the fluttering door
10 |
11 |
Twenty-five grand on the table
12 |
Of the high wall street stable
13 |
I'm not responsible for
14 |
The reputation of the neighborhood whore
15 |
16 |
But I'm a keyhole peeker
17 |
And you're my surveillance keeper
18 |
And though my memory rusts
19 |
I will always see the icicle tusk
20 |
21 |
And I must admit
22 |
That it gets lonesome on my shelf
23 |
This much I can tell
24 |
This much I can tell
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
1 |
Apenas nos pusimos en dos pies
2 |
Comenzamos a migrar por la sabana
3 |
Siguiendo la manada de bisontes
4 |
Más allá del horizonte
5 |
A nuevas tierras, lejanas
6 |
Los niños a la espalda y expectantes
7 |
Los ojos en alerta, todo oídos
8 |
Olfateando aquel desconcertante paisaje nuevo, desconocido
9 |
10 |
Somos una especie en viaje
11 |
No tenemos pertenencias sino equipaje
12 |
Vamos con el polen en el viento
13 |
Estamos vivos porque estamos en movimiento
14 |
Nunca estamos quietos, somos trashumantes
15 |
Somos padres, hijos, nietos y bisnietos de inmigrantes
16 |
Es más mío le que sueño que lo que toco
17 |
18 |
Yo no soy de aquí
19 |
Pero tú tampoco
20 |
Yo no soy de aquí
21 |
Pero tú tampoco
22 |
De ningún lado del todo
23 |
De todos lados un poco
24 |
25 |
Atravesamos desiertos, glaciares, continentes
26 |
El mundo entero de extremo a extremo
27 |
Empecinados, supervivientes
28 |
El ojo en el viento y en las corrientes
29 |
La mano firme en el remo
30 |
Cargamos con nuestras guerras
31 |
Nuestras canciones de cuna
32 |
Nuestro rumbo hecho de versos
33 |
De migraciones, de hambrunas
34 |
Y así ha sido desde siempre, desde el infinito
35 |
Fuimos la gota de agua viajando en el meteorito
36 |
Cruzamos galaxias, vacío, milenios
37 |
Buscábamos oxígeno, encontramos sueños
38 |
39 |
Apenas nos pusimos en dos pies
40 |
Y nos vimos en la sombra de la hoguera
41 |
Escuchamos la voz del desafío
42 |
Siempre miramos el río
43 |
Pensando en la otra rivera
44 |
45 |
Somos una especie en viaje
46 |
No tenemos pertenencias sino equipaje
47 |
Vamos con el polen en el viento
48 |
Estamos vivos porque estamos en movimiento
49 |
Nunca estamos quietos, somos trashumantes
50 |
Somos padres, hijos, nietos y bisnietos de inmigrantes
51 |
Es más mío le que sueño que lo que toco
52 |
53 |
Yo no soy de aquí
54 |
Pero tú tampoco
55 |
Yo no soy de aquí
56 |
Pero tú tampoco
57 |
De ningún lado del todo y
58 |
De todos lados un poco
59 |
60 |
Lo mismo con las canciones, los pájaros, los alfabetos
61 |
Si quieres que algo se muera, déjalo quieto
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
1 |
Go where, go where fluorescent primates teem
2 |
And wind through the neon screens
3 |
That scan over muted lips on Japanese ships
4 |
Swelling, screaming
5 |
It's a deranged enhancement
6 |
Deflated amplifiers
7 |
Overdeveloped in incompetent ways
8 |
Slowly, slowly
9 |
Fall through the snow so softly
10 |
Carry me where we're going
11 |
Nowhere at all, we're going
12 |
Nowhere at all
13 |
Go where, go where fluorescent primates teem
14 |
And wind through the neon screens
15 |
That scan over muted lips on Japanese ships
16 |
Swelling, screaming
17 |
It's a deranged enhancement
18 |
Deflated amplifiers
19 |
Overdeveloped in incompetent ways
20 |
What side are you on, man?
21 |
I think we look the same
22 |
I know eventually you'll tell me where you came from
23 |
You'll tell me where you came from
24 |
You'll tell me where you came from
25 |
You'll tell me where you came from
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
1 |
So what if I'm crazier than crazy?
2 |
So what if I'm sicker than sick?
3 |
So what if I'm out of control?
4 |
Maybe that's what I like about it
5 |
6 |
You could say that I'm going insane
7 |
And I'm not quite right
8 |
And I'm that to blame
9 |
10 |
You could say that I'm sick on the inside
11 |
Bet you don't know why I like it that way
12 |
13 |
You could say whatever you like
14 |
If it's so wrong I don't wanna be right
15 |
16 |
So what if I'm crazier than crazy?
17 |
So what if I'm sicker than sick?
18 |
So what if I'm out of control?
19 |
Maybe that's what I like about it
20 |
21 |
So what?
22 |
So what?
23 |
24 |
You could say that I'm going insane
25 |
And I'm not quite right
26 |
And that I'm to blame
27 |
28 |
I don't care you could say what you want to
29 |
I am who I am and I'll never be like you
30 |
31 |
You could say whatever you like
32 |
If it's so wrong I don't wanna be right
33 |
34 |
So what if I'm crazier than crazy?
35 |
So what if I'm sicker than sick?
36 |
So what if I'm out of control?
37 |
Maybe that's what I like about it
38 |
39 |
So what?
40 |
So what?
41 |
42 |
And when I'm up
43 |
It's better than never
44 |
And when I'm down
45 |
I'm desperate
46 |
47 |
And when I'm up
48 |
It's better than never
49 |
And when I'm down
50 |
I'm desperate
51 |
I'm desperate
52 |
I'm desperate
53 |
54 |
So what if I'm crazier than crazy?
55 |
So what if I'm sicker then sick?
56 |
So what if I'm out of control?
57 |
Maybe that's what I like about it
58 |
59 |
So what?
60 |
So what?
