# SWAHILI-NER-DATASET Swahili NER dataset is a Named Entity Recognition (NER) dataset generated from using back-translation techniques. In case you're interested to explore more about the script used to generate this dataset, please have a look into [Augumented Swahili Data](https://github.com/Neurotech-HQ/Augumented-swahili-ner-data). This data has been cleaned using a couple of techniques and is ready for training a Spacy NER model without any modifications, with this data we were able to train a [swahili-spacy-ner](https://share.streamlit.io/neurotech-hq/swahili-ner-spacy/main/app.py). # EXPLORING DATA Here is an example of how the dataset has been structured; ```json [ [ "Alisema kwamba wengi wa watoto hao wa UNCA walikuwa wanawake waliodai kwamba benki hiyo ilikuwa ikitoa mkopo kwa UNCKKKau na UNK", { "entities": [ [ 125, 128, "ORG" ] ] } ], [ "Katika mikoa ya kati mvua hutazamiwa kunyesha na dodoma kutoka maeneo ya tatu na ya nne ya novemba mwaka huu na kupimwa kwa wastani", { "entities": [ [ 84, 87, "ORDINAL" ] ] } ], ....... ] ``` ## CONTRIBUTION This dataset is open source under ```MIT LICENSE``` therefore you're warmly welcome to contribute,```JUST FORK IT```. ## ISSUES In case you're having any issues, please raise one so we can quickly fix it. ## CREDITS All the credits to; 1. [Kalebu](https://github.com/kalebu/) 2. [Anthony Mipawa](https://github.com/Tonyloyt) 3. [akshayb7](https://github.com/akshayb7)