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
1 |
Made me feel so stupid
2 |
When I burn your trust tonight
3 |
Don't know how it started
4 |
But we both destroyed the light
5 |
6 |
Now you don't hear me call
7 |
And I can't reach you
8 |
Over an empty room
9 |
One day if you can't sleep at all
10 |
And the fire is not enough
11 |
12 |
Come find me
13 |
If we're thrown into the dark
14 |
Come tell me
15 |
We will never feel apart
16 |
17 |
Made me feel so stupid
18 |
When you burned my trust tonight
19 |
I remember quite clearly
20 |
How we're both made it to the light
21 |
22 |
Now I won't take your call
23 |
You can't reach me
24 |
Over a crowded room
25 |
One day
26 |
If I can't sleep at all
27 |
And my memory's not enough
28 |
29 |
Come find me
30 |
If we're thrown into the dark
31 |
Come tell me
32 |
And we'll never feel apart
33 |
Because I'm not sure how to walk
34 |
Through the valleys of night
35 |
And if one day you just can sleep at all
36 |
And the memories not enough
37 |
38 |
I'm willing to start
39 |
You never listen to me
40 |
Sharing our life
41 |
And your looking for me
42 |
43 |
Come find me
44 |
If we're thrown into the dark
45 |
Come tell me
46 |
That we'll never feel apart
47 |
48 |
Come find me
49 |
If we're thrown into the dark
50 |
Cause I'm not sure I want to walk
51 |
Through the valleys of night
52 |
53 |
I'm willing to start
54 |
You never listen to me
55 |
Sharing our life
56 |
And your looking for me
57 |
58 |
I'm willing to start
59 |
You never listen to me
60 |
Sharing our life
61 |
And your looking for me
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
1 |
Normalnie o tej porze wożę się po mieście
2 |
Normalnie o tej porze raz lepiej raz gorzej
3 |
Zazwyczaj jak żaba skaczę z miejsca na miejsce
4 |
Dzisiaj to nie przejdzie do domu wrócę wcześniej
5 |
6 |
Przy fajce i butelce, po którą
7 |
Trzeba stać w kolejce
8 |
Było więcej kobiet wszystkie były piękne
9 |
Tak lepiej jak jest więcej
10 |
Może by coś dzisiaj, ale ja umywam ręce
11 |
Pędzę do domu prędzej niż F5 w BeEmCe
12 |
Pięknej koleżance, w pięknej sukience
13 |
Mówię Pa, chwytam kierownicę jak Zorro lejce
14 |
Numeromania na liczniku,
15 |
Sam sobie komentuje to co w radioodbiorniku
16 |
Niedługo będę w domu, nic nie pokrzyżuje moich szyków
17 |
Za parę minut zaparkuje przy chodniku
18 |
Normalnie o tej porze wożę się po mieście
19 |
Normalnie o tej porze raz lepiej raz gorzej
20 |
Normalnie o tej porze wożę się jak wożę
21 |
Normalnie o tej porze raz lepiej, raz gorzej
22 |
Jakoś niechcący złapałem za cybuch gorący
23 |
Wykonałem wdech tępy, żar mi wpadła do gęby
24 |
Wyplułem od razu niefartownie
25 |
Bo spadł mi na spodnie i na szybkości
26 |
Miałem dziurę o wielkości dwuzłotówki
27 |
Nie palę dziś już z lufki, nie palę dziś już wcale
28 |
By wieczór długi jak korale, a ja wciąż zmieniam lokale
29 |
Za oknami migają latarnie, jadę dalej
30 |
Coś się dzisiaj bawię marnie,
31 |
Czerwona fala jechać ciągle nie pozwala
32 |
Z dala ktoś podbiega - to dalszy mój kolega
33 |
Stuka w szybkę, wsiada szybko, gadką męczy płytką
34 |
I mówi dziwnym tonem cóż wiszę mu kabonę
35 |
Hej Peperoni skręć w lewą stronę
36 |
Ja tutaj z tyłu w piwie tonę, bo było wzburzone
37 |
Jak by tego było mało kurewsko się rozpadało
38 |
Oprócz gotówki nic już z planów nie zostało
39 |
Nic już z planów nie zostało
40 |
Normalnie o tej porze wożę jak wożę
41 |
Normalnie o tej porze raz lepiej raz gorzej
42 |
Normalnie o tej porze wożę jak wożę
43 |
Normalnie o tej porze raz lepiej, raz gorzej
44 |
Normalnie o tej porze to normalne o tej porze
45 |
Raz lepiej raz gorzej
46 |
A normalnie o tej porze wożę się jak wożę
47 |
To jest normalne o tej porze raz lepiej raz gorzej
48 |
Bo to normalne o tej porze
49 |
Wsiadaj jedziemy
50 |
Na transporter się złożę, muzyka forte
51 |
Jak zazwyczaj o tej porze
52 |
Noc ciemna jak porter, porter szumi jak morze
53 |
Szumi też coś tam w zielonym kolorze
54 |
Tak dziś będę pasażerem
55 |
Dziś w domu chciałem wcześniej być
56 |
Intencje miałem szczere, dziś spędzam dobrze
57 |
Z soboty będę na niedzielę
58 |
Nie będzie kłopotów z powrotem są przyjaciele
59 |
Są przyjaciele, są przyjaciele, są przyjaciele
60 |
Są przyjaciele, są przyjaciele, są przyjaciele
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
1 |
Our mastema is vast - even in the house of God
2 |
Ever present - within and so without
3 |
4 |
Reversed life-force channeled
5 |
into prayers of blame
6 |
and fork-tongued glory
7 |
8 |
Guileless doctrine turned - into teachings
9 |
on how to love The Lie
10 |
on how to love The Lie
11 |
12 |
Psalms of venom - Slithering saints
13 |
Serpent Sermon - Serpent Sermon
14 |
Psalms of venom
15 |
Serpent Sermon - Serpent Sermon
16 |
17 |
Our mastema is great - even on the preacher's tongue
18 |
Ever moving - above and so below
19 |
20 |
Reversed life-force channeled
21 |
into prayers of blame
22 |
and fork-tongued glory
23 |
24 |
Guileless doctrine turned - into teachings
25 |
on how to love The Lie
26 |
on how to love The Lie
27 |
28 |
Psalms of venom - Slithering saints
29 |
Serpent Sermon - Serpent Sermon
30 |
Psalms of venom
31 |
Serpent Sermon - Serpent Sermon
32 |
33 |
Our mastema runs deep - even in the veins of the Lamb
34 |
Ever active - within and so without
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
1 |
Walked through the door
2 |
After day had turned its cheek
3 |
The letter that you wrote
4 |
Yeah, you left it here to read
5 |
6 |
Said this love's not just for you
7 |
It was also meant for me
8 |
Let me give you more to feel
9 |
Let me show you more to see
10 |
11 |
Tell me
12 |
13 |
What you're made of
14 |
My sugar and wine
15 |
Down from above
16 |
You make me so high
17 |
High, high
18 |
19 |
I'm much too young
20 |
But just hold on
21 |
I'm such a fool
22 |
Seeing it now
23 |
Saying it loud
24 |
You know it's true
25 |
That I'm just a fool for
26 |
I'm just a fool for you
27 |
28 |
Everyday I wake up
29 |
And I'm twisted in a dream
30 |
In between who I am
31 |
And the things I want to be
32 |
33 |
Then there you are raining down
34 |
Like water from a fall
35 |
You wash me down, dry me off
36 |
You keep pouring out your love
37 |
38 |
Tell me
39 |
40 |
What you're made of
41 |
My sugar and wine
42 |
Down from above
43 |
You make me so high
44 |
High, high
45 |
46 |
I'm much too young
47 |
But just hold on
48 |
I'm such a fool
49 |
Seeing it now
50 |
Saying it loud
51 |
You know it's true
52 |
That I'm just a fool for
53 |
I'm just a fool for you
54 |
55 |
I know it's alright my friend
56 |
You know it's alright my friend
57 |
58 |
I'm much too young
59 |
But just hold on
60 |
I'm such a fool
61 |
Seeing it now
62 |
Saying it loud
63 |
You know it's true
64 |
That I'm just a fool for
65 |
I'm just a fool for you
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
1 |
You're a smart blonde with the eyes of a panther
2 |
With your cosmic skin and a celestial dancer
3 |
You should know this by now
4 |
Your energy is loud
5 |
I'll be nukkun ya drekkly (see you soon)
6 |
When I see you in the crowd
7 |
8 |
Kulila miranyi (listen, can you hear it?)
9 |
Kulila mira-warninyi (listen, they shout with pride)
10 |
Mickey, look up from the paranoid place
11 |
We're spinning in 'n' outer space
12 |
Anangu to Istanbul
13 |
14 |
Millennial Monroe
15 |
Decorate the world with your love
16 |
Millennial Monroe
17 |
Ya got it, babe, you're more than enough
18 |
We're not gonna live
19 |
We're not gonna live forever
20 |
Happy 2000 and whatever (Forever)
21 |
Happy 2000 and whatever, whatever (Forever)
22 |
Happy 2000 and whatever
23 |
24 |
You're the beauty of lunar-lit feathers
25 |
Like an opal with eight billion edges
26 |
You should know this by now
27 |
Your spirit is aglow
28 |
I'll be nukkun ya drekkly (see you soon)
29 |
When I see you at our show
30 |
31 |
Kulila miranyi (listen, can you hear it?)
32 |
Kulila mira-warninyi (listen, they shout with pride)
33 |
Mickey, look up from the paranoid place
34 |
We're spinning in 'n' outer space
35 |
Anangu to Istanbul
36 |
Millennial Monroe
37 |
Decorate the world with your love
38 |
Millennial Monroe
39 |
Ya got it, babe, you're more than enough
40 |
We're not gonna live
41 |
We're not gonna live forever
42 |
Happy 2000 and whatever (Forever)
43 |
Happy 2000 and whatever, whatever (Forever)
44 |
Happy 2000 and whatever
45 |
46 |
We're not gonna live
47 |
We're not gonna live forever
48 |
(We're not gonna live forever)
49 |
Happy 2000 and whatever
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
1 |
Tell me, how does the dark that forever masks my shame know my name?
2 |
And if it knows me like it tells me, then why not play?
3 |
It knows I've changed.
4 |
5 |
Please hide my shame.
6 |
Please hide the tears that stream down from my face.
7 |
My soul melts away.
8 |
I try to be different, But it all ends the same.
9 |
Now watch my soul melt away.
10 |
11 |
This darkness ahead picks my tissue to threads.
12 |
For all the tears shed, pick my tissue to threads.
13 |
Take the weight of my bones, take the pictures and pieces I own.
14 |
Take away this frame, pick my tissue to threads.
15 |
16 |
Sinking into the shadows, my layers peel and crumble.
17 |
Drifting past days anew, a transient being passing through.
18 |
I know these old bones too well. I've never felt so alone though.
19 |
when matter fades, my soul melts away.
20 |
21 |
Please hide my shame.
22 |
Please hide the tears that stream down from my face.
23 |
My soul melts away.
24 |
25 |
This darkness ahead picks my tissue to threads.
26 |
For all the tears shed, pick my tissue to threads.
27 |
Take the weight of my bones, take the pictures and pieces I own.
28 |
Take away this frame, pick my tissue to threads.
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
1 |
Nothing ever seems to change
2 |
I'm so alone
3 |
Waiting for someone to come, to come along
4 |
Then I saw you from the sea
5 |
I can hardly believe my eyes
6 |
7 |
I just want to be in love, but I don't want to try
8 |
I'm preouccpied with you
9 |
10 |
Fantasize about the day that you'll know
11 |
You are all the mistery, dont know to solve
12 |
13 |
When I want to be in love
14 |
Would you please believe my lies
15 |
I just want to be in love, but I dont want to try
16 |
I'm preoccupied with you
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
1 |
I don't mind
2 |
If your running around
3 |
Giving someone the time
4 |
It's all right
5 |
Cause I know that you love me
6 |
I'm laying in bed
7 |
With a whole lot of wonder
8 |
Going through my head
9 |
This 'don't give a f*ck'
10 |
Gets a little bit lonely
11 |
12 |
I'm too cool to lose my control
13 |
You're too cool to go
14 |
Later I just don't wanna know
15 |
You're out there happenin' it all
16 |
17 |
Baby Come Home to me
18 |
Baby Come Home to me
19 |
It's half past quarter to three
20 |
Baby Come Home to me
21 |
I said I'm that kind of guy
22 |
But you're bout to see a grown man cry
23 |
Baby Come Home to me
24 |
Baby Come Home
25 |
26 |
Maybe one more pill
27 |
Will help me close my eyes
28 |
To the pain I feel
29 |
I can't sleep
30 |
Unless you're laying beside me
31 |
I've got no doubt
32 |
That you'd be just fine
33 |
If you were living without me
34 |
But I just can't let you start it tonight
35 |
36 |
9 10 11 now midnight strikes
37 |
I don't know where you been
38 |
But I still want to make love tonight
39 |
When you come stumbling in
40 |
41 |
Baby Come Home to me
42 |
Baby Come Home to me
43 |
It's half past quarter to three
44 |
Baby Come Home to me
45 |
I said I'm that kind of guy
46 |
But you're bout to see a grown man cry
47 |
Baby Come Home to me
48 |
Baby Come Home
49 |
50 |
Baby, what do I do? (what do I do?)
51 |
Just to keep from turnin' in 2
52 |
Baby, what could you say? (what could you say?)
53 |
To drop my fears go away
54 |
Maybe one red letter day
55 |
There'll be no more chips to play
56 |
Will you come home
57 |
Baby Come Home
58 |
59 |
Baby Come Home to me
60 |
Baby Come Home to me
61 |
It's half past quarter to three
62 |
Baby Come Home to me
63 |
64 |
Baby Come Home to me
65 |
Baby Come Home to me
66 |
It's half past quarter to three
67 |
Baby Come Home to me
68 |
I said I'm that kind of guy
69 |
But you're bout to see a grown man cry
70 |
Baby Come Home to me
71 |
Baby Come Home
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
1 |
Now I'm the king of the swingers
2 |
Oh, the jungle VIP
3 |
I've reached the top and had to stop
4 |
And that's what botherin' me
5 |
I wanna be a man, mancub
6 |
And stroll right into town
7 |
And be just like the other men
8 |
I'm tired of monkeyin' around!
9 |
10 |
Oh, oobee doo
11 |
I wanna be like you
12 |
I wanna walk like you
13 |
Talk like you, too
14 |
You'll see it's true
15 |
An ape like me
16 |
Can learn to be humen too
17 |
18 |
(Gee, cousin Louie
19 |
You're doin' real good
20 |
21 |
Now here's your part of the deal, cuz
22 |
Lay the secret on me of man's red fire
23 |
24 |
But I don't know how to make fire)
25 |
26 |
Now don't try to kid me, mancub
27 |
I made a deal with you
28 |
What I desire is man's red fire
29 |
To make my dream come true
30 |
Give me the secret, mancub
31 |
Clue me what to do
32 |
Give me the power of man's red flower
33 |
So I can be like you
34 |
35 |
36 |
I wanna be like you
37 |
I wanna talk like you
38 |
Walk like you, too
39 |
You'll see it's true
40 |
Someone like me
41 |
Can learn to be
42 |
Like someone like me
43 |
Can learn to be
44 |
Like someone like you
45 |
Can learn to be
46 |
Like someone like me!
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
1 |
Jestem zdyscyplinowany, mam silną wolę
2 |
Więc się o przyszłość nie martwię
3 |
Mam zacięcie, nałogów się wyrzec potrafię
4 |
Bo znam rzeczy hierarchię
5 |
Mam gruby plan, samorealizacja da mi gratyfikację
6 |
Ale to jutro, jutro, bo jest tyle rzeczy
7 |
Które muszę zrobić najpierw
8 |
9 |
Są, panny, które muszą się dowiedzieć jaki jestem fajny
10 |
Typy, którzy muszą się dowiedzieć jaki jestem ważny
11 |
Pieniądze, które muszą się dowiedzieć jaki jestem stratny
12 |
Ludzie, którzy muszą się dowiedzieć jaki jestem bogaty
13 |
Rzeczy, które muszę kupić, żeby sprawdzić jakie są naprawdę
14 |
Narkotyki, które muszę wziąć, żeby sprawdzić czy dam radę
15 |
Filmy, które muszą zostać przeze mnie obejrzane
16 |
Wódki, które muszą zostać wypite o szóstej nad ranem
17 |
Pizze, które muszą zostać wszamane z mordami na podwórku
18 |
Ustawki, które muszą dojść do skutku, najbardziej te na murku
19 |
Dyskusje, które muszą dojść do granic absurdu
20 |
Auta na Allegro,
21 |
które muszą mi pozwolić na przekroczenie dwudziestu czterech punktów
22 |
Rysunki, które muszę zrobić w zeszycie na marginesie
23 |
Dłonie, które muszę uścisnąć, by sprawdzić się w biznesie
24 |
Zakręty, które muszę wybrać, by wiedzieć co każdy przyniesie
25 |
Zrobię to wszystko i zajmę się sobą, wreszcie, bo przecież
26 |
27 |
Jestem zdyscyplinowany, mam silną wolę
28 |
Więc się o przyszłość nie martwię
29 |
Mam zacięcię, nałogów się wyrzec potrafię
30 |
Bo znam rzeczy hierarchię
31 |
Mam gruby plan, samorealizacja da mi gratyfikację
32 |
Ale to jutro, jutro, bo jest tyle rzeczy
33 |
Które muszę zrobić najpierw
34 |
35 |
Są, problemy, które muszą sprawdzić, czy z nich wybrnę
36 |
Wyroki, które muszą sprawdzić czy je kiwnę
37 |
Kwoty, które muszą sprawdzić za ile złamię wytyczne
38 |
środki, które muszą wstrzyknąć, żeby
39 |
sprawdzić czy poprawiają warunki fizyczne
40 |
Rolexy, które muszą pokazać, że czas leci wolniej
41 |
Perfumy, które muszą maskować jej zapach, by zapobiec wojnie
42 |
Garnitury, które muszą nosić, by wyglądać modnie
43 |
I lustra, które muszą odbić moją twarz, bym
44 |
umiał patrzeć na nich z góry chłodniej
45 |
Lilię, które muszą zostać spuszczone przez nią w kibel
46 |
Blizny, które muszą zostać, gdy rozpierdalam szybę
47 |
Naboje, których muszą użyć, nieważny kaliber
48 |
Religie, które muszę sprawdzić, by
49 |
wiedzieć, które piekło jest najmniej uciążliwe
50 |
Czerwone, które muszą mnie stopować jak tych obok
51 |
Buty, które muszę mieć, by sprawdzić, kiedy zetrze się logo
52 |
Maski, które muszę włożyć, żeby sprawdzić jak to jest być tobą
53 |
Zrobię to wszystko i na miłość bogom, wtedy zajmę się sobą
54 |
55 |
Jestem zdyscyplinowany, mam silną wolę
56 |
Więc się o przyszłość nie martwię
57 |
Mam zacięcię, nałogów się wyrzec potrafię
58 |
Bo znam rzeczy hierarchię
59 |
Mam gruby plan, samorealizacja da mi gratyfikację
60 |
Ale to jutro, jutro, bo jest tyle rzeczy
61 |
Które muszę zrobić najpierw
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
1 |
Tengo un collar, de milagritos
2 |
lleno de corazoncitos, no me arrepiento
3 |
de lo que siento, yo solita los puse en cadenita
4 |
5 |
Y así, me divierto y me contento, sola.
6 |
Y diario malabar, cabezas en tu cama, individual, sola. Y diario malabar, acto tras acto de un espectacular.
7 |
Y así, me divierto y me contento.
8 |
9 |
Baile, malabar, van, a mal hablar.
10 |
Baile, individual, van, a mal hablar.
11 |
12 |
Me gusta sentir los ríos, de tus escalofríos.
13 |
Placer culposo, debe ser dudoso, no soy malvada, quizás elaborada.
14 |
No soy de engañar, pero se me da el malabar.
15 |
Culpa de cuna, pecado nato,
16 |
soy de circo, de circo.
17 |
18 |
Y así, paso el tiempo, bailo lento.
19 |
Baile, malabar, van, a mal hablar.
20 |
Baile, individual, van, a mal hablar.
21 |
22 |
Y así, tapo el viento de mis tormentos, sola.
23 |
Y diario malabar, cabezas en tu cama, individual, sola. Y diario malabar, acto tras acto de un espectacular.
24 |
Y así, tapo el viento de mis tormentos.
25 |
26 |
Baile, malabar, van a mal hablar.
27 |
Baile, individual, van a mal hablar.
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
1 |
That's tearing me apart
2 |
Deep inside my heart
3 |
4 |
Tell me why I hurt this way
5 |
Should I even love you anymore?
6 |
I don't wanna find out why
7 |
I'm too scared to look behind that door
8 |
I put my trust in all my faith
9 |
And every word between us spoken
10 |
Why do I believe the things you say
11 |
When my heart's already broken?
12 |
13 |
All this pain I feel
14 |
That's tearing me apart
15 |
Is what makes you real
16 |
Deep inside my heart
17 |
18 |
I can only count the ways
19 |
I earn these scars but they're all tokens
20 |
Every time I see your face
21 |
I know my hope's no longer showing
22 |
I don't need a reason to believe
23 |
If my faith's already broken
24 |
How could I let love lead the way
25 |
When I don't know where I'm going?
26 |
27 |
All this pain I feel
28 |
That's tearing me apart
29 |
Is what makes you real
30 |
Deep inside my heart
31 |
32 |
Fought so hard
33 |
Still I feel like I'm in chains
34 |
When I gave my heart
35 |
The darkness still remains
36 |
37 |
38 |
39 |
40 |
All this pain I feel
41 |
That's tearing me apart
42 |
Is what makes you real
43 |
Deep inside my heart
44 |
45 |
Tell me why I hurt this way
46 |
Should I even love you anymore?
47 |
I don't wanna find out why
48 |
I'm too scared to look behind that door
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
1 |
Crying loud, you are crawling on the floor
2 |
Just a beautiful baby
3 |
You're nothing more
4 |
Close your eyes
5 |
You are crawling into sleep
6 |
7 |
I swear I won't break you
8 |
If you let me take you
9 |
Where the willows never weep
10 |
Where the willows never weep
11 |
12 |
Coming quick into your wonderland
13 |
Flying high on bleached white sand
14 |
Tranquilized by lights
15 |
You'll lose your way
16 |
17 |
Well just come with me
18 |
And I'll make you see
19 |
With me you'll want to stay
20 |
Can baby come out to play
21 |
22 |
Down you're going
23 |
Down you're going
24 |
Down you're going
25 |
26 |
27 |
Circus lights are shutting slowly down
28 |
But still you're up in the air
29 |
And loving your wings
30 |
My dear, you play the clown
31 |
32 |
You're still up in the air
33 |
And loving your wings
34 |
What's gonna happen when you come down
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
1 |
What is love
2 |
A simple word or a crazy feeling
3 |
What is love
4 |
It feels like I am underwater breathing
5 |
I've been waiting for somebody like you baby to come around
6 |
You make my heart beat like a drum
7 |
Bam pa pa pam pam
8 |
You make my heart beat like a drum
9 |
Bam pa pa pam pam
10 |
11 |
When I'm with you I'm in paradise
12 |
The things you do make me come alive
13 |
Out of the blue our words collide
14 |
So hold me until the sunlight
15 |
It's been a day or two
16 |
And you blew my mind
17 |
Would've never knew your love was so devine
18 |
So I'm gonna make sure you remember for a lifetime
19 |
20 |
Go with the flow
21 |
Let your body go up
22 |
Let your body go low, low, low
23 |
Go with the flow
24 |
Let your body go up
25 |
Let your body go low
26 |
27 |
Go with the flow
28 |
Let your body go up
29 |
Let your body go low, low, low
30 |
Go with the flow
31 |
Let your body go up
32 |
Let your body go low
33 |
34 |
Go with the flow
35 |
Go with the flow
36 |
Go with the flow
37 |
Go with the flow
38 |
39 |
Go with the flow
40 |
Go with the flow
41 |
Go with the flow
42 |
Go with the flow
43 |
44 |
How we fly
45 |
Every day is like the weekend
46 |
Hot like fire
47 |
Don't wanna wake up from this state of dreaming
48 |
All I'm saying this
49 |
You don't know what love can do to you 'til you're the one
50 |
Who's got a heart beat like a drum
51 |
Bam pa pa pam pam
52 |
You make my heart beat like a drum
53 |
Bam pa pa pam pam
54 |
55 |
When I'm with you I'm in paradise
56 |
The things you do make me come alive
57 |
Out of the blue our words collide
58 |
So hold me until the sunlight
59 |
It's been a day or two and you blew my mind
60 |
Would've never knew your love was so devine
61 |
Tonight I'm gonna make sure you remember for a lifetime
62 |
63 |
Go with the flow
64 |
Let your body go up
65 |
Let your body go low, low, low
66 |
Go with the flow
67 |
Let your body go up
68 |
Let your body go low
69 |
70 |
Go with the flow
71 |
Let your body go up
72 |
Let your body go low, low, low
73 |
Go with the flow
74 |
Let your body go up
75 |
Let your body go low
76 |
77 |
Go with the flow
78 |
Go with the flow
79 |
Go with the flow
80 |
Go with the flow
81 |
82 |
Come on, let your body
83 |
Don't go baby
84 |
Like a heartbeat
85 |
Don't go baby
86 |
87 |
Let your body
88 |
Go with the flow
89 |
Like a heartbeat
90 |
Go with the flow
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
1 |
It's hard living in a broken world
2 |
Too much division in a broken world
3 |
Nobody listens in a broken world
4 |
We're on a mission, I wanna know
5 |
6 |
When it's dark as a dungeon can you be a light?
7 |
Can you bring peace in the middle of a fight?
8 |
When you see separation can you unite?
9 |
And when you see 'em doing wrong can you do what's right?
10 |
11 |
From the bottom of our hearts,
12 |
To the top of our lungs
13 |
We're crying out for unity
14 |
And the battle's just begun
15 |
Let love be your foundation,
16 |
Let wisdom be your guide
17 |
'Til the problems that we're facing
18 |
Can no longer divide
19 |
A broken world
20 |
21 |
It's hard living in a broken world
22 |
Too much division in a broken world
23 |
Nobody listens in a broken world
24 |
We're on a mission, I wanna know
25 |
26 |
If your enemy was drowning would you pull him to shore?
27 |
If a stranger was starving would you open your door?
28 |
Are there any revolutionaries here anymore?
29 |
And what you gonna be remembered for?
30 |
31 |
From the bottom of our hearts,
32 |
To the top of our lungs
33 |
We're crying out for unity
34 |
And the battle's just begun
35 |
Let love be your foundation,
36 |
Let wisdom be your guide
37 |
'Til the problems that we're facing
38 |
Can no longer divide
39 |
A broken world
40 |
41 |
Let's go!
42 |
43 |
From the bottom of our hearts,
44 |
To the top of our lungs
45 |
We're crying out for unity
46 |
And the battle's just begun
47 |
Let love be your foundation,
48 |
Let wisdom be your guide
49 |
'Til the problems that we're facing
50 |
Can no longer divide
51 |
A broken world
52 |
A broken world
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
1 |
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
1 |
Alvorada lá no morro, que beleza
2 |
Ninguém chora, não há tristeza
3 |
Ninguém sente dissabor
4 |
O sol colorindo é tão lindo, é tão lindo
5 |
E a natureza sorrindo, tingindo, tingindo
6 |
7 |
Alvorada lá no morro, que beleza
8 |
Ninguém chora, não há tristeza
9 |
Ninguém sente dissabor
10 |
O sol colorindo é tão lindo, é tão lindo
11 |
E a natureza sorrindo, tingindo, tingindo
12 |
Você também me lembra a alvorada
13 |
Quando chega iluminando
14 |
Meus caminhos tão sem vida
15 |
E o que me resta é bem pouco
16 |
Quase nada, de que ir assim
17 |
Vagando numa estrada perdida
18 |
19 |
Alvorada lá no morro, que beleza
20 |
Ninguém chora, não há tristeza
21 |
Ninguém sente dissabor
22 |
O sol colorindo é tão lindo, é tão lindo
23 |
E a natureza sorrindo, tingindo, tingindo
24 |
25 |
Alvorada lá no morro, que beleza
26 |
Ninguém chora, não há tristeza
27 |
Ninguém sente dissabor
28 |
O sol colorindo é tão lindo, é tão lindo
29 |
E a natureza sorrindo, tingindo, tingindo
30 |
Você também me lembra a alvorada
31 |
Quando chega iluminando
32 |
Meus caminhos tão sem vida
33 |
E o que me resta é bem pouco
34 |
Quase nada, de que ir assim
35 |
Vagando numa estrada perdida
36 |
37 |
Alvorada lá no morro, que beleza
38 |
Ninguém chora, não há tristeza
39 |
Ninguém sente dissabor
40 |
O sol colorindo (...)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
1 |
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
1 |
And so does the downhearted tune
2 |
Resound through this murky night
3 |
And the wind groan its wistful song
4 |
For the ill-lucked dwellers in plight
5 |
6 |
These two round-shouldered figures
7 |
Forward slowly through this grey day
8 |
Under the fores'ts white canopy
9 |
Out of the drifting snow's way
10 |
11 |
With rime dressed-faces they wander
12 |
With guilt carved-hearts they flee
13 |
With grim stained-minds they hover
14 |
Between hope and despair
15 |
16 |
With rime dressed-faces they wander
17 |
With guilt carved-hearts they flee
18 |
With grim stained-minds they ponder
19 |
If they ever be free of their sins
20 |
21 |
May the stars become my eyes
22 |
And the wind become my hearing
23 |
Let them guide us through
24 |
These pitch-dark mornings
25 |
26 |
May the snowfall end
27 |
And the shining moon rise
28 |
So we can find our way out
29 |
From these all-consuming nights
30 |
31 |
Underneath the blanket of stars
32 |
Embraced by another cold night
33 |
Two round-shouldered figures
34 |
Leave these shores behind
35 |
36 |
Quietly they wonder
37 |
If they ever will see the light
38 |
They now lose in their shadows
39 |
Owe to the darkest of nights
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
1 |
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
1 |
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
1 |
I'd travel the world with you because I know you'd go
2 |
And I know you've wanted to since I let you close
3 |
And I see the water, as we fly to Rome
4 |
If we have a daughter, I'll make sure she knows
5 |
That we are only young but we hope that we're enough
6 |
And we were so surprised with all the things you taught us
7 |
Until the day arrives where you don't fit in my arms
8 |
I only hope you grow up knowing that you are loved
9 |
10 |
She said I'd wait
11 |
I said I'd stay
12 |
As long as you marry me
13 |
14 |
I would travel the world with you, you just have to ask
15 |
Perhaps we should plan it through, with three seats at last
16 |
And I feel the water, as we run a bath
17 |
For our three-month-old daughter, who's just learnt how to laugh
18 |
And time is moving slow but you've been growing so fast
19 |
And you were born with eyes that help us understand love
20 |
Until the day arrives where you no longer need us
21 |
Know you are the best thing that's ever happened to us
22 |
23 |
She said I'd wait
24 |
I said I'd stay
25 |
As long as you marry me
26 |
I said, maybe
27 |
You'll come with me
28 |
And we'll start a family
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
1 |
Rise, love is here
2 |
Oh, don't make me wonder
3 |
Life's never clear where choice is a gift
4 |
To use and abuse, yo build on proof
5 |
6 |
Oh, don't make me suffer
7 |
Birds find the wind and wing
8 |
Rest in the shells I've designed
9 |
Run through the fields I've denied
10 |
And stroll upon the years I'm alive
11 |
12 |
There's a sun that shines in
13 |
There's a world that stares out at me
14 |
And all I refuse to please
15 |
16 |
Breathe, love is air
17 |
Oh, don't make me suffer
18 |
To dash debonair where chaste is the wish
19 |
To bust with pain, a heart goes blank
20 |
21 |
Oh, don't make me wonder
22 |
To ask on behalf of you
23 |
Of you, where are you?
24 |
Where are you in you?
25 |
26 |
There's a sun that shines in
27 |
There's a world that stares out at me
28 |
And all I refuse to please
29 |
30 |
There's a sun that shines in
31 |
There's a world that stares out at me
32 |
And all I refuse
33 |
34 |
And all I'd ever use in me
35 |
There's a sun that shines in me
36 |
There's a sun that shines
37 |
There's a sun that shines in me
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
1 |
I've been strong
2 |
And I've been broken within a moment
3 |
I've been faithful
4 |
And I've been reckless at every bend
5 |
I've held everything together
6 |
And watched it shatter
7 |
I've stood tall and I have crumbled
8 |
In the same breath
9 |
10 |
I have wrestled
11 |
And I have trembled toward surrender
12 |
Chased my heart adrift
13 |
And drifted home again
14 |
Plundered blessing
15 |
Till I've been desperate to find redemption
16 |
And every time I turn around
17 |
Lord You're still there
18 |
19 |
I was found
20 |
Before I was lost
21 |
I was Yours
22 |
Before I was not
23 |
Grace to spare
24 |
For all my mistakes
25 |
And that part just wrecks me
26 |
27 |
And I know I don't deserve this kind of love
28 |
Somehow this kind of love is who You are
29 |
It's a grace I could never add up
30 |
To be somebody You still want
31 |
But somehow
32 |
You love me as You find me
33 |
34 |
Who am I
35 |
To think Your glory needs my praises
36 |
But if this borrowed breath is Yours Lord
37 |
Take it all
38 |
You are faithful and You are gracious
39 |
And I'm just grateful
40 |
To think You don't need a single thing
41 |
And still You want my heart
42 |
43 |
I was found
44 |
Before I was lost
45 |
I was Yours
46 |
Before I was not
47 |
You wear the scars
48 |
For all my mistakes
49 |
And that part just wrecks me
50 |
51 |
And I know I don't deserve this kind of love
52 |
Somehow this kind of love is who You are
53 |
It's a grace I could never add up
54 |
To be somebody You still want
55 |
But somehow
56 |
You love me as You find me
57 |
You love me as You find me
58 |
You love me as You find me
59 |
You love me as You find me
60 |
You love me as You find me
61 |
62 |
Your love's too good to leave me here
63 |
(You love me as You find me)
64 |
Your love's too good to leave me here
65 |
(You love me as You find me)
66 |
Your love's too good to leave me here
67 |
(You love me as You find me)
68 |
Your love's too good to leave me here
69 |
70 |
If You want my heart
71 |
I won't second guess
72 |
'Cause I need Your love
73 |
More than anything
74 |
I'm in
75 |
I'm Yours
76 |
Your love's too good to leave me here
77 |
Your love's too good to leave me
78 |
79 |
If You want my heart
80 |
I won't second guess
81 |
'Cause I need Your love
82 |
More than anything
83 |
I'm in
84 |
I'm Yours
85 |
Your love's too good to leave me here
86 |
Your love's too good to leave me
87 |
88 |
If You want my heart
89 |
I won't second guess
90 |
'Cause I need Your love
91 |
More than anything
92 |
I'm in
93 |
I'm Yours
94 |
Your love's too good to leave me here
95 |
Your love's too good to leave me
96 |
97 |
And I know I don't deserve this kind of love
98 |
Somehow this kind of love is who You are
99 |
It's a grace I could never add up
100 |
To be somebody You still want
101 |
But somehow
102 |
You love me as You find me
103 |
104 |
If You want my heart
105 |
I won't second guess
106 |
'Cause I need Your love
107 |
More than anything
108 |
I'm in
109 |
I'm Yours
110 |
Your love's too good to leave me here
111 |
Your love's too good to leave me
112 |
113 |
If You want my heart
114 |
I won't second guess
115 |
'Cause I need Your love
116 |
More than anything
117 |
I'm in
118 |
I'm Yours
119 |
Your love's too good to leave me here
120 |
Your love's too good to leave me
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
1 |
Big size, small size
2 |
Any size, round and round
3 |
We need, we take
4 |
Burn it all into the ground
5 |
6 |
Started over and learned to walk
7 |
We teach you how to talk
8 |
Please try and understand
9 |
We're helping all of mankind
10 |
11 |
We use them a while then it's over the shoulder
12 |
We use them a while then it's over the shoulder
13 |
14 |
We are serious
15 |
16 |
Dollar here, dollar there
17 |
Dollars flying everywhere
18 |
19 |
We're only here please
20 |
Stop the killing, trust me
21 |
We'll only be a while
22 |
Big while, big big smile
23 |
24 |
We use them a while then it's over the shoulder
25 |
We use them a while then it's over the shoulder
26 |
27 |
We have in our hands
28 |
Every woman, every man
29 |
Things are gonna go far
30 |
Down a really big fast car
31 |
32 |
And what you see is what you get
33 |
Keep 'em hungry, you bet
34 |
You need security
35 |
To keep you from the enemy
36 |
37 |
We use them a while then it's over the shoulder
38 |
We use them a while then it's over the shoulder
39 |
We use them a while then it's over the shoulder
40 |
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
1 |
My anxiety's clawing
2 |
Out from deep within me
3 |
It burns within as my throat begins to cauterize
4 |
5 |
This negativity's leeching
6 |
Any shred of composure
7 |
Rationale has decayed and left me bound in madness
8 |
9 |
I reach for calm
10 |
I starve for a balance unknown
11 |
This burden tortures me deep in my soul
12 |
13 |
I've found that strife won't make the bleeding stop
14 |
Nor will it take away the pain
15 |
I feel like this search is all in vain
16 |
And I struggle to find my way
17 |
18 |
How I yearn for the silence
19 |
For an end to the voices
20 |
The calamity grows and the deafness leads to disarray
21 |
22 |
Guilt buries me alive
23 |
In a coffin - criticized
24 |
I shouldered the blame and dug this hole for me to lay in
25 |
26 |
I reach for calm
27 |
I starve for a balance unknown
28 |
This burden tortures me deep in my soul
29 |
30 |
I've found that strife won't make the bleeding stop
31 |
Nor will it take away the pain
32 |
I feel like this search is all in vain
33 |
And I struggle to find my way
34 |
35 |
I've found that strife won't make the bleeding stop
36 |
Nor will it take away the pain
37 |
I feel like this search has been all in vain
38 |
And I struggle to find my way
39 |
40 |
I've found that strife won't make the bleeding stop
41 |
Nor will it take away the pain
42 |
I feel like this search is all in vain
43 |
And I struggle to find my way
44 |
45 |
I've found that strife won't make the bleeding stop
46 |
Nor will it take away the pain
47 |
I feel like this search has been all in vain
48 |
And I struggle to find my way
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
1 |
Met a girl in the parking lot
2 |
And all I did was say hello
3 |
Her pepper spray made it rather hard
4 |
For me to walk her home
5 |
But I guess that's the way it goes
6 |
7 |
Tell me again, was it love at first sight
8 |
When I walked by and you caught my eye?
9 |
Didn't you know love could shine this bright?
10 |
Well, smile because you're the deer in headlights
11 |
12 |
Met a girl with a graceful charm
13 |
But when beauty met the beast he froze
14 |
Got the sense I was not her type
15 |
By the black eye and bloody nose
16 |
But I guess that's the way it goes
17 |
18 |
Tell me again, was it love at first sight
19 |
When I walked by and you caught my eye?
20 |
Didn't you know love could shine this bright?
21 |
Well, smile because you're the deer in headlights
22 |
23 |
It's suffocating to say
24 |
But the female mystique takes my breath away
25 |
So give me a smile or give me a sneer
26 |
'Cause I'm trying to guess here
27 |
28 |
Tell me again, was it love at first sight
29 |
When I walked by and you caught my eye?
30 |
Didn't you know love could shine this bright?
31 |
I'm sorry I ever tried, you're the deer in headlights
32 |
33 |
Tell me again, was it love at first sight
34 |
When I walked by and you caught my eye?
35 |
Didn't you know love could shine this bright?
36 |
If life was a game you would never play nice
37 |
If love was a beam, you'd be blind in both eyes
38 |
Put your sunglasses on
39 |
'Cause you're the deer in the headlights
40 |
You're the deer in the headlights
41 |
You're the deer in the headlights
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
1 |
The minstrel in the gallery
2 |
Looked down upon the smiling faces
3 |
He met the gazes, observed the spaces
4 |
Between the old men's cackle
5 |
6 |
He brewed a song of love and hatred
7 |
Oblique suggestions and he waited
8 |
He polarized the pumpkin-eaters
9 |
Static-humming, panel-beaters
10 |
Freshly day, glowed factory cheaters
11 |
Salaried and collar-scrubbing
12 |
13 |
He titillated men of action
14 |
Belly warming, hands still rubbing
15 |
On the parts they never mention
16 |
He pacified the nappy-suffering
17 |
Infant-bleating, one-line jokers
18 |
TV documentary makers, overfed and undertakers
19 |
20 |
Sunday paper, backgammon players
21 |
Family-scarred and women-haters
22 |
Then he called the band down to the stage
23 |
And he looked at all the friends he'd made
24 |
25 |
The minstrel in the gallery
26 |
Looked down upon the smiling faces
27 |
He met the gazes, observed the spaces
28 |
In-between the old men's cackle
29 |
30 |
And he brewed a song of love and hatred
31 |
Oblique suggestions and he waited
32 |
He polarized the pumpkin-eaters
33 |
Static-humming, panel-beaters
34 |
35 |
The minstrel in the gallery
36 |
Looked down on the rabbit-run
37 |
And he threw away his looking-glass
38 |
He saw his face in everyone
39 |
40 |
He titillated men of action
41 |
Belly warming, hands still rubbing
42 |
On the parts they never mention
43 |
Salaried and collar-scrubbing
44 |
45 |
He pacified the nappy-suffering
46 |
Infant-bleating, one-line jokers
47 |
TV documentary makers
48 |
Overfed and undertakers
49 |
50 |
Sunday paper, backgammon players
51 |
Family-scarred and women-haters
52 |
Then he called the band down to the stage
53 |
And he looked at all the friends he'd made
54 |
55 |
The minstrel in the gallery
56 |
Looked down on the rabbit-run
57 |
And threw away his looking-glass
58 |
He saw his face in everyone
59 |
60 |
The minstrel in the gallery
61 |
Looked down upon the smiling faces
62 |
The minstrel gathered
63 |
The minstrel in the gallery
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
1 |
On another day, c'mon c'mon
2 |
With these ropes I tied, can we do no wrong?
3 |
Now we grieve, cause now is gone
4 |
Things were good when we were young
5 |
6 |
With my teeth locked down, I can see the blood
7 |
Of a thousand men who have come and gone
8 |
Now we grieve, cause now is gone
9 |
Things were good when we were young
10 |
11 |
Is it safe to say? C'mon, c'mon
12 |
Was it right to leave? C'mon, c'mon
13 |
Will I ever learn? C'mon, c'mon
14 |
C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon
15 |
16 |
As I make my way, c'mon c'mon
17 |
These better nights that seem too long
18 |
Now we grieve, cause now is gone
19 |
Things were good when we were young
20 |
21 |
With my teeth locked down, I can see the blood
22 |
Of a thousand men who have come and gone
23 |
Now we grieve, cause now is gone
24 |
Things were good when we were young
25 |
26 |
Is it safe to say? C'mon, c'mon
27 |
Was it right to leave? C'mon, c'mon
28 |
Will I never learn? C'mon, c'mon
29 |
C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon
30 |
31 |
Is it safe to say? C'mon, c'mon
32 |
Was it right to leave? C'mon, c'mon
33 |
Will I never learn? C'mon, c'mon
34 |
C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon
35 |
36 |
And know this day, these deepened wounds
37 |
Don't heal so fast, can't hear me croon
38 |
Of a million lies that speak no truth
39 |
Of a time gone by that now is through
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
1 |
Shut the door, shut the door
2 |
Because I'm staying here
3 |
The world might disappear
4 |
Under blankets of snow
5 |
6 |
Shut the door
7 |
Because I'm staying here
8 |
The world might disappear
9 |
Under blankets of snow
10 |
11 |
Anne, there's a wonderful word
12 |
That you will liken it to
13 |
But it's caught in the back
14 |
Of your mind though
15 |
16 |
Okay, and some will say
17 |
"To you will go the world"
18 |
19 |
Shut the door
20 |
Because I disagree
21 |
And Memon sighs relief
22 |
Some circles you can't leave
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
1 |
2 |
Outside you are waiting for me, hiding
3 |
You catch me when I am
4 |
Needing a friend to hold
5 |
You can soothe me, lie above me
6 |
Press hard
7 |
Then you strike
8 |
And I think that I'll die
9 |
'Cause I can't breathe, can't breathe
10 |
Please let me start screaming
11 |
Please let me start screaming
12 |
Please let me start screaming
13 |
14 |
15 |
Please let me start screaming
16 |
Eyes are open seeing nothing
17 |
Hands are tied and I can't function
18 |
Please let me start screaming
19 |
Please let me start screaming
20 |
Please let me start screaming
21 |
Please let me start screaming
22 |
Please let me start screaming
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
1 |
Odstaw rower pora iść
2 |
Jeszcze tylko spójrz na dom
3 |
Z Twoich cegieł jest to dom
4 |
Całym sobą lepisz go
5 |
6 |
Pusty dom, pusty dom
7 |
Gdy Twoje ptaki odlecą stąd
8 |
Walcz, walcz, walcz, walcz, bo pusty dom
9 |
Trwaj, trwaj, trwaj, trwaj daleki ląd
10 |
11 |
Pusty dom, pusty dom
12 |
Czeka Cię nieznany ląd
13 |
Pusty dom, pusty dom
14 |
Młodość już daleko stąd
15 |
16 |
Walcz, walcz, walcz, walcz, bo pusty dom
17 |
Trwaj, trwaj, trwaj, trwaj daleki ląd
18 |
19 |
Znów w ogrodzie ciepłe dni
20 |
Ty już wiatrem tylko brzmisz
21 |
Gdzieś w oddali widać ląd
22 |
Jednym z portów był nam on
23 |
24 |
Pusty dom, pusty dom
25 |
Gdy Twoje ptaki odlecą stąd
26 |
Walcz, walcz, walcz, walcz, bo pusty dom
27 |
Trwaj, trwaj, trwaj, trwaj daleki ląd
28 |
29 |
Pusty dom, pusty dom
30 |
Czeka nas nieznany ląd
31 |
Pusty dom, pusty dom
32 |
Młodość już daleko stąd
33 |
34 |
Walcz, walcz, walcz, walcz, bo pusty dom
35 |
Trwaj, trwaj, trwaj, trwaj daleki ląd
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Opportunity be knocking
5 |
Let a motherfucker in
6 |
Opportunity be knocking, you gotta let a motherfucker in
7 |
I kiss my mother on the cheek, tell her that I love her
8 |
You ain't gotta worry 'bout a 'ting, I got it covered
9 |
Why you think I'm out here actin' crazy?
10 |
Why you think I'm out here actin' crazy?
11 |
12 |
Why you think I'm out here actin' crazy?
13 |
Ma, you know I'm still you little baby
14 |
All my life I was a fuck-up, Now I pull the truck up
15 |
Same bitch stuck up, now she wanna suck us
16 |
See me hanging out the window screaming "What what!?"
17 |
No more tough luck; a different cloth is what
18 |
I'm cut from, baby oh my lord
19 |
The cops chasing Bronson in an all-white Ford
20 |
Shit, I'm on an all-night tour
21 |
Bitch, I'm alright, but I'm off that raw
22 |
I'm in a robe dancing salsa on the top floor
23 |
You would swear I'm Puerto Rican but I'm not, lord
24 |
Hot hoes every city that we go, singing
25 |
"Heads high, kill 'em with it now!"
26 |
All I do is eat oysters
27 |
And speak six languages in three voices
28 |
It's Adriatic Summers on the samples
29 |
Don't even try to call him, not available for nothing
30 |
31 |
Unless it's stupid paper, hop out the Studebaker
32 |
33 |
With Anita Baker, uh
34 |
35 |
Opportunity be knockin'
36 |
37 |
Ya gotta let a motherfucker in
38 |
39 |
I kiss my mother on the cheek, tell her that I love her
40 |
41 |
You ain't gotta worry 'bout a thing, I got it covered
42 |
43 |
Why you think I'm out here actin' crazy?
44 |
45 |
Why you think I'm out here actin' crazy?
46 |
Why you think I'm out here actin' crazy?
47 |
Ma, you know I'm still you little baby
48 |
I feel so alive I think I shit myself
49 |
I should kiss myself, I'm staring at the man inside the mirror
50 |
The reflection shows a wolf though
51 |
Goddamn, I'm still cute ho
52 |
All my women play the flute, saw me place a melon and prosciutt'
53 |
Left handed, make the Fender cry
54 |
Count money with a reverend's smile, the Devil's eye
55 |
Half-Cherokee and Gemini, uh
56 |
Motherfuckers are Dumb Pete from Jump Street
57 |
I'll turn your chest plate to lunch meat
58 |
I'm in a Humvee, looking like a young me
59 |
Now these motherfuckers all wanna be chubby
60 |
I switch the season, now the hair's curled
61 |
Tan skin, I need a bad girl
62 |
Cause James Brown said "It's a man's world"
63 |
In a Transam' Twirl, the burner handle made of pearl
64 |
That's just "Daddy's Little Girl"
65 |
Opportunity be knocking
66 |
You gotta let a motherfucker in
67 |
I kiss my mother on the cheek, tell her that I love her
68 |
You ain't gotta worry 'bout a thing, I got it covered
69 |
Why you think I'm out here actin' crazy?
70 |
Why you think I'm out here actin' crazy?
71 |
Why you think I'm out here actin' crazy? (Ah)
72 |
Ma, you know I'm still your lil baby
73 |
Opportunity be knocking (knockin')
74 |
U gotta let a motherfucker in (Let that bitch in, son)
75 |
'Pportunity be knockin' (Uh)
76 |
Let-let the-the motherfucker in (Let a motherfucker in)
77 |
78 |
79 |
80 |
as the bottle of vaie...
81 |
I ain't tryin' to be broke
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
1 |
Michelle, my belle
2 |
These are words that go together well
3 |
My Michelle
4 |
Michelle, my belle
5 |
Sont les mots qui vont très bien ensemble
6 |
Très bien ensemble
7 |
I love you, I love you, I love you
8 |
That's all I want to say
9 |
Until I find a way
10 |
I will say the only words I know that you'll understand
11 |
Michelle, my belle
12 |
Sont les mots qui vont très bien ensemble
13 |
Très bien ensemble
14 |
I need to, I need to, I need to
15 |
I need to make you see
16 |
Oh what you mean to me
17 |
Until I do I'm hoping you will know what I mean
18 |
I love you
19 |
20 |
I want you, I want you, I want you
21 |
I think you know by now
22 |
I'll get to you somehow
23 |
Until I do I'm telling you
24 |
So you'll understand
25 |
Michelle, my belle
26 |
Sont les mots qui vont très bien ensemble
27 |
Très bien ensemble
28 |
And I will say the only words
29 |
I know that you'll understand
30 |
My Michelle
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
1 |
The wavelength gently grows
2 |
Coercive notions re-evolve
3 |
A universe is trapped inside a tear
4 |
It resonates the core
5 |
Creates unnatural laws
6 |
Replaces love and happiness with fear
7 |
8 |
How much deception can you take?
9 |
How many lies will you create?
10 |
How much longer until you break?
11 |
Your mind's about to fall
12 |
13 |
And they are breaking through
14 |
They are breaking through
15 |
They are breaking through
16 |
(We are losing control)
17 |
They are breaking through
18 |
They are breaking through
19 |
They are breaking through
20 |
Now we are falling
21 |
(We are losing control)
22 |
23 |
Invisible to all
24 |
The mind becomes a wall
25 |
All of history
26 |
Deleted with one stroke
27 |
28 |
How much deception can you take?
29 |
How many lies will you create?
30 |
How much longer until you break?
31 |
Your mind's about to fall
32 |
33 |
And they are breaking through
34 |
They're breaking through
35 |
They're breaking through
36 |
Now we're falling
37 |
We are losing control
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
1 |
I'm afraid they're gonna find you
2 |
And there's nothing that I can do
3 |
A century of your priceless time
4 |
To commit a victimless crime
5 |
Vow to cares your rashes
6 |
Vow to punish with lashes
7 |
You can hide inside my locket
8 |
Put a leash on when they walk you
9 |
Next year say you didnt want to
10 |
Do they chastise you when you stray
11 |
Sallow skin and they can't look away
12 |
Start a collection of brine
13 |
Because all you do is cry
14 |
Wood ticks whisper to console you
15 |
16 |
All you do is cry
17 |
All you do is cry
18 |
All you do is cry
19 |
All you do is cry
20 |
All you do is cry
21 |
All you do is cry
22 |
23 |
I'm afraid they're gonna find you
24 |
And there's nothing that i can do
25 |
A century of your priceless time
26 |
To commit a victimless crime
27 |
Vow to cares your rashes
28 |
vow to punish with lashes
29 |
You can hide inside my locket
30 |
Put a leash on when they walk you
31 |
Next year say you didnt want to
32 |
Do they chastise you when you stray
33 |
Sallow skin and they can't look away
34 |
Start a collection of brine
35 |
Because all you do is cry
36 |
Wood ticks whisper to console you
37 |
And there's nothing that I can do
38 |
A century of your priceless time
39 |
To commit a victimless crime
40 |
A century of your priceless time
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
1 |
I remember every summer by the lake
2 |
Where the moon met the shore on walks we take
3 |
Getting into all the trouble we could find
4 |
And the bruised and battered knees it left behind
5 |
6 |
Into blue, next to you
7 |
Into blue, you left me holding on
8 |
9 |
Sitting in that ugly chair you gave to me
10 |
You said time for me to go ill let you be
11 |
Now its difficult at losing track of time
12 |
13 |
Vertical living on a single line
14 |
15 |
Into blue, next to you
16 |
Into blue, you left me holding on
17 |
Into blue, next you
18 |
Into blue, you left me holding on
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
1 |
You've got a smile so bright,
2 |
you know you could have been a candle.
3 |
I'm holding you so tight,
4 |
you know you could have been a handle.
5 |
The way you swept me off my feet,
6 |
you know you could have been a broom.
7 |
The way you smelled so sweet,
8 |
you know you could have been some perfume.
9 |
10 |
Well, you could have been anything that you wanted to,
11 |
and I can tell the way you do the things you do.
12 |
Ah, baby.
13 |
The way you do the things you do)
14 |
(The way you do the things the do)
15 |
16 |
As pretty as you are,
17 |
you know you could have been a flower.
18 |
If good looks was a minute,
19 |
you know that you could be an hour.
20 |
The way you stole my heart,
21 |
you know you could have been a cool crook.
22 |
And, baby, you're so smart,
23 |
you know you could have been a schoolbook.
24 |
25 |
Well, you could have been anything that you wanted to,
26 |
and I can tell the way you do the things you do.
27 |
*Eddie: Ah, baby, yeah
28 |
*Other Tempts:(The way you do the things you do)
29 |
(The way you do the things you do)
30 |
31 |
You made my life so rich,
32 |
you know you could have been some money.
33 |
And, baby, you're so sweet,
34 |
you know you could have been some honey.
35 |
36 |
Well, you could have been anything that you wanted to,
37 |
and I can tell the way you do the things you do.
38 |
(The way you do the things you do)
39 |
You really swept me off my feet (the way you do the things you do)
40 |
You made my life complete
41 |
(the way you do the things you do)
42 |
You made my life so bright
43 |
(the way you do the things you do)
44 |
You make me feel all right
45 |
(the way you do the things you do)
46 |
You make me feel all right
47 |
(the way you do the things you do)
48 |
You make me feel all right
49 |
(the way you do the things you do)
50 |
Come on, now, baby.
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
1 |
Cowering like settlers on someone else's land
2 |
Mistaking advances of the natives
3 |
Who have come to lend a hand
4 |
It's a sad and pathetic badge of shame, my friends
5 |
Terror always seems to win
6 |
In the drama of human motivation
7 |
Where is restraint and reason?
8 |
9 |
Threat is urgent! Existential!
10 |
With patience wearing thin
11 |
But the danger's elemental
12 |
It's chaos from within
13 |
14 |
The fox-stained leaves of civilization
15 |
Depict a stark repeat
16 |
It's always a flaw in reasoning
17 |
That fates the citizenry
18 |
When the ancestor fell from the arbor
19 |
The march of fear began
20 |
But the predator wallowed in failure
21 |
In the face of consciousness
22 |
23 |
Threat is urgent! Existential!
24 |
Time to scan the horizon
25 |
But the danger's elemental
26 |
It's chaos from within
27 |
28 |
Threat is urgent! Existential!
29 |
Omnipresent like a skin
30 |
But the danger's purely mental
31 |
It's chaos from within
32 |
Chaos from within!
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
1 |
Try talking to you
2 |
While you do, while you do
3 |
I swap places with you
4 |
Just to see things through
5 |
Just sing me the tune
6 |
And you'll see
7 |
I'll keep it here for you
8 |
I'll wait for your cue
9 |
10 |
You wrote down all the words
11 |
Black and white
12 |
On a wall
13 |
Just keepin' it so
14 |
Yeah you know how it goes
15 |
No plans for a change, nothing strange
16 |
No not today no way
17 |
Now sing me the tune
18 |
19 |
Cash it in and throw it all away
20 |
Never needed any of it anyway
21 |
22 |
So you twist and you turn
23 |
Uncomfortable fool, you'll never learn
24 |
But you can take a stand
25 |
Forget all about the plans California rose
26 |
27 |
Side one track two
28 |
On a record of you
29 |
I've even stuck on a groove
30 |
That I don't wanna lose
31 |
Just play it again, as a friend
32 |
It's your favorite worn-in shoes
33 |
Now sing me the tune
34 |
35 |
Cash it in and throw it all away, yeah
36 |
Never needed any of it anyway
37 |
38 |
So you crash, and you burn
39 |
Sometimes the road will twist and turn
40 |
Some of this, less of that
41 |
Forget all about the map California road
42 |
43 |
Cash it in and throw it all away
44 |
Never needed any of it anyway
45 |
46 |
Cash it in and throw it all away, yeah
47 |
Never needed any of it anyway
48 |
49 |
Cash it in and throw it all away
50 |
Never needed any of it anyway
51 |
52 |
Cash it in and throw it all away
53 |
Never needed any of it anyway